#and people still didn't get it smh
romansroys · 1 year
i think this season of ted lasso has been really Great so far and honestly if you hate it then this show wasn't for you in the first place
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yuwuta · 5 months
yuuta exhibits such previously abandoned, recently adopted dog behavior. incredibly anxious all the time, even though nobody’s out to get him or leave him behind. waits for you to return home or from school or from work excitedly, just to see you when you walk through the door. follows you around senselessly, hovering in your space just for the sake of companionship. initiates affection in prodding ways—starts off next to you, then a hand on your thigh, then deems it safe to lay all the way down, then slowly pushes his head into your lap. gets up whenever you need to get up, and resumes his position as soon as you’re ready. brings you gifts as a sign that he’s thinking of you, and maybe because he likes the affection it brings out in you, maybe because he likes the gentle affirming touches of a hand in his hair or a pinch to his cheek. rests his head on your stomach or his chin on your shoulder when he’s sleepy, stays there, immobile, and will not move unless absolutely necessary. sometimes he gets surprised when he hears you calling for him, there’s a moment of disbelief as he thinks “me? really? you need me?” but it’s very quickly overshadowed by this compulsive need to show up, to please, to do anything for you, which is why he always answers when you call. he doesn’t realize that he has puppygod eyes, especially when he’s excited or confused, but he does and it’s incredible endearing. very reluctant to share your space or attention after a while, considers that to be sacred and he won’t risk being let go or lost again, so as a safety precaution, he keeps himself right by you, waits for you always. 
#atp i need to shut and write the omega verse fics that consistency plague my mind#but while im here time for my obligatory megumi mention bc i mentioned dogs teehee#yes megumi attack dog hes megumi grumbly yes megumi bark bark bite bite BUT BUT BUTTTT#megumi is also used to like... hm........ taming? having? caring for? people in his life and also literal (divine) dogs#so for him yes he bites and barks#but he also... he gets confused if YOU dont follow him around like a puppy bc everyone else in his life has so why not you?#gojo's always been the annoying yapping pomeranian chewing on his arm even if he didn't ask#always in megumi's space even tho he didn't ask but he learned to deal with it#won't admit it but knows that too much attention is better than having someone who couldn't give a shit about you#yuuji is the golden in everybody's life and megumi is no exception#unmovable unshakeable and incredibly addictive even if he doesn't mean to be#and very very attached to the people he cares about so yeah yuuji is loud and annoying but he's also loyal and megumi respects that so fine#nobara is like... she decided she liked megumi and was upset about it so she bit his ankle and he tried to kick her off but she has too muc#pride to get shaken off by someone as scrawny as megumi and somewhere along the way megumi became impressed that she was still there even i#it hurt a bit and she was a little rough it's not like he was worse so fine whatever she can stay too#so if you like... if you dont hover around megumi if you dont pry if you dont prod then he has to be the dog smh#now he's gotta bite for your attention and nudge you and how annoying. he's gonna keep doing it tho. as long as he has to#or until you learn to fall in line and accept your leash too whichever comes first n e way.... anyway.............#somebody's pampered omega always gets what he wants megumi complex is showing......#this was about yuuta right? ok i'll put his tags now....#juju#jujutsu kaisen smut#jjk x reader#jjk smut#jjk fluff#jujutsu kaisen x reader#yuuta okkotsu x reader#yuta okkotsu x reader
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buckera · 3 months
sometimes I see posts like 'tommy doesn't even like buck' or 'they gave us nothing, how would you even know if they have chemistry' and I think hm maybe I read too much into it but then THE COFFEE SCENE comes back and I wonder what other people watched
gonna be very real; every argument against Tommy/bucktommy boils down to "he's not Eddie" "i don't like Tommy bc the vibes are off but instead of just saying that i wanna invent some kind of moral ground to justify crying about it all day long" and a favourite of mine: "older men make me uncomfortable" as if the actor isn't 39, playing against another actor who is in fact their babygirl and boo, who is also, a 33-year-old man, respectively.
people could really just say "it's not for me but go nuts while i engage with the stuff i actually like" but they gotta invent stuff that are just arguably untrue and visibly easy to disprove...
and just one more thing about the chemistry; Tommy's character has a different energy than Eddie's character, just as Lou has a different one to Ryan as a person and the characters have totally different dynamics; one is a newfound crush only getting to know each other, the other is a 6-year best friendship who have been through A Lot together.
but having a different dynamic and chemisrty doesn't mean there is none.
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triglycercule · 26 days
murder time trio come back from killing some guy (me) and dust just pulls out a rainbow cleaning duster and starts dusting himself off. horror questions him. he says it's self care
#killer recommended it#and then it becomes a normal thing for dust to dust all of them off after murder time#monster dust gets into horror's skull and then dust has to dig around in there with his feather duster#guys cmon he cant ALWAYS be dusty it probably feels weird#who wants to be perpetually covered in the dust of those you murdered like hello#duster sales in the utmv must be crazy high with how many murderers there are#there was dust on killer's skull and dust tried to be nice and use it on his skull. and then his DT got on the duster#killer's face then became a banned space for usage because that shit fucking ruined the feathers!!!!!#each of the mtt have customized dusters. killer uses pressurized gas (the type of stuff you use on keyboards to get rid of dust)#because he'd be fucked up like that and wouldnt care if its dangerous (is it?? idk). he points it to dust and horror like its a weapon#i already said dusts. horror would have one of those really fancy feather dusters because he's sensitive or something#also horror needs only the highest quality of duster for himself. dust and killer don't get to use his shit#guys why is it not called MAD time trio. if bad time trio was using the youre gonna have a bad time quote#and mad time is a direct alternation of it...... then why not mad time trio......????#because it's too dust focused??? OKAY HELLO THE GROUP IS LITERALLY NAMED AFTER HIM. MURDER. MUUUURRRDDDERRR TIME TRIO#get the fuck outta here mad time trio is cooler. i'll still call them murder time trio because its more unique#hahaha guys ignore the last two posts i didn't even have THAT bad of a day at school#triglycercule is just dramatic as fuck and going to school triggered something inside me or something#just the ever so slightest mental spiral but we stay🔝🔝🔝#im absolutely gonna delete those posts i can NAUGHT have people seeing me fall from grace like that#like smh i was just being dramatic ngl 🙄🙄 stfu triglycercule you didn't even need to post about it!!! you just want attention#this kind of mentality is what caused me to post that and then not post for a few days. i should probably stop#i need to stop typing out my mental dialogue of angel and devil on my shoulder i always end up insulting and apologising TO MYSELF?????#triglycercule's biggest hater is....... TRIGLYCERCULE!!!! thank you thank you i know i'm glad to be up here too#voted for all of the mtt in the sexyman polls. saw they all lost. i will not be voting at all anymore#i need to rant about this in a several post i am upset#tricule hc#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans
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cerealbishh · 5 months
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"I'm sorry for what you're going through, but this salt-of-the-earth, take whatever comes attitude won't help you keep your land. And I know whatever breaks your heart breaks Rhett's. And I don't want that."
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inutaffy · 1 year
"i didn't want to talk in front of archie and the others .... as it turns out, peabody had a lot to say. the bounty on your pal Archie, it's not just on him. it's on anyone who's with him or is helping him. which means there is a target on your back now too jughead. it's the same if he goes back to riverdale. archie's dad, archie's friends, everyone is at risk. which is why you got to cut him loose."
"im not just gonna ditch archie, mom! he's my best friend."
here's how j/archie can still win
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guhhhhhhhhhhh · 8 months
Friend breakups suck but they suck so much more when you've already made amends with the fact you're not going to be friends and the other person keeps demanding apology after apology to "put their mind at ease".
