#and like any other apartments around here are just as expensive and moving is like 3x as expensive
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Flowers For
Fandom: MCU Captain America/Avengers
Summary: You give Bucky flowers, because friends can give each other gifts and it doesn’t have to mean anything. This time, though, it ends up meaning everything.
Quick facts: Romance – Bucky Barnes/Reader – Nondescript Reader
Warnings: Fluff!, background Steve/Sam/Natasha, everybody’s a little shit
MCU Timeline: Set some nebulous time after CA:TWS (though while I do make allusions to the MCU “Civil War” we’re familiar with…it didn’t happen like that. I mostly just wanted Ned and MJ and Peter around for a cute mention.)
Words: 2787
A/N: I badly needed fluff and this just sort of happened. Enjoy <3
Bucky seems…sad, lately.
You don’t know how to explain it. He doesn’t look any different than he normally does. He doesn’t speak any different than he normally does. But there is an air around him that feels almost melancholic, and though most of your other friends treat him the same as always, you do catch Sam and Steve looking at him a few more times than normal, which confirms your suspicions. You just don’t know what to do about it. Sam and Steve are both closer to him than you are. Surely they can fix whatever is wrong, and you should just butt out. …Right?
The first flower is a fluke.
You find it by the curb of the sidewalk. Dropped in a rush, a few of the rose’s petals have been pulled off by whatever event cast it aside in the first place, but it is still overall lush and gorgeous. You pick it up– carefully, because curiously there are a couple of thorns– and dust it off. You carry on to the park where you’re going to meet up with Bucky.
And there he is, looking almost lost as he casts his gaze out to some unknown point. It’s pointless to follow– you get the feeling that, whatever he’s looking for, isn’t even here. And to further cement your worry, he doesn’t even notice you until you’re almost within arm’s reach. He leans back to cover the small flinch, and he smiles at you, in a way that if you were only able to see his eyes you wouldn’t even be able to tell. “You made it,” he says gently.
His focus moves down to your hand and his expression takes on a tinge of curious wonder. It’s not out of place or character– Bucky has a lot of little plants he tends to. Some herbs, a little vegetable seed he’s experimenting with, some–…flowers…
“Whatcha got there?” he asks and tilts his head to one side.
If it didn’t have the thorns, you’d be tempted to put it behind his ear. It would look beautiful– more beautiful. Because it’s him, and he’s the most beautiful person you’ve ever known, inside and out. But you can’t say that. You can’t risk not having him around.
You lift the flower towards him and say, “It’s for you.”
His eyes light up, but he looks between you and the flower a few times. “How come?”
“Just because,” you say firmly, and hold it higher. It feels right, and it feels even more right when he takes it and his face relaxes, showing some of the tired lines of the age that doesn’t yet show, but there’s a small genuine smile that bends the edges of his eyes, and makes your heart bloom into a flower all its own.
The next time you meet up, you’re more prepared. Buying a whole bouquet seemed…silly? Too much? But you got what you could find and so most of the flowers are stashed at your apartment, looking pretty in a cup, and you have a select few in hand, tied with a little ribbon you had lying around. The price tag hurt so bad it almost feels insulting these flowers don’t actually have any thorns, but, stupid expensive idea or not, you want to see how this goes.
Bucky is sitting on a ledge outside the museum, shaking his leg absently, but when he senses you nearby, he stops, sits taller, and turns. His eyes go immediately to the flowers and he smiles, but quashes it down almost immediately again.
“Seriously,” he says as you approach and hand them over. His eyes squint at you with some suspicion. “What’s the occasion?”
“Flowers are pretty,” you say without thinking. “And soft. And nice.”
“So why give them to me?” he huffs, derision shading his words as he casts his gaze down again.
You put the flowers in front of him, insistent enough that he finally takes them. “Because they’re pretty, and soft, and nice, and you like them,” you say. And I like you, you think but do not say. And when he lifts them to his face, getting lost in a thought, the soft petals graze his skin, and briefly touch the corner of his lips, and it’s so beautiful you think this is all very, very worth whatever price tag comes with it.
But you do find a florist that sells flowers by the stem. You actually find more than one, because, after a few times of coming in, the comments they made were…not mean, no, certainly not, but pointed. And you just can’t deal with that right now. Because Bucky is such a good friend, and he has enough to deal with without also worrying how you’d take his rejection– or, worse, that you’re just another person to want something from him. He’s had so much stress, and pain, and it just doesn’t do to imagine you contributing to more of that. Besides– flowers are, in fact, nice, and pretty, and soft, and fully capable of being utterly platonic.
Even if the way Bucky smiles every time he receives one (or two, or five,) makes your stomach do a flip.
“You know, bringing a fella flowers when you’re out to dinner with him is gonna give people some ideas,” he says, a smirk playing at his mouth as he flips the menu over.
“Not when they see the person giving you the flowers,” you say, trying to match his teasing tone. But as you go for your menu, he catches your hand. You stop and look at him. He stares at you for a few moments that almost make you squirm, but then he lets go, his hand sliding slowly, (so wonderfully slowly), away from yours.
“Then they’re idiots,” he says decisively, as if daring anyone to actually say that to his face. He even scowls a bit and looks around. Before you can apologize for your bad joke, he adds, “No one talks to my bestie like that,” and goes back to his menu.
It surprises a laugh out of you, and he’s smiling again. “We might need to cut down on your hangout time with Peter,” you say, and pick up your menu for real this time. You can still feel the ghost of his hand on yours, and you savor the memory of it. He doesn’t…touch, like that. It was nice.
“MJ,” Bucky says. He glances at you a few times and pulls some of his hair behind his ear. “She helped me cut my hair.”
“She did a great job,” you say earnestly. It’s not super short, still falling down enough he could ostensibly put it in a tiny ponytail, but it had been getting quite long, before. While it had looked nice, supplying one with many fantasies of running fingers through the full length, or braiding, or– …well, ultimately, you know the maintenance of it had annoyed him, and that’s what really matters.
“I want it shorter, but this was as much as I could manage,” he admits. He brightens. “Those are good kids.”
He tells you about his day, and how the three-man “Spidey-crew” somehow made an absolute wreck of one of Tony’s training rooms despite only one of them actually being enhanced, and as much as you’re riveted by the story, you can’t help but notice how Bucky’s right hand keeps drifting over to pet the flower petals throughout the night.
You look up– and squint at Steve. You don’t know exactly what that look on his face is, but you know trouble when you see it. Not bad trouble, like someone’s dying, but that Captain “The Biggest Little Shit In The World” America is going to make trouble. “Hey,” you say cautiously. You look around. You’re supposed to be meeting someone else today. “Is Bucky okay?”
“He’s doing great,” Steve says, and there it is– that grin that means you are going to regret whatever comes out of his mouth next– about zero point three seconds before he adds, “He seems to be collecting enough flowers to be able to open his own shop though. Don’t suppose you know anything about that?”
“Mm, no,” you say, because Steve Rogers is not the only little shit in the area. God, at this point Bucky practically collects them.
“Interesting,” Steve says, with a little too much…well, interest.
You bristle. “What?”
“Nothing,” Steve says, feigning innocence. “I just said it’s interesting.”
“And what would your boyfriend think about that?” you ask. You then try not to actually think about what Sam would have to say about it.
Of course, you don’t get away that easy. “He’s also wondering when you’re going to make an honest man out of Bucky,” Steve says, dropping the pretense.
You scowl. “He already is an honest man.”
“You think I don’t know that?” Steve says, gently, but…it’s true. He’s the one who took on the world for him. And won. “Hey,” he says and sits next to you. “It’s fine, just…you know Buck’s going to wonder about all this.”
You swallow. “He won’t bring it up,” you say. You hope. “Even if he kn–… He wouldn’t want to hurt my feelings.” He’s so good. He’s too good.
“He might also not bring it up because he’s as afraid of rejection as you are.” Steve squeezes your shoulder, then stands. “But from here on, it’s not up to me– it’s up to the two of you.” You don’t even get a chance to fully absorb all that before he adds, “That said, you should be more concerned about what my girlfriend thinks about all this.”
You immediately feel your blood go cold.
The knife of Natasha hangs silently over your head. Silently, because she made sure to stop by just to stare at you a little too intensely and a little too long. At this point, you’re not sure who’s actually more protective of Bucky– Steve or Natasha. You’re pretty sure the latter is the scarier of the two, though. Only pretty sure though, because Steve probably only backed off because he knew she was going to step in.
You sigh, and watch the rain fall outside your window. Maybe you never should have– but, no, you can’t bring yourself to regret it. It made Bucky happy. It makes Bucky happy. Overprotective friends or not, it’s worth it.
…And if you do get dead and buried, you’ve probably bought enough flowers for Bucky that he won’t even have to buy any arrangements.
There’s a knock at your door and you scramble up, but at the quiet, familiar, “It’s me,” you relax again. And then you scramble to go hit the light. Bucky can’t see you yet so he doesn’t know you’ve been brooding in the dark, but it suddenly feels a lot sillier, all told. Then you answer the door, and he’s smiling, and oh boy, you really are in trouble, aren’t you.
“I got something for you,” he says, and unzips his jacket, bringing out…
…A small bundle of flowers.
You freeze. You should have expected this– Bucky is the kind of guy to get and then give in equal (or more) measure, but there’s something about Bucky, with his nice new haircut, showing up at your door, giving you flowers, that makes your heart ache. But the longer you stand there, the more his smile starts to wilt, until he finally says your name in such an uncertain tone that you snap out of it.
“Thank you. They’re beautiful,” you say, and take them to go get a tall cup or something to put them in.
He breathes a sigh of relief and starts pulling off his jacket and shoes. “Thank God; I wasn’t sure what kind of flowers you like, but I put those together and they just felt right, you know?”
You nod agreeably, even though you think if Bucky showed up with them half-rotted and smushed with most of their petals gone, you’d still have been equally choked up. “You didn’t have to do that,” you say gently and turn to face him, and oh, he is suddenly very, very close.
“I wanted to,” he says, and doesn’t back down. His eyes flick from place to place, though, and he swallows. “Just…because. That’s good enough, right?”
“It is,” you agree, because it is, and you stand by that. But the way Bucky is looking at you is searching, and you feel your chest clench. What is he looking for. Did Steve snitch. Natasha wouldn’t (she loves leverage a little too much for anyone’s full good) but if you have to kill Captain America for being a bitch you will–
“What if it wasn’t just because,” he blurts out. And there’s no other way to describe it; the words fall right out of his mouth like they didn’t even mean to. But you both freeze, and Bucky stands tall, and he doesn’t take them back. He looks right at you and says, “What if…what if they meant something?”
It’s so quiet. Rain pats against glass in waves, but even it is softer now, and you swallow. “What would…they mean?”
And, because there is no hiding the hope in your voice, Bucky relaxes, and once again becomes the kind of person who would look at an angry chihuahua of a man and think befriending him was a good idea. “Well,” he drawls, leaning into you more, but your lower back is against the counter and he rests his hands on it, on either side of you. “It’s not your birthday…it’s not a holiday…”
“And what kind of holiday would you get me flowers for?” you ask, deadpan, because he– he wouldn’t actually make fun of you for this. He’s not that cruel. So this has to be going one place, and you think you know what it is.
“Valentine’s Day?” he suggests. But his eyes are intense, and for a few moments neither of you say anything, but his mouth is right there, and yours opens just a bit in a Pavlovian response you absolutely should not have but that you desperately want a reason to develop.
“Seems like that might be kind of a statement,” you say softly. You swallow again. “If you. Did that.”
“Yeah?” he asks and leans in, somehow, impossibly closer. “Maybe I just wanted you to have something nice. And soft.”
His lips are almost touching yours, so close, so close. “Maybe I’d like something else,” you say, more breath than words, and then there he is, there he is closing the distance at last and his lips are on yours and your lips are on his and his chest presses hard against yours and the counter is digging into your back. But his arms wrap around you, and no flower petal can hold a candle to his lips, you think deliriously, wrapping your arms so tight around him that if you had enhanced strength, you think you’d crush him. His lips are mostly soft, but you can feel the little ridges, a hint of a split that must have happened in training this morning, and his tongue and yours. When you finally separate, it’s slow, and while you both take a moment to breathe, you try to wrap your head around…all of this.
“Man,” you murmur. “If I knew all it would take is some flowers…”
Bucky lets out a hoarse laugh, and passes the tips of his fingers gently across your cheek. “What can I say?” He smiles, and it makes his eyes crinkle. “I’m a cheap date.”
You smile too, and say, “We’ll see about that.”
When you go to meet with Bucky for your first official date, you bring flowers– and so does he. He hands you your little bindle, but you go about sticking your selection right in his coat breast pocket– and find something familiar about the new broach he has. It’s a little pin containing three rolled dried rose petals in resin, it looks like.
“Is that…” you ask, and he nods.
“I wanted to keep it,” he says, and adjusts the fresh flowers in his pocket. You didn’t plan it like this, but they look so perfectly at home, and when he smiles at you it nearly makes your knees weak. “You look amazing,” he says, gently, and holds out his hand. “Shall we?”
In one hand you hold firm stems and soft petals. Your other hand, you slide into his– against skin calloused and creased and warm and, despite all of its supposed imperfections, better than any flower could ever hope to be. You grip tight, and say, “We shall.”
#bucky x reader#bucky barnes x reader#avengers fanfic#avengers reader insert#captain america fanfic#reader insert#fluff#friends to lovers
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the apartment complex i live at now is literally so trash i actually hate it here and now i have to pay even more for rent 🙃
#personal#and like any other apartments around here are just as expensive and moving is like 3x as expensive#and i really don’t want to move again until i move across the country but holy shit i hate this place#my package was delivered to a amazon drop box but i never got a code so i can’t get it#so i walked down to the office to have them get it for me but nobody’s there and they close in 10 mins so i walk back home#so i call the office to see if they can just get it out of the dropbox and leave it in the hallway instead before they close/ leave#and the phone number says they have a restriction to not go through before the office fucking closes#what the fuck i just want my package
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──── Room 69 , sim jaeyun
⸻ Room Sixty-Nine, where love is made
SYNOPSIS ⸻ As your parents' company fails to outperform others, you find yourself in the midst of a new financial situation and on the search for a new apartment. The roommate you stumble upon has no intentions of getting to know you better and well- you wonder how long it'll take until he fucks you.
PAIRING ⸻ roommate!jake x fem!reader
GENRE ⸻ strangers to lovers, smut
TAGS ⸻ smoking, foul language/cursing, jake is weird and stalkerish?, making out, dom!jake, oral sex (m. receiving), degrading, unprotected sex, creampie
WC ⸻ 7k
⸻ NSFW CONTENT UNDER CUT, MINORS DNI. this is purely fiction made for entertainment purposes only. do not like= don't read.
You were broke. Triple digits that usually decorated your bank account slowly turned into double digits, as you tried to endure the new reality. It was hard to let go of your usual habits, spending money like it had absolutely no value, living a lavish life and going out every Friday. Now, you had to count every penny. Instead of purchasing a basket load of expensive fruit and drinks, you were forced to reach for the cheapest bread and milk in order to survive.
Maybe you were exaggerating. Your parents' company hadn't gone completely bankrupt, yet. The technology department, which brought in the most profit, had endured a sudden decline due to a new company, which had stolen all their clients. Maybe they were exaggerating too, the other four departments running just fine.
Even with that, they had decided it would be best if you gave up your expensive apartment and spending mania. You would live without spending such amounts monthly, but you definitely wouldn't survive without your city view apartment.
Since you were little you dreamt of moving out, and living in one of those high up buildings only the richest could afford. And upon viewing the apartment for the first time it was everything you had imagined. Down to the spruce wood kitchen and bottle green tiles in the bathroom.
But here you were, intensely searching through apartment listings, hoping to find something equally nice for a good price.
You had hoped your best-friend, Minjeong would offer you to move in with her, knowing she had a spare room in her apartment not far away from your own, but her boyfriend's move in had crushed that desire to the ground.
You didn't want to let the thought sink in, but you knew you’d have to get a roommate. You knew that was the only solution for your poor financial situation. Unfortunately for you, any of your friends that were potential roommate material, either lived with their parents still or weren't looking to share a place with anyone.
You had honestly put off the search for a long time, hoping you’d soon get a call from your parents saying they had finally given up on this stupid idea of cutting your monthly budget in half, but it never happened.
One offer caught your attention, the monthly rent wasn't too bad, allowing you to still live comfortably, the deposit was also doable, and the room was just fine.
With a few clicks, a message chain between you and your hopefully new leasing agent had formed. You prayed the offer was still available, slowly warming up to the place, analyzing every detail about the apartment through the numerous pictures attached to the advert.
Soon enough, the generous and kind Mister Choi Jaeyoung had responded with a short confirmation and a list of information regarding his availability and precise location of the complex. You had agreed on a short tour of the apartment, but by now you had already memorized every corner. You’d probably give him a better tour of that place at this point than he could.
“This would be your room” he pointed with his hand, gesturing you to enter the space to look around.
It was even better in real life, the sun shined brightly through the large window, and the closet was bigger than you expected. Obviously, it was nothing compared to your high ceiling bedroom that included a bathroom and medium sized wardrobe, but still it satisfied you enough to sign all the papers your new leasing agent threw at you.
“That room, right there” he said looking up to the closed door “-is your roommate's, Jake’s, room” he said, and you nodded.
“Is he here?” you asked, hoping to meet him.
You wondered why the boy hadn't come out by now in order to introduce himself to you. I mean, you two were going to be living with each other for a long time, it would be nice to at least see what kind of man he was.
“I don't think so. Even if he is, I wouldn't recommend bothering him” he answered, and you tilted your head, confused.
“Why? Don’t tell me he’s like fucked in the head or something” you cursed yourself for the choice of words.
The older man laughed “No, Jake is a nice guy, but I reckon he’s just a little more on the introverted side. He treasures his peace more than anything, let’s say it like that”
“I think I can respect that,” you smiled.
“There was someone here before you, but he was definitely a talkative person, and I guess he didn't like the fact that Jake wasn't,” Jaeyoung added, and you nodded.
“That really isn't a good enough reason to move out” you laughed lightly and so did the man beside you.
You felt a bit uneasy at his words. Was Jake really that bad? Obviously your leasing agent, who was too nice for his own good, wouldn't admit to Jake being a complete lunatic with a fucked up sleep schedule, or something even worse than that. But the place was pretty tidy, it calmed your mind a little bit.
“With that being said, you can move in as soon as you’d like. If you need any help with moving your belongings, I’d be more than happy to help you find a nice moving company. You really can't trust people with your stuff these days” he smiled kindly and you thanked him for the tour.
You guessed you’d have to figure out your mysterious roommate on your own.
It had been a week since you moved in. A whole seven days had passed, and you haven't even seen his face.
You hoped that maybe he’d offer you a helping hand with all the moving boxes, and furniture, but Jake didn't even bother to come out of his room the day of your move in.
You knew he was there. You had passed by his room, hearing a quiet melody coming from his room or an indecipherable chatter. You considered knocking, introducing yourself, but the words of your landlord kept ringing in your ears, keeping you away from that door.
“Isn't he going to like, help us?” Minjeong mumbled, wiping a bead of sweat off her forehead.
She had been helping you move everything in since 9AM, and Jake hadn't even budged. You were debating asking him instead of Minjeong, finally getting a chance to let yourself be known to him, but then again you knew he’d decline, or worse, not give you an answer at all.
“Doesn’t he need to use the toilet? Or eat?” Minjeong asked, sitting down on your bed, the two of you struggled to build. “A real man should have made an initiative to help, and build this furniture” she added, looking around at the still boxed up closet and desk.
Sizing down your living space also meant getting rid of your ridiculously large furniture, that had absolutely no right fitting into this small room. Then again, it was great to use some of the pieces as bribery, you knew Minjeong would never agree to do this for free.
“I don’t care, but it is kinda creepy” you said, sitting down on the chair next to your dresser.
You weren’t alone, but that’s what it felt like. You wondered what he looked like. You had looked him up on Instagram, Tiktok, even Facebook, but none of the profiles under his name matched the information you had about him.
“It is! What if he’s like a 40 year old creep that lurks in these areas of town cause he knows this is where most students live” she inquired, and it made you feel uneasy. The story sounded plausible, and that’s when you felt like going into his room ‘by accident’ just to see him would be the best idea.
“Don’t say that, you’re freaking me out” you said, and she laughed lightly. It was unlikely, to be completely realistic, but you could never truly know until you saw him.
“If he turns out to be weird, you can always stay with me” she reassured, walking over to the mirror.
“And listen to Heeseung getting his dick wet all night long? Yeah, no thank you” you half smiled, and she laughed.
“Better than a 40 year old pervert” she pointed out, and you were forced to agree with the girl.
Minjeong sighed turning to you “I swear I’m going to knock on his door myself if you don’t do it”
You shook your head. You’d rather torture yourself with all the things that were yet to be done, than reach out to Jake.
“You know what my landlord said, he could kill me in my sleep if I bother him” you warned, and she sighed once again, her gaze falling on the numerous boxes.
“I have to leave soon, are you seriously going to do all this by yourself?” she asked, and you nodded with a sad expression on your face “You should ask Jay to help you” she grinned evilly.
You chuckled “We’re not that close”
“Oh c’mon, I’m not telling you to have sex with him on your precious newly built bed, just ask him for a little help. Have you seen his muscles, he can take all these boxes at once” she said, and you hid your face in your hands, smiling “And stop acting like you don’t want him. You can’t hide anything from me”
Jay was hot. Really fucking hot. He was tall, well proportioned with long legs and a muscular torso. He carried himself so well, with a style that was so different, and a captivating face. He was also a well known frat boy and stoner, but you didn’t mind, it wasn’t anything unusual. One of the things Jay liked about you is that you weren’t naive- he knew he wasn’t the only one you were fucking around with, and you knew you weren’t his only girl.
“I can handle it, don’t worry”
Minjeong had left, leaving you alone with all the unmade furniture, unpacked boxes and thoughts regarding your roommate.
What if he truly was a 40 year old, unemployed man who earns all his money from his parents?
Or a discord mod, who has awful posture, and a dent in his head from the constant use of headphones?
But then again, you saw the food in the fridge, he had already cleared up two shelves for you, but his own contained a healthy variety of food, which calmed your mind in some way. The same went for the bathroom, it was clean, all his things were organized, and the products he used seemed to be those a rather younger person would use.
His music taste also contradicted all your suspicions and theories. You noted that he listened to a lot of RnB, and from time to time he’d play some rap or hip hop.
That’s how your first week went by, analyzing every detail, and attempting to listen in on any conversations he’d have, just to finally get an idea of who your secretive roommate was.
On friday you came back from your pilates class, something you refused to give up, crying in front of your parents to let you have at least one thing. They were reluctant, but gave in sooner than you thought they would.
You were extremely spoiled, and there was no point in denying it. You were raised that way, and you found peace in using that as an excuse for your behavior.
Some part of you was expecting to catch Jake in the bathroom or kitchen, hoping you’d finally get to speak to him but the only thing of his that you came home to was a handwritten note with numerous household rules.
It made you laugh. It’s not like he was paying more than you, but still he thought he had any right to boss you around in your own place. And his handwriting- it was awful. No matter how serious you tried to take the note, it felt like you were trying to decipher ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.
Some of them were reasonable, cleaning up after yourself in the kitchen, keeping the bathroom tidy, and doing your own laundry- all of it was understandable and something you already had been doing.
No smoking was something you could agree to, you didn’t really do it anyways so it didn’t bother you much. The same went for no music after 11PM.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the “no having friends over” point on his long list. It was insane, especially since he had a friend over just two nights ago. You had no idea why you were the only one not allowed to bring friends over, wondering if maybe you had to ‘earn it’, or if it was because you were a girl.
There was absolutely no way you were going to comply with any of these.
On a Tuesday morning you woke up later than usual. The only reason for that was a previous cancellation of your anatomy class.
No matter how spoiled and entitled you felt, you’d never allow yourself to miss class or fail an assignment or exam. Being a model student was something your father engraved in you from a young age, sending you to expensive boarding schools and making sure you get into a good university.
You wondered if Jake had left for class already, or for work. Not like you knew what he was doing in life anyway.
You opened your phone to an excited text message chain from Minjeong who expressed her excitement after a steamy and long night with Heeseung. A small smile surfaced on your face as you texted back her with a simple reply.
You were afraid to leave your room. It was stupid, this was your place and you had every right in the world to go and make yourself fucking breakfast. But the impression Jake made on you was holding you back. You wondered how he managed to avoid you every single time, how you never were able to catch him leaving the bathroom or making a dish in the kitchen. That definitely took a lot of skill and starving on his side.
It was pathetic, the more you thought about it. You were his roomate for fucks sake, not a serial killer who was just waiting to slash his head off. You two didn't have to be friends, you never expected that of him or anyone else you were going to move in with. But a short greeting would be nice.
After a short call with Minjeong who pulled you back to reality, with a stern voice convincing you that Jake probably wasn't in the apartment anyway.
“If you're going to behave like this, you should start looking for a new apartment” Minjeong said, and you thought about it for a second.
Maybe she was right, but the thought of him scared you so much to the point that you would rather starve yourself than leave the room.
The first week you purposely did things to catch him in action, get him to finally talk to you, and that slowly faded into you not even wanting to pass by him in the hallway.
“Fuck Y/n, seriously he’s probably some incel loser who’s afraid to look a woman in the eye” you laughed at her comment, silently agreeing “I can come over and make food with you if that’s going to make you feel safer” she said, and you instantly were reminded of his set of rules and regulations.
“Can’t. He doesn't allow friends over” you answered and she scoffed loudly.
“So you did speak to him?” she said, still in disbelief.
“No, not at all. This stupid prick left a note on my desk when I was out, 30 fucking rules and most of them seemingly only apply to me. He had a friend over just 4 nights ago!” you answered angrily, and she sighed.
“You should move out of there, seriously. If not that, then purposely piss him off until he moves out” she inquired, and it birthed a whole bundle of ideas in your head.
Maybe that was your solution. Purposely pissing him off and going against his crazy rules, forcing him to move out before you were forced to do it.
“That’s a good idea, I like it” you answered, and she cooed excitedly.
“Invite Jay and fuck so loud he’ll be slamming doors” she said, and you were quick to hush her, embarrassed by her ideas.
“I gotta go make a mess in the kitchen then” you remembered one of the early points on the list, bidding her a quick farwell and ending the call.
She had already convinced you that Jake wasn't in the apartment, so you didn't even bother getting dressed, just slightly adjusting your underwear and strapless top.
It really felt like you were living alone most of the time so none of the habits you picked up on while living alone had the chance to vanish.
You slowly open the door with a quiet creek to the floor boards and leave the room, your face in your phone as you checked all the notifications that bundled up overnight.
You weren't expecting your first meeting with Jake to look like this, but there he was in all his glory.
He must've thought the same thing- you shouldn't be here at this hour- a single pair of boxers keeping him away from standing fully nude in front of you.
You didn't even know the man's last name but here you were standing practically naked in front of each other. Maybe you’d be more frightened if he wasn't so fucking hot.
His skin was slightly tanned, shoulders broad with toned forearms. He had a tiny, slutty waist- if you knew he wanted it too you’d probably fuck him right there in that kitchen. His face was even better, big doe eyes and a shaped jawline. His black hair slightly covered his face, but you could still make out all of his features.
All the fears you had completely vanished, a new disgusting arrangement of thoughts taking over your mind as you tried to speak to the man in front of you.
“I’m s-sorry” you quickly said, covering your eyes.
It had only been a couple seconds since your eyes met him in this awkward situation, but it felt like you’ve been staring at him much longer.
He didn't even bother to reply, closing the fridge with a protein drink in hand, he passed by you like you weren't even there. You watched him enter his room and close the door with a thud.
Was this seriously all of it? You had hoped he was just a little shy, waiting for an opportunity to greet you properly whenever you had the chance to pass by each other, but he obviously wasn't interested in getting to know you.
But how could you possibly not want to get to know him when he was so breathtakingly hot. How could you possibly stay sane knowing you're living with a David reincarnate.
You no longer planned on playing the ‘how long until he finally speaks to me’ game, preferring to see how long it’ll take for him to fuck you.
After that day you hadn't seen Jake at all.
You heard him occasionally laugh with his friend who seemingly had the right to come over every day, or rage at a game but that was it. He once again opted to ignore you.
You wondered if he was thinking about you too. You couldn't possibly get him out of your head, spending a little more time in the common rooms, hoping he would finally walk out of his room.
Was he playing hard to get or was he just a fucking sick antisocial weirdo with no interest in real life women at all.
You had spoken to Minjeong, the girl convincing you to do something that’ll rile him up. She had finally persuaded you to invite someone over, specifically Jay, in hopes that it will piss off Jake enough to get him to speak.
“I know him from university, he’s an engineering major” Jay said, taking a hit from the freshly rolled blunt.
The smell of weed spread across the area, and you secretly hoped Jake could feel it seeping in through the cracks of his door.
“What’s he like?” you asked, inhaling the smoke as he held out the blunt for you in his fingers.
He smiled “Fucking weird. Like he doesn't talk or anything, he just hangs out around the same people all the time”
Jay pulled you closer, blowing the smoke into your mouth, and you obeyed, inhaling the rest. He gave you a sly smile, and finally put out what was left of the blunt.
You didn't know what was between you and Jay, but until you get Jake to notice your true intentions towards him or even speak to you, he was a good option
“That checks out” you chuckled, shaking your head “Look at this” you opened your drawer, pulling out the paper your roommate had left you.
You handed it to him, as he read through all the rules. He laughed and with wide eyes kept looking through it.
“Fuck, I need Sunghoon to see this” he laughed, taking a picture of it “Already broke two rules” he smirked and handed the list back to you.
“Not stopping there, trust me” you smiled and put it back in your desk drawer.
He smiled evilly, and pulled you back over to sit on his lap. You complied with a sly smile, and pressed your face against his chest, Jay softly caressing your back.
“You should move far away from this freak, seriously” he says, and you can’t help but hum in agreement.
If you chose to disagree, Jay would start asking too many unnecessary questions you truly had no answer to. You couldn't even tell yourself why after seeing him only once, you wanted the man to dick you down so bad.
“And live on the street? No thank you” you replied, your voice muffled by the material of Jay’s sweater.
He chuckled “You can move in with me”
“The streets sound much better than living with 4 sweaty frat boys in one room” you replied, and he huffed.
“We’re not frat boys, c’mon” you scoffed at his words.
“Stoners, frat boys, fuckboys, whatever, same thing” you count and he just rolls his eyes playfully.
Jay’s delicate touch and sweet voice almost stopped you from hearing Jake’s angry footsteps in the hallway.
The chance had finally come, and you were forced to ignore it.
The sound of his footsteps kept ringing in your ears as Jay told you something about having to leave soon to do a drop. You barely listened to him, wondering what Jake was thinking about, probably already noticing you were not alone.
The vibrating sound of Jay’s phone knocked you out of your trance, forcing you to rise from his embrace, passing him the device.
“Yeah yeah, I’ll be there in a minute. I’m around the area” he replied, and lazily standing up with a stumble to his feet, he stretched and turned to you “Sorry, pretty thing. Gotta go” he gave you a half smile, and you nodded your head, trying to refocus on what’s going on behind your closed door.
You walked him downstairs to the door, and with a chaste kiss to your forehead, he sprinted towards the subway station. You smiled, your eyes chasing his figure until he finally disappeared around the corner.
Opening the door to your apartment once again you hoped that Jake would still be rummaging around the hallways.
And you were right, he fell right into your trap. He was waiting there for you.
“What the fuck was that?” he asked, and his voice was deep. It was a little raspy, probably from the way he’s screaming his lungs out playing games all night.
His face was dark, and figure was lean. He looked a little creepy, his back blocking all the light, his body casting a shadow onto your figure.
You wanted to smile, but decided to keep it cool “No hello, or goodmorning?” you asked, tilting your head with a sly smile.
He looked like he was about to explode, and you liked it more than you thought you would.
“Oh you wanna be like that? I fucking told you, loud and clear, that there were no guests allowed around here. Didn’t get through your head the first time, did it?” he groaned.
“I’ve been here for 2 fucking weeks, and you haven’t even bothered to introduce yourself to me. You can seriously fuck off, and shove those rules up your ass while your at it” you replied, turning your back to him, heading towards your room.
He grabbed your wrist, pushing you to the wall “You listen to me, yeah? So don’t fucking try to invite anyone over again” he said, harshly letting go off you, and without letting you finish, walked back to his room with a slam to his door.
You were left there stunned in the hallway. Although you knew Jake wasn’t normal, you never expected him to be this fucked up.
And you also didn’t expect it to turn you on so much.
Once again, you haven’t seen Jake around.
He must have been extra cautious to ignore you especially after your previous incident.
You hadn’t even heard him play his usual loud and obnoxious music anymore or him raging at his games. No one has come over since then either. You couldn’t understand why Jay coming over bothered him so much to the point where he changed up his whole routine, choosing to take on a rather silent stance.
But he wasn’t here today.
For the first time in 3 weeks, you were there for his absence in the apartment, and you knew exactly what you wanted to do.
You wanted to finally see what his own space looked like.
Maybe in the slightest way it would help you figure out the type of person he is, maybe you’d find something that’d help you understand why he is the way he is.
You double checked, making sure that psycho wasn’t hiding somewhere, hoping he’d catch you in the act. But when you checked every possible spot, you quietly and slowly opened the door to his room, steadily taking in the space that was unveiled in front of you.
Cream walls, gray curtains, a cheap wooden bed frame, no posters, pictures or plants, you truly expected something more, but there was no personality to the boys room.
In some way that answered a handful of your questions about him; he just had nothing to himself. He was just a simple boy with a fucked up character and greasy keyboard.
His desk was messy, a mixture of textbooks, used up tissues and a half-empty lotion, crumpled up pieces of paper and cables. Yet through the mess you managed to notice a note, your name written in capitals on the top of it.
And well, a scrunched up, stained pair of your light pink, lacy panties. They were abandoned in the middle of all the tissues he disgustingly didn’t get rid of yet.
Just when you thought he couldn’t get weirder, he somehow did.
“There is no fucking way” you whispered to yourself, your mouth parted and eyes wide.
You looked back and forth between the paper and your underwear, eventually grabbing at the note, narrowing your eyes as you began to read the contents.
You skimmed through the bullet points; your full schedule written down on the paper with almost exact numbers as to when you leave and when you come back. These were the things you didn’t even know yourself.
“You think about me a lot don’t you, Jakey” you murmured with an evil grin, not forgetting to snap a picture of it and send it to Minjeong.
You decide to leave the now useless fabric where you found it, also deciding to leave it out of the conversation with your best friend. She had already freaked out over the schedule and if she found out your crazy roommate is also jerking off using your dirty laundry, she wouldn't waste a second moving all your things into her apartment personally.
She replied swiftly, an arrangement of emojis decorating your home screen and a “WHAT THE FUCK, CALL ME ASAP?”. You smiled and put all his things back in place, leaving the horrid space Jake created for himself.
“Hello? Y/n?” Minjeongs voice ringed in your ears as you called the girl.
You decided to spend some time in the living room, waiting for Jake’s return. Your eyes were constantly plastered on the door in the end of the hallway, ears listening in for a turn of the key.
“Yeah, I’m here” you laughed lightly, and that’s when Minjeong got her confirmation to start her full on blowout.
“Move out of there as soon as possible, girl. That man is dangerous, I swear to god” she half screamed, and you just chuckled “You’re laughing? This doesn’t scare you, like at all?” she asked, and you thought about a reasonable reply, cause ‘He’s hot’ was definitely not going to make the cut for your best friend.
“I can’t afford anything else Minjeong, you know that. He doesn’t bother me that much, it’s okay” you said in an attempt to calm the girl down.
“I told you, you can come stay with me” she said calmly, and you let a stray breath out.
“Min you know I love you, but I already told you I do not want to hear you banging Heeseung every other night” you smiled even though she couldn’t see you.
“Personally, I’d rather listen to pornhub recreations than live under the same roof with a potential stalker” she said, and you laughed. At least she knew about her problem.
“He’s not a stalker Min, he’s just weird. That’s all” you replied and she sighed.
“You can’t fix him, Y/n” she said, and you scoffed playfully.
“You can wait and see” you told her and she just hummed.
“Before that happens, you'll be six feet under” she said, and you couldn’t help but laugh at her overprotectiveness
The topic slowly faded when the seriousness turned into playful banter, the two of you discussing random topics and gossiping about every possible person that ever graced your campus.
You didn’t leave the living room, not once, because according to Jake's precious and impressive schedule, you should be out now. Normally that would be true if not for the cancellation of your pilates class. Self-cancellation.
As the keys turning and metal hitting the wooden door sound through the apartment, you hang up without further explanation, quietly running off to your room.
If you stayed in the living room, upon noticing you, he'd practically bolt to his room, locking the door, once again, avoiding you. You were smarter than that.
As soon as you heard him settle down, the sound of your old fridge being opened, and his quiet footsteps pacing around the kitchen, you pulled out your phone, the picture of his note staring back at you. You smile mischievously, phone in hand as you open the door, heading straight towards the kitchen,
He looks slightly taken-aback and you know damn well why. He wasn't expecting you. You shouldn't be here for another 30 minutes- the perfect amount of time for him to shower and make dinner. He had precisely calculated all of this just so he could avoid useless encounters with you.
“What is this?” your voice is taunting as he realizes what's displayed on your screen.
All the blood drained from his face as he realized you entered his room and looked through all his things, possibly even read all the perverted thoughts he had about you that were scattered across his desk in the form of crumpled pieces of paper. He remembers exactly what he took from your dirty laundry basket and how much he enjoyed having the fabric wrapped around his thick shaft.
“You went through my things ?” he asks, voice laced with anger as the reality of the situation comes down on him.
You bark out a laugh, amused by his attempts to shift the blame on you “Oh and my panties, you can keep those. Hope they milk your short dick good” you smirk, leaning against the wall with arms crossed, the look of confidence on your face.
Jake's expression darkens, a cruel grin twisting his lips as he moves closer to you, his face inches away from yours “You think you're so fucking clever, don't you? Going through my things, catching me in a little indiscretion and using it against me. Impressive” his voice is low as he laughs in your face.
One of his hands moves to grip your chin, the look on his face menacing as he forces you to maintain eye contact “You're nothing but an entitled brat. I'm not some fucking pushover and you should know that by now. Weren't those rules enough? You just had to go and invade my privacy to feed your little ego. You knew what you’d find, didn't you?” he stares down at you intensely, his grip on your chin tightening, his thumb slowly brushing over your lower lip, his smile growing as he notices your silence.
“Here's what will happen, okay? You’ll apologize for breaking my rules, send all your guests packing as soon as they show up on this doorstep, and we’ll never have this conversation again. You'll be a good little girl and listen to me from now on” he murmurs, his voice low as he trails his fingers along your jawline.
“You look so hot when you get mad like this, Jakey” he looks caught off guard for a moment, before the low and seductive laugh parts his lips.
“You think so?” he leans in closer, his breath hot on your skin, his voice down to a whisper as he continues “Then maybe we should put that dumb fucking mouth of yours to use and I'll show you just how hot I can get”
A smirk spreads across Jake's face as his hands move down to grope your behind, giving it a firm squeeze, chuckling at your reaction.
He moves to settle down at the edge of the couch, stripping off his shirt, presenting you with the view you’ve missed way more than you thought you did. His chiseled torso glistens under the lights, his belt buckle clinking as he undoes his pants, pushing them down. The fabric falls down to the floor almost instantly.
He watches you intently as you smile up at him, his fingers toying with the waistband of his boxers, his movements slow and tantalizing.
You’re enjoying this and he knows it too, watching from the way you slide down to your knees in front of him.
“I knew you'd like this. Is this what you wanted?” he teases, his gaze never leaving yours as he watches your desperate pleas.
When you nod, he laughs softly, finally pushing down his boxers, freeing his rigid erection “Show me how much you wanted it”
He grips the base of his shaft, giving it a few slow strokes as he watches you, waiting for you to take him into your mouth.
You grin at his heat and hardness, your fingers wrapping around his length. He pulses in your grasp, begging to fill your throat. You lean in, your gaze locked on his, running your tongue from base to tip, savoring the bitter taste of his precum.
You slowly take him into your mouth, your lips stretching as you push his length further down your throat. You bob your head, the determination to bring him pleasure coursing through your veins.
As your wet mouth accommodates his thick cock, a strangled groan escapes his lips “Yeah, fuck, don’t stop”
His fingers thread through your hair, pushing you further down his shaft. He guides you as the sensation of your tongue around his sensitive tip brings him over the edge, his knees weak as he shakes with pleasure.
“Keep going, suck me off good” he moans, his mouth parted as he continues to guide your head down his throbbing cock.
As you pick up speed, your movements harder and faster, he can feel his body begging for release, the orgasm building in his stomach.
He can barely keep his eyes open as he speaks, his voice strained “Fuck, I’m close" his heartbeat quickens "Gonna cum so hard down your throat you’ll never want to go against me again”
His hips buck, as he tries to savor the last moments before his awaited release. With a hoarse cry, he loses himself in the feeling, spilling himself deep into your throat.
His grip on your hair loosens, his eyes rolling back with pleasure “Swallow” he commands, his body shaking as he rides out his climax.
With a contented hum, you comply, lapping up the last drops of his seed, the salty flavour coating your mouth. The rest of his release, mixed with your spit, coats your glistening lips, as you remove yourself off him.
Jake watches you lick your lips before pulling you into a bruising kiss, tasting himself on your tongue. His tongue moves along your mouth, his hands sliding up your shirt, his fingers stroking the smooth skin of your stomach.
“Strip” he says, pulling away, watching you with an evil grin.
As he watches you slowly and teasingly remove your thin shirt and shorts, his hand begins to slowly stroke his cock back to hardness, smearing the ramints of his own release and your saliva along his thick shaft.
He sits down on plush comforters of the couch, tapping his lap for you. His body presses against you as you straddle his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“So pretty” he whispers, locking his eyes on you as he watches you subtly grind your hips on top of him.
He pulls your head back, exposing you bare throat, his lips leaving a trail of bites and bruises on his way down to your collarbone.
A soft gasp escapes your lips as you feel his wet lips on you “I need more”
He smiles at your words “I’ll fuck you so good the only rule you’ll remember is how nice it is when you submit to me”
Jake swiftly moves you down onto the cushions, his body looming over you as his hungry eyes wander over your body. His lips meet yours again, his hardness grinding against your wet core.
He uses your wet slick as a lubricant, his cock sliding against your folds as he hisses at the sensation.
“I fucked myself to the thought of you every night” his voice is rough with barley restrained lust as he notches himself at your entrance “Wanted to bury myself in this little cunt for so long”
With a powerful thrust of his hips, Jake sheathes himself fully inside you, groaning as your tight heat elopes him. You breath out in ecstasy as he fills you completely, your inner walls clenching tightly around his thick length.
Your back arches off the couch, as you hold onto his forearm, your nails digging into his skin “Shit, Jake. So fucking good”
You start rolling your hips, meeting his every stroke, the sound of skin slapping against skin and loud gasps fill the once quiet apartment.
Encouraged by your wanton pleas, his thrusts become erratic, hitting deep and hard. He pounds into you with a wild force, pressing you down in place, taking the pleasure from your willing body.
“That’s right, take it all” he holds onto your hips, slamming you onto his length.
You can’t even bother to reply to his comments, writhing beneath him as he uses your body for his own gratification. Each of his brutal movements sends you further over the edge, his pace almost demonic as your nails dig into his back, leaving red scratches along the surface.
Jake feeling your trembling thighs and the way you clench around him, smiles evilly, slamming into you with precision, grinding his pelvis against your clit.
“Cum on my cock” he speaks, his voice dark “Milk me for all I’m worth”
With a piercing whine, you come undone under his dripping body, the orgasm crashing down on you. Your fingers dig into his shoulders as with heavy pants, you ride out your intense climax.
The feeling of your release and the sound of your name falling breathlessly from your lips, proves too much for him to handle “Gonna cum so fucking deep inside you”
With a low, guttural moan Jake presses himself deep inside you one last time, and finds his own release, pumping his hot, thick cum directly into you.
He finally collapses on top of you, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he comes down from his own, intense orgasm. Jake lies down next to you, your damp body sticking to his, as he threads his fingers through your hair.
“Don’t go through my shit again, Y/n” he whispers, biting down on your earlobe.
#enhypen#enhypen x reader#enhypen smut#enhypen imagines#enhypen jake#enhypen scenarios#jake sim imagines#jake sim x reader#jake imagines#jake x reader#jake smut#jake sim smut
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no way out (p.sh)

