#and other people started to see him as Ghostbur as well
yoki-loves-stars · 9 months
i always loved the fact that Ghostbur became their own person
He always was treated as a memory, as leftovers, ashes of another person. Something to grieve about, someone to mourn. The person he knew as many things: a great and a terrible leader, a cold, evil or a caring and kind person. The memories of whom they held, yet they never were that person, never even knew them.
And when after going to limbo once he says that he no longer wants to go back to being Wilbur, that he doesn't want to die for Wilbur even though he believed people he loved needed that leader. For the first time he makes a decision for himself, to be himself even though it potentially can dissapoint his friends. He makes a decision not to sacrifice himself. He develops his own personality his own memories
i might be just crazy on the trope of clones/people that should've been a specific person creating their own life
and then Wilbur fucking Soot kills them
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a-moth-called-mof · 2 months
Throughback Thursday aka I go over my mains during the dsmp
Many of my followers might not know this but i have swapped through multiple "mains". I still wouldn't say I have a dsmp "main", because I've always had phases and even when I did, I've always tried to follow people who "mained" characters I didn't follow as much so I knew what was up. My original "main" was actually C! Fundy. I fucking adored him. I was a big C! Fundywastaken shipper and if you look through my fundywastaken tag you can see the whole ass wedding canonicity saga. I loved C! Fundy so much from late season 1 (when I joined the fandom) (aka before November 16th) to early season 2 (aka post November 16th) and I was really hoping he'd get to be in a spot light for a bit with Ghostbur. I also really likes C! Niki and C! Bad around this time.
After that, I orbited C! Tubbo a lot (although I've always kept up with C! Clingy to some degree) as well C! Ranboo, C! Eret and C! Puffy (IM STILL MAD ABOUT CC! PUFFY RETCONING HER CHARACTER BEING A MOM BECAUSE THE FANDOM FORCED HER INTO THE STEREOTYPICAL MOM ROLE. i really likes c! Puffy as a mom because even though she was a maternal figure. She had such wine aunt energy and felt like such a fleshed out person to me) (also got really into c! Puffychu for a bit)
And then exile happened and C! Tommy maining began (<- FUN FACT I USED TO FUCKING **HATE** C! WILBUR 😭 I thought he was pretty abusive during Pogtopia and I still do think that C! Tommy scape goated C! Techno a bit because he didn't wanna acknowledge how badly Wilbur missed him up <- that being said even though i didnt like c! Wilbur. I was still always of the opinion, he had the potential to get better and i always felt like he'd come back later eventually).
After exile, I became a pretty big C! Techno main and (c! Emerald enjoyer) even if I didn't always agree with what he was doing (<- tbf I've always watched C! Techno, probably helped he didn't stream as much as the others). Around this time and after Doomsday, I got pretty into C! Sam and Ponk as well. And post C! Tommy dying and lore slowing down, I got really into C! Quackity (although I've always been attached to him because a close friend of mine at the time basically mained him). And then the C! Wilbur revival happened and I started getting more into him and I think he was my last proper "main" before the lore dropped off and the CC! Dream stuff started coming out
Overall all the dsmp characters hold a special space in my heart because I was pretty into almost all of then at some point (I didn't mention this because I don't consider this long enough to be a phase but I did have a week or two where I fixated a lot on C! George and C! Hannah). And idk, all of them hold a place in my heart and I also think half of them suck ass as people but I think that's the appeal for me
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Hello!! Could I possibly request some Phantombur x reader interactions?
Im answering these as quick as I can I promise-
Pairing: Phantombur x Reader
Prompt: First Date
Wilbur pulled the chair out for you and scooted it under you, allowing you to adjust it as you wished. He took his seat across from you and presented a bottle filled with an odd liquid the color of black cherries.
"I conjured up a strength potion for us, I've got a whole evening planned." He smirked and pulled another identical potion before handing one to you and uncorking them both.
"Starting right from sunset i assume?" You asked sarcastically.
"Well of course, how else are you supposed to see my handsome face?" He smiled widely, showcasing his deadly canines and offered a cheers with his potion. You obliged and downed it with him.
Wilbur shook out his head and rolled his shoulders at the strong taste of the potion.
"Now then, I've set up promptly a whole feast basically for us but before we start I would like you to join me in a game of tag to get our appetites up." Wilbur clicked his tongue.
"So you sat me down like a gentleman for nothing?" You cocked an eyebrow at him.
"Basically yes."
Very much a gentleman and likely does stupid things on purpose to make you smile to make you remember how much fun you had so you'd go on a second date with him
Prompt: Rocky Start
New to the server and the only other Elytrian in the Pub's interface you were bound to...make...some new friends. Phil had semi introduced you to everyone but the one called Wilbur, or more commonly Phantombur or oddly Ghostbur at times, did not seem very keen to be as friendly as the rest.
"Just give him time. He doesn't like new people. You should've seen it when I got here." Shelby was quick to befriend you and you often hung around at her cottage which was oddly close to the other Phantom's.
"Is he odd?" You asked.
"Depends on the day really. He's super nice once you know him though." Shelby had insisted so you spent the next few days trying to at least get the mischievous potion master to speak to you.
"alright look-" you entered Wilbur's shop with a handful of diamonds and a few gold bars as well. The shop owner looked up in startled surprise before a bored look replaced it. "If I buy out your supplies will you at least tell me why you think i'm scum of the earth?"
"What are you talking about?" Wilbur closed the book he had in his hand and removed the cigarette that hung loosely from his mouth.
"You've done nothing but scowl at me since I got here." You clarified and laid out the gems of payment. Then Wilbur laughed. Loudly and mockingly. He smirked and gazed at your differently, in a way like nothing else mattered.
"Darling I've been flirting with you this entire time waiting for this moment."
Seriously had no idea for this, got a random prompt generator so I really hope you were looking for some romance
Prompt: Dying wish
"I only wish to see you again, in the next life perhaps."
The words were catastrophic and you had yet to see your husband after your death. For now you roamed a new plane, one of hybrids and monstrous species. You among them with powers unique.
Then something new happened. Someone arrived. A ghost. A phantom of a man with a charming smile and bright green eyes. Rumor had it he was cunning and handsome as they came. A similarity you couldn't bear to connect.
Then you saw him. Wilbur. Your Wilbur. Dead but here with you again.
"I guess we made it to the next life my love." He said when he saw you and nothing could stop you from running into his arms any longer. Years apart were torn down with a single embrace and loving kiss.
Wilbur built a business with you and constructed an strange and complicated shield of protection for you over the next years. You became untouchable lest the rest of the server face the wrath of the Potions Master Phantombur and his ever loyal wife.
"I guess they took till death do we part seriously." Charlie had joked once and earned a sound from Wilbur you longed for. His laugh, intoxicating and joyous.
Kinda sad but overall rather fun
~~~~ (last one!)
Prompt: Stolen heart
From what you knew, Phantombur was clever. If he wanted something he would find a way to get it and that was that. For weeks you had heard of supplies going missing and vaults penetrated but no signs of entry found. The work of a true thief.
And yet..you remained untouched and a regular at Wilbur's potion shop just for safe measure.
"You hear about Jack getting robbed?" You smiled as you entered the shop and picked out your usual order. A few regen and a strength potion.
"Weird innit?" Wilbur smiled at you and gave a convincing smirk.
"Totally weird. Heard he saw some real pretty green eyes close by earlier before it happened." You narrowed your eyes knowingly at him. "Similar to yours I do believe."
"Aw you think my eyes are pretty." Wilbur feigned flattery and chuckled.
"Can I ask you somethin Wilbur?" You leaned on his counter and the Phantom man mimicked your stance, his face inches from yours and smiling like a cat as always.
"Well of course darling." He responded slyly.
"Why haven't you stolen from me yet?" You questioned with a hushed voice and narrowed eyes.
"It's simple my dear," Wilbur rasied a hand and brushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "Your heart isn't just sitting in a storage room somewhere ripe for my taking."
PICK. UP. LINE. is all i could think of with this randomly generated prompt and I'm not gonna lie if you used this on me I just might perish
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gay-mooshrooms · 1 year
Hey guys!
Wanted to drop some of my DSMP headcanons just for funsies.
Some of these are more popular/common than others and some might be cannon I have no clue
Niki taught almost everyone in lmanburg how to bake. Eret was really good, Wilbur was ok, Tommy and Tubbo struggled, Jack wasn’t good but did it with her the most, and Fundy was decent. She eventually taught the members of the syndicate too, Techno sucked but enjoyed it, Ranboo was really good, and Phil was better at cooking but wasn’t horrible at baking.  
Wilbur was the one who wrote most of the anthem, but Tommy helped with the lyrics. Niki made the flag. 
Ghostbur made gardens everywhere, especially around lmanburg and the lmanburg crater, and eventually Phil and Tommy started helping him.
Ranboo and Tubbo have matching earrings and wear their marriage rings on their horns. Ranboo has a long tail that he uses to pick up Michael. Techno helped Ranboo make his crown. 
Wilbur loved writing songs for his friends, but Tommy listened to them the most. Wilbur left him the sheet music and a guitar when he left for Utah. 
Ranboo and Tubbo would often give Michael to Phil whenever they had to go out. Most of the time Techno would help out and eventually started teaching Michael how to fight, much to Ranboo’s dismay. Tommy would help sometimes, Phil forced him to come the first few times but he started to enjoy it after Michael started doing crafts with him, now he’s teaching Michael how to draw. 
