#and man i cant even think of an image or drawing that that would be attached to but i wish i could cause i like it too
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mbat · 6 months ago
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this was an idea i had last year that i found in my files and decided to revive. woe, angst be upon ye
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sunny-knight · 2 months ago
Dear My Dear -
an @forgettable-au fan-slideshow
At the end of their journey, Sans has remembered everything. And theres only one question on his mind now…
*now what?
Its lore time. omg theres so much-
The way ill organize this…lIll start with the GENERAL thing, before getting more spesific, and explain each slide in way too much detail.
This is the hypothetical end to their journey. Sans and Papyrus remember what happened, and this is how Sans is handling it. A letter to Wingdings.
I was hesitant to make this at first for obvious reasons- we dont know how its gonna end!!! But I took this more as a “what if ?” scenario. IF they ever remember anything, how would Sans specifically, react? I mean thats gotta be tough.
Because of that though, lot of what happened to lead up to this is kept vague.
ill explain in way more detail how Sans got to the point of writing this letter, and how he feels in the end when I explain each slide individually. But the reason why, the MAIN ISSUE is…
Over the years, hes put so much effort into enjoying what he has. And- nothings even changed!!! So why does he feel so much has? Now that he remembers what he lost…WHO he lost. He cant help but have this voice in the back of his head that says “would it have been better if that never happened? if Papyrus never existed?” and of course he absolutely hates to think that! but the voice gets louder. Writing this letter, is an act of closure. Of laying to rest someone he never got to. Someone he never even really got to do much with.
(Excuse the shitty quality of the images- I promise they’re better. WATCH THE VIDEO)
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my dear wingdings,)
Sans says “wingdings” here instead of “brother”. that’s important. Also its on a white void, showing a sorta “heavenly imagery” with the mention of Wingdings. Also Gaster is in a BLACK void, but hes talking about WD here, so, contradictions.
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you never came back, and now…after remembering everything everything clearly i understand why.)
Sans and Papyrus are sitting by a fire at night. They are both sorta lost in their own worlds at the moment, but are more or less leaning on one another for comfort and support. They both need each other right now despite each other being the whole reason why they feel the way they do right now-
Papyrus is notably no longer wearing the white coat that somewhat resembles a lab coat. Symbolism! Growth!
(art note: I drew Sans as a lefty in this- cherish it. It was so hard to draw these hands at these angles- CHERISH IT.)
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i don’t imagine you’ll receive this letter, but i, nonetheless, must send it. wingdings….oh ‘dings…)
the first part is somewhat of a self aware/sarcastic joke. Sans is writing this letter for himself- he doesn’t imagine Wingdings, the dead man, will ever see it. Nor would Gaster care to read it. Thats another important thing, this is NOT a letter for Gaster. This is a letter for Wingdings. which is for Sans
The star in the sky symbolizes a few different things- the main one being Wingdings ofc. But also Papyrus’ expectations of himself- which mainly come from who he was. He’s looking at it, reflecting, thinking of what Wingdings did, and what Papyrus has done. Who he is NOW, and if he ever was Wingdings.
Or if Wingdings just became him.
A square is a rectangle, but a rectangle isn’t a square type thing.
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i was just starting to dream the silliest- the softest of dreams. i miss you. and i will always miss you.)
2 contradictions, what Sans used to think, vs what he knows now. The memories were fuzzy- he couldn’t remember The Royal Scientist, he just feels like he remembers some nice times. Before now knowing everything clearly. And he still misses it- slightly.
The reflections are blacked out at first, before showing their future selves. Before, there was no connection to the present because it wasnt true. It felt like/was 2 completely different things
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but i cannot live like that.)
Sans can still tell, even without the rose tinted glasses view he used to have, he cant live missing the past and not living in the present. He always knew that, but repeating it here makes him feel better.
Pictured is Sans and Papyrus hiking up the mountain next to the city as the sun sets. Papyrus is in full view of the light, but is facing away in order to help Sans see it too. Symbolism!
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and it seems you cannot live any other way.)
another reference to the fact that Wingdings cant live… at all now. But also an awareness that part of him lives on in Gaster. The thing that killed him.
I doubt hes going to change in any way by the end of the comics, he’s far to obsessive about angels and the player for childish stuff like “growth” and “changing for the better as a human being”
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when i was with you, the world made sense. but now that we are apart, i see clearly that your world is not a world from which one can escape.)
When they were together, they knew what they wanted to be. They wanted to be scientists. But after being apart so long and experiencing so much uncertainty, Sans finds that mindset is unhealthy. Again, a lot of this is stuff he already knew, but is repeating to himself because after remembering everything, he feels as if hes back at square one.
As kids they would test echo flowers, for science purposes! We don’t know yet if WDs voice comes through on them, but I imagine not… maybe. But for this we’re gonna say no. Their speech bubbles are trying so hard to be circles- the scribbles also somewhat resemble stars because I thought that’d be fun.
But the last slide has it shown that he dug them out, also for science purposes!
He took the echo flowers from their roots, much later on in his lab career. That in itself isnt that bad, but it symbolizes that he doesn’t care much for taking things slow. He wants to test with echo flowers? **TAKES EVERY SINGLE ONE WITHIN A 100 MILE RADIUS**
Also the empty holes reflects sort of what happened after he died. All of the underground was left with holes to fill. Sans, a childhood/brother. Alphys, the royal scientist. Those are the main ones but he was THE ROYAL SCIENTIST im sure there were more (smaller) holes that may or may not have been filled.
Ok and the last thing the flowers being taken out represent- he took the ones specifically from when they were kids, and abandoned what was left for the grass to grow tall and the entire area to be, in general, a lot flatter. In his quest to basically never grow up and continue being the thing he KNEW he wanted to be since kindergarten- he’s taken everything and left the rest in the dust. He’s The Royal Scientist now, he “doesn’t need anything else.”
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i’m so sorry. for everything. for everything long ago, and for starting up that machine again.
Sans knows he could have been better. He could have done things differently, and that thought messes with him, even before he remembered.
The 2nd image is Sans at Grillbys after another failed attempt to get Wingdings outside. Despite the fact that he could have done things differently, theres no real reason to be “sorry” But still, he cant help but feel like he should be. He could have done things differently- could have tried harder, and gotten Wingdings out more often- or at all.
Im not sure where the machine in Sans’ lab comes into play in this AU, but it worked for the purposes of this audio.
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theres a good man within you, wingdings. but he is wrestling with a giant. and the giant WINS time and again.)
Before everything, there was still a good man inside Wingdings that Sans saw. But now that he’s Gaster he just cant see him ever changing... and yknow what hes probably right. Like Papyrus says! Anyone can be a good person if they just try!…Gaster just isnt trying
“Wins” being emphasized here, I enjoy, since its sorta a video gamey term. The giant hes wrestling is that/the player, after all. Also probably his ego
I also had fun with kid Wingdings and what he’s drawing. Ofc its all him and Sans plus silly little stars, but him being finished drawing Sans, but not yet finished drawing himself, symbolizes the fact that at that age he still didn’t really know what he wanted to be, I feel like Wingdings kinda remembers the past wrong. Sure he definitely had science on the mind, but younger kids are often filled with questions, he questions if thats truly where he’d be the happiest.
Thats the good man within him
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you’ve broken my soul again, and i fear i have broken yours. and for that i will never forgive myself, but i need to let you go now.)
the star represents, again, Wingdings. And the moon represents Sans, which shines only under the Suns (Papyrus’) light.
The sun is beginning to rise, and Sans and Papyrus are beginning to leave. Sans puts out the fire, closing this chapter of his life.
Because of every reason he needed to relearn/re-reflect on listed here, hes ready to let Wingdings go now. Sans is the one to put out the fire here, and not Papyrus, cause this is from the perspective of how SANS handles putting this issue to rest. Papyrus can have his own fire to put out later
Another thing about putting out the fire, thats just kinda common knowledge to do especially at a public camping spot. Yknow what else is common knowledge to do so you dont disrupt the community?? NOT REPLANTING FLOWERS-
Its not that deep…but still-
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i send you the radio you made many years ago when we were kids. not because i dont want it, but… because i care for it far too much and it reminds me too much of you.)
Sans leaves this last memento to Wingdings, the last thing they have that has nothing to do with Papyrus. Because at this point theres no reason to keep it, in Sans’ mind at least. There’s also no reason to destroy it- Like he says, hes not leaving it out of malice, theres just no good that will come from keeping it and holding onto the past.
As the sun rises, here we see the brothers leaving. in contrast to before, Sans is helping Papyrus down. Helping him down from the spotlight, the expectations he’s set upon himself. Another kick that Papyrus still has much more to reflect on and think about, he’s still looking back at that light, at a shooting star, at everything he thought he wanted to be.
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i hope one day you will find some kind people who with appreciate you. for it kept me thinking of you all these years.)
Despite everything, Sans still wants whats left of Wingdings, Gaster, to be happy and find something, anyone, that will give him true happiness. It’s left ambiguous however if they truly do, do that for him. If it’s at all healthy.
cause frankly i have no idea how theyll be included. but just like everything- i cant wait to find out
EDIT: something important (and really wordy-) I just remembered and forgot to mention: the wording change “i hope you will find some kind people who will appreciate you”. I chose this because I think it’s the thing Wingdings and Papyrus just want the most. To be appreciated- to be loved for who they are. Sans is/has been so happy that Papyrus has found those people in Undyne, Toriel, Asgore, and…hopefullllyyy Alphys? And now that Sans remembers Wingdings, and remembers how badly he wanted that, and how he never did. Sans cant help but feel horrible for him, and in turn, Gaster. Sans forgives Wingdings, and loves Papyrus…and….he just wants the best for Gaster. He hopes he can find true happiness in that twisted mind of his…
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and i hope by returning it to you, i can finally be free. goodbye.
