#and the dream sequences ohhhhhh!
toastysol · 6 months
Oh my god ok I don't hate the Devil ending yet surprise!!!! Haven't gotten all the way through it yet but ohhhh boy this section in the arasaka space station has me losing my shit oh my god
I am imagining this part as its own game. Like it gives such horror game vibes where you're stuck in a loop trying to figure out who you are and who you betrayed and why you're here. Imagine if this was its own game oh my god. I love this I'm so pissed at v but I love this it's so terrible
The fact you can answer almost every question with "Johnny" and when you do v sounds so confused like he can't quite remember who that is I'm going feral I'm running on the walls I'm growling and barking
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aquaquadrant · 1 year
Hey, I recently read through all of the Hels to Pay au, and I really enjoyed it! One part in specific that really stood out to me was the dream sequence is part 4 of From Eden, so I decided to draw it :D
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OHHHHHH MY GOSH look at this!!! oh i love how the red and orange just POP against the black, the contrast is so good!! and ahhhhh poor tango, you really nailed the fear and atlas is SO imposing (love the inside of his coat being red!) i’m happy you enjoyed that scene, it was one of my favorites to write and it means a lot that you were inspired to draw it! thank you so much!!
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dirtyoldmanhole · 9 months
last actual endgame level thoughts (fair warning i'm a bit snarky/don't hold back, putting this one under the cut).
edit: and finished!
.... ohhhhhh that's where the attempt at pathos was (corrin's little dream sequence.)
why is it that the one person corrin has the most genuine chemistry with in CQ is lilith. if there was more to that dream sequence i genuinely would ship those two... kind of already do ngl.... she straight up says she loves corrin... swear to god corrin only has chemistry if it's like high key incesty lmaoooooooo. (so far i genuinely ship corrin with camilia/gunter/lilith LOL).
the 'everybody tells corrin to come back to the living' is. hm. i feel like it would have hit better if you only did characters corrin had an A or S rank support with. waiting for everyone to say their bit was like ... a bit corny.....
i'm. hm. yeah conquest endgame so far isn't doing anything for me (either character/map/plot wise). i'm kind of chuckling irl that everyone was all 'rev sucks, conquest is the best story' and i'm all 'conquest eh, rev GIGACHAD BRAIN' 'this is why i didn't get into fates for ages lol, all the krad brait shit was never talked about' as a secondary thought
takumi's last level map design + cg slightly slaps tho. this should have been in the vallite king level tooooooooooooooo
in the best faith attempt approach, i feel like .... conquest endgame probably would slap emotionally if you were into like, takumi/ryoma/xander/leo which is probably 80% of the players. so i can totally see why they'd sleepwalk through rev's last levels like i'm doing here.
post takumi:
god i was waiting for that, that scene specifically did not miss if only in sheer wtf???? hilarity
hinoka even going 'man i would have cried at that lecture' and 'oh it wasn't that bad it was only a minute or two!!!' from elise
(that scene is x100 funnier if you married him and headcanon that everyone knew ngl)
god i unironically love the bit where corrin head-collided right into camilia's tits in the very last gaddang scene. fuck. that was so derpy/dirty/hysterical? also #big bi mood
(okay seriously though: rev did so much better with the pathos in the crowning ceremony. this route felt like the funny outtakes version? just really weird vibes ngl. i cannot imagine hinoka or sakura being that jokey/lighthearted considering both of their brothers were just killed by corrin and it's just. eeeeech. )
but yeah.
in a nutshell.
i'm glad i finished conquest for completionist's sake but holy hell the vibe of this whole route is [krad on hands and knees thanking the heavens i finished revelation first].
