#and now that i have like Oh Hey. and today's the tv premiere of the billions finale then....
unproduciblesmackdown · 11 months
knowing this tayriawin wip was started last october b/c noting as much was how i differentiated it from other prior tayriawin wips lol...sure didn't and couldn't plan to finally write to the end of it on the day the billions finale airs Televised, but i'll take it!!
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satoru-is-the-way · 2 years
The fact that I need more of Tenoch x Reader-
How about where there is a premiere where Tenoch is jealous to see Reader with OSCAR ISAAC?
A/n: OMG YESSSS YES YES YES YES AND YESSS FUCK YESSSSS COMING RIGHT UP ONG. Also this is more a bit of hints towards Hispnaic Latino reader x Tenoch/Oscar
TAGS: @shoxji @tian-monique @omgsuperstarg @angel-bi666 @sunfairyy @sunkissedebony97 @rkiversstuff @emma-frxst
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Tenoch Huerta and you had been close since you began shooting Narcos: Mexico back in 2018. There was an instant connection that no one explained yet all could see. You two stayed in touch, meet up weekly, and spent a lot of time together. You landed the role of Namor's lover and queen of Talokan for Wakanda Forever. It was exciting to work alongside Tenoch once more. You had a major crush on the man yet kept it to yourself.
Oscar Isaac is another close friend, you both worked together in Star Wars: The Last Jedi where your character was his characters Poe Dameron's ex-lover yet second-best pilot the resistance had. You admit to the small crush developed for Oscar. By the end of the franchise in Rise Of Skywalker your characters have gotten back together in a long kissing scene.
So of course the fans had gone crazy for shipping you with Oscar and Tenoch. Wondering which an is going to be lucky enough to land you as their girlfriend.
Today was the premier of Black Panther Wakanda Forever. You were so excited about being in the Marvel franchise now. Including working with any great people. Right now you had arrives with Oscar Isaac. The press went nuts interviewing you both.
"Would your characters ever meet?" One of them shouted out.
"Love triangle even?!" Another added.
You and Oscar both laughed cheeks flushed.
"Oh, I hope so that would be a good romance." He winked before wrapping an arm around you. Tenoch had been with another tv station not too far away. How his blood boils noticing who you brought. Lupita and Winston both encouraged him to ask you out. Even as his date to the premiere. Yet Tenoch never had the confidence.
He matched his way over there just in time to hear the question and response by Oscar.
"I don't think that Namor would let that happen." Tenoch adds rather seriously. You smiled brightly and pulled Tenoch into a hug. "Hey you!"
"Hey. While admit the love triangle would be cool a king would never let his queen go."
Oscar rolled his eyes, he knew Tenoch liked you," You sure? Marc is pretty slick with the women. Much like myself." He adds just wanting to see Tenoch clench his jaw.
"Oh boys. Come on. Settle down. Let's hurry along and sign some autographs." You thanked the interviewers before leading the two boys, who currently are acting like man children, off to where the fans are waiting.
You watched the movie sitting between the two boys. Many emotions were shown during the screening especially how it felt seeing you and Tenoch as your characters together for the first time.
After the premiere you all headed for the restroom because it was a very long movie.
"You know I am surprised you and (Y/n) aren't together yet." Oscar comments washing his hands beside Tenoch.
"What do you mean? I thought she came with you as her date." He adds a jealous gaze in his brown eyes.
"No just as friends. But if you won't make a move then I will." Oscar turned the water off reaching for a towel.
"Don't waste your time, Oscar."
The men both walked out looking for you.
Winston and you were both laughing and making jokes. He specially was hammering you for the details of why Tenoch and Oscar were as the fans said 'Simping' over you. You explained your history with both men. And how wondering it was to have them so close together now. But in your heart, Tenoch was the one of you.
"So ready to go to the after party?" Oscar asked.
"But as my date." Tenoch glared over to Estrada's direction.
Winston smirked at (Y/n) who had to choose. "Well boys... I am flattered. Really am."
"Then go out with me." Tenoch whispered giving you his brown sugar eyes.
How could you say no?
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seenoversundown · 9 months
Sparrow Of the Dawn : Chapter 1
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Sam x Willa (Fem OC) Warnings: Alcohol / Mentions of drinking, brotherly banter, dark humor/mentions of death (if you squint), otherwise silly boys being boys.
Word Count: 3.9K
Summary : Sam unfortunately finds himself in not so meet cute with Willa. Hopeful that he doesn't cross her path again; the world works in mysterious ways and not always in your favor.
Authors Note: AHHHHH I can’t wait for everybody to read and I hope you all love it as much as I do!! I’m so excited and nervous, feels like I’m waiting for the midnight premiere of Deathly Hallows (part 2) all over again 🥹😭💜
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Flower Power - Greta Van Fleet “She’s a sparrow of the dawn, our love is born”
“Oh, HEY,” Jake says sarcastically the second he opens the front door, “Nice of you to show up, Jackass,” huffing out a laugh as he shuts the door behind me. The scuffed-up cherry wood floor creaks under the weight of our feet as I follow him over to where he had been organizing new stock behind the bar. 
“Right.. aaand where’s my paycheck again?” I retort, sliding onto my regular spot and dropping my camera bag next to me. The spot in the dead center of the bar has been claimed as mine since before Jake even opened, the stool now complete with my etched initials SFK under the cushion. 
“Time is money, brother, and I lend you mine for free, so you get me when I’m free. Which apparently to you means 9 a.m.?” I say, clasping my hands on the bartop, “So please, tell me what is so important that I needed to be here so early.” He sourly smirks back at me.
“Yeah, yeah. I have a few new ones in for you to shoot, and I’d like to get it done before we get busy today.” He picks up his clipboard, eyeing his stock list.
 “We finally got the pomegranate Downeast released last month that was on backorder, as well as the pear and the guava passion fruit. Then we have ‘Reciprocal’ from Bissell Bros here in Portland, and ‘Interchangeable #7’ from Blaze Brewing in Biddo. I’d really like to get the blaze shot for our ads because it has the most interesting can art. But, ya know, I trust you.” He reads off.
A year ago, Jake, my older brother, bought this bar located right here in the heart of the Old Port. Back in his senior year of high school he got really into “Black Sails”, this pirate TV show; he practically made it his personality. Naturally, he decided he wanted to run a bar for the rest of his life, so when old man Chuck decided to retire, Jake jumped at the opportunity to purchase it. “Caravel Tavern” has only been open for 6 months and It's been his baby ever since. 
“Wow, Jake Kiszka putting trust in ME? Are you feeling okay?” I feign shock grabbing at my heart.
“Just get it done, you idiot,” he says with a roll of his eyes.
“Alright, alright,” I say, glancing over the options. “Give me like an hour. I have an idea that might work. I need to head to the farmer’s market in town, but I can have the best shots edited and emailed to you tomorrow, and then we can pick the best ones for print.” I grab my bag, digging around for my car keys. “Hey, when is Josh in today? I’d like to get some shots of you guys pouring drinks for the website and Instagram for Josh’s intro post.”
“He should be here by the time you’re done with everything. That is if he’s on time. But let's be realistic, when is a Kiszka ever on time?” He replies as he breaks down boxes with a box cutter. 
I take a right onto the gravel that’s set behind the farmers market, my rusty 92’ Ford F-150 rattling as I park. I hope to god it’s just a heat shield making that noise. I cannot afford another repair on Edith. She may be an old crotchety bitch, but she has my whole heart. Well, right behind Penelope, my Bernese mountain dog, Penny girl will always be my number one.
I put her in park and shove my hand into my backpack blindly searching for the source of the text tone. Finally finding my phone Tweedle Dum🦞 appears on the screen.. I let out a giggle. 
We’re running a special on whiskey sours tonight pick up some eggs, princess.
I switch Jake and Josh’s contact name back and forth between tweedle dee and tweedle dum mainly to keep them on their toes, but I’d be lying if I said tweedle dum isn’t just whoever has pissed me off or been dubbed the biggest dumbass that week. The emojis always stay the same so I can keep them actually straight though. 
You got it, boss, I send back to Jake, winning the title this week for making me wake up at the ass crack of 9am. Which absolutely is early for me. 
Gathering my things, I step out of my truck, immediately being hit with a cold gust of wind, the air causing my eyes to water slightly. I brush away a tear forming in my eye before it threatens to fall down my cheek. For it being the end of March the air is crispier than normal. I pause a moment too long, and a shiver runs through my body. I zip my jacket up a little higher, trying to preserve my body heat. Making sure I have my mesh bag with me, I shut my door and head over to the booths. 
I make a beeline for Linda, a sweet older woman who is here every week selling chicken eggs, various fruits from her garden, and some knick-knack crafts she makes. I have about seven bowl koozies, though I’m not sure I even own as many bowls considering it’s just me, but they are really good for ramen and ice cream. Which I do not eat together. Jake and Josh live in the apartment above the bar, so when I moved back after college, I got an apartment a couple roads away to stay close. 
Our parents moved out of our small hometown, which sits just on the other side of Portland. Padded off to Apple Valley, Georgia trying to settle into a warmer climate or something. They bought a house big enough for just the two of them and a guest room on an acre of land, “just in case any of you boys come to visit” Mom said. In all honesty, Apple Valley is just the same town, different state. They always said they didn’t like the city because it was too big, which is funny to me after spending the last four years in Boston. Everything here seems much smaller now.
“Morning Linda!” I smile and wave at her.
“Oh, Samuel. You’re up early this week. How are you doing, Sweetheart? How’s my Daniel?” She flashes me a warm smile. She’s also Daniel’s biggest fan. Pretty sure she only comes into the bar to see him, even though I met her first. But what can I say? I’m apparently an excellent matchmaker; we just won't mention the fact that she's 72.
I chuckle, “I’m just out running some errands for Jake. I’m on call today, apparently. Daniel’s good though! He misses you, ya know.” I finish flashing her a wink.
She lets out a high-pitched laugh, “I’ll be down to visit with Miss Eleanor. You tell him not to worry.” She raises an eyebrow and smirks at me, “Anyway, what can I get ya my dear?”
“Think two dozen will do it for today.” I hand her a crumpled ten-dollar bill in exchange, “Keep the change, Lin. I’ll see you at the bar or next Saturday, whichever comes first.” I set the eggs carefully in my tote and head toward my next stop, the flower truck.
The beer I’m photographing for the bar has a brightly colored logo in a style reminiscent of comic book art. A bold red can with yellow, blue, and purple adorning the signature name. My idea is to use a bouquet of different flowers to accent the colors and make the can pop. 
I scan through the metal buckets, trying to mentally piece together an arrangement without disturbing the flowers too much. They are far too delicate to be pulling and yanking on them just to try them out for size. Some of the people here, like Linda, make their living posting up every Saturday. 
I reach for a bundle of forget-me-nots, settling on those along with the last of the remaining Irises, a few red Dahlias, Daffodils, and Butterfly Milkweed. Taking a step back slightly away from the displays, I start to rearrange the bouquet to my liking. Extending my arms out in front of me, and changing my angle to make sure I like how the flowers look together. Just as I decide that, yes, these will do for what their intended purpose is, I feel someone aggressively poking my bicep. 
I turn toward the person attached to the finger. Not going to lie; I’m a bit impressed by the force of it, considering I’m wearing a sweater under my quilted jacket, and the woman who’s doing the poking is standing at about 5 foot nothing and looks like a swift breeze might carry her away. I blink slowly at her a few times and raise my eyebrows waiting expectedly.
“Did someone die, or did you just fuck up like, wicked bad?” the snark heavily laden on her tone. 
I close my eyes and let out a long breath, “Uhm, it’s uhh –” I stutter a bit, really trying to play it up, “My grandma died last week, actually. Did you know her? Her name was Althea.” I gaze down at my shoes and drop my head a bit, taking a moment before I attempt to look for her reaction through my eyelashes. If I held my breath long enough, I might just be able to work up a tear. Would that be too dramatic? .. maybe.
“Oh.. uh. No, I didn’t. I’m sor–” Regret immediately paints her face.
“I’m fucking with you.” I let out a small laugh
“What?” her eyes narrow at me, trying to figure out if I’m lying or telling the truth.
“I’m joking, my grandma is fine. Are you okay? Or is it a normal occurrence for you to ask a complete stranger if they’re mourning a dead relative?" Amusement settles on my face.
She lets out an audible groan. Why is she so angry? She tugs down at the sides of her short floral dress and waves a hand out toward my arrangement. 
“Why on earth do you need every single purple flower!?” She exclaims, “And who jokes about their grandma dying?” stamping her beaten-up Doc Marten into the patchy grass. She actually stomped her foot at me. What are we twelve?
I roll my eyes and attempt to alleviate the situation, “Bachelor Buttons.” 
I have work to do and absolutely do not need an attitude from a complete stranger, even if she is cute. I have brothers for that purpose, and they do their jobs well enough.
 “They’re mostly purple but with a bit of blue. They symbolize love if you’re trying to give them to someone important.” I scratch the back of my head and briefly hope she says she’s not. I immediately throw the thought away with a shake of my head. Nope, not opening that door.
“I don’t need Bachelor Buttons.” 
“.. ookaay. You could always d –” 
“I need Irises.” She says, cutting me off, “Specifically. Okay? And I’m fine, but if I can't find irises today because of you count *poke* your *poke* days!” she ends her sentiment with a final sharp poke to my chest and storms away. God damn, her finger is like a tiny dagger.
Listen, growing up without any sisters means I don’t know much about women, but what I do know .. is definitely never believe one when they say they’re fine. 
As I walk through the door of Caravel Tavern for the second time today, I call out, “Okay, Jake, I’m back with your eggs, Asshole. Where are you?”
I set my camera bag and the eggs down and lean over the counter, checking to see if he’s kneeling behind the bar top.
 “.. Jake?” I look side to side. Where the hell is he? It’s the middle of the day, not nearly early enough for lunch.. Not like the guy takes a break anyway. 
“JAKE WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!” I yell through my cupped hands. The sound echoes through the empty space.
He comes running from the back room, a panic written on his face. “Jesus Christ, Sam, what?”
“Got your eggs.” grinning wildly at him. I swear I'm actually his favorite brother. 
“Well, thanks, Samuel, for being useful for one thing today.” He says, before changing his tone, “You okay? You look a bit tense?”
“Yeah,” absentmindedly, my hand drifts to my shoulder, rubbing at the area where angry-flower-girl poked me earlier. “Actually, you’ll never believe what happened to me at the farmers market.”
He’s not looking at me when he hums his response, just putting the eggs in the mini fridge next to the ice well. I slide the second carton over to him.
“I ran into this girl, actually, she ran into me rather. I was picking out the bouquet arrangement for the photos I want to take and she sorta.. Came at me poking?”
He slowly stands and looks at me, his brow furrowed a bit. “She.. came at you?” He pauses. “Poking?”
“Poking,” I point to my shoulder in disbelief.
“Okay, and what did this poking girl want?”
“To yell at me for taking all the irises. I tried to do the gentlemanly thing and suggest an alternative, but she poked me some more and stomped off. She was hot as hell even if she was a bit psychotic.” 
“Well, why did you take all the irises? You also could have taken the other- wait, “ Jake pauses, turning to face me head-on. He sets the empty carton on the counter, “No, whatever you’re thinking about, cut it out,” He points at me, “Did you forget about the last ‘cute but insane’ girl?” 
“Hey, she wasn’t that bad! AND she was really hot?!” both hands raised.
“Sam, she cracked your windshield” he pinches the bridge of his nose.
Just as I’m about to further protest, “Cracked windshield? We’re not talking about ‘the Bride of Chucky’ are we?” Josh says
“Oh, come on guys, you can say her name. And again.. She wasn't that bad.”
“No, every time you say her name she comes back like Voldemort, and none of us need that shit.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. Get your ass clocked in so I get your headshots done, and you can get to work lest Jake have a stroke.” I lean toward Josh and whisper, “You’re already late.”
“When isn’t he late?” Jake sighs and rolls his eyes.
“Well,” Josh claps his hands together, “it is clearly time for my close-up. Sammy, let’s get this shit fest over with.”  
Oh, Josh, ever the dramatic brother.
I don’t spend a ton of time taking Josh’s photos, grateful that he isn’t afraid of the camera. I barely have to direct him, which makes my life that much easier. If he could work on just not being a pain in the ass the rest of the time, that’d be great. 
A few goodbyes later, and I’m finally off to edit. Putting all my things into the passenger seat and giving my truck some words of encouragement, the engine turns over. Thank fucking god. I live fairly close to the bar, so I decide to not bother with the radio and just listen to whatever comes my way. 
Still thinking about the poking girl, mostly because my chest was sore. I didn’t expect to be stabbed today. I do hope she found her Irises…  
‘Now I don’t hardly know her, but I think I could love her,’
I turn the volume up on the radio, hoping it’ll help me focus on driving and not thinking about her.  
I make it back home, throwing the truck in park and hustling up to my apartment. I’m quickly greeted by my bundle of joy. I set all my things out to edit on the counter and take care of Miss P before I start working.
Taking a walk is probably what I needed to do anyway. 
I got Penelope right after I graduated and moved back up here. Being used to a house full of people to just living alone was.. well, lonely. I think I lasted only a few months living alone before I gave in and went to find a pet. The twins suggested a cat because they’re fairly low maintenance, and their plan was to get a couple cats once their lives settled a bit. Settled ended up being right around when Jake bought the bar, I would hardly call that settled, but it worked out for them. Me on the other hand, I’m more of a dog person. As soon as I saw Penny, I knew she’d be my adventure buddy, coming with me on my walks and hikes and photography trips. It’s definitely easier with a dog, despite what Josh says about how easy it is to train a cat with a harness to adventure with you.
Once she is settled in after our walk, I sit down to edit for a while. Pulling up the photos of Josh, something seems off. Why are half of these out of focus? I think to myself, scrolling through the options. If he could have just stopped talking for two seconds, this one would have looked good.  The longer I scroll through the options, the more annoyed I get. Why did she poke me so fucking hard? Finding myself rubbing the spot on my chest, I force myself to get up for a minute. Maybe I just need to walk around. Wandering into my bathroom, I pull the collar of my shirt down to see the spot, if it doesn’t actually bruise, I’ll be SHOCKED.  
Sitting back down, I take one look at the photo I've been trying to salvage, letting out a sigh. This is awful. 
Me: hey I’m not super happy with how Josh’s pics came out.. Do you care if I just borrow him in the morning to get some new ones? 
Me: Not at 6am tho-  it’ll be Sunday, The Lord’s day, and he would want me to get my beauty rest. 
Tweedle Dum🦞: lol that’s fine bud 
Me: I may come back for a drink tho. Shit has me STRESSED.
“God, Sam, don’t you ever leave?” Josh calls from behind the bar. 
“You’d think I was tired of looking at your ugly mug all day, but guess not.” My lips wind into a tight smile. “Can I actually get a drink? I’m annoyed as fuck that I hate all the pictures I took today, and a drink sounds like the perfect remedy.” 
“Turning to alcohol to solve your problems, hmm?”
“Shhhhh,” I wave my hands in front of me. “Can I get a Clover Club, maybe? In a whiskey glass.. No garnish. I don’t wanna look like a little bitch.” I groan 
“Let your freak flag fly, brother,” spinning away to go make my drink and tend to the other patrons seated down the bar top. 
This drink really better do the trick so I can relax for five minutes. Honestly, the pressure I put on myself to make sure I do well for Jake’s pride and joy, along with trying to find my own way with a full-time job is a little exhausting. It’s hard knowing that Caravel is his baby; he really doesn’t have much else going on. I swear if he got laid, he’d be a hell of a lot less uptight about it, but I digress. I don’t totally feel like I’m the most reliable person, but I try to make sure he can count on me and I don’t contribute to his stress. Ya know, he’s my brother, and I want him to be as proud of me as I am of him for doing what he loves so much. I don’t think I tell him enough how proud I really am of him. He’s someone I look to for inspiration for trying to pave my own way. I’d never tell him that though, because he’d probably think I was yanking his chain or something. I have a job trial-type thing down in Boston later this week, and I’m really hoping it turns out to be something good. I could use something good right now.
Josh interrupts my thoughts, setting my drink down, “Just how you asked for it in a cocktail glass with extra garnish.”
I sigh audibly, “Ya know, I don’t even care. Gimme it.” I gulp it down in nearly one go. Josh looks surprised at me. Whether it’s because of my eagerness or because he knows I’m terrible at holding my alcohol, I’m not sure. I don’t care. 
“One more.” I close my eyes, waiting for the gin to work its magic on me. Feeling my muscles relax bit by bit, my brow finally straightens out, and I sink down against the wall closest to my seat. I sigh audibly again, though this time it’s one of relief.
The longer I sit here, the more people are trickling in. Sipping on my drink this time, I notice people in all sorts of outfits looking vaguely like anime characters. Gathering in little cliques of friend groups, a few interesting folk bouncing from table to table. I can't tell if time is moving incredibly fast or if the alcohol has made me move slower, but suddenly, I have the realization that it’s packed in here. Since opening, they’ve been able to handle everything behind the bar, just the two of them, with Daniel manning the door, but I don’t think they’re equipped to handle whatever event these people are overflowing from. 
I swig back the last sip of my drink, grab my glass, and make my way to the back room. I toss the raspberry garnish before setting the glass in the sink to be washed. Grabbing the ice bucket, I start to fill it to make sure the front is stocked for them; ice is usually always the first thing to go. I lug the full bucket back behind the bar, and refill the ice well. 
“Thanks, Sammy. Hey,  would you mind bussing some of the tables and asking the people with tabs if they need any refills, please? I’ll make sure I put you on the payroll for the night,” Jake asks, eyes pleading and desperate for help. And really, who am I to say no to him?
“Of course I can. I’ve got nothing else better to do anyway.” I start to reach for a tray. 
“Thanks. I mean it.” he says, squeezing my shoulder, “I forgot PortCon was happening, and we’re close to one of the hotels.” He explains before returning to the drink he's making. 
That explains the costumes. I do my rounds checking to make sure everyone seated in the booths are okay, grabbing the empty drinks out of their way, making light conversation when I can. I bring a tray of glasses, napkins, and various random trash items back behind the bar and set them in the bin next to Jake. Just as I go to take another trip, my eyes catch the door. Of course. Of course, this would happen to me. I can’t have a single day go smoothly if my life depended on it. Good God, someone is out to get me, I swear. 
“Fuck me,” I say out loud. 
“Who is that?” Jake says to me as he’s working on his current drink order. 
“The angry-flower-girl with the dagger fingers,” I pause, looking at the dude standing next to her, “annnd her date.”
“Oh shit.”
Crimson and Clover - Tommy James and the Shondells
“Now I don't hardly know her But I think I could love her Crimson and clover”
<- Prologue Chapter Two ->
Masterpost | Taglist | Jukebox Playlist
@gvfsstardust, @myleftsock, @mindastreamofcolours, @dont-go-home-without-me, @literal-dead-leaf, @lizzys-sunflower, @threadofstars, @mackalah, @klarxtr, @edgingthedarkness, @writingcold, @i-love-gvf, @takenbythemadness, @ladywhimsymoon, @earthgrlsreasy, @ourlovesdesire, @peaceloveunitygvf, @anythingforjtk
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into-september · 11 months
"Destruction" is the worst episode of Miraculous Ladybug
Oh hey guys, remember way back in April or something when I said I was doing this? Well, the one year anniversary of its premiere is a suitable time to post this, particularly since yesterday saw the airing of the last piece of canon to come out in a while, which happened to be set immediately after these events.
With the always obligatory reminder in place that I generally think that “Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir” is in fact a good TV show whose appeal potentially reaches beyond its merchandise-mandated target group, it has an unflattering pattern of introducing the juiciest story threads and then just… do nothing about them.
The topic of today’s sermon isn't in isolation the worst offender. But it is thanks to this that the worst offender happens at all, so I'm not gonna be nice about it.
Scroll past to skip the negativity.
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So, “Destruction”, possibly the most eagerly awaited episodes of out S5 if you don’t count all the false advertisement that was “Revelation”. I remember finding this episode uncharacteristically charmless for this show when I first watched it. They've been onto heavy topics before, but those episodes still had that je ne sais quoi that gives this show such heart. But re-watching "Destruction" I found it lacking already from the first scene, and felt it only in glimpses. It's just not fun.
The episode is also poorly paced, no way around it. It is inexplicably a flashback to two episodes ago which is not evident from the start. More than half the runtime technically consists of Marinette and Alya having a sleepover. The battle and its game-changing outcome is over at 12 minutes into the episode, which is barely past the halfway point. After that, we spend five minutes - a quarter of the episode's full runtime - on a flashback re-playing the same battle but now with verbal exposition explaining Marinette's clever plan. Mind that the confrontation between Marinette and Gabriel lasts for all of seven minutes, meaning that the flashback is nearing the length of the battle itself.
To top it of, it's bogged down with lengthy exchange between Gabriel and the kwamis just to make clear that the haters on the twitter were totally wrong when they bitched about Orikko being OP because actually its powers were something else than we established last season. Here's a bonus plot hole which has nothing to do with everything else I'm going to nag about: Orikko allegedly can't give out the powers of time-travel because no kwami can replicate another kwami's powers. Except for Nooroo and Duusu, I guess, who have done so on several occasions. One of the more remarkable being the episode which first heralded the event that "Destruction" set in motion: "Timetagger".
And who can forget that this was the second time in three episodes where Ladybug and Cat Noir had Monarch at their mercy but spent so much time giving triumphant speeches that he gets away.
Or that that in fact was the second time on the same night.
But while those things certainly make the episode poor, they are not what makes it the worst.
What makes this episode the worst isn't its technical failures, but about the way it leaves its feces all over the themes and the character arcs it seemed like the show had been building up until this point. Moreover: in the role it plays in S5 and the Agreste storyline, and how the show's refusal to touch it again creates a black hole in the season at large, and arguably in the show as a whole.
The art of telling a story is the art of highlighting what matters and leaving out what doesn’t. In a well-crafted story, no matter the medium, no detail is insignificant. Every word is carefully chosen, every line or hue made with intention. The curtains aren’t blue just because, and Miraculous Ladybug has made too many meta jokes to hide behind the claim that it’s just a silly rom-com for kids. It has trained its older audience into looking for context and connections; after “Mr. Pigeon 72”, you can’t insist that nothing that happened earlier in this show matters for what happens later. Titles matter a lot in a show where episodes are titled after the villain-of-the-week who usually is the thematic mirror to what our heroes are going through.
“Destruction” is the fourth episode somehow named after Adrien, and the third somehow named after Plagg. You bet this matters.
As some might know, "Kuro Neko" is not my favourite episode. That's not to say I don't like it! It's cute! It's playing a really interesting scenario! We get Plagg hanging out at chez Marinette! But to enjoy it, I have to willfully ignore the storytelling incompetence it flagrantly displays. Because the moment you peek beneath the surface of the events happening to consider theme, motifs, and narrative parallels, it's just
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"Kuro Neko" is the second episode that is named after Cat Noir. The first one was "Cat Blanc". There is a thematic connection between the two; not a very clear one and probably not an intentional one, but all the same: both episodes are about an alternative to Cat Noir. One is the result of his father's violence; the other is Adrien's own attempt to become more like the person he presents around his father. They also both show us Plagg and Adrien negotiation Adrien's relationship to Ladybug, and how Ladybug and Cat Noir negotiate that same thing.
"Cat Blanc", for all its apocalyptic visions, starts and ends with hope. It starts with Marinette’s hope at confessing to Adrien, to Adrien’s hope in finally knowing Ladybug’s identity and knowing her like he’s yearned for for three seasons. Those hopes lead to disaster, but the episode ends with Ladybug finding Cat Noir on the Montparnasse Tower, where he is singing his lullaby about the kitty being "all alone without his Lady". As is fitting, Marinette breaks the pattern: after having just witnessed a world turned to destruction because the two of them loved each other, she leans her head on his shoulder in perhaps the most romantic gesture she's ever given him.
"Kuro Neko", in contrast, starts with Adrien resigning the job when he realises that Ladybug no longer needs him and that makes him feel bad. It ends with him coming back and verbally accepting that Ladybug doesn't owe him any exclusive treatment; he isn't her unique partner, just one of many. Where the final scene of "Cat Blanc" seemed to confirm that Ladybug is indeed the answer to Adrien's solitude, the final scene of "Kuro Neko" and its continuation in the first scene in "Risk" both make clear that the opposite is now status: Adrien has to accept the painful fact that as much as Ladybug might be the most important person in his life, Cat Noir does not hold a similar space in Ladybug's.
(The end of “Strike Back” of course claims to remedy this, but those words don’t ring very true when to Marinette’s knowledge, nothing of what went wrong today had anything to do with her keeping secrets from Cat Noir. More damning: Marinette never follows up on her purported regret. In all of S5, she never once sits down to share all those secrets with Cat Noir. Status from "Kuro Neko" still stands, and Adrien is fine with that now. This has nothing to do with the many problems “Destruction” creates, but talking about “Kuro Neko” by necessity means talking about how it wasn’t fixed even if they put the words in Marinette’s mouth. And now back to our scheduled programming)
"Cat Blanc" and "Kuro Neko" by their very existence bring up a thorny topic: That Adrien being Cat Noir isn't wholly unproblematic, and that both Adrien as an individual and Ladybug as the Guardian might have legitimate reasons to question that choice. This has always been obvious to the viewer who knows Hawkmoth’s identity, but the show itself eventually starts calling attention to that from an entirely different angle - namely that of his powers.
