#and since ive been asking for money i feel like people need to know that im not making the situation up
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tittyinfinity · 11 months ago
Not excited to go back home and give up the rest of my money in the hopes that someone who took 5k from me will still let me live in the house I pay bills in
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likeyourfatherinhell · 2 months ago
raffle beginning 1/11/25 and ending 2/11/25! please share so anyone with the means to is able to enter before it's over! 🖤
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meet my dearest friend, Ayman! this is him, his wife Kariman, and their little son Hamoud 🖤 
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after working 18 hour days for years to build a future for his family, everything was ripped away from them by war. they need our help to afford food, medicine for their sick son, and evacuation to a safe place!
their campaign has been vetted by @90-ghost here, and @gaza-evacuation-funds here! kariman's personal blog is @karemandohan1999 if you'd like to talk to her or read more of their story 🖤
donate the following amounts to their Chuffed campaign OR their Paypal (or their GoFundMe if you absolutely cannot use Chuffed or Paypal) for a chance to win the following Ghost items! 
PLEASE NOTE Chuffed and Paypal get money to them the fastest and do not charge them fees while GFM takes much longer AND takes big fees out, so if you donate via Chuffed or Paypal i will give you TWO extra entries automatically! 🖤
DM ME WITH PROOF OF DONATION AND TELL ME WHAT YOU'RE ENTERING FOR 🖤 you can pick just one item and enter for it multiple times, or enter for a variety! just let me know what you are entering for so i can track everything :D (NOTE: YOU WILL HAVE TO PROVIDE ME WITH A MAILING ADDRESS IF YOU WIN SO I CAN SEND YOU YOUR PRIZE/S)
$10 donation = 1 entry to win (add $1 per extra entry):
-Cardinal Copia sticker, bundled with 7 sunflower stickers, 1 old-fashioned TV sticker, and 1 vintage phone sticker. Cardi is the only Ghost-brand sticker, the rest are in honor of "Call Me Little Sunshine" and C's love for oldschool tech 🖤
-Both covers of Metal Hammer issue 380, 2-sided Papa IV poster included with each (posters were previously hung on my wall and have tiny pin holes in each corner, also each poster came with a bit of a tear along one of the fold lines but on the wall it really isn't noticable)
$15 donation = 1 entry to win (add $2 per extra entry):
-Popecorn Bucket, purchased at theater during RHRN world premier on 6/20/23. thoroughly washed and used for display only (after we finished the popcorn 🍿)
-Dapper Papa IV drawstring bag, new and unused
$20 donation = 1 entry to win (add $4 per extra entry):
-Memento Mori tee, size XXL, clean and like new
-Hunter's Moon tee, size XL, clean and like new
-Phantomime tee, size XL, clean and like new
-Bliss in Pink tee, size LG, clean and like new
-Rite Here Rite Now tee, size LG, clean and like new
-Prequelle Album Art tee, size XXL, clean and like new
$30 donation = 1 entry to win (add $6 per extra entry):
-50" x 60" Stained Glass Backdrop Tapestry, new, never hung up
$40 donation = 1 entry to win (add $8 per extra entry):
-Secrets of the Muse Hoodie, size XXXL, clean and like new
$66 donation = 1 entry to win (add $10 per extra entry):
-Framed set list, original copy, given to my siblings and I by staff at the Mansfield, MA Re-Imperatour ritual 8/19/23. It's creased down the middle and a little blemished from being in our hands the whole show, but it's lived untouched in its frame ever since we got home that night. will send it to you in-frame. i'm not sure if this item will be as valuable to anyone else as it is to me, but if so, donate $66 for an entry to win it! 🖤
-Opus Eponymous Bomber Jacket, size XL, brand new and never worn
feel free to DM or send asks with any questions!!
tagging ghost blogs for reach!! even if you don't enter, PLEASE, PLEASE SHARE!! thank you all so much!! with your help, we can change a Palestinian family's whole lives!
@sirlsplayland @stressghoul @cardi-c @ramblingoak @copiasjuicebox @ghostchems @rightintheghoulies @conjuring-ghouls @aghoulettewithnoname @blanchebees @the-hole-in-terzos-shoe @nocturnal-birb @ghestie-nun @novaiisk @skywarpie @leezlelatch @writingjourney @piaart @blackbird5154 @themratts @vannpz @tasty-ribz @gothdaddyissues @ravenart357 @valkyrieinpink @delulluart @hystericmuse @enjoy-my-swearing @dxncemxcabre @visiosatanae @dewymorningstar @chapel-of-rizztual @ghuleh-recs @zombiequeenblog
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ohnopeh · 7 months ago
i was rewatching gallavich scenes (no one’s surprised) and to be honest, i think the whole monogamy thing is pretty clear from the beginning ( to us, cause they’re dumb )
neither of them want the other to fuck other people but they share one braincell thinking the other wants to mess around. ian talks about monogamy saying its about not having sex with others and mickey expression changes
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he’s clearly panicking wondering if ian mentioned it because his husband wants to fuck around. he doesn’t want to lose ian and is afraid that saying yes to monogamy could be a deal breaker (im pretty sure mickey was feeling insecure as fuck about not being a good husband since they fought about the money, job etc.)
when ian sees mickey’s reaction, he mistakes it as disappointment/disagreement with being monogamous. you can totally see he’s regretting mentioning it and wondering how the hell he’s going to get out of that situation.
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he’s like ‘what the fuck what is this reaction what is going on why isn’t he saying he wants to have sex with me only?’ (cause again, one braincell shared)
so they’re just dumb fuckers who want the other to be happy but they just confuse each other, not realising they want the same thing. mickey asks ian what exactly is counted as having sex : blowjobs, proper fucking? because he wants to know what ian would want from others and if he can handle that, but of course ian thinks that’s mickey asking because he is the one who wants to fuck around!
none of them want to just disappoint the other so mickey plays it cool saying ‘you don’t want to fuck other people?!’ (reminds me of ‘you don’t want to fuck angie? everybody fucks angie’) and of course ian’s defensive too saying ‘me fucking you only? no… so difficult… no… i could never… not like ive been doing so for 10 years… going back to you all the time… saying sex with you is fucking fantastic… no….’
but then ian says
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that’s his way of trying to let mickey know he’s actually not into the whole open relationship thing. but considering they just keep saying they want to do it, mickey simply thinks ian is being hypocrite, not being able to see what he truly meant by that. when ian writes down that he wants monogamy, he’s being honest and i suppose he kept on thinking mickey wanted to fuck around cause he didn’t show his answer (which was mickey’s way of trying to do what ian wanted cause he always want ian to be happy and will do anything for him)
they just keep being dumb as hell until the episode where they have sex with other people. you can see mickey has realised ian isn’t into it but doesn’t want to admit it, to keep mickey happy— because mickey is taking the piss out of ian by pretending he’s having the time of his life trying to find new friends to fuck around with.
( again, ian is forcing them to find gay friends just because he thinks that’s what they’re supposed to do to archive their new happy life )
mickey staying with the other gay couples for drinks he doesn’t like, company he dislikes. he waits for ian to call it a night and even then he took the piss out of ian asking if he really wanted to leave. they end up having sex with the others but once they’re home ian says it was a waste of time and mickey points out they did want ian wanted so badly, making gay friends and having sex with other people. so how is that a waste of time if ian wanted this all along?
mickey asks
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(are you still going to pretend we want to fuck other people?) and ian admits that, no, he doesn’t want that. he doesn’t want gay friends to talk about their sex life or friends to bang just because. explaining he’s okay to have lip ( and mickey ) as their only friends cause they’re alike and that’s what he needs. he doesn’t have to force himself to be different or fit somewhere.
i know people also discuss the scene where ian is at the gym in their new apartment, where he smiles at the guy flirting with him. to me that scene was just ian being taken by surprise ( as he didn’t really expect the guy to hear him ) and maybe even glad that there are gay and accepting people around them (not like southside) so it only proved more and more that their life in the north side could do good to mickey too. it makes sense because in the same episode mickey freaks out about the new place, it shows how they react to changes and ‘safeness’ as mickey says it makes him feel uncomfortable to have a better life, something new that he has no control over (like him saying he has no idea how to escape safely from the northside/their new house— if needed)
long story short : they are dumb and always want the other to be happy but scared to communicate properly and mess things up. they only want each other in all the way and that’s what it is and will be forever! shameless writers for s10-11 were something else tho, im sure there were better ways to write this plot but still lol
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rollingsins · 2 years ago
all hers, part xvi
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv | part v | part vi | part vii | part viii | part ix | part x | part xi | part xii | part xiii | part xiv | part xv | part xvi | part xvii | part xviii | part xix | part xx | part xxi | part xxii | part xxiii | part xxiv | part xxv | part xxvi | epilogue
summary: Tara’s not a good patient. You should know this by now. 
warnings: (+18), Tara is Ghostface, mention of murder, Smut (18+), vaginal fingering, pussy-eating, face-sitting. Sweet!sex, bottom!Tara if you squint.
word count: 3.8k
a/n: bringing back sexy-time, because poor Tara needs a break. as always, thanks for all the love :))
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Tara’s not a good patient. You should know this by now. 
She whines about not being able to stand up by herself. Snaps when her nurse - Nurse Dawson, suggests a sponge bath. Begrudgingly lets you help her shower. 
She hates the hospital food and refuses to eat Sam’s organic, non-gluten, non-dairy, non-fun pasta-bake when she shows up with it. Instead, she orders DoorDash to her hospital room  three nights in a row. 
And on the fourth night, when the doctor tells her she has to stay another night, her fist curls, daggers in her eyes. 
