finchel-lover4ever · 2 months
Unmute the video it’s better that way💗
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anothergleekgirl · 4 months
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fanficfanatic15 · 2 years
hi there! I do still have a copy of COAST from years ago, if you send me an e-mail at [email protected] i'll send it to you :)
Yay!! Thank you!
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moncheles · 6 years
I noticed that this fic was deleted-When It’s Springtime in Alaska- Aby chance that you have it?
yeah I do
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caprano · 7 years
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Grundsätzlich ist Populismus das Gegenteil von Toleranz und Pluralität in der Politik. Er spricht im Namen einer imaginierten Mehrheit und lehnt alle Sichtweisen rundweg ab, die er der Minderheit zuschreibt. Besonders in seiner rechtspopulistischen Spielart erklärt er oft religiöse und ethnische Minderheiten zu Feinden, immer jedoch die unabhängige Presse. Populistische Führer sprechen im Namen des Volkes und sehen sich selbst als Gegenteil von Eliten. Der Populismus ist demokratischer Autoritarismus – eine Demokratie, die sich von ihrer liberalen Grundlage lossagt. Donald Trump ist das jüngste Beispiel einer langen Geschichte von Anfechtungen der konstitutionellen Demokratie. Mit allen populistischen Bewegungen und Regimen teilt der Trumpismus eine faschistische Genealogie und Geschichte. Doch Trump ist kein Faschist, er ist durch und durch Populist. Der Inbegriff des Populismus des 20. Jahrhunderts war Perón – die Bewegung Donald Trumps steht für die neue populistische Welle unserer Zeit. Diese zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass der Populismus zu einigen Ideen des Faschismus zurückkehrt, die der Peronismus und seine "klassischen" Nachfolger verworfen hatten: Trump und seine europäischen Pendants wie Marine Le Pen, AfD und Pegida offenbaren eine Fremdenfeindlichkeit, die für einen lateinamerikanischen Caudillo unvorstellbar gewesen wäre. Während Peróns autoritäre Demokratie sich in der Praxis von faschistischen und rassistischen Ansichten der Vergangenheit distanzierte, scheint dieses Erbe heute wieder einen Platz in populistischer Politik zu haben
(Federico Finchelstein  ist Professor für Geschichte an der New School for Social Research in New York. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind der Faschismus in Lateinamerika und Europa, deren transnationale Verbindungen sowie der Populismus. Zudem schreibt er regelmäßig für internationale Tageszeitungen. Im September 2017 erschien seine Monografie "From Fascism to Populism in History". [email protected] )  
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warmfluffypastries · 13 years
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anothergleekgirl · 2 months
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[S2 FINCHEL CANON REWRITE] Santana's threat right before his mom's wedding was a wake-up call. Find out what happens when Finn has a crisis of conscience and decides to tell Rachel the truth himself - and what happens when Rachel confronts Santana. . . Yes, another v-card bomb alternate story. Canon to Furt 2x08 then AU.
Glee - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama Chapters: 1 - Words: 9,048 Published: Jun 20, 2024 Cast: [Finn H., Rachel B.] Santana L., Carole H. Status: Complete
He’s gotta tell her. 
That crazy Spanish one-woman wrecking ball doesn’t pull her punches, and she seems to live to torment Rachel like a favorite pastime. She’s gonna blab if he doesn’t speak up first, he just knows it. His luck isn’t that great and his track record for breaking Rachel’s heart is even worse. So it’s gotta happen and it’s gotta be sooner rather than later before he loses the upper hand and any hope of saving his relationship with her... assuming he still can.
Six months. Almost six full months they’ve had together. Six months of falling, falling, falling so deep, deep, deep in love with this girl. Six months of happiness. He’d never known happiness like this. He’d never known how to love someone like this before Rachel. But he does now, so completely... and he’s in too deep; there’s no way back for him. He can’t lose her now, he just CAN’T. Like, that’s not even an option. And if she tries to walk away, he’s prepared to fight to win her back, whatever it takes. He’s not above groveling or begging. But if there’s any hope in hell of keeping her, he KNOWS she has to hear this from him.   