Lest we forget: The first episode of S4 that aired wasn't the first episode chronologically: It was "Furious Fu", wherein we learn that The Order of the Guardians has it out for Plagg specifically, and where Ladybug's status as The Guardian is almost revoked on the grounds that she's letting him run around unsupervised. This question of Plagg's whereabouts comes up again in the only episode that is named after Adrien sans Plagg: "Ephemeral", a re-play of “Cat Blanc” except not good. This whole subplot is quickly forgotten, though it being the only one of Su-Han's complaints that weren't about him being a boomer, it's also worth remember that "Destruction" technically happens a couple of hours after he made his last appearance. One might expect that his one consistent lesson would be important enough to echo a bit in the episode where it’s proven to be justified.
"Destruction", as not only one very early episode of the season promising to finally bring about some significant and not the least permanent changes to their lives, but indeed an episode happening on the same night as Ladybug's declaration of regret and Cat Noir's renewed declaration to be her partner, would by its title and its topic seem like the obvious place to finally resolve what "Cat Blanc" and "Kuro Neko" both asked us to question: The existential terror of Plagg's powers, why it is that Adrien is uniquely chosen to temper them at Ladybug’s side, and how Adrien feels about being the one to carry that responsibility.
Yeah. Well.
Where "Kuro Neko" and "Cat Blanc" place significant focus on Adrien Agreste in his civillian life, in "Destruction" he appears on screen for a total of 25 seconds - most of which are another flashback to a previous episode, and whose purpose is to highlight Gabriel's hurt from the cataclysm, not Adrien's thoughts about what is happening.
Cat Noir's presence is also marginal. Three minutes of screentime pass from his first appearance until the battle is over. Said battle is the turning point in the war between the heroes and Monarch, thanks to neither Ladybug's powers nor Monarch and all the kwamis, but Monarch using Cat Noir's powers for an impulsive act of self-mutilation. Cat Noir is distraught over this, turning desperate when Monarch first start toying with the idea and being near tears after he carries it out.
I'll get back to the impact of this event, but for now I'll point out that the aftermath is brief: After Monarch escapes, our heroes have this exchange:
LB: We had him, we almost had him! The kwamis were safe, they were right here! CN: I cataclysmed him! I can't believe this, I just cataclysmed someone! Granted it was Monarch, but - there was a real person behind that mask, and it must have hurt him terribly! Milady, you gotta fix this! LB: Cat Noir, Monarch just ran away with my lucky charm! Without it, I can't fix anything. I can't call on my powers and undo the effect of the cataclysm. There's nothing I can do...
We then cut to the slumber party, where Marinette tells Alya that she and Cat Noir "split up" immediately after, and Alya comforts her. From this point in the episode, Cat Noir and Adrien only appear in flashbacks. First a fifty-second flashback wherein Marinette sets up her convoluted plans, then a few seconds of him moving his statue in the wax museum before Monarch appears.
In the episode that more than anything should thematise Adrien, Plagg's powers, and his relationship to his father, Adrien is on screen for a whooping four minutes and twenty seconds.
And because I am that devoted to proving my point, I went and timed all of Alya's on-and-off appearances, which clocked in at a total of five minutes and six seconds.
Alya is of course core to the slumber party which frames the setting of the entire episodes. Moreover, it is with Alya that the emotional arc of the episode ends: it starts with Marinette tormenting hersef watching a Ladyblog report about Monarch's recent win, for which Alya chastises her. The last scene (before Gabriel pulverises the miraculous) has Alya reassure Marinette that she will get the kwamis back. When she regrets her lack of superpowers, Marinette in turn reassures her that Alyas true superpower is being her friend. The journey of the episode was for Marinette to stop blaming herself for messing up, and learning to rely on Alya's support in the new turn the war has taken.
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In the episode where Gabriel commits suicide on his son's miraculous, here are some things that got more screentime than the son forced into using his only source of liberation to kill his father:
Flashbacks to past events (four minutes and fourty-five seconds)
Alya (five minutes six seconds)
The kwamis (six minutes and nine seconds)
Bet you can't guess which one is the only kwami who doesn't appear in this episode!
...okay, and Duusu, but you get the point. In the episode detonating the nuke that is the gruesome potential of Plagg's powers, and the potential damage Adrien might deal with them, Plagg never appears on screen.
In the episode highlighting the presence of the kwamis and their importance to their holders, the kwami whose presence is the most thematically tied to his holder's character arc is completely absent.
In the episode irreparably going into the only kwami whose powers is straight up murder, the kwami who The Guardians have singled out specifically as particularly dangerous, the kwami whose irresponsible nature has previously caused problems both to Adrien privately and Cat Noir professionally, said kwami is never even mentioned.
It's almost as if we're not supposed to remember that it is because of his presence that this whole tragedy was possible.
And ain’t that a funny one, when the gruesome potential in Plagg’s powers was the driving factor in Adrien’s first true crisis as a hero?
Marinette faced her moment in "Origins", where she gave up on her miraculous after the first disastrous attempt. She knows that she is the only one who can do something about the situation, but refuses out of her own lacking courage. She only becomes Ladybug of her own choice when she realises that she can save Alya's life. After this, Marinette never again questioned her place. She would grieve the burden on occasion, but she never once thought anyone else could do better.
Adrien, as we all know, was the polar opposite: he jumped right into it without reading the manual, had to have Ladybug pick up the pieces after a rash cataclysm, and never doubted his calling again until he realised what Plagg’s powers could do when used on a living being.
The NYC special has Adrien quit for reasons that had nothing to do with being unsatisfied with Ladybug's HR policies. It is in part because he effed up his duty as Paris' substitute guardian, but it's certainly also because of the recent horror he just witnessed: his hand forced by someone else nearly killed Ladybug, and killed Uncanny Valley instead as she stepped between them. Adrien just saw a mother weeping over her daughter's corpse, and how only the lucky presence of Ladybug's powers could undo the damage caused by his, unintentional thought it might have been. Adrien would of course never kill anyone on purpose, but Uncanny Valley’s temporary malfunction was a brutal display of what would happen if he stumbled the wrong direction with the gun loaded. Ladybug might have the duty to protect Paris, but Cat Noir has the duty to not to disintegrate people on touch.
The show never before discussed the weight of this burden in Adrien’s presence. “Cat Blanc” did it from Marinette’s side, but this never was a consistent story thread, only briefly brought up as her remembering why his knowing her identity is a bad idea. The sabbatical in “Kuro Neko” has nothing to do with Plagg or with Adrien’s sense of duty, and where you’d think this would be where Marinette finally brings up the issue bridging the NYC special and “Cat Blanc”, neither of the two are as much as alluded to. That Adrien has the power of murder has yet to be explicitly discussed in the show proper, but in combination with his personal relationship to Hawkmoth being a ticking irony bomb, the question of can he even bear it is inevitable.
That Adrien’s post as Cat Noir wasn’t as given as Marinette’s as Ladybug is echoed in the amount of times that Adrien has either quit or at least contemplated doing so (“Syren”, NYC special, “Wishmaker”, “Kuro Neko”). He likes being Cat Noir more than Marinette likes being Ladybug, but he lacks her iron certainty in the role. It is notable, then, that THE ONE TIME where Marinette questions her part, it is after Cat Noir has quit. She says this, out loud, in words. When Cat Noir’s powers become too heavy for Adrien to carry, then Ladybug, too, disappears.
So surely "Destruction" must be the point where this is finally comes together - where Adrien's history of quitting meets his ultimate crisis, where his powers abused on a human being of flesh and blood forces him into confronting the potential cost of being this particular hero, which will foreshadow the ultimate choice he’ll have to take: between being Cat Noir and being his father’s son. And where his choice, in turn, will define whether Ladybug can exist.
Or not.
Maybe we'll never again have Adrien think about how he probably murdered a man. Maybe we'll just - oh I don't know.
Have him start trying to cataclysm people?
While showing none of the horror at himself which he clearly had in the aftermath of accidentally cataclysming the villain responsible for his later victims’ possession?
And in the end, after never calling attention to Adrien’s new and trigger happy ways, we’ll have him give in to his fear, claim that he isn’t strong enough to responsibly use Plagg’s powers, and send his miraculous away for Ladybug to use alone, because it turns out that “Kuro Neko” was right and the NYC special was wrong: she can be Ladybug without him.
Growth, amirite.
Dramatic irony was the main engine driving "Miraculous Ladybug" from the start, and it was Adrien who bore the brunt of it. Not only did he spend four and a half seasons in unrequited love with a girl who rejected him for himself; he spent five seasons doing weekly battle against his own father.
The superpower war between father and son isn't just a source of story tension, however: it is inextricably mirrored in their relationship as family, where the father is openly abusive and the son is magically incapable of protesting. The show repeatedly makes A Point about how the freedom Adrien so wants, is one that he only gets through being Cat Noir, and the only way Adrien is capable of fighting his father - albeit ignorant of it - is with Plagg's powers.
Cat Noir defeating Hawkmoth was necessary not just for his story as a superhero, but as his character arc as a normal boy.
And in "Destruction", this is exactly what happens. Thanks to Plagg's powers, the path to Adrien's freedom is finally paved, in the most gruesome and unwanted manner possible. Adrien might not get the big cathartic show-down with his evil father, but technically he was the one to bring him down.
But we don't talk about that. Except for his one (1) line after Monarch escapes with Ladybug's lucky charm, Adrien never again brings up the fact that his being careless with a cataclysm certainly maimed a man, by precedent (Aeon) possibly killed him. Rather than a story arc about Adrien being afraid of his own powers, it’s only now that he starts aiming it at people when he’s under emotional duress. This could of course have been one hell of a story point if it was intentional, but by all accounts, it wasn’t. When Adrien never again reflects on his having probably murdered a man, or reasons that Monarch is probably fine since he’s clearly still around so maybe a cataclysm isn’t so bad, and he never dwells on his nearly murdering two of his friends, there can’t have been any connection intended here. Moreover: when Adrien is scared of his miraculous towards the end, it’s not about its capacity for normal murder when he’s having a bad day, but its capacity of ending the world if he happens to be akumatised.
Gabriel is likewise disinterested in the cause of his impending disintegration. You’d think the man would feel some kind of special resentment towards Cat Noir and his powers, you could think this was where he’d get to re-thinking his relationship to the two people who are sitting on the keys to solving all his problems. Maybe he’d start doubting himself now, bearing the ultimate testament to his magical hubris. But no. The cataclysm wound is there and it’s a problem, but the reason it happened is completely irrelevant to the man who did this to himself and unknowingly, to his son.
That is almost as mind-blowing as the fact that they really had a straight up patricide happen on screen. Sure, death was never the intention of either of the two parties, and Adrien certainly holds no blame for what happened. But Gabriel must have at least known what he was risking, and even if the soft-hearted Adrien would somehow reason away the gravity, Plagg would certainly now. By its very nature, this one cataclysm drags out and distils a plethora of questions about both Adrien’s role as Cat Noir, about Gabriel’s vision of himself and his goals, and about their relationship not as father and son, but as villain and hero. The gruesome narrative irony looming over all this is in that regard just the icing on the cake.
There is certainly an Oedipal layer to the drama of Gabriel and Adrien, though the often more scandalous incestuous angle is considerably downplayed here. Even so: By the denouement of S5, Adrien has successfully killed his father and set up a home with his mother. That really happened, but we’re sure not going to investigate how this influenced the relationship between two nemesis, between father and son, between Adrien and his kwami.
The cataclysm in “Destruction” turned Adrien from anguished shoujo love interest to the hero of a greek tragedy, but the show is dead set on pretending that it didn’t.
In isolation, "Destruction" comes across as weird more than anything. It's named after Adrien's kwami, it spends an inordinate amount of screentime on Adrien's father, it reaches back to Adrien's perhaps most defining moment as Cat Noir as it fundamentally changes the game between our heroes and our villains as one of them is finally dealt a damaging blow - which in turn sets Adrien's life down a path towards tragedy that must be interfered with for him to have a happy ending by the end of the season.
And yet, Adrien is a peripheral presence in it. Marinette and Gabriel dominate the screentime, Alya and the kwamis are consistently present as the thematic chorus at their respective sides throughout, the episode plays its events twice in order to make it clear that Ladybug is too clever for Monarch's miraculous, the emotional arcs that are followed are the follow-up on where Marinette and Alya stand after the disaster in "Strike Back" as well as Gabriel's renewed vigour. Adrien's only contribution to the episode is to follow Ladybug's instructions and to make clear that his relationship with his father is still awkward. The episode depicts probably THE most important event of the show, but this event is treated almost as an afterthought, and the horrors of it are confined to one (1) line of dialogue from Cat Noir.
The only thing in “Destruction” that is brought up in later episodes is that Gabriel is now actively dying. If they wanted for Gabriel to live on a countdown for his date with the grim reaper, there were countless other ways about it: Have it be his use of too many miraculous which backfires, have him having used the peacock before it was fixed, have it be too much evil on the hands of Nooroo, have him get a serious call from his doctor, have him screw up Tomoe's machinery, have him develop a drug problem. This is a fictional narrative; its twists and turns are absolutely in the hands of the writers, teenage girls being irredeemable or not. It was never vital that this happened by cataclysm specifically.
So what was the point, then? Did we truly turn our magical girl show into a Greek tragedy for the shocked pikachu faces only?
The one thing I somehow haven't seen people bring up, is that "Destruction" makes it impossible for Adrien to learn Monarch's identity. According to the writers themselves, the reason lies in two of the other episodes named after him: "Cat Blanc" and "Ephemeral", wherein he learns his father's identity and is promptly akumatised. This is of course bullshit: both these cases relied not on Adrien learning his father's identity, but on Gabriel specifically scheming to traumatise Adrien with both the Hawkmoth reveal AND the fact that he's been living in the same house as his mother's dead body for the last year or two (timeline here is spectacularly contradictory). There was anothing inevitable about this. You're the writers. You could've set up a scenario where Adrien didn't learn about his father's crimes as an act of psychological warfare, and where he'd have the time to absorb it, to grieve and to find support by the time he'd confront him with it. Having every person close to Adrien keep life-defining secrets from him “for his own good” is, by god, not a good look on anyone involved here. Still it’s understanable, at least for those who aren't either adults or gods of destruction.
"Destruction", however, serves as an explanation for the gaping plot hole in the epilogue: Marinette tells Alya, she tells Su-Han. The one she doesn't tell, though?
The partner who was at her side before Alya or Su-Han ever appeared, and stood by her in far worse storms. Because telling Cat Noir the truth would mean telling Cat Noir that he dealt Gabriel Agreste the killing blow, and ain't that a nifty way to ensure that Marinette won't. Because if Adrien does learn Monarch's identity and the truth about his fall in future seasons, Emilie better hide those garment pins.
The truly damning part of "Destruction" isn't so much what the episode itself does. It's what it doesn't do. It's the storylines it cuts short and leaves behind, and it is the storyline it by its very existence introduces, but which the show refuses to touch.
Per title and content both, "Destruction" should be the culmination of thematic storylines from "Cat Blanc", the NYC special and "Kuro Neko". It’s not; it’s not even about Adrien, and Plagg isn’t even present in it. Moreover: its lacking presence on future episodes make it painfully evident that ambitions, there were none. Those storylines were either aborted like Adrien picking up Felix's spyglass in the S4 finale, or the show never did mean for there to be such a thing as "layers" to this story about a boy who becomes a hero to unknowingly break free from his superhero father.
The real reason why "Destruction" is the worst episode of Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir is that it obliterates the most cohesive character arc this show had going for it, and that this was done on purpose.
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ejzah · 2 years
NCIS LA Season 14 Countdown, Day 12.
A/N: I couldn’t resist an opportunity to write a scene from one of my favorite episodes, Personal.
I Saw A New You Today
Kensi didn’t intend to visit Deeks again today. Her plan was to go home, grab a pint of whatever ice cream she had in the freezer (or cookies if it turned out she already ate the ice cream) and veg out on some trashy TV.
As she was driving home though, she couldn’t get the thought of Deeks, all alone in the hospital out of her head. She was the reason he was in the hospital to begin with. So, with her guilt eating at her, she switched lanes and headed for the hospital.
The hallways were pretty deserted by the time she got there, probably in part because it was after visiting hours. Only one intern stopped her though and a quick flash of her badge took care of that.
When she reached Deeks’ room, she found the door open, Deeks sitting up with his head lowered, focused on something in front of him. She was a little surprised that he was still conscious at all after everything he’d been through today. The run through the hospital to come to her resuce had completely ripped his stitches open and he actually needed a second, more minor surgery to fix the damage.
Knocking on the door, Kensi paused in the entrance as Deeks continued to stare at whatever was on his bed tray.
“Sorry, Hetty if you came back for more—” he started to say as he looked up, then broke off, expression shifting to surprise. “Oh, hey, is everything ok? Did something else happen with the Chechens?” He made a move like he was going to get up and Kensi rushed forward, pointing a warning finger at him.
“Deeks, don’t you even think of getting out of that bed,” she ordered, going so far as to give his shoulder a light shove. Deeks rolled his eyes, but didn’t make another move. “And everybody’s fine.”
“Oh, well that’s a relief.” Sighing, Deeks settled into his pillow. “I don’t think I have it in me to save you again.”
“Thank you for saving my life,” Kensi said dutifully, and completely insincerely as she dragged the chair by Deeks’ bed closer. “So how long can I expect you to hold that over my head?”
“Not long. Maybe a month or two. No more than three,” Deeks assured her with a grin that was just a little less vibrant than usual.
“Awesome.” She wouldn’t tell him, but she gladly put up with his complaints and bragging for a little while. It was worth having her partner alive and mostly whole. Again, something that Deeks would never hear her actually say.
“Hey, did you say Hetty was here?”
“Yep. She stole my jello too,” Deeks said, jutting his lower lip out.
“What did she want?” Kensi asked, not sure why it surprised her so much. She knew Hetty had a soft spot for Deeks.
“Uh, she brought this over.” He tapped the table, which Kensi now realized held a thin folder. With the mention of it, Deeks was suddenly pensive. “She, um, she put herself down as my next of kin.”
“Wow. That’s kind of her.” Deeks shrugged at her comment and she amended, “I mean, assuming you want her to be.”
“I guess she might as well be,” Deeks said with a shrug that made him grimace slightly. “It’s not like I have anyone else I can put down.”
“We were all kind of surprised about that. You want to talk about any of it?” She let her voice drop a touch, to let him know she wasn’t just talking about his lack of emergency contact.
“Not really.”
She expected as much, but it still stung a little that he didn’t trust her enough.
“I will tell you eventually,” he added, eyes heavy with exhaustion and whatever darkness his past held. “Just not today. Because it’s a lot. And I’m not sure that I’m in the right place to talk about it right now.”
“It’s ok, I get it,” Kensi assured him. “Just know that I’m here to listen whenever your ready. And I won’t judge.”
A/N: I think I might have my days wrong, but I’ll keep going until the premiere.
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Today is awful. So maybe Lenny looking around at his life and being happy with midge and the kids.
It's a tight fit in the bungalow these days, but it's fun to be on top of each other like this. Midge and Lenny, Abe and Rose and the four kids.
He likes to spend late nights out on the porch, watching the stars reflect off the lake.
Convictions overturned, Supreme Court doing their fucking job in making sure the police can't arrest him for speaking to a paying audience as of last year, he's been working nearly nonstop. There's been a lot of gigs. Good paying gigs. High profile gigs. Interviews, articles, TV offers.
And he could be working now. So could Midge. But they'd collectively decided on a break, so for the first time in a few years, they're back at the Catskills.
And he hates to admit how much he likes it. How beautiful it is up in the mountains. How peaceful it is when someone isn't trying to drag him out of his hammock to do an activity.
How good it is to spend so much time with the kids.
He's been feeling a little guilty, working so much. Missing out, but this is good. Sarah is four now and old enough to remember this summer. Kitty is twelve, and has found two other little girls to hang around and giggle with, but she still makes time to go fishing with him some mornings. Ethan will be thirteen and Bar Mitzvah'd in the fall, and he's been spending his time on the baseball diamond with a big group of other kids, taking Esther with him when she feels like it. She's been flitting around a lot, playing with the other kids, hanging out at the salon with her mother.
And it's nice.
It's all nice.
Lenny pulls a cigarette from his pack and lights it, taking a drag. "The fuck did I get here?" he mutters to himself.
"Headed north out of the city," Midge says quietly from the door.
He looks up and grins sheepishly. "Hey."
She smiles and wanders over, sitting next to him on the porch seat. "Hi. It's nice out tonight."
"It is."
"You okay?" Midge asks as he hands her his cigarette for a drag.
"Mhm," he mutters. "Just enjoying the quiet. Y'know. One can only handle so many of Moishe's pu-pu platter jokes."
She laughs softly as she hands the cigarette back, and he smiles, sitting back.
"I'm glad we decided to do this," Midge tells him. "I know it's weird and the gossip is ridiculous, but this has been fun."
"Yeah," Lenny agrees. "As an added bonus: Pauly is terrified of us."
"Well, between the two famously dirty comedians, the Upper West Side's premiere matchmaker, and the scourge of the Broadway plays, we're pretty scary," Midge grins. "I tried so hard to fit in and be perfect when Joel and I were married, and I never realized how much fun it is to be the opposite and scare the bejesus out of people."
He laughs softly, a short sound, and nods. "We still fit in okay. We clean up good for dinner. You still do your dance challenges. People here still love you. Just not Pauly. Or Buzz."
Midge cuddles up to him. "Fuck Buzz."
"I'd be awfully jealous if you did," he tells her teasingly. "I'm very partial to this thing we have going here."
She pecks his lips. "Me, too."
"Think Sarah will want to go play with the other kids tomorrow?" Lenny asks.
Midge shakes her head. "Not a chance."
He sighs softly. "Oh, well. I guess she'll just have to come fishing with me, and go with you to the salon and go with Abe to play games. Such a terrible life she's leading."
Midge chuckles a little and cuddles in against him. "Just awful."
"We should be locked up for our abhorrent parenting skills," he jokes, wrapping his arm around her.
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writersblog20 · 3 years
Night Terrors
Tom Hiddleston x reader.
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Not my gif! Credits to the owner!
Summary: you have a movie night at RDJ’s house with the entire marvel cast and it turns out in a sleepover. You and Tom were very close from the beginning. Everyone knew you found yourself in a hard time and they were always there for you. But when you all fell asleep you were cruelly awakened by a nasty nightmare. Tom tries his best to comfort you.
Warnings: Angst, ptsd (in my experience because everyone experience ptsd differently.), night terrors, passing of a loved one. Age-gap but definitely legal! Reader is about 24. Nudity but not sexual and a lot of comfort
Words: 3,3K
 It was a Saturday night and RDJ invited the whole marvel cast for a nice bbq and a movie night over his house. You were an beginning actress as well and this was your first big role. You did on the other hand directed a lot of small films which gave you an identity on it’s own. People loved the movies that you wrote and directed and loved to see you play in one. You were actually interested in acting as well so you took the opportunity with both hands when Marvel asked you to play in a movie.
You met Tom, Benedict and Sebastian already. They all acted separately in your movies. But the closest connection you had with Tom. You actually developed a huge crush on the British actor but you thought he saw you as a little sister. Not only that but you started working together as well.
Tom would pick you up to go to RDJ’s house together. You heard your doorbell go off and opened the door seeing a smiling Tom. “Hey Tom!” you said excited and he pulled you in a big hug. “Hello love, how are you doing?” he asked you. “I’m trying.” You told him and he gave you a weak smile. “I actually called my godmother today…” you told him. “really? How did it go?” he asked you. “We talked for about an hour and a half. It was very hard. I was becoming emotional but I didn’t want to cry…. Still in my system I guess.” You told him while he listened intently. “I’m so proud of you. I bet it was hard. But you are making so much progress and you’re really trying. You’re so strong and such a strong woman.” He told you giving you a hug. You nuzzled into his sweater. “Thank you Tom.” You told him.
Everyone knew you had a difficult time with the passing of your godfather. You always saw him as your father since your biological dad was a shithead to say nicely. So when he passed it was a big shock for everyone. It was sudden and unexpected. It also triggered your ptsd. You were always very open about mental health but at this moment it was a very hard time for you. The whole cast was there for you but Tom was always there and could read you like an open book. Which scared you as well because you were afraid that he would know about your secret crush on him.
When it happened you were all alone and tried to stay strong for your family like he asked you and so you did. Then came the roll around which he knew about and you promised him you would take him to the premiere. So with the premiere around the corner you felt yourself crumbling down. besides that you never really had time to process everything and try to heal from what happened. So when you were having a big breakdown one day, they all found out what was happening. Tom spend a lot of time with you after that. More than he already had. He was determined to never let you be alone again in one difficult moment.
You got your stuff and your present for RDJ and hopped in the car with Tom. He obviously helping you as the gentleman that he is. You chatted for a while about funny things and you told him you were writing a new script for a movie. “maybe you can read it sometime if you want and let me know what you think?” you asked him carefully. Tom’s heart filled itself with love that you trusted him enough to let him read your new script. “I would love to!” he told you honestly and you smiled while looking at the road.
Once arrived RDJ opened the door and hugged you tightly. You walked into the big house and saw that a lot of the cast was already there and you hugged them all. “oh I brought you something!” you told RDJ. “oh you didn’t have to!” he told you while gripping the present and opening it with a big smile. “can’t come empty handed! They raised me differently” you told him giggling. “You see! You can all take a note from Y/N here!” he told the marvel cast who were laughing. You made him a painting. Ever since he saw how you painted he wanted one and wouldn’t shut up about it so you thought this was the perfect time. “it’s absolutely beautiful y/n” he told you mesmerized by the painting. He pulled you in a big hug. “we’ll find a nice place to hang it up together later.” He told you softly which made you smile.
You all took a seat and started to eat. You all had laughs and sat outside in the evening. His garden was beautiful. There were fairy lights to make it cozy and a fire was burning. You sat contently staring at the fire in silence. Tom noticed that you had gotten more silent and he laid his hand on top of yours, looking at you. You got out of the daze and looked at Tom, immediately meeting his blue eyes. He smiled sweetly at you and took your hand in his now. his thumb caressing the top of your hand. You felt your cheeks heat up. he wasn’t planning on letting your hand go anytime soon.
After an hour you all decided to go inside to watch a movie on his big tv screen. The cast started to bicker over what movie to watch while RDJ tapped you on your shoulder and hinted to walk with him. You walked in the hallway with him and he looked around. “what about that place?” he asked you while holding the painting. He nudged to the end of the hall where everyone could see it. “are you sure?” you giggled and he looked strict at you. “Look what you made! Of course I’m sure!” he told you dramatically which made you giggle. “Then it’s a beautiful place” you both hang the painting on the wall. RDJ took a selfie with you, him and the painting before returning to the group.
You sat next to Tom and Chris E. Tom smiled lovingly at you and softly placed his hand on your knee. There were mattresses laying on the floor where the other half of the cast laid down. RDJ had a very big couch so there was enough space for all of you. You snuggled against Tom who laid his arm around you pulling you closer. It didn’t take long before you grew very tired. The others felt the same, some left to go home like Paul Rudd, Mark R and Paul Bettany since they lived close by. a couple of others could stay in the guestrooms but you rather stay downstairs.
When everyone settled the TV still played some background noise. You were now laying with your back to Tom but turned around. Tom watched you intently, getting his arm a little of you so you could turn. You laid now face to face with Tom and he smiled softly once again at you and kissed the top of your head. Chris E softly petted your hair for relaxation. Tom held you close to him with his arms wrapped around you. You rested your head against his chest and fell into a deep sleep.
~time skip~
You were woken up abruptly by people shaking you awake. You shoot up sweating. Tears filling your eyes once you remembered the nightmare. You were breathing heavily and looked around erratically. Chris E shushed you while Tom held you tightly while rocking you back and forth. You were wet from all the sweating. “hey shs it was a nightmare. You’re okay now.” Chris E told you. Tom placed his lips on the top of your head while keeping a protected grip on you. “You were calling for your godfather.” Chris E told you. Anthony came back from the kitchen with a glass of water and gave it to you. You now saw how concerned they all looked. Seb rested his hand on your knee while his thumb rubbed drew circles. You thanked Anthony but you really didn’t liked all the attention you were getting right now. “sorry for waking you all up.” they chuckled slightly “Don’t worry about it, we’re here for you y/n” Seb said. You pushed the tears away and Tom noticed that you were keeping it all in again. “why don’t we go outside for a minute? I think some fresh air would do you good.” Tom asked you and you nodded.
You got up and whished them a goodnight sleep so they wouldn’t wait up. Tom got a blanket and walked behind you. once outside Tom placed you on a chair and you looked up at the stars feeling the tears slip. He took your hand in his. “what was the dream about?” he asked carefully. You told him about your dream while crying. You tried to let everything out. Once you were done Tom stood up without saying anything and stretched out his hand for you. You looked up questionable with puffy eyes. he gave you a warm smile and you took his hand. RDJ had a sort of bed outside. It was more for the pool but there was a mattress with curtains. You smiled at the thought of how good Tom knew you. You didn’t want to go inside anymore and he seemed to get that. Luckily it wasn’t very cold outside.
You sat down on the lounge bed. Tom pulled you a little back so you both sat against the headboard. “I never knew him, only from the stories you told me and I believe full heartedly that he is so unbelievable proud of you. Of the woman you became and becoming, everything that you did and overcame and still the things you are working on. We can all see that and we all have so much respect for you. You are a role model for a whole lot of people! It’s okay to feel these feelings but you need to keep talking about them.” You felt tears slipping. He wrapped the blanket around himself and then around you which made you scoot closer to him. “he’s watching over you. I’m sure and he’s looking over you with probably the biggest smile.” You both laid down and looked at the stars. “Thank you Tom. For being there for me every time.” He looked at you. “Of course love” you stared at the stars with teary eyes while Tom kept looking at you.
