#and others too once I can afford them lmfao
piplupod · 2 months
objectively a stupid thing to get irritated or upset by, but i really hate when people at the centre try to tell me how lucky i am for the life i live or how good i have it, esp when they tell me they had it sooooo much worse when they were my age. they do not know me. they do not know my life. they have no idea what my situation is.
they see somebody who is exceedingly polite and unerringly kind and shows up in nice clothes most of the time. they see that i draw in a sketchbook. they see that i work on the jigsaw puzzle. they see that i hold the door for people. they see that i greet people and ask people questions about themselves in a way that makes others feel seen and heard and appreciated.
now what the fuck are they getting from that that makes them think they know anything about me or my mental health or life situation!!! if anything they should be curious because I share so little about myself with people, I tend to keep things focused on others because that's safest for me. do they not question why i am at the mental health centre so often if i apparently seem like i have such a great life ????
#and perhaps this is oversharing but i have literally been keeping relapse cuts hidden under my sleeves almost all week long lmfao#which feels... fitting for this. symbolism moment lol#also i know people are self-absorbed esp if they have mental health shit going on#and i know i think about others way more than the average person. but like. cmon. do not assume all that shit about me#it was really fucking hard not to snap at this one lady today who is always telling me how lucky i am for what she assumes i have in life#maam allow me to just push up my shirt sleeve like two inches. do you see? shut up! shut up! you don't know me!!!#and i AM aware of how good i have it compared to others. i have food. i have shelter. i have the centre to spend time at during the week.#i have my old lady group once a week if i choose to attend. i have enough social awareness to function somewhat in society#i have some very nice belongings that i get to call my own. clothing that i like. public transit system. some craft supplies.#there are good things. there are privileges that i am lucky to have. i see this and i am grateful for it.#but there is also a lot that i am massively struggling without. safety for one. a family that actually cares for me. mental stability!#emotional stability too lmfao! enough energy to do more than 1-3 tasks in a day! affordable food or perhaps just a form of income!#i dont know. i'm just really tired and frustrated with people. its unfair of me to be frustrated w them bc yeah i guess i do look like-#-i have it together on the outside to people. and all these people struggle with social awareness and etiquette so... sigh.#i should not be annoyed but i am struggling to be patient with these people when they assume this shit about me#because there isn't really anything i can say to them other than nodding vaguely and smiling. like i can't argue lol#pippen needs 2nd breakfast#self harm tw
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izvmimi · 6 months
cw: hurt/comfort with like too much comfort. part of isekai au. reincarnation mention. don't look at me lmfao.
The gathering around the irori in the home you are staying at between missions has long since dispersed - Inosuke and Zenitsu deciding to go to bed after an unnecessarily escalated spat, and your friends themselves having turned in for the night - and now all that remains is you and Tanjiro, sitting around the charcoal hearth. Now that Inosuke will no longer pop out of nowhere to interrupt any attempt at affection (as he has the habit of doing for a reason unknown to the two of you), Tanjiro moves closer to your seated position, his chin pressing gently on your shoulder. You’ve been staring fixedly at the burning charcoal for a moment now, your knees pulled to your chest as the fire continues to crackle just before your bare feet, your filled cup of tea untouched. He glances at it for a moment, then lets his hand gently cover yours pressed against the wooden floor as he rests behind you.
“Are you okay? You’ve barely touched your tea.”
You don’t automatically let yourself sink in his warmth, so he contents himself with letting his arms settle around your waist and pressing close. You remain still, pensive.
There is a fierce wind that blows just outside this dwelling, ice and snow bated by the wooden walls of this home; you can barely hear or feel it this close to the fireplace, warmed by both the dutiful flames and Tanjiro’s body heat. The muted sound of nature feels representative of the inner turmoil of your mind as you continue to look within the flames with intent, as though you can divine your own future through them. 
“I’m okay,” you whisper. 
He’ll accept that answer for now as he settles on just holding you close, not knowing that he’s holding you together at this moment, as in many other instances over the past year. Tanjiro keeps himself quiet, humming every so often as though to remind you he’s there, breathing and existing by your side always.
The coal burns odorless as you watch it, but you can imagine that if you ask Tanjiro, he’d be able to tell you the complex myriad of notes to be inhaled in the unadulterated smoke. In your own time, you recall a fireplace in your childhood home that you’d never used and purchased firewood your parents had set aside, truly just for show with no intention for use in favor of central heating. In this time period, the charcoal is indispensable or you’d freeze to death. 
Tanjiro was once a coal burner and it is apt for him, down to the very spelling of his name. Steadfast, warm, dependable, a versatile healing and nourishing resource borne out of destruction. He hums again, and you shift finally, letting out a drawn out exhale.
He can tell you’re ready to speak, having come up to a conclusion in your own mind. You’ve fought demons today successfully, you’ve grown stronger, and yet, you’ve still received no answers about how to return to your time. Your memories fade slowly day by day, but new ones are made every second. 
Like now.
“Yes, love.”
He calls you love now, any chance he can get, and it makes your heart rend at times. You want to go home so badly, to see your family and loved ones, but he is your loved one now and you need him. 
You swallow thickly, then let your hand rest on your belly on top of his, leaning into his touch. You can afford this for now, in fact you should before you can no longer.
“Where do you think the previous incarnation of me is right now?” you ask. 
He muses for a moment, then replies. “Hopefully somewhere safe and warm.”
You smile. As you’d expect, a sweet, straightfoward answer from him. 
“Yeah, probably living a simple but fulfilling life on another continent. Maybe not even human, a particularly well-behaved goat or something.”
He laughs and presses a kiss to your neck.
“I don’t think you’d be a goat, but if you were, I think you’d be the cutest goat.”
You’re warmed up again from the inside, but fight it off, turning to him so that you look him in the eyes. They shine, the flickered flames reflected in the irises. He doesn’t break his hold on you, only readjusting. Always readjusting to suit your flow, you practically hate how much he accommodates you. 
“There’s probably some karmic retribution for whatever’s going on here,” you murmur. You’re not sure you believe in reincarnation, but so many around you do, and if that were true, is there a you that exists in this world right now that will never know him? Is there a him in your own time that will never get to meet you if you stay?
If love is true, does it span time or does it rebel against it?
Despite this you let him tilt your head up and kiss you, while wrapping you in the warmth of a blanket you didn’t remember him bringing out. 
“What’s the punishment? For what crime?” he asks. The way he looks at you, he seems to pore into your soul, far too good to be human, far too good to be yours.
“I…” you trail off. Going from work assignments and weekend partying to slaying demons and losing everyone you know and the technology you’ve always taken for granted should be hell, but when you’re together like this, it feels more like a short-term purgatory with heaven in clear view, with the sweetest guardian spirit leading you there.
Your gaze lowers from his deep carnelian ones and you decide instead to let yourself rest against his chest.
“Never mind, I love you.”
You can feel his love for you swell. 
“I love you, too.”
You let yourself rest as the charcoal burns; he hums again, just slightly off-key but it’s music to your ears. 
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bogusbyron · 4 months
Drop the post-Seine headcanons i dare you
(because i would love to read them)
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Right so i was thinking about michael ball yesterday and his javert (ive been a fan of michael ball for a little while now so im biased and i like him, sorry to the haters but i do) an it gor me thinking abt a javert more aligned with His physique and i thought well. i already hc valjean puts on weight in MsurM because he comes into money and can afford to feed himself (he's known malnourishment and starvation, im sure he'd keep himself well-fed - not with huge banquets just with decent food. he's already a broad build because of his muscles but adding onto it definitely gives him that advantage just in case javert tried to overpower him. lol.) i also hc cosette to gain some weight after they move to paris... so i thought.. hey. surely valjean would be nagging at javert to keep his energy up and eat post-seine, especially after he's recovered and out and about .
I dont think he'd put on substantial weight immediately . i think it'd take him a while, probably once he's finally comfortable with everything, which is likely after he & valjean decide to make things official .
I also just like the idea of his hair getting greyer over that span of time. (i dont know how long exactly as im very bad at conceptualising time in my head LMFAO.) ..............and he grows his whiskers out. i love the idea of javert getting a job as like a librarian or something and the image of librarian javert with those huge grey whiskers is just too perfect an opportunity to pass up .
i'll probably end up making tweaks to this because so far this is all just from my own noggin and havent actually discussed with anyone so feel free to leave opinions or whatever i'd love to hear other people's headcanons .
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cymk8 · 9 months
Any thoughts (happy ones and/or angst ones👀) on a shadowlach au where they knew each other when they were younger in baldurs gate and then meet again during the game?
I am vibrating out of my skin.
The thing I love about this au, which I have thought about A LOT actually, is that it isn't too impossible — I actually think it can even be canon, because either way *Shadowheart would have had every experience with her wiped from her memory.*
ANYWAY time to be Gay™:
They probably met a few times as teens, probably from intersecting assignments as a bodyguard and a Sharran in training
Shadowheart is implied to have been planted in the city as a noble and trained to blend in with high society (her prissy little accent is telling LMFAO) (SIDE NOTE: it would also be absolutely hilarious that she might even have met Astarion this way or even Wyll as a bratty little shit)
Karlach most likely met her during assignments where she would be responsible for anything from cargo to actually being a guard/attendant for a while
While I want the DELULU to take the reins and say she was a personal guard to her once...I think it's funnier to think that they simply ran into each other enough times to recognize the other; I'd imagine Gortash being especially eager to suck up to nobility
They would have a rather sweet relationship — I'm sure the dashing figure Karlach might have cut would have Awakened Things™ inside of Shadowheart (I mean if I saw a woman throw a couple of sacks of potatoes over her shoulders like it was nothing...[gunshots])
They probably had simple meetings when they happened to work nearby, maybe a lunch or a silly little adventure — nothing much, but just two kids being afforded to feel normal outside the stuffy roles they had
I think Shadowheart would have been the type to sneak Karlach food or things like pretty, girlish accessories that Karlach expressed interest in but couldn't get or felt uncomfortable/guilty in wanting to express herself with — and probably influenced Shadowheart to continue to be way too nice as a Sharran even with her memory wiped
At the end of it, their lives took them through different paths. Karlach might have held on to their memories together for comfort, the name slipping through her mind the longer she spent in the Hells (not that it mattered — I'm sure Shadowheart would have been under a pseudonym)...and Shadowheart would have simply forgotten
ANYWAY. It makes me fucking emo because the 'first' meeting between them would've felt like seeing someone familiar in a way they couldn't explain. And they would never know why that might be
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overly-verbose · 4 months
Lol I look forward to the unintentional psychological damage your SIkuna is constantly giving everyone (except Yuuji)
Same tbh, it's being a difficult Part to write but I'm looking forward to it being finished as well (both to be able to finally post, and to reread it in its finished format for them Serotonins heh) 😂
And yeah lmao once again SIkuna's rolling basically only Nat 20s on random Intimidation checks all the time, whilst trying to just be spooky Enough - yet still as cooperative as he can afford to seem without coming off as completely OOC/unbelievable
(that Sukuna Filter and all-too-natural sinister-looking mannerisms are definitely working against him lol) 😂
As for Yuji, he isn't gonna be totally stress-free here, for one he's most definitely not going to be happy about the whole 'Ijichi got a bit freaking mauled' situation amongst other things
- but by the end of this 'Arc'
(Part 8/end of the Detention Center Confrontation + a short Part 9)
he'll be starting to properly wonder if Sukuna is either not as evil as everyone thinks he is (and he himself plays himself off as, though he's definitely not 100% good either) or at the very least if he doesn't have some sort of... Soft spot for him and his friends??
A Thought which, by the end of the VS Mahito Arc Junpei Doesn't Fucking Die Arc, becomes an almost certainty in his mind due to a few things
- then 'sunshine child'/Part 2 happens
(and all that follows it on the timeline lol)
(Can't wait 'till I get to Nanami's reaction towards that whole thing lmfao
- the poor guy's gonna get hypertension at 28 because of this kid and his 'if evil then why friend-shaped' attitude towards the freaking King of Curses 😂)
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cee-grice · 28 days
OC Deep Dive Tag
I haven't done a tag game in foreverrrr (gonna need to clear out the backlog eventually), and thought I'd hit it off again with this one:D got tagged by @pandoras-comment-box, thank you!! you can check out their post here
Rules: answer the following questions for your OCs
going with the main ones, Quil and Endra (I keep wanting to say Endra and Quil, as if Endra's the protagonist, and I think that sums up my favoritism well)
What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Quil: the ocean. also space. there's something about the vast unknown that's fucking terrifying y'know (I get him)
Endra: needles and other sharp objects (doctors hate him! (except Quil:) ))
Do they have any pet peeves?
Quil: too many to count 😭 mostly social things, though - he especially has a thing about improper manners (assuming the person Is aware of proper manners)
Endra: being treated as immature (he is, in fact, immature)
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Quil: too many books... ink bottles... plates (because eating in the kitchen is for losers!)
Endra: piano, cat (does that count as an item??), drawings
What do they notice first in a person?
Quil: this is setting-specific, but whether or not they have visible magical mutations, then their fashion (this informs him of their culture and thus expected social etiquette)
Endra: their facial expressions/body language (to see how friendly they seem)
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Quil: 10/10, dude could walk off a bullet wound
Endra: like a solid 5/10
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Quil: depends on the pressure! normally, fight mode, but if it's related to his Trauma, then flight (or freeze) all the way babey
Endra: fight fight fight
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Both are an only child, actually! Quil's parents wanted more, but he required so much attention because of medical stuff that they just couldn't afford to, and Endra was an accident lol
Quil used to be very close with his parents, but, well. shit happened lmfao. and Endra absolutely despises his mother ahaha (but would like his own family someday!)
What animal represents them best?
Quil: a snake (but not in the stereotypical 'grrr he's a snake' way! snakes deserve better>:()
Endra: puppy :) (he'd hate that)
What is a smell that they dislike?
Quil: the smell of dye
Endra: nothing in particular
Have they broken any bones?
Quil: he's shattered bones beyond recognition, does that count
Endra: probably lol
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Quil: so polite! so helpful! what a charming young man, not sure what everyone's on about, calling him a 'menace' ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Endra: kind of quiet and reserved at first, but once comfortable, way too excitable and talkative, I should probably be annoyed but I'm unwillingly endeared by his enthusiasm
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Quil: sleep is for the weak <3 (so...both.)
