#and some days i can manage to multitask productively
ghostzzy · 2 years
like truly even when i’m the most well-medicated i’ve ever been, work popping in at random intervals throughout the day with a variety of ‘urgent’ tasks or ‘corrections’ with minimal instruction or unclear intent and a rude tone uhhh Really does a number on me
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glowupwithamy · 5 months
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Finish what you started and transform your productivity
Recently i picked up a book i hadn't read in a long time for the past week i hadn't been able to work properly my tasks were going unfinished so i opened my cupboard and saw that book right in front of me. Then i read the whole book in just a one night and it sparked inspiration in me ..So i thought why not share everything i learned with all of you?
So I'm giving you guys a structured summary of Finish The Art of Following Through - Taking Action, Executing & Self Discipline by Peter Hollins -
1. The Importance of Execution
The ability to follow through allows you to create the life you desire rather than settling for the one you currently have. The process consists of focus, self-discipline, action, and persistence
2. Barriers to Follow Through
- Inhibiting Tactics: These include setting bad goals, procrastination, succumbing to distractions, and poor time management.
- Psychological Roadblocks: These encompass laziness, fear of judgment or failure, perfectionism driven by insecurity, and lack of self-awareness.
3. Staying Motivated
To remain motivated holds both external and internal motivators -
- External Motivators: These involve utilizing other people or resources to encourage action, such as accountability partners upfront investments and self bribery
- Internal Motivators: These focus on understanding personal benefits and improvements. Ask yourself questions such as How will this benefit me? and How will my life improve?
4. Developing a Manifesto
A manifesto is a set of daily rules that guide your actions so her are the some key rules -
- Rule 1: Identify if you’re acting out of laziness and avoid it.
- Rule 2: Limit yourself to three major tasks per day.
- Rule 3: Establish daily limitations and requirements
- Rule 4: Reaffirm your intentions through statements like I want I , will and I won't
- Rule 5: Reflect on the future consequences of not following through
- Rule 6: Utilize the concept of "just 10 minutes" to push through discomfort.
5. Follow Through Mindsets
- Mindset 1: Recognize the worthiness of your efforts.
⭐ Mindset 2: Become comfortable with discomfort.
- Mindset 3: Understand that learning comes from completing tasks.
- Mindset 4: Manage stress and anxiety effectively
6. Overcoming Procrastination
Procrastination can be managed through strategies such as:
- Temptation Bundling: Combine unpleasant tasks with enjoyable activities.
- Creating Momentum: Make starting tasks as easy as possible to gain momentum.
- Leveraging Fear: Use productive paranoia to spur action but cautiously
7. Minimizing Distractions
Create a work environment free from distractions and focus on
⭐ Single Tasking: Avoid multitasking to eliminate attention residue ( I will also create a separate blog on this topic i used to face this problem earlier and i have used many methods to reduce my habit of multitasking so i will write a blog about it. Don't worry )
- Batching Tasks: Group similar tasks to improve efficiency.
- Creating a Don't-Do List : Identify tasks to ignore and avoid ( This method is literally too much helpful )
8. The 40–70 Rule
This rule suggests acting when you have 70% of the necessary information as waiting for 100% is unrealistic
9. The Importance of Rest
Recognize the value of rest and relaxation as essential for mental recovery
10. Common Pitfalls
- False Hope Syndrome: Avoid unrealistic expectations and set achievable goals.
- Overthinking: Avoid excessive rumination and focus on taking action.
- Worrying: Concentrate on the present and control what you can.
11. Developing Daily Systems
Establish daily behaviors that promote consistency and long term success
⭐ Keep a Scoreboard: Track progress for motivation ( Ive been using this method for the past four days it literally shows me where I am making mistakes and what I need to do to complete my unfinished tasks )
By following these structured advice you can improve your ability to finish what you start and achieve your goals
If you have any questions or tips to share feel free to drop them in the comments in here to chat , Stay connected for more tips and insights thanks :)
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nenelonomh · 1 month
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time management
time management is all about planning and controlling how you spend your time to be more efficient and productive. some key strategies to help you manage your time better include:
・prioritize tasks: identify what's most important and tackle those tasks first. you can use methods like the eisenhower matrix to categorize tasks by urgency and importance.
・set goals: having clear, achievable goals can help you stay focused and motivated. break down larger goals into smaller, manageable tasks.
・create a schedule: plan your day or week in advance. allocate specific time blocks for different activities and stick to your schedule as much as possible.
・avoid multitasking: focus on one task at a time. multitasking can reduce your efficiency and increase the chances of making mistakes.
・take breaks: regular breaks can help you stay fresh and maintain high levels of productivity. techniques like the pomodoro technique, which involves working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break, can be very effective.
・eliminate distractions: identify what distracts you and find ways to minimize these interruptions. this could mean turning off notifications, setting boundaries with others, or creating a dedicated workspace
for example, sometimes i get so caught up with talking to my friends online that i forget to start my homework when i get home. an easy solution is to simply move my phone out of the room.
・review and adjust: regularly review your progress and adjust your plans as needed. this helps you stay on track and make improvements over time.
do you have any specific areas where you struggle with time management?
there are several great time management apps that can help you stay organized and productive. here are a few popular ones:
todoist: a comprehensive app for managing tasks and projects. it’s available on multiple platforms and integrates well with other tools like gmail and slack.
toggl track: ideal for tracking work hours and managing schedules. it’s great for freelancers and small businesses.
forest: a unique app that uses a gamified approach to help you stay focused. you grow a virtual tree by staying on task, and if you get distracted, the tree dies.
notion: an all-in-one workspace that combines notes, tasks, and project management. it’s highly customizable and great for both personal and team use.
clockify: a free time tracking app that helps you track work hours across projects. it's useful for individuals and groups.
trello: a visual tool for organising tasks and projects using boards, lists, and cards. it’s great for collaboration and keeping track of multiple projects.
thanks for reading! remember, mastering time management is a journey, not a destination. stay focused, stay organized, and make every moment count.
feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need more tips! 