Tommy likes doing art, Niki helped him learn and does it with him when he wants.
Niki and Eret make clothes together, Niki knows how to sew since she made the L’manburg flag and taught Eret. They like making dresses and skirts.
There's a way to travel between servers like what happened with Empires and Hermitcraft, it's practically magic and some people can do it. Karl does, he just doesn’t know it. 
Niki started a pressed flower collection and eventually Tubbo started helping her find them and started a collection of his own. 
Cus Phils a bird hybrid on both dsmp and origins, he can't see glass. This has led to a lot of the glass being replaced with colored glass after he got a concussion flying into windows too many times.
Techno's a piglen/pig hybrid so he can smell and hear really well but he struggles with eyesight so he wears glasses and loud noises/overlapping sounds cause him stress. This is part of why the voices affect him so much. He had beeswax in his ears during most of the big fight or explosion scenes to help with the sound stuff. Has tough skin literally and doesn't get wounded or burned as easily as the average person. Also has a very heightened sense of smell and can tell different people apart and where they are from a ways off. Part of how he calms himself down if the voices get too overwhelming is comforting scents and counting what he can smell.
Because of Ranboo's enderman half, people can't look directly into his eyes without getting dizzy or nauseous.
Part of Ghostbur's blue comes from Forget Me Not's, which grows under his eyes like tears and out of the wound in his chest.
Let me know what you think of these and if you want more!
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elliot0091 · 1 year
BURVERSE - Chapter 7
"Troubled Bur."
A/N: It's back!! I'm sorry I was gone for so long. School has started and I'm working on other projects as well, such as a Jubilee fanfic-not shipping, all angst-and some other stuff I probably won't post due to it being personal.
I hope you understand.
Now, onto the story!!
All angst.
New line for you!
There he was. Vilbur.
Why was he tied to a chair?
His wrists and ankles were bound to a chair.
After a few moments, his eyes twitched open, and he started thrashing and screaming.
"LET ME OUT!" Vilbur yelled, his voice already hoarse as he struggled against his restraints.
What the fuck did they do to him?
There he was, and he looked horrible. It was like they kept him prisoner and tortured him.
What the fuck was wrong with the people? They had to be crazy, right? Surely.
"What the fuck.." Revivedbur breathed out. He took a step forward, but Phantombur gave him a look.
"What are you doing? Don't you know he's dangerous?" Phantombur whispered, like something bad would happen if Vilbur heard.
"I know what I'm doing." Revivedbur said at a normal volume, stepping forward.
"wait-!" Ghostbur began, but it was too late, Revivedbur was already on his way down the hall.
Vilbur thrashed around. "DON'T TOUCH ME!"
Revivedbur stepped forward.
Revivedbur could now clearly see just how terrible of a condition he was in.
He had messy, knotted hair and dark bags under his eyes. He was sweating and you could tell he had been crying because of his puffy red eyes.
It looked like he hadn't slept in years.
Then, out of nowhere, the memories resurfaced.
He remembered himself falling asleep with tears in his eyes. Those were the days he couldn't bother to get out of bed at all and the nights he had breakdowns because he knew no one trusted nor cared about him.
A tear fell down Revivedburs cheek.
That's the worst part, it's no different here. No one trusted Vilbur, no one cared.
Most people probably didn't even know he existed.
They probably thought he was dead.
But he was here, alone. Crying his eyes out every night.
He couldn't help but feel empathy for the man.
He leaned down and took Vilbur's hands. "It's okay. I trust you."
Vilbur's eyes widened at this, like he was a puppy who had a treat held in front of him.
Yet his eyes were still dull. "Who.. brought you here..?" He whispered, like he couldn't let anyone hear him, or he would be beat to death.
"I brought myself here, or planned to anyway. Ghostbur and his buddy brought me here."
"Are you actually here to help?" Vilbur asked.
Revivedbur nodded.
Vilbur's eyes glowed, and he smiled. Revivedbur smiled back.
But the moment was short-lived.
He saw Vilbur's expression change as he looked past him. Like he had been defeated, and everything he hoped for had crumbled down.
Because it did.
He barely had enough time to turn around before he heard a familiar voice yell out.
It was ARGbur.
How'd you like the angst? I hope you enjoyed it! It was short lived hurt comfort, and it's a cliffhanger.
I hope you enjoyed chapter seven.
Eight will be out tomorrow.
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cmyknoise · 1 year
Actually I kindly disagree with your GhostPog dynamic, if anything, Revivebur would be the one to view Pogbur as a mistake as a danger for others to exist because during that time they had spiral deep into paranoia and never truly forgave himself for that. I feel like he would treat Pogbur as offer they were a plague and would avoid staring at them and being around them , until confronted about it, which would turn into an ugly confrontation between the two, before Revivebur realized he's dehumanizing the both of them and harming himself and Pogbur. Also Pogbur would wonder if it's okay thay he's still alive while Revivebur, a future version of himself is still around.
-> Also I feel like if Pogbur ever met the other burs, they would meet Lmanbur first and convince him he's from another timeline instead of his own due to his idealization that he was perfect then and would try his best to keep Lmanbur wrapped around his finger and oddly know how to comfort him at all times at the beginning. Before noticing Lmanbur looking at them with distrust and hesitation, as they would ask about that and they would fight before making up. Because Lmanbur wouldn't have anyone else to rely on other than Pogbur himself and vice versa until they meet the other burs. They would be unhealthy at first, if I'm being honest.
Pogbur however upon Ghostbur, I think they would rather be more kind to them,though at first they wouldn't like them due to their “child” like behaviour and would try to toughen Ghostbur up by giving them re-marks and slashing out at them before realizing what they're doing, and realized he's genuinely hurting him, and a part of himself because he hates that Ghostbur, reminds him of his own vulnerability.
I think they would all would out in a poly relationship honestly with L'Pog -> following Qrp GhostRev since Rev is Aro Ace in my eyes-> with it then following LmanGhost -> and then RevLman- then PogGhost and lastly PogRev before they all then get together and realize they're all transfem
anon i think u have the wrong person?? lol but regardless. future reference please forward asks to @rgbheart
also it’s sootbur all of their dynamics are literally made up all we have is that cc wilbur called c wilbur, revivebur, hot
and that the only two burs with any sort of contact would be alivebur/limbobur and ghostbur (one sided, with wilbur in limbo being aware of ghostbur and his personality and who he is) and revivebur and ghostbur who had actual contact switching places in limbo and revivebur’s mixed feelings afterward (jealousy and hatred, but a kind understanding eventually)
if we talk canon though. l’manbur and pog are literally blank slates on reactions to seeing themselves in any different form. you can guess how they’d react but those are just guesses.
canonically ghostbur views alivebur different. he is the one to separate himself, and who he was when he was alive. he also separates himself in l’manberg and himself in pogtopia. his opinion starts off with pogbur being all sorts of bad, because he is revived with very little memory but pieces together that he must’ve done something bad, so pogbur had to be bad. ghostbur is still c!wilbur in the sense that cwilbur doesnt seem to grasp morally grey. he believes that if you are not good, you must be bad, and therefore his mistakes and shortcomings must mean that he is as bad as the worst of people.
ghostbur described pogbur as the evil dragon who had to be slain by the hero phil.
it takes time, it takes ghostbur going through doomsday and not remembering it directly but remembering the decisions he made, and remembering how he felt after it. he decided that people needed alivebur. he also changed his view. pogbur was no longer the villain, he became “the man yet convinced he was good.
as for revivebur. he distances himself from who he was in pogtopia as well, and even l’manberg to some extent, though he describes feeling as though *other* people still see him as the man he was before. he fears being like he was. he doesn’t speak as extensively on this as he voices his opinions on ghostbur, which are generally jabs and quips. he’s jealous he was so liked, that he was missed. he believes that he didn’t get that luxury. he does not like ghostbur because to him, ghostbur was all that made him good, and therefore he must be bad because he wasn’t ghostbur. once again, wilbur has to (and unfortunately didn’t flush out) learning that it’s okay to not be perfectly good. despite this, revivebur’s views do shift, he’s kinder towards the memory of ghostbur as he learns to be kinder to himself. he doesn’t push friend away or sneer. he understands why the ghost was fond of the sheep, and decides to try, in an albeit bit of a fucked way, to get the sheep back to ghostbur. he wanted to somehow apologize to him too and that was his way.
those are like, the only two canon viewpoints we see cwilbur have about any past/future version of himself.
i switch up what pairing i ship depending on the day.
my not spoken about polycule ship that remains in discord msssages involves revivebur x pogbur x mccbur x l’manbur and a tiny spirit form of ghostbur (hi i used to partially run burhouse)
i typically ship ghostbur with phantombur though, but i also adore him with argbur (i think their ship name should be IceCubes)
just like simpbur & argbur are popular, but sometimes i think it’s fun to do like, simpbur x dark wolf.
i also have a fond spot for l’manbur and phantombur
there’s no right and wrong with bursonas because other than dsmpburs and maybe phantombur, they’re just character archetypes you can do what you please with.
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kisuminight · 3 months
Right. So, c!Wilbur and Ghostbur.
The thing about c!Wilbur is that he's not trying to be the bad guy. He is deliberately trying to set himself up as a hero. And the way he does it makes him an asshole, and it's manipulative as hell--but I don't think that it's evil.
