#and technically official charts
dailytomlinson · 2 years
was he ever on the cover of magazines for walls like this?
I don't know watch you mean by "like this" but he hadn't done Music Week before, no. If you mean photoshoots as often, I could be wrong but I think he did 6 photoshoots total during Walls era. House of Solo, 1883 Mag, Cosmopolitan, Fabulous Mag, Telegraph Mag and TMRW Mag.
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tadc-harlequin-au · 19 days
Hey, I know he's not technically canon but what would Cade look like in his adult body? Would he have an exposed heart like his dad? Or any particular style of fashion? I wanna see him fully grown next to his parents and see how tall his adult body is. And what about his teen stage? I vaguely remember you said that there were three main body changes, child, teen and adult. (Not forced or anything just curious about what Cade would look like as a big boy/fully grown harlequin.) ^^
I make a non-canon fanchild once and you all go crazy huh /j
Cade's development through the years could be summarized by this poorly drawn chart (that doesn't even cover ALL the changes but that's a story for another day) but it IS the base child-teen-adult progression.
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Young Cade is quite the troublemaker; not fully in a bad sense, he's just very hyperactive and easy to be excited. He's also the embodiment of childish wonders and curiosity, so he's the happiest he can be if shown something new and amazing.
Teen Cade.... well, he's become a bit of a rebel because ofc he would be. Who wasn't. He thinks his mom is "babying" him, when no. Pomni's just become increasingly paranoid on how to handle the unfolding situation of her son growing up, and wanting to break things like her in her uncontrolled prime.
He's also become the most reckless and stubborn he'll ever be, answering back passive-aggressively and raising his tone against his parents when they're trying to talk some sense into him, going out on his own accord and even REFUSING to wear the tracker bell that would let Caine know his location for safety purposes.
Thankfully, Adult Cade has realized the errors of his cringe emo teen self and is back to being a happy, active and mischievous Puppet. He's become an official defender of the city, befit of the title of a Combat Harlequin. Although his relationship with his parents are no longer strained and is as healthy as can be, there's an intrusive thought lodged in his head somewhere that insists that he's not being a good son (considering his track record), how he's not living up to expectations because he hasn't done anything grandeur like both his mom and dad has in their pasts, nor achieved something worth celebrating.
He does realize that it's not the achievements he's worried about, but rather, it's actually his dream to travel the world and detail his exploits. Something that both his parents will have to come to terms with, because this means that their son wants to leave the nest and be on his own.
Now, for what you've been waiting for anon, here's Adult Cade side by side with Pomni and Caine, although this is their current looks and not their post-canon's, so-
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He's slightly taller than both of them lol
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littleyarngoblin · 5 months
Finished my art book project for a class! Not the usual thing I knit, I’ll admit, but I’m so proud of how it turned out.
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First, the charting was fine but the actual duplicate stitching was a NIGHTMARE to get right. I had to rip out ל so many times 😭
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Making the scroll poles was a Learning Experience involving wood stain and super glue. Sewing on the canvas back was somehow the easiest part! Anyway, I’m super pleased with the result and I’m excited to present it to my class.
Skip the read more if you’re not interested in hearing about my artistic decisions :)
Part of this final assignment was to create something based on items in the library collection at my workplace. There’s a beautiful, giant 19th century Torah that I’ve viewed several times and haven’t been able to forget the sheer comfort and awe of being able to sit down for an hour or two and just read the Torah.
But there are rules to interacting with a Torah (both Jewish and archival rules): do not touch the text. Do not touch the parchment. Do not unroll without assistance. No, we can’t repair the holes and whatnot in this manuscript because 1) she’s super old and 2) we have no idea how to do it (which makes me sad!! She needs a good cleaning)
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I also got to view a teeny miniature Torah from the library’s EXTENSIVE miniature collection.
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So I decided I wanted to make a representation of the Torah that encouraged touch, and interacting with a text through another sense. This one only has the Shema stitched in it (funny, because no one is going to be reading this aloud to a congregation so no one is technically going to hear it). I made the first word blue in the Jewish manuscript illumination tradition, which wouldn’t illuminate just one letter, but rather the whole word, so as not to place one letter above another in importance. The blue is also reminiscent of tekhelet, a probably-blue dye mentioned in the Torah.
I also did not write out G-d’s name because Obviously Not. I’m not an official scribe and I also don’t want smartass or ignorant goyim viewing my art book and going “tehe I know how to pronounce that” when they see the tetragrammaton and just. Saying the Name.
All this to say, I’m so happy with my final project and I hope I get an A.
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you-know-i-get-itt · 14 days
fav aftg fics go
okay okay okay in no particular order:
Wicked Game by @ashestoashes7: absolutely GORGEOUS character study of andreil. it was posted yesterday and i’ve read it 4 times so far. i’m obsessed with it. the characterization is frighteningly spot-on
Golden by @minyard-05: AARON MINYARD. okay this is painful but good god is it absolutely worth it. absolutely absolutely adore this
What Happened to Little Nathaniel? by @thousandstories: i cannot recommend this enough!!! seriously go read this immediately. the entire concept is immaculate and every chapter is a banger and the realism is off the charts, plus you get gems like the fbi’s official emails coming with a “we’ve gone paperless!” note
Twice as Many Stars by @millportisntreal: nathaniel and neil are different people and they are TWINS! absolutely adore the concept and the execution 100% does it justice
we carry our own weight by @wyverningx: jerejean!!! wrong number au where jerejean (technically) meet when jean is still at evermore. absolute incredible i love itttt (and this sequel as well!)
whatever satisfies the soul is truth by kekune: absolutely GORGEOUS character study of one nicky hemmick. criminally few people have read this but it’s astoundingly good (i don’t know if the author has a tumblr sadly)
this post by @ninyard: terrible terrible terrible post i love it so fucking much. only read this if you want to cry. gorgeously written and absolutely heart-wrenching. i hate hate hate it (in the best way possible)
this is an incomplete list!! just what i could remember off the top of my head
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chargohello · 1 year
this is a product of insanity on my behalf (no spoilers)
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so to start things off the official TMNT Twitter posted this birth month chart for funzies, but I as someone who will never not take things as the factual truth, had to dive deeper.
1. The movie and trailer both state that the turtles and splinter were mutated "15 years ago". So they are AT LEAST 15
2. The turtles have a confirmed age order being Leo>Raph>Donnie>Mikey (Don's description didn't mention his age but we can assume)
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3. Splinter mentioned that when they were mutated they became the age equivalent of when they were animals (grown rat to grown rat man, baby turtles to turtle toddlers).
4. We now know what months they were born in.
Well first we use rationality, if Leo's birthday is first but he's the oldest he must be at least a year older than Mikey and Donnie. We also know that 2008 was 15 years ago (... insane.....). With both of these we can assume that Leo's birthday is sometime January 2007, Raph is April 2007, Don is February 2008 and Mikey is March 2008. Thus making Leo and Raph 16 and Donnie and Mikey 15.
but why stop here...
See knowing the years they were born is the easy part, I want to know the age equivalent of when they were MUTATED. So for those who are curious please stick around
So, it is widely accepted that these four are musk turtles, musk turtles have a lifespan of about 30-50 years, roughly half the average person. We can also assume that the turtles were mutated in August 2008, given that is the same month that Superfly was born.
So let's say the human equivalent age is half of a turtles age (80-100 is roughly double the average 30-50 year turtle life span). Given that 1 year of turtle time is = .5 of human age we divide the turtles technical age PRE MUTATION by two (as before they were mutated they were developing like normal turtles). Leo would be 1 year 7 months in August 2008 assuming he was born in January 2007, so when he was mutated he was the equivalent to a 9.5 month old infant, For Raph he would have been 16 months pre mutation giving him the developmental age of about 8 months. Donnie would be at 3 months and Mikey at 2.5 months old in human development.
So with all that we could probably assume that the boys mental age is slightly less than their actual physical age. To calculate this we would take their developmental age post mutation and add 15 years (since August 2008) making them all 15 with a couple months difference.
To be fair none of this makes sense and I'm totally just running off a whim and got bored and wanted to do some math. But hey if you guys enjoy it
the turtles are 15
TLDR: I did a shit ton of math to prove what we already know and was blatantly stated but with a little more nuance.
