#and so many of the materials for this were random stuff from around the house reused
umilily · 5 days
the overalls are done!!
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ruewrote · 1 year
𝑤𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑.
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PAIRING: jj maybank x fem!reader WARNINGS: none GENRE: fluff, f2? SONG INSPIRATION: just cant get enough by black eyed peas WORD COUNT: 868
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you never had much money. living as a pogue proved that, but you didn't care.
you didn't keep up with the latest cosmopolitan since you were out surfing instead.
getting dirty looks from kooks as they judged your worn-out tops to your ripped vans, but you had no shame about it. holding your head high as they whispered behind you.
from time to time you wondered how it'd be to live big and fancy, but wouldn't trade what you had with your friends for anything else.
from the lazy hangouts at the chateau to the risky adventures, the bond that pogues had was unmatched. they were your family.
so when you started your new job working at the kooks country club you wanted to show your gratitude and bought each of them small gifts.
a golden turtle broch for kiera, an expensive pair of trainers for pope, and so on and so forth.
everyone was hyped about their gifts, you received many hugs and thanks but not jj. he sat on the sofa, rolling the black marble ring that you had gotten for him between his fingers.
an appreciative smile displayed on your lips, standing up and walking over to you, interrupting the conversation that you were having with sarah. giving you a knowing nod, she sat on john b's lap across the room, her arm around his neck, his hand on her waist.
"is everything okay?" concerned as jj sat beside you, his knee knocking into your own whilst doing so.
"i cant accept this." that made you frown and your brow furrow.
"of course you can, i wanted to spoil you a little. it's well overdue from all of the times that you've either paid for my food or i've stolen yours." playfully nudging his arm with yours, jj still didn't look convinced.
"you deserve this. as much as you're talking yourself out of it, it's true. its about time you got some well-deserved appreciation." you persisted, nudging the ring gently back to his chest.
still looks doubtful you made a promise.
"okay fine if you take this, this one time, no more expensive presents. only because i have one to match." lifting your hand gesturing to your pinky, slipping his on, and wrapping his finger around your own.
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you stuck to what you said to jj, you hadn't bought him a single expensive item, maybe treated him to dinner from time only after arguing back and forth about it, it ending in him giving in.
you had also made it your life's goal to make him gifts, whether it be finding pretty shells on the beach or decorated notes of appreciation.
yeah, it might've been insignificant to anyone else, but you felt a sense of pride when you watched his face light up at the silly little homemade trinkets.
from then on it just became a random thing you did for him even if you didn't get the others anything.
both of you agreed for him to sleep at your house since his dad was not having a... particularly good day and obviously not wanting him to be at the receiving end of it, he crashed at yours. this happened often enough that your parents let him stay over as long as the door was open.
so now you stood over the stove, stirring the pasta that was bubbling for the mac and cheese that you were making. jj making it ten times harder as he started doing stuff to distract you like eating the pre-grated cheese.
your hand slapping his wrist as he yet again went to reach his fingers into the bowl.
"i swear to god if i have to tell you again jay!" he giggled and ran out of the kitchen as you grabbed the cloth off of the side, following not far behind him.
after a while of chasing each other around the house, you finally cornered him in the living room, trying to whip the material.
unfortunately for you, he managed to snatch it out of your hands, wrapping his arms around your body and falling onto the couch on top of you so you couldn't do anything.
"let go of me!" wriggling around to find a way out.
"why would i do that when i know what the outcome will be? hey im dumb but im not that dumb."
letting out a huff, you relaxed into his arms knowing there wouldn't be any way of getting him to budge. he overpowered you every time.
"ugh fuck you dude!"
"you wish sweetheart!" jj winked at you, it wasn't until then that you realized the position you two were in.
he laid on top of you, in between your legs. faces two inches apart. your mouth went dry, looking at him was an even bigger mistake because when his eyes flickered from your lips to your eyes... you melted.
jj leaned in closer, your lips nearly touching when the smoke alarm goes off.
"shit the food!" you both dashed to the kitchen, turning off the fire, and making sure everything was fine. it was. laughing relieved.
you both wished deep down that the alarm had never gone off.
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© ruewrote.
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Best and Worst of Both Worlds (Part 16)
tw: literally Yves watching ur every move, super suffocating stuff, Yandere shenanigans
Yeah ok u guys decided to lust for the creep, then the creep u shall receive
after this chapter i mean
Part 17
You told him your opinion on Montgomery.
"I see." He replied. Yves deadpanned at you before pulling you in for another kiss on the lips. Your face and the tips of your ears heat up, you're still not used to this yet.
He pulled away and chuckled at your bashfulness. Trying to cover your burning face with your hands is futile, as it only makes him tease you more.
"Call me if you need to go somewhere. I'm available for you any time." He slung the straps of his handbag around his shoulder, and Yves prepared his car keys in his hand.
You told him 'okay' as you're rubbing the last of his lipstick marks off using a piece of wet wipe.
He stroked your head, traced his fingertips down your jaw and finally held your chin. He tilted your head upwards and gave you a forehead kiss.
You whinged as you now have to wipe off one last print. He bid you goodbye before closing and locking the front door behind him.
Soon after, you dashed back into your room trying to escape your housemates hollering.
Days would go on like this: Yves breaks into your house using the spare key, scare the shit out of you when you open the door to see him standing there, receive adequate kisses, eat (br)lunch, talk for hours, landlord comes over to fix more stuff, eat dinner and finally, at around midnight- sometimes later, Yves would leave.
You would go to sleep almost immediately, but definitely looking forward to the next day.
He started coming in earlier and earlier, working on his things during times where you had nothing to say. You asked him about his work, he tried explaining it to you but you zoned out. It's so boring and complicated. Full of numbers, charts and graphs, you couldn't care less.
Needless to say, he cooked all your meals and did all your chores for you. You always protested, because it isn't his job and you should be responsible for taking out the trash or keeping yourself alive.
Yves would simply ignore you and do them anyway. If you're particularly worried, he assures you that it's some sort of a hobby of his to take good care of you. If you insist that he stops, he will guilt you; making you think that you're unnecessarily taking away part of his joy in this relationship when it isn't even harming you. So you just let him do what he wants, and you benefit from it greatly.
You really like him. He lets you take a nap on his lap while he types away at your desk, Yves listens to you ramble about your interests and occasionally adds his own fascinating commentary to it. You were astonished to know he has a whole database of random fandom trivia in his head. He washed your sheets and made your bed for you every morning.
He lets you hog his portable fan to yourself. But eventually, his bargaining powers lead to your landlord installing a ceiling air conditioner in your room. The best part? No rise in rent.
Yves gradually introduced you to a solid skincare routine. It started off with a simple face cleanser and moisturizer. Then he added toner to the regime. Then a weekly exfoliation and bi-weekly usage of sheet masks. It was hard for you to remember to do it or have the motivation, but Yves didn't mind maintaining your skin.
You just love the tingles you felt when he reclined you on your chair and he massages your face with the moisturizer. His fingers skillfully work to unravel you.
He made your house actually enjoyable to live in. You haven't gone out in three weeks and that didn't alarm you. You are glowing, physically fitter than ever, clean and most importantly, happy.
You have the drive to do so many things. Like learning a new language, learning to code, learning to knit or crochet, learning to draw... anything you wanted to do, Yves is always the expert to consult. He would buy the materials you need and teach you step by step. It made sense for him to be an extraordinary mentor, because you found out that he was also an exemplary lecturer at your university at one point.
You confirmed that he's currently a researcher, specifically, a research mathematician who works together with other branches of academia including but not limited to human Psychology, biology and sociology. The gist of his project has to do with predictive algorithms and probabilities. It's impressive and complicated, too bad you're not interested beyond what was described in a nutshell.
It's no secret that you look up to him, seeing that you're also a student looking to advance their education.
But it begs the question of his age. He has done so much in a short span of time. You wonder what his true age is.
But it's almost impossible to know because he would be offended whenever his age is brought up. It seems like he despised being perceived as ancient, which you understand. He probably comes from a time where youth is overly worshipped. You let it go, it isn't like his age affects you in any way.
It doesn't mean you didn't try searching him up. At first you suspected that he was lying because you couldn't find anything about him working at your university on the internet. But you sent an email to the administration asking about him. They came back with the confirmation that Yves is currently a hired researcher there. Strange that they knew who he is without knowing his last name. You guess there's only one Yves in the entirety of his faculty.
Speaking of names, you were shocked to find out that Yves didn't have a last name. After tons of relentless teasing from Yves for wanting to know his surname and a platitude of shame-induced face coverings later, you finally discovered he doesn't have one. This was bizarre to you, but Yves only told you off for being insensitive towards him, as not everyone has the privilege of a last name. It seems like a touchy subject, better not bring it up again.
Although it has been around a month since you think you first met Yves, you can safely say that you're madly in love with him. He is way more attentive and caring of you than anyone you ever met. Not even your parents or guardians can compare. Absolutely no one in your life has treated you this well.
There is that nagging feeling that something is very wrong. It wasn't a "He is going to leave you for someone better" feeling, it was more of a "what if Yves is secretly an organ harvester and he's healing you up to make a good price on the black market?"
But due to blind love, you forced yourself to brush it off as some implausible, impossible, silly thought.
...is it though? Yves does give off uncanny vibes sometimes no matter how suave and sexy he is. He has a lot of things to hide and the knowledge that you have of him is not enough to save you if he ever decides to steal a kidney or two.
Maybe this relationship isn't good for you. It keeps giving you inner turmoil to lose sleep over. This is definitely too good to be true, no one likes being a full time babysitter for their partner; this has to be a trap! You think you should quickly break it off with Yves before it gets too--
You were interrupted from your thoughts when you felt the chilly air from the air conditioner nip at your skin. The bliss of not being boiled alive by your own fluid trickles down your forehead.
You close your eyes and grin, letting the wind blow on your sweaty hair. This is lovely, you're so grateful to have Yves in your life. If you didn't have him here, you wouldn't be able to enjoy this temperate luxury.
Yves lets his focused gaze linger on your form for a few more seconds before replacing the remote back onto the holder. Yves pressed the button on his stopwatch, the beep was soft enough to go unnoticed.
He checked the temperature, the time and the humidity of your bedroom before logging them all into his computer. Yves turned his head to look at your position on the floor, you're splayed out like a rag as gusts of cold air strike your body.
He opened another file, which is the floorplan of this house. His eyes scanned the screen, noting down the exact coordinates of your precise location.
It would always be like this. You would start formulating thoughts and suspicions on Yves, spiral so much that you contemplated ending everything to protect yourself, then something interrupts your mind and eradicating the unwanted ideas entirely. Be it a change in temperature, texture, hunger or thirst. Sometimes, it's because you feel you hit your Yves-interaction/social quota for the day. So he would excuse himself and leave your house until you recovered.
He always comes back at the perfect time. Just right when you're starting to yearn for him. Yves ensures he never leaves for too long to make you think he's neglecting you. But he wouldn't come back too soon to make you go "yuck, this bitch's face again?"
Your signs could be as minuscule as a lower lip twitch, a brief, split-second movement of the eye, flaring of nostrils, positioning of your arms or even a change in the depth or rhythm of your breathing.
Or it could be an increase in heart rate, body temperature or sweat beading from your pores. Hell, it could even be the sound of you swallowing your spit or the smell of irritation.
They are all telltale signs that you're about to do or think about something undesirable due to overwhelm or underwhelm.
It's scary. He could just detect it with his superhuman senses. But ignorance is bliss, you still didn't know that he's puppeteering your environment accordingly. He would very much like to keep it that way.
Yves must admit, he has been careless. For the past three weeks, he failed to consider that his daily presence is wearing you down. It was his own fault for disregarding his calculations, Yves was originally only supposed to see you four times a week; that was the most optimal arrangement.
But he was enamoured, as desperate and feverish as you to be together. He just hides it impeccably well. Could you blame him, though? This was the first time you acknowledged him, the first time Yves got to kiss, touch, and hug you as freely as he wanted. The first time he gets to observe past the use of cameras- he does not need to hide. He gets to put his elaborate meal plans to use, you're eating his cooking, he's washing your clothes and you're accepting his backrubs. This is the closest so far to the ideal he wanted in his life with you. Anyone would be greedy in his situation.
But he flew too close to the sun like Icarus did. The wax melted off his wings and now he has to face the consequences that would have been avoided if only he had controlled himself better.
He's starting to notice you're not as positively receptive to his kisses as before. Sometimes even outright grimacing and shuddering in disgust when you think he's not looking. You spent a couple minutes longer in the bathroom, sometimes up to an hour, claiming you had stomach issues. But you didn't have problems with your digestion, your boyfriend made sure of that. He meticulously checks everything that goes into your mouth and he knows you didn't even pull your pants down. All you did was sit in the corner and scroll on your phone.
You did it just to escape from Yves and he's fully aware of that.
It devastated him when he went through your internet history:
Yves removed his reading glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. He checked the timestamps, and you accessed the web since three in the morning.
"Why are my boyfriend's kisses and hugs gross to me now"
"Clingy boyfriend"
"How to tell my boyfriend to stop being clingy without hurting his feelings"
"How to say no to hugs"
"How to say no to hugs and kisses"
"How to say no"
"How to stop people pleasing"
"How to tell people that i dont want to see them but not forever just for a few days"
"Social battery"
"Therapists near me"
"Therapy price"
"is University counseling free"
"university counseling wait times"
"How to break up with my boyfriend"
"Is it rude to break up over text"
"Script for breaking up"
"Nice script for breaking up"
"Kind script for breaking up"
"Breaking up without hurting his feelings script"
"Do retired lecturers have a habit of checking for plagiarism in their day to day life"
"Is AI generated content plagiarism"
