#and nothing ever goes wrong they live happily ever after the end
littlebloomclan · 5 months
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Moon 18 - Leaf-Fall - Everything is awesome~
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I think I have a potentially controversial opinion on Aziraphale and the ending.
So one of the things that made me smile so, SO much, was THIS:
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We have not seen ANYTHING like that from demon Crowley. We've seen him be drunk and silly, we've seen him be amused, but we've not seen this.
Now, let's consider what we know about Heaven:
It's never fully populated. ALL of the shots are completely devoid of angels, except for a few, who are almost always just getting somewhere and never really talking to each other.
Where I thought the archangels were a tight clan, it really looks like they're super catty and prone to jealousy. No doubt they would stab each other in the back happily if it came down to it. How much of Heaven is like that, if even the archangels all hate each other?
Aziraphale already has a nervous disposition when he meets Crowley. Is he perhaps an angel that NEVER fit in? Is he familiar with being ostracized by his peers? Just how lonely IS Heaven? Crowley seems to be a pretty powerful angel, and HE doesn't even know that it's all getting shut down in 6000 years -- it's like no one talks to anyone.
Aziraphale, during their whole meeting, looks absolutely smitten. At one point, Crowley goes, "Look at you! You're gorgeous!" and Aziraphale looks over with happy surprise, just before realizing he's not looking at him but rather at what he's created. And then, when Crowley starts going on about making suggestions and asking questions, Aziraphale is IMMEDIATELY concerned and doesn't want him to get into trouble.
Aziraphale is hooked on this angel, and I cannot help but think that this is perhaps the first angel who has ever WELCOMED Aziraphale into his company.
He is hooked on this angel, and the way Crowley smiles is with the light of all the stars he's just created, and it's infectious and it brings a smile to Aziraphale's face as well. And then this angel shields him from the oncoming falling stars.
He is hooked on this angel, and then this angel goes and joins the Great Rebellion, and becomes fallen himself.
"You were an angel once," Aziraphale said, softly, at the bandstand. He remembers.
I think it's reasonable to guess that Heaven has never felt so warm as it did in the presence of millions of exploding stars, next to the (arch?)angel that may perhaps be one of the few (only?) to pay him any positive attention.
I think it's reasonable to assume that Heaven was not the same after Crowley fell. I wouldn't be surprised to find out Aziraphale had wondered about the angel, wondered if he was okay. I would imagine that Aziraphale keeps that picture of pure, angelic, unbridled joy somewhere inside of him.
So, really, is it any surprise that threaded throughout EVERY interaction, Aziraphale has this deep-down feeling that Crowley is good? Would it be any surprise that Aziraphale, an angel who goes along with Heaven as far as he can (which isn't always), feels that if HE is still an angel, then what was done to Crowley was a great injustice?
I think it would make sense that we are shown "before the beginning" not just because it is fun, but because THIS is the foundational context for everything Aziraphale thinks Crowley is, everything Crowley enjoys. I think he remembers this moment and wishes he could live there forever. With Crowley. The two of them with this happiness, forever.
But nothing lasts forever, as much as he wishes it did.
I'm not saying Aziraphale was right with what he did to Crowley at the end of s2. There is a lot I think he did wrong. I think he held onto this picture so tightly, he didn't realize that Crowley had long since let it go, and painted a new one with Aziraphale with all the shades of grey he picked up as he sauntered (or plummeted) vaguely downward (into a pool of boiling sulfur).
I don't think he was right, but I do think he is understandable. I think there was a lot of selfishness, but also some misguided selflessness too. I watched that first scene with angelic Crowley and my heart actually broke a little, because I thought, "What a shame this joy was taken away from him."
I think Aziraphale is trying to right the injustice he feels has been done. But I also think Aziraphale doesn't realize that Crowley can never go back. The concept of falling never crossed Crowley's mind when he suggested that he ask a few questions, and he will NEVER get that kind of innocence back. And Aziraphale doesn't understand, because Heaven has clearly always just been that way for him (he is already aware of the danger of asking questions).
Crowley does not want to go back because he can never go back. He can never be the same angel he was when he thought he could build a universal machine that would crank out stars for eons and eons. He can never be the same angel he was when he thought he could make some suggestions and ask some questions and co-create with THE Creator.
Crowley understands that, and Aziraphale doesn't. But I can understand why Aziraphale would want to try. And I think it's all because of this:
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hiiiii🌻 if you haven’t already, will you do a headcanon for carmy? 🥺
Carmy Berzatto Headcanons.
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warnings - sexual content.
ohh sweet carmy. I definitely romanticise him, because we've seen on the show he can be a nightmare in relationships. so, take these with a pinch of salt. <3
3k celebration post here. 3k masterlist here.
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- Never gets tired of cooking for you. You feel bad, sometimes, when he offers to cook even after he's been at work all day. He reassures you one evening that he loves cooking for you, because it's different. There's no pressure. He can relax, and do what he loves most for the person he loves most.
- Terrible at DIY. The two of you always end up crying with laughter when you try and get a job done, because it always inevitably goes wrong. You're both determined to do it yourselves, though. You'll never call a guy.
- He's a commitmentphobe. Majorly. I think it'd be really hard work to get Carmy to ever really commit himself to you. It'd take time, and a hell of a lot of patience. But, once he does, he's fiercely loyal. He'd do anything for you, no hesitation.
- Carmy's awful at communicating. He's not good at processing his emotions, and ends up yelling. The first time you had an argument, you didn't yell once, which was a real turning point for him. You talked it out, and fixed the issue. From that moment on, he tries. He's not perfect, but he tries.
- Hates seeing you cry. It's his least favourite thing in the world. The minute you cry, his bottom lip is quivering, lump in his throat forming. You cry, he cries.
- Loves it when you pamper him. Happily sits with you while you apply your face mask, asks one day if you'll put some on him. You cuddle on the couch, wine in hand, terrible reality show on the TV. You do your skincare routine, and then do it on him too.
- Only trusts you to cut his hair. You don't have much experience, but you figure it out pretty quickly. He now refuses to go to a salon, begging you to do it instead. In the bathroom, stood between his legs, you trim his hair carefully, trying to ignore the way he's gazing up at you with those big blue eyes.
and now onto the sexy stuff...