If apology 1 wasn't good enough I don't think apology 2 is going to make you feel much better and by apology 3 when you're telling me what to say back to you it really just makes me start to resent you when all I wanted was for this to just be a simple parting of ways
#emotionally exhausting smh#on top of all the many many other things emotionall exhausting me right now#I do not have the wherewithal to deal with this.#there are 4 other people involved and she is twisting all of our words against us#but no lie the argument that started the friend breakup happened in MAY!!! may of 2023 and here we are in January '24 and she still w#wont let it go#personal shite#I do not have time for people who get mad at me for saying things I didn't say. and blame me and call me shitty because I didn't say#stuff that I actually did in fact say but she just didn't listen!!#I'm so bitter#and want to go off on her#but at the same time this was a close friend of five years. like slept at our house. helped her through troubling emotional moments.#mailed her gifts and she mailed me gifts in return like honest heartfelt friendship. and she's just turned and gotten so nasty and#for what? a situation where she failed to see the nuance and we tried to explain it to her and she refused to listen? Jesus Christ????!#so because of our past I feel like I have to try and make her understand where Im coming from here. and try to get her to see reason.#but she's acting pretty Fucking delusional and im sort of tired of having these big emotional conversations#where I have to be the better man and put my emotions and feelings aside to rational explain the situation to her#AND for her to text me at 4 am about it so this is the first thing I see when I wake up is making me a little Mad to say the least#like i went to bed feeling shitty about the world after spending basically the whole day depressed laying in one spot spiraling#and woke up hoping to start ~fresh~ only to see THIS are you SHIDDING me#gawd I'm tired
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wolfiesmoon · 9 months
Hey I hope you are doing well when ever you are reading this but how do you think the 3rd year boys from twst would react to their s/o (gn reader) cuddling with a huge plush instead of them.
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Like this.
Oh boy oh boy this kinda cures my writers block tbh, i have so many drafts but none of em look enticing enough to continue writing (´д`|||)
I took out a few of the 3rd years bc its too many people for 1 fic but i might make a part 2 where i add the missing 3rd years at some point
i went with the more silly writing style again, hope that's fine by you ○( ^皿^)っ
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𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Malleus Draconia
He doesn't exactly get why, but he feels kinda annoyed just laying next to you while you hug a big ol plushie
This doesn't feel right🫤
But then again, you look rlly happy and satisfied so he stays quiet since if you're happy, he's happy (he desperately wants to be in the plushy's place)
When you playfully kiss the plush though, that rule no longer applies. After all, his rightful spot is in your arms🫠
He nudges you. "Put the stuffed animal away."
"You sound angry." You smirk and kiss the plush again, knowing he's probably annoyed about that
without another word, he pulls the plushy out of your hands and settles down in its place
"I am a much better than that object. Just so you know." he smiled smugly, expecting a kiss on the cheek just like you gave to the plushie earlier
you kissed him on the lips instead just to see his eyes widen and his face go red ofc 😏
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Leona Kingscholar
basically, it is NOT happening
"hell no." is the only thing he says before ripping the poor plushie out of your arms and chucking it across the room
like actually how DARE you try to replace him with a plushie
"Why would you do that?" You pouted at him, looking at the now discarded plushy from the bed🤕
"You know damn well why." He huffed, laying down on top of you without warning which tends to be a habit of his
"Because that's my spot, got it?" He answered for you. clearly you forgot😒
"Uhhh, right." you answered after a short pause...
"I won't remind you next time." he sounded rlly annoyed. it's kinda funny how worked up he got over a plushy replacing him 🤭
this also means he won't let you get up for like.... atleast 2 hours to atone for your sins
moral of the story: don't do this again unless you want a ripped up plushie and a pissed off lion man😠
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Idia Shroud
"This is so unfair. Even worse than an OP boss. " he sighed dramatically, laying down besides you and pouting at the sight og a huge plushie in your arms
"pick up the sock if you have enough energy to complain." you turned away from him, still annoyed with him
being the epic gamer he is (😎💯), he discarded one of his socks in the middle of his room and didn't feel like picking it up later even after you told him to
...which ended with you refusing to cuddle with him until he does pick up the sock
after a short while of very awkward silence...
he groaned in annoyance, begrudgingly getting up and finally picking up the sock, then leaving the room to put it in the wash
you smirked victoriously, placing the plushie away as promised and letting him hug you instead
"The things you make me do, smh." he sighed, relaxing into you 😒
"Picking up a singular sock?" you teased him, hugging him back
He didn't reply so that means it's your victory 😝
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Vil Schoenheit
this is an unforgivable offense, just because you had a little disagreement earlier doesn't mean you can just replace him with a plushie😠
love transcends disagreements, after all
does not help at all that the plushie's cute round face reminds him of a certain thorn in his side named Neige LeBlanche😒
he sighs, "I may have been too harsh back there."
your only reply is an annoyed huff and you hug the plushie tighter which makes one of those anime veins pop up on his face 💢
he takes a deep breath "It was not my intention to hurt your... sensibilities." he's trying babe, he's really trying
You don't reply for a moment...
"Ugh." you throw the plushie away and hug him tightly "This doesn't mean I forgive you, just for the record."
"I still stand by my opinion too, just worded less harshly." he gently puts an arm around you, stroking your back
it was only a matter of time until you gave up with your stubborn pettiness, soon you'll forgive him too, he'll make sure of that 😌
𓏲 ๋࣭  ࣪ ˖ Lilia Vanrouge
He's actually surprisingly chill about it i feel like
He wouldn't get annoyed or be jealous per se, he'd just get a little sad it's not him you're hugging😔
he's there, you know? there's no need for a plushie...
"Am I not satisfactory enough?" He asks half playfully half seriously
"In what sense?" you totally knew what he meant but just wanted to tease him back
"Hey, isn't this supposed to be the other way around?" he smiled at you, immediately knowing what you were playing at
"Hahaha, you know me too well." you kiss his cheek, yet you still don't let go of the plushie which makes him pout
"I see you have found yourself a new lover." his eyes travel to the plushie for a moment, the betrayal is real😔🙏🏻
"You got a problem with him?" you raised a brow 🤨
"A little." he hugged you from the back, getting comfy
"Okay fine, maybe my ex is the better one after all." you let go of the plushie and turned around to hug him back 💗
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pearlymel · 2 months
Make up— Alhaitham
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*・゜゚Summery : Alhaitham chased after you because he refuses to leave unresolved issues between you, talking it out in his house can't be the worst idea, right?
Wc : 2.4k
Warning(s) : NSFW, fem!reader, exes to lovers, reader has committment issues, biting, unprotected sex, ōral (m! recieving), cūm swallowing, creampie, it's sweet and he's needy, petname mentioned (sweetheart).
Notes : someone get this man out of my head smh.
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It was a cowardly act, really. How you ran away in the middle of breaking up with your boyfriend—well, ex boyfriend now. If he even got the message and was not left confused with a hurricane swirling his head with different emotions all at once.
You never wanted to break up with him in the first place, you were ignorant to his feelings. Overall sensitive to everything. You think the scribe deserves better than what you have to offer because you are afraid of commitment.
Alhaitham thinks he caught a glimpse of your face and figure among the crowd. And his body immediately goes on flight mode.
Eyes rapidly looking around the crowd, unable to focus on how busy it was today. He can't even remember why today has to be so busy out of all the days, then it clicked.
Sabzeruz festival was around the corner.
Alhaitham pushes past the people, his eyes searching around him for any sign of you at all, but he doesn’t see you. He starts moving a little faster, a little more impatiently.
“Move.” He nearly growls lowly when someone is in his way, pushing past them and looking around some more, ignoring the curses being thrown at the scribe.
Where are you, where are you?
There you were. Standing next to one of the stalls to buy yourself a cold drink for this hot weather. Looking completely unbothered, yet he could clearly see how swollen your under eyes looked.
After a moment, he finally starts to approach you, his eyes fixated on you, unable to look away even for a second.
He stops next to you, standing right beside you and so incredibly close. He can smell the flowery scent of your perfume, and he’s so close he can practically touch you, but Alhaitham doesn’t dare to move.
You don't notice the man next you who's suspiciously close right away, but when you do turn your head to your side. A gasp leaves your lips and your drink instantly drops from your hand, his own hand acted on it's own, grabbing your wrist to pull you back. To prevent from the liquid to splash all over you.
"Careful." He gently scolds you, yet his hand is slightly shaking from feeling your skin against his. It was always comforting.
"Alhaitham?" He feels how your fingers tremble under his touch, and he feels how you look around, probably searching for a way to get away from him. Again.
“I just want to talk.” he states, his voice a soft, gentle tone that belies how he actually feels.
He’s itching to pin you against the nearest wall and tell you all the things he’s been thinking so hard about, but he controls himself.
"We already talked."
“You ran.” He replies back in disagreement, his voice a tone rougher than he intended it to be. He takes a deep breath before he continues, hoping you would notice the pain behind his words.
