colorfulsoulcreator · 13 hours
You can say “I don’t have time” without meaning “every second of my day is booked solid.”
You can mean “I am giving as much of myself as I can handle giving” and be completely, totally valid.
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colorfulsoulcreator · 13 hours
I'm grateful for so many classes!
Tai Chi - specifically with this current teacher. I tried a class before in the previous place I lived, but it just didn't have the same great vibe. I've stuck this one out longer by far - it's almost been a year, I think! 🥳🫶
Reiki - being able to learn from a dear, long-time friend has made it exceptional. I'm so grateful that I was gifted all of these levels and that I get to help her with her other classes. It's truly changed my life 👐✨️
Whole Foods Plant Based classes through CNS Kitchen 🌱 I've been vegan for 10 years in January, but I haven't always followed a WFPB lifestyle with no refined oils or sugars and I'm grateful with how it's helped my chronic illnesses and energy levels. Learning to cook without oil has been challenging, but I'm getting better at it, and I appreciate having the community support. I'm looking forward to diving into the new class tomorrow! 📚
Yoga Teacher Training - I started with a 100-hour course when I first became ill to help me manage the symptoms and also give me a new potential career path. It was such a transformative and supportive environment that I decided to do the 200-hour YTT as well 🙏 I don't practice as much lately, but I am working on building a foundation for healthier routines and I will be incorporating more of a practice soon. Finding a balance between all of the things I love to do is the goal! ❤️‍🔥
Metaphysical Sciences - This one is going a little slower as of late, but like I mentioned above, I'm working on finding the balance, as well as maintaining my newfound window of resiliency with effective pacing, and self care. I'm pleased to say that I haven't had a bad flare in quite a while! 🎉
There are so many more classes and courses that I'm grateful for taking as I love learning so much, but I'll stop there for now 😆 And I'm sure there will be more in the future!
Daily Gratitude
September 21, 2024
What are you grateful for today?
Welcome to my gratitude support group! All are welcome to be a part of the gratitude crew. Re-blog, write a note or send an ask as often as makes sense for you (just once, every day, twice a year, a few times a month— doesn’t matter!)
I tag parts of the crew almost every day. If you’d like to be on the tag list let me know.
All posts will be tagged ‘resiliencewithin’s daily gratitude group’.
Prompt (if you want): In what way are you grateful for classes you are taking or have taken?
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I love you moss I love you mushrooms I love you morning dew I love you trees I love you rain I love you crows I love you crunchy leaves I love you autumn I love you nature
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I’m a little vegan short and stout, here is my tofu here are my sprouts
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I'm grateful for the Community Resiliency Model (CRM)® Workshop yesterday, presented by Arizona State University (Office of Community Health Engagement and Resiliency) on Zoom 🙏 It was informative and engaging and I was pleasantly surprised to see how far I've come in managing my own resiliency.
There is another session on September 26th (it's free). Here is the link if anyone is interested in registering:
There isn't a replay of the webinar for those who can't attend live, but they will send out the slides and some additional resources ☺️
I'm also grateful that my friend has asked me to help her more with the Reiki School ❤️‍🔥 This time, it's editing the email funnels for each course level, both in person and online, as well as the website ✨️ I'm grateful that she trusts me and values my opinion 🫶 It's also a great outlet for my nitpicking, pedantic side 😂😉
I'm grateful that the new course for CNS Kitchen, which I've been invited to be a tester for, is being released later today 🙌 I'm so grateful to have found that community and I'm honoured that they trust me with the task 🙏
I'm going to be busy busy! I'm grateful that my energy and cognitive ability have returned enough to be capable of completing these tasks 🥳💜
Daily Gratitude
September 20, 2024
What are you grateful for today?
Welcome to my gratitude support group! All are welcome to be a part of the gratitude crew. Re-blog, write a note or send an ask as often as makes sense for you (just once, every day, twice a year, a few times a month— doesn’t matter!)
I tag parts of the crew almost every day. If you’d like to be on the tag list let me know.
All posts will be tagged ‘resiliencewithin’s daily gratitude group’.
Prompt (if you want): No prompt today.
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I'm grateful that I finally got another sourdough starter going today 🙌💜 I got rid of my old one because my last apartment may have had a questionable mould issue so any fermenting I was doing (kombucha as well) caused concern. I'm also happy that I have organic, stoneground flour this time that I can buy locally. I think it will improve the results ☺️ I hope to start making kombucha again soon, but I will need to invest in some new supplies 🙏
Daily Gratitude
September 19, 2024
What are you grateful for today?
Welcome to my gratitude support group! All are welcome to be a part of the gratitude crew. Re-blog, write a note or send an ask as often as makes sense for you (just once, every day, twice a year, a few times a month— doesn’t matter!)
