#and reproductive healthcare is lacking
themusicofthespheres · 4 months
socialist tip: join a knitting circle. those ladies are one john oliver monologue away from revolution
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sweatermuppet · 7 months
What is it like being trans in New Hampshire? I'm trans in Maine and generally consider NH the black sheep of New England when it comes to queer politics. Some of my trans friends consider it a no-stop zone on our roadtrips.
uh it's pretty fine for me. i get kinda sad when people say NH isnt trans friendly (a sentiment ive seen a lot lately). i had an openly transitioning teacher in high school. i had many gay teachers in high school. i was one of the first kids to transition openly at my school & there were a lot of struggles but it was also 6+ years ago & mostly teachers were under-educated & didn't know how to protect me. i got in a fight & suspended over a kid who was transphobic toward me, but i was allowed to use the boy's bathroom & locker room & all of my core teachers were pretty good about using my name & pronouns
i have multiple trans friends, just locally, & know other trans people a little further out in NH from following them on IG. some pretty decent art scenes in various towns & those are LGBT-dense. one of my trans friends started estrogen yesterday (prescription thru informed consent). i will say in my experience, NH healthcare is lacking for transsexuals—it's been easier for me to go thru Massachusetts or NH planned parenthoods, but ive been able to receive treatment fairly easily (cost being one of the only major negative factors)
as for people, a lot of folks kind of don't care? there are of course republicans & conservatives & a disheartening amount of libertarians, but in my day to day, it's mostly "live free or die" & if you're not hurting anyone, it's not too big of a deal. some of the republicans in my life (like friends' dads) have the attitude of "well i don't get it" but they still call me silas & are generally alright with me, aren't hostile towards me
i see trans flags pretty often. i saw a bumper sticker last month that was the shape of NH completely colored in with the trans flag. there are a bunch of coffee shops & bookstores & artsy places nearby i can think of that employ trans people, house trans art, etc
recently, anti-trans & anti-LGBT bills have been introduced & passed in NH. two passed last month, which can be read about here. i saw some pretty disgusting sentiments shared about those bills on twitter when they were introduced. those make it harder to exist here, but it's not impossible & it does not immediately make all residents hostile toward transsexuals. i don't want people to abandon NH because they think it's too far gone or too hopeless. trans people will always exist in every state & every country & every corner, no matter how hostile those places become
people here love me, regardless of how political parties view me. people here fight for me. there are trans people & Black people & disabled people here who are more vulnerable than me who i want to stay & fight for & protect. if you'd like to learn more about diversity in NH & how to protect various human rights, here are some orgs i am familiar with:
NH PANTHERS (anti-racism advocacy & education)
Queer-Lective (art, education, & connection)
Black Lives Matter NH
GLSEN NH (LGBT resources & education for schools/teachers/students)
Reproductive Freedom Fund of NH (abortion fund, sex ed, LGBT advocacy)
603 Equality (LGBT advocacy & education)
Lovering Health Center (reproductive care, LGBT education, gender affirming care for NH, MA, & ME)
Black Heritage Trail of NH (Black history)
ACLUNH (civil liberties + human rights)
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 5 months
is it. like. a problem if i can't orgasm/never have?
hi anon,
well. that depends.
if you can't orgasm as a result of some kind of reproductive health problem, complications caused by other health issues, hormonal imbalances, or mental health issues, then yeah, your lack of orgasms can probably safely be considered a symptom of a larger issue that deserves care and treatment.
sometimes people experience a decreased range of sexual pleasure because of certain medications. if this is the case, it's very likely that you can have a chat with your healthcare provider about adjusting your prescription to try to be a little more cum-friendly.
if you're not having orgasms because sex is a deeply unpleasant experience for you and your partner or partners are consistently failing to give a shit about you and what you want out of sex, then that's also a problem, which can be solved by throwing the whole partner in the trash or, if you're feeling generous, having a very firm talk about what you want and need from sex.
now, here's the big one: if, in the absence of all of these other circumstances, you're having a lovely time jacking off alone and/or having partnered sex that's totally rad and you are just incidentally not having an orgasm, that's actually pretty fine.
lots of people have a hard time having an orgasm, especially with a partner, and you actually don't have to give a shit about it if you don't want to. I've told almost every sexual partner I've ever that they're probably not going to make me finish and that it's completely fine by me, because the fun part of sex is actually everything else leading up to that. it's an optional flourish at the end, just one hyper-specific little muscle spasm that doesn't make or break any sexual encounter. the fastest way to make sure sex is zero fun is wondering why your body isn't reacting exactly the way you think it should, which historically very few bodies have ever done, ever. mechanically, it's not really any different than a sneeze. for the love of god, don't let that define your sex life for you.
so. up to you to figure out which of these, if any, are relevant to you, and if it's a problem.
