#and my grandma. that narcissistic bitch
gulaabjamoon · 7 months
my parents are so against divorces it baffles me honestly
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nurbrotheadfull · 1 year
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I rushed so hard to finish it before having to go to school
Anyways, did anyone else’s religious family have some weird hatred for yoga?? Mine always told me it’s the work of the devil or some shit
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bananasfostergrants · 2 years
Absolutely hate it when shitty people Have Talents
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lyceana · 3 months
I felt true, visceral fear today after I returned from work and discovered that my Huion monitor tablet wouldn't connect to my laptop. I knew that bitch was all powered up and screaming but blue-balling me with only pitch-black darkness.
I shut off and restarted my laptop 5 fucking times, rammed the usb cables in and out of my laptop's usb ports, in and out... I never thought that an expensive device - wasted for just watching funny cat videos and enabling me to draw the shapely but scaly butt of Voldemort - could be violated. Learned a life lesson here: any hole can be stuffed, you just need some imagination y'all.
Fuck tentacles, ugly men & weird-ass creatures with gigantic horse dicks - give me sub laptops/pcs getting dominated by their puny usb cable daddies!
I digress. So, I turned on my 2nd laptop which is on life-support - it never asked to be an accessory to producing hardcore incest material between Tom and his hot daddy Riddle sr, btw. But, like come on! What's better than one hot, mentally maladjusted Tom Riddle? Two of course! Think about the delicious angst, the hurt/comfort, the abandonment issues, the forbidden attraction, uugh...
Why are there so few tomcest (sr) fics? It's unfair, I'm fucking starving, eh. I mean, Riddle sr is the goddamn blueprint for gratuitously hot Voldemort! Where's pathetic, blushy, snot-nosed and puffy-eyed Tom Riddle sr??? The internet lied to me! I thought you only needed two hot dudes who didn't even have to meet each other to make sweet, sweet looove to each other... there's even incest and murder for extra seasoning!
I'm begging the ao3 wordsmith gods who kin Tom Riddle/Voldemort to open their hearts to Tomcest sr T_T) We all love pathetic men in tears and Voldemort would never allow himself to show such vulnerability but that's what we have his da for... Voldy could vicariously experience such a display of helplessness through Riddle sr! And tbh, I seriously need more beautiful works of art featuring my favourite basket case twink (dub-) non-con-ing his papa into some father/son bonding. I'm going cold turkey here!
I digress again. So, I plugged my Huion into my 2nd laptop and behold! That fucker finally connected and mirrored the laptop display, thank fucking god! Little shit was playing hard to get but it still lives! Whoop, whoop!
Thank Voldy's perky ass, I wasn't forced to make a human connection with an underpaid yet bored employee at the Huion support centre. I had that tablet for 4 years and we experienced the deepest depths of human depravity together - I cried bitter tears, cursed it for reflecting my shitty art skills - my inability to draw hot men bedtime wrestling. But, we also experienced joy together when I succeeded. That fucker made me feel like an art god when it reflected how I envisioned the smut to be. I'm not ready to end this toxic relationship, I thought I'd be.
I was all 'yeah, I'm sooo stage 4 already! I only need the Huion employee to gaslight me into buying their newest, shiny model to reach stage 5!' I'm 30, a grandma according to annoying (affectionate) internet youngsters. My body can't handle eating only instant ramen for 4 months anymore. My roaring 20s are a bygone era and for once I choose to practice some self-care, to love myself even!
For once, I was about to make an adult decision and... wait. To save up the money - to accept that I'll be a temporary full-time traditional wannabe weird-ass hentai artist with a shitty phone camera... but thank god I don't have to! My beloved tablet still works and I can be a part-time traditional but mainly digital wannabe weird-ass hentai artist with a shitty phone camera! Yeah, this is how my day went. Love y'all ~ mwaaah
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Shameless self-promo plug but I think you should at least look at the smut scenes to see the appeal of tomcest (sr)~ I also need some validation for providing my tears as lube for their narcissistic coupling You can read Philautia here: AO3
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strainedgeek · 1 month
I sound overly aggressive, verbally. it keeps getting me in trouble with basically everyone, other than my fiance. I don't know how to regulate it; I sound annoyed because I find talking to anyone a fucking annoyance, and I only ever try to be gentle with my boyfriend.