"Jobs near me"
He knows he has no one but himself to blame. He had a plan all laid out, if he followed it to a Tee, it would have conditioned you to ultimately accept his intense love without complaints. He was supposed to give you a maximum of one kiss on the lips and four others somewhere else on your face. But gave you a whopping average of 76 kisses a day, 20 of which are on the lips; 1520% of the actual daily cap on kisses.
Likewise, he hugged you too much. Yves was only supposed to give you 12 hugs, lasting 8 seconds each at most, spaced throughout the day. However, you're in his arms for a total of 6 hours a day; 2250% of the maximum.
He is the first thing you see in the morning and the last face you perceive before sleeping, From before sunrise to past beyond sundown, you would be exposed to him; from 6am to 12am the next day; he would already be in your room before you're even awake. Subconsciously, you know he's there because the brain never stops working.
Of course, you would be sick of him! It doesn't matter if you came from an affectionate family or you turned out severely touch-starved, with extreme figures like these, anyone would be nauseated with his presence by the third week!
Yves fought back the urge to run the numbers back the fifth time. The cold hard facts are there, he made a grave mistake. Painstakingly recalculating everything is just a pathetic attempt to appease his denial that he lost control over himself.
He sighed and propped his head up by an elbow, absentmindedly fiddling on his calculator. Yves's eyes flitted up to the monitor. You're curled up into a ball on your bed, scrolling on your phone. Most likely to try and catch up with your own me-time. Yves could see pixels of bags forming under your eyes.
He shook his head and decided he must rectify this. Yves got up from his seat and sauntered out of his office, switching the lights off but leaving his surveillance equipment on.
Meanwhile, you yawned, closing your eyes and letting your phone slip next to you. Finally but reluctantly drifting off to sleep.
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greatcheshire · 2 years
What is the deal with Twin Peaks Season 2?
Oh gosh so
Twin Peaks season 1 was a huge surprise hit for ABC, which obviously the executives loved. What they didn't love was the fact that the show, which focused on finding the killer of Laura Palmer, ended its first season without revealing the killer of Laura Palmer. In addition, the show was also such a big hit that they ordered 22 episode for season 2, about three times as many as the 8 episode first season, which meant a lot more space that needed to be filled.
There's also another thing here where season 2 also marked David Lynch putting more... Lynch things in the series. Season 1 had touches of supernatural or surreal elements, sure, especially compared to other TV shows at the time, but for the most part could still be enjoyed or viewed as a standard small town mystery soap opera by a wide amount of its audience. Compare this to early season 2, which introduces spirits, a cream corn ghost child, and sunglasses that possess you and make you smoke cigarettes. A lot of people were put off by this turn, either by it getting too weird for them or for simply not liking the more overt supernatural tone the show was taking.
For what it's worth, in my opinion, the first 9 episodes of Season 2 are phenomenal. Some of my favorite stuff in the series. The moments where Twin Peaks really becomes its own beast. One thing about this section is that this is where ABC was really pushing for Lynch and Frost to reveal the identity of Laura Palmer's killer, something they had never wanted to do but ended up having to do anyway. The end result is the killer getting revealed 1/3 of the way into the season, and the final three episodes dealing with the reveal of the killer and the aftermath are honestly amazing. Fantastic work. Episode 7 has probably my favorite TV moment of all time. It's that damn good.
But then a problem came - the killer was found. The central mystery had been solved.
And there's still 13 more episodes left of the season.
What happened next is one of the most famous quality drop offs in television history. Lynch, both due to his frustrations with ABC and also due to his obligations with filming his movie Wild At Heart, took a step back from the show, letting other writers try to fill in for him. The result was disastrous, with writers struggling to figure out how to replicate Lynch and Frost's style and what Twin Peaks could even be about without the Palmer case.
Some plotlines that are in Twin Peaks season 2, I shit you not:
A business owner gets PTSD and believes himself to be a confederate general, forcing everyone around him to recreate the Civil War with miniatures
David Duchovny shows up as a trans woman FBI agent
The show's Hannibal equivalent disguises himself as a horse and tranq darts a military general involved in classified Area 51 material
The show's Hannibal equivalent kills some random guy and stuffs him in a giant, house sized chess piece as a calling card
Local cool biker James Hurley leaves Twin Peaks, discovers a woman who is trying to scam him into killing her husband but that scam is also a scam from the husband who is also her brother to convince some boy to do a fake scam and attempt to kill him or something and it takes up five episodes and nothing happens and then James leaves the show
The main planned romance arc was vetoed by one of the actors so they had to come up with new love interests solely so fans would stop shipping the two of them. The two new love interests are played by Heather Graham and Billy Zane. They get nothing to do. Heather Graham is a suicidal nun named Annie Blackburn. Billy Zane is a cowboy named John Justice Wheeler
A 40 year old woman with an eyepatch and super strength gets amnesia and believes she's a high school cheerleader. They let her onto the wrestling team because of her super strength and she starts dating the jerk jock there because she's able to dom him
A woman becomes a door knob
They decide to host a beauty pageant to raise money to save a pine weasel. This is the plotline for the final few episodes.
We begin to learn more about UFOs and aliens and the existence of a dark dimension called the Black Lodge
Two men compete to see who is the real father of the sheriff assistant Lucy's child. At one point, they believe he might be the spawn of Satan.
They take Cooper out of the FBI because he went to Canada without permission and place him in Lesbian Flannel for the rest of the season (The only time Lesbian Flannel is a downgrade for a character)
The mayor's 80 year old brother, who investigates UFOs, dies by getting fucked to death by his 20 year old wife. The mayor brings a shotgun to the sheriff's office and plans to shoot the wife for killing his brother with sex and witchcraft. The police solve this by locking them both in the room together until they start to have sex and announce their plans to adopt
And this is just the simplified version of it!  All of this caused Twin Peaks to drop HARD in the ratings. Like literally from the top of the charts to the bottom. This stretch of episodes aren’t entirely bad. There is some good stuff there, the lore is important for future things, and the episodes start to pick up when the Hannibal equivalent Windom Earle gets introduced. But as a whole... OOF is it hard to watch.  Lynch would come back again to direct the season finale of season 2, hoping to generate enough interest from viewers and executives in giving it a season 3. He tossed out the script that was written by the season 2 writing team and made his own thing and it rules. The finale for season 2 is one of the best episodes of TV ever. A high mark of Lynch’s career. It’s so fucking good. It’s so good, it’s worth season 2 despite it all. And it ends on one hell of a cliffhanger. 
Only to get cancelled. 
Lynch was given the opportunity to do a movie to end the series properly and resolve the cliffhanger. Instead he made a prequel. A move that angered many at the time. And then 25 years later, Twin Peaks finally got a third season, one that was so good, it was named the best movie of 2017 by Sight & Sound. But the effects of season 2 live on, the way that it alienated audiences and put Twin Peaks solely into niche territory one baffling decision at a time. 
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pro-logue-epi-logue · 11 months
Not only is she a Senator, she also designed a class in Sensou which she also takes.
And Senators earns around 127000 $ a year.
And an inportant part of Graymore Christane.
She is an ARCHITECT in SAN FRANCISCO! So she earns upto 115000$ a year.
Runs the business with Damon.
Not to mention she OWNS a house, her parents house which she bought when she came back. And also payed for her education be it school or college ON HER OWN!
And an inportant part of Graymore Christane.
She is a Mayor, so she earns upto 104000$ a year (according to Google).
And a part of Graymore Christane.
As she is a ballerina who tours around US, she must make around 100000$ a year.
And a part of Graymore Christane.
OWNS the Scott House
Will owns Coldfield ( the underground tunnels as well as the fair that happens every year before Halloween )
Will does a lot of charity and helps in humanitarian organizations tbat means he has good money.
Will definitely has a business or something apart from the guys in those 10 years leap, but we just not know what it is and we all know why.
Not to mention Will's family is one of the richest in the US so that makes both Willemmy rich.
She herself is an architect and earns upto 150000💲in Thunder Bay.
Runs the business with Damon.
Inherited the Grayson family ring, which Grayson man use to propose to their future wives, which was saved by Will FOR ALMOST 10 YEARS!! JUST FOR HER. ( more than material things this matters more to me thats why i added this )
Will has many private planes and helicopters. So automatically his Emmy owns them.
Both willemmy are an important asset of Graymore Christane.
SOLE HEIR! of Gabriel Torrance, be it the hotel chain business or other business he owned, including every illegal stuff as well, this all alone was worth multimillion dollars approx 700 million dollars. 💸 💵 💲. Gabriel was the most feared man and richest in thuderbay.
OWNS the Torrance Mansion
Has way too many men working for her
Her husband "owns" Whitehall.
Both KAIBANKS are an assets of Graymore Christane.
Her father in law is a retired member of board of directors of many banks
Is a Senator, earns around 127000💲 a year
Inherited Kai's mother family heirloom, the comb.
Sole heir to the diamond and other Fane business which was worth multimillion dollars but way less than banks.
Michal owns the yatch Pithom, so Rika owns it too.
Her husband is a international rich Basketball player.
Both Michaelrika are assets to Graymore Christane.
Michael didn't inherit anything from his parents.
Rika is a mayor so she earns upto 114000 dollars💲 a year.
Winter didn't inherit anything from her parents because everything they owned were freezed as her father was a corrupt politician.
Damon didn't inherit anything from his parents either because Banks was the boy Damon should have been.
Their income comes from- winter's tours, damon's business and Graymore Christane. So theybare rich but not than anyone else.
Both WINTERDAMON are an important part of Graymore Christane.
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wild-at-mind · 3 months
I skipped a reblog on the last post tbh even though it was overall fine, because it did the whole 'of course there is a place for violence in our activism!' thing and I no longer endorse that, honestly. Ever since Richard Spencer got punched on camera I've watched people practically salivating for an opportunity to do the same to an acceptable target.
But so much of activism is about optics. The optics of Richard Spencer being punched on camera are extremely good, because not only did everyone know he was on record saying stuff like 'Heil Trump', he was also right in the middle of giving an interview about his shitty views, and he was putting on that calm, composed and dignified act that he was using as a way to raise respectability for his movement. (I remember Kat Blaque a few years after described it as dressing like a church boy.) The anonymous assailant punching him shattered all of that. It was unquestionably a triumph during one of the dirtiest and ugliest times for US right wing politics in recent memory. In the years after this happened, I remember seeing a number of left wing people, online and in person, who clearly were not normally comfortable with violence suddenly paying lip service to the idea, and it just felt so disingenuous. I wanted to ask them what they meant specifically- were they about to go out and start something? Or did they just mean they didn't condemn every incidence of violence in activism? (Which as I hope I have shown, is the category I fall into.) But the thing is, very few opportunities are as clear as the Richard Spencer incident. You can say punch nazis all you want, but many of them do in fact realise that going around being obviously nazi in public is an escalation, so they hide it. The man who killed UK MP Jo Cox was found to have a large amount of materials in his house from extreme right movements from across the world, and had some of the most extreme views imaginable, but he had sense enough to hide it in his day to day. If before he committed the murder you found out somehow and punched him, you'd just be seen as punching a random middle aged man.
The times there have been violence against TERFs have, I guarantee, done nothing but handed them the moral high ground plus an even bigger victim complex on a silver platter. Their entire movement revolves around being the downtrodden victims of some kind of organised trans agenda looking to victimise them. Even though I am certain they have started some physical fights and trans people reacted in self defense, trans people will always be framed as the aggressor in these encounters, and no that is not fair, but I think it is reason enough to do everything you can to avoid putting hands on a TERF if you are ever in that situation. (No matter what your gender identity is, you will be called a trans woman in any backlash also, leading to more harm for trans women specifically.) I feel like people try and hand wave this as respectibility politics, but I prefer to see it as optics. And your audience is people whose first and only idea about the issue of trans rights will be this encounter. At some point while particating in non-violent direct actions in the environmental movement, I realised random people are very eager to overstate the harm of anything you do. For example, if you block a road for any length of time, someone will find a way to say that cause a death, through some convuluted means. I've told this story before, but one time during a longer period of protest I was involved in, a friend of mine had a random woman run up to her and scream at her that a little boy had died because of the road blocking, I guess he was supposed to have been in a car and not an ambulance (NHS cuts yadda yadda) and couldn't get to the hospital in time and it was the fault of my friend specifically that he had died. This upset my friend very much. I have heard of stories like this many times, the person who died because of our road blocking, a couple of which are verifiably true stories but most which remained rumour, like this one.
Road blocking is a non-violent action, but people still find a way to twist it into a violence you personally have done if you participate. The only way to make some people happy is if you never do anything that might inconvenience someone in any way in the course of your activism. But it's not hopeless, because there is a massive freedom to realisiing this. After I saw my friend accused of murdering a little boy because she maybe sat on a road with some other people, I lost interest in any idea of deliberately violent activism. I do not believe that violence is never justified, but I do think that when you try and use it as an activism tool, it's like lighting a fire. You can control it up to a certain point, but then you can't, and it escalates. People talk a lot about rioting on here as if riots are a special advanced kind of protest, but they are not things people plan. They happen because of tensions coming to a head, and once the riot starts, you no longer have control of what it does. Property damage is not inherently violent but it works best when strongly targetted, and during a riot there is bound to be a tonne of collaterel damage done to the everyday lives of people who live in the area. And even though rioting can lead to changes for the better, this is not a situation you can manifacture in a lab, just go out and do one day. And when you see that quote the rioting is the language of the unheard, remember that applies to the right wing as well. The people rioting against immigration in Dublin I'm sure felt unheard.
I hope this not particularly thought out post made sense.
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
there are clowning materials/potential candies that i wanna look into and talk about no matter how improbable they are. then there are those where i’m just — do i even want to do this? lol. only because there is not much to go on and fueled solely by speculation. anyway, this is about the alleged camera gifted to xz ( by wang yibis babie ) and how he took it to milan with him.
