#and so finnicky to clean
twogriffons · 4 months
the boy dog im looking after had an upset tummy and had a few accident (on carpet 🥲) and his reactions have really reminded me of how erie has never felt sorry for anything a day in her life
this guy is so sensitive, and giving me big sad eyes, so im cleaning his poop up with a smile on my face and trying to have really good energy about it so he doesnt feel bad 😭
meanwhile when erie sees me clean up her messes she doesn't give any fucks. ive never made her feel bad for making a mess or having an accident and it really shows
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peachyteabuck · 1 year
Peachy, happy belated birthday, I hope you had a great day!! Did anything exciting happen? Did you get an interesting gift? I hope Cowboy or your other cats didn't give you a scare!!
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FUN FACT COWBOY DID GIVE ME A SCARE!!! he's going for a recheck thursday, just to make sure it's not another thing. if THAT thing doesn't show anything wrong, then it might just be that he's pissing everywhere and vomits more. idk. he is old (probably), and has cheated death many times. as the gf said i'm a worrier, so I could be overstressing tbh. ig we'll see thursday
BUT i did have a good day!! i went to dinner at my fav restaurant that i can only go to once a year.
the only gift i know i got was a gift card (bc im in another state until the 29th for work). i did get a pair of cow slippers + a planner + an elevated/slanted cat food bowl that cowboy seems to really like!! im gonna start using the planner (it's an UNDATED weekly planner which i'm so excited about) once i finish my current bujo.
also, pls look at this lil pathetic baby boy:
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he looks SO scrungly, i think he woke up when the gf took pics of him yesterday
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queerly-autistic · 7 months
I think about this scene all the time because it's one of those moments that seems throwaway but, when you actually look at it, it's so fundamental to Ed's character.
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Ed is very clearly depicted as someone who likes being clean. He hates being dirty, and he hates mess. We get quite a few moments that show us this quite explicitly, and this is one of them. It's why the weird fanon about Ed not knowing how to be clean or not understanding what soap is (wtf?) is such nonsense (and also racist) - he's explicitly depicted as feeling so strongly about being clean that he made a 'no pets' rule on his ship specifically to avoid mess.
But, liking being clean and hating mess? That's far too much of a soft feminine trait for Blackbeard to have. Blackbeard's very survival depends on being seen as stereotypically hypermasculine. Blackbeard can't dislike dirt or be finnicky about being clean. So, Ed has had to come up with another explanation as to why pets aren't allowed aboard his ship that fits the Blackbeard persona.
I think this is a really fundamental moment in terms of understanding Blackbeard as a mask that's been constructed in order to survive, and how it sits at odds with the man - Ed - underneath it. And it also highlights the significance of his time with Stede, and the impact that Stede's radical softness (his natural eschewing of traditional masculinity just by being himself) has had on Ed. Stede doesn't just accept all these soft (traditionally more feminine) traits that Ed has felt compelled to hide for decades, but he creates an entire space where Ed feels much safer to just...be Ed.
To the point where, by the time this scene rolls around, Ed has pretty much forgotten about the need to pretend that this is about anything other than him wanting to be clean.
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irregular-child · 4 months
Ok so...
me and @whitetape were hanging out the other day, and all of a sudden he pops up and asks me...
"Is it taboo to have a picture of an omega in their nest?"
Yes, my loves, we're discussing the omegaverse!
