#and people smashed their head on their keyboard when they saw it
lazydreamartryn · 1 month
REDRAW!! -> Check all pics!!
There is two of each!!
I decided to redo my most adored drawing in the new style!
Im first showing the new ones and underneath will show the before so you can compare!
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crazycurly-77 · 24 days
Lost in the Jungle - pt. 1
Gibbs yelled through the whole office and smashed his fist on his desk. He thought he's going crazy. “I don't accept that.”
Jenny saw his desperation and tried to stay calm “Jethro, she's dead”, she stated. 
He spun around to face her and spat
“You have no proof of that and I won't accept her death until there is proof of it.”
“Jethro…” Jenny began once again. 
“No.” He answered violently. 
Jenny sighed, hung her head and left for her bureau while Gibbs walked up and down between the desks like a caged tiger. 
The whole team was shocked. Just now the director told them that your plane was shot down and that you were most likely dead because of the crash. 
They couldn't believe it. It seemed very unreal that you of all people should be dead.
Gibbs was completely beside himself and Tim was frozen in shock. These two seemed to take it the hardest. 
Standing up from his chair Tim said cautiously 
No reaction from Gibbs. So he tried again a little bit louder
Gibbs came to a halt directly in front of him, so they were standing nearly nose to nose with each other. The tension in the room was tangible. Gibbs glared at him and growled
“What, McGee?!” 
“I…I don't accept and don't believe that Y/N is dead, too. There must be a way to find her and bring her home.”
Gibbs took a step back, pondered the heard words for a moment and then patted him on the shoulder nodding
“Good idea. Find out the route she was flying and where she was at the last contact. The Blackbox should still send a signal. Check that, too.”
“Okay, boss” Tim confirmed and got straight to work. 
Tony and Ziva came cautiously to Gibbs and asked “we want to help, too. There has to be a way to find her.”
Gibbs looked at them thankfully for their support. 
“You can help McGee.”
“Okay, boss.” Both of them answered and began to work on this case, too. 
The whole team looked in every case they found your name in. They followed all traces they discovered, but there was still no hint where you could be. 
With time everyone approached total desperation and devastation as Ducky came into the room, stopping in front of Gibbs’ desk. 
Gibbs didn't look up, but growled “Ducky?” 
Doctor Mallard was concerned too, so he absolutely understood his behavior. 
A member of the family was lost and that took its toll on everyone. 
“I've heard that Y/N is missing. Do you have any clue where she could be? I'm assuming you're looking for her” Ducky asked. 
“We are, but we don't have any clue. Not yet.” Gibbs answered briefly. 
“Did you look in South America?” 
Jerking his head up, Gibbs answered “Why South America?”
“Because before she left, I gave her a vaccination, which you need when you go there.”
“DiNozzo! Look for a flight from here to the south and for any missed planes,” Gibbs yelled across the desks. 
“Yes, Boss!” Tony answered and began immediately to work on this matter. 
An hour later Tony stated very excited “Boss! I think I found her plane. There's an aircraft missing whose flight plan matches her disappearance and the size of the plane also matches.”
“Where did you find it?” 
“In Ecuador” 
Tim tapped wildly on his keyboard and then said “Boss, there's a rescue signal!” 
Gibbs jumped up from his chair and walked over to him, leaning on his desk beside him “where?” 
“In the Amazon rainforest, here” Tim replied and pointed at the screen. 
“Good job.” Gibbs patted him on the shoulder and went back to his desk, where he took his phone and his weapon and were ready to go. 
“Where are you going?” Tony asked, irritated. 
Gibbs looked at him and answered “to Ecuador. Searching for Y/N.”
“We are coming with you” Ziva said determinedly and she and the others began to grab their gear. 
“You stay here” Gibbs ordered. 
“Why?” came from Tony. 
“Because I need you here for background information, if needed.”
Tony and Ziva looked at each other disappointed. 
Then Tim spoke up “I want to come with you, boss. No matter what.”
Gibbs laid his hand on Tim's shoulder, sighed and said softly “it's dangerous in the rainforest and when we will be back, we will definitely be suspended.”
Tim stood his ground “if that's the price I have to pay to bring her home, I will accept that gladly.”
Gibbs stared searchingly into his eyes and then nodded, saying “good. Then let's get our vaccination, drive to my house for the needed equipment and then head to the airport. In the meantime I need to make a call.”
He was in full marine mode and stormed in the direction of the morgue with Tim hot on his heels.
(To be continued...in Chapter 2)
Here you will find the other chapters of this story and the other stories I've written to date.
Tags: @ilovemark1951, @hobby27
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W gaming
summary: wednesday tries an fps game
"Heal me, heal me! you screamed into your mic as you raised your fist to slam the table in rage, but then you remembered it was Wednesday's. The door whipped open, and Wednesday stood there holding a tray of lemonade as she furrowed her eyebrows at whatever you were yelling at.
"Sorry," your fuming expression quelled when the raven looked you in the eye curiously. When you came to her house, you did not expect her to have a full setup as you thought the Addams household loathed technology. "I hope you're not installing bacteria in my computer," she said, placing the tray down on the table. "It's called a virus, Wednesday. And no, I'm not, I promise," you chuckled as you minimized the tab, taking a glass from the tray.
"Then why were you frantically screaming just now? Even Pugsley's tutor downstairs was worried about you," she asked, leaning down to see what you were playing. "You could still consider me sane. Some people smash their keyboard and flip their monitors when they lose a game," you explained as you reopened the tab. "This is an FPS game. It stands for first person shooter, it's where you obtain guns or other melee weapons to kill your enemy," you elaborated, moving your mouse around to give her a clearer view.
"Guns? I'd rather use my own medieval assortment of melee weapons to finish them off," she answered, her eyes slightly widening as she stared at the screen. In the game, you held a AK47, and she looked at your nimble fingers dance on the keyboard as you smoothly shot an enemy in the head. "That's impressive," she muttered, eyes glued to the screen as she watched you get killed by some rocket launcher. 
You grunted in frustration, throwing yourself on the bed as Wednesday spectated your teammate. "Since when did gun games have rocket launchers?" she couldn't help but ask, sitting down on her chair as she moved the mouse around.
"That's what makes the game special, Addams. It would be plain boring if it was just guns," you mumbled into the pillow on the bed, sitting up to watch the ravenette play. "I doubt you can get a kill," you said, watching her mess around with the keybinds. "You're pathetic, y/n. Who has a fancy butterfly hair-comb as their melee?" she scowled as she slowly crept up behind the remaining enemy and stabbed him in the back "That's kinda hot," you gawked in surprise, ignoring her question.
The both of you continued the game, with you controlling the keys and her controlling the mouse while simultaneously explaining it to her. You had no choice but to restrain your frustration (and laughter) whenever she died to a turret, a molly or even fall damage.
"You're pretty decent for a first timer," you chuckled, plastering a fake smile across your face as you shook her hand vigorously. "We'll make a good duo," you added, but the smile dropped when you saw how much you lost when the main screen came up.
Wednesday was already an ethereal being on her own, but when she gamed?
It just made her even hotter.
i think you guys know what game im talking about LMAO
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linkemon · 1 year
Youtuber AU headcanons 1
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here.
AN (it's very hard to keep up with haiku syllables in English but I'm trying my best to modify my orginal poetry).
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✧ The boy mainly plays shooters and fighting games. He has a skill. He doesn't even have to try and kills go on and on and on...
✧ He is not interested in numbers on the channel and basically doesn't care about all the activity on the Internet. You're the one who talked him into it and you take care of the technical side. You edit videos or set things up for streams. You also moderated the comments before things got bigger.
✧ You occasionally walk by the screen but you've never shown your face. Fans often ask Xiao to tell who is next to him because they see him turn his head towards you. He always denies, saying that no one, because you don't want to be the envy of his fans and he has a lot of them.
✧ He gets mad when things don't work out but that's rare. He'd smashed the keyboard once or twice but only when he was playing for himself and nobody saw him.
✧ Die-hard PC guy. Doesn't accept consoles or smartphones.
✧ He wears sweatshirts all the time and they all look alike. Black and green are the only colours in his wardrobe.
✧ Disappears after streams very quickly. There are no goodbyes, he just turns off the camera and it's dark.
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Kamisato Ayato
✧ King of ASMR. He often gets comments that he helps people fall asleep. His voice is so famous that he has given it to characters in several animations. Fans keep begging and sending him new stories to read on as podcasts.
✧ Ayato is rich but few people know it. Pretty good at hiding his private life from his fans.
✧ His sister appeared on Q&A episodes and absolutely won people's hearts. So much so that they asked her to take over his channel. And indeed, for a week he gave it into her care.
✧ You appear in some videos in the form of a hand. Sometimes you wave, other times you give him food. People are consumed by curiosity about what you look like. Kamisato always says with a laugh that he won't show you because someone else will steal you from him.
✧ Bobba tea is his brand. It reigns in many fanarts from viewers and he often drinks it on streams. Several companies wanted to work with him but he gently declined to maintain impartiality.
✧ Sometimes he plays strategy games but it's side content. Rather, he focuses on working with his voice as he is always busy. In addition to being a youtuber, he also has his own business and lacks time for other forms of work.
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Kaeya Alberich
✧ Plays Genshin Impact and simps to most characters. He started shortly after the premiere and since then he has been completely absorbed.
✧ When you appeared on the screen, he already knew he was going to wish for you. All the fans watched with fascination how much he was excited about you. Unfortunately, he lost 50/50. That's why he did a weekly primogems gathering with the viewers to hit the guarantee. He got you on the last day of your banner and he was happy.
✧ Even if the current meta has eclipsed your character, he still has a three crowns on you and plays you on Abyss, just to show that he can do it.
✧ He wears a pirate headband for fun. Fans speculated that he might have a sick eye but he denied it.
✧ He fights with his brother all the time. Diluc also has a channel and you can see the rivalry on both sides. They pretend to be adults but in reality they have race to a million subscribers and still get at each other. Fortunately, they live separately and rarely see each other.
✧ Quite an attentive person. He doesn't mind being number one on social media hashtags. He has accounts on every social media he knows. He will take the opportunity to enjoy the triumph with the viewers, especially if he wins an achievement.
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✧ She runs a cooking channel. In addition, she travels a lot and records vlogs about cuisines from around the world.
✧ Her channel's mascot is Guoba. The bear has been standing at the back of the kitchen since the first episode and that's how it stayed. After some time, in the refreshed version, she ordered it as a stuffed animal for her store so that fans could also buy it.
✧ She regularly asks you to appear on the show with her. You make her fans happy with your relationship. They do compilations with your legendary flour wars.
✧ The girl creates unique compositions. She is known for using exotic ingredients in her dishes. She often combines them in an unusual way.
✧ She can eat a chili pepper without drinking antyhing after. Nobody knows how she does it. The video with this trick already has several million views.
✧ Xianling is planning on opening her own restaurant after flying around a few more countries. You promised to help find cooks and the number of CVs sent already scares you.
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drama--universe · 2 years
Late Night Confession
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Requested by anonymous: Hi! I just watched FIYS and can you do an imagine about K? Uhmm, maybe an AU where Tong Yao* has a sister who also games with the alias “Heartbreaker” and K unknowingly plays with her while Tong Yao smiles to herself when she saw K lost against her sister and made her sister visit at the dorm during University breaks and both K and Tong Yao’s sister slowly start to fall for each other?
Pairing: K x fem!reader
Word Count: 3496 words
A/N Sorry for the long wait on this one, I was a bit busy... Hope you enjoy this one, it is a bit longer than normal.
Btw, after this I'm taking a break again, because I got exams coming up. after that I'm back for requests :)
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The game was boring, something that was clear to most fans as they watched K's live. He was sighing loudly, his fingers lazily tapping the keyboard as he moved his mouse while also rolling his eyes every five seconds. The people he played with and against were no good, their messy playstyle just gave K a headache and it was clear that even his fans were annoyed. So he left the game halfway, searching for any other game room that were still open. When he finally found one, most of the players being high-level like him, he clicked on the icon before waiting as it started. When the count down started, he quickly went over the other team's players and one player immediatley caught his eye.
First it was their name, the name 'Heartbreaker' didn't seem like a normal name in between the other names, but then he noticed the level they were on. He had yet to see someone on the normal server with a rank higher than his, except for other professional gamers of course, but apparently 'Heartbreaker' had.
Mumbling something to himself, he was unaware as Tong Yao rolled into the camera's view and watched the screen before snorting and rolling away again. K looked to her, frowning before rolling his eyes and continuing to stare at his screen. He kept playing, his teammates long forgotten as he killed his opponents. It wasn't long until he saw the name 'Heartbreaker' flash across the screen.
Before he could even move his fingers to attack, he watched as the 'You Died' screen took over instead and he let his hand drop on the keyboard with slightly wide eyes. Not saying anything, he waited until he respawned again before searching for 'Heartbreaker' again and trying again, only to die again seconds later. Clenching his teeth, he waited again before retrying once more. He smashed the keys and mouse, hoping to himself that he'd beat them. One hit, then a second and then he died again. Not getting a third respawn, his screen just showed his team playing and losing as he sighed loudly.