Endra: he'll be the first out and the last up
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
(I actually wrote about this one lol)
Quil: he avoids anything sweet like the plague, and loves to oversalt everything (it's borderline inedible to others, and his heart will definitely not thank him for it)
Endra: he doesn't hate anything in particular, and baked apples <3
Do they have any hobbies?
Quil: he actually really enjoys reading fairytales, but he's pretty much obsessed with biochemistry, so that's what most of his time goes into lol
Endra: playing the piano!:) and drawing:) and traveling (that's a new one)
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
Quil: he'd be frazzled for a second, but then he'd snap into the expected role (that'd also be his reminder that it's his birthday)
Endra: he'd be delighted (but only if there weren't too many people present)
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Quil: jewelry is big where he's from, and he's into it, too. he usually opts for more discreet and delicate stuff, though
Endra: he wouldn't go out of his way to get/wear it, but if it was a gift, he would
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Quil: very neat, but in the over-practiced way
Endra: um. um. hard to say, because he doesn't know how to write ahaha
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Quil: reaaaally depends which timeline we're in (pre-death or post-death). in pre-death, endearment and determination. in post-death, anxiety and stress and panic and anxiety (you try to remain calm post your own death :|)
Endra: excitement and paranoia
Do they have a favorite fabric?
Quil: probably silk tbh (yeah, he's that kind of person)
Endra: linen 🔛🔝
What kind of accent do they have?
Quil: in the text, I describe it as 'lilting and honeyed'. in terms of speaking mannerisms, he somewhat adapts to his company, but usually it's quite proper and 'clinical', always impeccably polite (unless you've slighted him, then he'll go for the fucking jugular)
Endra: warm and soft, but if he were to speak in a different language, he'd sound kind of rough. he speaks quicker than thinks, so he often cuts himself off and restarts lol. tends to ramble (especially when stressed)
softly tagging @mrbexwrites, @sam-glade, @rodentwrites, @raevenlywrites, @eccaiia, @amaiguri and anyone else who'd want to!
What uncommon/common fear do they have? Do they have any pet peeves? What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? What do they notice first in a person? On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? What animal represents them best? What is a smell that they dislike? Have they broken any bones? How would a stranger likely describe them? Are they a night owl or a morning bird? What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love? Do they have any hobbies? Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? Do they like to wear jewelry? Do they have neat or messy handwriting? What are the two emotions they feel the most? Do they have a favorite fabric? What kind of accent do they have?
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breninarthur · 1 year
15 Questions
I was tagged by @crynwr-drwg – thank you! 🥰
Are you named after anyone?
Very kind of vaguely? My name is uhhhh new made up. My mam wanted to call me one thing, and my dad wanted to call me his mam's middle name, so they were mashed together. My middle name is also my mam's name so yknow.
When was the last time you cried?
Guardians of the Galaxy 3. All my tears are gone now.
Do you have kids?
God no. I'm a mess.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Hmm not so much anymore because I mainly interact with the children I work with and coworkers I'm not friends with so. I did when I had friends tho lmfao
what sports do you/have you played?
lol none by choice. unless does karate count? I got up to blue belt when I was younger. i played golf a bit too, and i liked to swim, and i guess badminton every once in a while. but i wouldn't really say i actively did them.
what's the first thing you notice about other people?
idk! nothing specific, honestly. i suppose maybe height?
eye colour?
I thought it was dark green but I'm not even sure anymore 😅
scary movies or happy endings?
any special talents?
uhhhh idk I don't think anything like... out of the ordinary? I can move my ears and nostrils haha
where were you born?
north wales
what are your hobbies?
singing, writing, and dragon age mainly rn
do you have any pets?
not of my own :( I can't afford it. my mam has a dog though, who's kind of mine by association, even if I don't see him much. my dad has three dogs too but I see them even less.
how tall are you?
5'3" and 3/4
fave subject in school?
english with history a close second
dream job?
actress and author
Thank you for asking!
If you see this and would like to do it, consider this an open invitation :) And feel free to tag me!
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figula · 2 years
today wasn't as annoying as yesterday, i am mostly over the tax thing. managed to knock like 12% off the total by going through all my groceries purchases (all my business expenses are really spread out, it's annoying) but ill have to pay like £450 which. bleh i guess is fine bc i actually have the money to do so it's churlish of me to complain about a bill i can pay, when there are people who cant afford to eat healthy meals or heat their homes! let alone pay an unexpected bill w/o problems
i got a few commissions today + made a few ready-to-ship wigs that i'll put on instagram tmr so that's good too
had a chat w/ my high school best friend liz - she had the most incred gossip that none of you will care about but i'm going to share anyway! she's dating TOM LASTNAME! this is actually crazy news im so excited. they always kind of liked each other (they met when htey were 16, in sixth form) and now they're both 30 they're actually properly giving it a go bc they're not dating anyone else + the timing is right and she was like "there's so much feelings and history but it seems so SIMPLE" and i was just like omfg that's so romantic. passed this onto ben (who does not know either of the people involved - well he's met liz once or twice - but made appropriate responses when needed) and was like "that's so romantic, that's so much better than our story [met on tumblr on the citalopram tag]" and ben was gravely like "it's never romantic to date anyone from your hometown" lmfao but i do think it's so lovely they're together FINALLY + i really hope it works out for them. i told her to bring him to the wedding as her +1 bc i really want to see them together <3
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autobot-ratchet · 3 months
MTMTE 34-36
oh that's right it's not briefcase time just yet lmfAO Teebs has to die first
still unbelievably funny that the evil villain psychologist is named Froid. I mean it fits but also fucking lol
reading this big-ass wall of text makes me so sad, like. Megatron was right, he started off so strong, and then he had to go and do a genocide........
“If you can save someone, you should save them, You cannot put a price on life.” “The Functionists put a price on everything- And the moment you start to take more than you give- the moment you become a burden- they turn their back.” hey what if I scream so hard I turn inside out. Just for no reason in particular
Oh First Aid... he's trying so hard to be good, and he's right to be good, he doesn't know he's helping the wrong person
and he's right to try to stop once he learns exactly who he's healing too, poor guy's been put in yet another “kill one for the good of many” situations and I cannot at all blame him for bailing
and poor Teebs is also being so good, I can't blame him either. He was just trying to do the right thing, he didn't know it was gonna be the last thing he ever did...
urgh, Trepan altering Megatron's brain while he's still conscious is so fucked, no wonder he freaked the hell out when Chromedome got near him
man, poor First Aid, he was just trying to be a good medic...
NOW it's briefcase time
god the functionist universe is so skeevy, it's so fucked that this is what comes to pass if Megatron doesn't start the war
I do like that Chromedome and Rewind aren't just magically back to normal, they both went through so much and need time to process it all, even if Chromedome doesn't particularly want to. Poor guy managed to keep himself from erasing his memory via mnemosurgery while he was without Rewind but now it's like he's trying to sweep all that grief under the rug and pretend it doesn't exist now that they're together again. He wants things to go back to normal so badly, but they can't, you gotta build a new normal and that simply takes time
gfhdfsajk love Rodimus calling the DJD Megatron's “grotty little fan club,” he's right and he should say it
on the one hand, Megatron's breakdown at Brainstorm going back in time is very funny but on the other hand, like. Didn't you get used as a portal to a sentient and hypermalevolent alternate universe as part of a ploy to destroy the concept of time a few months ago? Not to mention the quantum duplicate ship you just helped deactivate. Why is this the one that's too much lmfAO
“There are certain words, Minimus- tiny words- important words- There are certain words you can't afford to lose.” pUNCHES THE ARM OF MY CHAIR GOD THIS SHIT IS SO FUCKED the functionist universe is so genuinely terrifying
this comic is really gonna make me watch Rewind die a second time
eeyyy it's Roller. Remember when everyone including me was convinced he was Tarn lmfAO I remember being SHOCKED when it wasn't him, Megatron said Tarn's real name and I was like “wHO???” so lemme pay closer attention this time
aww Chromedome feels betrayed too, Brainstorm is his friend........
“I love it when he talks history” gayass
love Megatron pouring his heart out to past Orion. This started out as me poking fun at Megatron for talking on the phone with his old flame like that fuckin vine of the dude giggling and sitting on the couch as gayly as possible like “Ryan~!” but then I got sad at how he's talking to a past version of his old flame back when he knew him at his best, almost letting himself indulge in the fantasy of pretending things never went so south with him before reigning himself back in
it's tragic but also really funny how Rodimus immediately breaks his own rule of not telling anyone anything about the future in an effort to save Trailbreaker, in fact he really did fuck that up almost immediately by trying to show Orion his Autobot badge lmAO
Rodimus saying the word “sus” just fuckign shattered my psyche immediately, one-hit KO lmfAO new discourse topic: how much do you think Rodimus would enjoy Among Us memes, discuss
I remember another theory about this issue was that the radiation that the senate is unleashing on the unborn sparks to create outliers was the reason why Rodimus has flamey powers since his spark was in that batch, thus making him secretly an outlier. I remember James Roberts explicitly debunking this one but. I like it and it changes nothing important so I'm just gonna keep that one for me lmAO
YEAH Roller disappears so the theory was that after Chromedome gave everyone the handshakes that erase their memory of the last few hours, they forgot that Roller was missing and took off without him, thus making him feel like he was abandoned and his resentment for Orion eventually turned him into Tarn
aww man, I'm sorry Roddy, you tried your best
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xorobyn · 7 months
Where tf to even start.
my god. they are right. when ur on ur shit ppl are going to hate on you as if they aren't the embodiment of what u make fun of. this silly ass bitch trying me up bc I called her out for being ignorant about politics. bc she's a dumbass trumpie who when asked simple questions cannot answer bc she is literally a moron. GODDAMN, I can't stand stupid ppl and that's fucking everyone around me. why can't people just educate themselves??? it hurts my brain how stupid ppl are. I can't have an intelligent conversation with anyone bc no one actually enjoys learning and being educated about politics, philosophy, science, etc. like I do.
this stupid bitch tried me up on my life and I HAD to set that cunt straight like I actually laugh. tried to diss me on shit that isn't true and is actually true of herself.
"Come at me again and don’t lie about being independent bc you have never once been independent in your life. You embody the people I make fun of for relying on a man to get by emotionally and financially. Couldn’t never ever be me. I actually chose to do shit with my life and not end up a loser like every other bitch relying on a man Why don’t u just answer all my questions going on with trump and prove to me you actually know shit. Oh wait u can’t bc u don’t 🤣🤣🤣
I take that back you never lived anywhere nice with that man. You’ve only lived in shit holes besides when [retracted] let u live with her for less than half of what she’s paying and when a male bought you a house.
I’m better than you in every single way and you know it. Including being educated and informed on current issues. Don’t be a typical trumpie who follows the crowd and doesn’t actually know shit and the typical informed liberal won’t call you out. And tell ur unemployed bf I said the same. You let a male move into ur house who u knew had no job. Dude… the desperation is embarrassing. All bc u can't afford to live alone and aren't mentally capable of it bc ur so weak. Could never be me. What was ur high school GPA? Was it even a 3.0? And flunked out of college and used a man as a plan for her life? Yes the exact person I make fun of for being a loser
And happy early 30th birthday. You’ve amounted to nothing bc you wouldn’t leave an alcoholic drug addict who beat you until the day he died."
I HATE BITCHES seriously I cant even say I'm a woman's woman anymore bc im literally not. bitches are so pathetic. and that isn't to say I am for males bc hell naw I hate them mfs too.
I cant stand anyone except a bitch who is out here being completely independent on her own and doing shit with her life. God thts why I respect T and M so much bc they are actually bad bitches who are not using a man as a plan!!!!!!!!!!!!
go ahead and fucking kill yourself. you will never amount to shit worth anything and your life is a waste. these stupid ass cunts I stg. I cannot stand a bitch who doesn't have her own shit, isn't educated, and chooses to live mid-ass loser ass lives. and the ADCACITY to try me up like they have shit on me hahahahaha. I hope this doesn't come across as me being offended bc im literally not. how can I be offended by anyone who is objectively worse than me?? LMFAO I tell these hoes not to try me up on the insult game bc I will always win. I have set my life up to LITERALLY be better than everyone. and the number one rule of dissing is to never bring up looks. shit is wayyyyyyyyy too easy to do. looks are subjective. shit doesnt even matter. you gotta hit ppl with FACTS to hurt them frfr. yeah calling them a fat ass is mean but its too fucking easy.
say thats why u been a single mom since 20
thats why u flunked out of college
thats why you work at a dead end job
thts why ur ass lives in that grimy ass apartment
thts why ur ass drives a car from 2005
thats why ur baby daddy left u for a woman who is actually doing shit with her life u broke ass dumb bitch
goddamn please spare me the tears.
I relate so much to these female rappers but like ACTUALLY. im so much better than every other bitch its RIDICULOUS!!!!!
Im just so fucking sick of the dumbasses of the world. can we do a genocide of these dumb bitches dear god I cant stand it anymore. yall hoes are making me a bad person bc I gotta shit on u and put u in ur place ratchet loser ass bitches. im just so heated bc I dream of a world where ppl are just like me. yes im perfect. im living life the correct way. why cant everyone be like me? why didnt everyone else start setting goals at 11??? LIKE ROBZ RLLY DID THAT started setting goals at 11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I promise im not like anyone else. i never ever have been. god I cant wait to continue flourishing. goddamn, I love myself. im back to myself. im healed. im conceited as fuck. fuck
I know I spelt hela shit wrong but im just banging on my keyboard so whatever:P
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bisluthq · 8 months
Except for Swifties, I have seen a lot of backlash against Taylor for her new album, in social media. Most comment on her lack of maturity in songwriting by a woman in her 30s and making trashing ex’s her legacy. They felt she should have grown emotionally by now. I tend to agree and I recall what Lady Gaga once said when asked. She could never write diss music against someone she once loved. I am exploring others to follow now. I was impressed by Victoria Monét. She’s a singer/songwriter 15 years into the business and only got a chance to sing her own words later on in the business, when someone found her tapes, and left the record label and took Victoria with her. VM had no father to help jumpstart her career, by investing in a record label, and had to write for other people instead of getting a chance to sing her own music. From now on, I will only be a fan of singers who show the emotional growth as a human being. Taylor has the power to have her words make the world a better place, but she is stuck in high school, emotionally, and only her marketing skills keep her relevant. She is no role model except for money making, squeezing every last dollar out of her fans.
lol but u haven’t even listened to the album???? This is such a weird ass take. So far the only negative-ish thing she’s released about Joe is YLM which is BY NO MEANS a diss track. It’s a pretty measured meditation on a relationship that was once great crumbling and acknowledges fault on both sides.