‘Cause he’s totally seen it from her side already. He remembers what it felt like when Rachel told him she’d done the deed with Jesse, and also what it felt like when she confessed to lying about it later. He knows that if it was Rachel who lied to him in this way, he’d be pretty crushed. If she’d said she hadn’t when she had and then hidden it for months into their relationship, he’d be really hurt, and like, maybe even uncontrollably pissed – at least for a little while. But he knows it’d be a hundred times worse if he heard something like that from St Jerkoff instead of his beautiful sweet girl. After the shit that went down with Quinn, Rachel not telling him the truth about something like that would probably devastate their relationship and kill his trust in her. So why should he expect her to feel any different about him not offering full disclosure?
If only he’d come clean when Rachel did. He had the perfect opening and didn’t take it, now he’s kicking himself. She was HONEST about her lie; that is, she had already confessed her sins to him. Of course, the difference between her lie and his is the difference between forgetting you bought a lotto ticket that turns out to be a jackpot winner and forgetting to unplug the George Foreman grill and burning the house down.
Why the fuck did Santana have to pull this bullshit powerplay with him again now anyway? Or at all? This doesn’t even make sense to him and he cannot get his head around WHY NOW. Then again, he didn’t have a very good grip on WHY THEN last year either, why she even approached him in the first place. 
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anothergleekgirl · 6 months
Take a Mulligan
by: anothergleekgirl
SUMMARY: A/U Finchel. 6 YEARS AFTER THE TRAIN STATION Rachel's in a toxic relationship & engaged to abusive Brody. Self-loathing Finn left Lima for good & vanished from her life permanently. Will she go thru with wedding? Will Finn find his way back to her in time, maybe to save them both?
Rated M for language/sex/adult situations/violence. Trigger Warning: DOMESTIC ABUSE.
Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance Status: Complete Chapters: 8 Words: 45,749 Published: May 6, 2023 Cast: [Rachel B., Finn H.], Santana L., Brody W., Puck, Kurt, Blaine
: : : (Chapter 2 excerpt) : : :
“Finnegan me boy. What sorta ghosts ‘er yas tryin’ ta exorcise this fine eve? Seems ya’ve got a reason most nights - even if they’re usually bad reasons… “ the older man chuckled.
“OH Macky.. Nothing special tonight. Jus’.. celebrating. S’the anniversary of the day I destroyed my life and future happiness. Oh, and apparently, drove the only girl I ever loved and was s’posed to marry into the arms of another man, who I hear she’s planning to marry soon.. Apparently. Idn’t that super awesome?? CHEERS MACKY!” Finn raises his newly refilled tumbler high up over his head, then quickly gulps down half the liquid within.
“Always for the loss of a woman… D’ya wanna talk about it?” Macky asks while washing out some bar glasses.
Finn just looks at him, wishing daggers could actually be levitated and thrown his way. “No.”
“Well sunny boy-o, yer not gonna find any sage advice in the bottom o’ that scotch glass there, I can assure ya that much.”
“Never said I was seeking ‘sage advice’ Mack. You Irish jus’ like given’ it away for free. One of the reasons we’ve been talking at all is because we don’t talk about this.” Finn states dryly as he finishes his apparent last scotch on the rocks of the night.
“Well lemme ask ya this laddie.. If ya had it to do over, would ya’ve done differ’nt?”
He stares at the ice in the empty glass in front of him for a long time. It’s the same damn question he’s asked himself every damn day for 6 years. “I don’t know Mack. I had my reasons, they were solid at the time… But I’m hearing things now that maybe… maybe I..” Finn rubs a calloused hand repeatedly over the back of his neck as if willing to scrub a revelation out of it, and feeling like an asshole for ever opening the door of opportunity to another man. “Aw fuck. I just don't know. I don’t fucking KNOW.” He blows out a long frustrated breath.
“Was she a good lass?”
**I’m the only person in your life who knows you and accepts you for who you are, no matter what**
He lifts his glass to his lips, sucking up few ice cubes to chew on. “The best. Better than the best…. And there will never be another.” He trades the glass for his beer, quickly downing half of the stout ale and slams the bottle down on the bar, as if to put an exclamation point on the end of that statement.
