Hi! I'm Bumble (She/her) Follow the adventures in my clangen run! No schedule, this is just for fun when I feel like it! I'd love quesions for me or the cats!If you want to read just the moon updates the tag is #BloomMoon Icon by @sergestilesart
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
So my health has dipped in a huge way. Further than the last update I made. I don't see myself updating the comic for a good long while. I WANT to but drawing is such a huge task at the moment for me. And the energy I do have I want to put elsewhere.
I hope I can eventually come back to this. I will def still be reading peoples clangens still cause the stories always are so good. Ya'll are an awesome community I feel glad to have been a part of. So thanks <3
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Waaaaah look at my Honeypaw!!!! 😭 how CUTE that expression is perfect thank you so much!!!
when in doubt, draw lovely clangen characters From top left to bottom right: Songpaw (and Eklutna) - @loudclan-clangen Pansybloom - @splinterclan Serpentfin - @vaporclan
Heronfeather - @redwoodcolony
Littlepaw - @whispering-clan
Honeypaw - @littlebloomclan
I hope i didn't miss any details!! please check their stories out they are phenomenal and keep me inspired ^^
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Do Lavender and Frog have any redeeming qualities lmao
Yes lol they’re just in their teen phase right now and still figuring things out! They argue with each other a lot, and Honey gets upset with it. More anything they say to each other than to her tbh
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Moon 33 - Leaf Bare - Sadly none of the names said by Honey are gonna be actual names.
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So y'all know (and this isn't me saying sorry, this is me saying hey heads up!) I am apparently much more sick than I thought. Hospital visit from last month became hospital visit part 2, you're very ill my dude, a couple days ago. Not going into it, but it will have an effect on updates
I love doing this comic so no intentions of stopping, just if things get even MORE sporadic, that's why. And if I miss a message/ask/anything that is also why.
Big appreciate y'all!

Have my cats being uhhhhhhh loving siblings. (October 1st is Freddy's 2nd birthday!)
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Aaaaaaa look at him! Lil brooding pose lol perfect for him
And Tigertoe!!!! I love her too
holy hair!
my two favorites kitties from my two favorite clangen blogs: @littlebloomclan and @circus-clangen! Definitely not an excuse to do posing practice
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The “Cold” personality trait.
While they may not be friendly exactly, it’s not an inherently bad trait to have either.
Tawnypath, Deputy of BurnClan is also “cold” but he seems to be logical and can be reasoned with if hard factual evidence is in front of him (he acknowledges that BloomClan is a “real Clan” in the eyes of StarClan—not just “2 rogues living in a hole” like his father/BurnClan’s leader had said)
Oh definitely. All the personalities can branch off and be different, esp with the secondary traits in play
Much later from now, I have more than one character who is insecure for example. I see the way they show this VERY differently from each other. So for Frogpaw and Lavenderpaw, Frog is very stoic, calm, and aloof. She does care, it's just hard to read or see it. Lavender is more snappy, comes off as being too harsh or tactless. Again, he does care, he just shows it in another way. He called Frog an idiot because, she's ok. Hurt. but not dying
Then for Honeypaw, I interpret her lonesome personality to be that she's sensitive, EXTREME care and gratefulness for those she has, which makes her cry easy. Them being hurt or angry scares her and she can't hide that emotion as well as others could. Where as another Lonesome character you could make introverted and maybe a bit depressed, in contrast.
There's a lot you can do with a simple starting point like "this character is" blank. and can also be shaped by the other people around them. Have fun with it!
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Moon 32 - Leaf Fall - Ouchies!
Work on your bedside manner, Lavenderpaw
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Frogpaw: Cold
Lavenderpaw: Cold
Honeypaw: hEy MaN wHyS eVeRyOnE sO aNgY??
She’s full of enough love for all three of them
#bloomasks#at least her dad is compassionate#so they get along really well#hoping to post a page today or tomorrow#mystery illness kicking my butt but I wanna draw!!!!
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How much do the kids know about BurnClan? Ofc I’d assume their parents have made sure to tell them to stay away from the border, and they know that theyre dangerous because of when Littlestar got attacked, but do they know anything about Gentlefur? Or how their dad lost his first life?
Might see some of this later but yes, they’ve warned them the neighbor clan is dangerous. Honeypaw is sad about it cause she’d love to make a friend from another clan! Tho littlestar hasn’t told them much about his lost life. They just know he was given nine lives by starclan.
I think at this current point tho the kits haven’t fully grasped that burnclan is deadly. Just not friends. Don’t talk to strangers
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littlestar has a very "overly enthusiastic summer camp counselor" energy in the most recent update and I love it.
aside, did littlestar teach deertuft how to fight on top of her medicine training, or is she just learning now? or is it less for her and more for the kits?
He strikes me as a morning person who is ready to go early! He loses steam the later in the day it is, esp while training two apprentices which he’s about to find out.
Deertuft knows some yeah. I’d think since it was just then he’d wanna be sure she knew enough to at least defend herself/get away. She’s gonna teach Lavenderpaw the same. If he wants more he’ll have to sit in with his sisters!
I also like to think medicine cats learn to hunt and patrol too, it’s just not the main focus for them. Lavender may just wanna learn so he can hold his own with his sisters, but Deertuft is definitely thinking of how Gentlefur died and their dangerous neighbors.
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Moon 31 - Leaf Fall - Time to get training
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Just noticed in the preview, I love how the lineart for the face details hidden under the fur-hair are disconnected from the main lines 👀
Thank you! I picked that up watching speedpaints by TheStarFishFace on youtube lol thought it was neat so I also started doing it
#let you art become an amalgamation of artists who inspire you#then it will evolve into its own thing over time#also Star has a lot of great art tips!
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am workin on next moon. just slow going. but have some cuties. and see the size difference with Lavenderpaw and Deertuft
#WIP#will this be consistent? unlikely lol but main point is#he is small#also i have the next few moons sketched#when I feel like scribbling but dunno what to draw i try to work on a page layout at least~
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Hello art is slow cause I am VERY ILL but here have a song I can perfectly imagine Honeypaw singing. Esp with how her siblings have plans for their futures, and she doesn't feel that (Frog wants to lead, Lavender wants to be a healer) Honeypaw feels lost and an odd one out
I'll try to share other songs for other characters too if people have interest
#Bloommusic#music#when im not drawing these guys they just bounce around my head nonstop#as do characters we havent even gotten to yet herbdkefjdns help
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MISTBORN HOLY SHIT LETS FUCKING GO. LOVE THOSE BOOKS. Every book has at least 1 insane plot twist that will throw you for such a loop!!!
Excited!!! I just reached part 3 of the first book. Last couple chapters were so good. Intense! I’m following along with the audio book and really enjoying it
So far I do recommend. It has a bit of a slow start mixed with being just thrust into a fantasy world but Sanderson does a great job of world building that doesn’t feel like exposition.
#words#I’m probably gonna take a break from it#to read the new ivypool book next week#cause those dumb books still have me in their grasp#still VERY sick tho#so probably doing lots of reading
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*peeks from behind a corner*
did you eat today?
did you drink water or juice or tea or coffee (i don't judge as long as it's not harmful to your health)
how are your kitties?
IM TRYING I am still sick apparently from the thing that put me in the ER a couple weeks back. So I am resting! and doing my best to actually keep the food I eat in my stomach. Sippin lots of water
My kitties are great! On a small foster break so no babies right now, but my boys are good. Silly goobers that makes me smile daily

And trying to do fun things! I started reading Mistborn for the first time and enjoying it. I like Kelsier's "im here to cause problems on purpose" energy
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