“You know why they’re doing this?” She says, voice hot as the slew of doctors and nurses leave the room, “It’s a money-grab. The longer they keep me here, the more money they get off of the Insurance payout.” 
“They’re keeping you here because you have a stab-wound in your stomach,” You say, firmly. You smooth her hair out of her face, touch her red cheeks with your fingertips, “And I want you here too. You’re not 100%, baby, you need to rest and recover.” 
“I feel fine,” She complains, with a huff, “Sure, my stomach hurts, but that’s what the Codeine is for, right?” 
You lean in and kiss her, soft. Climb into the hospital bed with her, your head on her shoulder. 
“Why don’t we watch a movie? That always makes you feel better.” 
Tara runs her hand down your arm, presses her lips to your forehead. Then squeezes your side, suggestively. 
“You know what would make me feel better?” She says, voice low, “If you took off all your clothes.”
“I’m sure Nurse Dawson would love that.” You say. 
Her hand catches your wrist, trying to hold you in place. 
“Please.” She murmurs, “My stomach hurts and all I want is for you to sit on my face.” 
“Glad to hear you’re feeling better,” Sam interjects as she enters the room. She has another pasta-bake in hand. 
Your face flames red. Tara's lips purse. 
“If you think I’m eating that-”
Sam shushes her, presses her lips to Tara’s forehead. 
“It’s good for you. Much better than the shit you’ve been eating. I made this one special, regular pasta, just for you.” 
Tara tilts her head, looks over at the pasta suspiciously. 
“It has gluten? And real cheese?”
“Real cheese and extra gluten. I made a kale and apple salad to pair with it-”
Tara groans, tilting her head back to the pillow. 
“Sam, why can’t you just make regular food for regular people?” She complains, but takes a helping all the same. You sit up as Sam hands you a plate, careful not to spill it all over Tara’s bedsheets. 
Sam settles into the seat next to the bed, watching. 
“Ran into the Sheriff in the hall,” She says, “They don’t have any suspects.” 
Sheriff Hicks’ visits had been regular since Tara got hurt. She’d seemed wide-eyed, upset, no doubt seeing Tara in a hospital bed had reminded her of her own missing son. She’d come in three days in a row, hat in hand to deliver the same news. 
The police had no leads.
“I know,” Tara says, mouth full, “She won’t leave us alone, will she, YN? Keeps coming in here asking me to repeat what happened over and over.” 
“She posted extra police on the door,” You say, “There’s five of them now.”
���Each as useless as the next,” Tara says under her breath. She frowns, “Sam are you sure this is real cheese? It tastes like shit.” 
You’d smack her, if you weren’t afraid you were going to hurt her wound. Instead you shoot her a look. 
“Babe.” You chide. 
Sam rolls her eyes. 
“You’re welcome.” She says, then she looks to you, “Where are your parents?” 
“They’ve gone home to shower,” You say, “They’ll be back a little later.” 
“Speaking of people who won’t leave us alone…” Tara mutters. You shoot her another look. 
“Good,” Sam says, firmly, “The last thing you need is to be left alone when there’s a maniac running around.”
She pauses, looks at Tara, seriously. 
“When you get out of the hospital, I want you to come back home. With me.” 
“I’m not going anywhere without YN.” Tara says. She puts her plate to the nightstand, wiping her mouth with her hand. 
“So she can come home too.” Sam says, “Richie’s not there, I’m done with him. I need to be near you, Tara, I need to be able to protect you.” 
Tara looks at you. 
“What do you think? Will your parents go for it?” 
You chew your lip. Your Dad hadn’t let you out of his sight for less than an hour since the attack. He’d bought two more shotguns and an industrial style alarm system the night after it had happened. 
“Probably not,” You say, honestly, “I think he’s seriously contemplating installing iron bars on my window.” 
Tara looks back at Sam and shrugs. 
Sam doesn’t look happy. 
“Fat lot of good all that security did last time,” Sam says, “Ghostface slipped right in. It’s all well and good having an alarm system and a gun, but it’s not enough. You need to have someone who actually knows how to use it.” 
Tara’s hand brushes through your hair. 
“It would be nice to go home,” She murmurs, “Maybe you could talk to your Dad? We have an alarm at the house, and it would be easy enough to buy the same locks he has. Sam’s a good shot and she has a lot of guns.” 
You sigh. The prospect of telling your Dad you’re leaving home four nights after a Ghostface attack scares you a little. 
“I can try,” You say, voice resigned. If for nothing else but for poor Sam. You can’t imagine not being in the same house as Tara, not being there to protect her if needed. You know Sam must be going out of her mind. 
“Thank you.” Sam says.
You blink. You’d taken your Dad out into the hallway when he’d come back. Told him there was something you needed to tell him. And then not even got halfway into your sentence when he interrupted you. 
“But Dad-”
“If you think I’m letting you go anywhere that isn’t school, you’re out of your mind.” He says, voice stern, “In fact, I’m half considering pulling you out of school all together. Mom googled some good home-schooling courses last night.” 
“Dad, Sam is really worried about Tara,” You plead, “Really worried. Tara said she has an armory at the house. We’d be safe there with her.” 
“The answer is no, YN.” He says, sounding aggravated, “If Tara wants to go home and be with her sister, that’s her choice. But you’re not going anywhere."
You stare. 
“I’m eighteen, Dad, you can’t tell me what to do anymore.” 
He stares back at you. It isn’t often you challenge him like this. You can see the wheels behind his eyes turning, like if he’s not careful you’ll storm off and never come home again. His jaw clenches, then he looks over to Sam and Tara.
He sighs.
“Look - I’m happy for Sam to come stay with us for a few days, if she’s really worried. We can make up the guest room.” He offers. 
You know it's as good as you're going to get.
And so it’s settled. 
Sam accepts, almost immediately. The promise of being near enough to Tara to keep her safe, alluring. She leaves that night to pack, promising to be back in the morning to help bring Tara home. 
When she returns, it’s to you and Nurse Dawson trying to fight Tara into a wheelchair. 
“Baby, it’s just to the car.” You say, hands firm as you lower her into it. Nurse Dawson, she’d fight, but you? She settles for crossing her arms like an angry child. You press a kiss to her forehead, and let Nurse Dawson wheel her outside.  
“This is ridiculous.” Tara grumbles the entire way down, “I can stand, I’m not an invalid.”
“Hospital policy.” Says Nurse Dawson, cheerfully. She’s in a better mood than you’ve seen her in all week, no doubt relieved her moody, pouty, storm-cloud of a patient is finally being discharged. She turns to you. 
“Make sure to clean the wound once a day, like I showed you. Redress and make sure she doesn’t engage in any strenuous activity. If there’s any redness or swelling, bring her right back in.” 
You nod. 
Nurse Dawson squeezes Tara’s shoulders, helps her up into the car, Sam at her other side. 
“I can do it,” Tara snaps, retracting from both of them. She slumps down into the back seat, wincing as she hits the fabric too hard. Her hand draws to her wound. 
You climb into the other side of the car, reach over to help her put on her seatbelt. 
“Say thank-you.” You mumble, look pointed as Nurse Dawson hovers by the car door.
Tara huffs, looks over to the Nurse. 
“Thank you.” She says, not sounding like she means it at all.
Sam takes to your family home like a moth to a flame. 
She helps your Dad set up his new security equipment. Trudges in a small suitcase full of guns and offers him a pistol in lieu of his shotgun. She helps your mother make dinner - to Tara’s horror - and even clears the plates, trying to wash the dishes before your Mother shoos her upstairs. 
You help Tara settle into one of the kitchen stools and grab a dishcloth, pulling out Sam’s pre-made vegan cheesecake from the fridge. Tara makes a face.
“Sam is a lovely girl,” Your mother gushes, arm deep in dishwater, “Why haven’t we met her before?” 
Tara crosses her arms, frowning slightly. Pout on her lips. She’s been like this all dinner. Withdrawn. Glaring at Sam from across the table each time your Dad offers her the faintest of compliments. 
“She’s fine.” Tara says, voice loaded, “Other than the drugs and the huge drinking problem-”
“Tara.” You hiss, as your mother looks back, wide-eyed, “She’s kidding Mom, Sam doesn’t have a drinking problem.” 
“Oh.” Says your mother. She wipes her hands against the dish-towel, “Good.” 
She pauses. Hovers. 
“Excuse me a moment.” 
She leaves the room in a flurry, no doubt to go and hide her bottles of aged-Sherry. You move closer to Tara, flick her hand with your finger. 
“What did you say that for?” You groan, “They like Sam. That’s a good thing.”
“They like her more than me.” She says, pouting, “I’m your girlfriend, not her. They’re supposed to like me the best.” 
“They like you fine.” You lie. She squints, shooting you a look.  
“Who cares what they think, anyway?” You say, wrapping your arms around her waist, “I like you more than her and that’s all that matters, right?” 
She considers this. Smiles, slightly. 
“Yeah. I guess so.” 
You lean down and kiss her. 
Sam’s room is just down the hall. 
She wants to sleep in your room, you can tell by the way she keeps hinting to Tara over dessert how much fun their little camping sleepovers in the living room were when they were kids. 
When Sam hovers in the doorway near bedtime, Tara groans and snaps at her to go back to her own room. 
“It’s safer if I’m in here with you,” Sam insists. She has her pistol holstered on her hip and she keeps touching it like she’s ready for Ghostface to jump out at any second, “I can protect you both.” 
“I have a gun too.” Tara waves it about, “We’ll be fine. I’ll yell if I need you.”
“Look how well that turned out last time,” Sam says, gesturing to the bandage wrapped around Tara’s waist. 
“Boundaries, Sam.” Tara grumbles, “We’ve talked about this. I can’t breathe when you’re suffocating me like this.” 
Sam huffs. 
