#and some additional teachers/heroes designs
theghostshost · 2 months
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Hypothetical BNHA spinoff future fan manga cover. re-entering the BNHA Phase- It's grabbed me by my ankles and dragging me back in against my will- expect so much OC dumping-
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artzychic27 · 4 months
Tell me this doesn’t scream Akuma Class Energy
Caline Bustier’s Rules For Taking Care Of Her Students
If Marinette, Max, and Nathaniel stayed up late working on design/tech/art projects, you are to give them a shot of coffee. Just enough to stay up during class, but not too much to cause anarchy and make it everyone else’s problem
Do not touch Nino’s headphones. If he has a day where he wants to block out the rest of the world and you take his headphones, Alya, Adrien, Kim, and Marinette will make it your problem
There are to be fifteen stim toys in the classroom at all times. FIFTEEN
Do not scream, yell, or play music too loudly around Myléne
The words ‘Unexceptional,’ ‘Stupid,’ ‘Worthless,’ and ‘Disappointment’ are not allowed to be said in the classroom
If Juleka mumbles, she mumbles. Do not even think about getting upset when she yells after you tell her to raise her voice
Monopoly is forbidden, whether in board game or app form. If they insist on playing it, they must have adult supervision. No, M. Monlataing is not adult supervision
Nathaniel is allowed to draw during lessons. That is how he takes notes, and if you take away his note-taking sketchbook, Alix, Juleka, Rose, Marinette, and Marc will follow you home. In addition, there must be visuals when presenting PowerPoints. Some students (Nathaniel for example) are visual learners
Marinette, Chloé, and Lila are not to be left alone together for more than two minutes
Kim is not allowed to go downstairs by himself
Alya is not allowed to go out and record Akuma battles that happen during school hours, lunch, or study hall
Do not send Nathaniel alone to grab extra supplies without some form of supervision. Alix does not count as supervision
Adrien is allowed to eat during class whenever he feels like it
If Rose asks to see the nurse, you let her go
If you are sending any of the girls out of the classroom between 10:00am and 10:15am, make sure Ivan and Kim accompany them
If Adrien and Marinette need to leave during an Akuma attack during schools hours, let them leave, no questions asked
If you’re one of those dress code nuts, Alya cannot help her natural curves, and you have no place to to call her out in the middle of class and claim that her curves are a distraction
If any of them are having a panic attack in the bathroom, screw gender and let their opposite sex friend or significant other help them
If Nathaniel starts yelling in Yiddish, don’t bother or interrupt him. Just don’t.
Spiders are not allowed in the classroom, and do not show images of spiders
Markov is sentient and therefore, shall be treated as a human. If you attempt to confiscate Markov, expect many angry family members
If Adrien sounds British, spray him with water
If Marc Anciel walks into the classroom saying Mme. Mendeleiev needs to speak to Nathaniel, do not let Nathaniel go with him
If Adrien gets called in the middle of a test for a photo shoot, do NOT let him go until he is done with his work. Actually, don’t let him leave during school hours, period
In addition to Rule 24, Nino has a binder with multiple incidents of Gabriel Agreste proving he is unfit to be a parent. If you witness Adrien being abused in any sort of way, please fill out one of the blank incident reports
@msweebyness @imsparky2002
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savindeku · 1 month
as a long time bnha fan, had to drop some thoughts i’ve been having about the manga ending! i’ve held this series near and dear to my heart, through the moments when i felt it was great story telling and when i felt so much was missing, or didn’t quite hit the mark. so i definitely don’t think bnha (or hori) is above critique, i love to yap about this series ((:
to me, there’s three main parts to the ending that i felt make sense:
izuku giving up OFA
izuku becoming a teacher
izuku still having the chance to be a true quirkless hero
going into depth on each of these, while i love the inclusion of these three pieces, i can understand why the actual execution didn’t land with folks. even i have my qualms! okay let’s get into it! ps. this is really me just yapping away from the heart so bare with it 🫰🏽
1) izuku giving up OFA:
I think this one should not come as too much of a surprise, given that the reveal of OFA essentially being the cause of the early demises of the previous holders sort of insinuated an uncontrollable aspect to the power. even though izuku has an advantage as someone who was quirkless, it still creates a sense of foreshadowing that this is a gift that might have an expiration date. of course, a part of me would have loved for him not to have given it up but there’s enough build up there that it doesn’t feel out of left field. in addition to the running theme in the series being that anyone can be a hero/a quirk doesn’t make a hero, there’s certainly some symbolism in izuku now affectively being without, making him a quirkless hero - what he had dreamed of since the first chapter.
2) izuku becoming a teacher:
personally, i really love this for him! as a consumer of many a fanfic, i have grown obsessed with this job alternative for him, since it allows him to continue to work in the hero field, he can inspire the next generation to save to win (that as long as you willing to extend that helping hand, that’s what being a real hero is), his analytic mind is doing important work, and can use his own experience to help others learn! “deku sensei” makes my heart so happy and if anything, i would’ve loved an extra chapter just to see him as a teacher. one thing ill add here is, i can understand some disappointment with this or frustration at hori because to some, it may seem izuku ended up becoming complacent and didn’t at least try to continue to pursue his dream of being a hero after the war. not sure where i fall on this, but food for thought.
3) izuku still having the chance to be a true quirkless hero (sorry this is gonna be long lol):
now to really get into the big reveal for this final chapter - a tech suit designed just for izuku (at the main request of a one katsuki bakugou, which yeah i Will Be Totally Normal About) so he can still be on the field as a pro-hero!! okay i also loved this, i won’t deny it as much as im on the deku sensei train! bnha is a series that is never going to please everyone and its ripe with many issues throughout but i do think this was a beautiful way to wrap it up. once again, from chapter 1, we are met with izuku who wants nothing more to be a hero despite being quirkless. i never really liked the argument of “well why didn’t he try harder or train up” when the series explains to us over and over again that this is a society that values quirks above all else. its a literal systemic issue (hitting close to home but i digress), where izuku would NEVER have been accepted as a quirkless hero no matter how hard he worked because it simply isn’t designed to allow that (also where the fuck would he have gotten the resources for that is beyond me lmao).
to me, this part was actually very important for bringing the story to a full circle in which we actually (somewhat, but arguable not completely) address the core issue and theme “people are not born equal”. instead of perpetuating a “pull yourself up by your boot straps” mindset, hori tells a story where we acknowledge the system and how it is working as intended - and that’s the very reason it needed dismantling. of course, i think along the way, we maybe lost the plot at times (thinking about how we didn’t fully address izuku’s martyrdom mindset, children get sent off to war multiple times, most of the villains being k*lled off rather than being saved as izuku wanted) but there’s much evidence of this. knowing that there was still the spirit of a hero in izuku - which is MADE SO CLEAR HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HAVING A QUIRK - and he now has the chance to continue onward, quirkless. i mean c’mon, it’s really something (to me at least).
bonus note time
here’s a sprinkle of random lingering thoughts. one critique i saw was that it felt strange for izuku to accept he couldn’t be a pro-hero until his friends (ehm mainly Katsuki teehee) gifted him the suit. as if he really just gave up and this sort of hurts any character development for izuku. while i see the thought process here and would’ve also welcomed izuku getting the suit designed himself, it doesn’t upset me quite as much that this is how it actually played out. it’s definitely conflicting feelings for me because ultimately i would’ve loved for izuku to have had an arc where it was more explicitly stated that he overcame his overly sacrificial tendencies - or that the story spent time sitting with the trauma inflicted on the children fighting a war. but here is where bnha slacks off (imo) - we don’t get that breath to explore or analyze or genuinely know izuku’s thoughts or feelings on the matter (beyond that he’s sad that shigaraki died, enjoys being a teacher, and can admit that he misses his quirk). so in this way, it makes sense why hori chose this path. it’s more about his friends extending their hand to him, an offering of never leaving anyone behind who is a hero, quirk or not. i think of it as something more symbolic than it having to say anything about izuku’s character. i think for that to be addressed, there’s so many things further back we would need to unravel too lol
lastly - bnha is also a story about disabilities!! there’s been a decent amount of analysis on this so i won’t say much but i think this is also good to keep in mind. it helps for understanding the metaphor in place - quirks can be disabling and rather than creating a world that is accessible to all, the world requires that you figure it out instead. “people are not born equal” what if we dared to dream of a world that understood “we each take shape differently…” so that we might want to care for one another. so we can build something that makes the space for all of us to be able to live and thrive.
okay so that’s what i’m feeling now! like i said, i really love bnha and i simply can’t bring myself to say i hated the ending or anything. it’s a series that will always have a special place in my heart! there’s are just thoughts rattling in my brain and how ive interpreted things as someone whose read the manga the last 5 years! it’s crazy to look back and remember key moments that shook the fandom to its core. anyway, if you read all of this, thanks!! :D
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mydisasteracademia · 9 months
Honestly, the slight crumbs of worldbuilding are all the more frustrating because of how interesting they are.