Once you calmed down you said: “Tom, you’re staring.” While keeping your gaze at the stars. He smiled. “you’re more beautiful to look at.” He bluntly told you. You never turned your head faster than in that moment. He just smiled softly at you while you screened his face. He laid his head closer to yours. “do you mean that?” you asked him softly while looking down shyly. “I never say something I don’t mean y/n” you stayed silent in disbelieve. “I eh really like you.” he told you with a blush creeping on his cheek. You looked deeply into his eyes. “I really like you too Tom.” He smiled and came closer until your lips connected. His hand rested on your cheek. He gave you the lead at the moment and you took that opportunity to deepen the kiss. He rolled partly on top of you while leaning on his elbow, his other hand now going to your waist and rubbed with his thumbs your side.
You both pulled back and heard Sebastian and Chris H and E scream “Finally!!!” before going back inside which made you both laugh in embarrassment. You laid down on his chest while Tom kissed the top of your head. “Do you maybe want to be my girlfriend?”  he asked carefully which made you chuckle at the way he asked you, like a teenager in love. “I would like that” you said while lifting your gaze to look up at him and gave him a big kiss on his lips which made Tom sigh through the kiss in containment.
~time skip~
You woke up from clicking. It sounded like someone was taking pictures. You squeezed your eyes shut tight because of the sun but saw Chris H taking pictures along side RDJ. “so we can show your kids once you get them.” RDJ said casually. You chuckled. Tom sighed getting out of his slumber his arm tightened around your middle scooting you closer. “Awa let’s give these lovebirds some time to wake up, we made you both some coffee.” Chris H told you while pointing towards the warm mugs. “Thank you.” You told them giggling a little. Once they left you turned around to face Tom. He still had his eyes closed and your fingers traveled along his facial features. “Good morning love” he told you still with his eyes closed but with a smile. “good morning handsome.” He opened his eyes and smiled lovingly at you while connecting your lips again. You cuddled into his side. “this is nice” you told him. “It really is. Now I don’t mind waking up” he told you which made you chuckle.
Once you both got up you all had breakfast together and decided it was a nice warm day to go swimming. Tom brought you home so you could pick up your stuff and off you went to the beach. You all laid down in the soft sand and chatted away and shared funny stories. You all decided to take a swim. Once in the boys started a water fight. Scarlett sat on the shoulders of Chris E and you were on the shoulder of Tom. You both tried to push each other off but both fell in the process. Now it was the turn of the boys. Sebastian on the shoulders of Chris E and Anthony on the shoulders of Chris H. It took a while but in the end Sebastian fell and Anthony cheered which made you giggle.
You started swimming a little with Tom by your side. You were on his back while he slowly swam back and forth. You got off of his back and put both of your legs around his waist and hugged him tightly. He grabbed your chin to give you a kiss. Once you both got a little tired of swimming you both got out and dried up.
After a nice day at the beach you were tired out. Especially because of the night before. Tom brought you home. “Tom…? Can you please stay with me tonight?” you asked him softly. “of course love, let me grab my stuff and I’ll be back in an hour” he told you and gave you a kiss before you got out of the car.
You in the meanwhile cleaned your house a little and made your bed and took a shower to get all the sand off of you. You were done just in time for Tom to come. You opened the door and you saw that he showered as well. then your sight fell on the bottle of wine he brought and a brown back. “I went to the store and got us some snacks.” You smiled and let him in. He put everything on your kitchen counter. You poured you both a generous amount of wine and plopped on the couch. You put on a movie for you both to watch. After you drank the wine and ate some snacks you became even more tired. “Let’s get you to bed.” Tom told you. He took your hand and turned off all the lights.
You both got ready for bed and got in. “Tom? Can you maybe read to me?” you asked him shyly but he knew his voice calmed you down and it wouldn’t be the first time that he would read for you. “of course sweetheart.” He started to read to you while you laid in his arms and you softly drifted off to fall asleep in yet another night terror.
You sat up suddenly, breathing heavy and once again sweating. Tom softly sat up next to you and rubbed your back. “I’m sorry.” You told him feeling guilty and out of breath. “It’s okay love really. Don’t worry about that I’m here for you” Once you regained a steady breathing he asked you “ Let’s take a shower okay?” you nodded and he took your hand and lead you to your own bathroom. “I’ll wait outside okay?” but the thought of being alone scared you a lot at this moment giving you an anxiety attack. “No Tom please stay.” You begged saying it a little too fast for your own liking. “I’m sorry if you feel comfortable with that.” You told him again and he gave you a soft smile.  You both stripped out of your clothes. “I can keep my underwear on if you’d like.” He told you not trying to make you feel uncomfortable in any situation. “No it’s fine, if you’re okay with it.” you told him and he nodded. He stripped out of his boxers and you out of your underwear.
You looked at each other but at the moment it wasn’t sexual but more for comfort. He stepped in the shower first and took your hand helping you in. you the shower on and Tom massaged your head you turned around and rested your head on his shoulder while he put his arms around you. You started to cry. You felt so safe that you had all the space for your feelings. Tom hushed you while giving kisses on your head. Trying to give you comfort. You stood there for a good while just hugging each other. When you calmed down you both got out and Tom dried you off. “You are absolutely gorgeous.” He told you kissing your shoulder. You looked up at him and you made eye contact. He slowly held your face in his hands and gave you a soft kiss that turned passionately. Before anything could go further you both stopped. He helped you in his shirt and got into bed again.
Everything he did, he did with so much care and love that it was something you’ve never experienced before and it was heavenly. You laid both face to face and just looked at each other. His thumb softly caressing your cheek. You both didn’t have to exchange words, everything said it all. You went with your fingers over his features again while looking in his eyes. It held so much love and adoration that it felt you up with love.  “forever” he said softly “forever you said back and he smiled. It said it all, you were both an open book for each other and it felt like you’ve read that book a hundreds of times and you knew each line. That was how good your connection was. An beautiful antique book with it’s wrinkles and faded lines. Handled with love and care and reading it over and over again never getting tired of the story as the letters danced on the pages.
You looked at Tom and you both kissed each other falling this time in a peaceful sleep in the arms of the man you love the most and he in the arms of the woman he loves the most.
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realcube · 4 years
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summary ★ she needs to get the action figure that's in the claw machine for her sister’s birthday, so saiki does her the favour of using his a telekinesis to win it...along with a few other favours.
trigger warning ★ gambling, god, swearing, fem!reader & reader has a younger sister
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construction on the new arcade near pk academy had finally come to an end. the grand opening was today after school so of course, nendou suggested that they attend as a squad. usually, saiki tried to avoid getting roped into outings like this but for a change, he actually agreed without the need for any further prying. that's because the arcade was attached to a small cinema where they'd be premiering the latest action movie — based on the TV show adaptation of the game — 'Olfana's Story X-2'. as it turns out, a few months after saiki gave the game a shot, it became a craze and a massive hit among speed-runners. so from it's new-found popularity, they developed a TV show series which inevitably flopped so now they have created a movie. only the most elite people among the gaming community were allow to see it before the official release date and they all said it was incredible; but there was not a doubt in saiki's mind that they were being paid to sing it's praise. a crappy game turned into a crappy show, now adapted into a movie was sure to be crappy. so you may be wondering why he even wanted to view the movie if he was set on it being awful. Well, there are two simple answers; curiosity and the mystery. since it was so exclusive, he had yet to overhear spoilers through his telekinesis and he now had a germanium ring in his possession so he could watch the movie in peace. also, having played the game but not seen the show, he was curious to see how bad the movie is going to be and perhaps he'd be able to get a good laugh out of it. but he made the mistake of mentioning his plan to see the movie which screened a few hours after the opening of the arcade, as now kuboyasu, nendou and kaidou were all going to see the movie along with him. In theory, it shouldn't be a problem since he'll have his germanium ring on but in practise, the world seems to be against saiki so one of his friends will probably end up stealing his popcorn or chatting throughout the entire movie. he'll just have to wait and see. kaidou and nendou did not even stop to take breaths as they raced on about how excited they were while they were all walking to the arcade. "i'm sure the movie is going to be sick!" kaidou exclaimed, followed by rapid head nods from nendou as he replied, "yup! And i can't wait to see what sort of games they have!" saiki was a bit excited himself but he didn't care to show it like the others did. but when he saw the vaporwave building covered with bright neon lights come into view, his lips curled into a small smile. though it was short-lived as he noticed the massive queue to get in; it appeared as though they weren't the only ones who had the idea to visit the arcade after school as he noticed many familiar faces standing in line, amongst crowds of others. all of their cheery auras dissipated for a few moments until kuboyasu perked up, approaching the doors to the arcade with a smug smirk, cutting in front of everyone in the line and gesturing for the boys to follow him, "don't worry about the queue, guys. follow me." nendou followed without any further questions but saiki and kaidou were a bit apprehensive. all three of them watched as kuboyasu stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the guard by one of the doors, muttering something in the man's ear, causing him to sweatdrop and hesitantly open the door with a shaky smile; allowing all four of them inside. "woah, that was awesome, aren!" kaidou yelled, not only out of awe but so he could be heard over all the cheering, laughing and game noises from inside the arcade. "yeah, that was so cool! but what did you say to that guy? he looked freaked out!" nendou inquired, surprising saiki with his actually intelligent observation. kuboyasu's hand found it's way behind his neck, rubbing it awkwardly as he chuckled, "oh, nothing! it's not important-- hey! how about you guys start playing your games and i'll go get the tickets we reserved, yeah?" "yeah!" kaidou and nendou cheered in unison, high-fiving the purple-haired boy before the all ran off in different directions, leaving saiki standing alone at the entrance. he fidgeted with his germanium ring, contemplating taking it off as he stared at kuboyasu; he really wanted to know what the teen boy could've said that'd incite such fear into a grown man, but he decided against it — merrily making his way towards the claw machines, leaving kuboyasu's secrets alone. ★★★★★★★★★★ "shit." he cursed under his breath as he watched the cyborg cider man plushie that he's been trying to win — for yuuta — for half an hour straight slip out of his grasp once again. 'these things are rigged. and what's the point in having psychic superpowers if i can't use them.' he thought to himself but had to quickly shake off the idea, as there was no way he could risk using his powers in such a crowded place, especially for a plush that wasn't even for himself but rather for an annoying kid. he sighed, slipping another coin into the slot and about to find the right state of mind until he heard a loud "fuck!"  from in front of him. his head jerked up, scanning the area for the source of the noise until his eyes landed on you. the claw machines were lined up, back-to-back, and playing on the machine diagonal from him was a girl with enchanting (e/c) eyes which contrasted greatly with her disheartened expression as she stared at the box. the only emotion she wore was sadness as she stared at the machine, so out of curiosity, saiki slipped off his ring in order to read her thoughts; feeling no guilt in listening to the affairs of a complete stranger. 'c'mon, stupid claw machine, i need this!' your silky yet whiny voice rung through his mind, 'what's she gonna think about me tomorrow when i tell her that i couldn't get her the gift she's wanted? she's gonna hate me- even more than she already does. and now i've spent all my money on this silly game so i can't even try get her a crappy gift with the little money i had. Wow, (y/n), you're the worst big sister in existence.' saiki cocked his head to the side, peering through the glass of the machines to see the contents of the claw machine you were standing in front of and when he saw the limited edition, silver cyborg cider man action figure sitting on a pedestal — almost as if it was taunting the poor girl — he finally connected the dots. your hand dug through your pockets until you found the smooth metal surface of your final coin, 'just once more try. if i win her this action figure, maybe she'll finally respect me as her big sister! and this toy will surely make her more happy than any gift mom could've possibly thought of. i'll make her sixth birthday one to remember!' the dejected look on your face slow lifted into a determined one, but it wasn't very convincing as saiki — and anyone else — could see the worry and shame in your eyes as you dropped your last coin into the slot of the machine, giving you one more chance to redeem yourself and claim the title of 'best big sister in the world'. saiki watched you maneuver the claw of the machine with bated breath, admiring how your pretty nose crinkled and your tongue poked out from the corners of your perfectly glossed lips in concentration — 'ew, stop being a simp, kusuo.' he mentally rebuked himself before engaging with your scene one again. your fist slammed down against the big red button, followed by the claw opening and lowering over the box of the cyborg cider man action figure, slowly closing it's jaws around the box and grasping it perfectly, resulting in a slight gasp to escape your throat as your lips pulled into a grin. the claw kept it's grip in the toy as it lifted up, slowly making it's way over the hole where it would drop the action figure, straight into your possession.  that is, if the grip didn't falter hence allowing the toy to fall down, off it's pedestal and onto the bottom of the compartment to join the rest of the more average action figures. "fuck!" you screamed in an almost identical way to which you did earlier, expect this one held more pain. 'this can't be happening; is this the third year in a row that i'm going to show up to my little sister's birthday party empty-handed?' you thought, your bottom lips quivering so you quickly bit down on it, staring at the damned toy before turning on your heels, shuffling away from the game with your head hung low, the thoughts which cried in your head about how much you budgeted and how hard you worked made saiki's heart sink. 'maybe i could take out a mortga--' your thoughts were abruptly cut off when you heard the noise of something falling behind you. whipping your head around to see what happened, you exhaled a sigh of relief upon seeing nothing out of the ordinary. however, you caught a glimpse of inside the machine which you had been cursing at and realised that the toy wasn't with the packaging peanuts where you left it, as if it magically disappeared in the few seconds you had averted your gaze. creeping up to it, your gaze darted around in search of anyone who might've won it in less than 5 seconds but that was unlikely. now that you were closer, you peered through the glass once more to confirm that the toy was in fact missing and you were right. recalling the noise of falling you heard just before you turned around, you dropped to your knees and lifted the flap to the compartment which held the good that people would win from the machine. you almost screamed with delight and shock when you laid eyes on the limited edition, cyborg cider man action figure that was tucked snugly inside. yanking it out, you pressed it to your chest and the tears you were choking back finally came running down your cheeks, but now they were from joy. "thank you, god." you whispered to yourself, making saiki chuckle from his spot at the claw machine which he hadn't moved from. he wasn't god — nor was he friends with god — but he didn't mind not being able to take the credit for his kind actions of using his psychokinesis to drop the box into the hole for you. honestly, he found that seeing you happy, sitting on the floor with brightest beam gracing your features along with your now cheerful thoughts in his head, was enough of a reward for him anyway. also, he appreciated how you didn't question how the box ended up in the hole and instead you just deemed it a miracle as you were too overjoyed to use logic; that sort of thinking saved saiki a lot of trouble. 'i should probably go home and wrap this.' your internal monologue had now calmed down slightly as you were now able to produce a thought that wasn't just a squeal of delight, 'hm, maybe once i am done i could come back and see the new movie that's premiering-- but i've not got much money left so i guess i shouldn't get ahead of myself.' you hummed, picking up the box along with yourself, dusting yourself off before heading towards the exit. saiki must've been staring for a tad too long though as you caught his gaze while brushing off your clothes. he cringed, instinctively darting his eyes away so you didn't think he was an ogling creep but the fact he appeared defensive probably didn't help. so he fully expected you to frown or cast him a dirty look, judging him for his actions but to his surprise, you simply chuckled. waving at the pink-haired boy before strolling off with the box under your arm. 'he seems cool. where i can get clips like those?' why were you thoughts making him blush like an idiot? time to put the germanium ring back on. ★★★★★★★★★★ as it turns out, nendou is surprisingly good at poker. he figured this out after he stumbled across the casino section of the arcade, and since he looks way older than seventeen, nobody questions it when he took a seat at one of the slot machines, under the impression that it was a fancy, old-timey arcade game. he was then offered a round of poker with some old dude with way too many gold teeth and nendou ended up taking the poor, stubborn guy's entire fortune. god-knows how many games with how-many people later, nendou was sitting on stacks of cash at a round table with a tired dealer, and two grown men — one crying into the shoulder of his arm-candy and the other weeping into the sleeve of his suit — while the three boys who had came to give him his ticket stood by, all wearing matching confused expressions. "uh, nendou." kuboyasu tapped his friend on the shoulder, waving the ticket in front of his face, "the movie is gonna start soon, we should start heading over there right now so we can buy snacks and get good seats." nendou raised an eyebrow, puzzled until he recalled that he was supposed to watch a movie today, "oh, that sounds cool and all but i'm having a lot of fun right here." he smiled, motioning to the large casino area. kuboyasu chuckled awkwardly, backing away from nendou slightly as he turned on his heels, ushering the two other boys away, "alright, well, have fun, nendou! don't stay out too late!" nendou sung an okay in response, sliding a kaidou some cash for the extortionate theatre snacks before he was rushed away by kuboyasu, the purple-haried boy not wanting to spend anymore time in the casino than needed. "if nendou isn't joining us for the movie then we have a spare ticket. here, saiki, you should have it!" "why me?" "uh, because you said you saw reita earlier. so if you see him again maybe you could offer him the spare ticket." 'absolutely not.' was vocalised as "sure." by saiki as he took the ticket from kuboyasu's outstretched hand, fiddling with it before stuffing it into his pocket along with his own ticket. "what i said to nendou was kinda an exaggeration" aren mused, glancing at his watch before looking up at his two pals, "we still have some time left before the movie starts. i'm gonna go handle some business — you two have fun, and try find reita!" kuboyasu said before pivoting on his heels in the direction of the staff only closet. the only thing saiki could think to do during this free-time was escape kaidou's pestering to play dance dance revolution — since saiki didn't want to dance, dance or revolute, he darted outside as soon as kuboyasu left, leaving kaidou alone and confused in the middle of the arcade. 'finally, fresh air.' saiki inhaled, filling his lungs with the cool air rather than the stuffy, arcade oxygen. scanning the surrounding area, his eyes caught a glimpse of a figure standing by the ATM, which he immediately recognised to be that of the girl he had helped earlier. so naturally, he flicked of his ring to figure out the reasoning behind the awkward look on her face. 'do i really want to withdraw money to see some stupid movie? i mean, i could leave that money to accumulate and buy something nicer later.' without thinking, saiki hummed in agreement with your thoughts as he had been in your position many times before. 'but then again, i should treat myself! when was the last time i saw a movie that wasn't pirated? hmm..' your indecisive thoughts matched perfectly with your conflicted expression as you stared through furrowed brows at the screen of the ATM. a soft breeze passed, followed by something light smacking against you face. you winced slightly, your hand snapping your cheek and grabbing at whatever it was; just by the texture, you could tell it was paper. holding it in front of you, upon further inspection you realised that the mysterious sheet that had flew into your possession was in fact a ticket to tonight's showing of 'Olfana's Story X-2'  row G, seat 9. you double, triple checked it out of fear that this may be a cruel prank but no, this was completely real! you cheered, bouncing up and down and away from the ATM since you no longer needed it's services as god had blew the desired item straight into your hands — or your face, rather. either way though, you were over the moon, clutching the ticket to your chest and basking in your second miracle of the day. unbeknownst to you, saiki's smile was almost as wide as your own. you thanked god for your relief and saiki had no problem with that; seeing your little happy dance and squeals with your free ticket was enough for him. but actually, perhaps he might benefit himself after all, since the ticket he had given you previous belonged to nendou. meaning that saiki was seated at row G, seat 10; right beside you. ★★★★★★★★★★ saiki forgot to send a few notes flying your way in the wind, so you walked into the theatre and took your seat, completely snackless since you couldn't afford the exorbitant prices that they sold food for at the cinema. but perhaps that wasn't all bad as it revealed the possibility for saiki to offer you some of his popcorn as a conversation-starter, as he's usually not too good at socialising with new people — forget starting a conversation. however, he didn't need to work up any sort of courage to talk to you as the first thing you did when you plopped down in your seat beside him was turn to him and chirp, "oh, you're the guy i saw at the claw machines earlier! i love your clip thingies." your buoyant-adrenaline allowing your to be more bold than usual. the movie had yet to start, low murmurs of chatter coming from across the theatre as the trailers played in the background, "yes. and thanks." 'good grief, curse myself for not being more talkative. she probably thinks i'm dull now. perhaps i should channel my inner nendou..if i have one.' instead of ending the conversation right there like he assumed you would, you continued talking and saiki was..glad? why did he want to interact with you so much? he spends most of his days trying to avoid interacting with people; why were you any different? "no problem- also, did you get what you were playing for?" you inquired, tapping your lip in genuine curiosity. his ring remained on his finger, despite the fact he wanted to know what you thought about him, he didn't want to invade your privacy any more than he already has. "no. did you?" "yeah, i did, actually!" you chirped, not noticing the smirk creeping onto saiki's lips as you were too engulfed in your memories, "i thought those games were rigged but maybe they're not 'cause i managed to win this super special action figure that my sister has been on the top of my sister's wishlist for like- forever! and her birthday is tomorrow so i'll be a--" you cut yourself off, crinkling your nose in embarrassment, "sorry, i'm over-sharing, aren't i?" your enthusiasm made his heart flutter in a way he wasn't used to, if you didn't know any better, he would have thought he was having a medical emergency. his eyes widened slightly as you halted in your speech, "no, you're fine." he said, the uncharacteristic softness in his voice catching the attention of his two pals sitting on the other side of him. you shook off his comment, "i mean, i'm telling you my life story and i don't even know your name." you said, laughing sheepishly at the reality of the reality of the situation. 
“saiki kusuo.” he blurted out without a second thought.
you blinked a few times, shocked that he’d give his details away so easily as you somewhat expected him to be more of a reserved type of guy but evidently, you were wrong. “uh, i’m (l/n) (y/n).” you choked, biting down on your bottom lip slightly before continuing you story as he seemed to wait expectantly, “as i was saying, today’s just been the best day ever! everything has been going so well, i’m a bit scared as to what is going to happen when it hits midnight.” 
saiki nodded along, popping a piece of popcorn into his mouth before remembering his plan, “oh- would you like some?” he asked, offering you some popcorn from his bucket. unfortunately, the plan was a last-minute thing so he had only bought a small, but he still wasn’t opposed to sharing. 
you shook your head, trying to grin foolishly wide at his kind offer, “no thank you.” 
saiki nodded, about to open his mouth to reply until the blaring music from the beginning of the movie started, putting a swift end to your conversation — despite the fact saiki would much rather talk to you than watch the crappy movie — out of theatre etiquette. 
it was worse than you or saiki could’ve ever imagined.
it was painfully trying not to burst out laughing right in middle of it or lean over and giggle in each other’s ear at the silly dialog but out of respect for the other people in the cinema, you both stayed silent and just cast each other occasional knowing glances whenever something cringey happened on screen. 
you both let out audible sighs of relief with the credits began to roll, accompanied by a slow indie song. “that was..something.” you mumbled, grabbing your purse and jumping to your feet, wanting to exit the building as soon as possible and hopefully leave your memories of the movie behind you. 
“definitely.” he snickered, absently flicking the side of his empty popcorn bucket, “i stopped paying attention once i finished my popcorn.” it felt weird to vocalise — or rather, telepathically communicate — the comments he’d usually keep to himself; why did he feel so comfortable speaking to someone he only just met?
he began gathering his things, stuffing all of his rubbish in the bucket so he could dispose of it all at once. his mind was fixated on crappiness of the movie and how a five-year-old could’ve shot a much better film, until you grabbed his attention by calling out his name, followed by a question which made him blood run cold.
“before i go, it gotta ask’ how’d you do it? or more importantly, why’d you do it?”
he blinked several times before putting on his best bewildered expression, with the idea that maybe if he played dumb, he could gaslight you into thinking that it never happened or that he had nothing to do with it. “what?”
“oh, don’t give me that!” you scoffed, narrowing your eyes at the boy, “i’m not stupid. every time something good happened to me, you were nearby. i’ve connected the dots so fess up. why did you do all those nice things for me? was it out of pity or are you that nice to everyone?”
“i’m that nice to everyone.”
“i don’t believe you.” you snapped, fixing your tone when you remembered that even though he was lying to you, he still helped you get the present for you sister and gave you his spare ticket. “i don’t care if you’re not gonna give me a straight answer, but at least let me make it up to you.”
he huffed, an unimpressed look covering his features before you even proposed your idea. there was really nothing he could possibly need from you. what were you going to give him that he wasn’t capable of obtaining on his own? so he frowned, ready to decline your offer. 
“i saw that you bought one of those jelly pots from the snack stand and i actually work at a little café in the town, so i might be able to get you few things for free or discounted?”
“yes.” wait, that wasn’t refusal. 
“great!” you chirped, glad that you wouldn’t have to pry further, “does later this week sounds good? we could meet up here then i can walk you to the café- or i could give you my number and we can arrange a date later?” 
“sure.” saiki said without thinking once again.
but it wasn’t as though he regretted it when you slipped the piece of paper you had scribbled your number onto, into the front pocket of his shirt, tapping it with a smile. “alright! i’ll see you later then- unless you want to walk home with me?” you fidgeted with your fingers slightly, instantly regretting what you just came out with. not because you didn’t want to walk with him, but due to the fact you highly doubted he was going so say accept so you mentally prepared for the impact of his harsh rejection.
saiki ended up walking home with some girl he met at the theatre so that left kuboyasu and kaidou to fetch nendou once the film finished. they both searched the casino area for almost half an hour but neither of them had any luck finding nendou. that was, until kuboyasu had to take a step outside to escape the casino as he noticed an old friend of his playing on the slot machines, and he found nendou crouched by the garbage cans, on his phone. 
“nendou! we’ve been looking all over for you- why are you out here by the trash? and what happened to all your money?!”
nendou chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck with his spare hand, “fun story actually. i was doing so well and i was on my way to becoming a millionaire until these schoolgirls came marching in and absolutely slaughtered me! it was so embarrassing and the only way i could escape them was by running away so i hid back here.”
kuboyasu’s aura just screamed ‘disappointed but not surprised’, “so you’re telling me that you lost millions to highschool girls?”
“they might’ve been middle-schoolers, i’m not too sure. i didn’t get a very good look at ‘em but they were all wearing creepy red uniforms.”
all kuboyasu could do was massage his temples to ease his headache at the stupidity of his friends, “so you lost all your money to school girls in creepy red uniforms?” he repeated aloud, just to make sure he was hearing things correctly.
“yes. but not all my money.” he said, pulling out his wallet and grandly opening it to reveal a few notes and a button, “i’ve still got enough to spend on ramen with my bros!”
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osakaso5 · 3 years
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Yamato Nikaido RabbiTube Rabbit TV Part 2: A Special Day Of Sincerity
Part 1 | Part 3
Tamaki Yotsuba: Hey, Yama-san! You ready yet?
Mitsuki Izumi: Get out of the toilet, Gramps.
Iori Izumi: He must be feeling embarrassed. Perhaps he failed his challenges?
Riku Nanase: Maybe it's because you were teasing him during our show, Iori!
Nagi Rokuya: Yamato! The ladies do not like men who take long in the restroom!
Yamato Nikaido: Shut up..! Why do we all have to gather in the living room 10 minutes early, anyway..!?
Sogo Osaka: Because we want to watch your RabbiTube video together!
Mitsuki Izumi: So finish pooping and get over here!
Yamato Nikaido: ......... Ugh...
[Door opens]
Riku Nanase: Ah, there you are! Time to start the video!
Yamato Nikaido: Maybe the premiere could still be cancelled due to technical difficulties...
Iori Izumi: Do you have any idea how troublesome that would be for your fans, Nikaido-san?
Mitsuki Izumi: I think our managers would be pretty sad about it, too...
Sogo Osaka: And I hear the staff worked tirelessly to make sure Iori-kun's video would air at just the right moment...
Yamato Nikaido: ...Fine, we'll watch it together..!
Nagi Rokuya: Sometimes, you must know when to give in, Yamato.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Look, it's starting! I bet your video's gonna be super funny, Yama-san!
Riku Nanase: Three, two, one..!
- - - -
All: .........
Nagi Rokuya: Yamato, you are more suited for RabbiTubing than I thought!
Tamaki Yotsuba: Did you start a channel behind our backs or something?
Yamato Nikaido: Hell no..! That was my first time doing this stuff!
Mitsuki Izumi: Did you try to have kind of a variety show mindset while doing it? You seemed a lot more energetic than usual!
Riku Nanase: Right! Especially when you were doing the box challenge! Were you playing up your reactions for the audience?
Sogo Osaka: Oh, so that's what that was! I guess it makes sense, with you being an actor and all...
Yamato Nikaido: ...Hate to break it to you, but... That was all me.
Riku & Sogo: Huh!?
Mitsuki & Nagi: Ahahaha!
Iori Izumi: I knew it. You really are a coward.
Riku Nanase: Even the part where you said "I believe in you here" wasn't acting!?
Yamato Nikaido: Stop asking...
Sogo Osaka: I-it's a shame you didn't guess correctly. Though if it were me, I probably could've gotten it right.
Nagi Rokuya: How did you like the senburi tea?
Yamato Nikaido: It was like drinking every bitter thing in the world, all at once.
Nagi Rokuya: OH... Just imagining it is making my mouth run dry.
Tamaki Yotsuba: ...Mine too...
Mitsuki Izumi: Here comes the cake, guys!
Riku Nanase: Nice! And at just the right time!
Mitsuki Izumi: ...You sure you want the piece with the biggest strawberry?
Riku Nanase: I can't resist a big strawberry any more than every other guy out there.
Yamato Nikaido: Don't mimic me!
Iori Izumi: Or me, for that matter!
Iori & Yamato: Ah...
Iori Izumi: ...I'm being made fun of because of you again, Nikaido-san...
Yamato Nikaido: Your brother's the one who started this, not me!
Sogo Osaka: ...Hehe... You're all so full of energy.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Yeah. If only every day was one of our birthday.
Nagi Rokuya: Oh, but then we would become IDOLiSH365!
Tamaki Yotsuba: Haha. I'm just kidding.
Riku Nanase: Good thing you won't have to abstain from alcohol, Yamato-san!
Yamato Nikaido: Yeah, seriously! I don't know what I would've done if I'd failed both my challenges.
Sogo Osaka: Tamaki-kun, may we..?
