#and sarada is a science baby
lesbiankoby · 2 years
i think himiwari being a child of divorce is cute and fine and funny but also i think ideally sakura and naruto hooked up post canon and had a rose gold baby and then sasuke wandered back into their throuple and sarada happened
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kyriolex · 2 years
Hot Take!
Sumire should've remained a Ninja instead of joining the Science Department
She was much more interesting when she got to fight with Nue. She was shown to be an extremely great fighter too! Chemistry chemistry with her Teammates too!
But of course since she's a female, and those aren't to fight, she has to be sent to nursing duty and part-time pairing fodder duty...
Oh joy... 🙄
Denki should've been the one in the Science Department
Can you imagine what would have happened if Sumire had been allowed to stay plot relevant? We could have had an artificial tailed beast yokai host battling Code’s reincarnated Ten Tails. We could have had a conversation between her and Sarada about being the “heirs” of Root and the Uchihas, respectively. We could have seen more baby Nue shenanigans!!!
Also, Denki abso-fricken-lutely should have been the one in the scientific ninja tools department. The writers wouldn’t have even needed to take him off Team 5 - just have him go on missions as a support member to test out new tools.
You know who also should have been sent to the Science Department? TENTEN. I don’t want to see Tenten running a failing small business. I want to see her leading the damn weapons research division.
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domesticsasuke · 4 years
Domestic Sasuke AU Headcanon List
Domestic!Sasuke is an AU where Sasuke retires from being an active shinobi after Sarada is born.
But in my version of the AU there's a lot little more to it than that! This basically details all of the important changes that come with this AU.
Putting under a read more because this got long as fuck.
In this AU, Sasuke is brought back to Konoha similar as the canon series. He is interrogated for information on things like Orochimaru's research, the movements of Oto while he was affiliated with them, and any other information that may deem worth Konoha knowing. All of which he gives up willingly.
He is sentenced to one year probation in which he cannot leave the village, unless his presence is otherwise specifically required. He can do whatever he wants, missions included, as long as it's within Konoha.
Less than a house arrest, the probation is supposed to be an adjustment period to allow Sasuke to settle back into village life, situate the Uchiha estate, adjust to his lack of an arm, and focus on stabilizing his physical and mental health.
Now in Sakura's Story, we know that Sakura works on establishing help centers dedicated to helping children with their mental health and trauma across the shinobi nations. I like to think that within the village she was already pushing for better focus on mental health for shinobi.
Part of this adjustment period is Sasuke receiving counseling, both for anything he experienced while he was away and for what he experienced as a child. When Anko heard they were trying to find the best choice for counselor for Sasuke upon his return, she very firmly volunteered. As someone who went through some fucked up shit as a kid, she’d been working on becoming trained to help other shinobi youth.
I think the potential student-mentor relationship between Sasuke and Anko, given their shared experiences with the curse mark and Orochimaru, is woefully underutilized and unexplored.
The first few months are bad. Despite having returned willingly to Konoha, Sasuke's mental health is a mess. After years of emotional and physical trauma and keeping his mental barriers locked tight, finally being in a position where he can potentially feel safe makes him pretty much shut down. (A common occurrence for people once they get out of unsafe environments into safe ones.) Anko starts helping him work through all the layers and layers of shit and baggage he has backed up in his brain.
Interestingly enough, Sasuke finds himself spending a lot of time with Lee. Lee's energy reminds him a lot of Naruto and it begrudgingly endears Lee to him, only there’s something much more calming about sparring with Lee than Naruto. (Their dynamic comes to resemble Gai and Kakashi somewhat, but Lee is just a little sweeter and Sasuke just a little more serious.)
Sasuke and Sai oddly hit it off in their own strange way? There's a moment of tension between them on their first amicable reintroduction, but Sasuke has a much easier time communicating with him than Naruto and Sakura did upon meeting Sai. Even if Sasuke is wildly thrown off by the explicit and straight forward thing Sai often says.
As for Naruto and Sakura? They’re his most important people, always have been, even if he had to deny it to himself and others for years. Reconnecting with them isn’t... hard, but it’s awkward. Navigating this once familiar space, a space he spent so long rejecting feels strange and sometimes he feels ashamed or embarrassingly unworthy.
This entire relationship is built on the idea that he never genuinely tried to kill either Naruto or Sakura. It was either him putting on a show or him trying to convince himself he could, but he never would have gone through with it.
Sasuke also has much more meaningful moments with both of them individually where he apologizes to them. The terrible things he’s done and said are addressed and he makes it a goal to repent.
Sasuke enjoys talking about medical things with Sakura. He heard and learned a lot about medical science - especially dubious practices - while aligned with Oto, so they bond over talking about how fucked up some of the stories Sasuke shares. Sasuke gets a kick out of her mutual disgust, indignation, and reluctant intrigue. He also takes special interest in things she has to share about eyes.
While Sasuke will never not be Sasuke, his rekindling friendship with Naruto is, for the first time, not based on a foundation of pride and resentment. Naruto is still loud and annoying at times, but there’s also a feeling of freedom when they’re together. There’s nothing hanging over their heads anymore.
Nearing the end of his year, Sasuke begins to get increasingly restless. He's made wonders in his progress, but a lot of demons still pull at his subconscious.
He begins taking missions out of the village again, he and Sakura grow closer romantically, and life settles into something resembling peaceful, but the nagging itch that he's not doing enough is a persistent one.
In this AU, everyone doesn't settle into married life and have kids so early. Everyone has a bit more time as adults, a bit more time to figure themselves out and to court each other, before some of them finally have families years down the line.
During this, Sasuke catches wind of more and more ugliness in the world. He organizes with Tsunade to allow him to spend more time on long term missions targeting and working to uproot systems of severe crimes like human trafficking and slavery, something we see him doing a bit of in canon.
These missions can sometimes yield child victims and he corresponds regularly with Sakura and her health centers to organize for them to be taken in.
He's back and forth between Konoha and his missions over the years. Gone no where near as often as in canon, but sometimes gone for months at a time for particularly deep missions, but still works as a regular Leaf ninja on call for missions when he's home.
He does still struggle with a feeling of obligation and guilt sometimes due to his actions in the past, and there was maybe one year where he tried to isolate himself from the village partly for these reasons, another being because he felt his Sharingan drew enemies, but Naruto and Sakura set him straight. There weren’t about to him spiral back down to that abyss.
He is often accompanied by Naruto, Sakura, Sai, Lee, Anko, and a number of other of his friends in numerous situations over the years. He also accompanies Sakura on her rounds to check on centers' progress from time to time.
Team Taka no longer works with Orochimaru (because fuck that noise, is Orochimaru even alive in this AU??), and maybe join Konoha or work in Konoha affiliated establishments? (What do they do?? What are their goals??? Who knows, haven’t thought that far ahaha) Karin probably connects with Naruto over their shared Uzumaki lineage. Juugo might work in one of Sakura’s centers.
By the time Sasuke and Sakura finally decide to get married they've had years to address their pasts and spend time together.
It's when Sakura gets pregnant that Sasuke begins to reevaluate just exactly where he wants to be in life. He's spent so many years fighting. He's been fighting for recognition, revenge, redemption since before he was eight years old and realizes he... he's tired.
He's never allowed himself to rest because he's always felt like there was something he was supposed to be doing. And he realizes he doesn't want to fight to feel allowed to exist anymore.
He wants... He wants to be there for Sakura. He wants to be there for his baby. And with a little help from the Sakura and Anko, he learns that that's *okay*. That despite all the ugliness still out there, he has a right to put his own desire to be with his family first, that he can trust the good people in his life to take on the responsibility of helping save the world while he takes time to be there for the ones who need him.
Bonus Headcanons that come with this AU:
Hinata is still a ninja
Neji is alive
Tsunade is Hokage for longer instead of stepping down to let Kakashi take over
Mom aged Hinata get a Better Haircut
Yamato isn’t Orochimaru’s keeper
Konoha doesn’t work with Orochimaru (Maybe he’s dead? Maybe Kabuto takes his place?)
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spock-smokes-weed · 4 years
Some backstory and lore about my Naruto oc because that’s what I want to post
His full name is Menma Uchiha-Uzumaki, he’s the genetic son of Sasuke and Naruto
Physical appearance wise, he takes after Naruto, but his personality is all Sasuke
He was created in a lab by Orochimaru following the 4th great ninja war to basically be a human weapon. If another threat like Kaguya popped up in the next generation, Orochimaru wanted insurance in the form of the offspring of the two most power ninja of all time.
A few years after the war ended and before Naruto became Hokage, the leaf was hearing buzz about Orochimaru becoming a threat again, so Naruto and Sasuke are sent to investigate. When they finally track Orochimaru down to arrest him, they find an infant Menma and Orochimaru’s plans for him, also a 4 year old Mitsuki.
Naruto and Sasuke are fucking horrified that their dna was used to create a living weapon, but they take the kid back to the leaf and decide to coparent him. Mitsuki is also taken back to the leaf and Yamato becomes his adoptive dad. Orochimaru ends up how he is in Boruto, so like under house arrest but still allowed to do science stuff.
Sasuke and Sakura were married for like a year and then promptly got divorced (they’re still best friends and co parents tho) so Sasuke doesn’t have to explain the bonus baby to his wife. But Naruto is still very much married to Hinata and isn’t sure how to tell her he now has a baby with his best friend
When he does tell her she takes it really well and is a great step mom to Menma. There will be no Hinata bashing in this AU! no sir!
In regards to menma’s relationship to his siblings, he’s the youngest of the family. Being 4 years younger than Boruto and Sarada and 2 years younger than Himawari
He has the closest relationship with Sarada, because Menma spends a significant more amount of time at Sasuke’s than with Naruto (basically once Naruto became Hokage Menma stopped going to the uzumaki household as often, opting to just carve out some time for him instead of having him change households every week), so they built up the best bond with each other.
While he doesn’t get to see her as often, Menma has a pretty good relationship with Himawari. They’re the closest in age so they have a lot of similar interests. Menma is a very reserved kid, so his time with Himawari is always something new and fun.
And oof Boruto. His relationship with Boruto is baaaaaad. This is mostly because Boruto is the one Boruto character I hate, so like of course I’m gonna make him a dick. BUT I DO HAVE A REASON FOR IT!!!
They had a pretty good relationship before Naruto became Hokage, the typical older brother/younger brother dynamic. But after Naruto became Hokage is when things really started to get strained. Because Menma is split between two homes, and Naruto sees him the least out of all of his childern, Naruto tries to remedy this by giving just a little bit more attention and some one on one father/son time. Well Boruto took this to mean “oh, dad loves you more than me. He’s awful father and I’m gonna resent you now.”
Also since Boruto is a massive Sasuke fanboy, he’s kinda envious that Menma gets to have Sasuke as a parent and he doesn’t. So basically Boruto is just really envious of Menma and takes the frustration out on him by being a crappy brother
I have so much more but I’m like half awake so this is all I’m gonna say for now. Like I’m literally just posting this for myself because I love Menma, but like, I have more lore if y’all are interested.
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fourangers · 6 years
Perhaps, in the end, it’s fate (END)
Summary: With one different tilt of the destiny, many other paths can be unfolded. However, there would be always an automatic pull between them since they share an interchangeable fate.
Warnings in this chapter: some blood and villain’s death.
It's ninjaverse AU, completely different timeline. Teacher!Naruto, father!Sasuke, lil!Sarada with a harmless crush on Nardo. No prior pairings with Sasuke (and Naruto btw) because babies can be created through power of SCIENCE! (or in this case, Orochimaru’s experiments).
Based on February prompt from Sun and Moon Challenge, check it out once you can! SNS, T-rated. Comedy and Romance.
AO3 link | ffnet link
1st chapter here
Naruto had rather liked that evening with the Uchihas. They were a very pleasant company, despite the huge difference in personality between him and Sasuke. The latter must have shared this same opinion because from that day, he began picking Sarada in her classroom instead of making her wait at the entrance of the school, so they could spend some hours talking before they would go home.
However, now that Sasuke picked his daughter every day, Naruto could notice some small oddities. Most kids had their mother and their father switching days between them to pick them up, other days their big brother or big sister would be there. Well, it made sense Sasuke would be the only one for Sarada since he was a single father, but considering the hectic schedule of ninja missions, not all parents could follow a regular pattern in their daily chores.
Naruto saw Sasuke organizing the report files while sprinting around the Hokage room and everything clicked.
“Hey Sasuke!” Naruto exclaimed, ignoring the curious glances thrown in his direction. Sasuke nodded politely back, hands sorting the thick stack of papers.