We chatted for a while and came to the following conclusions
It is not taboo to have a picture of an omega in their nest, if the omega consented
An empty nest without an omega in it , with the omega's consent, is ok but looked at weird
It is ok to post a picture of an omega in their nest, but is seen as nsfw and more conservative types think its not ok, irregardless of the omega's state of dress
It's seen as never ok to post an empty nest outside of a nsfw/fetish context
There are parts of the internet where people post nest pics in an aesthetic way
Advice columns/reddit asks/etc
Though these are usually nests posted by the omegas that own them
There are some exceptions, such as non-omega parents with omega children
These are usually asking for advice or help with helping their children build nests
Nests were traditionally seen as an omega only thing, and kinda still are, but as time goes on, acceptance grows for non-omegas building nests
There are usually children of omegas who miss the sensation of nesting with their dams, or people very close to their omegas with the same motivation
The acceptance exists but non-omegas nesting seen as different to omegas nesting
The act of nesting for omegas is inherently instinct driven behavior
While the act of nesting for non-omegas is seen as more of a comforting act, the same as a child sucking their thumb
The typical timeline of an omega inviting their partner into their nest varies from omega to omega
But culturally in the west, the typical expected timeline is 3-4 months into the relationship
There are some non-omegas, generally alphas, who are pushy about it since its commonly seen as a trust thing
Though the real shitbags will twist it into a "you don't love me" thing
This 3-4 month mark is where a lot of people end relationships
For those who make it past that, the 2 1/2-3 year mark is usually when the omega allows their partner to start referring to it as "their nest" instead of just the omega's
This could happen as early as 1 year into the relationship, some couples go 10 years together without talking about it, but 2 1/2-3 years is the norm
Most omegas take the subtle approach of slipping it into conversation, as to not spook their partners for various reasons
Though some do prefer to have a conversation about it
Typically, nests are made of the basic materials of blankets, pillows, and scented clothes
The scents may be from a romantic partner, close friends, family members, pack members, etc
It just has to be from someone the omega holds dear
Other materials/nest behaviors vary on an omega to omega basis
Some omegas like having stuffed animals in their nest, some see it as childish
Some omegas keep any important items, no matter the material (laptops, notebooks, water bottes, meds, etc), others have a strictly soft items nest
Some omegas eat in their nests, others don't even drink water in their nests
Some omegas clean all nests materials at once, others stagger different materials at different times
Some omegas allow pets in their nests, others keep them out
These preferences can also cause the end of relationships, especially in omega/omega relationships
A good portion of omega/omega relationships sleep in separate nests/beds/rooms
Other than partners, generally only dams and younger, non-omega siblings are allowed in an omega's nest
However, behavior towards non-omegas being in nests are finnicky in general
Betas are generally ok, up to presentation
Alphas are generally kicked out around age 7, since its the age when gender roles are more heavily cemented in children
We will be back folks! Next time with presentation worldbuilding! :D
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dutiful-wildcraft · 3 months
Something something Autistic Johnny who has energy abound quite often, but his social battery does run out *fast* if he isn't allowed time to recharge. Catch him hiding in Simon's room bc he knows no one else will look for him there.
Johnny who even gets agitated when spending too much time with the ones he loves. Gaz who is kind of a cuddler, but learned that Johnny sometimes needed Soap Time. No talking, no interacting, no touching.
A lot of times this is before bed. Johnny curled up on his side on the couch, knees to his chest with his favorite waited blanket, scrolling through his phone while Simon waits in bed for him.
Johnny who gets dysregulated when his Safe People are missing or unreachable.
Johnny who paces the halls when he's stressed out.
Price plopping headphones on him and having him sit with him awhile so he can calm down.
Johnny who's finnicky about food in the mess, and happily eats the same mashed potatoes everyday bc the consistency is the same.
Johnny who is picky about scents and has taken to making sure the 141 all washes their clothes with the same detergent.
John who meticulously cleans his space and equips all his gear the same way everytime.
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cmescapade · 2 months
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“SK8R Cap” - EP14 Shaggy Mullet Mesh Edit
remember when i made cc? no? yea me neither, it must've been years
(it was years)
i was cleaning my poor ancient pc that was choking on its last 2gb and found this hat that wouldn't hat in 2021 and gave me a mental breakdown so here i am in 2024 turning it into a hat hair because i was procrastinating on my homework
Originally made for personal use. 🧢
Male Hair
38 Swatches
24 Maxis Swatches
14 Gray Swatches
Not Hat Compatible
idk how to tell u that they're never gonna take that hat off...
baby he's bald under there dont force them they're gonna b embarrassed and bald (they r bald)
Hat Recolor under Hats
35 Swatches
Download and info below 💈
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it was actually gonna be a hat with hair in it but mapping that mf to be compatible w many hair was rough since the lil hair i chose was finnicky and it was pushing me to the verge of tears
Download: [ Dropbox ] / [ SFS ]
pls tell me if u have any issues so i could fix it and ignore my blog for 3 more years thanks
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inkdragonworks · 1 year
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I got a chance to work on some more fun stuff this month while inching closer to finishing Chapter 2.
Night Time
Most of the game takes place inside the mountain Poppin and Jupa travel to, and by the time they get the Drill gadget card, it's meant to be night time. Since you're meant to travel back to older locations in the game, I wanted to make changes to Chapter 1 to reflect that passage of time, including a night sky, sleeping bandits, and a firefly enemy.
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I also added a shortcut for skipping past the farm at the end of chapter 1, via a gate that only unlocks when night time rolls around (though this gif shows it during sunset)
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I also really wanted to add some wild life, such as birds.
