#and now i feel like a mini celebrity with a following of people so excited to see what i make next
ohgreat-moretapes · 24 days
Hey Tim, how many asks do you get daily?
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Usually between 3-10. Y'all are definitely keeping me busy (in the best way) haha. <3
Just a heads up it's gotten to the point where I'm realistically not gonna be able to answer absolutely all of them, even if I posted every day, but I wanna be clear I read every single one and they automatically give me the biggest hit of serotonin.
Your guys' support and interest have made such a massive positive difference in my life... Thank you
(OOC Olea speaking: Also I wanna take this opportunity to say I read every single one of your tags and comments and they make me so unbelievably happy ;;;v;;; <3 there is nothing I love more than getting to see peoples reactions to my art/writing. Everything from an "oh neat" to an "OH MY GOD SJFJFKS" just makes my day. Truly. If you're a regular reblogger and are on the fence about writing something in the tags, this is your sign. It gives me so much motivation and makes me immediately wanna write my next post :D)
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avatar-anna · 1 year
Baby Said
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inspired by baby said by maneskin. enjoy!!
Harry shoved his way through the crowd of sweaty bodies, muttering apologies and ignoring dirty looks until he was sufficiently close enough to the stage. He felt out of place amongst all the black clothes and heavy eyeliner. He'd opted for light wash jeans and a t-shirt that said, But daddy I love him, in bold red letters, though the "him" had been scratched out for "her."
There was an excited buzz in the club. Dance music pumped through the speakers while stage hands set up for the upcoming performance. It was dark, a little smelly, and the air was thick with smoke, but Harry couldn't have been happier to be jostled around and poked by elbows. He waited patiently for the band to make their appearance, smiling warmly at anyone he made eye contact with, though when a woman gave him a look that was perhaps more than a flirtatious smile, he quickly averted his gaze.
Before long, the club music died down, and people began to make their way onto the stage. Harry got pushed around a little as the crowd surged forward and began to cheer, but he managed to hold his ground. He smiled as his gaze snagged on a particular member of the band, butterflies erupting in his belly when she winked at him as she slung the strap of her bass guitar around her neck. He couldn't help but look her up and down, admiring the leather mini skirt and what could only be described as a matching bra, scraps of leather covering her just so, and strings of it wrapping around her torso. The way she dressed was harsh and in your face and inherently sexual, a celebration of her body. Harry thought she looked like an angel.
The frontman of the band gave a quick introduction, then counted up from five, and the first song began.
If the pushing was intense before, it was pure chaos now. Everyone fed off the music from the band, writhing together and yet completely out of synch. It was madness, but a good kind of madness that was fun and made you want to be part of it.
The band was good, better than good, but Harry only had eyes for one person. Her.
His eyes followed her every move as Y/n moved about the stage, his heart fluttered every time she came to his side of the stage, and flushed when she played to other people in the crowd, winking at them and giving them flirty smiles. Harry knew he shouldn't have felt like that, but he couldn't help it.
The concert was electric, absolutely electrifying. Harry could feel the music right down to his bones, he blushed when he felt the bassist's eyes on him as the lead singer sang particular lyrics. During one song, she surveyed the crowd, a mischievous glint in her eye. Then, she looked down to where Harry was standing and raised her eyebrow. When he raised his own brows at her, she reached down, grabbed Harry by the collar of his shirt, and kissed him. The crowd around them cheered, but all his senses zeroed in on the feeling of Y/n's lips sliding against his. Her teeth dug into his bottom lip, but that only made him lean into the kiss more.
It was like she'd completely forgotten about the concert she was performing. Her hands were in Harry's hair in seconds, pulling and tugging as if she was going to drag him onstage. He'd gotten so lost in the taste of tequila on her tongue, he might've let her, but she eventually pulled away to continue the band's set, but not before whispering, "Love the shirt, handsome," in his ear.
Harry took that as his cue to make his way backstage. He usually stayed and watched most of Y/n's sets, but when she whispered a flirty remark in his ear, he knew it was time to go.
Leaving the pit was much easier than shoving his way to the front. People in the crowd were eager to take his place, swallowing up the path he made as he left the steadily growing mosh pit. Cool air hit Harry's skin once he left the throngs of dancers, though he still felt the heat of her touch from when she kissed him, and more surged into his belly at the thought of what came next.
Harry made his way backstage and to the little green room, which was considerably easy seeing as they were in a club rather than a stadium. Y/n typically had her own dressing room because she was the only girl in the band, but this club was too small, the band's green room tonight looked like the manager's office repurposed.
But he sat down anyway, his fingers tapping his knees with anxious anticipation. Harry could hear the base pumping from here as the band went from one song to the next. He knew the setlist by now; knew the part where they introduced themselves, the crowd favorite, the closing song, and the encore. He knew each segment of the set like he was up there himself, knew almost down to the minute when Y/n would burst through the doors of the green room with her bandmates.
When they did, Harry stood up, greeting each member of the band and clapping them on the back and congratulating them on another great show. He made sure to give them attention before his focus zeroed in on Y/n, because when it was all said and done, he just wanted to be with her.
Y/n was the last one to come in, her chest glistening with sweat and bangs sticking to her forehead. But she had a big smile on her face when her eyes landed on Harry. Before he could say a word, she grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the green room. Y/n dragged him back out through the club until they were eventually outside in an alley. She pushed him up against the wall and kissed him, her hands immediately reaching into his hair and tugging on it.
"You were amazing tonight," Harry breathed, resting his hand on her waist.
"Always play my best when you're here," she said. They kissed a little more, Y/n nipping at Harry's bottom lip while he reached beneath her tiny skirt. "Do you really have to go?"
"I wish I didn't," he mumbled against her jaw. "But I have my own tour to get back to, you know."
"Don't go," Y/n whined. "Think of all the fun we've had while you were here."
Since Harry was on his break from tour, he joined Y/n on hers. Every day was a new adventure in a new city. Y/n's band was more underground, so they played smaller venues than Harry did, and they were rowdier, and the audience was definitely different than his. But it was fun being in the middle of it all. Harry loved watching live music, and he loved watching Y/n perform more than anything. Now that it was time to go, both of them were having a hard time saying goodbye.
"My tour is almost over, and then after that, I'm all yours," he said. "And tonight, I'm all yours. So let's make it count, yeah?"
Y/n grinned and ran her hands beneath Harry's shirt, her nails scratching down his torso. "You gonna let me have my way with you?"
Leaning his head against hers, Harry grinned and said, "I'm kind of hoping that you do. Been waiting all night, actually."
"Let's go back to the hotel, then. We're not starting tonight in a dirty alley."
On the ride back to the hotel, Y/n was all over Harry, leaning against him across the backseat and practically attacking his neck and jaw. He knew he was going to be littered with hickeys by the time the car pulled up to the hotel, but he didn't mind. He loved Y/n too much that he didn't really care if he was photographed with hickeys on his neck from time to time.
If Harry had been wearing a tie, Y/n would've dragged him up to her hotel room with it in her hands. So she settled for hooking a finger into the collar of his t-shirt and hauling into the elevator. Since they started dating, Y/n had always been the more direct of the two, the one to take charge. Harry didn't mind one bit, more than happy to take orders as well as give them. He liked the idea that his girlfriend was so into him that she just had to pin him up against a wall or on the bed and kiss him stupid. Y/n was confident and sexy both on and off the stage, and he couldn't get enough.
Later that night, they were still up, laying in bed and talking about whatever popped into their heads. Y/n's hand combed through Harry's hair, her touch a lot gentler than it had been an hour ago.
"I don't think I quite got the message across because your tongue was down my throat almost the second you stepped offstage," he said, laughing when Y/n told him to shut up. "But you were incredible tonight. All of you were."
"Thank you, baby."