Quirkless discrimination: it exists, given how okay the teachers are towards Aldera's bullying of Izuku. Sir Nighteye also thinks Izuku being Quirkless won't make him a good hero, using it as an insult towards him.
The Business Course and Support Course: WHAT DO THEY LEARN? I'd imagine some engineering and management classes/hands on labs in addition to the regular classes. Maybe internships with agencies/compnaies on a manigerial or engineering aspect?
Exactly! What’s the use of worldbuilding if you stay in the same spots the entire time? Keeping it safe is keeping it boring, and honestly that’s the biggest injustice for such an interesting and multifaceted world.
Like, we’ve seen people discriminate against Izuku because he doesn’t have a Quirk (even if the majority were literal children, and kids can be very cruel) - but is that just a him thing? We hardly ever (IF ever) see it elsewhere in BnHA. We hear about it it we don’t recognize its impact outside of being a traumatizing experience for our main. We don’t grasp just how widespread this issue is, and the fact that so many see it as an allegory for real-life disability in an ableist world makes it even more disappointing. We see no aids for those with destructive or harmful quirks, we see nothing for those who’ve lost their Quirks in some way (be it old age or losing it via accident), we see nothing to aid those who ARE disabled - we see none of that. I’m not expecting a Japanese man writing a Japanese-centric story to see it the same way other countries or cultures would, but it would be a genuinely interesting issue to showcase and get people discussing.
And let’s be honest, the other courses at Yuuei essentially don’t exist (save for the designers of the Support Course). What I wouldn’t give to see Business Course students debating the ethics of the hero world, or how to run agencies, or studying to get into law schools with Yuuei’s clout backing them up, or even getting government jobs! I would even take a Business Course kid being disillusioned with how corrupt and greedy the hero world is and having to confide in other students about their anxieties and frustrations. We could’ve had a legitimately interesting arc about 1-A or 1-B kids (or even Shinsou) getting to see other perspectives besides just “heroism is great and nothing is wrong!”
And the Support Course! Where’s the sidekicks, the rescue teams, the spies, or ANYTHING besides weaponsmiths? Where’s the tech kids who got into Yuuei to exercise their abilities in those branches? The hackers? The security experts? All of it would be so interesting to explore but we never see any of it!
I dunno. I really do love BnHA but the insistent refusal to explore any themes besides “let’s throw these inexperienced kids into an adult war” is severely frustrating and disappointing. I know Horikoshi isn’t (and shouldn’t be) expected to talk about everything, but even a little variety would be nice.
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cinturon-cadena · 11 months
DP x DC Smallville
Okay, I've been forming this theory for a while now, but this scene just cemented it:
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The bottom of her boots? Fenton F??? There is no way you can't tell me those aren't Fenton-grade boots!
Hear me out. I have other evidence.
The principal in season 1 is a man of Asian decent named Kwan. Who else do we know named Kwan?
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And to top it off, Smallville's Kwan has a son named Danny. Now obviously, his son isn't Fenton/Phantom, BUT assuming at least the class and maybe the entire town of Amity Park learns Danny's secret, it wouldn't be out of the ordinary that some of his classmates grow up and name a child after their town hero. Even if they never learn Danny's secret, Danny Fenton himself did lead the entire class against Ember and Youngblood, as well as exhibited other noble qualities, so it's not out of the question that at least one of his classmates had a child whom they named 'Danny'.
2. As discussed in this post, the whole 'Kryptonite-is-crystalized-Ectoplasm' theory. Now some of the more meticulous (me) might be wondering, 'if this theory holds up and Kryptonite-Ectoplasm is giving random people in Smallville super/ghost powers, then why didn't Amity Park have the same activity?' Why thank you, Skeptical Voice In My Head! I'll tell you why. First of all, Smallville has had 12 years-worth of exposure to the Kryptonite-Ectoplasm, that's why! During the course of Danny Phantom's runtime we only get to see ~1 year pass. 2 if we're being generous. In addition, despite having a literal portal to Hell the Infinite Realms open basically 24/7 in the town, along with near-daily/hourly ghost attacks, the citizens of Amity Park themselves do not seem to regularly come into contact with any form of Ectoplasm. Unlike in Smallville, where people are handling the stuff almost daily - hell, dozens of people just casually wear it as jewelry, and I guarantee more than 1 person has at least a meteorite rock or 2 in their home, as a keepsake. There is also a potential argument to be made about crystalized Ectoplasm-Kryptonite being more potent than the ambient radiation/gas/liquid stuff we see in Amity Park.
3. There is literally a canonical town near Smallville called Amityville. Enough said.
4. Which brings us to number 4. The Boots.
I propose that it is highly likely that Danny's class grew up through the events of Danny Phantom (sin Phantom Planet), and that Smallville takes place somewhere around ~25 years after the Portal opens. Kwan grew up to be a teacher, then principal, and named his son after Danny (whether he knew Danny's secret or not). Fenton Works continued on in some capacity, whether it's still the Dr's Fenton going at it or if Danny/Jazz inherited the family business, and at some point made a line of Fenton-grade combat boots. Heck, maybe Sam had a say in their design (it is the kind of thing she'd wear).
In addition, if this is ~25 years later, then Amity Park would be full of Liminals right now - probably keeping their nature on the down-low so the rest of the world doesn't know, or being held under a Team Phantom (Foley/Fenton/Technus) or GIW-mandated blackout. Either way, the general world knows Amity ParkVille exists, but not that Liminals live there (unlive?).
And because their exposure to Ectoplasm was much more gradual and they would have had enough cultural exposure to ghosts, they would adapt to their newfound Liminality powers much more effectively than the poor flash-exposured citizens of Smallville who end up insane because they can't handle the sudden influx of power they're granted. The citizens of Amity Park have the tech and know-how to deal with weird ectoplasm-induced ghost powers. They've seen and interacted with enough ghosts that the idea of Obsessions/Purposes/insert-headcanon-here isn't far-fetched and they'd know how to deal with it in a slightly more constructive way (or at least, be able to handle the ghostly aggression that Liminals seem to have, if Smallville is any indication).
SO, In Conclusion, Danny Phantom's Amity Park and Smallville are in the same universe, albeit DP is ~25 years ahead of Smallville's setting.
Just Saying.
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This was asked for, I hope I did him justice, it was too long for tumblr, i got a little carried away but here's a snippet. Idk why soft mha as dads is ruining my life rn.
Pairing: Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic) x Fem! Reader
Genre: Fluffy/ a little sad
Warnings: Season 6 of the Anime Spoilers, slight mention of insecurities.
