#and the amnesia fic i thought i wasn't actually going to write
lizhly-writes · 3 months
Belated request for [REDACTED] for the WIP Wednesday game, please!
HAHA. hi there. it's been a while.
Right. So, probably the first thing he had to do was get his amnesia fixed.
Unfortunately, there were a million ways he could have gotten amnesia to begin with. Sure, maybe he had hit his head somewhere, and subsequently forgotten his entire life -- just like in the novels! -- but with the existence of qi, he had a shit-ton more options.
The fact that he didn't seem to have any actual injuries didn't actually rule out "oh no, my concussion has ruined me", due to the healing rate of an experienced cultivator, but it still didn't seem likely. If it had really been as bad as an injury as that, then shouldn't he have woken up to medical attention instead of in his bed like everything was normal?
So far he was leaning towards a number of astoundingly weird plants. Possibly more than one, concentrated into a poison. What kind of poison? Haha, he wished he knew. This would be easier if he could narrow down who wanted to poison him, but hey! Shang Qinghua was a popular guy! Lots of people wanted to poison him!
It was. Kind of a lot of people, actually. Wow, he was good at making enemies. Was this something else he should be proud of? It was almost impressive! He figured it was easy enough to inspire social awkwardness, but who knew it was just as easy to inspire hatred? Lots of hatred! Enough hatred to serve as motivation for murder!
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takeariskao3 · 7 months
WIP tag
Thanks for the tags @nodirectionhome-ao3 & @missgryffin!!! both of you are incredible writers and i am just chuffed that you thought of me. <3
List the titles of your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends!
my wips (and the fact that they are still wips and not finished) make me so sad but we're working through it. also the priority levels have changed massively in the past week or so (whoops)
already gone--amnesia hinny au, ginny wakes up without six years of memory and no context for the world she finds herself in
the path from you-- a post-war hinny au/bodyguard fic, ginny is receiving anonymous letters and harry gets assigned to her case... will their shared history get in the way of solving the mystery?
love wasn't designed for the cynical-- (not posted/oneshot) amnesia/timeloop percabeth au, percy pisses off hera (again) and gets stuck in an alternate universe where he and annabeth never got together. he has to relive the same day over and over with no idea how to get out
spring fever-- a/b/o & sex pollen hinny au, a mutation in the cherry blossoms reactivate a long dormant biological reaction and humanity dissolves into a sex crazed pandemic. through absolutely no fault of their own, harry and ginny end up riding out the stay at home measures together... and maybe, accidentally, trigger each others designations
it's a match!-- (not posted/oneshot) an epistolary (text fic/socmed au) where harry and ginny keep matching across all dating apps over the span over several years. will they ever move past their casual acquaintanceship and actually go on a date?
scenes i'm excited to write:
harry takes ginny to the holyhead harpies stadium. ginny has some expected, and some unexpected, interactions
i'm really looking forward to writing the entirety of chap, 19 to be honest, but specifically harry and ginny trying and failing to have a secret relationship
mr d knows exactly what's going on, and refuses to help percy even a little bit lmaooo
spring fever is tough. i feel like the smut i'm writing right now isn't hitting the plot beats that i want so i am taking a SHORT break from it and focusing on some other things that have more momentum. but i'm excited to write harry and ginny going into a full sex fog and this fic finally earning it's dubious consent tag
i made the graphics so all i have left to do for this one is format the messages... and i'm actually not looking forward to this part because it's so time consuming and trial and error and it's frustrating for me so that's why i haven't posted it yet whoops.... other than that it's done 😅
my plan was to update already gone next but as always i will honor the results of the sacred tumblr poll
tagging: @thenicestthingiveseen @displayheartcode @brightlybound @starlingflight @nena-96 @celestemagnoliathewriter @corneliaavenue-ao3 @four2andnew @historyevolving @ginnyw-potter @greenhousethree
(sorry if you've already been tagged)
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andastartosteerherby · 11 months
I'm updating it everyday, because time crunch.
(Mostly Bingqiu/Bingyuan, Unless Tagged)
*Different Endless Abyss
Guess I'll Die - Shen Qingqiu goes to the Endless Abyss.
Speak No Evil - SQQ gives up his voice to stop Endless Abyss. It happens anyway.
Night of Yearning - Luo Binghe forgets Shen Qingqiu.
*Jinlan City Goes Differently/Different Reunion/Different Rebirth
High Mountains, How I long
Dew Over - Shen Qingqiu is reborn in the mushroom body and tries to live as Peerless Cucumber.
Honesty is Such a Lonely Word - Shen Qinqiu faces the trial, and Old Palace Master uses a truth-finding artefact.
*Time Loop/Time Travel
Just Like A Monkey (I've Been Dancing My Whole Life) - Instead of being reborn after self-destructing, Shen Qingqiu keeps coming back on the Stairs of the Brothel in Jinlan City.
Master of Dual Cultivation Series - Shen Yuan reboots his time in PIDW. He is traumatised and less happy-go-lucky. This one is multi, with Liu Qingge and Yue Qingyuan getting more focus uptill now (in the first two stories) but Luo Binghe is important too.
*Shen Jiu and Shen Yuan
Deluxe System 2.0: Co-op Mode!
Found Brother Shen brothers.
A-Yuan Has at Least Three Friends - Shen Qingqiu turns into a kid with both Shen Yuan and Shen Jiu's memory. They are the same person.
Replacement Head Disciple Shen Yuan - Set after the Abyss, before Binghe's return. Shen Brothers.
*Epic (These fics are longer and plot-heavy, and won a special place in my heart)
You Reap What You Sow - Luo Binghe is the transmigrator. I thought it would be so-so, but turned out to be one of the best ones I've ever read. Also has Shen brothers.
Xiangyang - When you are born as the daughter of your murderer, what do you do? A question for the ages. No active pairing, original LBH and his harem is present.
Uprooted - Shen Yuan transmigrates as a minor villain in PIDW. Except he's not.
To Stem the Coming Tide - Shen Qingqiu learns about Shang Qinghua a bit earlier, and they plot to avoid their fate. No Endless Abyss.
I Wish You Were My Husband - The epickest of epics. It produced a number of spin-offs of it's own. Maybe I should put them under separate sub-headings when I have time. Bingqiu main pair, but has past yuejiu and hints of one-sided liushen.
A Wish to Change Fate - A great fanfic to IWYWMH. Shen Yuan is actually Shen Jiu's reincarnation. This fic touched my heart in all the right ways, gave me things I didn't even know I craved. Someday I should write about it in details. Hings of Bingjiu/Bingyuan (since both are the same).
No Wish for the Wicked - Shen Yuan wasn't around to take the place of Shen Jiu. Sad.
to love another (and to learn yourself) - Bingge tries to get his own Shizun and brings a Shen Yuan. Even without his cultivation power, Shen Yuan is not a pushover. Binggeyuan.
How to Train Your Shen Qingqiu - Another piece I ignored for a long time, but turned out to be very good. I need to reread it.
I usually avoid wips, but here are some of the best ones I read:
I Was Transmigrated as a Sword (Gen up till now)
Lotus Seeds - Shen Yuan runs away to save himself from the horrible fate of the Scum Villain - to the realm of the Lotus Eaters.
