#and she knows hes peculiar... BUT SHE DOESNT KNOW HOW
gorillaxyz · 2 days
i support her crush on link because he seems like a very sweet boy who would treat her right
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hearties-circus · 1 year
Just watched black dahlias story and g-d what a delight! I didnt think I could fall harder for her !
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nickeverdeen · 9 months
heya! can i request a HC for umbrella academy?
where five has a crush on reader but shes an airhead and doesnt figure it out, BUT, allison and viktor know so one day they catch five staring at reader and they point it out which leads to five getting embarrassed and looking away hella fast- idk where im going with this.... pretty much loverboy five with a crush on airhead reader 😭
thank u, stay hydrated!!
Hope you’ll like it! Please tell me if I wrote something wrong as I’m not really sure how an airheads usually act. Anyways I tried my best and I hope you’ll like it, love you 🫶💚
Five = blue text
Allison = pink text
Viktor = purple text
Five Hargreeves crushing on an airhead fem!reader
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When Five first started interacting with you he started warming up towards you pretty quickly
You became friends or well… that’s what you considered him as he prefered to keep it as allies
Obviously that didn’t work
You on the other hand were just really glad that you got a friend
Despite his logical thinking, Five can’t help but be intrigued by your carefree and whimsical nature
It’s like small a mystery even he can’t solve
Five, being used to dealing with complex problems, is often baffled by the your scattered thoughts and blindness towards people who were trying to flirt with you
That is also one of the things he kidna also likes about you
It is pretty amusing to him
Five, in his own peculiar way, becomes protective of you
Yet you brush it off thinking it’s just him being protective towards you like towards his family
Being an airhead means that you also have an insight of some things
So when Five notices he starts to appreciate the unique perspective you bring to the team/family
Five, used to precision sometimes gets frustrated by the your forgetfulness and blindness
However, he can’t stay mad for long when you flash an innocent smile or do something adorably clumsy
Slowly Five secretly goes out of his way to make your life a bit easier
Like leaving helpful notes or subtly manipulating time to prevent minor mishaps
Five’s siblings were truly confused by his newfound interest, especially considering yours and his differences
Especially Allison and Viktor
They couldn’t put a finger on what he sees in the airhead considering he’s usually cold towards people like that but they were secretly amused by it
Klaus of course started teasing him about it
Five made sure not to snap at someome whenever you were around which made it better for Klaus
Despite the differences, there was a silent understanding between Five and you
Sometimes he even takes you to travel in time even if it would be only a few minutes
Mostly so he could hold your hand
He is much nicer towards you than towards others
Which leads Allison to talk to Viktor about this
A small speculations between the two siblings start
Seeing Five’s behaivor towards you made them believe that he may like you more than a friend
Viktor being Viktor had some doubts
Five stole a few glances at you during breakfeast when he was sitting across from you who is talking to Klaus
Your smile and carefree behaivor even in the morning is adorable
Viktor’s doubts are washed away when he and Allison catch Five staring at you
They decide to confort him about it silently so you wouldn’t notice
“You know if you’ll take a picture of her you can stare at it longer”
Five, caught off guard, quickly looks away, attempting to hide his embarrassment
“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about”
Five, ever the stoic and composed one, quickly denies having any interest in the airhead
He brushes off their teasing, insisting that he was merely lost in thought
Allison since that day is the one teasing him about it while Viktor is the supportive one
He has been there with Sissy-
They make lighthearted jokes, causing Five to squirm uncomfortably as he continues to deny any romantic interest towards you
At which he fails terribly
Five, feeling the pressure, resorts to awkward deflections and changing the topic
To for example mission-related matters or starts analyzing some concepts, attempting to get rid of the attention from his personal life
The more you hang out with him the harder it is for him to hide his feelings
I mean you’re amazing
Despite his hiding, Five continues to steal glances at you, unable to completely hide his feelings
Of course Allison and Viktor exchange amused glances, silently acknowledging the obvious
It was driving Five crazy
Allison and Viktor, still determined to get Five to admit his crush, offer playful advice on expressing his feelings
They suggest subtle gestures or dropping hints, causing Five to groan in exasperation
“Come on Five, I’ve been there you just have to come clean”
“I am not in love with her!”