Harry leaned forward and kissed her temple. "And you looked incredible too."
"Yeah? Too bad you won't be at the next show. Had something real special planned just for you."
"Don't do that," Harry groaned, imagining what she might wear for her next show. Or wouldn't wear. She was always pushing the envelope in terms of her onstage outfits, most of which had Harry on his knees for her by the end of the night. "Don't make me want to cancel my next shows so I can watch you perform."
"Mm...Fine. But only if you get between my legs again, and one more time to wake me up in the morning."
"That's what you want?" Harry asked, but he was already moving.
"That's what I want."
Harry kissed her once before pushing her legs up on the hotel bed. "Your wish is my command."
Y/n gasped, her hand reaching to grab his hair by the root to pull him where she wanted, but he didn't give in quite just yet. He kissed her thigh, sucking a little mark of his own into her skin. Y/n's grip was tight, guiding Harry to where she wanted him, just how he liked it.
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cuddleyhoney · 1 year
the birthday boy!
john wick x reader fanfic
It's his birthday! ---
(third person pov)
John was a very recluse man, he never shared much information about his personal life let alone sharing his birthday with people. But when the two of you started dating you brought up how you loved autumn and with that small topic of conversation John mentioned his birthday was in the fall! Months passed and his birthday was coming up. John subconsciously hoped that you wouldn't forget his birthday... With all the abandonment and trauma he has gone through he really wished for some type of remembrance from you about him, maybe a present or a card....
You had a lot in mind for his "party" and you had only a week to plan everything for him. John was shy so you thought to keep it a small get-together with a few other of his guy friends and some of your friends to visit. You quickly ran to the bakery the next morning to receive an adorable cake and some special brownies just for John! You then would keep the treats hidden in the kitchen where he would never find them! He went above and beyond to ensure your happiness and made you feel cherished and deeply cared for, prompting you to wish that John could experience the same level of love and appreciation.
The following morning, just two days before the special event, John seemed unusually reserved. He cast furtive, nervous glances while going about his routine tasks, whether it was filling up the dog's food bowl or discussing plans for the upcoming week. You couldn't help but feel completely clueless about what was going on in his mind. That night, as you snuggled up close to him, you couldn't contain a secret smile as you contemplated the elaborate plans you had in store.
( now in first pov )
The day of the event. I woke up early, finding John still in peaceful slumber. I swiftly collected my last-minute packages from the front doorstep and carefully placed them into adorable gift bags.
I donned a playful selkie-themed outfit and hurried to the supermarket to pick up some balloons, all part of my plan to surprise the birthday celebrant, with a mischievous grin on my face.
Around 1 hour later, John had awakened and showered. Luckily I had already gotten dressed and did my makeup. I remained downstairs, meticulously arranging the balloons and birthday cake with the intention of creating a cozy morning for just the two of us. As I sat at our kitchen island, my anticipation grew, creating a sense of nervous excitement. After what felt like an eternity, about two minutes passed before I finally heard the familiar sound of his footsteps descending the stairs. Without a moment's hesitation, I rushed up to him, our beloved dog accompanying me, and joyfully exclaimed, "Happy Birthday, my dear little muffin!" The astonishment on his face was priceless.
Later in the day, we gathered for a mini celebration, joined by a select group of his friends and mine. We enjoyed a delightful spread of cake, engaged in some entertaining board games, and even indulged in some spirited karaoke. John's bashful demeanor revealed his genuine surprise and the fact that he had absolutely no inkling that this entire celebration had been meticulously planned just for him.
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-- the end :3 I hope this is enjoyed lolz
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i am chronically ghosted . . . except by you all! All 100 of you! 🤍
the little things are so important to me so i wanted to say thank you to you all for getting me to this mini-milestone of 100 followers! i started this blog exactly ten (yes 10!!) days ago as a way to write more freely about my Ped-rangement and reblog every single gifset of Dieter Bravo at least twenty times. Never in the world would i have expected such a positive response!
i've met some truly incredible people because of this blog and I honestly can say my life is better with you in it.
Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who's ever reblogged, liked, or left a comment on one of my fics. I really do read every single one and when i'm done, i fold them up and put them near my heart 🤍🤍🤍
to say thank you, i'm doing a little celebration for anyone who wants to participate:
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psychography: writing while haunted! pick a pedro boy of your choosing and a prompt from this list and i'll write a little drabble! (please specify if you'd like smut to be present or not!)
[i'll be accepting prompts between now and sept. 4]
séance: hold hands and speak into the beyond! send me an ask from one of these questions, or anything else you'd like to know!
ectoplasm: exercise the manifestation of spirits! send me a pedro boy and i'll share of my favorite fics of them - love love love gushing about other authors!
ouji board: the spirit moves the board - not you! i'll make a moodboard or icon of any pedro boy of your choosing!
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this week i post the FINAL chapter of recovery road! i can't believe we're almost done! 😭 i'm so excited for you all to see how natalie and dieter's story ends!
after the last chapter goes live, i'm going to take a break from series for a bit and focus on smaller works, including oneshots or requests!
and if you're seeing this and you're very confused, i write fanfiction for pedro pascal characters! Here's my masterlist and if you like what you see, feel free to sign up for my taglist so you know when i post things!
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part of what i love the most about fandom is the community, so as part of this i wanna call out some blogs who kick a large amount of ass 🤍
@suzdin @butchmandalorian @kteague (this blog is like 90% the cause of my pedr-ovtion) @gracie7209 @trulybetty @northernwindd @dilf-din @gnpwdrnwhiskey @sp00kymulderr @daddy-dins-girl @theywhowriteandknowthings
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saltnsugarbear · 2 days
100 followers banquet!
hi hi hello!!
after some thought I've decided I wanted to do a mini celebration!
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I'm not going to be doing a prompt specific celebration just because I personally find prompts difficult to work with so here's the guidelines!
- if you give me a general idea, I can write a blurb!
- please be patient! I work full time closing shifts so I just ask that you please please be patient with me
- take a look at my rules and boundaries and lists I have for who I'm willing to write for!
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- Do I have anything else? I don't think I have anything else?
- This'll be running from tomorrow (the 18th) all the way to the 28th!
- I'm also just willing to talk headcanons, chat, talk about bad blood! carmy, boxer! lip or brand new au I'm working on, cam boy! lip
- but this is all for fun I'm so excited to keep rolling with you guys <3
I just want to prattle off some thank yous to a bunch of people:
first to my beloved maggie, the first person I ever sent anything to in their askbox in all of my time as a fic reader. gave me so much courage you are so beloved by me, if maggie has no fans I'm dead <3
to olive! just,,, my actual day one. the person I would send my most depraved thoughts to, who inspired me to make my blog, and just has been so delightful. I'm so grateful to my olive for chatting with me for just so many months on anon! she continues to inspire me, and I'm so glad I put so many asks in her inbox she's so beloved by me (she won't let me retire, please I haven't seen my wife and kids in two weeks /j)
to my moon!!! I feel like they are my other day one I love my moon she's so beloved by me. I feel the need to say thank you to them because I remember seeing them when I first started posting fics, and they continue to be one of my biggest supporters! moon, you are so loved by me, I love talking with you. You're my absolute beloved <3
and all my bearblr mutuals! I don't get to interact and chat with you guys as much as I'd like, but I love every one of you!! I've bounced around so many of your blogs and you're all so beloved by me! I have so much love for my bearblr mutuals and writers <3 you guys just continue to inspire me so much
and I just want to say thank you to just,,,,, everyone who has ever liked or reblogged or anything on one of my fics even if that's the only post they've ever seen of mine. it just all means so much to me. I can truthfully say I was very uncertain about starting this blog and what it would mean and how it would do but I think it will prove to be one of the greatest things I've ever decided to do?
bearblr continues to just be so kind to me. You're all so beloved by me <3
I'm so glad I made the choice to start posting on here I'm just
head in hands /pos
I'm in such a positive spot right now, which is so awesome, and I feel so loved by my bearblr mutuals and friends and,,
just feel very good and I'm going to start crying cause I'm a bit emotional all week already so
thank you guys <3
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what if i say san’s fs is my girl crush too 👀 woah that was an insane reading. i kinda felt such an heavy energy from her but then sun did rise ☀️ 
1- “Leo moon”
one of my favorite tarot readers also said his fs is gemini sun and leo moon and it perfect with san being cancer sun and gemini moon! the way she’s being a complex person and changing quickly gives off a gemini vibe too haha 
2- “Her appearance is definitely unique.”
i often see this for san fs readings! Readers often say she’s so pretty but in a unique way (a uniqueness she doesn’t like but she’s still confident in her looks) so people find her intimated. i loved your take!
