#and perhaps just posting this may kick me in the behind and force me to start writing it
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undermine-the-instinct · 11 months ago
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝑳𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑮𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆 (Then I Intend)
Sesshoumaru x reader
Read on A03...
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Notes: For @lorelune 's Spring fever '2024 a/b/o collab!
Masterlist.../ Next part....
Summary: The Lord Daiyokai often shuts you up in an inn, every few days of the month, for the demons that are attracted to your bloodscent. It is one of the few graces he allows. You would think its for your safety, and truly it is. Because not only do you seem to forget that he is a demon, but also a man.
Rumors of a bloodhungry demon arise, one that prowls the edges of this ghost town, devouring its residents under the shroud of moonless nights; Of which steadily approaches. Under the dark viel of a new moon, all desires will be brought to light.
NOTE: Rin and Sesshoumaru are so found-family core to me, so I absolutely DO NOT ship SessRin.
Content: Omegaverse, Alpha!Sesshomaru, HumanOmega!Reader, AFAB READER, FEM CODED READER, period mentions, era appropriate misogyny, servant/master dynamics.
Length: 8.9k
Part 1 out of 4
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Listen, nine hundred and fifty years before jesus was a child shaking willow leaves out of his tangled curls, the author of the book of solomon wrote: behold, you are beautiful; your eyes are doves.
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The inn that Sesshoumaru leads you to is weathered but sturdy, and most importantly, empty.
You’re surprised at the fact that the inn is a honjin, and not a cheap Kichin-yado, like the ones you've seen sparingly in other villages. This is a post town though, so it makes sense.
It is late, but beyond that the night is still, stale. The wind hardly moves, and you know the signs of a desolate town before the wariness in the residents' eyes can tell you. Scared perhaps, and desperate.
The woman who runs the inn is much like it, a bit old, but grounded, and elegant, as she stoops into a low bow and accepts the pouch Sesshoumaru hands with due reverence and trembling hands.
“Four days. Attend to their needs, whatever they may be. Your head depends on it.” You hand Rin to him, and he sets the child down on her feet with care that belies his stern brow. You take his hand next and hop down from A-Un, and he retracts his hand as soon as you are steady on your feet.
“Get inside now. It's late.”
“Yes, My Lord.” You usher Rin in behind the innkeeper, and for just a moment, you turn to look back at your Lord who doesn't follow.
“Will you be joining us?”
His eyes flash like lanterns in the darkness before he turns away. “...Just get settled in.” And he slips into the dark.
It was hard adjusting.
Leaving the 21st century for 1500’s Japan was enough of a shock, but apparently, demons existed. Yeah. Actual Demons. You’ve tried to adjust and find shelter, and a way back home, with no luck. You've been kicked and chased out of villages as mad or an ill omen (For washing your hands so often???), and you've escaped death and harm so often you swear there is either a deity who favors you, or favors your eternal anxiety over this whole situation.
It was by complete chance that you stumbled upon the Lord, in which you listed your capabilities and usefulness with the frazzled energy of a court jester at threat of beheading, the first demon to not drool and try to devour you on sight. 
He cut off your rambling with an odd head tilt and a ‘accompany me then,’ despite the furious squawking from the green imp you've come to know as Jaken. You just grinned, relieved at finally finding yourself secure in this foreign place, and followed along. 
You’re fine doing chores, or calling him Lord, in return for protections and shelter. You've learned how to talk in a 'appropriate manner for a woman' as the Lord ordered, but sometimes you push your luck–but you can’t help it! That reckless attitude followed you from your first life to this one, and that silky pale hair was just sooo pretty not to touch, and the barely perceptible shock in his eyes when you call him by his given name, no honorifics, is worth being forced to walk on foot for a few (dozen) miles. 
Perhaps he might have thought of killing you, a few times, the sniveling thing that you were, if you hadn't piqued his interest with your charming and witty banter...that he often rewarded by cutting your rations.
He’s gotten more lenient about it now when you ‘slip up’ and you think it's like an exposure therapy sort of thing. Except the exposure part is friendship, which you think he’s never had before. It is something the both of you have to adjust to, him, with your friendship! You, with the fact that you were most likely never going home and that demons exist, and probably, subsequently, Hell. Existential crises for everyone, yay...
Yet, another thing that was hard to adjust to was…your monthlies, Things were thrown out of wack when you landed here; Your circadian cycle, sense of appropriate social interaction, your menstration, etc, so it all took a few odd weeks to come back. Your period, that is you still don't know how to talk to people or wake up early. When that happened, Sesshoumaru had already been eyeing you strangely for days you swear, even if you never really caught him in the act.
It was only when he made himself scarce, did you recall how your friend's dogs could smell your stuffs before you even could, and you promptly wanted to cringe yourself out of existence. He’s an Inuu Youkai. Dog demon.
The blood stuff started, you freaked, and Sesshoumaru promptly disappeared far ahead, leaving you to the sneering and bemoaning of Jaken. You didn't have your preferred toiletries or heating pads or anything! It was never a fun time.
The only thing that hinted to Sesshoumaru’s continued presence was the corpses of demons left in his wake, drawn in by the heavy scent of your blood, the thick trail you had left behind. He started shutting you up in an inn somewhere whenever the time comes along now, even if he’s more often late than not, which was still… oddly considerate? Well, one time you all were too far inland so you had to huddle up in a cave and that was not a good time.
Futon and tatami mats might not be a duvet, comforter and down pillows, but it was much better than a cave.
As you’re thinking, Rin trots into the room, and you brighten, immediately waving her over. Joining the group the girl was a selective mute, speaking a few precious words here and there. Surprisingly, even with Sesshoumaru being the Leader of this group and you being her favorite (obviously), the one she spoke the most often to was Jaken. She trailed and played with him often, even if the imp would call it more tormenting.
Still, the girl has done wonders on brightening this dull little group, and you adore her more than you thought you would. 
Rin’s eyes light up with familiarity, and she skips over, plopping in your lap. You let out an exaggerated huff.  
“Woah, I think someone had a bit too much to eat at dinner…” She pouts, shakes her head.
“Really? Because it seems like you put on a few pounds already…” She shakes her head harder and kicks her feet, so naturally you reach to tickle her toes. She screeches in laughter as you hold her in place and count off the little stubs.
“This little piggy went to market, This little piggy stayed home. This little piggy got roast beef, This little piggy had none. And this little piggy cried, ‘Wee, wee, wee!’ all the way home!”
“What sort of nursery rhyme is that?” Jaken sneers as he trots inside.
“What kind of stank face is that?” you snap back. Rin gasps against you, trying to get her breath back, and flinches back in laughter as you fake-reach for her feet again.
Tiring her out and settling into bed is easy enough, and you regale Rin with one of the many tales of your world. You tell her about electricity and skyscrapers, blimps and airplanes and lakes within caves, caves with pink salt and love stories and anything that you can recall. Even Jaken doesn't interrupt, content to sit along and listen to your tales.
In no time at all, Rin droops against you, breathing evenly, eyes barely slitted open in that way that all young children fall asleep. Jaken snores in his corner, that creepy two headed staff in his arms, but you’ve all gotten used to that so you ignore him. Slowly, and carefully, you tuck Rin in, and move to blow out the oil lamp.
But Sesshoumaru is already there, staring down at the both of you, and you jump.
“...!!”  Putting a fist over your pounding heart, you just manage not to scream, and you frown at the Lord.
“You almost scared me into a heart attack!’ You hiss. You can swear he rolls his eyes– but the motion is too swift.
“Humans and their weak organs.” 
“And yet we’ve managed to survive this long, and longer yet.”
“Yes, like crickets. Or roaches.”
“Hey,” you frown. “A roach can survive nuclear fallout. You and I, however, cannot.” He rolls his eyes again, and you definitely catch it, and maybe this time you were meant to.
Rin snores gently, and his eyes are drawn. “These inane stories you tell the child are senseless and impractical.” 
“She likes them, they ease her. You know she’s been having nightmares recently–that last batch of demons brought back some…bad memories.” Sesshoumaru had told you how he had come to keep the girl, after he brought her back to life with Tenseiga. 
You know you’re not the only one who cares for her. Sometimes, if you’re keen enough, you would look over and catch the Lord looking over the child.
She’s be caught in some silly antic, like trying to braid flowers into A-un’s double mane, or refashion Jaken’s clothes to something more fashionable; And the Lord wouldn't smile or laugh no, the Demon is a practically made of marble, but there would be a fondness in his eyes. Then he'd catch you looking and that stony wall would slide back up.
But that did a lot to humanize him in your eyes (ha). He liked to gift both you and the girl new clothes in bright colors, and on especially good days, he would pretend to be asleep as she braids his hair. Jaken would critique her technique and flower placement, it was very found-family core.
You only caught that once though and you bemoan your loss of modern photography. You would’ve loved to get that on camera.
“The stories help get her mind off of that. And did you say ‘impractical’? I would say they’re inspiring–maybe she’ll reinvent planes and be the next Amelia Earheat, traveling the world.”
He cocks his head down at you. “And what exactly happened with this woman, did she live a fulfilling life?”
“Uh, no…whilst trying to become the first woman to complete a circumnavigational global flight, she and her navigator, Fred Noonan disappeared over the central Pacific Ocean.”
“Hence, why women should stay in the home.”
You scowl. “She didn't fail because she was a woman, she failed because she ran out of fuel for her plane. And if you must be misogynistic, she had a man with her!”
“Who let her take lead. Hence, their death.”
You click your tongue. “The inventions of women have revolutionized the world! Wireless transmission technology, central heating, kevlar fabric, the fire escape, mint ice cream; Women can be just as capable if given room to thrive.”
He waves your words away. ” I suppose then I shouldn't let you out of my sight, lest you recreate your lightning in a bottle again.”
“It's called electricity. I almost got the hang of it.”
“Hence.” He walks the length of the room, opens the sliding door to look outside of it. He stalks back in a moment later.
“There are no other guests in the inn, and I paid the old woman enough to keep it that way. After these four days we leave for the mountains.”
“Mountains…” You sigh, burying your face in the blankets.
“Can't we just fly over with A-un?”
“No. There are demon nests I must quell inside. We pass through.”
“Ugh,” You groan, flipping over. “Why? It's gonna be so hard…You know, this isn't how I imagined my life to go. So much hardship,” you whine. “If I wanted to climb mountains I would have joined a hiking group up Mount Everest or Fuji or Hiroshima or something…”
“How did you expect your life to be?” You stop your pouting, turning over to look at him, and the light from the oil lamp paints him in shades, a chiaroscuro of silver and gold.
“...What do you mean?”
“What did you expect out of life? Do you have dreams? Or did they die out when you came here?” 
He waits, and you can't seem to muster up the words under the confusion you're under. Staring at him upside down, you wonder, ‘when did you ever want to know about me?’
He’s the one who breaks eye contact first, a harsh sigh pushing past his teeth.  “Never mind.” He reaches inside the lamp and pinches the fire out. The room is enveloped in deepening shadows and cool tones; All moonlight and deep blues, softening into Dawn.
He turns, and his hair swishes, like a curtain of silver. A full moon, gleaming brighter here than the waning one in the lightening sky.
“Go to sleep.”
“...Goodnight, My Lord.”
“To sleep with you.”
Inu Yokai are more attuned to their senses than most demons.
It is their nature, as dog demons–their senses are what lend them their extra strength in battle, in the company of other demons–and He is a master of them all. He is a pure blooded Daiyōkai, Lord of the Western Lands. It is expected.
He has honed and sharpened and used them like any weapon, and they serve him just fine, as well as any tool or instinct.
He did not expect them to betray him like this.
The scent of your heat is a heavy, disorienting thing–but still weak compared to the true cycle of a female Inu Youkai. But where a female of his kind would enter estrus twice, maybe thrice a year, you enter it every month.
He caught the tell-tale ends of it, the day you stumbled onto his path. Faint and still unripe, rare, and no less precious for it-Omega. You wonder why so many demons chase and clamor after you, and that is why.
He found himself appalled, disgusted. But not surprised. Mortals are weak and slaves to their own biology. Such a rampant cycle must be their evolutionary way of ensuring that their population does not die out. Yet even he has to scoff at the luck you must have had to survive unblemished. A young, unclaimed, unattended Omega, even if they are human? How crass. How delightful. Like impure jade, saturated and cloudy. He keeps you anyway. He wants you anyway.
You fall into slumber easily, but fretfully, and he watches you alternate between a light and deep sleep. It is not pain or discomfort that ails you though, and he tries to tamp down the rumble in his chest at your drawn brow. He wants to soothe it. He wants to slip beside you and savor your heat.
Instead, he settles for brushing your hair back from your face, arranging it in a neat manner so that your neck stays cool, and the child won't step on it in her hurry. You’ll wake up late, more sluggish than the other two, but he’ll excuse you. Rin will rush out first, intent on cooking breakfast, which Jaken would take over, with the innkeeper's aid. You’ll wake up next, blurry eyed and guilty, intent on pulling your weight. He has instructed Jaken to make sure you rest, but recently you’ve cowed the imp into some leniency. He’ll have to check on you.
But he won't be staying in this inn, or around you long if he can help it. The scent of you before was irregular, heady and dark like blood and earth. It's a stroke for his ego (and what does that say about him) that being around an Alpha, a complimentary presentation, has helped you to…stabilize. You must have been surrounded by Betas, to have such a weak scent. But now that it's settled, your scent is something more floral now, mature, warm. ‘Like honeysuckle’, he compares. 
Pungent, thick, slow, very particular. It could be mistaken for jasmine, or vanilla, but no, honeysuckle. The scent thickens now, in your estrus, trails behind you in wafts. Further fuelled by the blood residue of your menstruation. You smell like wounded animal. Maddening, enticing, frustrating. Lovely.
Blasted instincts. They demand he steps forth and assuage them, but you are human. However his urges, no matter this damn longing, you will never be on equal stance, despite your presentation. That is reason enough. It should be reason enough.
Humans like to pretend that they are better than animals, or mindless beasts, but your body relays those basic desires pretty clearly. 
He wants to taste.
Four days. Four days until the worst of this passes, and he can continue on his journey. Perhaps he should have left you for dead, ages ago. Or killed you himself, to prevent anyone else the right. He wouldn't have to deal with this, and you’d still belong to him. 
But he’s not going to kill you now. He’s come too far for that.
He exhales, and slides the door shut seamlessly. It is near dawn, you all arrived rather late, so he will leave you to your slumber. That dizzying scent of yours heckles at his nerves, raises his hackles just the slightest bit–lengthens his teeth and claws, he cannot meditate like this.
He stalks from the inn, irate. There were plenty of low class demons he saw on the way to this backwater village. He needs to shred something apart. He needs to put his claws in something.
The next morning you wake up late, which is surprising, because usually Rin wakes you up by stepping on your hair rushing out. It lies neat around your face, and you’re left to wonder who did it for you, because it certainly wasn't you. 
Rubbing the dredges of sleep from your eyes, you still as an image comes to mind; A dream, the glint of something sharp, like a whetted knife, and…something else, a soft rattle in the dark. A weight on top of you? But kinda nice, like a warm, weighted blanket in winter. Hm…White scales. The heck?
“Whatever…? Weird dream…” You would have looked up your zodiac sign for any clues in your era, but there are things to be done. The Lord doesn't shut you in an inn so you can idle about. Maybe you can find some chores to help out with.
You shake your head at the images, and get ready for the day. Jaken and Rin are nowhere to be seen, and your body aches sorely like you did a full cardio workout the night before.
You only just finish getting dressed when there's a knock, and the sliding door opens, revealing the innkeeper kneeling beyond it.
“Forgive me for intruding upon you, honored guest. Breakfast is ready in the common area. Or would you prefer to eat in your room?”
“Uh, no, I‘ll head down, thank you..” You follow her down the empty hallways, until you reach the common room. Rin and Jaken have already set up all the plates; Jaken huffs when he sees you, lifting his sleeve to his nose while Rin just beams. You decide to focus on her, Jaken has always had a sore spot with you.
“Good morning Rin! Did you help set this all up?” She nods, before gesturing wildly with her hands, your eyes flitting to catch it all, the odd few words spilling out. You can understand her easily, by now.
“Oh, and you helped cook too? Well why didn't you call me?! I feel horrible that I just slept in while you were working so hard!”
“It wasn’t hard; You would know if you weren't so incompetent. This is just something any person can do.” Jaken lifts his chin in the air, self vindicated, nose still covered. You are not impressed.
“Thank you for the snark, this early in the morning Jaken. Anything else you would like to add?”
He scoffs. “You should be taking my criticism with due gratitude! I mean, what sort of servant sleeps in and doesn’t even help cook breakfast?”
“I am no servant, I am a companion. And so what? Are you going to take breakfast away as my punishment, Jaken?” You smile and take the bowl of rice Rin hands you, lifting an eyebrow.
“Why, I should!”
“But you won't. Because you know the Lord wouldn't approve.” And with that, he shuts up, the click of his teeth snapping together audible. The innkeeper flinches, and draws back.
And, alright, you were only half bluffing; Sesshoumaru would be upset, but only because Jaken has no right to dole out punishments. That's his job.
You see the owner lady bow and start to head out, but you call to her before she could leave.
“Hey, have you eaten yet? You should sit with us.” She smiles politely, shaking her head, still bowing. She isn't that old actually, now that you look at her. Laugh lines and crow's feet, salt and pepper hair. Fifties, perhaps. Her eyes keep flickering towards Jaken, and she breathes shallowly.
“Esteemed guest, I am honored, but I could not dare to impose.”
“I’m asking you to impose. Don’t worry about Jaken, I can punt him like a football at any given opportunity.”
“No you can’t!” Before Rin can fill it, you take your empty teacup and beam it off his head. It lands with a satisfying crack and the imp falls with a sad cry. 
“See? Also, the Lord is the esteemed guest here, not us. And, he’s not here. Please, sit and eat,” you tilt your head, peering just a bit closer at the woman.
“You look tired, actually. Are you alright?” Luckily, it doesn't take much more convincing before she sighs, and slides in the seat next to you, across Rin and Jaken.
“It is fine. There is much to do when you run an inn.”
“But you don't get many customers in this shack of a town, do you?” You glower at Jaken, who flinches back. You turn back to the innkeeper as he mutters something about  “hormones and lady cycles’, in which Rin scolds him for you, and introduce yourself.
“And the little girl here is Rin.”
“H-Hello,” Rin stutters the word out, and bows. You watch the innkeeper for any sign of reproach, but she just smiles and bows back.
“I am pleased to be in such fine company. I am Numachi.” She smiles, and easily looks ten years younger.
“‘Numachi?’” Jaken always has to ruin things though.
“Odd choice for a family name.”
Her brow doesn't furrow, but she closes her eyes, inclines her head. “It was my late husband's name.”
“Well it's still–”
“ANYWAYS,” you cut in before he has another chance to be crude, “Not to validate Jaken, but it does seem you don't have many…patrons. So why do you look so tired?”  She laugh-sighs, shoulders slumping, and the words spill from her, easily, like she's been waiting for someone to lend an ear.
“It was easier when I had my husband and two sons. But… after my husband passed, they left to travel to a more prosperous town, leaving me here…I run the errands by myself now.” You frown.
“They just left you alone when you needed them most?” She shakes her head. “Oh, no, they wanted to bring me along! But I’m much too attached to this place. It’s where I worked and stayed with my husband, after all. They are not far away anyways, they visit me every few months to check in. In fact, I received a letter at the beginning of this month that they would visit soon!” A smile paints her face, before consideration crawls over it; She lifts her sleeve and moves closer to you.
“Though, it's only after the new moon, and for that, I worry less. This post town used to be very prosperous, with many travelers and smaller inns. You can see the wreckage of them further into the town. But there's a demon, who's been eating all the residents for the past twenty years, under the veil of every new moon, and only then. The victims numbers keep increasing as time goes on, and soon…we will also be gone.”
Your mind quickly flashes to Sesshoumaru; The new moon will be soon, but for the next few nights at least, no one would be eaten, the demon wont get close unless they have a death wish. You think to tell her that but she goes on.
 “Now we mostly trade amongst ourselves. It takes such a long time for me to finish all these chores, cleaning the rooms and the bathhouse, checking the hot springs and collecting my small wares to trade, or collecting the things I've traded in advance for.” Numachi-san looks at you, almost conspiratorially, though it's hard on such a soft face as hers.
“I…have traps further upstream the river than anybody goes. It's where you can catch the fattest fish, though I only catch a few every couple of days. It's very far upstream, so that nobody may stumble upon them and steal them, a little aways from the rice paddies Taiga-san owns. Though, I supposed the fish make their own way out of the traps, with how long it takes me to sneak up there.” 
You pick at the fish on the table, seasoned with herbs and salt and vinegar, and take a mouthful of rice. Chew, swallow.
“There isn't much I am currently needed for, or need to do. I'd be happy to help with some chores. And please–” you cut her off, “don’t refuse because of hospitality. It would be kinder for the both of us if you received some help, and I find something to keep myself busy with.” 
Rin immediately bounces up in her seat, rice grains stuck to her cheeks and waving her hand in the air. You laugh.
“And it seems like you have another eager helper too. Three, with Jaken.”
“I did not–” He withers under the blinding smile you shoot his way. 
“So,” you grin back at Numachi-san. Please. what can we do first?”
The empty basket bumps against your hip as you rush into the village. Jaken had kicked up a fuss, had wanted you to stay inside, but Rin had wheezed past him, wiping the floor with a rag, and started chasing his feet. While he was distracted, you memorized the list of things you were supposed to get, and made your escape.
The village really was tiny, even in the midst of such a sunny day. In a time when the village should be bustling, people just kept their eyes forward and went about their business. Oh, there was of course the ladies in their tight knit groups, knitting and gossiping. There was the odd maiden who glanced longingly at some fellow or another, a couple cute village boys, all stereotypical bullshit, yeah yeah, but this town felt…hollow.
Or rather, drained. Like an old, cracked egg.
Numachi-san was right, you saw a few wrecked buildings as you made your way through town, following her instructions. They looked old and fragile, like houses made out of matchsticks. You hurried past these buildings, set on your way.
First, you had to get to the apothecary, for the bundle of herbs she owed the innkeeper, then, to old man Taiga for the rice. But the rice paddies were on the other side of town, where the streams ran from. You could get the rice and check on the traps tomorrow. 
Apothecary and cleaning today, rice and fish and cooking tomorrow. 
The apothecary was a small, but a long nook of a place, dimly lit and crowded with plants, hanging vines and drying bundles of other things. The woman who ran it was a frail old lady, white haired, who hardly spoke a word of greeting to you before she dropped an assortment of…things into your basket. You checked it over–expensive things. Honey and pears and mushrooms, spices–Parsley, chrysanthemum, kaiware, …some other plants you haven't been in this era long enough to identify. 
You were just sorting the basket on your arm when the lady slipped a few extra stuffs into your basket.
