#and temporary buildings.
safeyourhomesblog · 2 years
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54625 · 5 months
Mcyt fans. You can resist. You don't need to do it. You can get over your addiction of making everyone into a bird. I believe in you. You don't need to make qPac with wings into popular fanon just because of a cosmetic in a separate minecraft PvP event completely unrelated to QSMP. You don't have to keep doing this to yourself
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ilta222 · 6 months
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my winter work station ❄️
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aceofwhump · 4 months
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Torchwood 2x12 "Fragments"
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gyroncraft · 30 days
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central station progress, the building itself is based off a public library in chicago lol, still need to do the roof, plus stairs+elevators to both platforms
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boygirlctommy · 2 months
anyone ever think about ranboos ugly ass house
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my-name-is-apollo · 4 months
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Plutarch, On Music (Trans. William Watson Goodwin)
Athena Apollo bonding activity <3
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joelletwo · 26 days
woke up at six am was still late for my orientation getting lost and found by the extremely kind grace of another attendee seeing me confused as fuck in the parking lot kjsf sat thru five hours of c suite dick sucking and ice breakers w ppl i wont be working with. go home to my injured dog sweaty as hell eat five bites of potato salad. drive to my actual job do another hour and a half of corpo modules that dont apply to my position. go to get my chickenpox booster cant. go to report to my actual boss to do actual work for a few hours shes like lol just go home its late enough so i do. sweaty as fuck again. grocery shop bc i used all my food this weekend not cooking. cook dinner. eat dinner. time to walk my old ass dog. and then i have to go to BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and im working every day this week to pack in practice so this is just what its gonna be like every day. BYE FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [for a week or two]
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feybeasts · 6 months
scratching my dogtaur friends ears and watching in horror as her massive silly tail wags so hard it destroys a building
These are the risks we run, I think it’s worth it tbh!
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katiekatdragon27 · 5 months
Hey Besties, I bring more oc content no one cares about^^
So, as an animation student in college, of course I need to play with clay at some point. In one of my classes, we were allowed to play with this really soft clay in order to get used to it.
So, I did the logical thing and made Spool, one of my more complicated characters.
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She was a pain in the ass to make. Like, the number of times I had to reshape his body was insane. But in the end, she turned out nice, and I'm excited to do some others if I have the chance. I might try to do Vasy (I talk as if I've posted about her before), that would be fun.
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This b*tch was also pretty big too. Like, a solid 4ish inches. Also, he was pretty heavy. The legs were too skinny to hold her body up effectively, so she was often scrunched. But it's fine, it still looks good anyway.
Bonus video (Be warned, it's super sad and there's cartoonish death):
Thanks homies, and have a lovely day ^^
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fallout-fucker · 1 year
Hancock Headcanons (Including Goodneighbour Headcanons) Part One
Surprisingly a really good cook/baker. Will make 5 Star quality full-course meals when high as fuck. Or at least, as good as you can get in the Wasteland if you don't think mutated Brahmin tastes too different from cow. Man's is making steaks.
He also mass bakes when very stressed. There's been times Fahrenheit has walked into the office and seen the kitchenette, the coffee table, any and all of the free surfaces, really, full of trays of baked goodies. Cupcakes, cookies, brownies, special brownies, you name it. When this happens, Daisy has to organise a massive order to traders to make up for all the ingredients he buys. He always gives her extra caps for the inconvenience of Goodneighbour having less eggs and flour, etc, for sale than usual. He makes sure to never take all the stock, though, food's hard enough to come by, especially produce. His town needs it more than he and his baking sessions do.
He always gives away the goods when he's finally calmed down and the stress has eased.
He takes care in making sure the normal goodies are separate from the 'more fun' ones.
The normal goods go to the townsfolk and drifters. He goes to the kids first, though. If it's during the colder months, he'll also take the time to make hot chocolates or warm milk (Depending on what's available) for them.
Actually does his job as the fucking Mayor.
Makes sure the kids have all got blankets, coats, hats, scalves, gloves, socks and shoes, and beds somewhere warm.
He regularly checks this. Has a little checklist for all the items kiddies need. He isn't letting any kids die in his streets. As far as he's concerned, those are his kids. He knows Goodneighbour isn't exactly the most PG place, but the majority of children in Goodneighbour (Like most people in Goodneighbour) don't have parents or anybody.
He'll leave a few trays on the bar of The Third Rail for pickings. Lowkey likes to decorate it with cake stands and stuff. Makes him feel weirdly calm. He gets to just take his time with it. It's a breather from the rest of his 'Mayoral Duties'.