- your brother
As the sun rises, the star gets smaller and smaller and eventually the sun replaces it. Remember when I said Papyrus represents the sun? SYMBOLISM!!!
Also about that, the star shines brighter than anything, but the Sun is among a lot of clouds, depicting how isolated Wingdings is/was despite shining the brightest, vs Papyrus who also does indeed shine! but isn’t isolated whatsoever.
Now, remember when I said Sans saying “my dear wingdings” instead of “my dear brother” was important? well, he acknowledges that he is still Wingdings’ brother, despite everything. So he signs off as “your brother” but… He’ll always try to remember Wingdings fondly…but…he’s unsure if he considers Wingdings his brother anymore- just because of how much they’ve changed. Thats why the whole thing is called Dear My Dear.
the radio + letter remains there in the end. I briefly played with the idea of having them disappear as the sun came out, implying that Gaster took the radio and reas the letter, but that was before I realized it was much better for this to be for Wingdings specifically, not Gaster/Wingdings/whatever.
weeps pitifully this was probably the most fun i’ve had with a project/the most happy i’ve come out of one. Learned lots about my process’ and what works! so thats awesome It took a while to make, so theres a lot of stuff I changed or ideas I scrapped that I find interesting, so im gonna show some of that on my side/shitpost account, @o-sunny-day
also isnt this so awesome???? I got a computer so I got to post more images than just 10, THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!
Have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! Heres to being a bigger, better, and different person this year! except not really because despite everything its still you.
un-unless you…got shattered across time and space…. then you’re-
well I mean that-….. hm…
does that…? hmm, well….
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jadenvargen · 6 months ago
If I want to study someone's art or style, how do I do that? Like where do you even start when looking at an illustration that they made 😭thank you!!!
Here’s stuff i think about. i don’t do that many style studies, so idunno how helpful it is! pls sound in tha comments if anyone has tips:) 
Pinpoint what stuff you like, and focus on that. Focus on technique rather than exact replication, for example ( just first thing comes to mind) if you like rostov’s disco elysium cover art and want to study it, don’t just repaint the image, find what’s key in the style. looseness, maybe? then, instead of copying the image with your technique, try to apply the same looseness. (feat. shitty 5 min sketch plz dont judge example of how i normally approax paintings, versus a study. ALSO not to say u CANT do this it's just how i would study, myself. )
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That being said, don’t force yourself to make art decisions that feel unnatural to you. a lot of the time artists make decisions based on their weaknesses as well as strengths. I do very shaky, hatchy lineart because my hands are very shaky. I focus on painting what I* feel is important and fun. 
Instead of copying a style from a picture, look at a variety of pictures and find technique. For example a lot of people redrawing a screenshot in “sailor moon style” or “ghibli style” will draw… let’s say, an old man, looking like a usagi because that’s the screenshot they looked at, instead of watching what stylistic choices for example takeuchi made when stylizing an old man. So the “studies” end up homogenous. I personally find it unproductive to replicate a painting for purposes of study, but like focusing on individual elements. say you like egon schiele, replicating whole paintings at a time IMO isn't gonna do much, but maybe you can set out on a series where you sketch copy his hands or feet from different paintings, and then try stylizing your own hands the same way? Or maybe your fave artist draws moonlight like a blue stream, or a red one? Try applying only that light to your paintings.
You could also color pick or look at the colors they make and paint whatever you want with those same colors, to understand how they work together and what can be done with them.
Also, if you can, look at their influences! Everyone learns art by seeing others art. Chances are they saw art they liked and picked from there what elements they enjoyed. Looking at the inspiration can help make some of the techniques more obvious.
Basically focus less on copying(not that copying is bad- but not always helpful for studying), and more on what you like. If you find what you like, you can work from there and try to think about your own art from the same perspective.
IDK if this helps as i said, feel free to add onto^_^
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aemondloverr · 3 months ago
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐭. 𝐈𝐕
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐕𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟓 • 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑 • 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 • 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 <- sign yourself up!!
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: You've settled into Winterfell and now, a feast will be held in the honor of You and Jace. Your handmaidens Martha, and Sara help you prepare while you talk about the possibilities of a friendship with Cregan, and maybe even more than that.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: Lots of mixed feelings, gossip of Cregan, and a not so bratty Jace this time (rare occurance fr).
𝐰𝐜: 4.8k
𝐀/𝐍: Truly sorry for the delay, I'll be better 😔 and spoiler, the rest of feast happens in the NEXT chapter bc I had to split it up. It was getting to be too long! Not proofread so SORRY IN ADVANCE for typos😭
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"Okay.. Well um...Good luck on the hunt then. Go catch something big for me."
"You know I will," He replies, trying to sound confident. "I'll bring home the biggest buck you've ever seen."
"If you say so..." you taunt.
He grins, confidence rising at your doubtful tone. He cant let that go unchallenged. "Oh I do say so. I'll get that dance, just you wait."
"Off you go then."
As Cregan heads off to the stables, he can't shake the feeling of your prescence from his mind. The thought of you and the implications made still lingered, stirring up a maelstrom of emotions within him.
Maybe the things you said you hadn't done with Cregan, you wish you had.
He really just doesn't want any other lord to end up dancing with you. The image of another man, holding you in his arms makes his stomach churn uncomfortably. His mind fills with the image of him dancing with you and his heart quickens.
But then his thoughts take a more intimate turn and his imagination spirals out of control. Him holding you close, bodies pressed together, an embrace that borders on indecent. He can almost feel your warmth just thinking about it.
Cregan knows he shouldn't be thinking such things but he cant help it. That image of you, so close yet so far from his grasp, is consuming his mind and burning in his core like a raging fire.
❆ • ❆ • ❆ • ❆
later in the day
You've spent the afternoon in your chambers, taking a nap, break from the stress of the day. You relish the quiet and solitude without the presence of anyone else.
Your peaceful silence is interrupted by the sound of commotion outside as the hunting party returns from the Wolfswood. The chatter of loud voices rouse you from your sleep.
Just as you start to stir, there's a soft knock at the door, followed by the voices of your handmaids, Martha and Sara.
"Yes, come in."
They open the door and slip into your room, looking a bit concerned.
"What it is?"
Martha speaks up. "There are all back, my Lady. But the men are all...well, they're a bit rowdy."
"I bet they're probably arguing over whose game is biggest." you chuckle to yourself at the thought.
"That's certainly part of it. They've been boasting and arguing about their kills. They all thing they hunted the largest stag.
"Well I'll be the one to decide that."
Sara and Martha both smile at your words, clearly amused by the antics of the men.
"I'm sure they'll be eager!" says Martha, holding a basket of items in her hands as you stand from the edge of the bed.
“Sara, would you have the men with the smallest game to give their catches to the kitchens after they skin them?”
Sara nods obediently, taking mental note of your instructions.
"Of course, my lady," she says. “I'll make sure the cooks receive the smallest game from the men."
That leaves Martha. "I'll prepare a bath for you." she offers, already heading to the bathing room to start drawing the steaming water.
As you undress, she pours scented oils into the hot water, filling the room with a pleasant aroma of vanilla and honey. You remove your shift, left in just your undergarments.
You step into the bathing room, the warm, soothing steam enveloping you as you walk to the large tub, The room is dimly lit, flickering candlelight casting a soft intimate glow across the walls of the room.
Taking off your undergarments, you step into the tub. The heat and the gentle fragrances of the oils seem to sooth your skin, making you feel relaxed in an instant.
"Thank you Martha..."
She smiles at your words, hands pausing as she finishes adding a handful of herbs to the bath. "Of course. Is the water to your liking?Not too hot?"
"Perfection." you sink further into the calming water.
Martha nods with a satisfied smile, as the heat erases any remaining tension from your weary muscles.
"So..." She says with a mischievous knowing look in her eye. Her tone catches your attention and you look up at her, a curious expression on your face. "Yes?..." you ask, bracing yourself for whatever teasing comment she may have for you.
"I just wanted to ask, my lady, has anything...interesting happened between you and Lord Stark lately?"
"Oh Gods what did Sara tell you?!"
Martha laughs. "Oh nothing specific," she replies feigning innocence. "But you know sara...she's a bit of a gossip, and she's been hinting at some...interesting things happening between you and Lord Stark."
"Nothings happened, I assure you." Your face reddens in embarrassment as you dismiss the accusations. "Our relationship is strictly professional, and maybe friendly but that is all." But really, in your head, you're thinking about how your relationship could be more.
Martha raises a brow , clearly not entirely convinced by your dismissive tone. She smirks, "That's what you say, Princess, but your blushing face tells a different story."
She steps closer to the tub, leaning against it as she looks at you knowingly. "Come on, you can be honest with me. "She teases. "Is there really nothing more?"
"You and Sara are just trouble, aren't you."
She laughs, smile widening as she catches the hint of annoyance in your tone. "Oh, come on, We're just having a bit of fun. Can you really blame us? Nothing ever goes on in this damned castle, and you and Lord Stark make an entertaining pair..."
You don't want to give in but- "If you want to know what goes on badly I'll tell you."
Her eyes widen in surprise and excitement, clearly not expecting you to actually share your details about your relationship with Cregan. She nods eagerly. "Yes, please my Lady!" she says, voice impatient. "Tell me everything!"
