#and she can lie and say she has captain stuff to talk abt be shes kinda embarrassed abt it
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waywardsalt · 11 months ago
Your recent post about post-PH AU stuff got me curious: why would Linebeck not like Tetra? Is it something specific to the continuity with hum!Bellum or more of a common thread present across several/all your takes on Linebeck? It's an interesting idea that somehow never crossed my mind as a possibility, and iirc you haven't talked about it before, too.
i think it mostly boils down to him not taking kindly to having to interact with another captain, especially not one who used to have link on her crew and might encroach on his authority when the two crews work together. it's really just the most relevent to post-ph with bellum present, and bellum doesn't actually have too much of an influence on the way linebeck feels about her (bellum is the one who really hates her, he's a liiiiittle pissy that he never got to take all of her life force, and he never really spends the time with her to... not hate her at least a little).
i think there is a slightly through line between my aus of linebeck and tetra not being on good terms??? tetra isn't present in a ton of aus (usually not included if there's a big focus on just zelda), but i think in the ones where she does, their paths don't cross often. i know she's in the space au and the crimson king au, and i think linebeck has more or less the same feelings abt her (being that she's a little annoying but ultimately no someone he really pays attention to until she's actively causing problems or something) tetra tends to be more important with whatever link's got going on in aus. most of the time i just think linebeck and tetra generally aren't on good terms.
otherwise they just dont get along in my mind as captains who probably step on each other's feet a lot and maybe dont like each others crew much (i dont really think linebeck would be toooo fond of her crew either, and tetra is def going to feel some kind of animosity towards bellum even if he doesnt come clean abt his identity to her) and operate too differently
#goopi-e#asks#salty talks#i had to pull up my au list bc i do not know off the top of my head what aus tetra is in asides from space and crimson king#she might only be properly relevant in those and only those so. the two aus where linebeck def isnt going to interacting with her much#uhhh tags#linebeck#tetra#sure???#similarly??? i think linebeck wouldnt like her bc she reminds him of ciela a little but chiefly of jolene n he is NOT putting up with that#i think hed teasingly call her 'princess' specifically to piss her off#HOWEVER they do have to kinda get along later when tetra figures out she likes girls too and hes like the only person she can ask abt it#shes like FUCK hes the only gay person i know goddammit i have to talk to him#damien is ignored for. some reason. hes probably the better candidate bc he also likes women and is nice#but i think it should be linebeck just so they can like. talk. probably linebeck be hes easier to get away from everyone else#and she can lie and say she has captain stuff to talk abt be shes kinda embarrassed abt it#i need to take a longer look at stuff abt tetra i feel like im missing a lot abt her??? idk im not the most interested in her tbh#but i think linebeck doesnt like her much and the feeling is mutual for a while#linebeck likes only like two of tetras crewmates. he acts like a predatory animal that spotted weak prey around niko specifically#across aus character relationships tend to be different. i think link and linebecks tends to be similar? the idea of being a good team#across my aus theyre more like soulmates than link and zelda. they do have good chemistry to work off of imo#based on their canon personalities n shit. a lot of the time in fanworks they (tetra n linebeck) seem to be on bad/shaky terms
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borealopelta · 4 years ago
It is time for the final episodes! Commentary by yours truly
Ep 8 starting off as wonderful as the last 20 times I watched it, Mr Crozier’s little “that’s not how I see you 😳” when Mr Gender insults himself, and them stopping to have a few words while looking at each other… alack! The emotions!! They’re so gentle with each other in the way they talk and LOOK at each other and them calling each other brokfhsd…brothrjhvc…I still can’t say it…they look like they’re about to k*ss and then... cut to them running towards the camp like two little cartoon figures doing a stupid little cartoon dance
Back in the camp tragedy awaits (of course, what else could happen) and we’re back with our regularly scheduled programme of hating Native people and casual gore
And how could I forget Mr Hickey (I hate his face <3) back on his bullshit, interrupted by the man himself (with that I mean Mr Jopson the ultimate madlad) being sent out to the great emptiness to be confronted with his lies
Good Lord, Mr Bridgens and Mr Peglar standing in the tent, l-o-o-k-i-n-g [at bruises and being ever so gentle even in times of extreme hardship while Mr Collins eyes some bottles very conspiratorially, I wonder what’ll happen (except I don’t)] I did Not pick up on these two the first time around and it makes the things to come so much worse
Oh this show and it’s cruelly casual depiction of death and dying and illness and injuries and overall suffering (I have a whole lot of thoughts about that that I won’t put here but dear Jesus) It happens so often and is such an integral part of their everyday life that it seems so normal to have several dead people lying around, to have people fighting for their lives (looking at you Mr Gender and your St Sebastian looking face) eugh it pains me
Mr Goodsir saying his last words to Lady Silence pain me once more, he seems so desperate for her to stay and you can see the exact moment his oh so fragile heart breaks once more as she walks off into the fog…
Then we have the absolutely fantastic speeches by Mr Crozier and Mr Hickey, I’m vibrating from excitement at how petty these two are with each other
Aand they’re getting interrupted by the Collins one-man-rave. Oh and a giant spirit monster
More Gender scenes from the man himself (the gender is arson) His eyes are like black holes full of trauma…
Collins getting mauled to death and his soul sucked out, what a wonderful way to end an episode right? This got very long and I apologise for that but there are thoughts being thunk so watch out for more
Dearest boaty mcboatface i FORGOT to reply to these but I'm procrastinating on studying for my exam (its on friday!!! wtf is wrong with me!!!) so it's time for Them!
