#and looking at it I can see it fitting Kuruk
ghost-dusk · 23 days
Okay, hear me out
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Remember this Snow leopard caribou from the North and South comic? I didn’t until recently and
What if
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low-budget-korra · 7 months
Comments on Netflix's Avatar The Last Airbender
*spoiler alert*
First of all I'm gonna start by saying it is one of the best adaptations I've seen so far. And that's the key word, adaptation. I've seen a lot of fans and others complain about some things that honestly, doesn't make sense because some things only work in a cartoon(just as much as some things only work in a book or a video game)
And before I start to talk about some topics that I judge important, I also wanna say that the production is fantastic, from the costumes to the CGI. It all looks amazing. (A part from Yue's wig)
1. The Script
It's not easy to pick 20+ episodes and make it fit in only 8 but damn they did a hell of a good job, especially when judging what was important to show and what they could let it go. Some fans commented that since there's no fillers, the Gaang and others miss some development but I think that for the universe of the live action what we got here it worked.
I can express how much I like to see Ozai and Azula's relationship and how it is now clear that he uses the siblings against each other, manipulating them to get what he wants. But I will admit I miss the fear Azula had, since it's implied in the show and some extras that she does fear Ozai, and fears becoming like Zuko.
I hope the 41. Is just fine after the battle in the north. See all of them bowing to Zuko after discovering that Zuko was the one that saved their asses and was heavily punished by that...it was beautiful. I loved the writers did that, give names and faces to Zuko's crew and a beautiful yet sad arc when Ozai banished his son and the men who he saved.
I also loved that they put weight into things that was treated as a joke, like Katara talking about her mother. She was a little kid who saw her mom get murdered in front of her and the live action made sure to let us know that it is not okay to make jokes about something so traumatic. All of the deaths here have tons of weight in it, it's not some random person, is someone we met, someone we liked, someone who helped. The costs of the war, something the cartoon manages to show us but know in live action, with real people, the massage gets stronger.
And they didn't forget Iroh's past like the fandom does, which is great. That actor, the earthbending soldier really let it all out, that's how you use the few screentime you have.
Sokka's isn't sexist and y'all were making a storm outta a cup of water, is not like Sokka sexist didn't go away after like the 4 or 5 episode in the original show. I think the live action was able to bring more depth to him in comparison to the first season of the cartoon. We see how he feels about his father's, the absence of him and his duty as warrior who kinda doesn't want to be a warrior.
I need a Gyatso in my life, I didn't know I needed to see more of him until the live action gave us more of him. Kyoshi was the Thor coming to Wakanda from this season, WHY THE FUCK BRYKE DONT WANNA GIVE US A KYOSHI SERIES? She is absolutely a jewel of a character. Roku and Kuruk, damn poor Kuruk man, so much pain in his words but again that's what it means to be the Avatar, it's not fun and games. Zhao saying to Aang what Korra villains said to Korra😭 that the world doesn't need the Avatar anymore, it hurt.
Guys I'm gonna say it, there's no way in hell for anyone to ship Kataang here. I'm saying this because some shippers complain that the secret tunnel part was different but c'mon, look at Kiawentiio and look at Gordon, it would be so s awkward and weird and just wrong. I know they don't have a big age difference, is only like 3 years but when they filmed Gordon looked so much younger than her, maybe in the next seasons the difference won't be that big.
The pace is good, once you start you don't wanna stop.
2. The Acting
Everyone is really good at capturing the essence of it's characters and somewhat making them their own. The highlights for me were Dallas and Ian, Its like they came straight from the show. Ken Leung's Zhao was also amazing as he was way more threatening here than he was in the show.
Kiawentiio was the Katara we were looking for, she is kind yet strong, brave and caring. And Gordon was Aang, sure, he has to learn a few things since he slipped a few times in his acting but nothing that could ruin the experience, that kid is good and just needs some experience.
Elizabeth Yu was Azula. It was different but yet the same character, is like learning something new of her and I like how cleared she show emotions with her eyes. Maria Zhang had great chemistry with Ian and I can't wait to see more of Suki. Arden Cho and Yvonne Chapman as June and Avatar Kyoshi look like they came out straight from the cartoon. Daniel Dae Kim...man is Ozai, so cold, so sharp, so scary, already way better than the cartoon version. I wanna see more of Paul Sun-Hyung Lee as Iroh since the character he really starts to shine in book 2.
3. The live action doesn't have the spirit of the OG?
Yes, it does have. The thing is now that we are seeing real people, things get dark one way or another but I don't think it ruined the spirit of the show. Aang is still a kid, Sokka still making sarcastic jokes, Zuko still annoying as hell, Katara still hopeful and strong... There's everything there really.
The thing is stuff like genocide, murder, war, death and suffering are, for some people, better to watch as pixels in a cartoon than real people.
I think it's a great adaptation and I would recommend it to every fan.
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ijjstlostthegame · 4 months
All right here's another idea for an AU:
So when Koh drags Ummi into the spirit world he doesn't take her face immediately (Koh strikes me as the type of trickster who likes to play with his prey if you will) instead of getting her face taken Ummi makes a break and runs for it out of his cave. She has absolutely no idea where she is and is just trying her best to make her way back home. While she's in the spirit world, the most spirits avoid her, either just because she's human, or because she is the spirit hunter/spirits bane wife and nobody wants to deal with an angry Kuruk in the Spirit world. Kuruk finds Koh a few days after their wedding. (Koh is looking for Ummi himself.) And Kuruk basically pins Koh down and demands to know when Ummi is. He finds that Koh actually doesn't know where Ummi is , as she escaped but Kuruk slays him anyway in a fit of rage. Meanwhile with Ummi she has tried to stay where there is water so that she can use waterbending to defend/ hide herself as she has almost died on multiple occasions. One night exhausted and tired she decides to hide in a cave to rest until morning, to get moving again and try to find a way out of the spirit world. While in this cave she sees a faint Green Glow, she, out of curiosity decides to get a little bit closer to see what it is, only to be met with one big giant green eye. Later we catch up with Kuruk who, after a month of looking for her finally finds her in that same cave as she went into, and he's so relieved to see her again, but something seems off. So he asks her "Ummi! There you are I was so worried about– are you okay?" Only for Ummi to turn around to face him and Kuruk's heart drops, because instead of the grey eyes of his wife, he's met with a pair of green glowing eyes.
Basically it's a father glow worm possessing Ummi AU.
Tumblr user tiger-pumpkin, i am looking you in the eye as i kneel on one knee and ask your hand for marriage 💍
DUDE I LOVE THAT, ITS SO ANGSTY AND SAD OMGGGGG, its like the best pay back fgw could do to kuruk after their fight, and kuruk would be dodging and weaving the whole time cause he doesn’t want to hurt her, but he cant dodge forever, he’s gonna have to fight back eventually
Imagine fgw making her say the most gut wrenching things to him, and even tho kuruk knows, he knows that she’s possessed, that shes not the one saying all of this, he cant help but feel pain at every word she spat on him like poison
That would be so devastating and im eating it all up
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releasemefromthevoid · 7 months
Alright guys, this is the end of it. Not gonna lie, I thought this was a little… underwhelming. They’re focusing a lot on the aftermath of a battle, which could be cool if done correctly. I wasn’t that into it.
At the very least, this episode, the visuals went crazy! We had the red color grading when Tui was captured, and the monochrome gray with the specific highlights when she was dead. La’s possession of the Avatar looked incredible as well. They sold it as a fairly awe-inspiring moment, but I think this moment was undermined a little in other ways.
I think there are a lot of little inconsistencies throughout the show that really culminated here. Some of my worries were resolved, but some of them really weren’t. 
In any case, I think this was fine for a season finale. It fit the tone of the show and went harder than the other episodes to end things off. 
I’ll write a full series review tomorrow, I’m trying to go to sleep.
Live reactions under the cut
well i do love seeing strategy sokka
disappointed by the lack of catapults on the ships so aang couldn’t creatively use them to destroy the ship
did iroh just tell zuko to swim in freezing waters? lol
wait we already did koh, so what’s up with tui and la? how are we gonna figure out where they are? are we even gonna see the spirit oasis? 
oh so. we’re introducing the war balloons now? early for the fire nation? with a vague reference to the mechanist? how’d they even get the plans? sure do wish we’d seen more about those before, besides just making them. maybe used one to take down the firebenders invading the northern air temple? maybe a fire nation soldier could’ve found the remains of a balloon. just a thought
the. ice moon?
so tui and la only take physical form once a year in this version? huh
and he’s gonna kill tui with KURUK’s spirit knife. interesting macguffin
okay so there is the spirit oasis. and they’re using it to bring back momo
sorry that was actually genuinely deeply upsetting. they just did something illegal i swear to god. don’t fuck with the animals
i am Not believing that katara is skilled enough to fight zuko. sorry but it’s not happening. she hasn’t even been trained. “you found a master haven’t you”. no zuko, she hasn’t. NO ONE HAS TRAINED HER. “yes, you’re looking at her.” katara, someone called you a master once, girl, that doesn’t mean you Are one
good lord that’s so red. i like that they kept that visual cue though
tui: dea. the color grading on this is still good too. the only colors we really see are the flashes of yellow and red with the fire balls being thrown around. theoretically, everything else should be grayscale/monotone, with the exception of yue’s blue eyes (which i don’t believe are blue in this adaptation). i don’t really have complaints about the look of things
okay la, your turn
do we need a “reality of war” moment again? tbh i feel nothing for these people. 
oh yue’s eyes ARE blue. chill
hey what do you mean “you’ll be lost forever”. something something killed in the avatar state killed forever can’t reincarnate
okay la possession looks cool as hell. obsessed with these visuals
though idk if it’s just me, but people are really trying to get the “avatar is gone”, “there’s no more avatar”, “you’ll be lost forever” thing across huh. i feel like that kind of undersells the moment when seemingly everyone knows what’s going on. 
zuko’s gonna fight zhao now why? purely so zhao can give zuko a moment of realization, got it
and then he tries to kill zhao. i still think zuko would never.
and now zhao is almost certainly dead, because iroh pushed him off. and zuko didn’t have that moment of offering mercy, and zhao didn’t have the moment of rejecting that mercy. this IS a downgrade
woahhh hahn dead confirmed. wish i could celebrate, but he’s nice now
so pakku is NOT becoming katara and sokka’s grandfather in this one. i bet we won’t even learn the significance of katara’s necklace
sorry are you relying on bumi for earthbending training? you haven’t even started waterbending. this bumi is barely reliable from your interactions with him
oop there goes omashu. weird that we’re seeing the takeover
okay. sozin’s comet. i thought you were taking that out? was that just a lie then? shouldn’t aang know about that? might actually make him learn waterbending. considering the series just ended. and he HASN’T EVEN LEARNED WATERBENDING YET
liked: the visuals went so hard, no kataang romance
worried about for potential season 2: zuko's arc
disliked: zuko and zhao's fight, katara "mastering" waterbending despite never having trained with a master, aang literally not even once showing that he was the avatar outside of the avatar state (not learning ANY waterbending)
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maybe-your-left · 2 years
Bed Bug - Part 3 of 3
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Summary: Kylo rolled off the edge of the bed, somehow landing on his feet with his hard dick still hanging out of his pants. You watched with your mouth opening and closing like a trout, and he turned to you. Making a mocking crying face, complete with fingers trailing his cheeks with tears, “Oh, you poor baby! Never had to wait for something in your life, come on. Let's get you dressed for class and then we will see if you get to cum today.” 
the lizard is a bearded dragon bby
Enjoy Part 1 and Part 2 before reading! along with my College Kylo Ren Masterlist
Come over. 
Who is this? 
Come over. 
Wanna cuddle. 
No its someone else. 
How’d you get my number? 
I borrowed it. 
Picking u up. B ready. 
“Who the hell invited Kylo over? He just drove onto the grass again.” 
You groaned from your bunk bed, letting your phone fall on your freshly washed face. It was Monday evening, you had things to do tomorrow… these things didn’t include getting dicked down by the frat king. 
Even though you’d thought about it, after doing the walk of shame at the Sunday meeting yesterday. All the way back to your lonely table, while he high fived everyone he could touch on the way back. Explaining how you ‘choked on his dick like a champ’ to the brothers, Kuruk gave you a look you didn’t trust when he heard it. 
Bazine and Kaydel were dead silent on the way back, and you ran upstairs to your room with your tail between your legs. 
You didn’t do anything wrong! It was justified, there was nothing more to happen- 
“Don’t make me climb up there,” Kylos voice boomed through your inner monologue. 
You peered over the edge of your top bunk, looking down towards your door frame. Filled by his beastly body, dressed in maybe his version of pajamas? It was almost past nine-maybe he had a normal bedtime on weekdays? 
His plaid lounge pants looked comical on his long legs, Bazine pushed him into your room. Your dorm mate got out of her bottom bunk, mumbling something about getting a snack. 
Kylo watched her squeeze past him, before moving directly to the edge of your bed. His head clearing over the mattress as you were wedged between the ceiling and your covers. 
“Hi,” you whispered, smushing your face into your pillow. 
“Hi cutie,” his nose scrunched as he smiled, “I came over.” 
“I see that.” 
“I thought you were gonna come to my place first,” he sighed, gripping the metal frame with his large paws. You watched his fingers flex over the wimpy casing holding you in the air, he could probably rattle it free from its hinges if you upset him. 
Rolling carefully to your side, you reached a hand out to touch his hair. Clean, extra soft like a kitty cats tummy, he pressed his forehead into your palm. Sighing again, “Think I can fit up there?” 
He shrugged, “That’s too bad.” 
You were pushed rather violently to the back wall of your bed in a rush. The bed creaking loudly as he hoisted his body over the edge, squishing himself between the ceiling and your claustrophobic form. You pressed both hands on his chest, pushing hard, “Stop! What are you doing!? Its gonna collapse.” 
“Bummer,” he wiggled his shoulders, digging into your covers like an animal. “Then you’d have to come sleep at my place… don’t want that.” 
He groaned into your pillow, “Your shampoo smells so fucking good babe…” Taking another strong whiff, “We gotta get you some of that for my place.” 
“What are you talking about?” you slumped, defeated, into the crevice between your bunk and the wall. He had cocooned himself into the top layer of your duvet, chest down on the XL-twin mattress… 
“Shush-I’m tryna sleep like you normally do,” he growled, “It’s kinda nice? Like I'm on a cloud…” his hand darted out from the mass of blankets, latching to your waist and pulling you into the depths. 
“Give me a good night kiss.” 
