#and qrow if you see this hi i really want to talk to you i miss you so much its hurting
noctualagenaria · 2 years
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rachetmath · 5 months
Ruby: Okay has anyone noticed anything wrong with Jaune?
Yang: Ruby he is in therapy. He’s fine.
Ruby: I know but that’s not the problem.
Weiss: She right he’s kind of been off lately.
Nora: What do you mean?
Blake: Jaune seems to get easily frustrated and distracted.
Nora: I mean when is he never?
Ruby: Yeah but you would think Jaune being in therapy he would not get like that so easily.
Yang: He’s probably having a hard time readjusting.
Ren: But it has been months though.
Nora: It’s a slow recover.
Ren: But it’s seems to be happening in a pattern.
Oscar: How so?
Emerald: It’s what causes him to lack focus and push him.
Yang: Wait does Jaune want to fight someone?
Blake: How are you not looking?
Qrow: What are you all talking about?
Ruby: Jaune’s issue.
Qrow: Yeah I noticed it.
Ruby: Really?
Qrow: Yeah and I understand. The struggle is real. He needs to get it.
Nora: So he does want to fight someone.
Ren: Nora, come on, keep up.
Oscar: None of you are making sense.
Ozpin: Oscar it’s obvious.
Oscar: What is?
Jaune: Hi, everyone.
Ruby: Oh.
Weiss: Wow Jaune you look... happy.
Jaune: Yeah I finally got what I needed to get the edge off.
Blake: *laughs and sarcastically*Really? By who?
Jaune: By Elm.
RWBQRE: *chew drop*
Jaune: Yeah, it was fun. And I feel a lot better now.
Blake: (No freakin way. With their height difference and her body mass.)
Yang: Well I’m glad you are okay.
Nora: Dang you and Elm must have went all out in the sparring match.
RWB, Qrow, Ren and Emerald: (What the fuck? They can’t be-)
Jaune: Yeah… ... a ‘sparring match’. Yeah.
Yang: How many rounds did you two go? I bet I could go more rounds than her.
Blake: YANG!!!
Yang: What?
Nora: Yeah Yang, you can go ten but I can go twenty.
Ren: *face palm* Nora please.
Nora: Ren come on you know I can do it.
Ruby and Weiss: (Idiots. The both of them.)
Oscar: Um-(covered)
Emerald: Shut up. You’ll thank me later once we talk.
Jaune: Sorry, Yang and Nora but I lost count after five.
Blake:(NO! No freaking way! You got to be lying! There is no way without getting your back broken.)
Ren: (How much frustration have you been holding?! And how come I couldn’t see it?!)
Ruby: Blake are you okay? You look frustrated.
Blake: Nothing Ruby.
Yang: Well okay we’ll ask Elm tomorrow.
Jaune: Um. I wouldn’t.
Nora: And why not?
Jaune: Reasons. (I over did it.)
Yang: Jaune there is no need to be embarrassed, we already know. She pinned you.
Jaune: (Oh hell no! F you too,) You know what, ask her tomorrow. She’ll give you both the juicy details. See you later.
Nora: Glad you’re okay Jaune.
The Next day
Yang: Hey Elm.
Elm: *tired and yawns* Hello.
Nora: Wow you look horrible.
Elm: What did you expect? Your friends was beast.
Yang: What you mean? Jaune was on an island for I don’t know how long. Of course he be difficult but he couldn't beat you.
Jaune: You know we talk outside if you want.
Elm: Yes, I see. No wonder he was bit ruff last night.
Blake: (NO!)
Ren: (No. No. No! No way possible.)
Qrow:(Damn, he actually hit that. And survived.)
Emerald: (How much heat was he packing?)
Jaune: I’m sorry. I know I over did it. I was overwhelmed.
Elm: Don’t worry you did wonders for me. Especially on your first try.
Yang: Yeah but--- wait “first try?” “Last night?”
Nora: … … …
Jaune: I mean I know I could have done better.
Elm: You were fine. Especially after round ten. You were a monster.
Nora: No. No. No way.
Yang: Impossible.
Elm: In fact my body is still sore after that. It was miracle I was able to stand up at all.
Oscar: *blushes*
Emerald: Told you so.
Ozpin: (*sigh* You’re going to need some time to process this.)
Yang and Nora: *blush and faint*
Blake: YANG!
Ren: NORA!
Elm: Oh. Too much.
Jaune: Yeah. Just enough.
Nora: Jaune what the hell?!
Jaune: *laughs*
Yang: I thought you were having hard time readjusting?
Jaune: I was but...I had other needs.
Yang: Oh my gosh and I said I can last longer than Elm. In the sheets no less.
Jaune: *laughs*
Yang: *red eyed and blushes* NOT FUNNY!!!
Ruby: I mean how did you not notice it?
Yang: What are you talking about Ruby?
Ruby: Yang seriously? You didn’t know after Jaune was looking at your breast instead of your eyes.
Yang: What?
Blake: Or how he was staring at Emerald’s ass.
Emerald: I knew it. Especially after Nora-
Jaune: No-no let’s not go there.
Nora: Wait you mean when I… Jaune really?
Jaune: …. Sorry.
Ren: Or how Jaune was staring at every girl or woman that passes him.
Yang; Holy. T-then how did Elm-
Jaune: Elm saw. She teased me. I reached my limit. Wanted to hit it. She gave me a shot. Mission complete.
Nora: This can’t be real. Why?
Jaune: I was on an island. Alone.
Nora: So?
Jaune; I was alone. With no human people. Just toys and objects. What else must I say?
Yang: Okay. But why Elm?
Jaune: It was either her, Harriet, Winter, or Fiona.
Weiss: Hold on, what?
Yang: The f*** wrong with you?
Jaune: Again I was on an island. No humans. What do you expect? Booty was the second thing on my mind besides going home.
Nora: Well okay but why just Elm, Harriet, Winter and Fiona?
Jaune: … … …
Weiss: JAUNE!!
Nora: You mother-
Yang: Really?!
Emerald: We judging now?
Jaune: Hold on. Hold on now, I don’t recall any of you girls throwing me anything. What rights do you have to judge me?
Yang; She is older than you.
Jaune: I’m older than you!
Weiss: You were thinking about my sister?
Jaune: If it makes you feel any better she was my last option.
Weiss: No. No it does not.
Jaune: I mean for me it was worth it.
Ruby: Wait Winter is last? How are the others ranked?
Yang: Why is that your concern?
Ruby: I want answers.
Jaune: Well Fiona was my top choice. Harriet was my second. Elm was originally my third. And Winter is last.
Blake: Why is Fiona on top?
Jaune: She’s cute and doesn’t need ass or big chest to prove anything. And she actual helps her people.
Blake: *sad*
Ruby: Why is Harriet second?
Jaune: Nice ass, cute and good tits.
Nora: Elm?
Jaune: The challenge. And despite her warrior spirit, she's kind.
Weiss: Okay, I might regret this but… why is Winter last?
Jaune: You know why.
Weiss: F*** you too then.
Jaune: You wish.
Weiss: I did. I wish I could’ve been your first.
Ruby: Oh Weiss. You are Pyrrha now.
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ahllohehn · 1 month
Hi ive just found this blog and i cant say ive ever thought of a percy jackson hermitcraft au but im love it and would love to let you info dumpanything you havent got to yet!
honestly I've been holding off a lot of things because I'm afraid to be met with "That's not plausible because that's not in the books!" when I've never really liked stricting myself to the books.
But thank you for stopping by :] (although I can't fully claim this AU is the first of its kind) And the opportunity? (Apologies for I'll use your ask for this INFODUMP )
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about au au tag discord
The HaTO Discord obviously knows this, but Scar's parent is..... Gaea. I honestly didn't plan to go down this route at first, but when I considered Qrow's idea on it I decided to borrow it (I'm so sorry dad) because, it would actually..... seem cool?
Getting the "Gaea has been asleep in the void of Chaos for such a long time, how can Scar exist?!" out of the way, I'm copy pasting what I first wrote for it here since it's about time I let it leave the discord anyway;
Since Gaia is the earth itself. Just because she's asleep, doesn't mean she's completely incapable of interactions (from what I saw in the books anyway with the Leo stuff). Paired with the fact that Athena is capable of making children simply from thoughts, I thought maybe; what if Gaia could do that same?|
Imagine a mortal nature lover that spent most of their days advocating for the better well-being of the earth. How maybe they've always lived for the earth and with the earth? Maybe they were a farmer, a gardener. If the earth could feel the love its received, wouldn't it basically count as Gaia accepting some type of worship?
The same way how some gods would… gift children as a compliment or a blessing for their mortal partners, I thought maybe Gaia could basically will a baby out of a plant with the *cough* bodily.. fluids... (blood or.. whatever) that seeped into the earth. So I guess it's kinda like a 'babies come from a stork' story. So Scar's mortal parent would've basically been fine another day but would suddenly have their life turned upside down the next day as soon as they see a child in their garden they don't remember having.
Other than that, I thought it'd be cool to see a story following a child of Gaea that has to choose the destruction of their friends or the freedom of their mother.
Scar would've grown up to be a papa's boy ofc, but his dad has taught him to love nature and the earth so much that he honestly wouldn't mind the possiblity of being able to interact with the mom he's been taught to worship his entire life.
I'll stop there ugh I'm so noisy. If you want almost in-character stuff, there's a fake scanned letter of Satyr Doc talking about Scar.