3- her being a workaholic and probably have a lot of jobs give off entj vibe to me. it’s the perfect match for san’s mbti too. san is a workaholic as well, i feel like it’ll be a reason for him to get closer to her more. they can understand each other, encourage or comfort each other. 
4- you think she’s probably changing job right now. so far we have actress-writer-content creator for her. so it wouldn’t be a surprise if she’s pursuing a new career now to add here. indeed a workaholic. but it seems like she’s not coming from a wealthy family, and she was kinda pushed to be successful since she was a kid, so i can totally see why she keeps want to work. obviously, she doesn’t want to go back to 0. i relate to that feeling. literally GO GIRL
5- this is literally a woman profile i could draw beside san. i have been his fan since 2019, and based of his personality and life style, i always thought he would be with someone who can be an inspiration for him, someone he will respect (and the others will respect too,) a hard worker, cool, mature (i always thought he would go with an older person tho 3-5 years old gap), maybe a foreigner as san doesn’t seems to care about it, but definitely someone popular (probably a celebrity but can have different jobs tho.)
6- the family issues are always there. poor girl.  but everything has a reason in life right. she’ll get the biggest love from san. im happy for her
now your reading is one of my favorites! it’s very close to the readings my favorite tarot readers did here. im excited to see your future readings now 🤍
So, just to make sure this is all true, I drew some follow up confirmation cards. So yes, she’s ENTJ. I got a no on her being a Leo moon though. Maybe a water moon? I’m not sure. The vibes are there but the cards are saying she isn’t. I did a follow-up with another card for that. Either she’s an undeveloped Leo moon or her moon is in the fifth house, giving it that Leo quality, or on the cusp of Leo. That’s what I’m getting. Though I’m getting she IS a Gemini sun.
Granted these cards don’t give specifics, but some cards can indicate yes and no. So I’m going off of that and card meanings here.
But yeah, I’m glad you liked it! And I always get oddly proud when people analyze my readings and kind of point out what they liked the most. I dunno. But I definitely want to make this into a mini series now. Like a non-invasive FS series for Ateez and maybe some others. Never thought I’d end up doing FS readings but how the tables have turned
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lovelyfanatical · 1 year
I Get a Sugar Rush Whenever I'm With You - Chapter 7.3
Hello fellow Drukkari stans! Happy Barbenheimer weekend to those who celebrate! And if you're not watching any of those, then happy weekend! I'm back with the next mini-installment! If you missed any previous chapters, you can find them on my handy dandy Table of Contents here. Amidst Pastry Week, Druig and Makkari are really starting to turn heads with their interactions. What will happen next? Find out now, in the next mini-chapter of Drukkari in the Great British Bake Off!
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Pastry week was off to a surprisingly strong start. Druig’s beef empanadas had proven popular with the judges, even if Arishem had found them a little dry. More importantly, Makkari’s pumpkin empanadas had earned her a handshake. She’d been caught so off-guard that she was still in shock when they went to do their interviews. Druig was waiting for his turn when Darcy came jogging over.
“Hey, you know how we had Makkari conduct your interview a couple times?” she asked.
“Well, I’m gonna need you to do that for her now. She’s kind of in a trance and no one’s been able to break her out of it. Let’s go!”
Before he could even answer, Darcy had already turned and started walking briskly away. “Assuming you’re following me,” she called back to him. After a moment, Druig jogged after her.
Darcy wasn’t lying. When they got to where Makkari’s interview was set up, she was staring into space, deep in thought. Kingo was watching her from the side, looking slightly concerned. When she saw Druig approaching, her face lit up with a bright smile. Darcy scrambled to get the camera people recording and shoved the list of questions into his hands, while Kingo hurriedly explained the situation.
They made quick work of the interview. Once Druig got there, it was as if a dam had broken in Makkari’s mind. Her hands moved quickly as she answered, like she was racing to keep up with her thoughts. Makkari had told him about her tendency to talk too much during interviews, but Druig was hanging on every word. He was almost disappointed when he ran out of questions. Once they’d finished, to both of their surprise, Darcy had them switch places.
“Honestly, who’s gonna notice if we use the same background for your interviews? It’ll save us a lot of time to just stay here,” she explained.
They quickly filmed Druig’s interview, then they were off to lunch, Kingo in tow. He soon skipped in front of them to say, “Wow, can you two be any more co-dependent?”
I said no judgment or no tea for you! Makkari threatened.
With an eyeroll and a dramatic sigh, Kingo muttered, “Sorry, you can be as co-dependent as you want. Just please spill the tea for me. I’m so parched.”
After he jogged ahead to the lunch area, Makkari turned to Druig. I don’t know what came over me. He shook my hand, and my brain just stopped working.
If it makes you feel any better, I’m pretty sure that’s how I was in most of my interviews before they brought you in, Druig replied. Congratulations on the handshake, by the way.
Thanks, she responded with a grin.
They headed into the lunch area, grabbing their food and their leftover bakes. Makkari had already plopped one of her empanadas on his plate, taking one of his in return before they even got to the table.
I can see you looking at them, was the excuse she gave him. Besides, I’m pretty sure Kingo already swiped one.
Her suspicions were proven correct when they sat down at their table, where Kingo was already eating. He’d split his empanada with Sersi, much to the envy of the rest of the table, and the two of them were looking up at her in excitement.
“I couldn’t let just Druig sample them!” Kingo said defensively as they sat down, prompting the both of them to roll their eyes.
“Makkari, you’ve outdone yourself with these,” Sersi interjected.
Thank you, Makkari replied graciously, a small smile on her lips.
Sersi passed her plate to Phastos and Gil, who accepted what was left of the empanada. As they did, Druig dug into his own pastry. He nearly fell out of his chair. Pumpkin and the brown sugar flooded his mouth, with the hint of cinnamon kicking in soon after. On top of that, the balance of the filling and the pastry crust was just right. He looked up to see his fellow bakers wearing expressions of similar shock and delight as they echoed Sersi’s praise.
“This is definitely handshake-worthy,” Phastos commented.
“Very delicious, Makkari!” Gil added.
“Wish I could eat it,” Sprite grumbled.
“You could try to steal some of Druig’s,” Kingo suggested, at which Druig immediately snatched up his plate.
“Not a chance,” he said, signing with one hand.
“I meant because it’s not vegan,” Sprite clarified.
Sorry, Sprite, Makkari said, looking slightly sheepish. Next time, I’ll make you a vegan batch.
“It’s fine, I’m used to it,” the teen said, though her tone suggested otherwise. Her own vegan empanadas hadn’t turned out as well as she’d hoped, so she seemed to be in more of a mood than usual. Before anyone else could comment on it, however, Kingo had changed the subject.
“What about your pear empanadas, Sersi?” he asked. “I think Druig was curious about them.”