You rolled your eyes, wrapping yourself in the covers as best as you could. Overheating already from the furnace his body heat made in your small sanctuary. You brought your cheek to his shoulder, burrowing into his nest, “Where’s your face?” 
“Right here,” his chin jutted forward. Lips pursed for you to smack one on him, “Kiss me, then we can power nap before we go to my place.” 
“Kylo I’m not coming over,” you groaned, “I have classes in the morning…” 
“So do I but that doesn’t mean I’ll be going to them? Come on, just give me a kiss. I’m all comfy now and don’t want to have to roll on top of you for one.” 
His eyes opened up, glaring as he made smacking noises with his mouth. Repursing them over and over, what the hell, you quickly pressed your lips to his. 
Overcome with his taste for the third time in two days, your heart fluttered as he smiled into you. Breathing hard through his nose before kissing you back a few times. Humming in contentment, “Good, let’s go to sleep.” 
You groaned, a heavy weight pressed on your chest. Caging your arms to your front, you tried to wiggle your shoulders out of your blanket coffin. 
Finding it near impossible, somehow you’d managed to fold yourself under your mattress? 
There was no other explanation. 
You retraced your steps from the evening before, you woke up, went to class, studied downstairs with your sisters, had a big dinner, showered, and laid down… 
And then… 
“Will you turn that fucking thing off before I throw it at the wall?” Kylos gruff voice startled you. 
Gasping as his cheek came to rest on top of yours, swiping a thumb along your bottom lip. Pressing on your pout a few times before dipping it inside, your tongue instinctively lapping out to taste him. 
He purred into your hair, “Good girl, now let’s snooze a little more and then I’ll fuck you real good.” 
“Ky-lo,” you mumbled, squirming underneath his form, your alarm still blaring overhead. “Get off of me.” 
“Hmm,” he clucked his tongue, pressing his thumb inside your mouth more so you’d suck on it. “I don’t think so.” 
“Will you guys shut up? His snoring has been rattling the bed all night?” 
Both you and Kylos heads lifted up in unison, oh. Your roommate came back? The bed creaked underneath you both and out she rolled, slamming her palm on your alarm clock to shut it off. 
“You guys suck-I’m leaving for class.” 
“But… you’re in your pajamas?” you croaked, embarrassment flooding your cheeks, “He can get up, don’t leave!” 
Kylo grunted, “Like hell I am, I have a raging hard on right now I’m not getting up until it’s dealt with.” He looked down at you, eyebrows raised, “So she can leave or stay and watch the show.” 
The door slammed shut, there’s your answer. Kylo hummed with pleasure, peppering kisses all over your sweaty forehead from being crushed all night. He was only supposed to stay for a few hours, and yet you were lulled to sleep by his warmth. 
His nose crunched against your forehead with each kiss, stubble scratching your face over and over until he made his way down to the corner of your mouth. Pausing, “Do you care about morning breath or what?” 
“I…” you exhaled deeply, giving in, “It’s fine…” 
“Don’t act so sad, you’ve been curled up against me all night. I’ve been waiting to have those sweet lips on me again,” he licked his lips. Puckering dramatically before blowing a raspberry on your mouth. 
You couldn’t help but laugh at his corniness, humming back into his touch. Still crushed underneath him, his lips attached to you. Moaning obscenely when his tongue hit your palette, surprised that he wormed his way in there so fast. 
Rutting hips trapped you underneath, you placed your sweating psalm on his shoulder. Strong muscle flexing underneath you as the incriminating sounds of the bunk started creaking under the weight of both of you. 
Muffled by your mouths swapping together, your eyes shut in bliss. Letting him happily take the lead for whatever he wanted, your class could wait… 
Kylos lips popped off yours, panting on your temple as he reached a hand between your bodies. Angled on his shoulder, “Gotta move,” he grunted, “There we go, kept crushing my fucking dick against you.” 
Your face scrunched, about to protest when he ground down again and oh that felt good. His hard cock was pressing right against the apex of your thighs. Rubbing along the length of it between your flimsy fabric pajamas, you let out a soft sigh as he rocked back and forth. 
Met with a grin, “That feel nice? I can feel your hard little clit.” He kissed at the edge of your jawline, peppering the skin with sloppy, wet pops before nibbling down the column of your throat. Rocking getting harder against your wetting shorts. Your excitement begging to rub between your thighs onto his plaid bottoms. “Kylo, I think I’m gonna…” 
“Already?” he panted, “Doesn’t take much to get your little engine running. Shit, lets get some skin to skin.” 
Kylo sat back on his knees, his head hitting the ceiling in a loud thump. But he didn’t seem to care, unbuttoning the front of his bottoms to reveal his purpling hard cock. Pumping with one hand while the other shot out to grab the crotch of your pajamas. You gasped as his finger hooked underneath, skimming your wetness, “Ah-oh my god…” you whined. 
They were yanked down your legs, he swore under his breath when your knees knocked together to try and not ri[ them in two. Your legs fell back open, your slick cooling under his scrutiny, Kylo launched forward. His hot cock fell between you with a grunt and a gasp between you both, your wrapped a hand around the base of his neck. Fingers ripping into the long hairs that stuck to his nape, your legs already shaking from the oncoming orgasm that threatened to happen premature. 
You couldn’t believe he was on top of you, naked cock rubbing on your pussy. Kylo growled in your ear, “Hot pussy, I bet I could slip right in baby. You want that?” 
“Yes…” you teeth chattered together as you thought about clamping down on his length. You’d probably cum before he even got started. 
Kylos hips rocked against you, the head catching on your wet entrance a few times while he groaned into your neck. 
“I don’t know, baby.” 
He rubbed his cheek against your forehead, stubble scratching slightly from his overnight stay. You whimpered as the very tip of his slipped inside you for a moment, you felt all his muscles tense in the effort to not ram inside you. Why wasn’t he? Your brain fumbled through various questions while he popped out of you, only to find the spot once again where your bodies were menat to be connected. 
You jumped at the feeling of fingers on your clit, fumbling with it for a moment before they pinched at the hard nub. Yelping out while he shushed you, your legs bent in on themselves, toes skimming the ceiling in an effort to hold off on cumming, you wanted him inside you! You panted as he stroked up and down and back and forth. Humping the lenght of your right inner thigh with his precum staining the skin. 
“Kylo-please just fuck me.” 
He shook his head, bringing you in for a swift kiss before taking his fingers off your clit. Spitting in his palm while you laid there with an open mouth in awe. Your pussy tingled at the thought of him shoving his spit laced cock inside your waiting channel…”Kylo!” you ground out, “Just do it!” 
“I don’t think your desperate enough. I’m not sure if you just want to cum or if you really really want me to ram my cock,” he paused at the word, pinched hard enough for more wetness to slip out of you, “So hard inside your tight little pussy. I think you’ll just have to wait.” 
“Wait-what?” you babbled, rutting your hips up in the air to catching his fingers in a pathetic chase of release. You brought a hand down to try and help yourself, but only were smacked in response. 
“Don’t you fucking dare.” he stared at you sternly, “You’re not going to cum until I say so. And I think its about time for us to get up,” he swiped across your pearl, “And for us to go to class.” 
“But,” you started, shushed by his wet fingers on your lips. 
“Nope, don’t beg, its a turn off.”
Kylo rolled off the edge of the bed, somehow landing on his feet with his hard dick still hanging out of his pants. You watched with your mouth opening and closing like a trout, he turned to you. Making a mocking crying face, complete with fingers trailing his cheeks with tears, “Oh, you poor baby! Never had to wait for something in your life, come on. Lets get you dressed for class and then we will see if you get to cum today.” 
You got dressed together. 
Correction, Kylo dressed you in the clothes he wanted you to wear. Just to make sure you didn’t get any chance to get away and rub one out in the bathroom. He trailed right behind you everywhere throughout the sorority house. Smiling and saying good morning to all the girls that he passed in the halls while you stormed from room to room, irritated that he was saying hello to all the girls who he had fucked. 
While he left you hanging on the very edge, he was literally inside you and he did nothing! 
It was his idea in the first place, why did he change his mind? 
You thought over it while you brushed your teeth, together, at the same sink in the womens only restroom. Every one of your sisters giving you the stick eye when they saw Kylo looming behind you in the mirror with his own toothbrush that he had grabbed from Bazines old stash. 
Apparently, your president had been snecking him in for a long time and he had an abundance of clothes and toiletries throughout the house. Which he pointed out to you while you sulked, even Bazine got to fuck him… 
“Come on,” he whined, grabbing your forearm as you tried to get away for the tenth time this morning, “Let me drive you to class.” 
Kylo tried dragging you closer to his lexus parked on the front lawn. You scoped out the car, luxury, and practically brand new judging by how clean it was on the outside. Complete with two anime women stickered to the back windows. Their big tits right in whoevers face that pulled up next to him, you yanked particularly hard. 
“No, I want to walk. Leave me alone, Kylo.” you growled. 
He raised his hands, a scowl painting his face at your vicous tone. You regretted bursting at him, but you weren’t going to give in just because he knew you were upset. 
“Fuck-okay,” he placed his hands on his hips, “You’re sure a little bitch when you aren’t fucked. Do I need to come over there and spank you?” 
You flushed at that thought, he had dressed you in a short tennis skirt with no shorts underneath. He could easily lift you over his thigh and smack your skin until it blistered and bruised and you were writhing in his lap for more. You shook your head in protest, he wouldn’t dare. 
“I’m not-” 
“You think I won’t?” Kylos eyebrows shot up, moving in closer with calm steps, “Baby, I’ll make it impossible for you to sit in your lecture without thinking of my bare hand on your abused ass. You want that? Right here on the lawn?” 
You looked around, embarrassment coloring your cheeks when you saw all your sisters staring and dunking down from the windows. A few of them on the front porch looking the other way, even the houses on your block and across the street were watching the display between you and Kylo. You couldn’t imagine him doing that in front of all of them… 
“Are you going to be good and get in the car?” 
You nodded silently, shuffling to the passenger side of the car. Kylos long arm opened the door for you, pushing your head down to duck into the seat. He even buckled you in, you sat in silence while he peeled off the grass in a loud rev of the engine. 
“Thats a good girl.” 
Am I coming over today? 
You had sent the text. 
You’d been thinking about it all morning and throughout both your lectures, barely taking any notes despite it being your favorite classes to attend. All you could think about was your morning, and the absolute whiplash Kylo had given you with him feelings and desires, then calling you names when you didn’t get what you wanted. 
A few of your sisters had texted you saying that thats normal, Kylo was just strange. They all were surprised he hadn’t left you alone yet, apparently he was notorious for hitting it and quitting it. But he hadn’t even hit it! 
Typing, the little dots appeared and your heartrate picked up. What would he say? 
Your forehead scrunched in irritation, what did he mean? You decided to be as straightforward as possible, tired of the games. 
What do you mean?
Aren’t we supposed to sleep together?
Who said that? 
Its not like we had a contract. 
Look its Monday Xi, I have plans. 
Your heart sank. 
Guess you were the exception to his hitting it and quitting it rule, he just wanted to quit it. 
Shit, babe. 
You can come over. I just have a date I can’t miss. 
Be here at 4. 
A date? 
What did he mean by date? 
Was he seeing someone?? 
Your heartbeat picked up intensely, thumping loud enough for you to feel it almost burst through your chest. What did that even mean? He had plans with someone, but still wanted you to come over? 
You thought about it the entire rest of the day, while you were standing in circles with your friends. Holding a cup of coffee in your hand, almost slack with your grip when youw atched the man himself walking in with other sisters, laughing and touching their shoulders. His eyes flashed towards you and you melted when he winked at you before moving on with his business. 
After catching a ride with a friend, you were standing at the front door of the frat house. Pushing on the open door like it was last time. Did they ever shut it? Was anyone else home? You’d seen Kylos car parked sideways in the driveway, but no one else was greeting you. 
Your popped your lips a few times, debating on if you should just leave, maybe call and say it wasn’t going to work out between the two of you. 
Its not like he was that into you-
“Xi,” Kylos voice boomed from up the stairs, footsteps fast as he came down, with a giant lizard on his shoulders. “You came, hi baby.” 
He came over despite you recoiling at the jarring display of the animal climbing over his shoulders and rubbing against his raised hand. Pressing a quick kiss on your cheek before he raced back up the stairs. 
Yelling as you followed up behind him, shivering as you thought about the animal. “Come on, I have a thing to do.” 
You rolled your eyes, he probably brought you here to babysit the crazy thing hanging on him, you’d just leave it while he was away. Maybe that would show him that you didn’t care-
His room was a mess. 
Clothes thrown everywhere, piles on the floor, around black furniture. A desk in the far corner, with a large gaming computer on top that glowed blue and red, a gaming chair that was black and red piled with books that looked liek they had been heavily read. The closet was open, with a dresser inside it with all the drawers half closed and plenty of trinkets and trophies on top. 
You looked around to the other side of the room, aside from his probably king sized bed being made. It was still just as messy, A large tank on top of another table, complete with a little habitat and sunning bed. A few stickers littered the tank but you couldn’t make out what they said. But they were pink and flowery… 
Kylo turned to you again, holding the lizard away from you, “Sorry, I tried to clean but I didn’t have a lot of time between class and then I have to make this call… Um this is my lizard.” 
“I see that.” 
He held the thing out with both hands cradling it while it blinked at you. You squinted at it, noticing a small baby pink harness on its body. 
You were about to ask about it when his phone started ringing, he quickly turned away and threw the lizard on his lade bed, it curled into a small ball like a cat in a patch of sunlight. He pulled his phone into a stand, turning on his mounted TV, revealing the FaceTime screen from someone named-Booger? 
“Should I leave?” 
He shoot you a weird look, “What? No? Just sit down and be comfy, this will only be a little bit.” 
The TV loaded the other person, Booger apparently. A grainy image taking forever to connect while you tentatively sat on the edge of the bed, backpack slumping off your shoulders to the floor, you looked cautiously towards teh lizard. It paid you no mind other then what sounded like a purr in approval. It was a scaly cat, thats what you’d decided. 
Static crackled startling both of you while Kylo smacked the side of his sound bar, “Boog! Can you hear me? Fucking stupid thing, I need to buy a new one…” 
“Yeah I hear you.”  
A mans voice came through, along with the image of the person in question. A scrawny looking blonde kid, you squinted at the loading frame, dressed in what looked like school gym clothes? You scanned it more for clues, seeing glasses framing a large nose, and a skinny face, down to another lizard in the lap of whoever it was. 
He kinda looked like Kylo… 
“Xi,” Kylo turned around, moving to pet his lizard, “This is my little brother, Matt.” 
You waved a hand, relief singing through your veins, it was a facetime date with his brother. Not a real date with another person… you introduced yourself, relaxing back. 
