#and that's glee project rewrite no. 1
anothergleekgirl · 2 months
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[S2 FINCHEL CANON REWRITE] Santana's threat right before his mom's wedding was a wake-up call. Find out what happens when Finn has a crisis of conscience and decides to tell Rachel the truth himself - and what happens when Rachel confronts Santana. . . Yes, another v-card bomb alternate story. Canon to Furt 2x08 then AU.
Glee - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama Chapters: 1 - Words: 9,048 Published: Jun 20, 2024 Cast: [Finn H., Rachel B.] Santana L., Carole H. Status: Complete
He’s gotta tell her. 
That crazy Spanish one-woman wrecking ball doesn’t pull her punches, and she seems to live to torment Rachel like a favorite pastime. She’s gonna blab if he doesn’t speak up first, he just knows it. His luck isn’t that great and his track record for breaking Rachel’s heart is even worse. So it’s gotta happen and it’s gotta be sooner rather than later before he loses the upper hand and any hope of saving his relationship with her... assuming he still can.
Six months. Almost six full months they’ve had together. Six months of falling, falling, falling so deep, deep, deep in love with this girl. Six months of happiness. He’d never known happiness like this. He’d never known how to love someone like this before Rachel. But he does now, so completely... and he’s in too deep; there’s no way back for him. He can’t lose her now, he just CAN’T. Like, that’s not even an option. And if she tries to walk away, he’s prepared to fight to win her back, whatever it takes. He’s not above groveling or begging. But if there’s any hope in hell of keeping her, he KNOWS she has to hear this from him.   
‘Cause he’s totally seen it from her side already. He remembers what it felt like when Rachel told him she’d done the deed with Jesse, and also what it felt like when she confessed to lying about it later. He knows that if it was Rachel who lied to him in this way, he’d be pretty crushed. If she’d said she hadn’t when she had and then hidden it for months into their relationship, he’d be really hurt, and like, maybe even uncontrollably pissed – at least for a little while. But he knows it’d be a hundred times worse if he heard something like that from St Jerkoff instead of his beautiful sweet girl. After the shit that went down with Quinn, Rachel not telling him the truth about something like that would probably devastate their relationship and kill his trust in her. So why should he expect her to feel any different about him not offering full disclosure?
If only he’d come clean when Rachel did. He had the perfect opening and didn’t take it, now he’s kicking himself. She was HONEST about her lie; that is, she had already confessed her sins to him. Of course, the difference between her lie and his is the difference between forgetting you bought a lotto ticket that turns out to be a jackpot winner and forgetting to unplug the George Foreman grill and burning the house down.
Why the fuck did Santana have to pull this bullshit powerplay with him again now anyway? Or at all? This doesn’t even make sense to him and he cannot get his head around WHY NOW. Then again, he didn’t have a very good grip on WHY THEN last year either, why she even approached him in the first place. 
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annepi-blog · 10 months
The Goose Boy - A Klaine Story (1+2/12)
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This is my first attempt at a multi-chapter story.
The fairy tale "The Goose Girl" was one of my favorite fairy tales when I was little. That's why I wanted to reinterpret it with our beloved Kurt and Blaine.
Since fairy tales usually lack a bit of depth, both for the falling in love part and for the motivation of the villains, I hope to give all the characters more depth here. I've only marked the most important characters for the story, but believe me, many more will appear throughout the story.
I'm almost done with the writing and there will probably be about 10 chapters. I will also try to upload a new chapter once a week on a regular basis. Today you get the prologue and chapter 1.
I hope you have a lot of fun with my story!
Rated: Teen And Up Audience
Character: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Gavroche (Glee), Tammy Jean Albertson (Glee), Chandler Kiehl, many Glee members as supporting characters
Kurt, heir to the throne of Lima, faces a choice that will change the course of his life, but is necessary to ensure the future of his people. With courage and faith, he chooses the path he believes is right. But as he begins his journey, unseen forces with their own agendas conspire against him. Fairytale rewrite of The Goose Girl
You can find it on AO3 under this link:
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joanthangroff · 5 months
Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
Thanks for the tag @incorrectcoldflashblog! :)
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I've been writing my own stories since I was like 10 or 11, but when I got on tumblr a few years later I discovered fanfiction :D First in a German forum where I mostly read Harry Potter fanfiction and eventually I tried my own hand – with drabbles (the actual exactly-100-words-kind of drabble, thank you very much) and then oneshots about Draco/Luna – because what else could have made me write than a rarepair? When I got more into the Glee fandom, I also got more used to fic in English and then I tried my hand on that, too (mostly because, again, I was into a rarepair that nobody else wrote about).
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
If we take all the Arrowverse shows as one fandom, it's 10 :)
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
At least for 13 years :D
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
At the moment I read more – because I rarely write at the moment :D But usually I'd say I write more.
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
I'm much much much better at introspection!! My fics consisted mostly of dialogue when I started writing. And now I spend more time analyzing characters' thoughts and feelings, I think?
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Oh, don't we all have that moment where we text our bio-engineer friend at 2am in the morning and ask "Hey, if a person in Illinois died in the night of December 11 2013 because they were struck by lightning and then got buried in moist soil, how rotten would their body have been after nine months?"
Otherwise I'd say the month I spent researching lacrosse which almost made me start playing the sport was a very wild ride, personally.
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
"I love all comments equally!", I say like a father who's asked to name their favourite child. (In truth, I have always loved comments that are written while people read the fic. I used to write them, too, but since I mostly read via phone nowadays it's a hassle.)
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
Trans Indian Epic, baby!
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
TIME TRAVEL!!! Do you know how many fic ideas I have that I just can't execute because I keep running in circles whenever I think about the implications of time travel?????? And also anything involved with lots of movement.
10. What is the easiest type?
Chatfics, my beloved <3
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
I write per hand most of the time while my mum's watching something on TV that I'm not interested in. Then it gets typed up to Google Docs and from there it finds its way to ao3.
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
The Glee/Flash AU of your dreams is resting in my head. And also the Teen Wolf season 5+6 rewrite where Mason can see Auras.
13. What made you choose your username?
It was my tumblr URL at the time and is a relict of my Marauders phase. pettigrace = pettigrew + ace. Do not mention Peter Pettigrew to me unless you want to be exposed to a rant that would make me look like a Rat Apologist. (On that note: FUCK JKR!!!!!)
I am tagging @lalalenii @pikechris @sophiainspace @frosty-the-killer-doll and I cannot think of a fifth writer rn.
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a34trgv2 · 1 year
How I'd Write Clarence
Step 1. Keep Amy Gillis In Aberdale: I can't believe the writers only used Amy Gillis once despite her being a great friend to Clarence. In rewriting the show, I'd have Amy be one of Clarence's close friends, right next to Jeff and Sumo. I'd also have her stay with her Mom while her Dad just lives in Flagstaff, just north of Aberdale.