Tamaki Yotsuba: Yup. You guys are allowed to drink today!
Yamato & Sogo: Yay!
Mitsuki Izumi: Oh, are you filming something, Nagi?
Nagi Rokuya: Yamato's birthday smile, as well as the smiles of everyone else. I must have video evidence of what a wonderful day today has been!
Mitsuki Izumi: Then we'd better get you on camera too..!
Nagi Rokuya: Wow! Mitsuki, have you become a baby koala?
Mitsuki Izumi: What? No! C'mon, let's take a selfie!
Riku Nanase: Ahaha! Iori, get a little closer! You're only half in frame!
Iori Izumi: The exact angle of the shot isn't that important...
Riku Nanase: But it is. This is for Yamato-san's birthday, remember!?
Mitsuki Izumi: You hear that, Gramps!?
Yamato Nikaido: Haha. Thanks, I really appreciate it.
Tamaki Yotsuba: Since we're gonna celebrate your birthday for the whole month, I'll give you a shoulder rub later.
Sogo Osaka: Ah, and I can pour you a drink.
Yamato Nikaido: Wow, MEZZO"'s pampering me. It's enough to make a man cry.
Riku Nanase: I'll give you a shoulder rub, too!
Nagi Rokuya: As will I!
Mitsuki Izumi: You gonna join the shoulder rub crew, Iori?
Iori Izumi: I-I'm... otherwise preoccupied. I'll be taking the picture for TRIGGER and Re:vale now.
Riku Nanase: Is this the thing you're preoccupied with?
Iori Izumi: Yes, it is. Do you have a problem with that?
Riku Nanase: Nope! I think we should be celebrating with everyone,  anyway!
Mitsuki Izumi: Alright, gather 'round!
Nagi Rokuya: Yamato..!
Tamaki, Iori, Sogo, Nagi, & Riku: Happy birthday!
Yamato Nikaido: ...Yeah. Thanks, guys!
End of Part 2.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 3 years
A new kind of competition RA on the Masked singer pt. 1
*Author’s note*
Hey guys well like I said on my last post, this is the 1st part of my Masked Singer chapter. And let me just tell you after literally MONTHS of trying to figure out a playlist for this chapter I FINALLY came to a good playlist that I could see the Rock Angel doing if she were to compete in the Masked Singer. So follow along and listen to the songs I’ve listed if you really wanna get into the mood of it and I hope you all enjoy this fun little chapter and until next time :)
*February 2021*
This was a whole new game changer for me, but I’m happy I signed up for it.  While visiting my son Georgie (through a very brief period when the pandemic was at a standstill, before the States closed down again), I had been asked by the Producers of NBC’s “The Masked Singer” if I’d be willing to participate in the show.
Having seen the show through Youtube videos and even seeing the UK’s version of it back home during our lockdown, I immediately hopped on board and said I would do it.  But of course being as secretive as this show was, they forbad me from telling anyone or announcing it on Social media, if I even breathed a word of my appearance on the show to anyone, they’d revoke it and kick me out of the show.
The character that they had chosen for me was the Lioness and boy was she a gorgeous creature.  Much like how they had the Lion all the way back in Season one, she was pure gold however she wasn’t covered with armor like the Lion was. I had asked for some flexibility to the outfit cause I wanted to give the audience a side of me that they’ve never seen before.  I wanted to be able to move much like Bow-Wow did on the last season of the Masked Singer as the Frog.
They took some of my ideas into consideration on allowing the outfit to have that flexibility for me to dance my heart out. I wore platform high-heeled boots much like I always did back when I first started off as the Rock Angel.
I also wanted to honor Freddie in a way with my outfit.  I had asked for the gloves if it could be possible if we could add some diamond claws. I showed them (whatever pictures I could find of the 1974 Rainbow concert. Thank you all for the lovely gifs) just so they could get the idea and when the costume dept. saw it, they fell in love with the idea.  They even agreed to shape the diamonds as real lioness claws.
Once the costume was fully complete and I got to put it on for the first time, it felt like I had actually become The Lioness. Of course it came with a price too, I wasn’t allowed to talk to anyone, even when I just had to go around with the mask, I was given the famed DON’T TALK TO ME black hoodie so that no one was able to hear my real voice.
I was also forbidden from talking to the other contestants as well as hear them rehearse until we would begin filming the episodes.  I was placed into GROUP B along with creatures such as the Piglet, Black Swan, the Chameleon, and Grandpa Monster.  I was also told that there would be some major game changers this season but no one, not even the judges knew just what those changes were, only the Host.
Weeks and weeks of rehearsals and performing each of my songs that I had picked out and wanted to do, never did I think I’d get as far as I did.  But I could care less about the trophy, I just enjoy singing and this was a whole new game changer cause now my fans get to see a whole new side of me that they never do get to see on stage with me.
Sure I’ve had courage to go up on stage constantly, overcome every obstacle known to man, hell even stay a sane person after having a rough childhood, but the Lioness has given me courage to do things that I’ve never done before on stage, whether performing with my boys, by myself, or with other singers that I’ve performed/toured with.  Back then or present day.
And I hope you all can guess correct just who is beneath the Lioness mask. Enjoy my dears.
“Alright! Alright! Alright!” the current host of MS5 Niecy Nash said after the last contestant Black Swan performed her opening song.  “Now this next contestant is gonna prove that she belongs on this stage. Give it up….for the Queen herself! The Lioness!”
The crowd cheered and I walked out with the Men in Black strutting down with pride in each step.  I greeted the audience with the royal wave before standing next to Niecy.  Even though I could vaguely see out of this mask, I still had some sense of the stage.
“Oooo girl you are stunning to look at look at this ya’ll ain’t see a Queen or what?!”
“She looks amazing!” I heard Jenny exclaim.
“Yeah I’m jealous look at those claws of hers. I wish I had those.” Nicole stated.  I gave them a sexy clawing motion with my hands as they all hooted and hollered.
“I agree with you Nicole. Now let’s find out some clues on just who this Queen Lioness is.” Through the TV, I knew my first clue package would be playing.  Here’s out it went down.
You would see a 3 layered rock platform, on smaller rock, one slightly taller in the middle and finally a large boulder that stood tall like a throne with me sitting on top of it.
“Welcome to my Pride. Being the top lioness isn’t always easy but it’s all worth it in the end. Something that I believe the world could benefit from.” The screen would change to me walking along a virtual plain with various animals.  “Growing up, we weren’t allowed to really show our true colors as much as we can now. If you were even slightly different from the rest of the world, you were condemned.” A zebra with the LGBTQ patterns for its stripes came up.
“An LGBTQ flag. Could be a member of it.” Pointed out Robin Thicke.
“But it still hurts me to see that even as society begins to change, there are those that still cling to the old ways of life.”
“Maybe a politician. This is a lot of politics going on here.” Nicole stated.  The screen changed to me holding the world in the palm of my hands.  I crushed the world down.
“I just hope that one day the world will come to understand that we are all One people, one world.” I opened my hands up and soon a rainbow appeared before ending my 1st clue package.
The stage was dark except for one spotlight shining down on me.  Well more like half of me, half of my body remained in the shadows while the other half was sparkling under the spotlight as I spoke with my American accent, the voice modulator turning off for my performance.
“We are a nation with multi-graphic boundaries. Bound together through our beliefs. We are like-minded individuals, sharing a common vision. Pushing toward a world rid of color loins.” Already I could see that people were trying to figure out who I was by hearing my real voice, but due to me American accent and natural British accent being two completely different voices, it was throwing people for a loop.
I then did Janet’s famed countdown with my right hand before the song came on full force and I and my backup dancers began to dance the Rhythm Nation dance.  ALL in perfect unison.
The crowd went insane and I could even see the judges standing up in shock as well as cheering.  I strutted towards the mic stand at the corner of the stage and began to sing.  My natural alto range came forth and I could see the audience singing along and even do some of the dance moves to the song, especially once the chorus hit.
I strutted across the stage before I would rejoin and lead the pride that was my dancers in the famed dance, before strutting forward on the stage, coaxing the audience to cry the chorus out loudly.
With music by our side To break the color lines Let's work together To improve our way of life Join voices in protest To social injustice A generation full of courage Come forth with me
People of the world today Are we looking for a better way of life We are a part of the rhythm nation People of the world unite Strength in numbers we can get it right One time (Sing it up!) We are a part of the rhythm nation
My backup dancers and I then did probably the most difficult dance break that Janet had set for all dancers to perform in perfect unison.
“She’s has got this dance DOWN!!” exclaimed Nicole.
“This has to be a natural singer!” Jenny told Robin who agreed.
“No question!”
Rhythm Nation baby!
Sing it for the children Sing it for the people
Rhythm Nation baby
Sing it for the man!
We are a part of a Rhythm Nation!
My dancers and I saluted and the crowd went absolutely berserk from my first number.
“Yaas Queen!” I heard Niecy exclaim as she came up to me.  “Lioness all up here slaying it!” I gave a graceful bow (as low as I could go without the mask falling off) and she said. “Judges what did you all think of our lovely Lioness’s performance.”
“Niecy you don’t need to say anything else cause you summed it up! I think we are in the presence of a true performer here.” Nicole first started off.
“Agreed. Never did we see someone actually have the guts to pull off—probably one of the hardest choreography dances ever!” Jenny agreed.
“Alright judges now you know the drill. It’s time to put your first impression guesses into the tour bus.” I could see some of them complaining as they wrote down their guesses on who I was as the little tour bus came through to collect their First Impression guesses.  “Now then, do any of you have any clues on just who this Queen of the Beasts could be, let’s start with you Mr. Robin.”
“Wha Me? Oh man….” The rest of the panel laughed at his misery while I mimed a laugh by putting my hand to my opened mouth mask. “I mean—this could literally be anyone but based off the clue package she spoke a lot about the world and people around it. So this definitely isn’t someone who is recently famous. She’s been around for a while.”
“Whatcha trying to say Robin that she’s old?” Niecy defended me as I got into a fighting position.
“Oh Robin you’re about to get mauled by the Lioness!” Ken teased him.
“No, no, no, no! Not insinuating anything!”
“Cause you know you never insult a woman’s age there Robin Thicke!” Niecy exclaimed.
“Tell him mommy!” Ken cheered.
“Sit down Kenneth!”
“Yes ma’am.” He said as he sat down on his chair.
“Where I was going with this is that maybe she came from an era where it wasn’t okay to bring about your sexuality or gender.”
“True, true.” Nicole agreed with him.
“And seeing the LGBTQ pattern on the zebra, I’m thinking this might be Shea Diamond.”
“Okay, okay not a bad guess.”
“I’m afraid I’m gonna have to disagree with you there Robin. I’ve listened to Shea Diamond sing and that’s not her.” Ken said.
“Then who do you think it is Ken?” asked Nicole.
“Okay I know exactly who this is.” Oh god here we go. “Okay from the clue package alone there was obviously the LGBTQ brand with the Zebra. Maybe she’s an advocate for the LGBTQ community. I’m going with Lady Gaga!”
Okay not a bad guess but it’s not her.  I could see some of the audience pondering Ken Jong’s rare, good guesses.
“Well Lioness whoever you are, you are a star.” Jenny stated as she pointed at me.  I blew her a kiss and Niecy said.
“Now Lioness before we go, I have to ask you. How long did it take you to do that dance?” I put the mic up to the thinnest part of my mask and answered with my voice modulator now on, making me sound like a warm, motherly Chipette.
“It took months actually, but I’m a fast learner when it comes to dancing.” I hinted that little clue and only my super fans would realize that I love to dance, especially when it was with my Brother Mine back in the day.
“Okay. Well give it up one more time for the Lioness!” the crowd applauded and I waved goodbye before walking off the stage.
After all the performances of Group B went, we all lined up and found out just who among us was going home for the first round in our group.  It was suspenseful but the votes were in and Grandpa Monster was the one to be eliminated from the first round.
I was safe for now.  I just hope I can keep going on and maybe go all the way.
It was now Round 2 and I was going to perform after the Chameleon.  I heard him do the song “21 Questions” by 50 Cent ft. Nate Dogg.  I’ll admit he was an impressive performance, especially with how he can rap so my best guess is that he could be a rapper.  Unfortunately, I’m not quite educated in my rappers (plus one rapper in particular still gives me a bad vibe after what he did) so I wouldn’t know who to begin guessing if I were an audience member.
After going to a commercial break it was now time for me to perform my second song choice that both me and the Producers thought would be a good fit for me.
“This Queen last time she crushed it with Janet’s Rhythm Nations, and now she’s back to hopefully crush it once more. Let’s dig up some more clues on the Lioness.”
The next clue package stood as followed:
“I’ll admit, 1st round I was terrified. Never have I done something like this before. But once I got up on stage, I overcame that fear and just sang. In fact, it was music that helped me overcome my shyness.” I told the camera.
I opened up a closet and inside it was my Red Special guitar, a pair of drum sticks and a Fender Bass guitar (the one that Deacy always played with).
“Growing up I had very low self-esteem. I was shy, insecure, and thought I’d never amount to anything.”
“Aww that’s so sad.” Nicole awed.  “Don’t worry I’ve been there too honey.”
“But when I found music, it changed my life. I would become a whole different person everytime I played an instrument. Or just sang to myself.” I picked up the Bass guitar and strummed it. “I especially loved the Rock and Roll artists growing up. Just seeing them perform live, gave me the confidence I needed to one day reach a dream of becoming a Rockstar myself. And low and behold it came true.”
I was now performing on stage with the Men in Black surrounding me pretending to be crazy fans holding up signs with hearts and I love you Lioness.
“So I’m here to say that if you feel like you’re alone out there in the world, or feel like it’s against you. Just listen and jam out to some of your fav tunes. Because in them, Life creates a new path for you.” I did a wind-mill and my mask gave a gleam at the right eye, symbolizing a wink.
The lights were dark and I took a deep breath in before exhaling out.  Soon the guitar strum of “Eye of the Tiger” came on before I threw my fist in the air with each punch the guitar gave, while fire spurted from the stage.
The crowd cheered as Survivor’s most popular song came through the speakers and I went up to the mic stand and sung my heart out. I changed a word or two just to make it fit more towards me but it didn’t take away the effect my song had on the audience.
The backup band was jamming out to the song with one lioness on the guitar and a male lion at the drums and another male one on the bass.  I belted out the last note
Rising up, back on the street Did my time, took my chances Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet Just a girl and her will to survive
So many times it happens too fast You trade your passion for glory Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past You must fight just to keep them alive
It's the eye of the tiger It's the thrill of the fight Rising up to the challenge of our rival And the last known survivor Stalks her prey in the night And she's watching us all with the eye
Of the Tiger
The eye of the tiger The eye of the tiger The eye of the Lioness
At the very last explosion of fireworks and fire, I punched my hand in the air and the crowd cheered.
“YASSS LIONESS!!!” I could hear Nicole cheering from the panel booth as she pointed at me.  Ken Jong, Jenny and Robin all bowed before my performance as Niecy came back up and she said.
“And the Queen slays us AGAIN!!” I bowed before her and took her hand and pressed it to my open mouth giving her a ‘kiss’. “Oh and I’m getting a royal kiss from the Queen herself!”
“Lucky mommy!” Ken proclaimed.
“Sit your butt down son! Panel, what did you think of that song?”
“Lioness, you took us to a real rock concert. I mean the fire, the electric guitar. And I think I even saw you doing a little air guitar in there somewhere!” Jenny said.  I shrugged guiltily.  Yeah I did do a little air guitar, come on I know you all do it too! “But that was a killer performance!” I bowed my head in gratitude.
“What made you choose that song in particular?” Niecy asked me.
“It’s always a good rock anthem. You can just let yourself loose and not have a care in the world. And it really got me through my 1st year of being who I am today.” That got the panelists attention.
“Alright so we went through your personal journal and found out just who exactly your childhood crush was. Men in Black! Bring out the 1st crush clue!” Niecy announced as two of the men in Black came out with a large flat platform with a sheet over it.  “I’m excited to see just who it is you had a crush on. Now let’s see who it is…..”
Niecy took off the sheet and it revealed the late great Prince.
“It’s Prince!” exclaimed Nicole.
“Okay! Okay I see you Lioness! Little chocolate love there.” I laughed and said into my microphone.
“First thing I always notice about a man are his eyes. And growing up, Prince stole my heart with those eyes.”
“You sure it wasn’t also his dance moves?” Niecy asked me with a ‘for real’ look.
“Mm that too.” Everyone laughed before Niecy asked the judges.
“Okay so any guesses panel on just who this could be? Let’s start with you Jenny.”
“Oh my god why!?” we all laughed. “Okay going off by the tonality of your voice. You are truly a Rock star under there, there’s no way you could be a Pop artists or rapper under there. And my guess in Pink.”
A very good guess. In fact when Pink came on the music scene, everyone thought she was trying to copy my voice but she’s a total talented artist on her own. That’s all her voice, and I’m proud to have not only mentored her, but become her very dearest friend and confidant.
“Yeah it does kinda sound like Pink. But the clues didn’t really point out to her.” Nicole said.
“What you thinking Scherzinger?” Niecy asked.
“Okay so we saw LGBTQ last time but I also took notice of the instruments that were in this week’s clue package.  The red guitar specifically.” Oh shit she’s got it. “And I remember seeing this performer on my 12th birthday. I’m going with the Rock Angel (Y/n) Kline.”
“Ooo okay. Not a bad guess Nicole.”
“Yeah it could be the Rock Angel but it’s not!” Ken bluntly said.
“Oh god here we go again.” Jenny said as she flopped against her chair.
“In the clue package we did see the guitars and the drumsticks. And Sticks rhymes with what? Nicks. Stevie Nicks welcome to the Masked Singer!” Oh god Ken.
No way could I ever be compare to Stevie Nicks! She’s way above me and no way could I ever be better than her or do her vocal ranges like she can do.
“Ken I swear I’m about to hit you in the head with this pen.” Nicole said.
“Alright, alright, alright calm down up there. Look no matter who is under here, let’s agree that the Lioness gave yet another rockin performance. Give it up for the Lioness everybody!” I walked backstage.
“The panel has given some good guesses. But there’s gonna be surprised to see just who I am. And—”
On your screens it would’ve staticed up and there on screen is the infamous Rooster with clues, Cluedle-Doo.  The rooster that’s been helping the viewers at home guess just who is under each mask, while also trying to get people to guess who he is.
“So sorry Lioness but I’m here to give the audience a little bit more than you’re letting on. Don’t let her voice fool you for she’s a Lioness that lives……across the pond.” His deep voice spoke to the camera as he walked over to his map with a pushpin pointed right at England.
“Hold on what was that? Something fishy is going on around here, and I’m gonna find out what.” I told the camera as I waved my fist.
A couple more performances later as well as the reveal of our group’s Wildcard, The Crab and it was time to reveal who was going to be unmasked.  I almost feared that I was gonna be the one to go home since Nicole had said my name and the fans would demand that I be unmasked.
But when Niecy read out that the Crab was gonna have to be unmasked I sighed with relief but I was also sad for the crab. He actually performed well tonight and I wanted to see just how far he was gonna go.  As me and the rest of the group that was safe headed back to our rooms, I kept thinking to myself just how was I gonna make it through without making my voice sound too obvious.
 Okay. This round is sure to throw them off my scent this time.  This is a song I’d never thought I’d do but it’s the only way to keep me going to the next round and not risk getting unmasked.
“Her last two performances have been killer! Now it’s time to see what else she’s got up her paws. Release, the Lioness!” Niecy announced.
I was staring into my reflection at a watering hole.
“This has been a wild ride for me. Most fun I’ve ever had in years.” The letters MSG flashed on the screen written within the mud.
“MSG? Madison Square Garden?” asked Ken.
“But I’m here to show that I truly belong here and deserve a shot to go the Distance.”
“Go the Distance. Isn’t that a song from a Disney film?” asked Robin.
“Yeah Hercules. Could she be in an adaptation of Hercules?” Jenny said.
“So for this next performance, I’m gonna do a song I’ve never done before, and hopefully that will keep me in with the pride and out of the spotlight for just a little while longer.”
I stood there with the spotlight on me, the mic stand right in front of me as Miley Cyrus’s song “Wrecking Ball” came on.  The last time this song had been used on this show was way back during Season 1 with Mrs. Gladys Knight.  And she did a phenomenal job with her rendition of the song.  However I had a little something extra up my sleeve.
I started off with a smooth, ballad like tone for the opening using my hands and arms to give forth a more deeper emotion as I sang the song.  Before I finally unleashed the fire within me.
Like Freddie always did back in the day when Queen first started off, I tore the mic stand off the rest of it and fell into the passion of the chorus using the mic-stand like a sledgehammer when I could. I could see everyone lip-syncing the chorus and even the judges were singing along to the song.
I went back to my ballad like tone as I was kneeling on the ground looking up towards the heavens before standing back up and slowly walked towards the back of the stage as the lights dimmed down to only a spotlight on me.
When the 2nd chorus came back on, I pulled out my big surprise.  When the lights came fully on, a makeshift Wrecking ball stood in the middle of the stage. In order for me to fully be on it with this costume, the Wrecking ball was built around a swing-set and was hidden within the walls of the Wrecking ball, but I could stick my feet through a curtain that would give the illusion of me actually being on a Wrecking Ball (much like Miley was).
Everyone in the audience was losing their minds, I even saw Nicole getting really into the song as she would raise and circle her arms in the air.  I kept swinging back and forth as I continued to sing until my final note.
We clawed, we chained, our hearts in vain We jumped, never asking why We kissed, I fell under your spell A love no one could deny
Don't you ever say I just walked away I will always want you
I came in like a wrecking ball I never hit so hard in love All I wanted was to break your walls All you ever did was wreck me Yeah, you, you wreck me
I never meant to start a war I just wanted you to let me in And instead of using force I guess I should've let you win I never meant to start a war I just wanted you to let me in I guess I should've let you win
Don't you ever say I just walked away I will always want you
I came in like a wrecking ball I never hit so hard in love All I wanted was to break your walls All you ever did was wreck me
I  came in like a wrecking ball Yeah, I just closed my eyes and swung Left me crashing in a blazing fall All you ever did was wreck me Yeah, you, you wreck me
Yeah, you, you wreck me
This was probably my best performance of this entire competition.  No way was the audience gonna unmask me yet.  I got off of my makeshift Wrecking Ball and Niecy came up bowing before me.
“OH MY GOD!!!” Nicole and Jenny both exclaimed.
“The Queen remains on top!” at that point the crowd began cheering my character in a rhythm clap.
“LI-ON-ESS! LI-ON-ESS! LI-ON-ESS!!!” I coaxed them to keep chanting with my hands, going in time with their claps.
“Pardon my language but that performance definitely had balls.” Niecy said which made all of us laugh.  
“This is definitely the first time in Masked Singer history that someone was even able to do that with costumes like these.” Robin said.
“Lioness tell us how do you feel after that performance?” asked Niecy.
“Tired.” That got a good laugh out of the audience and the panel. “But it’s all worth it cause it’s either go big or go home. And I definitely do not wanna go home just yet.”
“Well we definitely don’t want you to go Superstar.” Jenny told me.  I gave her a heart shape ‘I Love you’ with my hand and pointed at her and she accepted it and sent one back to me.
“So any clues that you guys might’ve picked up on?”
“I’ll start off.” Ken said.
“Oh boy, here we go.” Robin said as Nicole laughed and I placed my hands on my hips.  This outta be good Dr. Ken.
“Okay so in this clue package we saw the acronym MSG. What’s that stand for? Madison. Square. Garden. This actress was born in Manhattan, NY. She can sing because she played a Porcupine in a film this my friends is none other than Black Widow herself, SCARLETT JOHANSSON!!”
“No! No way that’s Scarlett!” exclaimed Jenny.
“Have you seen the movie Sing? That’s totally her voice!”
“No it’s not!” Jenny argued back.
“Maybe not but Lioness might be connected to Scarlett in a way.”
“What you got cooking in that brain of yours Mr. Robin Thicke?” Niecy asked him.
“Well going through the clue package we saw the LGBTQ obviously, she is known for speaking up for the community especially since a few friends of hers are a part of that community. I’m gonna go with Nicole and say this is the Rock Angel.”
“Okay. Okay not a bad guess.”
“Just hearing the voice alone it just makes me think of her.”
“Yeah but the Rock Angel wouldn’t be able to do what Lioness did.” Jenny tried to argue.
Oh she don’t know me very well, does she? I’ve got some moves in these old bones Jenny.
“Well whoever is under that mask. This was definitely your best performance not only for you but for the show itself. I don’t think we’ll ever have a number quite like that again.” Nicole said.
“I agree girlfriend. Alright Lioness, you head on backstage and rest up. You’ve earned it honey.” I waved to the audience and left to go backstage.
“That was probably the—toughest performance of my life. With or without the costume.” I laughed.  “But I gave it my all and win or lose, I’m glad I did this show.”
After the elimination of the newest Wildcard the Bulldog.  Which wasn’t according to the votes, but by Niecy’s own will, Bulldog was revealed to be none other than Nick Cannon.  Who had returned to host the show after recovering from his COVID scare.
It was a huge surprise to see him back and actually competing in the show.  Although he wished he could’ve gone onward with the show but he was just happy to be back with the judges and to see us progress onward into the final few rounds.
After that filming, I was in my trailer resting after that performance, having the fan on full blast to try and take away my sweat, I phone rang and I saw Brian’s handsome, wrinkly face pop up on the screen.
“Hey Bri what’s up?”
‘Oh nothing much really. Just been……fiddling around with Red Special, keeping Anita company, and above all trying not to lose our minds over the lockdown.’
“I hear yah. America’s really been trying to tighten the leash on restrictions. But of course stubborn Americans, especially Trump supporters are still denying this pandemic and refusing to wear their face masks.”
‘Right up arseholes I tell yah. This isn’t some conspiracy thing. It’s real life.’
“I know Brian. But let’s change the subject before you go off on an angry rant and have another heart attack.”
‘You’re right, you’re right sorry. The reason I called was because I want you to clarify something for me.’
“Clarify what?”
‘Well. I don’t know if you’ve seen my Instagram lately. But our followers are telling me that I should ask you if you’re a part of a show called the Masked Singer?’
“The Masked Singer? Which version? Cause you know we’ve recently got one too now.”
‘They’re saying that you could be the Lioness on the American version. Is it true?’
“Bri. Come on. I’m in lockdown with my son during a pandemic, I run on the high risk factor due to my recent high blood pressure. Why would I do a show like that?”
‘They’re pretty adamant about it. So come on (n/n). Tell me the truth.’
“No Brian Harold May. I am not the Lioness. Besides even if I were, it’d be too obvious. Everyone knows I’m Roger’s lion cub. If I were to choose a creature, I’d be a griffin or White-wolf.”
‘Okay. If you say so. Stay safe out there love.’
“You too Bri. Hopefully, America can get their shit together so that I can fly back home soon. I miss you and Rog and Jack. How are they by the way?”
‘Well that husband of yours is still working hard to preserve the peace in London. Hardly any serious criminal activity, just rotter’s not wanting to wear their face masks inside local buildings. Rog is good, he’s been posting up a lot more on his Instagram lately. Been asking about you and worried sick over you.’
“Some things never change. Alright Bri well I know it’s pretty late over there, so get some sleep. You’ve probably never slept in this late in so long your body must be aching for it.”
‘Yeah I suppose your right. Have a good night love. Love you.’
“I love you too Bri. Bye.” He said goodbye and I hung up on him.  “Bloody hell that was close. Thank god he didn’t hit facetime, otherwise he would’ve been suspicious.”
Now it was time to change things up with this weeks performance.  I’ve been giving out killer hard-rock/pop songs but now it was time to allow the audience to just solely focus on my vocals alone.  Plus this performance was in dedication to a very special someone.
“Now here to wow us once again and seeing if we can dig up more clues on her identity. Here’s the Lioness.” Nick Cannon announced.
“Being on this show has really meant a lot to me.” The screen showed my last performance as well as my 1st performance. “But now I’m gonna take things back and really allow you guys to get to know me.”
I was in my ‘house’ writing at my desk a letter. And on the laptop it said a number code. 149121.
“Oh wow a number code. 149121.” Jenny said.
“Throughout my career I’ve met a lot of great people. But unfortunately I’ve had to say goodbye to some of them, some gone far too soon. Others for other personal reasons.”
“So she’s lost someone. Maybe a partner.”
“This one person in particular even though he’s still around physically, I had no choice but to let him go. We practically did everything together. But I understood why he did what he did, and I never pressured him to come back to the spotlight.” I touched a shadow figure of a male lion. “So this performance is for my brother. And I hope he’s living out a happy life doing whatever it is he wants to. I will always love you forever, my Brother Mine.”
It was just me up there with the spotlight down on me.  I took a deep breath in before softly exhaling.  This one’s for you Deacy.  I opened my mouth and sung my next song, “I will always love you” by Whitney Houston.
The audience was in tranced by voice alone, some of them pressing their hands to their hearts and I could swear I saw some of the judges already starting to cry.  When the bridge came up, I thought back to all the memories Deacy and I had together.
Playing the bass, me sitting the Deaklings when they were little babies, us always dancing together at the after parties (after some liquid courage).  To the big moments whenever the two of us were on stage together and we’d interact with each other.
Him doing his “Disco moves” on stage during our sets, or how during the medley’s during the “Kind of Magic tour” we’d be the ones to stand together as he played his bass and I would have my acoustic guitar or tambourine on me.  Remembering his happy smile, the way his eyes wrinkled whenever he’d smile that adorable, gapped tooth smile of his.