The thing about the Blade System AU c!Wilbur is that he grew up with Blades. He was raised by c!Philza the Aegis, with visits from c!Techno the Heartstealer. He gets the way the Blade System goes right--but also the way it can go very badly wrong. Blades are a lot more powerful than players--but the way their lives work means that Blades are always going to be the underclass.
So the first thing he does when he gets to the dsmp is to check and see if the local Blade in charge of the server will get upset with him. This check fails for several reasons--the server creator, Aegis!Dream, has been shattered, the server owner's Blade, Drista, is just in it for the chaos, and the Blade currently in charge of the server (as much as that applies) is c!Dream, who is hiding that he's a Blade.
That makes the server free real estate, yeah? So he creates L'Manberg; partially because he wants to, and partially because it'll fuck with Dream. And since there's no Blade in charge, he's fully within his rights to say that it is separate from the rest of the server. After all, if the Blades don't say it's not a factional server, then he's fully capable of making it one.
At this point, if c!Dream or c!Punz had come forward and said "I'm a Blade of this server and what you're doing is distressing, I don't want factions," then Wilbur would have listened. He's trying to build a narrative of being a good guy helping the underdogs, and the Blade System is something he is theoretically rebelling against. In fact, one of the subtle differences with this AU is that L'Manberg basically has rules about Blades built in--and those rules explicitly give them the right to be equal citizens. They say that anyone harming or killing a Blade, even if they are the Driver, would be treated the same way as permanently killing someone--a very real, serious murder charge. It even extends that justice towards the rest of the dsmp--which is one of the many overreaches that annoys Dream enough that it builds towards starting the war.
Which is all very well and good, but Dream and Punz don't trust that. In order for those rules to apply, they're have to out that they're Blades, and they really, really aren't going to do that. Purpled has also lived his entire life under this secrecy, so he's not going to tell (also it would require... talking to other people, and Purpled doesn't really do that). c!George is also not willing to tell--Dream is incredibly private about their Resonance and George understands that--also, Wilbur is annoying him.
Ironically enough, Wilbur would probably be the mostly likely to spot Dream and Punz out on being Blades--but Dream is basically stonewalling him as soon as L'Manberg starts, so Wilbur doesn't really get to see Dream's normal behaviors to get a good read. Punz is following Dream's lead in this. Wilbur also isn't looking to find them out as Blades; his suspicions about Dream are that he's some type of long-lived eldritch hybrid, and they only grow worse and more paranoid during the eventual Pogtopia breakdown.
Pogtopia goes pretty much the same. Wilbur does take the fact that c!Schlatt is able to go wild with Manberg as proof that there isn't really a Blade in charge of the server. At some point, post TNT and pre-detonation, Wilbur's mental state is unstable enough that he probably would consider killing a Blade to become their Driver (as per Dream's worst fears/nightmares) but it is only a possibility. I's say 50/50 will he-won't he, but it's never put to the test because the question never comes up--Wilbur dies never knowing about any of the Blades on the server.
Ghostbur is a thing, but the reason why he's a thing is different from canon. See, between Kristen being the Goddess of Death and Philza being a magic computer with a hologram body, Wilbur is not their biological son--so to extra powers from there.
The three lives system is a sign of the Egg's corruption--when Aegis!Dream and DreamXD created the server, they did so with an infinite lives system.
Ghosts are created because the Entity basically put a barricade up between life and death (this is limbo), so that it could steal the power from the souls that ended up there to help power it's Eldritch nature/abilities. Ghosts are echoes of the souls that end up in limbo. They are fragmentary and incomplete compared to the person that died because the Entity yoinked most of the soul. Unfortunately for Wilbur, the first L'Manberg War, plus the increased amount of Blades on the server woke up the Egg, and it re-instated the Entity's barricade shortly before the elections. It's eldritch nature meant it could retroactively apply the lives system to the L'Manberg War.
Theoretically, if the Egg is no longer using the soul, it can resurrect the soul in a body that is already corrupted by it. The Egg doesn't really do that in any major confrontation, because Wilbur is kind of stickly/bad at fighting, and is much more useful as a power source. It's better to keep his soul as a battery for an escape attempt rather than tossing another meat shield into the fray (when he's going to get shredded by the Blades going at it anyway).
I'm going to say that c!Vikkstar was the Blade and c!LazarBeam was the Driver, which means that technically the Egg has LazarBeam's soul too. But let's be real, if the Egg tries to revive LazarBeam to stop Techno and Phil, it's be like trying to stop a volcano with a piece of paper. So he also gets battery status.
The resurrection ritual left by Aegis!Dream and the Resurrection arte that Dream can use both cleanse the soul of the Egg's corruption.
Ghostbur ends of finding out who all the Blades on the server are, including Punz. Ghostbur finds out about Punz pre-Staged finale, and Punz ends of guilt-tripping Ghostbur into not telling anyone with the excuse that it'll make Punz really sad if other people know, and Punz might just go away forever. Ghostbur does not figure out that c!Purpled is Punz's Driver.
Ghostbur finds out about Dream being a Blade after the rest of the server does. Tommy tells him, after coming back from the Staged Finale. Ghostbur specifically ends up getting told because Tommy is talking at him as a way to try and verbally process the mess of feelings that happened when Tommy found out Dream was a Blade. It doesn't help.
Fast forward to post-Staged Finale. Ghostbur does not die, Wilbur does not get revived (yet). I'd argue that most of the reason Wilbur got revived when he did in canon was down to Dream's desperation about the situation--both the assassination attempt, and the ongoing, devolving situation in Pandora's Vault.
In this AU, Dream is not stuck in Pandora's Vault. He is with Punz, continuing their experiments on the far outskirts of the server. Ghostbur never really has a chance to find or interrupt them.
Furthermore, while Dream and Punz are going for an everbody-is-alive-and-immortal ending, that is very much Phase 2. They are still on Phase 1, fixing the Blade memory issue. The rest of the server are all quietly panicking in the Cold War where the main deterrent is that nobody knows where Dream's core crystal is/who has it. Reviving Wilbur into that kind of situation would be like tossing a bowling ball at a house of cards.
And even if Dream might be willing to risk it, Punz is also working on the Plan. And Punz doesn't like Wilbur. Doesn't like the way he upset Dream, doesn't like the way he started factionalism and governments on the server. Dream wants the server to be one big Happy Family? Sure. But Wilbur gets revived last, at the end, just before the reset. And since Punz is currently acting as Dream's Driver, that does influence Dream's behavior a bit as well.
I do think Wilbur would get revived eventually. During Dream's Syndicate Arc, he ends up spending a lot of time with c!Niki and Phil. Niki, who still wear's Wilbur's old coat and Phil who is still in mourning. Wilbur's revival would be after the rest of the plot/character arcs have been sorted out. Dream probably brings up the ability to Resurrect people as part of everyone sitting on Dream and Punz to make them explain The Plan.
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For cWilbur: 2, 5, 24, and 25
For Ghostbur: 3, 5, 12, and 21!
Favorite canon thing about this character?
Oooh… this is an interesting question, because I’ve actually wondered, time and time again, why I like Wilbur so much. He’s not really my type; I almost always prefer the sweet, kind, overlooked weirdo side characters, and Wilbur is kinda the opposite of that lol. So it’s kinda hard to answer this :0
Probably his angst lol. I hekkin enjoy angst, and boy oh boy does Wilbur have a lot of it! His crippling anxiety during L’manburg, his downward mental spiral during Pogtopia, his breaking point, his time spent in Limbo, coming back with a terrified desperation written all over his features, being unable to process the fact that people—some people—are giving him second chances & showing him genuine kindness… bro. It’s so freaking good.
What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Enemy by Imagine Dragons!! It fits him so freakin well during Pogtopia, and other eras of his life too!! Also Fire In The Driveway by Soccer Mommy :’) That song really hurts, and the crimeboys-ness is actually insane.
What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Cassian Andor!! Specifically from the Andor series! He gives off Wilbur vibes to me—probably because he wears a coat that looks just like Wilbur’s Pogtopia coat XD Also the Angst and Pain and Wet Cat Vibes.
What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I liked him from the start :) I was actually introduced to the DSMP fandom by a friend, and because watching vods sounded too daunting, she decided to write a fanfic for me that basically took the early L’manburg arc and put it into a story form! So that was my first time interacting with c!Wilbur :)
I thought he was nice & a good leader, and his & Sally’s past relationship intrigued me—as did his relationship with Phil! But other than that, I didn’t have too many thoughts. I liked Wilbur, but I didn’t think about him often.
Now? Oh gosh. He elicits so many emotions within me. He’s in so much pain. He tried to be a leader and it didn’t work. He and Sally didn’t work. He and Phil didn’t work. He and Tommy are broken. He and Tubbo didn’t work. He feels like he is only capable of causing pain and destruction. He’s scared. He wants to be better. He wants to make amends. He’s not good at apologizing. He’s emotional. He treasures every compliment he receives. He’s very sad. He doesn’t get better. He’s trying.
He was actually my favorite character before Ghostbur was :0 The first year or so I was in the DSMP fandom, Wilbur was absolutely my favorite :) Which sounds strange now aksgajsgajsg but gosh, he’s still very special to me and I think about him a lot.
Least favorite canon thing about this character?
The fact that he is in Limbo—and not only that, but the fact that he’s happy there. It makes me actually upset to think about.