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rjalker · 3 months
Edit: to clarify, (since I wrote this while overheating from lack of AC during a heatwave):
If you require access to gynecological care or abortions, you by definition do not have access to male privilege, because having male privilege means you are not subject to systemic misogyny, including medical misogyny.
Radical feminists love to pretend that trans men magically gain male privilege the instant they begin identifying as men, because radical feminists don't give a single flying shit about how the world actually works. Misogyny exists. Transmisia exists. No one is going to give you a free pass to get an abortion just because you don't identify as a woman. No one's gonna give you free and accessible gynecological care just because you don't identify as a woman.
The people who are standing outside the abortion clinic threatening to shoot anyone who goes in aren't gonna apologize and wave you in because you tell them you're not actually a woman.
The fact is that being a trans man makes it even more difficult to access reproductive and gynecological care, especially if you don't "look" like a woman anymore.
Trans men and any other trans people who need access to abortions and gynecological care do not benefit from male privilege because male privilege inherently precludes the necessity for accessing """"women's healthcare"""""". People who actually have male privilege are never going to need to get an abortion. They're never going to need to go to the gynecologist. They're never going to be told that they're a horrible child murderer for having a miscarriage or an abortion.
If you could ever need to get an abortion, something that is literally illegal in many parts of the US, you by definition literally do not have male privilege. Because if your bodily autonomy is controlled and made illegal by the patriarchy you by definition don't have male privilege.
If your ""feminism"" can't even grasp the most basic realities of how systemic misogyny works in the real world outside the fantasy version in your head where gender identities work like Pokemon types and simply identifying as a man gives you access to all aspects of male privilege and removes all barriers put in place by misogyny that's been going on for hundreds of years, you're not a feminist, you're just a misogynist who's putting a progressive spin on it.
Trans people who are subject to systemic misogyny inherently, by definition, do not have male privilege.
If you literally refuse to acknowledge the systemic medical misogyny that exists in the real world in your campaign to demonize and shit on trans men, you just need to admit you're not actually a feminist. The right to an abortion is one of the most blatant issues that feminists have been fighting for for decades. And you people want to pretend it's magically not a form of oppression as soon as the victims are trans people who don't identify as women.
Stop ignoring the reality of systemic misogyny in your quest to hate trans men. You are literally not helping anyone except the misogynists who are taking away our rights in the first place.
If you're literally willing to argue that needing access to abortions, which can get you arrested or murdered or both, isn't an issue for feminism, you're just a fucking hateful misogynists like any other conservative.
original post which I thought was clearer than it actually is but is actually extremely unclear and confusing:
people who have male privilege don't need access to abortions or gynecological care. you'd think this would be obvious, and yet….
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enbycrip · 10 months
I am pro-kid because I am pro-human, and kids are people. No matter how much social bullshit tries to say they are not.
No one asked to be here. Everyone deserves a loving, gentle, safe childhood; and the world is actively a much worse place because that idea is somehow controversial.
Active hostility towards kids also *massively* entrenches the inequality birthing and feeding parents experience. If you really hate kids but you don’t hate women and people read as women, sell treating kids like people to yourself on fighting misogyny. And consider that hating any group of marginalised people for their marginalisation is bigotry.
You don’t have to like kids en masse. You *certainly* don’t need to have them if you don’t want to, or to babysit kids if you don’t feel comfortable doing so.
But you *do* have a responsibility to treat kids like people, including accommodating their needs. Don’t be a dick to kids you meet in the wild, and don’t be a dick to parents because their kids are acting like kids.
And be aware of the intersections of privilege when you are considering kids in public. Kids who are getting in your way in public spaces are likely to be doing that because of poverty, frankly. Very few parents *want* to take their young kids on a long ride on public transport, especially if said kids are clearly either tired and cranky or full of energy that public transport is a shitty environment to release it on. If they are doing this, it is likely because they have no other options.
And please don’t make the disingenuous “they chose to have kids” argument; horribly, bodily autonomy is not a given for birthing parents. About a third of births in “western countries” are unplanned. There is lack of access to birth control and reproductive healthcare and there are controlling partners (manipulation through sex and reproduction is a favoured tactic for far too many abusers).
A 3 year old having a meltdown is doing it because of their developmental stage and because their basic needs aren’t being met. It’s not deliberate and it’s not under their control. Being a dick about that as exactly as bigoted as behaving that way towards a disabled person who isn’t being accommodated either.
I’m physically disabled and neurodivergent. My adult brother is neurodivergent and learning disabled. I’ve seen a lifetime of people who hate kids hating disabled people too. Including too many privileged disabled people, frankly. There is absolutely such a thing as a clash of accessibility needs, but vocal hatred of other marginalised people, or being a dick to them, because their needs clash with yours is Not Okay.
I am also pro-old people for the exact same reasons I am pro-kid. Because they are all people, and marginalised people at that.
