#and probably some puzzle games
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blueskittlesart · 6 months ago
*sigh* thoughts on Nintendo's botw/totk timeline shenanigans and tomfoolery?
tbh. my maybe-unpopular opinion is that the timeline is only important when a game's place on the timeline seriously informs the way their narrative progresses. the problem is that before botw we almost NEVER got games where it didn't matter. it matters for skyward sword because it's the beginning, and it matters for tp/ww/alttp (and their respective sequels) because the choices the hero of time makes explicitly inform the narrative of those games in one way or another. it matters which timeline we're in for those games because these cycles we're seeing are close enough to oot's cycle that they're still feeling the effects of his choices. botw, however, takes place at minimum 10 thousand years after oot, so its place on the timeline actually functionally means nothing. botw is completely divorced from the hero of time & his story, so what he does is a nonissue in the context of botw link and zelda's story. thus, which timeline botw happens in is a nonissue. honestly I kind of liked the idea that it happened in all of them. i think there's a cool idea of inevitability that can be played with there. but the point is that the timeline exists to enhance and fill in the lore of games that need it, and botw/totk don't really need it because the devs finally realized they could make a game without the hero of time in it.
#i really do have a love-hate relationship with this timeline#because it's FASCINATING lore. genuinely. and i think it carries over the themes of certain games REALLY well#but i also think it's indicative of a trend in loz's writing that has REALLY annoyed me for a long time#which is this intense need to cling to oot#and on a certain level i get it. that was your most successful game probably ever. and it was an AMAZING game.#and i think there's definitely some corporate profit maximization tied up in this too--oot was an insane commercial success therefore you'r#not allowed to make new games we need you to just remake oot forever and ever#and that really annoys me because it makes certain games feel disjointed at best and barely-coherent at worst.#i think the best zelda games on the market are the ones where the devs were allowed to really push what they were working with#oot. majora. botw. hell i'd even put minish cap in there#these are games that don't quite follow what was the standard zelda gameplay at their time of release. they were experimental in some way#whether that be with graphics or puzzle mechanics or open-world or the gameplay premise in its entirety. there's something NEW there#and because the devs of those games were given that level of freedom the gameplay really enforces the narrative. everything feels complete#and designed to work together. as opposed to gameplay that feels disjointed or fights against story beats. you know??#so I think that the willingness to allow botw and totk to exist independently from the timeline is good at the very least from a developmen#standpoint because it implies a willingness to. stop making shitty oot remakes and let developers do something interesting.#and yes i do very much fear that the next 20 years of zelda will be shitty BOTW remakes now#in which botw link appears and undergoes the most insane character assassination youve ever seen in your life#but im trying to be optimistic here. if botw/totk can exist outside the timeline then we may no longer be stuck in the remake death loop#and i'm taking eow as a good sign (so far) that we're out of the death loop!! because that game looks NOTHING like botw or oot.#fingers crossed!!#anyway sorry for the game dev rant but tldr timeline good except when it's bad#asks#zelda analysis
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suddenly-stickmin · 11 months ago
"Woah, it's really coming down." ___________
It's been raining a lot here lately, the clouds turn to this really nice sea-green color, so I wanted to make something inspired off of that! The music used here is "Learning Spy". I was listening to it while coloring n thought it suited the rain-vibes nicely.
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great-tusk · 3 months ago
I’m on vacation. My dad brought me a laptop to use, and every game other than YTTD is gonna take hours to download, so I’m doing a new playthrough of that rn.
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cellbitupdates · 2 months ago
❤️ Cellbit was on Ellum's stream! Here is the vod link:/🟩 Cellbit estava na live do Ellum! Aqui está o link do vod:/🟡 Cellbit estuvo en el directo de Ellum! Aquí está el link del vod:
Ellum 23/1/25
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velvetjune · 11 months ago
the nursery rhyme puzzles might be one of my favorite parts of game. They’re one of the aspects of Saga’s storyline that early on introduce the FBC and the theme of fiction with reality that would be an entire case for her, and later a major source of conflict. All the whimsical poems and dolls that are soon revealed to have direct correlation to Saga and her worries. Is it all a coincidence? Was the act of making this art already affected by Saga’s role and that’s why some of the rhymes are personal? It adds to the mystery that’ll likely never be fully answered, and makes Saga and the player uneasy.
