#and now its all inverted
ashanimus · 2 years
The Wolf and the Cardinal
All right so I’ve got Owl House brainrot, and this may have been commented on already given that my classic approach to a bandwagon is to sprint through its muddy tracks and lurch onto the back end as it rolls over the finish line but!
We’ve seen a ton of animal symbolism in this show--expressed a lot through the palismans and their wielders, and of course all the foreshadowing suggesting the look of Luz’s (probably some sort of winged serpent).
The bird symbolism is the heaviest, and we get it mostly through the Clawthornes (and those associated with them).
Owls (Eda)--wisdom, knowledge, magic, and in a number of relevant cultures, curses and bad luck!
Raven (Lilith)--intelligence, death, bad fortune, chaos and survival
Hawk (Gwendolyn)--vigilance, focus, protection
Cardinal (Evelyn/Caleb/Del Clawthorne/Hunter)--This bird has a lot of meanings, but most typically they’re associated with love and passionate romance which gets the first two, but also devotion (which we can look to Del), and finally with new life and fresh starts (Hunter). Even more fun, they can sometimes be representative of departed loved ones bringing messages peace and hope. The name cardinal even comes from the Latin for door--as in door to spirituality or another world, although we might disregard this part because the cardinal bird was named after the cardinal priest’s red robes. STILL THOUGH. Portal bird.
I really love how intense and intentional this show is about that, but it brings me to another observation that made me smile: Belos named this newest Grimwalker ‘Hunter’, probably alluding to his dream of renewed witch hunting with his brother.
But Belos’ biggest animal association is that of a DEER.
And Hunters? A WOLF, one now associated with rebirth, hope and the loving whispers of the beloved dead.
‘Hunter’ indeed.
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everloste · 1 year
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him again i guess
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huffle-dork · 4 months
Glitch into the Hufflverse Chapter 17: Swapboys Bad End
Read Swapboys | Read Crystal’s AUs | Read One Villain falls Another One Rises
Read SITCV | Read SATCV | GITHV Masterpost
Alt glitches them all down, way underground. But even away from the destruction up top- this way is no worse for wear. That glitchy code that’s eating buildings outside is in here- leaving abandoned equipment half formed and walls with big gaping code holes.
Against the back wall, or whatever is left of it- is a stone archway. But it’s been destroyed too- crushed and cut in half by something that has left purple scars in the stone.
Alt gasps as he sees and rushes over, “no! Nonono!”
Henny sighs heavily, “It is as I feared…”
Schneep sighs as well. "That does not sound good at all."
"It's completely destroyed," Jackie whispers. "Like... cut in half. And there are purple cracks in the stone."
Alt looks angry as he bangs against the back wall. “Damnit! Fuck this evil fucking me! This could have gotten you home!”
JJ walks forward, as if in a daze. He reaches out to touch the stone of the doorway, running his fingers along the rough stone. He can tell there were runes carved into it, but the purple scars are messing with their shape. He can't tell which runes they were supposed to be. Except... for one. He looks up at one, where the top left corner of the doorway would have been. I know that one.
"You recognize one of the runes?" Jackie asks.
JJ nods. He points at it. An angled sort of spiral. That one is on the back of some of Marvin's magickal cards. The jokers.
"Alright... what does it mean?" Schneep asks.
I'm not sure. That's the only place I've seen them. But... I think it's supposed to be a tunnel of some kind.
Alt looks to JJ as he talks about the runes then tilts his head as he touches the spiral rune. “…huh… like a… a portal? Is that the rune that makes this thing work…?”
JJ shakes his head. I don't know. Marvin's told me that runes all work together. You can't cast a spell with just one or two. He takes a closer look at more of the runes. You know... these are all different styles. I'm betting there's a variety of runic alphabets here. Strange. Normally you have to stick with one.
“True… even when I use chaos magic I need at least 3 to create something…” Alt says. He does look surprised at the different runic languages. “Huh… I wonder if it’s like… a mix of magic cultures… I heard in the medieval world they had a doorway like this. I never got to see it but I remember trying to search for it…”
I wonder if these doorways are... always there, JJ says.
"I cannot imagine an 'always' in an infinite multiverse," Schneep says. "But they might be consistent in this part of the multiverse. This, ah... section?"
"Branch, my Anti's said 'our branch' a couple times," Jackie says.
Jackie and Schneep also walk over. Schneep starts feeling the broken archway, running fingers along the carved runes. "Hey, look, there's another one of those spiral runes." Jackie says, picking up a bit of rubble.
That looks like it would have been the opposite corner, JJ says. So there are two tunnel runes. I don't see any other repeats... they must be important.
Bro comes over and tries to move around to not spook anyone. “Hey! Maybe we could… put it back together? That’s worth a try, right?”
"Worth a shot, yeah." Jackie nods. "I can't think of any other ideas."
"Heh." Schneep smiles a bit. "Jamie, do you know Mending? Do you have the spell slots for it?"
JJ chuckles a little. I should have the 'spell slots', yes. I've never tried fixing something with magic but it can't be that difficult.
“I can try to help too… can’t be too hard to figure out between two magicians right?” Alt smiles at JJ.
“That’s the spirit!” Bro grins. He starts searching through the rubble to look for more pieces. “Also love the dnd reference- god Alt when we get home we should start a game! God it’d be sick to do a game with all of us… Do you think discord could cross dimensions??”
Alt bursts into laughter.
Jackie raises an eyebrow. "Nerds. You're all nerds."
Schneep nudges him with his shoulder. "Ah come on, Jackie. You cannot be so different from the Jackie I know that you are not a tiny bit interested."
Jackie grumbles as he starts sorting through the rubble. "I... may have tried in high school. But I got bored waiting for my turn to fight."
You just need to do something else while waiting, something idle, JJ says. Besides, the fifth edition isn't fully combat-focused. There's a lot more you can do!
“I never got to play- it seems really fun though,” Alt admits. He laughs, “Dr. J used to run the group that my Jackie and his wife were in. Did you ever join, Chase?”
Bro hums, “Mmmm maybe once? But I feel like I might have gotten too drunk- I usually met up with Jackie at pub crawls… maybe there was a dnd night?”
Alt laughs, “maybe next time I see your Anti, Jackie,  I’ll ask if he might have a way… I feel like he would know.”
"If Discord can cross dimensions, I'd be... fine with... trying," Jackie mumbles. "If anyone would, it's him," he agrees. "Not sure if he'll agree to break the fabric of space-time for a DnD game... but I dunno, maybe he really likes you guys." 
“He seemed pretty fond of us,” Bro giggles, “He’s helped us out of so many pickles. I think he’s a chill dude.”
“I feel like fusing with me made us actually tolerate each other,” Alt chuckles.
"Your Anti sounds like the type of person you're glad to be friends and not enemies with," Schneep says.
"Ohhhh hundred percent," Jackie agrees. "Anyway. Sort out the pieces by ones that have flat sides, ones that have edges, and ones that are purely rough."
“Heh! This is like a puzzle!” Bro chuckles as he follows Jackie’s instructions.
"Exactly like a puzzle," Schneep agrees, feeling out the pieces. "Hmm. What is this? The texture is strange."
Looks like a piece where one type of stone meets another, JJ says. There are a lot of those. But it'll help us figure out where to put stuff.
"We can also use these purple lines, that might help," Jackie says.
Alt hums and starts to look for the purple pieces. “Right… there’s gotta be a good way to connect these…”
Henny starts to help- Sahne tries by pushing over stones with her nose- but soon she finds herself playing with the rocks instead of helping.
JJ reaches over and pats Sahne. Good dog... but not really helping. Maybe the opposite, actually. He moves some of the rocks she's messing with back in place.
Sahne leans into the pets and goes roll around and play in a pile far away, throwing the rocks around and chasing after them like she’s playing fetch with herself.
"You can, like, follow the lines," Jackie says. "It'll probably be easiest to put together the parts that broke right through a rune. Liiiike this." He puts two pieces together, forming a complete rune.
