#and literally all i do is Be nice. Im being nice to you because im being paid to do so
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Being in a polycule with Mark Grayson and Eve Wilkins is weird.
The two never really thought about it, hell, never really thought about anyone else romantically besides each other. They are quite literally, a power couple! But at the same time how could they fall in love with someone who they all got bad first impressions from?
(Fair warning I started rambling about this on the 22nd and ive been distracted with other content so it might be inaccurate and not up to date with the new upcoming eps! Sorry! 4k+ words oof)
When did you first meet?
Mark Grayson: First spotted at the convention, where you served as a temporary helping hand to one of your close friends who ran a free fix it portable station that helped aid costume malfunctions for cosplayers. You were a jack of all trades and a master of none. An average grade student, who participated as little and as much activities as one felt like, nothing really piquing your interest at any capacity to fully commit to it. Badminton, swim team, volleyball, chess, journalism, art, sewing. The talents and passion you had for it all were mediocre at best, but useful when the situation called for it.
Need an extra player in your team? You won't willingly volunteer, but if there was no other choice, so be it. Someone needing help on their swim technique? You've gotten more ear infections than you could count all because of swimming, several visits to the doctor and ear drops used. But an advice or two wouldn't hurt.
It just so happened you held a bit of liking to sewing, and with reluctance agreed to your friend's pleas of help for the upcoming convention day. You weren't really looking forward to helping around people who forgot to wear deodorant or were in desperate need of a shower, but he said you were splitting the tips by the end of the day. Money is money.
Mark would someyimes notice you here and there, carrying a huge clunky bag while assisting to anyone you could offer a hand to, but other than that, he said and did nothing else. He was more worried about the line for the Seance dog signing and Amber to properly pay attention. But couldn’t help gravitate towards you for some reason.
Though he does give credit where credit was due, between you and your close friend, you were a lot faster with the needle than he was. And you were only doing this for a day! But he didn't know that. Mark wouldn't lie, but he did find himself leaning over and away to look closer at your handy work whenever someone would happily walk away, almost catching his eye whenever you felt like you were being stared at more intensely than the individual you were fixing up.
His first ever person to person interaction was tainted by Mark getting distracted at the crowd of people dressed up as Invincible, before almost falling over himself and you. The supply of items you had just packed up all nice and neat now lay scattered all over the floor, going back to square one.
"Oh! Im so so sorry let me just-" "Thank you, but don't." You swat away his helping hand and turn your back to him. There he stands awkwardly, watching you silently pick up the pieces, his hand rubbing at his neck in guilt. The way you glared and spoke to him might as well had burned holes into his head till he had nothing resting atop his shoulders but charred remains.
You just ended up shoving everything back into place out of pure irritation before storming off, not sparing Mark a glance, not wanting to bother acknowledging him and getting angry for no reason.
He never noticed that you went to the same school as him before that whole interaction. All of a sudden it was like you were spawning everywhere he went, and you were non the wiser about it.
Whenever he'd walk with William and Amber, you'd be somewhere secluded with something to occupy yourself or just talking to that one guy you seemed close with. Even at the cafeteria, where you would be surrounded by people he had never seen you around with. Mostly tolerating their presence by the looks of it, only there because you were friends with one of them. Then you'd also started to hang out with Eve, which made him even more curious about you. Was Eve close with you? What was your relationship with her? Maybe he was getting a bit too nosy. Eve Wilkins: It was a lot harder to grab Eve's attention, even unintentionally. She's a busy gal, always handling this world crisis here and another there, she mostly has to focus time for herself and heroing than the people around her when she's just being Eve the student.
College wasn't all that hard for her, she was great at science and other subjects alike, a top student, Eve is.
But you weren't. In fact you were almost failing her favorite subjects. Numbers shmumbers, you hated it. And unfortunately for her, you were dumped on top of her already full plate unceremoniously when she had been pulled aside by one of the professors.
She didn't want to take it, but she didn't want a fellow student to fail a class she thought was so easy. So she hesitantly agreed, biting more than she could chew.
The event for the both of you was stressful to say the least. She was frustratingly ambiguous about her time and schedule, which clashed with your want to be punctuational, keeping interactions simply transactional. This was both stressful and moreso awkward for the two of you to go through. Eve wished you were a fast learner, but you were failing classes that involved numbers for a reason. Ouch.
Several pensive and forced smiles in the discomfort of your dorm room, each time you were told to start over or why you got this and that as an answer and formula was helping a migrane slowly develop the more time passes. She was trying her best, she really was. And you were too, you both can see the strained effort you two had put in. But by god the process was going by slow.
More breaks would occur than actual learning, before you caved and gave in first.
"I'm never getting this, am I?" Falling back to your mattress with a stiff bounce, you close your eyes and put an arm over them. Hand clenched, nails digging into the palm of your hand.
"Well, you're making progress. As slow as it is at least." You can appreciate how she still has the courtesy to be nice and sugarcoat it, but that was just making you all the more resentful of the situation.
"I just- I dont get it! How do you get this from that?" Quickly sitting up to point accusingly at the paper that lies on your soft cushions, its crumpled and dented with the amount of times you had to erase with shavings of it not too far beside.
"It's hypothetical, thats why we have assigned formulas." Eve pinches the bridge of her nose. She's exhausted and just wishes she could crash at her bed. But even the trip to the treehouse seemed tiresome to do, now contemplating if it was the best course of action to live there.
"Yes, I know! But-ugh." It feels useless, putting your hands up in defeat. "At least with science you can tell what you actually need to use. Math is all 'use your common sense', well i'm trying." Muttered through gritted teeth, you close the abused books and notebooks scattered on the bed.
It was a unified agreement to take a break and go out for a little while and get grub, blowing steam off in the process.
This goes on for two weeks, and gradually progress begins to show. You're making more sense of the subject and are putting pieces together easily than before, which used to be nothing. It was going at a snails pace, but progress is progress!
A small surprise quiz had popped up, and you answered the questions with a keen eye. Double checking, using the memorization methods Eve basically drilled into your head, a wavering air of confidence around you as you wrote.
The time for grading happened all too soon, exchanging papers to whomever was closest to you, checking one another's work before passing it back and receiving your own. Here came and greeted an unbelievably high score plastered in red ink on your paper, reading a 16/20.
You almost cried in joy with how surreal it was. It may just be a simple quiz to the others, but this was practically a milestone to you. The news was given to her, and you both felt lighter knowing you finally had it handled. As a cause for celebration, you decided to lounge in your bed and just have a time for yourself, no longer plagued with the tutors. Coming in the whole situation with Eve filled with dread, and coming out with a feeling of self reassurance.