If I should stay, I would only be in your way
So I'll go, but I know
I'll think of you every step of the way
And I will always love you
I will always love you
I hope life treats you kind
And I hope you have all you've dreamed of
And I wish to you joy and happiness
But above all this, I wish you love
Finally I unleashed the power that my voice had gained throughout the years.  As the lights danced about with the beat of the song as well as my voice, the audience cheered as I belted out that famed last bit of the chorus.  Some were in tears while others were just in awe.  Ken and Nicole were dabbing their eyes trying to rid of their tears while Jenny and Robin were just shaking their heads in pure awe.
I don’t know if you’ll ever see this Brother Mine, but if you do, know that this performance is for you.  I hope you’re happy, safe, and healthy.  Both physically and mentally.
And I will always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you
I will always
Love you
I will always love you
I, I will always
Love you
You, darling, I love you
Ooh, I'll always,
I'll always love you
I held out the last note as I slowly extended my arms before finally ending the song.  The audience cheered and applauded for another killer performance.
“Unbelievable! The lioness really pulling the heartstrings now!” Nick said as he came up and stood beside me.  “You even had me going there for a second there Lioness.” I gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder.
“Oh my god Lioness, let me just say. Your last few performances you were slaying and killing it with hardcore dancing, rock and roll and semi-aerial stuff. But this week……we truly got to see your voice. And that—rawness it just……you have me in tears.” Nicole said as she continued to wipe away her tears.
“I agree with Nicole.” Robin said.  I gave them a bow of my head.  “It’s—it’s really rare when we see female artists do such songs on this stage. Especially one as difficult as that song in particular. But you were the perfect voice to sing that song.”
“Thank you Robin.”
“Now it’s time to find out just what is inside the Mind of our Lioness. If you would just quickly step on over to our mind-reader. We would like to see just what’s within your Lioness brain.” I walked over to the machine that was gonna give an extra clue as to who I was.  “Scanning, scanning, scanning and it is…..a Police badge.”
I stepped out from the machine and walked back towards Nick.
“Do we have another Jackson family member on our hands?” asked Ken.  I remember thinking back to La Toya Jackson who was “the Alien”.
“Unlike Ms. Jackson I’m not a police officer. But I am directly involved with them.” The audience ooed.
“That give you any guesses panel?” Nick asked.
“Not a single one.” Jenny shook her head which made us laugh.
“Indirectly involved with the police. I mean does that mean she’s an informant? Reality star maybe?” Ken suggested.
“Maybe she played one on TV. Maybe it’s Priyanka Chopra.” Robin added.
“Yeah cause of her role in Quantico.” Nicole agreed.
“No guys I don’t think it’s Priyanka. It really doesn’t sound like her. Lioness has a more richer tone than she does.”
“Well we’re stumped!” Ken said as he sat down on his chair throwing his hands up in surrender.
“Oh now don’t give up son!”
“I can’t do it daddy! Just take off the mask and show us who you are Lioness!” Ken demanded but I shook my head and placed my index finger over my masked lips in shush.
“She knows the drill. Well you wowed us with your vocals, go on and head backstage. Give it up one more time for her royal highness the Lioness everybody.”
“That performance……really took a lot out of me. I was even crying at one point under the mask. But I hope I secured a spot for the Super 8.”  As I take my leave, the infamous Cluedle-Doo shows up and he tells the camera.
“Another infamous secret you might want to know about the Lioness here is that she also has ties in with space. Look at these stars, does it give you any hints? Because 2 people she cares about study it.”
“Oh it’s you! Come back you yah cocky Rooster! I’m really gonna turn you into fried chicken now!” I exclaimed as I chased after the Rooster whose been trying to give away more secrets about me.  He gobbled out in laughter as he ran away.
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Title: Buzz, Buzz—Buzz, Buzz {One-Shot}***
Chris Evans x Reader
Warning: Cursing, Tease, NSFW, SMUT
Words: 4.5k
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Note: I love vibrating panties by the way. Great idea! This was too much fun to write. I hope you enjoy it!!!
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
 “I can’t believe you cooked all of this,” Scott said as he gaped at all the food scattered around your townhouse.
You had gotten a little carried away in the kitchen with all the cooking. You’d made fried coconut shrimp, some potato salad, mac and cheese, and some honey BBQ smothered ribs. That all went with various little finger foods like chili cheese nachos topped with all the fixings, little kabobs, and a fruit salad. Looking at all the food you may have gone overboard considering there was probably only going to be maybe ten people in attendance today to watch the fight.
“I know, I think I went a tab bit overboard.”
 “No, it’s great. It is fight night after all,” Scott said.
 You finished putting out the rest of the décor for the night and making sure your townhouse was company ready.
 “You are quite the little entertainer.”
 Scott helped you straighten the rest of the townhouse which you had neglected in your cooking spree. While you tackled upstairs, Scott tackled downstairs. You had to make sure the bathroom and the bedroom and even the guest bedroom was good. The one thing you hated was when you went to someone’s house and their whole house was not on point. It could have been just something small, but it got to you.
 “Shit, Scott I forgot the cake.”
 “I knew you would. How could you not? I didn’t think you’d be doing all of this.”
 “If I go to get it I won’t have enough time to get ready before everyone gets here.”
 “It’s okay, I’ll get it. Give me the receipt and I’ll go. You get ready,” Scott offered.
 “Thank you, Scott.” You rummaged through your bag until you found the receipt for Scott so he could pick up the cake for fight night. Fight night was never complete with something sweet to end the night.
 Once he was gone you finished tidying up and setting fresh candles out you hopped in the shower. Ten minutes later you were trying to find the right outfit but couldn’t decide what to wear. It was a fight, so you didn’t want to get too crazy, but you also didn’t want to look frumpy. You tried on dresses with wedges and heels, jeans and tanks, jumpsuits, skirts but you could not decide.
 Halfway through your mind jumped to Scott’s brother, Chris. You’d been friends with Scott for about nine months before he introduced you to his brother superstar Chris brown at a party. It was of course an automatic attraction for you. who the hell wouldn’t think Chris Evans was hot? Sometimes when you hung out with Scott he was around, and it became normal after a few months. Every once in a while you’d hang out alone mainly when you were in a group. You’d break off alone and talk or even do things together. You’d come to realize he was a cool guy, really funny and down to earth. You’d gotten comfortable around each other and you couldn’t deny that you were probably developing a crush.
 After nearly fifteen minutes of debate, you decided on an off the shoulder shirt and a pair of jeans that you would pair with some wedges. You thought it was a good combo. When you reached into your drawer for a pair of panties you didn’t think anything about picking the black thong you’d gotten as a naughty birthday gift from your friends. You’d lost the remote months ago so that rendered the vibrating contraption useless. While you were rushing around to make sure you were ready in time you didn’t realize the doorbell rang until you heard pounding at the door. When you opened it, Chris was standing there holding the cake Scott was sent out to get.
 “Hey. I’m sorry I didn’t hear the door.”
 “It’s okay. I come bearing sweets.” You smiled and held open the door so he could come in.
 “You can put it in the kitchen on the counter. Thanks.” You followed behind him looking over his body. His white polo looked so good on him. It fit him just right and accentuated his broad his shoulders were and how trim his waist was. He looked so good. Catching yourself before he caught you checking him out you looked away and tried to compose yourself.
 “What happened to Scott?”
 “He had a few things to do before he made it over here, so he asked me to bring this over.”
 “Thank you.”
 “I feel like I should thank you, it smells amazing in here. I can’t wait to get my hands on all this food,” Chris said as he rubbed his hands together.
 “You’re so silly.” A few moments passed with the two of you smiling at each other before you snapped out of it.
 “Okay, I’m gonna finish setting up, everyone should be here any minute.”
 “Okay, need help?”
 “No, I got it. You chill and get the channel right. I’ll be back.” As you walked past him you thought you heard him whisper “god damn”. Deciding it was your ears playing tricks on you, you continued rushing around.
 While you were rushing around doing God knows what he found the channel the fight was on and got it ready. When he fixed himself a plate and sat on the couch it was then he saw a small black device peeking out from underneath the wall mounted bookcase. He dug it out but before he could investigate further the doorbell rang. He slipped the device in his pocket and answered the door to find a group of smiling faces.
 “Heyyyy!” He smiled and ushered them inside as they all spoke at once. Some were commenting on how good it smelled inside, some on the coming fight, and some just chattering. Before long everyone had settled and situated around the living room.
 “How was this recent trip, Chris?”
 He’d just got back into town from filming a coming show that he was excited about. “It was good. It was mainly last minute reshoots and whatnot. It should be premiering soon.”
 “What’s it called?”
 “Defending Jacob.”
 When you walked out everyone approached you and pulled you in for hugs. You spent the next few moments hugging everyone and having small talk. He couldn’t help but watch you. When he first met you he thought you were beautiful, yeah but he didn’t dwell on it. As the weeks and months passed and he got to know you better thanks to Scott he really liked you and the vibe you gave off. The more he talked to you away from your group of friends, the more he liked.  
After a few months he knew he was in real danger of finding himself in a situation that had the potential to be messy. Normally he wouldn’t have cared but he’d just gotten to a point in his life where he was through making bad decisions that made him into the asshole. If he made a move on you he would be the man he was. So he kept his distance and did everything in his power to keep himself in check.
 His eyes roamed your body and he fully took notice of your outfit. The jeans fit you too well and the top accentuated your soft shoulders and ample cleavage. Just like that he knew it was going to be a long night.
 When everyone got their food and seats the fight started, by that time he’d checked out your ass more than four times and found himself staring at your breasts more times than he could count. He made it a goal to focus on the fight and nothing else. He told himself it didn’t matter that you were beside him and smelled like every flower in the book or the fact that your thigh brushed his every so often. A little after the halfway mark you returned with a beer for him.
 “Thanks.” Your smile was polite and sweet. He dug his hand in his pocket and remembered the small device there. He didn’t know what it was but after fiddling with it he decided it was probably a stress thing. It took him a few minutes to realize the soft rubber spots were buttons. He pressed one down. Almost at the same time, you dropped back onto the couch with an “oh”.
 When he looked at you the look on your face said confusion and shock.
 “Are you okay?” Your head snapped to him and you instantly nodded. The way you did it was weird, but he didn’t think anything of it. He continued to fiddle with the device in his pocket and pressed another button. You whimpered beside him and crossed your legs. When his eyes met you again you gave him a reassuring smile before looking back to the TV and the fight.
 “Wow, that was a great cross,” you stuttered. He tried not to notice on your squirming beside him, crossing and uncrossing your legs but he noticed. You took your beer bottle and raised it to your lips and guzzled it until it was empty. He noticed you squeezing it so tightly the skin around your knuckles was taunt. As he tried to figure out what was going on with you he pressed another button. You released a sigh and sat up with a straight back then placed your empty beer bottle on the table before you with a shaky hand.
 He watched you as you looked around the room as if you were looking for something. He was so busy watching you trying to figure out what was going on that he didn’t think anything of pressing more buttons on the device in no particular order.
 “Oh Jesus Christ. No, no, no.”
 “You okay Y/N?” You pinched your lips and nodded to Scott.
 “Yep, all good. Cake. Does anyone want--cake?” You blew out a breath through your mouth. He watched your chest heave as if you were having trouble breathing. He pressed another button and your eyes closed before you stood. He noticed the shake in your legs when you did though and he was even more inquisitive.
When you got to the kitchen you were free to panic. The remote wasn’t lost at all. It was somewhere. Either it was in one of the couch seats and someone was unaware they were controlling it and your pleasure. You’d forgotten how these things felt after trying them out that one time. You remembered very well now. Taking a few moments you cut slices of the cake and placed them on plates. After you’d cut the slices Chris’ voice took you by surprise.
 “You okay?”
 “Yeah I’m good. Are you good?” he looked at you as if he were suspicious of something. You’d probably acted weird as shit before.
 “I’m good. Need help?”
 “Uh yeah, thanks.” You and Chris each took a few plates and walked back out to hand them out to each guest. Once your hands were free you leisurely walked around the living room checking behind free cushions and spaces to see if you could find the root of your embarrassing situation.
 “What’re you looking for?”
 “Oh nothing important. I just thought I lost a piece of jewelry earlier. Don’t worry about it,” you lied. You tried to act as normal as possible but it was hard. You didn’t know when the next vibrating surge would come and you could also feel Chris’ eyes on you. the two things were making you more awkward and nervous than usual.
 Soon everyone was on their feet cheering on their chosen fighter. The controlled chaos gave you the opportunity to look in each of the couches but you’d come up empty handed. The only other possibility was that someone had it and was controlling it without knowing just what it was. Now you looked around to each of your friends assessing them trying to figure out who the culprit was. Your eyes met Chris’ from across the room and he stole your breath. The two of you stared at each other for a few moments and you wondered if it was him but his hands were free. Everyone cheered snapping you out od the moment to see the fight was over.
 The vibration began again this time it wasn’t on the low setting, it was a lot stronger.
 “Fuck!” You crossed your legs, pinched your lips and tried to hold back any sounds you were tempted to make. The vibration continued then intensified and you could feel the beginning stirs of the orgasm that wanted freedom.
 You didn’t think you could stop it so you walked to your balcony as smoothly as possible. You turned your back to the French doors and bit your bottom lip trying to stop the moan. It definitely wasn’t working so you grabbed the railing before you and bent over and let the orgasm free with a grunt. Your body was on fire and you already knew it wanted more. The vibration stopped unexpectedly giving you a much needed break. The wetness between your thighs was now distracting. 
After taking a little time to get yourself under control you walked back inside the living room and to the couch and sat beside Chris with a sigh.
 “You’ve been acting weird all night. Are you sure you’re okay?”
 “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just a hot night.” It wasn’t a lie, you were burning up at this point.
 “Uh-huh.” He didn’t sound like he believed you, shit you didn’t believe yourself. Your eye caught the shine of something black Chris was holding, and all the blood drained from you as horror filled you. He was holding the remote you thought you’d lost. It dawned on you at once that he’d had it this entire time and he’d been playing with the buttons inadvertently bringing you to a pretty intense orgasm.
 “Shit,” you whispered to yourself as you tried to act normal.
 Nothing about this was normal. You had to figure out a way to nonchalantly get it back without tipping him off to what it really was. Before you could come up with something the vibrations began again against your already over sensitive clit sending your back crashing back into the couch. The setting was set low, but it was still more than enough to start the stirs of yet another release. Fighting through it you sat up tried not to squirm. When the setting increased you failed miserably. Your hand shot out to grab and squeeze Chris’ thigh. When you looked at him the second your eyes met you knew he knew. Slowly he looked to the black device in his hand and back to you and then his eyebrow arched up.
No fucking way, he thought. There was no way this was real life. He couldn’t believe events would turn like this. Quickly you yanked your hand back and apologized before looking the opposite direction. He almost laughed out loud. This was too perfect. What he thought was just a useless stress reliever turned out to be a lot more valuable. It was the remote to what he’d now pieced together as your panties. 
The thought of you wearing some sexy contraption that he had control over instantly made him hard. He could have turned it off but he chose not to as he realized your antics on the balcony was probably you being overcome with pleasure. It was then he realized he’d made you come. The old him wanted to resurface so badly so he kept the setting where it was and watched you squirm. God, it was sexy as hell doing this knowing everyone around you was clueless. He watched closely he wanted to see you come this time knowing that he knew just what he was doing. You didn’t utter one word or give one thing away. The only thing he noticed was your body heaving clearly exerted.
 With a smile, he turned off the device and tucked it back into his pocket. He’d give you a break. The rest of the night he tried to forget the power he had, forget the tightness in his pants and ignore how badly he wanted you. After the fight finished everyone stayed for a few hours longer just laughing, dancing and having a good time. You stayed away from him the entire time. If he was close to you, you found a reason to go to the opposite side of the room. It amused him; he’d gotten under your skin. It had him thinking back to every glance you’d shared over the months. Did they mean something more?
 Slowly everyone made their exit leaving Scott his partner and him there to help you clean up. You tried to shoo them out but they each insisted on helping to show appreciation for the hospitality you’d shown. He could tell you hated every minute of it and that made him even more amused. Your cool composure was crumbling and he could see the angst in you bubbling to the surface to reveal just how much he’d affected you.
 By the time you showed them to the door, he still had your remote and he knew you knew it.
“Y/N, this was so much fun. Thank you for hosting it,” Scott said giving you one last hug.
 “No problem, it was fun.”
 “Yeah I had a lot of fun,” he added. You didn’t look at him, but you pinched your lips.
 “All right y’all get home safe.” He walked out the door and down the hall with Scott and his partner with a small satisfied smile on his face.
Five minutes from when you closed the door the doorbell rang. When you opened the door there Chris stood holding the remote between his thumb and pointer fingers. Neither of you spoke, you just stared at each other. Who needed words with everything that had transpired between you? here was a man you’d never slept with but had made you come two times.
 As you reached for the remote Chris yanked his hand back. You continued trying to grab the remote but every move you made he evaded. Soon he was stepping inside.
 “Chris, give it to me.”
 “Why do you want it?”
 “It’s mine.”
 “It’s been mine tonight.” You caught his double meaning and you rushed him in a mad dash attempt to grab the remote from him. Chris evaded you and the two of you danced around the living room, you trying to get what belonged to you and him determined to hold on to it. Chris stumbled backward and fell on the floor and took you with him. The remote fell from his hand to a few feet away. When you realized it you were laying on top of him. Your eyes locked and you realized just how your body was angled on him. You were sitting right over his crotch and you definitely took notice of the thick ridged muscle pressing into you.
 You caught the glint of the remote off to the side a few feet away and slowly looked to him. He must have realized what you saw and the two of you scurried to it. Thanks to his long arms he was the one to grab it. As soon as he did you felt the most intense vibrations, he’d turned it to the highest setting.
 “Fuck!” You shouted out and writhed on him. You bucked your hips against him and picked up the speed dry humping him and rushing to find a release. Your body shook and your eyes rolled to the back of your head. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh—my—god!” You screeched as your body convulsed.
 It felt like you were having the wildest seizure, a seizure that took any control you had of your body. All you wanted was to come and thanks to the vibrations you got your wish. You threw yourself across his chest trying to catch your breath, but it was impossible. Whimpering you writhed some more from the unbearable pleasure. It was too much. Slowly the settings decreased until the vibrations stopped.
 You didn’t know how long you laid there on him but when you lifted your head it felt heavy as if it weighed a ton. Your hands still shook as you pressed them to his chest. When your eyes met the fire, you saw there was something that you were not prepared for. 
“Oh god.” Chris’ eyes dropped to your lips and in seconds your lips crashed together. This kiss was the most intense one you’d ever had. Chris’ tongue delved into your mouth and entangled with yours just as his hand gripped your ass pulling you closer to him and holding you against his hard cock. Both of you moaned together already knowing what you were going to do. There was no way you could stop now. He’d teased you all night and now you wanted something more.
 Chris’ hands came around to the button of your jeans and quickly undid them before he slipped his hands inside the backs to cup your bare ass. You bucked your hips against him brushing your core on his swollen need. The entire time neither of you broke the kiss, instead, it intensified and became even more passionate. Chris’ hands lifted the hem of your shirt and yours were there to pull it off completely. As soon as it was off Chris’ hands were there to unhook your strapless bra to free your breasts. It was only then his lips pulled from yours to latch onto a hardened nipple.
 He greedily went between both nipples sucking, licking and biting them bringing you even more pleasure. You pulled his shirt off of him and clawed his back enjoying the smoothness of his skin. He pulled you down again on his need and the urgency you felt increased. You stood above him and began pulling off your jeans. As you did he busied himself with his own pants. Once you’d kicked them off you moved to pull down the panties, but he stopped you by pulling you to him. Your feet were beside his face just as he pulled you down onto his face connecting his lips with your soaking slit.
 “Oh shit!” Your eyes rolled to the back of your head again, he was not going slow and you were glad for it. Now was not the time. Chris licked and sucked your clit as he slurped you’re your opening sucking all your juices from you. It didn’t take you long to begin bucking against his lips and using them to find your next orgasm. Chris moaned the faster your rode his face and played with your nipples. When you looked down to him the intimacy of the moment pushed you over the edge so much that you lost yourself and smeared your pussy across his mouth and nose.
 Before he made you come again you slinked down his body to his bulging cock and pulled it free. Your first reaction was to lick your lips as the feast before you. wasting not even a second you took him into your mouth. He was bigger than you expected, but you were not going to back down. Slurping against his skin you bobbed your head up and down his shaft a few times before bringing your hands to increase his pleasure.
 “Fuck yeah!” taking a quick glance at him you found his head angled back with his eyes closed and mouth ajar. The lower you dipped the wider his mouth became until he scrunched his face and bit his bottom lip and watched everything you did.
 “Yes, suck this cock. Fuck those lips!” The quicker you bobbed the more your slurped until you didn’t care how sloppy things were getting. Sloppy head was the best head after all.
 Chris grunted loudly before pulling your head off of him.
 “I don’t have anything,” he said.
 “I do.” You reached into the drawer of the coffee table beside you and pulled out a condom. Once you opened it you slid it onto his rock solid cock. Every time you touched him he hissed and sucked in a breath. Once he was fully sheathed he pulled you to him and kissed you again. feeling the tip of him at your opening you slowly slid onto him. Both of you groaned and savored the sensations flowing through you. before you sank down fully Chris pulled your shoulders down fully sinking into your heated core.
 “Holy shit!”
 From the beginning, Chris pumped up into you with purpose, it was the same purpose he’d had all night—to make you come. You moaned and panted trying to catch your breath and take all he gave. He filled you so perfectly and to absolute capacity.
 “Mmm, Y/N, I always knew you’d take this dick so well.”
 Chris flipped you onto your back and held your thighs open and plowed into you never slowing his thrusts. Every connection had you shouting out unable to hold back how much pleasure he was giving you.
 “Your tight little pussy loves this dick. Look how wet you are.”
 Chris changed his angle and slammed into you quicker them before. the new angle had you clenching round him as you felt yet another release wash over you. you gripped him tightly and fug your nails into his shoulder trying to not pass out. Chris looked as if that was the last straw for him because his thrusts became wild and deep. The only sound in the room was the sound of your wetness squelching and your combined moans. You were so wet for him it should have been embarrassing but you weren’t embarrassed at all.
 “God your gonna make me come,” Chris grunted.
 “Come on this pussy right now, tag me up!” You had no idea where that came from. As if on queue Chris pulled out, yanked the condom off and stroked his length at the same time he pressed the button on the remote giving you another intense jolt.
 “Oh fuck, yes, yes. Shit, I’m gonna come.”
 “Come with me,” Chris’ voice was strangled, and his hands moved impossibly fast. Soon he grunted and gasped as he released spurt after spurt of hot come across your pussy, pelvis, and stomach. The third made it all the way to your breast across your nipple and that was when you came again. You arched up onto your legs as if you were a bridge as you rode through the intense pleasure. Chris was the one to turn off the device as he dropped onto his knees to catch his breath. His eyes never left your newly decorated body. You saw the string of come across your nipple and you lifted your breast to your mouth to lick off the trial all the while staring at him. Chris’ jaw dropped as he watched, and as he watched his cock grew again.
 “Mmmm, tastes just like cake.” Chris looked in utter shock and disbelief before he snorted and dropped back onto the floor.
 “Oh god, you’re gonna be the death of me!”
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connordavidscamera · 4 years
Wonder | Connor Brashier
A/n: obviously this is based off Wonder because it’s so good and I couldn’t not write something for it. 
Summary: You and Connor are at the launch party for Wonder and Connor has a surprise for you (established relationship)
Warnings: fluff
Word count: 1.8k
“I didn’t know they had launch parties for songs. I thought it was just for albums,” I say as I slide into my shoes.
“Well, it’s not an actual launch party, per se. It’s really just Shawn getting the team together for the release. It’s casual.”
“I know, I actually get to wear pants to this party,” I joke. 
Connor rolls his eyes. “Yes you do.” But then his eyes are raking me up and down and he bites his lip. “And damn, do you look good in them.”
“Hey, eyes up here, mister.” I say, reaching forward to lift his chin so his pretty eyes are on my face.
He smirks, “Okay, but what’s it gonna take for you to let me get you out of these for a quickie before we leave?”
I shake my head, “Nope. You’ve already had me three times today. You can wait until we get back.”
He pouts, “No I can’t. I’m needy and you’re hot.”
I laugh, “Flattery will get you everywhere, but not right now. We’re already running late.”
“It’s Shawn, he won’t care.”
“No, but you know your girlfriend is one for punctuality.”
He rolls his eyes, “Annoyingly so, yes.”
I gasp and hit his arm playfully, “You used to think it was cute!”
“Yeah, before it meant I couldn’t have my way with you before a party.”
I scoff and roll my eyes, “If you’re a good boy maybe I’ll let you have me while we’re at the party. How’s that sound?”
He perks up at the idea, eyes glimmering with a child like sparkle. “Really?”
How could I say no when he looks at me like that? “Yes, baby. But we have to go now before traffic hits.”
He leans forward and kisses my forehead. “After you, my love.”
“You’re gonna stare at my ass while I walk out, aren’t you?” I pull away from him with an amused smile.
He just shrugs, “I might.”
I pinch his cheek, “Well then I’ll put a little more pep in my step to give you a show.”
He groans, throwing his head back, “You’ll be the death of me, you know that, right?”
I hum and turn to walk out of our bedroom, his eyes following me as I go. 
“Another drink, my love?” Connor asks when he sees my empty cup in my hands.
“You trying to get me drunk, Brashier?” I tease, looking up at him. 
“Oh yes. That’s exactly it.”
I nod, “Nothing too strong, please?”
“You got it. Kiss?” he puckers his lips and I lean up to meet his lips but scrunch up my face. “You taste like whiskey.”
He chuckles. “Sorry, love. I’ll be right back.”
I nod and turn back to Shawn and Brian who are attempting to play beer pong against Sylvie and Justin. Brian isn’t very good, but he’s drank a lot more than Shawn has, so his aim is a little off. 
“Bri, you’re supposed to make it in the cup,” Sylvie taunts. 
“Shut up,” he grumbles, and sticks his tongue out a little as he squints at the cups on the opposite side of the table. And when it makes it in he’s more excited than I’ve ever seen him before. “Fuck yes! Yes! You’re supposed to make it in the cup,” he mocks. 
“Why is he screaming?” Connor asks when he returns with my drink.
“He made it in.”
“About time,” he checks the time on his watch. “Speaking of time. Shawn, you have to get on the premier. You have ten minutes.”
“Oh, shit, yeah. Thanks, Brash.” he pats Brian’s back and goes, “You’re on your own, Craigen. Good luck.”
“Where’s Anna?” he asks, looking around the room. “Y/n, where’s Anna. She’s good at this game.”
 “I think she went to get a drink.”
“Anna!” he yells. “Come be my partner for beer pong!” When she doesn’t answer immediately he groans. “Anna!”
“Don’t get your panties in a twist, Craigen. I heard you the first time.”
“Be my partner,” he pouts. 
“Yeah, whatever.”
I look back at my boy who is already looking at me. “Shouldn’t you be with Shawn? Sober him up a bit?”
He shakes his head. “No, he’s okay. Wanna be with my girl.”
I nod and turn in his arms to face him fully. “You know, you still haven’t told me much about this song.”
“I know. It’s a surprise.”
“But why?”
“You’ll see when it premieres.”
I pout. “But I wanna know now.”
“Nope, you’ll have to wait and see.”
I groan. “Why won’t you tell me? What? Are you in the video? Is my baby in front of the camera instead of behind it this time?”
He chuckles, “No. I’m not in the video.”
I huff. “Tell me!!!”
He shakes his head with a bright smile. “No, my love. You’ll see it,” he checks his watch again “Thirty-five minutes.”
“Tease,” I grumble.
“Says the one who told me we could have a quickie in the bathroom and has yet to follow through.”
“Well I said that would happen if you were a good boy. But you’re not telling me things so,” I shrug. “Guess no quickie.”
He growls in my ear and I’m almost reconsidering my answer. Almost.  
“Fine,” he mutters, “I’m gonna set up the TV for the premiere. You okay here?”
“Mhm, I’m gonna watch Brian lose another round.”
Brian gasps and turns to face me. “You too?!” His face morphs into what almost looks like true betrayal, but I still can’t fight the laugh that escapes.
“Guys, three minute warning! Get your drunk asses out here and settle in,” Sylvie calls from the living room. 
“Anna sit with me,” Brian begs as Anna and I make our way to the room. 
“I was gonna sit with y/n, but-”
“She’s gonna sit with Connor. Please?” He asks again, making puppy dog eyes at her. I roll my eyes and push her into him. 
“Oh just sit with him. He’ll never shut up if you don’t.”
“Ah,” Connor says when he spots me. “There’s my love.” He holds a hand out for me. “I saved you a seat.” He smirks, patting his lap. 
I shake my head and fall into him, not in the mood to tease him now. “My favorite seat,” I mumble, resting my head on his shoulder.
As everyone settles in, I play with Connor’s fingers, spin his ring a few times before taking it off of him and sliding it on my thumb. I half expect him to take it back when he lifts my hand. But he brings my thumb to his lips and kisses it over the ring before lacing our fingers and bringing them back down to my lap. “I love you,” he whispers into my hair.
“I love you,” I whisper back.
“Okay,” Shawn says, coming into the room. “Are you guys ready?” he asks excitedly, plopping himself down on the floor, his back against the armrest of the chair Connor and I are sitting in.
Connor squeezed my thigh. “Are you ready for the surprise?” He asks me.
I nod excitedly. “I’m very excited.”
“It’s starting,” Sylvie says for the few stragglers that were making their way into the room. 
I’m already hooked by the countdown. It’s very Alice and Wonderland-esque, with the swirling clock. By the time the opening harmonies come in I’m leaning forward to squeeze Shawn’s shoulder. “You sound good, Rockstar,” I whisper. 
By the middle of the song, I’m nodding and humming along to the song. But when Shawn gets to the last chorus I look back at Connor. “Wait, bubba, what’s the surprise?”
