#and no one gets them in skzflix the way i get them in skzflix
flum3n · 17 days
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lee minho and lee felix yongbok in skzflix
images from skzflix / unfair - unreleased felix solo song / limbo - lee know / ilomilo - billie eilish / baby came home 2 - the neighbourhood
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kangaracha · 7 months
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pairing chan x reader
genre ninth member au, enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, coming of age, social media, cancel culture, anxiety, depression, forbidden love,
summary To JYPE, the solution is simple; take the sole trainee that will not debut with your brand new girl group, and use her to replace the missing vocalist in your male group that insisted on starting as nine.
Unfortunately, to the fans and the members themselves, it isn't that simple.
status ongoing
taglist OPEN
a/n getting kicked out my house this week, got a new job, blah de blah. here's a chapter. oh, and a shameless self promotion, go read my skzflix fic leave? pretty please? it aint my finest work but i promise it's good?
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The door is already open when you arrive, inviting you inside. Like someone had known exactly when you'd gotten in the elevator, or sensed the moment you stepped foot in their hallway. Or this was just how they lived, the door open to invite each other in and out, though that didn't seem likely. You shut it behind you when you enter anyway, the creak and slam of the heavy door loud enough to alert the occupants of the apartment to your presence.
The sound of Changbin shouting over someone follows, drowning out the noise of the door. Everything is normal, then. 
The short hall by the front door is empty except for a pile of scattered shoes - you add yours to the line as you pass through, glimpsing a group of the boys sitting on a couch at the other end. It feels weird to stand there and see them at the other end, the way they've been for years before you came; your empty hands feel awkward, and your feet are too soft against their floorboards, and the closer you get, the more rowdy they become, their eyes so fixed to some game they're playing on the TV that they don't even notice you slipping into the room. You pause for a moment, listening to them howl as their game characters slip off the screen, and then continue on your way to the kitchen, your fingers twisting together restlessly before you.
Chan and Minho are there, sequestered away from the chaos erupting in the other room while they move between the benchtop and the stove, avoiding each other in a way that seems practised. The air is filled with the smell of food cooking, the steam rising from the bubbling pot on the stove warming the air in the small kitchen. Chan turns as he sees you out of the corner of his eye, smiles, and then points back towards the other boys.
"Out," he says, in a voice that brooks no argument; and you'd almost think that you'd broken some rule, except for the grin that eats at his face, amused at himself without even trying.
You stop in the doorway, hovering between the two groups. "I was just going to see if you needed any help," you say.
"Nope," he answers. "You're not allowed in here. Go and sit down."
You pull a face, one that must be funny if Minho glances away, a smile struggling to break through the blank face he's trying to pull. "I already physically kicked Felix out of here," Chan adds, a wooden spoon brandished in the air in warning. "I'll do it to you too."
Your hands come up, your feet backing out of the doorway, and yet, you can't help but laugh. You're feeling...relaxed, here, in a way you haven't since leaving Midnight those two months ago. Maybe it's because you'd spent those months grinding away at what seemed like an insurmountable hill of work, maybe because in the last week, the days that had passed since you'd walked home with Han and Chan, things had suddenly become easier within this group. The reason doesn't matter, you suppose, only that you know now that he's joking, and that it's something you can laugh at. That he's included you in the same joke he's used on Felix.
"Hey, hey, hey," a voice says behind you. "Watch where you're going. You have enough trouble walking forwards."
You turn on your heel, already rolling your eyes at the shit-eating grin on Seungmin's face. Funny, how easy it  to fall into cameraderie with him once you've broken the ice between you; only a day ago, it'd still felt like you weren't much more than acquaintances, until you'd made the decision to fall over on the way to their shared vocal lesson, the only thing Seungmin had ever reached out to offer to you.
Well, made the decision is a stretch. Falling over is too. You'd only stumbled over the sidewalk, and you certainly hadn't planned to make a fool of yourself. Maybe the story that Seungmin was selling was so convincing it was starting to affect your memory. He wasn't mean about it at least, for all that he was known to pretend to be mean when the opportunity arose; if anything, the last few hours of him spreading increasingly wild tales and the others relaying them back to you had been fun. Something different than the usual grind of your days, a joke that might stick around longer than the few minutes in which it's being laughed at.
