nightsnonsense · 3 years
like ??? how r u gonna tell me how to pronounce my own name ?????
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nightsnonsense · 3 years
i just think characters who are kind & gentle doctors/scientists are inherently gay. mad scientists are also inherently gay. science is gay
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nightsnonsense · 3 years
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Atlantis: The Lost Empire 2001, dir. Gary Trousdale, Kirk Wise
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nightsnonsense · 3 years
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nightsnonsense · 3 years
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second version, needs a wizard stick!!
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nightsnonsense · 3 years
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in your room
where souls disappear
only you exist here
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nightsnonsense · 3 years
Whose Job Would That Be?
I’m doing my best to inoculate PJ against conspiracy-style thinking. I mention Occam’s Razor every chance I get. I also told her this story from my first years on the job, when I and everyone else at my level was really worried about promotion.
There was a colleague who had come in a year ahead of me who was very nervous about whether she was impressing the higher-ups enough. She absolutely did not need to be; she wound up getting a better job at a better place; but for whatever reason, her thinking about promotion had taken on a paranoid cast. Every year they held a reception for our section which a lot of us blew off. She told me never to blow it off because of the name tags. They made name tags for us, and if you didn’t go, you wouldn’t pick up your name tag, and then when they looked at the name tags left over after the party, they’d know you hadn’t been there, and it would be a held against you later.
I was like, well, she’s been here longer, maybe this could be true…and then I asked myself a question that I think would kill most conspiracy theories if you could get people to ask it:
Whose job would that be?
Someone would have to be in charge of collecting the unsued nametags, making a list, and then either recording that list in some database or transmitting it to someone *else* who would record it. Whose job description would include that? The people who generated the nametags were not the same people who cleared up after the event. Getting the information about who didn’t show from the staff at the event to the people who made the promotion decisions would involve a chain with several links in it. I couldn’t see anyone deciding that it was a good idea to add any of this to anyone’s workload. 
You can try this on any conspiracy theory. For instance, that Bill Gates has somehow implanted individual microchips in COVID vaccine. OK. Whose job would that be? Who’s the Vice President for Universal Vaccine-Enabled Surveillance? Who’s their liaison at Moderna? At Pfizer? At Johnson & Johnson? How do they ensure there’s only one chip in each dose? Do they have to train the people who administer the vaccine on this? Whose job would that be?
I don’t know, I just feel like if people were more aware of the fact that every product they handle had to be created by human labor, maybe they would not buy so much of this bullshit. But then maybe I am preferring a complex solution to a simple one. 
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nightsnonsense · 3 years
call me ignorant but i genuinely don’t understand why sports have to be split up by gender.
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nightsnonsense · 3 years
BURN FOR YOU - OC Animatic
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nightsnonsense · 3 years
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nightsnonsense · 3 years
A drone has crashed into Iceland's spewing Fagradalsfjall volcano, with its final spectacular moments being captured on video.
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nightsnonsense · 3 years
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女神のレリーフがあるホテル→詳細 Abandonded hotel with the relief of the goddess.
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nightsnonsense · 3 years
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zevranes answered: anything mass effect-y? maaaaybe? :3
hi ill tell you guys a secret the only thing i wanted at the end of me3 is adopted krogan babies
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nightsnonsense · 3 years
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Playing Mass Effect 1 like…
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nightsnonsense · 3 years
I’m reading about fungi on Wikipedia and what the fuck
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nightsnonsense · 3 years
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nightsnonsense · 3 years
sometimes I think about how brussel sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collard greens, savoy cabbage, kohlrabi, and gai lan are all the same species, and i understand why biologists are constantly furious about taxonomy
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