Childhood and old age are the times people living in economically-exploited classes experience the most poverty, because age, and the lack of capacity for economic exploitation that accompanies both old age and childhood, is a characteristic that people are marginalised for.
We live in a society here. We are communal creatures. We have a basic responsibility to be decent to other people, including people who are marginalised and dehumanised, and that includes kids and old people.
If you are organising, including kids and providing childcare is as essential as accessibility. If you don’t, you are literally entrenching the same power dynamics you claim to be organising against. This is a huge fucking problem on the left, and it’s one thing the second wave feminists got entirely right, despite all their other issues.
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nerdyqueerandjewish · 7 months
Idk how universal this is maybe it’s because my mom was a teen mom and I grew up in an area where unplanned pregnancy / lack of access to reproductive healthcare was a big issue, but I feel like there has to be a way to talk to teenagers about safer sex and pregnancy that doesn’t make you feel guilty and bad when you do decide to have a family.
Like, in the mid 2000s there was also all this fear mongering about teens getting pregnant on purpose / making “pregnancy pacts” and I feel like my sex ed was like “even if you think you want to have kids right now you don’t actually” which… was probably true if any middle and high schoolers wanted that but 1) genuinely don’t believe that any actually did 2) I feel like reality checks can be given in a way that aren’t “I know you better than you know yourself” 3) if a teenager gets pregnant, no matter how accidental or on purpose it was, it’s still their body and their child and denying them agency in making such important decisions about that is extremely cruel and unjust.
Anyway now I’m 30 and I still feel like I’m going to be scolded for wanting to have kids. When I went to my doctor to talk about it, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I’d be told that I wasn’t mature enough and that I was being silly and would ruin my life. I’m still nervous about my family’s reaction. Because it’s not like the magic age of being 18 changes people’s thoughts on it, and there’s no defined point when someone is “grown up” enough to make these kind of decisions. And it is so cultural and context dependent - on the other side of my family where people have kids in their early and mid 20s I’m basically an old maid and people give me sad looks and say “don’t worry … someday it could still happen.” But even on that side of the family, pregnancy announcements are usually met with skepticism and negativity.
It seems like no matter what the norms around it are, there’s a message of undercutting the notion that people should make decisions for themselves, and it is multiplied as the person is marginalized.
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Things to script - nature or status of realities
This is something I recently started inputting into my DRs to make them better and safe. I got much help from ChatGPT too to categorize all these things. I wanted to share it with you guys too :) feel free to use anything for your scripts. Happy Shifting!!!
All of the below discriminations does not exist in any of my DRs
Environmental injustice
Religious discrimination
Ethnic discrimination
Discrimination based on immigration status
Discrimination based on language
Discrimination based on nationality
Discrimination based on indigenous status
Discrimination based on political beliefs
Discrimination based on marital status
Discrimination based on parental status
Discrimination based on veteran status
Discrimination based on HIV/AIDS status
Discrimination based on neurodiversity
Discrimination based on mental health status
Discrimination based on physical appearance
Discrimination based on cultural practices
Discrimination based on regional or geographical origin
Discrimination based on caste or social status
Discrimination based on educational background
Discrimination based on housing status
Discrimination based on criminal record
Discrimination based on economic status
Discrimination based on access to healthcare
Discrimination based on access to education
Discrimination based on access to employment opportunities
All of the below issues have been solved many years ago and they do not exist in the times of any of my DRs
Economic inequality
Environmental degradation
Climate change
Political instability
Armed conflicts
Civil wars
Humanitarian crises
Global health challenges
Infectious diseases
Inadequate healthcare systems
Lack of access to essential medicines
Educational disparities
Limited access to quality education
Child labor
Child marriage
Gender inequality
Women's rights violations
Child labor
Human trafficking
Forced labor
Modern slavery
Lack of transparency
Ineffective governance
Authoritarian regimes
Suppression of free speech
Violations of human rights
Arbitrary detention
Indigenous rights violations
Land grabs
Cultural appropriation
Technological and digital divides
Ethical dilemmas in technology
Privacy concerns
Data breaches
Cybersecurity threats
Food insecurity
Water scarcity
Access to clean water
Sanitation issues
Housing affordability
Urbanization challenges
Aging population
Elder abuse
Mental health stigma
Lack of access to mental health services
Substance abuse
Disability rights violations
Accessibility barriers
Stigmatization of disabilities
LGBTQ+ rights violations
Discrimination based on sexual orientation
Discrimination based on gender identity
Family rejection
Reproductive rights violations
Access to reproductive healthcare
Maternal mortality
Child mortality
Access to clean energy
Energy poverty
Fossil fuel dependence
Renewable energy transition challenges
Wildlife conservation
Endangered species protection
Animal rights violations
All the DRs I shift to are abundant of the following things 
Environmental stewardship
Conflict resolution
Critical thinking
Cultural diversity
Cultural respect
Ethical leadership
Service to others
Health promotion
Healthcare access
Mental health support
Social support systems
Social justice
Human rights
Freedom of expression
Freedom of assembly
Democratic governance
Rule of law
Accountability mechanisms
Community empowerment
Grassroots activism
Civic engagement
Sustainable development
Responsible consumption
Renewable energy adoption
Biodiversity protection
Animal welfare
Gender equality
Women's empowerment
LGBTQ+ rights
Disability rights
Indigenous rights
Racial equity
Anti-discrimination policies
Social welfare programs
Poverty alleviation
Economic empowerment
Access to education
Access to clean water
Sanitation infrastructure
Housing rights
Food security
Global cooperation
International aid and development
Humanitarian assistance
Conflict prevention
All of the DRs I shift into are currently successfully overcoming the following challenges as they rise
Sustaining Progress: Maintaining the momentum of positive change and preventing regression into previous discriminatory attitudes and practices.