In this moment, you stand up a little bit straighter and hope that your cheeks don't turn red. "I'm great at walking," you posture, and then struggle not to laugh at how preposturous you sound, your lips fighting against you as they curve into a smile. Something to work on, maybe, if you wanted to compete with his and Minho's deadpan humour. 
"Except for the part where you hit the concrete," Seungmin says, unaffected by the way your eyes crease and your mouth splits in two. "Then you're really bad at walking."
"I tripped," you insist, and you move forward as if to slide past him to get to the couch that the others sit on. He falls in beside you without hesitation rather than letting you pass by, a ghost at your side. "I wasn't even close to falling."
"Everyone says that you fell though," Seungmin insists. "You think everyone would lie?"
"I think you would lie when you told everyone else the story."
Grinning, Seungmin strides out in front of you, leading the way around the couch so that he can stand right in front of the TV. "Move up," he tells Felix, who sits at the end of the couch, neck craned to watch the game the others are playing around Seungmin. 
His eyes slide from Seungmin to you, trying your best to stay out of the way despite having been dragged into mischief. "Y/N," he says, shifting over and patting the seat next to him. "You wanna sit here?"
A smile spreads out across your face. "I do," you reply, and slide past Seungmin to fit yourself in the small space he manages to make beside him. "Thanks."
"You said you would save my seat," Seungmin says, pointing a finger at Felix, who waves him out of the way. He sits on the arm of the chair instead, balancing precariously as he pulls out his phone.
"They kicked you out of the kitchen as well?" Felix asks sympathetically, one eye on the TV and the other on you.
You nod. "I was just going to see if they needed help."
"Yeah," Felix sighs. "I'm not even bad at cooking."
"I'm banned from the knives," Seungmin puts in without looking up.
You glance at him, staring intently at his phone. "Why isn't that surprising?" you question.
"Because he's Seungmin," Felix puts in. "Same way I know he's lying about seeing you fall over."
Seungmin sighs. "I didn't fall," you say, before he can decide which lie to seed this time. "I tripped. I didn't fall."
"It's no fun if none of you believe me," Seungmin grouses.
The game on the TV finishes with a fanfare that fills the whole room, drowned out only by the racous cries of cheating from the boys playing it. The sound makes you wince, leaning away from them; Felix's hands come up to cover his ears, his cry for help also disappearing under the noise they make. You wouldn't be surprised if the neighbours were doing the same thing, or marching towards their door with pitchforks in hand. How do they even have neighbours, when they're capable of noise like that?
"They're going to get complaints again," Seungmin says, like he'd been reading your mind. 
"Hey, hey! Hey!" a voice calls over the noise, and you turn in unison to see Chan's head poking out of the door, the wooden spoon waving in his hand once again. "No yelling!"
"I'd say he looks like he's our dad, but he just kind of looks unhinged," Felix comments, only his eyes and the blonde hair that tufts up on top of his head peeking up over the back of the couch. The rest of him has slid down out of Chan's sight, like if he hides, he won't get caught up in whatever trouble the others are causing.
"He looks like my grandfather," Seungmin adds as the older boy disappears, making no effort to hide at all. "He was crazy too."
Felix grins, wild and wolfish. "He just keeps getting older."
"It's so sad he's going to die so soon," Seungmin agrees.
The noise dies down, the game switched back to a more neutral home screen as boys wander off this way and that. Felix shifts over, enough that you can give Seungmin a space on the couch - you think, for a moment, about making him go around to the other side, but Changbin is still sitting there, looking peacefully unbothered by whatever chaos Seungmin is surely capable of unleashing and it's much easier to just shift over and let him slump down in the corner than to set him off. It disturbs Changbin anyway, somehow; as Seungmin sits down, he sits up straight, leaning around Felix to look at you.
"Hey, Y/N," he says, drawing your attention over to him. "Where were you this morning? I didn't see you in the practise rooms."
"She left the room?" Felix questions, turning to stare at you like such a thing is unheard of.
"I was there for three hours," Changbin confirms, "and I didn't see her at all."
"I was tired," you say, trying to ignore the feeling of your cheeks turning red, "so I slept in. And I left the room twice today, actually. I went to a vocal lesson with him."
Seungmin nods as your thumb jabs towards him. "She won't be dancing tomorrow either. She fell over on the concrete."
You don't even think twice about reaching over to push him off the couch. It catches him so off-guard that he actually does fall, sliding right onto the carpet and staring up at you in disbelief. The other boys howl with laughter, loud enough that you glance back at the kitchen door to check if Chan is coming back.