Hand those to me, JJ says. Jackie does so, and JJ pushes the two pieces together. A bit of blue magic traces over the crack, leaving behind some ice that seals the two pieces together.
Alt grins wide at seeing JJ’s magic, “hey! Nice!”
He looks through and finds a couple purple cracks together, switching them around until the rock clicks back together just right. He concentrates and then puts a glowing finger up to the break and pushes it down the line. A line of green follows and welds the pieces back together. Alt like pleasantly surprised. “Yoo! That worked!!”
JJ smiles. It didn't cost too much magic, which is good.
"Alright, so if we find two pieces that fit together, we had them to JJ or Alt to put together," Jackie says. "This isn't like a puzzle where you work on the edge first. We piece it together as we find them."
Schneep frowns. "I hope working by touch is enough... I can do most of the sorting, I think, if you all want to focus on the puzzle."
Henny nods, “We will help with putting them together, other me! Just leave it to us, sorting helps plenty!”
“Yeah Schneep we gotcha!” Bro agrees, helping him to sort and put stuff together, handing stuff to alt for him to try to piece together and weld.
Schneep smiles at Henny and Bro. "I will, then. You all can probably do better than me."
JJ puts two more pieces together. No runes on either of these; they must be part of the inside, judging by the rough texture. I hope we don't make any mistakes.
"I think it'll be harder to make mistakes with big rocks like this than with tiny puzzle pieces," Jackie says. Though he frowns. "There are... probably tiny bits, though..." He sighs. "This might take a while."
"Well, more time to talk, then, I suppose," Schneep says.
“I believe in us! We got a system and that bastard Glitch guy is probably still an icicle and we’re all completely out of sight! There’s no way he’ll find us!” Bro grins, “…maybe that means I can stop being invisible soon- this has been sooo weird.”
Alt laughs and shakes his head, “gotta commend your optimism, Chase.”
All of them get to work, sorting, piecing and patching what they can find.
A couple minutes pass in silence. "Sooo... like..." Jackie says slowly. "JJ, Schneep, do you guys play Dungeons and Dragons? Cause you both made the reference."
JJ seals another piece to two that are already together. I used to run games in uni. We had a little club. It wasn't that popular, but the guys that showed up were really fun.
"A couple times," Schneep says. "But I got busy as I got older, threw myself into work." He shakes his head. "I've never played with my current group of friends. Perhaps we could try... though they do not seem the type."
“Who do you think you’d play, if you could?” Bro asks cheerily as he passes more pieces to Alt.
"Hmm? You mean, what would my character be?" Schneep asks. "Well, I could never keep the spells together—too many options to choose from. So one of the fighting classes. And I generally like the elves and those types for race."
JJ shrugs. I like making strange combinations. Subverting expectations. But I can never stick with one character for long before making another, so that's why I run the games. I get to use all of them! He chuckles.
“Hey that’s clever! You definitely give off DM vibes, JJ,” Bro laughs. “I think… I like paladins- probably like a cool scourged aasimar or something! Edgy but fights for Justice and shit.”
“I thought you didn’t play,” Alt smirks.
“You have no idea how often Jackie and Jay talk about this my dude,” Bro laughs, “Jackie has helped me to think of potential characters! Still don’t super get it but man there’s tons of cool things to be!”
"The fuck is an aasimar?" Jackie mutters.
They're like angels—a bit, JJ says. In the same way that tieflings are like demons. They're both half human, half something else. Celestials and fiends in this case.
"Oh, I remember tieflings," Jackie says. "They seem cool." He shrugs. "I never really was one for magic characters in, like, video games. But I've learned a lot about magic recently... hanging out with magicians and all. Maybe I'd give it a shot. JJ, here." He hands over more pieces that JJ fuses together. 
“You seem like the type who’d play a human fighter, Jackie,” Bro snickers.
"IIIII'm pretty sure that's what my character was in high school," Jackie says. "Looking back, the guy was basically me. Or, uh... what I wanted to be. Cool badass hero defending the innocent and crushing bad guys." He shakes his head. "Man... how life changes."
Alt fuses a bit more pieces together and chuckles. “I’ve seen a lot of cool stuff from Jackie playing Baldur's Gate- maybe I should make a save and try it out.”
"What is Balder's Gate?" Schneep asks.
It's a game based of D&D, JJ says. I hear the third one's coming out in a couple years--in my world, at least.
“Oh yeah I think Jackie is playing the early access of that one.” Alt says with a laugh, “so it’s not there yet but from what I’ve seen? It’s gonna be such a cool game-“
“There wasss 2 other ones? I hear they’re really fun- I like more actiony games though.” Bro grins. “Where I can punch people.”
"Hell yeah, me too." Jackie nods and grins. "I mean, my favorite games are Sonic and their fast stuff. So, I guess I like platformers too? What about the rest of you?"
Schneep shrugs. "Never played many games. I think the only requirement for me is a good story."
Minecraft, JJ says.
Jackie laughs. "You can't exclusively play Minecraft."
I do, actually! JJ grins. Sometimes with mods.
“Fuck yeah Minecraft! I can’t get too into it but Jackie plays it a lot with his kids!” Bro says.
“Me and Chase loved sonic as kids- we used to play Sonic Adventure Battle 2 constantly and do the VS mode. Chase was Sonic, I was Shadow.” Alt laughs, putting together a couple more pieces.
"Oh that makes so much sense, actually." Jackie laughs. "I'm definitely a Shadow fan, too."
Everyone I know is a Shadow fan. JJ chuckles.
"I thought you only played Minecraft," Schneep says teasingly.
Yes, but I know about other games. My Anti plays them on YouTube for a living.
“Oh yeah that’s how you knew about Subnautica! …we need interdimenisonal internet so I can watch his let's plays,” Bro laughs.
“Oh yeah didn’t he say he plays spooky games? Heh… I’d like to see that.” Alt smiles.
JJ laughs. He does, he very much enjoys scary games. And also games that are easy to break or exploit. He has a series where he tries to deliberately find glitches. That's why some of his fans call him the glitch bitch.
“Oh my god- what an amazing nickname! Gonna start calling you that, Alt,” Bro grins.
Alt gives him a withering look.
Jackie laughs. "That what we used to call my Anti, too. It's very fitting, isn't it?"
“I’m not a bitch..!” Alt almost whines. 
Bro laughs and goes to give Alt a noogie but Alt glitches away even if Bro manages to get him at first. 
"Oh hey, we got a big part done now," Jackie says. There's a long column of stone completed on the ground in front of him, about as big as his forearm. There are still bits missing, but it's identifiably part of a door.
Alt has a similar part made, more of an L though as he forms a corner.
“Hoo boy… this is hard work,” Bro sighs.
“I think you all are making quick work of it though,” Henny says.
"It helps that there are many of us working," Schneep says.
"The worst parts are this, like, black stone," Jackie says, holding up a bit. "It broke smoothly, not jaggedly. Yknow?"
Alt then looks to Jackie and nods, trying to slip the smooth stones together, “yeah… it’s like… obsidian? So weird…”
Black stone and crystals are often used for protection and knowledge, JJ says. Perhaps that's why it was chosen. Knowledge of other worlds, or protection while crossing to another.
"Is there any special meaning to this type of stone?" Schneep asks, holding up a chunk of the not-black stone.
I'd have to know what type of stone it is, though... and it looks very... ordinary. JJ shrugs. Maybe it was chosen because it's easy to carve or something.
Alt does look fascinated by the meaning behind the black stone and studies his shards a bit more. “…knowledge huh…? …guess the other me here didn’t know about that… or maybe he could have used that. The knowledge part at least. Maybe the protection part is what kept him out.”
JJ shrugs. Who knows? Maybe magic doesn't work the same in your world at all.
"But I will point out that these doorways existing in their worlds means that there are some similarities, at least," Jackie says. "Oh! Hang on, Alt, I think this fits with the corner you're working on."