“Fine.” She says, and storms back to her own room in a sulk.
“Finally.” Tara says, falling back into the pillows. She draws you down with her, “We’re finally alone.” 
“And going to sleep.” You say, pointedly, “You need your rest.” 
“I feel fine, baby,” Tara insists, “I feel good. And I missed you.” 
“I’ve been with you this entire time,” You say, eyes fluttering closed as she presses her lips to your neck. 
“I know, but I’ve missed you.”
“Tara-” You protest, slightly, “Your stomach-”
“Is fine.” Tara assures. She draws you down into a languid kiss. Squeezes your hips, trying to tilt you over, “There’s nothing wrong with my mouth.” 
“That I know,” You say, raising an eyebrow, “You’ve been running it all day.” 
Tara pouts. You kiss it away. Then draw your hands down her legs, gently climbing atop her. You've missed her too.
“Promise me you’ll lay back and not move too much. Nurse Dawson said no strenuous activity.” 
She nods, mouth falling open slightly at the way you draw her panties down her legs. 
“Good girl.” You whisper against her lips, and then you’re kissing your way down her body. 
You’re gentle with her, so careful not to touch her wound, or move her in a way that will hurt her. 
Her skin is soft, warm, still slightly reddened from the heat of her shower. You brush your lips down her thighs and then kiss your way to her center. She’s not wet, not yet, so you run your hands over her hips, suck lovingly on her inner thighs. Ghost your lips over her folds until you can see evidence of your efforts. Sticky, wet syrup that coats her entrance. The fruits of your labor. 
“Don’t tease, babe.” Tara says, desperately. She’s on her elbows, looking down at you. You flinch as the bandage on her stomach creases. 
“You promised you’d lay back,” You say, hurrying back up to press her down. She draws you in to kiss her, needy, fingers digging into your shoulders as she slips her tongue between your lips. 
“Come up here,” She says, voice low, “Turn around so I can eat you out.” 
Your stomach flips with arousal. She’s moving up, trying to draw you up over her face. But you resist.
“Your stomach, baby-girl,” You murmur against her lips. “I don’t want to hurt you.” 
She huffs. 
“The only thing hurting me is the severe lack of pussy I’ve been not getting for the last four days-” 
“Romantic.” You say, dryly, pulling away from her, “You’ll stay not getting it unless you lie back for me and don’t move. Like a good girl.” 
She bites her lip. Nods, slow. 
You press your lips to hers. Then tilt your way down her body. You stop at her nipples, take them between your lips and suck down until they’re pebbled, hard, and you can feel her wetness against your thigh. 
“Baby.” She groans as you skip right over where she wants you to kiss the inside of her knee. 
“Good girls are patient,” You remind her, drawing her legs over your shoulders. 
She peers down at you, eyebrows raised, “And when have I ever been a good girl?”
She lets out a sharp gasp as you run your tongue along her folds, gently dragging her syrupy wetness up to her clit. Her head falls back onto the pillow, her hands reaching down to clutch a fistful of your hair. Her thighs around your head tighten as you gently run your tongue over her clit. 
You resist the urge to sigh at her taste. She’s perfect. Sweet and bitter, all at once. You dip down to her entrance, wanting more of it on your tongue. 
You kiss her velvety folds, drag your tongue along her length. Her fingers in your hair are insistent. She presses you down, further into her, writhing only slightly as you take her clit between your lips. 
She likes it harder than this, usually. But you’re slow this time. Gentle. You want to make her cum, softly as you can, without straining her. You want to make love to her. Show her how much you adore her, how glad you are that she's okay.
The way she’s sighing, moans breathy, it seems to be working. 
You alternate between sucking softly on her clit, then swirling your tongue in quiet, gentle circles. It isn’t long before Tara’s moaning out your name quietly, thighs tightening around your head. 
You lick her once more, clean her up, not wanting to waste a drop of her. 
When you kiss your way back up to her body, she’s slumped against the pillows, chest rising steadily. 
“Are you okay?” You ask, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. You trail your fingertips across her cheek, “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” 
She shakes her head, still a little hazy. 
You look down at her bandage, rub the edges of the fabric, gently. It’s still clean, no blood. You press another kiss to her lips, rubbing her hip. 
“Up here.” She says, trying to pull you up, “I want to go down on you so bad.” She says, breathless. Her hands work down to pull you out of your sleep shorts, tossing your underwear to the side, carelessly. You settle into the spot next to her, take her hand and guide it between your legs. 
“Let’s stay like this,” You murmur, tilting her cheek in your hand, “I want to kiss you.” 
And it's true. You want her as close as possible. You want it to be romantic. You want her lips on you and her fingers inside you. You want to be encompassed by her smell and her taste. You want to be reminded that she's here. She's alive and in your arms.
She complies with a soft nod.
You close your eyes. Her hands between your legs feel like magic. You’re soaked, the way you always got after you went down on her. She rubs her fingers along your slit, coating them in your arousal. You kiss her furiously, sucking down gently on her bottom lip as her fingers work against your clit. 
You groan into her mouth. This, you never got tired of. Kissing Tara, feeling the press of her bare skin against yours. Her lips are as talented as her fingers, her tongue against the seam of your lips flooding you once more as she grazes her fingers upwards, and slips them inside of you. 
The angle is a little awkward, but you don’t care. You rut yourself into her hand, hand around her neck as you kiss. She keeps trying to sit up, you know she wants nothing more than to climb on top of you and fuck you into the mattress. But you hold her down, keep her where you want her. 
You break the kiss as you get close, moan out into the milky skin of her neck. She curls her fingers, then uses her thumb to rub your clit, gently. It hits you like a freight train. You close your eyes, gasp out her name as stars explode behind your eyes. The shock that flushes through you is red, warm. 
You all but collapse into her side, curling a protective arm around her bare waist. She kisses the top of your head, lovingly, then withdraws her fingers. Brings them to her lips and sucks you off them, eyes flashing with arousal at your taste. 
“Now, can I go down on you?” She asks, hopefully. 
You kiss her, “Maybe later, baby.”
She hums, a little disappointed. 
“My belly hurts a little,” She says, voice small. At this, you sit up, concern flashing through your face. 
“Oh, baby.” You say, looking down to inspect the wound, “I am so sorry. I knew it was too soon for this-”
“No,” She says, hurriedly, “That isn’t what I meant. You didn’t hurt me. I just meant I’d feel better if I went down on you, is all.” 
You stare at her for a moment. Then you smack her arm, gently. 
“You’re such an asshole. I was about to go downstairs for more Codeine.” 
“No Codeine needed. Just you,” She pulls you back down to her, eyes wide, pleading, “Please, baby.” 
You sigh. She’s rubbing your arm, big brown eyes wide, the eyes she flashes at you when she wants something. You press down and kiss her. How could you resist her? She’d just been stabbed for you, after all. 
Her hands squeeze your hips. She sits up, tries to push you over onto the bed. Then she winces as it pulls at her wound the wrong way. 
“Shh, baby, just gently.” You say, easing her back against the pillows. 
You press another kiss to her lips. 
“Come up to me,” She murmurs, hands around your thighs. This time you don’t resist. You tilt your body up, shuffle over her head and let her pull you down, hands locked around your thighs like she wants to keep you in place. 
You grasp at the headboard. 
She moans as her mouth meets your clit. Arousal flushes through you at just how badly she wants this. How badly she needs this. 
She doesn’t waste any time.
You’re already soaked, body still thrumming from the first orgasm she’d given you. You close your eyes, tilt your head back as she lovingly sucks down on you, her fingers splayed against your ass, as she’s trying to pull you in as close as she can get. 
You’re embarrassingly close after only a couple of minutes, body flushed red, hands on your own breasts as you ride her face. You cum with a quiet whine, let her lick and suck her way through your orgasm. 
When it’s over, you slump down into the spot next to her, tilting your head into her shoulder. She licks her lips, cleans you off her. And then nudges her nose against yours, pressing the sweetest of kisses against your lips. 
“I love you,” She murmurs. 
“I love you, too.” You say. Kiss her again. 
She’s a little sleepy. You’ve worn her out. You touch her hip, checking on her dressing once more. 
“Does it hurt?” You ask, brushing the strands of dark hair out of her face. 
“It never hurt, I just wanted you to sit on my face,” She admits with a yawn. 
You smile, slightly, entwine your fingers. 
“I know that, genius, you’re hardly Charles Ponzi.”
“Who?” Tara asks, wrinkling her nose. Her eyes droop slightly. You press one more kiss to her lips. 
“Doesn’t matter. Go to sleep.” 
“I’m taking first watch,” Tara says, immediately. 
“You’re taking second watch, because you blew it the first time by not waking me up.” You say, settling into her side, “Go to sleep.” 
She relents, dropping her head to the pillow with a tired hum. 
“We should invite Chad, Liv and Mindy over tomorrow.” She says, voice suddenly weighted, “We need a plan.” 
“We don’t need them to have a plan.” You say after a moment. Mindy’s obsession with finding the killer scares you a little. What if she accidentally stumbled upon the truth? You’d rather keep her out of it. 
“I have a hole in my stomach, and a Sam permanently glued to my side,” Tara grumbles, “If we want to catch this guy, we need them.” 
The weight of reality is back. It’s easy to let it go when it’s just you and her, entwined like this. But the moment you stepped outside this room it fell on your shoulders like an anvil.
You’re not safe, Tara isn’t safe.
Not until you catch the fucker.
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psuedosugu · 10 months ago
thinking about suguru with a witch-hunted reader.
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“she’s a witch, she has to be!”
“she’s unholy, impure.”
“that girl, she has the devil in her.”