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anoant-haikyuu-dump · 28 days
Assigning Cat Pokémon to the Nekoma Players
Kuroo - Meowscarada Saw it's official art and instantly thought of this scene from Summer of Evolution, take one look at that dramatic mf and tell me Kuroo wouldn't want one instantly. They're both tricky guys who bait their opponents into attacking before pulling the rug out from under them. The smug aura is off the charts.
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Kai - Delcatty Calm and nonconfrontational but reliable, both of these guys are relatively normal compared to everyone else but well loved by those around them. Delcatty's pokedex entry in sapphire says it just moves away instead of fighting, much like how Kai leaves Yaku and Kuroo to do their thing when their fights get heated
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Yaku - Zeraora Quick, nimble, powerful— these two are both incredibly strong despite their size. You can always count on them to get there in time. I wasn't gonna give anyone mythicals or legendaries but if anyone deserves it it's Yaku.
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Tora - Incineroar Obviously Tora gets the Litten line, its mid evolution is literally called Torracat. Can you name a pokemon with more guts than the big manly WWE tiger?? I didn't think so. They're both shouting constantly and hyping themselves up while also being supportive towards the people around them. Loudest mfs in the room but you love them nonetheless.
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Kenma - Meowstic Knew I wanted to give Kenma a psychic type since he's all about mind games and Meowstic was the perfect canidate. The both play more of a supporting role on the team but can be super agressive, all with a blank face. Also they have similar vibes visually.
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Fukunaga - Meowth The natural choice since both are based on maneki-neko, look at the joy and whimsey!! Silly little guys who's eyes sparkle when they get excited.
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Inuoka - Boltund The sole dog among a sea of cats, bros just happy to be included. Decided on Boltund because of it's boundless energy, they can keep going for days without loosing a sweat. Also look at it's little smile!! Very Inuoka indeed.
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Lev - Luxio (?) I'm conflicted on this one but I don't know what else to go with (curse you Lev for being an enigma). It's abilities are rivalry and intimidate, much like how Lev picks a fight with like half his team + hinata and how his height intimidates most people he comes across. I went with Luxio over Luxray since he still has a lot of room to grow but he's a determind guy with big aspirations (again, this one is a strech lol).
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Shibayama - Litleo Like Lev I chose the preevolution because Shibayama has a lot to live up to, what with Yaku being the current libero. Small, cute, and reliant on his teammates for now but one day he'll step out from of the shadow of his predecessor and become his own player
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Teshiro - Espurr I know this is technically a repeat since I gave Kenma Meowstic but c'mon, just look at that cold, dead stare. Blank-faced dudes with more internal struggles than meets the eye.
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flowerfreya · 3 months
Dr. Dad
part 1
This picks up where we left off from part 1. I am still learning how to link post and such so cut me some slack please lol
Pairing : Simon "Ghost" Riley / Reader
The reader is a 5th year resident that just had a baby with Simon who is an Attending. The reader does not want anyone to know that they are together until she makes fellow at the hospital.
He lets out a little smirk. His face turns serious for a moment. 
“My love know you don't have to come back to work so soon”
You sigh you knew that was coming. He’s been saying this since you told him that you were going back to work last week after you placed Bella into her bassinet. He was silent for a while just standing in the doorway of the bathroom. 
Looking at you. 
Assessing you. 
Trying to think of something to say to convince you not to do. 
 You had a relatively easy birth, having the birth of the baby at the hospital closest to your home and not the one you work at. It's not that you don't want anyone to know about you and Simon but , the relationship started when you were on his surgical rotation which is not allowed. You did let HR know about the relationship after you were off his rotation and the start date of your relationship officially is when you started your oncology rotation, which you really needed support for anyway.
When you fell pregnant you told Simon almost immediately. It was not an ideal time , you were a fifth year resident with little to no time on your hands , drowning in student loan debt, and you're barely making 60k a year. Simon on the other hand is an attending physician with over 6 years of experience in the field and 3 years working at the hospital. He was happy and together you let the medical director know about the relationship and pregnancy and those are the only people you told. 
When you started to show , there was a lot of rumors surrounding you.
It has to be one of the other residents , its the xrays tech baby , she always gets her patient pushed to the front 
You did nothing to dispel the talk, much to Simon’s disagreement.
“Let me say something”, he says one night after a 16 hour day. 
“You can say something , just don't say that your mine” you say 
You have an issue with being hyper independent, you realize that in fact a little to much. You love Simon but you let him know that you will be a working mom , you will be keeping your last name, and no one will know that you are dating Simon until you make Fellow , which is why you need to get back to work. 
Your mother was a godsend and also retired so when you called and let her know you were going back to work she didn’t try to convince you not to do it she just ask,“how can I help.”
 A knock on the door brings you back to the present. 
You sigh and proceed to unlatch the breast pump and hand them to Simon. He has a mini fridge and you dont trust these other residents to not fuck with your milk. 
Another this time harder and longer 
“One Second” you say brightly. While Simon glares at the door while towards it to unlock it. 
One of the 3rd year residents walks in and looks a little a pale. Lets you know that Graves is looking for you.
"Does he seem upset", You don't really care if he is but you would like to prepare how preppy you should act towards him. You firmly believe in killing people with kindness especially when it has to do with Graves who probably drinks Interns tears for breakfast , lunch and dinner.
"Is he bother you?", Simon ask. To anyone else it sounds like a normal question one of concern from a colleague. But you know he's worried he ask the question like it pains him from going to find Graves and tell him to lay off. No one likes Graves but he technically isn't doing anything wrong , he has the right to kick anyone out of his OR, to make interns scribe all his charts , and terrorize his residents until they rather to scut work then be in presence.
"Nothing that I can't handle" , you smile at him and then look to the resident that was sent to retrieve you.
"I'm right behind you", the resident turns and just about runs out the room.
You hand the milk to Simon and place a quick kiss on his lips, he makes an almost groaning sound and drags you back for another kiss , a deeper kiss with his hand tighting around your hips. You pull away with a little giggle, "I miss you too" you say , your eyes lowering that makes it known exactly what you miss.
You straighten your clothes back up , make sure that you don't look at tired as you seem and head out to another 4 hours of running around like you are fresh intern right from medical school and not a tired mom that just wants to sleep on the couch holding your baby.
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sweetprfct · 7 months
High Infidelity
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Did you really have to chart the constellations in his eyes? Did you really have to tell him how he brought you back to life?
Author's Note: Babe by Taylor Swift, High Infidelity by Taylor Swift, Illicit Affairs by Taylor Swift, My Tears Ricochet by Taylor Swift, Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift. I don't know... I don't know... I don't know. My mind is all over the place the past week and needed to write this down for some distraction. I don't know... I never done a back to back series nor have written something like this, so yeah. Forgive me for all the trigger warnings. Everything is all so crazy. This is a very very hard thing to write because of past emotional abuse experiences in real life that still terrorizes me and maybe it's a letter for the past experience to let it go.
Disclaimer: 18+, emotional abuse, mention of harming, infidelity
(Please, please don't read this if it triggers you. I need you all to think hard about it before reading this one. This is a bit of a dark fic).
Wordcount: 3.2K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - epilogue
“Late again?” 
Your boyfriend, Eli, asked you the moment you entered the flat. You were kicking off your shoes by the front door, eyes full of exhaustion as you sighed. He was by the kitchen heating up some leftovers. You didn’t exactly understand how it was “late” because technically it was only 9pm.
“Yeah, the event went pretty late.” You replied.
You technically left the event early knowing that Eli would start asking where you were. That was how he was these days. Keeping count of everything you did.
You were technically not an official assistant in the team. You just started this job, and it was more of a paid internship that you applied to because you needed the money, and it paid really well. You worked for Joseph Quinn’s team. A British actor who got pushed into the limelight too fast after his appearance in Stranger Things.
Joe was nice. His team was nice and very organized and all you had to do was bring Joe’s things, get coffee, and help his team organize whatever they needed for Joe. 
That was all. 
Nothing too complicated.
Nothing for you to really complain about nor do something that could ruin this whole internship that you applied for. 
Well, at least that was what you thought. 
“That’s a nice dress.” Eli stepped out of the kitchen, his eyes studying you as he ate a piece of chicken. 
For some reason, his eyes studying you like that made you feel angry and annoyed. It wasn’t like he was doing anything to you, but the tone of his voice was making you feel annoyed. 