Additional Notes: N/A “He’s married?? But he’s sooo loud! His poor wife” you heard two girls in the hallway start giggling while they were talking about what you could only assume was your husband, pro hero and teacher who went by Present Mic. You worked for the biggest support company in Japan as one of the lead designers, always on the forefront of new hero technology. When it came to Hizashi, however, you met him during your time at UA. You adjusted your daughter on your hip as you continued to move down the hallway to Hizashi’s classroom. “Y/n? What are you doing here?” Aizawa asked, looking at you confused. “Shouta, lovely to see you. Hizashi asked me to come, and said something was happening and I needed to bring Kiki with me.” you told him truthfully. A scowl was now present on his face. Hizashi didn’t go into detail but you could sense his worry. The way he cared for you was unmatched. “Oh. That. Yeah, it’s probably going to be better coming from him." His words struck you as odd. “What does that mean?” you asked, tightening your grip on Kiki. “Danger is coming. Things are starting to get bad.” your eyes widen. Hairs start to stand on the back of your neck as you think about what he could possibly mean. “You should talk to him.” Aizawa states. “Talk to who about what?” you feel relieved at hearing Hizashi come up beside you. “Just the man I was looking for.” You hummed. His eyes perk up as he turns to you. “Oh really, for what?” he smirks. You laugh and hand him your restless child. “She has been driving me crazy, your turn. Also you asked me to come.” You spoke as he took his tired child in his arms. “Dada” she mumbled quietly as he got her situated. “Yeah, come on.” he mumbled, placing a hand on your back leading you to his now empty classroom. The kids must be at lunch, you think to yourself as you sit on the corner of his desk. “So, what is it?” you asked, trying not to grow impatient, today was your day off and you didn’t really want to spend it at UA. too many not so great memories. “You know the villain presence is getting stronger since the situation with all might. The liberation front is beginning to cause chaos. Nezu has decided to open the campus as a shelter. It will be safer for you and Kiki to stay here.” His words shook you to your core. You didn’t want to live here, even if it was temporary. “Hizashi I-I don’t want to stay here.” you told him as you rubbed your arm. He sighs. “Y/n don’t do this. You know this place is a fortress. You both will be safe here. If anything happens to either of you because of this I will never forgive myself.” You know he’s telling you the truth. You take your face in your hands and rub it lightly. “When?” you asked. “Tonight preferably.” his response elicits a groan from you. “How long have you known about this?” You asked, growing annoyed. “A few weeks.” He admitted. You cross your arms over your chest. “Why did you wait to tell me?” He sighs “Because you were so busy, and I didn’t think things were going to get this bad.” He shifts slightly, your daughter now asleep in his hold. “How bad have they gotten?” you ask cautiously. He wasn’t a private person, at least not with you. You watched the news, more so recently, but with how the media is you know there are things they are hiding. You know a lot about his students, Aizawa’s, even helped Mae Hatsume tweak some of her work for class 1-A. She is a brilliant child and you were trying to convince your company to snag her once she was closer to graduating. “Midoriya left, the kids want to go after him.” He admits. Your eyes widen “Wh-what? There are children fighting in this war?” You felt tears well in your eyes, you became slightly softer after the birth of Kiki, imagining children in this scenario would rattle even the strongest of wills. “Y/n, please, I am begging you, you need to be here.” He redirects the conversation back. “Fine. Gonna have to let my job know I'll be remote for a while. UA is a decent hike.”
The rest is on my A03! Link attached :D.
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quietlyblooms · 3 months
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your quirk isn't well-suited for heroism. you think this long before anyone has the chance to say the words aloud. your skin shifts and changes without your permission, reveals the way your heart clenches and startles. it doesn't matter how well-trained your poker-face is; the hue of your skin always gives you away. you can't hide anything as well as you'd like to.
well, you couldn't. time, training, and stubborn, furious determination did wonders for your quirk and, most of all, your sanity.
you just wanted control over your own body. you weren't thinking of the future, what might become a possibility rather than a naïve child's dream. your quirk wasn't well-suited for heroism. only you still believed this as you entered high school, and it was your homeroom teacher, flabbergasted by the use of your quirk for a practical joke and your adamant protest that you did not belong in the hero course, who eventually made you see reason.
and now you've come full circle, it would seem. u.a. high school looms overhead, and your stomach somersaults. teaching is meant to be a break from the stress of your hero career, give you a chance to help students reach their true potential just as your homeroom teacher did for you. you belatedly accept that maybe all won't go according to plan. more than likely it won't. but that's fine.
you'll meet the challenge with a smile, teeth bared in determined defiance.
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similar to octopi, chiyo's skin is made up of special cells that allow her to mimic the colors and textures of her surroundings. it comes as naturally as breathing these days, sometimes to the extent that chiyo may disappear while immersed in thought or a task ( almost like an unconscious effort to remain undisturbed ). this ability is most ideal for covert assignments or partnerships that involve a flashier teammate. chiyo also posses a venomous bite, capable of paralyzing her opponent, though she purposely leaves this detail out of most unofficial profiles and interviews. it's useful to have a hidden card up her sleeve; she also doesn't want anyone asking to see her fangs. that's embarrassing.
chiyo acts as a remedial combat teacher as well as the art teacher for u.a. high school, where she once attended as a teen.
while she may have a following as many heroes do, she's likely to be a lesser known pro hero, especially as chiyo tends to be a private person. she's more likely to be known among her colleagues, i think uvu
don't ask me what her hero gear looks like rn, but pls know that she's almost always wearing that gear at school bc it's built to work with her quirk! she does have some other outfits that were designed the same way, but can you imagine the cost?? oof
it's not as common an occurrence now, but chiyo may change color depending upon her mood! it's more like a tinge of color vs. the bright hues from her childhood, though.
i'm sure i'll add more here as i catch up with the series, but if you have questions in the meantime, just ask <3
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rachelbethhines · 11 months
60 Years of Doctor Who Anniversary Marathon - McCoy 10th Review
Bernice Summerfield: Oh No It Isn't! - Spin-off
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Part of what makes Bernice Summerfield such a long running success is that her series can function as a standalone thing rather than just a spin-off.
When Virgin Publishing lost the rights to Doctor Who back in 1996, they dug Benny (a character they had created for the New Adventures novels) out of the closet and designed a new series around her with no ties to Doctor Who what so ever.
That's not to say that they erased the character's past, she's still a companion and technically the series still takes place in the world of Who, but no mentions of the Doctor nor any other BBC owned character appear or are even named dropped.
So basically you can pick up this first novel, like I did, without ever having touched any of the NAs, or even without having seen an episode of Who in your life.
Because, besides Benny herself, the only other thing that can be associated with Who is Menlove Stokes from that Fourth Doctor book we covered, The Romance of Crime. And there's no references to that story here either.
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But what about the actual book? Is it any good?
I want to like it. I really do.
I love the premise. Getting caught in a augmented reality based off fairy tales!? Yes please!
Also most the characters are likable enough, even with such a large cast.
But there's one thing that really drags the whole book down.
It's the subplot between Benny and one of her students.
Through out the story Benny keeps debating about whether or not she should pursue a romance with one of the college kids that she teaches... and it's just gross.
Granted, she never goes through with it, and the narrative repeatedly points out why it's toxic, but like... why the fuck would introduce your main hero with a such a subplot anyways?
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I mean if you're going to tell such a story then actually tell it. Make it the focus and draw some real drama from it. Don't shove it into the background of a completely different narrative after introducing it.
The end result is just uncomfortable and distracting. The darker subject matter clashes horribly with the surreal comedy romp that the rest if the story wants to be, and so it never feels fully resolved.
In addition it winds up undoing any hard work the book made to present it's hero as relatable and likable.
I mean, my gosh, plenty of women get a divorce without turning into pedos... seriously what the fuck?
Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know the character is in college and would technically be considered 'legal', but he's still described as a teenager several times through out the book and she's in her mid to late 30s.
Also.. She's His Damn Teacher!
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However, whenever this unpleasantness is shoved aside for the actual story, it's pretty dang good.
It's charming, funny, and fun!
Even if you're not familiar with British Panto you can still follow along with the tropes easily enough as they're mostly still rooted in fairy tales and musical theater.
It's certainly more digestible then most Virgin fare, I'll give it that, but it's still not enough to make me a Benny fan, sorry.
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kaiwewi · 2 years
Choice Misfits #2
[Masterlist: Choice Misfits] [Part 1]
Synopsis: Former Villain is suffering through a tedious Hero Agency meeting. But the new sidekick is about to shake things up.
Two weeks had gone by since that irritating new sidekick's first day at the Hero Agency, and yet the kid still hadn't chosen a mentor.
Sidekick had demanded to take part in a couple missions first before they’d pick the hero who’d become their primary teacher. Extended orientation periods weren’t common practice, but the heroes had agreed enthusiastically; after all, most of them loved to show off their abilities and none of them would pass on a chance to become mentor to the kid who possessed more than one power.
