#and now he’s in jail and will be in prison probably for the rest of my life
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bfpierce · 6 months ago
#life is hell btw.#like sorry I’m being miserable this is a fandom blog lol but like#accepting my brother is alive but I’ll never really get to be with him again has been rough idk#and that’s just the latest thing there’s so much going on right now i don’t even know where to begin#i guess the thing is that with my brother he’s the only person in my family who likes me#like he’s the only one who really cares about me and tells me that and shows me that#no one else really likes me because I’m weird and hard to be around and stuff but my brother loves me#and he’s been struggling for years we both have but he’s had addiction problems and helping him has been hard but he was doing so well#and it’s hard to explain but it gets to a point where you can’t force help on them yknow#so you just have to resort to mourning while they’re still alive#I’m sorry i know that’s evil but there’s only so much i can do and I’ve done it all#I’ve been mourning him for years and now I’m mourning again#and i just feel awful#and i know it’s selfish to think this but my birthday is next week and it’s like he’s the only one who spends the day with me#my family will always have dinner with me and stuff but my brother knows i have no friends and it makes me sad being alone on my birthday#and he’s ALWAYS made an effort to be there on my birthday and spend the day with me no matter what#and now he’s in jail and will be in prison probably for the rest of my life#idk and really this is just one of many catastrophic things going on in my life i just need a break#and my breaks are immersing myself into my books and shows and movies#so thank you everyone for all the work you’ve been producing lately i know ot sounds silly but getting to come home and read your guys fics#and look at all of your art or even just reading your posts takes away so much of my stress and feeling of impending doom and helplessness#idk i just wanted to say I appreciate you all so much#please like if you read this though i can’t really talk about this stuff with anyone i just need to be heard
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qqueenofhades · 9 months ago
There is no law that prevents a convicted felon from running for and becoming president, nor a law that bans someone from being president in prison. Also, if Trump gets incapacitated in someway, many ultra right republicans who equally despise trans people and immigrants and Muslims would happily take his place
And I ask, with all due respect, what is your point?
Do you think I don't know that?
Do you think I am somehow convinced that everything is hunky dory now and we don't have any work left to do?
Are you just determined to be the first of the gloom-and-doomers who show up like clockwork in my inbox, every time some consequence happens to Trump, to morosely insist that no consequences will happen to him? First it was "he'll win re-election." Then it was "the coup will succeed." Then it was "he will never be indicted." Then it was "2022 will be a red wave!" Then it was "he will never be tried." Then it was "he will never be convicted." Now we've moved on, within less than 2 hours of the first US President ever to be convicted of ONE felony, let alone THIRTY-FOUR, "he'll never be sentenced or face a real consequence or lose the election." The goalposts keep moving RIGHT along without even a single pause to acknowledge the difficulty and the value of the progress we have made thus far, and it makes me CRAZY.
Do you people realize how fucking rare it is, both in the world today and historically, for a former (and would-be future) head of state to be held to criminal account by a jury of 12 anonymous ordinary citizens? When that one person, Trump, is the center of the malignant fascist cancer that has spread through this country ever since 2016, and plenty of his cultists are still insisting that it's Trump or nobody for them? When we've actually reached the stage of holding him legally accountable for (some of) his crimes for the first time in his miserable misbegotten life? I suspect that most of you are so deep in the "America is totally broken and the system is useless and we can only Revolute!!!1" rabbit hole that you're bound and determined to argue away every step we take, however slow, as Meaning Nothing TM. Voting? Fake. Fighting to make real progress? Also fake. Everything is fake except our belief that everything is broken and we need the Keyboard Warrior Glorious Revolution!!! As long as you can keep inventing ever more contorted twists of logic to ignore everything else that's happened so far, this makes sense... or something. I guess?
Now we're onto "removing Trump won't matter :(" when a whole lot of people have been fighting day and fucking night to get all the privileged-princess Online Leftists to get off their Che Guevara cosplaying asses and cast a single fucking vote to keep us from full-on-sliding into fascism. A slide into fascism that, again, has been spearheaded and centered around Trump's toxic cult of personality and which is still tied to him in almost every way. Apparently holding him to account (again, which has never happened to him in his life) already doesn't matter because wah wah he won't suffer any consequences. If he loses this election he's probably going to jail for the rest of his life! We would have electorally defeated the greatest threat to the American democratic experiment in 250 years, and frankly a huge part of the fascist far-right hydra that is currently attempting a comeback around the world! This is, yet again:
and yet we're still hearing that nothing matters and no work has been done and removing him will have no effect???
Come on. Come on. I know it's tiring and it's slow and it doesn't go as fast as we want. But every single damn time the process goes another step, here you people are in my inbox insisting that we're still at zero progress and it means nothing, and lemme tell you, I am Tired of it. Come on. You don't have to jump up and down (my own feeling is glee and vindication but still not relaxation, I will not relax until he loses the fucking election and goes to jail), but you also don't need to keep myopically pretending that all the effort thus far by so many people means nothing. Come on.
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tojipie · 2 years ago
prison bf series linked here !
hii ! not rly phone sex, but sex nonetheless. i’m rly loving this series <33 prison toji unboxing fic coming someday in the distant future.
content: nsfw + phone sex
the sudden vibrations of your phone’s ringer rips you from the boundary between sleep and awareness. you groggily reach for the device from it’s place under your pillow, clicking the off button twice to end the call.
the number rings again, then a third time before you finally pick up, ready to tear into the poor soul on the other line. it’s a facetime call from an area code you don’t recognize, probably just a misdial if you’re lucky.
you hesitantly accept and tilt the camera towards the ceiling, shielding your face from the stranger.
“hello..?” you mumble sleepily, trying to get a good look at your phone without revealing too much of yourself. the person’s screen is grainy from the lack of light, probably calling you on an older model.
the stranger’s camera pans down, revealing familiar tufts of straight raven hair. toji stares up at you from his bunk, shirtless with the sheets bunched up to his chest.
“you too good to pick up the phone now?” he asks, clearly teasing. the inmate’s voice is quiet, coming out in choppy rivets as his dated microphone picks up what it can.
“toji!?” you whisper scream, sitting up to turn your beside lamp on. the additional light helps illuminate your figure better, you notice his eyes perk up at the clearer sight of you.
“mmmh, happy to see you babydoll.” he grins, leaning closer to get a good look at you. your eyes are puffy with the promise of rest, giving you that extra bought of softness he loves so much.
“oh shit, were you sleeping? m’ sorry.”
he doesn’t sound sorry at all.
“nono i’m awake.” you reassure the older man, taking in the sight of him laid out on the narrow cot. your boyfriend had aged since the beginning of his sentence, though you figure that’s not out of the ordinary for someone serving time. “how’d you even get a phone?”
“s’ a secret.” he muses, clearly finding the situation amusing. “i get to talk to my baby though, isn’t that nice?” he states plainly, shifting to prop his head up with his hand.
“it is, actually.” you mumble apologetically, feeling bad at your initial lack of a greeting. “m’ happy you called me.”
you pause, choosing your next words carefully “don’t you have bunkmates?” you wonder, searching the background for any signs of other men in the dark cell. the promise of being ratted out by a cell mate was one that wouldn’t end well for either of you.
“nah, lawyers said i’m too dangerous to be staying in D-block with everyone.” he states boredly, shifting again to lie on his back with a grunt.
“wh— are you serious?” you whine, already mulling over the countless conversations you’ve had with him regarding his nasty fighting habit.
“pfttt, no?” the inmate chuckles, throwing his head back with a hearty laugh. “last guy in the cell got out on wednesday, ‘s just me in here till’ my sentence is up.”
he stills, looking you up and down quickly.
"fuck." he grumbles, you look real pretty right now."
you sigh in relief, ignoring the compliment to continue grilling him. “so you’ve been getting along with people?” you ask, skill skeptical.
“you know—hah- how i am.” he tells you, clearing his throat before continuing. the screen begins to wobble a little, blurring his figure for a moment. “when have i —fuck- ever been out of line, huh? ”
“i think you were pretty out of line when you went to fucking jail.” you tease, pausing to analyze his hurried breaths on the other line.
“toji? do you feel ok?” you ask, wishing you were there to check up on him.
“yeah—mmgh- why? his camera starts to pan up shakily, phone slipping from his hand. the last of his facade shatters as a pleased groan rings out in the tiny cell.
“fuck.” he whines, “fuck— oh my god. you’re gonna make me fucking cum.”
“show me.” you command, finally piecing everything together.
the older man flips the camera and brings it right up to his hard cock, stroking it from the base up with vigor.
his tip is an angry pink, weeping milky precum down his shaft to glaze his knuckles. the sounds coming from your phone are absolutely filthy, a hot mix of pants, groans and expletives .
“oh my god.” you giggle, propping your phone up to watch better. “is that all for me?” the dips and hills of his abs jolt as he laughs.
“all for you.” he pants, bucking his hips up every time his fist meets his tip.
“is this why you called me?” you tease, watching his cock bob back and forth in his hand. the older man stops to thumb his slit, massaging milky pre into the tip before starting up again. “you just wanted to get off? didn’t wanna talk to me or nothing?”
“no—hah. i mean—.” he groans, clearly too out of it to answer. “fuck. fuck i’m close.”
you squeeze your legs together to quell the ache between your thighs, content to just watch him enjoy himself.
sharing a room with 4 other people means little to no time alone, that much you knew from your visits. it wasn’t rare for him to pitch a tent during your supervised phone calls, squeezing his cock behind a glass barrier while you gushed about your day.
a hearty groan knocks your train of thought loose as ropes of cum stream down his knuckles and onto the sheets. you watch in awe as he milks his dick, slapping it onto his stomach for the added simulation.
you wait until his breaths even out to speak, watching him grab a towel from off camera to clean himself up.
“feel better?” you ask, so badly wishing you were there to kiss him in the midst of his afterglow.
“so much better.” he sighs, shifting to lay on his side again.
“they definitely heard you. i mean those rooms don’t have doors right?”
“of course they fucking have doors.” he grumbles, clearly embarrassed at the thought of getting caught dick-in-hand.
“did you..” he trails off, rubbing his eyes with a soft yawn.
“too tired.” you state plainly, shifting the focus from your pleasure to his.
“i don’t deserve you.” he mumbles, dark eyes barely open.
“course you do baby.” you whisper. “you wanna head to bed? i’m coming up on thursday to visit.”
“you are?” the excitement in his voice is adorable.
“mhm, might even bring you a charger for that piece of shit burner you swiped.”
the jab earns you a booming laugh, lulling you back to the precipice of sleep.
tag list ! <3 🏷️
@honeybee54321 @m150-50up @kuryoomi @t4naiis @serendippindots @sillyalo @levixbby @powerrwa
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ckret2 · 2 months ago
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Chapter 81 of human Bill Cipher not enjoying being the Mystery Shack's prisoner but being even less keen on being the government's prisoner: the feds are snooping around the shack, nobody likes this, and so a family meeting is called to discuss how to send them packing.
"I just kept telling him I didn't know anything," said Soos. He was slumped bonelessly on the couch, wiping his sweaty forehead with his sleeve and holding a soda in one shaky hand. "I accidentally said I don't know anything when he asked where he could get lunch in town!"
"You did good, Soos," Stan said. "That's how you handle feds—don't tell 'em anything."
Stan and Ford had called a household meeting, and now everyone was packed into the living room: Soos and the kids on the couch, Stan and Abuelita in the armchairs, Bill and Wendy at the living room table, and Ford out in the entryway so he could pace.
(Everyone was wearing deely boppers. Mabel had had a very productive day.)
Even Waddles and Gompers had been dragged to the mandatory meeting. Gompers had already eaten the pink pompoms off Waddle's deely boppers and was now trying to eat the hem of Dipper's shorts while Dipper tried to push him back from touching the sunburns on his legs.
"What are we gonna do?" Dipper asked. "Last year these guys tried to arrest Stan, and he was still using a fake name back then—so now, the agents could be after Stan or Ford."
"Dial back the pessimism. Right now, they're not after anybody," Bill said. "They're just following up on the eclipse from last week." And a tip about somebody dangerous in the shack. Bill pushed those worries aside. "They don't have any reason to come back!"
"Except the flash drive," Soos said. "Which they know is here. Inside the shack. Cuz they sensed it."
"Right. Yep. Except that," Bill said. "Hey, Dolores—howsabout you whip up one of your special 'welcome to the shack' dinners for them? I'm sure they'd enjoy it just as much as I did."
Dolores nodded thoughtfully. (The tiny sleigh bells on her deely boppers jingles.) "I could," she said. "But what would we do with the bodies?"
"We've got the perfect in-house body disposal! Chop 'em up and feed 'em to the pig."
"Nooo!" Mabel flung her arms protectively over Waddles. He oinked neutrally. "We're not feeding people to Waddles!"
"He'd probably love it!"
"Fine, then the gnomes," Bill said.
Ford said, "Let's call murder 'Plan B.'"
Bill rolled his eye. "All right, smart guy, what's Plan A?"
Ford didn't immediately reply. He paced for another few seconds in the entryway, gathering his thoughts. "There are three ways this could end badly. We have to find a way to prevent all of them," he finally said. "One: the agents discover that there's something under the house and find the portal. Two: the agents remember there's something under the house, and realize they've been brainwashed. Three: the agents retrieve their flash drive, and that reminds them something's under the house."
Stan added, "And if any of those happens, we're both going to jail. Probably Soos too, as an accomplice. Kids might even be in trouble for escaping custody last year." Dipper and Mabel exchanged an alarmed look.
Bill looked at Wendy. "Hey, look who's off the hook." He held up a hand.
"Woo-hoo!" She high-fived him. "We'll visit the rest of you guys in jail."
Mournfully, Mabel asked, "If we get arrested, can you send me crayons?"
"I'll get you one of those boxes with a hundred crayons," Bill said. "And hide a shank in that yellowy green one you never use."
But if any of those three scenarios came true, that meant government agents crawling all over Bill's portal. Best case scenario, it'd end up halfway across the country in a secret military base. There was tech left in the wreck in the basement that couldn't possibly be synthesized using Earth's current technology, and the Trilazzx Betian ship didn't have backup parts for all of them.
And that wasn't even taking that anonymous tip into account...
"I shouldn't have to go to jail," Ford grumbled. "I wasn't behind the crimes committed in my name, Stanley was."
"Hey," Stan said, "you're the one who impersonated a government agent! Besides, did you really not commit any crimes while building your dumb portal?"
Ford winced. "What's the statute of limitations on burgling radioactive waste?"
"Don't worry, Mothman," Bill called. (Ford self-consciously adjusted his deely boppers, which had paper moths taped to the ends.) "I tossed most of the incriminating evidence in the bottomless pit while you were asleep!"
"Wh— Is that where my lockpicking kit went?!"
"Haha, yeah!" Bill had bought Keyhole's loyalty for the next three hundred years with that.
Wendy waved a hand between Bill and Ford to interrupt their banter. "We can probably keep them from discovering the portal by just not giving them a reason to look behind the vending machine, right?"
"And if we keep them from getting Gompers, they won't get the flash drive," Dipper said.
Mabel said, "What if we put him on a plane to Japan! Do you wanna go to Japan, Gompers?"
Gompers looked at Mabel impassively.
"It's no good," Abuelita said. "It will take weeks to get a passport for the goat."
"There are plenty of ways we can keep their hands off the drive," Ford said. "We could just hide Gompers underground, for instance—there's no way their sensors can reach that far.
Oh no, not when it was clear someone had been down there tinkering with the portal. "Do that and they'll know we did something to hide it! We'll never get rid of them then."
"True," Ford sighed.
Bill said. "I'm most worried about them remembering something on their own. The agents mentioned the portal's gravitational anomalies from last summer—are they remembering something they shouldn't, or did you leave them with those memories?"
Ford hesitated, glancing uncertainly at Stan. Stan shrugged.
"Oh, right. You aren't the expert on how the memory gun operates." Bill rolled his eye toward Wendy. "You see how helpless he is without me around to feed him information?"
"Pshh, shut up. Keep me out of your weird old people academic grudge."
Dryly, Ford said, "Care to enlighten us with your superior knowledge, o god of wisdom?"
No, he really didn't. Not for Ford, anyway. He wouldn't even be grateful for it.
But, under the circumstances—knowing that the agents were after him, too... "Oh, why not," Bill said. "What did you enter in the gun? The exact wording."
Ford frowned, glancing toward the ceiling as he concentrated. "It was... I didn't know exactly how much they knew—I didn't even know which names they knew Stan under—so I tried to make it as broad as possible. I think it said something like 'Pines Household's Secrets'?"
Bill thought that over. "Okay. Okay, yeah, that works. That's perfect, actually—best answer you could have given. You never disappoint, IQ."