“Thanks. I’ll go freshen up.” You gave him a small smile, giving him a quick peck on the lips before heading down the hall. 
“I’m sure many men were staring at you tonight.” Eli added his little comment that made you stop halfway from your steps and looked over your shoulder.
“I was just doing my job, assisting.” You reassured him before continuing down the hall and into your bedroom.
You weren’t going to lie. Your relationship with Eli for the past two years has been rough. He was constantly jealous, constantly making rude comments about what you wear and how you wore your makeup to the point where you had stopped putting makeup on. You had changed your whole closet to just jeans, t-shirt or jumpers. You changed your whole style and personality because you didn’t want any trouble from Eli. You didn’t want to disappoint him. 
However, this new job of yours came with the responsibility of dressing up and wearing makeup when you accompany Joe through the many events or movie premieres. That made Eli squirm even more for the last four months whenever you came home wearing a nice dress and nice makeup. He would comment how the dress was too short or the dress was too revealing. 
“I wore a jacket, don’t worry.” You would tell him. 
“Next time, pick one that isn’t so revealing.” Eli would scoff. “You’re mine. You don’t need other men looking at you.” 
You could feel the love in your relationship was slowly fading, and you didn’t know how to get out of it. You were too scared to do something about it. Terrified even what he could react or say towards this decision of yours if you ever decided to cut this off. Eli had been very aggressive towards his words to you and sometimes, even if he wouldn’t say something, you could see the disappointment all over his face. You were a people pleaser, and you were the kind of person who didn’t want any trouble, so you tried to give what he wanted most of the time.
It made you hide inside yourself even more. It made you feel insecure. It made you terrified of every decision you made because you didn’t want to upset him. You didn’t want to see that reaction on his face even if his lips were saying something else. It made you feel like you were walking on broken glass every time. 
Sliding yourself under the covers next to Eli that night, you saw his eyes studying you the moment you entered the room and brushed your hair in front of your vanity. His eyes never left you until you laid next to him. He immediately moved himself close to you and pulled you in his arms, hugging you from behind. 
“So, how many more events do you have to go to?” He asked.
You sighed, closing your eyes. Eli was never interested in your job. You knew he was asking about it, so he knew what he was expecting. By that, it meant he would be monitoring the outfits that you would wear and the people that would be around you in that event.
“Not sure.” You murmured. “I’ll let you know once my supervisor lets me know.”
Eli lets out a soft hum and kisses you on your cheek before turning you to face him and kisses you roughly on the lips, towering over you. For a second, you went with it and kissed him back, pushing your body against his and letting him have what he wanted. He lets his soft fingers slide the strap of your tank top, kissing your bare shoulder. His lips found the skin of your neck as he softly sucked onto the skin, a small gasp escaping your lips.
“Babe.” You whispered, slowly pulling away. “I’m tired. I’m early tomorrow.”
Eli sighed, letting himself laid back down on the bed next to you. 
“You’re always tired.” He argued. “The last time we had sex was last week.”
“I’m sorry, I’m just tired today, and I have to get up early tomorrow.” You turned your back on him, closing your eyes. 
“Right.” Eli said sarcastically, getting up from the bed.
You looked over your shoulder, sitting up on the bed as he made his way towards the door.
“No, c’mon. Don’t be so upset.” You said.
You could see it all over his eyes that was getting upset, and you knew if you didn’t do something about this, he wouldn’t talk to you for the next two days. He would make up an excuse that he was busy and that he would be with his friends. 
“Come here.” You reached your hand out to him as he paused in his tracks and stared at your hand. 
He gave you a small smile and walked towards the side of your bed, taking your hand in his as he kissed you hungrily and towered over you on the bed. You let him touch you in all the ways he wanted to, but you just felt numb. You couldn’t breathe as you stared into the white ceiling and kissed him back softly, letting his fingers brush against your burning skin. You felt disassociated as he kissed you hungrily and pushed himself inside of you. 
You felt nothing but disgusted with yourself for being so weak.  
That was how you have been feeling lately with your relationship. You felt trapped and you felt like a chain has been around your neck lately, and Eli was pulling it every chance he got. 
“Hey, could you go to the coffee shop down the block to get everyone coffee?” Alex, Joe’s manager, asked, interrupting your thoughts the next day. 
“Uh…sure.” Alex handed you a piece of paper with everyone’s orders. 
Your job was always simple but as time went on, your interaction with certain people became more frequent. In the beginning, Joe couldn’t even look at you nor acknowledge you that much unless he was thanking you for bringing him the things he needed. Then, Alex and his team had gotten busier that the things in your list were starting to add up. Part of your job has been added to “make sure Joe is in this place at a certain time,” or “make sure Joe wears this suit instead of this.”
Then, there was the chore that Alex would give you to make sure that his collar, tie or buttons on his shirt was perfect before he stepped out of the red carpet. 
“Do you enjoy your job?” Joe had asked you that one time when you had sat on the sofa of his dressing room, waiting for the rest of his team to arrive. 
“Sure.” Your voice almost sounded so monotone that Joe couldn’t even believe your answer. 
He sat there and tilted his head at you, one brow raised and waited for your real answer. You let out a deep breath, closing the magazine that you were reading and set it back on the table.
“I guess it’s okay. Couldn’t complain.” You shrugged.
Joe let out a soft understanding hum and focused his attention back to his phone, scrolling his time away. He was getting ready for his movie premiere, and you were there to make sure that everything he needed was there. That he looked perfect right before he stepped out of the red carpet.
Not that you hated your job but sometimes, it could get so repetitive that you looked bored after the events. The rest of Joe’s team would go and prepare whatever they needed to, and you would just make sure Joe was fine. That he didn’t need anything. 
“Here.” Joe handed you a glass of martini at the after party of the premiere.
“No, thanks. I’m technically still working.” 
“And looked bored.” Joe’s face was a little too close to yours as he whispered those words.
You hesitated, your eyes scanning the room trying to look for a sign of Alex. Joe couldn’t help but chuckle, shaking his head.
“They went home. So, technically you’re the only one left here.” Joe answered the question that you were asking in your head. “C’mon. You deserve it for working so hard all the time.”
Pursing your lips, you stared at the glass that Joe was holding before finally taking it from his hand and taking a sip of it. Joe smiled and took a sip of his own drink, his eyes scanning the room before falling back to you.
“Are you usually this quiet?” Joe asked.
“I’m just doing my job.” You answered, a small smile creeping up on Joe’s face. “I don’t want to interrupt anyone.”
“You’re not interrupting me.” Joe smiled, taking another sip of his drink.
You could tell he already had a few drinks before this conversation. You continued to drink the glass of martini in your hand and didn’t reply a word to what Joe said. You could tell the alcohol was making him a little bolder, and he was trying to flirt. You didn’t want to step into any boundaries because first of all, it was inappropriate, and you didn’t want to lose this job either.
“So, how long have you been here in London?” Joe asked.
“About two years.” Your answers were plain and simple as Joe continued to play 20 questions with you. 
By the end of the night, you both seemed to open up to each other a little bit more, and you were able to learn Joe more personally. The thing was that you didn’t realize that night was going to be a start of something new between you and him because ever since that event, Joe’s attention was on you most of the time. He would gaze down at you and give you small smiles, while you would fix his collar or tie before he stepped out onto the red carpet.
Then, during after parties, you would be left to babysit Joe, and you would notice how his eyes would catch your eyes across the room. You sat in the corner and minded your own business, your focus on your phone. However, Joe would walk towards you and catch your attention.
“Wanna dance?” Joe held out his hand.
You bit your lower lip and said, “I don’t dance, sorry.”
Joe sighed and sat next to you, his eyes lingering on the screen of your work phone. 
“Whatever Alex is telling you to do can wait ‘til tomorrow.” 
“That’s easy for you to say. You don’t have a full to-do list.”
Joe laughed softly, raising his brow at you. “A full to-do list? I’m the one who has to stand in front of those cameras and do the interviews, remember?”
Joe had a point. 
Though, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. “True.” 
You and Joe would talk for the rest of the night. You both would laugh and tease each other. You both would start talking about personal things, and he somehow was able to understand you well. It made your heart swell a little bit. 