At breaktime, the corridors were filled with hushed whispers of Sidekick’s tremendous potential and the bright future of the Hero Agency. Nothing substantial; all gossip and speculations, fuelled by the fact that Superhero had never wanted a candidate to enrol in the program this desperately.
Naturally, the kid knew to exploit the situation.
If Sidekick wanted extras, they’d get them. If Sidekick wanted to see every group member in action, they’d be allowed to join the team on missions. If Sidekick wanted to choose the design for their own costume, the Agency’s designer would practically lick the kid’s boots and thank them for the opportunity.
It was ridiculous, bordering on degrading.
Former Villain listlessly chewed on a gummy worm as they watched the heroes busying themselves with paperwork and mission reports. There wasn’t really a point in them being here, since no one gave much of a damn about their contributions anyway. But if they brought that up one more time, Superhero might just go through with her threat of assigning them to garage duty, which was worse. (Being bored eating candy while sitting in a well-cushioned chair was objectively much better than being bored not eating candy while sweeping a hall that reeked of dust and gasoline.)
“Okay,” Superhero said, “this concludes mission planning. Does anyone have anything to add?”
Sidekick stepped forward.
“I’ve made my choice,” they said and all whispered conversations in the meeting room immediately ceased.
Superhero perked up. She smiled her friendliest sparkling superhero smile (a tad too broad to look entirely believable) and rounded the table. She put her hand on the kid’s shoulder.
“That is wonderful, Sidekick. Whom did you pick?”
Of course, everyone already knew Superhero herself would be the obvious choice for a mentee with multiple powers. She had four different abilities and could wield three of them with great precision and destructive force. Her guidance would be invaluable.
Hero would be another good choice. Though he only had two powers, he could combine those to an annoyingly devastating effect. But not every power combination would necessarily yield such great results under hero's custom-tailored approach. So that was a bit of a gamble.
However, no matter which of the heroes the sidekick would pick, it should be fine. Most of the other team members would make excellent mentors as well. Training the recruits was a group effort for the most part anyway, and everyone got to train with Superhero or Hero at some point. The recruits’ personal mentors merely offered additional support, a few hours of extra practice, and advice.
Picking a less busy hero might actually prove the better choice.
Either way, all of this was highly ceremonial, no more than superficial rituals and PR gigs. Tomorrow, this would be all over the news, taking up screen time that could have been better spend on providing crucial information about the state of the world and its people.
So annoying …
They fished around in their pack of gummy worms, collecting only the red-and-yellow ones, and sighed. Urgh, official meetings were the worst.
The silence stretched, then Sidekick said, “I want that one.”
Someone gasped, too loud in a room so eerily still. A moment later, several sets of feet began to shuffle on the linoleum-covered floor. Nobody spoke.
They looked up then, from the handful of gummy worms they’d been about to stuff into their mouth, at the sidekick pointing directly at them.
As they locked eyes, the kid's polite smile morphed into a smirk.
“I want Former Villain to be my mentor.”
[Part 3]
For my other stories, visit my [MASTERLIST] ♥
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deusvervewrites · 2 years
I have been thinking about BNHA rapid pacing and some of the issues that come with that for some time, and I feel like quite a lot of that can (sadly) be traced back to the USJ attack. On its own, its a great early arc that sets the stakes: In the first WEEK of school, a dangerous, unknown villain attacks and nearly KILLS THE NUMBER ONE HERO! Thats huge!
The problem is that now, every other big arc/event has to match or surpass that and wow did you just set the bar high. Spectacle Creep is one hell of a drug.
And I feel it also wastes a lot of the Academia potential in BNHA and makes it almost impossible to focus more on that: You just cant meet that kind of threat and stakes with regular school activities, the Sports Festival only worked due to more characters as well as the implicit stakes of getting your name out and securing your career. But more importantly, you dont necessarily need this kind of stakes this early: Usually, Events or Arcs like the USJ are used to get people hooked, they want to figure out who the LoV are, what they want, when they will appear next, etc... And that keeps them reading/watching. But, like... you already have a super interesting setting full of weird powers and now its a school for those that want to be professional heroes with these powers...
I'd argue that you dont need additional stakes this early in the story, the setting alone is more than enough to keep interest because its unique and fascinating in itself.
For a quick comparison, Harry Potter and Yu-Gi-Oh GX both have their own fair share of issues, but they kinda get that part right: early stories and arcs are just the protagonists living their regular school lives. It's still interesting and captivating because their regular school lives are made way more interesting by the setting of magic school/duel academy. Its school as we know it, with shitty teachers, jocks, girl troubles, rivals, bffs, etc... but an actually cool and interesting school! And this allows for a slower ramp up of stakes and, added bonus, when things start getting weirder and stakes start getting higher later in the story, we, as audience, recognize that on our own because we can compare it earlier arcs. We dont need to be constantly told that "this has never happened before", like BNHA constantly does.
The interesting question here is how much of this was Horikoshis design/intention, and how much was potentially mandated by Editors/Jump to meet/keep up with other Shounen stories.
I'm actually fine with the USJ happening early, but the League should've kept quiet for longer, or at least we should've gotten to see more of that downtime to keep them more mysterious.
TBH I felt the pacing of GX was way too slow. I lost track of how many wacky Duelists Of The Week there were before the first actual story arc, especially with how... normal that school is. Like, once you accept they're learning card games and sorted by skill (unless the teachers are biased fuck you), we don't see them doing much schoolwork either.
But My Hero Academia has another way to add interest to the setting: the HPSC. UA is a perfect chance to seed ideas of the organization being corrupt as fuck. History lessons about Lady Nagant 'killing another Hero in a heated argument.' Uraraka discussing how some of the poorer people who are family friends are profiled by Heroes. Todoroki. Good, fun character drama and exploration while setting up for the HPSC to take center stage as the bad guy!
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emailsquid · 1 year
ok spiderman p5 au thing that infests my brain is coming out
mostly based on ultimate spiderman and spiderverse since those are the 2 im super familiar with.
akira is spider-man obviously. after getting sent to tokyo because of the normal p5 reasons he gets bitten by a radioactive spider and gets the normal spider powers (proportional strength, spider sense, heightened agility), with the addition of being able to get a better read on people's thought process (i dont think spiders can actually do this but i wanted to reference the personas in some way) and induce a low level of delusion in other people, making them more likely to tell the truth with a spider toxin thing. you know the deal i can make shit up. hes initially unwilling to be spider-man until stuff really gets bad with kamoshida, and then is only willing to do it whilst disguised to avoid fucking up his criminal record even more. loves actually being spiderman tho.
sojiro is almost unchanged except stuff with wakaba is different but hes still gruff but comes to love akira in more or less the same way as in p5. hates when theres supervillain fights outside his cafe (oops)
ryuji learn's akira's secret immediately and encourages him to be a hero, partly bc he thinks its cool, partly because he thinks he has a responsibility to use his powers for justice of some kind, partly to get back at kamoshida for being a massive piece of shit. he stays akira's best friend throughout his time in tokyo and almost has his side.
ann is 2nd to learn akira's secret and also encourages him to fight kamoshida (im getting to him btw). She designs the suit as well and makes it with akira. she also wants akira to be a hero but is much more cautious and worried about things than ryuji
i have no idea what to do with morgana but im thinking hes gonna be another superhero, idk what tho. probably like a shapeshifter or something? more thought is required.