“Maybe… feel like the meanings of stones should be… universal almost?” Alt muses. He blinks at Jackie then grins, seeing if he can put them together.
"Should we start standing this upright?" Schneep asks.
“Might as well!” Bro says, starting to see if he can find the bottom.
"Here, flat end." Jackie points. "This is probably what we stand it on. On three. One... two... three!"
They push it up--but it doesn't stay. JJ reaches out and uses his magic to hold it in place. Where's the part to keep it up? he asks.
"Well uh... it's just kind of a... freestanding doorway," Jackie says slowly. "I uh... never thought about how it shouldn't be able to stand on its own."
“So how do we make it stand??” Alt asks.
Henny holds out his hand and covers the arch in his magic too, suspending it in place. “I can hold it in place just fine if you all would like to find out how it operates!”
Thank you, Henrik, JJ says. Perhaps... we need to complete it? Then whatever magic is helping it stand will kick in.
"So we should focus on the bit with the runes first, then?" Jackie asks.
Yes, I think so. Once the runes that help support it are done they should activate regardless of the rest of them.
"Well, in that case, do you know what runes those are?" Schneep asks.
I don't recognize a lot of these rune languages, but I can try? JJ says. Alt, you help, too. See if you recognize any symbols for... support, or stand, or... sturdy things.
“Got it-“ Alt nods and starts to look through all the runes to see if there’s any he recognizes.
JJ also searches. And though he doesn't find any he recognizes, he sees a rune near the bottom of the doorway that looks like a pair of legs mid-stride. What do you think of that one? JJ asks Alt, pointing to it.
"What're those, hieroglyphics?" Jackie mutters.
“Basically as far as I know,” Bro agrees. 
Alt glitches over to look and then shrugs, “S’the best bet so far- worth a shot.”
"So we must focus on completing this section, then?" Schneep hurries over to the sound of their voices. "Where?"
Near the bottom. Here, can I help?
"Yes, show me." Schneep holds out his hand, and JJ presses it to the section of runes they're looking at. There are still a few chunks missing.
"So look for ones that seem like they'll fit in there, then," Jackie sums up.
“On it!” Bro says and starts scooping out through their piles. He hands anything with runes to Alt who starts to see what fits and what doesn’t.
Slowly, they piece the runes together again. And when JJ seals the final part in place, the runes briefly flash with multicolored light. I think… that’s them working, JJ says. You can let go now, Henrik.
“Great! We still need to piece the rest of it together but at least it stands now,” Jackie says.
Alt’s eyes shine with fascination and excitement at seeing the runes glowing.
Henny releases his spell with a smile, “Good! We are getting somewhere!!”
Schneep sighs. “More piecing together, then. This is taking a long time.”
“Yeah, I bet Bro’s invisibility is gonna wear off soon,” Jackie says. “D’you think that if we focus on the runes it’ll work if all the runes are done?”
I don’t trust that it will work properly unless it’s completely fixed, JJ says.
“Well considering it was broken to bits- I think this is going smoother than it could have gone.” Alt shrugs.
“Focusing on the runes seems as good a place to start if any- maybe we can fill the gaps with magic if it seems too hard to all put together?” Bro suggests.
JJ frowns. This construction seems very deliberate… but if worst comes to worst, we can try that filling in with magic idea.
Henny starts to help again, though he’s cautiously looking around, clearly anxious about their surroundings.
Jackie notices Henny’s reaction. “You seem nervous, Hen. Worried about spending too much time here?”
Henny looks at Jackie and shakes his head, “I know this is what must be done to get you all home… I am just worried the glitch will find us…”
“No, of course, I’d be worried too,” Jackie says. “Uh… we’ll just just have to hurry. You can get out of here, right?”
“Yes I am not worried for me… I have evaded Glitch well enough on my own,” Henny replies, searching through stuff faster and passing it along. 
Schneep hurries, doing his best to feel out the pieces with runes carved on them and pass them to the others to figure out. Huh. Hang on a second, something about this sequence of symbols seems familiar to Bro and Alt… somehow, they know it means ‘the World.’
Alt lingers on the familiar symbols and looks at them, trying to figure out where he learned this.
Bro appears next to his shoulder- literally, as the spells wears off. “Hey! I know what that means!”
Alt jumps, nearly throwing the piece. “Jesus Christ Chase!”
“What???” Bro blinks in confusion then looks down at himself, “oh! I’m visible again!” He grins then blinks, “ohhh-“
“Yeah you scared the bejesus out of me dude!” Alt says.
“Well I didn’t know I was about to pop right back in!”
JJ laughs. Sorry, Chase, I should have said something. Though I wasn't fully keeping track of the time, either.
Jackie looks at the series of symbols. "This looks like some weirdo language. Like more fucking hieroglyphs."
What does it mean, you two? JJ asks. It's not familiar to me, at all.
Well, it's the World. Or... something like... aan Dahmun, maybe.
“Aan Dahmun…” Alt says quietly, tracing the symbols, a brief flicker of green in his eyes. “It means… the world.”
“Oh oh!! I know why it’s familiar!!” Bro says excitedly, “It’s Glasish!! Dude we still know some Glasish!!”
Jackie blinks. "Is that like... that fantasy world you guys went to?"
“Glasish is the language,” Alt explains, “We were in a land called Glasúil.” He tries to suppress a shudder. As much as he loved visiting Glasúil… the reason the language is in his head isn’t exactly a pleasant one. It just makes him think of the King.
So there's writing from that universe on here... JJ looks at the doorway with renewed awe. Perhaps that's why some of these symbols are strange to us. They're from a variety of worlds.
"Great. Let's keep fixing it," Jackie says, putting a piece in place. "Seal?"
JJ puts a hand on the piece and seals it in place.
“I wonder how that works,” Bro muses as he helps to find more rune pieces, “Do you think runes from other worlds just… show up? How do people find them..? Is it like in The Owl House where like- nature just shows you it? Magic is so weird.” He laughs.
JJ pauses thoughtfully. Well... how do these doorways even show up?
"Frederick and I did some research on that, actually," Jackie says as he continues piecing the doorway together. "Cause my Marvin's gone insane trying to learn about other worlds. Apparently these doorways just pop up in the world. No one knows where they come from, but they're not, like, made by people. And apparently... well, they're not supposed to be... destroy-able. But..." He gestures at the doorway before them.
"Perhaps there is something special about Alt's powers," Schneep says. "Something about being a glitch, perhaps?" He pauses, thinking about what the last world's Anti told him. About him being a glitch.
“Really? They just pop up? Whattt that’s even weirder!” Bro exclaims.
“According to the last world’s Anti… a glitch is someone who can break the fabric of their world… the boundaries… and act outside of it.” Alt says quietly, glancing at the holes filled with code around them. “And also… Mag figured out you need black magic and …whatever my glitches are to activate the gate. Maybe since other me has both, he was able to destroy it…”
“If he had both, why couldn’t he just use it then?” Bro asks, crossing his arms.
Alt shrugs, “I dunno… Sam sees everything. Maybe they did something to prevent it. Or… other universal forces. This me getting out… it would be very very bad if he can just take apart the world like this…”
"Sam sees everything?" Jackie repeats in a mutter. "Sam like... the little eyeball Anti and Jack hang out with?"
JJ raises his eyebrow. There's a Sam in my world, too. They're a friend of my Jack.
"I do not know a Sam," Schneep says, shaking his head. "The fuck do you mean an eyeball? An eye on its own? I suppose Jack's channel logo is like that."
"Heh. In my world, that logo is based on Sam," Jackie chuckles.
“Exactly! We met a couple but the one we’re talking about is giant!!!” Bro says, spreading out his arms as wide as he can.
“They’re the one who helped us get home last time when the TRVLR broke.” Alt explains, “they are from another world where… where an Anti got super powerful like here and corrupted most of our other selves. But they can also exist in… this space in between? Where Jackie’s Anti can go… it’s still really confusing but they told us they see everything and could find the broken parts of the TRVLR to return to us.”