It must be pretty boring though, having a 9 to 5 desk job even if it’s for a good reason. Back when they were still genins, Neji mentioned how Sasuke always sought dangerous missions to improve his ninjutsu, so it must have been pretty frustrating being tasked with such mind numbing bureaucratic work.
“Wanna spar?” He blurted out before he could stop himself.
Sasuke halted his chores midway, staring back at him with a raised eyebrow.
"I mean⏤" He felt his face heating up, so he explained. "Lee once said you're good in taijutsu, I wanted to try out if it's true."
"It's still working hours, I don't think I can." Sasuke snorted, placing the organized papers on the table.
"Actually, you can Sasuke. Training is counted as an approved activity in the job description. You can go." Kakashi muttered, waving his hand in dismissal.
Gai smiled, glancing between Naruto and Sasuke. "Hey Kakashi, that means my ex-student is going to spar against your ex-student! I'm confident about Naruto's abilities, we should make a bet right?"
Kakashi considered, then said. "You're right. I bet 5000 ryos on Naruto."
If looks could kill, Kakashi would have been buried 100 feet underground.
The Hokage closed his eye in lazy amusement, replying. "You've done nothing but pressing paper for over four years Sasuke, so forgive me when I think you've gotten rusty."
Gai was a little abashed, scratching his head. "Well, this assessment is not really fair when Sasuke used to be such a bright youth right? So I'm betting 5000 ryos on him."
"So...let's get going?" Naruto mumbled, before the conversation between their former teachers would get heated. Sasuke confirmed with a shrug and a short nod.
They agreed to train in some wide spot Team 7 used to go for practice. With his fingers laced together as he raised his arms up, Naruto observed Sasuke also making his own stretching exercises. Maybe he needed to go easy on Sasuke after all, since Kakashi was right, he was really out of practice.
"So you prefer taijutsu only, nothing else?" Sasuke asked, cracking his knuckles.
Naruto studied him, then shrugged. "Nah, I think we can try out everything in our arsenal."
"No holds barred?"
Naruto chuckled. "I mean, maybe. As long as we don't go too far ya know."
"Hn." One blink, Sasuke disappeared.
All his instincts rushed to his body and Naruto raised his kunai to parry shurikens raining towards his head. He jumped backwards, deflecting few blows, metallic clashes in midst of grunts and heavy breathing. His reflexes were quick to make him dodge a fireball, somersaulting as he made his signature move and multiplied himself to a dozen.
From afar he saw Sasuke pausing for a moment, reconsidering the situation as he disappeared once again. Naruto registered his clone from the farthest right disappearing, also recollecting the memory of the Uchiha activating his doujutsu Sharingan.
Cursing to himself, two of his clones threw Water jutsu on Sasuke’s direction, though he evaded with almost nothing but few droplets reaching his hair. This gave him an opening to deliver an upper kick that Sasuke defended with his arm, both seasoned shinobis using taijutsu, their limbs moving in synch that it looked like a choreographed dance.
It’s been too long since Naruto had so much fun sparring with anyone, exerting to the limits of himself, demanding to use every skill in his arsenal. Every fiber of his body was solely concentrated in this fight that he didn’t realize the wide grin stretching on his lips, mirroring with Sasuke’s hitched smirk.
Sasuke managed to dispel on of his clones with a kick, throwing electric needles to eliminate other two. Naruto used this moment to drill a Rasengan on his back.
Sasuke poofed away.
Naruto had less than a second to be indignant that the Uchiha actually used his jutsu against him (his jutsu dammit!), nimble hand signs effectively conjured a water snake that drenched Sasuke from head to toe. He didn’t had enough time to gloat towards the venomous glare before the hair on the back of his neck stood up and he looked upwards.
An ominous thunderclap echoed in the forest as lightning gathered on Sasuke’s hand, while he was perched on a tree. He jumped, aiming his jutsu towards Naruto and his brain worked miles per second. Naruto bit his thumb, summoning two massive frogs. While those two frogs were occupied fighting Sasuke, he fell into a meditative position, the nature’s energy gathering around him and giving a reddish hue on his eyebrows. When Sasuke activated his jutsu again, fingers inching dangerously close to his body, Naruto deflected with one hand clutching Sasuke’s hand and dispelling the Chidori, his other hand charging till the tip of his kunai pierced lightly the pale neck.
He was also aware another Sasuke behind him, katana positioned on his waist.
“Give up dumbass, I have the advantage.” Sasuke grunted, the pointy metal breaking his skin and letting it fall a droplet of blood.
“No, this is a tie. This Sasuke behind me is a clone.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“You really think I wouldn’t know my own jutsu, bastard? C’mon.” Naruto beamed mischievously.
Sasuke thinned his lips, narrowing his eyes. “Fine. Truce for now.”
Naruto guarded his weapons as he returned to his standard body position, while Sasuke also relaxed his limbs. Crimson eyes were still activated, three tomoes spinning. Naruto took this opportunity to peruse closer.
“What?” Sasuke growled, noticing the curious blue eyes.
“Oh, nothing. It’s been a while since I saw the Sharingan so up close. So that’s how you copied my bunshin jutsu right?”
Sasuke nodded.
“That’s really cool.” Naruto muttered in awe, Sasuke stiffened before rolling his eyes.
Since Sasuke appeared to be willing to be scrutinized despite being a little off put, Naruto observed all details on his iris. He only used to see back when Team 7 would go with them on missions, with Kakashi utilizing it. Sharingan always used to be an impressive Kekkei Genkai but on Sasuke it was almost...eerily beautiful.
Naruto shook his head, inwardly groaning. He should get his head out of the gutter, good God.
Unbeknownst to himself, Sasuke was also gazing his eyes, noting the red pigment on his eyebrows, yellow iris and horizontal pupil. “What kind of doujutsu you’re using?”
“Hm? Oh, I’m actually using Sage mode from the frogs in Mount Myoboku.” Naruto explained. “I’m learning how to harness the nature’s energy to my own.”
“Hn.” Sasuke used his Sharingan to study how Naruto’s chakra was absorbing the air and strengthening within each second. “That’s impressive.”
Sasuke’s compliment took him off-guard, and Naruto muttered scratching his cheek. “Uh⏤thanks.” Curse his blood vessels heating up his face. Unable to concentrate, the tanned face suddenly bloated up.
The Uchiha took several jumps backwards, crossing his arms.
“Argh, fuck. This happens sometimes, I still hadn’t mastered this technique yet.” Naruto sighed, staring his webbed hands and slimy skin.
Sasuke grunted. “Well, this looks pretty bad. How do we reverse it?”
The blond man thought for a while, recollecting past trainings with his frogs. He approached Sasuke, pointing to himself. "Hit me."
The Uchiha quirked an eyebrow.
"No seriously, hit me."
Sasuke took one more second staring in deadpan before shrugging and punched square on his face.
"Ow, what the hell, you didn't have to hit me that hard!" Naruto growled.
“It worked.” Sasuke responded in monotone, quirking a sardonic smirk.
The blond nin continued to mumble and grumble, hand nursing his cheek. Overall though, this was the best training he had ever had in his life. He certainly wouldn’t mind continuing and he could see himself, enjoying and improving fast with a sparring partner like Sasuke.
“Well, I guess you weren’t that bad, you got some decent moves.” Naruto puffed out his chest, grinning. Sasuke snorted. “Maybe we could try making his a regular thing, like every Monday and Wednesdays, or at least thrice per week, what do you think?”
“Hn.” Sasuke stared down Naruto’s offered hand and shook it firmly. “Fine.”
After that, it was natural that the Uchihas slowly began wedging their presence in his life. Naruto would spend mornings sparring with Sasuke, afternoons helping Sarada. On evenings they would hang all together, sometimes Sasuke would invite the blond nin for some dinner, then he would ask for some help buying school supplies, Naruto would spend the rest of the day with them doing regular tasks like going to grocery store, playing at the park and so on.
All those activities might look mundane at first glance, but Naruto enjoyed those moments the most, like this family was sharing a portion of their lives with him. Sarada looked ecstatic whenever she would get extra hours with her favorite teacher, Sasuke appeared to be less monosyllabic too.
Even after his temporary job as daycare teacher had ended, Naruto promised he’d continue giving tips and help Sarada train whenever he could. He always had a soft spot on children and although sometimes he didn’t know how to act around little girls, it was a joy being the receiving end from her genuine ways of showing affection.
Her father, on the other hand…he was one complicated man. Naruto heard his story from third parties and only watched him from afar, so getting to know Sasuke personally up close was an entire different thing, uncovering layer upon layer from such complex personality. However, despite this apparent difference, they just clicked pretty well. Even if they would bicker and tease each other most times, it wasn’t with a malicious intent.
Also, Naruto couldn’t quite explain but…he had never felt so close to someone like before. Of course, he appreciated and held much fondness towards his former teammates Tenten, Lee and Gai-sensei and would never trade them with anyone else, however, Sasuke was special. He couldn’t put into words why this man held such magnetic pull towards him.
It was undeniable by now the strong bond Naruto had with them, to the point that it was hard going on long missions to remote locations, feeling guilty from Sarada’s heartbroken expression whenever he would explain he’d be away for a while. Sasuke was more understanding, obviously, however he wondered if Sasuke had another sparring partner or he’d get bored to his usual Hokage assistant job.
In quiet moments of his mission, Naruto would let his mind go astray, thinking about the Uchihas, if they were eating well, if Sarada was improving in her chakra control, if Sasuke was getting better in raising her. He hoped they wouldn’t meet too much pain and suffering along the way, that they had untroubled and happy days, Sasuke would be able to open up to his daughter.
“ox⏤ Fox!”
Widening his eyes, Naruto dodged in the nick of time before he would collide to a tree branch.
“Okay, maybe we should rest a little.” The ANBU captain muttered, scratching his head with a heavy sigh. “What’s the matter with you? Your head is on the clouds.”
“Sorry. Got a lot of things in my mind.” Landing on a nearby branch, he picked his water canteen as his fellow teammates also paused to rest.
Neji pushed his Eagle mask backwards and took a quiet sip. “He’s probably thinking about Sasuke right now.”
Naruto spat out his drink. “How!!⏤N⏤I mean⏤what⏤when?”    
“Lee told about this to Sakura, which in turn told me and Kakashi-sensei. While she was gushing about you two, obviously.” Neji explained, taking a mild amusement looking the tanned skin turning crimson red in terms of seconds.
Naruto scowled. “Geez, gossipers much? I can’t believe this.”
“Well, I guess we would always keep a close eye on Sasuke since we never knew if he was going to adjust well in Konoha after many years being…somewhere else.” Neji mumbled, his mood turning a little sour. Closing his eyes with an long exhale, he said. “Fortunately I was wrong in the end. As his former teammate and his friend, I’m glad you guys have gotten closer. Sasuke needs a good influence like yours, I hope you’ll help him find his way out of his personal darkness, just like you’ve done to me back when we were kids.”
“I appreciate your words, but you think too highly about me Neji.” Naruto laughed, rubbing his neck.
“Do I? I think you’re underestimating yourself. I remember back that day you said you were going to be a Hokage and change the ninja system. I still believe this will happen one day.”
Their conversation was interrupted when the ANBU captain called them up and they resumed going to the designated spot to meet a informant from Sound village.
It was another empty laboratory located underground, the constant pitter-patter from the rain reverberating in the long corridors. Neji was first to locate a foreign chakra from afar so they got their weapons ready.
“Finally, Konoha ninjas. That took a while, I’ve been waiting for too long.”
Naruto resisted the urge to call for his bunshins as a knee-jerk reaction, once he instantly recognized the dark-rimmed glasses and the grey-haired ponytail. “Kabuto.”
Kabuto raised his hands, holding a scroll. “I’m not here to fight, I’m your informant.”
“You? Of all people?” He balled his hand to a fist, body tense, ready to spring in action in any split second. “Seriously doubt it.”
��Let’s just say I had some real eye-opener experience. Konohagakure has been struggling to pinpoint Orochimaru’s location even after Sasuke-kun gave vital information about Sound village right? I know which exactly laboratories he’s in this time.”
“What makes you think we’ll believe in you?” Neji questioned.
Kabuto gave a short bark of laughter, sighing. “Orochimaru-sama…he had perfected his masterpiece at last. And I was blind for too long, not seeing that once I was useless to him, he was done having me by his side. I’m also done with him. Done being his shadow, being weaker than him. So I’m helping you out, eliminating him at last.”
“Bitter revenge huh.” The captain muttered, adjusting his deer mask. “You’re also wanted for your crimes, what makes you think we’d let you slide?”