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i’m making this so i can refer to it if anything comes up in the future. the thing is, if you look at the vlogs/photos — ZZ is using his phone to take pictures and videos. there is nothing wrong that, most people use their phones and he has his team that will take the “content” who brought the equipment. but i just find it hard to believe that GG, a photographer, will not bring a camera? this is a dude who brings it for drama shoots ( for example ace troops ) and that’s at home. so what more for a trip like this. in milan. there are a couple of fan-photos/videos of him roaming around and we don’t see him holding a proper camera. surely there will be other content from that trip and let’s see if we find the cam but right now it seems like it’s non- existent.
this talk started with a made-up 🍉…
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i’m saying made-up because all melons that read like this are. especially those that say “xx and xx have a good relationship” or “xx exercise alot”. if this was from a fake rumor house, i would be more inclined to have a positive take on it but it’s not. as i also said before, i don’t endorse this particular account cause they clearly post reliable work-related melons, anti posts and random stuff to get attention. point is, melon accounts are not friends.
anyway, this made some turtles think about last october when some where noticing the appearance of cameras in their promo pics/ videos. and comments came up of maybe it’s a clue that they are giving us. remember XZ didn’t do his usual birthday post last year, same with Bobo.
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so now we’re like, why not look into it?
XZS posted very few photos of GG ( 2021-2022 ) with a camera and i can’t really tell what he’s using for p1 and p2. but i think this is the same one he takes with him @ drama shoots.
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for the vlogs i found this, but they covered the brand. lol. and well the occasional polaroid cameras are also spotted in his vlogs.
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i don’t see any concrete timeline of what cameras he has, i only remember his pd101 guesting and how fans were saying the camera he used is his own. it just never really came up, how many cameras do you have? hahahahahahaha!
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In terms of MFW,
the main camera his team was using for photos and vlogs was Canon EOS body and of course the important thing are the lenses which they switch out. I think this was not the “gifted” one and more of something his assistant/photographer owns. 📷
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my eye is on the camera he used for the tod’s photoset when he landed in Milan. It was still posted under XZS and they tagged Tod’s, but it’s not exactly a “business photoshoot” that will be released as a proper Ad. It is still work-related, but given the freedom to add his personal touch. popular guess is it’s a sony zv-1, which is a known compact vlogging camera that is good quality. it is a thoughtful gift for someone you know who loves to shoot his day-to-day life. it’s not too heavy or so expensive that you will be afraid to use it casually.
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some are saying it might be provided by tod’s for him to shoot but i find that unlikely. they know he has his team. if they need to capture photos/videos of him, they will send their own. knowing how cared for he was by the tod’s team during his trip. and the important thing for a tod’s “ad post” is really the product. the clothes, bags and shoes. so why was this camera featured twice? is he showing it off? for what?
i checked the review and it sounds promising that i almost wanna buy one for myself 😂😂😂
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it could be his own and he bought it himself. it is possible too ( by turtle logic ) that it’s “gifted” by wyb. who knows. as with all other candies, we can’t say for sure or confirm things. but for this one, i think we need more evidence and time. 💕
reference sources: one & two
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helenarlett-rex · 7 months
You know... I kind of miss being a librarian. Not so much the actual work itself, and certainly not the people I ended up working for... But I kind of miss the pure insanity you encounter from day to day as a librarian. Any time I needed new material for a Miss Smalls story, all I ever had to do was go to work for a couple of days, and chances were I'd have all the inspiration I needed. Now that I work at a gaming store, I don't really have that. Even working for the second biggest chain of gaming stores in the country (Game X Change... We are second only to Game Stop) I still don't get quite the same level of crazy I did at the public library. It's like, sure, I could tell you about people calling in and asking if we sell random shit a game store would have no reason to sell, like katanas, or police scanners... Or tell you about the crack head family that comes in to sell Pokemon cards and how the dad won't stop swinging the baby around and throwing it up into the air until the baby finally gets so sick it vomits all over my store... Or the bitch area manager who keeps coming in and rearranges everything in the store to the point where no one who actually works there knows where anything is because that is the only thing she can do because she's too blazed out of her mind 24/7 to actually do anything useful but she still needs a reason to go from store to store and do stuff so she can collect a pay check and as the mistress of company's CEO it's not like anyone is going to fire her... I could talk about how that same bitch was dating one of the store managers while sleeping with the CEO behind his back and then dumped him and chose the CEO over him when he found out, despite the fact that the CEO is already married and was sleeping with her behind his own wife's back, and when the manager quit because he refused to work for either of them anymore they were the ones to host his going away party as if they thought that was somehow okay... Or I could talk about how the company is owned by a rich frat boy who has never had to work a day in his life, married a literal Saudi Arabian oil princess, and knows absolutely nothing about the things his stores sell, to the point where the very concept of model kits had to be explained to him and he still didn't get it... I could complain about how every time the Warhammer group shows up to play Warhammer at the tables in the back of the store they leave the bathrooms looking like we were housing a group of circus elephants in there... But that just all seems so mundane compared to the stuff I saw at the library. No more stories about how we had to yell at a man to get out of our tree only to later catch him living in our utility room and find out he was an armed robber who had been going around town in a circle robbing the same three pizza places over and over... No more stories about the insane woman who would steal pork chops out of the Walmart dumpsters because her psychic told her pork cleanses the soul (the older the pork the better) or the extremely racist cook book she was writing... I miss people like Tree Boy and Pork Chop Lady... I miss the weird guy who would come in every night and just sit in a chair and stare at people in silence for five hours... Or the guy with the Crying Elvis t-shirt who was always trying to take pictures of our feet when we weren't looking... Or the guy who wore shorts and sandals under a trench coat and ball cap, never spoke a word to anyone, and only rented children's movies... How many people can say they've had a professional sword sallower threaten to never swallow swords in their building again because he saw an LGBT book on the shelf? How often have you ever found porn hidden in your ceiling? How often have you seen a video on Facebook of a man getting caught without his pants on while he sat in the parking lot of a public park watching children playing on the playground and said, "Oh shit, that's Mr. Gee..." I mean, I could probably do with less pedophiles... And less cannibals... But I still miss that kind of insanity.
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diamond-punk0963 · 11 months
Descending Through Madness: Mad Hatter!Spencer Charnas HCs
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(Note: My recent request from @starshoteyes is what pulled me into making this post. Huge shout out to them! I hope you like this!)
Spencer would be more of a horror take on the mad man rather than what people would usually think of the mad hatter as.
Is obsessed with the number, nine. (Keeps everything in sets of nine)
Carries pocket knives with him in his jacket at all times. (To play with or use as a weapon)
He has zero idea how many pocket knives he owns. (He just usually takes them with him and goes on with his day)
If he were to unload every knife he has, it would take HOURS for him to be fully unarmed. (Even then, he probably had a few on him that he forgotten about)
Lives in a dark forest, away from civilization. (Mainly because he’s an outcast from the local towns and kingdoms)
Has probably drank blood that was mixed into his tea without noticing. (I’ll let you decide how it got there)
A common thief (he doesn’t have a job because no one will hire him) in stealing tea and whatever items he can get his hands on. (He’s gotten himself into trouble, due to this)
His tea set is made up of cracked, broken tea cups that he either stole or found as it was left abandoned. (Again, can’t afford a proper set so he would have to make due with that he can grab)
Often gets tangled within the straps of his jacket. (He would either need help with getting untangled or he just finds a way to operate while being tangled)
He doesn’t have a favorite flavor of tea but would take any red-colored tea that would look the closest to blood as possible.
His clothes were also something that he stole over the years. (Probably modified to fit him better)
Loves messing around with other people, playing his game of insanity towards those who would fall into his trap.
When it comes to food, it would also be something he needed to steal for survival. (It isn’t all that great, not having any coins for food supplies)
Perceived as insane but really, his thought process is just different than everyone else’s. (He wishes someone could understand him, though.)
Has a soft red blanket to keep himself warm for when he sleeps either at his tea table or at the small house that he lives in. (House was abandoned but he managed to keep it lively as much as he could.)
Doesn’t speak in riddles or rhymes but will probably talk your ear off about spooky stories. (He loves anything spooky.)
Made his hat from materials he managed to obtain and random stuff that he could find within the nearest villages.
His fingerless gloves (not pictured in photo) were something that Spencer made on his own.
Due to his low income, a lot of what Spencer has is either stolen, abandoned, or made by his own hands. (He learned to be crafty at a young age)
Has major sweet tooth. (Strawberry tarts and cherry filled pastries are his favorite)
Has a TERRIBLE sense of direction. (Literally gets lost in the forest, almost every single day. Only way that he didn’t get lost was because he carved roman numerals of nine onto trees to guide his way home.)
Prized possession of his is a stuffed rabbit that he kept as a kid. (Sometimes, he cuddles with it in his sleep if he’s having nightmares)
Loves reading books in his spare time. (Has a small collection of books in his small house)
Very much introverted by default. (Doesn’t have much friends from being isolated from everyone in his home)
He would have tea parties on his own. (Which basically involves him just sipping on tea and wandering through the tea party area)
Has a habit of carving the nine roman numeral on anything he can use his knife on. (It helps him occupy his mind)
Has he ever killed anyone? Not even he knows the answer to that question. (He probably has)
Probably has scars on his hands from the number of times that he has cut himself from playing with his pocket knives. (May have gotten the nine numeral scar at the palm of his hand, due to it)
Uses his gloves (fingerless or fully covered) to cover up his hand scars. (Gets a little self-conscious about it but half of the time, he just doesn’t care about it)
Huge addict to anything strawberry and cherry related. (Again, it reminds him of blood. The dark it is, the better)
Probably paints his nails black or dark red. He does mix-match on the polish. (He gets polish on his fingers but keeps it because he likes the mess of it.)
Looks like he could kill you but he’s actually a cinnamon roll. (Probably the type that’s messed up in the head but he means well)
Keeps a broken pocket in his jacket, always stuck on nine o’clock. Inside, there’s an old picture that he doesn’t let anyone see. (The one items he keeps close to his heart, literally)
Although he likes the quiet atmosphere, he does crave having a companion. (Tried making friends in the past but failed since no one wanted to hang around someone like him)
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newreputations · 2 years
"held in a humane institution" so... like an area where bad people are held... so a prison? yes, reform and therapy are good, and i think prevention beforehand (allowing people to realize "hey! i have bad thoughts! let me get some help for this" and actually get help without fear of being thrown in prison or forcibly hospitalized n the like) is better than... holding them in a "humane institution".
like... what would you count as humane? what steps would you take to prevent such occurrences before they even need to be "locked up"? and wouldn't removing power and authority as a general systemic entity help (because then people cannot abuse that power and hurt others, like cops killing random innocent people and then ignoring people who are ACTUALLY hurting people)?
also, your first one. "So if someone broke into your home and stole things dear to you and were later apprehended, you wouldn’t want anything done to them at all? You’d just want them to give your stuff back and face zero repercussions for their actions?"
honestly, if the stuff was not tampered with and was returned in a safe state and the person who broke into the house got therapy and help (since many people do not just steal things for the fuck of it, they have reasons like needing money or food n stuff)... yeah. just. let them go??
obviously things like rape and murder are more nuanced but like... recovery, healing, help, therapy, and PREVENTING IT IN THE FIRST PLACE is better than just "oh put them into a separate area from Sane Society!!"
I believe that access to mental/emotional and physical healthcare, education, housing, food, extra curricular activities, childcare, safe work, and public transportation should be universal and easy.
I wish we had a society that cared about people and appreciated how connected we all are and shunned the unbridled individualism that is worshipped in many areas today. I would love to see policies that work so that people didn’t feel the need to violently take material and life from others in the first place. But for those that don’t get the help they need, whether from circumstance or choice, and do commit violent acts against others, I think they should lose the privilege of being in wider society.
I’d love it if there were communes for violent people. A smaller, more controlled community with a greater density of resources for them to reform themselves. Basically put them in a village with access to care and education on every corner so they have little choice but to seek the help they need. These people should still be able to hold a regular job with good pay and benefits and be able to buy things at stores at a fair price , and go to school, and move around freely, within the “prison”. If people wanted to continue to be violent in that setting there would need to be social workers trained for those sorts of cases, and yes there would have to be some sort of “guards” in place in case of extreme violence, but these guards would have to be people well trained in de escalating situations and finding non violent, or at least the least harmful solution. There would have to be a lot of oversight on all of this.
If prisons were a place where people were made to confront themselves and do sincere work on themselves with the assurance that there were people in their corner that wanted to see them succeed at that, instead of dangerous cages designed to promote recidivism, I wouldn’t be so against them as I am.
I don’t want to see someone whose done me wrong have their life ruined, but I do want assurance that they are in a situation where they have little choice but to improve themselves.
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bakulova · 3 years
We’re Powerful Too!
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Pairing: Camilo Madrigal X Female Reader
`Type: Fluff
Any Abbreviations: L/N= Last Name  Y/C= Your country 
Summary: The Madrigals aren’t the only magical family. The (L/N) family moves to Encanto once they get found out by animal friends of Antonio, the madrigals go to check this family out. Although Camilo was excited to hear that there are others like them and their family he didn’t expect what to come. 