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thisdogpaystaxes · 2 years
Ancient Dreams In A Modern Land by MARINA: Album Review
good evening, the wax pen and salad combo rn keeping me humble.i have only heard one (1) song from this album, so this is a raw dog. lets get into it, one tab for tumblr and the other for lyrics
starting with ancient dreams in a modern land, obviously the statement piece of the first half of the album since it is the album name. such a savvy intro, you know hot people are attracted to this kind of instrumental. she knows what she was doing naming the album after this song. it just screams confidence, independence and self love all laced with the sort of inquisitive energy to make you want to feel how she does (i do the same thing, thats why i know this song already). i love the dreamy contrast of the bridge
moving on
venus fly trap WOW. this is fucking fantastic??? her flow is insane, like the way she will accelerate during bold, !!!! lines, u kno? i fucking love this im going to throw up everywhere. this is so black and white from electra heart, its so beautiful to see her growth while maintaining her unique sound. i adore the sound and lyrics for this one a lot
oh man here we go UMMMMMMM I DONT WANT TO LIVE IN A MANS WORLD ANYMORE GIRLLLLL SPEAK YOUR DREWTH! i appreciate the strict contrast between the chorus and the other lines, and the way the bridge has the softness of the chorus is super important. i love her voice so fucking much
i enjoy not being able to predict her sound or flow based on titles
purge the poison WOWWWW little society song! so contemporary of u marina! i like her flow because shes telling a story and then the chorus is the reminder of the underlying message. i really like this, its not in your face about the messages, they are all really perfectly presented
i like the sequence of notes she hits in the intro to highly emotional people, it really goes with the lyrics and how you feel reading them, but it also provides this really cool form of pathos. something about that pitch creates a feeling of sincerity. its like "its okay to be vulnerable, you need to confide in others, you're loved" like its a really beautiful message, and i really appreciate her dedication to representing mens mental health in her songs like this.
new america is a very very insane switch up from the song before? UHHHH HER SEGWAY INTO THE NEXT LINES... her fucking voice is so god damn insane. this albums theme is definitely social injustice within america. that makes sense too w the album name. love the cohesion, good work marina.
pandora's box i have high hopes for just based on the name and the first lines. i read them before the song changes to try to guess her approach. and see this is not what i'd expect. ok no this.... is painful? wowww the high note for "stacked against the odds" like that screams representation of a crying voice crack and i fucking love it. jesus christ this one is personal i have literally endured this and her voice captures the rollercoaster of emotions you go through when you're this hurt. jesus fucking christ this one is good.
OHHHHHH THIS IS SO ME. I LOVE YOU BUT I LOVE ME MORE? SO FUCKING ME. okay this is so delicious! the fast transition to the lines after the chorus is really cool, its like "wait theres more!!!" i needed this song in 2019 and 2021. i like it a lot, the. guitar adds a very specific angst to the song that i haven't really seen her do before from what i know of her discography
back to slow?
not loving this. i'm gonna cry i know it! this song is giving my ego the kubrick stare. i would never go back to like any of the ppl who have hurt me and songs like this just solidify it for me. like this is exactly why i am emotionally unavailable, i am so into loving myself now bc i had to go through years of dating some stupid spoiled twink. jesus christ i love this song. flowers, you are a great song.
okay goodbye sounds interesting. knew this hard piano would come in! OOOOOOO OK OK OK OK STOP IM NOT DOING OK IM SO SAD IM SO SAD I LITERALLY HAVE TEARS STREAMING DOWN MY FACE THIS IS SO APPLICABLE IM GOING THROUGH THE WORST FRIENDSHIP BREAKUP IN MY LIFE? im so fucking emotional this hurts so bad she fucking gets me! she has this chokehold on human emotion, the way that her voice and instrumental and lyrics are all so beautifully cohesive is genuinely fucking awe inspiring. this song is going to definitely be on repeat. my stomach hurts. i love this song.
no the name happy loner is gay im sorry. but i like the lyrics. i, too, am emotionally on the edge of a knife. wowwww thats really good i have felt that way. that is exactly how i feel every time im depressed. i don't really love this song, i know its probably one that'll grow on me with time for sure.
pink convertible is suuuch a cunt name. i feel like this has to be up beat bc the last song was like heavy. oooooo ok the rhyme scheme in the lyrics is interesting in this one. oh what. so i like the lyrics, not too sure on the presentation. it's definitely like "think about my lyrics" instrumental. like the minimal instrumental until the dreamy chorus is so rad actually. the minimal instrumental is when its like serious and sad. but its dreamy when its addressing that we are living in a fantasy while everything around us suffers for it. okkkk no i like it i like it.
damn okay last one, that was fast. ok girl i seeee u. back to the self love theme, the independence of being a woman. literally like you spirit is so important and i get that righteous sense of "fuck you, i will never be suppressed by anyones actions" vibe that i genuinely fuck with. also like ur a loser if u try to hurt women anyway. women r literally beautiful no matter what, like just their spirit and warm nature is better than words. and then theres fucking men. like.. look at u! hurting the universe's gift. women are the best. i like this song.
great album. 9.7/10.