Ford was visibly unmoved by the flattery (which was just as well, because Bill had given it out of habit as he slid back into the role of teacher, and had immediately regretted it). "And I suppose you're going to explain why that wording is so important."
"I could," Bill said. "Do you want to know?"
Ford glowered at Bill, lips pressed together in a thin line. Bill stared back, brows arched expectantly. (Wendy looked between the two of them and snorted. Bill pushed her without breaking eye contact with Ford.)
Mabel said, "I wanna know."
"Good enough for me!" Bill hopped from his seat and crossed the living room to a spot where he could address the group more easily. "The memory gun doesn't actually destroy memories, it just severs the connections between those memories and the rest of the brain. Like snipping a squid's tentacles to free it from a squid king."
"What's a squid king?" Soos asked.
"It's like a rat king made of giant squid. It takes at least four to qualify because if their tentacles are knotted in a circle that's just a squid ring," Bill said. "So! Usually you find your own memories by their relationship to other memories. Driving by the grocery store reminds you that you need to go shopping, which reminds you that you're out of straws, which reminds you of when your doctor's eye got gouged out, which reminds you of those vampires in the library, which reminds you of that book you need to return, yadda yadda."
Stan said, "Wait, your doctor got what—?"
"He was fine, he had it coming, and I was nowhere nearby."
"And how's that get you to vampires?!"
"The tangy taste of blood left in your straw. Please hold any other questions to the end!" Bill said. "But, since the memory gun severs a memory from the ones connected to it, you can't be indirectly reminded of it—the chain's been broken. But the memory'sstill there. All it takes is a direct reminder to recall it, and then it starts reattaching to your other memories. Everyone with me so far?" He directed the question in Mabel's direction.
Mabel nodded. Ford opened his mouth to ask a question.
"Great," Bill said. "But! What gets severed is determined by whatever you programmed into the gun. So, for example, if you run into a vampire in the library, then get shot with a memory gun programmed with the word 'Vampires,' there's no more jumping from your doctor to that late book! And you won't remember your vampire encounter if you wander around the library—at most, you might get a sense of deja vu—but you will get back your memory of the whole thing if you run into another vampire!"
He nodded toward Ford. "So 'Pines household's secrets is the best phrase you could've picked. It means they forgot any Pines secrets—including Stanley's criminal record—any household secrets—including the machine in the basement—and since they only forgot the 'secrets,' they can run into anything that isn't secret without recovering their severed memories—like, say, the entire upstairs of the shack."
Slowly, Ford said, "Then that's why they remember last year's gravitational anomalies. The cause is one of our secrets, but the anomalies themselves aren't a secret—they're a matter of public record."
"Bingo," Bill said. "Well! That should be simple enough. Any questions?"
Mabel raised a hand.
Bill pointed at her. "Yes!"
"Are there vampires at the library?"
"Not anymore!"
Dipper asked, "Did you murder your doctor with a straw?"
"I did not and I won't be taking any more questions on the topic, it was a very traumatic experience" for the patient who went in after Bill.
Stan asked, "Why are you wearing a bedsheet for a skirt."
"Because somebody—" Bill shot Soos a dark look, "grabbed all my perfectly clean clothes for laundry day, and left me with a bedsheet and one dirty t-shirt."
Soos chuckled sheepishly. "Whoops. Sorry, dude."
Ford grudgingly raised a hand.
Bill grudgingly said, "What."
"Are squid kings real."
"Yes. As of last summer there were seven with at least fifty giant squid, but two were negotiating a merger so it might be six by now. I haven't had a chance to check!"
"Negotiating a merger? Do—do they combine voluntarily?"
"Oh, sure. In droves. It's a huge honor! The one I'm friends with says the psychic powers are totally worth the eventual zombification—they're ninety percent undead now and haven't regretted it once in five hundred years."
Ford opened his mouth, got stuck between three questions, and didn't manage to settle on one before Abuelita raised a hand.
Bill's attention switched to her. "Yes!"
With an air of patience unwarranted by Bill's actions, Abuelita asked, "Why are you standing on my TV."
Bill looked down. So he was. "This is my lecture podium."
Abuelita's eyes narrowed. Bill cheerfully ignored her. "Any questions about the memory gun?"
There was a general murmured agreement that, no, that part had been pretty clear. Stan snapped, "Now get off the TV."
As Bill hopped down and caught his balance, Wendy said, "So... as long as they don't know any of the shack's secrets and we get the flash drive out of Gompers before they're back, we're cool, right? We can just erase their files and say 'hey, sorry, the goat pooped this out, totally not our fault.' If they don't remember anything, it's not like they've got a reason to keep investigating the shack."
Bill tried to imagine how they'd react if he told them someone had anonymously reported him to the agents. What if they decided scapegoating him could protect the rest of them from the investigation? (And was he sure it wasn't someone in the room who'd reported him?) "Yep! Pretty much! That'd solve our problems!"
"Okay," Wendy said. "Great. So... we're good, right?"
The room studied each other uneasily, everyone waiting for someone else to answer. "Yes," Ford said unconvincingly. "We're good. Er—kids, we need to... discuss the details of... how to handle this. You don't need to stick around." He looked at Stan. Stan gave him a slight nod. (It made the googly eyes on his deely boppers wiggle.)
Dipper and Mabel exchanged a glance. Dipper said, "Are you sure? We could..."
"I'm sure. Maybe you should go upstairs," Ford said. "Leave Gompers here."
Mabel sat up straighter, preparing to argue, and glanced toward Bill; but when Bill shrugged rather than ready to defend her, she sighed and poked Dipper. "C'mon." ("Ow." He pushed her finger away from his sunburned arm.) They left reluctantly, Mabel escorting Waddles along with her.
Ford tilted his head toward the door. "That means you too, Miss Corduroy. Hup hup."
Wendy groaned. "Fine." She slid out of her seat and headed for the door. "Hey Goldie, let me know if anything interesting happens."
"You got it, cool girl."
Soos raised a hand. "Am I one of the kids?"
"Not today," Ford said.
Sensing a change in the atmosphere, Abuelita got to her feet. "I will get dinner started." She shuffled out of the room.
Bill waited until the door shut behind Wendy and he was sure the kids were upstairs; and then asked, "So are we kicking the kids out for the reason I think?"
"Afraid so. Now that the government knows the flash drive is here, they'll be back with a warrant as soon as possible. We can't waste any time." Ford knelt next to Gompers and pulled out a scalpel. "Somebody hold the goat down."
"Whoa!" Stan jumped to his feet. His deely bopper googly eyes rattled in alarm. "Were you just carrying that around?!"
Bill was abruptly reminded of one of the reasons he'd liked Ford. He squatted next to him. "All right, I can see where the drive's lodged, I can tell you where to cut—"
"Dudes!" Soos flung himself across Gompers. 'You can't cut him open! He's like part of the family! He's been eating out of the shack's garbage for years, does that mean nothing to you?!" (Gompers attempted to eat the foam lightning bolts off Soos's deely boppers.)
Bill groaned. "Come on, who cares?! It's not like he's a person anymore!"
The room stared at Bill. Stan said, "Did you say 'anymore'?"
Bill paused. "Forget I said that."
Ford sighed. "Fine, we'll try to find a solution without surgery." (But, Bill thought, he sounded a little disappointed.) "But if we're using a slower method, the agents might be back before we can retrieve the flash drive. We need a way to stop them from finding it."
"Or from finding the door behind the vending machine," Soos said. "Now that they know the drive's been here, they're gonna keep looking until they find it! What if they think it might've fallen behind the vending machine or something?"
"What we need is a distraction," Stan said. "Something that'll keep 'em from searching the shack too thoroughly."
"And ideally, something that will keep them from coming back," Ford said. "They keep returning to Gravity Falls because of the power surges and related gravity anomalies in town, correct? Obviously, the meteor shower story wasn't convincing enough. If we give them an explanation that lets them close the case completely..."
Which was all well and good, except they weren't just looking for power surges and gravity hiccups anymore. They thought somebody in the shack was a threat to national security. Bill had kept suspicion away from himself for the day by pretending to be a tourist, but if the eagles got serious, that wouldn't last long. If they were watching the shack, they'd realize Bill was a resident; and if they tried to investigate him at all, they'd quickly realize they couldn't find any legal records of his existence. Not to put too fine a point on it, but the Theraprism's reincarnation machine hadn't given him the right skin color to get away with that in this country, especially during a witch hunt for a suspected terrorist.
And, worse—what if they did identify him?
He'd heard Agent Trigger say Soos's alien keychains resembled the "real thing." The Bureau of Covert Investigations didn't tell all its agents about all its cases—but it sounded like these two had been to Hangar 618 at least once.
So had Bill.
Over 60 years ago, a military experiment had accidentally ripped open a very small hole to the Nightmare Realm. Not big enough for Bill to squeeze his full self through (HA! Not even close), but big enough to project a hologram through—something solid enough for the soldiers who'd detected the temporary rift to see and touch. And, naturally, they'd hauled his hologram to Hangar 618—the five-sensed suckers thought the projection was his real body—where they hid all their unidentified fallen objects.
It had been fun! He'd gotten to use all his army name puns (Major Pain, General Disarray, Private Shame, etc.), he'd lived out a centuries-old dream of snorting a line of gunpowder, he'd gotten Commander I-Don't-Even-Know-'Er to sing "On Top of Spaghetti" in exchange for Bill agreeing to leave the artillery room, he'd learned a dirty joke from the nurse brought in to assist with his vivisection, he'd introduced himself to half the base...
He'd introduced himself.
Somewhere, probably in some redacted appendix to Project Blue Book, the US military had a file on Bill Cipher—and so did the eagles. They knew his name. Hell, they even had his thumbprints—obviously alien thumbprints, that he'd retained when he reincarnated. Every object in the shack he'd ever touched carried the proof that he was Bill Cipher.
If whoever had sent the Bureau a tip had mentioned his name... Well, there were a lot of Bills in America, but not a lot using the last name "Cipher." There were probably under fifty living humans who knew about the triangle in Hangar 618, but for those who did, hearing that name resurface in Gravity Falls would blow their gelatinous little minds. He was sure they would love to get their hands on him again. He bet they'd be fascinated to find out how a triangle had fit into a human skin.
Getting hauled into a secret government facility had only been fun when his true self was still in the Nightmare Realm and the part of him in captivity had been a projection made of light, dreams, and lethal doses of radiation. Plus, that had been before he really, truly knew what it was like to be a captive. Now, the thought of being hauled back to that interrogation room—with the cheap metal chairs and gray floor and gray walls and stark sharp light—made him nauseous. The idea of being questioned about himself by some arrogant buzzkill in a suit sounded too much like therapy for comfort.
And it would be so much easier for them to keep him from escaping when he was weighed down by flesh.
Nobody was protecting Bill. The Pines weren't above throwing him under the bus if they thought it might save their precious little family from arrest. There was nothing for it. If he wanted to save himself—he had to help.
"Listen," Bill said. "I have an idea. It's iffy, and it'll require you all to trust me a bit..." He paused to give them an opportunity to laugh.
Only Stan chuckled. Good enough for Bill. "But, it might be our best shot."
"Okay," Ford said warily. "What is it."
"Bear with me," Bill said. "I bet I could get the head agent off our case by flirting with him a little."
And that time they laughed at him.
Bill patiently waited. "Okay, okay, ha ha, but the guy's been leering at me the last two days. Ask Wendy, she's the one who noticed! And do you know what his love life looks like? Because I do. Woof. Dry as a bone. That man's married to his work! He's lonelier than Elvis is!"
"Wait," Ford said. "What does that mean? Where's Elvis?"
"Not important. The point is, he's a soft target, he's already into this—" he gestured disdainfully at his human body, "and he's got the loosest lips in the eagles. I make a little small talk, I compliment his mustache and pretend I think working for the government is attractive, I keep him too dazzled to notice what's right in front of his face..." Bill trailed off. "And... that's as far as I've gotten. We'll figure it out as we go! Maybe I just distract him too much to do his job, maybe I strangle him in the bathroom and sell his body parts to half a dozen inhuman vendors in the Crawlspace, I don't know! I'll improvise!"
"It's barely half a plan," Ford said.
"It's the biggest fraction of a plan we have. What do we have to lose?"
"I think he might be on to something," Stan said. "I mean, consider it. Bill's an objectively beautiful woman."
The room stared at him. Bill flipped up his eyepatch to double his stare.
"What! It's just a fact!"
"Aww, Stan." Bill laced his hands together coquettishly and batted his lashes.
"Save it."
"Stanley. I had no idea you felt that way about me—"
"Can it, Cipher! " Stan curled a fist threateningly. Bill winked at him. Stan shuddered. "Eugh. Physical attraction's only gonna carry you so far, demon! Can you attract a man when you're talking to him? Because personally, I find you less appealing every time you open your mouth—and you were in the negatives the first time we met."
Bill thought about that. Bill thought about all his human cultists. Bill thought about all his human cultists whom he'd caught having scandalous dreams about endless staring eyes and cool black hands that buzzed with static and being fully exposed before the golden glory of an ever-watching false sun. Bill thought about that one time he tried to ask one of his sects to at least invite him to his own wedding and wait for him to RSVP before symbolically marrying more cult novitiates to him and they sorta nodded and said "okay" and then went and wedded him to another dozen Cipherwives anyway. "Yeah! Sure! No problem! I attract humans all the time! They can't get enough of this!"
"Okay, but can you attract a human that isn't into freaky space triangle things?"
Bill tapped his index fingers together thoughtfully. "Ummm..."
A clubber eyed the hands of the man sitting at the bar beside him.
The man noticed the look and turned toward the clubber, grinning too wide, staring at him with yellowish slitted eyes that seemed to flash in the dim light like a cat's. "Yeah, I know." He drummed his fingers on the bar top. "Six fingers."
The clubber flinched at being caught staring. "Oh—sorry."
"Don't be! It's a built-in conversation starter!" The six-fingered yellow-eyed man laughed. "Hey! Have you ever had six fingers before?"
"Uhh," the clubber said. "Nnno?"
"Would you like to?" The man winked with both eyes, one at a time.
The clubber frowned at him in confusion, and then slowly turned away without answering.
"Sure," Bill cheerfully lied. "No problem!"
There was a knock on the attic bedroom door. Mabel opened it.
Stan and Ford stood in the doorway with a sulky Bill in between them. Stan pushed Bill into the room and said, "Teach him how to flirt."
Mabel gasped in delight.
(Well that took way later than I wanted it to—but it's finally out.
Head's up, I've got two zine deadlines that take priority, my workload triples at the end of the year, and I'm currently preparing the house to welcome home a new baby*, so we might skip next week's chapter. Hopefully not, though; I'd hate to start the new year that way. We'll see.
*it's a snake. the new baby is a boa constrictor.
Let me know what y'all think! I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts.)
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rishiguro · 1 year ago
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warnings: mentions of murder. mentions of minor character death. reader has a brother. 3k+ words
a/n: happy angstober people
angstober event
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you’ve heard a lot of stories about the fortress of meropide growing up in fontaine.
a prison, not just underground, but underwater, hidden from everybody. a place to lock away the criminals, with barely anybody ever returning after they served their time. personally, you’ve never encountered anybody that actually went there, only a couple of imposters, posing for the media with some wild stories. and while most of these stories sounded like they were trying too hard to get people’s attention with some wild preposterous claims and grotesque details, no one could ever really disprove whatever was said.
an aura of mystery surrounded the fortress and its so-called ‘duke’, like a thick fog, and everybody who dared to enter it to find out what was on the other side would never come back to tell the tale. 
who knows, you probably wouldn’t either.
because there was nothing left for you on the surface anymore. just like it was the case for so many people that you had briefly seen when you were given a small part of the fortress – your new home.
refusing to look at the man who was arguably the sole reason why you were in here in the first place, you kept looking up at the dirty ceiling above you. 
could you really spend the rest of your life here? the label ‘criminal’ forever stamped on your forehead for a crime you didn’t commit? 
tears welled up in your eyes as you remembered why you were in here, your chest tightening.
he seemed to notice your distress while sitting next to you, leaning his body slightly forward. “i’m afraid there’s nothing i can do,” neuvillette said, his voice sounding as apathetic as it did when he had sentenced you. 
blinking rapidly to clear your vision, you shook your head. “there must be,” you answered, turning your head a little. he couldn’t just leave you here, there had to be something he can do, anything, even if it was using his position of power as a literal ‘get-out-of-jail-card’. he couldn’t just turn his back on you, could he? “i swear, i didn’t do it. i’m innocent”
the man sighed, you don’t know if it was in defeat or annoyance. “you were proclaimed guilty”
proclaimed guilty by him. 
you clenched your jaw, pulling yourself up to sit upright on the bed, directly facing neuvillette now. “i thought you said you believed me”
for a long time, his belief in you was the only thing that kept you going. frankly, it was the only thing that helped you stay sane during your trial, the thing that kept you from bursting in tears as the prosecutor told some dramatic story to frame you for the heinous crime you were in for now.
crossing his arms in front of his chest, he looked down for a second, as if to gather his thoughts, carefully weighing his words in his mind. “this isn’t about what i believe in” 
you had to stop your jaw from falling slack, replaying his words over and over again in your mind. not about what he believed in? was this supposed to be a bad joke? a shocked laugh escaped you. he couldn’t be serious. “you’re the chief of justice! of course it’s about what you believe in!” you tried you best to keep your voice calm, but couldn’t help but get a little heated.