AN: I haven’t watched the movie yet and I’m dying :( but I hope you enjoy!! Not proofread yet so there may be errors 
The L/N Family:
The (L/N) family were a mix of different abilities, ranging from telekinesis to making people dance with just a hum. The family had moved from (Y/C) because the area was becoming unsafe for the family to stick around. Once they got to Encanto they built the new house little ways away from the town for some privacy. Your grandpa holds his hand out and the formation of the house starts to unfold and come to life. You are always amazed by this anytime your family moved. Once the house is all finished being set up, the windows and doors swing open as if the house was stretching. You smile and help your family bring each other stuff inside the house and into the respective rooms they belonged in. Apparently while the house was being put together by magic and group of fishermen saw this transformation in awe and immediately ran back home to tell the town of their findings. 
The Madrigals: 
The fishermen run straight towards the Madrigal household all the while shouting about “There’s others who have special gifts!” That peaked other towns peoples attention and thus a crowd followed these men all the way to la casita. Alma heard the commotion and walked out the doors that had opened at her confrontation. She sees that almost all townspeople are standing there listening to the fishermen talk about what they saw. Once people notice that the founder of the town was watching the crowd they all went silent including the main fishermen who was going on and on about the new magical family. The rest of the Madrigal family files in behind Alma confused. 
“What is this about?” Alma raises her eyebrow 
“The fishermen saw magic on the outskirts of the town” says a random while the fishermen nod. The Madrigals look at each other questionably. How is that possible? They were the only ones with magic... or at least they thought so. 
“What did you see exactly” Alma asks suspiciously 
“The-they were building a house!” stammered the main fishermen
“They?” whispered Mirabel. Alma furrows her eyebrows,
“How many people were there?” 
“I-I don’t know maybe 15 people” 
Alma look at her people “Don’t worry we’ll figure this out” Everyone feels reassured and continues on with their days but continue whispering about this new find which Dolores heard all. Alma turns back to her family and walks inside to La Casita, doors closing shut. They all stand there until...
“We should go check it out!” Camilo pipes. Pepa lightly taps their head and nods disapprovingly. He pouts and looks away. Alma looks around before sighing 
“He’s right, we must go see what this is about. It could be a threat to this town.” Camilo looks at his mother with a playful smug looks while she rolls her eyes and smiles. “We will go tomorrow morning and pay them a visit.” Everyone nods and continues on. Camilo was excited. Were there any shapeshifters also?All he could do was wonder for the rest of the day while helping others out. 
The L/N Family:
“Alright all that’s left is the courtyard furniture and food...” said your uncle who stares at the heavy furniture. You and your cousins separate who’s doing what. You and your cousin Aria are assigned with buying the groceries. You had the gift to control the wind and earth. While Aria could control fire and water a very dangerous combination if you asked me. You both get materials needed to carry said grocery along with a long list... You both groan while your mother hurries the two of you off. You grab a hold of Aria and shoot off the ground flying toward the town but stopping a little ways a way to not get caught. Which clearly failed because you guys were found out a day before.
The Madrigals:
While you and Aria were shopping the madrigals were trudging to your family’s home. “Mama I’m tired” Antonio says tugging on his mothers skirt. She sighs and goes to pick him up but Camilo quickly swoops in and helps their mother out. She smiles thankful and watches the two laugh as Camilo carries him on his shoulders. They quickly get there was see this huge house similar to La Casita. On the front of the house there’s words that Alma has to squint to read 
“The (L/N) Home hm?” They look around for any sign of anybody. There seems to be some furniture. Then 3 little kids come bursting out of the bushes giggling and chasing each other while 2 women follow after them talking to each other. They stop once they notice a group of people awkwardly watching them.
 “Hi can we help you?” one of the women say. Abuela nods and gently smiles 
“Yes, we heard there was a family here?” the women look at each other nervous and nod and just on cue 2 men walk about sweating from carrying furniture. 
“A-Ah George can you come help our guests?” the other women asks for her husbands help as she sees one of her children get hurt and starts crying. She scurries over and takes care of them. The men stop what they’re doing and welcomes the Madrigal family inside. A couple teens are laughing seeming to be taking a break. Felix elbows Camilo as if saying ‘look new friends’. Camilo shakes their head and looks around. It’s almost similar to their home but not quite. 
The L/N Family:
“We are the (L/N) Family! My father has led our family since me and my siblings birth!” Says George. Everyone in that room introduces themselves and same for the Madrigal family. 
“We are missing 2 of our members right now.” says your father. Alma looks questionably. 
“My daughter Y/N and my niece Aria” they all nod. Then Luisa confidently says “Need any help with the furniture?” George’s eyes sparkle “Yes please!” thus it turns into the Madrigals helping the new family move in. A little bit later the wind starts to pick up and the Madrigal family looks at Pepa but she seems perfectly fine. The wind gets so wild it seems as if there were a tornado outside then a voice calls out 
“A little help here!” Everyone walks about and see nobody 
“Up here!” then they see 2 teen girls around 15/16 with basket loads of food. 
“A-ah Y/n, Aria please get down here!” You both look at each other with wide eyes. Did people see you two fly? Whatever. Suddenly several pieces of ground broke away from the earth and formed some sort of stair case and returned back one you two were down walking down. It was all silent until Maribel says 
“So it’s true you guys do have gifts!” Your family looks at each other assuming she’s talking about your powers and you all nod as a collective. 
You look at the Madrigals but one catches your eyes. He had a yellow ruana on. He was staring at you as well. You quickly look away and help your cousin put away the groceries. In the kitchen away from attention and everyone flaunting their gifts/powers. You could take a breather. People like you. You were so deep in thought that you didn’t hear someone new walk into the kitchen and get close to you. You suddenly turn to grab the cheese and get shocked by the boy you were having a staring contest with earlier. He seems shocked also but it quickly change to a smug look and he hands you the cheese. 
“Thank you” you quickly put it in it’s designated spot and move on to the next item. It got so quiet you had thought he had left but nope instead he starts helping you unpack. You both work silently only occasionally asking where one and another put something so things can be in their respective places. 
When we went outside and were told to look I swore I saw the most beautiful girl. She was in the air? Then the earth moved for her like it worshiped her. She looked like a goddess. I think my mouth was open because Dolores gave me a knowing look as if she could hear my heart beating out of my chest. Her name is Y/N? what a beautiful name. She disappears. I of course go looking for her and find her in the kitchen putting the groceries away. She looked so peaceful. I walk up beside and watch her work it isn’t until she accidentally grabs my hand instead of the cheese we both get shocked. I smirk and hand her the cheese and she thanks me. I start helping her and talking to her from time to time. This can be something more, I think as we continue talking to each other.
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How They React To Giving And Receiving Gifts (Dark, Wilford, Anti)
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ART BY chromamode
You buy him a new book and a bottle of wine for him every birthday, you always read the book beforehand and make notes in the margin of the book with a black ink pen saying odd facts about a certain word or notes about what you thought the author meant by a certain phrase, he loves pouring you both a glass of wine and reading his new book that you can both discuss as he reads. You started doing this on his birthday when you first meet because he had made innocent comments in passing conversation about how he was curious as to how your brain worked so you took this chance to show him.
He buys you anything expensive that you like, if you are into jewellery expect large diamond earrings and gold bracelets that shimmer in the light, if you are interested in something else whatever it may be expect it to be made bigger and more bountiful. Nothing is too much for his darling. He always gives you a charm for a charm bracelet he brought for you when you first started dating, the charm always has a hidden meaning behind it and he loves making you guess what it means.
Three years ago he gave you a simple metal heart and after ten minutes of playful banter he finally told you that he was giving you his heart and that he loved you, it was a very romantic way for him to say he loved you for the first time.
Wilford doesn't keep much about him other than his wits, his gun and you so he doesn't really care for material gifts which makes him extremely difficult to buy for. You settled on buying him experiences like two tickets for a Caribbean vacation or two tickets for sky diving lessons. Last year you took him paintballing which he adored, he made an entire day of it and you two ended up slaughtering all the other teams. Similarly, you are planning on taking him for laser tag this year with a surprise which is that his friends are all accompanying you two. He loves his birthday because it means you two are going on an adventure together and are going to make sweet memories, he loves you more than anything and he tries his best to show it throughout the day with random hugs and hands placed on your shoulder.
Wilford has a hard time buying you gifts so you usually get given something small and personal that only you will ever have. He has brought you many different types of gifts over the years, including a gold locket that holds a very special picture of you and him in your disguises from a heist you two conducted back in the early days, even a gun that has a personalised frame accompanied by a box of bullets which all have both of your first initials engraved into a heart on every single one of them. This year he is buying you a customised knife that he hopes will be put to good use.
He is a man of many amusing words but being genuine isn't his forte so he likes to give you things that say he was thinking of you and that he puts thought into you. You love every gift he gives you and they always earn him a peck on the cheek.
You buy the glitch things he puts to practical use like knife sharpeners and collectable knives for his collection. He promises he doesn't use them on anything living which you sadly chose to believe but let's be honest, he would have brought a knife to kill with anyway so you aren't enabling anything.
You tried to buy him a gun once but that went down like the titanic as he proceeded to spend an entire hour going into excruciating detail about how the knife is far superior to the stupid gun, needless to say, you went back to the store with him and traded the gun for a much more sparkly knife which made his face light up, you were rewarded with kisses and compliments all afternoon.
You always try to make him a birthday cake every year and every year he watches you zip around the kitchen trying to make it work out but every year it fails and you two end up going to a local supermarket and getting a cake either frosted with a ridiculous catchphrase on it or buy enough candles for the cake to collapse and burn the house down. He appreciates it every time and tells you that it was a slightly better attempt than last year which makes you smirk. One day you swear, one day you will make him a birthday cake to be reckoned with and he just smiles and kisses your cheek while agreeing.
Anti is the type of person to just buy you odd trinkets that either remind him of you or he knows will make you smile and laugh. He spends the week building up to your birthday milling around through op-shops and holes in the wall collecting odd gifts like old tiny ceramic statues or old books that look well-loved or a teddy bear with a eye missing that he just knows would look wonderful on your bed. To some people, they were pieces of junk that Anti had brought in a panic but as you unwrapped each present he would tell you how he had remembered you mentioned this book from your childhood or how the ceramic statue reminded him of your wild spirit. And sometimes he gets nervous that this is the year you would snap and tell him you hated all the pieces of trash he was giving you so he buys you flowers just in case with a cliche box of chocolate or candies.
You love hearing all the little stories behind each gift and you always hug him after each gift to assure him you really do love them, and then you laugh as he sheepishly brings out the flowers and chocolate/candies which sends you both back into your regular playful teasing.
(he also buys you cards and just stuffs all the money he has in his wallet at the time into it because he doesn't want you to tease him about being cheap which you have never done so you find the gesture very honourable yet strange).
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helloalycia · 3 years
lose you [two] // leigh shaw
summary: following her kiss with you, Leigh begins to act unfairly towards you and says something she instantly regrets.
warning/s: none i don't think?
author's note: only one more part after this! hope you’re all liking it, and if you’re not an elizabeth fan, i’ve got a kara danvers two parter coming up after this so stay tuned! also the lena imagine part three one is still in the works, so don’t worry, i haven’t neglected it!
part one | part three | masterlist | wattpad
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Leigh had ghosted me before. She'd done it on and off throughout the first six months following her husband's death, unable to maintain contact when she barely had energy for herself. And I was patient, always, because that's what she needed. But this was different.
Her absence in my life was nothing to do with her grief, but rather the kiss she gave me the day I decided to take her out. It just had to be that, otherwise she was merely being ignorant and I knew she wasn't that harsh without reason.
Whenever I texted or called her, it wasn't with the intention of talking about what happened. She hadn't brought it up and I didn't want to pressure her into speaking about it, especially if it was a mistake (which, selfishly, I hoped it wasn't). I just wanted to hang out with her like we used to, but she was giving me blunt responses or claiming she was busy. It was like she was doing her utmost best to push me away and I couldn't take it anymore.
After about two weeks, she simply stopped responding to my texts. Her 'busy' life was keeping her from even acknowledging my contact and that was when I couldn't put up with it any longer. This wasn't about grieving or needing space, this was about her avoiding me for something she did.
On my day off, I headed over to Beautiful Beast, Leigh's mother's fitness studio where she worked. When I arrived, Jules was sat at the front desk, wiggling a pencil before her eyes distractedly.
"You look like you're real hard at work there, Jules," I commented playfully, smiling at her as she paid me attention.
"I was testing out that whole rubber pencil trick," she said nonchalantly.
"And your conclusion?" I asked, leaning against the front desk.
She couldn't help but smile. "It's pretty cool."
I chuckled at how cute she was. "Good to know."
"So," she began, leaning back in her seat. "What can I do for you?"
"Well, I was hoping you could tell me if Leigh is in? I feel like I haven't seen her in a while."
Jules was about to respond, then her eyes fell behind me and she smiled. "Speak of the devil... there's your answer, Y/N."
I followed her gaze and realised the class that was going on in the studio had ended, with students leaving tired but happy. Leigh trailed out after them, using a sweat towel to wipe her face and push the loose strands of hair from her ponytail out of her face. She approached the desk, but upon spotting me, seemed surprised.
"Y/N," she said, rounding the desk to stand beside Jules. "You're here. Hi."
She was casual, unbothered by the fact that she'd clearly been ignoring me the past few weeks. I decided not to question it, instead offering her a small, awkward smile.
"Hey," I greeted with a nod. "I was hoping to catch you. Are you, er, busy?"
She avoided my eyes as she lowered her sweat towel, now grabbing her water bottle from the desk and busying herself with it.
