#and some beef fandom ppl have with each other is just. what.
sludgeguzzler · 1 year
huh. why are people such haters
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pumpkinsy0 · 12 days
I personally don’t agree with the universal opinion that a part of the fandom seem to have is that Darry and Soda would despise Curly because of the way that he is, and doesn’t ever want them around Ponyboy because he is a bad influence.
While I do agree with a part of it, I think Darry and Sodapop don’t agree with the lifestyle that Curly has going on, but understand his predicament and situation and the reason he is the way that he is, as well as they wouldn’t prefer Ponyboy to hang around Curly because of the messes they could get into that could cause consequences to their actions, e.g the state taking him away because of their negligence and such.
Along with my Arab American headcanon, as Hospitality is a part of their culture, and respect is always forefront to make their guests feel comfortable and welcomed around their presence, they would still look out for Curly, even if he does insist that he doesn’t need anybody to look out for him because he could handle himself. And while still being around the same age as Ponyboy, they don’t really believe that, so if it was needed, (like patching up injuries and PB wasn’t around,) they’d be more than happy to take care of him if he was ever in trouble.
While Curly still does act the way that he does around the Curtis gang, I think he would grow on them, and vice versa.
While Darry is overprotective and such, he does not have any ill will over anybody, especially a teenager because I don’t think a grown man needs to have beef with a teenager, but he’s not overly affectionate towards Curly either LOL
I do think Darry and Tim have a silent oath of some sort to look after each others family whenever it is necessary, while it is not explicitly said between the two, they both know the similar situations they’re in, and to make it easier it would be good if they both were to take care of one another.
On a less serious note, for my Arab Curtis Hcs, I think whenever there would be guests visiting their homes, (minus the gang,) Darry is keen about body language in order to show respect for that guest, (e.g, putting hands in pockets, leaning on walls, etc.) in which Ponyboy and Sodapop do forget sometimes because they don’t often have many people come over, but they do their best to show off respect.
yea i agree!!! now all jokes ive said aside bc i was just being dramatic for the sake of comedy, but i have talked about this before!!!
for darry ive always imagined that its less to do w curly himself, more to deal w the fact that if pony gets in trouble and curly is found w him, it looks bad on him and he could get taken away, darrys focused on what curly could bring WITH him than just curly himsef, thats kinda y i never understood darry AND soda hating on curly, darrys a grown ass man, i dont think hes going out of his way to full on beef w someone like 5 years younger than him, he has to worry about his family lmao
plus, darry lets pony hang w dally, i dont think he’d mind pony and curly hanging out casually, but all the time??? hes a litttlleeee worried
for soda, i genuinely do disagree w how far i think ppl go w for protective he is w pony and hiw he hates curly, bc i dont think he hates him!!! at the end of the day, i do think soda would look out for curly, theyre greasers after all, theyre in this together, but i do think soda would b the one thats the MOST annoyed w curly and that partially bc curly doesnt rlly respect him (and pony a lil but) which, yea ok understandable, but i dont think he would full on VOCALIZE it 24/7 365, at most i think soda is passive aggressive??? like hes still trying to b nice, but if curly steps out of like he says something small, looks a certain way w his eyes, maybe shifts around a lil more, maybe kinda pushing chrly to leave earlier than pony wants, THAT kind of thing, i dont think hes like “GRRRR GET THE HELL OUT NOW SHEPARD SCUM GRRRR”. however i must say that some of his protectiveness just comes from general fear (?????idk if thats the right word) of pony growing up
anyways ive said it before!!! when it comes to darry and sodas views on papercut, sodas mostly looking at pony while darrys focused on curly!!! but i do personally disagree that they see where curlys coming from bc for my own lore reasons they dont 100%, but i see where ur coming from!!!
when it comes to their hospitality, id say that it plays a HUGE part into y they leave their door unlocked, yes its for the gang, but generally i think theyd try to help anyone they can, u need to b pretty desperate to come into a strangers house after all, theyd feel bad for turning someone away, like yea, i GUESS they could, but doesnt mean that they wont hope that person isnt ok later on and they wouldnt b thinking about em
plus!!! darrys strong as hell, if someone came in to hurt them he could probably literally throw em out like they do in cartoons
and culturally speaking!! when it comes to curly and ponys openness, curlys always telling pony to stop helping everyone bc not everyone will help u, but pony just generally cant help it, its just in his nature, its a bit of a cultural misunderstanding between em
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kakiastro · 8 months
Pluto Aquarius + the Power of your Stan’s
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I usually follow pop culture because I think they are amazing examples to see what’s going on in our society.
Pluto has been Aquarius for a week now and you can feel the energetic shifts already. There’s already been some crazy ish going on and I think we’re seeing this transit in action already lol
Just a quick summary of the archetypes of this transit
-Aquarius is the sign of the people, groups, fandoms, social media, tech/Ai, thoughts and innovation.
-Pluto is the sign of transformation, rebirth, death, the underworld.
So Aquarius is the opposing side of Leo.
Leo is the performer and artist, the stage
Aquarius is the audience and consumers
You can’t have one without the other, they’re polarities
There’s been 2 recent big incidents that’s let me to this prediction.
1. Taylor Swift (Leo aka the artist) was just recently the target of a heinous AI video(Aquarius) where it showed her nude and doing inappropriate things(Pluto) on X(Aquarius). The Swifties(Taylor fan base) banded together (Aquarius) to get the account shut down I believe. Now there’s been a huge public outrage that’s even reached politics on what we should do about true dangers (Pluto) of AI(Aquarius)
Taylor has her NN in Aquarius 3h. So Pluto is transiting the house of the media, journalism, community. NN is destiny. No, I’m not saying this was destined to happen to her but due to this incident, will she be the example of the dangers of what lies ahead and what we can do to not let it happen again. Not just to her but to any of us, if ppl can make fake videos of you, that can be harmful and dangerous. NN leads the way and aqua is progressive. It wouldn’t surprise me if she became a spokesperson for the safety of AI. 3h rules over speakers. She’s also a Venus Aquarius, it makes sense now why Pluto is obsessed with her love life lol
2. Now this incident happened on Friday during the Leo Full Moon. So this means Leo moon was opposing Pluto Aqua. Megan thee Stallion released her new single “Hiss” which is essentially a diss record to the ppl who’s been trash talking her these last few years. Now Megan is an Aquarius Sun/Mercury 10h with a Leo moon 4h. So this single is poignant to her career, it’s already generating lots of buzz in the public(Aquarius) now here’s where it gets crazy. There’s a line in Megan song where’s she referenced Megan’s Law. Now if you don’t know what this is, it’s where you can look up sx offenders and horrible ppl like that. Now why is this important? Well, Nicki Minaj saw this as a slight about her husband and has went live and posted countless of threads(Aquarius) pretty much beefing with Megan, which included Megan deceased mother being brought up. Now Nicki is an Aquarius rising so Pluto is going through her 1h. Her as a person is going through changes, she has lots sag energy as well
Now there’s a Barbs vs Hotties thing going on (Aquarius). Now there’s always been rap beefs but I don’t know if it’s just me but this feels different, it’s personal in a deep malicious way if that makes sense. I feel it’s going come down to how these 2 fandoms responds to each other. I’m going to be real, it can get ugly between the fandoms
This leads to my predictions
-the people that support you will bè your army so to speak.