"I'm glad you took the morning off," Felix says warmly, ignoring whatever Seungmin mutters under his breath as he drags himself up off the floor. "We've all been worried about you."
"So I've been told," you say. "I promise, I know what I'm doing."
"I trust you," Felix says, and there's a glint in his eye that says he's telling the truth. It warms you to your core, just as sitting here surrounded by these boys does, and the sound of Minho's voice calling for Seungmin from the kitchen. It's nice, to come into the middle of their group away from the stage or the dance floor and feel like you're just in the midst of friends, somewhere where you belong. It's nice to see how they live. You hadn't let yourself see this before, too tied down to practise and the dream they've achieved that you're still chasing.
"Seungmin-ah! Come and help!" Minho calls again, and then he can be seen at the door, waiting with an unnerving kind of patience. You're not sure if the smile on his face is supposed to be encouraging or threatening, and you don't really want to find out; mostly, you're just kind of glad that he's not calling for you.
Seungmin isn't bothered by it, dragging himself off the couch with a sigh that reverberates through the room. "Coming, old man," he calls across the room, and ignores the double take that Felix does beside you, his eyes growing wide. 
"Ai-e," Changbin says, the sound whistling through his teeth. "Is he crazy?"
"You want to go in the oven?" Minho questions as Seungmin crosses the room.
"You'd have to get me in it first," Seungmin says, and then yelps as Minho's arm wraps around his neck, dragging him into the kitchen in a headlock. 
"He's going to die," Felix says gleefully. 
"Winning the bet was not worth it," you agree, your eyes still on the empty doorway to the kitchen. No one emerges except Chan, holding a pot of whatever they've cooked for dinner and looking disturbingly peaceful despite the chaos he has just left behind.
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@kokinu09 @rainfallingfromthesky @lixie-phoria @mysweethannie @chlodavids @hanniemylovelyquokka @tfshouldidohere @lauraliisa @puppysmileseungmin @kalopsian-thoughts @puppy-minnie @readerofallthingss @dvbkie099 @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @acker-night @d-chagi @lynlyndoll @borahae-reads @ihrtlix @yienmarkk @minhwa @i2innie @jinnie-ret @conwunder @amesification @starssongs98 @weirdhumanbeinglol @morinuu @the-weird-mold-in-the-sink @bokkiesplace @amyyscorner @jiisungllvr @skzstaykatsy @blackhairandbangs @jungkookies1002 @hyuuukais @imsiriuslyreal @thatonedemigodfromseoul @gini143 @mercurywritesstuff @splat00z @filmbypsh @palindrome969 @crabrangoongirl25 @enzos-shit @jabmastersupriseee @kayleefriedchicken @slutfortits @duhgurl @cheshireshiya @worcesheshestershiresauce @defnotfertilizedtoesw @rensahazard @greyyeti
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cosmicalily · 11 months
stray kids rockstar review!!!!
1. blind spot - okay yk pls this is in the best possible nostalgic way but it sounds like it's part of the lego movie soundtrack go listen if you don't believe me ABD THATS A GOOD THING!!!! this song just SWALLOWED ME ALIVE oh my gosh it reminds me of retro jpop and also 2000s teen movies and maybe that's why i was like obsessed? the vocals and the CHORUS oh my gosh it just was everything i wanted and yes this was the one i pressed on first when the album came out bc i have been WAITING FOR HER
2. lalalala - NEED I SAY MORE??? this was everything and more for a title track oh my gosh. i was a bit skeptical when they announced the name bc it sounded like it might be a bit too repetitive but NOPE OH MY GOSH IT ATE THIS WAS INCREDIBLE also felix finally being able to swear made my aussie heart proud 🥹🥹 the choreography too though oh my and i LOVED that the chorus was done by the people who don't often do the chorus?? does that make sense?? also it's a longer song which is a win bc why is every title track under 3mins now like wtf
3. comflex - IM LITERALLY CRYING DID JYP PERMIT THEM TO RELEASE UNCENSORED SONGS 😭😭😭😭 i love me a rap song with some insane vocals though hgdafg it's giving very 5 star but also i see why it fits in this album and im here for it
4. megaverse - look this is TITLE TRACK MATERIAL it's like the banger b side that could've been a whole comeback of its own (im looking at you charmer, item, get lit and domino) the only thing i didn't like was their promotion style this time like y'all did NOT just spoil two of your songs before releasing the album like when i know songs in the album/songs repeat in the album it basically makes me think minus those songs so this album was really only 4 songs for me since every other song i already knew/is a variation of another anyway other than that it slaps but would've slapped harder if it was a first time listen