Then, the final doll!—the father that looks like a certain talk show host in the dark place, holding his child. Specifically contained away from any other dolls and the witchfinder’s station, but never given a reason why. Of course, there’s a creepy poem repeated over the station paralleling Saga’s life, but I love that it speaks of the father, Door, keeping an eye on and trying to protect the hero, Saga.
Naturally, Campbell, the annoying FBC researcher, was listening in and wanted to see Saga face the consequences of opening a threshold and seeing what comes through the “doorway.” Only for him to die (?) instead. Such a classic mad scientist ending; It’s comically funny after the haunting mystery of the station. While it could simply be him being sent or consumed by the Dark Place, the chance that it could be Mr. Door watching Campbell try to sabotage his daughter and opening a door for Campbell to face whatever Horrors of the dark place is. so good. What a conclusion to what seemed like a fairly nonsensical puzzle side quest.
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asimplebush · 2 months ago
I forget how much I love Warframe sometimes. It's legitimately the only shooter I like because it's the only one I've tried that I remotely understand (plus if I get bored shooting, I can just melee bitches super effectively).
I'm not very far. I've only just unlocked the test for Mastery Rank 4, and have only just unlocked Mars, but I love it so much.
It helps that my hubby introduced me to it and he's way further in the game, so I can join him in any mission he has unlocked which is a lot of them.
I love the game but I adore the personal time it gets me with my husband. There's not a whole lot of games we both like. He likes fighting and real-time strategy. I like puzzle and rhythm. But we both like Warframe. We both like Minecraft (mainly modded from hell). We both like just being in the presence of the other and doing our own thing, separate but together.
God this was supposed to be about Warframe but oh my god I love him so much.
(Oh, I main Octavia if you play, but I only have her, Excalibur, and Caliban unlocked so like... I want Octavia prime SO BAD)
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waywardsalt · 7 months ago
anyways. my very first attempt at malenia
#elden ring#my post#this starts late (?) bc i didnt want to get the cutscene in the clip but fumbled to start the recording bc she does kinda rush you#and i was not at all prepared#anyways im genuinely tempted to just write a long post dumping my thoughts on malenia and her fight and how im puzzling through it#ive reached peak intrinsic motivation elden ring#the only reason why i probably should wait to make the post is bc ive only gotten as far as first phase half health#i have another recording thats abt a minute and a half long attempt and i gave it a few tries today#its worth mentioning that the night before i decided to finally start fighting malenia i told my friend (who managed to beat her) that bc#a lot of the last few endgame bosses didnt take me too long to beat i was worried that malenia wouldnt take me very long#and he just told me she would throw me into a meat grinder. and i lasted 12 seconds against her after that intro cutscene#anyways the fact that she's a very straightforward and easy to see boss makes it very easy to break her down and figure out how she#works n why she's hard and figure out a plan and everything i really like it. no particle effects just some sparks and sword trail lines#i keep getting caught by her flurry attack n today my plan (while talking to my friend) was to figure out why i kept getting caught by#it despite it being very obviously telegraphed n then putting together why i struggle with it. its REALLY fun to think technically abt her#anyways. fun part abt me getting killed by the grab + impale is that i honestly wasnt sure if that was actually implemented in the game#bc id never seen it in gameplay and. here we go. ten seconds in there it is
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sleepyorchidmonster · 8 months ago
What if TWST has a game franchise similar to LOZ, but it's Alice's adventures in Wonderland?
The series is quite popular, you play as Alice, with the Cheshire Cat as your companion (who tends to cause more problems than help out), the Vorpal Sword is basically the Master Sword and you help the Queen of Hearts by exploring dungeons and solving riddles and puzzles. There is even an Ace Attorney spin-off (not very successful, since the nonsensical rules annoy most players).