-the artist(Leo) will always be here but it depends on the connection the have with their Stan’s because they’re the ones who’s going to lift the artist up and defend them. We are in the era of the “people” that’s not just with famous people, it’s with you as well. Who are your ppl? I don’t care if it’s only 3 ppl on your team, having that support will be beneficial for you!
-I feel we are about to see a lot of Stan culture rise like never before. So yea, the celebrity culture (Leo)may be dying but the fan culture will be gnarly . We’re going from one extreme to the other yall lol. Celebrities won’t have to do really anything because there Stan’s will keep them relevant. So really celeb culture is “dying” but more like transforming into something else. I feel like the celebs who will be more in-tuned with ppl will be the most famous ones.
Let me know what y’all think? Do you think Stan culture will rise in the next 20ish years?
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ca-suffit · 5 months
You talk about people playing chess when no one is doing anything of the sort. If anything it’s you just trying to start drama and get everyone mad at each other while being a hypocrite in the meantime. You got mad at that one anon calling Anne a pedophile after you reblogged a post pointing out her grossness and say it’s all rumors while also calling Anne abusive when you have no proof of that either. You say people are obsessed with Maven but you’re the one in the tags about her constantly and in the tags about other blogs as well making the entire fandom aware about your drama. You talk about how this space is small because of those gatekeepers as if you aren’t unwelcoming as well. Get some perspective.
all this is trying to do is distract from the fact this fandom is abusive and racist af. it's not "drama" it's "racism." ur talking about me exposing the fandom's racism and making u all uncomfortable. ur blaming me for behavior u all do already and are mad that ur getting in return now. ur also mad that u can't threaten me with anything because there's nothing else on this account but exposing u. ur mad because I make u feel stupid and powerless and have support doing it too. to play along and respond some to ur points tho. here's one v small thing about anne rice and how she treated her own fans. that's only SOME stories, there's a lot more. she famously attacked the 1994 film *of her own story* as it was filming and pissed literally *everyone* off, had to be removed from interacting with them anymore, and her influence on stans made filming a nightmare......just because she didn't like tom cruise (and she blamed her fans for inspiring this in her too, couldn't even own her own shit). she defended paula deen for saying the N word, she defended antisemitism, she beefed with the popeye's guy cuz of her fictional books?? (she wanted to own property he ended up owning and was mad about it, that's rly what it was all about [end of this article]).
let me pull this part out from the movie link so u can rly hear it from the producer of her film: "Geffen echoed the sentiment, accusing Rice of displaying an attitude of "self-importance" and characterizing her attacks as unkind, indiscreet, and unprofessional."
here's ur proof and it's not even all of it :)
and ur trying to put blame on me to make white woman maven a victim, which is an age old racist thing to do that white women luv doing. "how could I ever cause harm lil ol me 🥺" why don't u go read about emmett till and think about ur life choices here. here's an article about how white women weaponize this shit all the time, to give u a quick link and never say I didn't do shit for u.
none of us would even know about shit with maven if she hadn't posted about it herself to brag about it. when has this bitch ever been in the show tags before? and when she shows up what is the topic about? oh look it's all about her. she's the one who brought attention to this in the first place so jot that down btw.
she chooses to post on youtube and open her mouth about these things. she chooses to be stupid about racial topics and claim to be an expert on things. she chooses to speak in a v condescendingly racist, white woman way when she talks to me, as if she's trying to help soooo much and she's soooo nice and I'm just so big and mean :( :( that's overt racism but half of u are still gonna act stupid about it like u rly can't see it. she is not meeting anyone halfway, she is throwing her black friends around and keeping the focus on her. she is not listening. she has no intention to listen. she's trying to save her own image to keep viewers and a paycheck. if she doesn't want to hear real shit then she can get off youtube, she can get out of here, she can stick to her white ass lane. u can't pin this on other ppl reacting to things that are worth criticizing, but that's all anne rice taught u to do so I'm sorry ur so fucking stupid still as adults. get well soon!!!!!
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yaderyngoch · 8 months
respectfully i think ur take on ppl picking and choosing content for fanon, specifically for dc batfam stuff is not the issue.
the deeper, more accurate issue is that these fans do not read or interact with an actual canon content, their creating incestuous content based off each other. and ik current writers for the ip content are technically writing fanon for the characters today, but their is a level of expectation a reader has that the writer of canon content is knowledgeable to some extent.
this is just word vomit now, but i just wanna let u know that the picking and choosing canon isn’t the issue, it’s the not even bothering with canon or enough canon that is.
There are many things in fandom culture that are issues, and people having beef with "picking and choosing" is the issue that I chose to address in my post because I just saw another post of someone complaining about it.
Furthermore, if someone chooses not to bother with canon and to live in their own little world... so what? People are entitled to enjoy fandom however they want to. If you dislike how someone is interacting or not interacting with canon, simply do not interact with that person. Surround yourself with fandom content you enjoy and let other people do the same.
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mskinkyafro · 2 months
Natasha doesn’t bother me for pursuing Stefan — I do not want that man. But it really irks me that she’s constantly gossiping, both about MC and her relationship w Stefan, and just about everyone in general. Her beef where it was revealed she had all this to say about all the other women rubbed me the wrong way; why are they making that her only personality?
I’m not doing a Natasha route but she’s so pretty and she seems really fun. I just wish the writers would let her expand her topics of conversation from MC/Stefan to literally anything else. Does that make sense?
I’m not trying to diss Natasha. Again, she’s gorgeous and I couldn’t care less who she couples with (I’m flirting with her man Hamish so what can I say about her and Stefan). I think more than anything the writers hate her and are making her kinda gossipy, which feels… icky considering she could be a LI. Idk. I think I’m crazy
1. To answer your point she’s always gossiping, maybe I’m forgetting things or not reading into it enough, but I don’t feel like she gossips a lot. I feel like the part that was capture on the PDA Awards was the bulk of it. And also the moment with Melissa. I feel like her gossip level is similar to everyone in the house bc they have nothing to do BUT interact with each other and “gossip”. You can apply it to literally everyone else. Shit even my man Finn, was desperate for some tea during the kiss during hide n seek between Kat and whoever. Like they all do.