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sarah-dipitous · 11 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 303
Beat the Devil
“Beat the Devil”
Plot Description: with some involuntary help from Lucifer, Rowena is finally able to open a rift to apocalypse world. But the journey there has dire consequences
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: the only thing that died was the rift with….not enough or not strong enough archangel grace from Gabriel
That dream sequence with Mary and Jack back in the bunker was cruel though. So I guess Sam’s happiness also died a little when he woke up
I get Sam’s reluctance to go try to get some of Lucifer’s grace but with Gabriel’s failing, what choice do you have? Michael and Raphael are dead over here
Gabriel and Rowena are an underrated scene sharing team. Omg they’re checking each other out. Honestly if two characters were going to hook up while the boys decide what to do about the fate of existence, it would be these two
Why is Rowena’s makeup always so gorgeous? The dark green eyeliner is stunning on her, bless the director for insisting on a close up of her eyes
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It was difficult to get this with Meg jumping all over the place but LOOKS
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Castiel averting his gaze after they caught Rowena and Gabriel fooling around 💀 relatable
Lmaooooo Lucifer having to meet up with two people he reeeeeeeeally thought he killed
I guess when there’s only one way you truly die, and the person who’s gonna do it is going to apocalypse world, it’s cool to stay behind with Lucifer
How is Cas some magical apocalypse world gps?
Fuck you, Lucifer. Bringing up what you put her through before breaking out of her magic handcuffs
Ohhhhhh, girly…..you just endangered the whole mission. Ohhhhh, babe, have you developed a conscience? Or at least a fondness for the boys?? You were about to leave…you could have left, but you’re staying to help them
Is it bad that I’m not fazed by this tunnel full of starved vampires?? Honestly, that one reminded me more of gollum than anything…there seems to be one following the group. Are they actually gonna get their own gollum??
I think if they’d gone through something like this earlier in the series before I got desensitized to a lot of this, it would have made me on edge
YO! I was not expecting to watch Sam get bitten and blood gush out of his neck
Cas telling Dean they don’t have time and can’t save Sam 😭😭😭
The change in Dean’s demeanor toward this poor girl…because it’s partially his fault they got caught up in the vampire mess
Noooooo, I mean, yessssss, they found Mary, but Sam’s absence is immediately noticeable.
I hate when Dean cries but at least Jensen is a pretty crier
Nooooooooooo…Lucifer saved Sam…and is the only thing holding a whole nest of vampires from tearing into Sam.
God. The horrible parallel of Lucifer saying he lifted Sam from the darkness and brought him into the light to Cas’s “I’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition” all the way back in season four
Its really not a hard decision though: go with Lucifer to where you were already planning on going OR get eaten by vampires…again
Jack was glad to see Sam 💖 but then Lucifer walks in seconds later
(I’ll do doctor who tomorrow)
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some thoughts bc holy shit:
dream sequences so sexy thank you for ur time (also on that note holy SHIT the moment when she opened the door and saw herself was genuinely so chilling and terrifying wtf)
i love jenna :,)
all the songs were so gooooooood
nOOOOOOOO MO AND EDDIE 😭😭😭 (saw that coming but it’s still sad)
simon baby i’d die for you <3
not me overanalyzing leif’s “they called me coach :0” boy’s got issues and he needs to work through them
its a hard knock life was SO good and SO sexy and the only part of the episode that didn’t tear my heart out
tobin sexist character undevelopment gross >:( ............. but tobin arms hot 👀
god i’m such a leif AND tobin simp oh my god okay last bullet point about hard knock life
i’m love david and emily :D
meh on max right now but. holy shit. oh my god. say something was so good. so fucking good. i almost cried. that song already makes me very emotional for different fandom reasons but ohhhhhh my god. </3
anyways i am SURE there will be more posts but for now i sleep away the emotions and write fanfiction to cope.....
