#and that aint fun folks
punkinspice · 8 months
Me realizing that the Knuckles series is gonna be the silly before the Sad
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ashen-laguz · 9 months
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everyone meet my bg3 player character. people won't stop being rude about the drow thing, which i think is unfair when there are plenty of more reasonable things to be rude to yarilo about (the fact they tried to headbutt asterion while asterion had a knife to their neck, drinking the water from the hag's well that clearly smells like it's storing corpses, ect ect)
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pixeldotgamer · 11 months
I've posted photos of how chaotic my illustration brainstorm pgs are but heres an artistic recreation of what my project notebooks end up looking like
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krysmcscience · 10 months
Followers, feel free to ignore this, it's not art or writing or even really anything interesting.
If you clicked in, anyway, it is also not aimed at any of my IRL friends or followers (unless one of my followers is not who they claim to be, I guess?). Anyway, it's literally just venting bullshit. Feel free to click back out, there aren't even any details that could lead you back to anyone involved.
It's wild that I spent six months talking on and off with someone who turned out to believe that a few months of miscommunication and poorly set boundaries, followed by some arguments and disagreements about it, all interspersed with private IRL venting is a reason to blow up several friendships and go on a warpath. Like. Bruh. Sometimes people tell white lies to be polite. Sometimes people change their minds about stuff with new information. Sometimes people learn new things about what upsets them. And sometimes people vent in private about things that bother them about someone else (friends included). That doesn't mean they're actively plotting to do harm, or two-faced, or back-stabbing, or the worst thing ever in existence. This is. Literally just how humans socialize??? In reality??? Sometimes you just accidentally hurt one another, accept that mistakes were made, and make up afterward so you don't wind up abysmally lonely!
Loved looking through all their "receipts" of all the "wrong" that was done and being like, dang, most of this just looks like standard boring clashes between friends that could easily be mitigated with healthy communication, actually??? Along with a bunch of words exchanged by two people who blew up on each other and now clearly don't want to talk anymore??? And yet they've posited it like it's some huge "gotcha", with scribbled commentary mixed in on the side, as if their ex friend is a True Monster rather than a normal person who makes mistakes. JFC, it's just demented. (And, in standard form, it's all cherrypicked! No real context aside from their own narrative and warped perception! And no admissions of their own wrongdoing! They even lied about not being into NC/SA despite drawing so much horny shit for it! I mean, I knew it would pan out this way, but good gravy, the lack of awareness there??? Unreal.)
Also apparently they don't realize that constructive conversations about some things they have grievances with can and do happen without them being or needing to be told about it, either, because all of the actual wrongs they had receipts for were genuine mistakes or newly realized hard boundaries that have either already been addressed or are being addressed IRL. Although, them posting those actual wrongs definitely violated a very hard boundary set in place by another person on the sidelines who didn't even want to be involved, so, hmm, that's fun.
Very telling in the end that they couldn't respect all the blocks put in place. But of course, it's only okay if they trample on boundaries. Clearly only their boundaries and desperate need for validation and attention matter. Also very telling that they tried to air all their shit out publicly despite everyone else involved staying almost completely silent about it and otherwise keeping it fully anonymous. But of course, it's only okay if they disrespect other people. Clearly that makes it okay to drag in unrelated parties who never asked or cared to be involved and just wanted to have some nice relaxing internet time. Also very telling that they ignored the very simple fact that they and I were mutuals (up until literally three days ago), and thus their shittalking kept winding up on my dashboard, which I initially tolerated (until they got usernames and then me involved) because people are allowed to be hurt and vent about it even if I disagree with their takes on what happened. But of course, they're not ever allowed to be wrong. Clearly I must be a weird creepy lurker, instead, who never does any self reflection despite having actual diagnosed social anxiety that forces me to question my every last action.