“it’s about what’s factual,” he replied immediately, his tone clearly not allowing any kind of protests. his eyes narrowed as he looked at you coldly, clenching his jaw for a second. he took a breath before continuing, his voice back to a regular volume. “and all the evidence is stacked against you” 
as he was talking you already shook your head in disbelief. “i’m innocent! why would i do such a horrible thing?” you reached out to him, grabbing his arm as he turned away, seemingly not wanting to see your outburst. was ist shame that was written all over his face? regret?
“tell me!” you demanded loudly, digging your fingers a little deeper into his arm in desperation. you had to stop yourself from shaking him as your voice grew unsteady and your breather grew a little flatter. “why would i kill my own family, my brother, when he’s the only person i had left?!”
it seemed like he didn‘t have an answer to that, not facing you while you looked at him, waiting for any kind of explanation.
he promised you that he believed you when you came to him with shaky knees and teary eyes, recounting the horrible accusations thrown your way.
he comforted you when you broke down crying, embracing you in one of his rare hugs unprompted while he muttered soft words into your ear, reminding you to breathe regularly.
he held you when you lashed out, angry at your brother for leaving you alone in this scary world and he held you when you fell apart later, feeling guilty for being the only one left and guilty for being angry at your brother in the first place. it wasn‘t his fault — and he certainly never wanted to leave you, you knew that.
the world was cruel and unjust.
but until now you believed that there was some sort of justice and fairness and neuvillette was the only reason you believed that.
even before you had met him you knew about him. his reputation was practically flawless — the people of fontaine spoke about him in a highly manner, a few maybe even more highly than they spoke of their archon: neuvillette was moral, just, fair, his verdicts always being the same ones that the oratrice mecanique d‘analyse cardinale would give, which made him seem infallible. 
and you believed it too. until he became the reason why you believed that the kind of justice served in fontaine wasn’t true, proper justice.
until you lost hope in the only thing that helped you stay sane after you came across the cold body of your own brother.
a shiver ran over neuvillette‘s back when he heard you laugh after his long silence. quickly you let go of his arm, dropping it like it was replaced by hot coals. “i can’t believe it,” you scoffed, shaking your head in disbelief again. this had to be a joke. would he really lie to you like that when you were the most vulnerable? “you never believed me when i said i didn’t do it, did you?”
much to your dismay, he stayed quiet, only pursing his lips slightly before pressing them together into a thin line. would he really betray you like that? was he ever on your side? “answer me!”
only when hearing your desperate pleas did he look at you again with his determined eyes. “i did. i thought you had no motive” he cleared his throat, shifting slightly in his seat before crossing his legs like he always did. “as you said, i didn’t think you’d gain anything from murdering your brother”
you recognized this neutral look on his face — the very same look he always took on whenever he was in court, listening to the defender and the prosecutor and finally also delivering his verdict.
“what changed?” you clenched your jaw, anxious about his answer. 
what would it be? did he let himself be swayed by the public opinion, listening to the voices booing your story out? did he trust the prosecutor's fabricated and seemingly flawless story? or were you simply not convincing enough?
“the facts changed,” he calmly stated, making you huff in disagreement.
“bullshit,” you spat, “you just found another story to believe in”
not waiting a second to retort, he leaned back slightly. “i told you, it's not about what i want to believe in, delusions aren’t what makes our justice. it’s fairness, facts,” he sighed. you don‘t know if it was in defeat or in a disappointed manner. his voice became sharper again its him putting his chin higher. “and that is what i represent”
“you‘ve convicted an innocent person,” you declared, mirroring his expression and posture. 
he would leave you here to rot, by now you were sure of it. and yet to you it seemed like he didn‘t really grasp the gravity of this.
neuvillette convicted you of murder. and if this wasn‘t bad enough, he truly believed that you had it in yourself to kill your own brother, your flesh and blood.
the only person you had left.
“i don’t give the final verdict. that is out of my hands,” he claimed, clearly referring to the oratrice — the huge scale behind himself in the court‘s opera epiclese.
was he really pinning the blame on a machine, denying any kind of involvement in your current situation? like he had nothing to do with this?
wasn‘t he supposed to be independent and just? wasn‘t this why he prided himself in his position and why the people of fontaine trusted him? because their beliefs aligned?  
“yet your decisions are always the same. how could you do this to me?”
instead of answering, neuvillette stood up, turning his back on you and taking a few steps towards the exit of your cell, well, dormitory.
could he really just leave like this and leave you behind? did he not feel any kind of remorse, pity, pain?
the echoing steps came to a halt a few moments after. you looked up at him again, only to realize he had already reached the exit. he had his hand on the dark wall, looking at you over his shoulder.
he couldn‘t even properly turn around to talk to you and face you after dooming you?
“i’m afraid there’s nothing i can do,” neuvillette stated in a matter-of-factly tone, “your sentence will be carried out accordingly, unless you wish to evoke your right to challenge a duelist”
so this was it? he would just go and leave you here?
“if there is nothing you wish to say to me, i’ll take my leave”
you knew neuvillette didn‘t exactly feel the way you did. he had troubles with emotions, often lacking the proper words to fully express himself and describing what was going on inside of him. and you used to pride yourself in being able to understand him regardless, possessing the ability to read him almost like an open book. you helped him navigate through the complicated world of feelings, taking your time and going at your speed.
but right now, you were second-guessing everything. was he even capable of any kind of emotion? did he just fool you all this time?
did he truly not feel any kind of remorse for what he did, for what he was doing?
you shook your head in disbelief. this had to be a joke, a sick prank someone played on you and somehow got not just the entire nation of fontaine, but also somehow managed to get neuvillette to play along. at least that‘s what you wanted to believe. “so that’s supposed ‘justice’” 
neuvillette turned around, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “it is justice,” he stated, “it’s about facts, not fiction”
you almost burst out laughing as he said that, so convinced of the system he served in. 
and truly, you once were too.
but you couldn‘t, not anymore. not after seeing how the trial against you turned into some sort of drama, like it was straight out of a book. journalists were publishing articles with grotesque headlines, bombarding you with horrendous questions that left you cringing uncomfortably. 
you watched as the story the prosecutor told got more and more dramatic, pointing at you accusatory as he recounted the ‘true events‘ of the fateful night, completely ignoring whatever you said to dispute his claims. “it’s not about facts, it’s about convenience! it’s just theatrics and entertainment!” you yelled as you jumped on your feet, not being able to contain your voice any longer.
“whoever presents the story that convinces the most people will win. and the people of fontaine are so easy to be swayed,” you continued, not letting the man in front of you get a single word in, “so thirsty for some juicy drama that lets them forget about their boring lives”
you couldn‘t stop yourself from scoffing again before letting a condescending laugh escape you. “and they don’t even have the critical thinking to reflect on everything”
your trial simply proved what you just told him. your point of view, your truth, simply didn‘t matter to the prosecutor or to the public. their story seemed to convenient, something that could be right out of a criminal novel that they loved to devour so much. the headlines in the newspaper were too sensational to be considered factual, too virulent to make any person doubt it. 
“the public’s opinion does not sway the sentence,” neuvillette claimed with a clenched jaw, starting to look agitated. 
and it seemed like they managed to get neuvillette on their side too. 
a sad smile appeared on your face. “then i guess you’re stupid too” stupid for not listening to your side, stupid to believe the prosecutor, stupid to not make a rational judgment.
too stupid to realize that your supposed motive wasn’t a motive at all.
money. why would you kill your own brother for money when the two of you never had anything to begin with? you couldn’t steal something when there wasn‘t anything in the first place. neuvillette knew that. he knew you came from nothing, he knew the two of you had nothing. 
and even if it was a motive — no amount of money would ever be able to heal the wound you had sustained from losing your brother.
how could he be so stupid?
“you’re acting childish,” he stated calmly. 
you were in jail and possibly would never see the light of day again. you were locked in an underwater fortress for a crime you didn‘t commit and nobody believed you.
and his worry was that you were acting childish?
“oh, i’m sorry for not being calm and collected like you after being unjustly sentenced for murdering my own brother!” you raised your voice at him again, angrily stepping closer to him. “and that by the one person that i thought actually believed me”
you had to swallow down the lump in your throat again, blinking rapidly before looking into his eyes again. 
how could he do this to you? was he truly so heartless? 
would he really leave you here, alone and heartbroken?
a familiar warm hand slightly caressed your cheek. “i love you,” he whispered to you, in the same loving voice he had always used with you. “but i cannot make any exceptions” he stepped back, the warmth leaving your cheek again, letting the cold creep up to you again. he looked almost hurt himself and you were almost willing to feel pity for him — maybe if he wasn’t the chief of justice. maybe if he couldn’t put a stop to all of this, “not even for you”
maybe if he had kept his promise to you.
your fingertips grazed over your cheek, longing for the warmth that neuvillette’s hand provided just a few seconds earlier. your chest tightened as you dug your teeth into your lower lip, feeling your eyes well up again. “so that’s it? you love me, but not enough to believe me? not enough to keep me safe? free?”
you clenched your fists at your sides, not noticing that he was doing exactly the same.
“this is about so much more than just you!” he exclaimed angrily, his voice practically booming off the walls, “you’re too self-centered to understand this!” 
did not wanting to rot in prison after being framed for a crime really make you self-centered? was that all he thought of you now?
“it’s my duty! my promise to the people from fontaine, my promise to our archon and my promise to myself to uphold justice,” he continued his rant, his voice growing uncharacteristically theatrical. 
was he really just a part of the theatrics of fontaine‘s supposed just court? was his equitable self just a ruse, an act he put on to fit in?
did you ever really know him?
“what about your promise to me?” your voice wasn‘t much more than a whisper as you spoke, looking up at him. not that you‘d be able to actually see him with how blurry your vision got from the tears in your eyes.
as childish and naive as it was, you couldn‘t help but wish for him to remember.
it was a late summer night, the first evening where you could finally go out. the past days it had rained with seemingly no end in sight and now you felt like you could finally breathe again.
you had been strolling around the city without any real goal, simply admiring how many people enjoyed the summer warmth after so many cold and wet days. 
neuvillette‘s hand was entangled with yours, the two of you walking in silence, simply enjoying each other‘s company. you had been seeing each other for a while now and yet it was still early enough for you to feel slightly nervous whenever you were near him, stomach turning and feeling butterflies when you held hands, hugged or kissed. 
it was on that day when he pulled you close to the fountain of lucine, wrapping his arms around you as the two of you spend some time listening to the ambience — the water running, the pigeons and other birds chirping and the few people talking around you, some whispering wishes to the fountain, some gleefully joking with each other. 
most people had already left when he turned you around to face him, letting go of your waist to grab your hands, pressing a kiss on your knuckles before he spoke.
it was the first time that he told you that he loved you, finally revealing just how much he cared for you and cherished you. how he would do everything in his power to protect you, how he would always believe you and how he would always stay by your side. 
how even when everybody turned their back on you, you would always have him. 
and yet here you were now.
you didn’t know what you would prefer — him forgetting about that day or him remembering, but simply not caring enough to act on it.
like everything he had told you — promised you — has been a lie. 
clenching his jaw, neuvillette turned around again.
blinking away your tears you weakly called out his name, a part of you still expecting him to turn around.
don‘t go.
you hoped for a miracle, a change of heart. you wanted him to rush to you, to comfort you, to love you again.
maybe then everything would turn out to be okay again.
you stumbled, the back of your knees hitting the chair he had been sitting earlier, falling onto it.
don‘t leave me.
you still hoped that everything was just a big mistake.
you called out to him again, fighting against the tears that kept welling up in your eyes, leaving neuvillette‘s figure in front of you all blurred again. “what about that? why can you betray me like that, but not them?”
“i’m sorry” and with that he left, not even sparing you a single glance on his way out, as you pulled your knees up, hugging them while the tears began to roll over your cheek again.
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reblogs are appreciated !
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rafescvntyclubgf · 6 months ago
𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 - 𝐑𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 (𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟓 𝐨𝐟 𝟔)
+18 𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓸𝓻 𝓓𝓝𝓘
𝙾𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝙼𝚘𝚋𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚎𝚛!𝚁𝚊𝚏𝚎 𝚡 𝙵𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
📖 𝙻𝚘𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚟𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚘 𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚋𝚢 𝚂𝚊𝚋𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚊 𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛 💕
Warnings contain spoilers: blood, cheating, swearing, name-calling, threats, soft!rafe, mentions of killing partner, kissing, general violence, guns, ownership kink, pet names.
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Sexual content in pink if you want to avoid that 🩷
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Reader’s POV:
You watch as Rafe gets taken away in cuffs, your body and mind completely numb. Your eyes stay on his until the very last moment; heart shattering when he leaves your sight. This isn’t the OBX… this is a new city, new charges, and higher stakes considering all that had happened tonight.
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He said he didn’t murder anyone when you talked to him in prison, but he couldn’t say that anymore. How could he possibly get out of this? I can't breathe... I need to get out of here.
You look around the speakeasy, stares still drawn to you, waiting for what you’ll do next. You take a deep breath, shutting your eyes, letting your tears roll down your cheeks. I need to calm down... Deep breaths, deep breaths. I need to think this through. You open your eyes, retreating to the booth, sinking in again.
Your hand trembles as you grab the bottle of Chateau Lafite Rothschild, pouring the rest into your glass. Rafe was surprised… He had no clue that the gun and drugs were in the Mercedes. Tony planted those. I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t do more, possibly attaching some sort tracker to the car as well. I’ll leave the Mercedes at the valet until I hear back from Rafe. There’s no way I’m bringing that to our place. Better safe than sorry.
You toss back the rest of the wine, attempting to ease your nerves just enough to leave the bar alone. Snagging your purse, you flee the table; head on a swivel yet again, just like you were the night you came home from jail. Your heart races with your mind, Tony’s looming presence palpable. You step toward the front, walking to the bartender.
“What can I get you, dear?”
“I need to pay the bill… Could you call me a cab for me, please? M’going to The Château Eza on Presidential?” You push the words past your trembling lips.
“The bill was taken care of. The gentleman you came in with tossed a stack of cash. Did you want change, Miss?” He asks as you look down at the wad of green in his hand, well over the tab. “No… No. Umm… Give it to the waitress. Could you call the cab, please?” You plead, hearing yourself getting impatient.
“Are you alright, Miss?” He asks as he leans in a little closer.
“Call. The. Cab,” your voice come out hoarse and shrill; the bartender backing off in a instant.
Your heart sinks as your phone vibrates in your purse—a call. Your cellphone continues to buzz and buzz. There’s only one person it could be. The pulses stop; your anxiety piqued as you wait for the notification to roll through.
Your hands continue to tremble uncontrollably as your aching heart pounds audibly in your chest. You pull your phone out of your purse, holding your breath as you see the name on your missed call log. Tony. Time lags and lags as you wait for the message and the cab. The safest place you could be in the moment is the bar. I don’t need to be waiting on the curb. It would be so easy for Tony to drive by and pull me inside. Hell, he’s probably waiting out front right now.
Just do it… Listen to it. It’s only his voice. He can’t hurt you over the phone. Do it. You mash your finger against the screen before you can think about it any further, pulling the phone to your ear you wait for the inescapable.
📞 “Princess… What are you doing? Why aren’t you answering the phone? I mean you’re not with your little boyfriend. Is there someone else keeping you away from me?”
“Real sorry about Rafe. I’m sure the two of you had big plans for the evening. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, pretty girl, but he’s not comin’ home anytime soon.”
“You're so lucky to have me, doll. Nobody else would put up with you and your bullshit. You two are messy, stupid, and reckless. How could you be so fucking dumb? Huh? You don’t think I bugged your phone, bitch? You don’t think I hid cameras in our bedroom to keep YOU safe? Don’t you think I’ve got cameras in MY business to protect MY investments?”
“I had the pleasure of listening to the two of you all week long, hearing you talk about what a piece of shit I am. How you wish you were with him. How beautiful your miserable fuckin’ existance would be if you never met me. Me? Are you fucking delusional? You ungrateful cunt. After everything I’ve done for you. This is how you repay me?”
