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auroraksr · 4 months ago
I have so many short & sweet videos on my fyp right now. I can’t stop thinking about singer!reader announcing her f1 bf by arresting him and dedicating Juno to him like Sabrina does at her concerts. The fans would go wild!!! I’m desperate for this fic
Juno (Live from the Shrot n'Sweet Tour)
Lando Norris x fem!singer!reader
Summary: requested as above.
Wordcount: 0.6k
Warnings: (very) suggestive content, smau (a first time for me, i hope it's alright), flirting, fluff
Note: omgg, this is such an good idea! I loved writing it! I chose Lando bc, I just love writing for him, hope that's alright with you. If not, let me know and I'll (gladly) make another version.
Masterlist, Short n'Sweet Series
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“If you haven’t already noticed,” Y/n announced, making the crowd go quiet to hear her talk. “We have a special guest tonight in the crowd.”
The moment the words left her lips and the camera panned to the guy in the audience, beaming up at her with the biggest smile one could muster, the crowd went wild. Lando was just laughing at the reaction.
Everyone there knew how big of an f1 fan Y/n was. Having attended some grand prixs already and posting her reactions to every race on her insta story, she didn’t try to make her love for the sport unknown.
The camera went back to the woman on stage, sirens going off and making everyone know what would happen next. It was a common tradition on the tour. But now, it was different when she said, “I’m sorry, sir, but I’m afraid you’re under arrest for being too hot.”
The way she winked at him and from how red he got at the mere eye contact with her, made it obvious this wasn’t mindless flirting. This was proper natural behavior for them.
“That hot, formula 1 driver I have absolutely no relation to.” She pointed out at the crowd. “You know who I mean, right? Of course, you do.” She nodded in approval at the crowd as they clapped and shouted in excitement. They were there for the show and boy, were they going to give them one.
“Sorry, what was your name again?” She asked innocently, holding the microphone in his direction.
Instead of one answer, she got thousands. All calling one name: Lando.
“Oh, okay. Okay,” she said after genuinely being surprised by the amounts of answers she received.
“Lando, gosh,” she continued talking, waving her hand in front of her face like she was trying not to faint. “Lando.” She mused his name, making it melt on her tongue like it was the most beautiful thing she heard.
She didn’t need to ask, but a script is a script. “Lando, where are you from?”
“Monaco,” he shouted back this time.
“Monaco? So, you’re rich?” He nodded. “And you came all the way here to see me?”
“Only for you.”
“Only for me? You’re too much. Stop it.” Waving her hand at him, as a blush graced her face and she scrunched up her nose. “You’re doing things to me, boy. I can’t even.”
Before she could keep on rambling, her backup dancer opened the back of her once long skirt making it fall down, revealing a shorter version. She stepped out of it, saying, “Oh my god, my clothes are falling of for you. This is embarrassing.”
She heard his voice again, a flirty comment leaving his lips: “Wouldn’t be the first time.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time?” She repeated, trying to see if she heard him correctly. When he nodded, she could see the confidence building up inside of him more and more. He wasn’t as nervous about this anymore as he was backstage before the show. Overthinking and stressing about how the fans would react to it. “Oh, you’re right about that.”
The crowd went wild again. Screaming louder than ever before.
“So, I guess,” she started talking, taking the fluffy pink handcuffs from another one of her backup dancers. “Could you maybe keep them for the rest of the show? Just so, I don’t loose them for later.” She winked at him again, starting to laugh when she saw him bury his face in his hands out of embarrassment.
She could barely still hear herself over the screams of the fans.
“Anyway, I’d like to dedicate this next song to my boyfriend, Lando Norris.”
And then the song began, the crowd going crazy and she couldn’t stop smiling. Everyone knew, finally. They knew and she made it official in a way only she could.
Lando Norris
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Yep, this is my girlfriend. No more of that Lando Norizz bullshit.
yourusername: babe, what the fuck is that last picture?
yourusername: love you though, i guess
-> LandoNorris: you guess? Didn’t seem like that last night, huh?
-> yourusername: omg, shut up. This isn't a public account concersation.
Comments have been limited.
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auroraksr · 5 months ago
i looove your blog layout!!
omg tyyy
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auroraksr · 5 months ago
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summary : He’s a certified book theif, she’s a perfect distraction. Some sweet interactions between y/n x lando in their college life.
listen up : LANDO NORRIS JOCK FRAT BOY AU🗣️🗣️ guys this was so cutie i love !! i need more romance books also lol. some dirty jokes but that’s about it! the FIA is lando’s frat lol
word count : 4480
I regret wearing a skirt as I step into the library, the cold temperatures not changing at all. But I'm trying to get in and out quickly. Which is hard while surrounded by books.
I smile at Ms. Finigan, hurrying up the stairs and past favorite section, romance. I sadly walk past, seeing all of my favorite titles call to me.
I find the Shakespeare section and realize that I need to get out of my comfort zone sometimes. I’m scanning the books before I find my next victim. Romeo and Juliet. The overly romanticized book about two idiot pre teens.
I finally think something is going right for me today, until I go to reach for it. Someone next to me reaches over my head and snatches it right out of my reach.
I turn to yell at the man who’s taken my book, but then I realize who it is.
Lando Norris.
Of course, today of all days, he has to be in my way.
He’s devastatingly gorgeous, an insane athlete, and utterly annoying. “You’re Y/n… Right?” I push the fact that I've never introduced myself out of my mind and reach for the book.
He pulls it back, I'm still bookless. And he, with his backwards hat and FIA hoodie, is just peering at me like I'm some zoo animal.
He raises a brow at me as I frown, “Yes. Could I have my book?”
“Your book?”
He’s cocky and arrogant and I’m getting distracted by his eyes. “Yes, My soon to be book if you’d let me have it! Please, Norris. I’m late.”
“Norris?” He eyes me, “Didn’t know you knew who I was.”
“Glad you learned something today!” I reach for the book but he holds it over his head, “I need it!”
“Why do you need it?”
I cross my arms, “Why do you need to know?” Sadly, this doesn’t put him off. A smirk grows on his handsome face.
“Sassy.” He brings the book behind his back but when I reach for it, he just steps closer. I narrow my eyes because what game is he playing? “You’re cute when you’re angry.” Yeah… what the fuck.
I step back, “I'm going to be late, Lando.” He smiles when I say his name, “Why do you need it?”
“Just some light reading.” I frown, trying to think of any way I can get it from him, “I’ll give it to you if you beg for it.”
“Awh.” I fake pout before rolling my eyes and walking away, “I’d rather choke.”
“I know something you can c-” I snap my head around and he honestly looks scared. “Sorry.”
“Sorry? I swear to fucking god Norris, if you’re just screwing me over for fun-” I let out an angry groan and take a deep breath in, reminding myself how bad I need it, “I need it. My professor needs me to have the hardcopy, and I need him to like me because normally all my professors like me and I’ve never failed and he’s the type to fail me because of something like this.” I don’t mean to dump all my thoughts onto him but he doesn’t look fazed.
“Alright, Ace. Should have thought a bit ahead then, huh?” He gives me an annoying look and I suddenly get the urge to slap him.
“You don’t seem like the type to be into Shakespeare.” He almost looks surprised that i’m not falling at his feet.
“I’m not.” He shrugs in the way all frat guys do, and I know he won’t say any more.
I need to cut my losses, “Whatever, I am so late.” I start walking away but he follows.
“Need a ride?”
I eye him, standing in the front steps, “You’ll give me a ride but not that book?” He starts talking again but I just shake my head, not being able to deal with this anymore.
“Come on, wait!”
I keep walking.
“You made me feel bad, Ace!”
So he does have a heart.
“Your loss!”
When I turn back one last time, my middle finger in the air, I see him getting into his immensely expensive Mclaren, and winking at me.
I make it to my class late, after my professor embarrasses me in front of the whole class because I don’t have my book, I finally finish and make my way back to my apartment. I hear a loud sigh as I walk in. My roommate, Lily Muni He is spread out on the couch and frowning at her laptop, “I'm dropping out.”
“After the day i've had, me too” I go straight to the fridge.
“What happened?”
”Oh you mean spilling my coffee all over my favorite sweater, Lando Norris asking me to beg for it, Or my professor yelling at me in front of my whole creative writing class?” I open my tug of ice cream.
Her jaw drops, “What!?”
“Yeah my new sweater that I spent months saving for-” I dive my spoon into the chocolate and peanut butter mixture before she screams and cuts me off.
“NO! Go back! What do you mean Lando Norris!? Lando Norris asked you to beg for WHAT!?” I plop down on the couch with her.
“Oh. That.” I roll my eyes, thinking back to his dickish moves today. I’ve met him but not in a formal sense, when he was trying to get into the most exclusive frat on campus (FIA) the guys would volunteer at the library I work at to read to kids. Lily claps her hands in front of my face and I snap back to reality.
I tell her the story and while I'm hung up on my poor book, probably in his nasty room, she’s hung up on the fact that Lando offered me a ride in his Mclaren.
“You know, he’s not as bad as everyone makes him out to be.” I don’t believe her, “Seriously! He shared a room with Alex last year and was actually really nice to me. Definitely player vibes but at least he’s a nice one.”
I frown, “Well that’s great for you! But he’s holding my book hostage.”
“One iced coffee with oat milk please!” I smile and reach into my bag, digging around for my wallet. Okay! no need to panic, I have no wallet but I have apple pay.
Except when I tap my phone, the lady taking my order shakes her head at me, “Declined… Any other way you could pay?”
I sigh, honestly about to walk right out with all of my shame left over. But a familiar arm reaches over me for the second time, handing over a credit card.
“I’ve got it.” Lando fucking Norris. “Good to see you again, Ace.” He shoots me that heartthrob smile before the woman swipes his card and within two minutes, we’re holding drinks.
“You really didn’t have to…” I take my coffee from him as we move out of the way. He sips his matcha latte and smiles.
“It’s no problem. I felt sort of bad that I took your book anyways.” I frown at his words, still angry, “But if you want to repay me back, you can sit with me.”
I don’t know why he wants to. But he bought my eight dollar coffee so who am I to say no?
We sit at the seats facing the window, looking out onto the street that’s covered in orange and brown leaves.
Lando doesn’t talk first, just sips his drink and watches the two dogs at separate tables outside play together.
I don’t know why I say it, but I can’t help myself, “Do you have pets?”
His head turns to me and I realize how curly his mullet really is. No hat or weird gel just makes him more attractive and I fear I'm not mad at it.
“Nah, the house doesn’t allow it. Besides Franco’s weird lizard…” He looks disgusted for a second before looking at me again, “Do you?”
I nod, “A cat.”
“What’s its name?” It’s a bit weird that he’s interested, but I’ll take any chance I get to talk about my child.
“Jo! Like Jo March.” He looks confused, “Little women?” He still looks confused, “Louisa May Alcott…?” When I realize he’s not getting it I nod, “It’s a book.”
“Ah… I don’t know much about those.”
I can’t help but say, “But you know about Romeo and Juliet, right?” He better because I did not get called out just for him to not read it.
“It was for my friend…” He cringes as I scoff, “I’m sorry! He needed it! Uh- Carlos? He’s in your class too I think…”
I swat his arm, “You gave it to someone in my class!? That’s even worse!”
He laughs, “Sorry, not sorry! He asked nicely.”
I eye him, “Oh, and I didn’t?” He shakes his head, his hand going to his hair as his elbow rests against the table. He hides his face in his arms but I can still see his smile.
I roll my eyes, “Well, thanks to you I got humiliated in class!”
“Hey, I bought you coffee, you can’t be mad!” I huff and look back outside, he stays looking at my side profile for a second then joins me in silence.
Silence that is quickly broken by a girls shrill voice, “Lando!” Kill me now. I don’t know what’s about to happen, but I don’t want to be apart of it.
Sadly, I'm not struck down by lightning and have to watch the blonde wrap her arms around Lando. His eyes go wide but when she pulls away, he gives a cool nod.
“Where’ve you been?” She giggles, not paying any attention to me and resting a hand on his arm, “I’ve missed you.”
Lando glances at me, “Um… around?” She giggles at this again.
“I’ll be at the party on sunday! Me and Rennee!” Lando seems to be overtaken by a coughing fit and I promptly stand, grabbing my bag and coffee.
“Thanks for the coffee, Norris. I gotta go!” He watches me leave, looking like he’s going to say something. But he doesn’t.
