#and still have no idea how travel works in the nhl
boqvistsbabe · 2 months
truth or dare - matthew tkachuk
A/N: this is for the summer fic exchange!! I got the chance to write for @ohmyeyesmyeyes as a part of @wyattjohnston 's summer fic exchange. I was pretty nervous because tbh I havent written in so long mostly because of writers block, but here it is! Super excited to have been able to take part in this especially cause it got me out of a writer's block lol. I absolutely loved doing this. Also in this Matt and McDavid are friends. Hope you enjoy it!!
Warnings: Some swearing but I think that's it! (also my computer started acting weird halfway through so the formatting got a little funky so apologies for that)
Wordcount: 4,705
So it finally happened. Matthew had won the Stanley Cup. And you somehow found yourself driving from St Louis down to the Lake of the Ozarks to celebrate with him and his family. 
To be completely honest you don’t know why you were invited, Matt and you texted every once in a while for birthdays and other holidays, maybe congrats on a game or promotion, and maybe saw each other when he visited home occasionally but nothing like when you were kids growing up together. You were in the same grade as Brady and quickly became best friends with him. With how much family means to the Tkachuks, you were easily brought in as one of their own. Being brought on family vacations, going to the lake each summer, and traveling to the boys’ and Taryn’s games was a big part of your younger years. Though you were best friends with Brady, there was always something about Matt that drew you to him. He treated you just like one of his siblings always teasing and trying to beat you in games but as you got older things changed. You’re not exactly sure when or why but he stopped messing around with you so much, he still hung out with you but when it was just the two of you it was less teasing and more deep talks about the future and what it held for both of you. Of course, you ended up having a little crush on him, he was too nice and familiar for you to not. Even though you never told a single soul about it, you had a suspicion Chantal knew anyway.
When he made it to the NHL he moved and you stayed in St Louis you kept in touch, making weekly calls and texting all of the time. Then he got a girlfriend and you started hearing from him less and less. You understood of course, things change as you grow up and life goes on. Though you still stayed close with Brady and Taryn when they moved on to college and the league.
Flashforward to playoffs this year, you were watching whatever games of Matt’s you could like always and then the Panthers won, and you got a text from Matt saying you should join the family at the lake to celebrate “like old times”. You had asked Taryn if she thought it was a good idea when you FaceTimed the night after and she told you of course and looked at you like you were stupid for suggesting otherwise. She didn’t know about the silly little crush you still had on him so of course she would think that. Brady knew though, not fully but you slipped up one time when you were drunk and he won’t let you live it down. 
So here you were taking time off work for the first time in forever, driving two hours to get to the lake to celebrate a man you were probably in love with. 
Matthew’s POV
“Brady would you stop that!” I was fed up with him bugging me right now. Everyone had made it to the lake so far, Sasha, McDavid, all the other guys their plus ones, and of course my family. The only one left to show up was Y/N. At first, I wasn’t even sure she would accept my offer. I knew she had been working a bunch and honestly didn’t know if she was keeping up with hockey anymore. She liked it a lot when we were younger but things can change. And with us not being super close anymore I didn’t know if it would be worth it to her. Thankfully according to Brady, she left like two and a half hours ago so she should be here any minute. 
But Brady won’t leave me alone about the whole Y/N thing. I don’t see what the problem was, I wanted to see an old friend and this was a good excuse to do so. Well, that’s exactly what I had told my family, it’s not entirely untrue. I just didn’t tell them about how when I was lifting that cup in the air I couldn’t stop thinking about what it would be like to have her there with me. When I first made it to the show I was still hung up on her so I dated around to distract myself. Never anything too serious, the whole point was just to get my mind off of her so I could focus on hockey I wasn’t trying to get caught up on someone else too. Of course, it never really worked, which is why I got up the courage to even ask her to come. As soon as I got back to the locker room after that game and had a moment to myself, I texted her. Brady was there and being nosey as usual saw my text from over my shoulder and won’t stop bugging me about it. 
My plan was just to have her come here to just see her again. Yeah maybe partially because I want to see if that little spark is still there, but also just because I hope we can get closer again. I hope we can.
You pull in front of the garage, put the car in park, and give yourself to breathe for a second. The second doesn’t last long though.
“Y/N!!! You’re here!!” Taryn was running up to your car with Brady right behind her. And there he was, Matthew Tkachuk standing there in all his Stanley Cup Champion glory on the porch watching his siblings pull you from your car and into a big hug.
“Matt you can’t just stand there and watch them maul me and not even try to do anything!” You shouted over to him even as you squeezed Brady and Taryn tighter. It had been months since you had seen either of them in person and you were planning on savoring every moment you had with them, and Matt before you all had to return to your busy lives. 
Matt started making his way to the three of you a big smile on his face, “Ahh you’re right, I’ve got to join in.” 
Next thing you knew, another set of arms was wrapped around you. Maybe Matt was right, it was gonna be just like old times. They all let you go and you turned to give Taryn her own hug first.
“Hey kid, I missed you.” Somehow it feels like she’s gotten taller since the last time you saw her. Taryn responds with a, “You’re not that much older… but I missed you too.” 
Brady’s next and you get a hug and a big paw messing up your hair like he always did when you were younger. When he lets you go you turn to the only one left, Matt who’s standing there smiling at your interactions with his siblings. You’re trying to fix your hair from Brady messing it up and he reaches over and tucks a piece of hair back to help out. Then Brady says something about helping Mom with dinner and drags Taryn along with him. 
You mumble a thanks to Matt and he opens up his arms and you step into them. 
“Thanks for coming, it means a lot,” Is mumbled into your hair. 
“Yeah of course Superstar.” The old nickname falls out of your mouth unintentionally.  
“Oh my gosh, I’m never going to escape that am I?” You’re still hugging him.
“Definitely not now with the Cup to prove it.” He laughs but is still hugging you too. 
You take a step back and wipe your hands on your shorts not knowing what to do with them. 
“Alright let’s get your stuff and then I’ll help you get it inside, you’re staying in Taryn’s room since she’ll be in the basement with her friends.” 
“Alright works for me.” 
As you make the trek up the two flights of stairs to the upper floor you’re grateful for Matt taking your bags. You forgot how steep the stairs were. You make it to Taryn’s room before you notice that the corner room, the one next to yours has plastic covering the doorway. Without turning you ask him what happened.
“Oh a big storm came through a couple of weeks ago and a tree fell on that corner of the house.” He shrugs and reaches around you to open the door to Taryn’s room. 
“Isn’t that your room though?” You haven’t moved into the room yet.
“Uh yeah, I’m just staying on the couch and keeping my stuff in Brady’s room.” He nudges you forward and you move into the room, setting your backpack on the bed before turning to him.
“Why don’t you take Brady’s room and make him sleep on the couch? This is like your thing, you shouldn’t be sleeping on the couch.” 
Matt shrugs, “ His girlfriend is staying here too so they get a room and I’m fine with the couch.” 
“Matt you should sleep here and I’ll take the couch and leave my stuff with Taryn and the girls.” You move to grab your stuff from him, but he doesn’t let you.
“Absolutely not, you’re a guest and Mom would kill me.” He’s got a frown on his face that you refuse to admit to yourself is cute. 
“I don’t care, this is your gig I’m taking the couch.”  With that, you run out of the room and bolt down the stairs and Matt is hot on your heels as soon as he figures out what you’re doing. 
It’s not hard to locate Chantal and Keith, they’re out on the back deck grilling and watching the kids (aka Taryn and her friends) play with a volleyball in the yard. It seems like some of Matt’s friends from hockey are here too because they’re taking up the chairs scattered around the deck. But you barely pay attention to them, you’re on a mission.
“Chantal can you please tell your son to liste-” You’re cut off by a strong arm around your waist and a hand over your mouth. 
“Mom don’t listen to her please.” Matt is out of breath behind you, holding tight cause he knows as soon as he lets go you’ll convince his mom to agree with you like always.
“You two are already back at it huh? Hi Y/N it's good to see you, honey. What am I trying to agree to?”  She looks amused at the spectacle of you two. She’s used to it, this is exactly something that would happen whenever you wanted one of the boys to listen to you when you were kids. You would run to Chantal and get her on your side without letting her know the real context so you would get your way. She thought it was hilarious and always sided with you because you were always right. 
“Mom she’s trying to take the couch and make me sleep in Taryn’s room.” You lick his hand and he immediately retracts it and Keith laughs. He doesn’t let go of you though.
“Y/N you’re a guest you know better.” She’s giving you a look and you know you’ve already lost.
“But Chantal it's Superstar’s celebration, not mine! And he has camp starting here soon, we can’t have him in pain from sleeping on a couch.” You heard a few chuckles from the guys at the nickname. 
“If it’s that big of a deal to both of you just share the bed, it’s a king and it’s not like you haven’t shared before. Don’t give me those looks, you think I didn’t know about your little sleepovers?” You feel your face heat and refuse to look at Matt’s friends who are now 100% interested in what’s going on, “ I don’t care what y’all do but I don’t want to deal with arguing right now, it’s day 1. Now shoo and get stuff to set the table.”
Without speaking he lets go of you and you both turn and walk right back into the house and into the kitchen, the sound of laughter following you. The next couple of seconds are completely silent before you both burst into laughter. You make eye contact across the island and start laughing again. Together you get the tables set for dinner. 
“You know she’s not wrong, it’s a good compromise.” You look over to where Matt is perched on the counter. 
“What?” He can’t be suggesting what you think he is, if he is it’s a bad idea. 
“We could share, the bed is big enough and we’re both adults.” He shrugs, “ I don’t see why not. As long as you’re fine with it, I’m fine with it.” 
It’s a bad idea and you should say no, “Yeah I’m fine with it.” So your mouth and brain were not on the same page at all. 
You’ve forgotten about that agreement until everyone is headed to their rooms or cabins and you’re standing in the doorway of the room watching Matt put his stuff up. You tell yourself it’s fine and move to grab your pajamas out of your bag.
“What side of the bed do you want?” Matt pops his head out the bathroom doorway to look at you.
“I don’t really care.” You shrug, you’d prefer the side by the window but you weren’t going to say that.
“If I remember right you like to sleep closer to the window, so I’ll take the side by the door.” Matt winks before shutting the door to change.
You’re not going to think anything of the wink or of the fact that he remembers little things about you. Instead, you plug your charger in on that side of the bed and set your water on that side table. When Matt gets out you take your turn. You change first then brush your teeth and wash your face before heading out to the bedroom. Of course, you manage to open the door right as Matt tugs off his shirt. You pause for just a second, taking in his muscular back and arms. When he starts to turn around you look away and start heading to your side of the bed. You don’t know why you were so shocked at him taking off his shirt, he always slept without a shirt on. Maybe it just felt a little different now, you stop that train of thought before it finishes leaving the station. 
You grab two of the big decorative pillows that Matt threw on the floor and place them next to each other in the middle of the bed.
“Really? I’m not gonna give you cooties I promise.” That teasing glint is in Matt’s eyes, “I’ll stick to my side of the bed don’t worry.” 
You roll your eyes before flopping into bed and snuggling up under the covers. 
Waking up the next morning with a heavy arm draped around your waist wasn’t something your brain was able to process that early. Turning you realized it was Matt who was all cuddled up close. You try to wiggle away but it doesn’t work and he just holds on tighter. Sighing you reach over to grab your phone. You pull up the text thread to Brady and snap a quick picture of Matt snuggled up with you.
Y/N: he didn’t stay on his side of the bed and now he won’t let me go.
Brady: don’t pretend like you’re not enjoying it, also you should be thanking me rn 
Y/N: ???
Brady: you forgot to close the door last night, got this on my way to the kitchen. Dw i was up first and i shut the door
Attached to his message is a picture from the doorway of the room, and it clearly shows you half lying on top of Matt, face tucked into his neck and his arm wrapped around you. Before thinking better of it, you save the picture to your photos. 
Y/N: well fuck, thanks
Brady: yw, breakfast is ready when y’all are
Y/N: perfect thanks
Turning around you poke Matt until he stirs.
“What do you want, it's too early for this,” his eyes aren’t even open.
“So much for staying on your side of the bed and its 9:30 its not that early.” You tease, poking him again.
Matt’s eyes flutter open and he takes in the situation. Once he realizes his arm is around you, he quickly retracts it and brings his hands up to rub his eyes.
“Whoops sorry.” He doesn’t sound sorry at all.
“Uh huh sure. I’m gonna go get breakfast.” And with that, you roll out of bed, grab your phone and water, and slip out of the room.
Matt’s POV
“Fuuucccckkkk.” I stretch out across the bed. I didn’t intentionally cuddle Y/N last night but oh well. She’s a good cuddler. Maybe I can convince her to cuddle tonight. Actually, maybe I need to stop thinking like that. Sitting up I grab my phone and see a notification from Brady.
Brady: if you don’t want everyone knowing about your little crush maybe you should remember to shut the door 
Right after the message is a picture of Y/N lying on top of me with her face tucked in my neck and a leg hooked around mine, I assume she wasn’t aware of this but if she was she conveniently left that out when teasing me about breaking the pillow wall.
Matt: shit did anyone else see, i don’t want anyone to bug her about it
Brady: nah just me, i shut the door on the way downstairs and I was the first one up.
Matt: K thx, she said breakfast is ready?
Brady: ya, get your ass down here and eat its boat day
Groaning I push myself up from the bed and head downstairs. And if I saved the picture to my phone who can blame me, it’s cute. 
Brady POV
If these two don’t get their shit figured out before the end of the trip I’m gonna scream. They obviously like each other, and I know for sure Y/N has liked him for years and I’m pretty sure it’s the same for him. They just need to do something about it.
Boat day means us “kids” are out being stupid and Chantal and Keith stay home and get to relax by themselves. It also means you get to drive the boat because that’s your favorite part besides the actual wake surfing. And Matt and Brady know not to argue with you about driving. With so many people though you had to rent a second boat. This meant Brady and his girlfriend were on the boat with Taryn and her friends and you got stuck with Matt and his friends. Not that it would matter too much because you’d stick close together for the most part. 
When you left the dock Matt was sitting in the back with his friends but now he’s moving up to sit in the chair by you. He doesn’t say anything, it's far too loud to have a conversation right now. 
Matt’s POV 
I can’t stop looking at her. I’m trying not to be too obvious, but she looks so pretty. The wind is pulling the hair out of her braid and the blue of her swimsuit looks so good on her. And even though I know she grew up on the lake with us, her knowing all about the boat and loving to drive it is so attractive for some reason.
Once we get far enough out she gets the boat stopped so we can set everything up. The guys have already decided who’s going in what order so I’ll probably stick up here with her while she’s driving. Even though she didn’t seem to mind about getting stuck with us I still feel a little bad. Plus I like being in her presence. 
“You know you can hang with the guys, they came here to see you.” You don’t turn to look at him, instead choosing to keep watching the boys get set up. 
“Yeah, I know but so are you. And I Like spending time with you so,” he just shrugs. 
So throughout the laps of the boys going one after another, he sat there next to you while you drove. Finally, it was his turn and then you were up next. And this continued till lunch when you all took a break to eat before starting back up again. 
It was the last run for everyone and Matt was up and you somehow ended up in the back watching him because one of the guys wanted to drive a lap. However, this lap was a little different. Matt ended up losing his balance and falling off the board but when that happened the board ended up catching his head as he fell into the water.
The boat stopped and he popped up like nothing was wrong but he had blood dripping down the side of his face starting at his eyebrow. 
“Matt you good man?” Came from McDavid. 
“Yeah, the board just barely caught me.” He seemed fine but you still wanted to make sure.
“Come up here I’m gonna check that out and make sure you’re actually okay.” You told him gesturing up front where the first aid box was. He followed without complaint. You motioned for him to sit in the captain's chair.
“I’m just gonna clean it up and put a bandage on it but once we get back to the house I might have to get something better okay?” You grabbed the kit and got an alcohol wipe out to clean up the blood. His curls had fallen in the way so you brushed them back before cleaning him up. He sat there without complaint, even though the alcohol probably burned a lot, looking up at you as you held his face to keep him still while you doctored him up. The cut wasn’t as bad as you originally thought, but it was still pretty bad. You grabbed the biggest band-aid you found and gently placed it over the cut. 
“Alright good to go.” You declared standing back up. 
“What no kiss for my boo-boo?” Matt teased.
Without even thinking about it you leaned down and kissed the band-aid before walking to the back of the boat to get ready for your last turn. Not even realizing the look Matt is giving you or the fact that Taryn is recording it all from where they stopped not too far away to make sure everything was okay. 
After dinner that night it was time for the firepit. Chantal and Keith were inside in bed already, and Taryn and her friends were watching a movie, which meant truth or dare mixed with a little alcohol. Just like if you were all teenagers again.
Though not everyone was drinking it did surprise you that Matt wasn’t. This was normally his bread and butter. And when you asked he just shrugged it off. 
By the time the game actually started, you might’ve been just a little tipsy. Thankfully Matt was sitting next to you so at least knew who you were next to. Though maybe you were a little bit more out of it than you thought because you couldn’t stop looking at Matt and you’re pretty sure it’s really obvious but you also don’t really care.
At some point, someone asks you the age-old question of truth or dare. Normally you’re a truth kind of person but even through the alcohol, you can tell that drunk confessions might not be the best idea right now. Of course, the only other option is dare so you pick that, which in hindsight still might not be a great idea because you are far gone enough to agree to whatever dare they threw your way. 
“I dare you to kiss Matt, on the lips.” 
Oh, that was, unexpected. Especially considering it came from McDavid. 
You glanced over at Matt who looked like a deer in the headlights. You nudged him and he turned to look at you.
“I’m fine with it if you are?” You whispered to him.
“Are you sure, you’ve drank tonight I don’t want that to be influencing your decision.” He looked concerned which you found sweet. And even though you were drunk, you still wanted to kiss him. This might be your only chance and the alcohol is giving you the confidence you need.
“I’m sober enough to consent to it, but are you okay with it?”
“Yeah.” He was still looking at you, eyes jumping around different parts of your face before landing on your lips. So you did what any sane person would, slid your hand into the curls at the nape of his neck tugged him towards you, and kissed him. Your eyes fluttered shut and one of his hands came up to cup your face and the other wrapped around you to pull you closer. 
You broke apart to a couple of whistles from the guys and Brady saying something about how he doesn’t wanna see that.
Matt was still sitting closer to you, but you didn’t move away until you stood up to grab another beer.
Later on when it was time for everyone to go to bed you were on wobbly legs so Matt offered to give you a piggyback ride up the stairs and of course, you said yes. He brought you all the way into the room and dropped you back on the bed before disappearing into the bathroom.
“Thank you Mattyyyy!” Okay, maybe you were still a little drunk. Matt reappears and sets a cup of water and some pills on the side table.
“Yeah, not a problem. I’m gonna need you to go ahead and sit up so you can take this and not feel totally horrible in the morning.” You raised your arms and he grabbed your hands to tug you up so you could take the medicine. Once you get it down you flop back onto the bed, kick your shoes off, and curl up under the covers. 
“Come on Matty I wanna cuddle and you’re taking forever.” He had just gotten into the bathroom to change and get ready for bed. 
“Give me a second and I’ll be right out.” And sure enough he was. 
Matt POV
I was royally fucked. 
That kiss, was good. Too good. Cause now I can’t stop thinking about it. 
After rinsing off my face I walked back out expecting Y/N to be asleep, but she was still awake waiting for me covers pulled back and everything. 
“Hurry up Matty,” she looked so cute snuggled up and ready for bed. So I climbed into bed next to her and she immediately tucked herself under my arm and was out a minute later.
Yeah I was in big trouble.
Waking up the next morning sucked big time. Thankfully the planned hike was not until later this afternoon so after breakfast you could come right back upstairs to sleep some more. At least you could remember the night before. But also remembering the night before means you could remember the kiss and how good it was and then Matt getting you upstairs and taking care of you and of course you begging for cuddles. Which speaking of, Matt himself was still asleep and still holding you close. Though this morning you were able to roll out of his grasp before he could pull you back. You went to the bathroom and grabbed more medicine and some water before running downstairs and grabbing two granola bars. No one else seemed to be up either and you didn’t feel like making real food. 
When you got back upstairs Matt was sitting up in bed. You tossed one of the bars at him before crawling back in your side and opening up your own. 
“Everyone else is still asleep, and the hike isn’t untilater so after I eat this I’m gonna go back to sleep.” You exclaimed before eating your granola bar. 
“Alright. Thanks by the way. And if you don’t mind I’ll probably join you, we were up late last night and I’m tired.” You just shrugged in response because your mouth was full. 
True to your word both of you were back asleep after setting an alarm to give enough time for getting ready before the hike.
You were all about halfway through the hike when it happened. Somehow you had managed to trip over a tree branch that was across the path. Through this area of the trail it was a small path so everyone was in a single file line and just just happened to be in the back. So no one even knew you fell until you tried to stand up and couldn’t put any pressure on your left foot without yelping in pain. As soon as they heard you they all turned to look to see what happened. And even though he was leading everyone, Matt made it to your first.
“Hey hey, what happened?” He asked as soon as he got to you, kneeling down next to you.
“I got caught on the branch and hurt my left ankle. I can’t stand up.” You had tears running down your face. More out of pain than anything else. 
“Alright, you probably sprained it. I’ll take you back and they’ll continue on okay?” He reached up to wipe your tears away and all you could do was nod. Your ankle really hurt.
He turned around to face the group, “Hey Brady, you keep leading everyone and I’m gonna take her back to the house, she can’t walk.” Brady said something in response but you didn’t even hear him. Before they left Taryn came back to tell Matt to keep them updated and give you a hug. 
When the group started on their way Matt turned to look at you again. 
“Okay I’m gonna have you get on my back and we’ll get back to the house that way okay?”
“Okay, thanks Matt. I’m sorry you have to deal with this instead of finishing the hike.” You did feel really bad.
“Hey hey no it’s fine, you didn’t mean to do this. And I’d rather take you back and know you’re okay than have someone else do it okay?” You ignored how that cause butterflies to errupt in your stomach and just nodded.
“Alright I’m gonna stand up and help you up then get you on my back alright?” You just nodded again.