It was clear to anyone how annoyed he was, his fans were quick to point it out in the comments and trying to reassure the gamer that 'Heartbreaker' must be using some kind of hack. He knew this to not be true, the game had been programmed to ban everyone once a kind of program was spotted on the computer, even when it wasn't in use. Unfair, but it worked.
"Got beat?" Tong Yao asked as she rolled closer again, appearing in the camera's view with a broad smile and K turned his head to look at her, clearly getting more annoyed at the girl's teasing.
"Stop acting like you'd know I'd lose." "I did, though." Tong Yao teased, pushing her chair back so she'd get out of view, eyes returning to her phone as it dinged. She started to type to reply to the message., unaware of the lingering stare. When she finally noticed that K was still staring at her, she paused and pointed at his screen.
"I know Heartbreaker, she's a natural talent when it comes to games." She pointed out and K sighed, rolling his eyes before turning to his computer again. He quickly ended his livestream, sure that he'd get scolded by Xiao Rui afterwards because of the short and blunt goodbye, and searched out 'Heartbreaker' in the ID search bar. When he found her, he clicked the 'send friend request' and waited for a conformation. Not even seconds later, he got a request back which he accepted quickly before he watched as a message popped onto his screen.
'Sorry for beating you!'
He sighed and he could hear Tong Yao snort again, giving her another glare before staring at the screen. He then typed in his own message, replying with a 'You play really good' before sending it, receiving a reply seconds later.
'Wish I could say the same :)'
He couldn't help but chuckle at the reply before he send another. The messages kept going for a few minutes before 'Heartbreaker' logged off.
You logged off because of school, a bit sad when you couldn't talk to your new friend anymore. It was quite fun to hear how he reacted to your messages from Tong Yao, you couldn't help but smile as she sent you pictures of a flustered K. You quickly texted Tong Yao to just give your number to K before you put your phone away and getting ready for school.
So Tong Yao did, pulling K's phone from his desk and adding your number under the name 'Heartbreaker' before handing it back to K with a smile. He glanced at the phone in confusion before clicking on your icon, texting you before pocketing his phone and getting up to go out.
You had already left your house, ready to go to school and dressed into the warmest clothes you had with a large shawl thrown around your neck that hid most of your face. You didn't feel like getting cold.
After a couple of minutes, you entered your classroom and sat near your friends before getting your phone again. You quickly checked K's text before sending him a quick selfie, half of your face still covered by your scarf before putting your phone down and focusing on your lesson.
K checked immediatley once he got the notification and smiled as he saw you, smiling as he finally somewhat saw what you looked like. He just sent a text saying 'You're pretty' before going back to shopping and waiting for your response, a bit disappointed when it had been an hour already and you hadn't even seen it.
Something which was obvious to Tong Yao when she saw the man enter the dorms, face glum as he put his stuff away before he sat behind his computer. When she saw this, she also was quick to send you a picture. When you saw it, you couldn't help but smile before you quickly changed to text K and your face flushed as you saw his text. Not wanting to seem flustered, you decided on a 'You're quite good looking yourself' before you put your phone away again.
An hour later, you received a text from Tong Yao, asking you to come by next week and you agreed while also still gaming. Somehow, K had seen you were online again and immediately send you a game request, but this time to play with you and not against. He stayed near you must of the game, watching you while also killing anyone who came near you while you tried to destroy the base.
While all this happens, he was also listening to your ranting through your call. He hummed in agreement every now and then, just to let you know that he was still listening to your story. It took about an hour of you to finish your rant and once you noticed that, you started apologizing immediatley, feeling guilty that you kept him for so long. He just shrugged it off, telling you that he didn't mind listening to you and you felt your face heat up slowly.
"Shut up... Anyway, how was the rest of your day?" "Not much happened, I just went to the grocery store to get some stuff. Beside that, not much..." He answered before logging out of the game and you could hear him talking to someone else.
"I'll talk to you some other time, bye." He didn't even let you reply as he hung up and you pouted to yourself before shrugging and closing the game as well.
A week later, you still hadn't heard from K again and he also hadn't been online for awhile. You didn't mind too much, after all you were visiting today and he was probably also a busy person. Nonetheless, today was the day you'd visit, so you dressed warm before you exited your house. You wished was it was bit warmer, but winter was never that kind and thus you were bundled up in 3 layers of clothes and a thick scarf to make sure that your face remained warm as well. You made your way through the streets until you finally reached your destination, Tong Yao already waiting at the gate in her own winter coat. When she spotted you, she only smiled brightly before sprinting at you, engulfing you into a tight hug.
"I missed you!" She whined loudly as she pulled back, inspecting you from head to toe.
"You got thin." "That's what college does, young sister." You commented at your small sister, who only gave you a pout before pulling you inside of her dorms. Even though you were only a year older than her, she acted more like your older sister.
Inside, everyone was sat at their computers and you could Lu Yue shouting loudly at his older brother about something. You hung up your coat and scarf before following your sister inside, immediatley drawing everyone's attention as the room grew silent.
"Ignore them." Tong Yao said as she continued to guide you to the kitchen area, forcing you to sit down before getting some food and dropping it in front of you. You rolled your eyes, but ate the food anyway. No way you'd deny free food.
As you ate, you turned around to watch what the others were doing only to be greeted with the stares of everyone. You gave a wave, swallowing your food before speaking up.
"I'm Tong Yao's sister, pleasure to meet you all." You commented and they all nodded before returning to their games. All except for K, who just looked at you in confusion. You just gave him a wink before turning around when Tong Yao called your name.
"I haven't told him yet." "I figured..." You said with a smile, taking a sip of the drink that you had received before turning around again. You took your phone out of your pocket and started a call to K, waiting for him to pick up. You saw his eyes flash to his phone before he quickly picked up, turning in his chair as he got up. He seemed confused when you didn't say anything and asked if you were alright.
"Left." You answered and he frowned, turning left before he noticed you again. You waved your phone with a smile, showing his name ID on your phone. He lowered his phone slowly, staring at you before checking his phone again. You couldn't help but snort, getting up from your chair and turning your head to Tong Yao for a second.
"I'll be back in a second." You said before walking past K, grabbing his collar as you passed him and dragged him outside. Once you stood outside, you quickly closed the door behind you before turning to face him.
"Didn't expect that, did ya?" You asked and he raised an eyebrow at you before sighing.
"So, you're Heartbreaker..." You nodded. "And you're also Tong Yao's sister?" You nodded again before sitting down on one of the chairs and looking at him again.
"You not going to say anything?" "You're prettier in person." He answered and your eyes widened at the sudden compliment, chuckling softly.
"Thanks... Likewise." You commented and he frowned at your comment, so you quickly explained that Tong Yao was kind enough to sent you pictures of him while he texted you.
"She what?" He asked and you laughed again before pulling up to pictures that she had sent you, showing them to K with a smile and enjoying the
"Just a second." He said before storming inside and you flinched when you suddenly heard a loud scream from inside that sounded like your sister before K walked back outside with a calm look.
"Did you just kill my sister?" "She's fine." He answered and you frowned, looking inside to see Tong Yao on the ground in shock. She looked fine...ish?
"The pictures weren't that bad." You commented and he rolled his eyes.
"If you wanted pictures so bad, you could've asked." He commented as he sat down and you gave him a smile.
"I'll remember that then." You said before getting up.
"How about getting some drinks?" You then asked and he agreed quickly, following you out. All the way to the café and back, both of you just talked about your interests and you only discovered more similar interests.
Once you arrived back in the dorms, you gave everyone their drinks while still talking to K. He didn't move back to his computer and instead sat on the couch with you, sipping on his own drink as he continued to listen to your ranting. You didn't even notice that you were ranting, but once you started going about something you were passionate about there was no stopping you. Yet he just listened to you, eyes full of adoration. This was something that was quickly noticed by Tong Yao as she watched the two of you with a broad grin, seeing the adoration in his eyes for you.
So of course, she had to embarrass him.
"Hey K?!" She exclaimed and he turned his head, clearly giving her a dead stare as your ranting stopped. Tong Yao only beckoned him over and he got up, even more annoyed now as he stood next to her. She beckoned him to lean down to her height and he leaned forward until she could whisper in his ear.
"Stop looking at my sister like she's the love of your life." She whispered before watching K turn red from embarrassment while also keeping an eye on you. You hadn't heard anything, just waiting patiently on the couch as you typed on your phone.
"Instead of acting like she's the love of your live, make her the love of your life." She then said before pushing him away and he could only walk back to the confusion, sitting back down next to you.
"What she say?" You asked and he shrugged before asking you to continue your story. You smiled slightly before going back into your rant and K went back to listening while staring at you again. This time, however, it didn't go unnoticed to you. You noticed the stare and couldn't help but feel your face heat up as you kept talking, trying to finish the story without stuttering. Once finished, you looked at him and he raised an eyebrow.
"Are you going to keep staring at me?" You then asked and he scoffed, his face heating up once more as he turned away from you.
"We should go get some food." Tong Yao then commented and everyone quickly agreed, all of them quickly getting ready to go out while you and K stayed downstairs.
"So why were you staring? Am I that beautiful?" You teased, faking your confidence a bit as you made the comment, and he just gave you an annoyed look.
"Am I?" You teased again and he sighed. "Yes." He then answered and you were a bit taken aback by his sudden answer. He just rolled his eyes at you and got up from the couch as everyone gathered at the front door. You all went to a restaurant with classical Chinese food, on request of Lao Mao and Lu Yue, and of course, you were sat next to K again. Tong Yao had somehow gotten the others to join in her teasing, all of them making comments about how you looked together. Every time someone did, both you and K looked at them with a deadly glare and it only made everyone laugh again at how synced you two were.
You could only groan in response.
The rest of the dinner was quiet, but you only felt anxious with all eyes on you. So you were glad when it was over, walking at the back of the pack as you searched for an hour that your bus would come. K was next to you, watching over your shoulder before pointing at your bus icon.
"Tomorrow at 6... Nice." You mumbled before quickly walking to Tong Yao and asking if you could stay the night, to which she responded with a sure.
It was 4 or 5 in the morning when you woke up, your head aching and you suddenly remembered that drinking alcohol always gave you huge headaches, and you had drank 3 or 4 glasses last night. Rolling out of the bed, you unwrapped Tong Yao from your waist before slowly waddling downstairs. You entered the kitchen and stopped when you saw someone else, not being able to tell who it was. You just trudged to the freezer and pulled open the door, grabbing a bottle of water before glancing at the person again.
It was K, now visible because of the fridge lightning, and he also held a water bottle in his hand while trying to keep the light out of his eyes. You closed the door again before hopping on the counter.
"Why you up?" You asked and he sighed, nodding before sipping from his drink.
"You?" "Headache... I apparently drank a bit too much." You commented and he snorted, trying to hide the fact that he was laughing at you. You just rolled your eyes at him, drinking from your own bottle before looking back to him.
"I didn't get to say this earlier, but sorry for Tong Yao earlier." You said and he looked up before shrugging at the comment. You fidgeted with your fingers, sighing softly before looking at him again as he spoke up.
"I don't mind it that much. They tease me about that a lot." He said and you frowned at that, leaning forward as you put the bottle of water down.
"They tease you a lot about... liking me?" You asked cautiously and you could see the wheels in his head turning before he realized that he basically exposed himself. Even though you didn't see much, you could see his face turning red as he looked annoyed at himself.
"So I'm right? You like me?" You asked as you leaned back again, leaning against the side of the fridge as you waited for an answer. He only rolled his eyes, walking to the fridge and pulling it open to put his bottle of water back. Once he closed it and attempted to walk off, you only pulled the back of his shirt until he stood in front of you. He gave you a look of annoyance, which quickly melted away as you kissed his cheek softly.
"This is going to be really awkward if I read that wrong..." You mumbled as you pulled back, but he didn't let you continue as he kissed you again. He moved to stand in between your legs as his hand moved to your neck while pulling you closer, his other hand resting beside your leg. Once he pulled back, you felt like you had lost your breath and he only smirked at you.
"Shut up, I didn't expect it. That's all." You said and he leaned forward again, only for you to lean back.
"What are you doing...?" You asked as your head bummed against the cabinet, his nose still touching yours and he only gave you a smile.
"Can I not kiss you again?" He asked and you pushed him away, pouting at him.
"So... What are we then?" "I'll be your boyfriend, no?" He asked and you smiled, nodding happily before freezing when the lights went on. On the stairs stood Tong Yao and Lu Yue, both lights sleepers and probably woke up from the loud chattering between you and K. The looks on their faces were quite funny to see, but seeing how you were sitting with K standing in between your legs must have looked weird to them.
