#and queerphobia
loveerran · 2 years
Thinking about things I've heard and how certain portions of US Christianity have historically interacted with marginalized individuals and used religion and scripture to justify intolerance and hate. Possible responses I didn't think of at the time:
"Are you upset we have two federal holidays for civil rights in our country? Repent and maybe we won't need a third."
“Don't like Pride being a whole month? We wouldn't be having this discussion right now if you had done it right the first time around"
This season, rather than "Put Christ back in Christmas!", let's try "Put Christ back in Christianity ❤️".
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constantvariations · 1 year
Sorry to continue beating this dead horse, but it still baffles me that people are praising the bees as quality romance when they became canon confirmed queer only when they became an item
You wanna see how easy it is to confirm someone's interest in ladies? This is a conversation between sisters I wrote for my fanfic last night:
“Pay her no mind, Timber,” Nadia says, plopping on the mattress and sinking right in. “I’m pretty sure she’s married to those shoes.”
Danai rolls her eyes. “I’m married to my job, not my shoes.”
“How ‘bout a woman instead? Then you’d get fucked good instead of fucked over.”
One sentence. That's all it took to let the audience know that Danai likes women
And this is a side OC that's going to get written out of the plot in the next chapter or so. She didn't need to be sapphic when the fic is focused on the m/m main pair. Hell, this wasn't even planned, but there she is! Gay as fuck in an apocalypse! And she didn't even need to suck face to confirm it!
So if the bees were planned from the beginning, why did we have to wait 10 years for non-subtextual sapphic confirmation between half our main cast when I did it for a side character in 10 seconds?
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lgbtlunaverse · 5 months
The world exists in such a baffling state of simultaneous sex-aversion and sex-hegemony. Every social platform on the internet is trying to banish sex workers to the shadow realm but I can't post a tweet without at least two bots replying P U S S Y I N B I O. People are self-censoring sex to seggs and $3× but every other ad you see is still filled with half-naked women. Rightwingers want queer people arrested for so much as existing in the same postal code as a child and are also drumming up a moral panic about how teenage boys aren't getting laid enough. I feel like I'm losing my mind.
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astfut · 1 year
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openlynews || meduza
upd: putin signs russia law banning trans healthcare and adoptions, and annulling marriages. PinkNews || The New York Times || Meduza
upd (July 27, 2023): Center-T and Coming Out LGBTQ+ Group have launched a petition for simplification of asylum procedures in EU for transgender people from Russia. ➡ Please sign and share. ⚠ upd (November 23, 2023): Petition calling for easier access to refugee status for trans* people from russia in Germany created by the activist team "Quarteera" The petition can be signed without being a German citizen. ➡ post // ➡ petition
Please if you have the means consider donating to the following:
➡ Queer Svit - https://queersvit.taplink.ws/
➡ North Caucasus SOS - https://ncsos.io/
➡ Center-T - https://centre-t.com/english
➡ KilkoT-Action (КилькоТ-Действие) - https://boosty.to/kilkota
➡ Delo LGBT+ - https://www.delo.lgbt/ || https://boosty.to/delolgbt
➡ Sphere Foundation - https://spherequeer.org/en/
➡ Coming Out LGBTQ+ Group - https://comingoutspb.org/en/home/
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Quick reminder since apparently it bears reminding in both directions: if bigoted people, closed-minded people overall, or your own internalized insecurities misinterpret a queer person’s message in a way that hurts/endangers you, yeah, it sucks, but it’s not the fault of the queer person in question, nor should it be a reason for them to silence themselves. They’re probably as hurt/pissed as you are that someone misinterpreted and misused their message to do harm.
Of course sadly there’ll still be queer people that actually DO mean harm and dismissal to other queer people – I ain’t speaking for those and it’s not the best way to ensure their and others’ wellbeing imo. I’m just saying – not all people will be like that. That’s what I want to believe. So hopefully let’s not put everyone in the same bag, keep supporting each other, WHILE allowing each other to advocate for our own visibility, without having to self-erase or self-censor to accomodate to what haters might say.
It’ll be tougher this way, maybe, because humans seem to like to draw extreme conclusions very quick, but I don’t believe there’s any better way for us all to be alright and stay alright on the long run.
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fiemdblunt · 4 days
Today, I want to speak about the biggest inspiration for queer people in my country, who was killed today. I want to speak about Kesaria Abramidze.
The first trans person in Sakartvelo who publicly came out as transgender.