-regular whispers you heard from the inhabitants of the remote village you lived in, their judgmental gazes piercing into you, as they sensed your cursed energy, as they sensed that something was wrong with you.
you learnt to stay indifferent to their words, or at least to look the part, but you would be lying if you said it didn’t get to you sometimes. you often dreamed of leaving for the city, but you had little money and life would be hard, perhaps one day, though.
perhaps their observations weren’t of zero substance, though. while it might not have been particularly demonic, there was something unnatural about you. since the age of 8, you had seen these……things….lurking in the corners and in the dark. they were horrifying, and they only grew more hideous as you grew older.
then, at about 14, you realize that you had this strange connection to the world, particularly the oxygen around you. as you learnt how to harness your powers, you were able to create wind with nothing but your hands, and as your power grew, you realized you could do so much more, condensing air enough to lift, slice, and squeeze items, it was beautiful, but dangerous. you couldn’t let anyone know about your abilities, you couldn’t prove them right.
you slipped up though, of course you did, you couldn’t keep this part of you locked away forever. they had their proof now, they had their warrant to lock you away, planning to burn you on the steak for all to see, for all to celebrate the death of the witch. they didn’t really think it would be that easy, did they?
you killed them, the day of your execution. you killed the executioners and the onlookers, leaving only few to run away. you looked around at the chaos you had created, dead bodies limped everywhere. you were alone, so what now? you grabbed your belongings, stole some money (the townspeople were dead, its not like they would miss it, anyways), and set off on a bus ride, determined to make yourself a life. this was a new beginning, you thought, you were leaving everything behind.
this proved to be harder than you thought, though. with the money you had pocketed, you were able to stay some cheap motel at first, so atleast you weren’t sleeping on the streets, but your money wouldn’t last forever. you resorted to bussing tables at an old diner. the pay wasn’t great though, and you found yourself feeling isolated. you had no one to help you here, you were foreign and alone.
the day you got kicked out of your motel room, you were sitting in a park, unsure what to do, when a strange man approached you. he was tall, with long hair half up, half down, and a strange aura to him. “are you [first-name] [last-name]?” he asked with a kind voice. you eyed the man with distrust, but nodded anyways.
“ah,” he said, “ive heard so much about you. i suppose i should introduce myself. im suguru geto.” he smiled. suguru had heard the hushed bickering of a curse user, one who wiped out a whole village in self defense. he found you intriguing, and a perfect addition to his cause, his mission to eradicate all non-sorcerers, or monkeys, as he called them. “…what do you mean, ‘you’ve heard about me?” you stammered out, eyes slightly widening. he ignored your question, instead asking “do you have a place to stay, miss [last-name]?” you shake your head no.
“well, you can come with me if you’d like. i have a place you can stay, with other curse users.” of course he didn’t tell you the fine print yet, he needed to rope you in first.
you messed around with the words ‘curse user’ in your mind. so thats what people like me were called? you also played around with the idea of trusting this man. he came out from nowhere, and his offer sounded too good to be true, but you couldn’t wave away the comforting feeling he radiated. he was like you, and things couldn’t get much worse than how they were now, you thought, so that settled it.
you went with the strange man, unsure of what would happen to you. little did you know, you would be getting sucked into a life-altering decision.
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pt 2 is coming eventually guys dw!!
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thoughtsforsoob · 1 year ago
their s/o is a teacher! - nct dream
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a/n: lmao ig im just gonna have to ignore that hate ive been getting! I'm gonna write for nct dream this time because for some reasons some MOA's are not being very kind towards my work. That is not an attack towards MOA because I am one of the biggest MOA's I know...it's jut not fair that some of the people I should be cool with are being so incredibly rude...over and over. anyways, that is all from me on that. please enjoy! as always, requests are open!
(I'm gonna add a cut off here so if you don't wanna read, you don't have to)
☆ mark lee ☆
he thinks it's so cute, especially if you teach little ones (kindergarten/1st grade)
he loves asking you about your classroom and how your work is going
he even helps you grade students assignments and he loves seeing what they say on their assignments
he also likes seeing their art work
he meets your students when you have a classroom part and he helps you set up
they immediately start to ask 100 questions, like kids do, ad he is totally okay with it.
he enthusiastically answers all their questions and they love him
they always ask for him every day after that
☆ huang renjun ☆
renjun thinks it's funny if you teach middle school
he is too good at listening to what happened during your day
he laughs at all the stories of students running around and causing chaos
he love's looking at the assignments you give them and tries to do them himself
he whines when he can't get something right and whines even more when you tell him you students got 100% on that question
☆ lee jeno ☆
he's one that thinks you teaching the older ones is cool
you're actually a college professor so he think's that's WAY cooler
he enjoys hearing you talk about the subject you teach and love's to hear you talk about your students and the assignments you gave them
when you offer to give him a your of the campus you work at, he is jumping at the chance
he even buys gear from the university you work at and wears it all the time (the letterman style jacket you got him is his favorite! he wear's it often and even wore it during a soundcheck of one of nct dream's concerts).
you bump into a few students and say hello, introducing jeno as your boyfriend
☆ na jaemin ☆
you teach kindergartners and he adores it
you helps you set up the different bulletin boards in your classroom and helps you organize/set up everything else
he loves to ask you about your lesson plans and you always ask him for ideas for activities and he helps you every time
he really want's to meet the little ones so after the year is done and they are graduating, he attends the event
they ask you, "teacher, who is that handsome man you were with? is that your boyfriend?"
they all giggle and go "ooooo!" and you tell them yes, that's him!
they run to meet him after the ceremony
☆ lee haechan ☆
he would probably find it interesting if you teach high schoolers
since the first time you told him about all your students, he always asks about them and want's you to update them about how they're doing
his favorite thing to do for your students is to send them stuff!
he gives you money so you can buy them snacks for your classroom (and other supplies! my teachers in high school always had sanitary pads, tampons, snacks, and other stuff in them in case students needed them)
he wants to help you make sure your students feel safe in their classroom
he also funds the senior pizza party at the end of the year and even makes an appearance!
☆ zhong chenle ☆
I believe Chenle is also good with little ones since he's always posting with his family (especially his, I believe, little nephew)
he love's helping you choose coloring pages for your students to do when they're done with their minute math sheets (the stress it causes is always rewarded with coloring time!)
he also likes to buy nice supplies for you students
you tell hi not to do it, because kids love to break things and lose them, but he doesn't listen
he love's going supply shopping (he get's all the brand names like Crayola :0)
he also helps grade assignments!
☆ park jisung ☆
you teach middle school and he loves it
he loves hearing the stories of your students acting out during class because it makes him giggle
just give him a glare and he will stop laughing at your misfortune
he helps you grade their papers
sighs every time he get's a that says 'idk'
it's all fun and games until get's those papers...then he wants to flip the kitchen table other and help you quit your job
because he knows how much they stress you out, he's always making sure you're distressing at home.
fetching you a warm cup of coffee/tea, making/buying dinner, giving you massages, helping you with other class stuff.
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cyberkitty1 · 2 years ago
Hi can I ask for a miles 42 x telekinesis reader
Like she and miles got in an argument about how he hasn't been around and not making time for her at least
Miles knows she has powers
She knows he's the prowler
She gets mad and the objects in the room start flying around
She doesn't notice and keeps ranting to him about how he's shit and she slowly lifts herself from the ground
Still not noticing BC she's angry
Make the ending fluffy and cute
I tried, I got lazy because ive been getting similar asks with the same character so im trying!!!
“ So where have you been?” You say leaning against the doorway looking at Miles who came home at 2 am in the morning. You closed mouth smiles at you “ I’ve been out ma, you know.”
You sigh resting your face in your hands “ Miles no I don’t know, where have you been? You keep leaving early in the day and coming home next day at like 3 am!” Raising your voice a little.
“ Chill out I’m home right?” he says shrugging you off. “ No I’m not going to “chill out” how am i supposed to when i never see you. Why are you always gone?”
In the moment you are able to see what he’s thinking “ It might be time for me to tell her, shes getting suspicious.” You tense looking at him in his eyes, feeling like you could see his soul.
“ Time to tell me what? What are you hiding from me Miles” He sighs looking at the ceiling muttering “shoot.” So you do it again, if he’s not going to tell you, you will figure out on your own.
“I am The Prowler”
Those words in bald pounded though your brain. “ Why? why would you keep something this big from me? I told you about my powers yet you cant tell me that you are a gauntlet, mask wearing vigilante? or what are you?” He opens his mouth to say something. “No stop! stop talking! You’re telling me you have been lying to me this while time? how long have you been this” making hand motions everywhere.
“ Miles I have always been there for you since day 1! ok?! Day one! and now your going out killing people?!” everything in the room starts to shake. Miles looks around realizing what happening “ Please calm down, mal explicar todo.” (ill explain everything)
“No you cant just explain and everything’s all better! Miles this is the biggest lie you have ever told me? Do you know how i feel?” The tears start to fill your eyes, vision becoming blurry. Everything around you was floating even your hair. Miles was freaking out.
“Please please calm down ill explain everything” when those words left his mouth you felt your body get lighter.
“Miles there is nothing you need to explain! I get it; you are the prowler! Someone who kills people robs people and does it with no remorse! How could you keep something that big from me?!”
You were about 1 foot above the ground when you finally realized, am I in the air? Everything around us is in the air. You see the fear in his eyes, maybe you do need to calm down.
Taking a deep breath you release everything including yourself, you take a deep breath eyes closed. “ Im going to give you 10 minutes to tell me”.
“ Desde que murió mi padre, mi madre ha estado trabajando turnos extra, llegando a casa cansada y sin energía. No podía soportar verla así. ella es mi mamá, me ama pase lo que pase!”