"...huh." Schneep isn't sure how to respond to that. "That is... strange."
The world is strange, JJ says. What's this in-between space?
"Yeah, my Anti mentioned it once," Jackie says. "After he helped you guys out of whatever weird... timeline thing... you guys were stuck in. It's a completely black space except for sometimes there are green balls of light floating around--"
Schneep makes a choking sound in surprise. "I—That is—"
JJ blinks. Does that sound familiar to you?
"I-I went there once!" Schneep says in a hushed voice. "When my powers first started—I-I was disappearing and reappearing in many different spaces—a-and then I stopped somewhere, there was a strange man, he showed me an image of the place I was stuck in—he said something about it being like the space outside a video game level—"
Bro points eagerly, “That’s what it felt like exactly! I think… we also might have been in there in between jumps? I remember the green lights-“
Alt looks at Schneep with wide eyes, “Schneep- if you did that once m-maybe you could do it again! Then we can try to find Sam and- they can get you all home!”
"I—well. i-it was completely by accident," Schneep stammers. "I am not sure i-if I could do it again...? I—-I suppose I could... try. If this archway does not work."
Alt sighs but nods, “Of course- I get it… I have stuff I do all the time I have no idea how I did it… it couldn’t be that easy anyways. Not with our luck.”
Bro lightly hits Alt on the head, “Don’t be so pessimistic bro! We’re fixing the doorway- we’ll figure this out! Now here- weld these together will you?” He hands Alt a couple more pieces that fit together and Alt grumbles but starts to patch them back up.
It takes some time, but with some work, all the runes on the doorway are repaired. They flash with multicolored light as Alt welds the last piece into place.
Bro cheers and hovers a bit in the air as he pumps a fist, “See!! We did it!!”
"Whoo!" Jackie throws his fists in the air. "Fuck yeah!"
There are still a lot of pieces missing, but maybe it will function? JJ says.
"Ha! Only one way to find out." Schneep grins. "I cannot imagine anything so bad that we cannot take care of."
Alt steps back and looks at the doorway with a bit of awe and smiles a bit. He lightly touches the runes and looks at the doorway, “…do you think it could work now?”
“Only one way to find out!” Bro says.
Alt chuckles, but then his face falls, “wait… we… we need black magic to make it work-“
JJ blinks. Black magic... He looks down at his hands. I could... try...
"No, you shouldn't have to do that," Jackie insists. "There has to be some other way."
Alt nods, “Yeah it… w-we shouldn’t have to rely on it…” He does look troubled as he looks at the doorway. “But… m-maybe-“
“Did you really think it would be so easy~?” A voice giggles in their ears. Then, Glitch appears behind Bro’s shoulders, floating a bit with his glitches as he digs his nails in. “I knew you all were fucking liars- hiding my own blood from me!” He laughs madly and pulls up his hands- purple green strings typing up Bro and lifting him slightly into the air by them. He yells and tries to struggle. “But, you all were so daft to think I wouldn’t find you here~ I see e̷̟̾v̷͕̈e̶͎̅r̷͖̈y̷̯͘t̵̺̾h̵̙̆ị̶̔n̵͕̈́ǵ̷͉~̴!̸”
“No!” Alt cries out, glitching back with terrified eyes.
Bro fights as best as he can against the strings, “Let me go you motherfucker!!”
Jackie whirls around, extending his staff again. "Motherfucker! We took too long!"
"Well how were we supposed to go faster?!" Schneep also takes out his scissors. "What is happening?! He grabbed Chase?!"
"Yeah, with these fucking strings!" Jackie glares. "You don't even realize what you've done, do you?! The fucking irony of it all!"
“You got that grit in your ears? This was inevitable, friends~! I was just waiting to see if you could actually fix the doorway! And by some miracle you did~!” Glitch laughs madly. “Now, finally! I can take Chase with me and we can find a new universe to start over in!”
Bro fights more, “I’m not going anywhere with you! You ain’t my brother!”
JJ's mind whirls. They don't have time to talk to the Glitch! They have to act before he can do anything to Bro! He hesitates, then shoots out a wave of sharp magic, trying to cut the strings.
There’s the sharp angry sound of glitches that break Glitch apart for a second before his form starts to turn a bit red. He growls angrily- then the strings get cut.
Bro immediately lunges away.
“No!” Glitch snarls and then shoots a blast of magic at JJ, “Stay out of my way!”
JJ gets knocked backwards, doubling over as the magic hits him directly in the stomach.
"Leave them alone!" Jackie picks up one of the sharp obsidian shards on the ground and throws it at Glitch.
Glitch teleports out of the way with a wild laugh, “too slow!”
"New plan, we fucking break the doorway and find some other way to get out of here!" Schneep says.
Alt looks panicked at Schneep’s suggestion, “No we can’t! This is our only lead right now to get you home!”
“We can take this fucker-“ Bro growls, eyes glowing brightly with power.
Henny has been hiding in the back- in the shadows. When he sees an opening he yells and lunges out to grab onto the back of Glitch and try to pull him out of the air. “Leave them alone!”
“H-Hen?!” Glitch gasps, the tiniest bit of blue flickering in his eyes. Then he growls, trying to buck him off, “Get the fuck off of me!”
"If we are not doing that, then—" Schneep pauses. "Then—we get Glitch to do it, if you understand." His black magic—his glitch power—if they can somehow trick him into it—
JJ nods, catching on. Then would it need to be destroyed afterwards so Glitch cannot escape?
"Henrik!" Jackie shouts. He runs over, pausing. He was going to try and get Henny off, but actually—Instead, he jumps up and grabs Glitch's legs. "Get! Down here! So I can fight you!"
Jackie ends up pulling Glitch down with so much force he yells in surprise and nearly face plants. But he giggles and eyes Jackie with hungry eyes, “Oh you wanna fight again? Okay!” He lunges at Jackie with sparking claws.
Henny got pushed back in the rush to get at Jackie and he struggles to center himself.
Alt looks conflicted but he nods, “Okay… w-we can do that- how will we destroy it afterwards?”
Henny rushes over and pants, “I can destroy it! I can use my power to make it fall apart as soon as you leave.”
"That would work, then," Schneep says. "You must be careful, other me." He draws his scissors. "Now—we draw his attention!"
Henny nods, “I will be. Do not worry. …you all just must promise you stay safe and do not come back here.” 
Schneep nods, a determined look in his black-slcera'd eyes. "We promise." 
Jackie manages to let go and jump back in time to avoid the claws. "Jesus fuck! You don't even realize what you're doing, don't you?! You've become the monster you were afraid of!" He swings the staff at Glitch's head.
Glitch laughs wildly and catches the staff before it can hit him, using it to bring Jackie closer. “Yer dumb- you think that matters now? I fucking won that fucker is dead and I’m stronger than he ever was!” He giggles and pushes Jackie back by his staff while building up black magic fire in his hands. “I’m not Magnificent~ I’m something far greater and that’s why I’m on top! Like I was always meant to be!” He cackles loudly as he tries to blast the fire at Jackie.
Jackie's eyes widen and he barely ducks, the heat of the fire feeling all too familiar against his skin. He takes a deep breath, trying to recover from the familiar feelings that fire stirs inside him.
And then Schneep leaps over behind Glitch, driving the scissors downwards.
Glitch quickly turns around and dodges Schneep’s attach before blasting out fire towards him too. “Nice try~!”
Schneep yelps, the fire burning his arm. He leaps to the side, patting out the flames. JJ takes his place, throwing magic after Glitch but staying where he's standing off to the side.
Alt growls and glitches around, trying to create a distraction for Glitch.
Bro hurries over and kneels by Jackie, “You okay?”
"F-fine," Jackie says. He steadies himself. "Now—let's get this fucker!" He tries to sweep out Glitch's legs with his staff.
Bro grins and nods, trying to kick at Glitch’s stomach. Glitch glitches out the way though but ends up getting blasted back by JJ’s magic and is thrown through the air. He growls and then starts to spark with electricity. “You all are getting on my last fucking nerve!” He hisses.