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anthurak · 9 days
Taiyang Xiao Long: The Latest in a Long Line of Fuckups
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So there’s been quite a bit of discussion by this point from a number of people, myself included, about the idea that Taiyang Xiao Long isn’t actually the ‘Good Dad’ that much of the RWBY fandom has long seen him as. That he is in fact just as much of a dysfunctional fuck-up parent as Qrow, Summer, and yes, even Raven. There are a few different factors to this that others have gone into more detail on, but for me it really comes down to one core point in particular:
If you have checked out of parenting to the point where the two girls under your care can both state overtly and matter-of-factly that the older of the two raised the younger, then it frankly doesn’t matter WHAT your reasons were for checking out or how hard you may have been grieving. You have unequivocally, massively, FUCKED UP as a parent. The fact that the show has made it clear that Ruby considers Yang, her SISTER, to be her primary parent-figure does not speak well to ANY of Team STRQ’s parenting, Tai included.
However, with that said, I thought it would be worth talking about what all this discussion could actually mean in practice, ie; how might all this end up being actually explored in the story of RWBY itself?
After all, it’s not like Tai’s failings as a father have really been directly focused on or confronted or even overtly spelled out in the show thus far. The most direct we’ve gotten was during Yang’s talk with Weiss in the episode Alone Together, and even that wasn’t so much directed at Tai himself so much as describing how Yang was forced to take up so much slack in the family after Summer’s apparent death. Right now, discussion of Tai’s failings as a father is still very much ‘reading between the lines’.
And I believe that is all deliberate on the part of the writers. Thus far, the references to Tai’s failings as a parent haven’t meant to be overt and obvious to the audience. But rather they are meant to be hints and foreshadowing hiding in the margins and not immediately obvious to the viewer.
At least until it’s time to MAKE them obvious.
You see, I believe that Taiyang as a character is going to turn out to be all too similar to the likes of Qrow, Ozpin and Ironwood.
Men who are introduced appearing to represent noble and good-natured archetypes, but who wind up being revealed to have DEEP and extensive personal failings and flaws that wind up hurting themselves and all those around them. The warning signs of which turn out to have been floating around the margins, between the lines and just outside the audience’s field of view since practically their first appearances.
Consider for a moment just how characters like Ozpin, Qrow, Ironwood and Tai were/have been overtly presented in their early appearances. In other words, how the story at first wants us to view them:
The Wise Teacher
The Quirky Mentor
The Heroic Soldier
The Good Dad
And now let’s remember just how the first three wound up failing our heroines. And all of the hints we got that FORESHADOWED that failing:
All of the ‘Shady Oz’ behavior that people were noticing as early as Volume 2, and which only compiled and built over the subsequent volumes until being finally dragged into the light at the start of Volume 6.
Qrow’s rampant alcoholism, which he was outright introduced with in Volume 3 and later noted by Glynda to ALWAYS to be drunk. And shown later in Volume 5 when Ruby doesn’t bat an eye at Qrow showing up at their house near-passed out drunk.
And of course, ALL of the red flags that Ironwood was on the fast-track to fascism right from his first appearance when he showed up for the preparations of a festival celebrating peace and unity with a fleet of giant warships.
Now we have Tai, a character who turns out to have all kinds of indicators pointing to him actually being a complete dysfunctional fuck-up as a father once you start looking closely. From Yang’s multiple recountings of how Tai shut down and left HER to care for Ruby, to his shall we say QUESTIONABLE mentoring advice to Yang, to Ruby outright stating that it was YANG who raised her…
Really if you just start taking a closer look at Tai’s actions and behavior across the show, you can start finding plenty of hints and red-flags to his dysfunctional parenting hiding under a thin veneer of ‘expected’ character-archetype behavior, just like what happened with Ozpin, Qrow and Ironwood.
For example, just look at Tai’s ‘mentoring’ of Yang in Volume 4. At first glance, this scene is framed like a typical ‘hero gets tough-love advice and help from their wise and experienced parent’ situation, which is the takeaway most of us probably got on first viewing. Yet the moment you take a closer look and start unpacking what Tai is actually saying in this scene, it becomes clear, particularly in hindsight, that Tai is FULL OF SHIT. To the point of seemingly not even understanding how Yang’s semblance even works.
Or how about his claim that Raven ‘did a number of this family’, which if you actually take a minute to analyze, ESPECIALLY now in hindsight, makes no goddamn sense. How exactly can Raven have ‘done a number’ on the family when she’s been GONE from said family for the past 18 years? Particularly now that it seems like if any member is guilty of ‘doing a number’ on the STRQ, it’s actually SUMMER for going off on her super-secret suicide/martyr mission. We can’t even say that Tai can blame Raven for what happened to Summer because as Ruby’s Tree Vision made clear, Tai doesn’t even know Raven was involved. What this statement REALLY feels like is a shitload of projection and Tai blaming Raven for all of HIS fuckups as a parent.
HOWEVER, because none of this is directly framed by the show as being explicitly ‘bad’ and doesn’t present Tai with traditional/obvious ‘bad dad’ traits (see Jacques, and more on him in just a bit…) and generally couches his behavior with a veneer of ‘feeling baseline care and affection’, it’s easy to overlook on a first viewing.
Really, it feels all too much like how Volume 4 also presented Ironwood on the surface as the noble, heroic ‘only sane man’ among the authority in Atlas, all while slipping in NUMEROUS red-flags of him being on the fast track to fascism.
Speaking of Jimmy the Child Shooter, it’s been noted by a few people at this point that in hindsight, it’s pretty clear that Jacques Schnee effectively served as a red-herring villain to distract the audience from the growing red-flags surrounding Ironwood, both in Volume 4 and again in Volume 7.
Well, what if Jacques was also being used to distract the audience from TAI’s own parenting red flags in Volume 4? After all, it’s easy to be more forgiving of Tai’s sketchy parenting choices when the show keeps cutting back to Jacques’ brand of ‘parenting’.
Really, I think in hindsight Volume 4 is giving us three different looks at fatherhood: We’ve got the caring, nurturing father in Ghira, the abusive villainous father in Jacques, and the dysfunctional fuckup in Tai. A real ‘the Good, the Bad and the Ugly’ situation.
And finally, the simple fact that Yang raised Ruby. The biggest indicator of Tai’s, as well as the rest of Team STRQ’s, MASSIVE fuckups as parents which goes all the way back to Volume 1 when Gold framed Yang as a motherly figure to Ruby, outright comparing her to Summer.
It all points to Tai being set up for the same kind of big, subversive narrative rug-pull as Ozpin, Qrow and Ironwood. Men who are introduced as these strong, capable, ‘good-guy’ archetypes, only for it to be later revealed to both the heroines and the audience that these adults that they trusted are actually massive fuck-ups who have been making a mess of everything.
The only difference with Tai is that the story simply hasn’t decided to shine the light of narrative focus ON all of his numerous problems and fuckups and force our heroines to confront them like it already has with Ozpin and Qrow in Volume 6, and Ironwood in Volumes 7 and 8.
At least, not YET.
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And wouldn’t you know it, the last RWBY Beyond episode set up what could be the PERFECT opportunity for that with Yang’s line about Tai being on ‘special assignment’.
Sure, people have been saying stuff like ‘Oh he’s gotta be doing something super important like guarding the Relic of Choice’, but this is RWBY we’re talking about. The show that ALREADY made a big point about how the ‘Daddy had a good reason for abandoning you’ trope is utter bullshit.
So frankly, I’d say there is NO WAY IN HELL that Tai has an actual ‘good reason’ for not having come to Vacuo to see his daughters.
And that this is instead the setup for Ruby and Yang to finally have to DEAL with all of their parents’ dysfunctional bullshit.
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howi99 · 8 days
Project ARC remake 16
Weiss: *angry* That Dolt! Why didn't he defend himself? It's like he wants to get killed!?
Ren: *looking at Weiss* I don't think he doesn't want to defend but more so that he is incapable. We saw how efficient he was at dispatching Grimms.
Weiss: That's why i don't get it! He could go toe-to-toe with a deathstalker! Why is he struggling against Cardin!?
Ren: I don't know why, but he is unable to attack anyone. He said it was against protocol, but what was he talking about?
Pyrrha: Maybe where he trained, they couldn't fight in exhibition match? Maybe he only learned how to fight against grimms?
Weiss: *rolling her eyes* Pyrrha, you saw just as i how good he was at dodging and weaving. He knows how to fight.
Pyrrha: Then... Maybe he is a pacifist?
Ren: *Thinking* Then why did he choose to come to Beacon? Why not just take the huntsman exam?
Pyrrha: Why didn't you? Would have been easier than coming all this way from Mistral.
Ren: I'm not really good when it comes to fighting grimm. I know i still have a lot to learn.
Weiss: *sigh* When he's back, i'll ask him.
Ozpin: *looking at the camera footage showing Jaune's inability to retaliate against Cardin* ... There must be a way to overwrite his protocol.
Qrow: *drinking a bit* that would be asking the good doctor to remove it. But then again, he might just want to study him. It's not everyday someone is missing part of their soul.
Glynda: *hitting the table with enough force the marble fissured* I REFUSE! *Panting, her aura trying to heal the broken bones in her hand*
Qrow: *jumping from Glynda outburst*
Ozpin: *sigh* His condition isn't getting better Glynda. You know that, right?
Glynda: *grinding her teeth* He's the reason my brother is in this state! *Sitting down* I was supposed to be there for him...
Ozpin: *sigh* It shouldn't have happened. The fact is, Salem found the right person even though we took precautions. We couldn't have known.