Step 2. Give Jeff's Moms More Personality: I'm all for Jeff having 2 Moms, but I was not the least bit impressed with their lack of personality. I'd have them each have traits that Jeff has while also their own way of doing things. EJ would be a neat freak and would get fussy when her daily schedule suddenly changes, but she would also be kind, patient and helpful. Sue would be smart and funny of the too while also being zen and understanding. Together, they'd be the ideal mothers for Jeff, helping him with his homework, teaching him how to cook, watch movies and TV shows with him, and even supporting him at school events like band concerts and glee club.
Step 3. Make Ms. Baker More Of A Person: Ms. Baker didn't feel like a teacher with a life, but rather a sad, lonely woman who just so happens to be a teacher. For this rewrite, I'd have Ms. Baker be a good teacher who just so happens to be living a good life. A recurring gag in the show could be Clarence is utterly surprised to learn that Ms. Baker isn't a teacher 24/7. In one episode she could be on a date with her boyfriend, in another she's at the gym working out, and another she could be shopping for pet food for her cat, and so on. I'd also have her become pregnant at the end of Season 1, married at the start of Season 2, on maternity leave after giving birth midway into Season 2 before coming back full time.
Step 4. Give The Other Girls Personalities Instead Of Quirks: I can't begin to fathom the reason why most of the girls in this show are one dimensional. So let's fix this in a lightning round of rewrites
Ashley- A shy, awkward girl that has an awkward date with Clarence, but becomes more open and lively thanks to him. She's also funny, helpful and very generous
Chelsea Keezheekoni- Instead of being a gross tomboy, let's make her be a tomboy that's brave, stubborn, sassy and no-nonsense. Easily the toughest girl in Aberdale Elementary.
Coco- A smart, quiet, but friendly and helpful bookworm. She helps her friends with her homework, but struggles to get her own homework done because she can't say "no"
Darlie- A quiet, emo girl who tends to wear a hoodie and tries not to be noticed. Clarence spends a day with her during a school project and finds that she's a funny, smart and very considerate girl who likes anime.
Kimby- Shy but sweet girl who's caring and playful around her friends. As opposed to stroking her hair all the time, she nervously laughs and walks away from an awkward situation. She also really likes to bake and has a great singing voice.
Malessica- A funny and eccentric nerdy girl who collects trading cards, comics and mini figures. She's also a metal head, but only shows it at parties.
Courtlin: A no-nonsense, snarky and honest to a fault girl who always keeps it real. She's infamous for hurting people's feelings with her honesty, but Kimby and Malessica still love her for being truthful.
Mavis- A playful and eccentric girl that doesn't speak due to being nonverbally autistic. What she lacks in words she makes up for in her actions.
Alison- High spirited young lady that plays a big role in after school projects. She's kind, honest, caring, obedient and very encouraging.
Amy Shtuzger- The biggest girl at Aberdale Elementary as well as the sweetest kid in town. She's very friendly, gentle, caring and playful.
Bella- Like Clarence, she's quirky, funjy, enthusiastic and very friend. The big difference though is Bella thinks she might be too much for people, and Clarence helps her see that that's not the case at all.
Claudie- Friendly soft-spoken girl that likes to keep things organized and balanced. She also likes baking and dancing.
Debbie Reynolds- An eccentric, funny, and playful girl that likes playing with her friends and watching movies. Often times she acts out her favorite scenes from movies or quotes lines from movies regardless of the context.
Gabbie- A chaoticly fun kid that tends to go over board when playing, but she does mean well. She's also really funny and goes hard with the burns towards people who insult her.
Heida- A sweet girl who is friends with all the girls. Likes to bake, write poetry and explore. She moves to Connecticut at the start of Season 2.
Joy- As her name implies, she's a happy-go-lucky girl who's funny, friendly and courteous. She's also learning to play the piccolo, which she isn't great at but gets progressively better with each appearance.
Patsie- Energic girl that likes to play and hang out with friends. Despite being the smallest kid in the 4th Grade, she's arguably the smartest girl in school. She and Jeff have a playful rivalry during the Spelling Bee.
Rita Hall- A kind, easy-going girl who likes playing with her friends. She's mute and communicates through sign language, which her best friend Chelsea understands.
Step 5. Have Chad And Clarence's Relationship Change: Clarence sees Chad as his hero, his friend, his partner. That needs to change midway into Season 1 because Chad is, first and foremost, Clarence's father. When Clarence's antics start to go awry, Chad has to be the responsible parent and put a stop to it. Their dynamic will change, but it will most definitely be for the better.
Step 6. Belson Loses Everything At The End Of Season 1: The showrunners missed a huge opportunity to bring Belson down a peg after Clarence got his Dad in trouble. That episode should be double lengthed, and have more funny and interesting interactions with the employees. It can even end with him unknowingly telling an investor about how poorly the employees are being treated. This culminates in Belson's Dad getting terminated and sued, and Belson and his Mom having to move to an apartment downtown. Season 2 will have episodes that delve into Belson's person and show how much of a lonely kid he really is, and the only person who's been genuinely nice to him was Clarence.
Step 7. A Proper Finale: I think the show deserves to end on a better note than the one it did. For this finale, Clarence and his friends are graduating elementary school and are moving up to middle school. The catch, though, is that Sumo and Jeff will be going to a different middle school than Clarence and Amy. This prompts the 4 kids to go to the superintendent and try and convince her to put them all in the same school. This finale will act as a final hurrah for the characters as they'll be trekking across Aberdale, bonding as characters and having a bunch of laughs on their way to the superintendent's house. There will also be an epilogue taking place 20 years later, showing the characters (now adults) sending their kids off to their first day at Aberdale Elementary.
Step 8. Keep The Momentum Of The First Few Episodes Going Until The Very End: The show should not have kept it's original showrunner. He was fired and rightfully so. Rather, the show should've took what made it really good in the first place and expand upon it. Episodes like Water Park, Goose Chase, Chimney, Chalmers Santiago, Game Show needed more of a sense of fun, excitement and adventure. These episodes also would've benefited greatly with the presence of Amy Gillis. The best way to ensure the momentum keeps going is to have the head writer approved scripts that are either funny and relatable. For example, instead of having the characters wait in line for 11 minutes in Water Park, how about Clarence decides to win his Mom a prize and ends up getting lost in the water park? This would be relatable as kids are known to wonder off from their parents in amusement parks, and it can also be funny watching Sumo search for Clarence in a trash can or interrogate passersby on his whereabouts. This would provide 11 minutes of a story being told, as opposed to the equivalent pf white noise being played on TV.