Kamoshidas like. a superhero who double times as a teacher, still an abusive shitbag but now hes like publically worshipped. hes akiras first big fight after akira spreads the truth about him with calling cards and gets him to admit to his crimes publically, at which point he has to run away in shame. partly i based him on kamoshidaman (although i dont actually know anything abt pq2 im just assuming) and also mysterio in far from home.
shiho is basically the same except ill bring her back into the story later for something. havent planned that far ahead. she will date ann tho.
most other characters i only have vague ideas for, such as makoto having an alive father (nothing bad could happen to a police captain father in a spider man story surely) and futaba developing tech for akira. its the only way i can think to get him webslingers tbh. for akechi i have something cooking as well but im writing a fic for this so i kinda dont wanna spoil that bc i think its cool. im trying my best to be accurate to the characters personalities ut akira will probably be more quippy than usual bc it just feels wrong for any spider man not to quip. so yeah. other than that i think he maps onto spider man pretty well tbh, hes got the public hate campaign, the saviour complex, the sense of justice, hes stylish and hes got a social life going on to manage at the same time. haru also has some specific stuff i wanna do with her.
also this is a marvel like au so other superheros exist but its an americacentric phenomenon however the phoenix ranger feathermen are real. idk what ill do with them but they are bc it felt wrong to only have like 2 superheros. there might be others too. idk. maybe its more of ust a superhero au with specific marvel ideas. wahtever.
if i had the time and skill to do art for this id love to do it in the style of the original p5 intro with limited colours other than red and black to white spectrum. it would look cool and set it apart visually. also it would look a bit like the guy she was intereted in which i love visually so yeah.
anyway yea this is a pretty specific crossover so cant wait for no-one to care but yea ill update this with more later
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phoenixrising0308 · 2 years
Prince Charming (2): Glitter in the air
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#Day 16 Glitter
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A/N: set 4 years after “And along came Polly” and in an open match world. Liam is a teacher (who isn’t open about his royalty status) Liam’s mother’s name is Lily.} 
Pencil Chronicle Theme(s): Cinnamon roll hero- Bonus trope collection Pencil Chronicle Prompt(s): “I feel God in this chili tonight.” and “I am Beyoncé, always.” - The Office collection “I like good strong words that mean something.” - Little Women Collection Additional Prompt(s) - #’s 12,13,31 and Location Prompts #67 and #26 
Words according to this blogger: Dulce means sweet in Spanish. 
Triggers: None 
Chapter Song inspiration: Glitter in the air - P!nk 
Word count: 4,000 *As always, forgive my typos and grammatical errors.*
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He took a sip from his drink and slammed the table, and said, “WHOA! I feel God in this chili tonight.” and he burped loudly, “Are you having a great time?”
Jessica looked at her match date and kicked herself for being talked into the “Bargain Bin Match Bogo sale.” The Matchmaking service called “Eros 2.0” was owned by former interns of the disbanded ‘Eros’ matchmaking service; the rumor was they were always offering matches at half the price of their competitors by using discontinued or destroyed matches whose parts were broken down and put in other matches to repurpose for sale. Tonight’s candidate for Eros 2.0 was candidate #348 and went by the name Dames Elvin Rosario’s.
Jessica found him absolutely obnoxious, but she was also upset that he was designed based on her preferences. She asked for a friendly and quiet place that offered Chilean sea bass on their menu; instead, she found herself at a loud restaurant with several TVs with the occasional “Happy Birthday song from the Chili’s crew.” And instead of Chilean Sea Bass, she found Chili’s original Chili on the menu.
The waitress walked over and handed Dames the bill. He said, “Jess, you got this, right? I forgot my wallet, and it’s not payday.”
Jessica sighed. “Sure.” ‘How many frogs do you have to kiss…like he isn’t even like a real guy. Fix your life, Jess; just fix it. I’m getting a refund.’
“You’re driving me home, right? I want to say keep the windows up. You know stomach ain’t right.”
4 blocks away … Michael's craft store
His basket was full, but there was something he was looking for. He needed pink glitter. Pink was the class color this month. Tomorrow he would have all his students make a class art submission for ‘World Art Day’ It was also a monthly class pet day. He knew he would regret having to give his Corgi Chance five doggie baths to get the glitter off him but seeing their smiling faces would be all he needed for him to make it worth it.
Liam Rhys was everything you could imagine a Pre-K teacher to be kind, patient, and understanding. He gave up his Central Park Penthouse in favor of being closer to his job and just closed on a Williamsburg Brownstone two months ago. Riding his bike around the neighborhood, he discovered a tiny little bakery called ‘Dulce’ he loved some of the Latin inspired flavors; it reminded him of places he went to when he studied abroad in college he spoke the language fluently, and every summer for the last four years he volunteered at privately funded foundation called ‘Teach beyond limits where he traveled to help support other schools summer enrichment programs. Last summer, he spent time in Puerto Rico. He decided to spend Christmas break with a few friends and a local Christmas eggnog drink called Cocoquito. When he saw a twinkie inspired by it in the window, he had to try it.
Now, this little bakery would be his go-to place once a week on Fridays. He would stop in, and he would treat himself to a Dulce de leche Apple Turnover. As it turns out, the owner was the mother of Chance’s favorite student, Paloma Bianca Walker. Her classmates would call her Polly. Last week, her mother Emily asked a few personal questions he was happy to answer, thinking that she wanted to know a loyal customer better. Still, he also made sure to be vague for a few personal reasons as well as professional.
Jessica spent the night crying, upset that apparently Riley Brooks was now starting a family with her former fiancé and former FDNY Paramedic turned Physical Therapist, Rafael Aveiro showed up on her people you might know feed, and she combed through his pictures. They seemed happy; meanwhile, Jessica was stuck. She didn’t want him back, but she questioned why karma hadn’t gotten to him; four years later, she was still alone and still very much wanting to share her life with someone but pretended not to care. April 16th was her deceased parents’ wedding anniversary, and being lonely hit her the hardest, so she made sure to take off.
Jessica was given strict orders by Drake to be at ‘Dulce’ at 7:45 AM to take Polly to school. He needed to be at one police plaza for a meeting, and Emily was opening up the bakery. It was now 8:10 AM., and Polly started at 8:30AM.
Jessica finally made it double-parked her car.
“Titi (Aunt) Jessie!”
“Hey there, my beautiful girl.”
Polly looked excited as she said, “Chance day.”
“Who is Chance?”
“Chance is the class pet! He’s a Corgi”
“Oh, that’s fun!” Jessica replied.
Emily said, “But thanks for doing this for us, Jessica.”
“No problem. I’m off; Drake is handling city hall; he knows I hate working on this day. Besides, you have the bakery. And Sue across the street, that rotten recipe stealing-”
Emily cut Jessica off and said, “PIKACHU. Sue is a recipe stealing Pikachu.”
“Yeh, she’s a Pikachu, alright.”
Emily walked over and said, “Chance is waiting!” Emily followed and took a look at Jessica’s outfit choice.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re a lovable mess.” Emily quickly took the pen out of Jessica’s hair, and it fell down below her shoulders. “You never know. Take off that purple sweater.” Emily mumbled before saying, “Paloma, take Titi Jessie’s sweater.”
Polly took Jessica’s sweater.
“Maybe you will bump into Prince Charming in a parking lot?”
Jessica scoffed, “Prince Charming… is stuck in traffic.”
Inside Jessica’s Escalade
Jessica and Polly were singing the little mermaid score as she got ready to merge into the lane to give the go-ahead from the other. Suddenly, the car sped up and cut them off, as Jessica was about to merge.
She honked the horn and pulled her window down, “YOU FUCKING FUCK FACE ASSHOLE! You couldn’t wait for your fucken turn!”
“Oh, bad, bad words.”
“Oh, POLLY, well, sometimes when you don’t wait your turn, someone has to tell you didn’t do the right thing, and Mr. The Honda Accord was really mean. Maybe and just maybe he won’t do that again because it um… It hurt my feelings, and I yelled.” Jessica tried rationalizing as the Honda drove slower than molasses in front of them.
“OH MY GOD, FUCKING FUCK FACE ASSHOLE! ! Why cut in front of my car if you’re going to move like a damn tourist,” Jessica growled before clearing her throat. “Sorry, he hurt my feelings again.”
Polly looked intrigued, “Ooh, okay.” She replied as they drove.
‘FUCK, I’m gonna get so much shit over being late. They gave me these official plates for my personal vehicle for a reason.’ Jessica put her NYPD Police lights on her dashboard, turned on her sirens, and then got on her speaker.
“This is an official Police vehicle giving a lawful order to yield right of way to the Ford Escalade behind you.”
Most Holy Trinity Elementary - Pre-K: Room 1
Polly could barely contain her excitement as they all lined up to see Chance. The 4-year-old thought it was the best thing ever that she had been looking forward to all week. Just when it was almost her turn, another preschooler cut her off in line.
The boy stuck his tongue out at her, and Polly felt her anger boiling. ‘
‘Hurt my feelings.’
Every student gasped, and Liam blinked in surprise. “Polly. That is not a nice word. Well, that whole sentence was unkind.” He told her as she crossed her arms with a pout.