“It’s coming. Wait until the end.”
I furrow my brows and turn my attention back to the screen. Shawn’s just finished the chorus and is on his knees on the cliff as the camera gets closer to him. And the screen cuts to black.
Directed by Matty Peacock
And then another two seconds later:
Written by
Shawn Mendes
Matty Peacock
Connor Brashier
I gasp and look at my boy who is already smiling at me. “You wrote this!”
He chuckles, “Well only some of it.”
“That doesn’t matter. You wrote it!”
“So, good surprise?” 
I scoff and wrap my arms around him. “The best surprise. I am so fucking proud of you.”
He kisses the underside of my jaw and rubs my back, “Thank you, my love. Couldn’t do it without you.”
“Well,” Shawn asks, standing up. “What did you guys think?”
I pull away from Connor and look up at Shawn. “It was amazing! Probably your best song yet. You literally just keep getting better.”
He glares at me, “Your opinion doesn’t count. You’re biased because your boyfriend helped write it.”
I shrug, “That’s true, yes. But you’ve seen my boyfriend? I clearly have taste, so I would know. And this is your best song to date.”
Connor laughs into my shoulder and pinches my side, “y/n, come on.”
“Why are you getting embarrassed? This is phenomenal and I am so proud of you. Both of you,” I say.
Nearly two hours later, I won’t let Connor stop playing the song. But so we’re not annoying the rest of the group, he plays it for me on his phone - the music video though, because I want to see his name at the end. Doesn’t matter how many times I see it, it still fills me with so much pride and joy for the beautiful man in my arms right now. He and I are swaying drunkenly to the song on the balcony outside. It’s just us two and it’s perfect, it’s euphoric. 
“Been dreaming that you feel it, too. I wonder what it’s like to be loved by you,” he mumbles into my hair as he spins us slowly and I look up at him with a bright smile.
“What?” He asks, brushing a strand of hair from my face. “Why are you so smiley?”
I hum and push up on my toes just the slightest bit to press my lips to his in a soft kiss. “You don’t have to wonder,” I say when I pull away.
“What do you mean?”
“You don’t have to wonder what it’s like. To be loved by me?”
I watch as his face morphs into something that I can’t quite place. 
“I adore you. Like I truly, desperately adore you.” He places his hands on either side of my face and kisses me, this time with a little more passion than the one I just gave him. “I’m so lucky,” he hums, using his thumb to pull my bottom lip a little, just for it to pop back in place. 
I shake my head, “I’m lucky. Luckiest girl in the entire world.”
“If you’re the luckiest woman, let me be the luckiest man in the world,” He whispers, tracing his thumb down the column of my neck.  
I nod, “Okay. We can both be lucky to know what it’s like to be loved by one another.”
“Yeah, we never have to wonder.”
I hope you enjoyed! Please like, reblog, and leave feedback!!
Permanent tag: @soyalimoncada-blog @tinycertain @magcon7280 @homeofpoetry @fallinallincurls @goldenflickerx @sinceweremutual @myyohmyuohmyy @harry-hollands @enchantingbrowneyedgirl @baroness-alison @lostinmendess @linanilssonfurberg @luvluvxx @mariamuses @shawnieeboyy @divinginfearlessly @mendesficsxbombay @shawnsthighs @zaahidahhh @adelaidestreets @shawnandconnor @shawnsblue @turtoix  @honestlyimstilllivinginthe90s
Connor tag: @gangofhoes @verlaneswiftie13
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sassyduckqueen · 4 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 50
Ok so here is the Silencer inspired Chapter but obviously, I had to change directions with this in order to work with the story. I think this turned out really well. It took a bit of time and I struggled a little with some of it but thanks to my good friend, @naruwitch, I was able to get past that. I also may have taken a bit of inspiration from Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra to help me visualize how to write certain parts. Anyway I hope you guys like it :D
Chapter Fifty: Blackout
~The Grand Paris Hotel~
 "My good old friend, Bob! How wonderful to see you again," Mayor Bourgeois gasped, greeting the producer and shaking his hand as he walked to him with XY. The mayor smiled and turned to XY, pinching his cheeks a little. "And you brought little Xavier-Yves with you too!"
 "Uh my peeps call me XY, Mr Mayor," He declared, pushing his hand away and making a sign with his hands as he glanced to the side. "Xavier-Yves sounds way too-"
 "XY! Of course!" The mayor gasped, cutting him off as he excited moved his hands around. "Famous DJ XY!"
 He laughed, pushing them towards a table and chairs. The two took the hint and sat down before glancing up at the mayor.
 "It's such an honor for the Palace to receive such a fantastic artist and his father!" He declared, making Bob smirk. Of course, the mayor was sucking up to them. It's what he always did in order to make sure he had very powerful friends. Of course, he was dumb enough not to realize that Bob didn't see him as a friend. Not at all. Andre was just another way to the top for Bob and while he remained useful, Bob would keep him around but the moment he no longer had a use, Bob would drop him like a ton of bricks. He had no time for anyone he couldn't use. He smiled and turned his head to Andre.
 "Does that mean dinner's on the house then?" He asked, smirking. Almost instantly, Andre begins to stutter and panic as he didn't want to reject his friend but he didn't want to give them a free meal either. Seeing his expression, Bob began to laugh, causing him to relax a little. "I'm joking,"
 "You're too much, Bob," He laughed before pointing at him. "Always the comedian. Enjoy your meal. Bon appétit,"
 As soon as the mayor was out of earshot, Bob let out a sigh.
 "Eh, I tried," He muttered before looking at his son. "Ok, we need to talk about this special TV appearance you're gonna be making. We need to make sure it's a full success! After all, this is a major promotional event for us, especially since Jagged left the label and got the number one 1 spot again. We need to kick him off that throne and make him regret leaving. Now have you got any new material to premiere? New ideas?"
 "Course not, Dad. You know I never have any ideas," XY replied before the two of them laughed. "Besides, you don't need to worry about that has-been. He might be number one right now but I'll easily knock him back down once I release a new single,"
 "Excellent," Bob smirked. "So let's here what you've ripped- I mean come up so far,"
 XY took out his netbook and placed it on the table before turning to face his father and pressed play. The music that came out was repetitive and boring but Bob ignored them and listened it, moving his shoulders a little as he did before he noticed something. He held up his hand, causing XY to pause the song.
 "Isn't it a bit similar to what you were doing last year?" He asked, causing XY to blink at him before he turned the netbook around and pressed the icon for last year's song. He pressed play and listened to it, moving his shoulders slightly as he did before chuckling as he realized it was in fact similar to it.
 "Oh yeah," He grinned, glancing over at his father. "I guessed I ripped off my own music,"
 He laughed in an obnoxious way, causing Bob to join in with him.
 "Never mind. No one will know the difference anyway," He declared, not even fazed. Even if a couple of people noticed, there would be a hundred people who wouldn't and would lap up whatever they released. Fans were desperate in that way. "Image is king! What kind of visuals you got going? Any concepts?"
"Any what?" XY asked, looking confused. 
 "Ah, forget it. I'll use the same plan that's made me the rich man I am today," Bob declared, pointing his thumb at himself before moving his hand to the side of his mouth. He leaned in and moved his eyes around as if looking for people watching him. "If you're short on great ideas, 'borrow' someone else's,"
 The two of them burst into loud laughter, causing a number of people to glance at them with concern as well as disgust. It's not like the two were quiet about their plan to rip off other musicians.
 ~A Couple of Days Later~
 "Guys!" Marinette called out as she rushed down the steps, causing Luka and Ivan to look at her, along with Rose and Juleka. She stopped in front of them and held her legs a little as she caught her breathe before straightening up. "I have something I need to show you,"
 "What is it?" Rose asked, curious as Marinette took out her phone and brought up a video. Kitty Section surrounded her and looked at her phone as she pressed play on the video. Bob Roth appeared on the screen and began to talk about how his studio was looking for new talent and had created a competition to find it. The goal was to create a music video with great visual and musical skill within two weeks. The prize was getting to play live in KIDZ+ Studios on one of their shows. The video finished, causing Kitten Section to gasp in surprise. 
 "It's the perfect opportunity to showcase Kitty Section," She gasped, making Luka pull a thinking face. He could pull in favors with Jagged but he didn't want to use his dad in that way. Besides, this way they could prove their worth. It would also mean they could show off some of Marinette's designs as she had been planning to make some for them.
 "And the stage clothes you designed, Marinette," He added in, making her look at him as her cheeks turned pink. She giggled shyly before shaking her head.
 "If we all pitch in two weeks is more then enough time to make an awesome video!" She declared in an energetic way as she looked at them all. "Everyone in?"
 "Here we go!" Rose declared, holding up her arm before the five of them high fived together, shouting out their name before they pulled away.
 "Why don't we get started tonight?" Luka suggested, making Marinette look at him. "We have band practice planned anyway so Marinette, you can come over with your sketch pad and listen to us while we play. Hopefully, it will help give you inspiration,"
 "That's a great idea, Luka," She grinned, making him smile back as Juleka and Rose shared a look. "I'll just have to go and grab my stuff then we can head there,"
 "Hey, why don't we go ahead and Luka, you can go with Marinette to collect her stuff?" Juleka suggested, causing both of them to blush. She smirked a little at their reactions. "We can give Ma a head's up and start setting up the instruments,"
 "Um... sure? If Marinette doesn't mind?" He asked, causing her to grin and grab his hand, pulling him to the bakery as Rose shouted for him to pick up some snacks as well. Luka gave her a wave as an answer and walked with Marinette, keeping hold of her hand as he did. She glanced back at him and gave him a shy smile before they walked into the bakery. She let go of his hand and walked over to Sabine, gently kissing her cheek as she greeted her.
 "Hey, Mama," She smiled. "I'm going over to Luka's for a bit but I'll be home for dinner if that's ok?"
 "Of course, dear," She smiled before waving to Luka. "Hello, Luka. It's nice to see you again,"
 "You too, Mrs Ch- I mean Sabine," He replied, correcting himself as Marinette walked back over to him and pulled him into the apartment, waving to her father as they passed him in the back of the bakery. Tom waved back as the two of them climbed the stairs and headed up into Marinette's room. As soon as they entered, she went straight to emptying her bag and switching out her sketchpads from her practice one to her professional one. Luka rose an eyebrow as he watched her take out her pencil case and put in her bag as well. "How come you don't bring those ones to school?"
 "Lila and Chloe," She replied, making him frown. "Chloe use to laugh at my designs and even stole a design before. As for Lila, she had tried to get her hands on my work and destroy it. I managed to get it back before she did any real damage but since then I've left my professional sketchpad here. As for my pencils and pens, I've never brought them to school. They're pretty expensive so I'd rather not bring them to a place where people can easily get them. It's not like my locker is secure or anything,"
 "I'm sorry," He muttered, making her look to him before she shook his head.
 "Oh, it's not your fault, Luka," She smiled. "I'd actually trust you with those things. I know you would take care of them and you won't steal my work, even if you were into fashion,"
 "Of course, I wouldn't," He replied, making her smile a little. "I actually hate it when people steal art work regardless of what media it is. It's just wrong,"
 "Yeah, it is," She nodded, zipping up her bag and putting it on. "Well, I have everything I need so let's go get some snacks,"
 "Sounds good to me," He smiled, making her smile back. The two of them headed back downstairs and went to grab some pastries. Sabine came over and handed them a bag each, making Luka smile. "Thank you,"
 "There should be enough for everyone," She replied, making him smile a little more before Marinette thanked her and said goodbye. Luka waved as they left the bakery and walked towards the Seine in a comfortable silence. Marinette was happily humming a little bit, making him smile a little.
 "What?" She asked as she caught his glance. He chuckled and gently ruffled her hair, making her giggle.
 "You seem happy," He smiled, making her blush a little before she smiled shyly at him.
 "I am," She replied, playing with the straps of her bag. "I get to design awesome costumes for an awesome musician... I mean awesome musicians!"
 "I'm glad you're designing stuff for us, Marinette," He smiled, making her look at him. "I love your designs. They're always so authentic and original. You capture people's songs and turn them into beautiful designs,"
 "Luka," She gasped, blushing. "I-I'm glad you like them,"
 "Of course, I do," He smiled as they came to the liberty. Rose waved to them as Luka opened the gate on the plank and gestured for Marinette to step across. She smiled shyly at him and climbed onto the ship. He followed, closing the gate behind them as Juleka did a sound test on her bass. His guitar was leaning against the side, waiting for him to play it. "We bring snacks,"
 "Excellent!" Ivan grinned as Luka put down the bag of snacks and took off his own bag, placing it to the side. Marinette took a seat and took out her sketchpad and pencil case as Luka crossed over to his guitar and picked it up. He slid the strap over his shoulders and plugged it, testing the sound and making sure it was tuned. He tweaked it a little before playing again and smiling as he was satisfied with the sound. 
 "Ready?" He asked the others, getting a nod of Juleka.
 "Yeah!" Rose declared as Ivan picked up his drum sticks. He clicked them together, counting them in as Marinette opened her sketchpad to the sheets where she had started to work on some concepts for them already. She took out her pencil as they started to play, causing her to look up at them. "You know I love unicorns and nothing makes me feel better!"
 She smiled and began to outline one of the mask designs she had before glancing up a little. Luka looked over at her and gave her a soft smile as her eyes connected with him. She blushed a little and shyly looked back at her book before she continued to draw out the masks as an idea began to form in her head. She turned to a fresh page and began to draw out the idea, sketching out Rose first. Once she had done her base drawing for her, she moved on to Juleka then Ivan and finally Luka. With those done, she began to design outfit ideas and play around with different masks. She wanted Rose's to be a little bit different to the others as she was the lead singer but she didn't want it too different as they were still part of the same band. She also wanted to make Luka's and Juleka's similar to represent that they are siblings. She glanced up again and found herself slightly mesmerized as Luka played a bit of a solo before quickly glancing back down as a light blush came over her cheeks. Over the next two weeks, she spend as much as time with them as she could, causing her ideas to flow onto paper as she listened to them to play. Luka would come over to her during the breaks and take a look at the drawings. He helped her pick out which designs she would create and during school hours, they would meet for break and lunch to talk over the ideas they had. She drew final designs for each of them. With Rose, she went with a primarily pink mask with dark details and an aqua green horn. She picked out rounded shoulder pads that had stars on them and a pink chest plate, that was cropped, with the kitty section logo on it. With Juleka, she went with a primarily purple theme but she put in hints of pink to represent her relationship with Rose. She chose a star design for Juleka's mask. She painted it pink with a blue outline. The pink was for Rose but the blue for Luka. For her outfit, she created a triangular shaped collar that extended over her shoulders and chest in a light purple shade. She decided to go with something subtle for Juleka as she was a quiet person. With Ivan, she took a bit of inspiration from Leatherback. She wasn't sure why but he kind of reminded her of Ivan a little. She created a circular chest plate similar to Leatherback's costume but instead of been a turtle shell design and green, she made it red and gold with a similarly colored Kitty Section logo in the middle. The straps that connected to it were a dark scarlet with a gold trim and with gold studs going up it. His mask's base was white but she drew out a design similar to flames around the eyes, coloring it red. The horn was a dark scarlet red and she had also added some arm guards with spikes on them. In her sketch book, she posed him with his arms above his head as if he was gonna smash something. She drew out his name like a brick wall and even drew a little bit of debris as well. She had done something similar with Rose and Juleka as well. Juleka's name was done in a curled style with the star in the back ground. She was stood with her hands in front of her and a shy smile on her face. Behind her, Marinette had drawn a flag with the kitty section logo on it and her bass guitar to the side. With Rose, Marinette drew her jumping excitedly with her hands stretched out in a claw like pose. Her name was drawn in a style similar to Juleka's but she had swirls around it instead of a star. With Luka, she had drawn him as if he was walking forward with his arms out slightly. She put lines and little stars around him to emphasis the movement. His name was drawn out in bold letters with little stars around them too and she drawn several types of lightning bolts. She had settled with a simple one that would cover his right eye in the same place as Juleka's star. His mask's main color would be white but the lightening bolt was blue with a pink outline. The horn on his mask was a metallic teal blue and his outfit had curved shoulder pads with added spikes on the edges. They were glittery blue with little stars inside them and a white outline while the shoulder pads were a light blue. His chest plate was the same color as the shoulder pads and had a nine pointed star in the middle. It was a glittery blue with a pink outline and a kitty section logo in it. She had also created him a fanned collar with spikes that was teal blue in color. When the outfits were created, she took them straight to the liberty and helped them get into them. Luka gave her a thumbs up when she checked his before she handed him the mask she made as the others put on theirs. She took a step back and grinned as they posed, making her laugh. They couldn't complete the video that day as she still had to make some props but the hardest part was done for now. That night she began working on the props and even managed to get a good amount done before she had to go on patrol. Luckily, she didn't have to make much as the liberty had some flags already up. She created a large rainbow with the kitty section logo in the middle of it. She added pink stars and purple lightning bolts to it to make it stand out more and she even painted up Ivan's drums with the kitty section logo and a beautiful butterfly pattern in purple, orange, pink, red and green. When it came to filming, Luka helped her set up the props and they put a purple back drop around the area they were to film in. Once that was done, the band got into the position and Marinette began to film. While she had been designing their outfits, they had been practicing the song and coming up with a few dance moves as part of it. Rose made a clawing movement towards the camera before Luka and Juleka moved side to side as they played. Marinette couldn't help but feel proud as she filmed them. Luka moved over to Rose and the two of them made clawing movements towards the camera. Marinette smiled happily as the song came to a stop before stopping the recording. With the main parts done, all was left was to edit the video and submit it. Marinette took home the camera and uploaded to her computer, editing almost straight away. It took a couple of days in between school, akumas and patrols but once satisfied, she invited Kitty Section around to watch it. They were really happy with it and it needed no extra editing so they submitted it to the contest before pulling Marinette in for a group hug.
 ~Couple of Days after the Contest ended~
 "And nothing makes me feel better!" Rose sang as the song finished before she held up her fingers in a peace sign. 
 "Wow! This is so awesome," Luka gasped. He hadn't felt this energetic in a while but it was hard not to. Everyone was so excited about the contest and they had been practicing pretty much non stop for the last two weeks but it didn't feel like a chore. It was fun and exciting. "We're so in the moment! This song is fun and totally sincere!"
 He smiled before glancing over Marinette, who was sat on the sofa. She was looking at her phone but her expression was one of worry and sadness. Luka frowned a little before walking over to her.
 "Hey, Marinette," He stated, causing her to look up at him as he sat down. "Still no news about the contest?"
 "Maybe they didn't like our song," She replied, looking sad. Luka instantly placed his hand on her shoulder to reassure her.
 "They must have received a ton of videos," He explained. "They probably haven't made their pick yet,"
 She gave him a small smile and nodded a little as his words reassured her. Of course, lots of other musicians had entered. It was the chance of a life time after all.
 "Uh oh," Ivan gasped, making them both look to him as he stared out of the window before he looked back at them. "You better take a look at this, guys!"
 Marinette and Luka looked at each other before jumping up and moving over to one of the other portholes before glancing out as Rose and Juleka moved to the other one and did the same. The screen on the TVi studio was showing a performance by XY but to their horror, it looked stupidly similar to their video. Marinette quickly took out her phone and pulled up the live stream to play it, showing XY playing a really bad version of I love Unicorns.
 "Cause I love my unicorns and my fluffy blue bunnies too!" He sung while literally hitting the DJ deck he was using. Luka gritted his teeth as he glared at the video. The song ended with XY crossing his arms before it switched to Alec Cataldi.
 "Wow! Loving the new look, XY! You've really out done yourself this time," He declared, glancing at the camera as the so called musician came over to him. "How did you come up with a style that's so... original?"
 "It's all in here!" He replied, taking his head and making Luka let out a small growl. 
 "But that's our original style!" Ivan gasped as Marinette gripped the phone tightly.
 "Your unicorn and your mask," Luka gasped, looking at Marinette. He was annoyed on her behalf and judging by the look on her face, she was annoyed on his behalf as well.
 "That's your melody! It's your music! That's... That's not fair!" She declared as she looked at them. "That should be you guys up there on TV!"
 She frowned as she looked at them before turning around and glaring at the large screen, showing XY.
 "There better be a good explanation for this!" She declared, clutching her phone before she turned to the others. "We need to have it out with Bob Roth and XY! Let's head to the studio!"
 As soon as she declared that, the band nodded and rushed out of the boat. Luka and Marinette were in front as the other three followed them but Luka wasn't sure if there was a good explanation. To him, it was clear what had happened. XY had stolen their style and music. He wasn't really surprised since he had seen the way XY had acted towards Jagged and this was obviously his attempt to get back on the number one spot. They came to a stop as they saw the TVi building. Outside of the doorway were two security guards. Marinette took a deep breathe and stormed over to them with the rest of the band.
 "Can we help you?" One of them asked, glancing at them.
 "We need to see XY and Bob Roth," Marinette replied, making the men frown.
 "They're not here right now," One of them replied, making Marinette click her tongue.
 "Seriously?" She gasped before pointing to the screen on top. "They're right there on live screen!"
 "You're not allowed in," He replied again, making them frown. "You're not invited and the show's already started,"
 "But it's our show!" Marinette argued, annoyed as Luka frowned.
 "Not our problem, Miss," The other one answered, making them frown a little more before Luka turned to Marinette, who gave him an identical look. The two of them smiled at each other before turning to the others.
 "Come on, guys... we'll work out something else," Luka sighed, leading them away from the doors with Rose muttering something about not giving up. They walked down the stairs to the Seine, taking them out of the line of sight of the security guards. Since they were hidden, Luka stopped the group from walking and turned to Marinette with a mischief glint in his eye. Rose, Juleka and Ivan rose an eyebrow as they noticed Marinette had the same look in her eyes. "You think what I'm thinking?"
 "Find a way to sneak in and confront Bob Roth and XY?" She asked, making him grin.
 "Exactly," He smirked before the two of them pulled identical expressions. "How to do it though?"
 "Well, we need to distract the security guards," Marinette replied, frowning as she tapped her finger against her chin. Luka glanced over the wall and looked over at the building. The guards were still stood there but they were talking to each other. Luka glanced over to his friends and smiled as his luck vision kicked in. Ivan got highlighted then Juleka and Rose before he looked back at the building. The two security guards got lit up then the doors before he looked back again. Finally, Marinette got lit up.
 "I've got a plan," He announced, smiling as he moved over to them, causing them to look at him in surprise. "Rose, Juleka, you're gonna pretend you're been chased by an akuma, who will be played by Ivan. That should be enough to get security guards' attention then Marinette, me and you will sneak past them,"
 "Ok but how am I gonna be an akuma?" Ivan asked as Luka thought before snapping his fingers together.
 "Your kitty section costume. We're close enough to the Liberty to go grab it," He replied, getting a nod of everyone. "I'll go grab it. You guys keep an eye on the guards and text me if the show ends,"
 "We will," Marinette replied, getting a nod of him before he ran off. Tikki poked her head out of his pocket as he got closer to the boathouse. 
 "Do you think Bob Roth and XY will admit what they've done?" She asked as he walked across the gangplank and went below decks.
 "I don't know but we have to find out why they did this," He replied, grabbing Ivan's costume and mask. "It's just wrong,"
 "Definitely," Tikki huffed, crossing her arms. "They should be ashamed of themselves,"
 "Yeah. Let's get back to the others," He replied, opening his jacket so she could fly into his inner pocket. He had asked Marinette to create an inner pocket in his jacket for Tikki. Of course, Marinette had no idea that it was for a kwami but she did it for him anyway. He ran back to the others and held out the costume to Ivan, who grinned before he took it and put it on. He fixed on his mask before turning to Luka.
 "You sure this will work?" He asked, making the guitarist nod.
 "It will work," He grinned, giving the drummer a thumbs up. Ivan grinned at him before roaring out loud. Rose and Juleka instantly screamed and ran up the stairs as Ivan chased them, shouting about how their friend had akumatized and to call Anatis and Lady Noir at once. Luka watched as the security guards kept their eyes on them. They told them it wasn't working but they also weren't aware of the full plan. Luka carefully took Marinette's hand and led her closer to the building, hiding against the edge closest to the door as they did. Rose screamed again, causing one of the guards to sigh in annoyance.
 "Stop messing around, kids," He declared as Luka and Marinette sneaked closer. "It's not going to work,"
 "We've got work to do," The other replied as the door opened and the two of them slipped inside. "So get out of here and go watch the show at home,"
 The door closed as Marinette and Luka looked around. The lobby was completely empty, making their plan a lot easier. They walked over to the lifts and pressed the call button, causing one of the doors to open. They got inside and pressed the button for the studio that XY was in. The door's closed and the lift began to move up. Marinette turned to Luka and gave him a smile.
 "That was a great plan, Luka," She grinned, making him smile.
 "Wouldn't have been able to pull it without you guys," He smiled as the lift pinged and the doors opened. He glanced around as he stepped out with Marinette. They weren't sure where the entrance to the studio would be. They stopped as a woman walked by, heading towards a door. Marinette tapped Luka's arm and pointed at her before she disappeared into the studio. Luka nodded and the two of them ran over to the door she had gone through. They carefully pushed it open and peered in. XY was stood next to Alec Cataldi.
 "So, tell me, where did you get this inspiration for all this new material?" He asked as XY looked at him. 
 "Oh, it's nothing really," He replied, moving his head to the side. "I came with the whole song in like five minutes,"
 "In five minutes?" Luka gasped, annoyed. "He couldn't even sing it the way it was suppose to be sung!"
 "And his mask isn't even a good rip off," Marinette replied, equally annoyed. She glanced over and noticed Bob Roth stood behind the camera line. She rushed inside the studio and over to him. "Mr Roth!"
 He turned to look at him with a blank face.
 "My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng," She explained, making him frown. There was a hint of recognition in his eyes, causing her to realize he knew her but he couldn't place where from. "I'm the one who sent you the kitty section video!"
 "Video?" He asked in an aggressive manner. "What video? I don't know what you're talking about, Kid!"
 "Maybe I can jog your memory!" She declared, taking out her phone and holding it up to him as it played the video, causing him to look at it. "Look! The costumes, the masks, the music, the dance moves... they're all the same,"
 "There's no comparison!" Mr Roth declared, crossing his arms before he gestured to the phone as XY joined him, mimicking his father's pose as he looked at them with disgust. "This here is some amateur garage band. My son is a solo artist,"
 "Son?" Luka questioned as he put his arm around XY, who had started to smirk.
 "You guys play instruments, his music is all digital," He continued, pointing to XY. "Our unicorn is much more cooler and our masks are nothing like yours,"
 "That's not true!" Luka yelled, surprising Marinette as he glared at them. "You copied Marinette's costumes!"
 "And it's the exact same song!" Marinette added in, looking at the two thieves. "You stole Luka's music!"
 "Oh, come on! Let's not exaggerate now," XY stated as he looked at them. "We may have been just a little... inspired! That's all but I thought you would know that given that your father is a musician,"
 "Ah, that's right," Mr Roth smirked as he looked at Luka. "I thought I recognized you. You're Jagged's son,"
 "My father has nothing to do this with this!" Luka growled, making the two of them look at him in surprise. "And you weren't inspired! You flat out stole!"
 He walked up to XY and poked him in the chest as he looked at him in an angry manner.
 "You didn't design this mask!" He yelled as he grabbed the mask off XY and ripped it off him, causing the DJ to rub the side of his face in pain. "Marinette did!"
 "Look, it's not too late to do the right thing!" Marinette gasped, causing Luka to look at her in surprise. Even though he really shouldn't be. Of course, Marinette was gonna try and appeal to their better selves. She always saw the good everyone, even those who didn't deserve it. Luka was even sure that she probably still managed to see good in someone like Lila despite what she's done. "Just tell the truth and let Kitty Section appear on the show! That's all we're asking,"
 "Yeah," Mr Roth replied in a disbelieving tone before he pointed at them. "First, they'll want to be in the show then they'll be asking for a cut of the profits! No way! Never show or heard of Kitten Division!"
 Luka gritted his teeth as he felt his anger rising but Tikki gently pressed her paw to his chest, causing him to remember that he couldn't risk been akumatized. He took a deep breathe and turned to Marinette.
 "Forget it, Marinette," He gasped, gently grabbing her shoulder to lead her away. He didn't her to get akumatized over this either. "It's no big deal. Let's just go,"
 "No!" She gasped, pulling away from him. "It's not fair! I won't stand by and let my friends' work get stolen!"
 She stormed over to Mr Roth and XY as Luka looked at her in amazement. Despite the situation, he could feel himself falling for her harder then before. 
 "If you won't tell the truth then I will!" She threatened, surprising Luka again as she pointed to Bob Roth. "Right now! On the air! Live!"
 She stormed pass Mr Roth but suddenly grabbed her arm, making look at him and Luka to step forward as the urge to protect her kicked in.
 "If you do that, I'll tell them that you're the copy cats, not me!" He declared as she yanked her arm free from him. Luka gritted his teeth as his anger began to rise again. "I've got all of the music biz eating out of my hand! So who do you think they're gonna believe? Me or a group of nobodies?"
 He glanced over at Luka as he spoke, causing Luka to narrow his eyes and growl a little. He wasn't a nobody and neither was Marinette. None of Kitty Section were and how dare Bob Roth imply that they are. Mr Roth turned back to Marinette as he continued to threaten her.
 "You'll never have a future in this business! You'll never make another costume!" He declared, pointing his fat digit at Marinette, who stepped back. "And there will be no more music for your buddies! Because as far as everyone's concerned, you'll be the rip off artists!"