Kylo picked up his lizard, cradling it like it was a baby, “We talk every Monday to let our girls see each other, and to catch up.” 
“This is Kira.” Matt lifted up his lizard, like it was a dog or cat under its armpits. The thing just licked its snout, Kira, was wearing a gemmed harness. 
“And this is my baby girl, Rey.” Kylo lifted the lizard in your face, met with another blank stare from one eye while the other stared into the distance. 
You breathed another sigh of relief, looking over at the tank to see the name Rey in pink bubble letter stickers. Along with a leash and maybe other pink collars hanging behind the tank, you chuckled a little as the boys launched into conversations about how the other was doing. Lizard maintenance, and when they would see each other in person again. 
Blacking out while it happened, you busied yourself with doing homework and typing up lecture notes you’d missed while in class today. 
There was something so domestic about it, you felt warm and fuzzy as Kylo leaned back into you while he listened to his brother talk about his day and the hardships he was going through being forced to go to weightlifting with his friends. 
You scratched at his scalp while he lectured Matt about body fitness and how he wasn’t supposed to sit at the computer all day. Which he countered with how Kylo sounded like a parent and not his big brother who plays video games with him. 
About an hour and a half had gone by before Matt was supposed to go to dinner with their parents. A few times you noticed someone walking back and forth behind the couch Matt was sitting at, maybe that was Kylo’s mom or dad? 
Kylo had said goodbye, putting away Rey before turning to you and cagin you in with an arm on both sides of your body. 
“Hi, baby.” 
“Hi, Kylo.” 
He leaned it, slowly shutting your laptop as he pressed his body on top of you. Kylo brought his lips to yours while you giggled as he got closer, pushing your items aside to fall towards the edge of the mattress. Pressing quick kisses to the corners of your mouth, “I missed you today, you looked soc ute int he outfit I picked out.” 
You shrugged, pressing his chest away from you, “You saw me thought, and didn’t say hi…” 
“I was busy with greek council shit, I can’t be next to you all day. Even though I’d want that.” 
“Oh yeah?” 
He kissed your forehead, pressing more of his weight on top of you. Your legs splayed out on either side of his thighs as he sagged, “Of course I do, I like you Xi. A lot. Wanna be with you all the time.” 
Your heart sang at that, flushed at the confession, fingers digging into the fabric of his sweater. You nuzzled your face into the warmth of his neck. Voice muffled, “I think I like you too.” 
Kylo purred at your words, pushing you back into the pillows on his nicely made bed. “Good, or else this would be awkward.” 
Suddenly he was on you again, kissing you with a passion that made you almost choke on his long tongue slithering across your own. Pulling on the edge of your shirt and quickly throwing it off your scrambling arms, revealing your push up bra he had insisted you wear. Because he liked how your tits looked in it. 
“Fuck, look at you.” 
He licked his lips, leaning down while your hands buried themselves in his long hair. Planting hot, suctioning welted on your heaving chest, canines scraping while you grabbed at his sweater to divest him off like your own. Revealing his broad chest, the same one you’d been thinking about since the last weekend when he was stark naked for your eyes to dance around his frame. 
Kylo pushed off your, mouth glistening with spit from his affections. He quickly dropped his pants with a clatter of his belt, yanking his boxers down his strong thighs and to his ankles. You couldn’t believe he was already naked before your very eyes, he nodded towards you. 
Quickly, you stood before him, unzipping your tennis skirt for it to pool on the floor with all his other clothes. Dropping your thong and bra with the rest when he launched at you, bodys clashing together in a passion youd never felt before. You felt yourself be lifted from the floor as he spun you around. Falling together into the bedding, you straddled his form, rubbing your slicking pussy along the length of his hardening cock. 
He groaned at the friction, you revelled in the roll of his eyes from the pleasure. You could get used to that look, Kylos paws fell to your waist. Pinching at the rolling skin as you leaned forward to latch your lips together. You swapped back and forth delicious salvation while you rocked your hips. 
Kylo rolled the two of you over, your head against the far wall of his bed. He grinned above you, moving his hands down to yank your legs open further. 
You gasped as he spat on your clit, “You’re just so wet, I bet I can slip right in. Can’t I?” 
“Yeah,” your voice warbled. 
“Lets see,” he shuffled forward on his knees, bringing his cock right into your entrance. Thrusting forward slightly, popping the seal of your wetness with a slick slurp of fluids. You whined, “Please-Kylo.” 
You were aching from being denied earlier today, desperate for him to have his way with you. It was something you know you couldn’t leave here without, Kylo nodded. Wrapping a palm around your mouth, spelling it off so no noise could make it out. 
“Can’t have you screaming, the neighbors already hate me.” 
You were going to protest, but the scream creeped up on you when he jammed his hard cock inside you in one swift thrust. Completely engulfing your pussy with its hot, probably more than ten inches, meaty girth, He didn’t let you relax, swiftly plunging in and out of your candy coated center over and over again while the bed rattled your brain. 
Bouncing around and held in place by just his hand on your mouth, your arms failed to latch onto anything to keep you from jostling. Your tits swinging with every grunted thrust. You wailed behind the palm, laving at it with your tongue, Kylo slipped two fingers inside your mouth. 
“Yeah-” he panted, “Fucking suck on them.” 
You doubled down your efforts, letting him jam them down your throat. Little noises fitting through the gasps while he panted above you. Eys snapping open and shut, you watched with dreamy eyes at his sweat beaded down his face to dripped off his nose to fall on your steaming skin. 
“Rub your clit baby, I’m so close,” he panted, “You’re too tight.” 
Your let out a muffled okay, swiping down on your hard clit in time with his grunting thrusts. 
“There it is,” Kylo groaned long and loud, looking at the wall abov eyou for a moment while his thrusts slowed down, “Cum for me baby, cum on your daddy’s cock!” 
You exhaled hard through your nostrils, rubbing harder as your crested the edge of your release. Gushing around his length as he buried it deep inside you, his throat catching on a groan as he came inside you in pulsing rhythms. Thrusting shallowly while you miliked his cock for every bit of his essence. 
Kylo placed his forehead on your bare shoulder, panting in hot breaths. Whispering out what a good girl you were, how hot you were, hot tight your pussy was, kissing a line towards your lips. Peppering your face with doxens while he thrusted in and out of you for the last time, your collective fluids gathering underneath you with a wet plop. 
He panted, smiling at you with a goofy grin as he cradled you towards his chest, pressing a few kisses on your forehead when he whispered…
“I hope you know you’re my girlfriend now.” 
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skoulsons · 11 months
i have to talk about the atla teaser I’m so sorry
first off is the locations.
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LOST it at omashu. One of the best places in the show. The shutes!!!! The architecture!!!! Oh it’s BEAUTIFUL
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AND ROKU. MY BOY. CRESCENT ISLAND. THE FIRE SAGES. SHYU. ONE OF MY FAVORITE SCENES OF THE SHOW. “I know you can do it, Aang, for you have done it before.” ROKU PULLING THR LAVA THROUGH THE FLOOR 😭😭😭 (not to mention the ep before this being WSP1 about hei bai. i cant wait to see him in live action)
The cast!!! I’m really happy with everyone, I think. Paul as Iroh !!! Daniel as Ozai !!!
The kids all look great as well. AND SUKI I DIDNT THINK THEYD SHOW HER. But the whole gaang looks so so good and I’m excited to eventually see toph, Ty Lee, and Mai (even other kids like Haru, Teo, the Duke, etc)
Not even just the kids, but just the whole rest of the cast??? HAKODA??? Everyone involved in Earth Rumble??? The swamp benders and the mechanist and Chit Sang and Bumi and Monk Gyatso and Roku and Sozin and the Dai Li and Zhao and Yue and Kyoshi and Kuruk and Yang Chen and to see characters like Koh or Wan Shi Tong in live action???
The gaang flying on Appa!!! Zuko and Iroh fighting!!! The scenes from the warriors of kyoshi!!! Suki and Sokka!!! Whatever that first scene is which could be a flashback I don’t know I can’t really make anything out but still!!!!! That Agni Kai that I can’t make out between who whether it’s Zuko and zhao or Ozai to Zuko or a new one but!!!!!!!!!!! The tower that looks similar to the one in the blue spirit episode!!!
The costumes look great too. Aang feels so Aang. I love the look of Katara and Sokka southern water tribe clothes. LOVE the fire nation look (Ozai looks STELLAR). Kyoshi warriors look so good.
The score kicking in 🤌🏻😭🤌🏻😭🤌🏻😭 one of my favorite scores ever
The *one* thing I can’t figure out is who’s voice is throughout the teaser. “Time… time is a funny thing. The past, the future, it all gets mixed up. There’s only one way to keep it straight. Always remember who you are.”
It definitely sounds cut in some places, but I’m pretty sure it’s Iroh (I don’t know Paul’s voice and how much he might’ve changed it to fit Iroh). But I think he’s also the character to put in a teaser / trailer bc of course his character is known for his wisdom, but also everyone just loves him, so
my friends are right. it’s probably gyatso actually.
anyway yeah going a bit crazy and the fact that it’s dropping in FEBRUARY
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beturbecky · 7 months
So I didn't totally finish the new live action avatar series on netflix, but I was basically in the last episode, so I feel like I could make a little note about how I felt about the show.
Just a heads up I will probably spoil, but honestly its the same show for basically season 1, however...
-It also has different bits mixed in. From the rest of the show, Korra's series, and even the comics
From what I saw, I feel like my overall rating is 4/10
What I liked about the show:
The bending/fights
Despite what some people say I also did like the costumes and even the hair (at least most of them)
How the animals looked
What I didn't like about the show:
Some (not all) the changes/ways of condensing the story to fit in into 8 episodes
Some of the acting
SPOILER FOR LIKE THE FIRST EPISODE apparently Aang could fly???? Like what was the point of the glider? But then also they stopped after the second episode, so it was so weird to see that being introduced for no reason.
Some of the character's personality choices
Idk if this counts as acting, but sometimes line delivery (mainly with Aang, but basically the intonation of his voice when he talked)
When it comes to my favorite part of the show. I loved Zuko's character. How he behaved or delivered his lines. There was even this one video about this little head movement when he was talking to one of the crew members and it's so funny.
For the most part. I understand this is an adaptation, but I honestly wouldn't mind changes to the story, if it made sense. Some, did and I didn't mind those, but one that kind of frustrated me (as you can probably see from my list of negatives was Aang flying for some reason? Another that still doesn't really make sense to me was the placements of some characters.
In one of the episodes, it combined the Omashu, Jet, and the Northern Air Temple episodes, and I didn't mind most of it. However, with Teo and the mechanist, it personally doesn't make sense that the Mechanist would still be working for the fire nation. Like the reason, in the show, why he helped the soldiers is because they were going to be either killed or just homeless once more. They explain in the new show that Bumi isn't the king/person he was before so fire nation soldiers still get in, but it didn't seem like it was a major threat for it to make the mechanist to work with the soldiers.
I would say another issue I have was Katara's character and a little bit of Aang's too. Heck even Bumi, Roku, and (possibly) Kuruk, but to a smaller degree. One of the things about the show that was really important was Katara. A lot of her meddling and desire to help with a bit of her hot headedness was like one of the biggest parts of the show. Here, she is more passive. Sometimes her and Aang get things they do swapped around, but that's not too bad, but it feels like they watered down her character. With Aang it's like he's more serious, as well as both caring and untrusting at times, while also kind of acting like there can be a bright side?
For the other few who I mentioned about the personality thing as well. It was like a moment they didn't even feel like their characters, but then it was like gotcha! With Kuruk, I don't really know too much about him, so I can't really say for sure what he's like from the original show.
These are just my thoughts on it. I do like the memes I see on it, and I did enjoy seeing Kyoshi fight. There were some inclusions of things you see from the comics as well as Korra. They kinda show Koh's mom, they show the fog of lost souls, and the showed Wan Shi Tong for some reason when all three of the Gaang enter the spirit world
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sepublic · 2 years
You know, it’s a damn shame that the official lore didn’t go with the idea of every Knight of Ren having Ren as a surname of sorts, a title like Sir; Everyone rightfully assumed that Kylo Ren wasn’t the only one, and I think it’s much cooler if they all share in that name. They’re all dedicated to the Ren; Plus it shows a group cohesiveness, adds a uniformity to their names whilst still having some individuality, implies a sense of brotherhood, and of course that they all are ultimately known by the philosophy they embody first and foremost.
It’s like being newly christened, which, I like to think that similarly to Kylo, the other Knights of Ren replaced their names with new ones, in addition to the new title. Just adds a bit more pomp and circumstance, the Catholic motif to a group clearly fashioned after the crusaders. The title makes the Knights a united front and whole, even interchangeable, as Ren, just its many facets. For fun, I like to think that the official ceremony in which one is knighted is referred to as being renowned... Now renowned as a Knight of Ren, plus the obvious pun.
And Ren as a universal title adds an additional intrigue to “Ren”, the leader before Kylo; Given his claims that he’s nobody and that Ren isn’t actually his name, there’d be plenty of implications if he didn’t have an individual name himself, just the title alone. Like the only thing we can pinpoint for a fact about this dude’s identity is that he IS a Knight of Ren, but... That’s it, and it fits with how he claims to be the group’s face and representative. Ren only cares about being a Knight of Ren, he himself doesn’t matter and it aligns with him having dedicated his life to the philosophy.
Additionally, Ren being shared also makes Kylo look less indecisive (granted he very much is), because if we go by canon implications, it’s like he couldn’t decide between being his childhood name of Kylo and assuming the title of Ren as tradition, so he just slapped them both together and called it a day. Which does happen sometimes when companies merge for example, but regardless. Plus, this theme could lead to some humorous misunderstandings, like Hux calls out “Ren!” and they all turn to face him. Hux, exasperated, specifies Kylo Ren; The surname is second-nature to all and they truly see it as a part of themselves and who they are.
I just think the title of Ren has a nice, noble and dignified ring to it; It adds a nice spice and flavor to character names that would otherwise be another Glup Shitto in the lore. There’s a weight to a name like the Knights of Ren, and I want to incorporate the formality it implies. Just look at these;
-Vicrul Ren
-Cardo Ren
-Marinda Ren
-Massif Ren
-Bazzra Ren
-Fyodor Ren
-Ushar Ren
-Ap’lek Ren
-Kuruk Ren
-Trudgen Ren
With their known leaders being Kylo Ren, and before him ????? Ren.