However, K did not move away and instead just leaned his head on on your shoulder with a frustrated groan. You just chuckled, weaving your fingers through his hair before turning to the two on the stairs.
"Morning..." You said and Lu Yue was the first to rush off, probably off to get his phone while Tong Yao just stared at you before just shaking her head and walking back to her room.
"I think we just ruined her morning..." "I don't care." He replied, head still placed on your shoulder before slowly raising it to look at you.
"Shouldn't you get ready?" He asked and you turned your head to look at the clock that hung off the wall, seeing that you had 30 minutes before your bus would arrive. You hopped off the counter, kissing him once more before walking upstairs to get dressed. You passed Lu Yue, who seemed a bit disappointed as he saw you next to him instead of downstairs.
Once you were dressed, you went downstairs again, seeing that everyone else had miraculously woken up and sitting downstairs. You greeted K once more with a kiss on the cheek before saying goodbye to everyone, then rushing off to catch your bus. Tong Yao turned in her chair, kicking K's chair to catch his attention.
"Do not ever do that again in the dorms."
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
*tips cowboy hat over eyes while staring wistfully into the distance* things just aint the same around these parts no more...not since... *trails off meaningfully so you can tell i have woes too deep for one soul to burden on its own* ...since prettyboykatsuki disappeared from town. *you attempt to walk away but i chuckle ruefully with the intention of not letting you leave without hearing my lamenting* they were truly the life and soul of the dash. no one could capture a room's- the dash's - attention quite like their zany isagi thirst posts could. we'd shitpost and laugh and viciously express our desires for sexy 2d pixels until the sun rose the next day. i'm sure you've heard of their legendary bakugou fics? *i turn towards you expectantly and you shake your head at me, fully shaking at this point because you're convinced i'm an asylum escapee* no? ah, well. i'd offer to read one for you but...i could never capture the essence of the dialogue and erotic scenes by just reading it aloud. *you try to ask me where the nearest police station is but i reach into my assless chaps' pocket and pull out a budweiser and you're promptly silenced* truthfully, i was too busy reblogging their omega fics to ask what their favourite drink was so this'll have to do. i know this definitely won't be their favourite but it's the only thing i could grab from the gas station before they saw me and called the sheriff. *you wonder if the sheriff i'm referring to is the cardboard cutout of dwayne the rock johnson standing upright a few yards away that i've duct taped a png. of a cowboy hat to and wrote in marker 'sheriff' on the nipple area* prettyboykatsuki... *i sigh like i have the weight of the world on my feeble poncho covered shoulders and take a swig of the pissy acidic vaguely apple flavoured but shitty apple not the nice kind of apple beer* this one's for you. *i pour a modest stream of the atrocious beverage onto the ground, but the harsh wind intercepts it and drenches you in the liquid* hm. *i feel awkward and i can sense you know that i feel awkward so i stand up abruptly while attempting to maintain my mysterious façade. you ask me if prettyboykatsuki was buried (or something?) where i poured the beer because thats what people usually do at funerals when theyre saying their goodbyes but i simply titter at you like you've asked the most braindead question i've ever received* no, partner... *i turn away from you and you let out a sigh of relief so loud and gargantuan that i definitely hear it and feel a little hurt but show no signs of it because im built different* prettyboykatsuki's everywhere. *i trail off extra mysteriously and walk away from you in the middle of the road where i'm definitely going to get hit if i don't move but i keep walking and you don't want to get into another interaction with me so you just keep watching and i never really go out of sight because the road is one straight flat like so i'm just uncomfortably walking slow paced in plain sight so it doesnt feel dramatic and i'm getting sand in my eyes and keep having to speed up to avoid tumbleweeds so it looks awkward but we both don't say anything because at this point i'm 50 metres away so we accept the moment for what it is, and it's beautiful*
'you' - a random innocent bystander i'm subjecting my troubles to (troubles being u being gone from the dash for a couple of hours)
i typed this in 20 minutes and my shoulder is aching bcos i was going so fast holy shiiiii.
in my entire two years active on this blog, no single ask has ever made me laugh to the point of literal sobbing tears. no amount of keyboard smashing could do my real life reaction justice. like im laughing to the point of almost puking my dinner up. this is the funniest thing ive ever read in my life. im pinning this next time i go on hiatus. im fucking crying.
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amoscontorta · 14 hours
I LOVEDDDDDDD the latest addition to your sylus universe. i’m growing to adore the reader. i love her personality and her wit and i think the way you interpret her backstory as it relates to her emotional state and the language u use to write her internal monologue is so so good. it’s so engaging to read but also really funny and gives us so many good insights into her feelings. i really do feel so bad for her and the way she’s struggling and i’m able to empathize so much with her bc of the way u write her. it makes her immensely easy to understand and care for her. i saw the warning u gave for the wine chapter and it still HURTTTT when the misunderstanding happened. i could literally feel the way reader was shrinking back into herself and sylus’s mind was whirring with how to address the situation. i wanted to hug her so bad like girl please that’s not what he meant. she spends so much time convincing herself that sylus is just some guy who shows up with petty injuries but i caught how after sylus pulled her closer, she wondered if he was imagining someone else. like she does care so immensely and she’s so guarded it makes me crazy. and then these two idiots make me laugh because instead of talking about their feelings, he’s telling her to change and he’s not listening. i love them, they make me so crazy. and i adore how u pepper in all these moments where we get a peek into zayne or xavier’s mind and how much they worry about the reader.
also i think im getting my chapters/fics mixed up bc im not sure this was in the wine chapter but i really liked the rollercoaster metaphor. it’s so silly and funny and the long explanation of the dangers and pros of a rollercoaster gave us great insight into how reader’s mind worked. i think this was in the piece where she was especially suffering from insomnia. but it was a great way to show in the literal language of the fic how she’s running on fumes and how exhausting her overthinking is. and then!! it’s such a beautiful contrast to the way you write sylus’s dialogue with this delightful push and pull that frustrates but also engages the reader and gets her to think about something else. i adore the displays of tenderness and desire he gives her like the hand on her leg or sharing the wine glass. it’s such a perfect interpretation of the kind of intimacy he would give especially in this part of the relationship where they won’t even openly talk about their feelings. i love how he cares for her and tries to distract her but still puts himself out there as a steady comforting figure who is there for her. it’s so so so perfect and im rambling but i love your writing and your depiction of sylus’s character and i can’t wait to see how this unfolds in future updates (i saw the tag about sylus’s pov and i can’t wait for it to wreck me ahhhh!!!)
thank you so much for this ask, when i saw the wall of text i'm pretty sure my eyes bugged out of my head and it was so fun to read through all of your thoughts!!
i kind of just want to keyboard smash in response, because you're pointing out all of the things that have been so fun and like, cathartic to write, and i'm putting all my love for sylus into writing him in a way that i hope is both true to his canon character and also like, comforting to the reader. i was really worried about how people would receive an mc who has such a distinct personality, and one that is a type that i know grates on a lot of people (reading any reviews of romance novels where mc isn't a super confident completely likeable character can be brutal), so it's so reassuring to hear that you like the way i portray this mc and can sympathize with what they are going through.
and i'm utterly feral for how sylus casually creates intimacy and shows his affection so thoroughly while only rarely speaking directly about how much he cares for mc, i love him SO MUCH, so i'm glad you are experiencing that through how i'm trying to write him!!!
lastly, the perspectives of zayne and xavier, i love them both very much as well, and feel like i have enough of a grasp of their characters to be able to adequately reflect what they might think in response to watching mc be a hot mess.
i'm honestly just, bouncing off the walls from all of your kind thoughts regarding this series, thank you so much again for reading and then sharing them with me.
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iguessitsjustme · 16 days
I Saw You in My Dream Ep 8 Thoughts
Oh liveblogging how I’ve missed you (it has only been like…3 days since I liveblogged anything. I have completely finished liveblogging 2 shows and have only started posting one of them so for anyone (me) who likes my liveblogs, there’s more coming. Anyway l’ve had a crazy day so let’s get into this crazy show (affectionate). Under the cut:
Putting this particular thing under the cut but I’ve had an absolutely wild day and honestly, some people need to take a step back and touch some grass is all I’m gonna say. Wait I’ll say one more thing: not everything in the world is about you. Please I’m begging. Take a break and you’ll feel better. Okay now I’m done.
Moving on to actually watching the show. I’ve been so excited to watch this since last week. I kind of wish I waited to binge the whole thing but that is not what I chose to do alas.
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I LOVE when characters lay down this specific boundary. Will they touch in the future? Absolutely. But also get permission first. (said the person who HATES being touched with few exceptions)
I love this show so much.
I do like that Waan apologized. Now Yo needs to apologize because he is the one that actually hurt Ai.
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Did y’all hear the scream I just let out?
Applesauce my beloved
Now they’re nakey in bed together? This has got to be a dream right? Cause we skipped a whole lot of steps between “you need my permission to touch me” to them cuddling shirtless in bed.
Oh yep. Dream. I’m so smart <-is dumb but cute about it.
Noisy sidewalk people go AWAY.
I love Ing. So much.
Sometimes the first step to an apology is an olive branch. Which is what Yo offered. I’m hoping he can make amends.
Like true amends.
Theeeere it is. The apology. Good job.
One of the reasons I love Yo so much is because everything he does is because he genuinely wants his friends to be happy. As misguided as he is, his heart has always been in the right place. Now he just needs to get his head out of his ass and he’ll be all set.
Love Yu taking care of his sleeping family.
Is Ai cutting already cut carrots? Those bitches are already diced. Am I missing something?
This brother montage of trying to figure out how to express their feelings is unbearably cute.
Okay the swings are a sweet gesture and all but HOW THE FUCK. Did Yu steal those swings from the playground? Did he build them in 2 minutes flat? Did he use a genie wish what’s going on?
Yo I swear to god stop rapping. If I can even call this rapping. What IS THIS?
Yu put that guitar down RIGHT NOW. I SWEAR TO GOD.
Fast forward is my friend.
Oh next episode is gonna be a wild ride my friends. And I cannot wait. See y’all in a week when I basically just keyboard smash the entire time I guess.
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bruh-anator3000 · 2 years
Be still, my bleeding heart. My family fights and I am left alone with a pen in one hand, my heavy head in the other. Let me write comfort, until my fingers bleed harder than my heart. Til the scratching of pencil against paper, fingers tapping at the keyboard drown out their angered shouts.
My family's arguing, so let me write
You could feel the dried tracks of your tears. Still heard them fight despite it being the dead of night. It didn't get like this very often anymore, now that you and your sister were moved out. Holidays were fine, usually. But your father just had to mouth off, and you never knew your older sister to let it go without speaking her mind.
They were very similar in that way but god forbid you ever said that.
It was... more handled than when you were kids. No one raised their voice to full volume, your mother went to go speak with both separately once they had stopped. It just... it hurt.
They were your family. No matter how little your father was there for you as a kid, or how insecure your mother always was, they were family. And it hurt so much to see them hate each other.
How could two people you grew up with, shared the same blood with, loved forever, act so hateful towards one another?
In front of your boyfriend, no less.
Viktor laid dead asleep besides you in your old bed. He wanted to meet your family over break, no matter how you warned him to run for the hills. He was gentle and sweet with them, with you. Regarded your father with more respect than you thought he deserved. Helped your mother cook and set up dinner.
He almost beat your sister at Mario Kart. None of your previous partners had even gotten close. He was blue-shelled each time he got into first place, but he did not fall further than 3rd.
And then your father mouthed off. Your sister's dog got on his nerves, and he said something you've heard before, rarely but you heard it, as a kid.
'Work is better than this house!' He shouted. He was frustrated with the dog, you knew that. It happened all the time. He didn't mean it. Right?
But, damn you, your mind went back to the night before your big performance in second grade. The dog had gotten on his nerves then, but you didn't see that. All you knew was after you asked if he would show up, he said that his hell of work was better than home.
Took you back to the time you were playing Super Smash Bros with your sister in high-school, cheering on that you finally beat her. The dog had bit him. But you didn't see that. All you heard was work was better than home.
Your sister, catching onto your sullen expression and refusing to let him talk to her dog that way, fought back.
You grabbed Viktor out before it got too heated, before you became the 13 year old who wasn't sure if her sister was going to run away or not because of a bad fight with your father. Under the guise of getting dessert, you left the house.
Viktor, bless him, he could always see right through you. Stuck in your seat in the WalMart parking lot, he placed a hand on your knee and told you it was okay to cry. That all families fight, that it was allowed to hurt.
Every wall you set, every moat you dug to keep the tears from spilling onto him collapsed when he said you deserved better.
Gods, Viktor could always see right through you. Bullet proof glass was still glass. And he always saw right through it.
Even now, in the depths of night, as the fight you heard earlier, and every fight before that ran through your head, he could tell you were bothered. Dead asleep or not, his hand lazily reached out behind him to find yours.
Hushing him, telling him he should go back to sleep, you held his hand. His whole body followed, mindful of his leg, Viktor rolled to face you. Golden eyes glazed with sleepiness, he stared at you through heavy brows and dark lashes.