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Auto Tiler Updates
I implemented a method for allowing deeper ground tiles, including corners and slopes, to populate for any tilesets that include them. I spent a lot of time picking at more edge cases to make things line up better. However, I came to realize the number of redundancies in the current method made fixing things more complicated than it needed, so I spent a week redoing the structure of it. It's ended up being a lot easier to identify where problems are occurring and easier to resolve.
Slope Collision
I went back to slopes, since areas of Chapter 2 end up placing them in ways where you're more likely to collide with them at weird angles, causing unintended behavior (zipping, getting stuck, etc). I resolved most of them, though there's a lingering thing to fix with steep slopes cause of it. Overall though they're less finnicky, and should make level design a little easier to set up.
Grip Gloves
One of the items you can buy from Holly allows you to carry a KO'd partner while reviving them, instead of being stuck in place. It's slow, but it gives more options for avoiding hazards.
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Treasure Tracker Chip Upgrade
You won't be able to buy this until much later in the game, but I wanted to add an item that displays any visible map tiles that contain chests you haven't opened yet. But since map data is populated automatically during gameplay, it's better to add it sooner than later.
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My to-do list is starting to get much shorter for Chapter 2, the next major parts of it are reworking the end boss, cleaning up the script further, and polishing up two optional places (another poison tunnel sequence, and a sequence of caves dedicated to the Rockroach enemies).
It feels doable this month, granted I want to draw something for my birthday this Sunday, so look forward to that.
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oncasette · 2 years
this was a celly request from @sebsxphia but tumblr decided to cut like half of the drabble so here it is again :) the read more link on mobile is so finnicky rn
finn used to be clean shaven with a buzz cut. in high school, it'd just been easier. with morning lifts and after school practice, he didn't have the time he wanted-or needed-to groom himself. so he just shaved it all off.
that was, until he met you. he'd let his hair grow out a bit the summer before his freshman year. not much, but enough to run a comb through it and not have it scratch at his scalp.
he'd met you that first day of class. you'd sat in the seat beside him in the prettiest little top he'd ever seen-one that he'd burned into the backs of his eyelids. he thinks he paid more attention to you that day than the professor. no, he knows he paid more attention to you that semester than the professor.
he didn't work up the courage to talk to you until november, three days before thanksgiving break. it was little more than small talk, asking if you were going home, if you were seeing your family. where you were from. he thought about that conversation for the next two months until, blissfully, he discovered you were in another one of his classes the following semester.
"would you look at that," he said, much less suave out loud than he'd practiced in his head for the five minutes he'd waited to sit beside you.
"you're in this class, too?" you asked, and he hoped he hadn't imagined the way your eyes lit up at the sight of him. probably just from the sight of a familiar face, he reasoned.
"sure am, sweetheart" he said. he slides into the desk beside you with the single notebook he'd picked up over winter break. it was a five-class one, at the very least. he'd already stuffed the front pocket full of the new syllabi he'd accumulated throughout the week.
"we'll have to study together sometime.," you said.
"i think i can manage that," he said. he would skip mandatory optional practice every week to study with you if you asked him to.
the two of you work out a plan to meet up every couple of weeks. you partner up on projects together, study for exams, he even ends up spending the night in your dorm the night before your final.
he finally, finally works up the courage to kiss you in
june. about five minutes after your final.
you don’t even hear him sneak up on you before he’s on you. you’re walking out of the building you’d spent more than enough time in, already, when finn grabs you by the wrist and spins you around into him.
you squeal as you try not to throw your belongings across the floor in surprise.
“finn, what-” you’re cut off with the feel of his lips slanted against yours. his grip on your wrist is so tight you don’t think you could escape if you tried, if you wanted to, and his other hand has snuck it’s way onto your hip bone. you do end up dropping the things you’re holding, but it barely registers to you as your free hand scales up his sides to curl in the cropped hair at the base of his neck.
you’re panting as you pull away.
“you should grow out your hair,” you hum.
he’d do anything you asked of him.
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weemietime · 13 days
I have a theory. I have no way to prove this, since evolutionary biology is such a finnicky field on its own and often things don't evolve for reasons, they just happen due to random chaos. But, I have dermatillomania. This is a Body-Focused Repetitive Behavior disorder (on the OCD spectrum as well) which involves picking at pimples and scabs etc.
For most of my life I have done this. And I have never gotten an infection, even though I have had lots of injuries and thus many scars as a product of the extremely abusive environment I was exposed to as a child. It is distinct from self-harm (though not entirely disconnected from the concept) because we don't usually make wounds to pick, we just pick at what shows up. It is also distinct because our impetus is different, we don't do this to regulate our emotions. It feels good to pick, the perception of pain is different.