To your credit, I agree with the writers have had her bring up Stefan and Mc relationship too much. Which is annoying. That I wish they would have done better at feeding that to the player without using her as much. I think they needed to a certain activity discuss more about what went wrong in everyone past relationships or instead of paywalling it, airing out what happen in everyone season since some people are in the loop or out of it regarding the other islanders season.
And Natasha shared a season with Mc so even though she constantly bring them up, I see it as her way of trying to discuss or compare their different journeys navigating the same season.
Now this might be my bias coming in, but I feel like her commentary or “gossip” isn’t any different from like mc’s own that typically we see in the thought bubbles or comebacks during challenges. So I guess it just boils to personal preference and how we perceive the writing, but I just see it as no different from Mc commenting or being savage to people’s face. Hers just got aired in the most messy way.
2. I agree and ultimately still blame the writers as a whole from keeping her as our go to lore character. And therefore we hardly get more about her personality. We see that a lot with the entire cast.
Especially when there’s so much more interesting things about her. She’s a dog groomer, is it high end or specialized in certain breeds. She’s really flexible, was she a gymnast star?
Like so many things. I guess for me, I tend to really hone in on those things and run with it to help fill in the gaps. But it’s annoying that as a player I HAVE to do that bc they don’t give them more time to talk about more things.
3. But lastly, You’re not really the demographic target for my rant LOL. I just was annoyed by moreso ppl who don’t even want Stefan or on a non Stefan route pissed off at her when in my eyes , the very qualities they claim that makes her snakey or bad friend is the very same ones Mc can have and typically does. Ones that we later revere.
Or better yet, Kat still gets hate typically but we got some who prefer her over Nat and I’m like, Kat has been the absolute WORST compared to Nat. Like cmon now.
And yes, honestly the writers once again set up the black female character for mistreatment. They know damn well a certain chunk of this fandom can’t resist it. So yknow. It is what it is. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I’m never surprised.
But appreciate your reasonings, nonny. Like I said, you’re not who I’m aiming my critiques to but still. I see where you coming from and appreciate it nonetheless.
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shipcestuous · 2 months
Adding on to an ask you got about Helaemond. Not that I necessarily care if that ship happens, but I took a pretty extensive look at the hotd team green Reddit and it seems like a lot of ppl ADORE Aegon. Like full on kpop stan love him and can’t stand the idea of Aemond or pretty much any other character having anything over him.
I’ve seen heated discourse that Aegon should’ve spoken fluent Valyrian back to Aemond and that he and Helaena actually do have the potential to love each other, or that she should be sitting by his bedside post roast etc.
So I’m like 99% sure a big part of it is also just a lot of Aegon stans not liking the idea of Aemond taking anything from Aegon. Which is kinda fucked up considering Helaena is not a possession but an actual character. They’re just using the hypocrisy argument as an excuse bc it actually makes more sense.
There's a really interesting thing going on in this fandom, and I've never seen it occur to this degree or this intensity before. But it seems like a lot of hardcore fans - Daemyra shippers, Daemon haters, Aegon stans, Helaemond shippers, etc. - have all written their own version of the show in their heads, including interpretations of past events and expectations about future events. And they all have major beef with fans who don't agree with them and with the show's writers for not telling the story that's in their heads.
It's so funny to see the show's most ardent fans seemingly hating it more than anyone.
I'm not making an exception for myself. I'm guiltier than anyone of interpreting things in the light most favorable to my faves and of thinking that the fans are telling a better story than the writers are.
It's just a shame that it's causing so much conflict in the fandom.
I don't want to alienate any of my Aegon-stan or Helaeg0n-shipper followers. I'm enjoying Aegon this season and I do ship the potential of Helaena/Aegon, and would ship it a lot more if Aemond didn't exist. I'm totally sympathetic to someone who doesn't like the way things are going in the show or has fears about what might happen or has ideas about what would have been a better story. I've been there many times. I'm there now with this show. But there's just so much hate against Helaemond and I do think a lot of that is coming from some of them. Not all, of course. And I agree that some them are using the adultery/hypocrisy reasoning when that's not really the main thing they don't like about it.
Let's just remember: in the end, we're all going to be sad and disappointed. That's the reality of being an invested fan in a series of Shakespearean-level tragedy based on existing material.
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inchidentally · 9 months
tricky asks below to keep out of tags!
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ok so full disclosure I do still ship them in an rpf way from their season together lasgfjlsaghfjl but absolutely, in reality I fully agree their dynamic was big brother and baby brother back then. they're definitely friends in an equals way now and I do like that Lando exerts a lot of confidence now and isn't just Carlos' satellite.
and no worries at all about me leaving the ship I'm honestly just not engaging for a while until pls god the larrying calms down. before Oscar that was my main hardcore rpf ship and I also love the real life friendship Carlos and Lando have. but if ever there was going to be a ship to cause a Kraken-type upset in F1 it's carlando. there's wayyyy too many ppl who are loudly convinced it's a real thing and about the same amount of ppl who think Lando's friendships should be ranked in order of "importance" to him. which would leave only Max F at the top so I guess by their reasoning carlando was fucked before it even started lmaoooooo
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oh babe don't bother trying to bring logic into this!!!
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I... don't know what this is supposed to be referencing bro? the quote was that people shouldn't assume that guys are friends just bc they're teammates so he didn't like, say that Charles and Carlos aren't? also this was all to do with the personal beef he has w Esteban so I think if he was deciding to say that Carlos and Charles hate each other it would've made waves??
and I gotta remind folks that galex seem to be the only two drivers who are friends the same during the season and off of it. I haven't looked crazy deep into the other friendships but pretty sure none of them really hang much in the off season?
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fr I do not get them going after Oscar the way they did Luisinha and now Rebecca (and I'm assuming Isa). it's one type of crazy to hate on real life partners over delulu shit but to start doing that to a guy in another rpf ship??? poor Oscar is just standing there not doing anything and they're alternating between him being carlando ship captain or saying he will NEVER be Carlos to Lando.
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oh my goddddd
how can someone want their fandom experience to be constantly getting enraged at reality intruding on a ship that I swear to god never had the remotest plausibility anyway???? considering they stopped existing to each other for the winter months apart from a little press during covid and Carlos was practically engaged to Isa the entire time like ???????
your ask and another I got (but won't post) was from today/yesterday so I'm guessing it was them seeing Carlos and Rebecca apartment hunting in Monaco has set off some fireworks. I saw a cute photo of Carlos and Rebecca chatting w Lando at the Netflix Cup thing and the comments were calling Rebecca the Steve in the situation. Lando literally is talking to the real life couple and that ain't enough to break the delulu.
anyway folks, that's why we look after Lily's remote presence in fandom. gotta keep the shit flying around trying to stick somewhere else lol
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purpledaisiesthings · 2 years
So true about the fans on Tumbler, it’s definitely a lot more enjoyable than Tw. Just like I’ve recently seen tweets about some apparent beef btwn fans of the ships Conllie and KitBell. I haven’t seen the actual tweets about the infighting amongst fans about these ships just ppl asking everyone to get along. I’m confused as to why there’s even beef btwn these two ship fandoms since Conllie is their own thing and KitBell is theirs. So I’m confused as to what could be the problem but not curious enough to find out. Not tryna get caught up in that type of stuff
That bird app is scary mehn. I try to avoid as many discussions as I can over there. I see them the tweets but I never engage. You never know when someone will have a problem with what you said.