“Oh, was that also–”
“Extra? For wha-” 
“You're bleeding aren’t ya.” A woman of few, but blunt words. All knowing and terrifying in that knowledge. You nod.
She inclined her head towards the basket. “Ginger and ginseng to revitalize and heal the body, make it into a tea. You’re gonna need it, with that Lord of yours.”
“...What about him?” She rolled her eyes, a strange dark oak. 
“Don’t be dense girl. He shut you in that inn for a reason, right? Take advantage! He doesn’t seem the type to wanna go at it in a cave or some sort. “ And she leans in grinning, sharp and white toothed.
“You gotta watch out though, those types are the ones who pretend to be all dignified, but they’re the ones who go at it like beasts.” And yeah oookay you get what she means.
“Oh, no no no no nooo, we’re not here for that. I’m just a companion! And…my period just ended and I need rest, you know?” But she doesn't buy it.
“So you’re not his wife, or concubine?”
She nods. “Not yet then. How ‘bout that little girl, she yours?”
“Rin, the child? No, no, we just took her in.”
“We?"  You catch your slip of tongue a moment too late, and flush red. The old lady’s edged eyes seem to stare right through you, sharp and inscrutable, as she grinds and cuts her herbs.
“Having trouble carrying that Lord’s child then, are you? That why you adopted her–”
“Goodness, no! I said it’s not like that!  She is just…part of the group.” Even that sounds weak to your ears, and you start to back out of the shop.
“‘A companion’...” She clicks her tongue. “How naive. He’s a high class demon and a man. You’re either a snack or a concubine, and with that sweet young scent and body, you might end up as both. Best take advantage before then."
"If you're on or near off your bleeding, you're at your most fertile. If he hasnt already he's gonna try to pop a litter in ya." You make a sound of disgust and she rolls her eyes like a grandmother at an unruly child.
“Listen, I’m a part of this group. He's not that depraved to do that, you dont know what you’re talking about!” You're shocked at the volume of your voice, bouncing off the walls, and the most this lady offers you in a raised bow.
“Ah, I see. You like him but you’re scared–of what? Or is it a pride thing?”
“I don’t-”
“You're naive, but not clueless then. But pride is an easy price to pay for a good life. Make a move if you haven't already. Seems he already cares for ya, if he’s feeding ya and shutting you in an inn for your bleedings.”
“It's a two way street sort of thing. I get rest and he doesn't have to fight all the demons attracted to the blood.”
“Really? Well I bet he gets the days wrong, always shuts you up when the bleedings already ending. Leaves lots of bodies on the way too for ya, huh? It's like when my kitty brings me birds; It's about proving strength and showing he can provide. Demon and a man, remember?”
“You don't know him like I do. You don't know anything.”
“I know most women don't get a choice between comfort or a pleasant partnership; you got the chance for both and you’re not making any moves. If I was young as you I'd kill to take your place. Many women have.”
“So I should, on their behalf? He’s arrogant and aloof and looks down on humans,” you counter. “Why would he want me?”
“He’s sympathetic enough to take in a human woman and child and an imp, so maybe he’s not all that. Maybe you should ask why exactly he shuts you up. Or why you want him in the first place?” She resumes her chopping, the scent wafting up as bitter and sharp as her eyes. She pauses.
“If you live to make a decision, come back here. I got things to help you, whether you want to give him a baby or not.” She doesnt look up as you scoff, or run out the shop. You try to cast her words from your mind.
It got your mind running though.
“Numachi-san,” The innkeeper elegantly turns her head towards you, prime and ready to serve. It kinda irks you, her effortless grace and subservience but you ignore that.
“Why do you think the Lord dropped us off here?”
“Hm?” She tilts her head. “Honored guest…I wouldn't dare to presume, it is not my place.” 
“I'm asking you to presume. I won't hold any offense, so please.” Her eyes slowly slid over to Jaken, who was busy telling Rin off for the mess she was making. Rin just grins him away. 
Numachi-san slides over to your side, lifting her sleeve to cover her mouth.
“Well, if I may be audacious…Are you not the Lord’s wife?” You would choke, if the apothecary had not shocked you with this presumption earlier.
She hesitantly went on as you remained silent.
“The Lord has demanded your comfort. You rode in on the back of a mule demon with the child, and you were…bleeding. I saw the spotting. Oh, honored guest, do I go too far?” You shake your head, waving your hand at the crease in her brow.
“No, it's a...reasonable idea to come to. But it is none of that, I assure you.”
“Oh? You are a…servant of the Lord then? How generous he is.” Generous is the last thing you would call him but you can't find the words to correct her.
Curiosity pokes at you. “Numachi-san, sorry if this is too much for you, but what was your husband like? Was he kind to you?”
She bursts into laughter, and the sound of it is so sudden and bitter, your eyes widen. She looks at you with something like pity, like you’re some young thing.
“Kindness is a rare thing in this world, honored guest. That's why we call it graciousness– because it always comes at a price. No, my husband was not kind, but he was gracious.” Her eyes seem so far away, and she sighs in ages past.
“He helped me with the hotsprings and the fish traps upstream. Getting firewood and supplying the inn with whatever we needed, rice, grain, barley, herbs, meat.  My sons, when they were young, preferred to help me inside, at least until the younger twin started joining his father outside more often. They both didn't like people that much, busybodies. It was very crowded in those days so I understand.” And her eyes flick to the sides.
“But my husband…I cared for him, and he protected me. I’ve always been a frail thing, so I think he took it as ensuring my safety. I wasn’t madly in love with him as I was in my youth, but we enjoyed each other's company, which is more to be said then most marriages. Even so, after my sons were born…My duty as a mother overrode my duties as a wife. Not that it ever amounted to much, now that they all left me…” Another sigh, just pushing a small sob, her lipid eyes wet.
Wife. You’d never be a wife, in this era at least. Much less a willing mother. The chance of finding a decent partner that won't try and force you into domesticity is low, and lower still with the chances of Seshoumaru ever letting you go. 
If you asked him, would he let you go? Maybe as you get older. Maybe if you ever found a way back to your world. But what about Rin? It's not like you could take her with you. 
That night, after Rin has fallen asleep after another tale, you go wandering to the end of the hall, where the more opulent rooms lay. It's been unoccupied, but waiting a few minutes in the room yields results; Sesshoumaru appears as if he teleported, face forever calm and blank.
“What are you doing in my room?” The room you haven't been using? You want to snort, but rein that particular response in.
“Forgive me my Lord,” you incline your head. “I just had a bit of an…inquiry I wanted to bring to you.”
“And what ‘inquiry’ do you bring me?” 
To your credit, you only hesitate for a second at the infliction in his voice. Almost a challenge, but with none of the wariness to suggest he expects any real threat from you. You press.
“Why do you send us to an inn during my bleedings?”
It's not a particularly shocking question, but he wonders why you asked it. And why his pulse spiked ever so slightly.
“The blood scent attracts demons.”
“...Forgive me my Lord, but you are strong enough to deal with them; The corpses you leave behind are plain evidence. And I suppose it's more than that…” So you noticed. You bite the nail of your thumb, already red and agitated like it's a habit, which it is. He wants to tell you to stop, you don't need to lose any more blood than you already have. 
“It's just…We always stay at an inn towards the end of my period, always. If it's the blood that attracts predators, why not shut me up while I'm bleeding then? I know you…scout farther ahead but I bet you can tell when or before it starts, with your superior senses. We can plan better for this, y’know.”
How nonchalant, so self satisfied you seem with yourself that you meet his eyes head on. But as he stands there, holding your gaze like water in his palm, some shame finally finds you, its red flush crawling over your neck and ears and face. 
How lovely. “You don't know, do you?” Your shame, that is.
“Huh?” Even now, honey wafts throughout the room. It's all he can smell–blood residue and earth, honeysuckle and moonlight. He inhales so slowly, so carefully, to not disturb it, lest it spreads throughout the room and stick to everything.
“I don't know…what?” He doesn't answer you. He looks about; certainly one of the better rooms, still paling in comparison for his tastes. The futon has not been brought out, good. He doesn't need any more temptations. 
How clueless you are to his yearning, desire let sit to simmer for gods know how long.
Maybe from when you first stumbled onto his path, or how he noticed you never cowered near Jaken nor A-un, or even him; Cautious, but never fearful. Perhaps when your scent mellowed out with the addition of the child, or when you handed her flowers to braid in his hair. He wonders what the both of you would have done, had he dropped the farce of sleep, content to breathe in milk and honey. Would you jump back in shock, the child in your arms, or would you have grinned cheekily, teeth and all?
You're going to be the bane of his existence.
As he gazes about the room, he strides over to you in that way that makes you falter; Too swift and smooth to look like anything more than gliding, the illusion of being too fast to track as he stands before you; He tilts his head at the little squeak that leaves your lips as you stand eye to eye with his shoulder pauldron. 
Everything about you screams acquiescence, submission, fertility. Your smell, the extra luster to your hair, the extra plump to your face and hips….
He sighs. He finds himself pressing the flat of his tongue against his fangs, the roof of his mouth, to catch that cloying fragrance. There is a sort of fondness he holds for you that he is not sure is wise, nor gentle; It's a kind of fondness that demands both your tears and your desperation. 
“Attend to me.”
“Attend to me.” 
You mind blanks, before you spring into action. He walks over to the low table and seats himself, while you try to figure out how to take off his metal shoulder pad..thingy. It's attached by these red ropes, which are attached to that other black metal petal…thingy–wait, you should probably undo that yellow sash first. And that fluffy cape (it's sooo fluffy. But also literally alive? What is it?)
Sesshoumaru doesn't aid nor correct you, he hardly sighs as you fumble about, shutting his eyes as you work. He inhales deeply, once. He must be tired. Maybe that's why he’s entertaining you and not throwing you out the room. There's been a few close calls of that, so you know the warning signs- he emits none of them. He’s calm.
Finally, you get to that cherry blossom patterned Kimono, a crisp white and red pattern. Expensive. Hm. You wonder what his thread count is. Must be high. He lifts a hand as you hesitate for his undershirt; He just loosens the collar (and, skin!), and gestures towards the sake on the table that just suddenly appeared, a single cup to match.
As you pour it, a thought pops into your head.
“You can repair your armor and clothing with demonic energy, yes?” He actually raises an eyebrow, but only by a few millimeters. “Yes. And?”
So you couldn’t just like…Magic it all off?
You only shake your head and pour the alcohol into the flat sakazuki cups. He takes it from you and drains it immediately, and you refill it quickly. He drinks, and you look him over.
Your eyes trail down his form, not for pleasure, (because yeah, he’s beautiful, but he’s so beautiful it’s kinda scary, you know?), your eyes fall to the empty sleeve of his left arm, and you sober. 
He had dropped you off in some village one day, where you stood for a few days. Jaken was the one to retrieve you, and you came back to a demon lord with one less arm and a tiny child with matted hair. You did your best, but you were only able to fix one of those.
He catches your gaze before you can tactfully retreat, and his eyes narrow, daring you.
You cringe back. “Okay, okay, no need for the death glare. Just…curious.”
His unspoken question prompts you to answer.
“Just…um…Does it feel any different?” It's stupid even before it leaves your mouth, and you see the growing irritation in the set of his mouth, You set down the sake to wave your hands.
“No, no, I mean…! Like, there's stories, from my era I mean, and other stories from before obviously, but amputees each recall their experience differently. One thing that's common though is this thing called Phantom limb; It's like…they have the feeling of still having their limb, even though it is not there. I was just curious if you had…experienced that…” Your voice trails off, meek.
When you look up, he’s looking at the loose sleeve. His hair covers whatever expression he wore before he turns back to the lowrise table.
“Oftentimes, I could swear my hand would be curled, but when I look it is still gone.” A clawed hand raises itself, and removes the shoulder of his undershirt, revealing the ragged scar marring the milkiest skin you ever saw. 
“It aches, and not just the old wound. Phantom limb is accurate. I have to look and remind myself of what I lost.”
You try not to wince. “At least you have your life. I wouldn’t say you lost.” Nobody said anything of what happened to him, how he got so injured. You had to bribe Jaken with some rice cakes to even know it was another inu youkai, or hanyo, as Jaken sneered, so it's kinda scary to think there are demons stronger than the Lord in front of you, whose face and skin is smooth, but his eyes stony, like gilded marble.
“No, I lost that battle.” Sore loser then? You shrug.
“Well, I count it as a victory if I’m still alive at the end of it all.” And your impassive Lord actually snorts, closing his eyes.
“Spoken like a true loser then. Weakling.”
“Yes, and a coward. But alive still.” Silence threatens to fall, so you rush before it. 
“Could you, possibly, regrow it?” He is a demon after all…
But his fist unclenches, settles back in his lap. His face is calm again, like a freshwater lake.
“There is something halting that.”  And still, Silence falls like a dull knife.
This time, he takes the sake bottle and serves himself, quickly downing the drink and serving himself another. Are…demons impervious to the effects of human alcohol or…?
Maybe he’s just trying to get plastered???
Slowly, an idea forms in your head, so slowly, solidifying like fog. You act on it before you can lose the courage, opening your mouth to recite.
My Lord, are the years
That stretch before you;
In such an illustrious house,
A dewdrop is what I would be”
…People in this era are big on poetry, right? They’re not supposed to look at you like you just spoke in a dead language, right? 
“That is Ise no Miyasudokoro. You know of her, in your modern era?” You ignore the snide.
“I was in college, working on getting my Master’s degree. One of my electives was a poetry course.” You shrug. “So yes, I know of her.”
He affords you a look, an actual look; He checks the planes of your face and the depths of your eyes, and you don't know what he's looking at exactly, but he responds,
“The everlasting (moon):
Growing in its midst
Is my home, so
In its light alone
Can I place my trust.”
Oh! You perked up at the mention of a moon, y'know, people here really like using it as a metaphor, another poem ready at your lips;
“As a general rule
I would not praise the moon
For it
Piles upon men
The burden of increasing age.”
“And now Ariwara no Narihira? Was he also part of your curriculum?” You notice it, the regard in his voice, like a drop of paint in a glass of water, settling.
“Anyone interested in literature can't skip over Ariwara. He’s a classic.” Again, bluffing a little; your teacher passed him over very briefly, and you hate leaving any stone unturned, so you did some research on your own. (And thank goodness)
“I know of him and his work, but he is far from my favorite. Do you, perhaps…hold any favor to a poem in particular?”  
A nail, long and sharp, trails the flat rim of the sake glass. He seems to be contemplating, before he answers you in that impassive voice of his, even and toneless.
“In the summer mountains
From the treetop heights
Calls fill the sky
As does my love.”
Oh wow… “Ki no Turayuki? That's oddly…passionate.”
“Do you think I'm incapable?”
“Of passion?” What a loaded question. “No my Lord just…restrained.”
“I prefer…longanimous.”  You laugh at that.
“What adversity do you face to show such restraint then,  Lord Sesshoumaru? The world is already at the tips of your fingers.” He doesn't answer, but drinks. The silence that sails in is more weighted than you expected, and you regret your choice of words, already. Maybe he would have spoken of these ordeals. Was it the alcohol, or is the Lord being more…indulgent this night?
You turn your head, and notice the shoji door left ajar. So you stand, and draw it back, letting the night breeze filter throughout the room. It's nice. The perfect temperature, and the moon is just short of a perfect waning crescent. Soon there will be a new moon, and there will be no demons attacking this month. How lucky.
“Poems from the Sengoku era focus mostly on the tanka and renga format. In my era of modern technology, there is access to many forms of poetry, from all over the world. It's hard for me to pick a favorite.”
“Indecisive as always.”
“Oh, is that mirth I hear? I consider myself enamored with the written word. Even if I can only remember bits and pieces, from here and there.”
“Then what can you remember?”
“Bits and pieces,” you repeat, “lines and quotes. And if I must recite them rapid-fire I  fear I’ll only prove redundant.”
“I want to hear you, nevertheless.” You have to calm yourself, otherwise you fear your heart will leap out instead of your words if you speak. You wrestle it back down your throat, but there's still a tremor in your voice.
“Bits and pieces, hm?...It is late now, I am a bit tired; the sky is irritated by stars. And I love you, I love you, I love you – and perhaps this is how the whole enormous world, shining all over, can be created – out of five vowels and three consonants’, by Vladirmir Nabokov. Nizar Qabbani, ‘Because my love for you reaches higher than words, I've decided to fall silent.’ Venetta Octavia, ‘I say your name and it feels like aching, feels like paradise’. Andrea gibson, ‘come teach me a kinder way to say my own name.’  ‘Will you remember that i existed, and that I stood next to you here like this?’” 
“That last one was by Haruki Murakami,” you sigh. “...You can imagine, I got high grades for my poetry  elective.” You try to laugh, to make light of this moment, but it feels stilted and awkward.
The cool air stings a little as you breathe, but you hold it in, and exhale. And when you look up, you jolt.
He finishes closing the last bit of distance, looks down at you from his imposing height. How old is he…? His face you wouldn't call youthful, despite its softness. It's those eyes- they’re too pointed.
“Do I displease you, my lord?”
“No, you do not.” A knuckle taps at your head. “But your denseness frustrates me.”
“You mean…?” He rolls his eyes, a soft snarl building in his throat.
“You are not one for subtlety, are you.” His nails, like razors hovering closer. You could shiver, and not from the cold. Not from fear. Even when that strange hesitancy of his melts beneath a scowl, and he reaches forward more assuredly, yes, but rougher too. You speak before he touches you.
“You don’t have to hurt me, y’know.” His eyes streak back to yours, breathless and bright at your own boldness.
“You don't have to hurt me to justify touching me. You can just…”
Slowly, you tip your face into the open plane of his palm, cool, like all the rest of him, you’d imagine. His fingers flex, his hands so large that his nails brush your hairline. 
His hand isn’t smooth, it’s rough and calloused and cold, but the coolness feels nice. So you press your face closer and use your hands to hold it there.
You don't expect the sharp exhale, or for when he pulls you closer, and you jolt at the suddenness. A finger strokes at the hairs on the back of your neck and you shiver, again.
“I’m disciplined enough to restrain my desires, not curb them when they are released.” And just as quickly as he pulled you close, he let you go. “Tell me now. I won't have a tearful servant girl in my bed; You must be willing or not at all.” He almost sighs the words, continuous and melodious in that voice.
Is it taking advantage, if you give in? Lust was easy, easier to indulge.
You aren’t going to deny the butterflies you stomp down, in these quiet moments. And these moments aren’t infrequent– whether you continue to talk around a dying fire at a campsite, or taking shelter for a storm within a cave. It was a bit of a girl crush you had on the Lord, and you could give in, very willingly.
But should you? What would the ramifications be…?
“I…” And you pause, because you hear something. You perk up, turning back to the door you came from. You listen, both of you, and then you hear it again–muffled cries. Rin is having another nightmare.
“My Lord, Rin is…” You hesitate to go, the moment clinging to you like a mist, but then you hear your name.
You’re already detangling yourself from his hold and making your way towards the door when you remember yourself, and turn to bow towards your Lord.
“I’m sorry, I have to go make sure Rin is…” He waves you off, turns towards the open window where you can't see his face, see him gather himself.
“Yes. Go. See to her.”     
You nod and step back, but a part of you feels off, leaving him like this. What timing.
“I’m sorry for taking up so much of your time, but I haven't told you my favorite poem yet, my Lord. I hope we can continue this conversation at another time.” You bow, one last time, before you hurry out.
Sesshoumaru sighs, viscous longing in his chest like hunger pains.
How dense are you? Must he lay out each of his desires for you for you to understand? You speak words of affection so easily, that when he does the same they fall upon deaf ears. He is not one to be overt. You are horrible at looking in between the lines, though.
It is wrong to feel this way over a human. Weak things, inherently inferior, yes, but perhaps you are all the more enchanting for it. It would be more unnatural if he were to let you be, to not taste the salt of your skin or the honey that wafts from you. The hint of arousal he caught, when he towered over you. You are an Omega in heat. He is an Alpha. What else is there? You serve him anyways, should you not be rewarded so?
His skin crawls, where it has touched yours.
And still, that honeyscent sticks throughout the room.
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A/N: Was the poetry a bit too on the nose? I feel like sesshoumaru isnt the type for grand dispalys of affection or confession, he's way more lowkey lol. But here are the poems I used in order.
Ise/ Ise/ Narihira/ Ki No Tsurayuki/
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jerzwriter · 8 months ago
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Thank you, Nonny, for this ask. This worked out perfectly because Ethan x Kaycee celebrated their first wedding anniversary - the "paper" anniversary. I hope you enjoy this little drabble!
Story: Open Heart (Post Series) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Kaycee MacClennan (F!MC) Rating: Teen Words: 845 Summary: Ethan doesn't get the logic behind the "paper" anniversary, but as they celebrate a special day, he may have something up his sleeve.
A/N: Participating in @julychallenge Pink: Romance & Love
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Ethan groaned as the first beams of sunlight streamed through the window of their beach home; shifting under the covers, he reached around, searching the bed for his missing wife. Typically, he’d be the first one up, attempting to lure the love of his life out from under the covers with the aroma of her favorite breakfast cooking on the stove. A Herculean task, at best. But even when being coaxed with the things she loved most... him and delicious food... she'd beg for just a little more precious sleep. He had no doubt of Kaycee’s love for him, but if she were forced to choose between him and sleep? He wasn’t confident that he’d be the final victor.
That's what made today's narrative so unusual. Kaycee was already up and about, bustling with the energy of a morning person that they both knew she was not. He heard her climbing the stairs, humming a song he knew well enough to place as belonging to Taylor Swift but not well enough to determine the song. She lept into the room with a grin brighter than the morning sun.
“Good morning, gorgeous!” she chirped, leaning over to kiss his forehead.  
“Good morning," he groggily replied. "Why are you so cheerful at the crack of dawn? While we’re on vacation, no less?”
Kaycee giggled and pulled the comforter down, tossing pink heart-shaped confetti over his bare torso with a playful giggle.
“Because it’s our anniversary!” She jumped onto the bed and threw her arms around him as he sat up."
“Mmmhhh,” he groaned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. “Can we spend the day here? In bed?” His fingers reached up and played with the hem of her shirt. "I know how to make it very fun.”
“I know for a fact that you do!” she smiled, placing another peck on his cheek. “And we’ll get to that, I promise! But we have other things to do first.”
“Like you throwing confetti at me?” he grinned.
“Paper confetti,” she emphasized. “Because it’s our paper anniversary.”
Ethan rolled his eyes, unable to hide his disdain. “Our paper anniversary. Who comes up with this nonsense? Hallmark? So they can sell more paper cards?"
"Maybe," she shrugged. "It's just a tradition, Ethan! It symbolizes a new beginning—the fragility of a new marriage. I think it’s sweet.”
“Well, first, I don't think of our marriage as fragile, and second, paper? Paper has no value. What’s next cardboard? Perhaps oak tag?”