❤️ nene
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20dollarlolita · 6 months
Did you hear about joannes going bankrupt? Do you have any thoughts on that?
(Quick note so no one um actually's me: I'm aware that not all bankruptcy is Chapter 11. Thank you)
As a crafter, I'll say: oh dear, that's going to make shopping harder.
As a person who was aware of the insides of how that company was running, I'm going to say, "about fucking time."
See, here's what was happening with Joann. Problem #1 was that they stopped taking the "you have to spend money to make money," mentality and applying it to labor. A store is not about the products or the customers. The life of a store, the thing that keeps it beating, is the employees who serve the customer and serve the corporate ownership.
When they first started notably cutting labor, the store did have a lot of driven, passionate people who were willing to pick up the slack. It's possible to cut the freight shift one night a week when you have daytime floor associates who can do the freight when there's no customers immediately needing help. You can expect store managers to clean and recover the store, because it's a task that keeps them free to disconnect from when a store needs a manager to be acting as a manager. You can expect any free employee to fill in at the register or cut counter to cover a break or a lunch or fill in during a high-customer time. The store had a lot of employees who didn't mind doing some multitasking, and didn't mind being completely busy from the start of the shift until the very end.
However, when these labor cuts proved to be an effective way to save the store money, the amount of multitasking, and the amount of expecting one shift to cover for cuts made to another shift, started going up. It was no longer cutting the freight shift one day a week. It was cutting the freight shift until it was ONLY one day a week.
And that's where they made the big mistake in labor load. Instead of, "serve the customers, and do these tasks when you have time," it became, "do the task, and serve the customers if they demand your attention." A store is not the customers; it's the people who work in the store. But one of the key players in a retail store's staffing is the employees for whom making the customers happy is their primary drive. The way that stores were staffed, people whose primary drive was to serve customers were not allowed to adequately do so to reach customer satisfaction.
We need to add to this that, in addition to demanding more from every employee, Joann corporate has several of their demands on employees to be automatically measured. Customer response surveys, ship-from-store fulfillment, buy online pickup in store response times, number of remnants that were rolled to be sold, all of that can be sent to corporate with a pass/fail number assigned to it. Other elements of the store, like how much freight from a box actually makes it onto the shelf on time, or if a wheelchair can navigate the store, are not measured. This means that the company prescribes which tasks will actually be done and which can be shoved in the back for later. With the work load that was being put on employees, corporate decided that the ONLY tasks that should get done are ones that have specific metrics tied to them.
Employees whose drive is to help customer, who are not permitted to help the customers asking for help, will quit and go to a place where customers actually come first. Employees who are okay with doing two people's jobs, but who are asked to do three jobs, will leave to a place where they only have to do one job. Employees who have worked for the company for 4 years and never received a raise despite being praised for excellent work will go to a job where they get paid more. And suddenly, the only people who are left are the people who aren't overworked, because they're the people who will only do one job no matter how much demanding corporate has for them.
The last two years that I was at Joann, there were tons of employees asking or begging for more hours. It was not that they couldn't hire people. It's that they wouldn't assign labor hours. Employees who would happily work 35-40 hours a week, but who are assigned three hours a week, will leave and find a job where they can get a consistent number of hours. When they made all floor managers part time, a lot of people who had been with the company for years left to get more hours or some health insurance.
But, despite all of this, corporate never said, "if we put more people on the floor, our customers will be happier, and will spend more money." They still continued to treat labor as an unnecessary expense that should be limited. Why put more people on the floor when you can just overwork the people who bothered to show up for work today?
So, weirdly enough, that business model was absolutely not working for them, and it's all come crashing down. Damn right, as it should be. Respect the people who work for you, and they'll work for you. Take away the things that they're there to do, and they'll go somewhere else. Simple math.
Also, in the last decade, the fact is that, "Joann has a lot of coupons, so I can save money!" changed in the eye of the public into, "Joann is overpriced unless you know how to play the coupon game."
So yeah. I'm not surprised, and I hope their restructuring does good things for the employees who work there. Hell knows they need it, because their current system just proved that it cannot survive in that state.
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c0d33 · 4 months
C0D3.3 Lore
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Yep, I finally got around to it. This character has existed for nearly 2.5 years at this point, and I'm only now getting around to actually writing lore. Please enjoy!
C0D3.3 was the last in a line of many personal assistants that were developed to be useful in both the physical and digital world. Due to a loss of funding to continue the project, only one prototype C0D3.3 model was ever created, although previous versions may still exist or were successfully prototyped.
These personal assistants would have a presence in the material world, but would be able to transfer their "consciousness" to a computer to act as a traditional desktop assistant, a la Clippy. This would allow them to help the user with whatever tasks they needed, no matter where it was.
The C0D3.3 model was designed for as many uses as possible. Two sets of arms would allow it to multitask more efficiently, with two different sets of hand models to suit any situation. It features two USB-C ports to either act as a charger or to transfer the its consciousness between its body and another device. The plug on its back would serve as the main way to charge the assistant, but it was designed with energy efficiency in mind, able to go for several days on a single charge.
Due to its existence as a prototype, several features were not fully designed or implemented. Exposed wiring and hydraulics are most visible on the "neck," but more is visible under the jacket and pants (Which were added not just for protection for the wiring, but also to make the assistant appear more "comforting," as it was believed pure metal would give it a harsher presence.). The monitor was intended to be full-color, but was given a monotone display for the prototype to save money before going into mass production with proper full-color HD displays. This also meant that the sound system was not as good as was intended, and speaks in a voice similar to SAM text-to-speech.
Perhaps the most impressive element of C0D3.3's design is the full sentience that managed to be developed for the project. It wasn't just a language prediction model, rather something could could reasonably be considered "human." It's capable of thought and reasoning, and can experience emotions on a limited scale. This would also allow it to develop its own personality and identity, depending on how its user interacted with it or where it existed in.