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tea-and-la · 3 years
one thing that really irritates me is that some zk antis/ka shippers say that taang is only a “pair the spares” ship to get aang out of the way for zk. i’ve even seen one person say that they “only respect taang shippers that don’t also ship zk,” which is just ... weird to say? idk. like why be so invested in your assumption of why someone else likes a ship? cause i can guarantee you if it was only a “pair the spares” ship there would not be fan art, fics, etc, and i wouldn’t be in a group chat where we talk about taang head canons daily. 
but besides that? taang just fits some many romantic tropes that people really overlook. i mean: “i’ve seen you in a dream”/visions, in another life/many lifetimes (ummi/kuruk and tlok), opposite elements and opposites attract, childhood friends to lovers, mentor/mentee, red string of fate/destined to meet, partners in crime (the runaway episode), similar pasts (they foil each other wrt wanting to be kids and to being prevented from playing with other kids...aang because of being avatar, toph bc her parents were overprotective ab her being blind), runaways, affectionate nicknames (toph gives aang the most nicknames), parents don’t approve, etc. 
not to mention, my favorite thing about taang which is that since it is non-canon, it isn’t subjected to the male gaze or superficial attraction. it’s something that would’ve happened naturally over time. i mean aang admires her a lot for her bending FIRST, instead of her looks, and that is very meaningful to me. 
also, just ... how they push each other to grow and balance each other well. even in the god forsaken comics, they call each other out on their shit and even after not seeing eye to eye at first, they eventually come around to seeing the other’s point of view. and part of that is because they’re best friends who don’t have rose-colored glasses on so they can be 100% real with each other without being afraid of hurting the other person’s feelings.
 in the animated show, toph is able to help aang stand his ground and be more confident in a tough love type way, but she also can be soft wrt to encouraging him as well. aang is the first person to see both sides of her and to validate them completely, which is why toph opens up to him on the balcony and gets vulnerable. and he offers a way for her to be free from her parents overprotectiveness (which i find to be cute because air is the element of freedom.) and i also just love how he’s her first friend. and their little dinner scene where they had that mini food fight was just so adorable to me. 
also ... have i mentioned the amount of admiration he has for her skill??? oh my gosh it makes me soft. like the scene where she has the courage to tell her parents about her bending and they send aang away and she has that single tear on her face and aang turns back and says “i’m sorry toph.” c’mon now. and then, katara’s trying to encourage him that there are other earth benders out there and he says in a dejected voice, “not like her.” the potential was there, idc. 
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solohux · 3 years
For the Hurt/Comfort prompts
Alpha Kylo/Omega Hux
'Just listen to my heartbeat, okay?'
It’s hard for Hux to think of his alpha as mortal. Kylo exudes such power and prowess that seeing him bleed is enough to break Hux’s heart a thousand times over. Every scar on the alpha’s body is a harsh reminder of his vulnerability, of his imperilled quest to rid the galaxy of its chaos.
“I won’t stop until you’re king of everything,” Kylo had said the previous night whilst his omega ran his fingers over his scars. “Everything.”
Hux’s chest had welled up with honour, and with fear.
The panicked word of the Supreme Leader’s grievous injuries reaches the bridge of the Finalizer quickly as the Knights of Ren rush their master back for desperate treatment, cutting off the frequency before the Grand Marshal can say anything else.
General Mitaka is by Hux’s side in a flash, asking if he’s alright but Hux feels as though he’s underwater, everything drowned out but the feeling of Kylo’s immense pain through their bond. Everywhere hurts.
“He’ll be okay, sir,” Mitaka is saying, ushering Hux away from the edge of the comm trenches of the bridge with a hand upon his lower back. “He always is.”
He always is. Hux’s Grand Marshal persona is slipping away, becoming nothing more than an omega terrified for his mate’s life and thinking of nothing else, letting everything else leave his mind except for things that will help his mate get through this.
“A-alert medical,” Hux commands, staring blindly at the floor. “Tell them to ready a bacta tank.”
A chorus of loyal ‘yes, sir!’ sings from around the bridge as every officer sets to work on doing what they can for their Supreme Leader’s return. A path is cleared from the hangar bay to the medical wing, ensuring that no officer, droid or stormtrooper will be in the way whilst Kylo is whisked from his ship to the tank, giving them as much time as they can against the Supreme Leader’s deteriorating state.
The walk to medical is a blur for Hux; if it weren’t for the guiding beeps and whistles of BB-9E, he doubts whether he would have made it there on time to meet the Knights of Ren and their precious cargo but Kylo is nowhere to be seen as the dirt-and-blood covered Knights stand in the corridor of medbay, fussing in a semi-circle with each other. Despite all being alphas, none of them seem ferocious now.
“Where is he?” Hux asks, face pale. “Where’s my Ren? I have to see him—”
“They’re prepping him for the tank, Grand Marshal,” Vicrul says, putting her hand up to stop Hux from entering the treatment room behind them. “He…he’s in a bad way.”
Hux stands on his tip-toes for a moment, trying to see into the room but with the doors closed, he shrinks back down in disappointment, “What happened?”
The Knights all share a glance. Vicrul and Ap’lek take each other’s hands before they bow their heads.
“Wait,” Hux takes a step back, taking in each of the Knights individually before a coldness overtakes him. “There are only five of you.”
Ap’lek raises her head, “Kuruk fell.”
“No,” Hux says. “What—”
But crashed and startled yells interrupt them, chaos sounding out from behind the doors.
“Ren!” Hux dashes into the treatment room, finding that his alpha is in the tank already but he’s thrashing. Wearing nothing but tight, black shorts and a breathing apparatus over his mouth and nose, the alpha’s wounds are heart stopping. His body is covered in slashes that could have only been made by a lightsaber, cutting through his skin in massive lacerations that there’s no doubt that they’ll scar. A starburst-shaped blaster wound sits in the middle of his chest, one that continues to weep blood as he twists and turns against the liquid’s flow as though fighting an invisible enemy.
“Ren, stop!” But he’s thrashing in the tank, clearly confused and afraid and hurt. The medics and droids alike are at a loss of what to do, all yelling for the alpha to remain calm or else they’ll have to tranquilise him; Hux knows that Kylo’s powers and drugs do not interact well. Already, the glass of the tank looks as though it’s about to crack as the alpha presses his palms against the sides, wanting to break free.
“I know you can hear me,” Hux says, trying to keep his panic at bay as he steps up to the glass of the tank, staring up at his mate’s pained expression. “You have to calm down, Ren. You’re only going to make things worse. Please, just relax.”
The omega expects Kylo’s voice to fill his mind like it usually does when words won’t suffice but all he can sense is his mate’s fear. The pain of his wounds and the grief of losing to the Jedi and witnessing the death of one of his Knights is all too much for the wounded alpha, his amber-coloured eyes wide and terrified.
“Kylo? Kylo, listen to me,” Hux takes his right glove off and presses it to the tank, taking calming and cleansing breaths to focus on the feeling of the claim mark on his neck; the source of their bond. “Just listen to my heartbeat, okay? Nothing else. Just me.”
Their bond thrums with energy, pulsing now with each beat of Hux’s heart, the focal point of Kylo’s life. Hux sighs. Regardless of the situation, it’s the only way the omega knows how to bring calmness back to Kylo’s tumultuous and tormented mind; after nightmares, during fits of blinding rage, before the darkest nights creep up on him. The comforting sound of Hux’s beating heart soothes Kylo to no end; now should be no different.
Hux watches as his alpha’s breathing begins to steady and his movements stop, his darting gaze coming to rest upon Hux on the other side of the glass.
“That’s it,” Hux whispers. “I’m here.”
Kylo swallows hard, lifting one of his bloodied palms to mirror where Hux’s rests on the tank’s surface. Composure returned, the medics and droids continue their work around the mated pair, careful not to disturb them.
‘Hux,’ Kylo projects, his voice weak and hoarse inside of the omega’s mind. ‘I lost…’
“There’ll be time to grieve, Ren, time for all of you.” Hux replies softly, looking back over his shoulder to see the Knights standing at the door, all leaning on or touching each other in some form. The omega pouts sadly, wishing he could find words to aid them but he can’t fathom their loss so he turns back to his mate, wiping away his falling tears. “But you must heal first, yes? I…we can’t have you hurting yourself like this.”
Kylo rolls his eyes. ‘Yes, my love.’
“Do not take that tone with me, Kylo Ren,” Hux pulls his hand away from the glass to point at the alpha on the other side. “I could have lost you today.”
‘You didn’t. Your heartbeat saved me.’
Hux bites his lip, unable to take any more. “Yes. Well. You promised me that you wouldn’t stop until I’m king, remember? And am I king yet? No, I’m not. So rest up and get back out there, hm? You’ve got a galaxy to conquer.”
An echo of a chuckle rings in Hux’s mind, making him smile in return, but Kylo’s presence is fading as unconsciousness lurks and Hux can only watch as his eyes slowly close and the sound of the respirator fills the room.
No one comments when the Grand Marshal begins to nest in the treatment room, creating a snug nook beside Kylo’s bacta tank where he spends his free time whilst his alpha is healing. The remaining Knights lock the door at night and find comfort in Hux’s presence, joining him in his nest next to the tank until they’re all sleeping in a pile beside their alpha, waiting for him to wake.
A pack always takes care of their own.
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low-budget-korra · 2 years
I know you are disappointed with Bryke making a new show rather than continue with Korra and Aang. But I do think you are thinking about it and you are talking stuff that aren't true. Please stop. It's not good for you and I don't like seeing one of my favorite blogs losing its mind over nothing.
Bryke still loves both shows. These shows are their creations, their babies. But very much like when they brought Legend of Korra to the table and did it because they wanted to and not because fans asked for a sequel with no Aang, the new series will be that as well.
I know there's tons of past to explore, Korra's lifetime, Aang's lifetime, Kyoshi's longest lifetime, I wouldn't mind a series showing what Kuruk was really like, etc. But I suppose Bryke rather look forward than backward. Is that so bad? I don't think so. And there's still more Aang and Korra content coming for the years to come.
What will the new series? A tv show, some comics, and maybe a movie eventually. The same things the previous shows did. Nothing will seize to exist just because of a new show. What will happen when it'll come the time for Bryke to work on the nexr fire avatar? Will you think as well they are "forgetting about you"?
I rather see you work on posts about what you like of the shows you like than poorly criticizing stuff and people you don't know about.
I get what you are saying. I really do. When we are fans of something, we care about it right? What I, and many other fans are feeling is this, just worrying about what can happen in our beloved show.
Of course, as a fan I'm going through what Aang fans had been thought in 2012 or when Korra was announced. That's okay, it happens. Like you said, no one asked for Korra but much , including myself, just love her and her show (even more than Atla, speaking of myself). And the new show won't erase Korra or Aang story.
Now, as a amateur writer I think the decisions they are making are too risky for a new Studio that are starting in a market where the competition is remarkable. I like when creators take risks, even if I as a fan don't like some of them (as a example, as a fan it sucks that Korra lost her connections with the past avatars. As a writer, i love the ideia and how it fits the story and the context ) . Risks are what make tlok change television history.
But when they choose to go for Korrasami, assuming the risk that was putting there on air in 2014, Avatar was well stablesh as a prime media in their category and The Legend of Korra was already stablesh as a great show with a big fandom. So if they fail, they had something to hold them back together and also, the competition in young adults cartoons was different. Now they will compete with Rick and Morty and Arcane, among others. Also, a lot of avatar fans are now fans from those newer shows, so they have to take back those fans and there's a possibility that those fans will be harder to please.
Why they would be hard to please? Is like make a Lion King 2 after making the memorable first Lion King movie. The expectations are too high. With TLOK they explore new things, and mostly they went well. One of the few things that still bothers fans about tlok is the technology, and now that has rumors that the next avatar show will be cyberpunk...like, get what I'm saying? They aren't just giving something no one's wanted, they are also giving something that bothers fans , something that is considered one of the weakest points in one of their shows. When they finish TLA there's a lot to explore, both past and future. They choosed to explore the future and brought us TLOK but choose to explore the future again...no one wants to see benders doing TikTok trendings or something a like.
I will not go any longer i promise this is already huge and I didn't even talk about Zuko movie, which i think is unnecessary cuz, for me, Zuko was the most explored character in Atla. There is other characters in Atla that deserves this solo movie.
My fear, all of my posts about it can be resumed as : I'm afraid that bryke is being too head over the clouds and not thinking it thought. I'm afraid that Avatar become the DCEU. Especially because when they write alone, we get the comics and the comics are mostly mediocre and today something mediocre, especially when you have two predecessor shows that made history, won't live long.
They should do the easiest thing first to stablesh themselves in the market again, bringing back those fans I've mentioned. And only them starting taking risks .
I really hope they have it all planned and everything goes well but as a fan and amateur writer, i can't help but worry about what is coming next since it can put some dirt in Avatar legacy
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southslates · 4 years
happy valentines, @felgia-starr! you requested a zutara celebrity au, so here’s this aha. thanks for organizing this, @gemmica!
don’t be dramatic / 1.2k zutara meet-cute oneshot. on ao3 or under the cut!
“The director is shit,” Azula calls over to Katara as she walks past her dressing room.
Katara stops at the door and raises an eyebrow at Azula’s overdone makeup— she likes playing villains (with depth, she’d said at their last movie night, heroes are so boring) and this complex drama starring an antihero fits her all too well. She manages to look poised and calm, even bloody and covered in fake sweat. Katara isn’t quite sure why Azula is wearing makeup—  considering filming doesn’t start till tomorrow— but the woman is a perfectionist. It’s likely that she may simply be testing out how the stage makeup works on her skin. There’d been a scandal several years ago when she had an allergic reaction to eyeshadow in a dramatic thriller, and kept the puffy eyes while crying about how her mother thought her a monster. 
“Isn’t he your brother?” she smirks, leaning against the side-door. She normally doesn’t pick up minor roles but she just finished the Painted Lady series— a modern remake of a folktale which took two years to film— and she’d wanted to explore something more dynamic before she took a well-deserved vacation. Her character in this film dies halfway through— and it’s Azula’s fault— and the setting is high fantasy rather than historic, so she’s excited to begin. 
“So?” Azula swivels, the lady at her side maneuvering to put away her makeup. “He’s still an ass. Not like the rest of them, though. He won’t touch you. He’ll just scream at you.”
Katara hasn’t met the elusive Zuko Rokura, the young director’s prodigy, though she’s heard enough about Azula’s brother. He’d been set for stardom until his own father, iconic actor Ozai Sozin, had burnt off half his face and left him an angry mess with a ruined future. Apparently, his uncle and sister had helped him find another way to stardom. He’d gotten a movie nominated to the Tui and La Awards last year— the youngest director in years to do so. 
