#and other miscellaneous little things like *actually checking the mail*
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starlightcleric · 1 month ago
Boy, I sure do hope I have the energy to do all the things I want to tomorrow, when I definitely haven't displayed that amount of self discipline and initiative in a long time!
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A Supernatural World: Chapter 1
Summary: Fleeing their hometown of Miami, Florida due to it growing far too dangerous, Roman and his vampire brother Remus move to Detroit, Michigan. Remus hopes it’ll be safer here for his human (or so he thinks he’s human) brother. Roman only wishes to start anew after a traumatizing incident in his last college, hoping to make new friends and maybe even find love. They don’t know what this city or the future holds but it’s going to be quite the adventure as they explore their new surroundings and the…interesting people that live in it.
Pairings: Eventual roceit, Eventual Intrulogical, slowburn roceit, slowburn Intrulogical, romantic roceit, romantic Intrulogical. BROTHERLY CREATIVITWINS (rem/rom shippers fuck off)
(A/N: Finally got back into some kind of writing pattern so enjoy!)
Pitter Patter
Pitter Patter
Remus watches as the sparkling raindrops streaked down the window of the taxi that he and his brother, Roman, were currently in. It’s a rainy evening in Detroit as they near their apartment. It isn’t anything fancy but it has all the utilities they need and a room they could share. It certainly had been a while since Remus had shared a room with his twin. His parents would always separate them, their mother saying Remus was a bad influence on their so-called perfect Roman. Neither of them believed it and always found a way to see each other. Though punishment always followed should they be caught.
  That was then and here they were now. No more horrible parents. No more horrible home. They’re in a new city now and they just want to start fresh. Remus was going to explore and get supplies once he and his brother were settled in. It’s not easy being a vampire who constantly had to be out at night or help his brother sleep. Speaking of sleep, Remus glances over at his twin. He smiles fondly as his older brother snores away on his shoulder. It’s always nice to see his twin peacefully resting. He only wished he didn’t have to use his magic to keep him like this. But it was that, or intense nightmares every single night. 
Remus sighs and adjusts the red scarf that he wrapped around Roman when they left their home. Roman had been through a lot. From the abuse at home to an incident in college that he never got justice for, Roman would have nightmares of it all and Remus would use his magic to calm him down. It’s probably not the safest trick but Roman had begged him to keep using it ever since he found out about it. At least Roman was resting better for now. 
“Ferndale District Apartment Building, sir.” the taxi driver suddenly cuts through, tired eyes gazing at the twins.
Remus nods in reply and turns to his twin, gently shaking him awake.
“Wake up, Ro. We’re here.”
Roman whines and yawns, eyes fluttering open as he sits up.
“Already?” he asks sleepily. 
Remus chuckles softly.
“Yeah. Come on, Ro. You can sleep some more once we get our stuff in.” he says, patting his brother’s head.”
Roman stretches and sits up, getting out of the car as Remus paid the driver. It’s cold and wet but the rain seems to be letting up into a light sprinkle. He looks around and there isn’t much. Another car passes by and a dog barks in the distance. Roman can make out a small gas station across the street, its dying neon sign flickering like an old lamp. Beside it is a convenient store that’s closed for the night, a laundromat right across it that’s still open. He watches for a moment as a mother and daughter, both sopping wet from the rain, run inside the laundromat. Then Roman turns back, seeing his twin unload the trunk. So, Roman follows and helps with getting their items out. 
They have two boxes, a luggage bag, and a backpack each filled with their belongings as well as food and drinks and emergency supplies. Then there’s three boxes full of other miscellaneous items like toiletries, plates and cups, silverware, pillows, blankets, and other things they grabbed. The apartment may be furnished but it didn’t have everything. It takes over thirty minutes but they managed to bring everything into the building. The taxi leaves and the twins sigh in relief as the warmth of the building melted away the cold feeling in their bones. Remus then heads to the front desk and speaks with the receptionist, a red-haired man with green eyes and freckles, so he could get their apartment key.
Meanwhile, Roman looks around again. It isn’t much but it feels cozy. There was a lounge across from the desk with a moss green carpet and dark brown leather armchairs. A small but sleek black coffee table sits between them, a flower vase holding bright red roses on it. In the corner is a small fish tank, bubbling away as two dwarf gourami swam around each other. On the faded mahogany wall is a painting of a hand. Roman can just barely make out the artist’s signature at the bottom. ‘C.Manfred’ is written in black cursive in paint at the lower left  corner. Roman hums and admires it for a moment.
“Oh, I wasn’t aware that the newcomers were here already, Jeremiah.”
Roman jumps at the sudden voice, turning around.
There stood a man in a black a blazer over a dark yellow turtleneck. He also wore matching black gloves and a black bowler hat. What confused Roman is the eye bandage on the man’s left eye and his black face mask. The man walks towards the front desk, standing by Remus. He looks him up and down for a moment before turning to the receptionist, Jeremiah, and greets him.
“Oh, they just arrived, Janus. I just gave them their room key. And here’s your mailbox key.” Jeremiah replies, handing the key to Janus.
Janus nods and takes it, making his way to the mailboxes beside the front desk.
“I must say, you’re both quite intriguing.” he says, glancing at Remus again before turning back to open his mailbox.
Remus blinks. He could’ve sworn he saw a glint of gold in Janus’ eyes.
“I’m just a guy moving in with his brother. I don’t see anything special about that.” he replies, playing it safe.
Janus chuckles quietly and grabs his mail, tucking it away in his blazer.
“No? I think you are. I’ve never met someone like you, especially. I tend to keep to myself, you know?” he hums.
Remus blinks again. Oh. Now he gets it.
Janus sees Remus finally getting it and chuckles again.
“Now, now, no need to fret. Your, ah, secret is safe with me.” he says, holding up his right hand.
That makes Remus relax a little.
“Right. Sorry. I’m just being safe” he says, rubbing the back of his neck. “Oh, I’m Remus and that’s my brother, Roman.”
Roman waves shyly as Janus glances towards him, flustering awkwardly.
“It’s alright. It’s nice to meet you both.” Janus replies. “My name is Janus.”
“It’s nice to meet you too, Janus.” Remus nods before turning to Roman. “Come on, Ro. We gotta haul this upstairs.”
“But we can’t carry this all in one trip!” Roman whines.
“Oh, where’s your apartment?” Janus asks.
Remus checks the key.
“Number 413.”
“Ah. It’s not too far from my place. I’m in 501. Just a floor above and the first door on the right.”
“Ooh, we’re neighbors! Yay!” Roman cheers.
Janus huffs a laugh.
“That we are. So, would you like some help?”
Remus looks over to Roman and Roman nods eagerly. Remus chuckles and shakes his head with a smile.
“Sure. Just be careful. Some of the boxes have fragile things.” he replies.
Janus nods.
“Of course.”
With that, the twins grabbed their personal boxes while Janus handled the remaining three. He was surprisingly strong and didn’t even seem to struggle. Remus is pretty sure that the big box on the bottom was quite heavy. Janus doesn’t have a complaint and they pile into the elevator. As it slowly heads for the fourth floor, Janus finds himself curious about the twins. He knows by now that Remus is...well...not exactly human. He wants to know even more.
“So, what brings you two here? It’s been a while since we’ve had someone move in.” Janus says after a beat of silence.
The twins tense a little and shift.
“Oh dear. Too soon to ask?”
Remus shakes his head.
“No. Just caught us off guard. We settled here since it was the first place we could find after searching for so long. We’ve been on the run across the country. All the way from Miami, Florida actually. We’ve been in and out of hotels along the way here. We looked everywhere online for a good place where the rent price wasn’t a fuckton of dollars. After looking for so long, we found this place and here we are.” he explains.
Janus nods, feeling concerned.
What had these twins been through?
“I see,” he replies. “If you don’t mind me asking, why were you on the run?” 
Roman answers this time.
“Home was bad.” he replies quietly, sighing as he gazes at a poster advertising a pirate themed amusement park.
If Remus didn’t have his arms full with boxes, he’d comfort his twin. He can only give him a sad smile.
“Yeah, mom and dad weren’t exactly dearest to us. We got up and left not too long ago while they were away at some big business meeting. I stole their money too. They were greedy fucks anyway.” he sighs.
Janus gives them a sympathetic look. It’s hard to tell with his mask but he’s smiling sadly too.
“I’m sorry to hear that. I’m glad you got out though. I get it. My mother and father weren’t exactly loving either.”
“Is that why you wear those on your face?” Roman chimes in, glancing at Janus.
“Roman!” Remus hisses.
Janus smiles softly, finding Roman’s innocence a little endearing.
“It’s alright. I suppose it’s partially why. They never did like my...birthmarks.” he replies.
“Oh. I’m sure they’re not that bad.”
“Trust me, my dear. This is something you don’t want to see.”
Roman flusters. He finds himself feeling a little warm with how charming Janus is.
“O-Okay then.”
They continue talking some more, Roman excitedly telling Janus his plans as they continue trekking to their apartment. Roman wanted to get back into theatre now that he was free to do so. Remus occasionally joined in on the conversation, mentioning that he wanted to explore the city and be familiarized with the area...for reasons. By the time they reach the apartment door, Roman is giggling and seems to have already become friends with Janus. The conversation continues as they enter the apartment. 
It’s spacious enough for two, a small hallway leading into the living room. The walls are a light beige and the hardwood floors are a faded oak that seemed to have been waxed not too long ago. There’s another hall to the left of the living room and another hall to the right. The left hall leads to the bedroom and bathroom. The right hall leads into a small kitchen and dining room. There’s also a small laundry area at the end of that hall. It isn’t much but the twins like it. Any place that isn’t their old home is safe enough for him.  
Remus heads in first and Roman curiously follows with Janus trailing behind him. They gather in the living room, boxes set down to be unpacked in the morning. For now, the twins look around the apartment. Remus spots the heating system by the light switch in the hall and fiddles with it for a moment. Roman sees a big sliding glass door and immediately heads over there, making a sound of delight as he gets the lock undone with a click before sliding the door open. He steps out and is greeted with a good view of Detroit despite only being four floors up. He can see a train station, an abandoned dockyard with an old rusted freighter still floating in it, and part of the Ambassador bridge despite how dark the city is.
“So pretty! I’ve always wanted my own balcony!” Roman says, beaming as raindrops sprinkled all over his cheeks.
Remus chuckles.
“You can hang out there tomorrow, Ro. Come back inside. It’s cold out.” he calls. “And shut the door.”
Roman lingers for a moment longer then does as his twin says, coming in and shutting the door before locking it too.
“I like our new home.” he says, joining Remus and Janus.
Remus pats Roman’s head.
“Good, because we’re stuck here for a long time.” he says. 
Janus smiles softly, seeing how the twins really care for each other. 
“I’m glad you like it here. I hope you’ll sleep through the night. There’s a certain apartment down the hall upstairs that tends to be loud often.” he tells them, setting down the boxes he’d been carrying.
“I’ve slept through worse.” Remus shrugs though there’s a dark look in his eyes.
Remus still remembers hearing his mother scream, her shrill but sharp and haunting voice overpowering Roman’s cries. And if it wasn’t her, it was their father. Their father would beat Roman, drunk or not. Remus couldn’t do anything about it, having been locked away in the basement for most of his time in that old house. Didn’t mean he escaped those beatings. His father made sure he had his ‘fair share’ of punishment.
Janus smiles sadly. Just how badly had these twins been hurting?
“I see. Still, I figured I’d let you know ahead of time.” he says, deciding not to push it. “If you don’t need anything more, I have to go now. It’s late after all.”
Roman looks up from the boxes. He was about to open one when Janus said he had to go.
“Already? But I liked having you here, Janus.” he says, pouting a little. 
Janus huffs a laugh.
“Don’t worry, Roman. We’ll meet again soon. I don’t leave my apartment so I’m almost always home. Feel free to come over anytime soon, my dear.” he smiles softly.
Roman flusters again. Something about Janus makes Roman feel a little warm. 
“O-Okay then. Bye bye, Janus. It was nice to meet you.” he says, smiling bashfully.
“Goodbye, Roman.” 
Roman waves and watches as Janus leaves, happy to have already made a new friend. 
Meanwhile Remus was a little wary. So much has happened due to Roman trusting almost every person he’s met. The college incident was one of them. After that, Roman had a hard time trusting new people. So it’s a little surprising to see Roman easily get along with Janus and trust him. Especially with sharing a bit of his trauma. Shaking his head, Remus smiles fondly. At least Roman is happy for the time being.
“So, you already found a friend in Janus?” Remus asks.
Roman blushes a little, still smiling bashfully.
“Yeah. I think he’s nice. And I know I probably shouldn’t trust people so soon but I think Janus is someone we can trust.” he says. “I know it.”
Remus chuckles.
“If you say so, Ro. Now come on, we still have to unpack some stuff so we can get ready for bed.” he says, ruffling Roman’s hair again.
So with that, the twins unpack what they can, filling the kitchen cabinets with what bit of food they could bring from their old home along with the kitchen cutlery. They had grabbed as many things needed when they first left their old home and kept it with them as they moved around. Their toiletries were from the many hotels they stayed at. For food, they either ate at the hotel’s buffet or had small meals from the stores around the place. 
Remus had stolen most of their greedy parents’ money for themselves to use but did his best to save it. Now that they have a new place to call home, Remus decides he’ll go grocery shopping in a few days. In the meantime, Remus was content to live off of the food they picked up on their way here. It wouldn’t be the first time they had instant noodles and a small bag of potato chips. 
Soon the twins unpacked what they could, the two bringing their luggage bags into the bedroom. They got undressed and into some warm pajamas. Roman’s pajamas are a plain white t-shirt and a pair of red sweats. Remus’ pajamas are a pair of grey sweats and a Thriller t-shirt. Now that they were in comfy clothes, Remus leads Roman to the bed.
“Alright, bed time, Ro.” Remus says, setting up Roman’s night light before joining him.
Roman gets in bed, holding a small crown plushie that Remus made for him to stim with. He’s quiet as he thinks about their safety. Yes, they were away from that awful place now but anything could happen. Especially with Remus being a vampire. Remus is an easy target for hunters and much more feral vampires. Roman has seen those vampires, one of them having even tried to drink his blood. Remus saved him though. Still, what if-
“Earth to Roman. You in there, Ro?” Remus taps his forehead.
