#and she was like “ok. so does that not apply to you or? bc you build friendships around valuing authenticity”
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not-yet-so-broken · 8 hours ago
"and instead of blocking trolls yall decide to hate on the people who tell you to block them!! you just like to fight atp"
lol. but thats reframing it to your pov. i don't think it's "just trolls" because unlike you i actually have to live as a bisexual woman.
your theory is that the idiot bis are just blowing things out of proportion bc harassment against us is NOT that bad. thats exactly what the "trolls" say about our rape and abuse in general and that we dont face homophobia, lol so you dont even disagree w them, you only care they use naughty language but dismissing bisexuals as stupid and dramatic if we don't immediately agree on YOUR view of bisexuality is common ground.
"And that's ok if you want to take it further to talk about your personal irl issues. But this originally started because bisexual women who were in het relationships were being called disgusting things like cumdumpster. If you want to ignore the origins of this whole drama, okay."
you insist this is just niche drama with just 5 random only online trolls with no counterpart in the real world. lol i wish that were true.
but getting called things like cumdumpster is nothing new to most of us. you want to make it sound like this is just about OSA drama but its not true. that's where radfems do it. but is the same pattern of weaponizing sexual insults and degradation that bi women face everywhere. this happened to me irl after my rape w the people that support my rapist, and then AGAIN years later when i wanted to talk about my abuse within LGB context. but I suppose you think that was nbd too and i should just "ignore the trolls".
You are focusing too much on the justification of "het-partnered" and that context bc that's what applies to you and you think you know all of it. but no its not the same for you. for us this sort of treatment is part of a larger pattern we get in both hetero spaces AND LGB spaces and we cannot escape it. rest of us care bc we can see its part of larger sexual harassment against bisexuals we all also suffer.
"But I myself am not debating the legitimacy of those studies and neither is she - she is just speculating on them"
youre right her "what are those studies showing bi women are 3 million times more likely to get run over by a car" comments are extremely RESPECTFUL and genuine speculation lol.
see this is the thing, you ppl can't ever call out obvious BIAS and disrespect for what is and treat it as actually bad. you have nothing constructive to offer here besides "harassment against bis does NOT matter, what is the big deal, they should just get a thick skin, THE END" lol.
You confront no one, make excuses for harassment against us, generalize bi women, blanketly invoke that biphobia dont exist among radfems, and then say we are too stupid to be witnesses to our own experience.
Hey funny story: I haven't been around Tumblr at all for months, but today someone told me menalez had deactivated or something so I came on here and looked it up. First result was a post by you, i checked out your blog and wouldn't you know it your most recent post had you defending me post mortem lmfao. I sent an anon to the other woman too but it seems she won't post it so to clarify to you: when I supposedly said "studies showing violence suffered by bisexuals are cringe and useless" what I remember thinking about that is that those studies that I've seen are never used to try to understand why bisexuals suffer such insane rates of violence (more than homosexuals) and trying to stop it. I've only seen them be used as battering rams in discourse when homosexuals criticize bisexuals. Which is crazy for such a serious issue and totally trivializes it lol. Also that my explanation for it was that such studies show that many abused people incorrectly id as bi for a time. You can disagree or wtv just those were my points, she made it sound like I'm cheering on women beating if they're bi or something. Also your defense of me (thanks queen lol) is accurate if you were wondering. I used to be sorta pro strict separatism but I outgrew the anger/ denial phase of "most women will partner with men" and reached acceptance. Most people are built for romantic partnership, that's just human nature, I can't be hating het women just because their lot in life in that means they're more likely to be abused. Just because I'm not drawn to men, or even much to romance, doesn't mean I should act like that's everyone else too and judge them on that standard, I accept reality and want women to be safe within that rather than pointlessly hate on them and get all worked up because some women have boyfriends..
Well I'm also a mean asshole, I'm sure you noticed, and I definitely would give the bi girlies on radblr a hard time here at the time lol. I don't have the "one side" sort of takes on this divide on radblr. It was funny but I can't feel the energy to that anymore since leaving tumblr, way too few bis or gays irl to care about that stuff. But at the end of the day these are my actual takes on all that disk horse. Funny to see it immediately on such a causal stroll around here lol
QUEEN I used to follow you ♡ at least when I was crypto a few years back I did.
Also, I'm glad you clarified because the way some women on here seem to hallucinate things they read almost makes me feel insane as well. Like you sending an ask saying you never thought of a certain perspective is not indicative of you agreeing and obviously one can change their opinions over time.
I really have no opinion either way tbh, I myself am straight and in a relationship, and have had others on my last blog send some anons calling me a "dick worshipper" and other misogynistic BS, but they stopped once I didn't let it bother me much. It's so obviously a group of trolls that it's embarrassing that they still believe it enough to keep bringing back the same users, some like you who aren't even misogynistic, to further their persecution complex.
It even is more annoying because these are the women who made Mena/Moideater leave, the above drama is a big reason why. The way radblr will still reblog posts from very racist blogs and not bat an eye but then freak out over a clique of women who aren't even radfems really does show what demographic makes up this site.
I know it gets exhausting to be involved in arguments, but it's nice to know you're still somewhat around. I hope you, Mena and Moid come back someday. If not I understand. But I'll never forget any of them and I haven't forgotten you 😭😭😭
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the-one-who-lambs · 1 year ago
y'all are so lovely because I've spent nearly my entire life feeling like I'm annoying for being too excited about my interests and trying to bandage them like a bleeding wound because I've learned that even many friends would put up with it until I become Too Much but now I'm surrounded by people who actually love that I pour my whole soul into what I do and suddenly I am no longer as intimidated by my muchness
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mimiiiiiiiiisstuff · 2 months ago
Hi! I'm new to your account, but just binged your "I bet on losing dogs" storyline, and I had a question and concept for you? How much is the reader free to interpret? I'm a theater kid, so I like her hobbies. But is there any specific physical traits you're writing for her? I know you mentioned that we were/are chubby, which is cool, but do you imagine any certain features? Because I'm Mexican American with certain features, so I was curious if you had a certain ethnicity set for her besides being half White/Jewish from Bruce being her biological father.
I also had the same question about Tiffany, because I'm currently imagining the Stereotypical All American girl. Kinda got that Disney Channel actress vibe to her. (Physically). I also had this really messed up though of the reader having to spend YEARS trying to keep in touch her mother's culture and such, learning dishes, traditions, going to local festivals by herself, having to learn how to do makeup and hair styles/products that fit her face and hair pattern. No one bothered to help or teach her. But than, suddenly Tiffany starts to steal those "habits", uncaring if they were very personal to the reader. Than everyone in the family suddenly starts to like the Reader's culture and such. (I had this scene in my brain where the Reader walks in on Tiffany is bragging about some music or dish "she" tried out from the Reader's culture, while the family are all happy and curious about it. Even when the Reader tried to introduce it to the family, everyone declined even trying it.)
I see the Reader so "Your Best American Girl" coded by Mitski.
Anyway I just wanted to ramble, bye!
ok so, I'm trying to be as vague as possible bc reader is supposed to be whoever is reading so there's no in depth description or specific height or build (except chubby in the prologue). i feel like i've basically made reader an OC which i hate but personally when I'm reading a fic, I just ignore things if I don't like them or they don't apply to me which is what i suggest yall do!!
the reader's mother is Palestinian/ Venezualan, like my own mom but you can change it if you'd like. it's important to mention that reader does have Bruce's jaw structure and face shape and shares facial features with Damian as well. It's small things like the ears, the roman nose, even the eye shape, point is that every time reader looks in the mirror she can see shadows of Bruce and Damian on her face. it's kinda like the vibe of "like him" by tyler the creator. I'm middle eastern and hispanic so I imagine reader with darker feautures like tan skin, thick brown hair, arched brows and long lashes but it's all up to you!
reader is very confused because while her dad is white, she isn't. she did try to bond with Damian and learn Arabic with him but he shamed her for not knowing and kicked her out his room, literally. she used to be embarrassed of her heritage when she was younger (courtsey of Tiffany calling her a mutt) but as she got older she realized how interesting her culture is.
she wants to learn arabic but has no teachers and it's a pretty hard language to learn if you don't grow up speaking it .she has no sources to help her and most of the time culture and traditions are things you grow up with and are passed down to you from family. her mom used to speak to her in arabic and feed her dates and sandwiches with olive oil and sugar and make her fried plantians so those things are very special to her, they're some of the only details she remembers about her late mother. so yeah reader is very "Your best american girl coded"
You're so on point about Tiffany, she's your classic all American girl. Blonde hair, blue eyes, long tanned legs and a set of pearly whites. she's the kind of white girl to act like she cares about other races but is secretly racist. you know what girls im talking about! and that prompt you sent with the food eats so hard, I have a scene mapped out with that in the upcoming chapters. I rambled too girl!!! you really got me thinking tbh but let me stop and actually write the next chapter.
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sarafangirlart · 10 months ago
Debunking some misinformation about Hephaestus and Aphrodite’s Marriage
I’m so sick and tired so I’m making a thread, enjoy. I’ll break it down into several points.
1. Hephaestus demanded Aphrodite’s hand in marriage in exchange for Hera’s freedom and Aphrodite was forced into the marriage
You’d be surprised by how this isn’t even attested in ancient sources, rather it’s just a theory made by modern scholars bc of how spotty and limited our knowledge about this marriage is, let’s look at the actual sources:
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Notice how Aphrodite isn’t even mentioned mentioned as the “prize”? Hephaestus does ask for a goddess in exchange for freeing Hera, but it’s not Aphrodite, it’s Athena. The usual course of events is this:
Hephaestus is angry at Hera for her mistreatment and sends a golden throne that traps her
The other gods try to persuade him to free her but he refuses
Dionysus convinces him by getting him drunk
Again the theory that Aphrodite was the prize for whoever gets Hephaestus to Olympus is just that, a theory. Not a really good one either bc wouldn’t Aphrodite be married to Dionysus instead? It’s a really shallow portrayal of all figures involved tbh, why would Ares only be interested in freeing his mother if it meant he gets to marry Aphrodite? Why would anyone on Olympus not be worried about their queen being chained up? Believe it or not but Hera isn’t as disliked as one would think lol
Now even if Aphrodite wasn’t a prize how did she end up marrying Hephaestus? And was she forced into doing it? No actually (Lucian’s Dialogue of the gods):
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That’s not to say this wasn’t an arranged marriage (it most likely was) but arranged marriage and forced marriage are not the same thing. If you think this is a forced marriage then what about Cadmus and Harmonia? Heracles and Hebe? Both these marriages were arranged by Zeus but no one would claim they’re forced marriages.
2. Aphrodite hated Hephaestus
Now this is more open to interpretation, after all love is subjective, but to say they outright hated each other would be incorrect, there is this myth that Aphrodite cursed Lemnos to have the men abandon their wives and female family members, usually bc they neglected on worshipping her (tho a late Latin source says it’s revenge for exposing her affair).