 “It’s not about the material, Ethan. It’s about what it represents. There are plenty of ways to make it special.”
“Like writing each other love notes?” he teased.
“As a matter of fact,” she said, rushing to the dresser and returning with a red envelope in hand. “An anniversary card for you!”
But this time, it was Ethan's turn to surprise her. Reaching into the drawer of his nightstand, he pulled out a small pink envelope of his own and a small bouquet of paper flowers. Kaycee gasped, kicking her feet with delight as he handed them to her.
“Ethan!” she beamed. “When did you... how.... this is adorable!”
“I’ve been working on it for weeks. Admittedly, I needed to call Sienan in for assistance after a miserable first attempt." He stopped to watch his wife, simply glowing as she gazed at the bouquet in her hand, lovingly tracing the edges of each flower and leaf with her fingers. “I know it looks like a third-grader made it, but without her help, I wouldn't have surpassed pre-school.”
“Stop it!” Kaycee insisted, leaning over for a kiss. “I love this! I can’t believe you made this for me.”
“I know I’m not normally a mushy guy...”
“No! You? Who is spreading such malicious lies!” Kaycee teased as Ethan raised an eyebrow.
“Are you done?”
Kaycee shrugged with a delicate smile on her lips. “Perhaps?”
Ethan cleared his throat and pulled her close under his arm. “I may not be a romantic at heart, but it’s our anniversary. I can't believe it's been one year since the second best day of my life.”
"Second best?" She frowned. "And what's the first?"
"Easy. The day you walked into Edenbrook's lobby and turned my world upside down - in the best possible way."
“Aww, Ethan!” Kaycee beamed.
“When I realized we’d be spending it here, the same place we said our vows a year ago, I knew you’d need a bouquet, so..."
“I would,” she smiled. “I mean, I love it, but why do I need it?"
Ethan glanced at the clock. “In nine hours, it will be exactly one year since we said our vows on this beach... and I thought we could repeat them later today, just the two of us. That is if you’re still willing to say them again after being saddled with me for a year!”
“Ethan,” she said, lovingly placing her paper bouquet to the side for protection before jumping on top of him and peppering him with dozens of little kisses. “Are you kidding me? I love you and want you more with each passing day. This is forever, hon!”
“Then it's a good thing our insurance has good mental health benefits,” he teased, rolling Kaycee onto her side. "I'm grateful you're a little crazy."
"Mmm-hmm. I'm crazy about you! Now, did you mention something about spending the morning in bed with me? Something about making it fun?"
"You better believe it," he grinned, pulling her t-shirt over her head and trailing soft kisses down her neck. "Challenge accepted. Happy Anniversary, Kaycee. I love you to the paper moon and back.”
A/N 2: I originally named this Paper Bouquet - but that gave too much away. But this is the way I imagine the bouquet to look:
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@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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numberonetacostan · 3 months ago
I'm coming here to say. Taco does NOT gaf about her health. I picture her getting shot someday for some reason and kicking and screaming when the others try to drag her to an hospital or medical room. She is huffy and stubbornly insist that she is fine and she does not need their foolish help. She would not relent until her body practically forces her to relent. I think pickle is like carrying her all panicking like ''WE NEED TO GET YOU MEDICAL ATTENTION NOW'' and taco despite everything being so angry and answering him with ''I'm sorry pickle...IS THIS OUR GUNSHOT WOUND?!?!'' because the man is like insanely worried for her and her health and is practically DRAGGING her, to get medical help. she is annoyed by the moment but when she is like on the hospital bed thinking she finds it sweet that he still didn't left her to die. Taco thinks lowly of herself so, I feel she does not truly understand pickle kindness when these stuff happens, she brings it up to him and pickle looks at her with the most concerned face ever because taco he may be bitter and resentful but he does not want you DEATH taco. I'd like to think this is a bit of the moment they slowly begin to find a bit of a more common ground. There is a lot to be understood they could never be friends again, but, they slowly begin to look out for each other more often. There is something I love and its pickle looking out for knife to find him trying to get a dissociated taco out of her room to eat something, its a bit of, looking at the vulnerability taco displays in post-canon that makes him frown and perhaps just put some pillows in the couch so she can rest more comfortably.
I feel, pickle is pretty scared or at least shaken up by earthquakes, so like after the finale if an earthquake hit taco would be worriedly pacing onto the woods and all her thoughts are pickle and if he's alright, and before she knows it she sneaks into the hotel and places some warm tea on his door. This ends up becoming an habit, everytime there is an earthquake, taco will sneak into the hotel the best of her abilities and place a cup of tea right under his door, and pickle finds out it was her in post-canon when an earthquake hit and she placed some tea on his table and he finally connects the dots (especially because the one leaving tea at his doorstep didn't left any, because she already gave him tea after all.) when questioned about it I imagine taco reluctantly confirms it and tries to leave but hears a quiet ''thank you.'' coming from behind. They may never be the same again but, that doesn't mean they have to hold onto that heartbreak and resentment forever. (as a fun fact I'd like to think they both would team up to mess with OJ and OJ fucking hates it.)
Hi Kiara!!!!^^ Welcome back, and thank you for submitting more hcs!!! :] I'm sorry this took so long to answer!!! I was going to respond to it with the others I went through last night but I quite literally fell asleep in the middle of typing. I was sleepy lol.
OMG insisting she's fine while she's horribly injured Taco, yes please!!!! Cuz she'd definitely do this before she tries to change and be more open/honest, but even after, if she's in a lot of pain and not thinking straight I can def see her falling back on hold habits, yeah? And she has such a high pain tolerance and is so good at ignoring her body's signals after her time in the woods that I can really really see her not giving in until she physically can't resist at all anymore!!!!! Might make her own injuries worse with her struggling, yeah? >:)
Please you can't send me things as funny as "'I'm sorry pickle...IS THIS OUR GUNSHOT WOUND?!?!" I will stop replying to asks because I will be too busy LAUGHING!!!! /lh /j /vpos!!!!^^ OUGH and it being Pickle who's carrying her!!^^ But Taco is putting on her angry and venomous persona because it's a high stress situation and she's falling back on what's familiar AAAA!!!
And she would find it so sweet after!!! AUGH girl is so very robbed for positive attention and self-loathes so hard she genuinely doesn't understand why anyone, especially Pickle of all people, would want to save her. Her being so honestly surprised when Pickle says he doesn't want her dead even if he's upset with her hurts my heart and you know what I think it would hurt his too even. He's a nice guy!! I am so on the Pickle not wanting to see Taco suffering or hurt train even if he doesn't want to be her friend again so hard. I am the conductor of the train!!!!!!!!!!!! >XD
And them finding more common ground!!! Yes please!!! He does not want to be friends with her again and she must and will respect and accept that!!! But there doesn't have to be vitriol, yeah? He. Would. Not. Enjoy. Her. Pain!!!! hdusihu he would get her help if he saw her dissociating!!! Convincing Taco to eat something!!! <3<3<3
Oh my god and if his fear of earthquakes is something he shared with Taco specifically while they were friends. No one else knows, at least until later. AUGH her giving him her tea as a LOVE LANGUAGE!!!! GAH!!!!^^ Giving tea is such a wonderful love language. (Projecting). And then in post-canon she gets the courage to give him the tea more directly!!! AAAAAA!!!!! AHUgghgh her admitting she's been thinking of him all these years even if she hadn't apologized yet. GUFAH. "They may never be the same again but, that doesn't mean they have to hold onto that heartbreak and resentment forever." YOURE SO RIGHT KIARA YOURE SO SO RIGHT. They may not be besties again but they don't have to have bitterness aaaaaaa!!! They can just. Peacefully exist in the same place!!!!!^^
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arthropodrespecter · 1 year ago
2013 vs 2024
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tbh, this is incredibly difficult for me. as a trans woman, there are certain expectations for posts like these. some gruff but sad looking man who was transformed into a happy beautiful girl via hormones. so you might think that nothing has changed. or perhaps i have gone backwards, gotten hairier, bigger, becoming even more of a man than i started off as.
this might be hard to read, so i'll put the rest under a read more. CW for homelessness, starvation, transmisogyny, and probably a few things i'm missing.
my transition has been messy. in some ways, you might say that i spent the first 25 years of my life transitioning. as a child i was efemminate, loved to play dress up and dolls, but my father was so against this that he filed a lawsuit against my mother, getting a court order forbidding her from "forcing me to crossdress." this set the tone for the rest of my childhood, which is a story i will not get into here because it is much worse than the story i'm trying to tell.
growing up in a christian fundamentalist home meant that it wasn't until much later, after my mother gained custody and i had gone on to experience even further ruination of my life, that i even learned that trans people exist. that this was a thing you could do, could be. a brief flash, something hiding behind my eyes, and i had locked it away. of course i wasn't trans. i was an athlete, a martial artist, a musician, why would i need to think about gender?
when i was 16, i joined tumblr. i saw a blooming transgender community, got to see the inner thoughts and conversations that trans people were having, couldn't avoid certain things any longer. i started to identify as nonbinary, eventually even coming out to my mother, who certainly TRIED to be supportive. it was exciting, made my heart race a little, made me scared. i had no idea what i was doing, or how my world was about to turn upside down and inside out.
the summer i turned 18, i was severely injured in a martial arts tournament. my right knee had caved in, the bone at the site of the joint crushed by a man i had thought was my friend. i didn't realize what had happened, and so didn't go to a doctor until two weeks later, at which point the damage was considered irreversible. everything i was disappeared. i lost all will to live. i stopped drawing, stopped playing music. i started drinking heavily. my family knew i was struggling but any efforts to fix the situation just made it worse. my mother and older brother had been putting more and more pressure on me to get a job and get out of the house, even though i could barely walk. my older brother told me that my mother was going to kick me out if i couldn't start contibuting. i still couldn't. i became homeless for the first time at the age of 19.
when you're homeless, it's like every single day is drawn out into countless hours, and you either have nothing to do, or far too much to do, and nothing in between. i had an online partner at the time, someone who turned out to be a chaser targeting suspiciously egg shaped men and nonbinary people, who spent the entire time getting more and more frustrated that i didn't have the time to be a fucktoy. i ended up insitutionalized for a month, after which i was kicked to the curb and left with nothing but a backpack and the clothes on my back. any journey of self discovery i may have been having was on hold until i wasn't fighting for survival.
my rescue came from a nonbinary lesbian who reached out to me. i was offered a room, a place to stay for no cost. they helped me break up with my partner. i found myself in a new sort of situationship, but at a confusing cost. why was this lesbian interested in me? was that even okay? eventually we had a conversation. they revealed to me that they had thought i was a trans woman. the fact that i had been seen as a woman hit me like a truck in a blindzone i didn't know i had.
after a difficult few days of arguing with myself, i couldn't hide from it. i was a woman. maybe i had always been a woman. a thought more terrifying than it had any right to be.
i grew my hair out. i started shaving. after a few months, i was even able to book my first HRT appointment (thank you state of washington trans healthcare laws). i came out to my mother a second time, and her reaction was much different this time. maybe due to the distance that had grown between us, the past hostility that left scars still bleeding, but i suspect it was because telling her that her firstborn son was actually a woman was much scarier to her than telling her that i didn't really care about gender.
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this photo is from the day that i had my first HRT appointment. my soft chin, once a weakness, could be bared proudly, the ambiguity in my face becoming something that i cherished.
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a year later, i had the longest hair of my life. if i shaved and wore makeup, and dressed right, i could get gendered correctly so long as i didn't speak. in that regard, i was truly getting the full experience of womanhood. my relationship with my partner was going strong. i thought that i had found my forever.
things got messy. you will probably hear me say this again. you won't find many better ways to describe my life, other than messy. my partner had always been polyamorous, but i was not, and had not ever pretended that this was not the case. so when one of my partners friends confessed her love to them, they went into panic mode. suddenly they were pushing everyone away, reverting to old bad habits and anxieties, and our relationship began to fall apart.
the friend, we'll call her A, pretended to move on, started dating someone else. my own friendship with A was strained by the situation, and her new partner, a butch lesbian named rowan, seemed to be suffering for it. i realized that the only way our relationships could survive was if we tried to work out an agreement to polyamory. in the end that wasn't enough, but i was desperate. i was starting to see the cracks, realizing that if this fell apart, i would be homeless again. my leg injury had already been so badly worsened from my first experience with homelessness, i knew that going through it again would be the end of me.
since my partner and A were now seeing each other, i began to get ignored. the only time either of them spent talking to me was talking about each other, either joyous or trying to fix some new problem. at this point, i started getting to know rowan. we had a lot in common, i had never talked to a butch before, let alone known one, and seeing the way that they navigated gender made me jealous. i didn't know why.
more and more, rowan and i were separated from the broader relationship, and as we talked more, something developed. i had already felt it the first time we spoke, on some level, but it had grown and grown, from respect, to admiration, to desire and love. we were in a polyamorous relationship after all, so it made sense to me. but shortly after, when i told my partner what i was feeling, they freaked out. this wasn't the agreement, they had only agreed to them being able to date other people, didn't think that it would need to be specified because i wasn't polyamorous.
the entire relationship falls apart and we go back to being two separate couples, and the end of that came swiftly after. they cheated on me with A, and when i found out, that was it. my now ex partner told me that i could stay at the apartment until the lease ran out, and they would move back in with their parents. they took all the furniture, i was left with an ancient computer, a blanket, some clothes, and two pillows. my depression came back with a vengeance, and i stopped eating. by the time the lease ran out, i had lost a dangerous amount of weight. i became homeless for the second time at age 22.
this time, after only six months, i found a thin sliver of hope. i was given a place to stay. a single-wide trailer that i would share with three other trans women and a hairy nonbinary lesbian. you've probably heard the stories of similar situations. it's impossible to have healthy boundaries in a space the size of a can of sardines. or healthy anything really. i got involved in an incredibly toxic relationship with one of the other trans women, who i found out was dating nearly a dozen other people.
the only thing i could do was try to feel wanted. desired. i began experimenting with my image.
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i re-established contact with rowan, but there was so much there that i couldn't bring myself to face yet. as i began to experiment with more masculine presentation, those around me took a greater interest in me. i was an object of desire. it was the most worth i had felt i ever had.
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i wasn't eating again. so my weight kept dropping. in the three-odd years since my first encounter with homelessness, i had lost 30% of my entire bodyweight. this only made my physical issues get worse and worse.
i wasn't done with experimentation though. what could i do with this newfound territory?
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the time came. i couldn't stay anymore. the relationship had fallen apart, and my connection to the household had been sent away in exile. the irony of this is not lost on me. i was lucky enough to be able to couch surf for a few months this time.
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i lost weight again.
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and again.
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my knee got worse and worse. my iliotibial band tore. my birthday came and went, nobody celebrated except for rowan, now my only friend.
a week after my birthday, a lesbian couple contacted me. told me that they had a spare bedroom, and that if i could cover the costs of my own food, could stay for as long as i liked.
i started HRT again. rowan and i had managed to work through all the shit and scum of our past and started a relationship anew. it felt like this could be real.
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i started to look a lot like my mom. kind of uncomfortably like my mom. rowan was butch, so i had thought i should be a femme. i didn't understand what that meant, but whatever it was i attempted, it wavered dramatically.
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i began to switch, every month or so, between masculine and feminine presentation. my chest had grown enough that it was visible now, and i experienced an equal amount of joy and fear when i was gendered correctly in public, having learned to fear people finding out that i was a trans woman.
the weight didn't come back. it was like my body had burned itself so far down that it could not regrow. i had no energy, and my physical condition continued to deteriorate. but i was allowed to be myself. and i was in love with a butch. maybe that would be enough.
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i began to develop a fashion sense of my own. the butch label was starting to appeal to me. and my roommates seemed to agree, since they both shifted towards butchness and masculinity alongside me. but it wasn't to last. one of my roommates, a TME lesbian i'm gonna call M, suddenly went off on a transmisogynistic rant to me. M's partner was a trans woman, and hearing this caused me to suddenly re-evaluate everything. did this happen because M viewed me as more masculine now, a more acceptable target? would this happen to G, M's partner?
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i hardcore shifted gears back to feminine presentation. it felt safer. i stopped eating again. things weren't okay, but they were bearable this way. but then, one day, we got locked out of our apartment. a stupid, played out thing that happens to everyone at least once. while my roommate G went to see if the apartment manager was in with a spare key, i attempted to climb our balcony and get in through the unlocked back door. when i was up on the railing of our balcony, it gave way, and i fell to the asphalt below, breaking my back. following a trend that i set half a decade ago, i didn't realize it had happened. my back hurt, but i thought it would go away. it did, replaced by a vast numbness through the middle of my back. i began to collapse any time i tried to exhert myself physically at all. i would only find out why years later. the fact that i couldn't contribute to chores anymore, and nobody knew why, made the situation with M deteriorate much faster.
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at my lowest point in years. my relationship with rowan was the only thing that kept me from giving up, but after the third time M decided to spew vileness at me i just spent months locked away in my room, terrified that any time i saw M was going to be another lecture about how i was disrespectful, loud, obtrusive, intimidating, too quiet, too lazy, whatever incoherent train of thought i would have to face next.
it was too much to handle in combination with the events of 2020, the lockdowns, the illness, the forest fires, things ended up coming to a head. at age 25, i became homeless for the third time, during the pandemic and a wildfire that filled the air with plastic fumes so thick you couldn't see ten feet in front of you.
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i got in contact with my mother and had her take my cat, because i knew i couldn't take care of her like this. that was the last time i saw my cat in person before she died. rowan was frantically trying anything and everything possible to help me. i thought that this might be the end.
three and a half years ago today i got the best news of my life. there was a way out. it would be a long and tricky road, involving moving my whole life to a new country. but we could do it. not only could we do it, but we actually did it. in a months time, i was in rowan's arms. for the first time in our years of knowing each other, there was nothing keeping us apart any longer.
i was finally able to rest. able to eat. i started to regain weight for the first time in nearly a decade. i felt my energy come back, slowly at first, and then more and more until i was capable of functioning, even if at a low level. it's around then that i find out the truth of what happened to my back. it still hasn't properly healed.
in my gratefullness for life and love, i briefly forgot my identity crisis. i was happy to just exist without fear and pain. it wasn't until about a year ago, when a miracle occurred, that this changed.
i woke up one morning, feeling more energetic than usual. i think to myself, maybe i can do some light exercise, for old times sake.
my knee doesn't hurt.
my knee doesn't hurt.
a wound that i thought would dictate my life forever, given actual time to rest and food to fuel the process, had healed. everything that i had ever given up on came rushing back into my head, ideas about who i could be, what i could become, what other injuries i might be able to recover from if i treat them right and rebuild myself. ten months ago i began to work out consistently. my back is slowly healing. i am stronger than i ever was before.
i have had to rebuild myself so many times. did i ever discover the secret of butchness in the process? no, that's something that i think will take the rest of my life. for now, my butchness is an enduring pillar, the only part of myself that never fully burnt away. standing up for myself, being my own person, loving another butch, refusing to lose the kindness i so desperately clung to my whole life, refusing to limit myself and my dreams, this is who i am. i am friends with other butches. i am not alone anymore. for now, this is butch. this is me.
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tabbyhoney · 1 year ago
Inspired by "Fear of you" written by @sleepwalkersqueen
Note: Hello! I am very new to all of this posting stuff on tumblr so I hope this will be received atleast okay. But considering how nice most people are here I think it is safe in a way(atleast I hope so). And my first little story is a fanfiction for a fanfiction. Since I still have an absolute brainrot from the story "Fear of you" from @sleepwalkersqueen and it kinda kicked me out of my writersblock that I had for... Like 5 years? So yeah that is hopefully ending now.
Disclaimer: mentions of torture, english is not my first language, mention of mutilating, mention of psychological abuse
Summary: Howashi Amayas first thoughts while meeting with Takami Shinyo back in Tartarus for the very first time.
The moment I walked into the tiny cell my breath stopped and it felt like it may never return again. Leaving my lungs hollow just like my heart felt since forever.
Not because the whites from the walls and ceiling that looked clearer than the clouds in the sky, with the harsh lights from the room that burned my eyes. It wasn't the smell of something rotting away aswell. Or even how tense the room felt when I stepped into it, a pair of eyes glaring at me.
It was the colour of the sun going down in the horizon. The sky that turned this golden orange making everything feel peaceful and free. The sun that held this ruby colour one could sink into. Like the most beautiful reddest strawberry one could eat.
A red richer than a rose but just as many thorns.
Sharp eyes that looked way too clear for being forced to stay here in the most high security prison in the world, Tartarus.
If it weren't for the eyebags forming under his eyes I would have thought he might aswell just be a doll, too perfect and pretty for a human.
His golden hair that looked a little too sticky to be clean still hold something so beautiful it reminded me of the fukuroda falls.
And yet all this thinking about how good he looks made this scene even more absurd.
The silvery metal that covered half of his face, like a biting dog that needed a muzzle. His hands tightly held by heavy chains. Strapped onto some weird chair that doesn't let you sit but instead forced you to stand. No comfort in being a prisoner.
The beautiful red that was behind his back were pierced with metal rods and more chains. I could smell the never ending blood that came out of the pierced parts of the rods. How rotten it smelled, like a bird at the side of the road that was hit one too many times with a car.
A caged bird. A caged dangerous bird that for some reason made the most dangerous villain in this facilty look like they are weaker than this kicked chicken. They were stronger than him.
Takami Shinyo, imprisoned for theft and taunting a hero on duty. Multiple tax evasions, smuggling and so much more I can't remember.On his file was written he killed people but that was never able to be proven, for now.
Since he was captured by the No. 2 hero Endeavour he behaved god right awful. He only ever gives snarky comments and made the most hilarious awful bird puns. He fighted off any guard at any given moment and he even bit someones finger off that later was never found and so the poor lad lost it forever. He refused to eat and drink properly resulting in having to force feed him, that also explained why he bit off the finger, the guards lost their humanity just like all the prisoners afterall.
But even if he would have behaved any better I can't even blame him. Being tortured and having to endure the panic of mock executions surely messes with ones head even if he did that since day one.
Now I even had to start questioning why I am here in the first place, why I agreed to be here.
Perhaps deep down it was because Endeavour has been trying really hard to get one of the people involved with Takami-San out of this floor and I felt pity. Him trying to find someone that would be a better person for the position in his eyes. Resulting in him interviewing the entire facilty staff before he saw me walking around at the higher floors and ultimately decided I was good enough, atleast in his words and with the few words we shared with each other. Even though I was not a guard but a therapist but that seemed to make him even more sure. Laughing and telling me how much of a lost course he is, still finding it a good opportunity to break his soul more, what a cruel hero.
And now here I was standing, staring at the chained man that I only saw once at another time. Flying in the sky like a free bird. Not caring what anyone might think about a mutant using their powers they have since birth. How admirable.