It wasn’t right that you felt this way towards Joe because you were in a relationship. You could just easily let Joe know that you weren’t single and that whatever flirty tricks he was trying to do to you, it wouldn’t work. However, you kept dancing around that subject. You didn’t bother bringing that subject up and towards the end of the night, you both would start flirting a little bit more. Besides the fact that you were in a relationship, you also didn’t want to do anything unprofessional or inappropriate because at the end of the night, you were technically still working for Joe’s team and Joe. So, you tried your best not to lead him on. 
That was until you had come home one night and found Eli waiting for you in the living room. You arrived home half an hour past nine, and he already looked upset the moment you had stepped inside the flat. 
“Where have you been?” Eli’s tone of voice wasn’t what you liked at all. 
“I’m sorry, I had to finish some things. I texted you I was going to be late.” You explained.
“No, you didn’t.” Eli argued.
“Yes, I did. Didn’t you get my message?” You knitted your brows, making sure your voice was calm because you didn’t want to upset him even more.
You watched Eli pick up his phone from the coffee table and looked down at it and let out a deep breath.
“You know, maybe you should look for another job if they keep making you stay up this late.” 
You slid your coat off and hung it on the coat hanger and said, “It’s only 9:30. It’s not that late, Eli.”
You heard Eli scoff and shook his head. “So, you'd rather be with them than with me?”
You were confused. 
Where did that subject came from?
You didn’t understand why Eli was acting like this. Shouldn’t he be more supportive about your career? Didn’t you tell him that you needed this job because you needed the money? What else did you have to say or do to make sure he would stop this jealousy thing because it was making you so exhausted.
“I… I didn’t say that.” You murmured.
“Maybe you just don’t love me the way I love you. Just tell me, and it’s fine. I’ll happily go.” Eli shrugged, looking down at the floor.
You walked towards him, taking his hands in yours. The guilt inside of you brewed in your stomach but at the same time, you wanted to vomit. 
“I do love you. I told you that, remember? I love you.”
You felt nothing.
“Then, find another job… for me.” Eli looked into your eyes.
“I… I can’t. It’s hard to look for another job out there and this pays me well, while I’m able to learn the entertainment industry. You know how much I want a career in that industry.”
Eli’s eyes suddenly turned glum again. He slid his hands away from yours and exhaled sharply. 
“Why would you even want to be in that industry? So you could be naked and show everyone that?” 
You couldn’t understand what he was saying. You couldn't understand why he was acting like this.  
“You know that’s not true!” You argued.
You were exhausted from explaining yourself over and over again, and he just didn’t believe you. You felt like whatever you did was never enough for him. Tears started welling up in your eyes as you watched Eli grab his car keys.
“Wh…Where are you going?” Your voice stuttered, terrified of what he might do.
“Obviously, you don’t love me. I mean… no one loves me, so what’s the point, right?”
You grabbed his hand, trying to take the keys away, but he had his hand in a fist as he tried to slide his hand away from your grip.
“No, stop! Please.” You begged, tears rolling down your cheeks. “Don’t do this.”
“If you love me, you’d do this for me.” Eli replied, his eyes hardened as he stared at you.
You didn’t say a word because what he was asking of you was impossible. You already had lost yourself and your dignity. Your job at the moment was the only thing that you have that could maybe help you get back up again. After a few seconds of not replying, Eli pulled his wrist away from your grip, shaking his head.
“If you find me dead on the road then that’s on you.” He stated before walking out the front door. 
“Eli!” You cried out, running out the door, but it was too late as he had already gotten in the car and drove off.
Going back inside the flat, you laid on your bed that night, sobbing and questioning as to how you have gotten yourself into this situation. Questioning every decision you made as to why you were too weak to break this off. 
What if you break this thing off, and Eli would actually harm himself? It would be all your fault like he said. What if no one could love you after this? What about the happy memories that the two of you had at the beginning? What if you would regret it at the end for letting him go? You knew you were the only one that he had left in his life. You couldn’t do that to him either. You couldn’t easily just get out. 
You were trapped. 
Around midnight, Eli had come back home. You weren’t asleep when he had entered the bedroom, but you had your eyes closed. How could you sleep after tonight? How were you able to have a peace of mind if he was out there? How would you know that he didn’t do anything to himself? It would be all your fault if something happened to him. 
You just couldn’t shut your mouth and agreed with what he was asking, couldn’t you? 
Feeling his arms wrapped around your torso, you felt him nuzzling your hair. You didn’t move. You couldn’t move. You knew he wasn’t going to apologize, so you didn’t try to hope for that. Eventually, he had fallen asleep, holding you that night. A tear rolled down your cheek as you covered your mouth with the palm of your hand to block out your sobs, so he wouldn’t wake up. 
At this point, you didn’t know who you were anymore. 
You just felt numb and lost, choking in your own tears. 
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sh0tanzz · 7 months
hii can u do sohee as bf?
SOHEE AS YOUR BF based on astrology ~
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reminder: this is for fun and astrology is smth I study for a hobby, these are all inferences based off of observations and not exact fact unless I knew him myself !!
Scorpio Sun: The stereotype that scorpios suns are secretive is so played out they're just technically shy imo im sorry LMFAOOO. Once a scorpio fully trusts you or has something they genuinely want to tell you they just keep GOING. And the same probably applies to him especially since his Mercury is in Sag. In the beginning he might seem hard to crack or not one to spare many details but once he's sure of you and you two are officially together and solidified oh he's a plain open book. Ofc he's not gonna pour every aspect of his heart out but being secretive really won't be an issue. He has an aspect of sun and uranus so he won't really act in ways that aren't true to him, his freedom, or expression so he'd practice authenticity even within the relationship so you better be in it for the real him !!
Libra Moon: Similar to Wonbin he'd be pretty considerate and would weigh pros and cons before doing anything to ensure fairness. His chart makes up of placements centered around truth, fairness and morals so ngl being equal+in balance is something he'd want for the relationship. Sometimes there's a tendency for Libra moons to end up complacent or non argumentative to keep the peace but I think it wouldn't be as severe considering his sag placements. Rather than being complacent he'd be pretty passive, he'd be willing to engage in trivial debates and significant convos but wouldn't break his neck to prove his point or show that he's right unless it was absolutely necessary. His moon is sextile his venus so emotional balance is crucial so he'd avoid constant disturbances in the relationship so you two remain in harmony; downside he might become TOO passive and too invested in harmony to where needed conflicts are dismissed or he doesn't express himself fully.
Sagittarius Mercury: So...blunt LMFAOO. Honestly Sohee probably says crazy stuff or is more sassy behind closed doors he has sm mercury aspects even some with pluto and mars. He might be conflicted sometimes, has moments of being super blunt and even saying stuff without thinking and then his libra moon brings him back into peaceful mode and he's like "uuuhm my bad". Probably likes fake arguing or small debates. Makes fun of you most definitely but compared to Eunseok it'd be easy for him to apologize if he realized it was too far or hurt you. Instead of yelling he might talk pretty fast and "word vomit" whenever he's dealing with big emotions or anger (especially with his mercury square mars) and due to this he might go quiet during arguments (if they ever even happen) because he knows when dealing with his outbursts he could say the wrong thing or be hurtful when not meaning to. Likes to be playful and even a bit nonserious and childish in convos and tries to make things lighthearted.
Sagittarius Venus: Sigh omg a bestfriend and boyfriend in one quite LITERALLY. Sag Venus has a hard time settling down because they value their freedom and life path so much and they don't really get into -serious- relationships unless they're genuinely enamored with you and can see you fitting into their expanding life. So once he's with you and realizes he's actually in love with you and it's beyond just flirting and pining he's essentially all in. Freedom will be evident in the relationship and there may not be a super specific power dynamic laid out outside of the cheesy "look at how my gf takes care of me.”. He wouldn't abandon his career for the relationship but wouldn't completely abandon the relationship as a whole either but just know there'd be an attempt to split both. He'd be loving and wouldn't be too restricting, flirts via jokes quite literally he would end up being the funniest man you know especially with that sag mercury on top. He values optimism and change and would implement that into the relationship as well.