Watts: *looking at Pietro* What is it?
Pietro: *scratching the back of his neck* My daughter is asking for an update on Jaune.
Watts: *annoyed* Well, so am i! That damn kid is still missing in action and we STILL haven't found a body!
Pietro: You seem... worried?
Watts: Well of course i am! Imagine if someone with half a brain took him and retro-engineered him!? He's the first fighting prototype to actually be somewhat as good as yours!
Pietro: *shaking his head* Again with that? Penny is my daughter, not just a project to complete or a work in progress.
Watts: *rolling his eyes* You and your damn feelings, i can't understand, really i can't.
Pietro: Really? So the clothes you buy for each and every A.R.C you make, all of them chosen after carefully asking each what their favorite type of clothes and brand are.
Watts: *groan*
Pietro: *laughing* Ah don't worry, i will not ask about the birthday cake in the fridge.
Watts: ... *Sigh* White, made it for Jaune. We know he is alive, his vitals are still transmitted even if they are inconsistent.
Pietro: I see... Well, i will tell Penny the same news as always.
Watts: *looking at Jaune's Vital, seeing his aura getting from 70 to 71* Hm...
Pietro: *who was leaving* What's wrong?
Watts: Well, nothing wrong per say... His aura stayed at 70 for the last month but... It seems to finally get up? I wonder why.
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hadesisqueer · 1 year
It's so funny when I see people being like "Neo would have kicked Cinder's ass in V6 if it weren't for the maiden power" because like. It's so not true.
As much as I like Neo's fighting style, I am gonna tell you this: watch the fight again. Cinder didn't even want to fight Neo. She didn't have a weapon, and for most of the fight she was just defending herself and trying to calm Neo down, and she still managed to throw Neo across the room and get a good couple of blows on her. When she got swords outside the bar, she was also just using them to defend herself and didn't attack, while still talking to Neo and trying to descalate the situation.
Can Neo stand up for herself against no-maiden-power Cinder and most other characters? Yeah. But some people kind of overestimate her (and this comes as a person who, again, likes her). Neo is an amazing fighter, yeah. She's probably about Adam's level: definitely above most of the teenage characters, at least at the beginning, and can probably stand his ground or win against average adult Huntsmen. But think about the other adult characters. You guys can really see Neo beating Qrow or Raven? (Who she ran away from when she saw her because she knew from second one she couldn't take her, btw) Or Winter, who even without Maiden power, was considered the best fighter in the Atlas Military and could stand her ground against Qrow and managed to fight Ironwood while practically being held together with glue? Because Cinder is around that level.
Neo wasn't actually "kicking Cinder's ass" because Cinder didn't take the fight seriously. Had she, Neo could have given her a good fight but Cinder could have probably ended up taking her out even without Maiden Powers unless Neo came up with something and outsmarted her somehow. Because Cinder's problem when it came to fights in the later volumes wasn't lack of skill, it was lack of strategy and rushing in without thinking.
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rwbyrg · 1 month
Hello again! I was wondering, in your own opinion, what moment(s) for both Oscar and Ruby, really implied that there was much more going on with the two character, in the sense that their relationship was starting to evolve? Also what do you like about those moments? To add, do you think we will see it much more in volume 10?
Hello!! I think, generally speaking, all of their focused scenes imply there's more going on or that their relationship is evolving in some way. RWBY doesn't have filler. So when characters - especially ones as central to the narrative as these two - get focused screen time together (and romance-y tropes), it's done with intention.
Ruby's arc is about many things, but especially about how she's pretty much the last silver eyed warrior that can face Salem. Meanwhile, Oscar's arc is about defining who he is while under a curse that robs him of his identity. And in their first meeting, Oscar comments on Ruby's eyes, and she asks him who he is. Even their first lines to each other are mirrored in how they're spoken!
This scene really shows that their character arcs linked from the very beginning.
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We get all the stuff I mentioned in my last post and more and none of it is necessary to do if it's not building up to something. Which it very clearly is.
I have no doubts we'll get to see more of their shared story in V10 onward. The V9 epilogue - what was supposed to be the final episode of the season - works as both a closing point for the Atlas arc, and a kick off for the Vacuo one. It's setting the stage for what is to come. A non-extensive list of what we know we're getting so far:
Nora's and Winter's character arcs; both of them struggling with responsibility, grief, and guilt.
Weiss will almost certainly be getting some focus by extension of that as well. Especially because her arc has always been about her family.
Ren being more open and trying harder to support those around him.
Qrow, more hopeful than he's ever been before and how much it's propelling him forward.
And then we have Oscar.
Oscar and the merge. Oscar Pine, Little Prince, pining at Ruby's grave in the desert. I talk about this set up a lot, and it's difficult to explain succinctly because it's got a lot of complex pieces at play (and has been going on since their meeting, as mentioned above). But if I were to try and break it down as simply as possible:
Ruby's fatal flaw is her grief. Her silver eyes are powered by, and the embodiment of, the preservation of life. She doesn't want to lose anyone else that she cares about and cannot bear the weight of responsibility that comes with it alone. So much so that she almost abandons her own identity via ascension because she is offered the choice to do so. She stays true to herself in the end as someone that fights, not for those she's lost, but for those she hasn't lost yet. And the narrative, through all their interactions, but especially the Tea Party, has placed Oscar front and centre in the position of who Ruby hasn't lost yet. Oscar, who wants nothing more than to be a part of the team that he keeps pushing away. Oscar, who just wants to be who he is, to preserve himself, but is being robbed of that choice via the merge. Something Ruby, can't protect him from.
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RWBY loves to make its pairings thematically complimentary and it loves pushing characters to their limits. There is no way that the scenes and setup between Oscar and Ruby haven't been intentionally building to something big with how much their respective and shared conflicts are directly playing off of each other. There is no way CRWBY - with their limited budget and resource constraints - dedicated all that screen time to these two for it to not pay off at some point. And given this arc is the last one... now's a good a time as any for it to happen.
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bestworstcase · 5 months
Thanks for your response ala Ruby & Yang, great stuff!
Idle aside, but do you have any thoughts on Yang's role as the sort of black sheep of the family by dint of Raven associations?
Cos like, Tai overtly favors Ruby, projects Raven onto Yang, resents Raven being rough up and is bad enough about reminders of her Yang feels she has to apologize for his negative reactions. Let alone his... Everything else.
Then there's Qrow who doesn't seem to interact with Yang over much at all and one of if not their most major interaction. Involves him straight up saying he thinks she's either a liar hurting people for fun or "crazy".
I recall someone I was chatting with wondering: Imagine doing everything you can to keep your family from breaking apart & being compared to the woman who left you when you were a baby?
Cos I do wonder how Yang feels about all that given she seems to downplay and or try to work around her family's issues when she can. Let alone what it says about the adults in the room.
smth i think about a lot is the way yang’s narrative about her childhood shifts between v2 to v5
’cause in v2 it’s: “it was tough. ruby was really torn up, my dad kind of shut down. it wasn’t long before i learned why…” all to provide context for this anecdote about putting ruby in a wagon and running away to find her mother. and then her conclusion is “my stubbornness should have gotten us killed that night.”
and while there is a degree here of yang framing the story to emphasize the point she wants blake to understand, it’s also very obvious in her delivery that the emotional reality of this memory for yang is “the time my stupidity and stubbornness almost got me and ruby eaten by grimm”—when she was [checks notes] like five, six years old, and regularly left at home unsupervised.
but in v5, it’s: “my mom left me. ruby’s mom left too. tai was always busy with school, and ruby couldn’t even talk yet; i had to pick up the pieces. i had to pick up the pieces. alone.”
aside from the telling slip (tai, not dad)—yang centers her own feelings and the harm this situation did to her this time. which is something she’s always felt but i don’t think she could have brought herself to say it out loud to anyone during the beacon arc, because it was pressed down under the guilt on display in burning the candle, the feeling of having been inadequate and too stubborn and too selfish and and and–
coughs quietly. “my stubbornness should have gotten us killed that night.” / “you were predictable. and… stubborn. and maybe a little boneheaded.” yang’s narrative about the wagon incident—which happened when she was five or six!—pinning the blame on the thing tai imagines to be her fatal flaw is…probably not coincidental. yang in v4 after a year of being loved by her team and supported by mentors like glynda / oobleck / port has the perspective to know that tai doesn’t know what he’s talking about; but as a small child who’d just had a terrifying near-death experience with her baby sister… 😶
it definitely had a big impact on the way yang sees herself
BUT i do read qrow's talk with yang in 3.8 pretty differently ->
because the context is: yang saw mercury attack her and struck back in self defense, then had like a dozen synthetic soldiers point guns in her face, then looked up and saw the replay footage of herself walking over to shoot a boy who was just kneeling on the ground. and some of the most powerful authority figures in the world are pushing this narrative that stress and adrenaline "clouded her judgment."
like this would make anyone doubt their sanity. bc holy shit.
yang, though...a couple weeks ago, yang after being knocked unconscious woke up and blearily saw someone she thought was her mother walk away from her and disappear in a flash of red light. she hasn't mentioned it to anyone, because it's just so bizarre—yang doesn't know about raven's semblance yet—she must have just been seeing things. right?
aside from raven (who isn't here) and yang (who believes she hallucinated), the only other person who knows that yang saw her mom on the train is qrow, because raven told him about it. he also knows that:
tai insisted on not telling yang ANYTHING about her mother, and qrow respected that up until now; so yang doesn't know about raven's semblance and can't make sense of what she saw.