If I could go back to that moment, before everything else started to go down hill. How he escaped the highest security prison to ever exist and how he tortured Imawamashi maybe while escaping, what a man. I wouldn't go back.
Maybe I would allow him this freedom he deserves, because if I know one thing for sure that is that Shinyo is not a bad person, maybe a bad human sure but not bad.
But to relive this very moment? Me staring at him with wide eyes and the most professional phrase one could say to their new patient.
"You're so gorgeous"
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indeedcaptain · 1 year ago
Regulatory Relations, chapter 4: The Fiance
The length of this is going to spiral wildly out of my control but I think that's allowed. It's also going to be way longer than 12 chapters and potentially have a plot beyond Will They Kiss?, so that's fun bahaha
Also posted on AO3 here!
When Kirk arrived, the mess hall was already crowded: he saw his alpha shift crewmates scavenging for breakfast and the recently relieved late night crew replicating post-work dinner before they headed to sleep. He scanned the assemblage of different departments, ranks, and groups, and thought, Perfect. This public forum was the ideal opportunity to kick-start their plan and also Enterprise’s unstoppable, 24-7-365 gossip train. Spock was already seated at their usual two-top in the corner, a plate of fruit and grain in front of him, with his concentration focused on a padd.
Kirk squared his shoulders and waded through his crew, smiling and greeting those who weren’t too focused on their meals to look up, making sure that his presence was known. Then he headed to the replicators to get his own meal and, in a stroke of what he might call genius, ordered a cup of Spock’s preferred tea as well. He loaded his meal onto a tray and turned to head back across the hall to his table. Maybe he would announce his arrival by grasping Spock’s shoulder, and start things off slow. That wasn’t out of the ordinary for him. But before he could weave his way through the crowd again, however, there was a warm hand against the small of his back and the tray was gently but inexorably pulled from his grasp. 
“Allow me,” Spock said, and he left his hand where it was until he was forced to break contact to wend through the tables. Kirk allowed him to steer them through the mingling crewmembers, and he thought he heard at least one whisper break out behind him as Spock removed his hand from his back. Spock placed his tray in his customary spot and requisitioned the tea. 
“Well done already, Mr. Spock,” Kirk said, surprised and impressed. “You know, I wasn’t sure if you had it in you.” 
“I have spent my whole life in the company of at least one human being, captain. I do understand their rituals, however illogical they may be.” 
“I’m telling Bones you said that next time you make him explain something to you,” he said, and dug into his breakfast. As Spock returned his attention to whatever he was reading on his padd, tea held aloft in one hand, Kirk kicked his feet forward, crossed beneath the table, to brush against Spock’s ankles. Spock raised one eyebrow, but did not look up from his padd.
“Good morning, captain,” Yeoman Rand said as she passed, her blonde beehive bobbing through the air. “Commander.” Kirk did not miss her quick appraisal of his encroachment into Spock’s space beneath the table, and he left his feet where they were. 
“Good morning, yeoman,” Kirk said, smiling, and Spock nodded politely. She continued on her way to a table of other crew. 
“She just turned to look back at us,” Spock said quietly, looking over Kirk’s shoulder. Kirk resisted the urge to turn as well. 
“That’s great,” he said. “Uhura informed me once that she was a notorious gossip. I’m hoping that’s still true. What are you reading, anyway?”
The rest of their mealtime passed as Spock explained the intricacies of quantum--- or perhaps it was nonlinear--- physics, or maybe it was geometry. Kirk’s engineering abilities were far more applicable to the physical and technical, rather than the theoretical, but the way Spock explained the nature of the research question was more intuitive than he would have expected. When the bosun whistle of shift change rang out, Kirk loaded both his dishes and Spock’s onto his tray and bussed them to the recycler. Spock waited for him by the door and, not to be outdone, Kirk steered him out into the hallway with a hand to the shoulder blade. Spock radiated heat, even through the thick fabric of his science shirt. As the turbodoor slid shut behind them, he thought he heard a susurrus of curious whispers wash over the mess hall. 
In the turbolift, on their way to the bridge, he bounced on the balls of his feet and said, “I think that went well, as a starting step.” 
“Do you think that will be sufficient?” 
Kirk laughed. “Absolutely not, Mr. Spock. One showing in the mess does not a relationship make, and unfortunately our reputations precede us. I think convincing the crew will be a layering, rather than a step-by-step process.”
“I see,” Spock said. The turbolift opened. 
“Captain on the bridge,” Sulu called. As Spock broke away to claim his seat from his relief, Kirk squeezed his elbow, and he noticed as Uhura turned away from them with a smile. He settled into the captain’s chair and absorbed the hum of activity around him as alpha shift swept into full swing. They were en route to Starbase 27, out on the edges of Federation space, before venturing out into unclaimed territory. There were some distant mining colonies they had been instructed to check on, provide inoculations and resources where necessary, before they would be on their own to pursue first contact with warp-capable societies and study from afar those who weren’t ready for interstellar connection yet. Spock and his scientists would be delighted. 
Kirk signed resource allotments and allocations until he heard Uhura make a tiny ‘tch’ of dislike in the back of her throat. He spun to look at her as she thrust a padd in his direction. 
“Message from April for you, sir,” she said, and the little frown on her face told him all he needed to know. He tapped the padd open. The subject line of the message read ‘SPOCK?’ He thought he could guess where this was going. He opened the message. 
Cpt. Kirk: 
Hope you’re well. Pls send an update on Spock’s decision. Pls also inform him that I will come talk to him myself soon. Expect to pick up on SB27.
Adm. April 
Kirk smothered a grin as he typed back: 
Adm. April: 
I’m working on it. Looking forward to rendezvous in 10 days. Will report any updates as they occur. 
Cpt. Kirk 
He stood and leaned over the bannister between his chair and the science station to tap Spock on the shoulder. Spock turned immediately, and Kirk handed him the padd with the messages. Spock scanned them, and the corners of his mouth turned down in the slightest hint of a frown. 
“I didn’t tell him what I was working on,” Kirk said. 
“Your powers of subterfuge are unmatched, captain,” Spock said drily, and Kirk laughed before reclaiming his seat. 
The next few hours passed in a pleasant buzz of productivity and the white-line blur of stars passing by the viewscreen. Halfway through, Spock departed to attend to his duties in the laboratories, and passed by Kirk’s chair with one hand dropping lightly onto his shoulder in his wake. In front of him, he saw Sulu give Chekov some significant look, and he smothered a self-satisfied smile. Step one was already garnering the response he had wanted. He hoped the next few days would go just as smoothly. 
An hour before the end of his shift, Kirk received a ping on his padd from Lt. Commander Giotto, requesting a meeting. He sent back a confirmation and stood, stretching the post-lunch stiffness from his back.
“Sulu, you have the conn. I’m off to meet with security,” he said, and Sulu saluted as he departed. He took the turbolift down to Giotto’s office, nodding at the crew that he passed, until he stood at the turbodoor. 
Kirk rang the bell, and the door swished open. Giotto’s office was, as always, somewhat akin to a crime scene after an explosive detonation. As head of security on the Starfleet flagship and chief mediator for on-ship disputes, he had his hands full: the Enterprise, on its five-year deep space exploration adventure, had both more dangerous away missions and more interpersonal drama than most ships. His desk was littered with padds labeled with different colored sticky notes according to some elaborate legend stuck to the wall, broken phasers and communicators were piled in the corners, and he had an impressive collection of indigenous weapons that he had compiled through his years as an officer labeled by quadrant, solar system, planet, and species. Giotto himself was halfway in the storage closet in the back of the room, digging around for something and mumbling to himself. As Kirk entered, the broad-shouldered man pulled himself from the closet and saluted. 
“At ease, Giotto,” Kirk said, smiling, and perched himself on the arm of the least cluttered chair in the office, in front of the desk. “What can I do for you?”
“Thanks for coming, captain,” Giotto said, and slid himself into the chair behind the desk despite the presence of multiple uniform shirts in varying states of shredded draped over it. “I wanted to talk to you, and potentially First Officer Spock, about a weakness I’ve noticed in the security team.” 
Kirk pressed his lips together to prevent himself from frowning outright. The security team had taken a beating--- a few beatings in a row, if he was being honest--- from various unfriendly planets recently. The casualty rate, while in the acceptable range for an exploratory vessel, was higher than Kirk liked, and he felt every death like it was his own responsibility. He was the one who signed off on those awful letters to their families, anyway.
“I’m listening,” Kirk said. 
“I don’t like that we’re so reliant on technology for protection,” Giotto said. He pushed away from his desk and pulled a bin of broken tech from beneath it. He started lifting phasers out and reading the labels he’d tied to them. “This one stopped working because of an ion storm. This one refused to fire because of the makeup of the atmosphere. This one was melted on the inside by those telepaths on Narlen II. And these are just the weapons. The comms break down even more, and when they’re our only link back to the teleporter, we lose people more frequently than I’d like. Scotty’s been tinkering with them, but we haven’t been able to make any serious improvements yet.” 
“I agree. I assume you bring this up because you have an idea for how to improve it, commander?
“I do, captain. That’s where you, and Mr. Spock, if he’s amenable, come in.” Giotto dumped the comms and phasers back into the bin, which Kirk could now see was labeled with a rather unprofessional sticky note. He ignored it. Giotto had earned the right to organize his office however he saw fit, many times over. 
“I’ve seen you and the commander sparring in the gym,” Giotto said. “Am I correct in thinking he’s been teaching you sus manna?”
Kirk heard Spock saying, “Suus Mahna” in his head, but he said aloud, “That’s right.”
“The Academy doesn’t teach as much hand-to-hand as they used to, ever since they rolled out the new phasers as standard, and I’m afraid these kids are lacking. They’re expert marksmen, great shots all of them, but when the blasted thing doesn’t work… I thought it might be valuable to ask Mr. Spock and yourself to teach them the basics, get them thinking about combat differently. Especially as we head back out of Federation space.” Giotto folded his hands in front of him, waiting. 
Immediately Kirk could feel the validity of the idea. He turned it over in his mind, considering the last few away missions he had been on. Proficiency in hand-to-hand combat wouldn’t have solved all of their problems, but it certainly would have helped. He had yet to find himself in a situation where more skills would be a detriment, especially defensive skills. 
“I like it, commander,” he said, and Giotto nodded firmly. “I think it’s a good idea.” 
“Thank you, sir.” 
“I’ll talk to Mr. Spock about a demonstration, maybe 1900 hours tonight, and then you and your team can figure out a schedule for training. Just talk to Rand about my schedule if you need to.” 
“Yes, sir. Right away.” Giotto saluted again, the consummate professional, and Kirk nodded before turning to go. At the door, though, he hesitated and turned back to his head of security. In the harsh fluorescent lights of his office, the broken line of Giotto’s nose and both the wrinkles and the scars on his skin were thrown into harsh relief. He had lost as much as Kirk had over the past few months, and probably more. The security they had lost had been Kirk’s crew, and his responsibility as captain, but they had been Giotto’s officers. 
“You’re a good chief, Sal,” Kirk said quietly. “You’re doing a great job. Thank you.” 
Giotto straightened. “Thank you, captain. But we can always be better.” 
Kirk nodded, and left. 
Spock’s laboratories were ensconced deep in the belly of the Enterprise, with nearly an entire deck dedicated to the pursuit of science. He technically had an office down there, as was his right as science officer, but he was very rarely in it. He was more likely to be found with his hands in whatever experiment his little cadre of mad scientists had cooked up. That was precisely where Kirk found him after leaving Giotto’s office. 
Spock was bent over a computer console, reading something on the screen over the shoulder of one of his favorite scientists: a dark-haired human woman from the Indian subcontinent, whose brusque demeanor and passion for gravitational anomalies matched Spock’s own. Dr. Khan, no relation to the other Khan, was gesturing emphatically at the screen, and Spock’s eyes were following wherever she pointed. Kirk watched them through the clear panel in the turbodoor fondly for a moment. He liked Dr. Khan, enjoyed her dry sense of humor and straightforward conversation style, and he sometimes wondered if Spock ever thought the same. 
Well. If he did, Kirk was sure that they could come to some sort of marital agreement about it. He thought that Dr. Khan would understand the logic of the situation. He pressed the button that indicated his presence and watched with amusement as Khan startled and Spock straightened like he’d been jabbed with a hypo. Spock turned, eyes meeting his through the door, and Kirk entered at the incline of his head. 
“Good evening,” he said. “What have we got going on today?” 
“Shifting gravitational pull while at warp,” they said in unison, and Khan smirked. She continued, “I noticed unusual measurements coming from a few of the shield plates yesterday, and wrote an algorithm to look for a pattern over time. We were just reviewing what I’ve found.” 
“Anything of interest?” Kirk asked, and approached to peer at the screen. He recognized the report, having reviewed something similar with Scotty many times, but didn’t see anything that struck him as out of the ordinary. 
“Not yet,” Khan said. “But there’s always tomorrow.” She shut down the computer program and stood from the chair, twisting her back to stretch it. “Thank you for your assistance, Mr. Spock. Good night, captain.” 
“Good night,” Kirk said, and Khan smiled at them both as she left. “Spock, I just had an interesting conversation with Giotto.” He explained the crux of the matter as Spock listened, head cocked slightly to one side. 
“An eminently logical idea, captain,” Spock said, and cleared off the desk that he had been working at. “I admit that I too do not believe the Academy to be adequately preparing the security officers for all possible scenarios.” Spock ordered the lights off and closed the laboratory behind them as they walked back down the hallway to the turbolift. “I would return first to my cabin to change and meditate, but I will meet you at the gymnasium for this demonstration.” 
They passed a small pack of scientists chatting by the small replicator in the wall, including Dr. Khan, and Spock nodded at them as they broke off their conversation to greet their supervisor. Their easy banter floated down the hallway as Kirk and Spock continued to the turbolift. When they were a ways from the scientists but still well within their sight, Kirk rested his hand on Spock’s mid-back for a moment as they walked. 
“Did you plan a hand-to-hand demonstration solely to further our mission, captain?” Spock asked quietly. Kirk laughed. 
“No, but it does seem wonderfully convenient, doesn’t it?” 
“Quite useful, sir,” Spock said, and stepped away from Kirk’s hand as the turbolift arrived. 
Kirk stood in his red workout pants in front of Giotto and a small group of security officers, listening as Spock explained the basic mechanics of Suus Mahna. “It is primarily a defensive art,” Spock started, and Kirk recognized the exact explanation that Spock had given him when he had started to learn. He tuned out the lecture in favor of reviewing what he knew of the sec team that Giotto had brought. 
A pair of young-ish human twins, ensign rank, who went by One and Two, though he had never seen them separately and therefore did not know which was which; an older Andorian man named Crovath who was closer to Giotto’s age than the ensigns and who had been serving on the Enterprise by the time Kirk himself transferred on; and one Orion woman named Laila, the first Orion that Kirk knew of in Starfleet. The reasoning behind Giotto’s choices were unclear; or, if he had simply asked for volunteers, Kirk wasn’t sure why these four were the ones who turned up. But better four random individuals than no one at all. 
“Captain Kirk and I will demonstrate how Suus Mahna can be used to protect oneself in an altercation, as well as provide opportunities for neutralization when necessary. Captain, if you would?” 
Kirk stepped forward and faced Spock. Spock wore the same red leggings he did, but with a Vulcan-style red tunic, tied at the waist, over them. He could see the dark curls of Spock’s chest hair and remembered again, in an abstract sort of way, that Spock was going to be married to him in the very near future. Did that make Spock, technically, his fiance? 
Spock raised an eyebrow and Kirk realized that was his cue. He bounced on the balls of his feet. He’d had the training, been through a thousand different combat courses, and had trained with Spock for years, but at heart, he was a barnyard brawler from Iowa and always would be. He swung. 
Spock stepped neatly out of his way, not even bothering to unclasp his hands from behind his back. He raised his eyebrow in a way that said that he was unimpressed. Kirk struck again, faster, with less of an arc. Spock dodged, unclasping his hands to bring them up in a defensive posture by his chest. Kirk swung again, towards Spock’s center of gravity, where it would be harder to dodge, but Spock was lightning on his feet and twisted entirely out of the way. He circled Kirk. It forced him to turn, putting him on the defensive. Spock struck a hand towards the back of his neck. Kirk ducked under it, spinning to face him, and got his feet under him enough to kick out towards him. Spock dodged forward. He struck the back of Kirk’s knee with the blade of his hand, forcing it to bend. As Kirk fought to rebalance, calf tingling unpleasantly with the force of Spock’s blow, Spock swept up behind him.
Kirk brought his hands up, but it was too late. Spock had him in a headlock. Kirk struggled against the unyielding iron cage of Spock’s arms to no avail. Spock said, to the assembled crew, “From this position, you could incapacitate your assailant however necessary.” He released his left arm from the lock, keeping one around Kirk’s neck, pressing his back to Spock’s chest. The bastard wasn’t even breathing hard. 
“I might use the pinch here,” he said, and tapped two fingers of his free hand against the crook of Kirk’s neck. “Or remove the ability to breath until he was no longer conscious,” he continued, and re-locked his arms. Kirk tried not to squirm. He didn’t mind losing to Spock, but there wasn’t usually an audience for it. He also didn’t frequently think about the height difference between him and Spock, but held like this he could feel the sharp edge of Spock’s jaw against the side of his head. 
Spock released him. “Again,” he said. Jim swung his arms, limbering up, and struck again. His mind slowed as his heartbeat increased, until his conscious brain had gotten out of his way. There was no longer a translation period between his impulses and his actions; he read Spock’s movements as Spock acted, written in fast-twitch muscle fiber, and forced him backwards. They traded blow for blow. After years of sparring together, Spock’s style was as familiar to Kirk as choreography. Though Spock’s strength and reach were superior, Kirk had one advantage: the capacity for illogical thinking, and therefore unpredictability. 
He faked a stumble, and Spock swept inward again to take advantage. His weight firmly on one foot, he hooked one leg around Spock’s as soon as he was close enough and used his momentum against him. They tumbled to the ground in a graceless pile. 
Kirk landed, by some luck, on top. For a second, he thought that he had won, as he scrambled to his knees. But Spock got one foot against his hip and shoved upward, flipping him onto his back. The air in his lungs exited hastily. He wheezed. Spock rolled over him, kneeling on one leg as he applied his considerable weight to Kirk’s sternum via the other. 
For a second, he flipped through different options for recovering his advantage. But his ribs hurt, and though he was a glutton for punishment this was intended to be an educational demonstration, not a cage match. He tapped Spock’s thigh twice.
Spock stood and, after a split-second’s hesitation, reached down. Kirk gratefully gripped his forearm and let Spock pull him to his feet. Giotto, and then the stunned security complement, and a handful of officers who had wandered over from the other areas of the gym, appreciatively applauded. Kirk took a theatrical bow as Spock turned to him and said, “Are you unharmed, captain?”
“Right as rain,” he said, and grinned at Spock before turning to talk to Giotto. “Did you get what you were looking for?”
“Definitely, captain,” Giotto said appreciatively. “I was right --- I think this might be an untapped resource for us. I’ll talk to Rand about setting something up regularly. Mr. Spock, would you care to participate?” 
Spock was silent for a moment, and Kirk turned to him. “Spock, don’t leave the poor security team to just my instruction. They could benefit from your expertise.” 
“Flattery will get you nowhere, captain,” Spock said, but his eyes were warm with disguised mirth when they met Kirk’s. With a jolt, Kirk realized he had been set up and baited like a fish, and he had walked right into publicly praising Spock. “I will assist. I will instruct the team in Suus Mahna and you can instruct in winning a bar fight.” 
“Hey,” Kirk complained, but he clapped his hands together. “Thanks, Giotto. We’ll look forward to it.” 
“Thank you, captain,” Giotto said. “And commander.” He nodded to them both, eyes flicking between them, and rejoined the security team. Kirk reclaimed his abandoned water bottle, sweat towel, and t-shirt, and walked with Spock back to their quarters. 
“See you in the morning for breakfast?” Kirk asked.
“Yes, captain,” Spock said, and turned to disengage his door lock. 
“What did you call me?” Kirk sing-songed as he backed away to his own door. Spock looked up at him and frowned slightly. 
“Cap…? Ah. Yes.” 
“Goodnight, Spock,” Kirk said. 
“Goodnight… Jim.” His name echoed down the hallway, and Kirk grinned before releasing his own door lock and stepping inside. He dropped his dirty clothes into the recycler and sat down at his desk to review his padd messages while Spock used the shared bathroom. Admiral April had simply sent a ‘received’ response to his earlier message about Spock, and he had some unread Starfleet-wide missives. All of it could wait. 
When he heard only silence from the bathroom, he performed his own ablutions and slid into bed. He was pleasantly tired from sparring, even after only going two rounds, and they had another uneventful day of feeding the gossip machine ahead of them tomorrow. 
He closed his eyes and slept.
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muertocountyprincess · 10 months ago
The internet is cruel sometimes.
I’d really hoped this year would be different, and perhaps for once things wouldn’t spoil my entire birth month. May is already a hard month due to old traumas annually resurfacing in my mind, but this time my mental health has been suffering for more reasons than one.
I am still being stalked, harassed, and attacked for simply trying to shed light on an issue in a game that I love and focus all of my content on. And normally I’m strong; I’ve had to force myself to be in all other aspects of my life, but to finally think you’ve done something right and found solace in a community you love just to have it somewhat stripped away by someone who stirred up something that wasn’t even your fault to begin with…. hurts, a lot.
I don’t know who I can trust, and I hate that those feelings are coming back again. Any new follower, someone who joins my server, etc. I’m wary of because I’ve already found several accounts associated with my stalker who either followed me (probably in case I go private) or have interacted with hate posts about me.
I’m just… very uncomfortable.
And the fact that I was right about the game issue to the point of the devs reaching out for my video/more info makes it all laughable. Still concerning, but laughable.
I just want to be left alone. But no, instead I get accused of bait simply for interacting with accounts for a game I love and making posts about my interests/what I care about.
I hate going on about it, because I genuinely just want to do my own thing, but every week there’s some new concerning bullshit from them and I don’t know what else to do. I’m scared the people who support me and I care about will get tired of me yapping if they aren’t already and I’ll lose them too.
Maybe is a trauma neglect issue I’ve had before, but it’s polarizing when you want to be the bigger person and move on but it keeps consuming your happiness.
I’ve already found multiple of their fans/friends following me so they can talk shit but still see what I post.. such weird and teenager-like behavior from full grown adults… And then seeing that they lied about having an alt, so unless I go private (which I don’t want to do, I like interacting with the tcm and sims community), I will continue to be stalked relentlessly due to their anonymity. Going out of your way to screenshot what I post (especially when it has nothing to do with you), trying to have your “fans” get me kicked from other streamer’s spaces, mocking me, liking hateful replies against me… why am I living rent free in your head?
You people are grown adults with bully mentalities. Jealousy is one hell of a drug.