Matt stood up before leaning down to grab you bridal style.
“When I set you down stand on your good foot and I’ll get lower so you’re able to hop on easier.”
You made it back to the house, Matt checking on you the whole way, making sure nothing else hurt and making sure he wasn’t hurting you.
Once you get inside Matt sits you down on the couch and disappears. When he comes back he has an ice pack and a bandage to go around your ankle. You lean down to start to undo your laces but he stops you and does it himself.
“Hey let me take care of you.”
“Thanks Matt. I really do appreciate it.” 
He makes quick work of getting you all bandaged up. And you both decide to have a little movie night and Matt gets up to get snacks and turn the lights off. And when he sits back down, he’s sitting a lot closer than before. And you don’t mind.
Eventually you do end up cuddling together, him pulling you close and you tucked in next to him but still with your foot resting on the coffee table in front of you. 
And that’s exactly how everyone finds you later when they get back. 
Matt’s POV
Someone is shaking me. I open my eyes half expecting Y/N to be telling me I’m on her side. But its Mom and I’m in the living room and the TV is showing the ending credits.
“Honey I think y’all need to go to bed its late and y’all are tired. Is she okay?”
“Yeah she’s got a sprain. Nothing too bad thankfully but she is gonna be in pain for a bit.”
“Alright honey, go ahead on up to bed, I’ll see you in the morning.” 
I untangle myself from Y/N and stretch before standing up and lifting her to head upstairs. When I make it to our room and kick the door shut, lay her downa dntuck her in before laying down next to her. And when she automatically cuddles closer who can blame me when my heart flutters for a second.
Today was the day everyone was leaving. Myself included. Thankfully the ankle I hurt was not the one I needed to drive. Matt of course helped me get everything to the car. By the time I’m ready to leave everyone but Matt and I are gone. And of course Chantal and Keith. 
I’m sitting in my seat procrastinating leaving. I have tomorrow off of work so I’m in no rush. And I want to keep talking to Matt who’s standing in the doorway of my car looking down at me with soft eyes.
“Hey Y/N?” Matt is suddenly serious.
“Yeah what is it?” 
“I like you.” 
“I like you. Actually I think I kinda love you and I always have. And if you feel the same which I think you do, or at least I’m hoping you do, I’ll do whatever I can to make it work with us. Even though we would be so far apart. But I just had to telly you that before you left. If you don’t feel the same we can pretend this never happened, but for the record I really don’t want to have to forget that amazing kiss.” There’s a blush covering Matt’s whole face.
“I think I’m kind of in love with you too.” Relief washes over Matt’s face. 
“Can I kiss you Y/N?” 
You don’t answer, you just pull him close and plant one on him.
“And Matt,” he leans back to look at you again, “I think now is a good time to mention that I got a promotion that requires me to move out of St Louis.”
“I don’t care where you move if you want to I am willingto make it work no matter where you are.”
“Well me moving might make it a little easier on us.”
“Oh yeah? Where do you have to move to?” He rests his hands on your hips, a smile across his face.
“Well I kinda of have to move to Miami. So like maybe twenty minutes from you?” 
Matt’s smile somehow gets bigger as he lifts you up to spin around.
“I think that’s the best news I’ve heard in a long time.”
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toasttt11 · 9 months
hughes siblings
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Luke and Kensington are quite smart and that’s both something that many people dismiss or look over for their hockey skills so Luke and Kensington have always had little ice cream days to celebrate when they went to school near each other. Kensington still tells Luke all about her grades when she’s is collage and since they don’t live near each other anymore, Luke will always get icecream delivered for her as a surprise.
Luke was the one who to Kensington how to drive, Quinn and Jack were gone in the NHL, and Kensington never asked her parents to teach her because Luke had already offered and he took her to get her drivers license.
Luke was always be the one who would make Sandcastles with Kensington when they were younger and he would hold the bucket for her as she picked out seashells.
Luke as he has gotten older his hair got more curlier and had no idea how to style it so Kensington was the one who always helped him, going with him to get it cut, finding hair products and making him try them all.
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When Quinn and Jack bought the Lake house, Quinn had made sure there was a room that Kensington could have as her music room, he made sure they got a couch put into the room as all of the brothers, Quinn especially love listening to Kensington play music and always end up falling asleep as they do. Quinn was also the one who started slowly buying Kensington more Musical Instrument that she could keep at the Lake house not having to travel even more with them.
Quinn always has a plane ticket ready for Kensington to come out for his family skate every year, his whole team loves the baby Hughes.
Quinn is the one Kensington likes to go to for advice and they always FaceTime and Quinn enjoys hearing all the gossip Kensington has for him, and he always gives great advice for his sister.
Kensington has always said Quinn gives the best hugs and that something he always brags about to Jack and Luke.
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Jack was the only brother who didn’t really care is she went to Michigan like Luke and Quinn, when he found out she got into Boston Collage he was extremely excited for the possibility that she would only be four hours from him and meaning they could see each other a lot more. He was also happy she decided to go to Collage and turn down going straight into the NHL, wanting his sister to be able to experience a life that isn’t all hockey.
Jack of course wanted his sister on the Devils with him and Luke but he knew it wouldn’t be possible knowing she was going to be one of the first pics and he was glad she got drafted to Pittsburgh especially since Devils and Penguins play very often during the season.
Jack knew how much Kensington loves her music and could see how sad she was when she realized she wouldn’t be able to bring most of her music equipment and instruments with her to collage as it wouldn’t all fit in the dorms, so being the big brother who is always spoiling his baby sister, he worked it out with his parents to surprise his sister. Instead of her getting a dorm, Jack got her an apartment close by the school and big enough for everything she wants to bring and an a extra room when any of them visit her.
Jack and Kensington both love sleeping, and it’s pretty common whenever they are together seeing them napping cuddled together, it’s also normal for a lot of the times that they facetime they end up falling asleep.
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Quinn had gotten a old car from his parents when started driving that he passed onto Jack, Jack who drove it a lot before finally passing it onto Luke and by the time it got to Luke it was at least fifteen years old and had many problems, It lasted Luke just enough until he when to Jersey and it was supposed to be passed down to Kensington so she didn’t have to keep borrowing her parents cars, but the three quickly decided they didn’t want her driving that car especially driving it all the way to Boston from Michigan and through the crazy winter weather, so Quinn, Jack and Luke all spilt the price and for her birthday got her 2021 black dodge durango.
Whenever the four played hockey when they were younger, they would have the teams spilt up as an older sibling and a younger, most of the time it was Quinn and Luke on a team and Jack and Kensington on a team together, but as they got older especially in the summer after they both got drafted, it ended up switching and Luke and Kensington would always be on the same team giving their older siblings a difficult time.
When Kensington was young she was able to persuade all three do her brothers to always have tea parties with her, Jack was always the easiest wanting to spend time with his sister and had no problem wearing a tiara, Luke was more difficult but all Kensington had to do was mention the snacks she picked out and he would willingly join and Quinn usally didn’t really want to get dressed up but he easily agreed from his sister’s puppy eyes.
The three loved spoiling their sister and make sure every week she gets flowers. It started with Quinn when he left for the development program he would send flowers home for her, and then Jack would make here to send some for her when he left to Jersey. Quinn and Jack have continued this for the last five years and now that Luke has moved away from Kensington he now sends her flowers too.
Before Kensington first ever hockey game when she was very young her brothers all were messing with her hair doing braids and when she went into the ice she still had one little braid under all her hair by her ear and she didn’t know which one of her brothers did that one. It’s something she always makes sure she has on game days or big days is a little braid on the under-layer of her hair. She always is reminded of her brothers as a braid is three strands of her hair for her three brothers, the main reason she picked her hockey number to be number three.
Ever Mother’s Trip with either the Devils or the Canucks, The boys make sure Kensington joins them with Ellen.
The four FaceTime at least once a week all together, and are all constantly texting each other in their sibling group chat.
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39oa · 10 months
thank you and tc for asking <3 but also girl this is literally just YOUR commentator au that i wrote down notes/snippets for and then gave up on as we kept talking because i was delusionally hoping you'd do it for us LMFAO. it's a very bare doc with only lapslock excerpts but i'm still attached to the concept and have many thoughts about how their dynamic would work... also funny because we came up with this like 8 months before quinn even got the c but in all our notes we were just like yeah obviously he'd retire as captain lol
anyway the thing with 4321 is that i would personally read a lot of different au permutations for them, especially anything involving umich/Midwestern College Hockey dynamics because there's a lot of au potential there. commentator au specifically was = what if robo never made it to the nhl? + what if quinn retired prematurely because of injury and both of them went into broadcasting?, and i think we'd decided on robo doing play-by-play because he has more natural personality and quinn taking on the ex-player analyst role alongside him. however what's most crucial to ME about non-player!robo is that i think of him as someone who is very secure in himself and almost neurotically dedicated to always doing the right thing/making the correct life decisions, so the only reason he doesn't make it professionally is that his family moves to michigan a lot later and he and his brothers miss out on crucial junior development opportunities, so he realizes that hockey is a pipe dream and decides to treat it as a hobby and gets a journalism degree or something. this also makes the nick sibling dynamic more interesting because in my head nick would still try to become a hockey player since he's way more stubborn and impulsive, but he'd max out as an echl/ahl lifer and it becomes less of like "look at how much my athlete brother has succeeded!!" but in a way still robo being more successful because he got a good degree and stayed realistic about his future and makes good money now.
i think 4321 is basically interesting because everything in the world for them boils down to Siblings and they're the oldest of their respective nhl sibling groups but still have very different upbringings. i love the idea of having history long before they meet as a broadcasting duo because robo also went to umich and watched some of his games, but quinn obviously not remembering him... i also think in this universe quinn retires early but not like egregiously so and therefore still has a historic career with the canucks, but then he still struggles to grapple with that because maybe at this age the devils are like a total wagon and he has to cover playoff games for jack and luke for example. AND IN HIS ENTIRE CAREER HE NEVER WINS A CUP!!! plus i think of quinn spending his entire career in vancouver and depending on petey way more than he'd thought he did and now being like unmoored from his second home while robo is very used to traveling and is extremely independent and self-sufficient, and then it's like You think you're the most adjusted member of your family because you're the oldest brother and spent decades living alone on a whole different coast but the reality is actually that you were still deeply accustomed to the insular niche of an nhl team bubble and are being forced to navigate what it means to be an adult for the very first time when everyone you ever cared about is still stuck in that environment. and you're in your 30s!
also the reason quinn gets hired is because robo used to broadcast with pavs (who eventually leaves the role because he's old and wants to spend time with his family), so by now he's totally used to working with hotshot american ex-players and is very blasé around Rich NHL Dudes, and again like with nick is basically the more adjusted one who kind of sees how like quinn is basically functionally alone and doesn't have any systems around him that aren't 100% about hockey and thus latches on to him a little bit. so the dynamic is like >we are coworkers but also do you even know how to book a hotel by yourself? and quinn thinking robo is a nerd at first but eventually deferring to his 100% faith in himself and ease with which he navigates social situations.
also robo would have longterm gf because it's the Right Thing To Do and he's never thought that there was another way to live... like he's adjusted to the point of being so mindlessly socially integrated that he never even considers the fact that maybe he isn't even into women, he just does it because it's what he's meant to do, whereas quinn has way more inner turmoil and could never really hold a relationship down and has a million crises about it and then stuff happens and they get together in a random hotel room in finland during world juniors blah blah more bad decisions and realizations the end. please write them for me 😭
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msmargaretmurry · 2 years
I’ll say time after time for tnno, maybe after Dylan’s retired, how are Dylan and Connor doing?
it will surprise no one that i have spent an amount of time imagining a nice soft future for them. they've been through so much already, they deserve their happily every after!!
dylan plays another 5–6 years after the Events(tm) of tnno. before the Events, the prospect of retirement would have inspired a fair amount of anxiety in him, but once he and connor really settle into their relationship, he gets a lot more comfortable with the idea of it as the next stage in his life. when he finishes his contract in toronto, they decide not to re-sign him, but he feels like he has another solid season or two in him still — he does some brief hand-wringing over whether connor will be willing to move with him somewhere else, but then connor is like… buddy, i'm here because of you? obviously i'm going where you go. but if you're going to the states we should probably get married.
which is to say when dylan does retire a couple seasons later, they are: married. they love being married. they had some especially rough patches in the years following tnno as they figured out how being together was going to work for them, as they worked on healing all the hurts, but by this time things are easy and good. neither of them ever quite get over the thing where sometimes they look at the other one and think, "wow, we actually pulled this off. we actually get to have this."
they both prefer to keep their relationship pretty private, but they don't go to great lengths to keep it hidden, either, so it's basically an open secret, especially among colleagues and coworkers. it's not a secret at all among friends and family. i'm sure there are some bigots hanging around who would love to give them a hard time for existing as semi-openly gay men in hockey, but who's going to win in a PR fight, those folks or connor mcdavid? strangely there are very few people willing to pick that fight.
connor is never able to fully quit hockey, because honestly, he never really wanted to cut it out of his life entirely, he just wanted to find his joy again. he gets involved in youth hockey nonprofits, builds something of a new career around out of traveling around to give talks to youth teams, initially about mental health and supporting your teammates etc etc but he finds the kids too endearing and he pretty easily gets bullied into dispensing actual hockey advice too. eventually he will even put the skates back on and make a little skills clinic a regular part of his program. he finds a lot of joy in it.
dylan has always wanted to go into management, so he started putting feelers out for opportunities in that area in the seasons leading up to his retirement. he starts out as an agm for a toronto-area ohl team, and will fairly quickly get poached to become agm of the marlies, because he's very good at his job. eventually he'll work his way up to gm of an nhl team, but that's going to take a while. he becomes well-known for creating a team environment where players and their families feel very supported.
they're thinking maybe soon they'll adopt a kid. or two. or three. dylan thinks three is a great number of kids. :)
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crossbackpoke-check · 2 years
"This extra space next to me belongs to you. I know where I end now. I won't get lost." -- shoot me (metaphorically) and leave me for dead (metaphorically) why won't you. To make this about Dylan and maybe it's about Connor, maybe it's about Brinksy, maybe it's about any journeyman in the NHL. My brain screamed Chris Driedger and his memorable (to me) Players' Tribune article:
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And how can you mention Dylan and Zach (Za-ach, the way Dylan says it) without me having a breakdown about them? You simply can't. And for the younger dudes, maybe it's a little Bords/Briss, not yet steady in The Show, a little bit of distance, a summer that tries to erase and make up all the memories they've made separately... and then a blurry insta story in Vegas. Just like old times but somewhere else. Maybe it's not the same bed, maybe it's not the same set of forks, but maybe it's the principle of the thing.
Anyway, goodbye. Sorry for this, your tag walls make me break out in imagined scenarios.
Much love. xxx
please never be sorry for sending me messages <3 i love reading them i love getting them i think they’re beautiful and i love them i’m!!!!! [🥹💕🦋🫧✨💘😭 <- the best approximation of what my heart is doing]
ok NOW i am taking this step by step because every narrative here kicked me straight in the knees (metaphorically) i am w e e p i n g (literally): i knew tangentially about chris driedger going to seattle but i had never read his players’ tribune love letter to seattle & all i can say is oh. oh. and with the part about trains delayed but still being right on time—
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sometimes a dream is a truth your heart knows long before you do. the space that the city and the team made for him (“you’d be the only guy on the team”)🗣️🗣️🗣️ !!! but the way that chris talks about needing to put in the work & leo not letting him quit,,, that’s chris filling up the teakettle with twice as much water, crowding one side of the bed (falling asleep against a bus window dreaming), becoming unburdened by the idea of not being their guy, not having the fallback being their draft pick to content and settle himself with. that’s chris betting on a future. that’s the train coming down the tracks, right on time.
(i am feeling unhinged about it)
SECOND. i know i was the one that said zach and dylan to start so technically i brought this on myself but also i have been ktfo by the mere mention of the way that dylan says zach’s name different from everyone else, stealing an extra breath, stealing as much time as he can get with him, which reminded me of a poem i just read:
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The Need Is So Great, Jim Moore
^^^dylan still in love with zach even as he’s leaving, can feel himself losing him, and taking every sliver of the love in his smile that he can get. even if he knows zach doesn’t still feel the same way he’s drawing out the long goodbye & saying i love you in a thousand ways without ever saying it out loud (“i have been asking for a time but in ways that have no words” because he doesn’t want to ask too much, to ask for love) in the hope that zach will say it back OKAY I’M LEAVING i can’t do this
that was a lie because THREE. “maybe it’s the principle of the thing” please insert the most ungodly screech how could you just (lovingly) come in straight with the steel chair and bean me upside the head with that l i n e i think this story has the potential for such tragedy in it but also the most tender domestic longing because bords & briss have known each other for a long time (i think) and guys do sometimes lose themselves when they first get to the nhl.
it’s a big scene, you’re with big name guys, you’re finally doing the thing you always dreamed about, you’re no longer necessarily the best because everyone’s the best, you’re not sure how you fit in, you can get lost in the glitz and the glamor of it but you can also literally get lost in it, the slog of the season and getting caught up and down between teams and leagues and endless airports and buses and travel and ice rinks, losing your phone (accidental) and having new people hound you for quotes and fame and connection so you lose your phone (on purpose) and i think where i’m trying to go is: this could play out as the tragedy of borde going to the california coastline and briss shipping off to the vegas strip and both of them getting a little lost.
maybe there’s someone else, maybe i am steadfastly not thinking about “a summer that tries to erase and make up all the memories they've made separately” as either a summer of them pretending things are ok after a year of barely speaking and now being completely different people they never were before OR a summer of them trying to pretend like they can forget about each other because maybe they didn’t think their relationship was the same thing, is all, when they were or weren’t together. maybe it’s nobody’s fault but for the fact that they were scared and tired and lonely trying to make it in the big times and didn’t know how to show it. and then borde shows up with takeout and plastic forks in vegas and it’s december and nothing like winter in ann arbor and still they fill up all the empty spaces in each other with the things they didn’t know they’d miss until they were gone and this is the real thing, not whatever they were trying too hard to be, to recreate their own nostalgia for the love in their memories. it’s the principle of the thing, is all, to always be true to the love they have right now & not what they think it should be.
sorry that i wrote you kind of an essay of an answer but i had so so so many thoughts because your ask was so lovely so thank you for sending it to me (you are always welcome to!! i love your imagined scenarios!!! cannot even explain how much!!!) & thank you for taking the time to read my walls of tags :))) <3
#liv in the replies#every time you send me a message i do the thing where i’ve got heart emojis for thumbs & cease any coherency#FIRSTLY chris driedger who i loved as seattle’s goalie without even knowing the story:#dreidger fourth layer of a dream is making me tear up AGAIN hours later as i try to write this the echl the coast easy come hard to leave &#when he talks about being somebody’s guy laying my head down in the bog & dragging my hands over my face chris who let you say that. who let#u break my HEART i truly don’t think i will ever recover from the inception reference bc that’s what they all talk abt u know? the nhl dream#the players’ tribune articles are often some of the most poetic & touching sports writing & every time i am reminded i lose my shit about it#SECONDLY:#the ever present spectre of dylan’s first boyfriend zach werenski#i have so so so many quotes? drafts? posts? about the thing with saying someone’s name to call them closer to you i say your name to speak#more of you into the world so i will possibly look for some of those to say what i mean but also: this poem was originally reminiscent of#willingly by tess gallagher which is my ajax jack / superbuddies poem & this specifically did go with the a drop of paint / the light has#fallen through you part of it but there’s a part of THIS poem which i did not include that talks about the late light / has already happened#will go on happening forever & that whole poem with this now to say i know it’s embarrassing i’m asking for it :: easy to write about light#like falling asleep on the couch & having to carry yourself up to bed is the dylan/zach heartbreak of this. waiting & waiting for the things#you used to do & the love you used to / were promised to have with the hope that if you keep the coffee ready he’ll come drink it & instead#you have too many cups of tea one yours & one cold then half-warmed over & too sweet for your tastes but you’ve learned to drink it anyway#okAY now third:#this w/the UMICH BOYS? N O I DIDN’T EVEN!!! NOT A THOUGHT IN MY BRAIN!!! & now i can’t stop thinking!!! & i had an entire PLAYLIST already#a ??? while ago before i even truly knew the umich boys Narratives™️ i heard maude latour’s song ‘one more weekend’ & went hahaha isn’t that#a great song for when you have that One Summer of college before everyone splits off into their own lives? isn’t that a fun little umich boy#going into the nhl narrative?? to which i said NO but then it spiraled into a playlist &now there is delightful heartbreak to go with vibes#umich scholars please feel free to correct me if i’m wrong on any points i can’t remember anything presently about anything#also the f a c t that that vegas picture is real and i know exactly what you’re talking about is making me %^•*]+£’ bc how!! is that real!!!#okay ALSO just throwing in brinksy like a casual AHAHA have brainworm for a year (my autocorrect tried to go bringst like angst which. lmao)#connor and dylan… all of my journeymen… we did not touch that because i WILL start yelling about sam gagner and marc staal and#the chrysalis and the caterpillar
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wyattjohnston · 3 years
yours for the weekend - nico hischier
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note: this is part of the late nights in the middle of june series. Everyone say Happy Birthday, Nico! for Tuesday.
word count: 3,339
summary: They'll always find a way.
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It hurt a little bit to let Daisy drag her out of the arena before she’d seen Nico. All the partners had told her that she’d be waiting forever, that none of them were hanging around because the time would be better spent preparing for the New Year’s party and she didn’t disagree… It just pained her to be so close to him without him even knowing she was there.
The month of December had been nothing short of awful.
The message to her Instagram had startled her because she’d expected it to be a message from someone asking exactly how she knew Nico (it wouldn’t be the first). What she’d received was from @haisydolston that said:
Hi stef!! Nico talks about you all the time and I think you should come to new jersey for Christmas
I’m daisy btw
Jack’s girlfriend
It can be a surprise for nico!
As lovely an idea as it had been, and Stef was quick to agree after working out her schedule between university and seeing her family, it didn’t take long at all before Stef realised that lying to Nico was not normal.
So, Stef had spent an entire month lying to one of a handful of people she had never lied to before all in the name of a surprise. And she still had to wait a few more hours before the lies could end despite being oh so close.
