#and that was it and i got a solid c/b in that class bc the teacher was GREAT and i could do lab tests one on one with her <3
lucifer-kane · 28 days
could never get/relate to gifted kids talk because i was that bitch who was always put in the remedial classes. primarily math, but because of that it took me down pegs from the higher up english/history classes i could have taken
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pallases · 2 years
resolutely Not Thinking abt my drawing midterm 💆🏼‍♀️
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shabbytigers · 5 months
the tragic fact of the matter:
i can’t speak german
written exercises go fine. i pick up grammar and syntax tricks quick once i see them laid out. the odd misplaced nicht or wrong gender but solid A- on the exercises that use given text. writing from scratch on a blank page i’m gonna produce shitty clumsy B- prose, but it’ll execute whatever grammar we’re trying to instantiate at the time correctly, and for serious test purposes i think i could do better by not trying to say anything too fancy
listening is C+: can scrape through comprehension questions but not getting much of the incidental color and feel bad about it. terrible one today, a bunch of vignettes at a party with background noise, i only got about two thirds of the basic comp. mostly i can hear enough to pass a test about it. and it does improve
speaking is at best word-by-word as i strenuously connect the dots one at a time and at worst not fucking there: i open my mouth with the intent to convey something and produce deafening paralytic silence. probably a D. feels like an F but that might be because i’m super not used to being this bad at academics
(Germans grade, I gather from the stories in our book, on a scale of 1 to 6 where 1 is top marks and 5 is failing badly enough to have to repeat the class: heaven only knows what 6 is. I think I’m at 1 or 2 on written exercises, 2 or 3 on free response writing, 3 or 4 on listening and 4 or 5 on speaking, depending how harshly they were grading. we aren’t actually getting grades along the way and they don’t formally test till the end of the next two month chunk of curriculum)
this is so profoundly demoralizing that an intense nope field is developing around “practicing” spoken german and i don’t see an obviously feasible way for it to get any better. please don’t suggest fixes that amount to practicing bc i’m mentally bogged down spinning my wheels in the mud right now and i think i have to go ahead and actually feel bad first before i can try to fix it
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jorisjurgen · 9 months
World of Twelve dashboard simulator
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🎆 halfalight follow
I think if I get knocked out while solo'ing dungeons oen more time local eniripsas will just euthanise me 😭 iop save me
🫂 shards-of-glass-in-the-bar follow
we all have that homie who's not gonna make it.
🎆 halfalight follow
You run an anti-recovery alcoholism blog tho ???
🫂 shards-of-glass-in-the-bar follow
way to be classphobic dipshit.
🐙 podapoda-2-3 follow
Idk i feel like posting about losing your home bc of it isn't very successful and happy pandawa of you.
🤹 mysteryrystery follow
Anyone in this thread smoke hemp
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🌌 somethingquietplace
Like a sworn knight, I serve you. You are my beating heart, my lifeline. Neither Bonta nor Astrub would be home, if you were not by my side...
Yet, why do my hands yearn for freedom, the way a butcher yearns for a wild animal?
🌛 quartziwindy follow
Are you ok op.
🕸️ osamodas-loves-spiders follow
isnt op that one guy with 50 side blogs who got accused of being a part of the bontarian royalty and classfaking being an ecaflip.
🌌 somethingquietplace
Do you swear on your heart that you can truly believe a person with a life and a career would post on this site.
#Mind your buisiness. #not osu
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🥧 amakna-news-official follow
does anyone know if the demigod goultard is still out there marrying people//...
i n;;eed h;im.
🍄 124-lancer-lancer follow
When you die and go to externam not even being hosed down will help clean your soul. You will not reincarnate for 999 years.
🆎 alphabetcounter follow
e: 13; n: 11; o: 11; l: 7; a: 6; r: 6; i: 5; t: 5; u: 4; d: 4; 9: 3; h: 3; y: 4; s: 3; w: 4; g: 2; c: 2; x: 1; m: 1; v: 1; b: 1; p: 1; f: 1
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🌌 somethingquietplace
Went on a fishing trip with my family.
Here are some photos I took there, including photos of the snappers the three of us caught. Sufokia is beautiful this time of the year.
        Keep reading
🌌 somethingquietplace
I'll delete this reblog a bit later for organization purposes, but I wanted to take this moment to thank you all for your comments.
Also, I did not know that there was a fishing community here, for all the decades I spent on this site. The more you know.
#It's nice to get back in the groove of things... #Such a hectic year. #I just need some peace and quiet. #And maybe then I'll feel better. #Though sometimes I do ask why I keep doing this. Just everything in general. #...A hot chocolate will fix me right up though. Always does. #Delete later
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🔰 noobdefencesquad follow
I know most ppl are like..,, 100% over talking about that one fuckin xelor that reversed time for like 20 minutes. like yeah hes evil but he saved my whole life. i spilled coffee on my passport and then WHOOM time reversed and shit. and i woke up 20 minutes earlier, threw up, and decided not to go anywhere near my documents with liquids ever again.
can i get a wahoo for grandpa genocide. like he really fucked up but he did do a solid one to at least me. i just feel like enough years had passed for me to speak my truth
🌒 ten-o-cock-and-a-half follow
It's not a laughing matter, people died. And it was a yet another case of media representing xelors as crazy and evil.
Try to put yourself in the mindset of the victims.
🔰 noobdefencesquad follow
im a xelor too and i think this is fucking hilarious soo yeah.
try reincarnating into a different class in next life! hope this helps.
🌛 quartziwindy follow
I agree with the second rb, but is nobody going to mention their url??
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👾 pixiiiii-piratika follow
I know we all have our role models for adventurers we'd like to marry or become or steal the gender of or whatever, but idk it haunts me that some of them may be on this site. Imagine someone like master Eva reading what ppl had written about her or her husband. scary.
🎁 doggrillsougi follow
I hope ush galash can feel when i post about sending him psionic shadow assassins. i hope he fucking feels pain. Every single time.
🎶 foggy-has-no-spoons follow
what did a random bontarian noble do to you. also isn't he dead.
🎁 doggrillsougi follow
OK SO. this made me realize that most people genuinely don't know about the murder dungeon allegations.
To summ it up, he lured in people to rob his house, put them in The Murder Dungeon (actually a tower, but... rule of funny. it sounds funnier that way), and Bontarian government did NOTHING about for years, and even placed a statue in his honor despite that.