5. cover me - SEUNGMIN YOUR VOCALS AT THE END HAD ME GASPING FOR AIR SHSHUAHSHHSHA stunning and stunninger its a bit like stars and raindrops's emo older brother shhshs this fit skzflix SO WELL THOUGH
6. leave - same as megaverse if it was a first time listen it just wouldve hit that tiny bit harder but still in love with it!! it's the chill sad love song that every skz album needs fr the new brother of collision, chill and mixtape oh
7. social path - we already knew her but she still did well as always! i mean its hard to fuck up this song but it's not hard to fuck up my brain like girl i really went and understood it in japanese and now she's re released in a different language and im gonna be confused af whenever this version plays 😭 I WILL SAY THOUGH social path definitely fits this album better than the japanese one like it's a lot more rocky whilst social path + super bowl felt a bit like an awkward combination and then butterflies was fr just hanging in there 😭
8. lalalala rock ver - still good but i prefer the other one, it'll probably grow on me though!!! why is this giving when txt released an emocore version of 0x1=lovesong 😭😭
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huiracha · 9 months
every month of 2023 😸
i was tagged by @seungs & @euijin 🫶 tagging @seo-changbinnies, @wahgifs & @hyunsung i think everyone has been tagged at this point so im sorry if im tagging u again 🥹
popular - lee know just looking pretty? i get it though. men and their big brown eyes am i right
favorite - this seungmin set. i just love the outfit and also. he looks pretty
popular - lee know and his pudding. its the face he makes in the second gif that really get me
favorite - same as the popular one cause i only made 2 sets in feb lmfao 😭
popular - lee know selca taking skills. omg why did he stop doing that. it was fun
favorite - probably this jisung set? didnt gif a lot that month either 🤥
popular - barefaced lix 😻 deserved he looks so cute and i really like how these turned out too 😽
favorite - lee know gods menu fancam!!! probably one of my favorite set of the year. i really like how sharp/hd they look. i think it the month i stopped using offset so the colours look way better overall imo 👍
popular - jisung in the 5-star intro. it was such a pain to colour but! i do agree with everyone. its a good look
favorite - its a tie between this dlc set and this hyunjin + lee know set i really love how the blues look
popular - felix ending fairy!!! love these so much. the blues and the reds 🫶
favorite - ok i cant only choose one cause i giffed a lot in june so: 1. this one seungmins little n-nah... yeah! :D just kills me every time 2. fnf i just love the vibe of this set. it just feels warm 3. this hyunjin facecam. again i just love reds in gifs 👍
popular - hyunjin youtube live stop i wish they would still go live on youtube. he looks so cute
favorite - minlix 🫶 im minlix biggest fan. i love them so much
popular - this hyunjin ig live. the amount of notes for these 4 lq gifs is kind crazy but then again. he looks like that so its like yeah i get it
favorite - hyunjin kcon!! i like all my kcon sets but this one particularly is pretty good. he really had good shots
popular - hyunjin skz code. u guys are so right. the bun, the strands of hair, the earrings. hes everything
favorite - hyunjin ig live. i just love everything about this specific look. hes so pretty im gonna be SICK
popular - cozy jisung 🥹 yeah... again, i get it
favorite - i really like this megaverse set!! felix especially looks amazing
popular - this jeongin set?? how did it get so many notes its crazy. but he looks so good so. deserved ❤️
favorite - i looove how this skzflix set turned out 🫶 also! this ot8 lalalala set. the pinks are so good 😁
popular - MINCHAN!!!!! deserved i love them. they mean everything TO ME
favorite - (for now) felix is just so fucking funny without even trying 😭
anyway. thank you to everyone who ever interacted with my stuff, it means a lot and i really appreciate every single one of you. heres to 2024! (with skz europe tour hopefully) 🫡
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hermioneismyrealname · 11 months
Here’s my skzflix theory as a relic stay, I don’t know the damn name of what type of stay. Im the bitch who listened to 42 from 3racha from back in the day and decided to stick with them.
1st. Lino died.