Pisces Mars: His Sag Venus paired with his mars could show that he'd be ok with someone being the initiator or taking the lead but would still be ok with wanting your attention and doing things to get it (not in a toxic way ofc) . Like he'd want to impress you with unconventionally/casual romantic things or "best friend dates" that soon lead to more. Aw man he's probably a friends to lovers trope type of man like anton :((. Tbh him having a Sag Venus + Pisces Mars such a chill relationship like I said earlier it'd be just like dating your friend.
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hiddenonyx · 1 year
Obey Me! Brothers Height Headcannons
A/N: I wanted to do some headcanons for the brother’s heights, as we’re never given official heights for everyone. Also I’m ignoring the sprite-height comparison chart or whatever. I can do what I want >:] 
[I was totally gonna add more to this than just heights, but nothing else I had in mind really fit? Into the general theme of the writing, so here’s a shorter one.]
Lucifer’s “human” form is tall - being the second tallest of the brothers at 6’8” (roughly 203 cm). Angels and demons have a tendency to be taller than humans, and magical glamor isn’t truly able to disguise height. While the House of Lamentation, and RAD tend to have high ceilings and doorframes, other places don’t always so he has to duck to go through. He also hates going up or down stairs or ladders to basements or attics because he almost always hits his head.
Lucifer’s demon form stands around 7’0” (213 cm) - his horns add an inch or two if you want to get really technical. He has a lot of the same issues as in his human form, but his wings really add to it. Even folded in, they stick out a far bit. Narrow hallways are his least favorite and doorways become a whole other nightmare. It’s pretty rare to see Lucifer in his demon form go through a doorway (and pretty funny too - he has to duck and go through it almost sideways). He often teleports from room to room instead.
Mammon’s “human” form is slightly above average for humans at 6’4” (193 cm). He’s the third tallest of the brothers (after Lucifer and Beel), and often teases his younger brothers that he’s taller than them. He’s also the one who tends to get asked to get things from high shelves. Mammon will begrudgingly grab whatever, though he’s secretly overjoyed that his little brothers (or MC) need his help.
Mammons' demon form is slightly taller, coming in at 6’7” tall (201 cm). His horns are fairly small when compared to other demons, so they don’t really bother him (but don’t mention his small horns, he’s self conscious). His wings however are. So. Annoying. They aren’t necessarily big and bulky like Lucifer’s, but the bones of his wings are sharp and get caught on everything, and if Mammon’s not careful, he’ll poke himself (or other people).
Levi’s “human” form is a cute, 5’10” (178 cm), making him the second shortest out of the brothers; beating Belphie by a single inch. Levi’s rather self conscious about his height and really dislikes it when people comment on it (or when Mammon teases him). He did end up feeling a bit better when MC called him “cuddle sized”.
Levi’s demon form is slightly taller at 6’0” (182 cm), making him now tied with Belphie for shortest demon form - though Levi will often argue that he’s actually the tallest, or rather, the longest if they measure and count his tail. Leivi actually doesn’t mind his demon form; sure his tail can be a little annoying and a little bit of a tripping hazard, but that’s only if he’s not paying attention or intentionally trying to trip Mammon. Most people don’t know that Levi’s tail is like a snake’s body; he has complete control over it and can move it as precisely as he needs to.
(*Disclaimer: I absolutely hate Satan’s canon demon form. At some point I’ll write or draw a redesign for him, but for now note that my redesign is mentioned, not his cannon design.)
Satan’s about 6’3” (190 cm) in his human form. He doesn’t have much to say about his height - it’s average and not the same as Lucifer so he’s happy. Though…he does often tell Mammon to sit down and shut up and stop bragging about his height; after all Satan’s only an inch shorter than Mammon and Satan can hit much, much harder. So maybe, just maybe leave Levi alone today, mmkay?
Satan’s demon form is around 6’6” (198  cm) tall (how fitting). Assuming he’s not already in his demon form because he’s pissed off, Satan finds his demon form quite…irritating. The feathers around his neck scratch his skin uncomfortably, he hates the restricting feeling of the bones on his chest, and worst of all his tail. The damn thing sways and wags like a dog’s! He has to keep it around his leg otherwise it’ll drive him insane.
Asmo’s “human” form is a surprisingly tall  6’1” (185 cm). Most people don’t know however, as Asmo is almost always wearing some kind of heel. It’s one of his most asked questions from fans and he just smiles and says “however tall you’d like”. Despite being over 6 foot, Asmo will still ask Mammon or Beel to get him something from the top shelf.
Asmo’s demon form is a slightly taller 6’4” (193 cm), plus several inches if you count his horns - he has the tallest horns out of all the brothers. While Asmo loves everything about his demon form, his horns can sometimes give him a hard time. He has to style his hair slightly differently to hide the base of his horns, after all it wouldn’t do well for people to see something so unsightly.
Beel’s human is unsurprisingly tall, at 6’10” (208 cm). He shares a lot of the same “tall” problems with Lucifer. Doorways and certain stairwells become unpleasant to traverse. He doesn’t mind however; he gets to be the person who helps whoever get whatever from the top shelf. Beel also loves to give Luke piggyback rides because the first time Beel did, Luke made a comment about how tall he is now.
Beel’s demon form is even taller at 7’2” (218 cm), making him the second tallest of the entire cast (after Diavolo of course). It’s quite intimidating to be standing before a 7 foot tall demon, and Beel is well aware of it. For any events that require him to be in his demonic form, Beel tries really hard to seem friendly and unthreatening. Nothing makes him more uncomfortable than someone being uncomfortable because of him.
Belphie’s a cute 5’9” (175 cm) in his human form, making him the shortest of the brothers. Not that he minds at all. Being the shortest means he can ask anyone (even Levi)  else to grab the bag of chips on the top shelf while he goes and makes himself comfy on the couch. Imagine his disappointment when a smaller human starts living with him and asks him to get stuff for them.
Unsurprisingly, Belphie’s demon form is also smaller than most everyone else, at 6’0” (182 cm). And actually, Belphie likes being a little bit on the smaller side in his demon form - more people underestimate him then. Belphie can be rather sadistic when he wants to be and nothing feeds that more than breaking the bones of a larger demon who thought that little small Belphie wasn’t a threat.
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rockermazy · 7 months
All singing in the show is canonically diegetic - meaning that all singing 100% takes place in-universe, for all the characters to hear and potentially participate in.
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In the first (non-pilot) episode, the " Story of Hell" book, as read by Charlie, states that Lillith "empower[ed] demon-kind with her voice and her songs - and as the numbers of Hell grew, so did its power." After the extermination began, Lilith's "dream was passed down to her precious daughter, the Princess of Hell", who is presumably Charlie herself. Two scenes later, Charlie is in musical-notation hammerspace with other denizens, being the cognito hazard that she is.
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In episode 7, Rosie invites Charlie to rally Cannibal Town in defending the hotel during the upcoming extermination. When Charlie initially fails, Rosie asks how she normally explains her hotel. Charlie replies, "Through singing". Singing is canonically a gift of both Charlie and every demon - both Hellborn and Sinner.
Which leads me to a theory: One thing that's been nagging me since the pilot, is how Lucifer and Lilith have been fucking for nearly 6,000 years, but only NOW decided to have a daughter in the 21st century. It makes Charlie's existence look almost Mary Sue-ish*. After watching Helluva Boss, it made more sense that Charlie might be an "insurance baby", much like Octavia is to Stolas' lineage. Lucifer might not be unkillable. Carmine and the hotel battle of episode 8 have both demonstrated that angels can be killed with the right ammunition. But why was Charlie born now, in the 21st century? My theory is that Heaven asked Lilith to leave Hell, hoping she'd take her song with her. Heaven knew that Lilith was the one making Hell stronger through her songs. Charlie uses song to rally the people around her.
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Husk used song to heal.
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Song, even when used to butt heads, (ex: Lucifer vs Alastor), will make combatants drop valuable info, basically outing themselves to everyone within earshot in this universe.