"I mean, I've got class in an hour," she said with a shake of her head.
"Perfect. Maybe we can grab lunch and talk?" I asked, not giving her chance to decline since there was no reason to.
She furrowed her brows, feigning confusion. "Talk? About...?"
I pursed my lips, raising a brow with disbelief. She was seriously going to play it like this? Judging from the absent stare she was sending my way, she was. So, I glanced at Jules, who was back to distracting herself with her pencil and barely paying attention to what we were talking about, before looking back to Leigh.
"About things...?" I settled on, knowing she'd know what I meant. "I haven't heard from you in a while."
Leigh scrunched her nose, shrugging apologetically. "I'm sorry, I'd love to, but I'm going to be practicing for my next class. Maybe not today."
I kissed my teeth with annoyance. "Hm. Okay, sure. Good luck with your class, I guess."
Rolling my eyes, fed up at her pretence, I said a quick goodbye to a half-listening Jules and left them both to it. I'd like to think Leigh would come to her senses and contact me, but maybe that was wishful thinking. Either way, it was certainly not thinking for now, so I tried not to let it bother me for the time being.
Waiting on Leigh to make first contact was probably not the brightest idea, since I was sure if it was up to her, she'd just ghost me forever. But I was stubborn and I wanted to make a point (clearly not a very good one since she still proceeded to ignore me...), so another week passed without speaking to one another.
The only reason I went over to her house one evening was because Jules asked for my help with something. Since I was a graphic designer, she'd asked me to help design the promotional material for this new set of classes she wanted to start at work. Of course I said yes – in the many years I'd befriended Leigh, I'd also befriended Jules. I was happy to help, even if it meant awkwardly bumping into Leigh.
When I arrived, I was greeted by Leigh and Jules' mum before being led to the dining-room with Jules to help her. I tried to hide the fact that I was subtly searching for Leigh around the house, genuinely wanting to make sure she was okay despite the radio silence on her end, when Jules seemed to notice.
"She's not here," she said, making me look to her, embarrassed I'd been caught out. "She's on some date."
I raised my eyebrows, nodding. "Oh. Cool."
It shouldn't have bothered me – Leigh had been on a handful of dates in the past month, attempting to move on – but it did. Maybe it was because I foolishly thought our kiss meant something to her, since she initiated it. Clearly not, since she was already moving on. It didn't help that she couldn't just act normal with me if it meant nothing to her. No time for her best friend but time for dates with random people? Not cool.
"Did something happen with you two?" Jules asked whilst starting up her laptop.
I hid my panic with confusion. "What do you mean? Did she, er, say something?"
Jules shook her head, leaning on the palm of her hand as she glanced at me. "No, nothing. I just thought I'd ask since I haven't seen you around with her lately. Thought maybe you'd fallen out or something."
So she hadn't told her sister what happened. Maybe she really did want to forget about it.
"No, she's just been busy I guess," I mumbled in response, before pulling my memory card out my bag. "Forget that anyway. Let's see what we can do with your promo stuff, huh?"
Leigh long-forgotten, I showed Jules the designs I'd come up with for her banners and posters, which she was super excited about, and got to work. We mocked up some promotional material for her to get printed soon and she talked me through what she had in the works which was adorable since it was great to see her invested in everything. She'd come a long way from rehab and it was refreshing to witness.
We snacked so much whilst working that by the time I finished, I knew I wouldn't need to eat dinner. Jules' mum offered, but we were stuffed and it was getting late.
"If you need anything else, just let me know," I told Jules as I grabbed my bag to leave. "If you want anything changing, also let me know."
She gave me a thumbs up and a grin. "You got it, chief. Thanks again. I know you have an actual job to do an–"
"Don't do that," I stopped her with an amused smile. "I'm always happy to help you out."
She nodded appreciatively. "Well, thanks. I'll let you go."
I waved goodbye to her before shouting a goodbye to her mum and heading to the door, letting myself out. Only, when I opened the door, I squealed awkwardly upon seeing Leigh making out with some random guy on the porch. The uncontrollable noise that escaped my lips was enough to pull them apart with a start.
"Y/N," Leigh got out with shock, wiping her mouth and clearing her throat. "What are you– what?"
Still dumbfounded, I swallowed hard and looked away. "I– er– sorry to interrupt. I'm just gonna– mhm."
Closing the front door behind me, I quickly walked around the pair and began to leave, trying not to let my surprise, hurt and irritation build up inside of me. It wasn't my business if she kissed somebody else. It was her life – she could do whatever she wanted.
"Wait, Y/N!" I heard her call and winced at the sound.
Pretending not to hear her, I picked up my pace and finally made it to my parked car, fumbling for my keys in my bag under the dimly-lit streetlamp.
"Y/N, wait up!" she called again, and I risked looking up to see her approaching my car quickly, eventually stopping by my side.
Now that I had a better look, I saw that she was dressed up beautifully for her date, wearing a black dress that accentuated her curves and high heels that dared anybody not to stare. Though, when I met her gaze, I saw her ruined red lipstick and was reminded of the stranger she'd just been making out with.
"It's cool, I'm sorry," I repeated, shaking my head and wishing I could feel my keys in my bag already. "I didn't mean to interrupt."
"It's not like that," she said breathlessly, holding her jacket and watching me carefully.
Finally finding my keys, I pulled them out and unlocked my car. "Not like what?" I asked, glancing at her with a tight jaw. "You can go on dates, Leigh. It's not my business."
Her expression softened. "Then why are angry?"
"I'm not angry," I said, before realising it was a little more hostile than I intended. "Look, forget it. Just enjoy your stupid date. I've got to go."
Before I could open the door, she grabbed my arm and pulled me back, eyes darkened with annoyance.
"What's your problem?" she asked impatiently.
I shook her off me and widened my eyes with disbelief. "Are you serious right now? You followed me!"
"Yeah, because you're clearly pissed at something!" she snapped, crossing her arms. "What's your problem?"
For once, I wasn't going to put up with her bullshit mood swings. It wasn't fair how she was treating me and I was going to do something about it.
"You're my problem, Leigh," I admitted with a glare. "I've been waiting for you to call or text or make some freakin' effort to acknowledge my existence, but as usual, nothing. And then to top it all off, I find out you're on some date when you can't even find a spare second to text your best friend that you're okay!"
She scoffed. "Sorry I have a life, Y/N."
Clenching my jaw, I pushed down the anger that was bubbling up inside. She looked so smug, like she'd done absolutely nothing wrong in this scenario, and it was pissing me off.
"You know what? Never mind," I gave up, releasing a shaky breath. "You clearly don't get it."
I tried to move around her and get into the driver's seat of the car, but she groaned loudly with petulance.
"Why the hell were you even here anyway?!" she asked, like she had the right to. "Couldn't you leave me alone for one night?"
I tried not to laugh. "Don't flatter yourself, love. If you'd actually bothered to talk to me, you'd know I was here to help Jules with her posters."
"Sorry that I thought that you couldn't leave me alone for two minutes," she said with a bitter smile. "It's like you don't even know how to function without me in your life."
I clenched my fists with frustration. "Wow, Leigh, big-headed much?"
She laughed dryly, shaking her head. "I kiss you once and now you won't leave me the hell alone!"
Leigh and I had been in so many arguments before this one – it's like they were inevitable with her – but I'd put up with them. I'd let her yell and call me names and treat me like shit because I knew she didn't mean it, it was a heat of the moment thing. But something was different this time. Her words stung a lot more than they should have, especially when they were delivered by somebody I thought I was in love with.
I unclenched my fists and scowled at her. "Go fuck yourself."
Not bothering to wait for her response, I ignored the way her expression changed into one of regret and guilt. I ignored her as she tried to tell me to wait. And I ignored her as her she knocked on my window when I got into the car. I didn't spare her a glance as I drove away, feeling tears prick the corner of my eyes.
Leigh Shaw could be such a bitch sometimes.
"Y/N, you've got a–"
"Whatever it is, I'll sort it," I reassured my new assistant. Ever since my promotion, it felt strange to have somebody work for me, but I was slowly getting used to. "Go have your break, Taylor! You've not moved from this seat all day."
Taylor smiled bashfully but nodded. "Okay. Thanks a lot."
I gave her a reassuring smile as I watched her leave. I'd just finished a long meeting with a client and couldn't wait to get to my office and procrastinate for a bit before getting on with some work. Only, when I opened the door, I was surprised to find someone sat in the seat in front of my desk. Maybe that's what Taylor was trying to tell me. 
"Hello, can I help you?" I called politely, closing the door and stepping inside.
"I like the new digs."
I froze, smile fading when the stranger stood up and turned around. It was Leigh and I wasn't sure how she'd gotten here, but I wasn't dealing with her right now.
it had been a few days since we'd argued and she'd been trying to get in touch, but I completely blocked her number. It wasn't a permanent decision, but rather a temporary solution to a problem I wasn't in the headspace to deal with right now.
Every time I thought about Leigh or what she'd said, I felt so angry and fed up. She had no right to treat me how she did or make me feel like this when it was her fault. Blocking her was the easiest bet until I decided how to deal with everything. Clearly she hadn't gotten the hint though, since she was waiting for me in my office.
"How did you get in here?" I asked through gritted teeth, trying not to roll my eyes at the stupid smile on her face.
"Your new assistant let me in," she said as I headed to my desk, before adding comically, "She definitely has a crush on you by the way."
I narrowed my eyes at her from across the desk. "You need to leave."
Her humour disappeared, as did her smile, when she met my gaze with remorseful eyes. "I just want to talk."
I shook my head, looking down. "No, this isn't the place for this. And I've heard everything you had to say, Leigh."
"Y/N, please," she pleaded, stepping forward. "I want to apologise."
With a stern stare, I said, "Go."
"Please, just hear me–"
"No!" I erupted with anger, making her jump at the volume of my voice. "You don't get to do this! Not now, not here!" Swallowing the lump in my throat and trying to hide the hurt in my voice, I nodded to the door. "Just get out. After all, I wouldn't want you thinking I'm obsessed with you."
She pressed her lips together and looked down to her fumbling hands with guilt. It was quiet, though the air between us screamed with unspoken words. I hated this so much, the arguing, the anger, the resentment. But I wasn't giving in this time. She'd gone too far and she had to learn that her actions had consequences. She couldn't just get away with it. She had to respect my space.
"I'm sorry," she said gently, looking up with a genuine expression.
I clenched my jaw and said nothing as I waited for her to leave. Finally, she pursed her lips before turning around and going. When the door closed behind her, I let out a breath and sank into my chair, feeling exhausted at the short conversation. I wasn't ready to talk to her yet and I wished she'd just respect that.
Following that, I made sure to tell Taylor when she came back from her break to not let Leigh into my office until further notice. Or rather, not let her upstairs until further notice. She wasn't allowed to bother me in my workplace just because she felt bad.
Of course, not letting her in only meant I received more calls. Especially since I blocked her number, so she deemed it appropriate to call my work phone. Every time Taylor came into my office to let me know it was Leigh, I had to tell her to tell Leigh I was busy and end the call. And the times when I wasn't there, I had several messages from Leigh to reply to. It got to a point where I had to temporarily block her number from work, too. It was the only way to have some space without completely flipping out on Leigh.
One day though, Leigh decided to pay me a visit. She was resilient, I'd give her that much.
Taylor asked me what I wanted for lunch when I said I was in the mood to go out and eat and she could join me if she wanted to. She agreed and we both made our way to the bottom floor before leaving the building. But then I saw Leigh hovering about outside the front door, approaching me as soon as she spotted me.
Already rolling my eyes, I tried to sidestep her, but she was adamant on being a pain in my arse.
"Leave me alone, Leigh," I told her tiredly.
"They won't let me in and you've been avoiding my calls," she said, a little peeved. "What were you expecting?" Her eyes flickered to Taylor, who seemed awkwardly stuck between our bickering. Rather rudely, she asked, "Can I help you?"
Taylor didn't know what to say as I glared at Leigh harshly.
"Don't be a bitch just because you're pissed at me," I insulted, before looking Taylor apologetically. "D'you think you can give us a minute, Taylor? This won't take long."
Taylor nodded, glancing between Leigh and I. Leigh had her arms crossed, focusing a hard stare on Taylor as she walked away. When she was out of earshot, I lightly poked Leigh in the shoulder to get her attention.
"That's not fair," I muttered angrily. "She didn't do anything to you."
Leigh glanced towards her again before looking to me questioningly. "Where are you even going with her?"
I squinted at her judgementally. "If you must know, we're getting lunch. It's that time of the day in case you couldn't tell."
Leigh uncrossed her arms and straightened up. "So, what? This is a date?"
I furrowed my brows. "What? No! What are you–?" I glared at her. "This is none of your business!"
"Well, if it's not, you're definitely gonna give her the wrong impression," Leigh stated with a shrug. "She has a crush on you. Is that even allowed since you're her superior an' all?"
I pinched the bridge of my nose to contain my frustration, before meeting her spiteful green stare.
"If you came here to give me your unsolicited opinions, I don't want them," I said under my breath, making sure passers-by on the street couldn't hear us. "Now, leave me alone."
Her spite dispersed and was replaced with guilt. "Wait, no, I–"
"No, Leigh," I told her firmly, eyes silently pleading for her to give me some space. "You have to stop this."
Green eyes searched mine desperately, but I didn't have time for this, so I left her standing there as I rejoined Taylor and hoped lunch would help me forget about Leigh and her impatience.
"Sorry about that," I said to Taylor when I rejoined her side.
Taylor smiled reassuringly as we began to walk. "It's okay, don't worry about it." It was quiet, before she spoke up again. "Do you mind if I say something a little out of place?"
I looked to her curiously. "Er, sure?"
"I obviously don't know the specifics of what happened between you and your girlfriend, but–"
"Girlfriend?" I interrupted with raised brows. "Taylor, Leigh and I– we aren't–"
She seemed to catch on, eyes wide with embarrassment. "Oh! I'm so sorry! I just thought– well, she's very persistent and I thought that maybe you were together and in a lover's spout or something."
Heat crept up my neck as I loosened my collar. "No, nothing like that. She's just a friend."
Breathing out, Taylor said, "Oh. Well, I mean, I guess my advice still applies. She seems to really care about you."
I snorted. "She has a funny way of showing it."
Taylor smiled. "I know. My boyfriend is the same. We once had an argument and he did the same thing your Leigh is doing. Wouldn't stop bothering me. At home. At work. I let my stubbornness get to me and didn't want to hear him out."
I pursed my lips, glancing at her. "What did you do?"
She laughed like it was obvious. "I heard him out."
That didn't sound like an option for me right now.
"She doesn't respect my personal space," I explained to Taylor, glad to have someone to vent to. "She did some... hurtful things. I'm not making it easy for her."
"Clearly," Taylor noted with amusement. "Look, that's just my experience. But all I'm saying is that your friend Leigh seems to care about you a lot. To the point that she'd glare daggers at your very unavailable assistant."
Goddamn Leigh and her ability to embarrass me even when she wasn't here.
"Thanks, Taylor," I said appreciatively. "I'll have a think about it."
She nodded knowingly. "Anytime."