“This scroll will only activate after my chakra is miles away from it, plus, I’m sure you’re all more motivated avenging your sweet old man Sandaime Hokage than going after me. Let’s just say this is a temporary truce while we eliminate a bigger threat right?” Kabuto slithered back to his shadows, his echoed voice surrounding them. “See you later then.”  
Naruto never forgot Kakashi’s menacing expression while they reported this mission. It was a sharp reminder why that man stood as the current leader in the one of strongest ninja villages of the world.
Shikamaru informed him that they’d need some more weeks to take off in the next mission, so he had plenty of free time to rest. He took this opportunity to visit the daycare much to Sarada’s bubbling happiness, he was growing more and more attached to her. Sasuke arrived later to pick her up, blinking once he saw both Naruto and his daughter perched upside down from a tree, waiting for him.
“Didn’t expect for you to return so soon from your mission.” Sasuke inquired, while they were eating outside.
Naruto slurped his ramen noodles, humming. “Mm, just went to gather some information, so I didn’t take too long.”
Sasuke swallowed the salty broth, eyes unfocused for a second.
Pleasant idyllic days followed suit, Sarada even invited him to eat dinner in their home, and while he was busy drinking fake tea with her dolls, blue eyes threw furtive glances towards her dad, which in turn had his hands fully occupied cooking food.
This might turn into dangerous zone, how frightening was the fact that they were becoming an integral part of his life. He didn’t want to sever these bonds in any kind of circumstances, so even though he knew his attraction to Sasuke, he buried those feelings as much as he could.
He quickly made up an excuse whenever Sarada attempted to convince him sleep over in their house, throwing himself to his bed with a loud exhale. There were only few days left for his next mission, it’d be a welcoming interruption to let him cool down.
His telephone rang in the middle of the night, startling him. He was half asleep until he heard Sasuke’s frantic voice.
“Sarada is missing.”
His nerves were on full alert at once, a cold pit lodged in his stomach. “What?!” Naruto shouted. “What happened?!”
“We…we kind of had a disagreement over some things and she ran off⏤but I forgot you’ve been training her lately so she just jumped disappearing in the forest.” Sasuke babbled, losing his cool. “I can’t pinpoint her chakra so I called Neji, Kakashi and Sakura⏤Lee is also helping me out and I thought, calling you if it’s not a bothe⏤”
“I’m on it. It’s not a bother at all.” Naruto reassured, picking the closest jacket and his cellphone at hand.
This was the most excruciating hours he had ever had in his life. Naruto practically turned the village upside down, searching everywhere in a breakneck speed while trying hard not to imagine all horrid scenarios that came to his mind. What if some pervert saw Sarada’s cutesy appearance and took advantage that she was alone? Naruto gritted his teeth, increasing his speed.
His cellphone rang, showing Sakura’s number. With his heart almost jumping to his throat, he muttered. “Yeah?”
“I found her Naruto.”
Naruto sighed relieved, relaxing his shoulders. “Thank God, that’s great! Is she alright?”
“Yes, but she’s still crying, the poor baby.” His own distress tasted bitter once he could hear tiny hiccups from the other receiving end. Sakura made some soothing noises, whispering. “She said she only wanted to see you, can you come over here?”
He obeyed her request immediately, hopping roof to roof to arrive as soon as he could. Sakura was still holding Sarada in her arms with Lee standing next to her, both looked troubled. Sasuke was few feet away from them, face grim with eyebrows knitted, but his eyes were focused in his daughter.
“Sarada-chan, I’m here.” Naruto called with a kind tone, smile gradually broadening in his lips.
Sarada stilled before she struggled to get herself out of Sakura’s arms. Sakura softly dropped her to the ground, letting Sarada run towards Naruto. Dropping to one knee, he hugged the little girl while patting her back, squeezing her trembling shoulders.
“You gave me a quite scare running off like that, Sarada-chan. Are you alright?” He felt a shaky nod close to his neck so he said. “Ok, you must be really tired right? Should we go home for you to sleep?”
“No! I don’t want to go with father.” Sarada shook her head vehemently, arms tightening around him. “I hate him!”
Naruto felt a surge of nervousness crawling in his spine when he saw Sasuke flinching in response. “Aww⏤c’mon, you don’t really hate him right? He’s your dad!” He mumbled, stroking her dark hair, rocking back and forth. “Alright, how about that, I’ll buy you some delicious dango and green tea and we’ll talk about this if you want, do you like this idea?”
Sarada slowed down her breathing, watery eyes staring at him. She bobbed her head twice before burying her face on his chest.
“Great! So let’s say bye bye to auntie Sakura, uncle Lee and your dad for now, is that ok?”
Sarada turned around halfway with Naruto still holding her, bowing to them. “Bye bye. Thank you.”
Sakura kissed her cheek while Lee held her tiny fingers. “Bye bye Sarada-chan. Feel better soon.”
Swallowing dryly, Naruto muttered. “Is that alright Sasuke?”
Sasuke thinned his lips, nodding once. Sighing, Naruto turned around ignoring the piercing dark eyes drilling on his back and went to designated place.
Most customers were already gone once they arrived at the restaurant, so it wasn’t difficult finding a quiet spot in there. Naruto observed Sarada while they waited the food to arrive, as she calmed herself, rubbing her eyes with her hand. She was still sniffing, stuttering her chest, so Naruto cleaned her face with some napkins, letting her blow her nose on it.
They ate in amicable silence, Naruto blowing the hot tea before offering her to drink it. She took two long gulps before slamming the cup on the table.
“Father won’t tell me who is my mother.”
Oh. Ooooooooh…Scratching the back of his head, Naruto nibbled his morsel. “It’s probably really complicated for him to tell you right? Maybe he will once you’re older Sarada-chan.”
“I don’t care, I just wanted to know who she is.” She responded, fingers tightening on the cup. “All kids on the daycare had their moms or dads picking them up. If their moms aren’t there, they told me that they had their photos in the altar of their home. Our house doesn’t even have that.”
Pausing unsure what kind of response he should come up, Naruto settled to munch his dango.
Sarada then mumbled. “I asked before, but father told me that I wouldn’t understand for now. I’m getting bigger, you know. I asked again, father just kept saying that it’s not important for me to know who is my mother. Then, today I asked once more, and then he said…” She bit her lip, sniffing. “He said that I shouldn’t know who is my mother.”
“M-maybe he’s right, maybe you shouldn’t know for now. We grown ups have a lot of problems that we don’t want you to suffer too, you know.” Naruto explained with a lame shrug.
“But…but the kids in the daycare said that I came from a bad village, full of bad people.” Sarada whispered, eyes wide and scared. “And they told me that my father spend years in that place, only to return to Konoha when I was a baby. So what if my mother is one of the bad guys? What if I turn into a bad person too? Then⏤then⏤”  She protruded her lower lip, sniffing once again as tears gathered in her eyes.
Naruto sat next to her, enveloping his arms around her while he let his hands slide soothingly on her back. “Oh no, oh no…Sarada-chan, honey. Why do you think you’ll ever become a bad person? You’re such a sweet girl, whoever told you that deserves some good pinching on their ears. Just ignore those brats.”
“Alright.” Naruto placed her back on her seat, patting her head. “Let me tell you a secret too then. I also don’t know who is my mother and my father.”
That information sobered her up, Sarada blinked surprised. “Really? Naruto-sensei?”
“Yep! And I’m not going to lie, it used to bother me a lot too. Then I met Iruka-toosan. We became close friends and he said he wanted to be my adopted father, and he raised me like his own son. You think I’m a bad guy?” Naruto waited till she shook her head, and resumed his speech. “It’s all thanks to Iruka-toosan that I became what I am right now. Blood relations and everything…can be important if you want, but only if you want it. And the one who raised you is your father right? You think he raised you to be a bad girl?”
Sarada bit her lip in thought, staring her cup of tea. “No…”
“Then you have nothing to worry about. You’re not a bad person and I believe you’re not going to be a bad person. Who is your mother, who was your mother…your father will tell you one day. But your father loves you very much, and that’s what is really important, right?”
Sarada gazed his reassuring smile, feeling her strength returning. “Right.” She blushed. “Does Naruto-sensei love me too?”
“Of course I do!” Naruto exclaimed, ruffling her hair.
Sarada beamed, hugging his waist.
Sasuke opened the door before he could even raise his hand to knock on it.
“Her bedroom is over there.” He said, turning around to guide Naruto.
Naruto adjusted Sarada’s slumbering body draped on his back, following Sasuke. Once they were in her room, Sasuke carefully extracted her from his arms and tucked her in her bed. Sasuke sat on the edge of it, smoothing her forehead with a pensive expression.
“Sorry for all the trouble you went through because of us, I’m sure you’re really tired.”
“Hm? No, this didn’t bother me at all, don’t worry about it.” Naruto approached, sitting on the other edge, patting her legs. “Sarada-chan is a very kind girl, I’m glad I helped her out.”
“Hn.” Sasuke quirked a small smile. “She is kind. Completely different from me.”
“You’re kind too.” Naruto muttered to himself. He felt inquisitive eyes aimed towards him, so he said louder. “We talked a little before coming over here. She told me the reason why you guys fought tonight.”
Sasuke sighed.
Gulping, Naruto let a uncomfortable silence fall between them, as both men took their time to consider their next steps. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to know whoever she was, and how he was going to deal with this sudden surge of jealousy souring in his tongue.
Breaking their eye contact, Naruto pressed on. “You might tell her just a name, or some vague description, if it’s too difficult for you. I think it may appease Sarada-chan just a bit, because I don’t think any kid like being in the dark, with no adult explaining well about them. Think about that.”
“Sarada doesn’t have a mother.”
Blue eyes blinked repeatedly, tilting his head to one side.
Sasuke heaved another tired exhale. “Well, technically, half her genes comes from a woman but she was not conceived⏤in the regular way. Orochimaru used the eggs from a former colleague of mine and took some of my sperm to fertilize it. When I realized this…it was already too late.”
Naruto grunted, scratching his neck. “Yeah, there’s no way she can know about this right now.”
“But Sarada-chan is a very smart girl, she’ll understand about it eventually.”
“I suppose. Till there, I’ll make sure that this day is going to happen very far from today.”
Naruto chuckled from Sasuke’s humorless expression. “Protective much? I get it. Sarada-chan is so cute that even though she’s not my kid I’m protective over her.”
Sasuke peeked through his long eyelashes, gradually slumping his body as he snorted. He continued let his thumb caress his daughter’s temple, murmuring. “It’s funny though…how I used to live my life so focused in one goal, never bothered to look anywhere else. But, when I saw her, for the first time…”
Naruto allowed himself broaden a sappy smile. “Fatherhood, right?”
Time stilled between them, as Sasuke continued to comb through Sarada’s hair with his fingertips, with Naruto quietly gazing them.
“It’s weird” Sasuke interrupted this silence with an hesitant mumble. “How easy it is to share everything with you Naruto.”
Blue eyes widened, Naruto shifted closer towards him. “Me too. I’m⏤I’m really glad I met you.”
His heart was throbbing loudly in his ears, when Sasuke maintained the constant stare, hands dropping to the side. He briefly glanced down before settling with a longing look, pale eyelids half-mast. Naruto licked his lips, leaning closer, his eyelids were also dropping as he could almost feel Sasuke’s steady breath tingling his skin⏤  
“Papa…” Sarada squirmed half asleep, arm slinging over her father’s body before returning to her slumber. Both men scrambled several feet away, Naruto almost fell to the ground but Sasuke maintained in his position with a somewhat grace, their faces red.
“W-well! Look at the time! I should get going then.” Naruto babbled, trying very hard looking anywhere but Sasuke’s lips.
Sasuke cleared his throat. “I guess you’re right. Sarada is practically glued on me, so can you go by yourself and close the door for me? I’ll lock it afterwards.”
“Sure. I’m going on a mission tomorrow, so see you soon Sasuke.” He waited with the acknowledging nod, walking towards the door in brisk steps as he exited their house.
Once Naruto reached to his own apartment, he slammed the door shut, sliding himself to the ground. He groaned loudly, messing his hair.
Okay, great. He had it bad. Really fucking bad.
“Fox, for goodness’ sake, please focus even for few seconds instead of daydreaming about your crush.”
Naruto slipped, falling to the ground with a loud thud.
“Sometimes I really forget that you’re one of the deadliest ninjas and part of our ANBU squad.”
“Oh shut up Deer.” Naruto grumbled, rubbing his tender backside. “You weren’t any better when you were trying to ask Temari out too.”
