#and that's enough for her to feel safe
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prismaticsaltedink · 1 year ago
My pet snake enjoys being pet too, especially after she's eaten she likes me to pet her tummy there.
(The really unusual thing is she will pet herself there with her chin to show me what she wants, and I do it every time she asks so I guess I've been reenforcing/rewarding this behavior. She will stop directing me and relax when I pet her. She also pets ME sometimes too. She'll sit with her body in the crook of my arm and gently and repeatedly move her chin over my arm in the direction my short arm hairs flow, lift up and go back and do it again several times. I'm not sure if she enjoyed being pet and decided to try it for herself and liked it, or just enjoys the feeling of petting her human. She's very sweet, gentle, and cuddly. Does anyone else's snake do this? I've seen nothing like it posted anywhere by anyone else. She's a Western Hognose.)
#When I first got her I'd barely interacted with any snakes irl before#so when she got starled her nature is to make a loud scary sound#It is REALLY loud considering she's as small as a long gummi worm#The second time she did it and I flinched uncontrollably she seemed to have this realization that she was scaring the hell out of me#(startling because sudden loud sound)#and seems to have made an effort to not scare big human who nice things happen to her when they are around#she only hisses now to say no or when something startles her#and is very nice and sweet to me#It was very surprising to me she recognized she was scary and changed her behavior to be nice to me almost immediately#I'm so happy she wants to be friends and associates me with good things#she'll be out exploring and if I start taking to her she'll come over#I'm not calling her#she just hears me talk sweetly to her and immediately wants to be near me#often she just likes to be held#and chooses to spend time being held when offered play time or to go back in her home#I think her knowing she has complete control and choice is why she's so confident. Sometimes I think she asks to go back in her home just#to make sure she can#because she'll come back out again immediately and start playing#a lot of the time she'll peek just to make sure she can see her enclosure#and that's enough for her to feel safe#and she'll cuddle me and we'll play#I wish media showed the true nature of these sweet animals rather than trying to make them look scary#a lot of the time the representation in videos is after the animal has either learned not to trust or has been intentionally riled up#but my gods if you spend time with them and they learn you are someone who loves them they can trust many are so so so so dear#A lot of snake videos are the equivalent of taking a feral cat and getting in it's face#if that's all people see they'd think all cats were like trapped panicky desperate feral cats#but that wouldn't be an accurate representation at all#yanno?
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biggest-gaudiest-patronuses · 4 months ago
main take aways from Halloween (1978) rewatch:
michael myers is canonically 21??? this bitch should be at the club
*sees tiddies* ***MURDEROUS RAMPAGE NOISES***
that's it that's the movie
outside of the fact that everyone who has sex is murdered by the narrative, this is a surprisingly chill portrayal of female sexuality? these teen girls are horny and actively enjoying Getting It On with their boytoys. no pushy boyfriends sneaking in through their bedroom windows--these ladies are taking the initiative to sneak out and GET SOME. one of them gets laid and then immediately orders her boyfriend to get her a beer. (yes she gets Slashered soon afterward, but so does the boyfriend so honestly, gender equality.) yes the Final Girl is the only one not having sex, but she's not bullied for that, nor are her friends slut shamed except possibly by being murdered by the narrative
actually the only character who is shown being morally condemned on-screen is michael myers. specifically FOR his violent overreaction to other people's sex lives. (people he is spying on). metaphorically, the villain is American Puritanism sticking its judgy nose into other people's business.
aka Michael Myers Is A Republican
but actually the real villain is the doctor. guy's a judgemental, shaming, pathologizing asshole. and he's been in charge of michael's care since he was SIX YEARS OLD? kid never had a chance. i'd go on a killing spree too
also the parents. where are the parents? it's halloween night and all the teenage girls are home babysitting their younger siblings? come to think of it, michael's first victim was his own older sister, whom he killed while she was babysitting him. teen girls are really shouldering a labour burden here. maybe parentification is the true villain
side note: mike commits his first murder wearing a clown costume...which is never referenced again? his 'iconic' costume is a generic mask and wig and jumpsuit, when we coulda had a Killer Clown Michael Myers??? travesty
i like how the Final Girl and her friend casually smoke weed in her car. yeah she's an honor student and her friend is the sheriff's daughter. yeah they smoke weed. so what it's 1978
(to reiterate, mike is 21 and should be at the club. im not saying he shouldn't be rampaging, im saying it's sad that he broke out, tasted freedom for the first time in his life, and immediately snuck back into his childhood home to go rampaging. let's have a remake where he goes to a nightclub and has a few beers. maybe some slutty dancing. then rampage)
oh no he's hot
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#HALLOWEEN#halloween the movie#michael myers#do you think he's a mike? mikey? to his friends? if slashers had friends?#i'll be honest i was expecting this movie to be way more of a bitch to its female characters#i mean yeah they died but so did some dudes#there's just a lack of cattiness compared to the way most later movies portrayed teenage girls idk#yeah the Final Girl is a Virgin and a Bookworm. but there's no bullying or any strong sense that's she's morally superior to everyone else#mostly she AND the other girls feel a bit sorry for her lack of a social life. one even tries to set her up with a date to the school dance#solidarity! trying to get your nerd friend laid!#overall it's just teenagers being teenagers and then a slasher comes in and ruins everything with his Lack Of Chill#like yeah dude sometimes teenagers have sex. get over it#also something to be said about how while the girl who survives is the one who isn't sexually active and dresses conservatively...#ultimately those things aren't ENOUGH to prevent her from being targeted#you could say that the other girls 'provoked' the villain (the same way women irl are so often accused of provoking their attackers)#but ultimately that doesn't keep the Final Girl safe. it just delays the inevitable.#because violent men never need excuses. no matter how eager society is to provide them.#ultimately she is at the mercy of the same violent whims because it was never her behavior that invited the violence.#gendered violence doesn't need an invitation.#also she doesn't save herself the doctor saves her#it's not her actions or choices that put her in danger OR save her from it--once again it is the whim of a man#no this wasn't intended to be a feminist movie it's just fun how you could argue it that way
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hhhhunty · 11 months ago
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How funny that she never considered that.