 He pointed at Marinette, making her flinch back as Luka flinched and glared at the man, getting angrier as he watched him. Not only was Bob Roth threatening Marinette but he had also stole their project and the way he was acting was reminding Luka of his step father. The way he towered over Marinette was mirrored how Issac would tower over Luka when he was younger. It was making him more angrier then he already was. How dare Mr Roth threatened the girl he loved?! How dare he steal her hard work and claim it as his own?! Sure, he was pissed that he had stole his work but he was more annoyed at that Marinette had been caught up with it. He growled as he gripped the mask in his hand, seething with anger.
 "I can destroy your future with a snap of my fingers!" Bob Roth laughed as Marinette looked up at him in horror. He laughed as she stepped away, causing Luka to growl again as he failed to notice the akuma that was fluttering towards him. "Not quite so cocky now, are we?!"
 The akuma entered his mask, opening the psychic link to Hawkmoth.
 "Silencer," The super villain stated, causing Luka's body to freeze up as he realized what was happening. "I am Hawkmoth. This man is the voice of evil and I'm giving you the power to silence him for good! All I ask in return is-"
 A buzzing noise interrupted Hawkmoth's speech, confusing both him and Luka as they heard it.
 "What?" Hawkmoth gasped as he wondered what it was. It resembled white noise but confused the hell out of Hawkmoth. He had never came across this before. Meanwhile, Luka gripped his head, groaning as white noise continued to filled his mind, causing him to drop the mask. He lifted his other hand to his head as it began to get louder and louder. He could hear Marinette yelling but it sounded so far away. "Silencer, I-"
 "Shut up!" He shouted, surprising everyone around him. It felt like his mind was going to explode. "G-Get out of my head!"
 "Luka!" Marinette gasped somewhere from in front of him but she still sounded really far away and the white noise was still around but he could hear something else within it. It was a voice saying something in a language he didn't understand. It seemed to be repeating something and it almost felt like it was trying to break through but he couldn't handle it. The sound was tearing his mind apart. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he collapsed to the floor as his body began to convulse violently. He heard Marinette's scream and he was afraid of what was happening but he couldn't stop his body as he fitted.
 "Silencer! Answer me!" Hawkmoth shouted as he had no idea what was going on. He could feel extreme fear and panic coming from the boy and he could hear the white noise but it was dramatically reduced for him. "I demand an answer!"
 "You're not welcome here," A deep voice that definitely didn't belong to the boy replied, sending shivers down his spine before the connection was forcefully broken. He blinked in completely surprise as he hadn't called back the akuma nor had the boy rejected it and it wasn't purified. It had just been pushed out. He blinked in surprise before ordering his akuma to move around. He frowned as he used it's eyes to see what was going on but gasped in surprise. The boy who he had targeted was on the floor, violently fitting as Marinette Dupain-Cheng was trying to helping. Bob Roth was stood to the side, looking completely shocked while XY was backing away in fear. 
 "Go to XY!" He ordered, causing the akuma to flutter over to him and enter his head band. XY growled as the connection opened to Hawkmoth. "Blackout, I am Hawkmoth. These wannabe rock-stars are accusing you of stealing their original material. Well, I'm giving you the ability to take away something from them. All I ask in return is for you to get me Anatis' and Lady Noir' miraculous and find out what happened to that boy. Do we have a deal?"
 "Yes, Hawkmoth," XY replied, accepting the power.
 ~Back to Marinette~
 "Do you have any idea-" XY stated as Luka suddenly groaned, causing the three of them to look at him as he gripped his head, dropping the rip off mask as he did. Marinette gasped as she saw it had turned black. She rushed over to him as he stepped back and groaned. 
 "Luka!" She gasped, worried. "Luka! Listen to me, you don't need-"
 "Shut up!" He shouted, gripping his hair as his face screwed up in pain. She covered her mouth as she wasn't sure what to do. "Get out of my head!"
 "Luka!" She gasped, going to encourage him but his eyes suddenly rolled up into the back of his head and he collapsed to the floor, convulsing violent. She let out a scream and rushed to his side. She grabbed his head as tears filled her eyes before she looked up at Mr Roth and XY. "Phone an ambulance!"
 Bob stepped back in fear as Luka continued to fit. Marinette tried to calm herself as best as she could. Since Mr Roth and XY weren't helping, she grabbed her phone and dialed 112. The phone rang for a few seconds before it answered.
 "Hello! I need an ambulance!" She gasped in a panicked voice. The woman on the phone told her to take a deep breathe and explain the situation. Marinette took one. "It's my friend. He's having some kind of fit. He needs medical-"
 "Yes, Hawkmoth," XY suddenly declared, causing her to gasp and look over as he got consumed by the purple smog before some kind of shock wave exploded from him, knocking everyone back and plunging everyone in darkness as the purple smog disappeared. Marinette pushed herself up and looked at her phone, gasping as she saw it was now dead before she looked over at Luka. He had stopped fitting but his eyes were still rolled up and he didn't appear to be responsive. Marinette leaned over him and frowned as she wasn't sure what to do. She had to get him out of here. She thought about transforming but the sound of footsteps caught her attention, causing her to gasp as the akumatized XY walked over. He was one of the more scarier akumas she had seen. His hair was made of blue flames and his headband was black. He wore a black vest with spiked shoulder pads and a bright blue hem. Underneath it was a black fishnet top that covered some of his stomach. His pants were blue with yellow triangles and he had a black belt around around his waist with a lightning bolt shaped belt buckle. It was purple with a yellow line. The same lightening bolt was on his mask but the rest of it was purple. His eyes were light blue with purple scleras and he had black lips as well as fangs. His skin was light blue and he had black fingerless gloves on. His boots were black with blue flames on them and his fingers were skeletal. His ears were pixie like, had two black bands on his right arm and he had a bass guitar around his back that was back with a blue flame on it. Marinette gulped as he stood in front of her. "Hawkmoth wants to know what happened to your little boyfriend,"
 "Leave him alone!" She gasped as he leaned down and grabbed her, shoving her aside. "He needs medical help!"
 "I could crush him right now," He smirked, causing Marinette to get scramble and try to find something in the darkness. Her fingers found something, causing her to feel it. She smiled as she realized it was a fire extinguisher. She pulled it off and set it up as XY leaned over Luka. She aimed it at him and sprayed him with it, causing him to yell out as she managed to out his flames for now. She picked it up when it ran out and threw it at him, causing him to scream and dive out of the way as she rushed over to Luka. She slapped his cheeks, causing him to groan but he wasn't quite awake yet. She tried to pull him out of the studio as XY got back up. "You little- ahhh!"
 He dived out of the way as several rafters came crashing down as Marinette managed to reach the door. She tried to find the handle but it suddenly opened, allowing her to drag Luka out with difficulty. It wasn't that he was large or anything but he was a dead weight. She gasped as she saw to green eyes before letting out a sigh when she realized it was Plagg. She gasped and pulled Luka to the side before letting out a breathe. He groaned, causing Plagg to hide in her purse as he coughed.
 "M-Marinette..." He gasped, making her let out a sigh of relief. "W-why... dark..."
 "There was a blackout and we have an akuma who seems to want to know what happened to you," She explained, making him groan.
 "Need... Anatis..." He muttered, trying to move. Marinette helped him leaning against the wall as he groaned. "Feel.. sick..."
 "I'm not surprised," She mumbled, gently placing her hand on his head before her fear got the better off her. "Luka, you scared me. You started to fit and I didn't know what to do,"
 "I'm.. sorry...." He muttered, making her let out a small sigh.
 "It's not your fault," She replied as they heard a crash. She gulped as she realized it was probably Blackout. "Think you can walk?"
 "M-Maybe. Might... need help..." He admitted, making her nod. She moved over to him and helped him up, getting him to lean on her as they began to walk away from where they were, feeling the wall as they did. They turned the corner, just as Blackout burst through the door. Marinette's eyes began to adjust in the dark as she looked around, still feeling the wall as she did. She made felt a door and moved her hand over it, realizing it was a push door. She felt something on it and realized it was a metal sign. She moved her hand across it and gasped quietly as she realized it was the woman's toilets. She pushed open the door and helped Luka inside before helping him sit against the wall. 
 "Stay in here," She ordered, going to get up but Luka grabbed her hand.
 "D-Don't go," He muttered, making her frown. She had to leave him but part of her didn't want to.
 "I'm just gonna go on the roof and flag down Lady Noir or Anatis," She replied, gently placing her hand on his cheek. "You'll be safe in here as the akuma won't think to look in the women toilets for you,"
 "Me-Melody," He muttered before groaning. "B-Be careful,"
 "I'll try," She replied, biting her lip before she leaned down and kissed his forehead. "I'll get them to send paramedics as soon as they can for you and I'll be back as soon as I can too,"
 Before he could answer, she rushed outside and away from the bathroom. She hated leaving him, especially given how weak he was but she had to protect him. He was too important to her not to and she could keep the akuma away from him as Lady Noir. As soon as she was far enough, she transformed into Lady Noir and went looking for the akuma.
 ~Back to Luka~
 As soon as Marinette left the room, Tikki flew out of his pocket and pressed her hand to Luka's cheek. She gasped as she realized he was hotter then usual and his breathing was weak.
 "Luka, you need a doctor," She gasped as his breathing got swallow as if he was struggling with it. "Luka!"
 "I'm... ok..." He gasped, trying to get up but he fell back onto the floor. "I... need to... protect... her..."
 "Luka, you're in no fit state to transform let alone fight," She gasped, concerned. She had no idea what happened. She knew he was close to been akumatized but because of the seizure, he hadn't. Had his natural luck causes it? She wouldn't consider it lucky but in a backward way, it was.
 "I h-have to..." He gasped, pushing himself up again. "T-Tikki... spots o-on,"
 She got sucked into his earrings, transforming him in Anatis as he fell to the floor again. He pushed himself up and took a step forward, groaning as he felt dizzy. He felt the room shake, causing him to frown before he took a step forward and left the bathroom. He made his way through the building blindly, using the wall as a guide. He managed to make his way up where the shaking and crashes were coming from before he held a voice yell that he recognized as Lady Noir. She came flying through the doors of the studio and landed near him as the akuma stepped out.
 "Now you'll see why they call me Blackout!" He declared, taking out his bass guitar and strumming it. Anatis uses the last of his strength to rush in front of her and used his yoyo to block the attack as Lady Noir got up but he couldn't hold it back and was knocked into her, causing him to fall to the ground as he breathed in heavily as his head began to buzz again and feel like it was splitting. He could feel himself falling backwards into darkness as he began to lose consciousness. Lady Noir didn't notice as she jumped up and used her baton to redirect Blackout's attack. Blackout growled as she smirked at him.
 "Think you can get us a lucky charm, Annie," She grinned but frowned when he didn't reply. She redirected Blackout's attack before kicking him back and attacking him. "Annie! A little help here!"
 He didn't answer again, causing her to look behind her and gasp. He was slumped to the ground with his head bowed, causing her to gasp.
 "Annie!" She cried out, allowing Blackout to take advantage. He hit her with his sound wave, throwing her back into the wall but when she got back up, she gasped as she could no longer see properly in the dark. All she could see was Blackout's flaming hair. He laughed and began to walk over to her as she held out her baton but she couldn't fight Blackout and protect Luka while protecting Anatis. She had to get him out of there. She bit her lip and prayed that Luka would forgive her. "Cataclysm!"
 She slammed her hand onto the wall behind her, causing it to crumble as a hole appeared in, allowing sunlight into the building. Blackout cried out and jumped from it, allowing her to grab Anatis and lift him up before she jumped out of the building and to the next one. It wasn't easy but she managed to carry him as best as she could to Master Fu's. He was slipping in and out conscious, making her worry. She burst through the door, causing Master Fu to look up in surprise before he gasped and rushed over to them.
 "What happened to him?" He asked as he helped her get him to the massage mat, getting him to lie down. "Lady Noir?"
 "I d-don't know..." She gasped, tears in her eyes. She explained that she had been fighting Blackout and that he had tried to protect her from been hit by a sound wave. Master Fu frowned as he listened. "But it weaken him dramatically and I don't understand why! I mean I got hit by the wave but all it did was take away my night vision,"
 "This is most unusual," He replied, getting up and gesturing for her to come over to him as her ring beeped. He led her into a different room, just before her transformation dropped and turned to her as she handed some cheese to Plagg. Anatis may be semi-consciousness but that doesn't mean he wanted to risk their identities. He grabbed some equipment that made Marinette give him a strange look as Plagg ate his cheese. When he was done, Marinette transformed back into Lady Noir and followed Master Fu back into the main room. He placed the equipment down next to Anatis and got back up. Wayzz was sat with him as he breathed shallowly. His eyes were closed and he looked like he was pain. Master Fu walked over to the phonograph and took out the miracle box before bringing it over to her. "Lady Noir, you must chose an ally you can trust to fight alongside you on this mission. Once the mission is over, you must retrieve the miraculous and return them to me,"
 "What about Anatis?" She frowned as she looked over at him. "Don't we need him to fix everything and capture the akuma?"
 "I will see if I can restore his energies and heal him but you must try and capture the akuma," He replied, making her nod. "I will give you one of my enchanted jars in case,"
 "Alright," She nodded before glancing at the miraculous. "I don't know these as well as Annie does but I do know that Blackout didn't like it when I created a hole in the building and sunlight came in and I could also use someone who can sneak up on him,"
 "In that case, I recommend the Rooster and the Tiger," Master Fu recommended, making her look at him. "The Rooster can use Flare, which allows them to create a burst of bright light and the Tiger can use Veil, which makes it's user completely invisible until they either touch something or they run out of their time,"
 "Those two would be perfect!" Lady Noir gasped before frowning. "But can I even bring two out?"
 "Normally, I wouldn't advise it but with Anatis out of commission this time, I am suggesting it," Master Fu replied, causing Lady Noir to nod and grab the two miraculous. Master Fu got up and walked out of the room as she went to the draw and put the two miraculous in their boxes before placing them in her pocket. She moved over to Anatis and knelt down next to him, gently moving his hair as his eyelids fluttered a little.
 "Don't worry, Annie," She whispered. "I'll find a way to fix this,"
 Master Fu came back in and handed her a jar before she took off out of the window and jumped across the rooftops. For her allies, she needed people who have a strong sense of justice and who can handle tough situations. She also needed someone who is a quick thinker and logical and she knew exactly who was perfect for it. She landed on the school roof and jumped down, heading straight to the computer room. It was a bit of a shot in the dark as it was a Saturday but she knew a number of students did extra classes on a Saturday if they weren't hanging out with their friends.  As soon as she entered the room, she saw who she was looking for. Max was trying to get the computers and Marvok to work again.
 "Max Kante," She called, getting his attention. He gasped and jumped in surprise as she strolled over to him. "I need your help,"
 "Is there an akuma?" He asked, getting a nod of her. "Anatis sent you to get help?"
 "Anatis... is hurt..." She muttered, looking to the side. "I've got him to someone who can help but I can't just let this akuma continue to rampage,"
 "I understand but I'm not sure how I can help," Max replied, frowning as Lady Noir reached into her pocket and took out the box that contained the Rooster miraculous. Max blinked as he looked at it.
 "Max Kante, here is the miraculous of the Rooster which grants the power of Illumination," She explained, making him stare at it at surprise. "You will use it for the greater good,"
 Max gaped at her in surprise before slowly taking the box.
 "Once the mission is done, you must return the miraculous to me," She explained, making him nod. "Can I trust you?"
 "You can count on me one hundred percent, Lady Noir," He replied, opening it. A bright orange glow appeared out of it and circled around him, causing him to gasp before it manifested in a small creature that resembled a rooster, who stretched and looked at him.
 "Hello, I'm Orriko," It stated, making him know. "Who are you?"
 "Um... hello, my name's Max," He replied, making Orriko nod before they turned around and frowned as they looked around. "Is something wrong?"
 "Where's the young master?" Orriko asked, looking at Lady Noir. She glanced to the side sadly. "Is he ok?"
 "He's with Master Fu," She answered, making the rooster nod. "Orriko was it? We need to face Blackout but I don't know much about your power so I can't really explain it to Max,"
 "No need to worry, mistress," They replied, making her blush a little before turning back to Max. "To transform, all you need to say is Orriko, Sunrise and to detransform it's Orriko, Sunset. The power you will have is called Flare. Calling upon it will allow you to create a flash of bright light with your arrows,"
 "Ok," Max replied, nodding as he slipped on the thumb ring. "Orriko, Sunrise!"
 Orriko got sucked into the ring, charging it up. Max swiped his hand over his hand, changing it's color to red and orange before the golden energy spreaded across his body, creating his outfit. It was most orange that faded in yellow but his legs had dark teal green on them. He had red shoulder pads and a bright orange neck area that was triangle-shaped. His gloves were a dark teal green with red spikes and his boots were yellow. He moved his hand across his eyes, creating his mask which was most red but with a yellow nose area that was shaped like a beak. His quiver appeared on his side and his bow appeared on his back before a red belt appeared around his waist, completely the transformation. 
 "Whoa," He muttered, holding his hands up as he looked at him.
 "Not bad," Lady Noir smiled, making him nod. "You'll need a name though,"
 "Call me Apollo," He smiled, making her nod. "What's the plan?"
 "We just need to pick up one more person," She explained, making him nod. "Would you mind waiting for me on the rooftop?"
 "Of course, Lady Noir," He nodded, making her smile. "Would you like me to do anything while I'm waiting?"
 "Well, you could study your user's guide," She explained, making him nod. "Your bow will have a build in phone and manual,"
 "Interesting," He replied, jumping up to the roof as she rushed to the art room and looked around. There were but none of them called out to her for the tiger. She apologized to them and rushed back out  before looking around the other classrooms. She frowned to herself as she continued to do so. She needed to find someone and soon.
 "Lady Noir?" A voice called, making her turn around as Nino stared at her. "Is everything ok, dudette?"
 "Are you alone?" She asked, making him nod.
 "Yeah, I wanted to work on some lyrics," He replied, making her nod. "Where's Anatis?"
 "He's... um... he's hurt... the akuma did something to him. I got him to safety but I need help," She admitted sadly, making Nino gasp before clearing his throat and placed his hand on her shoulder. "I can't defeat Blackout on my own,"
 "I'll help you as best I can, dudette," He replied, making her nod. "Though not sure what use I'll be,"
 "Actually," She muttered, wiping her eyes a little before taking out the box with the tiger miraculous before holding up. "You can be more helpful then you realize,"
 "Is that what I think it is?" He asked, making her smile.
 "Nino Lahiffe, here is the miraculous of the tiger which grants the ability of invisibility," She declared, making him stare at it. "You will use it for the greater good, if you are willing?"
 "Definitely, dudette," He replied, taking the box.
 "Once the mission is done, you must return the miraculous to me," She explained, making him nod. "Can I trust you?"
 "I got your back, dudette," He reassured as he opened the box, causing a magenta colored ball of light to appear and fly around him before it manifested into a small tiger like creature. "Whoa, what are you? Are you like a genie or something?"
 "I'm a Kwami," It replied, crossing it's arm. "The name is Roarr and I can grant you powers,"
 "Um Roarr, would you mind explain your power to Nino?" Lady Noir asked, causing Roarr to look at her before they glanced around, frowning. "Anatis isn't here... I know you're more familiar with him but-"
 "No worries, Lady Noir," Roarr grinned, making her look at them in surprise. "The boss talks about you quite a bit and since he trusts you, we trust you. Besides, us cats gotta stick together,"
 Lady Noir smiled before nodding. Roarr turned to Nino.
 "So, Cub, the transformation words are Roarr, Leap out and to detransform, it's Roarr, Crouch Down," They explained, making the DJ nod. "And then there's your special power. My specialty is been sneaky. I grant the ability to turn invisible. Since you're a cub, it will only last five minutes then you'll transform back... but if you touch anything before that, you will be revealed. To activate it, just say Veil. Got it, Cub?"
 "I think so, Dude," Nino replied, taking out the Panjas Bracelet and putting it on his hand. He glanced at it as it turned into a simple silver bracelet connected to a simple silver ring before looking up at Roarr, who nodded. Nino held up his hand and grinned. "Roarr, Leap Out!"
 Roarr got sucked into the bracelet, charging it up before a magenta light moved up his arm as he moved around. It created a dark purple suit with magenta colored strips around it. His boots were black with dark purple strips on them and styled as combat styles. His gloves and mask matched his boots and he had a dark purple hood over his head with two tiger ears poking out. His eyes were catlike and brown in color. The light created a purple belt that was long enough to resemble a tail, finishing the transformation. 
 "Whoa, this is so cool," He gasped as he looked at himself. "This is legit,"
 "I'm glad you're impressed," She smiled, making him nod. "You're gonna need a name,"
 "Call me Sabertooth," He grinned, making her smile before the two of them left the room and jumped onto the roof, where Apollo was waiting. Lady Noir walked over to him and greeted him as Sabertooth walked behind her.
 "Sabertooth, this is Apollo," She introduced, causing the boys to shake hands before Apollo turned to her.
 "I have analysed the user's guide but I also discovered that there is an ongoing live stream with Blackout," He explained, showing her on his bow. "He is demanding that we hand him the miraculous as usual but he is also demanding that Luka Couffaine be handed over to him,"
 "What does he want with Lu... I mean Mr Couffaine?" Sabertooth asked, making her frown. 
 "The akuma Blackout is XY. He stole music from Mr Couffaine," She explained, making them frown. "And Mr Couffaine found out. I think Blackout wants to get rid of Mr Couffaine so he can't tell the truth. What's the threat this time?"
 "He's threatening to plunge the city into darkness," Apollo replied, making her nod. "But he hasn't left the TVi studio. Instead, he's been live streaming from there but I don't understand why he hasn't left,"
 "Because he can't," Lady Noir replied, making them look at her. "He can't go in light,"
 "Then my power will come in use," Apollo replied, making her nod. "What's the plan?"
 "We need to get into the studio and confront him," She replied, frowning. She wondered how Anatis did it. "Let's go!"
 ~Back to Master Fu's Place~
 Master Fu frowned as he crushed up some herbs in a bowl to create an incense that might help with Anatis' condition. He was really weak and kept slipping in and out of consciousness. He added the crushed herbs to another bowl that had a charcoal disc in it before picking up the bowl and knelt next to him, picking up a fan and using it to waft the smoke towards him. Anatis groaned and moved his head, making Master Fu frown.
 "Luka, if you can hear me, I need you to detransform," He explained, hoping he could. He needed to talk to Tikki and find out what had happened. He had a feeling that it wasn't to do with the akuma. Luka didn't reply at first, making him frown. However, Luka groaned, making Fu look at him.
 "T-Tikki..." He muttered, making him gasp. "S-Spots... off..."
 The red light appeared as his costume disappeared, causing Tikki to manifest. Luka's head flopped to the side as Master Fu caught her but she flew out of his hands and landed next to Luka's head, gently placing her paw on his cheek.
 "Luka," She muttered, frowning before looking up at Master Fu. "Can you heal him?"
 "I can try but I need to know what happened," He replied, making her nod. "Lady Noir told me he got hit by Blackout's power but the miraculous should have protected him from any physical effects,"
 "It wasn't Blackout," Tikki explained, making Master Fu looked at her as she looked worried before she let out a sigh. "Luka almost become an akuma today. He and Marinette were trying to deal with a man called Mr Roth and the DJ XY stealing their artwork. Luka was willing to let it go but then Mr Roth threatened Marinette and Luka got so angry that Hawkmoth sent an akuma to him. It technically possessed him but something happened to him. He started to grip his head and told it to shut up and get out of his head. I thought he was talking to Hawkmoth but then he collapsed to the floor and had a seizure. While he did, Hawkmoth recalled the akuma,"
 "Oh my," Master Fu replied, frowning. "I've never heard of an akuma causing someone to have a seizure. Of course, I imagine him getting hit by Blackout didn't help. I think I may be able to restore his energies to heal him,"
 "Please do, Master," Tikki gasped, looking at Luka. "I'm worried,"
 Master Fu nodded and went into over to the equipment he needed to heal Luka's chi. He began to work using his crystals and gongs but it seemed to taking longer then usual. Tikki bit her lip as she watched, hoping that Luka would be ok. She didn't understand what had happened but she knew that he needed to be ok. She would never forgive Hawkmoth if he wasn't. Master Fu tapped his gong again before holding his hands over Luka's chest, reading his energies. He gasped as he opened his eyes before doing the action again, causing Tikki to frown.
 "Master, what's wrong?" She asked, making him frown as he moved his hands. "Master?"
 "It is most strange," He replied, making her frown. "I can sense Luka's aura but I can also sense a second aura or present. Are you sure the akuma was called back?"
 "Yes," She replied, certain. "It went into XY's headband, turning him into the Blackout,"
 "That can't be right," Master Fu stated, making her frown. "When a butterfly user recalls an akuma, it is purified but if it is rejected by the host, it remains charged,"
 "That means Luka rejected it," She gasped, causing Master Fu to look at him as Luka's eyes lids flick. "Can't you get rid of the second aura?"
 "No, it could damage Luka's soul if I did," He replied, making her frown. "I don't know if this second present is just his subconscious manifesting itself or if it is something possessing him. Either way, it is too dangerous, especially if it causes his seizure,"
 "You think this other presence might possessing him?" She asked, frowning as she glanced over at him. She bit her lip again before glancing back at Fu. "Do you think it could be Hawkmoth himself?"
 "I don't know, Tikki," He replied, frowning. "I don't know,"
 ~Back to Luka~
 Silencer, I am Hawkmoth...
 Luka!!  Leave him alone!
 Luka, you need a doctor! Luka!!
 I could do with a little help here! Annie? Annie!!
 You're not welcome here... Luka groaned and gripped his head as images flashed through his mind, causing his headache to feel so much more worst then it already did. He didn't understand why he was seeing them but he knew that they weren't his memories or even times where he had been in them but at the same time, he did know them. They seemed very familiar to him but he couldn't explain why. He groaned and gripped his head even more before slipping farther into darkness before he jolted awake. He slowly sat up as he heard a strange humming and could smell herbs been cooked. It instantly reminded him of the special potions that Master Fu made for the kwamis. He rubbed his eyes as he still felt tired and his brain still hurt but he instantly went on edge when he heard someone moving around. Finally paying attention to his surroundings, he realized very quickly that he wasn't in Master Fu's apartment or in his room at the Liberty as he looked around. In fact, he didn't recognize the place he was in. He jumped up but instantly felt dizzy, causing him stumble back and grip his head as the buzzing came back. He slid down the wall to the ground as he gripped his head. He had no idea how he got where he was but he knew he had to get back. Marinette and Lady Noir needed him. There was an akuma and he had to save people but he felt so weak and tired. He wasn't sure what was wrong but he knew something was. He couldn't remember exactly what happened but he had heard Marinette screaming. He gripped his head as the buzzing noise continued to get louder and louder until it got to the point where he had to cover his ears. He flinched as someone touched his arm, making him look up in surprise at a man who was knelt in front of him. He was dressed in clothing that was definitely not modern. In fact, it reminded Luka of the kind of clothing he expected a farmer from ancient China would wear. The majority of the man's hair was short but the part that was long was tied into a low ponytail. He wore a simple gray hanfu with loose pants that were tied just below his knees. He had a short robe over his main clothing that was blue in color and had short sleeves and had flat black shoes on that resembled martial art shoes. He was taller then Luka and good few years older. If he had to guess, he would say this man was in his early twenties. He looked at Luka, taking him in with his silver eyes, causing Luka blinked and looked again. Yeah, this man's eyes were definitely silver. That wasn't natural but Luka found he wasn't afraid of him. In fact, Luka felt like he could trust him and that he wasn't a threat. Despite not knowing that he had never seen him before, Luka found that he somehow recognized the man. He was extremely familiar to him. He felt like an old friend who he hadn't seen in years. He couldn't explain it but he instantly felt calmer in the man's presence. The man smiled gently at him before gently placing his hand on his head, causing Luka to gasp in surprise as he felt his energy been restored. He tilted his head back as his eyes turned completely silver before he slumped into darkness. When he woke up, he found himself back in Master Fu's apartment. He groaned and slowly sat up, causing Tikki to flutter over
 "Luka?!" She gasped, making him blink and look at her but to her surprise, his eyes were silver instead of his usual blue. She frowned a little. "Are... are you ok?"
 "I'm fine, Tikki," He smiled, standing up causing her and Master Fu to look at him quite confused. He glanced around before noticing Master Fu and realized how he got here. Lady Noir must have brought him but she was no where to be seen, which mean she had gone back to fight Blackout. He transformed before saying goodbye to Master Fu and leaving the apartment. He swung across the buildings until he came to the TVi studio. He swung into the building through the hole in the side of it and landed down, frowning as he noticed the majority of the building was dark. He frowned to himself and decided to proceed with caution as he walked through the darkness. To his surprise, his eyes adjusted a lot quicker then usual and while it wasn't perfect, he could see better then he expected. He heard yelling and shouting coming from deeper in the building and broke into a run as he followed it. He stopped at the door and carefully opened it, slipping inside. Two heroes he didn't recognize were trying to take out Blackout and protect Lady Noir who was down on the ground. Blackout growled and used his guitar to knock both of them back, repeatedly hitting them with the sound wave before they felt on the floor. He stalked over to Lady Noir who was weakly trying to get up. She got to her feet and tried to attack Blackout, only for him to punch her before he lifted her up by the throat, causing a wave of panic and angry to flow through him as she struggled against him.
 "Now to take your miraculous, Pretty Kitty," Blackout smirked as she tried to grab at his hand. He lifted his other one but Anatis threw the yoyo, wrapping it around his arm and pulling him back, causing him to drop Lady Noir as he fell. She gasped for breathe as Blackout to get up and growl as he faced him. "Oh, you're back. I thought you had ran off with your tail between your legs, Anatis! Well, now I can claim your miraculous!"