pairing: hostage!reader x maifa boss!seonghwa
preview: seonghwa loves to collect pretty things. when he saw you, he knew he needed to add you to his collection.
tags/warnings: fem reader, (leather) gloved fingering, pussy slapping, begging, gun + knife play, edging, overstimulation, s&m, dacryphilia, degrading, praise, pet names (doll, princess, baby, angel), hair pulling, possessiveness, marking, choking, unprotected penetration (wrap it before you tap it), creampie
trigger warnings: kidnapping, noncon, beginning stages of stockholm syndrome, guns and knives ofc
wc: 2.7k
song recs for this fic: criminal by britney spears
a/n: please read the tags and triggers very carefully!!!

seonghwa sat comfortably in his black mercedes benz, watching the people around him. his dark tinted windows gave no one any awareness of his presence. many people gawked at his car, amazed to see something so expensive on this side of the city. “anything catching your eye, boss?” his driver asked, breaking the thick silence. seonghwa shakes his head, staring into the rearview mirror. “no, but we’ll give it another couple of minutes.” he returned his eyesight to scan the crowd.
the leather seats of his car were comfortable enough to give him the relaxation he needed while scoping out the crowds of people. spending so much time indoors had caused him to forget just how many people live in seoul. he leaned back against the headrest, wishing that endeavours like these didn’t take so long. he crosses his arms, his leather gloved hands resting on his biceps.
he spotted plenty of objectively attractive people, some he might’ve dared to test on any other occasion. but he knew what he wanted. finally, through the crowd, he spots you. you glow within the crowd like the sun in the sky. “there.” the man in the passenger seat is quick to jump out, standing in your way. you trip over yourself a bit, startled by the sudden presence in front of you. “sorry ma’am, do you have a minute?” he asks, your eyebrows furrowing. seonghwa climbs out of the car and appears behind his bodyguard. “no, i don’t,” you respond, quick to dodge both men, staring down at your phone. seonghwa watches you speed walk away, crossing his arms over his chest. your thoughtless resistance attracted a dark part of him. “that’s the one. follow her.”
both men are quick to pile back into the expensive car and follow your direction. they trail behind you, watching you as you walk into your apartment building. they sit in the parking lot for longer than most people would consider appropriate. seonghwa checks his watch. he has a meeting soon, he cannot sit here for much longer. “contact hongjoong and have him send some men here to get her for me.” his order is stern and his driver nods. slowly, they pull away from the parking lot and drive back to the mansion where the mafia resides.
a few days later, seonghwa is greeted by a knock on his office door. the doors open to reveal two lower members of the family, wooyoung and san. “what can i do for you, gentlemen?” he asks, tapping on the papers on his desk to indicate that he’s busy. the two men stand in front of him timidly, keeping their heads lowered. “she’s here,” san says. seonghwa’s eyebrow raises, his tapping coming to an almost immediate halt. he rises from his chair, the two bodyguards in the room immediately tense up. “where is she?” wooyoung visibly gulps, adjusting on his feet. “the safe house, as you requested. she was very combative. yeosang is with the doctor right now, dealing with the scratches she gave him.” seonghwa chuckles, imagining the image of a girl your size doing damage to a man built like yeosang.
seonghwa nods, waving the two men off. they’re quick to scurry away from the intimidating leader. he digs around in his drawer, pulling out his pistol. he’s quick to shove it into his gun holster before moving his coat back to cover it. he adjusts the holster on his other thigh, housing an intimidating looking knife. “let’s go.” seonghwa is quick to strut out of the room, heading directly for his car. he climbs into the backseat, his guards moving swiftly so as to not anger him. sitting in the backseat, he finds himself filled with an unusual sense of nervousness and excitement.
the usual procedure for entering the safe house would require seonghwa to enter with the protection of his bodyguards. something was gnawing at him and telling him to go in alone. “stay in the car. if i don’t come back out in 10 minutes, you may leave.” with that, he climbs out of the car. he punches in the short number code, listening to it beep quietly to signal the locking mechanism letting him in. he pushes the door open and the air is thick with tension. he doesn’t know where they put you or if you’re even restrained. however, based on the damage to yeosang, he figures it’s probably a safe bet that you are restrained.
the door clicks behind him and he decides to kick off his combat boots. it doesn’t take much effort to find you considering your constant, slightly muffled screams for someone to help you. seonghwa finds you restrained on a dining room chair, your hands tied behind you and your ankles tied to the legs of the chair. you flinch when he finally enters your line of sight. you’re gagged with what looks like a cloth or a bandana. your eyes widen with a look of familiarity.
seonghwa leans against the wall, tilting his head to the side. “hi, angel. remember me?” you turn your head away, avoiding his domineering gaze. a rush of frustration fills his veins, running his tongue over his teeth. he walks into your line of sight again, this time he flashes his gun at you. “you wanna try that again? remember me?” your eyes widen and you nod vigorously. a smile spreads over his face as he re-conceals his weapon.
“do you know why you’re here?” he asks, leaning against the wall as if he had all the time in the world. you shake your head, desperately trying not to drool around your makeshift gag. seonghwa clicks his tongue, as if he’s disappointed in your cluelessness. “you’re here because you disrespected me. bad girls don’t get to just walk away from people like me.” he stares at you through his eyebrows, his anger showing in his face. you can’t help the adrenaline rush you get that prompts you to start struggling against your restraints.
seonghwa is quick to close the space between you, grabbing you by the chin and staring into your eyes. “stop fucking struggling.” your body freezes like a deer in headlights, all of your movements stopping just as soon as they started. “do you even know who i am?” the empty look in your eyes gives him the answer he needs. it shocks him a little. someone who doesn’t know the most infamous person in the entire country. “have you ever heard of park seonghwa?” a strange glint passes over your eyes before you nod. he smirks before gesturing to himself. “you’re looking at him.” he pauses. “ honestly, you should be flattered that you’re here. i don’t pick just anyone to test like this.”
you furrow your eyebrows in confusion. “mmf- test?” you do your best to speak around your mouth covering and seonghwa chuckles before re-composing himself. “well, i have to see if i can break you. did you really think a pretty girl like you was going to get abducted like this and not get fucked?” a new rush of horror overcomes you and it lights a sinister flame within seonghwa. he can tell how anxious you are based on how the rhythm of your breathing immediately changes. he likes the way you react to his words. “oh princess, you’re in for a real treat.”
everything in you is telling you to beg for your life. scream, cry and hope a hardened criminal like him has at least a little bit of empathy left in him. you know these efforts are futile, however. seonghwa sheds his coat and places it on the table next to you. his slim figure in his attractive suit have you wanting to drool. you stop yourself when your eyes meet his pistol once again. you gulp, watching as he adjusts his gloves. “i think it’s best i start your test now.” before you can react, he’s untying your legs and arms, forcing you to stand. you whine, your legs feeling numb from sitting for so long. he shoves you onto the couch in the living room. he watches you scramble away, not even moving to stop you. he knows there’s no escape.
“are you done?” he asks, his tone that of an exhausted father dealing with his bratty toddler. he crosses the room, throwing you over the armrest of the couch. he hooks his fingers under the waistband of your pants and underwear, pulling them both down with one quick tug. “god, you’re fucking dripping. what a whore. you like this, don’t you?” you shake your head, kicking your feet as if to try and keep him away. “get off m-me!.” your speech is muffled from the gag. he shoves your legs apart and slots himself between them. seonghwa lands a harsh slap to your ass, causing you to yelp. “i said, are you fucking done?” you twist to look him in the face and scowl. you pull your gag off your face before speaking. “fuck you.”
seonghwa leans over you and presses your face into the couch with one hand, while he uses the other to shove two gloved fingers into your cunt. you cry out, your sound muffled by the cushion “whores don’t speak like that to their owners, do they?” his fingers move quickly inside you, thrusting in and out. the leather rubbing against your walls adds to the already euphoric feeling. you grip the couch cushion so hard your knuckles turn white. seonghwa shoves another finger into you, curling them to find your g-spot. he leans over you further to whisper in your ear, his fingers still working an orgasm out of you. he pulls your head up by your hair to get better access to your ear. “if i didn’t know any better, i would say this is turning you on. i can just feel the way you’re clenching.”
finally, you manage to kick him in the knee, sending him stumbling back. you gasp for air, your lungs desperate for oxygen. you don’t even have time to reap the benefits of getting him off you before he returns. this time, you feel something cold press against the skin of your ass. you hear the click of seonghwa cocking his gun. your whole body tenses, sucking in a sharp breath of air. “yeah, i bet now you wanna fucking behave.” he slides the barrel of the gun over your slit, collecting your slick. “p-please, don’t.” he sighs and shoves your face back down into the couch. “don’t speak unless spoken to.” he shoves the gun into your hole, the cold metal sending shivers down your spine. you know better than to fight back now.
he slides it in and out slowly, cherishing the way you suck it in with ease. the fear coursing through your veins heightens the pleasure. your whining and squealing at every drag inside you. seonghwa groans at the sight of you at his complete disposal, his gun inside you keeping you obedient. your legs begin to shake as you near your high, a feeling you regret. “ple-ah please,” you mumble into the couch.
“please what, baby?” you cry silently into the cushion, your shoulders shaking. your body reacts against your will, your orgasm barreling towards you. “c-cumming.” seonghwa says nothing as your orgasm crashes into you, your body trembling uncontrollably. as you finish, seonghwa shoves his gun into as far as it will go, making sure you can feel him brush his finger over the trigger. “this is the one time i’m gonna be nice to you. next time you cum without permission, i’m pulling the trigger.” he pulls his pistol all the way out of you, licking the remnants of your release off the gun.
he moves away from you slightly to pull his pants and boxers down mid-thigh. “stop it, p-please. i don’t want this.” seonghwa shakes his head before shrugging. “i don’t care what you want.” he keeps you bent over the couch, watching as your nerves continue to twinge. your cunt is red and swollen from use, yet still visibly slick. he drags his tip over your folds, gathering your wetness. you claw at the couch to try and crawl away, but he’s quick to pull you back. “don’t forget who has the gun, princess. one quick movement and you could be dead on this couch. do you want that?” you shake your head, fear making you shiver.
“didn’t think so.” with that, he shoves into you. his tip jabs at your cervix, the sudden stretch having you gasping for air. seonghwa’s jaw falls slack, watching the way his cock disappear into you. he fans his hands over your ass, grabbing and squishing your plush flesh. a hard slap rings through the room and you whimper, digging your teeth into your bottom lip.
seonghwa’s hips begin moving. he’s nicer to you than he expected you to be. that doesn’t last, however. his thrusts pick up speed when you start wiggling under him, your own body betraying you in its desperation for pleasure. “silly girl, can’t even resist her captor's cock. just admit how much you like it, baby.” you shake your head, breathing so hard it’s making you dizzy. your brain is turning to mush and you’re losing your ability to fight back. not that you really want to anymore. he’s making you feel so good, why would you want to run?
seonghwa manhandles you, flipping you over and moving you so your ass is hanging off the couch cushions. he slots himself back between your legs in one quick motion. he shoves in to the hilt, snapping his hips against yours so hard you might bruise. he wraps his arms around your waist to snap into you harder and your eyes roll back. the room fills with noisy skin slapping sounds and the wet noises leaving your core. “fuck, you feel so good. you clench so pretty around my cock, baby.”
he pulls his knife out of its holster, dragging it over your skin without pressing down. “i’m claiming you as mine. you will never know another man’s touch.” he adjusts his grip on the knife, guiding it down to your hip. seonghwa presses the blade into your skin, dragging it to carve an ‘s’ into your flesh. the stinging pain sends a new course of pleasure through you, your core sucking him in harder. “i knew you were dirty, but not this dirty. you like that, doll? you like when the man who kidnapped you carves his initials into your body?” you nod, your body twitching.
seonghwa traces a few more lines into your skin with his knife before putting it down on the table behind him. he gathers your blood on his fingers and brings them to his mouth. “c-cumming,” you sputter. before you can say anything else, his gun is pressed to your temple. he shakes his head at you, clicking his tongue. his incessant thrusts into you are not helping you fight off your orgasm. “what did i say?” tears spill from your eyes, your eyeliner running down your face. you breathe so hard it hurts your chest.
“please, please, need to cum. can i cum?” you plead. you hiccup, your bottom lip quivering. he pouts at you, pressing the gun against your head harder. his hips stutter and it becomes obvious that he’s been fighting his own orgasm. “cum for me, princess.” your eyes roll back and your back arches against him, his face pressing into your chest. you clench and unclench, hearing him let out a low moan. “that’s it, baby. milk my fucking cock. it’s all yours. yeah, it’s yours.”
finally, your body relaxes. you had anticipated feeling a new rush of fear once the pleasure left you. but, you found yourself seeking his comfort. he holds you gently, discarding his weapons. “you passed the test, doll. i broke your brain and now you’re mine. i’ll keep you safe.” swiftly, he puts his clothes back on properly. he lifts you, carrying you out of the house despite your obvious lack of clothing. san and wooyoung stand outside the door patiently, waiting for instruction. “clean the house, make it spotless. also, i need one of you to grab my gun and my knife. i don’t wanna re-scare my baby right now.”
with that, you’re carried into the very car that had followed you just a few days ago. except this time, seonghwa got what he wanted.