And now, I honestly feel scared to post anything in fear of backlash and more hate. I know I shouldn’t care, but I really does get to a person - especially when I’ve done nothing but try to make this a safe space for myself and others only to be called crazy… my bad for being neurodivergent and posting a lot/talking about the things I care about? Why the fuck do you even care? There’s mute/block buttons for a reason.
You don’t know me, all of this is parasocial. You don’t know a damn thing about me or the shit I’ve been through, the times where just managing to keep myself alive seemed like the greatest accomplishment. You don’t know my life, my situation, anything besides a username and whatever I happen to post.
People are just nasty, acting like middle school bullies hiding behind a screen with zero repercussions, and if they have any sort of following it’s only worse. I can’t even play my favorite game without being tunneled, having to constantly change my name, having to sort through hate comments/messages, all of that.
The one thing that’s genuinely brought me so much joy and has helped keep me alive has a community with so much loved but equally a lot of hate. The thoughts of no longer wanting to exist in this world are coming back.
I’m strong, but it starts getting to you after awhile.
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xiv-wolfram · 2 years ago
Dragonlings - Comic Script
Heavensward - lvl 53
Wolf having fun playing with baby dragons.
Wolfram Saga Comics (Chronological)
This is the script for a future comic. Posting for those who don’t want to wait to get the story. Numbers indicate frame number.
At Anyx Trine. Wolfram, Alphinaud, and Ysayle standing around talking. Wolf turns his head towards a pack of baby dragons looking at the people with curiosity. Narrator - “Wolfram (the Warrior of Light) has been traveling with Alphinaud, Estinien, and Ysayle to find Hraesvelgr in the hopes of ending the war between Ishgard and Nidhogg's forces in Dravania. They’ve stopped in Anyx Trine for the night and will continue on to Sohm Al in the morning. Wolfram senses a few baby dragons in a playful mood and decides to entertain them.”
Wolf splashes the baby dragons (if a puddle around, if not then /deride)
Ysayle and Alphi talking. Wolf in the background laughing as they chase him spewing fire.
Ysayle glances over and beams - “I didn’t realize he was so…playful?” Thought - ‘It’s quite endearing.’
Alphi scoffs - “Aye, he’s quite the joker as well. You should see he and Thancred together. Normally fierce warriors and yet they behave as foolish children.”
Alphi looks away, pondering - “And with his friend General Aldynn he’s especially strange. I think Wolfram is the only man in Eorzea that could get away with speaking to him so disrespectfully. I must admit their sense of humor confuses me.”
Wolf running the other direction, being chased. Ysayle grins, still watching Wolf - “Yes, I’d imagine it would.” Alphi eyes her in confusion, thought - ‘What has she seen? Perhaps after the at Halatali when Wolf threatened to ‘kick his old crippled ass’ if he referred to himself that way again? I thought the General would be angry but he just laughed hysterically then apologized. So odd.’
Wolf peeking out behind a rock comically while the baby dragons are waiting excitedly, tails wagging, to resume their chase.
Ysayle, still watching Wolf, chuckles - “I suppose once you’ve known someone for that long propriety becomes less important. Though our friend does not appear to be overly concerned about such things regardless.” Alphi laughs - “You may be correct there.” Thought - ‘I believe this is the first time she’s smiled since we met. Interesting...’
Wolfram Saga Comics (Chronological)
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vlxyrianclaws · 1 year ago
there came a set of skills, in knowing how best to get to people: to truly get under their skin, and result in them feeling a growing sense of anger and emptiness following the conversation, laced with regrets as to what else was not said. what else could have been said. elenda swann was of no particular importance to maximus celtigar, regardless of how much she attempted to adorn herself in the finery of the valyrian name of house velaryon and pretend to be something she so clearly was not. "and yet here you were, desperate to talk to a cad, and a brute."
she had none of the attitude of a valyrian woman, considering she appeared bored with her newlyfound status post marriage rather than content with having to do nothing. such was the reality when one married gods, and yet alas, it seemed as though some would forever want to continue playing in the mud or milking cows or whatever it was stormlanders did. she appeared continuously restless, often found wondering in the hallways of the red keep, attempting to find herself useful in some way or another, even if it were simply transporting archives and ledgers. no better than a maid.
anger would not work at making elenda swan feel degraded. no, considering it appeared she had much of a mouth on her: instead, it was the feeling of inferiority that she'd never be able to scrub off her. in a court full of valyrian women, knowing she would never be one, despite how much she drank or spent time with them. "of course you are, look at all the sophisticated vocabulary you are using." he spoke, his tone laced with scathing sarcasm as a cold, dismissive laugh came directly in her face.
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and when her hand came to strike him, a rare insight to the wilderness that was the stormlanders and how they no doubt needed to be tamed, his laughter seemed to only continue as his hand moved to grab a hold of her wrist. "and so the animal can kick and claw, look at you." there had been an impact on his cheek, and yet, it were obvious the man had no qualms with using violence to restrain. he pulled her forward, using his force to yank her with force than to press down hard on her wrist itself. the last thing he needed to do was leave a bruise.
"do you truly believe i would not be willing to deal with the fall out of striking you happily in the face?" he asked, his tone switching: the scathing element remained, but there was not an inch of him that remained joking. there was no mirth on his fac,e even a cruel mirth. "only one of us is replaceable." and then he lowered his voice, releasing his hand from her wrist whilst maintaining a dark, chaotic gaze upon her. "you need to do something for me, ellie swann. you'll listen closely, and then you'll open your mouth and tell your brother the next time i see him may well be the last time he sees anything."
he noted how dark and stormy her own orbs were; more complicated than the naive, warm orbs of her brother. for a moment, there came another urge that swept over him: the urge to grab hold of her and feel her legs around him as they smashed into the wall behind them. he wanted to hear just how proper she could be, or whether she truly was just like all the others. perhaps there was also the sickening urge to get to wylliam swann in a way he felt as thoug he had been insulted. his sisters were not whores, but this woman? well. "you'll do that for me. i know of your good memory. ensure he remembers too."
the tendrils of loneliness had woven themselves deep within ellie's soul over the passage of months. her husband was not supposed to be gone this long and was supposed to be back at her side. yet he still felt like a stranger to her. he practically was in many sense and now word had completely stopped from him. despite the persistent uncertainty, the island of driftmark clung to their hope, their collective gaze tracing the ethereal line where the sea met the sky. but, a secondary yearning towards ellie—whispers echoed, hoping that the absent lord had bestowed upon ellie a child, a beacon of life amidst the shadows of absence.
maybe that loneliness was why she entertaining this conversation in the first place. was she desperately seeking something out? conversation? connection? something. there was something she craved, something missing, something she wanted. she could not explain it. could not understand what it was. and how in the hells was she supposed to find it in a man like max? the more he spoke down to her the more she regretted responding back to him. she was ready to leave and go back to her empty bedchambers
"yes, i am smart," the retort sprung from her lips, a swift riposte. the conversation's meaning seemed to disintegrate into the growing void of annoyance. it was a dance with no rhythm, a tune that had lost its melody. frustration simmered—fierce enough to provoke an almost primal urge to lash out, to grasp him by the collar and dig her nails into his neck. alas, the confines of ladyship, of courtly conventions, denied her that release. her battlefield was the arena of words, each phrase a finely honed weapon.
yet, it was elenda who bore the full brunt of max's brazen rhetoric. for a fleeting moment, the weight of his words paralyzed her—a frozen reverie beneath his judgment. a whore, he had dared to label her, those two syllables heavy with venom. his audacity, his quickness to deploy such derogatory language, struck her with the force of a slap. the fire of anger surged forth, quelling the momentary paralysis.
"lord celtigar, be wary of your tongue, for it flirts with the precipice of insolence," she surged up from her seat, the veneer of silence shattered. her voice, once tempered, had taken on a ferocious cadence, a stormlander refusing to cower. "i am lady velaryon—no common rose you can trample upon. my husband even in his absence is still cousin to the targaryens." a delicate tremor ran through her voice, an echo of suppressed rage, but the strength in her eyes resonated unyielding resolve.
his words, coarse and uncouth, clung to the air—a stain upon the grand tapestry of nobility. "how dare you!" her pent-up fury could no longer be restrained. all attempts at upholding her ladylike demeanor disintegrated, her anger claiming its throne. the wall of restraint crumbled—she was no porcelain doll to be trampled upon. his insults, an affront to her worth and dignity, sparked a ferocity that she could no longer suppress. "you are a cad and brute!" the words rushed forth, a proclamation of her judgment, a piercing indictment of his character. her open palm flew through the air—a strike aimed at his face, a physical testament to her refusal to be silenced, her yearning for respect, and the declaration that she was no easy prey to his barbed words.
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pattysplaceofplaces · 3 years ago
Dash Haber x Gender Neutral reader
[Author’s Note: I really need to start doing y’all’s requests, I don’t know why but I just need to write this. This is roughly based on a new Carmen Sandiego oc I have that I have shipped with Dash Haber, I’ll post a drawing and bio for them soon!
P.S. Ivy x Gn reader headcanons coming soon!]
     This was going to be a night to remember! An event that doubled as both an auction and a ball! Countess Cleo could enjoy an elegant evening with her associates and lover as well as obtain more money for VILE! It was a plus that Carmen Sandiego was nowhere to be found! Although those two things were just the icing on the cake. What was going to be so great about tonight? You were there! 
Mx. Y/n had the most stylish of outfits, could name any piece of art or music sheet just by seeing the first line, they could detect a fake piece of art just by hearing someone talk about it! But what made you so different from the other rich snobs? When you weren’t attending fancy parties and participating in the criminal underworld you were lounging at home in your pajamas shoving pizza into your face while you played Animal Crossing and Splatoon 2. He had never met such an interesting creature, one full of surprises that couldn’t be defined by a single label.
With Countess Cleo and Dr. Bellum left to their own devices he talk to you. Usually the Countess kept him way too busy and all he could do was look and listen to what people had to say about you. He finally had his chance to talk to you in person! He had rehearsed this weeks before the party, planned everything in ahead so he would have free time to get to do this. There you were, idle at one of the outside balconies taking swigs of your soda in a crystal glass as you stargazed. Alcohol wasn’t your forte so juice, ciders, and sodas were supplied at these parties especially for you. Despite being judged behind your back VILE needed you and your income so you were treated like royalty whenever you were invited to an event.
He took several small steps forward then completely froze up. All the careful planning and rehearsing for this very moment had evaded him as his mind went blank. Dammit! What kind of cruel joke was this!?
“Mr. Haber? Care to join me?” You didn’t even need to turn around to know he was there! What an enchanting being you were! 
Now he had no choice but spend time with you. Not that he minded of course. He was honestly surprised you knew his name since you two barely interacted. Maybe Cleo told you? Ah!! He needed to stop spacing out! 
He took the space next to you, leaning on the balcony. “Please, you can call me Dash. But- If I may ask, how did you know it was me?” A smile graced your painted lips as eyes reflected the stars. “Intuition.” Were you trying to reel him in? There was no need for that! Dash was entranced the first moment he saw you! “Oh is that so?” He tried to sound confident and suave but he sounded so meek! Ugh he wanted to kick himself in the stomach for being such a loser! “Perhaps fate is on our side as well. I was told the stars would align in my favor tonight.” Were you…flirting with him!? He sheepishly chuckled and adjusted his collar. “I can’t help but agree, it’s hard to meet people here who like…video games?” 
You audibly gasped and moved your head to face him. “Really? Which games have you been getting into?” He never understood video games or even tried to before he met you. It was embarrassing trying to learn about video games all on his own since he was too prideful to ask someone. Now what was that game called? The one with the good soundtrack? “Forgive me I am absent minded tonight but it’s the one with the robot enemies and the little blue guy.” You nodded. “Oh you mean Mega Man? Which one? There’s multiple in the series, you know.” He froze up trying to remember what the full title was. Ugh he looked like such a fool!
You chuckled and put your hand under his chin, forcing him to look you in the eyes. “You don’t have to try to impress me. I think you are very charming, Dash.” Despite being a stuttering tomato he grabbed your hand trying to regain his confidence. “Would you give me the privilege of this dance?” You placed your glass down on the balcony railing. “I would love to.”
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jangofctts · 4 years ago
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Mirrored Heart (captain rex x fem!reader)
rated: 18+ explicit 
word count: 5.6k
warnings: smut, p in v sex, unprotected sex, creampies, fingering, blow jobs, clone space racism?  
a/n: ANYWAY HERE IT IS. ive had this draft saved since like a year ago and just now finished it. anyway kwjrkejh here YALL GO. also thank you @jango-fettish​ FOR LETTING ME BORROW SYRENA 
It's curious. 
Well, you, as a whole are curious—completely outside the realm of what Rex considers normal. As far as senators go, that is. 
You're grumpy for one—worse than Skywalker and far more snide than Kenobi—a near gargantuan task bordering impossible. Wit and cleverness come to you easier than breathing, but it's your unwavering kindness towards himself and his brothers that sticks out like a blaster burn against alabaster white walls.  
He passed it off as a joke—some sort of mockery. Rex’s existence has been full of them. The past year it’s been made glaringly clear as to what the clones are to the people of the republic—tools. Mindless war machines dressed with flesh and bone, heart and sinew instead of durasteel and a circuitboard. Humanity has been skimmed over with excuses and debates over the hollow argument that clones were created for the sole purpose of war—nothing more. Ignorance is bliss when you are not the one fighting tooth and nail for petty skirmishes and the survival of your family.        
Ithyea, your home monarchal planet, is a newer member of the Galatic Republic—one of the firsts to advocate for clone rights—cutting through each argument with the steel headed javelin of hope and determination. Controversial in the eyes of the galaxy but no less than true. Yet with controversy, comes chaos. 
Wedged between Takodana and the Cerean Reach hyperspace lane—it’s an essential key to accessing more neutral space sectors without stepping on any toes. While the planet does mirror the size of a larger than average moon, there’s nothing but grandeur with the cutting edge advances in space travel and military innovations. An arts district too, one that’s presented multiple times for the Senate apparently. Rex has yet to see it. It’s an easy guess as to why Ithyea has gone under pointed attacks from the Separatists—it’d be foolish not to try.     
And of course comes the intergalactic mess of politics. You are not Ithyea’s first senator. Or second…or third. Just in the last six months, three of your predecessors have been picked off—two disappearances and a suspicious poisoning sandwiched between them. Which sides these assassinations stem from is anybody’s guess—a mix of both perhaps—all to silence and stamp the voice of your people out.
Heavy are the shoulders that wear those abhorrent senatorial robes, and Maker did it take some convincing for another Ithyean to step to the chopping block. It’s just…no one thought  it’d be you. The infamous captain of King Arrian Felian’s elite guard—trained in combat levels high enough to contend some of those within the ranks of the Jedi Order. When your name comes up in conversation, it certainly doesn’t scream diplomacy.     
Rex is not surprised that you hold the current record of Ithyean senators for surviving the longest. Evading an astonishing two attempts on your life by the skin of your teeth. You were just downright lucky the third assassin missed their mark. Sure, the blade of Syrena Aster skimmed the right side of your cheek and left behind a nasty scar to remember her by, but kriff—even with your background and low levels of public presence, you’re a high priced target. Whoever placed an order with the Heretics, really wants to see you six feet under.     
Rex hasn’t been given the full report on exactly who the Heretics are—a rag tag bunch of untrained Force users and skilled assassins from what he’s gathered—but regardless, this attack is just the beginning. Until the Senate and the Jedi are able to retract the price on your head, you’re stuck under protective custody. Usually ushered away into the Jedi Temple or tagging along with General Kenobi and Skywalker. Despondently, no matter the circumstances of your protection, it can’t shield you from the dreadful invitations to senatorial luncheons.
 And yes, you tried to slip by for this one. 
You don't brush elbows with other senator’s like many of the members in the Jedi Order and your own cohort do. In fact, you actively avoid even speaking to them unless necessary, let alone stand in the same room with seven of them. Odd for an elected official of diplomacy such as yourself to be so cold shouldered—Rex would think senators wanted to mingle.    
It's curious because you're standing in plain sight and yet no one pays you any passing thought. General Kenobi and Skywalker hold the majority of their attentions, shoulders already taught with exasperation at keeping everyone from tearing out each other's throats for, kriffing five minutes. Yet you...you are completely at ease, leaning up against a stone pillar, observing the unfolding chaos from afar with a keen eye. 
Before Rex realizes he's stepping towards your position, you glance over and dip your chin in greeting. The ghost of a smirk pulls at your normally grim facade—his heart skips. "Captain."
"Senator," he mimics, posting himself to your right. There’s still a thin, healing scab from the assassin’s blade that extends from the swell of your cheek to your ear. Ouch. “Enjoying the evening?" 
You snort. "Hardly enjoying it, Rex."
Stars—you shouldn't be allowed to say his name. Your words are razor-sharp like a jagged vibroblade, meant to jab and pierce through armor—tear a person to pieces without having to lift a finger. Everything about you is rough, gritty, brutal, unbecoming of what a senator should be, but— 
You mouth his name, purring out the singular syllable with such tenderness that it's like a punch to the gut. 
It's hard to swallow and he needs to clear his throat—an embarrassing act on his part, but your attention has already returned back towards the meandering senators. "How d'you mean?"
"Well," you sigh, "let's just say smalltalk isn’t my strong suit." 
"Aren't you senators s'pposed to like diplomacy n' such?" 
Your thumb smoothes over your bottom lip in thought as you shrug. "Diplomacy? Sure. Politicians? Can’t say I like them. I just—"
You wave your hand around, gesturing vaguely to the crowd. "I just don't understand why they can't say what they mean. Telling someone to have a nice day shouldn't entail certain death, y'know?"
"Speaking from experience?" He teases, gently prying into that harder than beskar wall you've created for yourself. There's fissions in your foundation and he means to tear it down all for just a mere scrap of information. 
Your eyes flick over, your lips curling into a vulpine grin. “Perhaps...Though, it was partially my fault, I have to admit.” 
“You’ll have to tell me the story sometime, Senator.” 
You nod. “Yes, one day—when there aren’t so many political ears jumping at the chance of gossip.” 
A swell of laughter interrupts your chat, your attention gravitating to Obi-Wan—ever the charmer with the crowds. The end of your mouth pulls into a frown as you sigh and carefully scratch at your brow with the back of your thumb. Rex might be pulling at straws, but what he mistook as you being standoffish may just be your nerves. Socially awkward and flustered when speaking in such an intimate setting. 
Rex’s first instinct is to reach out and place a hand over your shoulder in comfort, but he’s not sure how you’ll respond to the touch. Flip him over your shoulder probably—
Instead he forces himself to jumpstart the conversation—something to distract from your anxieties. “I hope you don’t mind me asking—“ His heart beat kicks up into a flurry of wild beats as you turn you head. “What uh..wh—did you want to become a senator?”
He likes it when you smile—like you’re letting him on some sort of coy secret. You shift your weight and shrug. “The king asked me personally. I’m flattered he thinks I’m clever enough—insulted he sends me to these abysmal gatherings like some sort of show pony.”
Rex chuckles. “Yeah, can’t say I like ‘em either.” 
“Although…” Your thumb runs over your lip again, a sparkle of mischief igniting behind your eyes. “As a senator, I do get the occasional tidbit of gossip. Here, I’ll catch you up—“
The captain startles when you snatch his elbow and yank him closer. Maker he’s glad for his helmet because your lips brush against his earpiece as he leans down to reach your height. 
“Look." You whisper, nodding casually in the direction of a particularly young senator with a shock of white hair. She's swathed in a pool of royal blue silk, much too large for her tiny frame, and all but hanging off Skywalker's arm with glittered nails filed into points. "That is Senator Ceci Paare of Corellia. She looks innocent, no?"
She does. Wide, crystalline green eyes stare up at the Jedi Knight as a pretty giggle escapes past her ruby painted lips. Skywalker grimaces. 
"I quite like her," you continue with a sly grin. "Even if she does try to influence public opinion by an invitation to bed." 
There's no time to process as you focus in on an older man. His hazy blue skin, ash white lips and vermillion green eyes cut an almost nightmarish profile, accentuated by mountains of black robes. Rex can’t recall what planet the senator represents. The senator holds his head stiffer than rebar to keep the ornate golden circlet from slipping off, his white lips curling in distaste as Orn Free Taa of Ryloth places a meaty hand over his slender shoulder. 
"He is Lord Tal’en Sol Ra'ah. Cunning, but sympathetic to the pleasures of gambling."
It's a game to you—of perceptions and nuances only a trained eye can roll over. Rex expects nothing less. This sort of thing has been hammered into the very essence of your being since you were little—reading an enemy before they can strike. It works on politicians marvelously well. 
Truth be told Rex should be paying more attention—but the closeness of your face to his helmet is maddening. His heart twists and coils as your bare hand skims along his gloved one—kriff. He’s not gonna make it before he bursts into a thousand little pieces.  
Rex’s spell of lovesick yearning recedes as you swear under your breath. It was only a matter of time before someone approached your little corner.  
"Oh, Maker save me," you hiss under your breath as a young Mirialan saunters over, the swatches of rich red and brilliant gold accentuate his violet skin like a bloody bruise. "Pretend you're speaking with me." 
"I am speaking with you," Rex snorts. 
Your hand waves in dismissal as your brows stitch together, hands balling into fists. Your jaw clenches as the senator in question puts on a dazzling smile. You look downright panicked. Rex has witnessed you face down numerous senators older than dirt and close to blowing away in the wind with plucky fervor, assassination attempts, being held captive, and you're frightened…by this? 
This is too good. 
Rex has half a mind to help you, wheel you away from your little predicament, but his intrigue with seeing your oh-so-solid resolve crumble is much too valuable and entertaining to pass up. He's going to remember this for years.  
"Senator," he mimics, not at all frightened by your poisonous glare. "Some diplomacy might do you good."
You begin to snarl out a threat but are decidedly cut off by your object of horror planting himself before your hiding spot. You cower into the corner like a boxed in loth-cat. "Ah, my favorite Ithyean! I had begun to worry you would not make it, my dear friend."
"Senator Lin," you sigh. The smile you offer is tight and thin; a nervous one much in the same way one would be if presented with a box of toenails for a birthday gift. “How pleasant to see you."
Senator Lin’s deep violet lips part with an easy smile. He waves a hand in dismissal, his silver rings glinting in the warm lighting. "Please—call me Toluka. No need to bother with such formalities between companions." 
Rex suddenly understands your trepidation with the Mirialan—he’s slimy. And, not to mention, not at all ashamed with the lecherous looks as his eyes sweep down your body. Rex clenches his teeth and folds his arms behind his back. He’s regretting not heeding your warning now…  
Try as you might through brutal small talk and chilly answers, Senator Lin refuses to take the hint. A dark plume of venom green lashes through Rex’s chest as the Mirialan places a friendly hand over your shoulder. You grimace as Rex bristles and glares through the visor of his helmet.  