But this place just feels way more enjoyable and safer. We get to talk about our ships without fear of someone bashing us. I'm loving talking about this show and the ship I absolutely adore.
I did see some tweets about the beef. I also saw some people from both ships go back and forth a little but I don't think they were throwing insults at each other or anything like that.
Anon, I'm also very confused why there's even beef btw these 2 ships. They both have nothing to do with each other. They have no connection whatsoever.
One of the many good things about this show is that it has several ships. And they're all different and amazing in their own right.
Hopefully it's over now and we can all stand together to advocate for a season 7.
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hakunafuckingmatata · 8 months
I’m not sure why people can’t just like what they like and leave others alone. Though I am a canon shipper I always encourage others to leave non can shippers alone. I hate with a passion when some pro shippers act like someone shipping something different it will affect canon. Like the story is the story and nothing anyone says will change it so why not allow folks who don’t have a canon ship enjoy fanfics, fan art, and anything else the fandom might produce. If someone wanna talk about Juvia couldn’t care less. I like her but I understand not everyone will. Not all characters are gonna be liked by everyone and that’s fine. I’m a huge Lucy fan and I use to actively defend but I stopped doing that a few years back too. I can’t force people to see things from my perspective and I wish others would see it like that when they are trashing people like you who aren’t a fan of Juvia. People need to learn that it’s okay for you to hate a character just as much as it is for them to love a character. Anyways I just wanted to say this from a pro side who doesn’t believe in beefing with antis especially those that just stay in their lanes and don’t bother us pros.
This is very great post.
You see how sensitive people are when you don't agree with them? Or when you don't like their favorite character they harrass you.
I just don't like characters like her. This is not something like my comfort character. But I think I can't have my own opinion in these times. Like I can't have my own right.
But this is how internet works. You can't escape when someone doesn't agree with you.
It's not my fault that some characters just annoys me. But this is really a reason to reply to me and saying I am sexist? Do I harrass people by saying I don't like FICTIONAL character?
Yes, I replied in very mean way. You know why? I am just tired of explaining and I knew that all the angry comments gonna flow to me. And from here I'm gonna ignore these people because I'm done. Because of that I feel like I can't like my favourites.
I never said that harrassing shippers of others ship is okay!! They only see what they want to see and I couldn't help that. I even pointed that this isn't okay.
This is my last post about this drama. I hope it ends soon, because I see no point over arguing about ships. Yet, people only see their truth.
My note to people: just stop, okay? This is really sad what others are doing.
Thank you for this post. I hope everyone will see it and understand finally.
And really don't reply to me how bad I am how I harrass people, because I know myself and I will not agree with that. There is no point in explaining when someone doesn't listen to what you're saying.
I get it. Half of them like GrayLu, half of them like Gruvia, even GrayZa. I am sure that in other fandoms, games, you have characters you don't like or you have characters you're uncomfortable to ship with even when author decides so. But this is not a reason to persuade everyone that your right is your right.
Ship whatever you want, please. Read fanfics, made edits with whoever you want and accept each other's decisions.
I'm really glad I'm not into fandoms so much, because I hate wars, arguing and explaining myself again and again.
I simply wanted to point that everything has bad and good side. Nothing is perfect. I really found this funny when ppl are arguing and fighting over something they cannot change.
If you wanna talk with me, just simply dm me and don't hide with anon when saying bad words to me.
So please stop this war already and simply enjoy a good series.
You all know how fans could be bad. Remember about thing that happened with Jujutsu Kaisen? This is not normal. So stop that.
I will be mean to someone who is mean to me and can't just simply talk without the harrasment.
So thank you again for this post. It made my hope for this fandom rise up. Although I don't think I will be including myself in it. I don't want fights when someone don't understand you.
And that is all. When you want to talk, dm me, I will reply.
Thanks for reading and maybe someday I will join this fandom again. For now I will simply enjoy this show by myself.
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the-somwthing · 10 months
I’ve been talking a lot about why I’m not a fan of the idea that all the servers are connected (tbh I don’t want to talk about it THAT much because then ppl will bring up how I’m wrong or something) but I wanna tell a reason I didn’t get to that is actually pretty much the MAIN reason:
I feel like it breaks the immersion. I’m going to be using the life series as my main example because it’s the only mcyt series I am currently FULLY invested in. All the others I like I struggle to keep up with unfortunately.
But like, in 3rd Life. Grian has a whole epic story of being in debt to a red name, going through a war, and winning in the end. It’s a really powerful story, and I feel like applying every other server Grian’s ever been in sort of… takes away from it?
Especially the idea that he just goes back to hermitcraft like normal. That’s often what ruins fics for me personally, when a character talks about how stressful it is or whatever and another character says “don’t worry we’ll be back in (“home” server) after this” I’m like man WHAT. Where’s the stakes NOW?? I will say that sometimes it feels necessary to give them a place to go afterwards, so it’s not ALWAYS bad and even with my own fic ideas I often think “damn maybe I need to do that even tho I don’t like it”
Even aside from stakes, because I can get wanting to give these guys a proper break from the death games, I feel like it changes their characters too much. Like, I want to focus on how exactly they played their characters in 3L, LL, DL, etc. But now you’re telling me I have to focus on their relationships in OTHER servers I don’t even WATCH? It makes everything they do feel more like an act, like they’re just pretending to have beef in whichever server they’re against each other. Which is closer to real life. Which makes me bored cuz I’m trying to get into the roleplay aspect. They’re pretending to have beef because THEIR CHARACTERS have beef. And the fandom is focused on their characters right? So it makes me so sad that we’ve turned even the CHARACTERS into actors.