I’ve not seen anyone saying that lol like not just from Swifties tbh. As I said there was a long thread on FB where a friend of mine in academia changed the cover to the Tortured Historian Department and the zingers in the comments where all around academia references. One person wrote “So Long London is about how no one can afford to live there on a lecturer’s salary” and there were other jokes too that one just stuck out to me and got a lot of likes. There were also jokes about pursuing tenure but I can’t remember which song this was about. None of these people are Swifties and none of them gaf about her boyfriends lmao because they have jobs. PS Florence has confirmed the title was an academia reference to begin with in a story where she calls herself the Department Head of Haunted Houses (obvi the song So Long London is not about academia, that was a joke, but like the title is about it).
Victoria Monet is fucking awesome but that’s got fuck all to do with fuck all.
if you want to unstan Taylor based on an unheard album (or actually just because she annoys u idc why you don’t like her but an unheard album is genuinely a sillier reason than just “I find her annoying” or “she is the epitome of white mediocrity”) go ahead but like you’re doing it because you just don’t dig her anymore not because “a lot of people” think she hasn’t grown up lmfao. Also lol I mean algorithms work that way so if you keep interacting with antis you’ll see more antis so you’ll believe more people dislike her vibe idk.
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twippyegg · 2 years
Life is still the same.
Everything is the same still. Nothing different. I am slowly losing my mind but I think my fear of death is what keeps me here. I have applied to so many jobs, I have tried to occupy myself with so many things. Filling the void with videogames and online friends, its almost an addiction at this point. I have goals in life. I want to be a streamer, and spread funny content to everyone. I want to show off my make up skills and overall just be a fun person everyone can depend on to lighten up their day. It's kind of corny but I want to be comfortable when I am older. I want my boyfriend and I to be able to afford stuff once he retires. Who knows where this country will be in 40 years. I applied to two places the other day and both got called back for an interview. I really hope I get something. One is part time, One is full time. If I worked full time that would be fucking amazing. Even part time would be amazing. My boyfriend got this wonderful promotion and we haven't been able to be comfortable since his promotion because his promotion started after I lost my job. I will never forgive the company that laid me off knowing I had mental shit going on. We all know companies do not care lmfao and it was silly of me to think that I was going to be considered for any accommodations. ------------------------Cat updates---------------------- I am going to also give updates on my cats since I journal everything on tumblr anyways. Mowgli- Mowgli powgli is doing just fine. He's a chonk.5 lol. He likes to eat all of his food first and then as soon as we let him out of his room (he cant eat with the other cats bc he will eat their food too) he goes straight for my kitten Millie's food. (she has a different kitten food, she's still a bean) Maggie aka Magnolia- She yells all the time. When I'm in the kitchen, When I am sleeping, When I am pooping, its just yell yell yell. I love her though. She knows when its cuddle time, and when I need to get up. I love her shes my little baby. Marzar- lil stink stink. He is getting annoyed with millie but what am I suppose to do about it? Marzar is finally getting a piece of his own medicine because he used to terrorize Mowgli and Maggie when he first met them. Marzar was the next MMA fighter as a kitten. He's about 3 now and he's ready to be a lazy, bacon eatin' kitty.
Millie aka Miliana- She is a trip and a half. She still has sensitive ears so any weird loud sounds she's like "yo wtf?" and runs away but then quickly returns to what she is doing. She has been eating almost all her food now and she's starting to get a little chonk. I got Millie 2 weeks before I lost my job and it really felt like after that my life went so downhill into the ground. She kept me going. I was able to take care of her and she is so loving. She sleeps right in my double chin all the time. She has to be right in your face to fall asleep. ahaha
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noirapocalypto · 3 years
Do you have characters for other games like Fallout, Skyrim, etc? 👀
YES OMG okay so
I haven't played Skyrim, Fallout, Dragon Age, etc in such a long time. I lost most of my game saves and had to dig around to find screenshots of my old characters. Here are some of my old ones (and some of my recent ones).
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So this is my very first dragonborn, back when I played the SHIT out of Skyrim when it first came out. Her name is Vondra, she's a fun, down to earth wood elf archer. I had a whole story to her, where she was just a regular wood elf living out in the woods, living off the land, doing her hunting and was suddenly thrust into this whole ordeal with dragons, being a the dovahkiin and just having all this pressure on her. She was my favorite character and was SO bummed out when I couldn't recreate her after switching computers.
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This is my new dragonborn character that I just made a few days ago after reinstalling Skyrim and modding it. Since I'm playing the SE version, I couldn't find ALL the mods I was using all those years back. And it was a process trying to reach myself everything all over again, especially with the Vortex mod manager. I wanted to recreate Vondra, but honestly, I figured I'll never get her exactly the same, so I named this Nael and decided to roll a whole new character. She's still an archer, but with a different personality (which I have yet to figure out). I gotta figure out how to take decent looking screenshots on Skyrim again, so for now, these are the only pics of her I have.
Now onto a different game.
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This is my elf from Dragon Age Inquisition. Again, not my first one, since I lost that save file when I switched computers. But I tried remaking her the best I could. Her name is Shyla, an archer (I tend to play the same types in similiar games lol). Her original love interest was Iron Bull, when I restarted the game, I decided to try Blackwall and that sad, scruffy man just won my heart. I wanna play again, but the modding process is ass, imo.
Sadly, I don't have anymore screenshots. All I have left is my Fallout 4 character that I haven't edited yet so she's still in her "vanilla" state, but as soon as I start playing again, I'll post her soon!
The rest of my characters have been long forgotten or lost 😭But at least that means I can make new ones.
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sixeyesgojo · 3 years
Dad!Gojo with schoolkid!reader hc
Summary: Dad!Gojo with a Reader that goes to school. Or more like: DILF!Gojo being hit on by people
Characters: Gojo and his kiddo
Word count: -
Content warning: Gojo himself is a warning, idc
A/N: I think this is part 2??? 3?? I don’t even know.
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He does not pack your lunches, in case you were wondering if he did. Man's too busy eating his own sweets.
Imagine him doing it tho??? Devastation.
If he has time to pack your lunches, which is rare, he packs some pastries.
He actually packed your lunch once upon a time (when you were in kindergarten) but one day you had insisted that you were "all grown up" now (going to elementary lmfao) and could do it yourself, so he was like "Oho?? Is that so?" and stopped
gives you lunch money tho. Is 50 dollars enough?
regularly brings you to school (in casual wear), then is late to his own class or whatever he has to do??? (assuming he has indoor lessons at all)
He usually doesn't drive. He simply picks you up and uses cursed energy to transport. Because he can.
but when he does drive, rest assured that it will be in a fancy car bc he can afford it
If he is not able to bring you to school, he will have Ijichi do it
everyone thinks Ijichi is your less cool uncle
Occasionally Nanamin brings you to school
all the kids think your dad is super cool
They admire him: boys want to be like him later on, girls want to have a husband like him when they grow up but little, do they know both of you live dangerously
that one time when your homeroom teacher tried to sneak her number into your backpack for your dad after having seen him a few times
the dozen times when single moms flirted with him in front of the school gates and he flaunts his good looks but ends up being like "I am terribly sorry, ma'am, but I am a very busy man with a kid to take care of."
someone call the doctor(s) because: cue a VERY charming smile follows afterwards
crouches down to give you a goodbye hug <3 "I'll see you later, my little sunshine"
Honestly, I don't see anyone bullying you or picking on you. I wrote it in the last chapter in case people would be curious but you're literally Gojo's kid that probably adopted some of his traits and this man is just loveable and so are you. Sorry, I don't make the rules here.
In case you do get bullied or picked on: God forbid the first-years-trio hears of this. They'd pull up the very next day to make sure nobody picks on you ever again. Sorry not sorry.
Gojo isn't exactly thrilled about someone picking on you either, so he's gonna have a mature talk with their parent(s)
To Gojo, the most important thing is that he has a heart-to-heart talk with you afterwards to be able to assess what damage has been done to you, mentally as well as physically, and reassure you that you are a great person that should live their life with their head held high
If you're crying? Lord, help this man. He doesn't really know what to do besides suppressing his murder intent kneeling down to embrace you tightly and stroke your head
If he catches the other kid in the act of bullying you, he will pull you aside, throw them a look and make some sassy remark that will instantly shut them up
He has a mission? Oh well, guess Nanami will have to work overtime then because Gojo will make some time for you and spoil you afterwards to make you forget all the bad things
You are a prodigy in the eyes of the teachers
You are doing especially well in maths - already being able to multiply and divide bigger numbers
Sometimes Gojo explains stuff to you at home, so it's hardly surprising that you are able to do this
He takes your education very serious - just because he's a jujutsu sorcerer does not mean you have to become one as well... unless you want it, which is also why he sometimes teaches you basics about the world he operates in
Whereas he may take it seriously, that doesn't mean he will scold you for bad grades. He will just encourage you to do better. Not that you brought back a bad grade anyway
You may be good at maths but you enjoy arts lesson the most
lmao doodle your dad with a mustache, your dad fighting a curse (but ofc nobody knows what that is), Shoko and you enjoying a campfire, Megumi carrying you, etc
At the end of a day, he will pick you up again if he can (again, in casual wear)
You will run into his arms as soon as you see him in front of the classroom
Effortlessly, he picks you up and twirls you around
"How was your day, sweetie?" and you proceed to tell him
He listens well and throws in some comments or questions
What you do afterwards depends on his schedule
He would take you on non-special-grade missions too because he knows he is able to protect you for sure but he prefers to spare your children's eyes
so you just go home
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seijoh-apologist · 4 years
stupidly in like with you | miya atsumu
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pairing: post-timeskip!miya atsumu x f!reader word count: 14.6k (OOPS LMFAO) genre: friends to lovers, fluff, hurt(?)/comfort, and like a few too many pages of fluffy smut -- third person pov for the most part. NSFW. synopsis: Atsumu and Y/N are good friends, maybe feelings are involved but Y/N isn’t his type. OR Y/N and Atsumu are most definitely in like with each other but for whatever reason aren’t dating.
A/N: hi so this is my first “published” hq fic but like here is this thought that I had and haven’t been able to get it out of my head. it’s mostly edited thanks to my irl friend but bare with my run on sentences and (slightly excessive) use of profanity. any feedback would be appreciated b/c I have more thoughts for other characters and I'd love to share haha. 
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To say Y/N was annoyed was an understatement.
Aching feet begged for relief, the sweat-soaked shirt, though cute, had begun to cling to that one fold in her side that made her the slightest bit hyper aware of the “stress weight” she swears she's put on during the holiday season. And the music was absolute shit, shuffling between mash-ups of the Top 100 trending songs and some weird EDM-Indie music that she would pay good money to never hear again.
To put it plainly, she was not in the mood to be out of her home, much less celebrate. But she had agreed to come out, never being able to say no to Sakusa, who silently pleaded with his eyes to take on “babysitting” responsibilities of his teammates for tonight. He had paid for her dinner several times before tonight, claiming that she should save her money - “you should spend your money on getting a better mattress, so we don’t have to hear you complain about it anymore.” - the least she could do was give him a night to himself, away from the chaos that was the rest of the MSBY team.
Besides, it's not like she was asked to stalk them or anything - they were friends after all, so really it was just like she was tagging along for a night of club hopping, taking shots that she didn’t have to pay for, and simply people watching in between trips to the dancefloor. And normally, she’d be enjoying the night - it's just that of all nights to come out and celebrate, it had to be at the end of one of the most stress-inducing, aggravating weeks of her young adult life.
Checking that it was well after one in the morning, she sipped water from her straw, swivelling to face the crowd from her (stolen) seat at the bar, in hopes of catching the attention of someone in her party that could get the hint that they should probably get ready to go. What she did not expect to find, however, was Atsumu, flitting his eyes away from her figure as he leaned down to talk to a pair of girls. It could just be a friendly gesture, asking him if he was who they think he was and him responding but it sent a less than pleasant feeling in her stomach, so she swiveled back, reaching for her phone in the back pocket of her suddenly too tight pants.
“Fuck me,” she huffs out upon seeing that her phone battery has fallen to thirty percent, which would be just delightful when it would be time to call the ubers home. She could now rule out aimlessly scrolling through Twitter for the rest of the night while waiting for her friends.
“Uh.. maybe slip in a ‘please’ and I’m yours.”
Y/N’s eyes all but bugged out her head at the response that came from her left. The voice belongs to a guy, a very cute guy. The kind of cute guy that you see on Instagram explore page before it refreshes so the chances of seeing him again are nonexistent.She sputters out a delayed apology, double-time since she realized that she’s now taken a little too long to respond to him, to which he laughs and shakes his head.
“Don’t worry about it. I should be apologizing for interrupting you, it's just.... You looked a little lonely over here. Mind if I sit with you?”
“Seat’s all yours... but you’re on your own if those people from before come back to reclaim them.” She hums, sliding her phone back into her pocket and shifting her legs slightly in the direction of his seat.
“Scared of a little fight?” He hums, arching a brow before taking a swig of his beer. He has nice hands. Y/N muses to herself as she watches the stranger’s fingers flex slightly around the neck of his beer bottle. She’s always of the mind that a person’s hands say a lot about them.
“Mmm no… just too tired to defend myself, much less a random stranger.” He laughs at that, nodding his head before replying that “most pretty girls don’t openly say they can fight.”
“Oh you’re cheesy, aren’t you? Nobody straight up tells a girl they’re pretty for no real reason.”
“Actually,” Shifting his beer bottle onto the bar, he holds out his hand to her. “My name is not cheesy, it’s -”
“Y/N! There you are!”
The call of her name makes her jump slightly, before she feels the familiar warmth of a hand on her back. The same hand worms its way to her hip, fingers slipping into that soft fold just above her pants, the warmth of his next words being felt just above her ear.  “Where the hell’ve ya been? Was lookin’ all over the place for ya, Bo and Shoyo were worried ya left without us!”