Now, this might sound like a conspiracy theory, but most of us in the demigod drama community know that Ecaflip demigods just... fake their deaths a lot. So there's a very big chance he's still out there. He's fucking out there.
And I want him to know, that I am sending psionic brain warriors to him. And to the king too.
THE ONLY reason this turned into a thing everyone knows is due to an anonymous leaker from within the palace. I fucking hate this kingdom.
🌹 theflowerofsadida follow
The city of good, btw
yet another reason i am a proud brakmarian despite not liking djaul LOL
🐙 podapoda-2-3 follow
👾 pixiiiii-piratika follow
oh god what happened to my post.
🌛 quartziwindy follow
there are like, theories on who leaked it btw, considering a bunch of diplomats had access to the documents. Though I won't point any fingers towards anyone in the palace in particular. 👀
if it would keep him doing this, I could kiss that guy who did this, on the lips, I would. or like, give him a pizzlarva.
fr fr.
🌌 somethingquietplace
It's every Bontarian's civil duty to try and make the city a little bit better. I think these motivations are both unneeded and unwanted.
Though the pizzlarva bit is funny.
👾 pixiiiii-piratika follow
arent you that one guy with whos been here for like 20 years and got accused of being a part of the bontarian royalty and classfaking being an ecaflip.
did you do this tumblr user somethingquietplace. did you.
🌌 somethingquietplace
I'm running a combination OSU, photography, and fishing blog where I post poorly written poetry at 4AM.
Please stop with the "you're never beating the allegations" jokes.
#not osu
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sanddusted-wisteria · 2 months
An update on my fics
hey wow it's been 4 months
Nearly six months on both longfics lmao. I've been busy and will continue to be busy, unfortunately. Grad school is a different beast entirely to undergrad (be careful taking 3 grad classes in a semester. 2 heavy ones can really make you regret it), I need to prepare for job interviews and PhD program applications, and this summer I've been wrangling an internship and research work.
Even so tho, my MTAS brainrot is far from dead. It takes a lot of time and effort, but I still have a lot I want to do with the My Time verse and my OCs, both art and fic. So here's a quick update on where I am and what the plan is with my fics and fic series going forward, and some previews of what I have so far (on a separate post bc this one's already too long lmao)!
TL;DR: busy, but still writing! WIP snippets on the next post.
[Long post and rambling belowwwwww]
Earth and Sky
Currently my primary focus. E&S has evolved a TON since I decided to rewrite it. How much? Well...
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[Drafting = first draft is in progress; Revising = draft is plot-complete, set aside for future editing passes]
In fact, I haven't even outlined the ending chapters since I recently had a change of heart in the kind of resolution I wanted. I got stuck on it enough that I decided to forego outlining anything for now and playing that one more by ear. I think any more time I spend tweaking these outlines might put me off this fic altogether :P
As someone that started writing with nameless/generic builders, writing for an OC is a different kind of challenge. I'm working to try and strike a good balance of focus on Wis vs Qi vs them together, and making Wis a very human, if not enjoyable character. Still, I think that this is one of those projects that if I can get right, it will be VERY right. It'll just take a bit to get there first :>
At minimum, I'll wait until most if not all of the chapters in the first third/quarter are done (chapters 1-16) to start posting, though hopefully I'll also have a solid idea for how some of the later chapters will go as well. Those are the really (internal) conflict-heavy chapters and I want to make sure it won't come out as shallow :P But I am excited to show you what I've got cooking!
A Cosmic Garden
This is the broader series for Wis and Qi. E&S will be the biggest fic, but it only goes up to a little beyond MTAS's Act 2. Beyond that, my plan is to write some side stories that go into Wis's Lore(tm), namely her origins as an Old World clone and her interactions with other Wis clones around the Alliance.
Why side stories? Well, a) any plot involving Wis as a clone is relatively spread out across the timeline of MTAS's story, since it's actually not that closely tied to her "main" storyline (being the first clone I made when the clone story was just kind of just a bullet point on their lore descriptions, it's less involved), b) it therefore doesn't really affect the story of how she and Qi get together, and c) I know that people might be far more interested in just the romance story with Qi (which is totally okay! I understand, I'm pretty much in the same camp with OC-centric stories a lot :P)
As for the equivalent of MTAS's Act 3, this won't be one cohesive fic, but a small series of smaller stories, since I don't really have too many ideas for a fully fleshed out telling of Act 3 that doesn't just walk through the main missions without much deviating from that. Some of those stories include:
A series of conversations between Qi and Miguel post Act 2
A Nia/Mi-an story
A silly little oneshot of Qi and Rosie interacting (tentative)
The original idea that Strangeness and Charm sprouted from; Wis and Qi conducting a methodical study on non-sexual intimacy (tentative)
The finale of the MTAS main story
A Builder, a Researcher, and a Rooftop
Currently on pause. For now, there's just too much OC brainrot for fics and on OTAS that I just need to get out. Don't worry! I'm absolutely not abandoning this one. I just can only really focus on one big project at a time lol. We're close to the end of this story's act 2, though not much of the remainder is written. In fact, chapter 34 is already done, but not chapter 33, so I can't quite post it yet. I think after I get the first part of E&S done (or I suppose whenever I feel like picking it up), I'll switch gears to at least get to the end of Act 2. Act 3 will need some reevaluation...I've hemmed and hawed over it forever, but I do want to finalize the plot for that one, and also potentially get started on that as well.
To the...5 people that read my Grace/Wis miniseries, I really do still want to get that done a;sdlasdralsdrkj It's been hard since my thoughts on how Grace and Wis interact after Act 2 have changed a lot. But even so, I hate to leave it hanging there, so I've started working on it again. It's already outlined, I just need to get it filled in.