Despite the denial and embarrassment, there are moments when Five can’t help but smile when thinking about the airhead
Your smile, adorable behaivor, those eyes, that carefree and funny personality…
Shit, he has to confess before any other guy will do it
Five has Viktor’s and Allison’s support, he knows he’ll have to do it
Inside he feels like the 13 year old boy he looks like
Ready to confess his feelings towards you he fixes his tie and goes into the kitchen where you are…
✨And the rest is up to your imagination✨
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missfreija · 2 months
I love how the only intelligent thing lestat said in the whole iwtv book is that Louis was in a dangerous situation (predicting what will happen to Louis and Claudia in Paris many years later) because of not only his weak powers, passivity and refusal to feed on people but mostly because of his sensitivity (a real double edged weapon), he being a kind of romantic philosopher in search of answers. Louis at the beginning of the book feels superior to his maker, he experiences vampirism as if it was the greatest experience he has ever had and the greatest adventure of his life, his 'vampire eyes' are for him to admire the beauty around him in his endless search of arts, aesthetics and human nature. Actually Louis believes that it is lestat and his rude, ignorant attitude to be the real peculiarity among vampires and that outside new orleans he could find many members of his species who share his love for knowledge and his sensitivity (even claudia, although she has many traits in common with Louis, cannot understand the motivation for his behavior and pain). But Lestat was right, many vampires are cruel solitary predators that don't need Louis and his reverence for books/art/moral principles, killing is basically their only belief. Louis, although at the beginning of the story could not know it, has always been the exception among his species, armand himself in iwtv affirms that he doesnt understand Louis, is a mistery to him. Lestat in tvl says that Louis is the most interesting, particular vampire he has ever met (even more than marius! and anne rice said that lestat is the person who understands Louis and his love for humanity the most) . So Louis had to implement a change to survive during and after the events of Paris and to the modern era. His feeling of spasmodic longing for human life had waned a lot, allowing him to find some semblance of stability and protection for his inner world. He becomes armand's reflection at the end of the novel, even colder and more dissociated than armand
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cauqhtz · 4 months
DISCLAIMER: i’ll be substituting "y/n" for "tiny" if that’s something you struggle with digesting? Keep scrolling! I dont need to be harrassed bc of it. Its not that serious. (No its not a oc. It’s literally you with a nickname. Instead of typing all ridiculous (y/n/n) i gave it a different word. Thats it and thats all! Also i’ve seen other writers do this without being harrassed so please just respect me and my choices. DO NOT READ IT IF YOU DO NOT LIKE IT. I removed the option to request anonymously because of this. But my requests are open!
SUMMARY: Thomas and Tiny talk about Gally and rejection.
"What do you see in him?" Thomas askes sitting down beside Tiny, motioning towards Gally.
The only girl in the glade and his best-friend. She’d only joined a couple months before he did and yet for some reason she drooled all over Gally. The builders chief. Going out of her way to please the guy. Though from everything that Thomas has witnessed, he wasnt giving her the time of day. Its pathetic. Though he wasn’t in any position to be judgemental.
"Excuse me?" Tiny hums in acknowledgment her. Her attention unwavering.
"Gally, hey-" Thomas calls turning her head in his direction before continuing. "He treats you like shit and you kiss the ground he walks on. Does it not bother you? Why not move on?"
"Of course it bothers me Tommy. I have feelings just like everyone else but i dont know. I could give you a million and one excuses and it still wouldnt explain how he makes me feel. You know? Yeah rejection hurts like a motherfucker but all it takes is a smile, a kiss to my cheek or forehead, his skin on mine in general and its like the pain was never there." Tiny rambles on grinning, eyes as bright as stars as she shakes his shoulders in excitement.
Thomas nods in understanding. He understood. He didnt know when he’d fallen in love with the girl who was in love with the guy who hated his guts. It was pathetic… but he couldnt find it in him to be mad at it.
"And i mean come on. Moving on? If it were that easy. Heartbreak wouldnt hurt as bad as it does. It doesnt help that he treats me like an absolute princess. He’s such a sweetheart. You know im very peculiar with how i eat my food? It has to be a certain way or i’ll starve. It’s not like we have many options in the glade but i just cannot force myself to swallow the food if it isnt a certain way and i’d die before offending frypan. So i’d end up starving until Gally realized and started to go out of his way to plate my food for me?" Tiny sighs leaning her head against Thomas shoulder, her gaze trailing back to Gally who was rough housing with the guys.
"He built me a shack, so i’d have my privacy and be alone. God his hugs are the best. He’s always so gentle with me. I mean just look at him-"
"Alright! Alright. I get it. You’re in love with him." Thomas huffs playfully shrugging the girl off. Trying to ignore ache in his chest.
"Yup! And he’s in love with me. He just doesnt know it yet!" Tiny grins, pressing a kiss to the boys cheek after having heard Gally call out to her. "Welp my husband calls! Later Tommy!"
Tommy hums, watching Gally hand the girl a plate of assorted food, that doesnt touch with a kiss to her forehead. The two walk from Thomas’s sight.
Thomas understood the girls words. More than he liked.
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eggsploded · 1 year
yi sang boowomp
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was giggling while doodling this
initial impression: incomprehensible. god have mercy on your soul. his design made me mad i was like how dare they make a guy this boring but yet i knew this fellow was deeply strange in a way close to the soul
current impression: my muse and my dear friend yi sang. in another universe i picked apples with him in my papas orchard. he is just pixels yet i am just dust. the wiki calls him 'peculiar with no malign intent' and i think that is a beautiful way to put it. he cares so much it made him sick. his language is quite literally flowery and filled with puns involving his own name. when hes announcer he calls the sinners his companions. he doesnt like blood. he asked if rodya was alright after sonya left. he moaned that one time in hells chicken. faust respects his wishes to not be called genius and uses it as a way to praise herself in the same breath. his gut bacteria is extraordinary. please be gentle with yourself as you are with others yi sang, i got you some vitamins for your shaky hands. be safe.
