#and the ending is the the cherry on top of this shitty cake
heartbreakercupcake · 2 years
Finally got Bayonetta 3 half way threw and like after this I don’t want to hear ANYONE talk shit about Bayonetta 2 EVER AGAIN after this shit ngl the game play is kind of fun but this game feels like it was made/wrote by someone who only knows like the bare minimum of Bayonetta like all they know is that shes a “gun witch” that summons demons with her hair and like dances sometimes They did not give a FUCK when they made this game basically told you to go fuck yourself if you actually cared about the lore/story in Bayonetta
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I like how I handled a video talking about how close we are to nuclear war kind of rather well instead of having a full on panic attack
I think I've gotten pretty numb to the whole thing really like idk I'm still anxious but a bit more calm about it
Honestly I just prayed a bit and went back to scrolling cause I woke up early it was like 4 am
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total-dxmure · 1 year
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pairing: modern!ellie williams x single mom!reader
summary: you’re a single mom just doing the best that she can to make ends meet. ellie can’t help but think that you're the kindest, most beautiful girl that she’s ever met. compared to taking care a little girl that's in her terrible twos, coming to terms with the fact that you’re a lesbian is a walk in the park. awkward first encounters, ellie’s broken gay-dar, and her overwhelming urge to take care of the care-giver. . . the road to domesticity is a long one, but it’s well worth the pining that it takes to get there.
warnings: THERE IS SMUT IN THIS CHAPTER MDNI!!! fingering (r receiving), exhibitionism if you squint, eventual substance use, no use of y/n (you have nicknames/petnames), the reader is marley’s biological mother, talk of coming to terms with ones sexuality, mention of a shitty baby daddy ( though there is no co-parenting between them), ellie is a total girl mom, lots and lots of fluff, ellie is an anxious dork in this fic, reader is broke but happy, ellie takes pride in being a provider, this is going to be a multi-part fic, ellie is an absolute simp for the reader since chapter one and will remain her #1 fan.
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The female sat in a heap on the floor, staring intently into the oven. It was almost as though she was willing the cake to rise, trying as hard as she could to convince the damn thing to do what it was supposed to do. She’d already checked the recipe numerous times, trying to see where she might have messed up. Ellie regretted not just doing what Jesse had told her to do. Bringing you some flowers would be better than showing up on your doorstep with an inedible dessert.
“It’s not fucking rising.” She cursed to herself, grabbing a clump of her hair and giving it a sharp tug.
Dirty dishes littered her kitchen counters, batter still splattered on one of her cabinets from the earlier electric mixer mishap. The woman could have easily picked up a store bought cake when she was at the grocery store getting the stupid ingredients, but she had been dumb enough to think that something homemade would taste better. It would seem that the college student enjoyed making her life harder, because on top of what seemed like an impossible workload from her professors, she’d run straight home from her classes, hell bent on making the best strawberry shortcake you and Marley had ever tasted. She’d seen the strawberries in your shopping cart when she had run into you at the grocery store earlier and thought it would be perfect. Only. . . the rubbery cake that didn’t appear to be getting any fluffier was far from perfect.
She’d done everything that the recipe had called for. You would think that doing something as easy as baking a sponge cake would be a walk in the park for someone that was majoring in astrophysics.
The cherry on top was the fact that she only had an hour to get ready before she’d have to leave her house. Which meant that she didn’t have enough time to make another stupid dessert. She turned off her oven with a defeated grunt, angrily stomping over to her fridge to see if she had anything.
It was empty, just like she knew it would be. She doubted that you would appreciate it if she brought over a frozen vegetarian lasagna, but that was all that she had left. Ellie had run out of options.
The phone rang three times before the man on the other end picked up.
“Whatcha want, girl?” Joel’s southern twang sounded on the other line.
Her shoulders instinctively slouched, her rapid heart rate calming ever so slightly.
“Joel. . . do you know how to make a sponge cake?” She asked, opening up a cabinet so that she could start grabbing for the ingredients that she had already put away.
“A sponge cake?” He questioned. She could hear rustling on the other end, then the familiar sound of his reading glasses being placed down onto a flat surface.
“I’m having dinner with a friend, and I wanted to bring dessert.” She was mumbling now, she knew that. Ellie could just imagine the aging man squinting his eyes, pressing the phone harder up against his ear so that he could hear her better.
“Jesse doesn’t care if you bake him a damn cake or not.”
She should have been offended that he thought that her only friend was Jesse. . . but he wasn’t exactly wrong about that. She huffed, rolling her eyes before leaning her hip up against the counter.
“It’s not for Jesse. I’m hanging out with someone else.” She didn’t feel like telling him the entire story of how she had met you, nor did she think that he was ready to hear about Marley.
“Uh- alright. You got a pen, kiddo?”
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The woman’s heart was pounding as she climbed the steps up to the small house. She’d driven through the neighborhood quite a lot over the last four years, but would rather die than admit to you that her plug just so happened to live just a few houses down. The bag felt heavy in her hand, embarrassment weighing heavy on her mind as she thought about the fact that she’d have to assemble the fruit and whipped cream after dinner, seeing as the damn cake was still cooling. If there was one thing she could count on Joel to get right every time, it was cooking something delicious. She’d seen the man make a drool worthy meal out of little more than a can of Chef Boyardee, a few onions and fresh parmesan.
Ellie wasn’t Joel though, and there was a good chance that you’d bite into an eggshell. She’d tried her best to fish them out of the batter, but she was positive that she missed a few. She debated just leaving the dessert in her car.
The woman’s feet faltered on the porch, the old wood creaking underneath her. The home was small, but it was obvious that you’d tried to make it nice. Freshly planted flowers were in a few pots right by the screen door. Ellie could imagine Marley’s dirty little palms stuck elbow deep into the pots, wanting nothing more than to help you. Her lips twitched upwards into a smile before she could even help it, because she could hear your voice behind that door.
“Marley Mae! Get your cute little booty over here!” A loud little squeal echoed around the house, followed by a giggle that would even make a weathered soldier’s heart melt.
The woman looked over her outfit one last time, then brushed her free hand over her lips to make sure she hadn’t nervously chewed all of the chapstick off of them. She was wearing the A-Ha band shirt that Jesse had given her last Christmas, and had tucked it into a pair of high waisted trousers. It was stylish without making her look like a try-hard. She held the screen door open with the heel of her boot so that she could knock on the brightly painted door.
Red. It was a nice color too.
You cursed under your breath as you heard the knock, your heart racing as you realized that your daughter was running around the living room with the shirt that you had neatly laid out to wear for tonight. Your nervous brain malfunctioned though- it must have- because you called out to her.
“It’s open!” You wished that you could suck the words right back into your mouth, because there you were, standing right in front of the opening door, in nothing but a lacy blue bra.
She was looking down at the small step up, a few strands of auburn hair falling into her face. She was wearing a pair of high waisted mens dress pants, and the sleeves of her band shirt was cuffed at the sleeves, which showed off her toned arms.
If your brain was malfunctioning before. . . now it has completely shut down.
Marley didn’t seem to care about the visitor. The little girl continued to run around, your freshly washed off-the shoulder top wrinkled in her hands as she ran in circles around the living room. She wasn’t quite sure what she was doing, so you couldn’t be angry. You’d reacted so strongly to her pulling the shirt off of the bed, which was your mistake. She thought it was funny when you chased her, and so you were the idiot for acting on your panicked impulses.
So here you were, completely topless and standing directly in front of Ellie, who still hadn’t noticed your partial nakedness seeing as she was setting the bag she was holding down by the front door. Was she too nervous to look at you? Or. . . was she usually this clueless about her surroundings?
“I was kinda scared that I’d driven to the wrong house-” Her eyes fell on the toddler running around with a shirt in her hands first, her eyebrows knitting in confusion. You could see her lips pull up into a mischievous smile, the understanding that the little girl was doing something that she wasn’t supposed to finally dawning on her.
Then she looked up at you, that same smile still pulling up at her lips and the corners of her bright green eyes.
But then she nearly died.
Both physically and mentally.
“Holy shi-” She stumbled back, throwing her arm behind her so that she could give you some privacy.
Because you were standing in front of her. In nothing but jeans and a bra. . .
And even calling that thing a bra was being too kind. The damned thing was merely pretty wire, polkadot mesh, and some lace. Ellie didn’t have to lay in bed and imagine what your breasts looked like. Not anymore. She’d gotten a full view of them along with your perfectly perky nipples, which was probably due to the box-fan you had turned on in the living room.
Ellie missed the panicked look on your face. She missed whatever words rushed past your lips, because she was too busy staring at your chest. You lurched forwards for her, and all the poor woman could do was stare at the way they bounced.
“Ellie, watch your arm!” You were stumbling forward, trying to yank her away from the old screen door.
You’d fallen victim to the loose metal grate too many times to count. The worst you’d gotten were a few cuts on your fingers that burned like a bitch. The fleshy part of Ellie’s forearm was headed straight for it though.
Ellie stumbled onto the porch, the terrible burning sensation in her arm not even registering.
“I-I’m so sorry,” She rasped out, eyes wide. Her cheeks were bright red all the way up to her ears.
Blood was dripping down to her fingers and splattering on the wooden deck, but she couldn’t hear anything over the ringing in her ears. Her whole body felt feverish, so the fresh blood went completely unnoticed.
You were covering up your chest with one hand as you hurried out onto the porch after her, using your free arm to grab her and haul her blabbering form inside.
“I-I don’t think it’s appropriate for me to. . . I think you have the wrong idea about me. Honest, I was going to tell you eventually, but I-” Ellie wasn’t straight, and it would be unfair of her to ogle at you under false pretenses.
It was hard to say anything though when you were rushing her into the kitchen. Ellie could barely keep up with you, stumbling a bit. Your eyes were wide for some reason. Maybe you were understanding where all of this was going. Maybe you were religiously straight, and she’d just ruined any possibility of a friendship. Had you noticed her staring? Holy fuck, of course you did.
“I’m a lesbian-” “You’re bleeding all over the place!”
You both went silent, staring at each other with wide eyes. Ellie’s gaze on your face faltered, and slowly she looked down at her arm, where you were currently keeping a firm grip. Your knuckles were practically white you were holding her so tightly. The athletic woman could understand why now. She wasn’t just bleeding but bleeding.
She was used to injuring herself. Ellie and Joel were outdoorsy people. She grew up learning to fish, hunt, and live off of the land. Which meant she had fallen out of a million trees, stabbed herself a thousand times, and has had more near death experiences than she’d care to admit. Her survival training should kick in. . . but it wasn’t. 
Because your boobs were still directly in her face.
Honestly, there was no other way she’d rather die. It would take her a few hours to bleed to death from a cut like this, even if she had sliced clean through a vein. Maybe, if she were lucky, you’d feel bad for her and take off the pants too. She wondered for a second whether you were wearing a matching pair of panties.
‘Please God- if you exist- I hope she is wearing matching panties. I’ll make up for every rotten thing I’ve ever done if I could just. . .’
“Hospital.” You croaked, your lips going pale.
Ellie finally noticed the vein in your throat pounding away. Your eyes were beginning to well up with tears too. The woman swallowed thickly and painfully tore her attention off of your chest.
“I’m okay. I’m not in any pain. Let me see if I can wrap it up and stop the bleeding. I’ll drive myself to the hospital if I need to.” Her voice was steady. Her profusely bleeding wound was the only thing she felt certain and safe about in this situation.
“Don’t be stupid, Ellie,” You shook your head quickly, disappearing out of the kitchen. “I’m taking Marley to my mom’s house! Give me two minutes!” You sounded like you were on the opposite side of the house.
The front door opened and closed before Ellie could protest. All she could do was stand over the sink, her shaky hand reaching for paper towels in an attempt to wipe up what looked to be a murder scene on the tiled floor. She was bleeding all in your sink too, the smell of iron thick in the air. The blood wasn’t clotting, and it looked nowhere close to stopping. She twisted her forearm around, wincing when she finally noticed the cut. It was clean- deep. If you had the supplies at home, she could just stitch herself up here. . . but Ellie had a feeling that she’d terrify you if she tried that.
So. . . the hospital was the only choice.
You’d tossed a shirt over your head so quickly that you hadn’t even seen what it was. Your red converse slapped against the pavement as you ran across the street, Marley bouncing on your hip, babbling excitedly in your ear. You silently thanked the heavens that your daughter was a habitually happy baby and wasn’t feeding off of your anxiety.
You were nearly in tears by the time that you made it to your mother’s house. She answered the door almost immediately, her hair held up with chopsticks atop her head. She smiled sweetly at Marley, who held her arms open for her grandmother.
“What on earth is going on, baby-” She paused as she noticed the blood on your hands. “W-What. . .”
You shook your head, already stepping off of the porch. “I-It’s not mine. My friend accidentally sliced her arm open. I have to take her to the hospital. Can you watch Marley for me? Just until I get home.”