“Been right here, idiot. We lost our original seats so I’d figure you’d come to the bar at some point and I could’ve waved you down.” She shifts slightly, turning her shoulder back towards the cute stranger with an apologetic look in her eye, to which he smiles and opens his mouth to respond until Atsumu cuts him off again, his hand gripping the back of her neck to make her give him her total attention.
“Right well I’m starving - let's get outta here. Kinda craving your infamous drunk noodles, or maybe a McDonald’s on the way home, yeah?”
Y/N nods slightly, turning back towards the stranger to see that he’s already slinking back into the crowd. Once she fully loses him, she shoves her elbow into the blonde’s side, telling him to “shut it” when he throws out a huff of pain.
“Thank you, ‘Tsumu… could’ve had a different ride home but nooooo.. Needed to come in here with all your glory talking about you being starving despite the fact that you can afford a personal chef.” She huffs out and slides off her stool, but he’s not listening. Instead he’s holding her by the shoulders and pushing her through the crowd, excusing the two of them as she continues to rant and rave at him. Once outside, the pair are joined with the rest of the party, who have called a few separate ubers home. “And to top it off, I know you’re not even listening right now - you never listen to me, Miya. I don’t know how your teammates put up with you… how do you put up with this shit, hmm?”
The group of teammates laugh softly and shake their heads, giving answers that “they get paid” to put up with him, and that Miya Atsumu is actually “a decent friend,” a fact that she knows is true but chooses to ignore when convenient for her. Atsumu just shakes his head with a roll of his eyes, pulling her into the direction of their uber for their journey back to his place. She greets the driver and settles into her seat, as Atsumu calls out behind him something or other to someone. The slam of the door and clicking of seatbelts is what fills the silence in the car, music softly playing from the rear speakers, as Atsumu leans his head back against the headrest.
“So I take it yer coming to stay with me for tonight?”
“Hmm.. don’t have much of a choice now, do I?” She teases to which Atsumu slightly pouts, reaching to knuckle at his eyes that suddenly feel a little too heavy. “You owe me the biggest breakfast fathomable tomorrow.”
“Why’s it that I owe you when I paid for your dinner before going out, paid for your drinks tonight, and am letting you sleep in my bed - which is infinitely better than your cheap ass - hey!” He begins his ranting, which would be cut off by a sturdy flick to the forehead and a slight “hush” before he feels her head rest up on his shoulder.
Y/N and Atsumu had been friends for a little while, when she chased him down the middle of the road, claiming to the public that he was a thief, just because he’d grabbed the wrong umbrella on the way out of the restaurant they were both eating in. He’d tried to apologize, but she traded umbrellas and walked back towards the direction of the restaurant. He had chalked it up to nothing really, just a slight mistake and minor inconvenience for the girl. At least until a certain teammate’s birthday dinner, where said stranger was- only this time sitting and chatting with Sakusa Kiyoomi as if they’d been best friends for forever (which in all fairness, Y/N and Kiyoomi had only been friends since college, where they were forced into a friendship by their roommates, who were hooking up with each other and forced the two on double dates). This second meeting was a sign to Atsumu, a sign that for whatever reason this girl was supposed to be in his life, in some capacity or another - but he did royally fuck it up a second time by trying to flirt with Y/N, who laughed and asked if his opening line was really the best he’d had, before hitting him with an opening line that still makes him flush when he thinks about it today.
The ride to Atsumu’s home isn’t long, but it's long enough for the tiredness to seep into Y/N’s bones, who barely misses the quiet way that Atsumu’s fingers have taken home at the base of her neck, massaging gently at the tenseness he feels under the pads of his fingers.
“Someone’s tired… why didn’t you stay home?” He asks as they turn onto his street, letting his fingers fall away from her as he begins to check that they have everything they need. ”’t’s a good thing yer sleeping over at mine... and no couch for you. Your neck is all kinds of tense. It's a miracle you haven’t complained ‘bout it once tonight.”
“Shh.. you’re so loud for what?” She mumbles while trying to stifle a yawn. “So if I’m not supposed to sleep on the couch then where am I supposed to sleep then, boy genius? The floor?”
“No,” Atsumu answers seriously, brow slightly wrinkled as he reaches for his keys in his pocket. “You’ll sleep with me. In my bed. ‘t’s a cooling mattress so you won’t haffta complain that yer too hot.”
“Miya, last time I slept in a bed with you, you nearly suffocated me. Dunno if I really wanna have to deal with trying to roll you onto your back again.”
“Wait a minute! To be fair, my bed was smaller then so there was less room for the both of us.” He begins, opening the door and shutting it before turning the two of them towards the entrance to his apartment building. “Second of all, it was my first time sharing a bed with someone other than ‘Samu so ya shouldn’t blame me for not having proper sleep manners.”
The first steps into Atsumu’s home consists of the pair kicking off their shoes, debating lightly on who was gonna take over the shower first. Y/N slides her feet into the slippers that are specifically her slippers in his home and slinks off towards the kitchen, as Atsumu peels off his shirt and heads towards the shower. It feels comfortable, almost like a routine, as Y/N gathers eggs and two noodle packets to make them a small meal before bed. Moments later, Atsumu is coming out of the shower, towelling off his hair before settling onto the sofa, clicking on the T.V. as Y/N comes in with the two bowls of noodles. A silent agreement is met when they finish that Atsumu would wash the dishes as Y/N showered, taking a shirt from his drawers to sleep in
She hands him a bottle of aspirin, mumbling around the toothbrush to “take two or so help me.” Moments later she joins him in bed, slipping on a pair of socks that are two sizes too big for her before settling under the plush fabric of his comforter. He shifts over closer to her after tossing his phone on the nightstand, seeking out her form in the now dim room for a small cuddle before dozing off. She willingly accepts him too, sliding her body just under his and buries her face in his skin, still warm from the too-hot shower he is prone to taking in the name of muscle relaxation. He hums slightly as their feet tangle together, silently appreciating the way Y/N so freely indulges his need to touch someone after being touch-starved for so long.
Though Y/N isn’t much like him in that sense - doesn’t have this inherent need to cling to someone before bed, or just hold hands at a store, or hands on the shoulder in a crowded room. Sometimes she will, like now with her nose buried in his neck and her hand rubbing up and down the length of his sturdy back. Normally they won’t do this, both just a little too headstrong to dig into the tightening in their chests when the hug for a moment longer than usual; but tonight Y/N is silently congratulating him on winning the game that has had him stressed for weeks. She feels his lips press softly to the top of her head, a mumble of “good night” leaving his lips as she feels his breaths even out as the moments pass.
This is where Y/N wishes she had the power to pull away - blames moments like this on giving her the slightest bit of hope that they could be more than friends.
It's not that she hadn’t thought about it - frankly she’d spent too much time thinking about it. She could do this… with him.. But every thought is put to bed when she thinks back on this one conversation months ago. Granted she didn’t have the full context of the conversation but it's enough to make her heart squeeze when she sees Atsumu flirt with someone, or shake off his hand when she’s had a particularly sensitive day.
It was just another evening where hanging out after him and the rest of the team being away for a week. They’d ordered in food and drinks had been flowing nicely as the comfortable pair had caught up - it was honestly too homey of a setting in hindsight. His phone rang, the white text of “‘Samu” flashed and Y/N took that as a cue to finally get to the restroom.
“Mhm.. made it back early today - no Y/N picked me up.” He’d been mumbling around a handful of chips, the other side of the conversation mute to Y/N’s eavesdropping.. “Oh shut up, she doesn’t mind and it's not as if we’re dating anyway. It’s.. casual and it works for us.”
And she should’ve stepped into her place next to him, cuddled up into her chest and played the role of the blissfully ignorant idiot. But no, she stayed tucked behind the restroom door, blood pumping and heart beating too loud in her ears. It would seem as though Y/N was a glutton for punishment, a minor thing when thinking about putting herself through a moment of pain for a lifetime of pleasure - but the pain that came with Miya Atsumu’s next words would set her off kilter for a while.
“Besides, she’s not really my type. It’d never work out anyway.”
She had no choice really other than to shut the door. Take some extra time in the restroom than necessary - after all she’d just hear the potential love of her life admit to his twin brother that she wasn’t his type. All she could do really was stare at herself in the stupidly bright mirror in his stupid guest bathroom of his stupidly expensive apartment.  God this is so stupid, she thinks to herself while running cold water to press against her cheeks that she feels are heated up. Before she can really tear her own heart to bits though, she hears a quick rapt on the door.
“Y/N ya’right in there? Warned y’bout putting too much hot sauce on your food.”
But that’d been two years ago. It was a little rough after that; Y/N had thrown herself into finding a life post-grad which was a great distraction from the rumors going around that Atsumu had been spotted with some model or actress or something. Besides, Y/N wasn’t really the type to harp on failed romantic interests - all she’d need to do is download whatever relevant dating app for some validation and she’d be able to move on. However nights like tonight, when he looked too good and the little moment was a little too right - she’d still hope. Make a wish to whatever angle number or shooting star or deity above that she’d get tossed a chance to be in love with the stupid setter, because she had already fallen.
“Mm y’right?” She heard him, how could she not when he’s practically suffocating her. She chooses not to answer though, humming affirmatively - to which he huffs and shifts slightly, settling back into unconsciousness.
Maybe she’d blame the train of thoughts for tonight on the fact that she’d been drinking. However, come morning, the seed would bloom a little brighter in her chest when she wakes up to realize that her face is pressed into his side, arms circling his slim waist and one sock lost among their tangled legs.
God she hated him. Miya Atsumu was too much of a lot of things - too much of a sore winner, too much of an idiot, too much of a talker, and most of all, too much of a liar.
For the second time in the span of a month, Atsumu had convinced her to come out, despite her desperately wanting to curl up in bed and binge eat away the stress of the week. Only this time it was a charity event, so she would definitely be the bad guy if she said no. It was an event where him and the rest of his team had been roped into a charity dinner - which (gratefully) meant that Sakusa would be around, and they could fuck off to a corner someplace to talk shit about what all the rich wives are wearing and how bad it looks when their husbands are flirting with the wait staff. But Atsumu had promised that they’d leave before the entree was served - swore the entire drive over that “we’ll get you back home in time, grandma” and that he’d even cook for her this time.
But the entree had been whisked off about forty minutes ago, her wine glass had been refilled twice, and she was bored of watching Sakusa look at his watch, waiting for an appropriate time to leave. Atsumu was a few tables away, chatting up some couple, something about wanting to get their information for Osamu’s business. He would laugh a little too loudly at their jokes, gaining attention of those at surrounding tables - which was only mildly irritating as he had now gathered a crowd of people around him, spewing off some story about him getting lost in Russia the first time they played overseas.
She huffs and stands up, chair scraping slightly, gaining the attention of the rest of the  table. All she does is hold up her wine glass in a feeble attempt at an answer of where she’d be waiting at the bar. If I have to be here, the least I could do is drink for free. The bar is empty, surprisingly no one wants to mope around this very nice dinner.
“What can I get you?”
“Mmm.. whiskey highball, please.” She answers to the unnecessarily cute bartender, but the raise of his eyebrows do not go unnoticed.  And fortunately (or unfortunately) she’s got the time to press him. “Surprised?”
“Only a little bit. Noticed you were drinking wine most of the night so the whiskey is a hard switch.”
“So you’ve been watching me?” She muses, smiling as he places the drink in front of her. He smiles and leans forward on the bar slightly, shaking his head and replying.
“It’s almost as if… I’m being paid to make sure people have their drinks.”
“Oh, so it's not because I’m cute?”
“Now I didn’t say that did I? But you know you’re gorgeous; your boyfriend over there must tell you all the time.” He muses, a smirk playing at his lips as he nods behind her. She all but chokes on her drink when she turns around and sees that the direction he nodded in was directly in Atsumu’s vicinity before shaking her head violently. Atsumu was not going to ruin this for her. “Oh so not your boyfriend?”
“Nope.” She says, popping the ‘p’ as she slips the straw past her lips again, eyes taking in his leaning form. He was cute. His hair was on the silver side of blond, tips of his hair black. He was tall and lean, a piercing hanging from his left ear.
“That’s a shame.” And she gives him her name with a flutter of her lashes and a sweet smile. He returns it, preparing her next drink without her even having to ask. And so they talk, first about how the next person who approaches the bar should be cut off, to how pretentious the whole event was. Two drinks in, Y/N finds herself being invited to a show.
“This whole bartending thing is just a way for me to get some extra cash… I’ve got a gig in an hour. I figured if we leave together now, I can get you home to change outta this and into something a little more… concert fitting?”
“O-Oh.. yeah. I just need to go let my friend know…” She trails off, sliding off her barstool before turning to gracefully power walking to her initial seat next to Sakusa. She huffs and she plots herself down in the char next to him, to which he gives her a look of what the fuck. “I don’t have time to catch you up, but the insanely hot bartender is taking me home. As much as I’d love to get out of here with you, I desperately need to get lai-”
“Going somewhere?” Fuck fuck fuck.
“Didn’t you hear her? The hot bartender is taking her home and she needs -”
“Aishhhh shut up.” She turns to look at her curly haired friend, only to see that he’s got this annoying little smile on his face. She deeply exhales and turns back to Atsumu, who looks less than amused about what his friend said. “Listen, you promised me we’d leave two hours ago. Well you lied so nooow I made plans, so if you would kindly move outta my way.”
“No.” She whips her head up at the blonde. No? What the absolute fuck was he going on about telling her no, despite her not asking for his permission. “You’ve been drinking and you don’t even know the guy - how can you trust that he won’t memorize your address then come rob you or something? I promised to take you home, and since you’re ready now we can leave now.”
“Listen Miya, I appreciate the concern but really I’m a big girl. I can handle a night out by myself with a guy - besides I’m not even that drunk. Now, give me my house keys and move out of my way.”
Suddenly, it's like those cheesy western movies where two cowboys are staring each other down, neither willing to be put down by the other. Except it's this 6’2” pro-athlete staring quite literally down at Y/N, who hits the gym only on a blue moon and spends too much time sitting at a desk. Sakusa has to laugh at the two stubborn idiots in front of him; he knows that Atsumu is going to be able to win this little game that they're playing, but silently applauds Y/N for attempting to stick it to him. Moments pass before Atsumu finally sighs, shoving his hands in the pockets of his expensive suit and pulling out her keys - but he doesn’t give them to her.