Scum Villain's Book of Prophecy - Shen jiu reads PIDW and learns the future. Original Luo Binghe/Original Shen Qingqiu. Almost finished, epic length.
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jonjaydami · 4 months
Small fic idea that's been haunting me of superbat but I havnt had the time to write it out so I'm just posting it here for future reference and before I forget it.
Clark had walked out of the meeting. Almost slamming the doors behind him. But there wasn't even a need to grab them. The doors closed automatically and half of the base didn't even have doors to entryways. He had grabbed them anyway, forcing then closed before quickly leaving to escape to the roof.
His heart was pounding, drowning out sounds and blurring everything together as he let the setting rays of the sun hit suit. He let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding as he sank to the edge. The concrete was cold to the touch as he settled uncomfortably. Almost like he was going to dart off the edge at any moment. But he wouldn't do that. Not that it would do anything. He would most likely go home to his....apartment.
He almost flinched at the thought. Unwanted memories trying to make their front way to his skull. He wanted to beat those thoughts, put then in a bottle and throw them so far they flew into space. But he couldnt actually do that. Maybe he could ask J'onn to erase them or even alter them so they didn't hurt.
However, on the other hand. They comforted him. Those memories of what he had for the last couple of months brought him comfort in his lonely apartment when he couldn't sleep at night, especially when he was missing a certain warmth next to him. It had only been a week since their amnesia had warn off. Only a week of agonizing pain of trying to adjust to his life without ever having dated Bruce. It was horrible to say the least.
He couldn't text or call him about dinner or whose house they would be sleeping at. No more long weekends spent in pajamas and watching old romcoms. No teasing remarks from the kids...not his kids, not any more. They only belonged to Bruce. He gripped the edge of the building. He could feel it Crack under his cold fingers. Cold...everything felt cold.
Bfffttt that's pretty much it I have right now. Maybe I should continue it. But basically the idea is that Clark and Bruce were brainwashed and forgot who they were. When the league found them and informed them they would find a way to get their memories back they tried their best to fit in and live normally but they ended up growing closer as they tried to figure out who they were and eventually they fell in love and started dating. After about 4 months the league was able to get their lost memories back.
Bruce being who he is breaks up with Clark for bat reasons. Jk-he breaks up with him because of their identities and becuase of his paranoia and safety. Which leads to the small tidbit I wrote above. No worries they eventually in my idea at least sort everything back and obviously get together buuuut maybe I will write it out now that I got that down. Writing heartbreak is fun after all.
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taddymason · 3 months
Hi! Got a few asks hope you don't mind
What originally gave you the idea of creating the Dad Jay Au?
2. What's your favorite scene from the first book (sorry, can't remember the name) in the Dad Jay Au?
3. Does Jay have a favorite memory with Kaida?
4. How old do you think Jay is in DR? I seen some people say he's late thirties and others say late twenties.
5. What exactly is Kaida's elemental power? I can't remember the name but I do remember what is looks like and how it kinda works
Hope this wasn't to many asks, I saw some of your art and suddenly was reminded how awesome Kaida was so I thought 'why not learn more about her and the Au'
Hii! Thanks for the asks!:
As soon as the amnesia Jay leak came out, I was feral because I had so many ideas. Jay having amnesia and being a secret agent in mysterious kingdom? That had so much potential, so I wanted to write a fic about it even before the season came out. Which resulted in some discrepancies with the Administration of the the show, considering that in the first part of the AU it's its own kingdom, it's more military and all the agents are a little more competent, but, eh, I'm glad I wrote it sooner. At the time I made this conceptual art, and that's when I had the idea of Jay having a teacher-student relationship with a girl in the agency. And originally, that fic was going to be a one shot simply showing how Jay was adapting to living in the Administration, Jay and Kaida's relationship was not going to be the focus and was going to be something more secondary. Then I thought among all the distressing theories of Jay meeting the ninjas, about the power of; Hey, what if Jay actually manages to start a family in all those years? So from then on I wanted to develop a whole au exploring that possibility and what would happen if Jay had adopted a child like the others did in DR.
The scene of Jay teaching Kaida how to drive in chapter 3 and the hug between these two in chapter 4. Here I explain a little more why I love these scenes so much
Prob the first time she played a video game after they managed to get a Prime Empire copy.
In my hc Jay is 31 years old in season 1 of DR (and he would be close to turning 32 by S2)
So, in the first book of the AU I really didn't have much idea what to call it so I called it the "elemental power of Aura", but now the official name is the "element of Spirit" which would be everything related to souls
I don't mind getting a lot of asks, I love talking about this au so ty!
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italicized-oh · 2 months
hiiiii sorry this took me so long to get to! i had some Irrational Fear to deal with. but i kicked its ass so we're back, baby
all right. look. we all know i have religious trauma. and so a Very large part of me wants to go back to make me an instrument (the v distorted reality fucked up timescape flashback experience jace has post-death and/or post-shatterstar). and i probably will if anyone else wants to read it lol. but!
as far as something i haven't written yet but have just been noodling on. i'm v v curious about what an amnesia fic would entail for any combo of zarajaceporter (or if i'm gonna janelle-bait then. any clone combo too). like we've done a lot of tropes so far and i am in Absolute Undying Love with every single one of them. but unless i've missed it i think it would be v v fun (and also evil) of me to write either porter or jace losing their memories post-fhjy finale. the whole coming back wrong thing, but like. coming back wrong 2: electric boogaloo. oops no memories of the One Meaningful Event that tied us together. of the years of devotion and manipulation and salvific fantasies and. well. scorching hot sex.
idk who it would be worse for in which role, but here's some initial thoughts below.
if it's porter who comes back w oops no memories. then jace is all alone w his trauma (unless zara's there but even then. she wasn't ensared by porter like jace was). like. he's carrying the weight of knowing porter, knowing porter-rage-god, and knowing this. not shell bc it's still v much porter. but it's somehow not the same porter as before bc this one knows something is missing. and lives with a hollowness inside him that makes him so, so fucking angry (at ankarna, funnily enough. some things never change). and he's so deeply in love with jace all over again, but jace has decided that This Time he won't fall into bed/love w porter again.
if it's jace, though. ohhhh boy. i almost feel ashamed of how brutally naive he would be all over again. if you're a jaceclone enjoyer, think j2's whole deal. like. do we watch him fall for porter all over again? does this jace inherently distrust porter for some reason unknown to him? does this jace know why porter looks at jace like porter's expecting jace to stab him or mind sliver him at any moment? does this jace even care? like, idk, it might actually be good in a twisted kind of way, because porter gets a do over and jace doesn't have to have literally been consumed and used up by a rage monster. hmmm. i don't think jace is angry, though. i think he's secretly relieved, because context clues and the haunted look in porter's eyes are plenty. he doesn't need to remember (bc in my heart and my headcanons jace is at his core a coward. not in a really derogatory way, just in a. that man has no spine. only under the Most Extreme circumstance will he stand up to someone.)
anyways tl;dr: amnesia fic featuring so, so much pining, theorizing about what it means to come back wrong but at least you came back, and the question of whether it's better to remember or not remember the years of your life when your mind and body were not your own. oops now we're into my trauma personally so im gonna end it here. hope this entertains! <3
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thegeminisage · 4 months
for never have i ever: amnesia?