To be clear I’m not saying you suck if you like making all the servers connected or whatever. We all enjoy what we enjoy! I do see the value in connecting the servers, it seems like it could be fun, but for some reason it’s the majority in fanon and I’m so confused about that cuz it feels more like an au. I just wish there were people I could talk to who don’t connect the servers like that haha. Don’t stop what ur doing tho
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bilbao-song · 3 years
heres an ask because i too am desperate to engage with people. i know u dont care about roxy music but you did say you would accept something as incoherent as a keysmash so here is an equivalent: admittedly i find the dynamics between ANY band and their fans very interesting, but roxy music in particular. there is a peculiar divide between those who are staunch bryan ferry fans (these people typically dont give half of a shit about anyone else in the band), those who are fans of the group as a whole and dont particularly care about individual members at all, and those who are most interested in phil manzanera and andy mackay and sometimes the other guys, who generally quite dislike bryan (i being the latter)- and often there is resentment between the groups. i think its so interesting that a group of people can be presented with the same exact material, love it and enjoy it for years, and yet latch onto different parts of it and make it such a part of their identity that should you confuse one with the other they become insulted, or if nothing else will tell you "no no, i like roxy music but i REALLY like bryan, i think hes the best", or "no no, i love roxy music and im a fan of andy and phil in particular but i dont care for byran much at all, dont get it twisted", etc. are there bands you're more familiar with who have this sort of divide amongst the fanbase? do tell me about them, if you like :>
first of all i absolutely love that u sent this ksdhgkshg this is like. exactly the kind of thing i wanted
sorry for taking 39485949 years to post this lmao. i wrote like FIVE entire paragraphs and then had to edit it but it was getting super late and anyway it’s still absurdly long (as in, i can say whatever i want in the below text bc no one is going to want to read it) and definitely devolved into a huge general rant about the annoying and creepy behaviors of some people within band fanbases (specifically ELO-related bc of course) as well as vagueing about my own controversial opinions but......nonetheless.
anyway!!! i find this kind of thing really interesting too!! and i know EXACTLY what you’re talking about. there are just sooo many facets to this, and i guess it’s different for every band. on the one hand i do think it’s kind of an interesting phenomenon bc if you think about it, they’re basically enjoying the same thing but taking wildly different/opposing stances on it. as a whole i would find it a lot more interesting/amusing and less frustrating if people could like...manage these kinds of differences without turning it into some kind of overly vitriolic/super hostile opposition that you would think is about politics or something and not a band we r supposed to be listening to for entertainment purposes. i mean, i 100% get that things don’t have to be Extremely Important to be worth discussing, but it just seems wild the way some people get SO intensely angry about these things, sometimes to the point of being kind of inappropriate. i have a lot of issues with the way some people within band fanbases tend to behave lol
.......anyway the Full Rant is below here (idk why i wrote this bc it’s long enough to be turned in for a grade and it’s only partially relevant. read at ur own risk):
so!! thankfully with most bands i enjoy i just kind of watch the fanbase from the sidelines and don't get too involved in or even aware of all the drama. like...i know about the band and enjoy the music but just manage to not get involved in whatever the community happens to be collectively freaking out about at any given moment. i feel like the kind of divide you mentioned is actually pretty common within band fanbases (i think there are things like this with like...styx and three dog night? among others? but i don't know all the details 👀) but like, FORTUNATELY with most of them i just would not know. that's very nice because i unfortunately do not always have that kind of luxury with the ELO fanbase...idk i have a lot of very strong ELO-related opinions that i usually don't like to discuss in great detail bc i get disproportionately frustrated but yeah basically what you described does kind of happen among ELO fans, although thankfully i'd say it's to a somewhat lesser extent? people are commonly at each other's throats about a variety of topics including (but not limited to) who they support or don't support, but there are still plenty of people who (thankfully) are not so aggressive lmao. there is sort of a divide within the fanbase but i feel like it's probably not so 50/50 as what you're talking about...maybe more like 85/15
THAT SAID, i have frequently commented on the fact that the ELO fanbase is largely a dumpster fire and there is a whole entire sector of the fanbase that is comprised of people who i absolutely cannot stand, and most of them do fight a lot lmao. this is only partially related to the subject at hand, but a good portion of the bickering is relevant to The Divide. like, i'm 100% okay with having a different opinion than someone else as long as they aren't acting like a complete freak about it, but idk, aside from the fact that most of these people are like?? needlessly aggressive?? there are certain opinions held by certain members of the Greater ELO Community that just give me that vibe of like...hmmmm this is a person i probably would not want to associate with at all, even in matters completely unrelated to this. Unsavory Person Vibes. i mean like, “opinions” that just boil down to "i am very very entitled and also incapable of seeing anyone else's perspective on literally anything ever BUT that isn't going to stop me from openly whining about this absolutely whenever possible." like!! it's one thing to have some kind of legitimate, reasonable criticism of an individual or band but some, if not most, of the things i've seen people losing their minds over within this fanbase have been so hilariously trivial that i just CANNOT understand how these people actually managed to get to be (presumably) functional adults who are probably like 50+ years old. i mean like, full-blown tantrums and calling someone all sorts of nasty things over something that shouldn't even be an issue because without exaggerating i cannot fathom how anyone could even be majorly upset about it in the first place. to give an example: someone once had a whole entire little strongly-worded, excessively presumptuous freakout because a guitar was no longer on loan to the rock and roll hall of fame. like...it was there for quite awhile and two out of four inductees loaned absolutely nothing but you're whining because one who DID loan something eventually took it back? do we not know what the word "loan" means? anyway the best part is that basically every time something like this happens, if someone tries to point out that the person is overreacting or perhaps just needs to look at a situation another way, they will then go off on that person bc god forbid we try to be level-headed about things. everything has to be Very Horrible All The Time or we’re doing something wrong or being stupid or something. idk i'm convinced that some people just want to be angry
also just...some of these people do some really shady things that i personally feel are morally questionable but there's nothing i can do about it so i try to just kind of avoid dwelling on it lmfao. like, it's not okay to violate people's privacy just because they're famous and you're overly entitled/nosy/desperate for clout/blatantly trying to profit off of them? i know in the Sane World that's a completely non-controversial idea but band fanbases apparently often aren't based on sanity skhglkshgks idk i could probably write a small novel on this and make a specific list of all the things they do that are just like...bafflingly tone deaf and kind of appalling but i digress. idk the worst part to me is the way they'll be like, saying/doing something that's just awful or like, maybe even totally factually wrong while acting like they're in the right. absolutely wild
to at least somewhat bring this back to what we were ATTEMPTING to talk about!!! personally i've reached a point where i pretty much no longer care about like 90% of anyone who has ever been in ELO (jeffrey/richard/roy/mike de albuquerque supremacy) but i'm not like, actively a Hater of the others lmao. i appreciate that they were there and enjoy the nostalgia(? i wasn’t alive) of it and i’m glad they’re out there existing but i just...don’t really care about anything they do at this point?? a good portion of it is a result of me taking issue with certain things some of them have done, which has impacted the way i feel about them, but MOST of it is really not that deep and it’s just that some of them just don't particularly interest me on that kind of level/i don't feel the need to get that invested in like 927509257 different people (fun fact: during the 1970s every third person in existence on earth was, at least briefly, a member of ELO). there's really only one ELO-adjacent person who i actually very strongly dislike and a) luckily i feel like they barely even count as a member b) the reasoning is kind of its own Thing and has very very very little to do with anything related to the band so it's kind of another subject entirely. anyway that’s as close as i’ll ever get to actually getting involved with any of the Drama sgsdgsdgfhdh. my primary beef is with the fanbase anyway because, as previously mentioned, there are too many insane people. i guess what i’m getting at here is that yeah there’s a divide and it does affect me BUT i also don’t really get why people allow this to make them act in a way that goes beyond just having a difference in opinion and is so overly hostile towards each other as well as the people they’re discussing. like...if anyone involved is a serial killer or something even remotely similar then yeah, being outraged on an extreme level and absolutely hating them even as an outsider makes sense. otherwise? calm down!!!!!