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tuiyla · 3 years
I know the Glee Project discourse was weeks ago with some anons and me (might have been days, time does not make sense) but I have another thing to add before I watch season 2.
The way Ryan Murphy talked to these kids was super weird at best and the show’s premise in itself is flawed, but it was actually something Robert Ulrich said that made me think of how limited their perspective always way. When Lindsay does one of her last chance performances, she walks off and Robert comments: she’s not quite Lea, she’s not quite Dianna. And like, I get the main idea that he’s going for because they were the original two female leads (for the kids). I get it, but I also think that it’s weird to limit yourself to those two options when you’re already filming season 2 and have 6 different main female characters already. What’s that, they forgot Tina existed, fine, 5.
But, and this is what I’m leading up to. If they were gonna go for the leading lady formula why on earth would they not recognize that potential in Lindsay? You’re supposedly looking for people who inspire you to write stories and here’s this girl who just admitted to feeling like she always have to be the best at everything, put on a brave face, be Little Miss Perfect. Oh, she’s not quite the Rachel type and not quite the Quinn type? Ryan Murphy you’re an award-winning writer, producer, showrunner, all that, just realize that she’s both instead of neither.
In a world where they weren’t concerned with Lea Michelle’s ego and Lindsay Pearce giving her a run for her money, they would have integrated Harmony into the main or at least regular cast as a Faberry love child. A synthesis of the two characters like Kitty ended up being for Quinntana. She could have been a perfect combination of both, mess and all, and it could have been a really cool story to see this overachiever enter the scene and intimidate the crap out of Rachel. Until Rachel realizes that Harmony is suffocating under the combined weight of expectation and impossible inner drive that both she and Quinn have. And then instead of pulling a Sunshine crackhouse thing she’d prove that she has developed and ask Quinn to help this younger girl together before she gets crushed. For Quinn, it could be the push she needs to move on from past mistakes and Beth, since helping Harmony would help her step into a sort of maternal role.
I mean, Unique only had two episodes in season 3 like Harmony and they managed to squeeze her in as a Kurtcedes love child who was helped by her two idols. So, just saying. Even if you don’t want to keep Lindsay for long (though this could have actually set up a season 4 newbie for a change), just do it in a couple of episodes.
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genderless-consul · 3 years
Hey! Are you still going to write And Your Bird Can Sing? I miss Rachel and Quinn.
Hey! Thank you so much for reading and asking after us. It's an incredible honor to think that our disappearance into the Great Unfinished Fanfic Library in the Sky would be worth anyone following up on, and I'm sorry I didn't update you guys sooner - but you know how it is; things are always in flux, and sometimes it's hard to see where you are from the middle of it all. As some of you may have surmised, Glee, But It's Good is on indefinite hiatus, in much the same way that One Direction is. Will we ever return? Is this the last work we'll do in the Glee fandom? Will we ever get an OT5 reunion tour? Sorry, I got distracted - the point is that there's nothing to say that we can't ever come back in some form, but if you're not anticipating it you'll never be able to be disappointed, only pleasantly surprised. I do apologize, not so much for failing to deliver on our original goal of a full six season rewrite (which we were always pretty honest about being a ridiculous moon shot), but for giving you guys the false hope of starting Season 2 when I knew deep down I was unlikely to be able to follow through, instead of ending things on a high note with Season 1. Because even if we did come back, it would probably be with new material rather than a direct continuation - we're just in a different creative place than we used to be, and we would want any return we make to reflect the best of what we can offer. But regardless of whether or not you ever see us again around these parts, thank you to every single person who read our deeply silly project - you guys tided me over through some tough times, and I'll always be proud of Once More From the Top for what it is, irrespective of the first of its five (!!) theoretical sequels' failure to get off the ground. And since we stopped short of actually starting the Dalton arc, I hope the 5 chapters of And Your Bird Can Sing can serve not as a bitter reminder of what might have been, but as standalone outtakes and historical curiosities left over from what was once ludicrous ambition. And most of all, if anything we wrote over the past couple of years made even a single person a little bit happier, then I consider the first iteration of GBIG to have been an unqualified success. It well may be that we will never meet again, but...ah, you know how it goes. Goodbye my friends, hopefully only for now.
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belleandkurtbastian · 3 years
The Untitled Sam Evans Project
Sam-centric. Sam & Kurt and Sam & Beiste friendships. Eventual Sam/Kurt. Chapter 1 out of 10, 4.2k words.
And if you close your eyes; does it almost feel like you've been here before?
This isn't where Sam thought his life would end up. Back at his high school, nearly 200 miles away from his parents, 500 miles away from his friends.
But maybe it's finally time to work on himself, to work out what he wants to do, and who he wants to be.
A Glee Season 6 rewrite, focussing on Sam finding himself, finally getting some of the support he needed, and allowing himself to heal.
Available now on AO3:
CHAPTER ONE: 5x20 - The Untitled Sam Evans Project
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hello! i’m the person who asked for rewrite recs. i mean like rewriting the show. kinda like my missing puzzle piece on ao3. like they’re at mckinley and klaine happens but in a different way, if that makes any sense. i’m sorry for not being the best at describing 😅
I think there are two sorts of “rewrite” fics. One type follows canon but changes a few facts. For example, in the fic you mentioned “My Missing Puzzle Piece”, Blaine is the co-captain of the Cheerios and Kurt is a transfer student during S2. The other type of rewrite is a “fix-it” fic where you fix something wrong in canon, for example, Blaine never cheated on Kurt. I am giving you a fic rec for each season. The first fic rec covers most seasons.
Please note that I tag this sort of fic by season (e.g. Season x AU) in posts. For example, here are the posts tagged with Season 2 AU. You can perform a search for other seasons - HKVoyage
Ready to Fly Series by GleekMom
Blaine’s Coming Out Story. He knew it wouldn’t be good. He didn’t know how bad it would get.
HKVoyage comment: The series doesn’t have a summary, but basically, each story follows the run-up to Glee and a season of Glee through Blaine’s experiences. This series definitely includes a strong Blaintana relationship.
There From The Start by BlurglesmurfKlaine (Seasons 1 and 2)
What if Blaine had been the 12th member of the New Directions instead of Matt? (bc lbr he had like two lines the whole season and had zero storylines) Set in Season One canon, same(ish?) storyline, but with Blaine and Klaine. Not too sure what I’ll change yet ;) Football Player!Blaine
Be My Teenage Dream Tonight by gingerfic (Season 2)
Kurt has his soulmate's name written on his wrist, but rather than making things clear, it's making them more confusing than ever.
A season 2 story that is canon-compliant but with a soulmate twist.