Someday I should come back to Quiet Moments in Sandrock... My art's gotten a ton better since then and there's a few ideas I still have leftover that I never got to. Unfortunately I need to make room for it somewhere in the 13438525 other art ideas I have that I can only do like 1 per week at MOST asdlrkasdasdrjksdrj
Sitting on the back burner forever in my writing folder is a fusion of Junji Ito's Uzumaki and MTAS... An MTAS version of Uzumaki's story works SURPRISINGLY well, and Wis and Qi I think make for stronger protagonists in this setting than Kirie and Shuichi in theirs if I do say so myself lol. It's fully outlined and everything, but that's gonna forever be on the back burner until either my longfics get done or I figure out how to write horror, whichever comes first 😂
So all in all...still cooking! Thank you if you read all this, and thank you for your patience, especially if you've been closely following any of my in progress fics. Hopefully once the interview and application cycle is out of the way this fall, I'll have more brain capacity to really plug away at all these and share with you all! :>
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fandxmslxt69 · 11 months
hello beloved!!! <3
13, 18, 26
oh my gosh my love!!! hello dearest <333
13. How many siblings do you have? Are you oldest, middle, or youngest?
UGHHHH. Lmao. Uuuh I have 3 siblings, two brothers and a sister- I'm the oldest!!! Tough tough job let me tell you. It's fun I guess, because I've got dirt on everyone and I'm one less for my parents to worry about. But it's also kinda tragic cuz I feel held to such a standard my siblings see me as enemy #1 because I "get everything I want". I mean YEAH I more or less do but consider: my work really hard to collect enough Parent Points to get my stuff soooo really it's their fault :/ NOT TO SOUND DRAMATIC but its also kinda tragic cuz like between me and my younger sister is nearly a whole lifetime. My youngest brother is in that horrible middle school boy phase, and the older one is so distant I think he'll ditch the family as soon as he can. Also- lmao the anger issues that run in this household!!!
ANYWAY THIS GOT OFF TOPIC (love chatting abt sibling dynamics) but yeah, 3 siblings, I'm the oldest, it's such a blast I would not trade this life for anything.
18. What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought?
Stares at my bookshelf that has over 3k dollars worth of books. uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hmmmmm. I mean, other than my books, my mom usually buys me most of my stuff. Like no yeah sure I go clothes shopping but she's always there cuz a) i cant make choices and b) i cant be trusted with a credit card and c) i dont have my own money ahahaha. So ummm yeah, most expensive thing has to be my books (bought a book once for 30 bucks.) or my computer/laptop/thing (200 bucks, but it was my dad who got it sooooo) I mean I have clothes that were rather expensive like coats and shoes, but I never bought that stuff with my own money (has never worked a real job in her life other than library tutoring) so my books are the #1 i guess.
26. Do you believe in second chances?
Hm. If it's an honest, little mistake, sure. But if it's something bigger? My pride won't let me. My mom drilled it into me pretty young. Funny enough I got pushed around pretty easily growing up, and I didn't really know how to say no (most of that was due to being thrown into an environment in which i a) could not speak nor understand the language and b) i was. well. Not White and thought I had to appease everyone so no one could pick on me). Anyway yeah my mom drilled it into me that second chances had to be earned and only for the right things. STORY TIME!!! Gosh oh gosh okay, so I got pushed back a couple years in school when we first moved to Canada, hence why I'm so behind on everything. When I (finally) hit 5th grade, I remember I made 2 good friends. One of them, my parents were friends with her parents, the other was this nice white girl whom friend A had known for a very long time. I was kindly invited into their group (I'd known them for about a year or so but was never very close) and I tagged along! It wasnt unusual, since we lived in a small area and went to the local school, so pretty much the entire grade knew each other and we (the 20 smth kids) were always in the same class together for a solid 3 years. Anyway, these girls were fun and we had a good time but shit went DOWN and it kind of fucked me up real bad. I still think abt it to this day. Long story short they spread shit abt people in their little diaries and the teachers caught them and they thought I was apart of it but TURNS OUT I was the CENTER of the shit talking and to this DAY, nearly a decade later, my parents refuse to tell me about any of it. I gave them quite a few chances before and after bc we had some fights, and in the end it like just. it humiliated me completely. Anyway lmao um um um yeah, ever since that shit I kind of stuck to avoiding second chances.
If it's not deserved, it's not happening. They're cut from my life immediately. I simply refused to let myself be put in that same vulnerable position again. So no, I don't really believe in second chances. If it was an honest mistake, a misunderstanding, miscommunication or something harmless, I'm okay. It's fine, it'll wash over. But most other shit? Man I can't handle it at ALL. My pride genuinely won't let me. I'll end up burning all the bridges in anger before I even consider it.
UMMM THAT WAS LONG WOW but im tired and idc anymore. WHOOPS
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meyhew · 4 years
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
Shroom anon back to interrogate again >:3 if you don’t want to answer any of the questions feel free to skip them <3
A) do you watch double life smp? If so who’s pov do you watch and who do you think will win?
B) have you ever had someone ghost you irl because you watch mcyt/write fanfic?
C) if you could interview any c!dsmp member who would it be and what would the first question you’d ask be?
D) what made you start to kin c!tommy?
E) who’s your favorite content creator? Doesn’t have to be an mcyt!
Hehe ty for putting up with my nosey questions ^^
hi shroom anon!! i love your questions they're very fun to answer!
a) yes I do watch double life! i'm keeping up with scar's POV, but I do hop around between other POV's to see funny moments i hear about on tumblr (like I've skimmed through bdubs' stuff a bit and some of scott and pearl's as well). now as for who I think will win?? I'm really not sure, but tbh I could see martyn and cleo actually getting far?? idk why i just feel like they have a pretty solid shot. either them or impulse and bdubs. i'd love for the perfect soulmate couple living out their domestic bliss dreams to be the final two at the end
b) I'm extremely careful with who I tell irl about the fact that i write mcyt fanfic. technically, there's 6 people who know, but 2 of them i met online bc of my fics first and only later figured out we went to the same uni (yes, that happened twice), 1 reader approached me irl bc we were in a creative writing class together and they recognized my worldbuilding bc i used the same concept of someone else's dream but with original characters for a workshop piece lmao, and 1 person i figured out was into mcyt while we were chatting and I gave her my twitter so she knows but we haven't hung out much since that one day. so the 2 left are the only people i've told on my own, one of them being a really close friend of mine who already knew i wrote fanfic, and she definitely teases me that i got 'fandom famous' for writing minecraft fic, but she's not mean about it. the other person is a guy i was kind of dating for a bit who is literally the chillest and nicest human being i think i've ever met, i never intended on telling him but he's just so genuinely non-judgemental about other peoples interests so I told him and he thought it was very cool. so no I've never had anyone ghost me bc I only tell people who I know aren't going to care lmao
c) oh man that's a tough question hm... this is gonna sound weird since i'm a c!wilbur main but i think i'd interview c!techno?? pretty much just to be like "sir are you aware you're not really an anarchist" and also just call him out on some of the shit he's done lol (don't get me wrong, I really enjoy c!techno as a character and a lot of what he's done is justified, but I definitely have so many questions for him about his thought process for certain things he's done)
d) i don't kin characters tbh?? and I definitely don't kin c!tommy lol. nothing against it, but I'm just very strange in that I really don't see myself in a lot of fictional characters. I can project onto them, but that doesn't necessarily mean I heavily relate to them or anything
e) well my favorite content creator is pretty obviously wilbur soot, but if we're not talking mcyt then it would definitely be mina le. she's a video essayist on youtube who i absolutely adore. she talks about things like fashion history, the subcultures of fashion, and also discusses pop culture a lot in really interesting ways. I've watched pretty much every single video on her youtube channel and I get so hyped every time she uploads
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mego42 · 4 years
OK but!!! Come over here and randomly sink the 8 ball???? Can we talk about this???? Does rio not understand how the game of pool works??? Was he just hanging out playing against himself prior to this??? Is it a metaphor??? Is 8 the only number he knows???? THOUGHTS????