© lomlhwa 2025
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You're A Villains Daughter + Them Falling In Love With You (Batboys)
Dick: Being a police officer he had seen you in and out of the police station. Your hair had been bleached so many times to the point it was falling out. Your father was amazing when he was taking his medication, but the second he forgot, he slipped back into that other persona, the Mad Hatter. He would go crazy and start claiming that you were Alice, and any bit of hair that you had grown out would be bleached, you'd have to dress a certain way to appease him and calm him down.
Oftentimes, you could usually get him back on his medication, but there were days that he would put you in the most dangerous predicaments. Either the cops would be called or Batman and Nightwing would show up.
"I know you love him, and I know you want to take care of him, but the best thing for him is for him to be put in an institution. I'd hate to see the day that we don't show up in time." Dick spoke honestly with a clear sign of worry in his voice. He shrugged off his coat and put it upon your shoulders.
"You're a pretty woman and I hate to see pretty women cry, much less hurt..." He had such a warm smile on his face; when most of the cops tried to comfort you, they tended to sound creepy even though they said similar things, but there was something in the tonality of his voice that sounded genuine and sweet. His thumb gently brushed tears off your cheeks.
You had finally listened to Dick about putting your father into an institution where they could take care of him and make sure he takes his medication. It was expensive, but it was nothing like Arkham.
Dick found out easily that you had been forced to move into a really shitty small apartment in a not-so-good part of Gotham; when he looked up your father on his work computer, he found that he'd been put in an extremely nice institution and realized that you were probably struggling with money.
He found their phone number and called the institution. Dick made sure that every month he would be the one to pay for your father's treatment and stay, the institution wouldn't tell you who had put forth the money, but after a while, you wore them down and soon as you figured out who it was, it brought tears to your eyes. This sweet cop, the one that had put his jacket around your shoulders.
You found your way to his work and quickly offered him dinner, it was 'the least you could do' you had said. Dinner was lovely and the both of you clicked the same way you did every other time you two had met up. He gave you that same safe feeling and those same butterflies when he's compliment you.
Obviously, one date led to another. He was more than happy to take care of you and to make sure that you never had to take care of your father alone again.
Jason: Bruce had requested that Jason join him on a mission to Simon Stagg's labs. The both of them follow down such a long path of what looks like abandoned laboratories and vacant cells.
"Bruce, there's clearly nothing here we should just split." Jason wasn't entirely happy with the fact that he had to look for paperwork and investigate around the old and what seemed to be a barren laboratory; he'd rather be kicking ass.
"I mean it looks like the goddamn Back Rooms in here." Jason huffed with obvious irritation.
That feeling just about vanished as he made it down a corridor where he saw a glass room with a woman inside. Her skin was green, and she looked so similar to a villain he had seen before, one that tended to prefer eco-terrorism to the safety of human beings.
"Bruce! Bruce, there's a girl! We have to get her out of here." His voice started shaking, he was suddenly extremely worried about her...maybe it was how skinny and malnourished she looked? The hunger and thirst, he had seen that quite often before Bruce took him off the streets.
Jason pushed away the chairs that were sitting in front of the glass. He dreaded to think what they were used for, but he pushed the thoughts away. He gently tapped on the glass, hoping you would answer him. He could see the monitors attached to you and see that you were still alive, but every monitor seemed exceedingly slow.
"Sweetheart, I need you to look at me." He asked before your eyes fluttered open with confusion, it had seemed like months since you even spotted a single fly.
"That's it. Good girl, that's all I need from you I just need you to stay awake. We're going to get you out of here, I promise." Jason looks through the folder that sat within the container on the wall; he's desperate to figure out a way to get you out of there. He finds out who your mother is, Poison Ivy... the rest of the things he finds are vile and disgusting, but he pushes past it trying to find a way to get you out of there.
Jason then handed the file to Bruce and punched the combination into the keypad on the wall before rushing into the room that contained you.
"Jason! No, she could be dangerous!"
"Look at her, Bruce, she's too exhausted to be even remotely dangerous. She's been left alone here for lord knows how long." Jason disregards any part of him that tells him not to pick you up. He scoops are up and gently guides you out of the hell hole she was residing in.
"It's all right now, Babygirl, I got you. Jason speaks almost as if in quiet whispers; Bruce had never seen him be so soft and gentle to a stranger unless it was a little kid or something.
Jason took on every single duty of taking care of you. He would help nurse you back to health, and he would change your saline drip as often as it needed to be. His eyes lit up the first time he got you outside and your skin started turning even more green as if thriving in even the most minuscule amount of sunlight. He was there for you in every sort of moment of need you had. You're beautiful, gentle and kind, and he be damned if he ever let anything happen to you. In his mind suffered more than enough.
He is extremely attentive to you and anytime you notice a shiver he would cover you with a blanket or his jacket. The second he heard your stomach growl or even the slightest indication that you were thirsty, he handled it immediately.
Dick wanted to introduce you to everyone and Jason made sure that you understood that you didn't have to if you didn't want to. They invited you to watch a movie, but considering how exhausted you were, you ended up falling asleep on Jason's chest, his fingers brushing through your hair like it was natural for him. Not a single person in that room couldn't see the fact that he was falling so deeply in love with you.
Bruce: Bruce was running a few samples, he heard of what Scarecrow had done. Crane had been slipping a new version of fear toxin into several other drugs around Gotham.
Normally, he would go to Mr Freeze, but because his wife just recently got unfrozen and they were putting her through bouts of therapy for her case of Huntington's disease, he didn't want to bother him.
Victor had recommended a young doctor from Gotham General, Y/N Strange. The daughter of Hugo Strange, but from what he could tell, you didn't have much to do with your father anymore.
Bruce sent the samples over before he showed up several hours later. You had never seen Batman in person so it was a bit startling to see such a tall man clad in black, his blue eyes peaking out from under that black mask.
"Ah, Hello...Um, Mr. Batman." It was obvious you were nervous, and in a way, he thought it was really cute but he ignored tge feeling for now.
"Did you receive my package?" His voice deep and menacing.
"Oh, of course, I received everything. If I'm honest I never expected to receive a package from Batman but anyways..." In a way you were trying not to fangirl. 'Batman needs my help? Oh wow!' But you tried to pull it together.
"Yes, of course, Mr Batman, I cross-referenced the drugs that you sent me via the test tubes, and I...um, it would appear to be a Ecstasy, Heroin, and Weed... of course, they've been modified, so there's a component in here that looks to be Datura. Datura plants contain tropane alkaloids such as scopolamine, hyoscyamine, and atropine, which has led to their use in some cultures as a poison and as a hallucinogen for centuries. It would seem, from as far as I can tell, that this is what is also contained in these drugs. The hallucinations can be just downright terrifying."
He tries to look as if he understands but some of these words he's just not picking up on. Maybe it's because he's tired or maybe it's just that he doesn't understand or it could possibly be by the fact that he is distracted by how cute you look in that white lab coat but he's not going to let that show.
Even after Mr. Freeze is back in working order, has got a job at a very similar lab and has started to redeem himself for his past issues, Bruce still goes back to you for information everytime.
You find yourself in the elevator going from one level to another, and who pops in but Bruce Wayne? There wasn't a single person in Gotham who didn't know who Bruce Wayne was. In a bit of shock, you dropped all your papers all over the ground.
"Oh my god, Mr. Bruce. I am so sorry." You said as you kneeled down to pick up all of your papers. He joined you on his knees, helping you with all of the papers, his hand brushed against yours.
It was nice to be able to touch your skin and not have the barrier of a glove between the two of you, he thought.
"I- um, I usually don't ask out strangers, but if you would like to... I- I believe there's a connection between us." Bruce said as he gave you his card as he got out of the elevator, he knew what the connection was obviously, but you were none the wiser.
'Did that just happen? Did Bruce Wayne just ask me out? Oh my God. Oh my God!"
You didn't question it when you found your phone number. You had thought, 'Of course, he's got connections. He's Bruce Wayne.'
The date was lovely, and he found himself extremely entranced by the way that you talked about the things that you were passionate about, even if he didn't understand what you were saying. He also found it extremely adorable the way that you seemed to be so nervous around him but relaxed as the night went on. It didn't matter that you were Hugo Strange's daughter; you were adorable and he found himself completely enchanted by you.
Tim: He had been hacked, which was really odd considering the fact that he had top-of-the-line security equipment on his computer, and not even he could hack it. The second that it happened, he knew he needed to figure out who did this, not only out of admiration but because someone with this skill could be a danger to Gotham or anyone they pleased really.
He found a really old way to track an IP address that most people didn't even use anymore so most hackers didn't protect themselves against it and you weren't an exception to that rule. He found your name and information, Y/N Nygma. The Riddler's Daughter?
It took a lot of time and doing, but he got the both of you sending messages back and forth, leaving little bread crumbs for each other to find like a little game, it was fun. He could sense you didn't have a desire to harm anyone so he talked to Bruce and offered you an opportunity to get away from your father and his dirty deeds.
You loved your father and of course you didn't want to have to leave him but recently he's been acting psychotic, controlling and dangerous so you lept at the opportunity.
"You must be DxrthSkywxlker." You said as the man approched.
"Only if you are ButtSniffler2000." He said jokingly, his voice was just as you imagined it, smooth and playful.
"Oh, my god. No, but I guess I got the right guy." You laughed, that was something that drew you to him was the fact that he made you laugh so easily with such the dumbest things.
"Yeah, That's me. Honest to God, I didnt expect you to be a girl." He was swooning as soon as he saw you in the dim lighting, your humor and now this? He was done for.
"You're gorgeous." He had meant to say in his brain and not out loud but as soon as he saw the blush on your cheeks he"d realized he didnt say it in his subconcious.
"Thank you." You said as you hid your smile behind your hands.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say that out loud." His cheeks were turning pink as well.
"It's okay, I believe that if you have a compliment to say someone, most of the time you should. It's just a good way to put goodness into the world especially in such a shitty city." The second those words came out of your mouth he knew he was done for, Tim's such a positive and optimistic person. Having someone else say something so similar to his outlook on life just makes him even more in love with you.
Damian: Of course, it made sense after he pieced it all together the way that you were so skilled with a blade and the way you weren't scared of him when you first met him.
He wasn't mad, Damian just wished you'd've told him. He laid everything out there on the floor for you, him being in the League, his mother, him being Robin, his dad being Batman but you couldnt tell him this? It stung, it felt like you didn't trust him.
"You're Deathstroke's daughter?" He asked randomly while the two of you were eating dinner. It was out of the blue, he didnt want to give you a chance to lie to him or prepare to answer.
"Yeah...I- I am but I haven't talked to him in years." You wanted nothing more than to put your father in the past and act like he doesn't exist especially after what he did to your mother. Damian instantly saw the pain in your eyes as he pieced it all together.
"Was he... did he...that was him?" He knew the story of your mother and how she had passed away but you never had mentioned who did it. You looked down, not really wanting to find his beautiful green eyes. You knew the second that you peered into them you'd be a sobbing wet mess.
Understanding immediately falls across Damian's face. Unfortunately for him he understood that you may be your father's daughter but that doesn't mean you are your father.
When he initially did his search on the computer Damian was very judgemental but he realized he was being hypocritical because if everyone just saw him as his mother's son then he would be doomed.
"I get it, nothing makes you want to crawl out of your skin more than remembering that you share blood with someone so horrible. It's like that with me and my mother. She's done awful things and she wishes I would forget all of them but we can't forget such cruelty." He speaks from the heart because he knows exactly how you feel. His hand reaches across the table and he grabs yours in his.
"He did it cause he hsd another family and he didnt want my mom interfering. I found her after school one day."
The pain and cruelty of your parents was just another way the both of you bonded. Damian loves training with you it's one of his favorite things to do because most people can't keep up.
"Just admit it you've been defeated." You smiled as you sat on top of him having tripped him and then quickly pinned him onto the mat.
"Alright, Alright. I've been defeated." Damian smiled a mischievous smile before he quickly flipped you both over and pinned you down.
"Just admit it, you've been defeated." He mocked you with a shit eating grin before leaning down to kiss you, pushing his body between you thighs. He kissed your neck, his words causing you to giggle.
-> Masterlist <-
#damian al ghul x reader#damian wayne x reader#damian wayne#robin x reader#red hood x reader#red hood#red robin#red robin x reader#jason todd x reader#batboys#batboys x reader#jason todd#dick grayson x reader#tim drake x reader#batman x reader#bruce wayne x reader#bruce wayne
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What's the Whole World
Sylus x gn!Reader
Wrote this when I was overstimulated and extra emotional from my period iykyk
Title from "What's the Whole World" by Warmer
Warnings: hurt/comfort, established relationship, cuddling, crying, swearing
Word Count: 1,395
Main Masterlist
First Love and Deepspace Masterlist
Second Love and Deepspace Masterlist
Tag List Form
Your apartment building's hot water isn't working, so you take a freezing cold shower. Your bike doesn't start, so you have to take the bus. You forgot to eat breakfast, so you go to the vending machine, except the snack gets stuck against the glass. You don't get to eat lunch because you get sent on back to back missions. You have to stay late to finish the paperwork for said missions. The food you buy at a late night stall is too expensive and almost too overcooked to eat.
But through all of that, through every little thing the world does to spite you today, one thought kept you sane: Sylus. You don't have work for the next couple days and Sylus moved things around on his schedule to spend all of that time with you. Being able to spend time with him is the one thing holding you together right now.
Imagine your disappointment when you get to his base in the N109 zone, excited to see him after the ungodly public transport you had to take, only to be told by Luke and Kieran that he isn't there. Not only that, they're not sure when he'll be back, after he zipped off to meet up with someone for whatever business venture he's planning on branching off to next. They offer you a ride back to your place, but the thought of going back home, to your freezing water and cramped walls, only makes you feel worse.
So you do the next best thing: you curl up in Sylus's bed, hugging a Grumpy Crow plushie, and try really hard not to cry.
You feel hollow. A void in your chest, opening its maw wide to swallow your hope, optimism and joy, regurgitating loneliness and disappointment in its place. It shouldn't be that big of a deal. Things happen, stuff comes up. Especially when you're the leader of a giant illegal faction, and owner of god knows how many businesses. Just... why didn't he tell you about it?
Tears sting your eyes. You don't want to cry. Not here, not in Sylus's bed. Could anything be more pathetic? You should have just gone home. At least there you could drown yourself in a mountain of ice cream without having to worry about being seen making the trip to and from the kitchen.
The longer you suppress your emotions, the more your brain reminds you of the shit day you've just had.
The cold water meant taking an extremely quick 10 second shower. The bus ride was so cramped you were pressed up against so many other commuters. The only thing you've eaten today wasn't worth the price, leaving a hole in your stomach yet to be satisfied. Your whole body aches, from your arms and shoulders to your back and legs. You're tired, you're upset, and all you were asking for to compensate for all of that bullshit is a hug. Just one hug! A hug this plushie certainly wasn't providing.
You curl around the crow plushie, squeezing it with the remaining strength you have in your arms. You press your face into its soft head, the ruffle around its neck tickling you. You take a deep breath. And you cry. The worst kind of crying: deep heaving gasps for air, ragged sobs that grate at your throat, fat tears that have no end and soak deep into the fabric of the plushie and Sylus's pillow; body shaking, soul crushing, pathetic. You want the bed to open up and swallow you whole. You want Dr. Zayne to go in and remove your heart to spare you the pain. You just want this horrible feeling to go away, by any means possible.
God knows how long you cry for. It feels like hours. Your eyes burn, raw from all the moisture. Your cheeks are sore from the horrible grimace your face pulls with your sobs. The crow is completely soaked where your face is.
The bed shifts, slowly. Hesitantly. You choke up again, because you already know who it is.
A hand touches your arm. You automatically flinch out of its grasp. A bitter part of you wants to make him feel just as bad as you do. Wants to lie here crying while he's forced to watch. But, god, that one touch alone is like the sun after weeks of rain. It's like a splash of bright yellow against the dark, saturated hues that compose your sorry state. And when he doesn't touch you again, it's consumed once more by the darkness.
"What happened?" he asks. His voice is so soft, tinged with protectiveness. If someone hurt you, he'd take care of it. He'd do anything to take this heartache from you. All you would need to do is say the word. What, then, are you supposed to say if he's the one that hurt you?
Another sob wracks your body. You curl in impossibly tighter, as though you could shrink yourself down to the size of a pea to hide from his intense gaze on your back. Your throat hurts from crying so hard.
"Can I touch you?" he asks next, when you don't respond.
Your body and mind want two different things. Your mind wants to hold strong to your newfound loneliness, but your body yearns to crawl to him, to collapse in his arms, to finally, finally get that hug you were waiting for.
It's your body that wins out, in the end, but you refuse to give in completely to its desires. So instead of seeking him out, you just nod and wait for him to come to you.
He does, almost right away. He touches your arm again. When you don't pull away, he closes the space left between you. His chest presses against your back, legs tucked right up to yours. His arms wrap around your body, securely keeping you against him. He presses his face to the back of your neck. Like this, he feels every tremor and shiver of every gasp and sob. Like this, you feel encapsulated in his warmth and comfort. It's almost overwhelming. It almost suffocates you with how amazing it feels to finally be held by him.
He kisses the fine hairs on your neck in a delicate peck, silently telling you how badly he wants to help. "Will you tell me what happened, sweetie?"
You dig your fingers into the Grumpy Crow's plush body. They tremble with emotion. "You weren't h-here," you whimper out. Your voice is awful. "'N y-you didn't say a-anything about it."
"I didn't...?" One of his arms slips away. He digs his phone out of his pocket and taps quickly at the screen, before dropping it to the bed behind him with a sigh. His arm returns to its rightful place around you, squeezing you slightly tighter. "It didn't go through, kitten. I'm sorry."
That text was meant to get to you hours ago. Unfortunately, he must have lost service before it could go through. So for hours, you were left in the dark, literally and metaphorically, with no idea where he was or what he was doing.
He kisses your neck again. "How can I make it up to you? Name anything - it's yours."
Anything? There's only one thing you want. And now that you know his radio silence wasn't intentional, your mind loses the reins holding your body back.
You push the crow plushie away. It rolls sadly across the bed, dark fabric stained darker with tears and fluff rearranged so he's squished into an odd shape. Sylus lets go when you squirm in his hold. You turn around and immediately cling onto him. You hide your face in his neck and he cradles the back of your head to keep you there. His cologne floods your senses, accompanied by his body wash, warming you in a way the lingering scent on his pillow and bedsheets never could.
"Just want you." You grip the back of his shirt in your fists, squeezing him as tightly as you can, just like you'd done to the plushie. Except he's solid, and he squeezes you back just the same. "Please don't go."
"I'm not going anywhere," he promises. "We'll stay here for as long as you want."
"Okay, sweetie." He kisses your head. "We'll stay here forever."
Tag List:
@the-golden-jhope @huen1ngk41 @armycaratlover @sylusfluffymeow @cheesemachine44 @nyx2021 @angel-jupiter @thelittlebutton @pikachuzhc @pomegranatepip @cordidy @an-ever-angry-bi @thejysemongko
#fanfic#fanfiction#sylus#sylus x reader#love and deepspace sylus#lads sylus#lnds sylus#love and deepspace#love and deepspace x reader#lads#lads x reader#lnds#lnds x reader#gn reader#x gn reader#gender neutral reader#x gender neutral reader
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synopsis: lando had been in love with his best friend for years, and here's how he's indirectly demonstrating it.
a/n: last bit has a 'nobody wants this' reference cause i binge watched it and i loved so deal with it (plus please go watch it is so good)
warning: credits to some of the ideas to @novelbear cause im in love with her prompts and had to do something with it. super fluff, friends to lovers, lando being whipped for y/n, fem!reader
wc: 1k
holding hands
lando always thought the best way to show his love was his hands.
he will get any excuse to hold your hand or simply just play with it.
the first time he did it, was weird, maybe because you were 12 and showing public display of affection was anything but normal, but you both grew into it.
to this day, whenever your by his side, he will grab your hand. if you're walking, he will hold on tight to it and caress the back with his thumb. if you're sitting side by side, he will grab your hand and play with your fingers, moving it around and massaging them.
surprise hugs
lando loves to give you hugs whenever he can. his favorite genre? surprise hugs.
the times you went to visit the paddock to watch his races, he just loved to surprise you, hugging you from behind.
he would be all sweaty and sometimes even smelling like champagne, but he would creep up behind you, quietly, and wrap his arms around your shoulders ou waist. people would think is not very 'friends' of you to do that, but well, you are friends, right?
playing with your hair
lando would always say his favorite fisical part of you was your hair.
one of his most common pastime is playing it it. just running his fingers through it, caressing your scalp and sometimes even blowdrying it for you.
if you lay your head on him, being on his lap or shoulder, he will caress your hair, no matter what or who's around.
borrowing clothes
lando never like the idea of lending clothes. even growning up with three siblings, he did not get used to it, so he never did.
apart from when it came to you. he loves to see you wearing his clothes, a shirt, a hoodie, whatever, it's just weirdly comforting.
he will often realize some of his favorite pieces missing from his wardrobe, but when seeing you wearing it, he doesn't say a word.
if it's one of mclaren shirts? gosh, he melts. seeing you with his number on your back, cheering for him or just showing your support is one of the things he appreciates the most.
lando will send you good morning texts every single day.
doesn't matter if you are already up and he just woke up at 1 pm, when you look at your phone, there will be a 'good morning' there.
if he's at another country for whatever reason, he will send you good morning the time he gets up, so, sometimes, when he's on the other half of the world, you'll get a 'good morning' at 8 pm.
another thing he likes to do is take photos of his day and send it to you. be a goofy selfie of him or a picture of the most beautiful place you ever saw, when you open your gallery, he will be there.
lando loves peppering you with gifts.
coming from a wealthy family and being a formula one driver, money is not a problem for him, so sometimes you will wake up to gift by your front door.
when he travels to a place, he will normally buy you something there, doesn't matter if it's a fridge magnet or a expensive bag, he will get it for you, even when you say he doesn't need to do that.
'i love you''s
everytime lando says or hear an 'i love you' to or from you, his heart stops.
it's his three favorite words to say to you, even if he doesn't do it often. might be the way your eyes soften or your smile grow bigger, but he loves saying he loves you.
though when he hears it, his mind goes completely blank and keeps repeating 'i love you too' countless times.
the first time he said it, slipped out of his mouth. he was 14 and had just realized how much he liked you - as a kid, he didn't really know what love was -, so when you said you would cover for him to do another of his bullshits, he immediately said "hell yeah, thanks! i love you!".
he did not believe what he just said and immediately corrected himself: "i love how you always cover for me!", but you just chuckled and responded "i love you too, dumbass."
the first kiss
lando had just won his first ever grand prix.
miami was hot. like you could actually melt in place if a breeze didn't got to you.
lando got out of his car and run to hug his crew, you, being at the side, with his dad, was glowing with happiness.
"so proud of you!" you say as soon as he hugs you.
he might just had gotten out of the car, tired as ever, but when his arms wrapped around your waist, he lifted you away from the floor and more into his embrace.
"thanks." he says quietly, pulling back. "this is unbelieavable!"
his eyes did not missed yours for a beat, staring deeply into you as he could read all your thoughts. and maybe he could, because the first thing he did after you thought 'i really want to kiss you' was kiss you.
he cupped your cheeks with firm hands and pecked your lips. you could swear you heard a 'finally!' from his dad, but too busy into understanding what happened, you shoved it off.
"wow, sorry." he said instantly, stepping back.
you were basically in the middle of the track, after an crazy first win from your best friend, and he just kissed you.
you stepped up, knowning that if you didn't, everything would blow away. you grabbed his arm and pulled him into a proper kiss, his arms sliding in your back to reach you. you let out a sigh mid-kiss, his lips crazy for yours as you pulled away, in disbelief.
"we'll talk about it later, i have to go." he said to you, shaking his head.
you nodded, watching him walk away. before we was even two steps away, he turned back and smiled playfully to you: "that was a really nice kiss, i think i might be pregnant!"
and with that, runned towards his interviews.
#f1#f1 fandom#f1 grid#f1 imagine#formula 1 x reader#formula 1#formula one#formula one x reader#lando norris#lando norris fanfic#lando norris smut#mclaren#f1 2024#mclaren f1#lando norris x reader#lando norris imagine#lando norris fluff#lando x reader#lando norris x you#ln4 x reader#lando headcanons#lando imagine#lando x you#ln4#zandvoort 24#lando smut#lando x fem!reader#lando x y/n#lando norris x fem!reader#lando norris x y/n
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Twilight New Age
After inheriting her grandparents house in the Quileute reservation, La Push, Y/N moves to her home rez. Hoping to start a new life she is soon involved with what she thought were just old legends.
Paul Lahote x Reader
Romance | Fantasy | Drama | Angst
>> CHP 2
Y/N did not expect her life to turn out the way it has. She led a normal life, as normal one can be, at the age of twenty one. Like most her age she was confused on what she wanted in life. What she knew was she wanted to be an artist. That’s something she always knew.
At the start of the year her grandfather Quil Ateara III passed unexpectedly. It was a huge loss for not only her family but the community of La Push. Y/n’s home reservation, where her grandfather had served on council for many years, a well respected elder.
As If any of it wasn’t enough for y/n the family decided to read his will. Discovering he had left her with the estate and property under her name. Yet it was never brought it up to her in their many visits. Shocking the whole family it caused an uproar.
Her own mother was surprised at this news. Everyone figured he’d leave everything to at least one of his children. Her grandmother Molly was the only one not surprised. Instead she ensured that y/n would move in by the end of the season. And that no one could argue since it was her husbands will.
Even if it was passed onto her mother, or her many uncles and aunts, no one wanted to uproot their lives to live in the house. In fact the family was ready and planning to sell the house. Deciding to split the money between everyone and cut their losses on the property. But her grandparents wouldn’t have any of it happen.
And so it was y/n was on her way to her “new” house. Her grandmother Molly had already moved in to her sisters home. As a way of keeping an eye on each other now that they’re both older.
For y/n it was all so fast but an opportunity would never come like this again. For she had been desperate for a place on her own. A studio apartment wasn’t an ideal space for someone who loved, well, space.
It was a three story house with a wrap around porch. Fit with five bedrooms and one bathroom. As she drove y/n thought of how expensive and difficult it could get to maintain such a house. But she figured she’d at least try before trying to get a roommate.
Although it was all new and quite stressful to think of. Y/n was excited to be back in her beloved home of La Push. She had only visited a few times throughout each year. And as of late she hadn’t been around much with life catching up to her.
Driving down the same old roads she couldn’t help but feel nostalgic. How many summers she spent here and what good memories were made. The scenery was always something y/n favoured especially the tall beautiful pine trees.
Despite the constant downpour of rain it made y/n happy. Even just the smell of rain and dirt made her smile. It was a moment y/n wanted to savour for herself, entering the reservation, it felt like she never left.
The road was wet from soft rain throughout the day. The clouds blocking the sun from shining. Looking at the sides of the road the hairs on her neck suddenly spiked. A weird feeling in her gut began to twist and turn.
As she looked on each sides of the road it felt eerie. Although she drove down familiar roads it didn’t feel right. As if there were eyes peering a hole in the back of her neck. Rubbing the spot in comfort she tried shaking off the unsettling feeling.
After all she was stressed and tired after a long drive she convinced herself. Upon seeing the house she was relieved. Her grandma was supposed to be here before her. But her car wasn’t parked in the driveway.
Parked in the car y/n sat awaiting for either the eerie feeling to go away or for her grandmother to arrive. As she sat and decided, she noticed in the window stacks of boxes, she had sent her stuff beforehand. With the help of her cousins they moved everything inside.
Impatient and no longer anxious she got out of the car. The property has a clear and neat tree line. The backyard was a huge open field filled with wild flowers. Although at the moment it was still too early in the spring for such flowers. The field sat in colours of yellows and browns.
Y/n searched around the area in case of anything. Taking a short moment to look. With nothing around she headed inside. Deciding to unpack until her grandma arrived. She grabbed the rest of her belongings from the trunk.
Sure enough It didn’t take long for her grandma to pull up in the driveway. As y/n headed outside to meet her she felt even more relief. Seeing the soft smile on her grandma’s face brought her comfort.
“My girl! You’re finally home” she said into her neck as they hugged tightly. “Yep! Finally home for good” y/n replied holding onto her grandmothers hands. The two headed inside to catch up with one another.
Her grandmother Molly and her were always close no matter the distance. In times of need she always called her for advice. To be living more close to her was a blessing in itself.
“I would’ve been here long time ago but I had a meeting. It ran longer than it was supposed to” Grandma Molly took her grandfathers place on council once he passed. As she felt it was her responsibility to him and the community. The people had also unanimously agreed for her to take the position.
“It’s alright grandma it gave me extra time to unpack” which was mainly just her clothes. Scanning the room over the endless boxes her grandma fussed over y/n.
“There’s plenty of time for you to do that. Now that you’re home” her grandma smiled warmly once more. “You’re right but it’s just I need groceries” y/n replied as she looked around the fridge.
“I left you plenty of dry goods in the cabinets. But I took what was in the fridge and freezer. I figured we’d go now and shop for something more fresh” y/n wasn’t surprised at her grandmas smart and thoughtful thinking.
Agreeing the two stepped out of the house. Only to be met with the arrival of her cousin Quil Ateara V. Pulling up in his black truck he wore a cheeky grin. Immediately he stepped out and rushed in for a hug.
Quil was another one of her cousins she grew up close with. Besides herself Quil was close with their grandparents. Majority of the family relied on Quil and his help. It comforted y/n to know she’d see him more often now.
“Good to see you sis” he said as the two pulled away from each other. “You too! I was gonna text you but I’m glad to see you! I’ve been meaning to thank you for the help. Moving the furniture for me was a huge help for real”
“Easy work. If you need anything just let me know” Quil was always cocky and loved to tease. He could be serious when needed to. It was something y/n somehow missed in their time apart. Although she knew that behaviour was bound to wear on her. For now she was enjoying the moment.
“We were just going into town. What are you up to?” Grandma Molly asked Quil. Shrugging his shoulders he replied “Not much just about to stop in at the house. Wanted to see if this girl was home yet or not” he smiled as he nudged y/n’s shoulder.
Y/n smiled before an idea popped into her head. “How about the three of us eat dinner? On me? I’m famished and I do owe the both of you” she replied as the two agreed. “You don’t owe us anything we’re family” Grandma Molly assured y/n as the two walked to the car. “But I will take you on that offer” she joked making the other two laugh.
“Well I have my truck so I’ll meet you girls where?” Quil asked whilst twirling his keys. The three threw out suggestions. Grandma Molly and Quil ended up squabbling over which place to eat.
“How about Carver’s? Y’know I haven’t been there in ages” y/n suggested trying to end the arguments. It worked as everyone agreed. Y/n and her grandma went together as Quil followed in his truck behind. The drive was short but eventful. As grandma Molly continued to give her an update on everyone in the reserve.
Somewhere behind them Quil had veered off the path. But y/n knew he would eventually come behind. Vouching to get a table without him until he came the two headed inside. As y/n held the door open for her grandmother, before she could enter, a man rushed to hold open the door.
“Here I got it” the man said, he stood tall way over six feet and was obviously Quileute, despite cold weather he wore only a long sleeve shirt. Y/n briefly looked at him before a surprise walked through the door.
“Y/n? Grandma Molly? Oh my god! It is true you’re finally home!” Out rushing was her cousin Kim Conweller. She grew up with her close, the two were always together, but recent years they’ve been in and out of touch. The bond between them has never faded.
Growing up Kim, Quil, and y/n were close as a trio. They were the eldest out of their cousins. It had been awhile since the three of them were under one roof. Y/n felt overjoyed at her so far warm welcomes from everyone she’s seen.
The two hugged tightly albeit y/n was surprised. “Kim! Hi yes I’m home for good now! I’m glad to run into you” she smiled as Kim gushed. “Grandma here told me a few weeks ago you were moving down. I wasn’t sure if you actually were but here you are!” Kim gushed with a bright smile.
Y/n smiled back before looking up at the man who held the door. Who stared down at y/n, with curious eyes, it felt like the two somehow knew each other. Kim took notice and nervously laughed clutching onto his arm.
“Sorry y/n you caught me off guard. This is my boyfriend Jared Cameron and this is my cousin y/n“ Kim introduced the two as Jared reached out for a handshake. When she did he wore a welcoming grin holding a firm grip on her hand. It was almost like it burned to touch him with how warm he was y/n thought.
She had heard of Kim speak of Jared when they talked. Even when he was nothing more than a high school crush to Kim. But y/n never knew anything more than his name and who his family was. She has always been curious as to who he really was.
“Great to meet you y/n I heard a lot about you from Kim” Jared said as he stood beside Kim. Making y/n look at Kim with an eyebrow raised. “Hopefully she didn’t say too much” she joked as the rest of them laughed slightly.
Before Kim answered she gave a quick glance to Jared. Then with a bright smile she replied “Of course not! I’ve just been excited to know you’re back home. It’ll be nice to have a close girlfriend around” Kim said as it was true.
Y/n was the only girl she knew who was into feminine interests. Such as beauty, fashion, and everything in between. When these two meet it was always a blast.
“Yeah me too I’m glad to have seen you Kim. You should stop by the house this week. Once I get more settled in” y/n offered. After all it’d be great to have a visitor or a helper to unpack. It’s been long enough since it was just the two of them.
“Yeah of course just send me a text. Well we better get going it looks like we’re holding up the door here” Kim said as more people pulled up to eat at the diner. As they all started to leave Quil finally arrived. As he got out of the car he rushed up to the group.
“Hey bro” Quil said as he walked up to greet Jared. Who wore a smile bright as Kim’s when they briefly hugged. “Hey~, I’ll see you at the house, alright?” Was all that was exchanged as Quil gave a nod in response. The couple leaving in Jared’s truck.
‘Wait what house?’ Y/n thought as Quil ushered them inside. Sitting down it was a quaint dinner between the three of them. It felt familiar and refreshing for the three of them. The last few months darkened by the death of Quil Atera III.
The three talked about everything going on in each others lives. How their grandma worried about them and their future. Willing to help in anyway she can. Quil’s silly jokes and stories entertained them throughout the evening.
Finishing up their dinner they got it ready to take home. As it was getting dark Quil offered to take their grandmother home. Quil said “You need to catch up on your rest sis. Really it’s no problem” y/n knew she couldn’t argue.
As she looked up ready to leave she seen two people coming through the door. First to walk in was a girl with long soft auburn curls, skin that was beautifully pale and somehow glowing, her features were delicate and pretty.
Her beauty took the breath away from y/n. For she didn’t look like she was real more like a doll. It was hard to believe someone could look so ethereal.
Behind her came a tall man with broad shoulders. He was also tall dark and handsome, another obvious Quileute man, wearing a leather jacket. The two gave off such a powerful impression it was almost unreal as they stood together. His eyes were fierce but dark as he looked over at their table.
Quil took notice from the look y/n had on her face. Turning around his heart dropped into his stomach. The two men looked at one another with disbelief. “Jacob” he said rising from his chair, this earned a smile from the man, who y/n assumed was Jacob.
“Brother” was all Jacob said as the two collided into a tight hug. Holding each other for a moment. As the two broke away Jacob patted Quil’s shoulders. The fierce look in Jacob’s eyes faded away.
“I thought—“ Quil tried to speak before getting cut off. “We’re back home” Jacob said as he looked directly into his eyes holding Quil’s shoulders to keep him in place. They shared a brief moment together before Quil nodded. His lips tightened into a stern expression.
“Hi” the girl said with a voice so sweet and alluring. Taking away her focus it was all drawn in suddenly on the mysterious girl. “I’m Renesmee” She answered earning a smile from Y/n. “Hey my names y/n” Renesmee’s smile was so welcoming.
It felt like y/n was being drawn towards her more and more with each passing second. She was definitely being enchanted by her and her eyes. They were a shade of colour close to her hair, an almost honey brown, y/n and her eyes were locked. As the girl reached towards y/n to shake her hand Quil came quickly to her side.
Jacob suddenly put a gentle hand on Renesmee’s shoulder. Breaking eye contact it was like y/n snapped out of it, as if she wasn’t breathing before, she sucked the air back into her lungs. Leaning on Quil for support briefly. He looked down at her with concern.
“We were just getting a bite to eat me and her. I’ll stop by once I drop this girl off home” he told Quil as he cocked his head in response. “Back home already? Huh… Alright—” Taking a moment to rub y/n’s arm in support. He nodded as he grabbed his jacket and Grandma Molly’s arm.
“We have to get going” Quil said cutting the meeting short. “I have to get my grandmother home” he said as their grandmother tried to argue she wasn’t tired. Y/n was still trying to get a grip on herself. Feeling Renesmee burning a hole into her neck.
“I’ll be by later. I need to talk with Sam and the others” Jacob said with the serious look in his eye back. Quil nodded and as he turned y/n noticed the look on his face. As if he was slightly panicked trying to keep calm.
Grandma Molly silently placed her hand over Quil’s. Giving a firm but soft squeeze to reassure him. Quil’s posture softened, the three of them watching the two leave, y/n noticed how the energy of Quil and grandma Molly changed.
Y/n didnt want to bother the two and ask what was up. She felt it wasn’t appropriate instead deciding to just say goodnight to the both of them. As the two sped off in the opposite direction of grandma Molly’s house.
As she drove home she tried to calm her unsettled nerves. Reneesme was so enchanting and enticing, it was like she wanted to just submit to her, whatever she asked. It made y/n uncomfortable with how willing she truly was.
Trying to avert her focus she turned the music up and chalked it up to sleep deprivation. Maybe even anxiety but in reality y/n couldn’t put a finger on it. Who ever Reneesme was she was unworldly y/n thought before falling asleep.
As the week progressed y/n settled into her house and tried to figure out a routine. Which ended up just becoming eating, sleeping, unpacking, more unpacking, etc. A bit of shopping in between.
Already tired of her routine she wondered what type of social life there is out here. And when would she be able to find new friends. Her and Kim had been texting with each other frequently. Quil as well but both have been too busy to stop by.
It was still an adjustment living alone in such a big house. Didn’t help that every time she went places, like the grocery store, shopping for the house, she’d get that eerie feeling again. It wasn’t anxiety that was a feeling she was accustomed to.
For her it felt like being watched weirdly enough. Y/n had been shaking it off as moving in jitters. But in the back of her mind the thought of it all sat there. She didn’t feel afraid but more unnerved, feeling the back of her neck hairs raise, as if she needed to be alert.
Sometimes before bed, in her bedroom there was a windowsill to sit on, some nights she’d just gaze out into the tree line. Looking up at the moon in all it’s beauty. It was one of the only ways to soothe her nerves as of late.
All of it made her wish for a roommate some days. Living alone out in an open field was unnerving enough. But when she’d leave that’s when the feeling would arise. She wondered if it was spirits but the house was already cleansed thanks to her grandma Molly.
Randomly Kim arrived that weekend, unannounced but most welcome, y/n was wondering when she would come. “Wow you’ve already made the place your own huh” she said impressed with how she decorated. Definitely a change from the usual way it stayed for years.
“Yeah well I’ll be here for who knows how long” Y/n said as the two sat in the living room. The two talking about what each other missed on in their time apart. Which was mostly just Kim gushing on and on about Jared.
Y/n knew Kim was obsessed with this one crush of hers for years. But since they didn’t go to the same school y/n always wondered who the guy was. It was exciting to know he is as obsessed with her as she is.
“Yeah things have been great with him. Hoping soon we can have our own place together. On that note I hope you don’t mind but he told our friends about you. Since we don’t get much new people here they were excited. They all wanna meet you”
This piqued y/n’s interest, she couldn’t stand being in the house alone, the novelty of it all was starting to wear on her. “Really? I mean who are your friends?” She asked with a curious tint in her eyes which amused Kim.
“I mean~ I’m really close with this girl named Emily. She has a man named Sam who Jared is also close with. We usually just hang at her place since everyone else does”
“And who’s everyone else?” Y/n asked making Kim shrug her shoulders. ���Most of them are Jared’s brothers, cousins, and friends he took in. In our friend group there’s hardly any girls. Just me, Emily, and Leah”
Kim went on about who these two girls were. Emily was a friend of hers she got close with in recent years. Around two years older than the two but she was carefree and loved by all. Her fiancé Sam was a strong but calm man, was always busy with work, but loves Emily fiercely.
Apparently a few years back she had been attacked by a bear. Luckily before it claimed her life Sam came with a shot gun and blew its head out. As proof of the kill they gifted the community jars full of bear grease. It was also how Emily was able to fix her face since it was torn to shreds.
Leah was described as stoic and honest, maybe too honest for her own good, a very independent person. But like the rest she was fiercely loyal and protective of those she loves. She was more of a boyish girl and hung with her brothers a lot.
“The rest is just guys like Quil, Embry, and Jacob I don’t know if you remember those guys” Kim said making y/n rack her brain about remembering them. “Yeah somewhat… But either way I’d like to meet them also” She said getting Kim excited and giddy as she squealed.
“Well~ I came over to ask if you wanted to come to this bonfire party. It’s this weekend and I told everyone you would come. Emily especially wants to see you” Y/n couldn’t help but feel flattered and excited. This was what she was wanting, to meet new friends, so why wouldn’t she agree?
“Yeah of course it sounds fun” she said making Kim squeal with excitement. “Okay great! Oh it’s gonna be so fun I’ll get dropped off here and come with you in your car if that’s ok?” She asked and of course y/n agreed.
“It’s just that Jared has some other errands to do I don’t wanna waste my time on that” Kim said making y/n giggle. The two girls continued their visit till dark before she left. Thinking of what they wanted to do this weekend.
Jared came in his blue heavy duty truck with loud pipes announcing his arrival. Like the gentleman he was he came to the door for Kim. Before leaving she promised she’d come spend the night this weekend. It gave y/n something to look forward to.
That night y/n followed her now usual routine. Sitting in her windowsill gazing out to the tree line. Tonight was a full moon that stood high above the trees and mountains. She gazed upon it until she felt tired enough to just sleep when she hit the bed.
As she slept she had a dream, of her alone in the woods behind her house, everything all felt real to her. How the cold air bit at her skin and shocked her lungs when breathing in. Looking down she wore only a white dress with no details.
She didn’t have any shoes on either. Feeling the crunchy dirt under her feet. Looking around she wondered what was happening. She could hardly see within six feet in front of her.
The full moon was bright as it shined down through the trees. Although beautiful it didn’t help much. Aware of her surroundings she couldn’t make out where was home. Trying to find the North Star or at least the Big Dipper for guidance.
The air was silent and very still a sign she knew wasn’t good. Her instincts told her she should be quiet. For she wasn’t alone in this vast wilderness. Feeling her heart beat start to race at a steadily rising pace.
In the distance she could hear echos of thumps, four legs on the ground running at top speed, right in her direction. Her heart started to beat faster and louder. Before she knew it she was on her feet.
She ran as fast as she could, it didn’t help she was barefooted, it messed with her speed. Panicked and alone she wasn’t sure where to go. All she knew was there was something coming for *her.* The pain of pine needles and stones beneath her steps.
Somehow she was sweating as she ran full speed. She could hear the noise of something on all fours running behind her. As she briefly looked behind she twisted her foot and rolled on the ground.
Crawling onto her knees in a hurry she was frantic. The fear of not knowing what would happen if she stopped. But it was like her legs were weak and her body frozen in place.
“I can help you” a familiar voice chimed in front of her making her jump back. She felt frozen as her eyes looked forward. A woman stood in front of her face hidden under the shadows.
Y/n’s eyes trailed up from her feet, by the time she got to her chest, she could see auburn hair flowing in the wind. It gave her brief solace seeing her, the girl from earlier, Renesmee. Thinking she’d meet with the soft enchanting eyes as she did before.
Only to be met with eyes that were so black it competed with the shadows. Her skin like diamonds under the moonlight. True fear ran through y/n’s veins as she was once again locked eyes with this girl. Everything in her body told her this was what she was running from.
A howl suddenly pierced through the valley and trees. It was loud and clear so much it rang throughout her ears. It sounded like the howl was right behind her somehow directly in her ear. It struck fear into the woman in front of her.
The howl made her snap out of the dream entirely. Y/n jumped out of bed and clasped her chest. Sitting in a cold sweat her heart beat pumped steadily. Wondering what her dream meant and why did the howl comfort her so much?
Finally finished rewriting this fic! This is a redo of my old fic named “Pale Moonlight” I did 2 years ago. I always liked the concept but I struggled on the timeline. Originally I wanted to set it during the actual events of the saga. But I ended up making this after the events of the twilight saga. As a way of seeing what the Wolfpack get up to with and without vampires. This is focused on them and their story. Not to mention a romance with Paul 💪 I do have the other chapters ready but I need time to edit them. In the meantime feel free to leave feedback 🫶
#twilight#paul lahote#twilight aesthetic#twilight imagine#twilight renaissance#twilight pack#twilight wolves#paullahote#twilight wolf pack#quileute#twilight fanfiction#twilight x y/n#twilight jacob#twilight saga#renesmee cullen#paul lahote x y/n#paul lahote x you#paul lahote fanfic#paul lahote x reader#paul lahote imagine#paul lahote imagines#quil ateara#jaredcameron#twilight wolfpack#the wolf pack#wolfpack#jacob black#vampire#twilight new age
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sparkling - ʀᴀꜰᴇ ᴄᴀᴍᴇʀᴏɴ.