(Ever since my father died, my mother has been working extra shifts, coming home tired and drained. He couldn't bear to see her like this. she is my mom, she loves me no matter what!)
“El tío Aaron consiguió un trabajo en el que pudo dejarme participar para que pudiera obtener más dinero para ella.”
(Uncle Aaron got a job that he was able to let me participate in so he could get more money for her.)
“Hice algunos y obtuve mucho dinero, pero cuando traté de retirarme, no me dejaron. Si me iba, te matarían a ti y a todos los que amaba. No puedo perderte.”
(I made a few and got a lot of money, but when I tried to withdraw, they wouldn't let me. If I left, they would kill you and everyone I loved. I can not lose you.)
You just looked at him taking in everything, you overreacted most definitely. “ why didn’t you tell me? I could have helped you” “ No it was easier that you didn’t know i didn’t want you to worry mi vida.”
He continues to explain his troubles to you, telling you what he’s been thinking when he pauses.
“Sabes que te amaré siempre ¿verdad? Todo lo que quiero es que estés segura”
(You know that I will always love you, right? All I want is for you to be safe)
“ I know Miles and I thank you for everything you do for me”. You say kissing him on the forehead.
“ And I love you so much” you look at him with the most loving eyes you could muster.
A/n: Guys I think i’m going to finish my last 1-3 requests about earth42! Miles Morales and not take anymore for a while because I feel they are getting repetitive and I don’t want you guys to get bored of what i’m writing so if you would like to request other characters i would love that so much!!!
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gerec · 2 months ago
Hello! Your fic recs have brought me so much joy and they were one of the things that made me really into cherik! Like I'm crazy about them now.
And I don't know if you're accepting request if not I'm sorry for disturbing please disregard this part of the message or this entire ask
But I wanted to ask what fics do you read whenever you need a pick-me-up or when you need a laugh.
Because I just watched this YouTube video about this horror novel penpal by dathan auerbach and it was really sad and disturbing but mostly tragically sad and I really wanted to read something sweet or funny as a pick-me-up.
Sorry for the long ask (I can't help but yap) and if its incoherent (English isn't my first language 😅). And thank you so much for your contribution to the x-men Fandom. Both your fic recs and fics brought me so much joy and made it really exciting for me when I was just starting to get into x-men and cherik ❤️💖
Hi Anon,
I'm sorry for the wait, but here's a (very long!) list of fics I go back to over and over whenever I need a laugh or I want to feel the warm fuzzies :D I hope this serves you as well it has served me all these years!!!
Protect, Serve, Troll by keire_ke
Erik’s fire department has a special relationship with the local university. They visit often. Sometimes, there even is a fire.
Erik Lehnsherr’s Guide to Parenting by keire_ke (series)
Alex disapproves of school car washes, despite the abundance of wet bikinis on pretty girls. Erik doesn’t approve of his son shirking money-making duties.
Humane Society by smilebackwards
Once Erik finally allows himself to decide that Charles is pretty much the best thing since sliced bread, he spends the next week being incredibly bitter that he’s Charles’ cat and not his boyfriend.
Other Life Challenges by professor (series)
“Why am I here again?” Erik groans.
“I need you to lift things and glower at people over my shoulder when I tell people that it’s not ‘politically correct’ or a ‘war on Christmas’ to have a non-denominational winter holiday festival,” says Theresa Pryde.
Well, at least those are two things he’s good at.
Wednesday by Red
Getting confined to a nursing facility for a six-week course of iv antibiotics would have been dreadfully dull, had Charles not found a way to “occupy his time.”
In which Erik Lehnsherr, retired nazi hunter, becomes the latest victim of Charles Xavier’s charms.
drastic measures by goodmorningbeloved (3799steps)
Erik glowers.
“I can’t believe we’re back to this,” Charles says, like he wants to throw his hands in the air. He’s pouting a little bit. “Years of progress, and we’ve returned to you brooding. Don’t tell me I have to break out the terrible flirting again.”
Erik glowers a little less. “Flirting,” he repeats, bland but also maybe just very, very, very slightly, faintly, vaguely hopeful.
“Oh, yes,” Charles says absently, until something seems to strike him. “Don’t tell me you don’t…” He raises his left hand and brandishes the ring. “We promised ourselves to each other last week.”
Alternatively: Erik’s memory is swiped clean of his and Charles’s relationship.
One Hundred One Night Stands. by Sophia_Bee
Charles has a rule. Never fuck the same guy twice. When he refuses to see Erik again after a one night stand, Erik goes about trying to get Charles to violate that rule using accents and disguises.
Suddenly There’ll Be a Blizzard (Let It Snow Remix) by kianspo
Charles was never at his best while jetlagged, but locking himself out in a snowstorm while barely dressed might be a new low. The last thing he expected was to be rescued by his high school nemesis, the man he hadn’t seen in over ten years, who might have broken his heart for good once upon a time.
All We Are We Are by kianspo 
Charles’s boyfriend breaks up with him days before the holidays. Not willing to ruin anyone else’s festive mood, Charles hides this fact from his sister and his friends, and retreats into the family mansion, letting the world move on without him. He’s flirting with depression when a one-time ex and a long-term friend surprises him. Long-kept secrets are revealed, and it turns out, Charles hasn’t been paying attention to the right things.
Your Heart Just Couldn't Wait by Pookaseraph
Charles and his BFF Tony Stark have the life - they're co-valedictorians at the most prestigious high school in the city, they have their own condo in Manhattan, and they get to go to all the awesome parties. Charles just wished he understood relationships and sex as well as Tony does. His theoretical bisexuality starts to feel a lot less theoretical when he and Tony end up in Professor Lehnsherr's Physics III course at Columbia University, but Charles' decision to take their relationship further leaves both student and professor with more than they bargained for.
this is only now (where do we go from here) by thebodyeclectic From this prompt on the 1stclass_kink meme: Modern AU, where an older Alex (in his mid twenties?) somehow figures out/recieves the news that, no, his younger brother didn't die in the crash like he'd been told, and then sets out to find him. The catch is, Scott's been adopted and adores his 'dad', who is incidentally the adorkable Hank McCoy.
Not So Much the Teacup by thehoyden
“Charles is basically the bride whisperer. It’s like he can read their minds.” (wedding planner AU)
Math Reasons by pearl_o, pocky_slash (series)
"Mom says Erik always knows what he wants, it just sometimes takes him a little while to actually realize it," Ruth said.
Charles fell in love with Erik the first night they met, the first week of freshman year. Two years of friendship, adventures, arguments, hijinks, secrets, and summer visits later, Erik is starting to catch up.
On a Beach, With You (The Tel Aviv Remix) by niniblack
Charles Xavier meets Erik Lehnsherr on a beach in Israel.
Growing Up Lehnsherr by DeerstalkerDeathFrisbee (series)
For someone who hates feelings, Erik gets dragged into an alarming number of conversations about them. In which there are confessions, declarations, awkward first meetings, accidents, explanations, endings and beginnings.
Otherwise know as Five Conversations Erik Didn't Want to Have and One That He Did.
Got You Locked Down Like Police by brawlingdiscontent
Mob AU. Logan’s straightforward ‘retrieval’ job gets complicated. 
One big family by ximeria
There is a house in New York (no, only Charles calls it a house, and his perception of such is a little warped, so let's try that again)...
... There's a building in New York, owned by XavierMedCorp that caters to mutant tenants, their families and a handful of humans. You need to know someone who knows someone who knows someone to get an apartment there. Or maybe just be very lucky. Or have a mutant son who has the tenacity of a pit bull. Anyway, Edie Lehnsherr has moved in and she is slowly getting to know the other tenants, the superintendent and the owner.
Making perfect by aesc
As is the case with most trials in Erik's life, this one starts with Charles gazing beseechingly at him and asking him for a favor. Not that their going-on-three years relationship is a trial, even though it started with Charles giving Erik the full benefit of sad blue eyes and asking him if he wouldn't mind opening his car door since he'd locked his keys inside, but still.
love like toy trucks crashing by midrashic
Charles Xavier may be young, but he knows what it means to love.
Love Runs Out by ikeracity
Hammer Bay, one of the most mutant-friendly apartment buildings in all of Manhattan and affectionately nicknamed the Hub by its residents, is home to an eclectic mix of families, broke college students, scientists, artists, and high school dropouts. Charles Xavier, new arrival to apartment 3K, catches the attention of everyone on the third floor but he only has eyes for one: cranky author Erik Lehnsherr who lives directly across the hall in 3B.
A Nice Boy (The Family Matters Edition) by pocky_slash
Erik's not sure whether the problem is that he doesn't want his parents to meet Charles or that he doesn't want Charles to meet his parents. Either way, he never invites Charles to brunch. Why should he? It's not like they're dating.
soul of my soul by ikeracity 
You can imprint on your soulmate anywhere — school, work, on the street, in a restaurant, on the subway.
Charles and Erik imprint on each other just in time for the holidays.
Walking in a Winter Wonderland by TurtleTotem 
Charles hasn't seen Erik since their devastating breakup ten years ago. He's certainly the last person he expects to run into at a Christmas lights display.
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bucephaly · 2 months ago
wait, can i ask why DNA doesnt matter when it comes to knowing if youre cherokee? doesnt having the dna confirm you having the ancestry? i dont understand why it is different, i would love to understand
So first off, DNA tests are strictly for entertainment. They are not super accurate, they're basically just for the novelty of it. Being able to enroll in a federal tribe is a legal matter, it's a matter of actual citizenship in a sovereign nation. A government entity like a native tribe will not accept a commercial DNA test as legal proof of ancestry.
