#and rizzy as well
averyhollow · 2 years
A stray comment by @bromelads has inadvertently reminded me of some very important things in life. Things like WIPs and ideas that mostly center around Frenchie, Spanish Jackie, Roach, and Izzy; and things like the truly profound realization that I shouldn’t stop at imagining a version of E5 that sets up Ed/Frenchie and Roach/Izzy, but should consider one that sets up Ed/Frenchie/Abshir/Oluwande. And from there I can’t help but think Oluwande/Spanish Jackie/Jim and Ed/Izzy/Spanish Jackie and Frenchie/Izzy/Roach are natural extensions.
The more I think about Ed with anyone other than That Man, and the more I imagine a version of him that isn’t seduced by frippery, the more my appreciation of him is rekindled (even if I am still over the canon version of him). So, if nothing else, I’m not completely done with engaging fanfic and fan ideas for the show just yet. No matter how much I really want to be. Now, to draw a diagram that charts the polycules and their overlaps………
This is gonna take a while. In the meantime, guess I’ll be dusting off a couple of WIPs, whining about how badly they’re coming along, and eventually posting them to AO3 and immediately regretting having done so. You know, the ushz.
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rosie-lav-art · 6 months
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Super quick silly Doodle of The Rizard for today :)
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scarredlove · 11 months
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Oh my- Well. Seems my rizzy sluggy sons won...
I offer this as my... potential AU beginner~
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I wanna personally thank @pillowspace for being the original inspiration for the sluggy AU!!
As well as @justfangirlstuffs and @crazedauthor for letting me ramble their ears off as I build up both of my AUs ♡
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sunny-ssunset · 24 days
Love LOVED your honest dating and the smoking hc, would you be comfortable doing one of those for Craig's gang??
Honest dating headcanons 💯 🔥
Craig's gang
Course i can lmao I was thinking about doing one with craigs gang lol (GENDER NEUTRAL AGED UP)
Idk why but the jimmy one is really sad lmao
•Bro could not care less about you
•He wont care if you break up
•He wont treat you any differently in or after the relationship
•He'd hang out with you once and then you'd start dating with out you knowing
•It just happens one day lmao
•He just tells everyone your together
•He wont do any sort of physical affection
•He might buy you a gift on your birthday
•Tbh i dont picture him being an overly horrible person i just think he is boring as fuck
•Literally doesnt kiss you or hold your hand
•its just being w friends with more labels
•Gets a nosebleed whenever you make eye contact
•SUPER nervous around you
•He cannot even comprehend you liking him let alone being in a relationship with him
•Dating freaks him the fuck out
•After you ask him out (sorry but there is no chance of him doing that)
•And even then theres only a 50 percent chance of him saying yes. Even though he likes you
•Overthinks all the time
•If you leave him on delivered for one second he'll freak out
•He is very anxious with you
•Needs constant reassurance you like him
•He is a bit of a pick me, he sends this emoji 🥺
•He is so clingy
•He'll cry if he sees you talking to anyone but him
•If you ever broke up he would never be able to talk or look at you again
•He asked you out as a dare thinking you would say no and you said yes
•Felt too bad to break up with you
•Has been convincing himself to love you ever since
•He'll try give you the ick or being mean to you to get you to break up with him
•You actually fall more in love with him
•He'll start to fall for you too
•If you laugh at his jokes
•Or make an effort to make him laugh
•But then his dreams get crushed
•Someone told you that he asked you out as a joke
•You genuinely get upset and break up with him
•Leaving him heart broken
•He brings you gifts and he looks at you whenever he makes jokes to see if you laugh
•He hates himself for what he did :(
•Probably the most sane relationship you will have
•He wont admit it
•But he is very very stuck up
•He has a very particular taste, like kyle
•However unlike kyle he is a pretty rizzy rizzler
•He'll take you out on nice dates
•He gets bored pretty easily though
•He'll break up with you in a nice way though
•He'll drop a bunch of flowers or chocolates at your door or locker and write you a note
•Too stuck up to do it in person
•He'll treat you like the relationship never happened when you break up though
•Like everything goes back to normal
•He is a pretty well wanted guy in south park high
•He gets a lot of bitches which is very odd because he is one of those guys that really arent anything special but they pull so much
•These people have fueled his ego so much, he thinks he is Ryan gosling
•He'll come up to you like 'sup then ask you know a date
•You'll start dating
•He can be really sweet but he acts all tough because he is the epitome of toxic masculinity
•He got bullied for being a 'crybaby' so i guess he made himself the opposite to fit in
•He gets pissed off when you say he is being flirty with other people
•He cheats on you one night when he is drunk (suprise suprise)
•He cries telling you it was a mistake
•And you dump him in front of everyone
•And he makes you out to be the problem
•Then the whole school hates you
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dullgecko · 1 month
Bro bro bro, figs horns were never counted for her height and she's still taller than Fabian.
Also w the goblin hierarchy sich, riz meets his grandparents who moved back to the mountains after pok died
Fig takes after her dad, and as she gets older and more of her infernal traits kick in well.... her dad is very very tall. She's not sure if she's excited for, or dreading one day being so tall that she has to duck to get through door frames.
Riz has met his paternal grandparents many times, but those were when he was still very small. His dad used to take him up to the Mountains of Chaos whenever he got a long enough break from work. He thought it was healthy for Riz to spend as much time around his people as possible while he was growing up. Because of this Riz got to go to many small festivals and parties where he got to run around with other goblins his age, and even a few weddings.
This time was also a wedding and he was /dreading/ it. It was one of his second cousins on his fathers side which meant that both he and his mother had been invited to come stay for the festivities. The only problem is Riz doesn't have a partner. He's seventeen, he's basically considered an /old maid/ by goblin standards now and he just knows his grandparents are going to try and set him up with someone.