Ensuring Equity: Addressing lingering disparities and ensuring that the benefits of progress are equitably distributed across all communities.
Adapting to Changing Circumstances: Remaining flexible and responsive to evolving societal needs, dynamics, and challenges over time.
Balancing Interests: Navigating competing interests, values, and priorities among diverse stakeholders in society.
Preventing Backlash: Mitigating potential backlash from individuals or groups who may resist or oppose efforts to eliminate discrimination and promote positive change.
Addressing Unforeseen Consequences: Anticipating and addressing unintended consequences or side effects of interventions aimed at addressing societal issues.
Managing Complexity: Dealing with the complexity of interconnected social, economic, political, and environmental systems, which may require interdisciplinary approaches and collaboration.
Maintaining Engagement: Sustaining public engagement, participation, and support for ongoing efforts to promote equality, justice, and well-being.
Ensuring Accountability: Holding individuals, institutions, and governments accountable for upholding principles of fairness, transparency, and ethical conduct.
Resisting Entrenched Power Structures: Challenging and dismantling entrenched power structures, systems of privilege, and institutionalized forms of discrimination.
Addressing Global Challenges: Collaborating internationally to address global challenges such as climate change, inequality, and conflict, which require coordinated action across borders.
Cultural Sensitivity: Respecting and accommodating diverse cultural norms, values, and perspectives while promoting universal principles of human rights and equality.
Managing Resources: Efficiently allocating resources and managing competing demands to sustain progress and address ongoing needs in society.
Promoting Inclusivity: Ensuring that marginalized or vulnerable groups are included in decision-making processes and benefit from positive changes in society.
Building Trust: Fostering trust, cooperation, and solidarity among individuals, communities, and institutions to sustain positive social transformation.
Addressing New Challenges: Remaining vigilant and adaptive to emerging challenges and threats to equality, justice, and well-being in an ever-changing world.
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redditreceipts · 1 year
women's rights in Palestine
Women in Palestine face a double burden: first, from the islamic patriarchal society they live in, and second, from the Israelian occupation. According to the recent UN report, the main factors are:
Palestinian women’s rights organisations are hindered in their activism as they get labeled "terrorist organisations" by Israelian authorities.
Because of the focus on Israeli occupation, the political climate in Palestinian society makes it so the women’s liberation movement in is considered of secondary importance. 
The Gaza blockade has an especially heavy toll on women and girls by limiting their access to essential services and increasing their care burden.
The difficult living conditions make women more dependent on male family members and vulnerable to gender-based violence.
Violence outbreaks and economic insecurity in Palestine are responsible for a stronger adherence to gender and patriarchal norms, as is observed everywhere in the world. 
Women’s access to quality health services is undermined by Israeli policies restricting the movement of people and goods, for example medical staff and supplies. Also, hospitals in Palestine are frequently bombed, so the construction of a solid health infrastructure is near impossible. While men face direct injury more often, women are vulnerable to the indirect consequences of the conflict, such as lack of access to reproductive medicine. This leads to a higher rate of maternal mortality: from 2019 to 2020, the maternal mortality rate rose by 43 percent. Pregnant and lactating women are especially vulnerable to malnutrition because of their lack of access to nutrient-rich foods. The lack of healthcare services disproportionately affects women, because oftentimes, they are the ones carrying the burden of caring for sick family members. 
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Destroyed hospital in Gaza. (source)
The patriarchal Palestinian society also burdens women with high rates of gender-based violence. This is exacerbated by the lack of a stable justice system, so many cases of domestic violence, rape and femicide don’t get reported. The lack of access to employment makes women dependent on their husbands, which also increases the rate of gender-based violence and makes women unable to leave their abusive partners. 