Senator Lin’s lips pull into a gaudy smile as he glances at Rex and then at you.“My dear, don’t you know? It’s not worth wasting your time with a clone. After all, they’re all the same person. How boorish—come join us at the table.”
Your teeth bite into your cheek as your temper, like the silver of blade through the darkness, cuts through your steely irises. With poised nonchalance, you lift your hand and pinch Senator’s Lin’s fingers between your own and pry them off your shoulder. “Is that so?”
“Your campaign, valuable as it may be,” Lin continues, “is a useless endeavor. They are not our equals and never will be--you must know that." 
Rex forces himself to remain calm—collected and certainly not imaging a thousand and one ways he’d like to see his fist breaking the fragile bones of the senator’s face.  
"Fine buttons stitched upon your shoulders do not compel your worth, Senator,” the harshness of your words is a blow straight to Lin’s ego. His well-groomed brows furrow drastically as his tongue struggles to play catch up and find words to repair his shattered pride. 
There’s no chance for Senator Lin to regain his footing as your snatch Rex’s wrist and sweep him out into the hall. Rex can feel your anger roll off of you in waves, frighting and holding the same caliber of roaring waves thundering against black, craggy rocks. It’s a miracle the night didn’t end with your hands wrapped around the senator’s throat or a blaster shot through the chest. 
When you reach the lower halls of the cruise ship is when you release Rex’s wrist. You pinch the bridge of your nose between your fingers and release a long, dramatic sigh.   
"You are worth far more than that pompous ass," you say with enough edge to slice through a droideka's shields. "He has no right to say those things to you." 
“It’s alright,” Rex soothes, placing a hand over your bristling shoulder. “I’ve heard worse.” 
Your features scrunch up into a wince. “That...that doesn’t mean you have to suffer through more of it, Rex.”
Sighing, you run a hand through your hair and loosen the heavy outer robes strung around your shoulders. You shrug out of them and fold the thick swaths of fabric over you arm—revealing the under layers of your uniform. You toss the bundle of fabric to the floor with a disgusted grimace and sit on the cargo crate closest to your left. 
“Really—it’s ok.” Rex assures again. “I—“
You hold up a hand and shake your head. His mouth snaps shut. “I won’t hear it. To me you are nothing short of perfect and I refuse to argue about it. Maker knows I already do that for a kriffing living.”
There’s a fragile lull in the hollow space—the distant chatter of voices and strange music collecting in the corners. You stand once again, toe to toe with the Captain and there it is again, that elated pitter patter of his heart thrumming through his veins. The nerves of being so close to you—you sweet face and not being able to touch you.  
“Let me see your face.”
His hands come up to the edges of his helmet without hesitation, a hiss of hair escaping the seal once he pries it off. You smile and take a step closer until the only thing separating you and him is his helmet. 
Rex’s eyes flutter shut, leaning into your hand you gingerly place over his jaw. “I wish the entire galaxy could see you through my eyes,” you whisper, the warmth of your soft palm radiating out and warming his entire body.  
It’s a matchstick to kerosene—his helmet clatters to the ground and there’s only a second to spare as both hands move to cup his cheeks, dragging him into a mouthwatering kiss. 
He hasn’t kissed many people—save for those rare times at 79’s, head swimming under the haze of one too many shots of Corellian fire whiskeys where he could barely distinguish his ass from his hand. Those drunken make-outs were nothing like this. 
No—this…this is what a kiss should be like.   
He dreams about you all the time—so constantly ravenous that all he can feel some days is pure ache. Every and all words that spin around his head starts with you and finishes with his pounding heart close to bursting free from his ribcage. Not in the same way a flood rips through an unsuspecting village—more like the brilliance of a thousand doves, marble white plumage thrashing free from their gilded cage. Your lips taste like the core of a newborn star—scorching and yet still so sweet upon the tongue the same way caramelized sugar sticks to the roof your mouth. You are his first and last everything. 
There’s a certain kind of tragedy hidden beneath your tongue, fragile promises and the eggshell thin shards of hope stapled to the roof of your mouth. Rex will take it—seize any threadbare strand and run with it—spool it into the palm of his hand until you’re wound so tightly together it’ll be impossible to untangle.     
Just when the dizziness sets in from elation and not enough air, you part and leave a sticky trail of warm kisses up his jaw. Rex groans and hugs you closer, you humid breath blooming across his skin. “Let me take care of you.”
The words on his tongue crumble to ash once he nods in agreement. Your kisses dip lower, not even stopping when the reach the edge of his chest plate. Stars, you’re…he never entertained the idea that your lips could look so divine in contrast to the battered plastoid. When you fold onto your knees his heart leaps to his mouth, a flare of arousal flashing through his groin. 
You rest your chin over his codpiece and smile. “Do you like seeing me on my knees, sir?”
Rex huffs and studies at the opposing wall—
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Your fingers find the claps over his codpiece. “Can I take this off?”
Rex jerks his head in a yes but grabs your wrist. Not a rough hold—a tentative one as hesitation swirls in his eyes. “Don’t—don’t have t’ do this for me—“
You quirk a brow. “I want to because I like you, Rexy.”
A rosy blush blooms over his sharp cheekbones. The captain nods again.
The codpiece clatters to the ground and immediately you move your hand to palm him through his blacks. He grunts and squeezes his eyes shut. There we go.      
Biting your lip, you pull down his blacks as far as the plastoid plating allows, greeted with the hard length of his cock, beautiful and flushed a rosy brown. Fuck—he’s thicker than you thought. You wrap your fingers around the base, delighted by Rex’s airy gasp as he throbs in your palm. A bead of liquid shines at the tip and just the sight of it makes your mouth water. 
Moons—you should’ve done this sooner.
With a stuttering inhale, Rex trails his forefinger along your cheek and tucks a stray hair behind your ear. The pads of his fingertips skim lower and lightly pinch your chin between his forefinger and thumb. Your eyes lift to meet his. “You—you sure?”
You answer with a kiss over the dip of his navel, the skin searing hot under your lips. Rex curses and rolls his head back onto his shoulders when your palm slides up the length of his cock and then back down. Your grip is firm and tight as Rex slumps onto the crate, goosebumps rushing up his exposed flesh. Stars, when’s the last time he’s gotten release like this? 
You lean forward and lick a languid line from the velvety skin of his balls all the way up to the tip. Rex’s hips jolt. You purse your lips and suckle at the head, dipping your tongue over the slit then down to trace the ridge of his frenulum all the while your hand rolls up and down his shaft. Rex tangles his fingers into your hair with a hiss. You open your jaw a bit wider and take him down a few inches into the wet heat of your mouth, feeling your lips stretch around his cock. You you drag the flat of your tongue along the underside of his shaft to make the thickness easier to swallow down, but he's still only halfway into your mouth when he hits the back of your throat.
“Fuck—" Rex moans as his hips strain to remain still. “S’good—such a good girl.”
You glance up, eyes devouring the attractive length of his clean shaven throat and the underside of his chin. Rex swallows and let’s out another little sound. You whine softly in return and slip a hand into your pants, pressing your fingertips against your throbbing clit as you start to carefully bob your head up and down. Yeah—your jaw already aches just from holding his cock in in your mouth but fuck it—it’s worth it.   
Rex's chest heaves with exertion as he mindfully rocks his hips up, pushing and rolling his cock deeper into your mouth until his shaft is nearly seated all the way in. Ditching your own pleasure entirely, you swallow around him, forcing down the urge to gag and simply hold him here. Allowing him a moment to just enjoy the soft warmth of your mouth before launching into the main event.  
Rex murmurs your name and strokes his thumb over your cheek. “You’re beautiful—so pretty like—like this..ah—” 
You pointedly hollow your cheeks and suck, his flattery warming your chest with pride. You swallow around him another time, squeeze his shaft, your fist following your mouth as you lift up then back down to the base. You grunt at the abrupt jolt of his hips. There’s no distinctive rhythm you can follow as you pull halfway up and let Rex rock his hips into your mouth—seeking out his pleasure without a coherent thought in sight. Just a cacophony of gasping breaths and rough moans of your name. 
Soon enough he’s twitching in your mouth, his eyes fluttering shut as his head tips back onto his shoulders. The gloved hand sweetly cradling your cheek slips to the nape of your neck, tangling his fingers into you hair to anchor himself. He’s close—quiet gasps and broken curses tumbling out, hips unconsciously rocking into your mouth in search of release.
Rex whimpers your name, his leg jolting as you work your jaw wider and swallow him down, the dark curls tickling your nose once it brushes his groin. “Oh, fuck.” 
You hum around him, delighting in the mumbled praises. Almost there…That’s it. 
He’s dangling on the precipice—on tiny shove away from euphoria—
“Wait—“ Saliva dribbles down your chin when his cock pops out from your swollen lips, throbbing from the unintentional tease. “Maker—shit.” 
If not for the gloves covering his hands, you’re sure they’d be turning white from how tightly he grips the edge of the crate. His eyes are squeezed shut, slightly bent forward as he falls away from the edge of his release. Rex sucks in a steadying breath, amber eyes meeting your confused ones. 
“I don’t—can we—“ Rex’s eyes flit and focus on anything but you as he stutters and works up the courage to ask for what he wants. “Do we have time—“
You rolls your eyes and rest your cheek on his thigh. Silly man. “You wanna fuck me, Rexy?”
“Kriff, yes.”
You smile and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. “I don’t think they’ll miss us."
Rex doesn’t complain when you take his hands and yank him onto the grubby floor and over your senatorial robes. He props his back against the crate as you shuck off everything below the waste and clamber into his lap. His hands, warm even through the leather, land over the swell of your hips and wrench you closer until your front presses up against his chest plate. 
The rough prickle of his stubble is, in all sense of the word, addictive. He tilts his head to kiss you, the slick touch of his tongue on your bottom lip adding jet fuel to the fire low in your belly. Rex groans and cups your jaw, holding your mouth open to dance his tongue along the length of yours. You whine and shudder as he purses his lips and lightly sucks on your tongue before you both part. 
Rex drags his teeth over your bottom lip as you both pant for precious air. His dark lashes sweep up his cheeks when he looks at you. This close you bare witness to the dazzling color of his eyes—crystalized pearls of amber over the crackled bark of pine tree in the midmorning sun. Muted gold threaded through the brown like fine lace and the slow shimmer of the sun dappled through water. To think such a man like him is dredged through the bloodied mud of war is despicable.
You blink away the swell of tears prickling at your eyes and kiss him once more. Sighing, you whisper down, mouthing soft nibbles and teasing kisses over his jaw and down his neck. Rex squirms and rock his hips up, your cunt clenching around nothing. You need him.   
“Rex,” you groan. You slide your hand between your bodies and grab at his thick length. Rex gasps into your mouth, long fingers clamping onto your waist in a death grip. “I want you.”
“I’m yours.” 
Your nibble at his earlobe as you grind your hips against his length, the folds of your cunt teasingly out of reach. “Touch me, Captain.” 
Rex tears off his vambraces and gloves, hand wedging between your thighs, touching the very tips of his fingers to your throbbing clit. You whine and clench your jaw—the pleasure is raw—sizzling electricity that crackles with the deadly promises of your pleasure. It’s as if you’ve had the breath knocked out of your lungs the second he bears down a bit more on your clit, drawing tentative circles, each completion sending a shockwave of tightly spooled ecstasy through each and every nerve. You nearly sob as his fingers slip away. 
“So wet already,” Rex moans as you tip your head back when two of his fingers begin circle your dripping cunt. They’re thick and long and perfect. Your hips stutter as your cunt easily accepts his fingers, the heel of his palm slotting perfectly against your pussy to stimulate your clit. 
Maker you’re seeing stars as Rex rocks his hand into you—the bend of his fingers the perfect angle to catch all the right places that make you tremble. He kisses your cheek and moans your name into your ear, all low and gravelly— 
Your body seizes up tight as you soar, plummeting off the edge only to tumble so fast and so hard that tears prick the corner of your eyes. Rex peppers kisses over your cheeks and runs his free hand through your hair, purring praise and adoration as you shudder—your mouth parted in a silent cry as you cum and dissolve into his hands. 
When you suck in a steadying breath and open your eyes, Rex is gazing upon you with starstruck eyes—pure adoration that makes your cheeks flare hotter than the surface of two mini suns. Your teeth catch your bottom lip. You’re not sure you deserve to be looked at like this…
However, you’re impatient and running on stolen seconds. As much as you’d like to just simply stare at him—there’s not enough time. Rex wraps his fingers around the base of his cock and slides the tip of himself through your soaking folds. Each stroke against your still throbbing clit makes you buckle into yourself, but the angle that your knees are propped over his hips means you're stuck here. 
Rex pauses and cups your cheek. His thumb scrapes over your cheekbone. “You want this?”
You place your hand over his and turn your head to mouth a kiss over the lines of his palm. Oh, fuck yeah. Kind of him to ask as if hadn’t just cum over his fingers but—no. “I need you to fuck me, Rex. That’s an order.”
Rex huffs out a low chuckle and bumps the crown of his forehead against yours. “As you wish, Senator.” 
Rex runs the blunt head of his cock through your folds again, slicking himself up with your arousal. You mewl and dig your nails into the hard plastoid as the wide tip of him pushes into your entrance—he shudders as you clench and wiggle. It doesn’t hurt, but he’s in no small. You’ll feel him for days, you’re sure of it as your cunt swallows inch after inch. 
You both groan as he finally bottoms out. His jaw his clenched tight as sweat beads at his blonde hairline—Stars above, he’s a sight, struggling not to loose control the second he’s buried inside of you. Desire tickles up your spine, tugging at the fabrics of your being until all you can focus on his how Rex isn’t moving. You shift your hips in tiny, almost imperceptible motions, and squeeze around him. 
“Damn—“ A ragged moans slices through his words as your gentle rocking morphs into needy jolts. It’s easy to fuck yourself onto his cock like this, but the measly thrusts are meant to tempt him. “Fuck, cyare, you’re tight.” 
You smirk and grab at his sculpted shoulders—it’s the push he needs. Rex snarls your name, cups his hands under the globes of your ass and pulls you off his cock nearly all the way out only to slam back in. There’s no time to adjust before Rex sets a pace, fevered and rabid All pent up energy collecting over the weeks you’ve known each other. Each roll of his hips borders erratic, taking his pleasure without thought—intent on reaching his own end after being denied for what feels like ages. 
You squeal in surprise as Rex pushes you onto your back and hoists your legs around his hips. Rex buries his nose into the crook of your neck and moans your name like a sweet prayer wrapped in honeycomb. Rex shifts his weight, widening his knees to sink deeper into your cunt—his stubble tickling your throat as his staggered exhales burn hot over your skin. 
You choke out a groan and feel your arousal begin to drip down your thighs—hear the thrusts of his cock into your cunt become shamefully wetter. Electric heat sears down each vertebrae in your spine, scorching through each and every veins with the catastrophic brilliance of an imploding star. Shit—
“So good t’me—so perfect,” he huffs into your ear. Rex turns his head and steals a kiss. “Feel fuckin’ good stretched around my cock."
You clench around him hard as Rex’s hand sneaks between your bodies and rubs tight, little circles over you swollen clit. There’s barely any build up to your orgasm—just a blinding surge of devastating warmth that sweeps through your body, from your aching center down to your toes. It steals away all the air left in your lungs and leaves your clutching his arm and shuddering for a hold in your own reality—the steady warmth of his body that’s unburdened by armor a much needed anchor for the madness that threatens to drown you. 
His gentle, and pliant kisses morph into little pricks of his teeth over your neck and collar bone as his hips struggle to keep a definitive pattern. Rex’s curses string together and blur into nonsensical noises and loose tongue admittances that are comparable to moving inches from an imploding star.   
“Where can—can I?”
You grab at his head and whine his name. “Anywhere—in me—you can cum in me.”
With a loving caress over back of his neck and a sweet whisper of his name, he reaches release. Rex’s moan is airy as his eyes slam shut and captures your mouth in a sizzling kiss. He’s twitching in your arms as his hips erratically jerk, hot spurts of his release coating your insides and beginning to leak over your robes you lay over. Whatever. 
Rex nips at your skin as the last dregs of pleasure jolt up your spine. Neither of you say a word as Rex’s hips come to a slow. Time trickles through your fingers like sand through an hourglass half empty but instead of rushing to dress, you choose to lie on the ground—two halves of a mess someone’s been meaning to clean up for the better part of a long while. You feel at home here—content as your fingers run up and down the back of his head, a bit irked by the armor still covering his back. You’re terrified of the months to come—but at least you have each other. After all, gardens will bloom and flourish with fresh blooded love and wild mistakes sculpted from passion forever if you believe hard enough…wont they?
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omgrachwrites · 4 years ago
Her Prince - Prince Hal
Pairing: Reader x Prince Hal (The Hollow Crown)
Summary: The man that comes to visit you at your woodland cottage - the man that you’re falling in love with - is a mystery. When you discover what he’s hiding from you, it turns your whole world upside down.
Warnings: fluff, angst, ooc Hal probs, mentions of blood
Words: 2569
Disclaimer: So, I know that none of this would ever happen but I’m a hopeless romantic?? Characters will be ooc probably
A/N: I promise that I will be getting back to my usual fics but I had a really shitty day in work and I had to make my self feel better. The Hollow Crown was one of Tom’s superior looks! Hope you guys enjoy and please let me know what you think, I love you all! xxx
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I've been living to see you Dying to see you, but it shouldn't be like this This was unexpected, what do I do now? Could we start again please?
The day was swelteringly hot and you were in front of your woodland cottage, tending to your herb garden. You were the best healer in the village and the townspeople ventured out of the safe confines of their stone walls to come and seek an audience with you in your forest cottage. As you were tending to the thorned plants, your hand slipped and you near enough sliced your hand open.
You gasped out into the silent air as thick scarlet blood blossomed on your palm but before you could do much about it, you heard the gallop of horse hooves in the distance, getting closer with every breath you took. Then, he called out to you and your heart fluttered with anticipation.
“Good afternoon, Y/N,” he beamed as his horse came to a stop.
You blushed as you looked at Hal’s handsome face, he was handsome enough to be a Prince with his honey brown curls and sparkling blue eyes, “hello, Hal,” you smiled as you sat on your little stone wall, your legs hanging over the edge, “it’s nice to see that you’re not half dead this time,” you laughed, recalling the first time you met him. He’d been injured and if you’d waited longer to heal him then he’d be dead.
Hal sighed, teasingly as he dismounted from his horse, “must you always mention that every time I come to visit you?”
You laughed as you reached a leg out to lightly kick at his knee, “of course, I’m never going to let you forget it,” you smiled and he rolled his eyes. By the look of his flushed cheeks, he’d been riding a long way today and you thought that he might care for some refreshment, “would you like some water? Or milk and honey, perhaps, to cool you down?”
Hal smiled and opened his mouth to reply but he hesitated when he caught sight of your slashed palm. He tutted and reached out for your hand, running his gentle fingers over the cut, “you’re hurt,” he lifted his concerned eyes to meet yours and you bit your lip as your eyes dropped down to his lips for a split second.
“It’s alright,” you breathed, “it’s just a cut from some thorns.”
“Here,” Hal smiled as he reached into his satchel bag and pulled out some fresh smelling cloth, “I don’t think that my healing skills are quite up to the level of yours, but I always keep some with me, just in case,” he chuckled and wrapped your hand in the bandage.
It was so courteous of him that you couldn’t help but stare at him, flustered and searching for something – anything – to say, “I’ll go and fetch you that glass of water,” you laughed nervously as you turned away, grimacing when his pleasant laughter followed you into the cool interior of your cottage. It was such a relief to be out of that heat, if only for a couple of minutes.
Quickly, you poured him a tankard of water before walking out into the scorching sun again.  Hal gave you a grateful smile as you handed him the water and he drained it in one swallow, gasping as he smacked his lips before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. You had to fight back a giggle.
“By God, I needed that, thank you, Y/N,” he smiled as he sat beside you on the small wall, his leg pressed against yours. Your cheeks flushed at his close proximity.
Over the few months that he had been coming to see you, you had grown to care for him, in fact you were falling in love with him. You wondered who he really was, “have you got an outing planned for tonight? I know that you prefer to collect your ingredients at night,” it was so nice that he’d remembered.
You bit your lip nervously as you tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear. You could hardly tell him that you were going to the Royal Palace, Hal had already expressed his distaste for King Henry and the Prince of Wales, you didn’t want him to think any less of you. The King had heard of your skills and he’d invited you to court to speak to you about taking the post of physician when his current one retired. You were very grateful that word of your skills had reached the King’s ears.
“No, no outings tonight,” you felt your cheeks grow hot and the lie tasted bitter on your tongue.
Hal sat on your stone wall with you, keeping you company for a little while longer, and when he took his leave, you sent him off with raspberry tartlets which you had drizzled with honey and baked golden brown. For as long as you lived, you would never forget the way he smiled at you so sweetly as he cupped your cheek, before he brushed his lips against yours, as gentle as a whisper.
When he pulled back to look at your reaction, your heart pounded so loudly in your chest that you were afraid that he’d heard it and you felt pleasant tingles all over your body. When he found no sign of hesitance – you would have to be a fool to reject him – he pulled you closer and kissed you deeper. You stood on your tiptoes to meet his kiss as you allowed your fingers to run through his curls as you kissed him in the peaceful little clearing. Long after Hal had left, your lips still tingled from the memory of his intoxicating kiss.
Later on that evening, you were being escorted down the never-ending hallways by a Palace guard – how people found their way around this castle, you had no idea – you were dressed finely for your audience with the King, a dress from green silk that you’d made yourself. You were so nervous and the guard must have sensed it because he gave you an encouraging smile.
“Everyone has is worrisome before meeting the King,” he chuckled, “the common folk prefer the Prince.”
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, “they do? I have never met him; will he be at court today?” you asked with interest.
“I think not, he’s been in the tavern often, of late.”
You grimaced to yourself, spending time in the tavern was not wise for the future King but you kept your thoughts to yourself. As you entered the Throne Room and saw the old proud King on his Throne, you wanted to bolt out the way you came in but you forced yourself forwards until you were kneeling at his feet.
“Your Majesty, thank you for seeing me,” you kept your head bowed as was the custom.
“Please, rise my child,” with a small smile, you got to your feet and looked at the King, “Miss Y/N, I have heard great tales of your skills and accomplishments. I believe you’ve healed quite a few soldiers in my army?”
“Yes, Your Majesty, they often come by my cottage, it’s the quickest path to the castle.”
“Quite,” the King nodded, “I thank you for your service, my physician has grown old and his methods are not what they used to be. If you would, return three days from now and we can truly see what you can do.”
A slight sting of annoyance shot through your body but you would never let it show on your face, you would rather show him now but to argue with the King was to wish for death. Before you could accept, the door to the right of you opened and the King sighed as he shook his head, you were too nervous to see who it was.