It’s not everyday that a frat car wash happens. But when it does, I know it’s going to be a good one. My friends make me drive, Lily’s next to me and she said she had to support her boyfriend.
Watching twenty shirtless guys grind shirtless on my car is definitely an interesting support system. But hey, i’m not complaining.
I’m crying laughing by the time my car is getting soaped up, Lily is screaming and Alexandra and Francesca are videoing in the back.
Lily bangs on the window, Alex pops up, smiling at her, “Get Lando!” I lunge for her as soon as she says it, “Ah!” She screams as I turn her to me.
“Lily!” The girls in the back are crying now, “Lily no!”
She just giggles, “Too late!” I look to my left to see Oscar (a guy from my chem class) and Lando walking towards the car.
Francesca and Alexandra are watching the man on top of the car but i’m totally and completely zoned in on Lando’s soapy wet abs.
“I hate you.” I say to Lily but she just giggles.
“No you don’t!” Him, Oscar and Alex start basically dry humping my car. I cover my face but Lando slams his hand on the window.
He looks personally offended, a fat grin back on his face. He points to my eyes, then his. I roll my eyes and he sticks his tongue out.
They continue to assault my car and just as I’m wondering why all of them are ripped. Lando gets thrown onto my windshield, being moved around like a rag by Alex and Oscar who are laughing hysterically.
I clap my hands together, honestly admiring his effort, I'm laughing still. I bring my fingers to my lips and whistle as Lando grabs the hose, pouring it on himself.
“Shit!” Lily hits my arm repeatedly as he sprays us.
“You’re ridiculous!” I yell and he laughs at my words.
He just spreads his arms and shrugs, “Only for you, Ace!” His muscles are distracting me. They're even making me gloss over that this is the third time he’s called me ‘Ace’.
He blows me a kiss before running his hand down his body, sticking his tongue out as I shake my head.
“Excuse me!” Francesca yells from behind us, “Are you and Lando Norris, fucking!?”
I’m officially embarrassing myself. “What the fuck are you doing here?” Y/n whisper yells at me as I slide into the seat next to her.
“I had to wait for Carlos anyways so I thought, Hmm I know someone in this class!” The professor starts speaking as she pinches the bridge of her nose.
“You can’t just be here! Why don’t you go sit with Carlos?”
“Well that’s easy, Ace. You’re much prettier than he is.” I don’t miss the blush that finds her cheeks, smiling to myself because I did that. “Saw you at our car wash last week.”
“Have you ever considered a career in the magic mike industry?” She whispers as she moves her pencil across the paper.
I laugh a bit too loud and when the professor calls me on it, I stand and wave, “Sorry, Prof! Won’t. happen again!”
When I sit back down, she gives me a death stare, “Why is it that in the three years I've been at this school, I've had the pleasure of never running into you, but in the past three weeks, I've seen you everywhere?”
“Maybe I just want you to see me now.” I knew her name, she was too pretty to forget but never hung around our group and I was otherwise occupied.
But now that I've actually talked to her, I realize that maybe I like her for more than her killer face.
She doesn’t look up yet, “Did you run out of girls on the campus and I'm the last victim?” I know she thinks I'm a sort of… slut? Town bike? Classic Frat boy?
But honestly is it a crime to enjoy myself?
I know I really enjoy myself with her.
“I’ll let you be anything to me, Ace. Anything except victim, seems like something I’d get kicked out for.” He laughs under her breath, I love when I make her laugh.
“The only thing I am to you, is a way to be distracting.” I grin because she’s exactly right.
“True.” I lean in closer, resting my arm on her chair, “I can think of a lot of ways we can be distracting to this class.”
She elbows my side and when I groan, she eyes me, “Ow!”
She shakes her head and continues listening. I let her for a while, looking at her shoes and avoiding looking at her legs. I fail at the second one and she snaps her fingers in front of my face.
“I won’t let you sit here if you’re gonna be checking me out the whole time.”
I listen to her, scrolling on my phone and making little remarks at what she’s writing, “So you wanna be an author?” she hums in response, “You like to read?” She nods again, “I bet you read smut.”
She hits me again, “Lando!”
“What!? With that reaction, I know I'm right.” she’s blushing again and suddenly all I want is to look at her bookshelf, “No need to be embarrassed we all have our vices.” She covers her face from me and I smile.
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I down two shots before going to Lando’s frat party. My friends are obsessing over the fact that we were invited but i’m more nervous than I have been in a while.
Francesca is a lion, Lily is princess peach (a couples costume with Alex), Alexandra is a fairy, and the only things I could find were a white dress and wings so i’ve labeled myself as Juliet in the weird ‘modern’ adaptation.
As we walk up, I realize there’s people waiting to get in but Alex waves us to the front. It’s almost immediate when I spot Lando.
I thought I would at least have time for more drinks before I even got close to him. I don’t know why I'm anxious, maybe it’s because Lando is a sort of fun way to take my mind off things.
I don’t think anything of his costume, he just looks like he’s in gray. But as we get closer, I can see the shift in Lando’s face and when he turns to talk to Alex, I see the armor on his arms.
He’s fucking Romeo.
I’m avoiding him. Simple as that! He tried to say something to me when I arrived but I swerved him and ran after Alexandra.
Someone’s talking to me, I think his name is Liam or something? He’s blonde and dressed like a mouse.
But he’s cute and definitely interested in me.
“Hey!” Lando’s hand goes to Liam’s shoulder, squeezing him tightly, “Pledge! I see you’ve met Y/n.”
Liam’s eyes widen and he scurries away like… well… a mouse. I cross my arms, watching Lando smile as he leaves.
“You’ve been avoiding me, Ace.”
I sip my drink, looking anywhere but him, “No….”
He steps in front of me, way too close, “I like your costume.” His eyes move down my body and I might as well be naked by the way he’s staring at me.
“Yours could use a bit of work, not very accurate.” I lie.
“What, you wanted me to straighten my hair?” I cringe at the idea, “I don’t do well with books, the movie was good.”
I laugh a bit, “You’re a walking stereotype.”
“Oh and you aren’t?” He eyes me, “Nerdy with a big mouth who can’t stop blushing.”
I think about it for a moment and realize he’s right. Lizzie Bennett, Amy Santiago, Hermione granger. Shit why does he know me?
“You’re doing it again.” He pokes my cheek and I know they’re pink, “It’s cute.”
“You’re such a flirt.” He smirks at this, “It’s the jock thing! Is it in your water or something?”
He laughs, taking my hand, “Come dance?” I nod without thinking. He’s still sipping his drink as his hand moves from my hand to my waist.
His touch is soft and he smiles at me under the neon lights. It’s weird that four weeks ago I had all sorts of ideas about him in my head. Now I know him and I sort of love it.
We dance for a while, i’m in a haze of smoke and alcohol when I realize Lando is zoning out.
I touch his arm, leaning closer, “Wanna get some air?” He nods and looks around.
“Come on.” He takes my hand. Lando fucking Norris, grabs my hand and gently guides me through the crowd.
It’s different this time, I don’t know why. But his hand on mine feels more intimate.
He starts walking upstairs and when I pause he looks back, “I have a balcony. Fresh air only, I promise.” I nod and follow, trusting him.
His room is clean, with posters up and multiple photographs hung on the walls. He slides the door open, letting me go first.
I take a deep breath, the cool air washing over me as I lean against the railing, leaning my head back and rebelling in the muffled noise.
I look back up to him, but he’s just staring at me, “You’re beautiful.” It takes me by surprise, like genuine shock runs through me. His eyes widen, almost like he didn’t mean to say that out loud. “I’m-”
“Don’t apologize.” He looks relieved at my words, “Thank you.”
He breathes out, standing next to me, “Thanks for coming. My friend really likes yours- Alexandra, right?”
“Oh!” So that’s why he invited me. “Right, I heard they were hooking up…” He’s acting nervous and fidgety, “Are you okay?”
He nods, “Sorry. I’m kinda drunk and anxious and you’re great but I don’t feel great.” I frown, nodding to walk back inside.
I sit on his bed, pulling off my shoes and crossing my legs. He doesn’t look at me weird, just lays next to me, sighing.
For some reason, he looks so different than the Lando who teased me in a class he snuck into.
Are you really okay, you don’t seem like you’re in the party mood...”
He hums, “I’d rather be up here with you anyways.”
I sigh, “Stop fucking with me.”
He frowns, sitting up a bit, “What?”
“I know we laugh about you being flirty and shit but you’re gonna make me think you like me.” I brush my hair out of my face but I can feel him looking at me.
“Why would I joke about that? I do like you.” Oh.
Oh okay.
So he just drops that fucking bomb then goes into another room to “grab something” ??
I want to slap myself. What the hell is happening.
He walks back in with two waters and a bucket of halloween candy. “You can go back down, by the way.”
“Trying to get rid of me, Norris?” I reach over and grab a twix as he smiles. It makes me feel good that he’s feeling well enough to smile.
“Never, Ace.”
We sit in silence for a bit, eating candy and drinking water like the complete nerds we are. I glance over at him, making sure he’s still awake, “How many girls have you had in this bed?”
He frowns, “You want the real answer?”
“No.” He laughs as I turn to him, crossing my ankles and leaning against the wall, “Why do you call me ace?”
“Why do you think?” When I don’t say anything, he answers hesitatingly, “You went off about your grades and professors liking you. Like you ace everything. And even before that I knew you were smart. But now it’s more because I think you’re pretty close to perfect.”
I think my heart stops. Just then, the look he gives me… like he’s embarrassed or something, “I don’t really know what to say to that.”
“Then don’t say anything.” He lays back down, “What’s your favorite color?” I smile softly as Lando plays with my shoelace.
We sit like this for a while, the party is still in full effect when we get quiet again. I’ve learned about his family, his dreams and school life. I told him about my aspirations, what I've always loved, and what I truly read.
He gets a kick out of the last bit.
He’s feeling better now, I know because his eyes aren’t avoiding me. He’s just looking into my eyes, his are so green and I think I could write an essay about them.
His head knocks against the wall, he’s next to me now, our arms touching as he tilts his head to look at me, “Ace?” He whispers even though it’s just us.
“I don’t want you to think i’m a slut.”
I smile softly, “I don’t.”
“I want you to like me.”
My heart rate rises, “I do.”
“Don’t lie.”
“I wouldn’t lie to you, Norris. You’re too nosy to believe me anyway.” He laughs at this. Then he gets really quiet.
My eyes flicker to his lips, he does the same. I lean in, so does he. I’m about to close my eyes. He backs away, clearing his throat.
I pull my lips into a thin line, looking away.
And again I think,
What. The. Fuck.
I’m embarrassed to say that my lack of a kiss with Lando last night, was truly humbling. He’s so confusing.
I mean, he said he liked me! And I go to kiss him and then he just doesn’t? After that awkward moment he mumbled something about joining the group and we went back downstairs.
Lando looked incredibly uncomfortable the rest of the night and I found my way to the tequila way too fast.
I march my way up the library stairs, my headache subsiding after the meditation and water. I don’t really remember anything after Lando and I went downstairs.
I’ve been unable to stop thinking about what happened with us, so i’ve come to my happy place.
I breathe in the smell of the books, drifting my hand against the spines of historical fiction. I make my way to shakespeare.
It’s probably not the best right now because all I can think of is how Lando smelled when he took that book from me. I look up, and see Romeo and Juliet staring back at me.
I reach up and take it from its place, opening it and flipping through the pages. I smile at the words that I've come to like after my class.
I’ve never felt such an all consuming love like Juliet, but I think I understand her just a bit more now.
Someone clears their throat and when I look up, i’m not as shocked as I was all those weeks ago.
Lando Norris.
He's in jeans and a plain white tee. Why does he look so good then?
He slips his hands in his pockets, walking towards me, “I’m sorry.”
I raise a brow because I certainly wasn’t expecting that, “For?”
“I wasn’t lying when I said I like you.” he blushes and I want to tease him but he keeps talking, “But I really didn’t feel like myself last night. And I wanted our first kiss to be the sort of thing you could write in detail.”
A small smile meets my lips as he stands in front of me, my back to the shelves, “You’ve thought about kissing me.”
He rolls his eyes but a smile is on his face, he steps closer and his hand goes to my waist, “You are a distraction.” I laugh a bit, looking up at him innocently.