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My guess is that a conversation sometime in the past went something like this: Heaven: Lilith, bitch - we see what you're doing. Stop teaching Hell how to sing - the bonding and wholesomeness is threatening our status quo." Lilith: No. Heaven: Fine, we'll exterminate. Lilith: (years later, looking at Carmine's charts) hmmm... the number of sinners getting exterminated each year seems to be climbing. Heaven might want all of us dead. Hey, Luci-boo... get your depressed-ass over here. You wanna make a kid this time? (Waits til Charlie is somewhat grown, and asks Heaven for a "meeting".) Lilith: ok, I have got an offer you cannot refuse - I will never EVER sing again, and my power will leave with me - IF you give me a spot in Heaven (or Earth - I should technically be immortal since I never touched the Forbidden Fruit). Heaven: um... win for everyone? ok! Charlie herself (for lack of a better term) might be Lilith's "ace in the hole" herself. Also, this makes me wonder if the only way to avoid lying is to avoid singing on the topic XD
*I have nothing against mary sues. I'd been wanting for years now to do something visual describing the internal turmoil that religious trauma caused in my The-Cell-starring-J-lo --like inner worlds. Telling personal stories and Mary Sues are inextricably intertwined. This show has inspired me to either keep pursuing that or just quit. Because picking apart past trauma for analysis can be more trouble than its worth - especially if you are ready to forget. u.u I still get deep chills every time I hear Emily and Charlie's duet in "You Didn't Know", even though I've officially considered myself atheist for like, what, three months?" This shit was an essay. I'm just going to play Warframe instead. Peace.
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al-hekima-madara-blog · 3 months
Tobirama birth chart (headcanon)
Tobirama is a headcanon I've procrastinated a lot because as a Madara hardcore fan, of course I'm not enthusiast about the Second hokage. But hey! I need to conclude the cycle of founders birth's chart. And I swear, I'll be fair play !
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I strongly advise you to read Madara and Hashirama's chart. For this birth chart, I'll go a little bit more technical in astrology. We will talk briefly about rulerships, aspects and synastry. I'll try to explain as simple as possible but if you don't understand don't hesitate to ask me more precision in comments. Ok let's go:
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Based on the official databook, Tobirama Senju is born the 19th of february which made him a 0° pisces. At first glance, it's an intriguing choice. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac traditionally described as encompassing all the previous ones. Pisces is compassionate, creative, mystical. It talks about total acceptance, the dissolution of the ego. The drop of water reaching the ocean and merging with the divine before moving to a new cycle : a new aries. Actually in the beginning of Christianity it's not a mistake that Jesus was associate with Pisces symbol. It's the same self-sacrificing figure for a transcendent cause. We agree that it seems far... far away from the rational and composed Tobirama...
It seems that I need to articulate a coherent idea between his sun (ego), his rising sign( body) and his mars (action). Say in a different way, this triptych talks about public image. The king comes with a vision (sun), he shows himself to the public wearing a formal dress, an etiquette, a way to behave in public (ascendant/rising sign) and defend its vision with the help of a general (mars).
☉ Sun : Ego – Branding to the world
♓ Pisces
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Some clues shows an association of Tobirama with pisces : his element is suiton. His blue charadesign, he's also one of the strongest sensor of the verse capable of recognising chakra kilometres around, determine their ancestry ect... and what is a sensor? but a shinobi using his empathy as a tool? More trivial he's favourite dish is fresh fish from the river. But I think what shows the most his affinity with this sign is his self-sacrifice nature for this new entity that was the village in a time when people were strongly clan-oriented. It's something no one could believes possible, it only existed inside Hashirama's mind. You truly needed to have faith on him to invest all your energy on it. If we go back to Tobirama's speeches, he always justify his actions for the village. We can almost say that he had a religious devotion for his brother's dream and he gave his life for it. He's never seen coming with a vision different from Hashirama's (contrary to Madara), actually like a zealous servant to a higher cause he's ready to kill immediately anyone threatening this village when he clashed with Sasuke for suggesting he might destroy Konoha depending on the answers he got to his questions. But I'll talk deeper about the Uchiha's obsession later in the moon part. The moment when Hashirama strongly forbid his brother to attack Sasuke was also the moment when everybody knew who's actually the boss and who obey. Tobirama was a faithful follower of Hashirama's will and dedicated his life to translate it into a realistic project (using his mercury and mars).
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In a more positive light, anyone accepting the will of fire are nurtured and loved even if they are Uchiha like Kagami. Tobirama had a strong attachment to his students, much more that his brother. I know it seems strange but from the first time he appeared, Tobirama was the one always calling Hiruzen Sarutobi by his pet name "Saru" meaning monkey in japanese, or his other student "my dear Danzo". Hashirama is a goofy character, but doesn't seem to have such proximity with them even if he loved Tsunade, he immediately doubted her ability as a hokage. Later during the war, Tobirama is also the one always complimenting or supporting the new generation : He acknowledged Minato as being faster than him, Naruto for having the potential to be a stronger hokage than his older brother.
Ascendant/Rising Sign : Social personality – Physical Body
the image that come to my mind when I think of Tobirama is an ocean surrounded with a giant dam. The mass of water is controlled, accurately measured, divided and distributed only when necessary. But, you might ask, can we really controlled the immensity of an ocean with a river dam? Of course not! but what matter in a rising sign is to display the illusion of control.
Virgo is the sign coming to correct the extravagant of Leo. End of august, mid September is the period of the year in the northern hemisphere with the best natural light. Not too hot , not too bright. Soft and round with million nuances of gold, orange and red. Traditionally it's also the time of harvest when you need to select and separate the wheat from the chaff. It's a sign that excel in precision, expertise, high fashion but in the bad side can tends to be narrow-minded because the devil is in the detail.
Rising virgo also talk about his physical appearance. Virgo is concerned about good health, best routine. Usually they are in good shape, average height unless the ruler of Virgo which is mercury is place in a sign with difficult aspect. And what set appart Tobirama from all the other founders is his charadesign flattering his albino's appearance. The cool colours of grey and blue, the fluffiness, it shows a natural sense of elegance without being extravagant for a shinobi.
And also the Senju are filthy rich, Hashirama have a strange (Madara would say ugly) sense of style, but Tobirama was like : "I may not be the most powerful in this house but I'm wealthy and smart, so does my style. And I will die on this hill."
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☿ Mercure : Intellect – Communication
♒ Aquarius
I must find an explanation of the over analytical aspect of Tobirama. He's to Hashirama what Shikamaru would be later to Naruto : his brain.
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Mercury in Aquarius is a big thinker, able to make atypical discovery, out of the norm and also subversive. Tobirama is the inventor of Edo Tensei which I remind you need to make a human sacrifice. In which condition Tobirama came to the creation of this forbidden jutsu ? And even during the 4th Shinobi war, he learned nothing from his past mistakes and proposed to sacrifice again someone else to bring back Madara and extort from him intels about Kaguya.
Aquarius as a fix air sign has the tendency to be stubborn and certain of their philosophy. Many people believe that the sign of Aquarius is humanitarian then nice by nature. Not always... Aquarius avoids emotional approach. It rather privileges logic, rationality to dissect human society. And it doesn't shy away from experimentation. The long lists of jutsu created by Tobirama is a proof of his brilliant mind.
♂ Mars : Action - Desire
Mars : Gemini
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Reading again the 4th shinobi war and trying to focus on The Second Hokage rather than Madara was a difficult exercise but it helps me see his role in the war differently. He's one of the most important support character. If you remember my analysis of Hashirama's mars in taurus, the first hokage is a powerhouse ( a bit like Gojo in JJK) and thus tends to fight alone or one-on-one with Madara. Hashirama strength is to resist prolonged attacks and controlled someone else chakra. Yet his power is tremendous and can change the geography.
Tobirama has a different style. Although a powerful shinobi who can fight alone, he rarely does. He immediately fits with any partners he's close too. Hashirama, Minato, Naruto, Sasuke. He's often the one observing, testing and explaining a jutsu and reminding that HE created most of them 😂. On the spot, he also invented a way to save Sasuke's life with Kabuto.
Reason why I choose mercury in aquarius and mars in gemini is that he thinks as fast as he moves. in his chart mercury and mars form a trine which is considered a favourable aspect. being in the same air element, his mind and his action are flowing smoothly. Before Minato, he was considered the fastest of his generation.
Madara noted that his favourite way was to strike last moment when his opponent lower his guard. This cunning strategy is befitting mars in Gemini . This is traditionally represented as twins both crafty and fickle. Tobirama adapts to any situation, any war companions even those from the new generation he barely knows and immediately comes up with a new tactic.