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natsbaby · 2 years
you know what was CRAZYYYY
“What’s about to happen, this is me being reasonable”
“what mouth”
Okay this challenged my memory a bit cuz my first reaction was what mouth???? Then i was like oHHHHHH WHAT MOUTH SO AGATCHU HAHAHAHAHA
DR STRANGE SPOILERS AFTER THE CUT <3 gonna start labeling the posts containing the spoilers so anyone who hasnt watched it yet could block it in the meantime <3
TBH i thought the scene at the temple was such a great battle sequence it was so good and dark!wanda is honestly lowkey scary ☠️☠️ but i think the hotness out-weighted the scary bit and idk why but it was such big brain energy for wanda to touch and manipulate the reflections like ????? Oh my god big brain energy?????
And oh god the what mouth scene was so stupid in a way that he died with his own powers HAHAHAHA but tbh i love that it showed just how strong wanda is as a character even tho she was dream walking the entire sequence like ????? Insane shit and tbh when John suddenly came out as part of the illuminati, genuinely forgot i was in the cinema and not in my room with my brothers cuz i screamed oH MY GOD ITS JOHN KRASINSKI so loudly my brother, who was sitting besides me, had to cover my mouth throughout that fight scene omg especially when captain carter got sliced in half with the shield
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My Reaction to “The Shape of Water”
Hoooo... my body is ready....
*scats along with the FOX theme*
“A Double Dare You Production.”  Del Toro created a slight breach of ettiquette by skipping the single dare and going right for the throat!
Oh this music is so pretty!
That’s it.  I’m downloading the OST like right now
“A Guillermo Del Toro film”  Wooooo!!
They made this movie with only a $19.5 million budget and holy crap it looks amazing
I would love to live in Eliza’s apartment, oh my gosh...
OK, there’s a timer... oh my Gooodd no way...
I mean, at least they address it in not a negative manner.  You do you.
“Time is but a flowing river to our past.”
I like how roomy and kinda cozy Eliza’s apartment is.
The dude [Giles] has two different sets of glasses...
Shirley Temple!
*Eliza starts tap-dancing in the hall*  Oh my gosh I love this movie already
Boy, there is only one “s” in “Mardi Gras.”  Do you not know French?
I love how much green there is in this movie.
These sets are great
This movie just used the term “What in the Sam Hill.”  That’s awesome.
Michael Shannon!
*in best Zod voice*  I WILL FIND HIM!
Did they use whale noises for the Asset?
All the old cars!  All of them!
Wait, is the Richard Jenkins character crushing on the cashier at the pie place?  Oh my gosh, that’s cute.
What’s so wrong with the key lime pie?  Personally, I don’t like pie myself but was there a reason it kinda looked off?
Ginger Rogers?
That horse suit looks horrifying
The colors in this movie are great.  I love when movies are color-coordinated.
It’s like del Toro’s been reading my movie wish list.
That’s an odd looking soap dispenser.
Why is Strickland peeing right in front of them?
“A man washes his hands before or after tending to his needs.  That tells you a lot about that man.  He does it both times?  Points to a weakness of character.”  That’s some insane troll logic
“Short people are mean.”  To quote my sister “Well we are closer to Satan”
Is that... Strickland...
Oh my God, there’s so much blood!
If everyone’s being so secretive about the Asset, why did they leave him in a tank out in the open for Eliza and Octavia to see?
“It’s not bad, isn’t it, for being shit.”  LITERALLY MY MENTALITY WHEN IT COMES TO DOING ART
“That’s the future now:  green.”  Soylent Green?
The prosthetics on @actordougjones look freaking awesome
Did the Asset just fold some of its fins back to look more human to Eliza?
*signs along with Eliza when she says she’s cleaning*
“All those scars on your neck...”  They look like gills...
Michael Shannon’s American accent is actually really good, I gotta say.
*The Asset signs “egg”*  Oh my gosh....  :D
Oh my gosh, all the yellow!
Everyone in Strickland’s family is super gravitated toward Strickland and it’s super uncomfortable
Noooooo....... NOOOOOOOOOOO.....
Oh thank God, the scene’s over
Aaahh, he [the Asset] just said hello!
They’re eating lunch together... this is unbelievably cute...
*uncontrollable smiling*
Oooohhh wipe transition!
Wait, is that Russian?
Yellow!  Yellow again!
Why are the Russians interested in the Asset?
So is Eliza always late to her job because she has to spend time with Rosie Palms?  Now that’s commitment.
Shoot, the egg!
Oh crap, it’s Strickland!
*flinches when the Asset gets electrocuted*
Wait, so the Americans want to use the Asset to win the Space Race against the Russians?