However, it's a general consensus that no one understands the first game. The whole playthrough amounts to 2 hours at most, though dataminers found more content in the code. It that wasn't enough, there is a weird sign right next to the first dungeon, who clearly breaks the fourth wall:
"Up is down, left is right,
Count the letters, subtract the spaces,
1 2 3 know 9 8 7 are your friends, now and ever,
Mind the gaps, ignore the rabbit,
There is no fun that is not maddening!"
There is also a small note in the back, written in blood-red ink, signed with a paw-print:
"I watch everything with a disinterested smirk,
With lazy eyes that twinkle like faraway suns,
You'll never find me in the night sky while I lurk,
'Cause, "mime a ton, drum te hey!"
Now, the Cheshire cat was only introduced in a later game, so people kept trying to find glitches to the moon (they also didn't find the cat and kept talking to a mime NPC). A quick look at the Queen's Rules also didn't help, since the number you get when subtracting the letters and spaces while ignoring the numbers just doesn't add up (something about doing parkour whenever a tree is planted).
So it stayed that way, just like the "Mew under the truck" thing.
Until Cater decided to stream a playthrough alongside the dorm (it fits the Heartslabyul theme, also Riddle is interested in gaming, so why not start with a simpler game that is also a classic).
You see, firstly, if you consider the numbers as actual names and write them as words, you get additional letters that, when subtracted by the spaces...still get a rule that doesn't make sense (don't eat a tart after midnight) BUT, if you know about Queendom history, you'll know that this rule was added by the White Rabbit to fill a GAP in the book after the Queen banned a rule about the correct way to dance (up, down, left, right, two steps forward, one step back).
Long story short, Riddle solved the problem.
So, you can get that dance and replicate it in the game, swapping up with down and left with right (forward and backwards would also be up and down, in this case).
As for the extra note, they already knew it was the cat, but if you scramble "Mime a ton, drum te hey!", you get "I am on the tree, dummy!"
The cat introduced himself, saying he'll follow the player on the next journey, but not before giving a tip: "If you want to keep going, you have to be as mad as everyone here! Why kill when you can dance? They do say singing wards off evil..."
Riddle explained all of this in fifteen minutes. Just to humor him, Cater left the sign and made a beeline for the first tree in the area, expecting nothing of it.
The Cheshire Cat showed up, his smile overtaking the screen.
And with that, Cater wordlessly rushed to the first dungeon, doing the dance code instead of killing the first enemy.
The game crashed.
And then a cutscene started playing.
It was basically the Jabberwock appearing and destroying the dungeon's ceiling. Apparently he is "searching for that damn cat" and "hoping to battle his nemesis again". With that, he leaps to the sky, and we get the game's title drop.
Do note that the game was using a style similar to "A Link to the Past" at first, but everything changed and now it looks like Twilight Princess.
And that's how Cater's streams became famous. Also everyone is trying to memorize the Queen's rules.
The streams now happen in Ramshackle, with the entire cast present. Also Riddle is annoyed because people keep asking for his assistance with solving game puzzles.
Alternatively, this could also happen in Book 6.
Everyone speedrunnimg the Overblot fight just so they can keep playing.
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random-autie-fangirl · 1 year ago
Hey, Do you have any Chara headcanons?
So technically I already have a reblogged post of Chara headcanons. Right here, within the tags. (99+) Chara neutralist squad on Tumblr
However, I most certainly have not run out of things to talk about and so...
I now present Chara Dreemurr headcanons 2: Electric Boogaloo
1. Yes, so as I said before, they have been spotted reading the dictionary cover to cover multiple times and reads english grammar books for fun. It is like they have to use one word literally nobody understands at least once a day or they will figuratively die. And of course, they would be the one to say figuratively every single time they use a metaphor or hyperbole or turn of phrase and they would get genuinely annoyed with anyone who says literally when they don't literally mean literally. Chara is the kind of kid who if someone says "can I", they will say "I don't know, can you?" like an english teacher because it's supposed to be "may I" for allowances. And, Azzy, it's supposed to be "Chara and I" not "me and Chara" ...no-one cares.
2. Something vocabulary related is that Chara absolutely, categorically refuses to swear! Apparently, contradictory to popular belief given that they're an "edgy" character, they think they are far too intelligent, high-class and mature for such gauche and vulgar words (did I mention they're a loser yet?), you see, and they would definitely consider using words that mean almost nothing to be a grave insult to their extensive vocabulary.