the fact that we open the scene with a center shot of beth, all bambi-eyes and openly???? letting him see???? her vulnerable????????
the fact that she still sees him as a lifeline and turns to him for help in spite of him being demonstrably useless literally every time she’s asked
the fact that he’s open to it and asks what she needs
aaaaaand then shuts her down when she says it’s for dean
but also is still giving her some p solid, if, you know, a touch sociopathic advice
and then the fact that said advice more or less amounts to please let your ~technical husband rot in jail crime wife
and yes, the fact that he is, apparently just hanging out! in his own bar! after hours! alone! playing pool with himself!
which sounds like it should be a euphemism tbh but no! it is entirely literal!
everyone involved in this show is a lunatic including all of us!
i love it!
literally wtf are you doing rio
i would like to point out he is losing to himself which is fucking hysterical
and also extremely apt, tbh
he climbs up the pool cue when he stands. why. to what purpose.
he told her to be smart before he murdered her co-worker and beth’s like, not even phased at all by that reference
i am teLlinG y’alL murder is their foreplay, the hitman thing’s gonna be fine
if anything he’s gonna be hurt she outsourced it
which, valid!!!!!!
why are his fingers so long why why WHY
every time he lines up and takes a shot i make this sort of garbled hairpin in a vacuum cleaner noise
i didn’t ask to be like this
and when he sees that the please let him rot please please please pitch is not helping beth’s stress level he pivots and like, actually tries to be comforting????????
but is also incredibly bad at it
remember when beth was like my husband took my children and rio was like that sucks, here’s an open tab byyyyyyeeeeee
he is not the best shoulder, is what i’m saying
and yet!! she keeps going to him anyway!!!!
it like doesn’t even register
fuck that guy? don’t be absurd crime husband
also like
who exactly might want to hit what again hmmmmmmm HMMMMMMMMMMM
i am just saying it feels like there are some layErs here
he is so satisfied when she points out nothing sticks to him i want to slap him i want to slap myself i want to slap everyone
i gOt lucK oN my siDe / mayBe yoU do tOo
smells like foreshadowing in here
also jumping back the way his smile s o f t e n s when he says maybe you do too
the urge to slap remains strong but now with a side of leave mE here tO diE
(bringing back @pynkhues​ tag meanderings bc it lives in my head now, is this rio’s way of saying he can protect her class please discuss)
and now we arrive at sink the eight ball
i know it’s ridiculous i know but i can’t help it they’re standing there with a the pool cue and the pool table and it’s all weird tangled intimacy that’s about to flip over into intense sexual tension and i am not coping well with this at all
i’m not okay
let beth boland unhinge her jaw and devour the world 2k21 she deserves it
idk what to tell you beth you like it
like let’s pause for a sec and examine the situation shall we? this ep provides some really interesting contrast between beth’s extremely different relationships with the men in her life.
1. we have dean who is, i would argue, shown throughout the ep to be a complete albatross of guilt and long expired, turned toxic gratitude dangling from a rapidly fraying thread called parenting. he’s furious with beth to the point of not wanting to see her while in prison, choosing to stay in prison to avoid coping with how thoroughly their house of cards is tumbling down and the reality of who beth is and who they are to each other that collapse is exposing. 2. we have fitzpatrick who repeatedly tramples her boundaries in a tunnel vision pursuit of the person he thinks she is and his fantasy of the relationship he could have with this person who doesn’t actually exist and we’ve seen how uncomfortable it makes beth to the point that she finally blows up at him, reasserting who she is and it, idk if i would say scares him, but it definitely turns him off. 3. and then we have rio who she is locked in a nightmare game of cat and mouse with, who she has convinced herself is the source of all of her problems and yet when push comes to shove is still the person that she turns to for guidance and support, who she has no objection to sharing physical space with (i hear rumors the pool scene reads wildly divide and yeah i can see how but i am firmly camp they are both experiencing some stupidly complicated emotional upheaval and that’s what that face is, y’all take it how you will), who is also the only person this ep to witness the single, genuine, uncomplicatedly happy glimpse of one elizabeth boland née marks (who can’t help but grin in response to her joy and honestly who wouldn’t she is so gd cUte before he rips the rug out from underneath her)
i got worked up and forgot where i was going with this
something about contrast
but also the like, comfort and familiarity and ease even when Extremely Annoyed
idk i just think it’s neat
let’s see what else happens
oh right they play """"""""""pool"""""""""""
wait no, we’re not there yet
first rio’s gotta do that big-eyed disney princess look he shoots beth’s way from time to time, 209 being the notable example that comes to mind
h E Lp
so now we’re at sinking the eight ball
yeah, no, he does not know how pool works
i’d say it’s embarrassing but what isn’t with them
or maybe i mean inexplicable
i tried to be v hardcore on not letting myself speculate about the pool scene and how it would come to be so sexy bc speculation has only ever led to either disappointment or me getting really, really over the top competitive about it to the point where it isn’t even fun for me anymore (which is saying something) but i couldn’t help spinning out potential scenarios bc like why???? how????? the man is draped over her like a blanket and smELliNg heR haiR surely that doesn’t just happen??????