Fire With Fire by mmerainbows (Seasons 2 and 3)
Badboy!Blaine (S2/3 AU) William McKinley High School has its jocks, its geeks, its preps, and its skanks. It also has the one kid even the bullies stay out of the way for - Blaine Anderson. No one crosses him, and Kurt knows to keep out of his way and do what he wants, whether that's supplying Blaine with a pencil for French class when it's demanded of him, or just staying quiet.
Inevitable by mmerainbows (Season 4)
Canon to S4, but filler for what I would have liked to see actually happen regarding Blaine's cheating.
Kurt thought he had reached the point where he could forgive Blaine, and move on with his own life, keeping Blaine as his best friend and nothing more. However, when the truth comes out about what happened, Kurt returns to Blaine to help him.
I Drove All Night by ItsNotEasyBeingQueen (Season 5)
Kurt and Blaine are back together, but Kurt is in NYC and Blaine is still back in Lima.  A phone call reminds Kurt of a promise he made to never let Blaine feel lonely again, and he hastily makes his way back to Ohio.  See inside for rating details.
Glee Season Fix by various authors (Season 6)
Glee Season Fix is the result of the combined forces of fanfiction writers, artists and readers who passionately worked together to create their own alternative version of Glee's season 6. Based on where we left off in 5x20 “The Untitled Rachel Berry Project,” we continue and end the show’s journey in our own way.
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lavender-lotion · 4 years
I was tagged by @lindstrom2020 for this! thank you <3
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (or so) favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought to the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
this was really hard. i’ve posted quuuuuite a bit this year and... a lot of it i don’t totally remember?? to figure out what i wanted to showcase here, i looked through my 2020 posting schedule and... wow. it’s been a long year, huh?
1. (baby) maybe that matters more - Teen Wolf | Steter | Mature | 16,610 words
the reaction to this fic (the comments, the kudos, the acceptance) single-handedly ignited a drive for writing teen wolf content that i thought was going to be dead forever after a serious of bad experiences. there are still some work i know i’ll never work on again, but i am so exciting to fall back into a world that i loved for so long. i can’t wait to see where this specific fic takes me :)
2. and all i know now is without you i could never find my way - X-Men | Various | General - Explicit | 55,310 words
this series is kind of cheating because 1. it’s a series and 2. i technically started it december 26th, 2019 BUT the other 54k was all written this year! lonk verse is on this list because this is the first thing that i have EVER written that has... transcended myself. i have birth to this four person, crack family, and i’ve seen it grow it something bigger than that. like, not only have i written 55k of this family, other people have written variations of this family, too. that has been one of the most amazing things in the world. i have so, so many plans for the four main family members of this universe that i can’t wait to work on! 
3. to love and be loved by you | MCU | Bruce/Peter | Explicit | 62,688 words
this is a wip, which... is one of the reasons why i wasn’t sure if i wanted to include on this list. another reason was i wasn’t sure if i wanted to include this on this list is because the rough draft for this work was completed in 2019. the reason it’s on here is because i am massively impressed with myself for having a work this long - a work that isn’t even finished! before i posted the first chapter i decided to edit this work. well, that “edit” turned into an incredibly thorough rewrite, and now the first 6 chapters are longer than the entire work used to be.it is the longest thing on my ao3. i know it is going to surpass 100k. it is. the biggest work i have and im so excited to get back to it in 2021!
4. patience is a virtue (i'll reap what i've sewn) - Push (2009) | Nick/Cassie | Explicit | 3,573
as im writing this fic currently has 22 hits and a single comment but... i don’t really care, because it’s one of the first things i’ve written in months that i’ve loved. i loved writing this. i love the story and the concept and the characters i got to play with, and i truly love the finished piece. it made me want to write more, and since usually writing is such a frustrating process itching to be done, that was amazing.
5. take us, together, like the stroke of a bow - Glee | Hummelcest | Explicit | 13,365
i love this fic. it is undoubtedly one of the longest smut fics i have EVER written but beyond that... it grew into a sprawling verse (that i just haven’t written it). i got to thirst of Burt Hummel, by first fatherly crush, and i got to write all the dirty father/son feels i hadn’t had an outlet for since leaving teen wolf. it was really nice to brain storm, really nice to read, and it’s a universe i really like to think about! 
honourable mentions (listen, i post A LOT): Lav's Original Fiction - some of my first ever original fiction what is the self amid this blaze? - really sweet trans gal loving its waters hold the dark of death - do i need say anything more than thunder rangerscest? i’d gladly break my own heart if it meant being loved by you - a really fun project i worked on alongside a close friend whom i adore Date me? - very fun fic to write of a sweet rare pair a single lie discovered is enough to create doubt in every truth expressed - my first ever team tony fic!!!
I AM TAGGING: @midrashic, @flightinflame, @stronglyobsessed, @elledelajoie, @ireneadonovan, @tinaxpow, @leviice458, @wolfgeralt, 
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Chapter 14 is here! Other half of season 1 starts now!
May we find out what Quinn and Rachel did in the locker room in freshman year? Maybe
Will Jesse St. James make his first appearance? Mayhaps
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shera-dnd · 5 years
The Princess of Power - Part 1 Being She-ra
Y’all asked for some GM lore and here you have some GM lore. Featuring some Mara lore for some good measure (I did tell you most important NPCs were based on real people)
Now how about a little blast from the past, looking through the early stages of “The Princesses of Power RPG”
The Moon Opal was a calm place in the earlier hours of the day, most of its customers were the nocturnal type, leaving the store mostly empty and the perfect place to get some work done. It was at this serene time of day that a tired figure toiled once again at a task that had been bothering them for over a week now: Balancing She-ra
Project Etheria - a placeholder name - was supposed to be about collaboration and teamwork, yet someone decided that giving a player an extremely overpowered form, with insane martial and magical skills was a good idea and now it was their job to get that mess to work somehow.
Sure, it made sense for She-ra to be this strong, she is supposed to be the protector of the world, the key to the world’s magic, every princess had an element, but She-ra, the Princess of Power, was supposed to be the center of...the center of everything.
They grabbed a piece of paper and quickly began scribbling notes, there was an obvious solution staring them right in the face all this time and they finally got it. Oh they couldn’t wait to see Mara’s face when they showed her this.
“Hey, someone is feeling productive today” Mara greeted, apparently summoned by that errant thought.
“Mhm” they agreed distractedly, not even taking their gaze away from their work.
“Earth to GM” She joked, the mention of their name stealing their attention “You there, GM?”
GM, Game Master, they had been called that most of their life, but when Mara did it felt different. It was not a simple title or description of function, it was a name, their name, at least one they identified with more than they ever did with the one they were given at birth. She truly felt like she was greeting a friend and that made them happy.