Being in Limbo is bad enough on its own. It’s horrific!! And Ghostbur believing that he deserved Limbo, and that he failed everyone, and that he hurt everyone… is even worse. Because it’s not like there was anyone there to tell him otherwise 😭
Then Friend came along, which is… good? I’m glad that Ghostbur isn’t lonely anymore, and that he’s reunited with his sheep, but like… I don’t know, I feel like a lot of people—including Ghostbur’s creator—believe that this is a happy ending for Ghostbur. But it’s not. I firmly believe that it’s not.
Ghostbur has Friend, and he’s not in as much pain anymore, and he even calls Limbo his home, but I kinda think that’s… worse, in some ways, than seeing Limbo as what it actually is: a hell. Like on the one hand I’m so relieved that Ghostbur is feeling better, but on the other hand I’m like NO!!! NO GHOSTBUR!!! THIS IS NOT A HAPPY PLACE!!! STOP BELIEVING THAT THIS IS A HAPPY PLACE!!! IT’S NOT!!! YOU DON’T BELONG HERE!!! YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!!! THIS IS NOT A GOOD PLACE!!!
And it’s a bit of a hopeless situation, because obviously DSMP is over and there’s no more lore coming out, which means that Ghostbur’s story, canonically, ends in Limbo. This has made me cry on a few occasions oh my dear gosh. It’s not happy, I will not believe that it’s happy, and I’m pretty sure it will forever make me upset 😭
What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Today and Tomorrow by Grace Vanderwaal! The ukulele, the calm, the gentleness… very fitting :’)
Also Friend’s Song by ButterscotchBread!!
One more: Sugar In My Coffee by The Narcissist Cookbook. The Ghostbur vibes are off the charts.
What's a headcanon you have for this character?
So many, just so many.
One of my oldest headcanons is that he likes to hold people’s hands & trace over the lines with his finger :) It’s a calm, quiet, repetitive activity, and it makes him very happy—and also shows the other person that he loves them! He really only does this with Tommy, and Tommy quickly grows used to it and basically has no reaction whenever Ghostbur does it. It just becomes Normal, a part of their friendship.
The mental image of Ghostbur gently grabbing onto Tommy’s hand and rubbing his finger over it is just… very touching, to me.
If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I really enjoy writing his inner thoughts/exploring the ways he views the world!! He’s truly got such a unique personality, and I’ve found him to be one of the most distinct characters I’ve ever written; his voice is so audible and clear and different, even when he isn’t actually saying anything out loud. He’s such a guy!!
It’s a little hard for me to figure out how to write his amnesia, but I mainly choose not to focus on that, so… it’s not a super big deal for me 😅
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I ABSOLUTELY CAN AHHHHHHH I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS ABOUT IT ALWAYS. Premise is that after Dream blows up Logsteadshire, instead of leaving Tommy alone, he suggests to Tommy that they start over somewhere new. He leads Tommy to an even more remote location that this time no one knows about (not that Tommy’s aware of it) and after asking Tommy if it would be less painful if no one was allowed to visit him rather than having them constantly reject him by not showing up, and Tommy agreeing, he like. Bans people from visiting Tommy. This is not, however, what he tells the rest of the SMP - he actually doesn’t say anything for a bit because he’s busy destroying other teenagers lives (Doomsday also holy fuck i am so normal about eeau!tubbo or honestly just c!tubbo in general) but then after Doomsday of course Tubbo goes and discovers the annihilated Logsteadshire and like runs back and Dream insinuates that Tommy killed himself which definietly doesn’t devestate or at least shake up many people. But then people start talking and realize that like. Dream’s been manipulating and lying to them all this whole time and pitting them against each other. Philza in particular is like ‘why did we leave Tommy with the man who constantly expressed his dislike for him/set out to ruin his life’ and everyone was like . fair point. Queue manhunt for Dream where Dream loses his two lives and all of his allies and in a cruel twist of fate ends up with only Tommy for company!! Because stockholm syndrome babey :)))))) Plans backfired immensely for this man. (I did not forget about Punz well I did but then I figured out a way for him not to be there which is a WHOLE OTHER STORY basically Dream tried to manipulate purpled who went Nuh Uh and tattled to punz so punz fucked off and spat in dreams face on the way out)
QUEUE A YEAR LATER Ghostbur stumbles across Tommy in his secret exile spot (Henburgh) as Ghostbur has been searchign for Tommy’s ghost ever since he learned that he died. Eventually Ghostbur forgot he wsa looking for Tommy’s ghost and was just fixated on that he was looking for Tommy. Tommy however is scared of what Dream might do to Ghostbur/to him if he sees Ghostbur or finds out he was here, since he’s technically not allowed any visitors, so he sends Ghostbur away on an impossible quest. Ghostbur leaves him a small bit of blue that he then hides bc he can’t bring himself to throw it away, but unforunately nothing escapes Dream’s grasp for long and he notices :))))) It does not end well for Tommy, time for Logsteadshire pt 2. DURING THE TWO MONTHS THAT PASSED SINCE GHOSTBURS VISIT Wilbur is revived by Philza and Technoblade bc hella guilt and also Kristin hinted to Phil that Wilbur could come back and so Phil took the opprotunity. Wilbur however! Does not remember his time as ghostbur aside from very vague feelings and a couple blurry memories! But he feels VERY STRONGLY that there’s something important to the southeast of Techno’s cabin, and eventually that feeling grows so strong that he starts getting really anxious and upset about the fact he can’t go, so Techno offers to check it out fully expecting to find nothing. Only to stumble across Dream being HORRIFIC to Tommy during Logsteadshire Pt 2 and prompty going Oh Fuck No and bringing Tommy back to recover at the cabin.
Tommy does NOT appreciate this, and immediately demands to be taken back to Henburgh. Techno does not oblige. Tommy makes his displeasure clear but also mans now Traumatized as all hell so he also does jack shit to actually oppose the rest of the SBI. QUEUE FAMILY BONDING TIME AND SLOW HEALING. IT TAKES A LOT OF TIME AND EFFORT AND THERES OF COURSE MORE SHIT BUT I DONT KNWO IF I WANNA SPOIL IT CAUSE I AM WRITING THE FIC. But the main fic ends with Tommy having not fully completed his healing but having made progress in mending his relationships w his family and friends, specifically SBI and beeduo, and like starting to realize and come to terms that what he went through was wrong but it wasn’t his fault, and decide that he wants to fight to be better again. I’m definitely so normal about all of his healing arcs and the way he slowly starts to recover from his trauma and find himself again and discover that life is worth living and that love doesn’t have to hurt I’m really fucking normal. I could talk about this for hours I in fact have talked about it for hours with my sibling (shoutout to them for listening) there are so many details to all of this i thikn about it constantly I am packing so much symbolism into this baby it will be my magnum opus if i can ever fucking finish it
#the ducks quacked about something#a question!! :o#dsmp eeau#THE SYMBOLISM OF THE HOUSE THE SYMBOLISMMMMMMMMMMMMM#EACH OF THEIR HOUSES ARE VERY FUCKING IMPORTRANT AND SO VIVID TO ME#WHAT IT SAUYS ABOUT THEIR CHRACTERS. IM DEFINITELY CASUAL#also the way ghostbur was so bad about communicating but only agreed to be revived if they made revivebur care about completing the quest#tommy gave him (he did not explain it that way so they promptly did not tell revivebur but HE TRIED SO HARD TO NOT LEAVE TOMMY AGAIN)#EEAU WILBUR IS ANOTHER CHARACTER IM SO NORMAL ABOUT#wilbur and tommy really shaking hands on the affects of solitary isolation#oh also wilbur was in limbo for 50 years in this au due to the timeframe :))))))))))))#he is an old creaky man#THE GUILT TUBBO CARRIES AROUND ALWAYS AND THE GUILT RANBOO CARRIES AROUND ALWAYUS AND THE FACT NEITHER OF THEM TALK ABOUT IT TO EACH OTHER#I just really cannot let people be happy huh#IT GETS HAPPY AT THE END COMMUNICATION OCCURS BETWEEN MANY DIFFERENT PEOPLE#also we get awesamdad content but how we get it is kinda spoilers so i can’t explain rn T-T#ALSO TECHNO AND PHILS GUILT AND DESPERATION AND HOW THEY FEEL LIKE THE FAILED AND RRRRRHGHGHHRH#SBI are not bio family but all grew up in the same household as a family but Phil was not a great dad :)) but it wasn’t exactly his fault#hybrid shit vs human shit. he did not realize some of the differences#also how limbo works which i’ve talked a bit about before#ALSO THE DEITY SYSTEM WHIC I AM STILL FIGURING OUT AND ITS GIVING ME A HEADACHE#no dreamon activity in this au just dream being a shitty person because i think that holds more weight#dream is also so interesting me but in a villain character way#okay shutting up now which is so hard i have so much for this au i need to just WRITE IT#also i saw ur other ask it’s late for me but i absolutely want to draw that!!!! instant inspiration reading it#OH EDIT IMPORTANT NOT REVIVEBUR IS VERY DIFFERENT FROM CANON#HES MUCH MORE LIKE WILBUR BEFORE THE WAR(S)#hes chill and finallly on medication for his hella anxiety
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smallchaoscryptid · 1 year
hello! I hope you’re doing well! I’m here to gush a bit about how hyped up your TMA/QSMP au has got me. I’m losing my mind in the best way possible, especially about Jaiden’s alignment with the End- I feel like her story especially was so so clever. do you have any other headcanons you’d like to share, or character alignments? I totally get if not (for the sake of not spoiling future fics) but I just wanted to let you know your fics are 10/10 and I’m full of thoughts about them
(So, I'm finally at my keyboard and can type this all out.)