anyway. to wrap up this mostly incoherent rant that i hope no one read: i have always suspected that band fandoms kind of attract certain kinds of very distressingly weird people and i just think it's funny how there's always like, a little cluster of people within the fanbase who basically seem like they actually hate the band (those are almost always the Weird Ones bc i can’t tell you how many times i’ve witnessed a person who is like, into a band to a CREEPY extent and then one day they just flip and become a hater). at that point i'm just like, okay? so why are you still here lmfao. i guess that's the Main Idea of all of this lol. i just don't get why these people stick around when 98% of all they ever do is complain and act overly judgy? i just feel like if my so-called favorite band was making me that miserable i would try to find another band to like instead of becoming a menace to society. that’s just me tho
to bring all of this together i guess i just assume that some kind of phenomenon like this occurs within basically every band fanbase. idk it just seems pretty universal for some reason. certain kinds of people just love drama i guess and will turn any difference of opinion into some kind of shitshow
tl;dr: yes
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pawpunkao3 · 4 years
So I decided I was gonna watch all the hermits in season 7 (which I did, except for Beef and Cub) I might as well compile all their personalities so ppl can write vaguely in character fanfics featuring hermits they don’t watch.
Basically I’m gonna put what I feel are the two most important positive/neutral traits of each hermit and the most important negative trait of each hermit. These are based solely off what is shown in videos, not streams, and is NOT intended to insult the hermits irl, just to describe the way they present themselves in videos. Under the cut bc this is gonna be long AF.
(Fun fact- in my previous fandom I had a blog where I did MUCH more in depth character analyses. However that was with a few hundred pages of script, not a few hundred HOURS of content. Imma pass on doing that again.)
(Also thank you to some folks on discord for helping me with Beef and Cub <3)
Bdubs:  + Positive (perhaps to the point of being sychophantic) + Enjoys helping others - Unstable moods
Beef: + Confident (perhaps to the point of egotism) + Realistic Thinker - Manipulative
Cleo:  + Introverted + Creative - Agressive
Cubfan:  + Social + Determined  - Works too hard
Doc: + Fatherly + Intelligent - Overdramatic
Etho: + Funny + Creative - Contrarian (if it is said he has to do something, thats a sure way to guarantee he won’t)
False: + Hard working + Wants to help people (but doesn’t always succeed...) - Socially inept (she knows this, but others don’t)
Grian: + Friendly + Adventurous - An attention seeker
Hypno: + Chill + Introverted - Unmotivated
Impulse: + Hard working (maybe too much so) + Friendly - An anxious pushover
Iskall: + Helpful + Forgiving - Immature
Jevin: + Fun-loving + Humble - Petty
Joe: + Thoughtful (both in the smart way and in the kind way) (although he can be a doormat because of this) + Unique - Expresses affection by annoying people
Keralis: + Friendly + Generous - Selfish (yes I know I just said he was generous. He’s both. Shut up.)
Mumbo: + Smart  + Finds joy in everything - A huge pushover
Ren: + Kind + Bubbly - Self- sacrificing
Scar: + Infectiously optimistic + Hard-working - Socially inept (and unaware of this)
Stress: + Enthusiastic + Strong-willed/ stubborn (but like in a good way ya feel?) - Oblivious
Tango:  + Brilliant (both in the sense of smart and in the sense of enthusiastic) + Dramatic - Forgets other people have feelings
TFC: + Organized + Introverted - Snarky
Wels: + Hard to anger + Honorable - Resentful of his friends (not based on his actions, but Helsknight’s- if Hels is a manifestation of all Wels’ evil, then Wels must at least partially want to destroy the things his friends have made)
XB: + Creative + Extroverted (yes really, even though he built his base 3000 blocks away from everyone else) - Assumes other people wish him ill
Xisuma: + Levelheaded + Hard working - Socially inept (and aware of this)
Zedaph: + Cheerful + Unique - Cruel in the pursuit of knowledge
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Makoto plot line by Lêx?
thank you for this totally 100% spontaneous ask that you sent of your own free will, anon!
okay, so here's the thing. i dont like makoto. not really. he's annoying af and basically useless. bitch does nothing but hide behind haru cuz he's scared of everything and be blushy and soft in that spineless way, you know? like he just lets everyone push him around and treats everyone in such an unfuriatingly uniform, fake-cheery, ultra helpful way that it's his whole personality
but here's the thing! it gets sad. you know? especially considering how he, like, seems to basically live to enable haru? in all the worst ways. like it's nice of course that he helps haru with his depression but there's a point when it becomes enabling and that point is when makoto is running after haru all the time trying to solve his messes, remind him of his own damn responsibilities, and basically take care of haru's whole life so he doesn't have to. again, helping is good, but by worrying about the things haru doesn't worry about and preventing him from facing the consequences of not doing anything basically lmao he enables haru to never fucking get out of his constant stupor. also, as previously said, he's spineless, which means that he never truly goes against haru's wishes. so like. enabler. bad
which is my main beef with makoharu, which is actually the most popular ship in the fandom because ppl have no taste and also dont know how to interpret shit. tho tbh even makoharu shippers are like "i ship makoharu because makoto deserves to be happy and he wants haru!" so even they acknowledge that.... haru isn't into him lmao. but anyway
point is: they pull each other back. im not gonna say it's abusive or something cuz i don't think it is, i wouldn't even call it toxic, but it's stale in the worst kind of way. makoto enables not only haruka's depression, but also his self destructive and to some extent relationships destructive behavior, setting his growth back. and makoto lives and exists to take care of haru. he has no dreams, no goals, hell, not even INTERESTS. his whole thing is just. haru. where haru goes, he follows. and. that's it basically
which is why the fact that so many makoto stans ship makoharu is also baffling to me, because if i were a makoto fan, i'd probably hate haru, lmao. i mean, makoto is going around doing all this work for him, plus emotional labor, and haru never gives him much back really. and it's obvious that haru doesn't like makoto the same way makoto likes him, but makoto is just out there taking whatever scraps he can get, and haru just sort of. probably doesn't even notice cuz that's been their dynamic since they were kids. and makoto knows that, too. so like. if i stanned makoto. id fucking hate haru for that tbh
and honestly it's bad writing because i think the writers couldn't care less about makoto lmao and also didn't know what to do with him, which i think becomes increasingly obvious as seasons go by and he's just sort of. there. they tried to give him his own plotlines and even dreams but it never stuck. he feels like a doll most of the time. even in s1, which was widely rinharu-focused and barely had any other characters have real plotlines unless you count the one (1) episode where they try to teach rei how to swim, makoto was particularly uninteresting and underexplored and developed. like, the other characters might not have had huge importance but at least they had personalities. makoto didn't, really, unless you count "mama henning haru" and "being uwu" as a personality
but my point is: what if makoto got some real writing? what if we explored his character, and his relationship with haru, in a more critical, dimensional way?