I tag parts of the crew almost every day. If you’d like to be on the tag list let me know.
All posts will be tagged ‘resiliencewithin’s daily gratitude group’.
Prompt (if you want): Something you are proud of (big or small).
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I'm grateful for good food 😌 Today I made roasted delicata squash brushed with the homemade applesauce and seasoned with salt, pepper, onion powder, and a sprinkle of thyme 😋 I roasted the seeds separately and gobbled them up too.
I'm grateful that the hold I placed on the Golden Compass audio book was ready today 🙌 I'm listening to it now as I get settled into bed.
Daily Gratitude
September 18, 2024
What are you grateful for today?
Welcome to my gratitude support group! All are welcome to be a part of the gratitude crew. Re-blog, write a note or send an ask as often as makes sense for you (just once, every day, twice a year, a few times a month— doesn’t matter!)
I tag parts of the crew almost every day. If you’d like to be on the tag list let me know.
All posts will be tagged ‘resiliencewithin’s daily gratitude group’.
Prompt (if you want): Show gratitude for something that starts with the letter G.
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if i am saying “drive safe” to you it is not a wish or command btw. i am casting a spell. Get fucking cushioned and shielded and protected idiot
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Watching the new show, Secret Chef, and enjoying it, but getting super grossed out by the chefs who aren't tying their hair back 🤮 Thankfully the worst offender just went home. Gag-a-roo!
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Girls will be like “oh I’m just running some quick errands” and then spend all day in the wetlands appreciating the unique flora and fauna
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I'm grateful that I was able to get so much done today. I made oat milk and creamer that turned out well - not slimy! I made applesauce, and it's delicious. I also made some healthy thumbprint cookies with organic apricot jam, which are yummy too, but I think I'll double the baking time next time or make them smaller.
I also watered the poor plants...they were thirsty 🙃
Daily Gratitude
September 17, 2024
What are you grateful for today?
Welcome to my gratitude support group! All are welcome to be a part of the gratitude crew. Re-blog, write a note or send an ask as often as makes sense for you (just once, every day, twice a year, a few times a month— doesn’t matter!)
I tag parts of the crew almost every day. If you’d like to be on the tag list let me know.
All posts will be tagged ‘resiliencewithin’s daily gratitude group’.
Prompt (if you want): No prompt today.
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I get riled up about a common subject: America's robust health care system. Every one of the (thousands of) dollars I pay monthly just means I pay a dollar less when the sick visit bill comes due. And holy shit don't get me started on deductibles. I am keenly aware of how other countries excel in this industry, showing actual respect to the people who live and work and breathe there.
So my question to my non-'Merican brethren is
Please share widely for a realistic picture of how little this cuntry cares about its people.
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Busy in the kitchen! I also made some homemade oat milk and coffee creamer 😁
The creamer is decent, but I think I'll experiment with adding some canned coconut milk to make a version of half and half.
Now I'm off to make some thumbprint cookies and applesauce!
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Holy smackers, this homemade vegan cheese is so good!! I sliced it pretty thin with the mandolin, and I'm happy with how it melted 🙌 I already gobbled up two pieces before making this post 🤤
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Here is a photo of the Mise en Place:
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I used a silicon pan because I wanted it to release without using oil.
Here is a link to the recipe:
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I'm grateful for the library (again). Today, I went and got some free native seeds - bergamot and butterfly weed - and they had more options available, but I wasn't familiar with them ☺️ I also signed up for the spice of the month club. This month is basil 🙌
I'm grateful for all the long sleeps I've been getting, despite the kitties waking me up early. I'm going to bed earlier and listening to audio books while doing a reiki balance of my energy centres. I'm proud of myself for doing the reiki balance even though I'm typically too tired and just want to conk out (it's only been since class started but I wanted to challenge myself to do it daily). Also my dreams are pretty vivid again lately, but they aren't impacting my sleep quality like they used to. I would like to start being more consistent with a dream journal practice even though my recall has improved. I also love the Pokéball Plus + for the sweet little lullaby that Pikachu sings. It's so cute 🥰
In general, I'm proud of myself for working towards healthier habits all around and giving things a fair chance instead of just dismissing them as nonsense 🙏
Daily Gratitude
September 16, 2024
What are you grateful for today?
Welcome to my gratitude support group! All are welcome to be a part of the gratitude crew. Re-blog, write a note or send an ask as often as makes sense for you (just once, every day, twice a year, a few times a month— doesn’t matter!)
I tag parts of the crew almost every day. If you’d like to be on the tag list let me know.
All posts will be tagged ‘resiliencewithin’s daily gratitude group’.
Prompt (if you want): Something you are proud of (big or small).
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