You knew your mother would agree. You were already running down the street, her hurried “of course” getting lost in the wind that breezed by your ears. Your hair was a mess, your cheeks felt hot, and you knew that you were crying.
Because of course you were.
Tonight was ruined, and it was all your fault. The pot roast that you had put on early this morning tasted perfect, the house was spotless, and Marley had actually gone down today for her two o’clock nap. This dinner had been terribly important to you. It wasn’t until you were stumbling up the steps of your own porch that you finally realized how much weight you’d put on this stupid little get together.
Ellie might not even be attracted to you. You could be reading the situation all wrong, but you were hoping that you could have a chance at love. Didn’t you deserve it? You tried and you tried for everyone else aside from yourself, and this was the first time you’d done something selfish in years.
The girl of your dreams was standing in your kitchen, practically gushing blood in your stainless steel sink, and you’d blown your chance at happiness. Your version of perfect was never going to be enough for anyone. Because you were broke with little to no education. . . and a child that couldn’t even spell her own name yet.
You sniffled, wiping at your eyes as you rounded the corner.
“Remind me to fix that door the next time I’m here.” Ellie wasn’t looking at you, which you were thankful for. She was too busy holding a wad of paper towels against the wound.
Your heart squeezed uncomfortably in your chest.
Next time. There was going to be a “next time”.
Ellie followed your gentle guidance out to your car, begrudgingly getting in the passenger seat. She felt guilty that you had to drive her all the way into town. That. . . and the fact that she probably traumatized your child, what with all the blood. You fumbled with the radio, trying to find a station that she might like.
“I like this song.” Ellie said calmly, and what do you know. . . your hand dropped back into your lap.
The car plummeted into silence, Depeche Mode playing softly over the speakers as she watched the sun finally drop behind the horizon, bathing the two of you in a blue twilight glow. Ellie was very familiar with Jackson.
It would be at least twenty minutes until you made it to the nearest Urgent Care. So she leaned back in the seat and tightened her grip on her arm.
“Can I see you again after this? Or. . . I understand if what I said earlier makes you uncomfortable.” Your silence was making her feel on edge.
Ellie had single handedly ruined dinner. She had a talent for ruining things, actually. Ellie Williams was the kind of person that should live away from other people. All she needed was a backpack and a hunting knife, and she’d feel safe. Safer than she would in a neighborhood full of people, really. Wild animals, deadly or not, were predictable. Bears and wolves attack, so you’ve gotta intimidate them. If all else fails, aim for the head.
Ellie couldn’t read you, and that scared her. Terrified her actually, because for some reason she was certain that being turned down by you would break her significantly more than any other rejection ever had. It would be the kind of pain that kept you in bed for days, overthinking every decision that had gotten you to that point. She didn’t want to be old and alone, thinking about the girl that she’d liked in her youth. It pained Ellie to even think about forgetting the exact color of your eyes, or the natural softness that your voice possessed.
Ellie didn’t know you well enough to be in love with you yet. . . but give her a few weeks, and she knew that she’d be a goner.
It wasn’t that you were the only person available. You weren’t in her friend group, so dating you wasn’t just what should be the natural progression of things. This wasn’t a small campus crush doomed to fail. Ellie hadn’t stopped thinking about you ever since you’d first walked into Tommy’s restaurant.
“Do you think I’m homophobic or something?” You spoke up, shooting her a small smile from where you sat.
“I mean. . . we live in Wyoming.” Ellie trailed off, but her lips turned up as you began to laugh.
“Yeah, you do have a point there.” Your shoulders began to slouch, an audible sigh of relief escaping you. “I was scared you wouldn’t want to see me again after this.” You admitted.
Ellie didn’t strike you as the type of person that liked to feel vulnerable, so you owed her some embarrassing truths. Even if it ended up mortifying you.
“I’ve had at least ten concussions in my life. Fifteen stitches is child's play.” She used the hand that wasn’t currently leaking blood to wave your worry off, sinking deeper into the old seat of your car. “Uh-” She sat up quickly, turning her head to look at the road that you’d just driven past.
“I think we should have made that turn-” “I’m a lesbian.”
Ellie’s eyes widened to the size of saucers, her neck nearly popping with the force that she used to look at your face. You’d sucked your bottom lip in between your teeth nervously, but your eyes were locked on the road.
“I know a shortcut. Relax, I’m not kidnapping you.” You added, turning onto a dirt road that she’d never seen before.
The hand that you had resting on your thigh was beginning to shake. You balled it into a tight fist, hoping she hadn’t noticed. That was the first time you’d ever said it outloud. Ellie was the first person you’d ever told about your sexuality, and you felt. . . liberated. And scared shitless.
“I’m not exactly too focused on the creepy backroads right now.” She mumbled, still staring at you.
The buttons on your dashboard were casting all sorts of shadows on your lovely face. Your eyelashes were so thick, and she was suddenly very aware of the fact that you’d put on makeup for her.
And oh god.
She really didn’t have a gaydar, because holy shit this was a date. She should have listened to Jesse and gotten you flowers. She should have put more effort into her appearance- slapped some clear mascara on at the very least.
If she wasn’t bleeding all over the white dish towel that you had wrapped around her arm, then she would have told you to put your car in park. The urge to kiss you was hurting her more than the gaping wound did. She bounced her leg, trying to distract herself from the aching need that was gnawing at the pit of her stomach.
“I mean. . . I’ve never been with a woman before, but all I know is that I’ve never liked guys. Not even a little bit.” You were spilling your guts now, and you couldn’t even stop it.
You’d been waiting to tell someone all of this since middle school. You were practically shaking like a leaf. It felt good to say all of it though, even if you were setting yourself up to get hurt.
Ellie thought back to what Jesse had said about lesbians having children. Never once had Ellie felt the need to force herself to sleep with a man to appear normal. Instead she just. . . hadn’t shown any interest in anyone. She was sure that Joel thought that she was asexual when she was growing up.
You. . . you had done something that had felt wrong to you, just so that others wouldn’t see you differently. Ellie wasn’t the type to get emotional, but she found her eyes getting a bit misty. Her small nose wrinkled a bit as she tried to fight the feeling.
“You’ve never even kissed a woman?” Ellie asked, finally recognizing the road that they were on. They were close to the emergency room. Too close, actually. She was hoping for a few more moments alone with you.
“No.” You were mortified to admit it, but you needed to.
You pulled into the parking lot and threw the car into park. That was enough embarrassment for one day. The sooner you could get her seen by a doctor, the sooner you could silently begin to come up with a plan to save tonight.
“How ‘bout I kiss you,” Her warm breath was on your cheek. You let out a small gasp and turned your head, eyes widening as you realized that she was leaning over the armrest, her hand gripping the back of your seat. “And then you’ll know for sure. It’s just a test.”
If God existed, Ellie knew that her being gay wasn’t the reason she’d for sure be sent to hell. She’d physically hurt a lot of people. She’d been expelled from just about every school she’d ever been in. For a while there, she and Joel were moving state to state for what felt like every school semester. She was sharp tongued and knew how to really lash out at others. She had two very capable, very dangerous hands. . . and she hadn’t been afraid to use them.
And here she was, using your own inexperience as a way to kiss you. She was desperate though. No matter how fucked up this tactic was, she would never come to regret it. You could rip her heart straight out of her chest for all she cared.
Ellie wanted you in every conceivable way.
She’d be your best friend if that was the only thing you needed from her. She’d fuck you every day of the week until you finally got bored of her and called her away. She’d wake up early just to make those pancakes your daughter loved in the mornings. . . All you had to do was say the word.
She was yours.
“What if,” Ellie could feel your breath fan over her lips. Her eyes fluttered, but she somehow managed to keep them open. “What if you don’t like it?”
“I will.” Ellie nodded gently, wishing she had two good hands to hold you with.
You were the one to press your lips to hers. You knew what you were doing, which partially shattered her heart into a thousand tiny pieces. Ellie wanted to be selfish with you. She wanted to be your first everything. She silently cursed whoever had come before her, but her brain shut off completely when she felt your hand move up to cup her cheek. The ear ringing from earlier resumed in full force the second your lips began moving against hers, your warm tongue brushing against her lower lip. Her grip on the back of your seat loosened, and instead she moved it to the base of your neck, pulling you impossibly closer to her.
She was in control of herself. She had kept the fact that the two of you were in a very public parking lot in mind.
Until the second you sighed into her open mouth. Game over. She was ruined.
Utterly ruined.
Her bloody hand reached over and yanked the key out of the ignition, fumbling to place it on the center console before she started pulling you over arm rest. She needed the weight of you on her lap. She needed pressure- sensation. She needed. She needed. She needed.
“How tinted are your windows?” She mumbled against your lips, her strong hands gripping your thighs so that she could help you straddle her.
You’d never actually been turned on by any of your sexual partners in the past. You usually just grinned and beared it, then laid awake at night wondering why on earth you weren’t like other girls.
All the two of you had done was make out, and your legs were already quivering. You were dripping wet, and was far too distracted by Ellie’s very pink, very kissed lips to think about the fact that you were wearing jeans.
“T-They’re legal, if that’s what you’re asking.” You could barely think, your hands already tangling back into Ellie’s hair.
She didn’t have time to whine out a complaint, because you were so pliant in her hands. You were this weak little mewling thing on top of her, and all she could do was grip onto you. Had either of you actually known pleasure before? Because Ellie was positive she’d never felt anything like this. She wasn’t even being touched, but she was certain that she could climax just like this.
Her hands gripped your waist, then brushed up your stomach. She didn’t ask for permission, which she’d apologize relentlessly for later. You weren’t stopping her though.
If anything, you were the one that had started the touching. You were currently stretching out the neck of her t-shirt, one hand gripping her chin and the other one spread out on her back, playing with the straps of her sports bra. You gasped into her mouth again as Ellie’s hand finally made contact with your breast. She remembered the way you looked in that bra earlier. Remembered how your tits had bounced- looked like they were practically going to burst over the thin bit of fabric-
“Oh, fuck.” Ellie cursed, hips moving upwards before she could calm herself.
“Doctor-” Your voice came out in a desperate little whine, and Ellie’s eyes rolled to the back of her head, her hips lifting up against yours again, the friction practically causing her to jump straight out of her skin.
“I’m- I’m not bleeding as bad anymore. Please. Please.” Ellie was pushing your bra up and over your breasts, lifting your shirt up with her bloody hand just so that she could look.
She’d fuck you right there in the back of the hospital parking lot. She’d never wanted anyone this badly before. This was just as new to her as it was for you. This felt. . . this all felt different.
Because you were touching her back. You weren’t some straight girl looking to turn a boy on by telling him that you’d been with a lesbian before.
You were gay, and you were interested in her. Ellie felt like she had died and gone to heaven, because this was everything that she’d ever wanted. . . minus the wound.
It was her begging that had you leaning back on your calves, untucking her shirt so roughly that she questioned whether or not the two of you would have to fight for dominance. She tossed her shirt into the drivers side seat, smiling when your lips were back on hers the second she was topless.
Your hands were cold when you pushed them underneath the tight fabric of her sports bra. You took advantage of that, feeling her nipples hardening against your palms. Her muscles tightened in her shoulders as you pinched them between your pointer and middle fingers, gripping the small breasts a little tighter, wanting to feel the weight of them.
She moaned against your lips, eyes clenching shut so hard that fireworks exploded behind her lids.
It was too late now.
Ellie was on a mission to make you cum.
She felt guilty that the two of you hadn’t even been on a first official date yet, and here she was, planning to finger fuck you in a parking lot- but could anyone really blame her?
“I’m gonna fuck you,” Ellie pulled away from your lips, instantly recognizing that this wasn’t her asking for consent. She flinched, shaking her head gently. “Is that okay?” She rephrased it, moving a hand down to the waistband of your jeans. She gave it a gentle tug, letting you know that she was serious. She couldn’t stop herself.
“Y-Your arm, Ellie.” You moved to grab her injured forearm, but she gripped your wrist before you could.
“Let’s say I stop now. Even if we did that, I won’t get seen for another hour by a doctor. I’m going to sit there and think about this,” She cupped your sex in her hand, the tips of her fingers brushing over your clothed entrance. “The entire time. I’ll stop if you climb out, but if we stay in here any longer I’m not going to be able to control myself.”
You bit your bottom lip again, your eyes narrowing in concern. Ellie wasn’t bleeding as badly as she was before, but she for sure needed a few stitches. She didn’t appear to be in any pain though. If anything, she seemed more focused on you. You didn’t want to kill the moment, but shouldn’t you-
Ellie began fidgeting with the top button on your jeans, and that was all it took. You wordlessly climbed into the backseat, smiling widely as you heard her scrambling to follow you.
You thanked all that was holy that you’d taken Marley’s car seat out earlier that morning to give to your mother since she was watching her tomorrow. You had the entire backseat, and despite the fact that the two of you were still out in the open, you felt a little more hidden now that the two of you were ducked down.