“And, you have the nerve to call me a cheater? A liar? I had to listen to you play with your slut pussy for a man you barely know. One night with another woman. One night after working my ass off for us, making us more money than you could ever dream of, more money than your worthless ass could bring in in two lifetimes. And you couldn’t just let it go? You had to destroy my car? Fuck my business rival? Leave me? You’re never fucking leaving me. Ever.”
“It took everything in my power to not have Rex come over and shoot you both. Lucky for you I got a shred of love for you left.”
“You're gonna regret this decision until your final fucking breath; I will find you tonight. I will bring you home. I will lock you away. And I will kill that pathetic excuse for a man— I’ll do it nice and slow. And you will watch, sweetheart. That’s a promise. 📞
“Miss,” the bartender taps your shoulder, startling you, making you fall back into the bar; everything around you falls out of earshot as the world crashes down around you. You clutch the brass rail for support, knuckles whitening as you stare out onto the bar. “Miss?” He tries again in a gentler tone.
You turn toward him, chills running down your spine as you catch a glimpse of Tony.
You slam your eyes shut, drawing a few deep breaths as you try to compose yourself. “Yes,” you whisper, lifting your puffy eyes to the bartender. My mind is playing tricks on me.
“Your cab is here, Miss.”
“Thank you.” You look over your shoulder, mind vacant, as you watch Tony disappear into the back of the restaurant, heading toward where you and Rafe had sat. No mind tricks just terror. You sprint in the other direction, steering toward the door, weaving around couples until you push out into the open air. You look around frantically for the cab, ripping off your YSL pumps, sprinting out into the road.
You grab the handle, jarring it open, practically falling into the rented car as Tony busts through the double doors behind you. He smiles wickedly; his predatory stare reaching yours. “Go. Please,” you plead. The cab driver presses the gas, swerving onto the road as Tony’s big fists bang against the glass. You turn, watching him watch you out of the rearview mirror as the two of you speed away into the night.
“H-Holy shit… Oh my god,” you huff, collapsing in your seat, gasping for air. You bury your head in your hands, fighting back the urge to shut down completely, your body slipping into a state of hysteria. Rafe was right. Men like him don’t take no for an answer. They take what they want. I’m sure security is high at our place. All I have to do is get through the door. You look ahead; eyes matching the cab driver’s who quickly looks away.
“Umm… Are - Are you alright, Miss,” he asks.
“I just need to get home.”
“Of course. Of course. We’re almost there... Uhh, was that your husband?” He asks as his voice cracks with fright, still shaken up too.
“An ex.”
“Oh, I’m sorry-”
“Don’t be,” you interject. “I’m with someone else.”
Rafe… You go to your safe haven in your mind, recollecting your blissful moments with him. His eyes, his lips, his words; the night you met.
You pull your phone from your purse; eyes tight, physically afraid to look at the name on your screen. Please don’t be Tony. Please.
Nothing… Just a blackness.
Oh no…. No. No. No. Shit. The burner phone.
You look back at your old device in your hand in a panic—a tracking beacon straight to you. The cab rolls to a stop. You quickly thank him as you set your old phone on the car floor, kicking it under the driver’s seat, accepting the call from an unknown number on the burner.
“Hello?” You ask as you bound out of the car, running toward the front doors of The Château Eza.
“He’ll be out tomorrow,” a man on the other line confirms as the doormen draws open the entry.
“Who’s this?” You ask.
The dial tone blares in your ear as you jam your finger against the elevator button, watching the lit numbers overhead fall. Who was that? He’ll be out tomorrow? Rafe will be out tomorrow? Your hand shakes like a leaf as you clasp it over your lips to dampen your cries of relief. Warm tears roll over your hands as he does the unthinkable yet again.
The door glides open, leaving you one step closer to safety. Your stomach falls as the elevator pulls you up, lifting you to the top floor. You’re a mess of emotions, happy to be alive without falling into Tony’s grasp, completely devastated over Rafe; elated that in a few short hours you'll be together again. Hopefully, that is… Until you see the whites of Rafe’s eyes, nothing is promised. Tony has so many opportunities to take his revenge between now and then.
You take out your phone, thumbing to the notes app, looking for your unit number. 10B… Pressing and turning the key, you step into your new space. Bending around, you twist the lock shut, affixing the two additional bolts.
You press your hands against the closed door, forehead rested against it, breathing a sigh of solace. I made it. You take a few moments to collect yourself, drinking in the silence around you. You smile gently, brushing a few stray tears off your cheeks as you run your hand over the triple-lock security, double-checking each. My man… This has Rafe Cameron written all over it.
Damn, I wish he was here with me.
You let out a deep, shaky sigh as you imagine walking in, seeing this with him for the first time. His strong arm would be wrapped around your waist, stealing happy glances as your eyes twinkle with excitement, taking it all in. You look toward the kitchen, heart warming, as you see a large vase of flowers and a few wrapped gifts.
You lean in, smelling the sweet blossoms. My favorite. You open the first gift, blushing as you see a mess of lace, straps, and clips: a new lingerie set from La Perla with matching stockings. You open the second, a brand new pair of red bottom heels, inky black, completing the outfit. You hold the last box in the palm of your hand, far smaller than the rest: Robin’s egg blue with a crisp white bow. You undo the ribbon and pop open the lid to find a dainty “R” necklace. You take it out of the box, wrapping it around your throat before clipping it closed, looking at his initial resting on your chest, right above your heart. “Tomorrow… He comes home tomorrow. He’s gonna be fine.”
You walk around your new space, taking it all in. It's lavish, furnished, untouched, and unlived in. A large window stretches across the living room, giving you the perfect view of Charleston. This place must have cost Rafe a fortune. He probably didn't even get a chance to relax; his free time between jail and the club spent doing these sweet things for me: the car, the flowers, the gifts. It’s too much.
You walk down the hallway, looking for your room. A guestroom, a bathroom, an office; here we are—a dark, wooden, four-poster canopy bed with crisp white sheets greets you. Beautiful pieces of art and large baroque mirrors adorne both sides of the bed. You stroll to the closet, turning the knob, walking inside. The floor is littered with bags when you enter it, different designer brands that you mentioned loving in your phone calls with Rafe. You run your hand along a few items he had hung up for you: a few date night dresses, some lounge sets, and silk pajamas.
You smile softly, seeing something a little more comforting: a Dooney & Bourke luggage set with a leather-burned tag. Rafe Cameron. You lay it down on the floor, unzipping it, before drawing back the top. Perfect. You pull out an oversized crewneck sweatshirt and a pair of plaid pajama bottoms, drawing them up to your nose, breathing deeply as you catch a hint of his cologne.
You grab the top, closing it again, stopping in your tracks as you see a small leather-bound book with a pen looped on the side—his journal. Your curiosity gets the better of you; snagging it out of the bag you add it to your little pile of his things. You hug them to your chest as you walk into the bedroom, changing, feeling more at peace.
Maybe he’ll call me tonight… I want to hear his voice. I want to thank him again. I want to tell him how much this all means to me. Grabbing the journal, you amble to the balcony door, pulling on the handle. The warm night breeze hits your face; the busy town still alive below. You pull up a chair, taking a seat, cracking open the book with a smile.
✒️ I can’t believe I’m writing this, but tonight I saw someone who has already turned my world upside down. I don’t want to get ahead of myself; I know I am, but she might be it. The situation is awful. I’m sitting in a cell. But honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever been happier. It happened unexpectedly. I was gettin shoved down the hallway by the cops, just goin through my own shit at the time, and there she was, standing there like an angel. We crossed paths, and everything changed for me. She’s beautiful, of course, but it’s more than that. She lit up the darkness with a smile.
Goddamn, that smile… I could look at it forever. I’m still tryin to make sense of it all, but I can’t stop thinkin about her, and I don’t want to. For now, I’ll ask around… these cops are as crooked as me, and at the end of the day, everyone has a price. I have a few questions I have to ask. First and foremost, her name. Second, and honestly, the least of my worries, what the hell is she doin here? ✒️
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✒️ Tony… She just had to be Tony’s girl. Not for the fact that I'm worried about dealin with him. I'm worried about her. He has no problem putting his hands on her — beating the living shit out of a woman. That woman. My girl. She said she'd like that. She said she'd let me take care of her.
She tried to play tough for me, but her beautiful eyes didn't lie… She’s terrified. I didn't want to talk about it more than I had to, waste any precious time talking about him when I could be gettin to know her better, but I could see it in her movements and the way her smile didn’t quite meet her eyes like it did on the first night.
I’m scared that if I can't take care of this for her, if I'm unsuccessful in takin’ him out, he’ll hurt her tenfold. Failure is not an option. Tony’s done. He was done the moment her black and blue eyes stared into mine. Even if it doesn't work out for her and I. He’s dead. Thinkin about him doin that shit to her again makes my blood run cold. Never again. I wanna protect her, but I'm trapped. The good news for me and the bad news for Tony I have nothin but time to think. I can't wait to kill that fucker.
I can't lose her. She’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met… pretty, intelligent, warm. We’ve spent so much time talking, laughing, and getting to know each other better. I love the way she thinks and the way she sees the world. The way she sees me. She's not scared of me; curious, sure. But she's not frightened of me.
I can picture the man she wants and I want to be that for her. I want to be all she needs. I want to be everything she desires. It’s like she’s unlocked a part of me that I didn’t even know was there. I can honestly say I have never felt love or been loved by another person… this is the closest thing. ✒️
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✒️ I know it’s early, and maybe I’m getting ahead of myself, but somethin about this feels right. I’ve finally found someone who understands me and sees me for who I am. I can’t stop thinkin about the girl. I finally found someone I can trust. Someone besides Wheezie, I guess… Someone who listens when I speak and wants to know more.
Trust doesn’t come quickly to me after everything I’ve been through. I’ve always kept people at arm’s length. But with her, it’s different. I need her close. She has this presence that makes me feel safe. ME. She’s making me feel safe. That’s so insane to say. I’ve shared things with her that I’ve never told anyone else cause I’ve never felt the need to. She understands me in a way no one else has.
She’s not playin games with me. She’s honest and open. I’ve let my guard down, and she accepts the man I am, flaws and all. She’s not tryin' to fix me. That’s rare. I don’t take it for granted. This woman knows who I am, and she keeps coming back. I can breathe easier when I’m around her. I'm in love. ✒️
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✒️ Whatever it takes to keep her safe I’m gonna do it. No matter what. I’m trying to stay strong for her but I’ve been worryin about her all day and all night. I know she’s scared. When she comes for visits she’s constantly looking over her shoulder, even when she’s surrounded by cops. When we’re on the phone she’s constantly pausing for the slightest sound just to check. Every part of my being is tellin me to protect her. I’ve been runnin through scenarios — I have one chance and I gotta do it right.
I’ve started lookin into safety measures—ensuring the place I find her is secure: cameras, locks, security. It’s probably overkill. But I don’t want any regrets when it comes to her… Fuck. I can’t even think about that shit.
She's got nothin to her name. That man controls everything. She’ll need a car, money, and an escape plan incase I fail. Nothing can happen to her. This is more than just protecting her physically. I want her to feel safe and know she can trust me, no matter what. She’s everything to me, and I will eliminate anything that tries to take her from me. Once Tony’s gone, it'll be smooth sailing.
I won’t let fear control us. Not now, not ever. That meeting will be his last. ✒️
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✒️ I’m still trying to process everything that happened tonight. But Jesus Christ… We’ve been building up to this moment for a few days now. There’s always been this strong sexual chemistry between us. Tonight, everything came together beautifully. I knew what I was doin, and she willingly took the bait. What are you wearing? Just a simple question. She could have given me any answer, but she chose to tease me. Fuck, she could have been in sweats for all I know. But that's not the picture she painted for me—My dream girl.
The conversation flowed so well, my girl submitting to me completely, each breath, each moan sounding like a song. I wasn’t even touchin myself, but I never felt more satisfied hearing her cum on the other line. I didn’t realize just how much I craved that connection with her. I don’t think I’ve ever moved that fast in my life after that talk ended. I just wanted to get back to my cell, shut my eyes, and replay it in my mind over and over. I'm snickerin to myself like a schoolboy just writing this. Seriously… I'm at a loss. It was fucking amazing. It was perfect. She is perfect.
I know this changes things between us. It just keeps getting better and better. We both needed it. We both needed to relieve some pressure. Now I can’t stop dreamin about what it would be like to have her. If I got that much pleasure from that I’m in trouble. I bet she's thinkin about it too. I swear I knew just what she needed. She‘ll be putty in my hands when I care for her. She won't even have to think just feel.
I don’t wanna lose this feeling. This is that forever type of love. Today was the day I’ve been dreamin about for what feels like forever, and it's only been a few days since we met. This woman owns me. Every part of me. ✒️
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✒️ Tonight’s the night. The last night before I’m free. The last night I’ll spend alone. I know she’s gonna be scared tomorrow. She’s tough, but she’s not meant for this shit. That’s why I love her. She give me balance.
Get in, get out, and move on.
Princess, I’ve said this before, you’re a curious woman. I’m sure you’ll go through my shit. I want you to. I guess I’ve been writing this for you all along.
There’s just a few things I need you to know, sweetheart. I have never been loved— I can say that with certainty. But I think you love me, even if you haven’t used those words. I can see it in your eyes, in the way you speak to me, in the risks you’ve taken for us. I know no one would be leavin anything like this behind for me to read. No one but you, baby.
When you find this I don’t know where we’ll be. Or, where I’ll be if shit doesn’t go my way. Hopefully we’ll be married or somethin. You’ll be digging through my shit, tryin to find some old Polaroids I took of you in that pretty lingerie you were describing to me on the phone. Either way, I hope when you read these words they mean as much to you as they mean to me.
I’m not great at vocalizing my feeling, because I’ve never had anyone concerned with hearin them. So I want there to be no mistake that you are the only thing that matters. I love you more than I have loved anything. I want so badly to be a part of your life. I value you more than myself, more than power, more than money, more than anything I’ve ever held.
You’ve changed me.
I hope you know that everything I’ve done was done with love. You’ll always be my girl.
Thank you for everything.
Rafe ✒️
You wipe away your emotion on Rafe’s sleeve, studying the rest, not wanting to miss a word. The next couple of pages are just little notes he must have taken on your calls: your favorite flowers, stores, color, foods you love, things you like, things you hate. But then it gets deeper; little notes about the sweeter things in life: your goals, fears, and hopes for the future.
You thumb the little book, fanning the pages. One last page… You follow his detailed plan, down to the minute about how today should have gone. The weight of the last line tugging at your heartstrings.
She'll be safe and happy.
Oh my god, Rafe. You shut the book, pinching the bridge of your nose as you draw breath. Grabbing the railing, you look down at the street below watching your tears free-fall, hitting the pavement.
You try your best to talk yourself off the ledge you're on. The hair on the back of your neck pricking straight as you see the man again. Like a monster in a horror film this man just keeps coming back. Tony glances down at the bar napkin. Did the bartender tell him where I was going? He looks up fast, and you crouch down, falling out of sight, stealing glances at him through the slight space between the rails as you break out in a cold sweat.
He has a building name, he doesn’t know where I am. Your eyes double, hand clutching over your open mouth containing your gasp as a man steps behind Tony, pressing the barrel of a 9mm handgun to the back of his skull. Tony lifts his hands in the air, surrendering quick. The masked man mumbles something to Tony; the two turning into the street, headed toward a beaten-down mechanic’s van. You rise on your feet, tracking the two of them. This has to be one of Rafe’s guys.
Your burner phone trills, resounding on the balcony, echoing down to the street below as the van's back door pops open. Tony looks over his shoulder, scoping you out, making you freeze. He barks your name, fighting from the man, his booming words muted by the harsh whip of a pistol. Tony falls to the pavement, hands clutching the asphalt; a blow so brutal a small puddle of blood forms, dripping from the back of his head onto the street. Tony gets yanked to his feet, thrown into the back of the van before the doors slam shut. The punisher runs to the front, tires squealing as they speed away.
You catch your phone on the final ring, bringing it to your ear, greeting the caller on the other end with a gasping ‘hello’ as you fight for air.
“Princess?” You hear Rafe’s deep, raspy voice on the other end of the line.
“Baby. I— Uh… Umm,” you stammer as the words get caught on your lips. You clear the lump in your throat narrowly, stumbling back into the penthouse.
“Did you have company, y/n?” He asks, just the slightest bit of concern laced in his tone like maybe his boys didn’t pull it off. “I told Barry you needed your beauty sleep, and if anyone came by, he would have to send them home… Did he do a good job, baby?”
“Yes. Thank you,” you whisper shakily.
“Beautiful,” Rafe hums.
“M’sorry about tonight, y/n,” Rafe whispers. “This is not what I was hopin’ for.”
“Don’t apologize, Rafe. I - I wish you were here so I could thank you n’take care of you-” Your voice trembles as your adrenaline runs high.