Your time spent with Eve decreased the more time went on, which you were a bit sad about. Having considered her as a friend, but knew it was inevitable. School work is still work.
On occasion she and you would just text, maybe ask for help whether it be math or personal things, or just to reply to a stupid cat video one of you sent.
Eve did begin to notice you became a lot more confident in answering and volunteering in class, and she felt proud for you.
Meet up!
Burgermart seemed to be more sensational than before, ever since Mark decided to quit.
The place isn't as packed as other foodchain restaurants would usually be, but it seems a lot more crowded than what Mark was used to.
It was his to go to place even though he’ll be met with a few familiar faces working behind the counter, but nothing too bad.
He waits in line, orders his usual, and walks to his unofficial spot that Mark likes to sit at. Only to already be occupied with a friendly face he has met, and another not so much.
Based on the confusion on yours it’s safe to say you probably don’t remember him. Probably. Hopefully.
“Mark! Fancy seeing you here,” The two exchange hugs while you awkwardly watch, biting on your greasy burger unashamedly.
You and Eve move to the corner of each of your booths, and decidedly Mark sits next to you instead. A flash of hurt goes over her face, but disappears as soon as it came.
They’d chatter and munch on the fries left over from the burger platter of Eve’s plate, only humming noncommittally whenever you’d be dragged into the conversation, but said nothing else. Not wanting to butt in their conversation, so mulled over on why this guy’s face felt so familiar to you. But nothing pops up.
Everyone finishes up and after a few minutes all of you are standing to leave. Cleaning just a little but after yourselves to not seem rude when the workers clean up.
“I never really got your name.” Mark suddenly shifts his attention to you as the three of you walk out to the parking lot. Its already afternoon, making the weather warm a little.
“I never really gave it.” You reply back. In your head, you justify your response by chalking it up to not really knowing the guy. Sure he’s Mark, Eve’s supposed friend. But what else? What happened to stranger danger?
Eve doesn’t seem to pick up on that, and or doesn’t share the same sentiment, enthusiastically coming in to respond for you. “Remember when I said I was busy tutoring someone? Yeah? Well they’re said someone.”
“You talked about me?”
“Well, just the good bits . . . !”
Shame, embarrassment, you wish the world could swallow you up right then and there.
But you steel yourself, making sure to not make eye contact helping avoid digging your already deep grave. “Better be, or ill tell him the time you tore a hole through the papers when-“
“Okay! Okay! I get it! I promise, it wasn’t anything bad!” Her flustered state makes you laugh, slowly warming up to the both of them.
“I heard you got a high score that one time, man I wish I did too. I kind of flunked the quiz.”
“Maybe you should ask them to tutor you. They’re kind of a math whiz now dontcha think?”
The wink wink nudge nudge could not have been any more subtle.
“Shut up.”
What happens next?
So many new things in your life changed and occurred, both terrifying and exciting.
One of them was being introduced to the friend group that seemed to be ever expanding the more times you hang out with them. William was a hoot, he felt like the most normal person you could relate to. Amber was ambitious, a kind person who already had her shit figured out. And Mark? Well, hes a dweeb and a mess.
Even though you’ve been adopted into the new stray friend, you always gravitated to Eve more. She was the first person you really bothered to hold more than one sentence with. Albeit a bit forced.
Then the whole human robots occurred, you wish you could say you were there to be of help or even lend a hand, but you were dead asleep for the most part. Too busy holed up in your dorm room with work to fully enjoy the almost-adult, adult life.
Then Mark reveals his super hero persona to you, and so does Eve.
“How many know?”
“Oh, hun.” Eve puts a hand on your shoulder.
“You’re like, the last person to know. Everyone in the group practically already know.”
You feel bitter but view them no more or less. Only asking to be taken flying at least once by one of them in exchange.
“Calm down I might drop you!” Eve is not surprised nor all that glad you asked her first, but feels a bit cocky about it. Another tally on whose the best super between her and Mark. Not that anyone’s counting.
It seems the two can’t catch a break. Mark especially.
Everyone’s there for Mark after the whole incident, and to further supporting his now semi-fixed relationship with Amber.
You can sense something about Eve though, but don’t pry. The way she looks at the two or how she tries to just hang out with you more to ‘get her mind off of things’ at her tree house, it was quite the tell.
“You know you can tell me anything that’s bothering you, and I wouldn’t judge you. Right?”
Eve hands a glass of soda, bubbling from the carbon dioxide. She sighs and says nothing, only opting to lean and look at the view overlooking the place.
“I know.”
Despite not being a super or wicked smart, you’re not stupid. You are Eve’s only confidant, even if you don’t get it, you sympathize with her.
Its one thing after the other with Mark and Eve. Mark comes back home with a purple baby, Eve focuses more on her studies to be an architect, things get messed up, and the secrecy continues.
Mark doesn’t get too deep into it, only ever talking to Eve about topics as heavy as that. So many . . . Events has conspired. You’re helpless to do anything to help soothe the bleeding wound. Eve says Mark just needs time, but you both know it’s not true. So, being the ever so genius you are, you offer a sleep over.
It’s a much appreciated and comforting sentiment for the whole family, they’re not sure if they want to be alone after what had conspired. But they also say nothing, keeping their mouths zipped tight.
A movie starts to play, a few hours had already passed ever since you and Eve rang the doorbell. Everyone’s huddled up at the couch, with Oliver sat in Marks lap, now crawling to Eve before reaching you at the end of the couch.
“Looks like he likes you.” Mark sounds so tired when he speaks, it’s a lot more quiet than when he usually talks, but Eve only nods in agreement.
“Yeah, babies like me for some reason. Even if I’m not a fan. But I guess since it’s Oliver..” He pulls and tugs at your clothes in curiosity, before harshly sitting himself on your stomach to face the tv. You let out an ‘oof’, which Mark and Eve laugh.
The tv plays, but its practically static to Mark’s ears, as he speaks again.
“I broke up with Amber.”
Having to be the middle of the two sided coin, you were forced to listen to the two’s complaints about one another’s crush. You wish you could just pull your hair out to get some semblance of relief with how its eating at you alive. At least William knocked some further sense into him when Mark confided in them after asking you first.
Eve? Well, she was busy. Like always.
But it was Mark this, architect that, Mark and Oliver, all that fun jazz. You couldn’t visit as often as Eve could, so she’d like to give updates.
Sometimes you feel like they’re so close to getting there, so close, until you get caught between the two again at the treehouse, seeking some you and her time till Mark showed up.