A DNA test will not tell you you are cherokee. It'll say 'Indigenous Americas- North,' so it doesn't connect you to any tribe in particular. That isn't useful, you can't assume that a trace native result means your cherokee granny story is true. Even if you take a dna test and you have a like 20% native result, you'll still have to do genealogy to find the actual legal records connecting you to a certain tribe.
DNA tests are not accurate. For example, my mom took a 23andme DNA test a few years back and it gave her a 0.1% native trace ancestry result. She will bring it up and say 'oh I'm native!!' when she feels like it'll make her sound cool, but she's also done her genealogy back generations on all lines and there is zero native ancestry there. This happens a lot. Vs me, I took an ancestry.com DNA test [it was a gift, I wouldn't have done one otherwise I don't really care], and it says I am 100% European. Yet, my cherokee ancestry is easily found in my genealogy, and the DNA tests matched me with cousins who descend from the same Cherokee ancestors and who do have a native result. So you can't trust a positive Or negative result. It just isn't useful in this case lol
I will say, they can be useful when it comes to connecting with family as an adoptee or if you don't have contact with that side of your family. My friend has been able to find lots of cousins through their DNA test, which has helped them a lot since they were adopted.
Some tribes, like the EBCI, do use proper paternity DNA tests for enrollment. These are actual legal tests, though, not gimmicky kits.
So basically, even if you do get a native result on a dna test, you'll still need to do genealogy to confirm it, find what tribe, and find how they connect to you. For cherokees, family and kinship is super important, you'll often be asked who your family is, who your ancestors are, etc, it's part of our culture. If you are going to be claiming cherokee ancestry, you're going to be asked who you are. If your response is 'I got a native result on my dna test' you're going to get laughed at. To claim cherokee, you need to know who your family is, how you're connected to the people, that way you can actually find where you fit with the community. I've randomly found a cousin while visiting Cherokee NC, where I was introducing myself with my line and the guy I was talking to was like 'oh I'm a [surname] too!' And we were able to right there figure out exactly where we connected, which of our ancestors were siblings even when they lived in the early 1800s.
The genealogy will allow you to see if you can enroll as a citizen, teach you about your ancestors, help you find cousins, etc. Cherokee genealogy isnt hard, we are very well documented and there are plenty of resources available, like the Cherokee Research and Genealogy Facebook group ive mentioned before. You can point to an indigenous DNA result all you want, but it won't mean anything to us and it won't get you anywhere. Remember, to claim cherokee is to claim to be a part of a living people, and to reconnect is to reconnect to this community. You can't do it alone, and if you don't have the proof that will legitimize yourself to other cherokees, you wont be accepted and no one will help you learn.
Just.. don't waste your money lol. You can confirm or deny cherokee ancestry properly with genealogy easily and cheaply, while DNA tests are expensive and won't actually do much of anything.
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noctilin · 6 months ago
Hi jez!! ive been a long time follower of yours and your art has been a huge help when i was struggling in school. Hope you dont mind me asking this out of the blue but Im graduating soon and i still dunno if the careerpath i'll be taking is one i wanna take for life. I really like art, but im not really good at it, and i dont rlly have the means to "follow my passion". Im curious, do you do art for a living full time, or are you doing art while also having a quote unquote "real job"?
it doesnt really help that my parents arent very supportive of my art hobbies as of now, especially since im not making any money out of it. Money speaks as they say... LOL
hello!! i answered a question similar to this before you might be interested in. but tldr, i draw for a living! mainly freelance illustration.
commitment to art as a career is such a... complicated topic, i won't lie. even more difficult when you don't really have a sturdy support system like you say :( unfortunately, most people don't realize this is or isn't what they want until they take that leap.
personally, at first, it felt good, affirming to earn a living out of my art, it still does, but after years of it, i realized i would rather not monetize my work. it caused me to develop a complicated relationship with my creative process over the years. it often makes me question if i feel fulfilled with what i do, or if i'm only making this a means to survive. it burns me out constantly. even in the present, i have to continuously recondition my own perception of my process. but i'm currently not in a good position to just switch out my career.
i have been incredibly lucky that my art garners interest the way it does, and i make sure not to take it for granted. but i cannot hide how mentally draining it is to draw because i need to make ends meet instead of drawing because of the joy of it.
i like my art, i just wish i could enjoy it without worrying about a hungry stomach at the same time. 😅
i guess the point i'm making from all this is that money as a motivator in a creative field can be a mind killer. some people can do it, but i've rarely met such personalities... so what i'll say is this: if you want to learn and be around creatives, i would encourage going to art school, if you can. but going to art school isn't the end of it all either if you find it difficult to enroll yourself in one. art is accessible to all nowadays! just take a few google or youtube searches and maybe a little trip to the library, regardless if you want to keep it as a hobby or pursue it professionally. i've met a lot of artists who've landed full time jobs in studios without finishing an art degree. it's just a matter of letting your portfolio talk for you, a little bit of luck, and surrounding yourself with people who spark and uplift your creative spirit.
i know this is all still uncertain, but if there's anything i'm sure about, it's the fact that you don't have to give up art to live. art is living. it can still be your hobby if it doesn't end up as your job. and even if it doesn't become your career now, it's not impossible to have it in the future. i hope you find your way and, for what it's worth, congratulations on your upcoming graduation :)!
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lggy · 3 months ago
I’m on both and every time I go back over to aphtwt it’s like that guy with pizzas going into a room on fire
its a long ass story thats been going on since the reveal of s7. here's just a recount of what's been going on lately for anyone curious i guess. its just to answer why a lot of people are icked out by laurance right now and why people are saying "i cant enjoy laurance anymore"
bascially laurance's va doesn't know how to properly manage his image,
ive been following him long before, he would have a few old tweets and tiktoks where he gets really annoyed towards aphmau fans, and reasonably so
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...after the reveal of s7, he tried coming back to make his brand Laurance except he's using his NFSW bdsm account. after people started trying to link his nsfw links to his aphwiki page i made a twt post asking people to stop doing that. thats when we realized seb is obsessed with searching himself up on twitter and he proceeded to QRT me and make a few response posts reiterating what i said and apologizing for interacting with minors on his nsfw account. he made a new alt account for interacting with fans on aphtwt.
that was back around september-october
he searches himself and laurance up constantly to QRT and pick fights and stuff. its clear he's going through mental shit - he talks about it a lot. but it took him months to realize hes not fit to be running an account to host his image/brand that he wants to be about Laurance. he picks up on any drama around himself and kinda has a villain speech every time someone doesnt like him. im kind of starting to feel bad for him.
this is all while lowkey begging Jess to contact him again to bring him back for VA work, cryptically referring to her sometimes as "The Creator". I forgot to mention he had this whole "Guys im having a huge reveal, Im coming back to VAing for a very special charater.." thing. me and a lot of people picked up on him being kind of.. fake? basically, he shit on aphmau before, equated VA work to a MLM, then had a total sudden switch-up as soon as s7 was announced and realized he can renew his role. he had a video saying he wants this job to get a new tattoo.
^ 'What's wrong with wanting money?' the thing is being a VA means you need to have a good image and thats usually generated by having a good fanbase. all that really said was that he's just hopping on a bandwagon to get paid and thus his fan interactions just came across as desperate and bait-y and fake as hell. think about how other VA's interact w their fans then compare it to this,
what happened yesterday was that garroth's VA announced he was doing a mystreet rewatch with much of the og cast!... then sebastian QRT'd with this
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someone even asked if he can join them too
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then he joined the discord. then got banned after 10 minutes.. then crashed out about it on twitter, posting that garroth's va blocked him. not posting the massive paragraph he had because its kinda the sameburger poetry. i genuinely have no idea why he would post this than to like, try to get people to turn on garroth's VA. severely inappropriate behavior for someone trying to come back to being a VA
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allegedly, seb had livestreamed a while ago where he said something along the lines of, (quoting from oomf's memory) "I don't recommend you contacting or asking any of the old VAs about me, I don't know if they still think about me the same bc of how I was back then. Bipolar Disorder was really bad for me back then, it made me so edgy." and how other VAs had issues with him and tension. - i dont have a source for this but it lines up with this tweet :
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where he very inappropriately and for no reason mentioned he had issues with another VA. the problem is he had NO reason to bring that up and had the situation he was referring to was about gene having a fill-in on a cocomau video and nothing to do with seb himself or any drama or anything.
aaand i think thats all. that's the laurance downfall crashout chronicles , i didnt want to get too detailed but i can ask questions and whatever
personally, i nevr really beleived this guy would ever get hired again. all because he uses his real/brand name for his porno stuff. the company does background checks yknow
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la-squadra1234 · 4 months ago
hiiiii I saw that your requests are open. pelican I get an ask with the adult trio + Feitan and Shalnark in which reader decides to prank them that she's cheating?
ooffff reader is dying multiple times today!!!😭😭
ofcc you can!
reader: feitan..i have something to confess and it's been on my mind for a while..i cheated on you the night of the auction when you were out with phinks...im so sorry..
"for your sake I hope that you're joking If not, you are very bold to come and tell me"
reader: fei please please don't do anything crazy...
"who was it...who was the fucker that you cheated on me with?"
reader: you don't know him/her..
"there about to know who I am"
(long story short, he starts speaking his native language and then goes on a killing spree and kills every man that he sees)
reader: fei this was a prank dumbass
feitan: -_- seriously? 😐
reader: shal.. I don't know any way to tell you this without hurting your feelings, but I cheated on you with a man that you don't know I felt like my needs with you weren't meet so I took action
shalnark: and i'm Marilyn Monroe if you're going to play a prank on me at least make it believable
reader: OK, first of all-
(shalnark didn't believe it he knew that reader was smart enough not to cheat on HIM of all people)
reader: hisoka I cheated on you
hisoka: that's alright ive been cheating since the beginning
(scammer gets scammed?!?!)
reader: hisoka this was a fucking prank.
hisoka: and now I'm going to do what I do best and disappear without a trace.