h An dS
hAn D S
H a nD s
anD theN hE smelLs heR hAir like a fuckiN lunAtic
i just
i know we all like to argue until the cows come home over what specific flavor of sloppy the show is and then we argue with the cows but like
this didn’t happen out of nowhere
they’re setting something up
(they fuckin’)
(do not argue with me or my cows)
thE shoUldeR roLl
no thoughts just that
(and everything b o u n c e s)
AND SHE’S SO CUTE????? MY WIFE???????? I LOVE HER????????????
no but literally when was the last time beth was that happy
it’s so pure
and it makes him lauGh toO
s Of t
and then rio’s like no but seriously fuck your husband let him rot in jail and beth’s facce falls and my heart breaks and everyone remembers everything is terrible bc they are absolutely inFURIATING nigHTMARE PEOPLE who caNNOT USE THEIR WORDs
what was the actual question here i don’t even remember
oh right why the eight ball
probs bc it color coordinated with both his and beth’s outfits bc he is A Heaux Like That
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hearteiji · 3 years
eijis a jock but a solid b, a minus student. Hates science / math ( a c in it b4 ash) and tends towards humanities like history/ classics/ literature. obvs he absolutely loves to hear ash ramble about whatever book they’re reading or they found out in science class (“do you know that ecosystems are all connected via fungi! Darwins evolution is halfway wrong and it was influenced by capitalism! “sure sure keep talking you are so cute”). He also falls asleep a lot but is forgiven bc sports. he kinda dislikes his coach and eventually gets him fired for being a dick with ashs and shorters urging. Eiji also has v good organization but not as much as nahoko and always has a heavy bag (cuz sports stuff. ash INSISTS on carrying the bag even tho eiji always points out that hes way stronger). He and ash make out far too much behind the bleachers and Other Areas. (ash did not have trauma bc no).
nahoko is an airhead that has pretty planers and beautiful organization and studies a lot but always gets disappointing grades. shes very insecure about it.
sorry for the rant btw!! got a lil carried away and im sick so nothing better 2 do
NEVER BE SORRY I WAS SMILING THE WHOLE TIME I READ THIS!!! Eiji being organized is my fav thing ever he is just the cutest… he definitely cleans ash’s backpack very angrily
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thebooki3h · 4 years
Lukadamianette Au Part 2
First Here Next
We begin where we left off, with Luka and Marinette on one of the dates Luka Planned. Just because it makes sense in this, Luka and Mari arrive a week early
Because Mari is emancipated and excused herself for the first week of school before the trip during which the class is still in France bc they just ended summer and all that jazz. also I have decided that the trip has turned into a half semester exchange program even though this doesn’t make the most sense, but the French school thought the class could use a reward and tbh they just wanted to get the Akuma class out for awhile. Also this way they aren’t in Gotham for a whole semester of senior year. The trip is planned for the first half of the first semester of senior year. I know that this doesn't make a whole lot of sense but just stick with me.
They go sight seeing and basically on a week long date bc the following week begins the Wayne sponsored exchange program and when Luka has to work for Jagged. One day they go to museums, the next the go to famous parks around Gotham (which are thriving thanks to Poison Ivy), the next they see all of the famous villain spots (which are surprisingly popular tourist destinations bc for the most part they don’t get hit twice in short periods of time) which is a good cover for studying past bat battles. They take days in between to rest and use the inspiration they gained to make new songs or clothing designs. 
They share hotel room bc Mari’s parents stopped being her parents a long time ago and lost their say and bc Jagged says they are grown up enough to be responsible for their actions (which brings a blush to their cheeks every time bc “daaaaaddddd” “uncle jaggeeedddd”)
Mari also makes it her mission to visit all of the non chain coffee shops at least once while they are there bc coffee became her best friend when she was active as ladybug. She meets Tim in almost everyone because Tim also drinks coffee obsessively. Luka is more of a tea drinker because coffee interrupts his musical thought process and tea is less harsh. Marinette drinks tea when she wants to relax but coffee is the fuel of the gods. She expresses this to Tim and that's how they become acquainted bc finally someone understands his love for coffee. They exchange numbers after they run into each other for a fourth time. (Luka silently thinks that he might have to talk to Mari about her obsession of coffee again and if there is a rehab center for coffee drinkers) Tim learns that Mari is from the exchange class very quickly based off of Luka’s French accent as well as her light French accent that is mixed with a couple things he can’t quite place.
The class arrives, Lila ofc tried to pull something to leave Mari behind and she thought she was successful so she was gloating. She ofc took credit for the whole trip claiming that she was super close to the Waynes and that she helped Damian acclimate to his new school (she actually knows that Damian didn’t start living with his father until 10 bc why not). Mrs Bustier tries to check in under both her name and Lila’s name, both of which don’t work because they are A) an hour and a half early and B) all of the reservations are under the contest winners name (they have to ok their chaperones to use their name) C)Mrs Bustier told Mari to make all of the reservations under Mari’s name anyway and she totally forgot that. 
So the sit in the lobby for an hour, Lila has the whole class riled up bc Marinette isn't there and it is al her fault that they can’t get in to their rooms. Marinette shows up with Luka 15 mins before the class was supposed to show up (they had just gotten lunch at a cafe that jagged had recommended) and she is laughing and happy, which causes the class to BLOW UP in her face. She ignores them and checks everyone into their rooms. Kagami and Chloe share a suite bc they are rich in their own right and upgraded their shared room bc they are dating and signed up to be roommates. They got this okayed by Buister in writing JIC. Marinette as the contest winner also got a suite (the room she had been staying in with Luka that she just extended the booking for)
Lila and Alya obviously make a big fuss about them getting special treatment but bustier can’t do anything because Mari won’t let her. She secretly thinks Mari is a lost cause now but she tries her best to get her to see that she has to be a role model. Mari actually planned the whole trip and she did a fucking fantastic job bc its Mari and planning something is what she is great at. She has all of the bases covered including iternerary, bookings for food, emergency contact info, health info, info on Gotham, safety procedures and the whole shebang. All of which had to be approved by  Bustier and that Bustier has copies of but totally ignored.