“We can’t keep going in circles like this, we need to talk this out properly.”
You only sigh back, your gaze shifting down to your feet. "We already broke up."
Oh he’s about to snap. He’s about to rip his goddamn hair out.
“We didn't break up.” He huffs out, and his tone is harsh and frustrated because he still refuses to believe that you don’t want him to be a part of your life anymore.
“You’re the one who ran away.”
"I get it, I'm a coward."
Archons, he hates the way you keep belittling and insulting yourself. Alhaitham can feel the anger and frustration beginning to build in him, but he’s trying his best to keep his voice level and not to start yelling at you in the middle of the market.
“Stop that, please." He begs you in a pleading tone, the pads of his thumb rubbing slow circles around your wrist.
“You’re not a coward, so stop calling yourself one.”
"I ran instead of fixing things. What do you call that?" You hiss at him, but there you go again, being overly sensitive and insulting yourself at every inconvenience.
"... Sorry."
His grip on your hand slightly tightens when you try to apologize, and he has to fight back a sigh before he can force himself to answer.
“I’d call it a ‘poor coping mechanism’.” He replies, his tone flat and almost sarcastic.
You look up at him apologetically, He can see that you’re about to say it again, but thankfully, you bite down on your tongue to keep yourself from doing so. And he’s a little grateful, he doesn’t know how much more he can take.
Alhaitham sighs in exhaustion, and he reaches up a hand to run it through his hair before he speaks again.
“We need to talk. Not here, somewhere.. private.”
Private. Surely private meant some secluded corner or outside where no people would be close enough to listen?
So why were you in his home? With Him hugging you so tightly from behind because he misses you?
“Don’t move.” He lowly mumbles against your hair when he feels you trying to wiggle away.
He squeezes his arms around your body, pulling you even closer against his chest, as close as he physically can, like he’s trying to meld your bodies together completely.
"I hurted you, didn't i?"
He lets out a low huff in your hair at your statement, a soft yet bitter sounding laugh. It hurts more than he’d like to admit, because you did hurt him, deeply.
“Yes.” He replies truthfully, not making any effort to lie to you. “You left and it hurt.”
It’s like a dream, like a vision, having you so close again after days of solitude and loneliness. After hours and days of missing you.
He takes in every feature of your face when he turns you around to face him, every inch of your eyes, your nose, your lips. The shape and contour of your face is etched into his head, all memorised. and he can’t get enough of it, and he wants so badly to pull you into another one of his bone-crushing hugs again.
"I'm sorry for hurting you. I never intended to break up." Your hand lifts up to brush the strands of grey hair away from his eyes before gently holding one side of his face.
"I swear." You look at him with determination, then you remember the words he wants to hear so badly.
"You're my lover," you say, "i need you in my life."
Alhaitham leans down to bury his face into the crook of your neck, and he just breathes in the familiar scent of your skin again. So impossibly relieved that you’re here in his arms again.
"Will you forgive me?"
“Can you promise me that you won’t run away again if we have a fight?” His hands start trailing up the length of your back, the tips of his fingers tracing the bumps of your spine as he speaks, his lips moving against the skin of your neck with every word.
“Don’t run away, talk to me. We’ll talk, and we’ll come up with a solution together.”
"Mhm, i promise." He feels you melt into his embrace, completely surrendering yourself under his touch, and he lets himself revel in the feeling of his body pressed against yours once again. It’s like his brain went completely empty of any thoughts, just leaving pure contentment and a feeling of comfort behind. And so, he lets his body do the thinking for him.
Alhaitham grabs a hold of your thighs in one strong grip, and he lifts you, effortlessly hoisting you up into his arms, and you gasp.
He hoists you up against his chest until your legs are wrapped around his hips, one of his arms curled around your thighs, and the other under your ass, supporting your weight as he starts carrying you to the bed.
One of your hands grabs at his shoulders to keep your balance, and he can’t resist smiling a little when he sees the surprised look on your face.
“Don't worry.” He reassures you, he reaches the bed with several long strides, and his grip around your thighs tightens as he lays you down on the mattress.
"I want to make it up to you," you look at him through half-lidded eyes the moment you lay down, your knee attempting to slowly rub at his growing erection, earning a hiss from him.
"Y-you don't have to, i was just planning that we cuddle—"
"Then why are you hard?" You see how his Adam's apple bobs as he swallows thickly, and he avoids your gaze shyly.
He sits on his knees above you as he watches how your start unzipping his pants, urging him to come closer until his knees were at the sides of your head as you're met with his leaky tip face to face.
It's intimidating, you forget just how big he was. You gently wrap a hand around the base, giving the tip a few kitten licks before your lips grip him snugly and your tongue flicks against the underside of his cock, coaxing low curses from the Scribe.
He can't look down, he doesn't want to. Your expressions gets him off so fast everytime, and when you cough, he involuntarily grips your hair, although still careful to not pull so harshly even when be wanted to so bad.
Alhaitham’s need increases, so is his pace. The desire to cum growing more and more insistent. He bites his lower lip, his grip on your head tightening. “Goddammit,” he manages to groan, head thrown back with his expression all fucked out as he thrusts slowly into your mouth. He brings a fist to cover his mouth to prevent himself from whimpering, to prevent himself from panting so needly like a dog,
“You’re going to make me cum.” You're doing good, better than good, he doesn’t want to rush, but he can feel the implosion building. It's about to go off, and there’s no stopping it.
But when he feels you suck him so eagerly, it makes him part his lips to moan with his eyes closed, grabbing a fistful of your hair and thrusting into your throat greedily to chase his orgasm, the vibrations of your moans is what makes Alhaitham's try to pull out from your mouth, but your tight hold around him makes him fail to do so before he spilled all of his spent into your tongue.
Although he was quick to pull out after, grabbing a tissue from the bedside drawer for you to spit out.
But when you gulp it all in front of him, his eyes widen, the tissue almost slipping from his hand. He doesn’t know what to say or feel, "You didn't have to," He wipes the corner of your lips with the tissue, dabbing your lips clean.
"i love you." You utter out, looking like an absolute angel right before his eyes. "I love you," he repeats back, pecking your lips before pushing you back gently on the bed, prying your legs apart.
Your pants and panties were quick to be discarded to the side, he stares at your entrance, wet, inviting, and a little intimidated by the size he's about to shove inside.
He gently strokes your inner thighs, kissing your outer folds, tasting your arousal, while his thumb rubs circles around your clit. He hums when you gasp, when both of your gazes meet and all he sees his eagerness in your eyes.
Your body squirms, urging him to take you, spearing that tightness with his girth. But he's patient. Oh, how patient he is. Or trying to be, at least.
Alhaitham lines himself up with your hole, and as he looks down at you, you can see the yearning, the want, the need in his eyes.
He keeps a tight hold on your thighs as he slowly, deliberately sinks into you, watching the arch of your back, listening to the low, whimpering sounds escaping your lips.
His mouth is on your neck and collarbone, nipping, kissing, leaving marks of his claim on your skin, "missed my girl,"
Your body is tight around him, and it's not easy, but the Scribe has no intention of stopping until he's had his fill. The gasps and whimpers of discomfort, the pleasure that comes after, the lust—it’s all music to his ears.
"I-i've missed you too."
Alhaitham watches as you cling to him, the words you say stirring something in him. He hands grip on your hips now, and he can't help but smile into your neck.
He's thrusting into you deeper, the feeling of your tightness around him driving him wild. It's a sweet, torturous dance you both share. Every time he thrusts, he's sure to hit the right spot, making you moan and squirm.
He lifts his head to kiss you, kissing you with fervor, his tongue dueling with yours. He could taste the bitter remnants of himself on your tongue, but he wants to taste you, feel your pleasure, and with the way your walls are clenching around his cock, he won't have to wait much longer.
Alhaitham's thrusts become faster, harder, and he can feel the familiar heat building. His hand leaves your hip, and his fingers find your clit in a synchronization of the cries of his name. He's determined to make you come.
"Cum for me, sweetheart," he growls into your ear. "Let me feel it." He wants to watch you unravel in his arms, to see the expression on your face.
And you do, almost instantly, it makes your eyes roll back to the back of your head as you hold onto him while thrusting your hips back into him.