Druig couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows at the other man, who was giving him a wide-eyed look that screamed, Please go with it. He was inclined to ignore it, but Makkari was also giving him a pointed look. As such, he acquiesced.
“Yeah, I was wondering how you kept them from drying out,” he said, hoping the ensuing discussion would be long enough for Makkari to fill Kingo in. Luckily, Sersi launched into an explanation, completely oblivious to the conversation Makkari and Kingo were having right next to her. Makkari was just about done when Sersi finished explaining. While Kingo looked like he might protest, she cut him off with a look before shifting her focus back to the rest of the table.
“Thanks, I’ll have to remember that for next time,” Druig replied.
“No problem,” Sersi said cheerfully. “I could also just give you the paper recipe at dinner, if you like.”
“You guys are still doing that?” Kingo asked incredulously. “You’re lucky I don’t report you to Darcy!”
You haven’t so far, Makkari pointed out.
“Speaking of dinner,” Gilgamesh began, “now that Ajak’s gone, who’s going to host?”
“I could do it,” Sersi volunteered. “Everyone’s invited, of course.”
“Phastos won’t come anyway,” Sprite snarked, causing him to sputter.
“That doesn’t mean I won’t come this time!” he retorted.
“You are the only one who hasn’t come yet,” Druig observed.
“I can take his spot!” Kingo piped up excitedly.
You’d still have to come over from the other hotel, Makkari said. Guess we’re back down to a small group.
“Alright! I’ll come to dinner,” Phastos declared.
The group erupted in a combination of cheers and giggles.
When you peer pressure the loner into joining the group 😆 Hope you enjoyed this mini-chapter!
Part 25
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Weekly Update - 06/26/2023
I know I'm late with the update this week haha. PLEASE PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE UPDATE FOR - A BIT DODGY -
Updates Below the Cut:
Long/Chaptered Fic Updates
A Bit Dodgy - I had a feeling my job would be picking up soon and I'd be so busy that I would have to start prioritizing certain works. That being said, A Bit Dodgy (or A Bit Doggy for that one anon who stole my heart) is going to be on a temporary hiatus until 07/31/2023. I just have so much going on and where this isn't the fic that's inspiring me the most right now, I'm moving to prioritize the ones that are inspiring me the most.
I just have to follow the shiny thing (or so the ADHD in my brain is telling me) Plus I really wanna get some of my mini-series banged out soon!
Mini-series Updates
Blue = should be posted this week
Pink = In progress actively (working on but will not be posted this week)
Red = Backburner Fic (not working on this week - will work on a later date)
The Fractured Moon - currently working on These Fractured Knights (TFM Bonus Chapters) 🫣😏 - No new updates this week though.
Feeling You Can't Fight - New Chapter this week, was supposed to be coming out tomorrow but that's not happening haha. (I HOPE to post the new chapter this week but we shall see lol)
Not a Doctor - I’ve been asked by a few people, and I personally have been considering it for a while, doing a part 2 to this fic! It won’t be coming out this week, but it’s in the works! (Still in the planning stages)
Worth the Risk - taking a small step back from this for now. It’s not at the top of my inspiration list so I’m moving it down the line temporarily. - will work on a later date
The Good Doctors - idea by @burnincrown - Dr. Marc Spector - It's going to be a long time in the works, and it will probably replace TFM when that one is done. In development - Work on it a different week
Requests Updates
As a reminder, once these requests are finished, my requests will be closed for good. You can see the post explaining that here. Thank you again for the support and understanding!
If your request is in blue, that means I'm going to try to work on it this week (06/26-07/02). If it's in pink, I'm going to try to work on it a different week. It's taking me a while to get into the headspace for some of them so thank you for your patience. Green means it's scheduled for release!
1k Celebration - I still have 7 drabbles to write and 2 that have been written that just need to be edited and released!
Moon Boys X f!Reader by @simpforbritgents
Asking for something like Feeling Flustered where the moon boys are doing guided phone sex. (This one has been started!)
Marc Spector X f!Reader by @blueflowerhat
Marc shower sex based on AI prompt.
Nathan Bateman X f!Reader by @campingwiththecharmings
This is the prompt that hit me like a Nathan-shaped mac truck! -> “if you don’t like my teasing why are you moaning”
Nathan Bateman X f!Reader by Anon
Cam girl reader x Nathan - Nathan turns to a cam girl, he's been kinda stalking her. (Excited hehe)
That's all for now guys! I love you all and thank you so much for all the support you continue to give no matter what. You're amazing <3
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ronkeyroo · 2 years
FALLS OUT OF OBLIVION// Its...muh birthday ;A;
Folks, hey!!!!
I know i’ve been absent for awhile again, im going through a mini hiatus to take care of my mental & physical health while taking social media at an easier, slower pace before coming back full force ;; Its been so tough for me to reach out to people due to the intensity of it all, which is why it might still take me a bit to get back to unanswered messages right away, BUT!!! Despite that, i’ve got some good news to share!
Today im celebrating my 24th birthday!!! And that means I GET TO SHARE IN THE JOY AND OPEN A FUN, SMALL ART EVENT FOR YOU FOLKS! :’D I haven't even been a year on tumblr and yet i’ve already met so many wonderful, exciting and creative friends & mutuals in my short time here...You’ve all been such a tender presence in my life, I want to treat you back for all of the fun times and memories we’ve had together, as for me that is the greatest gift i could ever ask for ♥ I’ve already been working on a few things for a couple of wonderful people (👀) But i want the rest to join in as well, so if we’re mutuals, feel free to submit over your preferred OC’s (Can be either personal, or fandom related ocs! Furry/humanoid, everything works!) for a small birthday party adventure I’ll be drawing! 
(For my non mutual, dear followers who’s been hyping me over, supporting, and enjoying my art - You have so much of my love as well so please also feel free to send in suggestions of something you like that you’d love to see from me in the future! Realistically, i wont be able to get to ALL of them, but i will have a nice little mine of ideas to pick from when I’m feeling the artsy mood ♥)
Regardless, Thank you all so so much for everyone who’s been such a tender, loving and kind person to me...I know we didn't get to speak much the past months with how much i’ve been struggling, but you still reside in my thoughts as well as my heart ;_;) And once I sort myself out, im coming back to ya’ll BIG TIME to catch up from where we left off! 
Eheheh...For now, before me and my loved ones head out to celebrate, i’ll spam you with some good ol’ content I finally got the time to finish 👀✨
See you when i’m back, and stay awesome!!! 💖
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sardonic-sprite · 1 year
Ok ok ok so maybe I'm just dumb for not processing this before but let me celebrate and explain because I've never felt this excited about like "planning" shit before.
Ok SO everyone has heard of character arcs, right? And I think most people understand that the arc and growth of the main character is directly tied to the plot beats of the story and vice versa, yes?
Now here’s the thing, bc for me, it just like... it wasn't clicking, this whole thing about "lies" and "misbeliefs" and "aha moments" and just how they interrelate. Honestly, now that I finally get it I really don't know how I was so confused or why I'm so excited now, but I still am excited so I'm continuing on and hoping maybe this helps someone.
But anyway, what FINALLY clicked and what literally slingshotted me into figuring out my character arc (the literal most frustrating thing holding me back lately) was that character arc and showing growth connects to plot and moving the story in your character's attitude about what they're doing.
Let me explain.
There are a couple of points in the story where your MC makes a huge, plot-driving decision. These points are roughly Accepting the Call to Adventure, the Midpoint, and the Aha Moment. Now, I was getting messed up how these differed and how they related to the character arc, until I realized it's about the attitude.