- Doesn't stop talking during sex. He can't shut his mouth. He's got his lips pressed to your ear, murmuring the filthiest things you've ever heard.
- Lives to praise you. Sure, he'll degrade you if you want, but he loves getting to tell you how pretty you are, how perfect you look like this, how you're such a good girl for him.
- Loooves cowgirl. Loves getting to sit there all smug as you're on top of him. It's his favourite view. His favourite thing to do is sit up so you're chest to chest, his arms wrapped around you. Nothing beats it.
- Will fuck you anywhere. Kitchen counter, dining table, bathroom vanity, washing machine. Can and will bend you over the nearest surface. He's not a patient man.
- Gets off on eating you out. He's an expert in fine dining, after all. Loves when you grab his hair, tugging and pulling. He basically works himself to the edge as he laps at you. Has definitely made himself come by grinding his hips into the bed. He enjoys it just as much as you do.
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as always, feel free to agree/disagree/expand on these!! <3
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kami-no-ko · 9 months
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AGE UP killugon! I have this whole thing in my head: an AU where Killua never left home to attend the Hunter Exam and he is everything his family envisioned him to be. Except he’s burnt out and feels purposeless. So eventually he becomes self-destructive and takes on the most dangerous jobs without breaks or any sense of self preservation. One day, he takes on a job to assassinate Gon Freecss, the youngest 3 star Hunter in history.
Gon is rumored to be insanely powerful and surrounded by influential and faithful allies. It’s the most dangerous job yet even for Killua, and on top of that he’s still recovering from a serious injury from a previous assassination. So when he tracks down Gon at a bar in a fancy hotel, he decides to seduce Gon to get him to lower his guard first and hopefully he would go back his suite with Killua alone. He’s appearance has always been a reliable weapon and from his research, Gon likes men as well as women. But as soon as he starts talking to Gon, it’s like the sun finally shines on him and the dark hole in his heart is magically filled with that sunshine. They talk and talk and flirt and hours go by and the bar closes when the sun is about to rise. So Gon takes Killua back to his room. They start to make out as the door swings shut but Killua forgets his injuries and hisses as Gon reaches under killua’s shirt and disrupted his bandages. He tries to act like it’s nothing and tells Gon to ignore it and keep going but of course Gon would not. They end up just talking all night and make out gently. When the bright morning light shines on Gon’s face, Killua decides that he’s not going to kill Gon- and if Gon finds out about his true motives and kills him or if his family tracks him down and punish him, so be it. But he worries that the person who hired him will hire someone else to finish the job, so he stays with Gon to protect him. It was supposed to be for just a while, but the more time he spends with Gon, the harder it becomes for him to leave. Killua eventually gets his Hunter license. They go on adventures and jobs together. After they risked their lives for each other over and over again, Killua finally tells Gon that he was initially hired to kill him.
But the truth is, Gon is the one who hired Killua. Killua is notorious for his killing spree yet no one even knows what he looks like. Gon decides that he likes a challenge and comes up with this insanely reckless plan without even telling anyone. He wants to draw Killua out; he wants Killua to try to kill him, because it has been a while since he’s met a worthy opponent and he would be taking care of a headache for the Hunter Association as well. But the moment he meets Killua, it’s like a missing piece from a puzzle that is his life has been slid back to where it belongs and a hole that he did not even realize existed in his heart has been filled just like that.
More stuff happens - Gon is kind of an asshole for keeping it a secret and Killua feels so embarrassed and even hurt but Gon being Gon does extravagant stunts to woo Killua so all is good in the end.
Or if we are in a darker universe with a darker Gon, maybe he was initially toying with Killua, making love with Killua, watching Killua falling for him while holding himself back. Killua can sense it but he’s ok with it- he doesn’t think he deserves love anyway. But when a job goes wrong and Killua almost dies protecting Gon, something in Gon cracks. He accepts the fact that he has fallen hopelessly in love with his target just like Killua did. He nurses Killua back to health annnnnnd they lived happily ever after.
Holy crap it’s 3 AM- how did a quick doodle turned into this half ass fiction.
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mecchantheotaku · 10 months
Slay The Princess: The Damsel and Simplicity
SPOILER WARNING - This is my personal take on the Damsel. Enjoy. Or not.
i see a lot of people criticising or backhandedly complimenting the damsel's route because they looked very heavily into it, but in my opinion i think the fact that they looked so heavily into it is what caused these criticisms in the first place. and that's likely intentional.
the route is a lot less weird if you rescue her without asking questions and don't listen to the narrator, the only really weird bit being right at the end where her simple and joyful nature clashes harshly with the complicated nature of the story as a whole.
because the damsel's character, as a whole, is... simple. a dainty princess waiting to be rescued by her heroic knight in shining armour. if it wasn't for the shifting mound taking her at the end, this would have been a simple "hero saved princess and they lived happily ever after" tale.
however, if you ask her too many questions, that's when it gets weird. you ask her all these questions because you want more than what her character is and it feels weird that she really is as simple as she appears. continuously asking her what she wants causes her to deconstruct even when there's nothing left to see.
and if you kill her, the idealised fairytale takes a dark turn, but even as the grey, her motives are still simple. she's convinced that the cabin drives you to kill her, so she sets it ablaze, taking you with it so you can join her in death. all still with a simple smile on her face.
both of these more unnerving possibilities are the result of you being unsatisfied with her simplicity. and for a lot of people, that's understandable. but for those that embrace her simplicity, it's a heartwarming tale of rescuing a princess (up until the very end that is, which is fitting for the game as a whole, especially if this is your first path).
don't believe me? ask the shifting mound during the fight regarding the two different versions of the damsel vessel.
here's what she says about the deconstructed damsel:
"Love melted into skepticism, and you pulled back layer after layer after layer until all you were left with was the knowledge that you did not know me. You sought the truth then. Will you hide from it now that it is within your grasp?"
now here's what she says about the regular damsel:
"But the stakes meant nothing to you. You had a desire, and you set that desire free, you lifting me and me lifting you, forever and ever and ever. Consumed by true belief, there was nothing that could hold us back."
it can be that simple and heartwarming... if you want it to be. if you don't want that, you get a shell or a shadow of what it could have been.
the voice of the smitten reflects this as well. he is also a simple character. he is motivated by one thing and one thing alone: love. even when presented with the weird parts of the damsel should you choose to explore, he loves her in spite of that. warts and all.
and should you kill her and intentionally make the story dark, he has nothing left to live for and goes mad with grief, putting his simple desires under a dark light. (i will admit the burned grey was painful to go through because of this, seeing such a simple and optimistic character transform like that from sheer sorrow)
in a way, i would say that the damsel and the voice of the smitten are perfect for each other. a bit weird to everyone else, but to each other, nothing but pure and simple happiness.
and if you don't like that? of course you wouldn't like either of those characters. because you want more than that. most people want more than that. i'm personally fine either way.
but yeah, that's my take on the damsel (and by extension the voice of the smitten). a simple character. nothing more. will you embrace her simplicity, try to tear her down to the bone, or twist it into something horrifying?
either way, there are no wrong answers. and that's why i like this route. and this game.