I don't really give a shit about what anyone other than him really thinks of me, I suppose. I just get actually angry when, after hearing how I always sound, someone decides to sound angry themselves and bicker with me.
I understand the irony of this, believe me. If I don't like hearing people snap at me, I should be more mindful of how I sound myself, and not snap at them.
The fun thing is, I don't know how to regulate how I sound. I'm legitimately mentally retarded.
I don't really know how to change. then again, I wonder if it's me that should change, or everyone else. again, I understand that is extremely narcissistic, and I should not be that way.
in the end, I am aware of everything I do and cause to happen, and am aware that changes need to happen. despite all that, I am unable to change, as in I struggle understanding what I can do to try to change, and do this shit without stopping to consider anyone else's feelings.
this is brought to you by today I felt guilty for having accidentally snapped at my mother during a conversation we had in the car, which made me wonder how often I had been snapping at her.
I realized I sound like a complete piece of shit, and I guess I suck. I feel sorry for (some) of my relatives.
I am unwilling to change for the sake of the relative I live with, because I absolutely fucking hate him. I wish he'd fucking die. he has fucked me up in more than one way, and I actually despise him.
how am I supposed to try to change myself while I have to co-exist with such a repugnant abusive creature. I think I will try my best to change for my grandma, not him. never him.
I will, however, do my best to tone down my anger, my replies, everything he is able to perceive. I will try to act calmly and try to keep in mind how I don't care about him, and he is not important enough to elicit a response from me with his actions
writing about things like this helps me gather my thoughts, and be able to think properly. it's too hard to think otherwise
I have also realized, from responses from my mother to me talking about how much I don't value the other half of my family, and mentioning I will cut them off in the future, that I'll have to cut her off as well. it'll be either that or giving her a final hard limit: I won't limit contact with you, as long as you never bring any of those bitches up again, around me.
this has helped. writing about it helps. I am more calm now
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thenickgirl · 4 months
Did i actually do something wrong, i came out to my grandma and she freaked out on me, saying i was attacking her because i was defending myself. I asked her what she thinks about pride because pride month is coming up and she says she doesn’t care what people do so I told her and she said your to young to know what you want you haven’t lived life yet. So I obviously defended myself saying how do you know what I am, and that she says she doesn’t care but if it’s in her blood line she freaks out. Then she called me a narcissist and walked off. So like did I do something wrong or is my grandma just a homophobic bitch. I also think I’m going to cut communication off when I older cause she’s been like this my whole life
you did nothing wrong, my love. you have every right to stand up for yourself even against family. i think it might just take some time for your grandma to come around. i wouldn’t say she’s homophobic just yet, it’s way easier to be accepting of something when you yourself don’t have to deal with it, but now that it’s hit close to home for her (as in you her grandchild being gay) she’s probably just overwhelmed so she freaked out on you. you did the right thing, i wouldn’t worry about it, she’ll be alright eventually. if she doesn’t, yeah cutting her off might be the best thing for your peace of mind, but hopefully you won’t have to. i’m so proud of you though for coming out and sticking up for yourself!! 🩷
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kudocat · 7 months
Ok- don't get me wrong and no offense to anyone whatsoever, but your grandmas a total asshole! Complaining about the smallest microscopic bits of dust and telling that your a total lazy bitch?! Now thats just too far like- way too far, and what your grandmas complainst are just total bullshit! If at any point i hear one more of your grandma shit talking the piss out of you with shit words, I'd beat her ass if I were there! If I were you I'd definitely feel the same thing.
As if now I think I'm feeling the same thing as you buddy...and please...don't try to kill yourself nor any bad things to yourself. This world ain't perfect without you and you know it. It's alright to cry, Crying is a normal human response to a whole range of emotions that has a number of health and social benefits, including pain relief and self-soothing effects. Try to talk to a therapist or friends/families for any of your problems. Maybe they can help with what your dealing with right now...
Try to keep yourself away from those kinds of bad stuff that your grandma tells you about, your already perfect, even if you say you aren't and try to keep yourself positive k?
Im not very good at comforting other people but hope this just helps...
Finally someone understands me![no offence has been taken, I honestly agree]
I told this to my friend and they laughed at my face and called me a narcissist. They said I was to sensitive and that someone out there was dealing with something worse than my situation. I stopped being friends with them since.