"Absolutely nothing." you state flatly.
Her face falls, disappointment apparent on her face as you give her the most un-interesting answer possible. "Wait, that's it?" she asks, excitement fading to disbelief. "Nothing at all? No stolen glances, no secret conversations?"
"No. All we do is argue and make amends and argue and make amends again."
You scrub your arms with a soapy cloth while Martha washes your legs. "You're killing me Princess," she says You and Lord Stark are like a never ending cycle of petty arguments and reconciliations. Its like watching 2 children bicker"
"I know, I know."
"Honestly, with all your bickering and back and forth, its a wonder neither of you have stabbed each other yet," she teases.
You scoff. "Oh trust me, I've wanted to."
She glances down at you in the tub. "And what stopped you? Your sense of restraint or the lack of a weapon?"
"It was his kindness..."
Her expression softens slightly at your words. She seems touched by your answer, not expecting such sincerity. "Ah so it was his kindness that stopped you...interesting...but also not entirely surprising."
you continue to scrub the rest of your body while Martha moves around the other side of the tub to scrub your back.
"I can't be cruel when he'd so kind to me..."
"You know my Lady, kindness can be a powerful thing. It can make even the strongest person weak in the knees."
You sit hugging a knee to your chest and hair forward over your shoulder, continuing to let her wash your back. "He wishes to be friends again, but I'm...hesitant."
She pauses her work, hands stilling for a moment as she gazes down at you with a look on concern.
"Why are you hesitant? If you both want to be friends again, what's holding you back?"
"After what he did when we were children, I'd rather not take that risk again..."
Martha nods, her understanding written on her face. She resumes washing your back, movements gentle and soothing.
"I understand. You’ve already been hurt by him once. Its natural to be wary of opening yourself up to the possibility of that pain again..."
You sigh deeply "I haven't even forgiven him yet."
She finishes up and sets the cloth aside, glancing at you with an empathetic expression. "Its alright my Lady. Forgiveness takes time and its okay to need more of it," she says. "But...perhaps you could at least consider his offer of friendship. Just a thought."
You ponder for a minute, considering the outcomes. If you don't give him that chance, he has no opportunity to hurt you again, whether intentionally or unintentionally. But if you do allow whatever it is that's there between you, it could grow into something beautiful.
"Ill try...maybe."
Martha smiles, one of encouragement and support. "That's all anyone can ask for Princess. Just take it one step at a time and see where it leads. Who knows. Maybe friendship with Lord Stark will surprise you!"
"Perhaps your right."
She sits back at the stool by the tub, satisfied that she's managed to assure you, even if its just a little. "Sometimes, the unexpected is worth taking a chance on, no?," She says, voice full of optimism.
Martha offers a helping hand as you rise from the bath, the water cascading off your body and leaving you bare and wet. She grabs a towel and wraps it around you, the soft fabric enveloping you in a warm embrace.
"Could you get Sara for me? She should be back from the kitchens by now but she isn't.”
She nods, her hands still on the towel, holding it closed around you.
"Of course, my lady. I'll get Sara right away," She then steps away from you, moving to the door to summon Sara.
As they walk down the dimly lit corridor from the kitchens, Sara listens intently to Martha's words, her expression a mix of surprise and intrigue. She fills Sara in on your conversation in the bath, including your hesitation to forgive Lord Cregan and your contemplation of his offer of friendship.
Sara's eyes widen with a face of disbelief.
"You mean, my lady is thinking about being friends with Lord Cregan again?" she whispers, her voice filled with a mix of excitement and curiosity.
"Yes thats exactly what she said," she replies with a smile "Seems like our Lady is softening towards the man, even if its just a bit."
As Martha and sara enter the room, they find you sitting on the edge of your bed in a robe. "Lets pick a dress."
Sara nods, eyes scanning over the assortment of dresses laid out across the room.
"How about this one my Lady?" She suggests, holding up a light blue dress for your approval.
"Mmm...too simple."
She sets the dress aside and Martha grabs a green dress this time, holding it up for you to see. "What about this one then?" The fabric shimmers in the candlelight. Lovely dress but the color...it reminded you of Alicent. That foul woman.
"The greens are called the greens for a reason. I will not wear enemy colors to a feast in my honor."
Martha rushes to put away the dress, apologizing hastily. "Forgive me Princess I didn't mean..."
"No its alright." you assure.
Sara continues persuing the selection. She picks up the red one next, its hue a deep, rich shade—crimson, almost like blood. The fabric is smooth with lace details and the slight shimmer to it catches in the light.
"I think this color would loook lovely on you!"
"Yes, how could I forget this dress! I couldn't ignore it at the market, I simply had buy it."
Sara sets the dress on the bed, carefully smoothing out the wrinkles. "You'll look gorgeous in it."
"Thank you for your help girls."
Sara and Martha smile at you gratitude, satisfied that youve finally settled on a dress. Their expressions are filled with genuine affection for you.
"Of course, my Lady," Says Martha. "We are always happy to help you look your best."
You begin to apply oil, working it into your skin when Sara asks "May i ask you a question?"
"Yes?" The oil has the most pleasant smell, just like the sweet vanila and honey oils from the bath.
"I was jut wondering..." she starts, voice growing softer and more hesitant as she choses her words. "Do you...do you think you would ever consider more than friendship with Lord Stark."
You pause for a moment at the unexpected question.
They both notice the brief pause, and Saras expression subtly shifts to one with a hint worry as she watches you while Martha just waits patiently and curiously for a response.
"I think...I wouldn't be accustomed to that."
Sara studies your face for a moment, her head tilting slightly to the side as she processes your words. She seems to understand your hesitation, her expression softening into a gentle smile.
"I see..." she says, voice low and soft. "You mean, friendship is all you're used to with him, and anything more would feel unfamiliar to you, right?”
“I think about it, if I’m being truthful…how it would be if we…” blood rushes to your cheeks just as earlier at the thought of being with him.
Martha and Sara both watch you intently, their eyes studying your face as you delve into your thoughts. Sara takes a step closer, her voice filled with concern and curiosity.
"If you and Lord Cregan were to... be more than friends?" she ventures, a hint of nervousness in her voice.
They exchange a brief glance, both clearly invested in hearing your thoughts on the matter.
"And what... what do you feel about that possibility?" Martha asks, her voice growing softer and more gentle as she encourages you to continue.
You cannot bring yourself to confront your possible feeling for him again so you drop the subject.
“I feel we should talk about something else…”
They immediately pick up on your reluctance to discuss the matter further and exchange another quick glance before nodding in understanding.
"Of course, my lady," Martha says, her voice soft and respectful. She gestures towards the red dress on the bed. "We should get you dressed now."
Martha helps you into your smallclothes, then into the chemise, pulling the soft fabric over your body. Once you’re settled, she adjusts the straps and tucks any loose fabric back in place, ensuring it is fitting perfectly.
Then, Sara helps you put on the stays, fastening them and lacing up corset tightly, accentuating your curves. Sara carefully drapes the red dress over your head and begins adjusting it to fit your form.
The fit is snug, hugging your waist and hips tightly before flowing out in an elegant flare as well as a squared neckline that frames your chest and b neck. It has sleeves that open just before your forearms, and almost down to the floor, giving the illusion of graceful drapes.
“Would you style my hair just like last time?”
Both Martha and Sara nod in agreement, their eyes sweeping over you in approval.
"Yes, my lady," Sara replies, her voice firm and confident. "The same hair as last time would suit you perfectly."
Sara braids your hair in that Northern style once again, the one Cregan liked. While Martha busies herself gathering up your unpicked dresses, folding them neatly and setting them aside. As she works, she glances up at Sara, who is already almost finished braiding your hair.
They both not. Sara's hands continue to work on your intricate braid, her fingers moving with sure and steady movements. Meanwhile, Martha begins pulling together a selection of jewelry, holding up different necklaces, bracelets, and earrings for your inspection.
As you gesture towards a particular necklace, both Martha and Sara immediately agree with you. Martha lifts up a necklace made of deep red rubies and glossy black onyx stones, its design elegant and eye-catching. It matches the dress perfectly.
Sara also nods in approval, her eyes fixed on the necklace as she finishes up braiding your hair is re-styled in the same lovely fashion that Cregan had admired just that same morning . "A lovely choice, my lady," she says, her voice filled with admiration.
“No one will see my shoes so I suppose the black ones?”
They quickly scan the selection, a wide array of shoes before Martha picks up a pair of sleek, black boots with a heel, made of soft suede leather, sure to keep your feet warm in the cold.
"These ones, my lady?" she asks, holding them up for your approval.
“Yes those please.”
Martha steps forward, kneeling at your feet and gently slipping the boots onto your feet, fastening the small buckles.
And the last addition, the black pelt that matches with the dress.
They bring it over, the furs soft and warm in their hands, and gently drape it over your shoulders. The fur contrasts nicely with the deep red of your dress, its texture adding an extra element of elegance to your appearance.
It’s not Cregans pelt, the one you slept in for warmth last night, or wore to the market this morning. It doesn’t have the same oversized look or comforting weight but its cute, matches with your dress, and makes you look as regal as your name sounds.
“I think a bit of stain on the lips would look nice…what do you think Sara?” She smiles at your suggestion, clearly pleased by your request. She reaches into a nearby drawer and pulls out a small pot of a deep red stain. "Of course, my lady. A touch of color on the lips would look beautiful. Let me apply it for you."