They got changed at Daisy’s house and then, when the time finally came, climbed into the Uber that took them to a ridiculous bar that had been booked out for the team’s party.
The event was nothing like Stef had ever experienced before, an odd mix between her university house parties and dinners she’d attended with her parents; Stef had never seen so many outfits with sequins in her entire life.
Stef made a split-second decision when she saw Nico—she’d never had second thoughts about how she greeted him until she was standing in a room filled with his teammates who she’d never met before. At least, that was until she saw him and then she was running through the crowd of teammates. She barely saw the recognition on his face before her feet were leaving the ground and her legs were wrapping around his waist.
Stef pressed a kiss to his left cheek then his right cheek and then to his mouth just as he worked out what was happening and moved his hands under her thighs—the skin-to-skin contact was incredible.
“I missed you,” she breathed, leaning her head back so they were making eye contact.
“How are you here?”
“It was Daisy’s idea. Apparently, you’ve been talking about me more than ever.”
“I’ve missed you, what can I say?” Nico laughed, unashamed.
Steff kissed him again, tongue and all, and could vaguely hear someone behind her comment on how they thought Jack and Daisy’s PDAs were bad. Maybe Stef deepened the kiss because of it.
“How long do I have you for?”
“My flight is Sunday evening.”
Nico’s sigh was heavy before he said, “I can’t even be mad that you’re not here for my birthday because I won’t be here for my birthday.”
“I thought about it,” Stef told him, her hands cupping his cheeks. “I would have missed a few days of classes if you weren’t on a road trip.”
Nico kissed her again, more subdued than their initial kiss, before he put her back on her feet.
It was easy to follow Nico around, letting him introduce her to his teammates. They all knew who she was before he even said anything—half of them introduced themselves before Nico even had the chance to speak—and Stef felt a little more lightheaded every time it happened.
It was something she’d been thinking about since she’d read Daisy’s first messages. How much did Nico actually speak about her? Was it just in passing? Was it conversations about her specifically? Did he just manage to relate things back to her when talking to people? She guessed it was probably all of the above.
Stef found Daisy after she’d been paraded around the venue. She grabbed a glass of wine from a passing waiter, kissed Nico and left him to speak to some of his teammates. He gave her a concerned look as she stepped away from him but she smiled and pointed at Daisy until his face relaxed.
Truth be told, the pride that he had in her was beyond anything she could ever have imagined and she needed a second to breath.
As the night grew on, midnight drawing nearer, Stef made her way back to Nico where he was talking to Jonas—she’d met him at camp in Bern over the summer so at least he was a familiar-ish face.
“Why aren’t you drinking? It’s New Year.” Stef sidled up beside Nico, easily filling the space under his arm; he’d raised it as soon as she got close.
“I get one day with you. I want to enjoy it.”
The glass in Stef’s hand was instantly heavier and the blur in her vision decidedly stronger. She had been preparing herself for a dreadful hangover; all it took was Nico’s words to have her finding a nearby table to put her champagne on.
“You could have told me your plan. You would have spent all day looking after me.”
“I don’t like telling you what to do,” Nico shrugged, “and I have no problem looking after you.”
Stef swayed, his words filling her with so much emotion that she didn’t know how else to release it. She leant up, pressed her hand to his cheek so that she could pull his mouth to hers.
“You are very good at looking after me.”
Jonas groaned beside them, and they both turned to look at him. He said, “This isn’t fair when I’m the only one who understands you two.”
“Stop eavesdropping,” Nico deadpanned, kissing Stef again, though much more pointedly than before.
“I haven’t moved!” Jonas protested, another groan leaving his mouth when Stef pulled Nico even closer.
The countdown started shortly after; everyone had champagne glasses in one hand and partners in the other.
A chorus of Happy New Year! rang out through the room and then Nico was kissing Stef as if there was nobody else in the room.
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Waking up was less enjoyable than Stef would have liked, but not as bad as she had been anticipating when she showed up at the party—and then she rolled over, expecting to see the wall of her Zurich bedroom, and forgot how to breath.
Nico was lying on his side, and he lowered his phone when he noticed her movement so that she got the full force of his lazy morning smile. Stef surged forward with enough momentum behind her to rolled him onto his back and she buried her face into his shoulder. His arms were tight around her, no space was left between their bodies, and she felt more relaxed than she had in months.
“Good morning,” Nico laughed. “I didn’t think you’d ever wake up.”
“Now is not the time to let me sleep in, Nico,” Stef whined, pulling back and making sure he could see her exaggerated frown. “We have limited time together. I wouldn’t sleep tonight if it wouldn’t mess up your game.”
Nico’s hands were cool against her bare waist. He slid them from her ribcage down to her ass and then up again and it was so hypnotising, so calming, that Stef felt her eyelids droop. She rolled off him instantly, squeaking as she did so, until she was standing beside the bed.
She was shameless, comfortable, standing before him entirely naked and demanding her tell her what time of day it was. If she wasn’t so conscious about their limitation of time, the smirk on his face would have been more than enough to have her crawling back next to him.
He had barely been able to tell her that it was nine thirty before her back was to him and she was rushing into the bathroom to shower. The water wasn’t even hot before she was stepping into its spray.
Nico joined her, recoiling as he put his hand under the still lukewarm water.
“Stef…” he said, concerned and slow, that same hand touching her wrist to stop her from reaching the shampoo. “We have so much time.”
“What do you mean? We have no time, Nico, there’s so much to do.”
“There’s nothing we have to do. I just want to spend the day with you.”
Stef froze for a brief second before falling forward and pressing her forehead to his chest. She counted her breathing; four seconds in, hold for seven, out for eight. Nico released her wrist, his arms wrapping around her as he angled them so that water wasn’t just streaming over Stef’s face.
Nico let her breathe, counting along with her, until it turned back to her regular pattern.
“I’m sorry,” she sighed, her lips moving against his chest. “I’m so stupid. I—I just want to spend the day with you, too, and I was going to ruin it by rushing through a to-do list.”
“Do you even have a to-do list?”
She looked up at him, frowning at his teasing, “No. I don’t know what there is to do here.”
“Oh, so you thought I would have a to-do list for the visit I didn’t know was happening. It’s also New Years Day, so not everything will be open.”
With an accompanying eye roll, Stef draped her arms over his shoulders, “I guess your company will have to do, then.”
Their kiss was gentle and unassuming, even though it definitely could have led to something without much effort.
Stef slowed down after that, able to just enjoy having Nico by her side as she got ready for the day. It was the way he pressed his body up against hers, moved her hair to kiss the back of her neck as he passed her, that ensured she didn’t forget just why she’d gotten on the plane.
As Stef was finishing getting ready, Nico found them a café that was open for breakfast and, after a quick make out session at the front door they pulled on their coats and scarves and descended on New Jersey.
If it weren’t for the weather, it would feel exactly like they were back in Bern, when Stef had joined Nico while he did his summer training.
Walking down the street, hand in hand, Stef told Nico all about how hard it had been to keep the trip from him. She was able to laugh about it, at least, especially with Nico’s teasing about it—he wasn’t considering it lying when it was a surprise for him.
Breakfast was appropriately greasy given the slight ache in Stef’s head, and appropriately diet-approved given that Nico had been a bit more well behaved the night before.
“Do I have something on my face?” Stef asked, lifting a napkin and trying to wipe away anything that may have missed her mouth.
“No,” Nico said, shaking his head, “you just don’t wear make up in the summer, so I’m not used to it.”
“I was wearing more make up last night,” Stef said, tilting her head.
“Yeah, that’s not what I was focused on last night.”
“What were you focused on?” Stef pitched her voice lower, leant across the table and made sure her foot brushed against his calf.
“You want to do this here?” he asked, his voice thick.
“No,” Stef relented, relaxing back with a sigh. “But you should definitely tell me later.”
Nico folded his arms over his chest, also leaning back in his seat. He was far less relaxed about it, though, and Stef could see the tension in his jaw. Her smile was innocent as she went back to eating her breakfast.
Out of nowhere, after a comfortable if not slightly sexually charged silence, Nico said, “Julien wants to propose to Tanja.”
“He what?!” Stef asked, losing control of the volume of her voice and drawing the attention of the few other people in the restaurant. “Since when? How’s he finding a ring? Who’s helping him?”
“He was going to ask you when you were in Zurich but couldn’t get you alone.”
Stef squealed, closed mouth to muffle some of the noise. Tanja and Julien had been together for so many years and it had always been inevitable that they would marry, and Stef had been waiting for it. She was going to make sure that she was as big a part of the ring choosing process as she could be.
The excitement of it all had her shaking in her seat—until it didn’t. Until a new and unwelcome thought crossed her mind.
“Does that mean our summers change?” Stef asked, doing her best to remove any sadness threatening to escape.
“Why would it? They may as well already be married. They might not even get married for a few years.”
“It has to change sometime, doesn’t it? It can’t just be the four of us forever.”
“It will be for a few more years.”
Stef didn’t dare ask about what was going to happen the summer he wanted to bring a girlfriend along with them—if she didn’t speak it, it couldn’t come true.
“Can we go into New York?” she asked instead.
“Times Square is going to be gross after last night.”
“Central Park? Will MOMA be open?”
“We can check and if it isn’t then Daisy will probably go with you tomorrow morning.”
Stef wouldn’t go without Nico, and she was sure he knew that, though it did warm her heart to know that he’d find a way to get her there if she really wanted to go.
The hopped on the PATH train and then onto the subway, standing almost on top of each other the entire time. A few people gave them unimpressed looks because of their closeness—or maybe it was the fact that they were kissing each other rather relentlessly while being pressed chest to chest. They would never know.
MOMA was open and relatively quiet—most likely a sign that most of New York and its tourists were still in bed nursing hangovers. They both removed their gloves, checked their coats and Nico suggested that they get a coffee before they ventured into the exhibits.
“I feel good, Nico,” Stef said softly, tugging on his hand to stop him from heading in the direction of the café.
Nico shrugged, looking only a tad caught out, “What if I want another coffee?”
“You drink too much coffee,” Stef said, looking Nico dead in the eye as she said it, “but fine.”
Their visit went much the same as every other time they’d been in a museum. Stef wasn’t as well versed in art as she was science, but she was very good at reading the plaques and recalling random pieces of information she’d read online. It was more than enough to keep Nico rapt.
It was nothing like they’d ever done before because Stef could lean back into Nico as he stood behind her, let him drop his chin onto her head. She could lead him through the museum by the hand. They could stop wherever and kiss freely, even if it did earn them more disapproving looks from passers-by.
The entire day was easy from when they finished at the museum to when they stood in the kitchen to cook dinner together. They could barely keep their hands off each other.
Whilst they were cooking and eating dinner, it was easy for Stef to get lost in the dream that it was her everyday life. Looking over at Nico, to see him smiling softly, whether it be at her or just at his own thoughts, was so nauseatingly tempting.
She could have spent hours just being in his space, living in his house, but Nico was a professional athlete with a regular bedtime that was much earlier than her usual University student bedtime, so she wandered up the staircase while he made them tea.
Stef sat up against the headboard, waiting for Nico to finally come back upstairs. It had probably realistically been ten minutes since he went downstairs with the intention of making tea; she just couldn’t shake the worry that any time not spent right next to each other was time wasted.
He slipped into the room carrying two mugs and placed one on the bedside table next to Stef. She closed her eyes and leant up for a kiss. It never came.
“Am I going to wake up tomorrow to you ignoring me?” Nico whispered; Stef opened her eyes to see him standing at the end of the bed.
The hurt etched on his face was
“No. I know that we’re still—we’re still Nico and Stef. I was just scared last time. I didn’t need to be.”
“We’re always Nico and Stef. I don’t ever want you to be scared of that. Of me.”
Stef’s heart broke and all she could do was reach out to touch him, no matter that he was still at the end of the bed. She sighed, anguished, “Nico.”
By the time he had walked around to the side of the bed, Stef was on her knees in front of him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him as close as she possibly could. He relaxed against her, resting his weight on her.
“You’re the least scary person I know,” Stef whispered into his ear.
It wasn’t all she wanted to say, and she was sure it wasn’t all he wanted to hear; they both knew they couldn’t say anything more when they were going to be separated. So, they fell back onto the mattress and tried to show each other.
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Stef heard Nico before she saw him descend the stairs. She knew that he was carrying his hockey bag and a small suitcase because she’d watched him start packing them; it didn’t hurt any less when she did see him.
“Maybe I should just stop studying and move here.”
“Not a chance,” Nico said firmly, his hockey bag dropping to the ground loudly. “You’d never forgive yourself.”
“I’d never forgive myself? Or I’d never forgive you?”
“Yourself,” Nico said firmly. “I’ve never known you to hold a grudge against anyone else. Besides, you’re The Future of Medicine so you need to finish studying.”
Stef huffed, “I could hold a grudge if I wanted to.”
Nico’s eye roll was vicious, disbelieving. He walked to her, pulling her out of her seat and away from her granola. He was telling her that he didn’t want to leave, that he didn’t want her to leave, but he knew that she needed to.
“I’ll see you in Tenerife?” Stef asked, as if she didn’t already know the answer. As if Nico was going to suddenly change his mind and not join her, Tanja and Julien on their summer tradition.
Nico hummed, resting his hands on her waist and pulling their hips together. He asked, “When is your last day of school?”
“The last week of June. I’m basically in Zurich for one day before I’m back on a plane to see my favourite people.”
Nico thought for a moment, Stef watched his eyes as they looked over her head. She couldn’t help but smile up at him and kiss the underside of his jaw.
“I’ll come to Copenhagen when the season’s over.”
“Kommer du til København?” Stef gasped, switching from their native Swiss German to her learnt Danish with ease. “Virkelig?”
“I don’t know any of the words you just said,” Nico laughed, “But as soon as the season’s done I’ll be there with you.”
Stef buried her head into his chest, feeling the swelling of her heart take over her entire being.
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Please consider leaving feedback—reblog and write in the tags or send an ask, I’m not fussed. I just want to know what you’re thinking!
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dougiewonderland · 2 years
So You Have My Number - Introduction (Jack Hughes)
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Word Count: 576
Enemies to Lovers
You exhaled a shaky yet excited breath as you surveyed your now-filled dorm room. Your parents looked on proudly as you took in your surroundings. The University of Michigan was your dream school, and you've been on cloud nine since you received your acceptance letter. You actually made it.
Yet there was still a feeling of nervousness within you. This was the farthest you've been from your family, having traveled from your home state of New Jersey to be out here. What if I don't make any friends? What if I end up hating it here? were the thoughts racing through your mind. You try to remind yourself of how much work you've put into your grades to get in and get a good financial aid package in order to be able to come out here.
And thankfully, your doubts were quickly washed away as you befriended your entire dorm floor, including a freshman player for the men's hockey team by the name of Quinn. You knew that UMich was a big hockey school and a lot of NHLers were products of the school, but you didn't pay it any attention until meeting Quinn. Among everyone from your dorm that formed "the squad," he was the one you became closest to, and soon the two of you became inseparable.
Your parents kept inquiring about Quinn and his status in your life ("Do you like him?" "Is he coming home to meet the parents soon?") but you reassured them repeatedly that you thought of him as a brother if anything, and he was strictly a friend. While that status soon changed to best friend, that's all you two were. And with best friend status came going home and meeting the families nonetheless. You were thankful he got along with your family so well, and you with...most of his family.
Everything was going well until the end of your second year. You were immensely proud of him for signing with an NHL team and getting to play professionally, but you were devastated he wouldn't be around at school anymore. You were even more devastated it was all the way out in Vancouver. At that time, you made the difficult decision to enroll in a school close to home. Quinn made it easy to forget your distance from your family, but in reality it was something that was becoming increasingly difficult to handle.
It was during one of your nightly video chats that Quinn laid a request on you that threw you for a loop.
"Jack signed with the Devils and he'll be playing out there this season. Can you be there for him and show him around as he gets settled in?" Quinn blurted out after a minute or two of comfortable silence between the two of you. He noticed the two times you came out to visit his family that you and Jack didn't get along well, but he hoped it was just due to lack of familiarity with each other. You weren't outright rude to each other, but it was evident there was a level of discomfort when you were within proximity of one another.
As much as you weren't thrilled with the idea, you were willing to give it a shot for Quinn and his parents' sakes. You knew they'd feel better knowing Jack had someone he could rely on in the area.
So you agreed to Quinn's request, and hoped for the best.
[Full story - Coming Soon!]
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Impulse (Tyson Jost  Imagine)
This is my entry for @antoineroussel​ ‘s summer fic exchange! This fic is for @senditcolton​ so I hope you like it! I know you said you’re in an angst period, but I accidentally ended up writing fluff-- hope that’s okay! I actually have 90% of another fic done, because I changed my mind about it at the last second lol
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this! It was inspired by the song Tattoos Together by Lauv
Rating: T
Pairing: Tyson Jost/fem!reader
Words: 3567
Warnings: light description of getting a tattoo
Summary: You’re not an impulsive person, until Tyson is involved. Turns out, some bad decisions mean more than you think.
    As much as you try to control your impulsivity, as long as you’ve worked to learn to take a breath before making decisions, as much improvement as you’ve made in this particular arena, something in you snaps every time Tyson gives you his most earnest look and says “you wanna do something stupid?”.
    Luckily, it usually ends up being fun. Like jumping into a pool at a wedding, or letting some kids at the park teach you to skateboard, or soaking all of JT’s socks in salt water so that they’re crunchy next time he puts them on and he has to practice with sticky feet. You’re not sure what overcomes you when he gives you that wide-eyed, excited look; you’re just glad no one else has the same effect. You couldn’t imagine how much more chaotic your life would be. This particular level of chaos is just right.
    You’ve known Tyson since he was an awkward, gangly kid, dreaming of a future in the NHL. He’s achieved that particular dream now, and you love being able to remember every step he took to get here. Travel leagues had been your first introduction to not having him around all the time, but the two of you had made do. Sneaking through your window to talk and laugh loudly enough that you’ve realized in hindsight that your parents must have overheard.
    Having that experience has made it easier to deal with him being away for most of the year. It also means that you’re perpetually waiting for him to come through your window to make you smile.
    You’d spent most of the summer together, the rest of your friends understanding the time constraints and leaving you to be with him, for the most part. Between your work and his training, the time limit is even tighter, so you pack as much quality time in as possible. If you spend time with friends, he tags along. If his training runs long, you go cheer him on. You’ll probably have to dust your apartment come September, because you spend most nights at his place. Having his arms wrapped around you, his steady breathing ruffling your hair, is more than worth some cleaning.
    It’s not, like, sexual. Your families had thought so at first, assuming it was a teenage romance. There had never been anything of that nature, though. Even as difficult feelings had started bubbling up in you over the years, everything had stayed strictly platonic.
    He still has this hold over you, commandeering your thoughts year-round. Even when he barely has time to talk when the season ramps up, he still sits firmly in the back of your mind. Above all else, he’s your absolute best friend, the person who knows you the most. You think that’s a good enough reason for your near-obsession.
    It’s a good enough reason for your inability to tell him no, too. For instance, he’s giving you that enthusiastic look that makes you smile back, and you know that you’ll do whatever he’s about to suggest.
    “Let’s get tattoos,” he says, taking your hands in his own to shake them once in excitement, “Matching ones.” For the first time, you pause at the idea. Not necessarily because you’re mulling it over. More that there’s something so overwhelming about the prospect of him getting something so permanent to memorialize you on his body. A piece of you that he can carry around with him, like the little stuffed yeti you’d gotten him when he got drafted to the Avalanche. Only, there’s no chance of him forgetting this at home.
    “I know a place,” you say, grinning and squeezing his hands. You’d gotten a few tattoos before, so you know that you can walk into the same shop and get served almost immediately. Your artist might have an appointment, but all of the artists there were good enough for your taste.
    The shop is small, and the bell above the door jingles as you enter. You haven’t let go of one of Tyson’s hands for the entire walk here, but that’s not out of the ordinary. The woman behind the counter has tattoos winding up her arms, across the part of her chest bared by her tank top, up her neck. Her piercings are numerous, and the ones in her cheeks accentuate the smile that overtakes her face when she sees you.
    “Hey Y/N!” she greets, leaning over the glass counter to give you a hug.
    “Hey Valerie,” you say in return, “How have you been?” She was an apprentice when you’d been here last, but you’re sure she’s a fully-fledged artist by now. You chat with her for a minute or two, introducing Tyson as you do. He gives her his most charming, lopsided smile. She gives him a quick once-over before smiling back, giving you a sly look. You roll your eyes in return, but her approval warms you.
    “I’m the only one open right now, but I can do you both,” she says, an offer you’re more than happy with. You’d seen a bunch of her work before, and you’re sure she’s only improved with time. Tyson looks to you for reassurance, so you squeeze his hand with a smile.
    “Do either of you have an idea?” she asks. You feel stupid for a minute, because you hadn’t even thought of it on the way here. You were just overcome with the joy of Tyson’s suggestion. Luckily, it seems he’d given it some thought.
    His suggestion is almost overwhelmingly sweet. Hell, it is overwhelming, if you’re being honest. When the two of you share a bed, you tend to hold hands in your sleep. It’s one of the sappier things you do, but it just fits right. That’s why you find your fingers entwined so often during the day, too.
    The concept is simple and subdued. Almost secretive. A small sun and corresponding moon on the insides of your fingers, positioned so that they’ll match up when your hands are together. You agree immediately, already knowing Valerie’s next comment. She explains that hand tattoos, especially in places that experience a lot of rubbing, tend to fade and need to be redone. Apparently Tyson hadn’t known this, but you’d heard it before. You’re more than willing to get touch-ups, and it seems he is too.
    The only thing you have to negotiate is who will get which symbol. You think he should get the sun, because he’s the embodiment of sunshine, but he returns the same sentiment. You feel like the moon more appropriately represents you, with your night owl tendencies and calmer disposition. You also think of how you’re just living parallel to him, reflecting the light that he gives off, but you don’t share that part.