“Fox does make a good point.” Eagle offered his hand and propped Naruto upwards, patting his shoulder. “Actually, you were acting worse whenever she visited Konoha, with those lovesick pupp⏤”
Danger. They all jumped away, a slippery body dashed towards Naruto and broke his ANBU mask. Sharp teeth almost sank on his throat but he grabbed it in time, hand twitching to instinctively slash the snake in half though he settled to throw to a nearby wall. He closed one eye, licking the coppery taste of blood that poured from his eyelid.
“Fox!” Deer and Eagle shouted alarmed.
“I’m alright!” Naruto growled, making hand signs and creating two clones. They managed to make a Rasengan before another bigger snake slithered and successfully dispelled them. He began increasing the speed, sprinting in the direction where the snake came from. His jutsu aimed towards a human obscured by the dim lit room, but unfortunately he parried the Rasengan with ease.
“Oh? Is that Naruto-kun?”
Shivers ran down his spine, he struggled to believe the familiar voice his ears had captured. No, it can’t be…
The enemy stepped close to a fire lit spot, illuminating his dark hair, alabaster smooth skin down to his handsome face and sturdy muscles, menacing crimson eyes staring down at him.
His body shook at the revelation, but somehow Naruto knew that something wasn't right. This man, no matter how similar he looked towards Sasuke, he had a haughtier smirk, condescending body language and a cold glare. He even appeared to be few years younger than the Sasuke in Konoha, wearing a white kimono half opened on his frontal chest, a purple lasso tying around the obi and pants hugging tightly his toned legs.
“This is…this is not Sasuke.” Eagle muttered with the same bewilderment, veins popping out around his eyes.
“Eagle, please don’t give this kind of assessment based on your friendship with Uchiha Sasuke.” Deer muttered, making few hand signs and preparing his battle stance.
“I’m not, I’ve checked. His chakra signature, everything…is just wrong.”
This enemy bit his thumb, summoning a gigantic viper that broke the surrounding walls and attempted to wrap around Eagle’s body. Eagle pressed few vital points to weaken the monster, falling to the ground and it dissolved to thousands of snakes. Naruto drowned some of the snakes with water jutsu while Deer suffocated others using his shadow, backing Eagle while he sprinted closer to the enemy. He concentrated a good amount of chakra to his palm, releasing it with a palm thrust.
This Sasuke made faster hand signs, expelling fire from his mouth. Eagle barely escaped with his hair singed crisp.
“This is Orochimaru.” Deer muttered while Eagle activated a green chakra to repair his burnt skin. “His fighting style, his jutsus, his summons, it all fits. So this is the masterpiece Kabuto is talking about huh.”
“Makes sense since he wanted Sasuke’s body to his own.” Eagle growled, activating his Byakugan. “He failed doing so, and thus he settled making a clone.”
“And you little lambs came here so I could test out my new powers. I expected more Konoha ninjas, but this might do.” Orochimaru said, guttural voice that crawled to their skin. He made several hand signs, humans appeared from the ground, their eyes vacant and steps sluggish.
Naruto crowded the place with thousands of his clones, staring stupefied when Orochimaru elongated his neck ten times the normal size, before his head shifted, sharp canines ready to bite his arm off. Deer was quicker to use his shadow jutsu and controlled Naruto to jump away, and once his blond teammate was within a safe distance, he created a spark of electricity on his hand and aimed towards their foe.
However, large gates showed out of thin air, protecting Orochimaru while other zombies began attacking the Konoha nins, with several jutsus of all kinds of elements. Eagle parried with Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven, creating a barrier dome around them.
Naruto’s clones eliminated a good chunk of Orochimaru’s undead soldiers thankfully, though most of them continued to stride menacingly towards them, even with some limbs askew.
“We have to eliminate Orochimaru, or else we won’t leave this place alive.” Deer grumbled, cracking his knuckles. “Fox, concentrate on keeping the path clean for Eagle to pass through and fight against Orochimaru. I’ll provide backup and make the enemies not hit your blind spots. Avoid cutting the snakes because their poison can dissipate in thin air.”
“You got it.” Naruto muttered, Eagle nodded wordlessly. He created more clones to hide Eagle from Orochimaru’s sight, restarting a skirmish that they all knew it was going to take very long to end it.
While they had their hands full eliminating Orochimaru’s lackeys, a blur appeared close to Deer, almost slashing off his neck. Deer avoided by curving his body backwards, while he managed to capture his foe with shadows binding around its body. However, Orochimaru dissolved into several snakes that lashed out, gashes spilling blood on his skin.
Orochimaru jumped smoothly few feet away from them, staring them in contempt. He zeroed his eyes towards the blond nin, smirking. “This new body feels so great in me…maybe I should eliminate Sasuke-kun once this is all done. Just to set an example how I deal with little traitors like him.”
Naruto grounded his teeth, his fingers balling to a fist. A bubbly chakra slowly gathered around him, elongating his teeth and deepening the whisker marks on his cheeks, slit eyes bleeding the sky blue eyes away.
“Fo⏤Naruto.” Deer warned him, hand grabbing his arm.
“I’m fine. I can control this.” Naruto growled, leaping and landing with his hands and feet to the ground, a long transparent tail snapping out of his body.
Sasuke (no, Orochimaru) stared back with mild amusement, making more hand signs as a huge water snake appeared on his hand. Deer and Eagle avoided getting hit by sprinting far away from sight, Naruto on the other hand, ran towards his foe. He dodged several fireballs aimed his way, the bubbly reddish chakra forming a large hand with sharp claws, ready to smash the body to a pulp.
Sasuke (Orochimaru!) quirked a small smile and Naruto recoiled in an instant, moving slow enough for his enemy to dodge away. Orochimaru’s reverberated a guttural laugh.
“Naruto-kun, is that hesitancy I saw that now? How interesting.” He poofed out before Eagle could jab his vital points, a long katana regurgitating from his mouth and he slashed few wounds on Eagle’s arms.
“Naruto, focus dammit!” Deer growled, his shadows turned into sharp spears, cutting through all enemies surrounding them. He dropped to the ground, his chakra spent.
Naruto cursed to himself, calling his clones and they aided Eagle in his fight against Orochimaru. While he rushed close to Eagle, Orochimaru managed to eliminate his bunshins with one swoop, though the Hyuuga nin used this opportunity to strike right on his chest and arms. Snarling, Orochimaru summoned another enormous snake that bashed him to the wall.
Staring Neji unresponsive body consumed his chakra with fear and rage, another tail protruding out of his body. The transparent armor thickened, bubbles running agitated and shredding some of his tanned skin off. When Naruto opened his mouth, he let an anguished scream that shook all walls and even made Orochimaru halt at once.
Naruto jumped, one hand gathering chakra to his palm and let it spiral to a perfect sphere. Before his enemy could react in time, he caught Orochimaru by the throat, long nails biting the skin, crashing loudly to the ground that left a deep indent on it. Orochimaru spat out blood, while a dark chakra was still forming in Naruto’s hand. He was ready to propel his Rasengan on the chest, but all of sudden, Sharingan spinned dangerously and he was pulled to a dark room in a split second.
The blond nin was breathing heavily, nerves still cautious with his surroundings.
A husky whisper chimed directly to his ears, catching his attention and he stared right ahead. Sasuke appeared in front of him, wearing a chuunin vest and quirking a teasing smirk.
Every alarm bells were ringing in his head, but this Sasuke shrugged his vest off, stripping his turtleneck blouse, approaching with his hand pressing on Naruto’s chest. They fell backwards and onto a soft surface, Sasuke straddled Naruto while he unzipped his pants.
This is an illusion, this is a genjutsu, this is not real; those were the thoughts that kept repeating in Naruto’s head over and over but his hands were moving against his volition and reached to squeeze Sasuke’s buttocks. He let out a sensual moan, hips undulating as he removed the last article of clothing out of his legs.
Naruto couldn’t deny how his body was responding to Sasuke being all nude, grunting when moist breath reached his neck and sucked playfully. His senses were being guided to drown in those pleasurable touches, but an insistent flame of hatred kept his mind alert.
How dare he…
How dare he⏤(how dare he)HOW dare he⏤ (How DARE HE) HOW DARE HE
Screaming hoarsely, Naruto snapped out of Orochimaru’s control, grabbing a kunai from his holster and dug it on the chest till spilled enough blood. He realized that he was back to reality, staring Orochimaru’s shocked eyes as Sharingan deactivated back to black hue.
“I thought⏤it was just lust. I can’t believe that I miscalculated⏤…”
Naruto waited till Orochimaru’s vision lost focus, breath stopping and all surrounding lackeys crumbled apart. It was only then he lost all his strength, his body falling to the ground, completely spent.
“Naruto.” Neji appeared on the corner of his vision, taking off his mask and sat next to him.
“...are you alright? Is Shikamaru alright?” Naruto breathed out.
“Shikamaru might need swallow some soldier pill while we contact Konoha’s intelligence.” He patted his shoulder, grunting. “You did it, you killed one of Konoha’s deadliest enemy.”
Once this information sank in at last, Naruto felt a huge weight lifting off his shoulders. At last, he eliminated Sasuke’s biggest threat, then Sasuke will definitely stay in Konoha from now on right?
“Sasuke is missing.”
Naruto did a double take, not quite comprehending Kakashi’s somber tone. On the way back to Konoha, Naruto and his teammates were still celebrating their success, while tending their wounds. He’d never imagine that he’d hear such shocking news the moment he’d take one step back to his village.
“No way. How can you be so sure?” Naruto questioned.
“Most their belongings disappeared in a night, he didn’t notify me about anything and Sarada-chan is also missing. I noticed that Sasuke was getting increasingly restless once he received the report of Orochimaru’s death.” Kakashi explained. “I hadn’t gone yet to report about this to the Konoha council, then so far, only you and me are aware of Sasuke’s disappearance.”
Naruto absorbed this info, muttering. “What do you want me to do?”
Kakashi studied the frantic young man, then declared. “I believe that there’s still time to make him change his mind, and you’ll be the one to talk it out with him.”
Naruto made a disbelieving noise. “What, you serious, me? Of all people, I thought that Neji, Sakura, even you are a better choice than me.”
“Well, I trust my instincts and I felt that those latest months...Sasuke had grown fonder towards you.” Kakashi stopped before any rebuttal would come out of Naruto’s mouth. “We don’t have enough time anyways. I can use a jutsu that distort time and space but...this is the first time I will use on someone instead of in an inanimate object. Are you willing to risk it?”
Inquiring eyes sharpened with determination, nodding. Kakashi lifted his Konoha bandana, Sharingan activating and tomoes morphing to a different shape. Naruto felt the air compressing around him, his entire body tightening and being sucked into a spiral. His vision blackened out of the Hokage’s office, and suddenly he arrived in some place outdoors, with azure skies and roaring waterfalls almost rendering him deaf.
He spotted Sasuke from afar, the dark haired nin was running towards him until he also noticed Naruto and stopped on his tracks. His expression looked pained and troubled. “Fucking Kakashi...I didn’t expect he’d call you up.”
“Sasuke, you’re not really going away from Konoha...again.” Naruto gnawed his lower lip. “Right?”
Sasuke grunted, closing his eyes and readying a battle stance. However, much to his surprise, Naruto remained in his spot, body unguarded.
“Sasuke. I don’t want to fight. Because I know and you know, if we fight right now, we’ll both die.” He muttered, closing in so he could hear Sasuke’s voice clearer away from the loud noise of waterfalls. “Can’t we talk? I’m all ears.”
Sasuke gave in a frustrated groan, avoiding to look at Naruto’s earnest blue eyes. “Naruto, I have to go, now that Orochimaru is away.”
“I was⏤naive, thinking that Orochimaru would be eliminated as soon as I gave enough information to Kakashi once I was back to Konoha. And yet, I thought that while I was in Konoha, it’d provide enough protection against Orochimaru’s spies.”
“Sure, that’s why you came back to Konoha right? You’re going to live there and we⏤”
“You don’t get it, I was⏤ getting too comfortable there, I was getting weak. My older brother Itachi already annihilated my entire clan and he knows all about Konoha inside out! We’re nothing but sitting ducks if we continued to live there, Itachi might target Sarada if he got ahold about her.”
“I have to hunt Itachi down, before he finds my daughter.”
“Sasuke wait, I get it. I really do.” Naruto hurried to answer. “But why won’t you let us do this with you, together, against him?”
Sasuke scoffed. “I can’t let other people get involved with me, he’s dangerous. This is my cross I have to bear.”
Sighing, Naruto looked around. “Where’s Sarada-chan then?”
“In a hideout that only I know, with some of my allies.”
“Sasuke⏤” Naruto’s eyes turned solemn. “You’re not going to abandon her like that, right?”