First, the stuff that doesn't contain spoilers. All my fics for statements 001 to 005 are written along with one or two oddballs for after that. I also have ideas for a few more than that. I am posting them out of order to try and give the TMA vibes of the statements not being listened to in order by the reader that they were recorded. (I don't know if I'll be able to keep it up forever, but I want to try to keep them out of order.)
There isn't exactly an overarching plot to the series as of right now and I don't know if there ever will be (Other than Cellbit becoming more entangled with The Eye). I also don't have a fic that is going to be the final fic of the series. It might be a series that I just randomly write for and then one day stop. (I am also open to ideas from people about characters and entity interactions that they would want to see but no promises that I'd write anything.)
Whenever I want to post a new one, I ask my brother to give me a number and then I post that fic. It's also something I just randomly when I want to write but don't want to work on my like bigger fics (The Android AU, The Ghost Rom-Com, or The Hunger Games Inspired AU).
(Spoilers lie under the read more.)
Headcanons/Fun Facts:
Any statement Cellbit makes while Roier is around never goes correctly, he always misses some part of it. (Like how in Statement 002- Itsy Bitsy Spider Cellbit doesn't say "End Statement.")
Cellbit is aligned with The Eye, but he is not the archivist because I can't see him having a more structured job like being the archivist would kind of entail.
The only reason Roier wasn't killed with his friends is the fact that he hasn't killed any of the spiders and because of that The Web grew fond of him and gives him gifts.
Jaiden's thing with The End was just kind of me being like what is the worst entity that Jaiden could come in contact with, and I was looking over the entities and saw that The End can affect dreams and I just got the idea of the bird bones. (After her visit with Cellbit to make her statement, the dreams disappear.)
Jaiden's bird bones are actually from Phil's crows because the crows are more like ghosts than living animals.
The thing that replaced Juanaflippa actually doesn't plan to hurt Charlie, she just wants his love.
Character + Entity Alignments
So Cellbit is obviously aligned with The Eye but in the past, he also had a run in with The Hunt (Which is where like his serial killer past ties in. I have plans to write a fic about that but I'm not entirely sure how or when.)
Roier has his whole thing with The Web but after Cellbit starts his investigation Roier gets contact with some of the others. (It's because of his proximity to Cellbit.)
Wilbur is tied to The Buried. He gets trapped in a train (Think Limbo but without him being replaced by Ghostbur.) but after he gets out he makes a statement with Cellbit and then gets trapped in the train again.
Philza and Missa are both aligned with The End and to each other.
Felps gets taken by The Burried and is like literally buried in a cementary and Cellbit has to find him but since I'm not confident in how Felps talks and like how he acts I don't know if or when I'll write that fic.
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ccbeeduo · 8 months
for the ask game :0
sootbur jaihera and quackbur maybe
Sootbur since you didn't specify Which One i'm going to do revghost because they are my favourites
What made you ship it?: Honestly. i think we've shipped it for literal ages but the only reason we started being an Active shipper of revghost is because of two headmates (mars (revivebur) and mercury (ghostbur)) being absolute FAGS so we just kind of embraced it What are your favorite things about the ship?: I love how they compliment each other in opposite ways. The easiest way to describe it is like Complimentary colours. A sharp red to a soothing blue. They're so different but they work perfectly together. I like how they would have complications due to Ghostbur hearing so much about the bad things Alivebur did (and very little of the good, if i'm recalling lore correctly) he would probably not have such a great idea on what Alivebur was even actually like. But in my personal hc (and fictive source memories) i feel that when Ghostbur actually met Alivebur in limbo he might have gotten to see what made Alivebur even do all that shit. He'd understand. Ghostbur would give Alivebur the patience and respect he'd needed. And Alivebur probably wouldn't have liked Ghostbur at first, maybe he would have been hostile or rude to him, but Alivebur would have realized that Ghostbur would not have been out to get him, like he had assumed everyone was. I don't know. They're kind of silly to me Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?: I don't have any unpopular opinions i can think of off the top of my head so i'll just say they fucked in that train station
What made you ship it?: I'm gonna have to blame the headmates again. q!Jaiden and q!Baghera fictives fell in love and well now we're collectively insane about canon Jaihera What are your favourite things about the ship?: MAN I DON'T. EVEN KNOW HOW TO WORD IT. I can barely focus on any qsmp lore so this might not be as long since i literally have no idea whats happening ever. Anyways They're the sun and the moon and they're each others' stars. When they met they were immediately attached to each other and, assuming i've remembered the lore properly, they grew up as literal child experiments together. They've bonded. They've literally had to go through the Horrors that is QSMP Purgatory together. They've gone through so much and they've stuck together, of course minus the fact q!Baghs has been missing for.. quite a few weeks now. I'm really excited to see them reunite when Baghera comes back to qsmp, and when QSMP comes back in general. They've got a similar-adjacent? trope of Complimenting each other like opposite colours, but it's more of a Soft yellow compared to a deep purple. They've got the same wants and needs and they work together to get it. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?: i think the ship itself is an unpopular opinion. it's like me and 5 other people who ship it and im like the only /r jaihera shipper
c!Quackbur Doing c!tnt because i don't have a lot to say on qtnt SORRY . she her pronouns 4 cwilbur in this btw
What made you ship it?: I mean. Have you seen them. I've shipped them for literal years i don't even remember what made me start in the first place What are your favourite things about the ship?: GODD literally everything. i wish i could word it in a comprehensible fashion but they are SO terrible for each other in the best way possible and i love that for them. cWilbur is the lamest girl around and cQuackity decided that He Needed Her. Silly tone tag. Q met Wilbur when she was planning the fuckinf election party or whatever it was and he started his own Party Just to Piss Her Off. They're like. Unstoppable object vs Unstoppable object. They piss each other off to no end but they are actually STUPID in love with each other and it's so entertaining to think about. Fuck you @ sootings for the "psychocompetitive" relationship LOVE WINS YOU FUCKINF COWARD!!! I wish i had more to say but GGAAHH i'm crazy and cannot makr comprehensive thoughts about them at all Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?: It's not really an opinion on the ship itself, it's more of on the people that ship it, but While i absolutely adore cQuackbur, i do not particularly like how a lot of the quackbur fans make liking wilbur Quackity's Only personality trait. Like. He is a very complicated character and while yes him and wilbur are gay as FUCK that is not his only character trait and i do not enjoy how cq is treated by a lot of the fandom
(ask game ask game ask game PLEASE send me asks for this)
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dyketubbo · 1 year
Transfem CWilbur hcs. Now.
why anon i am so glad you would honor me with this request
Tumblr media
i think that cwilbur would probably keep her name because she looked up like name meanings and shit and was like hoooolllyyy shit my name is cool as fuck actually. i do also like the idea of her having a name based off of one of wilburs songs though. i admittedly misremembered vienna as sienna but i think both are cute so either of those also work as names for her
cwilbur to me is very like. obviously she knows about trans people her son is trans (i also like to see cclingy as trans but ctommy would have not transitioned yet and ctubbo just doesnt think to tell anyone if they dont think its necessary) and shes very proud of him! but shes also like. well at least fundy enjoys being a man because i sure dont this is miserable and everyone within a 5 mile radius immediately raises an eyebrow. i think being in pogtopia fucked her up about it because she started seeing people as being Afraid of her and for a reason she couldnt place being a Big Scary Crazy Man hurt in more ways than one but she was spiralling too hard to really analyze those feelings
and then in limbo all she Has is her own thoughts. and she comes back and shes manic and she considers telling everyone but but but but. tommy is looking at her with a shocked expression and tubbo isnt even talking and the new kid is trying to shield tubbo from her and suddenly all the feelings from pogtopia start rushing back and shes like oh. not enough to stop the mania but enough to sting hard enough, like a pin that she puts in the thought itself for another time
i thought the utah reveal was very funny. i also wish wilbur got to talk to more people, and i think that itd be interesting for him to talk to ghostboo whos like god i was SO scared for people to know this "real me", the me that everyone would be scared of, but now that i dont care about any of that anymore im free!! and wilbur would also talk to like. idk various others including more genuine convos with eret and with all of it eventually shes able to get to a calm resolution of. i need to be somewhere else when things are good enough that i can leave
and cdream dies (<-fully talking in terms of my rewrite now) and wilbur makes sure tommy is okay and everything and Then something similar to the utah reveal but like. slightly less mentally ill happens. wilbur is still sorta vague and tommy gets panicked and pissed thinking wilburs about to commit suicide again and wilburs like oh god no i just. i need to be somewhere else to change without everyones eyes on me. i dont like this me i think theres something deep inside me thats broken and im trying to repair it but i cant repair it if im This me. and tommy talks about how its all just One wilbur, just going through changes like everyone else but tommy and the people who matter love wilbur, no matter what kind of wilbur hes being, because hes still himself and thats the person they love, no general or president or ghost from the past, just wilbur. whoever he wants that person to be yada yada
and it sort of Clicks for wilbur in a sense. oh, this is all just one me, and im in charge. and people stick by me because im me no matter how much i change. and i think i know what changes i need to make (around this point is like. i think this would trigger the acceptance of ghostbur in a sense. i have complicated feelings about the ghosts but just know he and wilbur would truly be the same person through and through now). but i still need to go away for a bit. just a little. and tommy trusts her and she leaves for a bit and takes hrt and takes a while just to know that she likes the changes and when she does know she likes the changes she decides ok. this is who i want to be. this is Me. and comes back eventually to heal with everyone else too
misc hcs: i think she would actually prefer relying on hrt and breast forms to full top surgery. also dont think hed care about bottom surgery. she would still like her big coats and sweaters but she'd also wear skirts more often. maybe not dresses though unless its a formal event. also think she would grow out her hair a bit but not that much. in general like.. she doesnt change That much. shes still wilbur soot. but shes happier now and she looks more comfortable, like this is the self that she wants to be. i think she would feel like whatever broke inside her was slowly being patched back together
(and eventually, she realizes there was never anything broken about her in the first place. and she sits on a balcony and she still gets an intrusive thought about jumping but she knows she doesnt want to, not anymore. shes alive, and shes herself, and shes making the most of it.)
