#and second they really fucking needed me to hand in a fucking 10 year old diagnosis for some fucking reason
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thegurlwhoisntthere · 1 day ago
Currently thinking about The Batfam and what Hogwarts houses people usually put them in vs what house I think they’re actually in, Let’s go:
Starting off with Dick Grayson, he’s the oldest and most of the fandom knows him as “the golden boy”! The original Robin and the mother hen mediator of his siblings… he works so very hard to keep this reputation, inside he is a feral feral child. Defo got some anger issues that he shoves down because he blames himself for Jason’s death of reasons. Most people put him in either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. As an adult, I agree he does fit these houses… however. The children of Hogwarts do not get sorted as fleshed out adults, they get sorted as feral 11 year olds. And 11 year old dick was as feral as they come. I think what house he’s in really depends on what age you think he was when his parents were murdered. The most accepted ages are 8-12, which means that there’s some wiggle room here. Pre-orphan hood I feel like he could swing that Gryffinpuff nature that many people believe him to be. However, if this is after the accident, I believe that it would be a toss up between Gryffindor and Slytherin depending on how long ago it happened. If it’s 8-9 I believe it’d be closer to Gryffindor because he’d have more time to settle into his role as Robin and maybe he’s starting to lean more toward Reckless and fun than “I will murder those that have wronged me” that early orphan-hood brought him. If he was 10-11 and still feeling that rage, then Slytherin.
Next we have Jason Todd-Wayne! Second Oldest… kinda, I think he and Cass are tied. Second Robin and first adopted, Jason grew up on the streets of Crime Alley and his tough skin showcased that. But! Don’t let his past fuel you, this boy is famous for his “Robin makes me Magic” quote (I’m so sorry if that’s not the actual quote, but I’m not doing research this is vibes and past knowledge only) and made Batman wait until he was finished with his homework to go on Patrol. Though Famous for his death, Resurrection and anger issues and murder, once again he did not die until 15/16, so we will be sorting him based on his 11 year old self. Now, honestly I don’t know where most people sort him beyond Ravenclaw because the Ravenclaw people are correct. This man has valued education since the day he was born. Pre-adoption or not, the moment he hears that Ravenclaw has a built in Library he was never going anywhere else.
Down the line we have Timothy “Tim” Drake-Wayne! Third Robin, ace photographer and Detective, he figured out who Batman was when he was 9. I don’t feel like Tim needs much explaination for me to say Slytherin, but I’ll give a bit anyway. It’s commonly believed that as an adult, Tim would be in Slytherin. It’s also commonly believed that the only reason he doesn’t kill is because Bruce doesn’t allow it. At 11 years old, not adopted by Bruce or in regular contact with him at all and criminally neglected, Tim has no super vision, resources, a brilliant mind, and too much time on his hands. When I say he would do anything to get what he wants, or what he thinks needs to happen, he fucking will.
Alright! Next up we have Stephanie Brown! Now I will be so honest, a lot of these next characters I don’t know a lot about them or their backgrounds, so I will be trying my best. This girl has ✨daddy issues✨, her dad is the knock off Riddler: Cluemaster. She grew up in Gotham proper, though I don’t know the specific neighborhood. She donned a mask costume to take him down herself, running into the third Robin, befriending him and eventually takes over for him a bit when his dad’s being a Debby downer. Valiantly refuses to be adopted by Batman. Very tough, very classy, I dub her a Gryffindor through and through… Although she can get into the Ravenclaw common room with ease.
Following her, we’ve got the legend herself Cassandra Cain-Wayne. Raised to be a living weapon by her father and escaped him after her first kill, she was never taught how to speak, only read body language. Found by Barbara Gordon at… 16? I think, she was eventually either taught how to sign and speak or had her brain magically rewired to understand speech and learned it alongside sign then. Again, don’t really understand her personality, but from what I’ve read she has a vicious sense of right and wrong and a mischievous streak just as long and wide and her brother’s, though the adults never suspect her. At 11 years old, I feel like she would find a home in Hufflepuff. She doesn’t quite know who she is, but she’s hard working and vicious like a badger if you fuck with her.
Finishing off the Batgirls, we have the original: Barbara Gordon! Originally Batgirl, now Oracle, I have no idea where people normally put her. I can see her going into any house: she’s hard working and kind like Hufflepuffs, Reckless and Brave like Gryffindor, Cunning and Resourceful like Slytherin, and Smart and Creative like Ravenclaw. I’m leaning toward Slytherin for her as an adult, but I don’t know a lot about her younger self to say anything too definitively. Maybe Gryffindor when she’s young and reckless, but grows into Slytherin more and more? Or maybe just Slytherin through and through.
And now, rounding off the Robins, we have Damian Al Ghul Wayne! Son of Talia Al Ghul and Bruce Wayne, Damian was raised to be the perfect assassin with the disposition and arrogance of a prince. His entrance to the family was rocky, but he’s grown more and more into his place as time passed. If he’s very new to the family at 11, Slytherin without any doubts. Two and a half years and on, I think he’s a Hufflepuff who’s got a lot of Slytherin habits. He was raised to beat down his kindness and natural loyalty, but being with Bruce, Dick and the rest of his family brings it out more and more with each year. So, the longer he’s with them, the more chance I think he has of being in Hufflepuff, though I do believe it’s really just down to him deciding, similar to Harry in the books.
And Last, but most certainly not least, we have the newest member of the family: Duke Thomas! Not yet adopted by Bruce (and maybe never, we don’t know) Duke is the only Metahuman member of the Batfamily. His parents were rendered insane by the Joker when he was young and he was pushed into the system… I think. For probably the fourth time in this post, I’m not as familiar with his character. I know at some point he either started a child gang or was one of the leaders of a child gang called “we are Robin”, so while he never had a Batman as Robin, he did don the symbol at some point. Now I know Duke like Poetry, was kind of a loner before he joined the Robin gang, and that a lot of people debate whether or not he’s chill or just as insane as his other siblings. In my opinion, he’s just as insane, but when he first got to the manor he was kinda nervous and accidentally conned everyone into thinking that he was normal, when in fact, he’s there for a reason. At 11, I believe that his parents had already been Jokered, so similar boat to baby Dick, but I feel like the toss up is between Slytherin and Ravenclaw, rather than Gryffindor (though that was briefly considered). Idk I think anyone who’s part of a child gang is gonna be cunning and Ambitious, but also I’ve read a lot of things where he’s quite creative, good at thinking outside the box, good at writing Poems, and good with Brain teasers, so I think he wouldn’t be out of place in Ravenclaw.
And those are my opinions on the batfamily and their Hogwarts houses. I forgot while writing the post that I could’ve included Bruce and Alfred, so: Bruce is Gryffindor, Alfred is Slytherin and I won’t be explaining that further. Good day and good night 🫡
Tell me ur opinions please please please please ple-
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pocket-deer-boy · 1 year ago
i just realized it's been a year and two months since i originally asked for therapy and i'm still not getting therapy. normal country
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hibiscusseaart · 6 months ago
So about Time Travel Tobirama
He gets back in his childhood, the period when Kawarama was already dead, but Itama still alive, just cuz I like Itama alive and well, ok. (also i love the idea of Itama the weed shinobi by @oh-no-its-bird so)
And he starts to think and strategise smth like "Ok, I need to kill Black Zetsu, but idk where he is. But he should be around Uchihas, so I must come closer. But I cant just go there, we're not in peace, they'd kill me. And I don't exactly know when Black Zetsu is gonna try to manipulate Madara. So I also have to monitor Madara and make sure Izuna doesn't ever dies, to ensure that Madara won't lose his shit".
So, he's really logical and his conclusion was "So the easiest way to monitor the Uchiha clan is to marry an Uchiha." But he can't just marry a random Uchiha, it'd be shitty for politics he is the clan heir after Hashirama after all + it'd be nice way to strengthen peace via marriage. Plus he needs to keep close eye to Madara. So. Marrying Madara it is. Or Izuna. But first of all, Izuna is annoying and second he still needs very carefully look for potential signs of Black Zetsu corruption and it's better to do that when they're in close quarters. So the best case scenario is Madara's hand in marriage.
Killing Madara might be easier, but Hashirama would be sad. Plus I think the ppl who helped him to be sent in the past (coughnaruto who said that) told him smth about that Madara and Hashirama are Indra and Ashura reincarnations and be like "What if daddy Sage gets angry..."
So yeah no killing Madara. Even though he kinda wants to.
And to be clear, he had this plan in the few days he's back in his baby body. He's like 10-12 or whatever, when Hashi starts running to the river to meet Madara. Oh and Itama is safe and sound cuz Tobi said fuck Butsuma and went to safe his baby brother.
So one day Tobirama follows his brother to the river to actually meet Madara before his father decides to fuck everything.
So, Tobirama's the most fucked up honeypot mission officially begun. Tobirama is gonna be like "Ok i need to impress a 12 yo... But I cant just show him a cool jutsu, he might think about me as a rival or whatever... Kids like praise and cool things... Maybe I can tell him that he's cute and find him a cool stick? Should I ask Anija to make a cool stick?"
He meets Madara (without a stick, Hashirama might've suspect smth) and be like "Wow, Anija who would've known you've made such a cute friend" (Tobirama is hard cringing in his head, he's not the best in honeypot missions) and Madara, being about 12 year old, is standing there covered in mud, cuz Hashirama threw him into river or whatever + the little hc that he's kinda ugly when he's in his teens. Like Madara thinks of himself as strong and cool, but not particularly handsome with his wild hair and eye bags.
So Madara is smitten cuz wow pretty boy with red eyes said that He's cute!!!
Tobirama looks at Madara's dopey smile and thinks of the first phase as a success. Now Tobirama starts to spend some time with Hashirama and Madara to monitor their surroundings from their clans, while Itama distracts their father, and also try to win over Madara when he is still an impressionable kid. Plus he starts hinting that they may be Senju and Uchiha and that they should be prepared. But well they're kids who wants to escape all that war and just play with a peer so.
Long story short, Madara be like "So we're gonna make a village and then I'm gonna marry Tobirama!"
Tobi "fuck yes, a bit ahead of the schedule, but sounds good, i'm in"
Hashirama is outraged bc THATS HIS LIL BROTHER!!!
So Tobirama plays hard and makes Madara promise to marry him when they're old enough.
But then well, they're still found out and they still have a fallout cuz of their clans. But Tobirama made them promise to try hard for peace (and marriage), so now they just have to wait til Butsuma dies and Hashirama can become a clan head.
Tobirama tries not to be so efficient at killing Uchihas cuz he will be their family later so he tries to avoid it and just knock out or use some non lethal methods. Hashirama mostly fights Madara and it's almost sparrings at this point. Itama works on his weed empire and learns healing.
Well one day Butsuma dies and Hashirama and Tobirama bully their Elders and rush to try for peace. Tajima (who I think is still alive) is suspicious of all of it and stalls af.
So one day on the battlefield Tobirama says "So, marriage when? You promised asshole", making all the Uchiha and Senju stumble and "HUH?!"
So now many of the Senju and Uchiha now know that Uchiha clan heir apparently proposed to the Senju heir ??? Everyone is confused.
Madara, still crushing hard on Tobirama, catches this opportunity and bullies everyone to allow peace and let him marry Tobirama. Uchiha allow it only cuz everyone knows how crazy Uchihas about loved ones and Madara is the strongest one. They kinda afraid that if they won't allow it, he'd go crazy (he would).
So Madara gets his trophy wife Tobirama, Tobirama gets his safari zone with Uchihas in their natural habitat.
Tobirama is a surprisingly good husband to Madara, cuz with all that Zetsu thing, he's attentive as hell. "Something bothering you, dear husband? Do tell me everything."
At first they think he'd learn things and will tell that all back to Senju, but Tobirama tries to assure them "I don't really care about details. Tell me about how it makes you feel." (he looks for the signs of Zetsu corruption)
So basically Tobirama marries Madara to become his therapist. Madara is very much in love and constantly brags how much his spouse loves him and that he always listens his worries.
Izuna is mad as fuck about all of it btw. He thinks that Tobirama has ulterior motives and hides something. (He's right. ) But Tobirama dutifully plays his part as an attentive spouse and makes plans for bettering Uchiha clan just so that the village won't suffer. He'd probably would prescribe them regular therapy for everyone who awoken Sharingan.
also @fashionredalert write a snippet for this au with madara in the mud! pls check it out!
UPDATE: It's a fic! :)
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wilwheaton · 9 months ago
For some odd reason, moderator Jake Tapper told Trump in the beginning that he didn't need to answer the questions and that he could use the time however he wanted. Trump ran with that, essentially giving a rally speech whenever he had the floor and was unresponsive to the vast majority of the questions. He made faces and insulted Biden to his face, at one point calling him a criminal and a Manchurian candidate. If anyone had said 10 years ago that this would happen at a presidential debate they would have been laughed out of the room. After the debate when most of the country had turned off cable news or gone to bed, CNN aired its fact check. [...] Even had Joe Biden been at the top of his game, he would not have been able to parry all those lies and he shouldn't have been put in the role of being Donald Trump's fact checker. His choice was to either ignore the lies and let them stand so he could use his time to make his own case or spend the entire debate correcting the record. It was not a fair fight. It's obvious that Biden's terrible performance has caused panic among Democrats and liberal pundits and analysts. The calls for him to withdraw are loud and meaningful and it's going to be a very rough period in this campaign whatever happens. For me, this isn't really a question. As long as Donald Trump is on the ballot, I will vote for the Democratic nominee. If it's Biden or someone else, the calculation remains the same. Nothing is worse than another Trump administration and I suspect that at the end of the day Democratic voters will agree with that. So it's still a matter of those undecided voters in swing states, just like it was on Thursday morning.
CNN's debate was no fair fight
CNN, yet again, gave Trump a national stage to vomit an endless stream of unchecked lies, and today, CNN is telling itself and anyone who will listen that the network and its moderators did a great job. That’s just plainly false, and America is paying the price for their failure.
That doesn’t let Biden off the hook. Biden had a terrible night. He was so bad, it’s allowed the political press to completely ignore not just how much Trump lied, but what he lied about: January 6, all his indictments, his Covid response, and on and on. President Biden was a disaster, and his campaign should be at DefCon 1 to try and repair all the damage. I am terrified that his awful performance will obscure his surprisingly good record and leadership in the post-insurrection era, and give the political press an excuse to run with “Biden is old” in the face of Trump’s endless lies, his felony convictions, his pending trials, and all of his criminality. Someone at Salon said that Trump didn’t win, but Biden absolutely lost. I can’t argue with that, even if the facts are all on Biden’s side.
I’ve seen President Biden on TV today, and even last night after the debate, where he didn’t come across as an ancient dude who needs a walker on his way to some Matlock reruns. He looks and sounds like the SOTU Biden we all expected would show up last night. I have no idea why he was so awful for 99% of the debate (the campaign says he has a cold), and I have no idea why the guy who is showing up to speak to supporters today, and who delivered the SOTU didn’t show up last night to save America from Trump, again.
But we have to live with this reality now, and I hope like hell that the Biden campaign, the candidate, and the entire Democratic party apparatus scrambles like fucking crazy to get all hands on deck to fix this, and remind voters that
This isn’t about BIden vs. Trump. This is about America vs. Project 2025.
There will be no second debate where Biden can try to salvage something out of the wreckage of this one. Trump has everything to lose and nothing to gain. Trump will crow about how he won, and declare he has no reason to debate again, and he’s right. Biden had one shot and he absolutely blew it. The moderators did not help, but the campaign had to have known they wouldn’t, and it sure looks like they didn’t prepare Biden for what we all knew was coming. I don’t know how those same people stop the bleeding, and if they can’t, America and the world are in real, real trouble.
But we all have to remember that we have a choice to make in just a few months. Right now, and probably on election day, the choice is between Joe Biden and Democracy, or Donald Trump and Fascism. It’s stark, it’s clear, it’s binary, and I can not believe that it is even a question. I just hope that there are enough voters out there who will understand that we do have a choice. The options suck, but we do have a choice.
Please choose Democracy. Please choose America. Please choose the future world our children will inherit from us.
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backwzzds · 2 years ago
Toji getting out jail and showing us some appreciation 🙈🙈
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ daddy’s home, toji fushiguro (nsfw)
omg bc prison bf!toji would be something interesting.
the story would be that before prison, toji was the ORIGINAL scammer. all these mfs his sons forreal. of course with being a hired professional hitman, it came with its financial perks, all of which he’d used to spoil his pretty little princess.
you lived comfortably well. you’d known toji since he was just a bum scrounging for any type of work, so you actually got to see the come up frfr. though you’ve always loved him from the start (even when he was broke), he was nearly 10 years older than you. just in your early twenties, you always told him—you did not deserve any type of struggle love. and a struggle life toji lived indeed. you assured him that if he was really about you the way he always swore he was—he’d do whatever he could to support for you.
and support for you he did!
it wasn’t anything about being a gold digger—you just had standards. toji chased after you for years and you loved it—but you knew you deserved better when he couldn’t even take care of himself. by the graces of whoever allowed him to stumble upon a secret job that could land him 1 mil cash—500 upfront as a deposit and the rest later—toji was yours the moment he proved to you he could take care of you indefinitely.
ass ironic as this sounds, he was actually arrested on false charges. the nature of the charges were true on everything—but the actual person they were accusing him of executing and murdering, he simply did not do. the courts didn’t care though, they just needed someone to hang for it and make an example out of them. that led to toji being sentenced to life in prison.
but thanks to his crooked ass lawyer, the piece of shit was out in 6 years.
you nervously tapped your acrylic nails on the pink wrap of your car as you leaned against the passenger side of the door. it seemed as if today was release day for a few other prisoners, seeing as a group of men walked out with plastic bags, all while staring you down. your arms remained crossed over your fat tits barely being able to breathe in the baby tee you wore to accompany your long flowy skirt as you awaited for your own man to re-enter the world again.
the minute another person leaves the building, your eyes meet with the familiar man’s. it was almost as if your energy was instantly drawn to his, because you immediately recognized him off the bat. toji is blown away by your beauty. you were always fine, but damn, watching you outside of a bulletproof plexi glass was top tier when he finally got to see your fuller ass and pudgy stomach in person again.
the second he’s in your vicinity again, instead of doing the normal thing like hugging him—you slapped the shit out of him.