She’d seen him on stage, then, but his face had been covered with a Blue Spirit mask— a nod to his blockbuster film. Nobody knows who actually played the Blue Spirit in the movie, though it’s well known it’s someone prominent in the film industry. Katara is willing to put her money on Jet Malik, the elusive rogue who’d broken up with her right before filming on the movie began. 
“If he screams at me I’ll shove his own hand in his mouth,” Katara stands still as Azula walks over to her, dressed in her silk bathrobe, and kisses her on the cheek, leaving a disturbing red print there. 
“Yeah, I’m not worried about you, Tara. See you tomorrow? Ty said she wants to drag Zuko along to the meet-up, so maybe you’ll get to kick his ass after you get to know him.”
“How bad can he be?” Katara teases as an intern grabs her arm and pulls her towards the infamous man’s office. 
“Watch out!” Azula chuckles. Katara’s aide looks nervously at the hallway in front of them. 
“The front desk said Mr. Rokura’s office is right ahead— we’ll meet you in the dressing room right after!”
“Thanks Meng!” Katara smiles brightly at the girl and falls ahead of her, opening the dramatic obsidian door to Zuko’s office. There’s a receiving desk in the corner, but the boy sitting at it gestures for her to go through a second door, eyes wide, when he quickly takes her in. She smiles and walks in. 
There’s a pale man at the desk, glasses perched on his nose, gazing down at papers littering his hand. All she sees at first is his dark hair, and she wears her most performative grin and holds her hand out. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Rokura.”
Then he looks up, and Katara’s breath stutters. He does have a scar, a rather red and dramatic one at that, taking up the majority of the right side of his visage, but the other side is . . . attractive. The scar is smooth and ridged and a bit alarming but as she acclimates to it in seconds she thinks it’s striking. Not quite attractive, but striking. It gives him a sense of hardness and authority. 
He has a reputation to be rough, that’s certain, but Katara doesn’t take shit from anyone. She shifts her gaze to his eyes, which are the same striking shade as Azula’s, and keeps her hand held sturdy. 
For a second, she’s scared he’ll kiss it or do something else slightly chauvinistic, but he just tilts his glasses up and grasps it firmly, calmly. “Katara Kuruk. I’m so glad you decided to take up my offer. I’m absolutely thrilled to have you.”
“I’m thrilled to be here,” she keeps looking at his eyes as her grip stays firm on his. His hands are incredibly warm and so are his eyes— she was wrong, they’re not like Azula’s. They look kind. 
But she supposes actions are louder than words, and she’s heard plenty of things about Zuko Rokura— formerly Sozin. 
(But she also knows rumors spread far in her industry— fake tweets of her saying a slur were circulated by racist groups on the internet just a few weeks ago, in the wake of this proposal. They’d eventually been officially disproved, but that had been a PR nightmare, not to mention ruined a few of her nights.)
A small smile falls upon his face as he lets her go and settles down, stacking up the papers he’d been looking at. “We’ve exchanged a lot through email, and I think we’re ready to go on paperwork— I just need to officialize all of this right here,” he gestures down. “How are you feeling?”
“I think this script is amazing,” she blushes under his intense gaze. “You co-wrote it, I believe?”
“Yeah,” he chuckles, “with Aang? I believe you’ve worked with him before.”
“I have! I’ve actually spent the past few years working with my brother on the Painted Lady series, so I’m definitely oddly adjusted to working with someone in a more . . . professional setting.” She’s blushing. Why is she blushing? She’s an actor, damnit, she should be able to control herself— and oh, he’s blushing too. “I mean, that environment was absolutely professional, I just . . .”
“I understand what you mean,” Zuko chuckles. “I’ve been working with Azula and her girlfriend for several years, particularly as starring roles. It’s always great to meet new actors. And I absolutely want us to be comfortable together,” he leans in to her, a little. “I . . .” he starts and then fades off, focusing on her face. 
Katara’s gaze has briefly lowered to stare at his collarbones, and she raises it again to meet his, hoping her face isn’t completely giving her away to this strangely awkward man. She sees no hint of the anger Azula had mentioned. “I wouldn’t want to impose on too much of your time,” she starts, unsure if she’s imagining the magnetic pull between them or the way he’s staring into her eyes. 
“No, no, you absolutely couldn’t,” he almost stutters out. “The first day of filming is tomorrow— I’d want you to rest tonight, but I’m ensuring everyone leaves early. Would you be— I mean would you— want to head out to an early dinner? Just to discuss . . .”
“The set,” Katara swallows, “and the background of the character? In more depth? I heard you conceptualized her.”
She’s read a six page description of her character and spent days practicing her lines. 
“Yes, absolutely,” he says. Katara’s eyes crinkle. This movie may be more fun than she’d anticipated. 
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that-sw-writer · 4 years
Intoxicated pt 2?!? ;)
Ayo this was so fun to write, I’ve love doing this mini-series!  Also thanks for being patient, I know it took me a while to write!
And shoutout to @wasntpriscilla for suggesting some of the scenes in this!
Summary: With you and Kylo spending more and more time together, the other Knights of Ren predictably notice, and they can’t help but meddle.
Word count: 3520
Warnings: some minor violence, alcohol consumption, drunk sex but this time with feelings
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Intoxicated II
"So you and Master Ren-" Trudgen's voice cut through the action as you pushed your double-bladed scimitar through the chest of another Resistance officer, "-what's going on there?"
"Now?"  You briefly turned to him, your deadpan expression covered by your helmet, "you want to do this now?"
"Well we got bored of asking you during training sessions."  Cardo quipped in the midst of the fight.
"Funnily enough, nothing has changed since you asked me yesterday... and the day before, and the day before that too."  You drawled, spinning your weapon over your head before sinking it into another officer.
It had been a few months since your drunken night with Kylo Ren.  Since then, the two of you had been spending most nights together.  At first it had just been sex, but now there was something deeper there.  Some nights you would sneak into his quarters and just stay up talking to him all night.
Of course, it had taken no time at all for the knights to catch onto this budding relationship between you and Kylo, although neither of you saw it that way.  You weren't in love with him, and he wasn't in love with you, you were just friends... friends with a few benefits thrown in.  But the knights could see it, even if you and Kylo couldn't - they could see how hopelessly in love with each other you really were.
Naturally, your brothers were trying to push the two of your together, but every time they seemed to fail.
"So you're telling me that you're not going to his quarters tonight?"  Ap'lek chimed in with an accusing tone.
"I don't need to go to his quarters tonight."  You tried to play it off.
"Ah, but that doesn't mean you won't go!"  He concluded.
"Which obviously means that you will go."  Ushar was next to interject.
"Fine, if I have to prove to you that there's nothing going on between us, then I won't-" you were cut off when the last Resistance officer standing swung a huge war hammer at your face, catching your helmet and sending you flying to the ground.
Kuruk swept in and killed the man, whilst Vicrul moved to help you up.
Your ears were ringing as Vicrul pulled you to your feet, and you were quick to remove your helmet.
"Shit, he's gonna kill us."  Kuruk grumbled, placing a gloved hand under your chin to bring your face upwards for him to inspect.
"What?"  You groggily asked as the other knights also gathered around to get a look at the damage, "is it bad?"
"You don't look concussed."  Ushar added, which was a relief considering you felt slightly dizzy.
"Forget concussed Ushar, there's no hiding the giant scratch across her face from Master Ren."  Clearly going into panic-mode, Cardo elbowed his brother.
"It's just a scratch."  You snorted, "chill out, I'm fine.  He won't care."  With that you began to dizzily walk back towards the ship now that your work wiping out this Resistance post was done.
The knights all exchanged a glance, silently acknowledging that it certainly wouldn't be okay before they followed you.
When you landed back on the Finalizer, you were in the refresher trying to clean some of the dried bloody from the scratch up a bit.  It wasn't as bad as it had looked, and you figured it would heal in a couple a days.  The knights meanwhile were gathered around the boarding ramp as Kylo stormed on board.
"Don't get comfortable, I need you to go back out and-" he paused, looking at them all, "-where's Y/N?"  He asked, his tone immediately shifting to a darker one.
"She's definitely alive, if that's what you're asking."  Cardo was first to speak up, met by a swift elbow from Vicrul.
"What Cardo means to say is that she's just in the refresher."  Vicrul tried to calmly explain, despite the fact that none of them were calm.
"Man I need a nap, my head is killing me."  You stifled a yawn as you emerged from behind the knights, stopping when you saw everyone staring at you, Kylo included.  "What?  Did I miss a spot?"  You innocently asked, rubbing at the scratch on your face to see if there was any blood leftover.
"What happened?"  Kylo's voice came out as a loud bark as he stormed over to you, gloved hand immediately coming to gently trace the wound.
"Nothing happened."  You scoffed, "it's just a scratch."
Without another word he turned to the knights with an expectant look on his face, and they of course immediately caved.
"One of the Resistance officers clocked her with a war hammer."  Ushar admitted, and they all knew Kylo would likely scold them later.  You meanwhile really didn't understand the fuss.
"Med-bay, right now."  He huffed, grabbing your wrist and attempting to pull you away with him.  "The rest of you prepare to take off again, I'll be back in a minute with your orders."
"There is no way in the kriffing galaxy that you're leaving me here!"  You struggled until eventually Kylo stopped walking and released your wrist.
"You're injured, you can't go."  He was being stubborn as ever, but you did wonder why he worried about you so much.
"It's a scratch Ky- Master Ren, I'm fine."  You were quick to correct yourself before your brothers could tease you for calling him Kylo.
He also sensed the impending teasing from the knights, because they full well knew that he wouldn't overreact like this if it were anybody else.  Exhaling a sigh, he took a second to calculate things before he cleared his throat and stood upright.  "Fine, all of you prepare the ship, and don't leave without me."  He ordered.
"You're coming with us?"  Trudgen asked, raising an eyebrow.  It was clearly a snap-second decision on Kylo's part, and everyone except you could tell that he was obviously only coming to keep an eye on you.
"Yes."  He plainly answered, storming off towards his quarters and leaving them all alone on board.
"Someone's in love, and it's Master Ren."  Trudgen muttered to his brothers, and they all nodded in agreement.
Kylo returned a few minutes later, seemingly ready to go.
"Did you pack an extra shirt Master Ren?  Y/N might need it."  Ap'lek snorted, and the other knights' laughter all followed like a pack of hyenas.
"She's already wandered off with half of my wardrobe, she doesn't need more."  He took the teasing in his stride, as usual, and once again left you stood in the corner wondering how the hell things had ended up being like this.
The mission was simple, well it should have been.
You were on a small planet in the outer rim called Catheela, looking for yet another Sith artefact that Kylo insisted he needed.  You had no issue tracking it down, but the harsh climate meant that you could only travel during the day - at night the environment got so cold that anyone left outside wouldn't survive until morning.
After a long time of desperate searching, you thought you would have to trek all the way back to The Night Buzzard to sleep, but you eventually stumbled across a fairly large cabin in the undergrowth.  Inside there was just about enough room to fit you all in for a night, but a large lounging area with a fire-pit was the real win.
Whilst you helped Cardo and Ushar light a fire, the others did the usual routine of looking for food.  They found a few pieces of dried fruit which were edible, but once again it seemed to be mostly a liquid dinner, with bottles of liquor being passed around.
Once you were all sat around the blazing fire, you took your first sip.  The liquor had a smoky taste to it and burned its way all down your throat.
"That's disgusting."  You grumbled.
"Just think Y/N, the more you drink, the less you'll taste it."  Trudgen shrugged, reminding you of the cardinal rule when it came to drinking.
You took Trudgen's words to heart and forced a lot of that liquor down you, until eventually the taste dulled down to nothing, which meant that you were a suitable level of drunk.
As usual, the question game started with the same rules as always: you can ask any question no matter how probing, and if the person doesn't answer they have to drink, which usually means they'll get themselves drunk enough to answer later.
You noticed Kylo's gaze fixating on you very frequently, but considering you were both beyond tipsy he was probably just trying to work out if he was going to get laid tonight or not.
The rest of the knights were being suspiciously well behaved.  Over the past few months every single question had been about you and Master Ren, but tonight they seemed to almost be shying away from the topic... could it be because he was there with you all?  Or was it that they were just biding their time and waiting until you were both drunk enough to actually answer their questions?
You didn't have to wait long to get your answer, because you gave your own drunken state away when Kuruk finally directed a question at Kylo.
"Master Ren, what would you say is your biggest weakness?"
"Unhooking bras."  The words tumbled from your mouth before you could even process them, and you immediately grimaced at Kylo who was sat next to you.  He looked like you had just betrayed him.
Silence fell in the room for a moment, but it was quickly broken by a poorly stifled laugh from Trudgen which then immediately was followed by all of the knights breaking into howls of laughter.
You were used to being the one of the receiving end of the teasing, so just for once it felt nice to be making fun of Kylo rather than vice versa.
"That's it, I know you can't win this game, but Y/N just did."  Trudgen cackled through his words.
"Master Ren can kill people without lifting a finger but gets defeated by a bra clasp!"  Ap'lek snorted, and they all erupted into even more laughter at that.  Even you were trying to stifle your laughter, because Kylo was still glaring at you.
"Maybe now we're even?"  You tried to suggest, your words being broken by the infectious laughter.
"Y/N used to have a fantasy about having sex on The Night Buzzard."  Kylo suddenly blurted out, his tone remaining level as ever.
The knights were all immediately silenced by that, staring at you with their jaws practically on the floor, you meanwhile shot Kylo daggers with your eyes and he just glanced at you, a smug look on his face.
"Now we're even."  He leaned across to whisper in your ear.
The laughter rose again, but was cut short this time by Cardo's voice, "wait, why did you said 'used to?'"
Knowing that Kylo would pull no punches now, you took a long swig of your drink.  He simply shrugged, smirking as he also took a long drink.
"You didn't-" Ushar gaped, clearly none of them wanting to believe the obvious.  But your fearless leader was enjoying how much he had just managed to embarrass you.
"No..."  You awkwardly tried to say, your tone wavering.
"You are such a liar."  Kylo snorted and you elbowed him in return, something you probably never would have done sober and in front of the other knights.  Even though Kylo knew you were lying because he had been there, you all knew each other well enough to tell what was a lie and what wasn't.
"Man that's disgusting!"  Cardo whined.
Revelations about your sex life aside, the game continued.  Now that the knights knew both you and Kylo were drunk enough to openly answer their questions they began to throw some probing ones your way.
It started subtle:
"Y/N, how many nights a week do you stay in Master Ren's quarters?"
And then became a bit more personal:
"Master Ren, have you slept with anyone else since the first time you slept with Y/N?"