Tumblr media
HIII thank you both <333
never have i ever written amnesia, believe it or not, even though i'm a HUGE fan, as in, it's my number one bestie. actually, no, i sort of have to take that back...i've lowkey written amnesia INTO larger stuff, but never an amnesia fic on its own. so there's been: a couple of da kmeme fills with fenris who has amnesia (they're lost to the sands of time now), ben originally had amnesia during his djinn dream in @cambionverse (but it got cut and revised), and i wrote derek as having amnesia about his encounters with jennifer in anchor. but not an Actual Amnesia Fic. every time i try to think about how i'd want to do it i sort of...blank out? there's so many ways to do it i get too excited and want to do all of them at once and then something else comes along and grabs my attention. i can't tell you how many times i tried to toss around a leverage amnesia fic and just couldn't settle anywhere.
so, just off the top of my head, as a thought experiment...i'd want it to be trek because that's what i'm into rn. i actually started to formulate this as a generations fixit (kirk in the nexus can't remember his old life/that he died/something something + spock and bones pull him out) but there's a small, small, SMALL chance i might ACTUALLY write a generations fixit (sans amnesia, sadly) so i don't want to do it here and accidentally make myself less likely to do it fr in the future.
my second choice is kira/odo because i have been thinking about them nonstop for a WEEK, possibly longer. since you can't have amnesia without brainwashing, i would have odo get mindwiped and carted back to the founders or whatever. and since it's my fic and i can do what i want odo remembers like, ds9's weak points and security routines but he doesn't remember any of the people or being friends with them. so he's like helping the bad guys do evil bad guy stuff or whatever and then when the good guys are almost beat they board the defiant and he and kira are fighting until she says something important and just as she's about to go down for good he oh my fucking god i'm just rewriting the winter soldier. god damn it. maybe this is the real reason i've ever done an amnesia fic. embarrassing. winter soldier wasn't the thing that introduced me to a love of brainwashed amnesiac assassins but it is the thing that made me crazy about them. ANYWAY. let me try again.
so odo gets his memories wiped so he'll return to that great collective or whatever. and he learns what it means to Be A Changeling. he can perfect the human face like that other evil changeling that i hate. so he doesn't look like odo anymore when he changes into a humanoid form, but also he doesn't do that because THEY only did that to communicate with him and kira, so he doesn't even NEED a humanoid form. and he's like yay im so happy here i love being a changeling :) except when somebody stumbles onto their asteroid or he needs to open a door or whatever requires a humanoid form...he just winds up becoming kira. and maybe he catches sight of his/kira's face in the reflection on the water or something and is like Whoa...who is That and that other changeling lady is like dw about it come back to the goop so he does but he also keeps insisting he can't have made that form w/o seeing her and he wants to know where. and since he's got such a good sixth sense about solving unsolved mysteries he solves his own mystery of who he is and how he got there. meanwhile the ds9 gang are searching EVERYWHEREEE for him and when they finally go check the asteroid odo goes out to meet them in kiraform and is very surprised to see. kira. and everybody else is like who tf is this why is this changeling pretending to be kira but kira knows Right Away it HAS to be odo and so they recognize each other even when they aren't able to recognize each other, which is basically the same thing that happened when they met. and odo either intimidates that other changeling into giving his memories back or he remembers on his own and they leave together and live happily ever after.
WHEW. you guys thought you were throwing me softballs but i was sweating bullets over that thing. kiraodo winter soldier au would be fun as hell though don't lie
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taihua · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @gekidasa whose answers were excellent to read at 2am when I couldn't sleep <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 91
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 437,726
3. What fandoms do you write for? TGCF obviously is the main one, and Tolkien fic is something I regularly write because it feels like going home. I dipped my toes into Genshin fic this year and I've been known to randomly drop one-off fics for other fandoms when the brainworms hit!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
After Hours. The magnum opus. Deserves its place at the top.
I Want to Ki** You. I never expected this fic to get so popular so it amuses me that it's still near the top.
Further Precautions. Dumb humor win!
Carved in bone, heart engraved. The trope inversion amnesia fic!
Bet On It. So near and dear to my heart that I have spent the last two years trying to scrub off the serial numbers for publication and if that ever happens, it'll be amusing to see who recognizes it.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I used to, but then a depression era hit and now I have Inbox (666) and it fills me with dread to look at the number. I do read each and every comment and 9 times out of 10 I start tearing up even if it's something short like "loved this, thanks!"
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I'm too sappy to do actual unhappy endings, but Still Have Time sort of implies a cycle of toxic breakups that can't be fixed.
... I also forgot that I have that one Celebrimbor/Annatar pre-torture fic, which is objectively much worse than breakups now that I think about it. Does it count when Tolkien is the one who wrote the death-by-torture ending for Tyelpë, though?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All of them!!!!! But I'll nominate Money Maker, because it's the only fic I think I have ever written, for any fandom, that involves the couple getting married at the end. I bullied them so hard in this AU that I decided they earned it.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Never in the comments themselves, but I saw people being dicks about my writing on Twitter every now and then, which is the unfortunate downside of having a well-known fic in fandom. Not everyone has to like my fics, but like... I can see what you're saying on the public forum in the community that I myself am active in, guys.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? *gestures at my AO3 profile*
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? The most I've done is throw in a cameo from other MXTX fandoms, and I guess that one self-indulgent Sk8/tgcf fic that lives in my drafts and will never see the light of day. I just don't find "they meet!" to be enough of a plot to be worth reading or writing. The thought of writing all that introducing sounds like hell, sorry.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yup, there was that time the person almost word-for-word replicated Still Have Time. They claimed it was an accident and apologized before taking it down when I commented, but that wasn't fun. I felt like a jerk for commenting even though it was blatant theft; they even left kudos on my fic :/
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, I have a handful of my fics translated into Russian thanks to some Twitter pals!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Sadly no. I always thought this would be fun, though, so if anyone wants to try it sometime... just sayin'........ my inbox open....
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? 300,000+ of my AO3 wordcount is for Fengqing and they're always going to be one of the most specialest ships ever for me for many reasons, but I also feel like I have to give a shoutout to Maedhros/Fingon in Tolkien fandom for being my longest-running ship? I got into them in high school and they're the ship that I feel I can just sit down and write something for them whenever I want.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? There was that Fengqing police AU I started and I thought it would be good, but it ended up not really feeling like them and that was part of what pushed me to focus on original writing instead of fanfic this year. Funnily enough, I Frankensteined some of the concepts from that AU into Constellate, which is to date my only unfinished WIP on AO3. I never really had a plan for what I was doing with that fic and I thought I could just power through it, which failed miserably.
16. What are your writing strengths? Humor, probably! It's hard to be funny in writing, but I do try.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I have about a year's worth of fic that needs to be line edited and reposted because I was cueing--sentences like "He felt that he was afraid" rather than "His heart pounded in his chest" etc. A writing teacher pointed it out to me this summer and I've been consciously trying to fix it, but I know a lot of my fics are worse because of this.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I never see this done well in fic. Personally, if I'm writing Chinese characters in China in an English language fic, it's implied that they're speaking Chinese, so there's no need to stick "Hao jiu bu jian" in quotation marks, yknow? It only makes sense to change languages if it's implied that this section of language is different from the rest of the narrative, and even then it can be distracting in a bad way to have it written out rather than saying "'Hello,' he greeted in French."