Take your protagonist at the very opening of your story. They're going about their daily life. Here comes the Call to Adventure. They probably don't want to do it at first, do they? So then Something Happens and they decide they really don't have a choice, apparently. So they Accept the Call and begin the quest or training for the death battle or whatever. They go along until BOOM Something Else Happens, something that makes the quest or the death match personal. (This is the Midpoint) Now they're the one driving the car, that Something that Happened at the beginning no longer matters, they will finish the quest or battle now even without that motivation. Except... they fail. Miserably. Fall flat on their fucking face. And probably the villain is laughing. So your hero despairs. What went wrong? They had every reason to succeed, the motivation, the training... and then comes the Aha Moment. MC realizes that they were going about the quest or the battle all wrong. And why is that? Well because of the misbelief they've had since before the story began! They realize that that’s what was wrong the whole time, say "AHA!" and pick themselves up because now they know the right way to fight the battle or right path to take on their quest, and this time they succeed. The bad guy falls, everyone is happy, the end.
That's like every story ever, right? Close enough anyway. But that pesky misbelief isn't corrected until the very very end so why the fuck was your character doong anything close to right before then?
Because it was not the motivation holding them back it was the misbelief, the methodology.
Here's an example.
Let's take Big Hero 6. For now we're going to gloss past the mini arc where Tadashi takes Hiro from botfighter to engineer and start after the fire. Hiro is living his life, day to day, and it is absolutely miserable. He is totally lost in his grief, he believes there's no end to this pain.
Something Happens. Baymax wakes up and finds the lone microbot, follows it, and they discover the microbot factory and the Masked Man. Now the game has changed. Hiro really does not have a choice, he has to Do Something.
So what does he Do? Goes to the police, and that's useless. So he takes a little more initiative and sets up Baymax's first suit, going to investigate again. But he's half-assing stuff.
Now More Stuff Happens. Masked Man attacks Hiro personally, as well as his friends, and tries to kill them. They also think they realize who he is, and that it must now be TRUE that MM set the fire and indirectly killed Tadashi. It's. Fucking. Personal. Hiro WANTS to take this guy down.
So with actual fervor they track MM to the island, confront him, and... fail. Because. Well a lot of reasons, but we're talking about character arcs rn so essentially the crucial reason they fail is because Hiro wanted to take revenge, to cause more pain. The others weren't ok with that, so MM/Calahagn gets away and Hiro and Baymax fly off alone. Here is your angsty "darkest moment" scene. And then, right on its heels and facilitated by Baymax and Tadashi, is the Aha Moment. Hiro comes to realize that he failed not because he wasn't skilled or wasn't motivated, but because he was going about it wrong. His methods were off. He was acting under the belief that pain doesn't stop. But now he can see that yes, it can, healing can happen, you can get better. So he makes a new plan, a plan acting on the new belief, the truth, that people can heal and lessen pain, and this time he succeeds because he fixed his method by correcting his misbelief.
That was a lot, but you see how Hiro's growth is shown not just by his actions, but by his attitude surrounding those actions. For him and for almost every hero, there's a journey that goes from
I'm living my life and I will do nothing (at the beginning)
To Something Happened and I must do something (accepting the call)
To Something Else Happened and now it's personal, so I want to do this thing (midpoint)
To Oh my God I Was Doing it Wrong, now I'm going to Do It Right (aha)
I guess basically what I'm saying is that your character's MOTIVATION to Do The Thing can be and often is very different from the character's ATTITUDE about doing the thing. And either one can make for a compelling character arc.
Hopefully some amount of that made kind of sense. I mentally said it far better in the shower lmao, but this was a huge Aha Moment for me so I wanted to share it in hopes that maybe it helps some you.
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1000 Follower Sleepover!
WOW! Wow, wow, wow. I cannot believe that I have finally reached 1000 followers! I am so immensely grateful for every last one of you! I love you more than words can express and I’m so grateful for everything you’ve all done for me. You are absolutely the best and I adore you all so so much. Thank you for this tremendous gift. 
With that being said, we have to CELEBRATE! This is not a milestone to be simply passed over. After much deliberation I’ve decided that I’d love to have a sleepover with all of you! I’ve seen a few other people do them and would love to do one as well as a way to come together and commemorate this achievement. At my sleepover, anything goes! So get comfy in some pajamas, cuddle up, and let’s have a conversation! Some examples of asks that you can send;
Games! (Would You Rather, FMK, etc.) 
Favorite Characters/AUs/Tropes!
Thoughts About My Fics!
Ideas For Mini Drabbles!
Fic Recommendations!
Ask Me Anything!
Thirsty Thoughts! 
Fic Requests!
The sleepover will take place Friday the 13th, Saturday the 14th, and Sunday the 15th! The party will go from 5:00 pm until I fall asleep! While I am answering asks and messages only on these three days, feel free to send anything in between now and then so I have plenty to answer! I am so so excited about this! I just can’t wait to hear from all of you! If you don’t mind to like, reblog, and tell your friends so everyone can join in on the fun I’d really appreciate it. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH and I can’t wait to see you at the sleepover!
Tags: @talesfromtheguild @lannister-slings-and-arrows @gamingaquarius @gryffindorwriter @nopeforyou @sheerfreesia007 @roxypeanut @ohpedromypedro @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa @readsalot73 @the-mechanical-angel @races-erster  @maxlordd @simplecottagecorebitch @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @unearthlydust 
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bandluvr97 · 2 years
mbb 🎅
First off, Monsta X comeback next month! What are you hoping from it?
Ah yes, the gift giving holidays… they’re always so stressful, I’m scrolling Tumblr and online shopping as well.
So good that you’re sticking with it, starting a new job is sooo stressful until you get into the habits and things start coming second nature, although I supposed being motivated by such a good cause helps 😊 I’ve been at my job about eight months now, my boss lasted about two months before calling me out of the blue like will you PLEASE come clean up the messes? So now I’m here.
ALMOST OVER our struggles as Shownu Military Wives will come to an end soon. I cannot wait for his Just Some Dude videos with his egghead. And hopefully a dance cover quickly, I miss those, they’re always astounding. That video from 2020 Gayo, where he’s dancing with Ten? No shade or anything but I’m indifferent to Ten, but then there’s Shownu, significantly taller and heavier, still looking weightless and graceful even with all the additional mass. He makes it all look way too easy. Hey, hey, hey, he’s a totally normal size, much like me, since I’m also 5’11”. It’s not our fault people are short. When I’m my dad’s plus-one I have to wear heels so it doesn’t look like he brought a small child (he’s 6’5”) and then I’m like oh is this what it’s like for other people all the time?
I could sleep in one of their palms. And no, real people fan fiction makes me uncomfortable. But as a tall person, I do find it very funny when people pull the “he looked down at you” when the idol is like. 5’8”. Hongjoong from Ateez is one of my faves and that man is a short king but it isn’t embraced like it should be… he calls himself pocket sized…
I’m genuinely so obsessed with Duality. “God Damn” is so good musically and the video hits so hard. That shot is so devastating and he KNOWS it! I unfollowed soooo many people for acting like people who were affected by that video were fake fans for hyping it up over the group releases/other solo releases, cause I was like. Ongshimi was that bitch is that bitch will always be that bitch, but she did not address such a serious topic in such a caring and heartfelt way.
I’m not doing a whole lot outside of work right now. Mostly just music and photography and lifting since my performance trainings are on break for the holidays, acting ended in November and contemporary dance doesn’t start until the new year, but I found out last night that I’ve got a big trip at the end of January that I’ve got to start getting ready for, I guess. But I just put down the deposit on another set of piercings, so I’ve got that going for me. How about you, any hobbies?
Hey love ❤️ I KNOW RIGHT?!?! I’m so excited!!! They fell off the face of the earth for a month or two and they come back!! I have good feelings about this album lol did they say if it was a mini album or a full length album? Either way it’s going to be lit lol it looks hardcore but who knows lol what do you think? Are you excited?