Apollonius of Rhodes' Argonautica:
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However this bit seems to be rather… genuine? Almost as if she might have truly felt bad for what she did and wanted to reconcile, sounds like someone with a deeply messy and complicated relationship with their partner, but not outright hate.
Also there is this moment in Lucian’s Dialogue of the Gods which is pretty funny:
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3. Hephaestus only saw Aphrodite as property
Ok I don’t like using the “it was a different time” card but like… it really does apply here lol
Now we’ve already established that Aphrodite was never a prize for Hephaestus to begin with so what about the betrothal gifts he gave to Zeus? Obviously that means he was buying Aphrodite right?
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Well, no actually this is a normal part of Ancient Greek marriage (obviously it varied between cities and time periods but it usually goes something like this), the father of the bride and the groom exchange gifts with each other to establish a bond between the two, the bride herself wasn’t the “gift” Zeus’s gift to Hephaestus was most likely his place on Olympus.
To say that Hephaestus bought Aphrodite would mean that Odysseus bought Penelope, or Hector bought Andromache, both are ludicrous claims.
4. Hephaestus is an incel and Ares is this big feminist icon
No, just… no.
Ares was never considered “the protector of women” in Ancient Greece that’s tumblr fanfiction and plenty of other ppl have made posts debunking this (including me) so I won’t repeat that here. Now about Hephaestus being an “incel” all the male Olympians have at least one story where they harm an innocent/defenseless woman, all of them, yes including Ares who persecuted Leto while she was heavily pregnant by Hera’s orders.
5. Aphrodite cheated to “regain her sexuality”
No Patrick, cheating on your disabled spouse with his brother in the bed and palace he made for you is not a girlboss move it’s being an asshole (all the gods are flawed, how thought provoking). Hell, even Zeus wouldn’t pull shit like this with Hera.
Aphrodite and Ares most likely did this hoping it would be the last place anyone would suspect an affair, since Aphrodite could’ve had sex with Ares in his own place or some meadow somewhere but that might cause ppl to be too suspicious.
6. Ares is a big dumb brute who can’t take a hint and only saw Aphrodite for her beauty
Believe it or not, just bc I criticize Aphrodite and Ares doesn’t mean I hate them lol. Now look, all the gods care deeply about looks but that’s not the only thing that Ares and Aphrodite love about each other. Here is Ares being a total simp and actually listening to her:
Iliad book 5
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Thebaid book 3
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7. Aphrodite felt neglected by Hephaestus bc he’s too busy at the forge
No lol, she straight up works with him at the forge, why wouldn’t she? If anything this claim makes Aphrodite even more shallow than she actually is.
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8. Aphrodite and Ares didn’t care about being humiliated in the golden net and Ares straight up brags about cucking his brother
Yes I’ve heard such claims and no Ares and Aphrodite are actually capable of feeling shame lol, almost as if they were in the wrong. Also why would Ares actively antagonize the guy who makes all his stuff? Maybe that’s why Athena keeps beating his ass, bc Hephaestus purposely gives Ares shitty weapons and armor lol
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Anyways umm… I think that’s it? Maybe I missed a few things bc I’m frustrated af rn
Just so y’all know, I’m not a scholar I’m just autistic and read a lot lol. I hope I didn’t miss something or get anything wrong.
Have a good day (or night).
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h4m1lt0ns · 1 year ago
episode eleven :: “REDBULL FANS”
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ pairing ︴various drivers x y/n
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ genre ︴social media au / irl snippets
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ summary ﹔musical releases resume and so does the drama.
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ face claim ﹔ wonyoung jang (28)
꒰꒰◌‧₊ ⬪˙⋆ warnings ﹕ excessive cussing, none.
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♡ liked by lewishamilton, carlossainz55 and 18,450,948 more.
ylnestate U&U no. 44 will be released tonight at midnight. ‘Grandstand Girl’ is the 44th mini album by ﹫y/n and features artists like ﹫theweeknd, ﹫justinbieber, and ﹫champagnepapi. All songs (apart from Trust Issues) were produced and written by Y/n in the past couple months as she’s currently working on her biggest record yet, so stay tuned for that 😉⭐️!
tagged: theweeknd, champagnepapi, justinbieber.
username MOTHER??????
username U&U COMEBACK?????? IM SO.
justinbieber thank you for having me ❤️ love you
username i’m new here!!! what’s does U&U mean?
→ username u&u stands for undecided and unreleased, y/n usually drops u&u eps right before an album when she has songs that don��t fit the genre/make sense with the rest of the album. they usually consist of 2-6 songs and this one is ep number 44! hope this helped 💗
→ username totally did!!!! thank u bae
username NEW ALBUM ON THE WAY?????????
[liked by y/n]
username oh my god I CAN NOT RIGHT NOW. LOOORD.
theweeknd 💙💜
username drake finally got that feature 🤣
williamsracing UHM EXCITING????
→ mercedesamgf1 you leave OUR girl alone 🤨
→ williamsracing can i be a stan in peace pls
→ username SO REAL
username let me be delulu for a sec. what are the odds that u&u no. 44 is called ‘GRANDSTAND girl’ 🤨 looking at you lewis
→ username wait.
→ username omg the delulu is deluluing
→ username oh yall crazy 😟 (i believe you)
→ username lewishamilton explain yourself.
fernandoalo_oficial slay
→ username WHAT
→ username THE HELL 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
jensonbutton i already knew abt this yet i’m still surprised
→ y/n u should be used to my bullshit by now 🤨
→ sebastianvettel i know i am lol
→ username “slay” “abt” “lol” who are you folks anymore
→ username no bc like.
→ aussiegrit it’s the y/n effect
→ username MARK WHAT ???????????
lilymhe how dare you
→ lilymhe do it again 🤭
landonorris NEEDED A FIX OF YOU 🗣
→ charles_leclerc NOT JUST A KISS FROM YOU 🗣
→ yukitsunoda0511 I NEEDED MORE 🗣
→ username SPOILERS?????
→ landonorris yes.
username YES?????
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♡ liked by lewishamilton, oscarpiastri and 11,393,159 more.
y/n SEBASTIAN VETTEL PLEASE COME BACK 💔 adopted another papaya fucker and a williams kid ft. fernando rizzlonso and sir lew 🩷
y/l/nestate more kids?
username LEWIS 👊🏽 IS SO 👊🏽 HANDSOME 🗣
→ mercedesamgf1 real
username all this content today i feel like a ten year old at a sephora 😍😍😍
→ mercedesamgf1 so cute isn’t he 😍
username lewis graduated from a bank cause that face card can’t decline.
username how does he *just* look like that ????!,!,’ 😭
fernandoalo_oficial in slayzuka
→ username IN WHERE????
username WHAT THE FUCK IS A KILOMETRE 🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
landonorris new brothers unlocked
→ logansargeant hello brother
→ landonorris hello, i hope you know you’re my step brother bc i don’t share y/n 🙏🏼
→ oscarpiastri what about me?
→ landonorris read the terms and conditions, same rules apply to every adopted kid AFTER lando norris 🫶🏻
→ logansargeant ok
→ username PLS
yukitsunoda0511 why does lewis get the good photos
→ y/n he was literally just standing there and he looked good
→ georgerussell63 not fair u always catch the rest of us off guard
→ y/n i caught him off guard too, maybe he’s not the problem 🤭
→ charles_leclerc I’m-
→ lewishamilton ﹫y/n thank you love 🖤🥰
→ username pls don’t flirt with my gf
→ username she will leave us for u in a heartbeat sir PLS stop 🙏🏽
username casually posts after ep announcement, no one like you, y/n y/l/n.
mercedesamgf1 pls bring lewis and george back, we need you three in the office rn 🩷🎀🩷🎀🩷🎀
→ y/n on our way rn 🏃‍♀️
carlossainz55 you adopted oscar???
→ y/n yeah.
→ carlossainz55 oh.
→ y/n if u have a problem with my son u talk to me 🤨
→ oscarpiastri thanks mum
→ username … is the beef squashed now??
→ username i mean.. i hope
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nativegirltapes · 4 months ago
f2f by sza is soooo drew and angel
omg yes this song so represents them during their "break"
⋆˚࿔ 🧁 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
i been thinkin' 'bout you, haven't got much sleep worried that you already done replaced me worried i done it took far and you too hurt to hear me
i feel like these set of lyrics could really apply to both of them because during their "breaks" because they're both having trouble sleeping, they're both overthinking late at night about how the other is probably giving attention to another person, and they're both replaying the argument in their head; thinking that maybe they went too far and the other one won't come back this time. more specifally in angel's case, she's up sick to her fucking stomach thinking about how drew is probably complaining to odessa about their relationship and burying his head in between her legs (he's literally not doing any of that). and in drew's case, he's worried that angel is out making rash decisions because that's what she normally does when she's upset (and yeah she is).
smokin' on a backwood because i miss my ex now i'm ovulatin' and i need rough sex knowing you gon' block me tomorrow can you still come and get me?
this plays along with angel's rash decision making, she's getting turnt asf (but in an alone and sad and 'i want to drown out the pain' kind of way) because she misses drew. also i can see her craving some sort of male attention so she's inviting random frat guys over to her dorm in hopes to drown out thoughts of drew.
and when angel realizes that she physically cannot bring herself to have sex with anyone but drew, she calls drew and asks him to come over. and because her and drew can never actually stay away from each other, he comes over and they have sex. it's so weird too bc they'll just have sex here and there during their "breaks" but that's literally it. they call up one another when they're horny because they're both so worried about the other sleeping with someone who isn't them.
i beg for empathy, you gave me nothing so hard without you (so hard without you)
this reminds me of angel literally just trying to drill into drew's head that she does not like odessa and she doesn't want him hanging around her but he just genuinely doesn't see why/how he's shown that him being around odessa is an issue. and ultimately leading to their demise aka a "break". and despite angel's boundaries not being respected, she realizes that it's hard with our drew and still wants him.
i knew all along i knew that you loved her
.....do i even need to explain how this one correlates.
but i can see angel calling drew up one day when they haven't spoken in weeks and she's just like "why did you even get with me if you were in love with her still?" and drew is literally like "what are you talking about?" and angel says "cmon drew, i'm done with you playing stupid. i know that you love her." and drew is like "ok now you're just making stuff up." boiiii baiiii.
i try to run, but i can't duck 'em fuck 'em, but i don't cuff 'em i fuck 'em 'cause i miss you
i think this could represent angel going through men like no tomorrow. she never fucks them, she does do other stuff but they never satisfy her in the way that drew does. also kind of crazy of her because if drew was indulging in such behavior she would actually start war.