19. First fandom you wrote for? Lord of the Rings probably. I'm not going to look at my FFN profile to check.
20. Favorite fic you've written? I have lots of favorites for lots of reasons, but I'll give a shoutout to No smoke without fire this time because it's my only OC-centric fic and I'm happy that people like it anyway even though OCs aren't really a thing in danmei fandom.
Tagging: I will take the lazy route and say steal it and tag me. I like reading answers to these
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kitkatt0430 · 7 months
4, 8, and 30?
4.) Do you have any OCs? Do you have a story for them?
I don't have a whole lot of OCs, and they do tend to be more supporting characters than main when I write them.
Jay Garrick, from Complicated and Messy, is an OC (if based loosely off the canon Jay Garrick from the comics to some degree) and I will get back to him eventually. The real Flash of Earth 2, twin brother of the villainous Hunter Zolomon, and rather traumatized from the time he spent in the iron mask while trapped in his brother's lair. He's currently depowered, but I do have plans to fix that. He's gay, unlike the canon Jay Garrick of both the show and the comics, and used to have his own small lab where he managed to do science impressive enough that STAR Labs - and thus Harrison Wells - was quite interested.
I've actually got another story in mind for him, entirely unrelated to Complicated and Messy, where Jay ended up working at STAR Labs because Harry didn't give a damn about him having an evil twin. He and Harry wind up friends and Harry is who Jay goes to when he discovers his speed post accelerator incident. It'd be a Jay/Harry fic, where Harry realizes pretty much immediately that the Jay he meets on E1 is damn well not his Jay, but actually Hunter in disguise. But I've really only got broad strokes ideas for this fic, so it remains unwritten for now. (Alternatively Ronnie lives in this fic and proceeds to fix-it a few things... or they could be two separate fics, I'm still work shopping this a lot.)
I've also got Dawn and Jay Allen from Homeward, who'll eventually get more fics written about them. They're identical twins and the Earth-90 versions of the Tornado Twins, the children of Barry Allen and Tina McGee. In this 'verse their dad (not the E3 Jay Garrick) was who Hunter had kidnapped and imprisoned behind the iron mask and Barry of E1 helps him get home. Dawn is trans - something that wasn't directly mentioned in Homeward though I did try to hint at it a bit - and both she and her brother do hold a strong resemblance to E1 Barry, whom they've both will come to see as a sort of older brother figure pretty quick.
Herobard probably counts as an OC too. The Eobard Thawne of the new timeline created when Wellsobard messed too hard with the timeline. He's well adjusted, is at times more father than brother to his sibling Robern (after their parents died when Eo was 16 and Robern was 6), and perhaps a little too eager to time travel to meet his heroes... thought at least he did intend to meet them from a distance to prevent any interference. Intentions that did not last, but only because he wants to protect the timeline. And, well, Barry's pretty cute, kind of hard for any version of Eobard Thawne to stay away.
8.) How slow is a slow burn?
Slow enough to feel natural without dragging anything down. I do enjoy a well paced slow burn, but go too slow and it starts to feel like it's being slow for the sake of dragging things out and not because it actually makes sense. So depending on the fic this could be the entire story or just part of it, but as long as it doesn't feel like characterization or plot are being sacrificed on the slow burn alter...
I'm more likely to read slow burns than write them, but they can definitely be fun to write when the mood strikes me.
30.) Describe a fic that almost happened, but then it didn't.
I had a fic idea for KotOR/KotOR 2 that heavily remixed both games up into a single plot. The Exile and Atton were a smuggling duo, Revan still had amnesia but no false memories like in the game (instead found wandering the lowest levels of Kashyyyk and semi-adopted by Jolee afterwards), and lots of other changes. I really liked the concept for it, but I think it was too ambitious for me at the time. I ended up dumping the file - something I perhaps regret a bit now, but it was frustrating me a lot to the point I did need to let it go. I still remember enough about what I was considering for it that I could bring it back as a fic series one day, but my interest in writing for that fandom comes and goes a lot so I doubt I'll be interested in it enough to do so.
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hey everyone, I'm still alive! and! I have a writing update!
I haven't done any writing.
okok that's not totally true, I've done bits and pieces since I published 'i still talk to you' (link here, I had fun with that one) but I'm nowhere close to having anything ready to publish. Still, I figured I'd give y'all a (totally sober, for once) update on where I'm at in the stories I've promised.
So, okay, the big one first: TMHYHM. I've got about 3k of chapter 9 done, so we're about halfway through it. I'm starting school again in a few days (senior year, woohoo) and I always seem to write better at school, so we're keeping our fingers crossed that it'll get done in the next few weeks. About ten days from now is the one year anniversary of me 1: starting my AO3 account and 2: publishing chapter one of TMHYHM which is.... both exciting and a little sad? Genuinely didn't expect this story to take so long, but here we are.
A lovely commenter pointed out that I must put a lot into each chapter, and I honestly hadn't really thought much about it but they're right. I'm not gonna ramble about it for much longer, but every chapter takes a lot of time and energy. There was the re-read I did to write down the main plot points I wanted to hit every chapter, and then scouring the internet for quotes to put in once I decided I wanted to go that direction, and then I re-read each individual chapter twice; the first time to get more specific with what happens each chapter, finding places to put extra scenes etc. and a second time to figure out a chapter title. Actually writing the chapters is a lot too. I put a lot of myself and my experience into my interpretation of Andrew, and I feel like it fleshes him out more, but it also makes these chapters so much more mentally draining to write. Anyway, all that to say: happy early birthday to TMHYHM and thank you all for your patience.
Okay anyway, some of you may remember that I started teasing a hospital/amnesia fic (here, here, and here) a month ago during the AO3 outage, and I've almost got three chapters finished (halfway done !) I decided a few months ago that I wasn't going to post multi-part fics until after they're finished from now on, so as soon as I finish the whole thing it'll be up. I took a break from it for a little while, but when I came back and read through it today I genuinely cried a little? I'm evil guys why do I write these things??
Third: the minyard triplets. I'm going to be so honest here, I have not made any progress since last time I updated yall. Looking back at the story, I'm honestly kinda starting to hate it? I don't know, I still like parts of it but it just doesn't feel anywhere close to being my best work. I'll keep working on it and hopefully finish it soon, but I don't know when it'll be done. I had thought about turning it into a series, but I'm just not sure how attainable that is anymore.
Also, you may or may not have read my last fic, but if you did: I'm working on an alternate ending!!! I can't say much (cause spoilers) but I'm working very hard on it so keep an eye out for that one. Not sure if it'll be a separate fic or just a second chapter, but it's coming.
ok uhhhhhh.... i think that's it? TLDR: I don't have a lot of answers for y'all, but I'm working on things.
Oh, also? I'm writing a book. So fics might go on the backburner for a little bit lol. Let me know if that's something you'd like to hear more about though, I'm super excited.