“...Itachi is the strongest foe⏤”
“That doesn’t matter Sasuke, how can you do this, leaving your daughter alo⏤”
Sasuke interrupted him. “I also don’t wish for this to happen, but I’m covering all possibilities and scenarios! No matter what, I have to protect her.”
“I know! But you’re destroying her life if you die fighting against your older brother! You’re the most important person in her world, are you really going to leave her when she needs you the most?!” Naruto raised his voice, getting closer towards him. “After everything we had suffered while we were orphans, you’re going to do the same thing to Sarada-chan?!”
“Then what am I supposed to do then?!” Sasuke blurted out in desperation.
“Trust me!” Naruto seized his arms tightly, peering eyes cast upon him. “Trust us, Neji, Sakura, Kakashi, everyone! There’s no way we’ll let Itachi touch a strand of hair on Sarada-chan. Don’t you get it? Just like Sarada is important to you, you’re important to me! I don’t want to lose you either!”
“And⏤”  Sasuke shook his head, gritting his teeth. “And that’s why I said I was getting too comfortable in Konoha Naruto, when you came to my life. I was forgetting about Itachi, and how he was a threat that I’m not allowed to forget about. What if he suddenly appears and⏤”
Naruto held Sasuke’s face with both his hands, never breaking their mutual gaze.
“Let he be a threat we’ll share. I can’t afford to lose you or Sarada-chan, and I doubt that Kakashi-sensei will stay quiet over all this. Let’s go back to Konoha, okay?”
Sasuke fell silent contemplating, feeling Naruto’s warm fingers on his cheeks. Black eyes flickered back and forth, reconsidering his words, the close proximity providing some sense of comfort he hadn’t felt in a very long time.
Gathering his strength, he muttered. “Okay.”
Naruto sagged his body in relief, as Sasuke continued to recite. “Provide we’ll train daily from now on. And Kakashi gives me a mission about this, putting in the highest priority to allow me going after any information regarding Itachi.”
“Sure, I’ll help you out and we’ll arrange that.” Naruto reassured him.
“...that still means that I can’t take good care of Sarada, if I’m outside most time.”
Naruto blushed, muttering. “I mean, if you want, she could have two dads taking care of her.” When he saw Sasuke’s raised eyebrow in response, he backpedalled fast. “I mean⏤metaphorically speaking, Sarada-chan is like a daughter to me, you know? That doesn’t mean I’m coming onto you, unless of course you won’t mind but forget whatever I said if you’re uncomfortable about it, especially if you’re uncomfortable about it, and whoa, is it getting hot in here? We already chatted too much, should we go back before Kakashi-sensei gets worried about us and⏤”
Sasuke rolled his eyes, and silenced him with a swift kiss. This soft contact shattered all thoughts in his mind, as Naruto yielded to this surge of warmth, his hands finding Sasuke’s waist and pulling closer to him. Sasuke pushed back, mouths still attached, each kiss growing in intensity as he groaned low on his throat.
They pulled back gradually, candid smiles sharing together. Sasuke pecked his lips. “I would very much like that.”
“Friendly fire, that’s it. That was friendly fire.” Sarada sulked, remembering her beloved's blushing face as he bid goodbye.
“Here I was, getting rid of all rivals left and right in school, when you, of all people, took advantage and got Naruto-sensei all to yourself. This is like...the ultimate betrayal. The worst.”
Sarada glared, puffing her cheeks. “This is so unfair! When did that happen and what kind of trick did you do to get him huh? Confess!”
Sasuke rolled his eyes. “I did nothing out of the normal. Naruto-sensei and I met. We talked, we’ve gotten closer, I asked him out, he accepted. That’s all.”
“This is unfair.”
“Hn.” Sasuke licked his lips, humming to himself. That dumbass still tasted of miso.
Sarada placed her hands on her hips, knitting her eyebrows despite seeing her father’s contented smile. “You should have gotten in line you know. I liked him first, I liked him since I was five!”
Sasuke let out a chuckle, amused with his daughter’s shenanigans. He messed with her hair. “Too bad my child, because I still win then. I used to have a crush on him since I was thirteen.”
AN: FUCKING GIGANTIC CHAPTER OF DOOM. I had way too much fun describing the action scenes. Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter and please leave some reviews!
32 notes · View notes
stormears · 5 years
Here’s a fun little thing. Rate best to worst if they were parents; Akatsuki’s members.
I’m feeling sick and fatigued so my answers may not be as up to par as you or I hope; do not use these in any shinobi social work cases:
1 (Best): Konan. Has an active, human conscience and knows the suffering a child left alone in a horrible environment can endure and be forever scarred by. Would make sure any kid under her care would have a better childhood than she did. 
2. Itachi. Okay even though the man mentally tortured his little brother to keep up appearances as a traitorous, conscious-less murderer, if we shove that MURDER aside, just shove it back in the china cupboard just IGNORE IT, OKAY, we get Itachi the man who loved his little brother and wanted to spare his life and would have been the best damn uncle if he had been able to be alive and part of Sarada’s life. He understands guidance and support and gentleness and if not used as part of suppressing a coup operation, he could have been such a good man. Rest in peace, Itachi’s Life, which was stolen from him and would have been so good. (I headcanon that Itachi wished he could have a peaceful civilian life)
3. Kisame. Second in line for the Is A Literal Serial Killer Award But Cares For And Respects Others And Could Be A Good Man (goddamn it Naruto canon making me say things like this, like a FOOL). Kisame would slaughter his enemies with a casual grin and return home to bring home the bacon for anyone in his circle. Lordy, I’m falling asleep writing this but Kisame is great. Kisame is great and could have been a great father if he wasn’t ostracized and quickly adopted the rogue nin murdering lifestyle.
Huge drop in parental care from this point. All children given to caretakers from this point onward in the list will probably die young. Sooner or later. 
4. Deidara, because he would be an irresponsible older brother no matter how hard he tried to be a parent instead. The child would be dragged around with him and he would make sure to try and get the kid interested in art and in explosives. He would probably be caustic and disparaging if the kid tried and wasn’t good at either one, but would keep pushing them to try and reward every attempt that reached above “half-decent.” A stupid, destructive but willing caregiver. 
5. Hidan. Like Deidara except worse. Might actively hurt the kid for fun and may or may not be aware that the kid doesn’t like it. Kicks them while playing or wrestling, throws them in a bush and forgets about them. Tries to get the kid involved in ritualistic self-harm a la Jashin sacrifices. This child is dead. 
6. Sasori. Like Hidan except the suffering is slower and accompanied by even less care for the child’s well-being. Gives the kid a bed and feeds them occasionally but also injects them with lord knows what chemicals or weird drugs to give them immunity (Give them IMMUNIZATION STRENGTH...to BUILD CHARACTER...) or see how bad the drug hurts and write it down in his Drug Journals or something. If the kid is good at anything Sasori cares about, they might be promoted to apprentice status instead of being a pincushion and/or doomed science experiment. Call CPS now. 
7. Kakuzu will use the kid for money. Somehow. Winning a child beauty pageant? Ransoming the kid for their rich parents’ money and hiding the kid in a tiny dark closet in the meantime? The child might live, but at what cost? Whatever cost Kakuzu sets.
8. Orochimaru I guess. Wait he might be on the same level as Sasori, for the same reasons. I think Orochimaru will find ways to hurt the kid even more than Sasori. Sasori would be callous and uncaring but Orochimaru is actively interested in trying to make the kid cry and suffer. Call CPS now now NOW. 
9. Ugh who’s even left. Pain? A mix of Orochimaru and Hidan here, because Pain would use the child for his own gain and try to brainwash it towards his own beliefs which would require a lot of physical pain and less surgical tools and needles. This kid needs to learn how to take a punch so he can lay the smackdown on the nonbelievers to Pain’s godhood. Once the kid himself shows believable loyalty to Pain’s godhood, he’ll be the next Pain body with all the other orange-haired vessels. 
10. Zetsu would eat the baby, that is all, call CPS and the NRA to shoot him dead. 
Did I miss anyone? I don’t care. Don’t give these people children. 
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kuriquinn · 7 years
A Hole In The World [2/?]
Blanket Fic Disclaimer: 
Title: A Hole In The World (continuation of this prompt)
Rating: T (for now)
Pairing: SasuSaku
Beta Reader: Not beta-read; check back at a later date for edits
Author’s Note: I was going to put this up a few days from now just to space things out, but a lot of people seemed confused about whether this was a time-travel fic or not, so I decided to post this early to give you guys a better idea of where I’m going with this.
Sakura awakens to the sound of beeping monitors and an itch in her left hand that suggests someone has put an IV in. She frowns, not used to being on this side of the scenario.
“Sakura-sensei?” Ando asks, unnaturally tentative.
“What…happened…?” she begins, her mouth painfully dry. Her brain takes a few seconds to remember the prelude to her unconsciousness, but when she does she pnaics, shooting into a sitting position. “The poisons! They have hallucinogenic properties, and could be airborne! You shouldn’t be here, you can’t risk exposure!”
“It’s fine!” Ando cries, holding up a reassuring hand. “As soon as we got your message we locked everything down, and a team was sent in with protective gear to retrieve you. The room was completely quarantined and the science team even checked the air quality before going in for you. But it was fine. You just passed out.”
“Did you scan me for poison?” Sakura demands.
“It’s not like I’ve been working here for months or anything,” Ando grumbles, but at Sakura’s warning glare he quickly adds, “There’s nothing showing up. According to our tests, your vitals are find. If there was anything, it passed out of your system before we got there. You probably healed yourself. Though I have no idea why you passed out…do you do that a lot?”
“It was probably the energy expended healing,” Sakura muses with a frown. “Though I’ve been through much worse, it shouldn’t have hit me like that.”
It suggests whatever was in those containers was a much stronger poison than she expected.
“Are you sure there’s nothing else?” Sakura prompts.
“I’m sure. You’re fine. A little overworked and your make-up could use a touch-up, that’s to be expected after being unconscious for five and a half hours—”
“Sarada!” Sakura gasps in realisation. She swings her feet around, scrambling to get out of bed. “I have to pick her up!”
“You don’t have to worry about her,” Ando assures her. “Your mother called when you didn’t show up. Your daughter’s fine. In the meantime, you should stay overnight and sleep a little more.”
“I can’t, I have to be there to pick her up…”
“Ehm…maybe I’m not saying this right,” Ando hedges. “Your mother said if I let you come home without getting a full eight hours of sleep, she was going to…um…do something rather unpleasant to some rather important body parts.”
Sakura narrows her eyes. “And what do you think I’ll do if you don’t let me go?”
“No offense, but your mother scares me more than you do. You’d at least come for me face to face…I think she’d kill me in my sleep.”
“One of these days I’m going to have to figure out how my mother has managed to terrify every man in this damned village,” Sakura grumbles, sitting back on the cot. She huffs and then makes a dissmisive motion with her hand. “Fine. But if I’m going to be here, I want you running every test we have. Something happened to me, even if I’m not showing symptoms anymore. I want to know what it is.”
“That I can do,” Ando agrees.
There’s a backlog of tests being run in the lab, and although Sakura could use her clearance to speed up the process, she doesn’t like to flaunt her privilege unless she has to. There’s nothing wrong with her at the moment, and she’d prefer the labs be working on the sick and dying than her.
Instead, she heads home to shower, then goes to pick up Sarada from her parents. She ends up agreeing to stay for breakfast, which as it turns out, is a good idea; she is surprisingly ravenous.
“I don’t remember you eating this much in ages,” Mebuki remarks as she shovels more steamed rice and natto into Sakura’s bowl. “The last time you had three servings of breakfast was when you were training with Lady Fifth.”
“You’re like a hungry clock,” Kizashi adds. “You’re keep going back four seconds.”
“Grandpa,” Sarada groans, though there’s a tug at the corner of her mouth; just like Sakura used to do at that age, she pretends to find her grandfather’s jokes lame.
“Actually, the last time I ate so much was when I was pregnant with this one,” Sakura says, absently reaching over to wipe a speck of soy sauce from her daughter’s cheek. “She really liked natto…”
“Mama!” Sarada protests, craning away from her.
“Well if you weren’t eating so quickly, you wouldn’t get food all down your front,” Sakura reminds her. “What are you in such a hurry about, anyway?”
“I have training to do,” Sarada insists importantly.
“Not until you finish your breakfast, you don’t,” Mebuki returns before Sakura can do so. “You need to eat enough to keep your energy up. And that means eating slowly, so you don’t get an upset stomach.”
Sarada opens her mouth to protest, but Kizashi agrees, “Many a true word is spoken ingest.”