salem's infiltrators are the same people who attacked amber, and qrow didn't get a good look at them because they seemingly vanished into thin air—pretty damn good chance that one of them has a semblance that manipulates what you see.
ozpin wants #2 kept secret, so yang has some very powerful people actively trying to convince her that she's crazy. ironwood is straight up gaslighting her.
qrow also—based on the first thing he says, which is "why'd you do it?"—seems to consider it a possibility that it is what it looked like but yang did have a good reason, and i actually do not think that is an outrageous thing for qrow specifically to think. because qrow was emotionally abused as a child, and he knows yang, and in the event that yang really did suddenly turn around and punch a guy who was kneeling on the ground, why would she do it?
glances at shay d. mann. well. maybe this kid has been harassing her? maybe he said something horrible or threatening to her and in the heat of the moment she just snapped? maybe "he attacked me, i saw him attack me" isn't really a lie per se, she's just scared that "he's been picking on me ever since he got here and he made a disgusting remark and i just couldn't take it anymore" won't be taken seriously? as in, he did attack her—verbally/emotionally.
it's probably worth asking, at least!
so, qrow leads with "why'd you do it?" in case there is some invisible reason justifying the apparent action. yang says "you know why." qrow goes okay, well, i only know what i saw, so you're either lying (i.e., yang had a reason she now isn't telling) or crazy (i.e., yang saw something different from reality that was very real to her).
she says "i'm not lying." qrow believes her: "crazy, got it."
at this point, he knows the most probable explanation is that one of salem's infiltrators fucked with her head. the inner circle's gaslighting doesn't sit right with him; he's not going to buck ozpin by telling her the truth outright, but he wants to make sure yang knows she isn't losing her mind. he also has all the info needed to guess that yang is actually really really scared that she might be crazy.
which is why he kicks off the wall and begins to pace around. the language he uses sounds dismissive, but his tone is mild and his body language implies "let's talk about it, let's figure this out."
leading to:
YANG: Who knows? Maybe I am. QROW: And here I thought your dark-haired friend was the emo one. YANG: I saw my mom. …I- I was in a lot of trouble, took a pretty hard hit. But when I came to, the person attacking me was gone, and I thought I saw… her. Her sword. Like the one in you and dad’s old picture. QROW: You’re not crazy, Yang. That was your mom, alright. Let me guess—she didn’t say a word, did she? YANG: How did you know that? QROW: I don't see my sister very often, but she does try to keep in touch... whenever it suits her. YANG: Wait—you mean you talk to her? That was real!? QROW: Yeah, she found me. Had a tip from my most recent assignment and wanted me to give you a message.
it's really telling that yang responds to him this way. 'cause we've seen how yang acts when she feels dismissed or belittled:
TAI: Well, "normal" is what you make of it. YANG: What is that supposed to mean? Do you want me to just pretend like nothing happened? I lost a part of me. A piece of me is gone. And it's never coming back. TAI: You're right. It's not coming back. But that doesn't have to stop you from becoming who you wanna be. You're Yang Xiao Long, my sunny little dragon. You can do whatever you put your mind to. So whenever you're ready to stop moping, and get back out there? I'll be there for you. YANG: I– I...
she freezes and shuts down! her teachers have to come to her rescue!—but when qrow goes "crazy, got it" and suggests she's being "emo," yang blurts out her big secret. i saw my mom. to me that suggests a level of trust and understanding that isn't there with tai: qrow says stuff like "okay, so you're crazy" and "here i thought your friend was the emo one" but what he means is "hey, i know something's really bugging you, tell me about it," and yang picks up what he's putting down.
it's akin to how ruby goes "did you miss me? DID YOU MISS ME??" and qrow's like "nope" and they both laugh. or the back-and-forth ribbing between him and the girls in 3.4. there's this layer of mild ironic meanness in the way qrow converses with his nieces that all of them are fluent in, and in this scene he's using that mode to signal that "crazy" is not off-limits, that it's okay to talk about openly.
crucially, there's a code-switch in the middle of the conversation: as soon as yang gets real and says "i saw my mom," qrow reflects that seriousness back to her. you're not crazy, that was your mom, she found me afterward and told me about it. it was real. you're okay. qrow's ability to do that—to shift into a more serious mode when irony isn't appropriate—is why yang can have this rapport with him that she doesn't have with tai, because tai isn't... being ironic when he says mean or dismissive things to her.
anyway, qrow passes on raven's terrible message and then kind of annotates it: "raven's got an interesting way of looking at the world that i don't particularly agree with, and she's dangerous." (which is a very diplomatic way of saying he thinks raven is full of shit. lol.) but then he connects this whole conversation about raven back to what happened after the match: "you're a tough egg, kiddo. don't let this tournament thing getcha down. you had a slip-up; sometimes bad things just happen."
implicitly: yang isn't crazy. what she saw on the train was real, a product of raven's personality and her semblance. sometimes bad things just happen. qrow believes that yang had the experience she says she did when she punched mercury. he doesn't know why she had that experience—yang doesn't either!—but he knows she isn't just "crazy." sometimes things that seem crazy are actually real.
remember what he tells the girls in 3.4? "you may be acting like huntresses, but you're not thinking like one." same thing here. he's telling yang, hey, you're not crazy, you know what you saw, but you don't know what or who caused you to see it. "you cut off the head of the king taijitu, but now the second head's calling the shots."
hint, hint.
it's subtler than the hints qrow drops for ruby in 3.12, but very much in the same vein, and yang is plenty smart enough to figure it out. she might... not have? in the couple of hours between this conversation and everything going to straight to hell, but if they'd had literally just one more day, just long enough for the wheels turning in yang's head to click together with what ruby heard from velvet about coco hallucinating during her and yatsu's 2v2 against emerald and mercury, she would've had it.
more... generally, i've never gotten the sense that qrow projects raven's flaws onto yang in the way that tai does; qrow is definitely a lot closer with ruby than yang, but i think that has less to do with favoritism on qrow's part than it does ruby thinking he's like the COOLEST uncle ever and wanting to use a scythe like he does.
'cause like, qrow isn't their parent, he doesn't live with them, he's not responsible for raising these kids like their dad is, so while he obviously did contribute to fucking them both up because: alcoholic, ultimately there just isn't the same degree of betrayal or emotional abandonment; he's not their dad. both times yang talks in detail about her childhood, it's "my mom left, ruby's mom left, tai wasn't really around, ruby couldn't even talk, i was alone"—she doesn't mention qrow. there isn't that deep hurt, that feeling that qrow is someone who left.
when he isn't drunk, yang seems to feel pretty okay around him, and qrow likewise treats her... honestly a lot better than tai does:
he stops by their dorm in v3 to hang out with both his nieces; yang is fully in sister mode—cheers for ruby to beat him until ruby loses, immediately shoves her out of the way like "my turn!! >:D"—and qrow ribs them both, takes ribbing from both of them in good humor, tells both of them "you two are gonna go far."
qrow nicknames to show affection; ruby is "pipsqueak," yang gets "firecracker."
we only see qrow's goodbye to ruby, but in 5.4 yang indicates that qrow came to talk to her before he left, too. she also has complete trust that he's keeping the promise he made to look after ruby.
yang, as noted, opens up to him about seeing her mom; she's also shocked that he's still in contact with raven and indignant that he didn't tell her sooner, but—unlike with tai—she doesn't seem surprised that qrow is willing to talk about raven in general.
which tracks with what tai says in 4.11: "despite asking him numerous times not to, i know qrow told you where you're mother's been at these days"—meaning, this was a point of contention between him and qrow. behind the scenes, while tai refused to discuss raven at all, qrow was going okay well, let me tell her then, she deserves to know. and then ultimately he just bit the bullet and told her behind tai's back. i wouldn't be surprised if it turned out qrow had been straight with yang that her dad wanted to be the one to tell her the important stuff, and he wanted to be respectful of that, but raven wasn't an off-limits topic.
general contrast between yang-tai and yang-qrow dynamics; for example both of them say almost verbatim "you've got a long way to go before you're ready for the real world" (3.4/4.4). from tai it's belittling, he's insulting her; from qrow, it's meant to encourage, it's "remember you're still new to this, you'll make mistakes, just keep learning, keep trying." (rwby does stuff like this all the time, refracting an idea in different directions to highlight contrasts between characters; ozpin's advice to ruby vs port's advice to weiss is another example.)
a lot of qrow's resentment toward raven is centered on her abandonment of yang: "did you know yang lost her arm? [...] rhetorical question, i know you know. it's just obnoxious that you'd bring up family and then carry on like your own daughter doesn't exist. [raven: "i saved her."] once. because that was your rule, right? real mom of the year material, sis." like he is PISSED on yang's behalf that raven won't even try.
my impression is that qrow—although a) often away on long missions in far away places and b) an alcoholic who sometimes got blind drunk and became a burden yang and ruby needed to take care of—when he did manage to be there, made a serious effort to connect with both of them. he ended up being closer to ruby bc she wanted to learn scythe-wielding, but i do think qrow would've trained yang too (or instead) if the girls had different combat interests.
and while his relationship with ruby has a mentorish aspect, i don't get the sense either of the girls see him as a parental figure: he wasn't part of their household, he traveled a lot, his alcoholism in combination with tai's neglect eroded the adult-child boundaries because they had to be responsible for him as often as the reverse. he's a friend who also happens to be related to them. and that's especially true for yang, because he wasn't her teacher.