If the person in question happens to be reading, follow your own fucking advice, quit Actually Lurking, and get help. Proper help, because if you're seeing a therapist already, clearly they can't cotton on to how you go to extreme lengths to avoid revealing anything that might reflect negatively on you, which explains why your cherrypicked receipts still have none of the hateful screaming of yours that I personally read, or any of the really callous things you wrote in your tags after the fact. I'm willing to bet you're over there patting yourself on the back thinking your target stepped in it by deleting those comments, too, because that's just how you are, but here's a reality check: You took it too far. You put up your private conversations with their spouse for anyone to see, despite that you definitely did not have permission to do that from said spouse, Your Actual Friend, who would NOT want that shit online under ANY circumstances. I don't even need to ask to be sure about that, either. And you should know exactly why what you chose to do is a problem.
Oh, and here's another fun reality check: If you can't figure out the bare basics of even the simplest character (and you can't, this has been established, I literally had to spell out an obvious homophobic dog whistle for you), what makes you think you're qualified to assess and diagnose an actual living person who is infinitely more complicated than a fictional character? Because if you actually think you are, you are quite literally delusional. You are not living in the same reality as everyone else. You know all of the words, yet none of their substance.
Now go away. I made it very clear that you are not welcome anywhere in my life the moment I blocked you. You've willfully spat in the face of my honest attempts to help you, and successfully burned all bridges with me, so I want nothing more to do with you. Look upon your scorched earth and enjoy the smoke you've gained from it.
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rpvlix · 8 months
12 what’s overrated in the rpc?
13 what’s underrated in the rpc?
//Oh gosh. Boy oh man do i dislike container themes. Theyre okay when they're large enough to read, but most of the time they have teeny tiny 2pt font that i cant even be bothered to try reading. i shouldnt have to zoom my web browser in 250% to read a blog. Not happening!
//Underrated is definitely harder. Uh... To be honest, besides blog themes i don't really notice many trends in the rpc. I guess fandomless OCs feel a little underrated. NO WAIT, i can make this one about themes too (seriously, custom themes are one of the best, most unique parts of the tumblr experience and i love them) Too many people rely on Carrd these days. I get it, it's hard to redirect folks who use mobile (thanks staff), and you gotta know html to customize a theme, but I'm just not a fan of carrd's limited customizability when tumblr themes will let you do so much more for free. But i've also been editing themes since i was like 13 years old so maybe i am just built different. Who can say.
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knight-gwaine · 10 months
Apparently all of my exes have chosen December to be the one time of year they remember I exist lmfao, and all apparently think they got something important to say.
Sorry not sorry, but find me on TV like everybody else 🤚🏽😤 ya gots something to say, write it in a letter then burnt it lmao
And for this coming new year's resolution we clear away my history of toxic relationships for career growth and financial stabilityyyyyyyy
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babyloniastreasure · 2 years
woohooo its 11pm and its time for me to have an opinion on the internet
now i know theres no rule about sticking to one team or whatever. Personally I think it’s more fun that way, but thats my opinion and to each their own. It’s also equally fun to vote and strategize for multiple teams, but therein lies the opinion im talking about tonight
theres like. one master in particular. who is not doing that with sportsmanshiply intentions. i keep seeing them jump around into other team’s notes and pitting them all against each other, then going to “their” team and acting like some triple agent with loads of insight. because that’s the thing. they’re not playing for multiple teams, they’re playing for ONE team and acting like theyre playing for four. Theyre not even sound plays, they’re plays that are 1. entirely hypothetical and thus split votes based on no evidence 2. straight up false claims of what other teams are doing 3. continuously pushing for One course of action then strategizing against it with their home team, but not reporting back, thus proving they arent playing for more than one team.
first of all, everyone can read. obviously we’re all out here looking at each team. but doing reconnaissance-equivalent is not the problem, because recon is just observation
its one thing to look into what other teams are doing and make decisions based on that. But it’s ANOTHER thing entirely to go into another team’s discussion and point them in a direction that directly benefits an opposing team, or pits multiple teams against each other with the intent to make them lose, or at least make Your Team Win. its straight up sabotage.
honestly it takes the fun out of this.