“Tomorrow, baby,” Rafe adds. “Tomorrow night, and every night after that. Aight?”
“Yes… Thank you,” you sniffle, unsure of what you can and can't say on the phone, mind spinning from the deadly cat-and-mouse chase with Tony, emotional over Rafe’s words and Tony’s voice message. “I don't know how’ll ever thank you.”
“Baby, hey. Hey. I said, ‘I got you’…”
“You’re lovely, Rafe Cameron.” Your soft voice comes out in a pitiful cry.
Rafe laughs warmly, finding contentment in your view of him still, mere moments after the man executed a hit on your ex. He wants you to see everything: the light and the dark, choosing to stand by his side regardless. “Only for you, princess… Can you pick me up tomorrow at 9?”
“Of course I can,” you confirm, breathing a sigh of relief as you catch the time on your bedside clock—just a few more hours.
“I got a meeting with a client. It’ll be quick…”
“Just a conversation?” You ask.
“Just a conversation,” he confirms in a twisted tone. Tony’s done. “Then we can get outta here, princess; relax, spend a little time at the beach. Just the two of us?”
His Hideaway in Nassau…
“I’d love to.”
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236 notes · View notes
ginkgo-phyta · 1 year ago
Can I request Spencer (later seasons, post prison era) gifting his gf an initial necklace, but the pendant is his initial?
"This is nice, Spence, but my name doesn't start with an 'S'."
"Yeah, but mine does, and you're mine."
Feel free to take it as far as you like 😏
A/N: ehehe yes ofc, i love thissss, but also a lil funny bc my name DOES start with an S :P so imma change the dialogue a bit. keepin dis sweet- there is a lil steamy moment for like two sentences however mostly this is fluff, hope you enjoy it, my love!
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Fluff, no warnings (?), gender neutral language (im p sure, lemme know if i missed something!), 2.5k words
Spencer’s apartment is flooded with the music of joy; light jazz pours from an old style radio in the living room, your shared laughter tumbles into the rest of the place from the small kitchen, the sound of knives and forks scraping decorated ceramic plates signals the end of a well-enjoyed meal.
It was date-night for the two of you, a rare occurrence as of late due to Spencer’s teaching commitment. Initially, you were excited, thinking you would be getting more of him to yourself. You kept that thought to yourself, though, seeing how upset he initially was at not being able to help his team in the way he wanted to. That exhilaration was shut down particularly quickly as Spencer had begun bringing his work home with him. When he was working only as a profiler, sure he’d be away from you most of the time, but when he came home he’d spend all of his time present and in the moment. Now, at times, having him home almost felt worse than when he’d be away.
In the moment, however, everything was perfect. This is how you wished every night could be. The two of you bumping shoulders as you both prepare dinner; glasses of wine clinking with a cheers; old love songs serenading your flushed ears as Spencer pulls you into his arms to delicately waltz around the kitchen; his balmy eyes peering down into yours, speaking words of love and comfort. This serene feeling of domesticity was addicting. Life had been a whirlwind the past year, with it only being about six months since Spencer came home from prison. Things were jarringly different at first, both of your lives changing the way being wrongfully imprisoned changed Spencer, but you didn’t care. You could fight every battle life threw your way as long as your beautiful boy was by your side. Some days were more difficult than others, when Spencer would be reminded of the atrocities he witnessed in jail or what he had to do to survive. He’d isolate himself, snap at you, or push you away; but this evening was a good night- it almost felt like you had your old lover back.
“Dinner was delicious, angel.” Spencer beamed at you from the other side of his compact dining table, using his cloth napkin to wipe at the corners of his lips. 
“Well,” you chuckled, pushing out of your seat to collect both of your plates, “you helped me, that’s probably why.” 
Spencer quickly followed your movements, whisking the dishes out of your hands with a sweet kiss pressed to your cheek before taking them to the sink. “It was all you, beautiful.” he had whispered against your skin while leaving your side. 
You silently shook your head, picking up your wine and water glasses to be washed. “Should I dry?” you questioned as he turned on the faucet, pulling a tea towel from the cabinet below you. 
Spencer shook his head, “It’s okay, they can air dry.” he spoke with a little shrug.
“Okay!” you responded bright-eyed, throwing the towel down onto the counter next to you, a bit too excited at the prospect of not doing anything. Your reaction peeled an infectious laugh from Spencer's beautifully cerise lips, his nose scrunching involuntarily. You could stand there and just watch him exist for the rest of eternity. 
And you did just that for a minute, took in the sight of him humming along to the jazz standard wafting in from the other room, engrossed in scrubbing the food stuck to the pans you cooked in. His jawline and upper-lip were shadowed in scruff, trailing down the sides of his Adam’s apple. His hair was long now, wavy and pushed back from his face, exposing his strong forehead and giving you unrestricted access to gaze into his gentle cinnamon eyes. The years passing changed his appearance in so many ways, and you loved every bit of it. Your eyes trailed down to graze over the top of his chest, exposed by the first few buttons of his deep cerulean shirt undone; they moved over the slopes of his broad shoulders, and down to his arms working steadfast to clean up the remnants of your meal. It didn’t escape Spencer how you were drinking him in without a care in the world, paying no mind to his elbow occasionally bumping into your torso.
“You having fun there?” he teased with a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth, eyes never leaving the task at hand. His words spurred you forward. 
You simply hummed in response as you moved to stand behind him, your front pressing firmly into his back. Spencer’s eyebrow arched questioningly, but he kept his mouth shut, simply letting you do as you pleased. Your head peeked over one side of his arm, hands sliding down until they reached the cuff of his sleeve. Deftly, you began folding them up, “Just helpin you,” you mumbled as a throwaway explanation, moving to his other side to do the same. Fingernails scratched at his newly exposed forearms, your muffled giggle turning Spencer’s smirk into a wide grin. “Done!” you announced, wrapping your arms around his abdomen before nuzzling your face into his broad back. Over the barrier of fabric, the running water, and the sound of his scrubbing Spencer barely heard you ask, “Didn’t I help so much?”
His chuckle sent vibrations into your cheek, “Yes, honey, you were a big help. Thank you.” Content, you pushed your face further into his shirt. 
The two of you stood like that for a few more minutes, Spencer trying his best not to move too much in order to keep you comfortable. You haven’t back-hugged him like this since before he was framed, and he didn’t realize how much he missed it until this moment. He washed the dishes a bit slower than normal, reveling in the heart-warming scene. Soon, however, he was done. 
As soon as he turned off the water, you were off him, moving to pick up the once-forgotten tea towel and face him, leaning against the edge of the sink. “Thank you for your service, soldier.” you unseriously saluted before taking each of his dripping hands in his and patting them dry. 
A titter broke through his smile as Spencer reverently gazed down at you, the way your eyes twinkled under the soft-yellow lights of his old kitchen, your beautiful hands turning his own over to attack any remaining droplets of water, your eyebrows twitching reflexively here and there in focus. The first time he laid eyes on you all those years ago he was shot in the heart by Cupid’s arrow, and it has stayed there, firm in place, ever since. 
As soon as you were done, Spencer softly cupped your face in his palms, your fingers wrapping around his wrists as he tilted your head up to look at him. He leaned down, pushing a passionate, yet gentle kiss onto your mouth. Before you could deepen it, he pulled away just enough to mumble, “I have something for you.”
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, and you looked up at him in confusion as he pressed one more peck to your lips before moving into the other room, your hands chasing after him. Once his words processed in your brain you perked up, excitedly following behind him.
“You got me a gift?” You question, reaching where Spencer stood at the side table by the front door, right in front of the intricate, gold trimmed mirror you hung up just last week. Your eyebrows furrowed as you watched Spencer pick up the weekly newspaper, “Uh, you got me the…local paper?”
With a roll of his eyes, Spencer wordlessly pulled you to him by the waist, mimicking your earlier actions by pressing his front into your back. You stumbled a bit, catching yourself by grabbing onto the forearm wrapped around your torso, holding you up, Spencer’s fingers digging into your waist. You peer at him curiously through the mirror before he whispers in your ear. 
“Look,” he motions down with his chin, and you do as you’re told. Spencer moves the haphazardly folded newspaper to the side, revealing a glimmering deep emerald velvet box. From the size of it, you could tell it was some jewelry other than a ring. You gasped in shock, not even having seen its contents. “Spencer…” your voice was meek and unbelieving. 
He watched you through the mirror, his cheek pressed against your temple as he opened the box before you. Your alluring eyes widened to their limits, hands flying up to cover your mouth. Your gaze whizzed to meet your lover in the reflection, “You got me a necklace??” your words dripped with incredulity. Spencer had gifted you generously in the past- rare books, handmade accessories, clothing you had your eye on, tickets to see your favorite artists live- but never before had he bought you jewelry. You never minded, content with wanting the first piece he gives you to be an engagement ring. That being said, this surprise moved you immensely. You took in the gorgeous necklace shining proudly up at you. A dainty chain in the metal you wore the most, in the middle sat a heart-shaped locket, no bigger than the tip of your pinky-finger. Before you could speak again, Spencer shifted to open the locket for you, revealing two pictures. One was older, taken at JJ’s wedding; Penelope had been going around taking photos of everyone and as soon as she neared the two of you, Spencer scooped you up into his arms as if you were the bride. The moment frozen in time showed you in the midst of a bellowing laugh, clutching to Spencer’s shoulders in shock, with your boyfriend looking upon you as if you were an angel incarnate, an equally wide smile plastered across his face. The second photo was more recent; you had invited the whole team out to a picnic brunch shortly after Spencer was released and this time Emily was the one taking candid photos. The two of you were cozying up at the edge of the yellow gingham blanket, Spencer's arms wrapped tightly around your figure rested between his legs. In the photo, his hand was cupping your jaw, tilting your face up to bring your lips close to his, the snapshot proudly showcasing his grinning mouth just centimeters from your own with the sunlight stretching out in the background. 
“Oh, Spencer,” you were at a loss of words, your fingers hesitantly tracing the silhouette of the pendant, “It’s so beautiful, my favorite pictures…” you murmured. 
Spencer hummed and nodded in response, setting the box down to take the necklace out of its confines. He straightened behind you, stretching the necklace out in front of your face, “Let me put it on you, baby.” he whispered, mouth barely moving. 
You happily obliged as he brought the chain closer to your neck, moving your hair to one side to better allow him to clasp it behind you. Spencer watched you the whole time through the mirror while your eyes were fixated on the necklace. The cold metal of the locket hitting your warm skin caused a minuscule gasp to part your plump lips, but Spencer noticed it all. The way your chest rose and fell faster, chasing after your quickened heart; the way you drew your bottom lip in between your teeth; your uncertain hands grasping at his trouser legs behind you. Once the chain was secured, the locket resting perfectly in the dip of your collar bones, Spencer placed soft, warm kisses to the exposed skin of your shoulders and neck, holding eye contact with you with each; even as he moved your hair to dutifully pepper the other side. You sighed as his arms returned to engulf your waist, tighter than before, your hands moved to rest on top of his. He noticed your eyelids flutter close just for a moment, taking him in, before they opened again and your gaze shifted back down to the reflection of the necklace. Your eyes glinted with uncertainty upon noticing the engraving on the locket you hadn’t fully processed earlier. 
“‘S’...” you spoke, reading the letter dangling from your neck. You kept your inflection steady, trying to make it seem like you knew exactly what it stood for, but Spencer knew you better than that. Before you could make any assumptions, he spoke up.
“For ‘Spencer’.” he stated matter-of-factly, his face moving up from your shoulder to rest against your temple again. 
You smiled at him, more confused than before, “But aren’t you supposed to put my initials on it. You know, cuz it’s my necklace?”
“No,” he murmured sternly against your hair. Spencer’s left hand slipped down to grab onto your right hip, his right hand traveling up your sternum to thumb over the locket before splaying out to rest just below your throat, the heart pendant resting on the back of his hand.
Another, louder gasp sucked through your lips as Spencer tugged you closer to him, your back arched a bit as it stretched, bum pushing into his groin. 
“I put my initial,” he started again, heading dipping down to mouth against the shell of your ear, his eyes looking at you in the mirror through his cocoa lashes had you biting your lip, “Because you’re mine. And now everyone will know it.”
Suddenly, you whipped around in Spencer’s arms, throwing your own over and around his neck, hugging his body close to yours. He stumbled back a bit in shock, grabbing onto your lower back to steady himself before a laugh shook through his shoulders. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” you enthusiastically repeated, pressing kisses along his stubbled jawline with every word. “I love it so much, Spencer.” you pulled back all the way to stare up at him, gaze filled with genuinity. One of your hands remained on the back of his neck, the other coming down to fiddle with the locket, “This is the best gift I’ve ever gotten.” 
His previously mischievous demeanor melted off his back as Spencer drank in how you dripped sweetness. “I’m so happy to hear you say that, honey.” His hands rubbed up and down your back. “I know things have been…complicated lately. I’ve been distant and cold, which I want to apologize for, but you’ve been beside me through it all. You’re my rock, and I just wanted to show you a bit of my gratitude.” 
You shook your head as you pushed up onto your tippy-toes to kiss him again, the hand on your locket moving to lightly scratch at the side of his neck.
“I’m all yours,” you muttered against his lips, tilting your head to the other side to slot yours upon them again. You pulled away after a couple seconds, “You don’t have to thank me, my love. I know you would do the same for me.” You pressed a few more kisses to Spencer’s supple lips before pulling back again, causing him to huff. “Are you mine?” you whisper.
Innocent doe-eyes coupled with a small pout had a quiet groan dragging from Spencer’s throat. He brought a hand up to trace your bottom lip with his thumb before tangling his fingers in your hair, 
“I’m yours, baby.” he nodded. “Only yours.” With that, he pulled you back in for a sensual kiss.
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A/N: omg sorry if this sucks im so sleepy right nowwwww it took so long to write this for some reason i cant process words properly but i wanted to finish this! i loved writing this piece, and i hope y'all like reading it. ANON! how'd i do?
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yanderehsr · 1 year ago
Can I get a yan!Neuvillette with a Kafka!reader, who is a famous criminal with a big bounty?
Neuvillette😳... Hope you'll enjoy
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Kidnapping
Neuvillette felt disgusted with himself, his heart beat faster for this criminal as you stood on trial, a blush he couldn't control was forced on his face as he read out your crimes, you admited to each and every one, a smile on your face like this was all some silly joke. Hell, you even flirted with him.
You annoyed Neuvillette so much but at the same time you made him feel whole, he wanted you, he needed you. You probably thought you could escape this trial just as you had before but he would make sure you face your punishment and go to jail... said jailcell being his own bedroom.
As you try to escape Neuvillette will take you down, he tells the Garde to let him take you to prison, as soon as he doesn't see anyone he will take you to his house where you can face your punishment forever at his side. Neuvillette felt disgusted with himself but he couldn't care less as long as you were by his side.
"You may be a criminal but now you will spend the rest of your life besides me whether you want to or not, I am sure I can reform you, forever to be mine my love"
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veilkeeper · 3 months ago
Act 3 Emmrichmance: Lich Edition
alt title: if you're really determined, "'til death do us part" is only a suggestion
okay so, after the point of no return some pretty major stuff happens in the romances. @/crossdressingdeath and i talked in DMs about how, as far as we can tell, all the romances have some sort of unfinished business going into the endgame. in the lucanismance, it's him cutting rook off from saying they love him, in the davrinmance it's a discussion about davrin's fear that one of them is going to die just as he's starting to imagine a future with them, and with emmrich it's The Argument™—which as i've discussed before, is emmrich and rook having an argument about his insecurities. in the lich path, which is what i'm specifically talking about here, the argument is about his concern that rook is going to die at some point, and his fear that he's going to mourn them forever. the argument is left unresolved after some pretty intense back and forth, where rook calls him out on pushing his insecurities and fears onto them, and they have to shelve it to head to tearstone island.
to their credit, they do try to apologize to each other. in banter on tearstone island, emmrich very clearly regrets starting an argument, but he and rook both agree that now isn't really a good time and that they'll talk when they get home.
and then rook almost dies in front of him and gets thrown into fade jail by solas.
uh oh!!!!
if this isn't the manifestation of all his fears, i don't know what is. for all intents and purposes, he has lost rook. he's sure they're alive—trapped in a prison meant to hold gods, but alive—and since he's a lich i have every confidence that there was not a moment of rest in the weeks it took to rescue rook. he's their fade expert, he's the best equipped to find them, and he has to, because otherwise the last real conversation they had was an argument he never got to apologize for, and he will have to live with that guilt for an eternity.
i really have to wonder if he ever would have been able to bring himself to stop looking for them.