“Finally, my son, you need to extend your apologies to our guest for being late.”
“My apologies,” a soft distracted voice came to the right of you, the King gave the Prince a sharp look and the Prince of Wales sighed as he walked in front of you, “please accept my apologies, my lady,” when he looked at you, his eyes faltered and his mouth opened in surprise.
Tears sprang to your eyes as you practically felt your heart crack as you stared at Hal – your Hal – he was the Prince? Words couldn’t describe how you felt but if you had to use one word, it would be ‘betrayed.’
Keeping your voice steady, you looked back at the King, “may I have your leave to go, Your Majesty.”
“Of course,” the King inclined his head.
As soon as the King replied, you bowed once more and escaped from the room as quickly as you could without actually running. You heard Hal say something to his father before you heard his quick footsteps follow you, “Y/N!” you shook your head and kept walking, refusing to look back at him, you wouldn’t let him see you cry, “please!” his voice broke and you couldn’t help yourself, you had to stop and look at him.
Well, you didn’t look at him, you kept your eyes on the floor, “Your Majesty,” you mumbled as you saw Hal’s feet walking closer to you.
You felt a warm gentle hand on your chin and you allowed yourself to look at his face, he looked so apologetic and his eyes almost looked wet, “we should talk.”
“As Your Majesty wishes.”
Hal looked sick as he rubbed his thumb against your cheek, “please don’t call me that, nothing’s changed between us.”
“Nothing’s changed?!” your sadness quickly turned to anger and you momentarily forgot where you were, “everything’s changed!  Why didn’t you tell me? By God!” you gasped as you slapped a hand to your forehead, “I’ve been rude to you! And you’re the crowned Prince! I kissed you!”
Hal bit his lip as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously, “I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to treat me any differently, and technically, I kissed you,” he chuckled.
“Why?” you asked, holding back the tears, “why would you kiss me? Was it for something to laugh about with your noble friends,” your eyes went blurry as a wave of sadness washed over you.
“No, Y/N! Angel, no, I kissed you because I love you!”
Your heart stopped in your chest but it wasn’t from happiness, it was from overwhelming sadness, you would have longed to hear that just a few hours ago but now, you would rather that he didn’t say anything, “you can’t say that,” you shook your head as you backed away from him and Hal’s face fell, causing you to look away as you felt a stab of pain shoot through your heart.
“It doesn’t make it any less true,” he mumbled.
“I have to go,” you sighed as tears slid down your cheeks and ran over your lips, “goodbye, Your Highness,” walking away from him was the hardest thing you had ever done – especially when he was calling after you in that broken voice – but you had no other choice. He was the future King.
A year later, you were in your chambers at the palace, you hadn’t seen Hal since you had said goodbye to him. He’d been staying at his castle in Wales, though it wasn’t far away enough to make you forget about him. It was a particularly rainy day when your apprentice came bursting through the door with a shocked look on his face.
“Y/N! Y/N! Have you heard the news?” he was out of breath from running and it made you laugh.
“Calm down! What news?”
“The Prince is back, he’s in the tavern in the village, the word is that he’s abdicated the Throne for a peasant girl.”
You were so shocked that you dropped the empty beaker you were holding, letting it shatter across the ground, “are you,” you cleared your throat as you tried to gather your thoughts, “are you sure?” when Arthur nodded, you gulped and looked at him nervously. He’d probably abdicated the Throne for a pretty girl that he’d met in Wales but he used to love you and there was a sliver of hope in your chest, you had to go and see for yourself, “can you keep an eye on things here?”
“Yes, but where are you going?” Arthur frowned at you as you grabbed your cloak but you shook your head without another word.
Your riding had got much better while you were staying at the castle and you got to the tavern in a surprisingly short amount of time. You hoped that Hal was still here. As you opened the door to the warm tavern a hushed silence fell over the patrons as they stared at the newcomer. You didn’t have to search far for Hal because he was in the middle of everyone with a pretty blonde woman perched on his lap. His eyes widened as he looked at you, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as he swallowed. Hal had seemed to become even more beautiful in the year that he’d been away. He looked like an angel.
The woman sneered at you and you realised that he hadn’t abdicated the Throne for you at all, you were such a fool. Offering Hal, a sad smile with tears sparkling in your eyes, you turned to leave, walking out into the cold evening air again. You had barely mounted your horse before you felt a strong arm wrap around your waist from behind and a warm hand came to brush your tears away.
“Why are you crying petal?” he whispered.
You could feel the fissure in your heart widen and your knees almost buckled at the sound of his soft voice, “because you’re you a fool,” you sniffled as you turned to face him, “abdicating the Throne for that woman.”
Hal let out a surprised laugh as he shook his head, “I haven’t abdicated the Throne for her,” he jabbed his thumb in the direction of the tavern, “I’ve abdicated it for you.”
Your heart soared as you gasped, searching his face for any deceit, instead you found nothing but love, “me? Why?”
Hal grinned as he cupped your cheek, “isn’t it clear my dear? Because I love you, I would rather give up my future rule than lose you.”
Tears sprang to your eyes again but for a completely different reason and you rested your hands against Hal’s firm chest, “was your father angry?” you couldn’t believe that this brave handsome man had given up everything for you.
“Furious,” Hal rolled his eyes, “but I don’t want to live without you, I love you, Y/N. I would like nothing more than to live the rest of my days with you by my side.”
You smiled as your fingers curled through his hair as you gazed up at him, “I love you too,” you pulled him into a passionate kiss and at the first touch of his lips, you gasped, it felt like coming home, “I’m going to have to find a new post,” you laughed, you couldn’t go back to the palace now.
Hal only chuckled as he pulled you in for another kiss, for the first time in your life you had no idea what was coming next. However, you couldn’t find it in your heart to care, you had your Prince and that was all that mattered.
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gunterfan1992 · 4 years ago
Episode Review: ‘Together Again’ (Distant Lands, Ep. 3)
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Airdate: May 20, 2021
Story by: Jack Pendarvis, Kate Tsang, Hanna K. Nyström, Christina Catucci, Jesse Moynihan, Adam Muto
Storyboarded by: Hanna K. Nyström, Anna Syvertsson, Iggy Craig, Maya Petersen, Serena Wu
Directed by: Miki Brewster (supervising), Sandra Lee (art)
Across Adventure Time’s ten season run, the show explored a bevy of “mature” themes and story ideas—topics, like love, sexuality, depression, and grieving. The show also touched upon death, but the emphasis was usually placed on the emotional toll of a loved one dying, not really what happens when you die. We knew there were Dead Worlds and Death. We knew that there was reincarnation. But how does it all fit together? What does it mean? How does it work?
With “Together Again,” we finally have many of the answers.
This special opens with a marvelous fake-out episode simply called “Finn & Jake,” that sees the two steal a magical cartoon of 50-flavor ice cream before rescuing Turtle Princess and LSP from the clutches of the villainous Ice King. This is all deliberately anachronistic and over the top. Ice King is back to his season one ways, Finn has both arms, and he is still wielding his golden sword that he lost in season two’s “The Real You.” There’s lolrandom dialogue and silly monsters; it’s like a parody of seasons 1-2. But then, this adventure starts to get all wonky, and in time Finn realizes that he is in a some sort of trance or illusion: one that ends with Jake being buried in the ground. Suddenly, Finn awakens from his reverie. He’s an old man. And he’s dead. We’re then presented with a new title card that lets us know the episode is actually called “Finn & Jake Are Dead.”
Holy Glob! They actually went there.
Turns out Jake died years before Finn, so naturally Finn is super excited to see his best bud. But something’s wrong—he cannot find Jake!! They planned to spend eternity together. But all that Finn can find is his very own psychopomp, Mr. Fox (voiced by Tom Herpich, whose purposefully stilted line readings are the epitome of delightful). Finn rightfully assumes that Jake is in a different Dead World, and so, being the ball of spunk and energy that he is, he demands to meet with Death, only to discover that there’s a New Death in town (voiced by Chris Fleming). The episode eventually explains that New Death was the son of Death and Life, and after New Death killed his father, he became the sovereign of the afterlife. New Death hates his job and decides to just blow up all the Dead Worlds so he doesn’t have to deal with it all. (I won’t get too much into the details here, because there would be a lot of story to parse out.)
Finn soon learns that Jake has reached nirvana in the 50th Dead World, where there is nothing but peace and serenity. Finn nevertheless tracks down Jake, pulls him from paradise, but in doing so, accidentally lets New Death in, who promptly obliterates Elysium, sending all the enlightened souls—including those from different levels of the afterlife—to the 1st Dead World. This gronks up the afterlife, temporarily halting the reincarnation process.
Well, Finn and Jake are rightfully ticked, and so they haunt the material plane looking for Princess Bubblegum. She’s not home (more on that later), but Peppermint Butler is! After Ghost Finn and Ghost Jake explain the situation, Peppermint Butler tells them what to do: They need to find Life and explain the situation. The duo manage just that, and Life is rightfully angry that her kid has stopped the transmigration of souls. After Life gives Finn a McGuffin sword that can hurt Death, Finn and Jake return to his abode. A brawl ensues wherein we learn that New Death has been possessed… by none other than that spirit of the Lich.
That’s right, it’s the Lich! He’s back, and boy is he evil.
The Lich explains that by possessing Death, he can destroy the afterlife, thereby destroying a key aspect of reality. Naturally, Finn and Jake are not cool with this, and they engage in combat. After Mr. Fox grabs the McGuffin sword and uses it to annihilate the Lich and New Death, he is proclaimed the New New Death and sets everything right. Finn is slated to be reincarnated, and Jake is slated to return to the 50th Dead World where he and Finn will one day be reunited. As Finn is pulled into the wheel of souls, Jake suddenly decides to go back with Finn, too, “Just for fun.” The episode ends with a card letting us know that the episode is neither called “Finn & Jake” nor “Finn & Jake Are Dead.” Instead, it is “Finn and Jake Are Together Again.”
As they say, “And there wasn’t a dry eye in the place.”
If you were to tell me several years ago that the last episode to star Finn and Jake would revolve around them dying, I think I would’ve been upset. Not simply sad, but rather frustrated because “they all died” can feel like a cheap ending. But with “Together Again,” it all works. And a large reason that it works is because the show goes all in with their ideas. Finn and Jake don’t magically leap back into their old life (no, no, they very much do bite the dust). Instead, the special emphasizes the cyclical nature of life through the transmigration of souls. The episode ends with a beautiful scene of Finn and Jake, bound together as soul-brothers, being reborn into a new, mysterious (possibly Ooo 1000+?) world. It’s both aesthetically and emotionally pleasing; it doesn’t feel off the way over finales might. This is right. This is the way life works. “Round and round as nature goes,” and all that jazz.
I loved the series explanation of how death works. It seems that souls land in a specific Dead World, where they ‘marinate’ for a bit, presumably being rewarded or punished based on their life in our meat reality. After a time, they are then reborn. This process repeats, with each soul reaching higher and higher levels of enlightenment until they hit nirvana, which is the 50th Dead World. So in a sense, Adventure Time has a roughly Buddhist cosmology with a dash of Greco-Roman mythos thrown in for flavor. (As to what happens after a soul stays in the 50th Dead World for a long period is anyone’s guess, but I’d speculate that when all the souls in the multiverse have been purified and land in the 50th Dead World, they will all collapse into one another and form one perfect Monad. Perhaps this is the sphere of perfection that the beings who merged into Matthew thought they were connecting to? Who knows! It’s anyone’s guess!) I was a little disappointed that we didn’t get to see who Death, Prismo, Life, etc.’s boss was, but perhaps that’s a mystery better left up to the imagination!
One minor thing that I loved about this special was the number of characters who made cameos as well as all the callbacks that were made to previous episodes. Regarding the former: Finn and Jake’s canine family show up (including the oft-forgotten Jermaine!), as do Tree Trunks and her myriad husbands. Tiffany plays a major role in all these shenanigans as a “death cop” of all things. There is a delightful rogues gallery stuck in the 1st Dead World (including, among others, Maja, Sharon from “The Gut Grinder,” and Wyatt). In the 50th we find Ghost Princess and Clarence happily at peace next to Booshy, the weird spirit mentioned in the Pen Ward classic “High Strangeness.” As far as callbacks go, perhaps my favorite is the clap (from “James Baxter the Horse”) that Jake taught to Finn in case they ever do get separated in the afterlife. And of course, there are myriad references made to “Death in Bloom,” the episode that planted the seed for what this would grow into.
Going into the special suspecting that it would involve Death, I was curious how they were going to handle Miguel Ferrer’s character. (In case a reader is not aware, Ferrer played Death in episodes like “Death in Bloom” and “Betty,” but he sadly passed away a few years ago). The producers’ choice to feature him in a non-speaking cameo—despite playing a relatively significant role in the story—was wise; I’m not sure if I can articulate the exact reasons, but something about his role felt appropriate and not gross, as some post-mortem memorials can be. Speaking of which, the wonderful, lovely Polly Lou Livingston was featured for the last time in this episode as Tree Trunks, happily in heaven with her literal harem of husbands. It was funny, it really was, and I’m sure that Polly Lou would’ve gotten a kick out of seeing it on screen. (Also, this is a pro-Tree Trunks safe space. Any Tree Trunks haters will be chucked into the 1st Dead World with Wyatt.)
The biggest mystery in this whole thing, for me at least, is the question of Princess Bubblegum and Marceline. Several years ago, I wrote an essay about what could’ve happened to them in the Ooo 1000+ universe. I speculated that they peaced out and left Ooo behind. In this special, neither Bubblegum nor Marceline are to be found in the Candy Kingdom—Peppermint Butler seems to be the one in charge, given that he is now wearing Bubblegum’s crown. Likewise, the duo aren’t anywhere in the Dead Worlds either. Maybe the two of them skipped town and got a duplex in the Nightosphere? Who knows… I just want my favorite gals to be OK!
All things considered, “Together Again” was a marvel: An episode that managed to feel like a series finale even more than “Come Along with Me” already did without taking away from the series itself. An episode that managed to make the idea of dying funny. An episode that brought back the Lich in a way that wasn’t forced. An episode that made Mr. Fox the New New Death. An episode that gave us a beautiful ending to Finn and Jake’s story… as well as the beautiful beginning to a new one. I said it on Twitter, and I’ll say it again here: “Together Again” was the end of a sentence in a book with infinite pages. Truly, the fun will never end.
Mushroom War evidence: Everything takes place in the Dead Worlds, so not really. Perhaps a more eagle-eyed viewer can inform us...
Final Grade: That’s right, I’m gonna do it...
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Post-script, I actually messaged Jesse Moynihan to ask about his writing credit. He told me that it was for an unused story idea that he had developed. I’m not certain, but I’ll bet it was a part of the cancelled TV movie they were trying to make during season 5, since that would’ve seen Finn and Orgalorg journey to the various Dead Worlds.
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parvulous-writings · 4 years ago
Not on My Watch // Jesse McCree x F!Reader
Request:   Howdy! Perhaps another Mccree fic? 👀 Mccree and fem S/o decides to have a chill leisure and some dude catcalled s/o and Mccree witnessed it? what do he do? 😳🤠 (loved the previous fic you did for me im still reading it til this day!!)
Requested by: @fragolaaaaaaa​
Summary: McCree takes you out, and you get cat-called.
Warnings: catcalling, alcohol, explicit language.
Words: 1.2K
Notes:  Howdy! I had quite a bit of fun with this one! I’m happy to hear you’re still reading my other fic for you! Makes me smile! My requests are currently open! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist!
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Not my gif
It was one of McCree’s rare days off, and he had insisted on taking you out for the evening to one of his old local haunts, an old bar in the middle of Deadlock Grange. The entire town may have had some less than savoury memories, but he was hoping that spending some time there with you would clear those away or at least push them to the side.  All he wanted was to share a drink with you on a day off, hear you laugh and see you smile at something stupid he’s said. That was his plan- share drinks with you (preferably something involving whisky for himself), maybe get a little less sober and have some real quality time together, away from the buzz of the Overwatch complex. 
That was his plan. Initially, things had gone really well- you were now a couple of drinks in, and absolutely loving your time together. You personally couldn’t see why Deadlock Grange was so bad, even after all the tales you had been told. Jesse had gone to get the third round for the pair of you, more than happy to be paying for all of these drinks.  Whilst he was gone, someone else saddled up on the stool behind you. You didn’t think anything of it at first, anyone in the facility had right to sit at the bar, rather than at at table. It was when he started speaking to you that the problems started to arise. 
“Well, hey there, doll,” He greeted, leaning closer to you- so close that you could smell the alcohol on his breath; practically taste it as you turned to give him a distasteful look, to try and show him you were not in any way interested. However, he seemed to take this as the exact opposite of what you had intended. He shuffled so that he sat on the edge of his seat, his face mere inches from your own.  “Haven’t seen you round here before... You new?”  “Not exactly, could you please-”  “Show you around? Sure thing... I’d love to...” He gave you a lopsided grin, brushing some of his greasy, auburn locks from his forehead, clearly trying to make himself appear more attractive. It didn’t work very well at all.  “No, that’s not what I was going to say.” You reply, giving him another disgusted look. He seemed to pout a little bit at your words, but you did not cave in to those green faux puppy eyes.  “Shame...” He half laments. “I could’ve shown you my place.. Real special, I think you’d like it. ‘Specially the bedroom.” He gave you a sly wink that made your skin crawl. 
You move to turn away from him again, but he puts his hand on your shoulder and pulls you back. “Oh come on, now, doll.” He coos. “Don’t be that way, I was being so nice to you, weren’t I?” He pauses, quirking his brow. “Or did you want something more?” He started to grin- but not the kind of grin you would have wanted to see on someone’s face. This one was sick, and twisted, and outright vile. He used his hand on your shoulder to slowly but surely pull you closer to him, till you were practically sitting on his lap. His arms were like the coils of a constrictor as they slowly wrapped themselves around you, holding you in place and preventing your plan of escape. 
You heard someone clearing their throat near McCree’s seat- sure enough, it was the gunslinger himself. “’Scuse me, sir.” The needless honourific was drenched in Southern venom, a poison you hadn’t heard him use often at all. This kind of tone was used for people like Reyes or O’Deorain- people who had wronged him substantially, and caused his blood to boil even to this day.  The man turned his eyes to Jesse, giving an unsavoury look in his direction. “Can I help you?” He quipped back, and though your eyes were fixed on McCree, you could hear the snarl on your aggressor’s face.  “Yeah, actually.” Jesse put the tray of drinks- two pints and some shots- on the surface of the bar. They landed with a clank, and it was surprising that they didn’t topple over or break with the force of the landing. “That’s my girl,” He gestured to you as he spoke. The man just scoffed.  “Yeah I don’t think that she is.” He replied with a roll of his eyes. This just infuriated Jesse; you didn’t think you’d ever seen such fire flash behind those earthy irises of his. 
His hands started to ball into fists by his sides as he tried desperately to keep his nerve. “I suggest that you step away from ‘er, right now.” He warned, his tone dark and dangerous. You could just tell he was seconds from snapping, and you’d never even seen him this angry before.  “And what if I don’t, huh? What’re you gonna do?” The man challenged, “I could give you a new one of those, real easy.” He gestured to McCree’s metal arm. “You can’t do shit, cowboy.” The man slowly got to his feet, flicking the brim of Jesse’s hat as he finished his sentence. 
It was then that McCree snapped. He grabbed the collar of the man’s shirt and yanked him away from you- with such a force that it caused Jesse’s victim to yelp, and not quietly either. It caused close tables to stop their conversation, as McCree started to drag the man who tried to woo his girl, his sugarcube outside. It was something he simply could not accept, something that could not go unpunished. Once he had gotten the man onto the dusty road outside the bar, he tossed him to the ground face first.  “You stay the fuck away from her!” He growled, kicking the man back down when he tried to get up. The man’s auburn hair stuck to his face and got in his eyes as he groaned.  “I didn’t even do anything!” He protested weakly.  “You tried, and that’s what I’m angry about. You leave her the fuck alone, or you’ll be gettin’ more than some bruises, I promise ya that!” He vowed, and even this stranger seemed to get the memo. Finally. 
With that final threat, Jesse returned to you- taking off his hat and placing it on the bar as he sat beside you. “Sorry about that, sugarcube....” He apologised, seeming genuinely remorseful that he had left you alone, even for a moment. “And for losin’ my cool...” He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as he spoke. You placed a hand on his, showing him some affection to comfort him.  “It’s fine Jesse... I liked it, really.” You chuckled, brushing some of his deep brown locks from his brow. “It shows you care... And it was pretty damn sexy.”  McCree looked at you for a moment, slightly baffled, before he began to smile, reaching for one of the drinks still on the tray. “Well, if that’s the case... I’m mighty relieved I could be of assistance to ya...” He took a small sip of his drink, before he felt your warm lips against the stubble on his cheek.  “You know, cowboy, I meant it when I said that was sexy...” You whisper to him. He seems to get your hint, and starts to chuckle.  “Finish your drink off, pumpkin.” He tells you, “Then maybe I’ll give you a lil’ something’.” He winked at you- and his wink was one you genuinely adored; it sent shivers down your spine and made butterflies flutter in your stomach.  “Alright, cowboy...” You smirk, picking up your drink, starting to sip at it. It will be a fun night indeed.. 
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galest-pal · 4 years ago
Back at it again with Greed fanfics
In a sudden burst of motivation last night, I managed to crank out a reader fic for one of my favorite prompts!
Summary: A late night closing at the Devil’s nest turns into something unexpected as you’re forced to confront your feelings for your boss, Greed
Pairing: Greed x F!Reader (no y/n) I promise you, I’ll write more GN and Male reader in the future 
Warnings: No explicit smut (I’ll post the smutty second part at another time), Steamy flirting, bratty behavior from reader, Mutual pining, mention of alcohol, both you and Greed have rather vivid imaginations
Word Count: 1.7k
If you have any feedback or suggestions, please feel free to shoot me a message or ask :) <3
        A dim light flickered above you as you stood at what was usually a crowded and lively bar counter. It was an hour or so after you had announced your last call and the remaining stragglers had vacated the area. Now it was just you left with your closing tasks. Your boss never really told you that you had to do these things but feeling a sense of responsibility (and pride) you took upon yourself to treat this as any other place you’ve worked before. A last minute group had caused you to be much more behind than you were used to. By this time you were long gone home and asleep. You stifled a yawn as you continued to polish the various glasses that were nestled behind the counter.
       A sudden knock at the door nearly caused the shot glass in your hand to crash to the ground. You let out a groan as you roughly slammed the glass onto the counter.
       “Look, can’t you read we close at 2!” You shouted at the closed door as you made your way over, yanking open expecting to be met with one of the local sleazeballs that hung around this place. You cut off your remaining insults as you were met face to face with your boss, the owner, Greed. His haunting eyes locked with yours as he leaned against the door frame wearing a rather amused look on his face.