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star-suh · 1 year ago
Fighting in The Streets, Fucking in The Sheets
Lee Juyeon x Male Reader
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cw: college au, top juyeon, enemies to lovers prompt, kinda fluffy sex, fluff at the end, fingering, blowjob, spit as lube, unprotected sex, creampie.
an: decided to stop using the / in yn bcs it's so annoying and i'm lazy.
yn is one of the best student of class A, he is one of those feisty nerds who is not afraid to stand up against someone who is bothering him.
on the other side there's lee juyeon, the polar opposite. he is a lazy person who doesn't do anything in class, he just sits in the back to do nothing with his friends, he is not a bully but if he has to confront someone he will do it.
“ok class silence” shouted the teacher "today i’m going to assign you a homework and it would be in pairs, and no juyeon you can go back to your seat, i'm the one choosing them" she said with a devilish smile while juyeon went back to his seat silently.
“... and finally lee juyeon with ln yn”, “please no” yn shouted “anyone but that good-for-nothing, can i do it alone please?", "good-for-nothing? who are you calling a good-for-nothing son of a bit-".
“well, both of you, shut up” the teacher cut juyeon's speech “i don't care if you can't stand each other's asses, but i'm waiting for that homework on my desk the other week, did you hear?" she said sternly.
“hey loser, your house or mine?” asked juyeon while chewing gum, “mine of course i don't want to put my feet on your pigsty house” said y/n laughing at the other's red angry face. “this bitch” juyeon spit out his chewing gum towards the other male and then grabbed him by his collar and cornered him towards a wall. "listen to me, you idiot, i'm not interested in doing a homework with you either, but i don't want to lose the subject, so yes or yes, we have to do it." juyeon let go of yn and when he turned out to leave a hand smacked his head “you forgot your gum dumbass” a scandalous laugh left yn's mouth only to be silenced seconds later by juyeon's fist.
someone was knocking on the door and yn already had an idea who it was and despite he does not want to, he would have to receive him. he opened the door and there he was, juyeon with light scratches in his beautiful face "ugh you look like shit" yn says with a disgusted face. juyeon just looks at him with a frown "and you look like diarrhea. let me in".
the room was in an awkward silence, both avoided looking at themselves while they concentrated on finishing the task. yesterday after juyeon hit yn, the fight continued for a few moments. the nerd managed to leave some light bruises and scratches on juyeon's face but he was the most affected, his lower lip was split, he have a small bruise next to his eye and some scratches in his cheeks. 
yn accidentally hurts his lip from which blood begins to flow, juyeon is shocked by this and grabs the sleeve of his jacket to put pressure on the wound "you are doing a lot for a simple cut. it's not like my heart is going to burst out over there" yn murmurs. "can you shut up for once in your life?.. do you have anything to apply in your wound?" juyeon asks and yn just points to where the first aid kit is. 
“there, it's done” juyeon puts the items in the kit but still keeps staring at yn's lips. the tension begins to increase… until juyeon throws himself towards yn eating his mouth. at first he resisted but when after feeling the other's soft lips he simply let himself go and began to enjoy the sensation. “eager much?” joked yn, “hmm” said juyeon introducing his fingers on the other's mouth “make that mouth of yours useful”.
clothes were discarded very quickly, both were desperate for each other, finally being capable of breaking the tension that was being built up since god knows when. 
one by one each digit entered yn's hole, juyeon making a scissors motion to open the hole. "so tight for me" he laughed, showing that perfect smile to the feisty nerd. "i wonder what you taste like" and without any warning juyeon took yn's dick into his mouth, savoring the almost salty taste of his pre-cum “just as i imagined” he smacked his lips..
juyeon's tip is entering yn's hole “you're still so fucking tight relax a bit” growled the top, resting his forehead on yn's shoulder. “it's easy for you to say that you're not the one being wrecked right now” yn cried. with subtle movements juyeon started thrusting “for being a bully you're being very gentle” the words slurred out of yn's mouth. “i'm not a bully for you information” immediately after saying that, juyeon kissed the other boy to shut him up. “spit here” demanded juyeon and the other guy obeyed. juyeon then spits on that same hand, pulls out his cock and smears it with the saliva mixture, causing gushy and sloppy sounds when he introduces it again.
they were in a doggy style position now, juyeon's hands started to leave marks on yn's hips as he was squeezing him very hard due to his rough thrusts. “please harder” moaned yn “i need you… to feel you” at this point yn was admitting that he had already imagined doing this with juyeon and this didn't went unnoticed by the top who kissed the other's back and whispered “i need you too”.
the skin slapping sound was loud, juyeon slammed himself hard on yn's ass, his hands being marked on the ass cheeks in a bright red color. “i'm feeling so good. do you feel good too?” grunted the top. “yeah… yeah i do- so good i feel so goo-hngh…” moaned the bottom.
juyeon started to pull out and then slam his cock back in a few times until he began to feel that he was going to cum "shit i’m going to cum" he takes out his cock and begins to stroke his dick so fast looking for that delicious sensation "fuck–" he grunted spilling all his cum over yn's hole that opened and closed as if it wanted to eat the other's seed.
“shit nerd i came a lot” he said catching his breath, “now it's your turn, cum for me”. yn began to stroke his hard dick, hooded and teary eyes looking directly at juyeon's ones. the katter trying to help him to release spat on his tip and then sucked on his balls “come on, cum for me” seconds later the white liquid came out of the tip of his dick, staining the other's face with it, "yummy" said the other, sucking the sensitive dick until it was clean…
the following days the relationship between them improved, going from one of rivals to one of friends with benefits that slowly transformed into one of lovers. juyeon was playing a football game and when he scored a goal, he ran towards where the audience was, more exactly where yn was sitting. he took out a bouquet of flowers and a sign from god knows where that said 'yn do you want to be my boyfriend?' the entire audience screamed with excitement. the boy blushed and felt a bit embarrassed, however, he responded excited "yes, i really want to” he came down from the stands running towards the boy to give him a kiss full of love. 
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ganondoodle · 1 year ago
was watching another totk video and through that found out what the reward is for completing koltins quests, honestly im not really surprised but also baffled and it really just shows, once again, that totk kinda does exactly what you shouldnt do in a sequel imo.. double down on all the bad stuff of the previous title
at this point i have talked about various problems in detail but i just keep realizing over and over just how much of the wrong lesson they seemed to take from botw, they recycled almost everything from botw by changing some paint or some words, made a giant game even bigger and filled it with boring and tedious busy work that has mediocre to insulting rewards EVEN MORE than botw
game too big and empty? make it TWICE as big, change barely anything about the map of the previous title and the new added map(s) is ONE biom that almost everywhere looks the same and even emptier with little to do
too many krogs? MAKE IT MORE and double down on the literally shit reward bc its the SAME just with one more stack of shit
too many shrines with short puzzles? ADD EVEN MORE and make them even shorter and easier to complete, alot of them not even involving a puzzle and multiple being an utterly out of place tutorial that could have been explained to you in a single text box
rewards in the overworld being mostly either a krog or a shrine which gets repetetive with shrines being ALOT and krogs being wayyy too many? add even MORE shrines and EVEN MORE krogs, but now add over a hundred of caves to it that all get repetetive after just a few of them and you only do them for a shrine or a currency you have to collect to get one cool looking but pretty bad to use armor set and a piece of cloth for your parasail that you can only use one of at the tiem and to switch have to go back to a specific NPC, theres ghost lights to collect which only serve to yet again buy one armor set from a set of NPCs and ar meaningless afterwards, the light roots dont require you to do anything but walk to them and the reward for finding them all is a "you did it" sticker that doesnt even stick (its useless)
weapons break too quickly? well make the weapons you can find even worse to force you to fuse a material to it so its at all usable BUT IT STILL BREAKS and when it does it breaks not JUST the weapon but ALSO a material, materials that you will need for now EVEN MORE EXPENSIVE armor upgrades too, weapons cannot be rewards anymore either bc they will always have to be fused with something to make them stronger bc none is strong on its own- this also applies to THE MASTERSWORD, something ALSO complained about that it still 'breaks' even after empowering it through the DLC in botw, and now it cant even BE empowered (bc no DLC) unless you fuse soemthing to it (to. the. MASTERSWORD.) EVEN THO EMPOWERIGN THE MASTERSWORD IS THE ENTIRE POINT OF ZELDAS ULTIMATELY MEANING- AND CONSEQUENCELESS SACRIFICE !!
the dungeons were to samey and simple? make them look different but keep the core structure (activate terminals in completely seperate from each other "puzzles", fight boss) while also makign them be even more skippable (climable walls, the ceiling jump ability- something the titans DIDNT have) with incredibly easy bossfights that end with an embarassing copy and paste scene that hits you over the head with long known and obvious information over and over
people didnt like how the story was so detached from everything in the present? well, make the story and the present EVEN MORE detached from anything in the present, so far in fact that there is literally no connection to it aside from zelda who is the only connective thread and is also only treated as such (she is as personality lacking as sonia as soon as shes yoinked into the past) and the suddendly and out of nowhere intruduced architecture and history that wasnt a thing in botw but is treated like it was always there
people didnt like how far botw was detached from all other zelda games? ok totk is not only FURTHER detached from those it also completely detached itself from its on predecessor :)
people didnt like the memory system? ok make it WORSE then, its a linear story now that you can ruin by seeing even one out of order, they are super short and dont give you anymore context to anythign than the things you could figure out yourself or were already told really, instead of giving you views into a characters personality you get to view a basic plot summary of a story that is so flavorless and predictable i knew what would happen from the start yet acts like its being vague and cool that i felt like i was beign treated like a literal toddler
too few enemy types? well, we will reuse the old ones EVEN MORE thant before over twice the map and the new ones that are there are either utterlly irrelevant to change up the gameplay or largely feel like the old ones just with a paint job (constructs), the griocks looked cool at first but are just a more annyoing version of the lynels (who feel like an actual duel, akin to a proper boss)
even the things that were adressed, or attempted to, didnt fully work, like the bosses ARE more unique, but also still so incredibly easy and ALSO have multiple duplicats just sitting around in the underground despite them being supposedly the root of the problems of the regions (i like refighting bosses, but id rather have a character that lets me choose ok i wann fight this one again and teleporte me into a vision or sth- also the most fun fights arent even part of it (koga) )
the rain complaint got a new effect type to counteract it, which ... doesnt work well, you need specific materials to make potions with that effect which you also need to upgrade the only armor set wit hthat effect that ONLY works once you upgrade it (i think ... i dont know how high i got it but if even the full upgraded set doesnt negate the rain effect i will not be surprised either lol) also it adds just yet another effect type that spams your inventory and you dont really need .... or i might be the only one that saw no value at all in the "attack up when hot" new type of effects bc it felt so specific and situational while also having a way better option (just make it a standard attack up thing?) at least in my eyes-
... ill stop here .... this got longer again didnt it O-o
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jackie4dinner · 8 months ago
No bc now all I wanna do is rant about the misogyny in this fandom. Which like my last post was about golden trio fans but like,, marauders fans aren’t exempt from that?? If anything they’re just more sly about it. Like yeah ok there’s sapphic ships, by why is it that when I go through their tags on ao3 they’re always just the supporting relationship for the mlm couple?? And yeah ok you won’t straight up hate a female character for getting in the way of your gay ship, instead you’ll kill her off, make her the surrogate, maybe you’ll keep the straight ship together but only after the other half to the mlm ship died so he’s left depressed and never getting over him and she’s left to be a rebound for the rest of her life making everyone miserable!! or you’ll throw her in a relationship with the closest woman so you can’t be called out for fetishising gay men.