She brushes on a faint bit of red to your lips, just like the color of your dress and it brings your look together.
“I give my thanks to you both.”
Martha and Sara step back, taking a moment to admire their handiwork, smiling approvingly, clearly impressed with how elegant and radiant you look in your dress, furs, jewelry, and hair. They seem to have almost forgotten to breathe, admiring your beauty for a moment before speaking.
"By the gods…you look absolutely gorgeous, Princess," Sara says, her voice filled with admiration. "Indeed," Martha agrees, a small smile tugging at her lips. "You're bound to turn heads."
As the handmaidens continue to admire your appearance, you can't help but think about Cregan's reaction when he sees you in your new dress. You imagine him looking at you with awe and admiration, his eyes taking in every detail of your form-fitting dress and elegant furs. The thought of his reaction makes your heart flutter with excitement, and warmth build in your chest.
“Will I see you later?”
They nod, their smiles widening as you prepare to leave. "Of course, my Lady. Have a wonderful evening," Martha says.
"We'll be here when you return," Sara adds, already moving to clean up the mess left over from preparing you for Cregan.
As you turn to leave, Martha stops you. “Princess one more thing!”
You half in your steps, turning to look at Martha
"Yes, Martha?" You ask with a curious tone.
She wants to give you perfume oil
Martha nods, her expression softening as she produces a small glass vial filled with a clear, shimmering liquid. The scent emanating from the vial is subtle yet inviting, a mixture of florals and fruits. Vanilla and honey again, but this time with a hint of citrus.
You don’t know where she got oranges in this bone chilling climate but you are grateful for it.
"I thought you'd like this one, my lady," Martha explains. "It's light and sweet but not overpowering. Perfect to finish off your look for tonight." And perfect to make Cregan lose his mind
You nods in thanks as Martha hands you the vial. You remove the cork and gently dab a small amount of the oil behind each ear, and on your wrists, the scent enveloping your senses with its delicate fragrance.
“Where did you get this…?”
"I mixed it myself," Martha responds, a hint of pride in her voice. "I like to experiment with different scents, combining different oils and extracts to create unique perfumes. This one, I call it 'Lady's Whisper.' It's my personal favorite and I thought it would suit you well."
“My Gods this is magnificent! Keep making it. I’ll buy it if you let me!”
Martha's eyes light up at your praise, her smile widening as a blush of pleasure creeps up her cheeks. She nods in agreement, her voice filled with determination.
"I will, my lady," Martha affirms. "I'll continue to perfect the recipe and make more for you. I'm glad you like it so much."
“I’ll see you when I come back, and yes, I’ll tell you all that happened.”
Martha and Sara grin, the excitement in their eyes reflecting her eagerness to hear all the details. Martha nods silently, her hand flying to her mouth to suppress a girlish giggle.
"Of course. We’ll be waiting anxiously for your return. You simply must tell us all about it!"
As you step out of your chambers, you find yourself facing Jace’s chambers. His door is slightly ajar, a soft glow of candlelight spilling out into the hall. You can vaguely make out his silhouette pacing back and forth beyond the doorway.
You push open the door. “Are you ready?”
Jace turns swiftly upon hearing your voice, his eyes immediately drinking in the sight of you. His mouth falls open slightly, surprise and awe written all over his face. He’s not one to compliment you, especially because you’re his sibling so you know he really means it.
He stares at you for a few seconds, speechless, before finally managing to collect himself.
"You... you look incredible," he says, the words breathless and reverential on his lips.
“Thank you. Now let’s go before we show up late to or own feast.”
Jace nods, still somewhat dazed by your appearance, but he pulls himself together. He takes your arm in his, gently tucking it into the crook of his elbow.
"Let's go," he says, his voice steadier now. A hint of excitement and anticipation shining in his eyes.
As you and Jace walk arm-in-arm through the halls and outside t othe great hall, a couple of servants pause as they pass, their eyes widening in surprise and admiration as you walk by. They murmur amongst themselves, their voices filled with hushed whispers and murmurs of approval.
The doors to the great hall come into view, the murmur of voices and the clinking of glasses filling the air. A few people are already inside, but the majority of the guests have not yet arrived for the feast.
The doors swing open, revealing the great hall beyond. It is a large, opulent room, its high ceilings dripping with garlands of flowers and strings of colorful lanterns. Servants rush back and forth, preparing the tables and maneuvering around the clusters of people gathered in the room.
Heads begin to turn towards you, eyes widening in awe and admiration as they take in your appearance. With Jace following behind you, you make your way up to the high table, taking the seat next to where Cregan will soon sit. Jace helps you into you into your chair, pulling it out for you.
From this vantage point, you have an excellent view of the entire room, everything from the musicians playinhg in one corner to the nobles dancing about in the other.
Cregan has yet to arrive because of the hunt. He's with the rest of the men. As the hour of the feast draws near, the servants scurry around the space with platters of drinks and morsels of food.
As if in cue, the sound of male laughter fills the room. The hunting party has arrived, as well as the rest of the guests, the men still in their leather jerkins and boots, clearly worn out from their hours spent in the wilderness.
Led by Cregan, the men approach the high table, their eyes sweeping over the room and taking in the array of decorations and the assembled nobles. A cheer goes up from the crowd, many of them rising to clap. Even the musicians change their songs to something more victorious and uplifting in their honor.
Cregan reaches the high table, eyes meeting yours for the briefest of moments as he takes his seat beside you. The rest of the men disperse, each finding a seat with their family or amongst the tables of nobles.
"You smell of mud and forest.." you observe.
He quirks and eyebroow in response to your comment, eyes drifting over to you. ahint on a smirk tugs at him mouth, as in amused by the bluntness of your words. "Indeed do," he replies with a chuckle. "A byproduct of a long day spent hunting, in your honor, might I add."
His eyes dart to Jace, who has slumped into his chair on your other side, his expression still sour and sullen.
“Sit straight child.” you order.
Jace lets out an irritated huff as you call him a child, but he reluctantly straightens his back and sits up straight in his seat, begrudgingly complying with your command, though his expression remains sullen.
Suddenly, his eyes widen. a pleasant scent fills his nose. He turns back towards you, inhaling deeply. He looks at you, clearly curious about the source of the scent.
He leans in close to you, his tone a murmur so that only you can hear him. "What is that smell...?
"What smell?"
He leans in even closer, fixiated on you. He leans in even closer, his voice barely above a whisper, breath hot against your ear. "That scent...I dont recognize it." He pauses, trying to place it. "Where did you get it?"
You hold your wrist to his nose and he follows your cue, his hand closing aroundyour wrist and lifting it closer to him. His nose grazes your skin, lips nearly brushing against your pulse point as he inhales the scent again.
It makes heat rise up your neck. A hum escapes from his throat, almost like a pleasurable sound. He's clearly affected by the fragrance your'e wearing.
"This one? Do you like it." Oh he definately doesn’t like it. Its clear he loves it, because when you try and put your arm back down he doesn't let you. Cregan keeps his eyes shut, his hand still holding your wrist. He inhales once more, savoring the scent. He nods, opening his eyes to look at you, mind slightly dazed
"Yes," he murmurs, "i like it. A lot."
You'd expected a compliment or two from him but drooling like he is? You hadn't seen that coming. "Well thank you…That's very kind of you."
It looks like Martha really knew her stuff. That oil could make a man fall to his knees for a woman. To him, it made you smell deliciously sweet. Delectable even.
Cregan releases your wrist finally, hand falling away from your arm. The absence of his touch leaves a tingling feeling on your skin, a strange sensation that makes your heartbeat quicken ever so slightly.
He leans back in his seat, eyes roaming over you once more, as if studying you. After a moment, he speaks again, his voice quieter this time.
"May I ask where you got it?"
"Yes, Martha made it."
"Martha you say?" he asks voice tinged with curiosity, impressed by the fact that she had the skill to create such a stunning fragrance. "And she mixed it herself...?"
"Yes, I was just as surprised as you."
He leans in again unexpectedly, voice low and soft. "I can also smell something else on you, if I'm not mistaken."
"Like what?"
His nose brushes against the line of your jaw. The sound of him breathing you in sends a shiver down your spine, and you can feel your pulse quicken in response. He doesn’t care how indecent his actions look, not when you smell like such a dessert.
"The faint, sweet scent of oranges, he murmurs, voice thick with barely restrained want. More like need.
You feel your ears and cheeks burning up "Y-yes you are correct. Martha put oils in my bath this evening."
He leans back once more, eyes roaming over your face. The flush thats crept up your neck and cheeks....The scent of you is seemingly even more tantalizing now.
"You smell positively delicious." he says in a teasing tone.
And where is Jace in all this? Sitting beside you, arms crossed and scowling, giving the dirtiest look imaginable in Cregans direction. He's been observing the interaction between you and Cregan with growing suspision of his intentions. But he says nothing, merely clenches his jaw and seethes silently.
"Thank you Lord Stark..."
He glances over at Jace, noticing the look on his face, but he disregards it, his attention entire focused on you, showering you with affection and compliments.
"Your'e very welcome" he responds with a sincere voice, eyes lingering on your face a few seconds longer than needed.
"So um...How was your hunt?" You ask, to shift the conversation away from you. You need a moment to slow your heart and compose yourself before you start stumbling over your words at his proximity.
"Quite large. Five stags, a boar, and two does, all in one day. It was an excellent hunt."
"Do you think yours is the largest?" you already know, something else of his is definately large
Cregan scoffs, his confidence unshaken by the question as he responds without hesitation.