The next day they try to pull the let’s leave an hour early to leave behind Marinette stunt. Not only does that fail because the tour can’t start until the contest winner is there, but they arrived before Wayne tower was even open to the public. Because jagged is extra he shipped Luka and Marinette motorcycles to Gotham bc they were going to be there for a couple months, they also got special permission from Wayne enterprises to park their bikes in the employee parking structures from Tim once he heard that they rode bikes as expensive as Jason’s. So she left early from the hotel with Luka(bc she knew that Bustier would leave her behind somehow) to go meet up with Tim at a new coffee place (one of his favorites). They end up riding on their respective bikes to WE together so they can hang out before the tour. Luka goes to a recording studio to meet up with Jagged, but not before a very passionate kiss goodbye, which makes Tim blush. (Tim may not seem like the biker type but he is a bat and he lives with Jason so he not only knows how to ride a motorcycle well has one, so it may not be his favorite mode of transportation but he’ll live)
So he and Marinette walk to WE about a half an hour before the class is supposed to be there in the middle of a debate on how best to brew coffee (Mari insists its French press) and low and behold they are there yelling at the receptionist. Mari gives Tim a look that says I’m so sorry you have to see this and yes I was not exaggerating walks up to the receptionist and apologizes for what she is about to do (not for the classes actions bc fuck them they can apologize for themselves she has learned to not take responsibility for others actions and she won’t let all that work go to waste). She then proceeds to yell, much louder than someone of her stature presumably should “SHUT THE FUCK UP OR I STG I WILL BREAK JOKER OUT OF ARKHAM AND LOCK HIM IN A ROOM WITH ALL OF YOU WITHOUT FLINCHING” this is shocking to everyone, especially mrs bustier who is  scandalized  that her role model student would do something like this.
Tim had a feeling that something video worthy would happen so as soon as she walked away he started recording, and he was NOT disappointed. The video gos straight to the batfam gc and Luka immediately. He powered off his phone then he proceeds to start laughing and applauding. Upon seeing the CEO’s reaction the rest of the employees start applauding as well bc damn those kids were rude. Tim then walks up to Mari talking at a speed no one but Mari, Chloe and Kagami could understand (bc the class is not fluent in English no matter what they would tell you). Mari proceeds to blush once he informs her that he sent a video to Luka (he does not tell her about the batfam gc)
Chloe and Kagami are immediate intrigued bc this is NOT what they picture when Mari said she met someone who loves coffee as much as she does. they may be hella gay for each other but damn that man is ripped. They join the convo while the class remains befuddled bc who knew Mari even swore. in the back of his mind Nino is reminded of a young blue-eyed girl who lost playground privileges for a week bc someone made fun of his glasses and proceed to punch said someone in the nose. But he shakes it of because Mari hasn’t been like that in years. 
Bustier eventually collects herself and gently, so as not to cause an Akuma (apparently she didn't get the memo), reminds Mari that they are here for a tour and she needs to get the class their passes.  So Mari leaves her friends to get acquainted and goes up to the receptionist, to whom she apologizes for her actions again, and the receptionist replies with a laugh and a “honey, you just made my week, there's no need to apologize I should be thanking you” (she does thank Mari). Mari gets a special pass bc she’s the contest winner to which Lila and Alya (then the rest of the class for the most part) proceed to throw a hissy fit over. The receptionist is so over them though and doesn’t even blink. 
Then their tour guide shows up. (its Dick and his assistant Damian). Damian proceeds to scold the class for a solid ten mins (which coincidentally leads up to their scheduled time to start the tour). Dick slides off to talk to the receptionist and his brother who isn't working and is talking to real people for once. Just for that they are his favorite out of the class. Tim unfortunately has to go to work so they talk to Dick to get acquainted until the tour has to officially start. 
Los tres amigos are the only ones who pay attention to Dick at all (he leads the tour bc he’s been there the longest but Damian throws in a comment here or there mostly related to shenanigans his family has gotten into but overall useful facts. for example these windows are reinforced because our CEO (Tim) leaned up against one, fell asleep and fell through the window to the office below.)
The rest of the class is focused on Lila who is talking a whole bunch of nonsense about the Wayne family and how she has helped them with their business. Some things actually sound kinda legit, but Mari and Co. know that it is BS. Dick tries to bet bustier involved but she makes an excuse for Lila and goes on her phone and doesn’t really pay attention. 
Eventually the class tour turns into Dick talking to Mari, Chloe and Kagami while the class vaguely follows them. Damian doesn’t really say anything because he generally doesn’t do well talking to strangers and these girls seem ok and he is still insecure (not that he would ever admit it to anyone ) about social interaction now that he has figured out how people who weren’t raised as assassins act. That is until Dick starts talking about shenanigans that his brothers get into, and Damian jumps in correcting him because  I did not try to tackle Todd, Grayson I did tackle Todd quite successful and also Alfred won’t let you into the kitchen anymore because you almost burned down the east wing of the manor not  because he is territorial over the kitchen. And Mari hadn’t really paid attention to Damian until now but OH MY KAWAMI he is hot, and how did she talk so long to notice that. 
She ends up taking a pic of Damian without him noticing (he really doesn’t notice which is a feat in itself but Dick does and he will  be teasing Damian about it later bc obviously) and she texts it to Luka bc if she is going to freak out over his hotness she wants Luka to do so too. ( he sees the pic in the middle of recording and he ends up needing a water break bc gay panic and he really is extremely handsome. Recording gets delayed even longer bc jagged cannot pass up the opportunity to tease him son and he does so mercilessly and Mari totally knew what she was doing when she sent that picture) Luka ends up demanding that she gets Damians number or he will because that man is fine.  
Mari now knows that the stuttering idolization that she had with Adrien wasn’t really healthy and Luka likes to remind her all the time that she can be smooth when she wants to be (sometimes unintentionally but she practices on Luka because she loves to see him blush). Mari then makes it her mission to compliment Damian as much as possible so that it is crystal clear and very obvious that she is flirting with him. If he even shows a little discomfort in a negative I don’t like this kind of way she will stop because she will not make someone go through what she went through with Chat Noir and unwanted advances.
Chloe, Kagami and Dick immediately notice that she is flirting with Damian. Chloe takes a video for Luka bc she knows that he would want to see this and Dick takes a video for the Batfam gc. 