This time it’s Sakura who groans, while Sarada folds her arms in front of her chest. A lump forms in Sakura’s throat because she looks so much like Sasuke when she does that!
She’s even becoming more like him, in terms of attitude.
These days, Sarada has become very quiet and withdrawn, devouring the books in their house and at the library related to the shinobi arts. She knows Sasuke is a talented ninja, because of all the stories she’s heard about him; Sakura has always told her everything about her father that she could without alluding to his mission or the darker parts of his past. And it was never a question that they would raise her as a shinobi, so in many ways this sudden studious interest is a good thing. It will serve her well when she starts the Academy in a few months.
But Sakura suspects it has more to do with Sarada trying to feel close to her father by living up to the standard he set.
One of Sarada’s tomes on well-known techniques among the clans of Konoha is always open to the chapter on Shurikenjutsu; Sakura has watched her daughter determinedly try to master it in their yard. Sometimes she wonders if she should teach her Katon, if only to help Sarada feel closer to her clan’s traditions, but she can’t get past the feeling that Sasuke must be the one to do that. Not just because he’s Sarada’s father and the patriarch of the clan, but because for him it’s such a personal thing to share.
But that brings us back to the fact he has to be here to teach it, Sakura thinks sadly.
None of them expected Sasuke’s mission to take as long as it is, and she thought he would be back before it really had an effect on their daughter.
Some days, no matter how important she knows his work is, she wishes she had argued more, or that Naruto had refused to let him go. Not that Sasuke responds well to ultimatums, but ever since the war, when Naruto offers him an opinion, he considers it. Seven out of ten times, he’ll even agree; it’s the other three that are so tricky.
It’s a rare day off, and so she tries to put all of this and the issues from the hospital out of her mind, instead running errands with Sarada in tow. They pick up groceries, shop for new shoes and clothes for Sarada—she’s growing like a weed!—and stop in to see the newest Princess Yuki movie—one of the many sequels to the Princess Gale films Naruto was so crazy about when they were kids.
All the while, Sarada remains quiet.
Later that evening, long after one of their usual quiet suppers for two, Sakura wonders if she ought to speak up. She doesn’t often ask Sarada what’s wrong directly—much like Sasuke, Sarada will insist there’s nothing wrong—and prefers a tried and true method of wordless coaxing to encourage her daughter to open up.
Just as Sarada climbs into bed, Sakura opens her mouth to ask, only to be interrupted with a question.
“Mama, what were Grandmother and Grandfather like?”
Sakura pauses for a moment, confused, and then realises that she’s being asked about Sasuke’s parents.
“I…well…” she considers. “I never met them before. They died a long time ago.”
“But I think Grandma did know your Grandmother Uchiha a little bit. Maybe she could tell you a little more about her,” Sakura suggests.
Sarada’s eyes go wide. “Really?”
“Maybe,” Sakura repeats. “I don’t think they knew each other very well. But…it’s still more than I did.”
“What about Uncle Itachi?” Sarada asks, sitting up eagerly in bed. “You met him, right?”
Sakura hesitates here.
Neither occasion was exactly optimal; in one he was a deadly enemy who would have killed them all if their presence interfered with his elaborate plans—the other was in an alternate universe where it wasn’t technically their Itachi Uchiha.
“Briefly,” Sakura says. “He was a good man and a loyal Konoha shinobi.”
“What was he like?”
“You’ll really have to ask your Papa that when he gets back.”
Sarada sighs, unhappy. “So, I’ll never know.”
“Don’t say that,” Sakura chides, tapping her daughter on the forehead in affectionate reprimand. “Papa will be home soon. And you can ask him all of this.”
I hope…
“Now, it’s time for you to go to sleep. I have to be at the hospital for the morning shift, so we’re going to get up early and bring you to Grandma and Grandpa’s house.”
“I don’t wanna get up early…I’ll be tired all day.”
“So you can take a nap later.”
“Naps are for babies!”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot,” Sakura laughs, and begins to rise.
“Mama, can I have a story before bed?”
She sits back down. “Which one?”
“Indra and Shachi.”
Sakura’s heart clenches a little at this.
“Don’t you want to wait for Papa to come home and tell you that one?” she asks gently. It’s always been their special story, even though Sasuke is careful to end it before it becomes too dark. Sarada isn’t old enough yet to hear the entire thing.
“You tell it better,” Sarada insists, a stubborn look on her face that is painfully reminiscent of her father.
Sakura sighs, because every day, Sarada is a little more critical and a little angrier about her father’s absence.
And yet, she always asks for this story, so as angry as she is, she still misses him an awful lot.
The whole things is beginning to affect her socially, which has Sakura worried.
She practically grew up with Boruto Uzumaki; they were inseparable. And how could they not be, given who their parents were? The amount of times Sakura would come pick Sarada up from the Uzumaki household to find Boruto, Sarada and Himawari curled up under a blanket on the couch, snuggled up like little puppies. She’s taken an embarrassing number of secret photos to show Sasuke when he returns.
But…that’s just the problem,
He left; Naruto didn’t.
Boruto and Himawari could go home at the end of the day to a mother and a father; Sarada couldn’t. And Sakura’s daughter noticed, because of course she did.
She stopped wanting to be around them, to the point where she’d pick fights with Boruto, and throw a fuss whenever Sakura tried to bring her for playdates. Not long after, the same thing happened with Inojin, who Sarada suddenly proclaimed was too weird. Ino mentioned that she started getting distant when Sai began to teach their son his Chōjū Giga.
As if it’s any mystery why that would upset her…
Sakura shakes her head, coming back to the present, and says, “Alright then, if you’re sure.”
She begins to relate the familiar tale, stroking her daughter’s hair as she does until the child drifts into slumber.
When she rises, her thoughts are jumbled. She usually tells the story without thinking much about it—she’s told it so many times, and considering she’s already lived it (after a fashion), it has the same consistency in her brain as a well-loved memory.
Except it makes her think about what happened in the lab today.
The last time she started to have strange dreams without warning, she spent months reliving a past life.
That was triggered by my pregnancy, though, and I’m not pregnant now.
Honestly, it felt more like that time she and Naruto were dragged into that parallel dimension of Obito’s. Except, in that case she was actively pulled through a portal and stuck there until Naruto got them out.
So what was it? Could it be work stress?
She doesn’t sleep well that night, her mind puzzling over the mysterious contents of the box, and analysing every detail she remembers from her dream.
Or hallucination.
On top of all of that, Sarada’s worries needle at her. With that sense of helplessness in the face of her daughter’s questions, an overwhelming longing fills Sakura, for the man who has carried her heart so very far away.
The next day, Sakura wakes dizzy and nauseous; it feels like she remembers the flu feeling, though it’s been many years since she’s been sick. Ever since she unlocked the Byakugō she doesn’t have to worry about that sort of thing.
She brings an equally grumbling daughter to her parents’ house, and heads to work, feeling like her head is a wind tunnel. The whole day she slogs through her work, delegating as much as she dares to. It even comes to the point that she is forced to hand over the C-section to one of her most promising subordinates, although she observes from the gallery in case of emergency.
At the same time, she marks down observations about her condition in a notebook, trying to find some common symptoms that will clue her in to what’s happening. Halfway through the procedure, Ando wanders in with a folder that has her name on it and hands it to her. “All of the tests we ran came back negative.”
“That’s not possible,” Sakura snaps. When he flinches, she sighs and apologies, “I’m sorry. This is just frustrating…”
“I’ll keep looking.”
“Thank you.” He begins to leave, and then pauses, a startled expression on his face. “You’re…you’re bleeding.”
He points to her face and she raises her hand, touching her face just beneath her nose; her fingers come away red.
Alarm bells ring in her head.
“Do the tests again,” Sakura says quietly. “Leave no margin for error, and if there’s any test you haven’t thought to run yet, run it anyway. Even if it’s completely unrelated. Whatever’s going on might show up in an unexpected test.”
“Y-yes, boss.”
He runs off to do just that and Sakura reaches for her notebook again, jotting down another symptom.
Nasal hemorrhage…never a good sign…could the contents of those vessels have had a slow-acting neurotoxin, or—?
All of a sudden, her body seizes.
Her limbs go rigid and her head slams backward in her chair as the operating room and gallery vanish around her.
Sakura’s world jerks and she is suddenly standing in the middle of an unfamiliar street, stumbling forward.
Someone catches her and when she looks up, there’s Sasuke again—the Sasuke from her dream. He isn’t dressed in the police uniform this time, but a high collared shirt similar to the one he wore as a genin, and neatly pressed trousers.
“What’s going on?” she demands, looking around. “Where are we?”
“What are you talking about?” he asks, his brows drawing together incrementally.
“The…I was in the…?”
Sakura continues to look around, noticing tiny details about the place that tell her she isn’t in a completely unfamiliar location. She’s been here before, only…only it was a lot emptier. Her attention pulls away from her panic long enough to consider the people wandering past; people who look familiar but aren’t. Her recognition of them is based on traits that she has come to know personally in the past decade.
Dark haired, fair skinned, black-eyed people, wearing the clan crest she adopted almost seven years ago.
“This is the Uchiha district,” she says, swallowing against the subtle, panic-induced tightening in her throat.
“Last time I checked,” he agrees, sounding wary. “Sakura, what’s going on? Is this that “pregnancy brain” you were telling me about?”
She doesn’t answer him.
“This is wrong,” she murmurs to herself, watching several children wearing uchiwa symbols on their back chase each other through the street. “This…this can’t be here. I can’t be…am I unconscious?”
“It’s happening again, isn’t it?” Sasuke interrupts, his tone anxious and accusing. “You said you were fine at the hospital.”
“I have no control over what Dream-Me says or does,” she shoots bag, aggravated and short-tempered in a way she rarely is with her Sasuke.
“That’s it,” Sasuke shakes his head. “We’re going back to the hospital and getting those tests you didn’t want. And you’re calling Iruka tonight and telling him you’re not coming in tomorrow.”
“Iruka? Why would I talk to Iruka?”
“They can find a substitute for you. They should already be looking, since your leave will be starting soon anyhow,” he continues. “This is why we talked about you taking it earlier—”
Right. In this world I’m a teacher, apparently. And—
“Hold on,” she snaps. “I don’t know how things work in this universe, but there is no reality where you get to boss me around.”
His eyes widen a bit in surprise, and then he sighs. “Hormones.”
Sakura narrows her own eyes. “You did not just say that.”
Her impending murder of her Not-Husband is interrupted when someone suddenly calls out his name.
They both turn around, just in time to see an older couple saunter out from a nearby storefront. Sasuke curses under his breath, probably unhappy that their discussion is being interrupted. But he turns and bows his head in respect.
Hold on…what? When has Sasuke ever…?
“Uncle Teyaki, Aunt Uruchi,” he greets them, allowing the woman to draw him in to a hug with an expression of uncomfortable tolerance.
“It’s been a long time since we’ve seen you, boy,” the man says, and then turns clever black eyes on Sakura. “And who is this?”
“This is my wife, Sakura,” Sasuke explains.
Oh, good, I’m not expected to know these people.
“Er…pleased to meet you,” she says for want of anything else.
The couple exchange what is clearly an uncomfortable, significant married-couple look, as well as a silent conversation, and then paste smiles on their faces.
“Ah, yes, we had heard you got married,” Uruchi says. “Congratulations.”
“Bit of a rush, wasn’t it?” Teyaki chuckles nervously, glancing at Sakura’s middle. “I suppose we know why now.”
Catching the implication, Sakura opens her mouth to snap back at the person, but Sasuke’s arm squeezes around her shoulders in warning. She intends to shrug him off, but finds his hold on her is heavier than expected.
Frowning, she tries to pull free, only to find that she can’t.
She has no strength.
What kind of world is this?!
“Now don’t mind him, he’s being rude,” Uruchi speaks up. “We all understand that circumstances don’t always work out the way we hope. You make sure you come by this way more often, dearie, you seem like a nice girl. And we make the best senbei in the village. It won’t upset your stomach or the little one’s.”
She smiles kindly at Sakura.
“That’s assuming they come back,” Teyaki points out, and then raises an eyebrow at Sasuke. The gesture is eerily similar to Sakura’s husband’s; she really isn’t used to seeing his mannerisms on anyone else but her daughter. “I take it you’re here to speak with your folks?”
Sasuke grunts in reply—at least his dislike of sharing personal information is the same.
“I just want to know what’s taken so long,” Uruchi harrumphs. “You and that father of yours are so stubborn—”
“Well, if it isn’t the runt of the family.”