Then, Glitch sends out a wave of electric magic to try to shock everyone and knock them away.
Jackie and Schneep fly through the air away from Glitch. Even JJ, as far as he is, gets knocked down. Schneep is the first to get to his feet, and he leaps over to help Jackie up. "We have to get his magic to the doorway somehow," he mutters. "That is the plan."
Henny and Bro get blown back, bro briefly hitting his head against a far back wall. Alt manages to glitch away and then yells as he tackles his other self to the floor. Glitch roars in anger, meeting eyes with his former self.
Alt snarls and bares his teeth at his copy. “…you need to stop this! Your Chase wouldn’t want you doing all of this!”
“You know fucking nothing!” Glitch hisses, “I’ve seen the light- who we were meant to be all along! Someone who’s not tethered to weak useless meat bags- Chase was the only exception- the only one worth fighting for! Now I’m stronger than anyone who ever hurt us! I could rule worlds- all the worlds! I could turn back time to make sure Chase never died! All I need is a way out-!”
“Fucking listen to yourself!” Alt interrupts, “You sound exactly like Mag! Doesn’t that make you angry?! In the end- he won! He made you what he always wanted us to be! This wasn’t a victory- this is a tragedy! One where the man who tortured us for years got the last laugh and corrupted you so much you killed the only family you had left and drove everyone else you love away! You didn’t win jack shit! And I- I’m never gonna let myself turn into you!”
There’s an intense beat of silence as Alt pants from his emotional outburst as Glitch stares up at him with wide eyes. Wide eyes that… actually look a bit scared.
Everyone stares at the two Alts. Jackie starts to raise his staff and run forward, but Schneep puts out an arm to stop him. "Think about it," Schneep says. "You have not won anything. If Magnificent could see you now, he would be so proud of what you've become. Is that what you want?" But even as he talks, he gets ready to leap out of the way with Jackie at the first sign of danger. JJ also gets up, magic at the ready.
Glitch seems to shiver at this, eyes wide and distant as he shakes his head. “No…” Then his eyes start to fill with purple as he screams out in anger, “N̴̼͠o̸̭̕!̶̗̽!” A wave of purple magic rockets out of him and it blasts Alt away with enough force that he hits his head against the wall and blacks out for a second, slumping towards the ground.  
Schneep was ready for this. As the magic approaches he leaps out of the way, dragging Jackie with him. JJ is not so lucky. He conjures up a shield but the magic blasts through it, knocking him back against the doorway.
“Alt!” Bro cries out as he hurries over to his side, hardly being thrown off by the magic at all.
Bro hurriedly tries to rouse Alt. “Alt buddy c’mon!! You can’t pass out on us now!!” Alt rocks a bit in his grip, a spot of blood on his head from the impact he took.
Meanwhile, Henny tried to protect himself with his magic- but the black magic touches his light magic and he screams in pain as it eats up his hand and puts purple cracks on his pocket watch. He clutches at his hand then falls back against the wall, slumping against it.
In the middle of the room, Glitch is curled up into a tight glitching ball, muttering madly, “no no no no! I’m not like him- I’m not! I’m better! I-I won! He couldn’t win he’s dead!! I… I… Mag isn’t here- I’m the one still around!! Chase wouldn’t- I- He… he…! No! Nonono-!” Electricity is crackling off him like a dangerous storm. The floor underneath him is cracking and breaking into code- reality around him is shattering. “I’m the one in control! It was meant to be me!! He’s nothing- I-I’m eternal!’”
JJ climbs to his feet, looking over at Henny in alarm. He takes a deep breath and—in a puff of blue smoke--appears next to him. I'm going to try and get rid of that magic, he says, and reaches out to take Henny's hand with the watch in it. He tries to tap into whatever power he used on the rooftop to cast a purification spell.
Henny blearily looks at JJ and nods, “p-please… Juwel…” 
JJ smiles at Henny gently. He concentrates. Come on, he’s done this before… and though it’s more difficult than expected, the black magic slowly drains away.
Henny sighs in relief as the magic starts to drain away. Once he’s recovered enough he pushes himself up and puts a hand on JJ’s shoulder, “thank you my friend… hurry to the doorway-“ 
JJ nods slowly. Be careful, he says. Keep yourself safe over anything, even breaking the doorway. And then he teleports back to the doorway, right by Jackie and Schneep.
"Do you think Chase would be proud of you now, Alt?!" Jackie shouts at Glitch. "Do you think he'll want to hear you say things like that? See you do things like this?!" As Jackie shouts, Schneep pulls him back until they're standing by the doorway--right in front of it in fact. "He wouldn't! If he's anything like our Chase, he wouldn't! And he'd say you weren't meant for this at all! He'd say you were meant to be a hero!"
“ S̷̯̓Ḥ̴̉Ú̸̧T̴̬̒ ̸̰̋Ṳ̶̚P̶̒!” Glitch screams at Jackie, curling up claws into his scalp. “Chase was blind- w-we all were! I was always meant to be this- It’s what I-I was made for! The universes told me so- this magic tells me so! Playing hero was a-a foolish dream! I… I- ngh-!” Glitch cries out in pain and curls up more, the magic eating away more at the fabric of the world.
“Yeah, and whose magic is that?!” Jackie shouts. “Who did it come from?! Magnificent right? I don’t think his fucking magic would tell the truth!”
“Black magic sucks you in!” Schneep says. “But it may not be too late for you to make your way out, Alt!”
“And I don’t believe that anyone was made for anything!” Jackie continues. “This is a fucking multiverse, man! Do you think the possibilities are so limited?!”
Glitch grits his teeth and screams, tears of blood falling from his eyes. “There’s so many-“ He pants, “So many versions of me who are this- the trends, the canon- we were made this way…! I-I can’t fight this- this was inevitable! A puppet master needs his toys…! I-I’m a higher being now- I’m a-above all these useless fucking emotions! Above t-this empathy- this sadness-!” 
Then he curls up more gripping over his heart as the magic blasts out even more, ripples of black magic washing over the doorway, lighting up the runes with purple light. “So why does this still h̴̠̀u̴̮͌ŕ̷̹ẗ̴͚́?” he wails almost like a frightened child, “Why does it still ache?! Make it stop- MAKE IT S̷̜̚Ť̸͍Ǫ̴̈P̸̢̍!̸̭͗!̸̀ͅ”
Bro watches Glitch break down with wide worried eyes, some part of his chest aching with him. He grips the still passed out Alt in his arms.
"My friends!" Schneep looks at Bro and Alt, reaching out towards them. "Here!"
"Try to make it stop all you want!" Jackie shouts. "But it hurts because it's real! It hurts because it mattered! If you bury that hurt, if you try to justify it away—well, don't count us responsible for who you become!"
“Shut up!! Shut up shut up S̶̳͑H̴̢̕Ū̷͇Ţ̴͠ ̸̳̏U̸͖̎P̷̮̓!̵̩̑!̶̮͒!̵̮̐” Glitch sobs hysterically, clawing at his skin, leaving claw marks down his face like tears. 
Bro looks conflicted. Then he looks down at Alt and whispers an apology to him before giving him a little zap to wake him up. Alt jolts then winces gripping at his head. Bro pushes him forward, “Go to the others! Careful not to glitch yet- I… I need to do something-“
Alt opens his mouth to argue, “Chase-“
“Please Anti- just… just trust me, okay?” Chase says, looking at his brother with a meaningful expression. Alt slowly softens then nods. “Be careful…” he then glitches across the room- away from the doorway and starts to make his way towards it.
Bro stands up, then starts to brave his way through the magic storm around Glitch.
"Chase what the fuck are you doing?!" Jackie gasps.
"Chase!" Schneep starts forward, reaching out. But Jackie grabs him, holding him back.
JJ looks back and forth between Bro and Alt before hurrying over to Alt, dragging him back to the other two.