(at least you're not with a cheater anymore..?)
reader: illumi I cheated on you. I'm so sorry but I knew you would find out eventually so I just wanted to come clean right now...
illumi: that's a lie
reader: what? Why would I lie about something like that?
illumi: if you were cheating on me, I would have known you think that I don't have people that are watching and reporting back to me at all times? amazing how you trust me that much.
reader: okay fine you got me, but what the actual fuc-
reader: chrollo..i'm so sorry but i cheated on you while you were at the auction...
chrollo: hold on.. so you're telling me while I was making money and doing work and providing for your sluggish ass you were out here whoring around?
reader: w-well you didn't have to say it that way... I just wanted to come clean about it before you found out about it yourself
chrollo: ok so these are your options you either kill yourself I kill you I kill your family or I kill the guy and your family or I killed the guy and you or- (all of the options are being killed)
reader: um love? this was a prank hehehe 🤭 :)))
chrollo: another one of these are you serious? You're such a prankster don't ever pull a prank like that again on me am I clear?
reader: haha yes yes okayyyy!!
this is my first time rating like this. What does everybody think about this? I personally like it. I feel like it's organized and cute 
thank you so much for request!! I hope you enjoyed along with everybody else 
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millionmaggots · 30 days ago
did/osdd/posdd/etc havers, can i mayhaps get ur opinion on something please?
i havent rlly been posting abt it bc the plural/system space online is HELLA SCARY with all the fakeclaiming n discourse n shit, but im realizing i proooobably have some kind of dissociative shit going on 😭
- can't remember the first 10 years of my life with any detail, then it gets a little clearer until age 15 or so when i can remember pretty well / maybe normally (idk what normal really is tho)
- i lose hours at a time
- i don't have distinct people in my head except for this one lady who's basically the ceo of violent / upsetting intrusive thoughts (i don't think i experience switching)
- but i do have a very disorganized train of thought, with a lot of different things going on at once / overlapping (i also have adhd tho)
- ive heard voices (that don't sound like me) on and off since i was like 8 or 9
- ^ i got tested for schizophrenia and i do not have it
- my parents get annoyed with me bc apparently i take / move their stuff, but i often have no memory of doing it, and little/no reason to have done it, despite evidence that i did. i usually just say that although i have no memory of doing it, i guess i did and im sorry. this one happens probably at least weekly and causes me a lot of distress bc it's scary being told that i did something i don't remember / wouldn't do
- people (esp my parents) sometimes tell me im acting off / different, and it's really confusing, bc as i see it, im always acting like myself
- i have a history of acute dissociation / depersonalization, especially when i was working a rlly stressful job
- i have an absolute dogshit short term / working memory
- i space out and fail to process things ALL THE TIME, especially auditory information. i need about 20% of everything said to me repeated.
- i get inexplicable feelings of dread from things i have no (conscious) emotional connection to
- i have cptsd symptoms and at least 2 distinct triggers associated with bad experiences ive had
- accidentally called myself a 'we' when talking to my psych? i remember everything about the appointment except the context around why i would've made that mistake
- like i said, i have adhd, and my adderall helps me focus, but doesn't do anything for my general inattentiveness / spacing out / forgetfulness
- my childhood was like. fine? in terms of like parents/housing/money/friends/etc, but i grew up not knowing my gender identity or that im disabled, and i had a severe undiagnosed anxiety disorder dismissed by adults as me being "shy" and "sensitive" so there was a constant ever present feeling that i was just inherently a bit off / wrong / broken
- nothing bad was directly done to me when i was little (as far as i know?) but i was, in hindsight, emotionally abused by my principal and homeroom teacher all throughout middle school (severe depression and anxiety, i was told to "stop being so negative" or i would be put in a different classroom without any of my friends <- the people who helped me and made me feel at least a little bit safe)
tl;dr: if anybody w osdd/did, etc, took the time to read all this, i would REEEEALLY appreciate u guys giving all this a sniff test 😭 not asking 4 a diagnosis obvs just kinda a peer review
i have a psych appointment abt this in about a month but in the meantime i would love to hear from systems who know abt this kind of thing. what do u guys think is up?
(PLEASE don't drag syscourse over here bc i know it'll just make everything im dealing with worse and more confusing /gen /srs)
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sunnist4rs · 7 months ago
Blare White is super misogynistic… he also supports trump. You know the anti abortion, pro rape guy. I think you may be defining who you love/idolize and what you say you think based on who entertains you the most on social media/YouTube and your personal connections rather than really getting into WHY each view is right or wrong factually/ethically, and aiming to be consistent. To be clear I myself am a radfem and (within that) critical of gender ideology I am not trying to convince you to not criticize gender ideology or to not criticize specific trans identified people. Yes: some people Blaire white and that kind of guy opposes are also fucked up people who do harm. But the enemy of an enemy does not alone make a friend and I encourage you to look with a more critical eye at anyone aligned right wing and against women, whether they are novelties or famous on YouTube or whatever else or not
Among other things remember Blaire white is just a man who calls self woman but hates the other men who call themselves women. His critique of them is typically either copied (without him really understanding) from feminist women, or at other times basically rooted in him saying those other trans women are ugly or don’t pass or haven’t done [insert random shit] “Blaire” thinks makes him a real woman and these other trans women into pretenders. It’s just an egotistical man getting attention and money off of this while still claiming he’s a woman and doing so for sexist (“I pass as feminine so that makes me a woman” = sexist) reasons. This issue that is actually impacting women and girls (a category that doesn’t include him)
Thanks for sending me this ask (and being so civil about it). Before I joined the radfem community (and when I wrote my bio) I was pretty conservative but the more evidence of woman’s oppression I’ve seen, the more leftist I’ve become. This has left me feeling kind of lost because the people like Blair White who I used to turn to for comfort on bad days and to hear what I thought were reasonable political opinions no longer click with me. I don’t resonate with her (I’m gonna use she/her even though I’m he’s a dude because I do have that personal attachment right now so it just feels right) beliefs anymore but distancing myself from her feels wrong because she’s been a part of my life for a while, y’know.
I don’t watch YouTube much so I haven’t seen one of her videos since I became a radfem. But, I do remember how my old community used to act so Ik if I did watch another video of hers I’d be disgusted and disappointed by her behaviour (I almost want to avoid watching her at all so that I can keep pretending I align with her side- also I’m aware this is pretty parasocial, I’ll work on that). While I’ve become more aware of this I’ve continued to defend and preach how good her content is as a way of pretending I do still like her to myself. I knew I was doing this but I didn’t really think about it until now.
I’m pretty good at thinking critically about the media I consume, it’s just something I’ve always done when discovering something new to enjoy. But I think Ive developed a blind spot for people I previously loved as while I agreed with them in the past. Now however, me promoting their ideology is hypocritical at best. I’ve been practicing separatism (that’s not the word I want to use Ik it) more and more in my daily life. I now realise the next step I need to take is starting to distance myself from these people as they’re making me into someone I don’t want to be (hypocrites are one of my biggest red flags).
Thanks again for the ask as it’s genuinely helped me uncover a therapeutic break through lol. Whether or not that was your intent it’s definitely gonna help me be a better feminist and improve my life so thanks.
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dvrcos · 11 months ago
Ive been bothering everyone I possibly can by dropping asks abt Aaron in their inbox soo it's ur turn now
Any Aaron hcs? Your opinion on skater boy Aaron?