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bri-cheeses · 5 months
Honestly I think it would be so funny if there was an au where the Skittles somehow know every single time when the Marauders are going to do a prank, and they also know what they’re going to do for the prank. And to counter this, they either make sure everything goes horribly wrong with the prank, or that the next day there’s just another prank that’s even bigger and better than the one the marauder pulled off the day before. It just depends on their mood. The catch is that no one has any idea who’s doing it, and the Marauders are running in circles to find out who it is because they are quite simply just ruining all of their pranks, and it’s bothering them. And eventually Sirius cracks and goes to Regulus, who somehow always knows all the dirt on everyone, and if anyone is going to know something then it’s him. And Regulus is like: sorry dude, idk who it is but it’s bothering me now so let’s try and work this out (he’s such a liar). And so the Marauders start working with the Skittles to try and find these people. Somewhere along the line they figure out that it’s actually the Skittles (!), and then the Marauders are outraged but also like: Guys. We need to team up. And then it becomes this one big mess of a group and there’s jegulus and pandalily and dorlene and also wolfstar and then of course rosekiller (but no one really actually knows what’s going on with them, not even Regulus or Pandora). And while all this chaos is happening there are these massive massive pranks going on like every other week and it’s just insane, and McGonagall’s losing her mind and Dumbledore is doing nothing to help and long story short EVERYONE LIVES HAPPILY EVER AFTER, THE END, OKAY?? Please it’s for my mental wellbeing
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impuls1veworm · 1 year
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Toxic boyfriend!Manjiro is very self-centered. He loves you, truly, but at the end of the day it’s about how he feels. Want to try that new restaurant? Too bad, he wants to eat somewhere else. Want to see your friends? You’re shit out of luck, aren’t you? He doesn’t like your friends, and hates being bored, you’re going with him and his friends instead. He will throw a fit to get his way, and your life revolves around him. He will intimidate and harass anyone else that gets too close to you as he wants your full attention.
Toxic boyfriend!Ran is a cheater. In a perfect world the two of you fall in love and live happily ever after, but this isn’t that timeline. Ran will shower you with gifts, take you to the most expensive restaurants, and whisper sweet nothings to you. But, he has a wandering eye. Phone filled with secretive texts saved under discreet names. He goes out with his gang saying no one but the gang is allowed today, just to have the most attractive girl there hanging off him as they sit around drinking and having a good time. If any of this ever got back to you, said person would be silenced, because, after all, he loves you and only you. Those other girls mean nothing.
Toxic boyfriend!Hanma will ruin your life. Not even because you wronged him, just because of who he is. You may physically be okay (usually), but mentally you’re ruined. He drags you headfirst into his lifestyle and it nearly breaks you. After just a year you’re not the same person that you were when you met him. He puts you in dangerous situations and tells you to figure it out. Laughing at you when you come back with battered knuckles and ruined hair. You lose almost everyone you care about, and gain an endless number of enemies due to him. Pray he doesn’t get bored of you because he will leave you on the streets.
Toxic boyfriend!Kazutora always plays the victim. Maybe it’s from trauma due to his childhood, but Kazutora cannot accept when he’s in the wrong. In arguments you’re always the bad guy; you tell him you don’t like something he did and it’s immediately turned back around on you. He blames his actions and his cruel words on what you did first. Even if you have tears streaming down your face, trying to get him to understand how you feel, he still hits you with, “I’m always the bad guy.” The two of you will break-up before he will take accountability.
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melrosing · 12 days
What are yours “NO” in jb fanfics? Like u see it in the text in the story plot and immediately understand it’s not for you
I actually have too many and some of these aren’t even the writers’ fault they’re just me and my dumb tastes so no one should listen to me really but
AUs where Jaime hasn’t really done anything wrong/they don’t have that enemies to lovers shit going on. for me that stuff’s crucial to the foundations of jb
also AUs where Jaime and Cersei aren’t twins lol like I do make rare exceptions on this but most of the time I prefer fic that just fucking goes for it w the JC relationship
kid fics where they have like a gazillion children. also family comedy fics generally
show fics
and as a combination of the above, fics where jb are like honorary parents for the stark children like my god. are we forgetting Jaime has literally tried to kill three of them
i don’t really like office/corporate aus. for me it just feels the wrong setting for JB but again personal taste
how the fics manage Cersei as a whole is kind of important for me like if it’s a TWOW onwards fic and they avoid mentioning her entirely it feels a really conspicuous absence to me. I also don’t like fics that just feature her as a dragon to be slayed before jb can get on w their happily ever after. basically I’m interested in fics that engage w the twins’ relationship as part of JB’s story and do so without simplifying Cers herself BUT respect that not everyone wants to bother w that
soulmate AUs
also magical realism etc idk why I just can’t get into it. this is the same for literature generally I groan every time it comes up
high school AUs I can’t get invested in teen romances I couldn’t even get invested in these when I WAS a teen
Jaime’s either A) too snarky or B) too soft. like I think this is at least partly a ‘just me’ thing bc there’s nothing wrong w exaggerating certain characteristics in a fic if that’s working for the writer but I prefer Jaimes to have a bit of bite and also not be dropping a quip literally every other line. like ok yes there are some scenes where he does do that in canon lol but I find it draining when he’s literally incapable of sincerity
and this is really really just me but I can’t stand Declarations of Love Monologues that go on too long or read too rehearsed or when characters talk in language that’s just a bit too flowery and metaphorical. I way prefer sparing dialogue where most things go unsaid - especially w JB who aren’t the kind of characters to over explain themselves
fics where Brienne is a bit of an ‘everywoman’ like I think Brienne is a really interesting character by herself but sometimes ends up getting way less characterisation than Jaime does in fic
also I think a symptom of this is characterisations of Brienne where she’s like. at the club having copious one night stands bc she’s just being adapted as a Modern Woman