I've had worse experiences with my grandmothers. The older one is [Y] and the youngest one is [K].
Me and [K]'s relationship is shit! It was in the morning and she made us breakfast. It was Wheat-Bix™ and since it was a whole week eating it, I got sick of it. I told her that I did want Wheat-Bix™ and you know what she did… SHE THREW A SHOE RIGHT AT MY EYE! Ever since then, I had trouble seeing properly and got headaches whenever my eye hurts. I told my mother and she said that it would get better… THAT WAS 3 YEARS AGO!
Then there's [Y] and I fucking hate her!
Whenever [Y] heard that I did do my work, she would hit me in here office or Infront of the whole class! She once saw me on my phone instead of doing my work[I have a short attention span] and she was pissed. She said that if I continued this, I would become a poor drug dealer and that i would get raped. She said that nobody would care about me and that I would kill myself in the future. Then the next day she wants to act like it's all sunshine and rainbows… SHE SAID TO ME THAT SHE WAS PROTECTING ME AND THAT IT WAS A LECTURE!
Then there's my mental illness.
I suffer from ADHD and autism and my family members only think that I have ADD. I try and tell them but they just tell me "oh [TOMMIE], You don't have ADHD, stop being a clout chaser" or "this is just an excuse because you don't wanna do your homework".
Then there's my Grade 7 English teacher.
Whenever somebody where to talk in class he would say "Y'all must have ADHD because you guys just want attention". I wanted to take out my scissors and stab him!
Anyways, I don't like my family members. Thank you Chain for understanding.
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direwolfrules · 6 months
Shout out to my grandma. Burn in hell you narcissistic bitch. Thanks for bringing back my suicidal thoughts, real generous Easter gift.
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landograndprix · 11 months
😭😭 now I'm worried about what she's going to do next. knowing her, she'll spread a rumour that carlos or somebody else might be the baby daddy or sth 💀 does milou even have any friends?????
- 🌹 hope you're well today 🥺🩷
Another baby gate? 👀 nah, don't be surprised if more of y/n's past gets leaked or more rumors get spread..and don't forget, we still have Pierre in that trashy Alpine team 😂 also no, I doubt milou has any friends considering y/n and Cecile took her in as a little sister and she's lost them now due to her own dumb behaviour..maybe her PA and some old school friend cause let's be real, you don't turn into a narcissistic, arrogant little bitch over night, pretty sure she's lost many friends along the way 💀
I'm doing great today, I've done a little shopping with my mother and continued the day doing grandma activities so life is good! Hope you are great as well and that your day is going smoothly 🥰
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samninja18 · 11 months
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Rick and morty au. What if Rick’s original family never died and he was able to still keep Our Rick’s knowledge, inventions, and personality.
Without being a major asswhole to his grandkids, being a better father to his daughter, and not super mean to Jerry.
An Au where Beth was NOT a psychopath or narcissist
An au where Jerry isn’t just a pathetic coward or a petty guy
An Au where Morty grew up normally along with Summer whom isn’t a total bitch.
A healthier au where they knew their grandma and even had aunts, uncles, cousins, and more siblings.
Beth and Jerry are happier in their marriage and much more secure
Rick is happy and a loving grandpa.
Want to know more?
Check out my story on wattpad
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tamayokny · 1 year
there's a TLDR at the end of this post. also sorry if y'all just saw a mass text on your dash for a bit. i put a read more but it glitched. classic tunglr.
so on thursday this week (on 08/15) my family hosted a celebration of life for my grandpa--it would have been his 80th birthday. a lot of people showed up, family included, and it was a good time. we did what grandpa would have wanted and done best: drink, eat, and socialize. (my bio grandma said i was acting just like grandpa LMAO.)
there is some sad stuff, though. one of my great uncles (lets call him d), the baby of the family, is still very torn up over grandpa's death. (we are all, uncle h.) it's so sad bc while the family can be sentimental, i have never seen uncle r so...like that. i mean, we choked up together when we attended a mass for grandpa back on my birthday, but....yeah.