"I know it is. No one else will have a kill as impressive as mine, I can assure you of that.
"Well you'd better hope I think so."
The guests find their seats and settle in for an evening of celebration and merriment. The air is filled with the buzz of conversation and the sound of laughter.
“Bring out the hunters game!”
❆ • ❆ • ❆ • ❆ Next chapter is coming at break. ITS GONNA EAT, JUST WAIT. (Might be extra long. If I don’t upload by then just know I’m super busy!!h
Ps. If you want me to do a Christmas special for Cregan (outside the storyline) give me ideas in the comments 🫶🏾
Taglist: @beebeechaos @iv-vee @aemondwhoresworld @6ternalsun @obscure-beauty @cregansfourthwife @msmarvelknight @kingdomzeldaquest @littlebirdgot @squidscottjeanseans @jellybeanstacey0519 @r-3dlips @fakem0net @shiggynuggiez @deemee3 @melsunshine @lipgloss05 @cherryheairt @lovevouuu @darlingcharling-blog @pearldaisy @allexlacazette @onlybells1 @valardohaerisss @itsaslaminak
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greml1nb0i · 3 months ago
I'm fearing the day when human alastor design on screen as I feel like it's gonna really make the show seem very racist as they where willing to change niffty demon design from yellow to a pale pink. But wouldn't change alaster skin nor hair. Like I understand because people are used to the design, but on the other hand, viv probably should have just made alastor not use voodoo and just literally anything else
Omg yes, 2 points to be made here.
ISTG Viv only gave Alastor the "he's half creole" label as an excuse to not draw black features on him, while yes it is true not all creole men are dark skinned, they're still black and have black features, so Viv' excuse is thrown right out of the water, then and there.
For example:
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you see how the melanin is still there even though these are all different images of light and dark skinned creole men, they still have their features that make them creole men. Alastor doesnt have that. All he has is dark skin in his human design and that's it, there's no other black features.
Also idk where she's getting this idea that Alastor would even be allowed his own radio show, especially in the 1940s-50s. He would've had the worst time just trying to get people to take him seriously. Black owned businesses were a thing back then, however it was so difficult because of the racism, that for him to be able to do it all without any sort of mention of discrimination or a hassle is telling me Viv doesnt think that hard about these time periods.
Viv is [imo most def] racists.
Point 2.
I am pagan, i was raised into it. So you can probably understand why a lot of people, not just those who actually practice spiritual/occult practices, closed or otherwise, get real fucking pissed whenever its used for "ooo evil, scarwy, oh no satan aaaa" type bullshit. Its 2024 people dont do this type of shit anymore for horror or evil characters unless theres a literal reason.
for example:
American Horror Story S3 The Coven, uses allusions to paganism, witchcraft, wicca and voodoo, BUT even though it's used in a horror show, the use of the occult practices is used for both morally good and bad reasons, cuz just like nature there is no good without bad and vice versa. This is made especially clear with the character, embodying the real life Voodoo Queen, Marie Laveau. Character Marie uses her practice for both good and morally bad things.
SPOILERS: She was responsible for giving Delphine LaLaurie an immortality elixir before murdering the LaLaurie family and burying Delphine alive. Then, Marie imprisons Delphine and hacks off her hand. For those who don't know, Marie is literally punishing Delphine for her actions towards others, [she's racist, watch the season if you really want to know her story and what all she did.]
Regardless of the moral implication, Marie used her practice for, what she considered to be, justice. She has a motive. Regardless of how some people may feel about AHS now, you cant deny at least they did their research.
However for Viv, Alastor's voodoo powers are strictly used for evil and there's no real reason given as to why he chose voodoo or even practices it.
Voodoo itself is a closed practice, for a reason. It also isn't something to make light of. How is it Viv can make a show that supposedly critiquing Christianity but she uses pagan and voodoo practices as stand ins for evil magic?? you are just perpetuating a stereotype that CHRISTIANS came up with. That the Occult/Spirituality is inherently evil.
& If Viv says "its cuz he's black and so he can," im going to actually scream.
Small correction: Alastor died in the 1930s so that makes his radio show an impossible achievement. Also the first black man to get a radio show host was in the mid 1940s. Alastor wouldn't have even had a chance.
Thank you to @bump-inthe-night for giving me the correct information, so to correct myself.
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nugatorysheep · 17 days ago
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Great question.... hmmmMMM I've got a few things i think.... maybe more than a few.
Okay this will be a long one, I hit the image limit. buckle in boys
So, generally the art I'm the most proud of can be split into a few types: Stuff I like because the technical skill or work put into it, stuff I like because I captured a specific mood or energy very well, and stuff I like because of how the characters are drawn aesthetically, like if I could manage it, I would draw them that way consistently
Category one, which is prolly what this asker wanted from this ask lmao:
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So. First I have this sort of painterly done art of Zach, one of my Pokémon OCs I barely touch. I dont do this style often cause it's a pain in the ass to do and tbh i feel like peaked here and cant really manage it again
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Then I have his OC that I haven't touched in a bajillion years and prolly never will touch again. This is ANCIENT but i still like it a lot, and ironically I dont think I could pull this off again 'cause my art style has shifted to be too cartoonish and I couldnt manage realism of this kind without a few months to practice first.
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There's this art of Hopeless (AU by @gaudess-schmoddess) that is not at all canon but I dont care because they look great and the mood is immaculate and I will NEVER draw them this good again *dies*
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I could draw these three better now, but I still like them as-is.
The one of Sven looking up into Multiverse Pompeii still holds up to me and it's so fucking huge it lagged the shit out of FireAlpaca (the program I was using at the time). And the one guy actually in focus is from the back so it covers up the shittyness of my old style up lol
The other two are very emotional pieces to me and call it a placebo, but I genuinely think i draw better when I'm in the Feelings Sauce. I think about Druid covered in flowers and surrounded by rot more often than I'd like to admit
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I'm just proud of the shading on Ponyx here ngl. I complained the whole time but I did have fun doing it! :3
Leo's cover is objectively one of the best things I've done recently, I actually got what I wanted out of it and that's a rarity these days. It was a no-brainer pick for my 2024 Art Summary. The mood, the characters, the background, all of it I feel came out really good
Category two! V I B E S
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Art I'm filing under "super simple looking but captures a particular feeling or atmosphere in a way where less is more"
I don't have much of Druid where I feel like I get what i really want out of him (even though i draw him the most)... but this one of him half corrupted, half in light and half in shadow... where the beast is in the light, unobstructed and his humanity is in the dark... This one managed to do it a little.
The second is a character from an AU that I think is dead now but it was... fractured or framed or something with an F idk. Very happy that I visualized a Vibe that I do not actually have words for lol
Then there's Karma and even though the art is based on this post instead of being entirely original i got what i needed out of it. something unholy inside you wants to get out but you can’t let it. Peak Karmacore
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Yeah there's a Feeling here alright. couldnt tell you what but man this image sure is that feeling. Yeah. yeah...
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I love the art of the Askbox cover, too bad I fucked up and forgot Leo's whisker markings and didn't know until today FUCK ME I GUESS
Anyway I can't take credit for this composition since it's from some Welcome Home fanart, though the mood in that was slightly different than what I'm going for here, I just knew I wanted a sort of general sleepy vibe. The focus is really supposed to be on Sven here, secretly tired, stressed and over worked while everyone else rests peacefully, oblivious to how much this poor boy is being eaten up from the inside out
Keeping up with Sven being the guy I can Project on the hardest and get the Vibes of the best; The other image has nudity, but that's not the point, the point is the unwilling vulnerability of it, the exposure. Hands all over you, around you, in you, hands that in some way are your own but under the control of something else, a part of you that you buried so deep that you didnt even know it was there until it got dragged out of you
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This is a screenshot redraw so prolly not the best example but. This is such a sinister moment and with Sven's cooler-toned lighting it's even more soulless and deadpan. Which works great thematically given his whole logic schtick. This is Sven at his weakest and his worst
Section Threeeee!! AKA I think I drew that guy Well
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First things first, gotta put respect on my battle cuts banner. Im glad other people liked this one because the Pokémon version doesn't get nearly as much love whenever I share it haha
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Sven seems to be the Guy I'm the best at drawing (surely there isn't any reason for that....) as far as like, what his general Shape is and even though all these are just little colored doodle dumps they're pleasing enough to me that I still use parts of them as icons on various websites. Also the Gaybo hours have arrived lol. I still adore the idea of the shine in Sven's eyes forming a heart when he looks at Sonny and feels something achingly familiar he cant name...
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Not much to say about this. I hate my 'real' art style a lot when it comes to trying to draw people but... I dont hate it here. and the butterfly soup I drew on this I havent been able to replicate, but that's what Sven's butterflies look like in my mind.
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For some reason FOM keeps eluding me lol i make stuff (written and visual) and like it at the time then hate it a few months later, repeat forever until the heat death of the universe. For now I think this is the best art I've made of them, but that may change in a month. Who knows. Still, they love each other your honor <3
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This collection of young Heartbreak doodles were made when i was getting back into SU after the Year of Hell. I tried going back to the drawing board with everything, start from scratch and branch out. i still miss this era in my art, but I havent been able to recapture this look so... fuck me
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This comic [link to full thing] is here for a similar reason. I dont usually like how I draw HB (can't seem to get the fucker right no matter what...) but in this comic I like most of what I did. This was made around the same time as the images above so it's hugging the canon SU style very closely and hey, maybe that's what the bastard needs to look his best.
CW for these last two as it gets a bit ~Spicy~.