Why do I recognize the guy who plays General Hoyt?
Oh, Dmitri....
I really gotta applaud Sally Hawkins here.  She’s freaking fantastic in this movie.
“When he looks at me, he doesn’t know what I lack... or how I am incomplete.  He just sees me for what I am, as I am.  And he is happy to see me, every time.”  That bit of dialogue is amazing.
Oh crap, it’s not key lime pie.  Something’s up.
Oh, the cashier’s both a racist and a homophobe.  He no good to anybody.
Oh, that’s a nice Cadillac...
I like how they made all the cars look super shiny in this movie
*jams out to “Chica Chica Boom Chic”*
Are those pain pills?
“I [Strickland] keep thinking about you [Eliza].”  EEUUUGGGHHH NOO!!
God, what a despicable character [Strickland]
There’s a poster that says “Loose Lips Might Sink Ships” in the locker room
Strickland’s reading a book called “The Power of Positive Thinking”
Is Dmitri gonna help them out?  Yay!
Richard Jenkins freaking out over the Asset is totally me
Ahhhh, not the Cadillac!
The dude at the Cadillac dealership called Strickland a “man of the future” and his Cadillac- the sign of the future- was just destroyed.  I see what you did there, del Toro.
It’s probably just me, but I can tell it’s definitely Doug Jones in the fish suit.
He just has these really meticulous hand movements and the way he kinda tilts his head to look at things is also a give away
Aaawwww, she got him [the Asset] a card!!!!
What does “MP” stand for?
I like that all the drawings of the Asset are done in charcoal when all of Richard Jenkins’ other art pieces are done in color.
How come no one is commenting on how smelly Strickland’s hands at this point?  They sewed the dude’s fingers back on and they already establish that his hygiene isn’t stellar so shouldn’t he be suffering necrosis there already?
*The Asset finds Giles’ charcoal drawings of him*  That’s it.  You convinced me, movie.  I gotta do some art for this.
Is that Mr. Ed?
Yes.  Yes it is.
Crap crap craaaaaappp!!
Wait, the dude that plays Dmitri is also in Doctor Strange!
That movie’s gotta be “The Ten Commandments”
Oh this whistling music!
What?  He’s glow in the dark?
What is he [Strickland] eating?
Oh my God is this it?
“Why you [Eliza] smiling, hon?”  Cause she went and got it
*Eliza tells Zelda that the Asset has a junk*   AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Ooh, is that marble cake?
Let the man enjoy his cake!
Is that Gilligan’s Island?  Nope, nevermind.
*Strickland tries sniffing his fingers*  OHHHH, WHO CALLED THE NECROSIS?!?
That’s right, me about fifteen bullet points ago!
Noooo they’re flooding the bathroom to do it!
They’re gonna be flooding the theater below!
Oh snap, he [Giles] has hair!
They gonna do it underwater?!?
Close the door!  Thank you!
It’s raining....
Strickland’s secretary must be putting up with the mightiest of bullshits from him
This movie really likes to foreshadow Strickland dying at the end of this movie
Why did they sew his fingers back on in the first place?!?
“Life is but the shipwreck of our plans.”
Awwww, he [the Asset] smiled at her!
TELL HIM [the Asset] YOU [Eliza] LOVE HIM!
*jaw utterly drops during the dream dance sequence*
Please tell me somewhere in the production notes, they said “OK Doug, you gotta be able to dance in the fish suit.  Now go!”
My sister:  Definitely an improvement on *in best Guillermo del Toro voice*  “‘Happy birthday, Doug!  We’re gonna string you up by your balls!’“
*claps hands after every word*  THAT IS HOW YOU DREAM SEQUENCE!!
Uggghhhh, that was so good!
The sound design for this movie is really good too.  Like holy crap.
*imitates Michael Shannon saying “Shut up”*
*beat boxes to the windshield wipers*
Wait, did they [the Russian agents] just shoot Dmitri?!?
*Strickland comes to the rescue strangely*  Oh wow, OK.. oh my Goddd!
*Strickland sticks his finger through the bullet wound in Dmitri’s cheek*  AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH!
OK, Michael Shannon needs to play villains like this.  Pronto.
Did he [Strickland] just leave his fingers on the floor of Zelda’s house?!?