    Eventually, you convince him of your point of view, and he agrees that you’re the moon. You smile at your success, and Valerie gives you a look heavy with meaning. You’d introduced Tyson as your best friend, and you’re used to the looks people give you about it. Anyone from family and friends to near-strangers have and will make it known that you’re obviously in love with him. Which is true, and you don’t really try to hide, but is completely irrelevant. You’re obvious about your feelings, and Tyson has never reciprocated, and that’s all you need to know. If other people don’t understand, that’s their problem.
    “We should swap them,” Tyson says, “So that we have each other around all the time.” Again, you’re amazed by how sweet he is. The concept is perfect, and Valerie takes a few minutes to make tiny patterns for each of you.
    You’re used to the buzzy pain of tattoos, so the quick work is nothing to you. It hurts a little bit more than others had, because it’s in such a sensitive spot, but it’s still not bad at all. You hold Tyson’s free hand when he gets his, trying not to laugh as he flinches and scrunches his face up. Hockey players try to act tough, but they’re big babies.
    Once you’re both finished and wrapped up, Valerie gives you the spiel about caring for a fresh tattoo, stressing that you can’t hold hands on that side until it’s fully healed. That means you won’t be able to do so when you sleep, but you think resting your hand next to his will be good enough.
    Luckily, you have another hand. After you pay and say your goodbyes, you switch your typical positions as you walk so that you can twine the non-injured hands together. You both laugh about how weird it feels.
    Tattoos take a long time to heal, and you know there’s not enough time before he goes back to Minnesota. The tattoos look great, even as the skin starts to grow back over them, and you get used to sleeping on your other side, because Tyson insists you still be able to hold your good hands while you sleep.
    The drive to the airport is as bittersweet as it always is. Riding in the back of the car with him, he reaches out so your fingertips touch.
    You have a system for the season. Every other night, Tyson will call or facetime you, and you’ll chat until he gets too tired and says goodnight. The way his eyes go sleepy and half-mast, his entire face softening, gives him away every time. You should probably cut him off once it starts, so he can get more sleep, but you’re too selfish to shorten your time with him.
    The saving grace of the season is that he has to come to Edmonton eventually. If there’s pressure to spend time together over the summer, having him in town for one day at a time is the next level. Your friends know when he’s coming, because you’ll fly into a bit of a frenzy the couple days beforehand. Some of your newer friends try to calm you down and get you to rest, but the ones that you’re truly close with had given up on that a long time ago. They know you need to get the frenetic energy out, lest you explode.
    It’s excitement and anxiety tangled together, wanting to make sure that everything is perfect for him. It doesn’t have to be, and he doesn’t expect it to be, but if you didn’t run around cleaning your apartment, you’d have to think. That’s never a good idea.
That’s especially not a good idea when you’ve spend the past couple months reminding yourself constantly that you shouldn’t rub the inside of your finger. The urge is like a kid rubbing the tags of their clothes or sucking their thumb— a way to comfort yourself with the reminder that Tyson is out there somewhere, and he still loves you. Which is the other problem.
Tyson has been your best friend for the majority of your life, and he’s loved you as such the entire time. Still loves you as such. As his best friend. But the selfish part of you wants him to love you differently. You want him to love you romantically, to stop seeing you as the awkward kid you once were and start seeing you as the adult you’ve grown into— as someone he could love in more ways than one.
You clean and arrange and prep because you don’t want to think about your feelings and the little tattoo on the finger where an engagement ring would go. You don’t want to think all the hopeful, impossible thoughts that keep springing up. You’re not stupid enough to believe that this is anything more than what it is. As much as you tell yourself that, you can’t get your brain to stop imagining love declarations that hurt as much as they make your heart float. There’s no point to getting caught up in all of that, just to disappoint yourself later. It’s not like you’re ever going to tell him how you feel, anyway. You’ve kept it to yourself for this long, forever isn’t that much longer.
You pick Tyson up after morning skate, sitting in the back seat with him while his mom and sister grill him from the front. He’ll have lunch with his family, but you always come alone to pick him up. You just can’t wait to see him.
They drop you off at your apartment shortly after, heading out to some restaurant you’d seen in an article some time. That means you have a couple more hours to yourself before Tyson comes over for his pre-game nap. You make sure the ingredients are ready for his snack later, before spending half an hour more staring at your laptop screen than actually watching the show playing on it. You grab some yarn and a hook and begin to crochet, hoping that doing two things at once will help you concentrate. Even if it doesn’t, at least you’ll make some progress on this year’s birthday presents.
A knock on the door announces Tyson’s arrival, and you have to scramble out from your pile of yarn to answer the door. You know he has a key, so he must have forgotten his keychain again. Hopefully he has it at the hotel and hasn’t locked himself out of his apartment… again.
He greets you with a huge hug, just as he has this morning. This hug is actually a little bigger, his arms just a bit tighter as he sways you side-to-side. You bury your face in his shoulder and enjoy acting like one of those annoying couples that dramatically reunite every time they’re apart for more than five minutes.
“I missed you,” he says, slowly walking you backwards without breaking the embrace.
“I missed you too, nerd,” you reply. You really have missed him, even if it’s only been a few weeks. Everything just feels more right when he’s here.
Tyson waddles you all the way into the bedroom, managing to kick his shoes off in the process. It’s more affection than you’re used to, but you’ll take it happily. Whatever happened during lunch must have put him in a good mood. Eventually, he has to let you go so that you can both get ready to sleep. You change into shorts and an oversized Wild t-shirt he’d gotten you after the trade. Changing together feels domestic, comfortable and practiced.
You still have time before he actually needs to go to sleep, so you clear your things off the bed and wake your laptop up. Tyson climbs under the covers first, holding out his arms so you can snuggle into his bare chest. It doesn’t take long to get situated, laying your head back against his shoulder to continue the show you’ve been watching together over FaceTime.
The show is a good choice, because it doesn’t take too much brain power to keep up with. You’re already kind of sleepy, so you don’t have much brain to spare.
When Tyson jostles you awake, someone on screen is dramatically kissing their love interest. It’s the middle of the episode still, so you’re pretty sure this romantic tryst won’t be all flowers and rainbows. Tyson pauses it and shuts the laptop, so you’ll have to find out later. Laying down with Tyson’s head on your chest is more important. He’s warm against your side, arms wrapped around your torso in two hot lines. Out of instinct, you press a kiss into his hair. He sighs in response, sinking further into you. The contact is helping bring back some of the tiredness that had begun to subside when he woke you. You’ve been so stressed— for no reason— that the relief of his presence feels like a weight off of you.
“You should move to Minnesota,” he says a few minutes later, apropos of nothing. It shocks you both more and less than you’d have anticipated. Him suggesting you pack up everything to be closer to him doesn’t surprise you as much as it should, but how little you oppose the idea floors you. Your friends, your family, your job, your home is all here, and you’d pick it all up, move to a different country, with very little convincing.
“Why?” Is the only question you can think to ask. He gives you a squeeze.
“I want my girl with me,” he says. My girl.
“You’ve gotta stop calling me that,” you reply, “People are gonna think we’re dating.” At that, he props himself up on one elbow to look at you.
“Aren’t we?” He asks. The question shatters all rational thought.
“Are we?” You ask in return. You’re wracking your brain for some conversation that you forgot or misunderstood, but you can’t fathom overlooking something so monumental. Besides, your brain is mostly just repeating “aren’t we” on a loop. The simple statement is ridiculous— ridiculous in the fact that it’s so casual, so sure of itself. Like this is something you should have already known. If it’s any consolation, Tyson looks just as confused as you feel.
“I facetime you every day,” he says, as if that explains everything.
“You facetime your mom almost every day,” you respond.
“I say I love you at the end of every call,” he says.
“You’ve always done that,” you dismiss, no less confused than you were sixty seconds ago.
“Because I’ve always loved you,” he says, as if it’s a foregone conclusion. He doesn’t tack on “as a friend” like you do when you think of his feelings. Just an outright, simple declaration of love. Like, love. Like what you’ve been fantasizing since the day in your early 20s that he’d brought you ice cream after a breakup and told you the guy was an asshole and you’d realized you would never love anyone the way that you love him. You almost slam your head into his, sitting up so quickly.
“You meant it like that?” You ask, bewildered. Why hasn’t he told you? Tyson’s smile is small and genuine.
“Y/N,” he says, “We got matching tattoos.” He pauses as you gape at him, before adding, “That touch when we hold hands.” Okay, yeah, that’s kind of a good point. Ill-advised decisions are a hallmark of your friendship, but the tattoo thing had been a little much, even for you. The thing is, looking back on the past couple months, nothing had changed. Everything you did were things you’d been doing forever.
“Nothing changed,” you say, only sort of a question. Tyson shrugs as best he can in his position.
“We’ve basically been dating for years,” he says, “so why would it?” Everyone had joked about that exact thing since you’d met, but it’s kind of true. You’ve always been closer than usual, even for childhood friends. Talking literally every day is also more a relationship thing than a friendship thing. Spending so much time together when he’s home that every invitation to hang out with a friend includes Tyson by default is also relationship-y. And sharing a bed. And his mom calling you her daughter-in-law. And saying “I love you” to end every call. Okay, so maybe you’ve been dating unofficially since you were teenagers. But still.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You ask. His smile turns sheepish.
“I kind of thought the tattoo thing would do it,” he says, “and then I just forgot to actually ask you out.” You smack his shoulder and can’t help but laugh.
“Of course you did,” you laugh, the overwhelming emotions finally breaking in the face of his stupidity. Forgetting to ask you out may be the most in-character thing he’s ever done. He laughs along with you, flopping back onto the pillow.
“The answer is yes, by the way,” you add, your smile threatening to split your face in two. What a ridiculous way to end up with the love of your life.
“No, no, you gotta let me ask!” He objects, sitting up again. You laugh again, motioning for him to continue when he just stares at you for a moment. The immediate switch to being serious almost gives you whiplash. His face is bright and earnest when he cradles your face in his hands.
“Y/N,” he says in a way that would be laughably sappy in any other circumstance, “Would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?” You touch your fingertips to the back of one of his hands.
“Of course,” you reply. His genuine excitement makes your heart flip.
“I’m gonna kiss you now,” he says, and your combined laughter nearly makes it impossible. You manage it, his lips soft as they move against your own as if they’d been doing so forever. It’s the easiest first kiss you’ve ever had, years in the making. Your entire body is alight with the feeling, with the surety of it all, both physically and emotionally.
Eventually you have to part, because he really does need to sleep at some point. You can’t help but steal a few pecks as you settle back in, though. His head on your chest feels different, the shirt he bought you feels different, having his number plastered across your back feels different, and yet it all feels exactly the same as it always has. When he tangles his fingers with yours, your tattoos align for the first time.
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hockey-x-imagines · 3 years
Surprise... || Tyler Seguin.
A/N: I decided to a switch lanes for a bit. I’m excited to start a bit off a fluff series with Tyler. I hope you enjoy this and much as Made to Last. Feedback is appreciated. 
*A little disclaimer* I'm not sure of the relationship between Tyler's parents, this in no way intended to throw shade, or disrespect either parent. This is just what came to mind for a sibling's story for him.
Requested by @user182751390
Paring: Reader x Tyler as siblings 
Word count :906
Knowing you have siblings out there that have no idea you exist, had been something you had struggled your whole life. You knew your mother's reason for hiding you from the other part of your family, it was something you agreed with. That didn't make it any easier.
Your older brother had worked his ass off for his career, for that very reason your mom hid you and how you came to be. You both were worried that a scandal would overshadow all the work he had put in to be one of the top NHL players. Again, you knew and understood why your mom has kept you a secret. Now that your older, you struggle a whole lot harder with not being able to really know Tyler aside from what you see in the media.
At 17, you felt that you were at an age to make your own choices and you deserved to know your other 3 siblings. You knew your mom still wasn't too keen on the idea of you reaching out to Tyler, but you really didn't care. On top of your personal reasons, you felt Tyler and his mom and sister deserved to know about you.
Sitting in class you kept trying to figure out the best way to reach out, you knew sliding in the DMs would be the easiest, but you felt it was a bit inappropriate with the bomb you knew was being dropped. You felt writing a letter was the best idea, you just didn't have an address for him.
"Y/N?" your teacher's voice pulls you out of your thoughts. "Can you please share you opinion on the book your supposed to be reading?" The book in question was The Great Gatsby.
"Uh, from what I've read so far. I feel Gatsby is using Nick to get to his cousin. What I can't understand, is how Gatsby knows what he knows," you hope your answer hides the fact that you had read the book, you had watched the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio and Spiderman. With a glare Mr. Moss seemed to buy your answer, you had let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding. As the bell rang, signaling not only the end of the class but the end of the school day, you race out to your car. You needed to get home, you wanted to start writing the letter you decided on. You really didn't know what to really say, you were going to wing it.
After what felt like hours and several papers thrown away, your letter went a little like this,
Dear Tyler,
I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Y/N, I'm 17 and I live in a tiny town of Hadley Massachusetts. I'm about an hour and a half from Boston. There is about a month left in my junior year of high school, I think I'm going to look for a job this summer, but I'm really not sure. After high school, I want to travel before I go to college, if I go. I really haven't thought that far yet, I probably should start thinking about that. Anyway, I have a bit of shocking news. I'm your sister.
There are two reasons for why I've decided to reach out. The first one is for personal reasons. I would really appreciate an opportunity to get to know you. I know it's a big request after I dropped this bomb on you. The other reason, I feel you and your family deserve to know that you've got another sibling in the world.
My mom made the choice to keep me hidden because she didn't want a scandal to come out and overshadow all the hard work you've put into your career. I've chose now to reach out because I grew up knowing about you, and now I feel I'm old enough to make my own choices. My mom isn't too happy with me for reaching out.
I decided to write this letter because I felt it wasn't appropriate to drop this on you in your DMs. If you want, you can reach out to me through social media, or you can text or call me. My number is 801-867-5309. I hope this letter finds you.
Sincerely, Y/N
Part of you felt like you had rambled, and the letter didn't make sense, but it was the best you had been able to write. Since you didn't have a mailing address for Tyler directly, you mailed the letter to the Stars head office.
"I don't want to sound like a Debbie downer, but I wouldn't get your hopes up. There's a fairly high probability that you won't hear from him." Your mom hadn't been thrilled you made the decision you did, but you had hoped she would've been a little supportive. She had always been your biggest supporter, so her lack of support was a hard to swallow. You had no response for her, so you turned and went back up to your room.
After sending off your letter, there had been a few times you had gotten unknown calls had gotten your hopes up, to only be people wanting to talk about your cars extended warranty. All though you hadn't heard anything from him, you refused to give up hope.
The last day of school you had been relieved, but you were totally clueless to the surprise that was waiting for you when you got home.
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wonder-womans-ex · 4 years
‘Cause Boy I was Made for You
By wonder-womans-ex for @inloveoknutzy Sweater Weather secret santa exchange 2020
When Remus Lupin was eleven years old, he learned about soulmates. 
“Almost everyone gets a soulmark on their nineteenth birthday,” Mr. Holliday, his fifth-grade teacher, had explained. “A design, like a tattoo, on their left wrist. And out there, somewhere, someone will have a matching one.
“Some people don’t get them until later—no one knows why. Some don’t get them at all. It’s rare, but some people have more than one soulmate, or their soulmate changes. 
“Can anyone tell me why this might be?”
Trust a teacher to turn this into a lesson, Remus thought, and put up his hand. 
“Because people change, and the person who your soul matches could change, too?” 
“Very good, Mr. Lupin.” 
When Sirius Black was eleven years old, his parents kept him home from school. Instead, they sat him down at the dining room table—which was only ever used for special occasions; he couldn’t fathom why this might be considered one—and told him three things. 
“One,” Walburga said, bony fingers and long nails that reminded Sirius of talons drumming on the centuries-old wood, “your career comes first. Always. No matter who your soulmate turns out to be or how you feel about it, you are expected to make the choice that benefits yourself and your role in this family.” 
“Two,” Orion put in, “you are the only person who can prove who your soulmate is. If the reality is something that puts your future or your reputation at risk, lying is the best option. Remember, listen to your head, not your wrist.”
“Three—” this was Walburga again, “—your soulmark, when you get it, will remain covered at all times. No one else is permitted to see it. Are we clear?”
Sirius nodded. 
“Speak up!”
“Yes, Mother. Yes, Father.”
When Remus Lupin was thirteen years old, he had his first kiss. It was with a girl from his first aid course to whom he’d never really talked before, and it was wet and clumsy and didn’t taste very nice. In six years when he got his soulmark, he probably wouldn’t even remember her name. 
When Sirius Black was thirteen years old, he fell asleep in math class twice. He’d spent the entire night practicing—under his father’s instructions, of course—and the words in the textbook began to swim in front of his eyes. 
His mother slapped him across the cheek when she found out. Though he told no one for a very long time, that was when he started drinking coffee. 
When Remus Lupin was fifteen years old, he googled what if your soulmate doesn’t love you. 
When Sirius Black was fifteen years old, he found out what it was like to be famous. He enjoyed it, at first. There was so much to enjoy: the attention from his parents, the people who recognized him in public and smiled, and the hockey. 
The hockey was everything. 
He wouldn’t have thought so, but it was freeing, really, to be on the ice, doing what he loved, and know that the whole world was watching. It showed him he was enough—better than enough. He was the best. He’d been working towards being best his whole life, and now he finally got to feel good about it. What wasn’t to like about that?
Amycus Carrow, apparently. The first guy on his team to notice he was different. “Queer,” he whispered, as Sirius packed his gear up. 
Sirius wasn’t sure who he was trying to prove something to by sleeping with Janie Clearwater—Amycus or himself. 
When Remus Lupin was seventeen years old, he and his mom picked his little brother Julian up from daycare. Jules had a crude drawing of a star on his wrist in green washable marker. 
“My teacher has one! So I wanted one too!” 
Remus smiled, ruffling Julian’s hair. 
That night, he locked his bedroom door and looked up Sirius Black. Video after video of slapshots, passes, interviews, until he finally drifted off to sleep thinking that’s the sort of person I want to be loved by. 
When Sirius Black was seventeen years old, he had his first panic attack. He wasn’t sure what triggered it; he wasn’t sure how he pulled himself out, but he ran a thumb over the red marks where his fingernails had dug into his skin and tried not to cry.
When Remus Lupin was nineteen years old, everything went wrong. He woke up on his birthday to his wrist itching, and it took all his willpower not to look at it. He wasn’t quite ready yet. 
It was like Schrödinger’s cat, he reasoned—if he didn’t look, he couldn’t confirm what had been nagging at the back of his head for a while now. He couldn’t deny it, either, but it was better than nothing. 
Julian ran to hug him when he got downstairs, grinning to show off his gap-toothed smile. “I got you a present! Wanna know what it is?”
“I think,” Remus told him, “I’m about to find out anyway.”
Two weeks later, Fenrir Greyback approached him in the locker room. 
When Sirius Black was nineteen years old, he found himself signed to an NHL team he wasn’t supposed to be on and with a soulmark he could make neither head nor tail of: a silver wolf and black dog, intertwined like yin and yang, two crossed hockey sticks behind them. He remembered, distantly, being told that soulmarks were meant to make sense. 
The black dog was probably meant to represent him—black dog, dog black (he still hadn’t forgiven his parents for that one)—and the hockey sticks almost definitely had something to do with, well, hockey, but the wolf he had no idea about.  
It is now that these two stories meet. There is a split second, a fraction of time, and it seems as though the whole world is holding its breath. Will their paths cross, only to continue on their separate ways? Will they travel together for a time, before they are destined to part once more?
“Hello,” says Remus, and when Sirius holds his hand out coldly, their fate is decided. 
“Pots, c’mere a second!” 
Sirius is happy, almost. He’s got the team—he’s one of them, now, really and truly, but there’s something still off. He knows what it is, but he doesn’t want to. 
“I’m coming, Captain! Keep your head on!”
James comes to a stop in front of him. “Hi. What do you need?”
“Please poke Dumo.” A few of the guys chuckle, and this makes Sirius smile. He likes making other people laugh. 
“What, and you needed me for that? You couldn't do it yourself?”
Finn walks into the room, then, jersey half on. “Why do it at all? What did poor old Dumo do to you, anyway?”
“Yeah,” Pascal says from where he’s sitting by his locker. “Respect your elders!”
“Elder, you say? Edging on retirement, are you?”
Glancing over to Remus, Sirius allows the barest flicker of a smile to pass over his face. He gets one in return. 
“Alright, everyone get moving,” Coach tells them, opening the door and surveying where they’re all arranged, faces like guilty puppies. “You’re paid to play hockey, not sit on your asses and gossip. Practice starts in five minutes, or you run laps around the outside of the rink. In skates.”
Most of them groan, and Kasey downs a Powerade. “Well, boys, that’s my cue.”
James is the next to go, then Finn, then Logan. Leo and Talker continue their argument—something about George Harrison; Sirius isn’t really listening—out onto the ice, and Adam follows them with Olli and Nado close behind. Dumo winks at Sirius before he goes, too, and then it’s just the two of them. 
“What did he do?” Remus asks, after Sirius has laced and relaced his left skate three times. “Dumo, I mean.” 
“Nothing much. Just… well, if you must know, he put shaving cream in the fridge, once. Guess what I had on my waffles that morning.” 
“Waffles aren’t on your diet plan.”
“It was last year.”
“And you waited until now to get James to poke him?”
He knows Remus can see right through him. He always can. “Never question the methods of a hockey player, Loops.”
He meant it as a joke, but Remus stiffens for some reason, jaw clenching and eyes darting away. There’s an awkward pause before Sirius says, “I’m sorry—”
“Don’t be.” 
“Right.” He clears his throat, trying in vain to find something else to say. He would be lying if he said Remus didn’t mean something to him—he knows it. But, after all, knowing something and acknowledging it are two very different things. 
Sirius runs the laps. 
That night, after practice, Remus is about to head for the bus station when Sirius steps in front of him. He’s walking backwards, even with his hockey bag slung over his shoulder, and Remus isn’t ashamed to say he’s a little impressed. (From a purely objective point of view, of course. It has nothing to do with Sirius and everything to do with the skill it would take, hypothetically, to do such a thing.) (He’s not fooling anyone, least of all himself.) 
“Want a lift?”