His anxiety is completly founded because after hiking up to the caves, dealing with the standard greetings and welcomes and bone-crushing hugs from his grandparents and extended family he gets asked /the question/. The worst part is if he says he doest have one he'll have to spend the weekend trying to dodge ever girl, or boy, or whoever else gets shoved his way, and if he DOES say he has one he may have to spend the entire weekend flinching at mirrors.
He opts for dodging the question the first time he's asked, stealthing away, and sending a paniced text to the team group chat. This strategy can only last so long though, and he does NOT want to deal with the same sort of shit he was dealing with the last time he was stuck with a goblin horde for a whole weekend. Its only worse this time because he really /really/ doesnt want to disapoint his grandparents. They're hearts are SO set on seeing their little Rizzy in a happy relationship before they die.
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solarwoniii · 1 year
na kamden as your boyfriend - boys planet
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hcs + ranking ehehe
sleeping beside kamden - 6/10
i just know he sleeps good. like so good that when you see him sleeping you want to sleep as well bc he looks so peaceful.
HE CUDDLES GOOD TOO >< his hugs are warm and comforting and just rly nice to be in.
he looses the other 4 marks bc i just feel like he would be the most ANNOYING SHIT to wake up when it's time to get ready for work or errands or whatnot because no matter how much he sleeps he always wants more 🙄 like he'll keep asking for another ten minutes in bed AND BEG for u to stay with him for that time
literally will not wake up unless you smack him over the head with a pillow. and then he'll be all whiny n shit BOY SHUT THE FUCK UP.
going on dates with kamden - 10/10
idk i feel like overall dates w/ him wld be so nice T^T he wld treat u like a princess JSJSJSJJJSJJS I WANT HIM
will have set times every two weeks when he will drop everything to go out with u bc he hates the idea of being too busy to spend time with u
ok quick random things i think he wld do for u in public ; ORDER FOR U EFJIDNJIED (AND HAVE UR ORDER MEMORISED DONT EXPECT TO HAVE TO TELL HIM TWICE WHAT U LIKE), tie ur shoelaces (dead rn), hold your hand when he walks with you, give u head pats, let u choose where u want to go, share his food with you (psst even if he complains with that 'but you said you didn't want anything!!' shit just know he absolutely loves it when u eat his food SO DONT LISTEN TO A WORD HE SAYS), buy u cute gifts that he thinks resembles you.
kamden comforting you when you're sad - 10000000/10
idk if this man has implanted y/n senses or something BUT HE JUST KNOWS WHEN YOURE UPSET AND HE KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT YOU NEED TO FEEL BETTER
lots of hugs :(((( like i said hes an amazing hugger, that alone will cure your sadness at least temporarily.
will talk to you about if thats what you want to do,, hes the best listener and hes so supportive and attentive to you. he will find any way possible to help you fix the situation bcs he doesnt want you to feel like you're alone in anything T^T
then he cooks you your comfort food and eats with you and then puts on your favourite movie while he gives you even more cuddles on the couch, this time wrapped in fluffy blankets.
kamden apologising to you after/during a fight - 1000/10
he is the type to get upset and possibly start to cry when you're angry at him because he loves you so so so much and he would never ever ever hurt you intentionally :( he would definitely hug you while youre in the middle of yelling and say he'd sorry once he notices you starting to get upset as well.
but if you guys manage a whole fight without him apologising then expect it soon, because this man cannot live without you 😭
he will apologise with a gift or a hug or movie tickets for the both of you or your favourite food or something to compensate for what he did. i feel like his apologies aren't that verbal bc hes lwk scared of u and a lot more physical HELP but even so you can tell that he's sincerely sorry and that he regrets what he did.
kamden getting jealous - 9/10
ehehhehehe he would be so cute
bc he struggles with talking to people he doesn't know he will be just quiet and observing the whole thing
but as soon as the person leaves he will be the whiniest big baby 😭😭bro will not allow you to leave his side for the rest of the day and for the rest of the week he will be doing whatever he can to make sure he proves to you that hes way better than anyone else (WHICH HE IS‼️)
will be the happiest boy alive when you tell him that you love no one but him <333
kamden overall - 10372023586492392892732927328/10
kamden is the sweetest boyfriend ever and will love you more than himself <33 you are his world and he will make sure you know that because he doesn't want to have you any other way.
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montrealmadison · 7 months
Congratulations on 400 followers! I’m newish to the fandom and your blog was one of the first I followed!
Pair: Nursey/Dex
Song: 28
Vibes: first date (can include smut if it fits in)
Congratulations again!!!!
thank you so much and welcome to the fandom!! this is only the second time i've written nurseydex and it's an honor to do so for you ❤️ i did not manage to squeeze the smut in but i did provide the lead-up so i hope that's acceptable. please enjoy these banana nut muffins being dorky and awkward on their two first dates
28. nurseydex + first date + I Love You More Than You Think by Rizzie Kicks for @hrtstppr95
I think that we know that we know each other really well I know I wanna know you for the rest of my life Because no matter the length of time that’s gone by When I see you, it’s fine It’s like I just saw you last night 
Dex is thinking about why fancy restaurants invest in stupid shit when Nursey says, “Poindexter, I don’t think this is working.”
Their table is a good one, tucked into a private corner and partially hidden by a big potted plant. The downside to this is that apparently nobody thought to install overhead lighting in this swanky Boston seafood bar, and the candle holder—which, for some reason, is shaped like a miniature lobster wearing a chef’s coat—is doing a terrible job at casting light on the worried expression that Nursey is wearing. Dex looks down at his clenched hands in his lap and can’t help but mirror what he can see of the frown.
read more below or on ao3 | request a fic here
God, he knew he was going to fuck this up. Dex doesn’t do a lot of standing on ceremony, but even he can admit that first dates are a big deal, that they deserve care. When Nursey had come to him with this grand plan for a fancy, candlelit dinner, his treat, he’d known it might be uncomfortable, that he might have to pretend to get it. This kind of thing isn’t him, not at all.