It is painful at times, but I don't experience it as actual pain the way you would if you stubbed a toe or something. (I do get pain in the wounds after I am done picking, just not during the process.) It's actually a self-soothing behavior so we do it when we are bored, at ease, distracted, and to calm down (so it does have emotional regulation overlap, but it's nuanced - we usually are not in Active Distress when picking).
Here is my theory: part of wound care in medicine involves something called debridement, which is where dead skin and foreign materials are removed from a person's wound, sometimes requiring to make the wound a bit bigger to do so. Despite the nature of this disorder being somewhat unhygienic (having open wounds exposed), my wounds are always extremely clean looking.
So I often wonder if dermatillomania might persist in humans because it's a form of debridement. This would reduce infection and thus improve our chance for survival.
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[[ log 25 ]]
~Sunny Conditions All Day~
~Wind Speeds Up to 15 km/h~
Time of writing this log is 2145
Duties done at the station:
𓇼 Inventory Check
𓇼 Mail Check
oh my goodness. i got a letter from gilbert. i'll put it in the logbook.
𓇼 Give an Offering to Mother Ocean
𓇼 Beach Cleanup
One might look at this log and ask me, why are you writing a log on the day of rest? Well you see, I was not at the station at all yesterday due to me being in Cape Pearl helping with a beach cleanup, and did not write one yesterday. That being said, it was a beautiful and successful day of cleaning the beach. Well, except for the fact that the sand was hot. That hurt. I stayed there the entire day, and once sunset hit, I took this as a chance to give an offering as well. I did tell Mrs. Osslik to not worry about the tasks, and did the ones for yesterday today instead. After doing all the tasks, I did take a much needed swim. Oh and here is the letter, as I mentioned.
To the Keepers of the Cachalot Light Station, I hope that this letter finds you well. I must start off by apologizing for taking so long to arrive, however Austrailian customs are being fairly finnicky. After months of world travel, I have been looking for a job close to the sea, and I am very thankful for the opportunity to work at a lighthouse station. I hope that you understand that this is a transitioning period for me and might not be fully used to any rules, so please be patient with me for my first few days. My plan is to arrive September 25th, however the plan can always change. Thank you, Emma Gilbert
May the Seas and Stars Guide You~~
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onhigh · 6 months
@five-eyed-peacock dropped a line~ ♡ meme 🫶what does after care look like for them?
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honestly, angel hasn't had the luxury of actually good aftercare since a year or two after he died (for reminder's sake, he died in early 1947). if you ask him directly about "aftercare" he'd more than likely ask you "the fuck is that?" (this is a joke, he WAS a pornstar, of course he knows the definition. he just kinda...doesn't get it as a concept, if that makes sense) that being said, his version of aftercare isn't really aftercare. typically he'll just offer a cigarette/pill/line if his partner's still awake, or if partner's asleep, he'll do his drugs and either leave (if he pimped himself out, which is a rarity these days) or take his own little nap (if it's someone he actually wanted to sleep with in his own time, like, for free). cuddling isn't something he's used to at all (unless it's Nugs), so regardless if he likes it or he doesn't, it definitely throws him off. pillow talk is optional but extremely hard for him to focus on. thanks to about 75ish years working for val, sex isn't exactly something he's excited about, so y'know... sometimes the dissociation kicks in/has already kicked in. add his drugs into the mix on top of that, and his partner may as well be speaking simlish. last minute addition bc i forgot ― cleaning himself up is an absolute immediate must, if only because his fur gets disgusting if he doesn't and he hates the feeling. like. soon as it's over, angel's heading to the bathroom, sorry partner he's already feeling icky and it'll only get worse if he leaves it all over himself. (also to note: he's finnicky about how he cleans, he'll insist on doing it himself... sorry 🤷. if he REALLY likes his partner he'll take him with and clean him too, but that's mainly reserved for like. actual long term relationships and not "hey you're cute and nice to me let's hook up" type shindigs yknow)
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nobodieshero-main · 1 year
CASTING - healing
While they often find themselves more proficient in certain areas, healing through magic is an inherent ability that all casters have, with or without training.
Any caster can heal as long as they have the intention and the dust level (magical battery power), so even when running on fumes they should be able to perform basic first aid.
So why isn't it a common practice?
And, secondly, why do casters go through such thorough training in order to become a healer?
The short answer is: the potential damage magical healing is capable of.
Healing, in any capacity, is a delicate business.