“ow’!” toji groans. “fuck was that for?!” the old man rubs the spot you hit him in, giving you a fearful look. toji didn’t fear anyone or anything, but you had to be at the top of that list, especially when you were upset.
you give him a knowing look with your hands on your hips. toji rolls his eyes and grips your waist, “tch, i told ya i didn’t do that shit!” he groaned, referencing the one crime he was actually innocent for. “but with all the trouble that dead bastard put me through, wish it was me.”
you mirror his previous actions and do a double take in his physique. you weren’t the only one who got finer. toji’s waist got smaller—probably from starving himself like you told the fucker not to—but his build was more muscular, yet lean. he had an unimaginable number of new tattoos hidden under his normal clothes, and you couldn’t even think about what more laid hidden beneath his thick jeans.
toji fully notices your gawking eyes and gives you a cocky smirk with the scar on his lip fully rising. “miss me mama?” a smile can’t help but form on your own lips as you embrace him in a tight hug. not feeling the love enough, toji wraps his arms underneath you, fully lifting you from the ground. with your legs now around his waist, you were finally face to face with the man of your life.
toji leans into you and pecks your lip ever so lightly. with the sun in his view, he still got the best look of just how perfect you really were. “i missed ya,” he says so low, you barely catch it. “missed ya so much. went crazy dozens of times from you not being with me.”
it was strange for toji to be so vulnerable. but his time under made him realize just how ungrateful he really was for all the great things in his life. how ungrateful he really was for you. he vowed that when he did get out—if ever—he wouldn’t waste a minute without reminding you how he felt about his little girl.
with a proud smile on your face, you run your manicured thumb over the callous of his aging skin. you kiss the small scars there and then his lips. snuggling your head in his neck, you whisper, “let’s go home daddy.”
and that was how you ended up here, face down and ass up into your own mattress.
“you gonna tell daddy you missed him yet?” toji grunted while thrusting in and out of you. the ripples of your fat ass had him in a trance. “been almost seven years since i been in this pretty pussy’a yours. think i deserve at least that, baby.”
you whine into your pillow, drool pooling from the sides of your mouth. you wanted to play stubborn; let toji know that if he ever went to jail for something so stupid again, he wasn’t gonna see you or your pussy he loved so much.
your silence results in a hard slap to your ass. “ahh!” you yelp out, leaning forward into your white duvet. with another harsh smack and then the smooth rubbing of his large hand, toji smirked at the reddening imprint forming on the terrain of your pretty brown ass. “this ain’t about you!” you can’t help but seethe out to his previous statement. your voice is muffled by the fluff of your pillow, “i suffered these last seven years. not you.”
toji slows in his movements. you were so right. he knew how much you longed for him. your big hunky man that walked the streets with you 24/7 was no longer by your side to protect you like he usually did. he left you open. he left you vulnerable. though he’s had his people, geto and gojo watching over you, it wasn’t enough, you constantly slept in fear. you walked in fear. you lived in fear.
you didn’t know why, but suddenly all the emotion you felt in the past seven years came flooding to you. tears flowed from your eyes and you were crying. but from the pulsing grip your pussy had around his dick, toji knew you wanted more.
“look at me,” toji’s voice is muffled. when you made no effort to move, too ashamed to rven be crying at a time like this, toji pulls out of you and softly grabs you by the hips, turning you over so that your back was no against the mattress and you were facing him.
swiftly, the older man slides back into you, but this time moves inside you with more care. toji’s body is so close to yours, your hard nipples are brushing against his own with every thrust he makes.
“‘m sorry,” toji whispers with every rut into you. “daddy’s so sorry baby. didn’t mean to abandon you the way i did.” you could hear the genuineness in his tone as he stops fucking you, but begins to make love to you. “can’t imagine how scared you must’a been these past few years. haven’t been taking care of you the way i promised all those years ago.”
more tears flow from your eyes as toji brings you to your building orgasm slowly. “know you can’t forgive me for being so stupid ‘n careless now. ‘s gonna take some time. i know that. but jus’ lemme in again mama. let daddy back into your heart ‘n i promise i’ll take acre of you again.”
“daddy,” you sob. “‘m close,” is the only words that could leave your mouth. “don’t leave me, please. ‘m so close.” you were begging to cum, but deep down toji knew you were also begging him to stay.
toji brings his hand down to your pretty pussy and rubs at your clit as his lips engulf in yours. with just a few touches, you were creaming over his fingers and crying into his mouth.
“never gonna leave you again, mama. daddy’s home now.”
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athenamikaelson · 8 months ago
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Klaus Mikaelson x Reader!Soulmate x Elijah Mikaelson PART 10
Word Count- 7.2k
Warnings- Swearing, blood, violence, death, Damon’s ass/Damon BEING an ass, shitty Google translate, spelling mistakes(I'm wayyy too tired to edit this rn)
A/N- some of this is not canon just because I love a character too much and she deserved better in the show. 
“Are you just going to keep sulking in here,” I ask from my position in Damon’s doorway.
Damon answers me back with a loud groan mixed with what I believe to be a growl, “Tell me again why you’re here. And why I haven’t killed you yet?”
If I had just met Damon I would be scared of what he just asked me, but after these past weeks of knowing him, I’ve realized most of his threats are half-assed. So I just shrug and walk into his room.
“My mother and brother are away for the week visiting family, leaving me home alone. And, well, I don’t feel like having “he who shall not be named,” come and kill me in my sleep. And you haven’t killed me because you don’t want to. I’ve called you many bad names to your face, and yet I stand here, unharmed."
“Here you stand annoying the hell out of me. Again.”
I roll my eyes and sit on the edge of Damon’s bed. Damon still hasn’t moved from his position under the covers. 
“Damon,” I turn over my shoulder to look at him and he lets out yet another groan to acknowledge he’s listening, “I’m going to be honest with you.”
“Nothing new there,” I hear him say under his breath sarcastically.
“You’re kind of embarrassing to watch right now,” I turn to see him fully glaring at me now, “You’re how old? Like five thousand years or something like that? It’s time you grew up.”
“Says the high schooler.”
“Says the man in love with a high schooler,” I bite back which has him shutting up momentarily.
“You don't know anything,” He says as he finally sits up in his bed. His white sheet falling down, revealing his naked chest. I quickly avert my eyes, not because I’m attracted to him but because seeing Damon half-naked would be like seeing my annoying ass distant cousin naked. No, thank you. 
“Don’t bullshit me, Demon-spawn,” I point an accusing finger at him resulting in him glaring at me some more. 
“I know you have feelings for Elena, everyone and their bloody mothers knows. And as much as I like Stefan, I also don’t think it should be something you need to feel bad for,” I think momentarily and tap my chin in thought, “Well, okay. Maybe a little bad because she’s 17 and you’re like 1,000 and she’s also your little brother’s girlfriend,” I catch Damon’s deadly look and stop rambling, “Moving along…What I’m trying to say is that we can’t control who we catch feelings for. And honestly, Elena’s pretty and nice as hell so I don’t blame you there. But what we can control is how we choose to express those feelings.”
Damon just stares blankly at me and I feel like I’d be better off giving a toddler this speech. 
“What you’re doing right now, sulking and getting mad at everyone around you for something that is out of our control isn’t helping anyone. It’s only making things worse. Elena’s my best friend and I know she’s scared out of her mind right now but doesn’t want to say it because it'll cause more stress for the people she loves. What she needs right now is all of us. After tonight is over and Elijah’s elixir brings her back then you can go back to your hissy fits but right now,” I stand up and face him, planting my hands on my hips in a power pose, “You need to get your ass out of bed and get a fucking grip.”
Damon and I hold each other’s glares for a straight minute before he huffs, throws his blanket off of him, and gets out of bed. I have to fight a smirk as I get overly proud of my pep talk. 
“I’m really starting to miss when it was just puke coming out of that mouth of yours,” Damon growls as he walks to the bathroom and pulls down his boxers without a second thought. My eyes fly out of my head as I get a full look at Damon’s white ass. I quickly turn around and gag.
“Dude! Seriously, warn a girl!”
“I don’t remember you being so…talky,” Damon’s voice yells from over the water of his shower.
I frown as I think about his comment and sit back down on the edge of his bed facing the front door and not the bathroom. Not wanting to get a face full of his behind again, or worse…ugh.
“I…don’t think I’ve ever been talky. There has never been a reason for me to be,” I say back to him not really caring if he hears or not.
A moment later I hear the shower water stop and his footsteps padding around behind me. 
“What the hell is that supposed to mean,” Damon says from next to me and I slowly turn hoping he’s at least half decent. 
Thankfully, he has covered his behind with jeans and is currently slipping a shirt over his chest.
I think about his question and then shrug my shoulders, “I’ve never really had friends to talk to, and whenever I had tried talking to people they just hadn’t cared. So I never really saw the point in talking.”
Damon stops fixing the buttons on his shirt momentarily to look at me. His eyebrows are drawn together and the look in his eyes isn’t one I think I’ve seen from him before. Something about it almost seems kind of…human. But within another second it’s gone and his lip upturns into a smirk.
“People are a waste of time anyway. The only good thing about them…,” He takes a step closer to me and leans down so he’s in my face, “Is there blood.”
I huff as I stand up and push past him heading towards the door, “And here I thought I could actually have a half-decent conversation with you. My mistake.”
I start walking through the halls toward the living room where Elena, Stefan, and Elijah are. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Damon catch up to me so we’re walking side by side.
“You’re kind of annoying,” He says and I have to fight the urge to not punch him.
“Gee, thanks,” I go to walk faster but he catches up to me again.
“What I mean is…,” He pauses for a moment trying to find his words, “You may be annoying but that doesn’t mean what you have to say is pointless or something that shouldn’t be heard. Screw anyone who tells you otherwise…or just kill them.”
I look at him with a confused look matching the confused feelings I now have, “Thank you? I think.”
“Don’t mention it,” He leans down and glares at me, “Seriously, I will kill you if you tell anyone what I just said.”
I suck on my teeth and then nod my head, “And there’s the Demon we all know and loathe.”
“Right, back at you, Pukey.”
I watch as Damon’s eyebrows furrow as we get closer to the living room and as we enter he speaks up, “Then why are we letting him break the curse?”
I follow Damon into the living room and see Elena and Stefan sitting together on a sofa and Elijah standing before them. Elijah’s eyes lock onto mine and I acknowledge him by sending him a small smile which he just returns with a nod. Okay, Rude.
“We can kill him today. With Bonnie,” Damon says and I realize we’re talking about him. At the mention of him, I begin to clench my fists as a surge of anger rises through me but stop myself since I don’t feel like accidentally cutting myself in a room of vampires. I take my seat on a loveseat next to Elena, who sends me a warm smile before turning towards Damon.
“No. Bonnie can’t use that much power without dying.”
“I’ll write her a great eulogy,” Damon’s words have me turning in my seat and glaring at him. So much for my speech getting to him.
“It’s not an option Damon,” You tell him, Elena. 
Stefan sighs, “Alright, how do we break this curse?”
“Well, the ritual itself is relatively straightforward. The ingredients, so to speak you already know,” Elijah answers.
“The moonstone,” Stefan says.
“A witch will channel the power of the full moon to release the spell that’s bound within the stone. After that Klaus, being both a werewolf and a vampire, will sacrifice one of each.”
“And where do I fit into it,” Elena asks him.
“The final part of the ritual. Klaus must drink the blood of the doppelganger…to the point of your death.”
Elijah’s words have both Stefan and I taking deep breaths.
“And that’s where you come in.”
Elijah goes to the shelf behind him and opens a little wooden box, “This is an elixir that I acquired some 500 years ago for Katerina. It possesses the mystical properties of resuscitation.”
“So I’ll be dead..”
“And then you won’t.”
Damon the grouch speaks up, “That’s your plan? A magical witch potion with no expiration date,” He turns to Elena, “You want to come back to life, what…What about John’s ring?”
“Those rings only work on humans. The doppelganger is a supernatural occurrence. Odds are…the ring won’t work.”
“I’ll take those odds over your elixir. What if it doesn’t work Elena?”
“Then I guess I’ll just be dead.”
Damon shoots his brother a look, but knowing Stefan, he’ll go with whatever Elena wants. Even if he doesn’t agree. Damon realizes this too before shooting another glare at the group before leaving the living room back to where we originally came from.
“Do we know if Klaus has everything he needs to do this? Does he have a werewolf?”
“Klaus has been waiting over a thousand years to break this curse. If he doesn’t already have a werewolf my guess is by tonight, he will.”
I watch from my position on the couch as Stefan follows his brother outside. That’s going to be a fun conversation. 
Elena approaches Elijah, “You’d think he’d understand why I’m willing to do this.”
“Why are you?”
“I’m the key to breaking the curse. Klaus is here because of me. If I don’t stop him, then he’s gonna hurt people. It’s that simple.”
I frown sadly to myself and fight back the watering that has started in my eyes. This isn’t fair. None of this is. 
“You know, there’s a possibility this elixir won’t work. I don't want to mislead you.”
“I know the chance I’m taking.”
The tense atmosphere is broken by a door slamming shut and a woman yelling from the foyer. 
“Jenna, Jenna!”
“Get out!”
I quickly rise from my seat and go to follow behind Elena to check on Jenna, but a hand grabs my own, pulling me back. 
“Wait here,” Elijah’s stern voice says to me as he drops my hand and follows behind Elena.  I watch his retreating figure and shake my head. Who tf does this guy think he’s talking to?
I run towards the foyer and freeze when I see Ric standing there. Or Klaus, I guess. My breathing gets faster and I’m debating on whether to swing on him or pass out.
“Jenna, put the cross-bow down, okay? It’s me.”
Stefan joins us and Elijah comes to stand in front of me, not before shooting me a disapproving look.
“What’s going on,” Elena asks the two adults.
“It’s me, Elena, I swear, okay? He let me go. Klaus let me go,” I frown at Ric’s words and look to Elijah to see if he can tell if Ric is telling the truth or not but his face is completely still. 
“Prove it,” Damon who has now joined says.
“Okay, uh, the first night you and I spent together Jeremy walked in right when-”
“Ok! It’s him,” Jenna exclaims as she drops her weapon. Ew. Everyone in the room throws glances at each other before turning back towards Ric. 
“Why did he let you go,” Stefan asks.
“He wanted me to deliver a message. The sacrifice happens tonight.”
“Katherine was there,” Ric says from his position on the couch. We all moved back into the living room to keep discussing our plans for tonight. 
“She’s under compulsion. Damon snuck her vervain but she can't leave until Klaus tells her she can.”
“Where is Damon,” Elena questions, and I get a bit unnerved. Not knowing where Damon is is not an ideal situation. 
“I saw him go upstairs,” Jenna says. 
Elena stands up and goes towards his room and I go to follow her but Elijah grabs my upper arm, “I need to speak with you,” I begin to argue back as he pulls me into the next room.
“Dude let go of me,” I hiss at him and he drops my arm and stares blankly at me.
“Do not dude me, Elskan,” Elijah says with that stupid monotone voice of his that makes me want to wrap my hands around his throat.
“You don’t get to tell me what to do Elijah,” I whisper yell to him so the others don’t overhear us, “And stop with that stupid nickname.”
Elijah narrows his eyes at me, “You are making it incredibly hard for me to protect you.”
“Oh I’m sorry,” I roll my eyes sarcastically, “I didn’t realize you actually cared, since you’ve been acting like you don't.”
Elijah’s narrowed eyes morph into ones of confusion, “What are you talking about?”
“Seriously! One second you’re making all these promises to protect me and being all nice and stuff and then the next moment you won’t even acknowledge my existence.”
“It would be impossible for me to not acknowledge your existence, Y/n. There is not a single moment where I am not searching for you. This situation,” He gestures between us, “Is not something I take lightly. And keeping you safe is now my most important mission in this life. So I apologize if I have hurt your feelings whilst doing that.”
I’m frozen as I listen to Elijah and he takes a single step towards me. He reaches his hand up and brushes a stray hair behind my ear. 
“You have no idea how long I have waited for you,” His words have me frowning in confusion as he brushes his finger across my cheek, “But, I fear that if I let myself get too close then it will only put you in more danger and I would rather dagger myself before ever letting that happen.”
My chest and my brain don't seem to be working properly as I just stare wide-eyed at the man in front of me. I try to think of something, anything really to say but I can’t seem to get my mouth to form a sentence. 
A loud bang comes from upstairs and Elijah gives me one more look before exiting. I feel like I’m on autopilot as I walk towards the noise, catching sight of Ric and Jenna running towards it as well. I make my way up to Damon’s room and gasp as I see Stefan with a very big piece of wood through his stomach. Ric tries to grab Damon but the ladder pushes him off him before walking out of the room.
“Okay, Jenna, downstairs in the basement are some blood bags,” Ric tells Jenna who is standing in front of me, “Go get them, now. Go!”
Jenna leaves as Elena rips the wood out of Stefan. I walk over and kneel next to them as Elena holds and tries to comfort her hurt boyfriend.
“I’m so sorry,” Stefan groans out.
I frown, confused, “Why is he sorry? He’s the one who got stabbed?”
I’m ignored for a moment as Elena shushes Stefan until he passes out and with tearful eyes, she looks over to me, “Damon he…he fed me his blood. Y/n, I don’t want to be a vampire”
'My chest practically caves in on itself as I hear my friend's small sobs and shake my head in denial, “No…no. There has to be another way. There has to be Elena,” I stand up and look at her once more, “You’re not going to be a vampire.”
I storm through the halls and down the stairs until I see Damon in the living room pouring himself a glass of whatever alcohol he has on hand. That anger from before rises at the idea of what he just did.
“You selfish bastard,” I storm over to him and I see Elijah try to stop me from the corner of my eye, only to receive my hand in his face. And as Damon turns around to look at me he receives my fist in his face. 
Damon hisses as my fist flies across his cheekbone and I fight back tears at the pain in my knuckles. I’ve never thrown a punch before but I didn’t realize it would hurt this much. Jesus.
Damon looks back at me as if my punch did nothing to him, which it probably didn’t and I expect him to charge at me, and I’m assuming Elijah does as well because he moves next to me. But all Damon does is stare at me, raise his glass to his lips, downs it, and then exits the living room. 
“You’ve never thrown a punch before have you,” Elijah’s voice has me turning my gaze over to him.
I look at him sheepishly, “Is it that obvious?”
Elijah stares at me and from his face I think he's trying to debate whether to be amused by me or scold me, “A bit, but I applaud you for the effort,” Elijah’s eyes dart towards my hurting hand and he picks it up with his own and inspects it. 