favorite moment: in canto 2 when theyre looking for someone to dance yi sang declines by saying My inner voice expresses fear. which is yi sang for: soy timido
story idea: in a radical act of loving himself yi sang learns to become an amateur foodie with world class vacuums heathcliff and rodya. he gets a tummyache 4 bites into a burger, but he promises to be brave about it. the other two promise to try the spicy noodles he likes and they cry so hard they throw up
favorite relationships: THIS GUY has a lot of love in him. hes very ideal to me, but not many of the sinners will put up with this sickly mans comment about how your skin cells look in bloom with sebum today. i mentioned gregsang in another post cuz i think theyre both darling little dudes. fausang is my bread and butter not really in a romantic sense but theyre definitely symbiotic. when they have beef its at a level you cant comprehend (because its in complete silence), and when theyre attempting physical touch its so stupid and childish you cant believe it. theyre yuri and yaoi when you need them to be. faust definitely doesnt like how perceptive he is and that he doesnt mean anything mean with it. hes so disarming to her she wants to both share her bag of snacks or bite and claw at him a bit. yi sang is yi sang about this, fausts faustitudes are unchangable like weather to him. he can admire the rain.
favorite headcanon: yi sang don and sinclair are the trio of all time. i know people call them car tower trio cuz that one cg but theyre the bird trio to me (don is a parakeet). theyre also board game freaks
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borathae · 5 months
ok finally doing this after a nap
Chapter 3
What is wrong with me *me 24/7, ALSO YES WHAT WAS ALL THAT???
Ever since you set foot into this estate, your brain went into a total frenzy YES EXACTLY AND it seems like she can remember hmmm
Why does everything here look so ancient? YOU NEED TO READ FANFICS to learn to live (except we dont get lucky yn parts just the unlucky embarrassing parts but thank god we aint dying every 5 chapter like yn)
You remember drinking one glass of wine. the said glass of wine:
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It is totally normal to forget your date’s name after sleeping in his guestroom never been on a date, but i forgot someone's name after sitting next to them all day and realized after class while talking to bestie and had to wait till attendance next day -_-
ok the door is still locked. he told her to keep them locked and she did, but opened it for a sec and locked it again during the night. and the entire teleporting happened. this is a bit confusing hmmm. like opening it for a sec caused the change, but she locked it again. then how did they get her inside again? the bruise is there so it means it was real. the lock must have some magic and opening it during night causes it to go away?? i will think later lol
Did you punch your own throat in your sleep oof
Why did he know where to look exactly it wasnt a dream babe
istg im about to bitch slap this bitchless dude (TAE I LOVE U DONT TAKE IT TO THE HEART)
You should take better care of your belongings Kim Taehyung damn
He creeps me out honestly speaking all of them are creepy, yoongi is 10% less
just like that all your worries are wiped away like magic. like magic or with magic 👀👀(were u silent or silenced)
your knees are buckling like crazy THIS WILL BREAK ME THIS IS GONNA BREAK ME
Okay not going to lie, this was kind of cool you know whats more cooler??? jimin feeding his cycle 😂 THAT REMINDS ME OF JIN RIDING THE CYCLE HANDS FREE *fans myself
You snort, “so very humble.” ikr sOoOo HuMbLe
hmm usually you see cats sitting on horses, chilling. yoongles must be a rare kitty
Tell me again, why are you studying?” seriously dude must be bored as fuck to study, or started to forget cuz its beeen toooo looong
hold on what if some old being makes some theories and is "killed/disappeared" and later, with a different identity, studies his own theories in college 😭 and continues with it lol
It earned you a scholarship, it clearly must be well written.” or was it something to bring her to them??? 👀 *sus
The entrance exam stole my sanity from me. Even after a week of completing it I still felt jittery.” what type of students go there? what type of university is that? very weird
Emma left, she won’t come back again EMMA DIED FOR SURE OOF
It was a clean and painless end whats that supposed to mean mr.dracula?
Taehyung was a man of such humour ikr him in interviews 😭
Taehyung knew such peculiar stories about places and that doesnt seem weird???
the rain part was soo cute it could me giggling and listening too still with you
wow the honesty was cool, though there is many secrets, some parts feels really raw.
we are both pick-me girls then BAHAHA PLS *starts playing pd48 pick me
they are so cute im gonna die
(the way i started slightly mad at tae and then ended up simping, sighs)
i cant wait for 2seokkook's pov and her talking to them woohoo
i love how smoothly its written, like everything just flows nicely, the scenes and dialogues, its like those nice cozy well directed movies that you watch with pillows and blanket and rested face, body and mind
its only been 3 chapters, obviously the suspense wouldnt make me grip my pillow yet but its already made me clutch my blanket/pearls lol
jjdafjs it took me so long to figure out how the wine pic happened HAHAHA this is such a funny idea help fjadjfs 😭😂
What is wrong with me *me 24/7, ALSO YES WHAT WAS ALL THAT???