“What’s his name? If you can tell me his name I’ll give you your keys and let you go.”
“Let me go? Okay, Dad.” She huffs, crossing her arms over her chest, small clutch dangling from her wrist. “I know his name, Atsumu. I may have had a drink or two but I’m not an idiot to be going off with someone who’s name I don’t even know... it’s… uhm.” And she’s done. She hadn’t even bothered to ask his name, doesn’t even remember whether she gave him hers, nor was she smart enough to notice whether he’d been wearing a name tag.  Mentally she’s cursing herself, chancing a glance behind Atsumu’s shoulder to see the hot bartender chatting it up with another girl. Before she can think too much into it, Atsumu sighs deeply, grabbing his suit jacket off the chair next to her and slipping it on his shoulders, a soft “let’s go” leaving his lips as he nods his good-bye to the rest of the table. Y/N chews at the inside of her cheek before grabbing his arm.
“Give me my keys. I’m not going home with you. I want to be alone.”
Four days passed - four days of Atsumu borderline harassing Y/N with apologies. Promising to make it up to her. Which is how she finds herself walking into their favorite local sushi restaurant - it's the only one that has self-serving sushi that arrives on a miniature train, and it's also the only place that they go when apologies are to be exchanged. In the handful of years that they’d be friends, Y/N has needed to apologize to Atsumu thrice - two for blowing him off after overhearing the dreaded words and once for saying that maybe Osamu was the better twin. Atsumu on the other hand, had apologized to Y/N many times - so many times in fact that Y/N is sure that he makes up excuses just so they can come eat at this sushi place.
It’s been a long week for Y/N. The Sunday after the charity event, Y/N wakes up with one of the worst headaches of her life - and its due to the fact that she slept like shit hoping that Atsumu made it home safe since he hadn’t texted her he did. Monday she was handed a stack of documents at work that needed to get done before lunch (which didn’t get done). Tuesday morning was dominated by the fact that some idiot on the train to work had spilt a coffee on her, making her wear the most uncomfortable suit jacket, lest she wear a coffee soaked shirt for most of the day. Today, Wednesday, she’d woken up to a box with a pastry outside her door and a cup of coffee with a sticky note on the lid.
Sorry. Let me make it up to you. Train Sushi? 7pm?
Despite the fact that she was most definitely still thinking about why Atsumu acted the way he did - she still went through the mountain of paperwork on her desk with a little smile, knowing that she’d be getting free sushi and an apology. Maybe if she’s lucky, she can convince him that she needs a crepe on the way home.
As she makes her way into the restaurant that evening, she sees him. His dorito-shaped body is stationed at the bar, a cozy brown coat hugging his back, muscles of his arms being squeezed by the sleeves. She can see that he’s got a drink in front of him and she smiles slightly, stepping up towards the bar but stops momentarily. He’s talking to someone - not just someone, a girl. He’s smiling too. Y/N can’t see the stranger’s face, but judging by the way that she has a hand around his biceps and her head tilted, one can only assume that they know each other. Y/N attempts to step backwards, she wants to let him finish his conversation with the woman but she doesn’t know if she can stomach the idea of watching them flirt; but she misses the step, leading her to bump into the hostess who led her to the bar, creating a bit of a scene.
“Y/N! There you are! C’mere.”
She’s buying time by profusely apologizing to the hostess, who honestly is probably just trying to get away. At this point, Y/N has no choice but to walk towards her friend and this mystery woman. The ten steps towards the pair is enough time for Y/N to mentally list off all the things she could have done in the world to warrant some shitty karma that’s hitting her now. Once face to face with Atsumu, she smiles.
“Sorry - long day at work got me all …” Y/N’s words trail off, the hand that’s not death-gripping her purse waves off with her closing thoughts.
“Don’t mind, Wednesday’s are usually your long days. ‘Sides you’re here now - tha’s what matters.” God he’s so dumb. So handsome and so dumb, and god did she miss him. “It’s a good thing you got here a little late, this is Michimiya Yui. I think you two might’ve -”
“No, I don’t think we’ve met! It’s so nice to meet you - he used to talk about you all the time!” The brunette smiles at Y/N, sticking her hand out, which Y/N takes limply, shaking her hand. She’s pretty, Y/N thinks to herself. Her hair is short and she’s wearing some cute leather thigh high boots, her smile is almost paid-for perfect. She’s got this whole brown smoked out eyeliner working for her, which makes Y/N slightly subconscious about her most likely smudged and uneven eyeliner and less-than appealing work pants. Before Y/N can even think of a response to give, Michimiya has her hand back on Atsumu, a pretty smile settling on her lips. It feels like Y/N is watching a trainwreck happening before her eyes. “I was just telling Atsumu that I was back in town and that we should hang out!”
“And I was just explaining to her that I had plans with yo-”
“You should join us!” Idiot. Why am I such a fucking idiot? Atsumu looks over at Y/N with a wild look in his eyes, Michimiya looks like a child who wound up making out with two candies instead of one. “I had a super long day at work today so I’m really only able to eat dinner, but I know Atsumu can stay up for hours so once I leave you two can hang out.”
“Y/N, I thought that -”
“That sounds like a wonderful idea! I just need to tell the wait staff to cancel my to-go order, so excuse me.”
And so the two friends watch the woman walk away from them, making her way towards the to-go order area. Y/N bites at the inside of her cheek, intentionally avoiding Atsumu’s eyes that she feels are pinned on her. She digs out her phone from her purse, texting Sakusa an ominous “next time you see me, please poison me 😑.” As Y/N drags her eyes up Atsumu’s front, she feels the same way she did when she would get scolded by her parents. His eyes are staring at her face, no doubt wanting to press her about why she willingly invited a stranger to eat with them at their restaurant. To pacify him, all she does is hold up her hand, shaking her head.
“It’s fine, Miya. Like you said, Wednesday’s are my long days so I wouldn’t be able to stay out late with you anyway. Besides…” She starts, fixing a smile onto her face. “I think that she might have a little crush on you!” He says nothing, lips pressed in a hard line and a brow arched up at her. “Don’t look at me like that. And save your apology for next time… we have company.”
The rest of the evening goes exactly like Y/N’s worst nightmare. She is quite literally the third-wheel despite the fact that technically Michimiya was supposed to be the third wheel in this little scenario. Y/N has to watch the pretty brunette flirt relentlessly with Atsumu, who seems blissfully oblivious to the fact that for every compliment Michimiya gives Y/N, she gives herself two more. Sakusa is well informed on the situation, receiving texts every five minutes with another dumb thing that was said in front of Y/N’s appatizers. Rarely does someone ever wish for a natural disaster to hit, but in the last thirty minutes of sitting at this table, Y/N has wished for every biblical curse to wreak havoc in her way.
Despite the fact that Michimiya has hijacked every conversation, Atsumu still tries to ask Y/N about her, including her in the conversation as much as possible. But Y/N stopped trying twenty minutes ago, and is now forcing herself to eat the last few pieces of sushi she ordered - normally she’s a stress eater, but Michimiya has rested her hand on Atsumu’s thigh and Y/N has suddenly never felt more sick in her life. Y/N has never once picked up a tab around Atsumu - “please, ‘ve got more money than I know whatta do wit’it” he’d always tell her when she attempted to take up the ticket - but when they finally wave down someone and ask for the check, Y/N drops some cash on the table and collects her things.
“It’s been so nice to meet you, but I think I should really get going. I’ve gotta get to work early tomorrow - I’ll see you this weekend right, Miya?”
“Wait up, I’ll take you home… Yui it’s been really -”
“No no, really it's okay! You stay! I’ll just text you when I get home. Be safe. And again it was so nice to meet you - take care of Atsumu for me.”
“Oh I will!”
Y/N is not a runner but she’s never sprinted away from a situation so fast in her life. The image of Michimiya’s sly little smile at Y/N’s request to take care of her friend makes her feel gross, tears stinging at the back of her eyes and she settles on the train. Y/N can name a handful of times when she’d seen Atsumu around women - but never once had she’d met someone he was romantically involved with and it hurts. The gentle sway of the train does nothing to settle the spinning of her head with images of what Atsumu actually looks for - his actual type. She feels like an idiot; she should have just told Atsumu that they could do a raincheck, or if she was feeling bold, she could’ve told Michimiya to fuck off. The latter seems possible in the version of herself in Y/N’s head, but the reality was that she was too nice. Always wanted to make the people she cares about happy, and Atsumu looked... happy? Besides, Y/N thinks to herself as she exits the train and makes the trek towards her apartment building, if Michimiya Yui was going to be involved with Atsumu, the more exposure she had to her, the better off Y/N would be in accepting that Atsumu would never ever be with Y/N like that.
Once settled in her apartment, she sends off a quick “home. thanks for tonight!” to Atsumu before making her way to the bathroom. A nice warm soak would surely make her feel better, make her forget about what an idiot she is and maybe, just maybe, make her body relax all the love she holds in her heart for the blond away. Her phone pings, twice, but she ignores it. Ten minutes into her pity soak she hears a bang on her door, which only makes her groan and dunk her head under the water. The banging stops, making Y/N think it was just her neighbor or something asking for a favor. What she doesn’t expect is for her to exit the bath twenty minutes later to see Sakusa Kiyoomi sittin on her couch.
“Hello, glad to see you exploiting your spare key access.”
“Miya called me and said you looked like shit earlier. And judging by your texts throughout the evening, I figured you were on the brink of a breakdown.”
And so she was. She spent the rest of the evening talking Kiyoomi through the night, slipping in all the questions she’s had from the past two times that Atsumu had cockblocked her. And bless Kiyoomi for sitting through her tears, sitting cross-legged and drinking tea that he had initially made for her but refused to let her drink once he realized she had already brushed her teeth. It felt almost like she was finally thinking about what her friendship with Miya Atsumu was, what it could and couldn’t be. Every moment painted so clearly about how Y/N felt for her blond friend, but the only thing missing was how said friend felt about her. At 11:30 pm, two hours after Kiyoomi initially arrived at Y/N’s apartment, she pushed Kiyoomi out the door, eyes puffy but heart and head a little clearer than how they were when he arrived.
Despite promising Kiyoomi that she would not think about Atsumu, as Y/N settles into bed, her thoughts can’t help but wonder what it would be like to be with him. She mulls it over as she slides off her socks, deciding that it’d be nice - probably exactly how they are now, plus a title and a little less swatting his hands away when he reaches for her in public. Y/N can’t help it as she thinks about whether they would kiss a lot - they’ve kissed before, neither strangers to cheek kisses as greetings or kisses at the top of their heads when the other is crying into their chest (there was even that very drunk kiss they shared on New Years Eve when their friendship was fresh that both still have warm cheeks about when they think about). Just as she’s about to go down the path of whether Atsumu would spend more nights with her at her cardboard box of an apartment or her at his, Y/N cuts herself off - after all she wasn’t his type. Tonight proved that more than anything, she thinks.
It’s not like Atsumu has never brought anyone around Y/N - there’d been a few that she’d met, though they were mostly over a facetime call and it was mostly just her waving at them before Atsumu ducked away to have a private conversation. It's not like tonight was the first night Y/N had to swallow the bile in her mouth at seeing someone make heart eyes at Atsumu - it's just this time felt different; almost like Y/N was finally having the truth thrusted into her face. But Y/N isn’t mad or hateful of Michimiya, nor Atsumu for that matter - she’d never been the type to hate a girl for having feelings for the person she has feelings for. It’s annoying, sure, but Y/N doesn’t see the point in hating someone for how they feel - however, Y/N does not make the effort to become friends with these girls, or maintain the close friendship with Atsumu for that matter. Is it petty to put a strain on a friendship out of fear of losing said friendship? Absolutely! But Y/N knows she won’t be able to stomach another night like tonight - another night of seeing Atsumu slip so easily from her fingers into the arms of another. And as observant as Atsumu is, he never fully recognizes that Y/N is avoiding him, at least that what she hopes since more often than he’s able to worm himself back into her life.
Following the failed apology dinner, Y/N tried her hardest to give herself a few days without the blonde- made easy by the fact that the weekend after the failed apology dinner he’d be out of town for another tournament. It’s not like she was totally avoiding him, she’d responded to his texts and even answered two of his six facetime calls while he was away, she just wanted a little bit of time to wallow in self pity in her apartment, crying over her comfort movies and eating too many bags of hot chips. But once he was back in the same timezone as her, Atsumu made it impossible for Y/N to fully wallow.
It started when he texted her about their favorite crepe place temporarily closing for some reason or other - he’d tried to convince her to ditch work early that day to come, but Y/N declined with a simple text of “i like my job tyvm.” So what did he do? Pick her up in his flashy sports car that day after work (two hours later than usual since she’d figured he’d do something ridiculous like this) and drove her there, where he didn’t bat an eyelash as she ordered double than what she normally would have (a silent fuck you from Y/N but it didn’t matter since she wasn’t actualy hurting his wallet). She’d been able to tide him off for a few days, as she escaped to her hometown for a weekend - but that did little to stop the mirage of texts he’d sent her, describing in great detail this cool hybrid bookstore-game cafe that he found and thinks she’d like. Instead of responding how she actually wanted, she’d just replied with a half-assed “ahh exciting- sounds cute!” (She mentally grants herself ten nice points for erasing her initially text, telling him to take his “fucking girlfriend”). This must have really struck a nerve with him when the following weekend, he’d dragged her out of bed on Sunday morning to take her to said bookstore-game cafe, even spoiling her by secretly buying a book she’d picked up but put back.
Y/N can’t tell if Atsumu is intentionally ignoring the hints she doesn’t want to see him or if he’s really just oblivious. She also can’t tell if the patter of her heart when he drags her out of bed despite her not wanting to see him is a good thing or not. It’s been weeks since she’d third-wheeled with Atsumu and Michimiya, surely Y/N should have been able to take a little bit of pride in the fact that he was literally chasing her down to spend time with her rather than Michimiya - but before she can even swallow that pill Atsumu shows up at her apartment with the trace of a bruise hiding just below his shirt collar. The small mark on his neck makes Y/N convince herself that this would be the time that she needs a full on Atsumu ban.