Alt stumbles a bit but leans against JJ as he helps.
The magic shreds at Bro’s super suit and skin, pixels slashing at him and the glitches unstable to walk on. But he tries- this… this guy is a version of his brother! A version that lost him- and Chase promised he’d never let his brother feel alone again.
Glitch doesn’t even see him coming- so when he manages to break through and grab his bleeding cheeks, the glitch startles and shakily holds a hand against Bro’s. “C-Chase?”
Bro looks at this corrupted version of Alt with deep heartfelt sympathy. He hesitates then brings Glitch into a hug and holds him tight. “Don’t worry, Anti…” he whispers, “We’re going to make sure this doesn’t  happen to you in our world… we’re gonna try to fix the future. I’m so sorry this happened to you…”
Glitch is stiff in the hug, purple flickering in his eyes- a bit of blue seeping through. He shakily reaches up and then curls claws into Chase’s shirt. “Please, Chase… f-find a way to save me-“
“I will,” Chase promises. He then lets go and looks at Glitch sadly, “…but you gotta let us go. You have to let me go.”
Glitch chokes a bit and closes his eyes before shoving Bro towards the doorway. “…g-get out of here- go-! Before it… before I lose myself again-!”
Glitch looks at the others with determination burning in his green blue eyes. “…make sure this future- never happens!”
Jackie, Schneep, and JJ look at each other. There are some tears in JJ's eyes. "We will do everything we can," Schneep says to this Glitched Alt. "We promise."
"You fight as hard as you can, okay?!" Jackie says.
Glitch nods, “I… I’ll try.” He looks to Alt, “…k-keep him close, okay?”
Alt has tears in his eyes too as he nods, “I will.” He says, his voice breaking.
Glitch smiles, looking sincere. “…good.” He closes his eyes and breathes, gripping at his heart. Purple veins pulse and glow underneath. He looks at Henny and a tear falls from his eye. “…keep on watching over me, Hen, will you? Y-you’ve done a good job of it s-so far.” He laughs.
Henny blinks back tears and nods, “Until the very end, my friend.” Sahne crawls out from where she was hiding and presses up against him, whining slightly at Glitch.
Glitch smiles more, looking on the verge of more tears. He shudders as the purple veins on his face light up and cause him pain. “G-Go- hurry-!” He shouts at the others.
Henny holds out a hand to hold the doorway in his magic. Alt slams an electric filled hand against the doorway and then lets his body disperse into glitches and pixels. The runes hum loudly and fill with more light, the air becoming electric and an electric whine reaches a fever pitch of intense noise. A bubble of crackling magic caves in on the 5 boys then rockets out in an intense beam of magic and light.
Then, the boys are gone- hearing the collapse of stones before they fall into deep confusing darkness.
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makedamnsvre · 2 months
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still playing with this. after uhh. many months. idk what do do with it tbh. my beloved animal
couple of drawings of it from 2019 btw. just because. look at how my creature has changed...........
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gasterofficial · 1 year
i think i saw a spot of ich on my gourami and it just flashed against hardscape THE DAY after i return my temp to normal following treatment at 86 degrees for two weeks. im going to blow this entire room up
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
‘came from a fissure in the ground’ SHUT UP DEMISE CAME FROM THE DEPTHS SHUT UP
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theobot · 5 months
listen ok exercising and finding a fun exercise that i do consistently has had a lot of benefits but i gotta say the one that feels the wildest is that when one of my joints hurt im just like "oh i know 5 million stretches for that" and then i just. fix it? like my hip was killing me a couple minutes ago and now im just chillin
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foxstens · 1 year
yo i just got to the point where you do the thing and im fucking dead
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cantdanceflynn · 7 months
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ma7moudgaza2 · 22 days
After purchasing the tent, and as you know that there has been no electricity in Gaza for more than 10 months, my next goal is to turn on the electricity to charge mobile phones and light the tent!! Due to the lack of fuel or generators, the only source of energy in Gaza is solar energy, but most people cannot buy it due to its high cost, so I will make my next goal to buy a complete solar energy system. All I need is a solar panel, the price of which in Gaza is $1000. A 200A battery costs $1,000, an inverter converter costs $800. So the next target is $2800. ‼️
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I will be sure to publish extensively to close this target as soon as possible.😔🙏🏼
The goal now is $10,000. It must reach $12,800 as soon as possible
@sayruq @sar-soor @nabulsi @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @feluka @slydiddledeedee @tsaricides @buttercuparry @schoolhater @appsa
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bluejeanstrash · 6 months
shower thoughts.
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tags: pussy drunk! seungcheol x reader, established relationship, oral (f receiving), face sitting, pet names (baby, princess) | wc: 1.3k
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it had started as a fleeting memory in the shower — memories of an afternoon where seungcheol had eaten you out over and over until you were all out of orgasms to give him. somehow, he could taste you on his tongue now, and if he shut his eyes, he could feel you quiver in his palms.
as he grabs the shampoo, massaging the fragrant liquid into his scalp, his mind wanders to the noises you’d made when you came, and how you gushed with sticky arousal all over his mouth. he feels his cock twitch for attention, looking down to see he’s fully erect. and by the time seungcheol’s grabbing his towel, he’s a man possessed. he steps out of the bathroom to see you right where he’d left you — sitting on the bed, a laptop warming your lap. in quick, hurried strokes, he dries his hair, tossing the towel aside before walking over.
‘hey’ he speaks softly, grazing your cheek with the back of his fingers.
‘hey’ you smile, pulling out an earphone ‘how was your shower?’
‘good. what are you doing?’
‘nothing, just watching something’ he takes a peek, his gaze falling on how your t-shirt (his t-shirt) is riding up to reveal a hint of your panties. it’s your comfy pair.
‘give me a kiss’ he bends to take one, and you know from the moment your lips meet that this isn’t a goodnight kiss. it’s deep, borderline desperate, and it makes you wonder what’s gotten into him.
seungcheol grabs your laptop, shutting it gently, and keeps it aside before getting on top. at no point does he break the kiss, instead sliding his tongue into your mouth to deepen it.
it’s your neck that he tastes next, his pillowy lips latching onto the skin to suck softly. the scent of his shampoo lingers in the air as he makes his way down — to your collarbone, to the curve of your breast, your firm nipples, but he just can’t concentrate.
seungcheol can smell your arousal now, so overwhelmed by it that he abandons his task halfway to make his way down, ripping off your panties and diving straight into your heat. before you even register what he’s doing, his tongue is already on you. his first lick is quick, rushed even, the second less so, his tongue flat and slowly sliding up your core, and on the third, he parts your protruding lips with the tip of his tongue, exploring inside you.
‘you. taste. so. fucking. good’ his voice is thick as he grabs your thighs, pushing them back and apart for better access. you watch as he licks his lips impatiently, snaking his long tongue out, and begins to run it up and down your folds, slurping up the juices that are starting to seep out of you.
he eats it like he’s starving. like it’s his last meal on earth. he’s made this joke before, once when you were discussing what your death row meal would be. it was just a joke then, but with how he’s devouring you now, it may as well have been the truth. he’s insatiable, disappearing between your legs for minutes at a time without so much as coming up for a breath of air. somewhere in the middle, he inserts a finger, his middle, into your hole, moving in and out of you in twisting motions. 
‘oh my fucking god’ you gasp, gripping the sheets under you and pulling, the fabric bunching in tight creases ‘t-that feels amazing. fuck cheol, fuck’ seungcheol lives for your praises — the ones you put into words ‘you’re so good at eating pussy' 'your tongue feels incredible’ and the ones he sees in your body — your curling toes, arched back, those breathy pauses in your pretty little moans. 
they only spur him on and he’s desperate to make you feel even better. so he takes two fingers, creating an inverted ‘v’ and places them on your pussy to spread your lips apart. ‘jesus’ he groans at the sight of your engorged clit — puffy and poking out from its hood. with a soft kiss, he cushions the nub in between his pillowy lips, and starts sucking. he pulls on it gently, like he’s sipping from a straw. seungcheol doesn’t want to overwhelm you with the sensation, he wants only pleasure for his princess. his pretty, pretty princess.