Thank you for all your love and support <3
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chronicowboy · 2 years
2022 writing review
so its 2023, so what? better to review a year with a little bit of distance methinks
tagged by @kitkatpancakestack hope ur 2023 is going well so far muah <3
1. Number of stories posted to AO3: 42 oh lord
2. Word count posted for the year: 297,700 (mortifying)
3. Fandoms I wrote for: 9-1-1
4. Pairings: buck/eddie
5. Story with the most: 
kudos: please? (can't say no) 1,220 kudos
bookmarks: the persistence of memory 386 bookmarks
comment threads: the persistence of memory 119 threads
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why): ooooof i was gonna say the persistence of memory just because of the sheer word count and that i love the story but im actually really proud of my gilmore girls au all you have to do is call my name (i'll be there) because i wrote 40k words in under a week and for once i wasn't wondering about if people would read it i wrote it for me (and my beloved elke) honourable mentions to 1001 reasons to not get drunk with your sister's boyfriend and any of my ravi pov fics because they're silly but i love them all the same and my amnesia collection
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why): hmmm probably we don't go through the glass doors because it was half-formed but i still posted it, i basically just saw that gif of peeta pressing his forehead against the forcefield for katniss in the jabberjay scene and i was like but what if it was buddie and yeah i just do not know why i posted it ig
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received: any comments i've had saying that i should be a writer for the show makes me want to scream such as "this is soooooooooooo good!!!! its so perfectly and wonderfully devastating and heartbreaking and emotional and warm and soft. you write the firefam's dialogue SOOO WELL! they should add you as a staff writer tbh. ❤❤❤❤❤❤" on (tpom surefire way to make me happy is to compliment my dialogue and the 118 dynamics)
9. A time when writing was really, really hard: at the moment tbh i have so much uni work to do and an original piece of fiction im 200+ pages into and i'm trying to do all of that at once so the fic has fallen to the wayside a little
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: god this is really difficult and it definitely doesn't help that i can barely remember anything about my fics but um i guess character-wise its a surprise whenever i write taykay as an actual character rather than just a mention through gritted teeth lol but um scene-wise maybe just my whole albert pov fic what are you doing home? we thought you were babysitting just because its not something i'd normally write (eddie is only mentioned how uncharacteristic of me!!)
11. A favourite excerpt of your writing: oh god um i am so proud of lots of bits to my writing so i'm going to try to limit myself
just all of my surrealism weaved into 9-1-1, what's your fantasy? to kind of hint that buck's dreaming
the realisation scene in flatpack furniture and a djungelskog
"It'll be pretty cool, right?" Eddie's talking, but Buck can barely hear it over the static ringing in his ears. "To look at it and know that we made it together—"
You don't find it, son, you make it.
Its nothing special. Its nothing out of the ordinary.
There's nobody in this world I trust more with my son than you.
There's an Alan key sitting in his open palm, ever so slightly warmed by Eddie's hand.
I know you did.
Its nothing special. Its nothing out of the ordinary.
You two have an adorable son.
Eddie passes him tools at work all the time without him asking. They've suffered the telepathy jokes a million times.
Shouldn't it be when you're at your worst, they're at their worst, you have every reason to give up and you still decide you want to try again.
this scene from the only try day is wednesday because i originally hated this fic until i reread this moment
The picture catches the flames, curling up at the bottom corners, colours melting away and consuming Eddie and Christopher whole before finally, finally taking Buck too.
Because that's the thing. If Eddie is in there, if he's— Then that's what's going to happen. The fire takes Eddie first. Then, Christopher. Christopher who loses two parents and gets stuck with a Buck, a Buck he'll grow to resent because Buck's the reason Eddie was here in the first place, because Buck didn't save Eddie. So, the fire will take Buck finally.
And it will take him violently. It will ravage him, turn him to ash and sift it through their fingers until he's nothing but a few chunks of burnt bone. It will take him, consume him, ruin him. And he'll be dead, in every way that counts. He's already dying now.
Buck refuses to let it happen.
He'll die. He'll die before Chris can resent him because that would finish him off. Losing Christopher, losing Christopher to hatred and loathing, that would kill him. And that death would be much more violent than any chaos fire could wreak.
this scene in memory (all alone in the moonlight)
"Eddie, can we not do this?" Sighing, Buck looks up at the ceiling. "I'm missing five years of my life. I feel like shit. I really don't need you coming in here acting all weird."
Eddie lets out a breath and takes a step forward.
"What do you need from me, Buck?"
And, fuck, that question really shouldn't bring tears to his eyes, but. But Buck's spent his whole life being the one asking that question and now he doesn't even know the person who knows him well enough to ask it.
"I need my best friend." He whispers.
Eddie's face crumbles and he crosses the space between them in three steps, settling onto the edge of the bed and pulling Buck into his chest. Buck clutches at his Henley as he tries to compose himself, but Eddie's hand settles heavy at the base of his skull.
"Hey, don't do that." Eddie murmurs. "Just let it go, Buck."
And so, Buck breaks—for the second time in as many days—in a relative stranger's arms.
Eventually, when the tears have subsided and Buck finds the energy to be embarrassed about dirtying Eddie Diaz's shirt with snot and tears, he sits back in his bed and scrubs at his face.
"Thanks." He rasps.
"You don't have to thank me for that, Buck." Eddie offers him a cup of water and a handful of tissues. "I know you don't remember it, but we promised to have each other's backs and I don't plan on breaking that anytime soon."
"Fuck." Buck wipes at his eyes with the tissues until Eddie pries it from his hand and takes over for him, soft and gentle enough to have the tears springing to life all over again. "I really want to hate you." Eddie laughs.
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: honestly just sheer volume of writing, for most of my writing life i was always so perfectionist and adamant that i couldn't move on until this one project was polished and perfect but this year i've written and written and written and let myself abandon projects and have rough first drafts yknow
13. How do you hope to grow next year: hmm idk really maybe just write even more and branch out a little in what i'm writing
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer, beta, cheerleader, etc): @danielsousa my love, my heart, my rock!!!!! honestly probably wouldn't have written half as much if it weren't for elke cheering me on for the gilmore girls au and sending me screenshots of my writing that made her want to kill me
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: oh much i'm sure, i put myself into everything i write intentionally or not just because its such a personal thing for me but um in persistence of memory all the timeloop media references and agents of shield as i have always been reference specifically
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: read and write! nothing is ever going to help you as much as that. read fics yes, but read books and poetry anthologies and non-fiction! and write! write fic, write shitty poetry in your notes app, write short fiction, start a book. in the wise words of shia la boeuf JUST DO IT
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: ohhh okay so i have plans for two very big buddie aus an agents of shield au where fitzsimmons are technically henchim but buddie gets their romantic scenes, and then a national treasure au because i am a SUCKER for those films and chimney as riley is something that can be soooo personal
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: ummm just anyone who wants to do this?? feel free to say i tagged you because my brain isn't working!!
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blocksruinedme · 2 years
12. and 18?
Author's Behind the Scenes Question: List here! Asks open
12) Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
Time Travel! One of the prompts for #smallethoweek is a favorite trope, and i instantly started planning out a time travel fic and realized it would be something like 20k. I adore time travel, but it's hard to get write, and if I do it I want to do it thoroughly.  Another fave is memory fuckage, but I've got that in unpublished wips, though it's all specifically "remembering other series". I did come up with an idea for #smallethoweek with much more simple amnesia, we'll see.
18) What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
This is why this ask took so long. Went with the beginning fight of the first mcyt fic I wrote: MY EX STOLE MY SOULMATE.. | Empires SMP S2 1.19
some quotes
“You gave up the right to have me care about what you think of me when you fired me, without even talking to me! Just decided everything we’d done together was nothing, that everything I’d done for you didn’t matter. You are corrupt! I’m looking out for the best interests of everyone here, with someone like you claiming to have authority over them. It’s not about you, Jimmy! We’re happy here in Gobland, and you’re not part of this and no one needs you, so get out of here before I kill you again.”