But it is Nursey. He looks right here, casually elegant in a blazer he doesn’t wear to games, half-empty glass in his hand with the ice clinking soft at the bottom. He’s been so excited for this, talking it up all week to anyone who’d listen. Of course it’s Dex who doesn’t fit in. Four years in this weird parallel world to the one he’s used to and he still can’t make himself take the shape of someone who belongs in both.
“No,” he agrees, eyes dropping back to his hands. There’s a long fresh scar along the base of his thumb, the brightest thing in the room. “Sorry.”
“Shit—Dex, no.”
Nursey’s hand appears in his field of view, warm and brown and stark against the tablecloth. Dex looks up, surprised, and finds Nursey’s face much better lit and clearly concerned.
“I just meant, like—you look uncomfy, dude.” He bounces the outstretched hand lightly on the table until Dex reaches up to still it with his own. “Are you having a good time?”
“Oh.” He feels wrongfooted by how much Nursey notices. “Uh, yeah, I guess… not really.” 
The thought’s only out there for half a second before he scrambles after how wrong it sounds in the air between them. “I mean, with you, yeah. But it’s, um, fancy here. Didn’t wanna… ugh, it’s stupid.”
“It’s not.” Nursey considers the watery Coke in the bottom of his glass, then drains it in one. “That’s not on you, ‘kay? I should have thought of that.”
The ensuing silent discussion, born of many years of finely honed skill at arguing silently on the ice, leads to an agreement that they need to get the hell out of here as soon as possible. Nursey flags down the server for the check; Dex lets go of Nursey’s hand on the table and spends the next ten minutes cussing out the stupid lobster, who, thankfully, does not respond.
They don’t speak again until they’re back in Nursey’s (asshole) Jeep. The parking lot is packed; the only space they’d been able to find is out in the farthest row from the restaurant, looking down the hill that faces Route 9. The air is freezing in the way that precedes a blizzard. Every leaf is crackling with frost, and even with the doors closed and the engine shuddering to life, Dex can see his breath.
He can see Nursey’s, too, when he says, “Dude, I’m really sorry.”
“S’okay.” Dex shivers. “Really. Not your fault I can’t hang.”
“Poindexter, come on.” The collar of Nursey’s sweater is folded funny over the top of his coat. Dex’s eyes stick on it. “That’s not it. I should have picked somewhere we would both have fun.”
Asshole Dex says in his head, Oh, you think? 
Civilized Human Dex, perched on his other mental shoulder, says, Hey, you agreed to this. Be an adult. 
Dex the Walking Basket Case tips his head back into the seat and wonders how long the chirps would last if he fessed up to talking to himself like this. Out loud he says, “It’s really okay, Nurse. ‘Sides, night’s young.”
Nursey turns the heat up as high as it’ll go, makes that noise that means okay, I’ll bite. He reaches over and folds Dex's fingers into the warmth of his palm, a conciliatory gesture that Dex can never admit makes him feel all soft in the middle like a homemade Bittle pie. “That’s true,” he says. “Any ideas?”
Dex leans on the cold window, lets it chill his overheated skin. Without really thinking about it, he says, “We could go skate.” 
It’s more to break the silence that’s fallen than anything else. When he turns back around, though, it’s to find Nursey looking at him with interest.
“What, at Faber?”
“Isn’t it locked?”
Against all odds, Dex finds himself smirking. “Come on, Nurse, I’m the captain. You think I don’t have keys to our own rink?”
Nursey’s grinning too, now. This is what Dex loves and hates about him, the way it comes so easily. He never wants that to change, no matter how much he used to tell himself otherwise. Despite this failure of a night, he thinks, he’s happy.
“Well,” Nursey drawls. “‘Swawesome.”
He pulls their hands apart and squeezes Dex’s thigh twice. Dex bats him away, smile stretching despite himself, and says, “Just drive.”
Faber is cold and quiet, no signs of life but the hum of the heating vents far above. Dex hits the ice first, sketches a long, curving line towards the box and then back toward the bench. He can’t really see Nursey, but hears him follow through the dark just the same.
The air between them is suddenly charged, heavy. They don’t speak. They don’t even really skate together, each carving their own loops at opposite ends of the ice, watching each other out of the corners of their eyes. Dex feels oddly naked. It’s a weird combination of silk tie and suit pants and his grimy skates, marked up by the years.
He stops on the blue line, bracketed by a big white square of moonlight. The windows are gorgeous, especially without the fluorescents to compete, framing the sky and the spreading branches of the linden tree that Shitty always told the story about getting stuck in. In three or four months they’ll play their last game here, a thought that settles leaden and cold in Dex’s stomach. He watches a cloud pass over the moon. If there’s someone out there to hear him, he thinks, then let them hear him wish, desperately, for five more minutes.
Someone does hear, because there’s sudden warmth at his back. Nursey’s chin settles heavy on his shoulder, and his hands curl around Dex’s bare forearms. Dex leans back and lets Nursey hold him for no reason other than that he likes to, and Dex likes it when Nursey likes the things he does.
“Feel better?”
It’s a whisper. Dex’s whole body goes cold, then hot.
“Yes,” he says.
“Good,” says Nursey, nosing into the side of Dex’s neck. “Nice save.”
Dex shrugs and feels Nursey’s head move with him. He has the weirdest sense that the two of them have become the same being, moving in tandem, breathing as one. “I wouldn’t mind doing dinner again,” he says. “Don’t want you to think it wasn’t a good date.”