Not long after, he couldn't hold back any longer. It’s too much, the tightness around his cock, the sight of your body trembling beneath him, the taste of your lips, the scent of you. He explodes, filling you up, his seed a testament to the pleasure he’s found.
He collapses on top of you, panting, his heartbeat racing. The room is filled with the sound of their ragged breathing, and in that moment, there’s nothing but the two of them, basking in their shared pleasure.
After a while, Alhaitham slowly pulls out of you, his eyes hold yours, the two of you naked and tangled, laying in sweat. He moves his body off yours to clean you both up. He’ll make some tea, something to calm your nerves, then you'll talk for real this time.
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 5 months
i question why people think Apollo permanently staying mortal is what "should" have happened.
because, well...what would that change? what difference could Apollo make if he stayed mortal?
answer: none.
sure, he'd live out a mortal life like any other demigod, and quote-unquote "keep his promise" (i'll come back to this) but nothing would change. those demigods would still die young, die with a heavy heart because either their parent didn't care enough to save them or they are too afraid of the status quo to do any saving. minor gods would still be looked down on and seen as lesser.
apollo would be 100% powerless to make a difference.
but as a god? he can. he has the power. he has the connections. he needs a little push into revolution cough athena get over here now cough apollo has what he needs to make some serious changes.
"but gods don't change" tell that to the god who did smh. "he'll just revert back to his old ways" ye of little faith. will he stumble? make mistakes? yeah, who doesn't? but apollo isn't one to give up. he'd get back up and keep going because that's who he is.
he'll go through trials to make the difference he wants in the world. and that's a very human trait. he says so himself, calls humans some of the strongest beings he knows.
and after all...isn't apollo supposed to remember what it's like to be human? isn't he supposed to keep that promise he made to jason?
that promise holds a lot more weight behind it when apollo's immortal compared to mortal. as a mortal, he's living on borrowed time. what can he accomplish in a mortal's lifetime to causes the changes jason had once wished for?
but as a god? he carries that promise with him for an eternity. it becomes his rock, his anchor, the thing that keeps him moored even after everyone he knew from his trials are gone.
you don't have to be human to be human. the gods can be human. they aren't innately born without humanity. they all have showcased it throughout their lives. stripping that from them takes away what free will and agency they have.
apollo regaining his godhood isn't the end. it's merely the beginning of the next domino.
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vashtijoy · 6 months
jose's star: a love token??
So I was on reddit this morning for my sins, which are many, and someone asked why they didn't get the 2/13 scene where Jose's star shows up faded and dead. This scene:
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Most people thought this was something to do with Akechi's confidant, so obviously I datamined it at once:
The Star fading has, ostensibly, nothing to do with Akechi at all. But, it is conditional—and on something you might not expect: The Star will only fade if you have established one or more romance routes.
This scene is called from the scheduler, on the evening of 2/13, in sdl02_13_PM_D_RE(). For every romanceable confidant, it checks two things:
Is their romance route active? (that is, is the flag set?)
Are they at confidant rank 10?
If these conditions are met, the game increments a counter. And if that counter is greater than zero, this star event will play.
Obviously this raises a boatload of questions.
Why does the star only fade if you are in love with one of the girls? What is it about that that causes the star to fade? Or, conversely, what is it about not being in love with one of the girls that might mean you still need the star?...
The immediate Doylian explanation for this is that the text you get from your girlfriend(s), asking you to meet up on 2/14, is tagged onto the end of this scene. But that itself is strange. The game splits scenes into "minor events" for far less than this; I can't think offhand of another text chat or phone call I've seen which hasn't been its own little event, though I'm sure there must be some.
You can check the star on 3/19 and see that it still "emits a mysterious light"—though this appears to be the case even if the star faded. There's no alternate scene where you never get the text, which is de rigueur for texts like this. As an example, that short nothing little text you get during Sae's Palace before going to the courthouse has at least four variations. This is standard.
No, this discussion with Morgana about the star, and your plans to hang out on Valentine's Day, should have been at a minimum two different minor events. And they are not.
From an IC/Watsonian perspective, this has to mean that the star only fades if you are dating a girl. If you aren't, it seems the star has something left undone, something that requires its wishing power, and does not fade....
I'll leave the implications of that one as an exercise for all of you. Incidentally, a shoutout to the innocent redditor who hit on this theory by himself and proceeded to get downvoted to hell. smh
revision history
Click here for the latest version.
v1.0 (2024/04/16)—first posted.
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triglycercule · 20 days
i come up with ideas based on the most random things because wdym i just rambled on about fucking fingers and decided,,,, heh,,,,, yeah. this is a good idea. well i mean i do think it IS a good idea but also like in hindsight and out of context i do think its totally fucking stupid. angel92 ahh post 💀💀💀
anyways i was thinking about mtt and fingers and which ones they would lose as a result of being with eachother but then that also means that i'd have to give specific meanings to the fingers (ughhhh,,,,,) ok lets see. pointer finger would represent precision and clear vision because you literally use it to specifically gesture to things. middle finger is like ughh vulgarity and hatred because its the middle finger. the ring finger (heh! i already spoke about this one because of the myth that its connected to the heart and also holds wedding rings) represents love and the pinkie represent promise (PINKIE PROMISE!) and the thumb represents basic functioning and interpretations (because the thumb helps us literally hold things and also thumbs up and down shows your view on things)
i think if i just tack this idea onto the other post about ring fingers then it would be kinda unrealted + plus too long SO ITS GOING HERE. all the mtt are missing ring fingers because i said so. dust is missing an index finger because if the trio break up he's the only one that wouldnt have anywhere/one to go. also he'd struggle to smoke and i think that horror would always complain about him smoking so it'd be like horror's still kinda there warding him off from smoking even though he's not there anymore. horror would lose his middle finger because he'd probably be the most agressive against kist in mttpoly and now without them there he's kinda chilled out. but also the agression and spark isnt there and now he's stuck in plain old boring regular horrortale again which isnt all that fun,,,, even if dust an killer sucked fighting was a way to pass time. but horror would never admit that. and i think killer could lose a thumb (ill be fr im just running out of fingers to use here. next thing yk i'll start talking about TOES) and then he'd struggle to hold knives normally now. he literally can't hurt others the way he hurt horror and dust (but also that could also mean that killer just has to come up with more creative ways to main. or also his reduced actions could result in him causing less trouble and therefore having less threats. depends on if killer wants to be a bit more knife happy or just chil,,,,,, you KNOW i gotta go with the knife happy idea mtt NEVER get a break and if they do i immediately forget about it)
dude imagine them with all these missing fingers 💀💀💀 that shit would lookd SO weird
#triglycercule's on a BIT of a roll coming up with ideas#i dont particularly know why tbh i guess i've just gotten over this slump of not having ideas#i already have 3 other decent ISH ideas in my notes app i should probably figure thst out#and then of course i have my ever growing pile of drafts on here#i cleared some of them out so now i have 40~ but thats still a SHITTON of ideas ive yet to post#on the other post ive yet to post i got too fucking into the idea#like WDYM the mtt would all just COINCIDENTALLY lose their ring fingers#its a cool idea tho..... just seems a bit unfeasible to me but whatever everything is impossible snyways#i have summer homework due on tuesday ive yet to do i should REALLY probably do that#and a test im 90% sure im gonna BOMB on monday. its the EIGHTH DAY OF FUCKING SCHOOL AND A TEST#i havent even gotten used to doing HOMEWORK again and my bitchass math techer is giving us a TEST.... smh old people#anyways mtt have 2 hands all so they can beat eachother up#polyamory solves everything but the solution isn't all much healthier than if the trio just fucking stayed ALONE 😭😭😭😭#ugh i need them all to kill eachother SERIOUSLY and then they feel bad but also satisfied about it but also bad but also#what would that feeling be like as a word. what word would that be (asks killer because he doesnt know shit about emotions$#they are NOT doomed by the narrative but ALSO NOT soulmates in every universe (debatable in my head)#but instead they were never meant to be together and because they were never meant to be together they simply dont work#but just having that constant even if it hurts and you hate it and everything it stands for when you've had nothing that understands you#is just kinda like. damn. okay i might stay like this for a while#they are not doomed by the narrative they are doomed by each other#gawwwdddd i love mtt so much..... mttpoly..... they were mesnt to be#but didn't you just say they weren't??? ok MAYBE but its because theyre all such terrible fits thst they were meant to be#they all match eachother's freaks in a way that no other utmv character can. mtt gets mtt#the mtt have so many parallels i really should make a graph or something#they all have scary faces!!!! kinda. killer with the chara scary face#horror with his black drooly pissed face and i guess dust's shadowed out face could be scary#but i think that face would be scarier if there were realistic human eyes peeking out but wtvr#anyways all have scary face what else. theres so much more its not even funny they seriously are meant to be together#if always together in fandom art and writing and other depictions then why not poly??? why not TOGETHER together??? why mtt seperate???#tricule rant
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queen-of-reptiles · 11 months
description: in which lucy bronze and the england captain feel like four years is long enough to hide a relationship especially since they have just won the euros
Lucy Bronze x female reader
this is all fiction!
warnings: fluff, a 4 year age gap and sarcastic lucy and reader
y/n just posted
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liked by, leahwilliamsonn, mbrighty04, and 439, 222 others
tagged lionesses, lucybronze, leahwilliamsonn, Lj10, mbrighty04, bethmead_ and 18 others
y/n It's set in now. Five days later, and it has set in.