Said ban never actually happens, though.
Just as proof that this ban doesn’t happen, today Atsumu has decided that Y/N needs to come shopping with him. For the entire day. Cue the montage of Atsumu banging on Y/N’s door at nine in the morning, breakfast pastries and coffee in hand as Y/N answers in all her morning glory, sleep caked up in the outer corner of her eyes and pajamas haphazardly fixed. Words are exchanged as Atsumu pushes her towards the shower, promising to make up her bed and even take out the trash for her (a chore she put off last night because she’d seen too many people smoking by the dumpsters which scared her enough to make her drag up the two bags of back up the five flights of stairs). As Y/N settles at her desk to work on making herself “the hottest person at the market,” Atsumu settles on her bed, talking a mile a minute about all the things he wanted to get at the market and the possible places they could go for lunch in the area. All she can do is hum, wondering silently why he’d chosen to take the trip with her and not his girlfriend - but she wouldn’t complain.
The market was...fulfilling enough. Surprisingly, Y/N was walking towards the food trucks with more bags in her hands than Atsumu, who followed behind her with one print from a vendor that Y/N convinced him would actually look good in his home office. The pair decided that Y/N was better suited to look for a place where they could park themselves to eat, while Atsumu went off to get them lunch. Before Y/N could make a break for the tables though, Atsumu grabbed her face, thumb swiping at her cheek firmly - it took Y/N every ounce of restraint to not whimper at the unprompted affection.
“Had some of that jam sample from earlier on your face, dummy.”
“Tsk… why didn’t you see it earlier.”
He just smiled softly, letting the warmth of his hand fall from her face before patting her back towards her initial direction. Frankly, she’d been thrown off her rhythm; they’d touched each other before for fucks sake. So why was this one moment of closeness enough to make her chest feel tight? As she weaved through the tables, she can’t help but hold her hand to where his was, almost as if to preserve the warmth that was now gone. She hummed gleefully as she found a table, making her way towards it and setting up camp. As she settles into her chair, fingers deftly texting to Atsumu where she’s stationed, she sees a shadow come across the table.
“Hey, are you gonna use all these chairs?” He’s cute, almost terribly cute - he’s got this pinkish-blonde hair going on top, an almost shy glint in his gray-ish colored eyes, and an almost self-assured smile pulling at his lips. He was also tall, much taller since Y/N was sitting, but she almost doesn’t mind considering the fact that she is most definitely gawking at him. She shakes her head momentarily, both as an answer to his question and a way to clear her head momentarily.
“Thanks! My friend over there is too precious to sit on the curb, apparently.” He smiles at her, eyes squinting and she’s momentarily breathless at just how cute he is when he smiles. His arms move to grab one of the chairs and that's when she decides to speak up, not wanting to quite end the conversation yet.
“Ahh no worries! I know all about having that too precious friend! I only need one other chair so you can take two of these.”
“Oh cool thanks… and hey this might be a little weird but - fuck are you from Miyagi? You look kinda like this one girl from high school but - “
“I am! I went to Aoba Johsai and -”
He clicks his tongue and seems to smile even brighter now. “That’s right - you’re Y/N right? I think you were a year younger than us right, but you always hung out with that one girl in my year who used to smoke behind the boy’s gym…” Y/N nods, a grimace on her face and the back of her neck feeling a little warm with embarrassment. How could she possibly explain that said girl was actually Y/N’s cousin and that she didn’t actually smoke, she’d just smell like it after working at their family restaurant. “Well I’m Makki, by the way. If you remember Matsukawa and Iwaizumi they're over there - they were at Seijoh too.” She nods, leaning slightly to see the two men behind him, both wearing smiles that were just a little too cheeky.
“Yeah yeah, I remember… you also had a particular whiny one with you too, right?” He laughs at that, responding that said whiny one was actually abroad. The two make a little conversation, her giving him some suggestions on places to visit since one of his trio is actually visiting for the weekend. Y/N thinks this is nice - feels like the main character in a movie with the amount of men that have approached her in the past couple weeks. Before she can get too cocky in her ability to pull though, Atsumu walks up to the table, hands full with a tray that seems to be piled with too many little plates.
“There y’are… couldn’t see you from across the way… everything okay?” Atsumu questions, standing to his full height as if sizing up Makki, who seems completely unphased by Atsumu.
“Yeah, was just asking your girlfriend if I could steal these two chairs away before I realized that we knew each other.” The strawberry blonde is definitely unphased by Atsumu, who’s shoulders visibly relax at Makki’s suggestion that the two friends were together. “Well it was nice seeing you, Y/N! Thanks again for the chairs, you all enjoy your meal.”
As Makki walks away, Atsumu settles into his own chair with a smug little smile playing at his lips. Y/N, on the other hand, is chewing at the inside of her cheek as food is placed in front of her. Her blond friend, the observant little shit, notices that she doesn’t immediately tuck into the lunch laid in front of her and nudges her foot with his, muttering a quick “what's wrong.”
“You were blessed with possibly the worst timing in the world, y’know that?”
“What d’ya mean?” He muses, taking in her huffily pulling the lid off her food and stuffing her face with the rice bowl in front of her.. She chews, combing the food on her plate with the plastic fork as a way to stop herself from unleashing all her frustrations.
“You always but in whenever I start getting hit on! Or you stop every chance I have at possibly getting to know someone; you come in here full force and its really not fair. I don’t do it to you, and it's just not fair.” Y/N hates that she probably sounds like a whining child, but she really can’t help it anymore. It’s really not fair that Atsumu flaunts his conquests on the cover of every magazine, but god forbid Y/N talk to a guy. “Its been a while since I’ve had sex, Atsumu, and it’s getting to a point where I’d jump just about anyone’s bones. I - I just think that as my best friend you should be providing me some support, not cockblocking me at every fucking opportunity you get.”
It takes every fiber in his body to not laugh at how ridiculous Y/N is being right now. He licks at his lip, catching whatever food crumbs he could before clearing his throat. “‘M sorry what? You actually wanna hook up with those guys? They seem like the type to just fuck ya n’ then not text you back.”
“And if that’s what I want then so what!? Did you miss the part where I said I’m desperate here?”
“Then..” He takes a swig at his water bottle in front of him, leaning back slightly in his seat and sliding his sunglasses to rest on the top of his head. “If you need it that badly then you can just do it with me. You said anyone so I can -”
She laughs, one that sounds on the brink of delusion. “You’re fucking ridiculous. Yeah okay… Dunno if you remember but you’ve got a girlfriend, Miya.”
“She’s not my girlfriend, Y/N. We’re… not that serious with each other and we’re also open. She knows that..'' He looks smug, and Y/N wants to smack the absolute life out of him. “And I’m being serious, darlin.. I’d rather get you off than see you get your hopes up over some random.”
Y/N squeezes the poor utensil in her hand, choosing to chomp down one of the buns on the table instead of reminding Atsumu that she wasn’t exactly his type. But she lets it go, just squinting at him and shaking her head, mumbling how ridiculous he is before swiping some of his veggies off his plate. How else is she supposed to react to her best friend blatantly telling her that he’d fuck her if she’d ask - she tries to ignore the way that their knees resting on each other under the table makes her heart soar. Before she can form a sentence, something to steer the direction away from her sex life (or lack thereof), Atsumu mumbles around a forkful of food that she’d better hurry since he wants to do another lap of the market before it closes.
Atsumu’s offer and that entire conversation is brought up again a few days later; the pair are in Y/N’s apartment this time. She’d asked him and his brother to come over to install some shelves for her, but apparently Osamu was busy. With the shelves installed, Y/N put on a movie to serve as Atsumu’s entertainment whilst she organized her trinkets. She wasn’t really paying attention to the movie, too concerned with trying to see if the shelves were actually level or not when she heard Atsumu laugh behind her, muting the T.V. with a quizzical brow raised.
“Huh? If you don’t like the movie then you can change it… ‘m not payin atten-”
“Oh yeah not paying attention right?” She gives him a hard look as if proving to him that she can’t honestly give him the plot of the movie. “So you’re telling me that its just a coincidence that this movie is about two friends who make a pact to fuck each other? That it's a coincidence that the literal name of the movie is ‘Friends with Benefits”
She rolls her eyes and turns to face him fully, seeing that he’s now sat up on her couch with his elbows resting on his knees. A beat passes before he puts his hands up, almost as if in surrender, before he pushes himself off the couch and towards the kitchen. She watches him as he pulls out a bottle of wine, nodding to the couch as if asking her to take a break. She relents, folding her legs under herself and pulling at a string on the worn sofa, thinking she’d probably try to replace this piece before she renewed her lease. He thrusts the glass to her, settling into the sofa but he makes no move to unmute the T.V., instead inciting some silent battle while they each sip from their respective glasses.
“Y’know you’ve been snappy lately… my offer from the other day still stands, hope y’know tha’.” She scoffs, choosing to take another swig at her wine, which does little to cool the warmth she feels in her throat. He’s not technically wrong - the conversation the other day had made a fog of tension hang over her, making a long lost desire for the blond resurface in her lower abdomen at full force. She’d spent way too much time the other night on Amazon, debating on whether it would be a good idea to get rechargeable batteries for her toy, spent too long watching his mouth move when he’d facetimed her the other night. It's not that Y/N hadn’t hooked up with anyone since knowing Atsumu, it's just that maybe she’d spent a little too much time enjoying how Atsumu met her emotional needs that she had neglected her physical needs.
“What offer?” She’ll be damned to let him in on the fact that she’d done nothing but think about his stupid offer. Refuses to let him know that she wants, no needs, to say yes. So she plays dumb, finger dancing along the lip of her cup, foot swinging anxiously against the floor.
He hums, reaching to put his glass on her beat up coffee table. He leans his elbow on the back of the couch, placing his chin in his hand, giving Y/N his undivided attention. “‘Samu was talking about how his girlfriend has been on his ass lately about every little thing and so I asked him if they’re doin’ okay, y’know physically… didn’t answer me but I figured he’d solved it if he hasn’t mentioned it since. I heard someone say that if yer girl’s acting fussy then y’need to think about if you’ve been fuckin’ her right and well…” Y/N swallows the lump in her throat, stopping the shiver that threatens to rack her body at the idea of Atsumu thinking she’s his girl. “I was bein’ serious the other day. I know ya were mad so it wasn’t the best time to bring it up, but it seemed like the only good thing to say. Besides, ‘m not all that bad in bed, can ring up a few people if y’need a review.”
Y/N doesn’t respond with anything other than a forced huff of laughter, can't respond really. It feels too warm, she’s hoping that maybe this is some fever dream instead of reality. She just plays with her cup absentmindedly, not quite able to look the blond in the eyes despite the fact that his eyes are studying her face as if she holds all the answer to the questions the universe has. Him being bad in bed is the least of her worries, what if she’s bad? God she wants to say yes, maybe she’ll say yes - maybe it’d be good for her to finally get some di-
“Forget it, ‘m sorry. If it makes you uncomfortable then we don’t have to, sweetheart. I just -”
“I’m not uncomfortable.” Oh now she speaks. He looks at her, a wild look fixed on his face, almost as if he doesn’t believe the words that came out of her mouth. “It's just..” She throws her head back, face covered momentarily by some plant leaves. God she didn’t want to actually voice her thoughts but now she has no choice.
“It’s just what? If yer worried about the fuckin part, I can just get you off other ways. Get paid to be good with my hands -”
“Just shut up for once please, you’re ruining it.” He makes a show of zipping his lips, smiling as Y/N squares herself to him, stretching her neck as if she’s preparing for a fight, rather than speaking a coherent sentence.. “It's just that I don’t… dont wanna force you into thinking you have to ‘cos I’m being bitchy to you.. Like it’s not your problem to fix y’know and I just. Besides, don't wanna be the only one enjoying it, want you to like it too and … for fucks sake this is ridiculous. I just dunno I-”
Atsumu’s hand reaches out towards her, fingers stroking her knee in a comforting manner but it’s all but comforting to Y/N, who’s entire leg feels on fire at this small moment of skinship. “Shh, shh, no baby yer not forcing me to do anything. Don’t think that way - I-I wanna do it! I wan’ya to be happy and if this makes you happy then… And i mean if y’need more of a reason then think of it as a way for me to say sorry for cockblockin’ ya all the time.”
Y/N doesn’t say yes, but she also doesn’t outright decline. She can’t think of anything other than how, if she nodded her head, he’d give her everything she’d been wanting. Atsumu and Y/N stare at each other, moments pass and she’s sure that he’s going to take her stillness and silence as a no - but he just moves to grab her wine glass, moving it from her grasp to the table, shifting closer to her in the process. She holds her breath and he brings one of his hands towards her face, palming the side of her jaw in his warm hand, thumb rubbing at the plush skin of her lips. “Can I kiss ya? Maybe tha’s all ya need is a good kiss, yeah?” She nods, his hand moving to pluck at her bottom lip between his thumb and forefinger. “Got really nice lips, don’t you? ‘S so soft and wet, catch myself wanting to touch ‘em allot’' She inhales softly as he leans in, his hand sliding to the side of her neck and he litters soft kisses against her jaw. She whines softly when his mouth nears hers. “Shh, gonna kiss you in a minit.”
All Y/N can do is breath, mouth parted slightly as Atsumu drags his mouth over her face. His hand is so warm and big on her skin; he’s so close in her face that all she can do is inhale and smell him, making her dizzy with building warmth in her belly. They catch each other’s gaze, neither daring to blink away, before he tilts his head, pressing his mouth against hers softly at first. He doesn’t move to kiss her, just holds his lips over hers for a moment, as if giving her time to back away if she wants to; but when she doesn’t, he hums and pulls her head towards his more, lips moving in tandem. His hand slides from her cheek, worming its way towards the nape of her neck as he pulls her to him - he wastes no time in deepening the kiss, licking into her mouth with  fervor. And she lets him, moving into his lap as she relishes in the feeling of his tongue lazily swirling with her own; the new found position allows him to drag his hand down her back soothingly, her own hands sliding around his neck and up into his hair.