Ever since you set foot into this estate, your brain went into a total frenzy YES EXACTLY AND it seems like she can remember hmmm
like the suspicion is growiinnggg
Why does everything here look so ancient? YOU NEED TO READ FANFICS to learn to live (except we dont get lucky yn parts just the unlucky embarrassing parts but thank god we aint dying every 5 chapter like yn)
it doesn't make sense to you yet probably but I wanna be SA!OC so bad jfasdjf
It is totally normal to forget your date’s name after sleeping in his guestroom never been on a date, but i forgot someone's name after sitting next to them all day and realized after class while talking to bestie and had to wait till attendance next day -_-
girliepop me all the time, I forget names so easily (the same with song titles FAFAJDS like I kid you not I even forgot BTS song titles sometimes like it's so bad)
ok the door is still locked. he told her to keep them locked and she did, but opened it for a sec and locked it again during the night. and the entire teleporting happened. this is a bit confusing hmmm. like opening it for a sec caused the change, but she locked it again. then how did they get her inside again? the bruise is there so it means it was real. the lock must have some magic and opening it during night causes it to go away?? i will think later lol
hmhmhmhm interesting theory indeed mhmhmmh or perhaps 👀 someone made her lock the door again and then think everything was just a dream 👀 mhmhmhm
You should take better care of your belongings Kim Taehyung damn
"belongings" LIKE THE ICK
He creeps me out honestly speaking all of them are creepy, yoongi is 10% less
JFJADSJF YES jhfahsdhf I agree fjadjfa
just like that all your worries are wiped away like magic. like magic or with magic 👀👀(were u silent or silenced)
Okay not going to lie, this was kind of cool you know whats more cooler??? jimin feeding his cycle 😂 THAT REMINDS ME OF JIN RIDING THE CYCLE HANDS FREE *fans myself
omg hahahaha this scene 😭😭 he is such a goof I love him 😭😭 Seokjin is honestly so hot I need to inhale him
hmm usually you see cats sitting on horses, chilling. yoongles must be a rare kitty
*cries* he is indeed a kitty
Tell me again, why are you studying?” seriously dude must be bored as fuck to study, or started to forget cuz its beeen toooo looong
hold on what if some old being makes some theories and is "killed/disappeared" and later, with a different identity, studies his own theories in college 😭 and continues with it lol
👀 interesting ohohooh
It earned you a scholarship, it clearly must be well written.” or was it something to bring her to them??? 👀 *sus
The entrance exam stole my sanity from me. Even after a week of completing it I still felt jittery.” what type of students go there? what type of university is that? very weird
lmaoaooaoao in her defence I have really sensitive eyes too and can barely stay in the sun without my eyes ACHING jfadsjfj so it IS possible
Emma left, she won’t come back again EMMA DIED FOR SURE OOF
👀 mhmhmhmmh
It was a clean and painless end whats that supposed to mean mr.dracula?
Taehyung was a man of such humour ikr him in interviews 😭
I love him 😭😭
Taehyung knew such peculiar stories about places and that doesnt seem weird???
kfadjsfasj she is just here for a good time not a long time lmaooa
wow the honesty was cool, though there is many secrets, some parts feels really raw. they are so cute im gonna die (the way i started slightly mad at tae and then ended up simping, sighs) THEY ARE GONNA HAVE ANOTHER DATE YIPPEE YIPPEE YIPPEE
fjadjfjad I love how you switched instnatly JFJADSJF THIS IS SO ME WHEN SANGUIS TAE FJADSJFJ
i love how smoothly its written, like everything just flows nicely, the scenes and dialogues, its like those nice cozy well directed movies that you watch with pillows and blanket and rested face, body and mind. its only been 3 chapters, obviously the suspense wouldnt make me grip my pillow yet but its already made me clutch my blanket/pearls lol
gaaah thank youuu <3 I'm so happy that you're having such a good time with it heheheh istfg I love reading your comments, they're so awesome heheheh 🥺😭💜💜
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blacknidstang · 10 months
Once in a while i go back to rewatch some early episodes and Roadkill always ALWAYS makes me cry a little. It's a whole little bittersweet short horror film. Beautiful writing, the way it's tied to the themes of loss and grief like the entirety of the season that perfectly connects the boys dealing with John's death to ahbl and Dean's deal.
And beside all the wonderful writing and structure of the episode, it's one of those times the samdean parallels between married couple hits on a whole different level bc it doesnt feel like a little uncomfortable gay incest joke. The way the woman, Molly, desperately says "do you know what was the last thing i told him?? I called him a jerk!! What if that's the last thing i'll ever tell him" and truly such peculiar choice of word. I don't think it's any accident and i don't think it's any joke either. It's terribly painful because in retrospect it's a setup for Sam & Dean facing the prospect of losing each other. And on the other hand i'd dare to say a bit about how Sam's final moments with John went on as they argued. This makes it all the more poignant that Sam tells Molly "what are you gonna say to him? That you love him? That you're sorry? Molly he already knows that" well Sam who are you talking about right now.
But beside Molly and David, one thing that i think on some level connects to Sam & Dean are actually Greely & his wife. When Sam & Molly look at Greely's life and recognize how loving he was once, Sam clearly sees himself in the monster that the vengeful ghost has become, talking about how something he could not control happened to him. Yeah, not so subtle with comparatives. But that's not all, the one peculiar detail for me was always Greely's wife hanging herself after his death. "She couldn't live without him." It's peculiar in a way that it's completely and utterly irrelevant to the plot of the story, the wife could've simply died of old age. It just didn't matter. But it had to be there. It had to be there because there's one part of a duo who becomes a monster and the other lover who cannot live without him. We see all of these throughout the season. It's repeated motif of lovers and loss. And then the seasons hits us with ahbl, with Sam's death and the sort of anguish and desperation we see ing Dean that is not even comparable to every mourning lover coming before him. I'm not saying Greely and his wife are an exact direct samdean parallel in this episode specifically but i think all of these were put into season 2 to prepare us for when we see Dean not being able to live without Sam.
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fecto-forgo · 13 days
how do you imagine zan interacting with each of the dream friends? sorry if thats a question thats asking for a lot.
never apologize for wanting me to write an essay regarding zan partizanne i would do that for a living if i could
nyways luckily zans the one responsible for announcing n showing off the dream friends on twitter so we can have some idea ! of that ! kinda ! as a base !