Is it really so important that your favored servant win the silly little poll game that you’re going to play double, triple, quadruple agent? that you’re going to argue and act high and mighty and smart and clever about it? absolutely support who you want to support. vote on as many teams as you want! but dont go trying to influence other team’s decisions just so your favorite team has a better chance at winning the silly poll. that’s such poor sportsmanship!!!!
folks are starting to take the idea of victory too seriously and it’s draining the fun right out of the whole thing. which is a shame because this is a lot of fun and i enjoy it, i just enjoy it significantly LESS when someone is going around trying to make themselves win.
its just a poll. it doesnt even mean anything. why cant people be normal about it and have a genuine fun time. why is it necessary to cheat? ugh
i kinda want to say something to them because they’ve been weirdly like...aggressive...about strategy and potential plays. but im not about to waste my energy on that lmfao. i recognize that it doesnt matter. however I AM tired of seeing them.
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elibeeline · 2 years
One of my favourite activities as of late is to ignore posts tagged with ones ive blocked and purposely trigger myself /hj
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cringefail-clown · 6 months
folks who unfollow people because they start posting about stuff thats not what they followed them for are weak to me. i aint unfollowing you til my dying breath, or til you manage to piss me off. and i LOVE seeing posts on my dash about fandoms i have no recognition of. observing from the sidelines like "uh-huh, yeah youre so right moot theyre definitely in love" or "oh yeah that scene FUCKS im so glad it made you go feral i have no idea what the context is but im so happy for you". even better when a mutual falls into some new hobby and starts posting about it. oh yeah youre right, it DOES sound fun! i ought to try it myself. enrichment for your scrolling experience, everyone
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punkitt-is-here · 2 years
It's fascinating to me to encounter people on the internet who choose explicitly not to say what their pronouns are.
To be clear, I respect your decision and applaud the firmness of your stance. I think that overall there should be less personal information on the internet and restricting pronouns is simply another step on the way to taking back internet privacy. The thing is, I have spent enough time, effort, money, and grief on the project that is myself that I am having difficulty grokking the desire not to have one's gender be known at all. I am totally disarmed by the attitude, and I attribute this entirely to my own experience growing up on the internet. I can no longer abide resigning myself to the perceived genericized maleness of the average internet user. I deliberately make my pronouns available I go on the internet, and I correct people in conversation when appropriate.
This is because, in my past experience (middle 2000s ongoing), if one did not have clear gender they got the masculine pronouns. Assigned Male By Forum Users wasn't just the default, it was the practice, the de facto, the un-inspected habit of the english speaking internet user. There Are No Girls On The Internet was then and to a degree still is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Even though it was obviously never the case, and that women have always been on the internet, sometimes it is easier to just go along with the flow to avoid the inevitable misogyny.
Keep it up, you funky little internet person. I like your horse comix! They are good.
Haha, I totally get it! When you work so hard on yourself, you want to make sure people see it right. I'm all for pronouns being readily available and stuff.
That being said, I like keeping em a secret for a couple reasons! They'll come out eventually, obviously, I'm a film student with a job and eventually someone from online is gonna meet me in-person and I'll be happy to let them know then and when I (IDEALLY) have a career that'll be public knowledge. I've got a perfectly good gender I'm very happy and comfortable with. For now, tho, since I've seen it a million times with artists online that i really love, I've found out that people tend to weaponize your gender/pronouns a lot. No matter what they are, too! I think I just get less weird comments and mail by just keepin' that shit a secret. Folks don't gotta know cuz it aint really that important. I like being able to speak online and not having one trillion internet strangers who think they know me because of some words in my bio cross-examine me every time I talk.
Also, it's fun! I've had people think I'm a cis girl, a trans guy, a trans girl, a cis guy, a nonbinary no-gender something or other, a neopronoun user, genderfluid...basically everything under the sun! And I think it's fun to see how people perceive me since I don't think you get that option a lot. It's honestly really fun to know that my online presence doesn't have any...like, gender coding to it, if that makes any sense? Because I've seen NO consistency in the guesses and I find that incredibly entertaining. Even some people who've known me for years passively online still use the incorrect pronouns cuz I've never clarified and I think that's just silly and fun. I'm glad to know that I'm very much not explicitly in any sort of "box" with the way I present myself, because I think gender is kinda silly in the first place.