Someone appears by their side, so swiftly and silently that Sakura suspects he used Shushin; he’s curly haired, and with a smile and a casual, friendly demeanour that reminds Sakura instantly of Kakashi.
“Long time no see, little cousin,” he continues, and then ruffles Sasuke’s hair in a way Sakura has seen her husband break ribs over when Naruto used to try it.
Instead, Sasuke simply jerks away, shoving the other man and snaps, “Knock it off, Shisui!”
Shisui…I think I know that name…
Sakura tries to remember what Sasuke told her about him, long ago; an older cousin, his brother’s best friend and something to do with Danzō Shimura.
“Forgive me, princess, I didn’t realise you still took offense to having your hair messed up,” Shisui replies without a hint of bother over Sasuke’s attitude. He faces Sakura and offers her a friendly smile. “Hello there. Allow me to introduce myself since my favourite cousin is too emotionally stunted to do it.”
“Shisui,” Uruchi chides.
“That’s my name.”
“At least you know that much,” Sasuke grumbles.
Shisui doesn’t seem put off by Sasuke at all. “Hey, when are you going to stop kissing ass at the police force and come join ANBU like your brother and me?”
“About the time you quit.”
“Ouch. I’m hurt. And here I thought it was because you preferred the cushy, safe jobs,” Shisui muses. “Or has uncle taken you off the roster already?” Sasuke grits his teeth at him. “Ah. I take it that’s one of the things you want to discuss with him tonight?”
There’s something entirely too innocent about his tone.
“Does everyone but me know what’s going on here?” Sakura asks out loud.
Sasuke suddenly turns to face her, eyes wide. “Sakura!”
“What? I’m just pointing out the truth here—”
“Catch her, before she—”
“I’ve got her—!”
The world tilts like she’s being shaken and Sakura tries to fight it. “Sasuke, what the hell—stop!”
But then the familiar swooping sensation of being ripped from her sleep overtakes her, and the world shifts.
She awakens on the floor of the gallery; Ando has been trying to rouse her, apparently, and when she wakes the first thing she notices is his inability to disguise his fear.
Ando stands over her, unable to disguise his fear.
This isn’t going away in a hurry, she realises as control returns to her body.
“Book a lab and make sure no one but you and I have access to it. And tell no one about this—I don’t want to start a panic until it’s necessary,” Sakura tells him grimly as she pushes herself to her feet. “We have work to do.”
Reviews and constructive criticism are much appreciated! Also, if you are in a supportive mood, I have a ko-fi button at the top of the page, or you can find my tip jar here.
Thanks for your interest in my work!
Next Chapter
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ryodan · 7 years
I like your Naruto analysis when it comes to Team 7, not so much for NH and Hinata. I'm curious what your ideal Naruto ending would be. You have a cool blog!
HA! Thanks pal, I genuinely don’t even want this blog to be an anti space but the amount of asks I get makes it hard. In terms of ships my perfect end game are sasusaku and narugaa but that is impossible so?? My perfect ending goes like this:
A little over a year into Sasuke’s redemption sakura and naruto follow him and they go on together seeing the small scale issues to fix in the shinobi world. Sakura goes around helping in hospitals in every place they visit and starts opening chains of mental health hospitals as they go on. During these travels SS happens and they go on searching for kaguyas traces after a little small scaled private wedding while Naruto returns to Konoha to get familiar with what ruling as hokage entails. SasuSaku come back a year later with a baby and naruto and kakashi are VERY offended they were never told about this. Sakura apparently had to deliver at her new friend Karin’s hideout made science lab where Taka lives happy and independent from Orochimaru who is very dead. They bring with them the great news that Kaguya wanted to rule the world using her army but she is now gone for good and there is no looming threat to worry about. A few years later Naruto shows up at Konoha’s hospital with a wild ass spark in his eye announcing ‘sakura-chan! I’m finally going to be hokage!’ sasuke is behind him panting (naruto dragged him here running) with a secret proud smile on his face. Later on when they are having a celebratory dinner at sasusakus house, naruto attempts to show off to sarada who really just wants to go outside and visit her best friend cho cho, who’s mom and a few other adults were present. Gaiden is through 16 year old Sarada’s POV, she takes us through Konoha that rose from the ashes of the great war. There is a monument; a statue of two men doing the sign of unison. They happen to be the men who protected peace from within the shadows in very dire days -something no longer needed as government transparency and open communication became the norm in this new age-, Shisui and Itachi Uchiha. The writing on the bottom of the statue states the proud history and tragic fate of her clan, imprinted there forever to give people hope in justice.There’s a lot of team 7 and she sometimes accidentally sees cute moments between her parents, or sexual ones take your pick. Sasuke eats tomatoes on the couch and sakura scolds him, sarada laughs at them all the time. Neji is alive and thriving, ten ten has become renowned for her weaponry skills and their child is close friends with Sarada. It’s all good in the hood. Naruto actually attends his inauguration and is the cutest hokage. You can find him giving speeches to the children while the little girls make flower crowns for him. The entire village is his family. idk about hinata she either finally found purpose in her life or died whichever it is—idc. 
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ellie--grimm · 7 years
People need to shut the fuck up about Karin being sarada's real mother, Sakura carried that child for 9 months that's how it's works, you can't try to say that she's not Sakura daughter because that just doesn't fucking science. Does nobody think about that, about the fact that Karin was never pregnant and Sakura was with fucking sarada so please shut the fuck up about your stupid ships, I don't mean to hate but come on use basic knowledge people. How is this even an argument, oh the glasses??? Come on, I get it, it's weird uchihas are know for having perfect eyes no one their clan is known to have glasses but who cares it probably comes from someone on Sakura's side of the family, we never learn too much on her family history cause she's not part of a major clan, but still. You can't tell me that Sasuke and the squad is lying to Sakura about the child she carried in her womb for nine months then plopped out this beautiful baby girl we know as sarada. Case closed. Science.
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fourangers · 6 years
Perhaps, in the end, it’s fate
Summary:  With one different tilt of the destiny, many other paths can be unfolded. However between them, there would be always an automatic pull since they share an interchangeable fate.
It's ninjaverse AU, completely different timeline. Teacher!Naruto, father!Sasuke, lil!Sarada with a harmless crush on Nardo. No prior pairings with Sasuke (and Naruto btw) because babies can be created through power of SCIENCE! (or in this case, Orochimaru’s experiments).
Based on February prompt from Sun and Moon Challenge, check it out once you can! SNS, T-rated. Comedy and Romance.
AO3 link | FFnet link
Squinting his eyes, he swallowed dryly with fingers crossed. He hoped his future mentor would be wise and kind, his teammates nice and welcoming. If he could stretch a little bit more in this wishing department, maybe Sakura will be part of his team. Well, anything, anyone but Sasuke. It was already humiliating enough losing his first kiss to that bastard, going on missions with him would be. The. Worst.
Iruka cleared his throat, staring the list. "Well, Team 7 will be Haruno Sakura..."
Naruto inhaled sharply, tightening his fists.
"Uchiha Sasuke..." He could hear Sakura's jubilant scream all across the classroom, in midst of other feminine complaints and whining. Naruto groaned too.
"...and Hyuuga Neji."
That was...sort of unexpected. Really unexpected.
Naruto frowned, wondering why it felt so out of place that he wouldn't be part of this team.
Iruka continued to recite. "That means that the last team will be Rock Lee, Tenten and Uzumaki Naruto."
He threw a tentative glance towards his future teammates, trying not to get freaked out towards the most humongous eyebrows he had ever met in his life. This boy was also wearing a spandex, a bowl cut haircut style and a goofy smile. His female teammate, on the other hand, simply smiled once she noticed him, waving her hand.
Naruto awkwardly waved back, butterflies squirming in his stomach. A brand new life lied ahead of him and he couldn’t wait to get into his first ninja mission.
His new teacher was a bigger weirdo named Maito Gai. He wore Lee’s same spandex and had even thicker brows, but every qualm was instant quelled once he showed impressive taijutsu skills. He was also unbelievably patient and kind with his protegées, taking notes of their strengths and deficiencies, even teaching basic ninjutsus skills to Naruto that he didn’t manage to learn back in ninja Academy.
Gai had auto-proclaimed rival to Team 7’s leader, some shady guy named Kakashi. They stumbled towards that team on a rather frequent basis while watching Gai’s bravados and weird contests with Kakashi laidback responses. That also meant that Naruto and Lee were busy wooing (or at least trying to) Sakura. Noticing Lee’s unsuccessful attempts to ask her out made him shift for another strategy; concentrating on the other rival ergo Uchiha Sasuke.
(though frankly, while sprawled on the bed after another grueling day of training, Naruto had to admit that what he wanted the most was to check if Sasuke, who is another orphan like him, was doing ok on his own)
Sasuke egged him on, honestly. Calling him a total dumbass, smirking while they bickered, it was refreshing someone acknowledge him aside his teammates.
Sakura was treating him better in comparison to the Academy days, much to his positive surprise. She muttered something about Sasuke giving her a blistering lecture, defending Naruto out, which broke his wall for a second.
Chuunin exams arrived, Lee and Tenten losing in the preliminaries, fueling Naruto to get a victory for the team. His fight against Hyuuga Neji ended with some broken bones, painful conversations, a promise and a new friend. He was looking forward to see Sasuke defeat Gaara to honor Konoha, however, as life was full of unexpected changes, that innocuous exam ended with the Sandaime Hokage murdered and the village being attacked.
The village council convinced Kakashi be a temporary Hokage, everyone gathering around to fix the destruction. Soon they returned to their old routine with the usual genin missions while they went back to train. Naruto kept helping Tenten to conjure better weapons as well as sparring with Lee. He had to admit that while Gai was a good teacher, he wished he could expand even further his skills to something other than taijutsu…
Before he could get back to the idyllic days, out of nowhere, Sasuke disappeared. Rumors spread seeing Sakura’s swollen eyes and Kakashi handling a mission to retrieve him. All genins he knew assembled a team with Shikamaru as the leader and Neji to talk him through.
The mission was a complete utter failure.
“He just didn’t listen to me. I even mentioned you Naruto-kun, how it’s possible for anyone to get out from our personal darkness and conquer fate but still…” Neji shook his head, swallowing a soldier pill to replenish his depleted chakra.
Words of disagreement lodged on his throat but he couldn’t voice it out. Naruto knew, somehow, that if it were him, instead of Neji, maybe…Maybe he’d be able to convince Sasuke, or…
After this incident, he noticed Sakura’s grim expression when she started her medic nin training, as well as Neji’s renewed determination to change the Hyuuga clan. Naruto questioned himself, why he wanted with almost the same intensity to bring Sasuke back to Konoha, despite wondering if he’d make a difference. He’s not even his teammate…
And yet he pondered; was this the reason why he accepted Jiraiya’s tutelage, when Gai mentioned about him when they went to retrieve Tsunade?
But as painful that experience was for everyone involved in, life moved on. Even shadows casting on Team 7’s eyes were blurring out, Sakura mentioning her ex-teammate with a somewhat nostalgia instead of bitterness, and Neji found a closer friendship with Naruto as years passed by.
Naruto questioned himself then, the irrational need to work to the bone 24/7, red iris plaguing his dreams sometimes. He was evolving, he was becoming a stronger ninja and yet he always felt that he didn’t reach his full potential. As if his body was waiting for a worthy rival to inspire him.
Team 7 and Team Gai were celebrating together for gaining their chuunin title, as well as Neji’s jounin promotion. Lee and Sakura used this opportunity to reveal that they were dating, shocking them all. They were a cute couple; Naruto figured, so he approached her to drop a quiet confession.
“You know, it’s funny but I used to have a crush on you.” He muttered, sipping his tea.
Sakura stared with wide eyes, before letting out a short chuckle.
“What!” Naruto yowled. “I mean, don’t sell yourself short, you are cute so a lot of boys liked you and I used to be one of them so⏤”
Sakura shook her head, giggling. "No, no, no, I mean...I thought you used to have a crush on Sasuke.”
His jaw dropped to the ground. “What?!”
“Yes, whenever our teams met, you were busier staring at him and trying to get him to fight you than trying to talk with me. So I thought maybe you were into him? Like the typical boy who pull the girl’s pigtails because he likes her. Well, though you two were boys. Was I wrong?”
Naruto was scarlet red to the tip of his hair, mouth still slack, unable to formulate any complete sentence. Sakura’s smile grew more mischievous so he settled to avoid looking at her, wolfing down his plate.
Sakura pursed her lips, sagging on her seat. “Sasuke huh...he’s coming back, you know.”
For a second, the world stood stock still. “What?”