This team, these girls, this journey has been nothing short of amazing, determined and fantastic, I have been so incredibly lucky to be able to be a part of it.
Thank you England,
Thank you football,
Thank you Lionesses.
And I'll tell you what?
The kids are alright x
view 5098 comments
username1: SO EXCITED TO HAVE YOU BACK IN BARCA!!!❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙
username2: I'm crying omg 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
username3: best england captain EVER ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
leahwilliamsonn: Such a sap, but the best captain we could have asked for ! ❤️
y/n: Couldn't have done it without my best friend/vice captain holding me up! ❤️
lucybronze: <3
y/n: <3
keirawalsh: I will never get over you and Sarina cutting your wedding cake ... 😭🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
y/n: shoulda seen the proposal ;) 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
stanwaygeorgia: I'm still crying at your dance moves in the locker room 😂😭
mbrighty04: fucking decked herself 😂😂😂
racheldaly3: just laid there for a sec too. 😂😂😂
1maryearps: "I'm okay, just tired of how life hates me" - y/n after just winning the euros 2022 and decking herself in the locker room. 😂
jillscottjs8: Still crying even now !
y/n: the look on your face was worth any pain we went through! xx
alessiarusso99: Just Buzzin' ❤️
y/n: Buzzin man
ellatoone: just buzzin dude
alessiarusso99: hate you both sm smh! 🙄
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lucybronze just posted
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lucybronze back to Barca!
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username1: ayyyyyyyy!!! VAMOS BARCA!!! ❤️💙❤️💙
username3: ArE YOU DATING Y/N!!
username4: I think they're just friends! 🤷‍♀️
username5: NA they are dating! They live together!
username6: AND? people can live together without dating
username7: EYES DON'T LIE 😩
keirawalsh: lovely picture of me there, thanks!
lucybronze: welcome mate! 😁
y/n: that photo of me, really?
lucybronze: had to give the fans something to thirst over 👍
y/n: i hate you sm 🙄
marialeonn16: happy to have you back! ❤️💙
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y/n just posted on her story
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lucybronze just posted on her story
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y/n.bronze: Here is a thread of instances which confirm that Lucy and y/n are together in my mind - the bottom of the thread is where it gets good!
How Lucy looked at her during the post match interview after beating Spain??? Like, her eyes were literally heart shaped??? I want that!
When y/n was knocked over during the Sweden game and Lucy didn't even hesitate to square up, her face was so worried, and she only stopped when y/n GRABBED HER HAND?!
Ellie, in a livestream for City YESTERDAY saying that she would stay with Lucy and y/n, confirming they live together - which we already thought!
Then going on to say they have a spare room - even though Lucy has said multiple times she lives in a two bed apartment and y/n has never said anything about her 'place'!
The fact when y/n scored in the Sweden game she ran at Lucy first??? AND JUMPED ON HER
The fact y/n left ARSENAL - her childhood team - to go play for Barca only months after Lucy had and she even admitted in an interview LUCY WAS A BIG PART OF THAT DECISION
when Lucy called y/n in an interview the other day and she answered with 'hi my love???' LIKE????
fr I need friends that dedicated to hiding my relationship
LASTLY - the fact they went on holiday together after the euros after Ibiza, and the photos ... the PHOTOS
okay, I'm done, they're soooo dating, thank you.
username1: omg this is so good!
username2: ELLIE SAID WHAT?
username3: omg this is Sherlock level of deduction ability
username4: THE PHOTOS???????? IS THAT THEM
y/n.bronze: 'rumoured' to be - but look at the hair! It is SOOOOO y/n!
username5: nahhh Wonze for life!
username6: how can you read all of that and still pick the wrong answer?!
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y/n just posted on her story
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lucybronze just posted
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liked by, keirawalsh, leahwilliamsonn and 321, 111 others
lucybronze sunshine in my life, even when the sky is dark...
comments limited
alessiarusso99: her body looks so good here omg 😭😭
ellatoone: 😏😏
mbrighty04: this feels illegal omg 😳
racheldaly3: TELL ME ABOUT IT
y/n: 😶
leahwilliamsonn: heheh 🙂
Lj10: this is sweet :)
keirawalsh: sunshine and hair goals apparently 😚
stanwaygeorgia: hmmmm 😌
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username2: the caption? the photo? the comments? the lack of tag?
username3: they have to be together?
y/n.bronze: THE NEW TATTOO! IT IS A STRAWBERRY ON HER SHOULDER - lucy uses the strawberry emoji allllll the time!
username5: it has to mean something!
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y/n just posted
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liked by, lionesses, leahwilliamsonn, and 498, 399 others
tagged lucybronze
y/n idk what you guys are on about - we're just friends ??
view all 5183 comments
lucybronze: I know right?
username1: UMMMM? 🧐🧐🧐🧐
username2: went from soft launch to MAYBE HARD LAUNCH realll quick?
username3: but like this makes me feel as if they aren't dating?! And that this is just a joke !
username4: yeah this feels like they are laughing at the rumours
keirawalsh: two besties, that's all I see
y/n: I know, how odd ! 😁
alessiarusso99: it is weird!
marialeonn16: I agree! So obvious!
ellatoone: SAME!
leahwilliamsonn: I thought it was so obvious as well.
lucybronze: People loveeeee to talk ig 🤷‍♀️
username5: I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE 🥲
y/n.bronze: okay, this has thrown even me off I won't lie!
username5: maybe we were wrong?
y/n.bronze: I really didn't think so tho ...
alexiaputellas: clearly just amigas 🤷‍♀️
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lucybronze just posted
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liked by alexiaputellas, mbrighty04, and 207, 388 others
tagged y/n
lucy.bronze Happy four years 'best friend' ;) xx
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y/n just posted
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liked by, keirawalsh, leahwilliamsonn and 409, 281 others
tagged lucybronze
y/n Four years of the best 'friendship' I could have asked for xox
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username1: 4 years ... 4 goddamn years
y/n.bronze: I KNEW IT - I FUCKING KNEW IT !
y/n: that you did :)
y/n.bronze: omg
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okay really did enjoy this one - (hope this is what the anon wanted) the amount of Lucy Bronze content and fics I have queued is kinda worrying but I have been a fan of Lucy since she played for SUNDERLAND
which is insane that's a bit too long really
my gay ass
but I am a die hard West Ham Fan and a Sunderland fan (due to my best friend WEST HAM TIL I DIE FORST AND FUCKING FOREMOST) - I know, it is hard - so it is insane how long I have been a fan of her but I reallyyyyy enjoyed writing this and I enjoy writing these actually.
When I originally started drafting these they were just for myself and when I posted LJ's I thought no one would really see it - so to have people be so kind and so happy to request has really made my smile!
So thank you for your support! And more incoming!
Queenie xo
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whatachillkillyeri · 5 months
Can you be my distraction?
Mina x female reader
Synopsis-let me forget him by you becoming my distraction
Warning-smut,mentioned of a man(smh)
A/n-i need more ideas
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“ she can’t just cry in her room and hide forever”dahyun said looking towards the hallway, where Mina room is at. “if I see that idiotic ugly rat of a man again I will kill him”
“ I know that we all hate that man but killing him isn’t the option. We can only try to help Mina move on from him.” Jihyo said looking at every one of her members.