Ellie was already taking full advantage of the added bit of privacy, the hem of your shirt already up to your neck. She was pushing your bra back up and over your tits, eager to really look at you.
She wasn’t sure what this meant for either of you, and she didn’t feel like ruining the moment by complicating anything. Ellie liked you, and she was willing to wait until you felt the same about her too-
Was she being overly self conscious and stupid right now? Wasn’t this. . . wasn’t this proof enough of how you felt about her? You’d been the one to take the reins during this entire friendship. You’d asked for her number and invited her over for dinner. All Ellie had done was kiss you, only after you let her know that you were interested.
Ellie moved her lips from your mouth down your neck, pushing her hands under your hips so that she could move down your chest. She paused though, looking up at you worriedly.
“Am I going to hurt you if I suck on them?” She wasn’t sure how nursing works. She didn’t exactly have an overflow of women in her life to tell her about those sorts of things.
You laughed, shaking your head quickly. You were panting softly, your cheeks deliciously flushed. “No, but I can still produce milk, so be caref-”
“Okay, that’s the hottest thing I’ve ever heard.” Ellie had to brace herself, green eyes fully zoned into your beautiful, full breasts. So. . . if she sucked hard enough-
“Is this when you tell me that you have a mommy kink?” You asked playfully, starting to sit up.
“I didn’t,” She assured you, shooting you a small smile. “Until now. Lay back down.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, but you practically swallowed the noise when she finally closed her lips around your nipple, her hands making quick work of your jeans. They were unbuttoned and pushed down off of your hips before you could say anything. She removed her mouth from your breasts long enough to look at your panties.
And if god was real, they had answered her wish.
Because holy fuck you matched. Of course you did. She bit onto her lower lip hard, closing her eyes for a second so that she didn’t rip them right off of you. They were cute, and she wanted to see you in them again. Ellie wasn’t very good at being gentle in any aspect of her life.
Especially with you, it would seem.
She wanted to be mean to you all of a sudden. Leave bruises and marks to be explored later. She wanted to bite into your soft flesh and see just how easy it would be to leave hickies, but she couldn’t.
So she needed to breathe.
She leaned back up, pressing her lips against yours. She brushed her fingers against your thigh at first, letting you get used to the idea of her touching you. She desperately wanted to become more than acquainted with your cunt, but she needed to be gentle with you. You wrapped your arms around her tightly, your bare chest pressing against her clothed breasts. She wished she was naked. God, she regretted not being able to do this in bed. She’d gladly bleed to death if it meant that she could take her time with you.
She wanted to press every inch of her body against yours, but now wasn’t the time for that.
Her fingers grazed over your folds, and if her eyes weren’t closed then she was sure that they would have bulged straight out of her skull.
You were dripping.
Pride and possessiveness threatened to crush her ribs as she gathered up your slick, using it to rub a lazy circle around your clit. You jerked against her, but she didn’t let you pull your lips off of hers. She swallowed the strangled moan, eyes fluttering open briefly so that she could look at you.
You were precious.
She continued to draw circles, knowing that it was what she liked personally. She switched up the pace though, moving her arm to get better leverage. This time you were able to pull away from her, letting out a cry, your eyes opening so that you could look at Ellie’s face.
She was beautiful. Even with that predatorial look on her face, you couldn’t ignore the freckles and flushed cheeks. There was something so oppositional about her- how dominant but unassuming she looked. Here she was, moving you around like you weighed no more than a doll.
And then she sunk two of her fingers inside of you. The stretch was glorious, but it was the look on her face that had your walls fluttering around her. Pink lips parted to reveal her clenched teeth. Like she was damn near close to biting right into you. She was holding herself back fucking you like this. You weren’t sure what that meant, but your eyes were rolling to the back of your head the more you thought about it.
And then she brushed her thumb against your clit, her fingers nearly bruising your cervix as she continued to thrust them into you.
Your name escaped her lips then. She said it like a prayer. Like it was a promise.
Ellie curled her fingers inside of you, pressing against a spot that your much smaller hands couldn’t reach.
“Oh, fuck!” Your eyes were tearing up, hands fumbling around for anything to grip. You needed to hold something in order to ground yourself, because you were trying hard not to get the two of you arrested for indecent exposure.
Ellie was busy watching it all. She was sitting on her calves, greedily turning her gaze from your fucking gorgeous expressions to your glistening pussy, which was currently swallowing her fingers. Your walls were satiny soft, and she could feel them flutter around her as she continued hitting the same spot that got such a loud reaction from you earlier.
You were quivering under her, hands moving from the carseat, up to your breasts, and then your hair. You yanked at your locks, the pleasure practically too much. Ellie was this beautiful, vicious thing on top of you. It was obvious that she wanted to wrench out every bit of pleasure from you, even if you said it was too much. Even if you told her to stop. There was a glint in her eyes that told you she wouldn’t be able to. She was just as hungry for your release as you were.
“Grip onto me, baby.” She moved to lay back on top of you, adding a finger for extra measure.
Your hands were at her back immediately, fingernails digging into her freckled flesh. She pressed her face into your neck, enjoying your floral scent- moaning at the pain and the pleasure that was building in her own abdomen. She almost laughed- finding her own impending release comical.
Because there was no way she was about to prematurely cum because she was touching you, a girl that she was pretty much head over heels for. The tightening in her abdomen was familiar though, and all she could do was lamely moan your name against your throat.
“You’re not gonna hurt me. Hold me tighter.” She mumbled, her hand moving quicker and quicker, the sounds echoing around your car bordering on illegal.
You were the hottest thing on the entire planet. She was sure of it. Her hands shook as your nails dug in deeper, to the point that she was positive she was bleeding. She wanted a physical reminder of what happened tonight. Scars and all. Whatever she could take with her later on in life, especially if this was a one time thing.
She needed every physical and mental reminder that you were willing to give her. So Ellie moved her face so that she was looking at you, even when her own pleasure was building to the point where her own knees quivered, finding it hard to hold up her own weight.
She watched you unravel. Felt your cunt practically swallow her fingers as you tightened around them. Your back arched, eyes pinched closed as your cherubic lips parted in a silent scream.
And then Ellie followed right after you.
She leaned her head against your chest, hips jerking forward as she continued to work you through the waves of your own pleasure, trying not to get drowned by her own.
“D-Did you. . .” You breathlessly started to ask, your big doe eyes practically the size of saucers.
“I promise, t-this is the first time this has ever happened.” Ellie admitted, feeling a touch of shame.
You wanted to take a few minutes to calm your pounding heart, but the sight of the bloody towel on the floorboard had you clambering to sit up, moving your bra and shirt back into their rightful places. Ellie was still trying to catch her breath, the muscles in her shoulders still twitching from her own release. You opened up the car door after snatching up the keys, and for a second the auburn haired girl felt terrified.
She bit her lower lip, wiping her dripping fingers off on her pants before grabbing her shirt and climbing out of the car. Alright. . . so this was it, right? You knew you were a lesbian now, and she would be left in the dust. It wasn’t such a bad arrangement, really. She couldn’t even be mad. 
Technically, if she really thought about it, you’d been just as much her first as she had been yours. 
Her boots crunched against the gravel as she followed you into the hospital, her heart still pounding in her chest. She shrugged on the shirt as she walked, careful not to tug at the wound in any way. 
Ellie’s forehead was beaded with sweat, and she nearly laughed at the ridiculousness of it all. 
She’d never gotten her heart broken by a gay girl before, and here it was. For some reason. . . she knew with certainty that this was going to hurt ten times worse than any of the other ones had. 
But then the hand that wasn’t sliced open from elbow to wrist was being gripped. 
Your fingers intertwined with hers.
“I’m sorry to break it to you babe, but you’re definitely a lesbian.” Ellie told you with a small smile, opening the door to the lobby for you.  
“Oh, for sure.”  
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why not to buy tlou2 remastered (please read)
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wolfchanslover69 · 9 months
The fight
In which y/n has a fight with Chan.
Pairing: Bang Chan x reader | slight angst with a happy ending
A/N: Hii guys, I hope you enjoy reading this oneshot, I know it's a bit short but I haven't had inspiration for a while. If I made any mistakes do tell me because I won't realise it :D.
Warning: Mentions of the word fuck.
Word count: 1,3k
Great, it was raining and I didn’t have an umbrella with me. The whole day had been shitty, and this was like a cherry on top of a cake. I usually loved how calming rain was and how it would make me feel like a new person, but not today. Today it felt depressing, heavy, like it was just adding more weight on my shoulders, making me feel suffocated. All the times I had for the past few months been alone, stressed, and tired, came back all together, double the usual.
I stepped out of the office building, starting to walk rather fast to my nearest bus stop while trying not to slip on the wet ground. I hadn’t prepared for rain today and was wearing my everyday work heels and a thin trench coat. The coat got wet fast, and the coldness of the water got into my bones making me freeze. The bus stop wasn’t far away from the building, and as I heard it, I could see my bus driving past my stop. I halted my walking and stood there in the middle of the rain, angrily staring at the stop. Of course, it has to be today that I miss my bus when it’s heavily raining and I have heels in which I cannot walk home. I can already feel the pain starting to form on my feet. Even my toes were starting to feel numb.
I started walking home as there wasn’t anything else to do. I did not want to, and would not call my boyfriend, whom I was ignoring at the moment due to my anger for his behaviour lately. He had been busy doing god knows what for the last two months, and when I asked him about it, I would get an annoyed answer for me to stop questioning and bothering him. 
As I walk, I see cars drive past me; some of them intentionally drive into puddles of water to splash me even more. At some point, I hear a motorcycle nearing me. The sound of the too familiar engine makes me walk faster and ignore the sound.
“What are you doing in the rain?” I hear his voice but don’t want to show him any reaction. I keep walking, ignoring him with an angry frown on my face.
“Hey, baby, can you stop?” I hear him ask with a soft and slightly worried voice. I wanted to yell at him that I, in fact, do not want to stop. I still pretend to not hear him and keep my pace.
“Hey, c’mon y/n! You’ll get sick if you continue like this!” He sounds a bit annoyed this time.
I try to resist myself but give in at the end and stop my walking, turning to face him. He’s driving his motorcycle with his famous black and red leather jacket on. He looked handsome, but I wouldn’t admit it to him now when I’m still pissed off at how he talked to me when I was just trying to figure out if everything was okay. He didn't have his helmet on, so I could see his wet hair sticking to his forehead. I saw how his eyes were filled with worry but how he tried to cover it up with annoyance and anger.
“You haven’t answered me for days,” he matter-of-factly told me, but I knew it already.
“And I wonder why. It didn’t seem important to you for the past few months,” I snapped at him while turning around to keep walking. I huffed in annoyance, trying to get myself to calm down.
“Hey, that’s not fair! You know how my work is, so you can’t blame me for being busy!” He drove a little past me stopping right in front of me. I stared into his eyes while trying to walk past him, but he wouldn’t let me. Chris drove a bit forward, blocking my way completely, and took a hold of my arm.
“Can you fucking stop walking? I’m trying to talk to you,” he angrily told me. 
“Oh yeah, Christopher? But did you stop working when I tried to ask if everything was okay? No, so let the fuck go of me and let me walk.” I tried to shrug my arm away from his grip, but he wouldn’t let me.
“I’m sorry about it, but I can’t fucking help my job,” he angrily told me.
“Well, I don’t actually care if you are fucking sorry or not or if it’s your fucking job.” I knew I didn’t actually mean it, but I was just so frustrated and angry at him that I ended up taking it out on him.
 He still didn’t let go of my arm, and we spent a while breathing heavily and just staring at each other angrily. During this, I noticed that the rain had started pouring harder than before. I was starting to get really cold, and I soon noticed myself shaking from the cold. Chris seemed to notice this too as he let go of my arm and started to take off his leather jacket.
“Put this on, you are shaking from the rain.” He handed me his jacket. He had a tight-fitting, long-sleeved turtleneck underneath his jacket, but I knew it wouldn’t keep him warm.
“No, put it back on, you’ll get cold fast,”I tried to tell him, pushing his hand holding the jacket back towards him.
“No, baby, it’s okay. I know you get cold easier than me and have been in the rain longer than me, so please just take it.” He reasoned with me. 
I ended up giving up and took the jacket, putting it on. It felt weird to have a wet trench coat and, on top of it, a warm leather jacket. I knew by taking the jacket from him, I had silently agreed to go home with him, and maybe it was better like that. Chris offered me a helmet after I had put the jacket on.
“Hey, why don’t you have a helmet on?” I asked him. He averted my eyes, trying to hide away from my question.
“Uhh well, I may or may not have forgotten to put it on as I saw that it was heavily raining and got a feeling you were going to walk home…” I just stared at him in silence as he told me that. I know we just fought about the silliest thing ever, and we both could have acted like adults and talked this out, but the fact that he still was worried for me warmed my heart.