“Gavin was mean!”
Liam nodded and crouched down to both their levels. “Gavin, you have to wait your turn. That is not fair or nice. Polly, just because our feelings are hurt doesn’t mean we can use bad words like that to hurt other people, Okay? Next time, come get me.”
Both kids looked to the ground, “Sorry…”
“Now, let’s sing a song about our feelings, okay?”
Liam walked over to his mother’s guitar and picked it up, and began to play a few cords as he softly sang to his class as they waited for their turns to play with Chance.
Liam asked Polly privately.” Now, where did you hear that word from?”
Polly didn’t even think twice. “Titi Jess.”
“Thank you, Polly.”
Afternoon dismissal
“Hi, I’m here to pick up Paloma Walker.”
The secretary said, “Oh, she is with her teacher. They are in Prek-4, room one. It’s down the hall to your left.”
Jessica walked down the hall with her purple sweater. ‘I don’t care if it’s homey. It’s comfortable.’ The minute she walked in and saw him, she felt a faint blush warm her cheeks. ‘Polly’s teacher looks like that!? OMG, the glasses and suspenders well bend me over a desk.’ Jessica thought as the tall, blonde, handsome, big-built man with blue eyes looked played with Polly and Chance. Jessica ran into the hallway and took off the sweater and returned and shoved the ugly sweater behind herself on a desk.
Liam seemed to stare at her longer than intended before he shook himself and smiled. He extended his hand, “Are you, Mrs. Jessica Garcia?” ‘Please be a Miss.’ He secretly thought.
Jessica took a sweeping look at Liam and bit her lip. ‘My name is Jessica, but you can call me yours.’
“Uh, yeah!… Well, it’s Miss” She tried leveling her voice, “I’m Polly’s Aunt. Godmother. A close friend of her parents. Whatever you want to call it.” She gave a nervous laugh as she rambled.
Liam extended his hand and she took it.
‘God, you’re hands are huge. This could only mean one thing: you have a big crayon, and I would love to scribble with you. ALL. NIGHT. LONG. Wipe the smirk off your face.’ She cursed inwardly. She smiled.
Liam held her hand longer than a typical handshake. ‘I am, covered in pink glitter. My— God. You are beautiful; I would tell you every morning if you woke up next to me. Wait, I’m still holding your hand. Liam let it go.’ He released her hand and cleared his throat.
“I’m Mr. Rhys; you can call me Liam. I’m Paloma’s teacher.”
‘Also VERY single AND very interested.’
“But before you go, I actually feel I need to bring up something Polly said.”
Liam thought, ‘Gavin is a fucken fuck face. He is rude to everyone and just a complete brat. Is it wrong to be glad she told him off so I could meet you?’
Jessica frowned, “Oh?” ‘I really could just listen to you talk for hours. I bet you are good with kids. I will have ALL your babies…want to start tonight?’
“See…Another student cut in front of her to see Chance and Polly said a string of very creative profanity.” ‘I’d also like to say I can get lost in those brown eyes, and all is forgiven, Love. Love the nickname suits you. Let me whisper it in your ear while you sleep.’
Jessica nervously bit her lip and thought inwardly, ‘Oh Squirtle! I mean, oh shit! Now, you want to curse in Pokémon? You just made Polly that kid. Drake is going to be so mad at me FUCK. I’m still going over your house for the Yankee game fuck that.’
“Oh, I am so sorry about that. Mr. Walker really should watch what he says around her. It’s the job that takes its toll on you in many ways.”
Liam raised a brow with an amused look. “Oh, is that so? Because I heard something about her Titi saying it. Wonder if perhaps her Titi might consider another manner to express her disappointment.”
‘I would love to give you ideas over dinner. But if you would like to just be on time out under me, that can be arranged.’
Jessica gave Polly a look as Polly was oblivious while playing with Chance. Jessica smiled back at Liam.
“Well, I mean-I promise, I’ll talk to her about it.” ‘I’m torn between being angry at her for snitching or getting her a happy meal and doing a kiddie interrogation for intel.’
“It’s alright. Kids are like sponges at this age. It was very creative, though.” He chuckled, and Jessica chuckled as well.
“Yeah, you get creative in traffic.”
There was a bit of silence as they both smiled at each other.
Liam thought, ‘Can I ask her out? Is that allowed? I can’t even remember the last time I felt like this…Which is never.’
Jessica thought, ‘Does he like to read them stories? Look around the room, be cool; wait, guitar? Just take my panties.’
They both cleared the silence with a small laugh as Jessica said, “Well, I guess we better go. Come on, Polly.”
Liam wanted to frown but forced himself not to. ‘I don’t want you to leave. I want to know everything there is to know about you. Do you like French toast? Do you like coffee or tea? How many kids do you want? Do you love to dance? Ever been to Cordonia? I kinda have to do this thing. What are your thoughts on marriage?’
Polly sighed, “Ookkaay… By Chance, Bye Mr. R.!”
Jessica saw her sweater on the desk and walked past it. ‘Cinderella didn’t look back, so I’m not.’
He waved, “Goodbye, Polly.” Chance sat next to Liam as he watched Jessica and Polly leave the classroom. He looked down at Chance by his leg and smiled, then said, “…AND that’s how I met your mother on a sunny April afternoon covered in glitter. You’re a good boy, Chance; you are a very good boy indeed.”
In the parking lot
“Chicky nuggie?”
“Abso-fucken-lutely.” Jessica slapped her thigh, annoyed at herself for the slip-up. “Well, if I can get in a corner with Mr. Rhys, I will die happy, so there is that.”
“I’m telling Daddy!”
“Polly… Do you want to go to ‘Its Sugar’? I will let you buy whatever you want. They have a five-pound gummy bear with your name on it. We can keep it in my house.”
Back in the classroom
Liam sighed to himself as he cleaned up the room. ‘I hope she comes around more…God, you should have just asked her.’
He looked at the purple sweater and grabbed it. “WELL wouldn’t be the first time a prince brought something back to its owner.” He stared down at the sweater, smelling lavender vanilla on it. “I love Vanilla.”
Jessica’s Loft Intercom
Liam held the purple sweater in his hand, “I can do this. It’s not weird. So, she is Polly’s Aunt. I can ask her out. She gets to know the real Liam.”
Liam buzzed the apartment.
Jessica answered, “Hi, can I help you?”
“Um… Hi, Ms. Garcia. You left a purple sweater in my classroom. I hope you don’t mind. I asked Mrs. Walker if I could have your address to bring it to you.”
“Thank you, I will be right down.”
Inside Jessica’s loft
Jessica felt her heart flutter as she rushed to the bedroom and looked all over her apartment for an outfit and decided on her perfect black skinny jeans with a wine-colored top. She looked at herself in the mirror and fidgeted with her hair and shirt, and said, “I am Beyoncé, always. Beyoncé is flawless.” She accepted it and made her way downstairs going.
Jessica opened her apartment building door, “Thanks.” She smiled. Liam handed her the sweater, and their eyes met, their hands barely touching.
‘Do it. Take this chance. Don’t let yourself wake up tomorrow regretting not knowing what could have been.’
Liam took a deep breath and said, “I also wanted to deliver it in person because I was hoping you would be interested in going out with me. It’s Friday, and I’m sure you have other commitments -”
Jessica beamed, “No, I don’t. What did you have in mind?
“Stargazing on a beach, you aren’t too far from the beach, I believe.
Jessica felt butterflies in her stomach. ‘It sure beats an Astros - Yankee game…sorry, Drake.’
She faltered, “Well, it’s a private section. So they write us a ticket. I bet I can get us out of it.”
Liam smiled. ‘I own the section. It was where my mother took my father. Before the start of his season.”
“I have a particular attachment to its namesake. Don’t worry, I’m sure we can avoid tickets.”
Jessica enthusiastically nodded, “Uh, can I go get changed real fast?”
‘You look perfect as is. ‘
“Of course, I’ll wait.”
Once the door closed, Jessica practically skipped back to her apartment to get a jacket for the evening and but on a pair of sneakers. Liam grinned to himself as he hummed the class song for the week ‘If you’re happy and you know it.’