and Jaime getting adapted similarly as some kind of playboy type lmao
Quiet Isle fics where Jaime marries Brienne whilst she’s unconscious….. nah
oh yeah and fics where JB live London or Paris or whatever it’s like there’s a whole canon universe to fuck around with here why are they in NEW YORK
and probably lots more but really no one should listen to me bc i can’t even please myself. be free
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bloopblopbeepbop · 7 months
So I feel in the rabbit hole of vat7k(Varian and the 7 kingdoms)
What I think would how the end of it to go like after the trials and everyone is going home and were that are Hugo's home kingdom he has no home and hell just be one the street again and they are dropping Nuru, then Yong, and finally Varian and Hugo and Varian say there good byes to each other than Hugo is off back to his "home" he's like halfway there and then he realizes that he has nothing there and he left Donnella so he won't go back to her, and he realizes that he wants to be with Varian so he goes back to Corona to try and talk to Varian if he could stay with him and when he trying to figure out where to start looking on Corona Varian sees him from and window and starts running to meet him. Everyone else in the castle is confused and run after Varian until he runs up to Hugo and hugs him. This is how I think there conversation would go
"What are you doing here? " V
"I was looking for you. I realized that I had no home to were I was going and I know my heart lies with you so I can to ask if I could stay with you Gogles. " H
"Well I can't make that decision but we could always ask Rapunzel. " V
"I wouldn't see anything wrong with that Varian" R
"So can I stay here? " H
"Yes! " V and R
And then they lived happily ever after.
Anyone can write this and if you do please tag me I would read it in a instant
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letzoespoilyou · 9 months
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Cant stop thinking about the idea of an Ironstrange Beauty and the Beast What If!
Stephen in his lust for knowledge and power has turned himself into a beast. He can sometimes keep human form but when his emotions get the better of him he goes full beast and therefore has locked himself away in his castle.
Tony thinks mostly only of his inventions and has either got his head stuck in a book or is creating away in his workshop.
The grandmaster being the most arogant of men has decided the only man handsome enough to be his husband is of course Tony who really wants nothing to do with him!
One day Tony is taking his latest invention out for a spin when it all goes wrong and he ends up at this stange castle trying to take shelter. Que meeting a rsther anti social and terrifying Strange.
Somehow Tonys wit and charm means he's not evicerated straight away and well the teo get to know each other and start to open up and dare say fall for each other.
But Strange knows he's a monster and doesn't want to hurt Tony p;lus he knows Tony has a life outside and a lab full of inventions he's desperate to get back to. So in an act of love he tells Tony to go back and live his own life. More depressed then ever he fully lets the beast take over and wallows alone not realising Tony plans to got pack up all his stuff and move into the castle.
As Tony is getting ready The Grandmaster is all like, look at me, marry me and be mine. Tony tells him he's found someone else who he wants to go be with. Grandmasters is all confused about who could possible be more handsome and amazing than he so Tony uses the magic mirror Stephen gave him to contact him but it show Strange in his demon form wrecking his home out of misery.
Grandmaster is like oh god know I will raise an army and go kill this monster and Tony tries to convince him that Stephen is just hurting and misunderstands Tony intentions when he left. But Grandmaster will hear non of it and has his finest soldiers ready to kill but since Tony is adament that Strange isn't a monster on the inside if Tony agrees to marry him then he will call off the hunt.
Tony agrees but is incapasitated and Grandmaster reveals he's lying and will kill this monster (well let a guard kill it) and Tony will have no choice to marry him.
Tony escapes but at the castle Strange is letting the fight go against him believeing no one could love what he has become. Grandmaster tries to get Strange to believe Tony was just messing with him, could never have loved him when he has him and Strange lets his gaurd down and is nearly melt stick when Tony Turns up to stop the fight tell Strange how he feels get Grandmaster melted and well basically they live happily ever after.
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alex31624 · 7 days
Duck Comic Reading Club Week 14: Quacklight: Bewitching Vampires in Duckburg
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Ok, this was hilarious. All the story was ridiculous and silly in all the right ways. This is also my first experience with the Twilight franchise.
We start the comic with our protagonists leaving the movie theater. They saw the last of Scrooge's productions.
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They even paid for Scrooge's ticket. Cheap bastard.
Also, hey is Brigitta. First time reading something with her on it.
The girls were captivated by the movie and dreamed to have their own vampire love story. And they do what everybody does when joining a fandom, create their own content. From now on, everything comes from Daisy's fantasies.
In the story inside story we meet Duckella Splash who has just arrived at Duckburg.
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The most unpleasant city, five years in a row.
Have to tell you, that made me laugh hard.
Duckella is moving in with is poor uncle Scrooge who has no idea how is going to take care of his niece.
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Poor, poor uncle Scrooge.
Duckella enrolls in the local high school and she has problems fitting in. But then, she saw them.
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The weirdos. What the hell is wrong with Dickieye? What's she seeing with those dead eyes? And what's wrong with Fethryle? Why is he using a trench coat for high school? Donward has an awful haircut. Gusmet looks ok tho.
Duckella wants nothing more than meet the mysterious youngster. After some funny segments, she finally gets her wish. Donald tells Duckella his secrets, he's a vampire. Oh my God.
But, as always, love win.
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Duckella goes to Donward's house and meet the rest of the family, and we have the best joke in the comic.
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The lovely evening was ruined when the villains appeared. Magica and Gladstone as the bad guys make so much sense.
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The Duck-pire family blamed Duckella for guide the villain duo into their home and threw her out. Duckella ran through the night, to her uncle's Bin. But the horror strikes again, Magica and Gladstone wants the miserly's riches.
Everything seems lost, but, by mere coincidence (Daisy dixit), Donward and his family show up to have the final fight against Magica and the other guy.