“Whatever do you mean?” He shakes his head and dips it down to be at my level.
“For real this time… Can I kiss you?” I can’t help but smile.
“Only if you compare me to a summer's day and would be willing to die for m-” He cuts me off with his lips.
My arms wrap around his neck, as I kiss him back. I can feel him smile against my lips. My hand goes to his hair, the other gripping the book.
That damn book that started this all.
He bites my lip a bit before moving back, his breath still on me. “I don’t think I've seen true beauty until I saw you in this library.”
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auroraksr · 5 months ago
Kiss and Makeup | LN4 smau
lando norris x reader
summary: you are lando norris's makeup artist
fc: isabela merced
yourusername added to their story
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caption: my face after waking up at 4 am to do ppl’s makeup
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Liked by yourbsf and 859 others
yourusername my life recently
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yourbsf you’re GLOWING babe
mclaren check DMs!
mclaren added to their story
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caption: New stuff coming soon🤭
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user1 oh wow he's so handsome
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Liked by landonorris, yourusername, and 171K others
mclaren Some new bags have been released with our partnership with Tumi, check them out below!
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user1 he's so—HJQHSJCHJW
user2 wow😋
user3 i want to bite him
user5 anything you say sweetheart😍
user6 #needthat
user7 i'll cook and clean the dishes just one chance plsss
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Liked by landonorris, yourbsf, and 12K others
yourusername it was nice doing something else! thanks for having me! @/mclaren
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yourbsf remember me when you're famous😔
mclaren thanks for joining us!
user2 how does one get this job
landonorris thanks for letting me look at all ur powders!
yourusername haha ofc, anytime!
user4 lando commented what does this meannnnnnn
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Liked by yourusername and 947K others
landonorris gearing up for the next race
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user1 P1 i see the vision
user2 i love that helmet
magui_corceiro good luck!
user3 letsssgoo
yourusername good luck!
landonorris thank you! ;)
user4 🤨
user5 ?????
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Liked by landonorris, yourbsf, and 14K others
yourusername anyway i also have a life
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yourbsf body is tea tho
yourbsf GORGEOUS
user1 face card never declines
user2 i fear you are serving
landonorris pretty
yourusername thank you😊
user3 OHHHHH
user4 RIZZ?????
user5 oh to have lando norris call me pretty
user6 guys is this the start of something new?
user7 alright chill out zac efron
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Liked by yourusername, landonorris, and 1.2M others
GQ Racing, gaming, and padel, hear all about Lando Norris in his interview here
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user1 WOWZA
user2 another photoshoot? please tell me y/n was his makeup artist
user4 lando has been feeding us lately
user5 i can't handle this anymore
yourusername added to their story
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caption: bros messing up the makeup😐
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user2 soooo are yall dating or what?
landonorris oops?
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Liked by yourusername and 1.3M others
landonorris that's more like it
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user2 absolute domination today
user3 congrats!!
yourusername invite me next time?
landonorris yes ma'am🫡
user5 im sick of them
maxfewtrell put a shirt on mate
user6 no we don't mind😊
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Liked by landonorris and 27K others
yourusername who is this diva????
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user2 my b pose is naaastyyy
user3 he's so handsome
landonorris it's not too late to delete
yourusername but what fun is that???
user4 🚢🚢🚢
user5 so so jealous
user6 is she just like his permanent makeup artist now lol?
yourusername yeah he kidnapped me
landonorris for legal reasons this is a joke😑
user7 OMG
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Liked by yourusername and 11.6K others
tumitravel Lando Norris for TUMI
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user1 ok i'll buy the bag
user2 does lando come with the bag???
user3 yn is one lucky girl
user4 love how y'all just assume their dating
user3 well yes
yourusername wow whoever did his makeup must be really good
landonorris meh shes okay
user6 stop i love them
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Liked by yourusername, maxfewtrell, and 485K others
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user2 who u making heart pizza with??🤨
user3 if i say what i wanna say they'll silence me
user3 they're so dating
user4 🤫
yourusername aw cute cat
landonorris thx :)
user5 let me just sit back and observe
user6 yesss lando.jpg revival finally
yourusername added to their story
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user1 where ya going?🙂
yourbsf gonna miss u when ur in singapore :(
user2 y'all so cute idec if you're dating or not
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Liked by yourusername and 1.6M others
landonorris sing a pore
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user1 bruh
user2 hard launch on live tv goes crazy
user3 bro's just gonna ignore that EVERYONE saw that kiss
yourusername you can't keep a secret to save your life
landonorris oops🤭
yourusername you're lucky ur cute
user6 I WAS HERE
user7 okay but that was so fricking cute
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Liked by landonorris and 286K others
yourusername muppet���
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user1 HELP
landonorris i said i was sorry pls
landonorris sorry again😁😁😁
landonorris where did you get these photos
user2 nahh that's crazy
user3 okay now i'm definitely jealous
user4 this is literally a wattpad story like wdym she's his makeup artist and now they're dating???
yourbsf i'd like to thank beyoncé
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taglist: @evasmlp @partnerincrime0 @r0nnsblog @raizelchrysanderoctavius @daniiiboo @wisestarfishbouquet @noodleysalad @thatgirlwholikescars @jxnellat @blakebearsblog @angelluv444 @pretty-little-bunny382728 @etterdotexe @scopeiguess @noope306 @burning8wood @styl1shl1v @venusandstardust @daniellef89x @nzygftoji @laheykol06 @blodwyn4u @allthings-fandoms @woozarts @astroniii @lilorose25 @dejavuontrack @xxx-betty @wobblymug @m3ntally-unstable @armystay89 @sarakay-gvf @kar1nsworldx @velentine @rexit-mo @blodwyn4u @lammys-thinking @sam02009 @kaorisakamotofan @taylorsvogue13 @loveparkersblog @delicatetrashtree @hashmiya @noodleboyluke @crispysoup318 @kisssleeping @comicalivy @lilypat @superlegend216 @pakotrzl @heavy-vettel @ilivbullyingjeongin @theblueblub @bloodyymaryyy @stressed-cherry @da-writer @chemiru @ks001
add yourself to my taglist here!
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auroraksr · 5 months ago
I would love a x Lando fic where reader quits their job — Lando sees how it’s tearing them apart, becoming a shell of who they used to be, and has to kinda push for something to change. Would love if reader used to have a special interest/hobby that got pushed yo the side bc of the job, and they get to reclaim that, kinda thinking artsy stuff like drawing, painting, or even watercolor or mixed media? Would love to hear your thoughts!
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synopsis: when y/n quits her job, lando has to do anything he can to help her feel like her again
a/n: idk if this is exactly how you wanted it but i tried! also, thank you for requesting!!! this request literally made me write again after like a week away with a creative block
warning: fem!reader, little bit of angst like tiny little bit, fluff, painter!reader
wc: 700+
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you always loved your job. it's part of who you are, were and - you expected - was going to be. it's your passion, the thing you always wanted to do. or so you thought.
when you realized how much you were being suffocated by your own life, you decided to quit. that was the best idea, or so you thought.
"love, i'm home." you hear lando saying as the front door closes. the footsteps get louder as he starts to get closer to your bedroom. "hey, still in bed?" he says quietly.
you pause the show you were watching and look at him. "hey."
"love..." he sits in the edge of the mattress, looking at you. "you know you can't expect life to move on if you doesn't, right?"
you huff. you were tired, fisically and mentally, and wearing him talk about it like you didn't even care about the moment was nerve wrecking.
"this is unfair. you know i loved my job, that's-" you sigh. "you do what you love, you race cars for a living, you love the adrenaline, the feeling. it's so hard to understand that i also loved what i did? i made my whole life planning around it, and now it's simply gone."
he bites his cheek and you can almost see the engines turning in his head.
"don't try, it's not gonna come back. for now, just let me live like that until i- i don't know, find something else to love."
"you love me." he jokes quietly and kisses your forehead, nodding. "i'm gonna go and grab some food from that restaurant that you love, so we can eat here. i'll be by your side."
you nod and pull the blankets, seeking comfort as he leaves. he stands up and you can hear the keys tinkling as he leaves through the front door.
20 minutes. 30 minutes. 40 minutes go by before he finally arrives, the time suspicious, the noises even more. but you don't bother to go to kitchen, as he walkes back in the room with a plastic bag that you knew way too well.
"they were full." he explains as he sits in bed by your side, taking the food off the bag and putting down on the mattress.
the previous matter doesn't come back all night long, not while you eat nor while you get ready for bed, and you couldn't thank him more for understanding, at least for a while, what you were feeling.
next morning starts early as he has to go to for a few meetings before lunch, so you were once back left alone in bed.
you decide to grab something to eat before coming back and binge watching another show, but when you look around in the kitchen, you see something different.
a easel, sat by the side of the window, with a big canvas on it and a yellow post-it, written in lando's handwriting: 'back to the old hobbeis? ps: i love you'. the little misspelling reminding you of his warm smile.
you walk back to the bedroom and search for your old painting tools. you really did love painting, but as you focused on your job, the hobby got lost in a little box in the back of your mind, with everything you loved before dedicating your full self to satisfy your workaholic brain.
you grab a stool in the kitchen and sit in front of the white canvas, looking at it. deep breaths in and out rescue back the feeling you had when you touched one of those for the last time, and you let out an involuntary smile.
you spend hours letting your imagination flow faster than your hands, you mind going completely blank as the brush slides through the - now colorful - canvas.
you feel arms wrapping around your waist and a soft breath in your neck. surprised, you look back.
"when did you get home?"
"like 30 minutes ago. but i wanted to see you painting." he smiles, not taking his eyes off your work. "this looks amazing."
"it's not done yet." you scrunch your nose when looking back at the canvas and finally seeing your piece.
"well, feels like a fucking mona lisa to me." he shrugs and kiss your cheek. "you liked it?"
you nod and smile at him.
"great, cause i spend 20 minutes looking at a bunch of easels thinking which would suit you best."
you chuckle and touch the tip of his nose with your brush, painting it blue.
"hey!" he laughs and steps back.
he shakes his head before snatching the brush out of your hand and doing the same to you.
"you can't do that!' you whine, jokingly.
"what are you gonna do, huh?" he teases, painting your cheek.
"lando!" you giggle.
he puts the brush down and kisses your forehead. "i love you. this you, the happy one."
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auroraksr · 6 months ago
thinking about writing a the secret of us inspired sequel or just one shots,,,,,,,,,,
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auroraksr · 6 months ago
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synopsis: lando had been in love with his best friend for years, and here's how he's indirectly demonstrating it.
a/n: last bit has a 'nobody wants this' reference cause i binge watched it and i loved so deal with it (plus please go watch it is so good)
warning: credits to some of the ideas to @novelbear cause im in love with her prompts and had to do something with it. super fluff, friends to lovers, lando being whipped for y/n, fem!reader
wc: 1k
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holding hands
lando always thought the best way to show his love was his hands.
he will get any excuse to hold your hand or simply just play with it.
the first time he did it, was weird, maybe because you were 12 and showing public display of affection was anything but normal, but you both grew into it.
to this day, whenever your by his side, he will grab your hand. if you're walking, he will hold on tight to it and caress the back with his thumb. if you're sitting side by side, he will grab your hand and play with your fingers, moving it around and massaging them.
surprise hugs
lando loves to give you hugs whenever he can. his favorite genre? surprise hugs.
the times you went to visit the paddock to watch his races, he just loved to surprise you, hugging you from behind.
he would be all sweaty and sometimes even smelling like champagne, but he would creep up behind you, quietly, and wrap his arms around your shoulders ou waist. people would think is not very 'friends' of you to do that, but well, you are friends, right?
playing with your hair
lando would always say his favorite fisical part of you was your hair.
one of his most common pastime is playing it it. just running his fingers through it, caressing your scalp and sometimes even blowdrying it for you.
if you lay your head on him, being on his lap or shoulder, he will caress your hair, no matter what or who's around.
borrowing clothes
lando never like the idea of lending clothes. even growning up with three siblings, he did not get used to it, so he never did.
apart from when it came to you. he loves to see you wearing his clothes, a shirt, a hoodie, whatever, it's just weirdly comforting.
he will often realize some of his favorite pieces missing from his wardrobe, but when seeing you wearing it, he doesn't say a word.
if it's one of mclaren shirts? gosh, he melts. seeing you with his number on your back, cheering for him or just showing your support is one of the things he appreciates the most.
lando will send you good morning texts every single day.
doesn't matter if you are already up and he just woke up at 1 pm, when you look at your phone, there will be a 'good morning' there.
if he's at another country for whatever reason, he will send you good morning the time he gets up, so, sometimes, when he's on the other half of the world, you'll get a 'good morning' at 8 pm.
another thing he likes to do is take photos of his day and send it to you. be a goofy selfie of him or a picture of the most beautiful place you ever saw, when you open your gallery, he will be there.
lando loves peppering you with gifts.
coming from a wealthy family and being a formula one driver, money is not a problem for him, so sometimes you will wake up to gift by your front door.
when he travels to a place, he will normally buy you something there, doesn't matter if it's a fridge magnet or a expensive bag, he will get it for you, even when you say he doesn't need to do that.