Basically what I think I’m trying to say is there’s people in this fandom who I feel like use sapphic ships to try and compensate for their weird obsession with gay men and it doesn’t sit right with me.
Before I finish this rant though I feel like I need to say that I’m aware this looks very targeted at jegulus fans, but this applies just as much to wolfstar as it does jegulus. I’m also not saying that everyone who ships them are fetishising gay men or are misogynistic. Ship who you want, it’s not who you ship that I’m judging it’s how you treat the female characters that might get in the way of said ship.
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fictionfawn · 1 year ago
thoughts about abby anderson bc i've been having really bad brain rot (some water polo player!abby)
abby isn’t the biggest fan of large displays of PDA, but she does this thing where she just hovers around you. she never strays too far away from you, so she’s just kind of lurking lol. when you’re walking together, she’ll either put her hand on your shoulder or your back and subtly guide you. (tbh i also do that. gotta treat my babygirl right fr). i don't think you'll hold hands too often, mostly because her hands are kind of sweaty due to her naturally running quite hot. if you try, she'll laugh and say, "don't. my hands are sweaty." like ok? just wipe them off girly, i wanna hold your hand. i think she likes linking arms, though. she eats it up when you hold onto her arm and cling onto her, she loves it. despite not liking pda, she takes every opportunity to subtly touch you. brushing arms when you're walking, touching thighs because you're sitting so close to each other, one hand on your knee, stuff like that. she's seriously borderline clingy, but she's always so gentle. she's so cute omg
i think that abby likes to be pampered. specifically, i think she likes it a lot when you play with her hair. brush it, wash it and tie it when she’s too tired to do it herself. start running your fingers through her hair and massage her scalp and she’s immediately putty in your arms. she’ll most likely insist on doing it herself, but if you push back she’s not going to argue further lol. do what you must, she’ll enjoy it
when it comes to pet names, i think she'll only really use them when there's no one else around. however, occasionally there are times where it'll just slip out. i don't know why, but i think she'll call you bug pfft. she'll come up from behind saying, "there you are, bug. i've been lookin' for you," as she kisses your temple and you can feel her smiling mhmm. if she's taller than you, she likes to rest her chin on your shoulder. wait omg, imagine her calling you trouble. but lorddd she'd use so many nicknames, i think. babe, honey, hun, sweetheart etc etc. the girl has some variety, I’ll give her that
PERSONAL TRAINER ABBY! unfortunately, she can be such a dick lmao. if you're struggling with an exercise or with lifting weights, she'll just be watching you and laughing to herself. "you need some help with that, hun?" and you're whining at her to stop laughing and to hurry up and help you out. but she's so helpful and strong and attractive you can't stay mad at her for too long. like she'd grab your waist and fix your stance and when you get it right she’ll say something like “yeah, that’s it. you got it." she's always gonna encourage you to keep going. she'll really push your limits because she just wants you to do well. but this applies to lots of other things, not just gym. i honestly probably wouldn't be able to go to the gym with her because i'd be distracted by her the entire time. so.
playing fighting with abby. she gets so competitive and will do literally everything in her power to win. she's the furthest thing from a sore loser, thankfylly. she’s very conscious of her strength, so despite the fact that she’s literally able to toss you around like a bag of potatoes, she’s never hurt you by accident. she’d genuinely be so mortified if she thinks she hurt you. will literally sulk about it meanwhile you’re like “abby, I’m fine??”
she's always very relaxed whenever she's around you. i can't say she'd be smiley when there are other people around, but she'll have a kind of pleased and content expression on her face. but when you're alone? oh boy, have fun trying to wipe that cute ass smile off her face, because you can't! she's just very at ease when you're around teehee. her demeanour is a lot less tense than what it may be typically. honestly I think she’d just melt around you
abby isn't the biggest gossip around--if you ask her, she'll just shrug and say that that kind of stuff isn't something she's particularly interested in. however, she is absolutely invested in whatever gossip you have for her, even if she pretends to be nonchalant about it. she'd probably say some bullshit like, "babe, that kind of stuff isn't even worth your time." but then the next time she sees you she asks about it because she wants an update. talks shit but doesn’t consider it to be real gossip. “it’s called a discussion, not gossip.” she’ll say, like a fucking liar
she’s SO invested. always asking for updates, always asking questions. she tries to be subtle but honestly at some I’d think she’d give up and go all in
waterpolo player abby !
you literally cannot drag her away training so as a result she always smells like chlorine. she bitches about it all the time, too.
she’d look stupid as hell wearing the hats lmao i'd call her egghead or something
she definitely complains about how damaged her hair gets from all that swimming she does
idk about you guys but soggy Abby does something to me… like she's wearing her swimming costume and her hairs down and she’s still damp and you can see the water droplets on her skin and AAAAAAHJASHIEDQHV
don’t even try pushing her into the pool because she’ll drag you down with her lmao
she'd definitely be centre forward REAL
she could try drowning me and I wouldn’t really mind tbh. but ik for sure she’s a scary ass player. fast AND strong as hell? I’d be fighting for my life. make sure u don’t get hit in the head by a ball thrown by her bc you’d be asking for a concussion. also she seems like the kind of person who keeps elbowing people?? LMAO
my gay ass needs to be locked up NOW 😟
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forgottenroisin · 2 months ago
OOC | Enneagram & Tarot Numerology
ok so i stumbled on [ this post ], which talks abt the enneagram as sort of a...numerological play on tarot! w rosie being, herself, a type 7, this applies to her, big time!! i also have been looking into the tarot of lfr a bit myself (v new to tarot but find it really interesting for character work!) -- partially bc of a planned graphic that lbr will probs never actually get done! laksdjfklsjdf -- and id def associated her a lot w the seven of cups, too, bc of the imagination kinda thing, but the pentacle suit, in general, w house malconaire (bc of the earth associations to both) and...anyway im getting carried away but yeah reading this i was like !!!!! bc character arc reasons and im kinda like 'does this work out for all the characters' and kdsljafsldkjfjdf
anyway...no reason at all... ;DDDD what're your malconaires' various enneagrams? and/or do you have any thoughts on what tarot card(s) might represent them/their journey (regardless of whether the numbers match up!)? also non-malconaire characters!!!! i love character analysis i wanna hear it all (and ~~~~maybe potentially someday possibly do a graphic which may never ever appear i don't wanna get any expectations raised...that one i did of the malconaires for christmas was smth id been meaning to do for atp literally over a year soooo yeahhhh l;akjsfkljsdjf)
also also! what do we think bran and sorcha's might've been?
also if you're interested, here's a chart abt this:
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the enneagram only goes from 1-9 ofc but yeah!!
anyway, so below is pure speculation ok but like!!!!! i think this might kinda be a thing???
another example: i know lizzy said that @forgottenbrigit is an enneagram 8, and numerologically, 8 lines up w the card of movement and action and, in that way change, which is esp interesting bc lizzy has also mentioned that brigit really hates change, but also she's got the literal fire of the gods (seeress!) going and in that sense does have the power to help inact change, etc.
additional example: i also know that kate's said that @forgottenarias is a type 2, and that's the number in tarot numerology that deals w balance but also opposites, opposing ideas, harmony, duality, dichotomy, etc!! and she's literally a captive and a powerhouse; a princess and a bastard, all at once, not to even get into the romeo and juliet thing she and arthur (who is also a two!) are giving into like!!
idk its not ~not there ig is what im saying alkjsfjksdf i just like digging into characters tho so...ngl this is just...largely all an excuse to do precisely that bahahaha
so i haven't done ~all my characters enneagrams officially but here're the ones I have:
rosie: 7
arthur: 2
roderick: 3
eilia: 1
valentina: 3
undecided/vibes based/not official:
godfrey: 5/1
tristan: 1/9
eabha: 6/3
cormac: 4
ronan: 1/8
cillian: 4/7
saoirse: 8
rian: 5/6
amira: 8
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chocottang · 6 months ago
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post canon designs for when they get cured <3 /j
i added the canon designs next to them bc i was going to add design notes but i gave up so im gonna write it here and you can just. look at them
OK. yapping time. lets start with cami!!
the biggest change is obviously the hair. i interpret her hair in canon to be a way for her to hide, both her evilll intentions and her true self as a way not to get hurt, it also adds to her being mysterious. i apply this not only to the bangs hiding her eyes (the windows to the soul...) but also her whole hair, that's why in the canon design i exaggerated its length and made it kind of.. curl inwards like wrapping her. its hiding her, it's protecting her, it's suffocating her, it's making her mysterious. yes i'm obsessed with her hair. the blunt cunt can also be a sort of sign of her being polished, you gotta maintan those perfect ends so it doesn't look bad.
so. in her post-canon design the hair gets CUT into a bob. that symbolizes cami being open and honest, no more hiding! no more mystery! also, she's letting people see her, she's willing to make connections, meet people, love and be loved. but it also makes her more vulnerable, she can be judged more easily, hurt again more easily, but she accepts that possibility because know she knows how to navigate life and her own emotions with the help of her friends yippieeee
also, she still has the blunt cut because at the end of the day she's still the same person, and is in fact very polished and quite serious, but the braid can get quite messy, and that shows that she's more willing to accept her own imperfections
i took the braid from the hairstyle she has in her song bc its specific to her!! no more copying joy!! but still, its similar bc joy does also wear a braid, but cami puts her own spin to it. like, instead of trying to copy and be joy, she can just take inspiration from her and admire her while keeping her own style. on the topic of personal style, i added a black petticoat under her skirt to further personalize her uniform (also it made me think of witches hehe, yes shes not gonna do evil magic anymore but that´s still one of her interests and something she has done which she has to own up to and account for) and made her ribbon curl to allude to a chameleon's tail.
also. goldami earring
ok its golden time
longer hair!!!!!!!!! bc when he left his home he let his hair grow cuz he couldn't cut it and now he's just embraced it. it's about being rebellious, it's about rejecting gender norms, it's about embracing gender non comformity! not only can nobody tell him what to wear anymore, but also he's not letting the years of indoctrination and societal standards that still haunt his every move get to him babyyyyyyyy
i got COMPLETELY rid of any yellow or gold colors, no more golden boy persona, no more influence from the golden family, yes independence! grandpa cant get to your head anymore! now he's finally wearing the uniform, although very personalized. green sweater because green!!! when he's on his own he's shown to wear it a lot in canon!
made him wear flare pants just because i think they look fun, kind of a more fem twist ig. golden painted the pink flowers himself, they represent his bond with joy! a reference to the flower they hold in inoki and the pink used in the visuals of the song, too. the family's sexist double standards won't poison their relationship anymore!