“You’ll have some bruising but thankfully there appears to be no breakage.”
I let out a pained hiss as one of his fingers brushed against my middle knuckle. He instantly stops and looks at me.
“I can heal you if you’d like,” He asks me and I remember back to when he healed me the first time. It feels like another lifetime ago. 
“I’ll be fine,” I dismiss him and he nods but doesn’t drop my hand. He does reach his other hand up and uses his thumb to wipe a stray tear off my cheek. 
“I’m sorry about Elena,” I quickly remember why I punched Damon in the first place and go to question about the elixir but he shakes his head as if he already knows what I’m thinking, “It won’t work any longer. Damon made sure of that when he fed her his blood. When Elena dies she’ll wake up as a vampire."
I shake my head in denial and feel the tears reach my eyes again, “No... Elijah. There has to be another way! Please tell me there’s another way.”
Elijah’s features form to one of sorrow as if he can feel the pain I’m in, “I’m sorry, Elskan. I truly am.”
I shake my head and bite down hard on my lip to try to stop my tears. Elijah reaches up his hand though and frees my bottom lip from my teeth with his thumb. 
“Come here,” Elijah says as he pulls me into him and wraps his arms around my body. The smell of something masculine, almost smoky, surrounds me as he rests his chin on my head. After everything that has happened, if I were to die like this in his embrace, I don’t think I would regret it. 
I wipe the remnants of my smeared mascara as I look at myself in my car mirror. After Elijah left the Salvatore’s saying he had some loose ends to clean up before tonight and to not get myself into any more trouble, I went to check on Elena. 
She hugged me for about ten minutes straight and I just rubbed her back as she cried into my shoulder. And I may or may not have cried along with her, feeling heartbroken for my friend. 
Elena and Stefan then left together to go spend her last day as a human together, which is as bittersweet as it is heartbreaking. And after bidding Jenna and Ric a goodbye I found myself driving to the Mystic Grill. That’s why I am now sitting in it’s parking lot trying to collect myself and trying to keep myself busy for what is to happen tonight. 
I open my car door and hold my bruised hand tentatively as I push through the front door to the Grill. I had seen a “Help Wanted,” sign here the other day and if I hopefully survive the night I’ll need a job for the summer. Not being a trust fund baby really sucks ass sometimes. 
Matt Donovan sends me a warm smile as I walk past him. I'd never really talked to the guy other than the few times in class where he’d ask to borrow a pencil or if I could help him with some math equation, but he always seemed sweet. Unlike the stupid jock stereotype, I’ve gotten used to seeing in this town. After being told by Elena what happened to his sister and that now he lives by himself as a 17-year-old because his mom’s a deadbeat, I feel bad for the guy. 
I let out a low groan as I stop my walk towards the bar which is currently occupied by the demon overlord himself. I debate to myself if I should just turn around, but a hand on my shoulder shocks me.
Ric stands there with his hands raised up in apology, “My bad Y/N. Didn’t mean to scare you. Just wanted to check on you and see how you’re doing.”
I look at Ric and sigh, “I’m just glad you’re you again.”
Ric nods his head in agreement, “Ya, me too. I didn’t hurt you while I was Klaus right?”
I shake my head, “No Ric, and even if you did it wouldn’t have been your fault. You had no control over yourself.”
Ric sends me a warm smile and nods, “I feel kind of violated, to be honest.”
I snort at his joke, “I don’t blame you.”
“I need a drink,” Ric says as he walks with me up towards the bar and my knuckles start to burn as I stare at the hair on the back of Demon’s head.
“I’ll have the same as him,” Ric says to the waiter as he sits on Damon’s right and I sit down on his left. The waiter then looks at me for my drink order, “A Shirley Temple, please. And a job application?”
The waiter, a half-decent-looking man, smirks as he pulls out a pad of papers from behind the bar and hands them to me before going back to making drinks.
“Job searching, Pukey,” Damon asks from beside me and I stare forward not looking at him.
“Ric,” I call to him and he turns to look at me, “If Damon’s here who do you think is guarding the gates of hell?”
Rics snorts out a deep laugh and I can see Damon scowling from beside me. The waiter comes back and gives Ric his bourbon and me my Shirley Temple. I accidentally grab it with my injured hand and try to cover the hiss I let out, with a cough.
“How’s your hand,” Damon asks from next to me. I’m surprised that his voice doesn’t sound completely sarcastic.
I turn and glare at him, “How’s your face?”
Damon sends me a smirk and gestures to his unmarked face, “Perfect.”
I roll my eyes and take a sip of my Shirley Temple ignoring whatever the two men next to me are talking about. That is until a voice that has my heart doing a fucking backflip in my chest calls from behind us. 
“Gentlemen? Why so glum,” A deep British voice asks and I could’ve sworn goosebumps went up my arms at the sound. What the fuck? 
All three of us turn to match the voice to the face and…Holy shit.
A tall dark-blond man stands about a foot length from me. At this distance, I can see the different shades of blue in his eyes and the small freckles that decorate his perfect nose. 
I hear Damon groan from behind me and I’m not sure why as I’m too busy ogling the pretty man before me. 
“Klaus, I presume.”
I blink. And then I blink again. And then once more as I’m frozen staring at Klaus. The Shirley Temple in my hands starts to shake as I can’t take my eyes off the man. 
“In the flesh. Thanks for the loner, mate,” Klaus smirks at Ric and if I wasn’t in total shock right now I’d defend him. But the man I’ve thought of killing for the past week is standing right in front of me and I was counting how many fucking freckles I could see on his goddamned nose. There’s thirteen.
 Shut tf up Y/n?!
Klaus hasn’t looked my way once and although I should be glad about that a part of my lower stomach drops at the fact.
Damon stands from his seat and goes to face the man, “Any reason you stopped by to say hi?”
“I’m told you and your brother fancy my doppelganger. Just thought I’d remind you not to do anything you’ll regret,” Klaus’ warning doesn’t seem to sway Damon as the ladder lets out a laugh.
“Thanks for the advice. I don’t supposed I could talk you into a postponement by any chance, huh?”
Klaus lets out a chuckle and I swear my heart just skipped a beat. What the fuck Y/n?!?!??
“You are kidding,” Klaus asks and then turns to Ric, “He is kidding, right?”
“No, not really.”
“I mean, come on, what’s one month in the whole grand scheme of things,” Damon asks and I realize that he’s doing this because he doesn’t want Elena to die with vampire blood in her system. 
“Ya, I mean one month is like,” I pretend to count on my fingers, “Like thirty days. I don’t see why you can’t wait that long. You’ve already waited over a thousand years, what’s thirty days?”
I ask the man and this finally has Klaus acknowledging my presence. But honestly, from the way he’s looking at me, I wish I would’ve kept quiet. His eyebrows are drawn together and his lips curve upwards into what I hope isn’t a snarl. Damon must’ve noticed the look too because he moves in front of me blocking me from Klaus’ vision and him from mine. 
“Let me be clear,” I hear Klaus’ deep voice say, “I have my vampire, I have my werewolf. I have everything I need. The ritual will happen tonight. So if you want to live to see tomorrow don’t screw it up.”
I catch sight of Klaus’ back as he strolls away.
“Would I be a bad person to say I kind of hope his werewolf was the Jules’ chick,” I see Ric shoot me an “Are you serious” look and I shrug, “Hey, she was the one who tortured me. I still got the little knife scare on my leg to prove it.”
Damon doesn’t say anything as he sits back down and sighs. 
“You’re gonna screw it up, aren’t you?”
“You think if I took his werewolf out of the equation she might…get over the fact that I tried to turn her into a vampire?”
“Nope,” I say popping the p.
“I think it won’t matter, because you’ll be dead.”
“But without the werewolf he can’t preform the ritual tonight which means I would have bought her one month before the next full moon.”
Ric shakes his head, “But you’ll still be dead.”
Damon leans into him, “Are you gonna help me or what?”
Ric looks at him for a moment, “What do you want me to do?”
I slurp up the rest of my drink, throw a five onto the counter,  and jump up as the two men next to me watch me wearily.
“Alright gentlemen, dream team time!”
Ric raises an eyebrow while Damon shoots me a look of disgust, “I don’t know what the hell that was, but you’re not coming along.”
I frown as I grab my application and follow behind the two men, “Why the hell not? I want to help.”
Damon whips around to me, “Look kid, not happening. There’s already too much shit going down and I can’t be babysitting you, making sure you don’t get killed on my watch. So go back home and we’ll see you tonight. Capiche?”
Damon turns back around and walks to his car. Ric sends me one last smile and a shrug of his shoulders before following behind. I watch the two men drive off and I sigh as I stand in the middle of the parking lot. Anger and sadness building in me, when I realize just how useless I truly am.
I try to give Elijah a smile as he opens the SUV door for me. But with the mood I’m in I think the smile comes out more like a frown than anything else. Elijah must notice this too as he reaches his hand out for me to take. I debate it for a moment, 1. Not being a big fan of PDA, and 2. Stefan and Ric are with us and I don’t want them to be angry with me. But then I remember that my best friend is going to die tonight so a little PDA isn’t that huge in the grand scheme of things. 
Elijah seems elated as I place my hand in his and he guides Stefan and I through the woods toward the creepy ass witch house where Bonnie, Jeremy, and Ric are. 
“The sacrifice is completed in stages as the full moon sets,” Elijah explains to us. I feel his hand squeeze mine in comfort and I squeeze his back, “First the werewolf is killed, then the vampire’ and finally the doppelganger. Once Elena dies, the curse will be broken. Klaus will become a hybrid.”
Stefan comes to walk next to us. His eyes go down to Elijah and I’s intertwined hands briefly before looking back up to me. When I send him a weary smile, he sends me a small one in return calming down my nerves.
“So when do we attack,” Ric asks from behind us.
“Elena’s death will activate his dormant werewolf side. He’ll be vulnerable during the transformation. That’s when Bonnie comes in.”
“And you’re sure Bonnie will survive this,” Stefan asks and I’m thankful at least one of the Salvatore brothers has a heart.
“If she can deliver him to the brink of death I’ll finish the job myself.”
Stefan and Ric nod.
��Could I talk to Elijah for a moment,” I ask the two men who share a look before nodding and moving towards the house. 
Elijah turns towards me, “What is wrong, Elskan?”
“Are you going to be able to do it?”
Elijah frowns and shakes his head, “What do you mean?”
“Elijah you’re going to be killing your brother. I know siblings are a pain in the ass,” I think back to Theo and thank whatever higher being is out there that he left town this week, “but even when you hate them…you still love them. I’m not judging you for what you have to do. I’m just asking, are you ready for what you’re about to do?”
Elijah’s face is solemn as he processes what I asked, “Klaus wasn’t my only sibling,” I frown as he continues, “There once was a time when we were all together. But Klaus ruined that when he dumped their bodies in the middle of the Pacific.”
I let out a strangled gasp at Elijah’s confession. His pain evident on his face. 
“Elijah…I didn’t know. Why didn’t you tell me?”
Elijah steps forward and holds the side of my face with his free hand, “You’re so good. So…pure. I didn’t want to strangle out the light you have inside you with my demons.” 
“Elijah, you’re not the only one with skeletons in their closet. Trust me. But I want you to be honest with me. I need you to be. If this,” I gesture between us, “whatever this is. Is going to work. I’d never judge you. I know sometimes I can be a lot but that doesn’t mean I don’t anything but happiness for you. I don’t know what this means but you make me feel something I’d never felt with another human being.”
Elijah stares at me and something in his eyes tugs at my chest, “What is that?”
“Safe. You make me feel safe, Elijah. And I know I’m not some supernatural immortal and I can’t throw a punch to save my life. But, I want to make you feel that way too. However, I can.”
I start to get embarrassed as Elijah stares at me silently and I really wish I would’ve just kept my mouth closed.
“ᛁ ᚹᚨᛚᛚ ᛚᛟᚡᛖ ᛇᚢ ᚢᚾᛏᛁᛚ ᚦᛖ ᛋᚢᚾ ᛖᛗᛈᛚᛟᛞᛖᛋ, ᚦᛖ ᛟᚲᛖᚨᚾᛋ ᛞᚱᛁ ᚢᛈ, ᚺᚢᛗᚨᚾ ᛚᛁᚠᛖ ᚺᚨᛋ ᛚᛟᚾᚷ ᛋᛖᚾᚲᛖ ᚷᛟᚾᛖ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛁ ᚨᛗ ᚾᛟᛏᚺᛁᚾᚷ ᛒᚢᛏ ᛗᚣ ᛋᛟᚢᛚ. ᛒᚢᛏ ᛖᚡᛖᚾ ᛏᚺᛖᚾ ᛁ ᚹᛁᛚᛚ ᛋᛏᛁᛚᛚ ᛒᛖᛚᛟᚾᚷ ᛏᛟ ᚢ. ᛖᚡᛖᚱᚢᛏᚦᛁᚾᚷ ᛁ ᚨᛗ ᛁᛊ ᚢ,” Elijah says in some old language I can’t place. 
“What exactly did you just say to me,” I ask, expecting the worst.
Elijah smiles and places a kiss on my temple, “I feel safe with you as well, Elskan.”
“I’m going now,” Stefan interrupts us and I move away from Elijah shocked.
The sense of warmth and peace I just had completely washed away as soon as those words left Stefan’s mouth. 
“You should get inside Y/N. Bonnie needs you,” Stefan says to me making me frown. But I nod as I walk through the threshold of the house. Elijah follows me as I stand next to Ric. After a moment Bonnie and Damon walk up the basement stairs and out the front door. I frown as Ric and I follow them and Elijah squeezes my hand once more before dropping it as he passes through the threshold. Ric and I are pushed back though.
“What the hell?”
Ric yells from next to me, “Bonnie! What is this?”
Bonnie turns back towards us, “I can’t put anyone else at risk. I’m sorry.”
“You can’t do this! What if he goes after Jenna,” Ric asks angry.
“Jenna safe locked in at the Salvatore’s.”
Damon sends us a look, “Sorry buddy. She’s right.”
I look to Elijah for help but from the look on his face he doesn’t seem surprised.
“You knew.”
Elijah turns to me one last time, “I meant what I said about protecting you. If I have to kill my brother to do that, I will. I’m sorry, Elskan. I will see you soon.”
I watch silently, as he turns his back on me and disappears into the woods. So much for trust. 
I watch as my history teacher paces in front of me. Jeremy’s unconscious body lay on the couch next to me and Elena's estranged bald father who looks like Charlie Brown watches us wearily. If you had told me I’d be in this situation a month ago I would’ve called you crazy and set up an appointment for you with my therapist mother. But here I am. Yippee. 
I stand up, and both of the grown men watch me, “Just using the bathroom. Wait…Does this place even have a bathroom,” I ask but groan when I get no answer. I’m about to make my way out of the room when a piercing pain slices through my chest.
It only takes one scream from my lips before Ric is at my side. His mouth is moving but the sheer pain I’m experiencing makes it so I can’t process his words. I watch with teary eyes and sobs coming out of my mouth as Ric lifts his hand from my chest and his eyes widen. The crimson liquid coating his hand is the last thing I see before the world goes black.
3rd Person POV- 
Bonnie screams out her spell as she crushes Klaus’s body. Fire burns around them as the once powerful Original lay in agonising pain. From the shadows, Elijah stalks towards his younger brother. 
Elijah stands above him. A mask of anger covers his face as he leans down to stare at the man he once called a brother and a friend. 
Klaus stares up at the man he once saw as his protector, and for the first time in centuries, Klaus feels true fear. 
“Hello, brother.”
Stefan and Bonnie watch from afar as Elijah plunges his arm into his brother’s chest. Wrapping his hand around his still-beating heart. 
“In the name of our family…Niklaus…”
“I didn’t bury them at sea,” Klaus’ desperate voice halts Elijah momentarily before shaking off what he believes to be a trick.
“I know about Y/n,” Those four words have Elijah pausing, “I know what she is to you. And I know she's the same to me.”
The hand that was once clenched around Klaus’ heart slacks as Elijah stares at his brother in horror.
“You’re lying,” Elijah snarls.
Klaus shakes his head, “I wish I was, brother. But I’m not. And if you kill me what do you think will happen to her. Are you really going to take that risk?”
Elijah’s once cool face breaks and turns into one of horror as he looks at his hand that is in his brother’s chest. 
Stefan noticing this lapse of judgement speaks up, “Elijah, don’t listen to him.”
“Elijah,” Klaus says, “Think of her.” 
“Do it and I’ll take you both out,” The Bennet witch threatens.
Elijah looks up to her, “You’ll die.”
“I don’t care.”
Stefan and Bonnie watch in horror as Elijah speeds himself and his brother out of the flames and into the night, leaving only silence and heartbreak. 
“Why are we going to this again,” My brother asks from the hallway outside my room as I fix my black dress in my mirror. My hands freeze for a moment as they land on the spot on my chest that was bleeding just the night before. 
I woke with a gasp and before I could get a second to breathe I felt someone grasp my shoulders into a hug.
“You’ve really got to stop freaking me out like this,” A soft voice says into my ear.
I pull back and my eyes widen to see Elena with glossy eyes staring back at me.
I shake my head confused, “What happened? Did the ritual happen? Who died? Are you a…,” I pause before finishing my last question.
Elena sends me a smile and shakes her head, “They found another way.”
I feel a smile break out onto my face and I go to sit up to hug her but a sharp pain in my chest stops me.
“Don’t move ok. Just lay still,” Elena coaxes me back onto the coach I’m lying on.
“What happened?”
-End of Flashback-
In Elena and Ric’s spark notes version of the night, about 20 minutes after Stefan, Bonnie, and, Elijah left for the ritual I fell down to the ground in pain, screaming and yelling, and when Ric went to check on me I had blood spilling from my chest. Right above where my heart is. Ric said there was so much blood he couldn’t find where it was coming from but after holding pressure on it for another ten minutes the bleeding had stopped and when he moved his hands from my chest I had no wounds that showed I had been wounded. 
Alaric told me he was surprised that I was still breathing after losing the blood that I did. He also told me that while I was unconscious he found Damon slipping me some of my blood. And if I wasn’t as sore as I was I’d have bitched him out. I’ll just put that on the back burner for now. As well as figuring out what the hell is wrong with me. Bonnie said she couldn’t feel any spells or curses on me so at least that’s a plus. I guess. Also, I haven’t seen Elijah in over a day. Honestly, I don’t know if I could face him right now anyway. I’m pissed that he betrayed us, but there’s a part of me that is happy he didn’t kill his brother. A part I’m not telling the public because right now I’m off to a funeral for Elena’s dad who did die.