The Big Fitzier Scene is just. Yeah exactly what you said the next logical step was to make out. What's better than dying of scurvy but still snatching a smooch from your captain slash role model slash Beloved™???
I have to ask HOW you missed the bridglar tho like....they are So Tender you look at them and go 👀 a-HA you two are homosexuals!! I see! But dgbdhdndkd yeah everything hurts about them as well <3
What's an absolute kick in the chest with Silna's departure is that,,,, I can't say it without crying ANYWAY Goodsir apologizes to her. That scene fucking unzips me like he apologizes. GOD.
The whole Hickey thing is such a mess and i love it so much...the fog makes the whole mood muted somehow and everything feels urgent and dangerous like the moment before the storm where you're just waiting for that first crash of thunder. des voeux and [idk who the other guy is] convincing tozer to open the armory, little being pressured into greenlighting it, tommy armitage looking cute af (it's not important to the plot but it's important to ME), and then Irving's autopsy, Hodgson (boyfriend) confirming Hickey's lie, the whole got damn thing is just So Fucking Much. And hhhhhh the basis of me making james and dezza friends in every single au aka fitzjender suggesting des voeux to be put in charge of the armoury....he trusts him!!! and that makes me so sad ok.
anyway the hanging scene my beloved. mr jared harris deserves a thousand kisses for that speech his VOICE CRACKS man his voice cracks,,,,i can hear the "thAT was MR HickEY" in my head. also i love watching Tozer's face in that scene as he finds out about this stuff and you can see the horror on his face that hickey lied to him and murdered farr and Irving and alienated the Netsilik. and he was stupid enough to go along with it and now he'll die for it. as we all know i'm the #1 Tozer stannie round here so of course I'll yell abt him anyway. Hickey's speech too....hate the man amazed by his Skills of Manipulation. He talks in this super weird way when he's gaslight gatekeep girlbossing and you can't not listen to it,,,
Collins one-man-rave made me crack up but it really is that,,,the ensuing carnage is one of the worst/best scenes for being so graphic and just dealing with a bunch of side characters efficiently. Love diggle being just wrestled into a harness and made to haul with the mutineers, little and tozer's Talk™ (probably the basis of that ship gdhdhfjd), tommy hartnell the absolute lad being the Best Boy in the show and of course the jender and his rockets!!! he really went all out there <3
Collins' death and Tozer witnessing it is so....once again a thousand kisses to Walmart for using Microexpressions and Body Language because his little twitches and whatever the fuck his face does lives in my head rent free.
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seijorhi · 4 years ago
asks :)
Y’all know the drill
Ok I just read ur Kuroo zombie drabble (which hello... Sinful. Delicious. I would read a whole book abt it), and I think I finally understand what I love abt ur fics? It's that awareness that someone NEEDS YOU. And what they do to get there. To keep you. All the lines they would cross. God, I've never experienced that in real life, only fiction, and you draw it out of these volleyball goons SO WELL it leaves me reeling and with butterflies in all the dirty, wrong, bad places. Just... Thanks. <3
Ahh you’re so sweet!! But yeah, that’s why I love the concept of yanderes so much - it’s that ‘love’ without boundaries, without rules, at the expense of anyone and everyone else which is of course super fucking unhealthy but also hhhhhh
omg going back to that zombie apocalypse au w/ kuroo... how would he react if reader did get bitten or died? let’s say reader shoved someone in their group out of the way from a zombie and ends up getting bitten
Badly. He’d definitely kill the person you were trying to save just out of spite, go on a bit of a rampage, but i also wouldn’t put it past him to keep his bitten darling chained up because he just can’t let you go.