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cowsandcrows · 2 years
dsmp theatee production braainrot
no but like. c!dream actually just wandering through the crowd, monologueing- better, SINGING THE LMANBERG ANTHEM AFTER DOOMSDAY
i am so happy for this
and just all the characters with different amount of armour
wilbur with none obviously but most of dreams costume would be his armour, aside from the mask, and techno would have a lot but it would be embellished and detailed and golden to fit his aesthetic
philza would have just enough to give him some protection but not too much because he doesnt care enough and hes not regularly on the offensive or fighting short-range
so hed have again, armour that fits his aesthetic but mainly like plates on his boots and arms, and maybe a vest that like just covers his chest a bit
I would kill people to create that costume
ANYWAY characters like tommy or jack would have a lot less armour, just basic stuff
and then when its an actual war like doomsday people will wear change their amount of armour, and it will be so noticeable how much they cover up in that situation
ranboo puts on a full set
techno keeps it easy to maneuvere
tommy doesnt have much, and what he does have would be visibly scuffed and not entirely durable
tubbo has an okay set only because hes the president
dream takes off some of his armour as a power move, unnoticed in the midst of it all
also i just want to. discuss ghostbur. because ohhh my gosh thats such a good focus.
id probably have part 2 focus a lot on techno, though i wouldnt want there to be a clear main character in any of it- like wilburs story would be the focus in part 1, but he dies and that would throw off the audiences understandinf of who the protagonists are supposed to be! MORALLY GREY CHARACTERS HOORAY! CONFUSE THE AUDIENCE AND ANYONE WHO EXPEXTS STORIES TO HAVE A CLEAR GOOD VS BAD DYNAMIC!!!!!
focusing on techno in the second part of the play would be amazing because his interactions with the audience are so unique to other ccs
he talks constantly during lore, breaking 4th wall liberally, hes way less performative in the way he does it too, whereas wilbur and dream would do it with the idea of performance
and like that other person said, techno could actually spend his retirement arc IN THE AUDIENCE AREA
all od this is makinf me think the stage should have a thrust section that is level eith the audience, and maybe even multiple clearings throughout where characters can move to when needed, like with dreams wandering, and where characters that gradually move on-stage will start out? not like for the audience to see, but if youre near them you do see it. different perspectives and stuff
and Tommy might actuallt pick on members of the audience for comic relief, joking around and shit, which would contrast so heavily to exile where he would just sit on the edge of rhe stage and talk to them quietly
and ranboo could be constantly ramblinf to the audience withour a clewr understanding of what they are, and then one person in the audience could actually reply to him, and he could kind of jist stop and go 'wait what, thats not supposed to happen' almost like they did in wandavision if anyone knows what im on about. like that whole interview section? that
AUGHHHH MY BRAIN IS DECAYING schlatt should die in one of those sections in the middle of the audience. im just sayinf. he should.
becayse there are so many different povs to the dsmp i think it would be cool if the stage was set so that different sides of the audience would have a completely different idea of the story
like characters that can be seen wandering around in the background might only be see by the left audience, or the right side might get a different impression of the lighting
or the spotlights could be angled on some characters so that one side of them is obscured by shadow and another side is brightly lit (could work so well with Wilbur or schlatt to communicate how different people hate or idolise them)
please send help
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Canonically, he was still around teenager age after the disc finale where Dream went to jail. He is a child back during L'manburg.
Also canonically, Wilbur was neglectful. Give me more fics with Fundy lashing out at Ghostbur/Revivedbur for good reasons.
Also we can give him the Tommyinnit treatment. (Hated by everyone else on the server, a child who has gone through trauma, betrayed and betrayer, etc.)
Taking advantage of the fact that he is a child, what about the Manburg/Pogtopia fight?? He was very young and dealing with everything about that.
GIVE HIM WINGS. It is a fairly common headcanon that Wilbur has wings. Why wouldn't his son have wings? Pretty ginger and white wings or blue wings
Now some fic stuff that I see often with Tommy but ways we can make it Fundy-centric :)
Everybody hates Tommy except That One Person: I mean, Fundy's already pretty disliked by the server so this one's basically canon. That One Person could be Purpled (bc I think they both deserve a friend), or it could be Ranboo, or someone else who's alone
Godinnit AUs: Fundy could very ealsy be the god of coding! I'm just thinking about ideas for this. Think about the idea that his powers come in slowly until something bad happens and he slowly starts taking control of the code or something!!
Villain AUs: Listen, Fundy's already half a villain, I think a full blown villain arc would be fun :)
Following that, Super Power AUs: Give. Fundy. Cool. Powers.
Those Tommy-crash-lands-in-Hermitcraft fics: I'm actually writing something like this! But think about Fundy ending up in Hermitcraft. I think he'd fit in well. Instead of Grian we could have him bond with Ren (wolf/dog hybrid), Etho (somewhat associated with foxes or shapeshifting, both are commonly found with Fundy), or literally any of the redstoners.
Wingfics. As I said, Give Fundy wings please. Blue wings would be interesting bc 1, the colors would fit well with his ginger fur, and 2, Ghostbur's blue :>
Those Phil-ignores-both-Wilbur-and-Tommy-and-they-run-away fics but it's Fundy and Tommy and/or Tubbo or Purple. I mean, think about them running away from L'manburg because they don't want to fight, dodging people who want to take them back to the dsmp
I admit I didn't read a lot of fanfics before I left the dsmp fandom so I don't know a lot of other fic troupes that were usually Tommy-Centric
But feel free to take this list and add on to it if you want!
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cheating bc you sent me 3 eyeballs so im gonna give u 3 different answers 😌 :::
the DSMP Lost Boys AU. GOD i was on some shit when i was thinking abt that. it was literally so perfect. i still have the other half of the references buried somewhere deep in my wip folder but i just. never finished it. i was probably never gonna write an actual fic for it but god did i want to do more screenshot redraws . it was so perfect. i still think abt it sometimes when i watch lost boys like. damn .... sam is so tommy coded . i love you annoying little brothers
ANOTHER dsmp one: vengeful spirit. god. fuck . where do i even start. vengeful spirit was my baby i cared about it so much. it was my ghostbur-centric character study fic series where after cwilbur was revived, ghostbur fought his way out of limbo kicking and screaming and then they had to deal with the consequences of both existing in the living world at the same time. very heart player core. something something you hate yourself so much but now there are two of you and youre different people but also youre the same guy and you hate that your brother trusts the dead fish eyes version of you more than the living breathing one. aka ghostbur gets to be angry because i really just wanted to see him snap and punch something. unfortunately the first fic totally flopped and i had nobody to bounce ideas off of so i was the only person in the world to care about vengeful spirit. i had like 12 oneshots planned out and they were each titled with song lyrics from a song in the playlist (which still exists btw) and i made a layout and everything. A LAYOUT. i never outline things dude thats how u KNOW i went hard for this one. another factor in its death tho is i started writing it like.. right after the cwilbur revival when there was a huge lull in lore streams and i was trying to fill in the blanks. but because i am a slow writer eventually canon surpassed me and i was like "hm this is too divergent now and since i am the only one who is going to read this it will simply live in my brain forever" . also i think my time for writing dsmp is way past me now. sad! oh well theres other fandoms.
third one is NOT dsmp related but it IS general minecraft related. fuck dude i have so many ideas about minecraft worldbuilding. its such a perfect game to write about. i have so many minecraft ocs that have super complex lore that will probably never see the light of day bc im like. how the hell do i convey this information without actually showing people my minecraft world. the intricacies. there are so many. i cannot play this game normally i have to make a story every single time. EVEN WHEN im not actually setting out to make a story. even when im just like "hm yeah this is gonna be a casual world im not gonna take it too seriously" and then suddenly ive rebuilt an entire village to protect it from raids and all the villagers have names and im attached. sigh. i think about minecraft religion and also the magic system and how the world works and how mobs interact with each other and . man . theres so much. does anyone want to play miencraft with me i prommy i wont go insane on you
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One More Step Out of the Pit: Chapter 13/26
Summary: It had been Tommy and Tubbo for practically forever. They clawed their way out of hell together. They discovered their superpowers together. They started working for the Superhero Guild together before even coming of age. Tommy probably owed Tubbo his life ten times over. So, when the three supervillains he'd been assigned to bring in managed to take Tubbo hostage, well, there was really only one thing to do.