‘cheollie’ you whine, his eyes flicking up to meet yours ‘you feel so good on my clit’ he smiles, keeping his pace. 
‘so so good’ you tangle your fingers in his damp hair, tugging sharply when he switches to feathery little flicks on your nub all of a sudden. ‘fu-hck’ your thighs clamp shut around his face, and without even realising it, you start rocking your hips up and down, grinding onto him. seungcheol groans in approval, letting you know that’s exactly what he wants from you. ‘that’s it, princess. use me to make yourself feel good’ he takes a precious breath to let you know.
so you use him, his tongue matching the fervour of your hips ‘don’t stop, please’ you beg, your moans rising and falling, and then, silence — the one that sets in when you’re almost at the edge. no, no, no. he doesn’t want it like this; he needs to be buried under you when you go over.  
‘sit on my face’ he hurries to switch positions, laying down, and in his rush, the band of his underwear gets pulled to expose his cock. pink and swollen, it pokes out of his boxers, lying flat against his toned stomach. seungcheol props his head up on a pillow as you take your seat, holding onto the headboard to distribute your weight so as not to smother him with it.
‘no’ he locks his thick arms around your thighs, ‘sit on me. ride my face. suffocate me. do anything you want. i don’t care. just use me and please, please princess, cum on me’ and pushes you down on him.
is this euphoria? he wonders, inhaling your scent, basking in your warmth, coating his tongue with your taste. you slide across the ridges of his face — his sharp nose, pointed tongue, his jutting chin — each bringing its own kind of pleasure. he licks you next, dragging his tongue from your taint to your clit, before pushing the tip of his tongue inside your hole. ‘seungcheol, fuck. just keep doing that, don’t stop’ your grab onto his hair with the same intensity he grips the soft flesh of your tummy, squeezing, as you ride him. 
‘i’m going to cum. fuck cheol, i’m going to cum all over your pretty face’ you whine as he slaps your ass, making you ride him even faster. he knows you’re there, right at the edge again, so he grabs your hips, steadying you in his strong arms. you clench and relax your cunt till the pressure reaches its crescendo and then, release.
release that shoots through you like bolts of electricity, lighting up every nerve in your brain and body as you spasm with pleasure. release that causes watery ejaculate to gush out of you, and onto seungcheol’s face which he laps up like it’s his reward. you hear him groan at your messy orgasm, and then suddenly, he feels something warm on his stomach. he realises that he’s cum, just a tiny bit, too, and he’s reminded once again of the effect you have on him.
you catch your breath, lifting yourself off him, but he pulls you right back down, not done with his licks until you stop quivering in his palms. finally, a minute later, you climb off, leaving seungcheol laying there with every inch of his face drenched in your fluids, and his stomach wet with his own. seungcheol breathes heavy, his chest heaving as he looks over at you. he licks his lips one last time and laughs ‘i think- think i might need another shower’ he sounds floaty, free, and fucking delighted — like a man finally satiated.
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And just to follow up on that previous reblog without derailing it: a lot of the really weird relationships and discourse that exist out there in the neo-pagan, Satanist, and atheist communities are in fact echoes of the weird relationship that Xtianity has with Judaism.
Xtianity has a weird, tumultuous relationship with Judaism because they must simultaneously validate the Tanakh and the Jews who created it or else their own religion is devoid of context and built on a house of cards. But! If they validate Judaism, then they have to grapple with the fact that the Jews did not accept their interpretation of the Tanakh, that we still, against all odds, exist, and that because we still exist, we are still around to point out the ways in which the New Testament does not fit with the Tanakh and that the Tanakh does not inherently or naturally point to Jesus. And that's to say nothing of the bloody history of Xtianity towards Judaism. Our continued existence is a sore point and a weakness in the Xtian narrative that has been a constant source of irritation, frustration, and violence since the dawn of Xtianity. And, at the same time, there is a certain fascination with Judaism related to things that have been appropriated by Xtians or understood as particularly useful in spreading supercessionist ideas. So what you wind up with is a toxic mix of antisemitism and philosemitism (effectively fetishization and orientalism) that drives too many Xtians to "love" us by attacking our beliefs and way of life, and stealing whatever they think will be most helpful in their mission (especially as it pertains to Jews) in order to try and convert us.**
Many people who have also been hurt from inside of Xtianity or by the broader Xtian culture they live in seek to deconstruct those ideas by creating an inverse of Xtianity in one way or another. Those who turn to Satanism typically do this by worshipping the opposite force of the Xtian god. Those who turn to neo-paganism typically do this by embracing an unambiguously polytheistic religion and/or by turning to the cultural historical enemies of Xtianity. Those who turn to atheism typically do this by rejecting "God," "faith," and "organized religion" (as these concepts are understood by Xtian norms.)
And honestly? That's fine. If it helps, if it brings you meaning and joy, knock yourselves out. I have no problem with people turning to these beliefs for reasons of healing as well as simply being drawn to it. And for what it's worth, I did a similar thing by turning to Judaism. Obviously I had many other reasons for becoming a Jew as well, and I assume that's true for the aforementioned folks, too. Judaism healed a lot of Xtianity-shaped wounds for me, and if your paganism, Satanism, and/or atheism helps you in the same way as well as bringing you meaning, I sincerely wish you the best.
However, the problem is that many times, unless you turn to Judaism and learn our side of the story, it's very difficult to deconstruct the antisemitism of your past entanglement with Xtianity. Xtian antisemitism has permeated western society so thoroughly for so long that it is real *work* to identify and unlearn it. Those converting to Judaism have the benefit of the Jewish community and extensive educational resources to help. Other folks do not.
Here's the problem: if you simply invert Xtian ideas, you are still treating Xtianity as the baseline reality from which your other assumptions and beliefs flow. If you just choose the opposite at every chance, you divorce yourself from Xtianity, but not its prejudices.
Now you might fairly ask, "hey Avital, if we are making the opposite choice at every turn, wouldn't that invert the antisemitism to being at least neutral if not positive towards Judaism?" And that would be perfectly logical! But unfortunately deeply and (for us) dangerously incorrect.
The reason is because (1) antisemitism has never been rational but reactionary instead, (2) philosemitism is also bad, and (3) it is structured in a way that it's pretty much always "heads I win, tails you lose." Have you ever noticed that according to antisemites, Jews are both ultra-white and also dirty foreign middle eastern invaders? That we are supposedly very powerful and run the world, but are also weak and degenerate? That both the Right and the Left have extensive antisemitism problems? Etc.? There's a reason - it's because antisemitism is designed to other us no matter what. So oftentimes I see folks inverting Xtian philosemitism to being "those awful fundamentalist Old Testamenters" or inverting Xtian antisemitism to valorizing Judaism, but only to the extent that they can meme-ify our religion down to fighting God and/or being un-pious godless liberals.
But like other groups, we are a diverse and complicated group with a very long history and a lot of trauma to boot.
If you're trying to unpack your Xtian conditioning, please also unpack your antisemitism and philosemitism. If not for our sake and for it being the right thing to do, at least do it for yourselves, because unless you deconstruct that as well, you will still be operating within a really ugly aspect of a Xtian mindset.
(**Please note that this isn't literally all Xtians everywhere, but it is a lot of Xtians in most places and throughout most of history. There are absolutely Xtians who are good allies to Jews, but they are much smaller in number and are swimming upstream in their relationship to both Jews and Xtianity.)
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parkertfs · 11 months
CockCo’s New App
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Ted had seen the ads for the new app going viral. It was advertised as a photo enhancement app, one that was supposed to be better than photoshop.
As soon as Ted opened the app, it prompted him to take a photo.
“What would you like to enhance?”
The app was almost comical in its simplicity.
“Snap a pic and we’ll do all the work!”