your recent bokuto drabble is fireeeeee 😩😩😩 i love your content so much especially when you talk about the captains
i love my captains sm 🥺
yo yo yo YO THAT ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE KUROO DRABBLE WAS GREAT. I mean, who would ever suspect the charming Kuroo? He'll be nice and easy to get along with, a person in a midst of chaos and madness that everyone grows to trust. And he'd be a great leader, so no one ever doubts what he says, making it so much easy for him to manipulate others into thinking someone has to be sacrificed to get them out of a sticky situation. they'll think he's doing it for them but no, it's all just for you. - @bitterlavenderwritings
Ahh thank you, bby!  It’s one of those things where morals and stuff are already skewed in a post apocalyptic world, but instead of just being selfish for his own sake, he’s selfish for yours as well and there is literally nothing he won’t do to protect you. But yeah, no one would believe he’s actively out to hurt them (and he’s not - until it’s the difference between you getting hurt and you coming home safe) so it’s easier for him to do what he has to - lie, manipulate, outright kick somebody out of the way and into the waiting arms of a walker - whatever. Everyone looks up to him and trusts him, maybe there’s even a few in the group who think he’d made a better leader full stop 👀
i think i just felt my soul ascend from my body. your ushi's sister drabble WAS HOT AND HAD ME SALIVATING YOU'RE SO AMAZING PLS NEVER STOP WRITING- (or if you need a break, pls don't hesitate to do so!! god knows how tiring writing can be so i'd rather you have enough rest🥺🥺) - @bitterlavenderwritings
rest is for the weak (no but seriously thank you you’re very sweet) 💕
ONGMG OMG meet the parents part 2 was everything I needed and MORE! I know the reader will probably not get away free but FINALLY some parents/guardians with some sense!
Three cheers for the one adult I’ve written about who’s not entirely a piece of shit!! 
hey! i’m not sure if anybody asked about this yet, but i just read your blindsided aftermath, and i loved it! i was wondering if you would ever consider continuing that story? if you do, i would love to read it one day! keep up the great writing-i can’t wait to read the slasher bokuto, akaashi, and kuroo fic you’re working on. @glaringlights
Thank you sm!! I’m so glad that you guys like it, it’s on of my fave pieces but as far as continuing it - probably not? I might write some more drabbles at some point but it likely won’t be a full fic.
This is a rambley thought but I love your soul mate au so much.
It obviously all my dubcon noncon kinks but it's so well written but so terrifying too. These are people the universe has decided belong with you, the people you deserve. The fact the mum in the twins one was so eager to accept them in is just horrible. I love that despair aspect of it. That no one is likely to believe you if you tell anyone. (Except dad!)
OK sorry for rambling. I just adore the whole au and i can't find the words to describe how much! The whole au is Kinky and scary. I love it
It’s a fun trope to play around with - I’ve tried to make each one a little different and the next few I’m working on are even more so - I’m probably gonna keep writing them until you guys beg me to stop lmao. But also in all fairness to the mother (actually all of the other parents), if she actually knew what was really going on she wouldn’t be acting the same way. It’s more that they’re willing to look past any kind of sign that things aren’t okay because they want you to be happy, and your soulmates make you happy, right?
That concept is 👌👌👌 but hav u considered the reverse? Oikawa would be a total ass about his lil sis going to Shiratorizawa. He’d have the pettiest sibling rivalry- of course his little sis would capitalize on it
Semi and Tendou would take one look at Oikawa’s sister and just go :D but in the worst possible way lmao. 
can you make a little part 2 of blindsided(that inarizaki fic)🥺 like she ran way with ichiro but they found her somehow? or they found her during finals or some match?? idk i just really liked that fic🥺 literally one of your best !!!!
so my requests aren’t open but I’ve written a drabble about the reader escaping with Ichiro here and an extra snippet with Kita here
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volleyboys-imagines · 8 years ago
Dating headcanons for the captains please?
okay some hcs seem to cross over with the Pet HCs
oh and i have zero idea how to do dating headcanons
this poor boy doesn’t know how dating works, let alone asking you on a date. Movies? Dinner? Amusement park? Walks with Captain??