PAIRING : enemy!rafe cameron x kook!reader
SUMMARY : the country club announces a carnival ball, and your parents make you go there with the last person you’d want to be around — rafe cameron.
WARNING(S) : drinking, minor violence, swearing, not proofread
A/N : we're going full kook baby (divider by @roseraris)
WC : 4.6k (bear with me. BEAR WITH ME)
first part, "nights like this" is here!
You clench your teeth as you walk around the room, waiting for the dress to arrive.
To your surprise, it’s white outside the window, the soft snow covering most of your garden. You sit down on your bed with a sigh.
In two hours you’re supposed to be walking through the door of the country club, your dress flowing on the floor as you move plastered to Rafe’s side.
The last part still makes you fuming.
Obviously, it wasn’t your idea— your parents decided you’d look perfect with the oldest of the Cameron siblings. They seemed to forget that you literally despise him. And you’re pretty sure he feels the same about you.
If this ball was happening a year ago, you wouldn't mind. You'd probably be already all giddy, waiting for your prince on his white horse to come pick you up.
All because of a stupid party. Your birthday party.
It still replays in your head, as if there wasn't anything better to remember.
Rafe kissed you on the rooftop of Tanney Hill. Rafe, the guy you've been obsessed with since, well, fifth grade, kissed you to fulfill your birthday wish. Little did he know he actually fulfilled two of them that night.
But, nothing that's tied to Rafe is easy. Just as you were supposed to leave with him, you caught him with a girl all over him.
Is that enough of a reason not to be happy about being there, showing off by his side at the ball?
“Sweetie, your dress is here!”
Soon after that, your door creaks, and your mother comes in with a long dress in her hands.
It’s beautiful, that’s for sure-- silver, sparkling with tiny glitter pieces. The straps are thin, almost nonexistent.
"Isn't carnival all about being, I don't know, fun?" you say skeptically. "This is going to be so tense. Apart from the fact that I have to be there with Rafe."
Your mother glances at you, her eyes softening. "Ward asked us a long time ago, and you know how your father is about his 'promises'..."
You huff, resting your chin on your hand.
"Plus, you still didn't tell us what happened between you two that made you dislike him so much." You feel a similar sting in your heart. "And you don’t have to, just so you know.”
You give her a defeated look and get up. You trace your fingers down the fabric before you speak up. "I should probably try it on..."
Your mom gives you an excited nod. "Go on!"
She gently hands you the piece of clothing before disappearing behind the door. Do you have any other choice than to get ready? Not really.
You slip into the dress, your figure sparkling in the mirror with every minor movement. It flows over your body most beautifully— a little tighter in all the right places, but not tight enough to feel uncomfortable while sitting, eating, or dancing.
You spin around on your tiptoes, checking yourself out, and a small smile creeps up your lips.
The night before, you used all your most expensive skincare and had a very everything shower. If you have to suffer, at least you’ll look pretty.
You match your makeup to the theme—a whiteish sparkly eyeshadow and lots of highlighter, making you look like a mirrorball—in the best way possible.
With the last run of fingers through your hair you realize it’s almost the time to go.
It’s already dark outside, the moon radiating from the snowy beach in the distance. You grab your heels and bag, hearing your mother calling you from downstairs.
You take a deep breath. It’s going to be okay. It has to be.
The Camerons have just pulled up, their car’s engine dying soundly as you jump off the last step. You look down at your hands and can’t help but notice them slightly shaking.
The doors open, and Ward comes in first, with Rose close by him. Then, Wheezie runs in, dragging Sarah by her hand.
Rafe follows them like a ghost, all quiet when he closes the door behind him.
“Well, look who’s there!”
Your father directs these words to the oldest of the Cameron siblings. You glance at Rafe and see his eyes slightly widen as your dad comes up to him. Almost as if he’s thrown off by it.
He quickly regains his typical confidence and shakes the man’s hand, steady and sure.
“Hi!” Sarah comes up to you, a cheeky smile spread on her face. She looks as gorgeous as ever— her blonde hair pinned up in a half-updo, some strands hanging out and curling around her face.
You hug her, lingering for a bit before pulling away and noticing Wheezie looking at you.
“Well! There goes the princess,” you say, bowing in front of her, so low you’d fold in half. The young girl giggles, and you feel your heart warm up.
"Come on, girls! We're going to be late!"
Rose is already waiting by the door, tapping her heeled foot on the wooden floor.
You glance at the Cameron sisters, rolling your eyes.
"I saw that, young girl."
Sarah snorts behind your back, and you send Rose a sheepish smile. When you run your eyes around the room, you notice Rafe staring at you.
He has a total poker face. Not a single muscle moves when you examine his features, but his eyes speak, or rather scream a million words. There's a hint of anger, making you grimace.
You just have to show off for a little while by his side, and it will be over before you even notice.
You tell this to yourself as you walk out the door, still feeling his gaze on your back.
It's going to be a long night.
The parking lot outside of the country club is already filled with expensive cars when your family and Camerons arrive.
You get out and the cold air quickly hits you, a sharp breath sneaks out of your lungs.
“Okay…” You whisper to yourself, watching Rafe slam the car’s door as he and his family come out. “Remember, just a few hours.”
“Are you ready?”
You turn around and see your father already standing there with Rafe. How the hell did this boy get here so quickly?
“Do we really have to?” You try, eyeing Rafe and noticing his jaw clenching.
“Y/n…” Your father tilts his head and gives you one of his looks, and you know there’s no point in arguing any further.
You turn to Rafe, feeling a lump in your throat appear.
“You’re cold.” He says, looking you up and down. You grimace.
“Excuse me?”
Rafe gestures at your body, “You’re literally shaking.”
You look down, and he’s right— in all these emotions, you didn’t really see it. “Whatever.”
Now it’s him who twists his lips, as if he wants to say something, but changes his mind at the last moment.
“Why do we even have to show off together like some monkeys in a—”
“Are you two coming?” Your mother interrupts you by exclaiming, already waiting at the door.
You glance at Rafe once again and let out a muffled huff. “Let’s just get this done.”
The silent treatment is nice, you have to admit. He follows you without a word, and soon enough you are on the last step.
You take a shaky breath. Most of the people are already there. All the thoughts hit you at once— what if you accidentally slip? Or spill your wine? What if—
Rafe doesn’t let you finish that sentence in your head, because he opens up the door and clears his throat, giving you a signal to finally move.
You startle and quickly get in, immediately getting hit by the wave of warm air and the heavy smell of candles mixed into it.
Rafe’s presence by your side is radiating. You feel it, almost as if he was burning, just inches away from your arm.
You can’t help but remember the memorable night it all went down. It felt the same, yet so different.
Suddenly, Rafe puts his hand on your waist, making a shiver run down your spine. His touch is soft and barely even there as if he’s disgusted to even touch you. Despite yourself, you feel a sting in your heart, and can’t help but wonder how many times it will happen again tonight.
An older man comes up to you two. You know him from the golf field, or at least that’s what you think. He sends you both a smile, before reaching out for your hand and shaking it with such a power you’re almost sure your arm popped out of its place.
“Hello there, Ms. Y/L,” he says, then directs a nod towards Rafe, “Young Cameron. Tell me, what do you think about this?”
“It’s beautiful,” you say, looking around properly for the first time.
The whole place is decorated with such elegance— silver elements mixed with black and white. The glasses on the tables are already filled with champagne, waiting for the guests to come and try it. And, Lord, is that a live band performing on the stage?
The lights reflecting from the crystal accents gleam in your eyes, and you don’t even notice when the corners of your mouth have risen.
They must’ve spent a fortune on this.
“I’m glad you like it,” Mr. Cohen, if you remember his name correctly, says, his eyes trailing off to the dance floor, slowly being filled up with pairs ready for the opening dance. “Oh! Perfect timing. You’ll still get to join. Isn’t that wonderful?”
Your face falls. You discretely steal a glance at Rafe but aren’t able to see anything past his stupid neutral face. You look down, and he takes his hand off your hip in a second, stretching it out as if he got burned.
“Come on!” Mr Cohen hurries you, and you look at him while clenching your jaw. You send him the most polite smile you can make up on your face at the moment, and, defeated, slowly make your way to the crowd.
“You don’t have to do this.”
This is the second time Rafe has spoken up this night. Did he vow to only speak in single sentences for the whole ball?
You look at him skeptically, “As if you don’t know my parents. And Ward. Let’s just— get it done. After that, you can go to your friends, and I can go my separate way.”
He raises his eyebrow but doesn’t say anything. A few women smile at you when you and Rafe squeeze through the other pairs, finally finding a decent place.
The musicians start to play a soft and slow melody. The violin goes first, the sweet notes sounding through the whole room, accompanying the moving pairs.
Rafe’s hands find their way to your body. He holds you close, so close you can feel the tension in his muscles.
You try not to look at his face, because every time you do, your mind wanders. To the moments before that stupid kiss, to when it was just you and Rage against the world. If only you didn’t kiss, maybe everything would’ve been different.
You’d eventually move on, and seeing Rafe switch out his girls after less than a week would hurt less.
But, what matters is present. And right now, want it or not, you stand on the dance floor, so close to the boy you once swore you’d marry you can feel his irregular breath on the top of your head.
Rafe spins you around, and you realize you have dissociated for a while. He stares down at you, a shadow of a grimace sneaking up on his face. The heat rises to your cheeks, and you’re not really sure if it’s from anger, or maybe something else.
You swear you feel his touch on your waist tighten, the place where he’s resting his hand burning through the material. You clench your teeth. You’re almost sure your heart racing can be heard by the pairs near you.
It’s almost done.
You look around, trying to focus on anything else. The piano joined the melody, making it heavier. It builds up the rhythm, nearing the end. There are, what, two spins left before you’re finally free.
Yours, as well as Rafe’s movement, loosened up, his broad shoulders less tense than before, your body moving smoother as well.
When your eyes return to his face, he’s already looking at you, at every feature. For the first time, you see something else in his eyes.
He notices he’s been caught, and doesn’t seem to care. His eyes lazily move across your face, but the emotions change as quickly as they appear. You furrow your eyebrows as he spins you around for the last time as if you are the only ones on the dance floor.
Someone accidentally bumps into you, pushing you even closer to Rafe. Does this have to happen to you?
He grips you a little harder. The last chord plays out, essentially ending the dance, and you pull away as fast as you can. His breath hitches, almost unnoticeably. His hand lingers in the air for what feels like an eternity to you. You look in his eyes you’re unable to decode for the last time before giving him a stiff nod and getting off the parquet, your heels’ clicking lost between the steps of others.
The crowd thins out slowly, and Rafe’s gone from your eyesight before the next song starts.
You sit down at the long table. Dinner is about to start, and the waiters are smoothly spinning around, either getting all the food ready or adding champagne to the crystal glasses.
You lean back on the chair, take a long, deep breath, and explore the table with your eyes. Many people are still dancing, so not all the seats are taken. Each of them is already assigned. You’re reading the cursive letters on the note left by the seat next to you when someone’s voice appears behind you.
“I fear that we don’t know each other.”
You jump up in your place and turn around. A tall, dark-haired boy your age, or a little older, is standing there. He smiles and sits down on the chair beside you before he introduces himself, “Callum Brown.”
“Y/N Y/L,” you answer, resting your chin on your palm. “I haven’t seen you around.”
Callum laughs, and you hold back from furrowing your brows. “I’ve been gone for my studies, but, finally, I’m back.”
You open your mouth to say something but get interrupted by the clinks of some utensils. Both you and the boy look up.
Rafe’s sitting down right there in front of you. His jaw tightens when he glances at you.
“Cameron? Is that you?” Callum says, and you raise your eyebrow. “Man, I haven’t seen you in ages!”
Rafe looks him up and down, forcing a smile that doesn’t even reach halfway to his eyes. “Yeah, and I wish it could stay this way.”
Your eyes widen while Rafe doesn’t look bothered. Callum grimaces and opens his mouth, so you quickly interrupt him by getting his attention back on you, “So, what are these studies about?”
The boy regains his confidence and starts rambling a seemingly learned-by-heart speech about some law studies in LA. You can’t help but sneak glances at Rafe between nodding and humming.
He sits still at the table, his broad shoulders straight as he looks around, obviously avoiding the sight of you.
Soon enough, the seats are full, and the president of the country club starts his speech. His monotonous voice makes it hard for you to keep your eyes open, forcing you to constantly blink in order not to fall asleep.
When he ends, you automatically join the applause, softly clapping your hands with a taught, polite smile.
Everyone gets to eating and chatting, and you immediately curse the person who set up the seating arrangements.
“So, Miss Y/L, how’s it going at school?” Ms. Thornton asks as you pour some juice into your glass.
You look up, your fingers intuitively tightening the grip, only to see everyone sitting close by looking at you with a curious expression— including Rafe, although his fave is more of a typical Cameron poker face.
“Well,” you start, and you feel your cheeks warm up from the attention. “It’s… fine. I started volunteering at the hospital, and—”
“Ooh, how ambitious!” Some older man exclaims, cutting his steak in half. “Isn’t it the same place our Rafe volunteered in his sophomore year?”
You lock eyes with him and watch as he takes a breath. But, instead of saying anything, he just nods.
“Speaking of Rafe,” An elegant, adult woman says, “Do you have anyone? You know, my cousin is already engaged with his fiancée. I’m sure someone has caught your eye!”
You almost choke on your drink, covering it with a small cough. Callum looks at you with wide eyes, but you dismissively wave your hand at him.
Rafe’s eyes are burning holes in you as he speaks up, his voice steady and calm, “I don’t think so. Not lately, at least.”
The woman gives him a hum and starts talking about her cousin’s upcoming wedding, and Rafe falls silent.
You can’t help but knit your eyebrows. You’ve never seen Rafe this quiet at an event like this— usually, he’d be chatting with some golf buddy or his father’s friend, or at least Topper or Kelce.
Tonight, they sit a few seats away, exchanging worried and suspicious looks.
You try to tell yourself it doesn’t bother you. His well-being is not your business or your misery.
And yet, that’s all you can think about for the rest of the dinner.
After everyone has eaten, the time for the dessert is very relaxing. Some people stayed at the table, and many returned to the dancefloor.
You now sit with Sarah and Wheezie, drinking one of the drinks offered to you by a waiter.
"And so, you know, I told her what I think about her, and she—" You don't get to finish because Ward comes up to the three of you.
He kisses his daughters on their heads and smiles at you.
“How are you all doing?” he asks, leaning on the chairs.
“All good, dad!” Sarah answers before she takes another sip from her glass.
“What about you?” he turns his head in your direction, a sly expression slowly creeping up on his face. “I must say, you and Rafe made a beautiful pair at the opening dance.”
Your breath hitches, unnoticed by the others. “I’m glad you liked it.” That’s all that escapes your lips.
“You know, I’m very grateful you agreed upon this. I’ve heard Rafe talking about you a lot, so I figured out I could ask your parents…”
He goes on, but you don’t catch any more words. It feels as if the world stopped— the music suddenly much quieter, overflowed by the racing pulse of your heart.
Rafe was talking about you.
All you’ve experienced from him for the past months were grimaces, snarky comments, or looks that could kill you.
And now Ward is telling you his son was fucking talking about you?
You open up your mouth, about to form a respond, when you hear gasps cutting through the air, followed by a loud bang.
You exchange a look with Sarah and both dart up to your feet.
“What the fuck is—” you say in between panting, going through the hall after your best friend.
You two have to squeeze through the people surrounding the scene. Sarah makes it out first.
“Rafe!” she calls out, and you practically feel your heart go all the way to your throat.
When you finally push the last person and manage to take a big breath, you can’t help but curse loudly at what’s happening in front of you.
Callum is on the ground, holding his hand to his nose, all covered in blood. Rafe is standing above him, irregular pants coming out of his lungs as he stares at the boy. He’s fuming.
Your eyes and Rafe’s lock together, and you see his expression change for a second before he shakes his head and storms out the room, going straight outside in the cold.
You come closer to Callum laying on the ground, quietly throwing cuss words under his breath. You’re frozen to the spot you are standing in.
The only thing you can hear in your head is your heartbeat. All the talking melts together. People pass by, accidentally bumping into your shoulders, but you can’t care less.
You should help Callum.
It’s the right thing to do. He was polite for the whole night, making small talk and passing you every juice you wanted, unlike Rafe who constantly shot glares at you and acted as if even the thought of touching you disgusts him.
But when you look out the big windows, and see Rafe’s tall figure making its way through the snow, you know. You just know.
Isn’t that a reoccurring thing? Whatever you’d do, you always end up near him. No matter how hard you’d try to stop it.
It’s like the gravity pushed you into his arms. Like the universe made it clear.
You and Rafe.
The little voice in your head calls you. You’re not sure if it’s real, or if maybe it’s just the illusion from the drinks you’ve had, but the word rings in your head.
And so you listen.
The freezing air hits you like a slap across the face. Your shoulders are fully exposed and you start to regret not grabbing your fur bolero on the way out.
He slows down and turns his head to you. His eyebrows are arched and knit, and you notice he clenches up his fists— the knuckles still painted red.
“Go inside,” he grumbles in a voice soaked with anger. “You’ll get sick. Leave me alone.”
You huff. “No. No, no, we’re not doing that,” you say as you almost catch up to him. He doesn’t stop, so you pull his arm. “Rafe!”
Rafe stops in his tracks, and you feel his hand shaking under yours. “Wha- What the fuck are you doing?! Now you’re just punching people? Talking about me so much that Ward himself asked my parents to make me—”
His face goes paler than the snow surrounding you.
“How do you know that?”
Your lips twist in a grimace. “Ugh, fuck that right now. Why did you punch Callum?”
Rafe looks down at his knuckles, and his voice comes out confidently, “He deserved that.”
“But why?” Your voice raises, and you feel the anger that’s bubbling up inside you going dangerously close to the edge. “Do you just hate the idea of me even talking with someone else? You can’t bear seeing me enjoying something or—”
“I did it because I care about you!” he shouts out, his voice trembling. Your eyes widen.
“You care about me, so you decide punching the first guy I’m just talking with?”
“He was talking shit about you!” he finally spits out, now animating with his hands. “Talking about how you’re just a dumb bitch who knows nothing about life because she lives off of daddy’s money. Was I supposed to just- just let him say that?”
You hold your breath, your brows furrowed, and Rafe continues. “Well, I couldn’t. Because, for fuck’s sake, I love you, Y/N!”
The bubble bursts with the last words. You push him away, your vision blurry by the tears hanging of your eyelids. “Yeah? You love me? Well, I think you presented that perfectly at the birthday party. When you decided it was a perfect timing to make out with some bitch while I was literally standing outside the door—”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Rafe stops you mid-sentence. You wipe your tears, and when you can see clearer, you see the frightened look on his face.
“Don’t act stupid, Rafe. If you wanted to just kiss me and check it off your list, you could’ve just said that instead of acting like you felt what I did too.”
He grimaces. “I have no idea what do you mean—”
You let out a frustrated laugh, still speaking loudly through the night. “Oh? You don’t remember? Taking some touron to your room when you were supposed to drive me home?”
You see the moment it clicks in his head. His face falls, and he turns around from you, letting out a shaky breath. “I have never kissed her.”
“Wow. You can’t even say that to my face—”
Rafe looks at you again. “I have never kissed her. I don’t know what the fuck did you see, but nothing happened. If you stayed there for longer you’d know that I pushed her away in a second and went to look for you, but you were already leaving with Topper.”
Your heart misses a beat. Or maybe two. He must be lying, right?
“No. Nononono, but- but if that’s what happened, why didn’t you…”
He snorts. “What? Talk to you after you admitted it was a mistake?”
You throw your hands in the air. “I freaked out! I thought I was just a new notch in your belt, so this was the only way I could protect myself from being hurt even more!”
“Do you know how I felt? I’ve liked you—fuck it, I’ve loved you—for two years and I finally got to kiss you, and then you just tell me to forget it?” Rafe says, his voice much quieter now.
You feel your cheeks grow red when he gets closer, his lips inches from yours. “I thought it was for the better-”
He doesn’t let you finish. He cups your face and pulls you closer, connecting your lips together.
Someone has to pinch you, because this does not feel real.
You cautiously wrap your arms around his neck, letting all the emotions spill.
If the kiss on the rooftop wasn’t like in all your bedtime scenarios, this one definitely gets closer.
It’s passionate, fierce— just like Rafe. It’s out of the world. He’s burning, the warmth going everywhere: from your lips to your cheeks, to your heart. You are almost sure his is beating louder than yours.
He sighs into your lips, breaking the kiss to get some air, and you feel your mind spiral. Rafe’s eyes meet yours, and there’s not a glimpse of the emotions from earlier.
“Do you believe me now?” he whispers, softly brushing his lips on the corner of your mouth.
You hum, “Maybe.”
“Good.” He pulls you to his chest, resting his chin on your shoulder. You try your best to remain calm, although, if you were alone, you’d probably be jumping all over the ground. “By the way. Ho told you I was talking about you?”
“Ward... Didn’t know you were so devoted, Cameron.” You say with a giggle. He snorts and rolls his eyes.
“That old…” he mumbles, “Well. I can’t imagine otherwise.”
The corners of your mouth rise. You turn your head to the country club. “Don’t you think we should—”
You step back, or rather try to, but Rafe quickly pulls you back to him. “They’ll be fine.”
You let out a hitched breath.You don’t know what this exactly is. Or how it’ll go.
But you trust the universe with this one.
okay well !!! since you’ve reached this moment of the post i’d like to thank every single one of you for being as excited as i am for this one shot to come out, and sharing your energy with me through the comments asks etc. while i didn’t answer every single one of them, i want you to know that i see them, and i’m so so grateful.
this was super fun for me to write and for the first time i’ve felt such a motivation!!!
i know it’s kinda weird to get this dramatic about it but seriously, it means the world to me, especially considering that i started what, a month ago??
there’s not a SINGLE nonchalant bone in my body
i’m rambling now so as the ending note i hope you all enjoyed it ;)) tysm for waiting and sticking around, love youuu
| ۶ৎ taglist (thank you for liking it sm!! love you) :
@maybankslover @hypnotizedstarkey @akobx @f4irywor1d @binforfeelings @belle101200 @jkrafe @enjoymyloves @eloiavicki @thescooponsof @drewwhor @fallingwallsh @pillowprincess4him @mima116 @lex1031 @stayjellasbitches @dedpoetess @teenwolfbitches28 @drewrry @wellwellhereiam @tequilawithissues @houisfuck28 @midsoulz @whydoineedastupiduser @ltristessedureratoujours @eloiavicki @emeloyy @rafecameronsbitch @perfectmenarefictional @sunflower-hood @buckyssbestgirl @faithywaithy2006 @angvl3tears @lmg-stilinski24 @crybabyreads @enjoymyloves @lvrsvfx @drewstarkeytruelove @otheliesstuff @watersquirtpewpewboomm @drewstarkeyslover
if i missed anyone i'm SO sorry i tried to keep up
#mayanneaa#obx#outer banks#outerbanks#rafe cameron x reader#sarah cameron#rafe cameron imagine#rafe cameron outer banks#rafe fic#rafe fluff#rafe outer banks#rafe fanfiction#rafe cameron fanfiction#rafe cameron#rafe cameron obx#rafe x reader#rafe imagine#rafe obx#outerbanks rafe#rafe cameron x you#rafe cameron x y/n#rafe cameron ff#obx rafe cameron#rafe cameron x female reader#rafe x y/n#rafe x you#rafe outerbanks#rafe one shot#rafe cameron x kook!reader#kook reader
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best-friend!roommate!reader x Steve Rogers
*This was a totally random and spontaneous idea. Not edited. Light language (so we can get *the joke*), pining, light angst, hurt/comfort, and fluff. This work is for all ages! WC ~2k