She shrugged, fingers twirling strands of hair. “You heard that right. He wants to go back to Konoha, claiming that he saw the errors of his way. So he traded important information about Sound Village and Orochimaru to regain his citizenship and ninja status in Konoha.”
A silence fell between them as they both took their time to absorb this bout of information. Sakura cheered up once her boyfriend was back with fresh food, but Naruto was lost thinking about all possibilities.
Few days later, Sasuke arrived at the gates, battered and tired, cradling a cloth wrapping with his arms. He was already the main gossip of the town, then the whispers grew exponentially once they confirmed that he was, indeed, holding a little child.
At a tender age of 18, this young man was already a father.
Naruto hid in some corner of a store, glancing surreptitiously as Sasuke strolled through the streets, uncaring to people gawking and muttering around him. The toddler began shuffling, hiccuping. Those small noises soon turned to loud wails that made him stop at once, cradling her close as he made little bounces though this wasn’t enough to calm her down. People made annoyed faces and had quicken their paces, everyone refused to help him out.
Listening to the cries that increased in volume, he bit his lip, taking a deep breath. He emerged from his spot, walking closer to Sasuke who appeared a little frantic.
“Um.” Naruto scratched the back of his head when Sasuke turned to face him with a glare, hands busy while his daughter kept crying. “Maybe you can try putting her body resting over your upper arm, like a tiger resting on a branch.”
Sasuke stared skeptical, despite obeying his suggestion. Her short yowls decreased, breathing becoming more even till she slept in his arms. Needless to say, Sasuke was rather impressed.
“Uh yeah⏤Iruka-toosan sometimes asks me to help him out taking care of children in the daycare center. I got some of those tips.”
Sasuke grunted back, gazing upon his baby.
“So…” Naruto smacked his lips. “Welcome back? Uh, what’s her name?”
Sasuke huffed, placing her head on his left shoulder. “Sarada.”
Naruto held her tiny hand, smiling with a whisper. “Sarada-chan~welcome to Konoha. You’re gonna love living here, meeting auntie Sakura, uncle Neji, Kakashi, me...how old is she?”
Sasuke scrunched up his face, staring downwards. “9 months. I thought...I’d be fine on my own but in the end, we needed⏤” He thinned his lips. “I said too much.” Before Naruto would ask any further question, Sasuke said. “I should get going. Thank you, Naruto.”
Naruto nodded back, watching the brisk steps moving away from him.
Once Sasuke had settled in the old Uchiha compound, Sakura, Neji and Kakashi visited him. They were welcoming, but absent. After all, Sakura was busy in Konoha’s hospital, Kakashi was going to be officially appointed as Konoha’s Hokage, Neji was helping his cousin changing Hyuuga clan’s laws.
There was a significant chasm between Sasuke and other ninjas of his generation, since he was now a father between young adults, and left Konoha while the Rookie Nine nurtured their relationship over the years. He made no effort to draw the bridge too, cooped in his house taking care of his daughter most of the time. And even when the gang would reunite, he was always the last one to arrive, the first to go.
On some occasions Sakura would succeed in convincing him to bring his daughter whenever team Gai and team 7 would gather in her house. Sasuke however, maintained his distance with the crew, aside some quiet conversation with Neji.  
It was almost like living in an old film reel, rolling all over again. Watching Sasuke as a child from afar, craving to reach his hand and talk to him but never building enough courage to do so. They became mere acquaintances, the occasional nod of recognition when they crossed paths, making small talks while Sasuke was nursing Sarada. Soon Naruto became jounin when Sasuke managed the chuunin title, Lee mentioning he and Sakura took care of Sarada while he was doing the exams.
He stared down the porcelain mask while the townspeople cheered the end of Kakashi’s appointed ceremony. Gai stood next to him, and Naruto smiled from his teacher’s happiness emanating from afar. Long time ago, he remembered desiring conquering such coveted position, but nowadays he was content knowing that Kakashi would make a decent Hokage.
(why did he lose so easily his determination to follow his ambitions?)
Kakashi didn’t waste much time in celebration, throwing mission after mission on him, one longer than the other and in some faraway sketchy places. Most those times Naruto could only hear the faint echoes of their sprinting, casting long shadows on the cavernous walls. He was responsible exploding laboratories while Tenten gathered reports, weird shapes submerged in purpleish water.
How bizarre. Sometimes he could swear some of those shapes had some resemblance with Sasuke.
Iruka was like a father to him and he deserved this long vacation after years of tireless tutelage. But still.
Screams. Collisions. Little imps running around all over the place. Those squirmy little brats slithering out of his grasp and making a racket.
Naruto really needed to work in refusing Iruka’s requests, but the older nin was just this damn persuasive.
He spread his clones in every corner of the daycare center, however, it didn’t seem to be enough. The moment the kids understood that his bunshins could pop out with some harder shove, they made their newest game dispelling as many clones as possible.
Yet those kids were old enough to learn basics of ninja skills, so other teachers threw such responsibility on Naruto’s shoulders, considering he had a higher rank. He had a hard time tampering down his strength, why are children such squiggly delicate beings that cried with the littlest wound?
Naruto spent only one day with them and he was already wondering if he would leave this experience unscathed. Nevertheless he summoned every bit of his patience and taught the fundamentals of aiming, giving them the chance to train too.
He heard collective praises and some gasps coming from afar, approaching and noticing the dark haired girl concentrated on her task. Whoa...time surely flies by pretty damn fast. He had forgotten that Sarada was already 5 years old. Naruto snorted when he saw that most shurikens she threw hit the bullseye.
But that wasn’t enough to satisfy her, since she picked all the paper shurikens and threw with renewed zeal. The rest of the kids went away playing on their own, but Sarada remained in training. Heaving tired breaths, she flung another shuriken but this time it flew past the target.
She made a frustrated growl, running to dislodge the weapon that dug deep in the bark of a tree. Naruto heard a concealed hiccup, as Sarada rubbed her eyes with her arm.
“Hey, don’t worry about it, I got this.” Naruto appeared in a blink, quirking a mollifying smile and removed the shuriken with ease. He offered to the young Uchiha, she accepted the weapon with contemplative eyes.
“You’re Lee-san’s friend right?” She realized.
“Sure am! I’m Uzumaki Naruto, it’s nice to see you again Sarada-chan.” Naruto patted her head. “You know, it’s really important to train your skills, but taking a break is also equally as important. Letting your body rest when it’s so tired, so it can grow stronger the next time.”
Sarada pouted, then muttered. “Auntie Sakura told me stories about back when my father was my age. He was a genius, always great with whatever he did, but I’m…”
“Ah yeah your dad...I also remember that he used to train all day and night over and over again. You’ll get as good as him in no time, don’t worry about it.”
“But…” Sarada bit her lower lip, shuffling her feet. “Father once talked to me about the Uchiha clan and how it used to be a very respectable clan and I have to follow their footsteps so⏤”
“Ugh, who cares!” Naruto rolled his eyes. “I think it’s too much that this bastard⏤”
She gasped. “You said a bad word!”
“S-sorry.” He scratched his head. “Anyways, I think it’s unfair to put such heavy duties on your shoulders. Your dad suffered back he was your age, I don’t want you to suffer the same. You should be only Sarada-chan after all right! You’ll make your father proud in your own pace.”  
“You think so?”
“I know so! After all, I’m already proud of you and I’m your teacher, right.” He messed her hair, patting on it.
Sarada stared down her shuriken, thumbs sliding over it. She peeked through her fringes, a rosy blush dusting her cheeks. “Thank you Uzumaki-sensei.”
“Oh, you can call me Naruto.” He grinned.
Her voice pumped with more excitement as she said. “Naruto-sensei!”
On the following days Naruto continued with his ninja classes, juggling between paying attention to all students, focusing on the rowdy ones, teaching those lessons and avoid any kind of catastrophe might ensue. He had found another mounting respect towards Iruka, those kids just can’t be real.
In every class Sarada was the first to complete it with pristine score, dashing next to him with eyes silently asking for his praise.
And praise he did, with words of encouragement and approval, injecting an impressed tone as he ruffled her hair. Every single time this gave her renewed motivation to improve herself. Naruto gazed fondly from afar as Sarada hopped between trees with ease. His entire childhood was consumed by hatred and neglect from adults until he met Iruka, he’d never subject any other kid to such trauma once again.
“Naruto-sensei!” Sarada exclaimed, hugging his arm with a tight grip.
Naruto beamed, patting her hair. He was starting to see the perks of this profession, was this the reason why Iruka continued to be a teacher despite having to take care of these little brats everyday?
A baritone voice chimed from behind. “Ah, I see. Expected nothing less I guess.”
They turned around, facing the familiar piercing dark eyes. Sasuke gazed back in fond amusement.
“So you’re really the Naruto-sensei my daughter kept gushing about all last week.”
Sarada pale cheeks reddened at once. “Father!”
“Alright little one, it’s time to go home.” Sasuke hushed by patting on her back. “Go grab our things ok.” After Sarada obeyed him with a pronounced pout, Sasuke muttered once she was out of the picture. “Long time no see.”
“Yeah…” Naruto rubbed the back of his neck. “You look well I guess.”
“Hn. When Lee told me you’re subbing for Iruka-sensei, I didn’t quite believe at first. I thought you’re a jounin?”
“I am, but Iruka-toosan made me promise that I’d take care of them while he’s on vacation. I thought, well, kids right. I took care of ‘em sometimes, one whole month would be nothing and⏤”
“It’s hell isn’t it?” Sasuke smirked.
Naruto dropped his shoulders at once, a long groan vibrating on his throat. “Totally. I was already dead on the first day.”
Sasuke nodded in agreement. “Sarada thankfully is more helpful than most children. But still, where do they get all this energy?”
“I know right??” Naruto laughed. “They look so small I thought they wouldn’t be much trouble but whoa, did I misjudge on this one.”
Sarada arrived with backpack ready. “I’m back father!”
“Good. Maybe we’ll go eat outside for a change.”
“Oh! You should eat Ichiraku Ramen then, it’s perfect for cold day like today!” Naruto said.
Sasuke shook his head. “You and your Ichiraku Ramen, I remember you used to drag Lee and Tenten to eat at that place.”
“Ichiraku Ramen is the greatest, I was just doing them a favor to acknowledge such fact. There’s no other restaurant that would have such delicious braised pork, a tender yet firm noodles coupled with the rich texture and savory miso broth. It’s the best.”
“If Naruto-sensei said so, maybe we should try it!” Sarada chirped. A lightbulb went off and she added. “Maybe he could go with us!”
Both young men crossed their eyes before deflecting in haste, Naruto cleared his throat as Sasuke thinned his lips. “Naruto-sensei looks pretty tired, maybe we shouldn’t bother him too much Sarada.”
“Oh, she’s not bothering me for sure.” Naruto retorted. “But maybe you want to have some quiet time together with your father, right, Sarada-chan?”
“Father wouldn’t mind if you tag along Naruto-sensei, right?” Sarada pulled out the most pitiful expression she could ever muster, jutting her lower lip. “Right?”
Glancing in between her frantic daughter and the bewildered blue eyes, Sasuke exhaled tiredly. He mumbled under his breath. “Is it ok for you to go with us Naruto?”
“Um, ok. Sure!” He messed with Sarada’s hair when she jumped in joy. “I’m going to ask my favorite Ramen flavor for you Sarada-chan, I’m sure you’re going to love it.”
Despite initial reservations, they maintained a cheerful conversation peppered with Naruto’s booming voice and Sarada’s exclaims while they were walking on the way to the restaurant. This time though, Sasuke appeared to be a more sociable mood, chatting back with occasional grunts, which Naruto didn’t mind with his easy-going nature.
Sasuke insisted paying the bill despite all his protests, explaining that this was a small gesture of gratitude for taking care of his daughter. After waving goodbyes, they went on separate ways, smile playing on both their lips.
“Naruto-sensei is like the sun right!”
Sasuke blinked, head tilted to one side to gawk at her. Sarada linked her fingers together, placing to one side of her cheek as she whispered with a dreamy voice.
“He’s so nice and friendly, full of energy and bright. And when he smiles you just feel happier too, it’s wide and sincere, he makes your mood so much better. I love his hair, it’s golden exactly like the sun and his eyes have such a beautiful shade of blue, I’d never get tired looking at his eyes and⏤” She stopped her diatribe once she noticed her father’s peering eyes. “What?”
Sasuke studied his daughter, before settling with a long sigh.
She wrinkled her nose. “Anyways, as I was saying…”
2nd chapter here
AN: at first I thought that it’d be a one-shot but it got too much material for only a one-shot. So...lol. It’s gonna be a two-shot.
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