If he's feeling generous, he'll give away the fun goodies too to anyone that wants 'em (Within reason). But Chems and produce can be pricey so he'll sometimes give those to Daisy to sell so he's not wasting a good amount of his personal stash, especially if he made a lot of goods.
He considered giving them to Charlie at first because The Third Rail is nothing if not the place for a great time, but many people who wander into Goodneighbour are vulnerable. From experience (Both personal and second-hand), Hancock knows alcohol + easily accessible edibles/hard chems + vulnerable and desperate doesn't equal anything good. So, he decided against it.
He refuses to give them to AJ because the guy is sketchy, and he's heard about the whole 'Chems For Kids' thing. Hancock's been working discreetly on solving that issue. If he wasn't keen on drunk adults having access to edibles, you can believe he'd have a real problem with anyone tryna sneak it to kids, let alone that kinda dirty money making its way back to him, and that's if AJ didn't sneak some into his own pockets. Which he likely would.
So, that brought him to Daisy. Besides, it also makes up for the ingredients and he lets her pocket a good percentage of the profit as chems isn't usually her deal.
Once more, actually does his job as the fucking Mayor.
Like with the children, he makes sure drifters and such also have warm clothes for the Winter.
Also ensures everyone has clothes suited for Summer heat, too.
Essentially, twice a year (Autumn and Spring) he'll go around Goodneighbour with a survey to see who needs what, at least a few weeks in advance of when the seasonal weather for Autumn/Winter and Spring/Summer usually rolls in. Then, he organises a mass order to all of the trading caravans for suitable clothes, shoes, etc. Then he'll organise a day with timeslots and stuff where groups of people can go up to his office and get what they need.
Imagine a watchman at the entrance of the Statehouse, with a name list and time slots, and a queue outside of the door. In Hancock's office, it's full of cardboard boxes and tables. Him, Far, Daisy, and a few watchmen all giving out the items and checking them off.
Hancock has plans and blueprints to expand Goodneighbour so some of the apartment buildings just outside of the walls can be included in the town. Has a few trading deals on hold and watchmen guards he could use as contractors in mind for the job of converting the Pre-War buildings into livable homes when he is able to.
Unfortunately, with the Warehouse rats and Supermutants settling down just outside the gates, he had to postpone the plans to focus on other issues. All his contractors had to stay as Neighbourhood Watch guards and security just in case the mutants attack. The mutants are on his to-do list, but first is the Warehouse job and making sure people can stay warm in the attic instead of the homes he was hoping to have done before Autumn and Winter.
He predicted temporarily losing more workers in the Winter due to sickness, but didn't necessarily expect some to be rats, unfortunately. So, his options are limited when Sole meets him. Hence sending a stranger to Pickman Gallery and other things.
It's also why he doesn't mind traveling with Sole. Until Spring, his hands are mostly tied when it comes to progress.
Staying in town when he knows he can't do all of the things he needs to makes him antsy. He doesn't like sitting around and doing nothing when he knows his people are relying on him, so it helps to get away from it for a while.
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agendratum · 2 years
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us braiding biu’s hair | buildus x fashion styles
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occasionaltouhou · 7 months
btw in case it's unclear this isn't reimu becoming The Hakurei God or anything either. she is a second, separate kami enshrined at the same shrine. they have those
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blissfali · 2 years
Ive always thought about how, since the first time i eevr experienced and watched exile, that c!tommy never specifically built a houise in logsted. he built a tent, and when he built that tent, he built it specifically with the idea in mind that this would be temporary (i cant remember the exact words but i know for sure there is a quote about him saying something like this before he builds it).
in ctommy's mind, exile was never supposed to last forever. if he had to think about it as an indefinite amount of time, it wouldnt really make sense to him. instead of accepting cdream's "you leave when i say you can leave", he builds this hope throughout the entirety of it that he will be going home to l'manberg, at some point, whether it be in one day or one year. he held onto that hope that there would be a foreseeable end in sight, and thats why he only built a tent. he did not build a house or a shack, and he did not move into the house/van that ghostbur built for him, because moving into an actual home in logsted would mean it lasting "forever". he needed some kind of date in his mind that would mark the end of it, and by building tnret he kind of had a symbol for the fact that he would be leaving at some point.
there was no idea in his mind that ctommy would be barred from l'manberg FORever. he would go back even if he was in his 30's by then. it didn't matter when or how, it just mattered that that date Existed.
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wayward-sherlock · 2 months
bears in trees releasing how to build an ocean: instructions during my graduation season is crazy actually.
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idsb · 2 months
My airport transport on Monday is arranged and I just //////:
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