“You’re not happy! Stop lying! You’re using him! This is all literally because you found out what we are, what we’d had, and you actually couldn’t handle it! Couldn’t handle that I’d had something good without you! Couldn’t let me have that again! I don’t care if you imagine you’re happy, but he deserves better, so much better than you.”
[skipping a head a bit]
“Jimmy, he’s a fucking adult, he can do whatever he wants. I’m not holding him captive in a cage. I offered him a job that he loves and is very good at. What would he do with you, raise some fucking cows? Try and make your town less boring? Pick up after you and all your messes, like I did? Try to keep you from flying off and doing idiotic things, try to keep you safe from your own issues, try to get you to grow up and actually respect yourself and everyone else? He’s happy, and I want him here, he’s amazing and there’s really no way you could appreciate him like I do.”
Here's the commentary!
- I wrote this fic in <12 hours and published it immediately. It was the first mcyt fic I published. There's a detailed timeline somewhere in this blog. It was a fever dream
- Since the fwhimmy breakup I had been wanting to write a reconciliation fic. I'd read a post by @umbrify that gave me a headcanon of what was going on, and I wanted to use that to get them back together... well, even more together that before. I kept poking at a fic, but I fundamentally couldn't get them to talk in a productive way.
- The morning the crossover dropped, I watched several episodes, I screamed, I thought things. All day long thoughts brewed. At 5pm I was walking to my car and messaging @toasted-cricket and realized I could use their relationships with Tango to drag them back together. I genuinely wondered if that was part of why Tango went to Gobland, to help the creators get through this conflict that was maybe kind of dragging. 
- 10 minutes later I was on my couch and wrote without stopping for I think three hours, then on and off until I published a bit after midnight. Unlike most of my writing, I didn't do a formal outline, and I didn't leave placeholders for finding better words or doing more dialogue, it all just flowed out of me like I was possessed. Finally I could make fWhip and Jimmy say what they felt! I was so deeply relieved to get it out of them, to have a world where it resolves, because there is a horrific lack of s2 fwhimmy fic!!!
- I felt good about the scene and the fic as a whole. I wasn't sure how to tag it, it wasn't *that* angsty, right? They got to resolving it quickly, is this even angst? hot damn I was wrong. I got comments the next day about how it was brutal, and in one response I said " I was so possessed as I wrote it I didn't even realize how brutal it was, just the truth flowing out. :)". I kind of cheated in this fic by not having them really address the issues, just say them. And then I wrote a sequel about weeks passing without any detailed discussion, which i still need to finish. 
- For reasons I don't understand, this is my most popular fic, 3x the kudos of the next. At first I assumed it was the novelty of being a zero day ship, but the ship didn't get much more content so I expected it to drop off. I guess this means it's better than I thought? Or maybe I truly was possessed by a muse who Had Something To Say. Hopefully they'll come back for more fic. :)
here's more of that scene under the cut
It was even harder to keep track of time in the cave than at home, so far from the sun. Tango didn’t know if it was anything approximating dinner time, but he defaulted to calling meals “dinner” and went off in search of it. As he came to the main level, he heard voices from one of the buildings. Tango was about to call out when he realized the voices sounded upset, so he kept his mouth shut as he approached.
“--I haven’t done anything wrong, I certainly haven’t broken any of your so-called ‘laws’ that you don’t even follow.”
fWhip sounded defensive and angry. Awkward! Maybe Tango shouldn’t say hi after all.
The voice that responded was so angry, so cold and so hard that it took Tango a moment to recognize it at all.
“There are things that are wrong that aren’t in the laws. You know that. Things like basic human decency.”
“Hey I’m a gob–”
“Shut up, fWhip.”
fWhip shut up. Tango was pretty sure most people who knew him would shut up if they heard Jimmy sound like that, it was so unnatural and upsetting. What the hell had fWhip done to make Jimmy sound like this?
Tango guessed Jimmy was waiting to make sure fWhip was going to stay shut up. Maybe he was moving around, maybe he was staring at fWhip, maybe he was staring off in another direction. It was frustrating to not be able to see what was going on, but bursting in seemed very… unwise.
When Jimmy resumed, his voice was still deadly serious, but a bit less disturbing. “I’m going to talk now. Do not interrupt me.”
There was a pause. Maybe there was a nod from fWhip, or maybe a refusal to say or indicate anything.
Jimmy spoke clearly and deliberately. Had he practiced this speech? Maybe, this really wasn’t what Jimmy normally sounded like.
“I know what you’re doing. You’re trying to hurt me. You insult me, you have a whole campaign of trying to get people to disrespect me, you try to ruin my career, and now this. I know why you’re doing this, and it’s literally unbelievable. You’re really something else. I can’t believe we were ever… anything to each other. Give it up. Stop pulling other people into your stupid revenge plot. I’m the one who got killed, over and over, I’m the one who got a warden in his base. You’re not the victim, fWhip!”
Aww fuck. This sounded bad. Very very bad. Tango had picked up that fWhip was part of the whole “Jimmy is a toy” game, but he thought it was a friendly running joke. Oops?
It didn’t take long for fWhip to respond. “Are you done with your little speech, Sheriff? Do you want a little round of applause for your performance?”
Tango heard the most sarcastic applause he’d ever heard, and he hung out with Cleo. fWhip’s voice was cold and low, and he was straight up sneering. Tango had only known him for a few… for however long he’d been here, but he’d never heard him sound anything like this. What the fuck was going on?
“Well that’s all well and good, but I don’t care what you think is going on, I don’t care what you think about anything. No matter what you think, the whole server doesn’t revolve around you, Jimmy. We have our own lives and emotions and... and everything.”
fWhip faltered for a moment, but continued on. Less cold and sarcastic, more angry.
“You gave up the right to have me care about what you think of me when you fired me, without even talking to me! Just decided everything we’d done together was nothing, that everything I’d done for you didn’t matter. You are corrupt! I’m looking out for the best interests of everyone here, with someone like you claiming to have authority over them. It’s not about you, Jimmy! We’re happy here in Gobland, and you’re not part of this and no one needs you, so get out of here before I kill you again.”
Oh fuck. Tango headed towards the door, hoping he could stop an actual murder.
Jimmy exploded at fWhip. Tango had heard him angry before, with all the shit that went down on Double Life, but this was something else, something much more… personal?
“You’re not happy! Stop lying! You’re using him! This is all literally because you found out what we are, what we’d had, and you actually couldn’t handle it! Couldn’t handle that I’d had something good without you! Couldn’t let me have that again! I don’t care if you imagine you’re happy, but he deserves better, so much better than you.”
Tango froze just outside the door as soon as he heard “him.” What?
Meanwhile fWhip was almost shouting. “What better, you? Sheriff? You’ve ignored him since you got here!”