'i love you''s
everytime lando says or hear an 'i love you' to or from you, his heart stops.
it's his three favorite words to say to you, even if he doesn't do it often. might be the way your eyes soften or your smile grow bigger, but he loves saying he loves you.
though when he hears it, his mind goes completely blank and keeps repeating 'i love you too' countless times.
the first time he said it, slipped out of his mouth. he was 14 and had just realized how much he liked you - as a kid, he didn't really know what love was -, so when you said you would cover for him to do another of his bullshits, he immediately said "hell yeah, thanks! i love you!".
he did not believe what he just said and immediately corrected himself: "i love how you always cover for me!", but you just chuckled and responded "i love you too, dumbass."
the first kiss
lando had just won his first ever grand prix.
miami was hot. like you could actually melt in place if a breeze didn't got to you.
lando got out of his car and run to hug his crew, you, being at the side, with his dad, was glowing with happiness.
"so proud of you!" you say as soon as he hugs you.
he might just had gotten out of the car, tired as ever, but when his arms wrapped around your waist, he lifted you away from the floor and more into his embrace.
"thanks." he says quietly, pulling back. "this is unbelieavable!"
his eyes did not missed yours for a beat, staring deeply into you as he could read all your thoughts. and maybe he could, because the first thing he did after you thought 'i really want to kiss you' was kiss you.
he cupped your cheeks with firm hands and pecked your lips. you could swear you heard a 'finally!' from his dad, but too busy into understanding what happened, you shoved it off.
"wow, sorry." he said instantly, stepping back.
you were basically in the middle of the track, after an crazy first win from your best friend, and he just kissed you.
you stepped up, knowning that if you didn't, everything would blow away. you grabbed his arm and pulled him into a proper kiss, his arms sliding in your back to reach you. you let out a sigh mid-kiss, his lips crazy for yours as you pulled away, in disbelief.
"we'll talk about it later, i have to go." he said to you, shaking his head.
you nodded, watching him walk away. before we was even two steps away, he turned back and smiled playfully to you: "that was a really nice kiss, i think i might be pregnant!"
and with that, runned towards his interviews.
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auroraksr · 6 months ago
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synopsis: while lando takes a work call in the morning, you decide to give him a gift
warnings: fem!reader, smut (oral (m receiving), gagging, semi-public sex, mentions of sex, only blowjob), let me know if i forgot anything
wc: 700+
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you wake up to the shrill ringing of your boyfriend's phone by the end of the bed. last night, you went to sleep after some agitated moments and a lot of chatting, what resulted in daily stuff lost throughout the place: clothing, phones and even the blanket.
the person making the call could have heard lando's groan anywhere, even though the phone was still ringing. the man fumble around the bed and grabs his phone, putting on his ear and taking the call.
you turn to look to your boyfriend, who had one of his arms supporting his head and the other one on the phone. his eyes looked tired and he yawned every two words said by the other end of the call.
"can't do that." he mumbles, tiredly. his eyes turn to you. "work."
you nod and put your arms between your head and pillow, watching the call take place.
the view was extraordinary. lando had his feet covered by the blanket, but the rest of his body completely exposed. he let out some sighs during the call.
a very known necessity starts to roam through your body and you shiver slightly.
your eyes dart countless times, from his eyes to his cock. a idea start to form in your head. crawling, you reach out to his legs, your boyfriend frowning at your sudden moves. you caress his thigh and watch his eyes widen as soon as he realizes your intentions. you bite your lip and smile.
he bites his lower lip, shaking his head and chuckling quietly as you pump his member in your hands. the semi-hard cock immediately responds to your estimulation.
you put a finger over your mouth and smirks at him, right after, you reach your tongue out and lick his tip.
he lets out an unwanted shaky breath and close his eyes, probably trying to concentrate on the important call on his ear.
as he tries his best, your instincts tell you to take him whole in your mouth, and that's exactly what you do.
you pump your head up and down, your lips surrounding his length and your tongue works wonders where it reaches. his reaction couldn't be more silently positive, cause his head his thrown back and his mouth wide open in a inaudible moan.
the arm previously in his pillow reaches out to your hair, grabbing it with such a force enough to hurt your scalp. you don't care enough, too invested in ruining his phone call and making him feel the greatest of pleasures.
you look up at him, realizing he's looking back at you, eyes flutter with the pleasure he can't put into words - or moans. you wink at him, earning a shiver from his body.
you feel his abs tense up before he pushes his hips into your mouth, fucking it as hard as he possibly can. you gag, out of breath as his tip touches the back of your throat.
he let's out a "hum", making you unsure if it's trying to agree with something on the phone or react to your heavenly sent mouth.
you pull back, your tongue slips out of your mouth and you slap his cock against it a few times, before immediately putting it back in.
you pay attention to his most sensitive part: the tip. your tongue wraps around it, licking and sucking the best you can. that makes him reach the hand on your hair to the phone and put it over the microphone.
"gonna cum." he says quietly, his voice shaking, a result of all the moans he held back.
doesn't take long for him to coat your tongue with his creamy juice. as the good girl he always says you are, you clean every bit of his dick with your tongue, crawling on top of him and kissing his neck.
"sure, mate, we can do that " he says in the phone right before hanging up. "fucking hell, y/n."
you chuckle on top of him and watch he puts his phone down by his side.
"where do i sign to change all my alarms so i can wake up to this everyday instead?" he jokes and you bites your lip.
"right here." you point to your pussy. "only two pens accepted: tongue or dick, what are you taking?"
"i better sign twice, just to be sure."
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auroraksr · 6 months ago
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synopsis: you and lando as pet parents
warnings: fluff, just lando x y/n being the cutest, a lot of dog, not proofread
wc: 900+
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since lando was a little kid he always wanted a dog.
since you were a little kid, you also wanted a dog.
and then you started dating. and got a dog.
"lando, for god's sake, how many times have i told you to not leave the leash by the door? i almost tripped!" you yell as you walk into the house back from work.
you and lando started dating 3 years ago and had your not-so-little dog for 2. his name was max - cause lando thought it was the funniest thing to name his dog after his best friend - and he was a huge golden retriever, the cutest you have ever met.
"sorry, love." you hear his muffled voice. when you walk into your room, the scenes strikes you like a bunch of hearts flying at your face.
lando was laying in bed, hugging max and with his head buried in the yellow fur. the dog was looking curiously at the door, waiting for your voice to actually become you.
when max sees you, his tail slaps in lando's leg and he stand up, moving in bed happily.
"hey, big boy." you greet him, caressing his fur and sitting down.
"where's my hi?" lando asks, his arms still plopped in the bed as he look at you.
"hey, big boy." you say again, now running his fingers through lando's hair. he shakes his ass like a tail wagging, for the joke, you laugh loudly. "stop it."
"so, sorry about the leash." he says sitting up. the dog going around you and laying with his head on your lap.
"always, huh?" you tease, almost mad.
"max was eager to drink some water, i can't say no to our only child!" he says in a high-pitched voice.
you push his head, he falls right back in bed and you stand up, resting max's head carefully on the matress.
"you should go take a shower, i'll order something for us, to enjoy or last weekend together." you groan as you remember the triple header coming and the amount of time you'd spent away from each other. "you want something special?"
"sushi?" you try, as always, convincing lando.
"hell no." he frowns, as he always do.
"i'll take some pizza, then." you shrug, walking in the shower.
when you get off, wrapping a towel around yourself, lando is not in the room. as you get dressed he appears, whistling and putting the pizza box down at the side table.
"don't let max get it before we can!" i barely yell, remembering the time lando placed the box on the bed and walked over to me. when we turned back, there was only two or three bites left of the pizza and a very hungry dog looking at us with his doe little eyes.
"sure, ma'am." lando sits down on bed, what gets a grunt from the dog.
you sit on bed, already in your pajamas, getting comfortable while lando puts something on the tv.
you take a piece of the pizza, biting it as max looks at you hopefully. you chuckle at his eyes.
"when did you learn to be like that, man?" you talk to the dog as lando puts one arm around your waist and uses the other one to grab his own piece of pizza.
"he was a good example." you look at your boyfriend as he looks at you with such doe eyes. "you sure you can't go to any race in the next weeks?"
"i can try, but my boss is already eating me alive for absolutely nothing." you roll your eyes and rest against his arm.
"you know you don't have to stay in this job, right?" he starts again as you huff. "i know, i know, you want to be independent! you can be independent working in a job that doens't stress you out that much."
"i like my job, lan." you argue.
"i know you do, but i'm saying that you're always complaining about something when you could just quit and be with me during the weekends." he pouts.
"i'm gonna try and make it out for at least one of the races, 'k?" you rest your head in his shoulder and looks up at him.
"better, yeah." he sighs.
you hear a huff from the end of the bed and turn to see your dog looking at you like a maniac, begging for a bite of your pizza.
"look at his face!" lando exclaims, pointing out.
"max, please." you cry and the door licks his mouth.
"no way your winning, better his give him a bite before he decides to get one by himself."
you have dinner and watch a few episodes of a show you had started weeks ago with lando - and max. as the night finally starts tire you, you let out a few yawns before lando realises it's already pretty late.
"let's have some sleep, babe." he whispers, turning off his side table lamp and getting comfortable with you in his arms.
not a minute goes by before the sound of ruffling sheets is heard and you feel a furred and soft by your feet. when you realise, max is already in the middle of you two, also seeking the comfort lando so desperately wanted.
"max!" he complains as his arms are torned away from your skin.
"let him be." it's the last thing you remember saying before drifting into sleep.
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auroraksr · 6 months ago
a helping hand - ʟɴ⁴
in which, lando is well and truly fed up of the countless guys she's been bringing back to their apartment - and he's about to do something about it.
contains; NSFW, smut; thigh riding, oral (f), fingering, p in v, unprotected sex, squirting, dom!lando, masturbation (f); and a little bit of fluff.
lando norris x unnamed female character
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lando awoke to the poorly concealed giggles of his best friend, gently echoing around their shared monaco apartment. there was undoubtedly a second set of footsteps following hers, and a frustrated groan almost left his lips.
he was well and truly tired of hearing his best friend with other guys - it was clear she wasn't getting what she wanted. the countless amount of times he'd heard her fake an orgasm was outrageous, not that it didn't turn him on.
not when her soft moans resonated through the thin walls, not when he could tell the exact moment she came (not that it happened often nowadays), and especially not when she left little to his imagination in the mornings, leaving her room in a baggy shirt and underwear.
meanwhile, she had her legs wrapped around a random guy's waist as he rutted into her with no care for her pleasure. forced moans left her lips and she pretended the magic knot was building in her lower tummy. purposely clenching around his cock, she arched her back and let out a long, high-pitched moan as he spilled into the condom, pushing his head down to hers to press a quick kiss to her lips.
"there's a bin in the bathroom, over there." she spoke quietly, and the man nodded, before pulling out and walking off.
he re-emerges, dressed with his phone in hand - "i'm uh- i'm gonna go, if that's okay? i had a good time with you, we should uh.. go out sometime."