You had both answered these questions, but eventually the other knights all started whispering amongst themselves, causing you and Kylo to exchange a suspicious glance.
"What?"  He eventually prompted, and they all looked at you both like deer caught in headlights.
"We uh- we were just coming up with another question."  Vicrul said with a lopsided grin on his face.  You were clearly all far beyond tipsy at this point.
"Go on then."  Kylo snorted, his own drunken state becoming very clear by how vocal he was being.
They all looked at each other, clearly silently deciding who would be bold enough to ask the question that they had been planning on asking all night.
"Y/N, are you in love?"  Of course they had targeted you rather than Kylo.  But you knew the answer, you weren't in love at all... were you?
You cast your mind back to the countless mornings spent in Kylo's quarters, and your reluctance to leave.  You found yourself wanting to spend time with him, not just for sex but because you enjoyed his company.  You thought about all the little glances you would exchange during training sessions, and even though the other knights would constantly tease you, they had certainly noticed how much happier both you and Kylo had been.  Even earlier that very day he had been so worried about a simple scratch on your face - because he cared.
Were you in love with Kylo Ren?  You had spent so long assuming that you weren't that you had completely missed the truth staring you right in the face.
"Well, are you?"  Vicrul prompted, and you forced your brain to refocus on the scenario at hand.
"I-" you hesitated, feeling your heart racing.  You ventured a glance at Kylo, and his expression was just as curious as the knights'.  You wondered what he was thinking, whether he was hoping you would say yes or no.  You couldn't risk baring your soul in front of them all, you had barely processed your emotions yourself - so you lied.
"No," you snorted, taking a long swig of your drink, "Master Ren barely puts up with me as it is."  You attempted to play it off, but you weren't fooling anyone as silence befell the room.  You caught Kylo's gaze, and you both just stared at each other, wishing you could read him.
"Y'know what, I'm exhausted."  Ushar broke through the silence, rising to his feet, clearly a bit wobbly.
Faking a yawn, Ap'lek followed, "yep, I think we need to turn in for the night."
"Are you kidding?  This is just getting good."  Kuruk mumbled, but was met with a gentle kick from Vicrul who pulled him to his feet.
Knowing they had orchestrated this entire situation, the knights were quick to shove each other out of the living area and into separate bedrooms.  They obviously knew you better than you and Kylo knew yourselves, there had been no way either of you would ever had admitted to any feelings whilst sober, but drunk was a different story.
Suddenly it was just the two of you, drunk, and sitting by the dimming fire.
"You lied."  He finally said, "you thought I wouldn't notice?"
"I don't know what I thought."  You exhaled a dry laugh, "until about five minutes ago I believed my own lie."
"If they'd asked me, I probably would have lied too."  He admitted, his voice slurring ever so slightly, "it probably doesn't look good for me to have favourites."
"Are you saying I'm your favourite Knight of Ren?"  You teased him, giving him a gentle nudge as you tried to lighten the mood and distract yourself from the fact that you had just subtly admitted that you're in love with Kylo Ren.
"I'm only saying that if you promise not to tell anyone."  He flashed you a sloppy grin, and you laughed in response.
"I think they already know... they seem to know how we feel before we do."  You pointed out.
"True."  He exhaled a short chuckle before rising to his feet, managing to not stumble as he did so.  "Come on, we had better at least get some sleep before setting off tomorrow."  He said, reaching out a hand for you to take.
You allowed him to haul you to your feet, at which point you crashed into his chest, definitely not having expected to be as wobbly on your feet as you were.  Taking this as an opportunity, Kylo swept you up and threw you over his shoulder.
"Kriffing hell Kylo, what are you doing?"  You huffed, giving him a firm smack on his back for taking you by surprise.
"Going to bed, what are you doing?"  He laughed at his own humour, the staple of drunk Kylo Ren.
"Apparently being kidnapped."  You drawled, sarcasm dripping from your tone.
He just exhaled a short laugh at this before going into the only room which still had its door open and tossing you onto the bed.  It was much colder being away from the fire, but still just about bearable.
Kylo followed suit and was soon crawling on top of you and capturing your lips in a hungry, drunken kiss, and from there it didn't take you long to warm up.  He tore your clothes off and vice versa, but was cautious to regularly keep a hand clamped over your mouth - the walls were thin, and the last thing either of you needed was for the knights to hear the two of you going at it.
When you finally did go to sleep, you were just drifting off in Kylo's arms when you unmistakably heard him mumble those three little words: "I love you."
After pausing for a beat and shaking yourself back to reality, you quietly replied, "I love you too."
It wasn't until morning broke and you woke up still in his grip that you regained some clarity of everything that had actually happened last night.  But unlike your first drunken encounter, you didn't suddenly feel awkward and embarrassed.
Kylo had said he loved you, and you had said it back.  In all honesty, it felt good to have gotten that off your chest.
"Morning."  He grumbled, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to where you shoulder met your neck.
"Hey."  You groggily replied, wriggling in bed to turn around and face him, "sleep well?"
"I've slept worse."  He smirked slightly, "but we can't afford a lie in this morning."  He pointed out before pressing a chaste kiss to your lips and climbing out of bed.
With a reluctant sigh you followed him, both of you silently dressing yourselves before leaving the room together to find the knights, who were predictably up earlier than you both and all in the living area.
"Well good morning."  With a teasing smirk on his face, Ap'lek was the first to address you.
They all looked slightly hungover, but a majority of your missions ended with hangovers, so you were all used to it by now.
"Did you sleep well?"  Kuruk asked, before Cardo added.
"It sounded like you slept well."  He snorted.
Both you and Kylo exchanged a glance as embarrassment washed over you.  Of course, he took it in his stride as usual.
"At least I tried to keep it down."  He shrugged, nonchalantly walking to the cupboards to search for food.
"And I..." you paused, "I just didn't realise the walls were that thin."  You admitted, rubbing the back of your neck.
The usual relentless teasing continued over breakfast, but the elephant in the room was obviously still lurking.  The knights wanted to know if their big plan to have you both realise your feelings for each other had worked or not.
They didn't outwardly ask you, but they more-or-less got their answer when you split into two teams to recover the artefact later that day.
"If she comes back with so much as a scratch on her, I swear-" Kylo warned Kuruk, Trudgen and Vicrul, who were going with your team.
"Kylo, I'll be fine.  You need to stop worrying about me, it's showing a bit too much favouritism."  You teased him, eyebrows being raised by the other knights.
"Fine, but just promise me you'll be careful."  He mumbled, only just in earshot of everyone else.  He leaned in and pressed a short kiss to your lips, both of you still revelling in the high of actually realising your feelings for one another.
"I promise I'll-" the feeling of six gazes burning a hole into the back of your head caused you to stop speaking and turn around to face your brothers.
All six of them stood with big grins on their faces, all staring at you.
"Ap'lek, you owe me fifty credits.  I told you they'd never admit that they love each other sober."  Cardo snorted, elbowing his brother.
"And you owe me seventy credits, because I told you they'd be placing bets on us."  You then smugly looked up at Kylo, who just rolled his eyes.
"I hate you all."  Kylo just grumbled in response.
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aangislove · 4 years
Aang Appreciation
I feel like Aang is such an underrated character in many ways. I know Korra gets a lot of abuse in the fandom and I acknowledge and recognise that as unfair (also, yes, I understand these are fictional characters). But in some ways this is something they share. There is a lot of hate of both these characters because of their strengths and their weaknesses and I want to take some time to talk (again) about Aang and why I love and appreciate him so much.
He starts the show as a goofy, kind, fun loving 12 year old kid who has woken up after being frozen for 100 years. He is unaware of what has happened to the world and his people. He acts like a child because he is. He tries to get Katara to have more fun like a kid, because SHE is. Whether you love him or hate him you have to acknowledge that a 12 year old is still a CHILD and as a child he will make mistakes and he will have somewhat childish struggles. He is still learning and growing. And regardless of whether you think it impacted him or not he suffered a significant trauma with the loss of the other airbenders. Literally, all but one person he knew before were gone and when he finds this out he doesn’t even know that one person is still alive. It’s not just friends and the people he grew up with either. He also lost Gyatso and that man was the closest thing he had to family. I would even consider him Aang’s dad/father figure. And he was gone. He must come to terms with the fact this happened after he left. He carries around this guilt with him because of it.
I feel like that is one of the areas the show was weakest. Aang’s trauma and loss was mostly glossed over. I understand it to a degree but I think some of the Aang hate could be lessened had they developed this more, given it focus in more episodes and maybe stretched it out throughout the show. Because whether you think another character’s trauma was worse or not, this BOY lost those he grew up with, the ones who looked after him and he never really got the time to grieve because he was thrust into this position no Avatar before him had been thrust into and he was thrust into it at the youngest age of any Avatar before him (that we are aware of).
But Aang never gave up. He learned how to bend the other three elements. He might not have mastered them but he learned how to water bend, fire bend and earth bend in one summer. Was he a master? I will let you answer that. But he had a good knowledge and ability in each of these at the end of the show. THAT is something to be proud of. It shows that he wasn’t fucking around or being too childish the whole time. He wasn’t a master of every element but he was competent in them all, and for such a short amount of time that is just incredible in my mind. He also had good control over the Avatar State. 
He made mistakes both as The Avatar and as Aang. Those mistakes are hard to hold against a 12 year old who lost so much. Yes, he was wrong, he should not have lied to Katara and Sokka about their dad. Again, I will repeat, he was in the wrong for that, but he learned from that, he grew. He didn’t do it again. Yes, he shouldn’t have kissed Katara when he did, it was wrong when she had already expressed her confused feelings. He learned from that. He showed instant regret. He didn’t try to guilt her or coerce her into accepting his kiss.
And yeah, he was almost killed in the Avatar State. But Azula took him unaware. He was doing his best but he was still learning. He wasn’t a fully fledged Avatar when that happened.
I 1000000000% do not blame him for the death of his people. He was a child. He was being sent away (or so he thought). Almost everyone was rejecting him. All he wanted was for things to go back to normal. He ran away and there are kids who run away in real life. They feel unwanted, uncared for, or there is so much going on they just need to go. Aang had his whole world turned upside down and he reacted. He was 12. His being there would not have saved a single life. If anything, he would have perished with the other airbenders and then where would the world have been? Down an entire nation.
We see Aang live by his morals and culture. It’s not easy for him. Those around him do not share the same ways of life he grew up with.They eat meat, they weren’t brought up with the pacifist way of life. His vegetarianism is questioned and made fun of at times. He is pressured to do something that goes against everything he believes in (more on this in a bit) and he doesn’t. But no matter what people say to him, no matter how many jokes are made at the expense of what he believes, he never ever turns around and does the same. He doesn’t judge his friends for eating meat. He never tries to stop them. He never pushes his vegetarianism on anyone and contrary to what others think, he never tried to push his belief of not being violent onto people either.
He encouraged Katara to reconsider. He gave his point on it. But he did not physically try to stop or shame her. He gave his blessing for them to take Appa. This, after they tried to take Appa behind Aang’s back, this after he already lost Appa once. He wasn’t angry. He didn’t hold it against them. In fact, he showed remarkable kindness and understanding in the scene and I don’t think that is pointed out enough.
Then we have the ending. We have Aang learning how to win the war without taking a life. The one thing most people dislike. For me, it fit perfectly with the story and his arc specifically, but let’s talk about why it was a good character move for him. For the whole show we see Aang holding onto his beliefs, his way of life. We see how he’s sometimes put in positions where he has to fight, which goes against what he believes. Then we see him meet the Lion Turtle. One thing I love about this that I only realised recently is how incredible it is that he met the LT. Aang, a very spiritual person, got to go on a journey unlike any other before and he got to learn a new (to benders/avatars) element. He did so by going on a spiritual journey to help him find a solution to a problem he was having. Before getting that advice he turned to 4 of his past lives. Depending on how you look at it he did not take their advice (but reflect on this, how many of them actually said he needed to KILL Ozai?)
Roku:   “You must be decisive.”
Kyoshi:  “Only justice will bring peace.”
Kuruk:  “Aang, you must actively shape your own destiny and the destiny of the world.”
Yangchen:  “Selfless duty calls you to sacrifice your own spiritual needs and do whatever it takes to protect the world.”
Notice anything? Three of the four are definitely something you can say Aang took on board. Aang was decisive, he brought Ozai to justice and brought peace to the world by doing so and he did all this in a way that shaped his own destiny but also the destiny of the world, by showing there is another way to do it. He brought a new way. A way that doesn’t continue the cycle of death previously seen in the world. He did so by keeping his spiritual needs and beliefs. He did so in a pacifistic way. He did so in a very Aang way. We saw that Aang had a very different style of fighting from other. He knew how to avoid/doge attacks. He knew how to win without hurting the other person (he had to go on the offensive at times too, I won’t argue that) but Aang at his best in some respects was when Aang was being Aang in a fight. And Aang was being Aang at the end. He followed his heart and conscience and he brought peace to the world.
He did all this in such a short space of time, after finding out about a horrific loss, without losing himself. He stayed the same imperfect, lovable, relatable (for me and I’m sure others), kind, loving and goofy person. He grew up a lot. But his core person was still very much the same because Aang was already a developed person in his own right and he knew himself in a way not many 12 year olds would know themselves, but there sure are some. The key fact is he was imperfect. That made him very real for me. He wasn’t this never fucks up, never makes a mistake, never has a bad day character. But he felt so real to me and that isn’t always true. He also showed us that boys can be soft and loving and kind and still not be absolutely perfect. We get to see a boy grow but remain a boy in the end. And we leave him when he still has more learning and growth to do, which is something really cool in my opinion.
Aang is my favourite character in the Avatar universe for all these reasons and more. He is a character I have passionately felt a connection with since I was a little girl first watching the show and I truly hope that others can learn to at least accept he’s not the bad guy or a totally unrealistic character. But even if not, and you read this, I hope you can see why others would love him.
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jaxsteamblog · 4 years
Avatar Thuy
Click here to read the full fic on AO3
“Spirits, I should never have asked you.” Thuy muttered as she rounded another corner.
“It’s not my fault you can’t follow directions.” His tone was so irritating, Thuy had to stop, squeeze her eyes shut, and count to ten.
“Kuruk. You haven’t been GIVING me directions!” Thuy hissed.
“I told you to take a left after the scholar’s hall.” Kuruk snapped in reply.
“It was just another empty room. They’re all empty rooms!” Thuy shouted in exasperation. With a sigh, she pinched the bridge of her nose.
“It’s really not that hard.” Kuruk said sullenly.
“I’ve never been to the North Pole before.” Thuy said.