Roman blinks and shakes his head clear, settling in bed.
“Sorry, Ree. I’m just a little worried. What if we’re found here or another feral vampire hurts me? What if it’s not safe here too?” he asks, fiddling with his crown plushie. 
Remus smiles softly, tucking Roman in.
“We won’t be found here. I made sure of it. Besides, if anything happens, I’ll be there to protect you. You know I’ll beat their asses.” he says.
Roman giggles.
“You always do, Ree.”
“Hell yeah. Now, get some rest. We have a lot to do tomorrow.”
Roman nods, yawning.
“Okay. I’ve been wanting to get into theatre now that we’ve settled. You think the local college will accept me?” he asks.
Remus pats Roman’s head.
“They will. You’re super talented, Ro. You’re gonna do great.” he says.
Roman smiles at that before shifting.
“Okay...um...can you do that thing to help me sleep?” he asks.
That thing is basically Remus using his magic to help Roman sleep better and to manipulate his dreams so that the nightmare stays away.
“Of course.” Remus smiles softly, his eyes glowing a soft red. “Sleep.”
Remus waves his fingers and a red, sparkling aura of magic swirls from him and into Roman’s head, making him feel hazy and tired. Soon his eyes flutter shut and his breathing evens out. After a few moments, Roman is deep asleep. Remus sighs in relief and stands up, looking back at his brother for a moment before moving to turn off the lights. Then he slips out of the bedroom to continue unpacking and cleaning up. Hopefully tomorrow will be good for both of them now that they’re here. 
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balancingdiet · 5 years ago
Tabula Rasa
Detective Conan & Magic Kaito Characters: Shinichi/Kaito Words: 2100 ish Chapter: (1) ... (10) (11) (12)
Shinichi always finds his neighbour weird. But he didn’t expect to find his neighbour lying on a patch of grass and donned in Kaitou Kid’s costume, too.
“I can’t believe you’re worse than me,” Kuroba wheezed, his laughter bouncing off every kitchen cabinets, walls, and into Shinichi’s ears, much to his utmost annoyance. “At least I have a pot and a frying pan,” Kuroba continued.
Shinichi crossed his arms. “I don’t have the things that I don’t need, as simple as that.”
Walking towards the counter, Kuroba lifted the lid of the pot and stared inside it. “When was the last time you used this?”
In all honesty, Shinichi didn’t know the pot even existed until Kuroba asked for it and he found it in one of the cabinets. He briefly wondered what kind of excuse would make him and his kitchen-state less pathetic than it already was, but he came up with none.
Then again, why should Shinichi care about Kuroba’s opinions at all?
Thankfully, Kuroba seemed to have moved on from the conversation as he picked up the pot and brought it to the sink. He gave it a good scrub before using it to cook his rice.
Just when Shinichi thought the whole conversation was over, Kuroba laughed again when he pulled out a drawer. “C’mon. You don’t even have a spatula?”
Shinichi bumped Kuroba away from the drawer and searched on his own. When he couldn’t find it, he tried the next drawer, and the next, until he found one. He pointed it at Kuroba’s face (who was trying hard not to laugh again). 
“You shouldn’t be insulting the person who is lending you his kitchen and gas.”
“Since when was I insulting you?” Kuroba took the spatula and cocked his head to the side. 
Shinichi narrowed his eyes. 
Kuroba grinned, waving the spatula at Shinichi in efforts to calm him down. “I wasn’t insulting you. I’m just concerned.” 
“I don’t need it.”
“Huh.” Kuroba’s smile didn’t falter as he turned back to the pot. “For a moment you sounded almost like me.”
Shinichi closed his eyes in a long-suffering manner. “Just hurry up and cook and then get out of my house.”
Kuroba glanced at him. “Are you going to watch me the entire time?”
“Yes. In case you do something funny, like planting a camera or stashing your stolen diamonds here.”
“Suit yourself. It’s your house after all,” Kuroba said with a shrug and continued his work.
Shinichi had his fair share of his own work too. He swiftly brought his computer down from his study room and to the kitchen, using the counter as his temporary desk. Often when Kuroba walked behind him to get something from the other side of the kitchen, he would tilt his computer screen down while eyeing him suspiciously. In return, Kuroba would laugh.
Speaking of which, Shinichi noted that today was probably the day he heard Kuroba laughed the most number of times. 
Besides those stupid “peeking-incidents,” the kitchen was more than often silence when they were busy with their things, saved for the sizzling sounds from Kuroba’s frying pan and Shinichi’s rapid typing on the keyboard. But for the latter, it became lesser and lesser when Shinichi realised he was getting more and more distracted by the smell of whatever Kuroba was cooking.
And it wasn’t in a bad way.
During Shinichi’s seventh attempt to try reading past the first sentence of his email, Kuroba snapped a finger over at him. 
“Mind passing two plates?” Kuroba paused. “Please tell me you have at least two plates.”
Shinichi decided that five wasn’t very far off from two, so he kept silent and picked what was needed from a cabinet. When he passed the two plates to Kuroba, he caught a glance of the frying pan—fried rice. 
When Shinichi returned to the kitchen counter to continue his work, a plate of the said fried rice appeared in between him and his computer screen. Shinichi shut his laptop, and glanced over at Kuroba who was standing next to him.
“A thank you gift—for letting me use your kitchen,” Kuroba said, gesturing his head at the food.
Shinichi wordlessly took the warm plate, too dumfounded to react. Not only because of Kuroba’s act, he also found himself ridiculously stupid to not realise when Kuroba asked for two plates instead of one.
He watched Kuroba walking to the opposite side of the counter and placed his plate down.
Shinichi blinked. “You’re… eating here?”
“It’s better to eat it while it’s hot,” Kuroba said, already mouthful. "You should too. Stop being a workaholic.”
“I’m not a workaholic,” Shinichi spat, drumming his fingers over his closed laptop. He glanced at the rice, unsure…
Kuroba chuckled. “Scared I’d poison you?” 
Not-so-strangely, that was the last of his worries; the true worry was actually the opposite. Muttering his thanks for the food, he picked up the spoon and took a bite.
It was delicious.
And this was his worry.
Likewise to the many different versions of Kuroba, Shinichi wasn’t used to this version of himself. He hated when one was not acknowledged for their efforts and talent, but he also hated how it was Kuroba that he had to praise.
But Shinichi didn’t have to worry much about it, though. Kuroba was hardly looking at him as he continued to gobble down his own plate of food, as though he hadn’t eaten for days—
Then again, he must be too busy to eat since his next announced heist was coming around the corner.
Calling me the workaholic… What an irony, Shinichi thought drily.
“Where or who did you learn to cook this from?” Shinichi casually asked as he resumed his attention to the rice. But from the corner of his eyes, he noticed Kuroba shifted, and there was a millisecond pause as his spoon hovered over his plate before he dug in for the next scoop.
“A childhood friend,” Kuroba said, his voice surprisingly levelled. 
Shinichi nodded. He wasn’t sure what he was nodding to, but it was the only reply he knew to give.
He wondered if that childhood friend’s name happened to be Aoko.
“Anyway, I noticed your plants need a bigger pot. Like seriously.” Kuroba pointed at the window facing the backyard. “You may be a detective, but you’re becoming a murderer yourself.”
Shinichi couldn’t tell if Kuroba was using the distraction method to change the conversation or if he was genuinely worried for his plants, but Shinichi gave him the benefit of the doubt and continued the diverted topic, remarking how he didn’t have the time to change before Kuroba started calling him a plant-murderer for about five times or so. Soon, their conversation wasn’t about the plants anymore; it drifted from significant to insignificant things, like the weather, some gossips about their common neighbours, a bit of Shinichi’s job, and all the names of Kuroba’s doves. 
Their half-eaten fried rice was forgotten for the rest of the time… until Kuroba’s phone rang, and he had to leave.
Shinichi washed the dishes.
All along, Shinichi felt the walls Kuroba built around him were made of glass. No, not because they were easily breakable, not even close, but because of how transparent it was. If Kuroba was willing to switch on the lights on his side, Shinichi could see him entirely through the glass. But if he chose to switch off the lights, there was nothing Shinichi could see. He could try by using a torchlight to shine it through, but what he would see was only his reflection.
(There was him, in he.)
But these days, things seemed a little different. It was as if Kuroba was playing with the lights, flickering it on and off; it was common for Kuroba to remain as distant as he always was, but there were sometimes when he would randomly open up a bit more to Shinichi, like during their short and coincidental meetings on the streets, or during those times when Shinichi dragged him out to clean his "freshly-painted" mailbox.
Perhaps it was because Kuroba didn’t find it a risk to share these small, surface-level kind of things about himself, but Shinichi thought otherwise; he marked all of their importance while he listened attentively. Like knowing that Kuroba liked blue explained why all the decks of cards he had were of the colour, or that those loud music Kuroba played wasn’t directly to annoy Shinichi, but because drinking caffeine didn’t work for him.
It all explained many other things, but mostly it came down to the same point; that Kuroba Kaito was still a human, and he really wasn’t as bad as what Shinichi liked to think.
Being the only blonde in the cafe, it wasn’t hard for Shinichi to spot Miyano Shiho, who was sipping on her coffee as she admired the view outside the cafe. Shinichi glanced at his watch, wondering if he should order a drink, but decided against it as he headed straight for the table.
“Sorry for being late,” Shinichi explained, pointing through the window. “Traffic was bad—”
Shiho sipped her drink impassively, her loud slurps cutting Shinichi off before she placed the cup back on the table. “No matter what, your excuses will not bring back the half an hour I have wasted waiting here.”
She picked up a bag from the ground and pushed it across the table.
“Thanks.” Shinichi took the bag and briefly rummaged through it. They were mostly his cancelled bills, some miscellaneous mails and small parcels that reached his old house instead of his current one. Due to some complications in changing all of his mailing address, he had to trouble Shiho to clear, pick up and gather the mails before they met like this once or twice every month.
Shinichi glanced up after the checks. “I would love to stay and chat—”
“Please don’t.”
“Oh, alright.” Shinichi stood up from his seat. “I’ll see you soon. Send my regards to Professor Agase.”
“Before you go.” Shiho cleared her throat, stopping him in his track. “There’s something you need to know.”
Shinichi sat back down immediately. “What is it?”
Shiho glanced outside of the cafe, looking a little hesitant, or wistful? It was already hard to read her as Haibara Ai, much less as her grown-up self. Shinichi tried to make some guesses. Given his last conversation with Professor Agase…
“Did Satoshi ask you out?”
Shiho whipped her head back. “What?”
“Satoshi. The guy from the HR department in your research company?” Shinichi frowned, looking up at the ceiling. “Or was it the IT department?”
“No.” Shiho gritted her teeth as she started muttering incoherently under her breath, though Shinichi could make out a sentence that was close to, “he’s going to get it from me.”
“Then what it is?” Shinichi asked hesitantly.
“It’s not about me. It’s about Mouri-san.”
The name, like magic, squeezed Shinichi’s heart on the cue. The coffee-making machines and chatters around the cafe seemed to disappear for a good three seconds before he could start hearing sound again. “You mean… Ran?” Shinichi said after a long while.
“Who else?”
Shinichi tugged on his collar. “What about her?”
“She went to your house last week,” Shiho said.
Shinichi gaped, eyes so wide he thought they were about to roll out.
“Naturally, when she couldn’t find you, she came over to look for Professor Agase. But he wasn’t in that time, so I answered the door.” Shiho picked up her coffee, taking a slow sip. “She then asked me for your address.”
“Did you give her?”
She stared at Shinichi across the brim of her cup. “I can’t say no to her request, can I?” 
“I... supposed not.” Shinichi dragged a hand down his face. “Did she say anything else?”
“No. She left after a thanks.”
“You said this happened last week?”
“Yes.” Shiho raised an eyebrow. “I assumed that you haven’t seen her?”
Shinichi bit his lips. “No, obviously.” 
Shiho paused, a look of wonderment breeze past her face. “Are you disappointed?” 
Disappointed? Shinichi had a fair share of disappointments in his life, but the churning feeling in his stomach was definitely not close to it
He realised it was more of a dread.
Shinichi wished he could wonder or try to explain why, but he really didn’t have the time for this. He glanced at his watch and stood up from his seat the second time. “Thanks for telling me, but I really have to go.”
Taking his bag of mails, he dashed out of the cafe.
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otomechuchu · 6 years ago
Personal GUIDE - Love and Producer EN (Mr Love Queen’s Choice) - How to Play COLLECTIVE
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Here’s my UPDATED personal walkthrough/how to play, Love and Producer EN (Mr Love Queen’s Choice)
My first attempt (click here) was a little bit of a mess. So I’m giving it a second try with pictures and more details!
I have played this since it launched in China back in 2017! So I realize some things feel “normal” to me, but might be confusing to others, so I’ll try to explain them step by step when I get the time! Feel free to point it out or ask questions.
CLICK HERE FOR MY FIRST DRAFT (more like a summary for all the functions & without pictures)
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Before I start, I would like to point out that although there are a lot of functions and things to do, it’s not as intimidating as it seems. It looks intimidating at first glance, but if you take your time instead of rush through the game, it will be easier. I would like to point out that the mechanics are very much like Love Nikki (another Chinese game also by Elex). It has almost all the same functions, plus a few extra. So if you already play Love Nikki (or played it before), then that will help a lot.
NOTE:  After progressing to a certain point, you will unlock more features. That means, not everything is unlocked when you start, so it’s not too overwhelming.
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Here’s how the screen looks like when you start, vs how it looks like after lvl 50. As you can see, a lot more stuff has appeared. I also added some things that aren’t out in English yet (based on the Original Chinese game)
That being said, when does things unlock? I made a small chart (in Paint, don’t judge)
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Here’s the things that unlock up to 24 Hr Challenge, which is in Chapter 5. Nothing else is unlocked up till Chapter 10, which is how far the English version is at.
First, what is the “point” of the game?
You (main character), 22 years old, takes over your fathers TV production company and you wish to produce amazing TV shows. It’s not doing well and the sponsor is pulling out. Along the way, you get the help from four men (love interests): a 28 years old CEO named Li Zeyan (Victor), a 24 years old police officer/agent named Bai Qi (Gavin), a 26 years old scientist named Xu Mo (Lucien), and a 22 years old idol named Zhou Qiluo (Kiro).