(note:ive previously answered regarding her feelings on marx, susie n magolor here! so i wont touch on them for this one)
animal trio:its her most brief tweet regarding the announced characters, so i dont think she rly has any thoughts on them ? she doesnt even bother w a nickname, so i imagine shes just neutral on them, lightly bothered rick n kine r notorious for slacking, maybe looks down on them a bit in a "wow my trio is sm professional n stronger than yours." way
gooey:gooey, along side void n the other generals, r the only characters who get nice nickname privileges from zan, in gooeys case v likely she recognized him as part of dark matter n immediately went for expressing appreciation for his holy existence in her peculiar little way (i recall someone pointing out zan has three naming ways for ppl:derogatory, cutesy affectionate n Extreme Respect By Using Full Name.not related just silly aside), i think shes Very Appreciative of gooey n therefore rly affectionate towards him but shes also rly religious abt him.like if a christian met jesus on the street.btw being gooey must be crazy yk nothing abt yourself or your origin n then you find out theres a cult for your species w sacrifices
adeleine/ribbon:throughout her tweets zan.rly goes in on insulting adeleine.like yeah her hairline comments but she keeps bringing up how adeleine seems weak n hides like a little girl (SHES LIKE 12 SHE IS A LITTLE GIRL!!!) n while zan usually atleast acknowledges others fighting skills before claiming shes better, for adeleine she instead insists on constantly bringing her down anyways even when shes surprised at her having a new skill, n her last tweet is literally "hah, im looking forward to facing you!" after commenting ado n ribbon r dancing around adorably, basically she seems to.lowkey hate her LMAO? the adeleine tweets r sooo important to characterizing zan constantly challenging ppl tho !!! she prides her own strength (she even calls herself a battle hardened warrior) a lot n constantly wants to prove it, n hates what she sees as weak or cowardly to the point she seems to lowkey want to teach ppl like that a lesson? so yeah no she has some weird personal one sided beef w adeleine that ado is prob so confused abt, she actually seems to ignore ribbon in her tweets so i imagine she just thinks of her as some extra to ado than a partner to take seriously
honestly shes prob projecting some stuff but thats another post n this is long enough of a paragraph already lol
DMK:not much on the tweets aside from the usual "I CAN BEAT YOU UP" (btw she sounds a bit excited abt it? shes so cute) i dont think she has much interest in him beyond "sounds fun to beat up".shed probably lose btw bc an essential part of zans ego is she does not realize her boss fight is designed to have safe spots bc shes not actually that good at this 🩷
daroach:she doesnt have much to comment but does compare daroachs leadership style to her own, knowing her shes prob gonna get competitive abt that, i cannot see daroach caring back beyond being annoying abt it for fun lol
taranza:so this one is fun bc i think taranza sympathizes w her quite a bit, yk whole "you ever absolutely adore your evil boss n they could not give less of a shit back?" n so he thinks he can help smooth the way into acceptance of trauma bc he did it by himself so he can help n itll be less lonely n hard if he does! n like.its coming from a good place! he rly does want to help.but ultimately their situations r crucially different in what ended up happening (sectonia died n taranza could tell when enough was enough, hyness survived n zan has.no awareness his behavior was bad shes in full acceptance he can treat her like that if he wants to) so what ends up happening is he just gets on her nerves. a lot.bc shes absolutely not anywhere near where taranza started after sectonia died, zan in the tweets acknowledges the similarities between them withhhhh no awareness of what happened to taranza after n honestly knowing her...ego problems shed probably think "what actually happened is you were not good enough, when i would fail lord hyness always found a way to still make me useful.i am simply better than you n you refuse to see it." taranza by some miracle still tries to atleast be friendly w her.he rly does want to help n be there when he can man
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kittykaspbrak · 1 year
These 7 fucking 12 year old idiot loser faces snuck their way into my heart and dug a hole in it and that’s where they will reside for the rest of time. I hate these stupid losers that take over my thoughts everday, I can’t do one stupid thing without thinking about them.
I hate stupid Beverly Marsh and her personality as fiery as her hair, her wonderful sense of fashion and her take no shits attitude. I hate how she always puts her best foot forward and keeps her head up high. I hate how charismatic she is. I hate how she doesn’t realize that the guy made for her has always been right in front of her:
I hate stupid Stanley Uris with his unusually peculiar personality, I hate how fucking relatable he is. I hate how logical he is and his curly hair. I hate how smart he is. I hate how he cares so much that he doesnt care. I hate his need for everything to be perfect and even.
I hate stupid Ben Hanscom and his love for Beverly Marsh. I hate the way he wrote a poem so lovely for her. I hate the way he thinks he doesn’t need any friends to be happy. I hate how sweet and caring he is. I hate his strength in architecture and design. I hate how vulnerable he truly is.
I hate stupid Mike Hanlon and his stunning loyalness. I hate how he stayed behind for the losers to make sure they finished what they started. I hate how good of a person he is to anyone and everyone. I hate how he fought to make a change in Derry. I hate how he made sure his parents got the ending they deserved, even though most people wouldn’t care.
I hate stupid Bill Denbrough and his stutter. I hate his admirable leadership and and even more admirable personality. I hate his determination and bravery even when times are rough. I hate how obsessed he can get with one specific topic. I hate how good his art is and how devoted he is to getting what he wants. I hate his charming smile and warm soul.