"yeah, sure." she nodded, knowing she was telling a complete lie - she had no intention of ever making contact with this man ever again.
he left, and there she was, once again, left frustrated and aching for a release. to hand it to him, he had brought her relatively close - but not close enough that she could fix her problem with a few quick circles over her clit.
her fingers shamefully traced down her tummy and down to her inner thighs, gently massaging the sensitive skin. she was so sensitive already that she let out a small moan, resulting in her hand clasping over her mouth. she didn't mind that lando had heard her having sex, she heard him and (sometimes numerous) other girls frequently - it was kind of an unspoken rule between the two that it was okay. however, it was obvious the man had left, and she was not ready to let her roommate hear her finish the job off.
on the other side of the thin wall, lando had one million things running through his mind. the guy had clearly left, but he could have sworn he had heard her moan? it was obvious to lando that her orgasm was fake. there was only a few times that he'd heard her really cum, and funnily enough, it was when she was alone, and when she had no idea lando was even in the apartment.
for example, when he had left for his flight to australia, but forgotten his car keys on the side. lando had only left the apartment for a few minutes, yet when he quietly returned to grab his keys, the apartment was softly echoing with needy whimpers and moans.
it was clear she was frustrated sexually, this was the third guy this week, and it was only thursday. oh, how he wanted to help her. he didn't think she'd object to sinking down onto him, wet and needy, and using him in every way she needed - and he would let her, over and over and over again.
her mind wondered into her deepest fantasies, the secrets she kept locked away from everyone. she imagined that her own were lando's hands, thick and rough, rubbing over her needy pussy. just the thought made her clench around nothing. he was only a wall away, she could just ask him? no, she couldn't do that, she wouldn't ruin their friendship and make everything sexually tense because she couldn't make herself cum and clearly, neither could anyone else.
she was over this, staying quiet. she was desperate, her hips pushing upward toward her hand, aching for more. whines and whimpers tumble from her lips, his name on the tip of her tongue. tweaking her clit between her fingers, resisting the strong urge to call out his name - she grinds her hips into her hand, teasing her damp entrance - but it's not enough.
she whines out a frustrated 'please' as her high faded away, she wanted to cry.
lando was over this too, hearing her frustrations. he pitied her in some way, but he also needed her so badly - and had done for every single year they had lived together.
she was so frustrated, so built-up, so pissed off, that she lauched the closest thing she could grab across the room, her phone. it landed with a loud thud.
this was his chance - check if she's okay, ask her what's wrong, fix her problem.
"you okay in there?" lando said as he knocked on her door gently. "can i come in?"
"yeah, um.. come in." she replied, as she was actually decent, still in her bra, and the rest covered by her duvet.
"what's the matter, sweetheart?" he asked softly, sitting down beside her.
"nothing, nothing, i'm okay, just uh.. dropped my phone." she said with a laugh, hoping lando wouldn't notice her phone was halfway across the room.
"all the way over there? come on, i'm not stupid, what's wrong, love?"
"just frustrated... that's all, lan." she replied - now he was getting somewhere.
"how come?" he pried, knowing the answer still.
"um..." she contemplated lying to him for a moment, but he most likely knew about her issue already, so there was no point. "okay, promise not to judge, yeah?"
"of course not." lando nodded, encouraging her to tell him about her frustrations.
"i haven't cum in three and a half months." she hoped the room was too dim for him to notice the crimson blush that spread across her face, but that was the least of lando's worries then and there.
"oh, pretty girl." lando cooed, cupping one side of her face. "no one's making you feel good?"
she shook her head with innocent eyes - how could she look so innocent when she had just told him about that? god, she was going to be the death of him one day.
"what about yourself, can you do it, sweetheart?"
"i've um... been trying, but haven't been able to recently." she spoke quietly, as if she was ashamed of her failed endeavours.
"oh, darling." he softly replied. "come here."
he tapped his thigh, gesturing for the young woman to sit on his lap.
"but lan... i don't have um.. any underwear on."
"that's okay, you won't needing them, love." he tapped his thigh again, and she reluctantly swung her leg over onto him and sat down.
"relax, okay? let me make you feel good." lando whispered into her ear, sending shivers down her spine.
he expertly shifted her so she was only on his thigh, and he quickly flexed it, causing a small moan to fall from her lips.
"that's it babygirl, use me." he nodded, tilting her chin up toward him.
instinctively, she pushed her head forward to press her lips to his, kissing him without a thought. it felt so good, it made all her previous worries melt away - she wasn't even bothered about the fact that she was about to get off on her best friend's (extremely muscular) thigh.
as they made out, his other hand began to grind her hips back and forth, and he flexed and bounced his leg as her moans grew needier than he had ever heard.
she wasn't even ashamed of how quickly and how wet she had grown in the past minute or two. her juices coated her inner thighs and dripped onto lando's grey joggers with every bounce of his leg. she was whining and moaning into his mouth, running her hands through his hair as he drove her so quickly to the edge.
"go on, sweetheart, cum for me."
she was hot, throbbing all over, her body craving a release so badly that she couldn't help herself. it was his voice - god, his voice - that did it for her. it was soft but demanding, gentle but all-consuming at the same time.
her whole body trembled as her first orgasm in months crashed pleasantly over her body. she dug her nails into lando's scalp and he whined out at the sensation.
"lan... fuck!" she moaned, pressing her head into the crook of his neck.
"that's it, baby." he kept flexing and relaxing his thigh through her orgasm, and although he felt it beginning to cramp up, he kept going.
"lando..." she whined loudly as he continued to flex his thigh, bouncing it momentarily to allow her high to be dragged out for as long as possible. "shit.."
"good girl." he cooed into her ear, breath fanning across her face.
lando was so impossibly hard, it was actually painful. his joggers or boxers weren't very constricting so that was good, but his cock was throbbing and most likely an angry red due to her sounds alone.
he would say, never out loud, that the whines and moans of his roommate had the ability to make him cum quicker than he ever had before. and, now that he thought about it, he had no idea how he was going to last more than a few thrusts. whether or not he was going to have her was out of the question now, it was going to happen. he now knew she'd happily, and maybe even eagerly, oblige to sitting on his lap, wet and needy and fucked out, and letting him sink his cock nice and deep.
"you okay, darling?" he whispered, tilting her head up by the chin.
"need you, lan." is all she could muster to say - although the much needed orgasm sent relief pooling in her body, it also sent her sex drive through the roof, and now something else was literally pooling on lando's leg.
"come on, let's get this off." he said quietly, unclasping the blue lace bra, and throwing it to the side.
his hands briefly glided over her hardened nipples,
"lie down, baby." he spoke softly with a commanding voice, lifting her gently off of his thigh. "go on."
"need you.. inside me... please." she breathed out needily.
"be patient, pretty girl." he shook his head as her head fell back against the pillow.
still sensitive, she slammed her legs shut around his hand when the pad of his thumb swiped over her clit. but, it was no use, he simply pried her legs apart with his muscular hands, and hooked them over his shoulders.
"lando... please, need you." she babbled incoherently - she was drunk on his touch and he'd barely even touched her.
he lurched forward and licked a bold stripe up her cunt, making her a boiling hot sensation tingle up her spine. he lapped at the leftover juices not soaked up by his thigh, and god, she tasted divine.
her inner thighs glistened with her juices, and a wet patch slowly began to form on her sheets. he had absolutely no mercy anymore, and his lips latched straight onto her clit, her back arching starkly upwards. the most lewd whine left her lips and her hand flew down to his head, tugging at his curls for more.
a staggered groan left his lips, the vibrations making her eyes roll and her back arch - he was addicted.
still sensitive from her previous orgasm, the next one was barrelling towards her at breakneck speed. and it certainly sped up when lando slipped his tongue gently into her, his nose nudging against her clit as he began to grind his hips against the mattress.
"lando, fuck-" she arched her back up again, but a large hand on her stomach pressed her back flat to the bed, keeping her pinned down.
lando's face suddenly found itself trapped in between her thighs, she had clamped them around his head, a sign of her impending high. he didn't let up, not even one bit, if anything, his efforts doubled, as his tongue was quickly replaced with two thick fingers thrusting deep inside of her.
it was mind-bending. the red hot pleasure spread down to her thighs and up her stomach, the orgasm ripped her apart. warm liquid squirted from her pulsing heat, and her legs shook as she came so hard she thought she was going to pass out.
after what felt like an eternity, lando removed his head from between her legs, gazing up at the woman underneath him.
"you with me, angel?" he spoke softly, gently squeezing the sides of her stomach.
"fucking hell." she breathed out, her eyes fluttering open and closed.
lando dragged his thumb down her slit slowly, collecting any leftover slick and sucking it off of his thumb, and then wiping the remaining off of his chin and nose. her hips bucked up toward him and something like an electric shock ran up her body, and a smirk raised to his lips.
he quickly pulled his joggers and boxers down, his painfully hard cock springing up and pressing against his abdomen harshly. hovering over her, he pressed soft kisses all over her face, making a smile show itself. he left a trail of hot open-mouthed kisses on her neck, running his cock teasingly through her slit, her body wriggling beneath him with sensitivity.
"sensitive, sweetheart?" he cooed softly.
"yeah." she hummed, swallowing deeply as he stared down into her eyes.
"poor baby." lando pouted sarcastically, sitting down against the headboard and swiftly pulling her on top of him. "think you can take one more?"
a soft nod of her head signalled a yes, but that wasn't enough.
"i need words, pretty girl." he tilted her chin towards him, pulling her in closer to his lips.
"yes.. sorry.. need you, lan- please." she babbled, her hazy eyes telling him she was fucked out but still needy.
and there she was. sat on his lap, wet and needy and fucked out, happily obliging to letting him sink himself nice and deep. it was like a fever dream, a wet dream come true.
"so pretty." he praised as she lifted her hips up, allowing him to run his cock through her throbbing folds. "good girl, just be patient, don't want to hurt you."
she whined as he slid the tip in, letting it sit there and allow her to adjust to the thickness. the stretch was delicious, palpable almost - her walls screamed for more.
"well done, beautiful." he said softly, allowing more of himself to disappear inside of her impossible tightness.
lando pressed his head into the crook of her neck, whines and whimpers leaving his lips with every inch he pushed in slowly. it was deliciously torturous, and he loved every second of it.
"fucking hell." he whined out, gently biting down on her collarbone, a small purple mark forming on her delicate skin. "so tight."
finally, her thighs felt the warm embrace of his own, pressing down onto him as she fully took him. his tip was definitely nudging at her cervix, and he was crammed against her g-spot already - she could cum from sitting here alone.
similarly, lando thought he was going to come undone when she gently clenched around him, having bottomed out into her now.
noticing the lack of control lando suddenly seemed to possess, she raised up off of his cock, running it through her folds again, before reinserting it and slamming back down onto him.
the dirtiest moan left his lips and he gripped her hips firmly, looking up at the literal angel of a woman before him. he tilted her chin down to him and kissed her roughly, letting her find her own rhythm on his cock - as lando had previously said, he'd let her use him as she pleased.
she grinded her hips back and forth as she rode him, boobs gently bouncing as she fucked herself on his dick. lewd moans and needy whines travelled from her mouth into his, his mouth into hers.
his hand travelled between her legs, tracing over the small disappearing and reappearing bump on her stomach, before finding her clit and pressing quick, neat circles over it, spreading her wetness even further. it's safe to say things were not going back to normal after this, this could not be a one time thing.
"lan..." she moaned loudly, her fingernails digging into the back of his neck.
"i know baby, i know." lando cooed, now raising her hips for her and helping her bounce up and down on him. "you're close?"
"fuck.. yes, lan." she whimpered, feeling that magic knot build up for the third time tonight - but this time it was a lot tighter and a lot bigger.
"shit, i'm close." he whined. "where do you want me?"
"need you inside.. please... on the pill." she pleaded, cupping his face and pressing a kiss to his lips again.
a lewd moan tumbled from his lips, and her words sent him over the edge with a guttural groan. feeling the hot ropes of cum inside of her triggered her own orgasm, her marked body doubling over into his.
"come here." he whined, pulling her face into him and smashing their lips together.
the sight was disgusting, but it looked so good. his cock stuffed deep inside of her while his cum seeped down onto his balls, it was a wildly lewd sight, if he could take a picture he would.
"wait here, darling." he said, slowly lifting the woman off of him and getting off of the bed.
he headed to the bathroom, after slipping a clean pair of joggers on, and came back with a damp flannel to clean her up with.
"um.. if you want to go back to your room.. i completely understand." she nodded, pursing her lips.
"what?" lando furrowed his eyebrows. "i'm not going anywhere, love- unless you want me to go?"
"no, i don't want you to go.. i just assumed you would." she shrugged.
"oh, pretty girl, aftercare is very important."