He knew, of course, he was signing himself up for torture and death by offering that trade, but that was okay.
It'd have to be okay.
AO3 Link (See AO3 for Warnings.)
(This story is finished and has been posted on AO3 for a while, but I'm posting it on Tumblr so it's somewhere else too (considering the day AO3 was down a bit ago). The author notes will all be kept as well. If you are following the blog and don't want to see these posts, block the tag #backlog.)
“Technoblade,” a voice called, causing Techno to jerk awake from a deep sleep. His eyes landed on the figure hovering at the end of his bed. “Technoblade, hello,” he said, waving when he saw Techno was awake.
“Ugh. Do you have to watch me sleep?” Techno asked.
“I’m not watching you sleep,” Ghostbur said. “I’m waking you up.”
Techno sat up, rubbing his eyes. “Why?” he asked tiredly.
“You need to watch Tommy,” Ghostbur told him.
“Wilbur was going to watch Tommy,” Techno said with a stifled yawn.
“Yeah,” Ghostbur said, “but then he fell asleep.”
“So?” Techno asked. “You watch him then.”
“I can’t,” Ghostbur said with a frown. “I need to go do something.”
“Schlatt can wait one night. I’m sure he won’t fall back into alcoholism and make a deal with the devil that fast.”
“I’m not going to go see Schlatt.”
“Then what?” Techno asked. “All you do is talk to Schlatt and stare at me or Phil while we sleep.”
“Tommy asked me to check on his Tubbo?”
“…His what-o?” Technoblade asked.
“His Tubbo,” Ghostbur said, as though repeating the word clarified anything. Techno gave him a blank look and he started his ‘bouncing’ which was really just him hovering higher and then lower in a rhythm. “His friend! They’re really quite close, you know. Tommy’s worried he might be sad.”
“Tubbo,” Techno repeated. He was not quite awake enough for this conversation. Or for Ghostbur in general. “Tubbo is… the hero we kidnapped?” he guessed.
“Uh huh. I promised Tommy I’d check on him!”
Now, Technoblade’s brain was still in the process of waking up, but something in what Ghostbur had just said struck Techno as odd. “You know his friend’s name is Tubbo,” Techno said slowly. “And you somehow know where this Tubbo is to check on him.”
Ghostbur must have realized his mistake because the bouncing stopped abruptly until he was almost sitting on the bed and his glowing eyes went wide.
“Ghostbur,” Techno said patiently. “Have you been keeping secrets?”
“W-well you have to understand Technoblade,” he started to babble. “It really is Awakebur’s fault. He can be quite stubborn you know and kind of mean, and well, I did follow Tommy home from HQ the first time because Awakebur wanted to know more about him, but you see Techno he was really sad. And he is quite little, just a baby really. Did you know he’s only 16? And actually 16, 16 not like me or you at 16. Far too young to be doing hero work. I don’t know what they were thinking. And he lives in a little dirty apartment and doesn’t eat nearly enough. He and his Tubbo leave notes around for each other because the heroes were mean and don’t let them work at the same times, so they barely see each other and Tommy gets the bed all dirty because he’s always too tired to shower when he gets home, but Tubbo never says anything because he knows Dream is far too hard on him. And, and Alivebur would be mean, because he decided he doesn’t like him very much. You know how people who are alive can be oh so testy about things. It’s really silly, you know. So, I decided to forget about those things when I’m awake. He is tiny Technoblade.”
“…Will” Techno sighed, pinching his brow.
“And, and, you living people are so vulnerable when you’re sleeping. He’s awake right now, but what if he falls asleep and he’s alone. He can’t be alone. He’s too little. You have to watch him Technoblade. Please?”
Techno could tell Ghostbur was not in the mood to listen to reason. Even if Tommy was 16, that was definitely not too ‘little’ to sleep alone, especially when locked in a secure underground facility no one knew the location of. The ghost clearly did not see it that way, but to be fair, he had a hard time letting Phil sleep alone some nights. “Ugh, fine,” Techno groaned, resigning himself to his exhaustion. He reached over to flip on his lamp.
“Oh, thank you Technoblade!” Ghostbur cooed. “You are such a good little brother.”
Techno’s head whipped around to face him. “Don’t start that shit. We are not related! I have lived longer than you.” Probably. Ghostbur just gave him a mischievous smile. “You’re lucky I can’t smother you with a pillow again,” he grumbled.
Ghostbur just chuckled, sounding for a moment more like he did when he was awake. “Go babysit,” he requested as he faded out of sight.
“You stained my sheets blue!” Techno realized when he vanished. “Why do I even bother trying to have pink ones?”
After pulling on a green hoodie that was actually Phil’s and deciding contacts were definitely not worth it at this time of night and thus forgoing the mask in favor of glasses, Techno took the steps downstairs, grumbling all the way.
Tommy looked up from his place on the bed when Techno shoved open the door to the cell, seeming surprised. Techno had to pause at the sight of him. Ghostbur had apparently gone wild because blue stained his nose and forehead as well as his bedsheets. Apparently Ghostbur had taken it upon himself to decide the Will-please-not-the-face rule was not in place for Tommy because there was clear intent behind the kiss shaped mark above his eye. He might as well have written the word ‘mine’ across his forehead in permanent marker. Fucking, possessive bastard. That wouldn’t be coming off for days.
“What are you doing here?” the kid asked.
“Ghostbur said you were awake and that I should keep you company.”
“I don’t need company,” he grumbled.
“Too bad,” Techno said airily. He eyed Wilbur’s slumped over form leaning against the bed. Idiot. He’d complain all day if he woke with a kink in his neck from sleeping like that. With a shake of the head, Techno turned to the large pile of pillows and blankets Phil had panic gathered in fear Tommy might be cold and began spreading them all out in one corner of the room. He kicked the pile around until it looked comfortable enough and then walked over to where Wilbur sat. He carefully scooted the chair back from the bed, catching his body as it tried to fall forward. He made a confused sound in his sleep. “Hush you, it’s just me,” Techno told him. “Stay asleep.” He carefully slipped one arm under his knees and the other under his shoulder blades. Despite the bit of jostling maneuvering him so he was clutched to Techno’s chest caused, he headed Techno’s order to continue sleeping. He carried him over to the corner and laid him out on the pile of blankets, tossing one over him.
Tommy was staring at him when he turned back. Techno waited for whatever thing he wanted to say, but nothing came.
“What?” he finally asked, tired of the unplanned staring contest.
“You forgot your mask.”
“Didn’t forget,” Techno said. “Didn’t want to put my contacts in.”
“Don’t you have, like, a secret identity?”
Techno shrugged, unconcerned. He honestly wore the mask more for the aesthetic and Phil didn’t even wear one. The only one who really wandered around the city and could possibly be recognized was Will and that cat was out of the bag thanks to a certain ghost. The kid started gnawing on his lip again. “Stop that you’re going to bleed,” Techno scolded.
“Fuck you, I do what I want.”
“You want to bleed?”
“Is that a threat?” Tommy asked, bristling defensively to Techno’s confusion. “‘Cause I’m pretty sure Philza said you can’t hurt me right now, and he might be your dad or whatever, but you still shouldn’t piss him off.”
“It’s not a threat,” Techno told him, resisting rolling his eyes. “I’m not planning to hurt you. I was commenting on you hurting yourself.” The words seemed to sooth him a bit. “Also, Philza’s my friend, not my dad.”
Tommy tilted his head. “Ghostbur said Phil adopted you when you were six.” Fucking Ghostbur.
“Legally,” Techno said, “but we’re actually just friends.”
“You were six.”
“It’s complicated,” Techno said. “What else did he tell you?”
“Not much…” Tommy said. “Just stuff about how being a ghost works… and his name… and your name.”
“Of course.”
“Your supervillain names all suck, by the way,” Tommy informed him. “Having your name in the supervillain name doesn’t make sense. It’s supposed to be a secret identity. What is SBI all of your middle initials?”
“God, I wish.”
“What is it then?”
Techno looked at him. “No.”
“Aw, but what does it matter?”
Tommy pushed his lower lip out. Techno stared at him, unimpressed. “…You look weird without the mask,” Tommy said.
“Mmm,” Techno replied, unconcerned. He walked back over to the bed.
“Seriously, no one’d be scared of you if they knew you looked like that under the mask.”
“Oh, trust me,” Techno said. “They would be.” Without warning, he flopped himself face first onto the free side of the double bed, ignoring how his glasses poked his face.
“Hey!” the kid said, sounding surprised. “This is my bed.”
“Ghostbur woke me up in the middle of a sleep cycle at, like, 2am,” he said into the pillow. “Shush.”
“Aren’t you, like, afraid I’ll murder you in your sleep and escape?”
“I’m not falling asleep,” Techno said, his eyes closed, “and no, not particularly.”
“I’m dangerous!”
“Bitch.” Techno felt him shuffle around a bit on the bed. He hissed when the movement jostled his injury and Techno opened his eyes and turned his head to look at him. “Your hair’s weird.” Techno was starting to think ‘blank is weird’ was just the way Tommy demanded attention.
There was a pause. “It looks cool though when it’s all braided and you’re wearing the skull mask.”
“Why do you wear it so long though?” Tommy asked. Techno wasn’t getting out of conversation, was he? “I mean, it’s awesome and all, but your main thing is close combat.”