*Giles and the Asset say goodbye*  Aaawww....
*You and me together*   Ohhhhhh my Goddd!!!
*Strickland shoots Eliza*  NOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Boy [the Asset], get back up!
Whoooo, go Giles!
*The Asset slits Strickland’s throat*  Whoooooooo!!!!
Oh, wait, this is the scene with the shot!
[The Asset kisses Eliza]  *softly* Damn....
Oh my gosh, that hug!
[slowly melts to the floor] *softly, with feeling*  That was such a good movie!
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all-things-tmnt · 8 years
Thoughts on “The Tale of Tiger Claw”:
He’s been one of our fiercest enemies since season two, and after so many intense battles, it’s time to finally learn a little bit more about Tiger Claw. When a new and dangerous fox assassin arrives in town with a vendetta against TC, the turtles and their friends set out to uncover just who Tiger Claw is and where he came from. Throw in an ancient curse and an unlikely ally, and we’ve got us one crazy adventure. There’s a lot to look into, so let’s get started. 
Warning: this review contains some pretty SHARP spoilers (like possibly that one), so if you’re not sure if you’re UP TO THE CUT, don’t keep reading.  If you’re ready for a fast-paced fight, watch the episode by clicking here!
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Alopex, Alopex, Alopex, ALOPEX.........
Interesting things:      - Tiger Claw’s room is pretty sweet. And I’m pretty sure he’s using a brick to sharpen his sword. (I know it’s not a brick, but at first glance, that definitely looked like a brick. Hahaaa.)     - Umm...I think it’s canon that Tiger Claw gets high.     - But on a serious note, this scene with the hologram is pretty interesting and I saw we look at it later on.      - “I asked to see Xever and Bradford.” Translation: we haven’t done anything notable in the plot in a while so the writers put us in this episode and Xever and Bradford weren’t in the budget. Lol let’s have fun.     - HIS NAME IS NOW KITTY CAT MAN. DON’T EVER SAY TIGER CLAW TO ME AGAIN. IT’S ONLY KITTY CAT MAN.     - Um.......I think it’s canon that Splinter just got drunk to train with his sons and their friends.       - The fact that Leo just thought that openly running, yelling and trying to stab his dad would work is mind blowing.      - The fact that Splinter spits on Leo is also mind blowing, but in a disgusting way.      - I mean, all things considered, this training scene is hilarious and the boys can’t even beat their dad when he’s wasted. But at the same time, I’m sitting here wondering what in the hell I just watched.      - “Leonardo and Michelangelo have the strongest ability to sharpen their intuition.” I’ve been waiting for this to be openly stated for so long now and I’m just crying because someone finally said it.      - I’m literally just as offended as Casey is, TBH. How do we go from having Casey do great things in one episode to him sucking again in the next one?      - Apritello Shippers – 1; Capril Shippers – 0.     - Apparently Karai and the Mighty Mutanimals are a thing now? Okay?     - “Karai’s not a kid anymore; she wants her independence. I get that.” I wonder what Leo meant by, I get that, because it can mean a lot of things. Like, does he understand her side because he gets what she’s saying or does he himself want independence as well? Either way, nice subtle way to remind us she has reasons for not staying with the boys, EVEN THOUGH SHE SHOULD BE.      - THAT OLD LADY HOLDING ON TO THE LAMP POST FOR DEAR LIFE. BAHAHAHAAAA.      - Super appreciation bullet for Casey still having his race car he made way back at the farm house because they took it with them when they left and I just appreciate that little bit of continuity so much more than I could ever tell you guys.      - I would sell my soul to hear Bebop’s mixtape and for Rocksteady to keep beatboxing.      - “Drop the blades, sweetheart.” Oh, Raphael...wait, how did you know she was a girl?     - Welcome to 2012, Alopex! (I’m sure glad that I have in fact been saying your name correctly all these years!)     - I don’t know you or know anything about you or why you’re here to stop me but let me monologue and tell you all about these two blades. (Kudos for the violent back story, though.)     - ALOPEX JUST STOLE CASEY’S...SHE TOOK HIS...WHICH MEANS SHE GRABBED......ON THE.................OH MY GOD.      - No, Raph, Casey doesn’t need you to help as he gets beaten up.      - That extremely convenient moment when you run into the guy you were going to hunt down right after stealing the weapons you were going to hunt him with!      - Did not notice she was wearing the tail. 10/10, would recommend.      - That fox fast tho.      - Casey actually thanking Raph for saving him instead of making some dumb or stuck up quip. 10/10, would recommend.      - Look, there’s Chompy! Remember him, from last episode?! Remember how he’s important?! Yay Chompy! ........     - I like that little nod they just gave the IDW Raph and Alopex with that line. Hahaaa.     - That awkward moment when there’s Timothy...just waiting for some resolution......     - That poster did not burn...at all. Nor did Casey’s shirt.      - That awkward moment when we have to remember Karai and Casey kissed.      - Does anyone else find it hilarious that the bad guys follow traffic laws?      - Kitty Cat Man and Alopex’s backstory had me hooked until the part when they went from the circus to being total badass assassins happened. then I burst into laughter, because that shot of them in suits was just too much.      - Wait...so if Alopex only took Tiger Claw’s tail...who took his eye?     - Leo is apparently the only one who buckles up in the Shellraiser.     - ......That’s why it’s important to buckle up.     - This Mikey saying they’re okay thing kinda bothered me and I’ll give it a break down later.      - Now how on earth did they know she’d run down there to meet them? This plot is full of conveniences.      - Casey having to dodge death continuously is hilarious.      - Nice guys finish last, Leonardo.      - “The only way to lift the curse is to use them against me.....OR THIS SUPER SECRET OTHER OPTION THAT LEAVES NEITHER OF US CURSED! LOL GREAT RIGHT?!”      - GUYS WE HAVE TO HURRY!!!!!! As they all slowly walk. Bahahahaaa.     - A part of me will always wonder what Tiger Claw would have said to his sister had she let him speak to her...but there’s not enough time in the episode left so we gotta fight it out.      - Omg. There’s more to their backstory. OMGGGGG.     - “Back off, Tony!” DEAD.     - This entire fight sequence is really cool and I loved every moment of it, but the absolute best part throughout the whole thing is Raph just screaming and carrying Bebop while he runs. I was choking I laughed so hard.      - Everybody working hard to keep Casey from dying is so great. Hahaaa. Team work makes the dream work. And keeps the crazy kid alive.      - Love the camera angles when Alopex grabs the ice bullet. Seriously cool.      - OH SNAP. OHHHHHH SNAPPPPPPPPP. OH SNAP CRACKLE POP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     - I LOVE HOW IT JUST ENDS WITH THEM CASUALLY WALKING AWAY AFTER TIGER CLAW GOT HIS ARM HACKED OFF AND ALOPEX JUST GOING  I tried to come up with a pun on how Tiger Claw’s arm got chopped off and tie that in with the break downs, but I couldn’t think of anything so...here’s some break downs.  If you are unfamiliar with Alopex, let me take a second to give those of you a super quick background. Alopex is a fox mutant originally from the IDW series. In the IDW comics, she’s originally a part of the Foot Clan before she changes sides to fight with the turtles, and that’s leaving out so much amazing detail. Needless to say, she has a hugely different backstory/character in the IDW comics, but let’s just say she’s absolutely badass, and if you needed any reason to read the already phenomenal TMNT IDW comics, let Alopex be your reason.(Seriously, she’s one of my favorite characters in IDW.) Right off the bat, we have an interesting scene with Tiger Claw. He’s using a mouser to project an image of Shredder, and he’s interacting with it as if it’s real, which he clearly knows it isn’t (and he’s sniffing catnip which is a whole other topic to touch on, but one I don’t want to get into too much yet until we know more about that). But he’s talking to this Shredder and trying to reason with him. It begs the question, is he practicing to speak to the real Shredder? We’ve seen Tiger Claw throughout the series question some of Shredder’s choices, and he’s openly questioned some of them with little success. Ever since Shredder’s mutation, TC has been very against almost every choice he’s made, and Shredder has never listened to his concerns. So now, we have Shredder pushing himself to dangerous points with this mutation, and Tiger Claw is more concerned than he’s ever been. Knowing Shredder won’t listen, he’s trying to figure out the wording that will bring him success in this endeavor, because it’s so important to him. Say what you will about Tiger Claw, but if he’s anything at all, it’s definitely loyal. Shoutout to Master Splinter for FINALLY pointing out that Leo and Mikey have the most potential of the four, but most notably, MIKEY! We’ve always known that Mikey can be so great, but we get such few glances of his real skills that it’s so easy to forget that fact. On those all too few occasions that we do get to see Mikey be the best (like no one ever was), we can see the truth behind that statement. But I emphasize the “all too few” part of that fact. So for the writers to openly acknowledge that fact for us is like a breath of fresh air. I can’t wait to see Mikey have more great moments.  