“You don’t even know where I live.”
“Well, we’ll just have to fix that.”
Remus rolls his eyes; he pretends to think about it. “All right,” he says, finally. “On one condition.”
“Which is?”
“I get to choose the music.”
Sirius lets out one loud ‘ha!’  It’s the most beautiful thing Remus has heard in a long time. (That would go well: “Oh, I’ve changed my mind. No need to put on the radio, I’ll be content if you just keep laughing.”) (There’s a reason people like him are off to the side, out of sight, instead of right in the spotlight with a microphone.)  
Remus is glad that Sirius waits until he’s parked outside Remus’s apartment building to bring up their earlier conversation. It says something that they say “So, about this evening—” in unison, but Remus isn’t going to think about that. 
“You go first,” Sirius tells him, the corner of his mouth lifting ever so slightly. “Please.”
“I suppose,” Remus says, slowly, “That I haven’t quite been honest with you. Any of you. I wasn’t always a PT.”
“Of course not. You’re my age. You can’t have always worked for the Lions—before that you were a teenager. A student.”
Remus shakes his head. “No. Before that I was a player.” 
“You played? Why’d you stop?”
“Bad hit,” he says, shrugging. “I’m over it. But I… I know what it’s like. The pressure. The rules. So, if you need someone to talk to… just remember—I know what the game does to a guy. You’re not the only one who’s been told to be something you aren’t by someone who forgets you’re a person off the ice, too.
“See you tomorrow, Cap. Thanks for the ride.” 
Sirius is probably the one person in history who has managed to burn eggs without even turning the stove on. 
“How on earth did that happen?” James asks when Sirius phones him. 
“I dropped them into the toaster—hey! Stop laughing! It could happen to anyone!”
“Yes,” he hears from the other end of the line, “But it didn’t. It happened to you.”
It takes exactly two minutes and thirty-seven seconds after hanging up on James for Sirius to decide to call Remus. Cooking failures might not have been quite what Remus meant when he said Sirius could talk to him, but it’s the problem at hand right now. 
(Remus laughs just as hard as James, but at least he has the decency to apologize for it afterwards.) 
“Well,” he says, once he’s calmed down, “What are you going to eat now?” 
“I’m not sure. Cereal?”
“Practice is in two and a half hours. You need more than that.”
“I’ll be—”
“If you end that sentence with ‘fine,’ I’ll take the laces out of your skates and strangle you with them. Do you want me to walk you through, I dunno, a pancake?” 
“Sure. What do I need?”
“Flour, butter, eggs, milk…”
Twenty minutes later Sirius is left with milk on his shirt, flour in his hair, butter practically everywhere else, and a microwave that won’t start. 
“I think,” he tells Remus, “I should have cereal.”
“You are going to eat a pancake if it’s the last thing I do—”
“Why don’t you just come over here and make it for me, then? I’m sure you’ll have more success.” 
He holds his breath for a moment, hoping this wasn’t a step too far, before Remus responds. “Yeah. Sure. I’ll be over in… half an hour?” 
“Sounds good.” 
The instant the call is over, Sirius opens the freezer and grabs one of the popsicles he secretly has stashed there. They’re not part of his diet plan, but he needs one. Then he takes a sponge and starts trying to get the butter out of the sole of his shoe. 
The first thought that crosses Remus’s mind is that Sirius’s tongue is purple from one of the popsicles he thinks no one knows about. If Remus kissed him, he’d probably taste like grapes. (The thought is banished from his mind the moment it enters.) 
“So,” he says, surveying the damage. “I am going to teach you how to make a pancake.” 
Sirius, it turns out, is infinitely better at following instructions when they’re simple, and the two of them work out a system quickly. Remus makes the pancake, Sirius gets the ingredients. It works. 
“That’s salt, not sugar. Try again.”
(Most of the time, at least.)
 “Really?” Sirius is squinting at the package. “Why doesn’t it say so?”
“It does. Right there.” 
“How am I supposed to read that?”
“You need glasses, Cap.” 
“I have glasses. I just never wear them.” 
“What?” This is news to Remus. Visions of Sirius with glasses and bed hair are swimming in front of his eyes. “Why?” 
A shrug. “I look stupid.” 
“I’m pretty sure you’d be drop-dead gorgeous in anything.” 
There’s a beat of silence. Remus realizes that, yes, he said that out loud. “I mean, all those fangirls certainly seem to think so.” 
“Right. Yeah.” Sirius clears his throat. 
“Anyway, pancakes! I think these are almost ready to cook—can you turn on the element?”
“The what now?” 
“The element? The coil on the stove?” 
“Should’ve just said that in the first place,” Sirius grumbles. “Fucking Americans.” 
“Fucking French.” 
Suddenly, Remus has a spatula pointed at his nose. He has to cross his eyes to see it properly. “Say that again; I dare you.”
“Fucking French?”
“Awright, that’s it! En garde, bitch!” 
And so begins the great whisk-vs-spatula duel of 2020. There is very little batter left once they’re done—in the bowl, at least. Most of it is on their clothes. 
They look at each other. “Cereal?” 
Kasey’s eyes go wide—almost comically so—when they show up to practice together. 
“Cap giving rides?” He says, and Sirius isn’t sure what accent he’s trying to fake but he ends up sounding like a scandalized duchess from the movie adaptation of an Austen knockoff. (Maybe that is what he was going for. It’s hard to know, with Kasey.) “I thought the day would never come.”
“Shut up.” 
“Make me.”
Remus’s elbow digs into Sirius’s rib cage. “You don’t want to say that. He tried to make me shut up this morning—it’s something I’ll never recover from.” 
Sirius almost laughs at the expression Remus makes when he realizes exactly how that sounds. 
“He dumped pancake batter down my shirt!” 
“You didn’t!” The look on James’s face is aghast. “First the eggs, now this—what will people think?” 
Finn looks up from his phone. “Eggs?” 
“Sirius here dropped the eggs he was going to eat for breakfast into his—”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up!” 
Dumo slings an arm around his shoulders. “The price you must pay for telling James to poke me yesterday. Learn from this, mon fils. Learn.” 
“Don’t tell me what to do, old man.”
Shrugging him off, Sirius grins. “I am the kitchen monster. Cross me and I will slaughter you in a food war.”
“Try me.” This is Logan speaking; Sirius hadn’t even realized he was there. 
“You’ve been warned!” 
“Look, there are twenty-two hockey players in this arena, and I ain’t one of them,” Moody says, and Remus can’t be sure, but he thinks Sirius looks at him. 
“You’re favouring your right leg,” Remus comments as soon as Sirius is off the ice. “Want me to take a look?”
“It’s fine, really—”
“I’ll try again. Want me to take a look?” 
“Yeah, that would be great. Thanks, Loops.”
“That’s what I thought you said.”
They walk into the PT room in businesslike silence, Sirius hoping all the way that one of them will break it. Neither does, and it isn’t until Remus has taken off both his skates for him, now expertly examining his left ankle, that he realizes what he should say. 
“You mentioned you played, last night.”
The finger tracing his Achilles tendon stills. “I did.” 
“Were you any good?” He knows, somewhere, that he’s entering forbidden territory. He can’t bring himself to care. 
“I’d like to believe so.”
“Be honest.” Sirens are blaring in his head. He keeps going. 
“There were rumours…” Remus bites his lip, glances away. “People said I was set for first.”
“What? How come you never said anything? C’mon, you need to play with us sometime, just scrimmage or something—”
“Maybe. That hit…”
“Right. God, I’m sorry, Rem.”
If Remus’s Adam’s apple bobs at the nickname, Sirius doesn’t notice. He certainly doesn’t try his best not to jump to conclusions. (Double negative; that’s a yes, a voice that sounds suspiciously like James’s says in his head. Shut up, he tells it.)
“It’s fine. Really. I just don’t like talking about it. And besides, I like this. Working with the team, even if I can’t be a part of it.”
“You are. A part of the team, I mean. Just as much as I am.”
There’s another awkward pause before Remus clears his throat. “So, I’m gonna put on some anti-inflammatory gel because it’s a little swollen, but don’t get used to it. I want you to keep doing some stretches, not too much pressure. Capeesh?”
“What the fuck is a capeesh?”
“Just say it.”
Remus leans forward towards him, their foreheads almost touching. Sirius’s breath catches. 
It’s over just as suddenly. The tube of extra-strength Voltaren is in Remus’s hand, and Sirius feels stupid for thinking he was going to—
Nope. Not thinking about that. 
When he feels tears start to prick at his eyes, he glances up at the fluorescent lights overhead; at least then he’ll have an excuse. There’s a moth resting on one. Its wings flutter once, twice, then go still. Fragile things, moths are—maybe it’s died, maybe it hasn’t. He could read into that, but he won’t. 
He jumps when the cool of the gel on Remus’s hands touches his foot. “Hey!” He yelps, looking quickly down. 
Sirius hates to succumb to cliches, but he would be lying if he was to say his heart doesn’t still. 
Because Remus has pulled the sleeves of his jacket up to his elbows, and his wrist is turned to the sky—to Sirius, who has seen that mark before somewhere. 
Somewhere. He’s kidding himself. He’s seen it every day whenever he bothers to look at his own soulmark, and he’s seeing it again now. 
“You know what, I’m fine,” he blurts out, shaking his ankle out of Remus’s grasp. “Thanks, though. See you later, Loops.” 
Remus stays there for a second, watching Sirius leave. He doesn’t know what he did wrong, and he’s not sure he wants to. 
When he gets up to leave, tossing the container towards the first aid kit on the bench and allowing himself a small smile when it lands perfectly inside, blood rushes to his head. He closes his eyes, waiting for the dizziness to pass. 
And then he crashes into Finn. 
“Whoa, sorry,” Remus says, stumbling backwards.
“Nah, don’t stress it. There’s just something I want you to check on.”
Remus is hit by a sense of deja vu. He wonders if Finn, too, is going to leave without explanation. He follows him back into the PT room, Finn gesturing for him to lock the door. 
Though he may be the shorter of the two, Remus knows it’s his job to be the bigger person. “What was it you wanted to talk about?”
Finn waits another moment before yanking one sleeve up to reveal three paw prints, each no bigger than a thumbnail, clustered together—one forest green, one golden, and one a deep navy blue. 
“Your soulmark.” Remus doesn’t understand. “What? Is something wrong?” 
“There’s three of them,” Finn says. “Which means there’s three of us.”
“You have two soulmates?”
“That’s fine, Finn. It may not be common, but it’s not unheard of. You don’t have anything to be ashamed of.” 
“It’s not that. It’s… hey, you can’t tell anyone this, okay?”
“I know. Doctor-patient confidentiality, remember?”
“Right.” Finn takes a breath, squeezing his eyes closed. “What if I told you I know who they are? Or I think I do?” 
“Well, I’d ask you if they knew.”
“And I’d say I don’t think so. One of them’s pretty stubborn—wouldn’t see love if it stood up on the ice and sang the national anthem—and the other isn’t nineteen yet, so he doesn’t—I mean wouldn’t—have his mark yet.” 
Finn’s eyes widen. There is a pause before he nods, slowly. “Yeah. Got a problem?”
“Trust me, I’m the last person on earth who’d have a problem with something like that. Hypothetically.” 
This, at least, earns Remus a smile. “Are you…?”
“Cool.” Another pause. “What if I told you, still hypothetically, that they were both on the team?” 
“Then I’d say get the fuck out of here and win them over before they start thinking you’ve forgotten about them.” 
Finn, smiling ear to ear, starts to leave. “Wait,” he says, hand on the doorknob. “You said you were…”
“Yeah. Do—do you know who your soulmate is?”
Remus opens his mouth to say ‘no.’ He really does. But what comes out—when he takes into account the look of recognition on Sirius’s face when Remus had his sleeves rolled up; the understanding that had passed between them outside Remus’s building (god, that was just last night); the way they’ve always just clicked—is most certainly not ‘no.’ 
“Oh, fuck, I think I do,” he says, and he and Finn run out into the hallway together. 
Sirius’s car is pulling out of the parking lot when Remus arrives, out of breath, at the front doors of the arena. 
“I don’t know why he’s in such a hurry.” Remus jumps. He hadn’t heard James come to stand beside him. “Just packed up his gear at the speed of light and left. Didn’t even shower; he said he’d do it at home.”
So Sirius had been so appalled—disgusted, even—at Remus being his soulmate that he’d left without explanation, with barely even a goodbye. There was a pleasant thought. 
He turns so his back is against the door, sliding slowly down to sit on the floor. 
“Y’know,” James says, sitting next to him, “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you needed a hug.”
There’s a moment of comfortable silence before Remus says, “James?”
“I need a hug.” 
James gives the best hugs. Everyone says so. But until now, Remus has never been on the receiving end of a true James Potter hug—warm, strong, and friendly as hell. (“I want that on a t-shirt,” James says when Remus tells him so.)
But eventually, James has to go, too, and Remus heads back to the PT room. He passes Logan in the hall, looking like he’s been hit over the head with a two-by-four. Maybe it’s Finn’s doing; he had mentioned that one of them was oblivious. Logan, Remus knows, is the definition of oblivious. 
“And I think that’s all,” Coach Weasley says, glancing around, “Unless anyone else has something to say? Moody? Cap? Loops?” 
“Actually, yes,” says Remus after a moment. “Checkups! Not naming names but Kris lied about his rib acting up so now all of you get to be interrogated.” 
Sirius swallows. He’s not anxious to be alone with Remus; not after yesterday. There’s no way there aren’t going to be questions. 
Kasey goes first, Remus taking just under five minutes to deem him ‘good to go.’ Kris, surprisingly, is only kept for eight, despite the claim of his ribs acting up again. Finn takes the longest—fifteen minutes—and as soon as he’s out he grabs Logan and Leo by the wrists and marches them off somewhere. Sirius’s turn comes last, right after Pascal’s, who gives him a knowing look as he enters.
“Hi,” Remus says, first aid kit nowhere in sight. “Sit down.” 
“Where?” Sirius gets only a shrug in response. 
He hesitates a moment, then sits on the floor, picking at the sole of his sneaker. 
“How are you feeling?” Remus asks suddenly.
“Fine. Ankle’s not bothering me any more.”
“No, I mean how are you feeling?”
Scoffing, he starts to stand up. “I’m not doing this.”
“Yes, you are.”
“No, I’m not.” 
“Sirius Black, sit your ass back down before I make you.” 
Sirius sits his ass back down. 
“Good. Now, how are you feeling?” 
“I’m… confused,” he says, trying to be honest without being specific. “And nervous. And I cried myself to sleep last night, which I haven’t done since I was like seventeen, so there’s that. But mostly I’m just really fucking mad.” 
“At me.” It isn’t a question. 
“No, not at you! At me! At the—” he gestures wildly. “—Universe, or whatever. Can I go now?” 
Remus doesn’t even acknowledge his request. “So you’re disappointed.”
“May I ask why?” 
“I’m pretty sure you fucking know why.” 
“Maybe I do. But I’d like you to explain it to me.” 
The stupid thing is that Sirius wants to talk about it. He really does. And Remus is the only person he can conceivably talk about it to. But he still chokes on his words when he says, anger burning his throat, “It was never supposed to be like this.” 
“What do you mean by that?”
“Shut up, shut up, shut up!” Sirius practically screams. “Stop trying to fucking— psychoalalyze me or something, for fuck’s sake. You fucking asked, and I—” He tears his fingers through his hair, feeling his chest start to constrict. “Just stop talking!” 
The echoes of his shouts fade out too quickly, and the only thing worse than the voices is the sound of his breathing getting faster and faster. Remus’s hand twitches, as though he wants to touch him but thinks better of it.
“It was always supposed to be someone different. Someone faceless; nameless. Someone I could run away from. I can’t fucking run away from you, Remus.
“I always thought I could lie. That I could—pretend, or something. Just keep hiding. It was supposed to be someone I could hide from, because I’ve spent my whole life fucking hiding and that’s all I know how to do. It was never supposed to be someone I could fall in love with.” 
There’s a choked noise from where Remus is sitting on the bench, but nothing else. Sirius refuses to look at him. 
“And I just—I just fucking hate this, because all I’ve been told is that hockey comes before my dreams. And that’s made sense until now because until now hockey was my dream, but now there’s you. Yeah.” 
Remus, to his credit, waits until Sirius’s breathing has calmed down and he’s furiously wiped the tears from his eyes to speak. “What do you need?” 
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“I mean forget everything. Forget your family, forget the team, forget me—what do you need?  
“Right now? For the rest of my life? Because those are two very different things.” 
“Let’s start with now. Can I do anything for you? Can you do anything for yourself?” 
“I need a hot chocolate.” 
They wait until everyone else has gone, and then make their way outside to Sirius’s car. There’s only one other in the parking lot—a grey Toyota Remus thinks belongs to Nado, or maybe Kris. He’s not sure why he thinks it matters, because it doesn’t. 
Silence hangs around them the whole four blocks to the nearest Tim Horton’s. Inhale; exhale. Inhale; exhale. This doesn’t necessarily mean anything. 
That doesn’t stop Remus from hoping. 
He knows it’s wrong; of course he does. It’s Sirius’s choice, in the end, because Sirius is the one who will be most affected. His career, his life—all on the line if he decides to trust whatever plan the world has in store for them. It’s not like that for Remus. Not anymore. 
There’s a parking spot right outside the front door. Sirius pulls into it, but he doesn’t get out right away. He glances around, makes sure there’s no one immediately in sight, and then he looks down to where his hands now rest in in his lap. Slowly, he pulls up his right sleeve to expose, bit by bit, his soulmark. 
“I don’t know why I never guessed it could be you—Wolfy McWolf Wolf.” 
Remus feels his lips twitch upwards into something resembling a smile. “I could say the same, Dog Black.” 
When he puts his hand on the console, Sirius rests his on top of it. It’s not much. 
But it’s something. 
Sirius looks longingly at the Boston cream doughnuts. “Please. I haven’t had one in so long.” 
“Think again, Mr. I’m-on-a-diet-plan.” 
He’s not surprised. What was he thinking, having his PT as his soulmate? (Well, he wasn’t. He didn’t get to choose. But, he thinks to himself, the point still stands.) 
“I’ll have a medium hot chocolate, please, a plain toasted bagel,” Remus looks at him and sighs. “...And a Boston cream doughnut.” 
When the food is set down on the pickup counter, Remus snatches it before Sirius has a chance to. “Hey, this is my doughnut.” 
Sirius pouts. 
“You’re cute. Here.” He tosses him the brown paper bag, and Sirius removes his prize carefully. He‘s going to eat every piece of chocolate glazing if it kills him. 
Back out in the car—this is a conversation neither of them is willing to have in the public dining area—Remus chews on his bagel thoughtfully. Sirius tries and fails not to swear when his hot chocolate burns his tongue.
Remus glances over at him. Their eyes meet for a moment, then both look away. “So,” Sirius says after a while. “I think we need to talk.” 
Silence, then—
“You go first,” they say at the same time, and laugh. Some of the tension is broken. 
Sirius reaches hesitantly to where Remus’s arm rests between the seats. He doesn’t need to voice his question—Remus sees it in his eyes; nods. 
Up close, he can see that there are a few differences between their marks. Nothing that could possibly mean they aren’t soulmates—just the discolouring on the dog’s tail; the angle of one of the sticks; the faded white gash that stretches from one side of Remus’s wrist to the other, separating the wolf’s head from its body. Sirius doesn’t quite know what he’s doing when he presses his lips to the scar. 
When he looks up, he sees that Remus is trying not to cry. And that’s when he makes his decision. 
“I want this,” he says, voice soft but sure. “All of it.”
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lovelylou · 4 years
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since 2020 is almost over, i thought i’d share (some of) my favorite fics that made my 2020 a lot better.
[note: not all of these fics were written/published in 2020, although most of them are, there are some that are older, but that i’ve read or re-read this year]
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tastes like summer, smiles like may by outropeace
“Is this true?” Harry grabbed the beta by the shoulders. “Bryce, where did you hear that?”
“There’s rumors going around the castle,” he smirked. “stories about his beauty and his cold attitude. They know he is an omega only because of his scent, but he has never had a heat.”
“Do you know what this means?”
Bryce smirk grew into a big smile. “He can’t give you an heir.”
A cold prince, an alpha with nothing left to lose and a kingdom with a secret.
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But It's Useless by thinlines
Louis was even hallucinating now. He closed his eyes.
“Hey, you.”
He chuckled wetly, head still leaning against the door.
“Can you get out of the way? You're blocking the door.”
He exhaled sharply before slowly turning around. His eyes fixed onto muddy Nike trainers before it traveled up to impossibly short jogging shorts. The yellow color was atrocious, simply ghastly.
“What happened to being polite, Harold?”
OR Omega Louis would never guess that he would be trying to hack into Alpha Harry's Wifi. That is until everything changes when he tries to get to know his enemy.
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haunted by the ghost of you by missandrogyny
He’s tall—that’s the first thing that registers in Louis’ head when he spots him, standing with his hands behind his back. Tall, with curly hair, staring at them with the widest, greenest eyes Louis has ever seen. And wait, are those dimples? Louis didn’t know ghosts could have dimples.
Because he’s definitely a ghost, this boy. At first glance he looks normal, standing there pigeon-toed in a band shirt (The Ramones, Louis can’t help but note incredulously), dark jeans, and some boots, with rings on both hands, and tattoos littering his left arm—a sleeve made of anchors and names and roses and other completely unrelated things. But he’s also a little bit translucent; if Louis focuses, he can see the outline of the furniture, the design of the wallpaper through him.
“Hi,” the boy—the ghost—says to Louis. His face shifts; somehow his dimples dig deeper into his cheeks. His eyes flit from Louis, to Niall, to Liam, and finally to Zayn, and his face goes from shocked to elated. “I’m Harry.”
At in that exact moment, standing between three of his best friends and staring at a (quite handsome) ghost, Louis can only think one thing.
Nick Grimshaw was right.
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On the Edge by zanni_scaramouche
Figure skating is as vital to Louis’ identity as his DNA, so when his skates go missing right before the last Olympics of his career there may be a meltdown only vanilla bath salts can fix. Well, that and the stupidly charming hockey player he met on the plane.