Elena told me he had Bonnie do some spell that switched his life for hers. And as much as I disliked the guy, I got to give it to him he showed up in the end. RIP Charlie Brown. 
“We’re going because Elena’s my friend and her dad died, Theo. Try to not be an asshole for the afternoon please,” I say as I meet my brother at the front door of our house. My mother and he came back early last night because she had to get home for some work thing. Typical. But that also means I get to be with Theo for the day and after almost dying yesterday, I realized that I wouldn’t have gotten the chance to say goodbye to him, and today could’ve been my funeral he’d be going to. A chill runs down my spine at the thought and I fight back a set of tears.
“Okay, I promise. I’m sorry,” Theo says as he notices a tear fall down my face.
I smile at my little brother and pull him into a hug.
“I knew you missed me,” I can hear the smirk in his voice as I laugh into his suit jacket. 
“Ya, whatever loser let’s go.”
I watch with tear-filled eyes as Elena places a rose on her biological father’s grave and then walks over to her parent's matching graves and places roses on them. Theo stands next to me with a solemn expression on his face, Jeremy is next to him, Bonnie, Caroline, and Tyler stand behind us, and Jenna is on my left as she holds Ric’s hand. I turn to look over my shoulder and I catch Damon’s eye as he stands against a tree. And for the first time ever I almost swore he smiled at me. Damn, maybe he’s dying too. 
“I’ll be in the car,” Theo says to me and begins to walk away but not before bringing Jeremy in for a bro hug. I watch as my brother safely gets to the car and then I begin to walk over to Elena but see her already crowded with our friends. My gaze goes towards Damon who stands facing the graveyard and I frown. 
“I have a bone to pick with you. You can’t just go and put blood into people’s mouths while they’re-” I say as I approach him. 
“I’m happy you’re ok, Y/N.”
Damon’s interruption and the sincerity in his voice make me halt as I approach him. 
“Wait…I think I’m hallucinating because I could’ve sworn you just called me by my actual name,” I walk up to him and jokingly smirk, “You dying or something?”
“Tyler Lockwood bit me.”
Oh. Fuck.
“​​I will love you until the sun explodes, the oceans dry up, human life has long since gone and I am nothing but my soul. But even then I will still belong to you. Everything I am is you.”
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thisapplepielife · 4 months ago
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Written for @steddieholidaydrabbles.
You Could Have Cut and Run
Prompt Day 10: Shopping | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: Language | Tags: Single Dads AU, Meet Cute, On the Hunt for Elusive Holiday Toy of the Year
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They have it. They fucking have it.
Steve is fucking thrilled as he reaches down for the very elusive Lego set that was specifically requested for Christmas. He's checked every damn store within twenty miles, even braving Toys "R" Us. And nothing. Just bare shelves. He really didn't know what he was going to do if he couldn't find one. 
It was number one on her list, everything else a distant second.
He had promised, not thinking anything of it. It's a Lego set. He figured he'd be in and out, it in hand, within fifteen minutes.
Oh, how wrong he'd been.
But there one finally is, hidden at the back of the endcap. Steve squats down, pulling it towards himself, only to feel it being tugged on from the other side. He doesn't let go, but peeks to see who he's playing tug-of-war with.
There's a man with long, shaggy hair sticking out from under a stocking cap looking back at him with big, shocked brown eyes.
"Uh…" Steve trails off, and isn't sure what the etiquette is here. He really needs this exact set. It's the one thing his daughter wants.
"Oh, that's a relief, I thought maybe there was a gremlin down there," the guy says and Steve laughs. He was expecting a fight, not jokes.
"This is awkward," Steve says. "I suppose you really have to have this exact set, too?"
The guy nods. Then asks, "Flip for it?"
And Steve nods, agreeing. A fifty-percent chance is better than zero-percent, and he really doesn't want to brawl in the middle of a toy store.
The guy lets go, and comes around to Steve's side of the aisle.
"I kind of thought you might run," he says, and Steve laughs.
"Didn't even think of that. Damn," Steve teases, reaching into his pocket for a quarter.
"I'm Eddie," the guy says, and Steve looks up.
"I'm Steve. For your kid?" Steve asks.
Eddie nods, "I've already been to six stores. This is the only thing she really asked for."
"Same, man. Same," Steve says. "Why is this damn thing so hard to find?"
"I don't know," Eddie admits. "It's not like it's a Tickle Me Elmo."
And Steve laughs, it's definitely not. He's lived through that, and wishes to never do it again.
"How old is your kid?" Eddie asks.
"Nine. A girl," Steve says.
"Mine, too!" Eddie laughs, and it makes Steve smile. Steve moves to flip the coin, but Eddie covers the quarter in his fingers. "Wait. How would you feel about a playdate? So they both can enjoy it?"
Well, sure, why not? 
Steve can't look at another store. He can't.
So, Steve smiles and nods, "Absolutely."
"We're new to town," Eddie says, "a friend might be nice."
Steve's not sure if he's talking about a friend for his daughter, or himself, but Steve would be game for either.
"Same!" Steve says, "We just moved here last month."
They exchange numbers, and flip the coin for who will get possession of the set. It's Steve, and he promises they won't open it until they are all together in one place.
So, it looks like Santa is gonna come early.
A week later, after some back and forth with scheduling, Eddie sits on the brand new couch in Steve's house. Steve's glad it showed up yesterday. Having guests over to an empty house would have been pretty weird. He wants to come off as cool and fun, not a potential serial killer.
Eddie looks over at him, "You know, I kind of thought I'd never hear from you."
Steve crinkles his brow, "Why?"
"You won the coin flip, you could have cut and run."
Steve laughs, goading him, "Is that what you were planning to do?"
"No!" Eddie shouts, a little too loud, and both girls look over at them. They wave them off, letting them know everything is fine, that they can keep playing, keep getting to know one another, as they put together the coveted set.
"Sure, sure," Steve says, and Eddie elbows him. Steve giggles. He likes Eddie. They've texted back-and-forth all week, and as much as it felt like setting up a playdate, it also kind of felt like they were getting to know each other to set up a date-date as well.
Two single dads, two girls the same age.
It's straight sitcom fodder. 
Waiting for the pizza to arrive, Eddie slides his socked feet under Steve's thigh. Steve looks down, and wraps his hand around Eddie's ankle, holding on. Returning the signal, as tame and PG with the little eyes and ears around, as it might be. 
It's weird to say, but this has felt natural, and a little bit fated, from the moment they met. Steve feels at ease with Eddie, like this was all somehow meant to happen. Like they knew each other in another timeline, or something equally implausible. Usually Steve would move slower with introductions, way slower, before entangling his girl in any sort of relationship he starts.
But it feels like she's somehow the one that guided him in Eddie's direction, by sending him on that wild goose chase.
Even, still. He feels like he has to be sure.
But there's a little voice in the back of his head assuring him that he is sure, as dumb as that sounds. They just met. They've spent a couple hours together. That's it.
Eddie pulls him out of his head.
"You know, they aren't gonna get that whole thing put together today," Eddie says.
"Guess we'll have to do this again next weekend," Steve answers, and squeezes Eddie's ankle.
"Won't that be a shame," Eddie teases, and by the grin on Eddie's face, he's definitely down for that. And when he slides his hand on top of Steve's, rubbing his thumb against the back of Steve's hand, Steve is sure of it.
"Definitely a tragedy," Steve banters back, looking forward to seeing where this will go.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddieholidaydrabbles and follow along with the fun!
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nana-luvy · 26 days ago
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. So I can't help with training now ?
Installment of the Mine series
warnings: fluff, playboy!Luke, fem!reader, daughter of Athena!reader, swearing
Because maybe if he tried to like what you like, things would go back to how they were.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
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Just as you usually did, you had chosen to lead the newbies’ training session, for the inexperienced, new campers who needed special attention, care, and most of all patience, and those were qualities you could pride yourself with. Usually, you lead this lesson with the help of a Lila, a Demeter kid who fought like an Ares one, but with a patience none of Clarisse’s siblings could ever muster to teach the youngers. Except, unlike the usual, you had to take care of the lesson by yourself this time, as Lila was apparently lying in a bed in the infirmary after an unsuccessful experiment in the greenhouse.
So there you were, setting up the practice dummies in an empty part of the field before you’d get too busy helping to actually do it, rearranging the wooden swords on the rack so they’d be ready to practice with, and eventually going over the plan you had for the lesson. As you tried a mini version of the moves to remember the small dance to teach later, you heard heavy steps coming closer, looking their way. ‘Luke, fuck no.’
“Hey, bunny.” His tone was giddy, face still harboring that flirty smile he seemed to always show whenever you were in his vicinity, like he was trying to catch a fly with displayed honey.
“Don’t call me bunny, Luke.” In comparison, your tone was dry, devoid of any of the previous sweetness you seemed to always muster whenever he was around, like your brain was reacting to his mere presence.
“Wooh, it’s too early to be harsh like that, you should really consider-”
“What are you doing here? Straight to the point please.”
His smile didn’t falter, or at most his lips slightly pursed in frustration, and he walked just a little closer, a few feet separating you both. “Well, I’m here for the training session, of course.” And his tone was as matter-of-fact as his eyes screamed mischief.
Your lips pursed as your eyes narrowed, taking Luke in for a second before deciding it was not worth it, you'd already given him way too much of your time over the course of the past months, and you were not gonna carry on with this doomed cycle. So you turned away from him, not giving him the satisfaction of a witty answer. And you silently vowed not to spare him any more thought than needed.
But as the session began, your vow quickly broke, mind working overtime to understand what the fuck Luke Castellan was doing there. From what you knew of him, and after years of pinning you knew a lot, he was one to help —of course, the sweet, always-here-to-help golden boy, the perfect counselor— but not this way. No, what he liked best was challenge. So he always lent a hand to practice with the most advanced, the most skilled of swordsmen, proving to whoever that he deserved his title as the number one, and practicing techniques on people who could at least block them, maybe even counter.
Luke liked challenge, he didn't like novice mediocrity and never-used potential. So he had absolutely no reason to be there, in the morning, teaching a bunch 10-year-olds kids who could barely hold straight up their wooden swords and looked more like scared kittens with wobbly legs when they had to fight one-another rather than actual warrior. He had no reason. Unless he did have one.
You tried to push through the whole hour and a half without giving it much attention, your look obviously avoiding him when he expected instructions on how to continue the session; yet you couldn’t help but have to shake out of it when you caught your gaze softening as you looked at Luke, with his back turned, helping a kid adjust his stance and throw a nice blow at a straw figure, high-fiving him in the process… Why did he have to be this perfect image all the time, and yet this total douche in real life ?
Deep in thought, you didn’t realize Luke had moved by now, your eyes still trained to the struggling kids, and only got startled by his presence as two large hands went to rest on your shoulder, casually massaging the tensions off your muscles. “Wow, bunny, you should stop being so anxious, doesn’t do wonders for your posture.” And maybe this was meant as a joke, a playful, mindless little quip. But oh, did it get on your nerves.
You slapped his hands away as you turned to face Luke, immediately taking a step back at the compromising proximity. “I said stop ca- ugh, whatever…” The way you ran your hand down your face exuded frustration, not even giving the courtesy of pretending. “I can’t stress it more, what are you doing here ?”
He had to give it to you, at least you kept the foul language for out of innocents’ ear shots. “What, so I can’t simply want to help with training now ?”
“No,” you immediately cut him off, mimicking the way he crossed his arms over his chest, though yours did look like twigs in comparison. “You don’t want to, you have no business here.”
“Uh, ouch ? Where does that come from ?” he questioned, eyebrows quirked in both amusement and uneasiness, under your blazing gaze. One he’d seen before, but had appreciated way much more that time.
“You don’t help youngers, Luke, you like the challenge and pride you get from training with the strongest around and beating them again and again.”
His smile twisted into an even more annoying one, if that was possible, stretching in a smug crescent as his head tilted to the side. “Wow, how do you know so much ? One would almost think you’re kinda into me.”
“Funny story for you, Castellan,” you started, pinning him in place when your gaze turned ice cold. “It wasn’t just a thought, it was a fact, and you threw your opportunity away, mkay ? Notice the use of past tense. So yes, I might know a few things, and yes, I might be inclined to throw them in your face at every occasion I get, though I hope our meetings will be scarce. That doesn’t mean anything anymore.”
You barely left one more second looking at the poor boy, his smirk long lost and morphed into a slightly slack jaw, clapping your hands together loudly to get the kids’ attention, freeing them from the session as the nymphs were soon to ring the bell for lunch.
“You know, I kinda get why you help them, it’s also pretty rewarding,” Luke chimed in from behind, apparently back from his…moment as he looked at all the young children run in direction of the cabins.
You looked at him behind your shoulder with a small smirk, before training your gaze back to the absolute chaos of a scenery stretching in front of you, straw dummies discarded on the grass, wooden swords scattered on the ground and water bottles lying there to top it off.
“You know the most rewarding thing ? Not being yelled at by the earth nymphs after a session that looks like that. Wouldn’t want to get on their bad side on your first day, would you ?” You reached for a nearby rake, shoving it in his hands. “Thanks for volunteering to clean up, Luke, that’s very nice of you ~”
Many expressions passed through the counselor’s features, contentment wasn’t one of them. But he couldn’t let an opportunity slide when he had you there.
“So when’s the next session ? I feel like I’m getting the hang of this.”
“Don’t feel pressured to come back. Actually, no…” You turned to him from a few feet away, your smile soft but your eyes devoid of any of that. “Feel pressured not to come near me, I say it with all my heart.”
“Oh, bunny…” he simply sighed, watching the small bounce in your steps as you walked away.
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Second part up, everybody say yaaaaay
Hope you guys like it so far heheh <3
- Love, Nana
taglist. @cas-planet @spider-ghoul @smileysunshinesworld @mlbmarichat13
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revelboo · 2 months ago
That Rumble fic DESTROYED ME. If you can or want to I NEED a part 2.
Bringing that sucker home and trying to sexily help take off his 'costume' but we find out 'HOLY MOTHER OF FUCK THATS A REAL ROBOT'
Thank you dear author xoxo
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Hi! Rumble’s fic is an ongoing storyline. I’m just trying to go back and create proper first chapters for some of my fics
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Alcohol Eyes Pt 10
Rumble x Reader, Frenzy x Reader
• Loading up plastic totes with clothes, food, anything you might even possibly need and a lot of crap you probably don’t, because what do you even pack to move in with your two alien boyfriends who as far as you can tell are hiding from the government? And they’re both adding stuff to the totes every time you’re not watching them. You’ve already had to remove the manual for your fridge, a TV remote, and a stuffed tiger that had somehow escaped the purge of anything your ex had given you. That had been a fun little bonfire. “What do we say again?” Frenzy asks as he lifts one tote and Rumble grabs the other.
• “We’re filming a TikTok video and you’re cosplayers. Not aliens,” you say with a little frown as you look around your home. And Rumble really hopes you’re not having second thoughts about agreeing to go with them. “I think that’s it.” Turning, you flash him that same mischievous little smile you’d given him in the club right before you’d pulled him down for a kiss. The one that goes straight to his spike. How far out is Thundercracker? They might have time for a quickie. But you’re opening the door and he groans and dutifully follows you outside instead of bending you over the kitchen counter. Figures the Seeker probably wouldn’t appreciate them fragging in his interior, either. “Your guy is meeting us in the park?”
• Their guy had been annoyed that they’d commed him, words clipped and angry. Trying to blow them off with an ‘I’m busy,’ before finally relenting. Shifting the box in his hands, Frenzy follows you in Rumble. They’re going to owe the Seeker for this, but it’s at least delaying the inevitable. Explaining to the boss that they’re keeping you. And that they need their own habsuite now. “Said he would. He’s usually good for his word,” he says. Grinning widely at an elderly human walking a tiny little dog that yaps at them as disapproving as its owner. Primus, that human must be thousands of years old, skin sagging and bunching, hair gray and fluffy. Hears your cheerful excuse the old lady didn’t even ask for as the woman hurries her little dog away.
• Cutting across the street and through the woods to get to the park and avoid running into anyone else, you tug your coat closer around yourself. You’d dressed a bit nicer than normal since you’re kind of like a human-alien dignitary. Though, dignitaries probably aren’t supposed to be fucking the other diplomats. Or maybe that’s normal. Furthering human-alien relations one orgy at a time. You’re like an explorer discovering uncharted territory. And you stop short. “Is that a fucking jet?” Just in the middle of the woods?
• “Meet Thundercracker,” Rumble mutters as the Seeker transforms and kneels to stare at them in dismay. Aware of how much sleeker and powerful the Seeker looks compared to them. ‘You didn’t say anything about a human. Why is there a human?’ The Seeker growls and Rumble shifts the box to one hand and hooks an arm around you. “This is our mate.” And the Seeker vents, servos lifting to press to his helm when you wiggle your fingers at him before curling into Rumble’s side, attention firmly on him instead of Thundercracker and that little flicker of jealousy fades. ‘Why not,’ Thundercracker groans, reaching for the totes to subspace them. ‘Soundwave has no idea, does he?’
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mrsparrasblog · 11 months ago
You're losing me pt 4.
prev part. part 1 next part
TW: Drug use, mentioned rape, mention of violence, medic is the worst human on earth
Simon sat down next to Johnny on his bed, holding the Scotsman's hand while giving him a reassuring nod. "We have the whole day time."
"It's complicated."
"I will understand."
"Promise to believe me."
"Promise." Simon didn't know exactly what had happened or how Johnny got this way. He always admired Johnny for his confidence and the way he made everything seem so easy. Seeing his boyfriend like this broke his heart. He knew Johnny would never cheat on you; he loved you, everyone loved you. He remembered that one day Johnny got piss drunk on a mission and a bird approached him. He showed her pictures of you for 10 minutes, telling everyone he had the most beautiful lass on earth. This man wouldn’t cheat, especially not with her, definitely not his type.
Simon thought she had just gone into Johnny's bed at night, removing her clothes and gaslighting him that he cheated. But when Johnny told him everything about the drugs, about the rape, about the way she tried to blackmail him, he felt like he needed to throw up. He was too young to protect his mother from this. He couldn’t do anything when it happened to him. He didn’t know you when it happened to you. But this time, he was going to kill the rapist. "You’re a good man. Don’t let her manipulate you into something you aren’t."