things get a little worse, though. i have two great aunts, and they're both older than grandpa and uncle r. the eldest didn't show up (which i'm kinda salty about ngl), but the younger one (aunt y)....so she and her husband (uncle e) live in florida. they flew up to come to the celebration of life. they're staying with uncle h and his wife and were going to carpool with them. however, aunt y and uncle e had to stay at the house because aunt y had a very bad fainting spell that morning. apparently she's having some health issues (she's 82 years old; it happens) and faints are one of them. however, it gets even worse you guys! she's also having signs of alzheimer's (specifically the memory issue) and she's taking experimental meds for that.
so, grandpa had alzheimer's / dementia / parkinson's and died with it (and i'm sure that contributed to the malnourishment, among other stuff). his older sister is showing signs of it from what great uncle e was telling my uncle. btw, apparently their dad had it too, and he died when he was 85 years old. aunt y is currently 82 years old...so great! not really feeling it you guys.
but christ, it gets worst.
apparently, some of the older relatives have asked my uncle and his wife if we know where some of their mom's things (my great grandma) and other family stuff is at. now, we knew where some things were at from the last time we went to That Place, but who fucking knows. i hope that bitch still has it but she needs to give the family their stuff back. i doubt she will---i really hope she didn't trash it, but if she didn't give the things my dad asked for (which was a bench and small metal toolbox he made for his dad when he went to school)....well, i hope she will give the older relatives that stuff. THAT SHIT IS NOT HERS AND IT BETTER FUCKING NOT GO TO HER DUMBASS FAMILY ONCE SHE CROAKS.
put this bitch in a fucking saw trap PLEASE.
i took bereavement leave this past week and spent time with family
i found out that one of my great aunts has a poor bill of health and is showing signs of alzheimer's, which is something her brother, their father, and their sister-in-law had. um. that's not good at all haha!
found out the bitch still has family heirlooms that she needs to return to grandpa's siblings. she probably won't do it because she's a fucking cunt.
i'm still torn up over grandpa and will probably never heal even after that cunt dies. like, of course you never get over a death but my family has been robbed of a proper, peaceful bereavement because grandpa married a narcissist.
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twinknote · 1 year
i need to process a dream i just woke up from, cw ableism, shitty family dynamics, emo abuse mention
so i was at my grandma’s house (which is already emotional, she’s been gone for many years now and that house was the setting for most of my favorite family memories) and me and my brother and dad had just gotten back from walking around and getting food. i had decided to lay down in bed for a bit because i was crashing from being out
my aunt ellen (who irl is actually very nice) came in and was chewing me out and telling me how disrespectful it was for me to be ignoring family members who wanted to spend time with me
and i advocated for myself like a bad bitch, i was like Ma’am i literally have a disability called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and i don’t think it’s disrespectful for me to need to rest and take care of myself
at some point i had to go to the bathroom and ran into my cousin leah (who i love, i’m surprised it wasn’t her sister emily who i’m closer with irl but i think it goes to prove a point that i will get to later) and she was upset and crying because she recognized that ellen was being unfair and mean to me. she hugged me and was like i totally think she’s overreacting, you don’t deserve that
i went back to bed and my dad came into the room and tried explaining ellen’s pov to me and i tried explaining mine but he kept not really listening to me. i also kept hearing family members outside the door talking abt me and misgendering me
eventually i made it downstairs since leah needed to get back to her kids and i wanted to say goodbye and thank her. ellen immediately accused me of doing smth i didn’t do and i was firing back snappy responses to her and she seemed to be getting tired of it after a while
leah and i hugged and were laughing that she was being so weird and unreasonable.
ok so obviously this kinda shook me but i have a likely interpretation of what the dream actually meant. i’ve been really struggling to communicate w family members (there are several who i really need and Want to respond to but my anxiety has a grip on my throat). and i think this dream was my brain’s way of saying Hey, this is what you Think family members are going to treat you like (ellen) and this is how real family members will actually show up for you (leah). my cousins and my dad who i actually want to respond to have always been nothing but unconditionally nice and caring to me.
And i really want to emphasize to myself that the fear my brain is clinging to is actually so valid and real bc the way ellen treated me in the dream is literally how my mom has treated me so many times. she’s such a manipulative narcissistic emotional abuser and i’ve spent most of my life trying to stay on her good side. my fear of being treated poorly by family isn’t irrational or stupid, it’s literally lived experience and it makes me terrified to be emotionally vulnerable with family members.