This is Matriarch AU stuff (owned by @novantinuum). Nothing explicit is shown but i'll at least be transparent with you all about the nature of the AU as a whole even if most of it now is just... Emotional situationship turmoil and pages long character studies pfft
Anyway CW for partial nudity
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I dunno what it is but I like this Druid. This is a good looking Druid. Just an old fart cleaning up. Slightly younger, de-aged old fart cause of the AU Lore but still an old fart lol
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This image is peak autistic cringe and way more embarrassing than anything else I've ever made. it's got Witherbloom and Astrid stuff and I'll always be a little insecure about it (more so the Dryad/Druid than anything else) LOL but in a way that's why I like it so much
This image is the culmination of several months of deprogramming my brain from online purity culture bullshit and that's why Im proud of it, I'm proud of growing as a person enough to draw things that make me happy. It's dumb and cringe and selfish but I dont care anymore. I make art for myself when it comes down to it. I dont owe anyone shit, especially control over what I make. That's what creation is really about, bringing joy to yourself.
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drawlody · 11 months ago
Wip of my Overlord!Adam n Sinner!Adam designs:D
Update: Now Overlord!Adam is more chimera-ish, I saw an idea bout him staying at a cathedral n wanna use it so bad damnnn. Sinner!Adam I decided agaisnt the wings n opt for a tail, would be funny if he was to sneak stuff with his tail n shit
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Why 2? Cause i cant decied if having the mask morph into his face or just regular human face is cooler :DDDDD
Overlord: is not at the hotel, is doing relativecally fine through hell, he will get redeem albeit slower n more fucked up. Im thinking bout ripping off half the wings so he cant fly but can still use them to appear larger (plz i hold on this idea for 4y already i want to use it so bad). I'll give him some tattoos representing Eve n the kids cause DADAM IS THE BEST ADAM (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) also should i give him a tail hmmmmm???
Sinner: is at the hotel redeeming n is miserable, yes that is a skirt i saw that idea in 2 fics n it havent leave my mind once, it would be the closest thing he got to a robe, was thinking bout like a garderner apron but it look off so leather jacket it is. Off-coloured wings or no wings? On one hand having him curl up crying but unable to wrap himself in the wings is a delightfully painful ass image i would love to use but i also feel like without the wings it feel like its missing smth (cause technically it is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) maybe really small wings??? like enough to lift him off ground but not enough to fly around n be use as a blanky how r we feeling bout that hmmm. Also idk if ya can tell but he only got 1 horn, cause he ripped off one:DDDDD
A lot of these design choice is the result of the 400+ adamsapple fics i read which btw update slow as hell today man i cant go an entire day with only one 2k word chap man plzzzzzzz (if ya want those fics do tell me ill try to find the ones im talking bout here)
Fun fact: i learn to draw chubby people specifically for this man (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) like i wanna learn eventually but never really comfortable stepping out of my comfort zone. That is until this fucker came along n i will hate myself if i draw him as a twink
(as much as i love twinks this aint the char for that)
Plz go ahead n tell me bout ya own interpertation of Adam designs in hell:D!!! Like what hc r ya using here? i saw many go with robes, many go with the rocker vibe which obvs love that , litterally using that for mine (*✧×✧*) one even go full whore mode n i gotta say ✨slay✨
I'll go through each design choices once i finished the thingy so watch out for that :DDD
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carmenpeach · 4 months ago
i think i might make a new blog... ive had this one for like 7ish years and i think a clean start could be nice, this one is fulllllll of images and i dont know just feeling weird as i tend to do... ive had a username set aside for like months now that i was gonna change this blog to since its in the same vein of my old neopets username/ username i used to use waaaaaay back when but idk i just get this feeling of like. it would make me feel weird somehow even though its a username that brings me joy. thoughts in my head i cant convey succinctly enough.
i thought up a new username not associated with anything prior and its not taken so maybe soon i will make it. "soon" could be a week or a few months etc. i feel i dont have anything worthwhile to put on a new blog since i havent been drawing and at this rate i dont know when i will. i want to draw sometimes but they dont look good and i dont have passion like i used to. im not as unhealthy as i was a few months back but im nowhere near my average baseline health of like a year ago i guess. trying not to mope about it but also :( and i feel i hardly use this site anyways like i do but i dont. i scroll it for a few min and then leave it for a while to do i guess nothing and repeat. im not really sure what i do all day.
i guess i just dont really like sharing my thoughts anymore even though it used to bring me a lot of joy to have this to just showcase my thoughts so they werent cycling in my head all day and i guess thats what theyve been doing. i did recently get better health insurance so im hoping this will help me like writhe in agony less but its like yeah man ill be real none of my interests or hobbies do anything for me other than bring me down. but i dont think its like over its just rough and my organs hurt and i look different and my brain thinks different and its weird, but im still me even if im the "new" one right
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trainwrecksys · 11 months ago
ok!!!!!!!! i am!!!!!!! going to just say it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! long long post ahead!!!!!!!!!
yes i look like an out of touch stan with a victim complex for one character when i draw no one but bentham in my fanart and completely ignore everyone else to feel sorry for him and yes i am aware and no i dont know if anyone else sees this in me or im just paranoid but bro i am annoyed with myself !!! i hate how stannish i am sometimes because yes bentham had every reason to be called evil but yeah i had a good few reasons to have a complete breakdown when i read that in the book !!!!!!!1 too much writing under the cut about a lot of stuff that is in my head and needs to get out for better or for worse idk
i have made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgement and i do not expect to be forgiven but genuinely the way me being a stupid shameless stan can come off to others even subconsciously is actually important because it makes me look like someone who would see a situation like the bentham siblings' in real life and side with the STRAIGHT WHITE MALE who has made more than mistakes and hurt people in moments of heightened emotion (end of library of souls)- but like not in defense of bentham for ONCE IN MY LIFE everyone feels emotions everyone gets hurt and he had a right to not be perfect after everything he went through but that doesnt mean hurting people is the course of action and bro i have completely ignored that and skirted around it for two years and IM NOT GONNA KEEP APOLOGISING FOR MAKING THIS TOO LONG BECAUSE IT BLEEDS INTO REAL LIFE AND I REALISE HOW MUCH OF A STUCK UP DICK I COULD BE NOT ONLY ABOUT THIS BUT IN GENERAL LIFE AFTER I READ THE BOOKS AND GAINED AN ATTACHMENT TO BENTHAM
the stuff im talking about is honestly mainly between me myself and i and most of the art i post is him either chilling or feeling a bit sad but the way i completely ignore miss peregrine's issues and betrayal to focus on how oh so hurt and betrayed myron was like there was no reason he was exiled
like yes years in a big mansion with three people to keep him company in the middle of devils acre with no way to resolve his trauma can do shit to someone but what about years feeling his sisters guilt, BASIL????? what about how she mustve felt after both her brothers DIED due to their own hubris???????????? what about how she felt she was a bad sister when she literally had to be like their mother with all the baggage she had then actually mother children while thinking her slightly better brother might have been getting better with him saying he was gonna give them info on caul only to see him SIDE WITH CAUL when he had just done something that COULD HAVE HELPED HIS CAUSE and then spitefully capture her and lead them into the mouth of hell OH MY GOD
and how jacob and emma had to deal with his bullshit being all "lets talk over tea!" and waiting for when it was right in the exposition to tell them who he fucking was, then telling them he BASICALLY KILLED JACOBS GRANDPA while giving excuses and them finding out later on that hE KEPT THE SUUL FOR HIMSELF?????? i made some bullshit reason up why he did that for my headcannons but lets be real the only reason they could have at least imagined was that he was planning on using it in the library. the information betrayed them either way and to alma again it was only a stab in the gut because he hurt a guy who was basically her son
overall hes not some aesthetic victimised pookie bear hes a more than flawed man who only did some things to mend his image and cant be excused for what he did and this whole post was basically me shouting at myself
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kitsquared · 6 months ago
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Both directed at Phineas
The first image is panic over the news of what happened to Pereshati.
The second one belies unspoken anger for suggesting she leave the Lapileons for her safety.
Two expressions a day or two apart from each other.
One has Therdeo going to his uncle for help. For guidance. Like he used to do when he was younger. (He's gripping the letter from the carrier pigeon in his fist in a previous panel. He went straight to Phineas first).
The other brings up his quiet resentment at Phineas for leaving the family. For Therdeo who had stayed and endured the family's burdens. To impose authority over his uncle's judgement.
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I love how this image draws you into the authority he has with his height, pose, dress. The lighting, him centered and tall in a long vertical panel.
He looks older here ? And quite often he speaks to Phineas alone with his hair down and not parted, casual clothes; he always looks younger and more vulnerable, showing Phineas' role as the elder guardian.
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It's sad because the reason Phineas did not leave the family again was for Therdeo, who asked him not to go and to help him.
Phineas has also been concerned over Therdeo obediently taking on the title of Grand Duke at such a young age and fulfilling duties without thought to his own desires.
And it is Phineas who was overjoyed and relieved to have lived long enough to see Therdeo find something he wanted and worth fighting for.
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For Pereshati to become precious to him as well. For her to become someone past being of use to figuring out the family's curse.
But now Therdeo has even threatened him. (The shadow of the sword!!)