Harry’s too old to be the wonder kid and too young to be taken seriously in the NHL. As an alternate thrown in at the last second, he fights to prove himself on the national team at the largest sporting event known to man. Or he will, once he gets off this flight and can focus on something other than the fussy figure skater and his stunningly blue eyes.
A baggage mix-up skews both of their perfectly laid plans for gold, forcing the two to work together as the clock clicks towards the minute they’re expected to shine on centre ice.
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even the best laid plans by falsegoodnight
“Anyways,” Louis stresses, narrowing his eyes, “just let me say it and then rate how terrible of an idea it is on a scale from one to ten.”
“Alright,” Zayn agrees, sitting up expectantly.
“I want to ask Harry Styles to take my virginity,” Louis blurts, holding his hands out for emphasis.
The way Zayn’s eyes bulge is almost comical. “Negative infinity,” he says, voice choked. “Negative infinity times negative infinity.”
“Technically, a negative times a negative is -”
“Really negative infinity,” Zayn corrects himself, shaking his head wildly. “Louis, what the fuck?”
Or, Louis wants to have sex with someone and decides Harry is the perfect alpha for the job.
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The Compulsion to Find Love by Toomanytears
The most prestigious English third-level institution, Candling University, accepts omega students for the first time and Louis Tomlinson applies with bright eyes and brighter ambitions. There he encounters personal obstacles, traditional mindsets and a beautiful boy who inverts every prejudice Louis has ever known.
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Mine Would Be You by crinkle-eyed-boo (KimmieRocks)
Louis blinks his eyes open, his eyelids fluttering as the room swims around him. He takes several gulps of beer once he confirms that he’s definitely not hallucinating, that the very first portrait Harry Styles ever painted of him is hanging on that wall.
Louis stares at the wall, his heart jackrabbiting in his chest as he realizes that there’s not just one painting of him, there’s five, the portraits lined up like they’re some sort of storyboard depicting the rise and fall of his deepest love. His greatest heartache. A pain that cut him so deep that he left the fucking country, severing all ties with his life in New York, now suddenly surrounding him as if he’d never left.
Fucking shit motherfucker fuck.
Louis returns to New York City five years after he left it – and the love of his life – behind. He didn't intend to see Harry again, but fate has a funny way of pulling them together, whether they like it or not. After making a begrudging truce, they both start to wonder: Would it be so bad if history repeated itself?
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UN(RE)SO LVED. by daddyharrie
The ghoul boys are back, but this time around there are some unresolved feelings involved. Harry is a skeptic, Louis is not. Watch them go on their ongoing investigation into the question: are ghosts real?
Or, BuzzFeed Unsolved AU.
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Hate to Smoke (Without Me) by louhazpride
“For fuck’s sake,” he huffs, grabbing the pillow and pulling it on top of his head in an attempt to block out the banging coming from the other side of the wall.
It’s the third time this week that his neighbour has woken him up in the middle of the night with his little ‘rendezvous.’ Honestly, he's quite sick of it. There’s only so much sex he can bear to hear in one week and he has already hit his limit. If he wanted to listen to someone having sex, he’d turn to porn.
As if the noises weren’t enough, Harry immediately becomes aware of the faint aroma of weed filling his flat.
“I’m going to murder him.”
Sleep. Harry just wants one good night of sleep. However, his neighbour has a thing for headboard-banging-against-the-wall-sex every night. After a secret set-up and a bet, Harry may finally get the sleep he so much desires.
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Three Days in February by writing_practice
“We have to get out of here, outside,” Harry whispered, turning his hand in Louis’s grip to hold on and pull them both to their feet.
“And how do we fucking do that?” Louis hissed, carefully rising and pulling Harry to his feet before Harry could do it. His gaze darted to the front then back of the arena. “None of the doors are where they’re supposed to be.”
“What?” Harry looked around again too, couldn’t see any doors, only knew that they must be there, somewhere. “How do you know?”
Confusion slid over Louis's features.
“Because we’ve been here before, Haz. It’s the O2.”
The show. It must be the first night of their tour. They were too late; they were out of time.
Louis is cursed after a night out with the lads and the five have just three days to figure out what happened and how to break it before Harry and Louis both lose their sanity and maybe something more. Louis can hear everything Harry thinks and Harry isn’t sure he can keep his feelings for Louis a secret from his own mind.
Ridiculous amounts of banter and angst, a lot of Harry and Louis alone together, a healthy dose of OT5 friendship, and one very magical weekend.
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Coming Up For Air by stylinsoncity
It's a long plane ride to LA but sitting beside Harry makes time fly.
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I'd Give Up Everything Just Ask Me To by Rearviewdreamer
They don't usually exchange Christmas gifts, but this year is different. This year, Louis knows exactly what he wants to put under the tree to make his boyfriend smile. He just doesn't know how he's going to get it.
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bruise you like a peach by falsegoodnight
There’s two reasons Harry despises Econ.
The first is that it’s boring as fuck. The second reason is a bit more personal, a bit more focused in a way. As in it’s focused on one specific thing, or in his case, person.
His name is Louis Tomlinson.
Alternatively titled 'the peach fic.'
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Sometimes You Just Know by 2tiedships2
“Dear diary. Today is going to be a good day, and here’s why...”
“What are you doing?” Louis mumbled as he bit into a piece of toast.
“It’s been almost two years and today Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson reunite. Louis is very excited about…”
Louis’ chair screeched along the kitchen floor as he flew up out of his seat, quickly grabbing the paper from Niall’s grasp. As he scanned the page he found it amounted to lines of nothing.
“What is this?” Louis asked again. “We’ve discussed how Harry Styles will never be spoken of in this flat. I don’t care how long it’s been.”
Niall snatched the paper from Louis and proceeded to draw a line across the page before writing.
“Today is the day that he-who-shall-not-be-named is coming to dinner.”
Or the one where Harry and Louis don’t believe in soulmates… until they do.
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eyes off you by soldouthaz
“Just promise me you’ll do whatever it takes to keep us all safe while we’re in there,” Liam says.
Through the crack in the door, Louis can just barely make out the broad curve of Harry’s back, the slope of his curls as they tumble down all sleep-soft and lazy, and the sharp twist of his arm - all leading down to where he’s got his pointer and middle finger crossed over each other behind his back.
“I promise,” he tells Liam firmly, “I promise.”
or; a charlie’s angels inspired fic where louis is the brains, harry is the charm, liam is the muscle, and niall drives the getaway car - and zayn is there, too. sometimes.
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Welcome to The Rivalry by 2tiedships2
“Welcome home!” Niall yelled, clapping his hands in excitement. “Isn’t it great?”
Louis looked between Niall and the house, unsure how to respond.
“I don’t understand,” Louis finally managed to say. “Aren’t we a little old to be living so close to campus?”
Niall scoffed. “You’re only twenty-four for fuck’s sake. There is still plenty of partying left for us to do. What better place than one street over from where a car was set on fire after the Michigan game last year?”
“Is there proof of that? Did the car have Michigan plates or something? Is there a photo I can send in a DM to Wolfie?”
As if on cue, a Twitter notification popped up on Louis’ Apple watch. He had tweeted again.
Or a reverse You’ve Got Mail au inspired by the Ohio State/Michigan rivalry. Featuring duplex neighbors, (kind of) enemies to lovers, and an anonymous Twitter feud between omega Louis and alpha Harry.
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Cold Little Heart by seducedbycurls
Louis is a soft omega with an abusive past and an alpha child
A few months after getting a divorce, Louis meets Harry, an ex-military alpha wolf that offers him something -odd.
In exchange for teaching him how to cook, Harry will babysit his son, Abraham
Louis really could use the help.
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prettyboyjackhughes · 3 years
-Little Crosby- |D. Cozens| [Epilogue/Part 8]
This is the end of Little Crosby and I don’t think I've ever been this sad for one of my fics to end. I fell in love with Dylan and Ava’s story and I absolutely loved getting to write this with @prettyboycozens​. This story turned into something I never thought it would and I am so thankful to everyone who supported, encouraged and got to read this story! So thank you for all the love and support for Little Crosby! Enjoy the last part!
“Momma?” I hear Wes call from the top of the stairs as Dylan tugs me down onto the couch next to him.
“We’re down here, Baby!” I call, relaxing into Dylan’s arms. Wes is 4 now and looks just like Dylan. Dad says he acts just like me though. He’s your typical little boy, all dirt, loud and hockey. He loves hockey, of course, and getting to go to his dad, grandpa and uncles’ games and spending time with all of his family. He’s grown up surrounded by cousins which he absolutely loves, even if they are 3 hours away.
“We have to leave for dinner in about 15 minutes. Are you ready?” I ask, looking up at Dylan. He shrugs and I move off of him, letting him get up.
“I need to change and let the dog out, then we can leave.” He says, heading back to our room. Wes runs out of his room. He rushes down the stairs and jumps up onto the couch, a Sabres jersey hanging off of his already tall and skinny frame. As he jumps, I see a flash of black and I smile. Underneath the Cozens jersey he has on is a Crosby jersey; the one Dad got him for Christmas last year. When he knows he’s gonna see Dad, he always wears both jerseys.
“Hey Buddy, why don’t we pick one jersey to wear tonight? You’ll want the other one clean for tomorrow’s game.” I say, walking over to the couch and sitting down as he bounces over to me.  
“We’re gonna see Grandpa! We’re gonna see Grandpa!” Wes yells, still jumping on the couch.
“Yes we are. Why don’t we take Daddy’s jersey off and you can wear it tomorrow. Wear Grandpa’s tonight.” He finally stops and lets me tug the Sabres jersey over his head, leaving the black Crosby jersey on.
It’s been 6 years since the Canada trip that Dylan and I met on. Dylan and I have been living in Buffalo for 5 years, having just moved into a new house right before Wes’ last birthday. We still haven’t gotten married but the ring Dylan gave me all those years ago, that still has a place on my finger, still reminds me and him about the promise he made, what seems like forever ago in that hospital bed. So we’ll get around to getting married one day. Everything’s been going wonderfully in Buffalo. Dylan’s been playing well, Wes is loving preschool and I’m working at a doctor’s office as a pediatric nurse. With it being the first time I’m more than 20 minutes away from Dad and my family, even after 6 years, it’s taken a while to get used to planning weekend trips to Pittsburgh and Chicago to visit Dad and the uncles, along with Kirby and Carter.
Carter and Kirby stayed together while Carter was in college on the west coast, and are talking about getting married now that she’s graduated, which is really exciting. My uncles’ kids have all started to grow up and become actual humans, which has been really fun to watch. They’re all happy and living life. The biggest change has been that Marc and his family moved back to Pittsburgh. He ended up getting traded back to Pittsburgh, which meant our not so little family was all together again, at least when Dylan and I come to Pittsburgh. He plans on retiring in Pittsburgh with Dad, Kris and Geno, when the time comes.
“Come on Dylan! We’re going to be late for dinner!” I call as Wes returns to bouncing on the couch. Dylan finally comes out of our bedroom, our dog following behind him.
“Let me let Milo out then we can leave.” He calls as he opens the back sliding door and Milo runs out, barking. Dad had called a family meeting while he and my uncles were on a road trip to Buffalo. He usually only calls family meetings when something important happened so I was a little nervous to see what he needed to tell us. We were meeting at a restaurant about 20 minutes away from the house with a big room since there were going to be all 16 of us together in Buffalo, for the first time since Christmas. Dad hadn’t mentioned anything happening the last time he and I had talked on the phone earlier this week but maybe something had happened since then. Wes climbed into my lap and snuggled into my chest. I knew he wouldn’t stay this little forever but I wanted him to. I loved how his big brown eyes somehow managed to get bigger when he was talking about something exciting. I loved how he talked with his hands, waving and pointing to make sure everyone understood exactly what he was saying. Most of all, I loved how he called me “Momma” and loved to cuddle and be cuddled. Dylan and I had talked about having more kids, which I loved the idea of, but I was savoring every minute of it being just the 3 of us.
“Okay Baby, let’s get going.” Dylan says as he lets Milo back inside and gets him into his cage.
“I’m nervous, why am I nervous?” I ask as Dylan tugs his coat on then kneels down to help Wes zip his coat and put his shoes on.
“Because the last family meeting your dad called was when we told your uncles you were pregnant?” I roll my eyes and zip my coat up.
“You’re really not helping.” Dylan laughs as he picks Wes up and we head out the door.
“Maybe he’s retiring?” Dylan offers as I climb into the passenger seat and he straps Wes into his carseat. Wes is preoccupied by his ipad, oblivious to what Dylan and I are talking about.
“He would’ve told me first. If it was something that big. But I really have no idea what it could be.”  Dylan shrugs as he gets into the driver’s seat.
“Babe, it could be nothing. Maybe he just wants us all together. Don’t think too much into it.” He says, softly kissing my cheek before starting the car. We drive in silence, the only sound in the car is Wes’ ipad. As we pull into the parking lot of the restaurant, I see Carter and Kirby heading inside.
“Okay this must be really big. Carter and Kirby are here too.” I say, trying to fight the building anxiety rising in my chest. Dad wasn’t old, only 39, but he had been playing in the NHL for 21 years. Maybe he really was retiring. Or maybe something else had happened.
“Momma! I’m hungry!” Wes cried from the backseat, his ipad now forgotten on the seat next to him.
“Alright Buddy, we’re gonna go inside and see all your cousins and aunts and uncles, and Grandpa. It looks like Aunt Carter and Uncle Kirby are here too!” I say, turning around and smiling at him as Dylan puts the car in park. Wes bounces excitedly in his seat, waiting for Dylan and I to get out and unbuckle him. Carter must’ve seen us because she and Kirby are waiting in front of the restaurant for us.
“Whatever Dad tells us, promise me it’s gonna be okay?” I ask, looking over at Dylan before climbing out of the car.
“It’s gonna be okay. Everything’s gonna be fine.” He says, watching me with intent eyes. I nod and open Wes’ door, unbuckling him and holding him close.
“I wanna go see Uncle Kirby, Momma!” He shouts, excitedly. So I let him down once we reach the sidewalk and he runs to Kirby who scoops him up and tickles him. Dylan’s hand finds mine and we meet up with Carter and Kirby.
“Any idea why we got told to come to Buffalo for the weekend?” Carter asks. I shrug and she grimaces a little.
“Are we in trouble?” She asks, taking Kirby’s hand as Wes runs ahead of us and waits at the door to the restaurant.
“Not that I know of. Why, did you do something to get us in trouble?” I ask, nudging her and laughing. She shakes her head and leads the 5 of us into the restaurant. The hostess leads us back to the room where my 3 nephews are running laps around the table while my nieces are huddled in the corner with one of my aunts. Wes runs to join the boys and I spot Dad on the other side of the room with Kris. We exchange a wave and I notice a woman I’m not familiar with next to him. Geno and Marc are sitting at the table, making sure the boys don’t break anything.
“Who’s the lady?” Kirby asks, attempting to hide himself pointing at the woman next to Dad.
“Your guess is as good as mine, Kirbs.” I say, shrugging as Dad walks over to me.
“Hi Sweetheart, good to see you!” He says as my hand slips out of Dylan’s and he hugs me. No matter how old I get, my anxiety seems to melt away whenever Dad hugs me.
“You know, you’ve had me freaking out ever since you called me to tell me about dinner.” I say as Wes jumps into Dad’s arms.
“Hi Buddy! I told you on the phone there was nothing to be worried about, Ava.” I cross my arms and look up at him.
“Uh huh. You know how I get, Dad.” He nods and wraps an arm around my shoulders.
“I think you’ll like this announcement.” I groan internally but nod. Dylan’s hand has found its way back into mine and he leads me over to where my uncles are now all sitting.
“Who’s the lady with Dad?” I ask as we sit down with the 3 of them.
“Kathy? You’ve met her, Ava. She works for the team as a physical therapist.” And as Kris answers, I start to realize he’s right.
“Oh yeah yeah I remember her. But that doesn’t explain why she’s here.” I say, looking between her and my 3 uncles sitting around me.
“She always travel with us.” Geno says, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.
“I’ve told her about 10 times that she shouldn’t be freaking out but she doesn’t listen to me.” Dylan injects, his arm resting around the back of my chair.
“Hey you’re the one who reminded me that the last family meeting we had was to tell everyone I was pregnant so now my mind is going all sorts of places.” Marc laughs and shakes his head.
“I don’t think it’s anything that big. Just calm down Ava.” I shrug and look around the room, watching Wes, who is still clinging to Dad, talk animatedly to his cousins gathered around them. Kathy is standing with Veronique, Marc’s wife, talking. I watch her glance at Dad whose eyes are already on her. There’s definitely something there but I can’t put my finger on what. Dad finally lets Wes down and he wanders his way over to Dylan, climbing up onto his lap.
“Daddy I’m hungry. Is it time to eat yet?” Wes asks, cuddling into Dylan’s chest.
“Almost. I think Grandpa has to tell us something and then we’re gonna eat dinner. Did you have fun with all your cousins?” Wes nods, playing with the hem of his jersey.
“Did you show Grandpa that you’re wearing his jersey?” I ask, smoothing Wes’ hair down. His hair is dark, just like Dylan’s and is in a constant state of bedhead.
“He liked it. He told me a story about when you were little and had one of his jerseys, Momma. Daddy, I’m wearing your jersey for the game tomorrow.” Dylan smiles as Wes slides off his lap. He runs over to Dad, who is now standing at the head of the table.
“Hey, if you wouldn’t mind, I think it’s time for my announcement.” He says he picks Wes up and everyone starts to sit down.
“It’s great getting to see everyone here, together. Especially with the news I’m about to share. Everyone, this is Kathy. Ava and the guys know her. But she’s one of the physical therapists that works for the team. Um, she and I have been dating for the past 3 years. I asked her to marry me a little over a month ago and she said yes. So...We’re getting married.” My mouth drops open and Dylan glances at me, trying to gauge how I’m handling this news. As I glance around the room, trying to figure out if I heard that right, everyone’s faces look the same as mine.
“You didn’t know about this?” I whisper, turning to look at Marc with wide eyes.
“We had no idea! He doesn’t tell us things!” Marc says, his eyes as wide as mine. It takes Dylan’s hand finding mine to keep me in my seat and somewhat grounded.
“I know this is a shock but we’re very happy. And we want you all to be a part of our wedding.” It’s like everyone gets snapped out of a trance. Everyone is up, congratulating Dad and Kathy and I’m still in my seat. I’m frozen, unable to move from the shock. I see Dylan glance back at me, before talking to Dad. Kris comes to check on me, kneeling down in front of me.
“You okay, Kid?” I shake my head and he stands, tugging me to my feet and into a hug. Wes runs up and hugs my legs.
“Momma! I’m gonna have a grandma! Does that mean she’s your momma now?” He asks, his eyes bigger than dinner plates. Somehow, that manages to snap me out of my trance and Kris lets me go. I bend down to Wes’ level and he puts his hands on my shoulders.
“Sorta. She’ll be my step mom, Baby. Have you told Grandpa congratulations?” He shakes his head and I gather him in my arms.
“No! I wanna tell them ‘gratitations!” He says, bouncing in my arms. I smile at his mispronunciation of the word and start to walk in the direction of Dylan and Marc.
“Let’s go find Daddy and then we’ll go tell Grandpa and Kathy congratulations.” Wes rests his head on my shoulder and wraps his arms around my neck. My family has always been a comfort to me, and it’s definitely one I need today. I’ve always wanted Dad to find someone and fall in love. But it’s just been him and I for so long, even with my uncles and aunts, cousins and now Dylan and Wes. My heart hurts a little, thinking about letting Dad go, but I see how happy Dad is and I can’t help but push those feelings aside for him to be happy. He’s put so much on hold for me, waiting until I was ready and on my own, I can’t help but do the same for him. But there’s still a part of me that’s not sure about all of it. A part of me that’s terrified about losing my dad. That fear keeps me from being able to be as happy as Dad deserves me being.
“Hey Baby.” Dylan says, his arm automatically going around my waist and pulling me close. Wes squirms out of my arms and runs to Dad who is now walking over to us, Kathy in tow. He presses a kiss to the top of my head and ruffles Wes’ hair.
“Congratulations Dad. Kathy, I can’t wait to get to know you better!” I say, trying to hide the other emotions threatening to break through.
“Thank you so much, Ava. I’ve heard so much about you and the last time I remember seeing you was probably when you were in middle school. You’ve grown up so much. And you must be Dylan.” Kathy says, reaching out to shake Dylan’s outstretched hand. He nods, the smile on his face genuine, unlike the fake one I’m trying to pass off as real. Dad keeps glancing at me, probably because he can see right through the fake smile.
“And you’re Wesley. But you like being called Wes, right?” Kathy asks, bending down to Wes’ level. He grins shyly and leans against my legs.
“I’m Wes. Momma, can I say ‘gratitations now?” He asks, looking up at me with big eyes. I nod and he grins.
“Gratitations! Are you gonna be my grandma now?” He asks, looking up at Kathy.
“I’d like to be your grandma. Is that okay with you?” He nods and launches himself at her, hugging her. She smiles, hugging him back and then returning him to my arms.
“I think we should definitely think about doing dinner or something soon. Maybe before you guys head back to Pittsburgh.” Dylan says, looking down at me. His hand slips into mine, stopping me from twisting my ring. It’s been a habit since he put it on my finger, usually one that’s a sign of how anxious I’m feeling.
“We definitely can do that. I’d love to see your house.” Kathy says. I’ve spent the last few minutes just watching Dad. He’s been focused on Kathy and the look in his eyes says everything. He loves her, which should make me happy, to see Dad this happy but it’s still tearing me up. This is so much harder than I ever imagined it would be.
“We have a puppy. His name is Milo! He likes to play hockey with me.” Wes says, obviously warming up to Kathy already. He’s not really shy, usually he talks strangers’ ears off, so it doesn’t surprise me that he’s comfortable with her already. Dylan and I have had to talk to him a couple times to get him to understand the whole stranger danger thing. It doesn’t make sense that both Dylan and I are pretty reserved, quiet people and somehow we end up with a kid who is the most outgoing child ever.
“Well I would love to come over and meet Milo.” Wes suddenly runs off, calling goodbye to Kathy,  going to play with his cousins.