"It's still bothering you?" Accent husk with drowsiness, you would've expected it to sound more angry. Upset, disappointed you still held onto such a negative moment from hours before. That had always been a bad habit of yours, especially when it was about people you cared deeply for.
But no. No judgement, no vemon hid behind bared teeth. Viktor asked out of curiosity - better yet, out of concern. It wasn't much of a question, just confirmation because he was that good.
You still don't understand how you got so lucky.
"Just a bit." You sniffled, wiping your free hand under your nose. You couldn't hide much from him, but maybe he'd let you have your pride and allow you to hide your snot.
"More than a bit," He groaned, shifting to sit besides you against the headboard. You tried to shush him away, but ever the gentleman. "If you're still awake." He ran the hand that wasn't locked with yours through your hair. "Talk with me. I'm your shoulder to lean on,"
"Not when you're half asleep." You felt guilty. The man barely got enough sleep as it is. You should've left the room to wallow.
"Especially then." He murmured, whole body going with him as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. "Tell me every thought in your head until they're gone. All of them."
"Do you think my stuffed animals hate me?" Your eyes caught on the old stuffie you had. Your parents kept it on a shelf, to remember you by.
Viktor knew you were stalling, trying to direct the conversation away from what was really bothering you. His skeptical side eye left you feeling exposed. An open book to him, no page left unread.
"M' sure they'll understand." He spoke slow, nose nuzzling your cheek. "Give them time, and explain how you feel, maybe the stuffed animal will even feel the same."
Damn him, even in the state between awake and rest, he knew how to weave life lessons into something unrelated.
"You don't think they hate me? That they don't..." You sighed. "They cant be arguing because of something I did, right?"
Viktor hummed in agreement, the vibrations warm and ticklish against your neck as he kissed your jaw. "I can't think of a reason why it would be your fault."
"I know that. It was the dog, my dad isn't fond of dogs." You grumbled, hand going to straighten out a few tangled knots in his soft chestnut hair. "I just... I don't know. Maybe this is just some deep rooted victim complex."
"If it is, then we can work on it later." He reasoned. "But now, it is hurting you. The pain matters, it exists no matter how it's come to be. Let's talk through it, then we can worry about why exactly, if you feel so inclined."
You sighed. "You're too smart. Even at 4 in the morning." Viktor huffed against your skin. "I just feel like, maybe I could do more? I don't know, they're adults but they're also my family. It hurts me, deeply, to see them so angry with each other. Why can't they understand that they do love each other?"
He nodded against your shoulder, arm falling to your seated hip. "This sounds deeper than an argument over the dog biting the leg of his chair."
You sighed, letting your head fall back and tugged your fingers through his hair fully. It was grounding. He was grounding. More home than the actual house you grew up in, the house you were staying in right now. His scent, so overwhelmingly him. His weight, of his chin on your shoulder, his hand around your torso, leg tangled with yours. His gentle eyes, half lidded as he peered up at you. Waiting, with no expectation, no judgment, just waiting.
It was always deeper than what sparked it. But you had no energy left to speak about it. "I'm... I'm too tired."
Viktor smiled. He tugged you down, harsh and sudden. You had no complaints as you landed on top of him with a whumpf. He only nudged your hip, helping you angle it so it wasn't pressing on his leg. Arms tight and warm around you. His fingers ran up and down your back, his sentences smoothing into long words.
This was home. You loved your older sister. Loved your father and your mother, for everything they have done for you. But nothing was as filling than the love you held for Viktor.
It wasn't an expected love, it was one you grew into. One you chose to love. One that stole your heart but their hands were gentle as they held it. Theif or not, Viktor held your heart with care. Treated it like it was the most special heart in the world. Treated you like the most precious person to ever exist.
He held you close, his muffled heart and slowed breathing lulled you to your own sleep. Nipping at your toes, but Viktor did not let them bite. No, he gently cradled you into sleep, it wasn't left dragging you under or smothering you. No, Viktor held you, laying you in the river of dreams, gentle and careful and smiling with you.
He was all you needed. He was home.
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RHW: Chapter Six
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Story Page / Playlist / Wattpad / AO3
A/N: Chapter six!! @brayndilyn and I spent so long working on this chapter, and this was the chapter that made me want to go to NYC even more than I already did! I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 7.5k
Warnings: Explicit language, angst, talks of neglectful parents, narcissistic behaviours
February 20th, 2022
Boston was amazing. Liliana didn’t get to see as much of it as she would have liked but she also had the best time at her first ever signing. As they drove down the street to Barnes and Noble at Boston University, Liliana saw the line of people waiting to get in. There must have been almost a hundred people there, if not more, and she’d been so overwhelmed that she got teary. 
Evelyn quickly wiped the tears away and reminded her that this was for her to enjoy and that tears would ruin photos and she didn’t want that. They’d laughed together then and Liliana took her phone out of her bag to video the line, sending it to Taron with a wtf, this is intense. They’re here for me! Asfasfas x. He’d texted back pretty quickly with a keyboard smash of his own.
He made her promise to remember him when she was a super famous author and she’d laughed at him, telling him to bugger off and that she would text him when she was in the hotel that night. 
Having Taron only a text away, and only an hour behind now that she was in the States rather than the six hours when she was at home, had eased so much of her anxiety when it came to the US tour. She knew that he would give her whatever support she needed without question. Whether that was sweet support where he told her how amazing she was, or the tough love kind of support where he told her to stop being a wimp and get on with it because this is what she’d worked hard for and these people where there to prove to her that she is worth so much more than she thought about herself.  
Liliana’s feelings for Taron had grown exponentially since she got back from Aberystwyth. There hadn’t been a single day since they got back where they hadn’t texted one another constantly, and Liliana still smiled like a giddy school girl whenever his name popped up on her screen. His texts were the notifications she prioritised and for the first time in years she’d started to keep her phone on loud rather than silent. She didn’t want to miss one of his texts. 
Taron was the first person she thought of when she woke up in the morning and he was the last thing on her mind before she fell asleep at night. He consumed her every thought. The depths of her feelings was unlike anything she’d known before and they scared her because she was very aware of the fact that it wouldn’t go beyond a friendship with him. She tried to tell herself that she was content having Taron back in her life, hoping that if she told herself enough she would start to believe it. 
After Boston, they headed to New York City where she spent the first day in another book signing. The queue of people waiting to get in went around the corner and she was so confused as to how so many people knew who she was and why they wanted to meet her. 
Evelyn talked her down from a panic attack and reminded her that she did the whole thing three times in Boston so she could do it again. They got out of the car and Liliana waved to people in line before heading inside. 
She racked her brain to try and remember what had been said in the meetings leading up to leaving where she’d been told how to act and what not to say and do. Evelyn told her to relax in those meetings so she hadn’t really paid much attention which hadn’t proven to be a problem until now. 
‘Ev,’ she whispered into her ear as they got to the area they would be talking, ‘I’m scared. This feels different to Boston. It’s a whole new crowd. I don’t know what I’m doing.’ 
Evelyn turned to her with soft eyes. ‘Liliana, you’re fine. You’re going to read the first chapter of the book after you say hello and introduce yourself. Then, you invite people to ask questions but you only take three. If anybody asks you about your family and growing up, you smile and tell them that you’re thankful for all of the lessons you learnt because without those, you wouldn’t be here right now. If someone asks you anything about a romantic relationship, you tell them whatever you want. Don’t go overboard though. If someone asks about the second book, you tell them that you can’t divulge such information at this time but as soon as you can it will be on your social media and the website for them to look at.’ 
‘And if they ask anything else?’ 
‘Then you use that GCSE Drama to good use and make something up on the spot. You’re in love with an actor, surely you know some ways to pretend.’ 
‘Ev!’ Liliana cried, eyes wide and mouth agape. ‘You did not just say that to me.’ 
‘It’s the truth.’ 
‘Oh honey, you’re so in love with him it’s painful,’ Jacob piped up when he was done with the conversation with the manager of the store. ‘Even I can tell you’re in love with him.’ 
Liliana fake cried at them. ‘I really should have brought other people with me. You’re useless. Let’s get this over with.’ 
‘Oh wow, babe, you can have a little more enthusiasm than that.’ 
Liliana glared at Evelyn and took her jacket off, throwing it at Jacob who laughed at her and guided her to where she needed to be. 
‘Remember, you’re amazing. You’re strong. You’re a badass bitch with a book and two of the best friends in the entire world.’
‘I have the meanest friends in the entire world,’ Liliana called back with a cackle. She could do this. She could read the first chapter of her book to a group of people she had never met and then she could sign books and take photos with people. ‘I’m ready. Let’s do this.’ 
‘I’m sorry miss,’ the manager said sheepishly, ‘but the doors don’t open until ten. We have an hour until that happens.’ 
All three of them burst into fits of laughter. They weren’t usually known for their punctuality as a group. Liliana on her own was the most punctual person, but as soon as she was around Evelyn and Jacob she was useless. They all huddled together at a table in the corner and discussed Boston and what they planned to do on their day off in New York. Evelyn had a glint in her eye when she listened to Liliana list off all the things she wanted to do but she wouldn’t give in whenever she was asked about it. 
That evening, after hitting two different bookstores and meeting more people than she thought possible, all of whom praised the book and gushed about how much it had helped them, Liliana, Evelyn and Jacob headed for dinner with the CEO of Condé Nast, Robert Saurberg Jr. 
Liliana had the fanciest meal of her life at the Loeb Boathouse restaurant in Central Park and she wished that it wasn’t such an important dinner so that she could send photos to Taron who had the day off from filming. 
During the dinner, Robert asked if she would be up for interviews with different magazines under his umbrella where she would give exclusive access to her life. She asked if she could think about it. In the whole process of writing her book and publishing it, she never intended to become famous, and the idea made her anxious. 
After that, dinner went on swiftly and they all had a great evening drinking and getting to know Robert, who gave them exclusive recommendations on places they should eat in the other cities they would be heading to after New York. 
Liliana was reading in bed when her phone buzzed next to her. It was their last day in New York so she got to spend it doing whatever she pleased, starting with a lazy morning reading in bed before she got up and headed out for the day. 
She let herself get to the end of the page before putting her bookmark in and closing the book. 
Welcome to New York, it’s been waiting for you. Go to Washington Square Park at 11:30. There is a surprise waiting for you! T x 
Liliana read the text five times. The first time she laughed because he’d used Taylor Swift lyrics that fit exactly how she’d felt about New York. The second time, she wondered what could possibly be at Washington Square Park waiting for her. The third time she wanted to make sure that it was actually Taron who had sent the message. The fourth time, she noted that it said to be there for half eleven and it was already ten. The fifth time, she wondered if Taron was in New York. 
He couldn’t be. He had been called to stay in New Orleans for an extra few days to reshoot a couple of scenes. She thought that maybe he had planned something for her to do which started at the park so she climbed out of bed and trudged to the bathroom to shower. 
While she was putting her hair up into a simple ponytail to keep it out of her face during the day, Liliana decided that she would get an Uber to the park to make her life a little easier. The price tag pained her a little but everything she did on the trip was being put on the company card so it wasn’t coming directly from her bank. 
Liliana stopped in her tracks when she got to the archway at Washington Square Park. With arms held open ready for her to step into, and a smile bright enough to outshine Times Square, Taron waited for her. Liliana took a deep breath and ran to him. She almost knocked him down with the force of her hug but he managed to stay upright, holding her tight. 
They hadn’t seen one another in almost a month but being together made it seem as though they hadn’t been apart at all. 
‘Welcome to New York, little bird,’ he chuckled against her hair as he swayed her softly. ‘How’s this for a surprise?’ 
‘Perfect. How come you didn’t tell me you were here?’ Liliana wouldn’t let him go. She rested her head against his chest and relished in being in his arms again. He was firm against her front and she wondered if he’d worked out some while being away. ‘I’m in New York, Taron. Like actually in New York. America!’ 
A group of people walking past turned to smile at them before continuing on their walk. Taron tipped his head at them in a polite gesture before prying Liliana out of his arms so that he could look at her. His hands rested on her shoulders and he pushed her back ever so slightly to gain eye contact. 
‘I am so proud of you, Lil, you have no idea.’ She hugged him again and he laughed happily. ‘Mam says she’s proud too and that you need to text her ASAP to tell her about the trip or she’ll have you.’
New York was beautiful that day, unseasonably warm with blue skies and the sun beaming down gentle rays. The cherry blossoms had begun to wake from their winter slumber and blessed the city with pink trees of heaven, petals floating down and dancing on the ground around their feet. 
Liliana and Taron had walked around a little bit before they found a seat near the fountain to sit for a little while and catch up properly. They sat so close together that their thighs would have melded together had they been any closer. Liliana took time to take in her surroundings when the conversation fell to a natural lull. 