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The violence of this fight is almost unbearable. Between this one and PK vs Trauma, this week has been non-stop full of action.
The good guys win, of course, and Daisy and Brigitta ask for Donald and Scrooge's opinion.
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But who's not laughing is an agent who thinks the story is a massive hit and gave the girls one million dollars in advance for it. This guys just casually walks around with a millon dollars in a bag.
Maybe he works for Glomgold.
Daisy and Brigitta them tell the ending, and we learn that Duckella is imnune to vampire bites and she and Donward live happily ever after. I guess.
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This one was so much fun, totally recommended.
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isawthisangel · 2 years
domestic/relationship situations with steven/marc headcanons part two
find part one here
word count: 900w
a/n: i will happily write a full length fic for any of these if you guys send me one of the prompts, or any different ones<3
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Steven loves to cook and is usually home by the late afternoon, but sometimes when he has more work to do when he gets home and you have to work late, you end up ordering takeout. You guys have a hat with all the different takeouts written on pieces of paper inside for when you can’t decide, which is often.
On weekends you love nothing more than holing up in the flat to binge whole seasons of tv shows. Steven is all over this, making the sofa as cosy as possibly, collecting blankets and snacks and content to sit for hours with your feet in his lap or your head on his shoulder, his arm around you. Marc usually lasts about two episodes before complaining that he’s bored.
You suggest reorganising the bookshelves. This takes weeks. Steven is so meticulous about where his books go, even though it looks like a mess to anyone else, he can find the book he’s looking for in seconds when he needs to. You have your bookshelf, but your books have started spilling over, which is fine as long as they’re in the right section.
Honestly I could write an essay about this. Steven sat cross legged on the floor surrounded by books, stacking them into piles and trying to work out how best to organise them, brow furrowed. You giving up trying to help after a while, realising he has his own, very complicated system. Rearranging the plants and fairy lights around everything when it’s finally done. Smiling whenever he looks at it for the next few days.
Both of the boys like to rant when they’re worked up about something, but the topics on which they tend to get so upset about vary drastically. If Steven is upset about a new display at the museum, or Donna getting his name wrong yet again, Marc will be angry about something going wrong on a mission, stomping and swearing around the flat injured and covered in blood.
Similarly, you have to learn that they can’t be calmed down in the same way. Steven can usually be placated pretty easily by a cup of tea or a shoulder massage, whereas with Marc you have to let him burn out by himself. When he finally collapses into a chair and goes silent, then you can move in and start patching him up best you can, dropping kisses onto his skin at regular intervals until he’s fully relaxed.
Baths. Steven doesn’t usually have a bath, and if he does you’re in there with him. Marc, on the other hand, would live in the bath if you let him. He’ll soak until the water’s cold and all the bubbles are gone, half asleep with a contented half smile on his face. He’d never admit it, but he loves coming home to a bubble bath.
Sometimes when you wake up you find Marc asleep on the sofa, not wanting to have woken you up when he got in from a mission the night before. Despite your protests he continues to do this if he knows you have to be up early the next morning, even though you’d rather be tired and know that he’s come home safe that night.
Similarly to the laundry, you can tell who’s been shopping while you’ve been at work by the contents of the cupboards and fridge and how they’ve been organised. Steven will have a meal plan on the wall and all of the (mostly fresh) ingredients neatly stowed away. Marc will have filled the freezer up, and maybe bought some fruit and veg, if you’re lucky.
Steven one hundred percent gets distracted and dances with you in the kitchen when you cook together. Enough said.
Sometimes you’ll catch Steven before he rushes out the door, ever late, for work to fix his tie or his hair. This isn’t necessarily because it looks bad, you’re just after one more kiss before he leaves. If he’s caught on, he doesn’t say. If you’re fixing Marc’s hair or clothes before he rushes out the door it’s most likely because he’d lost track of time with you in bed that morning. You’ve been late countless times for similar reasons.
‘Laughter is infectious,’ sure, but Steven’s laugh is actually infectious. If he’s laughing, you’re laughing, it doesn’t matter what he’s laughing at or where you are. Similarly, Marc laughs so little that when he does you find yourself smiling regardless, relishing in the sound, trying to memorise it.
Steven is annoyingly good at presents, and you struggle to match the thoughtfulness of his gifts. Marc has a strict no present policy, which you happily disregard during every holiday, knowing that he’ll complain and then smile secretly afterwards, when he thinks you can’t see.
You try to eat breakfast and brush your teeth with whoever it is you wake up to every morning, schedules allowing. It puts you in a good mood in the mornings, and prepares you for the rest of the day. If you get frustrated at work you think about breakfast, or how you get to go home to such a loving environment that night. It usually makes you feel better.
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tag list💌 @propertyofkingvalkyriealkyrie @later-gators12
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ickypuppi3 · 1 year
50’s au where best friends billy and robin, who are very much in a lavender marriage, come into some money and move to a fancier neighbourhood meanwhile heather and steve, who are unhappily married and live in said neighbourhood find out there’s a couple moving in next door
so the day after billy and robin move in, heather goes over with a plate of cookies while steve’s at work and her, robin and billy just click straight away - billy meets steve later on when he gets home and billy’s sitting out on the porch with a drink but it’s them so obviously they immediately get off on the wrong foot
robin tells billy to sort his shit out because they can’t be making enemies when they’ve only just got here and they’ve got an act to keep up and heather tells steve to take the stick out his ass so billy and steve go out a few times for drinks to call a truce and become friends
in the meantime, robin and heather have been spending more and more time together and eventually robin sits billy down and is like ok i’ve gotta be honest, me and heather have been sleeping together and i think i’m in love with her - because robin and billy always agreed to be honest with one another and to not stay together if it was going to make them sad or if they found someone they really wanted to be with - and billy just stares at her and is like hey that’s really funny actually because i’ve been meaning to tell you that steve and i have been doing the exact same thing also i really like him .. yeah on second thought it might be love too, actually
and steve and heather talk to each other and they argue and cry and eventually they’re both like ok so what do we do now and they get billy and robin over and it’s super awkward for a moment before billy says something stupid and robin makes a joke and pulls heather to her for a hug
and billy smiles at them before turning to steve who’s looking stressed as hell and chewing on his thumb so he goes over and pulls steve’s hand away and tucks his hair behind his ear and it’s all very sad and gay
and then billy sort of pulls everyone out of their funk by spinning around and snapping his fingers and being like you know, we could all just .. stay as we are .. nothing has to change for us to get what we want and heather’s like ok how so billy walks over to the wall between their houses and knocks on it a few times before kicking it and steve’s like please don’t kick my wall but billy’s like no this wall could have a door built into it .. i could put a door between our houses
and that’s what they do, the end, happily ever after
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cannebady · 2 years
This is a horny and angsty steddyhands thought but like
What if Izzy starts realizing his mistake. Edward gets more and more reckless as time goes on. Becomes dangerously withdrawn and unpredictable, as much of a liability as Bonnet at his worst, and Izzy isn't an idiot. No amount of hero worship can mask the bile-tinged loneliness in Ed, the hole that lives in him now that rum and violence, and chaos, and even Izzy himself can't fill. So, with regret, he leaves Jim in charge and goes out to find Stede Fucking Bonnet himself because he has to atone, fix what he broke, or Izzy fears Edward will be lost to the ages before his time.