I think I’m going to start a petition to get Casey the respect he deserves. Honestly, last week, when I finally got to do a break down about Casey doing some things right, I was ecstatic. Now here I am having to complain about him again. He’s shoved aside and made off to be the character that screws everything up. I mean, the line when Splinter basically says Casey has no intuition whatsoever? I was lowkey offended. Casey has done some awesome things in this series so far, and he definitely has skills as a fighter. So to say he’s void of intuition is pretty hard to take with a grain of salt. Writers, PLEASE give Casey some love. I really want to like this version of him, and you guys are making it so hard.  Remember the good old days in season one, where our existence was supposed to be a super secret and it was absolute law that no human could see us? Remember how much fun and more suspenseful and more overall ninja-y that made the show? Remember how three season later, they have no qualms about showing themselves to humans? Does that bother anyone else or is that just me? Because seriously, I get that the people of New York are aware of mutants and all of those things now, but I wish the boys were a bit more concerned with keeping their existence a secret like they used to be. Mikey just openly greeting the truck driver dude kinda killed me.  I wish I had a better sense of who Alopex is, but we’ve seen very little of her. She clearly values honor and wants to distance herself from a life of doing bad things, but she’s also incredibly loyal to her family. Her and Tiger Claw’s past still have a lot of mystery to it, and I hope we’ll get to see more of it. Alopex has a lot of potential to be a great ally to the turtles. So far, I like her. Let me see her again, though.  Lastly, Kitty Cat Man seems to have lost something... Seriously, I’m pretty impressed they went through with the violent action of severing his arm straight off. Of course we don’t see blood, but you can see the inside of his arm in one shot, which was nuts. I mean, seriously...2012 has turned it up. I haven’t kept it a secret that season four has failed to impress me on a lot of levels, but they’ve definitely hit their stride with getting darker and doing more violent things, which is how this show has always needed to be. There is a saying that if you live by the sword, you die by the sword, and it’s nice to finally see these consequences playing out. Plus, it’s definitely going to be interesting to see how Kitty Cat Man recovers from this. How will he go on fighting? Will he get a replacement arm? I can’t wait to look more into this.  So let’s end this with some final thoughts. I enjoyed this episode overall. It wasn’t my favorite by any means, but I liked it a whole lot more than last week’s. I’ve been waiting to hear Tiger Claw’s backstory since he was introduced, and it’s so much more complex than I imagined it would be...and there’s still parts we don’t know! What happened to and and Alopex’s parents? So much mystery...but this episode does something great; it makes us excited about one of our major villains all over again. Tiger Claw had kind of faded into the background for me, but I’m pumped about him all over again. There are a few things this plot falls short on, and definitely a few weird moments, like Splinter drinking and Tiger Claw...getting high. Casey’s role was a bit of a let down for me. I wish we had more time to get to know Alopex. All in all, this episode is REALLY fast-paced, and it doesn’t leave a lot of time to absorb everything we see happen. Here’s to hoping we’ll get to know our fox mutant friend more in the future! Her character has potential.And let’s acknowledge that 2012 has gotten so bold as to cut off Tiger Claw’s arm. What does that means for his future role in the series? So much to think about! But for now, let’s close out this episode with a solid 7/10.  And now, we’ve come to the the end of a season...there are only two episodes left, and with titles like ˆRequiem” (which means a celebration for the dead and/or an act of remembrance) and “Owari” (which literally means the end), I have a feeling 2012 is about to close out this season with a lot of pain and loss, and hopefully some resolution. It’s time to take the Super Shredder down once and for all, and we’ve got to go all out. We’ve got a few days before all things come to an end for season four, so let’s discuss this last regular episode while we’re all still emotionally alive. What did you guys think of Alopex? How did you feel about the episode overall? Any theories? Let me know  here. Previous review for Tokka VS the World here. All season four reviews here. All episode reviews index here. Podcast review here.
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