The park was full of NYU students who were back in school after winter break, coffees in hand to try and keep them awake for their classes. Everywhere Liliana looked, the park buzzed with students, tourists, street performers and so many dogs she thought she might die. Whenever they came across a dog, she asked to pet it, kneeling down and getting excited. 
As she admired a group of friends laughing together close to the fountain, taking photos of each other and having what seemed to be a fun day, somebody jumped on the piano close to the archway and started to play an instrumental version of a song Liliana would know anywhere. 
Sign of the Times played and she closed her eyes to let the music wash over her. It was her favourite song, by her favourite artist, and she had to take a deep breath to control the quiver of emotion that bubbled in her throat. 
Taron watched her tilt her head back to the sky and listen to the music, her lips turning into a soft smile. He grabbed her hand and looked at her in excitement when she looked at him, eyebrows furrowed until she realised what he was about to do. 
He pulled her closer to the piano and twisted her into his body so that he could wrap his arm around her waist. They danced together to the music and Liliana smiled at him, beginning to sing along with the song. 
‘Just stop your crying, have the time of your life,’ she sang quietly. Taron was in love with her voice and decided not to join in the singing just so he could enjoy it a little longer. ‘Breaking through the atmosphere, and things are pretty good from here, remember everything will be alright.’ 
‘Are you?’ Taron asked when she stopped singing to the music. 
‘Am I what?’ 
‘Having the time of your life?’ 
Liliana nodded. There were tears in her eyes but she smiled widely at him. ‘You have no idea. I still can’t believe that you’re here.’ 
‘I missed you and needed to see you,’ he admitted. 
He continued to waltz her around happily and she threw her head back to bark a laugh when he almost stumbled over. He pouted at her but then joined in her laugh. They didn’t care that they were in public and were being watched by hundreds of other people. They were two people, enjoying one another’s presence and being in the moment. 
When the song ended and they stopped dancing, everyone around them erupted into cheers and applause and they both blushed profusely. Taron grabbed Liliana’s hand and looked at her, silently asking if she trusted him. She nodded before they took off running out of the park, laughing loudly. 
It reminded Liliana of running through the rain back in Aberystwyth the year she left for university. They’d been on top of Constitution Hill cloud watching when the rain started. They had to run down the hill and onto the seafront to find shelter. They were soaked by the time they got there. 
‘I want to show you some of my favourite places,’ Taron said when they were a block away from the park. ‘If you’re up for it? I know you wanted to do touristy things but-’ 
‘I want to see New York through your eyes,’ she smiled at him. ‘Tourist attractions be damned. Show me New York, T.’ 
The rest of the morning was spent wandering around the West Village where they passed countless rows of brownstones. Liliana thought they were some of the most beautiful houses she’d ever seen and kept stopping in front of them to just admire them. She couldn’t help but peek into the windows of them and wonder what the person living there was like. What they did for work, how much they loved living in New York, how often they had guests over for dinner parties on Friday evenings. 
She loved London and she loved her flat but she wished she had even a sliver of green space that she could use to create a garden like the occupants of the brownstones had. Hell, she’d take a balcony she could put planters on. If it weren’t for Matilda she could have easily packed up all of her belongings and moved into one of the many brownstones she’d passed that day. 
Taron obliged every time she wanted to admire one, stepping back and watching as she took it all in. He couldn’t stop smiling at her. Though he wished he could read her mind so he knew what she was thinking as she stood with her arms by her sides and her head tilted up to look at the houses. 
‘You know,’ Taron started as they headed to Bleecker Street, where his favourite record shop was, ‘I love the anonymity that this part of the city affords me. Granted, I have quite a bit wherever I go but here I feel like I don’t have to put on appearances just in case. I can do whatever I want and be me and that’s enough, you know?’ 
Liliana wrapped her arms around his bicep, leaning on him as they walked. ‘I understand. I can tell you don’t have a mask on. It’s like when we got to Aber at Christmas, you just took this deep breath in the car and there was a different version of you in front of me. I like this version of you. I like all versions of you but this one is my favourite.’ 
Taron took a deep breath and smiled at her, whisking her into the record shop. They spent almost an hour rummaging through bins of vinyls. When they were at opposite ends of the shop, they would call to the other to show them music from when they were little, and when they were next to one another, they would slide whatever they’d found in front of the other person with a cheeky grin. 
In the end, Liliana bought five records, one each for Evelyn and Jacob and three for herself. Taron bought himself and his mum the same record of music they’d listened to in the car when he was younger and he bought the Rocketman soundtrack for Liliana as a joke. She loved it and vowed to play it all the time. 
They had worked up an appetite shopping for records so they headed to Magnolia Bakery where he asked her once more if she trusted him. 
‘You need to stop asking me that,’ she laughed. ‘I trust you wholeheartedly. And I hereby respond to every future time you ask if I trust you that unless I state otherwise, I trust you with everything.’ 
Taron headed inside to buy a cupcake while Liliana waited outside. She stood on the sidewalk and saw the bookstore across the road so she crossed over to look in the windows. There, on the shelf staring back at her next to a bunch of tote bags and other books that she’d read before, was her book. 
Emotion rushed over her as she truly realised what was happening. She was in New York City and was going to other cities across the States, with her best friends from work celebrating her book. 
And she was with Taron. The book was the reason she was with Taron. She’d invited him to the book launch but had no idea if he would actually show up. Part of her had hoped he wouldn’t go. She’d poured everything into the book but was unsure how she would handle seeing him again and reliving the entire thing. 
But he had shown up and it turned out that inviting him had been the best decision she could have ever made. 
‘I wondered where you’d gotten to,’ he said when he stood next to her. He saw the book and looked in her eyes through the reflection of the glass. ‘I saw it in New Orleans too and I realised that the book-’
‘If it weren’t for the book, we wouldn’t be here right now. We probably wouldn’t have gotten back in touch,’ Liliana finished for him, turning to face him with a sad smile. ‘I’m so glad you came to the book launch.’ 
‘I’m so glad you invited me.’ He handed over a tub. ‘It’s banana pudding, don’t look at it like it’s some weird alien thing.’ 
‘And banana pudding is…what, exactly?’ She took the tub from Taron and looked at it sceptically. 
‘It’s bananas, a firm custard and cake pieces. I got a large because you have to really indulge in this stuff. If you can’t finish it, I got an extra spoon.’ 
'We can share it,’ she said, offering him the tub. ‘I don’t mind.’ 
‘I promise, the second you have some you will no longer want to share it.’ 
Liliana took her first bite. Her eyes instantly closed as she moaned happily around the mouthful. ‘Okay so this is what heaven is like. Good to know.’ 
Taron laughed at her before guiding her down the street so they could head towards Greenwich Village and the Lower East Side. They come across a small street fair on Houston Street and stop to admire the New York themed artwork. 
Liliana had made light work of the banana pudding but left just under half of it, which Taron finished for her. He’d asked if she was sure and she told him that if she ate anymore then she would pop and she wanted to enjoy the rest of their day. He laughed but obliged, eating the rest of the pudding with the same spoon Liliana had used. 
After Liliana purchased a small piece of artwork that she wanted to put up in her living room to remember the trip, they found themselves at a cocktail bar to ‘rest their feet’ as Taron had suggested. 
Liliana was so grateful that Taron was there and had shown her all of his favourite parts of New York, or at least as many as he was able to in their one day there. He’d promised that one day they would go back and spend a few days exploring the city fully and Liliana couldn’t wait. At the start of the day she’d planned to go to all of the touristy areas but somehow going everywhere but to those places made her feel like she’d really experienced New York City. She beamed over the perfect day she’d experienced over a Manhattan, a joke because of where they were. Though she didn’t enjoy the drink as much as she thought she would. Taron had laughed at her initial reaction, her face scrunched up tightly. 
‘I thought it was going to be sweeter,’ she grimaced, taking another sip because she refused to leave it after what it cost. 
They laughed again at some of the things they’d done and the characters that they’d seen during the day, like the guy with a cat on his head. Liliana had had the best day and she had loved every single minute of it and of getting to spend time with Taron. 
Three drinks later, the sun had started to set and the winter chill set back in. Liliana wrapped her arms around herself as they continued walking through the city, soaking up every possible minute they had together. 
‘What do you think about heading back to my hotel to relax for a bit? We could get pizza and watch something on the TV? American Netflix is so much better than ours.’ 
Liliana nodded enthusiastically. ‘That sounds really good. I’m freezing and want to relax before tomorrow’s travel day.’ 
Taron pulled his phone out of his pocket and ordered them an Uber to get back. ‘You have two options for food, actually. We can get pizza, or we can order room service. Either way, we’ll nip to the liquor store near the hotel and get something to drink. Or we could get a drink from the bar, actually.’ 
‘As much as room service is always a good idea because…good food, I’ve had it so much these past few days. Plus, I’ve come all the way to New York and I haven’t had a single slice of pizza which is a crime, I believe. So I vote for pizza. And we can get drinks at the bar. It’s too cold,’ she laughed. 
‘Pizza it is. Come on, the Uber will be here in a minute. I’ll order pizza to the hotel. There’s this place called Joe’s and they do the best pizza! What would you like on it?’ 
Liliana thought for a minute, going over the options in her head. ‘I’ll just have a regular old Pepperoni, please.’ 
The Uber pulled up outside Taron’s hotel and Liliana stepped out and stared at him in amazement.
‘This is your hotel?’ She asked, her arms once again wrapped around her middle. Taron nodded. ‘My room is on the 16th floor. Room 1653.’ 
‘No way!’ Taron chuckled. Liliana could hear the fake shock and she stared at him, blinking three times in quick succession. 
‘You knew?’ 
‘I may or may not have had this whole thing planned out with Evelyn for a week or so,’ he admitted. ‘I swore her to secrecy but I knew I wanted to surprise you today and what better way to end the night by both being in the same hotel?’ 
‘So this is why she was acting so sheepish the other day at the book signing. I’m gonna kill her.’ 
Taron laughed. ‘Don’t kill her. It was all my idea, promise. Come on, let’s go get a drink.’ 
Their pizza was waiting for them at reception when they got there and Taron took it from the counter happily before he headed to the lift to get to his room. He decided that they would order drinks via room service so that they could eat sooner. 
Liliana’s stomach grumbled loudly in the lift and Taron lifted the pizza box to her nose, circling it in front of her, in response. She eyed him grumpily and put her hand just under the waistband of her jeans to pull them away from her skin. 
‘I am so uncomfortable in these clothes,’ she complained. ‘I might nip to my room and get changed before food, if that’s okay?’ 
‘No need,’ Taron smiled. ‘I’ve got a hoodie and bottoms you can borrow.’ 
Liliana’s heart fluttered at his offer. The last time she’d borrowed his clothes had been at Christmas when she stayed at his house for the night. 
Stealing clothes from a man was a very intimate thing to her. Even when she’d had casual flings with someone, she’d never borrowed their clothes until she knew that they meant something to her. They never meant anything to her. Taron meant everything to her. 
‘Thank you, that sounds nice.’ 
They sat together on Taron’s bed, their legs crossed and a box of pizza in front of them. Taron had bought the large pizza so that they could share, but it was big enough that Tina, Rosie, Marie and Matilda could have had some and they would all have been satisfied. 
Taron had thrown Liliana a black hoodie and a pair of joggers when they got to the room and she put them on happily in the bathroom. His hoodie felt like a giant hug and it smelled like him. She kept lifting the neckline up to inhale his scent and he’d caught her a couple of times but never mentioned it to her. 
There was something about the intimacy of being in his bed, in his clothes, with his knees touching hers that made her feel vulnerable. More vulnerable than she’d been in a long time. 
Between touring different time zones and talking about her childhood more than she ever had, as well as being away from her safe space at home, Liliana’s vulnerability exploded and she couldn’t help the tears that fell. 
Taron looked at her with sad eyes and immediately moved the pizza to the bedside table so he could pull her into his arms. The position was awkward but Liliana didn’t care. She needed the comfort that Taron was giving her. 
‘Do you want to talk?’ Taron whispered into her hair softly. ‘If you do, remember everything will be alright.’ 
Liliana pulled away from the hug and wiped her eyes even though she still cried. She lifted the hem of the hoodie up to her ribs. The tattoo that she’d gotten five years prior when she was writing the book for the first time and thinking back to Taron being in her life sat proudly. 
Taron refrained from reaching forward to run his fingers over it. Instead he looked at the tattoo again and then up to Liliana who slowly pulled the hoodie down and used the sleeves to make paws over her hands. She was starting to withdraw slightly. 
‘That’s a lyric, right? A Harry Styles one? From that song we danced to earlier.’ 
‘It is,’ she sniffled and wet her lips. ‘But it’s also what you used to tell me when we were teenagers and I was worried about leaving for university. You always told me that everything would be alright. So as much as it’s a tattoo to represent a song that means more to me than I could ever put into words, it’s also a tattoo to represent a friendship I missed more than anything, and a person who I loved.’ 