“That’s because you literally stole him, to-- to turn him against me! To put him in your weird cave and, and, make him forget about the sun! Everything is weird now! You can’t stand that I actually had someone who made me happy, that I had a partnership that worked, someone who would never betray me, unlike half the people on that server treated their partners. We’re real soulmates. What Tango and I had was actually so special, and you’ve never had anything like that, so you took him away from me!”
fWhip was now actually shouting. Jimmy kept trying to interrupt him, but he just kept going. “Jimmy, he’s a fucking adult, he can do whatever he wants. I’m not holding him captive in a cage. I offered him a job that he loves and is very good at. What would he do with you, raise some fucking cows? Try and make your town less boring? Pick up after you and all your messes, like I did? Try to keep you from flying off and doing idiotic things, try to keep you safe from your own issues, try to get you to grow up and actually respect yourself and everyone else? He’s happy, and I want him here, he’s amazing and there’s really no way you could appreciate him like I do.”
Tango unfroze and headed to the door, even though he desperately wanted to run away from all this. He heard movement inside as he reached the door.
“Get out and don’t you ever come back.”
Jimmy and Tango’s heads swung towards the door alarmingly fast as Tango walked in.
“Gentlemen, gentlemen, please, I’m sure there’s enough of me to go around.”
Tango forced his voice to be as casual and humorous as possible, forced himself to smile like he wasn’t walking in on a potential murder, about… him?? It was a gambit, but Tango had no idea how to approach this besides humor, and he really wanted this fight to stop.
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wizard-finix · 2 years
director's commentary for stygian ringlet??? 👀👀👀
jesus christ this fic is easily the longest fic I've written to date. If you count Ghost of Mementos, it's OVER 70K WORDS TOTAL. AND IT'S STILL GOING. I've never written anything so long before. THIS THING STARTED AS A ONESHOT AND IT JUST E X P L O D E D
Actually this whole fic started after I was looking around on AO3 for PT Minato fics, and while I was bored during class I doodled what I thought Yu and Minato's masks would look like. I wanted their outfits to have some meaning to them beyond the surface-level aesthetics. Yu's outfit didn't get very far, but Minato… holy shit, once I based it off of Ryoji's outfit, it was off to the races. I immediately thought about how that awakening scene would go. and then I made a rough snippet of said scene. and then thought about how they would get up to that point and then before I knew it whoops I had a half completed fic
and then I finished and posted said fic
and then I noticed I still had some ideas left over for what happens later on
and I thought
"why NOT keep going, im having fun and the worst that can happen is I fall out of it, unfinished fics are better than no fic"
and that is how I found myself writing a longfic.
my whole line of thinking for PT Minato was that I kept thinking about how Minato would bond with the PTs and how he would end up being a full fledged PT himself, because honestly that would make a prime opportunity for some really interesting character development. Minato had originally accepted the price of sealing Nyx at the end of P3, but after somehow accidentally falling back into reality and hanging out with the PTs for a while, he'd probably start to wonder if its ok to want things to be better than they turned out. his rebellion is the fact that he wants to live even though he's not supposed to. He's rebelling against his original fate, and his persona is the very person who fought against his true nature as DEATH INCARNATE just to be his friend. MAN. He'd fit right in with the PTs. (I still have feelings over these two dont mind me)
I was a little worried the whole amnesia trope would be a little dumb or dragged out too long, but it turned out to be fine. I mostly used it for plot regulation, bc I wanted him to have time to learn more about them at the same time as they're learning about him. He probably wouldn't have had a good reason to stick around long enough to bond with them otherwise. Kind of like Sophia, now that I think about it.
I've also learned a lot doing this?? outlining is a GODSEND why the hell wasn't I making bullet point lists before this
uhhhh I cant think of anything else off the top of my head, except that maybe chapters 10 and 12 were my favorites to write so far, though its real hard to pick a favorite
also if you want to see the notebook lecture doodles that spawned this entire brainrot circus here they are, some masks and a chat icon
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(kinda wanna make a royal-style character art with him holding his mask but that's self-indulgent art for another day)
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mighty-ant · 5 years
2, 4, 13, aaaaand... 22 + The Date That Wasn't? 👀
2. Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
My mind is blanking on any and all tropes right now, so I really have no idea lol. But I will admit I love amnesia fics, and wrote a drakepad one a while back, with plans for another amnesia fic in the future. I don’t think I’m very heavily reliant on tropes, or at least not focusing entire stories on the trope itself and sacrificing character. 
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
HOOO BOY. I have far too many fics percolating in various states of completion. But one fic I really want to get cracking is about Jim Starling, Drake, and Gosalyn.  
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Less is more! Particularly with subject to dialogue and describing characters’ emotions, it’s often better to aim for simple rather than overly gratuitous. 
22. Choose a passage from one of your earlier fics and edit it into your current writing style. The Date That Wasn’t - and what a call back omg. This was one of my very first fics. For context: after a name mix-up, Donald and Daisy end up with each other’s dry cleaning by accident. 
Lighting up his phone screen was the other D. Duck’s number. Stunned by the sheer timeliness of it, and the hope that he might actually get his suit back, Donald accepted the call. 
“Uh. Hello?”
“Hi,” a feminine voice responded, sounding wry, “is this the other D. Duck?”
Donald exhaled, relief flooding out of him until he was nearly breathless. He dropped his forehead into his palm. “It is,” he said. “Is this the other other D. Duck?”
“I prefer Daisy,” she replied. 
“Donald,” he said. 
“I assume by your lack of surprise that you have my dresses?” Daisy said hesitantly, as though expecting the worst. 
Donald chuckled. “I do. Is it safe to assume you have my suit?”
“I do happen to have a handsome blue number in front of me,” she replied playfully. “Special occasion?”
“Job interview,” Donald said. “One of my kids got Pep all over it earlier this week.”
“Oh,” Daisy said, sounding worried. “You haven’t missed it have you? The interview?”
“I thought I was going to have to,” Donald replied, scrubbing a hand through his hair. “Can’t exactly interview to be an accountant when my only suit’s missing.” 
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•Lillies and daisies•
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A/N: I wrote this story on wattpad back in the day and it was actually about Harry, but I don’t think this character fits him anymore, it was back when we all though Harry was a tough guy and all his fanfics were ... well basically ‘After’. So after re-reading it I realized it actually resembles Billy a lot. So here’s a sneak peak, kind of a prologue, here there are mentions of some characters you don’t know yet but don’t be confused it will all explain itself later. Ps: I don’t know if you guys like this first person writting cause I don’t usually read fics like this but i thought it would be easier to write a longer fic in this modality. And also I wanna know if you prefer for me to put the main character a name or to keep her as. Y/N
Summary: She runs into his house trying to hide from someone who chased her, but when he finds her she faints before being able to give any explanation and wakes up with a severe amnesia. Now it’s up to Billy to look after her, help her find her way back home and try not to fall too hard for her.
Warnings: None so far but probably angst, fluff, smut the whole package deal, plus some substance use, slight violence and amnesia mentions.
A door. As soon as I saw it I ran to it trying to make as little sound as possible. That became harder and harder with every step, given the wet pavement I bellow my feet. When I finally got there, I closed it slowly and hid behind the first couch I saw. It was a pretty house, everything seemed so old yet so classy.
How? How did my life change into this? Hiding on a stranger's house, soaking wet from running under the rain for an entire hour. This wasn't who I was, or at least who I wanted to be.  I had so many dreams, wanted to visit all of those places my mother used to tell me about, watch Ray grow and turn into a strong, beautiful woman like her mother.
