#and she was a badass bitch
taliahale · 5 months
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in my mind, talia escapes the pressures of being raised as the alpha successor or right hand of the legendary Hale pack by meeting an italian man in college and running away with him
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beargyufairy · 8 months
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Lucy knows she ATE and left no crumbs 😫😫
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lucienarcheron · 7 months
The idea that some people still think Nesta’s main traits are supposed to be bitchy, mean, and a hater…idk what to tell you but the whole point of her healing journey is to not be those things because all it did was hurt everyone around her and herself.
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spongynova · 2 months
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low qual sorry
silly doodles in the background of a project, the brainworms were too strong to not share it
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tvckerwash · 6 months
you know, an interpretation of ct that I don't see that I personally really love is that she's a fuck up. like yes she's cool and she has some good fight scenes, but a huge part of her character is that she makes mistakes. the mistakes that she makes are ones that on their own aren't the end of the world, but she keeps making these little mistakes, and they eventually add up until she's out of room to make any more.
a really good example of this phenomenon in action is the actions she took leading up to her final confrontation with carolina and tex.
strike one, she thought she saw something in the water, but when asked by the leader what it was, she brushed it off as nothing when even if it had been nothing, it would've been smart to tell him what she thought she saw.
strike two, she didn't sense or notice florida's presence when the leader did, and she looks at the leader twice, once as she pulled out her magnums, and again after she did a scan of the room, almost like she was looking at him for guidance before he finds florida and takes him out with one good axe throw.
strike three, she couldn't convince the leader to leave when they had the chance to get away, and her cheap tricks were not enough to hold off either tex or carolina in a fight. they were only good for incapacitating her opponents enough for her to get away, which doesn't work when she has no escape.
ct is not tex, or carolina, or south. she is not a one woman army who can get herself out of trouble when she's stuck in tough situations. she needs people who can watch her back, she need a team who can cover her when she does mess up, and the leader and his team were not those people. she couldn't bring herself to trust them, and they couldn't bring themselves to trust her, and that cost all of them their lives.
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #133
Morgan Stark discovers the joke format, "__, __, and __ walk into a bar..." 
She doesn't quite get the concept, but she enjoys it. And, like most children, when she enjoys something she becomes absolutely obsessed with it.
Morgan: A spider, the spider's aunt, and a grumpy walk into the house!
Happy: Morgan that's not how that works
Peter: I dunno, you do seem more like a Grumpy than a Happy :)
Morgan: A princess, her bestest brother ever, and their cyborg chef walk into the kitchen.
Tony: You can just say you want pancakes, Mo.
Peter, tearing up: That's Princess Mo to you.
It becomes an inside joke that the whole family uses. 
Tony when Peter cuts off his coffee supply: (gasp) A genius, his robot minions, and a hater walk into the lab.
Peter, not even missing a beat: A genius, his son, and his robot children who agree with the son walk out of the lab and in to their beds.
Tony, so completely endeared every time Peter calls himself his son he can barely protest: I- I- now wait just a second...
Teen Morgan, upon finding her brother and MJ making out on the couch: Eughh! An intern, the goddess way out of his league, and the amount of space reserved for Jesus between them walk out of the shared living space.
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vesselforsatin · 2 years
Eddie thinks that Nancy and Steve are getting back together. He sees their heads pressed together and laughing while smiling at each other. Wayne comes home to find Eddie laying on the floor and blasting “Jolene” on repeat. He goes about his business while his nephew sings the lyrics into the rug in between mumbled curses at the concept of love.
Turns out Steve and Nancy are not getting back together. They were actually bonding how hot they think Sigourney Weaver is and giggling about how she reminds them of their respective crushes. Eddie finds this out after Wayne calls Nancy to come talk some sense into him after the fourteenth repeat of “I Will Always Love You.”
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simplykorra · 2 years
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beatrice + every episode - episode 6: "isaiah 30:20-21"  
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undercooked-icicle · 2 months
Ideas for Inside Out 3:
White guilt.
Girl boss.
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annamariedarkholmes · 6 months
lmao i feel like i should have been way more excited during the initial relaunch announcements
but it really speaks to how gatekeepy the loudest parts of fandom became and how mistreated certain characters (ie those not part of the chosen pet fav circlejerk on x-tw*tter, which would matter less if it weren’t a vacuum reinforced by the actual x-office) were under outgoing editorial these last five years that even a post-krakoa announcement of my girl finally:
-headlining a flagship
-with an incredible writer and artist team
-the possibility of rogue finally having enjoyable interactions with remy and kurt
-under new editorial (that hasn’t said inflammatory things about said character in interviews afaik)??
still kinda had me like
…still not pre-ordering. i’ll see for myself in august” 👉👈
and then literally all it took was gail simone’s cbr mini q&a to alleviate everything i was paranoid about
(ie worried that rogue and gambit were only finally getting attention due to corporate knowing they sell/mcu synergy (cough r&g 2.0) while editorial themselves actively hates and sidelines them, that remy might be a punching bag joke once again, that dull - and mostly yt - sausage fest of a proposed line-up, r&g 2.0/uncanny avengers/duggan’s x-men/excalibur fatigue, general saltiness from the inferno exclusion and basic removal from her mothers’ lives)
and basically i now say
bring it!!!!
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waverlyyhaught · 4 months
You know, the Mafin scene today could be the start of their reconciliation. I think this tweet (google translated below) is spot on and I can totally see this happening: Mafin discussion is coming, with Fina complaining to Marta that why she ignores her, that she doesn't even look at her and behaves as if nothing had happened between them. Marta says something to her like "do you know why I don't look at you? because if I look at you, I'm going to lose my composure. If I look into your eyes all I'm going to want is to caress you and kiss you and know that I can't. That's why I don't look at you, so as not to fall into temptation and not let it show how much I love you and that I can't forget you, no matter how hard I try, so I prefer not to look at you, it's easier to cope with that immense pain. I feel immensely inside for not being able to be with you." Source: gini__us on Twitter I picture a busy Marta working late in her office and an upset Fina confronting her there. Or another late night run in in the kitchen? Marta is there first, Fina walks in, Marta tries to leave but Fina grabs her arm, etc. The second option is less likely but I've been wanting another Mafin kitchen scene so that's more wishful thinking. What do y'all think?
Also, Jaime said today that he has a conference in however many days so there's finally hope for some Mafin alone time!!
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bloos-bloo · 9 months
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Slay Queen
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beargyufairy · 8 months
The Start The End
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cursedvida · 4 months
The hate on Mae is misogyny and i’m not gonna elaborate srry nt srry.
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cuntstable · 2 months
idk if i ever said this publically btw but when game of thrones last season flopped and everyone hated it i was CELEBRATING. because i mean the show was always flawed right but a few seasons earlier they butchered my sweetiepie sansa completely as a character and since everyone except the faithful sansa warriors hated her no one gaf. so i was rooting for its downfall and the dissapointment of everyone else from that point onwards because i was like 17? and full of hate. though i mean if it happened again now id probably also celebrate but more so just bc its funny and not for pure hate. though id still enjoy it because well a rose by another name would still have hater tendencies
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mariegreen-2000 · 1 year
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( found on JJ Conway’s twitter account )
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