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Living conditions in a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon. (source)
Also, women’s rights campaigns in Palestine suffer from the Israeli occupation. In October 2021, the Union of Palestinian Women’s Committees was one of six Palestinian organisations labelled a “terrorist organisation” by the Israeli Government. Other organisations such as the National Women’s Coalition for the Implementation of the CEDAW Convention, which is a coalition of human rights and women’s rights organisations and trade unions, are under fierce attack of conservative Palestinian forces such as clan leaders and right-wing political forces in Palestine. 
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Khitam al-Saafin, chairwoman of the Union of Palestinian Women's Committee, was sentences by Israeli authorities to three months in "administrative detention" without trial or charges. (source)
The United Nations’ report concludes: “[A]s  long as the Israeli occupation, policies and practices, including violence against Palestinians, continue, the enjoyment of rights by Palestinian women will remain unattainable.”
Women in Palestine should not be the ones to suffer from religious patriarchal oppression from Palestinian society nor from Israeli occupation. A stable and just democracy is crucial for women’s emancipation, and for that, the Israeli occupation and the blockades, as well as the patriarchal oppression from their own society, have to end!
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stargirlsbraincontent · 2 months
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) harbours deep wounds that the world often overlooks. In recent years, the country has been plagued by a complex web of conflict, corruption, and human rights abuses that continue to devastate its people.
Conflict and Instability:
Congo's tumultuous history of conflict is rooted in a struggle for power, control over vast mineral resources, and ethnic tensions. Armed groups, often backed by neighboring countries or international interests, have fueled decades of violence, leaving communities shattered and displaced. The ongoing conflict has led to widespread poverty, malnutrition, and lack of access to basic healthcare and education.
The Disturbing Use of Rape:
One of the most harrowing aspects of the Congolese conflict is the systematic use of rape as a weapon of war. Women, men, and children alike have been subjected to brutal sexual violence perpetrated by armed groups, soldiers, and even civilians. This horrific tactic inflicts profound physical and psychological trauma, tearing apart the social fabric of communities. While women and girls bear the brunt of this violence, experiencing it on a larger scale and more systematically, men and boys are also targeted, facing similar horrors that result in stigma, ostracisation, and enduring health challenges, including HIV/AIDS and reproductive complications.
Humanitarian Crisis and International Response:
The humanitarian crisis in Congo remains dire, with millions in need of assistance. Humanitarian organizations struggle to provide essential aid and protection in the face of ongoing violence and logistical challenges. International efforts to mediate the conflict and support peacebuilding initiatives have had limited success, as underlying issues of governance, corruption, and economic exploitation persist.
Calls for Action:
As global citizens, we cannot turn a blind eye to the suffering in Congo. We must amplify the voices of those affected, advocate for justice and accountability for perpetrators of violence, and support grassroots efforts to promote peace and reconciliation. Addressing the root causes of conflict, including economic inequalities and political instability, is crucial to fostering sustainable change and rebuilding communities.
Congo's story is a painful reminder of the human cost of conflict and the urgent need for collective action to protect human rights and promote peace worldwide. By raising awareness, supporting humanitarian efforts, and demanding accountability, we can contribute to a future where the people of Congo can live in dignity, free from fear and violence.
Let us stand in solidarity with the resilient people of Congo and work together towards a brighter and more peaceful future.
Here are some ways you can help and donate to support relief efforts in Congo. Times are tough for many right now, but even small contributions can make a big difference. If you’re unable to donate, simply sharing these resources and spreading awareness can also help.
International Rescue Committee (IRC): Provides emergency aid, healthcare, and protection services to displaced people in Congo. Donation Link: IRC Donation Page
Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders): Offers medical care and humanitarian assistance to people affected by the conflict in Congo. Donation Link: MSF Donation Page
GoFundMe Campaigns: Search for verified campaigns specifically supporting relief efforts in Congo on platforms like GoFundMe.
Local NGOs: Support local organisations and NGOs actively providing aid and support on the ground in Congo. Research reputable organisations through platforms like Charity Navigator or GuideStar to ensure your donations are impactful and legitimate.
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Christ Britt
* * * *
Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter
September 17, 2024
I am not going to take the bait dangled by JD Vance about the lack of assassination attempts on Kamala Harris. Trump and Vance have leaned into their anti-immigrant and “blame the liberals” for the assassination attempts and have succeeded in diverting the conversation from the fascistic threat posed to America by Project 2025. Every day that Project 2025 is not at the top of the news cycle is a day that the media has failed democracy.
To recap, Trump and Vance plan to do the following using the blueprint of Project 2025 (per Democracy Forward)
·      Impose a national abortion ban.