Something something future Eve, something something oh my fucking god Mark you’re screwing this up!
They both leave due to an emergency, leaving you there isolated at the treehouse.
“Great, guess ill just jump down and walk my way to the campus then!” You shout to nobody in particular.
Its about time!
Finally, the two got together.
No party no celebration, nothing big or grand. Just a small text of congratdolences, because she had to deal with Mark foreverrrr. Until an inevitable break up. Which will never happen.
Their relationship started off a bit fast, a bit rocky, but still stable. Still being at college and not possessing super human abilities, you would often video call and or gossip to them when they had the time. Catching up a lot more on things everyone would miss out since it felt like everyone lived in on different worlds.
You’d make William join in too, considering besides Eve, you were really close. But oh goodness, oh my word, he got caught up talking to his dearly beloved Rick and therefore forgot to reply!
Okay that may be a little exaggerated, but what can you do? Separated by the three people you were super close with in the span of half a year, you were getting clingy.
“Ugh, Will come on. This is the third time we’re hosting a small food get together without you, you can even bring Rick!” You’d complain while lying on your stomach in front of your laptop. Toiling away at your textbooks.
“How’s it feel to third wheel with the super couple? And plus, its finally a friday! I haven’t gotten a break in what feels like ages. Me and Rick are planning on staying in and having a movie night and falling asleep on the couch.”
“Barf. Rick this, Rick that, blah blah blah. You were so interesting when you were single!”
“Well sorry you’re the only one who’s single in the friend group.”
Maybe you were a third wheel. Constantly hanging around Eve and Mark whenever they’d offer or whenever you had free time, you felt embarrassed. Especially now that you’re helping them look for an apartment —or house even— that they could possibly afford.
Being an expert in assessing many things in your life, of course your help was well needed.
“What about this one?”
“Looks… well..” Mark squints at the photo, giving it a slight once over before pursing his lips. Arms brushing up against yours as he crosses his arms and legs in faux thought.
“I know, it’s tacky, right? But I didn’t know if that was your guys’ style.” You click away to another tab, showing the place and its living conditions, plus the added bonuses it has around the areas. Nearby markets, easy access to vehicles if wanted, and a bit isolated so they went get caught super-ing.
“You saying we’re tacky?”
Ignoring Mark’s comment to your right, you shift your attention to Eve. “How about this one?”
“It’s a bit too good to be true, hows the rent?” Eve sets down on Mark’s bed with a slight bounce, leaning over to your left to sandwich you with Mark.
“Yeah about that.” You suck in hair between your teeth and move the screen as an answer, and she merely scrunches her nose.
“Man. Adulting is hard.” Mark leans his head with a thud on his headboard, before it slowly slides to the side, hovering just slightly on your shoulder.
“Tell me about it. I had to pick between saving up for the ride home or saving the cash for food.” You reply absent mindedly, tapping away at the screen with an occasional click of the laptop’s track pad.
“Imagine if you guys had another human being to deal with while you’re still trying to get your shit together? Yikes.” Shaking your head at the thought of it, makes your bones heavy with fatigue.
But Mark and Eve look over to one another with a shared look of confusion. Another person? As in . . . You’re not implying that are you?
They take you back to your campus but not before saying bye to Oliver. Even though he was just a year old, he already grew as big as a toddler. Wanting to hang out with you despite barely talking or even knowing him. It was like a baby duckling imprinting.
But Mark and Eve can’t help but think about what you said on their way home. Another person? It seems like a bit much. No?
They were already quite content on having each other, they didn’t know if the other was comfortable about the prospect of it all. But wasn’t opposite to it either.
So for now, they’d decided to tip toe around it instead.
A puzzling piece
Ever since that visit, the two have been a lot more touchy feely with you.
You dont mind honestly, chalking it up to them being a lot more friendly towards you and nothing else. Nothing more.
William and Rick start to notice too, after finally having everyone’s schedules align once in a blue moon and going out to just have some fun. They’d practically crowd you like body guards, and William and Rick would just watch, snickering to one another.
At times you do get suspicious. Eve holding your arm as you walked was nothing new, but when Mark started to initiate more physical contact with you, you’d spiral.
Of course Mark was hot, hell, Eve was too! Those were simply just facts, your best friends were attractive as hell. Who doesn’t admit that to themselves from time to time? But theyre off limits. They have each other, and you’re just you! No offense.
You couldn’t help raise a questioning brow when Mark and Eve started sitting away from each other in exchange of you being in the middle of them. Bumping shoulders, arms brushing up, hands on your back, or hair tucked behind your ear. It felt overwhelming.
So you confide in William and Rick on their behavior, receiving cryptic responses rather than actual answers instead.
“Are Eve and Mark being weird?” You’d ask, passing over your bag of chips to Rick while sucking on your straw.
“I think they’re being very obvious.” William answers dismissively waving his hand.
“Obvious? About what?”
“Oh you know, right Rick?” And he just shrugs with an awkward smile in response.
“Well has Mark said anything? Eve’s just been . . . Normal, I guess? But feels like they’re keeping something from me too.”
“Yeah, sure. Ill tell you if Mark says anything. Wink wink.” William says out loud rather than literally.
Seeing as they were no help, you finally grew some and talked to Eve about it privately. No Mark, no Atom Eve or Invincible, just you and her in the a lot sturdier and built treehouse of hers.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yes! Well, no.”
You spill your guts out to her, not looking in her general direction the whole time so you can actually let out the words you want to say rather than awkwardly fumbling and mumbling to yourself.
It seems Eve feels the same way, opting to look out rather than meet your own gaze. Picking at her nails at the same time.
“Do you remember when you were helping us look for apartments to live in? Before we ditched that plan and decided not to?”
“Yes . . ?”
“Then you mentioned something about another person being in our lives?”
“Another person? Since when?”
“Since when you showed us that great place! But was too out of our budget.”
“Yeah, and?”
“Well we thought. . . You were . . .”
It takes a few moments for you to make sense of it all, till Eve reaches to hold out your hand and it clicks.
“I meant having a kid! You know, white picket fence and all that!” Your face is practically hot enough to cook an egg on with her admittance.
She clears things up before Mark pops up all of a sudden. Not taking the hint of yours and Eve’s current state and inviting himself in.
“Where were you? I texted you that an hour ago and I still had no response. I got worried.”
“Crap, I think I forgot to hit send.”
Mark gets caught up in the current news, and feels like he’s made a fool of himself. Him and Eve are silently but not very subtly having a conversation about you in loud hushed whispers. Their backs turned to you and they’re holding each other’s hand in reassurance.