“Sorry” They apologized, putting their work aside “Hey, Mara”
“Hi” She greeted again, cheerfully “What got you so excited today?”
“Rebalancing She-ra for the sixth, and hopefully last, time” They explained handing her their work “I removed most of the new Traits from She-ra itself and made it so she granted those to nearby princesses”
“I’m gonna have to rewrite my whole character sheet again, aren't I?” She asked, reading over their notes “Oh, I almost forgot!” She exclaimed,  handing them her own notes “I finished some more Lore on Etherian magic and the First Ones”
GM took the notes titled ‘Heart of Etheria’ and skimmed over them. They sat there silently reading each others notes. This too felt nice, Mara wasn’t a very energy demanding friend, even though she could be very loud and energetic when she wanted to, she also did not mind sharing moments of silence, they appreciated that. Unfortunately they were the ones to break the silence this time.
“The planet is a what!?” GM loudly blurted.
“A weapon of mass destruction” Mara stated, as if saying it out loud suddenly made it make sense “I thought the setting needed bigger stakes”
“We already have an invading alien empire, giant monsters and evil sorcerers” GM declared, but all they got from her was a shrug “I guess Mara, Princess of World Building would know better than me”
“I like that one, let’s use it in the book” Mara exclaimed “You got anything we could play while I change up my traits?” She asked, picking up her character sheet. It was her third one, the last two had been severely damaged from constant rewriting.
“Preferably nothing combat heavy then” GM pondered for a moment “Well, you had just finished a mission last time, so we could maybe have a chill scene in the Crystal Castle?” They proposed
“Perfect!” She declared, full of glee “I wanna flirt with Light Hope”
“Excuse me?” They asked “She is an AI”
“So…?” She didn’t seem to understand their point
“She is not programed for romance” They explained, a little exasperated
“Nothing a little love can’t fix” She said, with a shrug
“You’re not teaching a robot to love, Mara” They declared
“Hey, look at it this way: I’m preparing you for all the players who will absolutely try to romance everything and everyone in this setting” She explained herself “Also Light Hope is really cute”
“Miss me with that allo shit, Mara” GM groaned.
They played out a couple more scenes, testing out the new and rebalanced She-ra, along with some NPC princesses, against the Crystal Castle’s robot spiders and for the first time Mara seemed satisfied with the combat.
“Yes!” She exclaimed, as the last spider fell “You’re the best”
“I...hmmm...thanks” GM mumbled, not used to receiving compliments “You’re the one making the world, I just turn stuff into rules text”
“But that is the important part” Mara assured them “I can say what it means to be She-ra all I want, but it’s all pointless if the rules say something different”
“And what did the rules say?” GM asked, a little surprised. They were so focused on making She-ra balanced that they didn’t even consider that aspect of things.
“That She-ra is not meant to make people feel weaker, you shouldn’t feel like you’re less than them, you should feel stronger by being with them” She explained, her voice loud and full of excitement “Helping other be their best selves, that is what it should mean to be She-ra!”
The Moon Opal bustled with people in the late hours of the night, its more nocturnal customers taking up the tables with games of all kinds, but if you got there early you could still grab a table for yourself and get some work done. GM was finishing up their notes on the new version of The Princesses of Power, when someone unceremoniously crumbled on the chair in front of them.
“Long day?” GM greeted, not taking their eyes away from their work.
“Long day” Adora responded. She opened up her back and began looking for something inside it “Sorry for jumping right to the point, but I still gotta pick up dinner” She explained herself, handing them a few sheets of paper.
“Oh right, your backstories” They remarked, taking them both and skimming over them “Why is Catra’s six pages long?”
“Because my girlfriend is the most competitive person in the planet” Adora groaned. Of course Catra would consider this a competition
“You two want to call dibs on any of the homebrew powers?” GM asked
“Nah, I’m good with whatever you send my way” She waved it off “and Catra doesn’t want any powers, because she wants to prove she can kick everyone’s ass without any”
“I’m not surprised in the slightest” They commented, reading through Adora’s story a second time, they couldn’t avoid the strange sense of nostalgia that came from it “What it means to be She-ra” they mumbled without really thinking.
“You said something?” Adora asked, perkin up on her chair
“Nothing” They deflected “Just had a few ideas for your character. Do you mind if I keep these?”
“Sure sure, we don’t mind” She handed it to them “If that is all, I should probably get going”
“I’ll text you if I need any more details” They stated “Have a good night, Adora”
“You too, GM!” She said, waving at them as she left.
They smiled and gave the papers in their hand one last read through. Oh Mara, you would’ve loved this one.
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five-wow · 5 years
Author Asks
Rules: answer these questions and tag five other fic writers to do the same.
I was tagged by the wonderful @novemberhush. Thank you, omg, because I love rambling about writing and this is the best kind of opportunity to do so, handed on a silver platter, ahh. 😊
Author Name: Square / Squares / SquaresAreNotCircles
Fandoms You Write For: I’m a fandom hopper! In the past year or so it’s been Hawaii Five-0 (a truly ridiculous amount), Shadowhunters, Venom, Harry Potter, due South and Stargate Atlantis. Other fandoms I’ve written at least one fic for are Twilight, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Glee, BBC Merlin, BBC Atlantis, Teen Wolf, In The Flesh, Star Wars, Supernatural, the MCU and High School Musical. And uh, Alexander the Great/Voltaire fic (which would be... history fandom? RPF?) and one (1) Judas/Jesus Biblefic. If we’re getting really technical, also a tiny little bit of One Direction fic.
It should be noted that all of this is about fic that ended up getting posted somewhere on the interwebs - there are multiple Star Trek (TOS/AOS and DS9) fics lingering in my drafts (!! one day I will finish one of them), as well as some How To Train Your Dragon, The Good Place and Deadpool stuff, and definitely more I’ve forgotten.
Where You Post: Since I made the switch to writing in English everything has landed on ao3, but I used to write mostly in Dutch, so there’s still close to a million words, I think, under my name on quizlet.nl (not to be confused with quizlet.com, which is a very different website).
Most Popular One-Shot: That depends on how you’re measuring popularity! Going by kudos, it’s Tell me I’m perfect (but tell me the truth), a Magnus/Alec Shadowhunters fic. It’s the truth is a really old fic about Percy Weasley/Oliver Wood from Harry Potter that has the most hits out of all my works, and That time Steve kissed every single Avenger (and also Bucky), an MCU Steve/Bucky fic, has the greatest number of comment threads.