So, uh, yeah! That's mostly my reasoning for not clarifying anywhere, hehe. :3c
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sulfies · 5 months
can you spill more abt that self insert of yours? 👁️👁️
Oh boy oh boy can I? (big yapping incoming) (typo and grammar massaccare of 2024)
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He is a self insert OC Assassin from the Ottoman brotherhood (bc Im Turkish) and he is 23 (bc I am)
not a secret mentor or anything lol I was just joking in the first post making a mary sue.
I imagine he is similar or one above than whatever Yusuf’s rank is (I have yet to play Revelations :,p ) tho I do not know what time he should be in, Realistically if no time travel happened he would be in same time as Yusuf but I dont want Gilf Ezio (sorry) but if its Ezio, Alt and Desmon togather timeline probobly he is in around AC2 Brotherhood time. (maybe he came by Italy to do a mission and dropped by the hideout)
He is ethnically Balkan or/and Greek (bc I am) which probobly means he was taken to Constantinople as a teen or kid to eighter be sent to Jenniserrie training or the male-harem.
Small history lesson:
- Devşirme was the name of the practice where Ottoman empire basically enslaved young Greek,Balkan,Ukranian,etc etc boys and inserted them into an Elite military (Janniserries) even the Sultans themselves were scared of bc they were known to start coups and kill Sultans(they got a salary and are socially above the commonfolk but… military slaves non the less)
-Male-harems existed, again Balkan, Romanian, Slavic and greek etc people were often the main people in the harems (fun fact nearly no Sultan is Turkish due to this lmao they are all mixed), once again their status were above the common folk and they were well taken care of (the older males could even become gov officals after) but slavery non the less.
Idk if I want him to escape the harem or Jenniserrie for his edgy backgrund but maybe he did few years of training, cought the eye of the Sultan and escaped the moment someone was like “you have been promoted to an elite employeeee, u won harem lotterry” . Probobly wandered the streets a bit, got into hella fights till an Assassin picked him up escaping a group of soliders. Maybe it was an older dude who saw him when they were both in training
He is basically based off my own ethnicity and its context to the time and sociatal goings of that era lol (which was hella gay… very gay… too gay almost)
He probobly has some traditional slavic leg,hand and arm tattoos (bc I have em but also) mostly bc around those times (nearly always women) used to tattoo themselves in those motifs to remember their christian roots and their culture (that Ottoman tried to erease) and also to make themselves less appealing to Ottoman Harem/ Devşirme recuiters :,D
For his name, Maybe to be on the nose… Adem? (Turkish ver of Adam) so he is tied to the apples in a fun way? Or Poyraz (means a northern wind) since the meaning is similar to my own name?
He doesnt grow much facial hair (bc I am also stuck w a weak beard) but he refuses to get rid of it no matter how much others tease him bc he is like “I aint getting courted by random crazy men ew” (I dont irl also bc I desperetly believe it looks good…I refuse to open my eyes)
History lesson 2:
-facial hair was important in Ottoman times, It LİTTERALLY determined your gender and how you were approached.
-Socially and in Litriture Ottoman almost had 3 gender roles; Men, Boys (Oğlan) and Women. Once a man grew a beard he would “transition” from being a boy.
-Romantically having a beard versus not determined if you were to be courted or court. Bearded man were called “Lovers” while NON-bearded were called “Beloveds” (yes more often the boys were underage :/ for the sake of history lesson lets…. try to ignore that like ancient greeks)
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there is many gay ass poems ^
He got all the mentall illness coctails that I got bc why not make it worse fr him. I imagine him sarcastic and catty, Claudia prob loves taking him to shop around bc he always got something to fckn say about everyone. Big gossipper. Hides the fact that he hates being as short as he is very well (im like… 165? 5’5-4?). If in Yusuf time, nearly BFFS (if im not inserting myself into the throuple (bc Its my self insert and I CAN BE AS CRINGY AS I WANT) he would end up w Yusuf)
Him about others:
Ezio: will never stop calling him de la la la,likes him a lot, loves pranking and teasing him. Enjoys fake flirting with him till he takes it so far Ezio has to throw in the towel. Probobly teached him how to Oil wrestle and Ezio was like “Are you sure this is a real sport…” and all he did was sigh and say “I am so glad it actually is” as he admired Oiled up Ezio
Altaïr: loves mocking whatever big words he uses all the time. calls him “Big boss” just to see his eye twitch with cringe. Knows he can get away with shit if he acts stupid enough. Altair knows he is not that stupid but is impressed(deragotory, fondly) how low he is willing to go.
