#and the catgirl estrogen
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wanderer-of · 10 days ago
This was me at the endocrinologist
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catsonja · 3 months ago
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5 months on Estrogen will make a Girl happier than ever at 32 years old
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itisappo · 2 years ago
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fucking stupid june egbert catgirl mspaint drawing i did
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sepiapol · 2 months ago
Listen, just because she didn't originally express any desire to be a girl or transition before I got to her doesn't mean her happiness isn't genuine okay? Look how happy she is. Yeah sure maybe I slipped that estrogen in her food without her consent and yeah sure I did make her listen to subliminal files that would rearrange her pliable little mind, but right now she's having her time of her life and it's not right for you to intefere. Look at her, giddy at trying out her new dress in front of her mirror (a dress that I paid for by the way, so really she should be grateful).
What's that? You tried to talk to her to get her opinion and she just meowed instead? Yeah that's how she is now. Something to do with the files I made her listen to. When I downloaded a file called catgirlificaiton.mp3 (sic) I thought the catgirl part was like, symbolic. Like, she would be into wearing cat ears and collars and stuff. Turns out she has forgotten human speech. Hey, hey! Give me a break okay? I'm doing my best here!
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machathemorrigaesystem · 4 months ago
shoutout to when we reblogged this like, 10+ times
Reblog to Estrogenize Prev*
*Cis men are welcome to reblog this, but be aware that those labels may not last :3
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i-like-forcefem · 4 months ago
The fun thing about DMing in Roleplaying games is just how easy it is to mess with your players!
Present them with a pink glowing potion and they’ll gulp it down in an instant! Surprised to find their character in a new female form!/
Add a suspious lever on the dungeon wall that opens a trapdoor into a Rube Goldberg machine dressing you in the cutest clothes!
Place a magic mirror they can step through to transform their character to their ideal form! (Which just so happens to be a catgirl!)
My players eventually got so cautious about avoiding the traps in the game that they were obvlious to the traps I set in real life
The pink bracelets I’ve gifted them, that they always wear as a symbol of our bond
The little snacks I backed Estrogen into
The superstition I introduced that the more femme your clothes are, the better your roles will be, leading to everyone only wearing skirts
Next session I’m planning to have the players finally confront the big bad I’ve been building up over the last couple years, a multidimensional demon who turns adventures into obedient pets
And let me tell you I’ve got adorable collars prepared for my little critters to be
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g0rebaited · 6 days ago
first ever DoL ocs / pcs yap post... there are so many words full of my love for them... aauhhhhggg.. im very new to posting on tumblr this is scaryyy..
anyway here's the two of them !
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(i didn't even realize they were both rocking the blue top + green bottoms until making this post omg.. couple goals fr)
alright so. Eidy.
Eidy is a girl w the cat tf, but also a crossdresser for the fun of it, he goes by any pronouns but generally is viewed as a guy (as intended) and ends up hearing he/him more than anything
Eidy does NOT live in the orphanage, has never even seen Bailey before, but does go to school. sometimes. most of the time he's in the moor, in alleyways or in the forest, looking for stuff to sell at the museum. (he knows abt the landfill and the potential goldmine there, but he's bad at talking himself out of situations so he just avoids it..)
if there is one thing Eidy is good at it's running away from situations. he can't talk himself out of anything but you bet he can out-run most people. and if he can't out-run them he can probably find something to climb up on.
he makes himself scarce SO quickly. avoids any and all confrontation if possible.
but that also makes it so that he doesn't really Know anyone, and nobody really knows him. sure, people have seen him around town in the alleys and at the museum, but Eidy doesn't really make contact with people. the only people he's made contact with are Winter (history teacher/museum), Gwylan (forest shopkeeper), Great Hawk (only briefly a few times) and Nasha (the other pc / oc)
Eidy has no friends fr
he's rlly into history and historical artifacts !! and that means hes also drawn to the lake. bc of the rumors that go around yk
but he does not like swimming at all so he doesn't know whether the rumors surrounding it are true or not…
he's also just very hairy. but all dol mods seem to be afraid of body hair. not that you'd be able to see it bc he's covered from head to toe BUT STILLL it's an important detail </3 !!!!!!
Nasha !!!
her lore is a lot more complicated than Eidy's...