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and while i suspect their LI is always the first person to grab a hold of rook to pull them out of the fade, there's a special flavour to it when you're romancing emmrich. knowing that he's probably been obsessively trying to find them. the sheer relief he must have felt when he reached through the veil and was able to get his hands on them, to pull them through and back into the safety of his arms.
he fusses after them, too. urgently takes them to the necropolis so he can be extra certain that solas' hold on them is gone. he was afraid he'd lost them forever, he wasn't going to waste any time making sure they'd be as safe as they can be. and then he says,
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"I will let nothing part us again, my love. Not in this nor any other world."
he says it in that level, sort of indulgent tone that he says all his romance lines in, so it's easy to mistake this as him being poetically hyperbolic. but let us never forget that this is the man with such a profound fear of death that he became a lich just to avoid it. he's not half as well-adjusted as he likes to appear.
when he says he would not let anything separate him and rook again, he is dead fucking serious.
he wakes them up at dawn despite knowing they need rest—i think, perhaps, because it isn't enough to have them breathing in front of him. that he needs to hear their voice and have the reassurance that they're here and real and alive and safe, at least right now. "I would move the world before I lost you again," he says later. before the final fight against elgar'nan, he says he has plans he wants to make with rook, that he wants to be safe and at home with them. if i had to guess, i'd say rook i going to have a hard time shaking him for anything after this. i don't think he's ever going to feel like they're safe if he can't see them. hope you like a clingy boyfriend.
it's kind of the inevitable conclusion to what i was talking about in my sacrifice of souls meta—none of his actual fears around death and dying and grieving have been addressed, and he's hitched his wagon to immortality. and now that he's almost lost rook, he's realized that there is no universe where he's ever going to survive losing them for real.
and we all know the lengths he's willing to go to stay alive.
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tinfoil-jones · 4 months ago
Gravity Falls: For Your Own Good, Ch. 8
Summary: A few years after moving to Gravity Falls and having his lab built, Stanford Pines happens upon his estranged twin brother, Stanley. He mentally prepared himself to be suffocated by his brothers neediness all over again - what he wasn't prepared for was Stanley walking right past him like he didn't even notice him.
Rating: M for language, violence, and adult implications
Preface: Dialogue only, but some actions will be annotated for clarity. Cross-Posted on AO3 Here
First - Prev - Next
“You’ve been down here forever PhD. Maybe you should… I dunno, leave your evil basement sub-lab? Maybe eat something other than an entire tube of toothpaste?”
“This isn’t toothpaste. It’s a calorie-rich blended solution formulated specifically for daily nutrition, in a convenient tube to avoid the need for cutlery.”
“Doc. Read the label.”
“You should probably sleep too if you mixed those up.”
“You’re just trying to get me to leave so you can escape.”
“I’ve broken out of county jail, the trunk of a sinking car, a shipping crate, cement shoes, and even my loan sharks book club meeting. But this? A forcefield? A real, no-shit forcefield? I don’t have anything for that… anymore.”
“What was that last part?”
“I said I can’t break out of sci-fi prison. Go to bed already, Doc - it’d be a lot easier for me to sleep too if you weren’t hovering over there, looking at me all sad like I’m some stray at the pound about to be put down.”
“Fine, but don’t go anywhere.”
“Well there goes my plans for the night.”
“...What plans?”
“For the fifth time, it’s called sarcasm.”
“Now that I think about it, I think I still have an invention I need to calibrate…”
“Specs was right; how did you survive out here by yourself?”
“Thanks for helping me clean the place up, Fiddleford. I’ll admit, I’ve been putting it off for a while now.”
“You don’t say… You know, you still haven’t told me what that extra level in your basement is for.”
“I’ve already told you, it’s a private study.”
“You’re so secretive about it.”
“Private study.”
“Alright, alright.”
“After we’re done here, I have an anomaly in the woods I need to check out; would you be willing to keep an eye on the house and the lab while I’m gone?” 
“I have no problem making sure your brother doesn’t disappear into thin air, of course I’ll stay back for your peace of mind.”
“That’s not what I asked.”
“It’s what you meant - oh don’t make that face at me. I’m not trying to make fun of you, I think it’s… Endearing, that you care so much even if you have the worst ways of showing it.”
“...Just keep an eye on the house. And maybe go down there every so often to interact with him, the isolation isn’t doing him many favours.”
“How did your last talk with him go?”
“He’s still convinced that I’m grieving over my ‘real’ twin, and using him as a substitute because we look alike. He can acknowledge that the timeline and traits line up, and that he himself has a missing past, but he still thinks he’s a ‘Malone’ and not a ‘Pines’. I don’t know why he’s being so resistant to the possibility…”
"You know... 'Stan Malone' sounds mighty similar to 'Standalone'. 
*Ford facepalms*
“I thought it was clever.”
“It is, that’s why I’m mad.”
“-and it’s actually called ‘Backupsmor’? That’s its name?”
“Wow. They didn’t even bother hiding what they were huh?”
“I suppose so. What about you, Stan?”
“Pft, I didn’t go to college. I’m… pretty sure? I didn’t graduate high school.”
“You’re not fully sure?”
“F, I can only remember back when I was 17, and I was already living on the streets. I don’t think I could have graduated by then. Not like it would have helped me.”
“17, you say? Interesting…”
“What about you? Your whole family full of geniuses like you?”
“Everyone’s… smart in their own way. I’m the only member of my family to attend college, however. The rest of my family works on a hog farm.”
“That’s pretty cool, striking it out on your own.”
“Mighty kind of you to-.”
“Good-looking, smart, and independent? I like that in a-.”
“I’m back!”
*Fiddleford hastily presses the mute button on the containment unit*
“Stanford, you’re back! How was it?”
“I was hoping it was something new, but it was just the gnomes trying to utilize the size changing crystals. How were things here?”
"I was just getting more information on what past he does remember- didn’t rightly get much because he is such a flirt."
"He's only doing it to a) make you uncomfortable, b) make you let your guard down, or c) charm you enough to convince you to free him."
"Well he hasn't quite succeeded on any of those. Does he flirt with you?"
"That's disgusting, Fiddleford. I don't know how you do things in Tennessee, but here it is improper for siblings to-."
“Genius, didn't you just say he doesn't believe you're related?"
“Somewhere in there he must still know I'm his brother. Which is a good thing for us because his memories can't be buried too deep."
*Fiddleford presses the mute button of the cell to unmute it*
“No, that's not it. That motherfucker is ugly.”
“Ugly? We have the same face!”
“Yeah, but on you it doesn't work.”
To be continued...
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lorbanery · 1 month ago
Someone has definitely written a fic where Terry McGinnis realizes and has to come to terms with the fact that his parents kind of fucked him up, right?
Like, he's Batman. Batman deals with fucked up families. Eventually he's gotta learn to recognize the red flags of an abusive household, of how kids act out when they're being mistreated at home, of what are appropriate consequences for behavior and how that changes based on the kid's age.
And I know the show tries to go out of its way to be like "well Terry really WAS a pretty badly behaved kid" like ooohh he was in JUVIE for a whole FEW MONTHS but also like
Let's really think about this for a second
This whole "Terry was a Bad Kid" narrative ultimately hinges on one particular event: His arrest alongside Charlie Bigelow. Now I don't think they ever mention how old Terry's supposed to be during the series, and they certainly never mention how old he was when he and Charlie got arrested. But we DO know that the arrest happened 4 years before the events of the series because in the episode where all of this backstory is elaborated on, they mention that Charlie's sentence was 4 years. Now, Terry's in high school, which narrows his present day age to between 14 and 18; but the fact his mother got custody after his dad died makes it pretty clear he can't be older than 17.
So if we're GENEROUS.
If we assume that Terry is 17 during the events of the series
that he's 17 when Charlie's released from jail after serving a 4 year prison sentence
that would make Terry, AT THE OLDEST ... 13 years old when he was arrested
when his parents got divorced
thirteen years old
when his mother declared that she couldn't deal with him, that his father was the only one who could "control" him, and gave up custody of TERRY, but not of his little brother
thirteen years old when his parents SPLIT UP him and his little brother, who had to have been a kindergartner at the oldest at the time
Like this is cruel. With the exception of some extreme circumstances, you don't do that to kids. You don't just separate siblings like that. Like, not to say that it doesn't happen, just to say that I don't think I'm off-the-mark in assuming that pretty much every modern child development expert would very much suggest you DON'T DO THAT. Like I know there are folks out there who know very well how it feels, but for the rest of us just imagine being thirteen years old and your mom says she wants custody, but only of your sibling, she doesn't want custody of you.
Oh and let's not forget that it is at least heavily implied if not outright stated that this divorce was at least partially triggered by Warren suspecting Mary of cheating because these two redheads gave birth to two kids with jet black hair. Yeah I wonder why a tweenage Terry was so angry and spending a lot of time out on the streets instead of at home where his parents were constantly fighting about whether or not he was "actually" their kid?????
And it's not like she changed her tune about him after he moved in! At even the faintest WHIFF of rules bending she was ready with an accusation of Terry going back to his old ways. DESPITE him completely turning himself around. Like juvie worked for him the way authoritarians want it to! He spent a few months in juvie after doing One Bad Thing, got scared straight, and decided he was never going to do Bad Things again. Hooray! The fictional criminal justice system works! Sure he was still getting into fights, but he was doing it to try and help people. He did his time, he turned his life around, the boy is an A student, he's had four years proving himself Not a Delinquent. Yet Mary McGinnis is CONSTANTLY jumping on any excuse to assume that Terry's up to no good.
And I will admit that she's probably justified in jumping to conclusions initially upon finding drugs in Terry's backpack. But I still find it a bit EXTREME, given, again, his recent history up to that point, that Mary refuses to even CONSIDER believing Terry when he says they aren't his and he's not using them ... until he gets a drug screening.
And don't even get me started on the way Matt talks about him. This kid is in elementary school there's no way he's come to the conclusion all on his own that his older brother who, as far as we know, he hasn't even SEEN in FOUR YEARS is just a delinquent who's always secretly up to something. Oh but he's been living alone with Mary this whole time HHMMMMMMMMMM
I'm harping a lot on Mary here, but listen that's just because Warren's dead and so we only got to VERY BRIEFLY see him and Terry interact. Given that brief interaction? I don't have a problem assuming that he treated Terry much in the same way, as a delinquent constantly on the brink of a relapse. he just benefits from being killed off for Plot purposes so we can't see all the ways that plays out like with Mary.
Anyway it kills me every time Mary McGinnis treats her son like shit and Terry goes all
*pained bishounen face* Even if I didn't do what she's accusing me of, I still deserve her suspicion and I can't blame her for it.
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commsroom · 1 year ago
mission launch for minkowski's crew was in march 2013. ostensibly, they were put through some mission training, though the extent and effectiveness of that is kinda dubious. pagliacci takes place in 2013, exact date unspecified. but it has to be early. let's say... mid-january.
eiffel thought he had ruined the rest of his life before he'd even turned thirty. he probably spent his thirtieth birthday in jail. and then... for some number of days, weeks, maybe even a couple of months, he exists in this state of, well. of limbo. cutter gets him released from prison, and flies him out to canaveral. he doesn't speak to his family, obviously. they don't want to hear from him, and don't even know. he's still a prisoner, but no one around him knows that, either. at some point in this time frame, goddard first exposes him to decima, before hilbert even knows who he is. and he lives wherever goddard is accommodating him, and he has to go about his day-to-day life in this transitory state between a 26-year sentence he'd just started really grappling with, and the very immediate reality he's now about to be sent into deep space instead.
they give him a certain amount of freedom; it's not like he can go anywhere. he doesn't do much, anyway, is not feeling appreciative for his momentary second chance at life, given the circumstances. he blows off most of his mission training, and they're surprisingly lax about that, which in retrospect probably should have been a sign. he sits around and smokes, mostly. gets takeout food. but he goes to see movies, as much as he can. as much as he wants to punish himself, he needs to do something, or he'll go crazy, and it's not like he'll get a chance to see a movie in a long time. he was already resigning himself to maybe never going to a movie theater again.
the film adaptation of les misérables was released in december 2012. it's entirely feasible it could've been one of the movies he saw in this time period. i think the idea adds some resonance to his shared reference with minkowski in the finale, at least, in the way it pulls things full circle. intentionally or otherwise. and, incidentally, the 2012 film adaptation of les misérables, a story that notably features an ex-convict protagonist seeking redemption, was released on december 25th. call that serendipity.
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kjack89 · 10 months ago
Dial Drunk
5 times Enjolras bailed Grantaire out of jail, and one time, well...
The door of the holding cell clanked open and as one, the nine men sitting inside glanced up. “Alright,” the booking officer said in a bored tone, glancing down at his clipboard. “Bail’s been posted for arrestees Bahorel, Combeferre, Courfeyrac, Enjolras, Feuilly, Joly, Lesgle and Prouvaire. You’re free to leave after you sign out at the front desk.”
There were a few grumbles as the men started to get to their feet, but Enjolras remained resolutely seated, his brow furrowed with a frown. “What about Grantaire?”
The man in question chuckled darkly, tilting his head back to rest it against the wall of the holding cell. “Is that actual concern for me that I hear, Apollo? I could die happy.”
Enjolras ignored him. “Pontmercy was supposed to post bail for all of us,” he said instead, aiming his words at Courfeyrac as if the man was somehow still responsible for the actions of his former roommate some five years after they had stopped living together.
Courfeyrac just shrugged. “Don’t look at me,” he said. “I mean, we all know Marius is a bit of an idiot, maybe he miscounted.”
Combeferre shook his head. “I’m probably wrong and should defer to the lawyers amongst us but I thought I remembered reading something in one of the articles about reforming pre-trial detention that an individual can only post bail for 8 detainees at a time.”
“And so I must’ve drawn the short straw,” Grantaire sighed. “Story of my fucking life.”
Bossuet clapped him sympathetically on the shoulder. “On the other hand, you could take it as a compliment that Marius thinks you’re the one most likely to survive an extended stay behind bars.”
Bahorel snorted so loudly the bars of the cell almost rattled. “Sorry but literally not a single one of us would survive an extended stay behind bars.”
“Speak for yourself,” Feuilly said. “I know how to whittle.” At the blank looks he received, he huffed a sigh and added, “So I can make a shank. No wonder none of you would survive in jail.”
“This is making our goal of prison abolition seem oddly self-serving,” Joly murmured in an undertone to Jehan, who stifled a laugh.
Combeferre cleared his throat. “Not that I’m not sympathetic to Grantaire having to be stuck in here, but I’d just like to remind everyone that since Marius posted bail, we’re technically now here voluntarily.”
“Yeah so GTFO,” Grantaire said with a grimace masquerading as a smile. “Let me rot in peace, etcetera.”
Enjolras looked like he wanted to argue more, but Combeferre muttered something in his ear and he made a face before filing out of the cell. “Serious miscalculation on Marius’s part with this one,” Courfeyrac said brightly as he followed everyone else out. “Because God knows you’re going to complain about this for the rest of all time.”
Grantaire gave him the finger and Courfeyrac winked as the officer closed the cell door behind him.
Sighing again, Grantaire sat upright, rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck before settling back against the bench. “You need anything?” the booking officer asked.
Grantaire shook his head. “Nah,” he said dismissively. “Not my first rodeo. Hopefully I won’t be stuck overnight, but I’ve slept in worse places.”
“Oh, yeah?” the officer said with mild interest.
Grantaire nodded. “Central booking at the 16th Precinct is a piece of shit,” he said brightly.
The officer barked a laugh. “I’ll keep that in mind.” He gave Grantaire a long look. “Should I ask what you were picked up for previously?”
Considering the answer to that question was a vast litany of misdemeanors (and felonies reduced to misdemeanors) that the boys in blue tended not to appreciate, Grantaire hesitated. Thankfully, he was saved from having to answer at all by the crackle of the officer’s walkie-talkie. “Just a moment,” the officer told him, heading out of the booking area and Grantaire let out a sigh of relief as he slumped on the bench.
“You’re free to go,” the officer said upon returning, and Grantaire looked up, surprised.
The officer nodded, opening the door to the holding cell. “Bail was posted. So I guess you’ll have to save your rap sheet for the next time you’re in here.”
Grantaire snorted a laugh. “I’d say there won’t be a next time, but…” 
He ducked out before the officer could respond to that, making his way to the front desk, stopping in his tracks when he saw Enjolras leaning against the desk, clearly waiting for him. “What’re you doing here?”
Enjolras straightened. “It didn’t feel right leaving you in there,” he said with a shrug that didn’t quite come across as nonchalant as he’d probably intended. “And I happened to have some cash on me, so…”
“Between this and being worried about my welfare, you’re gonna give me the wrong impression,” Grantaire said.
“Guess that depends on what impression you’re getting,” Enjolras said, and Grantaire’s eyes flickered to his and away again, feeling suddenly tongue-tied. Enjolras cleared his throat, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. “Anyway, we should get to the Musain to debrief.” He glanced at Grantaire. “Unless you’ve got something better to do.”