He finds Bonnet, along with his playthings, just off the coast of Nassau over a week after setting out. They somehow commandeered a small ship of their own, which even Izzy has to admit is impressive considering their lack of weapons and ability, and have been making their way towards The Revenge as fast as they could, stopping port to port to see if they can find word of their last known whereabouts. Bonnet shows him the logs, surprisingly well kept, and Izzy realizes that Bonnet would've caught up with them months ago had Ed's erratic moods and the bounty on his head not led them on a ludicrous goose chase across the ocean. For the first time he wonders if there might be more to Stede Bonnet than he initially thought. It certainly wouldn't be the first thing Izzy was wrong about.
They go to Stede's quarters and he offers Izzy a drink. It isn't served in the china that formerly occupied the Captain's quarters on The Revenge, but it's nicer than any pirate, hell any sailor, should have aboard a vessel, but the brandy is good so who's he to complain? He's about to try and figure out why Bonnet fucked off instead of coming back with Edward, and attempt to do so while not shooting daggers at the entitled shit that got Edward's love and tossed it away like nothing, like it wasn't the only thing Izzy's ever wanted for himself. Anyway, he doesn't have to because Bonnet just starts talking, Izzy should've figured he would, and somehow he pours out his heart to Izzy about his kiss with Ed (damn him), the plan to run away together (fucking Edward and his fucking plans), the twat from the British Navy, and the spectacularly bad bout of decision making followed by some fuckery that Ed will absolutely love hearing about once he's stopped being furious. Which he will be, but at this point with Bonnet or himself, or both is up to the fates and Ed's temper. But Bonnet is sincere if nothing else, and he gave away all of his wealth which Izzy thinks is very stupid but Ed will think is romantic, so he'll probably forgive the ponce and then they'll live happily ever after and Izzy can fade into obscurity. Try as he might to disagree, it was always going to end that way.
Fine. It's fucking fine.
Over the next several weeks, Izzy realizes that Stede has gained some decent skills, perhaps not as a pirate but as a solid enough sailor. He doesn't like admitting it and he still thinks he's mostly useless, but he is functionally less useless than he used to be which is probably the reason they didn't all die before Izzy found them. Reluctantly, he starts to view Stede as a partner in his mission rather than a mark.
Then Stede asks him to have dinner in his quarters or help him chart their course and, surprising himself above all, he agrees easily. It turns out that they can even work well together if Izzy can put the fact that he hates him out of his mind. It's getting easier to do with time. So easy, in fact, that Izzy's doing it most of the time without conscious thought.
It's the lack of conscious though, Izzy thinks, that leads to some of his worst ever decision making and that really is saying something.
There's rum involved, of course, but there's also gin and Izzy will never admit it but gin is the spirit that makes him loose and lascivious. It has him thinking that Stede's not the worst conversationalist. Thinking that he's actually a fucking blast once they're both deep in their cups. He's a natural story teller with a dry, downright bitchy, sense of humor and Izzy's loose and feeling cautiously optimistic that he can fix Edward, and then the topic of Edward comes up and Izzy doesn't have the forethought to school his expression and Stede wouldn't think to.
"So you kissed him?" Izzy asks, ignoring slurring that definitely did not happen.
"I did. It was wonderful." Stede replies, eyes closed and smiling like it's his best memory. It probably is.
"Lucky bastard. I never got the chance. Wasn't like that with us." Izzy replies. It's not even snarky if he's honest. Maybe just a touch lovelorn.
"S'ridiculous! You've, well, you must have?" Stede slurs.
"Must've what?" From far away Izzy hears a pounding and it takes him a moment to realize it's his heart.
"Been together?" Stede replies and looks him dead in the eye.
Ah. So Stede isn't totally oblivious.
"Nothin' as poncey as 'being together'. We fucked plenty but I'd have remembered kissing him." Izzy's being awful fucking honest.
But he's also looking at Stede. Looking at the way his cheeks redden and heat at even the concept of Ed and Fucking in the same sentence. It's sweet. There's a long-dormant part of Izzy, one that went into hibernation when he met Ed at the tender age of nineteen, that wants to claim that expression for himself. Wants to be the one who caused it.
It's the tail end of that thought that makes him ask a woefully fucking stupid question that catalyzes the whole damn string of bullshit events that follow.
First he asks, "So, have you ever fucked a man?" to which Stede chokes and blushes further, effectively answering the question.
Izzy's sitting up and in Stede's face faster than his gin-addled body should be able to move.
His hand grips the collar of Stede's simple linen shirt, much without his permission, and his mouth takes the cue to say, "Do you want to?"
And then it's a flurry of movement, of Izzy straddling Stede's lap, both fumbling their breeches open, and finally hiding his head in the crook of Stede's neck while he strokes them off together.
Stede's moaning like he's getting paid for it and that gets Izzy hot like nothing else, and he's biting bruises into the tender flesh of Stede's neck and fuck this isn't going to last long at all.
He knows that Stede is fucking him as a replacement for Ed. He may well be fucking Stede just to get under Ed's skin, just to say he got there first, tasted the forbidden fruit and sullied it before Ed ever got the chance.