“He’s a sweet boy. He looks just like you, Dylan.” Dylan smiles. Kathy and Dad share a sweet smile and I stay quiet.
Eventually, everyone sits back down and we have dinner. Everyone laughs and talks. Carter, Kirby, and Dylan won’t stop checking to make sure I’m okay, even though I’ve told them all a thousand times I’m fine. We make it through the evening and head back home. We’ll see everyone tomorrow at the game so it’s just a few quick goodbyes. Carter and Kirby come over to the house and Wes ropes them into watching Cars 2 with us. The day has taken a lot out of me and I fight sleep the whole movie.
I feel Dylan get up from beside me, taking Wes from where he was laying, cuddled between us. Carter and Kirby left a little while ago, whispering goodbyes since Wes fell asleep about halfway through the movie. The play menu for ‘Cars 2’ lights up the living room and I sit there, lost in thought. I need to call Dad, talk through today. But I can’t bring myself to grab my phone off of the table and press call on his contact. I’ve only ever wanted Dad to be happy, that’s what he’s always wanted for me. After spending most of the evening talking to Kathy, I know how in love she is with Dad and that she’s good for him, it’s just hard letting go of my dad.
As I’m sitting there, contemplating calling Dad, my phone starts to ring. It snaps me out of my thoughtful state and I rush to check to see who’s calling. Dad’s name stares back at me as I pick my phone up. I take a deep breath and press the answer button.
“Hey Baby.” Dad’s voice breaks through the noise in my head.
“Hi Daddy. It’s late, why are you still up?” I ask, tugging my knees into my chest and running my free hand through my hair.
“I’ve been thinking about you. You seemed off tonight. You okay?” I sigh and lean my head against the back of the couch.
“I’m-I’m okay. I was just a little surprised with your announcement, that’s all.” His voice sounds tired.
“I know Sweetheart. I wanted to tell you sooner. I wanted you to meet Kathy before I told anyone, before anything happened. Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Dylan suddenly appears in the doorway without Wes. He must’ve gotten Wes into bed pretty easily. He raises an eyebrow, making sure I’m okay and I nod. He comes over to me, dropping a kiss on my forehead and whispering he’s going to bed. I nod, squeezing his hand as he walks away.
“I just wasn’t expecting it. I’m really happy for you both, Dad. There’s plenty of time for me to get to know Kathy before you get married and even after you guys get married. You put so much on hold for me while I was growing up. But I’m all grown up, now it’s your turn. I’ll always be your little girl, no matter what, but I have Dylan to take care of me now. You need someone else to take care of now, and that person is Kathy now. So don’t worry about me, Daddy. I’ll be okay.” And as I say I’m okay, it's the first time in a few hours that I’ve actually felt okay and haven’t been lying. I hear Dad sniffle a little on the other end of the call, which of course makes me tear up.
“Baby, you’re absolutely amazing. You’re a wonderful mom to Wes, you love Dylan so much and I would never trade being your dad for anything in the entire world. You’ve been the highlight of my life. Not winning the Stanley Cup, not playing in the All-Star game. You are the reason for all of it. Getting to share you with our family and now with Kathy is beyond a dream come true. Thank you for being so supportive.” His voice breaks a little and I’m full on crying now.
“I love you Daddy. I’m happy for you. Dylan and I are happy for you. And I know Wes is so excited for Kathy to be his grandma.” Dad clears his throat and I try to control the tears running down my face.
“I love you too, Ava Grace. Now you probably need to head to bed so I’ll let you go. Good night.” He lets me say goodnight then ends the call. I lean my head against the back of the couch and take a deep breath. The tears slow and I regain my composure.
“Hey Avs, you okay?” Dylan asks, sitting down on the couch next to me and pulling me into his lap.
“I thought you went to bed? But I’m okay.” He kisses my forehead and relaxes into the couch.
“I could hear you on the phone. I wanted to make sure you were okay.” I snuggle into his chest and sigh.
“It’s been a long, surprising day but I think I’ll be okay.” I can feel him smile and he moves so we’re laying down on the couch, me resting on his chest.
“Your dad is happy. He’s going to have what all your uncles and we have. I think it’ll be fun to plan a wedding with your dad. Speaking of, we need to talk about us getting married.” Dylan says, looking down at me. I sit up a little, resting my chin on my hands and looking into his eyes.
“Oh I like when we do this. I want a big wedding.” I say, punctuating my sentence with a kiss on his lips.
“With all of our friends and family. And Wes as the ring bearer.” He says, twisting a few strands of hair between his fingers as I smile.
“Oh he’d be so cute in his little suit!” Dylan smiles and I settle back down on his chest again. We spend pretty much the rest of the night talking about our wedding and everything the future would bring, including siblings for Wes and in the morning, Wes finds us cuddled up on the couch and joins us, snuggling into Dylan’s side.
Dad calls a little after breakfast and asks to take Wes for the day, giving him some time to get to know Kathy. I agree and he picks him up, Kathy sitting in the passenger seat of his car. I wave from the doorway and she smiles, waving back. As I close the front door, Dylan scoops me into his arms and we head back to our room for his pregame nap, even though the game isn’t till later tonight. We end up sleeping until right before Wes gets home and Dylan needs to leave to be at the rink. Wes ends up laying down for a nap, which gives me some time to pick up the house a little and start getting ready for the game tonight. I love getting to spend games with my aunts and the rest of my family. It’s also nice to see all my uncles, Dad and Dylan all on the ice together.
Wes wears both of his jerseys, like he always does for Penguins-Sabres games, and is so excited to leave and head to the arena. Since I wear Dylan’s jersey for every other game, my tradition is to wear Dad’s jersey for games when he plays Dylan. All of the aunts, the kids, Wes and I hang out in a box, the kids running all over the box and back and forth with the other wives’ boxes for both the Sabres and the Penguins. It’s nice getting to sit and talk to my aunts. I don’t get to spend as much time with them as I do with my dad and uncles. We spend the whole game talking, making sure the kids don’t get too rambunctious while also watching the game at the same time. The game ends with the Penguins on top, 3-2 but Dylan scored and Dad did too with an assist from Geno. We all celebrate with dinner and drinks back at our house, giving me a chance to give my aunts an official tour, not over facetime. Wes shows off his playroom, bedroom and rink down in the basement that Dad and Dylan built him for his birthday. It’s the perfect ending to a family-filled day.            
Thank God Dad waited till the off season to get married. I couldn’t imagine planning a wedding during the season. But if I see one more sports website or magazine with the title ‘Sidney Crosby to Marry Team Physical Therapist! Letang, Malkin, Fleury, and Cozens among those in attendance’ or something like that, I will scream. It seems like this is the event of the year and it’s all anyone can talk about. Kathy and I have spent months, along with my aunts to plan the perfect wedding for her and Dad. The boys had been no help at all, being typical boys. Kathy and I had tried to get Dad involved in the planning but he had just kissed Kathy’s forehead and told her to do whatever she wanted. That night, I had gotten off the phone with the caterer for the wedding and collapsed into bed beside Dylan.
“I swear, if you don’t help me plan our wedding, I might break up with you before the wedding even happens.” I groan, rolling over to face him. He smirks and rolls over, eyes locked on mine.
“How do you manage to still be absolutely adorable while threatening to break up with me?” He asks, gently kissing me.
“Because you love me.” I say, smiling and letting him pull me closer.
“You’re right. I love you very very much.” He says, his forehead pressed to mine and his eyes wide.
“You’re cute, Babe. Now go to sleep. I have to fight with the florist in the morning.” He laughs but doesn’t say anything else. I manage to fall asleep, a list of what we still need to do for the wedding playing over and over again in my head.
The time between that night and the wedding flies by and before we know it, it’s the rehearsal dinner and I’m having to make a speech. And as I stand in front of my family and a few other people, I realize just how lucky I am.
“Hi everyone. You all know who I am so we can skip the introductions. But anyways, Dad and Kathy, congratulations. I had been waiting for the day that Dad told me he was getting married. And honestly, I was a little worried it would never come. But then Kathy came into the picture. She turned Dad’s world upside down and with that, turned everyone else’s lives in our family upside down. And I will always thank her for that because of the light and love she has brought into our family. Our family is complete now with her in it. So Kathy, I just want to say thank you. I can’t wait for you to officially join our family tomorrow. So here’s to Dad and Kathy, enjoy your last night apart.” I say, raising the glass of wine I’ve been sipping on all night. Everyone filling the dining room does the same and we all drink. The rest of the evening is carefree, enjoyable and fun. We all leave the dinner exhausted but excited for tomorrow. I collapse into bed and manage to sleep without having to worry about wedding plans.
The next morning is complete chaos. Everything that could be going wrong, seems to be going wrong and everyone is panicking. And as I try to get everything figured out so Dad and Kathy don’t have to worry, Dylan pulls me aside and kisses me softly.
“You’re doing amazing, Baby. The wedding is going to be perfect, don’t worry.” He says, running his hands up and down my arms, eyes locked on mine. He automatically calms me down and I’m able to finish getting everything worked out.
Thank God the wedding went off flawlessly. Dad only cried a little, I cried a little; everybody cried a little. Wes made it all the way down the aisle, only getting distracted by his cousins sitting in the front row and he looked adorable in his little tux. Dylan and I walked down the aisle together, being the maid of honor and Dylan being a groomsman. The whole time we’re walking down the aisle, in front of everyone, Dylan is whispering goofy things in my ear and making me giggle. Wes keeps looking up at Dylan, making silly faces throughout the whole ceremony. And as soon as we walk back down the aisle, he’s off and running with his cousins. Everywhere I look during the reception, there’s a hockey player. Which is something I should be used to, after being the kid of a hockey player and now dating a hockey player but I’m not. The later it gets, the more everyone drinks and the louder the music gets. After Dylan and I have both had a few drinks, Dylan pulls me out onto the dance floor and we dance the night away.          
A few weeks after Dad and Kathy’s wedding and honeymoon, he and Kathy drive up to Buffalo to spend a couple weeks with us. It’s wonderful having them at the house with us, giving Dylan and I a little break from Wes. One night, we’re all having dinner when Dylan turns to look at me.
“We’ve been together for how many years now? 7? And you know what? I still get butterflies every time you look at me.” Dylan says, looking deep into my eyes. I smile, watching him and trying to figure out what’s going on with the sudden outburst of mushiness.
“What I have with you? I don’t want it with anyone else. I choose you and I’ll choose you over and over again. You and Wes are the best things I could’ve never planned. I’m getting the future I’ve always wanted, with the girl I always wanted it with.” He says, taking my hands and pulling me to my feet. Dad sits behind us, Wes in his arms and Kathy holds close to his side, watching everything.
“I know I’ve done this before but we were young. So I’m doing it right this time. Ava Grace Crosby, will you marry me?” Dylan asks, slowly getting down on one knee and opening a ring box. My mouth drops open and I know I shouldn’t be surprised since we’ve already done this once but after what he said, I can’t help it.
“Are you kidding me? Yes!” I cry, pulling him to his feet and kissing him, my hands cupping his cheeks. I can hear Wes and Dad cheering, Kathy clapping. I pull away from Dylan, laughing and resting my cheek against his chest as his arms encircle me. Dad lets Wes down and he runs to us. Dylan scoops him up and he’s giggling, clapping his hands.
“Gratitaions Momma! Daddy!” He shouts. Dad and Kathy both join us and hug us. As I stand there, surrounded by my family, I think about how I’m getting the happy ending I’ve always wanted. I have the future with Dylan that I’ve thought about since we met, a son who I love more than anything in this world, the most amazing, supportive, and loving family. It’s everything I could’ve ever dreamed of and I’m completely in love with my life.
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sardonyxie · 4 years
Hockey Pucks and Cricuts
Veterans!ModernAU - Levi Squad Edition
These are simply the result of my imagination during a zoom class (Preschool intervention if I remember correctly) and of some ideas thrown in by my best friend/roommate. Some facts were thought of from canon perspective, but most of them are just our five idiots in our everyday world. Enjoy!
Warning: Rivetra content and some swearing! If it’s not your thing and you want to hate, scroll down and move on. 
English isn’t my first language. If some sentences sound weird or wrong, let me know so I can correct them!
Word count: 1 173
Miche squad is up!
(Inspired by this)
- He’s from Canada and speaks French. Nobody (except Mikasa) understands him when he’s cursing the others, but they are still scared shitless. When a stranger is being stupid, he makes sarcastic comments in their face by talking about it in French to Mikasa.
- He’s Mikasa’s cousin, but they might as well consider themselves siblings since they spend a lot of time at each other’s house. Both Kuchel and her younger brother, Mikasa’s father, moved for a better life…
- Introduced Eld to hockey and plays with him. Oruo tagged along one day and also got into it.
- Only lets Gunther sit at the front when he’s driving them all since Petra has horrible music taste, Eld can’t follow directions and Oruo bites is tongue to every bump on the road.
- I consider him as street smart. In this case, he learns languages effortlessly and quickly and knows how to get out of a situation by using that skill (and his fists). Never got below an A for those classes in highschool.
- Even if he doesn’t show it very well, he cares a lot about the others and actually offers the most thoughtful presents out of everyone in the squad. He’s a good listener.
- Is actually from Australia. He moved in the neighborhood when he was five but still has an accent when he speaks. He is Oruo’s next door neighbor and often goes to his house when he wants a tasty snack.
- Plays hockey and actually prefers winter over summer. He’s always down for hockey nights with the other four when the national league is broadcasting its yearly competition. He’s a very dedicated fan of Trost’s Titans.
- Was the type to put everything from his lunchbox in his sandwich. Apple sauce with a ham and mustard sandwich anyone? He still makes strange food mixes nowadays.
- He’s a great photographer and takes pictures for Petra’s shop. However, he can’t pose and often looks silly in pictures.
- Gunther’s best friend. They are THE unbeatable duo at guessing songs. They know pretty much everything from old music to K-pop.
- Plans every vacation trip even if they go oversea. Something always come up in the schedule, but those moments are the highlight of the trip. Petra and he create a travel book for each expedition, and they document it with pictures and anecdotes.
-  She’s Carla’s first child from her previous marriage. Her dad was in the army and died on duty when she was little. Zeke is a few months older, and they didn’t like each other at first. Now she tolerates him, but they have very opposite point of views in life which sparks some quarrels during diners.
- Half-German from Carla’s side and she speaks the language too.
- Her best girl friend is Nifa.
- She’s all about stationary stuff! She has a super chic bedroom with a beautifully decorated study area. She owns a Cricut machine and makes custom stuff for her friends. She gets inspiration from the people around her and their interests to create cute collections to sell on her Etsy shop.
- Played volleyball along with Hanji, Nifa, Nanaba, and Lynne, and she still coaches her high school team. (Because she mostly has support/team kills in canon, I think she was the setter and glued the team with her sportsmanship and teamwork.)
- Levi and she were the firsts of their entire group of friends to get together. However, they kept it to each other and their immediate family. The others found out when Eren asked Levi if the Ackermans were still coming over for dinner during lunch one day (dang it Eren!).
- Fully German, but he was born in Trost and doesn’t speak the language at all.
- The only one not really into sports, but is still active enough to keep a good shape. He was a baryton saxophone player for the jazz band. That being said, he’s still able to follow hockey nights because he plays NHL on his PlayStation and follows the news.
- Levi excluded, Gunther and Petra are the last two brain cells of the group. They almost always chose each other when they did projects or small work. Out of spite, they once decided to do a team of 4 project with Moblit and Nifa instead of Eld and Oruo and to prove they carry the squad.
- Super popular on social media for some reason?
- Dad of the group since day one. He looks scary sometimes, but he’s just a big softie.
- King of the aux cord. I would trust him with my life.
- Scottish Oruo anyone? Somehow has a German accent and tries to pick up ladies by speaking very broken Spanish? Calls himself Mr. Worldwide (will make more sense at the end of the list).
- Is favorite cookie? Oreo. “The company should feel blessed about having a cookie with a name like mine” “Oruo they were made before your parents even thought about conceiving you”.
- Because he’s a competitive little shit, he was also part of the swimming team.
- You know when a potato chip brand does a mystery flavour? He always tries to guess it with Moblit and will spend a ton of money to get the cash prize.
   > The thing is: he hates chips. “Those are an abomination why would you eat those when you have popcorn. As much as I LOVE to clean, they are messy, and the stains are hard to remove from the sofa.”
   > Moblit guesses the mystery flavor right all the time, thus making him the winner of all bets and leaving Oruo a little poorer each time.  
- He cares a lot about his friends, even if it doesn’t show because he insults everyone. HOWEVER! If anyone else tries to insult them, he’s going to throw fists and will make people cry with his insults.
- Tried to get into Harvard just to flex.
   > Newsflash: he didn’t.
- Gelgar and he are the party masters. They know how to throw a mean fiesta, and it’s almost always a huge success.
Rivetra bits
- I feel like their relationship just… happened? They were friends one day and next thing you know they were dating.
- Double dates with Mikenana or Mobuhan.
- Mikasa loves Petra and always reminds Levi to marry her one day. On the other hand, Eren was scared of Levi at first and didn’t understand what his half-sister saw in him, but he changed his mind over time. He can’t see anyone else with his big sister now.
   > On that note, Zeke can’t get over the fact that she chose to date is so called “enemy”.
- They don’t like the attention which is why they haven’t said anything for a very long time.
   > However, the other three had a little idea of what was going on, but they are best friend material and kept the info to themselves.
-  Winter. Wedding. Petra with a long sleeve dress and Levi being handsome as always.
Do we like it? Do we hate it? What happened to the Ackermans in Canada? The Jäger household dynamic would be nuts!
Please let me know your thoughts! Should I do more of these in this AU?
If you have any other verse idea and would like someone to write it up let me know! 
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bqstqnbruin · 4 years
See you soon
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So the Cale blurb turned out differently than I anticipated once I started writing but like, whatever, I think you’ll like this better. It’s also like a three page google doc, so I’m not sure if this counts as a blurb or not, but oh well.  
Warning that there’s mentions of quaratine (indirectly) since this takes place the night of the NHL awards.
Flashbacks are in italics.
I hope you like it!
“And the winner of the 2019-2020 Calder Memorial Trophy is,” the announcer says, you glued to the TV as you prayed you would hear his name, “Cale Makar!”
You start screaming to your parents that Cale won, jumping up and down as your boyfriend’s face appeared on your TV screen for him to talk about how happy and honored he was that he won the award for the league’s best rookie. As soon as the awards were done, you had planned to Facetime with each other, and now there was even more reason to celebrate. 
You wish you were there with him; he was home in Calgary and you were back in Springfield, Massachusetts, home from school because of the pandemic, 9 hours away from him by plane, on the other side of the continent. “Tell him congrats for us, sweetie,” your mom tells you, kissing your cheek before you head off to your room to call Cale.
As soon as his face appears on your computer screen, rosey cheeks and all, your heart skipped a beat. You had been videochatting as much as you could, but with him playing in the bubble in Edmonton, the calls were much less frequent than either of you had wanted them to be.
“Hey, baby,” he says, in a soft, kind voice. 
“Hey veggie boy,” you call him the nickname you had been calling him since you met. 
Everytime you see him, you can’t help but think about that night you met. 
You were at a party in the Southwest area of UMass during your freshman year, not really wanting to be there, but dragged out by your roommate and the other guys and girls on your floor in one of the Orchard Hill dorms. Not a big party person, you were off to the side, nursing the drink your roommate forced in your hands upon arrival, watching the scene of drunk college students unfold around you. 
“Not much of a party person, either?” you hear someone ask you, taking your attention away from the two girls owning two guys in a game of beer pong. You look to see Cale Makar, the freshman on the hockey team everyone was excited for. Hockey East was arguably one of the biggest and best college hockey conferences, at least in your opinion, and hearing someone like Cale had committed to your school was exciting. You thought you would see him play on the ice; UMass had thirty thousand undergraduate students, what were the chances of meeting him?
“Nah, not really. It’s more fun to watch.” You introduce yourselves, trying to play it cool on the boy you were already forming a crush on. You spent the night thinking up the backstories of the people around you. Whoever came up with the most absurd one would buy breakfast off campus the next morning. 
“Y/N?” you hear Cale ask, bringing you out of your memory and back to reality. “Are you alright? You look upset.”
Looking at your own face on the screen, you hadn’t realized the smile that was on your face when he first picked up was gone, tears starting to form in your eyes. “Yeah, I’m just thinking.”
“About what?”
“The night we met. How far you’ve come,” you tell him, “How far away you are.” 
His smile fades away as well, sadness covering his face, practically forcing the tears down your cheeks. You hated that you were making him sad, especially since he just won an award. “I miss you so much,” he whispers, sounding like he was choking back a sob as well.
“I miss you, too,” you manage to let out. “But, hey, babe, you won the fucking Calder! I’m so proud of you. You deserved it.” 
A small smile returns to his face. “Thanks, baby. Did you hear me thanking you?”
You chuckle, wiping the tears from your cheeks. “I was too busy screaming to pay attention,” you admit. “The Avs have already posted a video, so I’ll watch it when we’re off.”
You two spend hours catching up on life since the last time you talked to each other a week ago. You had just started your senior year at school, counting down the days before you could graduate and move to Denver to be with Cale, like you had been talking about the last three years. 
The night Cale came back from the Frozen Four game in Buffalo was heartbreaking. It was one of the first nights he didn’t want to talk about hockey, coming to your room and getting into your bed without saying a word to you or any of your suitemates. You had seen him after a tough loss before, but he was never like this. It was never them getting shut out in the national championship. 
“Colorado wants me to start playing with them in the rest of their playoff run,” he finally says, running his hands through your hair as you try to concentrate on the readings you had to do for your class the next morning.
You were used to him travelling for games, but that was with him living in Massachusetts, not in Colorado. “Oh,” you let out, not sure what else to say. “When are you going to join them?”
“I sign the contract tomorrow, and they have a game the next day.” 
You sit up, pulling yourself off his chest to look at him, “Tomorrow?”
He doesn’t look at you, fidgeting with your sheets instead. “Yeah. I want to go, but,” he stops looking up at you and taking your face in his hands. He runs the pads of his thumbs on your cheeks, you reaching up to touch his hands, “I don’t want to leave you.”