decided to go for a ribbon instead of a tie to follow with the gnc look + because ties are considered very formal, and formal clothes are exactly what he was forced to wear, so no more! now he gets to wear normal clothes for normal situations.
i tried to make him more chubby but idk if its really that noticeable, but yea. accepting his natural bodytype
and, of course, goldami earring.
i may use these designs in other drawingssss so now u know the timeline lmao
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noel-levine-fan · 1 month ago
ok something i just realized is that lilia, despite seeming like a very motivated person determined to live her life, doesn't appear to have any hobbies that we know of (like, iirc she can cook but we don't see her do it often), as opposed to ashe, who has these collections of things he can do that he doesn't seem to be super personally interested in.
i know this may be entirely unintended but i feel like realizing i was probably chronically ill is giving me a different perspective because i was explaining somewhere about how lilia often asked or bugged ashe to do things in her place and then i had a thought of "wait but lilia seems like she really wants to participate in things and we rarely ever see her with her own hobbies so why does she usually ask ashe to...?" and then it just suddenly clicked. bc i remembered how im largely unable to make food for myself and have to ask other people to make or get it for me. or how i am unable to engage in even very simple hobbies. and then i realized. maybe lilia, like... just doesn't have the energy for hobbies. lilia seems upbeat a lot of the time, but that doesn't mean this doesn't take a toll on her even when she's not actively having a flareup. it just means she's sociable. it's entirely possible lilia actually was curious about learning the piano but never tried because she thought it would take up too much energy. (or maybe she genuinely didn't want to learn and just liked hearing its sound, but this still applies generally i think even if not in this specific case.)
i know i could be projecting here as someone who finds hobbies extremely hard to pick up (even studying is very hard when it involves writing and i dread doing it solely because i'll have to sit up for a while) but honestly even if i am i think it's a really compelling interpretation. i think lilia is the kind of person who is unashamed about asking people to do things for her either way, but it's kind of hard to ignore once you think about it that chronic illness makes sense as a factor in the way we don't usually see her do things herself, even though it seems at least like she clearly wants to.
and i realize ashe and lilia are kind of the inverse of each other in a way that's extremely compatible.
i've always felt like ashe is someone who struggled to find any internal motivation to do things which is part of why the death of his family wrecked him so badly. lilia, on the other hand, seems to be pretty motivated to do things. ashe, despite not being very internally motivated to do things, is physically and mentally very capable. he's smart, and while he may not be very strong, he's able bodied and seems to be well coordinated and good with his hands. lilia, despite being internally motivated to do things, is chronically ill and unable to do a lot of things she would otherwise try doing.
so then, lilia's desires are able to motivate ashe's direction in life. ashe is able to do a lot of things for lilia that she cannot always do herself.
idk man i love them. again maybe lilia just asks ashe to do different hobbies in the games and in comics and stuff just because she thinks that ashe would be good at those things/it would be entertaining if she could watch him do those things, but it makes so much sense if part of the motive here is she feels this is the only way she'd be able to engage with those hobbies on a regular basis.
sorry if this post is dumb as fuck but like it just makes sense to me intuitively that a chronically ill character who seems to want to do things but rarely does, doesn't do those things due to the way chronic illness affects ones life. idk lilia makes me sad bc she's tragic yes but she was also unashamed of herself, funny, and unabashedly just wanted to live. like i really think lilia just wanted to be able to engage with the world in ways that were inaccessible to her and that despite all the nonserious bickering and mutual whining that ashe just wanted to help her do that.
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gold-rhine · 1 year ago
Inazuma Rewrite Act 3
Please start reading from part one before reading this. It will make no sense otherwise.
Act 3 pays off for Acts 1 and 2, and I made some major changes in them, such as change to reasons of vision hunt\Raiden motivations, Ayaka arc, entire resistance storyline, Transience setup, Yoimiya arc setup, so without reading them first, this part will not make sense.
In this installment:
Transcience pay off
Yoimiya arc
Kazuha conflict
Raiden confrontation
Kujou Sara arc
and more
All disclaimers from part one also apply, I’m not gonna copy paste them.
Yae Miko \ Raiden Preparation Training
ok, let’s start with the fact that current “raiden fight training” sucks. Like I get what they’re going for, and training episode idea is very anime, but like. Running in circles around a trashcan that hits you with boss moves is not fun. it is, in fact, super annoying. 
i want to keep the training angle, but make it more... spiritual. and thematic.
so, yae miko is like blah blah, you need to prepare to face Raiden, and I will train you, as the person who knows her the best.
Paimon is like wow, you’re gonna teach us to fight??
Yae Miko is like haha you’re so stupid, no, of course not. Your goal is to change raiden’s mind. For that, you need to know and understand her and where she’s coming from.
We will know you’re ready, when you can pass the Sacred Sakura trial
she leads traveler to the sacred sakura. there are like stone plates with symbols at the base, you know, the puzzle ones.
Yae goes like, do you know what Transience means? Transience is the dream of the nation of thunder. We find the greatest joys in mortal life in fleeting dreams, for is life itself not like the shadow of the thunder? Pursue your dreams into the clouds if you wish, and enjoy the unexpected silence of the dim lamp-lit nights.
traveler and paimon is like yeah wait, we saw smth like that in inazuma shrines and ruins
yae is like great, then show me the symbol of Transience. traveler looks at the puzzle stones, but there weren’t really anything like this in the prev locations which mentioned transience
player can fiddle with puzzle stones, but whatever combination they try, it doesn’t work
after a couple of tries, yae is like okay, it seems you still have much to learn! lets go, i’ll teach you
you go through the inazuma city with her, but seemingly only do bullshit. like, eating ramen, shopping, doing some light novels bs, and like traveler is paying for everything. not too long, like just few minutes, with a couple phrases per activity and fading to black, kinda montage of more and more exasperated and confused traveler and paimon until they’re like wait what the fuck is this. how is supposed to teach us anything??
yae does her signature bullshit smirks like hehe you’re too close-minded, you clearly haven’t understood ~Transience~, so buy me more stuff
paimon does her Angry Stomp, you know the one, like ugh! you’re just fucking with us to get us to pay for stuff, we’re done!
yae narrows her eyes menacingly with a smile like haha is this how u wanna talk to me you little flying shit, paimon hides behind traveler like oops sorry i didn’t say that, but then like, resistance messenger runs up to the traveler and traveler and paimon use this us an excuse to fuck off
Kazuha conflict\ Reveal of the true reasons for Raiden Gokaden fall
turns out messenger is from Kazuha. we meet up with him. he’s in the city despite being fugitive bc he’s heard some maniac is killing ppl, searching for the last scion of the Isshin school bloodline
listen, i love kazuha and i overall like his story quest, but it ends up being more character development for the cursed sword, not kazuha. and like i get it, it’s hard to write conflict for Kazuha bc he’s already escaped samsara, he’s the sole receiver of all therapy in genshin, he rolls 20 on every Wisdom roll, etc etc. 
but that doesn’t mean we can’t explore his character more in depth and give him a conflict, even if his beliefs do not change as the result, but just better articulated.
We’re keeping the quest mostly same, as I said, I like it fine, it’s still about kazuha going on a therapy tour with the cursed sword, but with like. actual stakes
because in canon, when the sword says like oh, together we will have power to defeat raiden, its obviously not really a temptation for kazuha. bc like. the war is already over! kazuha has already won! AND he personally blocked legendary ublockable move that his friend dreamed of doing. why would he go back and fight raiden again?? it makes no sense
so it ends up being just like. kazuha psychoanalyzing cursed sword the entire time. which cool and all, but i want to play quest about kazuha and not the sword??
but, if it happens DURING the war, it’s much more impactful. this is not just revenge, there are lives on the line and no way to fight raiden. so when the sword is like I will give you power to stand up to raiden, then its not only in memory of his friend, but to protect the resistance. It is now a believable choice that can give Kazuha a pause, because situation is dire and they need every advantage they can get
this is also to rhyme with the Delusions motif, the “my own strength is not enough, so I must turn to the corrupted source of power for which i know i will pay”
of course, in the end kazuha decides to not give in to the cursed sword, bc he sees through its facade that the sword is actually weakening and falling apart, but also because he is narrative foil to both scara (scara believes in doing anything to gain power to pursue his obsession, even at great pain to himself, this is why he’s tied with delusions, and then in sumeru quest gets into dotorre’s torture mecha) AND raiden, which i think fandom largely misses. 
both Kazuha and Ei had friends and loving, supporting family, but were kinda sheltered and isolated from people. Ei because she was Makoto’s shadow and didn’t really interact with public, and Kazuha because he was an heir of a falling noble house and he was feeling trapped and focused on trying to live up to his own expectations and anxieties (this btw was beautifully dramatized in his domain in prev summer’s golden archipelago) 
both of them were quiet and kinda introverted, Ei allowing her sister take a central stage and Kazuha admitting that ppl with grand aspirations always captivated him, which obv references his friend. then, they lost everything in one fell swoop. 
Ei lost her friends in the cataclysm and then, her sister. Kazuha’s family died, and later he had to flee his estate, becoming fugitive and then his friend was killed in a duel with Raiden. they both had their small-ish isolated worlds and lost them violently 
and Raiden tried to catch the shards of her falling world and keep them in place, cover them in stasis, as if it could restore what was broken. She saw eternity as the lack of change and decided to never change herself. She closed off from the world, literally destroyed her physical body and isolated her mind in a little locked world, focused solely on “preserving” herself.
in contrast, Kazuha opened up to the world. He didn’t try to stop the winds of change, he followed them. One of this themes is being a part of the world, “One with wind and clouds”, “One with the nature”, “Life has just begun and maybe, the whole world can be my home,” this is why his kit heavily features element absorption and his character stories emphasize how he’s sharp, notices little details in surroundings, even has sharp sense of smell. 
He reached out to people instead of isolating himself, and so he found new friends, he saw the endless beauty in the bigger world even after his own cozy snowglobe was shattered. 
His theme is not only about being open to the world, but also bringing different elements together, and he’s the one who brings people in inazuma arc together. He brings traveler to Thoma, then through him Gorou reaches Beidou and the mercs, etc. this is why he is the one who blocks raiden. 
he is her foil precisely because he can let go and doesn’t let his grief blind him, he will fight her because she needs to be stopped, but not because he wants to take revenge or fore her to suffer. He is the breaker of cycles of pain, not perpetuator
so kazuha refuses, like in original, sword deteriorates more and more, and in the end, becomes weak, but regains memories about his creator in exile in snezhnaya. 
but, with the added twist to the scene where kazuha sees memories of the sword. In our version, Shogun instituted vision hunt decree because vision holding blade smith collaborated with fatui and led to the fall of Raiden Gokaden, 5 sword art schools. 