A bigger part of him thinks that he's trying to get as close to what Ed loves as possible. It's the closest he'll ever come to having that love for himself.
Either way, Stede is hurtling towards his finish, throbbing and thick and blood hot in Izzy's hand.
"Go on, come for me like you want to come for him," Izzy growls and Stede whines and comes almost on command.
Fuck. Fuck, that's fucking hot. Izzy follows moments later, silent as he always is, but biting into Stede's shoulder. It's only now that he realizes that Stede had one hand on his back and the other in his hair. It's more intimate than he's prepared for.
They don't speak about it. They disentangle, get dressed, and go their separate ways for the night without speaking another word.
They don't talk about it the next day, or the day after that, or even after it happens again a couple of days later.
They don't talk about the fact that they're trying to fuck Ed through each other and Izzy definitely doesn't talk about the fact that he's started to want Stede in his own right.
He wants to kiss him and feel what Ed did. He wants to claim him for himself. He wants both and nothing and everything all at once.
They don't talk about it when it keeps happening, so often that crew is catching on. They don't even talk about it during, with Izzy resolutely keeping his face turned into Stede's neck or chest or anywhere that he won't see what's happening. Wanting things for himself has never been part of Izzy's game but fuck does he want this and he can't have it, no matter what.
It's fine. Fuck, even if it isn't, it's fine.
It's the beginning of the end. Stede's got him pressed against a wall, rutting against each other with abandon, when it all falls apart. Izzy was desperate and made the mistake of making eye contact with Stede in the galley. They didn't even make it back to Stede's quarters before they were pressed together for all they're worth.
Something feels different, but he can't parse it out through the feeling of Stede's hand stroking him off, or the feel of Stede's arse in his palms, or the fact that Stede's cock is pressed so tightly against him, still trapped in linen, that he can feel it like a brand on his hip. It feels fucking right and Izzy wants more.
Suddenly, Stede's speaking and it's a shocking enough deviation from the norm that Izzy can't even process the words for what they are for a moment.
"Izzy, Israel, please let me," he's repeating into Izzy's ear.
His name. Stede said his name. He's been laboring under the assumption that Stede is picturing Ed during their trysts. No matter if Izzy had stopped doing that after the first go around. No matter that Izzy sometimes got himself off to the fantasy of Stede telling him he wanted him just as he is.
To have it happen? Izzy's unprepared. He's also unprepared for having to rebuff someone who has their hand nestled so sweetly against his cock that it almost hurts from the pleasure. Because he can't have Stede. Ed already staked his claim and this whole fucking plan was for him to fix Ed, not fuck the love of his life. Not steal him away, even if that's what Izzy wants to do because he's a pirate and he's not used to not taking what he wants. He is used to sacrificing for Ed, though, so he'll do it, even if it kills him.
"Can't," he grunts, "We can't. Ed-" he can't continue because Stede started kissing up his neck, following the lines of the swallow tattoo, and he's moving up, closer and closer to his jaw and fuck what he'd give for a kiss, a real one.
He won't be strong enough to call it off after that.
He uses the rest of his strength to grab Stede's biceps (and good fuck did all that rowing do wonders, fuck, fuck, fuck) and push him back. His hair is wild from Izzy's hands and he looks desperate and fuck is it a good look.
"You're Ed's, I can't." Izzy grits out.
"But I want," Stede starts and goes to angle for Izzy's mouth and fuck this is going to fucking kill him.
"Save it for Ed, yeah? I'm a poor substitute." He replies and shuffles out from between Stede and the wall.
He doesn't look back. He can't see the look of agreement and understanding on his face. It's one act of self preservation in a maelstrom of sacrifice. He won't acknowledge the tears that want to fall or the rage at how unfair it is that he'd fall in something with two people who wanted each other and not him.
If he had looked back, he would've seen a look of pure heartbreak on Stede's face.
Instead, they both go to their separate chambers and wonder how they're going to work this out.
On the horizon, a familiar flag comes into view.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Look. The difference is that everyone can agree on what tae said but not everyone can agree on what jk said. So tkkrs are happy because taekook will be together soon and tae confirmed that, and jkkrs are happy because of "unclear" words said by jk. So it's clear what ship is real and what ship is just a fantasy. Just saying.
First of all, staykooker, its not unclear. Just because ONE Karmy homophobic JK solo hates Kjikookers, doesn't mean that Kjikookers are wrong. Even the JK solos who came to correct the translation agreed JK was talking about Jimin.
At the end of the day, JK said while adjusting the lamp, that Jimin is the one who changed the position of said lamp, before going to England. First wrong translation suggested JK brought Bam home to see Jimin before he went to England.
You're coming here to gloat about V saying something unsubstantiated. Because we dk if they did meet up at all in the end. You, are counting your chicks before they hatch.
We, on the other hand have CONFIRMATION that Jikook were together the night before Jimin went to England. Thats a fact 💯 First inaccurate translation and the second translation corrected by other Kjikookers and Karmy JK solos, both state that Jikook were together. Period.
So when I weigh what I have and when I weigh what you have which is essentially nothing, I'm sorry but my load is heavier 🤷🏽‍♀️
But dw. I know why you're here. Y'all just can't get enough of Jikook moments so, I'll share with you one of my favourites involving our president himself.
See, Jhope loves Jikook and he is very invested in their relationship. Maybe even more than we are. Why do I say this you ask? Sure. Let's take a look.
Bon voyage season 3 episode 6. We know all about V sleeping upside down and cuddling JK's feet in his sleep.
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Jhope walks in and he is shocked to say the least. He wonders why they're sleeping the way that they are.
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I think its safe to say its not the skinship that shocked him since the Tannies are always all over eo anyway. So it's the cuddling 'gesture' that he was less than okay with. We know this because he couldn't wait to tattle on JK. He really couldn't wait to bring this up.
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He continues to add fuel to the fire about the cuddling.
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He wants to make sure Jimin knows exactly what was going on 😂
Now Jimin who's attention has been peaked is kinda shook now and he asks; "what?" And Jhope happily clarifies that yeah, they were cuddling.
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But thats not it. He needs to make sure he understands the situation exactly as it happened. Mimi is proper invested now, guys.