"I feel like shit."
"This won’t go away easy, love."
"I don’t know what to do." And he really didn’t know. Everything seemed and felt so lost. Simon believed him, right? But what if she tells everyone he raped her? It will be over with his military career. After she pulled that stunt you wouldn’t believe him anymore. The look in your eyes almost broke him completely. This was wrong. It went too easy for her like she had done this many times before or had been planning this for years. It was too easy.
"Let me fix it for you, Johnny." He was determined to do this. Through his head already went 1000 ideas on how to kill her. But every way was too easy, too nice for her. Rip her head off. Sell her off to the black market so she will experience first-hand the crimes she did to others. Burn her alive. Many possibilities.
"Don’t kill her, Lieutenant."
"You know she will do it again. Not only to you but to others."
"Do you think she already did this?" Johnny fiddled with his wrist. The bracelet that you bought him to help with his ADHD was gone. It always calmed him. You told him how you searched through whole Etsy to find some gems that should calm him down. He didn’t believe this shit, but it indeed calmed him down since it reminded him of you. And right now, you were the only thing he needed. He needed you to tell him that he isn’t dirty, that he isn’t at fault, that he is a good man.
"Would explain why she was transferred so fast to us from her old unit."
"Fuck." This needed to stop. He couldn’t let that happen to more innocent people.
"Let’s talk to Price, then I’ll take care of her, and after that, we get our girl back." Simon missed you just as much as Johnny did. For a split second, he was afraid that you were mad and disappointed that he didn’t check on you. But that wasn’t the selfless girl he fell in love with. He knew you would understand if you only knew. He could already imagine how you would apologize even though you didn’t do anything wrong. You were different than the medic scum.
"Do you think she’ll take us back?"
"Yes, promise." He placed a small kiss on the shaved part of Johnny's mohawk, a small gesture that the Scot always loved. Simon always knew how to calm him down. With that, they left in the direction of Price's office.
He woke up with an immense headache and the urge to throw up. John really drank too much the last few days, but this will end now. He will concentrate on you and the job again. You forgave him for lying, at least that was the last thing he remembered before you brought him to his bed. On his bedside table stood a glass of water and one of your self-made brownies with a small note. "Take care of yourself, bear." You always jokingly called him a bear because that was what he was to you. John was the big cuddly bear who always kept you safe.
He knew by the amount of alcohol he drank yesterday, he should probably head to the medical department for some meds. He would never tell anyone, though. He was a hypocrite sometimes, always letting the other hungover soldiers run miles to torture them for being so irresponsible to drink before training. But he could afford the luxury of taking meds against his hangover.
So John went to the medical. He was annoyed when he only saw her there.
"Hello, Captain." She smiled brightly, which made him almost throw up on the spot. There was always a difference between the real, sweet-like-a-cake, like his girl, and the artificial acting sweetness she faked. It was disgusting. "Is there another medic or nurse in here today?"
"No, sorry, Captain."
"I'll go then."
"Come on, Captain, be professional. What do you need?"
"Just something against my hangover." He can be professional and still respect you, right? You won’t be mad he talked to her.
"That was easy. I'll bring you something."
She came back, still with that creepy artificial sweet smile. In her hand was a glass of water with, judging by the displaced white particles, meds. "Just some pain meds against headache and dehydration. Drink up, Captain, and then stay here for 20 minutes for the next med."
John drank it up. After a few minutes of sitting in the chair, he felt his limbs tingle weirdly. This must be one of those side effects of the meds.
"How are you feeling, baby?" Weird name.
"Don’t call me that." He tried to leave, but it felt like his body didn’t do the things he wanted anymore like he was paralyzed.
"I wouldn’t do that, John."
"What was in there?" This can’t be fucking true. This is one of those weird drunk dreams.
"Oh, baby, just some mild paralyzer. Don’t worry, it only lasts three hours, and you can still talk. That’s great, isn’t it? Oh, and Viagra."
Fuck, this is true. This is how she got Johnny. She is fucking sick. "What do you want?"
"You know, I really tried to be nice, but you all only talk about her all the time, so I took matters into my own hands." She said as she slowly sat down on his lap. John tried hard to do anything, but he wasn’t able to move.
"Look, you’re a pretty girl. You don’t need us. There is someone who loves you." He tried to be nice, and use his words to come out of this situation, but she already removed his pants. He knew it was over there until he heard the sudden voices of Johnny and Simon. He knew she could never outsmart them, and she knew it too.
"Fuck, fuck," she screamed, gathering the remaining meds and her things. She ran out of the room the second she saw the door open.
"Fucking hell, Captain, you're okay?"
"That fucking cunt drugged me. Get a fucking nurse here." This all didn’t go like Simon's plan. It felt like she was always a step ahead of them.
Kyle didn't notice any of the drama going on in medical as he used his time in the gym. Well, more of texting you instead of being productive, until.
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"Fucking hell."
Tag list: @littlechomper @ab12305 @darkangel4121
A/N: I know you are waiting for her downfall, it will come promise.
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logansargeantsbabymom · 11 months ago
Too Good To Say Goodbye pt2
Logan Sargeant x Fem!Reader, Grid x Fem!Reader
warnings: cursing, pregnancy, shit-talking, grid baby
part 1 I part 2 I part 3 I part 4 I part 5 I part 6 I part 7 I part 8 I part 9 I part 10
F1 Masterlist
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
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It had been 5 months since my last encounter with Logan. Well, the last time I actually talked to him, if you would consider the argument we had as “talking”.
After I stormed out the house with my suitcase I made my way to my Best Friend Lily’s house and told her everything. Since Lily lives with Alex, he obviously heard everything that happened and absolutely reamed Logan a new asshole.
Lily and Alex were nice enough to let me stay at their place until I was able to get on my own feet again. Lily was adamant on making me stay until after the baby was at least 6 months old, so that I could comfortably move everything out without dealing with either a pregnancy bump or a newborn that would need constant attention.
Today was the Miami Grand Prix and I attended to cheer on my Grid family and the second Logan’s eyes fell on me, he sprinted over, his hand immediately touching my stomach
“oh my baby, how are you my love? how’s she doing for you?” Logan said coming in to try and place a soft kiss to my lips, only for me to step back “cmon babe. i’ve done everything to win you back, let me just be with you. i need to be in my daughters life” Logan said with pleading eyes.
“and you will be, just not with me in yours,” i say, removing his hands from my bump “and don’t touch my stomach without my permission, especially when it’s hot outside.”
Logan looked shocked at my comment but tried to shrug it off putting his hands right back on my stomach “my pretty girl, tell your mommy to forgive daddy, daddy didn’t mean what he said”
“Hey! She fucking said to stop touching her.” a voice yells, Logan turn to see who interrupted his time with both his love and his baby
“Listen Lando, this doesn’t concern you.” Logan scoffed attempting to put his hands right back on my stomach but Lando quickly stepped in front of me.
“It actually does concern me, seeing as you’re touching my girlfriend AFTER she told you to stop.” Lando’s voice stern, absolutely shocking Logan
“your girlfriend?” Logan looked sad, heartbroken and utterly confused
“yes, MY girlfriend,” Lando started “The woman you let slip away, the woman who might be carrying your baby but will probably see me as her dad, the woman you mistreated, the woman of my dreams and my beautiful, strong, confident girlfriend”
My hormones were absolutely not on my side because the more Lando went on, the more I started crying.
I’ve never felt this type of love with Logan, I mean yeah in the beginning of the relationship it was pure bliss, but after the first 2 months it was just like we were roommates that fucked and occasionally told the other we loved them whenever we were in private.
In public however, we seemed like the happiest ever, like there was nothing wrong in our world. That we were obsessed with each other, like the world would stop revolving if we were conjoined at the hip.
I can admit, for 2 weeks after my breakup with Logan and blurting out that I was once again with child, I couldn’t stop thinking about how cruel it would be to my daughter to not be with her father and for a second I almost went running back to Logan and begged him to forgive me for my outburst and to take me back. When I went to confide in Lando and ask him if I should go back, he told me that was the dumbest thing I could’ve done because if it is beneficial for my daughter it would be the worst years of my life knowing her dad thinks so lowly of me.
Lando was really my rock during my whole breakup and pregnancy, he encouraged me to move out of Lily and Alex’s house and into his in case something happened in the middle of the night, if I needed something and just because he overall thought I shouldn’t have to live alone while I was pregnant.
Lily thought it was weird that I moved into Lando’s place just 2 weeks after moving in with her but she made me promise to go over to hers at least once a day so she could talk to her niece.
I was quickly pulled out of my daze when I felt a small tug on my arm. It was Lando urging me into the McLaren garage after Logan started throwing a hissy fit.
“What the fuck is his problem?” Lando said with a light chuckle to ease the mood, placing his hand on the small of my back before quickly yanking it away. “Sorry, I know you just yelled at Logan for touching you without permission, and I just did the same thing. Can I touch you?” Lando asks, genuinely upset that he did the same thing I reprimanded Logan for, the only difference? I craved Lando’s touch, whereas Logan’s sent a nasty shiver down my spine.
Both my hands taking both of Lando’s. One hand I guide to the small of my back and the other I guide to my bump and I watch as Lando’s eyes widen.
This is the first time I’ve let someone other than Lily touch my belly and Lando was determined to take in this moment. The look of excitement evident on his face as he feels her kick.
“OH MY GOSH, DID YOU FEEL THAT? I mean- obviously you felt that, she’s inside of you but SHE KICKED Y/N/N, SHE KICKED!” Lando screamed in excitement, almost like a kid in a candy shop.
The look of adoration and love on Lando’s face made my heart almost burst. I drowned out all the excited squeals from Lando as I pulled him in for a kiss, smiling into it.
“You’re so cute when you’re excited,” I start saying before seeing the engineers ushering Lando to his car "Okay lover boy, give me a kiss and go to your car" I said pulling him right back into a quick kiss.
"Can I give baby a kiss too?" Lando asks with pleading eyes
"LANDO, GET A MOVE ON MATE! RACE STARTS IN 5" Oscar yells from the inside of his car before putting his helmet on
I chuckled before giving Lando a nod watching him as he quickly leans down and presses a firm kiss on the top of my belly before dedicating the race to my unborn daughter.
Dedicating a race to someone is a big task, if you end with a bad position or DNF it makes everything awkward but I have faith that Lando will end up on the podium.
We’re now down to the last 10 laps and the gap from Lando in first and Max in second just keeps getting bigger and bigger. The anxiety I’m feeling right now is worse than when I was waiting for my pregnancy test results.
The amount of laps only decreased and with every lap down, the gap grew. Once we were down to the last lap and the gap from Lando to Max was at a whopping 7.7 seconds everyone knew that Lando had secured his first win, he just needed to not fuck up and crash.
Once the checkered flag came into view, tears welled up in my eyes. Not only had Lando secured his first Formula 1 win but he had prior dedicated this race to my babygirl.
As the team ran to the pit lane, Zak came to view and offered me his arm which I gladly took as we made our way to where Lando would soon be.
"Lando's lucky to have you by his side, I know he dedicated his race to the little one," Zak starts. I can tell Zak wants to add more but he doesn't want to overstep a boundary, but with a nod of approval from me, he continues. "How do you feel about this whole Lando-Logan situation?"
"What do you mean?" I cock an eyebrow at him
"I mean with Logan being your daughters biological father but Lando being more of a full-time dad than Logan'll be?" a confused look falls over my features as I think over Zak's question. "I mean no disrespect Y/N, just curious."
"No, no I mean. We wouldn't be in this situation if Logan hadn't acted the way he did, so if he doesn't see his daughter as often as he wants that's his problem." I said nonchalantly shrugging. "But no more Logan talk. Lando actually finished the race and finished first, I think we should all celebrate." I say as I unlock my arm from Zak's as I watch Lando get put down from the crowd of McLaren engineers as he makes his way to me, wrapping an arm around me pulling me into a big sweaty hug.
"Oh my gosh Lando, I love you but you smell incredibly sweaty and it's gonna make me throw up." I say half joking as I gag, not even noticing the slip up. Not at least until I see Lando smile impossibly harder, " what?"
"You said you love me" I didn't even have a chance to process that I did in fact say that I loved him because Lando pulled me into a hot and steamy kiss, one that for sure would also make the news in a few minutes.
"I mean I didn't think that I'd be able to love, especially not after Logan. You changed that for me, but my god, please get on the podium and shower. I'm going to throw up." I say with love, adoration, proudness and sickness in my voice all at once.
"I love you so much more. You and baby" Lando says before pressing another quick kiss to my lips before being dragged to the cool down room
After the podium celebration and a shower Lando makes his way to me, pressing a tender kiss to my lips before asking me "All of the grid some team principals are going to this one bar, it's karaoke night. I really want to go but if you're not feeling up to it, we can just stay in at the hotel."
"Baby, you just scored your first win. Of course we can go." I say as I put my hand on his cheek before moving it to his hair, running my finger though it.
When we got to the bar we automatically spot the rest of the grid. I mean how could we not, they took up half the bar space?
"Baby, you can go grab a seat, I'm gonna grab us drinks, and before you say anything. Yes, I'm getting you a f/d." Lando said pressing a kiss to my temple.
"You know me so well. I'm gonna go say hi to everyone." I said as I squeezed Lando's hand before making my way to the group of drivers, WAGS, and team principals.
The second I was spotted by the WAGS they all made a beeline towards me peppering me with questions and asking if they could touch my tummy, all of which I gave permission to. I look at the rest of the table, waving at all of them and they all wave back knowing it might be a minute before they get a proper 'hello' because of all the attention my daughter is getting. I had made brief eye contact with Logan offering a tight-lipped smile before feeling a tap on my shoulder.
"Here you go, pretty girl" Lando says as he offers me my f/d which I gladly accept before looking back at Logan, only to find that his spot is empty. I don't give it much thought before I indulge myself in a conversation with the rest of the WAGS as Lando goes and has individual conversations about his win.
"Ladies and gentleman can I have your attention?" some lady says into the mic "the karaoke machine is now on and we already have our first request!" the bar erupts in claps and whoops as we all wonder who the first singer would be
"Singing 'Too Good to Say Goodbye' by Bruno Mars, put your hands together for Logan Sargeant"
My face fell as the song starts
"I've made mistakes, I could have treated you better. I let you get away. There goes my happily ever after." Logan starts, staring into my soul
"Tell me why, why can't we try and start again? This can't be how our story ends. You're more than my girl, you're my best friend. Tell me you remember when, ooh, I was your man and you were my girl It was you and me against the world" tears start welling in my eyes as he continues singing.
A firm hand on my shoulder pulls me out of my thoughts and I turn to see that its Zak
"Don't you love Bruno Mars, why aren't you singing?" I stare at him, the tears on my waterline threatening to fall. I don't answer him though, I just turn my body back to the man on the stage.
"Baby, ain't nobody gonna love me like the way you do. And you ain't never gonna find a love like mine. Tell me what can I do to make it up to you? 'Cause what we got's too good to say goodbye, goodbye." The whole grid is staring at Logan in shock. They all know what he did and he has the nerve to sing this song to me on stage?
"Yeah, I'm still in love with you darlin'. I know you feel the same Oh, what's the point of both of us being broken hearted? I pray it's never too late" Me? Still in love with you? In your dreams Sargeant
"Girl won't you listen? It's you that I'm missin' . Take my hand, I wanna go, I wanna go. If we're gonna fight this fight for better days. I know we're gonna make it. This is the chance, let's take it." From another person's perspective, this would seem like a nice grand gesture to win back the woman of his dreams. I mean who wouldn't want their man to sing a song about wanting a second chance after he royally screwed up?
"Baby, ain't nobody gonna love me like the way you do. And you ain't never gonna find a love like mine. Tell me what can I do to make it up to you? 'Cause what we got's too good to say goodbye goodbye Baby, ain't nobody gonna love me like the way you do. And you ain't never gonna find a love like mine. Tell me what can I do to make it up to you? 'Cause what we got's too good to say goodbye, goodbye" The songs ends and half the bar erupts on claps and whistles as Logan stares in my eyes before talking into the mic.
"Y/N, baby, I know I screwed up. I'm trying to make this work. For you and our babygirl, just please give me a chance. I don't ask for much, really. Just a chance to undo my wrongs, a chance to make you the happiest woman on earth, a chance to rebuild our family. I want a chance to be in my daughter's life" Logan said sniffling as he wiped his nose before continuing "I really hope you liked this and it's enough to change your mind." Logan finished as he hopped off the stage making his way to me
Lando's protective side started to show a bit because the second he picked up that Logan was making his way to me he instinctively stepped in front of me, only backing up when I rested my hand on his bicep.
"Why? Why would you assume that I'll get back with you after that Logan?" I ask, my eyes raking his face for any type of clues. I don't know what I was expecting to come out of his mouth, but the reply he gave me wasn't it. It also not only made my blood boil, but everyone who knew about the situation's blood boil.
"Zak said you would"
Lemme know if I should keep going!!!
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @eddieharrington
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bunny-jpeg · 4 months ago
Love ur work btw !