But now we learn that Kazuha’s ancestor who made this cursed sword, was this very vision-holding blade smith, and he never betrayed Inazuma, instead, he was slandered by Fatui and it was all Scara’s plan on his misguided revenge against Raiden Gokaden.
as in canon, Kazuha reforges the sword with the last shreds of its power. It does not hold its previous cursed strength anymore, but it is a last sword made in lost technique of Kazuha’s family tradition and he swears to restore it, just as he does in canon
Vision Loss exploration\ Yoimiya was always relevant
after this, paimon and traveler are like ugh, we don’t want to go back to yae, we don’t know the answer to symbol of transience puzzle and she will just mock us more. Lets go see how Yoimiya is doing instead!
ok so, I want to address what I see as a problem in how genshin handled vision loss. like obviously, vision loss stands for trauma. and “wow after their vision was taken, they turned into a completely different person” works as initial impression, bc often when someone you know changes drastically, it can feel this way
where this narrative fails is that it never explores further, bc all characters we meet with vision loss are random NPCs we see for 15 minutes, so it ends up being shallow “this guy was very kind and selfless before, but after losing vision he completely ignores ppl he helped with “new number who dis” response”, which like???
framing ppl who are already going through inner turmoil and struggle as like, complete strangers who are not themselves anymore and also completely lose positive qualities tied to their visions, is so tactless and wrong. It’s still the same person, no matter how drastically changed, and they need support, not demonization like “inherently incapable of caring about people after losing vision”.
this is why i think its better to focus on one character players know and care about instead of several NPCs no one gives a fuck about
so we go visit Yoi and meet her with her dad during discussion. it’s festival time and their family always made fireworks for it, they have several orders now too. But, due to Yoi being caught as part of resistance, her family was blacklisted and they can’t get necessary supplies to create fireworks, specifically like special chemical powder. 
so now, Yoi needs to go to all the clients and tell them there will be no fireworks for them for this festival.
Yoi’s dad is very supportive and doesn’t blame Yoi, but she still feels its her fault. She’s not a firecracker she was before, now quieter and harsher, and it does feel like she’s someone new, who traveler and paimon do not know.
we go to the clients to inform them with Yoi, and while doing so learn what fireworks meant for each of them. for some, it was friendship, how now matter how different their lives were, they would get together and celebrate with fireworks. for old couple, its ritual to celebrate their marriage and so on.
they are all sad, but understanding, and supportive and concerned about Yoi. she puts on brave face, but its obvious for the traveler that its hard for her to pretend to be fine.
on the way back, they have a convo about how its tacking a toll on Yoi, and how she feels bad, but also hopeless, and it also feels like something as joyous and frivolous as fireworks is meaningless in the middle of the war and vision hunt
we get back and find Yoi’s dad talking to customers. Its a refugee family, they explain that they live on another island, but once in a few years would visit Narukami for the festival and buy fireworks. They were forced to go to Narukami right now bc of the war, but since they are here already, they want at least something good to come out of it. And they have a cute little girl who is too young and never before saw fireworks and she’s sooooo excited, and the whole time they were running from their home they were consoling her by saying they go to Narukami to see the festival and the fireworks 
Yoi’s dad starts defeatedly explaining that unfortunately they cannot make fireworks right now, but Yoi interrupts him, and for a moment she’s her old self, bright and joyful, she reassures the little girl that its okay, they will have fireworks for sure, and these will be the prettiest fireworks ever!
family leaves, excited, and Yoi drops the facade. she wasn’t “cured” in a moment, but she is determined 
traveler and paimon are like - oh but how will we get fireworks??
Yoi is like “tenryo commission has this confiscated powder in their warehouse and we are raiding it, bc this little girl is getting her family fireworks if its the last fucking thing i do”
bc she realized, viscerally, that actually, fireworks will be more meaningful now BECAUSE of the dark and uncertain times, not despite of them, and whether its someone childhood OR last years of life, time is fleeting and impossible to get back, so giving people joy and hope is more important than ever
she’s not “healed”, she’s not back to her old self yet, but we see that there’s still spark in her and hope for recovery, even if she struggles, and deep down she is still same kind and caring Yoi we’ve met at the start
we do the warehouse domain, fight, do puzzles, get powder, Yoi and her dad make fireworks, we watch basically same cutscene as of the end of Yoi’s first quest now, with ppl looking up at the sky and seeing fireworks and Yoi and traveler watching from the hill.
at which point i want to mention that like, despite some part of fandom calling canon Yoi irrelevant, she always supported inazuma themes, which i will illustrate by using the dialogue from the quest verbatim and showing how i don’t even need to rewrite it to make it fit
Yoimiya: It was by chance that I happened to be born into the Naganohara family, so it was by chance that I ended up learning this craft from my pops.
Yoimiya: It's also by chance that I've met so many people, learned so many things, and discovered that people associate watching fireworks with the things that are most precious to them. 
Yoimiya: Fireworks that disappear in a flash of light are probably the furthest thing away from the eternity that our Shogun desires. 
Yoimiya: But people's feelings don't just disappear, and it's those feelings that give fireworks their purpose. If nobody wanted to watch fireworks, then they wouldn't exist.
Traveler: That's another kind of eternity.
boom! Yoimiya was always a representation of transience philosophy, hoyo just didn’t dramatize it properly and without transience explored during main quest, she felt like she doesn’t belong, while she was an actual Inazuma spiritual end game goal all along.
Makoto Reveal
anyway. traveler, pauses, repeats themselves. “Another kind of eternity... Eternity in fleeting things, because people’s dreams give them meaning...”
they get up and run to yae, looking determined, confused paimon following behind
“i know the answer,“ traveler tells to yae and she smirks, leads them to the puzzle stones near Sakura
“So, show me the symbol of transience“
but instead of fiddling with the stones, traveler gestures at the sakura petals, gliding on the wind and people watching theim
“This is the eternity in transience“
yae chuckles in delight “oh, finally, i thought you’ll never get it. How could be fleeting dreams be captured in stone puzzles?”
paimon is like ooooh is this why you led us around eating ramen and shopping? you were not just fucking around on our money, you wanted to make us think about enjoying momentary fleeting things?
yae gives her signature facetious response like oh of course how could you think i was scamming, how ungrateful of you etc etc, but its clear that she both actually was trying to give a hint AND enjoyed scamming them for free stuff
then she gets quieter, says pensively “but it seems the company of your friends was better help with figuring it out... She always did say that we immortals cannot understand beauty of transience the way humans do...”
paimon and traveler are like “She???”
thats when the cutscene revealing that there were two shoguns and that raiden’s sister died at the cataclysm plays. nothing much to add here, i think the existing cutscene works well, but because in canon it’s played AFTER raiden’s defeated, it feels a bit weird, like post-factum excuse.
like raiden goes oh well ok, i’ll get rid of vision hunt decree, by the way i had a twin sister who died, like?? i think pacing-wise its better to learn why raiden is Like That before “punch her until she changes her mind” fight than after she had already changed her mind
so, paimon is like ooooh, so this is why it seemed that raiden changed so much! she didn’t change, we just saw the ideas of the first shogun
yae is like yes, ei’s grief for her sister and differences in their views is important for you to understand for when you will try to change her mind in her hikikomori mind palace
Storming the palace\ Signora interlude
then yae does the ok lets get Kojou Sara quests, which I don’t really feel like changing, bc like. it does its job fine enough. we need to establish that tenryou commission was corrupted and working with fatui AND that kujou sara will go against her only family for justice
the ayato infiltrating like 5 rebellion guys with gorou and kazuha to take the palace is kinda dumb logistically, but tbh this is not game of thrones. genshin works mostly on anime logic where things happen bc its cool and fitting for the character\narrative beats. making actually realistic attack plan i feel like would be too long, complex and derail from the storyline, so i’d say lets keep it roughly same
What I’m gonna change is Signora cameo. And by change I mean remove it completely. I spent a lot of time trying to make her death work, but it just doesn’t. She has nothing to do with Inazuma story or themes, shows up for 2 seconds and dies immediately. This is a shitshow, like, we’d need to derail whole archon quest to insert her and it still wouldn’t be good. 
if Signora has to be dead for like, the strategic plot reasons, here is my version of how it should go down
ok but we need an opportunity for raiden to do her one hit boob kill move, and how are we gonna do this if we remove Signora?
easy, sara confronts her tenryuo adoptive dad in front of raiden. like, rn she runs to him, he has a speech about how he basically doesn’t care about raiden herself, but really only worships the Boob Nuke. he gets defeated and then sara runs off to raiden and gets knocked out off-screen, like??? this is so awkward. what the fuck is the point
instead, sara is like right now is the time when Tenryuo chief is reporting to raiden, we need to tell her he’s lying to her!
we follow sara to the palace and confront tenryuo dude in front of raiden. he’s like you have no proof u insolent girl and this is after everything i’ve done for u! 
sara challenges him to a duel before the throne and raiden agrees. 
we fight the dude and defeat him. he launches into basically same unhinged speech, but now raiden is here to hear it. 
She realizes that even those who she considered the most loyal of her servants worship not her, but her power, because she removed herself from inazuma and all people know of her is to fear the Boob Nuke. this is a important step in her development that we will explore a bit later
then she annihilates him which i think is much more thematically relevant bc he died from the same blade he worshipped
then, raiden is like well, i’ve dealt with a traitor, but don’t think that it gets YOU off the hook, a criminal is a criminal and I’ll destroy you
then we duel, bc like. her using boob sword at the start of battle is thematically wrong. its a finisher, a kill move. in the first duel she used it at the end. she needs to charge her burst first, you know
so, we go to the plane of euthemiya and fight. it basically goes the same, first traveler has elements disabled, then wishes of inazuma people awaken and empower them.
raiden is shaken, but not convinced. bc this is the Gives a Fuck raiden, it’s not that she didn’t know her people had ambitions, tho she could underestimate them, its that she thought these ambitions can only lead them to ruin and she, as an arbiter of eternity who sacrificed her body to lock her mind in a sword and evade “corruption“, is the one who knows best.
she rallies up and counter-attacks. similar scene as in the first duel happens, she throws traveler to the real world and follows, readying the kill move
and thats when kazuha blocks her 
i think in canon this isn’t given appropriate weight for raiden. bc like. that was her legendary UNBLOCKABLE strike. she one-shot gods and monsters with it. this was her personal proof of perfection, she knows she might not be a philosopher and leader like her sister, but she is The best warrior. like if you want to change her mind, you have to fight her in a duel, her mastery of sword is how she justifies that she’s right to herself
and now a mortal blocked her most perfect move
and not just any mortal! She recognizes the style of the blade he wields. Isshin blade, even though Isshin art died as Raiden Gokaden schools fell
she asks him how did he get this blade and he tells her the truth he learned from the cursed sword
her people never betrayed her. instead, she was mislead by the fatui and pushed her own subjects into running away to the enemies because they didn’t believe she would listen and be merciful to them
the worst thing is that she knows they were right. she would not have been merciful.
and now she watches the bitter irony of how her eternity crumbles.