This doesn't mean they don't have certain stock phrases they use as exclamations or insults, though, of course. "asshole" or "bitch" becomes "you complete and utter ingrate", "what the fuck/hell?" becomes "What on this good earth/What in the Angel's name?" and "fuck you" becomes "may the angel smite you dead" or "may you burn in hell forevermore" (except that since Chara Dreemurr has proved themselves able to dish out much, much worse insults than "may the angel..." (stuff like "you look horrible, why are you even alive" for example) this might just be more annoyance than genuine hatred.)
So basically, while a normal person might say "Ow! Fuck!" when they stub their toe on something, Chara "Sesquipedalian loquaciousness" Dreemurr starts up an anime villain speech at nothing in particular while Asriel giggles and possibly records in the background. (Because of Asriel's apparent love for anime, he'd probably find his sibling's way of speaking to be the coolest thing ever as well as thinking it makes Chara some sort of uber-genius (note: it does not))
3. Okay so, since they tend to fixate on being impeccable in every way, even for the smallest of things, they can get embarrassed very easily and...very dramatically. Not finding the best word for every situation (particularly if they end up saying something wrong), not getting a perfect score on the test, anyone (who isn't the Dreemurrs) seeing them when their appearance is anything less than completely spotless.
They shall freeze and go completely blood red, they shall squeal and run off to their room. They will lie face down, not making a sound, and stay there for...hours. They will not respond, they will not be consoled. They have recently learnt they're not literally the best at everything ever and no, nothing will ever be okay again.
...They'll be back to normal within a day, though, boastful and eager to impress as ever. I think at some point they do learn that maybe not being perfect isn't the end of the world...eventually. Anyway, heard someone saying that hell exists for Flowey and it is minor inconveniences and that is true but hell also exists for Chara and it is minor embarrassments.
(Yes, I am aware this is very exaggerated, it's just more fun that way)
They have an equally dramatic, though positive, reaction to praise and compliments. Giddily skipping around and smiling ear to ear for hours, they tend to preen and straighten up, and it turns out they were lying and can cry, (a lot) just not out of sadness or fear. Though, they do get somewhat good at downplaying how much they care in front of acquaintances or strangers (even if they are nice and polite about it). Technically, only the Dreemurrs are allowed to know that Chara feels emotions.
(Also they have the same reaction to realising they are in fact the prophesied angel in the murder run, despite not being a praiseworthy accomplishment in any way, they're just happy to be, well...special. They always knew the prophecy was about them! Of course they were the angel, they're the best person in the world after all, finally they have the title they always deserved! Oh dear...)
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zincbot · 1 year ago
played through tunic so fast i didn't even process anything besides filling my noteapp with "left right down up", but yo the production line for the obelisks? that was fucked
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usurpator · 9 months ago
RE puzzles are great
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idiosyncraticrednebula · 11 months ago
Ngl, I would love to see a Lego video game adaptation of all the Disney Princess movies, although I have zero idea how the devs at Lego could make that work properly. If not that, then at least an adaptation of the Renaissance movies or even some of the Post-Renaissance/Experimental and Revival ones. A combo of the three eras, perhaps? The possibilities are endless!
#disney#lego#disney princesses#video games#txt#the ones that would be most likely to be included would probably be the little mermaid aladdin the lion king hercules mulan#EVEN atlantis lilo & stitch tangled wreck it ralph frozen franchise big hero 6 (that one is obvious) moana raya and the last dragon and#encanto#of the pre-1989 ones the rescuers winnie the pooh robin hood the aristocats jungle book the sword in the stone one hundred and one#dalmatians sleeping beauty (mainly for the end) peter pan alice in wonderland#and pinocchio. those are ones that would be more likely to appear as actual levels and missions#some of those movies might be bonuses and dlc's (probably the ones from the dark era and later silver era tbh)#characters from other popular franchises would be included in the game and they would have be unlocked through an specific puzzle being#resolved the lego pieces being acquired completing the game or bonus missions#or characters that you have to pay as dlc's which would suck yeah but it is what it is#i mean!!!! i hope someone who works at the lego video game company comes across this post. i WANT this video game to happen#the incredibles has already gotten a lego video game so i think this should happen#oh yeah only wdas characters would be included#characters from bought franchises would not be included#i'm basically laying out how i would do a lego video game 😭💀#@ lego devs PLS pls pls pls make it happen#i forgot to add treasure planet although lbr between lilo and stitch and treasure planet the devs would choose lilo and stitch simply#because of its popularity and marketability
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sortai · 5 months ago
I have to learn how dvd menus work so that I can see how translatable homestuck is to a dvd
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foxgirltail · 9 months ago
Pre botw Zelda games gave you like 10 to 20 things in your toolkit to splay the game and solve puzzles.