I definitely wasn’t ready to hear Leigh out yet, I knew that much.
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redheadedpineapple · 3 years
BNHA bois responding to getting gifts outta nowhere
Day 13: Gift/Present Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki, Shotou Todoroki GN!Reader
────── 〔Kirishima Eijirou〕──────
this precious boy literally expects you to exist and that’s enough for him
but nahnahnah, you go ahead and be THAT awesome and THAT kind
and THEN you buy him gifts? all for the sake of you seeing it and thinking of him?
his heart goes doki doki
will freak out and get all red in the face and thank you so many times
100% ends in lots of cuddles and "i love you"s and "what'd i do to deserve you"s
followed by immediately wanting to reciprocate
he’s not the most artsy guy, but when he had the idea, he couldn’t let it go
when you said you got him the gift just cause you thought he'd like it when you saw it at the store, he thought of what you liked
He needed a lot of help from Mina and Momo, and while Momo offered to simply, uh, pop the gift out of her skin, Kirishima knew it wouldn’t be the same. So, with the minor help of material gathering from Momo and the craftiness of Mina, he was finally done with the gift.
The stitchwork was a bit messy, but he was really proud of the creation. He still thought it was pretty cute, and he could only hope you felt the same.
He couldn’t wait to see your reaction, and barely contained all his excitement into a bright, confident grin as he offered you the gift box.
“You didn’t have to give me anything back!” you exclaimed, looking down at the box.
That only prompted his grin to widen. “I wanted to though! Open it, open it.”
“Okay, okay.” Carefully peeling away the ribbon and wrapping paper, your excitement only grew as you tried to keep the mess to a minimum despite your bubbling anticipation. The little teddy bear in a red hoodie made your heart melt, and as you picked it up out of the box and hugged it, it smelled just like Eijirou.
He stared at you, expectantly and a tad embarrassed how much you were hugging it and smiling.
“I made it myself! I know you really liked the red hoodie I wear, but since it had a bunch of tears and holes and burns in it, I thought I could put it to better use… Plus I can always get more hoodies.”
“I love it so, so much! It’s so cute, I--- Awh, baby…” You pushed yourself into his arms and hugged him tight. “You’re so sweet… I love you so much.”
He couldn’t contain how happy he was that you liked his gift, giggling and hugging you and resting his cheek on the top of your head. “I love you too!”
────── 〔Bakugou Katsuki〕──────
okok look,,, he struggles accepting and portraying love
but gifts? he can do gifts
at first, when you present it to him, he’s internally trying to figure out if he’s missed an important date
“aah? for me?”
“no, the other bakugou katsuki right behind you.”
and he’ll roll his eyes because oh shush, but he opens it and tries to hide a wide smile
“i got it just cause i thought of you when i saw it!”
“you’re such a dork”
will ruffle your hair, pretending like he’s not touched
you’ll poke his cheek and insist he loves you
and he’ll kiss your forehead and you’ll both move on with your days
he cherishes the gift, though, and will keep it in a special place at all times.
if it’s jewelry, he says fuck it and wears it every day.
if it’s a stuffed animal, you bet your ass he sleeps with it.
a keychain? added to his keys.
a random trinket? it’s now on his nightstand or in his car, where he sees it often.
and it’s his turn to show his love to you.
Bakugou understands the value of handmade stuff, but hell if he’s gonna figure out how to be all craftsy and do that shit. Nah, he’ll pick up extra hours to get the cash he needs to buy you something lavish.
He really isn’t good with showing how he loves you, he can be pretty stubborn and sometimes doesn’t really get how to cuddle you or randomly show you he’s there and loves you through little touches, but he comprehends stuff like this really well. It’s straightforward.
He puts a lot of thought into what he wants to get you, spending hours just browsing online shops. If anyone saw him, he probably looked like he was playing some video game, a focused, unintentional pout tracing his lips. But finally, after lots of research, he finally knows what he’s going to get you.
Honestly, you really don’t expect much in return from Bakugou; not because he’s an asshole or anything (although yes, he is at times), but more because he doesn’t exactly get reciprocating in gifts or anything. Some random classmate he hardly knows gets him a present? Hell if he’s buying shit back for them. Someone buys him lunch? Cool, he gets free lunch.
So when he presents you with a gift box weeks later, you’re pleasantly surprised, and a little lost for words.
“Well? Go on, open it.”
You don’t keep him waiting, tearing through the pretty poorly taped on wrapping paper. (He tried his best, it probably took him all he had not to explode the entire damn box out of annoyance to the sticky tape and crinkly wrapping paper that just didn’t do what he wanted it to.)
Opening the box, you couldn’t contain a gasp, even if you wanted to. Smiling, you unfolded the clothes and inspected the shoes. It was a couple outfits that matched the aesthetic you’d been on about loving, talking about how you never thought you could pull it off. Katsuki always told you that you could easily, and that you shouldn’t worry, but you always waved it off.
As you got to the bottom of the box, you found a smaller box, the type that snaps open with a dull and velvety ‘click.’ It did just as you expected when you opened it, and inside held a pair of promise rings, matching the aesthetic of the clothes.
“Oh, Katsu… I love it so much!” You gawked at everything he got you, pulling out one of the rings and trying it on. Perfect fit.
He chuckled. He already knew that---he knew you’d love it the moment he added it to his cart. He plucked the other ring and fit it on his ring finger.
“Sometimes, you do too much… You’re too good to me,” you shyly insist, smiling nonetheless.
He initiates a hug---something he rarely does---pulling your form into his. “Nah, baby. That’s what I should be saying to you,” he murmurs into your hair, threading his fingers through the strands. “I l-la-lu-ah fuck. I love you, ya dorkface.”
“Pfft…” You laugh at his words, as if he’s not the true dork between you two. “I love you too, more than anything.”
────── 〔Shoto Todoroki〕──────
this boy is so confused
you,,, got a gift??? for him?? just because you thought he might like it?
he hugs you because for one, he really does like it, and two, the fact that you’re thinking of him and will spend your hard earned money for him means a lot
he doesn’t try and stop the soft smile that takes over for the rest of the day
every time he sees the gift you got him, he smiles
it reminds him of you
he’s kinda like bakugou in that he doesn’t know how to do the cuddle-touchy-sweetheart part of a relationship that well and is better with gifts
but he doesn’t want to just use dear old dad’s money, it doesn’t feel right. it’s not as sentimental.
he thinks about getting you a bunch of things and giving you them periodically
but he doesn’t want to make you think you have to return the favour and run yourself dry
and he most certainly doesn’t want the relationship to turn materialistic
While it takes him a while to figure out what to get you, once he settles on the idea, he’s very happy with it. He picks up a couple one-time jobs for some cash. He considered babysitting before he realised he has no clue how to take care of another human being, let alone a tiny one with the brain capacity of Kaminari. So he goes around doing favours for local businesses and households, cleaning or organising or restocking ice for a local ice cream parlor.
When he’s certain he has more than enough money, he buys a few things for you. He carefully placed the items in a cute tote bag and headed off to your house for the movie date you’d planned.
At first, you thought he just brought snacks in his sister’s bag or something, but when he pushed the bag into your arms, looking away slightly with a pinkish tint to his cheeks, you realised what was up.
“Awh, Shoto! How sweet…” You peered into the bag and fell short of breath.
“Uhm… I know how passionate you are about your hobby, so I just wanted to get you some better materials and tools, and I thought maybe you could teach me a little so we could do it together…”
Your eyes lit up at the thought, and you jumped onto Shoto to give him a bear hug. “Yes! That sounds amazing, I’d love to! Thank you so much Sho, it means a lot.”
He plants a kiss on your neck and wraps his arms around you. “Of course, anything to see that pretty smile of yours.”
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
If you're plate isn't too full, can I request a couple of fluffy hc's about Albedo with a photographer! s/o? Like, his s/o enjoys taking pictures of the environment and etc, and even take pictures of Albedo whenever he just does stuff, and Albedo enjoys sketching then whenever they just do a whole picture spree- they even exchange pictures too
Yes, my plate is too full and I'm confused why you guys don't see the request closed thingy in my description. But does it look like I care? No, I miss writing for Albedo and you're getting Albedo NOW-
Sepia Times
Albedo with a Photographer!S/O headcanons/scenarios... (event masterlist)
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Ever since Fontaine released their newest device called Kamera, you had been so adamant in getting ahold of one that you ended up going on a travel spree to the said nation. Not even waiting for the shipment to Mondstadt, you left a quickly written note of your whereabouts before you left.
Spontaneous as ever, Albedo thought to himself as his grip on the note tightens with worry.
Luckily, three days later, you hailed from the Hydro Archon's land with your newest prized possession in hand. Triumphant and giddy, both of your lives changed drastically from there.
Albedo first and foremost, almost dismantled your Kamera. Actually he may have already done so behind your back, he was just caught the last time. He was really curious of its machinations and wanted to reverse engineer it.
He only ever lived because he was fast enough to reassemble it and show you that it still works. If not, you were already charging at him to throw hands. You did not travel for three days just for the Kamera to be broken. Whether he found what he was looking for or not, he's not allowed to touch it until he gets his own when the supply reaches Mondstadt.
Knowing your excitement, Albedo takes a sudden day off to accompany you in your Kamera spree, his own canvas and easel under his arm to also channel his artistic energy.
In just a day you managed to take 20 pictures, about to run out of film in just a day. Everytime you snap a picture, you gravitate to where Albedo is stationed to show off what you got like a crow and its shiny rocks. He finds it very endearing, stating his honest honey-covered opinion that makes you overjoyed enough to energize you to snap another, better picture.
The Alchemist sees the appeal of the Kamera and how immediate the replication of the image is. But he still glorifies the art of painting. He may not be able to capture constantly moving subjects but he can capture any detail he wants emphasized unlike the limited rasterization of a photo like that.
He watches you from afar as you skip over to different places and objects, face blooming with wonder as you position your device to snap. He dons a smile when you pull out the photo and wait for the image to materialize, and produce a chuckle when you sprint over to him to show the product. It's like your routine you developed in just a day.
So at times when he needs it the most, he will steal borrow your Kamera to snap a quick picture of something fast moving that he needs to observe immediately or wish to sketch/paint in detail in the future. One of the photos he had hidden for himself had a picture of you in your natural photographer environment as you dash around to look for a scene to capture while you wait.
What's it for? Well he made it into a more intricate painting during his spare time, presenting it to you with the little image taped at the top right corner. It was so beautiful that when outsiders were to see it after they were granted to access his office/laboratory, they always ask for the price for it. Something he adamantly refuses with the coldest glare the Alchemist can make. The negotiations usually end there.
Whenever he was far and you couldn't follow, like Dragonspine for example (the Kamera was still in development so cold temperatures might risk both the device and the processing), you always send him a picture for his thoughts. Either by asking Sucrose, Timaeus or the Traveler if they were en route to his camp, of course.
As you send one to him daily, Albedo started to look forward to your little mail every time. They range from very beautiful sights he hasn't seen before, images of the people of Mond who looks to be greeting him, or of you and the things that would remind him of you.
He keeps a haphazardly strewn journal for it, and in his camp was a board of his favorite picks, and all images of you are tacked on it. The Traveler enjoys watching his cold teal eyes light up whenever he brings the daily image, watching the picture board grow as Albedo tacks the latest one in with obvious pride and joy.
When he comes back to Mond, he brings with him his most beautiful piece from Dragonspine. You'd know it's special because everything is painted in detail, even the most unimportant parts of it. It's his gift for your little photo exchange and you have it put up on wall somewhere in your house.
When he gets his own Kamera, it was his turn to drag you to his photography spree. A little one-sided competition happens between you two where you try to one up the quality of his pictures, sometimes successful and sometimes you don't really... understand what he's doing, as he captures the strangest images.
Albedo uses his solar isotoma when you want to use it for better angles. Very supportive, as you'd hear a snap from beneath as you position your own Kamera.
The whole of Mond muses at both of your antics; as you two would most likely do the finger frame thingy impulsively when seeing something worth the attention, the people around you would chuckle at how cute you two looked, focused on your own little world.
He always gifts you extra films or anything related to photography when he can. Since he barely has time to go out sometimes, he has many backup gifts in bulk to whip out if ever he wants to pamper you with his material affection. Albedo is hyperaware of your hyperfixation and will always bring films the moment you run out, like foresight.
You can barely understand Albedo, despite the closeness you two had, he was still an enigma in most occasions. This was one of them. He had been binging on photography lately and everytime you look through the photos he captured, it didn't really make sense. The most random pictures that you wouldn't even dare use a film on strewn here and there, sometimes the photo is even cut off, and you'd think it was a mistake until he started organizing them in a system only he knows.
When you finally gathered up the courage to ask what all of it was about for, you were given a smile as cryptic as his album.
But as he pulls your hand with an excitement you've only seen when his chemical solution produces the expected buff, you somehow deduced that today would be the day you'd find out what the heck he was up to.
"It took longer than I expected it to be," he says as he starts unlocking a room in the Knights of Favonius HQ that you've never been in before, "but the end result was worth it."
Your confusion only grows as you were met with a face full of hanging pictures, most of it you recognize. Leaning over some and looking up on the higher ones, the amount of string and the confusing way they were set up, amazes you still with the amount of effort he had been using on such a big project.
Your untrained eyes loosely guess around 1000 films used for this.
The glass double doors that makes it way to the balcony opens loudly behind you. "Come here," you turn to see Albedo's silhouette open his arms against the setting sun behind him. "You're supposed to look at it from this distance." His arms engulfs you gently when you moved over, sending a gentle squeeze before he turns you back around to see the hanging pictures.
You gasp.
The depth and the splash of colors from this distance, aided with the sun, turned the hanging collage into an expertly placed collage as it shows you the bigger picture: a mold of your face of the first sketch Albedo made when you first met each other. The angles and colors measured to the dot to capture and replicate your beauty.
You feel his lips kiss the back of your head as you stared in awe.
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Impromptu Albedo fluff yey
@albaedhoe @struggljng @heisenwurst @moaa @dandelion-dreams @witchsungie @lehra @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @snackgod @rxsalinee @cala-ran @wind-wheel @lilydewi22 @yellowflowre @traveler-lumine @nonniechan @creation-magician @hanniejji
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hi! firstly i love your blog so much and its so lovely to see on my dash so thank you!! now for how i met my lover:

set the scene -- january. right after winter break. im going into the sixth grade. i may not know very much, but i do know this: im a Weird Girl™. didnt have very many friends before moving, but moving to an extremely academically competitive school in the middle of the year? in MIDDLE SCHOOL? hell.

being a Weird Girl™, i really really loved english class. so to know nothing about the teachers, nothing about the students, and nothing about the material, i was very very scared, and of course, the english teacher did the whole stand up and tell us about yourself thing, where i completely blanked and to this day, have no clue what i said. i didnt make eye contact with anyone for a week, at least, and overcompensated by pouring all my effort into a project we were doing -- of course i moved right when the class was doing group projects -- and just generally keeping my head down.

little did i know that the love of my life was sitting in that same classroom. i dont remember exactly how we met (awful of me, i know) but i do remember hearing about the other Weird Girl™ who watched DIY videos and Studio C all the time. i thought maybe, maybe, theres someone like me. this is where my memory ends. (due to trauma, ive been losing a lot of my memories around this time. i hate it, but theres nothing i can do but thank my mind for trying to help.)

some time later, we were friends. and boy, we got on like a house on fire, talking about random shows we liked, books we'd read (specifically percy jackson), and all the tidbits of Stuff in the world. slowly, i fell in love. slowly, so did they, though i didnt know it.