“Im not—Im not opposed to it though.” You say quietly, a bit hesitant to break up their conversation.
“Really?” They say in unison, perking up like excited puppies.
“I mean! If you guys’ll have me, that is.”
“We’ve been flirting with you for the past couple of months, I think we’re more than happy to.”
“You’ve been flirting?!”
“Yes, for months.”
Maybe in the near future the three of you could live in that house you found, just the three of you.
a/n: ahh i kinda hate and love this but im done so whatever just take it from me TAKE IT
btw id love to hear your thoughts and questions about this or just invincible in general teehee! planning on writing more ;P
#mark grayson x reader#mark grayson#invincible show#invincible#eve wilkins#samantha eve wilkins#mark grayson x eve wilkins x reader#mark grayson x reader x eve wilkins#eve wilkins x reader mark grayson#News report!
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hi, anon from "t/b discourse is dumb" ask here 👋 this conversation actually is really interesting and i wanna add a little more if thats okay. (how long is the average anon ask? im not new to fandom but i am relatively new to tumblr and its etiquette... so sorry if this is too long. ive done my best to condense it 😭 there's just too much to say and im a rambler)
i hope i didn't come off as blaming anybody for their response to harassment and such, i don't want to contribute to that. my ire is only pointed toward people who make it their business to hurt others over innocuous fandom happenings, those people who leave dickish comments on fics and send anonhate and mass qrt on twitter. but like i said, expecting those kinds of people to go away any time soon is not really something i have hope for at this point. you put it well: people get so emotionally invested --- and i too Love getting emotionally invested when it comes to fiction --- that logic stops being a factor. people all over the internet also tend to struggle with simply disliking something and leaving it there. you're allowed to dislike/disagree with something without turning it into a moral failure when it's all down to preference and the characters involved are not Real
i just wish more people saw the value in Healthy™ discourse. hell, even if someone's opinion ticks you off, that doesn't mean you can't engage in an open minded discussion with them, if you want to. but people can't do that even outside of niche online fanbases.
i would love to share my own opinions on t/b dynamics for satosugu and to learn why others may feel differently. actually, stsg is the first yaoi ship ive been this invested in, though it's been a while now, and reading fics for them has opened up a Lot of doors of thought for me that i wanna talk to someone about. but there's such hostility around the topic that opening that discussion up to the general fandom public hardly feels worth the risk, as much as i want to. that kinda leaves one floating out at sea here. so i have these conversations where i can, but i'll also block people over simple things. not because i think they're evil or their opinions are invalid, but because i really do just want to have fun, and previous fandom experiences have exhausted me with how much of the same repetitive venom i can personally handle at once
welcome back anon, and feel free to ramble away. honestly this has been a nice side quest for me during the thesis-ing, believe it or not.
if you want to have discussions/share takes on stsg (or fandom meta), then feel free to keep sending them anon, and i am happy to host that discussion in our friendly little corner. i haven't gotten anything nasty in my inbox, and i think everyone commenting and engaging with the posts on my blog is pretty friendly and level headed :)
i think it's possible that some people could get offended by your previous ask? but it's very obvious, to me, anyway, that what you are saying with "t/b discourse is dumb" is "this drama is dumb why are we doing this why can't we just have fun". you can twist the words, but that's the clear sentiment that I think 99% of us are trying to get across here.
and that also does not conflict with empathizing with and supporting people who have been targeted by this harassment. in fact, i would say out of anyone, they are probably most securely in the camp of "this drama is dumb please let's stop".
as @fushiglow pointed out, part of the reason fandom can get so vicious is due to depersonalization. none of these people would be acting so fuckin foolish in person. but across the screen, it is a lot safer and easier to be an absolute asshole than when you have to look someone in the face as you tell them that they are literal scum for your opinions on dick in ass, or something.
over the past few months i have been struggling with this in reverse, actually. one of my gaming group members almost definitely voted for trump (white women... we need to talk). i get so worked up when i think about it, because i hate her for it, especially her reasons for it (she is antichoice). and yet, when I see her in person, when we hang out, it is so easy to remember that she is my friend and she held my hair back when I was puking after my other gamer friends gave me too many free beers (blue moon isn't worth it guys).
one other thing i would like to add, and part of why i'm so happy to post this ask, is that conversations are not sentences. you get to clarify. you get to add. you get to change your mind. real 'discourse' (note: this word has lost all meaning in the year of our lord 2025) or debate is an exchange of ideas, whether it's about dick in ass or how we react socially in the situation of being attacked for dick in ass. keeping the conversation going to clarify these things, like your intent with the last ask, is important and necessary! it's what keeps us from being xitter/bluesky. we don't need to live as zingers and soundbytes on a text-based forum. we have the space to express ourselves fully, as many times as that takes. and i think that helps build back the empathy that is lost with the lack of face-to-face, voice-to-voice communication in online spaces.
so in the words of the great philosophers re: t/b discourse:
any hole's a goal
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so its just colin's hand??? not his entire body??? i mean, clearly he's become part of the system, right? like im assuming he TURNED into a system, like wires for blood kind of situation???
gwen you absolutely infuriating woman please get fucked (literally) i think it would really do you some wonders. find someone to dom you please im asking nicely it would do you So Much Good
OH. OKAY. OKAY WOW. SO. firstly, jmj=null??? its not .jmj error rn??? and also "extension BECHER" so yes colin is become part of the system. and im assume the computer recording we're hearing is from...inside of him or something.
oh. oh thats. thats fucked. this is so sergey ushanka coded. tessa winters how i miss you my autistic girl with a tech special interest <3
hmmm okay thats strange. "self.host errors resolved" but ".jmj error not resolved"? but also now its like. if what happened to colin happened to jmj and THATS why they're in the system...my poor babies. except for jonah. jonah fucking deserved that.
"it sounds like the system was...provoked" SHUT UP GWEN YOU ARE SO FRUSTRATING YOU ARE JUST LIKE UR PREDECESSOR (our dear jarchavist)
"no, no, i'm sure we can leave!...Um. Freddie. Can we leave?" gwen i fucking love you, you stupid fucking dumbass <3
so like i also wanna know what alice knows about lena because CLEARLY, she knows that lena would know how to deal with this. also slightly concerned that lena might be dead seeing as she had uh. no exit interview. the government might have just nerfed her.
gwen acting all tough and like she's in charge but immediately running after alice and going "wait, wait for me!" because she's scared of being alone with the murder computer is SO funny
HELLO????? SAM???? MY BOY MY POOR DEAR BOY ARE YOU GOOD?????? listen i know we have mixed opinions on sam but like. come on. the man still fought off the archivist to protect celia when it came after her.
repeated by something. why is that underlined in the transcript. are there...are there like tape recorder creatures. is that whats happening here.
celia. celia honey no. i know you've got a kid and everythin but like sam is NOT okay. my girl, you sacrificed him and used him. and on top of all of that, you've lied to alice about all of this. this is going to end so badly.