Eidy's lore is basically just "catgirl moves to DoLtown and crossdresses. likes history. doesn't interact w ppl much" and then Nasha comes in with identity theft, coercion, human experimentation, etc etc
Nasha is the result of human experimentation done by Harper and their associates at the asylum; Nasha used to be just some very unfortunate dude who had his brain turned to mush by Dr Harper, this resulted in Harper being able to "create" a new person, which was Nasha as we know her now
Harper mostly left Nasha alone, though, as she was more of a side-project 😭 (after it was clear she'd become a success) but that allowed her to become her own person rather than Just Harper's Creation
Harper DID make sure to encourage Nasha to dress up and dye her hair n use makeup and all that, because the guy that 'owned' the body before is literally gone, that dude straight up doesn't exist anymore and now Nasha is piloting his body
so the identity theft was accidental (on Nasha's part), the coercion is entirely on purpose bc Nasha 'gets' subjects for Harper to experiment on, and the human experimentation is what she's a result of + smth she participates in by proxy
i would not say Nasha is a trans woman though, bc she never had the experience of being perceived as male, despite being in a male body
she doesn't rlly gaf tho, Harper gives her estrogen and money in exchange for a job well done, and furthermore she's free to do as she wants
(the estrogen's cause she does wanna look more feminine !! but that's an aesthetic preference rather than an actual gender thing
and i know the difference because i transed my gender 🔥🔥🔥)
she made friends with Eidy when he ended up in an alley near a house party, where she approached him bc she assumed he was 'like her' (he isn't)
they hit it off quite well, though ! Eidy knew things Nasha was interested in, and Nasha was just incredibly gorgeous to Eidy
Nasha DOES actually go to school, unlike Eidy who doesn't pull up most of the time. Nasha doesn't go to school on fridays though (her work day)
it does get her in trouble (bc of the missed tests) and so she usually has to stay extra long on mondays or thursdays
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annarchorose · 22 days ago
i think i can obtain my ideal physical form by a mix of fairy estrogen and purrgesterone (becoming 5 inches tall and a catgirl fairy)
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red-jaw329 · 1 year ago
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*shakes bottle of Estradiol like a bag of treats.*
Here kitty kitty!
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stealthrockdamage · 1 year ago
hey whats unjust depths
really good webserial about communists fighting for justice in a post-apocalyptic world where the surface of the earth is unihabitable and everyone lives underwater. takes a lot of inspiration from space operas and mecha. it's extremely transgender and gay, explicitly (one of the first scenes involves one of the protagonists taking her estrogen and fucking her wife. this was done On Purpose to set expectations LOL)
there is yuri cannibalism, there are mech battles, there are muslim catgirls, it's got literally everything. it's peak. and everyone should read it. that stuff is all awesome but beneath that i just think it handles its politics in a way that is Smart As Hell
i could say more about what i love about the way it's written but my hands are cold from walking around outside so i gotta stop typing ;w;
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transrinhoshizora · 4 months ago
If you had to rank the Niji girls based on how trans they feel to you, how's it lay out?
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Karin, Emma and Kanata invented being transgender so everyone should thank them.
Yu is Yes. Everything. But also nothing? Whoulgh??
Rina is a trans catgirl who sleeps in a cardboard box. Her estrogen pills are shaped like little fishes.
Mia "The Egg" Taylor.
Setsuna isn't really fussed about zer gender per se but loves neopronouns because they sound cool. And xe's correct.
I don't really pick up The Vibes from Shizu, Lanzhu, Ai, Pom or Shio but I still have faith in them.
Am I being too mean to Kasu? I swear it's out of love
(This isn't so much a ranking as it's more a rough categorization)
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lambthatistrans · 7 months ago
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catgirls when you shake the bottle of estrogen pills
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catsonja · 8 months ago
progress on estrogen:
ordered on website after getting just enough money to get 4 packs of Estrogen. i still have to wait for the payment email to actually pay them tho. also this is gonna drop my bank account to 0, AND my EBT card is already empty for JULY.
so i definitely need more money URGENTLY:
RENT: $550
DENTAL: $3300
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flagellant · 2 years ago
okay but are people actually brewing their own testosterone or is that just another instance of people overgeneralising "estrogen" as "hormones", because I've been following anti-civ stuff for a while and I have literally not ever seen a serious discussion of T production
i would hazard a guess that people are actually brewing their own testosterone to a far lesser degree than estrogen but the focus should be less on "are people brewing their own testosterone or is this just overgeneralization of estrogen as hormones" and more "estrogen is legal to get mailed with catgirls on it to your doorstep and testosterone is a schedule III classified drug, and many of the struggles of anti-civ T production are literally innately anti-civ talking points
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spectrechosts · 5 months ago
The Unlimited Power Of The Sun - Chapter 3
The Kitten Crusaders awaken in captivity! How will they ever escape such menacing foes?
Full Series
Kitten Crusader Salmiak stirs, coughing hoarsely.
"Ope, here you go."
Someone shoves a cold bottle into her hands, and she eagerly uncaps it and gulps down the icy water. She stretches and blinks the bleariness from her eyes, examining her surroundings.
She's in a large, rather barren room. The other Kitten Crusaders are here too, in various states of wakefulness, and so is-
"Were-Bear?" She croaks, throat still a little scratchy.
"Hi!" Says Were-Bear, giving a slight wave as she continues handing out water bottles. "Is- Is everyone feeling okay? Any nausea?"