Casters don't technically need any form of medical knowledge prior to healing, but it definitely helps, the same as any non-magical form of aid.
Let's say, someone has broken their leg after a fall. A caster can put their hands on the injured leg and heal it in seconds but do they know that the bone was in the right place? Do they know how much power to put behind it, so that they are only healing the break and not accidentally erasing tattoo's or piercing holes? Do they know how much energy the healing requires, so that they aren't burning through their stardust unnecessarily?
Often, the answer is no. At the most, it's a hesitant maybe.
Now let's say, the bone was actually broken because the patient unknowingly has a rare bone disease that makes them brittle and thus more susceptible to breaking. The caster has fixed the break and possibly strengthened the bone in the process, but without knowing the real cause it's similar to putting a salve on a tumour.
What's worse is that by "curing" what is essentially a symptom of a bigger problem, they have now erased any warning signs that a trained healer would have checked for, and the illness can easily grow much worse before any attention is brought to it.
It is a common phrase in casting schools that "just because you can sew, does not mean you know how to suture."
And that's only the physical side of things.
The potential psychological damage that could be born from having a violent injury healed with no physical evidence of it ever occurring is not something most casters want to be responsible for.
You do not forget having your torso ripped open, and it can feel incredibly disorienting to have no way to prove the trauma you have been through to others who were not there. The phantom feeling of claws or steel with only unmarred skin to show for it, the nightmares that haunt the mind while the body shows a clean canvas.
Trained healers, however, are capable of healing mortal wounds without erasing them entirely.
Any average caster can, and likely will, keep a friend in stable condition were they to find them gravely injured, but it's incredibly rare for the caster to make any moves towards proper healing if they lack the training. Some of the more dramatic casters will even prefer to leave their friend to die, rather than live with the repercussions of faulty healing.
Healing illnesses through magic is possibly more risky than healing injuries, as it is a much more finnicky practice.
For one, they have to reach much deeper into the body, and have to be a hundred times more careful about what their magic touches.
For another, casters don't aim to cure illnesses through magic; they merely act as a sort of immune booster, working with the body instead of just taking over and doing the work themselves. Erasing an illness entirely, rather than giving the body the strength to fight it itself, can have a dangerous impact on the patient.
Magical healing, when done wrong, can reset the immune system entirely, flushing out any and all memory of previous infections and illnesses that it had learned to heal on it's own. This makes the person twice as vulnerable to germs and viruses, and pushes them much closer to dying as a result of those things.
Casters have also deemed it dangerous for people to become reliant on magic to cure them, making them wary of tackling such complicated healing without the training to back it up.
Similarly to working with injuries, an average caster can instead stabilise and care for an ill friend in the same was as non-casters, but may use the help of their magic to, for example, keep a cloth damp or make a bed more comfortable.
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mik0bastard · 2 years
ok so I recently started a sideblog for a very mainstream fandom, and omg I forgot how finnicky and annoying people are about ships. Gcest is still my safe space, I got so comfortable here since y’all know about Martin.
Like I’m on that other blog looking for shit to reblog on tags that I like and half the posts are “if you like this ship burn in hell why would you even ship them they canonically see each other as siblings?!!!!!!” like..... oh boy I’ve got some news for you about siblings
and it’s also the consistent failure to entertain the mere possibility for very interesting and nuanced porn stories simply because they’re not 100% squeaky clean. You’re telling me no age gaps, no enemies to lovers, no incest- not even pseudo-incest, no mentor-student? people are soooooooo annoyinggggg. 
like, I either post what I want and have no mutuals because everyone will think I’m the worst, or censor myself, which I’m obviously not good at doing.
Like, I’m sorry, when the whole niche I’m beginning to carve out for myself is curating audio porn that sounds like various characters, do you really expect me to be normal? I don’t think you’d be able to consistently interact with a community like gwa and accumulate the amount of knowledge I have without being weird as fuck. Me even saying I’m an audio porn connoisseur is fucking weird, it’s a weird hobby to have
Idk maybe I’m not built to be in big fandoms anymore, there’s so much walking on eggshells 
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crystalelemental · 1 year
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Ah, Johto. I love Johto, probably my second favorite region after Sinnoh. This group, I've always felt, has some ridiculous options behind it, so let's see if that holds.
Vs. Sidney SS Ethan was made for this fight. Literally. They reference applying Trap, and he's Flying weak, this is SS Ethan's fight. For some reason, I brought Eevee Kris? I think the goal was "spam Aeroblast, so her debuffs will be nice," but that didn't happen. Her trainer move does take off crit boosting pressure from Falkner though. That was nice. Ethan does deal respectable damage, and his sync is solidly alright. It's odd because I have him 20/20 after Gauntlet issues, and keep thinking I should EX him, but after doing this...man, why? He doesn't get anything new.