Her admission was too much for her and the floodgates opened once more. She sobbed aggressively on the bed with her head in her hands and Taron held her in his arms again to try and comfort her. But it didn’t work. 
The one thing that he’d been able to do so easily for so long was impossible that evening. He wanted to text his mum and ask her what to do but he needed to have his full attention on Liliana who was struggling to breathe. 
He held her top half while manoeuvring them so that they were laid down on the bed, Liliana’s body rested in the crook of Taron’s body and his arms wrapped tightly around her. He rocked her slightly and hoped that the new position would allow for her to breathe a little easier. 
Liliana still cried but she was calmer thanks to being able to breathe better. She looked up at Taron through wet eyelashes but closed her eyes again when Taron wiped under her eye. He looked at her with concern and she felt awful for putting this on him. 
‘Talk to me?’ He asked her tentatively, tucking a piece of hair that had fallen out of her ponytail behind her ear so that she didn’t eat it. ‘If you want to.’ 
‘I want to tell you everything,’ she told him before closing her eyes to try to stop herself from crying more. ‘But I’m scared.’ 
‘Scared of what?’
‘Scared that you’ll think differently of me. That you won’t want to know me when you finally know the truth. I’m scared that I’m going to lose you again.’ 
‘Lil,’ he whispered, tears starting to well in his eyes. ‘I promise you won’t lose me again. I’m never going anywhere.’ 
Liliana took a deep breath and opened up completely. She bared her soul to Taron and told him about the day she was pulled out of school and found out about her dad cheating on her mum and how she’d spent weeks crying herself to sleep because for eleven years she’d woken up and fallen asleep in the same house as both of her parents who told one another that they loved each other and then it was all pulled out from under her. 
She admitted that she hadn’t seen her dad since she was twelve and that he hadn’t once tried to reach out to her in all that time. The last time she’d seen him was when her mum told him that she hoped he wrapped his car around a tree and died. 
Taron gasped when he heard that and held her close but stayed quiet. It was the most she’d ever told him and he wanted to listen to her, to let her talk and tell him everything that she wanted to. 
Liliana told him about the way her mum had truly treated her throughout her teenage years, and how she’d spent more time doing things that her mum should have been doing, like cooking and cleaning and doing the shopping, than anything else. She missed out on her teenage years and she hated that she’d never get them back. She was twenty at fourteen. 
When she explained that there’d been a time in her teens when she had thoughts that she didn’t ever want to think about again, just so that she could escape the constant pain she was in, Taron cried with her. He held her even tighter and told her that he was there and she cried harder. 
‘I’m sorry you went through all of that. I didn’t know.’ 
‘I didn’t say anything,’ Liliana said, finally looking at Taron. Both of them had red eyes and snotty noses and she leaned back into his chest and held him close, inhaling his scent. ‘I didn’t want anybody to know what was really going on. That’s why I applied to Edinburgh. I wanted to be as far away as I could get so that I could start somewhere new without the cloud of Eliza and my childhood hanging over my head. I never got to be a teenager properly. I never got to go on holiday or dance in the rain or go to house parties and get drunk with all of my friends or go to concerts because I was too busy parenting myself.’ 
‘It’s fine. I got used to it pretty quickly. And I thought that maybe once I left for uni, things would change. I was naive enough to think that space would improve my relationship with my mum but it didn’t. It made it worse. Every time I go back to Aber to see Matilda I sit and wait for the comments from mum. She doesn’t love me. She pretends she does to other people but she doesn’t.’ 
‘Oh Lil, I’m so sorry.’ 
Liliana sniffled and started to cry fully again. She hadn’t ever told anybody how her mum felt about her before and it felt both freeing and terrible to tell somebody. ‘She told me herself, on Christmas morning. I went to the kitchen for a drink and she came in after me. I thought she wanted a drink herself but she just turned bitter for no reason. She told me that she was glad I moved away because it meant she didn’t have to pretend to love me anymore. I spent the rest of the day upstairs on my own.’ 
So that was why she’d been crying on Christmas day. Taron couldn’t do anything but hold her even tighter. His heart had shattered into billions of pieces and he wanted to use the pieces of his heart to patch up Liliana’s. 
‘Liliana, look at me,’ he said after a few minutes of letting her cry. He tilted her chin up with his thumb and let his heart break even more when he saw just how much the sparkle in her eyes had died. ‘Thank you for feeling comfortable enough to tell me all of this. I wish I’d have known sooner, mum and me would have helped or-’ 
‘You couldn’t have helped,’ Liliana replied, licking her lips to wet them again. ‘Nobody could have helped. It happened, I grew up, I wrote a book and I only go back home when I really have to. And that’s only to see Matilda. And now it’ll be to see your mum too. I missed her.’ 
Taron looked at her for a moment and took a deep breath. Liliana could feel his chest move against hers as he breathed. 
‘Lil, there’s something I need to tell you,’ he whispered after a few seconds, pushing the strand of hair behind her ear again after it had fallen. ‘On Christmas Eve when I spent time with you and Matilda, I realised…that you’ve never been just a friend to me.’ 
‘Taron…’ Liliana warned. ‘Please.’ 
‘There’s always been something there but I never let myself act on it. I think I started to realise when you were getting ready to leave for uni but I didn’t want to hold you back. I knew you needed to leave, even if I didn’t know just how much you needed to leave until right now, and me telling you how I felt would have held you back. You just bared your entire soul to me and I don’t think I’ve ever felt this kind of sorrow before. You deserve so much more than what you’ve had. 
‘You deserve a family who will always show you love, and who will mean it. I want to be that family for you. I’ve always wanted to be that family.’ 
Taron leaned closer to Liliana until their noses touched. She could feel his breath on her lips and she froze, gulping hard. It’s all she’d ever wanted but it was too much all at once. She leaned back as Taron leaned in, her head screaming at her to get out of the bed, the room, the hotel, the city. She wanted to be anywhere but there. 
Taron watched as she scurried off the bed, making some excuse about needing to be up early to head to Philly. She grabbed her clothes from the chair in the corner and her bag and left the room, letting the door slam loudly behind her. 
Her heart was beating so fast. She ran to the lift and pressed the button over and over until it dinged and the doors opened. It wasn’t until the doors closed behind her that she realised Taron hadn’t followed her like she thought he might. 
Taron lay on his bed and rested his elbow over his eyes. He was pissed at himself for even thinking that it was a good time to tell Liliana how he felt. She had just opened herself up to him fully and in a way he’d wished she would for years. Her vulnerability was clear and he’d held her for almost an hour while she told him why she was the way she was. She had explicitly told him that she’d struggled to open up to anyone and he still took advantage of her vulnerability to tell her that he had feelings for him. 
But he was also confused. He thought he’d read her right. She told him that she’d loved him, and the way she said it very strongly implied that she was still in love with him. He thought they’d made progress until she shut herself down again like she had so many times before. All he wanted was to know why, and to have her know that he was there for her.
He decided that he needed to step back and respect Liliana’s very clear boundaries. There must have been a reason she was so reserved. Everything she told him had affected her badly so maybe she needed time to realise that he was there for her. 
Even though he was mad at himself for doing what he did, he couldn’t bear the thought of Liliana thinking he was mad at her for leaving him. He still wanted to be there for her, despite not knowing when he would see her next. He texted Evelyn asking for their return information to London but didn’t answer any of her questions that followed. 
Liliana’s room was pitch black when she got back but she couldn’t bring herself to switch on the light. She was too sad and too weak to do anything but drop her bag on the floor near the door and stumble her way to the bed. The bed was made from housekeeping earlier in the day but she didn’t attempt to pull the covers open to climb into them. She curled up on top of them and pulled the neckline of Taron’s hoodie closer to her face where she could inhale his scent. 
Her heart broke into millions of pieces as she lay in the dark, her mind replaying what had happened in Taron’s bedroom. She curled herself up more and let the tears fall. The thought of having to continue the book tour made her want to cry more. She’d always been good at putting on a fake smile, throwing her hair up and pretending like everything was fine but she didn’t know how she would manage that when she hurt the way she hurt. 
February 21st, 2022 
The next morning, Liliana woke up with the worst headache she’d had in a long time. She’d only had an hour and a bit of sleep and was feeling it. 
She fished through her bag for the Tylenol she’d bought in Boston and took two with the lukewarm water on the bedside table from the day before. The room was still dark despite the curtains being open and she checked the time on her phone. 
She could have stayed asleep for at least another hour but she didn’t want to have the same dream she’d had all night. Taron had confessed that he had feelings for her and she’d left him in his room alone. It played on repeat all night until she woke up with tears in her eyes. 
What had started out as the best day she’d ever had, exploring a dream city with Taron and feeling so free, turned out to be a nightmare. She hadn’t expected to tell him about the years leading up to her leaving for university but it happened and she wished that she could take it all back. 
Above all, she wished that she could take back leaving his room without explanation. She wished she’d have pulled away when he leaned in to kiss her, something she’d wanted him to do for so long, to tell him that he was moving too fast and she couldn’t change gears so quickly. Not after revealing her deepest, darkest thoughts to him. 
She should have told him that it wasn’t that she didn’t feel the same way about him and that she was happy to finally know that he was on the same page, but she just needed him to hold her and tell her that everything would be okay again. That she wasn’t broken after everything she’d been through. 
There was so much that she should have done. What she could have done. Instead she had run back to her room like a coward and wouldn’t be able to see him until they were both back in London. The only way she could have apologised to him before being back home was to go to his room before she left and do it. But she refused to wake him at four thirty in the morning. The chances were that he wouldn’t want to see her again anyway so it was for the best that she didn’t.
Evelyn eyed her suspiciously as she climbed into the car but she ignored her best friend. She sat in her seat, fastened her seatbelt and put her earphones in to listen to music. It was only a little under two hours to their next destination but it seemed to take forever. 
Liliana had to stop herself from crying multiple times during the drive and struggled to keep her composure. The hoodie she’d borrowed from Taron was still wrapped around her top half and she curled into it, inhaling Taron’s scent and wishing she could change everything that happened the night before. 
During the drive she started to text Taron, typing out an entire paragraph before deciding that it didn’t sound right so deleting it. She repeated it multiple times until she gave up altogether. There was no way that he would want to talk to her after everything that happened. He wouldn’t want her anymore. 
Liliana somehow managed to get through the few days in Philadelphia without breaking down into tears every time she talked about the book. Evelyn and Jacob sensed that something had happened, especially with how sad she’d been and how Taron asked for their return info, but Liliana wouldn’t tell them anything. 
When they were headed to LA and Seattle, Liliana realised that she couldn’t give Taron nothing so she texted him to apologise for running out. She told him that she’d get his clothes back to him when she was back in London and that she hoped the last bit of filming went okay. The text was short compared to how she normally texted him but she wanted her apology to be in person so that she could see his response. Not to mention that the way between telling him and his response would kill her.  Though she didn’t receive a response at all. It was radio silent from Taron’s end and it hurt but she understood. He didn’t want to speak to her and she couldn’t blame him.
16 notes · View notes
shebadfuckk · 6 months
My first serious relationship was in high school I was 16 and my boyfriend was 20 years old. Looking back once I reachedthe age 20 I was like yeah-no I cannot picture of myself dating a 16-year-old. But in the moment I was so full of myself, thinking that I was cool and popular for dating a guy in college. He was extremely racist which bothered me a lot. And once I voiced my concerns, he started getting really aggressive towards me.
It ended with him breaking my rib and beating me up, it was the day of the Giants parade. The second time they won, in their four yearr span of winning. I believe it was 2012 they had just won the World Series two years before then 2010 but this was the day of the Giants parade the second time they won. We went to celebrate with a bunch of friends, and he got really drunk.
We got on Caltrain with a bunch of other people, and on our way back to the car, he accused me of flirting with a guy on the upper deck. I honestly was zoned out and had no idea who he was talking about, but he bent my arm so far backward, and told me he was going to break it if I didn’t tell him, and admit to my infidelity. I was really scared because it really felt like my arm was about to break the way he had it twisted, so I spat out an apology. The guy he claimed I was looking at saw what he was doing to me and started to walk down to our deck but as he did, our stop approached, and we got off the train.
We got off the train and headed to the car, which was parallel parked between two other cars. It was a very busy day for Caltrain, because of the ongoing parade. 
As he was trying to leave the area we were parked he hit two parked cars, and that’s when I really started to worry. I said something about getting out of the car while it was driving and he had his arm across my chest, holding me down against the backrest the whole car ride back to his house. ( it was only about a five minute drive we lived pretty close to the train station.)