“But how would we do it if she clearly doesn’t even want to leave her room , let alone eat.” Sana said.
As they huddled together, debating their options, a thought struck Jeongyeon. She glanced at Mina room , her eyes sparkling with determination. "I know just what to do," a mischievous smile spreading across her face. "We'll take her out tonight. We'll show her that there are plenty of other people out there who would die for a chance with her." The others exchanged skeptical looks, but eventually nodded in agreement. They would give it a try.
As they approached Mina room ,and slightly went in. "Hey, Mina, we thought you could use some fresh air. So we were wondering if you would like to go out for the night. It would get your mind off of jakson." Mina looked up, her eyes red and puffy, but she didn't protest. She allowed them to get her ready and lead her to the club.
As they led Mina through the bustling streets, weaving their way past crowds of people, their laughter filling the air. The sound of it seemed to reach Mina's ears as if its from a great distance, and yet she couldn't help but smile in spite of herself. Something about the sound of her friends' laughter was infectious, and before long, a tiny spark of joy began to flicker within her chest.
As they arrived at the club, the members ushered Mina inside, where the music was loud and the lights were bright. Drinks were already waiting for them at their table, and as they sat down, Jeongyeon leaned in close to Mina, her lips brushing against her ear. "Just try to have a good time tonight," her breath warm against Mina's skin. "You deserve it."
Mina nodded, feeling a little more hopeful as she took a sip of her drink. As she sat there, trying to forget about Jakson and enjoy herself, she couldn't help but glance around the club, taking in the sights and sounds. she noticed a group of women sitting at a nearby table, all laughing together. Something about the way they were laughing, so freely and without any restraint, caught Mina's attention. She found herself staring at them, wishing she could feel that way again.
As she watched, one of the woman in particular seemed to catch her eye. Mina couldn't help but feel a spark of interest when their gazes met across the crowded room. She smiled shyly, feeling a flutter in her chest.
"Who's that girl over there who's got Mina all distracted?" Nayeon asked, giggling. "Maybe she should be over there with them instead of moping over that Bigfoot of a man .”dahyun reply going along with the teasing.
Mina blushed, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and curiosity. “ oh come on guys, it’s not like that…” she was going to finish her sentence but a little tap on her shoulder, made her turn around and look at that person.
"Hi, I'm y/n," she said, extending her hand to Mina. "I couldn't help but notice you've been staring. So I thought to come over and say hi." Mina felt a spark of electricity course through her as their hands touched.
"I'm Mina." She managed to get out, her voice sounding a little shaky even to her ears. Jeongyeon and jihyo exchanged amused glances, clearly enjoying the unfolding scene. Y/N smiled reassuringly, their hand still resting on Mina's shoulder.
“ well, nice to meet you Mina”y/n responded with a heartwarming smile.
There was something about the way Y/N said her name that sent a shiver down Mina's spine. They were so confident, so sure of themselves. It was intoxicating. Mina found herself wanting to spend more time with her , to get to know her better.
As they continued to talk, the rest of the club faded away, becoming nothing more than a blur of colors and sounds in the background. The more Mina listened to Y/N, the more she realized how much she had in common with this stranger. They laughed at the same jokes, shared stories about their friends, and even had a few embarrassing moments they could bond over.
“ so you saying, that the reason why you are here is because of your ex boyfriend jakson cheated on you” Y/N said, her voice soft but firm. Mina nodded, feeling a lump forming in her throat. She couldn't believe how much she was opening up to this stranger, but there was something about Y/N that made her feel safe, like she could trust them with anything.
“Well then,he's an idiot," y/n said, her voice laced with sincerity, "to let someone like you slip through his fingers." Mina looked up at Y/N, surprise evident on her face. "I mean, you're beautiful, funny, and smart...why would he even cheat on you in the first place?" She shrugged, taking a sip of her drink.
“ if I was to ever dated you I would never let a beautiful woman like you go.” her cheeks flushing slightly. Mina felt her heart skip a beat. This was the most romantic thing anyone had ever said to her.
Before she could even respond,the music change . One of the girls started to play in the background. This is mina song. She couldn’t help but pull y/n to the dance floor before the girl even process what is happening. Y/n placed her hands on mina's hips and started to move her body with mina's. They danced together perfectly in sync.
The rest of the club seemed to fade away as Mina lost herself in the music and the feeling of Y/N's body against hers. Every touch sent a shiver down her spine, every movement seemed to be choreographed just for the two of them. She couldn’t help but feel so hot and bother by the way y/n touch her . Her touch felt so firm but gentle at the same time. The way her hands touches her body. She couldn’t take it.
She leaned in closer, their bodies flush against each other as their lips met in a passionate kiss. The kiss went from passionate to hunger in a few seconds. To the point Mina wanted more. No, she needed more.
Mina grab y/n hand. Basically dragging her out of the club. And into the taxi that was nearby . She told the taxi driver her house location. They didn't even bother to talk as they made out the whole way there. Once they finally arrived at her house. She lead Y/N to her room and slammed the door shut behind them. Where she slammed their lips together
"Mina..." Y/N panted, her breath coming in short gasps as she broke the kiss.
Mina let out a moan, her hands running through Y/N's hair, tangling in the soft strands. "I need you, Y/N," she whispered, her voice husky. "I need you so bad."
Without another word, she pushed Y/N onto the bed, their bodies tangled together. She felt Y/N's hands fumbling with her shirt, and then with her bra, finally freeing her breasts from their confinement. Mina arched her back, letting out a gasp as Y/N's warm mouth closed around her nipple. She could feel the wetness between her legs, the need growing stronger with each passing second.
Y/N moaned, her tongue dancing against Mina's sensitive skin, and then she sat up, pushing Mina's shirt off her shoulders. She tossed it aside and leaned down again, kissing Mina's neck, sucking gently before moving further down. Mina let out a low growl, her hips bucking off the bed.
As Y/N continued to kiss and nibble her way down Mina's body, she reached out to touch the other girl, tracing her fingers along the soft, smooth skin of her inner thigh. "Please, Y/N," she begged, her voice shaky. "I need you inside me."
Y/N smiled against Mina's thigh, her breath hot against her skin. She reached down, pushing Mina's dress and panties to the side, revealing her wetness. With a swift movement, she guided her fingers inside, feeling the tightness that surrounded her. Mina arched her back, her nails digging into Y/N's shoulders as she was consumed by the sensation.
"Fuck, Mina," Y/N breathed, her voice hoarse. "You're so hot and wet." thrusting her fingers deeper, feeling the heat of Mina's body against her hand. She could feel the muscles in Mina's thighs clench around her fingers, and it only made her want more. She leaned in, taking one of Mina's nipples into her mouth, sucking roughly as she continued to stroke her.
Mina cried out, arching her back off the bed. "Fuck , yes," she moaned. Her hips bucked upward, meeting Y/N's thrusts, desperate for more contact. "I need you to fuck me harder " she whispered, her voice shaking. The feeling of Y/N's fingers inside her, combined with the wet heat of her mouth on her breast, was driving her crazy. She could feel the familiar tightening in her stomach, the building pressure that told her she was close.
"you're so beautiful," Y/N breathed, gazing down at Mina's exposed body. She continued to thrust her fingers in and out of Mina's slick folds, feeling the smooth muscles grip around her. “My beautiful girl” She leaned in, kissing Mina's neck, sucking gently before moving lower to take a nipple into her mouth. She rolled the hard peak between her lips, teasing it with her tongue as she continued to stroke her.
Mina cried out, arching her back off the bed. "Yes, yes, that's it," moaning as her hips bucked upward, meeting Y/N's thrusts, desperate for more contact. She felt herself growing closer, the pressure building inside her.
Y/N looked up at Mina, their eyes meeting, and saw the desire and need in her gaze. She could feel Mina's muscles tensing around her fingers, and she knew she was close too. “Cum for me princess .” With one final thrust, she pushed her fingers deep inside, feeling the tight heat of Mina's body grip her as she came.
Mina cried out, her body shuddering as her own orgasm took hold. Her hips bucked upward, meeting the rhythm of Y/N's thrusts, and she arched her back off the bed, her nails digging into the sheets. As the sensation washed over her, she felt a deep, satisfying release that left her breathless and completely spent.