Just to be clear Mari and Luka have talked about seeing other people and maybe adding a third person to their relationship as long as they talk about it. that line of communication was opened when Mari sent a pic of Damian to Luka and when Luka asked for his number that was his “go ahead” for her to flirt with Damian. Lila doesn’t understand how that works and neither do the rest of the class so that is a point of contention between the class and Mari. She would NEVER cheat on Luka, she loves him and he is the most important person to her in the world. Something that Juleka understands (she just doesn’t like Mari bc of Lila she knows how polyamory works this is why her and Luka aren't as close as they used to be)
Moving on... the batfam gc blows up for a second time that day and so when the class goes to the cafeteria Tim just has to see this for himself. Mari tries not to be obnoxious in her flirting so she compliments Damians intelligence by asking him questions that weren't included in the tour, and she asks him about his interests and is like that must have taken a lot of time to perfect you must be very dedicated. Damian isn’t used to genuine compliments especially from strangers so he is very flustered by it but he makes no indication for her to stop. 
The day winds down and the class has some free time before they have to go to dinner but the do have to leave the tower. Mari does actually get Damians number (he thinks she must be very well trained to get his number that quick bc he refuses to accept that he gave it to her because he likes her) Mari promises to ft him later bc he promised to let her meet his dog and she doesn’t want to wait until the class has dinner at the manor to see Titus.
First Here Next
Also I’m not very sure about how to go back and edit posts to link new parts so if anyone knows how to do that please comment or message me because I would love to learn!
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butternutsquashoil · 3 years
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Songs from my library that I think class 1-A would listen to pt.1
Includes Iida, Aoyama, Momo, Hagakure, Mina, Jiro, Denki, Sero, Kirishima, and Bakugo
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Tenya Iida
He listens to the Beetles and his favorite song is ‘Here Comes the Sun’
I just feel it in my souls that Iida would listen to older music, because frankly, I think that most modern pop songs would scare him. He also listens to Billy Joel songs which he thoroughly enjoys! Also, unlike Denki, Iida listens to Careless Whispers without the knowledge that it is in fact a meme
He basically has the music taste of my grandfather. He also enjoys listening to classical music while doing homework
Kyoka Jiro
She most definitely listens to ‘Bad Reputation’ by Joan Jett. She just gives off the vibes ya know?
She also listened to a lot of My Chemical Romance when she was in middle school and as she got older, she listened to Ozzy Osborn and older hard rock.
She also dabbles with other genres, but rock is her all-time favorite! (She also listens to Kesha bc I say so)
Momo Yaoyorozu
I think her favorite song is ‘New Soul’ by Yael Naim, and she learned how to play it on the piano
She also listens to a lot of soft pop and classical music. She usually listens to Ed Sheeran, Lewis Capaldi and Adele. Here favorite song for each of them is ‘Photograph’ ‘Someone You loved’ and either ‘When We Were Young’ or ‘Someone Like You’
Here favorite classical musician to listen to is Beethoven and her favorite song of his is ‘Sonata No.14’ played in C-Sharp
Yuga Aoyama
It was sooooo hard to find songs that I thought he would listen to, but I ultimately decided he is a Swifty lol
His favorite albums are Speak Now and Lover and his favorite songs are ‘Better Than Revenge’ and ‘The Story Of Us’ from Speak Now and his favorites from Lover are ‘I Forgot You Existed’ and ‘London Boy’
He also listens to Gillian Hills and his favorite song of hers is ‘Zuo bisou bisou’ is his all time favorite song!
Toru Hagakure
She listens to a lot of weastern pop music, but she also listens to Kpop and Jpop and her favorite songs are ‘Boy With Luv’ by BTS and ‘Butter Sugar Cream’ by Tomggg
I think she listens to a lot of Zedd and and Panic! At The Disco, to and her favorite songs would be ‘Happy Now’ and ‘High Hopes’
She also listens to whatever is trending on tik tok just because
Mina Ashido
Ok, Mina most definitely listens to Megan Thee Stallion, Lizzo and Cardi B
She doesn’t really have a favorite but she listened to WAP and Truth Hurts for a solid month and a half and can sing both song songs from start to finish
She also really likes Beach Bunny and Hailee Steinfeld and her favorite songs from those two are ‘Prom Queen’ and ‘Most Girls’
Denki listens to a shit ton of meme music, and he usually ends up enjoying it un-ironically. His favorites are Careless Whispers by George Michel and Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley, and the squad absolutely dreads when it’s his turn to play music
He also has a playlist of Mario music and blares it through his headphones while doing homework (which is the only way that he’s able to concentrate on it)
His favorite Mario Kart song is Koopa Cape and he has choreographed a whole dance routine for it. He also loves the Wii theme, and it plays on repeat in his head 24/7
He and Kirishima also listen to Disney music all the time and his favorite is ‘Hakuna Matata’ from the Lion King
Kiri definitely listens to Panic! At The Disco and My Chemical Romance. His favorite songs from those two are ‘Hey Look Ma, I Made It’ ‘Victorious’ and ‘Teenagers’
He also listens to Lizzo, which Mina got him hooked on and he really likes ‘Good as Hell’.
Kiri also had a banger workout playlist which has a lot of Imagine Dragons and obviously has to have Eye of The Tiger on it lol
His favorite Disney song is ‘I’ll Make a Man Out of You’ and he really looks up to Mulan and thinks she is the manliest Disney Princess
Sero listens to spanish pop and absolutely listens to Despacito and laughs his ass off when people who don’t know Spanish try to sing it and get the words terribly wrong
He also would listen to Lil Nas X and his favorite song is ‘MONTERO’ because I say so
Another artist that I think Sero likes is Elvis Presley. I just think that he would vibe with the more chill songs like ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love’ and ‘Suspicious Minds’
He also listens to death metal, but mostly for the drum parts, and tries to learn them so that he can say that he can do it better. He likes the band The Black Dahlia Murder and his favorite song by them is ‘The Window’
But ultimately, Bakugo really likes songs like ‘Would You Be So Kind’ and ‘Absolutely Smitten’ by dodie because they help him calm down and they make think of Kirishima.
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Ok, that’s all! Hope you enjoyed :)
Oh! And here’s a link back to my master list! Hope you have a lovely day <3
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cranity · 4 years
resent ask!! I know you mentioned a Maul scene redraw, and I was just wondering what other WIPs you have, or ideas that you want to draw in the future!! don't feel pressured to answer, ik some artists prefer to keep it quiet until it's done :) I LOVE your style and it's just so? cool and sleek and stylised!!!
tysm! I don’t mind sharing ;) these are my latest files so far, there’s a few wips in there:
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More than anything rn I want to do some studies, I feel like i’m losing grasp of some basics and need to go back and do some anatomical studies and focus more on drapery, screencap redraws are really good for this! besides the Maul ones I don’t have any particular one in mind atm that I can remember. I do want to do some character studies tho since it takes a bit to fit a character in your style sometimes. Kanan, Hera, Asajj, Anakin, Rex and Maul are on that list. I feel like i’ve got Obi and Ahsoka down. Also trying to find a new brush to line with too.