I believe this adaptability is a direct consequence of fighting Izuna for years. We know that the sharingan can copy any technique except kekkei genkai. Hashirama can protect himself behind the mokuton but not Tobirama. If a technique is used once in front of an Uchiha he can't use it anymore and lost the surprise effect. Also the Sharingan can predict a movement. Tobirama found a way to outperform the sharingan by blizz speed with the Flying Thunder God Technique. Fighting Tobirama must be a terrifying experience, rest in peace Izuna😭. Imagine, he's there... then disappeared. then strikes and you only notice him when you know it's too late.
☾Moon : Emotion – Comfort zone
♒ Aquarius
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If you remember in my previous HC charts, moon is easily guessed by childhood because children tend to be more lead by their emotions than adults. In volume 65, Tobirama was shown to be already a serious child, ready to defend his older brother from his father. Maybe the violent outburst of his father taught him early in life that the best way to deal with people is self-control, and strict procedures. And that's something that he often admonished his brother or his students. It's not that you shouldn't feel, but to him you have to keep your emotions in check.
Moon in Aquarius intellectualises emotions, and sometimes distance themselves from them. They can treat friends like family member since they believe in brotherhood beyond blood relative. Tobirama did everything to distance from the Senju heritage, he suggested a democratic election for choosing the first hokage and after his death the Senju ceased to hold power in Konoha, it diluted into the will of fire. In Aquarius there is this idea of giving privilege to the people rather than some monarchy (which is the leo's way).
Remember when I've talked about an ocean falsely controlled by a dam ? If the weather is nice it works but what will happened if one day a (red) full moon provoke a super tide able to engulf the dam and flood the world ? Nothing can control the chaos of emotion, it always moves somewhere and erupts somewhere else.
Moon talks about your emotion but also your irrational fear. And paradoxically Tobirama never checked his obsession of the Uchiha and this blindness caused many of the darkness that befall the Konoha he cared so much.
I said earlier that his fear of the sharingan was a driving force behind many of his inventions. Also Tobirama had an epidermic detestation for Madara. And the funny part is that it's not really reciprocal. Yet Madara had got all reason to be obsessed by vengeance since Tobirama killed his last brother but after he accepted the truce and created Konoha, he was willing to « tolerate » Tobirama's presence, but the younger Senju was unwilling to do the same gesture and kept his obsession to control Madara or any Uchiha willingly to follow his path. The databook says also that Anbu was specially created by Tobirama to put the Uchiha under surveillance.
We need to ask ourselves what an aquarius moon would hate the most ? As an air moon, this sign is unease with strong display of emotion, narcissism, drama... something typical of its opposite sign leo. An opposition is annoying but you can deal with it more or less. Aquarius also square 90° to scorpio. A square is considered as a strong source of tension than an opposition. Scorpio is ruled by mars. This sign thrives in passion, struggles, crisis, war, violence and transformation throught strong emotional turmoil. All those energies are challenging, and exhausting for an aloof, etheral and conceptual moon in aquarius.
Taurus is also a square to Aquarius, the lazy nature of this steady sign, rooted in tradition, is hard for an Aquarius interested by innovations and futuristic perceptive.
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Now let's introduce a little bit of synastry. The art of synastry is to compare two charts and to gauge their compatibility. It's often use for couple or parent/children but what if we apply it to enemies?
Now remember my Madara's chart? His mars in leo is in the 8th house, conjunt his jupiter and square his pluton in scorpio. In other words : The expansive actions of Madara illuminate the house related to death and crisis. Madara's violence reach its peak in the house of destruction. In the positive side, it means Madara is built for battle and he loves that. Better to have him in your team than against you. And this tremendous tension can be source of transformation for the world and himself. In the negative side he is a natural disaster. He's a menace and unless your name is Hashirama he's impossible to stop and will create massive disturbance in the world. He transform and impact deeply the life of many characters in the verse like : Obito, Kurama, Onoki and obviously Tobirama.
So for Tobirama, his moon in aquarius opposes Madara's mars, and his moon also square Madara's pluto. So for the second hokage, any action (good or bad) made by Madara is source of concerned and suspicion. also the plutonic nature of Madara leads Tobirama to irrational fear and paranoia. On top of that he explains himself very well: The Uchiha clans is wired on everything he detest. Their power needs strong uncontrolled emotions to thrive. The deeper the feeling the higher the power, and the sleepless are Tobirama's night.
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And yes Tobirama admits that Madara is the biggest sentimental of the verse😅.
♃ Jupiter : Infinite Expansion – House of wisdom
♍ Virgo
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Considering that Tobirama is Hashirama's younger brother, jupiter spend in average one year in a sign. Depending how big is there age gap. His jupiter could be either in Leo, virgo or Libra
I choose virgo because it amplifies his uptight attitude. Jupiter is on his ascendant. His very procedural approach to life can outshine his sun in pisces. He likes precision and proper etiquette. He admonished Hashirama for not showing a proper dignified position during the hokage meeting. He reminds Naruto to respect his actual title, and correct anyone forgetting he owns the copyright of 80% of Konoha's jutsu!
♄ Saturne : Restriction – Time - Enlightenment
♑ Capricorn
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Saturn in capricorn talks about authority and power. Time and stability. Here, Saturn is the ruler of capricorn. which means it express itself at the fullest in its quality and its flaw.
In positive Tobirama is the creator of all the institutions we know in modern Konoha. The ANBU, the chuunin exams, the academy, the military police forces. It's as if Hashirama was the spirit and Tobirama the architect. After him, Konoha was more powerful, stable and don't need anymore to rely too much in charismatic leaders in order to survive.
Again if we apply synastry between him and Madara, Tobirama's saturn conjunct Madara's sun. A conjunction is when planets come together and influence one and other. Saturn being strong in capricorn than the sun, it tends to have a highter toll on Madara.
If this saturn is close to Madara's ego, it would tend to exert a hold over him, a slow pressure to contain his sun. The big institutions of the village, Tobirama's political influence, the Uchiha under close surveillance. From Madara's perpective, he knows Tobirama can't fight him directly in close combat but he's building a system resembling a prison for him: he can't fight anymore his ally, he can't change his reputation, he can't have any political power (here I don't know if the Uchiha went to the military police force before or after the Valley of the end but anyway Madara wasn't included in discussion considering the nomination of the Hokage), and even his clan doesn't trust him anymore. And without a surprise even after Tobirama's passing those institutions and policies against the Uchiha ended up being their final downfall. And it took 8o years.
For saturn, times is always its ally.
♀ Venus : Attraction – Seduction
Hard choice because we don't know if he had a flirt, or was married but it seems not. And we don't know anything about his personal dream. He's almost married to Konoha at this point. So by simplification I'll say venus in pisces. Which is an excellent place for venus based on rulership it's exalted in this position. Here she can expresses her most creative side. It would be funny if Tobirama is low key an artist but as practical as he is he probably brings all his imagination into his scientific researches and maybe his fashion tastes.
To conclude : Tobirama was a character more complex than I initially thought. Dedicated, efficient and caring for his village. I still don't like him though but now I precisely know why😂. Although I respect his steady strategy to destroy the powerful clan of the Uchiha, he really fooled them all. It was methodical and well planned. Compared to the other founders, Tobirama is more down to earth than his big brother, but also more patient and attentionate to the new generation than Madara. And if you love the will of fire (which I don't), yes Tobirama was probably one of the best hokage!
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hewkii · 3 days
Demystifying Splatband Signatures
Recently I've seen people talking about Acht and Paul's signatures apparently being right next to each other on a Grandfest banner. I really want to believe it bc that's adorable, but after spending entirely too long digging for a source, making spreadsheets, and attempting to identify each signature for myself I've concluded that it's most likely not true :(
full ramble below. get ready for an autism blast
So to start. It's probably decently well known at this point that the signatures outside Hotlantis correspond to every artist that had battle music in Splatoon 1 and 2. However, if you tally up the number of band members (36) vs the apparent number of signatures (37), we wind up with one mystery signature.
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After skimming the artbooks and Inkipedia I didn't find anything officially matching any signature to any specific characters (besides the idols), but online I found two fanmade charts attempting to do it themselves. One by @/inaRNP on Twitter in August 2022 (which is missing one signature, and assigns the mystery sig to Karen), and another that circulated on Discord before being reposted to Tumblr in November 2022. This second one seems to be where the idea that the mystery signature belongs to Dedf1sh comes from. It definitely seems more likely than it being Bob Dub or something.