Breath of the wild gives you 4. Tears of the kingdom gives you 4. I sorta suspect that this Link game will have 4 as well, although we only know of the copy ability
Counting and images below the cut, this got long
Even if we're being generous and include weapon types, bomb types, and shields, breath of the wild still has less unique items/upgrades in it than like, ocarina of time or twilight princess
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Ocarina of time:
Deku stick
Deku nut
Bomb and bomchu
Bow and arrow (4 types)
Secret revealer
Plant seed (consumable item used for puzzle solving)
Massive hammer
3 spells
Regular and Big sword (and kid sword)
Shield and magic shield (and kid shield)
Situational attire (Heavy boots, Flying boots, Underwater outfit, fireproof outfit)
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Twilight princess:
Bombs (3 types)
Bow and arrow (2 types i think)
Ball and chain
Iron boots
Hookshot (and double)
Gale boomerang
Control scepter
Horse whistle
Sword (various)
Shield (various)
Situational attire
Dungeon fast travel method
Breath of the wild:
Bombs (2 types)
Various Swords
Various 2 handed swords
Various Spears
Various Shield
Various Bow and arrows (6 types of arrow if you include the bow of light I guess)
4 spells (champion abilities)
Situational attire (traversal, weather, combat, stealth, and gimmick)
Fast travel method
Tears of the kingdom:
Ultra hand
Ultrahand autobuild
Various swords
Various 2 handed swords
Various spears
Various shields
Various bow and arrows (many types of arrows due to fuse, nothing dedicated though)
5 champion abilities (and phantoms)
Situational attire (same groups as botw, but more of them)
Fast travel method
Even minish cap, the 2d Gameboy game, looks like it has a comparative number of abilities to botw and totk
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Gust jar
Flip rod
Boomerang (upgradeable)
Shield (upgradeable)
Bombs (upgradeable)
Speed boots
Jumping ability
Ocarina (fast travel method)
Bow and arrow
Ability to swim
Ability to pick up roadblocks (upgradeable)
Oot: 15
TP: 16
Minish cap: 13
Totk: 13
Botw: 12
I did some condensing for outfits and weapons (there's way more outfits and weapons in botw and totk, obviously), but it's clear that if I removed all swords (or melee botw/totk weapons), shields, and outfits since they're so "basic" and not really "tools" from all of the games lists, botw and totk would be very behind
Is there more you can do in botw and tears of the kingdom? More ways to solve the same problem? Sure, absolutely
But both games very much feel like they have a handful of core abilities that the devs wanted to show off in their physics engine rather than like. Puzzles and dungeons with an intention similar to previous Zelda iterations
The new Link game feels sorta similar. "Here's a gimmick we came up with that we think is cool and can do a lot. Let's make a whole legend of zelda game about it, because it'll sell better that way than independently"
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parasitoidism · 2 years ago
I had a dream where I played the resident evil 4 remake and it was like as normal as your subconsciouses closest approximation of a game you’ve never played could be I guess but there was a part where Leon was checking into a hotel and the clerk was like but it says on your id that you’re a woman you should get that fixed and then a trans flag flashed on screen . Why is my subconscious trying to come up with trans headcanons for characters I know nothing about
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its-captain-sir · 2 years ago
My friend group is embarking on a mission to turn our one friend into a gamer this summer so if you have good easy game recommendations. I am holding out my hands to you 🤲
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