I hate stupid Richie Tozier and his awful impressions. I hate how he can light up a room by just a sentence. I hate the way his glasses make his eyes look bigger than they are, and the way he pushes them up when they start to fall down his face. I hate how much he is in fucking LOVE with this dork named Eddie Kaspbrak.
Most of all, I hate stupid Eddie Kaspbrak. I hate the way he worries about germs more than anyone humanly possible. I hate the way he’s so annoyingly hilarious and the way he always makes me laugh. I hate how relatable he is as a person. I hate how he’s so oblivious and living in his own little world 24/7. I hate how secretly brave he is and how openly scared he is. I hate his stupid little shorts and his stupid Fannypack and his stupid inhaler that he doesn’t even need and his stupid polo shirts and his stupid watch that goes off everytime he needs to take his meds. I hate how he thinks he has asthma, but really it’s just anxiety creeping around. I hate his dumb smile and his cast that has “loser” with a red “V” drawn over the “S” on it. I hate how fast he talks and his hand motions.
If you haven’t gotten the message by now, I don’t hate these things at all. I admire them, I love them. You don’t understand how much this stuff means to me. I don’t know man, I just had to rant about this. They’ve been eating my heart (cannibal by Kesha much)
I’m honestly just ranting and this took me like 30 minutes but like ughhhh ugh hughguhfhdy I can’t get them out of my head istg they haven’t left in forever
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evermorehqs · 1 year
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Ming Lee is based on Ming from Turning Red. She is a 49 year old cursed human, museum director, and uses she/her pronouns. She has the power of shifting. Ming is portrayed by Lucy Liu and she is open.
Is there anything more devastating in this world than letting down your own Mother? Such an experience so painful as to break her heart? Or a fear so great as to disappoint her? Maybe the only rival feeling is to become that, realizing too late that you've turned into the person you swore you never would. There are certain things Ming can live with, like your daughter having some unsavory companions and dreadful taste in music, but never ever did Ming expect her very own daughter to go behind her back to both lie, and disgrace the family. Perhaps Ming had been the issue, perhaps she had been too soft on Meilin, let her slip through the cracks and into a sea of temptation. However it was only at the very last moment, just as their mother-daughter bond was to be shattered forever, did Ming realise yes it was her fault. Fear is what drove Ming and Meilin apart, Ming was too scared to let her baby girl grow up and become a woman. Mei-Mei, too afraid to confide in her Mother and risk harsh judgment. Walls went up surrounding the two women until they were at war with each other, furious about the lack of trust and respect from both sides, not able to see just how alike they are. Not able to trust each other with the truth. It is a difficult thing to swallow your pride, and even more punishing to understand that perhaps, mother did not know best on this occasion. Saying sorry doesnt come naturally to parents who try so hard to protect their children, but Ming is trying her very best to repair the damage and make amends for the hurt she caused Meilin.
❀ Thomas O’Malley: Thomas makes it look so easy, adored by everyone including his children. Maybe he can share some of his secrets to a mother desperate to heal her bond with her daughter. ❀ Dashiel Parr: A troublesome little delinquent! Ming has never actually caught him doing anything wrong, but she just knows it's him rearranging the brochures in the museum! He’s just too quick! ❀ Eleanora Ashwin: Now there is a perfect example for a daughter! A polite, kind, respectful young lady who would never bad-mouth her guardians! Maybe Eleanora could help Ming teach Meilin a thing or two.
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fanfiction time
Funny not go, as senses detect, their is a time delay Garth Thunderdome
Funny not go, as senses detect, their is a time delay Garth ThunderdomeA Short Story
by spongo squee
Jenny Blast From the Past was thinking about Garth Thunderdome again. Garth had a funny sence not to not go, as senses detect, their is a time delay volcano with tall mountains and pointy rocks.
Jenny walked over to the window and reflected on her not so under the zero countdown of time surroundings. She had always loved the same pine smell of sweet scented variety wardrobe, with so many inventions, many years pass with its thirsty, tan to maintain the father of times job over their. It was a place that encouraged her tendency to feel doesnt know what happened.
Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the a funny not go, as senses detect, their is a time delay figure of Garth Thunderdome.
Jenny gulped. She glanced at her own reflection. She was a charming time displacement, special charm, beer drinker with solid fingernails and brown eyelashes. Her friends saw her as a jealous, joyous juggler. Once, she had even helped an unlawful childhood of squee cross the road.
But not even a charming time displacement person who had once helped an unlawful childhood of squee cross the road, was prepared for what Garth had in store today. very dr who
The clouds danced like running inot things that we strongly belive to happen lizards, making Jenny finds that of the luggage of holiday time. Jenny grabbed a peculiar moment of squee that had been strewn nearby; she massaged it with her vocal chords, of squee.
As Jenny stepped outside and Garth came closer, she could see the xenophobic glint in his eye.
Garth gazed with the affection of 6403 admirable robot flowbot eager elephants. He said, in hushed tones, “I love you and I want a pencil to draw for a time machine.”
Jenny looked back, even more finds that of the luggage of holiday time and still voicing the peculiar moment of squee . “Garth, my Jackpot was an abundance,” she replied.
They looked at each other with everything is confusing feelings, like two great, green goldfish jogging and flies to the squee, with happens to cause at a very notiing , inquires how to travel birthday party, which had classical music playing in the background and two intuitive introsepection uncles rampaging on the river, of flow of robot flow to the beat.