For solid piece ideas I still really wanna do a beach scene with the clone wars gang and do some action sketches of Obi and Ventress fighting. 
Messing around with slightly animating some illustrations in after effects and spine has been on the brain for a bit
i’m also setting up my screen print studio this weekend so I have a few ideas for some punk graphics for both posters and shirts >:)c I have yet to scribble it down tho
ALLLL that being said, even though there’s a lot I wanna do (and this doesn’t even count the spur of the moment brain worm ideas I get which is most my art) i’m really trying to refrain from doing too much rn!
here’s some school work wips under the cut bcs I dont want to make this too long for ya B) I apologize for these incoherent ramblings
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Character design class work I can hopefully take to my other classes^
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Poster for a latinx student film i’m helping with! ^
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primsycoldbottles · 4 years
PEEEACCHHHH tell me which of your ocs are good or bad at math, i am making a list of who is my enemy- and who isn't
good at math - sunny (shes an architecture student for gods sake, if she was bad at math she wouldnt be able to do her dream job)
- milton (hes just like. naturally smart,, prolly did really good in all of the math classes everyone else hated during highschool)
- ananth (while hes an aquatic beasts major, hes also super good at math! prolly sucks ass at like. trigonometry but hes very good at number memorization)
- renelle (their field of work, leeching/parasitic entities, doesnt even have much to do with math but theyre such a fucking overachiever they taught themselves maths just to show off)
bad at math - ludo (despite living for a good few centuries that bitch has NOT retained anything, ey can recall dates of things happening but cannot do actual maths, especially since maths has changed over the years and ey arent putting in the effort to keep up)
- callie (trust me, she has desperately tried to learn maths but could not get higher than a C- in her classes bc holy shit Numbers Are Hard... she also has dyslexia and dyscalculia so school was hard for her in general)
- rosea (not all robots are smart... shes a little bit of a ditz! and shes happy living that way! if she really needs to, she can just search it up babeyyy)
aaannd everyone else is just kinda... decent? at math. prolly got a solid B in highschool but dont have jobs in which they need math to survive so its kinda just lingering info in the back of their brains
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axther · 4 years
hello, can i get a bnha matchup?? i’m a supershort(4’8”) lesbian gorl(obvi). i have long brown hair with bangs and brown eyes and usually wear just the comfiest clothes i have at the time lmao. i love sports, animals, sleeping, and SKINCARE. i don’t like talking to people i don’t know but with friends i have bIG CRACKHEAD ENERGY OKAY. i also don’t like school that much, but i manage. thank youu
Listen. crackhead? I love you. Crackhead lesbian? You’re my gf now. Or something along those lines. 
#1 is...Ochako!  
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It’s a personal headcanon of mine that’s she can be pure crackhead 
But it has to be ushered out 
Coaxed, if you will. 
But if done properly you two would become the menaces of U.A. 
But otherwise, she just sort of stands to the side 
And there’s a certain lovely aspect of it? 
She’ll stand there and watch you cackle about something with Denki and Sero 
And it looks a bit like she’s pining 
But then you pop up out of the blue and kiss her on the lips and say something along the lines of ‘the crabs will rise up’
And you go back to talking about crabs with knives and she stands there, bright red, giddy as hell, and looking ready to melt 
God she loves you 
This isn’t really part of the matchup per se
But holy crap i hope that the quirk you h/c to get is something Lovecraftian or Eldritch
Because there is so much capability in there 
Y’all are training 
And our queen is in her hero costume 
And she looks good
(as she does) 
And Mineta says something about her thighs
And all he hears is this screech
And he turns 
And all he sees is you
And there’s tentacles and smoke and red eyes and something unholy digging out of the ground 
You’re speeding towards him in a crab walk with your head on backwards 
And the entire time you’re saying ‘I’m coming for your kneecaps, infidel!’
Yeah mineta probably pissed himself 
And Ochako died laughing 
If she’s ever chilling on the dorm couch
She best hope that no one else is there 
Because you will appear out of nowhere and jump into her lap 
Are her thighs crushed? Yes
Is her heart full? Absolutely 
Does she need to go to Recovery Girl? Probably 
#2 is...Mina! 
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When you mentioned skincare 
Mina was my first thought 
Bc lets be honest 
Since her features don’t really lend themselves are particularly ‘normal’, and the fact that it’s so well taken care of, lends itself the idea that she definitely does some sort of skincare 
She might be able to make her acid become something to burn dead skin 
Of course i would not recommend trying that 
But you get the idea 
Tell me if i’m wrong!! 
But you seem like the kind of person that won’t really go all out for something, dressing-wise. 
Since you’ll just throw on whatever’s comfiest, this poses the juxtaposition 
That of which being the flamboyant-ness of Mina, and the subtleness of you 
And this juxtaposition is famed throughout U.A.?
It doesn’t really make sense to either of you but it’s one of those situations where you shrug and move on.
Which brings itself onto another topic 
Mina is a certified, 100% purebred crackhead. 
The crackhead level will be through the roof 
That, tied with Sero and Denki
God help Japan because it’s gonna need it 
You’ve heard of team Rainy Day 
Now get ready for the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse 
#3 is...Tooru! 
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Did anyone say cuddle sessions 🥺🥺🥺
No one did but i sure as hell think that there’s gonna be some cuddles here 
I have a strong feeling that Tooru is one hell of a cuddlebug!! 
When you wanna sleep you best not be wearing too much 
or else you’ll get really overheated really fast 
She just wants to hold her gf is that too much to ask 🥺
No only that but you’re short
Which is a miracle for her, because the class average is about 5’3 or 5’4, so she’s not crazy short compared to everyone else!! 
She will joke that you’re snacc sized 
It’s really a double edged sword
Her intelligence is a solid ⅘ 
So if you have particular troubles with school she’d be more than willing to help you out!! 
And even…
If people aren’t looking 
She might fill it out herself 
Aizawa catches it right away 
But he lets it slide 
Because honestly 
Who needs to know about x and y when you got me and you
(that’s something she would say, probably) 
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