Which is excessive, and I think is an effect from a lot of the recent situations and fear of losing her to the point of near possessiveness (his way of dealing things about Harari).
more ramblings under the cut
#and you cant doubt that Therdeo is clouding his judgement of Pereshati's safety#there were 3-4 separate scenes showing his reaction towards the shackles on her feet#the relief he had when she said she was only thinking of him when he was the reason she went through this says a lot#he knowss.. but given how less composed and more erratic his actions are lately ( not surprising with the situations)#it's clear what lengths he would go to for her whether for better or for worse#and phineas' concern is extremely valid. we were all throwing our hands up when she got kidnapped man
(I wrote down these tags down and decided to keep them)
Truly, Pereshati did so much for them. It's interesting that her kindness and recklessness due to her kindness has been a thing since she was young and now resurfaces in her interactions with the Lapileons that have both Phineas and Adeus questioning her place in the family.
If she does so much for a stranger, how far will she go for the Lapileons? if the shackles are any indication
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scribeforchrist-blog · 7 months ago
The Truthful Verdict 
+ Proverbs 16:7 When a man's ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.
+ John 3:19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.
READ TIME : 8 Minutes & 30 Seconds
    Darkness is something we all try to avoid, even walking into a dark room; every room some of us we go into we try to find the nearest light switch; now some people are comfortable in the dark; my parents can walk totally into a dark room and go in, and get what they need and leave , me on the other hand I am searching for the nearest light switch because I don’t like the dark, even small children they sleep with lights and some adults because they whether not be in the dark it makes them feel uncomfortable.
     I know a lot of us always want to be comfortable, and one of the things we learned this week is that sometimes God would place us in the heat or a hot season so we can learn to lean on him more , but today, we are going to be talking about darkness,, the verse said that people love the darkness instead of light because of their evil deeds a lot of people love doing what they do without anyone stopping them,from doing it .
 Verse 21: Everyone who does evil hates the light and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 
    When we are in the light, we can see it all; once the light comes on, we see everything; nothing is hidden; all things are exposed, and all we must do is see; sometimes, when the light is to deem, we cant see what needs to be cleaned or attended to because of the amount of light we have but when we replace the bulb or add more light then we can see exactly what we need to do God is precisely that to us he’s that added light we didn’t know we needed . Until we try him and follow him, we won’t know until we fully give ourselves to him.
   Verse 22: But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.
      Truth is something ,a lot of people decline to hear. They whether hear a lie then the truth , but if we allow the truth of God to come in, many of us will change what we do and how we operate. When I first gave my life to God, I thought to myself I only had a few things to work on and I would be on the right path but then, as I grew in God and the light exposed me to what was wrong in my life, and he will do this to us all if we allow him, but we have to be willing to accept what he shows us. What is he showing you? What is he letting you know that you need to let go of?
  John 8:12 Again, Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”
    When we follow the lord, we won’t walk in darkness because he is the light of the world; we can see everything, and our eyes are open; we are no longer behind a veil; we are opened to being corrected; we are opened to change because his great love and mercy and grace draw us to want to have more, it draws us to want more in him and to change deeply we then realized how unworthy we are to be in his presence we realize how sinful we are. Still, we also realize that when Jesus died for us, he cleansed us with his blood!  
   This week, we talked about God being sovereign and ruler over everything; when he created the world, he created it the way he wanted, and he created us in his image; a lot of us think “ God has no power over how our lives” and that everything goes the way we want and half of that is true we do have free will but God does have all the power and control , and He seen how our life will be when we were formed in our mother’s womb. 
    There is nothing about us that’s in the unknown to God; he knows it all. We might learn something new about ourselves, a new food, a new dislike , or something else, but God knows everything there is to know about us. Many of us can't accept that he knows us, but he does. When we accept this, fully and see he’s our father, and place him in that role, we will start to see how his love for us is undeniably remarkable.
   Psalm 139:13-15 For you created my inmost being you knit me together in my mother’s womb. (14) I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful; I know that full well. (15) My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
   The word of God will last forever; when we walk in the light, that’s what we need to keep us in the light, which is studying and reading the word of God; when we study the word of God, the power that’s in it penetrates the darkness within and creates this truth in us to follow God, without the truth of God it will be hard for us to walk In the light
   The requirements to stay walking in the light are to be available to the truth and listen to God. We often don’t listen to God because we think we know what he is going to do, but it tells us in the words, “For who knows a person’s thoughts except his spirit within him? In the same way, no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” We don’t know what he will do unless we ask him what his will is, but our assuming can only get us into a deeper darkness, and to get out of this darkness, we must always seek the wisdom of God.
 ***Today, we learn about the light of God. Sometimes, it’s hard to stay in the light because sometimes, when we are in it, the light exposes what we don’t want it to, but when we are living for God. We are trying to let his truth stand; we must allow the light to change us; every day, as we read our word, we become stronger in him because we allow the word to mold and build us. We cannot grow nor know the lord more if we aren’t willing to read and allow his word to penetrate our hearts; we won’t change. We cannot walk in God and not read our word daily. 
   Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
    This verse here shows how the word can change and mold us; it shows us how alive the word becomes to our souls when we comprehend and allow it to expose the darkness in our lives. Every day, we need to ask God, show me what you need me to do and what I need to change, and be willing to change in God. If you feel he’s exposing those issues, don’t wait another day to fix them. Ask God to help you fix your issues today. ©Seer~ Prophetess Lee
Heavenly Father, thank you for everything, Father; we ask you to help us stay in the light! Lord, we ask you to help us understand our word as we go through it and read it; help us apply it to our lives every day. Lord, we are sorry if we have done anything that’s not of you. Lord, we love you and thank you for mercy and grace; lord, whatever that’s in us that’s not of you, please change it; we are so grateful for everything; in Jesus' Name, Amen 
+ Jeremiah 23:29 Is not my word like fire, declares the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?
+ Ephesians 6:17 and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God,
+ Psalm 119:130 The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple
Proverbs 17
Leviticus 17
Ezekiel 14
Matthew 23
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yourlocalabstraction · 1 year ago
your soul design is so yumilicious I need all the details now on my dinner plate
fr tho I want to know all the soul design lore how did you create such a creature /vpos
I struggled the most with Soul ngl. I couldn’t really think of anything I could add that would differentiate him from the fanon standard. I’m a lil upset I couldn’t think of something more original, but nonetheless he turned out quite lovely !!!
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I started with the color picking. I was very insistent on making everyone’s colors proportional to eachother. The main colors should have (about) the same saturation/brightness, contrasting colors that are the exact opposite hue of the main color, respective black/grey/white values (soul’s ‘grey’ color is more teal bc color theory but yea), shit like that i guess. The final palette is on the right, it’s what I use today.
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Soul never got fully fleshed out concept sheets like the other two. I guess my brain just filled in the rest of the gaps without having to draw them. (I apologize for never finishing these btw. It’s been months man. I hope the blorbo doodles in the corner make up for it) The second image was done a lot later than the first btw. Idk if that matters but I’m bringing it up anyway.
His fit inspo came mostly from Pinterest. I just compiled a bunch of shit I think he’d wear. Plus a majestic cape because it makes him look plenty more epic.
OK MOVING ON. I decided that his main gimmick would be my take on his shaded side. The idea was to make it represent dissonance, and how it affects Soul. The shadow is basically just this fuckin void. It has no physical form, and you can just stick your hand in there if you’d like (he sometimes stores the trident there). However I wouldn’t recommend it. The feeling is indescribable, but very uncomfortable. The void has a life of it’s own in a way. It does not stay confined within the Soul’s physical form (or in my case, his lineart). When conflict is at a high, like, tridential regicide level high, the void will get very close to fully overtaking him. It only fully disappears once true concord is reached, and starts reforming when the next cycle starts.
Also, the mask !!!!! Throughout cacophony, Soul is having a huge fucking identity crisis and shit. He doesn’t really have a physical organ like the other two. He doesn’t know why he’s here, or what he did to deserve this, or why nothing he’s trying works, and just. What is he if he’s failing at his main purpose???? I think because of this, he doesn’t like showing his face around the other two. He needs to assert is power, and thinks that showing his face will make him come of softer and less of someone to obey, if that makes sense. He only really takes it off when he’s alone in his room or pocket dimension (still trying to decide if they have a mock ‘apartment’, or ever did at one point). But once he has the character arc in Two Wuv, it permanently comes off !!! Wahoo!!!!!!! If only the next cycle weren’t to start, resetting his newfound self image to its previous state !!!!!!!!!!
Ok this is getting long im putting a read more thing
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This image was very helpful for designing the tine shapes!! Guess which one is Soul’s !!!!!! (Spoiler alert, im pretty sure its either the 2nd or 6th ones in the 2nd row. However i genuinely dont remember. This may not even be the right image)
Soul also has a strange tie with eyes. If the halves have pissed him off to the point of no return, he does this fuckin analog horror stare that freaks the shit out of them (although heart cant see he remembers it very well. Plus, he just k n o w s that extra eye is there). I haven’t really played around with this, but I like the idea of a freakishly absurd amount of eyes hidden within the shadow. I should maybe like. Draw that sometime.
Also, expect a Soil patch update in the future!! I’d like to make his fangs more deranged, and maybe add an earth pattern to the cape. Right now, he has no symbols on him that represent him in the astronomy metaphor.
Uhhhh i hoped this helped??? If i missed anything you were hoping to know about, do let me know !!!!!!!
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barbatoskisser · 3 months ago
Happy american thanksgiving everyone
Ill go first from my pov
Im thankful for cheeseburgers and smth ultimately basic but true: my friends. Gwbiubely my friends are some of the greatest people in the world and i adore them. I wish i had the ability to doodle us all hanging out from scratch and it not look like a weird blob with limbs from my pov but i dont so i'll find a 4 person friend base image later and rb with it
Of course my friend group isnt just 4 people their essentially 5 main online peoples, including myself (on discord anyway. Archaic isnr on here all that much. And he sort of doesmt count. Ill explain in a sec, but i'll still add him to the post)
And myself. Or i could cheat and say @mx-kamisato
Okay so here's the whole mess with archie.