(i know it's a... pretty common headcanon / fanon that qrow lived with them, but i really don't think that's supported by the text? whenever ruby or yang look back on their childhoods, the family unit is always them + tai, and qrow isolates himself out of fear that his semblance will injure those he cares about. plus ozpin sending him all over the place as the one member of team strq still active. it makes way more sense to think he lived alone, and visited when he had the chance. which is the main reason i'm WAY softer on him than on tai, 'cause qrow wasn't in a caretaker/parent role; at most he was an occasional babysitter. so while his incidents of turning up drunk on the doorstep contributed to the harm... it's like, it would absolutely have been better for them if qrow were sober, but that wouldn't have changed anything about their home life. they'd just have somewhat easier relationships with qrow.)
TO WRAP THIS BACK AROUND TO THE QUESTION, tai is unfairly judgmental and harsh with yang bc he projects his idea of her mom onto her; yang also has a better relationship with her mom's brother than she does with her dad. how do these two dynamics interact? how does yang feel about hearing from tai that she's too branwen, so to speak, while also getting along better with the branwen side of her family? how might that fuel her desire to find raven?
if her uncle treats her better than tai does, then... maybe her mom would too, if only yang could reach her?—obviously it's not rational, but like. i don't think five year old yang put her baby sister in a wagon and ran away to find her mom because she thought she would ask "why did you leave me?" and then get her answer and go home. as yang grew older and developed a more realistic perspective it shifted to "i just need to know why she left" and she projects that backward onto herself as a child, but at the time what she wanted, what she was looking for, was someone who would take care of them.
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ficretus · 21 days
Jaune is Harem Caesar
*Senate floor before meeting*
Cardin: What does he want now?
Ren: It appears he'll ask for another set of emergency powers as well as approval of Senate to add ten more wives to his harem.
Cardin: Again? Again?!
Ironwood: As far as I see this, he is consolidating the power before proclaiming himself dictator.
Adam: Look who's talking.
Ren: Let's not assume things Senator Ironwood. Besides I'll hand him a petition to sign today. I assure you our Divine Leader will approve of it.
Adam: Divine Leader? When did he add that crap?
Ren: Last week while you were absent. You should really stop stalking Blake. According to the new law you could get arrested for disturbing Divine Leader's wife.
Sun: Dude definitely, his goons beat me up yesterday for just looking at Blake.
Neptune: No dude, they beat you up because you were piss drunk and refused to show driver's license. Then you asked officer to check your pants for hidden bananas.
Sun: Potato-potato.
Adam: Typical bootlicker...
Cardin: Don't you think Jauney Boy has to...
Ren: Divine Leader Jaune.
Cardin: Sigh... Don't you think Divine Leader Jaune has took things bit too far?
Ren: He did help to save the world, he is owed at least some gratitude.
Sun: Well I helped as well and all I got was this lousy toga.
Adam: I think we might need a revolution.
Oscar: Shhhh, here he comes.
*Jaune enters the Senate*
Divine Leader Jaune: Gentlemen... Cardin. I've come to ask for more emergency powers.
Adam: Again? What happened to last ten emergency powers?
Glorious Divine Leader Jaune: Those were hardly enough. Do you expect me to run this country with just that?
Adam: Wait a minute...
Invincible Glorious Divine Leader Jaune: What's the matter Senator Taurus?
Adam: You title just increased!
Indomitable Invincible Glorious Divine Leader Jaune: I fail to see your point.
Ironwood: At this point he'll add every possible title except Dictator.
Savior of Remnant, Indomitable Invincible Glorious Divine Leader Jaune: I'll consider those emergency powers added since I didn't see any complaints. Moving on. I wish to add ten more wives to my modest Harem of 1566.
Cardin: Ten more wives? This is outrageous! How is any of us suppose to get a wife?
Qrow: As if that was stopping you.
*laughter in Senate room*
Light of Vale, Savior of Remnant, Indomitable Invincible Glorious Divine Leader Jaune: Since Cardin has been sufficiently owned, this also passes. Moving on. I demand funding for time travel and alternate universe travel projects.
Ironwood: That sounds incredibly costly. For what purpose may I ask?
Light of Vale, Savior of Remnant, Fearless, Indomitable Invincible Glorious Divine Leader Jaune: You see, I wish to add younger version of Maria Calavera to my Harem. As for the alternate universe travel, I wish to add female versions of some of you to my Harem. I suspect female Adam and Oscar might be to my liking.
Adam: Yeah, I'm fucking killing him.
Oscar: Shhhh, Ren is handing him the petition.
Ren: Divine Leader Jaune!
Conqueror of Grimmlands, Light of Vale, Savior of Remnant, Fearless, Indomitable Invincible Glorious Divine Leader Jaune: Please Ren, use the full title.
Ren: *breathes in* Conqueror of Grimmlands, Light of Vale, Savior of Remnant, Fearless, Indomitable Invincible Glorious Divine Leader Jaune, I'd like you to sign this petition. It's to limit some of your powers and redistribute some of your wives to your loyal subjects.
Founder of Peace, Conqueror of Grimmlands, Light of Vale, Savior of Remnant, Fearless, Indomitable Invincible Glorious Divine Leader Jaune: Frankly, this is absurd.
Ren: What?
Ruler of Universe, Founder of Peace, Conqueror of Grimmlands, Light of Vale, Savior of Remnant, Fearless, Indomitable Invincible Glorious Divine Leader Jaune: Ren you can't expect me to sign off some of my wives, they all have a valuable purpose. Nora for example is an excellent titty cup holder. You expect me to make such a sacrifice?
Ren: You use Nora as a titty cup holder?!
About to be Stabbed, Ruler of Universe, Founder of Peace, Conqueror of Grimmlands, Light of Vale, Savior of Remnant, Fearless, Indomitable Invincible Glorious Divine Leader Jaune: Only on Tuesdays. Wait... what was that new title?
Ren: You know what, stab him! *pulls out a knife and stabs Jaune*
Stabbed Jaune: Ugh... my titles faded away. Someone help me!
Qrow: Gotcha kid! *slips and accidentally stabs Jaune* Ufff, my Semblance and alcohol are not a good combination.
Adam: Long live the Revolution! *stabs Jaune*
Sun: Nothing personal Dude. *stabs Jaune*
Tai: There can only be one blonde with multiple partners. *stabs Jaune* Also, I saw you post those pictures of Yang and Ruby *stabs Jaune again*
Cardin: I've been waiting for this! *misses Jaune* Aw come on!
Tyrian: I'm not even member of this Senate, but I've heard we are stabbing someone. *stabs Jaune multiple times*
*Jaune backs away*
Stabbed, Ruler of Universe, Founder of Peace, Conqueror of Grimmlands, Light of Vale, Savior of Remnant, Fearless, Indomitable Invincible Glorious Divine Leader Jaune: You snivelling cowards! How dare you stab me! And get that stupid thing out of my title!
Ruler of Universe, Founder of Peace, Conqueror of Grimmlands, Light of Vale, Savior of Remnant, Fearless, Indomitable Invincible Glorious Divine Leader Jaune: I'm a Harem King! You can't defeat me! Do you know how many Harem fics do all of you have? ZERO! Now face me if you dare!
*Oscar sneaks up behind Jaune and stabs him*
Stabbed Jaune: Ugh, even you Oscar? Is this because of Ruby?
Oscar: Kind of. I mean I was pretty mad when you took Ruby as one of your wives. But then you also took my aunt... and demanded I start calling you Daddy Arc. But that part about you taking my alternate self as your wife kind of creeped me out the most.
Stabbed Jaune: Fair enough. *dies*
Adam: Gentlemen... H*mans... Revolution has prevailed!
*everyone cheers*
Ren: Now all we need to do is elect a democratic leader. No more Divine Leaders.
Adam: In that case, I elect myself as a new leader and as a first edict I take Blake as my wife!
Ironwood: No, I shall be the new leader! I'm the one with most experience taking over things.
Cardin: Oh no boys, this is a start of Cardin era.
Sun: Dude fuck off, nobody even likes you.
*Yang closes the book*
Blake: So what do you think?
Yang: Was that previous description of VB "plundering my holes" really necessary?
Blake: It adds to the immersion, brutality of the setting.
Yang: Blake, sweetie, for the love of Gods, could you stop writing stories like this?
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beestriker015 · 5 months
Raven x sweet and bubbly male s/o
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(This is an AU that takes place during Team STRQ’s time at Beacon.)
Most people know Raven Branwen as a cold and serious person, but much to their shock, there’s one person that she has a soft spot for.
That person….is a fellow Beacon student named s/o.
When she met s/o at initiation, Raven was at first constantly annoyed by his cheerful and upbeat personality, which is very similar to that of her team leader Summer.
��Ugh, as if Summer wasn’t bad enough, now I have too overly joyful nuisances in my life.”
Raven thinks to herself while silently staring at s/o with an annoyed gaze.
Despite being shunned and spoken to rudely on several occasions by Raven, s/o was persistent on befriending her.
“Please Raven! Our teams are going to Vale to hang out and I would really love for you to come too.”
He says to her while the stoic girl exits her dorm room.
“For the last time, I don’t want to waste my time being around you s/o. Now leave me alone.”
She says while rolling her eyes and walking away.
Overtime however, Raven began to respect s/o’s determination and even started to…like him.
“Hey Raven! I probably already know your answer, but would you like to hang out with me?”
Much to his surprise, the black haired girl agrees.
“Sure, I have nothing else to do anyway.”
“Really?! Awesome!”