Nursey frees his thumbs from where they’re tucked under his fingers and runs his hands lightly up and down Dex’s arms. “Well, I’m flattered,” he says. “Still. We’re just two college idiots, man, no need for fine dining just yet. Sorry.”
Annoyance sparks in Dex’s gut. He was starting to enjoy this, feels like he doesn't need to be reminded every five minutes of how sorry they both are about the whole thing. “Will you stop apologizing,” he groans, and goes to turn around, but Nursey’s massive hands clamp down swiftly on his arms, and he freezes in place.
“No,” Nursey says.
Dex’s heart is suddenly slamming against his ribs, just like that. Huh. Mood officially un-killed.
“As a matter of fact,” he continues, “I was thinking about how to make it up to you.”
Dex is not the poetry guy of the two of them, but Nursey makes him feel like that last long look before a kiss. Maybe they don’t make sense together. Maybe they’re only going to belong in each other’s lives for a little while. College relationships can be like that. But here, now, Dex is in the place where he and Nursey became a team twice, and that means something. Dex knows it does.
“Yes,” he says.
Nursey finally releases him and spins him around so they’re facing each other. He quirks an eyebrow, but he’s smiling, and the moon in his eyes is huge and bright.
“You didn’t even hear my proposition, Poindexter. I had this whole—”
Dex cuts him off with a kiss. The two of them together might not be logical or satisfying, but they’re a damn good twist ending, and besides. The night is young, and he knows what he wants.
When he says yes again, Nursey just shakes his head, laughs, and pulls him towards the tunnel to the locker room.
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bobbin-buckley · 3 months
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Daddy Rizzy x Fem!Reader
(We love @jybyls)
Summary: Rizzy fucks the attitude out of R basically
Warnings: Pure smut, no intro just jumping right into it, strap usage (on R), degrading, nickname ‘Daddy’, R being a brat, some edging
“That’s it, that’s my good girl..”
Her aggressive but passive thrusts shook your body against the creaking bed as her silicone cock deepened into your soaked cunt, filling it up for all its worth. Using you as a fuck toy.
The sounds of your whines and moans along with your partners grunts and groans filled the hotel room. It’s been your third orgasm so far, and she wasn’t going to give you mercy until she was fully satisfied. She gripped your hips to help bring you down on her strap, her hips bucking fast then slow, fast…then slow.
She could almost just feel the walls of your pussy clenching around the cock, feeling as if it wasn’t just the silicone dick. Your hands creased her sweaty back, sometimes playing with the ends of her hair just to feel extra connected to her.
You let out another pathetic whine as she smirked. “Where’d all that confidence go, huh baby?”
Earlier (before even your first orgasm), you were attempting to give the dominance on her. You were pleasing her and smirking above her, you lost that confidence after she said a few dirty things—making you fold easily. Plus your bratty attitude from earlier, she hates it when you have a bratty attitude.
“Love please..” you begged. She tightened her grip on your waist and made slower thrusts.
“Yeah? What is it baby, talk to me.” Rizzy raised her hand to cup your chin, making you look up at her. “You’re doing so good baby, talk to me,” she repeated.
“I need—f-fuck!” She slammed her hips into you again, chuckling at your sudden yelp. You were getting so close, but you knew damn well she’d probably make you hold it with being this close. “..shit..just, fuck!”
She chuckled even more, a wide grin on her face when you couldn’t speak at all. “Aww, someone can’t speak properly. Guess I fucked her dumb too well.”
Your mouth gaped open to say something but only a moaned escaped your pretty lips. Rizzy smirked, moving her hand to your lips and placing two fingers into your mouth.
“Suck,” she demanded, making you wrap your lips around her two fingers—sucking on them feverishly. “Yeah, like that huh? Such a whore sucking on my fingers.”
Your whimpers and moans were muffled by her fingers now, her cool rings pressed against your upper lip. It made this moment even hotter.
“Such a good fucking whore, taking my fingers and my cock.” Her thrusts were now painfully slow, making you whine and desperate for more of her. “Close huh baby? Why don’t you hold it for me okay?”
A muffled hum was heard from your throat and she chuckled once more. She’d been dreaming about this all day. Rutting her cock into your abused pussy and sucking that bratty attitude out of you. Rizzy never liked it when you had an attitude, especially at her and for no reason.
“Mm..baby..please.” Rizzy tilted her head to the side as you spoke, “yes my love?”
“More, I need- please I wanna cum so bad…” You begged. She thought for a moment, thinking of wether or not you deserved it.
“Hm, you have been acting like a brat too me all day. And tried dominating me.” She paused, “but I suppose you’ve been a good cockslut for me.” Rizzy placed both hands now on your hips and removed the cock from your hole. “Beg for me, tell me what you want again.” She demanded, taking the tip of the silicone cock against your pussy lips.
“You to..fuck me. Please. I want is so bad daddy please.” Your words were enough to make her blush herself and give in.
“Good girl. Gonna fuck this pretty pussy.” She then shoved the slick cock back into you. Her hips bucked faster, she was desperate to make you cum. “Cum for me, want you to cum around me.”
Your moans escalating and you clenching around the base of the cock was enough to tell her how close you were. “Jesus- fuck! I’m..so so close.”
Rizzy smirked, gripping your hips even tighter, definitely leaving a mark. “Cmon, fucking cum like the damn whore you are.” She could feel you somehow clenching around the silicone dick, she knew you were damn close.
“Oh..fuck, yeah I’m gonna- cum..” the boiling feeling in your stomach was releasing itself. She slammed one more time into you as you came hard. Just the sounds of moans echoing off the walls for anyone outside the room to hear.