Desmond: clearly his favorite (im biased sue me) obvious by how much softer he acts around Des. Ezİo falls he laughs, Des falls “My leige, hop on my back”. Is facinated by his piercings and begs him to help him get some. Desmond desperetly wishes he could invent some ADHD Meds for him. Des also finds him strangely comforting, can imagine himself back in 2010s almost…
Idk im not rlly a self insert person so thinking about him was hard and I also dont wanna make my oc “the main character” in this au so I dont really wanna give him any secret powers or anything.
Maybe some edgy gnarly scars on his back from a past mission where he came in contact with an apple? Maybe when he touched the apple he was supplied that canonly he doesnt exist and he is just a fan created being and has a whole issue about it? I can imagine a sad scene of him crying like “You dont understand, You exist! even as some damn video game you do and people know you they cannot deny you exist. ME? all I am is some weirdos self writing, not even enough to be in canon. Does anything I do matter?” lololol
Thats all I got for him for now lol but feel free to ask more:p Im also open to ideas for him.
sorry for the yapping and history lesson… here is some more fun facts:
-Oğlancılık (male prostitution) was pretty respected they were seen like any other tradesperson in some parts
-a Paşa tried to ban under 30 males from being washers in Turkish Hamams due to them also being sex workers and litterally everyone was so mad he got replaced
-dancers in coffeehouses wore the same fit no matter the gender so boys and girls looked the same (once again they were also sex workers)
-one time a jewish boy caused such a big fight between janniserries the sultan had to threathen to kill 40 man from each side if they didnt stop
-Draculas are real people and RADU the beutyfull (his OFFİCİAL NAME) had a full on recorded relationship with Sultan Mehmet2 :p
- Gay shit was legalized in 1853 mostly bc they never rlly punished it….
for the girlies
-in harems the girls couldnt order things like cucumbers or carrots to their rooms w out it being cut up :p
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jei-rifni · 9 months
Pucci explodes into popcorn.
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Sorry if it aint what you had in mind but, I just noticed that I got 2000 followers and I’m so grateful for that! You all are amazing thank you for enjoying my art so much it means the world to me so many of you are here to eat up my silly art <3
Heres a DTIYS! Theres not really a prize nor deadline since its just for fun, but tag me if you do happen to join! :]
Also whats with you folks and wanting to see characters explode like. Are you okay (not that im complaining)
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nattinatalia · 2 years
Urban Wyatt x Reader Instagram AU
Liked by yourbestiename, jackharlow, claybornharlow, neelamthadhani, urbanwyatt, and 7,345,976 others
yourusername My forever date 🤞🏼💘 always fun when we get to let loose and party it up. Hire us for your next wedding, we’ll definitely get it turnt.
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yourbestiename 😜😜😜 👯‍♀️
jackharlow Y’all are another level of crazy, I’m just happy my wife is back home because single you is another level of scared I have.
yourusername You’re so dramatic lmaooo
claybornharlow WHY WASN’T I INVITED?????? That’s the real question here!!! Sis yourbestiename I thought we were partners in crime 🤔
yourbestiename We are, but this was a girls night 😜😜😜
claybornharlow I could’ve dressed up as a girl and called it a day 🤦🏼‍♂️ 🙄
yourusername Next time Clay, I promise you’ll have the time of your life 😝
claybornharlow bet 🫡🤝🏻
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Liked by jackharlow, cozane, selenosunni, yourbestiename, and 7,245,986 others
urbanwyatt Weekend with my mini mi 🤞🏼💖
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jackharlow 💜
cozane omw now!!! I missed my little best friend
yourbestiename My baby 🫶🏻 Nina loves youuu so much Cassie poohhhh 😘
user Damn so you only have her weekends? that’s sad.