He soley to me technically doesnt count because me and him are boyfriends
Ahem! Anyway
Yes we're boyfriends.
And its great hes a wonderful lad
I wish i could label all the things i love about this man but then we'll be here all day. I'll simplify it and say that he's incredibly funny (me and him share a sense of humor, thank fuck), he's always extremely kind, when he talks about his favorite things it always brings me so much joy because its just so fun to listen to, i love watching him play warframe even if i cant play it myself, i adore seeing him interact in our friend group and have fun. He brings me a lot of happiness everyday. Its not a "oh rarely i get a high from dating someone" its...every day. Every single day he makes me so thankful and happy he asked me out. He's wonderful and I couldn't ask for soneone better to be my boyfriend.
Okay thats enough being sappy from me!
Yeah i'm thabkfully to venti too but hes not counting since this is a post about /actual friends/ not fictional chars who i (half?) jokingly my husband.
Ahem. So yeah! I'm thankful to those people! Huge shoutout to them! The sillies who are in my life everyday.
Also shoutout to my mutuals in a more general sense!
@unkownknowledge , @pale-value , @avenrose , mf halve person i forgot their user. They liked and rbed s lot of my posts awhile back and j got excjted about them. I may have forgotten their user but i remember you!!
And the rest of the 20 people im mutuals with. My mutual list aint small but its too big for me to remember everyone.
Special shoutput to bones tho. Best comrade. No one forgets @nicebonescomrades i love them. Idk jf theyre pronouns are still she/her but yed. THEM
I hope they come on again someday soon. 100% thanks for existing and being my friend as long as gunter and ryuusei who have been my longest stanring friends on tumblr - actually, no, their just the most iconic. The longest standing froend on tumblr is wisti (if we count her) or artem! I met artem back on my old account and when they still were a big account under thinknoodled i think. They wrote a lot of sagau and when i still was scared shitless of them. Ah, the good old days.
Dont get me wrong they are still terrifying but in a they'd probably bite my ankles off way.
So glad i met everyone here and you all such great, wonderful people. Thank you so much for being in my life. And for the picture i promised, i'll be drawing the main 4 of agar. Soley because i dont knoe how i'd doodle infer. They're great too but i dont know if i would doodle more of their irl self or try to draw their scaley persona thing. Maybe their avatar??? I have no idea. The others i have a general idea.
Alright bye i'll see you guys later. I spent 30 minutes writing this post. Sigh.
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halfusek · 2 years ago
so lemme just put it out there: using AI for generating art, nevermind if for a joke or seriously, in this point of time, plain sucks
i’m refering here to that bendy highschool crush anime thing whatever i refuse to interact with stuff about this so i’m not exactly familiar but what matters is that it was AI generated AND even more so it was not mentioned anywhere that it was until people started pointing it out
there’s a few problems with that
first one is obvious - just the use of AI - as yall probably know its been a highly controversial topic these past few months, because of course it’s built on thief - first stealing artists’ work and then stealing their jobs; a joke or not it STILL uses that based in thief technology... though there do exist some AIs that asks artists for constent, for example the one that deviantArt created recently (and people misunderstood and spread a lot of false information about but oh well that’s a whole other thing) BUT generally these services for AI generation of images steal from artists - and not only! - they just take anything they can find fitting on the internet, even stock images and there was a case about a stock image site suing one of these AI services because *yeah* it’s just thief
another layer to all that adds the context of the game they made itself... like... BATIM/BATDR’s story is at its core about exploitation of artists and - apparently wether they like it or not - evils of capitalism (i still cant comprehend how Mike Mood can be anti union after making a game like this but like lol). it’s about art, about struggle with it and it’s just soooo out of touch to do something like this for a company making such game like hello?? if you wanna take from how artists are abused in big corporations then maybe have some decency and don’t use tools that abuse artists??? like that’s just so in bad taste man i have no words
then comes the fact that they waited with mentioning that AI is used is in the video. it STILL isn’t in the description of the video (the time im making this post is 13th april 2023 so the vids been up for 12 days), which i think AIs these days even require to be given credit?? but either way a lot of people didn’t even realize AI was used and i don’t blame them, not everyone pays attention to details or has an eye for them, this is why such information should be included... if it supposedly was meant to be “part of the joke” all along
which i find hard to believe? sure it came out on april first but.. how exactly is it a part of the joke? the AI generation was simply used for making the art for this fictional joke game. it could have as well been drawn by a real artist and no part of the joke would have been lost because it’s not part of the joke at all? like it’s not mentioned anywhere and it’s not obvious (Meatly even said they heavily photoshoped the images because they looked bad) so i’m asking how exactly AI being used is part of the joke here because it just seems like it was used as a mean of creation here and there was an attempt to hide that it was done at all
and if they really didn’t wanna spend time and effort on drawing it themselves (i get it, they might be busy with other things) then just A. don’t?? make anything?? or B. use an AI that doesn’t steal from artists and credit it so people know? and if it’s reeeeaaally a part of the joke then actually make it part of the joke? even a singular line of commentary laughing off at AI would make this actually work but there’s just nothing
i’m glad that Meatly said they aren’t planning on using it for anything serious but using it for a joke is still using it like sorry but that’s just how it is
and the whole ordeal of not saying what AI it is just rubs me the wrong way because high chance is they aren’t doing that because this AI is one of those that steal from artists so... eh... like i realize this is an assumption but i think it’s fair to be a bit skeptical about them after everything they’ve done :’)
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mamadarama · 1 year ago
2, 3, 12 and 22 for Mika and Natsume please?
Only if you're up for it. I know you're dealing with a lot of asks rn
worry not brother im enjoying myself, ill keep doing these as long as people wanna send em!!
2. favorite canon thing about this character?
mika - hes retained his street urchin vibes even after having been in valkyrie for so long. i really like this because it would be so boring for him to have taken on valkyries image full time and changed the way he presents himself when hes not on stage too .
natsume - ohhhh where do i even start . i love his personality , hes so unique and bizarre he genuinely feels like someone i would have been friends with in middle school .
3. least favorite canon thing about this character?
mika - its a lot better than in ! era but i wish hed take more agency over his thoughts when theyre challenged . hes very quick to agree with other people . hopefully hell get there someday
natsume - i really cant think of anything .... i guess i could stand to see him be a little more open and honest about what hes thinking a bit more often
12. whats a headcanon you have for this character?
mika - he likes playing flash dress up games !! (lets assume the devastation that was the 2020 flash shutdown didnt happen in enstars )
natsume - he knows html javascript and python and he makes little mobile games (he also knows objectiveC/swift but fuck ios and their stupid exclusive coding language)
22. if youre a fic reader, whats something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you dont like?
im not a fic reader so ill do this for visual art instead
mika - i like when people draw him w a little fang . ik he has this in canon but when ppl make it more obvious its really cute
natsume - i LOVE when hes drawn with slit pupils like a reptile , its so cool and really lends itself to the otherworldly air he has about him as well as suggests hes a little bit devious , which he is
edit: i forgot to mention something i dont like woops
mika - i dont like when people draw him scrawny. yeah sure hes a skinny little guy but cmon man hes had access to 3 round meals a day for years and with both niki and ibara in cospro and shu looking out for him theres no way hes getting away with eating anything less than that. and hes an idol . all that jumping around on stage has gotta count for something .
natsume - sometimes people make him tall ????? and its like ??? its not a crime but WHERE are you getting that from
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dawnleaf37 · 1 year ago
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9: ohhhhhh ok . So . Man what oc do I have that isn’t weird. Uhm. Uhhh. Uhhhh. Ok so . Like . it’s probably “No pictures! Whoops!” this thing is greasy icky yucky and I don’t even have an image for it because I just got the idea to make it today and I DONT have a good design nailed down for it. It certainly is. An oc. That I have.
6. Ok. So. No pictures! Whoops! is an amazing example of my process. It’s just:
i see a thing
i think “that would be really funny/cool/crazy as an object oc
i draw a sketch of it and then simplify the design a bit (ditti’s greeen wisteria is a good example! For a character I want to draw a lot, I need a shape that’ll be EASY to draw a lot and make it look semi consistent)
slap a few personality things on there that would probably fit and maybe some extra accessories and. That’s it lol. Literally
like, examples here:
Hydrangea was just me going “I want a nice plant oc that’s a bush. What would work?” oh! A hydrangea bush is fine (her name was originally Hydrangea Bush! I shortened it to hydrangea later)
RIRU was made as a doppelgänger to BIAS alumni cucked from RIP2. BIAS (a camp) alumni cucked. So I made it RIP(a camp) RUNNER UP (a placement). Messed around, didnt want a “2nd” on there so I put a lighting bolt and made the eye and arm fucked up of course cause of tesla. originally they were a lot nastier too !
i don’t remember how I made loveletter lol
pc is genuinely just the icon for the subeteanatanoseidesu main channel with horns derived from my other pfp character ellie’s second form(so. Meika hime and mikoto basically)
one time I saw a video about ghost plants and thought it was cool
on the bus I was thinking about literally any name for a character and like. I thought of Standard. Damn cant stop thinking abt that. I thought of Cadillac. Damn cant stop thinking abt that.
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