tenryuo commission, who she thought of her most loyal and closest servants, upholding laws and traditions, in truth were corrupted from the inside, tradition nothing but a hollow form, a fake shape kept just to appease her, with no true soul or meaning, lusting only after power
but the last scion of the clan she though betrayed her, an exile and criminal, a vagabond and pirate, is the one who embodied isshin art she thought lost wholeheartedly, the one who preserved the last true blade of his school. the one who blocked her strike that she thought of as the truest.
and with the vision of a man she had once already defeated in a duel
with all of that, with countless visions rallying up to support an outlander against their own god, with the proof that even killing rebels would be useless because ambitions of the dead will be picked up and reignited again by the living, with proof of the corruption rotting in her government, she cannot see herself in the right anymore
this is why she lifts the vision hunt decree
Raiden’s First Story Quest 
I think there’s general agreement in fandom, even among raiden fans, that her first story quest is one of the worst in game. its so boring and pointless. you go on a date with raiden and then she fights some nerd in a duel. who gives a fuck.
it also takes for granted that all players even WANT to hang out with raiden, which like, at this point she was only a giant dick to everyone around and not everyone is a boob worshipper. for people who already disliked her, being forced to babysit her around and take her photos only feels more annoying and antagonizing
Again, our main change in characterization for raiden is that she actually gives a fuck. like, in canon her country is on the brink of complete collapse after civil war and fatui schemes, 2 out of 3 commissions are barely functional, her robot-sona is malfunctioning the storm, and she not only does not give a fuck, but traveler has to jump through hoops to get to her. and she just goes on a date, trying sweets and light novels. like. guuuuurl. come on, get a grip for 5 fucking minutes and do your damn job. we had to randomly stumble into tenryuo nerd being bullied for her to take ANY part in inazuma’s politics
so, logical thing to do for Raiden Who Gives a Fuck is to go out and try to sort out mess she’s now learnt her country was turned into. 
like, she summons traveler and goes hey, i know we’re not exactly on bestest terms, but I need to root out corruption and fatui’s shit specifically, and i don’t trust my government officials right now, so i need your help in being a guide bc i haven’t left the room in 500 years. 
kujou sara is also there since raiden deemed her trustworthy bc sara was the one who exposed tenryuo corruption to her
i got an ask about how canonically Kanjou commission was in a vulnerable state due to commerce falling with sakoku decree,  and so they could be an easy first foothold for fatui to get themselves into the country, and i think raiden quest would be a good place to explore it, while she’s investigation corruption.
i’m not gonna write the whole plot, it doesn’t really matter, the main points is that raiden sees isolation actually doesn’t protect her ppl, but harms them, that when ppl are not allowed to do smth that they want, they will turn to illegal and much more harmful ways instead, for which delusions are an allegory.
raiden can still do fluffy stuff like trying mango milkshakes or whatever, but while going from one commission to another instead of just wandering around on a date
tenruyo nerd can also be there if hoyo wants to include him for some reason. they can even have same useless duel with raiden at the end that makes her appoint him head of commission
Kujou Sara
as I said, Sara is also there, going with raiden on investigation, showing her competence, until its clear that she’s the sole hinge on which entire tenryuo commission depends.
raiden praises her for her loyalty, and Sara, incredibly earnest and grateful, explains her backstory, how she was a kid falling to her death from a mountain while enemies were storming it, and how she received vision during the fall and thus survived, so she now not only owes her life to raiden, but can’t imagine better cause to serve, as clearly, raiden is omnipotent and all knowing and caring enough to save an insignificant tengu child like her
raiden frowns. she does not grant visions herself, in fact, she is not even aware when electro visions are granted - this is canon btw, it’s from raiden’s own voicelines.
tenryuo nerd sees that raiden is about to speak up, and even though he obv doesn’t know vision secrets, he realizes from her expression alone that she’s about to contradict sara’s story
he interrupts her, apologizes profusely, but takes her aside and begs her to not say to sara anything that can shake her loyalty, because again, this commission is going to crumble without her. These are temoulteous times and they need sara the most, raiden can tell her whatever she wants after inazuma is stabilized
but the thing is that being truly honorable is supposed to be raiden’s redeeming grace. she might be stubborn and inflexible, ruthless and inept, but she is straightforward and honorable, she cannot accept loyalty given on false premises, and we need to show that in action
raiden tells sara bluntly that she did not give her a vision, that she was not aware that sara was in risk of death at all
sara is shaken. her world crumbles before her. this is not just bc of her own vision and life that she thought she owed, but in fact, did not. no, much more it’s about vision hunt decree. its about all the people she was sent after, talked to them and their crying families for hours, telling them that this is for their own good, that shogun knows better, sara herself is an example, is a proof. it’s about all the people she didn’t convince and had to take their visions by force, comforting herself in the knowledge that she personally might not understand shogun’s plan, but what she knows is that is infallible.
and now it turns out it’s not true at all.
this, she cannot take. she asks raiden to free her from service. and bc again, raiden is honorable, even knowing the damage it will do, she lets sara go.
after that, she shows up in events and side quests, showing her on a journey to find herself.
we see her in yae miko’s story quest, protecting ppl from the guy who was possessed by the oni spirit, and later, watching yokai spirits dance in the skies and yearning
we see her in an event with a ghost umbrella, being strict and cross with yokai kids for causing so much ruckus, but secretly fond and protective of them, and playing off her funny rivalry with itto
we see her in itto’s quest, in a part where traveler asks ppl about itto’s character, and she’s being fair, says that he might be an idiot and hooligan, but he would never harm or kidnap innocent ppl
we see her in irodori festival, organizing the community, bc she knows how to do it and she’s good at it and *someone* has to (and bc she cares about ppl without any order telling her to)
then, she’s in kokomi quest, bc kokomi asks her to be present at negotiations, bc she’s the only one from tenryuo in whose honor kokomi can really trust. sara tells her that she has no official standing anymore, but kokomi asks her to be there anyway. later, when dishonesty from tenryuo side is revealed and sara helps to stop the ppl who are trying to sabotage negotiations, kokomi asks sara to vouch for what happened in report to raiden, so that this is not blamed on watatsumi and fair deal can be cut
sara says again that raiden has no reason to listen to her and take the worse deal just on her word. and yet, after a couple of days, report comes back. raiden listens to sara’s word and does not force watatsumi to accept the bad conditions. we can see this affecting sara, her being conflicted
sara\kokomi shippers, ur welcome btw
then, raiden’s second story quest. it starts as of now. we accept commission to deal with abyss wolves spawning, go to the mountain of sacred sakura. but instead of just meeting raiden, we first see kujou sara.
she’s there to protect people because this is who she is, this is the ambition that summoned her vision to begin with, and no lies and manipulations can change that.
like at the beginning of her story, she’s on the mountain, protecting her home from the enemies
like at the beginning, she falls and survives the fall, but she’s too injured and about to be killed by the wolves
but this time, inazuma’s archon has not locked herself in a room.
raiden appears, destroying the wolves and saving sara. this time, she is not just an idea based on false belief of a child. she is there in flesh to finally take action that sara believed she was doing so many years ago.
as in canon, raiden says that she will fight the monsters alone, bc its her duty to protect inazuma.
and this is when sara pledges her allegiance to raiden again.
raiden tells her that her saving sara’s life does not mean that sara now owes that life to her, as raiden’s duty is to protect all of her people
but this is not why sara wants to follow her now. finally, she sees real raiden and not childish illusion of an omnipotent goddess who always knows better. but real raiden is honest, honorable, and despite being strongheaded and often misguided, someone who cares deeply for her ppl and is driven by the same goal to protect as sara
sara tells this to her, asserting that she will not serve her out of obligation or with blind loyalty like before, that she will now think critically and question and tell raiden if she believes she;s wrong, but she will believe in her nonetheless as long as raiden cares about inazuma over herself
raiden says that then they will share an eternity in service of inazuma people, as they should
as sara is injured, raiden sends her to organize evacuation instead of fighting, and quest goes on as in canon
sara\raiden shippers, ur welcome btw
Ancient Sakura Blooms Again
I don’t want to change much else about raiden’s second quest, bc its already pretty fucking good and manages to speedrun raiden’s character development in 45 minutes.
instead, all of my rewrite is meant to be a setup to establish both raiden’s conflict and makoto’s personality and philosophy beforehand, instead of getting infodump from old man ghost in 1.5 scenes
this way, raiden coming to accept the eternity as transience is natural progression instead of speedrun and makoto’s appearance has bigger impact, since she was haunting the narrative from the start and we came to know about her gradually
also, irodori festival can go pretty much the same. scara being behind raiden gokaden fall is now more significant, bc for our version it was inazuma’s inciting incident, and now just like. random lore bit.
also, both raiden and yae miko show up in comedic cameos during festival, but after they learn it was scara, there is a brief serious scene as raiden realizes that while she was blaming fatui for corrupting inazuma, it was only possible bc she neglected her own creation, which is a metaphor for inazuma’s isolation as a whole. she doesn’t explain that ofc, just looks striken
“i thought i’m giving him peace...“
“i’ve told you we should’ve destroyed that puppet“, yae miko spits out (she did canonically wanted to off scara after raiden decided he’s not fit for gnosis bc he cried)
ofc, we won’t give proper backstory before sumeru, but it would be a nice tease that will get deeper meaning once we do know, and also illustrate that both raiden’s solipsistic abandonment and yae miko burning bridges instead of dealing with ppl is not great governing strategies
also, irodori has additional ayaka storyline about how she got involved in all this investigation stuff as a distraction to get away from the house bc ayato asked her to wear family jewels for the festival finale and she sold them in act 2, but she’s too afraid to tell it to ayato
finally, after learning of kazuha’s family keeping secrets from each other that hurt them in the long run, she finally gets brave enough to tell ayato what she did
he stops her mid-sentence and tells her to go check the chests
she’s confused, but obeys. she runs back holding the jewelry, being like oh my god what?? how is that back?? did u buy it back??? did u know the entire time???
of course he knew the entire time. he’s proud of her. he only wished she trusted him enough to ask for his help directly.
you didn’t use the commission funds for this, right? ayaka hesitates for a second and ayato laugh.
of course not. why would he need to steal from commission when there are so many fatui assassins to loot
oh, i always knew you wouldn’t. wait what....