When we got home, he freaked the fuck out on me and was screaming at me in the driveway. I was frozen in fear and didn’t want to get out of the car at this point because I didn’t know what he would do. He yanked the door open so far that it bounced back and slammed into his back as he leaned in to grab me. He kept yelling “get the fuck out of the car, stop making a scene” and he pulled me out and slammed me onto the trunk of his Miata. The angle he threw me at sent my rib cage perfectly into the car and I instantly felt like I couldn’t breathe very well. Every breathe in and out hurt. Moving hurt, coughing hurt. I was shocked from the pain so I became pretty limp and he dragged me into the house. He must have grabbed my purse too which I don’t remember him doing because once inside he grabbed the two handles of my purse with each hand and ripped the purse in half, sending the contents of my purse flying, one of them being my slide phone. ( this was back in the day when phones had a full keyboard buttons, it was a slided up version)
This purse has been given to me by my mother whom I’m not very close with. I had seen it in a shop and it was really expensive and I loved it so much it was the prettiest blue and white bag I’d ever seen at my age and she know I wanted it so bad even tho it was like $200 she went back to the store and got it for me and gave it to me on my birthday and I started crying. It was a very meaningful purse to me it wasn’t just a bag.
Anyways, he took a weight that he used to lift every day, took the battery out of my phone and smashed the battery and then smashed my phone. He dragged me over to the couch by my hair and held me down choking me out, screaming that when I got raped (I lost my virginity getting raped) I clearly wanted it and was asking for it, and screaming about how pathetic I was for complaining about how I lost my virginity. I don’t know how I lost my shoes but they weren’t on my feet anymore and I knew I had to run away so I just ran out the garage door, and down the street.
Now, this parade happened to be the day of Halloween the specific year that the Giants won. I remember it was the time of night where people had started trick-or-treating. And me-running away from a man with no shoes was really not looked at anything besides typical for Halloween night. Nobody was paying any mind to me, but I was really running for my life.. and I remembered thinking “if I die tonight I’ll be on the news and I wonder if anyone watching this happen would remember me.”
He inevitably caught up with me and before I could realize he had his arm around my neck, lifted me off the ground, trying to choke me out, all the while saying “ just come back, let’s talk about it” or something along those lines.
I had tilted my chin down towards my chest to prevent him his arm from wrapping around my neck, but instead, it just wrapped around my mouth AND my nose, because his arm was big enough to cover both areas, and I ended up suffocating anyways. I had braces at the time, and he was holding my face so tight that my lips pressed into my braces and started bleeding. I don’t remember much after that, except thinking that nobody was helping me, and they probably thought it was a Halloween joke, but it was really all real, and I was terrified and about to die , trying to make my last breath, hold out as long as I could, while I struggled against his strength.
I don’t remember doing this, but apparently I kicked him in the balls while I was struggling and he fell to the floor. I most definitely passed out in between these events, because I went straight to black after his arm wrapped around my mouth, and I woke up to spitting blood over him, laying on the ground. (  which is when I realized my braces had to cut my lips.)
He lay their writhing in pain, and I just ran away as fast as I could, about 5 miles to my friends house, where he and his friends have been partying all night and told me I would be safe there, and if he tried to show up, they would all jump him.
I never saw much of him after that day, but I remember I had a backpack of his stuff at my house. (mind you, I was still in high school at the time, and I had told my dad all the bruises came from cheer practice.)
 This particular instance, my dad didn’t believe me because a whole separate series of events that if you guys even read this far and want to hear how that happened I will tell you, but it’s kind of too much to write just for the sake of writing. But anyways, my dad dragged me to the garage where people would generally have talks if they were in trouble, so I interpreted it as I was in trouble, and had to say anything I could to get out of it. I told my dad a very vanilla story of what happened. And my dad ended up taking the guy to Starbucks bought him a coffee to give him his stuff back.
That always stuck with me because if I had a daughter that that happened to, I would want to kill somebody. But maybe it’s on me for not telling him the full story. Either way it was an extremely traumatic event and it wasn’t the first time he had hit me, but running 5 miles with a broken rib with some thing I felt very accomplished about. I could’ve died that day, and I honestly believe I would have if I didn’t effectively run away.
He tried to apologize five years later, and when I told him I didn’t want to fuck him again he immediately retract his apology and told me I was a desperate whore. I still never let go of that day and even though it wasn’t the first time I experienced violence, a part of me interpreted as the first time I did, because I was grown enough to know better.
It really doesn’t sound scary when I’m writing it on paper but recalling the actual memories seems like a horror movie. Anyways, that’s a vague recap of that situation and if you guys want to hear more, I will definitely tell you. I’m just currently using this as an outlet for all of my thoughts, and somehow that came to mind today.
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arrow-gt-ace · 1 year
I was a sheltered child what does asdfgk mean
oh it's not an acronym or anything if that's what you're wondering! it's basically just a keyboard smash of random letters. honestly i'm not even sure why i do it half of the time? it's just a habit i picked up in my years of being online because it just "feels" right you know? usually i do it when i'm excited, or "yelling" or "laughing", or for when I just dont have a word for the emotion i'm feeling but I also just tend to do it randomly? i also tend to do it when i feel like my text is too dry and formal to show that i'm not actually upset/annoyed by something like in my last post (which is where I assume you saw me doing this) i did that keyboard smash as a way to basically say "pffft jack is such a silly guy he doesnt even know when there's birds on his head" you know how some people will pepper their text with "lol" or "lmao" often out of habit? that's how i use keyboard smashes asdfgk (though i feel like my keysmashes are a lot more ambiguous than lol/lmao) so yeah! it's nothing bad or sarcastic, just my typing habit.
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icos-3 · 1 year
Chapter 4 - The Kidnapping of Danny Fenton - Tumblr Edition
Since AO3 was down, I might as well post the chapters of my fic here. This is not a rewrite of the story. It will contain fixes/edits for problems that initially went unnoticed by me. These edits will eventually be added to AO3. Big thank you to the volunteers at the OTW for your hard work!
3 - 4 - 5 Index
TW: descriptions of body horror
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Those sounds...
At first, Agent S thought it was just the machine in the center of the room.
After all, it had made similar noises in the past.
But over time it grew louder.
Much louder than it had ever been.
And the sounds, no, the screams of the creature inside kept growing louder and louder. 
Layers upon layers of vile...
horrible sounds…
All layered on top of each other…
Some were otherworldly.
Like the world itself was being torn apart.
But some were… 
They were deeply unnerving.
And to some, deeply upsetting.
The unearthly shrieks filled the lab like an explosion, sending personnel and bystanders alike into
Everyone held onto their ears, desperately trying to cover them.
The glass windows in front of them shattered, leaving them devoid of cover.
S had no other choice than to start yelling at her head agent.
"Sir! We need to shut it off!"
He was staring, unflinchingly, at the horrors unfolding inside the shaking contraption. 
Tables and desks vibrated, and vials and flasks of all shapes rattled off and smashed on the floor.
A steaming liquid was bubbling out of the ungodly machine in front of them.
It felt like it just kept getting louder and louder. She couldn't take much more.
This seemed to get him out of his trance.
"Shut if off!"
From where they were observing before, several scientists and agents dashed towards the screens and keyboards behind them.
The machine slowed down to a halt, and eventually, the screams did too.
With the ghastly shrieks dying down, and now being able to think, she began inching towards the ungodly contraption.
Sickly yellow and black goo flowed out of the tube like structure, with neon green gas escaping with each popping bubble.
Over time, the unearthly slime seemed to cool down and deflate.
But something inside caught her eye.
Agent S always had faith in her employers. That she were doing these things in the interests of the people: The people of Amity Park.
To serve them.
To help them.
To protect them. 
But today, she felt that faith waver.
Inside the machine, there were bits and pieces of flesh and blood submerged in sludge, all arranged in inhuman ways…
a severed human arm, sprouting more arms at the fingers, like a tree…
ghostly intestines, covered in red, arranged into a rose like arrangement, repeating on itself in the middle, like a fractal…
a heart with green pustules growing all over it, with more hearts sprouting from them like seeds…
and in the center of it all, laid a melted, moaning ghostly child, and next to him, a bruised... human... child...
the two of them were joined at the hip, slowly melting and fusing together…
She couldn't hold it in anymore.
She emptied her insides beside the unholy contraption.
What have we done…
What have I done…
When she looked up, able to steady herself again, she saw medical staff piling through the goo, guts and gore.
Eventually they pulled out the… children?
A child.
But not just any child.
"Agent T, Agent V, make sure he's stable."
It was Phantom.
She saw the two agents take hold of him before disappearing behind the lab doors.
Her superior was standing right beside her. 
"Make sure to clean yourself up Agent S!"
He turned around and walked towards the lab exit.
The doors slid open with a hiss.
"Today has been a great success! We must celebrate!"
The doors slammed shut behind him.
S promptly emptied her stomach again.
She was not so sure about that last statement…
She thought back to those screams…
what she saw… 
She had to know
what happened to that human child...?
"Hey, S, what do you think of all this?"
Her co-worker had come over and helped her to her feet.
"I'm not sure, but whatever it was, I'm sure it was no good..."
They had a strange look on their face. They turned to look at the remains and suck covering the floor
"To think, something so small could do all… this…"
that wasn't an unthinking abomination like they had said…
phantom didn't want this...
he was… 
"Here, grab my hand."
"Let's get you cleaned up."
that human child…
they were experimenting on him…
They had killed him!
She had to do something.
She turned around to look at the machine one more time and looked for something, anything, she could use to put all this to an end.
That's when the shine on something in the corner of the room caught her eye.
A lens.
Agent S now knew what she had to do.
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gogciety · 17 days
miffy you were in my dream... i was at a screening for people doing something similar to the fusion project but it wasn't by dteam so i tired to sneakily record it LOL anyway then they were all there In the project suddenly and sometimes acting sometimes just kinda doing whatever. then there was like a cut and it had all this stuff with george like a backstage interview with it cutting to clips of him which included just a close-up of his feet, him pulling his shirt off as joke to the camera, him crying (my notes app has a "(??)" attached here so idk either), him playing with a family of cats, making new friends, and "george naked but it was fake(??)" (again idk) ANYWAY at this point i "woke up" and immediately sent all this footage to you as an exclusive Not to be shared and you went like super saiyan from how much this george content nourished you
then i remember in the dream just before i woke up for real thinking like "OMGGG thank god that wasn't a dream could you even imagine, there was so much good stuff" ......... 🥲
i need you to know i saw this as soon as it was sent but i didn’t answer because i loved it so much i wanted to keep reading it throughout the day 😭😭😭😭😭 i’m sorry dream you got tricked and above all eternally grateful that you’d share such valuable george content with me 🥹❤️ when this comes true i promise i won’t tell a soul… there will be signs though because the close-up of george’s feet followed by him pulling his shirt off will kill me instantly the last post on my blog will be a keyboard smash from my head hitting my computer. thank you sooooo much for sharing you are my everything
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ohmymalice · 6 months
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"Brawn & Brains"
Jschlatt x Reader | Video Game Highschool AU | Enemies to Lovers
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This was it, the sweat rolling down and sticking in between your fingers, the chills you felt go down your spine as you felt yourself getting cold feet. The year's closing and the final FPS championship takes place in VGHS.
You shook your head, trying to get rid of all the lingering thoughts of anxiety and fear but fuck, you don't get the time to overthink as they start calling out everyone from team one by one. You stood there, making sure your varsity uniform was smoothed out. If you were gonna lose this championship, you might as well look good losing it.
They called out your name, your legs instantly start walking before you could think, carrying out the movement you and everyone in this championship rehearsed for weeks. The bright light in the stadium hit you in the eyes, you try your best not to squint as you smile and wave at the crowd cheering your name.
You had to win, you can't disappoint anyone. You're varsity captain after all and most of all... That fucking asshole in the other team pisses you off, and you want- no not even a want, you need to win this.
Everyone sat in their gaming chairs, putting on their headsets, some already fixed their settings on the pcs before hand while others only got to fixing theirs now. You were one of the few who fixed it previously but to make sure, you opened settings again, making sure your sens, crosshair, and key binds were adjusted to your comfortability.
Everyone piled into the party, before the game started the teams talked amongst themselves, most were telling each other good luck while some teased others and said this will be an easy win.
You scoffed, easy win? A sudden message at the bottom of your screen pops up, from him.
Jschlatt: Goodluck fuck face, don't miss like last time bitch.
You looked up to see the man who sat on the opposite end of the table. He was referring to your last game where you lost because you missed a shot.
Everyone was using the same long table, on one side was your team, and the other was the opposing team.
Usually a message like that wouldn't affect you, you've seen it all being the varsity captain of VGHS but nobody made your chest burn with hate more than Schlatt.
The varsity captain of his school, he ranked top one overall in his high school and everyone always compared you two from the get go. You may be varsity captain but you aren't ranked one, you were captain because of your strategies, your skill in leadership was outstanding while Schlatt was more aim based.
People often said he had the brawns, and you had the brains.
That was the clear difference between you two.
No matter how smart you are, no matter how ahead you think.
He out aims you in an inhumanely way.
You peered your head to the side, trying to see in between the monitors that sat next to each other. You saw Schlatt smirking down at the message he sent, clearly proud with himself. He felt your gaze on him, his eyes snapping up to look at you keeping the smirk on his face. You swear you saw the ends of his lips spread even wider when he saw your frown.