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auroraksr · 6 months ago
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synopsis: as lando streams, you decide to take him
warnings: fem!reader, smut, +18 (oral (m receveing), cum swallow, semi-public sex, only blowjob), basically porn without plot
wc: 800+
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first of all, lando was live after a few - loads - of months without streaming.
second, he was in a call with max fewtrell, his best friend.
third, you were his very horny girlfriend. who couldn't wait, as much as he asked you to, a lot of times before he started his stream.
so, when lando came back from the kitchen and saw you sitting just under his table, he frowned. thanks god the camera was off, chat didn't saw - or heard - you slipping in and hiding there, waiting for your boyfriend.
"wh- what?" he murmurs, chuckling and shaking his head.
you put your index finger over your mouth as in for him to shut up and pat his chair. he walks over and sits down, completely lost.
you don't know what he thought you'd do, but you didn't care, cause when you got closer to his legs and started caressing his thigh, his eyes turned to you.
he was silently begging, maybe for you to keep going, go higher, maybe for you to stop and get off there. well, you took the chances on the first option.
you hoped he was good to hide his moans.
as you slip your hand into his pants, his breath hitched, making you giggle silently and slap his thigh in a soft way.
"mate, what are you doing?" you don't hear max say in his headphones, but you imagine after landos response:
"what? nothing, man." you smile.
as your fingers go over the tip of his cock, his muscles tense up and he shakes his head. you imagined he would try and stop you, but the only thing he does is push himself up and pull his pants down.
you let out a quiet chuckle at his eagerness. it was surprising, honestly, for someone who asked you to wait so much.
you continue rubbing softly his member, it getting harder in your hands. before you lower your head and take it in your mouth, you look up to lando, who was barely focusing on the virtual race anymore.
he bites his lower lip as your mouth surround his length, trying to keep his sounds to himself. as much as you wanted to hear him, you knew it was better to keep quiet or else people watching and max would realize something was going on.
you bop you head up and down, taking a while to take his full cock in you mouth, the tip almost hitting the back of your throat as you keep going. his muffled moans get harder and harder to prevent each moment, but he stops speaking.
"huge crash!" you hear a low scream get off lando's headphones and you shrug it off, knowing it's just max.
lando stays quiet for a bit and then hum something, probably not at you, but at his best friend.
you try to get back, sit down and take his dick out of your mouth, but before you can do it, he realises and buckle his hips out, reaching for your hair and holding onto it.
you look at him, your mouth full and completely surprised he decided to take the lead suddenly, but he sighs shakily and shakes his head.
"make me cum." he mouths, unaldible.
you smirk at his words, nodding and pulling back just to point to his microphone.
"mate, i-i'll be right back." lando says in the mic before muting it.
he doesn't wait for a response, just pushes his headphones off his head and his chair a bit back, giving you more space.
you smile at him and lick his tip, making his shudder. his head falls back, eyes closing or rolling every time he fells your throat wrapping around him.
"when this live is over i'm gonna fuck that tight little pussy like never before." he manages to say before biting his lips and pushing his hips forward again.
he looks at you and mouths something like "cum", but you shake your head signaling you didn't understand.
"i'm gonna cum, fuck!" he barely yells and you smirk.
you go as deep as you can before you feel his hot cum filling your mouth. as you mention getting up, he holds your head.
"you decided to do it, now you swallow." he demands, not letting you go before you show him your mouth. "good girl."
you smile and get up, holding onto his shoulders.
"hell, don't do that ever again." he says chuckling before sighing, looking at you.
"you don't like heads?" you say teasingly as you watch him shake his head vigorously.
"i love those. i just mean you don't need to do it when i'm live, babe." you giggle and kiss his cheek.
"i'll be waiting for you in the bed." you say as you walk out his game room.
you see his putting his headphones back an unmuting, max asking where we went.
"just got to finish some things up before the race." lando says suspiciously.
"ew, mate, gross." max says as he realizes that it probably had to do with something obscene.
the walk back to your room has peaceful, even though your pussy has still clencing onto nothing, you knew that soon he'd be back to fill you up.
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auroraksr · 6 months ago
“writing fanfics is something I do in my free time for fun. I will not treat it like a job and will instead treat it like a hobby because that’s what it is.”
also how it feels being a fanfic writer:
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auroraksr · 6 months ago
invisible string | l.n
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-> summary: who knew sleepless nights would be so beneficial. fewtrell!reader bc we love brothers best friend here :)
-> warnings: fluff, language, lando being the absolute loml.
-> wc: 1.9k
masterlist | listen | send me asks about lando !
lando norris and max fewtrell had been attached by the hip since anyone could remember. best friends through literally everything. and if someone would look directly behind them, they’d see you always following behind.
you didn’t mind always trailing behind them when you were younger, and it gave the boys someone to compete against besides themselves whenever you’d go karting or join them in games.
but as you grew older, the ganging up turned into protection. from threatening to beat up ex boyfriends to actually doing so, somewhere along the line, max had made it clear to his best friend that you were off limits. in fact, no one in the friend group was allowed to even think about it.
however, everything max had told him seemed to go in through lando’s ear and out the other. he wasn’t exactly sure when he had finally stopped seeing you as ‘just his best friend's little sister’, but the inevitable happened nonetheless.
on the other hand, you had always had feelings for lando. you’d always suppress them to keep them hidden from your overprotective brother, knowing the minute you tried you’d be shot down. even the pages in your diary when you were 8 were filled about how you thought lando ‘had the prettiest eyes’, and ‘too good of eyelashes for a boy’.
and the pining just got worse last week when he had found you knocking on his bedroom door at 1:30 in the morning. you hadn’t been able to sleep, and it was evident as you tiredly smiled at him in the doorway. he wasn’t sure how you knew he was still awake, but he assumed it was the soft glow shining from the crack at the bottom of the door.
it wasn’t. you had heard the low volume of the tv in his room, his soft chuckles making their way through the paper thin walls. he hadn’t been able to sleep either, and when he wasn’t able to sleep, he’d always watch a movie.
his heart got caught in his throat as he took in your appearance, the old mclaren sweatshirt he had let you borrow ages ago hugging your frame, plaid pajama pants he swore were max’s. you looked tired. so so tired. meeting your eyes with a soft smile and sympathetic eyes, he spoke, “you okay, y/n?”
you shook your head, your eyelids slowly blinking, “i can’t sleep. i don’t know what it is, but i haven’t been able to sleep for more than 4 hours the past few nights.”
he frowned, opening the door wider for you to come in. he nodded in the direction of his bed, “me either. wanna join for the rest of the movie til you feel tired enough to go to bed?”
you nodded, stepping into the room as he closed the door behind you. you climbed into his bed, him shuffling in next to you as you were swallowed by the soft duvet, your head meeting the plush pillow behind you.
“what’re we watching?” you asked, your voice soft as he unpaused the movie.
“something on netflix, i don’t know. actings so bad it makes me laugh.”
you smiled over at him, “let’s see if it’s bad enough to put us to sleep.”
this continued for a couple weeks, you either knocking on his door or sending him a text to ask if he was still awake. he had even found himself staying up to make sure he heard your text or knocks, desperately wanting you to come climb into his bed or fall asleep next to you.
and just like any other night, last night he padded across the wooden floors in the apartment quietly after getting your usual ‘are you awake?’ text. he knocked softly on the door before pushing it open and slipping inside your room, noticing the lack of the fairy lights twinkling on the walls, the only source of light coming from the tv that hung on the wall.
you let him climb into your bed, smiling softly as you rolled onto your side to face him, “hi.”
he smiled back, “hi.”
you let out a huff, “i’m starting to think maybe i should run to the store tomorrow and get some melatonin. ”
“or, hear me out,” he smirked tiredly, “you can put that pretty little head to rest at night like normal people do.”
“oh, so you think my head is pretty?”
he let out a boyish giggle, “only if you think mine is.”
you laughed softly, letting your eyes lock with his. you weren’t sure when you scooted so close to him, but he found himself wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you even closer. you placed your leg over his hip, his other hand tracing circles on the soft skin on your thighs. he hummed contently as your face nuzzled into his chest. you found yourself listening to the fast pace of his heartbeat.
over the past couple weeks, you two had found yourself in this position more and more. it was like the more you’d climb into each other’s beds, the more he’d have the confidence to pull you so close to him that there were no gaps for air between you two. you weren’t complaining, of course, but because everything about it was so new and with him, it made you a tiny bit nervous.
you listened to the movie in the background, basking in the smell embedded in his hoodie. he smelled like his cologne, the laundry detergent everyone used, and a soft mix of your perfume. the floral scent pulled at your heart strings as you realized it was the hoodie he had tugged over your head the night before, right after you had complained about the fact he kept his room so cold.
the fact that he didn’t discard the hoodie immediately into the hamper after last night, but instead he put it on, made your heart squeeze. you wondered if he had put it on to bask in the smell of you, but you'd never know the answer because you were too embarrassed to ask.
he did.
“so,” you started, knowing he was still awake, the two of you just basking in the comfortable silence that fell over you, “ready to get back to racing?”
“yes and no,” he said, his thumb switching directions on the skin of your thigh, making stars now, “i like being home, but i also love racing, y’know, so i’m excited. but not excited to leave everyone.”
your fingers traveled underneath the red cloth of his hoodie, reaching his lower abdomen as you felt his breathing hitch softly in his chest. you drug your fingertips against his soft skin, “yeah, i get you,” you said into his chest, “gonna miss max more than me, i get it.”
he chuckled softly, “mhm, whatever you want to believe.”
however, it sent him over the edge when you moved your head to look up at him. his blue/green eyes met your tired ones, a soft and playful smile on your lips, “what?”
humming back at you as he softly raised his eyebrows, “hmm?”
you shook your head, a playful smile on your lips, “don’t do that. what did you say, lan?”
he cleared his throat nervously, cheeks daring to turn a light shade of pink, “i’m going to miss you the most out of everyone, y/n.”
you were silent as he let out a soft puff of air, his eyes scanning over your face like he was trying to memorize it. you smiled softly, his eyes lingering on your lips before meeting yours again.
“lando,” your voice was soft, hands moving from under his sweatshirt to cup his cheeks. he leaned into your touch, quietly sighing out of relief at the feeling he had been waiting so long for, “i…”
you trailed off, nerves getting the best of you. he was so close, his minty breath fanning over your face. everything about it was making you so nervous you swore you were about to go into cardiac arrest. his voice broke the silence, “i know.”
you looked at him with furrowed brows, “you know what?”
“i know you like me,” he smiled, his eyes meeting with yours again, “i’ve known ever since max and i snuck into your room when we were eight and i read your diary.”
you gasped, laughing as you slapped his chest, “you fucks!”
he smiled, “i was the only one who read it, but it was nice to know the girl i thought was cute liked me back.”
“do you still think she’s cute?”
“no,” he smiled softly. you felt your heart drop, you couldn’t tell if he was being serious or kidding, until he continued, “i think she’s the most gorgeous woman i’ve ever seen in my life.”
you smiled, his thumb pressing against your cheek as his hand cupped your face, his fingers meeting the hairs at the back of your ear. you weren’t sure who leaned in first, but the gap closed rather quickly as he pulled your neck down to his level.
you kissed him back with the same amount of passion and love as he put into it. his arm that was around your waist moved to the other side of your head, his body fully hovering over you as he held himself up. you let him slot between your legs, letting his tongue slip inside of your mouth.
you panted as he broke the kiss hesitantly, his lips finding the soft spot underneath your earlobe on your neck. you let out a soft whimper, your arms wrapping around his neck.
“lando,” the sound of you saying his name breathlessly was like music to his ears, “baby.”
and so was that pet name. fuck he was so done for.
his hands trailed up your oversized t-shirt, hands finding your tummy as he desperately wanted to touch your skin again. you smiled into the kiss as you heard a soft giggle escape his throat when your hands had found the ticklish spots on his sides.
“are you ticklish?” you grinned, breaking the kiss to take a breath. he sent you a tight lipped smile before giving you a warning look.
“don’t even-”
you didn’t listen to what else he had said, your fingers digging into his sides. he laughed, desperately trying not to wake up your housemates as he tried to get you to quit it.
however, when he flipped the both of you so you were in his lap and his hands found your ticklish spots with ease, you knew it was game over. he had won.
“lando,” you breathed, a giggle following in pursuit, “stop!”