She parts with a soft gasp, whether it be for air or out of surprise she can’t tell. He whines momentarily, before nosing his way down towards her neck, pressing butterfly-light kisses at the flesh. She’s wiggling in his arms, and he laughs, the air ticking the soft bend of her collarbone. “Fuck, you’ve been holdin out on me. Tha’ was good right? A good kiss for ya?” All Y/N can do is nod, sliding her hand towards his face in hopes of bringing his lips back to hers. She can feel the smirk on his mouth when she presses their mouths together again, and maybe after she’d bitch him out about it but right now all she wants is to be suffocated by him.
Moments pass, the air filled with soft pants in between kisses and thickening arousal. Atsumu cards his fingers in her hair gently, mouth still against hers, free hand sneaking around Y/N’s front. She whines softly, to which he shushes her softly. “Shh you’re okay… just wanna feel ya.” He soothes her over by indulging her in soft kisses against her lips,   hand pushing up the front of her ratty t-shirt, snaking his hand past the waistband of her shorts into the confines of her (now too tight) underwear. Y/N shudders when he strokes lightly over her clit, before surpassing it completely and going to where a wet spot had been developing on the fabric. Plucking the damp cotton out of the way and letting the tips of two fingers rub over her weeping hole, “Oh.. this for me?”
A small noise crawls out of her throat, a mix between a moan, a whine, and surprise. “Don’t, ‘tsumu. It’s embarrassing..”
“Shh don’t be embarrassed. Just feels good to know I make ya feel good, baby.” Atsumu pulls his fingers from her, smiling when she whines at the loss of contact. But he’s able to soother her before she can get too fussy; one moment Y/N is on top of him, struggling to not rock against his thigh and relieve some of the pressure building up inside of her, the next Atsumu has her flipped over so her back, her body caged between the back of the sofa and his arms. A hand on either side of her head as he bends in, sweeps his tongue at a strip of salty skin just beneath her jaw. He hastily shoves up the shirt she’s wearing, revealing more of her and letting his hands graze over her breasts lightly at first before kneading them. She feels lightheaded while his mouth works on her throat, biting and sucking a bruise at the base of it that makes her gulp. Parting from the skin with a gentle kiss and a small, whispered comment of, “Taste so good, so soft and sweet. Been holding out on me, hmm?”
For the first time ever, Y/N has Atsumu in her arms and has no need to push him away - no, instead she’s holding onto him as if she’d die if he slipped away from her, her hands gripping his broad shoulders before sliding up into his hair as he makes his way down her body. He’s practically praising her - pressing wet, open mouthed kisses on her skin as he moves downwards, fingers making quick work of tugging her bottoms off, helping her kick out of them quickly and clumsily. She knows that Atsumu is not a patient man, but this is a whole other level of impatience. He’s pushing her thighs open, cold fingers squeezing at the soft flesh of her thighs as he scoots down to be at eye-level with the barest part of her, making sure her calves are hooked over his shoulders. Y/N can’t remember a time when she’s ever been in a more vulnerable position, but instead of shying away like her instincts would have her, she finds herself moving to better accommodate the man between her legs. Her eyes catch his caramel colored ones and her breath catches in her throat; he’s staring at her, enamored by her.
“Such a pretty little thing aren’t ya?” he murmurs, lips forming a gentle kiss on her inner thigh but before she can retort he gives one long, gentle swipe of his tongue directly up the middle of her folds. She gasps, face turned away from him and thighs threatening to close, but he shifts his hand to stop her, holding her in place. “Aht… don’t get shy now, lemme get a taste.”
It’s too much when he dives back in, skilled mouth a vicious match for his insatiable need to please. As he strokes his soft, wet tongue deeper and deeper between her slippery folds that part around him willingly. Y/N’s sure she’s moments away from swearing her undying fealty to whatever higher being put this on her plate for today.  Puckering his lips around her clit after stopping just before sucking on her until it was swollen and even greedier for his attention. Dipping his tongue inside of her hole, humming appreciatively against her and only feeding into the whimpering sounds filtering out of her mouth.
Embarrassingly, Y/N feels that she’s nearing her end - despite the shame of admitting that it's coming too fast, she feels the need to tell him anyway. “Hmph… g’na cum,” she chokes out, hoping that he heard her because all she can hear is the blood rushing in her ears. Every sense is suffocated by Atsumu’s presence, and she’s shameless as she lets every pant slip past her lips, feeding into Atsumu’s ego. “‘m so close, I need it. Need you to – to keep going please, ‘Tsumu”
And he does, gets her to the edge of her high before sliding his mouth away from her. The whine that falls past her lips is deafening, eyes opening and seeing that he’s just nuzzling her thigh, lips making light work at marking the soft flesh. “No, no you said… said you’d help.. Please I’m-” she’s hiccuping, tripping over her words numbly as she tries tugging his head back to where she’s most desperate for him.
He hums at her softly, almost patronizingly, as he places a kiss to the skin closest to his mouth. “Don’t cry pretty girl.. Won’t leave you hanging, ‘ts so warm down ‘ere… might have to stay forever, tha’ okay?” He is disgusting, filthy, so sinfully good. And true to his word, he goes back in without another word, only a small smile and his own hum that vibrates through her lower half. When he takes her clit back between his lips, it’s all she needs. Every tense muscle finally seizing to his maximum strain; it’s like she was a string that’d been stretched too far and finally frayed in the middle, snapping. She can hear her heartbeat thumping like a bass in her ears, can feel the way she’s twitching under Atsumu’s relentless movements, and it drowns out her own noises that she’s making.
Moments later, all that can be heard is her bated breathing, head completely empty and eyes heavy, flickering and fluttering with just how light she feels. Atsumu kisses his way back up to be face-to-face with her, making sure to peck gently at the marks he’d littered her skin with. His face is buried in the base of her throat, their arms tangled around each other lazily - Y/N feels too sleepy to protest the way that he’s pressing all his weight onto her; but isn’t too tired to realize that he’s hard when her hips wiggle to accommodate him between her legs, maybe has been the entire time, which confuses her slightly. Why would he be hard over her? She understands her total arousal over him since she bitched him into submission, but him? If anything, him being hard right now just proves, to Y/N at least, that maybe he would get it up with anything. But what if it is for you, her heart wonders briefly.
“‘Tsumu… are you-?”
“Shh, ‘ts alright. Let's get you to bed.” And he moves to slide off her, moving to guide the two of them to her bed, which was a feat on its own considering Y/N’s legs feel like jelly. All he can do is smile at her, taking in her relaxed face and mused hair. He settles her into bed, sliding up next to her and pulling her onto his chest, lips pressed into the crown of her head.  Before Y/N can even think of a way to say thank you, she feels sleep taking over, choosing instead to just indulge (for once) in the pseudo-domestic situation she’s in tonight.
The following morning, Y/N almost doesn’t want to wake up, isn’t ready to come to terms with whatever happened yesterday. Long gone is the lusty drunkenness from last night, but Atsumu...Atsumu is still fully there, lips pursed and arms shoved under the pillow - Y/N holds back the urge to trace her fingers along the lines of his arm. She russells around, hoping that sleep takes over her again so she can justify waking up wrapped around Atsumu - her attempts are futile though when she feels a firm squeeze at her side, cold fingers making her jump slightly.
“Wha’s wrong?”
She mumbles a barely coherent “nothing,” to which Atsumu just hums, snaking his arm over Y/N’s middle and pulling her towards him, chest to chest with his breath fanning over her face. She swears she could die a happy person now. Wants to have every morning be like this, him in her too small bed, squishing themselves together for warmth, just the sheer proximity is enough, she muses to herself. Apparently, Y/N is thinking just a little too loud this morning for Atsumu’s liking because he sighs softly, asking if she’s sure nothing is wrong.
“Mm ‘m fine. Jus’ tryna get comfortable, go back to sleep.”
“Can’t now, all yer wiggling woke me up” And before she can even retort, he shifts slightly, practically forcing his groin on her thigh, to which she squeaks softly. “Jus go back to sleep… too early for breakfast.”
“Bu- Tsumu.. Lemme..” she starts, shyly. She did have this inherent need to pay him back for what happened, and she can only equate his favor with something equally as...pleasurable?...fulfilling? She can’t find the right word but the most equal compensation for sex has to be more sex, right? The sleep in her bones is fully gone now, her hands sliding down his sides slowly, tentatively. “Please...wanna jus’-”
“Don’t have to, can just go to the rest- sh-shit.” He starts, his own hand reaching to stop hers but his movements stutter when she palms at his crotch, giving his bulge a full on grope. She shushes him softly, lips moving to peck his jaw softly as she snakes her hands past the tight confines of his underwear; and though she can’t see much of what is going on she can feel how thick Atsumu is. His hands have shifted slightly, one arm resting behind her and the other cupping her face, their lips tangled in kisses that feel too sweet and far from platonic.
Moments pass, and it's apparent that Y/N is moving much too slowly for Atsumu, him bucking into her hand and his hips rolling in uncalculated and sloppy movements. He whines softly when she pulls her lips off his, both softly gasping for air, but she shushes him, using the most minimal amount of strength to push him onto his back and settles between his massive thighs. By this point, once fully exposed in front of her, he's so hard that the foreskin is already drawn away from the head, tip slick and wet with precum. She’s gentle, wanting to preserve the quietness that comes with waking up at eight in the morning, as she presses a few open mouth kisses at the patch of hair below his belly button.
And it’s all over from here. Y/N ducked herself down, licking from the dip of his balls to his drippy head in one broad swipe. Y/N shudders softly at the whimper she’s able to pull out of the man above her, thinking that it’s probably the best noise she’d ever elicited from a man. Atsumu runs his fingers through her hair as she slides his head into her mouth, fingers deftly scraping at her scalp as she begins sucking. She sucks him like she wants to – like this was the most perfect way to spend every morning, with her blonde, dumb, stupid best friend stuffing her mouth. Both are still hazy with sleep, but that doesn’t stop Y/N from pulling him in deeper, hollowing her cheeks as she begins bobbing her head and moving her hand in tandem to stroke at what can’t fit in her mouth.
His fingers start to tangle in her hair rather than comb through it, his moans filling the room, punctuated with little encouragements that she hums at around him, like, “Tha’s it, there’s my good girl,” and through shaky laughs, “M'gonna cum if you keep doing that, baby.” Eventually, Y/N knows that he must be near his peak, but she pauses, eyes locking with his caramel colored ones, as she pulls her mouth away to let his length just rest on her tongue.
“Fuck yer pretty… so good aren’t ya?” He whisper-groans at her, gripping her hair a little harder when she tilts her head to the side, allow him to shallowly fuck himself between her lips, his thumb tracing the bulge his dick made in her cheek. “Need'a pull off if y'don’t wanna taste, baby… gettin so- fuck- so close.” He gives her hair a slight tug, like he might actually pull her off himself, but she doesn’t allow him; she just shifts her mouth, making light work of wrapping her lips around his tip, sucking greedily with and humming in protest around him. And it’s that that sends him over, twitching in her mouth as he sputters off shaky profanities before she feels shot after shot of white ropes hitting her tongue. Y/N can’t help but stare at him above her, relishing in the fact that this morning she gets to see him shake and shudder because of her.
Y/N pops off him gently, drawing back and humming at the lingering salty taste he’s left on her tongue. She graces the skin of his heaving abdomen with soft, fluttering kisses as she tucks him back into his underwear, before she crawls up his body, legs swinging to straddle his narrow hips. He’s got an arm thrown over his eyes, neck red and he seems almost bashful underneath her (which makes Y/N’s heart swell with adoration at just how him he is). She wiggles softly, folding her hands on his chest and laying her chin on them, waiting for him to say something to her. She blows a laugh through her nose when he finally looks down at her, eyes glimmering and lips pulled in the shyest smile she thinks she’s ever seen on him.
“You… yer good. Too good… just wow.”
Suffice to say lots has happened in the week following the pair quite literally eating their hearts out.
Firstly, Atsumu spent nearly every evening at her apartment that week. He waited every single day outside of her office building - her coworkers have taken to telling her how lucky she is that she has a man waiting for her with this whipped look on her face, but she swears up and down (with warm cheeks) that it's not like that. They eat dinner, alternating between picking up something on the way or cooking together - and by cooking, just picture Atsumu cutting vegetables in uneven chunks while Y/N scolds him for not adding enough water to the rice cooker. Normally this could happen: it's not super rare that they visit each other during the week if it's convenient - what is definitely not in the norm is the fact that Atsumu has buried himself between Y/N’s thighs thrice this week. It starts when Y/N looks too stressed on Tuesday evening, that Atsumu pulls her legs over his lap in an attempt to “massage some of the stress away,” which only leads to him manhandling her onto her back, promising to give her something else to cry about besides work.
Secondly, Osamu thought it would be best to alert Y/N that Atsumu had a very awkward conversation with a woman during lunch on Thursday - it was secretly his way of asking her to ask Atsumu what happened because both Y/N and Osamu were terrible gossips who feed off each other. When Y/N asked though, all Atsumu said was that the whole conversation didn’t matter, that the woman (who Y/N learned was actually Michimiya) wanted more than Atsumu was able to give to her. That their lives weren’t in sync or whatever, that they’d eventually manage to be co-workers at best. To say that Y/N wasn’t elated at the news would be a bold-faced lie.
Y/N feels on cloud nine, feels like she doesn’t even need to have a conversation with Atsumu about what their situation is currently. She gets to reap all the benefits of a relationship now, she’s physically taken care of and emotionally spoiled. Only thing she’s actually missing is the title but what's in a word, right?Atsumu wasn’t a natural flirt, always hid compliments behind a harsh delivery - but lately he’s taken to drowning Y/N in compliments, even the corny ones. Y/N expected a post-nut “god yer pretty,” but what occasionally caught her off was when he would open the door for her (normal) and say that “a pretty gal like you should never hafta touch a handle” (not normal). Subconsciously, Y/N feels like he’s only trying to compliment his way into her pants, but she chooses to ignore the way he coos at “just how gorgeous her eyes are” when he makes eye contact with her during a midnight snack.
On the second Thursday following the start of the Y/N-Astumu situationship, Y/N has no choice really other than to ask Atsumu what’s going on with them. They’re at the grocery store by his place (he’d convinced her to take the following day off work and spend the night with him), everything is more than normal when the pair’s conversation gets interrupted by a literal model-esque person, touching Atsumu’s shoulder. Y/N tries to sneak her hand from his arm, but he grasps her hand before she can get too far, looking at the stranger with a less-than-friendly expression.