**I’ll never break up with you**
A familiar voice is heard from the other end of the bar. “Hey Irish. Can I get some service down here? Been on the road a hella long time and I’m pretty damned thirsty. I wants to get my drink on. And trust me, you’re not solving HIS goddamned problems tonight, maybe not even in this lifetime.”
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Why is she here??? How in the hell….
She orders a classic old fashioned and walks down to the empty seat next to Finn. “Is this seat taken?” she coyly bats her lashes at him and does a little hip-shimmy for effect. The stunning Latina brunette in her black pencil skirt, fuck me 4 inch black heels and almost see-through sheer navy colored blouse could certainly garner attention from anyone with a pulse - male or female.
He doesn’t even look up. “Yes Santana. It’s taken, but you go right ahead, I was just leaving.”
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anothergleekgirl · 6 months
by anothergleekgirl
[Canon - S3x10 - 3x21]
SUMMARY: Filling the gaps between Finn learning the truth about his father's death, the immediate effects on his relationship with his mother in the aftermath, and the decisions he made next as a result. (Picks up at 3x10 'Yes/No' immediately after Schue's ambush meeting with Finn's parents at school) Rachel is referenced heavily throughout; Burt & Puck make brief appearances.
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Rated: M - English - Angst/Drama Status: Complete Chapters: 1 (one shot) Words: 7,110 Published: Mar 6 Cast: Finn, Carole, Burt, Puck, Rachel
He arrived home from Rachel’s around 9:45 pm and found her sitting in her yellow terry cloth robe with legs crossed and red, swollen baggy eyes at the center island in the kitchen, piles of crumpled used tissues and a cup of tea going cold on the counter in front of her.
She sat up straighter when he came into the kitchen. “Honey, you’re home... Are you alright? I was worr–”
“I’m fine. I’m headed to my room.”
“I saved you a plate in the fridge, if your hun–”
“I ate at Rachel’s.”
“Finn, honey please come and sit. Please talk to me.”
He couldn’t keep the vitriol out of his words. “Why?? What is there to talk about? You have more lies you just remembered you need to unload on me tonight? Just save it!”
“Hey! I know you’re upset Finn, but that’s still your mother! You speak to her with some respect!” Burt rushed in from the living room at the sound of Finn’s raised voice, although his presence didn’t seem to phase Finn in the least.
“Burt, sweetie, it’s okay, please don’t...”
“Nah.. no, no it’s not okay. He’s entitled to everything he’s feeling, I get that, but I’m not gonna sit by while he smarts off and disrespects you, Carole. There’s no use for that under my roof.”
“Well the good news for you both is I won’t be under this roof much longer and I have nothing else to say to either of you right now. I sure as hell don’t need to hear anymore tonight either, so just leave me alone.”
With that, Carole bit her lip and listened to the sounds of her son’s heavy footsteps marching up the stairs and winced at the door slam that followed. She jumped up and grabbed Burt by the arm before he could rush up after him.
“No, Burt. Leave him be. I know my son, this’ll pass eventually... He’s a good boy and he’ll come back to me. We’ll talk when he’s ready and not a moment before then.”
“He’s a great kid and I love him like my own now, hun, but if he treats you like that again, don’t think for one second I won’t treat him like my own too; I’d never let Kurt get away with that disrespectful crap, no matter what the reasons were.” . . . .
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anothergleekgirl · 6 months
by anothergleekgirl
FINCHEL ONESHOT. [S1 Canon/AU]. What if Finn figured out on his own you can't actually impregnate someone in a hot tub?
Rated: T - English - Romance Chapters: 2 - Words: 7,349 Published: March 2, 2024 Rachel B., Finn H. - Complete
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He lauded himself as a genius and fought the urge to actually pump a fist in the air celebrating his victory.
Bowling was pretty awesome, and he’d gotten what he wanted right? She agreed to come back to Glee, and now he could move on with his plans for getting that music scholarship Miss Pillsbury told him about. Then he could secure a future that would allow him to support a family.
Except for one nagging little problem... was that what his future was really meant to look like? Because like, no, he wasn’t the kind of douche who would just walk away from his responsibilities... but maybe what his future was supposed to look like was different than the view out of that corner he felt like he got painted into with Quinn’s words. And also, did he feel good about building or achieving a future based on these pretenses?