·      Restrict access to contraception
·      Remove medical privacy protections for people seeking reproductive healthcare
·      Engage in mass deportations of 20 million immigrants
·      Roll back protection for same sex marriage and LGBTQ rights
·      Remove prohibitions on discrimination on the basis of race or sex
·      Allow the president to use the DOJ to target political enemies
·      Cut funding to the FBI
·      Eliminate the Department of Education
·      Eliminate the Department of Homeland Security
·      Disband the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
·      Fire thousands of civil servants whose expertise keeps the wheels of government turning
·      Slash corporate income taxes
·      Eliminate the ability of the federal government to drive down drug costs by negotiating prices of Medicare drugs
·      Restrict access to food assistance by imposing work requirements on disabled and single parents
·      Eliminate Project Head Start
·      Cut funding for green energy and encourage reliance on fossil fuels
·      Expand offshore drilling and drilling on public lands
·      Eliminate funding for public transportation projects
·      Grant parents control over school curricula
The above list does not include Trump's economy-killing a 10% tariff on all imported goods and a 60% tariff on goods imported from China (which provides 16% of all goods imported into the US).
Nor does Project 2025 account for the impact of anti-vaxxer RFK Jr. controlling federal healthcare policy, Aileen Cannon being appointed to the Supreme Court, or Elon Musk overseeing an “efficiency commission” to cut alleged government “waste” (read: programs that help people). Finally, Project 2025 does not account for the compounding effect of the Supreme Court’s grant of prospective criminal immunity to the president.
Many of the issues above—standing alone—should be cause for Americans to rise up and vote en masse to defeat Trump. Taken together, they should drive Americans to the polls to deliver a historic defeat to Trump. And yet, the election remains close.
Part of the reason the election remains close is because Trump and Vance have been able to divert attention from Project 2025 by making evermore outrageous and dangerous statements.
I do not mean to diminish the hateful attacks on immigrants by referring to them as “cat memes.” I use that term because JD Vance over the weekend said that it was the plan of Trump and Vance to “create stories” (“memes”) to focus the media’s attention on immigration—one of the few subjects on which Trump has a polling advantage over Kamala Harris.
Indeed, JD Vance’s deliberate use of “cat memes” to incite anti-immigrant animus is resulting in real-life harassment and intimidation of Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio—including numerous bomb threats that have shut down city hall, primary schools, and a college. NBC News, Baseless rumors about Haitian immigrants threaten to unravel Springfield, Ohio.
Trump and Vance plan to ratchet the racial tension in Springfield by holding a “town hall meeting,”—which will undoubtedly feature hand-picked frustrated white residents and exclude Haitian immigrants who are helping to revive Springfield. See Vanity Fair, Trump Reportedly Has Super-Helpful Plans to Visit Springfield, Ohio, the City He and JD Vance Continue to Spread Baseless Lies About Re: Haitian Migrants Eating Pets.
JD Vance is also pushing the right-wing claim that the two assassination attempts on Trump are the result of allegedly irresponsible Democratic rhetoric about Trump—like saying that he is an existential threat to democracy and a wannabe dictator (his words, not mine).
The hypocrisy is so thick it is viscous. Hours before the assassination attempt, Trump blasted a Truth Social post saying, “I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT.” He regularly refers to Kamala Harris and Joe Biden as “enemies” of the state and describes them as “fascist Marxists” and “extreme leftists” who are intent on “destroying our country.”
Neither Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, nor Tim Walz has used such extreme language to describe Trump. Rather, it is Trump and Vance who are using the violent rhetoric that is resonating with sick and impressionable males with access to weapons of war. See Josh Marshall, Talking Points Memo, Yes. Trump Started The Fire. And Everyone Knows It.
Per Marshall,
Republicans are now predictably demanding that Democrats in essence stop campaigning against Trump because they’re inciting their supporters to try to assassinate Trump. That’s absurd. Neither of these men is in any sense a supporter of Democrats or even of more marginal groups that could in any sense be identified with “the left.” But on a broader level, Donald Trump is simply himself a source of unrest and conflagration. [¶¶] He’s a vortex of violence. His rhetoric is violent. He has friendly paramilitaries like the Proud Boys that he encourages to come to his aid. He was the one who incited a violent mob to storm the U.S. Capitol. He’s provoked numerous supporters to acts of mass violence, from Pittsburgh to El Paso. The mix of bomb threats and marches in Springfield over the last week are only the latest example.
JD Vance took the violent rhetoric to another level on Monday evening by stating
the big difference between conservatives and liberals is that no one has tried to kill Kamala Harris in the last couple of months, and two people now have tried to kill Donald Trump . . . .
JD Vance’s statement is reprehensible on many levels. The two would-be assassins were both mentally ill men who supported Trump and had access to weapons of war. The notion that they were “liberals” is the false; the opposite is true.
Second, JD Vance’s ambiguous statement suggests that Kamala Harris is overdue for an assassination attempt—much like Elon Musk’s statement on Monday that “And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala.” Musk deleted that comment by Tuesday morning, claiming that it was a joke. He wrote,
Turns out that jokes are WAY less funny if people don’t know the context and the delivery is plain text. Well, one lesson I’ve learned is that just because I say something to a group and they laugh doesn’t mean it’s going to be all that hilarious as a post on [Twitter].