Also, since this is an h50 blog: for my fic in this fandom Wanted: partner (in crime) has the most kudos and hits; You had me at meow has the most comments.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: I’m working on one for h50 (going slowly, so slowly), but I don’t have any posted to ao3. I used to write a lot of multi-chaptered work in my quizlet.nl days, and I think my most popular fic there was probably the second fic I ever wrote, when I was fourteen or fifteen, which was a next-gen Harry Potter fic with shifting and overlapping POVs from the three Potter kids. It was kind of, well, not great, but it’s probably what really cemented my writing habit, it’s still my longest fic ever (over a 100k!) and I got my first fandom friends out of it, including one I’m still in contact with to this day, even though neither of us writes much if anything for Harry Potter anymore.
Favourite Story You Wrote: Ohhh, that’s such an impossible question, especially because I’ve been churning out one-shots like I might actually be getting paid for it, so there’s so much to choose from, which is a thing I have difficulty doing at the best of times, holy shit. Uh, I once wrote a 70k Remus/Sirius (Harry Potter) modern college-ish AU in Dutch that I still like; weirdly, I think that Biblefic holds up (also Dutch), and the HSM fic is fun to reread once in a while because of the fourth wall break, as is That escalated quickly, a Percy/Oliver fic. Ooh, and the fic about Shuri and Stucky and a goat!
For h50, it’s even harder to choose, because my preferences change pretty much weekly (a combination of newer fic being shinier, looking back at fic from even just a few months ago and finding things I would have done differently now, and comments influencing the way I personally look at my own fic), but right now, I’d say I still really like the fic where Steve adopts some guinea pigs, the one with the slightly tipsy team bonding by talking about mutual crushes and this 9.11 coda fix fluff getting together thing.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: That Biblefic, haha, because it’s a very complicated topic and my aim was definitely not to offend. People were really sweet about it, though! Mostly, they were kind of shocked it wasn’t crack, but that’s fair, because so was I.
Also pretty much anything I post in a new fandom, really, and low key just... anything at all. I’m always a little scared I tagged something super badly or accidentally copy-pasted the wrong text or unknowingly wrote something super offensive or whatever, despite my double- and triplechecking of the posting form. (I’m also still kind of scared people on ao3 will randomly decide they hate my fic and my writing and me personally (ao3 is really big and very anonymous and coming from the small town that was quizlet.nl even in its heyday, that’s scary), but that fear has abated as I’ve posted more, just because the data is showing pretty conclusively that thought is as irrational as it sounds. Everyone is always so nice, gosh.)
How Do You Pick Your Titles: Mostly, I steal lines from random songs. I have a small pile of song lyrics to use as potential titles, because going on a seperate hunt for every new fic would take most of my waking hours. Sometimes, I’ll use a pun (like You had me at meow or Retail Therapy) or something else that I think sounds good, especially if the fic is mostly comedy and/or has a specific premise that would do well in a title (like Five times the Governor of Hawaii suspects his taskforce leaders are violating fraternization policies (and one time they tell him they are)).
Do You Outline: I’m mostly writing fic of (sometimes much) less than 5k at the moment, so not really. I do sometimes write tiny bits of a bunch of scenes and then fill in the rest around that, which is a kind of outline, in a way. For longer works, I usually make a one page bullet point list of things that need to happen and work from there, because I can’t do really extensive outlining or I’ll just get caught up in the details and lose all of the oversight a tool like that is supposed to give you, as well as most of my enthusiasm for the project.
How Many Of Your Stories Are Complete: Of the ones posted? On ao3, all of them, because unfinished posted one-shot works would require some strange bending of those concepts. On quizlet.nl, I do have some abandoned works, but I think 80% is finished.
In-Progress: SO MUCH. Seriously, just, so much, oh god. I’d really like to write another Stargate Atlantis fic (and I have 30% of one done), and something more for due South, too, and maybe a small Percy/Oliver thing again some time because they were my very first OTP and I kind of miss them, but mostly I have, like, 100+ half written things for h50. I really wish that number was an exaggeration. There’s no way they’ll all get finished, but maybe... a third? Mayhaps?
That One Truly Long H50 Fic that I was already talking about way back in October last year is also eternally “in progress”. The thing is that it has about 25k now, after a year, and I think it needs... at least four times that. Probably. So either I’ll have to stick with this fandom and my slow progress for another three years to have a shot at getting it finished, or I’ll need to find a way to up the speed a little. Maybe I could try working on it for NaNo this November? That would be pretty awesome, but honestly, part of why it’s moving this slowly is because NaNo-style fast and messy writing for this scares me a little, because I might end up writing a lot, decide it’s not what I wanted for it, and become too intimidated to ever edit and/or rewrite the entire thing. But idk, I probably just need to get over my own fears, because I really do want to write Longer Fic again. Short stuff is fun and feels really productive and that’s great, but I miss the actual slow burn and build-up that only 50k+ words can give you.
Coming Soon: Hopefully a lot? For h50, that is. I have no idea what’s getting posted next, because I’m never entirely sure what’s going to be finished next and something really random might come jumping in, but at the moment I’m trying to direct most of my energies at a slightly longer fic I’ve been working on for months (not The Long Fic, a different one), a fic labeled “9.01 memory loss fic”, another one temporarly entitled “Perfect Kauai beach house vacation”, and maybe an ace!Steve fic I’ve been working on, if I ever manage to uh, actually finish that, instead of rewriting three sentences during every round of editing and never actually adding anything to fill in the gaps it still has. There will also be more season 10 codas, in all likelihood.
Do You Accept Prompts: I’ve never done that before in the traditional way, but I’m thinking about it! I’d love to try (and it would be a breath of fresh air, in some ways!), but the main thing holding me back is that I have way too much on my plate with just my own ideas to work off of, and I don’t want to disappoint people. Maybe if I do drabble-ish prompt fills? It’s definitely been on my mind.
Upcoming Story You’re the Most Excited For: I’m excited for a lot of stuff, but honestly, the top spot right now probably goes to the ace!Steve fic. I’m not even sure it’s that good, necessarily, but it’s, idk, really cathartic, I suppose. Seriously self-indulgent in strange but very good ways. I really like writing it. (Second spot goes to the beach vacation fic, because I haven’t actually written that much for it, but it’s been my go-to easy happy place for the last few weeks.)
I’m tagging @love2hulksmash @thekristen999 @stephmcx @girlonastring @flowerfan2 and @pterawaters, which is six people because I can’t count, but I’m about to make it seven because I’m also tagging you, the person reading this (hi there!). Say I tagged you and tag me so I can read it! I know that kind of thing can feel awkward, but it won’t be, because I’m cheering you on. Go for it, if you want to do it. :D
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redheadgleek · 5 years
Author Meme
I was tagged by @coffeegleek. Thank you!
Name: redheadgleek, jcd1013
Fandoms: I’ve written fanfic of various lengths for Glee, Check Please, Doctor Who, Lord of the Rings, and Gilmore Girls. I have unfinished/never posted stories that I sketched for The X-Files, Star Trek: Voyager, Harry Potter, LOST, and Stranger than Fanfiction. 