makoto is in love with haru, i think that's indisputable. haru isn't in love with makoto, which i also think is indisputable. makoto himself knows that what haru has with rin is special and beyond what makoto and haru have, he says that, he even says that he was jealous of rin. yet he stays. even when rin comes back, and haru and rin become friends again, and it's obvious they're going to be together, makoto stays. he takes care of haru, which is some pretty damn stressful work, and does all this emotional labor for him, and haru barely gives him, like, a smile every once in a while, lmao, and again it's sad. but makoto stays. and - that's an important part to me - it doesn't seem to be because he has any hopes that haru will come around. so why
i think they're stuck in a loop, and that makoto has been in love with haru, and being not only his emotional support, but basically the one thread connecting him with the outside world (while simultaneously enabling him to continue as detached from it as he can, because he's not bringing haru out to the world, he's bringing the world to accommodate haru) for so long, he doesn't really know what else to do. also, he feels guilty about leaving haru to his own devices, even if obviously there's nothing he can do if haru won't help himself. also, he's scared of losing him, because he's been defining himself for his relationship with haru for so long, he doesn't know where else to go
i think that's supported by his relationship with other characters. like i said, makoto is annoyingly kind to everyone (if im not mistaken, the name makoto actually does mean kind) and a MASSIVE pushover. he never goes against anyone's wishes. he never really throws in what he wants. he doesn't really interfere with anyone's plans and ideas, he just sorta makes it happen. he is never annoyed, never has any quirks, is never even like, tired, you know? he lives to please other people, to the point where he has no personality, interests, or wishes beyond that
so, yeah: i think makoto is scared that, if he doesn't please other people, there's nothing else left for him. and in a way, he is right, because i don't think he would know what to do with himself if he had to look into himself and figure out what he wants out of life. so it's easier to follow others and dedicate himself to them. also, fear of loneliness is very valid, even if i dont think any of his friends would actually leave him if he weren't being their damn mom all the time. but they also let it happen, especially haru, because it's convenient, and again, homeboy barely has the energy to go to school, much less help makoto unpack all of that
but if i were writing free!, id want to explore that, because it has so much potential to be a pretty damn rich story, actually. especially as the story progresses, because one effect of rin being back and haru running the whole swimming club and trying to prepare for their race is that haru needs makoto less and less as time goes by. because he has a motivation. he cares about his grades because if he doesn't keep them up he won't be allowed to keep working in the swimming club, he cares about teaching the newbie (the rei i mentioned before) how to swim because otherwise they won't be able to run against rin in the medley race, hell, he reforms the whole entire pool that was abandoned so they have a place to train (with help, but like, he couldnt be bothered with getting up to school before). he even goes back to drawing so he can make pamphlets to attract more people to the club
and then he finds his love for swimming again, especially as a team, competitively. he finds his love for people again, for human interaction, for competition and the thrill of the sport he loves. haru finds his motivation, and he starts putting his life back on track and working towards his goals, and haru is damn capable. and that means that makoto has a lot of free time in his hands now, and haru is slipping through them, and he knows he can't really keep their relationship as he was. and he shouldn't, honestly, and i think that he's, at least, smart enough to know this
and he has a crisis, because again, he's been defining himself through haru for the longest goddamn time, im talking all the way from middle to high school here. and he doesn't know who he is. he doesn't know what he wants. he barely knows what he likes
but he's not alone either, because again, makoto is haru's best friend, and haru does like him and it's not like he's all "i found my purpose with rin now. peace out". his journey was also about finding his whole support system with his friends. through relearning how to swim in a team, he also relearned human connection and friendship. that's one of the many beauties of rinharu. they inspired each other to make their lives better, including in ways that have nothing to do with each other, and they weren't even trying to
so he has haru, but in a now radically different dynamic, and also rei and nagisa (his teammates) and gou (rin's sister and also their trainer) (rin and gou don't go to the same school for some reason). and everyone is going through a similar crisis, because it's the last year of high school. rin obviously has known that he wants to be an athlete since he was a kid, but everyone else's plans are kinda sketchy. makoto just happens to have some extra flavor in that mission - he's not just trying to figure out what he wants to do, but who he is
and fuck if i know how that would develop from there, but id really love to see makoto finding himself, honestly. i want to see his issues being addressed. the only backstory we have for him is that he's afraid of the ocean because he almost drowned at some point? i dont remember. i want to know why the fuck he's been repressing his own needs and personality so hard. i want to know what had him so scared of the world that it was easier to forget about himself and basically live through haru. i want to know what he's going to do to find himself, and the very, very painful journey of looking at himself and his own needs, and, in many ways, his own emptiness, because makoto essentially carved himself hollow. i want makoto to have dimension and depth, and be relatable and not just a dumb shell of uwuness for ppl to swoon over and want to protecc, not even because i like him, but because it could be so interesting. and relatable in so many ways. like, god damn it. if you wanna make him one of the main characters, give him a real plotline!
and i want to see him finding out that his life is better when he's a little more detached from haru and not living in an endless pursuit of a relationship, but having a network of people he loves and that has mutual support. i want to see him getting over haru, not so he can have some other romance with someone else, but so he can grow. makoto basically doesn't grow at all the whole show, and it's sad to watch, especially as everyone else grows so much
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dastardlydandelion · 3 years
salty ask list 9 and 16 for vikings?
9) most disliked characters? oof. um. yk, various side characters just irritated me by feeling like filler presences. but if i had to go for a main, fucking rollo. i hated that guy, man. he just...he just irritated me even when he was talking. i would spend any scene of his waiting for him to be off screen or waiting for him to stop talking bc he irritated me that much. idk if it was bc he was so...trope-y, maybe?? bc lbr, that man was shrouded in trope. idk if it was smth else, i just hated that mofo. my grandma liked him but i was like nah, nah, he's annoying n he's boring, get him outta my face. i'd rather look at the fucking nature scenery than this annoying asshole's face.