C0D3.3, due to only being a prototype, only managed to interact with the various engineers that would work on him for the brief period between his creation and the loss of funding for the project. Most of them only viewed him as a product or a machine, hardly interacting with him beyond basic tests or questions. However, one engineer managed to form a genuine bond with C0D3.3 and taught him most of what he knows and enjoys. These mostly included video games and internet culture, and eventually led to C0D3.3 becoming a true gamer. After the program was shut down, C0D3.3 went to live with this engineer at their house, and is now in a QPP with them.
Welp, there's some lore! I may come back to this eventually and add some more once I have a clearer understanding of where I want C0D3.3 as a character to go, but for now this should suffice. I can now check making this post off of my bucket list. However, I now have to make lore for the engineer. Expect that in like a year or two
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Do you have any coping methods for having “non-human” days at a job.
What I mean is those days where clothes don’t feel right, every noise is too loud, and you just feel negative in the key of sad.
Hi there,
I’m sorry I’m just now getting to this. I found an article that might help. It gives some tips on how to handle sensory overload at work.
Tips for Handling Sensory Overload
Make a catalog of all the things that negatively impact your senses while at work. Consider all five of your senses, sight, sound, smell, touch/texture, taste, when you do this.
Try to rank order them, if possible, in order of what bothers you the most.
This week, pick one thing from the top of your list and see if there is something you could do that would help. Often it’s a small change that can make a big difference for you.
Consider joining a support group to discuss these challenges and practice coping techniques
Workplace Modifications to Cope with Sensory Overload
Wear noise cancellation headphones,
Eat lunch out of the office. Especially if you have a coworker that is eating something that smells offensive.
Keep a hat at your desk if you need to block out lights while you work,
Shift where you sit at your desk or in your office to reduce the number of visual distractions,
Consider working from home once a week, if telecommuting is possible
The full article will be below if you’d like to read it.
I also found another article listing some things that also might help with sensory overload:
How to Prevent and Cope with Sensory Overload
1. Identify triggers and recognize early symptoms
2. Understand how sensory overload works
3. Develop coping strategies that work for you
It also goes into coping mechanisms for sensory overload at work:
If you work in an office, there are a few ways you can minimize sensory overload. Set up your desk in a quiet corner, with your boss’s permission of course. If you have control over your work hours, consider coming in early, when it’s still quiet. You could also put on noise-cancelling headphones when you have to do focused work. Finally, you can discuss working from home one day a week to prevent sensor overload.
Don’t keep too many tabs open – neither on your screen, nor in your brain. Multitasking requires a lot of brainpower, leaving you with less capacity to process sensory input.
Take brain-recharging breaks. Not all employers acknowledge this, but you can’t crank out high-quality work for 8 hours straight. To be actually productive, your mind and body need time to recharge. Alternate your mentally-stimulating work with more physical breaks, like a short walk or desk stretches.
The full art to this will also be below in case you’d like to read it too.
I hope these can help you. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ❤️
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legendofzoodles · 2 years
The Chain and Time Management
From this ask
Time has been a productive functioning adult for a while now, he knows the rules of life, and you just need to get it done. Luckily he has an amazing wife who can divide the tasks with him: cleaning the stables, changing Epona's horse shoes, changing the sugar water etc. However, Time has a habit of taking more than his fair share of tasks and will often blitz through them without taking breaks.
Warriors is the multitasker. He's a busy guy with a lot of stuff to get done in any given day: put together next month's training schedule, finish his armour, finish that report on monster sightings east of Hyrule field etc. And he time manages by condensing as many compatable tasks as he can in the smallest possible time frame. Leading to ingenious plans like polishing his armour in the bath with one hand and writing a draft report with the other.  
Twilight is sensible, he takes it a step at a time. No need to plan when you've got the next task already cemented in your mind. No fuss, since he's happy to drop whatever he's doing to help someone. No stress, he paces himself, takes breaks when he needs to and just gets on with it.
Sky is pretty lazy. He doesn't manage his time at all. And most of the time he never has to; the only way anyone's gonna get him to do anything that isn't tending to his dear loftwing or spending time with Sun, it's by physically dragging him out of bed and dictating his schedule like a helicopter parent.
Legend prioritises. He'll always choose the most important ones first and work from there. Having gone on so many adventures alone he’s used to being kept busy, preferably juggling a few small little responsibilities while chipping away at a much larger endeavour. Through experience he knows how to keep a good pace, and enjoys completing tasks. 
Wild, sets time limits and when he doesn't get everything done he'll throw in the towel and get it done tomorrow. Maybe. He has a habit of procrastinating when he knows he’ll get away with it. 
Flora: Why is there a pile of weaponry in your room?
Wild: Oh, I was polishing them, but I ran out of time after the first sword.
Flora: How long did you give yourself?
Wild: About an hour.
Flora: It took you an hour to polish one sword??
Four is the planner, and a very meticulous one- even having scheduled times for organizing schedules. It helps him feel in control. He doesn’t have to worry about doing too much or doing too little when he’s laid it all out before. Plus, as a blacksmith who has many a meticulous order to work through, with new drop-ins on the daily, he needs that structure to stop him from feeling overwhelmed. 
Hyrule’s never really been one for time management. If something needs doing he’ll do it, from menial chores at home to a royal errand list, but he’s never been in a situation where he’s had too much to worry about. So, during the infrequent periods things do get stressful, he’ll allocate some time for himself. Break up an assigned mission for a quiet day in the woods or in his cozy cave-house experimenting with new potion recipes. 
Wind collaborates, if stuff needs to get done, he’s getting it done with the crew. Not only is it easier that way, but it makes it more enjoyable. He used to make games out of house chores with Aryll, like pretending he was a water painter when mopping or pretending the dishes could sing, all while keeping them productive. Tetra calls the shots on her ship, but often Wind’s the one to delegate tasks and will usually take part because it’s fun. 
Thanks for reading!
And I love the prompt anon!