Ted laughed. This app was totally fake. He pointed the camera down at his lap where his shorts were hiding a measly 4 inches and grape sized nuts.
“Awesome! Now choose the enhancement percentage!” Ted was next prompted with a slider from 100% to 500%. He found it strange that there wasn’t any option for less than 100%, but he shrugged and laughed, jokingly opting for 500%.
“Awesome! Now choose payment method!” Ted wasn’t expecting this. The app was free and the app store didn’t say there would be in-app purchases.
The options were “Brains!”, “Height!”, “Muscle!”, “Hair!”, “Smell!”, “Endurance!”, and “Confidence!”. And in very small text at the bottom of the screen there was a sentence that read, “All enhancements are positive and permanent and are subject to CockCo’s terms of service.”
Ted was really confused now, so far nothing had changed about his photo, and if all of these ‘payments’ were positive then why was it payment?
Ted selected all of the payment methods, the check boxes lighting up with different colors as he went. He laughed again at the silliness of the app and pressed “continue”.
“Awesome! Now sit back, relax, and watch!”
The app then showed his original photo, his lap in full view. The app showed a little swirling ball next to the words, “Enhancing”.
Ted’s eyes widened as he saw the image of his pants begin to change. His zipper seemed to bulge out farther, along with the shorts digging further into his thighs and waist.
What Ted saw next made him drool. His cock, starting at 4 inches hard, began to snake along his waist. His grape sized nuts inflating too, pushing out against the fabric of his shorts. He watched as it slowly reached his hip, pushing through the pocket and inverting the fabric. As his balls continued to inflate he suddenly noticed he was in a lot of pain. He looked down and saw that his shorts — or rather his body — now matched what he saw in the photo… constricting around his balls, confining his enormous cock, and hugging his muscular ass and thighs.
Ted let a deep moan as his shorts tore in half, releasing his growing manhood. His new stench was now wafting up at him, his mind getting foggy from the smell… or was it from something else? He couldn’t tell, his brain was in his balls now, full of potent cum ready to blow.
God he looked so good. His orange sized balls filling up, his beer can thick footlong cock, his ass bouncing as he stood up, his new pecs jiggling too. Inches were adding to his height, making his body look more like a greek god’s than a burly lumberjack’s. His mind was filling with his new body’s hormones and thoughts. Thoughts of fucking, getting fucked, sucking and cumming.
He took a deep breath in, inhaling his now pungent stench, slowing his mind more and making him leak precum like a faucet.
He reached one of his enormous hands down and grabbed his dick, his other hand reaching between his juicy cheeks and rubbing his super sensitive hole.
It was too much. Within seconds he was cumming. And wow did he cum. He launched huge globs of creamy, smelly, jizz all over himself. But as the last of his cum slowly dripped out of his massive apple sized cock head, he felt his balls swell bigger, his body was already getting prepared for round two.
Ted loved the new app.
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h4venpha · 6 months
i think i find comfort in vashwood because of their unwillingness to say outloud how they care and love for one another. like CANONLY, theres so, so much they dont say, yet their actions reflect everything.
i’m pretty sure i’ve spoke on this before but i like to think that they never say more than they need to because of the world they live in, the type of people they are, the type of upbringings theyve had. it all stems back to them not really feeling worthy of the love they are offered.
wolfwood who only thinks of himself as some fucked up modified killing machine and that he believes theres no chance someone as kind hearted as vash would see the good in him, or what little there is left of the good in him. he’s done nothing but kill, he could never redeem himself, and yet vash isn’t scared nor shuns him for it even with his pacifistic ideals.
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vash who has seen the brutal truth of wolfwood’s being and still decides he loves him to the very end.
vash who doesnt believe he deserves any ounce of love or commitment because he only hurts those he gets close to. it’s happened before and itll happen again, like hes a walking time bomb and everything will blow up again and the people close to him will die no matter what he does. and wolfwood who canonly sticks beside him until the end! literally calls himself his guide.
vash who has never had true companionship in his 150 years of living, and wolfwood who follows him to the ends of gunsmoke.
just up until vol10, theyre still toeing the line of the relationship theyve created. but the exact moment vash shows up and chooses to prioritize wolfwood over going after knives (the fucking thing he’s been working towards since the big fall, over a hundred years ago) is the moment he steps past that line. its so extremely open and explicit, even wolfwood asks him ‘why are you here?”
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while what he says here is true yes, it also sounds like “you cannot die, i’m here to ‘save’ you because i want to live.”
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then to this when wolfwood knows and accepts he will die— the sheer HORROR on vash’s face when he realizes wolfwood wont allow him to save him.
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few pages ahead, vash’s monologue starts and these old panels come up. “deep down, he had become very close to me.” basically implying that back then, during the ‘shoot’ moment, they weren’t really close. and when vash accused him: “you’re the coward here.”, “you give up all hope so easily”, it was almost surface level in a way? talking to him at surface level
but now, so many chapters later when wolfwood really does give up hope, vash, with all of his developed love through out the story realizes how differently he feels now. wolfwood made him put a fucking gun to his head (giving up hope), and vash who only scolded and accused him, vs vol10 where when wolfwood gives up hope, vash feels straight terror, that he’s really going to lose him. (also the inverted panel is just so gorgeous.)
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the whole “isnt that right, wolfwood?” just proves my entire point that vash’s presence here in this fight steps over the line of vulnerability they had created. he knows how he feels, and he knows that wolfwood feels the same, even if hes speaking to him indirectly.
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seat-safety-switch · 3 months
I am, perhaps, one of the last survivors of the mail-order catalogue culture. In times long past, you would travel to a little store in your neighbourhood. There, you would fill out an elaborate form. Promises of money would be taken. Your swag? Arrives six to eight weeks later, if you're lucky.
Nowadays, we have an army of package-delivery psychos wandering our fair streets, delivering next-minute megaparcels from Taiwan. Nobody can argue about the efficiency. I get froggy these days when it takes two days for me to source a specialized inverter-welder from the internet, especially when I paid over a hundred bucks for it. Unfortunately, I'm starting to think that something has been lost. Call it the humanity.
When you ordered something from a teensy shitkicker of a Sears outlet in your neighbourhood, you'd get to page through a catalogue. It was annoying to fill out with the little knuckle-scraping golf pencils. And then there was the wait, the anticipation, the frantic math around layaway payments in the days before its arrival. All of this made for great human drama, which is gone now that you can type "elevator buttons" into AliExpress and click Buy Now on half a dozen of them.
Here's the solution. I'm calling it the Seat Safety Switch Shopping Snetwork. We're going to take out eensy-weensie, dinky-winky microstores in all the abandoned malls. You'll drive there, find parking, leaf through thousands of pages of printouts from Amazon, then tell us to order the shit. We order that shit, and then we don't call you for six to eight weeks after it arrives.
Will you buy less stuff? Probably. Will you really look forward to it? You bet. And, with our modest 50% service fee, you can tell all your friends that you buy your cheap crap from a premium, artisanal shopping concierge, which is what we'll name guys like Frantic Ed, our very first franchisee. He's fresh out of prison, and ready to spend his employment trapped in a room with metric ass-tons of off-gassing foreign plastic that he has to sit on for a couple more weeks. Hey, there has to be some abuse. It's still capitalism.
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h4wari · 9 months
I did some doodles with the first 2 Links, Sky and Mini!!! I plan on doing that with each Link I do hehehehehehe they are filled with mischief and chaos. Some more than others tho 🤠🤠🤠
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Mini and Ezlo as always trying to murder people JRKWNDKWNDKWKDKKWMDMSM Sky having to hold him back
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Now its Sky's turn in murder :DDDD
Poor baby, just wanted a nap...
Fi doesnt like to be held by magic hats, please help her out XDDD
Thats it my leafsss I hope you all have a great day!! Mwaaaa!!! 🍃🍃🍃
(Btw, this is the image I based the first drawing!! But I had to invert it bc Mini is left handed canonicaly 💀💀💀)
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