He could see one other possibility, but it all sort of depended on the girl sitting in the truck next to him. She was presently daintily licking at a vanilla soft serve cone, and watching her do it was making all the blood in his body travel to places it really shouldn’t go right now.
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anothergleekgirl · 21 days
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STORM by: anothergleekgirl
[FINCHEL-Canon to S3 graduation, minus lost boy Finn & no train station - instead, they DO get married right after grad.]
Summary: Fifteen years, two successful careers, and one broken relationship. They tried, really they did – until they didn't. When Rachel makes a terrible mistake she has to pay the price; the cost? Finn. Are there some things you can't come back from, or will their tether holdfast, be the anchor that weathers the storm?
Glee - Rated: M - English Genre/Tags: Angst/Hurt/Comfort; Drama; Romance; Teen marriage; Fame; Infidelity Chapters: 4 Words: 26,936 Published Aug 7, 2024 CAST: FINN, RACHEL, KURT, SANTANA, PUCK
[excerpt - ACT II]
Two years passed. His band was on their first co-headlining US tour with Fallout Boy and she’d landed her first leading Broadway role. Maureen in Rent was always on her bucket list, and she nailed it night after night, seven shows per week. After a few months, she gave up an occasional Sunday performance to her understudy so she could fly to wherever Finn was performing that weekend. They made love on his tour bus and in his hotel room and drunk-fucked a couple of times in nightclub bathrooms.
. . . . .
“I want us to start a family, baby. You think you’ll be ready soon?”
“I do too, Finn, someday... but you know, I’ve just landed my first big role. There’s a chance for my first Tony if all goes well, and if it happens, I’m positive there’s going to be more shows lined up waiting for me. I... babe, you know I want this too, so much, with you... but this isn’t the right time. I’m just getting started.”
“I know.... I know... fuck. I just wish I didn’t have to be on the road so much.”
“Finn, baby, I miss you when you’re gone, more than you know, but we knew this was gonna be hard. And you’re living your dream too. I won’t take that away from you. I want this for you, and I know you want it too. I’m so proud of you. We’ll find the right time, soon.”
“Yeah.. just, right now isn’t it. We have plenty of time. We’re not even 25 yet.”
[excerpt Act III]
"... You were MY home and you wrecked it. I never thought you’d do it to me again. I didn’t... you swore you wouldn’t, but you fucking lied... Again. You shoulda never come back to me. Guess you were still pretending after all.” 
“Finn, please listen, I’m sorry! I’m so sorry baby, it’s not what you think, it wasn’t y–” ...
... He ended the call by dropping his phone in the toilet and flushing it. “Down down down you go... Just like the last fifteen fucking years... bye bye bye, Rachel fucking Berry. Poisonous bitch.”
. . . . .
“Hi there. Name’s Puckerman. Someone called me to discreetly handle the little, uh, ‘problem’ you have hiding somewhere in this fine establishment. You wanna point me in the right direction?”
“Mr Puckerman, oh yes! Thank goodness! I do hope you can resolve this matter quickly and quietly. I’m such a fan of Mr Hudson’s. Thankfully my manager is out sick this evening which means I’m in charge; otherwise, I can assure the authorities would have been called by now. He seemed so sad three days ago, so I know there must be something terribly wrong with him. I just didn’t want to see things made worse by an incident like this splashed across tabloid headlines.”
“Well if he were in his right mind, I’m sure he’d be thanking you for your understanding.”
“Oh, it’s my pleasure. Mr Hudson has been our guest many times before and he’s always been so kind and courteous, and well, I just hope you can help him. Quietly. But he does need to leave today. We’ve had too many complaints from other guests on that floor.”
“Yeah. We stayed here for our National Show Choir competition back in high school. He’s kind of attached to this place. So lemme guess, he’s sloshed, shit-faced, and totally out of his fucking mind. Is that about the size of it?”
“Umm... Yes sir, I would assume so.”