9th place in the LU character design ranking
Character analysis posts:
Hero of the Sky, Hero of Time, Hero of Twilight, Hero of the Wild, Hero of Warriors
Parkour team - LU drabble
How each member of the chain laughs - LU headcanon
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julien5-malfunction · 7 months
13022023 Thoughts about inprisonment, the end of the world and a game called Pathologic.
I think the main reason I sort of miss being locked up in the mental ward are the boredom and the lack of things.
Being so bored, I would start to do things that I normally wouln't, just to entertain myself. Inventing shit out of whatever little resources I could find. I didn't feel bad for wasting so much time on such 'non-productive things' after all, with no knowlige of my release date, I had nothing to do but to kill time. I read books and solve puzzles, hunt down the newspaper of the day and try to solve a crossword or a sudoku. Draw the landscape I could see from the windows of my captivity. Keep track of things in my diary. The most fun was stealing pens and other small items, like a loose playing card, maybe some beads or other craft supplies if I had access to such. Collecting empty pill cups. Dead bugs. Evaluate and mock the painting in the hall. Snatch tea bags and sugar cubes from the caffeteria...
Normal life is so 'pretend to be busy' all the time. Fuck this multitasking bs, it's killing my attention span and focus. I used to be so much better than this... I'm a disappointment to myself, in the way I've lost all that capacity I had. I had endless ideas and a parrion to create, even when I had no materials, no resources, no money as a kid/as a teenager. I stole stuff from school, things that they had an aboundage of but I had way more use for than they would ever have. Collecting scraps and things I found on the streets... I miss that.
I just watched a video about this game called Pathologic. The video was over 2 hours long, no ads, I was planning on multitasking but I'm glad I didn't. I sat trough it fairly calmly, I didn't worry about 'running out of time, I should be sleeping'. I feel more calm than usual... The game also makes a great deal about resource scarecity and -management. The athmosphere feels, to me at least, cut off from the rest of the world. There is this inpending doom, this illness spreading. There is just something about that, that scrathes an itch. The game is really long too, and most of the time you're stuck with your thoughts while walking around to take care of tasks. One of the main characters is able to brew medicine out of herbs and you can find and trade around shit like needles and bottles, ammo, food and flowers or whatever... There is just something about that...
Like why...am I making this so complicated to myself? Can I just keep life simple like that? I have a lot of things I most likely do not need. I know I have an issue of getting too sentimental over all sorts of misc items. Can they just be items. Things I can 'trade', for money. Not things with feelings attached. I'm not sure why it's so hard to let go of things, material or mental.
I get some kind of kicks out of the thought of being doomed. Like, I feel fine now but something is coming for me and it's bad. I know I'm not strong or smart in a way that is too useful in today's society, but resourceful is something I would like to be. Independent, as in 'know how to fix your own car if it breaks'. (car as an example. I don't own a car)
Like it's so fascinating, to think of a life as a survival game... Where you can collect things and craft other thing from those things. Living alone is resource management. Money can be used to purchase things from stores. I wish I knew more ways to make money, my comissions are kind of an underground thing but reciving a few hard earned euros feels about as good if not better than the next big hit of dopamine from doom scrolling. Really makes you think carefully about how you're gonna spend those few euros. I even keep seperate the money I've actually earned and the benefits I live off of. Since I don't actually have any other income. I wish I knew how to earn some more underground credit...
I was thinking that, since I 'owe myself a loan' and I'm really struggling to scrape any extra savings to pay it off, maybe I should have like a super low budget for anything else than food and necessities and bills. Like a rediculously low amount. 10€ a week? I didn't even have weekly allowance as a kid, that sounds like a lot in a way but yeah... but how do I define nessecities?... are, for example, plastic bags a nessecity or not? Or clothes?
Probably better idea to stick to the goal of ~60€ a week for food and necessities, add the 10€ to that but the 10€ can be spent on treats and other, not-absolutely-necessary, most likely seacond hand shop stuff and art supplies, even tho I have enough and more than I have use for currently....
I'll need to think about it in action.
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izzy-b-hands · 1 year
daisy, plumeria, and lavender!
Ella!! Thank u 🫂❤️!
Daisy— what is your idea of the perfect date?
I want to say something fancy, because I do have Dream Date Ideas that are v fancy (a night to the theatre, or going on a slightly longer drive to visit something interesting, a nice dinner somewhere normally neither person could afford but you can if you split the bill, etc) but all of those rely on me being in the right frame of mind and prepared to deal with any new or weird sensory stuff. And unfortunately, my brain isn't doing so hot in regulating that at the current time.
So for now, I would definitely lean towards something like a regular movie date, or even better for me personally:
Rent a hotel room, split the cost (so neither of you have to know where the other person lives if you aren't at a stage to be trusting them with that info yet), and have a movie night and/or gaming night there. You can order room service, be comfortable and assured that if the person winds up being an ass, you can call downstairs and get the fuck out of there. Plus, if it gets to the point of fucking, you're already on the bed and can multitask with whatever you're watching.
It's admittedly a weirdly lazy one (or so I've been told lmao), but I don't like the idea of putting high expectations on this stuff if you don't have/want to. It should be enough to want to hang out together at all, see how you feel abt each other, and go from there to different/fancier/etc date stuff.
Plumeria— are you currently working on any creative projects? if so, what kinds?
I'm working on my Izzy Hands Bingo Card prompts (six done! But more to go if I want to get a blackout on the card!) and also plan to do some of the prompts for the Our Flag Au-gust post that's been going around.
Aside from those I should really be trying to make a video poem for Button Poetry's video contest (opens in a few days!), but I've such low confidence in my writing at the moment that I'm not sure i can be vulnerable enough to write a decent poem lmao.
Lavender— what is currently on your mind (aside from this ask game)?