Vs. Drake SS Silver is a lot finnickier than he seems. He's definitely good, but the Sandstorm blanks his Buddy move unless Jasmine heals him back to full. His damage isn't nearly as good as you'd hope either. I needed Whitney here for some flinch and defense debuffing so Silver could manage. Maybe 4/5 for the defense debuffing is warranted...
Vs. Glacia SS Lyra is stupid. Guaranteed flinch really does accomplish anything, including half time to sync parameters off-type with Silver as your base. Sure, SS Morty is a wall that keeps the team alive, but it's Lyra carrying to get us through two rounds of sync while the opponent hasn't gotten to their yet. It was only three actions and she blocked them that long. Queen Shit.
Vs. Phoebe Karen is a rare special Dark-type for the Phoebe stage, which is great because Sentry Entry x2. SC Jasmine is a nice partner to Karen thanks to the buffs she provides, but bad because slow. Enter Whitney, who has X Speed and good starting speed, as well as flinch rate to slow the opponent's progress. Easy game, easy life.
Vs. Steven Gotta justify Eusine somehow, and that somehow is Double Suicune/Eevee Lyra. Eevee Lyra is stupid good with SS Kris. The speed buffs are ideal. The ability to debuff special defense, even single-target, really ups Eusine's value too. He's just...very good at his job.
Overall Impressions Johto's super strong. I do think Sinnoh has an easier time of things, with a lot more in the back that I didn't use, but Johto was pretty clean too. Even with a single off-type, SS Lyra is so busted that she makes easy work of it, even with half time to sync as a condition. That said, SS Ethan and SS Silver were a little shaky as damage dealers, so I'm not entirely sold on this region being competent offensively. They still have much better support than offense.
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stepswowdsen · 2 months
【KagePro】 KuroEne Speedpaints 🖤💙
I recorded me doing the rough colour drafts on my KuroEne doodle! 🥰
These aren't refined, and just me roughly filling in the base colours on my sketches to get an idea of colours
Since Idk when I'll get to refine these drawings and clean up the sketch and lines
Tumblr's finnicky with posting videos ngl so I posted YT links this time. I put them as Unlisted. Feel free to check them out if you're interested in my drawing process.
I described my art process in the video description, but I can also put them here too
Kuroha Speedpaint 🖤💛🐍
Recorded me doing the rough base colours for this one 😌 I had a lot of fun choosing the colours for this one! 💗🫶
Original Time: 45 minutes (Sped up by 16x)
BGM: Outer Science Rearrange Cover (ft. Kagamine Len) 🎵
Kuroha and Ene Speedpaint 🖤💙🐍🐇
I did a bit of edits on Kuroha's colours, then filled in the base colours for Ene~
Working with cool colours is super fun 🙌
Original Time: 45 minutes (Sped up by 16x)
BGM: Outer Science (ft. IA & ONE) 🎵
KuroEne Doodles
Different versions I played around with!
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(+) Hue shift on Ene
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(+) Red hue shift on Kuroha
(+) Hue shift on Ene
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(+) Red/pink hue shift and increased saturation on Kuroha's skin
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(+) Increased brightness and saturation on OG
(+) Hue shift on Ene
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(+) Increased Brightness and red hue shift on Kuroha
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(+) More red hue shift on Kuroha
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(+) More red hue shift on Kuroha
(+) Multiply Layer on both
(+) Hue shift on Ene
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(+) More red hue shift on Kuroha
(+) Hue shift on Ene
The more red + purple toned Kuroha has really nice visual contrast against Ene's cool colours (blues) in her design tbh
Continued from yesterday!
I put the video description rambles under the cut (describing my art process)
Kuroha Speedpaint
Decided to fill in the rough base colours for this! I love doing rough colour drafts~ Helps me get a good idea of colours.
I put Outer Science as the BGM. Fitting for the Outer Science Person~
I also love the tuning and adlibs and robotic voice effects on the Len fan-cover of Outer Science so much~ The tuning is superior to the Original so it's my favourite version of Outer Science and my favourite fan-cover.
Watching this fan-cover is what got me into KagePro. It was my first time watching the Outer Science MV.
The tuning and mixing in this fan-made rearrange cover is insanely good. It's stronger than the original. The chorus has so much oomph and power to it in this, and I love the added adlibs and robotic effects on certain lines.