Can I have a
Millionaire shortcake , lemon slice  with tiramisu , blueberry bars served by Fernando Alonso <3
bakery menu
want to submit your own order? then hit up the menu! i love working on these kinds of things so i am always open to hear more! show me what you've got! there are tons of things to often off of, so please submit your prompts! <3 (i have fallen into a fernando alonso pit, i will be making this everyone's problem!) - this did get a little away from me <3
millionaire shortcake: "if they saw you now, you'd be the biggest shame to your family." + lemon slice: "i'm sorry, what was that? i can’t hear you over all that noise you’re making." + tiramisu: “my little slut to ruin.” + blueberry bars: “gonna make you a mamma and you're gonna make me a daddy.” served by fernando alonso (formula one)!!
tags: smut/pwp, stroll!reader, driver!reader, nicknames (princess), breeding kink/pregnancy, dirty talk/degrading language, age gap (26/43), baby trapping
Tumblr media
lawrence stroll's lovely daughter. quite the looked when fernando caught a glimpse of you, you were cute in the greens of aston matrin. the team your father owned. you were the princess of the track, with pouty lips and eyes that drew poor fernando right in.
he didn't really touch you in an intimate way until your twenty-sixth birthday. you were in your apartment in montreal and at your party, you clung to fernando like a lifeline. after a few hastily made, strong drinks, you were even more clingy. backed up against him in your kitchen. you wobbled beside him and kissed him on the neck.
fernando tried to keep himself composed. but all resolve broke into tiny little pieces when you said the words,
"c'mon, fernny. i want you to fuck me."
now since that first night he took you. he had become a rather frequent visitor to your hotel rooms across the globe. when he invaded you space, he would whisper filth to you. my little slut to ruin. there were more than enough photos of you making needy eyes for your teammate.
aston martin's princess may have found her prince!
will fernando the knight guard his teammate's first championship?
you one time laughed when you saw a rumor blog debating over if you were pregnant or not because of a photo of you and fernando where he accidentally placed his hand on your middle as you were standing there on the curb about to cross the street.
fernando had to admit, he was a little obsessed with you. and while he loved to see the princess ride high with every win. he also loved it when you rode him in the quietness of private rooms. it had been over a year and now in your second season as teammates, you were at your second grand prix. fernando was feeling confident, it didn't hurt that you looked only the sweetest during media day.
it only added fuel to the fire in his belly when you told the press, "well, i consider the spanish grand prix like my second home race!" and gave that winner's smile. maybe if he finished inside of you enough times inside of you, you'll be at least 10% spanish by the time the weekend was over.
he spent the break between interviews fisting his cock in a single stall washroom. he panted as he kept his shirt up and away from his leaky, needy cock. he felt like a teen as his masturbated roughly to mental images of you. call it old age, call it a primal need. but he needed to breed you. he didn't have it when he was married or when he was engaged the second time. but as he saw you in a green sundress in the warm afternoon, speaking very highly over the spanish track, the race and even the country itself. your laugh echoed in his brain as he wondered how nice you'd look with a slight slope to your middle.
fernando's hand on your middle as he shuffled you out of cold montreal and to warmer madrid. he didn't expect you to raise his child in that apartment of yours. not with that leaky tap (that you refused to fix) and how the cold seemed to seep through the walls. - you had all this money and yet you loved vintage things, things with stories. (maybe that was why you loved fernando so much). his home in spain had more than enough room for you and his child. plus, the lack of snow and warmer winters, would be good for you and the baby.
he continued to pleasure himself to thoughts you meeting him at the finish line. not as his teammate, but as his wife. and he knew you weren't stopping at one chubby alonso baby. what sent him over the edge was the thought of you smiling in that sun dress with your hand with your swollen middle. beaming at him, your husband.
he felt driven as he looked at the cum on his hand. he wouldn't waste anymore. he was gonna make you a momma and you were gonna make him a daddy.
he washed his hands and left. his mind working over time to figure out how to get the lovely miss strong and turn her into the beautiful mrs. alonso.
turned out fucking you bareback wasn't a hard feat to accomplish. champagne made you horny and your win in spain made you run on a high that let fernando escort you back to your hotel.
he could see your breasts through your team t-shirt and the want went straight to his cock. you leaned up against him and he ushered you into his hotel room. "i'll keep you safe tonight, princess. don't need the paparazzi coming to your door." and you only kissed his scratchy jaw.
you looked at him and giggled, "fernny!!" and pulled him in for a kiss. you moaned with his lips against yours and only giggled more when he pulled you in by the waist.
"do you want me?"
you whined and pressed into him further. you babbled incoherent nonsense as you pawed at his own green shirt.
fernando chuckled, "i'm sorry what was that? i can't hear you over all the noises you're making."
you pouted at your teammate, "c'mon, fernny. you're being a tease! of course i want you. i know you're old, but you're not stupid!" then giggled when he got you onto the bed.
you kicked your sneaked off and wiggled out of your outfit with some trouble. your head and your movements were mixed up, leaving you caught up in your t-shirt. fernando thought you awkward movements were still beautiful. you licked your lips when he took off his hat and t-shirt. you soon saw the tattoo near his hip.
you hated that his tattoos made you soaked.
he stripped naked and his cock only made you stomach flip. he crowded your space once more now on the bed, you were backed against the headboard and fernando grabbed you by the legs till you were up against him. his cock was at full attention, your core clenched at the sight of him. there was a strength to him that excited you. you moaned and fernando eyed your naked body.
"such a pretty princess." he mused. you looked divine. he licked his lips before he pushed you further against the headboard. your legs around his waist. he sank into you and could see the future written in your eyes.
hard to bend over at that point in your pregnancy. but the toys weren't going to pick themselves up. you could hear the patter of feet and look over to see your boys at your legs. three kids in a little over six years was quite the feat. you and fernando wanted a baby girl, but you were on boy three. but you loved them, just like you loved your husband.
fernando felt hot as you took him beautifully. he could easily slot himself into you and he exhaled deeply as he grabbed you a little tighter by the thighs and hiked your hips up further to get the perfect angle. not that his swimmers were in short supply, but he wanted to make sure that nothing was wasted.
he was a man on a mission, he wanted to see you fat with his child. the end of racing and be his wife. it only spurred him on as he moved up against you.
fernando came home and saw you with his sons. the spanish driver loved the sight of you with them. hard to tell you were such a force on the track, a near menace to other drivers. you were so tender with your boys, your middle a little softer, hips a little wider. breasts still tender and larger in a way that made fernando turned on. he knew that he'd get a feel for his wife's soft curves once the boys were in bed.
the thoughts picked up which only made him move faster. his cock throbbed with a heated, healthy want. he got to take your cute pussy and keep it all to himself. not any of these young guns on the track. you wanted mature, older, a stallion. not a show pony. he knew exactly how to make you squirm. plant himself in you and watch you ache for him. he got you even closer to him. he loved it as he continued to fuck you heavily. this was heaven to him, only made more perfect by your beautiful noises.
"you're mine, princess. but you knew that alright. all mine." he groaned as he eyed your beautiful body. more curves that a race track and you fucked like a quick fever. how you moved against him. this was supposed to be a f1 driver, under him and allowing yourself to be used by your older teammate. such a naughty girl.
he shuddered, 'if they saw you now. you'd be the biggest shame to your family."he bullied his cock into your sweet cunt. he could feel that you wanted him. that you needed him. he held onto you tightly and worked your soaked cunt. he curled over you and continued to leave you breathless.
pleasure coursed in your blood as he fucked you. he grasped his shoulders as your body moved with each thrusts of his hips. his cock hit all the right spots. it was like you two were made for one another. he worked you with heavy thrusts. he watched you expressions shift as the pleasure took over. your sweet moans only encouraged him. he wanted to feel you, breed you.
hard to race when the uniform doesn't fit anymore. and the fia wouldn't let a pregnant driver on the track. and even if they did, fernando sure as hell wouldn't let you get into a car that fast. - or at the very least not drive it at speeds that could kill.
he needed you in ways that he never needed another. he made you feel the pleasure through your body. all this time on earth and he had never met anyone else like you. you felt like the world was at his finger tips. he continued his rapid movements and felt the excitement of sexual want with you. he needed you. his little teammate, his little wife. the racing princess. it's alright your kids with him will be racers. strong, just like their mama and papa.
"feels better with no protection, princess. let all of me feel all of you." he groaned. he licked his lips. his cock head nudged against you. he loved the feeling against you. your soaked cunt just kept pulling him in, "the princess, under me. all spread out, needy for me. i love how soft you look." his voice was a low growl as he continued to move. his words filled your mind as your heartbeat increased, "so beautiful." he groaned. you were only going to get more beautiful with his child. baby at your hip while you made dinner. the perfect wife. his pace staggered as the heat moved through you. you panted while he groaned.
your pulse pounded, you felt excitement through your body. you were so exposed to him. all for his taking, you were totally his. he could feel the pleasure in his mouth like familiar wine. better than anything he could ever devour. in between your legs was the finest feast.
"please fernando. please, fuck! you drive me crazy." you gasped, "you don't know how hard it is to focus when i can only think about you!" your words were beautiful and fernando loved it.
"beautiful." he purred.
the moments were erratic, the movements were fast and left you both heavily panting. his pace took the air out of your lungs as he carved himself into you. fernando knew he had you all to himself. now under him and soon at the alter on your wedding day. you held onto him tightly as you came around his cock. your soaked cunt clenched around him and unintentionally leg-locked him. which meant that he couldn't pull out. your body knew that you wanted his baby.
he only bullied his cock further into you. he wanted to gorse himself on you loving sex. he loved the feeling, you really were a princess. and you were all fernando's. a few more heavy thrusts, he finished inside of you. he said a quiet prayer and hoped his boys found a comfy home in your soft womb. no more racing for you miss stroll. he fucked you through his orgasm and it left you so painfully overstimulated. your brain felt blurry as you tried to come back to reality.
fernando finally pulled out and curled up around you. you laid beautifully next to him. his hand graed your middle. he kissed under your ear as the air of the room cooled down. fernando whispered quietly into your ear,
"my princess, i'll always protect you."
fernando practically sprinted to you after the victory less than a year later. he was on his knees as soon as he could and kissing your pregnant swell. he held you by the waist and beamed like summer's light. the cameras flashed and you laughed. mr and mrs. fernando alonso, during a new high in his career.
"you did it." you laughed as he got to his feet once more. he held you by the waist and admired your beauty. you leaned to kiss him on the cheek, "you fuckin' did it."
fernando placed a hand on your middle and was so close to you, "only possible because of you, princess."
your belly looked beautiful. the joke around the paddock was that fernando was trying to secure his seat at aston martion by becoming the boss' son-in-law. there also was an air of shock that fernando could ever have a chilf. but the evidence was in the slope of your middle and the slight ache in your back.
he gave you a quick kiss, wanting to make sure you weren't doused in champagne.
fernando's arm eventually was around you once more with a hand on your proud middle. he laughed for the cameras and you admire him with such love, "well, my family is more important than any trophy. they push me to be the best, so i hope that i can win another world championship for them." and then he kissed you on the cheek.
it was quite the shocker when the news came out. especially for your family, both your father and brother wanted to kill fernando for a good while. fernando was quick to propose and promise that he wasn't going anywhere. you were the mother to his child after all. he had to protect you and your baby. that seemed to settle things with your family.
now you were happily married.
as he save you one last kiss in front of the cameras, a promise of what was to come was made in private. you smiled at your husband and he smiled back at you. if you couldn't win this years wdc, then fernando would just have to do it for the both of you <3
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nat-20s · 5 days ago
Please enjoy this short clois proposal fic that I specifically wrote to spread my "lois is the one to propose to clark" agenda!!
Despite planning this for a good six months, Lois actually puts everything into motion by thinking fuck it at 11:27am on a Tuesday. Clark, when not eating at his desk, usually takes off for lunch around noon, and what she needs to get done shouldn’t make him more than, say, 10 minutes. She is, after all, expecting a quick answer. She’s also expecting a positive answer, and if she doesn’t get one, well. It will be good to not see Clark for an hour after.
Slipping the (lead-lined) box into the interior pocket of her blazer, she crosses the whole five feet of bullpen to get from her station to Clark’s. With a quick knock on his annoyingly well-organized desk, she tells him, “Kent. Roof. Fifteen minutes.”
Five years ago, his reaction would’ve been entirely different. Confusion, worry, maybe even fear. These days, there’s a twinkle in his eye and the shadow of a smirk, because he knows he’s either getting some interesting information for a story or simply, ah, getting some. Maybe she’s not been the best about professionalism since they’ve gotten together, but what else are supply closets even for?
This time, he’s wrong. She had an inkling that he’s going to enjoy the surprise nonetheless.
Fourteen minutes and thirty seconds later, the rooftop door opens with the same grating squeal as always. The top floor has a deep resentment for anyone that pops up here for a smoke break, but she figures their lazy asses could bring up some WD-40 if it was really that big a deal. There’s a moment of irritation when she thinks of the passive aggressive email she’s almost certainly going to get from Janice, but it fades near instantaneously as she sees Clark, smiling, relaxed posture, so utterly comfortable around her. Ugh. This “being in love” shit is utterly ridiculous. She’s already smiling back at him like it’s been weeks instead of minutes since she last saw him.
Whatever. This is something that she should be smiling for.
Before he gets the chance to say anything, or even go in for a kiss, she says, “I know these sort of things usually have a preamble, but you know me. Ask questions first, elucidate second.”
Ah, there’s the confused expression that always reminds her of showing a five month old puppy a new toy, tilted head and all. It’d be fun to let him linger in it for a bit, obfuscate her intentions, but she wants an answer more than she wants entertainment.
Rolling her shoulders and letting out a long breath, she pulls out the box and gets down on one knee in one smooth motion. She presses the little button on the front, making the lid pop open and reveal a, in her humble opinion, a rather stunning white-gold (near indestructible custom titanium-carbon alloy, courtesy of star labs, but who’s counting?) wedding band. “Superman, Kal-El, Clark Kent, any name you want to go by, will you marry me?”
Here’s where there’s supposed to be a Yes!, maybe mixed into a combo of laughter and tears and smoochin’. Instead, Clark’s eyes go wide, and his first response is, “Oh shit.”
That’s. Less than ideal.
To be fair, he immediately follows up with, “No, wait, that sounds, uh, I just mean, are you sure?”
Still less than ideal, but, you know, less less than ideal. She sort of looks around, starting to feel ridiculous with the cold cement pressing into her knee and a giant gold globe right above their heads. This translates to her snorting and telling, “Yeah, um, pretty fucking sure, dude.”
God, they really are the height of romance. Gene Kelly eat your heart out.
“You know, um, that you..you wouldn’t just be marrying..me. But. Also Big Blue, right?”
She rolls her eyes. “No, I don’t. I am completely unaware of your stupid double life, hence why I called you Superman when I popped the question. 30 fucking seconds ago.”
And, god help her, Clark is literally wringing his hands. “Ah. Yeah. Right. That. On the flip side, I wouldn’t, like, be able to wear my ring in uniform.”
“Well, it would be funny, and I’m sure Cat would have the time of her fucking life if she got to speculate about Superman getting hitched, but in general, I Figured.”
“We’ve also both talked about wanting kids. We almost certainly can’t actually have kids together.”
She shrugs, and starts to grin, despite the soreness that’s starting to develop from holding this position. “So we adopt. Or get a donor, hell, you and Bruce look close enough, I’m sure he’d throw us a bone, as it-”
“-What! I’m just saying, there’s work arounds.”
This get a puff of laughter through his nose, and Lois feels a rush go through her entire body, Oh yeah, she’s got this in the bag. He scratches the back of his neck, and raises an eyebrow at her, sheepish in a way that somehow loops back around to shockingly confident. She has yet to figure out how that works, and she’s excited to get to spend the of her life poking at that puzzle. He keeps going, stating, “You’d be married to an alien, like a bad tabloid headline.”
“Technically speaking, you are also going to be married to an alien, I’m sure the Kandor press has their own shitty tabloids to run about that one.”
He finally, finally steps closer to her, eyes warm and soft and perfect. “You’ll probably end up living on a farm for at least a little bit.”
“Fat fucking chance, Smallville. You can commute to the city just fine.”
One more step closer. “I also thought you were, I believe, fundamentally against marriage as an institution.”
“Oh my god, Clark, I love you, I like you, I want to spend the rest of my fucking life with you, I miss you when we have to take separate commutes to the same goddamn job, and I’ll swallow some of my past words because I want a receipt and a trinket and a party to celebrate that! Now either say yes or fuck off so I can lick my wounds, I’m starting to cramp here!”
Suddenly, there’s the laughter. AND the tears. His voice is watery and bright as he replies, “Yes. Fuck, Lois, you’re the love of my life, of course yes!”
She gets as far as, “See, that’s more-”, in “see, that’s more like it,” before she’s being pulled up into a spinning kiss. It’s a messy thing, mostly because they can’t stop laughing against each other’s lips, giddy in a way that she only really gets with him. Oh, crap, there’s also a lit bit of snot, because she’s also crying as she’s laughing, and Clark has them both floating, literally. She doesn’t think he even realizes he’s doing it, too swept up in the moment. God, she loves him. She loves him, she loves him, she loves him, and he’s just accepted her loving him for the rest of her days. All in all, almost certainly one of the best Tuesdays she’s ever had.
When they finally come down from the hysterical joy of the proposal, she still has her arms around his shoulders. He’s staring into her eyes, his own red rimmed, and he looks wrecked in the best way possible. Being who she is, she decides to break the silence between them with, “So. Lunch?”
There’s that sparkling laugh again, the one that makes her, soppily, think all is right with the world, and he presses his forehead to hers. “I could do lunch. The bagel place on 40th?”
He pulls away instantaneously, hands on her upper arms, checking her over with worry. “What, what’s wrong?”
“I should’ve proposed at the bagel place on 40th. They probably would’ve given us free schmear.”
He goes loose-limbed and as happy as she’s ever seen him. “I love you, Lois Lane.”
She ducks her head and realize her cheeks hurt from smiling. Taking his hand into her own and swinging it between them like they’re 16 and not 30, she replies, “Love you too, Clark Kent. Now let’s go grab some grub.”
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juletheghoul · 7 months ago
Let Me Follow (Part 7)
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AN: Ooop. I haven't updated this in a year and I feel terrible, I am trying to go through all of the unfinished fics I have, and update one every week. (dream big Jules) Hopefully get through all of the things I have in my head. Hopefully it's been worth the wait! I've done my best to edit this myself, but it hasn't been beta'd. Enjoy! xo 🩷
Joel Miller x F!Reader
Pairing: Joel x F!Reader
Word Count: 4.8K
Warnings: (18+ NO MINORS) ANGST, language, age-gap (about 10-11 years, legal, reader is of age), Yearning, post-apocalyptic world, Joels injury / ptsd / nightmare
Let me know if I missed anything!
reblogs are appreciated
Masterlist Series Masterlist
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He’s gone when you wake up. Both of them are, they’re gone most of the day but it makes sense. You chalk it up to Joel catching up with his brother and Ellie taking advantage of the safety of this place. You, in turn, find yourself almost haunting the house Maria and Tommy had put you up in. The time spent in the trailer, although quiet for the most part, was also wrapped up in the web of anxiety. Every second spent there was corrupted with fear of someone finding it, always the danger of infected wandering into the woods and surprising you when you’d go scavenging, and in comparison to that, this felt peaceful. 
This house gave you a chance to rest, to nap and enjoy the safety of the walls surrounding you, surrounding the town itself. Even when you got hungry, it was only a matter of making your way down the street to the cafeteria. People looked at you with curiosity, but didn’t pry, which only inspired intense gratitude. 