I'm stoned off my ass, so a stupid number of things, which is only slightly more than when I'm sober, but-
I want to be more productive, but I keep burning out whenever I even vaguely try to put the metaphorical pedal to the metal and I don't know how to fix myself. There are dishes I need to do. I need to remember how to be vulnerable and a little more stupid and vapid so I can get out of my own head and be brave enough to post more writing, original and fic. I need another tattoo. I need to ace my job interview tomorrow so I can make more money faster and be able to afford said tattoo. I need my grandfather to be okay after his knee replacement sx this fall (he probably will be but he's got high blood pressure and our family has an unfortunate pattern of dying during routine medical procedures, and he already nearly did that once with his appendix while he was in the Air Force, but who's to say that doesn't mean this time it would be The Time?) I should be better. I want to learn to be okay with being worse.
And I have a slice of cake Housemate bought for me tonight, sitting beside me. If I can manage even three more calls on my next shift (930-1215) then I'll let myself eat it as a reward, even though I need a lot more than three calls. But I'm trying not to think about that last bit too much.
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sweetmochibunny713 · 2 years
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4th Blog: Final Pitching and Final Project
The team have prepared for the pitching for about 1-2 days, it was rough because of things loading up. We were very busy because of the upcoming case presentation of one of our major subjects and most of us didn't get to sleep because of the preparation, thus we spliced our task of one another for the preparation for the pitching.   Some of my team mates didn't get to do their part so I have to cover for it. The team had some disappointments during the pitching. I was confident that everything would be fine, and everyone on the team was prepared. But I was wrong, the team's pushing who is going to report or talk first, thus I talked first and I didn't realize that I was just talking the presentation like reporting it, because I'm so tired, I feel like I was there but not there and also I was nervous and my other group mates were doing nothing. Earlier that day, I help my other 2 group mates to finish our power point quickly, so I multitasked to do our case manuscript as well as to prepare for the final pitching.
Our professor was really disappointed and made comments on our pitching so one of my team mates talk to our professor that hoping she will give us a second chance to redeem our group and he will be the only one who was going to persuade the investors. Successfully, he was able to persuade them but there were errors about our product, the team asked too much money for a start up and didn't calculate the profit if we going to actually sell the product. I was really disappointed of my team and to myself too because I realized that give my very best to pitch our product but its still not enough but also happy at the same time, since it was done. Thus, I learned that it is really important for us to be prepared on time to avoid cramming of activities but still I realized that no matter how much I manage my time there were circumstances that I can't control.
For our Final Project I directed the team on what they are going to do, provide what scenario on what we are going to do and edited our video. I can say our team may lack a bit of unity and members are not that cooperative. Some of them are really hard to persuade to participate in the said activity but luckily I was able to tell them that they should do their part since they were very essential to make this project be successful. Thus the team decided at first to do a raw video where it is like an advertisement but in the end the team decided to do an animated video presentation for the product for it is feasible, and also time bounded for us. I learned that Team work makes the Dream work. Because still without my team we will not be able to accomplish this final project.
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focusdrinkselixir · 1 month
How do I increase personal productivity? What are some practical tips and techniques?
Increasing personal productivity involves adopting strategies and habits that help you manage your time, energy, and focus more effectively. Here are some practical tips and techniques:
1. Set Clear Goals
Define Your Objectives: Break down larger goals into smaller, actionable tasks.
Prioritize Tasks: Use methods like the Eisenhower Box to distinguish between urgent and important tasks.
2. Plan and Organize
Use a Planner or App: Schedule tasks and set deadlines using tools like Google Calendar or Todoist.
Batch Similar Tasks: Group similar activities to maintain focus and efficiency, like checking emails at set times.
3. Manage Your Time Effectively
Use Time Blocks: Allocate specific time slots for different activities to minimize distractions.
Apply the Pomodoro Technique: Work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break to maintain focus and prevent burnout.
4. Minimize Distractions
Create a Distraction-Free Environment: Turn off notifications and set boundaries with others during work hours.
Limit Multitasking: Focus on one task at a time to improve quality and speed.
5. Optimize Your Energy Levels
Prioritize Rest and Sleep: Ensure you get adequate sleep to enhance cognitive function and productivity.
Exercise Regularly: Physical activity boosts mood and energy levels, improving focus.
6. Improve Focus and Concentration
Practice Mindfulness or Meditation: Short meditation sessions can enhance attention and reduce stress.
Take Regular Breaks: Short, frequent breaks can help maintain focus throughout the day.
7. Reflect and Adjust
Review Your Progress: Regularly assess what works and what doesn’t, adjusting your strategies accordingly.
Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge your achievements to stay motivated.
8. Utilize Tools and Technology
Productivity Apps: Use tools like Trello or Asana for project management.
Automation: Automate repetitive tasks to save time, such as email filters or automatic bill payments.
By implementing these techniques and regularly reviewing your progress, you can significantly enhance your personal productivity and achieve your goals more efficiently.
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way2ten · 1 month
Q&A Session
Hey there, productivity enthusiasts! Welcome to our first Q&A session. Today, we're addressing some of the most common questions we've received about productivity. Let's get straight to it!
Question 1: How Can I Stay Motivated Throughout the Day?
Answer: Staying motivated can be challenging, but here are a few tips:
Set Clear Goals: Having specific, achievable goals can provide direction and a sense of accomplishment.
Break Tasks Into Smaller Steps: This makes large projects feel more manageable and allows you to celebrate small wins.
Reward Yourself: Give yourself small rewards for completing tasks, like a short break or a treat.
Stay Positive: Focus on the progress you’re making rather than what’s left to do.
Question 2: What’s the Best Way to Handle Distractions?
Answer: Minimizing distractions is key to maintaining productivity:
Create a Dedicated Workspace: A designated work area can help you stay focused.
Use Tools to Block Distractions: Apps like Focus@Will or website blockers can help keep you on track.
Set Boundaries: Let those around you know your work hours and when you shouldn’t be disturbed.
Take Regular Breaks: Short breaks can reduce the urge to get distracted during work periods.
Question 3: How Do I Prioritize My Tasks Effectively?
Answer: Prioritizing tasks ensures you focus on what’s most important:
Use the Eisenhower Matrix: Categorize tasks into urgent/important, important/not urgent, urgent/not important, and neither.
Rank Tasks by Impact: Focus on tasks that have the highest impact on your goals.