Ok, so even though the game is Chinese and released by the original Chinese company, the English version does not include the original Chinese voices! It’s dubbed into English. But once you start playing, you can download a Japanese voice pack? Makes no sense. So here’s a list of what the characters are named:
Li Zeyan - Victor - Zen Bai Qi - Gavin - Haku Xu Mo - Lucien - Shimon Zhou Qiluo - Kiro - Kira
So there aren’t any routes in the game, there’s just a never-ending main story. No, actually, considering the plot, the story has to end some time. I’m guessing it would end around Chapter 30, and right now we’re at Ch 24 in China. Every 3-4 months we get new chapters, so the main story will probably end 6-12 months from now in Chinese (this is as of May 2019). Because of this, I suspect maybe they will add routes to keep the game alive. I don’t think adding more cards and events will be enough to keep players, so maybe routes could exist in the future!
NOTE: ALL answers give the same number of intimacy. In other words, pick whatever you want when messaging, talking on phone, or commenting on posts. There are no “best” answer.
From here on, I will give each section their own page. So click on the section you’re wondering about: 
MISCELLANEOUS (Main Screen, Friends, Mail, etc)
This is a type of event. Look under EVENT LIST
This is a type of event. Look under EVENT LIST
So far only chapter 1-10 are out in English, so this doesn’t exist yet.
So far only chapter 1-10 are out in English, so this doesn’t exist yet.
So far only chapter 1-10 are out in English, so this doesn’t exist yet.
So far only chapter 1-10 are out in English, so this doesn’t exist yet.
PERSONAL NOTE: I'm beat. I finally sat down and did a very detailed Guide for Love and Producer, with lots of pictures. We're talking 80 pictures here! FINALLY done *dies*
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butterfleyequeen · 6 years ago
Hi. It’s me. If anyone is reading this, I have something serious I need to get off my chest. I’ve been keeping it in for an unhealthy amount of time, and I think it’s finally time to let it out.
(Continued below the cut)
You’ve probably heard it dozens of times before. I’m unhappy about my life and I wish I got more attention and appreciation for my content. Somebody comments saying “heyyy i care”, I feel better, everything’s fine.
Rinse and repeat.
If things really are fine, then why do these problems keep coming back? Why does my content still get ignored? And most importantly, why do I still feel like shit about myself?
I keep being told that “ohhh, you can’t let others’ popularity get you down, keep creating!”. And you know what? I did.
Only to still get ignored.
Even when I make fan content to support someone I like and admire, it hurts me when they seemingly show little to no interest in what I’ve made for them while absolutely loving what everyone else made, and I just don’t know why I bother. Even though things on DeviantArt are slightly better in the “attention department”, it’s not a whole lot better. At best, my art/writing gets little more than a dozen Favourites–again, slightly more bearable than here on Tumblr, but not much.
I just… feel like so much of a try-hard that I feel like I’m “plaguing” tags (namely the Undertale tag) with my shit. It makes me almost feel embarrassed to even look at my art knowing how much it goes unnoticed. I try to make compelling characters like Arial for instance, but nobody seems to notice or care. There are so many other female skeleton OCs in the Undertale tag, some being quite well-known and liked, so who gives a shit, right?! Just like pretty much all of my other characters, nobody shows interest in her, nobody asks about her, and nobody seems to care. I feel like such a try-hard by drawing and developing her so much and I feel embarrassed by how fruitless it all is.
I just wanted to interpret an enigmatic, anonymous character like the River Person that defies the common fanon tropes by being a hidden third sibling to Sans and Papyrus instead of, say, their mom, a miscellaneous relative, Gaster himself, or somebody completely unrelated. And actually being a sibling that’s older than both Sans and Papyrus instead of younger, and to introduce an interesting dynamic to the “Dadster theory” in which the River Person is one of Gaster’s own children instead of his wife/lover or something.
I wanted to add the wonder of what it would be like being the long-disappeared eldest child of the former Royal Scientist, who essentially hangs around hiding under everyone’s noses to check up on her little brothers every so often. What the history between the four skeletons would be, and how it all began with a simple tale of a father and his daughter. And I wanted her to feel as authentic as possible through blending her into canon like that. But no, I can never get anyone to care enough about her and who she’s supposed to be. I used to have fun with her, drawing her in different AUs or in silly little doodles, and even writing stories about her.
But now I’m not having fun anymore.
Since the dawn of my time joining the world of art-sharing sites and whatnot (circa 2010 or so), I’ve felt embittered when I see everyone get more attention than me to the point where I even almost resent them for it. I’ve tried to be good and pretend that it didn’t bother me, but now I can’t take it anymore. It has been almost a decade and nothing has improved at all. While others receive love and admiration, I receive what ranges between indifference to outright spurning. I’ve gotten (now deleted) hate mail on this blue hellsite telling me to “go choke and die” or to “go rot in a ditch” for having a politically taboo opinion. Sometimes my artistic efforts have gotten shoved in a spotlight and openly mocked for all the world to see. So all that encouragement to be happy and keep creating now just seems like empty words to me.
What’s even worse is that this kind of envy has been harbored long before my “Internet era” in general. I’ve never felt good enough for anything no matter how hard I try, and no matter how many times people say that they support me, they’ve done little to nothing to prove it. A lot of people–even my own mutuals–just brush through their lives without me, and whenever I say something or show something off, they’re just like “cool” and move on to a different subject. Sometimes they seem to outright ignore my input.
No matter what I do in life, no matter how much of my life I share, I can never get enough people to care about it.
With my bad history with others that continues even now, it feels like I don’t have anyone I can depend on–whether on the Internet or in real life. This feeling of worthlessness has been so ingrained into my mind that it is virtually impossible to change it. And on my worst days, I get to the point where I lose the motivation or even refuse to feed or take care of myself. In fact, earlier this week, I was having trouble falling asleep at bedtime as well as losing a lot of my appetite. I spent a lot of time laying in bed and having fits of sobbing until I tired myself out. I just can’t help but wonder what’s the point of getting up in the morning if nobody seems to care about what happens during the day to come.
I don’t want anyone to feel guilt-tripped by this or think I’m a terrible person for having envy for others’ popularity. I already know that. I just wanted to let out a near-fucking-decade’s worth of something I’ve kept bottled up. At this rate I wonder if I really am a worthless waste of space, if I don’t deserve to be happy, appreciated, or loved. All I know is that this probably isn’t going to change anytime soon–if at all.
I just don’t see the point in pumping out content that no one asked for.
I don’t see the point in sharing anything when no one cares.
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ratandphilgames · 7 years ago
Our Lives Don’t Collide
{chapter 3: shake on it}
summary: Shit hits the fan when famous actor!Phil is caught smooching a boy in an alleyway. Only problem? He’s not out and what’s worse? The boy he was smooching was a journalist who set it all up to get a quick picture and now Phil is royally screwed. The only answer Phils management can come up with is a fake relationship to try and do damage control and famous actor!Dan is the perfect candidate.
chapter word count: 2562
total word count: 7458 
rating: t 
note: thanks for reading and leaving me all your love! everyone who’s sent an anon or left kudos or reblogged has absolutely made this worth it! ily :)
updates on thursdays!
{read on ao3}
{read from the beginning} 
{next chapter}
Sign on the dotted line …………….
The dotted line was definitely taunting him. All Dan had to do was write his name and then he’d be in a legally bond relationship. It was like a temporary marriage. No pressure or anything.  
Dan was back in Sam’s office, 2 days later. The final contract was sitting in front of him, ready to be signed.
He’d been thinking a lot the past 48 hours about this decision.
At the beginning Dan was fairly sure he was going to sign the paper but then intrusive thoughts crept into his mind. Would he be able to look his mum in the face and tell her that he was in a happy committed relationship when he wasn’t? That was a lot of intense pressure, lying to your mom was bad. Baddddddd.
After thinking about how much lying to his mum would suck, Dan thought about how proud his mum would be that he’d gotten himself into a good relationship. She was always being the typical mother, worried that he was too lonely, constantly concerned about him. It would be nice to convince her that he was okay, even if only for a short period.
Besides, this was just commitment to a role for an extended period of time. Dan was an actor. It wouldn’t be unusual to pretend, it was what he did for a living.
The longer Dan spent thinking about it, the more he ignored the bad and focused on the good.
So there he was. Sitting in Sam's office, pen in hand, hovering over the paper. Was he really going to sign this contract that bond him to a role for 6 months?
Yes, yes he was.
His world was going to shift exponentially but almost every way seemed like it would be for the better. Maybe.
Maybe not.
At this point the only way he could find out was by signing the paper. He’d gone over nearly every scenario in his head and at this point the only way to really figure out was to put his name on that line.
So he did. Dan signed his name on the dotted line.
He was now officially and legally in a relationship. It felt weird, especially since the interaction with his ‘boyfriend’ had consisted of one sentence and a weirdly elongated staring contest.  
“So, now that that’s out of the way, we need to make you two official on instagram.”
Shannon was right, that was part of the deal.
“How are we supposed to do that? I don’t have a picture of us together.”
Sam, who had stayed relatively quiet, simply stared at Dan as if he’d just said the dumbest thing ever.
“Daniel, you’ll be seeing him again. When you’re ‘in a relationship’ with someone, you tend to see them more than once.”
So he was going to see Phil again. Soon.
Something about that fact was both startling and a tad bit titillating.
“Right, yeah, I knew that. I guess it just didn’t sink in yet. So when is he coming round?”
Again, Dan was met with a dumbfounded look from Sam. He seemed to be missing the obvious today. His mind a little preoccupied, he supposed.
“You can’t take the photo here, Dan. That will look sketch. You need to invite him to yours, so paparazzi see him and hype up the relationship.”
In order to avoid Sams snark, Shannon stepped in and talked. It hadn’t really occurred to Dan that him and Phil would actually hang out. That he would have Phil inside his house. Suddenly everything became overwhelmingly real.  
“Oh, oh shit. Okay. How do I do that?”
Apparently it was ‘plan everything without Dan and then act like he’s dumb because he wasn’t let in on the plans’ day.
“Dan, there’s this lovely thing called a telephone that you can use. We just have to call his publicist. All you need to do is be at home, which isn’t hard for you.”
Wow. Okay. It was also roast Dan day.
Sure, Dan didn’t tend to leave his house unless he was filming something. It was just too much hassle to get out when it took so much planning. In public he was expected to keep up appearances. At home he could get away with wearing a baggy tee shirt and sweats with no eye bats.
Since ‘Switch Hitter’ was set to come out in 2 months and trailers were starting to drop, Dan was more relevant in the media than usual. If he wasn’t up to leaving his house during his usual schedule, he sure as hell wasn’t wanting to when there was handfuls of paparazzi camping outside his gate.
“Tomorrow. Phil will be coming to your house, you will take a photo together that is suitable for coming out on instagram. Nobody will be their to monitor you, I trust you will not need supervision. Please don’t fuck this up Dan.”
Out of the whole 5 years Dan had worked with Sam, never once had he heard him curse, let alone at him. Shit was serious, Sam was pulling out the big guns.
It was like he was being scolded on having girls (or boys, he’d be out as bi since he was 14) in his room as a teenager. “I trust you will not need supervision” sounded a lot like a threat. Even his mum wasn’t that passive aggressive about being alone with a potential lover.
Not that Phil was a potential lover. This was a business relationship, nothing else.
God this was getting awkward already.
Dan didn’t want to play the ‘ask a question and get a glare from Sam’ game again so he just nodded in response.
And with that Dan was excused from Sams office and told to go home and make his house ‘presentable.’ Shannon offered to help, but Dan assured her he could do it all by himself. He could manage throwing out the old pizza boxes without assistance. The amount of times the paparazzi outside his house had gotten excited that a car was pulling up, only to find it was a pizza delivery boy was astounding.
Andreas, per usual, was standing outside the door, just waiting for Dan to walk out. Maybe a day would come when Dan could feel safe going from his house to his agents office but quite frankly that day was not today. On more than one occasion he’d been attacked by paparazzi who took it too far and a couple of times he was met with some very homophobic bystanders who chased him. After all was said and done, he’d rather pay someone and count the money well spent for his peace of mind than be in constant fear with a little more change in his pocket.
“Any more stops today?”
“No, let’s just head home. You’re probably tired of waiting around for me.”
“It’s my job.”
No other words were said the rest of the car ride back to Dan’s abode. When they arrived Dan got walked to his house and then him and Andreas parted ways.
He only had one day to get his shit together. One day was not enough time to get shit together.
Dan contemplated hiring a cleaning service. He honest to god thought about searching one online rather than have to clean up his own filth so his fake boyfriend wouldn’t be so disgusted that he ripped the contract. It wasn’t that his house was that bad, it was just tedious and not how Dan wanted to spend his evening.
He started with the takeout boxes and random junk that he just tended to leave around when he was running to get somewhere on time. A pair of shoes, a misplaced watch, some miscellaneous jewelry.
Was it weird if he picked up his bedroom? It wasn’t like he was going to entice Phil into his bedroom, but what if he walked past? Maybe Dan would at least make his bed. Try to be semi presentable just in case.
Oh god. He sounded like a maniac that thought this relationship was real. He needed to do a quick reality check and realize it was all fake. It was staged. He needed to get that through his thick dick infatuated brain before he managed to screw everything up.
Shit. Sam had good reason to tell him not to fuck stuff up.
Dan made the executive decision to make his bed, using the excuse that he needed to anyways, to be a ‘functional human.’ His therapist would be proud.
As he was just folding down the edge of his duvet there was a buzz. The buzz that meant someone was trying to get into the gate.
This was… unexpected. For a brief moment Dan wondered if he had subconsciously ordered a pizza. Or maybe he was receiving a gift basket from Phil’s team from signing the contract. No wait, mail doesn’t get delivered at 5:43 at night.
Who the fuck was at his gate?
He made his way to the intercom near the front door, the little microphone that allowed him to speak to the person attempting to enter his home. More often than not it was a reporter requesting an ‘impromptu interview.’ Don’t get him wrong, Dan loved answering questions and interacting with people who cared what he said, but at his house, unannounced? That was just unprofessional and unsafe.
“Uh, how may I help you?”
He was really fucking awkward.
“I’m here to drop off Phil Lester.”
What. The. Fuck.
“Is this a prank?”