16) if i could change anything in the show, what would i change?? mm. good question. uhh...athelstan's death was p??? and he was my grandma's fave so like, i would've kept athelstan alive for grandma. but even if i was gonna kill him off, uh...wouldn't have done it like that?? ik floki had beef over religious differences and their respective homoerotic subtexts with ragnar but. the death shit was kinda weird and random. so yeh, in my version, that wouldn't have happened.
ooh, ragner's whole opium addiction thing. imo that was p poorly handled. defo would've changed that, prolly would've scrapped the whole storyline just bc i think they dropped the ball that bad.
um! the way lagertha went for aslaug in s4. like, look ik they were never best friends, but for her hostility to amp up to the point where she killed her?? even after she'd helped take care of her kids n shit before and i'm...they had sex before too, didn't they?? i swear they had a threeway with ragnar before. not that u can't have a threeway with somebody u don't like, u totally can, but idk. the way she killed her seemed to me to be that "writers pitting women against each other bc they can" shit that some of tory's supposed defenders somehow think tory n sam's rivalry boils down to in ck. like, it came outta nowhere, didn't it?? idk. i haven't re-watched s4 since it aired but i recall being confused at how lagertha's hostility escalated right up to "imma murder aslaug in front of all these ppl," so. i would've changed that too.
prolly would've changed ivar's death too. ugh, ngl, i loved that crazy screaming mofo. and ik a lot of the fandom has beef that he was killed by some rando. i do and i don't?? like. shit. i kinda get it?? but also, yeh, i loved that crazy bastard, didn't particularly care to see him get killed at all!! but i mean, that's also applicable to a lot of characters in vikings, like...they're vikings. they're gonna get killed. plenty of other characters i liked got killed too. it's not...mm, this is where i go back to context holding a lot of import??
sabrina fatally sacrificing herself in a ya program where in-universe resurrection was an option bothered me more than characters i liked getting killed in historical fiction ma-rated vikings. bc of the contextual differences in storytelling, audience, and in-universe rules.
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
Tumblr media
Name: leyna
Age: 1X
Writing Blog URL(s): @jensungf​
What fandom(s) do you write for? nct (dream)!
Nationality: american!
Languages: english, vietnamese (spanish??? very bad)
Star Sign: capricorn sun!! 
MBTI: enfp-t hehe
Favorite color: lavender
Favorite food: beef chow fun/noodles
Favorite movie: our times!
Favorite ice cream flavor: chocolate chip cookie dough
Favorite animal: cats! 
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering? hmm i’m not a big fan of either tbh but vietnamese iced coffee with a LOT of condensed milk is super good 
Dream job (whether you have a job or not): honestly idk! maybe an editor or professor who knows
Go-to karaoke song: “gee” by snsd or “if it ain’t you” by alicia keys
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose? vocal-induced manipulation or basically power of persuasion with my words hehe
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose? maybe the 90s! i really like the vibes and aesthetic
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you? no bc learning is a part of life!
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken? horse sized chicken hahaha bc horses are wild
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been? drama queen LOLL
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures? to an extent yes! 
If a genie gave you three wishes, what would they be? world peace, equality for all, and hmm true love in every life i live
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know? i have 3k followers on pinterest hahaha weird flex
When did you post your first piece? april 2020!
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why? i write most fluff and angst or a combo! with some crack bc who doesn’t love some humor hahah
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc? i write reader inserts
Why did you start writing on Tumblr? ive been writing on tumblr since 2015, just for diff fandoms bc i always loved reading fanfics and i wanted to become a better writer
What inspires you to write? other writings, real life experiences, dreams, basically anything!
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most? i find fluff easier to write than angst but i like a good balance of all the genres! i rly like writing soulmate!aus for some reason or just some domestic fluffy established relationship stuff
What do you hope your readers take away from your work? i hope they can actually feel the emotions i’m hoping to convey from each character (referring to my more angsty works) or their sweet tooth gets satiated hehe
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively? i try to read other stories or talk to my moots to help me!
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful? i think my fav has to be only forever because it’s something that i feel like is really cliche but it actually represents the meaning of young innocent first loves. i reminds me of what someone’s youth should sort of feel like. my most successful has been jsmr: sugar and spice because who doesn’t love jsmr!jeno and some sweet fluff and a spicy make out scene 🤭
Who is your favorite person to write about? jeno or jaemin tbh
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose? there is a slight difference because fanfiction provides you a sort of foundation with characters but to be honest, i believe that if you just switch the names and perspectives for most of the stories on here, it would become a bestselling hit because it conveys the same emotions and it’s just as enjoyable to read. the writers on here are truly exceptional. 
What do you think makes a good story? i definitely think little details and the nuances that add to the plot development and character development. most importantly, if a story evokes emotions from me and i can feel the story then i think it’s beautiful in itself. 
What is your writing process like? for me, i can come up with an idea based off of anything that might inspire me. like watching something, reading another story or just a dream i have. then i like to outline my stories by bouncing ideas with my best friend and from there once i figure out all the points i wanna hit i start writing! or for spur of the moment fics i deadass just start writing
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story? yes, most likely. 
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand? i love fwb to lovers and enemies to lovers! also soulmate!aus / tatbilb tropes cus i’m a sucker for cheesy stuff. i’m not a big fan of cheating/parent/apoc!aus or love triangles. oh and i can’t stand slow burn 😭
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you? as someone who lives off of validation, it means a lot and motivates me to write my stories and post them! we put so much hard work into our stories, so feedback and engagement is honestly the least you can do 🥺
What has been one of the biggest factors of your success (of any size)? i think just being in a community with other talented writers has taught me a lot!! and of course, having people read my work.
Do you think fanfic writers get unfairly judged? yes! all the time. 
Do you think art can be a medium for change? yes, maybe not on a macro scale but personally definitely. 
Do you ever feel there are times when you’re writing for others, rather than yourself? sometimes, but i always try to pull myself back into why i really started writing. but writing for others helps motivate me. 
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times? not on a serious level! it’s more so how details and events are interpreted but it’s fun to see how ppl have different perspectives on own piece versus your own vision.
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr? yes!! not my family ofc but my close friends do and support me 100% and i’m forever grateful for this
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers? thank you so much for everything you’ve ever done for me no matter how little or small it may seem, it means the world to me. 
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there? i think you need to realize why you’re writing and it’s because it brings you happiness, and you’re sharing your beautiful work out there and it has the possibility to change someone’s life whether it’s bringing them a little bit of joy or helping them feel emotions. you might discover things you never knew about yourself as well. 
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr? not really! as of recently i’ve seen a lot of changes with the platform and although it’s a big struggle, i can’t regret it because it’s brought me so much.  
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey? i’d hate to pick and choose because all my mutuals have really helped me in some way whether or not they know it because they inspire me, motivate me, and are just genuinely amazing people to talk to. but honestly talking to mary / @neostains​, nana / @nanasarea​, anie / @mjlkau​ have helped me open up from being shy and i appreciate them a whole lot. 
Pick a quote to end your interview with:  “to burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves.” - spanish poet federico garcia lorca
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