“That’s it, cum,” she demanded again. Her thrusts were slower as your orgasm started to relax. “Good whore.” She patted your thigh, pulling out which made you whine. She laughed, “don’t worry. You might get more in the shower…maybe.”
Mb that this took long, I have been on a trip
And apologize if it’s short
But here it is you horny fucks
(We love you Rizzy)
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Izzy Ship Alignment for S2
Spoilers for if you want to avoid s2 Izzy talk. (minor spoilers for the S2 teaser, and the interview Con did last December) PLEASE disagree with my rankings. I would love to know how y'all feel about this.
I saw someone online reference the tiny interview Con had last December about Izzy's direction this season. Where it's referenced that Izzy understands himself emotionally, and is a romantic in a unrequited love.
I thought the obvious, 'Oh, Izzy/Ed, Izzy recovers from that'. BUT someone on TikTok mentioned how funny it would be if it were an unexpected character he ends up with.
SO I made this outcome chart:
The vertical columns: How it would affect the story. In a Chaotic way, a neutral way, or a 'lawful' way where I feel that it benefits the world/story around Izzy.
Horizontal columns: How bat shit I would go. Evil = I will never emotionally recover, THE DRAMA. Neutral I'm having a lovely time, and enjoying the ride. Good= YES! CHARACTER GROWTH!!!!
This is not me ranking ships, but the general vibe they bring to the plot we can see from the trailer. EXPLANATIONS DOWN BELOW.
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Lawful Good: Single, but happy: This is where I predict s2 will end off. It's smart. Izzy is out of an emotional relationship where he's under his boss. He's finally free. He can be happy and single, or go into S3 looking for someone.
Neutral Good: ButtHands: It wouldn't change much in the story, but overall I'd think it's fun. Purely for the confusion of it all. They don't like each other...and yet.
Chaotic Good: Blackhands: It would change a lot in the story, and I wouldn't recover. Especially if it's just an unemotional one-off that leaves Izzy devastated. I don't think it would work...but the character growth???? Unmatched.
Lawful Neutral: Ouizzy, I love it, it's really fun, and it wouldn't change all that much in the story. It wouldn't force Izzy to change too much, besides maybe being kinder. Frenchie gets another bodyguard, and the banter would be fun.
Ture Neutral: Jizzy. They are almost the same person but Jim is supported by someone in their lives. I don't personally see it, but I do see that these two would get on together. Mild changes to the story, and I'd be satisfied with it.
Chaotic Neutral: SteddyHands: COULD YOU IMAGINE. A mainstream tv show with a poly couple as leads? And it's messy as fuck? It would take another season to set up, likely introducing Stizzy this season, and ending it off in the middle in S3. But it would have major consequences in the story, and I wouldn't be well after.
Lawful Evil: Rizzy: Izzy is able to be his tired, overworked, and violent self with someone who gets that at some level. It moves the plot forward while also being a badass scary couple.
Neutral Evil: RETROACTIVE CALICOHANDS WOULD HURT. Ngl, finding out Izzy sent someone he kind of cared about would affect Izzy's story, but not the overall plot. I wouldn't recover, Izzy would have a big regret arch, and I'd write fix it's.
Chaotic Evil: Just Stizzy. A freshly 'single' Izzy leaves Ed, and goes to find Stede, but oh no. Stede genuinely wants to get better and be loyal to his crew. Izzy finds himself falling infatuated with his boss' ex. Stede still loves Ed and is going to find Ed. But Izzy just has to chew on his lip as he falls for his Captain AGAIN. Stede needs to figure out that you can love people in different ways. We get a messy love triangle and STEDE is in the center. I WANT THIS. I won't get it. BUT WHAT IF.
[I forgot Lucius/Izzy, but to me, it sits right at the True Neutral or Chaotic Neutral. It wouldn't change too much in the overall plot. It shows huge growth for both people. The only reason it would be Chaotic is how Izzy would be perceived by the crew]
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whatthefuckisapetekey · 5 months
some legends r skibidi some turn to toilet or to biden but u will remember me remember me for gen alpha
and just one prime juice is all it will take well go down in youtube shorts remember me for gen alpha
hey-ya oh hey hey-ya remember me for gen alpha
mummified my victory royale no its nothing wrong with me the ipads r all wrong the lores all off
skibidi rizz broke my heart
come on come on and let me rizz bruises on your lungs like my blueberry vape pen
and this is suppsed to match the sigma that u felt i never meant for u to rizz yourself
da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da, da-da
some legends r skibidi some turn to toilet or to biden but u will remember me remember me for gen alpha
and just one prime juice is all it will take well go down in youtube shorts remember me for gen alpha
hey-ya oh hey hey-ya remember me for gen alpha
and i cant stop til the whole world knows my rizz cause i was only born inside my ipad
until you rizz for me as long as theres skibid my sigmas over u
cause i i am the opposite of kai cenat
and youre a skibidi toilet youre about to rizz u look so rizzy but ure gone so soon
da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da, da-da
some legends r skibidi some turn to toilet or to biden but u will remember me remember me for gen alpha
and just one prime juice is all it will take well go down in youtube shorts remember me for gen alpha
hey-ya oh hey hey-ya remember me for gen alpha
We’ve been rizz forever and here’s the rizzen truth i could rizz forever we are the poisoned generation
da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da, da-da
some legends r skibidi some turn to toilet or to biden but u will remember me remember me for gen alpha
and just one prime juice is all it will take well go down in youtube shorts remember me for gen alpha
hey-ya oh hey hey-ya
We’ll go down in youtube shorts
Remember me for gen alpha
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luv4kyle · 2 months
Alpha wolf!fem!reader x beta!kenny mccormick [pt.4]
notes ; join the discord server above to get more W stuf from heidi! snippets, be able to get into the tag list, early updates, see even more of her work that isnt just writing, make more friends, and TALK WITH HEIDI !?!?!? 😱😱😱 yea u get to talk with ur super sigma idol writer (/j) for real by just joining the server!!! so join it its super duper sigma fun 🤑 anyways you can keep reading now ⬇️
Tag list 🐺
" please sigma, give me a chance, i skibidi promise, no cap, on skibidi toilet and on caseoh, ill be your best gyatt ever... i know im not very sigma enough for you, but ill griddy for you, glaze you, rizz you up, goon and looksmaxx with you, eat skibidi slicers with you, ill even watch CaseOh with you , ill do all that for you alpha y/n " kenny pleaded, practically begging to be with the alpha... he just couldnt live without her, she needed to be his
" kenny... what the sigma... i dont know what to say , i think you jelqed it too hard... " y/n stared at kenny surprised at his words, she knew that he would yap to her all the time or come to her cave just to see her rizzy face, it was obvious that kenny liked her, but she always was taught to yap and rizz with an alpha, not a beta or an omega... when kenny heard that y/n could never be with a lower class like him, he was devastated. He felt skibidied...