Pebble Beach - Lily Cove
“I thought this was nice and quiet. I hope you don’t mind.”
Jessica saw the stars barely forming as the sun started to set. Orange light reflected off the water and gave them both a golden glow. It was so peaceful.
Jessica smiled, “No, it’s perfect here.”
Liam took out a messenger he packed with a beach towel and fanned it out in the air; they could see specks of glitter release themselves from the blanket as they looked up. It almost seemed magical.
“…Is that glitter?” She smiled as she watched it twinkle in the air and landed on her.
“Yes, and we are totally covered in it. I’m so sorry. I had my students make an art project for ‘World Art Day.’”
“Well, Mr. R., you really are like a dream teacher.”
“Thank you that is very kind of you. But I’m hoping that despite all the glitter I just got on you, maybe you would think I’m an even better date.”
They laid the blanket down and sat across from each other. “A picnic?”
“Sort of. I wasn’t sure if I made it to you by the time, you would have eaten, so I packed something for us to snack on. “
‘Us. I like the sound of that.’ Liam thought to himself as he gave Jessica a warm smile. He began to unpack the impromptu picnic French bread, baked brie with honey and walnuts, and a nicely boxed cupcake.
Jessica raised a brow, “Is that from…”
“Yes. Emily made us a ‘date’ cupcake. Lemon, lavender rosewater cupcake.”
“That is gorgeous,” Jessica said, looking at the beautifully decorated cupcake.
“It is. But the cupcake is second to you.” Liam said, looking at Jessica sweetly.
Jessica blushed and averted Liam’s gaze, “Thank you.” She changed the topic with a smile. “So, you teach Pre-K?”
Liam smiled. “Yes. Yes, I do. It is the best job I’ve had so far. I volunteered at a foundation to did pro bono work, and one of the teachers at the school told me there was an opening, and I should consider it.”
“I love that. It’s just nice to give back. Work is where you spend most of your time if you’re unhappy, and you can …Change.”
Liam smiled knowingly, “I was a corporate attorney for a few years, and I worked long hours… I was so unhappy, Jessica. I just felt there was something I was more suited for. I wanted to travel again like I did in college.”
“You can call me Jessie if you want. That’s what my friends call me.”
Liam smiled, “I’m sorry, being formal is just a thing I naturally do. May I call you Jess?”
“Jess, tell me about yourself. What is your heart’s desire?”
90 minutes later…
The conversation flowed easily between them. Jessica muttered, “Una Estrella fugaz” (A shooting star)
Liam responded,“Cuando ves una estrella fugaz, tienes que pedir un deseo.” (When you see a shooting star, you have to make a wish)
“You speak Spanish?” Jessica asked.
“Yes. I learned when I traveled.”
Jessica said as she gave him a glowing smile. “Cerrar los ojos y pedir un deseo” (close your eyes and make a wish)
They closed their eyes, and Jessica reached for Liam’s hand, and he grabbed it; they both squeezed each other’s hands as they made their wish quietly in their heads.
‘I wish for more nights like this with Liam.’
‘I wish for more nights like this with Jess.’
Liam smiled and asked, “Ready for that cupcake?”
Liam carefully unwrapped the cupcake and held it in his hand. “I forgot to bring something to cut this in half with.” He held the cupcake to Jessica’s lips, “Here, you take a bite.”
Jessica closed her eyes and bit into the soft, moist cupcake, and let out a little moan. “Gosh, that’s so good.” Jessica took the cupcake out of Liam’s hand and said, “Your turn.”
Jessica’s Apartment
“Liam, I had a really great night.”
“I did too.”
“Jess, text me when you get home safe, okay?”
Jessica smiled at his consideration of her. It sadly wasn’t often a man did that on first dates. “Sure, I’d like that.” She bit her lip as Liam leaned over the door frame towering over her. “How tall are you, Jess?”
“Liam, I’m 4’11.”
‘I love the way she says my name. I SO want to kiss her. I think I’m in Love. Here goes nothing.”
“So, this is that awkward part where we stand there just wondering. I would like not to wonder.” He noticed she got on her toes too, and instantly he felt her heart melt, and then he gently lifted her chin.
Pressed his lips to hers. He could still taste the buttercream frosting from their shared cupcake. Their tongues coiled and mingled, finding the perfect rhythm that sent shivers up their spine. That moment they connected, and the hustle and bustle of city life paused, and their wildest dreams felt possible, and they were falling for each other.
He rested his head on hers. “I had a really great night.”
“Me too,” Jessica murmured, feeling like it was the date she always dreamed of with a man that felt like a fairytale.
Jessica stepped away and entered her apartment and A few minutes later, she texted Liam. ‘Thank you for a great time. I hope we can do it again.”
She noticed the message was received, so she decided to change and get ready for bed.
Two hours later …
Liam didn’t respond. She sighed. I like good strong words that mean something. I believe he meant them. So relax, Jess, maybe he is asleep.’
Meanwhile, outside of Jessica’s apartment
Liam found himself returning after taking a quick shower. He didn’t want his night to end. Never feeling like he connected to anyone the way he did with her. He thought it was silly and that she might find it odd. He texted, “It’s me, Liam. Jess, I can’t stop thinking about you.”
Jessica: I can’t stop thinking about you either.
Liam: Do you want to watch the sunrise with me?
Jessica: Yes. Yes. I do. Um, I have a rooftop garden. Want to come here?
Liam: I would love that.
Jessica: You know the way?
Liam: Yes.
Jessica: Call me when you get here so I can buzz you in.
Liam: Okay.
Jessica’s phone rang, and she answered, “Liam.”
“Hey, I’ve been outside your apartment for about an hour. I just never really felt like this before about someone. I didn’t want the night to end.”
Jessica’s rooftop garden 4:42 AM - Saturday
Liam and Jessica sat there holding warm mugs of coffee wrapped in a blanket and watched the sunrise, and she dreaded him leaving shortly after, so she cuddled close to him.
“Liam, can I make you French toast after this?”
“I love French toast.” ‘Your one I have been waiting my whole life for.’ He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and touched her nose gently with his thumb.
“You still have glitter on you.”
6 hours later…
Liam’s Brownstone
Liam smiled as he opened up his apartment door. He was on cloud nine. He couldn’t wait for their second date. He was already planning it in his mind.
When he walked in, he was surprised to see someone sitting on his couch.
“Hey, little brother.”
“Leo, what are you doing here?”
Originally published on 4.15.21 and transitioned to this URL on 7.2.21 by the original author. -J
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Biweekly Media Roundup
- Puss In Boots: The Last Wish (Movie) - Was blown away by how good this movie was. I’ve never even seen the first film but the buzz around this one convinced me to watch it and wow everyone was right. The art direction is fantastic, the whole movie looks stunning, the character designs (Especially the Wolf holy crap) work so well, it’s surprisingly dark in it’s humor, the Forest changing it’s structure based on the person is such a cool concept, and finally the themes of accepting your mortality and living a life well spent by throwing away your pride and letting yourself truly know and be known by others is insanely well done for it’s run time and PG status. There are of course things to nitpick about, for example I liked Goldi and the Bears but wish her wish would have been revealed earlier in the story so we could sit with it a bit, but overall this was way better than it had any right to be and definitely is something I’ll be watching again, possible even later this week. 
- Buddy Daddies (Anime) - Buddy Daddies is still solid, recent episode had some great animated hydrangea shots. 
- The Vampire Dies In No Time (Anime) - Getting to see some backstory for the leads is fun, baby Drac is cute and Ronaldo’s older brother is pretty funny, I would love to specifically see him and Drac interact in the future given how amused Drac is by his obvious bullshitting. And as always John is best boy.
- Ranking of Kings (Anime) - Love Queen Hilling for subverting the cruel stepmother trope, She’s a certified MILF and objectively the best parent in the show.
- Gintama (Anime) - We haven’t really even scratched the surface yet at anime night but I’m starting to remember just how insane this series gets the farther you get in. Looking forward to hundreds of episodes of incomprehensible nonsense (said affectionately). 