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His face after this revelation;
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One more time the face of the culprit
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🤣🤣😂😂 I think its safe to say Jimin doesn't like when JK cuddles other people in his sleep. Which tracks because JK only ever cuddles Jhope (makes sense that the best friend that Jimin trusts explicitly, JK has the green light) and when other members cuddle him u will find JK keeps his hands to himself. Even with Jhope sometimes.
But not to worry. Jimin didn't have an issue once he found out JK wasn't the one doing the cuddling. And they lived happily ever after!
So I'd say this moment goes hand in hand with this post. And I guess Jimin standing and watching Hopekook here makes a little bit more sense? Idk. U judge. It will forever be funny though how JK pretended he wasn't even there. Pretended to be busy and refused to look at Jimin 🤭🤭
Speaking of Jhope being invested in Jikook. Here is a moment I noticed when watching Burn the Stage. Jimin stopped to talk to a member of staff and Jhope stood there watching him.
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As u can see V is also talking to them but Jhope doesn't take his eyes off Jimin once
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If you have YT premium its here
I've also seen Jhope look at what Jimin is doing when he's talking to other IDOLS or other men/people. Like that popular Jeonlous Taemin moment, if u go rewatch u will notice Jhope also keeping an eye on Jimin and Taemin. And I've seen several times when something is happening with Jimin and some dude, Jhope will turn to look at JK. Like when Jimin was shooting Wonho finger guns. It wasn't just JK watching keenly but Jhope too. So when I watched that part on Burn the Stage it reminded me of those instances.
It's like when you love your bestfriend's boyfriend and u always have to keep an eye when your bestfriend is talking to other people who are not their boyfriend type of thing. Like I said, Jhope is invested in Jikook and he tries to make sure they don't mess up what they've got.
I also mentioned here about Jhope and the way he hugs Jimin; almost like he's preventing their crotches from touching. Also their hugs don't last long at all.
And I show here JK signaling Jimin to get off Jhope and come to him. U can see Jhope noticed 🤭🤭
So to me Jhope knows how JK can be. How many times have we seen JK displace Jhope to be next to Jimin? Latest being the Vminhopekook LV live. JK walked in and made Jhope get off the chair so he could sit next to his man. So yeah, Jhope knows JK very, very well so he's always keeping an eye out for fuckery.
There. Jihope jealous moments explained 😁😁
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bridenore · 9 months
HD fic recs - disability (blind, mute or deaf)
Here are a few drarry fic recs where either Harry or Draco is blind, mute or deaf, whether it is permanent or temporary. Listed in alphabetical order, as always.
Darkest Before the Dawn by @dualwieldteacup [47k]
The last thing Draco wanted was to show up at Harry Potter’s door, cursed blind and holding a boxful of his friends Transfigured into snakes, but here he was. Between breaking the curse, adjusting to life without sight, and teaching his Defence Against the Dark Arts classes, Draco’s got his hands full. Being forced to live with Harry Potter might just be the death of him. This is a story about the bonds of friendship, fairy tale endings, and learning to ask for help (even from Gryffindors).
The Lip-Lock Jinx  by cassisluna [20k]
It's a jinx that renders the victim mute, unless he/she serves the purpose of the jinx and kisses the person that they desire. It's just Harry's luck that he's in love with Draco.
Obliviation by @dysonrules [26k]
When Harry decides to quit Auror Training in order to care for young Teddy over the summer, he has quite enough to worry about without Pansy Parkinson dumping a mute Draco Malfoy on his doorstep.
The Piano by shushu_yaoi_lj / @orange-peony [37k]
He arrives on a boat during a particularly stormy day. Harry knew Astoria Greengrass had sent for a husband, someone to keep her company on the particularly dreary and dark winter days on this remote island. Harry didn’t know who it was she had arranged to be sent here. All he knew was that the weather was horrid today, and the Portkeys had never properly worked in this remote corner of the North Sea. The island was special, its magic working in odd and surprising ways. The last person Harry expects to find on the beach is Draco Malfoy.
Potential Gravity by @lol-zeitgeistic [32k]
Draco is not good at Cards Against Humanity, but Harry’s not good at being human, so it all works out. Except for the explosions. And Harry’s inability to live when Draco’s not around.
Silenced by the Night by @parkkate [55k]
After a spell goes horribly wrong, Harry has to deal with the loss of his eyesight. It’s such terrible timing, too, because how is he supposed to find out what Malfoy has been up to in the Room of Requirement? It’s not like he can ask the git, not only because it’s Malfoy, but also because the Slytherin has suddenly lost his voice. While they’re both trapped in the hospital wing, however, Harry discovers there’s so much he didn’t know about Malfoy, and it’s highly intriguing, but also a bit alarming. Where did all these confusing feelings come from all of a sudden? And what is Harry going to do about them?
Speechless by mayberry_rose [6k]
In which Draco can’t speak, and Harry learns to listen.
The Standard You Walk Past by @bafflinghaze [46k]
On returning to Hogwarts for their Eighth Year, Headmistress McGonagall decided to room Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter together. She may have hoped for a leading example of house unity; the other students fully expected insults and fights. But nothing happened. That was, until Harry sleepwalked into Draco’s bed.
Talk to Me by Saras_Girl [15k]
When the usual channels of communication are shut down, the most surprising people can find a way in. A strange little love story.
A Thousand Beautiful Things by geoviki [104k]
Draco Malfoy struggles with changed fortunes, shifted alliances, an ugly war, and an unusual spell, with the help of a concerned professor, an insightful house-elf, and an unexpected Gryffindor friend. Delicate Sound of Thunder by geoviki [61k] Draco Malfoy has always known that happily ever after is only true for fairy tales.  When someone threatens to expose his wartime past, he risks his life to protect his secrets, but learns he’s not the only one with something to hide. The sequel to A Thousand Beautiful Things.
When I Put My Eyes On You by Zzzara [31k]
When a hero defeats a villain, there’s supposed to be a happily-ever-after… but when did anything ever happen to Harry Potter the way it was supposed to? Having sacrificed himself to the greater good, Harry is left alone in the darkness, blindly groping for the shreds of the life he knew. When the enemies meet, how is the story supposed to go, once they learn there’s more to it than the eye can see? A story of pain, hope and things we discover, once we stop looking for them with our eyes.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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