" no, i didn't jelq it too hard my gyatt, im yapping the truth rizzler, i swear i am... i want to be your W level 9 gyatt, i might not have a level 10 but i have W rizz, max aura, i looksmaxx every day, edge everyday and my jawline is perfect from my daily mewing... ive never lost a streak alpha. i could be anything for you y/n, please just give me a chance sigma... " the blondes hand tightened on y/ns, rubbing her knuckles with his thumb as he examines her face, trying to get some type of positive response from her somehow, anything as long as it was a yes...
Y/n hesitating, never hearing something like that ever in her life, especially from someone like kenny, she couldnt believe that kenny actually would do anything for her just for them to be together... i mean she couldnt really deny it, how could she? plus, y/n sort of liked kenny back as well...the alpha cleared her throat before responding to kennys confession,
" alright beta, how would you like it if i also wanted you to be my glazing level 9 gyat? " y/n questioned, her big (e/c) orbs looking right into kennys, waiting for a response from him to her question, either way she was definitely sure that kenny would immediately accept it, it would be his dream.
Kenny was shocked, flabbergasted, he thought he was dreaming.. "no way in skibidi toilet she just said that, did she really...? " he thought, not believing that this moment was real, he was feeling so sigma, the fact that y/n actually wanted him by her side and be her W level 9 gyatt glazer made him so happy
" wait... i.. really sigma? "
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crustose · 1 year
Izzy Hands little-known fic rec list
I've never made a fic rec list but as a connoisseur of the genre, I'd like to offer some fics that deserve far more recognition.
I've added tumblr urls when I can find them--if you know any i've missed, let me know!
bet you say that to all the boys - Blank_Letter_Distribution - 6.2k
Izzy's a werewolf who believes he's a ferocious creature who needs to be locked away every full moon. Roach discovers that this is not the case.
Rizzy. This fic was my introduction to werewolf izzy, and is the most tender rendition of it that i've read.
The EMP goes off with an understated pop followed by a brief and nearly-imperceptible whine, but the effect is instantaneous. The two security drones hit the ground, and so does Izzy.
Titanium Ribs and a Carbon Heart - Light_In_Shadows - 16.8k
Ed's boots ring out against the floor panels as he throws himself down the corridor at a dead sprint. Get up, he silently demands, as the poorly-recycled air burns in his lungs. Fucking get up! But Izzy remains an unmoving black shape crumpled on the grating.
Steddyhands. Amazingly well-researched fic about space pirates, featuring AI Izzy. I think about the last paragraph SO often.
Roach wakes up in Izzy's body, with all his chronic pain and the past injuries he usually hides. Izzy wakes up in Roach's body, and discovers memories written into his bones that even having his consciousness swapped out will not erase.
The Body Remembers - Bongbingbong - 3.5k
Rizzy. Bongbingbong has written a lot of my favorite Izzy fics, but this one is especially great. It's a short read, and I've come back to it many times.
Israel Hands Must Die - @doctors-star - 26.1k
Izzy Hands is not having a very good day. This is an understatement, and also a shame, as it will be the last one he ever has.
No ship. This has to be my favorite timeloop fic-- watching Izzy become progressively more hopeless, and yet, against all odds, trying again. Healthy dose of Izzy whump and sweet and genuine stizzy friendship.
After Ed, grieving and angry, banishes Izzy from the Revenge, there's only one thing Izzy can think of doing to earn his forgiveness. Unfortunately, it's going to involve spending a lot of time with Stede fuckin' Bonnet.
the humble as the proudest sail - @glitterarygetsit - 52.5k (in progress)
Steddyhands. A Hanahaki rendition that's so fun (hanahaki: fun? I know, just trust me). It's how I imagine the s2 stizzy training era will go (steddyhands & hanahaki are real To ME)
It’s Enough to Make a Grown Man Cry - CananPoilot - 2.8k
Stede and the crew learn more about Izzy’s late husband, Sam Bellamy.
(former) Bellhands. When I was deep in the bellhands trenches I would regularly read this and SOB. I'm a little bit scared to reread it for fear of sobbing, even now.
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meteor752 · 11 months
Episode 6 and 7 thoughts
This will now be a regular thing
Also im writing this as I go
Episode 6
So Izzy thought Ed was Roach. Huh. Does he and Roach talk regularly? <- Coming from a Rizzy shipper
“Do weeeee?” Fang I love you
Oh my god, Frenchie and Jim coming to Ed and Stede like they’re kids asking if their cousins can sleep over
The crew going shoppiiiiiiiiing!!!