      “M-Mr.Greed! Sir, I had no idea, I-” You rambled more to yourself as you stepped to the side to let him in. You scurried back to your familiar place behind the bar as you continued with a more rushed pace. It’s not that Greed scared you, far from it actually. He may be intimidating, sure but as far as bosses go, he certainly was up there with one of the best. Truth be told you were infatuated with him. One day Dolcetto accidentally spilled the beans on how Greed wasn’t exactly human or even chimera for that matter. Your attempts to grill him for more info were futile as he would just shrug and say
      “If you’re so curious, just go and ask him.” 
      Stubborn bastard. Every ounce of you wanted more than anything to know more about this guy and yet each time you found yourself stuttering and blushing like a schoolgirl. The last thing you wanted was for him to think of you as some bumbling moron. 
       Out of the corner of your eye, you watched Greed as he nonchalantly sauntered over to his usual perch on the nearby couch. No more than five minutes had passed as you found yourself getting antsy. It was hard enough that the two of you were breathing the same air but you could practically feel his eyes on you. You let out an involuntary shudder as you began to nervously chew at your cheek. To Hell with the closing tasks, with a little courage you could drift on over to him and tell him or rather show him how you felt. Heat blossomed on your cheeks are your imagination thought of rather passionate images. You let out a frustrated groan as you shook those thoughts away, this seemed to catch Greed’s attention as he voted to leave his usual spot for a more favorable position.
       “Ahem, have a rough night?” You nearly shrieked as Greed’s voice tore you from your mental prison. Rather than being a safe distance of several feet away, he was now sitting at the barstool located right in front of you. You cleared your throat and let out a nervous laugh.
     “N-no, not really. Just a late one I suppose.” You choked out your half-assed excuse and went back to polishing the glasses.
     Greed let out a laugh as he reached a long arm over the counter, you felt his hand brush against your hip as he snagged one of the clean shot glasses. At just that small of a touch, you felt your heart rate quicken and your knees slightly buckle. Greed either didn’t notice or didn’t care as he continued with grabbing a nearby left out bottle of booze as if nothing happened.
       “You know, if I didn’t know any better, I would think you were afraid of me.” Greed spoke, keeping his gaze fixated on the now full glass in front of him. He held a rather bored expression as he studied the amber liquid. You gulped.
     “No, of course not! How could I ever! You’ve been so good to me, I practically owe you my life. If it wasn’t for you, I’d still be struggling to make ends meet.” You laughed nervously as you began to twiddle with your fingers. If only it were as easy as just saying ‘I crave you more than I crave air or water, Greed! Take me!’ but having such an intimate relationship with one’s boss was highly frowned upon. His posture remained unchanged but his eyes flicked up over his sunglasses to meet yours. You fought the urge to tear your gaze away but worried that that would have the undesired effect.
     “If I may.” Greed spoke as he propped his elbows against the counter. “Do you...live alone?” What the hell kind of question was that? Did he want to know about your family? No, that’s stupid, you've always been open about how far your parents lived. You pondered to yourself. If he isn’t asking about parents...and the only other type of person you’d live with is a...    
You quirked an eyebrow as you thought of the best way to approach this. 
    “N-no sir. I live alone. I’ve had a few relationships in the past, if that’s what you’re asking. But they all fell through.” Greed mentally kicked himself as he cursed at how quickly you saw through his question.
    “So, no special guy or gal in your heart at the moment?” He attempted to remain unbothered as he ran a hand through his hair to try to calm his nerves. Normally talking to humans wasn’t this hard but when it came to you it was like all the knowledge that Greed had so meticulously gathered over his 200 years of life was just whoosh out the window, gone, never to be seen again. Both of your gazes had been locked on each other before a laugh from you cut through the deafening silence.
     “Wow, you cut right to the chase, huh?” You giggled once more, reaching for both the bottle and glass. If this is how this conversation was going to go, you were going to need all the courage you could get your hands on. You poured yourself a glass as you mulled over Greed’s question. You didn’t want to lie to him, after all he made it a very clear point to never lie to another soul. But then again, you weren’t really planning on confessing tonight either. You downed your shot as the whiskey slightly burned at your throat on its way down. Perhaps playing it coy would be a safe bet. Greed’s gaze on you was unwavering as he watched you put both the glass and bottle back into its rightful places. He watched as you struggled to get the bottle of whiskey back to its high up place on the shelf of various alcoholic beverages, with each little futile jump, your skirt began to hike up more and more giving him a taste of your bare skin that he hadn’t yet seen. Greed wanted more than anything to rip those clothes right off your body and finally get a taste of what you felt like pressed against him. He could feel his need growing as his heart began to beat faster and the crotch of his pants began to get tighter.
    After finally, getting everything back in their rightful place you turned back to Greed, ready to answer his burning question.
    “Well, Mister Greed.” you paused as you leaned against the counter, whether it was just the one shot or the way you could see him visibly shift in his seat, you were filled with a newfound confidence. You mentally high fived yourself as you remembered that you had left the first few buttons of your blouse open giving whoever you desired an open view to your cleavage as a way to make more tips, but in this case Greed’s attention was worth far more than any tip ever could. Greed kept his lips sealed as he mentally battled his eyes to keep in touch with yours and not your chest.
   “There is one particular guy that I’ve had my eye on.” you said with a shrug “But I have no way of knowing if he feels the same.” Greed caught on to your cocky tone and decided that he wasn’t going to give you the satisfaction, at least not yet.
     “Really? Hmm, that’s a shame and here I thought you and Dolcetto were just friends. Guess I should’ve known seeing how much time you two spend together.” Greed returned with a smirk. You scoffed and rolled your eyes.
    “He’s my friend. And a good one at that, but it’s not like you would care to know or anything.” You bit back at him. Greed raised an eyebrow, his lighthearted demeanor suddenly vanishing.
     “You better watch your mouth, Sugar. Or else you’ll find that I’m not always such a nice guy.” Greed said as he rose from his seat. You however still had your face turned away stubbornly.
     “Why don’t you get your ass over here and make me shut my mouth.” The clatter of a barstool falling to the ground caught your attention and before you could register that he had vaulted over the counter, Greed was already behind you. He felt his strong hands harshly grab yours. Pinning them to the counter as he took a step closer, nestling his head near the crook of your neck. You could feel his chest pushed up against your back as his rough ragged breathing filled your ear. You fought the urge to shudder.
    “My my you’ve got quite the attitude on you sooner or later that’s going to get you into trouble.” Greed whispered right into your ear, his hot breath causing goosebumps to erupt on your skin. You struggled to think of a response as your head started to cloud with a mix of fear and pure sexual need. Your heart beat rang loud in your ears as you could feel your legs begin to struggle to hold your weight.
Sorry for the sudden cliff-hanger but gotta keep the first part n$fw free for the most part!!
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haus-seeblick · 3 years ago
Suptober Day 2: No Vacancy
Title: Backroad Romance
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 3,119
Tags: First Kiss, Dean Winchester and Castiel are Alone in the Dark, Mild Angst With a Happy Ending, Sam Ships It, Making out in the Impala
On AO3 Here
“You’re shittin’ me, Sammy.” Dean groans and smacks the steering wheel with his palm. “There’s no room in the whole place?”
Sam’s voice floats into the Impala, high and tinny over the burner phone’s speakers. “No vacancy, Dean, I’m sorry, I checked with them three times--”
“--Nah, nah, it’s cool, we believe you,” Dean interrupts, cradling the phone between shoulder and ear so he can rub his face while steering around a bend. Cas reaches over and deftly slips the phone away, fingers pinched like he’s removing a block from a Jenga tower.
“Did you and Eileen find accommodations?” Cas asks, holding the phone out in front of him so Dean can listen in.
There’s a short pause, then: “Yeah… yeah, we did, but guys, the room is really small, like, a closet, I swear, and there’s only one bed, and--”
This time it’s Cas who interrupts. “--and you wish to engage in private romantic activities. Dean and I completely understand.”
They’re on a straight stretch of highway, but Dean still manages to swerve clumsily into the shoulder. He hastily course-corrects and bites down the urge to snap at Cas for-- for what? For talking like that? For using his deep, rough voice to say any words even vaguely related to--
No. It’s not Cas’ fault that everything he does steadily turns Dean into more and more of a creep. Dean shakes his head firmly and tunes back in to the conversation just in time to catch Sam awkwardly stumbling over his reply. Dean leans over, cutting him off with a whistle into the phone.
“We’ll be fine, little brother. Be a gentleman. Don’t hog the sheets. Girl like Eileen doesn’t come around every day.”
He can feel the bitchface radiating through the speaker and motions at Cas to hang up. Cas frowns and gravely says “Dean would like to end the conversation. Goodbye, Sam,” before flipping the phone shut. He drops it into the cupholder.
Dean makes a show of focusing on the road to avoid looking at Cas. He knows Cas is staring at him; it’s just something the guy does, sitting in the passenger seat and gazing at Dean as if the whole world isn’t flashing by outside.
Dean’s long stopped commenting on it. Let the dude stare.
He clears his throat. “We’ll probably have to find a logging road or something. Pull in and hole up for the night.”
“All right,” Cas replies. He opens the glovebox and pulls out the local map they picked up this afternoon when they rolled into Matlock, Washington, to investigate a haunted post office. It was a gray, dinky, bleak town and the poor ghost lurking around the mailroom seemed more melancholy than anything. She allowed them to dispatch her into the afterlife with very little struggle; that is, after some creative sweet-talking by Sam.
Eileen had teased Sam mercilessly about it before Dean had even gotten a chance. That’s how Dean knows she’s The One.
There was, of course, no motel in town. Sam and Eileen hit the road before Dean and Cas, because Dean insisted on getting a burger for dinner at the tiny diner on Main Street (a mistake). Now he’s staring down the barrel of a night alone with Cas, in cramped quarters, on a dark backroad. If they hadn’t already driven all day to get to Matlock, Dean would push on until they found a motel with vacancies, but he’s exhausted and Cas is just human enough these days to actually be tired too.
“There’s an access road nearby,” Cas says, tracing the map with his index finger. “In a quarter mile. Left.”
Dean follows his directions and sure enough, there’s a bumpy logging road branching off from the highway, stretching deep into the pitch-black trees. Dean pulls in about five hundred feet before turning off the lights and the ignition.
It’s silent. The darkness is all-encompassing, pressing in on Dean, so heavy it’s like he can feel it on his eyelids when he blinks. He takes a slightly shaky breath. Cas is utterly still, as usual, not a single rustle or exhale indicating his presence in the gloom, but Dean feels him there as intensely as he’d feel a roaring bonfire. His heart thuds in his ears.
Why is he freaking out? He’s slept in the car with Sam a million times. But even as he thinks that, he knows, he knows, that this is different. His brain starts whirling through logistics -- who’s gonna take the back seat? Is Cas even gonna sleep the whole night? Or will he wake up and just sit there, staring at Dean for hours, inches away?
Dean needs to shut off his brain. He taps the seat and says “Hey, Cas?”
“Yes, Dean,” comes the immediate response, measured and reassuring. “Would you like to talk?”
Relaxing against the seat and slinging an arm over the backrest, Dean peers over to the passenger side. “Sure.”
The moon’s out tonight, far above the trees, and the grayscale of nighttime slowly bleeds into view as Dean’s eyes adjust. He can just make out the sharp angle of Cas’ nose, the slope of his chest and the outline of his hands folded in his lap. He’s always so upright, so proper. Dean wonders what it would feel like to undo him.
“Are Sam and Eileen having sex?”
Dean chokes on air. Sputtering, he braces himself on the seat and coughs until his eyes stop watering. “What?” he wheezes. “Why-- Dude, why would you ask that?”
He sees Cas turn his head to regard him. Even in the dark, Dean can imagine the piercing gaze.
“It was unclear to me what you meant by ‘be a gentleman.’” Cas lifts his hands to shape the finger quotes. “I assumed the two of them would take advantage of their privacy to engage in physical intimacy. Was your comment meant to discourage Sam from having sex?”
Dean throws up his hands desperately. “Okay-- okay, first of all, quit talking about my brother doing it. And second, no, I wasn’t ‘discouraging’ him, just reminding him to treat Eileen like a lady. You know, romance her a little.”
The darkness is a godsend as Dean’s cheeks flush hotter with every word. He’s surprised they’re not glowing. He taps the seat in a random pattern as Cas sits quietly, seemingly digesting the information.
When he responds, it’s slow and thoughtful. “In the pornography I’ve watched, the participants always begin undressing one another rather quickly. And in my own experiences, there has been very little that I would label ‘romantic.’ What is classified as ‘romance,’ Dean?”
Well, shit. The last of Dean’s composure evaporates, sizzles away like a drop of water meeting his burning face. He drops his head into his hands and groans.
Cas leans forward, his knee brushing Dean’s. “Have I made you uncomfortable?” he asks, voice laden with concern.
Dean’s throat is tight, his fingers sweaty against his forehead. He forces himself to take a deep breath and to at least open his eyes against the shadow of his palms. “Uh-- no. No, Cas. You, uh-- you should be able to ask that kinda stuff. Human stuff. I get that it’s, uh-- it’s important to know. For, y’know. So you can--”
There’s a hand on his knee. A warm, strong hand. Long fingers. Weighty. Dean’s heart kicks into overdrive. He slowly, very slowly, lowers his hands to peek at Cas.
“How do you like to be romanced, Dean?”
There’s nothing. Absolutely nothing in Dean’s brain. It’s a chamber of silence. A void. He stares at the outline of Cas’ wild hair, mouth slightly open.
“...Dean?” The hand on his knee shifts slightly and Dean’s blank brain runs zero interference as his own hand darts out and stills the one threatening to leave his leg. As soon as his skin makes contact with Cas’, though, everything zings back online in a rushing roar.
Play it off, Winchester. Crack a joke. C’mon. “Hah, funny, buddy, you really got me there--”
“--Kissing’s nice.”
He snaps his mouth shut too late. The words float away, unrecoverable.
Cas tilts his head. Then, slowly, very slowly, as if he’s afraid of spooking Dean, he turns his hand around under Dean’s so that they’re palm to palm. An invitation.
With a pounding heart, Dean accepts it. He laces their fingers together. His palm feels even sweatier when it’s rubbing up against Cas’ dry, smooth skin.
Sexy, Dean. Way to go.
Somehow, even though it was Cas asking the questions, he’s the one leading now, shifting closer, laying his left arm along the backrest behind Dean’s shoulders. Their faces are so close that they’re sharing air, just two shadows suspended in a frozen moment.
“May I kiss you?” Cas murmurs gently, his breath washing over Dean’s lips. It smells like rain-refreshed air, like a promise of sunshine, alleviating the weight of the darkness. Dean tentatively chases it with his tongue, wetting his lips and leaving them parted.
“Yeah,” he whispers back. Because fuck, he wants this. He’s wanted this for so long.
And Cas wants it, too.
Dean always imagined that his first kiss with Cas would be an inferno, fireworks, showering sparks, all those cliches. That it would yank him from his body and send him floating through the ether.
It’s not like any of that. It’s better. It’s real.
Cas’ lips are just lips -- a little more chapped than Dean’s used to, perhaps, but they meet his in a familiar brush, followed by the typical tentative press, leading into a hesitant swipe of the tongue.
He’s kissing Cas. Cas, who he’s built up in his head for so long as this untouchable, impossible ideal, who stormed Hell to drag him out, who smote demons with his bare hands, who is so inconceivably old that Dean should be just a speck of sand under his eternal gaze.
Instead, that same Cas is busy dragging his fingers down the side of Dean’s neck. A crest of goosebumps follow, shivers trailing down Dean’s torso, and he gasps a quivery breath against Cas’ lips. He’s not used to being led. Normally he’s the one in charge, giving as good as he gets, focused on hitting the highlights, satisfying his partner. There’s a whole formula.
He’s never trembled like this before.
“Dean,” Cas whispers against his mouth, reverent, his voice somehow gravelly even as a breath. He suddenly pulls his hand free from Dean’s and grips his bicep, dropping his other arm from the backrest to wrap around Dean’s waist. Without preamble, he twists, tugging Dean across his lap. Dean yelps and hurriedly adjusts his legs, ending up with his knees on the seat, straddling Cas’ thighs. His fingers and toes are zinging in excitement.
Goddamn. Who knew being manhandled would do it for him?
The crown of his head presses against the roof of the car and he slouches forward until their foreheads are touching. He pushes his hands into Cas’ hair.
Cas surges forward again, nudging Dean’s head to the side and pressing his lips to Dean’s neck. Dean groans, low and shaky, as Cas parts his lips and sucks a trail up to Dean’s earlobe, his tongue soothing in the wake of his mouth, dragging over every mark that he coaxes to the surface. Dean knows his neck will be littered with bruises tomorrow, but he finds he can’t bring himself to care, not when Cas’ teeth are busy grazing the shell of his ear.
“Jeez, Cas,” he breathes, dropping his forehead to Cas’ shoulder. He's hard already, hips twitching a little, but he keeps his hands firmly in Cas’ hair, tugging the soft, thick strands, guiding Cas’ mouth back down to his neck. His pulse hammers under each press of chapped lips.
He pulls back and captures Cas’ mouth again, sliding his tongue into that wet heat. They trade open-mouthed kisses, a bit sloppy, while Cas’ hands glide up Dean’s back under his flannel. Dean’s absolutely flying, his pounding heart easily winning the battle against the tiny voice in his head dredging up reasons to stop, reasons to run.
He wants to stay .
Their kisses have escalated to a panting, frenzied give-and-take, and Dean’s tired of hunching over. He drops his hands onto Cas’ shoulders and starts leaning back over to the driver’s seat, trying to pull Cas on top of him. Cas whines when their lips separate, but he catches on quickly. A little too quickly. He grips Dean’s waist and shifts him along the bench seat with such force that Dean’s arm goes flying and his elbow smacks right into the middle of the steering wheel.
The horn blares, rending the night.
Both Dean and Cas jerk upright, instantly on high alert. Reality takes a moment to catch up with them.
Cas recovers first. “That startled me,” he says, voice wrecked.
Dean lets out a long breath. He’s still got one leg up on the seat, the other one cramped awkwardly next to the steering wheel. He drags a hand across his face and lets out a breathy laugh. The next thing he knows, he’s doubled over, laughing so hard his cheeks hurt and his eyes water.
He’s just so goddamn happy.
Cas watches him, head tilted in the shadows. Dean lets his laughter run its course, petering out with a sigh of mirth and hand slapped on Cas’ knee.
“What a night, huh?” he says.
Cas lifts a hand and strokes Dean’s cheek with his knuckles. Even after all that making out, this one gesture seems inordinately intimate. But Dean just smiles.
Cas swipes his thumb over Dean’s cheekbone one more time before slowly, almost reluctantly, letting his hand fall. “You need to sleep.”
Dean nods and glances into the backseat. “You do too, don’t you? At least a bit? Maybe we can both fit back there.”
They get out of the car -- the cool night air rushes into Dean’s lungs and fizzes through his chest, bringing the events of the past half hour into blood-rich focus in his brain. He steels himself for the freakout, for the doubt and the deflection, but it doesn’t come. He feels right.
They crawl into the backseat, awkwardly shuffling and shifting, ending up with Cas sitting mostly upright (insisting that he’s fine) and Dean laid out on the seat with his head in Cas’ lap.
He drops off to sleep faster than he has a long time, Cas’ long fingers carding through his hair.
It’s the light that wakes him, pale gray seeping under his lashes and rousing him from a blissfully dreamless sleep. He lifts his head and immediately winces -- his neck is stiff as a board and his back aches all the way down to his tailbone. He’s really getting too old to be sleeping in the car.
“Hello, Dean.”
Dean twists around and peers blearily up at Cas, who’s gazing down at him with one of his rare enigmatic smiles. Dean yawns and stretches as best he can, his back popping. He pushes himself up until he’s sitting next to Cas.
“Mornin’, sunshine.”
Cas leans over and, before Dean can react, presses a warm, dry kiss to Dean’s cheek.
Sore body or not, this is the best morning of Dean’s life.
They extract themselves from the backseat and stumble into the damp early-morning air. Dean pops the collar of his flannel after a single glance into the side mirror. He’s got a lot of hickies.
They take a second to stretch (Dean admires the way Cas’ pecs shift under his dress shirt as he reaches for the sky) before sliding into the front seat. Dean backs them out of the logging road, the verdant green pines on either side nearly overwhelming his night-accustomed eyes.
Cas calls Sam as they roar down the highway again. It’s only 5 a.m., but Dean handed Cas the phone and told him to give Sam a wakeup call. The kid deserves it after a good night’s sleep in a real bed.
They pull into the parking lot of the Cedar Crest Motel just past 5:30. Dean ends up having to park on the street, though, because the lot’s at capacity, not a single spot unoccupied. He pats Baby in apology as he leaves her, and he and Cas make their way to the room number that a very irritated, cranky Sam snapped at them over the phone.
They’ve almost reached it when Dean suddenly stops dead. He grabs Cas’ arm. Cas shoots him a questioning glance.
“Look." Dean points up at the motel sign. There, huge red letters, blinking through the pale morning light, spell out a clear VACANCY.
“It’s hardly been six hours," Dean says. "No one would’ve checked out in the middle of the night.”
Suspicion rising rapidly, he strides to Sam’s door and knocks as obnoxiously as he can. As soon as the door creaks open, he reaches through and grabs Sam’s shirt, yanking him outside. Sam protests and slaps at Dean with one hand, shoving his bird’s nest hair out of his face with the other.
“What the hell, Dean!”
Dean just throws one arm up at the sign, staring at Sam with raised eyebrows. As soon as Sam sees what he’s pointing at, he shrinks into what Dean immediately recognizes as guilty little brother posture. He’s not even trying to hide it.
Sam clears his throat awkwardly, eyes darting between Dean and Sam, before holding out a placating hand. “I just-- I just thought, maybe you could use some time alone,” he explains hastily, backing up a bit into the room. “If we all ended up here, Dean, you’d insist that we share, you know you would.”
Dean knows Sam’s right (he’s careful with their fake money, so sue him), but he keeps glaring regardless.
“I just wanted some time with Eileen,” Sam mumbles, deflating a bit. “And I thought, y’know, with how you and Cas have been acting lately, that you’d-- uh, that you’d want some time together, too.”
Dean sputters. “Acting? We-- what--”
“Thank you, Sam,” Cas says, deep voice cutting off Dean’s protests. “We had a very pleasant night.”
Sam’s eyes widen and he straightens up, a knowing grin stretching over his face. His eyes dart to Dean’s popped collar. “Oh yeah? Did you now?”
Dean shoves him into the room and slams the door shut. There. He turns to Cas, who looks amused.
“Give me at least a couple days before blabbing to my brother,” Dean says, but he finds himself smiling. Cas nods. He reaches out and takes Dean’s hand, just for a moment, squeezing before letting it fall again.
“Of course, Dean.”
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