On Tuesday, the Secret Service said it was “aware” of Musk’s tweet after the White House issued a statement saying that the tweet was “irresponsible.” BBC, Secret Service 'aware' of Elon Musk post about Harris and Biden.”
The shocking difference between Elon Musk and JD Vance is that Musk has a few shreds of self-awareness and capacity to be shamed such that he removed the tweet while JD Vance will simply double down on his grossly irresponsible comment. Every major media outlet should condemn JD Vance on Tuesday.
Michelle Obama reminded us at the convention that it would get ugly. Wow! Was she ever right!
We need to stick with the issues that will help Democrats persuade the few remaining persuadable voters that they need to vote for Kamala Harris. While we should condemn Trump and Vance with every ounce of our being, we must also speak to voters about the issues that affect them in the coming election. Framing Trump and Vance as the proponents of the dangerous Project 2024 is a strong, winning message.
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rapeculturerealities · 9 months
Self-Care, Criminalized: The Criminalization of Self-Managed Abortion from 2000 to 2020 | Research briefs | Features | PND
Between 2000 and 2020, at least 61 people were criminally investigated or arrested for allegedly ending their own pregnancy or helping someone else to do so, a report from If/When/How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice finds. Based on public criminal court records and media reports, Self-Care, Criminalized: The Criminalization of Self-Managed Abortion from 2000 to 2020 (68 pages, PDF) found that the cases spanned 26 states, with the greatest concentration in Texas, followed by Ohio, Arkansas, South Carolina, and Virginia. The study found a lack of correlation between where investigations and arrests took place and where statutes authorizing the criminalization of self-managed abortion have existed, which suggests that the cases are as much about how prosecutors are bending the law to fit the circumstances as they are about law enforcement carrying out the law. The report also found that healthcare providers serve as a major vector for criminalization through reporting their patients to law enforcement, due in part to confusion about the law. The authors call for protecting patients’ privacy; challenging unlawful charges and prosecutorial tactics that rely on stigma, stereotypes, and false claims about abortion care; broadening decriminalization efforts to address all aspects of people’s reproductive lives; reforming laws that are susceptible to misuse; and reinforcing protections against criminalization by holding law enforcement and prosecutors to the limits of their authority.
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balkanradfem · 2 years
List of things m*n expect women to never use against them:
their lack of ability to carry or birth offspring
lack of ability (and desire) to effectively and consistently care for their spouse and children
lack of ability to socially and emotionally take care of themselves
lack of propensity to care about other people around them
lack of emotional maturity and no emotional intelligence
lack of control or willingness to control themselves in the matters of lust, violence, alcohol, power, exploitation, sexual violence, rage
being the perpetrators of 90% of all violent crimes and committing almost all sexually violent crimes
history of oppression, torture, rape and abuse of women
holding the largest percentage of all wealth, land, resources, jobs, economic power, media, entertainment, sports
being centered in education, healthcare, history, science and media despite producing the least helpful and the most harmful results across all boards
doing worse academically, socially, emotionally and sexually, while still using privilege and past of oppression to hold down majority of well-paid jobs and positions in society
taking credit for women’s work whenever possible
creating male-lead religions that do their best to guilt women into accepting the role of servitude and suffering
misogyny and world-wide mistreatment and sabotage of women’s success
blatantly caring for power, violence, wars, sports, other males and their own imaginary positions in society more than they care about women’s well being, health, safety, happiness, quality of life, or even survival
List of things m*n have used against women:
having bodies that prioritize vitality, health, defense from disease, agility, balance, surviving lack of nurturing, cycles of hormones and functions, carrying the role of reproduction instead of brute power and force
i.e female bodies being generally smaller and less physically powerful, while better adapted to survival and reproduction in any condition and environment (used to control women via threats of violence)
women having more responsibility and emotional maturity, this is used to coerce and corner women into being the sole caretakers of offspring, elderly, sick, wounded, and often the m*n too
women having compassion and giving anyone the benefit of the doubt (used to manipulate women back into abuse)
women being able to carry and birth children
women being able to preform tasks with more consideration, continuity, responsibility, accuracy, knowledge and within an expected time frame (used to take delegate all the task-heavy and continuous work to women while taking credit)
women being able to form bonds in the family and community, ability to keep the bonds based on mutual help, cooperation, sense of togetherness and community (this is used to have women sacrifice their time and energy to keep families together, often at their own expense and harm)
being considerate and polite (used to talk over women, take their time and energy, take their voice in the public and shut them down from speaking, also to force their sexual advances)
women being kind (used to coerce women into caring for their abusers and giving them money, resources, and allowances even with the continual hurt)
women’s propensity to care for their offspring (used to trap women in unhappy and abusive marriages, threatening to take away children if women refuse to be controlled, punishing them by punishing or manipulating the children)
young women’s innocence, lack of sexual experience, lack of experience in general (used for purposes of sexual control and sexual abuse)