Oh yeah you know it! Have almost everything ready but there’s still time before Sunday (Hanukkah) and what else will happen we shall see lol I don’t really celebrate with going to service or anything but I just have a nice dinner with the family lol wbu? Do you enjoy the holidays too?
Thanks!! It’s a bit tricky to balance things but I’m getting the hang of things and what not lol it’s mainly just file follow ups and other minor things but it’s a good experience to build up the skills ❤️❤️ lol!!! Cleaning the messes 😂😂 it’s good that you are still there and helping people with their things and also judging people for their spending 😂😂
FINALLY!!!! We are almost there and going to see our hubby!!!! It’s about damn time!!! I miss his egg head and his deep voice and laugh lol it will be good to hear this again lol do you think he still does dancing in between working with the kiddos? I hope he does a dance cover soon that would be awesome to see lol listen when he did that dance with ten I kept looking at the size difference between them and always led my gaze back to shownu lol!! I mean yeah no disrespect to ten he’s a not bad looking dude but come on you have a thicccc built man lol
Really? Your 5’11”? That’s so cool!!! And the shoes!!! Like just a few inches can make a world of difference and boost some confidence but then your reminded hey your (me) only 5’6” lol 😂 yeah having to be taller than others around you is a fun time and then you forget that there are others taller than you somehow?!?! It’s all good 👍
Oh yeah their palms look magical 😂😂😂 yeah sometimes it doesn’t do it for me like there would be really wierd ones where the guy is doing some wierd stuff and it’s just very odd 😂😂right????? Hongjoon is a short king and we love to see it lol but his eyes though??!?!? Like come on they are just intense sometimes lol what do you think of ateez btw? When did you start liking them? Lol yeah pocket sized isn’t the way to describe him like he doesn’t let the height get to him or anything lol he uses that to his advantage 😂😂😂
Lol!!! How often do you listen to the song or album? Like 2-3 times per day? Cus I listen to that every week cus it’s too powerful 😂😂 YOUR DARN RIGHT HE KNOWS IT!!! Like he has to know his power it’s crazy and hot all at once and he’s so good at it lol I thought the same thing about ongshimi! Like it will forever and always reign as an amazing song but there’s more room for other songs too lol and yeah sadly there will always be sasaengs there to ruin the fun but we gotta enjoy the music while we have it ❤️❤️
Oh cool!! What do you take pictures of? Is it scenic shots or people kind of thing? And music too?? Dang!! You are so talented!!!! Do you produce stuff or do you sing or both? Lol how did acting go? Did the music video go well? Or was it something else that you filmed? Oooooo a trip!!! Where are you planning on going?so you are just booked and busy love! And I’m here for it!! (Snaps fingers) lol
Yeah I have a few hobbies I like to take on sewing projects, do some reading, listen to tunes while walking and or dancing (for fun not for sport lol) and play piano from time to time! Also before covid the fam and I used to go on road trips all the time to the states and around Canada so it was good and I miss that honestly lol So it’s not as exciting as your adventures sorry to disappoint lol I’m more of a home body some days and road tripper other days in the summer and or winter lol
0 notes
Thank Fuck That’s Over
WARNING: The following blog is offensive to sex workers, BBC employees, fans of Doctor Who, men, women, the victims of Geoffrey Dahmer, Geoffrey Dahmer himself and anyone who didn’t want to picture me in slutty heels getting romanced by a Mariachi band. You’ve been warned. Also, yes, it does contain another totally unnecessary reference to people having sex with watermelons.
So, it’s been a long time coming, but Chib-fail and Piss-taker are finally fucking off into the sunset like Charlie Chaplin’s tramp. I only hope they go on to have fulfilling post-Who careers… as skinless trophies on a serial killer’s bookshelf. I know that, sometimes, I exaggerate my hatred for comic effect, but if I found out those two talentless, culture-fucking hacks had run afoul of Geoffrey Dahmer’s ghost, my only thought on the matter would be ‘get in, my son!’, directly at the Milwaukee Cannibal with the paternal pride his actual father never fucking felt for him.
The truth is, I probably wouldn’t bring it up at all under normal circumstance. Although I often mention the BBCs systematic ruining of Doctor Who as an example of the slow death that popularity and virtue-signalling can bring about- or just as a punchline when I need some low-hanging fruit to widdle all over- my actual, personal relationship with the show has changed. I’ve slowly managed to transition from hating it as something that betrayed me to regarding it as just another crap show for casual twats that I don’t watch. Unfortunately for my long-cultivated cynical detachment, the BBC have brought back Russel T. Davis, the mastermind behind Doctor Who’s original return to screens in 2005 and David Tennant, the second best actor to ever play the Doctor (the first is, obviously, Tom Baker). And now I kind of have to give it one more go. Frankly, I feel a bit like a battered prostitute who’s just come home to discover her abusive pimp has cooked a lovely bolognese and hired a Mariachi band. I’m not sure I trust this sudden attempt to apologise, kiss and make up, but if I don’t at least give ‘em a chance, then I’m the arsehole. I mean, more so than usual.
I tell you what, though, I do feel a bit sorry for poor Ncuti Gatwa (or ‘Cunty Gateau’ as he’s known in the wonderful world of predictive text. Or possibly just the predictive text on my phone, which knows those are two words I use quite often). My point is that he thought he was going to be following Whitaker, which would have been a leisurely walk through a breezy park full of pre-sliced cakes, and now he’s got to follow David Tenant instead. Fuck me. I’m not even sure what to compare that to. Maybe being a male stripper and being told you’re on after Noam Chomsky only to learn you’re actually following the Chippendales and they’re being led by that dude from Zardoz. You know- the bloke in hot pants with the porn ‘stache that oozes erotic tension like he uses it for moustache wax? No? Am I literally the only person in the world who’s seen fucking Zardoz?
I’ve just realised that ninety percent of this blog is just jokes about different types of sex workers having surreal experiences. But what am I supposed to say? I can’t exactly celebrate the fact that Whitaker and Chibnall are leaving, because a) they hung on for so bloody long and b) they’re sadly only leaving the show, not the planet. In an ideal world, they’d be getting the fuck off of Earth by strapping themselves to a nuclear warhead and aiming it at the sun. But they’re not doing that: they’re just walking out a building. What do they want- a medal? Am I supposed to be excited that David Tennant’s getting his own little mini-series playing the Doctor again? Well, I am a bit, but since the BBC’s incompetence and venality knows no bounds, it’s entirely possible they’ll make a bollocks of that, too. I mean, you’d think that’d be impossible, but I also thought it was impossible for them to accidentally hire the troll from The Three Billy Goats Gruff to be political editor… then they did and Andrew Neil was around for ages before anyone even noticed the mistake. My point is, there’s no point getting jazzed over this until its actually happened and has proven itself to be good.
Am I cautiously optimistic? Yes. Will I be remotely surprised if that optimism turns out to be groundless? Nope. And that’s that. The BBC might have found a way to unfuck the big, tasty sci-fi melon they let Chibnall stick his cock in… or they might not. At the very least, I’ll get to hear David Tennant say ‘What?’ again in that really specific way and that’s not nothing.
In other news, Star Trek: Picard Series 3 looks genuinely fucking epic. Go be excited about that instead, maybe? Patrick Stewart’s not actually immortal, you know: go appreciate him before he’s dead.
0 notes
harrysfolklore · 2 years
part 3 of babysitter!yn? i love that concept a lot
HERE IT IS !! i really hope you like it, i really enjoy writing this series <3 next part will be about coachella and the release of harry’s house !!
ask me anything | masterlist | likes and reblogs are appreciated !