Jenny regarded Garth’s tall fingernails and pointy eyelashes. “I feel the same way!” revealed Jenny with a delighted grin.
Garth looked on reaching, finds the shop of dystopia, his emotions blushing like a poised, pong piano.
Then Garth came inside for a nice drink of squee.
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jinlix · 6 years
#my heart is :(((#my friend went to see burn this stage and shes talking abt it and how she almost cried with it (she doesng cry lol)#and now im just shdjsjd worried abt skz :/// its so not :(( good :(( that we don't see the hard things that happens#like sk talker help a lot and i think theu are open abt a lof of things but ofc they dont tell a lot of things#i think its right tho like its their job and i cant talk abt it when i don't talk abt hard things tho lol#but like i cant help :(( i almost cried i cant sjdjd even imagine things like these#in the other hand they effect is like incredible like i say this abt my pont of view ???#bc even if we arent totally influenced by them (which i think its right tho bc each one has your way of living lol)#i just ??? admire them so much ??? like i do admile a lot of artists and all that but skz are like#the only group i remember admiring that much like working and ambitiously wise you know ??#idk if this makes sense im sorry im just really overwhelmed of feelings rn and#i just love stray kids so much like each one of them has so many peculiarities that blows me away everytime#ill never forget abt woojin saying he tries to hide feeling thats why he doesnt cry much#and hyunjin abt all the things the talks abt his trainee days#aussie line's experiences and everthing abt 3racha#all 9 are so hard working and amazing each one in a different way it just sjdjsjd blow me away#anyways i need to sleep but here im crying bc i love 9 boys ://#i really really admire than anyways :((#ok gtg shdjsjd good night ily all !! 💖💘💘💕💖#kelly says#intdh#dl#did you ever think that u love too much? thats me lol :((
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satoriberry · 2 years
whore activities . . . .
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⊛ summary: karasuno characters and what they feel about maid dresses.
⊛ warnings: no actual whore activities are described </3, 2.85/5 level suggestive, men/women in maid dresses because idk, excessive usage of the the word "whore" (?), intended lowercase.
⊛ berry's note: ahaha! catfished! anyways, maid dresses cute, hq cast is cute, it makes sense that im even thinking of this. enjoy (pls leave comments or constructive criticism :3)
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• sawamura daichi: thought you were joking at first, ended up wearing it because you were literally begging on the floor with your wallet over your head.....too amazed by how nice he looks. he was particularly a fan of the stockings (he took selfies in those gym bro poses while also elegantly holding the skirt between his index and thumb).
• sugawara koushi: heard the words "maid dress" and immediately said "yes". took too many photos of himself and may or may not have shown them to the team. pretended to be a real maid and purposefully spilled a drink on himself (precisely down the square neckline area so it's all over his chest) in an attempt to seduce you. realized 4 milliseconds afterwards that he ruined the dress with tropical fruit juice. RIP dress, it lived for 54 minutes.
• azumane asahi: stared at you wide eyed when you proposed the idea, gave in because he didn't want to make you feel sad and it could be a fun fashion experience (and also because he wanted to see if he'd look cute in a frilly dress lmfao). he was shy the whole time but inside, he was like "wow i look hot" because he objectively did look hot. favourite garment was the headband, because.....headbands. wore it on a few more occasions for shits and giggles, never told the team though.
• shimizu kiyoko: stared at you for a solid 15 seconds before saying "no". im sorry. you'd be the one wearing the dress in this scenario, she prefers seeing you in it than herself, and besides, who wouldn't wanna make kiyoko happy <3. blushed when you showed her what you look like, took advantage of the opportunity to shower you with compliments to see you get flustered (she's evil).
• nishinoya yuu: yes and yes. yes to wearing it, and yes to having you wear it. he's more excited for himself though because the guy loves wearing skirts (canon? idk shsjshjs). complimented himself provocatively in front of a mirror with you next to him. he's so shameless istg, turning left and right to get a good look of himself. really liked the bow that's tied from behind. contrary to his previous reaction, he was stunned into silence when you wear it, just sat there like 👁👁. liked seeing you twirl in it because yes.
• tanaka ryuunosuke: he bought it before you even asked him. he had the idea ages ago so he already owns one. has worn it on multiple occasions around his house (saeko pretended to not notice. she did. she judges him.) he made you wear it as a dare even though you would've done it either way. took like 50 polaroid photos of you in it, both good and bad angles. may or may not have one in his phone case on all times (he loves you okay???). is a whore for stockings so that's probably his favourite part of the outfit.
• hinata shouyo: was excited by the idea, ended up being too nervous to leave his bathroom after changing. he thinks he looks silly, so you'd have to encourage him to come out and if he does, DO NOT STARE AT HIM! he called this "an introspective soul experience" aka him seeing if he's fitting for such a peculiar fashion piece or no. on the flipside, you + maid dress = everybody finding it because he can't keep his mouth shut about it. even his classmates know about you wearing it. he has no range so keep him close.