"i...recognized it from a case" celia honey i know you can lie better than that. come on. you know alice does NOT believe that.
OH. THATS NOT FUN. THE PHOTOCOPIER PRINTING COLIN'S FACE EVEN WHEN UNPLUGGED. YEAH THAT IS VERY VERY SERGEY UNSHANKA. LOVING THAT. but also honestly valid coping mechanism alice you gotta make the dark jokes or you will break down.
OH MY GOD ITS GEORGIE ITS WIFE SHE'S BACK I MISSED YOU MY GIRLLLL she's always here for celia i love her. i think she knows whats going on. vaguely.
"But I just want you to know I think things are looking up. All going well, this should be the last zero-notice call out" "We'll see" GEORGIE WHAT DO YOU KNOWWWWW
"i want a solicitor" oh honey :((( even after being dragged into another dimension he first asks for a lawyer. i don't know if that was intentional but with him clearly being a brown man :((((
GEORGIE???? SHE'S. WHAT. CAPTAIN OF THE WARDENS???? "lacks the military mannor one might expect" IS THIS OUR TMA GEORGIE???? WHAT??????????????
"you got a ride in Gertrude" A RIDE IN WHAT NOW???? ARE YOU TELLING ME THEY NAMED A FUCKING TANK OR SOMETHING AFTER GERTRUDE????? okay wait if this is TMA verse then melanie would be around and melanie knows about gerrtrude's explosives so that. checks out actually.
oh celia. celia your web of lies is going to come back to haunt you. i know you cant tell them but at the same time they are going to find out the truth eventually and alice might straight up chuck you into the "tear" herself.
"licensing issues?" alice i love you never change
"How convenient that your only proof is sat in an inbox I can’t read in case it tries to eat me." "It did not 'eat' Colin! The system just… responded to an attack." "By eating Colin." dyhard how i adore you.
okay so. wait. is. was heidi a watcher???? like when the eyepocalypse happened, was she touched by the eye? like she seems like what i would have expected to happen to someone like amy patel.
oh my god we're getting to find out what LONDON was like during the eyepocalypse. whatever the creatures that were hunting down georgie, melanie, and their little cult was. oh my god.
oh heidi. bye bye heidi.
#tmagp#the magnus protocol#tmagp spoilers#tmagp ep 31#tmagp s2 ep 1#tmagp ep 31 spoilers#tmagp s2 ep 1 spoilers#tmagp reaction
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Just found out today that our beautiful Sam Hazeldine is 52 years old.
I'm sorry... 😳
He's two years older than Joseph Mawle and walking around like this?!
#Sam Hazeldine#Adar#adar#rings of power#the rings of power#sam hazeldine#trop#lotr#please send help#uruk#adar rings of power#im sorry what?!#i guess i have a thing for older men#silver fox alert#aint no way hes a day over 45!#boy do i like being proved wrong#his silver reddish hair? lord Jesus#i swear he better be back for season three or i will have some words with Amazon#dont your DARE take Sam away from us#you will have a lot of angry fangirls at your door step Amazon just saying#im apparently a silver fox girly#and into men old enough to be my uncle#I'll bet he smells nice#like cinnamon and whiskey#ok I've gotta stop#because i could literally make tags about him all day long
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im curious to see how we'll see how we feel about takehiro and the others' new designs when they're fully revealed but it did get me thinking about how i would design his outfit. unfortunately i realized very quickly that i would just put him in my own fashion style: department-store-clearance-core
#art#traditional art#watercolour#fanart#virvox project#kurono takehiro#vocal synth#voicevox#no id rn because i havent figured out how to translate all this to alt text yet... gimme a bit to think on it orz#BUT yeah like. well im sure their new designs will be fine. but one thing that did stand out to me. is that i do not like muscle tees LOL#and i guess it snowballed. i like fitted tank tops. and loose 90s moe tank tops. but not muscle tanks. turtlenecks are fine.#but you know maybe my walmart clearance fashion sense works for him. i always liked that he kind of dresses like some fucking guy#like his blazer is pretty slick but the rest of him is just a guy in jeans and a t shirt. and i love that#like akashi dresses like my grandpa with better colour sense. kotarou dresses like a pokemon trainer? sourin has his like#traditional modern stylish thing going on. and the mysterious fur strip glued on the back <3 and aoyama dresses lowkey kinda hypebeast#streetwear esque. but takehiro? thats literally just some dude <3 <3 <3 i do worry his new design will make him tooo trendy looking#BUT im intrigued. i think they said they're hoping to do multiple designs by a bunch of people? which i hope they can#the original designs had a very. moe? appeal. a distinct sort of cuteness and squishiness without being toothrottingly so#that might be missing from some newer designs but if we have a whole variety we can have like#a zola project situation at least. like we have the stylistic amano art all the way to the v6 glossy designs#a whole variety would be nice. but i am worried about ryuuseis hair the most lowkey. what are we gonna do without his huge bizarre fauxhawk#BUT maybe i should throw my hat in the ring.... really push myself to make more fan designs and outfits for all these characters i like#maybe i'll be able to draw something thats not just zhers clearance clothes. maybe i'll step up to gap clearance clothes. even winners??
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the type of episode i like. all about the girls and a dude with a pretty sad backstory
shit it's "Alex" !!!!
maggie doing her job and being very good at it oh yay
kara comes in and becomes maggie's vulture oh no
17 HOURS??
"you never look before you leap" "because i can fly" i like that kara isn't on the right in this argument
mon-el shut up
also i like that maggie separates kara from supergirl. it's a nice touch to her character
lena has a ted talk ???? i desperately need to see it
"we could transport food and water [...] solve climate change" best billionaire to ever exist, except she doesn't exist
why are all the agents just like 🕴️🕴️🕴️
reading too much into things, identity edition: what happened between now and s4 that only like, 5 agents, other than alex and brainy, know kara is supergirl? did they all get fired? did they die. no one is trying to hide that at all... she literally just said word by word "they know kara danvers is supergirl" for everyone to hear, so what changed
"he met this horrible girl" "oh no who" "kara zor-el" "oh thank god, i thought you were going to say kara danvers"
lena should have stolen her
ok so saying "thank gods" is a giveaway to being an alien (you couldn't possibly be polytheistic) but "i flew here... on- on a bus" is totally normal?