“No. Because you were born in a swamp.” Kuruk snorted and Thuy felt her shoulders fall as her anger left her in a rush.
“A swamp. The most powerful Waterbender since me is born in a disgusting-”
“You mean since Master Katara.” Thuy interrupted, now continuing down the hall.
“Excuse me?” Kuruk asked, his voice dripping with disdain. Thuy smiled to herself.
“Master Katara surpassed you when she was my age, and you were the Avatar.” She said.
“That girl-”
“-is twice the Bender you were, yes.” Thuy finished for him. “It’s a good thing you were the Avatar because you certainly weren’t going to make a name for yourself as a Waterbender.”
“Why you-”
“Goodbye Kuruk.” Thuy said sharply before severing her connection.
It had been nice as a child when she talked to Aang. He had been a grandfather and was very easy to talk to. Thuy wasn’t overly fond of Roku, but that was mostly because he was a bit stiff. Kyoshi was fantastic, which made it all the worse when Kuruk turned out to be so. Bad.
Still feeling smug, Thuy meandered for a bit longer in the halls. It was a long standing habit that when it got a little too people-y, she’d disappear. But this wasn’t the Swamp, where she could never get lost. The North Pole palace was just a series of buildings erupting from the ice around the important open spaces, like the dining hall. All she needed was a quiet space to process things, but so far every room she found was too big.
And she really didn’t want to be found before she was ready.
It had been her choice to come forward, and she told her parents she was fine leaving the Swamp for this debut, but nothing had been fine. Being so far from her roots made her feel raw and exposed. Plus, finally meeting her heroes in the flesh did not go as well as she had hoped.
Sadness drowned out her smug pride as Thuy recalled Katara’s stony look when they were introduced. Zuko had been much kinder, but in a polite, political sort of way. And Katara had been the one Thuy wanted to meet the most; seeing her so cold was like grabbing the blade of a knife.
“Avatar Thuy?” A voice called out in stunned surprise.
With a jump, Thuy turned around. It was one of the Kyoshi Warriors.
“Oh, um, Suki?” Thuy asked, trying to remember her name. The smile told her she was right.
“Were you looking for something?” Suki asked as she got closer.
“No.” Thuy said, shaking her head. “I just needed to take a break.”
Suki examined her for a second and then gave her a softer smile.
“Well, we’re close to my room. Come on.” She said.
Thuy looked at her in alarm. “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely. I’m a Kyoshi Warrior after all, so how could I offer anything else?” Suki replied lightly.
Thuy looked down, tugging on her parka.
“I’m not…” She said quietly, her voice fading into nothing.
“But you are.” Suki said firmly, putting her hand on Thuy’s shoulder. As Thuy looked up, Suki gestured with a tilt of her head.
“Come on.” She said. Leading the way, Suki guided Thuy further down the hall and into a room. It was small, as most of the common sleeping quarters were, but it was still well decorated. When they walked in, a vent somewhere in the ceiling clicked on and Thuy felt a cloud of warm air fall down the back of her neck.
“I don’t know how it all stays frozen.” Thuy said.
Suki paused, looking around, and shrugged.
“It must be sea ice. I can’t imagine fresh water holding up this way.” She said.
Thuy stared at one wall, tapping her lip.
“Don’t lick the wall.” Suki said suddenly and Thuy turned quickly.
“I wasn’t!” She blurted and Suki chuckled.
“That’s just the first thing I’d expect Sokka to do.” She replied.
Suki moved around the room and Thuy stood still, watching her. The Kyoshi Warrior was not a very big woman; Thuy was only thirteen and already as tall.
“You know that doesn’t matter.” Kyoshi’s voice rippled up in Thuy’s mind, and she blushed.
“You’re engaged to Sokka, right?” Thuy asked. Suki, stopping at a large wardrobe, nodded.
“Yeah.” She said, sounding wistful, and a smile curled up the corners of her mouth.
“So, do you know Master Katara?” Thuy questioned.
Suki pulled open the doors of the wardrobe and looked over at her.
“Of course. We spent a lot of time together in the war.” She answered. As she leaned into the wardrobe, Thuy looked down, tugging on her parka again.
“Does she hate me?” Thuy asked.
Suki didn’t reply, but Thuy kept her eyes down. She heard the wardrobe shut and felt the air sway as Suki walked back over.
“She doesn’t hate you.” Suki said.
Thuy looked up and saw Suki holding a bunch of green fabric.
“What’s that?” Thuy asked, scrutinizing the fabric.
“They’re your robes.” Suki said, shaking her arms out to get Thuy to take them.
“My robes?” Thuy, stunned, took the robes automatically. They were heavy and Thuy took in a sharp breath.
“There was supposed to be a whole thing.” Suki said, waving a hand dismissively. “But that’s not how we do things.”
“But I haven’t trained!” Thuy said in a panicked rush.
“You are Avatar Kyoshi, so they’re yours by right. If you want to train, I would be happy to make you, Thuy, a Kyoshi Warrior.” Suki replied.
“But I’m.” Thuy choked on her words, gripping the robes tightly. It was too much, and she started to cry.
Suki looked sad as she sighed.
“I know I’m going to say the wrong thing because I’ve never, you know, dealt with something like this before.” She started as Thuy sat down, burying her face in the robes.
Crouching down, Suki put her hand on Thuy’s back, lightly rubbing the space between her shuddering shoulders.
“The Warriors are traditionally a sisterhood, yes, but anybody can wear the robes and wield the fans.” Suki said.
Thuy’s heart broke in her chest and she cried harder. Still, as Suki sat down and gathered Thuy in her arms, she leaned into the embrace.
“But that’s not what I’m trying to say. The point is, the robes don’t care about the shape of the body. You are a woman. You belong in the sisterhood exactly as you are.” Suki continued.
Thuy’s crying lessened, but she remained curled against Suki’s side.
“Is that why you think Katara hates you?” Suki inquired gently.
Thuy shook her head. Taking a deep breath, she slowed her shuddering lungs and pulled away. Unfurling herself, Thuy laid out the robes across her legs before pressing her chilled hands against her hot, puffy face.
“Not a lot of people know that I’m…” Thuy fought against the tightness in her throat. “Trans.”
“I only figured it out because of your animal companion.” Suki said.
Confused, Thuy only looked at Suki, who shrugged before leaning back on her hands.
“Avatar Aang’s companion was a male Sky Bison. Roku’s dragon was male. Kyoshi’s was female. Kuruk’s was male. Yangchen’s was female. Yadda yadda.” Suki said, looking up at the ice ceiling.
“Not a lot of people know that Mister Whiskers is a girl.” Thuy said.
“The girls are smaller and have an even number of spine ridges.”
“How do you know that?”
“I took a single zoology class at a community college once.”
Thuy laughed as Suki rolled her head over to look at her.
“Let’s get you dressed and you can tell me why you think why Katara hates you.” She said.
Thuy looked up in alarm as Suki stood.
“Why not? You’ve got time to kill before your next event.”
Suki helped Thuy disrobe; she simply wasn’t used to all the layers and buttons of the arctic clothing. Seemingly more at ease with it, Suki made quick work of it all. As the cold air hit her skin, Thuy went silent, but Suki didn’t even flinch with curiosity. She only spun out the wide fabric before wrapping Thuy in the heavy expanse of emerald green.
“When you’re all done growing, you might actually fit in Kyoshi’s robes.” Suki remarked as she tied everything up.
“Is that even allowed?” Thuy asked.
“Sure. It’s just cloth. It’s going to rot away at some point anyway, might as well get the Avatar to wear it again.”
“Did Aang not?”
Suki shook her head, focusing on a smaller tie.
“I don’t think he ever wore anything other than his robes.” She answered.
Thuy went quiet as she thought. This was the first time she had actually spoken with the captain of the Kyoshi Warriors and she had already started crying. But then again, it felt like she had known the Warriors all of her life.
“Kyoshi thinks you’re a good leader.” Thuy said.
The robe slackened as Suki lost her hold on the fabric and Thuy winced.
“You talk to her?” Suki asked, her voice muted.
“I can talk to all of them, but it’s easier to speak with Aang since he was right before me.” Thuy said.
“Well. That certainly isn’t daunting.” Suki said with a laugh, finishing her ties.
“A lot of them are nice. Except Kuruk.” Thuy added with a growl in her tone.
“Really? I would have thought-”
“He’s an asshole.” Thuy interrupted.
Suki snorted and moved to the wardrobe.
“Not surprising. I mean, have you talked to some of the people around here?” She asked.
“Sokka and Master Katara are different.” Thuy said.
“Well, they’re from the South Pole.” Suki replied.
“Can you tell me about them?” Thuy questioned.
Suki turned, holding a wooden box, and smiled.
“I’ll be doing your makeup so you won’t be able to talk. I guess I can keep you entertained.” She replied and walked back.
Thuy noticed how Suki moved and was struck by it. For how small and physically feminine Suki was, she still moved with strong, sure steps. She walked like a man that had been trained to move delicately.
Kyoshi had spoken of course about her training. How her mother’s fans had ended up in a man’s hands. How her large feet had traced their own steps through her mother’s faded footprints. There was masculine and feminine in everything a Kyoshi Warrior did. Life was a woman’s gift, and death was a man’s burden, but a Kyoshi Warrior stood as a protector and a fighter. They wore robes like a scholar with their faces painted like the finest courtly dancers that had brushed her father's face. They were never just one thing, because a Warrior had to become one made of many.
Suki gestured for Thuy to kneel on one of the floor cushions and she did so while Suki unpacked the wooden box on a low table.
“I’ll tell you the story of how we first met.” She said, bringing over ancient clay pots and brushes.
Suki held her basket low at her hip as she casually looked over the meager items at the stall. From the corner of her eye she marked three other Warriors taking their positions at other stalls. They had been watching this dock for weeks, waiting for the right moment to take one of the ships, but nothing had come in.
The colony here was established purely to support the blockade. It dealt in fuel and rations, not bothering to create anything more human for the inhabitants. A single bar and pavilion served as cultural entertainment, but they were mostly utilized to numb the sailors and broadcast imperial propaganda.
Then they got word that a ship was pulling in to transport prisoners. Two blockade runners, nothing new. A few of those trickled in every season, or so the colonists said.
Hopefully the banality meant that it was a lightly armed ship that was mooring.
But as the figures descended the gangplank, Suki froze.
Water Tribe, their parkas reminding her painfully of home. A young man and woman, close to her own age. Both of them beautiful in their absolute rage.
“Aw, poor things. Probably starving and trying to find some food.” The woman behind the stall remarked.
“The rats should be used to the ice.” A man said, making Suki frown. “They should know better than to mess with the imperial ships.”
“Hush! They’re probably orphans.” The woman remarked sharply.
“And? I heard they leave their babes on the ice to hunt like animals.” The man replied.
“Just this today.” Suki said, taking the woman’s attention as she handed over a couple of coins.
“Thank you dearie.” The woman replied and Suki waved before walking off.
She had to get on that ship.
There was not a lot of cover for the Warriors to hide in around the town. Fire Nation policy was to raze the surrounding area and fortify it, leaving nothing to chance. Outside of the rusting metal walls were the sparse grazing grounds and rocky farms. She and a small clutch of Warriors were sleeping in a barn while the others were further away from the guarded perimeter.
This port was sloppy, which is why Suki had picked it, but it was sloppy because it was difficult to move unseen.
“The captain is staying in town for a few days. He expects summons from the governor.” Ji-won said as Suki sat back in a hay pile.
“And why does he think that?” She asked.
“One of the prisoners he brought in is a Waterbender.” Ji-won said. The other women stilled, their surprise registering quietly in their minds.
Suki frowned.
“The Avatar?” She asked.
“He’s saying so.” Ji-won answered.
“Probably why they’re still alive.” Song interjected.
“Suki, we can’t let them take the Avatar.” Ji-won pressed.
Suki frowned harder but didn’t reply.
“Suki.” Ji-won said and Suki glared at her.
“I know.” She snapped. Then, with a sigh, she rubbed her eyes. “We just don’t have the fans for a full assault.”
“But the Avatar can help us.” Ji-won said, her voice breathy with anticipation.
“We don’t know if the Bender is the Avatar. They could just be a Waterbender.” Suki said, looking pointedly at every woman there.
“But there’s a chance.” Song said softly.
“Avatar Aang died only a few years ago. The Avatar would only be a child, and even the girl looked at least my age.” Suki pointed out.
“If that was Avatar Aang.” Ji-won started and Suki leaned forward, pointing at her.
“Don’t start with that conspiracy. That’s gotten a lot of people killed.” Suki said sharply.
Ji-won looked away and Suki sighed again.
“More importantly, we can’t let another Waterbender die. It’s our job to keep the balance when the Avatar isn’t around.” She went on.
It was an oath they all took. By taking on Kyoshi’s name, by becoming her when they wore the uniform, they swore to uphold her responsibilities as the Avatar. Even lacking any bending ability, they worked to protect the balance as Kyoshi.
“So we rescue them?” Song asked.
“Yes. And we have to move tonight. We don’t know what they’re going to do to them.” Suki said.
“I’ll send a message to the others.” Ji-won said.
“Alright ladies, finish eating then suit up.” Suki said, looking around. “We have a ship to take.”
Knowing that they weren’t going to be leaving through the gate, the Kyoshi Warriors didn’t need to deal much with stealth. The moon was shrouded in clouds and only their white faces barely caught in flood lights lining the wall. The guardhouse on the northern side was lightly manned, so Suki went in and dispatched the few men sleeping inside.
Weeks of observation told her what she needed. What keycards could open doors and which locks could be cut with a fan. The reliance on technology only went so far when the intruders were ready for a fight. Alarms were tripped, but military protocol would be followed. The Fire Nation was nothing if not thorough.
Heading south, the Kyoshi Warriors darted through residential lanes and alleys. A curfew meant they didn’t need to hide from a crowd, but it did mean that the streets were monitored.
Still, it was a cloudy night and this was a sloppy port.
The actual jail was a bit trickier. Suki didn’t have a layout of the building, having made it a point not to get arrested.
But all she had to do was get in.
All of the windows of the low building were barred and there were only two doors. The back was sealed off; the only latch being on the interior side.
Taking their positions across the street, hiding in the padded shadows, Suki examined the front door. The one small window at the front was illuminated with bright fluorescent light. There was nothing to signal that anyone knew about the dead guards in the north, or that they were leaving to attend to it.
“I need a bucket of water.” Suki said. A Warrior disappeared without a word and the others waited.
“We push our way in and get the water as far back as possible. There should only be holding cells, and if we get the water to the Bender, we might be able to do this.” Suki explained.