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liked by jefezoff, harrystyles and 378 others
yourinstagram makeup is on because i’m finally watching a love on tour show from the audience. i might cry
view all 104 comments
yourbff slayyyy🔥
glenne_azoff I’ll finally have a dance partner
yourbrother i can’t believe you toured with harry styles for 3 months but never watched a show
↳ yourinstagram i was there babysitting our nephew, in case you forgot
harrystyles You have no idea of how excited I am x
↳ yourinstagram 🥺🥺🥺🤍
↳ jefezoff Whipped. Both of you
↳ yourinstagram uGh jeffrey
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liked by yourinstagram, lizzobeeating and 4,933,679 others
harrystyles Thank you for 42 special nights. It’s been a privilege to play for you the last few months. To the band, the crew, and everyone working on this tour, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. The energy you brought to this one has left me feeling completely overwhelmed with joy.
To the fans, and everyone who came to see these shows, I thank you. You made them everything they were, and I’ve never felt so genuinely supported. I can’t say it enough, you’re unbelievable.
This tour felt like the celebration of coming back together. I won’t ever forget it. Thank you all so much for the love, I’ll see you very soon. Treat people with kindness. Goodbye for now. I love you all. H
view all 53,180 comments
yourinstagram i never thought this tour would change my life 🤍
harrystyles liked this comment
jefezoff ❤️❤️
harryfan2 I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 233,069 others
pillowpersonpp Personal hype man of Love on Tour
Having baby boy on tour wouldn’t have been possible without your help @yourinstagram 🍼❤️ Thank you endlessly
view all 3,037 comments
harryfan1 awww so adorable
jefezoff Mini you ❤️
yourinstagram thank YOU and mitchy for trusting me and bringing me along, this was one of the best experiences in my entire life 🤍
↳ harryfan2 she really has the dream job
harrystyles Fake news. Baby boy says he wasn’t satisfied with his baby sitter.
↳ yourinstagram OH SHUT UP
↳ harryfan3 they’re besties i love them
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liked by paulithepsm and 165,736 others
harrystyles From all our late night talking to those secret art gallery dates, I’m so happy my friends needed a nanny on tour x
view all 15,872 comments
harryfan1 UMM HARRY??
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 5,837 others
was harry hacked? did he post in the wrong account? DOES HE HAVE A GIRLFRIEND NOW ?? WHOS THE GIRL IN THE PIC ??
view all 986 comments
harryfan1 i swear i’m going insane
harryfan2 i mean we knew he had a private account
↳ harryfan3 it’s not confirmed that the account was his tho
↳ harryfan1 which account?
↳ harryfan2 @yrrahseltys
↳ harryfan1 he has 176 posts im 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
harryfan4 y’all stop respect his privacy
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liked by jefezoff, pillowpersonpp and 392 others
yourinstagram i’m going to murder harry styles
view all 110 comments
yourbff GIRL
jefezoff My worst fear came true
↳ yourinstagram he posts without my supervision and this happens.. istg he’s the one who needs a babysitter
mitchrowland Give the boy a break, he was trying to be romantic
↳ yourinstagram 🫠🫠
yrrahseltys How many times do I have to apologize 🙁
↳ yourinstagram log out of that account pls you’re making me nervous
taglist: @cucciolafaerie @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches @golden-hoax @alienorknight @daydreamingofmatilda @sunflowervolume66 @lollypopsx @vanteguccir @ivyproblems @ayeshathestyles @stylesmygucci @gimsaysay @rosaliedepp @dontworrysunflower @milfrrynation @manifestrry @iceebabies @harrystylesrecs @pleasingrryyy @harianaswhore @leadmetogarden @finelinevogue @abeanontoast @grapejuice-rry @vrittivsanghavi @msolbesg @tati813 @jodisimp @sad1esgf
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mikeyelistsukasa · 2 years
How about a idol/famous? (Idk) au where Mitsuba, Kou, and Teru who loves to spoil their shy s/o to death, but they have a hard time smiling due to their past? And they will try anything to make their s/o smile no matter what, so they went to this random event where they finally smiled for the first time (hopefully this made sense 🥲)
I can’t believe i needed a month for it. Mitsuba’s is so short because i lost the files for him 6TIMES i struggled w the request so i had to change it a bit so sorry abt that.not proofread
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How the hell did u two end up together ??????
Srsly HOW
Ohhhhh you were sakura’s/tsukasa’s/kou’s friend how classssiccc🙄
Since we talk about Mitsuba it’s obvious that he would first say some nasty remarks every time he saw you sad
But that didn’t help(well obviously what did you expect)
Thats why he tried ACTUALLY offered to listen to your struggles
Wdym u don’t need noone to talk??? Then stop being sad>:(
Buying your favourites also didn’t help you awe :(
So he decided to do something he thought he would never do
Bring you to his favourite secret place
„Can i finally open my eyes?“
You say in a exhausting voice
„Not yet so stop nagging“
You mentally rolled your eyes
„Alright we are here“
„Finally! It’s about….time“
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„I introduce you! My hiding spot✨“
„Mitsuba…this…this is amazing!“
„Ofc its amazing! My taste in places was always…beautiful…“
His mind was empty when he saw your face.your smile.
It was so beautiful!
„Thank you mitsuba! You’re the best“
After you gave him a small kiss on the cheek he promised himself one thing
He’d promise to make you smile like that more often
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Now you two together make more sense 🤝
He also found out about by someone else (aka yashiro or teru)
This poor boy was kind of nervous approaching you
You thought he was nervous to talk to you because he found out who you are but-
That wasn’t the case
its just that he is sorta shy around new people(mostly girls)
And you kind of looked sad so he thought maybe it was a bad timing to approach you
You were relieved that it wasn’t the first thing you thought
As you two started talking more and more you two developed feelings for eachother
You liked how kou gave his best to make you smile
You two enjoyed baking together
But one day
You felt comfortable enough around him to reveal yourself as an idol/singer
The exorcist was too stunned to speak
This dude started treating you like you’re a queen and he went back to his shy self
Like a celebrity? Hanging out with HIM?
„Im probably dreaming“
He wasn’t dreaming at all
His crush a celebrity wow
Lord have mercy when you two started dating
Him being a bit insecure always thought that you don’t like being with him
Thats why he was bringing you lots of gift in some hopes
„S/o-san/kun! I baked you these heart shaped mini cakes! Please take them!!!“
„Oh thank you kou you didn’t had to…“
T-T mission failed you didn’t smile
More like the opposite you looked even more depressed
Its not that you didn’t like the gift its just it feels as if he made you these just because of who you are
God were you wrong
He came home disappointed when suddenly his brother teru popped up
„Yo kou. Look ive got 2 tickets from a secret admirer at school. Probably another fan.I don’t feel like going so i thought maybe you might want them?“
„Haha calm down here“
It was 2 tickets for a… carnival?
Nonetheless he thought it was worth a shot
He looked at the data of the tickets and asked you if you could come to *address* at *idk insert some time*
You messaged back with a yes since you got curious on why he wants to see you so badly.
You dressed up not too fancy and went on your way
„Hey! So where are we going?“
„TO Aaaaaaa CARNIVAL!“
„Carn-? Woah hey no need to pull im coming im coming“
You two only took one step into the carnival and your eyes were already glowing from excitement
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„Follow me!“
Lets just say you had lots of fun on all those rides
Kou even won you a huge white rabbit! How adorable
Before you guys went home you two decided to go on the ferry wheel
When you two got on top of it you were able to see everything from up there.
Thats when you smile.
„Look! It’s that trashy ride that made me throw up hahahah…“
It felt like the whole time froze when he saw your smile
I mean you were so happy what else could you want more other than being on a top of a ferry wheel with your beloved one and a huge stuffed animal.