“Cale, you have to. If they want you, this is your dream. I’ll be fine.” 
“Yeah, but will I be?” he asks, a small laugh escaping his lips. “I love you,” he says, pulling you in for a kiss. It was soft, sweet, you could tell he felt bad about leaving you. It was the possibility of being your last kiss for who knows only how long that made him kiss you with urgency.
When he finally pulls away, he keeps his forehead pressed against yours. “I’ll still see you when you play in Boston; it’s only two hours away. And, we can call, we can text, or snapchat, or Facetime; we have each other in our pockets at all times,” you try to reassure him, wiping the tears from his cheeks. 
“When you graduate, will you move to Denver, or wherever I’m playing?”
“You think we’ll still be together by then? That’s two more years.”
“I hope so. I don’t plan on stopping loving you.”
“Hey, Cale,” you ask him after sitting there just working, him watching you in the background like he used to when you were still at school together, “Will I like Denver? When I move out there?”
A smile forms on his face at the idea of you two finally being together again. “Yeah. You’ll love it. I do, at least. But it’ll be even better when you’re there. I can’t believe I haven’t been able to see you since May,” he says, looking off to the side as if to not let you see him cry. 
“I know,” you swallow another bout of tears coming on, “But, hey, I’ll be moving out there in June. That’ll go by so fast,” you tell him, excited at the prospect of seeing him in person again. 
“You promise?”
“I mean, I can’t control how you perceive time,” you joke, smiling at the sight of him throwing his head back in laughter. “But I have to watch some video lectures for class, so I’ve gotta go. I’ll see you soon?”
“Tomorrow?” he asks, excited by your nodding in agreement. “I love you. I’ll see you soon.” 
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indestructibleheart · 3 years
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So... I wrote a couple things for the Passions & Pastimes fest. This was a blast, so shout out to the organizers for setting this up and to the incredible, incredible creators who contributed! We were blessed with SO MUCH fic, art, and transformative works... Great job, everyone!
Anyway, here’s some stuff I did:
shining, shimmering, splendid (day 1)
[ Alexis Rose/Twyla Sands - G - 1,368 ]
Twyla tries to picture it: glowing blue water rolling onto the shore as the moonlight hangs overhead. She imagines streams of light catching Alexis’s hair as she wades into the water and beckons Twyla to follow her. (Does she know Twyla would follow her anywhere?)
“I have an idea,” she says, slowly, before she thinks better of it. “What if… you showed me?”
“Hmm,” Alexis stops braiding again to reach for her phone on the coffee table. “I think I still have some pictures on here…”
“No,” Twyla grins, pushing the phone down. “I mean… We should go.”
The blonde blinks. “To Puerto Rico?”
“To all of those places.”
OR: Twyla finally starts spending some of her lottery winnings on things that make her smile, and learns how much she loves to travel. Who better to show her around the world than Alexis? A small collection of drabbles.
change of heart (day 5)
[ Theodore “Ted” Mullens/Alexis Rose, Alexis Rose & David Rose, Patrick Brewer & David Rose, Patrick Brewer & Alexis Rose & David Rose, Patrick Brewer/David Rose  - G - 2,609 ]
Alexis never saw herself as someone who would adopt a cat.
Working at the clinic should’ve been enough to steer her away from that forever — and she’s never liked animals, anyway.
But it’s just like… this cat, though.
Outside Edge (day 7)
[ Patrick Brewer/David Rose, Stevie Budd & David Rose, Patrick Brewer & Stevie Budd, Sebastien Raine/David Rose - M - 12,114 ]
Patrick’s barely-there-brows pull together. “Hey, I’m doing you a favor here—”
And that’s it; that’s what completely sends David over the edge.
“—I’m sorry, doing me a favor?” David cuts him off before that gets any further. His voice is doing that shrill thing he’s apparently well-known for, but he can replay the memory and hate himself for it later. Right now, he’s pissed. “How about you do me a favor and take your little hockey bat and sh—”
“O-ookay!” Stevie half-yells, literally stomping her way between them. Her angry expression turns to David first: “David, he is your only shot at competing this year. Literally your only option.” She turns that look in the other direction: “Patrick, this is your only shot at competing again at all. Literally no one else on this planet is desperate enough to teach an NHL retiree how to dance on ice.” She folds her arms over her chest. “So, either suck it up now or quit.”
8 notes · View notes
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Leafs in 5
A/N: I was inspired after game 4 against Columbus, what can I say
Word Count: 4.1k
Going into the NHL’s alternate version of the postseason playoffs that 2020 decided to sprinkle in on top of everything else going on in the world, you knew it was bound to be interesting. There was a plan set in motion to keep all the players and staff safe and strict rules that needed to be followed for everything to work the way it was supposed to. Both of these resulted in your boyfriend, Auston, having to stay in a bubble at the Royal York while you stayed alone in your shared condo in Toronto that was just a few blocks away, for who knew how long. 
You were lucky that when the NHL season ended back in March, you were able to travel to Scottsdale with Auston and not be separated. At the beginning of the lockdown, your workplace closed down and moved to a work from home setting until further notice. After clarifying that it’d be at least a month until you could go back, you figured it wasn’t the worst idea to go along with your boyfriend back to Arizona after asking if you’d go with him. Little did you know the two of you would be there for almost four months. 
Although it was a relaxing time, it was also weird. All you really did was hang out with Auston, his family and Freddie while waiting to hear literally anything about things going back to normal, but that never happened. Your work decided that going back wouldn’t be an option even as Toronto entered its reopening phases as a safety precaution. Therefore you’d be working from home for the foreseeable future. 
It sucked a lot. You liked your job, your co-workers, and having your own way to be independent in a professional setting, but a global pandemic makes things a bit pretty difficult at times, and sometimes sacrifices need to be made. Lucky for you, though, it could have been a lot worse. And Auston played a massive part in you being able to adapt as well as you have. 
The time the two of you spent in Arizona together was great. Obviously, during it, you worked, spent time with the boys and the Matthews family, but a lot of new things happened too. You and Auston welcomed Felix, a Bernedoodle puppy home to be part of the fam, and dealt with life as living in a pandemic continued. 
Then the NHL announced its return to play action plan, and things got wild all over again. 
Auston began skating and practicing intently again. Plans were being made to get back to Toronto for training before having to go to whatever hub city was chosen for the Eastern Conference teams. With all the talk of possible locations for the playoffs to take place, you weren’t expecting Toronto to be one of the cities in deep consideration, let alone for one of the so-called bubbles actually to be there. But, that was exactly how things played out, so you and Auston prepared accordingly. 
After some deep consideration and conversations with your boyfriend, you decided that when the time came, you would go back to Toronto when Auston needed to go. However, there was a period where Auston was sick, and that changed things up a bit even more, but eventually, the two of you and Felix were all set and ready to head back to the 6ix without any further delays. 
The two of you settled to being back in Ontario without difficulty. You followed the rules of self-isolating for two weeks upon arriving back to the country, and so did Auston. If he wasn’t at the condo with you, he was at the rink practicing alone, since it wasn’t safe for him to be around his teammates, or the public until those 14 days were up. That was fine though, you both just chilled with Felix, watched the entirety of Sons of Anarchy and Schitt’s Creek, and prepared for how things were bound to change again once the playoffs finally started. 
“I feel bad,” Auston said loudly from the bedroom as you walked down the hallway towards it with the basket full of clothes you’d just taken out of the dryer. 
“Why is that?” You asked once you entered the room, tossing the clothes on the chair, and got ready to fold them. It was his last night in the condo before having to relocate down the street at the Fairmont for the entire Maple Leafs playoff run. He was busy packing, and you were busy making sure everything was organized and ready for this transition. Even Felix was taking part by laying on the bed and demanding attention from both you and Auston every once in a while. 
“You know why,” he deadpanned while looking at you pointedly. 
At that, you sighed.
“Aus, we talked about this.”
“I know we did, but now that it’s actually time for me to leave, I’m dreading it even more.”
As much as you tried not to let the situation bug you, it still did. Throughout your entire relationship, there were many times when you and Auston would spend time away from each other, so that part was nothing new. However, you’d never been in the same city without being able to see one another or know when you’d be able to talk face-to-face and not through a screen again would be. And although the whole bubble situation was something you and Auston had talked about a lot over the last month or so, what it entailed still hadn’t quite set in until that moment. 
“Me too,” you responded quietly and stared down at the pile of clean clothes, knowing that if you looked at your boyfriend, the tears you felt pricking your eyes would undoubtedly spillover. “But it has to happen, Auston. There isn’t much else we can do, unfortunately.”
“No buts,” you cut him off and snapped your teary gaze to him. “This is your career. And the playoffs! Those are no small things. Regardless of how crappy this entire process is, I’m still going to be here, cheering you on as much as possible. It just sucks so bad that things aren’t normal. That I can’t go down to SBA and watch you be the amazing hockey player that you are with our friends and family, or hug you as soon as you’re done your postgame interview and tell you how proud I am. I’m just so over everything right now, and I’m sorry to be taking this out on you, this is the last thing you should have to deal with before going into the bubble. I just-.”
The way your voice cracked at the end of your spiel had your boyfriend next to you and pulling you into his embrace in a second. 
You were on an emotional rant, and Auston knew that. He knew that you had been holding in how you really felt about the NHL’s plan to go ahead with the playoffs, and it was time to let it all out. Although you never expressed your frustrations, you did have quite a few, and Auston was determined to get you to talk about them, especially before he had to leave.  
“I’m sorry I’m a mess,” you mumbled while wrapping your arms around his waist and leaned against his chest. 
“You’re allowed to be a mess,” he replied and squeezed you. “This isn’t an ideal way for the playoffs to happen, believe me, I know, and I’m still not sure how it’s all going to play out. But know I’m sorry you’re feeling the way that you are because of something I have to do.”
“That’s the thing though, Aus, there is literally nowhere else I’d rather be than here for you... but I’m worried. What if you, or another player, or staff get sick? What will the league do then? I get that they’re strict on how things in the bubble will work and everything, but we’re still in a freaking pandemic. I just don’t think it’s necessary. But regardless of what I think about the NHL’s decision to resume, it doesn’t matter. I’m the one who agreed to come back with you, and I’m going to be here still even if you and the team end up in Edmonton for the finals, and I won’t see you until October. Wow, it sucks, even more, talking about it.”
“God, I know,” he responded before pulling away slightly to look down at you. “I’ll never be able to explain how much I appreciate you coming back and being here with me for all of this. I hate that I’m going to be so closeby and not be able to come home to you and Felix and that you’re going to be here alone, but thank you for being willing to do this for me.”
“Of course, I want to kiss your stupid face again as soon as I can after this,” you pouted. “Even if I have to fly to Alberta in order to do so.”
“Wouldn’t exactly be opposed to that idea,” he told you before leaning down and catching your lips in a soft, sweet kiss. It didn’t take long for you to deepen the kiss by wrapping your arms around the back of his neck and pulling him closer. He smiled against your lips, letting his hands linger on your waist a bit as he waited for you to make the next move. But then, you unexpectedly broke the kiss and turned away from him. 
“Well, I guess we better get back to packing, yeah?”
You had the goofiest grin on your face as you reached down to grab one of your t-shirts from the laundry pile, but then Auston let out a dramatic groan from where he stood, and you had to cover your mouth so that you wouldn’t burst out laughing.
“Now you’re just being cruel,” he said as he walked up behind you and leaned his head on your shoulder. You bit down hard on your bottom lip to keep yourself from smiling any wider than you already were as he wrapped his arms around your waist, before eventually turning around to look at him again.
“How so?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I think I hear Felix getting into something,” you lied as you tried to worm out of his hold, wanting to mess with him a bit more. But he was on to you, which is also why you didn’t put up a fight when he didn’t let go. 
“Babe,” Auston whined. “You’re killing me.”
“Well we can’t have that, you have to go into the bubble tomorrow-.”
Before anything else could be said, Auston pressed his lips against yours again, and you let him. You chuckled slightly before reaching up to tangle your hands into the curls forming due to him not getting a haircut. But you didn’t mind, loved it even, and used it as a way to keep him close. 
“You’re full of jokes tonight, huh?” He mumbled against your lips as he slowly guided you towards the bed, all while tugging at the bottom of the hoodie you wore. 
“Just for you,” you replied before pecking his lips and moving away just enough to pull the sweater off and toss it on the ground before quickly kissing him again. You then came in contact with the mattress and let Auston lay you back on it. It wasn’t long before he was leaning over you and letting his lips roam to that sweet spot along your collarbone that he knew would have you seeing stars. “I thought you needed to pack.”
“I’ll do it in the morning.”
“You’re going to regret that decision once you realize you’ll have to get up early to get ready,” you challenged.
“No, what I’ll regret is not finishing what we’re starting before I have to leave tomorrow,” he quipped and continued brushing his lips against your skin. 
“Alright, fair,” you responded, figuring you’d given him a hard enough time and guided his lips back to yours; the night soon fading around you as melted into each other’s touch. 
The next morning, you woke up alone in bed. The blinds were still drawn, Felix was asleep on the rug, and the AC was cranked for some reason. The cold air made goosebumps rise on your exposed skin, causing you to shiver as you pulled the bedsheet up higher to cover more of your body. Just as you started wondering where Auston had gone off to, you heard the shower turn on from the ensuite and suddenly knew where he was. Part of you wanted to just lay in bed for the whole day, but the other more logical part knew there was still a lot to be done before Auston’s departure and that you should probably get up.
You grabbed your housecoat from its place in the closet and put it on before sneaking into the washroom to brush your teeth. Auston didn’t know you were in there with him, but that changed as soon as you finished rinsing off your toothbrush and decided to join him in the shower.
Once the two of you were done in there, you eventually did get dressed and ready to start the day.
Leading up to his last day at the condo, you made sure any running around for him was done so that there would be no added stress, and that’s precisely what happened. The two of you shared a chill morning consisting of a homemade breakfast, packing, taking Felix for a walk, and simply enjoying the other’s presence before Auston had to leave.
And that time came up way too fast.
“I’m going to miss you,” Auston said in the parking lot of the Ford Performance Centre before pulling you in for a hug. You were dropping him off for his last team practice before going into the bubble, but you both knew it’d be the last time the two of you would see each other for a while.
“I’m going to miss you too, so much,” you replied and squeezed him a little tighter. “Even though you’ll be only a few blocks away.”
“It sure won’t feel like it.”
“I know.”
Gradually, some of Auston’s teammates started walking by, and you knew one of you would have to pull away sooner or later. Reluctantly, you were the first to do it.
“You’re gonna be late, Matts,” Mitchy stated as he walked by juggling his suitcase and bags he planned on taking into the bubble. “Hey, Y/N.”
“Hey, Mitch,” you smiled as you leaned back against your car, Auston’s hands still on your waist. “Is Steph still here?”
“She’s just about to leave, I think. Are you two still hanging out this week?”
“Yeah, I’ll probably take Felix over to your house to hang out with Zeus while we watch the game and drink some wine.”
“Sounds like a typical night for you two,” he chuckled and adjusted one of the straps of his bags. “Anyways, I gotta get in there. Actually, we both do.”
He gave Auston a pointed look, and your boyfriend just rolled his eyes.
“Get off my back. I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Yeah, ok,” Mitch responded and started walking again. “See ya, Y/N!”
“Bye, Mitch, good luck!” You called after him before looking back to Auston and smiling at him sadly. “You really do need to get going.”
“I know,” he sighed and began picking up his bags so he could start heading towards the building. “I’ll call you tonight once I’m settled in?”
“Yes, please do,” you replied as he looked to you and nodded. “Just give me a heads up when. I’m supposed to Facetime your sisters tonight to give them a Felix update and catch up.”
“Fair enough,” he smiled, to which you returned before pulling him in for one last kiss. 
“You’re going to do great, Auston. I love you.”
“And I love you,” he pecked your lips again. “I’ll talk to you later.”
“Sounds good,” you said as he began walking away. “Good luck, babe.”
At that, he smiled to you over his shoulder before continuing on his way. You stood there for a moment after he disappeared out of sight, clutching onto the little 34 necklace he had gifted you for Christmas two years prior, before sighing and climbing into your car so you could head back home. 
After Auston entered the bubble, the two of you FaceTimed every day, it wasn’t always planned, sometimes just in the spur of the moment when you were both bored and missing each other, and it really did make the whole transition a lot easier. 
The first night, Auston gave you a virtual tour of the Leafs floor at the Fairmont. Then, he told you all about the practice and how the guys chirped him for bringing so many clothes. You couldn’t help but laugh, seeing as you knew it was true, before asking you about your day. Your day was much less eventful, so the topic of conversation shifted rather quickly. You somehow ended up playing Mario Kart on the switch from your living room against Tyson, Kerf and Freddie, all while still on FaceTime with Auston. After a few rounds of that, you were more than ready to call it a night. 
Once you had said goodbye to Auston, you curled up in bed with Felix and soon passed out. 
That quickly became a routine almost every night the Leafs didn’t have a game. You and Auston would catch up about the day’s events before getting into some friendly competition with the guys over something that would sometimes involve other wives or girlfriends trying to keep their men at bay as well. 
On the nights the Leafs did play, you always watched the game in some way. You watched their exhibition game against Montreal with Steph at her house, FaceTimed Auston’s family while watching the first game against Columbus from the condo, and so on.  
You witnessed Auston’s goal against the Blue Jackets in Game 2 and couldn’t wait to express how proud you were of him once the two of you were able to talk again that night. You also got to see the 3-0 lead the Leafs lost in Game 3 and listened to your boyfriend vent about it, but still made sure to tell him that you were insanely proud, because you were. 
And then Game 4 happened. 
Going into that game, you didn’t know what to expect, think, or feel. Obviously, you wanted the Leafs to win. You didn’t want their (sort of) playoff run to be over so soon, but also, the selfish part of you couldn’t help but think about how there was a chance Auston might be home that night. The conflict you felt made you anxious for the actual game, which is why you opted to watch it at home alone with Felix. 
You sat on the couch, clutching onto a cushion for the entire game. Before the game started, you decided that although you would have loved for Auston to be home, you wanted the Leafs to push a Game 5. You knew they were capable of going much further than just the qualifying round and were rooting hard for them to win. Still, you gradually became a little less hopeful leading into the last four minutes of the game when Columbus was up 3-0. 
But then Willy scored. Less than a minute later so did John, and then Zach managed to tie up the game with just 22 seconds left on the clock. To say you were on the edge of your seat would’ve been an understatement because it was so much more intense than that. You didn’t think what was happening was real, but the flood of texts you received from friends and family about what happened proved you wrong. 
During the commercial break, you called Ema, Auston’s mom, who was absolutely losing her mind. You stayed on the phone with her, talking with Auston’s family as your heart pounded in your chest while for overtime to begin. 
Then Auston scored the game-winning goal, and you literally screamed. You stood up, staring at the TV in complete awe while his teammates engulfed your boyfriend, and all the Columbus players skated off the ice. Felix looked at you oddly, and you wasted no time in picking him up and pointing to the screen, telling him what his dad just did. 
After the reality of what just happened settled in, you said your goodbyes to Auston’s family before texting Steph and some other friends, still losing your mind. You watched the postgame interviews, chuckling at how it was undeniable that even Auston still hadn’t entirely accepted what happened and couldn’t wait until you received the call from him you knew was coming. 
About half an hour later, your phone rang, and sure enough, it was Auston.
“I am so proud of you,” you stated as soon as the FaceTime call connected. Auston was walking down the hallway of their hotel floor, smiling widely, and you could see some of his teammates in the background on the phone with loved ones as well. “All of you. Holy fuck, you guys did that!”
“It still doesn’t seem real,” Auston responded. “Like this is real, right? I didn’t dream it?”
“It’s real, babe, you’re going to Game 5!”
“Holy shit.”
You could tell he was in his room by that point with the way he flopped on a bed and couldn’t stop smiling. 
“How’s the adrenaline?” You asked and patted the space beside you so that Felix would lay beside you and be in the camera frame.
“Hi buddy,” Auston breathed out, before chuckling. “And oh, it’s pumping. I think I’m going to be up for a while after this.”
“Then what are you doing in your room? Go celebrate with the guys.”
“I know, I will. But I wanted to say goodnight to you first.”
You smiled at how soft he was even after such a significant game, and couldn’t help the blush that burned across your cheeks. 
“You’re too sweet,” you said while shaking your head.
“Only for you,” he replied and sat up as someone knocked on his door. 
“I think you’re being summoned,” you laughed as he rolled his eyes.
“It’s Mitchy telling me to get out of my room.”
“I think you better listen before they barge in.”
“True,” he responded. “I guess I will go. I’ll call you tomorrow? We’re off for the day.”
“I’ll be here,” you answered him softly. “Now, go be with your team, and don’t forget to call your mom.”
“Oh, yes, right, I’ll do that right now. I love you. Thank you for always supporting me.”
“And I love you, babe, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Ok, bye,” he replied and blew you a quick kiss just before the call ended. 
You stared at your screen for a minute until it went dark and shook your head. Your heart was bursting with how proud you were and how much you loved your boyfriend, that even you weren’t sure if you’d be able to fall asleep right away. After scrolling through social media for a bit and liking every Maple Leafs post that showed up in your timeline, you eventually called it a night and set your phone down.
Just as you did that, though, your phone buzzed with a goodnight text from Auston.
Sleep tight. I love you.x 
You laid there, smiling at the device for a moment before texting back.
I love you more. Goodnight Auston.x
Not possible
Your heart swelled as you read over his last message multiple times before deciding what to text back.
Now go, babe. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. I love you.
Love you too <3
After shutting your phone off again, you finally let yourself relax even while being overcome by an emotional wave of just how much you loved your boyfriend. You knew that whether or not Auston came home after Game 5, the two of you would be ok. The distance hadn’t affected anything, and you knew it wouldn’t even if the Leafs did make it to the finals, and you and Auston were separated for a long time. It’d all be worth it in the end, and you couldn’t wait to see how the rest of the Leafs playoff run was bound to play out.
Hello friends! Somehow I managed to write this in a day, anyways, I’d love to hear what you think! And Go Leafs!
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