so bless you if you don’t care about him starting with the cliché first date tropes
but once he’s ok and mellowed and settled with the idea of dating such an amazing person (read: YOU), he’ll get more adventurous with his date ideas
like going out with Captain tbh, since Captain’s a huge part of Daichi’s life
but if you don’t like then that’s fine omigod
He’s more of a quality-time kind of guy, so he really prefers the café and talking-over-coffee thing
and the talking-while-walking-Captain thing
small gifts
handmade bracelets
just….E V E R Y T H I N G that he can give you
just humor him even if you think he fails
i’ll just kind of insert the “Prince Charming” trope in here for the dating thing
first date will always be the most impressive
five-star hotel, limousine, flowers, chocolate, night out under the stars
like, if there’s any date you have to dress up for, it’s this one
any date after that is pretty casual
coffee dates, music dates, volley dates, salon dates, lots of dates
okay sub-hc: no Starbucks. Even though there are Starbucks around. He’s learned from Makki
don’t ask how he learned
he likes taking you everywhere actually
to more or less show off what he does because he likes wowing you out
but because this is oiks this will be a test of if you can stay or not
and if you do…
Starbucks dates.
Meeting his sisters.
Just…opening up to you bc now he knows you’re in it for the long run ❤
okay i have said this before and i will say it again: he is a total sap.
he will take you everywhere and anywhere to do everything
First date will always be suuuper nerve-wracking
Because he doesn’t know what you want to do or what to eat and he doesn’t want to scare you with something he wants to do with you
So maybe a coffee or a study date at first
if you don’t have the same program then that’s also fine; rant about profs instead lol
after which he’ll probably get out there and take you out to amusement parks, movies, dinner dates, sleepovers, coffee, everything really
but what he really wants is to lie under the stars and just figure out cloud silhouettes and constellations
!!!!! STARGAZING HC: this nerd has a telescope!
and to mostly lie back, relax, and…lie quietly with you c:
which he doesn’t really get to do with kenma…think of it as being the Cat Dad with kenma more than just a friend. like he looks out for kenma. with you he’s a little more relaxed, because he can be himself with you
and his logic is that, if he’s with himself with you and you’re good with it (preferably all of it), then you’re marginally less at risk of dying
not, of course, that this goes to his head…he really just more or less is a magnet for trouble
he doesn’t really know what’s good for a first date, so probably something with flowers, dinner and a movie 
he was probably thinking of doing something grand for you just to show off but remembering moths live in his wallet at that point
sometimes he’ll just stroll through town with you, window shopping maybe
if he’s confident enough, Harper
he likes to think Harper is a good judge of character, so she’s the ultimate test
she likes everyone though so
i have a headcanon that he’s a lowkey gamer so if anything he’s got a setup in one of the rooms
have fun in mario kart...he’s got F1 2011-presend so he’s more or less a master at racing
you’d clobber him in smash bros tho....HAHAHAH
he’s the kind of guy that initiates the romantic gesture
if you want a rise out of him, kiss his cheek in public >:)
but he’ll wrap his arm around your shoulders, hold your hand, hug you from behind, everything
hc that this boy is lowkey super clingy
dates??? like ????? what is dating with this boy
but he does try to pry something out of you, like where you like to go or what you like to get/buy
and out of nowhere tries to surprise you by getting you the stuff you like
even if you mention it in passing and aren’t really serious
bc he’s just that serious abt you
he doesn’t have a lot that he likes tbh, but if he loses ideas on where to take you or what to do with you or when you say it’s up to him what you guys are going to do today he’ll take you to practice and most likely help you with your serve :>
probably go into a music store to listen to a few things, or a manga shop and get something for himself and tendou, or a sports or pet or dollar store to get a few more things he might need. nothing too grand, he’s not the amusement-park kind of guy
him initiating hand holding comes later. like  l a t e r
but feel free to do it yourself :) he’s so-so about pda, thinks it’s unnecessary
esp when he confesses to you ayyyyy
it’s likt love is so much more intense with ushiwaka bc he’s so damn unemotional. like he doesn’t show it like oikawa or kuroo or daichi but when he loves, he loves. it’s like the stuff of fairytales and legends and more
id’ say owl cafés but the poor birds
but generally he likes spending so much time with you, talking your ear off abt his team, his day, your day, your work, whatever, everything
oh and then there are the games
indoor, outdoor, physica, mental, group, 1-on-1; this boy cannot sit still
but when he does, it’s like the most magical thing ever
like you’re sitting together in a huge beanbag with coffee or a milkshake and you don’t even notice that it’s gotten super quiet until you look at him and he’s just staring at you
with those owl eyes (my god those eyes)
just...admiring how you talk
he’s never gonna notice that you noticed bc he’s so focused on watching you
otherwise, he’s also the pda initiator. kisses, holding hands, etc :)
but kiss him in public and reveal a blushy, embarrassed Bokuto
that will kiss you back lol c:
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