losing-her-calm kara
the desperation. the stakes
OOOH that rick. from the s1 flashback
i thought kenny was her only friend back then, as brief as that was
they went dark with his character background
starting to think red kryptonite wouldn't do that much for her this season. she hasnt really been hiding her anger
people being able to lie counter: i should have started this one way earlier
reading too much into things, lena edition: she just wanted honesty and transparency i think and it just so happened that what rhea was hiding is that she's an alien. but the script communicated that poorly... if you only watch this one scene it's possible to misread the situation in a way that just makes lena look like a xenophobe: "you're an alien so i don't want to work with you" instead of "you were lying so i don't want to work with you". which is why it sounds so similar to what she will say to kara when they fight; it's not about being an alien, it's about being a liar
he did his research
smart and badass alex
smart and good cop maggie knowing how to read people and that there's more to the situation
smart rick. he really thought about all the possibilities
good cop/bad cop
i had so much hope they would be endgame 😭😭😭
this isn't really an entrance, you know
rhea is lucky that lena found it out this fast and by herself. imagine if she found out after they had been working together for 3 years and through her dying brother's last words
but maggie was right tho
i love the tension in this episode. have i said that already
crazy that the paragon of hope has gotten to a point where she needs a lesson on how to use her words
"are you okay?" "im not the one who just got blasted by her greatest weakness" "did they hurt you?" "who cares?!" "i do!"
"i love you" 🥹
she anna'd him, as in punched him the way anna punched hans. frozen
maggie receiving the credit she deserves + super-sawyer solidarity = me happy
rewatching and commenting SG because it's leaving netflix soon, s2
season 1 was satisfying overall, not that frustrating
lots of lena
why another location? whatever, it's fine. i like the old place too, alex
I 100% believe that kara thought the online quiz would be accurate, just like she thought the dating app in 1x01 would be, bc the algorithm cant possibly be wrong right? bc that's how it was on krypton
"kiera danvers"
eve !!!! i love her so much
"MISS TESSMACHER" counter: 1 (lex stole that from ms grant)
the striped one looked better
i just wanted kara to be a space nerd. is that too much to ask??? "yes", the cw responds
thank god cat and lena weren't there
oh look it's him. so inoffensive
super cousins save the day together counter: 1
new and upgraded title card
in s1 j'onn didn't seem to have beef with clark when they mentioned him that one time
her skirt has pockets. i want it
ok so crushing on kryptonians give badass CEOs prosopagnosia, got it
"and who are you exactly?" does she not recognize her gf?
a fic where cat and lena are friends and talk about their crushes on clark and kara to each other and the other is like "you do know that their are a super, right?" and the other is like "pfft nah"
"mr. kent" she says as if she doesn't know who he is. as if he wasn't lex's best friend once upon a time. as if they're complete strangers. but after everything they might as well be
kara's unwavering belief in lena counter: ∞
they should stop talking about super stuff in the middle of a croud
another partnership ruined bc of kryptonite
another batman reference. they said gotham this time. improvements
"i was thinking italian, I could fly there" not gonna say it, not gonna say it. there's four seasons to go still
her dress also has pockets?? amazing
"MISS TESSMACHER" counter: 2
im gonna miss her
"who would want lena luthor dead?" j'onn. my man. who doesn't want her dead? have you met her family? they hate her! and the luthor-haters also hate her
kaznia mentioned
you know what? her face does look different with glasses and her hair up
not them casually talking like they didn't just meet today
alex's fight scenes are so good
lena with a gun counter: 1
Kara's brain turning into mush when lena talks to her. mood
cat is already proud of her protege
she's leaving
"miss tessmacher" counter: 1
she really said "something has changed within me, something is not the same. im through with playing by the rules of someone else's game"
winn rambling is cute
cousin banter. cute too
i wish kal-el had been more present in kara's life for her sake. but for my sake, im glad he is not so present in the show
ugh lillian
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ran into one of my fave profs after class today and he asked me if i had an interest in pursuing philosophy and prof i gotta keep it a buck with you i was just looking at old man yaoi and i intend to do that for the rest of the evening i dont got time for that i aint built for that
#snap chats#OOPS JERLJAELKJAEVEA#thats a field for people far smarter and more articulate than me ok all im good for is thinking of goofy tomfoolery !!!#so funny i was at the library and raiding the Free Book shelf like i usually do#and i plucked a book on john locke since we were talking about him the other day. and 'laity in the middle ages' but whatever anyway#lo and behold... what a funny coincidence. was very nice talkin with him im always too awkward to talk in class#its evil when i talk because I Think This Will Surprise No One im a motormouth once i start talking i cant stop avjLAEKAJ#BUT YEAH summarizing he was just saying how i usually submitted interesting stuff and if i had an interest in pursuing it#and prof i gotta say again... im sorry... im objectifying old men later avjervlekAVJELAKVJ#maybe in another life... for now im gonna finish up a comm#i always get awkward talking to my profs i feel like im encroaching. even tho its like. normal to talk to people Who Couldve Guessed#it was funny tho cause i mentioend i lived at the dorm but i dont talk to anyone and he was like Are You Serious#my final project last class with him was literally related to me being a hermit I Cannot STress This Enough eVJLKAJA it was funny#ewww i have to watch a documentary today. or tomorrow. whichever i should probably watch it Once tonight#and then i have to do a paper on it... gross.... whatever... so is life... anyways bye everyone..
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Hear me out (or don't... it's fine I'm just venting and mean) yeah um I don't believe Chakotay was saved in Prod*gy s2.