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anothergleekgirl · 2 months
Rainbow Stars & Helium Heads
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"I know I'm rambling, I'm a little nervous because what if it really doesn't fit because I'm just so small and you're really NOT and I'm sorry for just talking so mu–" He kisses her, hard. Not so much to shut her up (well, that too) but to try and ease her nerves. - - - Just some fun pointless Finchel fluff. XOXO
Glee - Rated: M - English Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,563 Published: Jun 4, 2024 Ship: [Finn H., Rachel B.] Status: Complete Tags: Fluff; First Time; Silly Smut; Romance; Humor
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anothergleekgirl · 2 months
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this fic was me being a brat, slapping back at an apparent finchel hater who posted an unkind review (begging the age old question, why bother reading or reviewing a fic clearly labeled for a ship you don't like? 🤔).. so you can thank a troll for this little piece of fluff! 😉
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finchel-lover4ever · 2 months
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First Love - chapter 4 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1462680520-first-love-chapter-4?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Glee_Geek Finn and Rachel grew up together, they did everything together and now they are 13 and are starting to have feelings towards each other that they didn't have before
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anothergleekgirl · 6 months
by anothergleekgirl
SUMMARY: Finn & Rachel are best friends since childhood and set to be each other's 'Best Friend of Honor' at their respective weddings. As they move ahead helping each other plan, they begin to awkwardly discover that maybe what they'd always thought was 'just friendship' runs much deeper.
Alt Universe/Canon Divergent – FUTUREFIC. A friends to lovers Finchel story! - Set in NYC.
Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor Status: COMPLETE Chapters: 14 Words: 108,847 Published: Dec 4, 2023 Cast: Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, Santana Lopez, Jesse St James, Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Burt Hummel, Hiram & Leroy Berry, Noah Puckerman, Tina Cohen-Chang, Mercedes Jones, Artie Abrams, Sam Evans, Brittany Pierce, Mike Chang, Shannon Beiste, Emma Pillsbury, Holly Holiday, Sue Sylvester --------------------------------------
“Say you’ll do it? Be my Best Friend of Honor, pleeeeease??”
“Didn’t we always promise each other? ‘Course I will! I’m so happy for you, Bite-Size!”
She stands on tiptoes and throws her arms around her best friend’s neck to squeeze him tight while exhaling into his shoulder “Thank you thank you thank you! Oh Finn, this means so much to me... I couldn’t possibly dream of anyone else standing by my side for this. I’ll need my BFF or it just wouldn’t feel real.”
With his long-reaching arms still wrapped around her waist he kisses her on the cheek.
“Anything for you Rach. You know I’m always here for you.”
With a sweet smile and a slight blush she suddenly looks up into those honey warm almond-shaped eyes. “Now we just need to get you squared away. Exactly when are you planning to set the date?” She pokes her little index finger teasingly into his chest a few times.
“Set a date?” He chuckles heartily, wrapping his large hand around hers and tickling at her palm with his thumb. “Jumping the gun a bit aren’t you, Rach? You know full well the ring is still sittin’ in my sock drawer... how ‘bout I maybe ask her first?”
“Right. You should probably actually do that! I swear, you’re the King of Procrastination.” She smirks at him.
“It’s not procrastination. I’ve just learned with her, it’s best not to make too many sudden moves. Slow and steady is the safest play.”
Peals of laughter burst out of her. “Okay, if you say so... but you do know Tana’s getting impatient, right?”
He aims a glare laced with sarcasm at her. “Ya think?? She keeps bringing home new bride magazines like, daily, and watching hours-long marathons of Say Yes to the Dress. Between you and me? I really hope she wants one of those Panini Turkay dresses, y’know, the ones that look like corsets and see-through lingerie?” He wiggles his eyebrows with a suggestive smirk as he nudges her with his elbow.
“Finn Hudson! You’re ridiculous!” She chastises him through laughter. “I swear your mind is always in the gutter, isn’t it? And her name is Pnina Tornai... A panini is a sandwich, Finn. We’ve discussed this before.”
Shaking it off he doesn’t miss a beat, images of those dresses still dancing in his smiling eyes. “Whatever. Those are some super HOT dresses... especially the ones that lace up the back.”
Rolling her eyes, she gapes at him with mock disgust, then resigns with a sigh. “First of all, Finn, they are not dresses, they are GOWNS – very expensive gowns, I might add. But... Well, I guess I can see the appeal from the groom’s point of view. Although, I’d suppose they’re really only meant for a certain type of bride...” Her voice softens a bit, and he can almost hear a sadness behind her previously cheery tone. “I, for one, don’t think I could ever pull off something so... risqué or revealing – not that it’s really my style anyway. Besides... I’m just not built for a dress like that.”