“You should put your spare helmet on then,” I told him with a calm and neutral voice as I didn’t want to fight anymore.
“No, I saved it for you. I don’t want anything to happen to you,” he told me while turning his head slightly to the side.
“Well, I don’t want anything to happen to you either, you know,” I wanted him to understand my point and the reason why I had even been ignoring him; maybe this would make him realise it. We both were silent, and I started staring at my hands, which were covered with his jacket’s long sleeves. I didn’t want to talk about these kinds of topics anymore this evening.
“Now get on the bike; let’s get out of here,” he told me after a while, nudging his head to the seat behind him. I hummed as an answer as I threw my leg over the bike to sit behind him. I took a tight hold of him and hugged him from behind, trying to squeeze my gratitude into the hug. I may not say it at the moment as I’m still trying to act mad, but I am thankful for him.
“I love you, you know,” he told me silently.
“I love you too,” I answered him, knowing our fight was partly over.
A/n: If you want to request something please do! (I don't write smut and do only Chan ff :])
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tassodelmiele · 4 months
The Magic Whatever
I needed to put this chaos into concrete writing-something.
I know this would ended as a mess in my mind, with no possibilities to born.
So I write it.
And now I'll feel bad if I won't keep on with the story.
Hope you're having a nice day filled with chocolate-
Disclaimer: titles make no sense.
Have a nice day
Soap didn't die on that mission; not 'cause there was no gunshot.
Bullet just disappeared.
And he found who made the trick, bringing the whole team with him in a rabbit hole filled with dangerous stuff sprinkled in lusterdust and smelling blood-scent, crumbled in caramelized sugar and glazed madeleines.
'Cause Marigold just did what she does best: following her instinct. And that day she just stole the bullet flying toward Soap's head.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
1- Only thing you can trust in the morning is to have your pajama still on
«You have to trust me»
You have to.
As if there were other possibilities. 
Anything could have done the work on that shitty morning, everything good enough to make the clock worth listening to: coffee's scent; pancake pan-fry's fizzle; a baseball bat in the middle of the forehead.
Anything but a geared man with a loaded gun rushing in the bedroom, making her remember that the whole load of fucks happened yesterday where just the cherry on top of a brown cake that didn't smell of chocolate.
Rushing upstairs became a stumble on every step; at the umpteenth shot hands ran on the ears and knees crumbled down, crouching the whole body on the floor.
I don't wanna die I don't wanna die I don't wanna-
A rough pat on the back awakened padded synapsis. There was a sudden yell: 
Legs did the work better than brain, jerking up, stomping on the stairs using no breath at all, with lungs empty of air and full of ashes and gun-powder scent.
Sudden cracks and blows followed the run to the second floor, heartbeats stuffed ears and throat, climbing on the gut's walls with the acidic adrenaline's aftertaste. Eyes were watering from fear and dirt, legs were moving by heart to the most open space in the house: the balcony; the goddamn 1x1 meter balcony with a lovely Thai grocery shop's sight. 
Chest crushed on the railing so suddenly, fresh spring breeze hit her with a kick in the lungs.
I'm out
The consciousness got foggy at that moment of paradise, and a tight grasp on the pajama brang it back down to the shitty ground: someone tugged her far from the metal grip of the railing, sucking her entrails backwards to throw her on the ground.
She slides all the short way to the wall; the head burned in a sudden bang on the fucking drainpipe.
Someone collected her body by pulling the shirt again, and lifted her whole weight. Terrible dry and smelly scent of old and powder hit her nostrils, one millimeter away from the not so ensuring face of a stranger in some sort of full-military asset. 
He smiled so kindly while spitting:
«Goodbye, dorogoy»
And pushed her out of the balcony.
Whatever came next, is void: body and soul get vacuumed in the eternal nothingness of a fall from the fourth floor; eyes squeezed, adrenaline rushed to the brain, screaming: you're gonna die; but there was nothing to grasp, nothing to grab, nothing to save her.
My breakfast's still in the microwave; a stupid last thought.
Just, it wasn't the last.
A firm hand catched her ankle, burning soft skin under rough gloves. She dangled, hanging still so dangerously close to the railing that the head banged again, but that was the smallest of her problems. Voices came from above, heard hazy and fuzzy in her scattered brain, yells and metal exchanging places as if someone was trying to drive a nail with a gun.
Then, a more nitid, strangely pronounced: «Let bounty fall»
And a clear loaded gun.
Her fried brain took advantage of that moment to make a to-do-list: the missing will, in case of premature death (almost certainly at that point); the promise to eat grandma's piadina at her home; a pistachio-macchiato she owned Johnny since he brought her home during a storm; oh, and…
…and air swallowed her up with the force of muscles she certainly didn't have.
The same, tight grip that was avoiding her a spine-crusher-jump, suddenly lifted her from the ankle, with a pull so strong that she was sure wings had grown on her back, letting her fulfill the dream to be a fairy. But as soon as the body flipped over the balcony, the gloved hand made her change trajectory with a fast move.
Air gave her stomach a kick and her guts a stir, while whoever was moving her threw every inch of Winnie the Pooh pajama, yellow air and morning sickness on the "dorogoy" one, as if she was a goddamn club.
She was smashed on the man, facepalming her nose on his gear, and he was tossed KO on the ground.
Floor's caress hit her too, still held by ankles and, maybe, with a kneecap a little bit out of its place.
«Ye'r alright?»
The known voice reached her ears, and that was the first good news since one hour.
He's still here
Then she kinda blacked out, not dazed enough to faint, but at least to replace sounds with heartbeats and sight with foggy, swirling floor tiles. 
Moment of silence.
Johnny pointed at who they were supposed to protect.
«What in the bloody hell-»
«There wasn't time» was the rushed up answer. Ghost let the naked ankle go, patting his oddly slimy gloves on the tights. 
«Why 're women so creamy?»
«Beauty purposes»
«'S horrible»
«Didn't think you were so picky»
«I don't like touching maggot's texture, if that's what you mean by "being picky"»
Soap knelt next to her, who faltered something inaudible as soon as being touched. He stuck his finger around her joints, checking for potential damages.
She whined as he turned her face up to him: there was a big, yellowy spot next to the left side eye.
«That was already there» Ghost's specified.
«Aye, I know»
Fingers pressed on her knees.
«She truly is a strong one» Lt. muttered.
«Told ya»
«Difficult to believe»
«Ye've literally throwed her like a goddamn baseball bat»
Ghost silently looked at the girl, splattered on the ground.
«It worked»
He crunched down, collecting her body on his back as a potato bag.
«'S better get the hell outta here»
«What 'bout wake her up first?»
«Are ya proposing to explain her the whole shit bag now?»
Soap hesitated for two seconds; that sounded as a negative answer for the Lt.
One hour later, morning coffee hit Price with strong aroma, cigar aftertaste and a plethora of questions condemned to be unresolved.
He sipped, holding the mug a little longer in front of his face just to look at her without making it too obvious how bad he had no idea of what the fuck was the matter with that random yellow-haired lady sit in his office, surrounded by Johnny and his pathetical attempt to be comforting.
«Is» he pointed at her «she the target?»
Gaz nodded. «Soap said so»
«Mh». He sipped again, pondering about it. 
«A bloody child»
«Apparently she's twentythree»
«What's the point?»
«Bakery worker, living in a suburb's flat, three roommates-»
«The point in her being a target» Price specified.
Gaz lowered the voice, trying to capture some crumble of whatever Soap was saying to the girl who was, luckily, giving 'em her back. He carefully opened a pack of crackers. «We've had a speech 'bout it. You already forgot?» 
The captain pierced Gaz's breakfast in a cold glare.
«You're as helpful as a mosquito net in a submarine»
A sudden fear of downgrading hit the sergeant. The cracker came back in the pack.
«…sorry cap. She's the» he cleared his throat, feeling a little stupid saying: «someone with a magic whatever», as Soap had described her the first time.
Memory about the oddest Task Force's meeting of all time gave Price a facepalm. 
He swallowed half the cup of coffee at once.
«What in the bloody hell are we doing»
«…an unbearable, complete fucking disaster»
Patting her head was an option Soap was evaluating for half an hour, but maybe it wasn't the most clever move. He ended up looking at her very firmly.
«That's the bloody hell you've saved me from»
No signs of life from the other side. He munched a few swears, knowing so well what he was trying was as confusing as telling a chicken that it could fly like eagles with its shitty wings.
«Look» he started again, third time in a row «'m not kidding, 'k? I know it's you who 'm looking for, 'm just asking a little help to understand how in the fuck a goddamn bullet disappeared one inch from ma head»
She wasn't trembling, crying, fainting; maybe she wasn't even breathing, sitting still in front of his face while Soap had a complete visual of her pissed face, and the lovely sight of Gaz eating crackers and Price silently hating everyone while standing in the corridor.
«Two years»
The story began again in a low sigh. Soap raised two fingers at his temple.
«It was two years ago. I was 'bout to be bloody dead meat, with a shoot here, a russian bullet in ma brain»
He decided it was time for the secret weapon: a piece of newspaper came out from his pocket, shown as if it was the Saint Grall in all its oldness and perfection.
«'Ve found this». Soap pointed at the paper: a photo, five written lines. «It's you. Hospitalized 'cause of a bullet nearly pierced your temple»
The sheet got closer to her face.
«Except for you being alone. In your home. And I know ye'r no suicidal» 
Silence. Again.
Soap managed to pat her shoulder, a middle way between raising his voice to be the bad policeman, and pinching her cheeks to be the friendly one.
«...'m sorry for the shitty tons of lies 've told ye. At the bakery, I mean». It was so stupid to make apologies, but he did it anyway. «Duty purposes, laddie»
He gave her another pat.
«Fact is that who tried to kill me knows you». He chose to get straight to the point. «'Cause ye've got…dunno. Something. And that something saved me, somehow. And look, gorgeous, I don't believe in "abrakadabra", and whole Harry Potter's universe's a shitty filmography for ma taste. I just know I'm still breathing 'cause of you, and I'm used to return favors»
«There's no point in explain myself if you don't believe in magic»
Voice cut her throat sharply yet loud, destroying every Soap's attempt of being nice. Her still swollen eyes pointed at him. 
«Is not something I can explain»
It was so surreal as a situation that if a llama with a hat appeared, no one would have been surprised. 
«I'll listen, at least»
Snake bites hurt the most when the weather wasn't stable. Like an old good war scar, hidden under shiny gold dots that she constantly tortured in search of a crumble of quiet.
«Lost in yer thoughts?»
Marigold's hair waved like a dandelion's shade in the gloomy morning. A big cup of pistachio-macchiato was presented in all of its greatness to the usual early-morning customer.
«Kinda funny weather, isn't it?» 
«That's London, laddie»
She chuckled kindly, repeating a motion used with every visitor that became authentic just with Johnny.
«I'd rather be surrounded by coriander field»
«That's what ye planted 'round the house?»
«My parents' choice. I don't like them, smell becomes odd on rainy days. Better than London's morning, though»
«Aye. I bet sun suits ye better»
Another chuckle, and she went KO with a throaty laugh that exploded hidden in her hands. Johnny raised his cup.
Two months before he showed up out of nowhere, stating "the smell of good coffee" had brought him to the Merry Marguerite.
Marigold had seen all sort of human being in her bakery-waitress experience: who pretended to look at ease in suit, leather bag and badly knotted tie; who was hiding from his life, drowning every brain cell in sugar; happy ones and silent ones; lost ones and usual ones; strong espresso ones, and milky-chocolaty-heavy cream latte ones.
Johnny was none of them.
Johnny was a usual stranger, a known foreigner, a recalled wayfarer; a usual guest who showed up every ten years, but you know him since you've been born. 
«Merry Marguerite. 'S yer name?». That was the question in front of the first pistachio-macchiato the girl had ever been asked for.
«Nope. That's my boss previous cat»
«Cool. So 'm not gonna call you Margie or somethin'»
What a funny way to ask a name. She smiled at first, kindly, disappearing in the back to grab some fresh pain au chocolat. 
Marigold didn't expect him to wait for an actual answer. 
He came and clinged on the counter, with those huge biceps relaxed and a silly smile, a little cocky but never disrespectful. He asked for his macchiato, made a joke about the bakery's name and waited for her to give him something back.
After three days she giggled him a quick: «Mary, Or Goldie. Doll, if you want, some friends of mine used to call me Doll»
«'Cause ye'r cute?»
«'Cause as a child I used to cut every inch of my doll's hair and make them join the "punk club"»
And tortured doll's stories were what made them friends. 
«You're gonna have green tongue at this rate»
«Can't help it. That's the best pistachio-macchiato in town»
«Of course. That's why there's a secret recipe»
Johnny raised his eyes from the cup. He was dressed up almost the same every day: jeans and t-shirt, mohawk and bright-curious eyes as blue as the sky London decided not to show to his citizens.