That’s a fact. This is from the B Me (non-existent) mv. Lino? Yeah, that dude is dead. Fight with Hyunjin after On Track. In that universe, he is dead. This I believe is the beginning of Felix's turmoil. This is the start of all the universe jumping.
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2nd. Resolving conflict.
Felix wishes for nothing more than for them to get back together. This we see in OH. Perhaps OH is the in-between universe. This is where they fought but nobody died, but no one is together.
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Felix begins to wish for nothing more than for them to be together.
Going back to B Me and see what the conflict was. He was examining the tape.
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He fixes another universe but this time he doesn’t exist and the fight between Hyunjin and Lino doesn’t happen. I.N.makes sure Hyunjin’s place is in production but Felix replaces Lino in life (skz album for B me). At the end we see Felix where Lino started but also linking I.N. from B Me.
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3rd the constants.
The constants are Han, Chan, Seungmin and Changbin.
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This is intentional. Roles might be slightly different but they are there from the start of the production and more or less have the same amount of importance as before. We see Chan holding the boom stick.
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We see Seungmin writing.
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We see Changbin with effects.
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We see Han with papers, directing
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and most importantly, running. We see Han constantly chasing Lino in a sense.
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Why? I don’t know. Cant be bothered at this point? Nuanced romance? Hah, I don’t trust JYPe but I wouldn’t put it past SKZ for giving the fans what they want. Am I aware of minsung? Of course I am. Been here since the tempo pacing hand holding 1st elimination survival show bullshit. Am I going to touch the subject? Yeah. They have their own private life and if they wrote that script like that, good writing on them. None of my fucking business or anyone else's. “I’ll find you in every lifetime.” my ass.
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Seriously though, the heck? I'm not homophobic. I'm just chronically single. I'm just felix here.
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We also have bus.
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Back on topic. The other constant is Felix making sure Lino is in the production. In a way, this is his send off. “Leave” the title of the short film and I think it will be the final installment of this universe, hence the "leave" MV. Im betting on it being the short film they made.
He walks Lino down the path were Han would spot him.
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Even then, the focus is on Lino and a blurry Felix.
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By the end of the shoot, Felix is almost out of shot.
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Lino was in the story Felix lived. “I have to go back.” Jeongin says and Felix does.
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The cake.
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The cake is the most simple thing. Call it catalyst or call it a cake. It the constant that links the universe and created the bridge in the first place. It’s a simple wish that both I.N. and Felix make. I.N. doesn’t want to be left out, Astronaut, and Felix was them all together. I.N. was left alone at the end of Astronaut.
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Their wishes happen to coincide. This may be a stretch but in Scars, I.N. watches a star shoot across the sky.
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Their wishes are parallel.
4th maintenance
I.N. is wearing Lino’s leather jacket. He is the cool guy in this one. They end it in a theater instead of a drive in cinema. They bring cake together instead of Felix alone. The setting. B Me had a lot of concrete but SKZflix has a lot of greens.
5th basketball.
The heck do I know about basketball. All I know is that there are two hoops and SKZ are not the tallest. Is this heightist? For sure but warmth I guess. Basketball was in On Track, B Me, OH and now SKZFlix.
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6th. My final point in my skzuniverse theory.
The universe affected is in this order,
Grow Up - On track - B me – Oh – SKZFlix - Leave
How it is affected?
Well remember in district 9, it almost felt like SKZ were in a lab. Especially in their “I am not” era. This was only solidified in their “Yellow wood” with side effects and voices. Perhaps, I.N. and Felix are the result of this experiment. They can alter and travel universes. So HOW the universes change are via these MVs;
Levanter (step out of cle).
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Astronaut (owners of cle).
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Why did I add Cheese? Remember I.N. tied up?
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Yeah he might have gone a little bit loco and needed Felix to reel him back in again. DLC is where Felix brings I.N. back to sanity and safety. In paris? Meh.
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There were also hints in Venom where Lino was seen as two different people. One in the broken mirror and another walking away. Felix and I.N. are also playing chess.
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Another one would be in Lonely St. were Lino is the only one that wakes up and where Felix aims the gun at his shadow.
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What about "the view"? Ah that is both Felix's and I.N. dream. It is their ultimate goal but it is also a dream. There were a lot of similarities and parallel scene between blueprint and the view. This is because Felix and I.N. have their blueprint, the members, in order to build the(ir perfect) "view".