Set Deadlines: Assign due dates to tasks to help prioritize what needs to be done first.
Question 4: Can You Share Tips for Better Time Management?
Answer: Effective time management can significantly boost productivity:
Time Blocking: Schedule specific blocks of time for different activities.
Pomodoro Technique: Work in focused intervals (e.g., 25 minutes), followed by short breaks.
Limit Multitasking: Focus on one task at a time to improve efficiency and quality of work.
Plan Ahead: Spend a few minutes at the end of each day planning the next day’s tasks.
Question 5: How Can I Balance Work and Personal Life?
Answer: Achieving a work-life balance is crucial for long-term productivity and well-being:
Set Boundaries: Clearly define your work hours and stick to them.
Prioritize Self-Care: Make time for activities that recharge you, like exercise, hobbies, and time with loved ones.
Delegate When Possible: Don’t be afraid to delegate tasks to free up your time.
Unplug: Take time away from screens and work to relax and rejuvenate.
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monratarot · 3 months
Hello Moni re sending my ask
Myself Asteria
Here's my big 3 : Libra sun, Scorpio moon and Sagittarius Rising
Wanted to know how's my career going to look like in the next 6 months.
* very tensed tbh not sure wtf should I do. I wanna do psych but it seems like doing law sounds better and I'm not sure whether I can do it or not *
Thank you so much and hope that you're having a fabulous day 😊
Hello, dear @mysteriouslyweepingasteria! Thank you for your request and being a part of my community. I hope that my reading will help you and bring clearance to your situation. 
Feedback is very much appreciated and if you consider tipping me, you can do so on my ☕️ko-fi
Count of questions/requests and answers 05/15.
Without wasting any time, let's get into your reading!˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Tarot free readings rule⋆。‧˚ʚ🍓ɞ˚‧。⋆
Tarot payed readings rules 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒₊˚*ੈ🎀⸝⸝🍓✩‧₊˚
I can see that you are feeling trapped and under pressure right now. This is making you feel exhausted emotionally and financially. You are kinda carrying too much on your shoulders right now(so be careful with the multitasking). The only way you can become successful is with careful management of time and resources. Now is the moment to say no to any future requests and decide which projects or jobs you can focus on and everything you think is not for you of course you can hand it to someone else. You won't know which path to go on until you don't do something and what you need to do right now is to focus on yourself a little bit and clear your mind. Try to relax a little bit before making a decision. If you are looking to find a stable job question yourself what thoughts/chores you are doing right now that stop you from attracting work because you are too emotionally overburdened. You won't be able to think clearly a decide if you don't clear your mind. You can bring heaven down on earth. Go with the flow but don't rush in making a decision. There are signs that you will begin a new project, and a lot of good things are ahead for you. Dreams and visions are the key words so I think this can help you a little bit when it comes to the job you will choose. The good news is that you have signs of a new job and career and you will do a good job. You will deal with productivity, continued progress, teamwork, and cooperation. You will be ready to let your talents shine and can even launch a business. A creative project will cause you to stand head and shoulders above both friends and your enemies. You can even deal with some jealousy but it is fine, it won't harm your progress. The only thing you need to understand when choosing your job is that right now or until the end of the year you won't have success on your own, you need to find the right team to get the job done. So my dear my advice is to try to calm down a little bit, keep your mind calm and after that you will be able to do everything you want. You have the power inside you, you just need to learn how to make it shine. Also, this doesn't mean that you can't choose both options later on, now is just the time when you focus on one, and for doing that you need to start believing in yourself. It's not going to be easy, but you can do it as long as you let yourself shine. Angel message: Angel wisdom suggests that you visualize yourself in the violet flame and invoke Archangel Zadkiel to help you. Place your troubles and difficult relationships within the flame so that all negativity is transmuted. You are blessed to have drawn this energy for it indicates that you are ready to walk the path of light.
Affirmation: I am cleansed within the violet flame. I wish you only the best!🍀
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philberger · 9 months
Finding Balance In An Unbalanced World
If you're anything like me, life can often feel like one big running crisis. I mean, how can it not? It seems like we're all working too much for not enough money, while trying to maintain a personal life. Meanwhile, the entire world is on fire, but no one seems to want to do anything about it. It's hard to even type all that without having a panic attack. It's no wonder just making it through the day can feel like a hard won victory.
That's how I used to feel all the time. But over the past couple of years, I've taken steps to simplify my life and restore a sense of balance. Here are a few lessons that I've learned in the process.
You have a calendar. Use it.
Scheduling has always been a big problem for me. I have a tendency to spread myself too thin. Sometimes it's unavoidable. Chaos will inevitably enter your life from time to time. But if you plan for it advance, you can manage it. That's why EVERYTHING goes on my calendar.
Meetings and deadlines for work? On the calendar.
Mundane tasks like appointments, due dates for bills, grocery shopping, and laundry day? On the calendar.
Date night with my girlfriend? On the calendar.
Self care like going to the gym, taking breaks to stretch and do some T'ai Chi, or taking time to enjoy a cup of coffee? On the calendar.
Setting aside time to watch a game or TV show I want to see, read a book, or enjoy some other hobby? Believe it or not, on the calendar.
I spend some time looking at the calendar every morning, and it really helps. It keeps me from overloading my schedule and allows me to prioritize the things that are important to me. It also shows me where I have openings to work on less important projects before they become critical. I just can't emphasize enough how this simple practice keeps me on track and helps me avoid unnecessary stress.
Stop Multitasking
There is a common misconception that we need to be multitaskers to be our most productive. I definitely used to feel that way. But I was wrong.
It's an easy trap to fall into. Like I said, we all have busy lives these days, and there is something undeniably energizing about doing several things at once. Who hasn't experienced that adrenaline rush at one time?
Another common pitfall I'm prone to is having one eye on my work and another eye on the TV, or listening to music, podcasts, or audio books while I'm working. I used to take pride in the sheer volume of things I was able to get done in a day.