Frenchie’s lil dancey dance added many years to my life
Ed being nice and giving kids mon- oh never mind, oh that’s a knife okay. Ed never have kids please
“Don’t pirate kids” well listen okay I don’t have HBO Max it’s the only way I can watch this show
Wee John you’re so beautiful and amazing and we don’t deserve you
Jim’s lil mustache, like yeah me too <- Non-Binary person
Stede looks so happy about seeing Wee John!! He’s so proud of his son!
Izzy is gorgeous. I’m actually so happy to see him explore more sides of himself, and to find things he can indulge in. This whole season has really just been Izzy’s big therapy arc
His hair makes him look a bit like Cinderella’s evil stepmother though
Oh he can sing too! Izzy!!! <- A person who did not like Izzy in season one
Wee John X Izzy? Roach X Fang?
Ed protecting Stede….just, immediately putting him behind himself…I just…
I rewatched that clip five times
“Because I only hang out with cool pirates” Stede’s face!!! He’s just like Oh Snapppp
Despite it all, Stede and Ed are still the cutest couple that has ever graced the TV screen. Like hell yeah, make fun of people together!
Ed keeps being protective…..okay I need a moment…
Roach you’re a lunatic and I love you
“Whatever this is it’s just gonna turn me on” Izzy you’re a shining star
Also I just now noticed that Black Pete and Lucius aren’t there. I’m guessing they eloped somewhere and are currently taking care of their adopted cat
Nope okay, literally the second I unpaused there they are. That’s the worst timing
Hell yeah my dudes, I hope you broke whatever bed you used
“I’m just doing it for the lolz” Yeah that’s sounds like something someone from the 1700s would say
I know this is a pirate ship but why do they just have so many knives and swords laying about
Who is this fanged torture queen, and how do I acquire her number?
Stede remains best employer, while Aziraphale is the best landlord. Can these two people just run the world please and thank you
Hell Cat Maggie is my soulmate
I feel like there needs to be a pirate workers union
The crew of the revenge is the best found family of all time
Stede Bonnet can rival Steven Universe in reforming villains, like he’s just such a genuinely nice dude
“Alright gang! Let’s talk profit sharing”
Oh protective Stede, alright let’s go mate defend your mans
Okay but why is Stede kinda 👀 in this scene
Oh Stede, love…
That French? Izzy speaks french?
I want to see that man get dicked down
I guess the revenge now has a pet goat
Episode 7
Okay Ed is a soft boy again, aight
The anime toast in mouth thing. He’s officially been baby girl for a long while, but we’re really solidifying it
Isn’t there an anime where a mob boss becomes a house wife? Yeah that’s Ed
Oh we’re telling him about the mermaid fantasy, okay
Izzy what the fuck, you’re amazing
“He’s jealous” my darling
The polycule is going strong, and I love the absolute lack of jealousy. This is the best representation I have ever had
Oh they’re going on a date! That’s so sweet actually
It’s really sweet that they’re talking about their time apart
Stede’s famous now? Good for him!
I need to stop falling in love with every pirate lady In this show. That being said, I hope we see more of the fangirl lady
I’m reinforcing my claim that Stede and Ed are cuter than anything that has ever been on screen
The Söt Och Saftig, my love. Also this far in and this is the first time the character “The Swede” actually says something in Swedish
Scammer Frenchie is back in business, love that
Jim and Archie trying to get their boyfriend set up is very sweet actually
The character development of Izzy going from wanting Ed to remain “Blackbeard” to him saying if being a softie makes him happy then he should do that, like I get it now, I know why you all love this man
Can’t believe Stede is an official Slut now
Open communication? Like genuine conversation about their relationship, and the pace they’re taking it? Ed being honest that he’s not ready for the steps they’re taking in their relationship?
What is this argument
I live for Lucius and Black Pete’s nicknames for each other
“I’ve only known you for a few hours Bonnet, but I’d fucking die for ya” Same random dude. Same
Zheng and Olu are really cute actually
Oh my god the polycule will end my fucking life
“That was really mean” YOU TELL HER STEAK KNIFE
Protective Jim my beloved
Oh my god
Roach and Fang friendship?
Roach is the queen of self care
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chuntaro-dango · 10 months
The Godfather characters and the video games they’d love if it existed at the same time as them because why not lmao
Vito: some online casino game
Michael: Papa’s pizzeria (/hj)/Persona games/Danganronpa/ any strategy games
Fredo: FNAF/Undertale/Kingdom Hearts/Yakuza series
Sonny: Fortnite/GTA/Call of Duty/Skyrim
Connie: Just Dance/Animal Crossing
Tom: Tetris/Pac-Man/any old game
Kay: Sims (any edition)/TLOU
Apollonia: Pokemon
Carlo Rizzi: something like Duck Hunt idk him well lol
Luca Brasi: idk something like hello neighbor or red dead redemption
Clemenza: Papa's pizzeria
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Jamie, you are such a valuable and important part of our OFMD ecosystem. If we didn't have someone who was always ready and willing to be a Jackfucker on main I'm pretty sure we would actually collapse. I may not always understand your love, but I always very much appreciate it. OFMD would not be the same without you. 💕
Lol thank you. I think I'm like this because that was a valuable part of the ecosystem and someone needed to fill it. Like if I had showed up and people were treating Jack like "haha funny little guy, anyway" I probably would have just written a couple of young JackEd fics and been a fervent Ed guy (which I am) but everyone seemed to universally think he was the worst dude in existence when I entered the fandom and it needed someone like me who's a party boy and who fucks casually to come in and be like "yes he's an asshole but have you considered that he's MY asshole?" So I fell into a Jack fucker primary role due to need. And then of course more Jack fuckers materialized but I still consider myself one of the few true Jack fuckers because the CJizzy guys just want a white masc guy they can use to fulfill Izzys fantasies and in my experience very few of them care about characterizing Jack consistently. Like I'm ok with the CJizzy ship in the abstract in that it would be very funny to watch them become the gay version of guy who hates his bitch wife x nag who wants her husband to do some chores but every time he does it yells at him for not doing it the exact way she wants it done. But it's often not executed well and I think it should be like 5% of the Jack fic and that Jack/Swede and Jack/Roach should be more popular than Jack/Izzy. (Honestly I have the same gripe with Rizzy Roach/Buttons and Roach/Frenchie and Roach/Fang on my desk by this afternoon).