- Welcome to Demon School! (Anime) - While there were some moments I liked, I’m glad we are finally done with the Harvest Festival arc, as it was one of my least favorite for the series. But hey, it’s over and we got to spend more time with the teachers which is nice, Balam is super wholesome and Kalego is hilarious, and hey also Kirio is back, he’s always fun in a “jesus christ bro wtf” kind of way. 
- Love Is War (Anime) - Wholesome shenanigans starring a cast of lovable morons is clearly my favorite genre, so no surprise that I’m still greatly enjoying this. Miko’s a good addition to the cast, she reminds me of my fave Danganronpa boy Ishimaru and has a fun antagonistic relationship with Ishigami. 
- The S Classes That I Raised (Webcomic) - Not much to say, looking forward to see how the government worker S class and Baby dragon man will inevitably be won over by Han Yoojin’s overpowering mom energy. 
- Persona 5 Royal (Video Game) - I’m over 100 hours into this game, I think about it constantly, it’s taken over my life. I feel like that ProZD skit where he keeps thinking “I could be playing Pokemon right now” no matter what he does, but with Persona. Help me.
Listening to: Persona 5 OST, Fear & Delight by The Correspondents, EPIC: The Troy Saga OST, Happier Than Ever cover by Loveless, Everything I Wanted by Billie Eilish, Anti-Hero and New Romantics by Taylor Swift, Fight for Me by AlicebanD, New Rules by Dua Lipa, Paint it Black by The Rolling Stones, Curses by The Crane Wives, Under My Skin by Jukebox The Ghost, Encanto OST
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wishmaker-astra · 2 months
Miss triscolivsky..can you come to my school and give a presentation on space stuff....
My teacher has us all send letters to pepol we consider our heros so ...and I don't know your mailing adress...
If you do say yes I got the adress below...
[Insert school adress located in unova]
Unfortunately I'm pretty busy for traveling to give this sort of presentation or lesson at the moment, my apologies. In addition, most PTOs have... concerns... about me that would prevent arrangements from being made.
That said! I'm really glad you're interested enough to reach out! And I'm flattered at you seeing me that way! Here's some great resources for someone your age!
And these might be useful for your teacher
Best of luck! Stay curious! And remember the beauty of space and all other parts of nature!
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w0rldsgreatest · 3 months
A simple place holder until i add the bios to the card
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She's recovery girl's granddaughter and the daughter of renowned Civvie doctor and business entrepreneur. Got into the hero course due to recommendation and is in class 1-A. She's pretty simple girl despite her proper upbringing and tends to be more on the quiet/reserved side to those who don't know here, however she's plenty open and affectionate with her friends. QUIRK : TRANSFER. Emiter quirk. Allows the user to transfer some of their own energy/life force to heal others at an exelrated rate. Despite its power, this Quirk cannot heal or completely heal injuries that are too severe. In addition, Heal cannot regrow lost body parts. On the other hand, they can also use their energy to give themselves a boots, either in speed or in strength. Leaves the user weakened and dizzy depending on the severity of the energy used, and can even lead to fainting spells. Vitamins and a healthy diet and life-style are this quirk user’s best friend.
Basically the Bakugo of 1-B. Hot-headed and filled with enough pride to rival the sun, kimiko is a generally ominous person, towering over her classmates with a resting bitch face so powerful you'd think she's trying to kill you. Most of the time she's actually just doing damage control for her more wild classmates. Not only is she better then you, she acts better then you too. QUIRK : SEA URCHIN. Mutation quirk. Gives the user the ability to make her spikes longer and sharper and can even break them off. After her quirk awakening she's able to summon them from any expanse of her skin, and they can secrete and paralyzing agent. Often gives the user chronic headaches
She's a really excitable girl who's always ready to defend and support her friends. she's got a really thick skull (Literally) which means she has a really affective headbutt, and the only reason she's in the general course is because she got so thrown off by giant robots that she didn't fight any, but gets transferred over to class 2-B in her second year after proving herself in the sports festival and getting some attention. Friendship is a threat and a promise with this one. QUIRK : RAM. Mutation quirk. Gives the users the abilities and characteristics of a sheep/ram.
The #1 wallflower of all time, not that they mind. Hiina is a quite individual, and prefers time to themselves then surrounded by some of their more .. rowdier classmates. Not that they dont like having friends! Hiina is just an anxious mess and kinda ... sucks at it. The only time they truly shine and come out of their shell is when their designing and making costumes and support pieces, even if their terrible at the more mechanical side of things. In the support course. QUIRK : SLEEP DOLL. Mutation and emiter quirk: gives the user a plush body, making them practically immune to injury as long as they can get sewed back together. When experiencing strong emotions, emits a soft lavender scent that can relax those in the immediate vicinity, and even put them to sleep if those emotions are negative. Due to this, hiina tries to keep their emotions in check, however this can often lead to unexpected outbursts if prompted.
The coolest upperclassman you'll ever get. Haley is a third year who transferred over to U.A from America in her Second year and decided that this school was the shit TM. You need help with your homework? Wanna here some cool stories from overseas despite the fact she hasn't been there since she was 15? She's got you! She's like the cool older sister you've never had. But one thing's for sure, is that she doesn't like being told what to do outside of teachers, which can come off as either really cool or really dismissive sometimes. Loves her friends. QUIRK ; SUNBEAM. Emitter quirk. Allows the user to absorb the energy of the sun and expelled it as offensive beams of light, or as small orb of light. Useless at night, but the user is able to store up the energy, however this can lead to severe overheating and fainting
The oldest of these suckers. A recent graduate from U.A, Takashima dove straight into his hero career, and is well known as the sidekick to the Pro-Hero Snipe, as their quirks work well together. Is an extremely quiet individual and only talks to his mentor, and appears very aloof and standoffish, however he mostly keeps quiet due to being slightly on the shy side. Works part time as a teacher's aid to help support his family. ACHILES. ??? quirk. Is able to pinpoint with laser focus a person's physical weakness. Gives the User Dry eye, since if they focus hard enough, they can project a visual crosshair onto someone's weak points so that others can see it.
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progiftreview · 8 months
Math Teacher Gift Ideas T-Shirt Funny Math
Are you searching for the perfect gift for your math teacher that is both practical and humorous? Look no further! We have an incredible suggestion for you - the Math Teacher Gift Ideas T-Shirt Funny Math for men women, a gift that is suitable for everyone. Math teachers are known for their dedication to their subject and their ability to make complex concepts understandable to their students. They are the unsung heroes of the education system, and what better way to show your appreciation than with a funny, math-themed t-shirt? The Math Teacher Gift Ideas T-Shirt Funny Math for men women is a versatile gift that can be given to any math teacher, regardless of their gender. It is available in various sizes, ensuring a perfect fit for anyone. This shirt is made of high-quality fabric, ensuring durability and comfort. The design of the t-shirt is what sets it apart. It features a witty math-related slogan that is sure to bring a smile to your math teacher's face. The slogan is printed in bold, eye-catching letters, making it easy to read and appreciate. It is a conversation starter that will surely spark some laughs and make the math teacher the center of attention. Not only is this t-shirt funny and clever, but it also serves as a functional gift. Math teachers often find themselves on their feet for long periods, teaching and moving around the classroom. This t-shirt allows them to showcase their love for math while being comfortable and stylish. It is suitable for everyday wear, whether it's in the classroom or during casual outings. In addition to being a stand-alone gift, the Math Teacher Gift Ideas T-Shirt Funny Math for men women can also be paired with other math-themed items. Consider adding a funny math-themed mug or a nerdy math joke book to complete the gift. This way, your math teacher can enjoy their sense of humor in various ways. Furthermore, this t-shirt is not limited to math teachers alone. It can be given to anyone with an appreciation for math, making it a versatile gift for friends, family members, and even fellow students. Whether it's a birthday, a holiday, or a simple gesture of appreciation, this t-shirt is a perfect choice for anyone who loves math and enjoys a good laugh. In conclusion, the Math Teacher Gift Ideas T-Shirt Funny Math for men women is a perfect gift for math teachers and math enthusiasts alike. With its clever slogan, high-quality fabric, and versatility, it is sure to bring joy and laughter to its recipient. So why wait? Show your math teacher how much you appreciate their hard work and sense of humor with this fantastic gift.
Get it here : Math Teacher Gift Ideas T-Shirt Funny Math
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
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