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if jype realizes this is the entire skz universe in a nutshell i might get all my social media revoked. hah, thanks tumblr isnt a real social medai. ahahahahahah.
Any additions or rebuttals are welcome but not always entertained. too tired to look at reblogs. Goodnight.
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cinhomi · 11 months
HI RORA I sent you an ask yesterday about how apparently my ask did not get eaten, just my notifs cause i have your notifs on and tumblr never sent the notif about the ask that got answered-
and then tumblr ate that ask. how ironic.
anyways yes! I am so sorry that I've been inactive sending asks, I got a nasty cough and have been coughing my lungs out for the past few days 💀 it's much better now tho! hope uni has been treating you well (on the other hand here uni can eat my ass-)
yeah small update on moot guy: well a few days ago he said that he'd be occasionally online if he had time to reply to me, and then today he sent me this really long message about how he'd be helping out with his prof and his prof would teach him stuff, so he'd be really busy and he was sorry that he'd be leaving me with nothing. said he'd be thinking of me a ton no matter what. I sent a really short answer bc I wasn't sure what to say. he apologized again and said he was sorry and please don't be mad...I think he's having a panic attack as he posted on his blog. 💀💀 I love him and I wish this isn't ending this way but god if this shit isn't tiring atop my already very loaded plate. at the end, I'm a girlie who believes firmly in equal standing, so there's no point if he'll be gone, I guess. if he won't reach out, then I won't come back.
anyways, enough sad updates here! (skzflix broke my goddamn heart) aside from skz, who's your favourite musical artist? I'm curious 👀
- titracha nonnie :3 (literally copying this ask rn in case tumblr eats it again 😩) (second time sending this ask help)
hi sweetie! I did imagine you sent something but it disappeared again, happy to receive your asks again and to know that you're doing better now 😊 and yeah, I got this one twice but it happens often, don't know why! tomorrow I'll take a day to stay home and work on some projects so hmm it's kicking me hard and it hurts but I'll get through it in a way or another :)
I understand caring about someone and all but we all have limits. you're right and you have to treat yourself like you deserve and yes, we have to respect others but when things get to the point where we are stressed/sad/anxious because of a situation we're in it's time to slow down or stop. it's exacly what you said at the end, "if he won't reach out, then I won't come back" you got straight to the point. I'm sorry this is happening... I already said that I've been in the same situation (more or less, maybe a bit more intricate) and it's a saddening experience. hope you'll be good soon.
skzflix was devastating and I could talk about it endlessly because I love skz lore sm, with all the theories and stuff!!
and you know who makes these things too? Twenty Øne Piløts, my favorite band of all times! been a fan since 2016 and no one could ever take their place... they literally saved my life.
but I listen to all genres of music so I have a pretty long list of artists I like... I generally prefer death metal (yeah I'm serious I'm a metalhead lol), visual-kei, and all that hard/chaotic music. it's actually a very difficult question for me, always, so I generally send my spotify account to people to make them understand a bit!
if I really have to choose someone beside TØP it's Diaura, another band. I can't list anyone else or I'd feel guilty and want to say everyone... take a look at my playlists if you'd like, or at my followings!
if you want to know for k-pop, beside SKZ being my ult group I love BTS, NCT (all units) and recently Ateez too... I'm back from a long break so yeah, I'm starting to know them just now haha (as for girl groups I don't like them too much but I enjoy (G)-Idle and LESSERAFIM a lot). fav korean solist rappers are BewhY, Villain and Gwangil Jo!