“sorry, baby,” he said, “can’t hear you.”
it was the next morning, lando was still asleep in your bed, the hood of his sweatshirt pulled over his fluff of curls, a blanket wrapped around his waist as he faced you. you had woken up a couple minutes ago, your eyes wandering over to the sleeping boy next to you. he looked at peace, his eyelashes kissing his skin, cheek squished against the pillow.
you didn’t mean to stir him out of his sleep when you snuggled in closer, but he hummed happily as he threw an arm around your waist, you nuzzling into his chest.
he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, resting his head on yours as you both dozed back off to sleep. a sleep so deep that neither of you had heard the door to the apartment shut, or hear someone knocking on your bedroom door.
it was ethan and niran who found you first. the both of them sharing a look as they stood in the doorway.
“well, it’s about time,” ethan joked, niran smirking down at the couple.
“yeah, just wait for max to find out about this.”
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auroraksr · 6 months ago
warnings: smut throughout!! MDNI!! unprotected sex, little bit of jealous!lando
snippets of lando and his girls sex life throughout the years of their relationship! <3 (can be read as a fewtrell!reader but it's not discussed)
masterlist the playlist
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the first time -
y/n remembered her first time with lando like it was yesterday. the two of them, freshly 19 and still friends at the time, found themselves cuddled up on the sofa in his and max’s shared house. their friends slept dotted around the house, many of them drunk and sleeping in the first place their body stumbled into.
there’d always been a sense of something more between the two, friends from a young age, attached at the hip. they were close, too close for friends, max would tell him constantly - raising his eyebrows every time he caught them wrapped up in each other on the couch, or when they entwined their hands at any given opportunity. everyone around them had given up trying to push the two together, hoping they would come to their senses soon.
their first time happened so naturally, it was quite sweet actually. her head resting on his shoulder, as they sat together, her eyes staring wide up at his face. it was that moment he decided to go for it, leaning down to press a soft kiss to her lips. he half expected her to push him off, but found himself pleasantly surprised when she kissed him back, escalating the kiss till she was straddling his lap.
“not here,” she remembered him whispering in her ear, pulling her up from his lap as he lead the two of them to his room. the two of them resuming there position on his bed, lando resting his back on the headboard, palms covering her waist as she hovered over his cock.
“-wait!” she panicked slightly, “i don’t know how to-”
“it’s ok, you’re fine. just breathe, ill guide you. go slow, yeah?” he reassured her. in the heat of the moment he had forgotten this was her first time with anyone, let alone him, and yet she’d decided to get on top.
y/n remembered lowering down on him, his grip on her hips allowing him to fill her slowly. lando distinctly remembered her shy moans, the way she tried to stay quiet, aware of the amount of people in the house.
“fuck me, angel. so tight,” he’d said, grunting slightly as she got lower, fighting to keep his hips still whilst she grew accustomed to the stretch, “last bit angel, you can take it.”
“there’s more?” she’d replied, panting slightly as he chuckled at her, “i can’t d-”
she remembered the way their eyes locked as he jutted his hips up into her, filling her whole. he remembered the way her mouth gaped open, and the way her head rolled back as his hands slowly rocked her hips over his length.
lando was gentle with her, kissing her softly throughout, his moans and praises merging together as she grew more confident, falling into a steady rhythm on top of him.
“i love you,” he’d grunted as his hands ran over her skin, trying to remember everything about her - the way she felt, the way she sounded, the way she clenched around his cock when she got closer. she reciprocated his sentiment, neither of them shocked at the revelation.
“you owe me a tenner,” max had said to niran the next day, after he’d found the two of them passed out in lando’s bed, smiling to himself.
getting caught -
the two of them gained more confidence with their sex life the following years. lando knew exactly what she needed, and how to make her fold for him. max had described the two as rabbits, going at it like no one’s business, laughing to himself as the trio constructed a new bedframe - the last one meeting its unfortunate ending when lando had taken out his stress on his girl. her legs had been over his shoulders when they heard a snap! and felt the mattress dipping into the broken slat. the paint on the headboard had long been chipped from the constant banging into the wall behind, and one of the legs was coming lose.
it had been mid-season, the two of them finding themselves in his drivers room after an unfortunate race. y/n had tried consoling him, but being comforting and supportive was not working at the time. he’d come round eventually and talk to her but for now, he had her pressed against the wall, her cheek pushed up against it. her skirt had simply been tugged up around her hips, panties to the side as he pushed into her from behind, roughly thrusting as he muttered curses under his breath. his hand was about to snake around her waist to toy with her clit when the door flung open.
“land- OH SHIT!” a voice had called out before dissolving into giggles, followed by the door slamming shut again. the shocked face of daniel ricciardo, followed by his distinct laugh, was something y/n was sure would never leave her brain. the interruption hadn’t bothered lando, the two of them were both covered enough for daniel to have seen too much, and so he took it in his stride, bringing them both to a finish soon after.
it had taken a while for y/n to look daniel in the eyes again without wanting to drop dead on the spot, her boyfriend simply smirked at the memory.
club, cameras, cars -
lando’s body was pressed up against hers, packed together in the busy club, their bodies moving in time with the beat. his hands stayed firmly on her waist, telling her it was so she wouldn’t get lost in the crowd, but realistically it had been his way of keeping her close to him. close enough that he could drop his head to hers, joining their lips together in a deep kiss. her tongue dragged along his bottom lip, before her teeth nipped at him, pulling away slowly to catch her breath. his hips grinding into hers, her hands running through his curls.
she was obsessed with him, his unbuttoned shirt, the way his necklace peaked through - she was feral for him.
he looked up momentarily, glad to meet max’s eyes, who directed him to the corner where a man similar in age was filming the interaction between the couple. he leant down to her ear again, so that she could hear him over the loud bass.
“someone filming us,” he told her, feeling her body tense slightly, “you wanna get out of here?”
she’d nodded at him. being filmed by anyone and everyone was nothing new for her, although she wished people would have some concept of privacy. it was somewhat infuriating, but she guessed that was the price she paid for loving the man in front of her. his eyes had softened at her, noticing her anxiety - she didn’t get anxious when people captured them driving around, or just living their normal lives. she did however when such intimate moments were filmed and posted on twitter for the world to see. people had strong opinions - strong opinions that they shared online all whilst hiding their own identities.
they walked next to each other, his hand clutching hers protectively as they said goodbye to max. a few cameras flashed as they walked towards lando’s car, the odd fan approaching him to sign something - they assumed someone had leaked where they were. it was these interactions she didn’t mind, the ones that didn’t make her feel like her whole life was being dissected by the media.
“’m glad max pointed him out,” he started as they climbed into the car, “don’t want to imagine how far i would’ve gone if he hadn’t.”
“you would’ve fucked me in the middle of a club?” she spluttered out, turning to stare at him as he pulled onto the main road.
“i’d fuck you anywhere, angel,” he replied with a shrug.
“you are the pr teams worst nightmare,” she joked, shaking her head at him again.
“hey!” he defended, “since when did loving my girlfriend become a crime?”
“it’s not,” she conceded, smirking to herself at her next statement, “the real crime is the fact you’re not pulling into that lay-by right now.”
“i- wha-,” he stuttered, taken aback at her boldness, “here? right now?”
“why not? there’s no one around.”
he didn’t bother indicating, pulling the car into the side lane, and hurrying to turn the lights off. his free hand adjusted the seat, rolling it back as far as it went before reaching over to grab the woman besides him. she clambered over the centre console, landing not-so graciously on his lap.
the whole interaction was messy and lacking in any decorum. his cock was deep inside her, stretching her out as he thrusted up into her. with every bounce her knees hit the side of the door or the centre console, sure to bring bruises to the skin from the sheer impact. she leant forwards into him, his hands trailing under her dress to squeeze at her breasts.
“baby, lean back a bit,” he had told her, desperate to see her face.
“lan, if i lean any further back im gonna hit the horn,” she said, still adjusting herself to lean up.
“you can hit my horn,” he retorted, giggling to himself at the childish joke.
“don’t make jokes when you’re inside me,” she begged, sighing at the man in front of her.
the counter -
y/n had remembered their move to monaco fondly, lando had been living there for a few months before she made the move herself. she recalled the heartfelt goodbye with her family and friends, her entire life packed into boxes and a suitcase as she moved to a country she’d never even visited. the move felt right, especially after 3 years together - 2 months of long distance was hard enough, neither of them could imagine spending anymore time apart. she’d set herself up as a small time content creator, working closely within quadrant to build up a sufficient income to support herself in between races. lando’s fans loved the snippets of domestic lando, but they also appreciated her wicked sense of humour and her biased insight on the world of motorsport.
once she’d settled into life at the new flat, traces of her personality dotted around, the woman found herself on facetime to her mum giving her a virtual tour.
lando had been out of the flat, spending his morning training, returning home sweaty but overjoyed to hear the sounds of his girlfriends voice travelling through their home. taking the opportunity to sneak up on her, he crept around the hallway, moving quietly towards the kitchen.
“praying my B in french GCSE is gonna come in hand- AH!” y/n yelped, almost dropping her phone as lando pounced on her shoulders, shouting boo! as he did. the older woman on the phone laughed as her daughters face went from startled to glaring at the boy behind her.
“i better leave you two be,” her mum had told them, smiling at the camera and waving slightly to the couple. the shock of her youngest child announcing that she was moving to a different country was wearing off gradually - the happiness of her daughter being with someone she’d secretly rooted for their entire childhood taking over.
“bye mum!” “bye y/m/n!”
y/n had placed the phone beside her, leaning back to rest on the counter. lando had fallen into her embrace, hands wrapping around her waist as he pressed kisses across her entire face. she leant into the kiss, joining their lips together in what had started so innocently. in what had started as such a wholesome day, talking to her mum about the new flat and spending time with the man she loved, quickly turned into something much more.
he’d soon noticed how the counter perfectly lined up with her waist, smirking into her lips as they kissed, before his hands twisted her waist, turning her by the hip until she was pressed up against the marble. her back arching as he bent her over, grinding her ass into him as she did. he’d tugged at her jeans, pulling them down her legs slowly, her lace panties following soon after. he’d allowed her a moment to step out of them, kicking her clothes across the kitchen floor, before kicking her feet further apart. his strong hand gripped her hip, stabilising her frame as he guided his cock through her folds, covering it in her slick before pushing himself into her fully. she moaned out for him, her hands searching for anything to grip onto for support, settling on wrapping around the coffee machine.
the counter pushed on her lower stomach, the pressure sending waves through her body as she tightened around him. he grunted at the feeling, his fingers finding their way to her clit, falling into a natural rhythm as he always did. lando knew her body like it was his own, he could map every bump, every scar, every freckle that adorned her skin. he knew where she needed him, and how.
“im gonna cum,” she’d whimpered pathetically, embarrassed at how quickly she fell apart for him.
“already?” he asked cockily, his hand landing harshly on her ass. lando took her moment of shock to run his hand up her back, his fingers settling at the base of her hair. he gripped at the roots, tugging her entire body back into his, her face settling next to his. he could hear the way she panted, the way his name tumbled from her lips like a mantra.
“always take me so well,” he moaned in her ear, exhaling as he did. the feeling of his breath hitting the skin of her neck sent her over the edge. she fell forwards, legs shaking beneath him.
lando’s hands moved back to her hips, holding her up so that she wouldn’t fall as he pushed her into the counter again. he thrusted into her for a minute more, his pace growing sloppier as he reached his own climax. y/n whined at him, overstimulated and sore - her noises short circuited his brain, and soon after he was filling her up, his cum leaking from the sides as he rode out his own high.
they panted together, lando pulling his cock out as they fought to catch their breath.
“how did we manage to fuck in the kitchen before our actual bedroom?” she chuckled, moving to grab her discarded clothes and shuffling towards the bathroom.
“never gonna be able to cook in here without thinking about this,” he replied with a shake of his head, as he followed her out of the room with a final glance at the counter. the coffee machine now skewed, water puddled around it from where she’d knocked the tank.
“lando norris? cooking? that’ll be the day the world spontaneously combusts,” she teased.
jealousy -
y/n had accompanied lando and max to the motogp event, finding herself in a deep conversation with someone she had hung around with during the karting days. she hadn’t expected to see him there, pleasantly surprised to catch up with an old friend who’d she’d spent a lot of time with growing up. she honestly saw no harm in it, lando and max had disappeared to film content of the day, so she saw no issue in speaking to him rather than sit alone, twiddling her fingers.
lando, however, was fuming not happy. he trusted his girlfriend in any situation, it was other men he didn’t trust, especially when he walked up to find y/n laughing loudly with a man he vaguely recognised.