ayato’s quest i’d rewrite completely. he’s still manipulate mansplain manslut, but in better political machinations then sabotaging a wedding of npcs and giving hannibal lector speeches to random goons
we’ve scorched out inazuma’s corruption in raiden first quest, now is the time to restructure and modernize commissions which were gutted by said corruption, for which raiden assembles yae, sara, traveler and ayato, who is the head of only commission that did not sell out to fatui
ayato and yae miko are incredibly petty cunts to each other in a very smiley passive aggressive manner, but they team up to come up with devious machinations for the greater good
sara is there not only for military expert role, but also to speak up for the common ppl which she is finally closer to, and to ground the schemers
raiden sometimes thoughtfully says “why don’t we duel them to death?“ as solution to many problems, and when everyone yells no, shrugs
overall, its kinda rough going and obvious that there are a lot of problems ahead, but also clear that inazuma did change and grew, raiden is no longer a solipsistic tyrant and she has a diverse council she listens to and actively engages with her country’s problems
btw, in ayato vs yae miko schemes off he gets to win and be smug bc its his birthday story quest
Yoimiya’s second story quest
Yoi’s second quest is already v good and obv has a lot of soul in it, i wouldn’t change too much, except for the premise
bc this quest is the reason i decided to make vision loss plotline at all. bc this quest is already perfectly written to be culmination of that plot line, and frankly, gets a lot of ??? without it
like, it starts bc yoi just randomly decides to go on vacation to wish on falling stars. like ok i guess. and she’s like i didnt really care but the whole village really got into it and want me to see it, so i’m doing it for them. like?? why would they be invested in random vacation like that?? mb ok they just love yoi
but then traveler goes to nahida and she’s like sorry, meteor showers happen like once in 200 years. but traveler and paimon are very insistent that they have have to do it for you, they can’t disappoint her. when like. its a random vacation! and yoi is not a type of person to be like ugh i didn’t get to see falling stars, my trip is RUINED
but no, they beg nahida to help like its big deal, and nahida agrees to involve aranara, despite no adult being able to see aranara is a big deal in lore. and then they have a whole conversation about is it ethical to trick yoi into believing this meteor shower is real if it’s just a dream, even if she’ll learn truth later, when like.... it’s a vacation????? she’s just there to have fun???? why are you all so serious
basically, beginning of this quest makes little sense, bc it has no actual stakes until girl in a wheelchair shows up, but narrative treats it very seriously when like “yoi has fun on vacation“ is the only stated goal for the start
BUT, if taken as part of vision loss story, everything snaps into place.
after vision hunt ended, visions were returned to their owners. but not all of them reignited on the spot, and Yoimiya is one of the people whose vision did not activate
and is it any surprise? after all she’s seen in a war, all she’s been through, how could she go back to believing that the world is a good and happy place, in the inherent wonder and joy of it?
her vision stayed grey and silent in her hands. she feels bad and guilty that she can’t be happy go lucky as before, when her father and all of the villagers care so much about her
they nudge her to go on a trip to see the falling stars, inspiration for fireworks, in hopes it will remind her of why she loved them so much before
this is the stakes, this is why inazuma ppl care, why traveler cares enough to ask nahida and why nahida would be moved to break tradition and let yoi interact with aranara, why they have this long convo about if it’s right to trick yoi. bc f it’s about reigniting her belief in world’s miracles, then yeah, it makes a lot more sense to worry about truth of it
not only this, but the disabled girl turns from just random npc to a mirror parallel to yoi. both of them were harshly and suddenly hurt by the world, both lost will to live. and the kicker is that yoi is going along bc she feels bad and bc her family and friends are worrying about her, but she only *really* get into this when she meets this girl
because this is what she was always about, not just happy go lucky girl, but a gold koi, a light of happiness and luck talisman for other people, especially for kids. for this girl, she will believe is the wishing stars
of course, her vision reignites when in aranara dreamland she takes girl’s hand and jumps onto the falling stars to fly across the sky. because it’s not about how the world is cruel. its about how good we can be to each other. what if it’s just a shared dream? We find the greatest joys in mortal life in fleeting dreams, for is life itself not like the shadow of the thunder? Pursue your dreams into the clouds if you wish
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claryshifts · 5 months ago
Making American Horror Story DRs "Safe"
I'll update this with each season I watch! Most of this will focus on one of the "Evans" bc I know a lot of yall horny bastards wanna hop on him (real) Each section will have an "ultra safe" paragraph and a "safe as possible?" paragraph. idk -Murder House: Option One: The house isn't possessed or whatever you want to call it. Hell, you don't even have to live in it. Though Tate has problems with his mom (that adds a lot to his character, so I'd still 'keep that'), he's never had terrible thoughts of doing what he did at that school or any other gross things. I personally would still 'script out' the self-harm. Wouldn't want my partner to suffer that Option Two: If you still want that ghostly experience, then sure, by all means, live in the haunted house. but maybe cut out the satan part... Also script the ghosts don't have shitty timing (they don't bother you in the bathroom or when you're sleeping, for ex). If you want Tate as a ghost and not alive, still, don't date a ghost mass yknow what  😭  😭  BONUS: instead of tate, date violet 🥰🥰 -Asylum: Option One: You can live a nice quiet life with Kit. it's the 60s though, so if you're fem/poc/lgbt/etc, keep that in mind. whenever I go to a reality in the past I script I don't get bored without technology lol Option Two: have fun at the asylum, ig, boo. If you want some edgy lore, pls don't script you're a psycho killer or something omg 😭. Script none of the people in charge inflect punishments on you. If you really wanna get freaky in that musty place, script you don't get caught... and that its not all musty... -Coven: I got a lot to say bc I think Imma make a script for this too haha Option One: no scary demon devils or whatever. Uh, Kyle isn't treated like a sex object???? Nothing bad happens to Nan (she deserves better). If Kyle has to die (that sounds so weird to say) for your lore or whatever, don't purposely give him a traumatizing experience. this isn't a fan fic,, that's your REALITY. Honestly you could just script you're a silly little witch hanging out in New Orleans and call it a day. Madison isn't annoying af. No Axe Man. LaLaurie being Queenie's "slave" was deserved but maybe just script her 'out' altogether... Option Two: Okay, so you want the drama. Have the drama! Still no demon devils though cuz that does NOT sound fun. Script you and the people you care about are all safe from harm. If Kyle HAS to go through that terrible experience (I'm his biggest defender as you can tell), at least keep Madison and Zoe away or at bay bc seeing them fight over a guy who can't even say "food" and OBVIOUSLY can't verbally consent was so uncomfy, for me at least. -Freak Show: Option One: no scary clowns. The "freaks" aren't treated like shit. Neal Patrick Harris doesn't show up with his puppet??? No one is trying to make money off of the freaks. None of them are murdered or harmed. Option Two: Ig if you still want the plot they still have to be treated pretty shitty. Still would apply everything else though, as well as the fact nothing happens to you.
-Hotel: Option One: Ok look James March. Wonderful man. Make him NOT a serial killer omg. If you get with him I'm convinced a relationship with him would be straight up Morticia and Gomez uishfuihfjsf I want him so bad. Anyway, if he's your man keep the countess off your back, if you keep her there at all. I wouldn't recommend making yourself a ghost bc idk WTFFF that would mean for you spiritually. You could be sexy March's sexy human partner. Or the countess' partner. Anyone's partner. but alive. Um no 10 commandment killings of any sort, and no vampire children???
Option Two: ngl idk how else to put this?? idk if there should be an option 2 ;-;
Currently on Roanoke! this season is so boring I might not write anything for it
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destinysbounty · 1 year ago
Ok how do u explain Lloyds hair color. Bc I'm pretty sure blonde hair isn't a dominant gene, and both of Lloyds parents have brown hair. Did he bleach it??? How??? Where would he get those resources he's like 8 in S1 and also homeless. Actually on that note what color do u think the FSM's hair was. Because ONE of the siblings has a different one than him. I've always thought the FSM's hair was blonde, bc when it greys out it's so pale, and also because angst in the way of Garmadon being different from his family from the start, but like. How would Garm have gotten the brown hair. Do they have a mom or did the FSM perform mitosis???? AND ALSO Garmadon's hair whites out and doesn't grey out despite him being a brunette (and later having black hair but that's bc of the Venom Influence) so. What's up with that. Also why does Wu's hair go white so early we know he was born with blonde hair. And why doesn't it apply to Lloyd too. What's happening. Where am I.
Right off the bat, lets dispel a common genetics misconception. Yes, its true that when a dominant and recessive gene get paired up, the dominant gene will be presented. You're also correct that blonde is recessive and brown is dominant. However! Like all things in biology, its a bit more complicated than that.
To simplify a surprisingly complicated science to the best of my ability, think of it like this. Although you will typically present based on whatever is the most dominant genes you inherited, you are still a carrier of sorts for the recessive genes. So Garmadon has brown hair, but his father and brother are both blonde, which means he has the potential to be a carrier for the blonde gene.
Then there's Misako, who is also a brunette. We don't know what her parents looked like, but lets say one of them was blonde. Even if she presents as brunette, she could still carry the recessive blonde gene.
When both parents are carriers for the same recessive gene, there's generally gonna be a 1 in 4 chance of their child presenting recessive rather than dominant. So, if we assume one of Misako's ancestors was blonde, then Lloyd being blonde is entirely likely.
This is a depressingly oversimplified summary of the situation, but I'm too lazy to get into the nitty grittys. Feel free to look up 'punnett squares' if you wanna learn more!
You do present a fascinating question, though: where did Garmadon get his brown hair?
Scientifically, the only explanation I can think of would be if Wu and Garm had a birth-mother of some kind. But i personally don't like that explanation because it just makes canon way more complicated than it needs to be. Tangentially, I'm also an "FSM Asexually Reproduced" truther all the way. I refuse to consider the possibility of the FSM having procreated with another person. That man either laid an egg or did some kinda mitosis shenanigan and you absolutely cannot convince me otherwise.
Luckily, we have the luxury of considering nonscientific alternatives.
To understand a more magic- and lore-based approach to the question of the hair colors present int his family, let's first take a look at the family tree:
FSM - blonde (as far as we can guess, at least). Half-dragon, half-oni. Also has godly powers of Creation and Destruction.
Garmadon - brunette. Has inherited the powers of Destruction.
Wu - blonde. Has inherited powers of Creation.
Lloyd - blonde. Has inherited a power very similar to the FSM, in that it's Creation-adjacent (listen, if you have a better way to describe Green fucking Energy, then by all means correct me).
Do you see where I'm going with this? Within the context of the FSM and his bloodline, it would not be entirely unreasonable to assume that blonde hair is in some way affiliated with the draconic half of their bloodline, whereas brown hair is more so affiliated with the oni half of their bloodline. So an individual's hair color may not necessarily be determined solely by standard genetics like a normal human would, but rather by which part of their bloodline they take after more strongly.
In this interpretation, Lloyd being blonde can be seen as a visual shorthand to represent how he has taken more so after his uncle/grandfather in terms of powerset and moral alignment.
Personally, I think both of these explanations are equally valid. That being said, it should be noted that a lot of this discussion operates on the assumption that Ninjagian genetics work in any way similar to ours. For all we know, blonde could be the in-universe dominant trait and brown could be recessive. The possibilities are endless.
I mean, c'mon. It's a fantasy story where the world was created by spinning around really fast. Lloyd canonically has shapeshifting powers, for crying out loud. I feel like him being blonde is completely within the realm of possibility, even without the scientific explanation. I feel like holding this series to any standard of scientific fidelity is just downright silly.
Anyway, thanks for the ask! Hope those answers were to your liking <3
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