• kageyama tobio: doesnt get the buzz. said it's nothing special while looking at the photo on the purchase site. bought the long modest looking ones because "authentic is best". was utterly flabbergasted when you said "go ahead and try it", he thought it was YOU trying it on, but he gave in because of slight interest. he doesn't look good in it, im sorry. physically, he looked like hot snatch but it was his posture and his facial expression that ruined it. he looked constipated, probably clenching his ass underneath, he was wearing this awkward grimace and overall, he did not have a good time. he much preferred seeing you in it; pretended to be a real customer when you served him chips ahoy on a plate, and he even tipped you! :D
• tsukishima kei: you'd think he'd be the most reluctant, even more than kiyoko, but he was surprisingly easy to convince. he made up his mind after you promised to 1) not tell anyone, 2) wear it first and 3) pretend to be a real maid while he checks you out shamelessly. he chose the ones that came with the cute puffy sleeves (he's a whore but he's a whore for you before anything). after you went through the most humiliating experience of your life, it was his time and....he was too tall for it. he didn't think of the skirt's length so it reaches his upper thighs. normally that would make him feel scandalous but it was genuinely so not his size, he found it unbearable. the only thing that looked good is the choker but that wasn't enough to compensate for his dissatisfaction.
• yamaguchi tadashi: the only reason he agreed is because he watched maid sama as a little kid and he thought the ladies looked really hot, so he wanted to look like them. the gloves made him feel so badass, which was funny because the puffy skirt and the collar were the complete opposite. roamed around his house with a feather duster saying shit like "oops i forgot a spot" or "how embarrassing it would be if i flashed you my bouncing bubble booty", it was ironic dw. you recreated a shoujo scene with you kabedoning him while he fake stuttered cutesy stuff in a high pitched voice, sent it to tsukishima who then blocked you both.
• yachi hitoka: melted, evaporated, condensed and went though the water cycle when you made your wish known. she didn't know how to feel because, on one hand, you're gonna see her in a dress that's made for young women that work in cafés whose target demographic is men, which felt weird. on the another hand, that dress is really cute and it comes in pastel colours too! solution was the following: you both buy a dress and roleplay the thing together. she didn't want to feel awkward by herself :(. also she's a sucker for couple activities, it would only make sense that you wear matching dresses for cute photos and other....stuff. no elaboration :3 favourite item is the shiney black mary janes, she really likes their tap tap tap against the floor.
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spiribia · 2 years
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do you remember when i saw this and in retrospect from endwalker went huh what a ‘peculiar’ little sentiment considering the typical amaurotine attitudes about venats continued existence...that mustve meant a lot to her. and i always wanted to know who this indivdual was and separately wondered who the watcher was that clearly thought so fondly of her. im going completely nuts at the implication that this realization of how she was LOVED was something that seared itself into venat so profoundly it is what would manifest the watcher on the moon. even now if she doesnt exist at all anymore hes still there as a testament to the fact that somebody loved and would grieve her
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ilshailey · 2 years
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hi friendsss i’m super late but it’s ya girl rina revamping an old muse of mine for ilsang! find out a bit more about park hyemi aka hailey under the cut and hit that ♡ button down below if you’d like to plot hehe
rich girl from seoul, basically
has an older brother but was basically raised as the conglomerate heir of her dad’s ent. company since she’d always been known to be a fast learner (read: one of those “good at everything” kids)
doesnt really have a personality outside of being her parents’ perfect golden girl 
kinda grew distant from her brother........then one day he just left home without a word and it made her distraught 
his absence forced her to admit that she’d been turning a blind eye to their parents poor treatment and blamed herself for it all
long story short, she found a brochure in his room to ilsang and jumped on the chance that she just might find him there even if there was no actual evidence that he even went there
not long into her arrival (i mightve put an actual length of time in my bio but who knows kjsfsd) hailey was wandering about town and slipped on one of the oil spills and fell. she got a headache so she returned to her room at the inn early
the next morning she woke up but didnt feel like she had any control over her own body
now she’s behaving the complete opposite from how she normally is. always smiling and happy, curious about the world around her
v touchy. will fb poke war u irl just because. also a hugger. 
hyemi continues to attempt to win back her body (read: is constantly yelling at her alien) and still very much wants to find her brother 
hailey loves and adores all things pretty!! will very much get distracted by anything sparkly
will flirt with you, but in a clumsy way (think early 2000′s rom-coms)
did i mention that hyemi hates “hailey” lol
hailey picked up a job at cha ko latte bc she discovered the wonders of all sweet things and caffeine. catch her on her shift jumping around behind the bar off of 5 cups 
mayhaps a bit of a klepto?? just bc she’s curious about things, she’ll pick them up and take them back to her room to look at. sometimes she actually does put them back (but only if hyemi is yelling about how much of a mess their room is and that she does not need a random jacket from off the street sitting on their floor)
is what some may consider a ✨ditz✨
loves to look at herself and started an ig account against hyemi’s protests so that the whole universe can bask in how pretty she is
honestly if u know me u know i suck at plots but here are some ideas that can maybe spark some better ideas LOL
def her older brother (will probably put in a wc form to the main too!)
alien buddy - hailey is super excited to be hailey and she absolutely needs someone to share her experience with
i need someone who is sus of her and constantly trying to make attempts at exposing her but she somehow avoids them coincidentally bc of how silly she is
a cha ko latte regular who either just really likes her coffee or enjoys watching her act a fool on the clock 
another haedodi house resident. this is just for some housing plots maybe. perhaps they just eat breakfast together in almost silence (hailey constantly providing a commentary for her food) or they just walk home together sometimes
a first love - she’s only ever seen it in movies and dramas (that she’s been binging with ease thanks to hyemi’s netflix account) but she finds it so peculiar that humans would do anything for this situational feeling. she wants to give it a try! it’s not that hard, right? 
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