I prefer the instrumentals (guitar riffs, drums, and bass) of the OG though. The fan-cover version's instrumentals sounds more like an arcade, which is also fun.
I start with colour picking from the colour edit I did as a guide for colours
The faster way to fill in the base colours would be to create a new layer and temporarily close all the lines, then select the outside of the lines, invert the selection, and then use the bucket tool. I'd do this for more refined drawings that are in the lineart stage
I manually fill in the colours when doing rough base colours though. Manually filling in the base colours is relaxing ngl
Since they're rough colour drafts, I'm not shading/blocking in shadows, I just wanna get an idea of how the colours look together
1:05 - 1:10
When I do Gradient Maps and Layer Mode effects, I either clip them to the Colours, or put them in a folder and set them to Through so they can show on the layers underneath it.
I realized I couldn't eye drop the exact colours on the colour edit ref with the Folder set to Through Layer Mode (60% opacity), so I duplicated it, then merged the layers
I also adjusted the settings of my Eyedrop tool later so that it can grab the colour from the image itself, rather than just the colour on the Layer it's on. Cuz if you're not on the exact Layer, then it won't grab any colour.
I was considering whether I wanted to airbrush the tips of the fingers with a dark gradient cuz I love the darkened gradient limbs design trope. Douman has it canonically, and my friend Raisu added it on Idate's design (which is why I always draw him with it).
Decided to go without it here tho cuz I feel like it takes away from the colours
Doing colour edits and adjustments with Posterization and Hue/Saturation effects can throw the contrast out of wack, so I adjust the colours myself on my own drawings.
I usually shift the hues of shadows and highlights (in comparison to the base colours) to keep the colours interesting. I try to use different hues for them so the colours can pop more. I was trying to come up with a good colour for the darker black inner clothes
2:17 - 2:25
After roughly colouring the black spirals around him, I use Posterization on CSP.
Window Capture on OBS only records the main window for CSP, but I went to Layer > New Correction Layer > Posterization which creates a Posterization layer. I adjust the colours with this, which increases the contrast and darkens the colours slightly.
I'll probably fix the colours of the dark sleeves manually later.
I draw my lines on vector layers so I can easily adjust and edit (move and scale down/up) my lines without losing quality.
I duplicate the lineart, so I can use a CSP Auto Action that colours the lines. I used to manually colour my lines, but this one's quick and you can get really pretty line colours with it, cuz it colours the lineart according to the colours underneath.
It doesn't show the windows that performs the Auto Action through the recording, but I downloaded an Auto Action available on the CSP Assets Store that's called "Better Line Color" that follows a series of steps (it can be mimicked manually on other programs) and adjusts the colour of the lines according to the colours underneath it.
I think when I refine the drawing more, I wouldn't have the dark spirals apart of the lineart, and would just paint it instead.
I was playing around with whether I wanted the coloured lineart to be on "Multiply" or "Colour Burn" Layer mode. Depending on the drawing, either has really nice effects.
On my other drawings, like the coloured IdaTatsu and Selena doodles I had, I preferred the coloured lines on Colour Burn Layer mode cuz it adds a subtle saturated glow to the lines. Here, it adds a slightly blue edge to the lineart.
I went with Multiply for now (just cuz this keeps the colours of the black spirals intact better, but I'll consider which one looks better after)
Ene Speedpaint
0:00 - 0:32
I clean up the colours on Kuroha a bit. I also add back the gray transition colour on the hair (between the highlights and base colour)
I brighten the eyes a bit and make it slightly more saturated
I start filling in the base colours for Ene, picking from a more vibrant colour palette (edit of Sidu's art)
I realized that her digital structures are shorter on the side closer to her mouth, so I adjusted the lines a bit
I start filling in the rest of the base colours. At the time, I wasn't whether I want to have Ene's eyes as ice blue or saturate them more…
1:44 I wanted to saturate the skin more so it'd have more contrast, but decided to keep that for later.
1:58 Added a muted gray transition colour on the hair
2:00 Started splotching colours on the sweater and skirt to get an idea of colours.
2:25 Upped the Brightness and Contrast on the skin. Played around with Posterization on the Colours.
Since Kuroha's lines were black, I decided to do the Better Line Color on Kuroha's lines again. This time I used the Bucket tool to colour the lines with a dark blue colour, clipped them, duplicated the lines and then did the Better Line Color Auto Action again.
I also did the same for Ene's lines. I set it on Multiply cuz I liked the soft look the coloured lines
2:42 - 2:51 Before I added the colours, I just had Kuroha's lines above Ene's lines folder, and then had a white layer in the middle.