The woman that brought a massive amount of queer awareness into the general public despite the queerphobia constantly directed towards her.
The woman that smiled and never gave up despite the people that hated her.
The woman that did everything she could to become a mother.
The woman that loved art.
The woman that, despite poverty, hardship, and loneliness, lived a life she desired.
The woman that stood up for every marginalized group, and always for every woman.
She inspired me into being a man that I am today. A man who is not afraid of being trans no matter everything that is happening. A man who is not backing down from becoming comfortable in his body one day. A man who wants to help and guide other trans people. A man who does something kind for people. I stayed strong for my friend who was also grieving her today, but now I'm home and all of those feelings are pouring out. I will forever be proud of Kesaria and everything she has done not just for queer people, but people in general. She helped everyone, her kindness is endless.
We lost someone beautiful today. Rest in peace.
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thelensart · 10 months
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A thing that annoys me. The transes will understand
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thecommunalfoolboy · 4 months
Aphobia is craaaaazy, like queer people in general didn’t do anything but we REALLY didn’t do anything
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gayvampyr · 1 year
it actually enrages me that staff touts how progressive and queer-inclusive they are while they’re putting censors and “adult content” warnings on posts that even so much as say the word “homosexuality”, meanwhile the tag-spammed porn posted by bots has been flooding inboxes for the longest time but of course it’s those queers we need to focus our attention on. im tired. aren’t you tired
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creature-wizard · 9 months
Reminder that Project 2025 is a thing; basically, if a Republican presidential candidate is elected next year, they have every intention of instating a full-on fascist government. Among many other horrible things, Project 2025 intends to criminalize anything trans-related as pornographic, and imprison anyone putting out such "pornography."
We really, really gotta do whatever we can to make sure a Republican candidate isn't elected. I know we're probably gonna be faced with shitty choices yet again (and how I wish it wasn't so), but we cannot afford to let this happen.
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a-kind-of-merry-war · 3 months
I made a design for Pride that I want to get as an iron-on transfer to put on the back of a shirt. It says "Genderqueer" in the GQ flag colours.
I messaged an Etsy store, sent them the design, and I've just received this reply:
Thank you for your interest in our printing services. At this time, we regret to inform you that we are unable to print designs related to LGBT, Pride Month, or similar themes. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
So I guess this is a suggestion NOT to use Mog Transfers on Etsy. I've emailed back asking why they are unable (or, I suspect, unwilling) to print LGBT things, and will reblog with an update if I hear back.
What the fuck.
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uncanny-tranny · 10 months
It's honestly frustrating that I've seen non-Russian queer people almost bragging about how they would be illegal in Russia, labeled an extremist or terrorist. Russian queers are in danger, their government has made it clear where it stands, and it's made this effort for the better part of a decade (even longer, perhaps). This will kill people, don't mistake this for a quirky little proclamation from a government, akin to somebody saying the sky is pink. Russian queer people were already expressing their fear, and the least we can do now is express our love for them, and advocate with them.
Russian queer people, I love you. I love you all so much. I am so sorry, I cannot begin to express the grief that I feel, and I hope that you are safe. Words cannot encapsulate how I feel as a non-Russian, and I cannot hope to comprehend how it feels to actually be in this situation.
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morbid-lycoris · 3 months
If you are queer but transphobic, I don't think you should get to celebrate pride.
I am pretty sure Pride Month wouldn't exist without trans-people, especially black trans women such as Marsha P. johnson.
And you don't seem to like the community anyway.
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Her caption:
carolinejsumlin: White Supremacy is the umbrella system that runs our society. It is the foundation in which our society is built on. It is the machine of our society, but this machine cannot run without each part working seamlessly to do its job. Each part of the white supremacy machine is one of these systems of oppression (and many others I was unable to fit here). Now, this isn't to say that these systems of oppression couldn't operate on their own. They absolutely can and do in other cultures and societies. However, within our modern, western society that was built on and continues to be run by white supremacy, these systems strategically run to ensure white supremacy's goal: a pristine social order of pure whiteness. One we understand the depths of how white supremacy works and just how much it is impacting us from every corner of society, we can begin to dismantle it effectively, while freeing ourselves from falling for its devices.
This concept is something I've seen posted and over and over by different people (usually Black women though). The idea that it's not just that specific groups are consistently targeted but anyone who deviates from the narrow norm of White Supremacy becomes a target, which is why Black women with multiple intersecting identities are the worst treated people in pretty much every society worldwide.