i came out to my friends as lesbian, then as bi, then queer, then panromantic greysexual, then broke down. i had no clue what i was. (it definitely wasnt straight though.) they came out to me, the first they told, but my memory strikes again! terribly, i couldnt remember them telling me. i hated myself for that, but lovingly, they didnt. i was there when they came out to their friends, where they realized i hadnt known, which is how they found out i didnt remember. we were happy, and neither of us made a move. by now, we are in seventh grade.

on the back end of the year, we went on a field trip to a museum nearby. we were partners on that trip and sat together on the bus. we talked about how, if we were married, i would be the dad. no THEY would be the dad. no because- YES because- and we argued about this. i almost told them seven separate times on that bus. i was filled with the longing to fall asleep on their shoulder, so for the last five minutes, i pretended to. then i laughed and looked up and they were looking at me and i couldnt breathe.

i didnt tell them on that bus.

but i knew i needed to, so i wrote, trashed, wrote, trashed, wrote, and trashed a letter again and again. the morning of the last day before spring break, a week of holiday, i tore out a piece of notebook paper, breathed, wrote everything down. i dont remember much, but i remember saying that i didnt fall in love with them -- i flew. and though cheesy, it was true. i folded it up real small and tried not to let my shaking hands drop it. i gave it to them in spanish class, seventh period, and told them to wait for after class to read it. at the end of the letter, i told them i couldnt handle yeses and nos, so i assigned a song from the lightning thief musical each to a yes, a no, and a maybe. i couldnt bear to hear the harsh answer.

i shook and trembled through my eighth period, ignored my friend tapping on my shoulder and soldiered through the crowded halls to their locker. yanked my shoulder forward again and again, too nervous to pay heed to my friend, before the hand grabbed my shoulder and gently turned me around.

it wasnt my annoying friend. it was them.

i froze, and my mouth went dry. i dont know what happened, but they pressed my letter back into my hands, grinning, and i read their words written on the edges and in the margins saying they were planning to tell me at the end of the year because they were a coward (not true!!) and that theyre so glad i loved them and that they loved me too that they loved me too they LOVED me and they tapped my shoulder and i looked up and on the little whiteboard in their locker, they had written I LOVE YOU and i couldnt stop smiling.

we spilled everything and hugged hard and fierce in that school hallway, too young to know anything and too naïve to care, and i walked them to their bus, our hands intertwined and we told a friend immediately and they joked that dating or not, we would be the same.

i came over to their house and sat on their trampoline that week and talked about boundaries and what we could and couldnt do and what we wanted and didnt want, whispering so their parents didnt know. i fell asleep at their house, longing to hold them in my arms and too afraid to say so. i slept two hours that night and lay awake for all the rest.

flash forward, eighth grade. i came out as trans, tucking my hair into a hat my friend lent me and pretending it was enough. they came out as nonbinary, and we loved each other through it all. but something was changing. every day, we wrote little letters to each other and passed them back and forth during lunch, and we only shared one class, i think. we didnt talk as much, and something felt like it was fading. i didnt want anything to fade. i overcompensated, like i did that first day when i moved, and did too much. it was exhausting on my end, overbearing on theirs. i didnt want to lose something i couldnt even believe i had.

the pandemic hit. field trips were cancelled, and we were holed away at home. i could talk to them only barely, since my parents still still checked my phone all the time. then they said i couldnt talk to them anymore because they had brought up asexuality about a show. i cried, told them, coded, and we didnt talk directly. instead, i set up a group phone call we could do once a week, but they were busy every time.

they moved for high school. a christian school nearby. there wasnt anything i could do.

fall of 2021, they broke up with me over text. i know, it sounds awful, but in code, they told me about a boy they liked in middle school and how maybe they werent cut out for each other. i cried to sour, pretending it was just an average breakup, and i wished i could respond, but i couldnt.

we didnt talk for a while. we hadnt talked for a while, because my parents didnt let me, but this time, it was even worse. i went back to school, made new friends, tried to forget them. people still came up to me and asked how they were. i smiled and said we broke up. i said it was mutual. i said it was both our faults. i said we shouldve tried harder. i smiled and said, its okay.

at some point, they texted me a poem that played on my name. a poem about how they - i - was the only one to truly listen. i didnt respond.

march of 2022, they texted me about a song that reminded me of them. circling round again, by the accidentals. i listened to it over and over and over again, barely doing much else. a song about breaking up and regretting it, a song about coming back together, a song about grief, and maybe, maybe, hope. i showed my friends, laughing it off. playing up the my ex is texting me back story. i listened to the song over and over and over again.

then i told my friend to text them my burner email, an email my parents didnt know about, then i realized i didnt trust that friend to remember, so i took another friend's phone and texted them myself. the next day, they emailed me.

they told me about themselves, about us, about how they missed me, eerily mirroring the reasons why i thought we broke up and promising to do better. i did the same. we talked more, through discord and tumblr, and slowly, we allowed ourselves to love again. awkwardly, i asked what we were, what were going to be.


if it was okay with us.
it was okay with us, and so we were. i still miss them, and i wish i could hold them, but we're happy together and i love them so much. we talk every day, all the time, and we make sure we dont make the same mistakes twice. i know first loves arent supposed to last, but we both want to try.
its a two percent chance of us making it, but we've always been weird. i'll take those chances. and if we fall apart again, i know we wont lose each other.

right now, i love them so so much and i count down the days until i can see them again. they live not five miles away but the distance stretches too long, too heavy. our parents extend shields around us that turn into walls and we both long for escape.
i long for the day we can run to each other. i love them more with every passing moment.

gods, sorry this got so long!! it started out simple and devolved from there lol, and sorry for typos, asks are still not letting me backspace or delete. <33
holy shit. thank you so so so much for taking the time to basically give us such a detailed insight into your life and your relationship with them !!! this means a lot
thank you so much for sharing this and i hope you're both doing okay <3
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