Grantaire just shook his head, and gestured for Enjolras to lead the way. “After you,” he said, his voice low, and together they walked out of the precinct, their arms just brushing against each other as they headed to meet their friends at the Musain.
— — — — —
“Jesus Christ,” Enjolras muttered as the booking officer removed the handcuffs from a sheepish-looking Grantaire. Well, as sheepish as a man sporting the beginnings of a pretty impressive black eye could look, anyway. “Here,” Enjolras said roughly, holding an ice pack out to Grantaire. “I posted your bail as well.”
“Thanks,” Grantaire muttered, taking the ice pack and wincing as he pressed it against his eye.
Enjolras pursed his lips as he gave him a once-over. “Any other injuries I need to worry about?” he asked.
Grantaire just shrugged. “Nothing that won’t heal on its own.”
“Because that’s reassuring,” Enjolras sighed, rubbing his forehead, but when he looked at Grantaire again, there was something almost soft in his expression. “You didn’t need to do that.”
What he could see of Grantaire’s expression tightened, just slightly. “You didn’t hear what that guy called you.”
He said it calmly, evenly, but his hand automatically balled into a fist at the memory. Enjolras reached out automatically to rest his hand on Grantaire’s fist until it relaxed. “It doesn’t matter what he called me,” he said, his voice low. “I can take care of myself.”
“Of course you can,” Grantaire scoffed. “But that doesn’t mean you should have to.”
Enjolras just shook his head, running his thumb across Grantaire’s bruised knuckles, a testament to the fact that despite the black eye, he’d emerged from the fight victorious. “I should’ve brought another ice pack,” he murmured.
Grantaire just half-smiled, twisting his hand so that he could lace his fingers with Enjolras’s. “It’s fine,” he said softly. “It doesn’t really hurt at the moment anyway.”
Enjolras cleared his throat and looked away, but he didn’t try to untangle his fingers from Grantaire’s. “Well,” he said, “we should, uh, get out of here.”
“Before they realize you have about a half dozen outstanding warrants for your arrest?” Grantaire asked with a smirk, his voice quiet enough that only Enjolras could hear.
“You’d be amazed what having a multi-million dollar settlement pending against the city will do to the police’s willingness to bring you in,” Enjolras said with a smirk. “Not that I want to test that, of course.”
“Liar,” Grantaire said, grinning. “But better safe than sorry, I suppose.”
He started toward the door, pausing when Enjolras didn’t immediately follow. “Thank you, by the way,” Enjolras said, and Grantaire glanced back at him.
“Anytime,” he said simply. “Thanks for bailing me out.”
Enjolras gave him a look that was half-amused, half-exasperated. “Just don’t go making a habit of it,” he warned. “One day I won’t be here to bail you out.”
“Only because you’ll probably be locked up with me,” Grantaire said.
“Well,” Enjolras murmured, not quite able to stop his smile, “you’re not wrong.”
— — — — —
Grantaire rested his elbows against the bars of the holding cell, his arms dangling into what was technically freedom on the other side. The booking officer, some new guy he didn’t recognize, gave him a look but didn’t say anything, which he took as a small victory, and he allowed himself a small smirk.
A smirk that faded as soon as he saw Enjolras, escorted by another officer. “No dice on bail?” Grantaire asked, seeing the look on Enjolras’s face.
Enjolras shook his head. “No, they’re going to go through the whole arraignment rigamarole. I’ve already let Pontmercy know.” He made a face, casting an irritated look at the booking officer who was pretending not to listen to their conversation. “Apparently they take battery of a police officer pretty seriously these days.”
“Can’t imagine why,” Grantaire muttered. Enjolras sighed and Grantaire gave him a look. “Don’t even start,” he warned. “This wasn’t about you not being able to take care of yourself—”
“That wasn’t what I was going to say,” Enjolras interrupted, his voice tight. “I’m well aware that cop would’ve bashed my head in if you hadn’t intervened.” He shook his head and sighed again. “I was going to say thank you.”
“Oh,” Grantaire said, managing a tight smile. “You’re welcome.”
Enjolras just shook his head again. “You still shouldn’t have done it,” he continued, “because honestly, I’m not worth all that—”
“You are, though,” Grantaire said, in a tone that brooked no argument. Enjolras scowled and Grantaire rolled his eyes. “Fine, then why don’t we make a deal?” he said. “I’ll stop defending you when you stop bailing me out.”
“At the rate you’re going, I won’t be able to anyway,” Enjolras said sourly. “Not without putting up some major collateral.”
Grantaire shook his head. “And I’m definitely not worth that,” he said.
Enjolras’s eyes met his. “You are, though.”
For a moment, it looked like Grantaire might argue. Instead, he reached for Enjolras’s hand, bringing it up to kiss his knuckles through the bars of the holding cell. “No touching,” the booking officer barked, and Grantaire rolled his eyes as he reluctantly let go of Enjolras’s hand. 
“Will you be at my arraignment?” he asked.
Enjolras shrugged. “Someone’s got to post whatever bail amount the judge decides,” he said.
Grantaire half-smiled. “In that case, I’ll be the one in the front.” 
“Pretty sure that’ll be the judge,” Enjolras murmured, grinning when Grantaire rolled his eyes. “I’ll see you tomorrow. I promise.”
“It’ll be the only thing that gets me through spending the night in here,” Grantaire told him, and it was Enjolras’s turn to roll his eyes, though there was obvious affection in the motion.
“Pretty sure Bahorel was right,” he said. “You definitely wouldn’t survive in jail.”
Grantaire just shrugged. “Only if you were in there with me.”
Enjolras shook his head, reluctantly backing away toward the door. “Still time,” he said, and Grantaire’s eyes narrowed.
“Don’t you dare do anything stupid while I’m locked up in here.”
Enjolras just smirked. “See you tomorrow,” he called over his shoulder as he left, and Grantaire sighed, though there something strangely content in the noise, despite, or maybe because of, the circumstances.
— — — — —
Grantaire didn’t meet Enjolras’s eyes as he rapped his fingers impatiently against the front desk at the precinct, waiting for them to bring him his personal effects. “Do you have any idea what time it is?” Enjolras asked, his voice tight. Grantaire looked pointedly at the conspicuous clock on the wall and Enjolras’s scowl deepened. “Exactly, it’s 2 in the fucking morning. I have a 7 o’clock meeting, which you knew damn well, so why you had to go pick a bar fight with some guy twice your fucking size—”
“So sorry to be an inconvenience to you,” Grantaire drawled, slurring his words just slightly. “Can’t imagine what it must be like to have made plans that get interfered with by someone else’s priorities.”
Enjolras ground his teeth together. “Are we really doing this here and now?” he asked.
Grantaire just jerked a shrug, not meeting his eyes. “Do you have something better to do?”
Enjolras sighed and scrubbed a tired hand across his face. “I’m sorry that I had to cancel tonight,” he said, with as much patience as he could seemingly muster, considering the circumstances. “But I needed to get this proposal done ahead of the meeting tomorrow, and I don’t really see what the big deal—”
“You never do,” Grantaire interrupted, still not looking at him. “That’s the problem.”
“You knew going into this—”
“Just like you knew going into this that I’m a drunk and a disaster,” Grantaire interrupted, finally looking at Enjolras, his expression hard. “Well, congratulations, Apollo, it looks like we both knew what we were getting into and yet somehow, we’re both still disappointed.”
Enjolras just shook his head. “I’m not,” he said tiredly. “I’m not disappointed, Grantaire, because that would require me to actually expect better from you, and I learned my lesson on that a long time ago.”
Grantaire just grinned, a horrible, twisted grin. “Right back atcha.”
The officer returned with Grantaire’s belongings, and Grantaire grabbed his phone, wallet and keys, returning them to his pockets. Enjolras took a deep breath, but whatever he clearly wanted to say seemed to stick in his throat, and he looked away. “C’mon,” he said instead. “Let’s go home.”
Grantaire nodded once, shoving his hands in his pockets as he slumped after Enjolras, neither man touching the other.
— — — — —
“He’s not technically under arrest,” the cop told Enjolras as he led him back to the holding cell. “But that’s because we couldn’t really mirandize him when he was passed out.”
Enjolras eyed Grantaire, sprawled across the bench in the holding cell, and sighed. “So once he’s coherent, he’ll be charged with, what, drunk and disorderly?”
The officer nodded. “Yeah.” He glanced at Enjolras. “Look, it’s not my place, but, uh, maybe look into getting your friend some help?”
“Yeah,” Enjolras murmured, his expression drawn. “Maybe.” He sighed and turned. “Guess I’ll go preemtively pay his bail—”
“Apollo?” Grantaire croaked, and Enjolras sighed again.
“Give us a moment?” he asked the officer, who just shrugged.
Enjolras crossed to the bars of the holding cell, his arms crossed tightly in front of his chest. “Tell me,” he said, his tone clipped, “were you trying to get hit by a car by passing out in the street, or would have just been a fun little side effect of this spectacular attempt at blowing up your life?”
Grantaire groaned as he forced himself into a sitting position. “Honestly don’t remember if it was deliberate or not,” he muttered, swaying slightly as he blinked unfocusedly at Enjolras.
“There are easier ways of killing yourself,” Enjolras said.
Grantaire managed a small, sharp smile. “Don’t worry, I’ve considered those as well.”
Enjolras’s expression tightened and he looked away. “You used your one phone call for me,” he said.
Grantaire shrugged. “Didn’t know who else to call.”
“Probably anyone besides your ex.” Grantaire flinched and Enjolras sighed before telling him, as firmly as he could manage, “This is the last time. Do you understand?”
Grantaire barked a dry, humorless laugh. “If there’s one thing I can promise, Apollo, it’s that this won’t be the last time.”
“Maybe not for you,” Enjolras said. “But I’m done. So the next time you get picked up for a bar fight or public intoxication or whatever suicidal shit you decide to get yourself into next time, call someone else.”
He didn’t wait for Grantaire to answer, just turning on heel to leave him in the holding cell while he went to go pay his bail.
One last time.
— — — — —
The phone rang, and rang again, and Grantaire’s grip on the phone tightened. “Come on,” he muttered to himself. “Come on, pick up, pick up.”
But the phone just rang until the tinny, robotic voice informed him that no voicemail had been set up for this phone number, and he heaved a sigh as he hung up, a headache blooming in his temples that had absolutely nothing to the better part of a handle of whiskey that he’d worked his way through that evening. 
“Nothing?” the booking officer asked, and Grantaire ground his teeth together at the fake sympathetic tone.
“Nope,” he said, popping the ‘p’, and he scrubbed a hand across his face before heading back to the holding cell.
The booking officer trailed after him. “Do you, uh, want to try calling someone else?”
Grantaire just shook his head. “No,” he said, crossing his arms in front of his chest as the officer opened the door of the cell for him. “I’ll try again later. He’s probably asleep.”
The officer glanced up at the clock that showed it was barely 10pm, and he shook his head as he closed the door after Grantaire. “Your choice,” he said with a shrug.
Grantaire sighed heavily as he slumped down onto the hard metal bench, his fingers twitching as if he wanted to reach for an absent glass or bottle of beer, or else for a hand that used to be his to hold. His throat felt tight and he swallowed hard, tilting his head back to rest it against the wall of the holding cell.
He closed his eyes against the tears that he could feel prick in the corners of his eyes, though he honestly didn’t know if he was crying because Enjolras hadn’t picked up, or because there was a part of him that still thought that maybe, in the morning, he would. One more time.
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epicbuddieficrecs · 1 year ago
Weekly Recap | December 11th-18th 2023
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🎵 It's beginning to look a lot like Christmaaaaaaas 🎵
If you guys have any Christmas buddie fics to recommend, drop them in the comments!
Also, I see your reblogs, your tags and your comments, and I really appreciate them! 😊
We might end up real close by thewolvesof1998 / @thewolvesof1998 (S2E1: Under Pressure, PWP | 2K | Explicit): “Said you wanted us to bond. We might end up real close.” When Buck said those words to Bobby just merely few hours ago, it had been a joke about how if the bomb went off they would be reduced to blood, shards of bone and flesh, mixed so together that you wouldn’t be able to tell them apart without DNA testing. He hadn’t meant it in the way that it was now true with Eddie balls deep in him as he fucks Buck against the tile wall of the firehouse showers, both of them still fully dressed, uniform pants undone and pulled only down to mid-thigh in their haste.
in the moonlight you look just like an angel in disguise by smilingbuckley/ @smilingbuckley (Post-S6, Cabin fic | 35K | Mature): While Christopher is at camp, Buck and Eddie go on a vacation of their own to a small cabin in the woods... It goes as well as you'd expect.
got nothing but love for you (fall more in love every day) by smilingbuckley/ @smilingbuckley (S6, Secret Relationship | 6K | Mature): 5 times Buck and Eddie are almost caught + 1 time they are
this is a place where I feel at home by smilingbuckley/ @smilingbuckley (Buck&Bobby | 1K | General): After watching parents mourn the loss of their children, the 118 go to check up on their children. And Bobby... he's staring at Buck, and Buck is confused.
something 'bout the time of the year by smilingbuckley/ @smilingbuckley (Christmas, Getting Together | 20K | Teen): “We need to talk,” Eddie looks up from his phone to see Christopher standing in the kitchen doorway with his arms crossed, his crutches leaning against the wall beside him. “That doesn’t sound good,” Eddie teases and locks his phone, “What about.” “Buck,” Christopher answers and walks over to the table, sitting down in front of Eddie. “He always tries to make Christmas happy for others. Aunt Maddie said they didn’t celebrate it when they were kids. We need to give him the best Christmas this year.” “You have a plan?” (Part 1 of The Diaz Christmas Experience)
want your love in every flavor by smilingbuckley/ @smilingbuckley (PWP | 2K | Explicit): After getting together and Buck promising he'll stay the rest of the month at the Diaz house, they go back to his loft to pack. But the excitement of finally being together gets them distracted. (Part 2 of The Diaz Christmas Experience)
Santa Baby by smilingbuckley/ @smilingbuckley (PWP | 2K | Explicit): Buck has to be aware of what the Santa suit did to him. And to the single mothers visiting, his mind supplies, and his fingers tighten their hold on the steering wheel. He hates when he gets jealous. Maybe it’s not jealousy, because he knows Buck would never flirt back or something. But he feels something when he sees those moms bat their eyes at him, probably imagining taking the sexy Santa home. But, he thinks, I am taking this sexy Santa home. (Part 3 of The Diaz Christmas Experience)
happy new year by smilingbuckley/ @smilingbuckley (Established Buddie, NYE | 2K | Teen): It's quite magical to actually have fireworks around them as they kiss. Buck had always felt them, imagined them in a very cartoony way. Now it’s real. The ground shakes slightly underneath his feet with the loud rumbles. The lights flicker against his closed eyelids. And Eddie’s mouth is warm and loving against his. (Part 4 of The Diaz Christmas Experience)
merle said mama tried, but the prison still won by oklahoma/ @malewifediaz (Christmas, Getting Together | 3K | Teen): Eddie goes to (mall) jail.
Of Love, Hospital Jitters And Christmas Lights by callmenewbie/ @callmenewbie (Established Buddie, Hurt Chris | 6K | Teen): Eddie and Buck end up in the hospital waiting room a few days before Christmas
to wake up by your side is all I wanna do by smilingbuckley/ @smilingbuckley (Living Together, FWB | 14K | Mature): After a fire destroys his loft, Buck moves in with the Diazes indefinitely. Except neither he, Christopher, nor Eddie wants him to move out. Buck gets used to being fully included in the Diaz family and the changes it brings to be with them full-time. It's a dream come true, especially when things between him and Eddie start developing in a certain way.
when your world is on fire by smilingbuckley/ @smilingbuckley (Established Buddie, Hurt Eddie | 6K | Teen): The 118 responds to what should be a normal house fire only to find out that one of their own is stuck inside and believed to be dead.
it's so dark tonight (but you'll survive certainly) by lemonzestywrites/ @lemonzestywrites (S5E6 Speculation | 5K | Teen): Eddie struggles with the aftermath of being held hostage and Buck is there to help keep him from crashing.
when it rains in california by lemonzestywrites/ @lemonzestywrites (Getting Together | 4K | General): The minutes pass, and the rain falls with a scattered tapping on the ground. He couldn’t even remember the last time he had seen it rain like this in LA, quiet and calming, leaving a nice undisturbed haze across the city skies. He wants to bask in it, even for a moment. Well...maybe not in the rain. Buck’s more than okay watching it afar from the awning in Eddie’s backyard.
temptation comes from wants we cannot yet claim by lemonzestywrites/ @lemonzestywrites (Coma Eddie | 8K | Teen): He thinks back to waking up with Buck in bed beside him, of family breakfast and lazy morning ins. All of that sounds…it sounds wonderful. Perfect even. And of course, he’d want it here. Here where he can experience these things. And even for a fraction of a second let his mind wander and believe it’s real. Even when it’s not. He knows he shouldn’t- can’t. But God, Eddie wants. He wants, and he wants- “You could stay here.”
can't make it stop, give me all you got by 42hrb/ @exhuastedpigeon (PWP | 4K | Explicit): Eddie and Buck fuck in a club at Pride
men made of stone and forged in fire (even you deserved to be so softly loved) by lemonzestywrites/ @lemonzestywrites (First Kiss | 5K | Teen): A quiet night in and a hand running through his hair, those two simple things usually don't do much to phase the average person. But Eddie is a different story.
share this hour of make-believe by fleetinghearts/ @shitouttabuck (Quarantine, Pre-S4 | 1K | General): or, quarantine finds eddie sharing a bed with a pillow-thief and sleep-talker. he minds less than he thinks.
all i want for christmas by lemonzestywrites/ @lemonzestywrites (Christmas, Proposal | 3K | Teen): Eddie decides to finally pop the question to Buck, but his proposal doesn’t go quite as he planned.
jadeite hearts could never cost this much by lemonzestywrites/ @lemonzestywrites (Getting Together | Teen): Eddie and Buck spend their first night together after their first kiss. Adorable fluff ensues.
exactly what you were looking for by lemonzestywrites/ @lemonzestywrites (Established Buddie, Proposal | 3K | Teen): While washing the dishes, Eddie comes to a gentle revelation.
a two inch difference by lemonzestywrites/ @lemonzestywrites (Getting Together | 3K | Teen): The height difference between Buck and Eddie is only two inches, which isn't a significant one by any means- until it is.