#the 'time travel' makes no sense when you think on it. What happened to Prime Chakotay? He got killed they showed that.#At the end s1 Janeway finds an 'alternate chakotay in an alternate timeline' and that's the one they go and get#we saw the original get merc'd in the message. That ACTUALLY happened. Lmao.....#They didn't prevent THAT death because they didn't go to THAT Solum with the Infinity and stop it from happening#instead it was 'ALTERNATE#' implying other.#OG Chakotay wasn't taken over by the alternative one either nothing suggests that was the direction for him in s2#they didn't do anything like 'well you see chakotay because at the end of s2 when we converged timestreams you have merged with your other'#if they did want to recover the original from s1 then keep that clear instead of being convoluted dont use an alternate timeline wtf#instead the plot was focused on gywns stupid fucking paradox plot and her being fixed#chakotay was the one in a paradox too did that not matter nah dw about it he had to die for this outcome or someshit lmao why#In the extended message given to admiral janeway it shows him clearly getting left behind and surrounded. Sadly no one intervened.#I dont understand why they couldnt have just made s2 about his rescue alone IF they took their time it wouldnt be so difficult#to follow#above that the one they rescued was ruined by the 10 year gap so he wasn't 'saved' at all. God i hate s2 when you break it apart#I dunno the more i look at s2 Janeway and Chakotay the more upsetting it is. Janeway would NOT have settled for an imposter.#everyone going goo-goo gaa gaa over s2 but it's sloppy af imo and undermines a huge portion voyagers struggles#id really like them to flatly lay out their ideas because literally nothing ive heard explains the story or choices of s2 with conviction#instead it's oh clap for wesley or the new vulcan and other references yay#describe to me your timetravel clearly and i'll happily take a seat on it (there is still other crap stuff mind you)#this is the most repressed shit i my head i swear#im angry because s1 is so clearly mapped out to a brilliant degree and for whatever reason it's not in s2#i can see through it#insultingly people are eating it up and claiming it's better than ever nah dawg embarrassing#there are nice ideas inside s2 but they arent adequately rewarded#it doesnt compare to the timetravel in other trek because they kept it clear#i mean it could have been an interesting parallel to endgame but in the end janeway didnt even rescue him lmao they dropped her#why bother building up this mission only for her to give up and go 'i'll hand it over because im told to'. Janeway had fuck all this season#let alone settle for not fixing her own timeline and her own friends deadly circumstance dw just grab another one from the shelf i guess#the emotional fallout was absolutely missed because they didnt elaborate on anything. Plenty of show but no substance from the characters
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on some level I understand that welcome to hell is probably a little harder to sell than hazbin given the *gestures vaguely* entire main plotline of w2h THAT SAID im going to be mad about it forever. because one of them is actually funny and has good character design and compelling dynamics and a good plot and its not the one about the freaking hotel.
#literally hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby like nothing vivziepop ever writes will be as good as your first demonic possession#everyone who knows me irl is going to look away now because I need to be really mean about hazbin for a second#and I feel bad doing that because I know my wonderful friends like it. but its my god given right to be a hater on my Tumblr blog.#LIKE ive seen some of hazbin and helluva. theyre mid theyre so mid.#the plots are not compelling the characters have no intriguing chemistry#theyre throwing so much at you both character and storyline wise and its impossible to keep track of anything. theres no time to care about#anyone or any of their stories!!!#and they both rely so much on swear words/sex jokes for their writing and like. its just too much it stops being funny.#anyone who knows me knows I love a good swear or a good sex joke but dude theyre just so constant that they dont work#and it also cheapens the parts that actually try to get serious you know? the tonal whiplash just makes it hard to take anything seriously#like I honestly think if they took hazbin a little more seriously it could actually be good. like I get the oooo swears for adults aspect#but truly if they just bothered to write a good plot instead of forcing a million fuck jokes into it then it could work. but they didn't.#sad!!!!#okay im nice now. when my beautiful friends bring up hazbin I will bite my tongue and not even say anything a little mean#even though its bad and sucks. I will focus on the parts of it that could have worked. so that I can engage with their interests kindly#because all their other interests rule so hard. its just hazbin that I can't stand.
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Every time I think about what Ahti II would sound like I always have to metaphorically beat myself on the head, “he sounds Swedish!!! He sounds Swedish!!! HE!! SOUNDS!!! SWEDISH!!!!!” I accidentally make him British every single time
#hard to conjure up a swedish accent in my brain for some reason#well to be clear he sounds finnish to people who are not finnish but finns incorrectly clock his accent as swedish instead#this is because the language of surish is like if helsinki slang got to develop on its own for thousands of years#the merfolk population of osmeri is actually quite diverse with people all over the baltic region ehh.. “coming together” to put it nicely#its tricky to find a good headcanon voice because currently what i think is the closest is my sister doing a swedish accent lmao#wow surish. you should get your own post. im not making a whole conlang but surish is nice :)#the english name of the official language of osmeri comes from the english hearing from the scandinavians that the merfolk speak in sjösprå#sjöspråk actually meaning seaspeak which is what people around the baltic tend to call the language. surish is merenpuhe in finnish#(not to be confused with vedenpuhe which means waterspeak; a spell and the act of being able to speak clearly underwater)#sjöspråk evolved a bit. shousprok. surespeak. …surish? surish!#i dont actually know what surish is in surish. ive yet to decide! it would be nice to have a name that means “our language”#i suppose its a good thing surish is a nonexistent language but its a bit hard to come up with words that are like… almost-finnish#wait whoops. i was literally only meant to make a post about ahti sounding swedish lmaoooo anyway yeah lol#ahti II#sirpaverse#not fish
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My relationship with my mom has come such a long way in the past few years only to come crashing down the second I try to do something nice for my dad and/or acknowledge that she is not the main character of the universe ://
#i tried to ask her if she wanted to get sushi with us for fathers day (48 hours away) and she said 'yeah unless something happens'#and i was like 'okay well the website says they wont seat us unless we're a full party' and she was like 'maybe ill make it maybe i wont'#then hung up on me#THEN texted me like 'just put me down for a no.. i cant decide this on less than a moments notice and you clearly dont want me there anyway#and 'thats the answer you wanted right? 😘'#fucking GOD FORBID i try to do something nice for my dad on FATHERS DAY after not being able to see him for several months#bc hes been flying to and from IL every couple of weeks to care for his dying father#and the saddest part is that for mothers day or her birthday or anything like that my dad is always the person bringing it up first#to my sister and me to make sure we can all plan something that will make her feel special and appreciated#and meanwhile my mom acts like a fucking toddler the second the attention is not on her for 2 seconds#'im tired and so busy and you gave me no time to decide' i literally would have given you a few hours to think about it if youd communicate#instead you passive aggressively imply i hate you because im doing something nice for someone else#ALSO you are not the only person on the goddamned planet that is busy and overwhelmed right now like are you KIDDING#i want to cry#personal
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what 93 clip are we talking abt..