The whole day was a much needed respite from the worry and anxiety, until Ellie stormed into the house to find you reading an old novel on the sofa late in the evening. Anger burning on her face and it seemed strange to be so angry in a place like this. 
“What happened?” The adrenaline shoots up, the familiarity of it is so depressing, it seems your body is always ready to feel this way. 
“He’s leaving me.” She runs up the stairs and you find yourself running up after her, the door to the bedroom she’d claimed all but shut in your face before you could follow her inside. 
“Ellie? Can I come in?” You knock, hoping she’ll elaborate, “Ellie?”
“Whatever.” She calls out and you follow her inside, finding her sitting on a dusty bay window. 
“What happened?” Your heart races but you do your best to control your breathing. 
“He’s leaving me,” she sighs, picking up what looks to be someone's journal, “I heard him tell Tommy, that he has to leave me.” You frown at her. Joel hadn’t exactly been the cuddly type but he did care about Ellie, that had been obvious to you. “Maria told me something about him, something that makes sense-” 
“I wouldn’t listen to what Maria has to say about Joel, it seems to me she’s been listening to Tommy say some not-so-nice things about his brother.” Annoyance burns brightly in your gut that she’d dare poison Ellie against the man that had been keeping her safe. 
“No–I didn’t let her talk shit, I told her where to fucking go about that but–” A soft tap on the door pulls you out of the argument, Joel’s voice coming through before he opens the door. 
The familiar ‘Joel-frown’ is back in place as his gaze shifts from Ellie, to you, and back to her again.
“Listen-” He starts, but she doesn’t let him get very far.
“Why are you here?” The anger still burns on her face, but you know what’s really there. Sadness, fear, disappointment, you know because you’ve felt it all before.
“I came here to talk to you, both of you.”
“No, why are you still here? If you’re gonna ditch us then ditch us.” her eyes cast down as she speaks, looking without really seeing the journal in her hands. You see him let out a heavy sigh, resignation taking over. 
“What exactly did you hear?”
“‘I have to leave her, you have to take her’,” your eyebrows must have raised up into your hairline, Joel leaving Ellie had never crossed your mind, “You know I stuck up for you today because I thought-” She bit her lip, cutting off her own words.
“I made this decision for your own good. You’ll be way better off with Tommy, he knows the area better than I do-” He was floundering and it was as though you were listening to a stranger, his whole demeanour completely different from last night. 
“Do you give a shit about me or not?” Her voice rose, and your heart broke for her.
“Of course I do.” 
“Then what are you so afraid of? I’m not her, you know? Maria told me about Sarah-”
“Don’t.” The change in him was chilling, “Don’t say another word.” Seeing his eyes shift, the whole of him as cold as ice. 
“I’m sorry about your daughter, Joel, but I have lost people too.” And there it was. 
He’d had a daughter, and he’d lost her. This was it, the missing piece. It made so much sense, the cloud that followed him around, the loss that poisoned him to the world. It wasn’t just the terrible, awful, practically unbearable state of the world, it was his loss. 
“You have no idea what loss is.” His eyes hardened even more, and you understood why he would be upset. The loss of a child would definitely make anyone lose their minds, but Ellie wasn’t wrong. Everyone in this world knows what loss is.
“Everybody I have cared for has either died or left me. Everybody, fucking except for you!” She pushes him, her anger and hurt getting the best of her and you can’t help but move from your place on the couch to comfort her. “So don't tell me that I'd be safer with somebody else because the truth is I would just be more scared.” Your hand goes to her shoulder, letting her know you’re there for her. 
“You’re right. You aren’t my daughter, and I sure as hell ain’t your dad. Now come dawn, you and I go our separate ways-” Your hand flashes up without your permission, and cracks him clean across the face. It was too much for you to bear. 
“Enough! I am so sick and tired of this, and I am through with letting you act this way. You can’t keep living your life like this, Joel. Head down, barreling through like a juggernaut, cutting through everyone and everything, completely closed off to the world.” The hurt was sharp in your voice- “I can’t even begin to imagine how much losing your daughter must have hurt you, I wish it had never happened. I cannot take it away from you, neither of us can but we don’t deserve for you to treat us this way. Losing her doesn’t mean you can throw Ellie away.” His eyes flashed with something, a hurt so deep it was part of him, “Tomorrow, we’re going–whether it’s with you, or Tommy is up to you.” You turned from him then, gathering Ellie into your arms. You heard the door click, and then you and Ellie were alone. 
You spent the night with Ellie.
A soft knock sounded as you gathered the few things you had to take with you, both of you. Ellie opened the door to a very resigned Tommy standing at the door. 
“Y’all ready?” He spoke to both of you, the look on your face leaving no doubt as to whether Ellie would go alone or not.
“Yes, we’re good to go,” you reply and he nods once before leading the way out, “Come on Ellie.” You don’t look at the room across the hall, even as the outline of the door burns bright in your peripheral. That it was closed and he was probably asleep inside only filled your stomach with rocks, so you keep your eyes forward and ignore the feeling.
The morning is crisp enough to see your breath and it wreaths around your head like a halo as you all make your way towards the barn. Your anger with Joel is a simmering pot on the back burner, and that’s where it has to stay, there’s too much to focus on with Ellie to give it any attention. Tommy leads the way, bundled up with a rifle on his back and the anger you’re trying to tamp down finds its bullseye.
“How much shit did you talk about Joel, Tommy? Be honest.” He turns, his brow furrowed, “Must have been a lot, with the way Maria was eyeing him.”
“Yeah, not to mention giving me some bullshit warning about him not being who I thought he was.” Ellie chimes in, he lets out a deep sigh.
“You don’t understand, we did terrible things-“
“Yes, both of you, and you got to explain yourself. You’re letting your grievances with your brother colour the way people in this town view him. If he stays here, you’ve just made his life harder when you both did the same shit.” You round the corner, ducking into the barn to find the man you’re discussing, loading the horse's saddle with what looked to be supplies. You’re angry at him, at the cruel words he threw at Ellie, at the thought that after all of your confessions he might have let you go. It’s hard not to feel relief that he’s here though, ready to follow her, ready to follow you. 
“You came here to say goodbye or something?” Ellie’s voice is neutral, but the hurt simmers under the surface. 
“No, I came here to steal one of these horses.” He kicks at the ground, nervous.
“I woulda gave you one.” Tommy sighs, his frown still in place but now directed at Joel.
“I know. Anyway, that was thirty minutes ago, and I guess you deserve a choice. I still think you’d be better off with Tommy-“
“Let’s go.” She tosses her bag at him. Your lip curls without your permission, but you keep it to yourself.
“Okay.” He grunts out the word, but you can see he’s just as affected as you are. He turns, and speaks to Tommy while you and Ellie lead the horses out, letting them have a moment. 
“You okay?” Ellie’s eyes find yours at the sound of your words, and for a moment you see her age and it breaks your heart. Her eyes are wide, dark shadows underneath them, all of the stress and the weight of her lot in this life painted across her face, and still she smiles. 
“Fuck yeah, all good.” 
God, she’s just a kid. 
“Let’s get going.” Joel comes out, Tommy’s rifle on his back and his eyes are wild, darting between you and Ellie. His words still ring out in your ears, but so does the knowledge of his loss. It’s the Rosetta Stone, the why of all of his anger and hurt and reluctance to open up to anyone and anything coming into focus. 
There are two horses, and Ellie claims one right away, leaving you to share with Joel. He climbs up and swings his leg around, then holds out his hand to help you climb on, and wordlessly you take it. The horse is calm underneath you, for which you are grateful, even when you climb up, much less graceful than Joel and sit tucked into his back. 
The anger in you still burns bright. Too bright to say anything to him just yet, so you let it wash over you. Ignore the happy chant to have him there, to have his familiar, safe shape solid in front of you, and focus on not spooking the animal beneath you. 
Hours pass with small talk between Ellie and Joel, and silence from you. He doesn’t press, but his voice sounds lighter than it ever has with her. You let them have this conversation and bonding and you keep your mouth shut. He tests the waters though, your arms wrap around his waist, and every so often you feel him squeeze your hand or your knee. A silent olive branch, a request for connection and as much as you try to hold out and ignore him, punish him for his cruelty, you cannot help but give in. You press your lips to the little bit of skin exposed at the back of his neck. You can feel the way he melts, and part of you feels guilty for denying him for so long, but then his words come back and so does the anger. 
Ellie has gone ahead, just a little bit, close enough that he can keep an eye on her, but far enough away that he tries his luck with words. 
“It was bad wasn’t it?” He speaks over his shoulder, his words heavy with resignation.
“Real bad.”
He sighs, but says nothing else. You don’t expect an apology, and you don’t get one. It’s there though, the remorse, in his voice, threaded through the soft words and explanations he gives Ellie as the day goes by. He speaks to her of his life before, and it’s a marvel to hear him speak so much, he used to be a contractor. The shape of the word in your mouth feels familiar, one of those words adults used to say but there’s no reference for it in your memory. She is happy, that is all that matters.
When you stop to camp, it’s in a densely populated forest, eerily quiet but good enough. The land is far enough away from any QZ to be free of infected, but they aren’t the biggest worry. He sets up camp, a couple of sleeping bags all piled together.
“Sleep, both of you, I’ll take first watch.” It doesn’t take much convincing on your part, and for once, Ellie doesn’t grumble, she yawns hard enough to tremble and gets into the sleeping bag without comment. You want to give him something, a promise that you’ll discuss what you both know you need to discuss but he shakes his head when your eyes meet. “Sleep, Sunny, you need your rest.”
You nod, and sleep claims you, quick as falling.
You wake with a gasp. 
“You’re okay.” He’s sitting on a fallen log, watching the surrounding darkness. Full consciousness creeps in, and awareness calms the anxiety of whatever nightmare that had spilled over. Even the horses are calm, no immediate danger threatening, but there’s no way you’re going back to sleep. 
“I’m up now. Here, give me the gun, you should get some shut-eye.” You stretch for a moment, before getting up. At this point, he knows you better than to argue, and so as much as he wants to keep watch, he gets up with a groan, and climbs into the sleeping bag still permeated with your body heat. The brief spark of warmth and comfort that was born of your new found intimacy with him, although still there, is obscured by the things you know you need to discuss, but it won’t be tonight. He knows it too, and so you keep watch, and when the morning comes, you all set out again. 
Days pass, and you travel in peace. The days are cold but clear, and he surprises you even more. He teaches Ellie to shoot, instructs her on how to load and reload the rifle, how to aim and even lets her keep a pistol and you can see the father so clearly in him. He notices your quiet withdrawal, and he lets you have your silence, but it doesn’t last.
Three nights into your trek, he finally breaks the silence. 
You feel him slip into the sleeping bag behind you, the night is colder than you expected and his warmth is welcome, even if your heart is still hurt. You’d found a small copse of trees, hidden enough that you could all sleep relatively calmly.
“Sunny.” It’s just above a whisper,  “How long you gonna punish me?” His breath tickles the little hairs at the back of your neck, raising goosebumps in its wake. You sigh.
“I’m not punishing you Joel.” His hand slips around your waist.
“You’re angry at me, I can feel it.” He presses his lips to the skin just below your ear, soft and sweet and your eyes close at the feel of it, you turn towards him. 
“I’m hurt,” he pulls you close enough to tangle his legs with yours, “Not just for what you said to Ellie, but for what happened to you.” You felt the clench in his jaw, felt how his body tensed. “I’m not trying to pry into your past Joel, I don’t want to open old wounds and make you relive anything, but I’ve been with the two of you long enough to see the bond. That girl-” you gestured to Ellie’s sleeping form near the horses, “-sees you as a father. You’re all she has, and you were ready to drop her.” 
“I know.” He pressed his forehead to yours, the tension going out of him like a balloon deflating. “It’s why I didn’t think I could do this, I am scared that I won’t be able to protect her, if she got hurt on my watch I couldn’t forgive myself.” All of a sudden you felt stupid, his anger and lashing out at her was a way to protect her, it didn’t excuse it, but it definitely explained it. “I don’t think she heard my whole conversation with Tommy, I was tellin’ him how scared I am.” 
“She needs you around, she needs to know you aren’t going to abandon her.” You can’t help but bring your hands to his face, comfort him. “We need you, I need you, I don’t want you to leave me behind either.” The little part of yourself that you’d been stomping down reared its head. “I’m sorry I slapped you, I shouldn’t have done that.” He shakes his head, dismissing your apology. 
“I won’t leave you behind. I meant it when I said I needed you to be patient with me.” He presses his lips to your hand, then to your lips, an apology and a promise and you clutch to it, despite the fear that permeates every aspect of the world. You don’t say anything more, trusting that when he's ready, he’ll tell you about his loss.
The university is a massive, rundown building, eerily quiet, without many signs of life. 
“No fireflies.” Ellie points out when you stop just in front of an overturned car.
“Probably in the middle, safer.” Joel leads the way, and the three of you continue throughout the grounds. He answers Ellie’s questions about University life, about anything and everything she can think of while you focus on your surroundings. The quiet irks you.
Monkeys roam the campus the closer you get to the building, and she’s excited to see them, you’re a little more wary but they scatter at the sound of you approaching.
“Lookit.” He points to a sign, a bright firefly symbol spray-painted onto it.
“Here we go.” She sounds a lot braver than she looks, her expression matches yours. This whole place was creepy, and your stomach roiled the closer you got to the entrance of the building. The sound of the horses' hooves clicking onto the pavement echo around you as you approach, guard houses sit unmanned just outside the door, and your stomach drops further. 
“Guard houses.” Joel voices your thoughts. 
“No guards.” You reply, and the mood sours further. “Let’s tie the horses, and continue on foot.” You gesture to a tree and they both nod in agreement. With them taken care of, you make your way inside. 
“Gun?” Ellie looks to Joel, and he nods, she takes out the pistol he’d trusted her with, his rifle at the ready and you follow close behind him, no weapon, but eyes sharp.
The inside is abandoned, but there is a mess of tables, discarded equipment and supplies left behind. 
“There were definitely doctors here.” She rifles through a stack of old gauze, gloves and other things littering the tables, pulling a list from under an empty box.
“This is a packing list,” Joel takes the list from her, “Something you make before moving.” There’s a distinct lack of dust and dirt blown in on the mess left behind you cannot help but focus on.
“Looks like they just left-” Something crashes above, movement in one of the higher floors interrupting your sentence, “maybe not all of them.” You move as one, slowly and quietly following the source of the noise, your heart races, scared of who or what you might find here. Joel leads the way, his rifle at the ready, Ellie brings up the rear, gun in her hands and pointed down like he’d taught her. The place looks more like an abandoned hospital than a school. There are carts knocked over, hospital beds and IV bags still hooked up to the poles littering the hallways. 
He counts down silently, hand just hovering over the door containing the source, and then opens it. A monkey shrieks, and seeing you jumps out the open window. You let out a heavy breath. 
“Well, at least it ain’t clickers.” Joel’s tone is as relieved as you feel. 
“Yeah, no fireflies either. Maybe in all that research they turned into fucking monkeys!” He frowns at her, there’s a disappointment heavy in the air. So much travelling, just to come up empty. There’s a giant map in the middle of the room though. You make your way over to it, there are different colour pins all leading up to one place, Salt Lake City, Utah.
“That’s where they went?” She’s staring at the map beside you. 
“All the pins lead there.” You press your finger to the spot on the map, Joel is beside you, all three of you studying it. 
“Maybe they were getting ahead of the weather? Better facilities? I don’t know.” He frowns, letting out a breath but you hear it, people talking outside the window. You shush them, gesturing to the window but they hear it now too. Your heart jackhammers in your chest, any and all peace you’d found from finding this place empty is gone. 
Quietly you all move closer and peek out the window, and see four men walking past, they hold crowbars, and baseball bats and it’s obvious they’re raiders. 
“Out the back.” Joel whispers, and then the three of you take off. Within a few tense minutes, you’re all back outside, ducking behind piled up sandbags to make sure you don’t encounter anyone. With the coast clear, you all run towards the horses. Ellie climbs up onto hers, and you climb onto the one you share with Joel while he unties them. 
“Joel!” Ellie screams, one man has followed, baseball bat high in the air but Joel turns in time and ducks out of the way, the bat swings hard, hitting the tree and shatters. Ellie holds up her arm, aiming the gun but they move too erratically. 
“Wait Ellie! You might shoot Joel–” She puts it down, he doesn’t need help, they grapple and slam against the tree but then Joel has wrapped his arm around the man's neck, and with a sickening crunch, he falls. When Joel turns, your stomach drops. 
He looks down, and the butt of the broken bat is sticking out of his lower abdomen. He takes a deep breath, and pulls it out and a wave of nausea hits you to see at least three inches of wood come out, his blood pulsing between his fingers. 
“Joel–get on the horse!” You scream out to him, seeing the others spotting you and running full speed. He struggles, but climbs up with a pained yell, swinging his leg over and managing to get in front of you. 
“Get back!” Ellie follows behind, shooting at them when they get too close, with the frosty wind whipping at your face you get away. The horses gallop across the grounds and away, your grip on Joel is iron.
You know that going so fast is only hurting him but you have to get far enough away that they won’t follow. 
“They don’t seem to be following us, I think we’re safe.” Ellie calls out behind you and you’re glad she’s keeping an eye on your back, because you cannot focus on anything other than Joel’s weakening grip on the reins. 
“Joely, baby you have to hold on, please–” He teeters, swaying like a boat in choppy waters and you feel the way he cannot hold himself up anymore. “Joel-Joel!” He topples off the horse and into a pile of snow despite your best efforts, he's so pale you can barely contain the tears that flow freely down your face. “Joel, please, please wake up, we need you to wake up.” You slap at his face, but he doesn’t stir. Ellie is off her horse and kneeling beside you, trying to aid in waking him but she’s as unsuccessful as you are. She presses his hands as well as hers to where the blood pulses out of him slowly. 
“Joel, open your eyes.” You stare at him while she speaks, pressing your hand to his face, “I can’t fucking do this without you, I don’t know where the fuck I’m going, or what the fuck I’m going to do, we need you Joel please, get up.” Tears stream down her face and it hits you then. You’ve cursed him, this is what comes from loving another person. 
There’s no time, you have to move him. 
“Let’s get him somewhere safe, Ellie, one of those houses.” You gesture to a residential area not far from where he fell. There’s no way you can carry him, instead you look for something to put him on that you can drag like a sled. You send Ellie to look, warning her to be careful and to keep her gun out and she comes back with a wide mat, almost like a big dog bed and it’s perfect. You shuffle him onto it, and tie the mat to the back of one of the horses, pulling him towards one of the houses. 