«Spit it out»
Answer was a long breath of her, blown on the fresh madeleines.
«A secret's a secret, Johnny»
«Ye made me curious, though»
«That what secrets are about: make people eager to know what's underneath»
«Aye. I can tell ye're good at that»
Her fingers stopped working on the correct rearrangement of the custard croissants. 
«Yeah? Am I that good at not blabbing our secret recipes?» she laughed. «I'll add the skill to my curriculum, then»
The waiting for an answer became a little too long, making her raise her sight.
Johnny wasn't really laughing: his smile was telling something that could go from "I know what kinda porn you're into" to "the yellow in your hair is brightening my day up".
He suddenly smirked: «Feeling under pressure, Doll?», ending the question in the last macchiato sip. 
«Should I?». She clinged on the counter, a little cheeky «Am I under interrogation?»
«Ah» The empty cup ended up on the side, allowing him to have a full vision of her hair brightness. «It would be no good for ye»
«How come?»
«C-u-r-i-o-s-i-t-y» He spelled. «I'll end up digging too deep on ye to find what's underneath. It's not pleasant havin' a stranger stomping on yer garden»
«And what if you lose yourself while finding a way out of me?»
«Ye'll guide me. 'M sure ye've got signs in whatever wood has grown inside of you»
And Marigold became silent, softly smiling a sad sight, unexpected through the funny mood Johnny thought to have been built.
«And…» A warm, sugary smelling madeleine was offered to him as a pay in advance. «If you find the way out, would you tell me too, please, which way I ought to go from there?»
He chuckled, suddenly kinda softened by her tone, catching the quote so well he wasted no time to replay:
«It depends a good deal on where you want to get to»
«I don't much care where»
«Then it doesn't much matter which way you go»
Whole bakery filled with the loss of words that baked the room in glazed and caramelized smell, crunchy as a chocolate cookie fresh from the oven. Silence got stuffed with coffee sipped under breath, time got replaced with madeleine's crumbs rolled under the fingertips.
The first bite on the pastry broke the spell. Johnny ate it whole, chewing slowly.
«Seems like, even if ye're lost in yer wonderland, ye'v found a way to me»
And then, she knew.
She knew he had read her somehow, even if he hadn't understood a single word.
It was two years ago that the dream went away: a man alone, dark and chaos of voices, blood smell and an odd, painful hold on the guts; words shouted fast and aggressively, a clock ticking, the well known feeling of something that was about to happen.
A shot. 
And the sudden awakening in a sweat lake, breath lost in the dream and the pressure against her lungs screaming that there wasn't time left.
Marigold didn't know why she had chosen to go to bed that early, as much as she didn't know why she was running out of bed, stomping on the fallen sheets to reach the bathroom curled on her reversed stomach, with guts mixing inside as if she was dish-washing her organs.
Lungs were closed, breath fought to come in and out and heart started racing faster, pounding so much blood to her head. Fingers grasped the hair, dug the scalp, searched for a way to the brain like something was desperately trying to get out, or get in, she didn't know, it was just so painful, so hopeless, so furious, and clock ticked faster, louder, stuffing head and eardrums while voices become clearer, surrounding her in a battlefield that certainly wasn't her bathroom anymore.
Everything came to a peak of adrenaline piercing her brain. She grabbed something from somewhere, tearing it away from a reality that wasn't her, that shouldn't have been her, in which she didn't belong. Her fingers grasped the bullet, pulling it away from him, whoever him was.
And she just took it with her, in the bathroom, stepping out of the trajectory fast enough to let it just scratch her head.
Her shoulders scrolled, stiff from the tension.
«I've asked myself so many times. Maybe because I know you were dying. Whoever you were. Whatever you were doing»  
«When we met the first time, did ye recognize me?»
«No. Dream wasn't that clear»
«Did you speak 'bout it with family? Friends, or-»
«Is not that easy to explain, I've told you»
«Have ye done it before?»
She havered on the chair, eyebrows frowned and lower lips bitten to hold the trembling.
«Dunno». Voice raised to hide the fear, replacing it with slow boiled anger. «Maybe»
«Ye don't know?»
«No» She shouted. «I can't know, I've not got a secret diary about headaches and nightmares, sorry»
«Ye'r tellin' me ye've got some sorta "telekinetic" power-»
«'M telling you nothing. Just how it went that night»
«Aye, that's what 'm saying: you're describing me, if not a magic trick, at least a psychic ability»
«I don't know what it is» Words became sharp pebbles thrown randomly out of her guts. «And if you wanted to thank me 'cause you're still alive, I accept your gratitude, even if you've brought me home a goddamn bunch of armed people»
She hit the right spot to make him straighten his back on the chair, while still trying to upload information about the whole "dream" matter.
Soap knew his face got a little crinkle around the eyes and the stiff teeth.
«We've brought none to you, Doll. They would have been there to kill you anyway»
«I don't have any Russian friends. Nor enemies»
He mumbled: «Aye», as if he already knew what kind of people she was acquainted with, as if he'd already dug her whole life. And she faltered, squeezing fists on her pajamas, shaking in a motion of frustration that got her to the guts. 
«What? Have you already scanned me? You've done what the fuck you wanted with my free day just for what?»
Johnny fell from an apple tree.
«We went to save you-»
«Sure, after spending whole months telling me bullshits. ‘Cause everything was bullshit. Correct? Our chats at the bakery, you working as a PC technician, your terrible coffee tastes…»
Words died on her tongue in a sudden spin of her head. She grabbed her temples, rilling fingertips around the pale skin, and hissed as the digits touched the livid bruise around the eye.
Liquorice aroma filled her nostrils in a strong caress; Soap was offering her a candy pack.
«Ye've not eaten this mornin'» He muttered, recalling the time at the bakery when she almost fainted 'cause of skipped breakfast and lower pressure. 
She took a bunch of bitter-sweet treats, stuffing her mouth.
Johnny's sight made a fly to his feet, collecting time before blowing: «Wasn't all bullshits. Sorry, anyway»
«Why that much effort? What for?»
«Get to know ye. I need to be sure 'bout you»
«Pretty sure I'm as clear as an empty fish tank to you, by now»
She frowned, irritated from the tip toes to the dry hair's double edges. Liquorice candy cracked under her teeth.
«Whaddya mean? That I can't even know how the fuck I play ma goddamn, stupid society-role?»
«Calm down laddie, 's nothin' this pretentious, was just giving ma take on you»
»…mh» another candy ended up chewed under her tongue. «So I'mma childish whoever to you and your mates?»
Soap gazed at her, chuckling, pondering about how seriously he needed to take her bratty chat. 
«…was life what made you that difficult to handle?»
«Dunno, you tell me, 's you who filled me in shit to "get to know me"»
At this point a strong, harsh incipit of voice pierced through the corridor, shouting: «The goddamn bloody Jesus of Laswell has finally brought me that stupid-…»
Ghost's steps slowed down as he faced two idiots stuck in front of the office door: one holding a half-pack of crackers, the other was drinking from an empty mug.
Deciding how to react brought him to the right conclusion to pretend nothing was happening. He passed a blue folder to Price, who was badly hiding shame behind a I-wasn't-eavesdropping kinda look.
«Intel 'bout that russian» Ghost explained.
Captain coughed a: «Did he speak?»
«I was very persuasive. Dunno why Laswell needed to write down what he'd already spit with his teeth»
«Bureaucracy can't be avoided. Verdict?»
«Clear as a nuclearized swamp in the middle of nowhere» 
«'S what he told you?»
«He told me» skull mask turned darker to match its owner's attitude, lowering on Price's coffee scent breath. «They were there to rob. I made him tell…»
He turned, almost instinctively, as he heard two voices muttering from the office, recognizing Soap's one in the being-as-nice-as-possible mood. 
And he saw those horrible yellow bob hair again, the oddest pajama with little Winnie the Pooh stamps, and bruises marked on the arm that Ghost was quite sure was the one he made collide with the Russian soldier.
«Why is that child still there?»
«That's why I'm asking you. Shouldn't be held, like, somewhere safer?»
«Nothin's safer than my office»
Ghost blown, nodding ironically.
«Plus» The folder came back to the Lt. «Soap wasted no time trapping her in that sorta interrogatory». Price gazed at them, knowing well Johnny was aware they had listened to everything. «Don't think he's cleared his mind 'bout you-know-what, though»
«Better he does, since we've rushed all of this shit 'cause of that» 
Price sighed, Gaz chuckled 'cause it was funny seeing Ghost complaining like an old man, and the Lieutenant just growled again: «An enormous ton of shit»
«Following that lady wasn't time wasted, at least. There is something stinky hidden underneath». The last cracker was being chewed in a mess of crumbles on the shirt. Gaz muttered a swear before adding: «She was being chased by those men. Fully armed, you said»
«Affirmative. Three, ready to kill»
«What were you sayin' 'bout it?»
«That russian» Ghost instantly reconnected his synapsis with the previous speech, recalling his fists on the man's face with a hidden smirk. «said they were sent by some sorta monk»
The statement made the audience caught by suspense. Frowned eyebrows and tilted foreheads spoke for themselves.
Gaz tried to break the silence with a cautious: «Some sorta wha-»
But Price felt the urge to make a fast recall:
«Four months ago, Soap found that girl with the "magic whatever" that he stated saved him from Makarov. Two days ago» he counted on his fingers «Soap spotted a man following her home. He also did the day after. That made Sergeant suspicious and you two eventually get involved in that sorta "saving" operation»
«Soap was right, at least. Someone was keeping a close watch on her»
«Yeah, but» Captain's hand flew in the air, holding his line of discussion. «Am I the only one noticing there's a bloody nothin' logic 'bout this? Are we really getting involved in somethin' raised by a "someone saved me with magic, and I'm gonna find him"?»
Ghost gazed at him, eyes half-hidden by the mask.
«You trusted Soap»
«Undoubtedly» Was shouted so clearly that nothing was left to be clarified.
It wasn't Soap himself the wrong variable in the equation.
It was that Soap was right. 
And it was not logical. So illogical it was actually happening, and Price couldn't just register an impossible chance that was occurring in front of his goddamn eyes.
«What if» Gaz suggested, licking cracker crumbles out of his lips «We just ask her?»
«Ya heard: she doesn't know»
«Yeah, well, maybe she doesn't know if it's safe to spit out the truth in front of three strangers and an almost ex-friend» He nodded toward Soap. «'S not like he's playin' his cards well»
«What do you suggest, sergeant?»
«We could just-»
And the chair that was hosting Marigold's butt suddenly got thrown on the floor by her sudden standing. Three pairs of eyes caught her taking on Soap in all her pajamas and yellowness, without a single world left as she grabbed the sergeant's shirt with both hands, roaring with a voice thought impossible for one her size:
«Just let me at least pretend I did something good!!»
She turned her still naked feet, ready to run home somehow, killing spree in her clenched fists and rage in her bruised throat.
Steps died immediately at the trio's sight.
The otter-puppy eyed with a hat; the good twin of Chris from "The day before" ; the Dia de los muertos cosplayer in the wrong season.
Classification ended with a kick in the head from her own brain, which told her to have a good look at that scary-skeleton mask.
She blew her cheeks, finger pointed at Ghost as she shouted almost with a growl:
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th3-0bjectivist · 1 year
Dear listener, three months ago I began posting music by recently deceased artists and long-dead bands that were, all of them, exceptional in some way. I haven’t stopped since, and with this post I hereby pronounce my quarter-year long rediscovery of dead bands to be officially complete… and lucky you, I’ve got a plump Maraschino cherry to place on top of this layered ice cream cake. Folks, crank the volume, smash play, and be placed in salivating awe at one of the most influential dead bands of all-time. Imagine a musical act that is completely mediocre in every way; just some shitty, generic modern band the likes of which you hear ad infinitum on Top-40’s radio. Now, add to that same non-specific act a lead lady vocalist that has a voice on par with Billie Holiday. Back that superb voice up with instrumentalists hungry to deliver something that sounds new and exciting to the world, subtract the pretentiousness and insincerity of modern music, and cube the equation with infinite collective creativity and genuine inspiration. What you are left with is the almighty and immortal Portishead. As English as roast beef and hailing from Bristol, this group hasn’t made an album in about fifteen years and only technically lives on through ultra-rare live performances. In just under two decades from the mid-90’s to 2008, this group managed to produce not mere music, but genuine lightning-in-a-bottle magic. The members were all very motivated by old timey film soundtrack LP’s, leaving a lot of their tracks sounding like a tune from a film noire. Whether they liked it or not, they had a major hand in popularizing trip-hop, a highly experimental genre (in the 90’s anyway) which relies heavily on hip hop tempos mixed with soul, jazz, funk, or whatever form of electronic music you want to throw into the fusion. This was also a band that just kind of burned out; despite their notoriety and mega-successful presence in the industry, the members of this collective were just fallible people at the end of the day, and apparently suffered from extreme exhaustion by way of constantly recording and touring. If you spent your time in studios cranking out some of the highest quality music available at the time, you’d be exhausted too. This is Biscuit from 1994’s Dummy, and it is merely one of many, many outstanding works from their contemplative, well-executed and downright industry-changing catalog. Truly quality music (just like any quality entertainment; movies, television, art, etc.) should reveal something true and perhaps tragic about the human condition. Portishead excelled in this area. It doesn’t matter if they were only around for a moment in time. Their music is TIMELESS.