Phil was supposed to be by his house tomorrow. Sam had explicitly told him tomorrow. As in 24 hours, as in not right fucking now.
“No sir, this isn’t a prank.”
The driver sounded a bit annoyed with him but that was the least of Dan’s problems right now. Philip Lester was outside his house a day early and there was no way to prepare because he was asking to be let in right now.
“Uh, alright, I’ll open the gate.”
As soon as he typed in the code to open the gate he flew to his room to grab his phone. In the time it took for Phils car to pull up, Dan was able to send a quick SOS message to Shannon, asking what the hell was going on.
Ding. Dong.
The doorbell was ringing. They were there.
How did his hair look? Was what he wearing earlier appropriate for the occasion? What even was the occasion? First date with his fake boyfriend? Was this a date? A ‘fake’ date of course.
He opened the door. Standing there, true to the drivers word, was Phil Lester and a very tall, muscular man, that Dan had seen outside the boardroom door days earlier. This was the real motherfucking deal, no prank in sight.
Holy fuck.
“Uh, come in.” It took everything in Dan to make that statement not come out like a question.
The bodyguard stepped off to the side and Dan moved to the side, allowing Phil to walk into Dan’s home. Phil Lester. Walking into Dan’s home. Fuck.
“I trust the premise is secure?” Phil’s bodyguard was speaking to him about security. Dan didn’t know anything about that other than Andreas always said he was safe in his home. Nobody had ever broken in, so there was that.
“Yep, super secure.”  
“Alright, well, call when you need a ride.” This time the bodyguard was addressing Phil. They had gone from a high security professional to a parent dropping off his stepson at a sleepover. At least Dan wasn’t the only awkward one here.
Phil nodded, clearly embarrassed by his bodyguards choice of words.
And then Phil’s bodyguard closed the door and it was just Dan and Phil, alone, in Dan’s big house. They were just both stood awkwardly by the front door.
“Uh, we can head into the lounge if you want.”
So they did. Dan led Phil into the lounge and they both sat down on the sofa and they both did that awkward thing where they push their knees together because they didn’t know what to do with themselves.
Something had convinced Dan that the great Phil Lester was going to be the talkative, explosive personality he saw on the screen. Dan should’ve known better than anyone that what you saw in the interviews wasn’t the full truth. Phil was just another introverted awkward guy who had a knack for pretending.
“I’m going to go make a call real quick, I’ll be right back.”
Shannon had texted him back with a simple ‘call me.’
Dan stepped into his kitchen and dialed Shannons number, having it committed by memory at this point.
“Shan, what the fuck is going on. I was told tomorrow. There is one Philip Lester sitting in my lounge right now.”
He was doing the hushed whisper thing with his voice just in case Phil could hear him from the other room. He didn’t think he could hear him, but it was always good to play it safe.
“His publicist just must’ve gotten mixed up on the phone, don’t panic kid. Just play it cool and don’t forget to take the instagram photo.”
Somehow Shannons words comforted him, they always managed to.
Okay. Cool. Play it cool. He could do that.
“Okay, I’m gonna go now Shan. I’ll play it cool. I’ve got this.” He wasn’t sure if he was trying to convince Shannon or himself more.
“Have fun. Do not forget the instagram picture Dan.”
Right. Get that picture.
Dan hung up the phone, feeling much better about the situation now that he had Shannon’s wonderful words of wisdom.
Despite the newfound confidence, Dan was not too keen on heading back into the lounge and striking up a conversation with his new ‘boyfriend.’ Still, he did the honorable thing and went back into his lounge.
“Uhh hey. Thanks for coming.”
Phil, clearly startled by Dans reappearance, jumped a bit at the words and dropped his phone onto his lap.
“Oh uh, thanks for having me. I mean, thanks for everything. Sorry the situation is- well that this is how we meet.” Phil looked so anxious as he spoke and Dan couldn’t help but feel bad. For the first time he wasn’t thinking about how this would affect himself, Dan was thinking about how shitty Phil must feel after being publicly outed without his consent and then being forced by his management into this ‘relationship.’ Dan had a choice, Phil really didn’t.
“What? You mean you don’t meet all your friends through fake relationships to save your reputation?”
The humor certainly lightened the mood, both of them had a little chuckle. Dan felt a small sense of accomplishment for lifting the awkward tension.
“No, I’d have to say this is a first. So we’re friends?” Phil asked, still sitting on the sofa as Dan stood by the doorway.
“Well I hope so, otherwise the next few months are gonna be hella awkward.”
Again Phil laughed a little, making Dans stomach do that flip thing. This was going great, Phil didn’t hate him yet.
Dan crossed the room and sat down on the sofa next to Phil.
Sticking out his hand, Dan waited, hoping Phil would shake on it.
And they shook on it.  
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curioucity · 7 years ago
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tried & tested by yours truly, these are the chrome extensions I couldn’t live without as a college student! in my opinion, studying in chrome without these extensions is like...trying to run without shoes on. sure, it can be done, but it’s just uncomfortable and not as great as it could be. I am always looking for more extensions that give me the illusion of having my life together — so please reply with your recommendations, I’d love to check them out :)
*bolded are my #1 favorites!!*
new tab —
COMMITTED: my preferred new tab! I love this one because it is basically a super simple and intuitive to-do list in a convenient location. you can set recurring tasks that will appear on their assigned days, and also list deadlines next to certain tasks if you so choose. pro tip: the developer is planning to start charging for this extension, so install it now while it’s free!
MOMENTUM: beautiful and functional, it’s no surprise that this is the most popular new tab among studyblrs. perfect for a breath of fresh air every time you open a new tab. includes the time, weather, a to-do list, a motivational quote, a beautiful background landscape that changes every day, and a space to write your goal for the day.
LAGOM: even simpler than Momentum with its grayscale color scheme and the fact that it only features the time, date, weather, and search bar. although this doesn’t provide it a lot of material to work with, it keeps things fresh by changing up the design daily. this is ideal if you’re a true minimalist who doesn’t like an overwhelming new tab.
tab organization —
TOBY MINI: really useful widget for organizing and saving your open tabs. if you’re like me and you often get lost in the mire of tabs you have created, this is a game-changer. It’s basically like a bookmarking system, but more streamlined, easier to use, (cuter), and it closes a tab for you once you save it in a collection, thus decluttering your workspace! refer back to your collections of tabs by opening the widget from your toolbar, e z p z.
sticky notes & highlighters—
OURSTICKYS: i have literally always dreamed of sticky notes that stay static on a webpage and remain there even after closing the page and coming back to it later...so this extension is, quite literally, a dream come true. you can change the color of your sticky notes, the font, the size, and you can have as many as you want!! the widget will keep a record of all the pages you have stickies on, so don’t worry about losing your little buddies. god i love sticky notes.
STICKY NOTES: since i love sticky notes, i use two different sticky notes extensions! but the difference is that this is basically functions as an open notebook. surf through as many pages as you like and write down notes in the same place without having to navigate to a different webpage. this little widget will be your constant companion. tbh this extension demonstrates more consistency and trustworthiness than any boy i’ve ever dated.
LUMIO: an total game-changer. an absolute baller. fuckin superb. this is the highlight extension to end all other highlight extensions. highlight your phrase in question, and the yellow Lumio icon conveniently pops up beside your selection. once you click that, your highlight is saved to the Lumio widget. this will also display all the other highlights you make on that page in one place, as well as giving you the option to add notes to a highlight or save it to a collection. uh, yeah, Lumio is that bitch.
SUPER SIMPLE HIGHLIGHTER: however Lumio has one fatal flaw...you can’t change the color of the highlights on a webpage. in the case that you highlight for the visual contrast, i recommend the Super Simple Highlighter. just as the name suggests, highlight your chosen phrase, right-click, and select the color you would like to highlight it. it will remember the highlights you have made on a certain webpage and keeps them easily accessible in the widget every time you’re on that page, so...yes I concede, Super Simple Highlighter is also that bitch.
pdf annotation —
KAMI: e s s e n t i a l if you ever have to interact with pdfs. with kami, you can view, annotate, highlight, sign, and save pdfs to your google drive! I’ve found that it’s better than other pdf annotating extensions because it can read scans, which are notoriously difficult to interact with digitally, and it lets me search terms and highlight on them. basically, kami is a pdf conquerer.
timers & website blockers —
FOREST: although i didn’t believe in Forest at first, it eventually grew on me (cue drum kit). this is funny because Forest encourages you to focus on the task at hand for a specific amount of time by growing a little tree. a little tree that will die if you wander on to a site on the blacklist (in whitelist mode, it will die if you wander off the sites on the whitelist), thus metaphorically killing your focus. I personally use Forest because guilt tripping tends to work on me and I also think that little tree is soo cute!!
STAYFOCUSD: if positive reinforcement a.k.a guilt tripping isn’t enough to enforce some self control, I highly recommend StayFocusd. put any website you tend to waste time on, from a specific page to an entire domain, on your blacklist and set an allotted time per day. once that time is up, that sucker is blocked until your chosen reset time (midnight is default). there’s even an option to make you do a puzzle before you can access your settings, in case you are easily tempted to change them!
NOISLI: creates ambient noise for your study session needs. whether you like the ambience of a crowded cafe, rainy weather, a crackling fire, a rumbling train, or a specific combination of all of the above, Noisli does the job well. it offers sixteen different ambient settings to choose from, so have fun creating your own mixes (which you can save and listen to again and again, of course). 
research & writing —
GOOGLE SCHOLAR: everybody searches for sources on google scholar at some point, so make it easier by condensing the webpage into a nice little pop-up widget! makes it super easy to search google scholar without leaving the webpage you’re currently on.
CITE THIS FOR ME: as someone who hates citing her own sources, a bibliography extension is kind of a necessity for me. it kinda sucks that you have to make an account and enable ads in order to save your sources on this one, but it does work better and is less frustrating than other bibliography extensions out there (however it’ll still try to trick you into paying for a subscription—just close the tab folks!!)
ONE NOTE WEB CLIPPER: if you use Microsoft One Note (which you should b/c One Note is the bomb), this is a great way to save information from webpages into a One Note document without interrupting your research flow. you can save entire webpages/pdfs, or specific screenshots of a page, or just the link—all from a nice little pop up window on your toolbar. how lovely. how streamlined.
POWER THESAURUS: highlight a word, click the little blue button that pops up next to it, et voilà, you have all the synonyms and antonyms of the word you could ever ask for!
READING LIST: if you’re anything like me and you constantly stumble upon tons of articles that seem infinitely more interesting than what you’re supposed to be researching and then you end up going down the rabbit hole of whatever that’s about, consider Reading List! resist the temptation to procrastinate with another article by simply saving it for later with one click. more often than not, you’ll realize it wasn’t as interesting as it first seemed once you go back to actually read it. you’ll be glad you didn’t waste your time in the moment. 
miscellaneous useful stuff —
ADBLOCK: if you don’t have it yet, baby what is you doin??
GOOGLE MAIL CHECKER: helpful little extenstion icon that displays the number of unread emails you have, so you can notice when you get a new one.
aaaand that’s it for my review of my favorite chrome extensions! as this is my first original studyblr post, please be merciful (lmao). hopefully in the future they won’t be this long & boring, but I do intend to continue creating informational content to help out my fellow students! as i mentioned earlier, please feel free to send me your own favorite chrome extensions—I literally install them left and right like nobody’s business, so please enable my addiction:)
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heartslogos · 6 years ago
newfragile yellows [392]
“You’ve got a package for me, and please don’t gesture to your dick like you’re a college jock,” Ellana says as she opens the door.
“I’m hurt,” Bull replies, “I'd never. I’ve got a bit more class than that.”
Ellana deposits several bags on the floor, “When we first met you stared at me and then said, you throw good, like a caveman.”
“I just watched you brain a guy across a busy intersection with a can of pop. Forgive me if I was a little stunned at the time, I’d never seen that happen outside of a badly choreographed movie. It was hot.”
Ellana holds her hands out and wiggles her fingers, “Gimme my package.”
“It’s in the kitchen,” Bull says. “Did you want help with those?”
Ellana’s already gone, so Bull gets up and starts collecting groceries off of the floor.
“What did you get?”
“All the things,” Ellana says. “Ice cream, baking flour, regular flour, brown sugar, eggs - so careful with those -, lettuce, garlic cloves, dragon fruit - which was a surprise because I went to the white people store, I didn’t think they would have good quality fruit there - , milk…”
“I meant in the mail,” Bull says, checking the hallway and seeing the door slightly ajar. “More stuff in the car?”
“More stuff in the car,” Ellana confirms, “Oh? I got some DVD’s.”
“You’re the only person I know aside from Rutherford who still buys the hard copy media,” Bull says, carefully putting the grocery bags down on the kitchen table. Ellana is trying to rip the plastic of the DVD’s open with her teeth.
“Well if corporations would stop locking their media files so they’re non-transferrable then maybe I’d be reducing plastic wastage a bit more by not buying the hard copy,” Ellana replies. “Ever think of that?”
“Ever think of waging war on that instead of on me whenever I put the ketchup in the cabinet?” Bull replies. He stares at the open fridge, a head of lettuce in his hand as he stares at the ketchup bottle innocuously sitting right there next to the mayo and ranch dressing. “Ketchup goes in the cabinet.”
“Only when you’re not using it. If you’re going to actively be eating it and have popped the seal, it goes in the fridge.”
“I’m willing to concede peanut butter being stored up-side down and I’m willing to compromise on our dining room being painted a warm red-violet but ketchup is definitely stored at room temperature.”
“Babe is this really what you want to start on today?”
Bull puts the lettuce away and closes the fridge, ketchup in place.
“Not today, specifically,” He answers, “Do you have anything else you need to do today?”
Ellana starts ticking things off on her fingers, “We need to set up the new TV and all of our entertainment system stuff, but you were working on that already. I’ve finished unpacking all of our clothes so maybe we need to go through and see if any need ironing or a new wash. Uh. Maybe start unpacking books and setting anything that we’re going to hang on the walls aside for when we’re done painting and arranging furniture.”
“Got it, I’m going out to buy more surge protectors,” Bull says, “Do you need anything?”
“We should unpack our tools first,” Ellana says, “And see what we’re missing or what we might need now that we aren’t living an apartment and have actual room to own tools. Power or otherwise.”