Y/N watched Mina's face contort in pleasure, her eyes squeezed shut and her lips parted in a silent scream. She could feel Mina's inner muscles clenching and releasing around her fingers, milking her climax. She slowed her movements, pulling her fingers out of Mina's body and kissing her softly.
Mina's breath came in ragged gasps as she tried to catch her bearings. Her body felt like it was still humming from the intensity of the orgasm, and she couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of contentment and closeness to Y/N. She reached up, running her fingers through Y/N's hair, feeling the soft strands against her skin.
Y/N smiled down at Mina, her eyes filled with love and desire. "Are you okay?" she whispered, tracing a finger along Mina's jawline. "Did I go too fast?"
Mina shook her head, her eyes still closed. "No, no, that was perfect," she gasped, her breath coming back to her in ragged gasps. "It was... more than I could have imagined." She opened her eyes, meeting Y/N's gaze once more. There was such tenderness in those eyes, such love and understanding. It made her heart swell.
Y/N smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her chest at Mina's words. She leaned down, kissing Mina's forehead, her cheek, her lips.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it," she whispered, her voice shaking slightly. "I've never felt this close to someone before." She rolled onto her side, facing Mina, and wrapped her arm around her waist, pulling her close. " even though we met a few hours ago. I want to be with you, Mina. I want us to be together."
Mina nestled into the crook of Y/N's arm, feeling the warmth of her body against hers. She sighed contentedly, her cheek resting on Y/N's shoulder. "I want that too," she said softly. "I want to be with you, Y/N."
Y/N felt a wave of relief wash over her. "Then it's settled," she murmured, kissing the top of Mina's head. "We'll figure everything out together. We'll make it work, no matter what."
They lay there in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's warmth and closeness. It felt so right to be here with Mina like this, their bodies entwined, their hearts connected. The air in the room seemed to hum with an electric energy that only they could feel.
Y/N traced gentle circles on Mina's back with her fingertips, feeling the softness of her skin beneath her touch. She wondered what the future might hold for them. They'd have to face some challenges, no doubt about that. But she had a feeling that as long as they were together, they could overcome anything.
She begins to feel her eyes getting heavier. The warmth of Mina's body and the rhythm of her breath lull her into a state of relaxation. As she drifts off to sleep, she was aware of Mina's hand moving up and down her back, soothing and comforting her. It's a gentle, almost hypnotic motion that sends a wave of contentment through her.
The sun is beginning to peek through the curtains. The sounds of clicking noises ( from taking pictures) can be heard from the room.
“Look how cute they are” chaeyoung said while showing the others the picture she just took of the new couple.
“Wait I can see Mina left boo..what the fuck Tzuyu why did you do that.” She said while rubbing her head that Tzuyu just hit.
“Stop being so inappropriate you snake”rolling her eyes as she walks away from sana. Smiling, sana follows Tzuyu “ oh come on you know you love me baby.” Which Tzuyu completely ignored her. Bitch this is not a satzu fic gtf
They all laughed at their friends antics before they decided to leave the room before the newly couple wakes up.
“They do know that their loud asses woke us up, right? We were having our moment here...” Mina groaned, burying her face into Y/N's neck as she mumbled her complaint. Y/N chuckled softly, kissing the top of Mina's head.
"It's fine, sweetheart. We've gotten enough rest. Let's go see what they're up to." She yawned, sitting up slowly and pulling the covers with her. Mina followed suit, stretching her arms above her head as she yawned as well.
As they emerged from the bedroom, they were greeted by the sight of their friends sitting in the living room, sipping coffee and chatting. The room was filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, making Y/N's stomach rumble. "Hey, you guys," she said, yawning again. "Care if we join you?"
"Of course!" Chaeyoung answered with a grin. "We were just about to head out, actually. We were just waiting for you two." She gestured to a tray on the coffee table, which held a plate of croissants and coffee . "Breakfast?"
"That would be lovely, thank you," Y/N said, sitting down next to Mina on the couch. "We could really use some coffee." As she spoke, she reached for one of the warm mugs and poured herself a cup, inhaling the rich aroma deeply.
"You two look so cute together," Chaeyoung commented with a smile, nudging Y/N playfully. "I'm so happy for you, Mina." She glanced at Mina, who was currently playing with a loose string on the couch cushion, her cheeks slightly pink.
"Thanks, Chaeyoung," Mina replied, her voice soft and shy. “But if you hurt her I will kill you” momo spoke up making everyone laugh. "I'm just kidding, guys . You two are perfect for each other."
The room grew quiet as everyone took a sip of their coffee, lost in their own thoughts. Y/N glanced over at Mina, admiring the way the morning light made her hair look like liquid gold. She reached out and took Mina's hand in hers, giving it a squeeze. Mina looked up, her eyes meeting Y/N's, and the warmth that spread through her chest was indescribable.
"Well, we should get going," Sana finally said, breaking the silence. "We have a photoshoot today, remember?" The others nodded in agreement, finishing the last of their breakfast.
As their friends began to gather their things, Y/N and Mina exchanged a knowing glance. They knew that they would see each other later that day, but the thought of being apart for even a few hours made their hearts ache just a little bit.
" I'll see you tonight, okay?" Y/N said, giving Mina's hand a squeeze.
"Mmhmm," Mina hummed, already feeling a little bit down. "I can't wait to be with you again." Her voice was soft and longing, making Y/N's heart ache.
The goodbyes were exchanged, hugs and promises to text later were exchanged, and eventually, the apartment was empty once more. Y/N took a deep breath, feeling a mixture of emotions swirling inside her chest. She missed Mina already, but she knew that they'd see each other later. With a determined smile, she made her way into the bedroom, ready to start the day.
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dawnisatotalqueen · 6 months
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title: broken promises
character: steven hyde x reader
warnings: profanity probably I didn't rlly pay attention, mentions of marijuana usage, talking down abt women smh.., jealousy, miscommunication, ZEN MASTERS MENTION
summary: after hyde's fight with your date and his almost admission, nothing had happened between you two. next thing you knew, it was veterans day and someone else had their eye on hyde.
disclaimer: i do not support danny masterson in any way, shape, or form. i just have an attachment to hyde </3 (this is exactly what I said last time I just wanna make sure yall know...)
word count: 2,094
part one
Nothing had happened between you and Hyde since that fight. Your relationship had reached a stalemate.
That didn’t stop you from questioning it.
Your dates had slowly dwindled down, though it wasn’t that you didn’t have options, guys old and new still asked you out, but you couldn’t bring yourself to go out with them.
You wanted Hyde.
Too much to ignore.
Much to your dismay though, someone else had begun pursuing Hyde, someone that you never really could’ve expected. Jackie.
After her and Kelso broke up again because of him hooking up with Eric’s sister Laurie, Hyde had given her lessons on “Zen”. The two’s friendship started to bloom, and Jackie quickly caught feelings.
You couldn’t blame her, and the more you thought about it, they made sense. Despite that, you didn’t like the idea of it. It wasn’t fair, and you knew that, but you just couldn’t help the bitter feelings in your chest when you watched the two.
It was Veterans day, which meant it was time for Red Foreman’s annual party. He was pretty passionate about the day, being a Veteran himself.
Everyone was down in the basement. You were sitting in the chair opposite of Hyde’s, watching as Jackie talked to him while he sat on the washer. “So Steven, isn’t Veteran’s day romantic?”
“Oh yeah, government pawns, and missing limbs. That’s amore.”
“I know, I know!” Jackie placed a hand over her heart. “It’s a day for people in love to have fun together!”
“Man, all this talk of fun makes me wanna have fun… Hey! Let’s throw stuff at other stuff!” Kelso gasped.
Eric perked up, getting off the couch. “Man, that's perfect! I got stuff!!”
“I’m in!”
The two boys went upstairs and you couldn’t fight back your snicker.
Jackie turned back to Hyde. “So, Steven, you wanna go to Mr Foreman’s barbeque with me?”
Before he could answer her, you decided you could not sit and watch this, so, you went upstairs to go throw stuff with Kelso and Eric.
You wore a simple (F/C) dress, with your classic jacket. You looked around the front yard, there were a multitude of people that Red and Kitty knew, and a few different people that your friend’s knew, but it was mostly the usual crowd. You knew that Donna’s Dad was having a party, but you liked the Foreman’s house. You’d still stop by though.
You noticed Jackie with a guy you didn’t recognize, and you decided to walk over.