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jinniebit · 2 years
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I honestly have no words…. Wow… when I hit 1.5k @yyukhei told me I was going to hit 2k by the end of the year and I was like.. there’s no way this is going to happen, maybe, if that ever happens, that would’ve happen next year… but well here we are… only a few months later…
Seriously.. I don’t know how to thank you guys! Who would’ve thought that just in a spare of 3 months I’d be doing 3 follow forever posts or even, making and planning so many moodboard series and receiving so much love on them.... I really don’t deserve you guys TT
And as promise.. to thank you guys for all this love I’ll be starting the new series - SKZ’s PERFECT DATE - Next week! (just one lil message before we start... this time I’ll be posting a moodboard a week or maybe two each week because august is still chaotic kk)
@agibbangs 𓇬 @agibbang-s 𓇬 @ambivartence 𓇬 @bangzchan 𓇬 @binsuns 𓇬 @babychicklix 𓇬 @chanstopher 𓇬 @changbeens 𓇬 @cherry-heartss 𓇬 @chrswolfie 𓇬 @chogiwow 𓇬 @followmylane 𓇬 @g-hyeon 𓇬 @hanjisungz 𓇬 @hanjesungs 𓇬 @hoeranghaee 𓇬 @hyunfelix 𓇬 @hyunjinz 𓇬 @hyunchanz 𓇬 @jisungs 𓇬 @jinhyun 𓇬 @joshuas 𓇬 @leech4ns 𓇬 @lee--felix 𓇬 @lovenee 𓇬 @leenow 𓇬 @minzbins 𓇬 @mochiidumpling 𓇬 @serenityboo 𓇬 @piixielix 𓇬 @quokki 𓇬 @sannie-hannie 𓇬 @skz-films 𓇬 @skzflix 𓇬 @seonghwaminho 𓇬 @seungrachas 𓇬 @song-mingi 𓇬 @soonhoonsol 𓇬 @woofchan 𓇬 @xuseokgyu 𓇬 @yonglixx 𓇬 @yyukhei  
My lovely moots! I love you all so much thank you for making me so happy here! 
Also to my new (and old) moots if you still haven’t answered this form pls do so I can get to know you all a lil more (I swear it doesn’t take long haha)
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neo-shitty · 4 years
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checkmate — an ot8 stray kids mafia!au
description. in which a group of friends play a realistic game of mafia where it’s all fun in games until one of them goes missing.
pairings. han jisung x female!reader, bang chan x byun taehee (oc), seo changbin x jeon saeyeon (oc)
genre. mystery, thriller. 
warnings. swearing, character deaths (nothing too graphic)
word count. 19k
tags and other notes. i finished writing this fic way back in november but i was torn between chopping this fic into chapters (the way it was written) or posting it the way it appears in my google docs (as one long ass file). i have finally reached the decision (with the help of a few people from kpopscape, ily) to settle with the latter.
i hope you’ll enjoy reading this as much as i had enjoyed conceptualizing it in the shower 2 months ago.
tags: @skzflix , i’m not sure if you remember me talking about a jisung fic a few months ago (or if you even remember me at all) but here it is. finally free from my google docs.
let me know if anyone wants to be tagged when i finally drop this. :)
to be posted on. january 23, 00:00 KST.
about checkmate. Here are a few things you need to know about this AU before proceeding: Stray Kids and the three other characters (you and the two other OCs) are in one big friend group and are in the same graduating class. And because they’re all from the same batch, I’ve aged down Chan and Lee Know to ‘99. Hence, the ‘99s are Chan, Minho, Changbin and Taehee (OC), the ‘00s are Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin and you, and the ‘01s are Jeongin and Saeyeon.
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High school had always seemed like a grey area in life. Maybe it was because of the sweet mix of innocence and corruption in the minds of everyone you got to interact with that made it seem like it was neutral. The halls were littered with people with various upbringings and influences of their own. No one was either good or bad yet—there was no way to tell which among you would make it in life or not. Just a bunch of angsty young adults torn between being worried with what the future held and making the most of the present.
In high school, people were bound to make friends that either lasted until graduation or the remainder of their respective lifetimes. There was no way to tell where their lots belonged but sometimes they wished it belonged in the latter. It had only been you and the two other girls until the eight boys took you under their wing in sophomore year—an unspoken rule the boys had with people who sat at the back row along with them. 
2 school years and a shit ton of bickering later, you were all inseparable whenever together. God help the teachers that had all 11 of you in the same class together throughout high school. Thankfully, this academic year, it only happened once a week and all you could do was wish your homeroom teacher well.
The crew met at lunch everyday, another unspoken rule that was never decided but followed throughout the entirety of your high school days. It was impressive how two whole lunch tables were vacated the day Hyunjin cracked a height joke to Changbin which sparked a food fight in the middle of junior year. After that day, the whole gang set out to search for a new spot to eat lunch because according to Chan, staying together weighed more than eating conveniently at the cafeteria. Some of the kids disagreed with it but no one ever bothered to be vocal about it. 
And this is how you all ended up eating lunch on the bleachers of the school gym for the remaining two years of high school.