“y/n, we’re leaving now,” lando told her, clenching his fists at his sides rather than taking her hand.
“oh- ok,” she replied, a little startled at his tone, “bye sam! was lovely seeing you!” she said to the man, turning on her heel to catch up with her boyfriend.
“lovely to see you!” lando mocked childishly when she rejoined his side, “yeah bet he thought it was lovely to see you.”
“what is your problem?” she asked, stopping short of the car, arms crossed over her chest.
“what’s my problem? you. him. the way he looked at you?”
“are you serious?” she asked, taken aback, “he’s an old friend lando. grow up.”
“grow up?” he repeated, “you don’t see me laughing like that with old friends.”
“whatever you do with old friends is not my problem, i trust you to make the right decision. but clearly, you don’t trust me,” she responded, marching past him and climbing in the back of max’s car.
the two barely spoke for days, the silence made worse by the fact they were stuck together in max’s spare room. y/n spent her days with P, lando with max - the other couple desperately trying to speak sense into the two of them, knowing just how stubborn they both could be.
y/n finally believed their spat was over when he settled between her legs, eating at her like a man starved. she was stubborn, but never too stubborn to pass up the chance of his tongue on her heat. his hands gripped at her thighs, his grip leaving bruises on her skin. lando’s tongue swirled around her clit before sucking at her harshly. she was so close, hands gripping at anything - his hair, the bedsheets, his hands. but then she felt nothing, only cold air against her desperate heat as lando pushed himself away and stood up to move across the room.
she sat up on her arms, staring at him in complete disbelief.
“what the fuck lando?”
“you know what you need to do if you wanna cum,” he’d told her, dark eyes staring back at her. he wanted an apology, she wasn’t going to apologise. she’d done nothing wrong.
“good idea, lan. ill see if sam’s free,” she shot back, leaning forward to grab her phone from the bedside table.
that had been her mistake. potentially too brave in the moment, y/n genuinely didn’t know if she regretted even alluding to messaging the man causing the couples squabble.
“i didn’t mean it!” she’d moaned out, feeling his hand slap against the skin of her ass harshly, the feeling sending shots of pleasure back to her core, before he rolled her onto her back once more. he freed his cock quickly, roughly thrusting into her with no warning.
“’m sor- m’sorry,” she said again, her legs pulled harshly over his shoulders as he fucked into her. he wasn’t even mad anymore, yet he rammed into her as if to teach her a lesson, as if he was literally fucking the attitude out of her. she moaned out loudly at the feeling, lando’s grunts like music to her ears.
“you gonna behave now?” he asked her, pace remaining relentless.
“i wi- will,” she choked out, “i promise.”
“good girl, that’s more like it,” he said, satisfied with her remorse as his fingers returned to her clit.
she came hard and fast around him, the tightening of her walls bringing him to his own climax. he pulled out slowly, rolling to lay next to her as their chests heaved in unison.
“you know i do trust you, right?” he asked, finally willing to talk to her about the argument.
“i know. i just wish you’d show it, rather than getting angry when i speak to any man.”
“im sorry,” lando apologised, pulling her into his side and pressing a kiss to her head, “im trying my best, m’trying not to let jealousy get the better of me.”
“thank you,” she offered him, “and ill try not to provoke you. even if it does result in the best sex of my life.”
he chuckled lightly, his breathing finally stable. but no quiet moment between the two would ever stay quiet for long.
“im glad you guys made up and that, but next time can you not be so loud?” max shouted through the door, making the couple blush as they realised they’d forgotten that he was home, “oh, and you’re cleaning those sheets.”
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auroraksr · 6 months ago
olá linda!! só queria dizer a você que estou aprendendo português (sou dos estados unidos) e gosto de ler em português para ajudar-me aprender e adorei a história ‘mini wolff’!
espero que isso faça sentido, pq como eu disse, ainda estou aprendendo, mas queria tentar enviar isso en português! não posso esperar a próxima história! beijinhos😚
meu deus!!! que amor! seu português tá ótimo! meus parabéns, é uma língua muito difícil de aprender, espero poder ajudar! (vou voltar a escrever em português)
0 notes
auroraksr · 6 months ago
pairing: lando norris x girlfriend!reader
summary: fans love when you make appearances in landos streams. it’s usually because he doesn’t know where something is, and the internet goes crazy over their favorite certified himbo. on one stream, you get a taste of your own medicine when lando tasks you with turning the live feed off, and fans get a little more of an insight into your relationship
genre: established relationship, humour
ੈ✩‧₊˚ yourusername just tweeted
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ user2 just made a thread
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ landonorris just posted a photo
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liked by yourusername and 406,409 others
landonorris dinner date then stream, be there or be square, 6pm
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maxfewtrell did she have to show you how to use a knife and fork too?
yourusername i definitely had to show him how to fill my wine glass up when it was empty
user if he comes on in a dress shirt i’m Dead
user oh they’ve all definitely seen the thread😭😭
ੈ✩‧₊˚ user just posted a thread
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ yourusername just posted a photo
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liked by landonorris and 108,654 others
yourusername this time it was my own stupidity that let the secret out. and i didn’t have to show him how to propose! he did it all on his own accord!
view all comments
user only lando and y/n could accidentally expose their own engagement
user THE CAPTION😭😭 she really has kept him alive all these years huh
user ‘i wouldn’t want to think of a life without you anyway’ now if that’s not meant to be than what is
landonorris i love you
landonorris really quick whilst we’re at it,,, where tf do we keep the spare phone chargers?
yourusername oh.. oh baby. i’ll be home in 5
a/n: hELLO! so the snippet from this got over 200 notes and i couldn’t wait to post it because you all loved it so much!
for the rest of my wips, check out the wip game linked in my pinned post!!
all of your feedback over the last few days has made me so happy sjdjsjs, any thoughts please feel free to send i am having so much fun creating for you guys. i seriously appreciate every like comment ask and follow!! anon emojis are now listed in my bio so if you wanna chat a bunch, have a look at what’s free !
- giselle
taglist (found here): @idkiwantchocolatee @vellicora @alessioayla @bborra @crimeshowjunkie @minkyungseokie @paolexsstuff @celestialpato @champagnelovers101 @loxbbg @hobiismyhopeu @tsukishitm-a @moonypixel @champagneproblems17 @ironmaiden1313 @lqvesoph @sunflower-golden-vol6 @six-call @skatingiswalkingincursive @peqch-pie @m0cha-bunny @woozarts @he6rtshaker @iluvvmeeee @goldenalbon @izzy-marvel @lucyysthings @lichterfee @tallrock35 @treehouse-house @iloveyou3000morgan
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auroraksr · 6 months ago
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synopsis: after baku race, where lando went from p15 to p4
warnings: fem!reader, not proofread, +18 (smut, p in v, unprotected sex, fingering, gentle sex, praising), y/n and lando being cuties
wc: 1,2k
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lando felt like a king. he might had ended the race not even on the podium, p4, but still, he had gained 11 positions through the whole 51 laps.
after getting out of his car and weighing himself, he locked eyes with yours, taking his helmet off with a huge grin. he walked over to you, opening his arms, waiting for your usual jump.
he grabs your waist and you wrap your legs in his torso - almost making him fall as his body was still adjusting to being steady after almost 2 hours in the tiny space -, you can feel him chuckle in your neck, his hot breath tingling your skin.
"i'm so proud of you!" you mumble to him, anesthetized with the adrenaline.
your boyfriend, the runner up to world's champion, had just proved himself in one of the hardest circuits in the calendar.
"i love you." he breaths on your neck. the words were almost unintelligible, but you could fell his lips mouthing it on your skin. "thank you."
you pull off, leaving a peck on his lips before jumping back in the floor and steadying yourself.
"go celebrate, big boy, you deserve it." your hand finds his hips in a soft slap.
"i'll find you later!" he yells, already walking towards his crew.
an hour later, he sprayed champagne in stella and oscar. a few more hours later, he lay in bed as you changed into your pajamas.
"i mean it, i can't believe this actually happened! like, what a good day!" he yaps while watching you.
"of course this would happen, you're an amazing driver, lan." you reassure him and walk over to his side of the bed.
you lean down, placing a soft kiss on his lips. his hands find your waist and hips as he sits up. he pulls you in, kissing you properly.
you mumble a "um..." before pulling apart, rolling your eyes playfully.
"what? can't i kiss my beautiful girlfriend?" he jokes along, pulling you to sit on his lap, straddling him.
"i thought you'd be tired after this whole race and interviews stuff." you chuckle.
"i'm never tired for you, babe." he pecks your lips a few times. "plus, i could use some relaxation."
"want a massage?" you offer, grabbing and squeezing his shoulders gently.
"actually, i have another idea..." he grins and swap your positions, hovering over you.
you giggle as he kisses your jaw and neck, his muscles very evident as he uses one arm to hold himself over you and the other to run his fingers through your hair.
he grumbles something before looking at you. "thank you for being there. not letting me lose hope." you wrap your arms around his neck.
"always, lan, you know that." he smiles and kisses you.
before you even realize, his shirt is already somewhere on the floor and yours is being pulled over your head. he takes his time admiring you, like it's the first time he ever saw you like that.
you cup his cheek and pull him in to a kiss again, he grins midway the moment and you hear his belt going off his body and on the floor.
"we don't have condoms." you remember, pulling apart.
"i'll pull off." you shoot him an ironic glare. "aren't you on birth control?"
you pondered for a few seconds before nodding.
"all good, then?" he smirks and kiss you again.
his hand goes under your pajama shorts, estimulating you over your panties. you let out a soft and shaken breath as you feel his fingers glide through your sensitive spot.
he moves in quick movements and pulls your two last pieces of clothing out, leaving you naked.
"unfair." you say as you pull down his boxer, freeing his hard cock.
he chuckles and kisses your jaw again, his lips wet and soft. he moves his fingers to his lip, sucking on them and lowering down to your spot, pushing them inside with no heads up.
you gasp and move a little, getting comfortable. his eyes dart to your face, but you nod, and soon they're back on your lower body, his hand moving inside you.
your hands grab his shoulder and you try your best not to leave any marks, or else his pr team would kill him, but it's difficult.
before you can let out any more moans or groans, he pulls his fingers out. you whine his name and he chuckles, grabbing his cock and rubbing against your folds.
he pulls the tip in and lets out a groan, pumping himself a bit before slowly going inside you.
he looks at your face, looking for any signs of discomfort. as he finds none, he starts moving, lowering his hips against yours.
the room gets filled with moans and mumbles of cursing words as he fucks you, his hips bucking against yours, the sloppy sounds echoing.
you wrap your legs around his torso, pushing him as far as you can, hitting some sensitive spot. his hands estimulate your clit as you scream.
"my name. say my name when you cum." he begs out of breath and grabs your legs around him. "don't do that, or i would be able to pull out."
your legs fall back on the mattress, but he immediately grabs the right one, putting on his shoulder.
you can feel your body heating up, the feeling intensified by his next words:
"i- i can't hold much longer, come on, baby." he lowers his head to mess with your nipples.
as you let out your release, you do as he said, screaming his name. this apparently turns him on even more, cause his breaths become shakier.
"oh, gosh, y/n." he mumbles in your skin before looking at you again.
you feel his body tensing up inside you before he pulls out in a fast motion, his warm cum dripping all over your lower stomach.
your breathing mixes with his and he kisses your cheek and caress your hair.
"you made a mess." you tease, looking down at yourself.
"i'll clean it up." he steps out of bed, steadying himself on the floor before walking to the bathroom and coming back with some paper.
you take the moment to absorb the view, his tanned - and naked - body walking over and closer to you. the member that was inside you just moments ago now pending in between his legs, redder than normal. his chest rising up and down, coming back from the previous activity. his curly locks glued to his forehead with a bit of sweat. his lips red and swollen, as you like to keep them when he's around you.
he looks like a mess. a hot mess. your hot mess.
you come back from your thoughts as his hand slides down your lower half, reaching your pussy, cleaning the mess he made.
a few minutes later, he lays down by your side, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"i would suggest a shower but i'm really hungry." he confesses.
"we could order something." you suggest, looking at the phone on the bedside table.
"and then shower?" he smirks, his hands traveling around your body.
"sure, lan, then shower." you feel his grin as he kisses your cheek.
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