“Everybody, this is Chip, Chip, this is everybody.” Jackie motioned around to the people in the area, that being you, Fez, Kelso, and Hyde.
“Hey everybody.” Chip nodded at you guys.
“Yo.” You nodded, glancing over at Hyde. He looked.. Grumpier than usual. You felt your insides twist, and a brief sense of dread.
Chip told Jackie he’d grab her a drink, then went off. You watched as Jackie walked over to Hyde and you sighed a little, walking over to Kelso and Fez.
Kelso had his arms crossed over his chest as he huffed. “Man, this isn’t fair! Why does some random dude get to bring Jackie to the party?!”
Fez grumbled. “She could do soooo much better.”
You let out a breath. “Right? But it’s just to make Hyde jealous, so chill.”
“That’s not cool though, man!” Kelso whined. “I thought Hyde liked you!! So what’s goin on?!”
“I did too.” You sighed, watching Jackie and Hyde’s exchange.
After a little bit you saw Jackie get up, leaving Hyde and Chip alone to talk. You weren’t sure how it went down, but when you passed by, you heard Chip speak.
“She’s a bitch.”
You paused, turning around. Using your context clues, you figured he was talking about Jackie, which pissed you off. You were almost ready to give him a piece of your mind when Hyde said, “Oh no..” And he hit him.
You squeaked, jumping back from the two. “Holy shit!”
Jackie ran over. “What happened?”
“Somethin– Bitch– He–” Hyde looked between Jackie and the very knocked out Chip.
Jackie looked between them before gasping. “He– He called me a bitch and you hit him!”
“...No.” Hyde stared at her, very obviously lying.
“I am the bitch! And you love me!” Jackie looked like she had actual stars in her eyes and you could feel your heart crack. Did he love her?
You needed to get out of there. Maybe a date, maybe something, anything–
“L/N!” Kelso huffed, nudging you.
You blinked. “Huh?”
You looked around, realizing it was night time and you were outside somewhere?
“Get your head in the game, man!”
You remembered now. After talking to Kitty, Hyde came outside and asked Jackie out. Kelso and Fez were upset, and you.. Were hurt. Somehow, some way, the two boys had managed to convince you to spy on Jackie and Hyde’s date. Did you have a momentary lapse of judgment? Probably. But there was no backing out now.
The three of you snuck through the trees, eventually arriving right behind Jackie’s car, where Jackie and Hyde were sitting at the front of it. Their backs were to you, and you couldn’t hear them.
“What are they saying?” Fez tilted his head.
“Don’t worry, I can read lips.” Kelso stared at the back of their heads. “Jackie’s saying.. Wow I really love this date, Hyde!” He put on a high pitched voice for Jackie. “And Hyde’s sayin.. Yeah, totally man, I agree.”
Fez gasped. “Really? They’re having that much fun?”
You put a hand over your mouth, trying to conceal your laughter so as to not get caught. “Kelso, I don’t think that’s what they’re saying–”
When you looked back up though, Jackie and Hyde were leaning in..
You felt your heart drop.
You could’ve thrown up on the spot as you quickly stood up.
“L/N!” Kelso whisper-shouted at you, but you couldn’t sit there. You’d seen all you needed to see.
What you didn’t see though was how when Hyde and Jackie parted from their kiss, neither of them were into it. They gave it a shot, but it didn’t work. In his head, Hyde knew why. He had you in the back of his mind. He had been trying to ignore it for months, playing it cool like he always did, but that wasn’t working. He didn’t like you any less than he did before.
As it turns out, it might’ve been too late.
You were going on a date. For the first time in months, you were thinking about a guy that wasn’t Hyde.. Or, well, trying to.
Loyal to your old routine, you were heading to the Foreman’s house to wait for your ride. Your outfit wasn’t much different than your usual ones, but you did look a little done up.
“Hey, L/N.” Donna nodded at you, a lazy smile on her face. Everyone looked pretty high.
They were passing around the blunt, Hyde being the last one who had it. “Wanna hit?” He raised a brow.
You shook your head. “Wish I could, but I’m only gonna be here for a sec. I have a date.” You hummed.
“Really?!” Jackie gasped, looking over. “You haven’t been out in months!”
“Yeah, thought you were giving up the whole meaningless date thing?” Eric tilted his head, looking over at you.
You shrugged, shoving your hands in your jacket pockets. “I was, but, I don’t know. Guess there’s not really a point.” You side eyed Hyde in a way that you thought was sneaky, but unbeknownst to you, he saw it.
Your glare made him sit up a little straighter. He’d seen you when you were mad, but it had never been directed toward him before. What’d he do to piss you off– And more importantly, what did that have to do with you going on a date again?
Kelso looked at you. “Oh heey– By the way, are you good, man? Yesterday after we were watching Jackie and Hyde you ran off and we didn’t see you after!!”
“I told him that you probably had to go to the bathroom.” Fez nodded, sinking into his chair.
You immediately went pale. “Ahah– Yeah, uhm. My bad. I didn’t feel well. But, wowie, jeez, look at the time I gotta go– Bye!!” You quickly called out, going right back out the way you came.
Hyde put his hand over his mouth, mumbling. “Shit..”
It made sense now. You saw him and Jackie, and based on what Kelso said, didn’t stick around long enough to hear how it ended.
What didn’t make sense was why you would care. Why would it matter if he kissed Jackie?
You had been gone for about two and a half hours. Everyone dispersed, and Hyde couldn’t help but be reminded about the night you spent together months prior. This time though, he planned on changing things.
He paced around outside, hoping that the guy you were out with would drop you off the same place he picked you up.
Lucky for him, he was right. A nicer car pulled up, and you got out, exchanging a few words with whoever was in the driver’s seat.
You were happy with the date. It wasn’t anything extravagant, and you didn’t really like the guy, but he was nice, and it was fun. You were planning on just walking home before you heard your name being called. And not your last name, which is what everyone called you. It was your first name. It sounded foreign from that voice.
You had turned around, tilting your head before your face dropped. You didn’t want to talk to Hyde. In the back of your head you knew you didn’t have any place being mad at him, but you were hurt.
You blew out a breath. You just had to act like you didn’t care. Easy. “What’s up?” You shoved your hands in your pockets, looking at him.
“Can we talk?” He walked up the driveway, standing in front of you.
You winced, talking being the exact opposite of what you wanted to do with Hyde. “I don’t know, I need to head home–”
“L/N.” He stepped a little closer. “I just wanna explain what happened between me and Jackie.”
You froze. Of course he knew.. After what Kelso said earlier, there was no way he didn’t know.
You blew out a breath. If you couldn’t play it off, you needed to try to fix things. “Listen, Hyde, you don’t need to explain yourself. It’s fine, you like Jackie, she likes you, and it’s cool.”
“L/N–” He ran a hand through his curls, taking off his shades.
You didn’t see him without his sunglasses very often, and it always caught you off guard when he’d take them off.
“I don’t like Jackie.”
You blinked, tilting your head. “What? But I saw you guys kiss on your date–”
“You didn’t stick around long enough. If you would’ve stayed, you would’ve seen that the kiss didn’t mean anything. There– there wasn’t anything there. No sparks, no feelings, it was just.. A kiss.”
You listened before furrowing your brows. “Okay, um, that’s, okay.. Why are you telling me this, Hyde?”
“Because I like you.”
You felt a heat creep up your neck all the way to your cheeks. “What?”
“I like you. I– I don’t know when it happened, but I know that a few months ago when you spent the night I realized it. And, it’s not a big deal, but it sorta seemed like you might.. I don’t know. If you don’t like me, it’s cool, but it was starting to feel like you do.”
You stared at him. He liked you. But what about your promise? What about the possibility of ruining your friendship? A messy breakup could start bad things in your friendship. But…
Could you ever forgive yourself if you didn’t at least give it a chance?
You looked down, your cheeks growing redder by the second. “I uh.. I like you too.”
Before you knew it you felt hands on your cheeks, tilting your head up. “Could I..”
You nodded, the motion being so small it was almost unnoticeable.
He closed the space between you. The kiss was gentle, sweet, a result of years of denied pining. Then, it turned deeper, more passionate, the tension between you finally bubbling over the edge.
It was everything you wanted, the perfect kiss for a perfect moment.
Maybe some promises were meant to be broken.
tag list: @cantbecreative
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