“Smart move. I’ll finish up with the TV and then start on the tools. Did we just shove all the boxes with miscellaneous tools in the corner?”
“Yeah, along with the boxes of unbuilt shelves to hold them,” Ellana replies, “I’m going to test how well you set up our TV with these DVD’s. What do you want for lunch? I know I just bought groceries but I’m also lazy.”
“I want a vegetable on it that isn’t a tomato or onion. Yes, pizza.”
“I hope what I said hasn’t hurt you too much,” Ellana says, “It’s just that…statistically men are slightly more colorblind than women and maybe that’s impacting your ability to choose colors.”
“One, I’m not hurt,” Bull says, “Two, you’ve recently been concussed so maybe that is influencing your ability to choose colors. Moss green would look terrible on our back porch. It clashes with literally every other color we’ve put in our house, it fails to make a cohesive image and ruins the thematic flow.”
“No, it’s a contrasting color that works well with the layout of our yard and it does not clash with our backyard furniture. In fact in highlights the wrought iron quite nicely. And it’s the same muted tone as the red brick.”
“You’re making the store employees uncomfortable with your intensity and the content of this argument,” Herah says, “The words recently concussed aren’t supposed to regularly crop up in conversation. Guys, pick a color for your accent, so we can go. I agreed to come with you because you needed two cars, not stand in a paint aisle while you argued over swatches for a color that won’t even be prominently used in your home decor.”
“The accent color, Adaar, is very important,” Bull says. “And I’m not using moss green.”
“Then pick a different color!” Ellana replies, “You’ve made no alternative suggestions.”
“Literally anything that isn’t moss green.”
“My eyes travel only to moss green!”
“Can I pick the color?” Herah says, “If I pick a color can we go?”
“Depends on the color,” the other two respond.
Herah randomly flings an arm out in a direction on the paint swatch wall. “That one.”
The two immediately zoom in on it with an alarming intensity.
“It’s perfect,” They say.
“Muted enough not to overpower anything and it would blend perfectly with the hydrangeas,” Ellana says.
“Coordinates well with our hallway and our porch furniture,” Bull notes. “It also matches the sitting room if we decide to use this color in the front too.”
“We’re taking it.”
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orbemnews · 4 years ago
Why Markets Boomed in a Yr of Human Distress The central, befuddling financial actuality of the US on the shut of 2020 is that every little thing is horrible on the planet, whereas every little thing is great within the monetary markets. It’s a macabre spectacle. Asset costs preserve reaching new, extraordinary highs, when round 3,000 individuals a day are dying of coronavirus and 800,000 individuals every week are submitting new unemployment claims. Even an fanatic of recent capitalism may marvel if one thing is deeply damaged in how the financial system works. To raised perceive this unusual mixture of buoyant markets and financial despair, it’s value turning to the info. Because it occurs, the numbers provide a coherent narrative about how the US arrived at this level — one with classes about how coverage, markets and the financial system intersect — and reveal the sharp disparity between the pandemic yr’s haves and have-nots. It begins, as so many epic tales do, with a desk of information from the Nationwide Earnings and Product Accounts, particularly “Private Earnings and Its Disposition, Month-to-month.” This report captures how People are incomes and spending, two actions that coronavirus drastically altered this yr. By combining the numbers from March by way of November (the most recent accessible), and evaluating them with the identical interval in 2019, we are able to see extra clearly the pandemic’s whipsaw results. The primary vital commentary: Salaries and wages fell much less, within the mixture, than even a cautious observer of the financial system may suppose. Whole worker compensation was down solely 0.5 % for these 9 months, extra akin to a gentle recession than an financial disaster. Which may appear not possible. Giant swaths of the financial system have been shut down; thousands and thousands are out of labor. The variety of jobs employers reported having on their payrolls was down 6.1 % in November in contrast with a yr earlier, in response to separate Labor Division knowledge. So how can the variety of jobs be down 6 % however worker compensation be down solely 0.5 %? It has to do with which jobs have been misplaced. The thousands and thousands of individuals not working due to the pandemic had been disproportionately in lower-paying service jobs. Increased-paying skilled jobs had been extra prone to be unaffected, and a handful of different sectors have been booming, similar to warehousing and grocery shops, resulting in increased incomes for these staff. The arithmetic is so simple as it’s disorienting. If a company govt will get a $100,000 bonus for steering an organization by way of a troublesome yr, whereas 4 $25,000-per-year restaurant staff lose their jobs totally, the online impact on whole compensation is zero — regardless that in human phrases quite a lot of ache has been incurred. So wages, salaries and different types of staff’ compensation dropped solely a bit of — $43 billion over the 9 months — regardless of mass unemployment. However there may be extra to the story. For all of the assaults on the CARES Act that Congress handed in late March, the diploma to which it served to assist the incomes of People, particularly those that misplaced jobs, is extraordinary. People’ revenue from unemployment insurance coverage advantages was 25 occasions increased from March by way of November 2020 than in the identical interval of 2019. That partly displays that thousands and thousands extra jobless individuals had been searching for advantages, after all. Nevertheless it additionally displays a $600 weekly complement to jobless advantages that the act included by way of late July — together with a program to assist freelance and contract staff who misplaced jobs and who in any other case would have been ineligible for advantages. In whole, unemployment insurance coverage packages pumped $499 billion extra into People’ pockets from March to November than the earlier yr; $365 billion of it was a results of the enlargement within the CARES Act. The $1,200 checks to most American households that had been included in that laws contributed an extra $276 billion to non-public revenue — a lot of which accrued to households that didn’t expertise a drop in earnings. Up to date  Dec. 31, 2020, 10:44 p.m. ET And the regulation’s signature program to encourage companies to maintain individuals on their payrolls, the Paycheck Safety Program, prevented a collapse in “proprietor’s revenue” — income that accrued to house owners of companies and farms. This revenue rose narrowly, by $29 billion, however would have fallen by $143 billion if not for the P.P.P. and a coronavirus meals help program. These are outstanding numbers. When it’s all tallied up, People’ cumulative after-tax private revenue was $1.03 trillion increased from March to November of 2020 than in 2019, a rise of greater than 8 %. Among the pessimism amongst financial forecasters (and journalists) within the spring mirrored a failure to grasp simply how massive and influential these stimulus funds would change into. However revenue additionally is simply a part of the story. Massive modifications in 2020 additionally passed off on the opposite facet of the ledger: spending. Spending By turning to a different riveting story, “Private Consumption Expenditures by Main Kind of Product, Month-to-month,” we see a sample that will appear apparent with hindsight however was not as simple to foretell whereas the financial system was collapsing throughout the spring. The plain half was a decline in spending on providers: All these restaurant reservations by no means made, flights not taken, sports activities and live performance tickets not purchased added as much as severe cash. Providers spending fell by $575 billion, or practically 8 %. Much less apparent had been among the different patterns affecting client spending in a pandemic. People spent significant {dollars} — these they wouldn’t or couldn’t spend on providers — on stuff. Sturdy items spending was up by $60 billion (a greater chair for working from residence, or perhaps a brand new bicycle) whereas nondurable items spending rose by $39 billion (consider the bourbon bought for consumption at residence that in an alternate universe would have been logged as “providers” consumption in a bar). The Second Stimulus Solutions to Your Questions In regards to the Stimulus Invoice Up to date Dec 30, 2020 The financial reduction bundle will difficulty funds of $600 and distribute a federal unemployment advantage of $300 for at the least 10 weeks. Discover extra in regards to the measure and what’s in it for you. For particulars on find out how to get help, try our Hub for Assist. Will I obtain one other stimulus cost? Particular person adults with adjusted gross revenue on their 2019 tax returns of as much as $75,000 a yr will obtain a $600 cost, and a pair (or somebody whose partner died in 2020) incomes as much as $150,000 a yr will get twice that quantity. There may be additionally a $600 cost for every youngster for households who meet these revenue necessities. Individuals who file taxes utilizing the top of family standing and make as much as $112,500 additionally get $600, plus the extra quantity for youngsters. Individuals with incomes simply above these ranges will obtain a partial cost that declines by $5 for each $100 in revenue. When may my cost arrive? The Treasury Division stated on Dec. 29 that it had began making direct deposit funds, and would start to mail checks the subsequent day. However it will likely be some time earlier than all eligible individuals obtain their cash. Does the settlement have an effect on unemployment insurance coverage? Lawmakers agreed to increase the period of time that individuals can accumulate unemployment advantages and restart an additional federal profit that’s supplied on prime of the standard state profit. However as an alternative of $600 every week, it will be $300. That can final by way of March 14. I’m behind on my lease or anticipate to be quickly. Will I obtain any reduction? The settlement will present $25 billion to be distributed by way of state and native governments to assist renters who’ve fallen behind. To obtain help, households will have to satisfy a number of situations: Family revenue (for 2020) can not exceed greater than 80 % of the realm median revenue; at the least one family member have to be susceptible to homelessness or housing instability; and people should qualify for unemployment advantages or have skilled monetary hardship — immediately or not directly — due to the pandemic. The settlement stated help will be prioritized for households with decrease incomes and which were unemployed for 3 months or extra. However the further spending on stuff didn’t exceed the drop in spending on providers. And because of decrease charges, households’ private curiosity funds and different miscellaneous outlays dropped by $59 billion. Not solely had been American households, within the mixture, taking in extra money, however they had been additionally spending much less of it. Whole outlays fell by $535 billion. Saving This mix of hovering private revenue and falling spending pushed People’ financial savings price by way of the roof. From March by way of November, private financial savings was $1.56 trillion increased than in 2019, an increase of 173 %. Usually the financial savings price bounces round in a slender vary, round 7 % simply earlier than the pandemic. It spiked to 33.7 % in April, its highest stage on file courting to 1959. Whilst thousands and thousands of people confronted nice monetary hardship this yr, People within the mixture had been constructing financial savings at a startling price. It needed to go someplace. However the place? Holding on to further money was one choice — and positive sufficient, foreign money in circulation has spiked by $260 billion since February, a 14 % enhance. Deposits in industrial banks are approach up — by 19 % for the reason that first week of March. Or, for these a bit of extra comfy with danger, there was investing in shares, which helps clarify the 16 % rise within the S&P 500 for the yr. For these comfy with a number of danger — and with making the most of the market’s momentum — there was shopping for a market darling inventory like Tesla or buying and selling choices. Or you may have used the event of the pandemic to purchase a brand new home: Residence gross sales surged, and the S&P CoreLogic nationwide residence value index was up 8.4 % in October from a yr earlier. Basically, the rise in financial savings among the many individuals who have prevented main financial harm from the pandemic is making a tide lifting the values of practically all monetary property. Definitely the Federal Reserve performs a job. The central financial institution has lowered rates of interest to close zero; promised to maintain them there for years; purchased authorities debt; and supported company bond markets. However the surge in asset costs has made its approach into many sectors removed from any type of Fed assist, like shares and Bitcoin. And the surge has, if something, accelerated this fall regardless of a scarcity of further stimulative motion from the Fed. The Fed performed a giant half in engineering the stabilization of the markets in March and April, however the rally since then most likely displays these broader dynamics round financial savings. Simply because you’ll be able to clarify these market beneficial properties doesn’t imply that top asset costs will maintain. You might inform a narrative by which the financial system roars again as persons are vaccinated, and all the sample reverses itself, with the financial savings price turning unfavorable as People spend down their stockpiled wealth on journeys and different luxuries which were off-limits in 2020. It might spur inflation, which, if extreme sufficient, might trigger the Fed to again off its simple cash strategy prior to individuals now suppose. However the 2021 financial narrative has but to be written — and if 2020 teaches one factor, it’s that the story arc is extra unpredictable than you may suppose. Supply hyperlink #Boomed #human #Markets #misery #Year
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boymeetsweevil · 8 years ago
Blood of the Covenant - 02
Grouping: Vampire!Reader x Jungkook
Word Count: 3.7k
Summary: You’re an unregistered vampire trying your hardest to save up enough to go to school by working long hours and giving up meals. Unfortunately, the local university refuses to enroll starving vampires like yourself because they’re seen as threats. Desperate to get in, you take up Jeon Jungkook’s shady offer to help.
part 1
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Time seemed to stand still as you pulled from Jungkook. All the talk you’d heard saying drinking from a blood bag didn’t compare to feeding from a partner was true. With a blood bag, there was no relaxing rhythm of a heartbeat or of quiet, slow breaths. No heat or sweet human scent. No warm body to lean on while you felt yourself regaining strength. It was an incredibly familiar process, especially since having a partnership meant you knew exactly how much you could take from your donor.
Unfortunately, you didn’t know when to stop with Jungkook. When you finally retracted your fangs and released your hold on the swell of his shoulder, he wobbled a little from the blood loss. A clear sign you drank too much. You went back in to lick at the wounds and jump-start the healing process in his skin like they taught you in school. He shuddered once more and you tried to ignore how close you were to him. You both blinked tiredly, already halfway to falling asleep.
“So, I guess you’re wondering why I came here,” you finally croaked out. 
He nodded his head slowly, only partially listening. He was entranced by the way your eyes seemed to darken visibly as his blood worked its way through your system. He felt a strange surge of pride as well as an ugly undercurrent of something else he refused to name as he thought about how part of him was mingling with parts of you as you spoke.
“I just want to preface this by saying that I was getting by just fine without you until today. I can pay my own way, it’s just that this university and probably every other one has their head so far up their asses that they’ll turn away money from people like me just because we’re not on a leash and I just can’t fathom--”
“Y/N,” he said, cutting you off.
“Can you get to the point? I’m about to pass out.” You knew that saying the words out loud would make your failure to enroll final, a reality. 
“They rejected my application because I’m unregistered,” you said, tears began to well up in your eyes.
Jungkook sighed. “Oh, really? That-that’s awful. What are you going to do?”
“The lady at the office said I could try again once I was registered, but that takes forever. And I can’t take living like this any longer.”
“I see what you mean. If you had a way to fill the spot of a donor quick enough, you’d be set to finally live the way you want,” he hummed. 
You perked up at his words. Suddenly you had an idea. You took a deep breath in as you swallowed your dignity for what seemed like the millionth time since you left home.
“Jungkook, I know we sort of started off on the wrong foot, but I really do appreciate all the help you’ve given me. What if,” you hesitated, “what if you were the one to pretend to be my donor?” He was quite for a moment before he spoke again calmly.