“Used to wear it short,” Techno admitted. “People used to shave it. Then, I’d cut it short with a knife so it wouldn’t get tangled. Phil taught me how to care for it a bit after I met him. I started to like it long when I knew how to take care of it, so now I just let it grow.”
“Well, it’s very pog man.”
Techno rolled his eyes. “Thanks,” he said again.
“Is it naturally pink?” he asked.
Techno snorted at the question. “No,” he said.
“Well, I don’t know,” Tommy said, affronted by his amusement. “Sometimes people with powers end up with weird shit like wings!” Which… was fair enough.
“It’s white naturally,” he said. “Not sure if it was when I was born or if it happened later. I’m due for a dye, see?” He tapped at his roots which he’d noticed the morning before were starting to peak through white.
Tommy leaned over to look, careful to keep his hand on his own pillow.
Techno sighed. “You can touch it.”
“Huh?” Tommy asked.
“My hair,” Techno said. “You can touch it.”
“Really?” he asked.
“It’s basically Wilbur and Phil’s favorite pastime, so it’s not like I’m not used to it.”
With the permission, he reached out a cautious hand to touch a few of the strands on the pillow, his head cocked in curiosity. “Wow,” he said, “how the hell do you get it like this?”
“Lots of time and lots of product.”
He grew a bit bolder, though he did not take near the amount of liberties Wilbur often did. He just basically pet it against the pillow so Techno could just barely feel it. His distraction gave Techno a chance to really look at him. He did look quite young especially now. Ghostbur had said he was 16 even though that made no sense. What was the Hero Guild doing if that was the case?
Sixteen, Techno contemplated. That was young, wasn’t it? Did Techno even know what it was like to be 16? He’d been 16 once, twice, and never.
Sixteen was a home made out of an old, abandoned train car and Phil always bringing back something extra when he went out for supplies, sometimes these things were functional, but often they were not, and he really did not understand. It was a white stuffed bear Techno never understood the significance of until an 8-year-old handed a much newer version of it to him years later saying he could have it. It was being on the verge of trusting after almost a year and a half, but not quite there yet.
Sixteen was also Will’s eighteenth birthday and Techno pinning him to the ground of the living room in the house upstairs, because he wouldn’t stop mocking Techno for still being a child when he was an adult even though Techno had been an adult first. It was Phil ignoring them to cut ice cream cake in the kitchen trusting Techno wouldn’t actually cut off his son’s oxygen with the pillow he’d placed over his head.
Sixteen was lost like water slipping through a drain never to be recovered. It was lost in blood and death: his own, his own, his own, until he managed to make it someone else’s. How could he possibly know when he’d existed for 16 years when for every stumbling two steps forward, he took one back? Did it pass in the blood-soaked arena or on the cold street or in a prison cell? There was no way to ever know.
What was sixteen for this boy? Techno had to wonder. He worried silently that with the gash on his stomach and the pallor to his cheeks, it might linger somewhere closer to the first or third than Techno was comfortable with.
“Why are you looking at me all funny?” Tommy asked.
“How am I looking at you?”
“Funny,” Tommy answered.
Techno rolled his eyes. “Helpful.” Tommy kicked him and Techno narrowed his eyes. “Don’t you want to sleep?” he asked.
“I apparently have had too much caffeine, so sleep is not an option right now.”
“Fantastic,” Techno said, shoving his face back into the pillow.
Tommy gave him about two seconds of silence. “Do you have a superpower?” he asked.
Techno sighed. “Yes.”
“I’ve never seen you use one,” Tommy said, “and we’ve fought a lot of times.”
Techno took his head off the pillow. “It’s not one I use often anymore.”
“Why not?” Tommy asked with a frown.
Techno turned to face him. “If you’d ever given me cause to use it, you wouldn’t be alive.”
He must have accidently done something with his voice because Tommy’s already pretty pale face went a bit paler.
Techno tilted his head. “It wasn’t a threat,” he said. “Just a fact.”
“I could kill you right now if I decided I wanted you dead isn’t a threat?” Tommy asked.
“No because I don’t have a reason to want you dead.”
“You don’t?” Tommy asked, seeming genuinely surprised.
Techno squinted at him. “Kid, what exactly do you think is going on here?”
The kid started biting his damned lip again, his hand clenching his pillow, but he didn’t say anything.
“You are aware we aren’t planning to kill you, aren’t you?” He just stared at Techno. “Shit kid, we’re not going to just murder some unarmed child in our basement. You’ll be ransomed back to the Guild eventually.” Well… at least, that had been the plan, he thought, looking at the blue marks adorning his face.
“But I’m your enemy,” he said with a frown.
“Being a general nuisance and kicking Wilbur in the face a couple of times isn’t quite enough for us to want your head on a spike.”
Tommy was looking at him all confused. Shit. How had Phil explained the fact that most people actually didn’t want to murder people indiscriminately? Technoblade was not equipped for this. Uh…
“Is that…” Tommy interrupted his thoughts.
“What?” Techno prompted when it was clear he wasn’t going to continue his sentence.
“Why didn’t you kill me that one time?” he asked quietly.
“When?” Techno asked.
“You know,” he said. “That one time I found you in the alley. We fought and you had me at sword point. I thought you were going to slit my throat then, but you just walked away. We were alone and I’d attacked you. I always wondered why you didn’t.”
“I thought that’d be obvious,” Technoblade said, but Tommy just frowned. “Did you forget the rest of that fight?” he asked. “You thought you’d snuck up on me and I didn’t notice until it was too late. You’d grabbed my sword and held me at sword point on the ground. You’d thought you’d won.”
“Yeah, but I hadn’t,” he grumbled.
“You hadn’t,” Techno agreed. “In fact, you didn’t even really find me. I lured you there on purpose.”
“It was a test. We’d fought a few times and I wanted to see if you were a threat.” He shrugged. “You weren’t.”
Tommy looked unhappy with that statement.
“It’s not an insult,” Techno said.
“It sure fucking sounds like one,” Tommy replied.
“It’s not,” Techno said. “It’s a compliment really. The first person I ever registered as not a threat was Phil and he’d actually just beaten me in combat. It has nothing to do with skill, though yes, obviously I could beat you in hand to hand considering I wrestled the sword away from you after.”
“I don’t get it.”
Techno hummed. “You asked me why I didn’t slit your throat. Well, why didn’t you slit mine?”
“Well… because I’m a hero,” Tommy said, “and I’d already won or thought I did, so I should just call it in to the Guild. That’s what I’m supposed to do.”
Techno snorted. “Funny joke kid. Most heroes would love to put a sword though my chest,” not that it would end, had ended, well for them, “especially with no one watching.”
“So, you didn’t kill me then because I didn’t try to kill you?”
“I give people back what they give to me,” Techno said. “It’s why Phil has my loyalty, why Wilbur has my protection, why many people are dead and buried, and it’s why you don’t need to fear dying at my hand.”
“Oh,” Tommy said. “That’s nice of you.” Like he’d just offered to give him a ride home on a rainy day. Like it was a favor he didn’t expect.
This kid was fucked up.
They were silent for a while and then Techno sat up with a sigh. He fished his phone out of the hoodie pocket. “Well, neither of us are sleeping. What types of movies do kids watch these days?”
Tommy blinked at him. “I don’t watch movies.”
“Right.” He fiddled with his phone for a bit and then handed it to Tommy. “I locked you out of everything but Netflix, so don’t even try it,” he said.
Tommy spent about 30 minutes just scrolling through Netflix, reading the titles, before he selected a horror movie seemingly at random.
He proceeded to refuse to back out for the entire 2 hours of the movie’s runtime despite the fact that he was clearly not built for horror movies. Hmm… maybe the R rating did mean something; he was only 16 after all. He ended up curling into a ball the best he could with a cow stuffed animal clutched to his chest and jumped at everything that happened on screen. Ah, so that’s what the stuffed animals in Wilbur’s room were about.
Techno tried not to laugh at the jumpy boy. He really did.
“Dickhead,” Tommy spat when the movie ended. “Stop laughing at me.”
“We could have backed out at any time.”
“No! I’m a man! A big man.”
“Sure, Tommy. Next time you’re watching a G rated movie. Animated animals only.”
“I do not like you.”
“Is that why you’re trying to cuddle me for comfort?”
“I am not. Shut up.” He pressed his forehead into Techno’s shoulder. “When is Ghostbur getting back? I like him better.”
“We could wake up Will.”
“No. Ew.”
Techno chuckled and Tommy sat up, still holding the cow stuffed animal.
“Hey, Technoblade,” he said, looking over at Wilbur’s sleeping form in the corner. “Do you have any shaving cream?”
Techno blinked at him. “What? Why?”
Tommy shrugged, his eyes cutting to Techno and then back to Wilbur and then back to Techno.
Oh, Techno thought. “You know what?” I have a better idea.”
“Technoblade, I’m going to be rather cross with you,” Ghostbur warned from the bed. He’d returned while Technoblade was sneaking up to the kitchen. He didn’t know what they’d discussed while he’d been gone, but it was likely about Tommy’s friend.
Despite his words of warning, Ghostbur didn’t move to stop Techno, likely because Tommy was full on giggling over his small bowl of chocolate ice cream topped with strawberries and whipped cream.
Technoblade shrugged. “Meh. Worth it.”
Author Note:
Ghostbur: Ah, but you see Technoblade. He is baby.
Techno: *rolls eyes*
**1 hour later**
Techno: Oh no. He is baby.
(This conversation was illustrated and you can find it here!)
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