You looked into kou‘s direction
„thank you kou. I owe you one“
That smile was weak but it was a genuine soft smile
„I-uh uhm well no wait- it’s alright no problem hah-„
He will definitely cook teru his favourite meal after this ends
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You two met at cooking class(let’s pretend tbhk has this)
„S/o L/n and teru minamoto“
Suddenly you felt like everyone was staring at you
Which they were
„Hey! Im teru nice to meet you. Im gonna be your partner for today. Im bad at cooking though so i will just try to assist you“
„I- uhm no Worries“
He cant be THAT bad at cooking right?
„Ah sorry my bad haha“
„why you little-„
*death stares around the room*
„Hah its alright we can make new ones“
It was fun to hangout with you so he decided to secretly keep having contact with you
*cough cough cuz of fans cough*
As much as he enjoyed your company he noticed that he never saw you genuinely smile.
He did question at least once
„Hey um are you alright?“
If you won’t tell him he would be concerned on what is going on but won’t push you into telling him
He is honestly the only one that won’t put lots of effort into making you smile
Buuut he will try eventually
But to no luck just like the other two
But one day one of his fans gave him 2 tickets to a show to look at the dolphins. As a thank you for helping them yesterday
The two tickets were meant for him and his brother kou and well
The thing is kou has detention
„i warned him. You will get caught in the girls bathroom eventually“
He laughed to himself remembering the scene
Thats when it hit him that he could invite you
You ofc not having anything to do exept be prepared for the next concert agreed
You didn’t know the tickets were given to him
So you eventually took your seats and waited for the show to start.
It was fun. But not fun enough to make you smile
He already lost all his hopes while standing in a line with you to pet the dolphins
Thats when a miracle happened
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You smiled to yourself when the dolphin made a sound from your touch
„Do you think he likes it teru?“
„Hm? Oh yeah i gue𝚜𝚜...’’
So is that how you like when you smile?
Ngl this made the boy blush a little
Its like he fell for you again.
He sat down next to you to pet the dolphin with you.
“You know…”
“You should smile more often.it looks good on you sweetheart”
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Thank you for your request sorry it took so long🥲 have a nice day and visit again!
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kpop · 3 years
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K-Pop Spotlight: PURPLE KISS
This week, we’re highlighting PURPLE KISS to celebrate the release of their latest mini-album, “HIDE & SEEK,” and new single, Zombie. We caught up with the girl group to chat about their first comeback, personal aesthetics, and some very important seasonal topics. Check out our full interview below!
Tell us about your new mini-album HIDE & SEEK, and what it was like preparing for your first comeback.
Dosie: HIDE & SEEK is an album that raises questions about PURPLE KISS’ hidden identity. It follows the discovery of who we are without lies and shows the process in the purest form! Perhaps because it’s our first comeback, we were more nervous, and we worked hard in various ways to show you a better performance than when we debuted.
Ireh: Since it’s our first comeback, we wanted to show you how much we’ve grown compared to our debut.
Na Go Eun: We prepared the comeback with excitement to hurry back on stage and meet PLORY again.
Chaein: Our break was not short, and I kept thinking of our PLORY who were waiting for us and couldn’t wait to have a comeback.
Yuki: I was excited, nervous, and burdened at the same time. I had a lot of worries, but every time that happened, the members, managers, and family raised my self-esteem, and I was able to have fun while preparing for it.
Park Ji Eun: We prepared harder because we wanted to show PLORY everything as soon as possible, and we worked hard to become a more fitting image than when we first debuted.
How would you describe the differences between preparing for your debut and preparing for this comeback? Are you feeling more confident on stage these days?
Ireh: I think I knew what to practice and figure out what is important to prepare efficiently than when I debuted without knowing anything. That’s why I gained more confidence.
Swan: When I debuted, I didn’t know the specific ways to prepare because everything was new, but after making a comeback with some experience, I was able to prepare and practice much better, especially with things such as finding the camera or making facial expressions.
Chaein: I practiced more stage lives than when we debuted. I think I gained more confidence after debuting.
Yuki: I was busy running around because I had a lot to prepare and do in a small amount of time. While monitoring myself on the screen, I felt that the number of times I missed the camera decreased, my facial expressions improved, and I was definitely getting better.
Park Ji Eun: As the number of times we stood on the stage increased, I gradually developed tricks and worked on them by monitoring the stage. I’m working hard to show you a better performance.
Na Go Eun: I think I’ve gotten the hang of it more than when we debuted. I had time to reflect on myself by saying, “Oh, this is a bit disappointing.” And thanks to PLORY’s love and support, I gained a lot of confidence and am working hard.
Who and/or what influences your overall aesthetic—from your music to your style to your fashion sense?
Swan: I think in terms of music, movies, books, and visible things around me, or even my diary, are influences. When I’m trying to focus and make an actual piece of work, I usually look for movies and research for ideas.
Ireh: I don’t think there’s one clear influence for me. Right now, I think the members who live with me have a lot of influence on me.
Na Go Eun: I think it’s the internet. Ideas come to mind while looking at various places and people.
Chaein: I really like to read magazines, so I tend to look at a lot of clothes and trends in magazines.
Dosie: I usually get a lot of inspiration from colors and things in daily life. I base my nail art and fashion styles on colors or moods that I like. I think it’s similar musically.
Yuki: I tend to find my style by watching videos of models on YouTube.
Park Ji Eun: I think I look at magazines and articles, refer to our many seniors, and look at trendy or classic things to find out what suits me.
What brings you the most joy lately outside of PURPLE KISS?
Swan: We have a new car! There is a place in the car to charge my cell phone.
Ireh: Other than PURPLE KISS, I can’t think of anything else. These days, thanks to the members, schedules, stages, and PLORY, I think everything is fun.
Na Go Eun: These days, almost everything is fun because of the PURPLE KISS, but I’m enjoying watching Street Woman Fighter in between meals because it’s so cool.
Chaein: I’m most happy when I take a shower after our schedules.
Yuki: When I lie down on my bed after work.
Dosie: I think it’s fun because we can meet the fans often.
Park Ji Eun: Meeting fans through video calls!
If you starred in a monster movie, who would be the villain, and what role would each of you play?
Swan: I would be a villain like Harley Quinn and float between the east and the west like the Korean Robin Hood to become a righteous and wonderful villain with all the team members.
Ireh: The villains can be the bad zombies, and the members and I will play the role of good zombies that are friendly and close to people.
Na Go Eun: I want to be a captain-like hero and help people, or just become an attractive villain.
Chaein: I’m scared of many things, so even if I can’t play a big role, I’ll play a role that can handle timid attacks.
Dosie: I personally want to play the role of a hacker who controls everything from behind, but I think it would actually be really scary to really go up against a villain.
Yuki: I’m not actually really that smart, but in a movie, I’d want to be a character that’s like a smart advisor, haha.
Park Ji Eun: I’m not sure who would be the villain, but I want to play the role of a villain that only superheroes can hate.
What’s your favorite autumn activity and food/beverage?
Swan: For activities, I like catching fallen leaves and writing short phrases and storing them, sort of like scrapbooking, and for food and beverage, I like pears and bubble tea!
Ireh: It’s not something you can only do in the fall, but for activities, painting and for food, sweet potatoes.
Na Go Eun: I like to take walks. For drinks, earl grey tea!
Chaein: For me, taking a walk at night! And for food, it’s ice cream 😙
Yuki: I like solo strolls! For food, it’s soup! Warm food since the weather is getting cold 👏
Dosie: In autumn, I also like to have solo strolls, go to exhibitions, and visit cafes. And for food, autumn reminds me of sujebi (Korean traditional hand-pulled dough soup)!
Park Ji Eun: I like going to the Han River and watching movies at home for activities. For food and beverages, I like persimmons and smoothies.
Want more from PURPLE KISS? Check out their new mini-album HIDE & SEEK and the video for “Zombie” here.
This interview has been condensed for clarity.
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