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HOWEVER. Acht's lore in Side Order heavily contradicts this theory. In all likelihood they were autopiloting around the Deepsea Metro from the end of OE right up until they got pulled into the Memverse, never coming anywhere close to Hotlantis. It is possible that it was intended to be theirs but plans changed, as technically SO's plot wasn't nailed down at Splatoon 3's launch, but to that I point to Haikara Walker. If they were intended to have escaped the Metro after OE, then they likely wouldn't have opened at the Low Water Party. (page 261 if you don't know what that is)
But with the signature's reappearance on the Grandfest banners, I think I've worked out exactly what happened here.
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According to the charts, these are the signatures of Paul and Taichi. Both were noticeably redrawn for their appearance on the Team Past banner, and I think that's the key to solving this whole mystery. Redesigning Paul's makes sense; he was a kid when he did the first one and he's a teen now. Of course his handwriting would change. But why redesign Taichi's?
Or, what if what we thought was Taichi's signature was actually just part of Paul's the whole time?
That would bring the amount of Hotlantis signatures down to 36, meaning there was never an extra signature to begin with, and the mystery signature simply belongs to a member of Sashimori.
Of course, that still doesn't explain why it's so far away from the other Sashimori members. But then again, Paul's is also pretty far away. Maybe there just wasn't enough room to group them together like everyone else ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Plus, it's next to everyone else's on the Grandfest banner. Speaking of which...
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Here's my guesses as to whose signatures are whose on the banners, including the new ones. forgive the microsoft paint
Things to note:
I can't actually tell how many new signatures are on the Team Present banner. I just circled all of them and called it Yoko & the Gold Bazookas, but there are only four Y&tGB members that aren't also in Ink Theory and there definitely seem to be more than four signatures there. we might have an actual mystery signature on our hands this time
Front Roe's sigs are different than the ones on Hotlantis, but I'm confident it's them because they all have 00X (as in 003Soss) worked into them.
dot--png pointed out in the comments that one of the signatures I guessed was Riot Act seems to have a doodle of a squid, so that might actually be Beika's
Team Past doesn't have any Splatoon 3 characters on it, which makes sense now that I think about it
i made a whole ass spreadsheet to help me figure this out and i feel like it would be a waste not to link it here
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yuurei20 · 8 months
Was there ever an official height chart anywhere? Excluding Malleus' horns/anyone's heels I mean
Hello hello! Thank you for this question!
To my knowledge the only official height chart we have is that which can be found in the back of the Magical Archives Game Guide, and I think it is doing its best to portray what heights the characters are in relation to each other if horns and heels are taken out of the equation, but as the chart uses sprites in heels and numbers for horns it might be an imperfect resource :<
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We know that Malleus is the tallest character, for example, but we do not know exactly how much taller he is than the next-tallest, who is Jack: the "202cm" from Malleus' profile includes his horns, so he is not really 10cm taller than Jack and may only be 1-2cm taller based on what we can tell, visually, but it is not specified.
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Jack's outfit from Fairy Gala IF has heels, so in that outfit he is maybe taller than Malleus, as long as Malleus is not wearing his dorm uniform, which also has heels.
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And then there are Lilia and Vil! They are both wearing heels in the official chart: were they shrunk down to fit into the line-up and placed where they would be if everyone was barefoot?
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Lilia is technically shorter than Riddle, but in their school uniforms (used on the chart) he is wearing heels where Riddle is not, so he might actually be taller than Riddle in that case while Riddle is taller than him when they are both in their ceremonial robes.
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We know that Vil has at least one pair of 13cm-heels, but we also know that he owns multiple pairs of shoes and they presumably have heels of differing heights, so he is not always taller than or shorter than the people to his right and left in the chart.
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Vil might be taller than Leona (and maybe even Sebek?) in his Ténèbres shoes, for example, but they are both in flats during Fairy Gala, so Leona was the taller of the two for that event.
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Idia, Vil and Crewel are all the same height, taller than Sam but shorter than Leona in the official chart, but due to Idia's slouching it can be hard to tell (he is also slouching in the official chart).
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Details like this are likely a part of the confusion! If there is ever to be a more accurate visual reference it will need to include all the characters on equal footing with proper posture, and either everyone barefoot or everyone in the exact same height of heels (and the ceremonial robes outfits and bloom/broom outfits seem to be the most unifying, with the same heel heights for everyone).
I checked the three visual books, Design Note and two official fanbooks just to be sure, but I think the game guide is still the only official visual resource we have, at the moment!
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gmanwhore · 1 month
Finally revealing: whatever the fuck is going on at Sunshine Terrace (a.k.a. my relationship chart)
Roman and Lois are happily married. Roman is friends with Arnold and both the Peachmans, and Steven. Lois is friends with Margarette, Nacha, the twins, and Izaack, and is also dating Rafttellyn and Doris ( @beatrice-reden-official 's doorwoman OC)
Albertsky is friends with Roman, and both the Schmidts. Robertsky is seeing Elenois and is close with Izaack.
Angus was dating both Izaack and Francis, but there was a falling out. He doesn't really have any friends in the apartment.
Elenois is seeing Robertsky, and sees Izaack as a brother. She's friends with Lois, Rafttellyn, and Margarette. Might be friends with Nacha. Selenne also sees Izaack as a brother, and she's friends with Lois. She is pining hard for both Nacha and Margarette.
Arnold and Gloria are very happily married. Arnold is friends with Roman, Albertsky, and Nacha. Gloria is friends with Nacha and Margarette, and babysits Anastacha sometimes.
Izaack sees the twins as sisters, and he has a thing for Robertsky. He is friends with Lois and Rafttellyn, and likes chatting with all the ladies being honest. He doesn't like Angus anymore.
Margarette is friends with Francis, Gloria, Lois, Rafttellyn and Steven. (She is technically friends with Mclooy but he is on thin ice) She's dating Nacha and the dOOrman (my doorman oc)
Nacha is friends with Lois, the twins, Gloria and the Rudboys. She's dating Margarette and Doris. Anastacha sees Steven as an older brother, and likes Gloria.
Mia and Dr. Afton are fairly happily engaged. They have other friends.
Francis is friends with Margarette. He is seeing Mclooy and still has feelings for Nacha.
Steven is friends with Nacha, Anastacha, Margarette, and Roman. He's dating the Scarlet Milkman Dopple.
Mclooy is friends with Margarette and Nacha, and is seeing Francis. He also gets along strangely well with Angus.
Alf had apartment friends. He no longer has apartment friends. Rafttellyn is sort of dating Lois and is friends with Margarette, Nacha and Izaack.
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themalhambird · 2 months
Crimes Commited By the Bodies Detectives
Hillinghead: Having Gay Sex Whilst Being Victorian; Perverting the Course of Justice (False Confession)
Weissman: Multiple Murders; Police Corruption; 2 counts of Abduction (Esther, technically, & Lady Harker in one of the timelines)
Shahara: Leading an anti-government militia??? [Details unclear]
Iris: gets brother to run DNA on equipment he shouldn't have. Driving without a valid licence and car insurance, possibly (Look, if the Maplewood we see in 2020 still comes from 2053, I bet my hat she doesn't have the right paperwork to be driving that taxi)
Crimes the Bodies Detectives are accused of/framed for Commiting:
Hillinghead: Having Gay Sex Whilst Being Victorian but like. Not with the guy he actually fucked. Also, suicide. Also, his confession to murder is perpetuated by authorities who know its a falsehood
Weissman: Corruption, which would be fair except there is no evidence backing up the assertion- only antisemitism and xenophobia. Murders that he committed. Murders that the people accusing him of them commited. Spying for Germany.
Shahara: Leading a terrorist organisation?? (Seriously the build up around Older!Shahara's group of people is...flimsy, or possibly I need a rewatch but like....did they do anything beyond theorize about The Throat whilst weilding guns?)
Iris: Existing in Victorian England or whatever it is she ends up sharing a cell with Hillinghead for "officially"
Things the Bodies Detectives Actually Did Wrong:
Hillinghead: NOTHING. (OK cheating on his wife is not great, but IN THE CIRCUMSTANCES--)
Shahara: Even more nothing than the other two combined
Maplewood: Nothing that isn't understandable given the dystopia bullshit she grew up with.
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