Sam Wilson introduces you. Both your parents were veterans and active at the VA, so you practically grew up there.
At first, you’re reserved, a little formal, but very nice. Oddly enough, Steve just likes that you don’t hound him with questions about his military service and how it was different based on the decade, etc. You are just…around to listen.
He finds himself filling any (comfortable) silence between you with stories. Stupid things. Things that don’t have to do with the VA or his past or even his present, which is entirely work as Captain America.
Steve gets to a point where he is itching to live off of Avengers Campus, but he doesn’t want to live alone.
One day he finds you hunched over a laptop and grumbling, “why is everything so fucking expensive?”
A sentiment which, of course, he frowns at.
“Sorry,” you shrug, a look of sincere apology on your distraught face. “I didn’t realize it, but apparently, I’m poor with my measly three-thousand-dollar-a-month budget for an apartment. Now I have to find a roommate, and—“ you start wagging a finger at him sarcastically “—I don’t know if you’ve noticed there’re some real weirdos out there. It’ll take me longer to find a safe, stable roomie than it takes to—“
“I can move in with you.”
Steve almost gasps at how fast the words fly out of his mouth.
“Well, not ‘move in’ to your current place. I mean. I can—I would be willing to live with you. Sorry! That sounds bad. You’re not bad. I meant…you know, anytime you want to chime in and stop me would be helpful.”
You remain silent and smirking.
“Right. Okay. So…think about it? Or not, that’s fine.”
“Let’s talk figures, Rogers. The square-footage just doubled, and I need to rework the budget.”
Moving in is shockingly uneventful. You’re easy to get along with, when not suddenly up on your high horse about something, and Steve is easy to get along with under the same circumstances. You push his militant rigidity to the brink on purpose, but never too far.
Things sit out in the wrong place, but it’s never dirty. Stuff doesn’t always get returned promptly, but if he asks, you’re on it.
There are two bathrooms, thank mercy.
He has random and odd hours. You work nine to five, mostly. It’s the perfect level of independence without loneliness for Steve.
Sam and Natasha stop by regularly or ask you both out for drinks or to fun, new places.
One time, when Nat is ribbing Steve to go talk to a cute girl ordering at the bar, he panics and takes your hand in his on the tabletop.
“How can I do that when my date is right here?” he grits playfully through his pearly white teeth. “Leave it alone.”
Each word is punctuated by a shift forward and a slight tilt of his head.
Natasha is unamused and instantly grabs your other hand (which was holding your drink) to pull you toward the dance floor.
It’s awkward for multiple reasons. You’d pay a whole month’s rent to know what Sam and Steve talked about after you left.
Sam takes a different approach, luring—or attempting to lure—Steve into setting up just one dating profile online.
“You don’t have to put photos,” Sam assures, “and you can stick with your first name only. I swear to you, man, this’ll be good for you. Get you out there more. Help me out here, Tagalong!”
He turns to you for support. To be fair, you did quite literally tag along with your parents for years to the VA, and it stuck. Why it sticks as a grown-ass adult? You’ll never know. You just don’t mind Sam Wilson saying it because he means well and never uses it in public.
“Uh, nooooo.”
Sam’s face falls. “What?”
You look at Steve and grimace, clicking your tongue. “He’s not ready for that,” you conclude.
Steve jumps out of the chair, arms wide with victory.
“I know you told her to say that,” Sam shouts back.
“Did not,” Steve barks.
“He did not.” You lean against your bedroom doorframe. “I just think it’s obvious.”
That makes Steve deflate a little. “Wait, but…I’m not that bad.”
“Oh gosh,” you fake with a huge smile, “look at the time! Gotta be off to bed…”
The men keep fighting albeit muffled from your side of the wall. The only part you can make out before giving them privacy is Sam, whining, “but you actually like bubble baths and walks on the beach, dude. You’re gonna be money on there.”
“Hey, why do you not, ya know, date?”
You look up from your breakfast, stunned because that came out of nowhere. You’ve lived together over six months now, and Steve hasn’t asked for one iota of personal—well, romantically personal—information.
Twiddling your fork around, you think.
“I always imagine what my parents would think of him, any guy I’ve ever considered being with longterm, and…I was just never proud to say ‘here, here’s the one,’ I guess.”
Your parents have been gone for years. You value their opinion anyway.
“Mhm,” Steve hums, “the one?”
You take a bite of food, straightening your back, tossing a dismissive hand in the air. “Yeah, if you believe in that sort of thing.”
He’s quiet for a while.
“So you’re waiting for the right partner?” Steve finally mutters, and he watches your noncommittal gesturing intently.
That was a ‘yes.’
Natasha knows. Sam knows. Steve suspects but won’t admit to anything. You are kind and unreadable.
You’ve always been kind, so there’s no discernible difference to signal you have feelings for him in return. He can’t bring himself to be anything less than a gentleman at home and makes absolutely no moves to find out.
He stays out in the living room a lot more, all hours, hoping you’ll mention staying in for a movie, praying you’ll be tired enough to fall asleep on his lap on the couch.
He’s in way too deep.
What Steve suspects is that it would be too awkward to start anything while living together, but he doesn’t want to leave you in the lurch for rent or a roommate. He also desperately doesn’t want to move out. The status quo is comfortable.
He loves being comfortable with you.
The stress of not telling you, while needing to make some sort of arrangements should telling you blow up in his face, starts to wear on him.
Steve is a pro at compartmentalizing his life, so it’s when he’s stuck at the apartment without any missions, a handful of meetings, and a team that all have lives for two long months that he cracks…in the least attractive way.
He’s messed up his sleep schedule with worry and playing innocent, and out of the not-so-blue, a horrible, vivid nightmare hits him. Steve isn’t even on the mattress anymore by the time he figures out there wasn’t carpet like this in Germany and the desk chair he grips is not a motorcycle.
“Rogers,” he hears. “Rogers, can you look at me?”
The dark room is somehow hollow and stifling all at once. His head turns slower than his brain tells it to.
Steve blinks.
“Do you know where you are?”
“Hey, sweets,” he husks from a dry throat. “What…”
“Can you tell me where this is?” You step closer and pry one of his hands off the mesh to cradle in yours. “Where are we, Rogers?”
“Home.” He swallows. “Our home.”
Your smile doesn’t reach your eyes, but you nod like he’s done well.
“Okay, Steve, I’m going to get you some water. If you want—“ your fingers smooth over the back of his hand, nudging the other to release the chair “—you can sit on the bed.”
You don’t leave. You don’t even get up from the floor.
He doesn’t notice he’s clutching your hands, shaking slightly until long seconds go by.
“Yeah. Okay.” Steve lets go, otherwise unmoving, contemplating how he ever thought the semi-rough industrial carpet felt the same as mud.
You carefully hand him the water and rub his back, using your nails to trace invisible patterns. He can’t remember what he was so scared of a minute ago. He only knows he’s sweating that empty kind of confused.
“What’s that supposed to do?” he asks absently.
You shrug. “Eh. Back scratches just feel good.”
Steve’s mind remains blank as he sips his water.
: We need to renew the lease soon. Like this week.
Steve has stalled as long as humanly possible; he is officially not being a gentleman now. He is a coward.
: Talk about it when I get home?
: Could you at least tell me if this is a hard NO on staying here or just some concerns/questions? : I don’t get why you’re being like this.
Steve gets it, but he hates it.
: I’ll be back tonight. Should I pick up food?
: ffs : Fine. Whatever you want.
Steve also hates when you’re mad at him…which has been happening more and more.
He’s been distant, he refuses to let Sam or Nat come around for fear they’ll play match-maker and ruin the whole thing, and he is about to ruin the whole thing anyway.
Because he is not smooth. Because he is not prepared. Because he’s built up this perfect and amazing, sweep-you-off-your-feet moment.
And he bungles it.
“Out with it,” you command, haughtily yanking your portion of food from the countertop beside him, heading for the dinette.
“I want to be with you,” he blurts.
“Thank god,” you sigh, settling in your spot. “So we’ll go down to the office and sign in the morning. I don’t want there to be an issue if you’re off to wherever for who-the-hell-knows how long on the date the thing expires.”
“No, I…” but Steve’s voice is too quiet.
“There’s only a tiny window where they’re open before I have to head to work, so let me physically sign first, right? Then I gotta go.”
“Sure,” he slurs.
“Steve?” You turn to see him staring down at his food. He’s still across the room. “Are you okay?”
“I said I—I meant that—“ he huffs out his breath and taps his fist on the counter “—I meant that I’m an idiot,” he finishes softly.
Approaching with that beautiful, open-hearted kindness that haunts his days and soothes his night, you cross to him, scratching his back just the way he’s grown to crave.
“Think you might be hangry,” you chuckle.
He cannot do this. Steve is hanging on by a thread until the graze of your hand slides down his forearm to take his plate, and he spins.
He’s thought about kissing you so many times, he mapped out the angles he’d have to hold himself at, how far he needs to lean to get to you, the care to take wrangling in his strength and sheer excitement.
Steve Rogers is good at planning, at least, this part.
Gentle pecks of his plush lips to yours leave gaps in contact that let you whimper, and he fears you stopping him. He presses, wrapping his arms around you and molding your bodies together. The linoleum of the kitchen floor makes sticky sounds beneath your shuffling feet, squeaking once you hit the adjacent wall.
The force of that knocks your frozen arms into his chest, and painfully, Steve relents to step away, but not far. He bites his bottom lip and tastes the balm from yours, his head tilted in shame but fiery eyes watching you from beneath long lashes.
“Oh,” you breathe out. “Oh…you meant…”
Steve’s tongue darts out hungrily.
[Main Masterlist; Light Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
They're soooo cute!!!!!!
#steve rogers fanfiction#steve rogers x reader#750+#steve rogers fic#steve rogers fanfic#steve rogers imagine#steve rogers fluff#steve rogers one shot#steve rogers x female reader#captain america fanfiction#captain america x reader#captain america x you#steve rogers x you#steve rogers x y/n#hurt/comfort
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hello dear! can I request a fluff scenario with Lookism men (with Gun, Goo, Sam, Jake + whatever characters you like), when you prank him by pointing at your man's lap and ask if that seat was taken 😊 tyty!!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ notes ; I had so much fun writing this one, I hope you enjoy it!!

— It's a quiet evening, the kind of evening that Gun usually spends buried in work. His office is dimly lit as Gun sits there, his figure hunched over documents, his brow furrowed in concentration.
You pause at the doorway, watching him. To the world, he's a monster, a threat. But to you, he's just Gun, the man who softens only for you.
"Gun," you call softly, stepping into the room.
He looks up, the sharpness in his eyes immediately dulling. It's a transformation only you witness - the feared Gun becoming just a man, tired and in need of a break. "What is it?" His voice, usually a weapon, is gentle now.
You saunter towards his desk, a playful sway in your hips. Gun's eyes track your movement, a hint of curiosity in his gaze.
You stop right in front of him, pointing at his lap with a mischievous grin. "Excuse me, sir, but is this seat taken?"
Gun blinks once, twice. You've caught him off-guard, a feat very few can claim. Then, a sound rumbles from his chest - a chuckle, low and rich.
It's not his usual cold laughter that sends chills down spines. This is warm, amused, meant only for you.
"You're playing a dangerous game," he says, but there's no threat in his voice. Instead, there's a fondness that makes your heart skip.
Gun pushes back from his desk, his expensive leather chair rolling smoothly. It's an invitation, one that speaks louder than words from a man who prefers action.
You don't hesitate. In a moment, you're settled on his lap, your legs dangling off one side of the chair.
His arms come around you, not with his usual strength, but with a gentle possessiveness. You're encased in a cage of muscle and warmth, more comforting than confining. Here, in Gun's embrace, you're the safest person in Seoul.
"Better than any chair," you quip, nuzzling into the crook of his neck. He smells of expensive cologne and something uniquely him, a scent that spells home for you.
"Brat," Gun murmurs. The word is gruff, but you hear the smile in it. You glance up to see it - a rare, genuine smile softening his sharp features.
It's a sight reserved only for you, more precious than any treasure he owns.
Gun's hand comes up, calloused fingers tracing your cheek with a tenderness that belies their strength. These hands have brought empires to their knees, yet they touch you like you're made of glass.
"You should rest," you whisper, reaching up to smooth the furrow between his brows. "The world won't fall apart if you take a break."
He hums, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. But he makes no move to return to his work.
Instead, he pulls you closer, his chin resting atop your head. You feel the tension leaving his body, the rigidness melting away.
You smile, knowing you've won a victory sweeter than anything. You've stolen Gun's seat, yes - but more importantly, you've stolen a moment of his time, a piece of his heart.
With you, he's not a king or a ghost or a nightmare. He's just Gun, a man holding his world in his arms.
— It's a lazy Sunday afternoon, the kind Goo loves best. No jobs, no fights, just pure relaxation. You've just returned from a grocery run, bags dangling from your arms. The apartment you share with Goo is quiet, except for the faint rustle of pages.
You nudge the door open with your hip. "Goo! A little help here?"
He's sprawled on your plush couch, one leg dangling off the edge, the other propped on the armrest. His wild hair is messier than usual, and he's got a manga held above his face.
At your call, he flips a page, a smirk playing on his lips. "Busy," he drawls, not even glancing your way.
You huff, but there's no real annoyance. This is classic Goo - mercurial, a little shit, but undeniably yours.
You set the bags down and take a moment to admire him. Even in repose, there's a coiled energy about him, like a cat pretending to nap but ready to pounce at any moment.
A mischievous idea strikes. You saunter over, putting a little extra sway in your hips. Goo's eyes flick to you over the top of his manga, a spark of interest breaking through his facade of indifference.
You stop right by the couch, pointed chin, playful eyes. "Baby," you say, your voice a blend of innocence and cheek. "Is this seat occupied?"
Goo blinks, momentarily caught off guard. Then, a slow grin spreads across his face, the kind that usually precedes chaos.
But this chaos is all for you. "Oh?" he drawls, tossing the manga aside carelessly. "Getting bold, are we?"
You shrug, the picture of innocence. "Just looking for a comfy spot."
Goo laughs, a sound that's half amusement, half challenge. He pats his lap, a clear invitation. "Well, don't let me stop you, darling."
You don't hesitate. In a moment, you're plopped onto his lap, legs stretched out along the couch. Goo grunts at the sudden weight, but his arms are already around you, one hand splayed on your back, the other dangerously close to your ticklish spots.
"Comfy?" he asks, but there's a glint in his eye that spells trouble.
"Very," you start to say, but the word morphs into a squeal as Goo's fingers dance along your sides. "Goo!"
"That's what you get for being cheeky," he teases, but he's grinning ear to ear, a sight that transforms his whole face. Gone is the cold, calculating fighter. In his place is your Goo, all playful energy and unrestrained joy.
You squirm in his grasp, laughter bubbling out of you. It's a game now, one you both love. His tickles are merciless, but you manage to retaliate, finding that one spot behind his ear that always makes him twitch.
"Yah!" he yelps, more surprised than displeased. His grip on you tightens, not to hurt but to pull you against him.
The tickle war morphs into a tight embrace, your giggles fading into contented sighs.
Goo's chin rests atop your head, his breaths ruffling your hair. "You're lucky I like you," he murmurs, but there's no bite to it. If anything, he sounds almost awed, as if he can't quite believe you're here, that you chose him.
"More than you like manga?" you tease, glancing at the discarded book.
He snorts. "Don't push it." But his hand comes up to stroke your hair, gentle in a way few would believe the infamous Goo could be capable of. "But yeah, maybe a bit more."
You hum happily, nuzzling into his chest. Under your ear, his heart beats steady and strong, and in the arms of one of Seoul's most feared men, you feel nothing but safe.
The groceries lay forgotten by the door. The manga stays on the floor. The world outside, with all its violence and schemes, seems distant.
Right now, it's just you and Goo, tangled together on the couch, his unpredictable energy gentled by your presence.
As you start to doze off, lulled by Goo's warmth and the faint scent of his shampoo (the one you bought him, because "if you're gonna fight, at least smell nice"), you feel him press a kiss to your forehead. It's feather-light, almost hesitant, as if he's still learning how to be soft.
But that's okay. You've got all the time in the world to teach him, one lazy Sunday at a time. After all, you've already claimed the best seat in the house - right here, in Goo's lap, in Goo's heart.
— It's a hot summer day in Seoul. The air is thick with humidity, making even the short walk to the gym feel like trudging through the desert.
But Samuel Seo doesn't do half-measures, not in fights and certainly not in training. So, here he is, wrapping up an intense workout while others have long since retreated to air-conditioned cafes.
You push open the gym door, a blast of sweat-tinged air hitting you. The place is nearly empty, save for a few diehards and, of course, Samuel.
He's at the bench press, muscles straining, a look of fierce concentration on his face. You pause, taking a moment to admire the way his black tank clings to his skin, how his veins stand out with each rep.
He finishes his set and sits up, grabbing a towel to wipe his face. That's when he spots you. "Oi," he calls out, a smirk tugging at his lips. "Come to see a real workout?"
You roll your eyes but can't help the smile that spreads across your face. This is Samuel's way of saying he's glad to see you. "Real workouts involve water breaks, Sammy," you retort, holding up the bottle and towel you brought.
He grunts, but there's a flicker of appreciation in his eyes as he meets you halfway. "Thanks," he mumbles, downing half the bottle in one go.
Water trickles down his chin, tracing the sharp line of his jaw. You resist the urge to chase it with your lips.
Instead, you hold out the towel. "Here. You look like you took a swim in your clothes."
Samuel snorts but takes it, roughly toweling his hair. "It's called dedication. Not that you'd know, with your yoga and pilates crap."
"It's called flexibility," you counter with a wink. "Very useful in certain situations."
A faint blush creeps up his neck, visible even through his workout flush. He clears his throat, adorably flustered. "Yeah, well... whatever."
You grin, loving how this tough-as-nails fighter turns into a stammering mess with just a bit of flirting. But you're not done teasing him yet. As he starts to move back towards the weights, you clear your throat.
"Hey, Sammy?" you call, your tone playful. He turns, one eyebrow raised in question. You gesture towards his lap with an impish smile. "Is anyone sitting here?"
Samuel blinks, his blush deepening. "You're such a—" he starts, but you don't let him finish. In a moment, you've perched yourself on his knees, legs dangling on either side of the bench.
"Language, Samuel," you tease, poking his chest. "This is a public space, anyone can hear you."
He grumbles something that sounds suspiciously like "impossible shit," but his hands find your waist, steadying you. "You do realize I'm sweaty and gross, right?" he mutters, but he's not pushing you away. If anything, he's pulled you a bit closer.
"Mmm, eau de hard work," you joke, leaning in to nuzzle his neck. "My favorite."
"Ridiculous," Samuel breathes, but there's a tremor in his voice, a softness that belies his gruff tone. "You're going to get all sweaty too."
"Then we'll match," you say simply, pulling back to look at him.
His face is a study in contrasts - sharp angles and soft eyes, a scowl fighting a smile. It's a face you've come to adore, every scar and frown line a part of the man you love.
Samuel looks at you for a long moment, something unreadable in his gaze. Then, with a gentleness that would shock his enemies, he reaches up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. "You're impossible," he murmurs, but it sounds more like a declaration than a complaint.
You lean into his touch, your heart swelling. "You love it," you whisper, and before he can deny it, you press a soft kiss to his cheek.
He lets out a shaky breath, his facade crumbling. In this quiet corner of the gym, with the faint hum of a lone fan and the distant clang of weights, Samuel allows himself a moment of vulnerability.
He rests his forehead against yours, his hands sliding from your waist to wrap around you in a full embrace.
"Yeah," he admits, so quietly you almost miss it. "Yeah, I do."
— It's a typical Wednesday at the Big Deal hangout and Jake Kim sits at the center of it all, face full of determination. He's hunched over blueprints spread across a makeshift table, Jerry and a few other trusted members surrounding him.
You slip in quietly, a tray balanced in your hands. The aroma of fresh food and drinks cuts through the usual scents of sweat and tears.
A few of the guys nod at you, respect and a hint of fondness in their eyes. You're not just their boss's partner; you're the one who brings warmth to this rough-edged place.
Jake doesn't look up as you approach. His brow is furrowed, eyes intense as he traces a route on the map.
It's a look you know well - the weight of responsibility, the constant battle to keep his people safe. You set the tray down gently, the clink of plates, bowls, and cups finally drawing his attention.
"Thanks," he mumbles, distracted. One hand reaches out, finding a cup by memory alone. He takes a sip, and you see a fraction of tension leave his shoulders. It's small, but it's enough to make your heart swell. Even in the midst of planning, he acknowledges your care.
The others grab their cups too, while some run to the food first, murmurs of thanks rippling through the group. You smile, pleased, but your eyes are on Jake.
He's back to the blueprints, the brief moment of respite already fading. You know he'll push himself too hard; he always does.
A mischievous idea forms. It's risky, maybe a bit too playful for the serious mood, but you can't help it. Jake needs a break, even if he won't admit it. So, you clear your throat softly.
"Um, excuse me," you say, your voice a blend of shyness and cheek. Jake looks up, a question in his tired eyes. You gesture to his lap, fighting back a grin. "Is this seat available?"
The warehouse goes quiet. Jerry's eyebrows shoot up. Someone in the back chokes on their drink.
But you only have eyes for Jake, watching as surprise melts into understanding, and then - oh, there it is - a warm, genuine smile that transforms his entire face.
"For you?" he says, his voice soft but carrying in the stillness. "Always."
Without hesitation, you settle onto his lap. Jake's arm comes around you automatically, a gesture so natural it's like breathing. You fit against him perfectly, your back to his chest, his chin finding its place on your shoulder.
Around you, the Big Deal members exchange glances. Some smirk, others politely avert their eyes. But there's no judgment, no scorn.
They've seen how you soothe their leader's burdens, how you bring light to his darkest days. If anyone's earned the right to this intimacy, it's you.
"Comfy?" Jake murmurs, his breath tickling your ear. There's a hint of playfulness in his voice, a side of him his enemies never see.
"Mmm," you hum contentedly, snuggling closer. "The best seat in the house."
Jake chuckles softly, the sound reverberating through his chest and into your back. His free hand finds yours, calloused fingers intertwining with yours atop the blueprints.
"Boss," Jason speaks up, his usually stoic face softened by a faint smile. "Maybe we could take a break? Looks like you've got your hands full."
There's a round of chuckles, more felt than heard. Jake looks around at his crew, sees the fatigue hidden beneath their tough exteriors.
Then he looks down at you, nestled in his arms like you belong there. Which, he thinks, you absolutely do.
"Yeah," he agrees, surprising everyone. Jake Kim doesn't take breaks; he powers through. But today, with you in his lap and his crew looking at him with loyalty mixed with concern, he allows himself this weakness. "Let's call it for now. Good work, everyone."
The warehouse comes alive with movement. Guys stretch, joke, make plans for dinner. But no one comments on how you stay right where you are, or how Jake's arms tighten around you.
"You planned this, didn't you?" he murmurs once the others have drifted away. There's no accusation in his voice, only a fond exasperation.
You turn in his lap to face him, one hand coming up to trace the sharp line of his jaw. "You needed a break," you say simply. "And I needed a seat."
Jake laughs, a real laugh that crinkles the corners of his eyes. It's a rare, precious sound. "I'm starting to think you like me more for my lap than my charming personality," he teases.
"Mm, it's a tough call," you play along, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "The lap is very comfy. But the man it's attached to? He's pretty great too."
Jake's eyes soften, the hard edges of the gang leader melting away. He leans in, resting his forehead against yours. In the quiet of the now-empty warehouse, he allows himself to be vulnerable.
"I don't know what I did to deserve you," he whispers. It's an admission he'd never make in front of his crew, a crack in the armor he wears for their sake.
You cup his face in your hands, thumbs stroking his cheekbones. "You're you," you say firmly. "That's more than enough."
He kisses you then, slow and deep, pouring into it all the words he can't say. When you part, his eyes are bright, not with the sharpness of the intensity but with something softer, something that belongs only to you.