 "Not on my watch, asshole," He growled, spinning his yoyo around as Blackout ran at him, swinging at him. Anatis blocked his fist and knocked him back as one of the other heroes managed to get up and rush over to Lady Noir, helping her up. Anatis spun around and kicked Blackout, sending him flying before he threw his yoyo and wrapped it around some of the rafters before pulling them down on Blackout, causing him to scream before he rushed over to the last hero and helped him up, following the other hero out with Lady Noir. Anatis led them to the area where the hole was. "Is everyone ok?"
 "Annie!" Lady Noir gasped, hugging him and catching him off guard before she pulled away and cupped his face, causing him to blush. "Are you ok?! I was so worried,"
 "I'm fine, Kitten," He smiled, making her frown a little as he pulled away from her. He seemed off to her and why were his eyes silver? Was it from Blackout's attack? She frowned a little.
 "Are you sure you're ok?"
 "I'm still weakened from Blackout's earlier attack but the cure should fix that," He replied, smiling before he looked other at the other two. "I see you made some friends.,"
 "Oh, this is Sabertooth and Apollo," She replied, smiling shyly. "I needed help,"
 "Blackout is tough," He replied, frowning. "But hasn't followed us out,"
 "It's probably because of the light," Lady Noir replied, making Anatis give her a puzzled look. "It seems that he can't go in it,"
 "I'm guess that's why you picked the Rooster," Anatis grinned, making Lady Noir smile before he glanced over at Sabertooth. He realized he was using the tiger miraclous but despite that, it seemed that they were struggling to fight Blackout. He frowned as he thought about it. "What's Blackout's power?"
 "He can create sound waves that are is more then just shock waves," She sighed, making him frown. "He has caused a literal black out but it seems he is able to take away abilities from people but not in a traditional way. When you were hurt earlier, he took advantage and hit me with his sound blast. It took away my ability to see in the dark,"
 "I'm sorry, Kitty" He muttered, making her frown. "I should have been more careful. As a result, you-"
 "No! It's not your fault, Annie," She gasped, holding up his hands. "I was reckless,"
 "Still," He muttered, looking to the side before shaking his head. "We need a plan to defeat Blackout. Do we know what where his akuma is?"
 "In his headband,"
 "Ok," He nodded before throwing up his yoyo. "Lucky charm,"
 A pair of glasses appeared out thin air, causing him to frown as he caught them. Just what was he suppose to do with these? He put one pair on, gasping before taking them back off. Lady Noir rose an eyebrow.
 "Night vision glasses," He smiled before glancing around in the luck vision. He frowned as he couldn't see the solution before sighing. "But I can't see how to use these so let's review what we know,"
 "Well, he's taken away your ability to work out how to use the lucky charm and my ability to see in the dark," Lady Noir sighed before Anatis gasped and clicked his fingers.
 "Of course, he may have taken away our sight in a way but what if we could restore yours?" He asked, making her blink at him before she gasped as she realized what he meant.
 "Night vision glasses!" She gasped, making him nod. "But won't he be able to switch them off?"
 "These aren't modern night vision goggles," He replied, making them look at him. "They have special lens that will help you see in the dark. Admittedly, not as well as your actual night vision but they'll work and it also means that they don't have a power source,"
 "Meaning Blackout can't switch them off," Lady Noir gasped, grinning. "So what's the plan?"
 "You wear these but we need to work out what else we know," Anatis replied, making the others nod. "Let's start with what did I miss?"
 "Well, he freaked out when I used my power to create this hole," Lady Noir replied, making Anatis give her a confused look. "That's why I grabbed the Rooster. It has Flare,"
 "The ability to create a blast of light," He muttered, nodding. "I think I'm forming a plan,"
 "Do tell,"
 "Ok, Lady Noir, me and you are going to distract him while Apollo fires his arrows from a distance. When he's distracted with us, Apollo can use Flare to blind him..." He muttered, frowning. The three other heroes gave him a confused look. "But even blinded he could still grab our miraculous and use his ability. How does he use his ability?"
 "He uses a guitar," Sabertooth replied, causing Anatis to look at him before nodding.
 "Ok, revised plan," He nodded, grinning as he did. "Me and Lady Noir will distract Blackout and disarm him while Sabertooth.. you uses Veil and sneak up on him. Apollo, you're gonna need to use Flare but don't use it straight away. Wait until my signal,"
 "Yes, Anatis," The Rooster nodded.
 "Also, Sabertooth, don't use Veil straight ok? Try and get behind him first as you'll only have five minutes of invisibility when you use it," He replied, making him nod. "Alright, let's go!"
 The four heroes rushed back into the darkness. Lady Noir put on the night vision glasses and gave Anatis a thumbs up before they burst through the door. Blackout growled and went to blast them with a sound wave as Sabertooth sneaked through the shadows. Blackout gasped as Lady Noir blocked it with her baton and attacked him as if she could see in the dark again.
 "No! I took your sight from you!!" He shouted, shocked before trying to block Anatis' attack and Apollo's arrows as they heard Sabertooth move.
 "Veil," He whispered, completely disappearing from everyone's sight. Lady Noir knocked out the guitar out of Blackout's hand and Anatis threw his yoyo, wrapping it around the guitar and putting it towards him. He smashed it on the floor, causing Blackout to gasp.
 "How dare you!" He shouted, charging at him and trying to hit him. Anatis blocked his attack and kicked him back, making him growl as he fell to the floor.
 "Apollo! Now!" He shouted as Blackout got up, saying something about ripping Anatis in half.
 "Flare!" Apollo crowed, causing his arrow to glow a little before he fired it at the ground. The moment it hit the floor, it exploded into a bright light, causing Blackout to scream and cover his eyes. Sabertooth suddenly appeared as he grabbed his headband.
 "Lady Noir, catch!" He shouted, throwing it to her.
 "Cataclysm!" She shouted as she caught it, turning it into dust. It crumbled onto the floor as the akuma escaped, allowing Anatis to take out his yoyo and capture the akuma as Blackout slumped down, now completely docile. He walked over to Lady Noir and took the night vision glasses she was holding out, smiling a little at her before he threw them up in the air.
 "Miraculous Ladybugs!" He called out, causing it to explode into the cure before it spreaded over Paris, fixing everything then came back to the Studio and swarmed around, fixing everything in the studio before wrapping around the heroes as the lights turned back on. Blackout turned black into XY and looked around confused as Bob Roth came out of his hiding place. 
 "Finally!" He declared. "It took you heroes long enough to fix everything! Where's that musician?! It's his fault my son got akumatized! I'm gonna sue him and his little girlfriend,"
 Lady Noir let out a growl and stormed over to Bob Roth, making him blink as Apollo and Sabertooth crossed their arms. Anatis glared at him before glancing around and smirked as the camera was lit up in his luck vision. He tapped Sabertooth's arm and nodded towards it. Sabertooth smiled and moved over, turning it on and pointing it towards Bob Roth and Lady Noir.
 "With all due respect, Mr Roth! None of this would have happened if you hadn't stole Kitty Sections' music and costumes!" She gasped, growling. "That akuma wasn't even intended for your son! It was intended for the musician who you ripped off and if you had told the truth in the first place, none of this would have happened... but you can still fix this. You can tell the truth, Mr Roth,"
 "Are you crazy?!" He growled, causing Lady Noir to make a hissing noise. "Do you really think that I'm gonna do that?  That I'm tell the world that I stole Kitty Section's songs and that kid's girlfriend's costumes for my useless son?! Ha! Not if I can help it!"
 Lady Noir gritted her teeth as Anatis walked over and gently put his hand on her shoulder, causing her to look at him.
 "Don't worry, Lady Noir," He smiled, making both Bob and Lady Noir look at him. "I think the truth will out,"
 "Oh and why's that, you overgrown beetle?!" Bob growled, making Anatis smirk before he pointed to the camera.
 "Because, Mr Roth," He smiled as Bob glanced over. "You're live on air,"
 "W-What?!" He gasped, shocked as Sabertooth waved at him. Anatis' miraculous beeped, causing him to move his hand to his earrings before he turned to the others.
 "Sorry guys. This bug has to get going," He smiled, getting a nod of them before Lady Noir turned to the other two.  He rushed outside and made his way into the bathroom where Marinette had originally hid Luka. The transformation dropped and he caught Tikki as his eyes turned back to blue. However, a sudden wave of nausea hit him, causing him to suddenly gag before he let go of Tikki and rushing to the toilet. He gasped as he threw up before slumping to the ground, causing Tikki to rush over to him. He groaned and curled up as his headache came back with a vengeance, closing his eyes as he did. It was too bright in there. Tikki gasped as she heard someone opening the door. She quickly dived into his jacket as Marinette rushed inside and over to him.
 "Luka!" She gasped, kneeling down in front of him. She gently placed her hand on his head as he groaned and slowly opened his eyes as she looked away. "He's in here!!"
 "M-Mari..." He muttered, making her look back at him. "Need... to..."
 "Ssh, it's ok, Luka," She whispered as two paramedics came in the bathroom. Luka felt his eyes getting heavily before he fell back into darkness. "Luka!"
 ~At the Hospital~
 Luka groaned as he opened his eyes and looked around. The room he was in was dimly lit but he recognized it as a hospital room. It was getting dark outside as the sun was setting. He let out a little sigh before glancing over to the side. Marinette was sat in a chair with a blanket wrapped around her. Her hair was messy and she was breathing lightly, making him smile a little as he looked at her. Next to her was Juleka and Rose. Like Marinette, they were also asleep but Rose was sat on Juleka's lap. A third seat was near the other side of his bed but didn't contain anyone. He frowned a little but the door to his room opened, causing him to look over as his mother walked in with a doctor.
 "The good news is his brain scans showed no damage and- oh," He replied, looking over at him before he smiled as he walked over. Anarka gasped and rushed over to him.
 "Luka! You're awake!" She shouted, hugging him. Her yells causes the three girls to jolt awake before they blinked over at him.
 "Luka!" Rose cried, joining in on the hug.
 "I'm ok," He mumbled, though his voice was a little horse. The doctor called them off and checked out him, shining a light in his eyes and asking him a number of questions. He answered them as best as he could before the Doctor declared that he was alright for now. He smiled at Anarka before walking out of the room. Luka sighed and looked at his friends and family. "S-Sorry for worrying you all,"
 "Luka, you don't have to apology," Marinette gasped before a dark look came into her eyes. "That piece of trash, Bob Roth, should be the one apologizing! If he had to the truth then you wouldn't have nearly been akumatized!"
 "I was nearly akumatized?" He asked, a little confused. As he thought about it, his memory was a little blurry even as Anatis. Anarka cleared her throat and gestured for Rose and Juleka to leave, joining them and promising to get some food for them and Marinette.
 "Yeah and you... you had a seizure, Luka," Marinette gasped, surprising him as she had tears in her eyes and a haunted look. "I was so scared and then XY got akumatized and he tried to go after you... I tried my best to protect you... Luckily, Lady Noir and Anatis turned up with some new friends and defeated him but we got separated and I was terrified you would..."
 A sob escaped her lips, causing Luka to reach out and take her hand.
 "I'm ok, Melody," He smiled, making her look at him and nod. "But what happened with Bob Roth? Is he still insisting that he didn't steal?"
 "N-No, actually Lady Noir and Anatis exposed him live on air," She gasped, making him blink. "And Jagged got involved. He's suing Bob on your behalf. He was here earlier with Penny and Adrien came by with Chloe and Kagami to see how you were. Ivan and Mylene were here yesterday and Marc came with Alix, Nathaniel and Aurore. Even Alya came by with Nino. Lila tried to get in but we blocked her,"
 "H-How long was I out for?"
 "A week," She explained, surprising him. "You were in and out of consciousness,"
 "I'm sorry," He muttered, making her shake her head. "Do they know why I had a seizure?"
 "They have no idea," She frowned. "You've had brain scans but they all came back normal. No damage was done either,"
 "That's good," He nodded as she linked her hand in his. "What else did I miss?"
 "Well, Mr Roth has offered Kitty Section a record deal and a place to play 'I love Unicorns' Live at the TVi studio as his attempt to deal with the damage to his reputation," She explained before telling him what he missed. Luka happily listened to her as she spoke before his mother came back in. She told him that the doctors wanted to keep him over night to make sure he was ok. He nodded and talked to them before having something small to eat. Gradually, Marinette and his family had to go home, leaving him alone. He let out a small sigh before closing his eyes.
 "Luka?" Tikki's voice caught his attention, causing him to open his eyes again and smile at her. She rushed over and hugged his cheek. "I was so worried,"
 "I'm ok," He reassured, gently stroking her head. She looked up at him.
 "Master Fu came by to see if you were ok," She explained, making him nod. 
 "Does he know what happened to me?" He asked, making her sigh. "Tikki?"
 "He has a theory," She explained, making frown. "He believes that the akuma made have clashed with your empathy and basically you got hit with a backlash of magic,"
 "Oh," He replied, making her nod as he began to feel sleepy again. Tikki gently placed her hand on his arm as he closed his eyes again.
 "Rest, Luka,"
 ~At the TVi Studio a Few Days after Luka got Released from Hospital~
 "And now please welcome the next big thing in town! Kitty Section!" Alec declared at the camera. Luka smiled and went to walk over with the others but Marinette gently grabbed his hand and said his name, causing him to turn to her. She had a light blush on her cheeks and was looking down shyly. He smiled a little and stepped closer to her.
 "Luka, did you really mean those things you said when you were recovering in hospital?" She asked, surprising him. He had talked to her a couple of times since waking up but she had explained that he had said some things to her during the week he was recovering from the akuma attack but he didn't remember what he said. He only remembered the day he probably woke up but the week before he had no memory of. Tikki explained that it was probably a side effect of the magical backlash he experienced but it disappointed him a little. He let a small sigh.
 "I'm sorry, Marinette," He muttered, frowning. "But I don't remember... what did I say?"
 "Oh, nothing," She gasped, blushing even more. "It was nothing at all. You were recovering from Hawkmoth's attack after all,"
 "I don't know what I could have possibly said. I just hope it wasn't anything mean," He sighed, gently placing his hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him with a blush on her cheeks. He felt Tikki gently tapped his side as if to tell him just to tell her. Sure, every time he had tried something had gone wrong but not this time. "Cause you're the most extraordinary girl, Marinette. As clear as a musical note and as sincere as a melody. You're the music that's been playing inside my head since the first day we met,"
 He gave her a soft smile as she blushed at his words before gently pulling away and walking over to the rest of Kitty Section as Marinette blushed. He had no idea but he had repeated the exact words he had muttered to her when she had visited him. She had been so worried about him and visited him every day she could after school. Sometimes he was conscious and sometimes he wasn't. When he was conscious, he was kind of out of it, like he was drunk but she figured it was a side effect of the seizure he had. Of course, it was during this time he told her those exact words. It had caused her to have a mini spiral of panic but by the end of it, she had come to a conclusion. She was in love with him and judging by the fact that he had repeated those words while he was lucid, he may feel the same way.
 "T-That was a declaration of love," She gasped, blushing before looking at Plagg. "Right, Plagg?"
 "Yeah and one of the most gross I've ever heard," He gagged, making her chuckle. "Tikki would love it though,"
 She shook her head and looked up as Kitty Section started to play.
 "You know I love Unicorns! And nothing makes me feel better!" Rose sang as Luka and Juleka leaned against each other as they played. Luka moved over to Rose and the two of them made the clawing movement with their hands before he moved away from her and glanced over at Marinette, causing her to smile gently as her eyes met his. Yep, she was well and truly in love with Luka Couffaine.
Next Chapter: Chapter 51
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hamiltonimagines · 4 years
Exactly What I Needed
Pairing: Lin x Reader
Request: “I was wondering if I could request another one where reader is just lost in their thoughts and is really sad but Lin sees that and he knows what to do to make them feel better by watching Hamilton or singing and dancing to the soundtrack? :)” - @galaxy-nerd
Word Count: 1k
I walked in the front door of my shared apartment. I lived in an apartment with my boyfriend Lin. I had just gotten home from work. I had found out that I had gotten fired from my job. I was really bummed about it and I didn’t know what my next career move was.
I saw Lin sitting on the couch on his phone. “Hey babe, you’re home! How was work?” He asked me. “It was good” I said, faking a smile. I got the doorway of our bedroom, but he called out “Y/N, are you okay?”.
“Yeah, I’m just tired. I’m gonna lay down for a while” I lied. He didn’t seem to believe me, but he went with it. I closed the bedroom door and grabbed my laptop and crawled into bed.
I found a website that I could use to look for a job. I couldn’t stay unemployed forever, especially since I still had bills to pay. I was curled up, surrounded by my blankets, and I couldn’t seem to find any available jobs with my experience in mind.
I felt like I was trapped in a cycle. I would see a job that sounded like a good fit, then I would find out that really I didn’t even come close to fitting the requirements.
I gave up. I threw my laptop to the side of the bed. I curled up into a ball and just started crying. I felt so useless. What if I could never find another job?
Then I heard the door creak open. I turned and saw Lin, peeking his head in the door. “Oh my god, what happened?” He said, rushing over. He crawled in the covers and I rolled over to face him. “I got fired today” I said, weakly.
His eyes softened. He wiped away my tears and pulled me into his chest. “I am so sorry that that happened, why didn’t you tell me?” He asked me.
I grabbed the collar of his shirt and nuzzled into his chest. “Because you are so successful, and apparently I can’t even keep a job. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to compare to you. And then you would pity me, like you’re doing right now” I explained to him.
“Oh sweetheart, I promise this isn’t pity. I love you so much, and in my eyes you are so much successful than I am. You’re a hard worker and you’re kind and humble” he said, rubbing my back. “But what am I supposed to do?” I asked him.
“You’ll find another job, you have so much to offer. You are the most resilient person I know, you will bounce back from this in the blink of an eye. But for now, can I please try and cheer you up?” He asked me.
“What do you have in mind?” I asked, my eyes lighting up as I pulled away and looked him in the eye. “There’s that sparkle in your eyes again” he said, smiling.
“Come on sweetheart” he said, getting out of our bed. I rolled out of bed and walked over to him. He interlaced our fingers and led me to the living room. I sat next to him on the couch and he grabbed the remote.
“Close your eyes, it’s a surprise” he told me. I covered my eyes like he said. I heard him scrolling through options on the tv. Then I heard the unmistakeable voice of Jonathan Groff saying “Ladies and gentleman, this is your king”.
I pulled my hands away and my jaw dropped in shock. “You’re actually going to watch it with me?” I asked Lin. “Yep, and you can sing and everything” he told me, with a smile.
Lin had only watched Hamilton with me once, when it premiered. I had practically watched it everyday and I was constantly singing the songs around the house. Lin said it was weird to watch himself over and over again, so I was very shocked that he was going to watch it with me again.
“Oh my god, you’re the best” I said, leaning into his side. “I try my best for you” he said, smiling down at me. He put his arm around me and held me tightly.
Then the first song started and I jumped out of my seat. I started rapping along with the cast as they showed up on screen. Lin had a look of pure admiration as he watched me.
“Come on, sing it with me” I begged Lin. “Y/N, I sang these songs 8 times a week for years” he complained. “Just sing with me, you big baby” I told him. He chuckled and then stood up and started singing with me.
We were making up dance moves as we sang along with the songs. We even recreated Helpless with me playing Eliza.
But at the end, we were both sprawled across the couch, completely tired out. “You know, I feel much better now” I told him, smiling. “Well that’s what I was going for” he said, kissing my temple. “This was exactly what I needed” I told him.
“Wait...Y/N, I got it” he said. I could imagine the lightbulb above his head lighting up. “What do you mean?” I asked, confused. “Come work at Hamilton” he said, simply. “Lin, what are you talking about?” I asked, still confused. “You have a degree in marketing, come work for our marketing team. We have an opening” he said, hopefully.
“Lin? You don’t think people would frown upon me getting a job just because we’re dating?” I asked him. “Well no, you’d do a full interview, but I know that you’ll blow them away” Lin told me. “Fine, I’ll do an interview. But you aren’t allowed to try and put in a good word for me. I want to earn this job, fair and square” I told him.
“Ok fine” he said. “You have to promise” I told him, holding out my pinky. He interlocked our pinkies. “I promise” he told me, smiling back at me.
taglist: @someinsanefangirl @laurens-interlude @geekycatlover @fanfic-addict-98 @romanoffs-heart @multifandomwriterx @andreasworlsboring101 @criminallyhamilton @imatyoursurrvicesurr @irlydontknoanymore @sayweird99 @nyxie75 @rileygene11 @daveeds-whore @trost-town @notebookgirl30 @teenag1jealousy @royalstans @elizasfaith @kmsmedine @brunadesuu @roxanne2020
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines!!
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Press tour confessions Part 1
Pairing: Henry x reader
Warnings: none, a little fluff, angst
Words: 1914
Summary: You’re part of the cast of Mission Impossible Fallout and joined your costars on the press tour in Japan. A question of an interviewer gets out a confession of you that Henry can’t seem to let go...
A/N: after seeing videos of the MI Fallout press tour in Japan, I came up with a little something. Wanted to do just a little paragraph, but I can’t keep things short, even if my live depended on it. Hope you like it!
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You were part of the Mission Impossible Fallout cast and joined Tom, Simon, Henry, Vanessa and Rebecca on the press tour in Japan.
They paired you with Simon, Tom and Henry for the second part of the day when you got to play some games for a Japanese game show.
The game up next was feeling a mystery object inside a box. Everybody else could see but you. The three men had solved their boxes with ease and composure but you were always a little easy to squeal.
When it was your turn, you expected the worst. “Oh no, Y/N, you’re not gonna like this”, came from Simon somewhere close by. You had actually closed your eyes as you started to reach your hand inside the box. After hearing Simons words, you immediately pulled your hand back.
“Stop it, Simon!”, you exclaimed, pressing the hand against your chest. You saw Henry next to you out of the corner of your eye. “Hold my hand, Henry”, you said and stuck your other hand out towards him. He took it with a chuckle.
You started to put your hand inside the box again, the Japanese woman on the other side of the box doing the same. “Come on, Y/N, you got this”, you heard Tom, always the encouraging friend he is.
With shaky fingers, your hand inches forward, your eyes closed again. You reached further and further until the tip of your index finger touched something cold. Without thinking, your finger pressed even further into the thing and you felt something liquid run over your finger.
You immediately pulled your hand back with a high squeal that would make every Japanese girl proud. You even jumped back a step, landing against Henry’s chest. He wrapped his arms around you, laughing. He, of course, already knew what it was.
“What the hell was that?”, you asked out of Henry’s arms. Simon and Tom laughing hysterically. Simon went over to the box, reached inside and pulled something brown out. “It’s just a wet sponge, Y/N. I had god damn soup!”, he cackled and put the sponge on top of the box. “Ewww, that’s gross. Come on, you guys”, you exclaimed into the room. Henry let go of you so he could press his own finger into the sponge to see how wet it was.
You heard the voice translating the Japanese into English in your ear and suddenly heard your name. “Excuse me? I didn’t quite catch that”, you said and pointed at your ear.
One of the Japanese hosts turned to you and repeated what he said. A second later, you heard it in your earpiece. “Are you and Henry together? A couple?”
Your co-stars got the same translation over their earpieces and Henry’s head shot over to you as you two were still standing next to each other.
“Oh, uhm, no, we’re not together”, he cleared up. “No, no, he doesn’t want me”, you spoke almost at the same time Henry did.
“God knows I tried”, you added jokingly and made Simon and Tom laugh. Henry looked a bit irritated at you, but smiled for the cameras.
 When the taping for the game show was over, press was done for the day and you were on your way back to your hotel. The four of you, assistants and your PR people headed out of the room together and into the elevator. “What was that in there?”, Henry suddenly asked you. You two were standing at the back of the elevator. “What exactly? There were a lot of strange things happening in that room just now”, you remarked. “The part where you said, you tried, when they asked if we were together”, Henry reminded you.
“Oh, this is gonna be good”, you heard Simon as he turned around to face you. Tom was talking to his assistant. “Why? What about it?”, you asked him and felt a little uncomfortable. Was the elevator getting smaller?
“Why did you say that? There wasn’t anything going on between us when we were filming”, he reminded you. “I’m aware, believe me”, you told him and felt your cheeks blushing. “Dude, she was totally in love with you, everybody knew”, Simon stepped in. “Woah, hey, I wouldn’t say in love, alright?”, you put your hands up in defense towards Simon. “It was more like a crush”, you added towards Henry, barely able to look at him. He only looked back at you in total surprise.
“I thought you knew? Like Simon said, everybody knew”, you told Henry. “I clearly didn’t”, he replied. “Well, now you do”, Simon grinned. “Well, don’t worry about it. I knew I was bad at flirting”, you waved it off. “Not so bad that someone wouldn’t even notice, but bad enough”, you added mumbling but both, Simon and Henry, heard you.
“Hey, Tom, when I say to you, what was the one thing on set about Y/N everyone knew about, what am I talking about?”, Simon turned over to his friend. “That she had a crush on Henry”, Tom answered without skipping a beat. “He didn’t know”, Simon added and pointed behind him towards Henry. “Hey, even I knew and I had a broken ankle to worry about”, Tom laughed and turned back to his assistant.
“Could you please stop talking like we’re not here?”, Henry said over everybody’s head as he was the tallest in the little room.
“When is this elevator ride finally over? Good god!”, you exhaled loudly, staring at the ceiling of the metal box you were in. You had enough of it when you were the joke on set, you didn’t need seconds on that embarrassment.
The doors finally opened and you were able to get out and get some literal space between you and Henry. “We’re gonna talk about this”, Henry said before you parted ways as you rode in separate cars. Tom, Simon and Henry had another thing to go to, you would drive back to the hotel with Vanessa and Rebecca.
“But there is nothing to talk about. Henry!”, you called out as he already got into his car and left you standing there. You grunted in frustration before you got in your own car. “Do we want to know what just happened?”, Vanessa asked as you put your seatbelt on. “I’m sure Simon will be more than happy to tell you at dinner”, you pouted as the car started driving, referring to the cast dinner that night before the big premier tomorrow.
 You’d think that Henry would have forgotten all about it during his next appointment with Tom and Simon and that’s why it caught you by surprise when he knocked on your hotel room door a few hours later. You were in the middle of getting ready for dinner, when you heard the knocks and quickly put on the hotel robe before you opened the door.
“Henry? What’s up? Am I late for dinner?”, you asked with furrowed brows. “No, I wanted to talk about what happened today at that game show taping”, he reminded you. “Wow, you really can’t let this go, can you?”, you asked almost a bit annoyed. You were finally starting to get over him, although, doing the press tour with him got in the way of your plans of getting over your crush.
“Let’s go downstairs and get a drink at the bar”, he offered. “Henry, this conversation wouldn’t even last long enough for us to order”, you sighed. He looked at you with an indecisive expression on his face.
“Listen, Henry. I don’t really get what you want from me here? Yes, I had a crush on you, yes, I flirted with you and you obviously didn’t notice either. End of story”, you concluded. For the fact that you were talking so openly to your crush about your crush on him, you were weirdly calm.
“Can we not discuss this out here? May I come in, please?”, he asked. “Again, not knowing what’s here to discuss, but, yeah, come in”, you said with a shrug and stepped aside for Henry to enter your hotel room. You closed the door behind him and followed him into the little suite.
“Why is this riling you up so much, Henry? You must be used to people crushing on you all the time”, you told him. You walked over to the couch, standing behind the backrest, leaning against it with your hips. Henry stood across the room next to the tv.
“But you’re not just people”, he said and you had trouble, interpreting what that could mean. So, you decided to just let it slide.
“You didn’t know about it until a few hours ago and lived your life happily. And I moved on too. This happens to me constantly, believe me”, you told him, trying to ease the mood and somehow get him to back off.
“You moved on? Are you seeing someone?”, he asked. “Oh, what, me? No!”, you had to hold back a laugh as he wouldn’t understand how absurd that sounded to you. “No, I…just seem to have…let’s call it a pattern. I work with someone, I think he’s cute and I develop a crush. I flirt or at least try to and it never pans out. And in the end, I somehow get over it one way or another”, you told him. You didn’t know why you were so open with him all of a sudden.
You became friends while filming, but due to your crush, you always were a little inhibited around him.
“I’m sure you have a girlfriend back home”, you said to put the focus on him for a change. “Not really, no. I’m mean, I’m seeing someone, kind of”, he said to you. “Kind of?”, you raised an eyebrow at him. “Yeah, just a few dates, nothing serious. I don’t even know if I want to go any further”, he told you.
“But see? There you go. And although I probably don’t know her, I already know she’s better at getting your attention then I am”, you joked. Too soon?
“But you must be seeing someone, come on”, he said after a few moments of silence and it sounded like he was insisting on it. “No, I’m not”, you shook your head. “Come on, you can tell me”, he said like he wanted a confession from you. You almost told him that if you were seeing someone, you’d make sure that everyone knew that someone finally wanted you, but pushed that joke back down.
“I’m not! Really. I’m never seeing anybody”, you said and wished it was just a joke. “Why?”, he asked. “BECAUSE NO ONE SEES ME!”, you blurted out in frustration. You felt a lump forming in your throat and tears were burning in the corners of your eyes.
Henry looked at you a bit shocked. You slowly realized what you’d just said and how you’d said it and felt your cheeks burning.
“Alright, I think I have embarrassed myself enough for one day. Also, I have to get ready for dinner”, you told him, although you weren’t hungry anymore.
“Y/N, I didn’t mean to offend you”, Henry apologized. “I don’t get offended that easily, Henry, so keep your apologies”, your voice was a mix of sadness and defeat. “I’ll see you downstairs”, you said and walked back into the bathroom, closing the door behind you. You assumed that Henry would find his way out.
A/N: Did you like it? Would you want to read more? I kinda think it has potential for a sequel, but I’m not sure... Let me know what you think!
UPDATE: I continued the story due to popular demand. You can find Part 2 here!
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