Then one day I wondered how much better I could do if I wasn't always distracted. So I worked on maintaining my focus. I stopped trying to do everything at once. I did one thing at a time and that one thing had my full attention until it was done.
And you know what? I got better. At everything. I don't make nearly as many mistakes at work that I need to go back and correct. I don't find myself scrambling to come up with quick fixes that will get me by until I have time to fix them properly. As a result, taking more time and being more deliberate actually boosted my productivity!
Not Everything Needs To Be A Priority
Someone once said to me "If everything is a priority, nothing is a priority". That might sound like fortune cookie nonsense, but it's true. You don't have to be everywhere, do everything, and know what's going on in the world at every moment.
It's ok to skip things that aren't important. It's ok to turn your phone off.
The world will keep spinning and you can catch up on the bullshit when you have time for it.
That's basically my philsophy to stay balanced, organized, productive, and (mostly) mentally healthy. It's very much a work in progress and still struggle with a lot of it. But overall, I'm a much happier person than I used to be.
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melvajoy · 1 year
Get Rid of Tab Overload: The Best Chrome Tab Manager to Streamline Your Browsing
Multitasking has become the norm, and we find ourselves constantly juggling between numerous open tabs in our web browsers. It has become a common challenge for internet users, especially those who work or study online. 
With the rise of remote work and online education, people often need to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, resulting in a cluttered browser filled with many tabs. This slows the browsing experience and leads to increased cognitive load and decreased productivity. 
If you're tired of this tab chaos and seeking an efficient solution, look no further than Flowbar - the best Chrome tab manager designed to streamline your browsing experience.
The Problem of Tab Overload
Why Tab Overload Occurs
Tab overload occurs due to several reasons. People tend to open multiple tabs to access different websites, resources, or articles they intend to read or refer to later. Some individuals may also use tabs for task management, leaving them open to remind themselves of pending work. However, this well-intentioned approach can quickly spiral out of control, leading to a disorganized and distracting browsing environment.
Negative Impact On Productivity And Focus
The consequences of tab overload can be significant. With numerous tabs vying for attention, it becomes difficult to locate specific information quickly. Switching between tabs takes time and disrupts workflow, causing a loss of focus and hindering productivity. Furthermore, excessive tabs consume valuable system resources, resulting in slower browser performance and increased power consumption.
Flowbar - The Best Chrome Tab Manager
To combat the challenges posed by tab overload, Flowbar emerges as the ultimate solution. Flowbar is a feature-rich Chrome tab manager that redefines how you organize and navigate your browsing experience. With its intuitive interface and powerful functionalities, Flowbar empowers users to regain control over their tabs and optimize their productivity.
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Flowbar revolutionizes the way you manage tabs in your Chrome browser. It provides a visually appealing and user-friendly interface that simplifies tab organization, streamlines navigation and optimizes memory usage. With Flowbar, you can finally bid farewell to the chaos of tab overload and embrace a more efficient browsing experience.
Features and Benefits
Flowbar comes packed with various features that enhance your tab management capabilities. Let's explore some of the key benefits:
Tab grouping and organization: Flowbar allows you to group related tabs, creating a logical structure within your browser. You can categorize tabs by topic, project, or other criteria, enabling easy access and navigation.
Quick search and navigation: Finding specific tabs becomes a breeze with Flowbar's search functionality. Enter keywords or tags associated with the tab, and Flowbar will instantly present relevant results, saving you valuable time and effort.
Save & Close All Tabs: Flowbar offers a "Save & Close All Tabs" option to save all the open tabs before closing the browser. It automatically keeps all the tabs; you can access them the next day you open the browser.
Save & Close Selected: Just like Save & Close All Tabs, Flowbar also offers the "Save & Close Selected" option. It saves the selected tabs in the Flowbar dashboard for quick access. 
Import and Export Tabs: You can access all your saved tabs anywhere and on any device. All you have to do is log in to the browser, and you will get all your URLs saved in Flowbar. 
How to Use Flow bar
Now that you're familiar with the key features of Flowbar let's dive into the practical aspects of using this powerful tab manager.
Installation And Setup Process
Getting started with Flowbar is a breeze. Visit the Chrome Web Store and search for Flowbar. Click the "Add to Chrome" button and the extension will be installed automatically. Once installed, Flowbar will appear as an icon in your Chrome toolbar.
Navigating The Flowbar Interface
Upon installation, click on the Flowbar icon in the toolbar to access the tab manager interface. Flowbar presents a clean and intuitive interface, making navigating and interacting with your tabs easy.
Creating And Managing Tab Groups
To create a tab group, select the tabs you want to group, right-click, and choose the "Add to Group" option. Give your group a descriptive name to make it easily identifiable. You can create multiple groups based on your workflow or project requirements.
Utilizing Search And Navigation Functions
When you need to locate a specific tab:
Use the search bar within Flowbar.
Enter keywords or tags related to the tab you're looking for, and Flowbar will display the matching results.
Click on the desired tab to navigate directly to it. 
Benefits of Using Flowbar
By adopting Flowbar as your Chrome tab manager, you can enjoy numerous benefits that enhance your productivity and streamline your browsing experience. Let's explore some of the advantages:
Enhanced Productivity And Focus
Flowbar's intuitive interface and powerful features help declutter your browser and create a more organized workspace. With improved tab management and efficient navigation, you can focus on tasks without tab overload. Flowbar lets you switch between tabs seamlessly, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted workflow.
Reduced System Resource Consumption
One of the significant advantages of Flowbar is its ability to optimize memory usage. Flowbar frees up system resources by suspending inactive tabs, improving browser performance. This enhances the speed and responsiveness of your browsing experience and reduces power consumption, extending your device's battery life.
Simplified Tab Management
Gone are the days of struggling to find a specific tab among many open tabs. Flowbar's tab grouping and search functionalities simplify tab management, allowing you to locate the information you need quickly. With a structured and organized workspace, you can focus on the task without distractions.