“Wouldn’t there be the plumbing?” A Warrior asked.
“We should assume they’ve turned off the water.” Suki replied.
The sound of sloshing water came up to her side and Suki took a deep breath.
“Go.” She said.
And they went.
Front door was a bottleneck and Suki went first. Fans blocked the first assault of fire but the guns were certainly next. One fan left her hand and caught a guard in his neck. Disarming was not an option tonight.
The others broke in behind her, sweeping out to encompass the few in the lobby. A klaxon went off and the lights snapped off, with the low emergency floor lights coming on shortly after. The noise became a metronome and the Warriors pushed forward. The water bucket was tossed like a ball, playing keep away from the armed guards. Suki was able to retrieve her stained fan and she sliced open the lock to the back room.
It was a small building and they quickly filled the space. Three holding cells were simple spaces walled with bars.
And the water bucket when tumbling end over end toward them.
Immediately, Suki watched as the young woman gathered the water in her arms like so much washing. A thick whip lashed out at the bars and pieces slid slowly before clattering to the floor.
Ice made quick work of the fight, but then the pair disappeared through the backdoor.
“Don’t lose them!” Suki called out and the Warriors darted out the back door after them.
Marking the wounded, Suki sent them out toward the ship, to watch it and keep it from leaving. Then she went after the Water Tribals.
“Katara, you don’t know where you’re going!” The young man called out in the darkness.
Suki seized on that, running faster to close the distance.
“Please! Let us help!” She yelled recklessly into the darkness.
“Katara, stop!” The young man demanded.
The Waterbender stopped, turning sharply and pulling up a wall of ice spikes, pointed directly at the pursuing Kyoshi Warriors.
“We’re on your side!” Suki said as she pulled up short, skidding on the broken concrete alley.
“Why did you help us?” The young woman, Katara, asked.
“We’re the Kyoshi Warriors, that’s what we’re supposed to do.” Suki said.
“I don’t know what that is.” Katara retorted. “How do I know you’re not one of them?”
“Suki, there’s activity at the harbor.” Ji-won said. “We have to go.”
“Come with us.” Suki pleaded. “We’re taking a ship to fight.”
Katara looked at her companion and he nodded.
“Fine.” Katara said, melting the ice back into water and pulling it around her hands. “Let’s go.”
Having a Waterbender at a harbor proved useful and they took the ship easily. They only had to sail it up a short way to gather the rest of the Warriors before heading into the open sea. As soon as the port left their vision, Katara collapsed on the deck. The young man, who turned out to be her brother, laid her head in his lap.
“Is she?” Suki started cautiously.
“She’s exhausted.” The brother said and then looked up. “I’m Sokka.”
“Thanks for rescuing us Suki.” Sokka said, turning back to Katara and brushing her hair out of her face. The gesture warmed Suki’s heart and she turned away.
“Of course.” Suki replied curtly.
“Katara is thankful too. She’ll be better in the morning.” Sokka said.
“It must’ve been hard.” Suki commented.
“You have no idea.” Sokka murmured. Something in his tone kept Suki from replying and she only watched them for a moment. Turning away, she went to find the captain’s quarters.
“We traveled with them for a few weeks and then separated when we went to go join the Earth Kingdom army.” Suki concluded.
“When did you fall in love with Sokka?” Thuy asked. Suki chuckled as she packed up the box.
“Aren’t you a romantic?” She quipped and Thuy smiled sheepishly.
“Let’s see, I knew I was in love when we were in the Fire Nation. Katara was so different after the North Pole and she hated the Fire Nation, but Sokka was trying to find something human in it all. None of us were happy when he went off with Piandao for training, especially Katara, but it made me realize that there was going to be a life after the war. And I wanted my life to be with him.” Suki explained.
“So will Katara like me eventually?” Thuy asked.
“I think she’ll like you a lot sooner than eventually.” Suki turned and examined her handiwork, nodding with a proud smile.
“I’m going to grab a camera, hold on.” She said and, before Thuy could reply, bolted out of the room.
Thuy sputtered as the door shut and she was alone. Now she really regretted leaving Mister Whiskers back in the heated nest.
“How does it feel?” Kyoshi asked so suddenly that Thuy jumped.
“Heavy.” Thuy remarked and Kyoshi laughed.
“The new recruits often said the same thing.” She said.
“I like Suki.” Thuy said, changing subjects.
“As do I. And she picked a strong partner.” Kyoshi added.
“They all went through a lot.”
“All who serve in war must give everything.”
“And Suki said that the Warriors act in the Avatar’s stead.”
“They do.”
“So what do they need me for?”
“You’re the Avatar.” Kyoshi said matter of factly.
“But what does that even mean anymore? Aang told me about the White Lotus, they don’t even need me for Spirit stuff and I wasn’t needed to end this war!” Thuy balked.
“There will be challenges only the Avatar can face.” Kyoshi stated.
“Or they just get eaten by Spirits.” Thuy muttered.
Kyoshi was silent and Thuy winced.
“Sorry.” She said.
“Yun was a good man, and didn’t deserve Jianzhu’s treachery. Nor did Kuruk deserve his fate.” Kyoshi said evenly.
“He mocked the Spirits!” Thuy retorted.
“If you believe someone can ever do something to deserve ill treatment, does that mean you deserve yours?” Kyoshi asked.
“When you begin to believe that all people deserve to be treated well, you will have to face that that includes you.”
“I-” Thuy started but was interrupted as the door opened again.
“Hey Suki.” Sokka greeted as he stepped into the room, pushing the door shut with his foot.
“Actually-” Thuy started, trying to rise but catching herself on the robes.
Sokka’s eyes widened briefly before he threw himself down on the floor cushions next to her.
“Oh sorry, I didn’t realize anybody had to be in uniform for this.” He said.
“Er.” Thuy stammered, sitting back down and looking away.
“Song?” Sokka asked.
Thuy faced him, confused.
“Shoot. I know you all do your makeup differently, but your’s looks just like Suki’s.” Sokka propped his head up as he laid on his side, tilting his head to examine her face. “But like, a reflection or something.”
“She…” Thuy looked down and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Did my makeup.”
“Oh you’re one of the new warriors!” Sokka pushed himself up quickly.
“I’m not-” Thuy held up her hands in alarm but Sokka made a dismissive sound and waved her away.
“Sorry about barging in here. I was just looking for Suki; do you know where she is?” He asked.
“She went to get a camera.” Thuy said softly.
“Oh wow! Is this your first time all done up?” Sokka asked and clapped as Thuy nodded.
“Congratulations!” He said enthusiastically and Thuy felt her cheeks burn.
“Are you excited about meeting the Avatar?” He asked.
“I really wanted to meet Master Katara.” Thuy said.
“Her? Why?” Sokka asked incredulously.
Thuy held her hands together and leaned forward excitedly.
“Master Katara is the most amazing Waterbender in our history! She saved the world. Well,” Thuy caught herself and sat back. “So did you.”
“Are you a Water Tribal?” Sokka asked curiously. Thuy shook her head vigorously.
“I’m from the Swamp.” She said.
“Oh, so you probably already know the Avatar.”
“We’re, acquainted.”
“Well my sister is pretty great, but she’s also a massive grump.”
“No!” Thuy said sharply and Sokka’s eyes widened. “Master Katara is an amazing warrior and I’m sure she’s just very serious.”
“Serious?” Sokka laughed and Thuy frowned in confusion.
“Katara can’t let herself enjoy anything or else she would implode.” Sokka stated. As Thuy deflated, Sokka sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.
“I don’t want to tarnish your idea of her or anything, but Katara despises hero worship. Neither of us wanted to be heroes.” Sokka explained, holding the back of his neck and looking off in some distant memory.
“She’s really kind, though. When we lost our mother, I thought she’d never be happy again.” He went on.
“If the Avatar had shown up earlier-” Thuy stopped as Sokka scoffed. He reclined again, idly scratching his leg.
“And what? We toss a toddler at the Fire Lord? You seem to be around the same age as the Avatar and I still wouldn’t let you get within sight of that creep.” He said and finished quickly. “No offense.”
Thuy remembered her meeting with the Fire Lord and shuddered. She did not like him, or his daughter. But at least Zuko was polite.
“See?” Sokka said. “Katara wants to blame the Avatar because it’s easy. She doesn’t want to meet her because she knows when she does, the Avatar will be real and she’ll know it wasn’t her fault.”
“Maybe she’s right.” Thuy said.
“Come on know, aren’t you two kin? That’s no way to talk about the Avatar. I think she’s a nice girl.” Sokka said and Thuy lowered her head.
“So will Master Katara meet with,” Thuy cut off her words. “With the Avatar?”
“We’ve got dinner tonight don’t we?” Sokka asked and Thuy looked up.
“Katara doesn’t have it in her to hate good people. Especially not other Waterbenders. I think once they start talking, it’ll be fine.” He said.
“What would Master Katara even talk about?” Thuy asked nervously.
Sokka shrugged. “Probably Zuko.”
“They do go off together a lot.” Thuy remarked.
“That’s what girls do with their boyfriends.” Sokka said.
“What do girls do with their boyfriends?” Suki asked and Thuy leaned back.
“Disappear for some diplomatic briefing.” Sokka answered.
“Oh, are we talking about your sister and Zuko?” Suki questioned, sounding giddy as she sat down next to Thuy.
“Who else?” Sokka quipped.
“Who knew the Avatar was a gossip?” Suki elbowed Thuy and she felt a jolt of fear. Sokka only smiled, winking casually at her.
“Avatar Thuy was trying to argue that Katara wasn’t a grump.” He said. Thuy relaxed and felt tears sprout in her eyes.
“Oh she totally is. That’s why she and Zuko work so well.” Suki said.
“Zuko is not a grump, he’s refined.” Sokka countered.
“Zuko is a little bitch.” Another voice said from the door and Thuy shrank. Seeing Rohan, she tried to calm down.
“Hey, that’s the Avatar’s great-grandson or something.” Sokka said and Rohan rolled their eyes.
Roku, from somewhere deep in Thuy’s mind, grumbled.
“Is there something you need Rohan?” Suki asked.
“I wanted to see if Thuy was up for some ice shenanigans.” Rohan asked.
“Let me take a picture really quick.” Suki said, holding up a fancy camera.
“Allow me.” Rohan said, swirling their hand. The camera lifted and Suki shook her head, but still smiled.
“Okay, everyone get together.” Rohan said. Sokka and Suki got up and pushed themselves over to flank Thuy. Rohan set up the camera and then left it floating in the air.
Darting forward, the Airbender laid across all of their laps and the shutter snapped audibly as Thuy burst out laughing.
“Rohan! The camera!” Suki called.
“I got it.” Rohan said, rolling off and holding out their hands. As they and Suki examined the picture, Sokka nudged Thuy with his shoulder.
“Just be happy Thuy.” He whispered. “It’s what we fought for.”
Thuy nodded, smiling.
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loopy777 · 3 years
Do you think that magic exists in the world of Avatar? I mean magical kung-fu aside. I’ve always wondered if some people from the four nations believed in curses (and that people can learn how to perform them) and things of that nature. I don’t see why not, since they’re common enough in our world. Though I’m mostly interested if you think that those things are actually real in Avatar and not just superstitions/the work of charlatans.
I guess it depends on what you mean by 'magic.' Sokka was probably just using it to mean "weird stuff that doesn't obey the laws of physics that I don't like" when he called Katara's Waterbending "magic water." Obviously, to us, the magic kung fu is magic. To the people of the Avatar World, it's fairly natural.
Some works of fiction just go with magic being something that breaks or circumvents the laws of physics. However, there's some fiction that applies tries to make magic work with our known science, with a hard set of rules that can be sussed out by experimentation, and even attempt something like the conservation of matter and energy.
Other fiction goes with the idea that magic is a force with a demand for balance that verges on intelligent. You can get anything from that kind of magic, with seemingly no limits to the powers and boons it offers, but it always comes around for a price that corresponds to what was given. Sometimes this is a literal trade, and sometimes it's just 'blowback' that winds up taking something equivalent from the practitioner. Someone who has mastered such magics is simply a person who understands the give and take, who feed victory with their long-term health, who shrug off a wound but know to offer blood at a more convenient time, who accept great fortune but understand that it's going to disappear some day. Sometimes this magic appears in the form a literal bargainer, a demon or wizard or somesuch who makes the deal, other times the magic is simply the stuff the universe is made off.
And then there's the everyday magic. You know, the kind Arthur C Clarke famous described: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." So when the local wise person knows how to cure an infection by applying a salve made from rare plants, that looks like magic to people with no knowledge of natural antibiotics.
I'd say the first kind of magic appears in Avatar in the form of Bending and Spirits. Bending is more of the science-y magic, with rules and reproducible techniques and measurable power-levels and a level of familiarity that makes that makes it as reliable as the rain. Spirits are a bit more unknowable, but they're not without their own limits. I'd say the people of the Avatar World would consider Spirits to be magical. They all seem to have their own weird powers, looks, and limits. They can disappear and reappear at will. And they definitely break the laws of physics.
The 'balanced' magic could be said to underpin the whole Avatar World, too, although it's not treated as mystically as in most fiction. Balance is a key theme of the story, and it's reflected in the physical world.
I'm not sure how to classify stuff like Spirit Vines that function as laser batteries. That seems to reverse Clarke's axiom: "Any sufficiently mundane magic is indistinguishable from technology." XD Actually, what's up with the Foggy Swamp in general? Is that just 'spirit stuff?' Is it some other supernatural force created by the concentration of life there?
As for curses curses, I think what Kuruk suffered from in his later life (according to the Kyoshi books) could be classified as a kind of curse. Granted, it wasn't created by an intelligence conducting a ritual, but in terms of effects, I think it could qualify.
But when it comes to what the people of the Avatar World believe, I think the sky's the limit. Curses? Sure. Witches? Why not? Reanimated corpses that want to suck your blood and maybe seduce you if they're in the mood? Absolutely. Rituals to summon spirits and bind them to your service at the cost of your soul/karma/blood? I can't keep them on the shelves.
Why am I so certain? Well, none of that stuff exists in our world, and people believed (or still believe) in it. People are dumb and superstitious, and real explanations for things are hard work.
But I don't think we're going to see wizards or anything like that as long as the Mike and the Bryan are in charge of the franchise. We'll probably get increasingly wild spirits, and some spooky stuff every now and then with no clear explanation, but they seem to want to avoid classical depictions of magic. Spirit Stuff is a convenient enough excuse for any weird (or wyrd) things they might want to do, and people waving around magic wands doesn't really fit the mood and aesthetic they seem to want.
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