He smiles widely, which Raven can’t help but find a little…cute?
After that, Raven and s/o slowly began getting close, causing a bit of a personality change that her teammates started to notice.
“Raven’s been acting different lately.”
Summer tells her other two teammates Tai and Qrow, the latter of whom is also Raven’s brother.
“Yeah, she’s a lot nicer.”
“I guess spending time with s/o has been a good influence on my sister.”
Qrow says before taking a drink out of his flask.
“Yeah, I’m beginning to think she might like him more than just a friend.”
“I think so too! I ship it sooo hard!”
“Of course you do Summer.”
Tai deadpans as the three continue talking about Raven and s/o.
Although she has yet to realize it, Raven’s teammates are right about her developing feelings for s/o.
Raven doesn’t catch on to how she feels about her friend until the rest of Team STRQ point out the obvious signs, much to her denial.
“No, s/o is a friend and nothing more. I don’t want to fall in love and I’m not interested in dating.”
She tries convincing herself, though ultimately comes to terms with her feelings thanks to her team.
“Fine, I like s/o a lot, but he probably doesn’t see me that way.”
Luckily, matchmaker Summer Rose is on the case.
After doing some prying, Team STRQ’s leader finds out s/o likes Raven too and proceeds to tell her.
“Raven! Raven! Guess what?! S/o does return your feelings!”
She tells her with barely contained excitement as Raven simply nods.
“Really? That makes things easy for me then.”
The confession s/o got from Raven was short and straight to the point, but he was ecstatic nonetheless.
“I love you too Raven! I’ll be the best boyfriend you’ll ever have!”
He pulls her into a hug, causing an ever so slight smile to make its way onto her face.
As a couple, Raven and s/o have a rather unconventional relationship.
Most if not all affection comes from s/o, not that he minds all that much, but Raven does hold his hand in public, which is something I suppose.
Jealousy is nonexistent because s/o is too positive minded and Raven sees being jealous as completely pointless due to her personality.
(Besides, no girl would dare try making a move on s/o because they’re all afraid of what his girlfriend would do if they did.)
Due to s/o’s overly kind and somewhat gullible nature, several people have tried taking advantage of this to get what they want.
“Hey s/o, I really don’t have time to write that essay. Can you please do it for me, I’d greatly appreciate it.”
“Umm, w-well…”
Luckily, he has his girlfriend to help him deal with these kind of people.
“No. S/o is not going to do your work for you. Don’t bother him again and go write that essay your own damn self.”
Raven glares at the student as he hurriedly leaves.
“Thanks for that Raven.”
“You need to learn not to be someone else’s doormat s/o. Be assertive and say no.”
“I understand, and I promise to try.”
“Good, because you’d be weak if you didn’t. Remember what I said about being weak s/o?”
“The weak die and the strong survive?”
“Exactly. You are strong aren’t you?”
“Of course I’m strong!”
Raven smiles in satisfaction.
“Good answer.”
True to his word, s/o is surprisingly a very skilled fighter, so he and Raven train together quite often, which she may or may not take too seriously.
“You lost s/o. That’s 10 wins for me and 7 for you.”
“Wow, I didn’t know you kept count.”
He says while getting up off the ground and dusting himself off.
“I never forget when it comes to combat.
“You’re so cool Raven.”
S/o tells her with stars in his eyes, not caring at all that she beat him.
The thought of Raven Branwen blushing sounds like pure fantasy, but s/o somehow manages to make that a reality.
“How’s my pretty bird doing today?”
S/o’s nickname for her makes Raven flustered every time, but only when he calls her that.
(Tai tried once, needless to say his nose is healing up nicely.)
Well into their relationship, Raven starts becoming more affectionate with s/o, but will snap at anyone who points it out.
“I love you pretty bird.
“I love you too s/o.”
She smiles sweetly at her boyfriend as Qrow snickers.
“Never thought I’d see the day when you’d become such a big softie sis.”
“Softie?! I’ll make you regret those words Qrow!”
“Raven no!”
Qrow runs for his life as his livid sister chases after him with her sword that she named Omen, s/o desperately trying to calm her down the entire time.
If s/o ever got serious hurt, Oum help whoever or whatever is responsible, for they will face the hellish fury of a pissed off Raven.
“For hurting my s/o, you deserve nothing but death.”
She says calmly with a terrifying glare before brutally killing the Grimm who attacked her boyfriend.
“Raven, you saved me!”
He hugs her tightly, which she returns.
“We will do some more training one we’re back at Beacon so this doesn’t happen again. I won’t let my boyfriend become weak.
She tells him all tsundere like, but is secretly very concerned about s/o’s safety.
“Ok! I love you pretty bird.”
Raven smiles softly to herself before breaking from the hug.
“I love you too s/o.”
Despite initially being known as uncaring and cold hearted, Raven can’t help but drop this persona from time to time due to strong love she feels for her sweet boyfriend with all her, whom she will always protect no matter what.
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im not sure if this is an okay request but family headcanons with rwby? like what kind of mother they are and how they treat their children and partner :)
Of course this is okay, it's really cute! I know I get a lot of NSFW requests, but wholesome ones are always welcome and highly appreciated!
Team RWBY as Moms
Ruby Rose
Ruby is so sweet as a mom, she absolutely adores her family. No matter how many kids you have or their gender, she is gonna accept them with open arms
Being one of the top Huntresses means she is often out of the house in the mornings. But she always makes sure to come back right on time and call her familly if otherwise
Loves showing off Cresent Rose to the kids, and when they get old enough she lets them hold and try it out. If they want to be hunters/huntresses she is the first person to help them figure out a weapon
Does races with her kids, but always cheats and uses her semblance
Is decent at cooking, but really specializes in baking. Her cookies are to DIE for, your kids always try to sneak them at night (secretly you do too, don't tell Ruby)
Auntie Yang and her partner are always coming over, it's great! Everyone gets to catch up and the kids get to play, it's always a great time
Ruby always talks about how awesome Grandpa Qrow is, so clearly your kids look up to him. You often have to debunk a lot of the outlandish statements but it's cute nonetheless. Whenever he comes by it's always a big deal
Grandpa Tai tries so hard to be cool, it's often a joke in your household. He once tried to teach the kids to skateboard and fell flat on his face, giving himself a nosebleed
It's so sweet though! The kids always look forward to seeing him for a good laugh (plus he gives great hugs)
Ruby loves to barrage you guys with kisses
Weiss Schnee
Weiss never had a good childhood, fault being on both her parents. When she and her partner decided to have children, she swore to never make the same mistakes her parents did. She refuses to continue the cycle of abuse
Winter is always welcome to your house and always makes it to family events. She's still a bit cold but actually smiles when around you guys. Willow stays away a bit since she's still dealing with stuff, but makes an effort to occasionally visit. Jacques banned from even seeing any of you, and if he ever tries Weiss will threaten him with a restraining order
She always makes sure to go to all her kids events, no matter how disinterested she may be in the type of event. The excited look on their faces make it all worth it. Oh, and she's totally the mom to wave at her kids while they perform on stage
Can sometimes be strict when it comes to rules she has instated. No staying up too late, no staying out past curfew, stuff like that. She wants her kids safe!
Anytime she snaps at her kids or partner in frustration she immedietely stops and apologizes
Her dad is quite adamant about your kids having the Schnee Glyth semblance, but Weiss isn't worried about it. No matter what they have she isn't gonna love them any less
Has the BEST Birthday parties on the block, every kid wants to come! Tables lined with delicious food, tons of bounce houses, fun games, all the digs! Weiss also loves to use her summons to entertain the kids (They especially love the giant knight)
When the kids are at sleepovers and leave you two alone, you guys like to have mini date nights where you sip wine and talk. Weiss loves hearing about your day
Once the kids are put to bed she basically collapses on the couch with you and just lays there for a while in your arms
Blake Belladonna
Probably the most motherly of all of them. She had a great relationship with her parents and keeps a lot of her family traditions
Grandpa Ghira and Grandma Kali are very present. Ever since their grandkids were babies they were always very involved. Kali was most obvious about it, and likes to spoil her grandkids whenever possible. Ghira tries to be more aloof and calm about it, but you and Blake once caught him conked out on the couch with your sleeping kids in his arms
Very gentle with her kids and soft spoken. But when she gets angry you can hear the sharpness in her voice (that instantly shuts her family up)
If your kids runs away from you guys in public, Blake uses her weapon to yoink them and reel them back in
Uses her clones when they play games, she always wins at tag
Ever since they were babies, Blake likes to read books to her kids at bedtime. She reads a mixture of children's books and classic literature. It doesn't really matter what she reads, the soft sound of voice is the perfect lullaby
Teaches her children about Faunus issues and history very early on in life. It's important for them to know their history and culture
Always is ready with her phone to take photos and videos. She wants to capture all key moments your family experiences! Once a year she likes to have the family sit down and go through the collection
Sun likes to come by randomly and surprise you guys. Sometimes you'll be watching TV and hear a knock at your window. Blake reprimands him lightly, but it always ends up being a good time
Yang Xiao Long
Yang is the Cool Mom™️
She lets her kids dye their hair, get piercings, and tattoos. Of course the tattoos only when they get to an appropriate age, but it's not discouraged
Whenever the kids want piggyback rides she is happy to provide. If you have more than one kid she tries to carry them all at once
All the kids in the area adore her and loves to call her Auntie Yang
Definitely adores rough housing and play wrestling. She loves to teach simple moves and have contests (whenever she lets them win she gets really dramatic)
If they want to become hunters/huntresses, Yang is HAPPY to spar and train them! And if you want to join it makes a great family bonding activity
Does her kids' hair every day. Even if it's just a quick brush she loves to make sure they look their best
You own a grill that she loves to use. She likes to barbecue on weekends! Most of the time is fine it's just uh... she likes thing on the burnt side. Often you'll have to specifically tell her to not overcook everyone's meal
Loves to flirt and kiss you in front of the kids. Their cries of anguish and cringe is like music to her ears
Auntie Ruby and her partner are frequent guests in your house, they visit all the time. Whether it's to go to dinner or mini golf or just chill inside. It's also great for you all to catch up and the kids to hang out
Yang is the Cool Mom, Ruby is the Cool Aunt, and Qrow is the Cool Grandpa! Everytime Qrow comes to visit your kids practically tackle him. He always tells the best stories and sneaks your kids snacks and money
Tai tries to be the Cool Grandpa but kinda fails. He's sprained his ankle many a times trying to impress. Although they laugh, your kids absolutely adore when he comes around
There is no mention of Raven in the house. Yang refuses to bring that drama into her family life, she hasn't even approached her in general. But Yang doesn't care, she has everything she needs
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bridgyrose · 18 days
Raven quietly watched Yang from the edge of the trees, making sure to keep out of sight as she normally did. A small smile crossed her lips as she realized how happy Yang would be, how safe she was. This was how it was all meant to be. For Yang to be happy and safe and for herself to be as far away as she could so she wouldnt hurt anyone. 