“I would say ‘yes’, but how are we going to pass inspection?”
“What inspection? Don’t we just need to pass criminal background checks and go to the courthouse to get documents drawn up?”
“No, you have to pass criminal background checks. I have to pass a blood test. Then we can get the documents and have you enrolled under my name.”
“But why would you have to pass a blood test?”
“To make sure we’re not doing exactly what we’re planning to do right now. To prevent fraud. In order for us to be deemed actual partners by law, there has to be a certain about of your venom in my blood.”
Your eyes popped open at that. You wondered how no one ever taught you this in school. You cocked your head in curiosity. “How do you know so much about vamp law?”
“Let’s just say I’m really fascinated by all things vamp,” he grinned.
“You’re the first human I’ve met who actually sees vamps as people,” you said softly.
He shrugged. You felt bad about the way you snapped at him the night of the frat party. He was clearly only trying to help. He wasn’t anything like those other humans you encountered. He wasn’t trying to burn you at the stake or dissect you in his basement. You vowed at that moment to be nicer to him.
“So, when does the amount of venom reach the legal standard?”
“In almost all cases, the concentration of venom doesn’t reach that legal amount until about a month into the donor relationship.”
You felt anxiety begin to worm it’s way back into your head even with the heavy feeling of a food coma beginning to set in.
“I don’t have a month, Jungkook. I have a week to finalize this in time. Can’t we just inject you with venom or something before you take the test?”
“No,” he said, genuinely surprised, “Y/N, vamp venom is a black-market item for a good reason. So there’s no way we could get our hands on it in time but even if we could, it would have to be administered by a doctor, since its lethal in certain doses at a time to humans. It wouldn’t work. Didn’t they have any vamp anatomy classes at your school?”
You scoffed and threw yourself back on a pillow. “Of course not. Even the good vamp schools don’t teach that kind of curriculum. We only ever hear about humans and how generous they are for letting us live with them.”
You were both silent for a few moments before Jungkook stood up suddenly. He staggered at the feeling of a head rush and you instinctively put a hand on his back to help steady him. You watched sleepily as he picked up his phone and made a call.
“Taehyung,” he said once the call connected, “Are you still at the office? Good. I need a favor. It’s important.” You let the buzzing sound of the fluorescent lights take over the sound of the phone conversation and drifted off to sleep, only for Jungkook to wake you with soft shakes a few minutes later.
“Y/N, I’m going to go make sure I pass this blood test. You can stay here, if you want, and sleep.” You were too sleepy to wonder how he managed to ensure such a thing and instead tried to shoo him off so you could nap more.
“No, no, I’ll just wait a little and leave when I’m more awake. It’ll be dark soon and then I’ll leave. Maybe I’ll text you when I get back to check in on things. You just go.”
He looked like he wanted to protest, but he just nodded instead and headed out the door. Before he could leave, you called out to him one last time. 
“Yes, Y/N?” He stood tensely in the threshold of the door with his back to you.
“Thank you for helping me out. I’m sorry I judged you so harshly before I got to know you better,” you said, words tangled around a yawn.
“That’s okay. You were just being safe.” 
He closed the door, and you heard the click of the lock turning in place. You really did plan on getting up to go home but as the minutes ticked by, you found yourself sinking into the mattress and inhaling the clean scent of the linen deeply. You got drowsier and drowsier until you fell asleep.
You swam back into the quasi-consciousness when the sound of the door opening and closing woke you a few hours later. As if through foggy glasses, you watched Jungkook come into the room with what looked like a small cooler. Fuzzy, Dream Jungkook walked to his desk chair and the two of you locked eyes. You fell asleep moments later.
Jungkook thought back to the feeling of your lips on his skin after he found you standing at his door, starving, looking like a ghost. He wasn’t really thinking when he pulled you to him and let you feed from him. And he definitely wasn’t thinking while you fed from him. It was like he did the opposite of blacking out. Everything became very sharp and clear suddenly and he could feel everything. Like the slight pressure of your fangs in his neck. Or the feel of your tongue brushing against him every so often to keep from making a mess as you drank. Jungkook blushed at the memory before squirming in his chair and turned to watch your sleeping form. Things were going well, he thought to himself.
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A few days later, you went to pick up your mail and found an envelope from the school. You dropped your fangs to hastily rip it open. You picked up the acceptance letter and read it twice before gently putting it aside, making a mental note to hang it up somewhere. Next, you flipped through a course catalog and fawned over the glossy pictures of the campus in the fall and winter on every other page. Finally, you got to the miscellaneous documents. You assumed they would state where you would live, or when you would make your next payments.
While you were expecting there to be some pages dedicated to legal jargon about you being a vamp, you weren’t expecting it to take up so much of the papers. You finally found the page that contained information about your payment plan and living status, but it hardly filled one sheet. You barely got the chance to look it over before you saw Jungkook’s name and personal information scattered across the paper. You ran to find your phone and called him, forgetting that it was early in the morning. There must have been a mistake, you thought.
“Hello,” he said groggily.
“Jungkook, hi. Did I wake you?”
“Yeah, but I should be getting up anyway. I got notified that I’m moving to a different dorm today.” 
“Let me guess. To Bangtan?” The line went silent for a second. Perhaps you surprised him.
“How did you know?”
“I just opened my admissions packet. They must have accidentally synced our student profiles after we submitted the request for my enrollment with you as my donor.”
“I see,” he said quietly. You winced, he sounded like he might be angry.
“You’re okay with this, you’re not mad? It says on the last page that they’re going to bill you for my education. And it looks like they’re going to force a vampire roommate on you. That doesn’t bother you?” Your tone was full of incredulity.
“I like that you’re a vampire, Y/N,” he admitted quietly after a few beats of silence. 
You felt your face grow hot and rocked back and forth on your heels bashfully. No one had ever said they tolerated your being a vamp, much less that they liked it. You thought the only humans who liked vamps were the ones who frequented VampTubeXX.com.
“Yeah. Listen, I have to make some headway on packing my old room up, but I’ll see you later, yeah?”
“Sure,” you said and you hung up. 
You hummed as you packed. Things were finally starting to look up for you. Moving day was easy for you. You hated your small, dingy apartment and you had so few possessions that you only needed a duffle bag and an old backpack to carry to the dorm. You waited until evening this time, because you didn’t want to risk sunburn.
It took you a while to find Bangtan because it was nestled on the periphery of campus. It looked like a large set of new apartments. The lobby interior was modernly and minimally decorated, resembling a new resort.
You arrived at your door and couldn’t help but ogle the state-of-the-art keypad and security system appreciatively. The inside of the apartment was equally as nice. Unlocking the front door led you straight into the heart of the apartment. The furniture was chic and clean and the kitchen was well equipped, although that didn’t mean much for you. The far wall as made up entirely of vampire-friendly glass windows and looked out onto the rest of the picturesque campus lit up in the dark of the evening. You set your bags down and went up to the window. You momentarily forgot about the reason why you were in the apartment until you heard the sound of Jungkook clearing his throat.
“How are you liking the new dorm?”
“It’s really nice,” you turned to smile at him. “I’m really excited to see my room.”
He nodded and gestured for you to go down a hallway off to the side. You turned to the door on your right and reached for the doorknob when Jungkook’s hand whipped out from where he stood behind you and clutched your wrist with almost bruising force. You yelped and yanked your hand back. You looked up at him with wide, hurt eyes. You thought you saw him glare at you, but it must have a been a trick of the light.
“Sorry,” he grumbled. “This is my room. That other one is yours. I’ll just be a second.” He disappeared behind his door with a slam.
You rubbed your slightly sore wrist and opened the door to your new room.
It was also tastefully decorated. Again, the window that made up the wall opposite the bed looked out onto the forest that surrounded the edge of campus. The bed was a large frame bed with a night stand on one side and a chest of drawers on the other. You wanted nothing more than to flop onto the bed and fall asleep for the evening. But you needed to get settled in first. 
The moment you walked out to go find your stuff Jungkook came out of his room with a sheepish grin on his face. You decided to brush off his strange behavior and gave him a watery smile. You guessed it was because his room was messy and he was embarrassed, not that he meant any harm. How could he, after all, when he was paying for your education?
You picked up your duffle bag and reached to get your backpack too, but Jungkook snatched it up before you could get it. You gave him a long look before turning on your heel and head back to the bedroom to unpack. While you shoved your entire folded wardrobe into one of the drawers, Jungkook stared at you before deciding to unzip a compartment in your backpack. Your things spilled out and you sighed and gave him another tight smile before muttering about going to check out the communal bathroom.
Jungkook turned to look at the mess of toiletries he’d just spilled. All of them were travel sized or sample portions, most of them adorned with bright orange stickers that proclaimed they were clearance items. Upon further inspection, he realized they were discounted because they were all past their printed expiration date. He furrowed his brows before turning to look at the drawer you left askew. He stopped to see if you were on your way back before peeking inside. 
The drawer held a handful of bottoms, some dull looking shirts, and a few very standard undergarments. Next to the pile of clothes was a small stack of plain legal pads and one box of drugstore pens. Apparently, you had already done your school shopping.
“What are you doing?” 
Jungkook wrenched himself away from the drawers at the exasperated sound of your voice.
He stuttered for minute while trying to think of an explanation.
“I was just admiring your little collection of mini soaps.” You knew he was just trying to be polite. To someone as rich as him, your little 50 cent soaps probably grossed him out.
“You don’t have to be nice, I know what they look like. But I’m on a budget. I don’t really have the money to be buying up every black leather moleskin I see. At least with stuff at this price I can still provide for myself” Jungkook nodded while making a mental note that you liked black leather moleskin. It was fitting, he thought. Dark, mysterious, sexy. Like you.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m sure one day you’ll own the largest collection of black leather anything,” he said brightly. You smiled at his attempt to cheer you up about your meagre income.
“Thanks, Jungkook. I think I’m gonna go shower and get ready for bed.” You quickly scooped up some toiletries and grabbed a dull T-shirt and walked to the bathroom to shower. 
Jungkook left your room and waited until he heard the shower in your en-suite running before quickly opening his laptop and grabbing his phone on the couch in the living room. After spending an amount you would cry over on a matching set of black embossed leather school supplies and matching laptop, he called his mother, knowing that it was still daytime in France where she was on a business trip currently. 
He asked her what a young woman of society should have in her wardrobe and she gave him a complete list of items and which brands to shop from. He even followed her instructions involving underwear, selecting things in mostly blacks, whites, or nudes for your complexion in silks so your skin wouldn’t be irritated and you wouldn’t have to worry about clashing. He also bought some red items, knowing you would like those too. He thought about peeking back into your dresser to check your bra size, but quickly decided it was too much work. He selected rush deliver for everything and sent the bill to his father.
When you finished showering you shuffled out of your room shyly to greet him. Your hair was wet from the shower and you waved to catch his attention.
“I just wanted to say goodnight before I go to sleep.”
He looked over at you and took in your freshly showered state and bright eyes. You had been rationing blood bags again.
“Are you thirsty?”
“No,” you lied. 
You weren’t sure you were ready to dive into regularly feeding with Jungkook. You were a pretty reserved person when it came to physical contact. Moreover, you didn’t want to get used to the real deal when you’d soon be back on your meal plan involving blood bags. You would snoop around the next day and see if there were any complimentary bags to tide you over until the fast-approaching first day of classes. Jungkook seemed to sense your lie and gave you a cryptic look.
“I see. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I just don’t want you to feel like you should continue starving. But just so you know, I didn’t mind it. That first time. It was...cool.” 
“Really?” You furrowed your brow. Who would enjoy seeing a near feral vamp get so close to their jugular like that, you wondered.
“I mean, it’s sort of amazing to see such a raw side of you. Humans don’t really have anything like that. It’s almost like you have a second being inside you.” “I guess,” you said slowly, “Although I don’t think a lot of vamps would think of it that way. I think it’s more like a change in mindset than a whole change in being.”
“Not to be rude, but I think I would know a little bit more about it than you would. I mean, I took a class on this once in high school. And didn’t you say you only got human curriculum?” He smirked, almost challenging you. You felt your face grow hot once. Jungkook was probably right. You had a shitty education at best before coming to the university. And there was no telling what kind of fancy private school education he got.
“Oh, yeah, maybe you’re right.” Jungkook smiled at you. “Yeah. Anyway, goodnight, Y/N.” You nodded quickly and scurried off to your bedroom.
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The next morning Jungkook woke to you shrieking from somewhere outside the bedroom. He ran out to the living room to see what was the matter only to find you cursing at his computer.
“What’s wrong?”
“The portal for vamp students to pick classes opened and I’m trying to sign up for classes. But it keeps rejecting my choices and suggesting the same classes to me.” 
He walked over to peer over your shoulder and look at the screen. Your selected classes were displayed on the screen with a message below saying that the selection was an invalid one. On the side of the screen was a list of classes that with a banner that said, ‘Pick one or all the classes listed’.
“You said it keeps recommending the same classes?” You nodded frantically.
“These are my classes,” he said after a beat.
“Why does it want me to take those so badly?” Jungkook simply nudged your hand off the trackpad to click around the screen.
“Look, I know it’s a lot, but you just have to select one of them. The rest of the schedule is yours.” You nodded begrudgingly and added on Jungkook’s Modern Vampyric Politics class before re-submitting your request. The new page showed a passive aggressive ‘Enjoy your classes’ banner before automatically signing out.
“If it makes you feel any better, I’m buying your books too,” he said, hoping you would calm down a little.
“It does,” you said smiling up at him. “I’m going to get breakfast,” you said after you logged out of your student account. You walked to the fridge and pulled out one of the few complimentary blood bags you found earlier. Jungkook strolled over to you and watched you drink with rapt attention.
“Are you excited about classes,” he asked without taking his eyes off yours as the blood entered your system. He felt the dark undercurrent again, but pushed it down. He wasn’t about to be jealous of a blood bag. His time would surely come again.
“Yep, I can’t wait for the full university student experience.”
“I’ll show you everything you need to see,” he said, holding his breath as you drained the last of the bag.