"Hey cappy-tainn," He drawed out, leaning forward so you could hear him better. You give nothing but a nod, keeping a stoic expression on your face.
He groaned, going back to his keyboard. You could see he was typing in your chat.
Jschlatt: Gimmie a little sumthin' honey, c'mon. You haven't even lost yet and you're already being a sore loser. Y/n: is your goal to fucking piss me off? Jschlatt: Yea, and I can tell it's workin'.
Your little argument was interrupted by cheers and screaming. The games were about to start and you didn't even notice.
You make eye contact with him and he winks at you.
"Good luck, bitch." he mouths, and god you held back all your desperate desire to grab the monitor in front of you and to smash it against his abnormally big fucking head.
You and your team spawn in a wooded area inside of a camp site, a bunch of supplies and load outs were on the ground but were limited since it was the first round.
You studied the way Schlatt played for months, you knew how he always played aggressive in the first round, your plan was to get one or two of your team mates to bait him into a spot where you and your other team could kill him and finish off his team mates.
"Everyone, remember our plan we practiced. Bait and flank, can I get any updates on their position?" You asked, looking towards your team as one of them was already reading positions and finding their base.
"Few feet away but I see engagement. I say they're gonna rush, we have to move out quick." You nodded your head in reply and motion for you team to carry out the plan.
As you heard the sound of heavy foot steps and tactical gear get closer, you instructed your team to bait out and shoot to scare them off. They briefly back off, taking cover behind the shrubbery and trees. One down, four left.
"Nice," You mumbled out to your sniper who got the pick.
One of your team mates pushed out and played aggressively as your snipper backed them up, making sure nobody could harm your aggro.
You hear the sound of gunfire and you start pushing out towards the back, making sure the other team doesn't see you. You hear one of your team mates get killed, another team mate trades them and now it's 4 to 3.
You exited out of the tent and went towards the trees, waiting for Schlatt and his team to get closer where you wanted them.
"Now, now, now!" You ordered, your team started shooting them from both angles, one of your team mates go down but you shot down the last two.
Wait, last two? Aren't they supposed three?
Fuck where's Schla-
"Did you really think I would use the same tactic I've been using for all my fuckin' games against one of the smartest captains? I knew you'd read me." He whispered in your ear, you felt your heart jump out of your chest but you kept quiet.
The metallic barrel was shoved into your back, feeling him grab your shoulder to make sure you aren't getting away, and if you tried anything, he'll shoot.
"If you shoot me, you'll fucking die." You whispered back, a small smirk on your face.
"You think I wouldn't know that you'd switch your plan? Fuck you-"
Schlatt looked around and realized he directly stepped on a land mine.
The bait was you, you knew he'd want your head the first round. The plan was to always die with him, you knew how much he'd want that kill, even if it meant at his own expense.
A loud sound of a gun firing rang in your ears, you looked down, it was a short but sharp pain that slowly increased that made you wince. Your avatar started fading into existence.
Schlatt gives a smug grin, "Whatever first round goes to you, Toots. I just wanted to be the first to kill you. I won't go easy on ya."
Jschlatt ︻┳═一 Y/n (Jschlatt killed Y/N)
Not even a beat later Schlatt hears the sound of beeping and looks down, an explosion erupted and he dies, losing the first round to your team.
Y/n ��Jschlatt
The crowd screams, some in anger, some in pure joy. People start chanting your team's name, pulling posters people made up to show their support.
1 - 0
"Just two more guys, we can fuckin' win this." You smiled at your team mates, hugging them in celebration for winning the first round.
Schlatt just stared at you, maybe he wouldn't hate losing the game for once if he got to see such a bright and genuine smile on your face.
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fkyumerica · 9 months
i saw johnny depp at the grocerie store
he was small
thomas edison's sons were chucky
they would kidnap for shit
i just heard one talk
ghost or microphone
leon throws beer cans at them like wayne
they fucked with kong
what did he hear first he wouldbelieve
smashing it more, adding more to it recorded
mercury ball
smaller to bigger
he is a girl
500 girls for him here we go
giant to small
was him
thomas edison
his brother
sleepy hollow the woman who chopped off heads was lincolns "wife" when he was shot in a phone booth
it was hooked up to it
anyone could go over it anytime and firework blow it up
no one was
umbilical cord hooked up to guy while fucking her
electrocutes him
900 times he got 80,000 pregnant
and the rest too
had to make it happen
him walking on all fours was weird
hanging on the wall with his feet too
39 pregnant against it
sam did it
st.valentines massacre
im for it
kill whats in her
then her
and hear her last words spoken to her
i hear it
mike to mary sue then johnny depp to madison square gardens
they lost
dead now
and shoot fetus first cant shoot him
she will turn around and shoot it out after, fetus
New Year 2024 UAE Fireworks - Dubai Burj Khalifa Palm Jumierah Yas Bay Abudhabi
that many for him to stop and look
just dragged his whole life
with him too come on girls
cant get up
end of heaven
or rest of the world was it to chair leg lift them up
men was table
legs down
and aanother child under him was temptation
leave us leadership us from evil
lick and do it again
passes the cihld after to his dad
and he will get pregnant whats in it and she gives birth to two
no three
last one squirts out
got her fetus pregnant too
puses its button it wont stop
swing smashes it around
to stay there on the ground
beast shit was this
battle today
play it like a piano he will not hurt you
and fuck it up again giermo
i wont save you
cant either
he fucks it
waits all day and night and wont write either
he wont meet me
and she doesnt give a shit either
youre a dad
alden's mom mary sue, jim morrisons mom, mary sue
marilyn mansons mom, mary sue
charles mansons mom with wayne, mary sue
she mated with wayne
then he was in denial
andd michael miller was killed in class by brock lesner
i alughed my ass off
right in front of me
two chairs
blood everywhere
his face was gone except a eyeball
then the guy he lived with came out and said he was charles manson
get out of court get in
sit in it right
ive been waiting all day
worked at mcdonalds
come on im back
is the guy after that one dies
lived with him
then rents a condo
it is their house still
jet packs after
monsters on this block
lindita is the fat now and then girl who got pregnant by the guy down the street old man
and said she owned half the block
then mated with fred dursts dad
the guy down the block
scottish son
like 25 or 35 years old
she was 12
7 in the movie
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBCnBciNBqo this was butthead
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The Pogues live 1986
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAEFKjqPtlU this is dopey
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The Irish Rover - The Dubliners & The Pogues
they let the next generation be a darker color to work
the resst were white
and you can only be beige
thomas edison with a beard
didnt mate with all his family members yet
he said it
the whole group is gay
is alden's dad, then went with alden's wife and had kelly clarkson after, made him cross eyed pissed
penny said her mom was elizabeth bell
with that old man
fake legs
came in a wheel chair
with needles
then they wwere the people fkng up the old folks home
then chris wanted to marry him
for manhattan
3 women decided it
to be fake liza menillis
and moms
to his family
like 95 of them
im spanish
half go to him
another half to naother building
then another half to another building
it was homeless buildigns
one got a idea
fuck me for marriage
said it to all of them
his mom said me
his dad said fuck
back and forth weird words
muh me mer marriae
the sex would be like it
bump bump a bump bump
drinking small alcohol to ride it
or off ride
to get off pregnant on another guy after, elizabeth bell was it
if you hold someones tits up in gay female sex they will look like a man, finger them will sound like a man
and its always hot to lesbians
get in it get into it
she he is hot, wont leave, will enver leave them
elizabeth is a pike
you dont come back after too
and smoke on this while youre having sex with a guy come over to me after or i get him next
speaking of drug deals
i had none
and guys
half are women
find don
fuck her
did they do a y2k internet prank with macafee
sa ve 100 dont go
their moms are dead
from frankenmuth
they just kept building stuff down the road
and living as mormon
openly do not marry but have sex to marry
they lie then
no anwser? civil war
taller? revolutionary war
car only to keep up to kill them
jay z is huuuge and a huge problem, punches in all the doors for anyone to go into
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=7243853235658755&set=gm.2301666843361629&idorvanity=259458537582480 anne marie openly fucked him there and he glues her eyes shut to stay there till they open
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The Kitsch Meow
Fluffing pillows
Woo gay horny parent shit sometimes kids stay inside, 4,5,6,7,8
one stone over the next in the mouth is how to talk like it
it is a abusive and abused retard, and will not lern to not do it, and too bad to let live
so they go to war anywhere, they are just it
will keep attacking
and threaten till many come over, then they all attack someone
"who threatened them right? no she/he did to me"
aand gold lamp? she is gay and fat suit fake dick easy
plain women dont want anything
wasnt a bed either, stand up orgy house
on the gruond i can take his truck
with cm all over in it yea put it all over it i got it now prengnat with it what fight is it what and found one put it in the fat suit i did it whoa there it is taco bell table
shove it in there too
so a wakostan does it
too tan he is insane now
wont get hired is gay and gets alcohol and starts parties to get fucked, left his wife, had a dick
i was just killing people in cars until these giant sports guys do a back breaker at me
then i get up aand leave holy shit what
i leave through those groups of guys with cameras
keep going
saw one of their moms
i can walk in a house
here since wtf did i do
go in court
what is it
he keeps screaming
giant black guy now wont stop screaming so jude leaves
and he jumps in that seat
and judges you
three tv shows complaining about it since
one got bleached sitting there whoa
keeps going
Tyler Booker and J.J. McCarthy shared a moment after the game
can only let out straight drugs here
dick fuck me he said to him
no no no we hold on
other guy said
is finally being that asshole when caught
is letting his kids go outside to get raped by guys
and in cars with any women and fake women
men in drag
needs them in his life
WXYZ-TV Channel 7
Now that's a celebration! Check out this fun video sent by the Hart Family in West Bloomfield after Michigan beat Alabama in the Rose Bowl yesterday. We love to see it!
they know how i looked down what my dads hair looked like
they look for him all day in crs
and he fluffed his hair to look like it
for that guy to cancel the macafee i had to ask like 6 times
he said you got a deal
i dont want it
but you saved 200 dollars
i dont need it
you will like the program
for like 10 minutes
"get out there and do something"
jen met anthony and asked him to pay for her abortion
there is some guy who kept shooting aat us
a nut case who killed his mom
and kept his dads boner?
to movie show fuck em up
pretend you want something he will be there
and yea
shoot him then
is the shot
vinnie is butthead, and the main hobbit
did he draw eyebrows on your dog
it made me mad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgrV3jxI9Bw they each think they can get their own house sleeping around, each family member
My Dogs
They give them a dog then they fuck it cant pick it up then he leaves them, run in yard new dad fucks him whoa! Just stands there till there is a relationship touched his dick he will show it to his dad he got 54
surrounded me to get attacked by dogs
amanda clemonds
met with vinnie
yea i can definitley fuck him
said it at the end of the hoome movie
and what home they steal too
carrie married her
18 fucking houses
watch it again, reversed it
then it was full house
smash theirs open
clifford and dan/mission come out haha
the one in trailer park boys
dark hair always drink in hand
clifford is ow ow ow
hand thing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQKm9Tv7nIQ this is him
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Harvard President Claudine Gay says she will resign
If you are here I will gang rape anyone
i can hide behind glasses
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enWbbLXB11w who gets the angles
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Harvard president resigns amid scandals
over 270 guys
from harvard
are it
and party now come on
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOsADRyObLY and muzzle
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Panel: Was Harvard president's resignation about student safety, plagiarism or racism?
on right
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPBxIwZyovg i just fucking hate you. i gotta be strong to hear it. her mother. hahah gets up and leave after she does and woo she in her car fuck me if not bye
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Harvard president resigns amid plagiarism accusations, congressional testimony
then hog start it and bye
we start killing stalking her
killed two amish we got a place
well keep looking for me
live outside pregnant
we found 54
basket ball
cameras give them away could be yours
if we dont do it now
i am right i did it
punch one
college kids right
we went at her amish filmed her
she was nice to kids
saw her with two midgets she is mating with
it was hot and waitress homeley
i say it
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGMMYugHK3I him and her just kill her
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The Worst Roommate Undertaker Ever Had!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qj2rmsvyygs that is him
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leprechaun 1993
amish paradise midgets and dad watches
switch them together from the noroi pile and they keep doing it
stand there. hand them to me.
its all she says
walrus dad is it jessica?
brandon couldent say no. gay.
Women had one, here take him
Men had one, hey stay here
These are the boat guys, they put all of their sons on a boat
Read 4 posts
Slept around throw them all in a pile
Guys come over for them make them the biggest today
Huge, they come back and thank you
Lived only on boats, others came to kill them the whole time couldn’t make it to one generation started to die and did it then one night saw three at once, saw anything fucked it
Vinnie saves them, lived on a boat
And attacks anyone till they are worn  out and alone
Who hoes the home when everyone leaves
Block party
inside kids party
and abandon the kids talk about it
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