Its that scene from the last episode of 92 where jeans all How Much Do You Love Charles Xavier and eriks blows up all How Dare You Ask Such A Question I Owe That Man My LIFE or w/e
#snap chats#that was the one that hooked me like chat they said the L word#ik its not meant to be romantic but still …………….. woah …….#erik funny as hell in that shit he really got so offended 😭😭😭#it wouldve been kinder to shoot him like How Dare You Question His Love For Charles Xavier#really blew up on her like bro ok we get it you love him😭😭😭😭#sorry for asking now can you help save his life ……..#anyway everyone be nice to me today today keeps getting worse#i accidentally left my computer charger at my moms and its a four hour drive to and fro 🕴#and i have an advisor meeting in like two hours 🕴#i mean my computers at full battery so i can attend BUT STILL IM SO PISSED#i can do my comm work cause Thank The Lord of my tablet but still#im mad ……. im gonna lay in bed and daydream of old man yaoi to cope before working#ILL BE FINE. once the meetings done i just go back and get my charger#say hi to my dog and cat while im there ok Might As Well#and then come back and then it’ll all be ok#im just annoyed because my break’s literally after classes tomorrow fuckin driving around so much FOR WHAT 😭😭😭😭#driving i hate you i loathe you with every fiber of my being. moving on now ….
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something about being told im 'the leading person at this whole academy when it comes to interpretation and stage intelligence' by the husband of the woman im trying (not really. but i mean. who knows) to seduce... ok boy you got me. lets make it a polycule.
#im playing it all cool and funny now but atm i legit burst into tears lol#like he said i have a 'good voice too of course' but i know realistically that is not my strongest asset#and even if i were technically perfect. which im NOT lol. the voice itself is just nothing special. it's there ig but that's about it#but its nice to know i may not be 100% useless after all#(just 90%)#also apparently the most feared and respected professor who came to the concert said. again. that he likes me the most.#which again. crying real actual tears about this all rn this means literally the world to me this is everything i have#and i have no one to share this with because im not gonna say it to my uni friend cause i dont want her to feel like im boasting or sth#(even tho she has no such qualms herself but probably because i know how. not great. it feels when someone keeps talking about themselves#and about how great they are and how easy everything is for them. i dont wanna do it back at her.#well there's also the fact that i dont think im great and this is not fucking easy to me at all lol#but idk i think the difference between us is that she actually admitted she sees no point in singing if she cant show off (thus she hates#the duet we're singing because she sings the lower part and cant show off her high notes or coloratura.#which is like. an insane take to me. i mean it i get it. kinda. if i had a voice like hers maybe id be like that too fuck knows.#but that just feels so. idk. sad to me. so self obsessed and empty. like you dont care about the music itself? about you being a part of it?#also immediately made singing with her not fun anymore. i thought we were creating something TOGETHER. but thanks for the confirmation#that you only really care about being 'better than'. yikes.#like idk this behaviour is funny and iconic in old school opera legends like yes go bite each others dicks off.#but it hits completely different when it's your own colleague let alone your friend. like damn girl. damn)#) anyway. the husband is kinda hot too now that i think of it. i really should seduce them both.#except its realistically not possible since they've both seen me cry now (she saw it like a hundred times lol)#so ive lost the hot and mysterious card alas. no uni professors romance for me
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danny talking about how resentful she became when nobody who she self-sacrificed for cared when she died and then leaving kirsch with laura and carmilla bc "if he stays with me i might lose control again and kill him" kinda confirms my thoughts abt both newly-turnedness and anger making vampires more vampiry
but also makes me think that in more usual circumstances, when the dean turned vampires like carmilla and mattie, that shes really nice at the start to temper any of that unruly anger
#we dont have a lot of info on her usual mo i guess but im thinking a lot abt how it mustve gone with carmilla#i dont know if she was a special case or if this is usually generally how it goes#i suppose you dont necessarily need a lot of new ones do you. if youve got one vampire seductress in working condition#mattie had her role on the board#danny was just for end of the world purposes i think. opportunistic turning. to replace will perhaps#but im thinking abt how at first the dean and carmilla were kinda close. and i have no illusions abt what that meant for the dean like#im sure it was just to control carmilla. play into what she needed to ensure centuries of loyalty. and that kinda worked until elle#and looking at mattie i expect most of them will eventually start rebelling so i wouldnt be surprised if she did smth similar with mattieto#just 1000 years earlier. and at our point in the story mattie is doing strained coexistence with her right?#carmilla is well in mattie's view rocking the boat once again for a cute girl#thats so funny oh my god. iconic. take the first lesbian predator archetype character and make it so that she keeps#rebelling against the evil BECAUSE shes so gay#like literally thats her entire motivation 'of course i was just doing it for you' oh my godddd hfkjhgjhghj ICONIC#i love her so much i love her soooo much#what was i talking about. oh yeah so i think the dean in usual circumstances is very nice at first and spoils her new vampires#to foster allegiance#god carmilla must just have been so happy to have someone care about her and be nice to her i think#every thought i have abt 18 yo carmilla is so sad#but i can imagine those early years/decades of her and the dean travelling around. mattie there too maybe not all the time#but enough time. mattie there too specifically also to make carmilla feel wanted and make friendship so she wouldnt rebel#to guide her through her young vampire years probably! damn yeah i bet that was mattie who taught her all the tricks#mother isnt a vampire and i dont see her really caring. i think mattie probably taught carmilla the do's and don'ts of vampiredom#and they had fun! they had fun with it. they had cruel fun being vampires together. i think carmilla was just happy to belong#maybe mattie was happy to have a friend too idk if she had many. not many vampire friends anyway. she seems to have fun being a sister#anyway. just thinking aloud#carmillaposting
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just rmbred today this old man regular customer said smtg like im 'moving up on [his] list' ok well. you are genuinely one o fmy least favorite customers. I DONT WANNA BE ON YOUR LIST
#ITS SCARY CAUSE HES A GRUMPY OLD MAN THAT DOESN LIKE ANYONE#AND. HES WEIRD hes obsessed w one of my managers and she is like 30#and hes. bruh idk. at LEAST 70 something#hes asked her out to dinner and givesher money andGAVE HER WEED ONCE. LIKE IN THE STORE. DUDE#ghis is liek this other guy that#i am genuinely a little scared of bc once Quite a while ago now but#i was like. Doing a whole different task like trying to get someone elses order together and my manager#comes over to take his order and he tried to be like no its ok ill wait#like ? for me to take his order instead //? bitch im busy#is not even like i told him id be with him in a second or smtg i was just There. Doing my job#and then the manager after was like huh that wa skind of weird#and mentioned him having like. A crush or smtg on my other coworker who is like. 20yrs old. before and i wgas like Okay#Cool. Interesting information to know. Thanks#he still is a regular and i avoid him as much as possible but i still always see him staring at me or trying to wait FOR ME specificlaly br#and literally all i do is Be nice. Im being nice to you because im being paid to do so#Most people tho i enjoy being nice to i love being nice and i like helping customers in general#But for these few characters. I am only nice bc its my job#uuugggghhhhhhhhh#a2t ?!?! idk i sorry#Freaky behavior
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