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scawab-blog · 5 years ago
MygreatLakes Top 10 List of Student Loan Payment Application Criteria for College Students In 2020 (Review and Guide)
MygreatLakes Student Loan Review and Guide: What You Should Know
Mygreatlakes - Higher Education Corporation is one of the student loan providers in the United States. This guide is to help point you in the right direction when it comes to college funds. Mygreatlakes is a great option, however, we'll let you be the judge of that. Hence our list of the 12 things to watch out for before you embark on that college loan application. It is already a known fact that paying student loans can be such a daunting task for any college student today, especially given the limited availability of student loans, and student opportunities to meet increasing expenses.
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You may wonder, how exactly does student loans work? This is a great place to begin before we delve deeper into the financial intricacies of a funding college education. There is no gain-saying in the fact that this can be quite stressful for parents and students to navigate the complexities of the student loan world, and finding ways to understand how student loans work. Here's a list of important questions to ask before getting that loan: Do you qualify for scholarships, grants or other free funds?What program are you pursuing?What special talent or skill do you possess?How can you leverage other options?What can you comfortably afford?
The Truth About My Great Lakes
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1. My Great Lakes Background Information My Great Lakes was founded in the United States, with its headquarters in Madison, WI. My Great Lakes is established within college funders in the United States, and as such, has earned a place in our review for college loan service providers for the 2020 school year. The financial backing of the My Great Lakes has a strong foundation, with over 7 million customers, and over $75 billion in loans, grants, and other student fundings. An employer of over 2,000 employees within the midwest region of the United States. My Great Lakes has made it quite easy to apply on their platform to get a student loan. Since 2011, The Great Lakes has sustained its position as a highly competitive college funding company in the United States. The confidence that comes with all of these accomplishments have made them the ideal candidate for our end of the year college funders review.
How Loans Work on MyGreatLakes
Signing up on My Great Lakes is easy. The loan application is very easy, and we have compiled a list of what to watch out for to enable you to process your application successfully. You begin by entering your SSN and DOBThen your e-mail addressThe next page requires you choose a pinThen you set your identity image and catchphraseThen you fill out the rest of the information requested
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t is important to note here that the website uses high SSL security to check your IP address to ensure that you are signing up from within the United States. If you are currently visiting friends and family, on a vacation, abroad or working abroad, or officially posted outside the United States, it is advisable that you wait until you return home before you start the application. We know tuition, housing, food, books and other necessities that today's students need to be able to function at their best in school are increasingly rising. As such, parents and students alike are constantly on the lookout to find other options to help cover their college expenses. 2. Ideas to Consider Before Loans with MyGreatLakes Some of these options range from volunteering opportunities to student jobs to looking outside the box, which could mean having to bring out those items that you have locked up in your garage for years and never bothered to take a second look at.
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3. How to Approach Student Loans After you have considered all of these other options, there is indeed a better way of approaching student loans would be to borrow the least amount as possible. For a lot of students, the idea of student loans can be quite promising, and a lot of people lose focus because of that. You should approach loans with care. Knowing that though this loan is readily available to you, that is if you are a U.S. student, permanent resident and other special cases, however, learning to responsibly borrow will save you lots of troubles in the future. 4. Covering your Bases Before the Loans Knowing that you have covered your bases is important, that way you are not overwhelmed after completion of your program, and the reality of college loan payment hits. By borrowing the least amount you can, your payment options are relatively flexible in terms of your purchasing power, and your mindset of knowing that you did not go on a spending spree.
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5. Involve Family Members When You Can This is another important area that you should know about, which is ensuring that you involve family members from your parents, to friends and siblings. This is because you may need them when that time comes. Learning to build those vital relationships comes quite handy, as this can determine such factors as choosing to stay home or go out of state or farther for college, especially during your college days, and even after. So finding ways to stay in touch, and connect with family remains very important. 6. Focus on College and Your Purpose
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One thing that students forget to do is to focus on their college program, and not give in to distractions. This is very important especially because it is easy to spend way too much on frivolities, and not actually get much done. The endless college parties, drinking and fun times can come with a huge price tag, but when you do not find yourself in such situations, you could as well save that money you would have spent on partying and investing it. A lot of people are of the opinion that you cannot go through college without having to go through these other sides too, which is the parties, the drinking, and all of the fun stuff. However, just like everything else in life, this requires a high degree of moderation, not just because of finances, but also because of your goals and purpose for being in college. 7. You Still Should Have a Little Fun If you choose to go the fun, party route, have a backup plan. Ensure that you put all the things you plan to do on a list, and then try to evaluate it using your budget for the semester. This will give you a good guide as to how to go about spending or not spending too much for the night. This is not to say that you still should not have a little fun in college, however, the focus is on saving money using MyGreatLakes, therefore, the focus should be on how you can cut your spendings. Some other fun stuff you can consider that would not break the bank, are listed below: Hang out with a friend in their roomCreate a fun playlist togetherMap out some nice after graduation plansRecount some memorable times in collegeInvite others to yours for a change 8. Borrow Books Instead of Buying
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In most cases, you can borrow books for the semester. There are a ton of websites that provides the service. Amazon has a dedicated textbook system for students at any given semester. You can also extend the time needed if you need more time for your work or you decide to retake the class for any reason whatsoever for the term. It is also quite possible that your school already has this service, where you would go borrow the assigned texts for the semester and return them at the end of the program, or however long you borrow them for. You can also use my MyGreatLakes loan to cover for books amongst other expenses. 9. Spending on Food, Clothing & Others
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It is important to be smart with your spending as this will help you with saving up some more money, and not leaving yourself to chance for when that "need" that always do arise usually, from nowhere arises. It is also important to watch the cost of your grooming and other miscellaneous costs that tend to take out from the little you have. You should look at finding tools that can help you save on things you already spend money on weekly-biweekly or monthly as the case may be. You can save money on hair expenses, for instance, by using tools that can help you find discounts, promos and more on hair salons near you for college students. Other students may very much be into sports, soccer, basketball, badminton, running, hiking and the likes, that may not necessarily take money out of your pocket, but finding ways that can help you maximize your loan from MyGreatLakes would naturally mean a great win for your any time, any day. 10. Creating a Budget and Using It College budgeting and saving money is very important. You can definitely make a huge difference in the way you plan your finances, and how you hope to keep at it. This is one area that many college students take for granted. However, if you are able to get this process going, it definitely will make that huge difference that you are hoping for in your finances. Planning your money is a big part of the goal. You may not get first-hand money management, credit building or repair education in that program you are enrolled in. However, you can choose to learn about this essential information by going online and researching for yourself. This will keep you informed and in a better position to make an informed decision.
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How Do You Proceed With The Information You Have
The information provided here is to serve as your guide on how to proceed with caution when it comes to getting student loans. It is important knowing that MyGreatLakes may have its many benefits, however, a loan is still a loan, and you are required to make payment when the time comes for the payment. So what you should bear in mind is to see ways to ensure that you do not get overwhelmed when the time for repayment comes. Use the information provided as a guideCalculate and budget every dollar spentDo a weekly review of your spendingsLook for bargains and deals to take advantage ofHave a backup plan to make more money
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The information we provide here would be very helpful if the tips are followed. Using this article as a guide, you would be able to stand the chance of creating a balance between your spendings, your income, and savings. You do not want to be stuck in college without funds, especially if you have things such as books, college supplies to take care of. Finding options to ensure that you are not left all by yourself when the time comes to actually make money is very vital. For a lot of people, they try and reach out to their neighbors, friends and family members offering them some form of manual labor for money. Mowing, lifting, moving, and other different services that a student is able to provide is a great way to make money. for college students.
Taking Care of Your Health In College
It is important that you remember to "breathe" and unwind in college. There have been increasing cases of mental health challenges in colleges in recent years. However, the good thing is you can find ways to get the needed support that can help you scale through in hard times., and know that you are not alone.
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Finding a network of support, and people who have been through the same things, who can share their story to encourage would do you lots of good. Therefore, ensure that you keep and maintain valuable friendships. These are people who are going to help you pull through when you need a shoulder to lean on, a hand to hold, or an ear to listen. MyGreatLakes may pay your tuition, books, rent, and your other school expenses, however, some things are needed that are beyond financial matters. College grounds come with its many challenges, but finding ways to navigate these complexities can make the needed difference that you need to stay healthy and rejuvenated.
In Conclusion
With all being said, our conclusion remains: plan ahead and stick to it. If you plan ahead, you would be in the position of taking care of yourself, your academics, your expenses and even your fun times. However, if you decide to just go with the "flow" and not plan for what you need, it just may not work as you anticipate, and this can create its own unique challenges. The many benefits of taking advantage of the loan provided by MyGreatLakes abound, but finding ways to ensure that you do not throw away the opportunity at will is where the work will show just how much you really want that college education. By and large, it all boils down to what you think is your reason for being in college. A lot of people go to college for many reasons, and the reasons are unique to each person, depending on what their driving force and motivation are. To find better jobsTo have the flexibility of revenueTo be better educatedTo have bragging rightsTo set an example, or listen to the wish of parents and guardians Your reasons may be outside of what has been provided, however, they still amount to your motivating factors. When the going gets tough, remember the reason you are in college in the first place, and let that reason drive you to accomplish great things in college and beyond. Keep an open mind, and take those opportunities as they come because you would look back and wish you did someday after all is said and done. So now you know just what you need to be prepared. Do not let anyone or anything outside what you have agreed upon to define you. College can be fun and rewarding, but you have to do the work. Getting your loan approved from MyGreatLakes is just one of the many things that you would have to do to get on the path to paying for college. Find balance in all of what you do is very important to your success. To find balance. As you go out to the class, with friends and family, have your eyes on the "prize", which is the reason you are in college in the first place anyways. So make sure you keep your purpose alive, ensure that you get sufficient rest, and above all stay motivated, stay driven, stay you.
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trxllest6vanity · 6 years ago
Anything you Want To grasp To help make Income On the web
Make certain to maintain a watch out for information on scams online. When you will discover a myriad of options for you to produce dollars, some are less than savory. Go through critiques of any plan you should put into practice in your on line system prior to deciding to indication within the dotted line for just about anything.
1 great way to generate income online is to make use of a web-site like Etsy or eBay to market things you make yourself. If you have any abilities, from sewing to knitting to carpentry, you may create a killing by way of on the internet markets. Individuals want goods which are handmade, so take part!
When setting up the best way to earn a living doing the job online, in no way put all your eggs in one basket. Keep as a lot of selections open as feasible, in order that you may always have revenue coming in. Failure to prepare such as this can definitely cost you in the event your primary internet site quickly stops posting operate or possibilities.
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Sign up to get a site that could pay back you to read e-mails over the course of the day. You can simply get inbound links to scan above unique web sites and browse by way of miscellaneous text. This tends to not choose you numerous of time and will spend good benefits inside the lengthy operate.
A single practical strategy to generate income online is to start creating. There are various sites that may shell out you to definitely produce material for a variety of people. In the event you have performed perfectly in producing courses in advance of, this could be perfect for you. You can get paid out to write blog posts and a lot more.
If you certainly are a great writer, you will find a lot of chances for you personally on line in relation to producing excess funds. One example is, look at out post composing web pages where by you'll be able to develop information for use for search engine marketing. A lot of fork out over a few cents for each phrase, making it well worth your while.
You'll be able to earn a living on the net by playing game titles. Farm Gold is a superb web-site that you just can log in to and play entertaining video games in the course of the training course on the day with your spare time. You'll find many online games that you simply can choose between for making this a lucrative and pleasurable encounter.
Build a each day schedule yourself. Online revenue is undoubtedly tied in your means to maintain at it on a continual basis. This is often no brief correct to a great deal of cash. You may need to operate diligently each working day. Carve out a particular time period daily. Even an hour or so per day can make an enormous distinction as time passes!
In the event you plan to generate profits on the internet, sign up for no less than a person forum initially. You will find there's large amount being realized, so you can do so from other people's mistakes, instead than possessing to help make your own personal. Introduce on your own, request questions and make connections as well. Networking for on-line money-making cases can change into pretty lucrative jobs.
Attempt doing surveys. There's no lack of on-line surveys on the market. Surveys is often a great way to get paid income online. Relying on wherever you are taking these surveys, they typically is not going to fork out extremely significantly. Nevertheless, they're effortless to carry out throughout down time, along with the cash you make from them will immediately incorporate up.
Before you decide to established your coronary heart on earning profits on the web, established your household up. Ensuring that you happen to be free of charge from interruptions could be an important element within your achievement. Kids, spouses as well as other people can slash you off within the most inconvenient occasions. Be certain your time is your own personal, so you're able to increase earnings.
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Get paid to evaluation a lot of the new products which are out to the sector nowadays. That is an effective way for organizations to ascertain if their new goods really are a hit or miss as they can pay good revenue to get an view on them. Obtain the term out on these items and pull during the funds.
Test doing some surveys on-line. You'll not make as much dollars as you would with a few other sorts of online do the job. These surveys generally never take extensive, plus they generally just question for your viewpoint. In the event you be part of a legitimate study web page, individuals cents can rapidly include nearly some further funds.
Sell several of the junk that you've got round the home on eBay. You don't have to pay for to setup an account and might record your product any way you want. There are many coaching sites that you just can use to acquire started the best way on eBay.
Provide services to persons on Fiverr. This can be a internet site that enables individuals to have anything at all they want from media layout to promotions for the flat rate of five dollars. There's a just one dollar charge for every support that you simply promote, however, if you need to do a large amount, the income can insert up.
If possessing your own personal weblog is really a bit much too time-consuming, however , you would even now want to generate and receive dollars, issue about making content articles for current blogs. There are a selection available, which includes Weblogs and PayPerPost. With a very little investigation as well as a bit of initiative, you could potentially get build with one particular of these web pages and start earning money very quickly.
Many people realize that they are able to make extra funds by finishing surveys. There are actually several study internet sites on line that can fork out you on your views. All you will need is a legitimate e-mail address. These websites give checks, present cards and PayPal payments. Be truthful if you complete your facts so you can qualify for your surveys they mail you.
Do a google try to find creating wealth on line. You'll get a huge listing of numerous distinctive choices. As you find anything that sparks your curiosity, make certain to do an intensive research about reviews about that business. It doesn't matter who you choose even though, be certain to usually be a little bit cautious about it.
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Bear in mind to make a budget before you begin to get the job done online. You require to find out what your overhead might be, whether it is the expense of your laptop and internet connection in the event your work will likely be completely absolutely practically, or any supplies you will need if your prepare would be to offer things on-line.