Where You Post: Primarily on AO3. I moved the majority of my fic from FF.net there, although I still have an active account. I also post on tumblr and my older fic is also stored on dreamwidth/livejournal. 
Most Popular One-Shot: On Livejournal, that would be Tardus Semita, a one shot I wrote for a Doctor Who fic exchange (83 comments). On FF.net, it’s the very first fic I ever wrote back in 2002, What a Wonderful World (34 comments, 24 favs). And on tumblr and AO3, it’s A Wedding: Production Draft by far (67 comments, 176 kudos on AO3, 165 likes and 109 reblogs on tumblr). 
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: As I’ve only written one multi-chapter story so far, that’s Like Never Before, a gilmore girls fanfic. 78 reviews, 22 favs. I’ve not yet moved this one to AO3. 
Favorite Story You Wrote: A Wedding. It was agony writing it, but I love it so much. I loved figuring out how to format it and using the AO3 styles and it really was such a self-indulgent treat to write out what I wanted from the episode. 
I also really loved my Klaine Advent collection of 100 word drabbles. I utterly love drabbles, so telling a story using 24 of them was so satisfying. 
Story You Were Nervous to Post: I’m always nervous to post. It doesn’t get easier. 
How You Choose Your Titles: Song lyrics, and poetry mostly. I’m a romantic sap in my heart (don’t tell anyone) 
Do You Outline: Sometimes? I usually just write and bounce around and then fill in spaces, but other times I’ll write an outline of what I want to have happen. 
Complete: 11. 4 Glee. 5 Gilmore Girls. 1 Doctor Who. 1 LOTR (drabble collection)
In Progress: 2. When You Wish Upon a Star, my klaine advent fic that I started writing last year for @lishashisha and then got too busy to finish. It’ll happen - I’ve got ideas for the next chapters. And Like Never Before is my “forever weighing on my mind because I just need to finish it” fic. I have 2 chapters to finish to complete it. I’m determined to do so, preferably before it turns 21 and can legally buy alcohol. 
Shortest Fic: I’ve written a whole bunch of 100 word drabbles over the years. 
Longest Fic: Like Never Before at 64,935 and 8 chapters published. 
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: Coming soon: a Klaine fairy tale retelling of Sleeping Beauty for the Fandom Trumps Hate charity auction. I’ve been trying to outline it for months and it’s just starting to coalesce. It’s going to be my modified Nano project for November. In December, I hope to go back to When You Wish. 
Other fic ideas that I have percolating. For Glee, I have an Emma AU for klaine that I continue to idly sketch out, a Blaine&Mercedes friendship fic from when they lived together in season 5, a possible Klaine Medical AU that will be boring and nobody will want to read it but me as there will be no boinking in the call rooms (*shudder*), the Gilmore Girls AU that I’m pretty sure I will never write, and a Phantom of the Opera retelling where Blaine is disfigured and haunting Kurt who just transferred to Dalton, another story that I’m pretty sure I’ll never end up writing. 
Check Please: Bitty and Jack as competitive ice dancers, and another one of Ransom as a medical student (again no boinking in the call rooms). Both haven’t moved beyond just daydreaming. 
Some day, I would love to write the X-Files fairy tale retelling of Tam Lin that has existed in my head for 20 years and the season 7 rewrite where Scully channels her inner Leia Organa and takes out the Syndicate from the inside and rescues Mulder. 
Do You Accept Prompts: Not really. You are welcome to leave ideas, but I’m a slow writer and make no promises. 
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: I’m really excited about this Klaine fairy tale. 
I tag: (selecting fellow writers from my most recent notifications) @spaceorphan18, @jackabelle73, @mrv3000, @darriness, and @leydhawk, and @slayediest
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Halfway Home Draft 2 - Past Thessia and Act 1
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Hello people of the internet!
We are nearing the end of august and I am very happy to say I have rewritten the first act of Halfway Home! This bundle is what I call the Thessia part and is composed of 6 to 7 chapters (the seventh, which I’m currently rewriting, is transitional and more of a jump in Act 2 than a proper part of Act 1). I’m very glad I got there, though the holidays and the fact this part has always been the more roughened by edits and trials made the whole thing easier –some chapters were more of indepth edits than actual rewrites, which got stuff in motion faster.
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Honestly, the whole thing has been a joy. While reworking the same parts over and over again tend to get tiring and start draining the enthusiasm out of stuff, especially after years, a new sort of contentment gets in the trail of dried-out passion, and it could boil down to appreciation for the journey behind, and a new comfort with the characters that allow to be a bit more merciless into getting them where they need to go without raw attachment getting in the way. So they get better because of my cold heart, and then I love them more than before even when they’re absolute shitheads, which they tend to be.
One of the things I’m most happy with in this Draft 2 so far is how Everybody Does Problematisms.
It was already the case before, but I wasn’t diving into people’s imperfections with as much glee as I do now. I feel I managed to nail a sense of people who are not necessarily bad or evil, but contradictory and driven by that need to find excuses for the part of themselves that’s a bit shit. All of them are like that now. Not one of them manages to avoid the Problematism. Shlee has gotten specifically caught in it, which makes him way more of an unreliable, opinionated person, and also makes him more entertaining as an MC to follow (I’m especially proud of the difference between his sober and drunk voice, and this is not getting less chaotic anytime soon). The interesting thing that happened is that Anetha got a bit more reasonable by contrast, as in they are balancing each other more now, and it’s pretty cool. I’m really happy about that non-judgmental narrative place the T’selvi family has gotten into, except maybe for Rhanda, which I understand better as a character but remains hard to convey well and with as much nuance, especially through the eyes of someone who imprinted on her and cannot help but be deeply moved by her sorrow while being somewhat terrified by her, and everything he can’t understand and she refuses to explain.
So yeah, a pleasure to revisit the family, my favorite chapter that I always have to write in one go during a full night or the magic isn’t there. But that was the easy part, really.
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Re-attacking the Omega part, which is the bulkier and have been almost entirely re-outlined since the first draft, will be something else. Some characters got full revamps, other got unceremoniously kicked out, and some even joined the crew. It also means we’re back to the morally and emotionally harder chapters to pull off, hoping we do better this time while still capturing what needs to be transcribed on page and forgetting none of the messiness. It also means we’re back to Khocress, the batarians, Aria, and many more. I’m both very excited and nervous to go back there with that new, messier Shlee, as I will get a bit more astray from the “perfect victim” vibe that I had a little bit on the first draft and hated –I really hope I get him to have more agency, strong and meaningful moments of growth and regression, and also get him to do dumb shit because that absolute dumbass thinks he can get away with it and doesn’t understand being salarian doesn’t make him smart by nature in ways that matter. But what can I say, I love this carnage of an amphibian and the places I wish I can get him to honestly fill me with awe –conceptually at least, for as long as I won’t have to write this stuff for real.