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I don’t generally post many ultra-famous acts on this page unless given a motivation. Here’s my motivation; Portishead changed music on the planet Earth forever. They’re more goth than the whole of modern goth music. They’re trippy-er than the entirety of trip-hop. And, if anything you do in your life has 1/10th the positive impact on the globe as this here musical act, you, my friend, have earned my respect for merely existing. Image source: https://www.nme.com/blogs/nme-blogs/the-roots-of-portishead-767977
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ghostlyfeelings · 2 months
a doe eyed baby sometimes felt a women. i was her and she was me. i was the care taker. child taking care of her mother. this isnt really something new but has been a consistent theme even as i have become older. family became a prominent subject. one i don't touch very often. all for good reasons but sometimes the universe shoves it at you all at once. i tiptoed around my house in avoidance. didn't want to rock any boats or have mine rocked. again, this is something i am familiar with. then came the phone call that will have an everlasting effect on the rest of my life. to let me know my nanny died. my mother and aunt screaming at eachother hours later was the cherry on top of an already shitty cake. i fell into a big black pit of despair. i stayed there. i felt all of the emotions until i felt absolute nothingness. spent one night getting black out drunk and throwing up. on the streets, at the bar, in the designated smoking area. got into a fight with a girl. apologized days later. gave myself two weeks of sobriety after that. to process and feel and heal. felt really proud of myself. then the life in my eyes finally started to come back. felt high on the beauty of nature. felt connected to it all. saw two dragonflies in one sitting. could feel my grandmas energy. wrote her a letter that i will never get to send. so i silently and knowingly sent it up to her in heaven. felt a lot of gratitude for the friends i have. for my pets and the universe. for the past versions of me that got me here. began to rescue bugs from drowning in the pool. began to feel and think deeply about their lives. wondered if they have other bugs waiting for them somewhere and if they don't return, do they feel their heart break too? went on my first date since the breakup. he gave me a rose. ended at the strip club three guys later. gave me a boost of confidence. went home and still wished it was my ex holding me. felt like something strange was going on in the cosmos. had a nice dose of the reality that my body is older by needing an entire day to recover from that hangover. found a lot of joy in spending time with myself. feel happy knowing i don't need a relationship to fulfill something lacking inside of me anymore. that i can fill my own cup, that i can talk myself down. held myself through it all and it felt different from when i would ask someone to hold me so that i didn't fall apart. i talk to my plants and the trees and the bugs too. just the way i do when i imagine child me, doe eyed and looking for gentleness. i commit fully to breaking this generational curse. i commit fully to not being cruel. im ready for some change and a nice thunderstorm or two. to believing in love and allowing myself to feel that i am loved too.
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bruh. I just left the movies and I thought about this post I reblogged just today.
just when I thought no movie can draw me in anymore, in swoops kevin costner and saves the day!!
I saw Horizon: An American Saga - Chapter 1 and I admit I’m 100% core target audience for this. I love films set in that period in the wild west, long stories with suspenseful dialogue and not knowing what’s gonna happen next… it was just everything I wanted it to be. It grabbed my full attention immediately and didn’t let go for 3 hours.
I’m really glad Chapter 2 is being released just a couple months after Chapter 1. It’s long enough for you to absorb it and process your feelings but it’s not too long so that you forget what happened.
(Also, I was ready for Sam Worthington to play a bad guy but he was so adorable and I was just 🤩🤩🥰🥰🥰 he was a cherry on top of an already pretty awesome cake I’ll tell you that. I love him so much he’s one of my favorite actors.)
Today was shitty and felt so so long.. (my bff had a birthday from hell and my mom lost my job rather abruptly and unceremoniously….) I’m glad I could end it with such an uplifting experience.
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xiuminscheeks · 9 months
getting a cold a few days before 2023 ends is the rotten cherry on top of a verry shitty cake
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impishtubist · 2 years
i, in fact, a remus lover. a remus defender is you will. however all of my WIP fics that are my favourite (yes i have favourites of my own works shush) have just, shitty remus. which. is because shitty remus is the remus to love! i excuse his wrongs because well, i let the marauders commit any imaginable crimes. however i will admit.
remus lupin grovelling on his knees in order to get sirius to forgive him? perfection.
like yes. remus lupin was undoubtedly depressed for twelve years that his best friends were dead and the love of his life committed a heinous crime. is it reasonable for him to simply,,, not know where harry was for twelve years? also yes. for all he knew harry could’ve been in some random orphanage. however, he outta have known harry would’ve,,, ended up in hogwarts in ‘91. He could’ve written McGonagall or Dumbledore (ew) even and ask to set up a correspondence with harry during his time at hogwarts! or he could’ve done that fancy little trick where the owl finds the person the letter is addressed to! is it possible that vernon or petunia would’ve then burned those letters? yes! but at least then he tried. like actually tried. and side note, he definitely was concerned about raising someone as a werewolf (seen through him trying to abandon Tonks)
and third year! he got,,, fairly close to harry in POA, not like sirius and harry but in a fairly good manner. their relationship showed they were somewhat close! even if it wasn’t exactly. however to immediately cease contact with him? no excuse. he knew where harry was. he knew how to get in contact with him. he was in the OOTP where harry’s godfather was so he could get in contact through that. like yes is it weird for an ex professor to randomly get in touch with you despite not being attached to the hip? absolutely! however remus was sirius’s lover??? was his boyfriend for years? or at least best friends with sirius! he was harry’s uncle at some point! he was uncle moony at some point! it wouldn’t have been weird! harry would’ve loved it.
although the cherry on top of the cake is him, attacking harry. i say attacking loosely, it was a curse/jinx and he left, but still. he had abandoned his wife and child (or was tonks just pregnant at this point? i’m unsure!) due to his reasonable fear of hurting teddy with his lycanthropy (not reasonable enough to just abandon them imo, if he didn’t wanna be a dad he could’ve gotten condoms!) and tried to join harry’s horcrux hunt and his immediate response to being called a coward is to just,,, hex a seventeen year old??
so yes. remus lupin is allowed to commit sims and i love it! i love when the marauders r lowkey shitty and toxic. however he ought to grovel at least once.
yeah alright I'll allow this ask to come through 🤣 I don't believe Remus is allowed any sins but I DO agree he is toxic and he ought to grovel, and that like. 90% of his actions re: Sirius and Harry are inexcusable. Especially Harry. But you are a Remus enjoyer and I respect that. I hope you have a great time writing about him. And I will continue to call him a shitty, shitty person who needs to grovel and beg and work for Sirius and Harry to forgive him.
Remus on his knees for Sirius? Begging and pleading? Yes please give it to me. This was very entertaining to read, thank you for brightening my inbox tonight.
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springmemoir · 2 years
“Yapi, Happy Blowing Candles Agenda! ✧”
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Hold up... did you blow any candles, though?! Here in case you didn't 🕯️🕯️ but if you did, good for you. Just keep in mind that if I were to buy you a cake I'll make sure to add the hard-to-blow kind of candle as the cherry on top. Someone bought it for my birthday and it was super annoying! The way I thought it's dedt and the war is over—IT SUDDENLY LIT UP AGAIN. But I am not here to tell you that experience. I am just stalling time, preparing my mental because our friendship right now, it's already one I find hard to throw cheesy words like it's nothing. I'll just close my eyes HERE WE GOOOOO
First thing first,
Congratulations on turning one year older!
I am so glad to celebrate your birthday again. A bit emotional as we speak... like oh, I celebrated your birthday last year. And to think that I am still right here with you right now 🥺🥺 (just ignore the fact that I left months ago and pretend I am still active pleek) and you're still here with me today, it's not a mere promise to celebrate your birthday once again! For me, I've never felt new age brings something new or anything. Yet I want to wish you that this brand new age of yours could bring you much more happiness and ease.
I am so proud of you.
Things doesn't always go your way, right? And when things go downhill... sometimes it feels like it's just gonna get so much worse. But hey, despite all the tears you shed and awfulness you felt, at the end of the day you're surviving, still. Something I am so proud of. I want to tell you that if I could, I'd do anything to wipe out everything that makes you feel miserable. I would. Because Yapi, you deserve to be surrounded by kindness. I wish the world wasn't so harsh on you—yet it's the reality. So at least, while it's hard, I want to remind you that you are loved by many. By me. Thank you for being tough all this time.
Thank you for being a good friend
I think...! The word friend I just used is such an understatement. Like AFTER EVERYTHING WE'VE BEEN THROUGH?!??? It's disrespectful to our precious bond >:( half kidding!! but yeah. I've always said I like how easy it is for me to talk to you. And how your presence is just really soothing. So understanding... I could put a lot of words to describe it but it wouldn't be enough to truly represent you. You, who picked me up when I lost my way. The one who provided me a safe space when the world turned against me. Yapi who never gave up on stupid me... your existence feels so surreal. But while you're so gentle and warm, I know you're still a human who carries so much on their back. A human who's allowed to feel shitty and tired. And you stay true about it most of times. Please remember that you have the rights to complain about how unfair it is (and blame it on the planets! or the stars..)
Thank you again. Just another section.
Because the first part is getting way too long. I want to thank you too for trusting me with your stories. I feel honored, you know. Even though I am not present that much... you're still looking for me. 😢😢 thank you for being vulnerable with me as well. And much much thank you that I couldn't put into words. The whole point of my essay is, I love you so much, Yapi. While I know you know... I think it's necessary for me to remind you about how precious you are to me! You need to know that I cannot imagine living in a world without you in it. Because, who would rant about the planets with me for hours if it weren't you? I don't think anybody would randomly hit me up to show how they're so pissed with a badly written paragraph too. That's your thing. Ones I am fond of.
And that's all.
I hope you had an amazing birthday with your loved ones ♡
I want to apologize for not being present a lot on your special day because something urgent occurred. If you're up for it, let's spend time together some other time. If you're not busy with your works. (This is a passive agressive text. DITCH YOUR WORKS FOR ME!!! RFN!!! 😠🗯️💢) sorrie for the late wishes too. Aaaand! Please take care of yourself and don't get into a problem whenever I am not around. I know I am one of your brakes—or moral compass? What was it again ⁉️ so try not to jump into a mess till I am back!! Alright? Alright. Good night. I love you.
With love,
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rek1s-headband · 4 years
I'd really like to see some headcanons for a polyamorous relation between y/n, kaoru, and kojiro because I just want these boys to hug each other and me.
Thanks for the request! This was fun to write, because I too would love to be sandwiched between these two. Enjoy!
➯ random boyfriend headcannons
➯ characters: cherry x joe x reader
➯ warnings: none! Just fluff for now. I do swear a bit in my work though, please tell me if this is an issue!
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-Yall literally take turns annoying the shit out of each other around the house. You’ll sit on the counter while Joe attempts to make dinner, you and Kaoru mixing his spices around and sticking labels on the wrong packets. You’ll rest your head in Kaoru’s lap while he attempts to get some calligraphy work done or make some adjustments to Carla, Joe talking the ear off him while he tries to concentrate.
-Joe has caught you and Kaoru in the parking lot of a McDonalds on more than one occasion.
-You and Kaoru will go on “dates” to Joe’s restaurant while he works, and pretend you have no idea who the man in front of you is. The two of you will go so far with it too. Joe has had to sit through “birthdays” (yours wasn’t for another eight months), marriage proposals(the poor man had to bring the two of you cake), fake breakups where one person would storm out and cause a scene in the restaurant, the list is endless.
-On the other hand, you and Joe will go to Kaoru’s exhibitions, and absolutely mortify him. The two of you will be shouting various words of encouragement(?) at him, while the poor man just tries to do his work. Yes you’ve gotten a few stares. Yes you’ve been kicked out by security on multiple occasions.
-Idk how many of yall have seen that tweet where someone got a label maker and labelled everything in their pantry stupid shit like “mini bagels” (Cheerios) and “ghost broccoli” (cauliflower) but that’s 100% something you and Kaoru would do just to piss Joe off when he’s trying to cook.
-The three of you regularly make shitty edits of Adam in those ghetto clouds every time he gets into a new scandal and make memes out of pictures you take of him every time he shows up at S.
-Joe would carry you around this house at his side and ask you stupid questions while you reply in a robot-like voice to mock Carla and piss Kaoru off
-“Hey Clara(cause yall are original), can you tell me where Kaoru is?”