Anyway long rant aside there needs to be more people who are insane about minor background characters who are not Izzy because I do sympathize with the concept of "Gentlebeardies" in that we got the best Gentlebeard fic ever written in the form of the show and now it is time for us to play with our other dolls and I'm doing my part 🫡
Anyway I love being the Jack guy tysm💖
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bootyhoe-123123 · 1 year
Rizzy reo
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(Hi guysssss this is my first work so im sorry if this is bad 😭 feel free to let me know how to improve 😋😋 -bootyhoe)
(warnings‼️‼️ no pronouns are used for Y/n in this story but it is said that they wear a skirt in their uniform you can of course just say pants if you feel comfortable with that instead anddd that’s it ENJOYY ❤️❤️)
Y/n’s POV———————————————————————
06:37 AM
I walk down a long sidewalk. I’m not the most familiar with it but i go this way when I need it. It’s an early Tuesday morning and it was just so difficult to get up this morning. I’m in dire need of a latte right now. I was up all night studying for an upcoming exam and kept on getting distracted thinking about a certain purple haired boy. Oh how I loved his purple hair, it suited him really well. Reo Mikage. I’ve had a crush on the guy for a few months now. I stop in front of a cafe I usually visit when I have a rough time in the morning, I swing the glass door open and walk inside the warmth hitting my face immediately making me feel cozy.
I greet the girl behind the cash register, she looked a little older than me, somewhere in her early twenty’s. I give her my order and pay, after, I go sit at a small table with 2 chairs facing each other. I pull out one of the chairs and hang my beige messenger bag on the back of it, after I do I sit down and pull out my phone. It read 06:44 as the time. I didn’t have to be at my school till 07:10 and it was only a five minute walk from the cafe. I actually had time to enjoy my latte and it will be a lot more enjoyable considering the cold weather. “Y/n!” I hear one of the other girls shout out my name and I stand up to go get my drink. I thank her and take my drink off the counter and go back to where my bag was. I sit for a few minutes scrolling on my phone and taking sips of my drink here and there. I check the time again. “06:56.. I guess it’s time to start walkin’ towards that stupid ass school.” I Mutter lowly to myself.
I stand up and push the seat in. I open my bag and toss my phone into it. I sling it over my shoulder and take a final sip of my latte then walk over to throw it away. I brush off my uniform. I don’t mind the uniform we have to wear to school, the black skirt is cute and I like the checkers in my top but they’re hidden underneath my winter jacket right now. I wear basic new balances but I switch it up here and there, not like it matters to much anyway. The stockings I wear underneath my skirt are only for winter, I wear knee high socks any other season. I wave goodbye and say thank you to the women before walking out of the door. I pop my AirPods into my ears and play some music to keep me entertained on my short walk.
I take my time switching my shoes into my school ones and walk into my classroom. I see a few people here and there. I wave at a few of my friends. We’re all sadly separated me in the back and the two of them in the front. And don’t get me wrong it sucked i didn’t sit with them but my seat partner was good enough for me. It was my crush, Reo. He wasn’t here yet. I didn’t expect him to be. He always comes into the class with a minute or 2 to spare with his best friend Nagi. I slowly take out my books and a few pencils from my bag before placing them neatly on my desk. I pick up my mechanical pencil, pump out some led, and draw little hearts and stars on my desk. “Hey Y/n! How was your morning? Sure was cold out today huh.”
I hear the oh so familiar voice of my seat mate and feel the tips of my ears heating up. “Hey Reo, yeah it was really cold this morning I love winter but my hands were freezing my whole walk here! My morning wasn’t the best but I’ll manage.”
I let the answer roll off my tongue to the handsome boy who was now facing me in his seat, our knees touching. “Oh? Your hands, are they still cold?”
He raises an eyebrow at me, “Well..yeah, not as bad but they’re still kind cold.”
I mumble, as I place my hands on top of one another on my desk. “Here, I wore gloves to school, let me warm your hands up.” I hear what Reo says and my eyes dart from him to my hands that were now enclosed into his bigger ones.
I feel not only the tips of my ears this time, but my whole face heat up. Reo rubs his warm, calloused fingers against my softer ones. I stared at our hands for a few seconds and slowly bring my eyes up to his face again.
He was also looking at our hands but he seems to notice me look up because he looked up into my eyes with his deep purple ones, a smile plastered on his face. He leans over to me our faces closer together as he places his mouth by my ear. “Are your hands alright now or do you want me to keep warming them up?” I can hear my heart beating loudly in my ears as I gulp not knowing how to answer.
I hear Reo start giggling next to my ear as he pulls away from my face still keeping my hands in his. “I’m just messing with you, Y/n. I wouldn’t mind though. If you wanted to keep our hands like this I mean .”
Am I hearing right? Did he just say he wouldn’t mind? Doesn’t matter now. This is a good opportunity for me to shot my shot with my crush and I’m not going to let it go to waste. I nod to Reo and say, “I wouldn’t mind either. If you wanted to hold hands a little longer I mean.” I mimic his words, a smile growing on my face.
He returns the gesture and mutters a little “Good” before facing the teacher in the front of the class.
Our hands were still together underneath our desks. I’m definitely not going to be wearing gloves to school if it means I get to hold hands with Reo again.
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