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lvnerism-blog · 6 years ago
Whatever you Need To know To create Dollars Online
Be certain to maintain a watch out for information on frauds on-line. While there are actually a plethora of possibilities in your case to produce dollars, some are lower than savory. Read through assessments of any prepare you want to carry out in the on the net method prior to deciding to sign over the dotted line for nearly anything.
One particular fantastic way to earn money is to make use of a web-site like Etsy or eBay to sell things you make yourself. Should you have any abilities, from stitching to knitting to carpentry, you could make a killing by way of on-line marketplaces. Individuals want goods that happen to be handmade, so join in!
When arranging how to earn cash functioning on the internet, under no circumstances place all of your eggs in one basket. Retain as numerous selections open as you possibly can, to make sure that you may normally have funds coming in. Failure to system similar to this can really set you back when your primary site suddenly stops putting up work or alternatives.
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Indicator up for a website which will shell out you to definitely examine e-mail over the training course of your day. You are going to just get one-way links to scan around various web sites and browse through miscellaneous textual content. This will not take you numerous of your time and might fork out great added benefits inside the extended run.
A person handy solution to earn a living on the internet is to begin creating. There are many web sites that can spend you to generate content for a variety of persons. If you have done properly in crafting classes before, this may be ideal for you. You can find paid out to put in writing website posts and a lot more.
When you certainly are a superior writer, you will discover many opportunities to suit your needs on the internet in relation to generating added revenue. For example, examine out report crafting sites where you can generate articles for use for seo. Several fork out in excess of a number of cents for each term, rendering it worth your while.
You can earn cash online by enjoying video games. Farm Gold is a wonderful website that you simply can log in to and participate in entertaining video games in the program of your day within your spare time. You'll find many online games that you simply can choose between for making this a financially rewarding and exciting expertise.
Create a daily plan for yourself. Online income is definitely tied to your skill to maintain at it on a ongoing basis. This is often no speedy repair to lots of cash. You would like to work diligently each and every working day. Carve out a particular time frame each day. Even an hour or so a day may make an enormous change after a while!
Should you intend to earn money on the internet, join at least one particular forum initial. You will find there's great deal to get learned, therefore you can perform so from other people's faults, alternatively than getting to make your own private. Introduce you, inquire queries and make connections also. Networking for on the net money-making circumstances can convert into very valuable jobs.
Test carrying out surveys. There is certainly no scarcity of online surveys around. Surveys is usually a great way to get paid cash on the net. Depending on wherever you take these surveys, they frequently would not pay out really a great deal. Even so, they can be simple to accomplish for the duration of down time, and the revenue you make from them will speedily add up.
Before you established your coronary heart on being profitable on the net, established your family up. Ensuring that that you are totally free from interruptions can be an important element of your respective achievements. Young children, spouses and various people can cut you off at the most inconvenient moments. Make certain your time and energy is your own private, in order to optimize earnings.
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Get paid to overview a number of the new products which are out to the market place these days. This is certainly a great way for firms to ascertain if their new goods are a hit and miss as they will pay good revenue for getting an impression on them. Get the word out on these solutions and pull inside the money.
Attempt performing some surveys online. You'll not make as much dollars as you would with a few other types of on the internet operate. These surveys normally will not consider very long, and so they commonly just question to your impression. If you be part of a legit survey website, all those cents can quickly increase approximately some additional money.
Promote a number of the junk that you've got across the residence on eBay. You do not have to pay for to create an account and may listing your product or service any way that you choose to want. There are numerous instruction internet sites which you can use to have begun the best way on eBay.
Offer companies to individuals on Fiverr. This is a web site that enables people to obtain anything at all they want from media layout to promotions for just a flat level of five bucks. You will find there's a single dollar cost for each company that you choose to promote, but if you do a high amount, the gain can incorporate up.
If owning your very own website can be a bit as well time intensive, however, you would still love to create and generate income, detail about creating articles or blog posts for existing blogs. There are a selection on the market, like Weblogs and PayPerPost. That has a very little study in addition to a little bit of initiative, you could get create with a single of such websites and start earning money right away.
Lots of individuals find that they could make extra income by completing surveys. There are actually several study web sites on the internet that can spend you for your personal views. All you may need is often a valid email tackle. These internet sites supply checks, gift playing cards and PayPal payments. Be truthful when you complete your details to help you qualify with the surveys they deliver you.
Do a google seek out making a living on line. You will get a large listing of numerous various options. As you locate one thing that sparks your interest, make sure to perform an intensive look for about reviews about that business. No matter who you choose however, be sure to normally be considered a little bit cautious over it.
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Recall to create a price range before you decide to begin to do the job on line. You'll need to understand what your overhead are going to be, be it the price of your personal computer and internet connection if your perform might be entirely fully practically, or any provides you'll need should your system is always to sell objects on the web.
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tsunamijonny · 6 years ago
Anything you Require To learn To help make Money On the net
Ensure to keep a watch out for info on ripoffs on the web. Whilst there are actually a myriad of options to suit your needs to create income, some are fewer than savory. Read through opinions of any approach you wish to implement within your on line method prior to deciding to indicator to the dotted line for everything.
One great way to earn money is to utilize a web-site like Etsy or eBay to sell stuff you make by yourself. Should you have any skills, from sewing to knitting to carpentry, you are able to produce a killing by online markets. Persons want things which can be handmade, so take part!
When scheduling tips on how to generate profits doing the job on the net, by no means place all of your eggs in one basket. Maintain as a lot of solutions open as feasible, to make sure that you can usually have revenue coming in. Failure to prepare similar to this can definitely cost you when your most important website out of the blue stops publishing get the job done or prospects.
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Indicator up for any web site that should pay back you to definitely read through e-mail in the course of the course from the day. You'll simply just get links to scan above diverse websites and skim by miscellaneous text. This will likely not acquire you numerous of your time and can shell out fantastic positive aspects inside the lengthy operate.
One effortless solution to earn money on the web is to start composing. There are lots of websites that can shell out you to produce articles for many individuals. Should you have accomplished properly in creating classes in advance of, this may be ideal for you. You may get paid out to jot down web site posts and more.
In case you are a superior writer, there are actually several options in your case on the net with regards to earning additional cash. By way of example, look at out short article crafting web-sites where by it is possible to build content to be used for seo. Numerous pay out much more than a few cents for each phrase, which makes it worth your whilst.
You are able to generate income on the internet by enjoying game titles. Farm Gold is a good web page that you simply can log in to and enjoy entertaining games during the course of the working day in the spare time. There are lots of game titles that you simply can choose between to create this a financially rewarding and enjoyment expertise.
Generate a each day routine yourself. Online profits is undoubtedly tied to the means to maintain at it on a constant basis. That is no speedy deal with to a great deal of funds. You may need to work diligently each and every day. Carve out a particular timeframe day by day. Even an hour or so per day could make a large distinction eventually!
If you plan to earn cash on-line, join at the very least just one forum 1st. There is a good deal to get realized, and you can perform so from other people's errors, instead than possessing to make your personal. Introduce on your own, request concerns and make connections much too. Networking for on line money-making situations can convert into really worthwhile employment.
Attempt carrying out surveys. You can find no lack of on the web surveys in existence. Surveys might be a terrific way to generate money on the internet. Depending on where by you are taking these surveys, they typically would not pay really considerably. Nonetheless, they're effortless to carry out all through down time, as well as income you make from them will swiftly increase up.
Prior to deciding to set your heart on making money on-line, established your home up. Making certain you might be free from interruptions can be a very important aspect of one's good results. Small children, spouses along with other men and women can reduce you off on the most inconvenient periods. Ensure your time and effort is your individual, so you can improve earnings.
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Get paid to review many of the new items that are out to the marketplace currently. This is certainly a great way for providers to ascertain if their new products and solutions really are a hit and miss as they can pay great funds to obtain an opinion on them. Receive the phrase out on these products and pull within the money.
Check out carrying out some surveys on line. You will not make as much money while you would with a few other sorts of online do the job. These surveys usually don't choose long, plus they typically just request in your view. In the event you be a part of a legitimate survey web page, those people cents can speedily include around some excess income.
Sell some of the junk that you have round the house on eBay. You don't have to pay to set up an account and will listing your solution any way that you just want. There are lots of education sites which you can use to have started out the correct way on eBay.
Supply services to persons on Fiverr. This can be a web site which allows men and women to receive everything that they want from media layout to promotions for any flat rate of 5 bucks. There is a one greenback charge for every services that you promote, but if you are doing a substantial amount, the income can add up.
If possessing your own personal web site is often a bit too time intensive, however you would nevertheless choose to compose and receive dollars, factor about developing articles or blog posts for existing blogs. There are a selection on the market, such as Weblogs and PayPerPost. Having a minor research and also a bit of initiative, you could possibly get arrange with a person of those internet sites and start earning revenue in no time.
Many of us learn that they might make extra income by completing surveys. There are lots of study web-sites online that may fork out you in your views. All you will need is often a valid e mail tackle. These sites supply checks, present playing cards and PayPal payments. Be truthful any time you fill out your info to help you qualify for the surveys they send you.
Do a google seek for making money on-line. You can obtain a big listing of numerous distinctive selections. Once you come across a little something that sparks your desire, make sure to complete a thorough search about critiques about that corporation. Regardless of who you select while, make sure to usually certainly be a bit careful about it.
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Bear in mind to produce a spending budget before you decide to start to do the job on the internet. You will need to understand what your overhead will likely be, whether it is the cost of your computer and internet connection should your get the job done will be totally absolutely pretty much, or any materials you require in the event your program will be to offer goods on the net.
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lucid-illegal-vibes · 6 years ago
That which you Need To know To generate Dollars On the web
Make sure to maintain an eye out for info on cons on the web. Though you can find a myriad of possibilities in your case to make dollars, some are less than savory. Examine assessments of any strategy you should implement inside your on-line technique prior to deciding to signal over the dotted line for something.
A single great way to make money on the internet is to work with a web site like Etsy or eBay to sell things you make you. In case you have any skills, from stitching to knitting to carpentry, you may create a killing by on the net marketplaces. People today want merchandise which might be handmade, so join in!
When planning ways to earn a living operating online, never put all your eggs in a single basket. Continue to keep as numerous selections open up as feasible, in order that you can generally have cash coming in. Failure to strategy like this can definitely set you back in the event your main site suddenly stops publishing do the job or chances.
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Indicator up for the web page that will pay you to study e-mail over the training course on the day. You will just get one-way links to scan around unique sites and read by way of miscellaneous textual content. This could not get you a lot of your time and will pay terrific advantages within the prolonged run.
1 hassle-free technique to generate profits online is to get started on creating. There are lots of web-sites which will pay you to make articles for various folks. When you have completed nicely in creating programs right before, this could be perfect for you. You can obtain paid out to put in writing website posts and even more.
When you are a great writer, there are actually numerous alternatives for you on the net when it comes to making added funds. By way of example, check out out report composing web-sites wherever it is possible to develop material to be used for search engine optimisation. Lots of shell out greater than some cents for every phrase, rendering it worthy of your while.
You may earn cash on-line by participating in online games. Farm Gold is an excellent internet site that you simply can log in to and play enjoyment games in the training course on the working day in the spare time. There are several online games which you can choose between for making this a successful and pleasurable encounter.
Create a day-to-day program for yourself. On line revenue is definitely tied to the potential to help keep at it on a steady foundation. This is often no rapid deal with to a ton of dollars. You would like to work diligently each working day. Carve out a specific timeframe day-to-day. Even an hour or so per day can make a major distinction after a while!
When you plan to make money on line, join a minimum of a person forum 1st. You will find there's large amount to be figured out, therefore you can perform so from other people's issues, fairly than owning to make your own personal. Introduce your self, request issues and make connections much too. Networking for online money-making predicaments can transform into pretty profitable work opportunities.
Try undertaking surveys. You will find no scarcity of on the net surveys around. Surveys could be a terrific way to receive funds on the net. Based on exactly where you take these surveys, they usually will not spend very substantially. Even so, they are simple to carry out during down time, and the revenue you make from them will speedily include up.
Before you decide to set your heart on earning money on the net, established your family up. Ensuring that you're totally free from interruptions is usually an important aspect of the achievements. Kids, spouses and also other individuals can slice you off for the most inconvenient periods. Make sure your time and efforts is your own, in order to increase earnings.
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Get paid to evaluate a lot of the new items that are out over the sector these days. This is certainly a great way for firms to ascertain if their new products and solutions undoubtedly are a hit and miss as they can pay superior income to obtain an belief on them. Get the phrase out on these solutions and pull while in the income.
Consider accomplishing some surveys on the net. You are going to not make as much money when you would with a few other kinds of on line get the job done. These surveys normally don't acquire extensive, and they normally just ask for the feeling. In case you be part of a respectable study website, those cents can immediately include around some excess hard cash.
Market a number of the junk that you've across the dwelling on eBay. You don't have to pay for to put in place an account and might checklist your merchandise any way you want. There are many different training web sites that you choose to can use to obtain begun the appropriate way on eBay.
Present companies to folks on Fiverr. This is often a web page that allows people today to receive everything that they want from media design and style to promotions for just a flat rate of five bucks. There's a one particular greenback demand for each assistance that you promote, but when you are doing a superior quantity, the profit can insert up.
If proudly owning your personal web site is usually a bit way too time intensive, however you would nonetheless love to publish and make money, detail about producing articles or blog posts for present blogs. There are a variety around, together with Weblogs and PayPerPost. By using a very little research plus a bit of initiative, you can get create with a person of these web pages and begin earning dollars in no time.
Lots of individuals find that they are able to make excess income by completing surveys. You will discover numerous study internet sites on line that could spend you for the opinions. All you'll need is really a valid email tackle. These web sites offer checks, gift cards and PayPal payments. Be truthful any time you fill out your facts so that you can qualify for that surveys they mail you.
Do a google hunt for making a living on-line. You might obtain a big listing of numerous unique alternatives. As you uncover anything that sparks your curiosity, ensure to try and do an intensive search about evaluations about that corporation. It does not matter who you select however, make sure to normally certainly be a bit careful about this.
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Bear in mind to make a spending budget before you begin to work on the web. You require to grasp what your overhead will be, be it the price of your laptop or computer and internet connection in case your perform are going to be wholly totally almost, or any supplies you require if the system is usually to promote merchandise on the net.
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