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potassiumprincess · 11 months ago
i think marinette is worse at resting when she's sick but adrien is worse at sitting things out if he's injured. i have no explanation, these are just the vibes
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dean-is-love · 7 months ago
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dean and cassie doing their nails and being bisexual
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inkedbookboyfriend · 2 months ago
Be her safe space. Be her peace >>>>
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timeladix · 1 year ago
Friends with benefits but the benefit is giving each other societally unacceptable long hugs and generally being more touchy while literally being friends and not actually a couple
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shrinkthisviolet · 4 months ago
Gotta love that the ATLA fandom collectively shifted from Zuko/Katara to Zuko/Sokka during the 2020 renaissance due to a growing appreciation for Kataang…
…but Maiko still gets paid absolute dust 🫠 what, y’all can finally appreciate Kataang (about mf time), but Mai has to either be abusive, cold, or the stereotypical “mean lesbian”? And the most she’s allowed to contribute now is to give birth to Izumi and then not even be her mom (on the rare occasions that Zuko/Sokka fic writers even let Mai be Izumi’s birth mom)? Very progressive…
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blorbocedes · 11 months ago
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oh that little girl loves him 🥹 max and baby P
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arrowheadedbitch · 6 months ago
Thinking about the episode where Nessie Jr hatches and how Colonel Baird assumes that Ezekiel is goofing off so she gives him a job to do and he keeps trying to get that job out of the way as fast as he can so he can go back to the very important job he was doing.
There's so much to be said about that part of the episode!
The way colonel baird assumes he's goofing off, the way he doesn't even try to defend himself until after he's already finished the thing she was stopping him from doing, the way he only explains why he was on his phone after she's already scolded him multiple times, the way he HACKED a GOVERNMENT SATALITE from his CELL PHONE, the way he genuinely cares about the egg despite it being dumped on him because of the assumption that he isn't working on something worthwhile, the way he's genuinely upset that he almost killed the egg by accident, the way he doesn't realise a bunsen burner will kill the baby but knows how to HACK a SATALITE from his CELL PHONE, the way he doesn't really care that Baird kept him away from his important work because of an assumption, the way he never tries to curb her assumption, the way he's only annoyed and really only mildly scolds her for making him take longer to figure out the other's were in big trouble, the way that this episode deeply effects how Baird sees Ezekiel, there's just so much to be said
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timeisacircleofangst · 2 months ago
because guys we've all talked about how Curly had to watch Anya die, but he had to watch Daisuke die too
like yes Curly watched Anya overdose but he also heard Daisuke calling for Anya as he crawled out of the vent. He might not have witnessed his actual death but he saw him all bloodied and distraught at being too late to save her
and I just think about how he felt. How guilty he must have been. You just watched the arguably two most vulnerable people in your crew die and you could have prevented it, but you didn't. You were charged with protecting them they were your responsibility but now they're gone and you get to watch
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cassmouse · 1 year ago
This is a Future Ramona Flowers appreciation post bc look at her I actually love her so much
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soulmvtes · 3 months ago
i feel the closest i have ever felt to myself and that is the reason why i know things will feel better soon
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inkedbookboyfriend · 9 days ago
The intimacy of making her 'feel' secure and safe >>>
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irenespring · 1 month ago
Me: This fic needs plot.
My brain: Okay, I understand. The fic needs more wallowing.
Me: No. We need to cut back on the wallowing to get to the plot so this doesn't like three more weeks to write.
My brain. Got it, got it. The fic needs Wilson to have free time so he just walks around and contemplates. Nice long chunk of Wilson's depression and trauma.
Me: No. Not at all. It needs less time reflecting on the past.
My brain: Understood. I have the solution. The fic needs...flashbacks.
Me: Okay fuck it. Fine.
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