It takes so long to get him into the basement. By the time you’ve piled a stained mattress and musty blankets and laid him on it, your skin is slick with frozen sweat, your breath comes out in pants, exhausted with the effort. There had been an old towel in one of the bathrooms of the house, Ellie had grabbed it while you wrestled him to where he lay. Once settled, you ripped it up, and moved his shirt to press it to the wound, barely looking at it. You had to stop the bleeding, if he kept bleeding he’d die. 
“What are we going to do?” She watches, terrified. 
“I don’t know.” You want to comfort her, but you cannot stop swallowing the lump in your throat. You both stay quiet for a while after that, focused on his breathing. 
It’s because I love him
The thought squeezes your heart like a vice, the curse of you fills your head, overtaking every thought. This is what happens when you love another person, the black hole has taken him just like it took your parents, just like it took Johnny and there is nothing to be gained but misery and heartache. The black pit of your love is full of emptiness and all you’d done was sentence him to death. You should have just let them leave, given them your supplies and stayed in your trailer. 
Tears stream steadily down your face, hoping against hope that he’ll wake up, that the wound will close, that nothing inside had been too badly damaged. You hoped you’d wake up back in that bed in Jackson, that this was all just some horrible nightmare and that he’d be there, rubbing your back. You didn’t wake up though, and he lay there motionless while you cried, breathing shallow enough to fill your stomach with nothing but dread and nausea and regret and every other horrible thing you’ve felt since this world went to shit. 
You move the towel after a while, to see how bad the damage actually is and your body tenses, it’s angry and red and still blood pulses out, his skin shredded where the sharp wood had pierced him.
“We need to close it, we should see if we can find a needle and thread.” You speak to her, but she watches him, his eyes are open, and there is nothing but naked fear in them. He groans and grabs at your arm hard enough to bruise when you press the towel back to the wound. 
“Go.” He grits it out, at both of you. She puts her hands on yours, helping to staunch the blood. “Go, leave, take the gun.” He repeats it. 
“Shut up, shut the fuck up Joel!” She all but screams at him but he grabs her by the jacket, pulling her close. 
“You go.” He doesn’t relent, “You go. You go north, go to tommy.” He shivers, speaking the words clearly and when he pushes her back, she stumbles, staring at him in disbelief. His eyes find yours, and he repeats himself. “Leave.” He does not expect to survive, and all at once you are angry with him, angry with yourself for ever having opened your heart, angry at the world for your lot in life. His eyes find yours then, tears slowly streaming from them, the same anger burning in your chest shining out through his eyes. 
You wipe at your eyes, and rise. Leaving him there, as you make your way up the stairs, and out of the basement. 
She catches up to you in the kitchen. 
“Are we really leaving him?” 
“No. I’m looking for something to stitch him up, but if you want to go find Tommy I won’t stop you, you can shoot, and he’s taught you how to keep watch and find safe places to sleep. You can take all of the supplies–” You open cupboards, pulling them off the hinges in your haste and spilling drawers in the pursuit of something, anything to help him. 
“I’m not leaving either.” She moves, and helps you search. 
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11queensupreme11 · 1 month ago
Do you have the personalities for any of the Secy kids yet?
you're in luck cuz i do!!!!!!
i'll start with cearbhall, the eldest and only son:
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he's a bitch 💩
no seriously, he's a cocky, arrogant, loud-mouthed, snarky, and rude piece of SHIT. he is literally just like his father, minus the raping and not as much of a misogynist thanks to percy's intervention (bless her because omg you do NOT want a second cú chulainn walking around the universe 💀)
a womanizer just like his daddy but percy at least taught him about safe sex and consent so after sex he always makes sure the girls he sleep with take some magic tea or whatever to prevent pregnancies (something his stupid dad didn't think he'd need to learn about smh)
still has a bit of a sexist mindset, but it's really leagues better compared to cú chulainn or the average god tbh 😭😭 it's complicated for him cuz on one hand you've got his mother telling him "you should always treat women with respect, sweetie! let them live their life and don't ever try to take away their freedom! 💖" and then there's his dad saying "lmao fuck whichever whore you want. oh and also make sure you never let your mother and sisters out of the palace when i'm gone and keep all men away from them 😃👍"
😭😭😭 yeah you get the point 💀
so thx to his dad's stupid paranoia, he's grown to become very overprotective of his younger sisters and mother 😭
now luisne:
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she has the physically young appearance of a 10 year old girl and she pretty much acts like a brat 😂
i plan on making her a goddess of wealth and riches, gemstones, minerals, and luxury so OBVIOUSLY you can see why she's bit of a brat lmao 😭😭
demanding and bossy and very temperamental. she pretty much inherited cú chulainn's famous anger issues 😭
she's extremely spoiled however there is one thing she adores more than any precious stone and it's anything that her mother makes herself. homemade blue cookies, knitted sweaters, jewelry, etc. no matter how basic, she'll love it because she knows her mother made it with love; no magic or anything just genuine skill 💖💖💖
and then there's cú chulainn's untalented ass. can't cook, can't bake, can't knit, or make anything cute or pretty with his bare hands 💀 he conjures up lavish dollhouses and intricate looking dolls, orders the best jewelry to be made for her etc. she LOVES it ofc, but she also loves bullying her talentless daddy and demanding more stuff from him because he caves so quickly 😭😭
does not bully or demand stuff from her mommy tho cuz she knows mommy can actually put her foot down when it comes to her 😂
and now ponyo, the youngest sécy baby:
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a mix of ariel and ponyo tbh! she's got ariel's curiosity and fascination with humans, and ponyo's reckless nature.
because of her reckless and curious nature, she's the one most likely to disregard her father's rules and TRY to sneak out of the house 💀 keyword being "try"
she has an overprotective and vigilant father, an equally as overprotective older brother, and a mom who at least understands but still wants her to be safe.
idk how i'm gonna have her fascination and curiosity for humans come from, but i'm planning on maybe having ponyo and percy have some bonding down in midgard? ponyo will be a sea deity so percy'll want to show her the atlantean empire down in midgard. maybe there's a shipwreck accident up above and she helps her mom save some humans and gets enthralled by them... idk yet, but i think that's what i'll go with!
and that's pretty much what i have for the sécy babies so far! i'll think of more for the rest later, but honestly, the ideas just come to me randomly 😅
and btw, no incest freaks here! the sécy kids will pretty much be incest free lmao. as for yans...... idk yet. i think i'll have cearbhall be a platonic yan and maybe another daughter (fiachra maybe) but this is what i have so far!
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haveihitanerve · 2 months ago
BUS! I know I came back to land for a reason…
Also- for-word: um. Be prepared? Its not innocent. At all. Not about a bus. Um. yeah. Don't watch around people. Yeah. thats all the advice i can offer. Now go off into the world Penelope Jemima B. D. And show the world who you are 😭
(the amount of distress i had while watching this is insane) anyway:
Idk what AJ and Tom were saying at the very beginning but cuteness 
“You're gonna fucking love it.” Tom is an iconic king but also AJ and Sam laughing at his dumb little jokey intro will always be the cutest thing to me
“Hopefully in that order…” yes please lol
“BUS!” AJ really enjoyed that- gorgeous cackle, 10/10. Sam doesn't know what to do with that and Tom has just reverted to repeating it bc… wow
“First murder.” “last murder” goodness gracious what lmaooo
Toms little pat on AJ’s back as they started the scene 😭
AJ awkwardly scooting away as Sam comes closer but also moving closer because he needs to at all times be touching them 😭
“You don't see young people reading anymore.” Ok idk if its intentional or not but every time we get a scene like this in any way sam always starts insulting young people for being on their “tablets and iphones” and etc etc, and i don't know if its an actual grievance that he has at this point lmao(even tho we as fans connect to them thru this but wtv lol) or if hes mocking old people for their grievances and either one works for me really lol i just wanna knowww
Sam: Good book? AJ: *every book ever created ever in the history of ever leaves his mind* yeah yeah, uh u-yeah uh its the-the the- the sexbook. Yeah thats such a good book AJ, i agree
“Quite a coincidence.” AJ: *blinks, not sure what to do with that information just casually dropped with nothing else* wha-what Sam: *smirks* Tom: *offstage* :D 
Sam: I wrote the sexbook Tom: *oh did you??* *legs crossed, hand over mouth, classic tom pose that slays every. single. time.*
“Arthur big dick” Tom shaking with silent laughter, AJ almost caving with a laugh, Sam laughing as he says it. Idk shared laughter means a lot to me
“Name five of them.” No thats foul- because AJ couldn't even think of one and now you’re making him come up with fivvveee titles sam??? Thats loowwww XD
“Big Dick 1, 2, 3 ,4 and 5.” The groan of the crowd lmaooo- they really wanted to hear AJ come up with creative titles lol
Tom’s disappointed nose pinch in the corner XD
“Im just gonna fangirl here real quick-” yes AJ! Yes! Finally we are represented!!
Sam: You're a girl? *slowly removes his hand from Aj’s shoulders* AJ: *did not think that far ahead, nor that it’d be commented on* ye-yes? Sam: ah.*contemplates* this is much creepier than I thought it was LMAOOOOO (Toms little grin shaky laugh in the corner 🫠)
“I just feel like your writing- it just really gets to the heart of- of the sexual experience.” truly, inspirational work Sam
“Didn't like it.” Silence as AJ just stares at him. :| yes. Do continue. 👀
Tom and AJ’s laugh as Sam just doesn't answer XD
“He-hello?” AJ sounded genuinely concerned for Sam lol
“Where did you go?” “the sea.” regrets it before the words are even out- XD
The way they both broke, shook for a few seconds, and then straightened in sync is insane
Its like a fricking switch was flipped holy shit- laughing- then suddenly sitting upright and focused again lol wow
Toms little giggling in the corner omfg-
“Are you getting off? Whe-where are you getting off?” He heard the joke and immediately corrected lmaooo
“Well, turn to page seven!” “Ahhh!” “Ahhh!!” the whole finger pointing and like “hahahaha i knew you'd say it you shit” is amazing and i adore it
“How old are you?” Has to clarify for the scene, i appreciate it sam lol
“32. How-how-” “okay.” “okay.” yeah maybe its better not to clarify sam’s age- seeing as hes been at sea for 60 years yet was clearly an adult when he wrote the book and- lets not get into it
“Im actually getting off at the next stop-” “mhumhmh” AJ and Tom’s little smiles at his dumbass joke ahhhh i love
Also- side note- his book gets off already at page seven??? Thats pretty early right? Or am i tweaking? Actually its a book about sex called Sexbook so nevermind, ignore me
“Im actually a writer myself.” “oh really? What have you written?” “big vagina 1, 2, 3.” Sam completely folds at that, and Tom’s little smile as AJ smirks, proud of himself ahhh such dorks :) 
“But i haven't- *breaks* i haven't released any yet because *voice shakes with laughter* im too afraid. *sam casually dying in the background trying not to laugh* Im too afraid of showing my work *breaks again* cause i will be judged.” The hand to the heart is truly my favorite thing XD
“Jemima.” Sam: *shit what was my name again* AJ: Arthur B. D. Sam: *thats right thank you* Arthur B. D. WOW!!! AJ remembered a name!!! Brilliant. 
Brilliant stagecraft of leaving the bus AJ, adore
Tom gets to be in a scene now! Yay!
“Boys…” Sam thought he could sit down and relax- nope! AJ is trying, but, yep he has to stand again too lol
Tom unbuttoning his shirt just to reveal a shirt underneath is a power move holy shit-
“As the united kingdom communist part we just cant take that.” Tom squints at him: mmmhmmm. *shakes head because he does not like that* Sam: *does it back equally as passive aggressive* mmmmmhhhmmm
“Us fine upstanding, british *lacking a very substantial british accent* communists that we are.” 
I see Tom is trying to revive Xavier???? Or smth…
“Oh what did you just stutter to me?” His strut-
AJ’s tongue in cheek smile as he approaches-
That chin tilt???????? Oh ma my my-
“How did you get my name so wrong?” ahh how quickly the mighty fall😔
“Magnus o. Puss.” AJ’s almost break at the name lmaooo
“Cause i have a full magnus full of o puss.” Sam’s breaking of character so completely that he just covers his face in shame lmaooo XD
“You just wiped your nose.” “Sorry.” “you're wearing a jumper.” wow tom- just insult everything about him i guess XD AJ: 😔sorry…
Aj trying to escape the scene. Tom: don't just sit down and cry! No mercy…XD
“Flatmate.” “oh!” AJ’s relief lmaooo
Tom: I’m the other flatmate. :/ keep trying buddy, one day you'll join the scene again lmaooo
“Get on the couch.” “how was your day?” “how was your day?” “how was your daaaay?” the way theyre actually sitting really close together with Tom almost leaning against Sam’s shoulder 🫠
“You know, my writing,” “We’re big fans.” Tom casually interrupts to clarify and support- and like- i know its for the scene and they’re building a really quick relationship- but AJ actually is a writer/director and they do actually watch his stuff-😭- anyway-
Sam and Tom’s continuous looks at each other “Oooooooh!”
“Its from your time.” THERE WE GO!!! SOME OLD JOKES!!!! “Oh yeah, just us two 65 year old women with our 32 year old flatmate!” lmaoooo they're all women and not one of them originally meant to be XD
“Well we were five.” “At first it didn't do much for us.” I would hope not Tom, but thanks for clarifying…
“As we matured-” “as we matured-” “Like our bible-” “like our bible-” im loving this casual repetition they have going on, wonderful
“It was spiritual but also exciting.” “like cocaine.” “like cocaine.” Sam would know… and still with the repetitions XD
“That would be convenient to the plot.” I love how Sam feels the need to say this aloud and not just subtly hint at it- because knowing the two idiots he’s on stage with- sorry, chaos demons- they would totally let him try to build it up like that, and then never actually get the plot going in that direction lmaooo
“Oh my gosh.” Sam and Tom both cracking at his gasp- now drum roll, will Aj stick to the plot or is he throwing in a curveball???
“Is it convenient to the plot?” Tom looks like he doesn't want it to be- just to annoy Sam lmaooo
“And i looked out the window temporarily-” *almost breaks* Aj- i love you, but there are more casual ways to let this further the plot, you know that right XD
“Well this sounds perfectly plausible.” After he and Tom just destroyed any way it could be plausible
“You've cracked my code did you?” we get a snippet of Aj’s delightful laughter, beautiful
“Pass the torch up. There you go.” AJ: *finger point of “clever”* lol
“You cant go off again back to sea.” “..okay.” AJ’s break at the easy agreement lol-
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW i did not expect a cute hug scene!!!!!! Yay!!!! 🫠💗
Ok- i will be honest- i really though Aj was going in for a kiss at first- and i kind of believe Sam thought so too with the whole “i always wanted a daughter” to solidify its purely sweet and not romantic just in case aj gets any more ideas lol
Sam’s “oh!” and hunch drop into Big Dick because he thought he was Tom’s assistant??? And not big dick, but here he is again lmaooo
Tom’s little vibrating act made AJ fold and i think its wonderful XD
Tom climbing on a chair because he needs to be taller ofc, classic
“You could look, im not wearing underwear.” Sam, not only looking, but doing the appreciate, yeah head nod is crazy
“Im everything you fear.” AJ interrupting his build up to monologue to snort is priceless
“You were just a lowly intern-” Hang on a fucking minute sam- Tom is how old???? That was 60 years ago- i don't care how young and lowly he was- he was at least a teenager which makes him a seventy something yead old man- y'know what its better not to ask
“Even you couldn't… open it.” Tom freezing in place in an effort not to laugh, Sam’s head hanging in disappointment, and AJ just having the time of his life 
Tom’s little head drop forward like “what are you saying aj? Oh you're doing this? Okaaay…” 
“Penelope.” sam. Sam. sammy. Samuel. Its Jemima. 
“Im trapped in a vagina.” Tom, AJ, and Sam all cracking at the perfectly set up joke, classic
“How is he doing this?” Sam not helping at all and making AJ come up with it XD
“He says it just- hes a ghost.” AJ has given up lmaooo
“Magnum o, full stop, puss.” Sam checking his watch to see how much he has to speed this up lmaoooo
“Hell die inside of that vagina.” *both break* XD
“Im in my office on another floor…” Tom really wanted to be in the scene and they keep forcing him out XD
“Hes astral penetrated me-” Sam fully folds on stage too- he knew, he just knew AJ would make it weird- specifically made it so that they were established as daughter-dad relationship- and yet AJ still found a way LMAOOOO
“Don't make me call security.” “Call security! I don't care!” “Security.” “JA. I am secure.” Tom baby im just not sure thats what he meant XD
“Im just going to put this out there: we have several copies.” lmaooo Aj come on!
“But then your friend would die inside wouldn't he?” AJ: *HAHAH FUCK YOU!!!* “ahh fuck.” Sam is impressed lol
[drenched exit] sam: awww come on! *disappointed as though he didn't help set it up*
[door closes with a moist SMACK] Tom: *smiles because hes proud of himself*
“You've been meditating inside a big member!” why do they keep making it worse better
[juicy splash] Sam: *makes sound of disgust and disappointment*
“Its perfectly natural!” You tell ‘em king!
Physic powers?????
“You-you've pinned it to the wall.” … aj… theres no emoji or anything to convey my expression rn, but i assume its the same as yours so… yeah…
“You must challenge him.” AJ: *breaks fully because he did not expect sam to just appear behind him while hes being tortured?? by a man rubbing his own nipples*
“Feel the tension!” i feel the tension alright😭
Aj having to laugh mid battle (real) because  w h a ha t???
What is going on😭😭😭
“That vagina was so acidic.” Sam please don't say things like that while you're dying in AJ’s arms- XD
“Im so happy i met you on the bus that day.” You mean literally that morning?? Or did i miss a time jump?
“The big vagina 4. *moans*” Death. 
aj helping tom up from the floor😭🫠
AND, SCENE!!! wow. That was… wow. Ok. Um. So. If you couldn't tell, i got very distressed towards the end. Like very. It was very good though, kinda what i expected. I’m sad Luke isn't there but glad he wasn't because it would have been so much worse 😭 but uh. Yeah. that was fun! So… hope you enjoyed???
@snek-of-eden you were so right, the chaos is unmatched and wow. Thank you!!
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