#lookism#lookism headcanons#lookism x male reader#lookism x reader#lookism webtoon#lookism manhwa#goo kim#gun park x reader#gun park#goo kim x reader#jake kim#jake kim x reader#samuel seo#samuel seo x reader
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Bf!Futturman Headcanons (Future Man)
there is NOT enough future man content! allow @dollfacedalls and i to fix that :p these r some headcanons we came up with real quick. if there are typos, sorry guys lolz. its 3am and i just typed this up bc i felt like we needed some josh futturman content. enjoy the sweaty loser boyfriend vibes!
Bf!Futturman who tries to be flirty and sexy but is unsuccessful. You've been out all day, and you've just gotten home. The moment you walk through the door, Josh is in front of you in a pair of dinosaur boxers with a huge, cheesy smile. You know why, and you know what he's wanting. You can't help but grin like an idiot as you put your bags down, walking towards him to place your hands on his hips. Before you can do so, Josh attempts to lean against the coffee table in a sexy fashion. Of course, as expected, he loses his balance, his feet falling out from under you. He lets out a yelp as his elbow hits the coffee table, your eyes wide as you run to assist him. "Baby," you gasp as you kneel. "Are you okay?" you mumble as he repositions himself, now leaning on his hurt elbow on his side, the toothy grin back on his face. "Yeah.. fine now that you're here, sexy," he says, wiggling his eyebrows as you roll your eyes, hitting his shoulder.
Bf!Futturman who is so clingy that he misses you so much, making him even want to be you. You two live together, Josh finally having moved out of his childhood home to get an apartment with you. You were at work, and Josh was upset. He felt like his other half was missing. It wasn't fair that he was off and you weren't. So.. naturally, he did what any man who was missing his partner would do -- he tried on your clothes, sprayed himself in your perfume, listened to your favorite songs, and watched your favorite TV show. When you walked into your apartment to him sitting on the couch in your dress, the apparent scent of your cherry-scented perfume in the air, Dance Moms on the TV, you gasped. The moment his eyes locked with yours, Josh froze, his eyes wide, not really sure what to say. Your eyes darted to the empty bottle on the table; your lonely boyfriend had drained your expensive perfume. Josh's eyes followed yours to the bottle as he shot up, walking over to you with raised eyebrows. "I swear, baby, I- I'll buy you a new bottle," he awkwardly muttered, rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish smile.
Bf!Futturman who wants an ugly cat with you. No, not just a cat, but an ugly one. He wanted to find the most hideous, rattiest, mangy-looking cat the two of you could find. At first, you were somewhat frustrated with how adamant he was about the situation. You would've been much happier with a fluffy kitten with pretty blue eyes and soft fur. But no, you loved your boyfriend so much you'd given in. Josh convinced you he wanted one because 'nobody wants the ugly ones.' He claimed it was an action from the goodness of his heart, an action to save a poor kitty. He never would've said it out loud, but the reality was he didn't think the name Barthalomeow fit a pretty kitten. You ended up with a fluffy cat with huge brown eyes bulging from its skull. Its bottom teeth hung out of its mouth, and its brown fur stuck up in every which way... Yeah... it was hideous for sure, but Bathalomeow loved you and his kitty dad so that you couldn't be too mad.
Bf!Futturman gets so sucked into his game that he doesn't notice anything around him. When you weren't around, and he wasn't working, Josh did NOTHING but play Biotic Wars. He'd be so sucked into the game for hours, going to disgusting extremes to avoid having to press pause. When you were home, though, he'd only dedicate an hour or two a day to the game. This usually didn't bother you, but one particular day, you were feeling incredibly desperate for his attention, his eyes locked onto his TV screen as his fingers moved stealthily across his keyboard. You felt like you'd attempted everything. At first, you just tried his name. No luck. Then, you tried tapping his shoulder. Barely flinched. Your next action was more severe, seeing if your words would stir anything in him. "Baby," you called out, your annoyance apparent. "Hm?" he hummed with a half-assed response. "I'm going to my other man's house in a few. Is that cool?" you said from behind him, sprawled out on the bed with your eyebrows raised, your eyes throwing daggers toward the back of his head. "Yeah, whatever, babe, I'll see you later," he mumbled quickly as a loud groan left your lips. "Jesus christ," you mumbled. "Gonna jump off of a bridge, Joshy," you sang out jokingly, to which Josh responded, "Okay, baby." It felt hopeless, that was, until you had an idea. You threw your shirt off, your bare chest exposed as you pranced over to him, standing in front of him. Josh glanced over at you for a moment, his eyes widening slightly as he reached his hand up to grasp your boob before looking back to his screen. "Mm, give me another hour," he hummed, his attention once again back on Future Man. Nope, didn't work. You'd revisit in an hour when you were his girlfriend again, and it wasn't his controller getting all of the hand action.
Bf!Futturman that attempts to cook for you. Josh could not cook. This was a given considering in order to cook, you had to have good coordination and be able to somewhat follow directions. Unless in video game form, it was difficult for Josh to do both. You didn't mind, enjoying making dinner and snacks for the two of you. It wasn't until one night Josh wanted to surprise you. He'd watched a YouTube video online on how to make a baked chicken with broccoli, mashed potatoes, along with a few other things. He didn't think twice about the difficulty, already feeling like a chef as he turned off his phone. He was soon proven very wrong, as about an hour later, you walked into the door to the smell of burning meat and smoke filling your kitchen. Josh stood in the center of it all, surrounded by far too many pans for him to be making such a simple dish, many of them filled with what looked like pure charcoal. He looked at you with sad eyes, a pout on his lips. "I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to make a mess. I really just wanted to do something nice for you like you do for me," he said softly as he walked over to you. You embraced him into your arms, pressing a kiss to his head. "Hey, 's okay baby, we can just order takeout," you giggled, deciding to turn the oven off and leave the mess for another time.
Bf!Futturman who has no filter and lacks an understanding of time and place. The two of you were inside an art museum. You pulled out your phone to snap a cute selfie. The moment he saw the camera, he pulled you close, stiffening his entire body as he stared into the camera with a blank expression. You snapped the picture, reviewing it afterward as your smile dropped. "Seriously, Josh?" you asked as you raised your eyebrows, showing him the photo where he looked both uninterested and terrified all at once. He snickered with amusement, his nose scrunching up. "God, people are going to think I kidnapped you," you muttered under your breath. He nudged you with his shoulder, raising his eyebrows up and down. "That's because you did!" he exclaimed as he pretended to yank out of your grip. People began to stare, and Josh just snickered as you smacked his shoulder. "Shut up, Futturman!" you gritted through your teeth, rolling your eyes. God, you loved him, but oh, how he pissed you off sometimes.
#mike schmidt#josh hutcherson x reader#mike schmidt fluff#mike schmidt x reader#mike schmidt imagine#josh hutcherson#josh hutcherson fanfic#josh hutcherson fluff#josh hutcherson imagine#mike schmidt smut#future man fluff#future man imagine#future man x reader#future man#josh futturman x reader#josh futturman smut#josh futturman fluff#josh futturman imagine#clapton davis x reader#clapton davis imagine#clapton davis smut#clapton davis
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entangled - pt 1
Dimitri Kravinoff x Reader
Warnings: slight angst maybe?? vulnerability, Dimitri is inecure & has daddy issues :(
Summary: Reader was hired to steal something from Dimitri Kravinoff - Part 2
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Breaking into a place like this wasn't supposed to be hard.
Y/N crouched by the door of Dmitri Kravinoff's apartment, her lockpicks glinting faintly in the dim hallway light. The silence of the building was oppressive, almost too quiet, but that was exactly how she liked it. The faint smell of expensive leather and something else – something musky, like cigar smoke – hung in the air.
The information her boss had given her was frustratingly vague, just that Dmitri, the youngest Kravinoff, was in possession of an artifact that could 'change the game.' All she'd been told was that it was a 'special knife.' Why it mattered wasn't her concern.
Her job was simple: get in, grab it, and get out. Something she'd done countless times before, slipping into the shadows, taking what wasn't hers, and slipping out without leaving a trace. She'd never failed.
The lock clicked open, and Y/N slipped inside, shutting the door quietly behind her. The place was dark but far from empty. Moonlight spilled through half-drawn curtains, casting shadows on bookshelves, a cluttered desk, and a mounted map on the wall. It was nicer than she'd expected, but it didn't feel like a home.
She found the knife easily enough, displayed in a glass case above the fireplace. There, resting on a velvet cushion, was the knife. It shined in the dim light. The Kravinoff crest engraved on the handle caught her eye, and she frowned. She'd expected something a little less… personal.
Doesn't matter, she reminded herself. Her fingers were already outstretched, reaching for the display case. Just another job. Nothing more.
The lights flicked on.
Y/N spun, her hand instinctively moving toward the small blade strapped to her thigh. But Dmitri, so she thought, was already there, leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed and a faint smirk on his face, but the way his hands trembled slightly gave him away.
"You know," he said, his voice low and even, "I'd ask how you got in, but I’m more curious about why you thought you'd get out."
Y/N took a step back, already calculating her next move. "I don't want any trouble, Dimitri," she said, trying to keep her tone even. She wasn't sure why, but there was something unsettling about him. His hands were clenched tight, and there was an edge of desperation in his eyes.
His smirk faltered, and for a moment, his guard dropped. He looked like he was about to say something, but instead, he stepped forward with jerky movements, as if trying to command some authority that wasn’t there. "Who are you?" His voice cracked, and his jaw tightened. He clearly wasn't used to this.
Y/N took a step to the side, ready to dodge around him. Dimitri flinched, but before she could move, he grabbed for her arm, not with the strength of someone who had planned this out, but with the panic of someone desperate to stop her. She easily twisted out of his grip.
"I can't let you leave. Not with-," he said, voice tight. He wasn't fighting with confidence, but with an almost erratic energy, like he was terrified of what might happen if she escaped. His fear wasn’t just physical, it was as if he was holding on to this moment for some other reason.
Y/N hesitated. This wasn't the Dimitri she had expected. She had assumed he would be like the rest of his family. Cold, calculated, a master of control. But here he was, vulnerable and unsteady.
With a sudden, desperate lunge, he reached for her. His movements were jagged and uncoordinated, more out of panic than control. She instinctively stepped back to dodge, but he caught her arm, pulling her toward him with an almost frantic energy.
She tried to twist away, but Dimitri's grip was tighter now, and in a blur of motion, they both went tumbling to the ground. The air was knocked from her lungs as they crashed, and for a split second, everything seemed to slow. But then the edge of a table slammed against the side of her head.
A sharp pain exploded in her skull, and everything went black.
When Y/N's eyes fluttered open again, she was groggy, disoriented. Her head throbbed, a dull ache pulsing with each heartbeat. The world around her was a blur, but she could just make out the dim light of the apartment, the faint scent of leather and smoke still lingering.
It took a moment to register the feeling of rough rope cutting into her wrists.
Dimitri was sitting across the room, picking at the skin on his fingers nervously. He seemed less the confident figure from before, more like someone desperately trying to keep it together.
Y/N tested the ropes around her wrists, her mind clearing faster now. She was in a tight spot, but this wasn't a total loss yet.
"I didn't want to hurt you, Y/N" Dimitri said without turning his head to face her, his voice firm but not unkind. Y/N frowned slightly, almost unnoticeable, when he mentioned her name. He found out who you were. "But you shouldn't be here."
Y/N smirked, even as she flexed her wrists against the ropes. "Did you really think tying me up would stop me?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "You're not exactly in control here, Dimitri."
He stopped at that, his shoulders stiffening, but he didn't respond right away. When he finally turned, his eyes met hers with a cold resolve. "I'm not trying to stop you from leaving. I'm trying to stop you from taking what's mine."
Y/N raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "The knife? You really think your father's going to notice you for this?" Her voice was softer now, probing.
Dimitri's expression faltered for a brief moment. Just a flicker, but it was there. Why did this woman know so much about his family? "I don't need his approval," he said, though his voice lacked the conviction it had earlier. "Who the fuck sent you?"
For a moment, the two of them just stared at each other, a silent standoff. Y/N's mind was racing, considering her options. She wasn't going to escape from the ropes without help, and she wouldn't give out information about the people who hired her so easily. She still needed that money she'd been promised.
Y/N tilted her head, studying him with renewed interest. "You're not really going to keep me here forever, are you? I mean, we both know you don't want that. You don't want me tied up in your apartment," she said, ignoring his question.
His gaze flicked to the ropes around her wrists, and his jaw clenched. He seemed to wrestle with himself for a moment, the internal battle playing out across his face.
He didn't answer right away, instead taking a step closer to her. The distance between them was still significant, but she could feel the weight of his attention, the way he studied her, as if trying to decide if he could trust her.
"I don't know," he admitted after a long pause. "I don't know what's worse. Letting you go or… keeping you here. But either way, I won't just give up the knife. It’s mine."
Before Y/N could respond, a loud knock echoed from the hallway, followed by the sound of footsteps. Dimitri's body stiffened, his eyes wide. He turned abruptly, his gaze locking on the door, panic flashing across his face.
Y/N's pulse quickened. Dimitri wasn't exactly subtle in his reaction, and she could tell that whoever was coming wasn't someone he wanted to see.
Dimitri quickly moved across the room, a frantic urgency in his steps. "You need to hide," he hissed under his breath, rushing toward her. "Now."
Before Y/N could even ask what was going on, Dimitri was untangling the ropes around her wrists, his hands quick but rough. "Move," he urged, not meeting her eyes. "I'll deal with this. You just- stay quiet."
Y/N blinked, caught off guard by his sudden change in demeanor. She could've run. He wasn't just afraid, he was terrified. But before she could say anything, he half-guided, half-shoved her toward another room. She didn't run.
"Stay in here. Don't make a sound," he whispered, practically shoving her into the room before quickly closing the door behind her.
Y/N stood still in the dark, her heart racing. She could hear Dimitri's footsteps retreating to the living room, just as the front door creaked open. She quickly glanced around the room. It was his bedroom. The big king-sized bed took in most of the space, the faint smell of expensive cologne and cigars lingered in the air, the same as it had in the living room. The windows were big with a great view over London, but the they were no escape; way too high and there was nothing to climb on outside.
There was no way out.
Y/N huffed, turning toward the door. She pressed herself against the wall, barely breathing.
"Dimitri," a voice drawled, deep, and unmistakable. Sergei. Dimitri's older brother.
Y/N could hear the clinking of metal, the sound of someone stepping into the living room she'd been tied up in a minute ago. Dimitri was standing nervously by the big marble table, trying to look casual, but his body language was stiff with tension.
"Sergei," Dimitri greeted, his voice too high-pitched. "What's up?"
There was an amused chuckle from the doorway as Sergei saw the ropes laying on the floor, clearly used. He sniffed the air, his eyes narrowing, his nose twitching. "I smell perfume."
Y/N held her breath now, too scared of giving herself away.
"I don't know what you're talking about," his younger brother said, and Sergei wasn't convinced, but he didn't seem to want to press. Instead, he gave Dimitri a long, sidelong glance and a toothy grin. "You know, I just wanted to check on you on your birthday but you seem like you're having fun. Just make sure it's all consensual."
Dimitri's face went bright red, his eyes darting to the ropes on the floor and then back to Sergei. "It's not-" he started, his voice cracking before he cleared his throat. "I mean, it's not what you think."
Sergei's grin widened, clearly enjoying his brother's discomfort. He leaned casually against the doorframe, crossing his arms. "No need to explain, little brother. You're a grown man now. Who you bring into your home is none of my business."
Dimitri shifted awkwardly, running a hand through his hair. Y/N, still pressed against the wall in the bedroom, bit back a smirk. She could practically hear the nervous energy radiating off Dimitri, his attempt at nonchalance falling flat. If this was how he usually handled himself, she could see why he was desperate to impress someone or anyone to be honest.
Sergei sniffed the air again, his brow furrowing slightly. He glanced around the apartment one last time, his gaze lingering on the ropes for just a beat longer than comfortable. "Well, happy birthday, Dima. Enjoy your… evening."
With that, he turned and left, the door clicking shut behind him.
The moment Sergei was gone, Dimitri let out a long, shaky breath, leaning heavily against the table. He stayed like that for a moment, his head bowed, before he finally pushed himself upright and made his way back to the bedroom.
Y/N, now sitting on the side of her opponents bed, raised an eyebrow as he opened the door, his face still flushed. "So," she said, her voice dripping with amusement, "happy birthday."
Dimitri groaned, running a hand down his face. "Don't."
"Oh, come on," she teased, crossing her arms. "That was adorable. 'Just make sure it's all consensual.' Your brother thinks you're tying up your dates for fun."
"I said don't," Dimitri snapped, though the crack in his voice and the flush in his cheeks betrayed any attempt at authority. He turned his back to her, pacing a few steps into the room like he didn't know what to do with himself.
He leaned heavily against the doorframe, his head bowed, the flush of embarrassment still painting his cheeks. The air between them was thick with tension, and Y/N could see the cracks in his composure. This was a man teetering on the edge, caught between his desperation to prove himself and the weight of his insecurities.
Y/N tilted her head, studying him carefully. "You're really desperate to make daddy proud, are you?" She teased.
The words hit like a whip. His head turned slightly, just enough for her to see the muscle in his jaw tighten. When he faced her fully, his expression was caught somewhere between fury and humiliation. "Shut up. You don't know anything about me."
"Did I strike a nerve?" she asked, feigning innocence. She didn't back down, even when he took a step closer, his eyes darkening. "I know more about you and your little family than you think."
For a moment, Dimitri said nothing, just stared at her with a mixture of frustration and something else. Something more vulnerable. He stepped back suddenly, scrubbing his hands over his face as if trying to compose himself. "I didn't ask for this," he muttered. "Any of it."
Y/N tilted her head, intrigued. "Then why are you doing it?" she asked, softer now.
"Because I have to," Dimitri said quietly, as if the words cost him something. "You wouldn't understand."
Y/N let out a low laugh, shaking her head. "Try me."
He didn't answer. Instead, he turned sharply and left the room, leaving her alone. She considered making a break for it but dismissed the thought just as quickly. She heard Dimitri rummaging around in the other room, muttering under his breath. When he returned, he carried a glass of water and a small first-aid kit. He placed them both on the nightstand and glanced at her, still visibly conflicted.
"You hit your head. I don't need you bleeding all over my carpet," he said gesturing to the expensive looking white rug beneath his bed.
"Aw, you're so caring," she teased. "You're just full of surprises."
He rolled his eyes but didn't rise to the bait. Instead, he opened the kit and pulled out some antiseptic. She couldn't help but notice how his fingers trembled, though whether it was from nerves or something else, she couldn't tell.
"Why didn't you give me up to Sergei?" she asked suddenly, watching his face closely.
He froze, his hand hovering over the cotton swab. "What?"
"You could've sold me out. Told him I was here to steal your precious knife. Hell, you could've made me out to be some assassin sent to take you out, and I bet he would've believed you. But you didn't." She leaned forward, her gaze narrowing. "Why?"
Dimitri avoided her eyes, his jaw tightening as he busied himself with the cotton swab. He dabbed at it with antiseptic, the sharp scent filling the air.
"I didn't do it for you," he muttered, finally meeting her gaze, though his expression was guarded. "If Sergei knew why you were here, it'd be more than just my problem. He'd take over, and then my father would find out. And I…" He hesitated, the words seeming to catch in his throat. "…I can't let that happen."
Y/N raised an eyebrow. "So this is about you, then? Self-preservation?"
He flinched at her tone, a flicker of guilt crossing his face. "You don't understand," he snapped, but there was no anger in his voice. Just frustration, layered over something deeper. "If my father finds out I let someone break in here, I'm done. This is my one chance to prove I'm not… worthless."
His voice cracked on the last word, and for a moment, Y/N saw past the posturing and panic to the insecurity he tried so hard to hide.
"Prove you're not worthless by what? Guarding a knife?" she asked, her tone softer now. "Seems like a pretty low bar."
Dimitri scoffed, shaking his head. "You wouldn't get it. My father doesn't care about anything but power, control, appearances. If I can't do this one thing right…" He trailed off, his hands gripping the first-aid kit as if it were the only thing grounding him.
Y/N watched him in silence, piecing together the picture of a man who was just as trapped as she was. Though by very different circumstances.
"Well," she said finally, her voice light but not unkind, "if it makes you feel any better, you did technically stop me." She smirked, gesturing to her still-sore head.
Dimitri's lips twitched, almost forming a smile, but he quickly smothered it. "You don't know when to shut up, do you?" He had almost forgotten to patch up her wound. The blood was slowly drying up, as he slowly dabbed the cotton pad around her temple to clean it up. Y/N scrunched her face up in pain when he alcohol seeped into the small cut. She could've easily fought him now. But she didn't, and Dimitri asked himself why. For a moment, he focused on her wound, dabbing carefully despite the slight tremor in his hands. The silence between them felt heavy, filled with unspoken questions and tension neither of them seemed ready to address. He avoided her gaze, keeping his attention on the task as if it were the most important thing in the world.
She smirked, but there was something softer in her expression now. Something almost curious. She could feel his hands trembling, could see the way his eyes darted to her face when he thought she wasn't looking. He was scared. Of her, maybe, but also of whatever was going on in his own head.
Y/N took a deep breath, the words forming carefully in her mind. "Take me to him."
Dimitri froze, his expression a mix of shock and suspicion. "What?"
"You need proof, right?" she continued, keeping her tone even. "Proof that you can protect what's yours. That you're not just some screw-up who let a thief waltz in and take it. If you bring me to him – alive, empty-handed – you'll have a trophy. Evidence that you stopped me."
Dimitri stared at her, his brows furrowing as he processed her words. "Why would you do that?" he asked, his voice low and cautious. "Why would you help me?"
"I'm not helping you," she said quickly. "I'm helping myself. We make a deal."
"A deal?" He raised an eyebrow, unimpressed.
"I need money," she said bluntly. "Since I'm not getting it for a failed mission, here's a pitch: you tell your father I broke in, but I didn't find anything because you stopped me before I could take the knife. You get your moment of spotlight and I walk away with cash. From you."
Dimitri's expression hardened, his jaw tightening as he stared at her like she'd just offered him a poisoned chalice. "You think my father's going to be proud of me me for letting a thief break into my apartment? For showing up with you instead of throwing you in some ditch?"
Y/N smirked, tilting her head. "He might. If you frame it right. I didn't let her break in; I stopped her. She didn't get the knife. I captured her, proved I'm not useless." Her voice dropped an octave, mimicking a deep, commanding tone. "You'd look like a hero, wouldn't you?"
Dimitri shifted uncomfortably, his fingers fidgeting at the hem of his sleeve. She could see the flicker of doubt, the hesitation, and maybe, just maybe, a hint of hope behind his eyes.
"I don't need your help to prove myself," he muttered, his voice lacking conviction.
Y/N leaned forward, her voice low and confident. "Oh, but you do. Because I know you, Dimitri. You're not like him. You don't have his power or Sergei's ruthlessness. But you have this-" she gestured toward herself, "and if you play it smart, you might finally get his attention."
His lips parted as if to argue, but no words came out. Instead, he looked away, jaw clenched, the internal battle playing out across his face.
"And what if he doesn't care?" Dimitri finally asked, his tone sharp but brittle. "What if he laughs in my face and says I'm still a screw-up? What happens then?"
Y/N shrugged, keeping her expression neutral. "That's not my problem. You get me the money we agree on, and I disappear. Whatever happens between you and Daddy Dearest after that? That's on you."
Dimitri narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms defensively. "How much?"
"Sixty thousand."
His eyes widened. "Sixty- are you insane?"
"Twice as much as I was offered," she said with a shrug, unfazed. "I figure someone like you can afford it. Or are you telling me the youngest Kravinoff is broke?"
His cheeks flushed a deep red, and he turned away, running a hand through his hair. "Fine," he muttered under his breath.
"What was that?" she asked, tilting her head mockingly, her tone laced with amusement.
"I said fine!" he snapped, spinning to face her. His voice cracked slightly, but he quickly regained composure. "You'll get your money. Just- just don't screw this up."
Y/N smiled, satisfied. "Now we're talking."
Dimitri let out a heavy sigh, rubbing the back of his neck as if the weight of their deal was already pressing down on him. He turned away, pacing the room as he muttered something under his breath.
"So," she said, breaking the silence. "What's the plan? Are we just going to march into your father's estate like it's show-and-tell?"
Dimitri stopped pacing, his jaw tightening. "It's not that simple," he said sharply. "If I'm going to bring you to him, I need to make it look… convincing."
"Convincing, huh?" Y/N crossed her arms casually. "What's that supposed to mean? You're not planning on tying me up again, are you?"
His face flushed. "No," he snapped, too quickly. "I mean- I can't just walk in with you looking like this." He gestured vaguely at her, his frustration bubbling over. "You don't exactly scream 'dangerous thief.' You look-"
"Careful, Kravinoff," Y/N cut in, her tone sharp. "Finish that sentence, and I might reconsider our little deal."
"I won't take you to him," he started and Y/N almost interrupted him with protests but he continued before she could say anything. "I'll bring him here. He'll see you, tied up on that chair."
Y/N raised an eyebrow as he paced up an down in his bedroom, puzzling together a plan. "So I'll be tied up again? Great," she said, leaning back on her arms. She was starting to get tired and the bedding felt pretty comfortable under her hands.
"Yeah. You- You'll be unconscious! Or at least play unconscious.
Y/N blinked, barely suppressing a laugh. "Unconscious? That's your master plan?"
Dimitri stopped pacing to glare at her, his cheeks tinged with embarrassment. "Do you have a better idea?" he snapped. "Because if we don't make this convincing, my father will see through it in an instant. He'll know it's a setup, and trust me, neither of us walks away from that."
She tilted her head, studying him. The nervous energy radiating off him, the way he avoided her eyes when he mentioned Nikolai. It wasn't just fear of failure driving him. It was something deeper. Something personal. "Alright," she said after a moment, her tone softening. "Unconscious it is. But if you tie me up too tight this time, we're gonna have problems."
Dimitri let out a breath he didn't seem to realize he was holding, nodding sharply. "Fine. I'll make it believable without… overdoing it."
"Good boy," she said with a smirk, watching as his ears reddened. "Now, what's your big plan for when he actually gets here? You think Nikolai's just going to pat you on the back and call it a day?"
His jaw tightened, his eyes darting away from her. "I'll handle him," he said, though there was no confidence in his voice. "That's not your concern. You just play your part."
Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Bold of you to assume I'll just sit quietly and let you sell this performance without input."
"You'll have no choice," he shot back, his voice firmer this time. "If this goes wrong, you won't get your money. So do us both a favor and keep your theatrics to a minimum."
"Sure thing, partner," she drawled, leaning back on her elbows with an amused glint in her eye.
Dimitri glared at her, but she caught the flicker of amusement behind his eyes.
"Alright," he said after a long pause, his voice quieter now. "Let's get this over with."
Y/N grinned, flexing her wrists. "By all means, Kravinoff. Tie me up. Again."
The sharp click of approaching footsteps echoed through the apartment. Y/N, bound and pretending to be unconscious, kept her breathing slow and even, her head hanging low, hair in her face as if she'd passed out. Every muscle in her body was tense, ready to spring into action if needed.
The air shifted, colder somehow, as Nikolai Kravinoff stepped into the room. His presence was imposing, his tall frame casting a long shadow in the dimly lit apartment. Dimitri stood stiffly by the door, his shoulders square but his hands fidgeting at his sides. A nervous habit he couldn't quite suppress.
Nikolai's gaze swept across the room, landing immediately on Y/N. His sharp features twisted into something between approval and disdain. "So," he began, his voice low and gravelly, "this is the thief who dared to challenge our family?" He approached her, his boots barely making a sound against the carpeted floor. "She doesn't look like much."
Dimitri swallowed hard, forcing himself to speak. "She got in," he said, trying to keep his tone steady. "But she didn't get out. I stopped her before she could take the knife."
Nikolai turned his head slightly, giving his youngest son a scrutinizing look. "Did you, now?"
"Yes," Dimitri said quickly. "She was fast, but I was faster. I managed to subdue her before she could escape." He gestured to the knife, now prominently displayed on the table beside them. "The knife is still here, untouched."
Nikolai stepped closer to Y/N, his sharp eyes studying her as though she were an insect pinned under glass. He reached out, almost absently, and grasped her chin, tilting her face toward him. Y/N fought the urge to flinch, keeping her body limp and her breathing shallow.
"You tied her up and left her alive," Nikolai observed, his tone unreadable. "Interesting choice. Most would've ended the threat."
Dimitri's throat worked as he struggled to find an answer. "I thought you'd want to see her," he said finally. "To question her. She might have information about who sent her."
His father let the silence hang for a beat, then let out a quiet sigh. "You finally achieved something. I'll give you that." There was no pride in his voice, only the acknowledgment of the bare minimum. "But don't get comfortable. This doesn't change anything."
Dimitri didn't respond, his jaw clenched as he fought to keep his composure under his father's sharp gaze.
"I don't care for information from a little girl." There was an almost unnoticeable pause before he added, "She's your responsibility. If she becomes a problem, it's your head. Do with her what you will, but if she proves to be more trouble than she's worth…"
He didn't finish the thought, but the implication was clear. He turned toward the door, his footsteps heavy and purposeful as he walked away. As the door clicked shut behind him, the room seemed to breathe again, though the atmosphere remained thick with unspoken words. Dimitri stood frozen for a moment, his eyes still on Y/N. He wasn't sure what to feel. His father's words echoed in his mind: You finally achieved something. But it didn't feel like a victory. It felt like he had done the bare minimum, like a child who had only met the lowest expectation.
Dimitri exhaled sharply, his breath shaky as he looked to Y/N. She was still tied to the chair, her eyey fixated on him as if she was trying to read him, but she didn't dare to say anything. The silence between them stretched long.
He should feel proud, right? But all he felt was a gnawing emptiness in his chest, the way he always did when his father's praise was nowhere to be found. No approval. No pride.
Finally, he took a hesitant step toward her, kneeling down in front of the chair. His hands trembled as he began untying the thick ropes. He could feel the tightness in his chest, the heat of unshed tears threatening to spill, and he hoped Y/N wouldn't notice. But of course, she did.
Once her hands were free, she reached up, her fingers gentle as she brushed away a blonde lock of hair that had fallen in front of his eyes. Her touch was soft, almost soothing, and it made the weight of his emotions feel even more suffocating.
"You're not so tough, are you?" Y/N said quietly, her voice low but not unkind. "Not as much as you like to pretend."
Dimitri's gaze dropped, and he clenched his jaw. He didn't want to show it. He didn't want to give her any more reason to see him as weak. But the truth was, he'd been feeling that way for far longer than he wanted to admit.
His throat tightened as he finally looked back at her. "I didn't want this," he said, the words escaping before he could stop them. "But it's like… it's like I'm stuck, Y/N. I can't win, no matter what I do."
Y/N's fingers paused on his face, and she studied him for a long moment. The way he was kneeling in front of her, sad and vulnerable, did something to her. There was something in her eyes, something like understanding, but she didn't speak right away. Instead, she just let her hand linger there, her thumb brushing against his skin in a way that made him feel exposed.
"You're not stuck, Dimitri," she said softly. "You just haven't figured out how to break free yet."
He sniffed, wiping a small tear with the back of his hand without looking at her. Then, without another word, he stood up and left the room for a moment. When he returned, he was holding a stack of cash.
"Forty." he said, his voice almost sheepish. "This is all I've got lying around right now. You can come back for the rest later." He walked over to her, his eyes briefly flicking toward her before he handed her the money, his fingers brushing hers just slightly. She took it, her gaze flickering up to meet his.
She didn't say anything, just glanced at the cash in her hands. The silence lingered, but this time it felt different. Less tense, more contemplative.
Dimitri shifted uncomfortably, looking away. "Just get out, alright?"
Y/N smiled faintly but didn't argue. She could feel his tension, the quiet storm brewing beneath his guarded exterior. There was something else there, something more than just their deal. But she wasn't going to press him for answers Not yet
"Fine," she said simply, slipping the money into her pocket. "But I'll be back for the rest. Don't think you're getting off that easy."
Dimitri didn't reply, but there was a flicker of something in his eyes. Something almost like relief, or maybe resignation. He nodded, his expression hardening once more as he turned away, but for the briefest moment, the distance between them felt just a little smaller.
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Part 2
#dimitri kravinoff#dmitri kravinoff#kraven#kraven the hunter#dimitri kravinoff x reader#dimitri kravinoff x you#fred hechinger fanfiction#fred hechinger x you#fred hechinger x reader#fred hechinger
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{Paring: Sister’s Boyfriend Sunghoon x Blk Fem! Reader
{Genre: smut, cheating, angst?? 18+ so (mdni).
{Synopsis: You knew sleeping around with your sister’s boyfriend was so out of line, and nothing but sinful. But you just couldn’t resist temptations….
{Warnings: explicit scenes, rough sex, unprotected sex, oral (m receiving), fingering, dirty talk, pet names, creampie, multiple orgasms, sexting, nude sending, mutual masturbation, daddy kink, praise kink, reader is a brat and has little to no shame cheating with her older sister’s bf age gap reader is 21 and hoon is 28, ( I don’t condone this, very much fictional!), they fuck in his and her sister’s shared bed, reader lowkey has it out for her big sis if you really think about it… lmk if missed anything
You sighed annoyingly, rolling your eyes as you listen to your mother bickering, about the time you dropped in last night. You’re a twenty one year old adult, who still has a curfew, whose mother monitors their spending, and to top it off you’re not allowed to have your room door locked. At first you didn’t mind still being at home, living rent free, only paying for things of your own, like your phone bill and other unnecessary expenses you spent your money drastically on.
But now you’ve reached your breaking point, you feel like you’re trapped and constantly being nagged at by your parents. When will they realize you weren’t a kid anymore, when will they realized you’re in charge of your life here. Well that obviously didn’t seem like anytime soon, being that your mother was chewing your head off right now, about you sneaking out to go to a party and coming home at 6 in the morning.