🔥 the last shred of truth in the lost myth of true love by lemonzestywrites/ @lemonzestywrites (Friends With Benefits, Post-S6E13 | 25K | Explicit): “If…If you’re really curious about if you’re still good at sex, you can practice,” he says slowly, partly from nerves and also because Eddie is still unsure if he should even say it at all. But once again, self-preservation is only a few steps too slow, and Eddie rips the bandaid off before he can rethink it all. “With me.”
Hold Me Close and Hold Me Fast by giselleslash (Post-Lightning strike | 5K | General): Buck dies and Eddie knows he needs to finally let go of the fear that’s been keeping him from telling Buck everything, because that fear is nothing compared to seeing Buck suspended in the sky far from his reach and lost to him. He’s going to bring Buck home.
Be My Baby by elless (Established Buddie | 1,6K | Explicit): Buck and Eddie enjoy some time alone. And maybe take an important step forward in their relationship.
🔥 dream sweet of me by spaceprincessem/ @spaceprincessem (Dimension Travel | 16K | Teen): buck is in an accident and wakes up in a universe where the 118 don't know who he is
you were the wilderness I crossed into by rowan_wood/ @transboybuckley (Post-Coma, Getting Together | 9K | Teen): or: the 118 has a 24 hour shift, and zero calls. The firefam spends it playing games, and everyone takes the opportunity to tell Buck just how much they love him. (Part 1 of bottle episode)
blind hope's my home by rowan_wood/ @transboybuckley (Fluff & Smut | 5K | Explicit): or: the first day of Buck and Eddie's new life. They fuck, they dance, they fall even more in love. (Part 2 of bottle episode)
🔥 Precious & Fragile Things by Daisies_and_Briars/ @cal-daisies-and-briars (Small Miracles AU, Angel Buck | 10K | 4/? | Teen): Buck is the Fallen Angel of Petty Temptation, who has been tasked with tempting human Eddie Diaz to sin and enjoy life, but just a little. He thinks the job will be easy - get in, get out, go back to Peru to continue messing around with eternity. But when Buck arrives in Los Angeles, he finds Eddie is harder to tempt than expected, and more compelling than Buck had hoped.
🔥 Right Where You Left Me by hyacinthusbloom/ @thebloomingheather (Canon Divergent, Post-S4, Angst | 20K | 19/? | Explicit | Warning: Rape/Non-con): "Therapy?" Eddie suggests. Buck almost laughs, but instead says, "I'll go if you go." Because he had fully expected him to be chicken shit, to disagree, and instead Eddie, the bastard, replies, "Deal." Or Buck never tells anyone that he slept with his therapist and deals with the butterfly effect years later.
Kiss Me Once Cause You Know I Had A Long Night by I_still_dont_understand_13 / @sherlockcrossing (Prompt collection | 15/? | 10K | Teen): 100 kiss prompts.
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tree-of-growth · 14 days ago
It’s only been like. 3, 4 months since the saga ended so this is right on time fuck you! - It took a LONG time setting up interviews to record all this information ESPECIALLY since the majority of the ex fruit cult members hate me and I had to go undercover to procure them.
So, at long last - here it is!
The Tree of Growth / Fruit Freaks - Where Are They Now?!
Apple is living their best life (for the most part) under the care of Allison in their shared home in Illinois. They have come out as nonbinary and aroace (and cut their hair!!) and spends plenty of time in therapy and at their local community garden, munching on apples and garlic bread. They also enjoy coloring. Oh wait- oh shit :/ the drywall got them. Oops. Nevermind. Rip.
Fig has joined an incredibly shady secret government organization and is working on an extremely top secret mission as we speak (probably has something to do with hunting down Mulberry though.) She and Cherry remain happily married and are making it work long distance.
Shrimp Man / Cherry Tomato has broken out of jail, hopped the border, and bought a beautiful cabin by the seaside where he will spend the rest of her days in (moderate) peace!
Lemon / Sadie is finishing her agriculture degree and renting a lovely house in the New York countryside with Polaris and their foster daughter Charlotte. They are in therapy and using gardening and animal husbandry to cope. She’s planning on proposing to and marrying Polaris for real once they graduate and settle down a bit more.
Lychee / Polaris is finishing up her astrophysics degree at Cornell with Sadie and Charlotte. She’s developed a particular interest in radio astronomy and has scored an especially exclusive summer internship that will almost certainly lend her to a fantastic career after graduation. They regret their time with the cult but can’t help but miss it, maybe - just a bit.
Date / Allison is currently fulfilling their prison sentence in community service as Apple’s caretaker! They reside in a small bungalow in Illinois. They’re desperately homesick and missing their family (and Percy) but is doing their best to take genuine care of Apple (but maybe not top notch. Who can blame them.) They regret everything :)
Cherry / Aura was deported to Canada and has returned to the Children of the Sun (very fun hippie commune). Technically they are jailed there but the hippies aren’t too fond of the prison industrial complex so I’m sure they’re vibing. Fig brings them “cool stuff that THEY CANNOT TELL the government about” from time to time.
Mulberry / Vrispeta is not dead!! After Area 51 they’re just trying to figure out what to do with her life. You can follow her adventures at @muppetjokernum8ereightfan ! I think she’s on the moon right now or some shit?!
Peach is in physical recovery after being turned into a quadparalegic thanks to Apple and is currently staying with his boyfriend while waiting for their prosthetics to come in. He is in a lot of debt.
Custard Apple has just woken up after a very long nap and is extremely confused.
Acai / Percy died of lead poisoning :( they’re out there rotting in the ocean, somewhere… - their ghost is likely haunting the shit out of Allison :) (Affectionate haunting, of course, nothing crazy.)
Starfruit has gone back to their normal life - but is still very dedicated to the Fruit God! He is also still posting at @squireofthegrove
Orange went home with her mom and is currently working on finishing her One Piece binge an hour at a time.
If YOU are an ex member of the fruit freaks and have something you’d like to share about your life after that is not listed here, feel free to reach out and I’ll edit you in <3
But enough of those losers - What about me?! The infamous mysterious tog blog… Who am I?! Was I really just Lemon pulling a fast one on the rest of the group? Or was that only a facade ?? Am I an angel?! A crazy super fan?! The Fruit God Herself?!?
Heh. Wouldn’t you like to know.
I’ll continue posting here on occasion. Its members may have moved on but the Tree is eternal.., And I have many… many unfinished plans….
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here's an autistic Ian fic! It didn't come out exactly as planned but I'll probably do another one at some point if I get an idea or somebody requests something
“Give me one good fucking reason I shouldn’t fire your ass,” Mickey hissed on their way back to the truck. Him and Ian finally got rid of the stolen ambulance, investing their money in a vehicle for transport. It was all fine and fucking dandy but he never should’ve gave Iggy a job after he got outta jail. Ian didn’t mind having him around; those two were were fuckin’ close for some reason that Mickey didn’t understand. 
But Ian seemed to be oblivious to how much of a dumbass Iggy was. Case in point; them nearly losing one of their best gigs because he couldn’t keep his dick in his damn pants. 
“I’m sorry, Mick,” Iggy actually sounded remorseful. “I didn’t know it was his fuckin’ sister. The fuck was I supposed to do, check her ID or some shit?” 
He was seriously contemplating on whether going back to prison would be worth it. Ian would be pissed but if Mickey could get his hands around Iggy’s neck...
“Get in the damn truck and shut the fuck up,” Mickey snapped. He threw open the door, getting in with a harsh exhale. 
The engine started and off they went, pulling out into traffic. 
Iggy remained silent for all of five seconds. “Ay, you wanna stop for some lunch? I’m hungry, man.” 
“You think I’m feeding your ass?” Mickey scoffed. “You’re lucky I didn't leave you here.”
His brother huffed, grumbling under his breath. 
In his pocket, Mickey’s cell phone buzzed. He thought it was Ian, making him ready to launch into a rant about Iggy’s stunt, but found it to be his least favorite brother-in-law instead. 
“The fuck do you want?” He said as a greeting. 
Iggy leaned in his space, interested. “Is it Red?” 
This instantly annoyed Mickey and he mouthed, no, focusing back on the call. 
Lip was unfazed by now, so his voice was only a little dry as he responded. “Hey, Mick. I can see you’re in a good mood today.” 
“You callin’ me for a social call, College?” 
“No,” Lip sighed, his voice growing serious, “it’s about Ian.” 
Mickey froze momentarily. “What about Ian?” Iggy’s head moved in his direction, a flash of concern on his face. 
“We had a small...issue when we went shopping. We went to Whole Foods after we got lunch and they must have done some rearranging.” 
His stomach sank. Mickey didn’t completely understand why it bothered his husband so much whenever changes occurred, but he knew enough that it disrupted Ian’s mood for the rest of the day. 
“Shit,” he blew out a breath. 
“What?” Iggy was asking. “What’s goin’ on?” 
“Yeah,” Lip said, hushed. “He freaked out a little bit. I tried to help him get what he came for but he couldn’t do it so I took him back to the apartment.” 
The traffic for this time of day was fucking slow. Mickey’s stress was elevating as the seconds passed. “Fuck- is he okay now?” 
“He’s in the bedroom laying down. I got him to calm down a little but I think he’d be better if you were here. How close are you?” 
“I don’t know, thirty-forty minutes,” Mickey said, frustrated. 
“Do you have any other deliveries? I can text Brad and tell him I’m going in later if you want me to stay with Ian until you get back,” Lip offered. 
Mickey didn’t say it often, or at all, but Lip was actually okay in times like these. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll have Iggy finish the deliveries. Just stay there until I get back.” 
“Got it,” Lip replied. 
Mickey hung up the phone, feeling his brother’s gaze on him out to the corner of his eyes. 
“What’s up with Ian?” Iggy asked curiously. 
“He-” Mickey used his free hand to rub his eyebrow, “had a little-” The fuck was that called again? “Episode or some shit at the store. They rearranged the place and it messed him up.”
“Oh,” Iggy scratched the back of his neck. He didn’t really get the full extent of Ian’s autism, and well, fuck, neither did Mickey sometimes. Still, his brother wasn’t a complete dickhead, and tried to understand it in his own dumbass way. “He good?” 
“The fuck if I know.” Ian would be fine once he calmed down. It was just getting him there that was a challenge some days.
“Ay, chill out,” Iggy said, having noticed Mickey tapping his foot with the one that wasn’t on the accelerator. “You'll get to your ginger soon enough.” 
“Fuck off, he needs me.” At one point back in the day, Mickey would’ve never said anything like this where someone else, his brother especially, could hear him. This was a different time; he was confident with who he was and didn’t give a shit who knew how much he loved his fucking husband. 
Iggy was unfazed. “To what, suck his dick?” He snickered to himself, while Mickey rolled his eyes. 
“You’re a fucking moron.” 
His brother just gave him a one arm shrug. 
“Listen,” Mickey said, not to be deterred, “you’re gonna take over the rest of the deliveries-” 
“So I’m not fired,” Iggy crowed. Mickey shot him a dirty look. 
“You oughta be,” he muttered. 
“Admit it, Mick, you need me,” he sounded too smug for Mickey’s ears, giving him this strong urge to smash his brother’s fucking face in. 
“Go fuck yourself.” 
Upon arriving at the apartment, Mickey expected to find Lip flicking through the television channels, sipping on one of the diet coke’s they kept in the fridge for when he was around. He thought Ian would be in the bedroom calming down, not standing in the living room pulling on his hair. 
Shit, Mickey thought. Ian tended to start yanking on his hair when he got really upset. Once or twice when it was really bad, he actually pulled out some hair. They tried not to let it get that far, though, doing their best to help him calm down before it escalated to that point. 
Lip was talking to him, trying to reason with him. Mickey, though, carelessly tossed his camo jacket onto the couch, coming right up to him. 
“Ay, ay. Quit it,” he said firmly. Fuck, sometimes Mickey was just winging it, honestly. Like right now;  Ian was getting lost in his own little world, prompting Lip to shoot Mickey a glance full of questions for what they should do next.  
“They messed it up!” Ian breathed out heavily, starting to pace. “They messed it all up!” 
“Who messed what up?” Mickey asked, even though he already knew. 
“The store!” Ian’s response came out as a shout. Mickey knew not to take his eruption personally, it was just something that happened when shit got to be too much for him. He usually always apologized for it later anyway. “They rearranged the fucking store!”
Mickey side-eyed Lip. He may have been Ian’s brother but that don’t mean he needed to stand there and fucking watch. “Alright, I got him now,” he said, feeling slightly uncomfortable as he tackled on, “....Thanks.” 
For once, Lip didn’t argue. His eyes darted to Ian again, his concern evident. But he slid his jacket on after bidding his brother a goodbye that he probably didn’t hear. “Thanks for taking good care of him,” he said. 
“He’s my husband, man.” 
“Yeah, well, you were doing it long before that,” Lip said, the door shutting behind him. 
Mickey’s focus fell back onto his husband. 
“The bread was where the fruit should be,” Ian rambled. “They- they moved the deli and the bakery too-” 
His voice was teetering on the edge of cracking. He was that upset. 
“Ay,” Mickey said gently, “Ay, sit on the ground for me, okay? Come on, man.”
It didn’t happen right away. Ian was still extremely wound, but when he did, Mickey offered to retrieve his blanket for him. It was plush, super soft and just the thing Ian sought out during times like this. 
He returned, draping it over the back of his husband. Ian immediately grabbed onto it with both hands, his fingers kneading the material. 
Mickey sat on the floor beside him, waiting to be needed. Ian craved soft touches and shit even in regular circumstances, but especially now - when he’d go completely quiet, not talking or making any noises. He was pretty sure Ian told him the word for it but he couldn’t remember it right now. 
“We can put on one of your shitty army movies you want,” Mickey said, turning on the television. He, unlike some of the Gallaghers, didn’t treat his husband like a damn child. Even if that wasn’t their intention, that’s how it came across, that’s how Ian saw it. 
Ian didn’t say anything, but Mickey didn’t expect him to, just repositioned himself so he was laying on his stomach on the floor. It’d hurt like a motherfucker later but this way, Ian could have free range of his hair. Mickey used to think his husband was just weirdly obsessed with his hair, in actuality, doing so steadied him, brought him back down from the high he was trapped in. Without hesitation, he flexed his fingers through Mickey’s hair, clamping his hand shut and repeating this several times. 
Mickey let him have it; felt pretty fuckin’ good anyway, plus he knew his husband would be wiped out for the rest of the day after this, hauled up on the couch or curled in their bed. Didn't bother him any, though. Whatever Ian needed to feel okay. 
“You ain't gonna believe what Iggy did,” Mickey said with an eye roll, because even though Ian wasn't talking he still made conversation with him. “You remember that one client we have, the one doing business with his sister? Fuckin’ Iggy slept with her. Seriously, what the fuck was he thinking? Nearly lost business there since he only thinks with his dick.”
Ian yawned, so Mickey draped the blanket over the front of him instead. 
“Alright, Firecrotch, just relax, okay? Go to sleep if you need to.” 
Mickey twisted around, leaning up to kiss him on the forehead. 
These times weren’t always easy, but he never regretted a damn thing. 
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