Which is why I listen and follow and share so many perspectives of Black women btw. When the Combahee River Collective said "If Black women were free, it would mean that everyone else would have to be free since our freedom would necessitate the destruction of all the systems of oppression." I didn't see any way that could be false and it's because of white supremacy.
And as for how and where white supremacy exists:
I like this White Supremacy Pyramid, it pretty much encapsulates my understanding and belief of how its perpetuated and builds on itself -ultimately up to the genocide of groups that don't fit into the White Supremacist categories of ideal.
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The "Pyramid of White Supremacy" is a component of assistant professor Erin Stutelberg's Diversity and the Self class. It's a one-credit course required for students majoring in elementary education at the Maryland college. Stutelberg said in a Friday statement to Delmarva Now that the violent Charlottesville rally took place as the course was being planned. She felt it needed to be brought up in class, but wanted to carefully do so.
She didn't want her students to think about white supremacy only "as men in robes or hoods or torches marching in streets" because it would give them the impression that it was separate from their lives. "Instead, I want students to explore the ways that race and racism are part of all of our lives," Stutelberg said.
And while not everyone (including myself) agrees with the placement of absolutely everything, it's still decent enough to use so that's what I'm doing.
That to say white Supremacy exists and is perpetuated anywhere and everywhere, so it's up to us individually and collectively to hold ourselves responsible for where it's growing in ourselves, our communities, and countrymen.
I don't see how liberation or human rights will be won with anything but solidarity for the most marginalized communities there are.
How do you build white supremacist framework for future generations if the people here now refuse to hate each other enough to allow it?
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riza-hawks-eye · 1 year
A while back, Neil Newbon confirmed on one of his streams that Astarion is Pansexual.
So this is why it bothers me seeing fandom say things like "Astarion just feels like a gay man!" and "I just can't picture Astarion with a woman" because like... Astarion is still a queer man. It's been outright confirmed by his voice actor. And his queerness and his attraction to men isn't diminished by the fact that he can also be romanced by female characters. Repeat after me: Pansexuality is an lgbt identity in it's own right and not just gay person lite.™
And I think an important aspect to Astarion's sexuality is the fact that the writers made his relationship with both men and women part of his backstory. It's a stark contrast to Dragon Age 2 back in 2011 where Ander's past relationship with Karl was completely omitted from his dialogue if he was romance by a female Hawke. The unfortunate implications here being that bioware didn't think their female player base would still wanna romance Anders if he had past relationship with men. That to make Anders palatable to a straight-girl audience, all traces of his bisexuality had to be erased.
Astarion's Pansexuality doesn't change depending of the player's gender. The language he uses for his past lovers is gender neutral, he'll still mention relationships with men regardless of who you are playing as.
There is no "Playersexual" about it. Astarion is Pansexual. And that matters.
Edit: I was just looking over the notes of this post after having it muted for months and it really reaffirmed my decision to mute it. Some of you are posting bad takes like you're in a bad take contest. Hope you recover from the trauma of having to acknowledge bisexuals and pansexuals. - Love my bisexual ass ❤️
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ftmtftm · 1 year
Thinking a lot about how exclusionary/reactionary ideology is so incredibly easy to fall into and act upon because it preys on and weaponizes people's existing insecurities. It gets people saying things like:
"I'm deeply dysphoric can't even access HRT yet because of transphobic policy so why should someone without dysphoria have access to resources before me?"
"I'm targeted by transmisogyny regularly. It is the biggest issue in my life. Therefore other trans people's issues are secondary and are either less important than or just side effects of transmisogyny, so why should I ally with them?"
"Ace people don't have laws attacking the ways they have sex like other queers because they don't have sex, why should I have community with them at all?"
"All men benefit from systemic privilege, even marginalized men. Men have everything handed to them by the patriarchy so why should I care about finding common ground with them when they are the ones oppressing me?"
"The word queer is a slur and it makes me uncomfortable so no one should use it for themself."
All of those lines of thinking follow the same pattern: "I am hurting, I am oppressed, I am beaten down, so why should I care about other people that either make me uncomfortable or I deem as having more privileges than myself"
And it is okay to hurt. It is also, genuinely, okay to only really feel passionate about issues that impact yourself. Compassion fatigue is real. It's very easy to get so swept into caring for others you forget to care for yourself.
But you can't let your pain harden you so much you stop viewing others as complex human beings trying to live their lives and start seeing them all as adversaries to your existence by virtue of existing themselves. That's no way to live.
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