-“Hello Joe, Kaoru is in the corner reading a book like a little nerd”
-He acts like he hates it, but you and Joe find it hilarious, so even he can find himself smiling at your antics.
-The three of you will sit in a line sometimes, you in Kaoru’s lap, and him in Joe’s, and yall will just sit and braid each other’s hair while watching TV. Sometimes you and Kaoru will take turns trying to put mini braids in Joe’s hair, sticking bows and clips in it anywhere they’ll stay. The two of you have given Joe hair extensions before, and he absolutely adored them.
-Joe and Kaoru are already awful when it comes to skating together, so if you can skate, you can imagine the absolute chaos the three of you would cause at S. Instead of acting like a mediator, you’re just as much of a little shit as them, yelling stuff like “BEAT HIS ASS” or “place your bets now folks!” If you’re not joining in on the fighting as well.
-The three of you sleeping can go one of two ways.
-One, a triple spoon(I’ll let you decide who’s where, maybe you swap) or yall will just be overall comfortable. No kicking or shifting in the night, just pure peace.
-Two, an absolute free-for-all of limbs and heads. Maybe your head will be on Kaoru’s chest, maybe your foot will be in Joe’s armpit. Someone nearly always ends up without a blanket, or on the floor.
-Carla has a charging port in your room, and when she randomly says stuff in the middle of the night you’ll shoot up in bed, scaring the shit out of yourself and the other two. That place quickly becomes a panic room of “WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING” “THAT DAMN ROBOT” “the forecast for tomorrow seems to be cloudy, with a chance of rain.” “BE QUIET CARLA” “sorry, I couldn’t find anything for ‘night garden’, would you like me to search again?” “CARLA”
-Joe is awful for snoring. You and Kaoru will take turns beating the shit out of him with a pillow until he shuts up long enough for the two of you to fall asleep. If he doesn’t stop, you need to violently shake him to make him wake up, this man is a DEEP sleeper. He does that dad thing when he wakes up yknow the big inhale through the nose and the bleary eyes.
-Your house is decorated from top to bottom with artwork. Most of it is because Kaoru liked how it looked, other times it’s simply because you and Joe thought it looked funny. You’ll have various pieces of art hanging in your house that Kaoru thought you and Joe just liked the look of, when in reality the two of you thought it looked like a dick.
-idk how many of yall have seen that TikTok (if not I’ll link it here) where they’re ordering McDonald’s and start fighting in the front of the car while one person vibes in the back, but yall have done that multiple times unironically. I’ll let you decide who’s where, because it changes OFTEN.
-Your birthday cakes are always TOP NOTCH. Joe pours his absolute heart into baking them, while Kaoru helps decorate it and make it perfect for you.
-The three of you are banned from Target because you and Joe decided to mess with the kids toys and set off an alarm.
-Yall regularly do that thing where two of you will be together and the third (usually Joe) will come up to you and start screaming like “HOW COULD YOU?? I LOVED YOU AND YOURE OUT HERE WITH SOMEONE ELSE? GO TO HELL.” And storm off.
-Yall fight over the front seat of the car. Like, the two who aren’t driving are sprinting towards the car, shoving each other out of the way like little kids. Yelling “shotgun” means nothing to yall if u manage to get there first. Whoever’s driving won’t unlock the car for ages, letting the other two battle it out watching from a safe distance.
-The three of you had to make a chore list because of how petty you were. Once the trash went without being taken out for like a week because you’d just keep piling shit on top, trying not to make it collapse.
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northsoulss · 3 years
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discord - ʜᴀɴ
synopsis : with finals approaching, your prof sets a project for you to submit and luckily for you, you have god awful team mates. so, you study with jisung at the library, grinding to try and finish everything before the deadline.
genre : college student au, established relationship, fluff
pairing : han x gn!reader
warnings : mentions of immense lack of sleep, frustration, shitty team mates
everyone says that when you get to college, it will be a breeze. piece of cake. just partying and having fun. boy, was i wrong to believe them.
to say that college is ‘fun’, more so manageable is the understatement of the damn century. layers upon layers of projects, with a cherry on top that is finals. it all makes some kind of disaster sundae that i hate with a burning passion.
this time for year 2, our lovely lecturer decided that it would be a lovely idea for our finals would be a group project.
how wonderful.
“who knew that i would become the one doing most of the work? totally not predictable at all.” i thought, typing vigorously - working on my group’s powerpoint slide that we had to present by the end of the week.
i was running on barely any sleep, a couple of monster energy drinks, and candy. the classic combination for a normal college student who has to stay up late, burning the midnight oil in an attempt to try and cramp in more studying.
i was extremely irritable, as anyone would be if they were assigned both a thesis paper and a slide-show to present for finals that was due in a week.
“nice, the bullet points don’t make sense either,” i sarcastically mumble under my breath, the tone of voice becoming more exasperated as time went by.
the table jisung and i shared in my apartment dining room was mostly used by me, my notes and worksheets sprawled haphazardly across the table. some even lying on the floor in my failed attempts of picking them up and being systematic.
jisung sat across from me, with big headphones covering his ears from my potential swearing, making him look slightly like princess leia from star wars. though his eyes were fixated on his laptop screen, he had noticed the grimace that has been on my face for the past few hours.
he nudged me with his foot from under the table, breaking my intense eye contact with my laptop screen. lines of worry and concern were evident on his face; he had the ‘are you okay’ look on his face, and a small smile that he put on to show sympathy. i waved a dismissive hand, shaking my head before typing furiously again.
however, my typing session was once again disrupted by my phone, which i forgot to turn off.
ding! one new notification from ‘gremlin 1’
gremlin 1 -
yo dude, i know this is a lot to ask of you, but can you help me do my slide? i have work for the rest of the week TT
you -
wtf, why is this so sudden? i thought you purposely changed your work schedule so that we can do the project tgt since no one else is?
gremlin 1 -
i know, but smt just came up, and my boss is an asshole that way. can you please do a favour and help me? just this once i promise :|
you -
i’m taking the credit.
gremlin 1 -
its only fair that way, thanks again.
read at 3.00pm
“fantastic.” i grumbled, the urge to throw my phone out my apartment window becoming increasingly tempting; my hope left for the project had nearly and completely gone down the drain. i could have easily declined, but i have placed in too much effort for the entire project; not just for the person i had the most faith in to not do their job which bring down our group total.
when i realised that throwing my phone was not the best idea, i huffed and let out a big ol’ sigh, re-reading my group mate’s message before slamming my phone down onto the table out of sheer frustration.
the slam was loud. really loud. loud enough to make jisung flinch though he had music blasting through his headphones. his eyes widened at the extent of my frustration, my previously buzzing phone now dead, lying flat on the table. he eyed it for a moment before setting his headphones on the table and getting up.
his actions had gone unnoticed by me, my irritation making me unaware of my surroundings.
“hey is everything okay, flower?” jisung asks, smoothening his hands over back and shoulders, making me melt into his touch instantly. his lips were pressed onto the back of my neck, his warmth spreading heat all over my body.
“no, sadly.” i say while closing my eyes, his hands now massaging my tense shoulder muscles.
“maybe take a break for a while? also, i’m setting this aside for obvious reasons.” he spoke gently with a heart-warming smile, taking my phone and placing it onto the shelf that was the furthest away from me; before turning around to face me again. his actions did not fail to tug at my heart strings, making me finally break out in a smile after grimacing for hours on end.
“there’s the smile i fell in love with..” the words came out of his mouth without thinking, as he stared at me, gaze full of adoration and love. pink bloomed in my cheeks, a shy grin forming on my lips.
“thank you, baby.” i was extremely grateful to have jisung by my side in tough times like this. if not, i would have definitely thrown out my phone at the next slight inconvenience.
“do you want to talk about it?” worry finding its way back to his voice.
“maybe later, i need to finish this shit first.” i sighed, running my fingers through my hair, pushing back the bits that had fallen onto my face.
he chuckles at the clear dread in my voice, eyes bright and shining, curved into little crescent moons. “alright, love. i’ll wait till youre done,” he says, combing his fingers through my hair before pressing a delicate kiss to the top of my head.
my masterlist !
© northsoulss 2021, all rights reserved
lmao i think i was rlly mad at school when i was writing this lol
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zangethefate · 3 years
Why The Nightmare On Elm Street remake (2010) sucked?
This is a review, sorry for my broken english but i really needed to talk about this, reposts are open for conversations! Spoilers and graphic content ahead! Made some fixes and additions.
Deleted scenes: I think this was the biggest issue that this movie had as a whole was the deleted scenes. There was alot of deleted scenes and i was shocked to find out that THEY ARE ALOT. There is a link to all those scenes, and i’ll put it in here if someone got curious. I am going to talk mainly about the ones that i think would make the movie better, and would like to see.
Freddy’s Hospital scene: After freddy get’s burned to death thanks to the parents, there was actually an after scene, where freddy lays down on his hospital bed, all burned, with bandages all over his body, broken breathing, untill the heart monitor stops showing any signs of heart beats. (If there is a another name for this machine, i don’t know what it is, but you get my point.) This scene was so sad to see, you feel bad for freddy and you hate parents at that point, still, there was no need to delete that scene at all, freddy dying in the hospital wouldn’t be crucial hit to the script, a basic scene. This scene was a good one, and there was no point in deleting it, but it was gone, and you can only see this scene with blu-ray as a extra scene i think? i will put the link in here again, if anyone want’s to see it, it’s really uneccecary to delete this scene, and i know people will understand my point here.
Freddy’s glove making scenes: The movie’s alternative opening this was, and freddy casually makes his glove in that scene, sadly i think this was in the BTS video, so i will link that video in here too, but what i want to talk here is that, if we were to get this scene as a opening, (not dean’s death) this would make the movie actually better. We are talking about freddy here, and if they were going to add the old movie’s deaths then adding this scene would be a cherry on top of the cake. But what did we got? dean’s death infront of kriss, false start characters, and a bad nancy hitting on cinnamon roll quentin. Was this worth it? No. I don’t think this was worth it, even as not for an opening, this could have been added to the scenes where nancy’s mother talks about pre-burned freddy. But no, no no and no we got.
Freddy’s alternative ending: I am so dissapointed for the ending we got in the movie, but this ending? I love this ending, so much, because we have pre-burned freddy, a longer scene with nancy on top of the bed, scaring the shit out of nancy, but at the same time being sexy about it. (I think the scene where freddy moves nancy’s dress up was a reference to freddy vs jason movie.) Nancy was so looking uncomftrable in this scene, crying, and begging to woken up, but even freddy’s hit on her shoulder, she didn’t wake up and this scene was a long good ending, which nancy ends up taking freddy to the real world, with him still looking pre-burned, and nancy puts up a good fight with him, not just a cut throat and being like “oh it’s over!” no, after hitting his gloved hand, she hits him again in the face, making freddy go down from the stairs, starting a fire, then she hits him again, saying “i remember what you did to me.” This makes freddy laugh all while burning, and in pain, “You are my little nancy.” and she burns him again, and freddy, our freddy burns again, hits everything on his path then falls to the ground, why did i explained all of this? cause what we got in the movie was so shitty that i was very dissapointed as a elm street fan, and if we didn’t mind all those deleted scenes, they could’ve make this alternative ending as a movie ending, and people would like it, just because of that ending, and trust me, it’s pretty good, and i hate the fact that they put this on blu-ray as a alternative scene, atleast they thought about the curiosity we would get for the alternative. If you want to see this scene, here, i’ll link it.
Cast: I am going to talk about the main cast in here, and going to give my opinions about them. Don’t worry, i will not say that we need robert in here, but i will touch on him as well!
Jackie Earle Haley as Freddy Krueger: This, here, was the best choice for freddy, and i know some of you will say “oh he was a shitty freddy-” “He can’t be robert englund!” But he was not shitty, putting this aside, Robert liked his freddy, Jackie was so respectfull to Robert’ freddy, and both of them were so good for freddy. Then why people hates remake freddy? Because of the old quotes from the movie, because he’s not a jokester like OG freddy (he does some jokes like: after killing kriss’ dog, he says “i was just petting him.” which was actually funny. The problem was the fact that, people are sensitive af and most of them doesn’t get the dark jokes it seems.) Another thing is that, people shitted about his real person burned make-up, which took 3-6 hours to people to put that make up on jackie, which he said it was hell in short, second, this guy got damage to his eyes thanks to the contact lenses they put on him. The movie stopped thanks to this ‘accident’. One of the lenses were red, and the other one was cloudy, (im going to touch about this for DBD version, don’t worry.) Haley really hated the make-up part, poor guy, he played freddy diffrently but geniune, and for robert, he’s old, 76 years old now, and you can’t push him to play freddy anymore, he would be yes, good, but in remakes, we need new people to play these characters, nobody minded when Halloween 2018 came out, and micheal was played by a diffrent actor. (which not just halloween 2018, in the other movies as well.) When someone played jason in Friday the 13th, He was played by a diffrent actor too. (same goes with micheal’s as well, jason was played by many diffrent actors.) Jackie was the perfect choice, and no one can change my mind about that, he really put his soul to playing freddy, He’s rorschach ffs, don’t shit on him. I want to mention his other movie “Little Children” in here too, “Watchmen” and a show called “Human Target” which was a good show. Check those out if you want to, you won’t be dissapointed.