women’s man-made position in the world where they are less likely to inherit shelter, survival resources, economic power or rights to their parent’s estate, and less likely to gain a high-paying position (used to coerce them into marriages out of survival, prostitution, human trafficking)
women’s propensity to feel shame, discomfort and self hatred at being told they’re unwanted, despised, not good enough, or unlovable (used to isolate women from each other and the society, to be abused in private)
women’s fear of not being socially accepted and liked (used to convince women they are each other’s competition in being liked, and turn them against each other)
women’s homosexuality (used to break sexual and physical boundaries of women who cannot possibly get actual pleasure out of it)
women’s attraction to men (used to sell them idea of love and trap them in marriages, use them for unwanted reproductive and sexual purposes and insist women must have wanted it)
women’s sweetness, joy, desires to please others, wanting to be useful (used to create sexualized and male-fantasy version of women who exist in male’s heads only to please and serve them and make them feel good)
the appearance of women’s bodies (anything that can be sexualized, demoted, humiliated, insulted, hurt, degraded and depicted in a role of service and non-humanity has been done)
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neonbutchery · 6 months
can i be completely honest and say that it doesn't sit well with me when the first reaction of people who aren't trans men/transmascs to prageru or your average conservative saying that men can't pregnant is making omegaverse/yaoi/impregnating cis men/pregnant man emoji jokes. like i appreciate the sentiment but the lack of visibility and acknowledgment for us in reproductive healthcare spaces is really dangerous and given that there have been multiple instances of trans men not being able to access it because they were trans men... it kinda sucks lol!
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Lately I've been thinking about how women in every time have had these same struggles
How Mary Wollstonecraft in 1792 argued that women aren't naturally inferior to men, they just lack education and opportunities.
How Charlotte Perkins Gilman in 1892 wrote a woman as the victim of medical neglect and abuse at the hands of her own husband.
How Virgina Woolf in 1929 argued that women aren't inferior writers, they just lack the same opportunities as men.
How Slyvia Plath always encapsulated in the 1950s the pain that comes with being a woman.
How Greta Gerwig told us in 2023 "Being a woman is impossible."
And how it's always about lack of opportunities and power being held against us. It's about laws about reproductive rights--we can't be trusted with our own bodies, we can't be trusted to make these decisions.
It's girls on TikTok right now talking about "girl math" and being a stay at home girlfriend. It's the conservative, Christian women in your hometown pulling their kids out of public school.
It's about laws about transgender healthcare and how the worst thing a person can do is change their body to their own comfort or go into the bathroom that matches their gender. Because it's about young afab people "mutilating" their bodies. Because it's about "men in disguise" getting into women's sports or assaulting women.
And it's all goes back to the same thing. If we can rip everything away from women and transgender people, if we can take away autonomy and rights and resources, then it's so easy to point at these people and say, "They're just not as great as cis, straight men. Look at how they struggle with everything. They need us. They need protecting."
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cripple-punk-dad · 1 year
Hey, sorry to bother you, but whats transandraphobia? I try to stay out of discourse but i’ve heard it used a lot and was interested as to what it means. I’m probably being stupid lol :,)
Transandrophobia is a term referring to the intersection of oppression that trans men and transmasculine (and people perceived to be in that group regardless of their gender identity) face. Examples of this include: Lack of access to reproductive healthcare, exclusion and erasure from general media and from discussions about the trans community as a whole, and plenty of other things that I don't have the energy to and as nuanced examples
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topekadsa · 4 months
What is DSA?
Democratic Socialists of America both national and local, have multiple campaigns going at any given time in pursuit of the goals of their platform. These include but are not limited to:
An end to deportations. Free movement of people, not capital
Ending discrimination based on race, sex, gender identity, sexuality, religion, disability or class
Tuition free public education at all levels
Healthcare as a human right
Complete reproductive freedom in all forms
Safe affordable housing for all
The end to military aggression
Equality in and democratization of the workplace and economy
Abolish of the police and prison industrial complex people and the environment over profit
How do I become a member?
You can apply for a card through the DSA website and get connected to your local chapter that way but it is not required. Your local chapter should be able to explain the specific needs they have for card carrying members, but you do not need a card to attend meetings.
Why should I pay attention to DSA?
DSA works as a central hub for leftist organizing. Even if your local chapter is not the right fit, you may find people or organizations in your local area that you did not know existed.
National DSA News and Resources
Class: Democratic Socialists of America (spotify)
Topeka DSA
We are a relatively new Kansas chapter of DSA, looking to reach potential members where our Facebook and Instagram are lacking.
If you are interested in attending meetings, or joining the discussion via our discord feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]
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Topeka Jump (website)
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LGBTQKS (website)
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SeeClickFix (app)
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Kansas Landlord Tenant Rights (website)
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