You weren’t the only child either, you have an older sister who to her luck, moved out as soon as she graduated from high school. at first she stayed in a dormitory with her two roommates, but now she currently has her own apartment, that she shares with her boyfriend Sunghoon of three years. You envy your older sister Raya so much, she’s always been the favorite of the family, whether it was receiving special treatment from your parents, to always being the more popular one.
You were truly the definition of the black sheep of the family, nobody ever expected much from you, never expecting you to achieve any goals or have any big plans in life. Yes you got into plenty in trouble back in high school, yes you been drinking since an underage kid, yes you puff puff that green plant stuff, but you still deserved to be loved and treated with respect.
Finally your mother dismissed you, telling you to go up to your room because she didn’t want to see your face anymore, you gladly did so stomping your way upstairs to your room. You slammed the door, your mother screaming at you from downstairs not to slam her door again, you rolled your eyes before plopping down on your bed. You stared blankly up at the white ceiling, picturing what life would be like, if you weren’t still tied down to your parents.
Just as you’re about to get deeper in thought, your phone rings, knocking you out of your train of focus. You looked at the screen, to see your Raya calling, it’s been a few days since you guys talk, being that she’s always busy at work. You sighed before picking up the call, placing it on speaker phone.
“What?” You said nonchalantly, you weren’t even going to hide that fact you were so annoyed.
“Oh wow! Is that the way you greet your big sister, that missed her little sister so much” Raya framed sadness, a dramatic gasp following after your words. You rolled your eyes once again, flipping over to now lay on your stomach.
“Let me guess, you and Mom got into it again?” She said knowingly, you sighed dramatically before stuffing your face in your pillow, letting out a very much needed scream.
“What do you think? God she’s so annoying, when will her and dad stop being so hard on me” You whined, sitting up straight again.
“When you finally move out, why do you think I made that my plan as soon as I graduated” Raya says, you could hear her typing on her computer at work, per usual.
“That’s because my mom and dad let you, they’ve always been more lenient on you than me anyways” You said, in fact you remember your parents helping Raya move her things inside her dormitory no problem. But now that you were in college, your mother always talks you out of moving in a dormitory, and saying it’s best and cheaper if you just stay at home.
“Hey now, they used to get on my ass about shit I did too” Raya said, you chuckled sarcastically to yourself, of course she would say some bogus shit like that.
“Yeah sure” You simply said, sighing once again, all you wanted was to enjoy your youth, but nope the odds were so against you.
“Well you know, I was thinking about something last night, and honestly I wouldn’t hate it if you move in with me and Sunghoon” Raya suddenly said, you sat up real fast at her words, was she being for real right now, or was she just fucking with you.
“Wait? Are you like dead serious, or are you trying to fuck with me?” You said in defense, not really believing her words, they just seemed too good to be true.
“Why would I be playing, you’re my little sister, and I know how it feels to feel trapped” Raya simply said, her typing on her computer halting. You stood in silence for a moment before replying back.
“But what about your boyfriend?” You inquired, you didn’t know much about Raya’s boyfriend, you just knew they met freshman year, started off as friends, now they’re happily dating. You’ve also only seen him once for thanksgiving, when Raya first brought him home to meet your parents.
“Oh Sunghoon? He’s perfectly fine with it, in fact he’s already offered to help you move your stuff in when time comes” She then begin to boast about how good of boyfriend Sunghoon is, and how lucky she is to be his girlfriend. You obviously tuned that shit out, just thankful you wouldn’t have to lug all your stuff by yourself.
“I accept your offer wholeheartedly, but you’re talking to mom about it, not me” You said, you couldn’t help but feel so thrilled to be finally moving out.
“𝗙𝗶𝗻𝗲, 𝗶𝘁’𝘀 𝗮 𝗱𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗹”
It’s now the next week, and it’s the day you move in with your sister and her boyfriend. You look around your half empty room with mixed emotions, some part of you will probably miss being at home, but you’re pretty sure once you realize how much freedom you have your emotions will change
Your dad is loading all your stuff on his pickup truck, and you’re saying your goodbyes to your childhood room for a while. Finally everything was packed up, and you were now on the way to your sister’s apartment. Raya had to work today, but she told you that Sunghoon had took the day off to help you move your stuff in.
You guys then pulled into the apartment complex, it was luxurious yet homey looking apartments, the neighborhood quiet and reserved. You hopped out of the truck, stretching your body, causing your crop top to ride up even higher. You walked up to the front door, knocking on it semi hard, but nobody answered. You knocked again but this time a lot more harder, and you finally heard Sunghoon’s muffled voice shouting that he was coming.
Finally the door opened, and you’re met with the sight of Sunghoon’s tall figure towering over you, he look like he had just woken up, his hair a mess and his eyes looked so sleepy. Your eyes trailed down his figure, he was dressed in a white muscle shirt, with gray sweatpants. You can’t remember if Sunghoon always been this fine and you just didn’t pay attention to him, or if he just had a major glow up.
“Crap I’m so sorry, I lost track of time, and fell asleep on the couch” He apologized, running his hands through his fluffy hair. You bit your lip, your eyes scanning his fit physique before waving him off, telling him it’s okay. He gave you a polite grin, before stepping aside to let you in, the apartment looked cozy and lived in, and a lot of the things inside the apartment screamed Raya.
Sunghoon went out to say hello to your father, also grab your stuff out of the trunk. Meanwhile you took a minute to look around the place, it was a pretty spacious apartment, and now you see why your sister had no problem letting you stay there. You came back out into the living room, watching as Sunghoon lugged all your stuff inside the apartment, he was now sweaty from the extreme hot weather and of course heavy lifting.
You tried not to make your stares obvious, watching his muscles tense and clench, every time he picked up a box and moved it to your now new bedroom. Finally all your things were now inside your new bedroom, and you were starting to unpack. You heard a soft knock on your room door, and you took out your AirPods, going to open the door.
“Hey uh, your sister wanted me to let you know she’s gonna be dropping in pretty late tonight, so just make yourself at home, I also ordered pizza” Sunghoon said softly and smiled at you, you felt a funny feeling in your stomach when he smiled at you like that, his pearly white fangs showing.
“Sounds good, thanks” You gave him a small smile, he was just about to close the door until you called out to him.
“Yeah?” He asked, making brief eye contact with you, his gaze was so intimidating, yet there was softness behind his eyes.
“Just wanted to say thank you for moving my stuff, and also allowing me to stay here with no problem” You said, giving him a friendly smile.
“Oh it’s no problem at all, plus you’re my girlfriend’s little sister of course I’ll be okay with it” He said, you had to fight the urge not to roll your eyes at his comment, of course he’s only doing all this because of Raya. You nodded before, going back to folding your clothes and filling your drawers.
Not long after, Sunghoon returned back to your door, knocking softly once again. You had just gotten out of the shower, your towel wrapped around your wet body. You smirked, before walking over to answer the door, not giving two fucks that you’re gonna be standing in front him half naked. Honestly some sick part of you was hoping he looks, maybe even you’ll drop your towel by “accident”.
“Yes?” You said softly, opening the door wide so he can see everything, Sunghoon eyes widened, before he quickly turned away, apologizing over and over again.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry, I-I just wanted to let you know the pizza was here” He stuttered, still covering his eyes. You had to fight back a giggle, your sister wasn’t lying when she said Sunghoon was respectful and loyal to her, but the dark side of you was determined to change that.
“Calm down it’s fine, I’m just in my towel, not like I’m fully naked” You said teasingly, smirking mischievously. Sunghoon cleared his throat before speaking again.
“Just come out whenever you’re ready” He said real fast, before rushing away from your door. You rolled your eyes and said “what a pussy” under your breath and went to go get dressed. You were dressed now, and honestly you were starving, you remembered you haven’t eaten anything this morning and your stomach was begging for food.
You were dressed in only a crop tank top, sleep shorts that was way too short to be considered appropriate, and on top of that, you weren’t wearing a bra your nipples peaking through the fabric. Sunghoon damn near had a heart attack when you walked out of your room, your tits bouncing around in your tank top as you walked, and your plump asscheeks were hanging out of your shorts.
He wanted to slap himself for secretly looking at you in that way, he instantly felt guilty, and decided it was best he ate dinner inside him and Raya’s bedroom.
“Mmm smells so good, your soft voice said, leaning against the counter top as you looked inside the boxes of pizza. The action caused your shirt to ride up, showing the bottom fat of your boobs.
Sunghoon felt suffocated and disgusted with himself, it wasn’t like you were doing this on purpose, he felt like such a pervert, what would his girlfriend think about him looking at her little sister in such an inappropriate manner.
Little did he know you were definitely doing this on purpose….
You watched as Sunghoon grabbed his plate and drink off the counter, before heading to their bedroom. You frowned at that, and folded your arms.
“Where are you going? Did you not want to eat with me or something?” You questioned, placing a slice a pizza on your plate, and grabbing a drink as well. Sunghoon turned to look at you, he was fighting the urge to let his eyes roam your body.
“No! Of course not, it’s just I’m a little tired so I was just gonna eat real quick then head to bed after” He nodded, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. You smirked at him, before walking slowly over to where he’s standing. Sunghoon could feel his heart rate picking up, his palms were growing sweaty, and suddenly the plate and drink he was holding felt ten times heavier.
“Oh come on don’t be like that hoonie, you could go to your room right after we eat together, promise I don’t bite unless you want me to” You said flirtatiously, looking up at him. Sunghoon felt his stomach drop, a twitch in his pants, and his throat felt dry.
“You’re right haha, sure let’s eat together, besides my mother always told me it’s not good to eat in the bedroom anyways” He smiled awkwardly before sitting at the dining table with you. He thought you would sit on the other side of the table but nope, you set right next to him, the spot where Raya usually sits when they have dinner.
You went on like normal though, munching on your food and paid little to no attention to him. That’s what he thought, what he didn’t know is that you were plotting your next move.
“So, what do you do for work hoonie?” You smiled innocently at him, but deep down there was not an innocent thought running through your head right now, as you stared at him, watching how his Adam’s apple bobbed when he swallows. Sunghoon fingers twitch as he held the cup, you had easily established this nickname for him, and on top of that, you’re looking at him with those fuck me eyes.
The least he expected was for his girlfriend’s little sister to be throwing herself at him, he also didn’t expect her to be this fucking sexy, he was in so much trouble now. He cleared his throat, before putting his cup down to answer.
“I’m into interior design, so I’m a home renovator, I actually helped design some of these pieces in our place like this table we’re sitting at” He smiled friendly, you sat and listened to Sunghoon speak passionately about his career, and you paid attention to every word he was saying. It was so attractive to see him geek about interior designs, and how fascinating it is to build things.
“Sorry I’m ranting, I just really enjoy what I do you know?” He chuckled awkwardly, biting his lip nervously. You grin softly, before placing your hand on his thigh under the table, he jumped at the sudden action, looking at you real quick. You didn’t say anything, but just stared at him with your lust filled eyes, hypnotizing him so dangerously. He managed to break out of your trance, standing up real quick and grabbing his plate and cup off the table.
“Well it was nice to have dinner together, I think I’m gonna head to bed now, I’m glad to have you here as well” He said, placing his dishes in the sink and headed to his room. Once he shut the door, he leaned his back against it, letting out huge breath he didn’t know he was holding. Were you always this flirty ? Were you being flirty? Or was he just being a perv? All those thoughts run through his head at once.
He looked down at his pants, and his cock was hard in his pants, he hoped to god you didn’t notice it. Would you tell on him, and call him a nasty pervert, or would you take care of the problem, show him a really good time. Sunghoon wouldn’t admit this out loud, but lately him and Raya’s sex life has been lacking, they both work a lot, and usually when she comes home she’s too tired to perform.
He can’t even count how many jerk off sessions he’s had in the shower lately, just like now, the warm water dripping down his body as he pumps his cock at a slow pace. He thinks about the last time him and Raya were intimate, he took her out for a romantic dinner date, and it ended with him plowing into her from behind.
He remembers good she felt that night, her tightness and warmth squeezing his cock. He cursed under his breath, picking up his pace as he lets his imagination run wild. Sunghoon tried his hardest not to think about you while he pumped his cock furiously, but the image popped in his head out of nowhere, your exposed legs, your plump asscheeks hanging out those little ass shorts.
“Ah fuck, S-shit so fucking hot” He groaned, smearing the sticky pre cum from his dripping slit, using it as a natural lube. He could feel himself getting dangerously close, as he fantasies about how much tighter and freakier you must be than your sister. He imagines how you would probably swallow all his cum, something Raya doesn’t do because she hates the taste of it, or how you would probably let him pull your hair and treat you like the slut you are.
“Fuck fuck fuck, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum for you” He panted like a dog, his stomach tightened, and his cock twitched uncontrollably as he shoot thick spurts of white cum all over the shower tile walls. His body felt so weak and spent, as he leaned against the wall, chest heaving up and down from his very intense orgasm, he thinks that’s the hardest he’s ever came from masturbation.
Little does he know, in the next room you also touched yourself to the thought of him, squirting all over your sheets….
The next morning you woke up to the delicious smell of pancakes, eggs, and bacon being cooked. You did your morning stretch, hopping out of your bed, and making your way to the dining room. Raya was preparing breakfast, her apron wrapped around her body, you let out a little yawn taking a seat at the dining table.
“Rise and shine sleepyhead, how’d you sleep last night?” Raya inquired, as she scrambled eggs in the pan. You yawned once again, your hair was up in a messy bun, and your body felt weak from the multiple orgasms you gave yourself last night
“I slept well, what time did you get home last night, you didn’t come say hi to me big head” smacked your teeth, rolling your eyes at her playfully.
“Girl I didn’t get home till midnight, and you were already asleep, so don’t do that” She pointed the spatula at you, playing like she we gonna hit you with it. You both continue to bicker, Sunghoon came out of the room, rubbing his sleepy eyes and yawning. He glanced over in your direction before walking into the kitchen, and bringing Raya in for a hug and a kiss.
“Good morning beautiful, breakfast smells fantastic as always” He smiled lovingly at her, pecking her lips with a soft kiss. You tasted the bitter taste on your tongue, as you watched their loving and intimate interaction. You couldn’t help but feel annoyed at their bond they share, they both were so in sync with each other.
You couldn’t stand to watch them at like a lovey dovey couple, you had lost your appetite anyways. You stood up from the table a little hostile, as you started to make your way back to your room.
“I’m gonna skip breakfast, don’t wanna be late for class” You said with a tinge of annoyance, your eyes glanced at Sunghoon for a moment, before you went back into your room. Sunghoon could sense you were annoyed, but he didn’t know why, did he do something wrong, did you hear him last night in the shower?
“Don’t worry about her, she’s always been like this, sudden mood swings” Raya assured him, kissing him softly on his cheek, before going back to cooking.
It’s the end of the day, and you just finished all of your classes for today. Your friends asked if you wanted to go out with them tonight, and at first you weren’t going to go but you thought what the hell, might as well. The club was packed, sweaty bodies all over the place, and music blasting loud out of the speakers. You were having a great time, and it felt so good not to worry about coming home late tonight, or your parents nagging at you.
You were dancing with this guy now, he was handsome, average height and good with his words. You were tipsy, the liquor invading your system, as you rolled your body to the music. The guy whispered in your ear, asking if you wanted to get out of here, and of course you agreed, it’s been a while since you’ve had a good fuck.
You figured no one would be home, being that Raya and Sunghoon were both working. You and the guy which you don’t know by name, barely got into the apartment before your lips were on each other and hands touching each other’s body. You moaned into his mouth, as you both fell onto the couch, your lips smacking together hungrily.
What you didn’t know is that Sunghoon left early from work today, he wasn’t feeling all too well, so he decided he would come home early to rest. He was currently laying down In bed, when he heard the front door open, he figured it was Raya, since she usually got out of work at the this time. But he stopped in his tracks when he heard your voice, but not only your voice but the sound of a males voice as well.
His ears perk up, and he feels his heart pounding, as he listens to your moans and the gentleman’s groans that sounds throughout the apartment, he slowly got out of bed and cracked open the door. Nothing could have prepared him for the sinful sight he was seeing right now, you were on top of the guy, your body rocking back and forth, as you rode him like a pornstar.
Sunghoon’s eyes widened, swallowing hard as he held his breath not to make a sound, he knew he shouldn’t be watching you get fucked right now, it was creepy and total privacy invasion. But it’s like he was paralyzed, he couldn’t move from the spot at the door, as he watch you throw your head back in pleasure, your naked body on full display.
It’s like you sensed his presence, your eyes suddenly locking with his. His heart dropped when he realized you were staring back him, but your movements didn’t halt instead you continue to stare into his eyes as you rode another man’s dick, imagining it was Sunghoon’s dick instead.
You smirked mischievously at him, before winking at him, directing your attention back to the nameless man. Sunghoon finally came back to his senses, shutting the door quietly, he couldn’t believe what just happened and what the fuck he just witnessed.
The next morning Sunghoon woke up feeling like shit, his head felt heavy and his throat was killing him. He struggled to get out of bed, his body aching as he walked out of his bedroom to the kitchen. The house was quiet, meaning that nobody was home, he figured you were at school and of course Raya was at work. He was off today, so he decided he would have a lazy day, and just lounge around on the couch all day.
He was currently watching some random true crime documentary, when suddenly his phone pinged with a notification. He smiled to himself, thinking that it Raya checking up on him as he checked his messages. He frowned confused at the number that wasn’t saved in contacts, he hesitated to open the message being that he usually ignored unknown callers and messages.
He opened up the message and his jaw dropped, it was a picture of you standing in front of a dressing room mirror, clad in a pink lingerie set, the color bringing out your skin tone. The set hid little to nothing, the sheer see through fabric showing off the swell of your breast and ass. He quickly put his phone down, as if someone was going to appear out of nowhere and judge him.
*𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭*
𝐘𝐨𝐮: Do you think this color looks good on me hoonie? 😘
He now stared at the message blankly, he didn’t know if he should just leave you on seen, and mention nothing about it. Or if he should confront you, and let you know that what you were doing was not appropriate and disrespectful to him and your sister’s relationship.
𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧😍: Y/n stop what you’re doing, this is very inappropriate….
𝐘𝐨𝐮: How am I being inappropriate? Just wanted your opinion on my outfit hoonie that’s all😌
𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧😍: You’re literally half naked in the picture Y/n, that’s not something you just send to your Sister’s boyfriend.
You: But don’t I look pretty tho🫶🏽?
𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧😍: Y/n! Please stop.
You: Oh please Sunghoon, don’t give me that shit I know you like it🙄, I see the way you look at me when Raya isn’t looking, just like last night when you shamelessly watched me get fucked hard by some random guy. Bet you wished that was you huh?🤭
𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧😍: Y/n…..
𝐘𝐨𝐮: Bet you’re hard as rock right now from looking at my picture, bet you wish you could be deep inside me right now😏
Sunghoon😍: ….
𝐘𝐨𝐮: Cat got your tongue? Bc you know I’m right, let’s face it hoonie you wanna fuck me and I wanna fuck you too. Let’s cut the shit and stop pretending🙄
Sunghoon😍: Fuck you drive me insane yk that?😩
𝐘𝐨𝐮: Do I baby? Do I make you wanna do bad things?😏
Sunghoon😍: Yeah…. really bad things😅
𝐘𝐨𝐮: Why don’t you act on it baby, why make it hard for yourself?🤭
𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧😍: Bc it’s not right…🤦♂️
𝐘𝐨𝐮: Could be our little secret, promise she would never know😉
𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧😍: Idk Y/n🤦♂️
𝐘𝐨𝐮: Ugh you’re annoying🙄, hmu when you’re ready to come fuck this, promise I’ll change your life Park Sunghoon😉
It was later on in the day, and you finally got home from shopping all day with your friends. When you walked in the door, you were met with the nerve wracking sight of Raya and Sunghoon, lounging on the couch as they watched some movie together all cuddled up. You fought the urge to roll your eyes, mentally cursing them out in your mind. Sunghoon glanced at you, his ears turning red as he remembers the conversation you two had earlier.
You winked at him, before making your way to room, but before you could get halfway your sister called out to you.
“Hey your plate is in the microwave if you’re hungry” She said, snuggling her face into Sunghoon’s neck and leaving small kisses on it. You watched her actions with bitterness, responding back with just a kay before glaring at them one more time before you finally went into your room and shut the door.
You were binge watching scream movies, stuffing buttery popcorn in your mouth, as you were so engrossed into the tv. You grabbed the remote, turning the volume down lower, you thought you heard someone screaming and it definitely wasn’t coming from your tv. You listened again, and this you heard it more clearer, the moans coming your sister’s room.
You felt your blood boiling, your heart rate picking up, your eye twitching, as you listened to the pleasure sounds they were making. You scoffed annoyed, turning your tv on full blast and going back to watching your movie, popcorn abandoned because you’ve officially lost your appetite.
Sunghoon looked over at Raya’s naked sleeping figure, smiling at her lovingly as she sleeps peacefully. They had just had sex, and by the 2nd round he had put her to sleep. His throat felt dry and parched, so he hopped out of bed to grab a glass of water. It was 1 in the morning, and Sunghoon figured you would be sleep by now, so he didn’t bother to put his pants back on, his top bare with just his boxers on.
He opened the fridge, grabbing the glass pitcher and pouring himself a very needed glass of water. He chugged the clear liquid down, letting out a small “Ah” as he placed the cup on the counter. Suddenly your room door opened, and he panicked, trying to hurry his way into his room, but you quickly stopped him.
“Did you enjoy it? You said straightforward, grabbing a glass and pouring yourself some water as well.
“What?” Sunghoon said confused, you turned to look at him, your expression unreadable but also challenging at the same time.
“The sex, did you enjoy fucking her” You said in a bitter tone, taking a small sip of your water, as you glared at him. Sunghoon sighed, running his hands through his hair.
“Of course I did, why wouldn’t I?” He said in defense, frowning at your sudden questions about him and your sister’s sex life. You chuckled sarcastically, smirking knowingly, as you made your way over to where he was standing.
“You know, I could do so much better than her, perform so much better than her, go more rounds than her, I’ll let you hit it all night until you get tired bae” You said seductively, running your long acrylics down his tone chest, causing a chill to run down his spine. He swallowed hard looking away from you, as you looked up at him, wanting no fuck that more like craving for a reaction out of him.
“Y/n come on, we can’t do this, it’s not the right thing to do” He said, his voice shaky as your hands roam his body, slowly inching down until you got to his v line. His breath hitched when you squeezes and massaged that area, he felt dick starting to twitch inside his boxers.
“Who said it has to be? In fact who gives a flying fuck, I want you hoonie so bad, I get so wet when I think about you when I’m all alone in my room, touching my pretty pussy to the thought of you” You purr, starting to leave little kisses on his abs and chest. Sunghoon slowly felt his willpower shutting down, as the softness of your plump lips on his skin was already so addicting, and the image of you playing with your pussy as you imagined it was his fingers instead turned him on like crazy.
He finally gave in, as he pulled you by the waist, smashing his lips onto yours, as he kissed you with hunger and fervor. Sunghoon moaned in your mouth, your lips were so fucking soft and taste so sweet, he was already addicted to kissing you. He picked you up, placing your body on the counter, as continued to kiss you, gripping on your ass in the process. You moaned into his mouth, wrapping your arms around your neck, as you slid your tongue inside his mouth.
You two finally pulled away from the kiss, both panting and staring into each other’s eyes. He started to kiss you on your neck, his kisses trailing all the way down to your boob. He gently bit and sucked at the fatty flesh, causing you to let out a soft pleasured moan. Suddenly the sound of the room door popped open, and Sunghoon quickly moved away from you, running inside the laundry room to hide.
You quickly got off the counter, as adjusted your straps that had fallen down on your tank top. Raya came around the corner, rubbing her eyes that was still heavy was sleep, as her eyes slowly adjusted to the light. She gave you a weak smile, before grabbing a glass and pouring her some water.
“What are you doing still up?” She asked, taking a big sip of her water and leaning on the counter. You cleared your throat, before answering her question, trying not to make it obvious you were just eating her boyfriend’s face off.
“Can’t sleep, so I thought I’d just grab a snack” You nodded, grabbing your glass and drinking the rest of your water.
“Oh okay, well I’m going back to bed, night” She said, still half asleep. You waved her off and told her good night.
“You can come out now, you whispered yell at Sunghoon from outside the laundry room door. He slowly opened the door and stepped out of it, you grabbed him again kissing his lips one more time before you made your way back to your room, not forgetting to sway your hips back and forth seductively.
Sunghoon bit his lip, watching you walk away, leaving him wanting more and a throbbing ache between his legs, he was in too deep now….
The next morning you woke feeling giddy, you could still feel Sunghoon’s lips and hand on your body, replaying last night’s encounter over and over in your head. You’ve finally gotten a a little taste of him, fuck you wanted so much more, you wanted to feel him so deep inside you, you want to feel his weight on you as he makes you take what he gives you. You know you should feel like a bitch, lusting after your older sister’s boyfriend behind her back.
And you’ve tried to feel bad, you’ve tried to tell yourself that what you were doing was nothing but sinful. But you want him, you want him so bad that you’re willing to risk fucking up your relationship with your sister and losing her respect for you as a sister forever. You were determined to have Sunghoon inside of you tonight, you just have to have him and nobody is going to stop you from having him.
It was now the evening time, and Raya was still at work as usual, but Sunghoon was getting off of work soon. You were planning something very special tonight, you cooked him a nice home cooked meal, did your hair and makeup, plus you did end up buying that pink lingerie set and you couldn’t wait for him to see it on you in person.
Your ears perked up, and you smiled excitedly once you heard the sound of the key twisting the lock. The front door opened and there was Sunghoon, dressed professionally in a black suit, his sleeves rolled up and his hair was gelled back. You could feel yourself getting wet already, fuck he was so fucking sexy. Sunghoon looked at you wide eyed, not expecting you to be home yet and plus you cooked.
“Hey hoonie, how was work” You said flirtatiously, as you leaned against the counter, shamelessly staring at his physique in that suit, the suit perfectly outlined his slim waist.
“Oh hey Y/n, didn’t think you would be home yet” He gave you a friendly grin, taking off his shoes at the door, and dropping his bag on the couch, ugh he is such a man you thought.
“ i didn’t have classes today, are you hungry? I made you some dinner” You smiled, placing his plate on the table and pulling out a chair for him. Sunghoon looked at confused, raising his eyebrow at your actions.
“For me? Y-you cooked for me?” He stuttered, walking over to the table and looking at the dish on the plate, it was a pasta with shrimp and sausage in it, and it honestly looked fucking divine. He hadn’t eaten all day and he was currently starving like crazy.
“Yes I did, thought we could have dinner together, is that a problem or something” You looked him up and down, he quickly shook his head no, taking a seat at the dinner table.
“Of course not, just a little unexpected, didn’t know you could cook like this” He said, picking up the fork and tasting the pasta, humming at savory creamy taste, it tasted phenomenal.
“There’s a lot of things you don’t know I could do hoonie, but I’m gonna show you tonight” Yoj said seductively, coming from behind him and rubbing and massaging his shoulders. He tensed up at your sudden actions, halting his movements of the fork. You leaned down and started whispering naughty things in his ear, biting at the shell of his ear.
He fought back a moan, as you started to kiss on his neck, licking on his skin. Sunghoon got up from the chair, and suddenly picked you up off your feet, causing you to yelp and let a little giggle at his sudden motives. He didn’t even care to look at what room he was walking into, as he laid you on the bed, his body on top of you as he kisses you just like the previous night.
You both moan into each other’s mouth, wrapping your arms around his neck, as you pulled him closer to you.
“Fuck you don’t know how bad I been holding back baby, but goddamnit I just can’t hold back anymore” He said breathless, kissing all over your chest and neck. You moaned softly, gripping the sheets, you needed him so badly.
“Then don’t, I want you Sunghoon, give it to me” You whined, pulling him back down to your lips, the kiss messy and intense. You could feel his heavy erection poking your thigh, and you couldn’t help but moan out loud, he feels so big.
“Let me take care of you hoonie, let me suck your cock” You said out of breath, Sunghoon nodded, stranding up from the bed. You quickly got up and pushed him on the bed, trading places with him as you dropped to your knees. You stared into his eyes as you unbuckled his slacks, throwing his belt to the side of the room. He helped you rid him of his bottoms, lifting his body from the bed.
You were now face to face with his hard cock, standing proudly, as precum leaked from the tip. You grabbed his shaft, he let out a deep groan when you came in contact with his cock, already feeling overwhelmed from the mere feeling of you holding his cock in your hands
“Fuck, your cock is big daddy, can’t wait for you to stuff me full of it” You moaned, starting to leave kitten licks on his tip. His body jolted forward, as he gripped the sheets tightly, his hips bucking up on their own. You smirked, now sucking on the tip, as you looked deep into his lust filled eyes.
“F-fuck Y/n, shit that feels so g-good ugh” He grunted, his hand going to hold your head in place but not pushing. You started to bob your head, stroking what you couldn’t fit in your mouth, his throbbing dick constantly leaking precum inside your mouth.
“Shittt that’s it baby, take me deeper slut, since you been bagging to eat my dick, you gotta do it the right way” He smirked, his once shy and retrained self, now gone and replaced with his most dominant character. He grabbed ahold of your face, now fucking your mouth as you deep throat his cock. You gagged around his dick, causing him groan deeply, as he continues to use your mouth for his pleasure.
“Such a desperate slut, fucking throwing yourself at me like the shameless whore you are. Is that what you are? Are you a shameless whore?” You moaned around his cock, your panties were now soaked with your arousal, the fabric now transparent. He yanked you by your head, forcing you to look into his eyes, drool dripping from the sides of your mouth.
“Answer me bitch” He spat, gripping your face roughly, you moaned at the rough treatment, you loved when guys treated you like a rag doll.
“Yes daddy! I’m a shameless whore, I’m your shameless whore” You whined as he shoved his cock back down your throat, abusing your throat and fucking your mouth like a pussy. You could tell he was close to cumming, his cock twitching like crazy and his movements getting sloppy.
“Fuck baby I’m gonna cum, you gonna be a good little slut and take daddy’s cum down your throat?” He whined, not being able to hold back, shooting his load inside your mouth. He panted, his chest heaving up and down, as came down from his intense high. You swallowed all what he had to offer,sticking your tongue out and showing him.
He groaned at that, wiping the excess cum that’s on the corner of your mouth. You stripped out of your clothes, and so did Sunghoon, going back to kissing him passionately.
“Fuck I need you so bad hoonie” You whined desperately, pulling his body back down on the bed with you. He started to lick on your tits, sucking on your brown erect nipples. He started to rub your wet pussy, rubbing little circles around your clit. He slid his finger inside your pussy, licking and sucking on your pussy, as finger fucked your pussy at a fast pace.
It didn’t take you long to cum, your pussy squirting your essence everywhere on the sheets and his hands.
“You ready for me to fuck this slutty pussy baby, I’m gonna fuck you so hard, gonna take all my frustrations out on you for teasing me for so long” He moaned loudly, sliding inside your tight pussy. You let out a pained moan at the big stretch, his thick cock filling you up to the hilt, your pussy clenching hard around his dick.
“Fuuuck, tight fucking pussy, knew this pussy would be so good” He grunted, fucking into you deeply, you screamed out loud, as you clawed at his back, he was fucking you hard in missionary, remaining eye contact with you, as he destroyed your pussy.
“Oh shit! Oh fuck daddy you’re so fucking deep ugh too fucking deep” You cried out, your legs were dangling on his shoulders, as he fucked into you roughly. You felt you were being split in half, his big cock fucking your cervix.
“Shut up whore, you begged for me to fuck this tight wet cunt, so you’re going lay here like a good girl and get fucked hard” He grunted, fucking you so deeply into the mattress, the bed was creaking so loud that you’re pretty sure if Raya was to come home right now, she would know exactly what was going on in her bedroom.
“Oh my god hoonie, you feel so good, oh god you feel so good deep inside my pussy” You whined, clawing at his back again, as he hit that spot inside your gummy walls that make you feel all fuzzy.
“Yeah you like that baby, you like the way I’m beating this pussy up, so fucking wet and tight for me such a good fucking girl” He whined, plowing into your heat like it’s no tomorrow. You could feel the band your stomach getting ready to snap, that familiar tingling feeling in your stomach returning.
“Fuck daddy, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum all over your cock” You screamed to top of your lungs, as you came hard around his dick, squirting and creaming all over him. He followed right behind you, letting out a guttural groan, as he painted your insides white. He collapsed on top of you, his body limp and spent, as he tried to catch his breath. You held onto him, your body feeling numb from ear ringing orgasm you just had.
You both laid there in silence, your heavy breathing was the only noise In the quiet room.
“𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬” Sunghoon said, looking deep into your eyes.
“𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝, 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐭” You smiled mischievously.
The End….
A/n 😵💫 I’m so sorry this was so long, I kinda got carried away 😅 but omh yall y/n is such a menace like gurl!! But this was so hot plsss🤧🤧 pls don’t read if this plot makes you feel uncomfortable! Reblogs and feedback is greatly appreciated🫶🏽 I didn’t proof read home girl😭
@i03jae @ataver @ancnymcnzjy @kolawnk @yunlazia @riqomi if I didn’t tag you, it means I couldn’t 😭
#smut#enhypen#enhypen smut#enhypen imagines#fanfic#enhypen x reader#enhypen x black reader#enhypen au#enhypen scenarios#enhypen hard hours#sunghoon enhypen#park sunghoon#sunghoon smut#Sunghoon x black reader#sunghoon ffs#sunghoon x reader#slut4heemasterlist#slut4heeworks#slut4heeupdates#slut4hee#feeling slutty#i want him inside me
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hiii! i would like a ❣️ but with voicemails from the drivers hinting that they like you? we have mostly the same favorite drivers so just write for whoever you think would be good 😌
❣️ – send me a prompt and one/a few drivers and i'll tell you how i think they would react!!
(featuring: lando, charles, alex, oscar, ollie, paul, arthur, pepe and clem)