BUT. i’m insanely proud of my dream self for actually advocating for myself and sticking to what i know is right for my body??? like look at him go??? i typically have such a fawn response and in my dream i was like Nope i’m fighting, bitch. and i LOVE that for me
anyway moral of the story is that maybe reaching out to family will actually be a positive experience and even if anyone says anything sus (which would probably be my dad out of ignorance) i have the strength and ability to inform them of my perspective!!!
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aemoloser · 1 month
Gah! I’m sorry for taking so long to post!
A lot of life shit happened.
For one, my birthday is in 11 days! I’m turning 26 years old! XD And, may I say, I feel like I’m fucking 76. Cause everything fucking hurts. My neck, my back…. My life is a hack. Ha! You thought I was going to say ‘my pussy, and my crack’!” ….. Damn it I just did xD
But I’m currently in line to get another title for my RV that we had to return to get another one. And damn, it’s been a hot ass minute in this line. I’m at the DMV before we go see the RV cause we need a title. And my damn feet hooooort! AAAAA I wish they will do what they need to do and go! I’m in internal pain! I know myself when I say, if I stay for a long period of time (more than 1hr and 30min) my body is prone to passing out. I don’t know if it was hot that day or what, but I almost passed out from standing up too long and had to sit. But that was a long time ago, my body could have changed passed that. IDK :/
But yeah, I’m getting a title for the old RV so I can get a new one. And it’s a lot BIGGER AND BETTER.
I’m going to use this RV as a home for me, since Grandma kicked me out the house. That grade a bitch… and she got the nerve to ask me ‘When are you coming home?’, I really wanted to say never you fucking bitch, I’ll rather suck Satan’s left tit in hell than live with you. But I put on a fake smile and said. ‘Until we get the RV.’ TRANSLATION: ‘When I can live away from you’.
I honestly just want her to die already… I know that sounds bad but she is one evil narcissistic woman and she needs just to give up on life. She put her whole family through hell and MOST of the family, barely deals with her. Oh, I wonder why! She blames other people but it’s all her damn fault. And my mom (my aunt who adopted me) agrees that she is sick in the head and needs to leave me the fuck alone. But I can’t wait to get my own place, far away from my Grandma as possible…
I’ll post pictures of the RV soon, I don’t know how long it will be until we get out the DMV but I hope soon…
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thechikamorilegacy · 3 months
The Chikamori Legacy
Chapter One: “Love and Loss” (Part II)
The McIrish Residence
“Any plans after graduation?” River’s mother asked her. “Well, I want to study Arts at UBC.” River’s mom noted, “That’s going to be a tough field to make money in…” “The trick here is, Mom, I’m gonna take education as my primary focus and then go into teaching art in school.” River explained. “I’m sure that being a teacher, even if it’s not the most lucrative job in the world, at least it will be the most rewarding.”
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Fiona smiled. River knew what she wanted and how to get it. She didn’t have to worry. What Fiona hoped for was that River would find a young man who was good for her and eventually settle down. She didn’t want her daughter to make the same mistakes as she had.
“Haruo graduated this year and he’s waiting a year to go to university. His mom’s grinding his gears over that. She really shouldn’t pressure him like that.” River looked out the window at the tree-lined avenue they lived on. Her mother noticed a softening of her daughter’s usual stance whenever she referred to her landlord’s son “I sure hope he does go to university, but he’s found that high-school was really tough for him. He’s not academically gifted in sciences and maths although I’m jealous of his ability to write. He really should become an author, but he says he can’t think fast on his feet or sit and write for long periods of time.”
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“Where’s Haruo today?” Fiona asked, finding it rather odd that River’s ever-present friend wasn’t anywhere near her. She was also wary of Haruo’s intentions in terms of her daughter. After all they were teenagers, River was an attractive young woman and of course, Haruo was a red-blooded young man and hormones ran hot all the time for them. Secondly, the venomous mother was a warning bell to Fiona. Did she really want her daughter to end up dealing with someone like that vicious woman on a daily basis.
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“He told me that he’s spending the time with Grandma Yumiko. She’s 92 now - and I don’t want to monopolize all his time. She needs to see her grandson.” She didn’t want to say for the time that she has left - it seemed too final. As much as River loved her baby-sitter, she knew that Yumiko had a family and that her babysitter’s family deserved to spend the rest of her remaining days with her. And that was a positive sign to Fiona about how much he cared for his grandmother because his mother was lucky if she had anyone left to care about her due to every fault of her own.