And because I love Kevin too, any Kevin hcs? I feel like people tend to forget that Kevin likes photography too canonically besides exy and history
Skater boy Aaron is real and true and canon (to me at least)
He is the poster boy for the early 2000s skater aesthetic
Part of the reason he continues skating in college is because he enjoys the heart attack it gives Kevin
Kevin doesn’t want him getting hurt and jeopardizing the team and his wellbeing
So Aaron makes sure he finds time to skate everyday
Aaron is a lover of pop culture and is just a fucking nerd dude
He loves Lord of the Rings and read Harry Potter as it came out (and also very actively hates JKR in the modern day)
Aaron Minyard is a chronic migraine girly
He’s a med student and athlete who gets very little sleep so his head constantly hurts
And yaknow what he’s a little bitch about it too
He is constantly complaining to Katelyn and using it as an excuse to be an asshole
(I love him so dearly)
I also think he is constantly cold and has terrible blood circulation
His hands and feet are always freezing
Years of drug use and constantly needing to take Advil for his headaches has just shot his cardiovascular system
So he’s constantly cold and doesn’t run a lot because his stamina is shit
He has a raging addiction to caffeine and his vice is RedBulls
His sleep schedule is absolutely wrecked from both Exy and school so he’s rarely ever without a RedBull in hand
I don’t think he cares a lot about his diet but he does try to keep it pretty nutrient packed bc he knows the benefits of it
But he also has a sweet tooth (not as strong as Andrew’s but still strong) and he favors baked goods like cake and banana bread and pastries
His vision is bad and it just keeps getting worse over the years but he doesn’t wear his glasses often
He usually resorts to contacts but has to switch to his glasses late at night or when his head is hurting extra bad
He loves tea
Like has an extensive tea collection and will spend the money to buy teas from around the world
He also has a mug collection (the Foxes start gifting him mugs every holiday when they find out about it)
His favorite mugs are his vintage Trojans mug, a “history is not boring” mug the Foxes gave him when he graduated, and a Hogwarts mug Aaron gave him
(they read the series together :P)
Kevin’s favorite areas of history to study are Ancient Rome and the history of Ireland
He’s fascinated by the Roman Empire and studying Ireland makes him feel more connected to his mother
I think he continues school on the side and eventually gets a doctorate degree and teaches a bit after he retires from Exy
He always tries to sign with teams in or near the cities the other OG Foxes are in because he doesn’t really know how to function without the familiarity of his people
Kevin works a lot on undoing his Raven dietary habits and since he’s surrounded by people who can’t cook he grows a love for frozen food as well as caffeine
I think he takes a few art classes and really enjoys it even though he doesn’t think he’s that great at it
He’s actually not bad at all and makes a lot of really cool pieces
Kevin exclusively wears 5 inch inseam shorts
Anything longer is blasphemous
He has basically zero sense of style and just kind of mimics what the others are wearing
Until Allison forces him to go to the mall with her and they spend hours building him a real wardrobe that is him
Most of his closest still consists of PSU and USC merch though
And truly would this even be me if I didn’t put kevaaron headcanons? No
Kevin is basically a human radiator, especially after practice
And that is a blessing directly from God in Aaron’s eyes
Kevin comes back from night practice and Aaron just clings to him, absorbing all of his heat as they fall asleep
Aaron is a chronic clothes stealer like he just has sticky fingers when it comes to Kevin’s wardrobe
They spend a lot of time together in the library
They’re both in quite intensive and workload heavy majors so they study together a lot
It happened more as an accident tbh like Aaron was heading to the library to study for a midterm
And basically all of PSU’s student body had the same idea so there was no open tables
But low and behold there was Kevin, alone at a table tucked in the back corner, typing away at his laptop
Aaron joins him without asking and it kinda just becomes their thing
Kevin joins Aaron at the library between regular and night practices
They spend most of their weekends there and bring each other caffeinated drinks and snacks
Eventually they’re not even studying half the time, they’re just talking and spending time with each other outside of Exy and the other Foxes curious glances and prying comments
Aaron takes a history class with Kevin but Kevin refuses to take any science class outside of his required credits
He’s not a science person so Aaron doesn’t take it personally
Kevin can never properly wrap his head around how strong Aaron actually is
It just doesn’t compute for him, like how can so much strength be packed into such a small body
But he is most definitely not complaining, especially not when that strength is so clearly but on display or used against him
Kevin is practically drooling anytime he watches Aaron body check a striker twice his size and send them sprawling onto the floor
They become each others partners/marks during practices and it is simultaneously the best and worst thing to ever happen
They’re just excessively flirting while tripping each other and fighting with their racquets
The other Foxes comment on their “weird and disturbing foreplay” every chance they get
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johngaliawife · 9 months ago
I’m a new follower but I would absolutely love a Kakyoin x fem(or GN whichever is more comfortable for you) reader smut? Content is up to your own interpretation💞💞 thank you so much
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(I was like I had flash back of my 2020 camp camp bell faze so I kinda based it off of that😭)
Falling 11 grade it wasn’t so bad? But really it was you were gonna fail high school you slacked off this year because you just felt way way to tried to, but your parents did not let that said the rules was no good grades.? Get.a.job so that what you were forced to do, having not so much options and why would you what to work at McDonald’s with a 50 year old guy working there and a disgusting guy who looks like he has a piss cup at home so.. you did what any other girl did..you applied to a summer camp…
If it all planed out well..you’d get to stay a hole summer without parents nagging you a bunch off other teenagers at a camp makes some new friends and then get paid at the end you’d have money for new clothes for school so win win
-to lazy to write this but you get to the camp and go into the counsellor cabin-
Walking into it you look around just to see one other guy everyone else was late or super early..the guy had these dark lavender colours eyes and this red hair that looked like rose you spot his cherry earrings…he kinda smelt like a cherry to..it makes sense
“Hello.?” You say as you put you bag onto the 1 of the two beds as you try to make a conversation with the man
“Hi, are you new? Iv never seen you before?”
the man said as looks over at you he tilts his head at you it made your skin crawl he looked no older then maybe your age or and age higher somewhere in there “yeah I am”
You mutter as you make eye contact “I’m Kakyoin and your name while I’m at this?”
Kakyoin…you’ve never heard that..before “Y/N and yes it’s my first time here…where is everyone else?”
“Oh..no it’s just me and you were the one running the 3 cabins of campers..”
..that was lovely?
Some time later you and Kakyoin got really close in some ways more then others as it’s been a mouth you’ve think you taking a liking to the cherry loving boy
“I have a feeling..”
“Cramps or a tummy ache? I have like Pepto-Bismo..?”
“Then what”
“I wanna I don’t know I feel like I’m desiring something I think I’m horny..”
“I mean I think lots of people are..”
He mutters as he looks at you from his bed as you looked at him his voice was calm but he was flustered at that he didn’t know what to do or say anymore
“Can I be close to you”
He said as you asked to be close to him getting up from your bed and walking over to his it wasn’t your first time cuddling but this time was different as you take the blanket off to get in and slid into his bed you cuddle close to his chest laying there
It was quiet..after that conversation until you feel Kakyoin put his hands up your shirt pulling it up a bit “is this okay? Y/N I want to make sure your needs are taken care of but I wouldn’t never want to do something you disapprove of”
Feeling his muscular but soft hands on your bare skin you couldn’t just say no you couldn’t you nod and just went with that before he didn’t go further he spoke up again
“I want you to say it..I just wanna make sure”
He whispers as he wanted to hear you say it so he knew you wanted it as you then gave him an answer “yes..I do” you mumble giving him that green card he wanted all this time
Pulling up your shirt and taking it off placing it to the side not throwing it to make sure if you wanted it after they were done it was near by for you it was his first time and yours and he needed to make sure it was good so he took it slow
Not only was he nervous he didn’t show it, since it was an important moment not some spelling cherry eating contest seeing you in a bra was just something else to him
Pink with black pock a dots, and some little black bows “that’s a great choice Y/N you look beautiful in it” he said admiring you
“Oh.? Thanks” you said you were a bit flustered by him thinking your bra was nice knowing it won’t be long until he took it off
“May I kiss you?”
“Yes you may..”
He was asking about everything he was hoping he was doing it right he hasn’t had a girlfriend or anything like it before his so he didn’t know much about girls but it made you happy he would treat you like that
Leaning in his lips touch your it was soft and kinda rough at the same time it took him awhile to get comfortable and use tongue but he did when he slipped his tongue into your mouth roaming around it until it met yours
You didn’t know how to say..but no matter how gentle he was his tongue wanted a Dominant matter with you whining her over with his act of dominance
He pulls back from you and lowers himself to your breast and unclipped her bra and taking it off putting it where her shirt was you let out a sigh when your breast were let out
Seeing your reaction he leans forward as he puts his mouth over your left nipple as he felt it harder in his mouth he went over and wrapped his tongue over it hearing you moan he knew he was doing something right
He went over to right breast and cups it playing with it squeezing it gently as he looks up at you seeing your flushed face from his own actions
What he did next he stops touching your breast and he sat up leaving you laying on the bed you see him starting to take off his sleeping shorts once done he was left in boxers
When he takes them off you finally noticed his large boner looking at his boxers for a second you could see at the top of his boner there was a wet spot which was pre-cum
It was his first time so he was quite nervous about un dressing him self sliding his boxers off his cock spring out which was (7’1 inches cut light shave) he looked nervous he was obviously asking for you to give him head
You look at his twitching cock in front of you seeing what he was implying you went on with it you grab his base and put his tip near your mouth putting your tongue on it licking his pre-cum off
You put about a inch into your mouth untill you did another when you hit 4 inch’s in, you hit your limit so you started to bob your head on his cock you look up at him
When you looked up at him you were met with him looking down at you in the eyes making eye contact with you as your continued to bob your head up and down he whispers to you in a quite voice
“Your doing so good”
He said until he puts his large hand on your head then lifts it up from his cock and gave your forehead a kiss looking into your eyes as he changed the position
You yet him with out a sec thought the way he made you feel loved in this was everything to you and him he wanted to make sure you were okay
Laying you down putting a pillow under your head he position him self to you as it took no longer the a few seconds to take your panties off and put them to the side he looks at you
His lavender eyes looks at you before he asked if he got the green flag
“May I?”
“Yes you can”
With that he slid into you only putting half of his member inside off you it hurt a lot as it was the first time you whimper when he started to his cock into your more but it didn’t take a while for that pain to heal pleasure
He started to thrust into you taking that half to a full length into you going faster with every single moan you had you felt super good
“H-..hng-im gonna cum”
You whimper as he nods a long with what you said as if he was agreeing to a statement
“Me to..wanna squeeze my hand when you do?”
He said with a super calm voice as he was thrusting into you, you swear he was something else it made you so flustered but it sounded good to do that so you nodded
He leans towards you and places his hand in yours as he went a bit faster you squeezed his hand a bit more then you remembered
“You have-..to mhm..pull out”
You moan not being able to even finish your sentence until you squeezed his hand more as your felt your climax at its peek you moan when you came
As well as him pulling out of you and cumming on your stomach as he let out a groan releasing his hand you start to calm down but your breathing was heavy
“You were so good in proud of you I’m gonna go get a towel to clean you up”
He said as she got up going to the counsellor bathroom and brings back some water and a tower as he sits on the side of the bed and hands you the water
“Drink up you need it”
He said as he whips his kids off of your stomach then he puts one of his t-shirts on you which was big of course but it was warm
“My sweetheart..do you wanna have some alone time? I know some people like alone time after sex..or do you want me here I can hold you maybe a massage?”
“Just stay here”
You mumble as you hated to spend some time with him he gets back in the bed and cuddles up to you wrapping the blanket on you as he started to massage your shoulders as he whispers
“We have to do zip line with the kids tomorrow by the way”
He said with a smirk before you fell asleep
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