lando norris
"i think you should come visit me in monaco more. you know that the bed in my guest room is always made for you. and i put on those sheets i know you like, and i have those fragrance sticks with the rose scent, you said you liked them last time you visited me. well, i mean, my room and my bed is always ready for you, too. and i'll be in it, so… *chuckle* my mind just keeps wandering off to when you were here a few nights ago, and… i think… honestly? i think you should move in with me. okay, that sounds crazy and impulsive and like i haven't thought this through, but i really have given it a lot of thought. i want you to move in here. don't worry about the expenses, i can take care of it all. and a moving truck to get your stuff, i'll pay for it. just… think about it, will you? don't just laugh it off. i'm serious about this."

charles leclerc
"i just got back to the apartment, and it's... so quiet without you here. i keep thinking about the last time we made dinner together and how you laughed so hard at my terrible cooking that the neighbors came over to complain. i'm still scared of meeting them in the stairwell. maybe next time, you should be the one to take charge and show me how it's done? save me from another disaster? or we could go out, whichever you prefer. i just really want to see you again. and not die from food poisoning."

alex albon
"the other day, you mentioned not having a necklace that fit the new top you bought. and for some reason, i just happened to find myself right outside a jewelry store today. so i went in and bought you something. the lady in the cash register told me that a longer chain with a pendant would fit a v-neck top best, so that's what i got. it's gold, of course, i wouldn't dare buy you anything silver after you lectured me about having a warm skin tone for half an hour... i don't know, i just wanted to tell you this so you don't run around stressing about having to buy a new necklace. i can drop by yours with it if you want me to. or if you want to wear the top tonight, i'll give it to you when i pick you up."

oscar piastri
"hey, i just wanted to check in with you, make sure you're okay. are you? *pause*. what he said tonight, that was... it wasn't right. you don't deserve that. he was wrong, he has no idea what he's talking about. please, call me when you get this."

ollie bearman
"can i come straight to yours from the airport? you don't have to hug me before i shower, i might be full of flight germs, but... i just want to see you. and i'm pretty sure i forgot my favorite sweater at your place last time i went to visit you. you know, the blue one?... i think you know. not that i want it back, you can keep it if you like it. i know you look cute in it... that's beside the point. i'll tell the taxi driver your address, let me know if you don't want me coming over. see you soon."

paul aron
"some kids are building a snow fort down the street. you know, in the park where we had that picnic last summer? one of them has slipped and fallen right onto his butt about ten times now, it's hilarious. i wish you were here to see it, you would've laughed your ass off. *pause*. wish you were here for other reasons, too. but... just one more week, right?"

arthur leclerc
"i may have had a bit too much wine but i needed to call you and tell you what i just realized. you have the prettiest eyes in the world. they are gorgeous. i want to trade eyes, if i have your eyes then i would be able to get any girl – but i still only have eyes for you. haha, get it? because they're your eyes? *pause*. why are you not answering? did you hang up on me? oh, is this voicemail? did you not think i was important enough to pick up the call? even at three in the morning, you should only think about me."

pepe marti
"i know i said i was going to call you tomorrow, but i just realized. i forgot to tell you something. sebastian is throwing a party this weekend- i think it's more of a housewarming-gathering-thing, and i wasn't really feeling like going, but... i would love to introduce you to some of my friends. they're all really nice, i promise you, and if you ever feel even slightly bad, we can leave instantly. i just want to show you off, i guess? everyone would be so jealous- i didn't mean it like that, i made it sound like- i'm sorry. just please, come with me. it would mean the world to me."

clement novalak
"i went by that bookshop i know you like. the cute little one near the subway station, right by the park? and i... i had some time to spare, so i went in. just to look around at first, but then i wanted to ask the woman who works there if they have that book you were talking about. but i just couldn't remember the name of it, so i tried to explain it to her based on what you told me weeks ago, but i was just rambling... but i think she managed to find the right one. hopefully. and when we went to pay, she asked if she should wrap it and i said 'sure', but when she asked who it was to, i froze... so the wrapping has little hearts on it, i hope that's okay. i'll see you tonight, right? can't wait."
#had so much fun with this but it was also very difficult aaaaa#hope u think it's good enough <3#jack's 3k celly!#3k celly - ❣️!#lando norris#charles leclerc#alex albon#oscar piastri#ollie bearman#paul aron#arthur leclerc#pepe marti#clement novalak#x reader#x you#x yn#x y/n#fluff#fanfic#imagine
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Nest Swap ch 1
Little Tim wakes up in big Tim's apartment.
The idea came from this chain started by @ew-selfish-art and the contribution by @faeriekit
(repost of something that's currently just in a reblog chain)
His first observation was that this wasn't his house.
Tim was new to detecting, but he thought that was a pretty dang salient observation.
He didn't actually remember going to sleep. It didn't feel like he woke up here, either. He just suddenly noticed he was sitting somewhere he'd never been in his whole 9 years of life.
Very weird! Pretty neat, though.
Tim prowled around in his socked feet in total silence, investigating by the little light that came in through mostly shut curtains. He wasn't in his own clothes, which was kind of scary. He had to keep hiking up his sweatpants to keep them on, and he rolled down his socks three times to tighten them up. At least the floors didn't creak at all, even when he stepped on the dark wood panels in between dark red rugs. It made him feel more secure to move around quietly.
He was in an apartment that seemed relatively expensive but new, no antiques or family heirlooms. It was an open plan, with floating stairs and a white sofa. It was also sterile, as if no one really lived in it. It was clean in the same un-lived in way his house was. Someone professionally cleaned this apartment.
Tim was really, really careful not to make any mess.
Theory one: he had been kidnapped. It seemed pretty sound. He went to bed at home, and he woke up sitting on a strange sofa. Danger alarms were going off.
He looked around for a house phone to call for help. There was none. Troubling.
On the other hand, Tim opened the apartment door to the hallway and stuck his head out. He could see sunlight coming in through the huge lobby windows.
…Okay. He was going to consider that a viable escape route. He glanced at the side of the door where there was a pair of shoes. They were big but he could probably use them in a pinch.
So. He could just walk out at any time. He frowned. That wasn't very good kidnapping practice. He would plan a much better restraint system. Like, a rope would be a good place to start, or maybe breaking the little bones in his feet?
“This is so disappointing,” Tim muttered to himself. “I'm not even being ransomed?”
Just… Some effort would be nice.
Hmm. He didn't want to believe anyone that incompetent had managed to transport him into Gotham proper from Bristol while he slept. So. Tim formally recategorized his kidnapping theory to a suspected no.
It was undeniable that he'd been moved in his sleep, which was pretty classic. But the counter evidence? The new location looked pretty easy to escape, if he was willing to get his socks dirty outside.
Conclusion: This probably wasn't a conventional kidnapping. What else was there?
Theory two: he hit his head or fell asleep while he was out birdwatching, and some good person took them into their house to keep him safe.
That neatly explained why he was in the actual city. Tim ran his fingers through his hair looking for a bump. He wasn't sure if he found one or not. Maybe his head was just kind of oddly shaped. Troubling. Maybe he should go to the doctor about that.
It would have been helpful information either way if there had been another human being around to talk to.
There were signs that someone lived here. Tim poked around in the closet and in the fridge, building a mental profile for the resident.
One person lived here, and they were clearly kind of a loser because they had no photos of friends or family up. The jacket hanging by the door told Tim they were either an average sized woman or a small man. They couldn't cook at all, which was excellent because that meant there was a really great variety of ready to eat food. Tim snacked on string cheese and a can of soda while he flipped through the books on the shelves. He pulled a couple off to check for secret compartments. Nope. Just books.
“Boring,” Tim said to himself.
They were all books about things like business and management. It was the type of self-aggrandizing garbage that his parents made fun of: memoirs that you knew damn well that person hadn't written, manifestos on the virtues of hard work from someone born into the financial elite, and how-to's directed at an audience who had no personal shame.
Momentarily, he entertained the fantasy that he had been kidnapped by someone who was going to mold him into the ideal Drake Industries CEO, someone who wouldn't jet off across the world to follow a passion. The suspects were the entire board of directors.
Kidnapped theory redux: the Board of Directors did it. Evidence?
Tim sat down and made a chart for his thoughts, quantifying how much each person had been inconvenienced by his parents’ absence in the last fiscal year. He concluded that Mr. Morrison might hate his parents enough to do it, but the projected timeline was beyond his scope. Tim didn't think he had it in him to plan that far out.
So, the apartment owner was just a boring person. Tim made a note. Theory two was looking pretty good. The person who lived here kind of sucked at life but they were probably really nice.
Something started beeping. That was interesting. He followed it to the bedroom that he hadn't been brave enough to poke around yet. There was a weird tablet on the bedside table. He picked it up and it unlocked automatically. Wow, the security was so bad. He felt embarrassed on behalf of the absent apartment owner.
The screen showed an email from someone called Tamara Fox.
“Tim, can you get me the numbers from the acquisition in Peru?”
He blinked at it. Was the person who lived here also named Tim? Surely she wasn't actually asking him. He looked around uncertainly.
There was still no one else. The blinking display on the alarm clock told him that it was half past noon, and no one else was in the apartment.
…. poor Tamara probably really needed that information, if she was asking for it in the middle of the workday. Tim sat down on the bed and started putting together context clothes to figure out what Miss Fox was talking about. Her email signature had her title at Wayne industries listed, so that was a pretty big clue. He had access to a team calendar that showed meetings and ongoing projects, which he used to narrow it down.
When he figured it out, he sent her back an email and sat back in satisfaction. A moment later, he realized that the email account had an attached auto signature. It claimed to be Tim Drake-Wayne, CEO of Wayne Enterprises.
He stopped breathing and momentarily considered that he had traveled to the future and this was really his apartment, but the name was impossible. There was no way he was going to marry either one of the Waynes. Bruce and Dick were kind of old. Tim wrinkled his nose at the thought. Gross.
So, no. He wasn't Tim Drake-Wayne. “...It must be an inside joke,” Tim decided. “It seems really unprofessional.”
Tim was a little disappointed that he wasn't the boss of everyone, but at least he wasn't in a troubling marriage with a huge age difference. He had another cheese stick about it and the feeling went away. Ah, good. Maybe that was how Mom dealt with Drake Industries: she distracted herself until she didn't feel bad about putting it on the back burner. It was a good tactic. He'd need more cheese sticks. He made a mental note to figure out how to replace these ones.
He found a loose blanket on a side chair and tied it around his shoulders, because the apartment was pretty chilly.
The email dinged again. Tim dragged his blanket cape back into the bedroom and stared at the tablet, lost in thought.
He didn't mean to be annoying. He really didn't. He knew people hated it when you got in their stuff. But the thing was: this guy got a lot of emails. And he wasn't here to answer them, which was pretty rude of him, honestly. It seemed like his job needed him a lot.
Maybe when he got back, he would be mad at Tim for looking at his stuff.
On the other hand, maybe he would appreciate it. Tim told himself that it would be fine, and he manned that email account until the end of business hours at 5:00 p.m. Then he gave a luxurious stretch and went to find something interesting in the freezer that he could microwave.
His feelings about the email account had changed, after the hours spent together. It was their mutual email account now. Tim was willing to fight about it. He was emotionally attached to that email. People asked him all sorts of questions there, and he got to answer. It was pretty fun.
The apartment looked a little friendlier in the early evening light. He crossed it again and pushed a chair up against the deep freezer so that he could root around inside.
“Omigod, lasagne!” Tim ripped the package open in his excitement. Today was the best. He liked this place. Maybe he'd get to stay there when the owner came back to look at their shared email account.
While the lasagne heated, he went back to checking for fake books on the shelf. They were all disappointments. He did finally notice that there were pets here.
“I should feed you,” Tim told the fish, because he was really fixing this guy's life. The fish didn't pay him any attention. The microwave beeped completion, so he went back and got his lasagne. He held it in one hand and ate while he searched for fish food. When he found it, he stuck his fork in the lasagne to free up a hand and shook flakes into the water.
A secret compartment in the floor opened up.
Tim froze. He took a step back. He looked around the apartment, as if someone was going to materialize.
“…I might as well go see,” he told himself. “They're already gonna be mad that I answered our email.”
Down he went.
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