Rooney Mara as Nancy  Holbrook: first of all, this woman doesn’t like horror movies, at all, on top of this, she didn’t even wanted to play nancy, she gave us this blunt, shaking head nancy that we didn’t needed. As in the alternative ending, rooney did a great job, but for the whole movie, she was the worst main actor that i ever seen, she didn’t suit for nancy- im not saying that our old nancy should be in the movie, no, she got old too, and we needed new characters, so why i hate her? she played nancy like a tree, and she was a disrespectful image for nancy, sorry for rooney fans here, but she was not suitable for nancy at all. I don’t hate her but she really didn’t suit for nancy. They should’ve killed this character and focused on quentin more, that would be a new opening for doors.
Kylie Gallner as Quentin Smith: Lot’s of people thought that quentin was unneccecary for the movie, calling him a emo, or a boy that tries to be good, let this man go please, he was a good character, and was relieving the worst nancy situation here, i wouldn’t even minded if he was the actual main character here, Kylie played him really well, and you feel so sad for him. He was so good in the finding out scene where he confronts his father about freddy, being sad that it was his fault, and all the other childrens fault for freddy’s death. I was stunned by that outcome, and he was really looking mad too, such emotion there, let this cinnamon roll be please.
Dead By Daylight Game wise: I am not here to explain the game, if you are so curious, check out their steam page, it explains most of it, but it’s a survival game, where you avoid killer, do 5 gens with other fellow survivors, and as a killer, killing those survivors and not letting them out. So, freddy’s dlc got out at the time and everyone was happy expect how quentin looked, how freddy’s power was so OP, remember how i said im going to touch about this for freddy’s eyes? yeah, so in the movie, remember how i said one of his eyes is red? the other one is cloudy? in the game, his eyes are just red. Yes, plain red. For quentin’s face situation, his face looked like he was smoking weed non-stop every single day, a crack head for short, they reworked on this because of people hating it, but the rework was bad too, this time looking like a barbie doll, and not looking like kylie at all, which kylie himself pointed out how his character didn’t look like him. Poor quentin. Another thing is that, Freddy’s main power got reworked after complaints that he’s op, now in my opinion, he’s unplayable. (I am a freddy and quentin main, don’t attack me.)  Why? People knows how to counter him now, (kind of) and not all perks work for him, and he might even get a another buff just for the gigs. Cosmetics? Forget about them, you will be not finding a cosmetic for pre-burned freddy, nor quentin’s other casual clothes, nope, this is the only dlc that doesn’t get updated. Even micheal has a hospital cloth ffs, we could’ve get freddy’s pre-burned version, or that hospital scene where he’s all bandaged. 
Good stuff about the dlc
: I tried quentin’s all perks, and two of them works good, especially VIGIL. (im more of a helper in the game so, vigil, borrow time, self-care, are the ones that i go, i don’t change those perks at all.) Freddy’s all perks are good expect remember me i think, was the name of the perk, you hit survivor and get additional seconds for the exit gates, when you have that i don’t think it’ll be a good choice, you can go with his other perk which blocks the both exit gates when you down a survivor after all gens are finished, and hook. 
Bad stuff about the dlc: all the other things. Freddy doesn’t look like remake freddy, on top of this quentin doesn’t look like quentin. Both of them looks similar but nope, they don’t. Freddy’s eyes are wrong, no cosmetics, if you get this dlc, just get it for the perks and character perks, and if you see a guy called quentin playing quentin, that’s me, hi! Like i said, i wish they added cosmetics like: Quentin with his other outfits from the movie or their creations of outfits, some fans created some clothes for quentin too, why not? for freddy, hospital look, pre-burned version, or his gardener look, would be so good and beautiful!
So, this was my review for the movie, and the game itself, do i think that this remake needs a another remake? YES. do i think robert should come back? NO, jackie did a great job. Do i want in game freddy to change to old freddy? hell no! Do i want cosmetics atleast for both quentin and freddy? YES. Remake this remake, add the cutted scenes, and this movie will survive again.
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notanotherockstar · 4 years
‘Forbidden Fruit’
(Headcannons of being Nolan’s granddaughter and dating Charlie Dalton)
Warnings: smut, fluff, dead poets society spoilers
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You meet Charlie at a diner.
And it is in no way like those meet cutes they show in the movies.
You’re just minding your own business and eating your pie waiting for your grandfather to arrive.
Charlie just happens to spot you sitting alone.
Beautiful girl, sitting alone in a booth, eating apple pie, he just assumes that you’ve been stood up.
He just plops down on the seat opposite you.
“Do I know you?” You ask.
He extends his hand towards you. “Charlie.”
“Y/N.” You shake his hand and immediately go back to your pie because pie>>>>>boys.
“So, what’s a beauty like you doing sitting alone in a place like this.”
“Eating pie.”
Charlie laughs, even though he’s confused, because how dare some girl not give into the charms of the great Charlie Dalton.
“Apple?” He asks.
“Yeah.” You answer as you begin to wonder how long he’s going to be sitting here for because your grandfather will most definitely kill him if he saw you two sitting together.
“Can I have a bite?”
“Will that make you go away?”
You push the plate forward and allow Charlie to take a bite.
“This good.” He moved forward to take another bite but you pull the plate back.
You shake your head. “Only one bite. That was the deal. Now scatter.” You motion for him to leave, a cheeky smile on your face and you take another bite out of the apple pie.
“One more bite and I’ll leave.”
“Liar.” You accuse him but push the plate forward anyway.
The two of you end up finishing the pie together so Charlie orders another one.
And then another.
And then another.
And then another.
Till there is no more pie left to order.
So you two end up laughing and bonding over a slices of chocolate cake.
When you’re half way through the second slice of chocolate cake Charlie decides he wants to ask you on a proper date.
But then the worst thing that could happen happens.
Your grandfather walks into the diner .
Charlie’s immediately reaction upon seeing his headmaster outside school is to go hide but he doesn’t he just stays frozen in his seat.
He feels like he’s going to faint when he sees you stand up and hug Nolan.
He sits absolutely still as you introduce Nolan as the grandfather you were waiting for when he first spotted you.
As he sits frozen in the booth Charlie’s eyes flicker between you and your grandfather as he begins to wonder how someone of beautiful and amazing could be related to the man who made his life a living hell for the past six years.
He then stands up and shakes both your hands before announcing that he had to leave since his friends must be worrying about him back in school.
Though it disheartens you, you peck his cheek goodbye.
Just as Charlie was about to step out of the door he turns to look back at you and winks sending an involuntary blush on your cheeks.
“He’s nice.” You tell your grandfather as you two sit down opposite each other in the booth.
“He’s trouble.”
You would soon learn that your grandfather was right.
Denying Charlie Dalton was trouble was just as good as denying that the earth revolves around the sun.
That very night, after dinner, you’re sitting on your bed reading a book when you hear something tap against the bedroom window.
You ignore it as first, continuing to read your book but the noise gets harder and harder to put aside as the tapping continues.
You push the windows open and look down to see Charlie standing there, dressed in his pyjamas and a thick black cloak.
“What’re you doing here, Charlie?” You yell as quietly as possible so as to not alert your grandfather inside the house.
He looks down at his palm and begins reading out everything Knox had told him to say.
Much to his surprise, by the time he was done talking, you were giggling instead of swooning.
“Stay right there.” You tell him before shutting the windows, shrugging on a robe and sneaking out to the backyard where Charlie was waiting for you.
“You’re going to get yourself killed, you know that?” you say as you walk through the freshly grass, the green blades pricking and dampening your bare feet.
“I’ve been told.” A cheeky smirk was painted on his well structured face.
You two spend a good chunk of your night talking. Just talking.
The two of you touch every topic from your love for literature, a general hatred towards almost every other topic taught in school and of course, having very shitty parents.
You guys sat on the grass and talked for hours and hours till your heard your grandfather yelling your name and Charlie was forced to run away.
Of course, Charlie being Charlie would not leave without a grand gesture which came in the form of a fleeting kiss.
“Y/N, what’re you doing out so late?” Your grandfather questions as he flashes the light from the torch on your face.
Still in a daze from Charlie’s kiss the only thing that comes out of your mouth was, “nothing.”
The kiss marked the beginning of not-so-secret secret relationship.
That included a lot of sneaking around the town for dates.
You sneaking him into your bedroom.
And him sneaking you into his dorm room when he’s sure no one else is around.
All the other boys know, of course, mainly because Charlie can’t stop talking about you.
They encourage him to invite you to one of the Dead Poets Society meetings.
“Can’t make women swoon if they aren’t any women.” Cameron says and he has to use all his strength not to punch his roommate in the face.
He isn’t very keen on the idea of sharing you with his friends yet but when he proposes the idea to you you jump at the chance.
Nothing sounds better than reading poetry in a cave in the middle of the night and the chance of getting to make new friends was just the cherry on top of the sundae.
You get along with all the boys almost immediately— except for Cameron. No one likes Cameron.
But the one you bond with most is sweet boy Todd.
You end up sitting between him and Neil during the meeting.
It takes a little while but once you break through this force field Todd created to keep other people out the two of you start talking about poetry and literature as though you did it on a daily basis.
Charlie gets VERY VERY jealous of you and Todd.
He has this murderous look in his eyes every time he hears you laugh at something Todd said.
After the meeting he offers to walk you home while the other boys walked back to school.
The walk somehow led to a weirdly satisfying make out session in the woods.
Which led to weirdly satisfying sex in the woods.
“Bet Todd can’t make you feel this way.” You hear Charlie mumble as the two of you put your clothes back on.
“What?” You laugh. “Charlie is that what this is all about? You’re jealous?”
“No.” He scoffs and helps you up.
“No, it’s alright.” You lock your arm with his as you two walk ahead together. “I think it’s cute.” You poke his cheek making him smile.
Going to more and more Dead Poets Society meetings with Charlie till all the boys simply became family— once again, except for Cameron. NO ONE likes Cameron.
Finding out that Knox helped Charlie organise all his big romantic gestures and dates.
In turn, you help Knox with Chris.
You also help Neil practice for the play by reciting lines with him.
Charlie gets jealous again.
And a jealous Charlie is a clingy Charlie.
So he joins you and Neil during practice.
He rests his head on your shoulder and his arms are wrapped around your waist.
Slowly moves his hand up your skirt and slowly (and discreetly) begins fingering you.
You moan mid line alerting Neil.
He immediately excuses himself out of the room.
You want to be angry at Charlie but don’t get chance since he immediately pulls you into kiss and then fucks you into his mattress.
Helping Charlie with his English homework and other subjects whenever possible.
Mr. Keating definitely knows about you.
Charlie told Keating after he confronted him about the English homework he knew Charlie definitely didn’t write himself.
So when you introduce yourself to Keating the evening of Neil’s play you’re surprised to find out that he already knows you.
Broom closet kisses when you come to visit Charlie your grandfather at Welton.
Even though there’s an excitement to having a secret relationship you want to come clean about it because it can get really stressful at times.
Charlie convinces you to keep it a secret for just a little while longer— at least till he graduates and no longer has to worry about Nolan expelling him if he hurt you in any shape or form.
But you have to come clean anyway once the whole Neil fiasco unravels.
There’s a lot of crying and a lot of begging and a lot of swearing and lot of threats to leave home and country and never return till a deal was finally shook upon between you and your grandfather.
You would leave, go back to with your parents/mother/father in exchange for Charlie retain his position at Welton.
Sadly you couldn’t do anything about Mr. Keating’s job.
It’s a very tearful goodbye between you and the boys.
And an even sadder one between you and Charlie.
He spends the night before you have to leave in your bedroom not caring about the repercussions.
You promise to write every week and call every moment you get and he promises to do the same.
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laionsden · 3 years
I loved loved loved this episode. I mean, John Walker can kindly fuck off making that shitty excuse for a shield, but the rest... it was cinematic poetry.
- the fixing the boat = Sam and Bucky fixing their relationship parallel? Here for it. Give them all the Oscars.
- Bucky being this domestic in Sam’s house? Take all my money, Sir. I’ll buy that photo of him in the couch in every size you have.
- Sam training with The Shield? And his conversation with Isaiah? Mandatory viewing in every school.
- Zemo being Zemo and the Dora Milaje finally taking him there? Torres just being a cinnamon bun? Sarah not selling the boat? They are all cherries on top of that cake, man.
- and John Walker’s delusion of him bEiNG CapTaInN AmUrika...? Well, he got his ass handed to him THRICE.
And that’s it for this week’s tfatws episode *end scene*
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