If Mayumi wasn’t such a bitch to everyone, perhaps she’d have more friends but the way she is turns off most people in any form.
“We should go see her too at some point.” Fiona said, remembering the kindly elderly Japanese lady who helped her to get a place even if it was with that narcissistic, cantankerous bat who was her friend’s daughter. Fiona often wondered how such a nice old lady could have had such a venomous shrew like Mayumi come from her loins.
The daughter and her husband had the suite above her and Fiona had the bottom suite. Yumiko’s daughter’s husband was nice and her daughter’s son was always respectful and exceedingly polite when Fiona’s daughter invited him over which was quite often as River always had a kinship of friendship with the teen who was in the grade ahead of River.
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“I’m gonna spend the day painting, there’s some techniques, I want to try before September and enroll in Art 12.” River explained. She was happiest in front of an easel; paintbrush in hand emulating the strokes of Monet or Rembrandt; although she wanted to develop a style uniquely her own.
River hoped to get her degree five years from now. Her Grade 12 year was looming in the fall and well, being in honour roll would put her in the running for scholarships that could help her through university, meaning she could devote more time to her studies and have to work less to meet her expenses while in school. She could also take evening classes to cut her semesters she had to take high school to one and perhaps graduate in January rather than have to wait a whole year. Yeah, that’s what I’m gonna do. River thought to herself. No point in staying in high-school till I’m bored out of my mind in May - I’ll do my final exams the last week of December. If I finish up high school in January, then I’m off to UBC where I can take electives spring and summer till the fall term starts.
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She walked over to her room and picked out a fresh canvas and started applying tentative brush strokes.
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featherlightsprite · 4 months
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Day 9
Oh gods yeah. When I was heavy, when I was at my smallest, when I was just a kid growing up. This is a long one, strap in.
Growing up my mom was constantly pointing out my big thighs, my beefy arms, and my tummy. She would go on these workout hypes for like 2 weeks and then it was right back to how she was. She would blame me for how fat she got and then pat my stomach and say "that's where all the pregnancy cravings went." Anytime I wanted a snack cause I was a very active kid, she'd say I'm pigging out. Looking back on those photos, I wasn't big. I was a normal kid. Figured out she was a narcissist as I grew up and was projecting.
As a teen I got bullied a lot. Mainly cause I was a cringy kid but I was also 260 with 38GG. At 16. One thing that stands out is a girl coming up to me out of no where, picking a fight, and calling me "nothing but a bitch with tits." I was full swing in the middle of my bad habit, but they only saw the fat kid.
Between 18-23 was when I was smallest. Male co-workers would say horrible things about me because I had an attitude and was "nothing but a fat ass and nice tits." Female co-workers hated me cause I had what they wanted. My family thought I was using (I wasn't) because of how fast the transformation was. My grandma is the worst for it. I was so proud of what I'd accomplished. The first Christmas I saw her after my achievement, in front of the entire family and my ex boyfriend, Grandma and aunt start picking on me asking "where'd your tits go!? You look sickly. No man will want you with no meat on those bones!" They wouldn't stop till my ex stepped in.
Dad was always telling me to eat a burger. Constantly trying to shove food in my face.
I'm now at what I'm at from stress, but also happy relationship weight. He feeds me, but not in a pushy way. Just making sure I have at least something in my system. Grandma now tells me to lose what I've gained cause "I look unhealthy, nothing I gave you fits now." Last time I saw her she went on a 15min long Meanspo rant at me.
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starset21 · 7 months
My grandma is a real piece of work sometimes, I literally was just trying to walk my cousin over to her house and I brought my new dog with me and she was outside so I let her meet her (I wouldn’t have yet if she wasn’t already outside since she’s been so vocal about how me getting a dog is such a burden 🙄) and talked for a few minutes before they went inside and I walked home but apparently she told my cousin that I was a bitch and my tone was bitchy and complained about some other things after I left.
And she wonders why one of her daughters went no contact, and why I want basically nothing to do with her, (everyone is over her bs at this point, she’s got some very narcissistic tendencies)
Anyways this is my new dog:
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