user & the fact that Y/N moved out of Kentucky to LA just to get back at him.
user that’s low even for her.
ynupdates You guys just talking without even knowing anything. Didn’t your mom teach you to stay out of grown folks stuff?
yourusername 😘🫡
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Liked by druski, neelamthadhani, yourbestiename, claybornharlow, sebastianyatra, and 8,356,987 others
yourusername Get you someone who looks at you the way my bebecita looks at me 🥹🥰 my partner in crime, even when she gives me tough love.
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jackharlow Funny, she looks at me like that too so I guess we’re fighting because she’s all mine
yourusername Boy sit down 😂
yourbestiename My baby for life 🫶🏻 you know I always give out tough love, I don’t sugar coat anything!!!!!!!
druski But can you look at me like that?
yourusername UMM NOOO
druski Damn and here I thought you’d let me slide in and give me a chance since Urban left your ass.
yourusername DRUUUUU 🤦🏻‍♀️ Urban didn’t leave me lmaoooo.
user Then what?
user aren’t you two divorced already?
user Damn so Stassie really saying the true?
yourusername LMAAAOOO
user Tell us
yourusername I ain’t telling y’all shit. Mind your business, keep it pushing boo 😘
user Ew & the fact that Urban doesn’t even come and defend you says a lot. You two in bad terms.
yourusername Ohhh okayyyy 👍🏼 you know everything.
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Liked by yourusername, ynupdates, maluma, and 7,235,986 others
urbanandynupdates Not Maluma posting and deleting this 😱
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maluma 😚😚😚
jackharlow He needs to get knocked out again???
yourbestiename He wasn’t even at the wedding so I’m confused.
yourusername He’s just starting drama.
druski He’s like me 🤣🤣🤣
urbanwyatt 🙄
urbanwyatt Because he send me the first pic talking about he’s with my girl and he might take her back to his place after the wedding.
jackharlow And you still want to drop that song with him? After the shit he’s trying to pull?
yourbestiename Don’t even start. Bye ✌🏼
jackharlow 🤦🏼‍♂️
yourusername Who are you calling a hoe? you all LOVE to speak on something y’all know nothing about!!!!! Our fault for sharing our lives with the internet. Lesson learned ✔️
user Girl please, put all that energy towards your baby daddy!
yourcousinname Stassie is that you???? Don’t need to hide behind fake accounts boo. We know you’re obsessed with them all.
yourusername LMAAAOOO
urbanwyatt added to their story
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Liked by jackharlow, neelamthadhani, druski, maluma, and 7,345,986 others
urbanwyatt My Cassie 💗
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yourusername My chiquita hermosa 🤩
yourbestiename Cassiepooohhhhh 🫶🏻
jackharlow They grow up so fast 😢
urbanwyatt TELL ME ABOUT IT 😫
maluma Soon to be stepdaughter 🤓
urbanwyatt COME AGAIN?
urbanwyatt Yeah I’m gonna need someone to bail me out because this fucker is just asking to get his ass beat.
user The fact that she’s been with you more than Y/N speaks volume.
user It’s what I’m saying!!!!!
user Partying and not being with her daughter is crazy to me. You’re doing good Urby.
yourusername LMAAAOOO
user It’s funny that you’re a deadbeat mom?
urbanwyatt I’ve let you guys say whatever, I’d left you all wondering and just be evil. But enough is enough. Y/N and I are separated but we’re on good terms. She has a career, a career that sometimes she needs to travel and our daughter doesn’t handle well being on airplanes. We both have full custody of our daughter, so I don’t know where you all get that she’s not with our kid. Don’t speak on something you know nothing about. Y/N and I may not be together, but she’s the mother of my child, she’s still my number one, my ride or die, my best friend. Don’t get it twisted now!!!!