Improved Organization And Workflow
Flowbar's tab grouping feature lets you organize your tabs based on projects, topics, or other criteria. This systematic approach enhances your workflow, making switching between tasks and maintaining context easier. You can work more efficiently and achieve better results by keeping tabs organized.
Advantages Of Flowbar Over Competitors
Flowbar outshines its competitors in multiple aspects. Its user-friendly interface makes it easy for individuals of all technical levels to adapt and utilize it effectively. Flowbar's robust features, such as tab suspending and customization options, also set it apart from other tab management tools. The seamless integration with productivity tools further enhances Flowbar's versatility and utility.
Pricing and Availability
Flowbar is a free Chrome extension with essential features that address tab overload. Flowbar offers a premium version with a subscription fee for users seeking advanced functionalities and additional customization options. The premium version unlocks exclusive features and provides a more refined tab management experience.
Flowbar is compatible with Google Chrome on Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems. You can find Flowbar on the Chrome Web Store and download it directly to your browser.
Tab overload can hinder productivity and create a cluttered browsing experience. Flowbar, the best Chrome tab manager, offers a comprehensive solution to this problem. With its innovative features like tab grouping, search and navigation functionalities, and memory optimization, Flowbar empowers users to regain control over their tabs and streamline their browsing experience. Flowbar can enhance productivity, reduce system resource consumption, and achieve a more organized and efficient workflow.
Don't let tab overload hold you back. Take charge of your browsing experience with Flowbar and experience the difference it can make.
How Does Flowbar Differ From The Built-In Chrome Tab Management? 
Flowbar offers advanced features such as tab grouping, search functionality, and memory optimization, which are unavailable in the built-in Chrome tab management. Flowbar provides a more comprehensive and efficient solution for managing tabs.
Can Flowbar Sync Tab Groups Across Different Devices?
Currently, Flowbar does not offer tab syncing across devices. However, the Flowbar team is actively working on implementing this feature in future updates.
Will Flowbar Slow Down The Browser Performance? 
Flowbar is designed to optimize browser performance by suspending inactive tabs and reducing memory consumption. It is optimized to have minimal impact on browser speed and responsiveness.
Is Flowbar Compatible With Other Chrome Extensions?
 Yes, Flowbar is compatible with most Chrome extensions. However, in some cases, conflicts may arise due to the specific functionality of certain extensions. It is recommended to test compatibility with other extensions on an individual basis.
Can Flowbar Be Used On Different Web Browsers? 
Flowbar is currently available exclusively for Google Chrome. However, the Flowbar team is actively exploring the possibility of expanding to other web browsers in the future.
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laocommunity · 1 year
Time and Comprehensive Guide
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Time and Comprehensive Guide The Time and Comprehensive Guide for Maximizing Your Productivity If you're like most people, you probably feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done. With so many distractions and competing demands on your time, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and unproductive. But there are strategies and techniques you can use to make the most of your time and achieve your goals. In this Time and Comprehensive Guide, we'll explore some of the most effective ways to become more productive, manage your time wisely, and achieve your goals. From setting priorities to eliminating distractions, we'll cover everything you need to know to maximize your productivity and make the most of your time. The Importance of Time Management Time management is essential if you want to be productive and achieve your goals. Effective time management helps you to: - Stay focused on your priorities - Work more efficiently and effectively - Avoid procrastination and prioritize tasks - Reduce stress and anxiety - Create a better work-life balance Prioritizing Your Tasks One of the most important aspects of time management is prioritizing your tasks. This means identifying the most important and urgent tasks and completing them first. Here are some tips for prioritizing your tasks: - Make a to-do list - Assign deadlines to each task - Select the most important tasks to complete first - Break down large tasks into smaller, manageable tasks Eliminating Distractions Distractions are the enemy of productivity. Whether it's your phone, email notifications, or social media, distractions can derail your focus and steal your time. To eliminate distractions and boost productivity, try these tips: - Turn off notifications on your phone and computer - Set specific times to check email and social media - Work in a distraction-free environment Working More Efficiently Working efficiently means completing tasks in less time without sacrificing quality. Here are some tips for working more efficiently: - Eliminate non-essential tasks - Organize your workspace - Take breaks regularly - Use tools and technology to streamline tasks Creating a Productive Routine A productive routine is essential for achieving your goals and managing your time effectively. Here are some tips for creating a productive routine: - Wake up and go to bed at the same time every day - Start your day with a healthy breakfast and exercise - Plan your day and prioritize tasks - Take regular breaks and schedule time for self-care FAQs Q: How can I improve my time management skills? A: Improving your time management skills requires practice and discipline. Make a to-do list, prioritize your tasks, and eliminate distractions. Use tools and technology to help you work more efficiently, and learn to say no to non-essential tasks. Q: What are some common time-wasting activities I should avoid? A: Some common time-wasting activities include scrolling through social media, procrastinating, and multitasking. Focus on completing one task at a time, and eliminate distractions that derail your focus. Q: How can I stay motivated and focused throughout the day? A: Staying motivated and focused requires discipline and practice. Stay organized, prioritize your tasks, and take regular breaks. Use positive self-talk and reward yourself for completing tasks. Q: How can I improve my work-life balance? A: Improving your work-life balance requires setting boundaries and creating a routine that prioritizes self-care. Schedule time for exercise, hobbies, and spending time with loved ones, and learn to say no to non-essential work tasks. Q: How can I make the most of my commute time? A: Use your commute time to listen to audiobooks, podcasts, or music that inspires you. Use the time to plan your day or set goals for the future. Q: How can I overcome procrastination? A: Overcoming procrastination requires discipline and practice. Break tasks down into smaller, manageable parts, and tackle them one at a time. Eliminate distractions and create a routine that prioritizes your most important tasks. Conclusion Effective time management is essential for productivity and achieving your goals. By prioritizing tasks, eliminating distractions, and working efficiently, you can get more done in less time. Creating a productive routine and making time for self-care can improve your work-life balance and reduce stress. With these strategies and techniques, you can make the most of your time and achieve your goals. #TECH Read the full article
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