But besides all the challenges of getting into this charged territory and starting to toy back with terrible concepts that feel too close to home in many ways, I’m also back to work after my vacation, and work is getting intense too –in the greatest possible way, I am so incredibly lucky to have this experience, such talented and professional colleagues with loads of vision, courage and excitement, and I recently got to experience moments that is literally what a lot of storytellers dream of their entire carriers, and I am so dang young. This nearly feels a bit unfair honestly? But yeah, so I am starting to be  i n  t o o  d e e p  and get very invested in my narrative work for that crazy big ambitious game we’re making, and a lot of themes and things that happen there also get to me pretty bad, so not being drained by the amazing day project to get back to the amazing night project will definitely pull a toll on my Halfway Home productivity. Not complaining, but already calling I will be late on my self-imposed deadlines. :3 (also i’m getting exciteeeed at the thought of people experiencing my shenanigans for themselves on such scale that is just insane??)
So yeah, feeling jiggity and optimist for my personal creative life right now (!!!), which feels amazing and very much not on-brand, too bad the world is literally on fire and fascism is consciously attempting to drain the oxygen out of us, but HEY maybe I’ll start to go to more protests and do more active things instead of hoping things will solve themselves now that I sort of can afford to? Maybe tomorrow. Also wish my health would be onboard with my mood and not fuck me up and get me impossibly tired, but we cannot have it all it seems, and I accept that honestly.
Hope stuff is good on your part too, or at least that you’re holding on and you feel able to make concrete plans for yourself for the near future to get to somewhere else. Otherwise that’s also fair, courage and strength to you regardless.
To conclude, here’s an extract from an unedited draft 2 to illustrate more of Shlee’s flavor to the table, hoping it isn’t actually terrible in disguise and I just haven’t noticed. From Chapter 5, work title “Hurry You Are Late”.
A light cough. The owner of the teashop, a tubular asari that barely ever spoke to him, would cough his way every hour or so, in hope he would have finished his order so she could clean the table of hardwood he always sat at and make it very explicit she expected him to leave. He showed her the cup, and the finger-deep liquid still frozen down there. She didn’t even bother nodding and disappeared in the backroom. Six months later and Shlee still wasn’t sure if she avoided him because he had to be the most frustrating customer ever or because his skin was a specific shade of not blue enough. Once she had asked with a syrupy tone if his holidays were going well and how long he planned on staying, but that was months before she had to accept their fates were sealed together for the time being. Shlee had considered going elsewhere, but to this day he still preferred the discomfort of known bigotry than unmapped social reactions. Plus the mousse-tea tasted divine, and he had to give credit where it was due –even though he wished he could drink it warm without being kicked out.
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ao3feed-kurthummel · 3 years
The Untitled Sam Evans Project
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3yzJP22
by belleandkurtbastian
And if you close your eyes; does it almost feel like you've been here before?
This isn't where Sam thought his life would end up. Back at his high school, nearly 200 miles away from his parents, 500 miles away from his friends.
But maybe it's finally time to work on himself, to work out what he wants to do, and who he wants to be.
A Glee Season 6 rewrite, focussing on Sam finding himself, finally getting some of the support he needed, and allowing himself to heal. Eventual Sam/Kurt but starts as no relationship.
Words: 4193, Chapters: 1/10, Language: English
Fandoms: Glee
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sam Evans, Kurt Hummel, Sheldon Beiste, Rachel Berry, Mercedes Jones, Blaine Anderson, Emma Pillsbury, Will Schuester, New Directions (Season 6), Dalton Academy Warblers (Season 6), New Directions Alumni
Relationships: Sam Evans & Kurt Hummel, Sam Evans/Kurt Hummel, (Eventual), Sam Evans & Sheldon Beiste, Sam Evans & Rachel Berry, Sam Evans & Kurt Hummel & Rachel Berry
Additional Tags: Coming of Age, Coming Out, Hurt/Comfort, Finding Oneself, Career Change, Self-Esteem Issues, Canon Disabled Character, Learning Disabilities, discussion of canon character death, Canon Rewrite, Episode: s05e20 The Untitled Rachel Berry Project, Glee Season/Series 06, Sam-Centric, Characters roughly listed by importance, Yes this is Hevans endgame, but the focus is on Sam, Additional relationship tags:, Past Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson - Freeform, Past Rachel Berry/Finn Hudson, Past Sam Evans/Mercedes Jones, Body Image Issues - discussed, Body Dysmorphia - discussed, (Finn's death), Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Basically any canon Sam issue is fair game, Gap Filler, Non-canon-typical strong language, (Realistic language for the characters and scenarios - if this weren't a network show)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3yzJP22 This is an automatic feed of all new stories posted to the Kurt Hummel tag on AO3. Because of that, it is not guaranteed that Kurt is the main character in the story. There is also no judgment made as to ships, length, or warnings. Please verify content upon clicking through to AO3.
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genderless-consul · 4 years
loved the new installment to your glee rewrite series! are you going to do all six seasons or are you going to stop after season 3? thanks for answering
Thanks for asking!
So, the plan as we originally drew it up was indeed to cover all 121 episodes. We had a constantly evolving concept outline (the early drafts of which had some truly galaxy brain ideas that may or may not ever see the light of day), we each took on the episodes of one of the three main writers, we set up a draft and a barter system to fight over which of the expanded-staff episodes we wanted, we drew up the color-coded charts, and we plugged it all into a calendar that was set to finish with Dreams Come True sometime in mid 2022. It was December of 2019, and our enthusiasm was sky-high. 
That plan was probably never sustainable, and since then we’ve gone from three writers to two, and from a weekly schedule to a “just do the best work you can without hurting yourself, never mind how long it takes” production model. So the truthful answer is I don’t know how long this will ultimately last - we’re all in on Season 2 right now, obviously, and I’m pretty confident that we’ll be able to finish the complete story of the Gen 1 New Directions in Season 3. But I have no idea where any of us will be or how we’ll be feeling once we get there, so I can’t know if the best decision for the project at that point will be to go out on a high note (as the real Glee probably should have) or to follow through on trying to put our own spin on the the doomed but fascinating afterlife of Late Glee. As of right now, we’re hoping for the latter, but the last year has made me more convinced than ever that I shouldn’t speak with too much certainty about anything that far in advance.
So TL,DR: hopefully all six, but if we have to stop after season three we’ll do everything we can to build up to a satisfying and complete finale either way.
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