“You know you can talk to her.” 
Raven flinched as she heard Summer’s voice behind her. “You know I’m not good at this sort of thing. You’re better as her parent-” 
“And she is still your daughter even if you ran away from your family!” 
“You… you know why I left,” Raven squeaked out, moving behind a tree to stay out of sight of Yang. “Staying with them will only bring them pain and ruin, people will hunt them for me.” 
“After all these years, you really think you really think we’d let you handle your past alone?” Summer asked as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “You know we’ll be there to help no matter what. Doesnt matter if the tribe comes back, if its Ozpin, or if its anyone coming around to take those powers you inherited. We’re your team. You’re supposed to rely on us.” 
“Yes but…” Raven sighed and looked around the tree to watch Yang continue to play in the yard with Ruby and Qrow, her heart aching and fingers running down the bark of the tree she hid behind. “Tai wont accept me back.” 
Summer put a hand on Raven’s shoulder. “He was broken up when you left, but he’ll accept you when you come back. He wants nothing more than to have you back in his life.” 
“I’m sure he’s moved on by now.” 
“He hasnt. At least, not completely. The love he has for you, its never going to go away. I was there for him when you left, but that doesnt mean he stopped loving you. You can still come back to us.” 
Raven turned to look at Summer, only to look away as she tried to find the right words. The thought of coming back had always been at the back of her mind, but having left five years ago… would she really be accepted? “I-I… I couldnt-” 
“You can. Yang’s still young enough that she wont remember that you were gone. But Tai and I, as much as we’ve had our own anger about you leaving, we still love you. Please, come home to us.” 
Raven gave a small nod and took Summer’s hand. “You’re sure he’d want me back?” 
“I’m sure,” Summer reassured. 
Raven took a breath and slowly started to follow Summer to the cabin, each step felt like her feet were encased in lead. Her heart raced as she moved from the forest to the small garden that Tai had set up. She took a quick glance to find the first way out at the first sign of trouble, stopping as she heard Tai before seeing him step out of the cabin. 
“Raven?” Taiyang asked. “Is… is that really you?” 
Raven gave a nervous smile, ready to transform into her bird form to leave. “Yes. I uh… I’m back.” 
Her body tensed up as she watched Taiyang walk over, her breath hitched as she felt Taiyang pull her into a hug. A tear ran down her cheek as she listened to him speak once more, her arms wrapping around him. 
“Welcome home,” Taiyang said quietly. “I’m glad you’re back.” 
“You said you were going to come back,” Raven said quietly to the grave sitting in front of her. “Always told me that I wasnt allowed to run away, but why did you have to?” 
Taiyang pulled Raven close. “I know it hurts, but we’ll see her again one day.” 
Raven wiped away a few tears from her eyes. “Easy for you to say. You’re the one who believes in an afterlife.” 
“We should get back home before the kids wake up.” 
“I’ll… I’ll be there soon. I need a few more moments.” 
Taiyang nodded and kissed her. “Dont be too long.”
Raven nodded and waited until she couldnt hear Taiyang’s footsteps anymore to walk over to the gravestone and kneel down in front of it. Even knowing that the grave was empty didnt seem to make her heart hurt less. It was still a promise that was made, a promise that was broken, and a wound that would never heal. She stood back up and took hold of the hilt of her sword, drawing the dust blade she preferred to use. As she closed her eyes, she focused on her bond with Summer and sliced through the air. 
The sound of a portal opening from her semblance caused her blood to freeze. She opened her eyes and stared at the portal in front of her. Her fingers shook as she let go of her blade, listening to it clatter on the ground. She let the portal close and took a step back from the grave as her mind reeled with the simple truth she had found. 
Summer was still alive. 
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strqyr · 6 months
you most likely talked about this, but given that in Beacon, teams are also separated into duos of partners (ruby&weiss, blake&yang), who do you think got partnered up in STRQ? (assuming that this buddy system was already in place during STRQ days)
i know i'm going against the tide with this one, but: summer & taiyang, raven & qrow. for few reasons.
one: the boy meets the warrior in a forest, and says he fell for her the moment he saw her silver eyes <- this is a story tai relates to, and eye contact is beacon's manner of forming partnerships.
two: as fun as all the "qrow's semblance gets in the way of him partnering with raven" scenarios are, i really don't think there's anything that would get in the way if raven wanted to partner with qrow (which i think she would) + qrow, who thinks his semblance makes it difficult to be near his family, would likely see partnering with raven more as a bad luck than he would partnering with some stranger.
and three, and this is what it really comes down, for me: i really do think the emotional core within strq is summer reuniting with tai, and raven reuniting with qrow. like the twins smiling at each other in the epilogue? that's the emotional goodness right there after everything they've been through; the disagreements, the fights, "we're not family anymore"s, learning the truth, finally reaching some sort of an understanding, to standing side-by-side once again.
and while there's less for summer and tai, they still included that scene in the flashback. they could have had summer sneak out with tai none the wiser, but they didn't; instead, summer promised she'd be back soon, and tai answers with a resolute "i know" (and he's still waiting, hoping against hope for her to return) ("no, come back!" <- when ruby's message gets cut short at the worst possible moment, tai's reliving the past right there).
idk really how to explain it, but there's this general feeling too that's like... if i had to split strq in two halves, summer & tai / raven & qrow makes the most sense to me. like, that's where the story is, not to say there isn't any story between anyone else, but especially qrow is like. who else do you partner him with? he doesn't really have anything to do with summer or tai emotionally story-wise, so if partnership is meant to be this Special Bond between two people, with what the show has presented us with, that really just leaves raven.
then there's also the fact that summer & tai went on oh-gods-another-patrol missions ("i think he misses adventuring with you." t. ruby rose) while raven & qrow went on spy missions (probably not on same ones, but i bet they still communicated what they were up to bc that's what intelligence gathering kind of requires). would ozpin separate partners like that? who knows. maybe? would be kind of rude though lmao
...it also makes the naming convention of RW | BY and ST | RQ the same, which doesn't necessarily prove anything, rather it's just a neat little bonus on top :)
(this got longer than i thought lol apologies for rambling OTL)
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lovingdabeessss · 8 months
You think Taiyang has a favorite child?
💖If it isn’t my favorite tagger back again💖
Thank you for asking this, this is actually something I’ve been desperately wishing for an excuse to talk about because my defense for it isn’t great
Anyway back to the question sorry
Yes I do 100% believe he has a favorite
There’s no doubt in my mind it’s ruby
I think he loves them both of course obviously but he FOR SURE favors Ruby
We know from his interactions with Yang he tends to project onto her things about Raven that aren’t necessarily true for her the way he talks when they spar like her whole thing is anger and strength and that focusing on that is her biggest weakness, which is true for Raven, however yangs problem is her self sacrificing nature and obviously he sees Raven in her even more cause they look similar and it’s just.. she’s not someone tai has purely positive feelings for considering all the betrayal and abandonment not that he doesn’t still love her at all but you know
He definitely projects things about himself onto her as well and considering NONE of the fucking STQR family likes themselves ESPECIALLY not taiyang “11 year long depression nap” xiao long and so he’s got that against her and then she got herself abandoned putting more fuel to that particular fire
And I think while they were dealing with the death of summer when Yang started taking on roles she was too young to take he just… let her… and then eventually those things were just her job as the oldest and a lot of things became her job and he kinda slipped into seeing her as more help with Ruby then someone he was supposed to be raising
And like even when he recovers he had to get back into parenting which is hard so he probably started out just doing stuff that were already needed, and Ruby was her own problem cause she needed stuff but only really accepted getting help from Yang at least emotionally depending on how bad you believe tai’s shut down to be and otherwise she’d get things from qrow whenever he wasn’t on missions from Oz so she was just hard to get to accept anything from him
Yang despite being very supportive of the idea of him recovering and finally someone helping her out a lot and having a parent at all again… she is incredibly independent and doesn’t really seem to need anything that he knows how to give and she also genuinely probably just doesn’t know how to have a parent anymore, she’s so used to being the parent and she doesn’t remember getting to really be the kid
So she’s just kinda reduced to third parent
There’s also the fact that Ruby looks exactly like summer who he did leave off with good positive feelings for and then she’s all that’s left of her
AND Ruby’s the youngest speaks for itself possibly got that “guest in the house” treatment youngest sometimes get where they aren’t treated as much as part of the family and more of a guest which is nice but isolating even if she tried to help Yang with chores Yang would get in trouble for having her do it kinda thing
However I do think that tai would’ve wanted Yang to back off of raising Ruby so much so he could be her dad and she would maybe accept him as that more hence like the Ruby queendom things of how she won’t be there for her forever but Ruby doesn’t want him to and Yang doesn’t fully trust him to
IDK THO just messy unorganised family dynamic thoughts
I think Ruby’s his favorite I think he loves them both but is struggling to parent in wake of the lose of his wife and struggling to relearn how to do it after his recovery and Yang struggles to even be parented and they speak NONE of these emotions to each other cause they’re allergic to talking about their feelings ever
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wu-sisyphus-gang · 5 months
Ruby: Not that I'm bored, but why can't we just use an airship to take these supplies out to Amity?