Eating in the gym meant that you didn’t have to compete with the voices of the preps from the other table or the lunch lady whose patience had worn thin from the lunch rush. Which also meant that you didn’t have to keep your voices down whenever you played Mafia. The game never failed to be entertaining despite being played for roughly two years now. Anyone in the crew could even say they’d improved their own deducing skills as they cracked down the Mafia more easily with every round played.
All of you except Jisung anyway, who either got voted out of suspicion for being the Mafia or being killed by the Mafia themselves. 
So when Lee Minho walks into the gym one day with a tempting offer in hand, Jisung is the first to say yes.
The hoverboard Minho is riding halts right by the bleachers before he picks it up. The other boys stop their game of basketball and gather round. Hoverboard in one hand and flyer in the other, he raises it up for everyone to see.
“What do you guys think?” he asks, watching everyone’s eyes skim over the flyer he’d picked up from the school bulletin board.
“I think it’s a great idea.”
“I think it’s pretty stupid.”
The voices come in unison, creating a rift in the decision of the crew in an instant. A bubble of laughter escapes out of one person's lips and the others follow. Jisung stands up from his seat on the bleachers, eyeing the smirking purple haired boy who was staring right back at him.
When the laughter dies down he finally speaks, “Do you have a problem?”
“What’s the point?” Seungmin answers, “You always lose anyway.”
Laughter fills the empty hall again, echoing off the walls in a seemingly mocking way that makes Jisung ball his fists. Chan purses his lips in annoyance, tracing the creases on his forehead before standing up to stall the fight threatening to happen at any given moment.
You watch as the tension between the two 00’s intensifies. When you catch a glimpse of Chan’s stressed face, you take it upon yourself to reign Jisung down. “Jisung, just sit down please.”
“Oh,” he turns to you, eyes wide in disbelief, “so you’re siding with them too? Fine.”
You wanted to argue but it’d only cause more ruckus. At least, even when he had his back turned to you, Jisung obliged to sit down. You let out a sigh and leave him alone.
Chan jumps down from the bleachers before taking the flyer from Minho, “If it isn’t clear to any of you yet, the flyer offers the most realistic Mafia game ever. All free. We just need to give them our names, show up at the address and we play.”
“Seems sketchy,” Taehee remarks.
“You doubt everything,” Changbin rebuts, to which the girl just shrugs.
Jeongin jumps down from the bleachers, taking the flyer from Chan to read it for himself. He turns to the awaiting crowd before him, “What could go wrong? It was posted on the school bulletin board after all.” Chan points in agreement before turning to see the reactions of the rest of the people there.
“It’s just a game of Mafia,” Felix finally says, “and we’re graduating so we might not get this opportunity again.”
Jisung finally turns around and faces everyone else, “I know right. I feel like this is going to be the best idea ever.”
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exocean · 4 years
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works
i was tagged by @softxingdae thank you ivonne!! 🥰🥰🥰
minho’s birthday set - ahh this one is dear to me heart i remember that i had this idea in my head for him for days before making this. it took a really long time trying to make it look how i intended it but i ended up loving it with the oranges and cat doodles! also it was just fun to watch a bunch of skz talker and his vlogs to figure out the menu card. 
blueprint changbin - aside from the fact that i consider blueprint to be one of my favourite songs and videos i also just really like how this set turned out. the blues and yellow really suit him so well and idk i just like it!
goodluck post for suho - junmyeon’s solo album really was my main creative drive the first half of this year. him including so much art in his music made me want to try things out and make whatever i felt like. i know this set is really simple but looking at it makes me smile, its so bright and reminds me of why im such a big fan of him lkjhgfd idk
seungmin/changbin that’s okay - i think everyone knows that i am a massive fan of that’s okay and having the two of them sing it so often made me so happy! so this post was 1000% self-indulgent, but i also had never made a set like this before or use colours like these so that was fun! 
minseok with flowers - i mean whats a post by me without my main man? also just what’s not to love, flowers and minseok! i like how clean this turned out, feels fresh? or something. 
also let me just this year was a year full of growth and discovery for me, creative wise. i tried out a bunch of things and made everything with the only intention of just wanting to make it! also i thank suho for getting me back into painting which helped in a way for content of here too! 
im tagging @seo-changbinnies​ @kyeomshine​ @seungminhos​ @monunivers​ @yixing-zhang​ @hongseokkie​​ @jaemtens​​ @skzflix of course only if you want to!! 💖💞
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