The Kitten Crusaders murmur amongst themselves, a wave of shrugs passing through the group.
"Good!" Were-Bear chirps, relieved. She clears her throat and takes a small cue card from her pocket. "Hello Kitten Crusaders." She recites, slow and flat. "You have been captured by your eternal nemesis…es, the Polycruel. Pause for- oh."
She pauses, while all the Kitten Crusaders watch expectantly.
"Hi Were-Bear!"
"Hi Tortie! Um, I- I have to pause to let you all cower."
Nobody cowers.
"When can we leave?" Asks Kitten Crusader Orange.
"That's, um. That's later on the card. I'll just keep going."
Were-Bear's intimidating figure is vastly undercut by her persistent stage fright when it comes to villainous speeches. She continues, tail between her legs.
"Our dastardly plan to harness the power of the sun has defeated you with ease, and you are now fully at our mercy. Please turn your attention to the projector screen on the wall."
A projector clicks to life, and the Kitten Crusaders look at the slide being shown on the wall, titled: 'A Full And Irrefutable Explanation On Why Puppygirls Are Better Than Catgirls And Also Why Tabby Should Give Puppyghoul Her Comfy Skeleton Sweater Back - By Puppyghoul'.
"I told her I don't have her stupid skeleton sweater, she probably just shoved it to the back of her closet and forgot." Tabby says, rolling her eyes.
Salmiak is pretty sure she saw Tabby wearing it last week.
"The presentation will play on repeat, and there will be a quiz tomorrow. Once you have all demonstrated your full understanding of the subject, you will be released. Ask if they have ques- uh, does anyone have questions?"
Calico raises her hand.
"Yes, Calico?"
"Orange needs to take her estrogen when she wakes up, did you take it when you captured us?"
"Oh, um, no. I can share some of mine I guess? …Salmiak?"
"Why are you called Were-Bear when you're a werewolf?" Salmiak asks. She's new to the Kitten Crusaders and she's been wondering this since she first read about the Polycruel.
"Well, I'm like, not the animal bear but the big and hairy and gay type bear, and I thought it rhyming was fun."
"Oh. Cool!"
"Any more questions? Tortie?"
"You did a really good job on your speech, Care-Bear." Tortie coos, and Were-Bear blushes and wags her tail.
"Tortiiiiie, not at woooorrk…." She whines, smiling.
"I mean it! Everyone, tell her what a good job she did!"
"You did so well!"
"We were really scared!"
"Awwww no stopppppp-" She whimpers, as the catgirls surround her.
"Who's a good girl, Care-Bear?" Tortie asks, rubbing Were-Bear's tummy, and instantly the large villain falls to her back, tail wagging furiously. "Who's a good girlllll?"
Were-Bear just squirms wordlessly as the other Kitten Crusaders join in petting her.
"Good girllll!"
"Such a good girl!"
"You're a good girl!"
Tuxedo silently searches Were-Bear's pockets, producing a carabiner that holds the keys to their makeshift prison. While Tortie stays behind to keep her distracted, the rest of the Kitten Crusaders stealthily make their escape.
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kittehxx · 1 year ago
Hey wouldn't it be crazy if I made a post to pin? I think it might be crazy to make a post to pin. Yeah that'd be pretty crazy huh
Anyway uh... I'm definitely not trans, nope nope nope, just a very cis male that doesn't have any estrogen or she/her pronouns or fem clothes or fem name or general fem presentation
Also definitely not a lesbian, like I don't think girls are cute at all, and I don't like yuri, and I certainly don't wish I had a girlfriend or anything like that, wouldn't even dream of it nope nope nope
I'm also not ace, like I've sexed probably tens of millions of people (note to self: check whether that's a realistic number), and like also look at that large quantity of sexual posts on this blog that definitely totally exist for sure
Um uh... I'm very much not autistic, like if you take one single look at anything I've posted/reblogged you'll see how typical my neuro is (abnormally typical, in fact), so call my neuro a solenoidal vector field with how zero its divergence is
Then of course I'm definitely not a catgirl, nope I don't even own any cat ears (and certainly not multiple pairs, nope never) and I've never once meowed or purred in my life, either online or irl, nor do I desire headpats :3
And I don't play video games, in particular I haven't been obsessed with genshin for the last several months. I mean like why would anyone want to play a fun game filled with so many cute girls? Certainly not me.
Last but not least I despise music with a burning passion. I certainly would never be a fan of prog rock/metal or anything else cool like that. And I definitely don't play any instruments, such as guitar or drums or whatever. Nor do I write music ever, absolutely not, seems incredibly boring and unfun.
So yeah that's all stuff that doesn't describe me at all, and in fact actually describes someone who's basically the exact opposite of me, so I guess that gives you a little idea maybe of who I am
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