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megamindsecretlair · 8 months
Get To Know Me Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @nerdieforpedro 😚 for anyone who cares, here's a bit about me! 🥹
General rule: I may overshare in dms and authors notes sometimes but Im generally a private person 🤣 to the point Ive lost friends over it. ive been working with my coworkers for 3 years and they dont know shit about me 🤣 I juss really love yall and feel safe with yall so here we go!
1. Were you named after anyone?
No. My mom didnt want our names to announce who we were on applications so we all got regular smegular names. My name is of Irish origin so my yt folks customer service voice got ppl thinkin I have red hair. I mean....technically yes but its buried under my braids 🤣
2. When was the last time you cried?
At the end of The Marvels. The first end credit had me in real, actual tears. On a more serious note, I last cried before my grandma died. Yall, its fn hard being a caretaker. I was not built Ford Tuff.
3. Do you have kids?
*ahem* 🗣🗣 fuck no! 🤣🤣🤣 I dont even have nieces or nephews. Kids make me nervous and Im pretty sure they can smell the fear on me. 🤣
4. What sports do you play/ have you played?
I played basketball and softball in HS. I love and miss softball all the time even though my big behind HATES running.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Sarcasm is one of my love languages. I put that shit on everything 🤣 Physical Touch is my main one since we sharing.
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Ooof, tough. Depends. Some quirk like glasses, lisp, moles. How they walk/talk, the way they laugh. I am a lurker by trade. Overly shy kid and writer by nature will do that to ya.
7. What is your eye color?
Dark brown. When that sun hits 🫠🫠🫦
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I am a HUGE scaredy cat. I dont do scary movies nothin! Happy endings over here! 🤸🏽‍♀️ I will enjoy a thriller but only behind my hands and mostly starring Matthew Lillard.
9. Any talents?
.....no? I have a bunch of useless knowledge or trivia that no one asked for but ya gonna get 🤣 . Juss realized writing is considered a talent 😭 so that too 🤣
10. Where were you born?
US, West Coast baybeee
11. What are your hobbies?
Obvs, writing. Reading, sewing, cons, tarot, tv, listening to music, video games (xbox, switch, PC girlie) , Marvel. Marvel is a hobby. I will talk your ear off. That is both a threat and a promise 😚
12. Do you have any pets?
I have two gorgeous Boston Terriers who run me into the ground every day. Idk why my mom thought two was okay 🫠🫠 my Black ass tide 🥲 👏🏽
13. How tall are you?
Fun sized 5'3 and a half 👏🏽👏🏽🤣 pear shaped. I got ass for days but in the itty bitty titty committee. 😭😭😭😭😭
14. Favorite subject in high school?
Definitely English. My English teacher was so fine 🥲🥲 thats not WHY it was my fave but can ya blame me 😩 I loved reading the books but I hated the themes they shoved down our throats. What if that wasnt MY interpretation of the book??? Hmmm? Some faves include: Their Eyes Were Watching God (Teacake 🥵🥵🥵), Brave New World, Bright Lights Big City (probably where my love of second person is from) , Bronx Masquerade, and The Outsiders. And FUCK the Great Gatsby. If I hear about that damn green light one 👏🏽 mo 👏🏽 fn 👏🏽 time 👏🏽😩😡 and FUCK Of Mice and Men, he aint have to do all that in the end. And DOUBLE FUCK I Know Why the Caged Bird sings. Turned my stomach when she described the SA. Lemme stop 🥴
15. Dream Job?
Writer. I will publish, I will be successful, and I will live the life I want. I claim it 😩 on my Octavia Butler, NK Jemisin, Danielle Allen shit 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Whew! That was fun 😭🤣
No pressure tags: @mybonafidefeelings @bratzmaraj @braverthanthenewworld @multiversefanfics @chaos-4baby @westside-rot @saturn-rings-writes @notapradagurl7 @wide-nose-and-wonderful @blowmymbackout @blackerthings @harmshake @targaryenvampireslayer and who wants to do one. I love learning bout my moots.
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sordidmusings · 2 months
Fic and Schedule/Prioritizing Update!