I only noticed tears where coming out of my eyes when I felt them falling cold on my naked chest. Out of fear, I closed my eyes and hopped for the best.
The sound of the door opening made me instinctively put my hand over my mouth and nose. He was smart, but most of all, he was perceptive of every little thing, something as simple as my breathing would have given me away. My heart was beating so fast, and for the first time in a while I felt what I supposed was fear.
A cold hand touched my knee and made me jump. I thought it was him, I thought everything was over, I was going to die, and this time there was no going back.
But as soon as a little bit of light showed me this man's face I could notice it wasn't him, this was an angelic looking boy, with the bluest of eyes and the prettiest of hairs.
"I usually love having girls over at my place, but only when I invite them." I heard his deep voice and for some reason it made me feel safe, like I could put my guard down and finally breathe
But before I could give any answer, my vision turned black and I felt my self crumble right in front of him. Last thing I remember were his arms around my waist and neck not letting me hit the ground.
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df841 · 6 years
No Title?
Eobard Thawne x Reader
A/n: I kinda blended like a bunch of requests into one. Sorry that I didn't make it too long. There's so many versions I wanted to undertake, but they all kinda ended up in angst. So prepare for the fluffness in this one.
I'm gonna be super embarrassing and cheesy but imagine cuddling with Eobard at night
Lmao I have thought about this WAY too much. So, I actually think would Eo would make the date as normal as possible to make his s/o comfortable but would still be kind of extra because it's him. He'd probably rent out a whole restaurant and take the reader on a romantic walk. That kind of thing :).
If you're taking requests and if you're up for it, would you write something fluffy and/comforting with Eobard x reader? I need to heal after that last angsty fic haha.
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Waking up/Cuddles
A world in which eobard had catered to fit his (and his partners) ideals.
You woke up with the throbbing feeling in your head of the worst hangover you've ever had. If you've never had a hangover then this was the feeling you would imagine having but 5x worse.
It was a feeling of your head being compressed and molded. Migraines, dizzyness, whiplash all at once. Not a great way to wake up.
First, the sunlight hit your closed eyes. Then when you went to cover yourself up, you noticed that your skin grazed the cool feeling of another's. With that, you liked down and noticed that you were naked. Which had you assuming that whoever it was that was next to you was also. You opened your eyes a bit, squinting. The way the sunlight outlined the mans side that wasn't covered by the white blanket. His broad back, broad shoulders, his ashy blonde hair. Oh god.
He started to shift, turning around, half asleep. You immediately closed your eyes to pretend as if you were still sleeping. "Mmmmm" he shuffled nearer to you, comfortingly pressing himself to cuddle with you. It felt like the the morning hue. Where you still feel sleepy, half awake, and don't remember where you are. But then you saw his eyes. His beautiful, sexy blue eyes. And everything came back.
"Good morning." He nuzzled your nose and kissed it.
"Eo-bard?" He chuckled. "Who else,love?" Goodness gracious. Had the sex really been that hardcore that it gave you temporary post coitis morning amnesia?
"Mmmm what if today we do something special. Just the two of us. I make a few calls, cancel some meetings. Or just not show up."
"Something special?" You kissed his neck. "Like a date?"
"A date? Yeah. A date that sounds great. I've been meaning to travel. I can speed us to Venice, Italy 1990 they have the best sceneries, food, and be back before noon. Or fly us to-"
"Eo. I meant a normal date. In this time. You, me, out and about, walking, dinner, maybe a movie. For sure a movie, we both cant handle being among other people for too long. On a date type of out."
"You sure you don't want to go to italy?"
"OK fine something 'normal,' anything for my everything. I might have somethings we could do planned out for us."
How? you thought. He seemed to read your mind with his response.
"I can work my type of magic. Come on," he playfully patted you, "let's get ready." And got up to reveal His very toned and sexy back physique. Oooo that bum. How could you forget that perfectly, beautifully, shaped bottom.
"Like what you see?"
A walk and Dinner
You two didn't end up leaving the house until very later on during the day. Opting to endlessly tease each other distracting one another from getting ready. Unbeknownst to you, this was all part of eo's perfectly planned out evening. You two spent all morning in bed cuddling in bed. After you tried to get up, Exposing your nakedness to your man, he couldn't control his impulse to ravage you once again on the bed, and then again in the shower.
Finally at around 4 in the afternoon, you two managed to get ready and head out to wherever Eo had planned for the two of you. Both in an fancyish casual outfit. Not to fancy. Not too meh. That was just your normal style. Always looking effortlessly good.
He didn't tell you, but the place you were going to was nearby. He interlocked your fingers as he lead you down a path along the back of your house leading towards a trail next to the beach. (Sometime ago you had discovered that you and Eobard had been living in LA this whole time. And apparently though you thouvbt you had you were in the middle of nowhere in a secluded time bubble. Turns out you were closer to civilization than you thought. His property was just frickin huge and hidden.) After some walking past the rocky trail. You could look out into the west as the sky started shifting colors. From an orange to dusty pink covered clouds.
You didn't need to speak. You both were completely comfortable In the silence, looking at the changing scenery that came with being close yet far enough away from the beach.
Reaching your destination, you came upon a modern dark glassed sheek restaurant. It was located next to the beach. In what seemed like an upscale shopping center.
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Inside it was empty. You scowled at your boyfriend.
"Eo, I said normal. Superspeeding everyone out is not normal. Bring them back. They're all gonna be confused as fuck, but-"
"I didn't superspeed anyone out." He chuckled. "I would have, but that would've been more of a hassle."
"Mr. Thawne, welcome it is a pleasure for us for you to be joining us this evening. We hope that tonight is delightful and to your liking."
"We shall see. Is everything ready?"
"Yes. Sir.
Will it be the usual for you sir?"
"Not tonight. Tonight is a special occasion."
"Of course, Mr. Thawne."
And it was.
It was just you two. And even though you two watch movies quite frequently at home, this was special; it was nice. A breath of fresh air. He really didn't want to be disturbed. First, with the restaurant and now the movies. Not that you minded. because you loved quality time with your Eo. When it was just the two of you He showed you the side of him that no one saw. This man had gone above and beyond for you.
It was one of those VIP theaters where the seats were more like beds. Perfect for cuddling. He really had thought of everything.
You two laid in the bedseats making yourselves comfortable in the darkness of the theater.
Before the movie even started, he was already leaning in to kiss you. You were so in the mood, until you heard the booming theme song boosting from the speakers around you; immediately breaking away from the kiss. Gasping. Your full attention on the screen.
"StaR WArS!!!??" :D (:D you gasped excitedly, leaned back against the pillows, sat up straight, your full attention on the screen. Eobard couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at the way you reacted leaning back making himself comfortable; knowing that when Star wars came on you were to not be interrupted.
Throughout the film, All the explosions, All the light saber choreographical fights you could feel and sense his loving gaze on you through your peripheral vision. You pulled your eyes away from the screen for a second to meet his.
"Are you even paying attention to the movie Mr. Thawne?"
He made himself more comfortable against you. "Nope. I find how you're intrigued with the film more interesting."
"Well stop it." You giggled. "Watch the movie." Then suddenly your voice got more seductive as you placed a hand on his chest. "There might be a quiz to get something you might want later." You could see how he skeptically raised his brows in the darkness of the room.
"Really? And what would that be?" He purred.
"Anything you want."
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