“You serious right now, Rach? You know you’d totally rock one of those Panini dresses.”
“It’s Pnina. Pronounced pa-nee-NAH, Finn.”
“Don’t care. Stop deflecting... You always do that though, you always put yourself down – and it sorta pisses me off. You gotta stop doing that. Don’t you know you’re beautiful Rach? And I bet anything you’d look super awesome in one of those dresses. In fact, I know you would. I’ll even prove it to you.”
She laughs hysterically as he pokes her lightly in the most ticklish spot on her left side – the spot only he seems to know about since he’d first discovered it at the age of ten. He knows it’s her kryptonite and she’s utterly defenseless against his tickle attacks.
She blushes at his sweet words and squeals through her giggles, "Finn, STOP! And exactly just how do you think you’re gonna prove anything?”
“Well, as your official B-F-O-H, I get to go to the dress shop while you’re picking out a dress, don’t I?? So... I’ll pick one out, you’ll try it on and I’ll prove my point.”
“You wanna help me pick out my wedding gown? You’re insane.”
“Hmmm, maybe. But we both know you’re gonna insist on getting my approval either way. Plus you’re going to Kleinfeld's anyway, so...”
She looks at him for a hard minute with narrowing eyes laced with suspicion.
“You seem to be very well informed, not only about the designer names and dress styles, but also with the name of the bridal shop... Admit it, Finn. You actually watch Say Yes, don’t you?”
Looking away nervously, he shrugs her off. “Uh... no comment.”
A chorus of giggles rings out as her lovely plump pink lips curl up to the apples of her cheeks and make her eyes shine bright. “Oh, you're so BUSTED!”
“Shut up. Hey, I’m a GUY, alright? So I can’t help it if I happened to be walking through the room during that one episode where the bride wanted to be practically naked and had a dress special made that was like HOLY FU–”
“Finn!! Language!” She slaps him lightly on the bicep. “And please stop objectifying women like that; you know it annoys me. Not to mention, how do you think Tana feels about you making those comments?”
He chuckles. “Are you joking right now? She’s the one who comments on the hottest brides on the show most of the time! She even rates them on a scale from g-strings to granny panties. Which, that alone is pretty hot and reason enough to watch.”
“Mmhmm. I forgot. She’s a little... peculiar like that. It’s almost like I’m talking to Puckerman instead of her most of the time. Sometimes I think you two are kind of an odd pairing.”
“So what, you think I shouldn’t—”
“Hey, I never said that. I mean, you love her, don’t you?”
“Well, yeah. Sure I do.”
“Okay then, it’s settled. Just get off your procrastinating ass and get the deed done already, BFG. She’s going to be in my wedding party too, don't forget, and you know that’s just going to make her even MORE antsy if you don’t hurry the hell up.”
“Yeah yeah, Bossy Baby Spice, as long as you’re sure... Annnnd as long as you say you’re gonna be my BFOH.” he teases back with a wink.
She beams her megawatt smile and reminds him, “Didn’t we always promise each other?”
“Cool. You’re the bestest y’know that, short-stuff?” He brushes her bangs from her eyes and wraps a loose strand of her mahogany locks behind her ear, a sincere smile stretching across his dimpled face. “And you’re gonna make a beautiful bride too, Rach. Seriously. Jesse’s a lucky dude – and he’d better treat you right, or he’ll have me to answer to.”
“Is that a fact?” She laughs softly and leans her head against his shoulder. “You’d still defend my honor, huh?”
“Always, Rach. Hey... you wanna grab a bite? Since you mentioned paninis I’ve got a craving now.”
“Oh god... Sure. C’mon, let’s go feed the human garbage disposal.”
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moncheles · 4 years
Hey I was wondering if you still had any Finchel fanfics that were deleted. One was called Bully I think. But any deleted ones that you have would be awesome.
Anonymous said:Hey! This is the one of the anons who is requesting the fanfics. I was just wondering, how would you prefer I message you with the list?
You can both just send me an e-mail at [email protected] with the fics you want, it’s easiest for me to send them this way! 
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