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Love me some damn possum memes
So! Fics right? What I’m trying to prioritize right now are a Croc comfort fic, Croc smut request, Buggy the hat stays ON, and Straw Hats and the Three Unwise Men x marine reader. Running concurrent with that are chap 2 of Coronary Tale, part 3 of TLC massage, and ABO Law x reader x Penguin x Shachi. There’s an ungodly amount floating below those too 🥴 Luckily some progress has been made!! Just no completion yet lol
I am going to try and let the AuDHD demons have more leeway in hopes that it may get at least fucking sOMETHING done so there will likely be more posts of shorter and more random things going up. One of the reasons I’ve been nervous about that besides the hubris filled and doomed to fail pursuit of perfection but also because of self imposed guilt around productivity in general as well as worrying that it would come across that I’m shirking the bigger stuff and more importantly the things I’d like to make for people.
The things I see getting down the quickest that aren’t in the writing priorities are more sketches, one piece crochet, a dumb fun Shanks headcanon/drabble post, a layout of an AU I headed a bit back and have been building on, and ideas/plans for a distant Sabo fic that’s like a canon divergent AU (esp when it comes to celestial dragons there will me Many Liberties)
Also some reposts probably. May they not meet their second death 💀
Also gotta remake the lil baby masterlist at some point 🤡
Below cut more personal stuff if you wish to skip!
My second and third gigs have been asking more than they generally were and I recently had to step in on an orchestra to help my teacher and I’ve been keepin my folks and grandparents houses runnin on all the off spots so I have been struggling to find time and also mental space to create those I desperately want to 😭 I’m very frustrated with it because I feel I should be doing better at that cuz it’s not like I’ve never Gone Through It before 💀 I am at least quite lucky that I’ve been able to shuffle it all around health stuff just enough to keep it all rolling and esPECIALLY lucky my main gig ain’t firing me for health issues interrupting work. I digress though - mostly just a little vent and idea of where my attention is currently spread. I’m gonna try and push to get more out slightly against better judgement because yes spend more energy when big burnt out Bad but also creative things are supposed to help mental health and other stuff aint doin it so why not 🤷🏼‍♀️ if it gets worse that has its own perk at this point 💀
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scummy-writes · 3 months
Another poll. Yes yes. I know.
The context is: I'd like to livestream me write drabbles and so on based off of prompts a chat would give me. However, it seems like due to computer limitations, the best method for me to do this would be to make a server.
Thank you in advance!
More details as to how the server would be in a hypothetical sense:
1. Not a ton of channels. Primarily a channel for rules, general chatting, a channel for me to be like "heyo im free to stream on this day/today, would anyone like to join?", then a VC and a correlating text channel for it. That's the baseline atm.
2. 18+. Would have to message me for an invite.
3. If this works out for a good bit, may make channels based on some writing tips/etc. Not really game specific though, I would be writing stuff I normally write. Might even make a channel for when reqs are open or comms or smth.
☆ Why not use Bloody Simps?
Bloody Simps is three years old and we've accumulated like 100 folks in there now. I figured not everyone would want to join there for me specifically doing this, especially since there would be a lot of people around. I'll likely talk about Bloody Simps in that server, but but. Bloody Simps aint for me to constantly stream in, I would feel guilty inviting people in JUST for that.
☆ So a voice chat?
Yeaah basically. I'm a bit concerned about me streaming and other folks talking at the same time, I feel like it'd be hard for me to focus, so I don't know if it'd be a silent stream with lofi playing, or trying to emulate a normal stream on other sites where it'd just be me. (I feel rude with that though)
☆ You kinda try things like this and then fizzle out.
You are right! And that could happen with this to. So if its a bust then its a bust. Otherwise I am wanting to give this a shot. Worst case scenario the server gets yeeted and folks who aren't in Bloody Simps maybe chat with me on discord in gen if they wanted to.
☆ Why.
Idk! Thought it would be fun and friends agreed. Also my computer has issues so I can't casually stream on tw*tch or something, unfortunately. Smth smth driver update needed, I go to do so, it wants me to log into the driver website, driver website never loads. Looked up why and its been an issue for years. My driver otherwise lets me play yakuza and other games on my laptop so idk why the hell i need to update it anyway. But can't stream normally due to that.
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