Penny: The components for Amity’s construction are far too heavy. All that weight would require precious dust we should be saving for the launch itself. And the Grimm that will come after.
Ruby: It just makes for a long, very long supply run.
Penny: At least the tundra is scenic.
Ruby: Totally.
Penny: Ruby! I just wanted to say how excited I am to be working with you in a professional capacity. As friends!
Ruby: Me too, Penny.
Penny: Relationships are so interesting. And varied.
Ruby: Speaking of friends. Have you been able to make any new ones? Since, you know...
Penny: Now that I’m the official protector of Mantle I don’t really have a team any more. General Ironwood says I don’t have time for friends.
Ruby: Oh uh… how do you feel about that?
Penny: I feel like I wish I could do both the things I need to do, and the things I want to do. Is that normal?
Ruby: That’s about as normal as it gets Penny.
Penny: Ruby...
Ruby: Penny.
Penny: You first.
Ruby: Uh, okay. I talked to Ozpin the other day. We talked about making you one of the maidens. My team and I discussed how you were probably built with that in mind. I just wanted to make sure it was okay with you, though.
Penny: I understand your worry, Ruby. But I am more than up for the task. Either spring or fall, I don't really mind.
Ruby: Well, okay if you're sure. What was it you were going to ask about?
Penny: I was going to ask how you were with your relationships, Ruby. You asked after mine after all. It seems like something a friend would do.
Ruby: Well what did you mean?
Penny: Well you have had a boyfriend now. What was that like?
Ruby: It was uh good.
Penny: I've never had a boyfriend of my own. I've never talked to the General about it, either. Or my father.
Ruby: I wasn't very good at talking to my family about it either. Romantic stuff that is. It took me forever to tell Yang and by the time I did… well I didn't so much as tell her so much as she caught us.
Penny: Caught you?
Ruby: We were just kissing. I mean, it was going places if I had my say in it but we were just kissing when she walked in on us. She found out that way.
Penny: Going places? Had you and Jaune been places before then?
Ruby: A handful of times.
Penny: Ruby! That was scandalous of you. What happened next?
Ruby: Yang pulled him off of me and slammed him into a wall.
Penny: So… he was on top of you, then. And your sister just ripped you apart.
Ruby: I'd been trying to wrap my legs around him but...And Jaune just sort of stood there looking dazed. It wasn't because of being slammed into the wall. He's fairly robust. He was just sort of out of it because we'd been kissing. I might be a good kisser. You could, like, see it.
Penny: Ruby! Do you mean… his…?
Ruby: Through the hem of his pants.
Penny: Was he… was he large?
Ruby: I think so. Not so much until he was inside. If that makes any kind of sense. Then it seemed like he was huge but in a good way. A really awesome feel good kind of way.
Penny: Ruby!
Qrow: Is everything alright up there!?
Ruby: We're fine!
Ruby: Penny are you… are you built, down there?
Penny: I'm designed to one day have children. If I so choose. With the right upgrades as pregnancy goes on. My father thought it was important.
Ruby: He told you?
Penny: Oh yes. He gave me the talk. He thought it was important that I have the freedom of expression that having children is. The eggs are from donors which were engineered. And I don't quite have a monthly cycle. But other than that things are roughly the same.
Ruby: You don't have a cycle? Brag about it, you queen.
Penny: Ruby!
Ruby: How roughly the same are we talking about here?
Penny: Ru -by ! The same enough.
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howi99 · 5 months
Ren: ... Someone is approaching!
JNPRR: *readying their weapons*
Tyrian: *jumping from one of the houses* Oh? I see i was expected, wasn't i? *Giggle*
Jaune: *eyes flash to brown* Damn it, just what we needed. A psychopath with too much time on his hands. What are you here for? *Point crocea mors at Tyrian*
Tyrian: Aw~ you want to be the one i play with? Too bad! I'm here for the girl. *Point at Ruby* But... You intrigue me. You seem to know of me?
Jaune: *eyes flashing to blue* I have no idea what you are talking about. I don't know who you are, but i can say that you will regret going against u-
Tyrian: *with a lot of agility, goes on the offense, trying to cut Jaune leg, which he blocks with difficulty* Good~ you know how to use that shield of yours.
Ruby: Jaune! *Shoot at Tyrian, who parries each bullet without too much difficulty* Don't be this impatient little one, i'll be here soon~ *leap to Ruby using Jaune shield as a platform to get himself more momentum* Missed me? *Use multiple attack to try disarming Ruby*
Pyrrha: No you won't! *Use her semblance to remove Tyrian weapons from his hand*
Tyrian: *cackling* You think this will help you? *Dodge Nora's attack* Woah there! Almost got my head!
Nora: *gritting her teeth* That's the idea! *While continuing to put pressure on Tyrian, Ruby uses Electric Dust to boost nora* Take that! *Hit him square in the chest, making him fly through the clocktower*
Pyrrha: You got him?
Tyrian: *maniacally laughing* Oh! That's what they call a homerun! *Dash quickly from the tower, kicking Nora in the guts, breaking her aura*
Ren: NORA! *Goes to her, looking if she is alright*
Tyrian: *shrug* Toys aren't as durable as they used to be i see.
Jaune POV
//Use my power//
Jaune: *blinking* What? Wasn't that-
//concentrate and imagine a gust of wind//
Jaune: *panicking* Who are you? What's going on?
//*sigh* Of all the host why must i have gotten a chatty one that i can't switch place with. You have magic. Trust me, point at your ennemis and imagine a guat of wind. Or fire. Or anything that will hurt him. I'll take charge of the difficult part//
Jaune: Your voice, aren't you-
// yes, it's me, Ozpin. Now stop asking questions and save your friend.//
Jaune: ... *Nod, then concentrate on making a ball of fire*
// By the gods, with how much aura you have, you could almost be a mage.//
Return to the fight
Tyrian: *fighting both Pyrrha and Ren by himself* You are good, but you both are still lacking in technique and bloodlust!
Jaune: *opening his eyes* FIRE!
*a ball of fire around the size of a basketball goes straight to Tyrian face*
Tyrian: *jumping out of the blast trajectory* Well well well! I even found you at the same time!
Jaune: *panting like if he ran 5 miles* That *huff* was *huff* really hard!
// well, i did just wake up. It's difficult to transform aura into magic, you know!? Gee... Anyway, you should dodge//
Jaune: What? *Sees Tyrian stinger going straight for his throat* OH GOD! *Deflect the stinger away clumsily with a shield bash*
Tyrian: *smiling* Now what should i do? Should i take the girl? Or the ghost?
Qrow: *descending from the sky, attacking Tyrian with his scythe* How about neither, pal?
Tyrian: *dodging with a somersault* Hm... Maybe i should get serious? I am disarmed and now the crow has finally shown himself.
Qrow: Kids! Leave the area! I'll take him on!
Ruby: Uncle Qrow!
Qrow: *turning to Ruby* Now!
//He does have a point, you all are keeping him down and it would be wiser to leave for now//
Jaune: *nods* Let's go team! You heard him!
NPR: *nods at Jaune*
Ruby: But he needs our-
Qrow: *still attacking and dodging Tyrian* I can't fight at my best with you here! Go, now!
//He needs to be alone to use his semblance against an enemy//
Jaune: Ruby! Believe in your uncle damn it!
Ruby: ... Fine.
Qrow: *rejoining team JNPRR* He got away. But he shouldn't be going against us for now.
_NPRR: *looking intensely at Qrow*
Jaune: ... Hey, you old sack of feathers, when i was recovering, it didn't come to you it would be nice to tell me i had a ghost in me!?
Qrow: *Wincing* To be fair, i didn't know how to tell you the information.
Nora: And you didn't tell us he could use magic!
Qrow: ... No, that's news to me too.
Jaune: *sigh* the voice in my head is telling me it shouldn't be possible, but with how much aura i have and my semblance-
Ren: You discovered your semblance?
Jaune: *shake his head* Apparently it regenerated my aura so we are assuming here.
Pyrrha: Go on.
Jaune: Well, basically Ozpin can channel his magic through my aura, making it far more potent than it would normally be.
Qrow: ... Does that mean-
Jaune: Before you ask, yes, that apparently makes me like one of the maidens.
My first try at putting more action in a scene, though i did cut the fight in the middle since there wasn't going to be much dialogue and i'm not the best at representing a scene, so multiple would be hard af lol.
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