I was still wondering how I'd show Ene's hand on his sleeve, but Kuroha's colours still being over hers… I was considering just putting the folder of his colours on top of hers, but HMM…
For now though, I just duplicated the lines and colours for a PNG version, then cut from that, for showing on my socials
End: Once I turned back on Kuroha's colours, I realized that I chose a really muted palette for him and a really vibrant one for Ene, so after I finished recording, I played around with the Gradient Maps and saturated the colours and eyes more.
I'll definitely coordinate their colour palettes more later. I'll do a muted version and saturated version.
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outlaw-baby · 5 months
okkkaaayyy here's another little something. i just watched all of the bear, probably inspired by the dream i had (yk the one where i felt an intense crush towards carmen from the bear mixed with a professor I TAed for its whatever). here is how i want season three to start:
first off it opens with gay sex. thats fucking right carmen?? carmy?? he's fucking a man [salute emoji]
there's basically no context at first but jeremy allen white is acting his fucking ass off getting into this sort of fumbling, messy gay sex. there's some typical awkward dialogue, carmy is a little self deprecating, it's a little tender. they stumble through carmen's spare apartment, trip on some jeans idk. for a minute he's a little relaxed
that's right bisexual reveal ep 1
NEW YORK appears on screen
yes it is a sort of prologue, no fucking context on opening night bby but guess the fuck what? we do know carmy is biSEXUAL INNIT. and odds are good they'll pull some shit like this just watch (too cowardly to make carmen bi ofc)
i imagine the first sex scene has a funky song playing in the back and when we transition from "NEW YORK" to, ya, the kitchen there is a jarring lack of noise.
there is only the subtle clicking of silverware and the lightest sound of carm breathing as he's hovered over a plate with tweezers arranging things just so
the breathing, controlled steady, juxtaposes ofc his breathing during his gay sex
side note i will accept now that carm is bisexual and maybe there's something happening with sydney but also maybe jeremy allen white shouldn't be allowed to kiss ayo, have we considered that? so he can pine infinitely as she realizes she deserves better :)
Back to it, capital C Chef is revealed to be hovering over carmy's shoulder insulting him etc etc
i imagine much of the episode is a sort of day in the life at this restaurant, close up shots of elaborate food, finnicky plating, the ever looming presence of this guy who fucking seethes with hating carmy
during a smoke/panic attack break in an alley carmen is confronted with Chef who like pushes him against the wall, stands uncomfortably close and whispers insults into carmy's ear. carm only replies with yes chef. there are some uncomfortable seconds as we are so close up to jeremy allen white's face (is it just me or can u just like not look too close at the guy for too long?). anyways noise wise the chaos of the city (since it has been silent save for breathing and dialogue) slowly creeps in more and more and more until it is overwhelming and becomes piercing white noise
quick cut to the quiet, clicking calm of the kitchen
i imagine the actual running plot is that carm is being blamed for a kitchen related problem (he is verbally abused for his lack of focus by Chef). something along the lines of a new gelatin thing has to be made bc they can't find the old one and things are running late but it is the eerie calm of simmering anger.
"You fuck up everything," hisses chef. click, click, click and the kitchen runs on
The reveal will be the gelatin thing was behind something the whole time. the viewer definitely sees it but carmy does not. i think it is implied that either a) Chef did it or b) another lower case c chef did it bc of a sort of toxic jealousy within the ranks (despite carmy being abused) or c) and perhaps most interesting is that it was someone else's over site, just an accident, a mislabel but we see the correct label on the back or it just fell to the ground and carmy meanwhile blames himself
but it is mostly atmospheric, meant to hypnotize, meant to get you into the rhythm of this kitchen that is almost soothing, so cool and clean and finessed as to be sacred only for this toxic, leeching presence to ruin any sense of calm
the guy carmy fucked texts again, a scene at night with carmy in his apartment, but carmy throws his phone, screams and crumples to the floor.
cut to carmy crumpled on the floor similarly in the fridge still
Episode ends with carmy's inglorious release from the fridge and who is it but a handsome refrigerator repair man named terry?
The season arch is all abt carmy re-embracing his bisexuality after repressing it due to the toxic homoerotic work place abuse he faced which makes sense thematically IMO as the s2 ending shows him falling into a spiral abt how he can't have relationships and love
In typical bisexual fashion he awakens his relationship with hero terry while also realizing the deepness of his feelings for sydney but too bad she is Not interested but he can experience that ig and in the end his respect and love for her allows their platonic relationship to be stronger
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