“Oh Miya! I’m a huge fan, would you mind taking a photo with me?” He indulges his fan, never letting go of Y/N’s hand, even as she steps out of the camera’s focus. The stranger parts with a grateful smile to both Atsumu and Y/N, which feels unnecessary, but Y/N returns anyway. The friends continue their shopping trip before making the trek to Atsumu’s apartment building. Y/N is quiet, in her head about the whole fan interaction that lasted a total of five minutes, but Atsumu says nothing - even stays quiet until the pair are up in his apartment.
“Everything okay? Not bored of me are ya?”
She smiles weakly at him, settling to rest against his kitchen counter. “It’s just… I- nevermind it’s stupid.” She shakes her head, hand waving in front of her as if trying to shoo away the negative cloud above her head. But Atsumu quickly grabs her hand, pulling her into the space between his arms.
“It’s not stupid if ‘s how yer feeling.. What’s up?”
“Okay…” She starts, pushing away from his chest to give herself some literal and mental space. He crosses his arms over his chest, leaning back at the opposite counter to Y/N, who's mirroring his stance except her head is thrown back, eyes searching his ceiling for the right words to come next. “Are you always like… this… with the girls who give you head?” When she looks at him, his head is tilted to the left in confusion, making her huff anxiously. “Okaaay.. you’ve complimented me more in the past three weeks than any other person has in my entire life… is that normal for you to do with the girls hooking up with you or am I the exception? It’s not a big deal.. It’s just that you -”
“I compliment you because you deserve to be complimented, sweetheart… but if it makes you uncomfortable then I can stop.” He cuts in, before he uncrosses his arms, palms gripping at the counter behind him. “As for the whole hooking up part… is that what you want this to be? ‘Cos we can do that, up to you Y/N, I’ll take whatever you’re willing to give -”
“But why? Until three weeks ago I was under the impression that I wasn’t your ‘type’ or whatever so why now are you suddenly on board with taking whatever I give you?”
He laughs, and Y/N wants to cry. Why wasn’t he taking this seriously? Y/N is good at feeling her feelings, but has a hard time clearly expressing those feelings into words.
“Don’t laugh a-”
“Who told you what my type was? If it was ‘Samu or Omi I swear I’ll -”
“You did. You said I wasn’t your type.” He balks, eyes wide and riddled with trying to think about when he said it. “It was forever ago, but you said it. You came back from Germany, I picked you up and ‘Samu had called while I went to the restroom and well.. I overheard you say-”
“Yer an idiot, made an assumption before ya knew the whole truth, baby. I was talking about this photographer that I was kinda seein’ at the time. M’brother asked why if she’d get mad that I chose to see you fresh off the plane instead of her, said it didn’t matter because she wasn’t my type.”
Y/N wishes that the floor of his ridiculously priced apartment would swallow her whole, or that if she pushed the right buttons on his fancy microwave she’d be able to rewind life to five minutes ago when she decided to start this conversation. Frankly, she feels silly and like she shouldn’t say anything else - she knows that her words conveyed a little bit of insecurity that she’s sure Atsumu doesn’t want to have to deal with.
A beat passes before both Y/N and Atsumu open their mouths, but he’s able to get out the words first. “You really thought that you weren’t my type?” Fuck his smug little desbelieving smile.
“Don’t gimme that look - you’re usually spotted around the globe with gorgeous people… ‘s it really wrong of me to assume that I wasn’t your type? Besides,” she starts, arms crossed around her middle while Atsumu takes a tentative step to close the gap between them. “It's not that it matters now since, y’know I know that it's not true.. Just hurt my feelings at the time and well…”
“You were supposed to be the smart one between us, got the college degree ‘n everythin.” He teases, arms reaching to rest on her waist. “For someone so smart you really missed all the signs huh? Why do you think I stepped in every time some guy tried to talk t’ya? Why d’ya think that I tried to take up all your weekend time, don’t get me wrong I love spendin’ time with ya but also didn’t wanna see you goin out with any guys you’d met when I wasn’t around.” By this point he’s got her chin in his hand, ducking his head slightly to make her look at him fully. “And why the hell would I eat you out at every possible opportunity once I’ve been given the okay? Just because I get thrown it all the time by others doesn’t mean that I eat out every -”
“Alright, alright. You can shut up now. I get it, I’m dumb. I just didn’t think -”
“Oh you got tha’ right - didn’t think at all did ya?” She groans, throwing her head back. She’ll never be able to get the image of his smug face out of her head, never going to be able to live down how for once in their years long friendship Atsumu was smarter than her. All he can do though is laugh, pulling her face back down to his and giving her forehead a soft kiss, making her stomach erupt with flutters.
“If you tell anyone about this conversation, I swear to god Miya I’ll-”
“Shh it’s always gotta be a threat with you huh? Why can’t you just admit that you were stupid for once?”
“Not happening.”
“Not even if it means you’re stupidly in like with me”
“No, because I’m not stupidly in like with you… I just adore your stupid self more than I’d ever admit in front of anyone else.”
He laughs, bumping his nose against her with a laugh before kissing her softly. Everything is great, life is great. Y/N loves Atsumu and Atsumu loves her, and she isn’t some sad, movie cliché any longer. She’s got this gorgeous guy who practically worships her, so freely giving himself to her. He pulls away from kissing her for a second, taking a moment to appreciate the way that her eyes are closed happily.
“Just so y’know… I adore you too.” Kiss. “But you are never allowed to call me stupid again… from now on I’m the smart one in this relationship.”
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A/N pt2: and so that’s it hehe. thank you sm for reading I hope you enjoyed it. any little comments you have in the tags would be nice to read or yeah. this is my side blog so like hgjdgsh if I respond to you it’s gonna be from my main haha
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with-love-from-hell · 3 years
STORMMM!!!! I love all of the stuff you've given about your Mc so far. Thank you for feeding meee. I have a few more questions though!!!!
1. What hobbies does your Mc have?
2. What do she and Lucifer do together when they have time/when they're busy
3. Pet peeves?! (Not just of lucifer but all the brothers)
4. (Bc im a thirsty bitch and I love your Mc pairing) can you do a smut alphabet with StormxLucifer sometime? 😶😶😶 i would also love to see self-insert fics eventually but obviously you don't gotta do that.
Love you bb 😍
Lmfao welcome back Sarah! I love how interested you are in my Mc 🤣🤣
I will do a smut alphabet sometime in the future for a request if you'd like. But I'll answer your other questions now! (Ps: luv u 2 boo 😚)
Storm's solo Hobbies
Storm really really really loves to read. This is part of the reason why her and Satan get along so well. She loves reading books on philosophy, horror stories, fan fiction from her favorite shows/movies, graphic novels/comic books...pretty much anything she can get her hands on. Her favorite books/stories are The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, Under the Dome by Stephen King, and The Pendulum by Edgar Allen Poe.
Storm really loves to sing, but she often does so in private because she gets too nervous in front of others. Lucifer actually caught her singing in the shower once, and now has her sing for him from time to time because he loved her voice so much. He's the only one she will voluntarily/knowingly sing in front of unless she is very intoxicated
Storm really loves to paint. She typically doesn't have a purpose in mind when she puts her paint to paper, but often times she is influenced by strong emotions. A lot of her works are very abstract and she doesn't share them with anyone really. She keeps them in a file organizer in her room. I have a feeling someday someone may find them though. Lol
Storm is a big fan of interpretive, exotic, and pole dancing. She moves very gracefully and finds the intense emotional movements relaxing. She absolutely refuses to do these in front of others because she'd sooner die of embarrassment but sometimes Mammon, Lucifer, or Levi will sneak in to the work-out room to watch her.
Storm also likes to write poetry. Usually this is how she gets her anger out and is able to remain so calm lol.
She likes doing some other stuff too (cooking, listening to music, going on nature walks/hikes, stargazing) but the ones above are her go-tos.
Lucifer & Storm's hobbies
Going to plays/musicals/shows/operas. Thats one of their favorite things to do with each other. Lucifer loves having an excuse to get Storm all dressed up in fancy clothes and show her off in addition to watching her so thoroughly enjoy the plot of a show, and Storm loves the theater!
Fancy dinner dates. Lucifer likes this one for the same reason as above, plus he just likes to spoil Storm to no end. She feels guilty about how expensive the things Lucifer does with her are at first, but he does tone it down when she expresses her discomfort with him spending so much on her (despite the fact that he can absolutely afford it and takes no issue with treating her like a queen)
Stargazing! Storm especially loves this one. The skies in Devildom are so interesting to her, and the various different constellations that litter the sky are very pretty. Lucifer likes this one as well, as it gives them some peace and quiet away from his brothers, and also an excuse for him to cuddle her (as if he needed one though lol)
Rock concerts. Storm really abhors loud noises normally because they often trigger headaches and exacerbate her tinnitus, but concerts are the one exception she is willing to make to that rule. She LOVES going to rock shows. They don't have to be in huge arenas, but she isn't opposed to that either. She may bring a set of ear plugs just in case the sound gets overwhelming, but usually shes fine! Lucifer at first sees this as a little barbaric (especially considering the first concert she took him to was fucking Korn), but it grows on him- especially when he sees how happy she is. He even begins to adopt her music tastes a bit and will stock his music library with music she enjoys. This is a thing they doo a bit more sparingly because of the noise issue- but they try to go to them at least once every couple months or so.
When they don't have much free time, they often just play a round of chess or cribbage, listen to music together while snuggling by the fire, or going a short walk with Cerberus.
Pet peeves
Lucifer: How he treats his brothers really pisses her off lol. Especially Mammon. She will put her foot down with him and often stand up for them when she feels he is being unreasonable. While Lucifer very clearly serves as the Paternal family figure, she serves as the Maternal side for his brothers...so they do listen to her when she tells them to do something/to stop doing something. Plus, she's got the power of the pacts. She will lessen the stress on Lucifer by helping keep them in line without violence and his behavior will change when she tells him how much it upsets her. Mammon may still be strung up from the ceiling from time to time, and someone may go without dinner here and there, but the punishments are way less harsh than they used to be- and the added fear of disappointing mama Storm helps alter their behavior- at least somewhat. (That's not to say there aren't still ridiculous antics that go on though. Lol)
Mammon: It really gets under her skin when he calls her worthless- even if he doesn't mean it (which he never does). It just brings up a lot of her insecurities whenever he says it, and reminds her of past abusive situations where the word was used to describe her. She doesn't mind most of the rest of his insults, and after she talks to him about it, he does it way less- but sometimes it still slips out. He is always immediately apologizing when it does though.
Levi: The yoda voice. At first she thought it was cute...and then he just...wouldn't stop...God...please make it stop.
Satan: The way he dresses. Like me in real life, I Hc that storm has pretty significant OCD traits. She primarily experiences contamination, order, and symmetry obsessions, and the way he wears his jackets trigger it SO HARD. like, she is aware that this is not his fault, and its for her to come to grips with, but she can't help but find that right eye start to twitch when she looks at his clothing for too long. She is trying her best to overcome it, because she really does love Satan a lot and he is one of the brothers she is closest too...but when he starts wearing his human world attire? Boy look out...
Asmo: Hugging her without permission- especially when he runs up on her unexpectedly. God she hates this SO MUCH. She has a very, very sensitive startle response as a result of her trauma, and the first time he does this she damn near has a panic attack. This is mostly from past trauma, but she tries to grit her teeth through it because he is always so genuinely happy to see her. After Lucifer gets her to finally start enforcing her boundaries, she will tell him how much it bothers her and he will do his best to stop. It takes awhile for him to actually commit it to memory, but he doesn't like making her uncomfortable so he will stop.
Beel: Talking with his mouth full. Look, Beel is always hungry, so he's always eating. But sometimes he gets a little too excited to spend time with Storm, so he tries to kill two birds with one stone by talking to her while he is eating. And this absolutely grinds her gears. She will politely remind him to wait to talk until he's done eating when it happens, but Beel will always forget.
Belphie: Falling asleep on her while she's talking. She knows that sloth is his sin, but it really irks her when she is in the middle of a conversation, or trying to ask for his advice on something, and he just zonks the fuck out. She won't dwell on it for too long because he is just so damn cute when he's asleep, but fuck if it doesn't drive her nuts.
Diavolo: Pushing work onto Lucifer last minute. Come on now, they had a date planned!! And hes just NOW remembering he needed that report by tomorrow morning that was originally not needed until Friday? Ugh.
Barbatos: When he brings up stuff about her past in conversation that she doesn't know that he knows about. Barbatos often forgets his foresight abilities and will often mention something casually in conversation about Storm's past or ask her a question about something from her past. Bonus irritation if it has something to do with her trauma or something super embarrassing.
Simeon: Overall, Storm doesn't have many qualms with Simeon...and that's the problem. Her pet peeve for him is that he's perfect...too perfect. She hates that her mind always wanders to what terrible thing is hiding underneath his lovely exterior. She gets so annoyed at how suspicious it makes her because she cannot believe someone is genuinely this loveable and pure.
Luke: When he tries to force-feed her his sweets. Again- like me- Storm has an eating disorder and struggles with her body image. She especially has a hard time with sweets and Luke will often relentlessly beg her to try what he makes, even going so far as to shove whatever it is in her mouth. She has a really hard time saying no to people, especially if they continue pestering her after the first no. And Luke will just keep giving her sweet after sweet until she feels terrible. Sometimes it could trigger a purge, but she knows he doesn't intend for that. Because he is so young, she just grits her teeth through it. Eventually, Lucifer gets involved and requests for him to stop if she tells him no, or just save something for her to try when she feels up to it. And he does listen!
Solomon: When he tries flirting with her. Storm does not care much for Solomon, mostly because he ticks her boxes for most of her pet peeves (he acts like he knows everything, he talks down to her, he's manipulative, etc), but the worst thing he does that she HATES is when he tries to flirt with her. He does it because he knows it gets under Lucifer's skin, and he likes seeing her get flustered. She tries so hard not to give him the reaction he wants, but fuck if it isn't damn near impossible- especially when he makes a crass sexual joke about her. Eventually she will get him to stop when she sobs to Simeon telling him how triggering it is for her past sexual trauma and Simeon relays this to him and scolds him for not listening the first 80 times she told him to stop, but she still never really feels comfortable around him alone after that.
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